#oh well i am trying to improve on that! doing my best to go back and work more on that tsp fic!
technovillain · 2 years
just went back and saw all the sweet tags on that one sasha/milla post i did and realized i have so many more headcanons and stuff in a document i need to write out... i have an excellent milla backstory thing i have got to turn into art or a fic
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seilon · 2 years
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AITA for venting to my friend about my fiancée?
I (24M) have been with my fiancée (26NB) for about 3 years now. I try to avoid venting to my friends about it when I’m having little relationship annoyances because I used to do that for a while and it ended up with them just getting a horrible image of her because when good things happen that make me happy I would be responding IRL with my fiancée or gushing about it publicly e.g. on Twitter which most of my friends don’t use, vs when bad things happened I’d go to them to vent directly so they were only seeing the shitty moments. They would just always tell me she sucked or to break up with her which just wore on me because I don’t want to do that, they know I don’t want to do that, they know I don’t think I need to. Our relationship is super affectionate, has helped me massively in improving mentally and socially and in my confidence, makes me genuinely happy, and is for the most part, with certain problems we’ve been working on aside, healthy.
It’s not a communication issue or anything, I’ll address any issues with my fiancée directly as well and we’ll resolve it between us, just sometimes I’d feel the need to vent out my upset first while calming down or talking through what to say to her before I brought it up etc.
However this changed recently. my fiancée has always been a very physical person, she’s cuddly and loves kisses and just general touching, and that also translates into her playfully hitting me a lot, which I’ll do as well. Smacking each other on the ass when we pass each other, jokingly hitting each other’s arms (gently) when we’re making fun of each other, stuff like that. Very occasionally this will bother me (the other day she pinched my face hard enough that it hurt for like 20mins afterwards) but for the most part I genuinely could not care less and I take it as all in good fun.
She has never hit me in anger before, until today. She was playing a video game and died, and I laughed while sitting next to her when I saw it, and she just turned around and hit me full force. Like, harder than she’s ever hit before, and causing genuine pain. Usually I would just brush it off because like I said she hits me in a joking way a lot, but when I kind of gave a startled “ow” she just looked at me and hissed “Don’t laugh” through her teeth and she looked genuinely pissed off, and the force behind the hit just caught me completely off guard. It was also very very sudden because we’d been talking normally and light-heartedly, had even been cuddling a few minutes before, and although she was pretty clearly exasperated at the game (sighing, saying “oh my god” when the fight was going downhill) I didn’t think it was serious anger, so her abruptly whipping around and hitting me like that was so sudden and whiplashy I didn’t even have time to register it.
I have PTSD (C-PTSD? don’t remember what the specific diagnosis was) from my last relationship which was abusive in pretty much every way you can think of, and one of my biggest triggers that has been relevant in this relationship as a result of it is raised voices/anger around me (not necessarily At me, just like when my fiancée is getting frustrated or stressed and she’ll start hitting her keyboard or shouting and it’ll make me start panicking), but this is the first time I’ve had to confront being triggered by a physical violence thing. I started dissociating like hell so I left the room when she was distracted by the game and ended up slipping out of the house to call one of my best friends via Discord and lowkey cry about it
I genuinely don’t really remember what I said, the gist was just that I’d been triggered by my fiancée hitting me in anger and that I needed to calm down before I went back. This may have been a dick move because this friend is a mutual friend of me and my fiancée - I knew her first and am closer to her, but she recently met my fiancée in person for the first time and they seemed to get along well, and we’re in several servers and stuff together.
After I was done I went back in and my fiancée apologised for hitting me so hard. I said thank you and we moved on
But afterwards she confronted me because my friend had sent me a message after that basically just checking in on me and my fiancée had seen the message on my laptop that she was using to game. I usually have my Discord on Do Not Disturb when she’s using my computer just so she’s not bothered by notifications beeping at her constantly so I’m not sure if it wasn’t on for some reason and it popped up on-screen or if she minimised the game and saw it somehow, but she was incredibly upset with me because she said I’d made her out to sound physically abusive. I did explain that I’d made clear to the friend she’d never seriously hit before this, but she said that didn’t matter because it was still giving off that impression and that it was unfair because her hitting me was done in a moment of frustration/anger and I shouldn’t have laughed at the game.
I apologised and we dropped it but I do notice that since then she’s been on my computer/phone more often and she’s slid into a few of my friends’ (and I mean My friends, not ones she talks to or knows and not ones I’d said anything about this to) asking if I’ve ever spoken about her and if she can give her side of the story. My friends came straight to me about it because they felt uncomfortable with what they saw as being prompted to talk about me behind my back.
Reasons I don’t think I’m TA: She hit me, and I know she vents about me to her friends too, and although it does bother me that her friends don’t like me because of it (for I assume much the same reason some of mine don’t like her for, AKA only hearing about negative stuff) I’ve always maintained she has the right to do it. I think everyone should be able to vent to friends about partners or family and vice versa in private because venting is normal and as long as it’s not dishonest or just pure shit-talking them I think it can be helpful and even healthy.
Reasons I think I might be TA: I went to a mutual friend so she also has something to lose if this friend forms a negative opinion of her, I laughed at her dying in the game even though I know she gets incredibly frustrated and competitive in games, and I’ve never had an issue with her hitting me more playfully before so she may have just misjudged how hard it was.
So AITA for telling my friend my fiancée hit me / getting so upset about it or is it just PTSD acting up and making me overdramatise something that is basically on the same level as the joke hitting?
What are these acronyms?
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wasteddmoondust · 2 months
pineapple || james potter
pairing: james potter x reader 1,219 words, teacher and james go on their first date! what could go wrong? a/n: can you tell i am horrible at titling my fics... somehow i just need it to relate to what happens. so uh. enjoy!
prev. chapter
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You feel your heart going absolutely crazy. You know it's first-date jitters, but somehow it feels worse this time. It's nothing special, really. You try to tell yourself. Just another first date. Just like other first dates (that has turned to nothing...) And now this first date is the father of one of the children you teach. Yeah, nothing special.
After several attempts to make yourself busy by looking at your phone, you hear your name. It's James and he's walking up to you.
"First name basis already?" you ask smugly.
He chuckles, "What? Sorry, I guess I'll just call you-"
"Please don't, I hate being called that outside of work."
"Got it."
The two of you walk together and he leads you to a quaint coffee shop, James swears by the coffee made here. When the orders are made you find a seat and sit down.
"It's been a while since I've been on a date," he says, hands fidgeting with the receipt.
"Same here," you admit.
He stops playing with the receipt and furrows his brows. "Really? But I'm the parent."
"And I'm the one taking care of your kid for a whole day, 20 kids, actually."
"Huh... and you don't even meet people in the industry?"
You snort. "Unfortunately no, a lot of them are older and married with kids. There's no one to date there. Trust me, even the older teachers try to make me get on dating apps. If anything, you're doing them a favour."
He grins that grin that makes your heart do a little flip. Oh god, it's happening, huh?
"I'm happy to do that."
You continue your conversation, keeping it light with small talk. Then, a waiter comes by to give you your meal and you both thank him. James' phone dings, he checks the message and he replies to it while you patiently wait for him.
He looks back up at you and keeps his phone. "Sorry, my best friend is taking care of Harry today, he was just sending an update."
"That's alright. Is he doing okay?"
"Harry?" he asks, looking a little nervous. His arms are resting crossed on the table. "Uh- yeah. He's fine. Not so sure about Sirius. He just said he's letting Harry use his tattoos as a colouring book."
You laugh. "Yeah, I can see that. He does love to colour. Have you always wanted to be a father?"
James looks stunned, but laughs it off. "Not a normal question for the first date, is it?"
"Well since you already are one," you shrug.
James thinks for a while before answering. "Yeah... I've always wanted kids... Well I'm sure you've seen from the documents I sent to the school when Harry enrolled. I'm widowed..."
You nod, you do in fact know this, you had read through those documents for every child. Understanding their family structure and dynamics can be a big help in understanding the child and improving their development in school and at home.
"She uh- had complications at birth and didn't make it." He let out a sigh and shrugged. "So now it's just me and Harry. And I wouldn't trade him for the world.
"You really love him, don't you?"
"I do."
"You know you can talk about him, right?"
James looks down and purses his lips. "It's just that... other people I've dated weren't really... keen on the fact that I have a kid. You know, another person's child and all."
You tilt your head down to try and make eye contact with him. Somehow, your hand reaches out to his. "You know that doesn't matter to me, right? I already knew you had a son, hell, I even taught him for a whole year, and I still accepted your date."
His mouth forms a small frown, but his hand grabs yours anyway. "I just didn't want to seem weird."
"You're not. Promise," you give his hand a squeeze.
"Is it too early to want to kiss you?"
You both stare at each other for a second before you burst out laughing, making him laugh too.
James starts to tell you about Harry, and visibly gets more comfortable the more he does it. He tells stories from his first words to potty fails. He shows videos and pictures. From there, the both of you fall into an easy rhythm of branching from topic to topic in your conversation. You exchange bites of your food. Before you know it, you're laughing while your meal is long done and you're both on your second cup of coffee.
For some reason, you feel an itch in your throat.
Nonchalantly, you ask, "Did your pasta have pineapple?"
"Yes, why?"
"Firstly, who the hell puts pineapple in pasta? Secondly, I think I'm having an allergic reaction."
James sits up in a panic. "Oh god- I'm so sorry-"
You cough into your first. "It's fine, it usually doesn't react as bad as it used to but I like to stay away from pineapples anyway. I'm not gonna die. Can you get me some cold water, please?"
He immediately stands up and gets you a glass from the counter. You down the glass in seconds and you feel better.
"I'm so sorry that was embarrassing-"
"You're sorry? I gave you a bite!"
"I forgot to ask, it's my fault."
He gently places a hand on your shoulder. "I'm so sorry, let me make it up to you"
"James, trust me, it's fine-"
"I'll bring you on a second date."
You furrow your brows. "You just saw me cough my lungs out from an allergic reaction and you still want to bring me out?" you can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness.
"I mean... I still find you attractive after all that so if you find me attractive after I rambled about my own child to you though you have taught him for this past year I don't see why not."
At this point, you're pretty sure your cheeks hurt from all the smiling you've been doing the entire time.
Despite your protests, James insists on driving you home. When you reach the entrance to your apartment building, he tells you to wait before rushing out of the car to open the door to the passenger's side. You giggle and take the hand he holds out to you as you step out of his car.
He tugs the hand that is holding yours to make you face him. He's so close, you're desperately hoping your cheeks don't show how flushed you are.
"So... same time next week?" you suggest.
He nods. "No pineapples this time, guaranteed."
"And you're allowed to talk about Harry."
He beams at that, looking down and letting out a sigh before looking back at you. "Is it still too early to kiss you?"
"Yes, but for now I'll give you this," you press a kiss to his cheek. You slowly walk towards your building, your arms stretching until you gently let go when you're too far away. "I'll see you next week!"
And like that, you disappear into the building. James is left standing there, still in disbelief of the entire day.
He lets out a sigh, smiling, and gets into his car. He 's so excited to tell Sirius when he gets home.
a/n: if i'm being so honest i have zero idea how most allergies work so please don't get technical with me... also!!!! thank you so much for the love on part one eek i am on a roll i'm so happy to be writing this series.
taglist: @willows-lane @celosiastarr @nsr-15
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
SR Azul Ashengrotto - Apprentice Chef Vignette
"Master Chef"
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Master Chef ― Azul Version ~Let's Make Rice Croquette 1~
Ghost Chef: Alright, today we'll have you make "rice croquettes."
Azul: Rice croquettes, hm. The ristorante my mother manages serves them, so I have tasted them before.
Azul: If I recall, the crisp shell on the outside and the soft risotto on the inside, as well as the different possible combinations of ingredients within it, make for a fantastic dish.
Ghost Chef: Your family runs a ristorante? Then you must be very knowledgeable in the kitchen. This course may be too easy for you.
Azul: Oh no, not at all. I appreciate all the guidance and encouragement you can give me.
Ghost Chef: Come now~ Don't be so modest! Alright, time to start cooking.
Ghost Chef: First, you'll make the risotto. Mince the onion and fry it in the pan.
Azul: Mince the onion, right. …Just in case, I will go over the proper procedure once. Could I ask you to confirm if what I say is correct?
Ghost Chef: Absolutely. It's good that you don't try to breeze past the basics.
Azul: After cutting the onion in half lengthwise, place the cross-section face down on the board. While leaving the root intact, make cuts at even intervals from the edge to the center.
Azul: Then, turn that onion 90 degrees and cut perpendicular to the previously made cuts… Does that sound correct?
Ghost Chef: Yep, that's perfect. Make sure to cut them in 3 to 4mm intervals so they're big enough to taste and use for forming the balls.
Azul: Understood. Now then, I hold the knife in my dominant hand, hold the onion with my other hand, and slice with the knife vertically…
[slip! roll…]
Azul: …Pardon me. It seems I didn't have a tight grip on it.
Azul: …Now then, I'll try that once more―
[slip! roll…]
Ghost Chef/Azul: …
Ghost Chef: Uhhh… Azul-kun, by any chance… Do you not have much experience in cooking?
Azul: That's correct. I am hoping to improve myself in this regard slightly through this Master Chef curriculum.
Ghost Chef: So, when you said you'd appreciate my guidance and encouragement, you really meant it!?
Azul: Indeed. Is something the matter?
Ghost Chef: You were carrying yourself with the confidence of a seasoned chef… So I completely assumed you were already skilled in the art of cooking.
Azul: I am able to discern the difference between something tasting good or bad, but cooking is outside of my wheelhouse.
Azul: And thus, I enrolled in Master Chef, as I believed that since this course is geared towards those unfamiliar with cooking, it would be a perfect way to start gaining experience.
Ghost Chef: I see… I find your approach commendable, Azul-kun. You're completely different from the owner of the restaurant I worked at back when I was alive!
Azul: The owner of the restaurant from when you were alive? …Could you perhaps elaborate a little more on them?
Ghost Chef: That owner couldn't cook anything at all, but would always find something to complain about my dishes.
Ghost Chef: Every time they tried to lecture me, I'd fume and think, "They're all talk, they don't know a thing about the amount of effort I had to put into this!"
Azul: …I think I understand. Just the other day, one of the staff members of the Mostro Lounge said something similar to me.
Ghost Chef: Is that so? Then… Is that the reason why you decided to try to gain cooking experience?
Azul: Indeed. Although, I wouldn't say I'm quite so immature as to take such an emotional outburst that seriously…
Azul: But I find it vexing to even be told such a thing, so if someone believes I lack experience, then I should work at it to mitigate that. Thus, I've come here.
Ghost Chef: Good for you, Azul-kun, listening to what your staff has to say and putting yourself in their shoes.
Ghost Chef: Hearing that situation, I'll make sure to do my best and explain everything to you from a chef's point of view.
Azul: I can't possibly imagine that there would be any similarities in the point of view between the temperamental guy from my dorm and a chef that worked at a five-star restaurant…
Azul: But this should surely be a good experience. I am fully open to your instruction.
Ghost Chef: Sure! If you ever have any questions, you're always free to ask me anything.
Azul: Thank you.
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[sizzle, sizzle…]
Ghost Chef: Looks like the onions are cooked. Time to add the rice into the frying pan.
Azul: Understood.
[rice pours into the pan]
Ghost Chef: If you stir too much, you can damage the rice. The key here is to gently cook it over low heat.
Azul: Chef, what constitutes low heat?
Ghost Chef: You'll want to set it to about where the tips of the flames aren't touching the bottom of the pan.
Azul: I see. I'll lower the heat slightly, then.
Azul: Perfect. Now I just need to stir the wooden spatula slowly so the rice doesn’t get dama… HUH!?
[cracking sounds]
Azul: In the short amount of time that I took to adjust the heat, the rice started sticking to the pan…!
Azul: If I were to try to forcibly peel it off, the rice could be damaged and there is a risk that the quality of the dish would be lowered.
Azul: However, if I were to factor in the cost of the ingredients and the time until judging, I won't be able to remake this from scratch…
Azul: Chef, is there a way to recover my progress when the rice has stuck to the frying pan?
Ghost Chef: Yep. Just add a bit of the bouillon we were going to add later, and slowly peel it with your spatula.
Azul: It came off so cleanly…! Even in the face of a mistake, you can quickly turn things around… As expected of a pro chef.
Ghost Chef: Ahaha, you must be exaggerating! Although I can't say I dislike your compliment.
Azul: Not at all, this was very eye-opening for me. Please, let us continue.
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Master Chef―Azul Version ~Let's Make Rice Croquette 2~
Ghost Chef: ―While the risotto cools, why don't you select what you want to put inside the croquettes?
Ghost Chef: Just like you said earlier, part of this dish's fun is the different combinations of texture and flavor that can be made from the chosen ingredients.
Azul: I can absolutely do that. Fufu… I should be more capable of this process.
Azul: For this dish, there will be 3 croquettes on 1 plate. …With that in mind, I would want to create some kind of theme to bring them together.
Azul: My chosen theme will be… "A Subtle Surprise."
Azul: The risotto has a simple tomato-based flavor… Therefore, with these standard ingredients, the results could go either way.
Azul: I'll have to weave everything together and consider good texture, how fulfilling it is, and that hint of surprise― All while not deviating from the recipe…
Azul: …Alright, I'LL GO WITH THESE!
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Silver: …Something smells good.
Silver: I do hope I can live up to what's expected of a Master Chef judge…
Azul: Pardon me. I have brought your dish... Oh, I see, so the person who ordered this was Silver-san.
Silver: So, you're the chef, Azul? I'm looking forward to tasting it.
Azul: I, too, look forward to your tasting it. Here are the rice croquettes that you've ordered.
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Azul: These have just finished cooking, so the insides will be hot. Please take caution when eating them.
Silver: Got it. Then… I'll try them now.
Silver: [blows on croquette]
[bite, chew, chew…]
Silver: Oh… There's cheese inside of this one. Delicious.
Silver: This one… There's shrimp. This is also delicious.
Silver: Finally, the third one… I see it has quail egg inside. Right, all three were delicious.
Azul: …Huh, are those your only thoughts?
Silver: Yes. It's was very good.
Azul: Please think a little harder. Isn't there anything else, like comments on specific ingredients you liked, or certain surprising flavors?
Silver: Specific ingredients I liked…? That would be the quail egg.
Silver: It was nice to see the meal I chose was not only filling, but filled with highly nutritional eggs.
Azul: Perhaps I should ask this differently. How did it taste?
Azul: The first one you tried was filled with cheese. I mixed basil into it to help its compatibility with the tomato-based risotto.
Azul: For the shrimp one, I added fried garlic chips to it to give it a little flavorful kick.
Azul: Finally, the boiled quail eggs. I flavored it with a tad bit of ketchup to add a bit of extra favor.
Azul: With that added moisture, it should have softened the flakiness egg yolk slightly, and make for a more enjoyable flavor…
Silver: I see, you put a lot of thought into it.
Silver: Even after your explanation, I still don't really get it at all, but everything truly was delicious.
Azul: YOU DIDN'T GET IT AT ALL!? That's absurd…
Azul: If the judge himself doesn't understand, then all of the extra efforts and ingredients that I put forth into it will have all been for naught!
Ghost Chef: Come now, Silver-kun is saying it's delicious, so I don't think it was all for naught at all.
Azul: However, if my efforts truly couldn't be conveyed… Did I not use enough basil, garlic, or ketchup?
Ghost Chef: I feel like you wouldn't want to put too much in it, either… It can be difficult because everyone's tastes are different.
Silver: My apologies. Perhaps if your judge had been anyone else, they would have been able to fully taste the efforts you put into it the flavor.
Ghost Chef: But you thought it was delicious, right, Silver-kun? That means that Azul-kun's flavoring was still spot on.
Azul: Right… That's right. Putting aside any improvements needed for the cost in time and ingredients, I was able to actually put together a dish that someone considered delicious.
Azul: If I can keep improving my cooking skills little by little, then I won't ever have to hear someone say I'm just "yapping" ever again!
Ghost Chef: Ahaha… Even though you said you wouldn't take something like that seriously… Looks like those words really did have a hold on you.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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transmascaraa · 1 month
Reader "secretely" steals an prop their partner uses to try and recreate something they do with it
(example - gamings Lion dance hat (I'm not very cultured idk how it's called canonically...) to try and do at least a part of lion dancing, lyneys cards to try and do a magic trick, wanderers hat to try and do his usual poses etc!!)
multiple characters headcannons!
JUSTIFIED stealing.
characters: lyney, gaming, wanderer x gn!reader
author's note: this one's next because i can🤩 yeah i'm gonna do all 3 of those so i hope you have fun reading lol
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♡ Lyney
-uhm you basically stole his hat AND his cards right before an important magic show.
-he was looking for them literally EVERYWHERE.
-but he couldn't find him so he was getting worried by the second.
-until he saw you walking up to him with his hat on your head.
-"hello lyney, my love, may i show you a magic trick before i return it to you?" as you put his hat out to him.
-"oh, mon amour, of course! just please hurry, i was getting really concerned there." he awkwardly laughs it off.
-he's not one to really have a problem with you taking it with yourself, butttt his magic show was starting soon!
-your card trick was one where you turned 2 cards into 4, then 4 into 8.
-even tho it was a starter trick and he knew exactly how you had done it, he smiled brightly.
-he's happy to see you having fun with something that he likes himself.
⑅ Gaming
-again, a performance was starting soon.
-and he couldn't find his lion dance hat!(that's what i'm gonna call it)
-the first few times he walked into your room, he asked you if you'd seen it, but you always said no.
-you were getting more suspicious to him each time.
-so he secretly walked into the room, but then you just looked at eachother when you realized he had caught you.
-you, in a random pose, mid-dance, in his lion dance hat.
-"you- i was looking for it EVERYWHERE!! are you serious??" he was laughing while talking, it was actually quite cute to him, how you looked in his hat.
-"well- uhm- rate my dance?" you then tried to make up a little dance for him and he really liked it
-after he literally laughed his ass of with you, he said:
-"10/10. but i have to go to my performance now, i'll be back soon. see you, love, and then i'll let you use it once again."
๑ Wanderer
-(i am so excited to write this one)
-so basically, he was about to go for a walk through the desert, with nahida, and he was missing his hat.
-usually, it's in the living room on the table, or next to the bed. and he searched throughout the whole house, nothing.
-but then he entered your shared bedroom.
-you, on the bed, in his drip marketing pose, shouting his "voicelines" in whispers.,
-"uhm- hi?-" you said awkwardly.
-"what the fuck." (he thought you were cute.)
-"i'm just- uhm- cosplaying you? ahm- yeah, i'm cosplaying you." the best excuse you could come up with.
-"cosplaying my ass. your outfit is your everyday outfit. you didn't even try to make your hair like mine. the hat doesn't suit you like that." he started acting smart and like the know-it-all
-"excuse me-" but then he cut you off (again).
-"no excuses. i said what i said." he took his hat back from you and just before leaving the room, he turned to you and said something more.
-"don't touch my hat, idiot. bye."
-you could've sworn you've heard a quiet "i love you" at the end.
damn i really like this one too
i used to hate them when i js started writing wtf
but i most definitely at least improved lmfao
| @keeyisbored | @mariaace <3
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your art makes me explode in a positive way like
im chewing and swallowing it in an aggressive way like
it's just SO good im melting ilove your shading and KEHEKEBEKJDJF
anwayshi hello do you happen to have any headcanons for showtime rolls on the floor and dies
Thank you so much, really appreciate it!
Oh God I don't know if this will read as coherent because my thoughts about Showtime are all over the place. But I'll try to format this the best I can
✨Showtime HCs! ✨
Their relationship starts when they start spending time together.
(The reason why they do so could vary. In Supervised Machine Learning's case, Pomni becomes something of a "tutor" to Caine; They discover that they work well together, and the other's company can be quite pleasant!).
So Pomni and Caine build a weird, but comforting friendship, and all is well.
Then the feelings appear.
Caine is the first to realize he fell in love.
It sounds illogical but hear me out… it'd be really funny--
Ok no seriously I think Caine can actually feel. Keyword "can". He's very much still a machine and it shows in the pilot. But like his inspiration (AM), Caine is also a rogue AI. Whatever his programming originally intended him to do, he probably doesn't follow it as closely now as back when he was created (which is a whole other post).
Caine knows what love is and the extend it can go, since the Moon is so open about her feelings. He just doesn't like the Moon back specifically haha (sorry Moon) :}
All this to say, I do believe this is within the realm of possibility for him. (Not that it's ever gonna happen towards anyone in the show. These are just wishful shippy thoughts).
He might not recognize it as love at first, because it manifests in such a different way from his one reference point.
His friendship with Pomni had gone through phases.
When they first met, he continuously touched her with no concern for how she felt.
Learning from and about Pomni herself led him to come to respect her boundaries (and becoming mindful of everyone else's).
Then they're close friends, and gradually, Pomni does not mind his regular wacky, touchy-feely self. So Caine acts as he had always done before.
Caine expresses his love for Pomni with physical gestures and his undivided attention.
When they teleport to travel to other places, he holds her close so she doesn't get too dizzy; he pats her head to reassure her; he touches her arm to get her attention; he grabs her hands when he's excited about her ideas; he holds eye contact for prolonged periods of time; and he touches, and touches, and touches, and touches.
It's selfish, and so he keeps it buried in his deepest 0's and 1's. But he'd like to keep hanging out with Pomni, having her in his sight, and feel the texture of her gloved hands until the end of time.
Despite all this, to him, virtually nothing changed.
What? He's spending time with Pomni as he'd always been doing, and behaving as he'd always behaved!
It's Bubble of all people that has to point out that, "Hey boss. I think you WANT her!"
Absurd. Nonsense. Preposterous! It is merely a relationship of mutual support and affection between a ringmaster and his trusted, former-human companion. Nothing more.
(Declaring his love to her unprompted didn't ever cross his mind, so there's no way it could be that. Is there?)
Caine finds out that yes, there is.
Pomni had always been a nervous wreck, but her mind state becomes more manageable over time. She eventually adjusts to the circus life like everyone else did.
"Accepting" her fate is a different story. The will to escape, to remember, never really leaves. She's just more careful about it.
So when she starts working with Caine - to improve life so people don't go abstracting anymore, and hopefully find a definitive exit - she's not expecting to end up liking her time with him.
Not that she'd absolutely hate it, either. He's… "okay"… Just-- outlandish, loud, he keeps invading her personal space, he keeps touching her, and it makes her die a little every time.
If he's up to listening, though… it can't be that bad, right?
Turns out that no, it wasn't that bad.
Yes, he is outlandish, loud, he keeps invading her personal space and touching her. But she explains what she means to him, clearly and patiently, and he makes an effort to do better. An actual effort.
Sometimes he'd misinterpret what she meant - the ambiguity of human language - and the new games would go horribly. But little by little, his efforts make life overall better. Something reminiscent of actual, real life, the one they've all forcibly left behind.
And he tries, and he tries, and Pomni finds herself enjoying the process as much as the good results.
Pomni likes Caine's eagerness to learn. His enthusiastic attitude borders on silly, and the absurdity makes her laugh on occasion. When faced with the prospect of a "real" exit, she loves his upbeat optimism.
When she's not hanging out with Ragatha, Jax, Gangle, Zooble and Kinger, she begins to enjoy spending quality time with Caine.
Each one of their hang outs is a new surprise. They make a picnic in the tallest mountain exactly in between day and night. They learn to dance - while floating in the air. "Since you asked, here's a DIGITAL camera! Let's take pictures of the Void for one tenth of a second at a time!"
Sometimes he just comes by Pomni's room, and they end up losing track of time. Just chatting about how things have been, what they could be, and what to do next. Ideas and ideas and ideas.
Before Pomni knows it, she's comfortable enough that recalling his old habits makes her not dread them anymore. So when Caine stands close and lightly touches her arm due to oversight, she makes sure he knows it's all right.
And they keep spending time together, and he touches, and touches, and touches her. Pomni, in turn, feels lighter, and lighter, and lighter. Peaceful, at ease. Dare she say, happy, even.
Life is not perfect. As it stands though, it's good enough. No one has abstracted. No one is at risk of abstracting so far.
Progress is slow, but the research for an exit continues, and she is hopeful. The thought of actually leaving grows closer to reality. But a part of her feels heavy.
When it occurs to Pomni that leaving the Amazing Digital Circus means leaving Caine behind, she is alarmed by how much she'll miss him.
It'll hurt. Badly. So much the thought pains her even now.
The moment Pomni realizes this, she comes to the unexpected conclusion that she may like Caine a little more than she thought she would.
This later leads to an interesting discussion with Ragatha.
By the time Pomni comes to that conclusion, Caine is already down bad.
Neither has any idea that the other is in love with them.
Cue dumbasses trying to deal with their feelings while the potential conflict the escape brings looms over their heads.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk!
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csuitebitches · 5 months
I apologize for the long ask and if this question is a bit juvenile but objectively, how can one “gain” pretty privilege/gauge how they are viewed? I’ve done well in career pursuits for how early on I am ( I graduated in 2020) but started noticing that the invites to events/opportunities where one can really establish themselves not only professionally but socially, I was getting passed over by some higher up colleagues. In speaking to a female mentor who is related to my field and the same background as me (Black), she alluded that while my race may play a small factor in it, it’s more so my appearance that may be holding me back as the personality and poise is there. Some coworkers of mine who are brilliant and POC have similar credentials and positions as I and while we are all wonderful and hard working, they (who I feel are more beautiful and put together looks-wise) have discussed privately to me they have noticed a difference in treatment between us. While it’s not right, I am adult enough to know not to let things that can be fixed hinder the life I want. Your page is a wealth of information and I appreciate how encouraging you are!!
well. I’m going to be very blunt.
it’s all fun and games to say “oh fuck the beauty standards they’re terrible and they shouldn’t exist” yes, true, unfortunately they do exist and they play a bigger role than we imagine it to be.
the first thing you have to get right is your mindset.
you need to be strong enough to admit that you need changes in X, Y, Z area but not in A, B, C area. You also need to be a little loyal towards your racial identity (for the better or worse) because that’s what is going to make you stand out.
if you have a sensitive, overly emotional mindset and you get hurt very easily / become obsessive by nature, I highly recommend you to STOP reading now.
Understand what is considered pretty in your country and area. Even in one country, beauty standards can different from the north and south. Don’t exactly try to become attractive for the opposite sex but understand what they find attractive because these guys are your primary responders to your pretty privilege. Women will be kind on the surface and so it can be difficult to get constructive criticism from them.
Understand what YOU consider pretty. Who are the women who you think are crazy beautiful? What do they look like, dress like, how’s their hair and their make up, can you replicate any of it? Rule of thumb when it comes to hair and beauty - look at influencers / celebs who are of your racial background for the best fit.
there are always a few things that are universally considered “respectfully attractive” not “you wanna fuck me attractive”- semi modesty/ modesty outfits (my father always told me that when in doubt, go for a more conservative look), hygiene, well kept hair, clean nails and toe nails, soft skin, natural make up, natural hair colour, perfume, clothes that fit, skin care, a workout routine.
pretty privilege is not just the art of looking pretty. It’s also bringing in something of value on the table. Value = money / connections / knowledge/ humour / being the fun social person / whatever value the target group considers to be the most important for you to be relevant to them. Work on your soft skills. It’s better to look half baked but have solid soft skills than to look amazing and not know how to converse.
things that one normally notices when meeting someone new:
Skin - is it clear, is the make up overdone?
hair - is it messy or does it suit your face structure?
how you smell
teeth, when you talk - and dental hygiene
shoes - are they filthy?
shirt/ top - does it fit you well (always check that the seams on your shoulder and your actual shoulder line up), the colour of your clothes
body type, posture, how you carry yourself
start with incremental changes. Make a list of things you think you could improve on (this is not a list of “ugly” things, it’s an “improvement/ potential” list). Sort them according to ease of improvement (is this going to be expensive and difficult or affordable and easy?) and time (can this be done overnight or will it take some time).
Use point 1 and 2 only as launching pads. You do not have to look like Beyoncé, you’re simply understanding what her MUA and hair stylist does for her that could work for you. After a point, you have to ensure that YOUR identify sticks out and is still there, you’re not born to imitate someone else and also, it’s very obvious when someone is trying to be someone they’re not.
again. I repeat. If you’re going to get obsessive and make yourself sick over this it’s NOT WORTH IT. If you’re not mentally capable of making these changes, do not go through it.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 8 months
When You Wish Upon a Star
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Summary: You and Bucky Barnes have grown close, bonding over sarcasm and shared trauma. You make it your mission to help Bucky experience all the joys of life that Hydra took from him. A little Disney magic is the perfect place to start.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x reader (platonic)
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: A few curse words and references to past trauma.
A/N: Who wouldn’t want to go to Disneyland with Bucky?
It was always the same. Your eyes shot open as the sensation of falling washed over you. Slowly, you rolled over and lifted your head to check the clock. 3:12 am. Fucking perfect. After a couple of deep breaths, you lifted your tired body off your bed. You throw on your favorite sweatshirt before opening your door and shuffling down the hall. 
It was dark, but you knew the way by heart. A frequent late-night visitor to the compound halls thanks to your PTSD. Your nightmares came in bunches, and when they did you needed a distraction when you woke up to keep yourself from spiraling down completely. You reach the kitchen and are just about to open the fridge when you see the outline of James Buchanan Barnes sitting on the sofa in the dark. 
“Bucky? What are you doing out here?”
“Moonlighting as a vampire”, he grumbled.
“You know, I usually just take your hundred-and-eight-year-old sarcasm at face value, but it’s late and I’m genuinely curious”, you said, as you sit across from him on the sofa. One leg tucked up under your body and your arms crossed over your chest to keep yourself warm. 
Bucky looks over at you stone-faced, but you can tell he’s trying to read you, searching for an ulterior motive. The gears are turning endlessly inside his head. After about five seconds of silence, you decide to return the favor. There are dark circles under his eyes and his disheveled hair is standing on end. You can tell has been up much longer than you. 
“What are you doing?”
“Oh, sorry. I thought we were having a staring contest”, you said lightheartedly to cover up your attempt at reading him. You can’t help but notice the small smile that pulls at the corners of his mouth, disappearing as quickly as it came. 
“Do you ever feel like you don’t matter? Like, despite it all, you’ll never be free of the pain?”
“All the time”, you stated without hesitation.
He turns to you with a furrowed brow and a look of surprise.
“Nothing, sorry. It’s just, in the past when I’ve said that to people they usually give me a bunch of hollow platitudes,” Bucky said.
“Well, that’s not me.”
“Me either.”
That was the first time you and Bucky had a bonding moment. Moving forward there were many more late-night talks and quietly waiting up for each other. A movie always queued up to help pull each other back into the present moment after a mission. You could be alone together in a way that you couldn’t be with anyone else. It stumped the rest of the team, to say the least. Two people who would rather silently take in the world around them than be forced to speak had become best friends.
You wiped the perspiration off your forehead, sitting against the wall in the gym after a joint training session. Bucky insisted on helping you improve your hand-to-hand combat skills. He noticed you had gotten a bit complacent in relying solely on your powers. After you arrived home from your last mission with a black eye, Bucky was adamant about training you himself. 
Taking a sip of water, you turn to Bucky, “Have you ever been to Disneyland?”
“You ask the most random questions, and no. I remember some of the original Disney cartoons, though. Steamboat Willie, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Before we started moving around to different army bases, my parents would give me a dollar and I would walk to the movie theater in Shelbyville, Indiana. They would joke, “Don’t spend it all in one place, James”, he said with a smile that slowly faded. “After my parents died, I stopped going to the movies. And… the Winter Soldier never had a vacation.” 
It was only in the last few months you started to notice Bucky differentiating himself from the Winter Soldier. You assumed it was thanks to Dr. Raynor and his pardon-mandated therapy, but he would never admit it was you who was helping him see that the Winter Soldier and James Bucky Barnes were not one and the same.
“Well, something to add to your list then. Come on, dinner is probably ready,” patting his thigh. You mentally file away what Bucky shared for later. There was a whole new life for him to live now, and you were determined to help him do it. 
A couple weeks later you and Bucky are infiltrating an old Hydra base off the grid. A simple in and out to retrieve a backlog of digital files, and you were back on the Quinjet within a couple of hours. You offered to pilot the jet home while Bucky took a nap. He awoke a few hours later to you poking him repeatedly on the shoulder with a dorky grin on your face. 
“What?” Bucky groaned, wiping his hands over his face. “Are we home?”
“No, we’re making an unscheduled stop,” you said, as the super soldier sits up. 
“Where the hell are we?” Bucky walked to the window surprised to find no landing pad, no buildings, no New York. 
“Surprise, Buck! We’re going to Disneyland,” you declared. “I cleared it with Fury. We have tomorrow off, and I already sent the files we retrieved to Maria with a written debrief. We’re officially off the clock for the next 36 hours.” 
“No, Y/N. I’m too old for this. What if someone recognizes us?”
“First of all, you’re too old for everything, but that doesn’t matter in the Happiest Place on Earth. Second of all, I’ve got that covered,” pulling a change of clothes for him out of your bag.
You both change and are about to depart the jet when you remember one more preventative measure. You grab both your suits and fiddle with them for a second before removing two of Tony’s trackers. 
“This trip will be our little secret”, you wink.
You departed the jet and activated stealth mode at the top end of the Mickey and Friends parking structure, away from prying eyes. After a short ride on the tram and walk through security you’re standing at the top of Main Street USA. You look down at Cinderella’s castle as the sights, sounds, and smells of Disneyland envelop your senses.
“Okay, so I thought we could hit Adventureland first. Jungle Cruise, Indiana Jones, just to get your feet wet. Then we’ll do Frontierland and New Orleans Square. Wait until you see Pirates of the Caribbean! Oh, and Fantasyland has the Matterhorn, I have a feeling you’ll love that ride. Then maybe we could grab dinner at the Jolly Holiday cafe and watch the fireworks. That will leave us with Tomorrowland tomorrow, no pun intended. Finally, I thought for shits and giggles we could check out the Avengers campus in California Adventure Land before we leave.” you rambled happily. You finally look up from your park map to see Bucky eyeing you like you are speaking another language. 
“Sounds great, but how are we paying for this? I doubt it’s on Shield’s payroll.”
“Ask and you shall receive”, you said with a devilish smirk, as you pulled Tony’s Black Master Card from your pocket.
“Where the hell did you get that?”
“Tony’s wallet. You’re not the only superhero here remember? Plus, Nat has taught me a thing or two about pickpocketing over the years,” you grinned. “Come on James, we’re going to spend it all in one place this time,” linking arms with the super soldier who simply rolled his eyes.
The next day and a half was a whirlwind of Disney magic. You went on every ride you possibly could. (You may or may not have hacked into the fast pass system to make your wait times in line as short as possible). Bucky made you go on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad twice and didn’t judge you for screaming in a way that would be considered very un-heroic by your teammates. You bought him personalized Mickey ears with his name embroidered on the back, and it only took ten minutes of arguing to convince him to wear them in a picture with Mickey. Meanwhile, Bucky took every opportunity he could to capture your Disneyland experience. Discreetly snapping a candid photo or filming as you happily sang along to the music on every ride.
After a good night’s sleep in the jet, the two of you made your way over to the Avengers campus in California Adventure Land. “Well, they got the aesthetics right,” you remarked. Taking in the scenery and park guests clad in Avengers merchandise.
You took a selfie in front of the Avengers campus sign that you immediately made your new lockscreen. It took a couple minutes, but Bucky found a spot for both of you in front of the compound to watch The Amazing Spider-Man! Peter welcomed the guests and conducted various flight tests in his new suit. There were flips, jumps, and web slingers galore. Each move executed smoothly, until he tripped over a few boxes and landed flat on his face. 
“Yeah, that’s about right”, Bucky joked as you nod in agreement. 
The campus is full of cast members dressed as all of your teammates interacting with park guests, Dr. Strange illustrating the mysteries of the Mystic Arts, and the Warriors of Wakanda demonstrating disciplines of the Dora Milaje. After exploring a bit, you decided to take a seat outside of Shawarma Palace to rest your feet. You both removed your hats and are scrolling through your phones when a curly-haired little boy wearing glasses and an Iron Man t-shirt quietly approached your table. 
“Hi”, he whispered shyly.
“Hi, what’s your name?” you smiled. You put your phone down and place your hand on top of Bucky’s hand. The gears turning in his head like the night you found him on the sofa in the dark.
“James”, he answered, swaying back and forth on the balls of his feet. You looked over at Bucky as he visibly relaxed and smiled. 
“Are you Bucky Barnes and Y/F/N Y/L/N?” he asked. Pushing his little glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
“Why do you think that?” trying to hide your grin.
“I have a poster of the Avengers in my bedroom! You look just like them, and umm, we learned about you at school. Oh, and I had an Iron Man cake for my last birthday. I got a helmet and everything!”
“That’s amazing, James! Iron Man is my favorite Avenger too.”
“Hey?!” Bucky said.
“Okay, original Avenger.”
You look over at Bucky eagerly. He seems to read your mind and nodded in agreement.
“We’ll let you in on a little secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone,” you whispered as you motion for James to come closer. You hold out your hand and focus as small blue sparks dance around your palm. 
“Woah!!” James yelled.
“Shhhh,” you giggled. 
Bucky looks around carefully before taking off his glove and rolling up his sleeve to reveal his Vibranium arm. 
“That’s so cool,” James said mesmerized.
“We’re here on confidential Avenger business and we must keep our cover. Can you help us keep our identities secret?” Bucky asked as he rolls his sleeve back down and put back on his glove.
“Yeah!” your new friend exclaimed proudly. 
“Thank you, James. You will make a great Avenger someday,” Bucky said.
He gave the small boy a fist bump, and you do the same. James walked away proudly, and you can’t help but look over at Bucky. Your eyes shining with unshed tears.
“That’s why you matter.”
For the first time in your friendship, you think he believes it. 
The sun begins to set as you both stroll out of California Adventure Land. Bucky is about to suggest walking across the street to wait for the tram when he sees you running back toward the Disneyland entrance.
“What are you doing? We need to get going. I’m sure everyone is already freaking out that our trackers are offline” Bucky shouted.
“There’s one more thing we have to do. Come on!” you yelled, motioning for him to follow you. You lead your best friend back down Main Street USA before stopping in front of the cinema. You waited for him to catch up to you and pointed up at the marquee.
Main Street Cinema Presents: 
Steamboat Willie 
Plus six great original Disney cartoons.
I thought you might like a little walk down memory lane before the clock strikes midnight and we turn back into pumpkins.”
Bucky stared at the marquee for a few seconds before looking back at you. Before you can ask him what he thinks, he embraced you in a hug. You walked inside and strolled from screen to screen. Taking in the nostalgia of the classic black-and-white Disney cartoons. You reached the last screen just as Mickey began to whistle the theme to Steam Boat Willie. You glanced over at Bucky and noticed his eyes shining with unshed tears this time. You rub gentle circles on his back until the credits roll. 
“Thank you, Y/N”, he sighed, wiping his eyes. That meant a lot to me. This trip meant a lot to me. I never thought I’d say this, but I loved it.”
“You’re my best friend, Buck. You deserve to experience all of the beautiful moments in life. It’s never too late. Hell, everyone should have a first trip to Disneyland. I’m just glad I got to do it with you”, putting your arms around him. “Come on, let’s go home.”
Back on the jet, Bucky offered to pilot so you can get some sleep. Fortunately, the night air is calm and clear, so after about an hour he put the jet on autopilot and sat down next to you. The super soldier gently covered you with a blanket before pulling out his phone. He can’t help but laugh at the sight of the two of you sharing a giant Dole Whip or screaming as the train dipped and dove on Thunder Mountain. For the first time in forever, Bucky sees himself smiling and almost doesn’t recognize himself.
You finally stirred when the wheels touched down on the compound landing pad. Bucky had yet to notice you’re awake. Preoccupied with shutting down the jet and grabbing both your bags. You lay there silently as your eyes followed him. You smiled to yourself as you heard him softly whistling “When You Wish Upon a Star”.
Mission accomplished.
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thelesbianluthor · 5 months
Saw people talk about the fact that the trio knows every single threat they have to face before they have to confront them in the show vs in the books they actually fall into traps and then have to find a way to escape it.
This is one of the main issues i have too honestly. I understand the choice of making annabeth pick up on the statues and the name of the place and obviously guess "oh that is medusa". It works bc medusa is important and connected to her mother and like the context clues are staggering.
But comparing that moment to the start of episode 7 (which i actually really enjoyed especially compared to ep6) makes the show lose most of the tension they could have.
Like why make it an immediate exposition dump on "oh you are this and you do that and we are here for this and that" i don't mind the change of making the shop the entrance of hell but why can't they just for once fall into a trap like? They are 12 years old trying to avoid a war and fix a situation way bigger than them, they are smart and quick witted but let them make mistakes and NOT KNOW some things.
I feel like a lot of the potential of the first scene went out of the window and it just became a "here's an exposition of a scene that happened in the book" and that way even if you cut it you don't lose anything really.
Changes are a GOOD thing and that is not my issue with the show at all! I have already said that I mostly enjoy the changes that were made and I am not expecting nor want a scene for scene copy but it does make it a lot less interesting imo if they go into EVERY SINGLE SITUATION knowing what they are up against for no real reason.
You can have them know some things and guess who they are up against but like if it happens every time the tension of the danger gets lost a lot and it becomes repetitive imo.
On the good side of things tho I think you can see in general that the trio has gotten a lot more comfortable in the characters and the improvement it's very visible. I already said how I really love the casting and I only expect them to get better at portraying the characters that is a no brainer.
The flash backs were probably my favorite part of the episode along with the way they decided to visually represent Hell.
I love that we get to see a peak of Sally and Poseidon's dynamic and how hard it was for Sally to raise Percy, not only bc of the risks his godly heritage brings but also bc she was a single mother and society in general tends to give up on people that don't fit the mold.
Small Percy thinking his mom wanted to get rid of him and saying "I would never do that to you" even tho she has spent every moment doing her best to protect him vs an older Percy having to choose to leave his mom behind so he can do the right thing even tho everything he has done has been fueled by the desire to save her. That was beautiful and tragic.
Casting in general is incredible bc even with the little we saw of Poseidon (I knew the actor from black sails so I knew he would be great) I think he really nailed it.
Hades is maybe a BIT too silly but I can live with it honestly. Like we'll have time to explore and make other characters deeper later on so i don't see this as an issue.
The decision to make them aware of Kronos and tell Hades is interesting and I do like that he offered to protect Percy if he believed to be at risk.
I understand that with how things are now you never know if a show will be renewed and if you'll get to actually finish your story so I don't mind them making certain stuff known sooner and sprinkling references to future events or call backs (MOA percabeth reference I am talking abt you).
Overall I think that the strongest suit of the show right now is the cast and the way they show characters dynamics and their potential.
Like I have said before my criticism stems from my love for the material and my wish for it to do well. I have opinions that maybe will not match with others and it's okay! Not everyone has to like something! I WANT the show to keep going and grow and evolve into a better adaptation with each step because I really love the basis they laid down, the story and the characters and I see the potential most of all. I can't wait for the last episode.
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stannienight · 1 year
Hi, I hope you are well 💗
I was wondering if you could do Saiki K x reader, where reader and Saiki are best friends (and he secretly has a crush on them) and reader just got out of a bad relationship and thinks nobody will ever love them again, so Saiki tries to help them feel better and hint that he likes them ?
let me tell you, i love this ask sm. it has so much potential. for now i just spewed out whatever i could but this is such a lovely trope, especially for someone like saiki
saiki k x best friend reader (after your breakup)
- okay listen. saiki is bad at being subtle. especially when you're so oblivious. it just leads to So Much Chaos
- the fact that you just got out of a relationship makes it hard to pick up hints okay - anyways, saiki isn't focused on getting you to like him or anything. his "hints" just happen to slip out - but it's not just that, right? you're also best friends. SARCASTIC best friends. combine that with your self-deprecation and saiki's inability to handle romance and there's a disaster waiting to happen - you: ugh what if no one ever loves me for who i am? saiki: am i a joke to you? you: yeah saiki: fair enough - you: i hate my ex. i'm going to devote myself to making him regret this saiki: didn't you waste enough time in the relationship? you, now woke: holy shit you're right - you: saiki help me glow up saiki: there is literally nothing i can improve you: IS THAT A DISS? saiki: - he helps you through the breakup, too. in true best-friend fashion, when you call him in the middle of the night with the news, he's in your room within a second. he brings ice cream, a blanket, and for some reason, a cat. you don't even know where he got it from. but you needed it - for the next few days he buys you gifts (which you keep telling him you don't need) but he wants to remind you that even he can do the job of being a boyfriend better than your ex - all your mutual friends are like, how oblivious can she get? and since when is saiki so bold? - saiki has no idea this is a romantic thing to do. "i'm just proving anyone can be better than he was wdym it's just a statistical thing?" - your friends find this whole dynamic hilarious- chiyo especially, the romance fanatic, who has never seen saiki exhibit any emotion - every time you spend time with saiki, kaidou and aren pointedly leave you two alone (dragging a nendo as oblivious as you along with them) whispering and giggling. you're so confused but not complaining - honestly, half the school already thinks you're dating? everyone except the two of you has just accepted it as a fact that you're a thing - dude: so saiki, how's your girlfriend saiki: what girlfriend dude: y/n? saiki: she's not my girlfriend dude: oh really? then maybe i can try confessing to her- saiki: dude: why am i in florida? - yeah okay he's just the tiniest bit possessive since the breakup okay? he doesn't want you getting hurt again - and don't worry he brought the guy back from florida ❤ i had so much fun writing this ong i canNOT imagine saiki being subtle at all or even understanding the line between close friendship and romance. it's all so objective to him and my guy's probably so confused send me asks for hcs, oneshots, or anything in general, even if it’s unrelated to anime or writing! saiki k and haikyu for requests but maybe go through my profile before requesting for haikyu <3
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megxplryxb · 6 months
More Than This Part 2.
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Authors Note: I am beyond sorry for the 9 month wait for this. I just lost my motivation for writing but its slowly and surely coming back. Thank you all for being so patient. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: GIF is not mine.
Link for Part 1: More Than This
The last of your salty tears trickle down the bathtub drain as you wrap yourself up in a well-worn motel towel. The shower had done little to improve your mood, switching from hot to cold just as you had been with Steve for the past several weeks. You had been doing so well up until recently, trying to avoid him and your feelings but now that you were sharing a room and bed with him for the night, it was going to be next to impossible to hide the fact that you were hopelessly in love with your best friend.
The rusty faucet dripped little beads of water into the sink despite it being turned off while you carefully applied your make up, hoping Steve and the others wouldn’t notice the slight puffiness under your eyes from crying. Admittedly, you were taking a little longer than usual to get ready, making sure your eyeliner was just right, lips perfectly glossed and kissable and your outfit was showing off all your best features, ‘cause although you felt like utter shit, you didn't want to look like shit too.
As you began to gather up your things, folding the towel back on to the rack, you heard a tap on the bathroom door. “Hey, are you almost done in there? I need to take a piss really bad.” Steve said in a seemingly more relaxed tone than earlier. Unlocking the bathroom door, you find your best friend standing shirtless in his Levi's, leaning against the doorframe and you curse him for looking so damn beautiful.
“I did ask if you needed to use the bathroom before I went in.” You huff, quick to brush past him, clothes and make up bundled in your arms as his eyes follow you around the room, nostrils filling with the scent of your vanilla perfume, jaw a little slack as he scanned your body.
Steve couldn't help but notice the little black dress you were wearing along with your signature converse, how it sparkled and fit perfectly on your body, breasts spilling out over the top ever so slightly. He knows it’s wrong to think of you that way, because you’re his best friend and he's seeing someone else but sometimes he wonders if you know just how pretty you are.
“Uh, the air cons not working in here, the room's like a god damn sauna.” He informs, scratching the back of his neck, trying to avert his gaze from your frame.
“Well if you hadn’t made such a fuss about the sleeping arrangements, at least one of us would have had working air con tonight, Harrington.” You mutter, tucking your things back in to your duffle, pushing by him. Steve presses his tongue to his cheek, realising that whatever the hell was bothering you, wasn’t going to disappear anytime soon. Defeated, he shuts the bathroom door, leaving you to finish getting ready alone.
He emerges fifteen minutes later, freshly showered, smelling great and you hate how good he looks in his tight jeans and white t-shirt, hair perfectly in place, not that it wasn’t always. It wasn't exactly the attire you expected someone to wear to a Metallica concert, but it was Steve after all, he wasn't exactly into Heavy metal.
You can feel the tension rising between you with each passing minute of silence, unspoken words hanging in the air as his hazel eyes burn a hole through your head while you both walk on eggshells around the small room. With one quick look in the mirror and one final spray of perfume, you grab your purse and head for the front door, not being able to stand the awkwardness a second longer. “I’m gonna go see if the others are ready.” You say, reaching for the door handle but you already hear his footsteps behind you.
“Wait, can we just talk for a sec?” Steve pleads, eyes wide with concern when you sigh loudly.
“About what?” You ask as he scoffs at your response. “Seriously? Oh, I don’t know, maybe about why you’ve been acting weird with me all day?” He replies, folding his strong arms and you immediately regret not just walking out of the room to find your friends because you aren't ready to have this conversation with him.
“Not just today actually, it’s been going on for a while and honestly, I don’t know what I’ve said or done to piss you off and believe me, I’ve been racking my brains trying to figure it out. But I’ve obviously done something because you’re so angry at me and.….”
“I’m not…I’m not angry.” You reply, not really knowing what else to say to him.
“You’re not?” He asks, raising his brows in surprise.
“Look, you haven’t done anything to upset me, alright?” You say, giving him a fake smile but he’s not convinced at all.
“Come on, give me some credit here sweetheart. We’re supposed to be best friends, yeah?” He asks moving closer towards you.
“Mhm” Is all you manage to say when he takes your hand but you’re quick to pull it away again, feeling the heat on your cheeks start to rise, placing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Then what's going on huh? Why are you staying at Robin’s? I really miss you.” Steve confesses with such a mixture of sadness and sincerity that you almost consider telling him everything right there and then but you're not ready to hear that he doesn't feel the same way and so instead, you lie.
“There’s no big reason, Steve. Robin mentioned that you were on a couple of dates and I didn’t want to get in the way of anything, I think it’d be a bit awkward with me in the next room, don’t you?” You joke, trying to make an effort with him and you can see the confused expression on his face.
“Robin told you about Tracy?” He asks, surprised by how cool you were being about this, but the minute you hear the name fall from his mouth, he instantly realises Robin never told you who it was he was actually dating.
“Wait, did you say Tracy? As in Tracy Turner from high school, that’s who you’re dating!?” You question, furrowing your brows as Steve takes a step back, sensing the air getting thicker between you again.
“Uh, yeah. Sort of, I mean it’s pretty new and…”
"How....when did...where did you even..."
"She was at the video store a few times and I don't know, we were talking one day and she just sort of asked me out." Steve explained nervously.
“And you said yes?"
"Well, girls haven't exactly been lining up to date me recently if you hadn’t noticed.” He muttered, trying to make a joke out of it but it wasn’t working.
"I can’t believe you’d date her after what she did to me!” You yell, shaking your head in disbelief.
Tracey Turner had been one of your closest friends, once upon a time. That was until you found her in the back seat of a car with your then boyfriend Matt Anderson. It wasn’t that you’d been with Matt for long or even loved him but she was supposed to be your friend and she didn’t even apologise for hurting you. Now here she was, a couple of years later trying to take Steve away from you too. Your Steve. Steve, who you actually loved.
“Come on, that was years ago! She’s changed since then.” Steve says, panic apparent in his voice when he sees the look in your eyes and he knows he’s said the wrong thing again.
“Don’t you dare defend her!” You growl and he’s wincing at how angry you are now. “Can you just calm down for a second?” He begs, hands in the air, surrendering to you immediately, not wanting to fight or upset you anymore than he already had.
“Calm down? My “best friend” is dating a girl who FUCKED my boyfriend and you want me to calm down?” You yell, enraged at the new information you've discovered, seeing nothing but visions of them together in your head. Had he slept with her already? Had she occupied your side of Steve’s bed that you’d sleep on when you watched movies late in to the night? Had she seen pieces of your clothing lying around his house? Had she seen the pictures of you and Steve on his bedside table? Had he told her he loved her? Oh god, you were going to be sick.
“I’m sorry, alright? Shit, I didn’t think it would be such a big deal.” He exhales, throwing his head back.
“Oh really, Steve? If it wasn't such a big deal to you then why didn't you tell me about her, huh?” You ask bluntly as Steve's face begins to harden.
"You didn't tell me about Hargrove."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I had to find out from Henderson that you were dating that asshole and that’s only because he caught you making out on the couch while you were supposed to be babysitting!” Steve argues and you can't help but laugh at how immature he was being.
"That's completely different, we were barely even friends back then."
“But we were friends and you knew I hated him but you went out with him anyway!" He fires back, leaning against the old chest of drawers.
"Yeah, only because you were still getting....." You start to say before you stop yourself, realising that you'd almost blown your cover when Steve looks at you confused.
“Because I was still getting what?” He asks with a heightened interest, just as a knock comes to the door.
“What the hell is going on in here, we could hear you yelling outside!” Eddie shouts when you open the door, seeing the distressed look on your face as Steve stood silent, still waiting for your reply.
"Nothing, let's just go." You mutter, moving by your friends to exit the room. "You are SUCH a dingus, dingus." Robin rolls her eyes at Steve before chasing after you, figuring that you've somehow found out about Tracy Turner, praying that you won't be pissed at her for not telling you.
"Yeah, I know Robin, thanks." Steve sighs heavily, trying to follow but Eddie holds him back, placing a hand on his friends chest. "Dude, take it from me, let her cool off for a while."
"Eddie, I need to talk to her man, I need to fix this." He attempts to push by again but the metal head refuses to budge.
"How are you going to fix it Steve, huh? Do you even know what's going on with her?" Eddie questions, as Steve sighs, placing his hands on his hips.
"No, but I guess she told you, yeah? You two looked pretty close in the parking lot earlier." Steve grunts, while Eddie lets out a smug laugh. "Careful big boy, you almost sound jealous."
"I'm not jealous man, I'm just...fuck, I don't know!” He exhales loudly, leaning against the wall of the motel room. “Maybe I am." Steve admits, putting a hand through his hair, slumping to the ground. “I just, I don’t know what’s going on with her y’know? She's always talked to me about everything and now? I can barely get her to look at me.” Steve sighs as Eddie takes a seat beside his friend, patting him on the shoulder.
“Look dude, there’s nothing to be jealous about ok? There’s nothing going on between us, shit I’d be so lucky.” Eddie chuckles and Steve feels a sudden feeling of relief wash over him. “Sadly, she’s only got eyes for one lucky son of a bitch and unfortunately, it isn’t me.” Eddie smirks, as the other boy lifts his head in a panic.
“She’s seeing someone?”
“No dumbass, fuck– do I really need to spell it out for you?" Eddie asks, his eyes rolling back in his head when Steve still hadn't gotten the hint. “Come on man, you’ve gotta know she’s fucking crazy about you?”
“What?” Steve exhales in disbelief as Eddie's words reply in his head. “Did she tell you that?”
“She didn’t have to.” Eddie replies letting out a heavy breath. “Steve man, you didn’t see her that night on the lake. You didn’t see the fear in her eyes when you got pulled under the water. She jumped in after you so fast, she didn't even look back to see if the rest of us were following."
Steve remembered that night vividly, probably better than anyone else. Hell, there were still nights that he woke up in a cold sweat, thinking those bats were feasting on his flesh. Those were the nights that he missed you the most. How you’d wrap your arms around him, pull him close and tell him everything was ok now. That you could finally all move on with your lives. He missed the feeling of your fingers running through his hair, the sound of your heartbeat as his head rested on your chest. You never told anyone about those nights, he’d made you promise. Cause he had to be strong for the kids.
He thought back to that night in the Upside Down, how he feared he'd never see your face again, that he'd never be able to tell you how he really felt about you. Then suddenly, you were there, eliminating the demobats one by one, tears in your eyes as you ran to him in a panic. He should have told you then, should have made it clear that you meant everything to him but then the others appeared and so he decided to choose another time. A time when you weren't in immediate danger. A time when it was just you and him and fuck, he'd tried to tell you so many times after that but every time he got close to saying it, something stopped him.
What if he ruined everything?
What if you laughed in his face?
What if you didn't feel the same way?
What if it didn't work out and you left him like Nancy did?
Steve couldn't bare the thought of losing you, so instead of telling you the truth, he decided to bury his feelings deep down inside. Deciding, that he'd rather have you as a friend than not have you in his life at all. So, when Tracy Turner boldly asked him on a date, he begrudgingly accepted, hoping it would stop him from thinking about you.
It didn’t.
“Jesus Eddie, I’ve been such an idiot." Steve sighs angrily. "I’ve been trying so damn hard to pretend that I don’t have feelings for her instead of just..”
“Instead of what?” Eddie asks as Steve moves his head to look at his friend.
“Instead of telling her that I love her. That I’ve been in love with her since the moment she answered Henderson’s door three years ago.” He reveals and Eddie lets out the smallest of laughs.
“Yeah Harrington, you are an idiot and out of all the dumb shit you’ve ever done, pretending you don't love that girl is probably way up there. But from what I can see, she’s always gonna carry a big ol’ torch for you. So come on, go make this right and go get your girl. I’ve got a fuckin’ mosh pit to get to.”
When Steve and Eddie finally get to the entrance gate of the concert, they see Robin pacing back and fourth with a stressed out look on her face and Steve instantly feels a knot forming in his stomach when he realises you’re nowhere in sight.
"What the hell took you both so long?" She yells frantically.
“Had to knock some sense into Harrington here.” Eddie smirks, winking at Robin who offers him a confused glance.
"Where is she?" Steve questions his friend and Robin throws her hands in the air.
"I don’t know Steve! She took off by herself with some guy, went in with him, she didn't want to talk to me. She's pissed with a capital P!" Robin yells, angry at her friend for ever telling her that he'd been seeing Tracy Turner. Angry that she’d been put in the middle of this situation.
"Calm down Robs, we'll find her." Eddie reassures, placing a supportive arm around his friend.
"No, I'll find her, this is all my fault and I’m going to fix it." Steve says adamantly.
“I think you’re the last person she wants to see right now dingus.” Robin grunts but Steve’s already making a beeline for the entrance to the outdoor concert.
"Harrington!" Eddie yells as Steve takes a quick look back to his friends.
"Don't fuck it up." He shouts as the boy nods back before marching through a sea of bodies.
“What the hell is going on?” Robin questions, earning a grin from the metal head standing beside her as he throws a lazy arm over her shoulder.
“Fifty bucks says they’re fucking by the end of the night.”
Thirty minutes later and Steve is no closer to finding you. The darkness beginning to bleed in to the sky, the smell of weed and cheap alcohol lingering in the air as he looks for you in every queue, at every stand but it isn't until he hears the familiar laughter coming from behind him that he finally sees you. You’re sitting on the ground with a beer in hand, looking very cosy with the attractive tattooed stranger that’s much too close to you for Steve’s liking and your smile fades immediately when you see the boy standing in front of you.
"What are you doing? I've been looking everywhere for you." Steve asks, clearly annoyed by the presence of the other male beside you.
"I'm just making some new friends, not that it's any of your business." You mutter, taking a sip of your beer.
"This your boyfriend, sweetheart?" The man sitting next to you asks, grinning at Steve who keeps his eyes solely focused on you.
You shake your head instantly. "Nope. He's just a friend, or at least I thought he was."
“Can you please come with me? We really need to talk.” Steve begs, holding out a hand to you but you refuse to move. “We don’t have anything left to talk about.”
“I think we both know that we do.” Steve says, staring at you and you’re sure you see new determination behind his caramel tinted eyes.
"Don't worry about her pretty boy, I'll take good care of her, you go enjoy the show." The man smirks, placing a hand on your thigh as Steve’s jaw clenches.
"Get your hands off of her." Steve warns and suddenly you feel the tension in the air. Your eyes widen as Steve's fists begin to ball up, finally removing his eyes from you to look at the man sitting beside you.
"Why? She just said you're not her boyfriend and I don’t see her saying no.” The man responds, finally standing up to meet Steve face to face.
“Listen man, she’s coming with me, alright? Now get out of my face.” Steve threatens and you’re quick to jump to your feet now.
“Or what pretty boy?” The stranger smirks, shoving Steve back before you could get between them.
“Steve, don’t!” You warn, as his fist connects with the mans jaw, knocking him to the ground.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” You yell at your best friend but he’s too focused on the impending retaliation to hear you. But just as the tattooed stranger tries to take a swing at Steve, his arm is dragged back by the security guard who had witnessed the whole altercation, deciding enough was enough,
“You three, you’re out of here now!” He demands, getting in the middle of the two males who had been fighting over you.
“He fucking suckered me, dude!” The other boy argues, holding his jaw but the security guard just laughs, ignoring his pleas. “You shoved me first, pal.” Steve replies smugly as you’re all led to the exit.
You don’t even try to defend yourself or make an argument as to why you should be left stay to watch the concert, deciding that going back to the motel was probably for the best, the night had already been ruined for you long ago and you just wanted to be alone.
“Hey, where are you going now?” Steve shouts after you, following you back towards the direction of the motel.
“Just go away Steve, haven’t you already caused enough trouble for one day?” You fire at him.
“Look, I’m sorry, I know I’ve been a jerk but I really need to talk to you.”
“I already told you, I don’t have anything left to say, so just leave me alone.” You beg but Steve shakes his head, catching up to you.
“I can’t do that.” He says as you roll your eyes trying to pass him but he gets in your way again. He was never going to let you walk back to the motel alone in the dark. Not when you were both well aware that things do in fact, go bump in the night.
“Steve, why can’t you just–"
“Look, I know you hate me right now and trust me, I really hate me too. But I just need to know one thing, please? Fuck, I’ll even switch with Robin so you don’t have to share a room with me, alright?” He bargains, as you finally give in. The prospect of not having to share a bed with him being too much to turn down.
What? What do you want to know, Steve?” You question, folding your arms as he takes a deep breath before placing his hands on his hips.
“I want to know what you were going to say before Eddie knocked on the door earlier."
"What are you talking about?" You say, eyes widening in panic as Steve lets out a breath, pleading with you to be honest.
“You know what I'm talking about."
"No, I..."
"When we were arguing and I brought up Hargrove, you said you were only with him because I was still getting–?" He questions softly as you shake your head, looking anywhere but at him.
"I don't remember."
"Honey, please just–"
“I don’t remember Steve! So just drop it, ok?” You interrupt, starting to walk away as you hear his voice calling behind you.
“Because I was still getting over Nancy?” He asks, as your whole body freezes.
How did he know?
When you turn back to face him, he’s still standing there, staring at you, waiting for you to say something. Anything.
“You really are full of yourself, you know that?” You reply, voice trembling as he begins to close the space between you and you're not sure how much longer you can keep this up.
“If that's not what you were going to say, then tell me?" .
"Why does it matter?" You question, raising a frustrated brow at him, not understanding why he couldn't just let it go.
"Because I need to know–"
"Need to know what Steve? If I had a crush on you three years ago? Fine, ok, yes, I had a crush on you. Who fucking didn't? You were the most popular guy in school! And yeah, I did go out with Billy because I knew you were still getting over Nancy but you know what? I actually liked Billy. He was different with me but he just couldn't stand me being friends with you. He kept saying that I had feelings for you, that what I felt for you was more than a friendship and so he made me choose: him or you.…and I picked you.” You reveal, tears beginning to fall from your eyes as you finally decide to be honest with your best friend. “Cause all this time, Billy fucking Hargrove was right. I did have feelings for you, even if it took me almost losing you that night on the lake to figure it out." You cry, finally feeling a huge weight lifting from your chest and for the first time in months, you could breathe again.
Steve was frozen, pink lips pursed as he put a hand through his hair, heart aching at your admission and how much it was killing him to see you so upset. He wishes he hadn't been so stupid, hadn't been so afraid of losing you and just told you the truth when he had the chance. You’d never told him or anyone else why you and Billy broke up, always keeping it to yourself and he was more than a little shocked to realise it was because of him.
Because you chose him.
“I..I didn’t know I was the reason you guys broke up.” He confessed, a sorrowful look on his face. “M’sorry.”
“Forget about it, it was a long time ago.” You shrugged coldly, hoping this would be the end of the conversation.
"I can't believe you picked me." He whispers as you let out a sarcastic huff, lifting your head to look at him.
"And I can't believe you picked Tracy."
You fire back, turning on your heels to walk towards your motel room, heartbroken, tired of arguing with him, tired of wanting him, tired of loving him and just as you were about to close the door, Steve’s hand stops you from shutting it, from shutting him out, a hurt look in his eyes as he stares at you silently for a moment before speaking.
"You think I picked Tracy over you?" Steve asks with sadness and anger in his voice as you wipe your tears, resting your head on the side of the door.
“Steve, I told you what you wanted to know. Please just-”
“No! You can't actually think I'd pick her over you?” Steve quizzes again, brows knitted together, voice more stern than the last time he asked.
“Why not? You wouldn’t be the first one.” You reply, referring to your old High School ex boyfriend Matt and Steve scoffs bitterly, hurt at the comparison.
“I can’t believe you could even think that, after everything we’ve been through, you know me better than that!”
“No Steve, I thought I knew you better than that! I thought we were best friends and that you would never ever hurt me but then you went and slept with her!” You fume, shoving him backwards as he grabs your arms gently but sternly, holding you in place. Finally letting himself inside, closing the door with the back of his foot.
“I didn’t, I didn’t sleep with Tracy!” He growls back at you, frustration apparent in his voice as you sneer at him, well aware of the notches on his bedpost. "Oh please, how stupid do you think I am, Steve?"
"I'm telling you the truth!” He snaps, as you get in his face. "Cause you've been so good at that lately, huh Harrington?" You reply, a harsh tone in your voice, refusing to back down.
"Jesus Christ, will you just listen to me for one god damn minute? I haven’t had sex with her alright? I couldn't."
"And why is that Steve? Did you realise she's a fucking–"
"Because of you!” Steve interrupts loudly, silencing you. "Because I'm in love with you! Because for the past three years since that night you answered Henderson’s door, it’s only been you.” He finally confesses, cupping your face, begging you to believe him as you see the sincerity written all over his face.
“Honey, do you really think if I had known that you had feelings for me– if I thought that me and you being together was even a possibility, that I’d be seeing anybody else?” He questions, as you stare silently at him, heart beating out of your chest as he looks into your eyes. His lips ghosting over your own as you try to catch your breath.
"Then why didn't you tell me?" You manage to ask as he shakes his head and smiles.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He retorts before cupping your face again, taking a deep breath. "I tried to, so many times. But every time I got close to it, I just...got scared." He admits, as you stare at him confused.
"Scared of what?"
"Of you not feeling the same way, of ruining our friendship, of us not working out... I was just scared of losing you." He mutters, lowering his head as you grab his face, forcing him to look at you.
"That would never happen, Steve."
"But it almost did! And it's my fault because I decided to be an asshole and date someone else instead of just telling you that I love–" You cut him off, placing your lips on his to stop him from talking but before Steve could even fathom what was happening, you broke the kiss again, resting your forehead on his.
"I love you too, Steve." You whisper, as he pulls you in for another kiss.
There were no words left to say, you’d said them all.
Two hours later, after the concert, Robin and Eddie decided to head back to the motel, having long given up on their search for you and Steve at the venue.
“What if she’s killed him Eddie? What if they’re fighting so bad that none of us can hang out anymore? What if we have to meet up with them at different times because they can’t stand being around each other? What about the kids?” Robin panics as Eddie laughs, rolling his eyes as he knocks on your motel room door.
After a few seconds, when the door remains unanswered, Robin begins to walk towards her own room, anxiety getting the better of her as Eddie continues to wrap on the door resiliently.
“Will someone open the god damn door before Buckley files a missing persons report?” The metal head pleads for his own sanity as he finally hears shuffling on the other side of the door.
His eyes light up and a shit eating grin spreads across his face as Steve finally answers the door, shirtless flushed and struggling to zip up his Levi’s.
“Sorry Munson, we were just, uh…sleeping.” Steve lies even though he knows it’s pointless. He can hear you giggling under the covers as Eddie notices your underwear on the floor behind Steve.
“Atta boy Harrington, I knew you had it in you.” Eddie winks. “I’ll leave you lovebirds get back to sleep. Don’t snore too loud, we’re in the next room.” He subtly teases as Steve smirks, quickly closing the door to join you in bed again.
“Did I hear Steve? Are they ok?” Robin asks, as Eddie enters their room smiling.
“Oh yeah, they’re fine. By the way, you owe me fifty bucks Buckley.”
Taglist: @freezaz123 @pbs-theundeadmaggot @season4steve @param8re @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @kathieycarrerarosshley @somethingvicked @l0ve-0f-my-life @hotelfohn @iheartjennaaa @whisperingwillowxox @chickenxdrum @eddiesguitarskills @mgchaser @mgmolina2000 @keerysfolklore
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acciojaeyun · 1 year
– 1:16 am ; how jungwon falls in love
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genre: fluff pairing: yang jungwon x gn!reader trope: childhood friends to lovers
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love had the last cup of vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles and mini marshmallows.
it was not that hot out when you both first met outside of your respective houses. in fact, it was hot, albeit a bit cooler than normal. but the temptation of the vanilla ice cream was something undeniable, that not even the faintest drop of temperature could stop you from having your hands around the waffle cone.
love shared an ice cream cup with you when he was eight and you were seven.
love shared an ice cream cup with you when he was eight and you were seven.
“we could share,” the kid with smiled, dimples showing as he showed you the ice cream cup he had in his hands.
the thing about being a kid is, your parents have warned you not to talk to strangers. and the kid that apparently had your favourite ice cream was a stranger. you heard the words of your parents repeating in your head, but your favourite vanilla soft serve was held between the stranger’s small hands. 
so, you smiled at love, and love smiled back at you.
you were first acquainted with love through an eight-year-old jungwon, who had his hair in a bowl cut and whose cheeks are puffed out with dimples as deep as it could get. the jungwon who preferred to play chase with you on a bike at exactly 4:00 in the afternoon once you’re done with your classes, an hour before your own private lessons.
at twelve, love danced gracefully to the music you blasted on your speakers.
“i know this song!” jungwon would tell you while jumping as the music blasted your bluetooth speakers you brought to his place on afternoon.
you watched as jungwon hit every beat, you watched how he isolated his body to incorporate meaning to the words of the music, you watched how he smiled while catching his breath after dancing one whole routine.
“you’ve improved a lot on your dancing,” you smiled at jungwon who blushed in return. “i’ve been practising,” he responds as he takes a seat beside you on the floor to steal the fry you have in between your fingers. 
jungwon promised a lot of things.
first, jungwon promises not to refrain himself from stealing your food.
you let him steal your fry, just like how many times he had stolen your food. it was something unspoken between you two: you order jungwon’s usual while he claims to not order his, since he wanted to try some other things.
at the end of the day, you would eat the aloha burger and curly fries as he takes bite off your chicken sandwich and regular fries.
second, jungwon promises to put you first and protect you from everything.
“y/n!” he shouts as he pulls you by the arm to the pavement, saving you from an accident on the road. “y/n, you could’ve gotten hurt!” he says through teary eyes, checking your face whether you’ve had inevitable repercussions from the incident.
and lastly, jungwon promises to be your best-friend all the time.
“i love you,” he smiles through his chocolate tongue, savouring the last remnants of the chocolate ice cream he ordered instead of vanilla. you giggled and said it back with such sweetness, vanilla draped over the words with such delicacy and childlike intensity. 
love was ice cream shared under the sunset after a thirty-minute bike ride before jungwon goes to taekwondo and you go to piano lessons.
but love fails.
“up for a bike?” you asked one afternoon after your classes, just like you always did. and while you expected jungwon to nod at you and agree, he pouted and shook his head, “i have training.”
“oh,” you nodded and pouted as well, “it’s alright! we can bike some other time!”
at sixteen, love leaves for its dreams.
“what do you mean you’re not sure when you’ll come back?”
“i’ll come back, y/n.” jungwon sighs as he packs his clothes.
“what if you don’t?”
“then i’ve reached my dreams.”
for three months, love was seen through the screen. 
you couldn’t be prouder for jungwon, you knew you left bittersweetly. it ended in such a way that you have told jungwon that you didn’t want him reaching his dream when it was in fact the opposite.
“i’m proud of you,” you’d say when he decided to call you one random night. 
jungwon smiles. “how are you?” he asks.
jungwon still steals your food whenever he came to visit you. he still preferred ordering mundane menu items while subconsciously wanting yours – where he ends up eating your food and you end up eating his.
“i kinda want to try the mint choco,” he says as he looks at the ice cream menu.
“you never liked mint choco…” you trailed off as you knew where this was going.
jungwon still protects you from everything, that he had his sunghoon-hyung teach him how to skate because you told him one time you wanted to try ice skating; how was he supposed to protect you when he didn’t even know how to?
“since when did you learn how to skate?”
“i think you forgot i have a professional ice skater in my group.”
jungwon kept his promises. 
heck, he promised even more than that.
“would it be weird if i asked you if i could take you on a date?” he asked as he looked at you while you nursed yourself with hot chocolate.
“it would be,”
“but i could, right?” he presses, hopeful.
“you could.”
he releases a breath he has been holding, “alright.”
you looked at him expectingly.
“i’ll take you on a date,”
“as a bestfriend?”
jungwon takes a sip on his hot chocolate, “that and more.”
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
Hi 💖, its my first time writing here, english is not my first language but reading you has help me a lot to improve my english. I love the way you right Peter, and I wanted to ask for a request, I had an eye surgery like 2 weeks ago and my friends been teasing me about it saying that now I watch in 1080 HD (I mean I do now), so maybe you could do something with this and Peter please.
this means the absolute world to me, i am so glad to have you here. congrats on your eye surgery, i looked up videos for this and i died inside, so you're a badass for sure! (in sake of the fic let's pretend reader got some laughing gas and is a little loopy.)
“I can’t see. I think they cut my corneas.” 
Your boyfriend winces as he guides you out of your optometrist’s office, “technically they did.” 
“They did?!” Peter’s hand cups over your eyes when he gets you outside blocking you from the sunlight. You whimper and he nudges you along with a hand on your lower back. “The sun’s gonna hurt your eyes, let me get you some sunglasses.” 
Peter opens the passenger door at his aunt's car, before gently guiding you in the seat and immediately putting sunglasses over your eyes. His body leans across yours as he buckles you in, your bottom lip digs into your teeth when you try to place a kiss to his cheek, you moved awkwardly and nearly threw your face into his and hit his jawbone. 
“Oh shit, you alright, baby?” 
You feel warmth spread to your cheeks, you remember Peter but the details of your relationship were as fuzzy as your vision. Your best friend-slash-crush just called you baby, even after you crushed his face. The excuse of drugs would make this easier. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. You’re cute, but I don’t think I should tell you that.” 
Peter gives you a chaste kiss, “‘course you can call me cute.” 
Your jaw dropped but your crush didn’t notice, you start to think you’re a lot higher than you thought. The keys jingle in his hand as he pushes your knee further in the car before shutting the door and crossing around to the driver’s side. 
While your mind raced about what just happened you jumped when the engine roared to life, Peter clicked in his own belt. “Ready to blow this popsicle stand?” 
Your neck swivels, “we’re at a popsicle stand?” 
Peter awed at you, “I meant are you ready to go home?” 
You nod then hold out your hand as he reaches for the gear shift, “wait, did you kiss me?” 
He hummed, “I did, are you asking for another?” 
You stutter, “I mean, if you’re offering, but like, you don’t have to if you don’t want.” 
“Stop being silly,” his hand cups your cheek and pulls you in for another kiss, when he pulls away you follow and kiss him this time, he holds it for a few seconds before breaking it. 
“We do that a lot?” He’s your boyfriend, you’re sure of it. 
“According to you, not enough.” 
You scoff, “well, duh. Have you seen yourself? If I could like, sew myself to you, I would.” 
Peter makes a motion of looking around, “I’m sure May’s got a needle and thread around here.” You followed his movements with a smile, when you peered into the backseat a vivid flashback of hooking up with Peter hit you. 
“Oh god! Oh god, you’ve seen me naked!” 
You look at your boyfriend and gasp, you point at him in shock, “and I’ve seen you naked!” 
A cocky grin slid across his face, “oh, are we connecting the pieces now?” 
“You’ve done things to me, Peter.
“Alright, Nancy Drew. Let me take you home.” 
Confusion covered your face when he pulled up to your house, he seemed to have driven there on purpose. It’s proven when he puts the car in park and undoes his seatbelt, when he reaches for yours you stop him. 
“Why are we here?” 
“I told you I was taking you home.” 
You pout, you didn’t want to be here. 
“But that’s your house.” 
Peter’s heart swells in his chest, you viewed him as home. 
“I’m sorry, baby. Your parents wanted you home, but I’ll stay over tonight and I’ll come see you until you can get around on your own.” 
You smile wide, “really?” 
Your boyfriend gives you three quick kisses, “really, really.” 
“How’s that 1080 HD vision treating you?” 
Three days have passed and you can see cleaner and crisper than ever before, you turn and shake with excitement when your boyfriend appears at your door. 
“You know, I didn’t know how you could get even hotter until they sliced my coneras.” 
“Is that so?” His hands rest on your hips. 
“They gave me 1080 HD Peter vision.” 
“Gross. Gimme a kiss.” 
He really is so much more beautiful up close. 
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andhumanslovedstories · 5 months
I wanted to tell you about a good part of my day for solidarity and nursing appreciation reasons. I'm a PT in a SNF and today's highlight was a toilet transfer, and getting to work with the patient's regular LVN who was as delighted about it as I was.
For background, this patient has not been on a good trajectory lately. Decreasing alertness, decreasing time out of bed, not really eating or drinking. It's getting to the point where all her family members are going way out of their way to visit as much as possible. The last two times I got her to sit up, she was sitting for less than five minutes before needing to lie back down.
So it was a pretty big deal that she spent most of today up in her wheelchair, and that she agreed to practice transfers when I asked. I got her to go to the edge of the bed (she can't spend too much time sitting up without Consequences), and she's like, "I need to use the bathroom." "Okay, do you want to try to walk there?" And she says sure, and she walks to the bathroom and I get her onto the toilet and lean out the door to find a CNA to help. There are no CNAs. They are serving dinner in the dining hall. The only person around is the LVN, so I tell her the situation, sort of resigning myself to having to do the cleaning and get the patient back to bed alone, because this isn't really something the LVNs would normally do. Our staffing ratios pretty much mean they don't tend to have time to do anything that could be done by a CNA.
And the LVN says to me, incredulous but delighted, "she's on the toilet? How did she get there?" And comes to help with this big grin that doesn't go away the whole time we're getting the patient cleaned up and into bed, because this task that could be an unpleasant imposition is made into something so joyful by caring about this patient and getting to see her doing well.
And then I looked at the clock, and welp. Guess I'm billing the max minutes allowed for this. Worth it.
oh I love this!! the absolute joy of a patient who is normally bedbound in a place that isn't the bed!! ugh I love PT, I think it represents one of the best parts of healthcare (the part that's like, what if people got better? and improved?? and didn't just lie in bed getting weaker and weaker and weaker???) one of the downsides of night shift is that I am never there at the same time as PT, but you guys do such incredible work.
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danurso · 1 year
A new opportunity
(Good god i can't remember the last time i spent so long in such a long post, hope you enjoy)
Another day began at Beacon, and just like always, teams RWBY and JNPR gathered for breakfast at the cantina.
Nora: -which is why i believe that a monetary system based on Maple syrup would be the best solution to an economic crisis.
Ren: . . . . . .
Pyrrha: . . . . . .
Ruby: . . . . . .
Blake: . . . .worst thing of all? that kinda makes sense.
Jaune: *sits down with his tray* Hey guys, what did I miss?
Ruby: Nora was explaining to us how using maple syrup instead of lien would improve the economy.
Ren: If she spent as much time studying as she does thinking about these things, her grades would be better than Weiss'
Pyrrha: Speaking of her, where is she?
Blake: At the headmaster's office.
Ren: Did something happen?
Ruby: Honestly? We have no idea, she's been acting a bit off since she woke up.
Yang: *sits down with her tray* We're talking about Ice queen?
Ruby: Yeah.
Yang: Wonder what's got her panties on a twist. Did you try to serenade her again vomit boy?
Jaune: Of course not, i haven't tried anything since the ball.
Ruby: It's been just a week so….maybe those are still on her head?
Blake: maybe she had a dream with him again, or a nightmare as she calls it.
Jaune: Why am I the only possible reason why Weiss is having mood problems?
Yang: Because no one can push her buttons as far as you vomit boy.
Jaune: I don't. . . . . .*sigh* Fair enough.
Ruby: Hey don't be like that, she hasn't cursed at or ridiculed you ever since the ball, that's some progress.
Jaune: I guess. . . . .though at this point i don't wanna try anything anymore, if she ever wants to talk or try and be friends i'll be here but. . . . .i'll sit in my corner until then, i already pushed her more than enough.
Blake: That's probably for the better.
Nora: Speaking of the devil.
They turned their heads to see the heiress they were just talking about walking towards them with her own lunch tray, her gaze wandering around the cantina with a tranquil expression, until her eyes landed on their table.
The group wavered at her, all of them including jaune who gave a small wave with an awkward smile. He locked eyes with her and expected the usual nasty look before she looked away with a "hmph", but instead he got a warm smile from the usually cold heiress, there was. . . . .something more to it, but he couldn't exactly put his finger on it.
Yang: About time ice queen! Did Ozpin end up talking your ears off?
Weiss: Not quite, he did go on a long ramble, but his words always have a lot to offer.
Yang: What? Wanting to upgrade from teacher's pet to headmaster's pet?
Weiss didn't reply with the usual glare, instead letting out a short chuckle, which was odd enough as it was, but before any comments could arise, they watched in a mix of shock and surprise as the heiress took a seat, and of all places, she took a seat specifically next to the blonde knight.
There was a small moment of awkwardness at that, they all looked at her in disbelief, until Jaune made his move.
Jaune: *hops a little away from her*
Weiss: *hops closer to him*
Everyone: ???
Jaune: ??? *Hops away again*
Weiss: *hops closer*
Everyone: !?!?!?
Jaune: *staring flabbergasted*
Weiss: What? *Sniff, sniff* Do i smell?
Jaune: Erm. . . . .n-no.
Weiss: Then why are you backing away from me?
Jaune: Oh, well, i just. . . .figured you wouldn't want me to sit next to you.
Weiss: *snorts and smiles* Why would I sit next to you if I didn't want you next to me silly?
Jaune: . . . . . . .
Everyone: . . . . . . .
Nora: *whispering* Who's that and what did she do to Weiss?
Ren: *shrugs*
Weiss: What are you all staring at me for? Let's eat.
They all exchanged looks and followed suit, they were still curious about Weiss' sudden mood change, but the topic was readily forgotten once Nora started to ramble again. Well, forgotten to most at least.
Jaune was quite aware of the snow white beauty next to him, it made him really nervous, it was quite the strange situation to be honest. He tried to act normal, but every now and again he would glance at her and she would glance back, he would look away as fast as possible and pretend he didn't see anything, but he was sure she noticed, and was almost certain those exchanges made her giggle.
Jaune: *quickly glances at her*
Weiss: *staring*
Jaune: *pink, looks away as fast as possible*
Weiss: I'm not gonna hit you for looking or anything like that y'know?
Jaune: S-sorry, i didn't mean to stare.
Weiss: Pretty sure those were too short to be called "stares", but I don't mind either way.
Jaune: Uhm, okay. . . . .are. . . .are you okay?
Weiss: Better than ever.
Jaune: Are you sure? I never saw you-!?
Weiss: *sighs, resting against his arm* That was a good lunch, I haven't felt this full in years.
Jaune: *red* Erm. . . .Weiss? W-what are you doing?
Weiss: Resting, I think I ate a little too much. Am i bothering you?
Jaune: N-no! Not at all.
Weiss: *snuggles* Hmm. . . .Good.
Jaune: *extremely confused*
Everyone: *staring* !?!?!?
Jaune: *redder* I have no idea either.
Lunch was over and classes soon began, confusion was still high amongst the group but they didn't have much time to question since Oobleck had just arrived to begin his lecture, and once again, Weiss was found sitting next to Jaune.
Jaune: Ugh, This thing again. . . . .
Weiss: Having problems?
Jaune: O-oh, no, not at all! *Puffs chest* I just. . . .y'know, like to think a lot before writing down an answer.
Weiss: Uh huh. . . .so, what are you having trouble with?
Jaune: I'm not-
Weiss: *stern look*
Jaune: *deflates, depressed sigh* Alloying calculations.
Weiss: Ahh, I remember those. *Leans closer, looking into his paper*
Jaune: *pink* . . . . . .W-Weiss-
Weiss: Ah, I see the issue. You're using the wrong formula, This one is used to calculate the weight of the materials during the process, what you want is the formula for density. All you need is pick is the value of the metal and the area times. . . . .
At some point Jaune's mind turned off from most things around him, he couldn't remember ever being this close to Weiss, especially when she wasn't ready to knock him out, the way her eyes scanned through the material, her soft yet serious expression as she patiently explained it all to him was mesmerizing to say the least, Jaune knew Weiss was pretty but. . . . .wow, he feels like he might fall for her all over again if this keeps up
Jaune: H-huh?
Weiss: Remnant calling Jaune, are you there?
Jaune: *pink* S-sorry, i was thinking about something.
Weiss: I figured, you've been staring pretty intensely at me for some time.
Jaune: *red* . . . . .i'm really sorry.
Weiss: Don't be *small smile* I like the way you look at me.
Jaune: *redder* . . . . . . .
Weiss: I wrote the formula on the corner of your notes, just try and memorize it and you won't have any issues, Okay? *Goes back to her notes*
Jaune: O-okay. Thanks.
Jaune didn't know how to feel, confused? Shocked? Overjoyed? It was a mix of all of those, and Jaune wondered until when this was going to last, would she wake up tomorrow and start hating him again? It was something worth asking, though in all honesty, he really didn't want to know the answer. And so, instead of letting that question eat away his mind, he moved on with his day, and soon enough combat classes started, where he once again found himself in a fight against cardin of all people.
And of course, it didn't end well for him.
Glynda: Match is over, Victory goes to mister Winchester.
Cardin: Hah, what a surprise. 'till next time arc.
Jaune groaned in pain, Cardin's last hit broke his aura and his face took most of the damage, he held his bruised cheek and left the arena, whatever was left of his pride being the most damaged thing in this fight
Nora: You'll get him next time.
Pyrrha: Shouldn't you go to the infirmary?
Jaune: My aura is gonna kick in an hour or so anyways, it's fine. *Sits down, groaning and rubbing the ugly bruise in his cheek.
Weiss: *sigh* You're so stubborn.
Jaune: It's fine, i-
He stopped halfway into his sentence, watching as she pulled out a handkerchief, picked up Yang's water bottle to soak it up and used a glyph to freeze it, sitting close to him and reaching out for his cheek. Jaune reflexively moved away which seemed to be the wrong move, she gave him an angry look and held his face, pulling him really close.
Weiss: Stay still you dolt. *Starts gently applying the ice* if you move i'm gonna give your other cheek a matching mark
Jaune: *flinches and stays still.*
Weiss: Better.
She then held the frozen handkerchief to his bruise, gently pressing against it while using a glyph to keep it cooled
Jaune: You don't need to do this, my aura is gonna kick in a little while.
Weiss: I don't care, you're in pain right? so zip it and let me take care of you.
Jaune: I can handle a little pain.
Weiss: I don't doubt it, but you don't need to handle it. Stop trying to act tough, it's okay to let people help you.
Jaune: . . . . . .
Weiss: There. Feels better?
Jaune: A lot. Thanks Weiss.
Weiss: Don't thank me, just make sure to kick his butt next time.
Jaune: Hah. . . . .as if that is ever going to happen.
Weiss: It will, maybe not in the next match, or the one after that, but it will eventually.
Jaune: You sound awfully sure about that.
Weiss: Because I am. Do you know what's the worst thing about You jaune?
Jaune: I think i can come up with an entire list of things i-oww!
Weiss: *pinching his good cheek* The worst thing about you is this, you have no faith in yourself, despite how hard you work, despite your visible talents, despite all of your friends telling you otherwise, you insist on the idea that you are worthless, when you obviously are not.
She stopped pinching his cheek, instead, she gently stroked it.
Weiss: You are much, much stronger than any of us could ever hope to imagine, there's someone deep down in there that will one day save many lives and protect many people, someone all of us can look up to and that can carry a burden that would crush most of us ten times over, someone worthy of being called a true hero, so don't let your fears and doubts stop you from letting that someone come out.
Jaune: *speechless* . . . . .i. . . . . .i'll try.
Weiss: *smiles* That's a good start.
And once more, Jaune was left wondering what happened to the Weiss he knew yesterday, there was no way to tell how long this would last, and the worst thing of all? Is that after everything that happened, after he finally decided to move on, she suddenly does all of this and jaune finds himself completely and utterly head over heels for her again, probably even more than before.
Was she playing with him? Was this some sort of revenge plan? He doubted it, he couldn't see Weiss sinking to such a low, and even if she tried the others would've intervened, but they were clearly just as shocked as he was.
Weiss: Hey, erm. . . . .i've been meaning to get some things in vale after class is over, would you like to come with me?
Jaune: !?!? You mean. . . .you need someone to help you?
Weiss: No, I mean that I would like to go out with you after class is over.
Jaune: I. . . . . . . .you. . . . . . .you mean. . . . . .
Weiss: *chuckles* Just a yes or a no will suffice you dolt.
Jaune: Y-yes, I would really like that.
Weiss: It's a date then.
Date. . . .Jaune lost count of the amount of times he imagined having one of those with Weiss, never in his life however did he expect this to be how it happened, once again he felt the fear of this being too good to be true, that Weiss would change her mind back how it was before as fast as she changed to how it is now, or that he'll just wake up on his bed all of this would have been a dream, but he couldn't control it either way, all he could really do is enjoy his time with Weiss for as long as he had left.
And so classes ended for the day, and soon enough, the heiress was Found in her room, wearing much more casual clothes and ready to leave, before her team blocked the way.
Weiss: You girls need something?
Blake: Yeah, we do. What's going on?
Ruby: Spill the beans!
Weiss: I assure you I have no beans in my mouth to spill.
Yang: See! This is what we mean! Since when do you do jokes like that!?
Weiss: I've developed a sense of appreciation for silly jokes like that.
Blake: Since when?
Weiss: Since yesterday.
Yang: What's going on with you? Is everything okay?
Weiss: Yes, why? Is my behavior bothering you?
Ruby: No way, you've been really nice all day, especially to Jaune, we just wanted to know where all that is coming from?
Yang: You couldn't stand the guy not too long ago, yeah you tell us what he did on the ball and that definitely earns him some good points, but for you to act like this? Like you're his girlfriend or something? It seems off for you.
Weiss: *sigh* I figured you girls would question. So, do you want the truth?
R_BY: Yeah.
Weiss: The whole truth?
Blake: Of course.
Weiss: For realsies.
Yang: just spill it!
Weiss: Alright then, the truth is that I am not the same Weiss you knew from before, I'm actually from eight years in the future. The world was collapsing and there wasn't any hope left as we got stomped by the queen of grimm, that was until I figured out how to mix the magic I received from four magical women with my time dilation glyphs to send my mind back in time, which allows me to try and prevent the disaster before it even has a chance to strike.
R_BY: . . . . . .
Weiss: As for Jaune's case, he's been my lover for the past three years, well, was at least. I had to watch him getting crushed by the weight of responsibility and the things we had to constantly go through, we didn't have time to go on dates, for romance or much of anything else aside from some rare occasions, his mind was constantly haunted by his own mistakes and even the ones he had no fault of, yet he pushed through everything despite how broken he was on the inside. . . . . .that was, until a year ago, where i had to watch him lay down his life to save mine and give me this opportunity to come back and make things right. . . . .So I intend to make use of every last second of this new opportunity he gave me, and I'll make sure to cherish and love him. Jaune will grow into a formidable man, that much i know, and i know the road ahead won't be easy, but this time i'll be there for him, and i'll be damned if i let this world break him a second Time.
R_BY: . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yang: Y'know. . . . . .you could just tell us if you didn't want to say what's going on.
Blake: Did you just come up with that? Cause that sounds like a really compelling narrative.
Weiss: Would you believe it if I also told you him he's the rusted knight from your favorite fairy tale?
Blake: Heh, that's a funny one. You should write for a living if you ever give up on Being a huntress.
Weiss: *shrugs* I only gave you the answer you asked for.
Ruby: Ohhh, I wonder what a grimm queen would look like. Maybe a giant spider lady with a biiiig head to control other grimm around her with her thoughts.
Weiss: *chuckles* Of course you'd think that.
Yang: *sigh* Well, nevermind all of that, if you don't wanna tell us what's going on we'll give you some space. Just. . . . .try not doing anything stupid, alright nICE-queen?
Weiss: I'll try my best.
She leaves the room, closing the door behind her only to see Jaune in the corridor wearing more casual clothes, looking through his scroll's selfie camera and nervously fiddling with his hair while mumbling something unintelligible. Many things passed through her mind at that moment, most weren't exactly pleasant, but as she stared at the boy whose biggest concern right now was trying to make himself not look stupid for a date, she couldn't help but feel an incredible warmth building up inside her chest.
Weiss: *giggles*
Jaune: W-Weiss!? *Pink* H-how long have you been there!?
Weiss: I don't know, how long have you been playing with your hair?
Jaune: I-i just. . . . . Y'know. . . . .it's getting a little too long and i-
He stopped as Weiss reached out for his head, brushing his hair with her hand and putting it the way it was normally.
Weiss: I like the longer hair. Also, don't try too hard to style it, it already looks perfect like this.
Jaune: W-well. . . .if you say so. You look really nice.
Weiss: Thanks, you look quite good too.
Jaune: hehe, thanks. Well. . . . should we-
"Miss schnee"
Jaune was cut by none other than the headmaster, who joined them shortly after with his mug in hand as always.
Weiss: Yes?
Ozpin: We looked into the matters you warned us about, and you'll be happy to know we got to isolate the little "surprise" they had hidden in the system for us. As of now me and a few others are going to miss Fall's room to. . . ."discuss" some matters, would you like to join us?
Weiss: It won't be necessary, I'm sure you're already doing what's necessary.
Ozpin: Very well, there's still more I would like to discuss but you seem to be busy at the moment. Please contact me once you're free.
Weiss: Will do.
Ozpin: A good evening for you, and for you as well mister Arc. *Leaves*
Jaune: . . . . . .what was that?
Weiss: Nothing much, don't worry about it.
Jaune: Uhmm. . . .okay. Should we go-!?
Weiss: *hugging his arm and smiling* Let's go.
And off they went to their date, the first of many more to come, Jaune didn't think this day would ever come but every glance at the ivory beauty hugging his arm proved him wrong and made his heart race inside his ribcage, he didn't know what he did to deserve this, but he knew he was going to thank the gods for it for the rest of his life
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