#o banquete
conatus · 10 months
"Fedro" celebra a loucura que é amar
“Fedro” começa quando o jovem que dá o nome à obra, entusiasmado com um discurso do sofista Lísias, compartilha com Sócrates a perspectiva de que é mais sensato entregar-se a um não-amante, pois o amante, cego pela paixão, não poderia oferecer relações mais equilibradas. Sócrates, sempre ardiloso e ávido por desafios intelectuais, conduz a conversa para uma análise profunda do amor e suas…
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nelselfships · 8 months
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i just made something✨
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nikidykeachu · 1 year
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Did a messy hannah sketch while watching the red banquet as it turns put to not be as long as I thought it was<33
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
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Gun to Temple | “Say goodbye.” | Impaled
First serious art of TWST and I impale one of my faves....off to a great start everyone. This is what happens to my first SSRs apparently.
There was an assassination attempt on Kalim, and if it weren’t for one Deuce Spade, it would have succeeded. (Let’s say Jamil is in class. Not for long. :) )
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mondaymelon · 9 months
remember when you told me that kim dojka has childbearing hips
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what... what about it?
are you denying it?
have you i seen his waist. good lord. it's so fucking snatched. what right does he have to make him that attractive. his body just screams homosexual like what are you, as a man, doing having a waist that s c r u m p ti io u s? gay. gay gay homosexual gay you whore <333 33. 3
i love him so much his hips goddamn his hips OH GOOD LORD EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS SO IS SO IS SO IS SO iS SO IS SO COMBUSTS
i dont like children honestly i hate them with like a burning passion 99.9 percent of the time like those hand sanitizers that kill all but .000000001 percent of the germs
LIKE SUUUUURE JOONGDOK IS GREAT AND ALL (please the amount of people i would massacre just to hold kdj's hand. just to see his pathetic sopping wet cat self. just to see him breathe just to see him blink jsust being in his prescence i think id die )
ohh... oh to be .. in a poly... with joongdok.. OH... TO JUST HAVE KDJ LOOK IN MY DIRECTION JUST ONCE>...
sigh.. man. running in front of. atruck seems soooo tempting rn.
oh yeah btw i didnt tell you this i was literally walking and almost got hit by a car <33 in the parking lot lmao
my head is so full of kdj right now. i jut. i just cant . hes so. hes uhg hes so uhgjdfljslkfjk the amount of times ive cried to him during class is probably a cause for concern BUSDIFJOKL THE OFFICIAL ART... OF HIm.. WITH YJH... WHERE hES SMILING AN...D.... HE LOOKS...SO HAPPY... SOBOSBSOBSOBOSBOS
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princefleabitten · 1 year
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Year 1 Autumn Sketches
Lou’s just trying to be supportive, ok?
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fisherrprince · 1 year
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faebriel · 10 months
c!rainduo should’ve been able to go to at least one dinner party together smh
HARD VOUCH !!!!! i feel like they would be so deeply un fucking serious at a dinner party like. okay niki would show up dressed to the nines and depending on what period in his life we're talking about wilbur he would either be Entirely trying too hard (l'manberg or before) or half-assing so hard it's mildly embarrassing (post-revival). but i cannot stress enough that if it's the latter? they're on the same page about it. this is a purposeful snub. turn your depression into pettiness with this one smart trick
and depending on what period of NIKI'S life we're talking about she would either stand on the sidelines staring at everyone with silent large bug eyes (nlm to healing TM era) OR she would be scurrying around small talking and then scurrying back over to wil to goss. and very strongly vice versa. every two fucking seconds wilbur is tapping niki on the shoulder going LOOK at that guys hair, do you BELIEVE what they just said. meanwhile niki nods politely through a whole conversation and then politely excuses herself to go refill her drink, stands next to wilbur discreetly, and starts spilling all of the gossip she's encountered
also i think in pre-l'manberg days they would go to fancy parties and lie for fun. like wilbur would start some dumbass running lie and niki would go :] cool and commit to it far harder than anyone has needed to ever
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hqprythian · 1 year
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O crepúsculo banhava o Palácio dos Ventos em tons de ouro e âmbar, anunciando a chegada do tão aguardado Festival da Magia. O lugar, a alguns quilômetros da ilha suspensa, sempre recebia os futuros estudantes e veteranos em um banquete exagerado — a antítese do dia seguinte, quando a chegada dos pégasos trazia consigo a ansiedade e o medo.
Vestidos em trajes misteriosos e elegantes, alunos e professores se reuniam no amplo salão, envoltos em energia mágica e expectativa. Melodias hipnotizantes de instrumentos mágicos ecoavam, enquanto olhares se cruzavam sob decorações encantadoras. Entretanto, a tensão era palpável, especialmente para os humanos, olhados com desconfiança.
O vinho feérico, fatal para humanos, fluía em taças cristalinas, um testemunho do poder e exclusividade dos feéricos. Duelos mágicos reluziam, sorrisos afiados em uma atmosfera de teste de destrezas. Poções, ingredientes raros e artefatos eram vendidos, exibindo habilidades feéricas. O espetáculo de luzes culminou com danças sob o teto estrelado, risos e confiança enchendo o ar.
O Festival da Magia unia celebração e complexidade, exibindo poder, talento e armadilhas. Uma oportunidade para os humanos provar seu valor e conquistar respeito antes das aulas em ASCENDER. Sob magia e música, o festival desdobrava-se em um caleidoscópio, refletindo poder, orgulho e busca pela excelência eterna.
Duelos Mágicos: Os duelos acontecem entre estudantes, aspirantes ousados ou qualquer fae que tenha coragem o suficiente para participar. É uma ótima forma de mostrar suas habilidades e técnicas, mas cuidado... Embates no dia anterior a subida até Eternavéu pode ser um movimento arriscado.
Desafios de Habilidades: Os estudantes são desafiados a resolver enigmas, realizar feitiços e superar obstáculos mágicos para ganhar pontos que podem ser trocados por prêmios! Poções, artefatos... As opções de recompensa são sempre variadas e uma surpresa. Porém, é sempre bom ficar atento, pois nem todos os prêmios são bons agouros.
Apresentações de Talentos Mágicos: Estudantes e professores podem se inscrever para as apresentações e mostrar a que vieram! Talentos mágicos como ilusões, controle de elementos ou telecinese são constantemente vistos no pequeno palco montado no pátio do Palácio dos Ventos, com os participantes ficando mais criativos a cada dia.
Área de Experiências Mágicas: Um corredor inteiro de alcovas fica localizado na ala leste do palácio. Semelhantes a pequenas lojas, cada alcova traz experiências únicas para os participantes do festival. Estações com diferentes aspectos da magia, como poções, feitiços e encantamentos ficam a disposição daqueles que desejam arriscar experimentar o que os vendedores oferecem. É uma oportunidade e tanto para achar formas de melhorar (ou piorar) as chances de sucesso na subida até Eternavéu.
Mostra de Criaturas Mágicas: Criaturas mágicas e excêntricas do centro de treinamento são trazidas para a mostra. Os estudantes podem interagir e aprender mais sobre esses seres fantásticos, mas vale ressaltar que a segurança dos visitantes não é garantida! No último festival um aluno acabou perdendo um de seus dedos para um filhote de hipogrifo. Fiquem atentos!
Competições Esportivas Mágicas: É comum que os participantes se reúnam no campo oeste, onde uma estrutura similar a uma quadra de gramados fica localizada, e engajem jogos como o aéroquidro: uma espécie de polo onde pégasos se lançam no ar com seus montadores atrás de uma bola mágica com tacos, tentando cruzar o campo inimigo sem deixa-la cair. Outros esportes também são praticados no espaço, como xadrez élfico, corridas, escaladas, arquearia etc.
Feira de Produtos Mágicos: A maioria dos mercadores do reino se preparam para levar os melhores itens, mágicos ou não, para o palácio dos ventos. Dizem que a preparação é a chave para o sucesso então nunca é tarde para adquirir penas de escrever novas, tinteiros, caldeirões, animais de estimação, ervas e outros itens preciosos.
Banquete Mágico: O banquete é normalmente servido tarde. A ceia farta, repleta de alimentos, vinho feérico, doces, chás, pães e bolos, toma o espaço de várias mesas espalhadas pelo salão de jantar. A música toca a noite inteira, mas durante o banquete é apenas um som delicado ao fundo, permitindo conversas sobre os meses de descanso longe da academia e as expectativas para o próximo ano. 
Finalmente nosso jogo está aberto para interações! Usem a tag #prtstarter para postar os jogos de vocês!
Esse é um evento em duas partes, sendo essa a primeira. Por enquanto, está prevista para começar hoje às 21h e ir até as 00hs do dia 18/08. A depender do andamento das interações e desejo dos players, podemos adiar ou adiantar a segunda parte do evento.
Vocês estão livres para postar looks dos personagens com a tag #prtlooks. Lembrem-se que além de bonitos, é sempre bom estarem preparados para tudo.
Um pequeno disclaimer: nos duelos mágicos são aceitos apenas faes! Mas claro... Sempre há exceções. Personagens humanos podem brigar para entrar nessa também!
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harrenhalyuri · 7 months
decepção que as aegon girlies brasileiras ainda não fizeram uma fancam dele com festa no apê do latino (aka eu vou ter que fazer isso eu mesma)
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conatus · 1 year
"O Banquete" é uma reunião em celebração ao Eros
Depois de sair vencedor de um concurso de tragédia, Agatão convida alguns amigos para um jantar em sua casa, na noite seguinte. Como todos já tinham bebido muito no dia anterior em comemoração à vitória de Agatão, os convidados então decidem beber de forma mais equilibrada e transformar o jantar em um simpósio, discursando, todos eles e um de cada vez, sobre Eros, o deus do amor, até então pouco…
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cuteteacakes · 2 years
As I'm going through my... what is now at now... seventh? Sixth? rewatch of Yuri On Ice while I notice a lot of similarities between me and the main character, there are two little differences. One, I don't drink. :3
(two being drunk subsequently got him the love of his life which I have yet to find but will I since I don't drink?? orz)
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oepionie · 1 year
SYNOPSIS: your boyfriend and the different ways he pampers and spoils you rotten ♡
⊹ [ cw ] — mentions of winter storms, prefect is implied to have bad living conditions, mild violence in the tweels parts, jade breaks someone's wrist, crowley slander, ace slander◞
⊹ [ tags ] — FLUFFY! feminine reader! no gendered pronouns used, riddle uses his dorm position to spoil you, seeing trey driving is very hot, deuce biceps, leona and azul sugar daddy era, ruggie would rather freeze to death than have you be cold, jack carries you, jade and floyd will fight for you, rook makes you his muse and paints you, malleus renovates the entire diasomnia dorm for you, sebek carries your pink handbags◞
⊹ [ characters ] — riddle, trey, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, azul, jade, floyd, rook, malleus, sebek◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 4.9k+◞ | 🦇masterlist◞
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Princess treatment, Like—literally
Loathe is Riddle to admit—He can't deny the fact that being his lover meant you got special treatment. Prime example being your position at unbirthday parties. At the banquet table, just beside Riddle's designated throne, was your throne. Similar in style, it had a heart-shaped crest and golden frame; the only difference was that it was milky white rather than deep red. And despite his best efforts to downplay the favoritism shown to you, Riddle knows for a fact that he had the throne commissioned himself.
"Come with me." The dorm leader says as he moves towards you, leading you towards your throne. He didn't fail to notice how your legs shook slightly as you walked alongside him or how your hands didn’t leave his coat once. Not that he minded.
The redhead clasped your hands in his as he sat you down onto the leather seat before adjusting the train of your dress to ensure that it wouldn't bother you.
"How are you fairing?" Riddle asked softly, kneeling before you to slip a leather-clad hand behind your knees. He set your feet up on a plush stool and slipped your pointed heels off, gently caressing your ankles. "I overheard you earlier, griping about your feet aching. I certainly hope you're not pushing yourself too hard."
"Ah, no. I just chose the wrong heels today. They're too pointy." You sighed, poking at your crimson red heels, which were discarded to the grassy sides. Groaning, you reclined back on your throne, the billowing, fluffy skirt of the dress Riddle had recently gifted tumbling all about you.
"I see." Riddle nodded in understanding, taking your hand and pressing a quick gentlemanly kiss on your wrists. "The croquet game is up next. I suppose you'd rather stay here?"
"Yeah, I think I need some alone time," you sigh. Riddle squeezes once more your hand in reply, letting his eyes shut in contemplation.
"Very well," He hums, moving to gently tuck a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. "Do rest here a while, rose."
There was a soft smile as the leather of his hands glide across your back. "Oh, and, please let a member of my dorm know if you ever need anything. Worry not. I've instructed everyone here to be at your beck and call."
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— ♰ TREY
Passenger princess treatment<3
Every weekend, it was routine for Trey to whisk you away from your beaten-up dorm. After all, he was sure it was nice to spend the day in a place where you weren't inhaling dust and spiders every second. Both of you would always go over to his parent's café in the city for a simple little brunch date. And without fail, Trey would always pick you up at 9am sharp by the school gates.
"… I was made for lovin' you, baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you, baby
Can you get enough of me?"
Soft music played from the car's radio as the third-year weaved through the barren intersections, careful and slow. It seems as if the roads were merciful to you both today, calm and free of any traffic.
Trey languidly reaches one of his hands, calloused from his years of baking, over to rest gently on your thigh. His thumb rubs soft circles and nonsensical patterns over your plump skin while the other gripped the steering wheel in a loose hold, biceps flexing as he twisted the wheel to turn the car.
Focused as he was, you didn't miss how his gaze flits back and forth between the road and you, the expression swimming within them almost akin to a distant longing.
You place your hand atop his and lean against the passenger door. A wide grin spreads over your glossy red lips as you shake your head playfully. "Keep your eyes on the road."
Mirthful laughter spills from your mouth before your eyes flutter shut as you sway along to the song, mindlessly kicking your legs around. "Crashing and going to the hospital doesn't really sound like a good date idea."
A pensive smile creeps up on Trey's face, and he lets out a low chuckle. "Yeah? I just can't help it. You're a much more interesting sight."
He watched as the sun's dazzling light bathed your image in a beautiful, pleasant glow. To him, you looked ethereal, seemingly glowing and shining under the golden streaks of sunlight that pour through the windshield.
"What did I just say?" you sighed, smiling cheekily as you smoothed a hand over his clover-colored hair, fixing the stray strands moved askew by the wind from the open windows. "Hello~? Wonderland to Trey? Eyes on the road?"
He paused for a while before chuckling, his hands splaying out on the steering wheel as he turned his gaze back front. "Right, right. I'll be careful, princess."
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— ♰  DEUCE
Carries your things for you and will not let you do any heavy lifting at all plus he buys you drinks!
Screw Crowley Dire. You were sick of Ramshackle's awful, scratchy furniture. For once, you wished you could sit on something that wasn't littered with dust bunnies or looked like it came straight from the depths of the underworld—no offense to Idia. And so, using the money you had painstakingly saved over the last six months, you decided to buy a cute, frilly sofa.
Problem was—you couldn't lift it at all. It was too wide and heavy for your poor untrained arms. Fortunately for you, your boyfriend was more than happy to help ^^
"Um…Deuce? Are you sure you don't want me to work?" Perched atop the kitchen counters, you were worriedly staring down at him.
While he was preoccupied with lifting the couch, you were lazily sipping on a bubble tea—a drink which he bought for you himself. Humming, you let your gaze move from the soft line of his cheekbone, to the sharper cut of his jaw, before resting it onto the thick of his arms. " I don't mind helping, you know."
Deuce was standing by the door, arms tucked beneath the couch as he braced himself for lifting. "Yeah, I got this. Don't worry."
Now, why was he here, exactly? Well…First off, you didn't intend to call him at all.
In the middle of trying to haul your couch into Ramshackle's entrance, Deuce had appeared out of nowhere, offering his help. Despite your vehement denial, the stubborn boy wouldn't take no for an answer, and eventually forced you to sit down, shoving the bright, bubbly drink in your hand without saying a word.
So, here you were. Shamelessly ogling at him while he tried to find a way to bring the couch in.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt—Oh!" You gasped, hand flying up to cover your agape mouth when Deuce easily lifted it up as if it were made of air. In response to your expression of astonishment, he grinned and playfully flexed his arms. "See?"
While Deuce set the couch down in front of the TV, you slipped off the counters and strode over to him. Jumping into his embrace, you draped your arms around his shoulder and pressed a big kiss on his cheeks, watching in delight as his face exploded in pink. "You're so strong! Thank you so much!"
Deuce let a wobbly smile stretch across his burning cheeks, his hands slack atop your hips. "Y-Yeah! No problem."
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Sugar dad-I mean-financial help<3 + Hints at passenger princess treatment
Leona Kingscholar was not a romantic. Naturally, he has stayed to himself ever since he was little. This lion was not the kind to be sentimental, gooey, or emotional. So it is astonishing how quickly this stone-cold personality of his breaks down when he's around you.
Every little thing you do drives him into a lovesick frenzy, and he has no idea how to stop it. He wasn't particularly into grand displays of affection or romantic gestures. Ergo, in an effort to express his adoration, he turns to more…costly methods.
"Tell me what you want." Leona demands, tone serious as he wraps a rough yet protective arm around your hips. Both of you were standing smack dab in the middle of a large shopping mall. Though the more you stood here, the more you began to realize that this place wasn't really your…ordinary mall.
First and foremost, when Leona pulled up, there was private parking, and that was already intimidating to you in and of itself. Second, it seems like every single store in here was a luxury brand. You've seen a couple of these logos plastered onto the tags of Vil's or Jade and Floyd's clothes.
As a matter of fact, you were pretty sure their plastic bags cost more than your entire yearly allowance combined.
"Ah, um…"  A nervous sweat built up on your brow as you fished your wallet out, peering into what little funds you had. "Leona, honey—I just needed to get some school supplies…Is there a different mall we can go to?" You sheepishly smiled up at him. "I don't think I can afford to get anything here."
Silence immediately follows as Leona stares at you with a dumbfounded look. Blinking bluntly, he scoffs. "Who said you were paying?"
"Hu-Huh?" You stammered, fiddling with your wallet. The lion's eyes were ripped wide open in shock, as if the mere thought of you spending your own money on your own things was a criminal act. Something so ludicrous that even a person with his deceptive persona finds it distasteful.
"Ain't it obvious already? I'm paying," Leona huffs, dragging you to a nearby jewelry shop. Behind the glass were displays of glittering pearls and jewels, each of which had delicate and intricate carvings. "And we're gettin' more than stationary."
"But-!" You start, only to get interrupted as his calloused hand clamps over your mouth.
"No buts."
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Giving you his coat when you're cold and just being sickeningly sweet<3
Ruggie was used to working for others, and this habit of his pours over to you. Though it wouldn't take long for people to notice that his acts of labor was…different with you.
For others, Ruggie works because there's an exchange, a benefit, or a payment for him. For you, however, he does things with no motive in mind. He would never ask for more because he genuinely didn't need anything more, and if he ever did, a simple kiss or hug from you would be plenty.
It was a frigid winter day and both of you were walking to school together, a routine you both developed over the past few months. As you followed him through the deep snowfall, the cold wind nipped and bit at your skin, making you shudder. Despite the struggle, you push on, the rough pads of your boots dragging along the thick blankets of snow.
Unfortunately for you, the flimsy cardigan you bought at Sam's did nothing to keep your body safe from the cruel winter.
While Ruggie's oversized warm coat helps kept him sufficiently warmed up, you, on the other hand, are struggling. You know you should have gotten a thicker coat, but this was all you could afford last minute.
Ever so caring, your boyfriend is quick to notice this and turns back around, trudging through the snow to meet you.
"C'mere," Ruggie drags you into his embrace and starts to slowly inch the coat off his shoulders. With your form now pushed against his body, he takes the chance to press a soft kiss against your cheeks. At the exchange of affection, both of you erupt in soft giggles, lovesick grins stretched across your lips.
The moment feels intimate, loving, and safe.
"Here ya' go." Suddenly he's engulfing you in his thick cloak and zipping it up. Protesting, you try to give it back, but all he does is snicker and shake his head. He peppers warm kisses on the side of your bare frostbitten neck, relishing in the giggles that spill from your lips. "Keep it. I can handle the cold. I'm used to it but I can't have you freezin' out here, now can I?"
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— ♰  JACK
Carries you when your feet start to hurt, tee hee
Jack was strong and well-disciplined. He's worked hard and trained himself to peak physical condition, yet even then, he's continually seeking to improve himself even more. He's tried it all: fitness routines, weight lifting, and sports. And it pays off.
His strength has proven useful in a variety of circumstances. from physical education classes, sporting events, marathons, and, strangely enough, carrying you when your heels begin to hurt your feet.
Jack looks around the booths as he takes your hands in his, pulling you along the festival crowds, "Hm. I think the takoyaki stand is around here. You were craving that earlier, right?" If it weren't for the intense dull ache at the bottom of your ankles, you would have been delighted to hear about the delectable octopus snack.
Instead, you hissed and pulled on the beastman's hand, halting to a stop, unable to take the torture of your heels any longer. "Jack, hold on a second."
Groaning, you slouch down on a nearby bench and kick off your heels, scowling at the dull throb that's pressing itself against the back of your foot. Jack quickly knelt down by your side, ears alert and tail swishing.
"What's wrong?" He questions as he drags your legs over to rest on top of his firm thighs. "Do your feet hurt?"
"Yeah," you sigh. "I kinda regret putting on heels at a festival like this…I didn't realize it would hurt so bad. I just wanted to look cute."
The wolf ponders for a moment before swiftly turning around, presenting his back to you, "Get on."
"Eh?" You blinked, tilting your head to the side. Jack looks away, keeping his head tilted to the ground as a dark flush swept over his skin. "I'll carry you…I-If your feet hurt, I won't mind carrying you."
"Oh!" Smiling, you slip onto his back and wrap your arms snug around his neck. Jack clutches your heels in one hand while the other grasps onto your thigh. The beastman easily stands up, supporting both his and your weight as he heads towards the food stands.
"Who knew you were such a softie, Jack! Hehe." You tease, pressing a kiss against the side of his neck. The beastman flushed even more, avoiding your gaze at all cost.
"Tch. I-I don't go around doing this for anyone."
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— ♰  AZUL
Sugar dad-I mean-financial help<3 #2
Azul lived to spoil you.
For you, the octo-mer gleefully buys mountains of clothing. Your entire wardrobe has been thoughtfully planned by him (and often rapidly purchased, Floyd is always the victim to his 12am shopping whims).
Other than clothing, he's also quite fond of jewelry. He clasps pure pearls to your ears, drapes diamonds over your neck, and slips rings onto your fingers. It would be the highlight of Azul's day to see the items he had purchased for you proudly displayed for all the students on campus to see.
"Shall we?" he asks softly as he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you up from your chair. The smooth white silk of your dress cascades off the plush leather seat, draping down to your ankles. Azul swiftly guides you away from the lounge, signaling at both Floyd and Jade in the corner to clean up before turning his attention back to you, once more. "I hope the food was to your liking, angelfish?"
"Oh, it was," you confirm, a smile playing on your lips. Leaning up, you press a warm kiss against his lips, one which he returns. "Thank you for the wonderful night, Azul! The dress as well. It looks beautiful."
"Why, of course." The octo-mer hums, running his hand up your back. As he slips both of you into his room, he shuts the door with his foot and guides you to his vanity. "Though I do have one last gift."
"Another?" You chuckle, "Don't you think you spoil me too much? I don't want it to seem like I'm leeching off of you…"
"No, you could never," Azul says as he motions you to a seat near the table of his vanity. The octo-mer reaches over and opens a drawer, revealing a nice velvet box.
As the box is opened, a gorgeous sea-glass necklace with a stunning silver-coral colour is exhibited to you. It sat prettily atop a white plush pillow, winking at you. Azul deftly runs a hand up your neck to pull your hair back and your lips parts in a "o" when he clasps it on.
"Azul," you breathlessly murmur. "I can't possibly—This must have cost a fortune."
"It's for you," Azul smiles. "Only for you."
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— ♰  JADE
You have scary eel privileges'
It was not uncommon for Jade to come knocking at your door in opportune times of the night to accompany you out for a walk. You mentioned once how you loved stargazing and Jade hasn't let that go since. For he too had always carried a fondness for the night, more specifically, the moon.
It was constant, a repetitive lustrous cycle, and despite his thrill seeking nature, he took comfort in its consistency. Walks with you were the highlight of his week, and he certainly does not take interruptions from pesky little bugs lightly.
The night sky above Ramshackle was littered with painted specs of sparkling stars, burning brightly amidst the gradients of blue and black. Jade had a firm hand situated by the small of your back, gently guiding you along the dirt path of the trail.
"It's so beautiful…" You murmur in astonishment, craning your head up to peer up at the canvas of stars. Chuckling, Jade tugs you in closer to slip his large jacket over your shoulders. "I'm glad you like it, pearl. I do hope it's not too cold?"
"Not at all."
Both of you continue along your hike, going deeper and deeper into the thick, dense forest. As you trudged on, a bundle of wild mushrooms caught your eye and you halted to a stop, recognizing the patterns and spots on the fungi in a book Jade had once shown you.
"Wait here a moment. I just saw those mushrooms you wanted so bad. I'll go get it!" Before Jade could even reply, you were already off, sneaking past tall bushes and prickly trees. 
Just as you were about to pick your first mushroom, a low growl interrupts you. Freezing, your eyes dart upward to see a Savanaclaw student towering over your form. 
He did not seem happy.
"Oya? You're that Ramshackle punk, aren't you?…I have to say, Leona let you off real easy after that little spy mission you did in our dorm." He sneers, rolling the joints of his shoulders and moving closer, backing you up against a tree. "That's all good with me…Cuz' If he won't do something bout' it, then I will."
Suddenly, he was drawing his fist back, aiming for you. The sudden shift happened so quickly that all you could do was flinch and hunch over, preparing yourself for a hit.
Only for it to never come.
"My, my," a familiar voice muses. Breath hitching in your throat, you peek up and see Jade looming behind the boy. The eel's hand was coiled tight around the beastman's wrist, clasping tighter and tighter until there was a sickening snap. 
"How foolish of you to think I would allow that."
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You have scary eel privileges' #2
Floyd was a lot softer and caring than a lot of people would give him credit for. That or he just gives you special treatment. After all, the big bad eel found you endearing. You were his one and only beloved little shrimpy. 
You were the one who stood by him even when others dismissed him as strange or frightful because you loved and adored him wholeheartedly. So, he can't help but be protective of you.
Nothing will ever hurt you so long as he's by your side.
"Shrimpy? What're you doing here?"
Sniffles and cries wreck your chest as you curled up on Floyd's bed, clutching his shrimp plush tight in your arms. Said eel was standing by the door, a look of shock plastered onto his features before it turned ice-cold as he approached your weeping form.
"My poor shrimpy…" Floyd rasps, tugging off his gloves to cup your wet cheeks with his big hands. "What's wrong with my shrimpy? Did someone do this? I'll squeeze 'em if they did."
The eel crawls into bed with you, tugging the plush out of your arms and slipping himself into your embrace. Soft warm kisses are peppered on your wet cheeks as Floyd coos at you.
Sobbing, you raise a hand to furiously wipe at your eyes before exclaiming, "It's Grim again! Why does he have to be so difficult?! I worked so hard for my alchemy exam, but it seems like he doesn't care! He's brought our grades down again!"
"It's that cat of yours again, huh?" Floyd clicked his tongue, thumb pressing against the corner of your teary eyes. He pressed a warm palm to your cheek, examining your face with close inspection as he slowly reached for your hand and set it down atop his beating heart. "No worries. Just let it all out, shrimpy. I'll have a talk with the baby seal later hehe~"
You sniffed and brushed his comments aside as you pulled away from the embrace, an action which made him pout. "…I'm not sure he'd even listen. Grim is as stubborn as a rock." 
"We'll see about that, shrimpy." Floyd scoffs, a frown on his face clearly visible as he pulls you closer once more.
"Yanno, I'm pretty good at alchemy myself." Floyd chirps, a dark grin slowly stretching across his cheeks. "I'm sure the baby seal won't mind having a private tutor session with good ol' me."
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— ♰ ROOK
This man WORSHIPS the ground you walk on.
As they say, "Before you die, experience the love of a writer, poet or painter. If you're lucky enough to be an artist's muse, they will immortalize you." Such a muse you were to Rook.
Though it would take quite a lot of coaxing before he could have the pleasure of having you as his muse, at the rare moments you did agree—Rook did his utmost best to do you justice on the canvas.
Portraiture looked into the life of the subject, revealed what was hidden deep inside, and examined it. With his hunter-like manner, Rook was all too acquainted with this study.
"A-Am I doing this right?" You murmur, trying your best not to move around as you held a bouquet of daisies up to your chest. There was a cream-tinted dress draped across your body as you reclined against the backdrop Rook had set up.
"Oui. Such beauty in your gaze, trickster. Angels lurk behind your eyes." The hunter flirts, resolute gazed locked onto your flustered ones as he drags his brush against the palette. There was an experiment with the hues for a time before he blended a few other colors.
"I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to do this." As he'd found the color he wanted, Rook turned back to you. He took careful note of every nuance and detail of your glowing visage and committed as much as he could to memory. Rook knew he’d have to make your portrait perfect. He simply couldn’t allow for anything else.
"You're very persistent," you huff with a small smile on your face. "I had to cave in eventually, huh?"
"But, of course!" Rook cheekily grins, turning his attention back to the canvas. "I can't let a chance like this pass me by."
Time passed and layers upon layers of color came together to form the picture he sought after. Out to the right, spread across a lush sofa, was your incandescent form. And he surely didn't hold back on the details. The creases in the fabric, the curve of your smile, and the contours of the plush pillows scattered on either side of the plush crimson sofa all draw the eye.
It was a large painting that he had boldly placed in Pomefiore's living room, much to Vil's chagrin. Try as he might, the dormleader couldn't get the hunter to remove it at all.
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Princess treatment? pff. That's cute. No, it's queen treatment to him.
You had a bad tendency of rambling on about whatever that came to mind, often without realising that another person was in the same room as you. Even if you initially didn't mind this little quirk of yours, recent events have made you realise that you should probably curb your mouth-running.
Even more so considering that your partner, caring as he was, had a tendency to be quite…impulsive. Especially when it comes to matters concerning your comfort and well-being.
Malleus was flipping through a catalogue of colour samples and scrutinizing each texture with careful judgment. Slipping the page into your hands, he murmurs, "This is all rather lovely. Perhaps a dark crimson will suffice. Or would you like this wine red dye, my dear?" The dragon looked at you, patiently awaiting your response.
Only for there to be none.
You stood awkwardly at his side, your cheeks flaming up with shame. Tugging at his coat, you rose up on your tiptoes and whispered quietly, "Tsunotaro…when I whined about it being cold, I didn't mean for you to go this far."
"Oh?" He quirks a brow up, "Do you not like these colors?"
"Mal," you utter gently, handing the catalogue back to him. "I don't really think we need to—"
"Young Master. If I may," Sebek interrupts, voice raising to a strained high squeak, "Please do tell. Why are we replacing every.single marble floor in the dorm…with carpet?"
Malleus draws you in his arms, all while ignoring the enraged stare painted on Sebek's face. "My darling's feet become frigid cold when they walk along the marble flooring. I think it's due time for it to get redone," he says while running his hands tenderly up your back and gazing at you with a ghost of a smile on his lips.
Sebek blinks, a strained smile sneaking up on his cheeks, "Well. I'm sure they can use slippers—"
"Nonsense." Malleus snarls, eyes flashing a luminous green. "How dare you even think of subjecting them to such a ludicrous act. Hmph. Using…slippers—How preposterous." 
"No. I think my way is much better." Shaking his head, Malleus turns back to the catalogue—paying no mind to the grief-stricken look on his retainer's face. "Now dearest, do you think burgundy would look good in the kitchen?"
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Carries your sparkly pink purses for you, slay king<3
Sebek was not a fool. The fae was well aware he could be a bit…much at times. And even if he doesn't express it, he really values your nearly infinite patience with him. 
The boy was awkward at affection, and this is especially highlighted when it comes to anything involving romantic gestures. Even though your snappy crocodile was hard-headed and stubborn at times, he still showed you how much he cared in his own little ways. Even if it were something as simple as carrying your sparkly pink bag around the campus.
"You ought to have known better than to jest so lightly about Diasomnia that way!" Sebek barks out, a leather-clad finger digging deep into Ace's chest. However, as opposed to being upset as Sebek had anticipated, the ginger chortles, muffled giggles sneaking past his clamped up lips.
"Sebek, buddy." Ace wheezes out, shoulders shaking from the strain of his suppressed laughter. "It's kinda hard to take you seriously…wh-when you have that."
The Heartslabyul runt gestures towards your designer purse, which was snugly resting against Sebek's bicep, slung over his shoulder. 
It was quite the eye-catcher. The sparkling pink diamonds of its handle twinkled a bright brilliant white, so bright in fact that it was almost blinding. 
Epel takes notice of the logo and crocodile keychain attached to it and he perks up.
"Oh, it's one of those girly-lookin' designer bags Vil is always yappin' about," Epel points out, squinting his eyes to get a better look at it. "Ain't that the prefect's bag?"
Unfazed by Ace's mocking, Sebek scoffs arrogantly, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Indeed, it is. As a knight-in-training, it is only right for me to possess the quality of a gentleman. Chivalrous acts like this are nothing to be ashamed of." He abruptly snapped his head over to glower at Ace, who was sitting rather comfortably in the cafeteria bench, crossing one leg over the over as he met Sebek's irritated stare. "Not that I anticipate someone like you to ever have experience with it.."
Sebek then rose from the table and strode boldly in the direction of your classroom, the pink bag swinging with each heavy step he took. Epel was leaning over the table, placing a shaky hand on Ace's shoulder as loud laughter racked through his body.
"Darn' right," Epel cackles, wiping the tears away from his eyes before turning to the ginger. "Nice ta' see someone still has sum chivalry…Unlike you, Ace."
The ginger visibly deflates, rolling his eyes as he mutters, "Yeah, yeah. We get it. He's down bad."
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꒰ ♡🧷: if you want to be tagged for ALL of my works, comment here!
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@furoidoleech @skadi-winterfell @mushroomchaos101 @taruruchi
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pomefioredove · 29 days
Saw requests opened again! Can I have Scarabia headcanons for this scenario: so they invited their s/o back to the Scalding Sands for a festival and provides their lover with a special evening attire for a party or smth. The outfit itself is red and gold (typical Scarabia colors) but the s/o is from a culture where those are wedding colors (ex: China, Vietnam, India, Nepal, etc). Cue the reader teasingly asking them if this was their way of proposing. How do Jamil and Kalim react (separately) and how blushy do they get?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ wedding colors
summary: a little misunderstanding type of post: headcanons characters: jamil, kalim additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu
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poor Jamil
in all the chaos of preparing for the festival, he forgot to ask you what colors you wanted
of course, he knows your favorites
but he wants this to be special
and now he only has a day left to arrange an outfit for you!
that's not enough time to customize something
so, he gets his mom's permission to borrow something of hers
she has the nicest clothes, and it'll be meaningful
he chooses something neutral (or so he thinks)
red and gold for the festival, right?
and you look stunning in it!
but he takes note of the strange smirk on your face as you ask where he got it
"It's my mother's nicest outfit," he says, a little too proud of himself
"Your mothers... and in these colors... is this your way of proposing?"
Jamil knows he fucked up right away
only then, he remembers you mentioning the meaning of red in your culture, and...
it completely slipped his mind
he stammers out some half-assed explanation and then excuses himself to cool down in the hall
how embarrassing...
at least you just think it's funny
but, even he will admit, the following festival makes a great "wedding venue"
Kalim's family tailor wasn't enough
this is a special event, after all, and he wants everyone to know just how special you are
he hires the finest tailor in the land and tells him to make the "prettiest outfit anyone's ever seen"
...and nothing else
so, the tailor, with such little foresight, chooses the easiest colors
red for courage and life
gold for nobility and perfection
easy, right?
Kalim thinks you look amazing, and he's so excited to introduce you to everyone that he doesn't let you get a word in
at the end of the festival, you joke that if it had been your family, everyone would be asking about the wedding
and he's like
so you explain the meaning of the colors
and his face just fills with dread
not at the premise of marrying you
but because this outfit isn't nearly good enough to propose to you in!!!
and once he starts, he won't stop
first of all, he would have gotten you the most beautiful clothes anyone has ever worn
he would have an entire parade of exotic animals and gold and jewels in your honor
and then a banquet
and then a scenic carpet ride
and then he'd propose. of course!
it's cute how worked up he gets over it, and how much he's already thought it out :)
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tjodity · 1 year
Scrapped lore bits from the Dream SMP I'm still mad we never got:
-Whatever lore Nihachu had planned for the day Doomsday happened
-The Egg finale scheduled for immediately after the Red Banquet
-Jschlatt's Las Nevadas resurrection (heavily implied by Quackity trying to get the Revival Book after gambling with Glatt and cc!Schlatt saying he'd be coming back to the SMP)
-Any further development of Puffychu
-Ranboo getting resurrected (cc!Ran saying he was meant to be revived two weeks after the prison break)
-Hitting on 16 in livestream format. Like I know we still got the lore but cc!Wilbur simply could not fit what the format brings into written form. The long periods of characters just talking to each other, body language, random impromptu moments, etc.
-The Manhunt Arc (slight speculation but the streams where Tommy reinforced Tubbo's old house and convinced Eryn, Sam Nook, and Phil to help him track and kill Dream after the prison break felt like it was setting up something)
-Cyberknife lore (cc!Techno planned on having his character leave and acting as an antagonist for the syndicate)
-Ranboo's ARG (never properly finished)
-Ranboo and Slime in the multiverse (I have no context but I swear cc!Ranboo said something about this and if I had to guess tftsmp!Ran and O!Ranboo could've had something to do with it)
-whatever Connor had going on (I know his SMPLive stuff I'm referring to him knowing Karl could time travel)
-Tubbo's ending of growing old and raising Michael (planned but cut for the nuclear ending)
-Tommy's soft ending which would apparently resemble Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad. (this is secondhand information but I've seen people talk about it. I assume this to mean he would escape the SMP and we wouldn't see what happened to him. Cut for the nuclear ending)
-Captain Puffy being the main antagonist of Season 2 (as seen by her being the vessel for the fully powered Egg in the finale and having a skin ready for season 2)
Feel free to add your own!
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monarchberrysblog · 3 months
*clasps hand*
I love you so very much, and I’ll be watching you from your window. (Inside joke)
How about… cowboy!Miggy spectating a gal and her pals, she’s challenged to ride one of those rodeo bulls by her friends and fell like, three seconds in. Obvi she failed, so she has to go get another round of shots for her friends. So he took the opportunity to offer some lessons with the cowboy himself😇
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✭ 18+ Cowboy! Miguel O’Hara x fem! Reader ✭
✭ summary: losing a bet with your best friends, you buy drinks after failing to stay on a mechanical bull for eight seconds, but before you buy another round of drinks, a local cowboy helps you…
✭ content warning: sexual innuendos, Miguel is a little unhinged, dry humping, grinding, cumplay (?), cum-eating (?), semi-exhibitionism, hook-up with a stranger, and alcohol is mentioned. VIEWER'S DISCRETION IS ADVISED.
✭ word count: +1.8k words
✭ a/n: AUGHHHH cowboy! Miguel has me in a chokehold omfg. but here you go, pookie! thank you for your undying support and love! Your wish has been granted 💋 (if there are flaws, I apologize in advance 🩷)
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Orange opaque lights make up the dimly lit bar. Locals from around were either at a table, drinking away from those green beer bottles you grew familiar with ever since you were younger, or seeing your uncles consume those bottles at a baptism or a wedding banquet. Or you saw the occasional burnt middle-aged man sitting at the island counter, rambling to the bartender about his day, complaining about his cattle or the weather. But for you, you came to the bar unwillingly, as your best friends insisted that you liven up the environment.
But really, it was a pathetic excuse to get you out of your grandparent's bungalow home and to meet someone.
"Come on! It'll be fun!" Xina urges, flashing her signature smug smile that always appears when she's up to something mischievous. It was always the same arrogant look she did whenever y'all were kids when she got extra chips or a cookie from her pantry closet. Hell, it was the same look your other friends gave you whenever your grandmother or grandfather offered them fresh fruits from their farm.
"No," you quickly retort, sipping your cocktail. "Please!" MJ pleads, grasping your wrists and seemingly ready to kneel. "PLEASE!" Xina soon exclaims, joining MJ to cause a scene with those around you.
"Xina, MJ…!"
"PLEASE!" They draw out the last syllable together, their voice taking on a childish tone reminiscent of when they were eight years old, fleeing from a honey bee or spider. "Okay! Okay..." You groan out, shaking your head in defeat.
"Yes!" Xina pumps her fist in victory before removing your fruity margarita from your hands and placing it on the table. "Now get on! And if you don't last eight seconds, you pay for our next round of drinks!" A low groan emerges from the back of your throat like alcohol stinging your esophagus, ready to escape. But your body, unfortunately, didn't want to do that for you so you could weasel out of the bet. You look back to see MJ at y'all's table, keeping an eye on the drinks while looking at Xina guide (dragging) you across the bar.
Your shoes squeak against the wooden floors as you get pushed to the mechanical bull area. "Just stay on there for eight seconds, and you don't have to pay for our round of shots." You and Xina passed through the semi-packed bar, occasionally brushing shoulders from a couple of guests in the bar. But one character caught your attention, nearly knocking you off your feet.
His russet brown eyes burned into your soul while his cowboy hat shielded the glisten in his eyes, giving him a dead look by any bystander who dared to make eye contact with him. His eyes match yours, lingering on your orbs. The prolonged millisecond of eye contact seized when he smirked, his eyes lingering on you and you only.
His hands, weathered and rugged, bore the marks of hard work - dry, with occasional scars and scratches, yet exuding strength. They were the hands of a hard-working man, capturing attention as much as his eyes did, capturing attention as much as his eyes did. His shirt was unbuttoned, clearly showing a bit of his chest and hair peppered. Oh, how it would feel to be held in those strong hands... Or how his hands would hold onto your hips while bouncing on his dick—
"C'mon! It's your turn to get on!" Xina urges, directing your attention away from the man and to your inevitable end of the night- falling off a mechanical bull within three seconds.
You sit at your table, hair somewhat touseled about while you order the next round of drinks for you and your rowdy group of friends. You looked at the half-assed served shot glass and glared at your best friends as they took their shots. With a sigh of defeat, you walk to the bar counter and take a seat on the wooden stool, covering your face and hiding away the embarrassment.
You settled onto the bar counter, absently running your finger along the smooth rim of your shot glass. A sense of intrusion picked at your gut as you felt someone trespassing on your personal space. Glancing to your left, you saw the familiar figure of the man from earlier, seated a few stools away. Your eyes dart back to the tiny glass in your hands, playing with it.
"You couldn't last eight seconds."
That sounded more evocative than it had to.
"Excuse me?"
"3.4 seconds." He adds, not acknowledging the rhetorical question you spat out. "You're those women having to give up straddling like how a car needs an oil change."
What the—
"What does this have to do with anything?"
"You lack balance, sweetheart. And movement." He lifts his shot glass, calling the bartender to refill his shot glass. "It’s straightforward."
"Oh yeah, since you seem to know everything about it, give me some constructive criticism then." You reiterate, knowing that this man was going to play the smartass card with you by sharing information that is useless or already known by the public.
"You’re not engaging your core, and you don't have any balance on your hips." He sighs before mumbling about city folk and getting off his seat. "C’mere." He waved his hand over, ushering you to get close. You didn't know if it was your being an actual dumbass, but you got off your seat and made your way over.
"M’kay," He sighs before getting off his seat and touching your hips. “It's all here, sweetheart. You have to move with the bull; it's called inertia," His hand rests on your hips and squeezes that specific area. "Always move in the opposite direction of the mechanical bull."
"If the bull moves forward, you move back. And if the bull moves back…?"
"I move forward?"
He nods before patting your tummy. "And engage your core a bit. You have abs under there, sweetheart."
His words of advice continue but they muffled out while taking note of his hand resting against your soft stomach, feeling the heat of his palm.
You take note of his words and stop. "Wait, how do you know how to do this?"
"Take it or leave it." He mumbles before he takes his shot and slams the shot glass down. "Actually," He clears his throat and sighs. "Tell them you want to redeem yourself, then tell your friend, the one who dared you to ride the bull, to buy the bill, and I owe you a drink if you make it past eight seconds."
"And if you don't, you owe me a drink."
He removes his hands from your soft stomach and sits back on the stool. "It’s your decision, sweetheart."
You think momentarily, considering the options he placed on the table. The idea of not having to pay a tab and getting a free drink sounded satisfying.
"Will you show me how?"
"Sure, why not?"
Sitting on his lap in the darkest, dingiest parts of the bar was not in the plans, but your pigheadedness said otherwise. You straddle down on his lap, resting your hands on his shoulders. "Keep your balance, sweetheart." His right hand pats on your hip before bucking his hips against yours, earning a low groan from him.
"Engage your core and move in the opposite direction of me." His warm breath fans your face before he bucks his hips once again to your clothed sex. A soft mewl escapes your lips, feeling his clothed bulge against your clothed entrance.
"You can do it, c’mon…”
You pathetically moved against his aching bulge, pushing your moist gusset against his denim jeans. "There we go, move your hips to gain balance, move with me."
His dick twitched underneath you, pushing up to be free from its constraints. You slowly gyrated down, bucking your hips against his movement, creating a comfortable tempo.
A choked groan verberates your chest, sending the sensation to Miguel, earning a low moan from the man. "C'mon, keep it up." He jerks his bulge upwards, finally finding its way in between your clothed folds. You wailed, feeling his length now against your clothed clit, rubbing against the sensitive bud slowly and deliciously. You could sense the arousal trickling down to your soaked gusset and gathering the slick arousal in the cloth. "You can do it."
You patted his shoulder and took in deep breaths.
"Try again." His usual staid words slowly evolved into breathy whimpers. Miguel's words of affirmation slowly died, becoming breathy moans and grunts. The typical demands slowly turned into begging as you continued to push downwards, feeding the desires you two desperately wanted.
"Muneca..." He rasps out before you see his hands scramble down to his belt.
The sound of his belt clinking was enough of an indicator, but you knew what was next. The sound, let alone left you salivating with anticipation.
"Grind on the length."
Oh... Oh.
Glancing down, your eyes widen at the sight. Sure, he was pushing seven inches but the girth... With your left hand, you move the gusset of your underwear to the side and slowly guide your aching core down to his length, slowly enveloping his length into your soaked folds.
A low groan verberates your chest cavity, soaking the length of your slick, sticky arousal. The slippery sensation of your clit gliding down Miguel’s length, creating delicious friction.
"C’mon, move your hips."
Your body went on autopilot on that demand, relying on your slick arousal to move fluidly on his length. "You're a fast learner, aren't you?" He groans out quietly, still holding onto your hips.
Soft pants and groans filled the small space and evolved into loud guttural groans from both of y'all.
"Sweetheart, slow down a bit." His breathy request fell on deaf ears before you did as he demanded. "You're humping me like I'm your pillow." He groans out before he adjusts you off his length, feeling the slick linger onto his skin.
He takes his pointer and middle finger, gathers the slick off his length, and places said fingers at the bottom plush of your lips, lightly tapping them, almost asking for permission. "Seems like you understand what I say," He pats your rear lovingly with his free hand before you suckle on his fingers, tasting the mess you left behind. He hums while you clean the pads of his fingers clean.
"Now, ride the bull for me." He demands.
The walk back to the lively scenery returned you to your senses as you prepared to confront your little group of friends. The conversation jumped about like crickets hopping around a long grassy field. It felt like there was no point in being driven before you challenged them against their better judgment and bet. Xina's lips pursed straight, and she nodded to her other girlfriends. The group looked at each other momentarily and caved in, just to see themselves embarrass themselves for the second time that night.
But it wasn't going to happen again...
Straddling down on the pseudo-bull, you looked out to the semi-lively bar, seeing your friends watching from afar and your 'mentor' looking at you while taking a shot. With a raise of his brow and tipping his cowboy hat, a surge of content rested in your belly.
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