#oc: Tanner
queenofthedork · 2 months
Down the Rabbit Hole🐇
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I did an Alice-esque render a few days ago, so when I saw @gloomiegalaxie's Alice dress recolor, I couldn't resist putting together a few renders with my boys.
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These were actually really fun to do, so thank you for inadvertently giving me a project to focus on and get out of my head
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darksouls2yuri · 4 months
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mac & tanner!!!!!
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roseselfships · 8 months
almost eleven which means i can talk about something i don't usually talk about
my new kid/douchebag/south park self-insert is a fourth grade kid named tanner. he's a trans boy who hasn't realized he's a trans boy yet.
so he's mostly based around the events of stick of truth just because ive played it so many times it's ingrained into my brain now. he really, really wants to play with the boys but learns from the girls that they won't let him play if he's a girl.
this gives him the idea to crossdress/pretend to be a boy so he can play with them. the only ones who know are the girls but they aren't snitching.
eventually he realizes that after being called a guy/dude/boy/young man is like. really nice actually. and comes out as a guy for real. ofc yknow it's sp so it's whatever the whole cissy thing goes great (sarcasm) but i do tend to focus his stuff mostly around the game and my own stories instead of the show
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lambentskies · 1 year
yeah okay i
actually did get something
scene fragment, etc. etc.
Tanner crossed her arms and considered the sight in front of her.
Archie sat neatly with his spindly legs ankle-over-knee, elbow on his thigh while the opposite hand braced against his hip, mask-face flipped to pin the blank side forward in his most uninterested, apathetic manner. The misfortune of not having a face, Tanner thought, was this: plain expressions were rather limited. It didn't really help her figure out what was going on, especially once she turned her attention to Mallory across from him. All tucked into himself and face half-hidden in his hood, he tried to maintain the same apathy as the lanky fae-creature-whatever-Archie-was. It wasn't working as well, because Mallory kept looking down at his sleeve-hidden hands and to Tanner and to some spot in the distance opposite her before repeating that cycle.
Archie's mask spun just the faintest bit, and it was the sparse wreath that gave him away.
"A-HA!" Marching up to them, Tanner's hands turned to fists that planted squarely on her hips. She bent forward and squinted sharply at each of them. "Which one of you did it? You're both guilty as sin, but that doesn't tell me who actually did it."
Mallory mumbled something so softly she nearly missed it, but when she turned that discerning eye to him, he pulled the strings of his hoodie tightly to further shrink the span of his face visible.
Archie was the better wall, no moving parts to his face being the reason of it, but that so-faint bit of flame around his mask wavered slightly.
"Do you want this to be a guessing game?" Tanner's voice was a low warning, and both briefly stilled.
"A guessing game is not so different from a riddle," Archie mused as his posture relaxed, inhuman voice balancing out across the octaves as something soft and contemplative, "so if that is what you wish to play, my objections to it are little."
Tanner planted the sole of her boot against Archie's side and gave him a solid shove for the lackluster rhyme. He only rhymed when he wanted to be a pest on purpose, the worse the better—the Archie version of a dad joke. She could hear the grin that matched the sharklike thing on the face of his mask well enough, too.
"Would you had a neck so I could strangle you properly."
"Fresh out. Maybe a neck tie, somewhere."
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c0smic-c4stle · 1 year
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kald-dal-art · 6 months
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Finally after so long I have an access to a scanner so have some of my THG/TBOSAS drawings from my sketchbooks, so hope you enjoy these
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loveundrwrld · 6 months
yandere ex bully’s yandere alphabet!
i got the template from this post :)
(cws: violence, mentions of bullying, mention of dysfunctional/abusive family dynamics, stalking)
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
starts out with verbal affection, praise and compliments- which are very intense off the bat, and he won't really scale it down. in his mind, you need to know exactly how he feels about you and why you are important to him. especially if you are not physically in his life... which is pretty likely. he'll also express his affection to you through acts of service- getting you glasses of water, food, etc. or, he'll try to "make you feel safe" by being around you so nobody dangerous can get to you.
to him, he can prove himself to you being nice to you and treating you well- so he's likely to come off as intense as he's very fervent in his effort. if he thinks his darling is more willing to be with him, he'll calm down a bit after a while.
he'll also express his affection to you physically with hugs, kisses, etc, but he'll keep that to when he thinks you are okay with it. he’s not good at reading his darling and he’s somewhat aware of that, so he’ll often mirror things you do to him to you thinking that you’ll be more likely to like it (like using the same pet names, kissing you in the same places, etc.)
Blood:How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
he understands that practically speaking, his darling could very well get upset or afraid of him if he really hurts people like he wants to. so unlike other yanderes he won't kill anyone behind your back. he might snap and hit people/beat people up, but that's as far as it goes.
however if his darling requests it, he can get very messy! he doesn't really have care at all for anyone other than his darling. so, if you ask him to kill anyone- including his friends- he will do so, easily. his only limit is that he won't want to kill his brother, and he'll likely become emotionally distant from you for a while if you ask him to do so.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
i think tanner is much less likely to straight up kidnap you. once he's reached a certain breaking point, he's more likely to just break into your house and just... not leave.
he'll only kidnap you if your living situation makes it impossible for him to do this without him being caught (such as if you have a roommate) or if your living situation is physically unsafe in some way.
he wouldn't straight up mock you though, he's really trying to avoid doing so. he wants to show you how much he's changed and how nice he can be for you! but he might show his impatience and irritation that you still aren’t hearing him out. he wouldn’t yell at you, but he would be blunt and passive-aggressive in some circumstances.
he can come off as cruel and insensitive though as sometimes he can be rather blunt without thinking. like, "why did you date that guy? he's such a little bitch." this side of him comes out more often if he's jealous.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
not intentionally, but practically speaking that's often how it turns out (see "Affection" above- he's not good at reading or predicting his darling.) probably ends up hugging and kissing before his darling would prefer, as he genuinely thinks that his darling is likely ready for him to do so.
he's less cautious about this if he thinks his darling is willingly in a relationship with him of their own free will... which, likely isn't what's happening. but, he will quickly back off with physical contact if asked.
he's a lot more blunt about asking consent for anything sexual though, and will likely just wait until you bring it up of your own volition. he's too worried about messing up your first time with him to risk anything.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
one of his insecurities is being seen as "soft"- it's why he became a bully in his youth in the first place, due to his deep seated insecurities with himself. he wants to be seen as a tough guy, like your guard dog or something. he wants you to think he's strong, and someone to rely on.
he also wasn’t the best in school, and struggles sometimes with things. so he also doesn’t want you to think of him as “stupid.”
he doesn't really want to be vulnerable, to show you that he's upset if it's not to show you that he cares about you. he'll say things like "i missed you so much" or say "i'm hurt that you did that" for instance, but will try to hide anything like him crying, nightmares, etc. basically to him, if it's not related to you? you don't really need to know about it.
his darling probably can guess as to what is going on a lot of the time though, as he can often drop disturbing facts about his childhood in casual conversations without realizing (as he genuinely doesn't understand how bad his upbringing really is.)
he also may act weird about some things and not tell you why- like huffing a bit in frustration if you offer to pick up something heavy for him or to calculate the tip on a bill for him and not explain why, which probably signals to his darling that something is up.
he'll close himself off a bit if you try to talk to him about how he feels about his childhood or any insecurities though. it takes him a long time to actually be vulnerable with you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
sad :,(
he'll be obviously visibly hurt but, to him this isn't very surprising. he expected this as a possibility. he lets you know that you can hurt him as much as you like if it helps you feel better! (this doesn't work the way he had hoped it would.)
he wouldn’t stand for being continuously hit over a long period of time though. then, he’d get impatient, as he wanted to get your trust in return the first few times. if he doesn’t get that, there’s no real point to it for him. it’s less that he’s concerned about his safety, moreso that he has his limits with his patience.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
not a game at all, he would not enjoy watching his darling escape. his goal is for you not to be afraid of him after all.
especially if he actually abducted you to his house or a secondary location- since he'd likely only go for that route if he deems your usual lifestyle too unsafe or something. do you really hate him so much that you'd go back to your previous life, even though he'd do anything for you??
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
well, the whole concept of his character is that he's his darlings former bully- so, it could very well be him bullying them as a child. he isolated them from getting friends when they were younger and made their school life unbearable.
aside from that, i think the worst case scenario would be a darling who already has a significant other. that would really cause him to snap out much faster than he would normally. possibly even before he really reconsidered what his relationship to his darling in the past was like, which would make him far less considerate to his darling.
tanner is a bit willfully deluded sometimes, and sees things in a certain light due to paranoia or jealousy- so he's likely to freak out from just minor signs that you are unhappy, and pin that on your partner mistreating you. he then used that as an excuse to threaten them and hit them.
even though he usually lets you go anywhere you please, he also might be more likely to kidnap and isolate you if you already have a long term partner you are living with. though just for a bit- his goal is that he wants you to forget about them.
to have a partner that the darling loves and feels safe with, only for that person to basically be terrorized by tanner enough for the partner to leave the relationship and then subsequently be forced to be around someone they fear and hate... that would probably be the worst experience for the darling.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
when he was younger, his older brother had given him little tips on what to do in a relationship- and it was geared towards him dating a woman. hold doors open for a date, carry your date’s bags, walk your date home... etc.
due to this, he has a specific view on how he wants a romantic relationship to be. he wants to take a typically masculine, provider type of role. he doesn't particularly care how his darling presents themself or what their gender is, he just wants to treat them a particular way, especially if they're in public.
(although, if your condition of being with him is that YOU take that role instead... he may be willing to reconsider his ideas ;))
does want to get married and live with you in a mutual, loving relationship where you feel protected and safe with him- that's his ultimate goal for the future.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
yes, he gets jealous. he'll often lash out against the person (not the darling.)
in very mild cases, he might just grumble and be blunt/passive aggressive with how he talks about that person around his darling.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
depends on the situation!
if he thinks you feel safe around him/are willingly choosing to be around him? very sweet, nice, and a bit flirty and affectionate.
if he thinks you dislike him? he's very desperate, clingy, trying to show you how good he can be for you.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
literally, with letters lol. he wants to let you know just how much your mind, and is all too honest in how he expresses just how obsessed he is with you. phone calls too until you block his number.
likely keeps to sending you letters and stalking from afar- until he thinks that you are hinting at him that you want him to approach you. in which case, he'll try to arrange a meeting through the letters he sends you.
although, if he thinks that you may need him being around closer for one reason or another (generally if he believes your current lifestyle to be very unhealthy/unsafe) he will not wait that long and may just... break into your house and not leave, so he can be there to supervise you a little.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
yes, lol. due to a combination of what i said earlier re: his insecurities with being seen as "soft" and him just generally not caring about people other than his darling... he acts VERY different with his darling in private than he ever would around anyone else.
at his job he's not smiling, he's very straightforward and isn't really friendly with anyone. he keeps himself from straight up mocking others (so he doesn’t lose his employment) but he doesn’t reign in his expression or tone much. he'll be clearly annoyed if anyone wants help or asks questions. around you, he's bright and happy to spend time with you, doing whatever you ask him to do.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
not the type to punish his darling! he's more the submissive type. if he's upset with you he may be passive-aggressive or distance himself from his darling for a little bit. if it gets really bad he'll get a bit catty and talk to the guys he works with about you behind your back. but he wouldn’t punish you as he doesn't think it's his place to do so.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
generally he lets you do whatever you want! it's just that a lot of the time, whether you know it or not... he will also be there. lol.
if in the extreme circumstance he kidnaps you, he's already on edge and nervous that this will cause you to hate him. he's not likely to do much other than to not let you outside or talk to others. but that’s for practical reasons, so you won't alert anyone to your current situation.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
sometimes he gets impulsive and emotional and breaks some of his darling's boundaries. but otherwise he's pretty patient! he's trying to be, he just gets caught up in his own feelings sometimes.
he can be a little easily agitated, though, even with his darling. he more or less is expecting you to have a grudge against him, but you repeatedly insulting him or yelling at him would make him a little irritated. he’d feel like you aren’t giving him a chance to redeem himself. he’s more soft when it comes to his darling being afraid of him, though.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
absolutely distraught and devastated if his darling died... he would be in a state of regret thinking he could have done something different for a long time, likely not doing anything to move past the situation for basically the rest of his life.
if his darling escaped though, his reaction would be much less drastic. he's upset, and he's going to put as much effort as he can to try and find you again, but he's not nearly as depressed.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
if he realizes that you are scared of him?? VERY guilty, deep regret. he doesn't like doing things that make you upset!
there really isn't any circumstance where he would willingly cut contact with you all together, though. is he aware that that would be for the best? sure. but he's way too far gone for that. to him, you're the only reason he has to be happy.
closest thing he'll do to that you space for a week or so (like, if you brought it up as an ultimatum.) after the week ends he’ll go back to you immediately afterwards acting needier than he was before.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
poor childhood upbringing, mostly. his parents were neglectful to the point of being abusive, and he was basically raised by his older brother, who was also a troubled teen himself and treated him poorly.
since he never really had a place to feel safe or appreciated, he wanted to be seen as the "toughest" guy in school as a kid. he wanted to feel powerful. this is what caused him to become a bully and fixate on you strongly- you likely seemed to be an easy target.
his lack of a proper upbringing also caused his yandere qualities later in life when he realized he wants you as a lover. he has a very black and white thinking due to a poor childhood- it's either you, or no one else. and, since he often feels like what he cares about has often left or been taken away from him- he is very obsessive over you, as you are one of the few things in his life that make him feel things this strongly. he generally feels like he has to "earn" a persons respect that is important to him, because that's how it was with his older brother.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
upset :( he doesn't like seeing you like that! it's a little unnerving watching you break down like that, he's going to try to be desperate to get on your good side.
if it's just isolating themself, though, he's not as worried. he just thinks that the darling needs some time alone and doesn't really think much of it. unless the darling is missing meals or something, he's not going to say anything.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
yep! he's pretty carefree about what his darling does, more just wanting to be around his darling rather than control them. you can have a job and a regular life for the most part.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
well, he can be impulsive if he's caught up with his emotions- this causes him to make some obvious mistakes that his darling can then use to their advantage.
for instance, it's pretty clear that he's stalking you through the letters he sends you, and he's honest about many things if you just ask him. he also offers to kill people for you... which, if you play your cards right, could lead him to going to jail.
also: very easy to manipulate. it’s really not that hard to engineer opportunities for you to be left alone so you can prepare for an escape.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
he's really trying hard not to, especially physically. he doesn't want to risk scaring or upsetting you at this point. the only thing i could see him doing is grabbing his darling's wrist too hard if he's pulling them- but he would have to be very caught up in his emotions for him to do that.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
he very much worships his darling and puts them on a pedestal. to him, you are kind, mature, and well-adjusted... regardless if you really are those things.
he's willing to do ANYTHING to win his darling over- and he's very insistent they give him the chance to do so.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
depends on a few factors. if the darling is already in a relationship? very quickly, maybe after just a month of stalking and seeing what the dynamic is between the darling and their significant other.
if the darling is in an unsafe environment or is extremely neglectful of their health, it would take even less time. maybe even less than two weeks- which isn't good for the darling, because he hasn't fully processed how he feels about the darling at that point, and will likely be much less patient or kind with them as a result.
but, generally speaking, it takes about about a year or so of him stalking you to get to the point where he feels like he needs to send the letters to you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
pretty unlikely, actually. they might have breakdowns and definitely don't appreciate him being around, especially at first. but he's not likely to emotionally break them to the point where they don't act anything like themself, he’s not a cruel type of yandere to his darling. if they are so upset that it's extremely obvious to him, he will try to be nicer to them in some way or another.
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donitkitt · 7 months
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theyre very normal
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therealnightcity · 6 months
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(Shots by @aldecaldhos 🥰🥰❤️❤️)
You can take the nomad out of the badlands, but you can't take the badlands out of the nomad. Even when she's in the city, Ares can't resist a good view. Even better if there's a bit of a hike involved.
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twotriickhoofbea2t · 23 days
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Pink Thing, but now in water!
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queenofthedork · 2 months
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Charlie & Tanner, but this post
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Full body under cut
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darksouls2yuri · 4 months
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swamp water
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cry-ptidd · 2 months
How would Laura be a Mary sue?
This is a reference to this rb where i said Laura would've gotten Mary Sue accusations if i posted her in like. 2018
And here are my arguments against my own OC that i think she'd get
- Insanely powerful monster girl
- Very Edgy Backstory™️
- Conventionally attractive (pretty, voluptuous, hourglass figure, under 30, fit body, white cough cough) + clothes that compliment her curves
- Broody sarcastic coldhearted girlboss type character
- Local OP protagonist Alucard was impressed by her, took her in and respects her (in his own way)
- Abilities that make her a special outlier in her species from what we've seen in canon (impenetrable skin, surviving silver to the heart, wolf form size)
- Good at fighting, shrugs off pain and "easily" tanks a lot of attacks
- Generally respected in her entourage (like 4 people) and dreaded as an actual obstacle by her opponents (-> could put her on a pedestal)
- Would be in the top 5 of strongest characters if we're being fr (Andercard are having a dickfight for first place)
- Strong Female Character = Mary Sue
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wraithsoutlaws · 8 months
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appri-dot · 3 months
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romanomen · 2 months
Some more stupid oc stuff to practice posing
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