#ok gotta say some things so i'll try to be brief
fl00mie · 4 months
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ink and blackberry
ink by @/comyet
blackberry/error by @/loverofpiggies
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petew21-blog · 22 days
Love thy neighbor
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Jerry:"Oh look he posted again. And look at the quote '
Instagram - Clark_779:'Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you. We all have to remember to be kind to each other'
Harvey:"I can't stand him anymore. Such a fucking hypocrite. Pretending to be a good christian and at the same time making our lives at school a living hell."
Jerry:"Yeah, you're right. But he won't change. He'll be the same asshole as he is now"
Harvey:"Maybe not"
Jerry:"Yeah right. You're gonna give him a lesson on ethics and he's gonna be kind. How about Red Riding Hood. That's a good story too. Maybe you should tell me that one"
Harvey:"If you'd let me talk I would explain it to you. I have been visiting this bookstore that seels antique stuff"
Jerry:"Aaaaand you found a love option that's gonna make him fall in love with you. Great"
Harvey:"You know I'm not gay and no. Something better. I got these two rings to swap our bodies"
Jerry:"Sure. And you know they work?"
Harvey:"We could try it out right now"
Jerry:"What if we don't change back?"
Harvey:"The man said that it should be fully reversible as long as both of them are wearing the ring"
Jerry:"Ok, fine. It's not like I believe your. But why not"
The took the rings and put them on their fingers. But nothing happened
Jerry:"Look, man. I know you wanted to believe it, but you gotta learn that there are scammers in the world and they...."
"...just want to rob you." Jerry finished the sentence but now from Harvey's body
Harvey:"Told you:
Jerry:"Dude, thus changes everything. We could ne the most popular people in the entire school. No, we can be anybody"
Harvey:"Calm down. We got a lot of time ahead of us. But for now I think we should stick with low profile dudes like Clark"
Jerry:"Ok, let's see if we can swap back"
The exchanged the rings again and after a moment were looking back at the other person. Harvey noticed that his dick was now hard in his briefs, but decided not to comment on in so that he wouldn't leave embarassed and his plan would go to shit
Jerry:"Ok. So how do you wanna do it?"
Harvey:"I got a plan"
Jerry:"I don't want to get beat up"
Harvey:"Someone has to sacrifice. Now go and provoke him. I'll intervene as soon as he would start beating you"
Clark was talking with his bros near the lockers. Jerry didn't have to say a thing and Clark noticed his presence:"Hey, fag. Got my lunch money?"
Jerry sped up and went on as if he didn't say anything. Clark ran out to get him as his bros stood behind. He shoved Jerry against a locker, making him collapse on the ground. That was a big hit. Jerry felt his back aching
Clark:"I was talking to you, nerd. Give ne your money"
Jerry:"I don't have any money today"
Harvey came closer and offered him the ring. "You can sell this for a better price than just lunch". Clark grabbed Harvey's sweatshirt and lifted him up against the locker. "Who said you can talk to me?"
Harvey stayed calm:"Please, just take it and let us be". Clark took the ring and looked at it. It seemed manly. Not like one for woman. He liked it. "Fine. Only this time" he let go of Harvey.
Harvey was next to Jerry now. Jerry was aching. While Harvey looked surprisingly confident. Jerry:"So? What now? What if he sells it or throws it away." Harvey:"Now we wait"
They were sitting at the front of the class along with the rest of the seniors. Clark was with his bros at the back. Harvey was trying to observe him, but everytime he did some of his bros noticed.
Jerry:"He's playing with the ring" And he was. History class probably borec him so much that he had to take a look at it.
Harvey turned around and noticed as another jock took it from him. "Oh no" he noticed as he was about to slip it on his finger and immediately took off his. Jock looked how the ring fit. He said to Clark:"Can I keep it?". "NO, it's mine. Echoed silently through the class"
The teacher didn't care that they were shouting. He was in support of our school jock and was in their favour so he let a lot of things pass
Clark took the ring back from the other guy and put it on his finger. Jerry said:"Now Harvey!" Harvey slipped on the ring as well and waited
Few seconds later. Jerry looked at Harvey's face that changed expression. He even spoke out loud:"What're you looking at, fag?" Jerry was shocked. This was real. He looked back to see Clark smiling back at him. "Holy shit" Jerry said out loud
The teacher scolded him Jerry. Mister Barren. There will be no such talk in my class. Go visit the prinicipal right now and take your things. Jerry had a hard time trying not to smile
Clark was so dull that he still didn't notice yet. Jerry went to the principal where he got his detention. Message arrived to his phone from unkwon number:"Clark is really passed. He screamed out at the class. He made me look like a crazy person. Come to my NEW car"
Jerry was nervous. He was always scared to even get close to Clark's car and now he was about to go in. He opened the door and sat down. There He was. Clark, but not really Clark
"Sup, fag" Harvey said. They both laughed
Jerry:"Holy shit dude, this is crazy. I can't believe it"
Harvey:"No, this is crazy. Check these out" he said as he flexed Clark's arm right into Jerry's face
Jerry:"Holy shit. Dude? Can I...?
Harvey:"Sure thing. Go ahead"
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Jerry squeezed Clark's biceps and let his fingers go along the lines of his muscles. "This is incredible"
Harvey:"So what now. Wanna get your new body?"
Jerry:"I think we should wait until the drama about your body is done. Your body looks crazy right now and if there were the two of us, It might be more suspicious. I say we go to your new place. We should check it out"
Harvey:"Right on, mister. Hold your glasses"
Harvey wasn't a really good driver and it showed. The ride was... a bit dangerous
They entered the house. It was completely empty
Now the boys inspected the modern kitchen with a fridge full of great food.
Jerry:"Dude, this is amazing. It must be crazy good to be this rich"
Harvey:"You know what's also amazing? Check it" he lifted up his shirt and swestshirt, pulling his jeans down a bit
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Jerry:"Wow. Dude. Those are really hot. Can I touch them?"
Harvey:"Why are you even asking at this point? Haha"
Jerry went closer to give it a feel. He was so close to his tormentor/friends face now. He expected a hit from his body or that his body would betray him and he would start kissing him instead. "Ehm... wanna maybe go upstairs to see his room?"
Harvey:"Sure. I mean, we'll be spending a lot of time there. Playing video games and so on. So we should atleast check it out"
After an hour of playing Harvey let go of the controler. Jerry:"Anything wrong Harvey?"
Harvey:"I'm Clark now. And I'm sice of not appreciating this body" he started undressing
Jerry couldn't look away. He was so hard right now. " Harv... Clark? Maybe you should wait before I leave?"
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Harvey:"Don't pretend like you don't wanna see these guns and the rest. I know you do"
Jerry:"Oh... you do?"
Harvey:"Sure. I know you're gay. I could even feel my dick hard when we swapped before. Can't really hide that"
"Now look at this beautiful big dick" Harvey said as he held it over his boxer briefs. "No wonder he keep fucking everyone at the entire school. If I had this body and dick I would too. Oh wait... now I do. Haha"
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"Let's take a proper look at it. Oh wow. It's so thick. Wanna check it out?" Harvey said with a seductive look at Jerry
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Harvey didn't wait and got over Jerry. Sliding down his boxer briefs.
"Come on. Touch it. I know you want to"
Jerry hesitated, but Harvey put his dick into his face. Jerry took the dick into his hand. It really was big. "Oh wow, Harvey"
Harvey:"I told you, I'm Clark now. And you should suck it" he said and pushed his dick towards Jerry's mouth
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He smiled:"I knew you'd like it you little, fag"
Jerry couldn't help it, but this talk. Pretending to be Clark and sucking him off was so amazing. He wanted this moment to last forever. Or atleast to be repeated several times
Jerry swallowed all of the cum. Harvey was now in the bathroom cleaning himself off and taking photos
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Jerry at Harvey in the bathroom:"I think we should talk about it, Harv... Clark."
Harvey:"Talk about what? That you just sucked my dick?"
Jerry:"Yeah. You said you are straight and now you let me do this. Did you do it just to cheer me up or because of the attention"
Harvey was still around the corner in the bathroom:"Kinda both. But do you really think that I would be straight in a body like this. Especially when his body looks so good in this?"
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He entered in a maid's dress. Showing off and flexing his muscles right at Jerry
Harvey:"I couldn't let this body be straight. I would just limit my options.
Jerry pushed down his hard on
Harvey;"And if you'd want we can pick you a nice girl's bldy and be a cute couple fucking around at home and at school. But I think you'd rather let me fuck another hot stud and get revenge on these hypocrites. Am i right?"
Jerry nodded in approval
Harvey:"Good. Then let's pick you a hot body. I can't wait to fuck you"
Anonymous request in inbox
Can you do a classic swap story between a nerd and a straight jock? I always find those to be super hot
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hina-hina · 2 years
do you have any hcs about a possible (cod) alex x f!reader 👀? this man has me on a chokehold and can't get enough of him
Hello friend! I am loving the new Alex requests! Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Only about 20 requests left!! Once I get through these requests, I have a lot of fun ideas about some new stuff and maybe starting a series! We should see...
My last post flopped hard because I used the wrong tags for König .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
This work is not beta read!!
→ COD Masterlist
|| Alex General Headcanons ||
Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, General Headcanons, Blurb, Angst, Comfort, Crying, Morning Fluff, Short
Warnings: Angst
Gender-Neutral!Reader // Romantic
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So, I wrote a couple Alex general headcanons in my last Alex post
But I'll try to elaborate some more about some little headcanons with a little short blurb written at the end
So, first of all, I imagine he takes super good care of his facial hair
Like I can see him using oils and such
Have you guys seen that TikTok about the guy talking about how he makes his chest hair soft so it doesn't bother his girlfriend? Yeah
Like I said before, he is super respectful
He probably smells really good (while off duty, not is the field obv...)
I can see his as growing up in a rural community and preferring that setting as to the city
I think he is one of the only COD boys that can cook
And he likes to do this often for you
Super gentle
Early riser, loves to wake up early and cook you breakfast
Has nightmares and likes to lay his head on your chest as he calms down
Bonus points if you run your hand through his hair
Prefers to let you trim his hair
Clingy drunk with you but more of a rambunctious drunk with others
Wanted to teach you self defense and gun safety so you could protect yourself more effectively
Him saying "Yes ma'am/sir" to you casually .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
Gives the best hugs
His love language is physical touch and words of affirmation
Ok, now for the sleepy blurb:
Alex was gone on assignment a lot. It was a fact that you had to accept before you ever entered a serious relationship with the man. He made sure to express to you how important his work was for him, trying his best to prevent any potential future arguments. You were understanding, you told him it didn't matter as long as you could be with him. You stuck by this, pushing down the ache that came everytime he had to leave again.
Yesterday, he told you he had to go on assignment again. He gave you as many details as he could but it did little to ease your worries. He said he didn't know how long he would be gone, that he had to go halfway across the world. You forced a smile and assured him that the two of you had to make this most out of this last day.
So the two of you made dinner, and talked, and laughed. He managed to make you forget that he was leaving.
The next morning, you woke up first. A rare thing not to be taken lightly. So, you laid on your side and stared at Alex's sleeping face in the orange sunlight streaming through the bedroom window. Seemingly on its own, your hand goes straight to his hair, running gently through it. He woke up slowly, eyes squinting out at you as a soft smile graced his lips.
"Good morning, baby."
You smile back, hand continuing to gently separate any knots they found, "Morning."
He moved further into your hand, humming in quiet satisfaction. With reluctance, he turns his head to check the time.
"Gotta' get up soon so I can get to the briefing in time."
Your smile immediately dropped, hand pausing. Alex immediately notices, eyes furrowing, "What's wrong?"
You force a smile and shake your head jumping up to move toward the door, "Nothing! I'll make you breakfast before you leave-"
"Hey-" He latches onto your wrist before you can move too far, "Talk to me."
The sheer look of concern on his face was what finally broke you, tears brimming in your eyes. His concerned look deepens as he shuffles to the edge of the bed to place both hands on your arms, softening his hold.
"No, no, I'm-" Your voice breaks as a sob tries to climb its way up your throat.
He immediately pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you tightly, "It's okay, your alright." He holds you until the sobs come to a stop, leaving gentle kisses along the crown of your hair. You don't need to say a word before he begins talking softly, "I know its hard when I have to leave."
"I'm sorry," you mutter after a minute, sniffling, "I know what you do is important."
He rubs your back, "Doesn't mean it doesn't suck."
He pulls back, gently lifting your face up to look up at him, "I'll always come back to you."
You can't think of any words to get across how thankful you are, how in love you are with this man. You jump up and kiss him, trying to convey all the feelings words can't describe. He seems to understand, immediately kissing back.
He pulls back after a few moments, eyes soft as he gently rubs your cheek, "Let's go make breakfast together."
"That sounds great."
Thanks for reading!
⇣Taglist⇣ @scarlettproof @unabashednightmarepizza @kk00789 @cl0udii-m00n @polar2oidsworld @meepsters-world @uwu-i-purple-you @punziesworld @heaven-angels-world @crystalliebling @southernbluebellereader @nptnewr @blueoorchid
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beanzwrites · 1 year
Jess Asks for Help
Dean x sister! reader x Sam
Inspired by Episode 1
Description: As Dean is trying to convince Sam to join the the expedition to find dad, the youngest Winchester helps Sam's girlfriend in the kitchen.
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        The road was eerily vacant as Dean slowly presses the gas pedal on the Impala. He stops in front of a particular building, observing the complex for any openings he could get into.
        "So, this is where Sammy lives?" (Name) whispers from the backseat, nervous to speak any louder in fear of somehow alerting someone.
        "Yeah," Dean replies while putting the key in his jacket. He steps out of the car, leaning down to look at his sister. "Stay in the car; I'll be back in a few."
        "Okay," she murmurs, leaning slightly against the driver's seat. "Hurry back." He nods before shutting the door.
        Soon enough though, (Name) got bored. She retraces her brother's steps and begins to climb up the building with the upmost caution. She makes it to the window and crawls in.
"I thought I told you to stay in the car."
        Two voices spoke at the same time. Both of her brothers were standing a few feet from the window. A smile etches across the young Winchester's face. She races to hug her second oldest brother. "Sam!"
        Hey, how are you?" Sam asks softly, gently wrapping his arms around her.
        "I missed you," She says.
        "Sam?" a woman's voice calls from the doorway. Light sheds through the room as a lamp turns on, revealing a pretty blondie in her sleepwear.
        "Jess... hey," Sam says, pushing his sister away slightly. He looks at Dean, frowning. "Dean, this is my girlfriend Jessica."
        "Wait, your brother Dean?"Jessica questions with a small smile, "so this must be (Name)," she said, looking at the only girl in the room besides her.
        "I love the smurfs," Dean says suddenly, a lazy grin on his face. (Name) rolls her eyes. "You know, I gotta tell you, you are way out of my brother's league." Dean proceeds to get closer to Jessica, ignoring the fact his siblings were still in the rooms.
        "Just let me put something on," Jessica replies, glancing at Sam for help. 
        "no, no, no. I wouldn't dream of it... seriously. Anyway, I got to borrow your boyfriend  here to talk about some private family business but, uh, nice meet'n you."
        "No," Sam states boldly as he walks over to Jess's side, "no, whatever you want to say, you can say in front of her."
        "Ok," Dean says, "um, Dad hasn't been home in a few days."
        "So he's working overtime, he'll stumble back in sooner or later," Sam retorts coolly. 
        "Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days." Silence fills the room as Sam thinks for a brief moment.
        "Jess, excuse us." the brothers walk towards the door, leaving behind the two females in the room.
        "(Name)," Jess says after a brief pause, "would you like to help with breakfast?"
        (Name) watches as the hot liquid drizzles into the coffee pot, rising ounce by ounce until it reaches full capacity. Jessica stood behind her cutting strawberries into a bowl.
        "You seem to know how to work that thing," Jess says, trying to make conversation.
        "Yeah. I make coffee for my dad and Dean sometimes. Never tried it though."
        "You're close with your family, aren't you?"
        "Kind of."
        "That's nice. You must have been sad when Sam left for college."
        "Devastated," (Name) mutters, turning around to look at Jessica, "We've been through a lot..."
        "I'm sure," she replies. She pops a strawberry into her mouth, then offers one to the girl. "Strawberry?"
        "Love one," (Name) smiles back, snagging one from the bowl. The two females begin to joke around, sharing the fruit between them, until Sam comes in.
        "Come on (Name), we're leaving," he says as he heads to one of the rooms at the back of the apartment. Jess follows after him. (Name) follows suit, but hesitates at the end of the hallway.
        "Wait, your taking off?" Jess's voice can be heard from the room. "Is this about your dad? Is he alright?"
        After a few minutes, Sam comes out with a duffel bag hanging from his shoulder. Jess leans against the bedroom doorway, waving goodbye. Sam took (Name) by the shoulders, guiding her out of the apartment and down the stairs.
        "So, your coming with us?" (Name) asks in hope.
        "Just until Monday."
        "Good enough for me."
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cladestruction · 4 months
ok so let's talk about Enif!
my girl: i love her to death and think about her quite a lot! so much so that she's in my head at all times. her (general) storyline is pretty much the same one i've had since the start of her creation BUT !!! I've been racking my brain trying to make sure there are little to no plot holes. and on that quest I've made the decision to make changes. some very little and other very very consequential. here's a little list! I'll make sure to explain in detail in Enif's wiki page in a future update.
name change: Enif Bane. for the sake of the story I want for Enif, she can't go by Enif Cordero. Her birth name Laura Cordero has to be revealed later on. along with her name, there'll be changes on some key aspects, like how she became Liz's daughter and how much Enif knows about the truth (the cult, her training, and her biological family).
she is left handed. this is a small and rather irrelevant detail but I have to integrate it because I hadn't thought of it until I made a mistake while drawing her lmao.
No tattoos, no scars. again, for the sake of the story, Enif's character will be slightly tamed down. the tattoos and scars were direct consequences of her nocturnal training sessions with Liz and the cult, but I want Enif to be painfully average on surface level, so yeah. no traces on her body.
special abilities: Enif still knows how to defend herself, but she's far from a powerful fighter, physically speaking. Liz wanted her to know the basics of self defense and made sure Enif would know her way with knives and blades (for ceremonies and stuff), but I really wanted to nerf her in this aspect because I want her to have one special ability developed above any other: voice changing. in summary, Liz wanted Enif to be skilled at manipulating (much like herself) but she went even further. she made sure Enif would learn how to control her voice and tone with expertise. thanks to this, Enif essentially knows how to mimic other people's voices. I know it sounds like fantasy but at this point I'm appealing to the show's canon nonsense lmao so yeah she can do that !
Enif doesn't learn the truth. initially, I wanted Enif to confront Liz and force her to confess to all her doings, including killing Enif's parents. in this new version, Enif doesn't confront Liz and doesn't learn the truth. she could eventually (I have an idea involving Charles), but I think it's much more tragic if Enif never finds out that her parents died because of Liz. it adds another layer to how much her perception of reality has been manipulated by Liz. it also adds some realism because life's like that: there are so many things we don't know and we die without ever learning.
other stuff: for Enif's storyline, there's some things post canon that have to happen. for one, General Crozier starts working with Dethklok (I've seen people pitch this idea and I love it. credit is not mine, however). second, Charles goes on to keep working with the Church of the Black Klok. and third, Dethklok is still going strong as a band, they are self managed, and they keep the same dynamic of the show essentially, but of course with added development. some other minor things, like the klokateers still being a thing (let's just say aotd didn't kill all of them, plus new people came to sign up after the great reuniting).
that's pretty much it, for now. after all, these things caught my attention because i've been writing down Enif's story in some brief chapters! and i gotta make the pieces align as good as possible. see ya!
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ruvviks · 5 months
ok but. u gotta give us some Opportunity lore. that place sounds soooo cool
HEHE IT IS VERY COOL!! there is so much to say about that place so i'll try my bestest to keep it brief
opportunity is basically a huge megalopolis on the east coast of the united states, stretching across two states from around atlanta to the coastline. it's a very impressive project since there's no ghouls inside the safezone at all which is insane because in the surrounding areas there ARE many many ghouls!! so they fought off all of that while still building the walls + defenses surrounding the zone WHILE also keeping everyone inside safe. this is why it's such a popular place and basically one of the most important places in the world, because it shows progress and is a symbol of hope
the outer walls of the city are of course defensive but at the same time they're like. facilities. if that makes sense. you can go inside the wall. it's a building. but also a wall!! the ground floors are mostly these huge hangars where vehicles and whatnot are stored with large hangar doors that open up into the city as well as into the wasteland (never at the same time for. obvious reasons), and the many levels above ground floor are for a variety of things; there's offices in there, laboratories, dormitories for opportunity's own specialized armed forces (squads of trained people who go out into the wasteland for various tasks such as clearing out troublesome locations where ghouls are holed up, helping survivors, and getting supply drops), armories, etc etc
opportunity is the only safezone in the united states where the united states military is not active at all, it has its own armed forces to protect itself with :^) other than that it does have a lot of matrix activity (mostly just matrix scientists in the research labs of course where they're trying to look for a cure / vaccine, but matrix also has their own armed forces called matrix agents which are active there too)
since the wall stretches on for MILES it's divided into sections which are all managed separately, so they all have their own control center and own armories and labs and whatnot to make it easier to oversee rather than have the whole entire wall managed from one place only. the different control centers communicate with each other of course but especially in the labs they try to focus on different research, to cover a LOT more ground while also updating each other on their findings to hopefully get to a cure / vaccine faster. but somehow they're still not getting any closer despite all their efforts... INTERESTING...
as for life inside the megalopolis, it's divided into cities within the place so there's also a lot of empty space between those which is managed by rangers basically LMAO, and within the cities there's neighborhood clusters which all consist of a main street with all the important stuff (community center, religious places, grocery store, schools, etc) and houses surrounding that street. there's one huge shelter for each cluster which makes it easier to deal with breaches in the wall because it's a lot easier to get people to safety that way and deal with the ghouls in the meantime :^) the design of the clusters also makes it easier to just. in general predict where people are gonna be moving in case of a breach or outbreak which also makes it easier to prepare for situations like that to begin with, which is why opportunity is such a success
opportunity is the main location for the first act of the story and it's super fun to play around with :^) but then there's a huge breach. and ghouls get inside. on a scale NEVER seen before. which makes you think. is it really a breach... or did someone do this on purpose... INTERESTING...
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cowboypossume · 8 months
the swing and cinderella 2015
ok hi :3. i got a hyperfixation in art history last year because i had a rough go of it teacher wise and had to basically teach myself and entire ap course! yippie!! (i did have a lot of fun but AH). so i'm going to take what i loosely remember from that class (alongside being an aide for it this year). and ive had a specail interest in cinderelaa 2015 sense 2015. so we get to put these ideas together into that one scene in one of the best live action cinderella.
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in art history i learned this painting.
the swing.
i saw a post calling out disney for always using it, and if i find it i'll credit it here, but in Cinderella 2015, I think it's actually referenced to quite well.
Before i get into how, a brief context on some of the themes in this painting (we think. this is art history and almost everyone is dead so what can't ask if this was how they intended it or pretentious people reading too much into things):
a woman in a vivid pink dress is married and is having an affair
pink pink dress + floofy skirt + swing = wealth and class (historical context)
husband is kinda hidden and affiar is "brought to light"
the swing is breaking so maybe marital troubles? finical stress? both?
ankle exposed = sexual
she's looking at not the husband so odds are she doesnt like him that much. especially because she's doing this in FRONT OF HIM
but disney takes this idea and flips it in a way that really works for these characters.
if you want to watch the scene here you go
(sorry for the quality i am eepy and not gonna find better photos)
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"I've never shown this place to anyone." "A secrete garden? Oh I love it."
instead of like a 'secrete' affair the original painting is trying to show, there's more of an innocent wonder to it in the movie. this is the price's space. his. in choosing to let her in and let her see this, he's choosing to show cinderella parts of himself so maybe he'll get something from her, like a name even.
he shows her his space, and she reciprocates by looking back and forth between him and the space saying "i love it." because she loves him!! and he loves her, and they're figuring out what that means.
which is why the eye contact here is so important here and the painting. because it's showing who she (the subject) chooses, and in this moment, cinderella chooses the prince.
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"I shouldn't" "You should" [it repeats for a bit] "I shouldn't." "You should." "... I will :)"
look at her little smileeeeee. you kind of see this in the painting, but here it feel so much more genuine. she is choosing to get on the swing. she is choosing him and his lifestyle, the wealth, the support (literally. that swing is not going ANYWHERE) which is so much different than what she has, that it takes a second of reassurance that she's not a burden for wanting this nice things.
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she looks at him !!! "may i?" "please"
they're literally infatuated with each other are you kidding me. look at how dgew6g6qud adg6ew7udhjawosdk'sl
this isn't something she's ashamed of or trying to hide. he is taking up more of the screen than her (unlike the painting) and you can tell she doesn't mind
also. he asks for consent. he doesn't assume it's his right to push her or support her or anything; he wants this to be as much her choice as his, and with the 'please', it is. so he does.
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the camera changes showing that he is The Pusher
if we were back in the painting it's meant to show that the husband is kind of clueless. some might argue that in this scene he really doesn't know much about her, so that's why the shadow is next to her, and i will!!
he's going into this kinda blind, hoping to learn about her, but in this moment he doesn't.
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the shoe falls!!
so the movie is shot here to more focus on the emotional beats of their faces, so this is the best we're gonna get to get my point across. this part helps to do three things.
the first is kinda a "duh": its cinderella so obviously a shoe's gotta fall or something (an ipod) is gonna fall. secondly, the shoe is flying in the original painting, which is an ohmage to what this is referencing my most favorite though: we get a transition!!!! he's established that he likes her, she's shown interest by making eye contact with him and giggling, so now he's taking a dramatic step. he's going to try to have a relationship with her.
it's small, and they have a cute little banter, but then The Moment comes to make his move and...
[there's not a good screencap you have to just trust me]
"wont you tell me who you really are"
GAH I JUST DSAIFGERWDG they SO could have made this a wink wink sexual thing (that's literally the painting) but like! they didn't!!! she swings towards him, kinda laughs and blushes, and when there's a pause that almost any other media would have!
its all the right beats and all the right pauses, but instead he wants to know her. he doesn't want to rush ahead, as we saw with the idea that pushing the swing and putting on the shoe requires moments of pause and a "is this ok?", kissing would be too much. it's too soon. not without some kind of opening up first on her end. so i think that's part of the editing of this scene.
he's NOT the guy "ruining a marriage" or having a casual affair with a married woman. he's a man of honor trying to become at least freindly with a woman he likes
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he sees them as equals and he's smiling !!!! he got something !! it makes no sense but he knows a little more now
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aenslem · 7 months
aslkjdlasjf THIS GD SHOW, argh. i just finished season one, which i thought was a good idea, you know, finish the season before taking a break. *facepalms* i have those annoying things to do again (stupid household chores, every gd day you gotta do things), so it'll be a few hours before i can watch more, but i should be able to watch at least one or two more episodes today, so HOPEFULLY things will be a bit more resolved by tonight x'D
you were so right, there is so much happening, and i think EVERYONE on that gd ship needs a few years vacation after all this x'D
"married divorced remarried and divorced again and still having feelings for each other" asljdalksjda that is so correct, they are just that x'D
it's so fun, they're like "i don't trust him" pretty much all the time, and then Rush is like "so i had a dream" and Young is like "ok, i'll call General O'Neill" and they keep relying on each other so much right now, it's great, and Young risking the whole gd ship to save Rush, after having tried to kill him, what, twice already? amazing ❤
ah, yes, fanfiction ❤ it's so good at casting light on things from different angles, i love that, seeing characters and their motivations from all kinds of different point of views. though, you gif makers do that too and i love it, it's so great to look at different gif makers in the same fandoms and see how you focus different things.
right now i'm pretty exclusively reading McShep fics, but we'll see how that looks once i'm done with sgu x'D if you have any recs, please feel free to share!
btw, i've been trying to remember why i followed you from the start, and i'm pretty sure it's Star Trek, and specifically Spones, which, ALL MY LOVE! but i also want to mention how much i love following someone who gifs a lot of women, i love having more women on my dash! i never finished OUaT back in the days, but all your Regina and Swan Queen gifs are making me want to, and your Michelle Gomez gifs, waah, i do not want to watch CAoS! 😭 but you are kicking me in the butt about finishing Doctor Who too with your gifs of her (i sadly miss most of them though since i have it blacklisted for spoilers), i had no idea she was in it but man did that make me want to watch it when i found out!
okay, sorry that this got so long, even when i'm trying to keep things brief i end up being very wordy. so many things to say!
anyway, i'm gonna go do the things now, the sooner i get them done the sooner i can watch more sgu =D oh, wait, no, you posted something from 1x18 last night! i didn't look at it since i hadn't watched it yet, so i'm gonna go do that first! =D ❤
/Rodney anon
Oh don't be sorry , you can get wordy in my inbox whenever you like :3
You're fast! but why am I surprised, I finished 7 seasons of OUaT in a month lmao.
Well, imagine how it was for those who were watching sgu when it was actually airing, they did not have a chance to go and watch s2 right after s1, and you can :D so other things are not as bad as break between seasons of the show, but yeah, there's always things to do, sucks
askjhdaksjhd 'i just had a very interesting dream' scene is so good, and it so much better when you take it out of context lmao
well, they have to work together, they don't have a choice. you know how things were when he left rush on that planet, eli is smart, and eli was also right
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but eli is still not good enough to do all the work, so no matter how much they don't trust each other, they have to work things out and work together and then finally going towards trust and comradery
well, at least they will try lmao
SPONES!!!!!!! SPOOOONEES! they are everything to me!!!!!
well, if you finish ouat and start caos... I am so sorry in advance lmao
I am not sure I can even explain what mess of the shows are those two, I have similar feelings towards both shows, I love the cast, I love some characters, I love women there, I hate the writers :D
Michelle is stunning in caos, there's also Miranda Otto, and they are like my moms, I love them, this show is worth watching just to look at them, but there's also... the rest of the show and plot asjkhdakjdh
same goes for ouat tbh, some characters are great and actors are doing such a good job and then there's whatever was happening in the show, but it;s still fun if you don't take it all seriously.
you will facepalm a lot and you will have an urge to rip your hair out sometimes, but if you try caos, I will give you two good reasons for it
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that's it, think about it
okay, but you definitely need to watch doctor who, WATCH DOCTOR WHO!
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bonemystic · 1 year
1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 19, 22, 31, 59 for the sex question list ❤️
1. tag your biggest tumblr crush:
low key obsessed w #slutforest 🥵
2. Do you eat ass? Do you like to have your ass eaten?
nobody has asked me to eat theirs or offered to eat mine yet, but I'll let you know when I do try it! ;)
5. what's the best orgasm you've had in the past few months?
fuck I have a fwb who knows my cock better than I do 🥵 one night after letting me eat them out, they started edging me for SOO fucking long, giving me deliciously sloppy head but never letting me cum, then finally coyly wiping their mouth and saying goodnight as if that was that 😤 so i flipped them over fucked them until I pumped my entire pent up load into them
8. what position or angle or specific technique never fails to make you cum?
normally I cum pretty easily tbh 😅 kinda embarrassed about it, but whatevs, i give good head. that being said, I'm on depresso meds rn that actually make it harder to cum for some reason, so lately getting fucked in the ass has been pretty effective at helping me cum nowadays!
10. what is the hottest thing someone has ever done with you in bed?
wasn't in a bed, but once someone gave me a handjob under a blanket on a bus while we and everyone else were watching les Miserables, had me cum in her hand, then brought her hand to her mouth and subtly licked the evidence out of her hand while I watched in awe lol
12. Are you a Top/Dominant, a Bottom/Submissive, or a switch?
I'm a switch but much more comfortable as a bottom/sub than as a top/dom lol i worry to much about accidentally hurting my partner
19. What underwear do you have on right now?
I'm wearing black boxer briefs, but I don't usually like wearing underwear
22. Whats the hottest sex dream you ever had?
hm thats a tough one. had one dream where I was fucking someone silly and they slowly began to lose surface tension until i was just fucking a sentient slime and that was hot af lol
31. what's something that turns you on but you're a bit embarrassed by?
lol I'm still embarrassed if I get turned on AT ALL tbh especially if you can see my bulge through my pants 😅 but I mayyy have a mommy kink that ive been in denial about and I'm coming to terms with 🙈
59. whos the most inappropriate person you've had a fantasy about?
both of my hot AF but very monogamous roommates 😭 I do my best not to flirt cause I dont want to make them uncomfortable but theyre both SO HOT. y u gotta be monogamous fam? just use me to cum every now and then, its ok
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eddie-van-munson · 2 years
Somewhere (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Warnings: Season 4 Spoilers, Character Death, Angst, Fluff, Description of Blood and Injury, Brief mentions of a Character Throwing up, Smut ( pv unprotected) (But in a heartfelt emotional way), Hospital Refrence, Cursing, Refrences to People Thinking Eddie is a Satanist, Pregnancy Refrences
Summary: Eddie knows he doesn't have much time left. Instead of spending it struggling in a hospital, he decides to stay with you. Being loved and held right 'til the end.
(I will get a "Read More" cut on this ASAP. Requests are open!)
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Your whole body was trembling as you held him, blood and grime soaked through his Hellfire shirt. He cradled your face, smiling up at you with blood stained lips. How Dustin had managed to get him back through the gate, you had no idea, but you didn't care. He was here. He was safe now.
"We-..." sobs rattled you. Eddie hushed you lovingly, stroking your cheek as he looked up at you with heavy eyes. "We've gotta call an ambulance."
"No." Eddie cooed with a sad smile. "No baby. It's too late for that. 's not why I came back."
"Eds you're bleeding out. You're-"
"I'm not gonna spend my last hours in a hospital, babe. Came back to be with you."
"D-Don't say that please don't say that-" You begged, your whole body crumpling. Eddie gave you a sad smile, hushing you lovingly.
"Look at me." You scrubbed at your eyes, but he moved your hand away from your face. "Look at me, pretty girl."
Your eyes burnt. His features were blurred with tears as you tried to pull yourself together for him.
 "There's not much time left, huh? I don't want to die in a hospital bed. Don't want to die all covered in tubes and full of drugs."
"Eddie-" You couldn't form words.
"I know, princess". He brushed your tears away with his thumb, accidentally smudging dirt over your cheek. "Let's go home, babe. Is that ok? I'll take care of you and you'll take care of me...we'll do this together." You bit your lip, ignoring the churning of your stomach and the cries threatening to escape your throat. You nodded, sniffling, and he smiled so big at you that you can't help but let out another sob, kissing his forehead.
You let Dustin help Eddie to the car, giving them the opportunity to say their goodbyes. It also gave you the opportunity to empty your stomach into the bushes without Eddie noticing. Dustin brought you some water to wash your mouth out before you returned to the van.
You played Eddie's music for him on the car ride home, holding his hand loosely as he sang along croakily and softly.
"Y/N." He cooed, pressing a kiss to your hand.   "Will it hurt you to know? All of the things I wanted to do with you?"
You blinked back tears again, trying to find the courage to meet his eyes, which you just knew were filled with so much love.
"It makes me happy to think about them." He hummed. "Thought maybe they'd make you happy too. When I'm-"
"Tell me about us, Eds. What are we going to do, hm? Once you graduate." You met his tired eyes and he smiled at you sleepily. Your chest ached. God, your beautiful boy. Not your beautiful boy.
"I'm gonna put a ring on your finger. Snatch you up and make you all mine." He chuckled softly, "Save up and buy you a huge white dress."
You swallowed thickly, "Yeah? Didn't think you'd be one for a big wedding."
"Nah, I'm showing you off to all of Hawkins, babe." You smiled at him, wiping your tears, and he grinned so brightly back at you that it almost made you forget he was hurt.
"Then what?"
He choked a little, making your heart stop momentarily, but then took a labored breath and continued. "Then we get the hell out of here. Move somewhere with more than one goddamn stop light." He joked. "And a few less angry hicks would be nice too, huh?" He smiled to himself, thoughtfully. "I'll get you out of that shitty apartment and buy you a house. One we can fill up with a million little Munsons. Start an army."
You laughed, which makes Eddie feel very accomplished. He grinned at the sound. "A million?"
"Give or take a few!"
You smiled so lovingly at him as you put the car in park in the driveway, unbuckling your seat belt to kiss him. He nuzzled against your nose needily, groaning. "We're getting started now, huh?" He hummed against your lips.
You laughed, a tear rolling down your cheek. "I love you." Your expression crumbled a little at the words and you gave a soft sob.
"Hey..." he brushed away your tears, kissing your nose softly. "I love you too, ok? Always. Forever and always and then for a hundred years after that."
Eddie gritted his teeth, refusing to reveal to you that he was in pain in any way as you helped him into the apartment.
You led him to the bathroom, helping him to sit on the closed lid of the toilet as you pulled off his grimy clothes. Eventually, you gave in, grabbing a pair of scissors from your first aid kit. You couldn't keep trying to maneuver him out of the fabric anymore. Not when he was bleeding both externally and internally. You were so hesitant to cut off his Hellfire shirt, pausing as you held your scissors to the collar of it. He laughed softly, his eyes growing more droopy by the minute. "Just cut it off, babe. It's ok."
You mustered your strength and snipped the fabric, ripping through it quickly to free him of it before doing the same with his jeans. It took everything in you not to get sick again when you saw his shredded chest. You gave a sob, despite your attempts to abort the sound, and broke into tears again. Eddie's heart broke. "Hey no no no no shhh 's alright. I've got you. You're ok, sweetheart. I've got you." You gathered yourself a little, whimpering an apology. "No, baby, hey...I'm sorry. I didn't think, sweetheart. I didn't mean to scare you."
"No, it's just...I should've b-been there. Should've kept you safe."
"You are here, silly. You're keeping me safe right now. Taking such good care of me. That's all that matters."
He held you there in his arms for a long while before you finally forced yourself to run him a bath. " 'm gonna take care of you." You promised, rubbing your eyes. "Gonna make you feel better, Eds. I swear it."
"Hey..." He smiled at you as you turn back to face him. "Already done, baby doll."
He groaned blissfully as you helped him crawl into the bath, the water immediately turning dark with blood and dirt. You washed him of most of it carefully with a rag and drained the filthy water before filling the tub again.
"Christ, I've never been so grateful for this tiny, shitty bathtub before in my life."
You giggled at him as you poured water through his messy curls, grabbing his shampoo. He moaned softly as you worked it into his hair, your nails dragging over his scalp in a heavenly way. "I love you so much." He whispered, eyes fluttering shut as you worked. You kissed him, and he smiled against your lips.
You towelled his hair off when he was done, being careful not to hurt his chest or tummy as you gently dried him.
He was pale. Very pale. The bath water was pink by the time you'd drained it again and you knew deep in your stomach there wasn't much time left. You held the majority of his weight as you helped him limp to the bedroom. He was able to pull on a pair of boxers, but you could see him growing dizzy and clammy even from that, and quickly laid him in bed.
" 'm c-cold." He shivered as you brushed his damp bangs from his face. You curled up beside him, tucking a comforter around his body as you held him. He was blinking back the sinking of his eyelids now and it made a knot form in your throat. "Y/N."
"Yes, baby..."
"You've got to leave me, ok? Once I'm gone."
His grip around your waist, tightened. "I'll be alright, princess. I promise. But you've got to go. You've-" he coughed raggedly and your stomach churned. His voice was getting shakey and faint. "You've got to get out of here. You can't let them think you're part of this. They...if they find me alone they'll think it was some kind of satanist suicide ritual but you can't be here. I can't take you down with me."
You nodded, unwilling to argue with him or upset him. Not now. You whimpered, tears rolling down your cheek.
"That's my girl." He smiled an Eddie smile, pulling you in for a kiss. "My girl. Always my girl." You kissed him desperately, though gently, and he held you as close to him as his hands trailed over your skin. "I have a dying wish." He croaked softly against your lips. His hand trailing to your waist and down across your thigh to pull your knee over his hips, guiding you to straddle him.
"Let me feel you. Please, let me feel you. Just one more time."
So you straddled him.
You'd never forget the soft sounds that left his lips as you, ever so carefully, rocked your hips against his. A taste of heaven, Eddie thought. One last taste of heaven before I'm sent to hell. He held you so close, his hands sliding up your back as he finished, his breathing heavy as he pressed soft, weak kisses down your neck. His heat filled your belly so perfectly, slowly spilling out between your thighs as you pulled his boxers back up as best you could, seeing as he refused to let you go. "I love you." He whispered, his breathing struggling to even out. "I love you f-forever. Even when your eighty years old and you've got great grand children I'll still be loving you. S-Somewhere out there."
His hands trembled. Swallowing his own fear as his vision blurred. He cradled your face, dragging his thumb over your cheek as you let tears spill. "I'll always r-remember...I'll always remember when Eddie Munson was mine." You sob, kissing his forehead.
"I was always yours." You could barely hear it, now. A lazy, sleepy smile adorning his pretty face.
"Don't go." You begged him. "Please, Eddie...keep your eyes open. Please." He blinked rapidly, holding your hand.
" 'm tired, baby."
"I know...I know, Eds. I-..." His hand sunk a little from where he held your face, but you didn't let it, cradling it to your cheek.
"It's time for me to....to sleep. Just need a nap. I'm sleepy." He hummed weakly, looking so lovingly at you with hooded eyes. "It's alright, baby. Just...just need to sleep."
"I know baby." You swallowed so hard knowing it was time to let him go. You sobbed into his hand as you held him. "It's ok. Rest for me, Eds. It's ok. I've got you. You...You can rest. You can go to sleep, now."
He smiled at you so sweetly, "Pretty girl."
His eyes fluttered shut as he drifted away. You held him for four minutes before he exhaled one last time, his chest going still.
You couldn't leave him. Not until you saw the sun starting to come up over the trees and you knew you had to go.
He looked so beautiful, there. The sun painting his pale face. Like he really was sleeping. You pulled the comforter up over his chest, hiding the gashes and the bites that had taken him from you. You took his arms from your waist carefully, laying them at his sides. You adjusted his pillow further beneath his head, combing through his curls, all fluffy and clean from the bath, with your fingertips.
"I love you, Eddie." You whispered to him one last time, kissing his forehead. You put music on for him when you left. Something soft and comforting.
Something he could sleep to.
Three months later.
Hellfire wasn't the same. Of course it wasn't. You knew it wouldn't be. They all did. But it was a piece of Eddie that was still alive. The boys needed it. You did too. So every week, the campaigns went on.
You drove them all to school in the mornings and helped with homework. You surrounded yourself with people who made your heart feel whole again.
You were late this morning. Really late. You choked an apology to the boys as they climbed into the van.
"Jesus, are you ok?" Dustin frowned, staring at you.
"Yeah", Mike agreed. "You look terrible."
He rolled his eyes, "Are you sick?"
"I must be." You sighed as you grabbed the stick shift, adjusting it to back out. "I've thrown up every morning for a week and a half. I think I've got food poisoning or something."
Dustin scrunched his nose in disgust. "Shit."
"Wait..." Lucas leaned forward to meet your eyes in the rearview mirror. "Every morning?"
"Yeah. Usually goes away after an hour or so." You ignored the slight nausea that swam in your head as you took a sharp turn.
"Y/N..." Lucas looked a bit bewildered.
Dustin caught on, eyes going wide. "Oh my god. When was your last period?"
You hit the breaks, immediately pulling over into a lot. "What the fuck Dustin?"
"When was it!?" Dustin and Lucas yell.
You froze, realizing what they were saying.
"No. Guys it's not like that. It can't be. I haven't been with anyone except-" Your heart fluttered. Eddie. Eddie.
"Except Eddie?" Dustin hummed softly. You swallowed thickly, nodding. There was a long silence. Dustin took your hand, giving it a squeeze.
Your eyes found Gareth and Jeff.
"You don't have to answer this..." Gareth muttered, softly. "But when was the last time you guys.....??"
Your eyes fell to your hands. Tears burning in the corners of your eyes. You steadied your voice. "The night...the night he...." Dustin's brow furrowed with concern. He squeezed your hand. "He asked if we...if we could-" you swallowed thickly. "One last time."
Gareth smiled at you sadly. The van was silent as the boys were hit with the reality of what was happening.
Gareth stood, dropping his backpack and gesturing for you to hop into the passenger seat. You did, and he started the engine. "Where are we going?"
"A drugstore."
It was a sight to behold. You, eyes still teary and your hands shaking, buying a pregnancy test as 6 highschool aged boys in matching shirts watched anxiously. The cashier had her brows furrowed in an odd mixture of suspicion and confusion.
It only seemed to make the situation more puzzling to the store's employees when you asked to use the restroom, and were followed back by all six boys, who waited patiently for you to return.
You were trembling when you finally opened the bathroom door to see them, and at the first sign of the smile on your face, all six boys erupted in triumph. Tears welled over in your eyes, running down your face as they jumped and laughed and hollered and cheered. The boys crowded you, each one pulling you into big hugs. High fiving one another.
"Long Live Munson!" Gareth cried, cheers sounding from the group. "Still throwing surprises at us! Even now!"
In that moment you knew he'd been right. You knew that Eddie was still somewhere, loving you. Because you could feel it.
And right now, you were more than happy for it to feel like morning sickness.
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kipxer · 2 years
Fear a Raised Voice
Obey Me! Mammon/Reader - Platonic - No MC pronouns
Warnings: Angst, being yelled at, mentions of breaking things, lots of crying, mean thoughts, learning how to accept comfort. It's an angsty one you've been warned.
Summary: MC gets yelled at by Lucifer after trying to go to the attic again. Gets triggered by childhood past experiences. Mammon is there to help.
Word Count: 2k
Note: You could probably psychoanalysis me from this. Should show this to my future therapist. Also I don't like this title, if you can come up with something better let me know lmaoo
You walk out of Lucifer's office. A blank far off expression on your face, with a few tears starting to grow in your eyes.
You hate having people see you cry. It feels so humiliating. You tried your absolute best to hold it in while Lucifer was berating you for attempting to go to the attic again. You tried your best to stand your ground silently, just saying whatever he wanted to hear until he was appeased and let you go.
And as if the universe had any pity on you, here comes Mammon, strolling by, looking down at his phone. You quickly turn away and start to walk to your room hoping to escape before he notices you.
"Oi human!" He runs over to you before putting an arm around your shoulder. Goddammit.
"Was just lookin' for ya, I have a great idea you're gonna love it!!" You turn your face away acting as if something caught your attention, just to keep his eyes from seeing his face.
You suck in a breath. "Maybe next time Mammon."
"C'mon ya gotta trust me! I promise it's good and most definitely not a scam this time." He says with a devilish grin.
Your tone turns a bit harsher and slower "Maybe next time Mammon." Maybe if he could just take a hint that you were annoyed and give you some space, you could run to your room to let out all your angst quicker.
But unlucky for you, there are two facts about Mammon that you overlooked. 1) He isn't afraid of being annoying and 2) he really likes to talk.
"What's up with ya today?? Are my brothers rubbin' off on ya or something?"
You take in another sharp breath "Look, I'm just not in the mood today, I'm sorry." Your voice falters among your sharp words.
"MC are you ok? For real?"
"I'm fine I just need to be alone. It's fine."
You reeeally didn't wanna burden anyone else with your problems right now, especially Mammon. By this point you were the one keeping most of the peace in this house, you couldn't just break down in front of them and disrupt that. Besides, what if he just brushes it off or mocks you for it like he does with most of your feelings.
Mammon's grip tightened around your shoulders. "Follow me."
"Mammon I already said I'm not in the mood."
"Just-" He nudges you along "Put up with me for a sec and c'mon."
Deciding that he really isn't gonna let up anytime soon, you take another deep breath and tilt your head back. Might as well just suck it up and get this over with, then maybe you can get to your room faster.
"Fine." You say in an annoyed manner.
You find yourself being dragged to the doorway of his room where he finally lets you go to fumble with the lock.
Walking in and plopping down on his couch you say flatly, "Now what." Watching him as moves to sit next to you.
He leans back and turns towards to look at you, causing you to shift your gaze to your now very interesting shoeslaces.
"What's wrong."
He gives you a look.
"Stubborn human... If somethin' is making ya so bothered then it's my job as your guardian to fix it. Just spill it."
You take another deep breath trying to calm yourself but also just getting tired of fighting him. "If I do," You chew on your cheek thinking over your next words, "then I'll start crying."
With that, his face twists with confusion and worry. "Just an even better reason to tell me I guess."
You take a final shaky breath. "Lucifer yelled at me." deciding to just keep it brief.
He looks at you confused "That's it??"
"For the most part yeah."
"Oh come on, I've seen him threaten ya and even lunge at ya, how is yellin' the worst of it?"
"Um." You grow small in your seat as memories start to flood back. Tears begin to prick the corners of your eyes that you try to blink away.
"Well. I used to get yelled at a lot as a kid by my parents."
Mammon's silence urges you on.
"a-and. I uh, it just reminded me of that. That feeling of being just so small and weak." You sniffed putting on an anxious smile. "They would scream shitty things at me, calling me stuff like ungrateful and lazy. They would break stuff and throw away my favorite toys. The lectures would last for what felt like hours before they would lock me in my room for the rest of the day." You let out a weak laugh "All because I didn't clean my room usually."
You waved your hand in the air dismissively. "I know it's not that bad, especially compared to what you go through all the time. It just. It kinda messed me up a little bit." You struggled to fight back the tears threatening to fall. God, you really didn't want to talk about this.
The air grows thick as you both remain silent, Mammon sitting there stunned.
"Not that bad? If I saw a kid bein' treated like that I'd be fucking pissed!" His whole body tenses in disgust and anger.
"You get strung up by Lucifer and fucking whipped like every other week! How is this anything compared to that?" You cross your arms.
"You were a kid!!"
"Lucifer does that cause he knows I can handle it. I'm a full grown goddamned demon, I can fight back."
"What? That still doesn't make it ok. And why don't you fight back if you're so strong huh??"
"Cause I know it makes him feel better to take it out on me." His voice drops to a mumble. "Plus, it keeps him from doin' the same to my younger brothers."
Now you're the one who's stunned to silence, hearing nothing but Mammon's aggravated breath and your anxious heartbeat.
As you fidget with you hands, you feel a few tears make their way down your face, both from your own confession and now his. Seems like quite the touchy subject for the both of you. Finally, you look up at Mammon, who's leaning in your direction, shoulders tense, eyebrows furrowed, and to your surprise, a pair of blinking watery eyes.
Oh shit. You really just made him cry. Well, almost cry. You've never seen him like this. Oh holy shit. It's your fault. What kind of shitty fucking friend are you. Why did you even ask that question in the first place you dumb fuck. You have to apologize. Now.
"I'm sorry." You say ever so quietly, as if it wasn't more than a whisper.
"What?" You grow even smaller under his intense gaze.
"I'm sorry for making you all worked up. I should've just left when I had the chance." You bite on your tongue.
Mammon huffs, "Oh what. And just lock yourself in your room for the rest of the day?"
You stare up at him as you feel your heart jump and your breath becoming shaky.
All the pent up panic and tears you've been trying to hold off suddenly flood your system. Oh god, why did he have to say that.
Choking on air, you start hiccuping and fighting for breath as you wipe at the wetness on your face.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you plead. You go back to trying to hide your face, breaking into a full on ugly cry. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
You hate this, so so much. Why did you let him talk you into this. Stupid annoying demons. This is so embarrassing your face is all gross now. You should just leave, just leave, leave. JUST GET UP AND LEAVE. WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE.
Slowly, you feel two soft but awkward arms wrap around you, as a hand is placed on the back of your head, nudging it closer.
Goddammit. Pushing your forehead into his chest, you heave.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" You can't stop apologizing as if it's a mantra, slowly turning into a jumble of choked whispers.
Gently, he rubs your shaking back, holding you close.
"You're ok. It's ok. You don't need to be sorry."
No it's not ok, it's not ok, it's not ok. You have everything to be sorry for.
You take a strangled gasp for air, as if that would let up the tightness in your throat.
You grip onto his shirt tightly as you hide your face in his chest. God this is so embarrassing. You must look so stupid and pathetic right now.
"Hey, take a deep breath for me ok?" He interrupts your thoughts.
Starting you off, he takes a long deep inhale himself. Shakily, the mess of yourself tries follow along.
And out...
"Another one."
And out...
With each breath, your sobbing grows quieter and your apologies die down.
"You're ok." He strokes your back some more, as your grip relaxes. You take another deep breath on your own, the air feeling just a bit lighter now.
Realizing the position your in, you let out a weak laugh as you hold onto him. "I told you I would cry."
He chuckles, the sound reverberating from his chest "Well hey, at least ya warned me."
A beat of silence passes as he soothes your back, giving you a moment to catch your breath.
Why was he being so nice. He always rambled about how annoying it was to take care of you, so why go through all the effort to comfort you like this.
Still. With all his self sacrifice for his brothers and now with the way he's treating you, you can't help but have just the slightest tiniest thought that maybe, just maybe, he cared about his family and you much more than he led on.
"Thank you."
He gently squeezes you in his embrace.
He gives some more time for you both to relax. Just gentle touches and soft slow breaths. His warm palm traveling up and down your back in slow fluid motions, the hand in your hair holding you securely. You press your face further into his chest, soft fabric against your cheek, smelling strongly of his cologne.
"Ya don't gotta run off if ya need to cry. I'm here to talk about it- I mean it is my job after all."
You let out a chuckle at his sudden change in demeanor.
"I don't know, it's kinda really hard for me to just cry in front of people. Or ask for help. Or anything like that." You trail off.
He hums in thought. "Well, how about this. If I catch ya havin' a hard time, you're not allowed to run away." He smiles softly burying his face in your hair.
You huff out a laugh "Hard to say I won't just start avoiding you."
"Then I'll just have to stick by your side and annoy ya even more then, huh." He squeezes you real tight proving his point, both of your smiles growing as laughter begins to bubble up from your chest.
"Ah like you don't already do that enough."
He chuckles at your sarcastic tone before relaxing again.
And after a moment, you finally pull back to look up at his face. Feeling relaxed, grounded, and safe, having gotten to this point so much quicker than any solo sob fest you've given yourself.
And you ask,
"So what was that idea you had?"
His grin widens.
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for dad!chris, what if chris had a 3 year old daughter who is really brave. like she just jumps from high places without thinking about getting hurt which scared the shit out of chris. but after the one time she does get hurt chris is so protective of her, and he never leaves her out of his sight. and his daughter (and dodger) are sick of their dad's shit
𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓
𝐖arning: kid falling, dad Chris being scared and protective, but overall fluff
𝑾ord count: 1k
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Chris brought his mug to his lips, he took a sip of his tea before sitting it down and returning to typing on his computer. Today he was at home with your three year old daughter bella while you were out running errands. He loves staying at home with Bella, the one thing he loved was being home with his baby girl.
Bella was just like her father. She has his attitude, his lashes and eyes. She also does the same things he does like grab the left side of her chest when she laughs and does the little eyebrow raise when she sees something she doesn't like. Although it was pretty cool she was like her dad, something weren't really cool like her trying to jump over things and off of things. She scared you and Chris a ton with jumping off of things, but she kept doing it because she's a 3 year old and forgets everything she was told
Chris answered a few emails while bella sat on the couch.. well at least he thought she was. Without making a sound she made her way over to the coffee table and stood there. Before you knew it she was jumping off of it.
Unlike other times she jumps off of things, it went wrong this time. As she tried to land on her feet she hit her butt on the edge of the coffee table. It may seem like it doesn't hurt, but it hurt Bella. Chris turned around the second he heard the thud and Bella's cry. Dodger was quickly by his favorite tiny humans side to make sure she was okay. Chris got up quickly as well. "Bella, what did you do?"
He picked up the crying girl and hugged her close. Bella cried into Chris' shoulder, she had a grip on his shirt tightly. Chris rubbed her back trying to calm her down.
Chris knew what had happened. Even though he was upset with her right now for jumping, he was more concerned if she was okay or not.
He walked over to the couch and sat down with her in his lap. Bella cries died down by now and she was now sucking on her thumb out of habit.
"bella, did you jump and hurt yourself?" Chris voice was soft as he asked her that. She nodded even though it seemed like she didn't want to say. Chris sighed. "Ok, where did you hurt yourself bub?"
"my bum." She whispered out almost inaudibly. "Do you need some ice?" Chris looked down at Bella. She shook her head and looked up at her dad. "I okay."
Chris smiled at her. "Alright. You're not leaving my sight now Bella."
Chris wasn't lying when he said she wasn't leaving his sight. He brought her over to the table with him and tried to get some work done. Bella wanted to get up, but Chris prevented that.
She groaned for the 5th time. "Daddy, I need to go away!" She whined out. "Bella where are you going to go princess." Chris stopped typing and looked down at the girl in his lap. "I go watch movie."
Chris sighed. "Okay, I'll watch a movie with you." Chris let Bella walk over to the couch and sat down. Chris followed her and sat on the couch with her. "what do you want to watch Belle?"
"you don't have to watch a movie with me daddy." Bella frowned as she looked at her daddy. "I know, but you like to jump off of things so now I gotta watch you." Chris pressed his lips into a thin line for a brief second. "So what do you wanna watch missy?"
Bella sighed. She enthusiastically said "Luca." As she just dealt with it her daddy not leaving her side. Chris giggled as he grabbed the romote control of the side table. He turned on Luca and they both watched it with dodger too.
20 minutes into the movie the both of them had fell asleep. You were just getting home from running your errands. When you walked into the living room you saw Bella fast asleep against Chris' chest as he snored away. You smiled to yourself as you placed your bags on the ground. You had no idea what had happened earlier, but you do know they were both very close and there was nothing that will change that even if Bella jumps off of things.
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COSMIC - S1:E6; Chapter Six, The Monster - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦, 𝘠/𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘌𝘭𝘴𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘑𝘰𝘺𝘤𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘣’𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴.
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|| 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Joyce and Hopper sat opposite one another at the kitchen table of the Byers' home. The house was cold and hardly lit, copies of newspaper clippings scattered all around the house. One of the only light sources was a dusty chandelier that hung from the kitchen ceiling above the table and their heads, illuminating the several papers.
"Look, we gotta go through this again." Joyce insisted.
"I told you everything that I saw."
"Oh, gosh," she sighs into her hands. "Tell me again."
"Upstairs or downstairs?" Hopper asked.
"There was a laboratory. It was where they must do experiments or something, and then there was... well you see, like I said, I got turned around."
Hopper was currently sharing all he had encountered on his rogue mission at Hawkins National Laboratory. Joyce, all the while was hanging on his every word.
"I told you, it was like, I don't know, it wasn't supposed to exist. That whole area, it was abandoned and... forgotten, like it was all some big mistake. Once I found my way back, I saw that... kid's room. That other kid's room, I mean. Like it was actually used, but it didn't even look like a kid's room, neither of them did. It looked like a prison."
Hopper sighed and rubbed the bottom of his palms into his eyes tiredly, is fingers held the lit cigarette inches away from his face as he did so. "If that even makes sense,"
"Well," Joyce began, trying to get to the bottom of this never ending mystery. "So why would you think it was a kid's room, then?"
"Because, I told you, the size of the bed, there was a drawing, there was a stuffed animal--"
Joyce interrupted the man quickly. "Y-You didn't say there was a drawing."
"Yeah, there was a drawing of a... an adult and a child. It said 'Eleven' on it."
"Was it good?" Joyce pressed.
"It was a kid's drawing, Joyce. It was stick figures."
Joyce had a knowing look on her face as she stood up with a sigh, retrieving a piece of crinkled line paper and slammed it down on the table for Hopper to see.
She pointed to the detailed drawing as she sat back down.
"Wasn't Will." She stated confidently, shakily bringing the cigarette back up to her lips.
Hopper examined the drawing and everything seemed to click. He returned his gaze to the anxious mother. Hopper quickly put out his cigarette in the ashtray and made a beeline for the coffee table.
"Earl..." he muttered, as he made his way into the living room. Joyce, who had abandoned her cigarette, was right on his heels.
"The night that Benny died, Earl said he saw some kid with a shaved head with Benny," Hopper and Joyce took a seat beside one another on the living room couch, Hopper's eyes fixed on the several news clippings splayed along the wooden coffee table. "Now, I pressed him, he said it might be Will, but maybe..."
The man began shifting through the papers, and Joyce spoke up.
"Wait... Maybe, it wasn't?"
Hopper pulled the article he had been looking for and pointed to the fuzzy photograph of the woman in the article.
"Look... this woman, Terry Ives, she claims to have lost her daughter, Jane. She sued Brenner, she sued the government... Now, the claims came to nothing, but what if... I mean, what if this whole time I've been... I've been looking for Will... I've been chasing after some other kid?"
|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Everything is a mess.
Will is still missing, the party is falling apart, Mike and Lucas are still angsty messes that won't speak to one another, and now, El left us. She probably thinks I hate her.
'But I don't! I was just scared'
(Ok but like,,,, who else ships El and reader cause damn I've been giving myself feels lately, dang)
'We need to fix this'
I sigh and sit up from my bed and make my my way to Dustin's room.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"I just... I can't believe she didn't come back." Mike sighed.
Dustin and I agreed we needed to talk some sense into the rest of the party. So we got our bikes and made our way to Mike's. Dustin was standing opposite Mike while I currently occupied one of the D&D chairs I had pulled up. Mike was worriedly pacing the floor in front of us.
"She's gotta be close." Dustin offered.
"She said it wasn't safe. She just messed up the compasses because she wanted to protect us. She didn't betray us."
"Mike, calm down."
Mike only ignored Dustin and kept talking, more to himself than anybody it seemed.
"I shouldn't have yelled at her. I never should've done that."
"Mike, this isn't your fault." Dustin said.
"Yeah, it's Lucas'."
"It wasn't his fault, either." Dustin countered softly.
For the first time in what felt like ages, Mike stopped in his tracks. He looked at my brother dumbfounded and took a few steps in his direction. "It wasn't his fault?"
"So you're saying he wasn't way out of line?"
"Totally, but so were you!"
"And so was Eleven."
"That's ridiculous! Y/n, tell him he's being ridiculous!"
Very calmly, I stood up with my arms crossed and stood next to my brother, and sighed, eyes fixed on Mike. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Dustin is absolutely right."
Mike seemed even more furious. "Oh, give me a break!"
Dustin snapped at these words and stormed up to Mike. "No, Mike, you give me a break! All three of you were being a bunch of little assholes! Y/n and I were the only reasonable ones! But the bottom line is... you pushed first. And you know the rules. You draw first blood..."
"No! No way! I'm not shaking his hand."
"You're shaking his hand." I press, stepping forward.
He was sure to make eye contact with me over Dustin's shoulder as he spoke. "No, I'm not."
So I strode toward him and gave him a slight glare.
"This isn't a discussion. This is the rule of law. Obey or be banished from the party. Do you wanna be banished?" I asked firmly.
Mike crossed his arms and pouted before speaking up meekly. "No."
"Good!" I chirp, my face beaming as if we hadn't just been fighting which seem to only terrify him more.
I all but skipped over to the chair grabbing my coat, Dustin following my actions.
"Where are we going?" Mike asked with a hint of frustration.
"Where do you think?" Dustin asked as he put his arms through the sleeves of his coat.
"We're going to get Lucas." I finished, straightening my jacket then looked back to Mike.
My face softened and I tilted my head slightly. "And then we're gonna find Eleven."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The three of us stood on Lucas's porch and I rang the doorbell. We stood waiting until the door swung open and Lucas stood there glaring at all three of us, but mostly Mike.
"What do you want?" He spit, resting his hands in his pockets.
There was brief silence which was then interrupted by a muffled smack of Dustin hitting Mike in the arm.
Mike sighed softly and looked to Lucas, clearly hating every second of this.
"I drew first blood, so..." he extended his hand for Lucas to shake but Lucas didn't move.
Great. Of course nobody was going to make anything easy. Why would they?
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Somehow I had convinced Lucas to let us all in and now, we all stood in the middle of his living room as he paced silently across the floor considering Mike's offer. He finally stopped and stared at the three of us.
"Okay, I'll shake."
Mike sighed what I barely made out to be a "finally" as he extended his arm out once more. Dustin and I perked up, that was until Lucas continued.
"On one condition. We forget the weirdo and go straight to the gate." He finished, arms crossed defiant.
"Then the deal's off." Mike barked.
"No, no, not fine! Guys seriously?" Dustin yelled, as I threw my head back frustrated.
Dustin forced Mike to face him as he spoke. "Do you even remember what happened on the Bloodstone Pass?"
Lucas and Mike shared a confused glance.
Dustin seemed shocked and offended that they had no recollection and continued.
"We couldn't agree on what path to take, so we all split up the party and those trolls took us out one by one. And it all went to shit. And we were all disabled! So we stick together, no matter what!"
"Yeah, I agree. But this is the party, right here in this room."
"El is one of us now."
"Um, no, she's not. Not even close! Never will be. She's a liar, a traitor--"
"She was just trying to keep us safe! She didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident!"
"An accident?"
"All right, accident or not... admit it, it was a little awesome." Dustin said.
"Yeah, she threw you in the air with her mind!"
"I could have been killed!"
"Would everybody just shut up for one second, please!" I snap.
Everybody looks to me, a shocked expression on their faces.
I step forward and begin my long awaited  rant.
"I am sick of your attitude." I point at Lucas. "I am sick of your whining." I point to Mike. "I am sick of all three of you bickering," I gesture to all of them. "I love you guys and I can't thank you enough for taking me in and including me, know that, but GOD I am tired of being stuck listening to you boys argue about every little thing!"
I myself began pacing, my voice continuously rising. "I'm sick of putting up with all your petty arguing when we should be looking for Will only to come home at the end of the day, having found NOTHING and crying my eyes out because the only person who never gave a shit about who started what is missing and probably dead!"
I stopped pacing and looked to the boys who were all silent. I sighed and lowered my voice. "Lucas, you're right. You could have been killed. Which is exactly why we need her. She is more powerful than all of us combined."
"Y/n's right. Do you seriously wanna fight the Demogorgon with your wrist rocket?" Mike said, anger still in his voice. "That's like R2-D2 going to fight Darth Vader. We're no use to Will if we're dead."
Lucas looked torn for a moment, but then he shook his head and pointed at the three of us. There was disappointment in his voice. "If you three wanna waste your time looking for a traitor, go ahead, 'cause I'm not spending my time on her anymore. No way!"
I sighed, putting my face in my hands. Lucas continued.
"I'm going to the gate. I'm going to find Will."
Lucas shoved the boys aside and stormed off, leaving the three of us alone in more ways than one.
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callemreine · 3 years
Brave face, talk so lightly(hide the truth)
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'All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them.'
Au August
Day/Prompt: Day 26 - Soulmate
Ship: Prinxiety, brief logicality, creativitwins
Word count: 3k (I'm so sorry I got carried away)
Cw: swearing / brief murder mention / implied death / crying / nightmares(?) / anxiety mention / caps / claustrophobia(?)
A/N: the prompt is your dreams are your soulmate's memories. The title is from the song "Sick of losing soulmates" by dodie. I wrote the first 1/4 of this a few days ago and the rest in one sitting and I couldn't care less about proofreading it so Im so sorry if there are any mistakes ;-;
I see a girl in the distance. She has her back turned. Long chocolate-colored hair tied in a low messy bun. My hand is reaching out to her. I feel this sudden longing to be held by this woman. Craving her caring and loving words. Telling me that everything is going to be alright.
Wait. Why is she getting farther away?
She looks back at me with a sad smile. Everything gets dark. I let my eyes stray from her to look around. When was I in a hospital corridor?
"I'm sorry, Pumpkin. You're gonna have to continue our adventure without me. But, fear not, Little one. I'll always be there by you. You just gotta learn to know where I am,"
She caresses my cheek, giving me the warmest smile I have ever received.
She's gone, suddenly. I touch my cheek, still feeling the ghost of her warm touch. Along with… something wet? Am- Am I crying?
I don't move. I feel stuck. But, also free, somehow. Just unsure of what to do, I guess?
"Roman! Wake up. You idiot!
"Oh, thank all things unholy! I thought someone was in our room, trying to murder us! You were crying, and- and whispering stuff! And it's creeping me the fuck out! And I'm not easily creeped out, you know that" Remus exclaimed as he sat on Roman's chest, grabbing his twin’s shoulders.
"Man, you're soulmate must have some twisted memories," He continued, getting off of Roman and returning to his own bed across the room.
'Yeah. Twisted…' Roman thought.
"You okay there, Sweetie?" Roman heard from where his head was buried on the kitchen counter. "Yeah... Just thinking about my soulmate again," he admitted.
"Another bad dream?" His mom inquired as she sat next to Roman, patting his back. "It's not just that. It's about the move. Like, we're never really sure which of our memories they see, right? But, they've seen all my memories from this place. Like, they know where I've been my entire life…" he trailed off.
"I'm just not sure how they would feel seeing a whole new different place… They don't seem to be in a place to experience a big change right now. All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them. And, yeah, my dreams don't really change that much. But, I make an effort, y'know?" Roman looked up at his mom to seek at least some kind of reassurance.
"I understand what you mean, and I think that what you're doing is great. And I know that you're gonna be the bestest thing that's ever gonna happen to them. But, I'm really sorry. We don't really have any choice with this move. I know your soulmate is in a dark place right now, but you can't always do everything for them. You're also your own person," His mom hugged him.
Roman felt like he was hopeless in this situation. And, he was always hoping for the best. For his soulmate or otherwise. Maybe his mom was right about putting himself first sometimes.
Virgil was in his first period when someone he didn't expect to walk into his classroom… walks into his classroom… They were wearing an army green shirt, a denim jacket with neon green highlights and spikes at the bottom, ripped jeans, and platform boots with more spikes and vulgar words written on them. To say that this man was familiar was an understatement. He KNEW this man's entire life THROUGH his dreams.
Virgil felt like he was trespassing someone's life. Like, he wasn't supposed to know the man. And that, they shouldn't be in any way related. Especially to their sibling.
He wasn't really ecstatic about meeting his soulmate. IN SCHOOL NO LESS. It wasn't really an ideal 'meet-your-soulmate' place for someone like Virgil.
"Alright, students, I'm sure you've all noticed that we have a new student right here. Now, why don't you go and introduce yourself, Mister," their teacher said to the denim jacket guy.
"Umm. Sup? I'm Remus Duke Kingsley. Nice to meet you all. And, if you see a guy that looks like me but without the mustache and wears red all the time, he’s always loud, you can’t miss him. That's my twin brother, Roman. The boring one," Remus says, yawning by the end of his introduction.
'HOLY FUCK, TWINS?!' Virgil thought. Fortunately(or unfortunately, depending on which part of Virgil's brain you're asking), Remus already gave him a vague description of who to look out for.
Virgil continues his day and falls into his daily routine, which mostly includes attempting to avoid being perceived by anyone. It usually succeeds if you exclude his friend, Patton, from ‘anyone.’ He only hopes that his soulmate also sees Patton in their dreams cuz, to be honest, Patton is the ray of sunshine everyone needs. Yeah, he was also friends with Logan, but he’s more like a moon if you ask him.
Virgil goes into the cafeteria and sits at their usual table, his back facing the entire cafeteria. He takes out a paper bag from his bag and grabs the sandwich he bought earlier, not waiting for his friends.
A few moments pass before Logan and Patton reach his table. “Hey, kiddo! You alright?” Patton says as he sits down. Virgil just gives them a nod and continues to eat. “I heard this morning that there were new students,” Logan inquires before Patton interrupts “Oh yeah! They’re twins! I have first period with one of them. He’s really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!” Patton shouts and waves his arm toward a student that just entered the cafeteria. “Hope you guys don’t mind that I invited him over to sit with us,” He continues and flashes both Virgil and Logan a smile no one could say no to.
“Hey, Patton.” The guy says to Patton. “Hope you guys don’t mind me crashing your table. I’m Roman by the way,” Roman says to the other two. “Pleasure to meet you, Roman. I’m Logan. And, no, we wouldn’t mind at all,” Logan answered him back. Roman looked over to Virgil who just nodded and said his name. Roman then proceeded to sit next to Virgil but not paying him any mind.
And, though Virgil seemed to be calm about the situation, his mind is currently in flames having his anxiety and his gay panic fight over each other. Virgil is currently waiting for who would win, that's why he seems so calm on the outside. After finishing his sandwich, he was trying to think of something he could do to keep himself from leaving and be noticed. He looked over to Logan, attentively listening to Patton talking about the dog he saw this morning. Roman was silently eating his lunch, also listening to Patton, but looking around the cafeteria every once in a while.
It seems that Virgil’s anxiety won the fight because he decided that he doesn’t want to stick around with his friends and his apparent soulmate without doing anything. So, he stands up and excuses himself from the group. "Hey! Wait!" Roman calls after him. Virgil stops a few feet from the table to look back at Roman who was already jogging towards him.
"Virgil, right?" He assures.
Virgil nods. "Ok, there’s just something I wanna ask you. Are those two soulmates?" Roman throws his thumb back, pointing at the two left at the table. "Cuz, as much as how adorable they look together, I kinda don't want to be stuck as a third wheel," he continues.
"Oh. Yeah, those two are soulmates. Sometimes, I wonder if they ever do notice me every time I leave the table," Virgil elaborates, looking back at his friends with a slight smile.
"Umm. Class doesn't start for a few more minutes. I was wondering if I could join you for a while? Wherever you were going…" Roman trailed off, realizing he didn't know where the shorter male was headed.
"Uhh. Yeah, sure. I was just headed to the courtyard to pass the time,"
'Shit. Virgil, why are you doing this?! Why did you agree?! You have anxiety!' Virgil mentally scolded himself.
"Ok. Cool. I'll just go get my stuff," Roman flashed Virgil a smile before heading back to the table.
'Fuck. I am so screwed,' Virgil thought.
"So, what's the deal with those two? I mean, how did they deal with the soulmates thing?" Roman finally spoke a few moments after they found a bench to settle on. "Uhh, well. Logan is my childhood friend and the first day we started high school here, they both had a dream of roll call the other had that day, I guess? They both heard each other's name and boom. You got your glasses gays," Virgil discussed, reminiscing the events that happened that day.
Roman let out a chuckle at Virgil's last words, causing the other's heart to skip a beat. They remain silent for a while, watching the other students passing by.
"What about you?" Roman spoke up.
"What about me?" Virgil glances back.
"I mean, what about you? Have you met your soulmate? Do you know who they are? You just seem like an interesting individual to me, having to stick around knowing you're third-wheeling all the time yet valuing your time with them and your time with yourself all the same. Well, either that or I'm just embarrassed that I think you're uncomfortable with me here…" Roman rambled, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed.
Virgil chuckled, "Nah. I just get anxious when meeting new people. Plus, I think you're a pretty nice guy." They smiled at each other, Virgil feeling his face heat up, and looks away immediately. "And, about the soulmate thing. I think I have a clue of who they might be, I just…" he trailed off.
"What's holding you back?" Roman muttered, lowering his head, attempting to catch the other's eye. "I… I just think that my memories aren't that… for them. They're just this amazing and joyful person… I just don't think they deserve to see my bland memories every night,"
The pair fell silent, Roman feeling sympathy for the other. Virgil felt Roman shift in his seat before speaking up, "I don't think anyone's memories are ever bland."
Virgil looks up at Roman who has a far-off look with a slight smile on his lips. "I think that our dreams are what shows us what we're missing in life. What our soulmate has that we need and what we have that they need. You know, what makes you both feel complete when you're with each other," Roman smiled.
Virgil pondered on the other's statement for a while. "Is that... Is that how you feel when you're with your soulmate?" He said, being careful with his words. Roman sighed but remained smiling, "I haven't met them yet. But, what you said earlier reminded me of them. I always think they're a little different. My moms said that dreams are supposed to show my soulmate's memories. But, no one is ever sure which ones we see. Well, my dreams always have one thing in common… There's darkness every time…" Roman trailed off, looking more sad as he continued.
"Sometimes, they walk out of their house and, suddenly, everything goes dark and I see pairs of eyes staring at me as I walk. Or sometimes, they lie in bed and, suddenly, it's dark again and I'm stuck inside a box too small for me. But, there’s always this one dream that always repeats itself. Though, I'm not sure my soulmate's gonna be comfortable with me sharing," Roman finally snaps out of his trance and looks up at Virgil, looking embarrassed.
At this point, Virgil is now entirely sure that the person in front of him is his soulmate. He feels tears cloud his eyes so he looks away to play off wiping them away before looking back at Roman with pity in his expression. This is exactly what Virgil was afraid of, having his soulmate also experience the darkness that clouds him every day he wakes up.
"Wow… They- I- I don't know what to say… What are you gonna do when you meet them?" Virgil glances at Roman, pity still in his eyes. Roman let out a sigh but smiled, "I'm gonna give them the biggest hug they've ever received and reassure them that I'm always gonna be with them and that they'll never have to feel alone all the time ever again." Roman looked at Virgil with a smile. But, before he could notice the tear that fell from the other's eye, a loud shrill of their school bell rang throughout the courtyard, signaling the start of their next class.
"Talk about first impressions," Roman said with a chuckle, standing up. "Well, see you around, Virgil. I got a few more 'Hi, I'm Roman' to do," he continued, leaving Virgil on the bench.
I hear my converse squeak as I walk through the hallway. There are people around me, but they're all just silhouettes of the same familiar darkness. I'm walking to what seems to be the cafeteria. I sit down and grab my lunch from my bag. A few minutes pass, two figures sit in front of me. There's something familiar about them despite being two black silhouettes.
"Hey, kiddo! You alright?"
"I heard there were new students," Logan?
Wait. Am I…
"Oh yeah! They're twins!"
"I have first period with one of them. He's really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!"
Before I could look over to… me…
Darkness. Again.
I hear muffled voices. Too muffled to be recognized.
I stay in darkness for what felt like hours before I get surrounded by light.
Too bright.
There's a silhouette in front of me. It doesn't have any facial features but I can feel it stare at me. Slowly, the light around me doesn't feel too bright anymore. It feels… warm and comforting. Similar to the feeling I have in my chest, along with a squeezing feeling. I feel tears cloud my eyes, but I feel happy, somehow?
I feel someone embrace me. I look up to see the silhouette. Its arms around me, like it's protecting me. I feel secure. I feel loved.
I hug back, breaking down in its arms.
"You don't have to be alone anymore"
I hear my own voice. I break down sobbing, seeking more of the silhouette's warmth.
I stopped sobbing after a while but remained in the silhouette's arms for what felt like hours.
"You gotta wake him up!" I heard a distant voice say in a hushed tone.
"No, he hasn't slept like this since who knows when… Something must've happened yesterday..."
I feel myself slowly drifting from where I was standing.
"We can just tell the school he's sick"
"On the second day?"
I feel someone caress my cheek.
"You can stay too if you want"
"Hey, sweetie," Roman opens his eyes to his mom in front of him.
"What's going on? Why are you all in our room?" Roman asks as he sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He eyes Remus standing in front of their mama. Their mom is sitting on the edge of Roman's bed, facing him.
"Well, sweetie. You see, you just had a full night's sleep," their mom explained.
"You looked so peaceful too," their mama added with a smile. Roman stopped to let the events of his dream last night come back to him.
"Roman, is everything ok?" Their mama walked over to him, tucking a few strands of his hair behind his ear. "Yeah… Yeah, I'm okay!" He flashed a smile to his moms, meaning what he said.
Roman hadn't been able to sit still ever since he got to school. 'Late', he should add. Apparently, he overslept while Remus and their moms decide whether to wake him up or not.
When they got to school in the middle of first period, they were excused because their moms were there to explain. With a slightly bent truth, of course.
Roman had to wait three(and a half) classes to talk to Virgil. They didn't have any classes together, to which Roman was bummed to find out. When the bell rang, signaling their lunch break, Roman hurriedly headed to the cafeteria. When he got there, he spotted Virgil just about to sit down at their usual table.
"Uhh. Virgil? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Roman felt awkward, to say the least.
"Uhm. Sure," Virgil replied, standing up. Roman led them under a tree in the courtyard, away from other students. They stayed silent for a while before Virgil spoke up, "So… what'd you wanted to talk about?"
Roman just stared at Virgil for a few moments, examining him, before enveloping him in a tight hug. Virgil stood frozen for a while, surprised at the gesture. He slowly placed his hands on Roman's back, still confused at the sudden affection.
"You're not alone anymore, Pumpkin," Roman said in a gentle voice, cradling the other's head. Virgil froze when he heard the nickname. His expression then softens and hugs Roman tighter, burying his face on the taller male’s shoulder.
"How did you find out?" Roman heard, slightly muffled by his jacket. "Had a dream about yesterday," Roman simply stated, not elaborating more. "What about you? You said you had a clue. Oh! That rhymed,"
They both laughed.
"I have first period with Remus and I recognized him right away," Virgil replied, his face still buried on Roman's shoulder. "Oh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with him," Roman chuckled.
"No, I'm sorry you had to deal with him your entire life,"
"Well, we're not alone anymore now, are we? Roman asked with a serious tone. Virgil parted a few inches from Roman, still holding on to him. He smiled as he looked up at Roman, "No, we're not."
This might be the last one I'll do for AU august but I'm also deciding if I should go back to the prompts I missed when I was sick hmm
I wish I included Remus more in this but it was already 3k words and thats the longest I've ever written so maybe its for the best XD
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sunflowerim · 3 years
I LOVE YOU 3000!
-PART 42
Weekend 8
When you want time to slow down, it happens to roll faster. Saturday had arrived in the blink of an eye.
"As much as I like having you, don't you think you gotta talk to Lou?" Niall said Saturday morning, handing Harry his cup of coffee. Harry had taken to crash at Niall's place random times of the day since the uneventful incident on Wednesday. Not a single text exchanged with Louis. And lots of media training.
"And say what exactly?" Harry replied coldly, taking the cup from Niall, "that I have to stoop so low for the publicity of my movie?"
"First of all, stop that. Celebrities need publicity and you're new to this field and it'll do you good with the general public. But yeah I don't consciously agree with the whole "stunt" thing," Niall frowned, "and that's why I want you to talk to Louis. Explain stuff to him before he gets the wrong idea."
"No Niall you don't understand."
"Then enlighten me."
"It's all very new to me okay. My feelings for Louis. Me coming to terms with my sexuality. It's all new. And I'm scared Ni. I really am."
"H, but you told me Louis likes you too right? And I know him man, he's a good friend before everything else. He'll understand."
"Louis didn't have a very good image of me okay- and it took me some time to make him trust me, and to low-key make him believe that my media image isn't me. Trust me, I don't have it in me to tell him that I'm a guy who fakes a relationship for the sake of promo. I value relationships man and he does too. So if it's making me angry, rest assured he'll be pissed too."
"God Harry you're overthinking. You never cared what people thought of you."
"Louis isn't people Niall."
"I don't want him to hate me."
"He will not. Trust me."
"And it's not just that," Harry fumbled with the coffee cup, "Taylor is involved too. And you know how Louis worships Taylor, I don't want him to think less of his idol either. It'll crush him."
"But it's not your fault Harry, and I think it'll be easier for you guys if he knew it was for show."
"I suppose you're right Niall, but I don't have it in me to tell him. He'll think of me as a shallow spineless celebrity. Again."
"You're being paranoid."
"And you're not being a good friend," Harry said, setting down the cup rather too hard.
Niall softened at that and said soothingly, "ok how about this, today's a Saturday. Go to Louis', spend some time with him and just skip this topic. You're missing him. I'm sure he's missing you too."
"How will I face him after what I did last time?"
"Just go on with whatever story you made up that day, since you don't wanna tell him the truth," Niall said, sounding a little disappointed.
"I hate lying to him," Harry replied sadly.
"Ok I'm running out of options here. Just go meet him alright, everything will be fine."
"Fine," Harry sighed, "if you say so," Harry said getting up.
And he drove off to Louis'.
Back in the apartment, Louis was distractedly stirring his fourth cup of tea. It was 11a.m. and he hadn't had any breakfast owing to the fact that his helper was on a sick leave and he didn't feel like ordering either. Clifford was kept prodding his knees, probably sensing Louis' sad demeanor.
He was wondering whether he should just visit his sister for lunch when the bell rang. Louis' heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be Harry could it, Louis thought with a start. No that'd be absurd. Harry had possibly lied to him, abandoned him and ignored him for three days. Why would he come here now.
With his heart in his throat, Louis opened the door. And there standing with his silly gorgeous green eyes and stupid beautiful curls was Harry.
Louis' heart sank to his stomach.
"Hi Lou," Harry said slowly, eyes struggling to look into Louis'.
"Um hi?" Louis asked still standing at the door.
"Can I come in?"
Louis was so lost in his thoughts that he missed the question. His mind was burning with questions. Why was Harry here? To apologise probably. He surely had a reason for his behaviour last day and Louis will listen to whatever Harry has to say.
Harry cleared his throat and repeated, "Will you not let me in Lou?"
Louis' mind came back to the boy in front of him and he moved aside to let Harry in without saying a word.
Clifford leapt up to Harry and barked madly with joy. He was clearly missing his friend.
"Ah good to see you too Cliffy," Harry said, bending low and scratching Clifford's fur.
He stood up again, facing Louis, "I'm really sorry for the other day Louis. It's just I couldn't find a way out." Harry's eyes kept flickering down to his hands, which he was nervously wringing. Still lying, Louis thought.
"Are you sure it wasn't something else?" Louis asked in a calm voice.
"No," Harry replied, still looking down.
"Okay then," Louis said, walking over to the couch and picking up his cup of tea again. "Make yourself comfortable," he said before sitting down himself.
"You're having tea now? How many cups have you had already?" Harry asked.
"This might be my third one." Louis wasn't looking at Harry either. He kept his attention on his phone.
"I'm sure you haven't had any breakfast."
"And?" Louis looked at Harry and raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing. I'll make you some," Harry said, walking over to the kitchen.
Louis didn't find it in his heart to stop him. Maybe if Harry was trying to fall back in their normal habits, he'd eventually talk about whatever the fuck was going on.
Louis didn't join him in the kitchen where Clifford kept running around Harry. He stayed in the couch listening to Clifford and Harry's conversation. Clifford had missed him. Louis had too, but he'd eat avocados sooner than admit that.
Harry made a quick breakfast and called Louis over. Louis ate in silence, aware of Harry's intense gaze on him but every time he looked up, Harry would look away.
"Okay, are you gonna tell me what's bothering you?" Louis snapped.
"Wha- nothing. Nothing." Harry stammered.
Louis took a deep breath to calm himself. "Sorry for that. You know what, take your time. I'm here. I'll listen whenever you're ready."
And Harry could've kissed him, but he kept himself in check. He'd probably had lost his privileges. Louis was so understanding, Harry didn't deserve him.
"I just wanted to spend some time with you and maybe watch a movie."
"Oh yeah," said Louis, remembering something, " the last one's left, I'll put it on."
Louis didn't set up the projector this time. He simply connected the player to the television and settled back in the couch as Avengers Endgame started playing.
Harry didn't know about Louis, but he could hardly focus on the movie himself. His mind kept replaying his previous visits to the apartment, to various funny incidents, to some heart warming ones, to last weekend-
No. Harry couldn't think about it. That hurt. He couldn't imagine how Louis must be feeling at that time.
The movie was showing Iron Man tucking his daughter in bed and his daughter saying, 'I love you 3000'.
Harry glanced sideways to see that Louis had a little smile playing on his lips. Harry made a mental note to remember that it probably held importance to him.
Harry kept fidgeting in his place and in a few minutes, Louis had paused the movie.
"What's wrong Harry?"
Harry didn't know what to say so he kept staring at the motionless character in the television.
"Is this about last weekend?" Louis continued, "Did I cross the line? Do you regret it? Because if so I'm really sorry about that."
Harry looked at Louis with a horrified expression on his face, trying to ignore the pang of sadness it was causing him to know that Louis thought that way.
"Regret? What? No Louis. I don't regret anything. I could never," Harry said earnestly, hoping Louis would understand.
"Then why are you ignoring me?"
"I'm not-" Harry replied, sounding unsure.
"You are Harry. You're making me feel like I was some random hookup for you and trust me, it doesn't feel good." Louis' voice broke.
It made Harry miserable, seeing Louis like that and he wondered for a brief moment if he should take Niall's advice and tell Louis everything. Louis' presence made the decision easier. He was ready to blabber everything to Louis when his phone rang. Fucking Manager.
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"Hello," said a gruff voice from the other side.
"Yeah?" said Harry irritably.
"Where are you?"
"That's none of your business it is?"
"Turns out it is. Did you forget about your outing with Taylor?"
"Ofcourse I didn't. It was on 3rd of July," Harry wanted to punch his manager.
"Which happens to be today."
"Wha-" Harry quickly moved his phone from his ear and checked the date on the lockscreen. July 3rd, 2021. Harry wanted to punch himself. "Okay yeah, um, I didn't notice the date, so uh, is there any way we can postpone this? I'm really busy right now-"
"Taylor is already here. The car is waiting outside your house. So, no."
"Damn it. I mean yeah-"
"Hurry up."
"Yeah I'm coming."
Louis obviously could hear only one side of the conversation and he clearly understood that Harry had to leave. Again.
Harry turned to look at Louis, his eyes apologetic, but Louis looked away.
"It's alright, just go okay."
"I'm sorry about this."
"Sure you are," Louis replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"What- what's that supposed to mean?"
"Are you sure you're not doing this intentionally?"
"How could you even think that?"
"I'm trying to understand the situation Harry. In two months we became closer than ever, so what exactly did I do in the last few days for you to avoid me. I'm sure it's not work related problem, because then you'd have told me."
"No Lou you don't understand-"
"I think I do."
"Lou please, you have to believe me, whatever I'm doing, it's because I don't wanna hurt you."
"Well, guess what, you already did."
Harry tried to reach out for Louis but he moved back a few steps, away from Harry's touch. "Just leave Harry."
Harry's face fell at the last words. He tried to speak again, to make Louis understand, but no words came out and eventually he thought it best to leave. With great difficulty he made his way towards the door and left.
And after a while, Louis left for the gym to channel his frustration to someplace useful. He didn't let himself feel sad about the fact that him and Harry were no longer close, that some unknown barrier had introduced itself in between.
The Next Day
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Zayn was overjoyed to see the mail. He could actually see Louis' face as he told him about it. Louis would be thrilled. And his designs on Harry! He had some amazing outfit ideas for Harry. Zayn remembered that the first time he'd heard about Harry being his client he'd refrained from telling Louis about it because back then Louis wasn't exactly on pleased at Harry's existence in general. But now that he was absolutely smitten by Harry, this was going to be nice.
He set off for Louis' at once deciding to surprise him with the news being oblivious to everything that was going on between Louis and Harry.
He stopped by McDonald's drive-thru to grab Louis' favourite milkshake and hash browns.
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Harry knew what was coming and he couldn't hold himself back anymore. Louis would be seeing the article soon. He couldn't imagine what Louis was going to think about him. Once again, he felt courage build up in his stomach. He was gonna tell Louis. He dashed to his car and drove off before his paranoia returned.
Back in Louis' apartment, things weren't looking that good. Louis had forgotten that he'd turned on twitter notifications for Harry's update account. So, when his phone vibrated with a notification, he clearly wasn't prepared enough to absorb whatever he was seeing. He hastily clicked on the notification and froze at the contents of the screen.
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Louis was stunned. He waited for a few seconds before he clicked on "undo retweet". No he wasn't gonna mope about Harry, Harry who simply didn't ever care about Louis, Harry who kept lying to him. Louis shuddered to think about all those times he thought him and Harry actually had something. Was Harry lying through it all? He couldn't think about it anymore. No,no, no. He won't think about Harry. He won't let him affect him. Enough of all that shit. He sat frozen in his spot in the couch when the bell rang.
Louis absent-mindedly made his way to the door. His heart sank when he saw who was standing outside. Harry.
"Louis believe me! It's not what it looks like," Harry said, panic stricken.
"Get out of here," Louis' ocean blue eyes bore a thunder like expression, his voice steely.
"Lou I'm sorry."
"As you should be."
"Louis, pl-"
"You broke my heart Harry Styles."
"Good. Fucking. Bye." Slam.
Louis shut the door in Harry's face and slowly made his way back to the couch. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
No sooner did he fall back on the couch than Clifford came running to him. He leapt up on Louis' lap and Louis broke down.
"Harry broke our heart Cliffy," he said between sobs. "He never liked us. It was all a big lie."
Clifford lapped up the tears keen on making Louis stop crying, but Louis went on and on. "We shouldn't have made friends with him. Such a waste!" Louis hugged Clifford tightly and Clifford made a sad whimper and settled his head on Louis' shoulder.
For a few minutes, no other sound could be heard in the apartment other than Louis' sobs and hiccups.
Suddenly the bell rang again. Clifford jumped from his lap and began sniffed around the door. Thinking it was Harry, Louis decided to ignore it but then the bell rang twice again and Clifford started to bark happily. Louis wiped his tears and walked up to the door and there stood Zayn grinning ear to ear and holding a McDonald's pack, but his grin faded when he saw Louis' tear stained face and red-rimmed eyes.
Louis flung himself on Zayn and began crying again. Zayn hugged back the shaking sobbing mess in his arms and asked slowly, "hey hey Lou, what happened? I'm here. Tell me."
"Harry-", that's the only word Zayn could make out from Louis' muffled sobs.
"What about Harry?"
Louis stepped back from the hug and pulled out his phone. He showed Zayn the tweet and Zayn was equally shocked. "What the fuck is this? What? No this can't be true. I'm sure this is some rumour. Remember he told you once, how he's set up with every girl he's spotted with."
"It's not just that-" Louis replied before breaking down again.
"Hey ,hey please don't cry. You know what, let's go for a drive. Let's get you out of here and you can tell me everything that happened."
Louis silently nodded and bringing Clifford out of the house, locked the door behind him. Dropping Clifford off at the dog park, so he could play with his friends, Zayn drove off with Louis.
Zayn offered him the milkshake and and hash browns and let him eat in silence as Louis slowly regained his composure. One by one, Louis told Zayn everything that had been happening, from the day out with Harry, Theo and Lux, to the sudden change in behaviour two days later, to yesterday's almost argument to Harry showing up today after the article was dropped.
Zayn listened in silence and tried to make sense of what Louis was saying. The incidents didn't add up. He'd really taken a liking to Harry and he couldn't process that Harry would do something like that.
But then again, the sight of his best friend sitting miserable next to him, was making his heart harden towards Harry. He tried to reason with Louis, who refused to listen to anything. Zayn sighed and asked, "music?" hoping that'd calm Louis a bit and help Zayn think.
Zayn tuned in to the radio and a soft melody sounded,
"I want her long blond hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
I've got a girl cru-"
One look at Louis' face and Zayn slammed the music shut.
Why was everything so difficult?!
Zayn had driven them to a club on the outskirts of the city. The club was pretty famous but owing to it's high maintenance, was mostly accessed by celebrities or people connected to celebrities and was much less crowded compared to the other. Well, a quiet cafe would have been nice too except, now that more people knew Louis and connected him to Harry, if anyone spotted Louis like this, it'd raise an issue. Hence, a club with dim lights and loud music it was.
Zayn led Louis to booth and after making sure Louis was a bit stable, went off to buy drinks.
Zayn didn't drink because he had to drive Louis back but after 3 rounds of drinks Louis was feeling lightheaded, but at the same time, it was very distracting. Zayn kept talking to him about different topics, not bringing up Harry until Louis did that himself.
Eventually Louis started talking.
"I don't understand one thing Zee," he slurred, "that if this was indeed some rumour, why didn't he talk to me? He was clearly avoiding me this week."
Zayn knew whatever he said won't have much of an effect on him, so he just kept rubbing soothing circles on Louis' back. Talking for so long had efficiently tired Louis out and he asked to be taken back home when suddenly,
"Louis! Zayn!"
The duo looked up see a blond haired someone walking towards them, but they couldn't make out the face. It wasn't until the person was right in front if them and the lights fell directly on the face that they made out who it was. Taylor Swift.
Taylor smiled down at the two boys who stared unblinkingly at her, unable to say a word.
"Hi? You guys okay? Can I join you?"
Zayn came back to his senses and smiled, "yeah sure."
Taylor joined them in the booth and looked at Louis again, who was still staring with a blank expression at Taylor.
"What's up with him?" Taylor asked Zayn.
Zayn looked at Louis and then back again at Taylor, "uh, nothing, just work stress. We just came to get some steam off." There's no way he could tell what really had happened.
"Huh, tell me about it. I'm so tired with all the promo work," she replied.
And that's when it hit him. Taylor was dating Harry too. Up until now, he was just thinking about it from Louis' point of view and thinking about how Harry broke Louis' heart but now it dawned on him that it meant Taylor was involved too. Taylor, the person Zayn had liked for quite some time and had to bury his feelings for the sake of his profession.
Here he was, consoling his friend, trying to mend his broken heart, when the reason his own heart ached had decided to grace them with a visit. Things couldn't be worse. Zayn pushed down the pang of sadness he was feeling and tried to think of something to say when Louis started sobbing again. Taylor's presence seemed to have reminded him about Harry.
Louis didn't take Harry's name but went on and on about a certain someone who'd broken his heart. Taylor listened with interest and tried to console him best as she could. Her words were actually effective on Louis who had eventually stopped crying and was listening with rapt attention to Taylor. Zayn himself tried to take in some of the advice, and surprisingly it was good. Taylor really had the magical ability to comfort sad people.
After a while Louis got more drunk and insisted on taking a picture with Taylor and Zayn happily complied because Louis' mind was finally off Harry's.
Soon they bid their goodbyes and left the club, and Zayn drove back with a less sad but slightly drunk Louis.
When Louis shut the door on Harry's face, he didn't see how crestfallen Harry looked. He didn't see how Harry ran to his car, barely able to control his tears, which had started falling incessantly thinking that Louis hated him. Harry drove to his apartment, not wanting to face Niall. He knew what Niall would say, I told you to talk to Louis. You should have listened.
No, Harry needed to be alone for a while.
Dave, Harry's personal assistant, noticed something was off and made a whole flask of hot chocolate for Harry and quietly slipped it in his room.
Harry spend quite some time drinking the hot chocolate and thinking about the good times he'd spent with Louis when his phone rang with a notification.
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Harry was taken by surprise. What on earth was Louis doing with Taylor? Especially today? What could have possibly happened for them to hang out and for Louis to even post a picture?
Probably Harry was the only person he hated, probably he adored Taylor way too much to think bad of her. Whatever might be the case, Harry was sure of one thing- Louis hated him and Harry had lost his chance at love. Yes, love.
At this point Harry knew, that he was head over heels in love with Louis and he had ended up hurting him.
He'd lost Louis, probably forever.
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writerofshit · 4 years
Jerevin au where they both secretly have a huge crush on the other but are trying to repress it because they're friends and coworkers it would be weird. After a heist they end up at a safehouse together for the night that only has one bed and Jeremy's immediately like "I'll sleep on the couch to keep watch!!" and Gavin agrees because if they share a bed it'll be Too Much. It's fine for a while but then in the middle of the night Jeremy gets up to pee and his half-asleep brain (1/2)
(2/2) just autopilots him to the bedroom after and he gets in bed without thinking about it. Cue the next morning when they each wake up and slowly realise they're cuddling/spooning their crush and have to awkwardly escape the bed (once they're done alternating between thinking how nice it is and screaming internally). They get back to the penthouse later that day and the rest of the crew can't figure out why they're being so weird (except Michael, he's got a pretty good idea)
Anon I would appreciate it if you gave me back my one braincell, I've been looking for it all day.
But genuinely, this hits every single idea that I love. Secret, mutual pining? Check. One bed? Check. Waking up mid cuddle, torn between enjoying the moment and panicking over what they think they'll never truly have?? Check! The whole thing being so blatantly obvious to someone looking in? Check!!
Like. Ok. Alright. Let's break this down.
Secret crushes. The point when they reach this is, of course, well past Jeremy being a sort of ~fan~ of the crew, past his initial dislike of Gav, even past 'we can be at least cordial and occasionally laugh together.' No, they're full blown friends, they hang out, they talk about real shit, they trust each other. They've made it this far, and it's great, they're as happy as can be, and then.
Then there's little whisper in the backs of their heads, what if they could be more? And that's terrifying, in a lot of ways, because if it all goes south tomorrow, well. There's so much more at stake now, isn't there?
So they keep it quiet, stay content with the friendship they have. Rather have that than nothing at all. It's fine. They each try to avoid letting too much out, try not to put themselves in situations where they're likely to spill. Try not to read too much into arms thrown over shoulders or lingering smiles. It's fine.
Then a heist goes sideways and everybody is scattered at different safe houses and they're both glad they're not alone, but. But of all people, of course they get stuck with each other. Which is great, because friends or what have you, but also there's that nagging crush that just hasn't gone away.
There's also the fact that it's not so much a safe 'house' as it is safe 'shithole apartment on the other side of town'. One bed one bath, one couch, one twelve pack of beer in the fridge from god knows when. They shouldn't drink it but they do. They spend the night laughing and talking and sitting too close. It's right there, on the tips of their tongues, twin confessions they should have shared a long time ago-
But neither of them has the guys to say it.
So Jeremy offers to take the couch, because that's the best way to diffuse the undeniable energy in the room, right? Gavin let's him take it, because it must be a sign that he's enjoying this all too much, let himself get too close, right?
They go to their respective beds, both stay up far too late dissecting every word and brief touch. They reach the conclusion that they must be imagining it all, that the fact that they're sleeping separately speaks volumes. They're co-workers and friends, best friends, even, and that's all they'll ever really be. And that's enough, really it is.
But when Jeremy gets up in the middle of the night, and this shithole apartment is interchangeable for his last, and he forgets where he is, he just... Goes, he thinks, back to bed, slips under the covers and doesn't give the person beside him second thought.
Until he wakes again, recognizes Gavin, and figures he must be dreaming. There's no other explanation for how Gavin melts against him, how he let's himself be held, for the tiniest of smiles that registers just before Jeremy falls back asleep.
It isn't until he wakes up for the third and final time, somewhat early in the morning, does he realize- no, he hadn't been dreaming. His actual reality is Gavin curled into his chest. It's really Gavin's hair tickling his neck that has woken him up. It's Gavin's arm snaked around his waist, holding them close.
It's actually so much of everything he's been wanting.
But god, what kind of asshole would he be if he continued to lay here reveling in this moment while Gavin has no clue?
Unbeknownst to Jeremy, Gavin has reached the same conclusion, but only he plucks up enough courage to pull away. "Jeremy, I-"
But Jeremy is up and gone, doesn't want to have the inevitable I like you, but as a friend conversation. He leaves the room and he calls Trevor for the ok to go home. He gets it, throws what little he'd had with him into a bag, and waits in the car.
They'd talked the night before about getting something to eat on the way back, whenever it would be. Now, he just wants to get home and try to put some distance between himself and everything he'd been feeling. He blares music the entire way back and there's no chance for conversation.
At the penthouse, Gavin holes himself up with Matt in the basement and says nothing to anyone.
Jeremy's beating himself up for being so fucking stupid, how could you not remember you were supposed to be on the fucking couch and Michael calls him out for sulking.
"The fuck happened with you and Gav?"
Jeremy doesn't answer, because hes not sure what to say. The honest answer is nothing, nothing actually happened because he'd been too afraid. But it still feels like there's been a shift, so maybe he's wrong.
"I mean, did you guys finally fuck? Is that what happened?"
"Jesus Christ, Michael, I dont- no, we didn't- nothing happened." He's not sure why it feels like such a lie.
"Well shit. And i really thought you'd finally figured it out."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Michael just stares at him, like he can't believe what he's hearing. "Come on, dude. You guys have been dancing around each other for months. You're really telling me you don't know you're fuckin in love?"
"That's- we're not-" Because they arent anything. Sure, Jeremy's been harboring some ill fated crush for far too long, but that's his problem. "Gavin and I are friends."
"No, we're friends, J. And as your friend, I've gotta tell you, you and Gav are two idiots afraid of your own feelings."
"Tell him, Jeremy. He'll be over the moon, believe me."
The thing about it is, Michael is his friend. And he trusts him. Maybe he has seen something Jeremy had missed. Or ignored, more accurately. Maybe he's wrong and they'll have a big laugh over it. Maybe being honest won't be the end.
"I'll uh, I'll do that. Later. If I can."
And they do. They talk, Michael plays mediator because he knows they'll both chicken out if hes not there. Jeremy admits all the thoughts he'd had that morning, why he'd left like he did. Gavin explains that he'd thought Jeremy joining him in the middle of the night was his admission, how he'd been utterly confused by the 180. How he'd assumed he'd misread everything, hid with Matt all day to avoid embarrassment.
And when they've aired all of their confusion and are just... Happy and beaming at each other and once again sitting too close on the couch, Michael sums it up best.
"Fucking finally."
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