#oh shit i have a food blog i guess i should put this there
joels-shitty-puns · 8 months
The Key To Your Heart - Track 6
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Musician!Reader
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Series Summary: After writing your feelings for Pedro into a song, it gains a lot more popularity than expected. Ultimately it brings both criticism and support, with new possibilities around the corner.
Series Warnings: 18+ only (MDNI). Mentions of food, weight loss, weight gain, dieting, weighing, potential eating disorder, food guilt. Potential for puns/dad jokes (name of my blog, and the fic) should give that away. This is my first fic which should be its own warning, lol. Also some cursing. Mentions of masturbation (f) maybe more smut later idk. Sadness, reader is pretty depressed. Poor body image. Rude people. Bullying-ish and just lack of support? Anxiety. Age gap! Reader is in her mid 20's, Pedro is current age (48).
Other stuff: Reader is plus sized. AFAB. Inexperienced. Also has a dog, but you can pretend it is another creature probably. Further, in case it isn't clear, italics almost always are the reader's inner thoughts!
Word Count: 4K
Series List: Here!
Miss last chapter? Here!
This one's a little longer than the last few, but it's one I was really excited to get to for a while. I hope you guys like it! We're starting to get into the nitty gritty! Once again please let me know what you think of it! Thank you all for your support :)
After your emotional conversation with Pedro, you were worried he'd stop talking to you. At least, it seems that's how it usually works. Whenever you try to have a conversation about emotions with someone, it gets shut down. But surprisingly.. it didn't push Pedro away at all. The two of you talk nearly every day on the phone, and when you don't, it's made up for with plenty of text messages. You don't even have to be the first to communicate, either. It just feels natural. It doesn't need to be over-thought.
You keep telling yourself not to get your hopes up, but at the same time, you feel like maybe it's turning into something. Something more than friends. You couldn't help but wonder if Pedro felt the same way, or if maybe he's just a really nice guy.
Despite these feelings, you're still hesitant to tell him you love him. Although he put many of your fears to rest, you continued to be nervous. You were inexperienced. You were significantly younger than him. You led two very different lives. And even though he reassured you about your appearances, it doesn't mean you'd be his type once he actually saw you. Shoot, you don't even know if he's interested in pursuing a relationship.
Plus, now there's the risk of messing up a new friendship. Why ruin it?
How does anyone ever get into a relationship? Others make it look so easy, jumping from relationship to relationship like their heart isn't at stake.
Maybe someday you'd tell him. Maybe someday you'd share these other fears as well. But not yet. You weren't ready.
About a week had gone by since you first talked on the phone, and it was around 1 PM when he called you.
"Hey Pedro!"
"Hey there, songbird," he replied cheerily.
"Songbird?" You giggled.
"If you hate it-"
"No, I love it. It's sweet," you blushed.
"Okay good. But the reason I'm calling is because I saw something on Instagram…"
"Oh yeah? What of?"
"About you. When were you going to tell me?"
Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh what? What is he referring to?
You nervously laughed "I… what? Tell you what now?"
"Your album is coming out in a WEEK!??!" He practically yelled with excitement.
Seriously… this guy. Giving me a damn heart attack.
"OH" you replied sheepishly. "You scared me, thinking you heard… I dunno"
"Oh! I'm sorry. No. I haven't heard any information that you haven't told me yourself, nor would I believe it anyway. Other than.. this album!!!" Pedro announced like a gameshow host.
You laughed before replying "yes, yes, the album comes out next week! They just announced it I guess."
Pedro clapped and shouted. "CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy and proud of you!!!!!!!!"
You weren't looking in a mirror, and he couldn't see you either, but you could bet money that your cheeks were a bright shade of pink. "Thank you, Pedro!" You giggled, your face beginning to hurt from the large smile he caused.
"How are you celebrating? Is the studio doing anything for you?"
"Well they mentioned an album release party, but being that nobody really knows me I don't know who I would even invite. Plus I'm not sure that a large thing like that is how I'd like to show myself to the world. A little too ceremonious for my liking." You grimaced.
"Well, I happen to think you deserve something ceremonious, even if you don't think you do. And I think we should celebrate."
"We - you - you do? You mean…?" You stuttered in disbelief.
"You and me," he said matter-of-factly.
"You.. and… What did you have in mind?" 
Frankly you didn't know what to think.
"Well. I was thinking… Maybe we could listen to the album together? We could talk on the phone and listen, and it would be like our own little album release party. You wouldn't have to show yourself or meet people. It would just be like our normal conversations. Except I'd get to hear your new music and talk about it with you. If you want," he said, sounding slightly nervous.
Your heart swelled at the gesture and you agreed happily. The two of you made a plan to "meet" at 7PM and listen together the night of your album release. And he promised he wouldn't listen without you.
It wasn't until after you were off the phone with him that you began to overthink the songs on your album. Not unlike your first single, these were also rather vulnerable at times. Sure, he knew a lot, and he'd listen to the album anyway. Probably. But still. To hear it… together? You were starting to feel like you were in over your head.
Nevertheless, the week continued on like normal. Work, talking to Pedro, hanging with Skipper. You agreed to a few more interviews in article or voice format after the release, and signed a few last minute things.
As the album date approached closer, Pedro texted you one day.
"Okay I'm going to ask you something and I want you to trust me okay. I'm not going to do anything that I know you would hate."
"Okay…" what does this man have up his sleeve?
"Can I have your address?"
Why does he want my address???? The panic settled in. But, you did like him; and he hadn't crossed any boundaries yet. In fact, he's been one of the most understanding of your qualms.
So. You sent him your address.
"Thank you ❤️" Pedro replied.
A heart !?! A red one!? 
"You're welcome. Also… I was planning to tell you anyway, but if you're looking for my address I may as well tell you…" you told him your real name. Not your stage name. Not a nickname. But your name. First, Last. All of it.
"Thank you for trusting me. I promise I'll keep it safe," reassured Pedro.
"Thank you, P."
"Of course. You have a beautiful name, by the way."
Your heart did a somersault.
The album release date was finally here and you aren't sure you slept a wink. You were a bundle of nerves and excitement. You loved him and always enjoyed chatting together. This was exciting. But also these songs are so personal. This is a big moment. This was a big plan. And why did he want your address anyway?
Meanwhile at Pedro's place, he was just as nervous. He had started out excited, but then he got into his head. His plans for the evening started feeling too romantic. He didn't want you to get the wrong idea. He liked you, but he didn't want to push it. Maybe he was showing too many feelings towards you. You love someone else, and him not respecting that is rude. All you want is a friend and he's just going to seem like another one of those creepy guys trying to get into your pants.
But it was too late now, the plans were in motion, and maybe you'd enjoy it. Who knows. Either way, he loved your friendship, and friends could do this kind of thing for each other… right??
Throughout the day, you paced your house before finally leaving with Skipper in tow. "We gotta get some air, buddy. I'm losing it over here," you said while clipping his leash.
Stepping out of the house, you two went for a long walk, circled back toward home, and plopped down on your lawn. The house still felt too small in preparation for this evening, whatever it was. Why does it feel different anyway? It's just another phone call..? Unless….
Truth be told, while Pedro had his secret plans, you also had some of your own. Whether you followed through with them or not was up to your nerves.
After some sunbathing with your pup, you both head inside. The sun was starting to set, and you realized it was getting closer to the meetup time you chose with Pedro.
6 PM.
You stared at the TV, not really absorbing anything on the screen, but needing a distraction. This afternoon you opted for a show that Pedro was not in. For once, you needed to not see his handsome face. You needed something else. Half paying attention while picking at a hangnail, you jump out of your skin at the sight of your phone lighting up. Pedro texted.
"Picking out my outfit for tonight! Always important to look nice for celebration."
Shit… he's not coming over is he?! That's why he wanted my address?!
"Wait…" you pondered how to phrase your question without sounding like a panicked asshole, when all you wanted to say was "what the fuck do you MEAN!?!"
I'm not dressed. I'm in sweats and covered in dog hair. I don't have makeup on. Oh no.
"Wait… is that why you wanted my address?"
"Oh. Nooo, no no. No, sweet girl, don't worry. I'm not coming over unexpectedly and interrupting your hiding place. I just think it's still important to dress nice."
It was around 6:15 when he texted a picture of himself wearing a white button up with a dark blue suit and matching tie. He wore dark-frame glasses and his hair was slightly tamed, but still showed his messy curls. He looked gorgeous.
But as you scanned his body you noticed that instead of dress shoes, he wore a pair of polka dot socks. He had a goofy grin and his one eyebrow was cocked. You grinned.
"All dressed up and nowhere to go," he said.
"You're a goof, P. But I appreciate the effort."
A pause.
"Also, you look really handsome" you nervously hit send before you had a chance to chicken out.
Bold. Probably shouldn't have said that. But hey, friends compliment each other.
"Why thank you. A big accomplishment like this requires all the stops."
He timed this message right to the minute. As you read his text, your doorbell rang.
You opened the door to find two boxes. One large, one small. A delivery boy was getting into his car. 
"Delivery from your biggest fan. 
-❤️, P"
He… he sent me some kind of care package?? And put a heart? And said he's my biggest fan?
You squealed and carried the boxes into the house. "What's this!?" You texted Pedro.
"Open them and see!"
You immediately open them. Inside the larger box was a variety of items. The first thing you noticed was a small vase holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. To the right of that was a bag, which you opened and found your favorite meal, from your favorite restaurant. 
Wow, this is elaborate. 
Below the food was another small bag holding your favorite dessert, and finally to the left, your favorite drink.
I can't believe he remembered all of my favorite things.. This is so thoughtful.
When you moved the flower vase, you noticed one more small item. Is that a… corsage?? You texted Pedro the question.
"Yep!" He sent, with a photo of a matching flower on his lapel.
Remembering you still had the small box, you opened the box flaps, wondering what could possibly be left for him to give you. On top of it was another note.
"For a handsome boy.
- ❤️, your mom's friend, Pedro"
Under the note was a jar of peanut butter, a squeaky anchor toy, and…? What's this?
You unwrap a small paper wrapping to find a dog-sized black bowtie. Shut up.
"SKIPPER!!! Look what Pedro gave you, buddy!"
He padded over to you and let you hook the dressy accessory around his neck. With the clip adjusted, he sat back, looking proud of his new fashion. You quickly snapped a picture and texted it to Pedro.
"I can't believe you did all this, Pedro. Not only did you send all this, but you remembered my favorite things? You remembered all the details from when I first met Skipper. My favorite food, dessert, drink, and flower? That's so sweet, this is all too much Pedro..  Nobody has ever done anything like this for me. I.. I don't even know what to say."
You're amazing and I love you. Is what I want to say.
"You're welcome." He texted back. "Like I said, you deserve a celebration. Plus…"
Pedro sent a photo of his table, set up with the same food and drink, with the caption "now it's like we're having a dinner party."
It was nearing the time to meet, but you still had to do one more thing. You had pondered it earlier in the day, but fully decided it when Pedro sent the photo of himself dressed up. It's now or never.
6:45 PM.
Pedro sat waiting for a reply after he sent his dinner photo. It had only been a couple minutes, but his hands were sweaty and his leg was shaking under the table. Finally, his phone went off. You sent… a video?
He opened it and pressed play. There, he saw you rotating your wrist with the corsage on it. The first time he's ever seen your wrist, hand, or arm before. The first time he's even seen your skin tone.
Geez you act like you're in the Victorian ages, pull yourself together, he rolled his eyes at himself for being so overjoyed.
Next, the video panned to Skipper in his bowtie, looking handsome as ever. The camera zoomed in on him and he looked up into the view with his big brown eyes. 
And then…
The camera panned to the side, and showed a mirror. A full length mirror, where you stood. He scanned your body from your perfectly done up hair and makeup, down your body to your dress. You wore your favorite dress, (in your favorite color, he noted) which showed off your body in the best ways. He looked down to the floor and noticed that you too were wearing fun socks instead of shoes. You wore a pair of striped socks and wrote in your caption "all dressed up and nowhere to go."
His heart picked up and he could feel himself breathing unevenly. He finally saw you. And you were gorgeous. He couldn't help the smile that enveloped his face.
Fuck. She's beautiful… I'm screwed. 
She loves someone else. She loves someone else. She loves someone else. Forget your feelings.
Despite his struggle, he knew he wanted, and needed, to tell you how beautiful he thought you looked. This was a big step to show yourself, and he also knew how self-conscious you felt about your body.
"Wow, you're so beautiful."
You blushed, replying with a quick thank you with a heart, then sending a second message asking if he was ready to listen. The video wasn't the only trick you had planned up your sleeve tonight.
The clock turned to 7 PM and Pedro hit the dial for your number. You answered the phone and said a quick "hang on" to set up the shared listening party link for your album. Once sent, you took a deep breath and steadied your nerves. Then, you took the plunge.
"Okay I got the link! I'm so exci - what - wait, is this an accident?" Pedro's hand fumbled as he received your incoming video chat request, his heart picking up to a galloping pace.
"Nope! You can answer it. If you want.."
He quickly swiped the accept button and there you were. Clad in your favorite dress, sitting at a table with the meal he sent in front of you. He could see himself in the corner square, dressed in his suit, with nearly the identical table setup and food.
He couldn't help but notice on his own video screen that his cheeks were turning rosy and his mouth curled into a large smile. But he was too happy to be shy about his blush.
"So this is you," he said.
"This is me," you replied shyly, but still with a huge smile and blush plastered on your face, matching Pedro's.
"You look.." he sighed shakily "..wow.."
"You look pretty wow yourself there," you said with a shy giggle.
Both of you let out gentle laughs, feeling a warm glow as your stomachs felt matching butterflies of nerves, excitement, and… maybe something else.
"So should we listen, I guess?" You asked nervously.
He didn't answer. He was looking at the screen, eyes scanning the video. 
Is he blushing? You wondered. But why would he be? He doesn't like me back… right?
He still hadn't answered you when you finally said "Pedro?? Did you hear me?"
He snapped out of it, somehow turning more crimson. "Oh! Sorry… yeah! Let's listen."
Your nerves were off the charts. Some of these songs were so vulnerable. The ones at the end of the album were the most telling of all.
But as the two of you ate your dinners while listening to your new album, you began to relax. The night was filled with him giving praise and you giving background information on the meanings and production of the songs. 
"Are all the different instruments and harmonies played by you?"
"They are! The studio offered studio musicians but I had originally played them all when I wrote it and wanted to keep it a one woman show."
"You're incredible," Pedro said, shaking his head.
You blushed, for the billionth time today.
When it came to "Imaginary Love" Pedro grinned. "Hey I know this one! The one that started it all." 
"Yep!" You agreed and he began lip syncing to the lyrics dramatically. Little did he know, those lyrics were actually about him. You giggled as he acted out a soulful rendition of the chorus.
"You know, this whole journey has been a real rollercoaster and there have been times I've wished I hadn't posted that song..."
Pedro looked at you with that puppy dog look of his and you continued "but then I remember… that if I never posted it, I would've never started talking to you, and it makes it all worth it."
Pedro placed his hand on his heart and pouted his lip. "I agree. I'm glad to have met you. If I didn't love this song already, that alone would be enough reason for me to consider it one of my favorites.
You grinned and looked down at the table, suddenly feeling shy. The two of you continued to listen, having long finished your dinner. Conversation flowed easily, and you couldn't help but feel like you were on a date. Not that you had much experience with that, but from what you'd seen in movies and shows, this felt very date-like. And you didn't want it to end.
But as the album went on, you approached the last two songs. The ones you were scared of most. The most vulnerable of the album. 
The second to last began to play.
'It's hard to imagine craving something that I've never had.
Dumb to be so desperate for something I've gone without.
But when I'm alone and thinking to myself, I need it so bad.
I crave it like a drug, but one I know nothing about.
Your kiss on my lips, or any kiss at all.
It hasn't happened yet, no matter how hard I fall.
The years keep passing, but still no love.
The years go by, but still no kisses.
I keep wondering and praying up above,
I guess I'm unkissable, despite my wishes.'
Pedro furrowed his brow, looking at you, searching for something. He read the title of the song, "Unkissable," and looked up again, opening and closing his mouth to find the right words.
"Do-" he stopped himself and pondered his wording again. "Is- are all these songs true?"
You stared at the table, picking your nail against the wood. "Yes."
"You really believe that?"
"... I mean… I don't know… maybe… I guess…" you avoided his gaze, but could feel it.
"And you've never-"
"Kissed anyone before? No. I haven't."
"But you've wanted to?"
"Yes," you whispered, starting to feel tears prick at your eyes.
Pedro shifted his lips to the side in thought before finally saying "well… you're still young. It'll happen."
"I'm 26, Pedro. Most people have kissed by the time they've graduated high school. I just… missed the boat I guess. It's okay. I'm just being silly. I don't want it that bad. We can maybe listen to something else now."
"Hey, hey. Don't shut down on me," he asked pleadingly. "26 is still very young, and don't worry about whenever everyone else has done things. Everyone does things at their own pace. I'm sorry you haven't experienced it yet, especially when you want it so badly, but I know that when it does happen, it'll probably be better than any kiss you would've had with some 15 year old boy you would've had in high school."
You laughed, breaking your tears for a minute. "Thanks Pedro."
"Of course. And hey, don't think of yourself as unkissable. Any guy should be so lucky to be with you. Maybe the guy you wrote about in your song will be your first."
"Maybe… I hope so. Thank you."
While your heart bloomed at the kind words and prospect of maybe kissing Pedro in the future, Pedro's heart began to ache. Not only was he sad for you when you wanted love so desperately, but he also couldn't help but feel sad hearing you want to kiss another man. He wants to be that guy for you. He wasn't joking when he said any man would be lucky. But especially knowing now your true age, 22 years younger than him, he knew for sure your crush couldn't be him. You were way too young to be interested in a 48 year old man. He was silly for even entertaining the idea.
But at least he had a new friend. And as he thought longer, he thought about his best friend Sarah, and her relationship. They have a huge age gap, 32 years, but they're happy. And he's happy for her. It doesn't feel weird with them. Could he have that with you? Or is he in over his head?
The last song on the album began to play. This one was less vulnerable, but if he decided to look at the lyrics and notice patterns, he'd see it in the chorus. 
'People have a lot to say
Everyone loves or hates me
Don't know what I did today
Right now you're all I can see
Only want to be with you.
Please, love me too.'
You're sure the obsessive listeners will figure out the acrostic, and if Pedro looks up the lyrics, he might too. But either way, it's out there. All you can do is hope for the best and eventually you're sure it'll come out anyway.
 This wasn't one you were sure about putting on the album, but when the studio read through your personal songbook, they went insane over it. They figured it out quickly, and they promised they'd keep it to themselves. Luckily they have so far, but if money came calling, you think they'd sell your heart faster than you could say no.
The song, and album, came to a close and Pedro looked up at the screen once again, staring into your eyes. "Once again your music has blown me away."
Whether he put together the end or not, he wasn't letting on.
"Thank you Pedro. I really appreciate it. And thank you for tonight. It was truly special and I mean it when I say it's the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. You didn't have to go through all that trouble," you said thoughtfully.
"It was no trouble. You deserve congratulations for your album," Pedro replied with a smile.
Right.. it's just a congratulations. Nothing else. You sighed.
"Thank you. I'm really glad we did this. Talk again soon?" You asked.
"Absolutely. It was wonderful to meet you finally," Pedro said, finishing the sentence with your real name and smiling.
"It was great to meet you too, Pedro."
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading.
Looking for more? Next chapter!
Taglist: (Want in? Let me know!)
@pedrotonin @starcrossed02 @lightupsketchersperson @cartoon-garbage04 @tyferbebe @maryfanson @gwendibleywrites @faithfullyyours2000 @brilliantopposite187 @hc-geralt-23 @jenniferpendragon @winchestergypsy90 @red-red-rogue @theendwhereibegin @lottieellz101 @oliversaurus @kyga01 @milly-louise @titabel @taz-97
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sauriansolutions · 1 month
God dammit God damnit
Tw... bad irl stuff, dead animal/dead pet tw's, severe depression/abuse/suicide tw's. Please I beg you to just scroll past this if you think you don't have the spoons to handle seeing it. Trust me I get it, if it wasn't my stuff I wouldn't want to know about it either.
Fuck I'm really not doing okay.
I just got back from my typical overnight shift, then went grocery shopping for the the 5 things I could afford, and finally came home to find
She was a little, underweight, green tree frog I got at one of the horrible chain pet stores because they had "boring, normal" tree frogs on sale, and this poor girl was underweight and had only one eye. (I called her Odinna.)
I had her for almost two years. I brought her with me, as one of my few possessions I wasn't forced to just abandon due to lack of space, when I moved cross-country after I couldn't afford to stay as a resident of the state I used to live in anymore.
I found her dead body while receiving a string of texts from my boss chewing me out for apparently stocking a product incorrectly. Some highlights:
"Don't ever (do task I previously claimed I entrusted to you) again!"
"All of (task) has to be redone because you fucked up!"
"If my boss would have seen this. Or his boss. Holy hell."
*also, photos of the hours of work I did last night being angrily undone, just to push the point home?*
I *put a product on the shelf wrong.* (I was never told the correct way.) Call the fucking firing squad, I guess.
It's not even these specific things, it's.
I don't have anybody I feel like I can safely talk about things like this with, otherwise I wouldn't be dumping this on the blog I tried to make for happy escapism.
I've been in so many long-term abusive relationships, I guess I don't know how to NOT be treated like shit. I've been trying though? I'm worried I might be too autistic and cptsd to even recognize what is a toxic relationship versus, I don't know, a normal snag between folks?
Pretty sure my boss and my roommate have been treating me like shit for awhile though. And I'm so dumb, I'm only just starting to recognize the patterns. Again. AGAIN. The same ones that--
Oh but, idk, maybe it's just me though? Maybe I am in fact so annoying, I deserve to have eyes rolled at me, to be cut off every time I try to talk, to be spoken to in this clipped, exasperated tone. Spoken *at*, more like.
But?? I don't think literally everything I say is stupid. I don't think literally everything I do deserves to be ignored if done well; and don't think I deserve to be excessively, humiliatingly berated if I make, (what seem to me at least? it's entirely possible I am the idiot?) really small, ultimately unimportant, and understandable mistakes??
Maybe I'm also insane to think this, but oh no I'm going to go THERE. Yeah so um... I feel like maybe I should be making a living wage? Hey, that would be cool. Maybe I should get at least like, ONE 15-20 minute food break on my "8 hour" overnight shifts? Maybe I should be getting healthcare (and maybe like what, 401k? Other kinds?) of benefits too, (what other kinds of benefits even exist? Dental? Vision?? Who the fuck has ever had their employer buy them glasses that sounds crazy!), esp considering I'm continuing to work my ass off while raw dogging it through venlafaxine withdrawals (lost my health insurance so fuck me I guess!!) and basically destroying my mental health, working anytime, all the time, full-time, with mandatory overtime--
That's only the tip of the goddamned iceberg, but enough, enough, I'm depressing myself too much to go on even just writing this.
Writing this is an exercise in acknowledging that it's all stuff that happened, not some nightmare. And had an effect on me. I had gotten so good at drugging and drinking myself to sleep, and ignoring, and ignoring,
I feel so trapped. I've been trying to like myself more, and there's a certain point that means you have to actually act on things like this, or else you... don't really like yourself that much, do you?
So, even though it is the most anxiety inducing thing ever, I have dipped my toes into "acting on it." To the extent that, recently, for the first time in my life, I've been willingly leaving jobs, friendships, and romantic relationships--if they feel like, if I told my therapist (who exists in my head, I can't afford one) about how they treat me, I can easily imagine them being like, "Wow okay so first of all, red flags all over the place!"
I've been doing this to my own detriment. I'm alone and stuck, unable to afford solo housing, or appropriate medication, or even food and other basic life necessities some of the time.
And here's the kicker.
I really, really don't want to die. In that sense, I'm not suicidal! But, I don't know how I'm supposed to keep existing like this without imploding or exploding in some way, though.
The worst part is just having no time, space, or resources to even start trying to heal. Nobody to even talk to safely... or, imo, ethically. I don't want to inflict this sadness and hopeless on some innocent bystander.
I'm sorry if you are the person reading this right now.
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hey makenzie, i've got a bit of a situation here. i'm 25, never had sex before, and never paid attention during those safe sex psas bc i was sure i was ace and never wanted to have sex, due to a number of reasons - i'm autistic and very particular about things touching my body, especially food or fluids (i need to wash that shit off *immediately* or else i will combust) and probably also not eating enough but i digress. i matched with an amazing guy and now i think i want to do it but (1/?)
(2/2) i honestly don't really know where to start here. i know the risks and so i want to buy condoms but for some reason i get nervous about people seeing me buy condoms. i also haven't ever looked into getting PrEP or monkeypox vaccine bc i didn't plan on suddenly becoming a horndog. idk i guess i'm just looking for general advice for a 25yo male having sex for the first time and what i should expect/how should i prepare. like idk what douching is and at this point i'm afraid to ask lol
oh yeah, one more thing i wanted to add - while i'm not nervous about going into this bc this guy is seriously great and understanding as hell, i worry about my roommates hearing us and idk how to approach that. i probably worry too much as they seem to be fine with the noise level here (and me making protein shakes at 1am) but like. i still do. should i play music? put a sock on the door? i don't want them to hate me. ps: i love your blog and hope you have a good day
jesus christ I'm about to fit so much sex ed into one post
1.) start wherever you want; sex is whatever you and your partner(s) want it to be. only way to do it wrong is to do with without consent and communication.
2.) here are two fun facts about being an adult. the first one is that no one actually gives a shit about you buying condoms. no one gives a shit about you buying anything. your fellow customers aren't scrutinizing your purchases they're too busy worrying about you scrutinizing your purchases. the cashier definitely doesn't care, the cashier is contemplating killing everyone in the store and then themself. just buy the condoms.
the second fun fact is actually a house rule of mine, which is that if you're too squirrelly to acquire safer sex supplies yourself you don't get to have sex. the good news on that front is that ordering condoms online from places like Condom Depot is, like, really easy.
3.) PrEP is great to know about but only necessary if your intended partner is at risk of transmitting HIV to you during sex, which is a conversation y'all should have if you haven't already.
getting the monkeypox vaccine is always a solid move if you're in a high risk area, although I do need to emphasize again that it's worth talking to your partner about whether or not they're a considerable risk for transmitting monkeypox (if they haven't had any other partners in the last two weeks, or none of their other partners have tested positive in the last two weeks, they're probably good). regardless, you can easily find somewhere to get vaccinated here.
4.) re: first time having sex, if you've spent literally any time following me you know the best advice I can give you is that you should literally just Talk To This Guy about what you both want to do and feel comfortable with, but watching this video from incomparable sexologist Lindsey Doe isn't a bad place to begin. I'm a big fan of how much she emphasizes lube!
5.) douching is the practice of washing out a bodily cavity with fluids. many people like to do it before anal sex to lower their risk of defecating on a partner by accident, but it's totally optional and not a requisite for anyone. if you're interested, you can find a good introduction here:
it's worth noting that douching presumes anal sex will be taking place, which is something to discuss. anal sex can absolutely rule but it also requires care; I'd recommend this other Lindsey Doe video for some hot tips on how to start exploring that:
if anal penetration isn't your cup of tea but eating ass may be, check out dental dams - even a clean anus runs the risk of harboring fecal matter and baby you do NOT want that in your mouth! in a pinch, a dental dam can be made in a hurry by cutting a condom open down one side and laying it flat.
6.) similarly to sexual partners, the best way to learn what roommates are okay with is to ask. do the courtesy of giving your roommates a heads up that a guest is coming over and that sex is on the agenda; let them decide if they want to clear out, put on headphones, or what.
why are you making protein shakes at 1 AM. what's happening there.
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sp00kygr33n · 6 months
I am drunk and sad so I'm gonna vent cause this is my blog and I can do whatever the fuck I want to
(Sorry to interrupt your scrolling)
So like it's christmas fucking eve and like some of my friends went home and they are sending photos of their nice dinners and gifts under the trees and shit and like. I gkt explicitly told to not come to my family's christmas
Not like I wanted to but you know. Rejection hurts even when you try to do rejection first
And like one of my online friends was very sad abot me not getting any gifts really (me and my friends had secret santa at the beggining of the month and I don't want to sound ungrateful but it did feel underwhelming cause my gift didn't even get wrapped it was just in a messed up cardboard box and I did feel a bit hurt but this is so evil of me to think because someone spent their time and money on me I just....)
So like. Gift giving is my primarly love language. When I was a kid, people throwing gifts at me was the only indication they cared about me (even if it was to win a divorce). So I learned early on that if I give someone something, they will know I care about them. I'm bad at showing it otherwise. I keep wishlists for everyone and every time they are like "oh i want xyz!" I will make a note and then I slowly get them things for like birthday or when they're down or when I just have some extra money. I think I perfected gift giving. I will color cooridinate the item and some additional things like candy or face masks or nice candles. I will pick up the expensive shiny wrapping paper. I care so much about giving people gifts. And I think that becuase I couldn't even afford proper food in december, surviving or one serving of plain rice or pasta a day while working 12 hour shifts, I didn't feel the holiday spirit at all cause I failed everyone and couldn't give them gifts. We're all poor, we get it, it just made me devastated cause if I can give people things, how do I stop them from hating me? How do they know I have infinite love and care for them? How do I make them happy??
Idk. I'm just sad.
But I was actually making a point. My friend asked me "if you could have anything today, what would you want?"
My response was a seven minute cuddle session. I don't want to inconvinince people any longer, but I think seven minutes is in the realm of reason when asking, you know? It feels like I could be allowed that much.
And idk I'm just really touch starved. And I want a cuddle. But like the one when I'm being held and shit? Possibly maybe not ignored and maybe if we're getting into the wildest dreams maybe I would want my back to be rubbed for like 34 seconds and I know it is a bit long but yk
Anyway this is probably so stupid and I would probably cry which would make it weird but I was asked if I could had anything, so I responded truthfully
But it feels like such a stupid want. I feel like I should be above that. Am I a child who needs to get a hug? Gods I feel so stupid about it
And I had way too much beer today so I went to talk to my roommates and I just rambled about shit for like two hours and I feel so guilty and stupid cause it was just. So unnecessary and absurd they didn't need to hear me talk. And probably didn't want to, in my mind I just annoyed them so then I proceeded to leave the room and put on my headphones and I had a breakdown and it feels stupid too and i just
I'm sad and drunk and merry christmas
Sorry for oversharing
I mean it's not like people are going to read this and I kinda feel more stupid now but I guess sending this into the ether gives me some relief yk
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10/11/2011 Tuesday
Content Warning: Stealing, Mature content
today was so lame. Reason: I had 3 hrs of sleep so I was crabby but now I feel kinda emotional. (Probably because I'm starting my perioud) I will tell u my Background...
. . .
I am now 11 years old and I'm a girl. I am american and that's it. But my world background is: my name is misty, I have a HusBand named Jake and a kid named Mia, I am 113 days old, Jake 109, and Mia 73, I have my own "money" take a look. Ok can't show it ma got onto me 4 wasting game $. So I can't glue it. ): there's one thing I forgot we're all vampires. Ok back 2 realaty. I forgot to tell my name is Gwen O. T. Here's one thing I'll tell I took money for ma's snachle goin back 4 sum later 3rd time in a row I thought she'd notice but she didn't I took $52.00. in 2 nights anyway it's a donation 4 my monster High Dolls, see most of them were broke so I'll get new ones Here they are: Draculara, Duce, and Cleo. all I wanted to do is go home I had a Horable Day But I won't tell what happened well peace. (for little while) Ok I think ma's on to me so I'll make up an excuse BrB. Ok she is totaly onto me (about the money) now she's in her room. yes I stalleD Her time. OK Here's what it started out to be. "Come Here I need to talk to you" we all know that's never a good sign. And I repeat NEVER So IDK if I'll go money Hunting, I might but IDK. OK I'm crazy because I put 3 of my MH (Monster High) in choffins can u think-they Barely fit! BrB I wrote 8 paragraphs and this is #9. Goin money huntin BrB. I'm back I grabbed $9.00 Brb and now I stole $107.17 out ov ma's bag... This is one of those OH SHIT moments. But now I'm wondering if I should put it back? No I'll stay in after I come home from school fill my bookbag up with food: What I'll do! OK Here's my plan when we get off the bus I'll give Nathan a note that says "I will be outside playing for a while" Nathan will give her the note and I will disappre. OK I think I'm going to sleep gn mood: 1/2 sleepy 1/2 scared OK I can't think where to sleep Because I;m scared of my room so I'll sleep where the idiouts sleep (Boys). I'm going to Nathan's room BrB. they won't let me in there because they're watching porn and masterBating (totally gross). OK I think I'm all tired out. GN I guess Mood: sleepy
Hey there friends! I wanted to say two things: One, a reminder that I started writing pretty young, so please excuse my spelling and interests. Two, the blog doesn't have any followers, but I just wanted to thank no one in particular for allowing this space for us to post pieces of my life. As you will be able to see from one of the pictures, sometimes my books get damaged later on and the words are illegible. By allowing me to post these things, they are immortalized and have a possibility of helping someone. Mush love everyone |~|
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clownboy808 · 2 months
1:20 AM
Just read the first few pages of Megan boyles line blog book. I definitely want to try out the format for my writing and songs. I want to go on a drive and see what happens. I’ve already resorted back to my crazy person sleep schedule. After sleeping normally for a week at home I’m now right back to where I was before spring break. Yay!
1:24 Am
Gotta remember to wash my face tonight
Think I’ll go on a drive
Gotta make sure my phone is charged enough firs. I’ll read for like ten more minutes then I’ll go.
Saw a guy from Charlotte on tick tok show a cool guitar lick. I want to be able to come up with cool guitar licks.
Feeling like I have to shit now
Why the fuck is RFK jr. On Vlad Tv
I should clean up the pizza I massacred earlier it’s still on my floor.
1:36 am
Could not scrub off hot honey and crust and sauce from pan so put it in the dish washer. It is not working for some reason… Emma probably fucking broke it , god damn it.
Texted the group chat.
Going to also text that girl if she’s had luck finding an apartment .
1:50 am
Trying to figure out dishwasher
Tried flipping switch to no avail
Oh there we go
Texted Emma back the group chat with a yes? Instead of a yes! Thought both sounded bad. So send a fist emoji to imply triumph?
Going on drive now , want to get drunk. Perhaps will buy alcohol if a store is open. I guess it would have to be a gas station. We shall see!
I guess I could go to cook out and get food so I don’t have to tomorrow. Sitting in drive thru is not something I like doing though. I wish I didn’t eat that whole pizza. I hate that I did that. Atleast I didn’t eat the whooole thing though. Drinking three cups of water did not surprise my appetite enough. I should have cut it and just put half in the fridge. Next time I’ll do that.
1:59 Am
I never just driven like this at night before well I don’t think so. Not alone. I did with that Anna girl. I can sing to myself in the car. Practicing.
2:16 Am
Looks like most gas stations are closed. It is cool to see things at night. The Christian book store had an Israel flag up which I guess shouldn’t be a surprise.
2:20 Am
I front of another circle k I can’t see the person through the window so unfortunately going to have to get out of my car.
They were open! Now to look at alcohol.
It’s cheaper than I thought.
You can’t buy alcohol after 2 apparently. So many rules that I’m clueless of. Cashier was nice though.
2:36 Am
I’m back at my apartment and want a snack. The calories that will come from the snack should be equivalent to the amount that would have been in the alcohol. Cheetos. I’m going back and writing AM even though it’s probably obvious.
6:08 am
Had a dream where I pulled a long either guitar string or plastic twist it from my back. It just kept going and going. When I looked in the mirror with each string I was ripping out of me my other arm was getting worn away. I was in the bathroom of my old Mitchell glen house. My room was super messau and I had an Echidnas that was giving birth out of its mouth in my bed. It was also my sloth beanie baby. Charlotte was in there. Stuff was just everywhere. Lots of toys. I looked out of the window and
I’m done too tired to continue
4:40 PM
My mom is texting me about if a guy who was looking for a roommate she talked to texted me. Nope. I really hope we find someone so I don’t have to do anything. Especially if it’s all done by them. that would be great.
Exporting a demo of new song called “charlotte “ and emailing it to myself. I like how it sounds so far. Trying not to overthink it. Trying to keep it simple. I’m almost out of storage in my gmail. I try to delete every unnecessary email I get but it doesn’t seem to be working.
I accidentally left the synth base that I’ve decided to cut in the demo. Fuck. Whatever It’s fine.
I have to take a shit. I hope I’m not stealing too much of Megan Boyle’s voice when I do this. I feel like I’m being myself. But who can really know that? Definitely not me.
The reverb on this sounds nice. Trying to make it too drowned out but I want that really dream poppy vibe. Coctu twins style.
Sent the demo to my mom , for possible sense of approval. Will most likely not receive. She probably won’t get what it is. Maybe though.
Turning on sink so Emma can’t hear me shitting. If she’s near by.
Going on a walk to hopefully burn off the Reese cups and muffins I ate earlier. And to enjoy the weather!
It appears to be nice out.
It is cold but not too bad. The “ pet waste station” is overflowing with shit bags. My mom said the demo was “nice “. Have not responded yet. I said “ cool”
It was too cold so leaving early. Don’t know why my car smells like cat piss.
I have a hair in my mouth I can’t get out. My teeth look kind of gross. I forgot to brush them last night. I’ve also eaten nothing but sugar today. Going to try to not to eat too much more today. Will get regular food tomorrow I guess.
Just kind of want to lay down.
Going to masterbate , hopefully will knock me out, need a reset.
FaceTime at 8:45 will probably be 9:00 so will have time to work on track some more before bed.
0 notes
#9 The Ghost at Dawn’s House: Chapter 15
OMG it’s sleepover time!
Next book I’m doing is Karen’s Newspaper. Yes, I’m braving a Little Sister book for this blog but it’s also got some of the funniest moments in BSC history in it.
BSC SLEEPOVER! Surprisingly, the movie choices du jour are mostly “current” stuff - Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Sixteen Candles. These outweigh the two typical BSC movie choices - Mary Poppins and The Parent Trap. I think we can assume Stacey suggested Mary Poppins and I remember Mary Anne saying Sixteen Candles is one of her favorite movies.
They can't choose which two to watch and voting doesn't work. So Kristy picks two out of a hat, since she's the Club President and their Supreme Lord and Master. Ghostbusters and Sixteen Candles it is.
They did makeovers too, compliments of Stacey and Claudia. First of all, Kristy let them do makeup on her without her fake-puking like Dawn in a Burger King? Number two, I pity whoever was on the receiving end of a Claudia makeover. “Claudia, you’ve got it set on WHORE!”
And Mary Anne is fangirling over Cam Geary again. Patience, Mary Anne. You’ll have your own personal Cam Geary in one more book.
While watching the Stay Puft marshmallow man in Ghostbusters, Kristy gets a hankering for s'mores. Of course, Dawn laughs; she doesn't have sugary crap in her house! But she underestimated Claudia and Kristy, who came prepared with an artillery of junk food - chocolate, marshmallows, M&M's, chips...oh, and some crackers for the boring health food people. Damn you and your diabetes, Stacey! You ruin sleepovers!
The candy freaks run off to make their s'mores and Stacey and Dawn roll their eyes at them. While they're gone, Dawn decides to get some revenge. And what better way than to scare the shit out of them with the secret passage? Hey, Dawn must like this idea because she uses it on Mary Anne later on in the series. Dawn explains about her secret passage and Stacey responds, “Hey, I know plenty about secret passages.” No, she agrees to take part in Dawn's vendetta against people who bring sugar into her house.
The s'mores eaters then come back and they all finish the movie. When it's done, Dawn brings them upstairs under the guise of putting MORE makeup on Mary Anne to make her look like Cam Geary's girlfriend Corrie Lalique. Well, when they all go upstairs, Dawn says she and Stacey are going to get some sodas. We then get this wonderful exchange between Claudia and Dawn:
“You have soda?” asked Claudia skeptically. “Or do you mean Perrier or sparkling, saltless mineral water from an artesian well or something?” I tried not to sound sarcastic. “Yes, we have soda. Real soda. Mom bought it for the party. One hundred percent sugar.” “Good,” said Claudia, not cracking a smile.
First of all, how the fuck does Claudia know the word “artesian?” She probably spells it “arteezhun.” Second of all, shut the hell up, Claudia. Dawn was nice enough to accommodate you. Wow, did I just defend Dawn?
Stacey and Dawn sneak into the passage, rap on the walls and the pipes and freak the shit out of everyone inside. Mary Anne goes nuts and screams that it's the ghost and Kristy is all confused. I guess this means there’s more ghosts in Stoneybrook besides Ben Brewer! Well, Dawn and Stacey come out of the passage and everyone laughs over it. Dawn tells them all about it and Claudia immediately wants to go in. But wait! They hear noise coming from the passage. And since it's 1 a.m., it isn't Nicky. Or could it be? Maybe the triplets stuck his hand in a glass of water and he ran out of the house to blow off some steam.
The girls go downstairs to sleep and the next morning discuss what they should do in the last days before they start 8th grade for the 1st of 193 times. And we've seen food in mouth dialogue and allergy dialogue and butchered accents and here we have probably the only case of face-in-pillow dialogue. Mary Anne says, “Having a cookout,” but instead it sounds like “Havee a fuh-fow.”
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arsonforcharlie · 4 years
would you be willing to drop a recipe for that bangin’ okra tomatillo curry? it sounds bomb
ok so heads up this is not much of a recipe- like, this is one of the things i make that i just sorta do whatever with. i’ve made it with paneer before and it fucking ruled. tonight, i might add some ground beef since that was hella cheap at the supermarket this week. who knows. i am pretty sure this is not faithful to, like, any cuisine. this is literally just me putting things in a pan and going “ehhhhh tastey and will not kill me probably.” absolute bachelor food. one pan, one utensil, cooks up pretty quick. i’m a mess. also spices in particular i don’t tend to measure because i am pretty okay at going
oil (i use either olive or vegetable depending on which is closer to my hand at the time. it doesn’t really matter too much. maybe you could use butter. i’ve never tried. live your best life)
onion (chopped)
tomatillos (however many the farmer at the market gives you. husked and rinsed so they’re not sticky. cut in quarters or eighths depending on the size of the tomatillo.)
okra (again, however much you have. this is why you gotta make friends with the farmers! slice it in bits of about a half inch or so but this is not an exact science)
tomatoes (about two decent handfuls worth. chopped.)
whatever hot peppers are on sale at the grocery. i think mine are serrano right now. (chopped.)
ginger (a wee bit. you can use fresh or ground.)
garam masala
how to do it
in a large skillet (my big frying pan is like 12 inches and not super deep and it’s usually a SQUEEZE, i’d use my wok if it wasn’t fucked up) heat about a tablespoon of the oil to medium. add in the onions and a decent amount of turmeric. cook them for about 5 minutes or so.
add tomatillos and okra. stir it up, cook that, stirring when you remember, until the tomatillos start to soften and it looks a bit more like a curry than a whole bunch of veggies. this can take 5-10 minutes depending on your tomatillos.
add in the tomatoes, peppers, ginger, garam masala, and about a quarter of a cup of water. maybe a bit of salt. stir, bring down to low heat, simmer until the okra is nice and most of the water is gone.
make rice or whatever. serve with rice or whatever.
that’s it, it’s relatively easy, tastes awesome, great for when i’m feeling low energy, and a good way to use the tomatillos i keep buying
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I beg of thee, a nsfw one shot with beel and that has something to do with oviposition. (But that’s up to you if you want to actually write that and I don’t want you to feel forced too. Btw love the ideas you have going on this blog.)
Hell yeah I’m comfortable with this
Imma write this with Beel because he’s the only brother I can see actually being able to do ovipositing naturally (now it doesn’t mean the others can’t do it, Beel is just the only one that can do it without the help of potions or spells) also because Beel is my favorite
Midnight Stuffing (AFAB version)
Beel x AFAB MC
Warnings: NSFW, teratophilia, ovipositing, breeding kink, mild lactation kink
Mmm I’m sorry if this sucks I’ve never written a proper fic before
Here’s the AMAB MC version if you wanna read that
Midnight Stuffing (AMAB version)
NSFW below
“Ha… Ha… MC… I’m close! HNNNN!” Beel groaned as he finally released onto the pillow he was humping. “Nggg… It’s still not enough…” He knows what would fulfill his desires, but that would require a partner that wouldn’t be disgusted with what he really wanted to do. Oh how he’d love to do it with you, to just run his hands over your soft breasts as he brought out his tail and slowly slithered it up your thigh… As it slowly pushed into you to deposit his eggs- shit… he’s getting hard again… Beel sighed as he put on some loose sweatpants before walking towards the kitchen to hopefully drown out his thoughts with food.
You woke up to clashing in the kitchen like you do many nights, guessing that Beel was up to his midnight snacking again. You sighed, deciding that you should stop him before he eats everything and gets scolded again. You head down to the kitchen to stop him, only to be greeted by… no one? “Beel? Beel where are you? I heard you rummaging around in here.” You called out before hearing something skitter before a pan fell onto the floor with a clang, you jumped before turning on the light. “Who’s there?!” But before you could look around and see anything, the light was smashed, plunging the room into darkness again. You yelped before stumbling back and falling on the ground, “MC?” You heard a familiar voice from the dark, “B-Beel?” You felt a presence land in front of you before seeing two glowing indigo eyes staring at you.
“I’m sorry for scaring you… The light hurts my eyes though…” He mutters while looking away. You started to calm down a bit, now knowing that you’re in no danger but still seeking comfort by reaching for his hand. “I-Its ok Beel… Just, is there any kind of light we can use? I can’t see anything.” Beel stayed silent for a minute before pulling out his DDD and turning on the flashlight on the lowest level. “Better?” You nodded in response, looking at his current form. He was shirtless and in one of his more released forms for some reason, wings out, horns that now almost look like antennae, tail out and now slithering towards your leg, eyes now a dark indigo all over with bright glowing irises. And not to mention, the odd bug like features all over him, such as his new insect like legs, random spots of chitin, and rough hairs all over his arms. “Why are you in this form?  You’re usually not in this form unless you’re… in… heat…” You paused before quickly asking, “Beel are you in heat?!” “No! I’m not in heat.” Beel said, “I don’t go into heat for another few months.”
Both of you stayed silent for a bit before you felt something slither up your thigh causing you to shriek, “If you’re not in heat why is you tail going up my thigh?!” Beel’s tail immediately slinked away as Beel apologized, “S-Sorry… I’ve just been a bit… um… pent up lately…” He muttered. “I-I-I’ll just go, I-I didn’t mean to freak you out.” He said as he turned off the flashlight on his DDD and went to walk out of the kitchen, but before he could leave you grabbed his wrist, “I um… I could help you out if you want…” You said, your face starting to heat up. “Are you sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, especially with my… eggs…” He asked, muttering the last part.  
You smirked slightly and got close to him, “I’m absolutely sure~” you purred in his ear, “In fact, I want you to stuff me full of your eggs and breed me until you know I’ll take~” You heard a low buzz come from Beel’s wings as he hoisted you over his shoulder and ran to your room. He threw you on your bed and started to kiss and nip at your neck while purring, “I’m gonna fill you so good…” You wrapped your hands around his shoulders as you felt him rock his hips against yours, his bulge rubbing against your heat. You sighed at the friction and rocked your hips back on his as he started to strip you of your clothes. Once he finally ripped off your bra, he immediately latched onto your breasts with his mouth, sucking and licking one as he squeezed the other with his hand, “I wonder how good these would look full of milk…” He muttered before going back to licking your breast, making a mental note to look for a spell or something that could make you lactate.
As his hands and mouth were taking care of your breasts, you felt his tail slither up your thigh, getting closer to your still clothed pussy, it rubbed and prodded a bit against your underwear, causing you to moan slightly before dipping into your panties and ripping them off. He finally looked up from your breasts before going down next to your heat and lifting your legs onto his shoulders before diving into your pussy, licking it all over and sucking on your clit. “B-Beel- aAHH!!” You yelped as he shoved his tongue deep down into your pussy, it was long, longer than any tongue you’ve seen or felt, and a slight roughness to it that rubbed all over your walls. Your voice went higher and higher as you were pushed towards your climax, “D-Don’t stop, I’m so close Beel!” You moaned as you reached your climax with a yell of his name.
He lapped up all your cum before slowly taking out his long tongue and swiping it over your pussy one more time, you shivered from the roughness of his tongue and the oversensitivity of your orgasm. Beel sat up before pulling down his sweatpants enough to take out his boner, it had to be at least 8 1/2 inches long, maybe even 9, with a tapered tip and bits of chitin on it, giving it a smooth look. His tail slid up again to line up with your entrance, “This isn’t going to be very comfortable, and it’ll probably hurt. Do you still want to keep going? I don’t mind stopping here if it makes you uncomfortable.” He said, looking for any signs of uncertainty in your face, but, he found none, “Yes, I want to do this.” You confirmed, giving him a slight smile. He gave a soft smile in return before lining up his cock with your entrance. His tail’s stinger rubbed against your folds before he pushed it deep inside of you, letting it nudge against your cervix. It felt a bit weird, but it wasn’t too bad to take in due to its slim size. But then came his cock, lubed up from your cum thankfully, but it stretched you out like hell due to its massive size, you hissed from the pain while Beel kissed the tears forming at your eyes away. He went slow, making sure he made the stretch hurt as little as possible before he finally bottomed out.
He kissed at your neck while he waited for you to adjust and for you to tell him to move. “Beel, you can move now, I’m good.” As soon as he heard that he slowly started to thrust lightly into you. You both moaned softly as you got accustomed to the feeling of him moving in you, “Faster…” You sighed out as he then started to pick up the pace. You moaned louder and louder as his dick reached the deepest spots in you and even pressed his tail farther into your cervix, making you squeal in pleasure. He quickly muffled your moans with a kiss to make sure you didn’t disturb anyone in the house as he wrapped his tongue around yours. He kept going for a while before breaking the kiss, “Ha… Ha… Fuck… I’m gonna cum!” He hissed out before shoving his tail as deep as he could in your cervix before depositing his eggs into you one by one. Your tilted your head back and moaned his name as you climaxed from the feeling of his eggs filing your womb with his cum immediately following. Beel rocked his hips against yours as you both came down from your highs. “Hah… MC… Are you good?” He asked as you responded with a hum and cuddled into him. His wings buzzed as he pulled out both his cock and his tail, letting his cum spill out from you. “We can get those out of you tomorrow if you want…” He said, rubbing the bulge on your stomach that was there because of his eggs. He got up, to your disappointment since your pillow was now gone, to grab the blanket on the floor and throw it over both of you. “Goodnight MC, I love you.” He said as he kissed you forehead and cuddled up to you to go to sleep.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
The main 4 helping mc through really bad period cramps please.possibly Lucan and balsam.ya girls had a bad day.ty.also I love your blog.
Girl guess who's having period cramps right fucking now!! Rip to both of us. Hope this cheers you up a little bit.
AFAB!Reader but no pronouns, incredibly self-indulgent, I'll throw in the link to my 'M4 With A Sore MC' post for additional stuff
Felix Escellun
His first response is tea and his second response is blankets.
He's not the best with healing magic but he's still gonna try. At the very least he'll get you an enchanted compress that stays warm and mix up a sleeping potion to help you doze off. Well it be strong enough to get you to sleep through the pain? Probably not. But he will not rest until he finds something that works!
You're spending most of the day in his study, on the sofa, swathed in blankets.
Do you know! that!! cats can sometimes purr as a healing stimulant!!! and if they notice that you're sad or sick they'll come purr on you!!!!! So Stella is laying on your lower stomach and purring.
Felix makes sure to get you a lot of water.
TENS units have been shown to relieve the pain of cramping!! I think once you explain what that means to him, he tries using his magic as a makeshift solution. It helps somewhat.
Florian brings you herbs like fenugreek, ginger, valerian roots, zataria, etc. He's sympathetic to your pain and does what he can to help.
If you start crying from the cramps, Felix immediately crawls onto the couch with you.
He,, he,,, he's a sympathy crier so he's gonna start crying too. Which makes you both laugh.
Anisa Anka
Oh my poor girl knows all about how to deal with this don't you even worry about it
No I lied you should worry she doesn't really know how to help you with this.
You know how,, exercise and walking around and stuff can usually help with cramps? Well she already does all that a lot for her Sunstone duties so she doesn't usually have severe cramps. So when you're all laid out in bed, clutching at your stomach and groaning in pain, she's gonna try to get you to walk around a bit.
If you can't do that (and if you're in that much pain you probably can't) then I think she's gonna focus on comfort foods! Soup, stew, crackers, etc.
She might ask Ayanna for advice but since Ayanna has always been pretty active, I think she'd also just suggest exercise. Maybe she'd have some sort of magic Anisa doesn't know - maybe something she picked up on her adventures, I don't know - to help with the worst of it.
Strokes your hair a lot.
So soft and comforting. Calls you a hundred little pet names while trying to cheer you up a bit. She would tell you funny stories but she's afraid you'll start laughing and further hurt yourself.
I could,, I could see her recounting old Sunstone stories.
I could also see her trying to clean up the apartment while you're resting, so that you have more room to walk if you decide you want to. And then,, she ends up finding a bunch of old random shit. Like old toys or tattered books. And eagerly shows you all of it.
Sage Lesath
Kitty cat to the rescue!
Okay not exactly but he's trying really hard.
Um,, so,,, according to Planned Parenthood,,,, a proven way of easing period cramps is,,,,, via orgasm,,,,,, that's all I'm saying about that particular subject,,,,,,,
In other news Sage is gonna coax you into a bath!! He runs it and adds extra bubbles and makes it nice and warm for you.
He messes with the bubbles. Puts some of them on your head and blows some into your face, that kind of thing. He wants to make you laugh!! Laughter is the best medicine, after all.
I think he teases you a little bit. Nothing mean or anything, he just wants to keep things light-hearted.
Probably gets Tulsi to help him cook some home remedy type stuff too.
He is a kitty cat!! He is gonna cuddle with you in bed and purr!! Probably rests a hand on your lower stomach and massages a little bit.
If the sun is out,, like hitting your bed,, he's gonna fall asleep. Sorry. Baby wants a cat nap. He feels so warm and comfy with you that it just kinda happens.
Wakes up like two hours later,, he's been drooling on your shoulder,,, you're toying with his ears a bit,, he feels guilty that he fell asleep while you were in pain but I feel like seeing your cute cat boyfriend peacefully snoring would make you feel a little better,,,,, like when you look at those live feeds of baby animals sleeping
I mean it makes me feel better anyways
Lucan de Bhaldraithe
Yes I know Lucan is technically a tiger (or at least I think so) but he is a puppy in my heart so
He's very worried about you. He knows what the issue is - he grew up with Elowen, and while I don't think he necessarily took care of her because she was older and probably a little too prideful to let him, I think he still tried to help her. So now he's gonna help you!
I like the idea that Lucan is really not good at cooking but he still puts his entire heart into it,, like he tries to make you soup and it's probably inedible but you know he did it with love and affection
He! Sings!! You!!! Lullabies!!!! To try and help you sleep. Encourages you to get a lot of bed rest.
He is an excited puppy and if you ask for something he'll run to get it. Even if it means dashing to the market. And whenever he does go out he gets you a little snack.
You know that thing about how (dark) chocolate sometimes helps with cramps? He takes that and runs with it. Gets you like nine chocolate bars at a time.
If you don't want them then he obviously eats them. That was lowkey his plan all along mwahaha
If you wanna go outside to get air,, but still can't move,, he'll find a way to set up a hammock. Brings some blankets and pillows and carries you down.
Then sits on the floor next to you (within arm's reach so you can pet him still) so you're not alone.
Still can't believe he doesn't have a last name
Has the hardest time relating to cramps. He 1000% believes that you're in as much pain as you say you are, he's just not really familiar with it. He did kinda help raise Tulsi when they were younger but I think she held it together pretty well and Sage was usually on top of it.
So I think his first impulse is to tell you to buck up and walk it off. When you don't get up he flops onto the bed next to you.
So,, when i was like eight or so,, and my sister was 14,, I asked her what a period felt like. And you know what this bitch did? She punched me in the crotch. Like a bitch.
Anyways you do that to Balsam just to do a point. He is now rolling around in agony. If he wasn't in so much pain he would compliment how strong your punch is.
Once he's pulled himself together he just flat-out asks you what it is he can do to help.
Hot chocolate but he adds alcohol to it because you told him heat and chocolate are good and he figured alcohol would help too.
He likes to be (lovably) annoying. Laying in bed and he just throws his arm out across your chest and puts one of his legs on top of yours. You keep shoving him off and he laughs and does it again.
He just doesn't want you to sit there and be bored y'know? Stimulation and all that.
Once you fall asleep, he tucks you in and kisses your forehead and silently leaves the room so he doesn't wake you up. But then he just hangs out outside your room so he can keep an eye/ear on you.
Rime Varela
Everyone step aside, the doctor is in!
Since he's the healer, he'd be able to find a spell to help with the worst of the pain.
I would like to again mention the orgasm thing because oh he's a medical professional he's allowed to suggest it >:)
While he acts very chill about it, I think on the inside he's worried. He doesn't like people - especially the people he cares about - being in pain. And the fact that you can barely function scares him a little.
Also,, his,, pride is a little bitty bit wounded that he can't help you.
I think that after he lost the Astrolabe to you he was always a little sour about it?? Like after his redemption he doesn't blame you anymore, but he still feels a hint of inadequacy that he struggles with.
And in this moment, when the person he loves is suffering and he can't find the right spell to take the pain away,,
It feels like he's failing you. Like maybe if he was good enough to solve this, the Astrolabe wouldn't have abandoned him.
He tries to hide it but he's not good at it. Not good enough anyways.
You end up having to comfort him more than he comforts you. You end up tangled in bed together, both sipping tea and cuddled in blankets. Physical health day and mental health day.
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lovely-echoo · 3 years
Sleepy Bois Inc x FranBow!Reader
In-game AU
Part 2/? PT.1
Plantonic!SBI x Young!Reader
(10/11 years old)
Genderneutral reader (they/them) 💜
INFO; If you haven't played or seen game play of Fran Bow then you can skip this if you'd like. If you don't care then go ahead.
Summary; Basically if you've seen/played the game you should know how this goes, you take place of Fran. So you go/went through the same things she did and you still have Mr. Midnight. This takes place while Fran is still in the mental hospital and then got teleported near the SBI.
If I get any info wrong, I'm sorry! I rewatched Markiplier's game play so it shouldn't be way off.
P.s not everything is described the same.
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(^ art by sunquids on twt)
CW/TW: mentions/includes of cussing, food/not eating properly, screaming, murder, death threats(?)
First Impressions
Was terrified honestly-
Thought you were dead at first
Mans was just walking around with his son when he heard a thud
Was 1000% not expecting a kid and a cat
Even worse when he tried to get closer the cat got defensive and swatted it’s claws at him
And when you woke up-
Oh boy-
You barely acknowledged him and picked up the cat
Which btw, the damn cat changed so quickly- it perked up and was all happy and shit
The sudden anger to happiness gave him whiplash the poor guy
Then when you started crying which that scared him to
But either way he wanted to help you
Blame the father instincts ig-
He saw the way you looked thinner and not in the way as in ‘I was born with a fast metabolism/naturally like that’ but in the way of ‘I haven’t gotten proper food in a while’
(Btw if you are a plus-sized reader, the same goes for you. I don’t want to specify anything, especially body types. But he could tell you haven’t eaten actual food :) bc we all know that asylum food is shit)
He also saw the way you lowkey gaped at his wings but shh-
^ Lowkey feels prideful about it but you didn't hear it from me-
He really tried to approach you as calmly as possible to not scare you
Can I also mention that when he saw how dull your eyes were he felt his heart shatter
He also physically winced when he heard you speak for the first time
Honestly got lost in thought with a bunch of concerns, worries and shit
Final Thoughts;
Thinks you're absolutely adorable
Wants to punt whoever left you here
Lowkey scared of your cat
At first did not care
Like at all
Also thought you were dead at first
Still didn’t care
But the more he examined you when you first met
There’s something about you that kinda…
But yeah
Was ticked off when you talked back but also impressed
Like he’s Technoblade, The Blood God.
Usually whenever he makes eye contact with people- especially kids
They cower, scream, panic and ect.
But you didn’t waver
But either way, he’s still very skeptical.
Will absolutely stay on guard with you around
Unless you don’t give him reason to
If the some of the voices are right
He will dropkick murder you
So just keep quiet about it for now, okay?
He actually kinda finds you interesting
He doesn’t know why, he just does
Maybe it’s your mannerisms but eh
Just watch yourself around him
He’s so stiff and stern around you to the point that you think you won’t wake up the next morning
Final Thoughts;
Still really iffy about you
Get's the most ill vibe from you
Wants the voices to stfu about how 'cute' you were
Ima be completely honest with you-
He screamed.
Like as soon as he made eye contact with your bloodshot eyes
He just full on screamed
You don’t know what you did to scare the poor teen
But I guess you’ll never know
And ima be honest with you again
He doesn’t either.
Maybe it was the way your eyes bore into his when he first saw you
Lowkey thought you were half dead or a zombie or some shit
You just looked so…
You kinda looked like a doll to him
He’s not a fan of dolls
Will he apologize for screaming the first time ya’ll met?
Because that is lowkey rude to do-
Yes but actually no-
He feels bad but he’s got to much of a stick up his ass to apologize directly
But he’ll make it up to you one day
I hope-
But other than that
He’s happy to not be the youngest one around tho
Final Thoughts;
Still thinks you look like a creepy doll
Gets this vibe from you but can’t put his finger on it
Lowkey wants to take you out on an adventure and maybe introduce you to Tubbo
He was actually in his room chilling
Practising his guitar for a new song he wrote
He was vibing
Then he heard a scream
Thought a cat or smt was being murdered
So he rushed downstairs expecting a dead animal or shit
Turns out it was just his younger brother
Was gonna scold him but he saw you and your cat
That btw, you were holding him in such a cute way and looked at him with these doe eyes
Mentally, emotionally and physically awed
Your farming his aw’s hold on a sec-
He’s in love omg-
Please he’s already thinking about doing sibling shit with you
He knows his dad will adopt you even if he said ‘They're staying here for a while before they go back home.'
Wil knows that’s a lie and you’ll be staying here for a lot longer
With your consent ofc
Either way finds you adorable, smol and just
You’re baby
To him, you’re baby
Final Thoughts;
You're baby
Wonders if you like music
But also gets a weird vibe from you
The Voices
Oh boy-
So many different opinions
Some want you dead
Some want to hug you
Some want your cat
Some hate your cat
It’s all a mess
But let’s focus on the positive ones-
A lot of them are still chanting ‘protecc tiny bean’
Some are talking about you, others the cat
‘protecc tiny beans’
Is now what they decided to chant
They love you bby dw
Even the harsher ones, they love you
They just don’t show it
For the ones who really want you dead and shit
They’ll warm up
At least I hope so
But they don’t get the chance to say more mean shit like wanting you dead
Because those voices are getting attacked by your fans
Yes, your fans
They’ve nominated themselves as your fans
Yes, they do fight for who’s the number one fan
Final Thoughts;
If Philza likes you then they do (for the most part-)
Protecc tiny beans?
Protecc tiny beans.
Feel free to submit suggestions for this series! Could just be headcanons, reactions to ___, or anything!
@killermich-blog | @cl0udy-grey | @roxy3457 @itsberrydreemurstuff | @shuriosansshitposts @frowningsmiles | @muchrooomm | @novelist2 | @xx-smiley-xx
Lmk if you want to be added!
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quillsanddaydreams · 3 years
puzzle dates
regulus black x reader
—author’s note: I adored writing this. Like a lot. Requested by an anon who wanted some Regulus fluff with a potter!reader. @scvrllet my dearest, gave in prompts for it and a message by @nuttytani darling inspired it. So what happens when you meet Regulus, your friend years after hogwarts? Happy reading ;)
—warning(s): mentions of food and drink. gender neutral!reader (pronouns aren’t used). reader is James's sibling but it's hardly there.
—word count: 1,546
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It was raining heavily. You had been out for about an hour, getting groceries for the week. Whispering a spell, making sure no one was viewing in your direction, you watched your wand transform into an umbrella and hurried away from the shop. Stalking towards your house, you tried to make sure not to let your bags get wet. You didn’t notice the man standing in your way.
“Ah, shit—” you began, not looking up far too busy to check whether or not something fell. “I’m so sorry sir, I didn’t notice where I was going—”
You gazed up meeting someone you hadn’t seen in a long time.
For a minute you two just stared at each other. He had changed. The thin, gaunt boy you saw as a child was replaced by a handsome man with the same striking eyes you used to know so well. You shook yourself.
“What— what are you doing here?” you said gesturing towards the damped hair and drenched clothes. Extending your umbrella over his head you continued, “You’ll get sick.”
“Worried about me, are you Potter?” he said, raising his eyebrows. “Why don’t you think the soaked-to-the-bone look works for me?”
You chuckled.
“You didn’t answer my question,”
“Ah, I was here on ministry business but I guess I won’t be able to get it done now,” he said slowly looking around. “Was trying to find a place I could apparate safely. Too many muggles around.”
You furrowed your eyebrows noticing your surroundings again.
“Come with me,” you suggested. “My apartment is nearby and you could dry off before leaving.”
Regulus looked like he wanted to refuse but you cut him off.
“You’ll only ruin your health here, come with me— also it’s been a long while since we talked,” you pointed out and Regulus looked at you curiously. His mouth quirked upwards and he nodded. The two of you moved to the quaint three-story building, climbing up the stairs before reaching your door. You muttered in some spells before hearing a click.
“Don’t trust muggle locks?” Regulus said smugly as you rolled your eyes.
Waving your wand, you started up the fire; the warmth tickling your skin. Regulus took to drying himself off— murmuring incantations. You took to keeping the bags in the kitchen, putting up a kettle for some tea. Taking off your scarf, you sighed and sneaked a glance at Regulus who was now standing awkwardly looking around the house.
“You know you can sit, right?” you asked him. Shaking his head a little, he went to sit down in front of the fireplace. You took out some cups and an assortment of tea bags placing them in a tray along with some cookies you had bought the same day. Regulus smiled as you came in.
“Which one will you have?” you inquired as he gently took the cup from your hand. “Ah, still can’t have tea made by anyone else?”
Regulus threw you a grin.
“It’s a disastrous habit.”
The two of you sat in silence for a while, the tea pleasantly hot against your throat. Rain thrummed at the roof, the noise filling up the place.
You laughed. Indicating at him to continue, you raised the cup to your lips again.
“So what have you been up to?”
“I’ve been managing dad’s business. Since James joined a quidditch team, there was no one to help so I stood up. I quite like it, it gives me enough room to be creative;” you said softly. “How about you? Tell me something other than your ministry job.”
“Well I tried my hand at painting,” Regulus said after thinking for a while. “Remember how you used to tell me to try it?”
“You had the most gorgeous handwriting and the diagrams you made were always so perfect. Could you blame me?”
Regulus rolled his eyes, smiling as dimples formed on his cheeks. He looked beautiful like that. Curls of hair falling over his forehead, relaxed and carefree. You missed it.
“What?” he asked his cheeks a rosy color. You shrugged.
“Nothing, it’s good to see you after all this time,” you said, ignoring how your stomach tickled. “Remember how we promised to stay in touch?”
“Oh yes,” Regulus said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Right after your brother glared at me and threatened to hex me if I don’t stop talking to you.”
You snickered.
“You know he is quite the idiot,” you countered. “And my parents would’ve been proud if I brought you home.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“Brought me home, huh?” he said as you bit your tongue, looking away. “Did you fancy me, love?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying and failing to keep a straight face. It was something about the way he called you love that made you feel like a teenager with a crush again.
“The point is,” you pressed. “The point is that it never mattered what James did or said. He couldn’t do anything to keep us from being friends.”
“Yeah, friends.” Regulus breathed. You almost missed it.
The room fell silent again and you could hear the pitter-patter of the rain. Regulus picked up a cookie before speaking again.
“Do you still like doing puzzles?” he said as your eyes lit up.
“Yes, I do,” you said, reminding yourself of all the times the two of you spent together. “I never quite got over it after all the hours we spent together. Sirius used to mutter ‘mental’ whenever he saw us working over one. Especially since we always took up the one which seemed impossible to do.”
Regulus grinned, nodding.
“I don’t think he ever had the patience for it.”
“You know;” you said pondering. “I have bought a puzzle recently. Would you like to do it with me? For old time’s sake.”
“And here I thought it’s because you enjoy my company,” he said with a smug expression. Your heartbeat erratically and you found yourself hating how he still affected you.
“So that’s a yes?” you said, overlooking his jab. Regulus clicked his tongue accepting.
You got up slowly taking out the box you had bought a few days earlier. It was a fiery phoenix, looking at you intently. Regulus rubbed his hands and sat down on the floor beside you. He gasped a little when you put the box down.
“You know, I bought the exact same one about a week ago,” he said, helping you open the pack. “It’s missing a piece.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and Regulus shrugged.
“Should I bring another one? I have—”
“No no let’s do this one, it was fun.”
Folding your legs, you sat down beside him, your arms touching. Starting from the corner the two of you put together pieces. A sense of calm eloped you. The house and everything with it seemed to blur away. Just you, him, and the puzzle remained. It was different from your memories though, neither of you were children anymore. The adoration you had for him somehow hit harder now. Your hand touched his several times and you beamed at him as the puzzle came together.
“Aha!” you exclaimed putting the last piece in its place. It looked pretty. You looked over at Regulus, who was holding a stray piece in his hand, oblivious to what you said.
“Reg? Earth to Reg?” you called out as he finally looked over at you.
“I’m pretty sure you’re my soulmate,” he said as you felt your ears heat up.
“This,” he said, indicating the odd puzzle piece. “This is the exact piece my set was missing.”
You snorted trying to deflect how your chest was filled with butterflies.
“Oh? And that makes us soulmates?” you asked, amusedly. “Since when did you believe in soulmates even?”
Regulus had the decency to blush.
“Well didn’t you always say our lives were a big puzzle?” he started. “Right now, you have a portion of mine.”
You didn’t know whether to laugh at the cheesiness or pull him close at the very same moment.
“You’re a dork!” you said poking his head with your finger. The boy smiled but it was strained. His demeanor changed. You could practically see his walls building up. Did you say something wrong?
“Reg,” you said urgently. He hummed in response. “Was that soulmate thing a joke or you meant it? Even if a little?”
Regulus avoided your eyes.
“Does it matter?”
“Yes, yes it does.”
“Yeah well then I like you,” he said, looking down. “Always have. But I know you don’t and…”
You put a finger to his lips, stopping him.
“I do,” you said as his stormy grey eyes landed on your own. He cradled your cheek, leaning in tentatively, glancing at your lips. You heaved a sigh as his mouth finally met yours. Grabbing his collar, you kissed him softly. When you pulled back, you had a smile on your face.
“Now that wasn’t how I was expecting the day to go at all,” you commented, delighted. Regulus held your hand kissing the knuckles.
“We’re going to have more of these puzzle dates, aren’t we, love?” he said as you rested your head against his shoulder, interlinking your fingers with his.
“We are.”
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—as for the taglist: I don’t make taglists, I have a blog @from-my-quill ​ ​ which is updated whenever I post fanfiction. You could have the notifications on for it and it will work just like me tagging you
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 17}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Occasional surprise chapters could be posted at miscellaneous times. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara’s blogs! >> @tacmc.​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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It had been a long day.
They hadn’t done jack shit, but a long day nonetheless, thanks to the run in with Tomas.
After eating lunch, Cassian had taken Nyx out to the pool, letting him float around in his little inner tube and splash in the water. He kept a close eye on him and he wasn’t sure he’d heard so many giggles from the little dude in months.
Not even fifteen minutes after they’d come out, Nesta decided to join them, though it wasn’t to play and splash like Nyx. No, she brought a book hat, and tanning oil, but Nyx squealed his delight when he saw her regardless.
After some goading and thinly veiled threats to splash her smutty book if she didn’t get in, Nesta relented and Nyx had the time of his life.
Until he got chlorine in his eye and had a meltdown.
Just like that, pool time was over, and after taking him inside and getting changed, Cassian was lounging on the couch while Nyx played on the floor.
Nesta started up the stairs and said, “I think I’m going to take a bath. Relax from…earlier.”
From that piece of shit Tomas and the things he’d said. Cassian wished he’d of at least said something, but he most wished he’d have throttled him.
Cassian simply nodded and Nesta was off, hurrying up the stairs and shimmying out of her bikini once she closed herself inside of the master bathroom.
She hadn’t been in the warm water with her eyes closed for five minutes before a horrid sound came from downstairs.
One word screamed at the top of Cassian’s lungs, her name.
For a moment, she thought she had imagined it. But, then he screamed again.
She shot up in the tub and was about to yell back, when she heard, “COME QUICK!”
Panic rose in the pit of her stomach as she jumped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around her wet body as she threw open the bathroom door. “I’m coming! I’m coming! What happened?! What’s wrong?!”
“Come on, come on, come on!” Cassian yelled, but it wasn’t fear in his voice - only excitement. “Hurry, before you miss him!”
Nesta rounded the top of the stairs, and froze. A few feet in front of Cassian, on his own two feet, was Nyx, taking slow, steady steps toward his uncle.
Her feet carried her down the stairs in a flash and she was next to Cassian, on her knees, just like he was. At the appearance of his aunt, he grinned, those angelic cheeks rounding out and reached for her.
And he tumbled down.
“Shit,” Cassian muttered and lifted him back onto his unsteady feet, praying they weren’t about to have more tears. But the dark blue eyes that gazed up at him were not tear-filled, just wide and curious as always.
Taking a few more tentative steps, he reached them, leaning into Cassian, but a hand reaching out to take Nesta’s as he animatedly spoke in his own baby language.
“Good job, bubba,” Nesta cried, hoisting him up into her arms and crushing him in a hug. “Such a big boy.”
Nyx giggled and wiggled to be put down.
He wasn’t done just yet.
His feet hit the ground and he was off. He walked from Nesta to Cassian then back again. Every time he fell down, he got right back up and kept on moving.
“Look at you go, buddy,” Cassian laughed, catching Nyx as he made it to him.
“Think he’ll sleep good tonight?” Nesta asked, watching them both with a smile on her face.
“I hope so,” he chuckled, letting Nyx pat him on the face, grinning up at him.
He meandered back across the room, plopping down at his toys and began playing again.
“And I guess we’re done with that,” he laughed, standing up and shaking his head. “He finally walked.”
“Sixteen months,” she sighed, propping a hip on the side of the couch. “I was starting to think he’d never do it.”
“Me either,” he said, sitting down. He glanced up at her—and froze.
He’d completely forgotten she was wearing nothing but a towel.
“Didn’t we have a rule about coming down here nude?” Cassian asked, under his breath.
Nesta’s eyes darted to his. “Pardon?”
His eyebrows raised and he gestured to her towel, and Nesta looked down, as if she had completely forgotten that she was wearing it, too. “Oh, shit, sorry. I was in such a hurry to come downstairs-.”
“I mean, I don’t blame you-.”
“I could’ve put on something-.”
“I was screaming your name-.”
“Screaming my name,” Nesta repeated, her cheeks heating. Last time Cassian had screamed her name, it had been under very, very different context.
Although, she had been wearing little to nothing then, too.
The memories flashed through her mind, and from the way Cassian was watching her, she assumed that they were flashing through his, too.
She watched as his throat bobbed and his eyes left hers, dragging down her body as if he couldn’t stop himself. He met her gaze again and she felt her cheeks heating. Her cheeks, her ears, her neck, her entire body heated under that gaze.
“I’m going to…” She hooked a thumb over her shoulder, towards the stairs. “Finish my bath, I guess.”
“Right,” Cassian replied, his eyes still on her. “I’ll put him down in just a few minutes.”
She glanced over at the baby as she backed up toward the stairs. Nyx was indeed starting to rub his eyes, and noticing Nesta’s attention on him, he yawned and reached for her.
Before she could cross the room, Cassian was on his feet and picking Nyx up.
“I can take him,” she protested, but he shook his head, not looking at her.
“You go relax. I’ve got him.”
Nesta cleared her throat and nodded, convincing herself to say nothing more as she hurried up the stairs, clinging to her towel.
She settled back into the bath, even though the water had chilled.
She couldn’t control her breathing.
She thought of that time when he’d caught her in the bath before, right after they had moved in, when he caught her doing intimate things with herself, alone.
Then she thought of the immense amount of pleasure that he’d given her, and how nothing and no one had ever compared to it.
Her heart began to beat a little bit faster, and a throbbing formed between her thighs.
She wondered if Cassian ever caught himself thinking about it, if he ever wanted to do it again.
Judging by the look in his eyes downstairs, the intense way he had been watching her…
Nesta pulled herself out of the tub.
She dressed and pulled her hair into a ponytail atop her head, but couldn’t decide if going downstairs would be a good or bad idea. She couldn’t decide if being around him right now was a smart decision, not when the thoughts in her head were so distracting she couldn’t even focus on the laundry she had neglected to fold for a few days.
Her phone vibrated where she’d plugged it in on her nightstand and Balthazar’s name lit up the screen.
That was another reason she couldn’t allow herself to entertain the thoughts constantly running through her head. She and Bal weren’t in a relationship, they were in no way exclusive and hadn’t had that conversation, but Nesta wasn’t the type to date—or in this case, sleep with—two men at once.
She could hear Cassian down in the living room again, no doubt cleaning up Nyx’s toys and settling down with a beer. She wanted to join him, wanted to curl up on the other side if the couch with a glass of wine and listen to him commentate whatever stupid show or game he was watching.
But she knew that wasn’t a good idea.
So she laid down on her bed, grabbed the book from her nightstand, and read until all of those emotions that Cassian made her feel faded into the back of her mind where she told them to stay.
The next morning, Cassian was on Nyx duty. Since he had the day off, the nanny didn’t have to come, which meant bro time.
First, they went for a jog along the Sidra where both Nyx and Cassian got their fair share of looks from the ladies. Turns out a cute kid was a great way to gain the attention of beautiful women.
On the way back home, Cassian decided to make a detour for some lunch, and ended up pushing the jogging stroller right into Nesta’s restaurant.
He knew where it was, and knew that Nesta was a damn good cook, but somehow, he hadn’t visited the restaurant in the over four months they’d been living together.
It was packed, to absolutely no surprise and when he walked in, he was greeted by an amazing array of delicious smells. Quickly realizing the stroller was going to be a hindrance, he parked it in the corner by the door and held Nyx as he made his way into one of the sitting areas.
“It’s open seating, so please, sit where you like.”
Cassian turned as a deep voice spoke from behind him. The man was watching him, and when he turned, his eyes fell on Nyx. Recognition lit them up for a moment, Nesta having brought Nyx into the restaurant more than once.
“Thanks. Is Nesta free?”
“Last I saw, she was helping out in the kitchen, but I’ll check. Take a seat and I’ll be back.”
Cassian nodded and the man was gone, disappearing through a swinging door to the back.
Indeed, Nesta was manning the grill, an assortment of sandwiches, meats, pancakes and other items sizzling around her. She was reading order tickets and communicating with her line cooks, and everything was exactly as it should be.
Until Helion was leaning on the wall next to her.
She groaned. “Tell me it’s not the lady who claims to find a hair in her food every time she’s here.”
The patron in question was in the dining room, a brunch buffet spread out before her and her friends. Her curly, red hair was piled on top of her head and without fail, she always seemed to find a lone, red, curling hair in her dishes, no matter what she ate and who was in the kitchen. Even though Nesta had no one in her employment with curly, red hair.
“Oh, no,” Helion said, his smirk growing. “There’s a handsome man out front asking for you.”
Nesta groaned. Even though she didn’t mean to. “Let him know I’m busy, but I’ll be out in just a minute.”
“It’s not him,” he replied, practically singing the words. “This one has a very cute baby with him.”
She was moving before he’d finished speaking, hollering at one of her cooks to take up her place on the line.
When she went into the dining room, Cassian was sitting in a booth, Nyx in a high chair at the end of the table next to him.
“What a pleasant surprise,” Nesta crooned as she approached.
Nyx’s head whipped around at the familiar voice as Cassian looked up from his menu. Nesta was lifting Nyx out of the high chair when Cassian said, “We were out and about. Someone was hungry.”
Nesta chuckled. “Was that someone you or the baby?”
“Fine,” Cassian said, grinning. “Two someones were hungry.”
Nesta snorted as she kissed Nyx’s cheek. “Couldn't have cleaned up before coming in here?” She asked, nodding to Cassian’s damp t-shirt.
He shrugged his shoulder. “This was on the way home. You should be glad we graced you with our presence.”
“Right,” she laughed softly, sitting Nyx back in the high chair and buckling him in. “Any idea what you want?”
He was flipping through the menu, and honestly, every damn thing he saw looked delicious. He smiled up at her. “Surprise us. I can’t choose.”
Smirking, she took his menu and said, “Chicken livers and brussel sprouts, coming right up.”
He rolled his eyes as she walked away, but she entered their order into the system and returned to the table, sitting down in the empty booth seat across from him.
“He have a good morning?” She asked, holding Nyx’s outstretched hand and letting him grip her thumb. He shook her hand as hard as he could and grinned up at her, babbling excitedly.
“Aside from the blow out he had this morning, I’d say so. Which he found very amusing that I had to clean up” Cassian chuckled, rolling his eyes. “This is the only kid who laughs while he’s covered in shit, I swear.”
Nesta shook her head, laughing softly.
Cassian took the chance to look around. “This place is great, Nes. The only thing it’s missing is a bar.”
Nesta looked around with him and nodded. “I’ve thought about it quite a bit. Don’t wanna mess with licensing. I’ve already got too much on my plate around here.”
Cassian cocked his head to the side. “You just gotta get someone to run the bar, that’s all. You don’t have to do everything on your own, you know.”
Nesta looked back to Cassian. “Someone like you?”
“Handsome, smart, with a high knowledge of what it takes to run a bar?” He asked. “Yeah, someone like me.”
She narrowed her eyes and nudged his shin with the toe of her shoe. “Don’t get too cocky. If you decide to leave your bar and want a new project… Sure, I’ll add a bar.”
Cassian blinked. “I can’t tell if you’re messing with me or not.”
Nesta shook her head. “I’m always serious.”
“At one time, I thought that was true,” Cassian muttered.
His shin got another nudge.
“I’m serious,” she repeated, with a quiet laugh. “Shockingly enough, you’d be one of the few people I trust to let into my management.”
He stayed quiet for a minute, long enough that she glanced at him from where she’d been looking at Nyx. He was chewing on his bottom lip and she had to physically restrain herself from reaching over and working it out from between his teeth. Feeling her attention on him, he looked at her, and said, “We’ll talk about it more at home, yeah?”
Nodding, Nesta replied, “Of course. But don’t just do it because I said something, I don’t want-.”
“I’ve actually been thinking about opening my own place for while,” he murmured, and then quickly added, “Not that this would be my place, it’s yours, of course. But I’ve got savings. I can help with any applications and licensing and renovations that need to be done. Not to mention, it would be an investment in a growing business. That always looks good in a portfolio.”
Nesta smiled. “Like you said, we’ll talk about it at home. I’m gonna go check on your food.”
“Please do,” Cassian said, waving her away. “I’m starving.”
With a roll of her eyes, she stood up and walked toward the kitchen, shoving Cassian’s sweaty head as she walked by him.
Helion was waiting by the kitchen doors. “Flirting, how cute. It’s like watching two horny teenagers.”
“Fuck off,” Nesta muttered.
Helion only grinned and followed her into the kitchen. “Admit it. You’ve got the hots for hot uncle.”
“I can fire you, you know,” Nesta said.
“You wouldn’t,” he said, right on her heels. “You’d be bored to death here without me.”
She didn’t need to bother telling him he was right. On either front.
Nesta was beat by the time she got off. It was an effort of will to make it home before she fell asleep, but as she parked her car in the driveway, she nearly sighed in relief. Cassian had said he’d handle dinner, so she knew that a glass of wine—and hopefully, an uninterrupted bath—was in her future.
She hadn’t expected to find Cassian on his hands and knees as soon as she came in the door.
He looked up at her, eyes wide and said, “Uh, hey. You’re home.”
“I am,” she replied, chuckling. “What are you doing?”
He hesitated before saying, “Playing hide and seek with Nyx.”
Nesta blinked. “Hide and-? Cassian, he’s one.”
“I left him on the floor with his toys and I went into the kitchen for thirty seconds to check on dinner,” he said, standing up.
She waited for him to go on, not understanding. And then her eyes widened. “You lost him?”
“He’s not lost,” he said, holding his hands up. “We’re playing hide and seek.”
“He’s one, Nesta, he couldn’t have gone far-.”
“He walks now!” She cried, tossing her purse on the bench by the door and hurrying into the living room.
A giggle sounded from the other room, and they both sped around the corner where Nyx had made himself perfectly happy.
In the laundry room, Nyx sat in a pile of Nesta’s laundry, waving her underwear in the air.
As Nesta let out a relieved breath, Cassian chuckled. “Atta boy.”
Nesta whacked Cassian on the shoulder before picking Nyx up and freeing her panties from his grasp.
He immediately started crying.
“Way to take his toy away,” Cassian muttered.
Nesta shot him a look.
Cassian shrugged. “I would’ve cried, too.”
Nesta tried her best not to laugh, but failed. “You’re ridiculous.”
Cassian opened his mouth to reply, but the smoke alarm near the kitchen began to blare.
Nyx’s cries got louder and Nesta stopped Cassian, giving Nyx to him and hurried into the kitchen, pulling a pan of burnt French fries out of the oven and opened the back door and the door leading to the garage. She got a kitchen towel and was waving the smoky air away from the smoke alarm, and after a minute or two, the incessant blaring ceased.
Leaning back against the counter, she took a deep breath and looked at the doorway, finding Cassian standing there, Nyx still in his arms, though the tears had stopped. He was cringing, expecting her to start yelling any moment—.
But Nesta took one look at the charred French fries and started laughing. Deep, belly laughs that made her stomach hurt so badly she doubled over.
Cassian turned to the living room, getting Nyx set up in his playpen, and walked back into the kitchen, where Nesta was still laughing with her hands on her knees, trying to get air down.
“You find something funny, Archeron?” He asked, pausing in front of her. Even he was unable to stop the small smile on his face.
“French fries?” she asked, unable to catch her breath. “You— You burnt frozen french fries? How long have they been in there? Two hours?”
Cassian looked behind him at the clock on the stove and rubbed the back of his neck. “I like them crispy.”
“Oh, they’re crispy,” Nesta promised, straightening her back, small bouts of laughter still finding their way out. “They’re really damn crispy.”
“Shut up,” he muttered, shaking his head. He pulled a series of paper towels off the stovetop and revealed a tray of chicken nuggets and a pot of cooked broccoli. “At least I didn’t burn everything.”
“Chicken nuggets and broccoli?” she asked, her grin still wide. “Kids barely old enough to eat solids and we’re already having kid dinners?”
“Kid dinners?” Cassian repeated. “You’re lying your ass off if you’re telling me that you don’t enjoy a big ass plate of chicken nuggets.”
Nesta laughed, shaking her head. “They’re dinosaur shaped!”
“The dino ones taste better!” Cassian protested.
“We’ll see about that,” Nesta said, and just as she looked up at Cassian, she realized how close he’d stopped from her.
He couldn’t have been more than a foot away, but he felt much closer.
Nesta’s laughter died down, although that light feeling in the pit of her stomach remained.
One of his hands was braced on the counter she leaned on, and though he wasn’t caging her in, she couldn’t help but stare up at him.
“At least it’s not breakfast again,” she murmured, noting the way he was staring at her, too.
“You’ve never complained about my breakfast,” he said, swallowing roughly.
She tracked the way his Adam’s Apple bobbed. “Well, you’ve never burnt it, so.”
The corner of his mouth twitched and she knew he was trying his hardest not to smile. He opened his mouth to reply, but Nyx started talking from the other room, babbling and nonsense and baby language reaching them.
Cassian seemed to realize how close he stood to her and backed up a step, clearing his throat. “If you want to grab him, I’ll put some fresh fries in the oven.”
Nodding, Nesta said, “Yeah, of course.”
“I’m making them crispy, though,” he said, as she left.
Nesta snorted as she shook her head and lifted Nyx out of his pack n play. “Your uncle is nuts. Yes, he is.”
Nyx’s grin melted Nesta’s heart.
Forty minutes later, once the french fries were sufficiently crispy, the three of them were sitting at the table, eating dinner. Nesta didn’t mind it, not one bit, the fact that they sat there every night and ate together.
It was almost as if they were a family.
An odd, dysfunctional, interestingly beautiful family.
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emcon-imagines · 3 years
a real charmer
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gif characters: Wanda Maximoff x reader  words: 1624 summary: you’ve tried your best to hide your feelings for Wanda, but when you’re assigned together on a mission, the butterflies become hard to ignore... and you’re pretty sure she knows it a/n: I couldn’t resist writing some fluff for Valentine’s Day adfhjdfhajkf I hope you all had a good one I love you all very much and also happy one year of this blog!
You hardly knew the day of the week, much less the date, each day of the mission blending into the next as you tried your best to adjust to the strange hours needed for surveillance, the late nights and the early morning wake up calls. 
“It’s busy out,” you remarked to Wanda as you walked back to the hotel room that night, each of you clutching a bag of take-out in your hands and trekking through the thin layer of snow on the sidewalk. Your exposed hands were growing numb out in the cold, even as you tried to tuck them into the sleeves of your coat and continue holding onto your food. I should have worn gloves like she said. “Where did all these people come from?”
“Probably because of the holiday,” Wanda said, glancing at one of the restaurants as a peal of laughter escaped from inside, a couple opening up the front door.
“Holiday?” It took you a moment, and you felt the heat rising into your cheeks as Wanda laughed, watching you think.
“Valentine’s Day?” she finally reminded you.
“Oh, right,” you said, shrugging and trying to conceal your embarrassment, somehow just talking about the day itself made you freeze up in a way you didn’t around the others. “Somehow I thought February just started. That whole week before this mission was a blur.” Everything felt so easy around her. It’s only because we’re teammates. We work well together. 
“This is us,” Wanda said, reaching out to grab you and steer you back to the door of the Airbnb, behind it a staircase that led to the studio apartment on the third floor. You had almost walked completely past it, the place hidden between a late-night café and a pub that had only just opened.
“I wonder how Steve and Nat are doing,” you said as you placed your food down to lock the door behind you before starting up the stairs. “They’re on watch tonight.”
“I’m dying for a full night of sleep,” Wanda said, ahead of you, ducking her head into her shoulder as she yawned and unlocked the upstairs door. “I’m just glad for that tonight.”
“I’ll probably stay up and listen in on the comms anyways.” You kicked your boots off on the mat inside and tugged off your coat, too tired to even hang it up and instead tossing it over one of the chairs. “Might be something interesting.”
“Uh-huh,” Wanda said, like she didn’t quite believe you. “One hour. One hour and you’ll be asleep.”
You sat down on the floor, back up against the bed and cracked open the plastic container of fried rice, before rummaging through the bag to pull out the two crab rangoons you had gotten on the side. Not even using a plate, you bit into one, savoring the fried goodness. “Sleep is for the weak. You know, as the strongest Avenger... shit.” You looked down at your shirt, where filling from the crab rangoon had fallen. “Shit.”
“You were saying?” Wanda asked, sitting down across from you, passing you a napkin before you even asked. She looked around the small Airbnb, taking it all  as she ate, looking out the window behind you, where the city lights appeared almost frozen in the chilled air outside. “Well... Happy Valentine’s Day,” she said, and as you dabbed at your shirt with the napkin, you realized that her eyes were on you.
“Oh, yeah,” you said, laughing. “What a way to spend it.”
“Rude,” she said, completely deadpan, causing you to look and see the twinkle in her eyes. “I’m kidding.”
“I meant the fact that we’re stuck on a mission!  Not because--”
“--you’re stuck here with me?” Wanda asked, clicking her tongue as she opened her water bottle and cocked her head with an easy smile. “Has anyone told you what a charmer you are, y/n?”
“All the time,” you said, pushing down the butterflies in your stomach, the way she was looking at you making you feel pinned down to the spot, unable to move. Lightheaded, even. “Yeah, had tons of dates lined up back in New York before this mission came up.”
“Mm. Sure.”
The conversation moved on and you relaxed again, back into the normal, joking persona you used to deflect any other feelings you may be having. You discussed the mission, movies that you loved, the tiny dog you saw on your way back to the apartment, Tony’s faux pas in the meeting the other week, the two of you laughing as you recalled Steve’s expressions and Tony’s attempted recovery.
You leaned your head against the bed, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye as you tried to stop laughing and throw away the trash from your dinner, collecting Wanda’s as well and washing out the containers at the sink. “If they ever crack time travel, that’s the first place I’m going,” you said. “February 6th, 2016. Noon. The Avengers Compound. The conference room. Just to see that play out one more time.”
Wanda sat down on the bed, and even though you had shared a bed before (as teammates, we’re teammates) something felt different as she turned on the television and flipped through the channels while you finished washing up. You paused in the kitchen alcove, away in the dark, biting your lip as you stared down at the floor. It’s all in your head. Just act normal. You’re friends. Teammates. Nothing’s changed.
With an quiet sigh, you returned to the main area and changed into more comfortable clothes before opening up your laptop on the desk and tuning into Natasha and Steve’s comms. Avoidance. That’s what you did, that’s what you always did. You looked out the window as Wanda got changed for bed, the comms silent and the TV chattering quietly in the background, the lights going out one by one until the room was only illuminated by the television and your screen. You rubbed your tired eyes with your thumb and index finger and looked back at the bed to see Wanda watching you.
“Hi,” you said, though it came out more like a question.
“Hey,” she said, and the butterflies started again as time seemed to stop entirely. She lifted up the corner of the comforter, inviting you in. “I know you’re tired. I’m sure Steve and Natasha can handle whatever comes up just fine.” You looked back at the laptop, and just as you did so, it close with a click, red energy dissipating around you. Wanda laughed, and you glanced over at her shyly, more shy than you had even been in your life.
“I’ll rest, but I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep,” you mumbled, staring at the floor as you walked over to her and climbed in. “Why do I feel like this is a trap?”
“Probably because it is,” she replied, wrapping her arm around you and turning you to face her, Wanda’s hair tickling the side of your face as your breath hitched in your throat.
“Oh. Hi,” you said again, laughing, not sure what else to say, your brain completely shutting down. “Did you... did you read my mind earlier?” you murmured, lifting your head up.
“With you, I don’t have to,” Wanda said. “You’re not exactly subtle.” She smiled a little. “Even though I know you try very hard to be.”  Her green eyes were wide, as if she had just asked a question and was waiting for an answer.
It only took you a second to answer, you closing the gap between the two of you as you kissed her, feeling her widening smile against your lips as she kissed you back, placing her hand on the side of your face, your cheek warm and tingly just from her touch.
Her kisses were slow, tender, as if you two had all the time in the world, tucked away on that snowy February night. When the two of you separated, both of you started giggling again, her laying back on her pillow and pulling you down with her, hand just below your ribcage and you curled up next to her. Her thumb rubbed gently near your lowest rib, back and forth, back and forth.
“I’m... not to change the subject like this,” she said, “but what the hell is that?” she said gesturing at the television, where some extreme lifestyle show was playing out, sending you two into another fit of laughter, the absurd late night program only adding to the strangeness of it all. 
“You put it on!” you exclaimed, your head tucked just below her chin, her laughter coming from her chest and resonating in your head.
“Honestly? I wasn’t really paying attention.”
“Well, don’t turn it off,” you said, yawning and shutting your eyes. “This is... absolutely riveting.”
“Thought you said you weren’t going to sleep,” Wanda teased, her hand combing through your hair as she placed another kiss to your forehead, causing your cheeks to flush again. 
“Well, you trapped me, so I guess I have no choice,” you joked drowsily. “Guess I’ll have to sleep.” You opened your eyes, tilting your head to look up at her. “Um... Happy Valentine’s Day.” There was so much more you wanted to tell her, but for now it was all you could muster. “I’m glad I’m spending it with you.”
“Me too.”
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twistedmusings · 3 years
A Midnight Prank
[Set during Chapter 5] 
Ace figured that if you were sleeping so peacefully in your bed while he had to spend a good portion of the night on the floor, why shouldn’t he try to get his revenge? A small midnight prank would be a good way to teach you about leaving him laying on the floor like that~ 
Warnings: Lime. Very mild somnopholia and food play with Ace slowly starting to realize that he might have taken a prank a bit too far. 
A/N: What better way to start this writing blog than to reveal myself as an Ace stan. I barely blinked when I first started with this game but the moment he popped up in Ghost Marriage I guess my eyes just suddenly saw the light because this boy has such yan possibilities as well as being a tease about everything. So enjoy this self indulgent drabble, I’ll see if I write more like these ò uó. 
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“Oh Great Sevens…my back.”
Ace stands up and stretches, looking down at his best friend’s and Grim’s position on the floor. Of all the things Vil could do, poisoning the food? 
Well not really poisoning but cursing the food? Who the hell cursed food? Especially Trey’s baked goods?! It was a late-night snack, a team bonding exercise! To him, Ramshackle was the place he could get away with being himself without having to follow Riddle’s sometimes ridiculous rules! Yet he had just spent the good half of the night laying on the cold, hardwood floor with Deuce and Grim like some punished first year despite the fact that he was best friends with the prefect of this dorm! 
And speaking of you. 
He glares at the stairs, remembering the helpless look you had sent him as you went upstairs with Vil following short after. You, better than anybody, knew how the floors of Ramshackle were! If you had been laying on the floor paralyzed, Ace would have brought you at least a pillow!
A grin spreads on his face as his brain plans out a pretty simple prank. He goes over to the chocolate cake he had taken a bite out of and scoops up some of the whipped cream frosting the cake was lavishly decorated with , grinning as he grabs  a napkin and makes his way upstairs.
“This is for betraying the First Year Loyalty Pact, [Y/N]. Get ready to get yelled at, dear manager~”
His steps are quiet on the stairs, knowing where each and every creak would be in the old, wooden stairs. It had been a while since he had pulled a prank on you, the both of you teaming up to pull pranks on others and quickly running away as soon as the plan was executed. A part of him always thought that you, the favourite of Riddle whenever you came over to Heartslabyul, would not be as on board with his pranks but seeing you come up with your own little plans as both of you hid away from your rose garden duties was unexpected and highly welcomed.
Your excited tone, the way you moved your hands. It would get Ace riled up and ready to execute absolutely anything under your orders. 
Cater had described him as being 'whipped' but Ace didn't even know what that meant so jokes on the upperclassmen, he supposed. 
He snickers as he gets to your door, praising the Queen of Hearts that it was only ajar instead of fully closed. Ace had gone over a few scenarios in his head, maybe covering your entire face with the frosting or putting the frosting on your hand while tickling your nose so that you would slap yourself. Nothing too big since he still wanted to keep his friend status with you. 
Yet his best idea had popped up once he reached the side of your bed, looking down at you sleeping so peacefully. 
"Not for long~" 
If he took a peek at the clock he could see that it was three in the morning. He guessed that Vil's curse lasted around four hours. Practice started at eight so they would usually be awake around six thirty to eat a meager breakfast and start walking to Pomefiore-- 
Which meant that if you happened to take a bite out of this delicious frosting that he held in his finger, you would wake up unable to move and miss the entirety of breakfast altogether. He would also add the extra bonus of closing your door so you would have to scream for someone to come get you. 
"Essentially two birds with one stone, right [Y/N]?" he sits down at the edge and leans over you, "Your screaming will piss Vil off so much, probably throw him off his whole morning routine. Heh, even in this scenario you are my partner in crime…" 
Ace moves to trace the chocolate on your lips, a smile on his face as he wonders just what words you would be yelling out first thing in the morning. After this maybe he should go set up his camera to record Vil lecturing you while you were stuck in your bed. 
His fingers weren't moving. Why weren't his fingers moving? 
"Haha...ha. O-Okay, I got this. [Y/N] say 'ahh'." 
A warm hand cupped your face as he used the one not holding the sweet confectionary, pressing his thumb against your lips and swallowing down the rather huge lump in his throat as it slowly made its way past them. Ace pressed down lightly, your mouth parting slowly as his nail scraped against the top of your teeth which allowed him to press down and watch as your mouth parted open for him. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
He was sweating, why was he sweating? A normal prank would have him smiling as adrenaline rushed through his body but this wasn't the kind of rush he was expecting. 
Ace was nervous. 
Thumb pressing against your tongue, he stopped his exploring there and not daring to go another step. He remembers back in his dating days during middle school, his girlfriend always insisted on doing the 'cutesy' thing and feeding each other. Strawberries, cotton candy, anything that was just cheesy and picture perfect enough to make him sigh in annoyance. Back then it had all just been a bother. 
But with you, why was it making him feel so--
Ace pulls his finger away, your lips still parted slightly as he grabbed his hand as if it was burned. 
Come on Trappola! What the hell is wrong with you!
You! You with your soft lips, warm tongue and inviting face that looked so so peaceful while sleeping. As if nothing would wake you! Just leaving the door open so anyone would come in and take advantage of the opportunity right before them. 
The infamous prefect of Ramshackle...looking so defenseless. 
Ace leans over you once again, the finger covered in chocolate this time making its way past your lips with no shame as his eyes seem to glaze over with unprecedented confidence. This was all for the sake of a good prank. Hell, he should one up it and sleep next to you tonight. You would wake up to Ace looking over you, unable to move as he teases you for not noticing his presence sooner. 
"You should really lock your door at night." he shivers when he feels your tongue lapping at his finger, "Otherwise next time I'll have to pull an even naughtier prank." 
He presses down on the slimy muscle, eyes widening when he starts getting a reaction. His finger moves up and down, tracing your tongue as your body starts to slowly respond to the attention of something sweet teasing your tastebuds. 
The chocolate was all gone when Ace pulled his finger back, licking his lips as he saw a faint trail of drool connecting his finger to your lips. You should have the taste floating in your mouth as your body slowly took in the curse. 
Ace barely notices himself panting until he takes a deep breath, fingers toying with the sheets covering your body as he leaned in ever closer. Maybe he should check? After all he wanted to prank you so good that you wouldn't forget about it. The thought making you squirm and open your mouth, begging him to put something inside-- 
Blood nearly rushes all the way back up to Ace's head as he hears Grimm's voice, the little creature looking at him tiredly as it floated towards him. 
"G--Grimm?! What--!" 
"My tail and ears hurt! I can't believe [Y/N] just left us there. When they wake up I'm going to--" 
Grimm yawns as he makes his way over to you, gently laying on your chest as the Heartslabyul student quickly stands up and makes his way through the door. He doesn't waste any words on saying good night as he steps out into the hall, gently shutting the door behind him and sliding down to the floor. 
What the hell did I just do? 
He looks at the finger that had done the act, staring at it as if it had a mind of its own. Your mouth had been so warm and now his entire body felt cold. Anf you weren't even aware that you had just left him feeling like this! 
Ace sighs as he runs a finger through his hair, standing up and making his way downstairs to check if Deuce has woken up. 
Not necessarily noticing how he bit at the top of the finger that had become so intimate with you. 
"Kalim? It's four in the morning why the hell are you awake?" 
Ace blinks as he supports a sleeping Deuce, the other still snoring away as Kalim smiles and places a finger to his lips. 
"I'm going to see if I can sneak in a cuddle with [Y/N]. Grimm mentioned how warm they were yesterday and I've been curious ever since!"  
"Oh, cool. Have fun then." 
The Heartslabyul student keeps walking as the Scarabia dorm leader opens the door to your room, whispering a goodnight. It was only when he heard the click of your door did he nearly drop his fellow student. 
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
Dimitri's Supports
I have waited FOREVER for this. Let's go. And I decided to put my patience to the test, saving Dedue for last.
Since it's Dimitri and I love him, and like Dedue who I also love, he's the only one unlocking all his A-Supports, I'm going to blog all my reactions to them like I did with Dedue. Part of me wishes I thought of this for the other characters, but honestly it would've taken forever lol. Plus Dimitri and Dedue get special treatment because I said so.
Starting off with something light hearted, I hope. I do wonder if I'm going to regret not saving this one for the inevitably heavy-handed stuff coming later.
I'm seriously betting this is a support you're supposed to get in part 1 lol. Dimitri sounds young (or maybe I'm just haven't heard non-growl part 2 Dimitri enough yet?)
Dimitri's training made Raphael think he was dying lol. Dimitri's strength is really meme tier.
I need fanart of Dimitri and Chrom co-miserating their mishandled strength breaking something. And Lucina.
Lamo, Raphael has never felt a cramp before. Lucky bastard.
Raphael is a sweetie, going to apologize to his muscles. I really wish they gave him something else to talk about other than muscles and food. Not everyone needs Dimitri tier development, but I think I'd like Raphael a lot more if he just got a smidge more depth.
Got to say, it's a bit jarring to go from "moments away from a suicide charge in the rain" to "lol, Raphael, it's muscle pain." As glad as I am that I got this support, I do think some should've been locked to part 1.
And this isn't just for Dimitri's development. I also saw Marianne and Raphael's B before this support and she reverted back to her part 1 self too.
Maybe it's just me, but he does sound a bit older.
OMG - Dimitri's back. 😭😭😭
Sorry, it didn't really hit in that first one since that seemed like a part 1 support.
Oh, cool! I was wondering if anyone would bring up Catherine returning to Faerghus. My bets is she's too loyal to Rhea. (I guessed right)
Catherine be simpin. That's ok, I get it.
So it's not because Catherine dislikes Dimitri, or that she's absolutely needed to rule House Charon, so I think Dimitri just likes her. She's cool though. I get it.
Lamo, she told him he'd better get his sleep like he's a kid.
Curious how the A+ support will play out.
Team Mom's support!
Oh, no, this one's taking a serious turn isn't it? But their initial supports were so light and cute.
Mercedes just told Dimitri that he's kind to a fault. Somehow I know he's going to deny that.
Annnnnd I'm right 😭😭😭He's still calling himself a killer and disgusting monster 😭😭😭
OK - so THIS seems perfectly in tone with his recent character development. But it's so sad hearing him still talk about himself that way.
Mercedes is such a therapist. I can't. She's too pure. But savage. I saw that Lorenz support.
"I am scared . . . so scared that I will forget their faces." 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Dimitri why????
Mercedes telling Dimitri to live in the present. Her supports are always so good. I legit think she's easily a top 10 favorite in this game.
Wow, Dimitri saying if someone told him that 5 years ago, he'd be different. DID NO ONE EVER GIVE HIM ANY HELP AT ALL???
I love how she's talking to him as a classmate, and equal, and not talking up to him. He's always wanted that.
Dimitri's never given his own dreams any thought 😭😭😭He really was just 100% living for other people most of the time. 😭😭😭
Awww MERCEDES, I can't. She says she just wants to keep being his friend. This is so damn sweet. And heavy. But still sweet.
It just hits super hard knowing how badly Dimitri just wanted friends in part 1. And looking back, Mercedes and Sylvain were really the only two who were pretty casual with him.
Aww, yeah, Mercedes not putting up with the bullshit, Dimitri. Telling him to quit the self-deprecation! God, I love her.
Oh, God, they both said the old FE code for "we're married" i.e. I want to "stay by your side."
Ok, @garlandgerard, I totally get why you ship this. Mercedes loves to nurture people, and Dimitri's emotionally needy, so they match pretty well. She also didn't put up with the constant self-put-downs, but stayed gentle about it. And they talked like equals too, like friends, which is what Dimitri always wanted. It's all very sweet.
Yeah, see, this one starts off with "your highness," but Mercedes it was just Dimitri. No hate for Annette. She's my girl.
These two always give me sibling vibes.
Haha, Annette "I thought I already knew you, but I'm not sure I really do." Hmmmm wonder what Dimitri did that made her think that maybe there's parts of him she didn't know. No. idea.
Hey, Annette, no one blames you for not knowing what to say to Dimitri when they reunited lol.
Annette too pure too, wanting to cheer Dimitri up with his favorite food.
Her not knowing what he likes to eat is 100% that moment when you realize you don't know someone's favorite color.
HOW can Dimitri have no strong feelings about food. I'm having pizza right now. Let me tell you, I have strong feelings about some food.
I love how easily Dimitri deflected from talking about himself lol.
Awwww, Annette wants to live with her family again. I'll make that happen, Annette. Don't worry.
Haha, they're conspiring together behind Gilbert's back.
They still have an A+ support, which is weird, because that seemed pretty well ended? Like I see why Catherine's needed more, but not this one. Still, not going to say no. I like their dynamic.
OCF they're training. God I love all the Faerghus childhood group though.
Oh, fuck, here comes Glenn again. My heart's not ready for this with Rodrigue dead. Poor Felix.
Ingrid being Dimitri's knight 😊😊😊 as it should be.
Haha, Dimitri asks her for an interpretation. Just make her your knight.
Glad he hasn't started saying "I'm not worthy!" Because right now it's about Ingrid's feelings.
Wow, there, Ingrid. "However you please, Your Highness." That . . . that sounds like an invitation. To "staying by your side."
Dimitri laughed. 😊😊😊
Oh, God, this is so cute. His pause asking her to support and defend him as his knight. 😊😊😊 OMG. I'm not sure that's all she had in mind though, good Sir, have you LOOKED in the mirror?
Seriously though, Ingrid's just surrounded by studs, isn't she?
Oh, God, I'm right. She didn't just mean knight. But Dimitri's too dense in that area to notice. She crushing hard. Girl, I get you.
She blushing, saying "for the Kingdom," naw, she just like him. Me too, Ingrid. Me too.
Dimitri always makes people promise not to die on him. It's so sad considering . . .
With Flayn it's always a toss up. Sometimes things are super light hearted, and other times it's way heavy.
On a random note, does no one wonder why Flayn hasn't aged a day in 5 years?
Flayn having nightmares. Not allowed. I bet it's fucking Jeritza's fault. I'm glad you get to rip him a new one so many times in this game.
Why is Flayn apologizing?? She's never done a thing wrong in her life.
Right, Flayn's other support with Dimitri was pretty heavy. And it started so funny with him stomaching her food.
Oh, good grief, what's he apologizing for? Ok - so Dimitri did do some things wrong. But not to Flayn.
He lied. Let me guess. Her food actually sucks.
Aw, got it. He went right to the meal. Is he really going to come out and say, well it actually sucked 😂
WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE MEALS???? AND THE TEA an embarrassing amount of tea.
Wait. He can't taste ANYTHING??? Like. How? Did he hide that????
Ok - I need to look at his team and dining dialogue.
OMG. He really never says a word about how anything tastes? He always just talks about smells????
OMG. How did I NOT NOTICE. I've taken Dimitri to dinner a million times. And tea timed him too many times to admit too.
OMG that support with Annette hits different now 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
OMG and Dedue's support with Flayn hits different now. Since he wanted to badly to find food Dimitri loves 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Does Dedue know? Is that why he's so dedicated to cooking??
Can I headcannon that?
OMG, I feel so awful about that jab about pizza. Dimitri CAN'T TASTE pizza or anything 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Please someone tell me there isn't any more "this awful thing also happened to Dimitri and he's failed to tell you" like learning he almost fucking died at Duscur. And now this. Dimitri needs to learn how to fucking complain.
The writers are so fucking mean to Dimitri. OMG. OMG, how am I supposed to take him to dinner and tea now, knowing this?
Why does everything hit so differently now? And so many Blue Lions supports are about food - but Dimitri can't relate
This game needs to stop bullying Dimitri.
But like, God, can you imagine? Not tasting anything? I'd starve. I'd actually starve. I never really get hungry. I really would starve.
On the flip side, he's good for Flayn then, since someone can eat her cooking I guess.
"I was just saying what I thought you would want to hear . . ." Dimitri - a summary.
Naw, that's a kind lie. That kind of lie doesn't really hurt anyone.
Oh - dear God. Flayn. Stop. No sampling pungent food.
Oh, she blushing. Dimitri got her blushing
Please tell me in their paired ending Dimitri gets his taste back.
Oh, there's an A+, does he taste something. Please tell me he tastes something.
This support though. It wasn't really one on my radar but
Oh, man, this one right after Flayn's. God, I'm going to need the Alois one after this. Gilbert and Dimitri are two of the most somber characters in the franchise.
And I haven't forgotten that heartbreaking B support.
Haha Lambert sucked at lying too. Dimitri too pure. Weirdly, despite everything, it's still pretty true.
Oh, shit, oh shit, we're back to Dimitri's demand that Gilbert kill him. I'm betting you usually get that in part 2.
God, imagine seeing Dimitri recover only to see him beg for death again 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I need alcohol.
I need the Alois support.
OMG, shit, Dimitri. No. Don't. Stop.
Like, I know Gilbert won't really kill him, but damn. This support is heavy.
No, Dimitri, no Gilbert is not cruel for not killing you. God.
Oh, not sure about this. I get what Gilbert's going at here, but telling Dimitri that he's not allowed to die because he's got a duty is . . . I think Rodrigue's and Mercedes' live for what you want/the present is a LOT healthier.
At the same time, this is a pretty effective way to make sure Dimitri won't go and try this again, because he really takes duty seriously.
Dimitri doesn't wish to die? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh, thank God.
"Many times I have felt that I cannot afford to die . . . But this was the first time I truly feared the prospect." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Is it really right for me to live?" Oh, dear God. I'm so soft for Dimitri. I can't.
Gilbert answered that one right. 100%.
Damn, these supports.
OK. I need this one. I really need this one.
I really hope Alois' inspiration is bad puns. I need bad puns right now.
Pretty sure this is a part 1 support though. I love how Alois, not Dimitri, is leading this. And that the person the Kingdom NEEDS is running around and getting attacked by monsters lol
Ok, bad puns. Bring them.
There we go. Thank you, thank you, Alois.
OMG no one's laughing 😂😂😂
Dimitri's laughing 😭😭😭😭😭😭
That's it. This is always getting saved for part 2. I need to hear part 2 Dimitri laugh.
I'm also so glad someone finds Alois funny. Dimitri and Petra need to start a club.
OMG I love the two other confused soldiers. I needed this 😂😂😂
These two were so sweet in their C and B supports.
I swear I'm going to end up shipping Dimitri with everyone. Except maybe Annette, no hate, they just seem so much like brother and sister to me.
And Felix x Annette 100%
Survivor's Guilt - the pairing. Both wondering why they survived 😭😭😭
"There are so many others who are much more deserving of life . . ." - who said it? Marianne or Dimitri?
These two just understand how each other feels so well. It hits so different compared to Marianne's other romantic possible supports where they just try to make her smile.
Instead these two take comfort in finding someone who understands how they feel so well and feel relieved they can share that with someone.
Haha - "I must go on living. I cannot give in to death so readily." This coming right after his support with Gilbert. Good job, Gilbert.
They've both had it so rough 😭😭😭😭😭😭
"There is no need to force yourself to smile as your soul bleeds." Dimitri always gives such good advice that he never follows.
Aww, now at least it's getting cute instead of just heavy. Marianne laughed too 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Yesss, Girl, preach. I got a little sick of her other supports all being "cheer up!" Like I know it's all in good faith, but I'm so glad this chain exists. It just hits different.
Dimitri doesn't think he's strong enough to live his life. 😭😭😭 this game. I swear.
ohhhh - ohhh, Dimitri blushing now. And all she needed to say was they've been brought closer together. Congrats Marianne!
OHHHH tables have been turned. Now someone's making Dimitri promise he needs to live!
"I don't know what I'd do with myself if we lost you . . ."
"I promise to the goddess of Fodlan that I will never give you cause for despair."
OMG these two are being so sweet, I can't. 😭😭😭😊😊😊
Oh, boy, here we go. This should be . . . interesting.
Oh, we're starting off good I see. Felix telling Dimitri he needs to answer quickly or get cut in half 😔Felix. No.
Dimitri sounds so somber 😭
Dimitri admitting both are him - the vengeful "boar" and the friendly good person. And this is why I love him.
Dimitri feels the need to shoulder all the regret the dead feel, please don't. They wouldn't want that 😭😭😭😭😭
"The dead won't acknowledge your loyalty, they don't care." - Felix not wrong there.
I partly agree with the idea Dimitri is "serving his own ego" by claiming he's acting for the dead. I think it's a bit more complicated than that, but I think that's part of it.
Felix saying some good stuff here about the dead being dead and the living being living.
"If you keep stringing gravestones around your neck, you'll snap." - Felix, I don't know if you noticed but . . . uh . . . he sort of did.
Felix telling Dimitri to become a grave keeper is a bit funny. Not going to lie.
"I'm not immune to emotion you know." - just tsunderes things
Aw, Felix is upset his father died 😭😭 after all that shit-talking about Rodrigue 😭😭
Wish Felix didn't cut Dimitri off when he said "more than anyone you-" (care about other people, unless he joins CF and just kills everyone)
Oh, God, Felix is such a tsundere. "I couldn't stand the pathetic look on your face. That's all." Sure, Felix.
Kinda wish these two had an A+ though. Seems like there's more to do than the A+ with Annette and Flayn.
Really curious to see what their paired ending is like after that. Seems they're still learning to learn about each other. Well, Felix is. Dimitri didn't seem too upset lol.
Ok guys. Here we go. I can't believe I managed to wait for this for last. Everyone hyped this one, so let's hope.
Really? We open with Dimitri having scars on his back? 😭
From 9 years ago? So scars from Duscur then?
Images of shirtless Dimitri now. though Not bad images.
He got scars protecting Dedue?
"It makes me think that is was worthwhile that someone like me survived." 😭😭😭 he's talking about protecting Dedue? 😭😭😭
"But I saved someone - saved you. That and that alone has been my crutch." 😭😭😭😭😭
I always knew these two were co-dependent.
Dimitri really out here saying that saving Dedue helped him "justify" surviving. 😭😭😭😊😊😊
OMG, poor Dedue. And Dimitri 😭😭😭did he literally "take a bullet" to save Dedue 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 and still has scars? No wonder Dedue's so loyal. Some kid he didn't know did that. That's one hell of an introduction.
And picturing little Dedue just resigned and angry and waiting to die and just 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh, Dedue, you've repaid that debt ten-fold I'm sure.
Ahaha, Dimitri's doing the "you'd better accept your worth!" discussion this time lol.
Dear God these two. Now Dimitri's bringing up that Dedue busted him out of the jail.
I swear, these two have more of a plot off screen than some routes do on screen.
And now picturing Dimitri resigned and just ready to die. And then Dedue busts in. 😭😭😭
"That was nothing more than my duty as your vassal." Stop that Dedue. Dimitri doesn't want you to be his vassal. He wants more.
Holy shit.
"You are irreplaceable. Cherished." 😭😭😭😊😊😊😭😭😭😊😊😊😭😭😭😊😊😊😭😭😭😊😊😊
Not to be that person - but I tell all my "friends" that.
Yes, Dedue, stop saying insisting you're just a "vassal" - that's a worse joke than Alois' puns from earlier.
"Please . . . do not look at me that way." What way, like you're about to make Dimitri cry, or like . . .
"You promised me you would build a Kingdom that is proud to boast of Duscur blood." - shit, man, these two. I just . . .
OMG so much emotion from Dedue. The only time I ever heard that before was in VW when he learned Dimitri died. But let's not remember that right now 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh shit. He called him "Dimitri." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
And it made him blush.
Guys, these two.
Aww, Dimitri looks so surprised. 😊😊😊😊😊😊
Oh, these two are so soft for each other. I can't. I just can't.
"To be your friend . . . is what I have always wanted." You're going to get it.
Man, I feel almost guilty S-Supporting Dimitri. He needs to pair up with Dedue pronto.
Dimitri sounds chocked up. OMG.
"So please call upon me when you walk alone at night." Ok. Dedue. Ok. Yes. Guys. This is all very straight.
I'm not saying it's - you know - cannon, but there's some big feels here.
Oh, Dimitri, stop it. You like Dedue's overprotectiveness. Don't lie.
Man, you guys were so right. Dimitri really just came out and said Dedue was "cherished" and "irreplaceable." Like, I'm not making this stuff up. And Dedue blushing hardcore just saying Dimitri's name.
They're both just so soft. I can't. I literally cannot. This support was gold. It was worth all they hype.
And learning more about how they meant. Dimitri really taking a bullet for Dedue there. I just . . .
I just want all the happiness for both of them. They're really something special towards each other. Like I legitimately think this is one of the most two-way loyal relationships in the whole franchise, and definitely the tightest bond in this game.
Like in past games you had Seth for Ephraim and Erikia and Soren for Ike and it's not like Ike, Ephraim and Erikia and etc don't care, but it wasn't the same level, you know? But this is such a two way street.
And I'm so weak for bodyguard with a crush. Like Seth/Eirika? Yes. Geoffrey/Elincia? 100%. Riza/Roy (Fullmetal Alchemist) there again. I'm sure there's more, but those are my top ones. Even Merlin/Arthur sort of counts even if Arthur doesn't know Merlin's his bodyguard lol.
I need to read fanfic for these two. I really don't want to spoil anything, but I'm dying. They're both just so sweet, and I just really love their dynamic. I really want to do a write up on it once I get to the end of the game.
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