#ok so i dont really remember the author note for this but. i remember it was very funny tl me
incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Dave: *is making a stew*
Rose: *walks in and throws a toad on the stew*
Dave: ???? what the hell rose????? why did you throw that toad in my stew??
Rose: So that he eats the flies I put there before.
Dave: oh ok then that checks out *walks out*
Dave: hold on
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angel-eyes05 · 1 year
to leave the warmest bed i've ever known
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pairing: spiderwoman!reader x miguel o’hara 
summary: after miguel’s fight with miles, you confront him in his office
warnings: this whole thing is basically one big argument there’s SO much angst, implied suicide attempt, HUGE ATSV SPOILERS DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS MOVIE, im projecting a little in some parts of this ngl (i cried writing a certain section of this, you'll know it when you read it lmao), mentions and descriptions of blood, gore, and death
word count:  4.1k
notes: i watched the movie yesterday…and miguel is on my mind. but i remember reading this namor x reader fanfic after i watched wakanda forever of a similar idea to this and i loved it so this is HEAVILY inspired by that fic, but just make it miguel. i would link it but ngl that was so long ago and i dont remember the author. if i end up finding it again ill put it here. also, just pretend miguel has been doing this whole spider society thing for a couple of years at least, it just needs to work like that for this ik its probably not canon but just roll with it lmao. and yes the title is a taylor swift lyric im so glad you noticed (im so sorry she's in my brain rn with the eras tour)
The anger boiled up inside your chest as you stormed your way across the lobby. Hundreds of different Spider-Man variants were scattered across the area, some more injured than the others. It sickened you sometimes. How he had so many people under his grasp and just decided to throw some of them at the walls sometimes, not caring how hard they hit the floor because they were all just ammo to him. How despite his denials of it, that’s probably what your role was to him as well. Nothing more than a bullet in his massive machine gun.
You normally tried not to think about it, how his determination towards his goal sometimes meant lack of care for others. But this time he had just gone too far. You always had a soft spot for Miles, watching closely on him whenever Miguel would let you go though scanners of all the different variants. You admired his struggle, but eventual success to taking up the previous Peter’s mantle, and always hated how Miguel talked about him. You knew there was no way Miles could’ve asked for any of this. For the pressures and struggles of being a Spider-Man, for everything causing such a strained relationship with his parents, for the death of his uncle, and for what will be the eventual death of his father. You definitely didn’t.
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Ok lets do this one last time. Eh, whatever, there’s probably gonna be 50 other introductions after this one so it doesn’t really matter.
Being Earth-837’s Spider-Man has never been easy. Especially since you were bit when you were only 13 (another reason you sympathized with Miles and Gwen). Your life had followed the order of canon events to a perfect T, your older brother killed in a fight with a robber only two months after you were bit. You tried to overcome the burden of your powers by trying to live as normal of a teenage life as possible, but it was mostly in vain, having to give up multiple friendships and relationships in fear of those you love getting hurt. This was only elevated when your boyfriend Peter was murdered in the crossfire of an encounter with Doc Ock. You didn’t understand. You couldn’t. What you had done to deserve all of this. All you did was just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You wonder sometimes what would happen if someone was in the same place you were when you got bit. If someone else went to the closed down area of that museum and ran into that spider. That stupid spider that ruined your life. Those thoughts slowly started to disappear for a bit. For a few years things were easy. Things seemed like they were finally going in your favor.
You were 25 when it happened. The last canon event. Ever since you were a little girl you hated your mother’s job. Losing nights of sleep over if she would come home or not. She always did though. She was good at her job. Too good though. Good enough to get promoted to police captain, which for who you were, was basically sealing her fate. She saved so many people that day. You were too busy fighting Venom to notice how much collateral damage you were causing in the process. Your mother’s job was to evacuate all the citizens away from the fight. She died shielding a child from incoming debris. A noble way to go. But god was it gruesome. You found her after the fight was over, two metal poles impaling her. One through her stomach and one straight through her face, pools of blood growing bigger below her as she was left there, all the paramedics busy trying to save the heavily injured. You froze when you finally recognized her, unable to at first due to how mutilated her face was from the pole. Suddenly, you were transported back to being a six year old, falling asleep outside the door to your mother’s bedroom so you would know exactly when she would come home. Purposefully falling asleep in her arms so that she couldn’t go anywhere.
When you used the key she had given you to get into her apartment that night, and you slept in her room, desperate to intake anything left of her before she was fully gone. You doused yourself in her perfume so it still felt like she was standing right behind you. You had always loved her smell. The smell of vanilla, curl product, and fancy perfume. They were attached to memories you had of her. Trying on her heels when you were a kid to try and be fancy like her. Smelling her hair in the morning before school to comfort you before she left for work. Despite all of this bringing you comfort, all it really did was cause further denial in your heart. That one day you were gonna hear the keys clacking in the keyhole to your apartment one more time. That’s all you really wanted. You would give everything up in a heartbeat just to hear her police scanner go off one last time. But it wasn’t going to. And it was your fault. Deep down you knew it was. You should’ve done a better job controlling the debris. You had always been a messy fighter, but you didn’t know it was going to mean anything until it was too late. 
How you got up to the top of that building is still a blur to you to this day. But next thing you know, you were looking at the New York City skyline from the very top of the Empire State Building. And at the very edge too. You heard some sounds behind you, but you just decided it was the wind howling from how high up you were. You were just so tired. Everything and everyone you loved was cursed all because of you. And with your mother as the most recent victim, you decided you finally had enough. You took a deep breath, eyes overflowed with water, as you set your foot forward.
Your plummet was interrupted by a sudden contact you felt to your forearm. Shock filled your body as you turned around to look at what had stopped your attempt. The blue hand was massive, nearly wrapping back around onto itself as it held onto you for dear life. You finally looked up at face that the hand belonged to. The mask that covered the massive figure was a strange one. Blue with strange red silhouettes for the eyes. It kind of reminded you of…your own costume? That couldn’t be though there was no way. This must be the afterlife or something. You already jumped and that's why you didn’t remember your way up to the top. This was some kind of creature trying to stop you from jumping down to hell below. His breaths were heavy and loud, almost like he was desperate to stop you. This convinced you that this was real, which caused you to try to escape from his grip. He was stronger than you, and was putting up a huge fight. You were slick though. Once you were out of his hand, you closed your eyes and quickly made your jump. Everything flashed before your eyes. Your brother, Peter, your mom. You were hoping to see them soon. This was very quickly interrupted again when you suddenly stopped falling. Something had attached itself to your stomach. You opened your eyes. A web? This web was much different than yours though. It was glowing a bright, neon orange.
The man was holding onto the end of it tightly with both hands. His mask then disappeared to show his face. His was long, matching how big the rest of his body was, defined cheek bones sticking out. Brown wavy hair slicked back with a few loose strands flying out in the wind. The look of desperation on his face stook out most of all. Why did he care so much? He didn’t know you, and you definitely didn’t know him. “Let me pull you up. Please,” he said to you between shaky pants. You stared at him for a bit before nodding. He slowly pulled you up with the string of his web, each move more careful than the last. As soon as your feet were planted safely back on the roof of the building, he wrapped you up in his massive arms. You appreciated the gesture, but you didn’t return it, still very confused about why he was so concerned. He was so big around your body though, you couldn’t help but feel a little comforted, feeling his still shaky breaths against the hairs of your neck. Soon after, he clicked on some buttons on his neon orange watch and led you into a portal.
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The rest is history. You’re grateful he found you that day. It allowed you to meet so many people, Peter B., Jess, Gwen, Hobie, Ben, Pavitr, Margo. They all related to you and you felt like you could share things with them that you couldn’t do with anyone else. You had grown especially close to Peter and Jess, both of them having been in the game for a long time, just like you. They both knew how you felt, having lost so much and growing so tired after so many years. Peter even named you as Mayday’s godmother when she was born, a gesture that caused you to nearly kill him with your hug. Miguel though was different. He wasn’t nearly as social as the rest of your friends, but you found yourself having much more intimate moments with him (in more ways then one). You eventually found out why Miguel was so concerned for you the day you met. He had taken interest in your abilities early into looking for variants for his little “project”, but refrained from roping you into something so dangerous while you were still in your teens.
Once you were old enough though, he started paying more and more attention, hoping to catch you in a fight and recruit you then. But he was always pulled away with more important duties to attend to. That was until he witnessed your canon event. He had seen it happen so many times before through his scanners. It was going to happen. It had to in order for your universe to not collapse in on itself. But for some reason, yours hurt more than the rest to him. Especially how you coped with it. Seeing you wrap yourself up in her blankets and clothes broke his heart. He knew where this would lead to. That’s why he was there that day. To save you. He had to, or he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. You got your own watch immediately, along with your own room in the Spider Society headquarters. He stayed close with you for the first month of you being a member of the team. When he wasn’t out on missions, he was with you. You didn’t really know what to label you two as, but whatever was going on, you liked it. And he did too.
That is until Miles came into the picture. Once Miles was bit, all hell broke loose for Miguel. He was always in some alternate dimension catching some Spider-Man villain who got out and rangled them back over here, falling back over to you more beat up and bruised than the last time. You couldn’t imagine how much stress he was under, the fate of the entire multiverse up to him. You had some ways of helping him relieve his stress, but you wish you could convince him that he wasn’t alone in this. But nothing ever got through to him. He had become distant, aloof even. You tried bringing it up to Jess every so often, but she would just brush it off.
“That’s how he’s always been.” Not to you he hasn’t. This week has been hell though. With Spot making it over to Miles, Miguel had been going into rages all week. You had put up with it for now, but that was all about to stop. Watching how harsh he was being on Miles, throwing so many Spider-Men at an innocent boy, risking all of their lives in the process. Disregarding everything Gwen and Peter were feeling and then throwing Gwen back into her broken world with nothing. He had gone too far. No one else was going to stand up to him about it, so you knew it had to be you. Maybe he would listen, maybe he wouldn’t. It didn’t really matter. He just needed to hear it.
“It’s not worth it you know.” The voice snapped you out of your thoughts, stopping you in your tracks. “You know how stubborn he gets over these things,” said Jess, trying to convince you to save your breath. “I don’t care. I have to at least try,” you responded, monotonically. “I just don’t understand how you can follow him so blindly and not see what he’s doing is wrong.” “Because he isn’t wrong. I don’t know about you, but I’m not just gonna stand by and let some kid’s stupid decisions destroy another Earth,” Jess argued. “He’s just trying to save his dad, I can’t understand how that makes him such a bad person,” you said, finally turning around to face her, shocked when she was closer to you than expected.
“You know exactly why. Don’t be so naive, y/n,” she shot back. “You can’t stop me,” you said staring straight into her. She shrugged. “Then I can’t help you.” She began to walk away. You did to, until you heard her say. “You don’t know how much he cares for you.” You turned around to face her again, but her back was still to you, her head tilted ever so slightly to look at you. “If you really do care for the kid, watch what you say to Miguel right now. Cause you might just give him the final push he needs to do what needs to be done.” You didn’t give her a response, and just simply kept walking. You felt Jess’ eyes on your back as you entered the elevator to get up to Miguel’s office.
The elevator ride up felt longer than it should’ve, as you tried to gather all of your thoughts and emotions together so even if he didn’t listen, your words would still stick with him in some way. You didn’t necessarily want to hurt him (though your fists were telling you otherwise), but you did want him to be aware of what he’s done. Once the doors finally opened, all of that work flew out the window as rage took over your body again, seeing Miguel up there looking at the scanners. The fact that he looked just as normal as he always does made you furious. It’s like nothing happened.
“You know, I could hear you coming in from the lobby,” he said, almost stopping you in your tracks. You hated when he did that. Claiming that he knew what your every move was going to be. Like you were under his control or something. “Yeah, well then you must’ve heard me talking to Jess, which means you know exactly what this is about,” you shot back, stopping to where you could see him perched up there. “Why don’t you just save me the conversation about morality and just come up here and kick my ass already. It’ll save both of us time,” he said, not even taking his eyes off the scanners to look down at you. This only added to your fury. “That’s not what I’m here for Miguel, so don’t you dare try to twist my words here. What you did to that kid was fucked up and you know it.” “Oh yeah, then why didn’t you try to do anything to stop me?” he questioned.
“Because I’m not stupid Miguel. I’m not gonna try to take down hundreds of Spider-Men at once.” “Oh, cause you’re so much better than that?” This wasn’t like him at all. That gentle, kind, and caring Miguel you once knew was gone, taken over by some sort of personal vendetta he had against Miles. “Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but this all needs to stop before it gets taken too far. You’re getting into a fight you can’t win. That kid’s strong and so are his allies. And if you go any further into this, I won’t be here to help you.” He stayed still and only turned his head to look at you. “And what makes you think that you’re so important to my plan that it’ll fall apart if you leave? Have you really become that pretentious?”
Your body froze. Have I really? No no no, that’s exactly what he wants. If you begin to doubt yourself now, you’ll stay and nothing will change. You knew you were right. He was trying to crumble you down, but you wouldn’t let that happen. “And you really think that one kid is going to ruin something that you’ve been working for for years? How insecure you’ve become.” “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, turning back away from you. You did the same, wiping off your face in anger. “I hate it when you do tha-,” you said as you turned back around, but were cut off to find Miguel standing there right in front of you. He was close. Too close to your liking, although in any other circumstance you would’ve found this attractive.
He tilted his head up, but his eyes were down staring daggers into yours. You hated how much he tried to make himself seem more superior to you. “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he repeated, this time slower as if you were a child. “He’s just a kid Miguel,” you said in a low, quiet voice. “An anomaly. And a dangerous one at that.” “God Miguel, all he wants to do is protect his dad, do you know how insane you sound right now?” you said letting out a slight laugh when you finished. You backed away from him a little. “He doesn’t know how much damage he’ll do with this. Saving his father will only prolong the inevitable. His world will be gone within hours if he does this. All I’m trying to do is make him understand,” he tried to explain. “By trying to kill him.” “You always have to exaggerate the situation,” he said palming his face. “But that’s essentially what you’re trying to do isn’t it? Why not snuff out the problem entirely by taking him out!”
He signed and began to walk away while you were talking, bringing up your anger even more. “Yeah, use all the power you’ve accumulated over the years and just take out the small problem! Except this isn’t just a fly on the wall Miguel. This is a child! An innocent boy who didn’t ask for any of this to happen to him, just like how we didn’t. I get it, I’m sorry that this job is stressful, I really am. But that gives you zero right to act the way you are!” You were screaming at him at this point. You didn’t want to. You didn’t want your emotions to get the best of you. But he was being too stubborn. This was the only way you thought you could get to him. You might not have wanted to, but you needed to hurt him now. It was the only way.
“You can’t be so power blind that you refused to accept the fact that there could be a way around Captain Davis’ death. You said we saved Earth’s before, I’m sure we could do it again.” Your anger only kept rising when he kept walking away and didn’t respond. “This is a personal thing isn’t it?” you asked calmly. You knew it was working now when he stopped walking. “Yeah, it it. You won’t let Miles get his happy ending. Because why should he be pardoned of his burden while the rest of us have suffered so much. While you’ve suffered so much.” The answer to your question was confirmed when Miguel stayed silent. “Just because you didn’t get the life you wanted Miguel, doesn’t mean you have the right to stop other people from getting theirs.”
You knew you overstepped the line when Miguel turned around and started walking towards you, fury burning in his crimson eyes. “Yeah, so what! What if that is what this is all about! You should know better than anyone how much this job takes away from you!” he screamed at you, backing you up into a wall. “Why should he get to be let off so easily, while people like you and me have to suffer so much? Don’t try to turn me into the villain here when I know you’re thinking the exact same thing, y/n.” He wasn’t entirely wrong. You had wondered it at some points. “I won’t let you turn this onto me Miguel, this is about you,” you fired back. “Oh no, you’re not getting off that easily. I know you’re thinking it. And you’re right. Why should Miles get let off so easily when you’ve lost so much.” He held your hands in his, trying to connect to you. “And you have mi vida. You’ve had so much taken from you and it’s unfair. Why should he only have lost one person when you’ve had three taken from you. Your brother, Peter, your moth-.”
He was cut off by your hand striking against his face in a harsh blow. “If you’re smart, and I know you are, you’ll keep those three out of them. I won’t let you drag their names through the dirt for something as stupid as this.” You both stood there for a while, both of your eyes looking towards the ground, hoping it would open up to swallow you both as an escape from this god awful conversation. You never wanted it to come to this. In all honesty, you cared for Miguel. You might’ve even loved him, if you were even capable of doing such a thing. You hoped he felt the same way about you, but in a job like this, he always had at least one wall up around you. It just wasn’t worth it anymore. You were too tired to keep trying for something that was most likely going to fall apart in the end. 
“You’re still going after him aren’t you?” you asked, finally breaking the silence. Miguel looked back up at you. “You can’t ask me not to. You know better than anyone why this is so important to me.” He moved his hand up to cup your cheek and kissed your forehead gently. You let it sit there for a minute out of habit before pushing it off your face. “And you must know why I can’t stay anymore then.” His shoulders dropped. “Whatever this thing between us is. It’s over. I can’t stay beside someone who can’t see what he’s doing is wrong.” Miguel’s dropped hand turned into a fist of anger. “Fine,” he spat in your face. “I don’t need someone like you in my way. You’re just a liability to this anyways.” He began to walk away from you back to his scanners. “Just don’t come crying back over to me when your little plan doesn’t work out, cause I won’t help you.” He used his webs to pull himself back up to the platform to keep looking for Miles. You stood there for a second, gathering yourself.
Five years. Out the door just like that. It bewildered you how easily a bond like you two had could be broken all because of one teenager. You began to make your way for the door before you said. “When this is all over…don’t try to find me.” He didn’t respond. Once the elevator doors opened, you rushed inside, desperate to get away from him. So many thoughts rushed through your head as the doors closed and you sunk down back to the lobby to leave. You didn’t have much of a plan. This could end up being a horrible idea. Your gut told you it was the right thing to do though. And that was enough for you. You walked out of the headquarters lobby with a new heart and a new mind, ready to take action for your new plan.
First though, you had to find Gwen.
a/n: god that took longer than it should've. dw dw i'll do a part 2 if enough people ask for one. im not 100% sure how im gonna do a part 2 cause yk....idk how beyond the spiderverse is gonna go so tbh, we're just gonna make it go the way i want lmao. thanks for reading, ik this was kind of a long one lmao
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blixssily · 10 months
Hello¡,for the 100 followers event,can i req the promt of random kisses with Blade,i have to specify so... That is when the s/o covers his mouth for some reason, he leaves her hand covered in kisses.
prompt 16: random kisses + blade !
authors notes: hello!! thanks for participating in this event! i absolutely love this idea omg the actual kissing is a little later in this drabble i got a tiny bit carried away with the ppl lot build up hehe
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you and blade were paired up on a mission together, something about retrieving something from a highly guarded area. you always found a way to make the mission more bearable and less boring for him.
earlier you had tried to persuade the guards to let you two into the location where the item was held at but they wouldn't budge no matter how much you tried to communicate with them. "why not just get rid of them?" blade sighed, getting ready to pull out his sword. "normally id say that's a good idea bu-" the moment blade's hand wrapped around his sword the guards immediately took their stance against you two.
"now look what you've done!" you nagged him, this exact situation had happened so many times to the two of you during your previous missions together. "more reason to simply get rid of them then." he shrugs pulling out his sword completely.
"no! we are not starting another fight! remember what kafka said about the mara??" you grabbed his wrist, "lets run for it. theyre about to attack soon anyways." you turn back to the guards, dragging blade along with you as you hastily tried to look for a hiding spot. "get them!" the guards yelled, causing you to pick up the pace.
eventually you did find a hiding spot although it was really cramped for two people. you managed to squeeze blade and yourself into an alleyway, your chest pressing onto his.
"okay, i think we're fine for now." you tried to control your breathing so that the guards nearby wouldn't be able to hear your panting from having to sprint for a few minutes straight. "you ok? you're panting a lot." you look up at him, concern building up in your eyes. "i'm fine." his laid back answer causes you to frown. you almost jump when you're able to hear a guard passing by.
without thinking, you immediately put your hand over blade's mouth, silencing him so the guard wouldn't hear anything unusual. you give an apologetic smile as you see the look in his eyes. just as you were about to remove your hand, you feel his lips press against your palm. his own hand snakes around your wrist, you can feel his lips gliding over your fingers before giving each of your finger tips little pecks.
"what are you doing?" you whisper, blush starting to creep up to your cheeks. he merely smirks as he trails his kisses down to your wrist and eventually your pulse point. you dont dare ask him anymore questions as he softly bites down, nibbling at your soft skin with his usual smirk plastered on his face.
"stop that." you pull your hand away, looking away to hide the blush that's more than evident by now. he merely chuckles at your embarrassment.
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notes and reblogs are heavily appreciated and thank you for participating in this event !
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Gamzee Makara from Homestuck vs Maeglin Lómion from The Silmarillion/The Fall Of Gondolin
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Gamzee Makara:
LOVE: - "Okay, so Gamzee is such a divisive character that I even hesitated on choosing "love". Sad clown with an absentee father raised in a fascist dictatorship. Was mind controlled into killing his friends and then mind controlled during a toxic relationship (or two). Suffers from addiction so fandom likes to go "Oh, how scary his withdraws are. Clearly being drugged up was the only thing keeping this THIRTEEN YEAR OLD from murdering his friends (who largely ignored him, insulted him, demeaned him and acted like they wanted nothing to do with him). Having one such friend gently touch his face didn't cure him of his issues (or the mind control) so obviously he is an irredeemable monster and an abuser. This is genetic." I know you've gotten tons of Vriska, so basically insert any of Vriska's apologists' points here." - "Gamzee is a complex character who is used as a puppet both by the other villains of Homestuck and by the arthur. Once someone takes a deeper look at him they might find a tragic character who had lots of chances where he could have gotten onto a better path but those chances were not able to be given or taken. On the flip side Gamzee suffers from some poor writing that leaves aspects of the character to based off poor stereotypes, he also lacks chances to show his internal character as thr story goes on and is treated like a tool by the story. He also killed some fan favorite characters and has a version of himself (homestuck is a multi timeline story) that abused a different fan favorite character." - "I know Vriska is the obvious pick for controversial HS blorbo, but consider: He is the world's shittiest boy. No one knows why he does the things he does he might just be a murderclown but he might be mind controlled or something no one knows and people have really strong opinions on him based on what they believe. He makes me very sad because I did think he was a cool character before he snapped." - "He was written so poorly 💔" - "when i was 12 i had a crush on him i was like a gamzee apologist and i was probably right i dont remember homestuck. i used to listen to icp and think wowww this is just like my clwon boyfriend and giggle and blush and kick my legs and i still do that with my fake boyfriend but hes not gamzee and its not icp and im not 12 but he kind of sounds like gamzee but thats because hes a smoker and he wouldnt listen to icp he likes techno. anyway i used to get so sad when people said they didnt like him because of the killings and i brought him up to my old therapist a couple times thats kind of funny looking back but i would do it again (but not with gamzee. with my fake chain smoker boyfriend who likes techno). anyway anyway my mom listens icp because her old friend from highschool who died was a juggalo and whenever i hear her listen to it i think about gamzee so i havent forgot about him yet. hes wasnt my favorite character thouhg my favorite character was the gemini one (i also had a crush on him when i was 12 i tried to lucid dream to see him once) (it didnt work). ok love you bye." - "-Funny clown -Cares about his friends -Absent parental figure :( -Did some murder but it wasn't his fault really he didn't have all of his mental faculties (see next point) -Got brainwashed by a universe-destroying god that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time through the form of a rapping marionette -The author(s) fucking hates him for some reason and retconned his previous characterization to make him a one-dimensional shitty villain and used canon text to make fun of fans who like him and no I'm not exaggerating -If I don't make him my blorbo who will"
Maeglin Lómion:
LOVE: - "LISTEN okay so he DID betray the city of Gondolin to the guy who literally invented evil, and that DID result in it getting destroyed and a whole bunch of people dying or being taken prisoner (which is probably worse in this instance), and also he DID attempt to throw his cousin's seven-year-old son off the city walls to his death during the attack. BUT. I love him. Also, and more substantially, a) he didn't go out of his way to betray the city, he was taken prisoner and threatened into it, b) he had an incredibly painful history with Gondolin involving both his parents' violent deaths happening like ten minutes after he arrived there, and he was legally not allowed to leave, and c) he was SO YOUNG (only 180! that's hardly anything for an elf!) and he is SO ANGSTY and INTERESTINGLY GOTH and SELF-HATING and I LOVE him. So." - "First of all he was LITERALLY CURSED TWICE OVER so there was NO WAY he was coming to a good end okay. Sure he had a crush on his cousin but he canonically didn't say anything and she only knew because she read his mind and he wasn't able to hide it from her. He had a major éowyn moment (iconic) and was trapped in cage after cage all his life and tbh after what he saw in the Nirnaeth I'm NOT surprised he voted to stay instead of go. Or just told the king what he wanted to hear. Anyway the POINT is that breaking under mental torment to morgoth, whose force and victory he'd seen firsthand, is NOT a moral failing, and idril started conspiring against him before he'd actually done anything wrong. The attempted murder was, admittedly, not great though. But he didn't even SUCCEED like c'mon he just got homoerotically yeeted from a cliff about it. In conclusion: maeglin did nothing wrong except all the things he did wrong, and the version in which he's most openly evil is also the one where both the narrative and the other elves are racist to him so like they had it coming"
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helplesslyblue77 · 1 year
It Felt So Wrong(It Felt So Right)
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Genre: Smut, minors dni
Pairing: Step Dad!Bang Chan x Reader, Step Bro!Felix x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Step-Sibling Incest, Step Dad!Chan, Step Brother!Felix, Smut, slight degration, Daddy Kink, use of slut, Moral Dilemmas but less than youd think because the author is lazy as fuck
Notes: its very much focused on the reader and there is no m/m action cause chan and felix r related and thats to much even for me,
ok so...you know how its like 3 am and you just had a whole cryfest about how knowone will ever love you and you are obsessing over men who dont even know you exist? and then you feel dumb and take a shower and chug an energy drink while you eat Pizza and smash out like four chapters of your WIP and one very dirty convoluted oneshot????
Anyway i literally cannot watch any clips from Bang Chan's lives the man makes me so Delulu its not ok.
The Title is from 'I Kissed a Girl' by Katy Perry, i love that song man.
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You had just turned fourteen when your mother had come home, sat you down at the table, and announced she was getting married. You had not been surprised. You wished her well and snuck upstairs while she talked loudly on the phone with her friends, hardly sparing you a glance.
Your mother seemed to bring home a new man every few years, and at this point, you barely even cared.
And she barely spared a thought for you as well. You were well-fed and had your credit card, but you lacked the love only a parent could give you. Your mother was much too caught up in her pretty jewels and visits to the country club to pay you much thought. 
She was selfish, your mother, and used her pretty face and ample figure to get whatever she wanted in life, whether it be money, clothes, or men, she could have it all. The other men your mother seemed to favor never really spared you a glance, too caught up in your mother's boob job to pay attention to her only daughter, so you really had no expectations when it came to this new man.
But when you were finally introduced, you noticed how he was different.
He looked at you, smiled at you, and acknowledged your presence unlike so many of the others had. He even brought you a gift, a pretty silver necklace with a small charm.
He was handsome, and of course much younger than your own mother. Christopher, he said his name was, and he smiled at you warmly, introducing his son to you. Felix was sweet, pretty with a smile like the sun and the two of you hit it off immediately, rushing indoors to play video games while your parents snuck off.
You pretended not to know what they were doing. 
You adjusted well to the two of them, Felix transferred into your school and you showed him around, introducing him to your friends. He meshed well into your small group and in no time at all, you were happy as can be. You hoped they would stick around, your mother tended to trade off men very quickly., tossing out the old and bringing in the new every few years.
It was the first time you could remember hoping she didn't get a new boy toy, hoping that Chris and Felix would stick around. But then, in your Junior year of high school, it happened.
You remembered the frantic call from the hospital. Felix’s hand gripped your own tightly as you watched your mother's monitor flatline. You felt guilty, like maybe you should have felt more devastated, but truthfully, you weren't that sad.
You shed tears later, however, wetting the sunny yellow of Felix’s favorite t-shirt. It wasn't the fact that your mother was gone, no, it was your stepfather's devastated face that made you sob like a baby in Felix’s arms. 
You hadn't loved your flighty, unreliable mother, but your stepfather had. Even though you all knew she had been cheating on him the last few months.
Your mother is dead now, and it was all in the past. 
It all began on that very night, the night your mother died. Your seventeenth birthday had passed barely a few weeks before and you had fingered the pretty necklace they had given you as you ate. Your mother hadn't gotten you a present, but Felix and your stepdad had, and they had spent extra time with you when they noticed your mother was ignoring you as usual.
You remembered how Felix’s pretty face had lit up with a smile when he handed you the gift, Chris subtly shoving a card across the table.
They liked to give you jewelry, and you liked to receive it. It felt nice to be dressed up and you kind of understood why your mother liked it so much. The card had a few hundred in it, and a handwritten note from both of them, telling you how much they cared about you.
You had cried later that night, curled up in Felix’s arms as usual, and thanked him over and over. He had just laughed and comforted you as always. That night, you realized how nice it was to have people who cared about you, people who enjoyed hanging out with you, and who valued the things you had to say.
You dared to think that you were glad your mother was dead, so you could have a real family, all to yourself. 
The next day, when your small family moved away from your mother's empty cold house, Chris(As he had insisted you call him) reassured you that they would always care for you that you were their family, that you could live with them as long as you wished.
You felt your cold dead heart, so hardened by your mother's uncaring attitude, begin to blossom in your chest. You noticed, for the first time, how pretty Felix was, with his blond hair and the freckles dotting his skin, how firm his chest felt from years of martial arts when he pressed you up against it. You noticed the caring way he looked at you, the way he comforted you when you were sobbing your eyes out over a dumb boy, or how he always made sure to buy you your favorite drinks from the store. 
You noticed your stepfather's dimples when he smiled at you, his muscly arms when he lifted your things and carried them into the house. You noticed the way he would go out of his way to make your favorite foods when he saw you were down, how he didn't get a new girlfriend, probably because he thought you would be upset about it.
You noticed how they cared about you, but most of all, you noticed they were men. And it would plague your mind for years to come.
It started out innocent. Your heart sped up when they came to close, dreams of kissing plump familiar lips, blushing cheeks.
But then it became worse. 
And the day of your eighteenth birthday, you awoke sweaty and panting in your bed, two forbidden names falling from your mouth. 
You had never considered them as family, not really. Chris was your mother's new toy, and Felix was more of a friend than a brother. That careless attitude was coming back to haunt you.
So you left.
Packed your bags and went off to boarding school. It gave you a break from the suffocating tension that seemed to settle over the house with the loss of your mother. It made you feel guilty, here Chris was so broken up about your mother while you thirsted about him, fantasized about him bending you over the table and taking you ruthlessly. When Felix would smile at you, asking to cuddle and all you could think about was his pretty mouth doing other things to you. 
You couldn't take it anymore. 
Your twenty-first birthday was only a few days away when you returned from, settling back into your old room and your old routine. 
Chris welcomed you back with open arms, hugging you warmly and stroking your hair. “Missed you babygirl.” He would murmur in your ear, and you tried not to shiver at the familiar nickname. 
“Missed you too Chris.” With a pat on your back, he hoisted your luggage up and disappeared inside, arms flexing.
Felix tackled you in a hug next, pressing his lithe body into your back. He'd grown while you were gone, shoulder filling out and arms flexing as he hugged you tightly in a sweet back hug. You tried not to imagine what it would feel like if he was doing something else in this position. But this was Felix, he would never even imagine anything like that. 
“Missed you Oppa.”
He kissed your neck, and you breathed in his clean scent of sunflowers and things you couldn't quite place. He smelled like home. You jostled against him, accidentally rubbing your but against him and he flinched, pulling away slightly.
You froze, it couldn't be, right? Your sweet innocent brother Felix would never…
He pulled away fully and you decided it was best to ignore it for now, so you grabbed his hand, leading him in. 
He smiled at you, and you grinned back. “Dad and I made you a welcome back dinner, it's gonna be great.”
He let you lead him inside, the screen door slamming behind the two of you. You were home.
You loved being back. The familiar smell of Chris’s cooking, your video game nights with Felix, and most of all, having a family again. But you still couldn't shake that tension. You knew you were the problem and it made you feel guilty. It was hard to cuddle on the couch with Felix when all you could think about was riding him right on this very couch.
It was hard to work out with Chris when you just wanted him to take you in the dirty gym over the workout machines.
But then, on the eve of your twenty-first birthday, when you were all gathered around the table serving the delicious chocolate cake you and Felix had made, you noticed something. 
Maybe it was the way their gazes were focused on you, maybe it was the lighting, playing tricks on your brain, but you swore you saw a flicker of desire in their eyes. You shook it off, sighting your horny imagination, and enjoyed your cake, but you could never really forget it.
Over the next few weeks, you noticed things. Lingering glances, guilty eyes flicking away from your cleavage when you wore low-cut shirts when you had sunbathed out by the pool and Chris had come out, dragging his eyes away from your figure as he handed you a glass of homemade lemonade. Or the fact that Felix had laundry duty and some of your panties had mysteriously gone missing. 
They both wanted you, that was obvious, but lingering doubts stopped them from just taking you, taking what they wanted. They seemed to think you didn't want them, but oh how wrong they were. They just needed a little push.
So you hatched a plan.
Your plan was set in motion on a Saturday night. Chris had just gotten back from work, and you bounced over to him, all smiles. “Hey Chris, Felix is gone, and I really wanna watch this movie.” You pouted as he removed his coat, sending him those puppy eyes you knew he was weak for. “Watch it with me.”
He nodded, like the weak man he was, and met your sweet smile as you grabbed his hand, bouncing happily over to the couch and pushing him down. “Gonna go change.”
You make sure to wear your sluttiest pj set, a silk lace tank top, and some matching undies, and bounce back downstairs, plopping yourself down and cuddling up to Chris. “Ready.”  Is all you said, grabbing the remote and starting the movie.
He coughs a little, clearing his throat awkwardly. “Aren't you a little cold? Your Pj’s are, um, small.”
You smile up at him innocently, standing up. “Maybe a little, but you're so warm.” You say, and plop down right in his lap. “There, problem solved.” You smile up at him and he smiles back tightly, hands automatically gripping your hips and adjusting you slightly.
You feel your pussy throb at that unexpected show of strength. You're going to go insane if one of your hot sudo family members doesn't fuck you this instant.
So you ramp it up. 
Pretending to be cold, you move backward, jostling around on his lap intentionally. He grunts a little, hands on your waist making butterflies flutter in your stomach.
\You're winning though, you can tell when you move a little too much, and your but brushes up against something big and hard. He winces, opening his mouth to apologize, but his words dissolve in his throat as you grind down, head falling against his shoulder. 
His voice is hoarse when he speaks, “We should stop.”
You grind your core directly on his length and you both groan. His hands move your hips, grinding them against him. He speaks again. “Tell me to stop.”
You can see the guilt in his eyes, the turmoil that wars within him so you shut him up with a kiss. 
“Chris. Fuck me.”
He tries to resist, you feel him brace to pull away, and so you move falling backward off the couch and pulling him with you as you crash to the floor. If you were less horny you would appreciate how he protects the back of your head as you fall, but at this moment you just need his hands on you, his lips on your own, his cock inside you—
So you reach up, sealing your lips in a kiss. He kisses back immediately, his tongue finding its way into your mouth. The kiss is wild, passionate, and hungry, weeks of pent-up lust and longing culminating in this very moment. 
He practically devours your mouth, hands ripping your pretty pj set in his hast as he rips it off. You whine in protest and he pulls away, kissing down your body. “Don't worry baby girl, I'll buy you another.”
Your core clenches at that nickname and you grip his hair, forcing his face down. He obliges, his hot breath teasing your wet core. His voice is a growl when he speaks. “So wet for me. Do you want my cock that much?”
You whine, bucking helplessly into the air. “Yes, want Daddy's cock.”
He chuckles, planting a sweet kiss on your clothed core as you writhe with need. “Such a pretty slut for Daddy.”
You whine and he finally pulls your panties aside, diving into your pussy like a man starved. The sounds that leave your mouth are sinful, moans and pants of his name ring off the walls of the living room.
You're so distracted you don't hear the sound of the front door slamming, Felix’s carefree humming as he makes his way down the hall, headphones blaring. 
Felix felt guilty that he couldn't watch that movie with you, but the school called and his professor offered him a chance he simply couldn't turn down.
As he arrived home, however, headphones glued to his head, he practically skipped up the path, Happy to see you. He slammed the door open, closing it just as loudly and tromping down the hall, towards the kitchen. He was hungry, there were probably some leftovers in the fridge. He opened the door to the living room and froze, not believing his eyes.
There you were, spread out on the carpet, naked. And that was his dad between your legs.
Felix froze. He couldn't believe this. 
He had never been so jealous of somebody in his life.
It had started years ago when he had met you, to be honest. You were sweet and kind and irresistible to his teenage mind. And you liked prancing around the house in skimpy little crop tops and shorts and Felix was only a man. You were touchy too, always pressed against him and in his lap, and Felix had spent many a night huddled in his bed frantically jerking off as quietly as possible.
He still remembered that one time your little family had decided to go to the beach. Felix had suffered a lot that day, doing his best to not get hard as you pranced around the beach in that cute bathing suit, dragging him around as you usually did. And then you had asked him to put sunscreen on your back.
Felix might have died and gone to heaven that day.
It had only gotten worse and worse, and you got your heart broken by the jerks you dated. Felix knew he could have treated you so much better than those jerks, but he had accepted being there for you as you cried over those assholes, ignoring the throbbing in his chest and groin and comforting you the best he could. 
But then you had returned home from boarding school. Felix had thought you couldn't get more pretty than you already were, but you had. Your figure had filled out and you had become more confident. Your clothes had become skimpier and your legs longer and everything about you was just meant to taunt him.
You were irresistible, and he knew his dad was feeling your effect too, but to walk into this. 
Felix watched guiltily, his stomach roiling with jealousy and arousal and you gripped his dad's hair, bucking wilding into his face. He stumbled back, crashing into a coat rack. Your eyes shot up, meeting him and he looked away guiltily. 
He hurriedly bowed, stuttering out an apology, but you stopped the flow of words, crooking a finger at him. He stared at you in disbelief, and you nodded. He bounded over, ever the happy puppy and you turned over, on your hands and knees, presenting your ass to your daddy. He grinned at you, as Felix gripped your chin, kissing you sweetly as he fiddled with the zipper on his pants. You helped him, releasing him from the prison his pants had become.
Your mouth watered. How was it possible for a cock to be pretty? He was large as well and you stuck our tongue out, giving it a hesitant lick. He groaned and encouraged, you took him in your mouth, gagging around his girth. 
You moved slowly at first, getting used to his cock as his hands lodged themselves in your hair controlling your movements. You were so distracted you forgot about Chris, right up until you felt a hot heat brushing against your entrance. 
Chris chuckled darkly, the head of his cock nudging the walls of your pussy apart as he spears you open. You moan helplessly around Felix’s cock as he bottoms out, his cock impossibly deep in you.
His voice is a rasp when he speaks. “Look at you, a perfect little slut for Daddy. Taking your step-brother's cock so good.” You clench and he laughs. “You like that?”
He begins to move, long harsh thrusts that you feel in your gut, and Felix begins to fuck your face as well. You feel used, like a perfect little fuckdoll.
You love every minute of it. 
Chris leans over you, grunting those sexy words into your ear. “Look at you, taking daddy’s cock so well, like you were made for us.”
Felix’s pretty moans tangle with your own, creating a symphony of wounds. Felix speaks his voice full of wonder, “She’s so pretty, so perfect for us.” 
Chris chuckles, slapping your ass as Felis whimpers. 
You feel so full and perfect, your stomach pulsing with heat as you moan around Felix helplessly, trying to communicate with them. Felix speaks, his voice throaty. “I think she's cumming.”
Chris speeds up his thrusts. “You cumming around daddy’s cock you dirty girl?”
You moan helplessly and he chuckles, landing a harsh slap on your ass. “Felix, fuck her face. She likes it rough.” He nods, and obeys, gripping your cheeks and fucking you roughly. It's so unlike your sweet Felix, the kind boy with the sunshine smile, it makes you clench around Chris’s cock one more time. 
Chris feels it and his thrusts falter. “You want Daddy’s cum?” You nod helplessly, tears streaming down your face, muffled moans 
He flicks your clit and you come, screaming around Felix’s cock as he cums down your throat with a pretty moan. Chris grunts as he cums inside you, his thick cum dripping out of your hole as he pulls out. Felix lets your head fall forward, petting your hair as he pulls his still-hard cock out of your mouth. 
He looks up at his dad, “Can I have a turn?”
You whimper in response, pushing him down and sinking down on his length, Chris’s cum dripping out of your pussy. You both moan as he bottoms out, the stretch of a cock burning ever so slightly as he bucks up into you.
Big dick jeans run in the family it seems.
You hear footsteps and Chris grips your hair roughly, pulling your face up to look at him. Felix grips your hips and begins to fuck you down on him and you moan as Chris speaks again. “Do you like being used, pretty girl? You like being our obedient little fucktoy?” 
At your moan of acceptance, he chuckles, dropping your head and coming back around. You squeal as his fingers come in contact with your other hole, prying it open as he spits inside. Felix pulls you down into a kiss, still hammering inside you as his tongue fucks your mouth. Chris lines up his cock with your ass and without so much as a warming, bottoms out. You scream, overwhelming amounts of pain and pleasure rocking you.
You don't think you've ever taken so many large cocks at the same time.
Chris grunts, slapping your ass as he begins to thrust and matches pace with Felix as he grunts out, “Such a good little girl. Taking Daddy’s cock better than your mother ever did.”
You clench around him shamefully at the mention of your mother, your pride souring. He chuckles as Felix swallows your moans. 
“I've wanted to fuck you since you got back, Felix too. You're so irresistible, baby girl.”
Your fingers are drawing scratches in Felix’s freckled back as you clutch him tightly, Moaning up a storm as two cock drill into you, rendering you dumb and speechless.
You almost feel like they're fucking your brain out, and you clench around them, feeling that ever-present coil in your stomach tightens. 
Felix moves his hands, letting his dad control your hips and using them instead on your boobs, his lith fingers working magic on your hard nipples. You reward him by sucking hickeys into his pretty neck and he does the same, whimpering out your name as he bucks into you. You can tell he's going to cum and you are so close, almost there.
They both speed up their thrusts and Felix moves his hand, his fingers drawing small fast circles on your clit. With an embarrassingly loud moan, you cum, falling back onto Felix’s chest with a pant. 
Felix follows shortly after, pumping his cum into your greedy pussy. His dad follows not long after, with an unfairly attractive grunt.
He pulls out, and you feel their mixed seed dripping out of your fluttering holes, down your legs and onto the carpeted floor of the livingroom, dirtying your mothers favorite rug. 
Felix hoists you up, carrying you upstairs and settling you gently on his bed, stroking your hair as they clean you up. 
There's a lot that needs to be talked about, but for now, you pull them down with you, cuddling up with them as you drift off, surrounded by the people who care about you. 
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originally posted on ao3 on 2023-05-29
reposted to tumblr on 2023-06-08
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ssreeder · 12 hours
Ok so Idk if u answered this ARLEDY, if yes then sorry haha
But I’m curious to ask like the kind of Dyanamic you will give Sokka n Suki.
From what we’ve seen sokkka cares abt suki, obv, but he dosent want to really open up w her and suki is tired of being takes as a joke, cus that’s mostly what she has taken from sokka’s attitude mostly and that’s why they are avoiding each other. NOW.
(Also sorry for the grammar but English isn’t my first language haha)
NOW Idk if that’s like a spoiler but what’s a random ‘katara-sokka interaction line in the next chapter’?
Sorry I’m curious lol
Ok Im done now haha hope you have a nice day :) (I’m scared for the next cliffhanger next chapter.)
HIIIII…. ok so. Sokka & Suki lol…. I want to say they’ll get over it & be friends but I also feel like that’s unrealistic, and not very understanding of Sukis feelings about what happened?
Suki is a teenage girl who just experienced her first heartbreak by having the boy she liked lie to her,,, only to reveal later that he’s involved with someone else lol… yeah she’s fumming. There are also little things along that way that have added insult to injury, like the way sokka has ignored her and the other kyoshi warriors, or not even noticing her when she’s in the same room as him… idk with all the tension I wouldn’t expect her and sokka to make up to a point where they’ll hang out? But I do think a conversation between them is bound to happen.
AHHHHH….. I have so much I want to say about Katara knowing but the next two chapters will do that for me so ummm *sings theme song* BE PREPAREDDDDDD!!!!
ok so a random Katara sokka line from next chapter hmmm let’s see….
“Did you two visit markets together too?”
”Yeah, a few actually. We even stayed at an Inn once, it was nice. Do you remember, Zuko?”
Zuko continued nodding, ”I do.”
There’s a lot of Katara & sokka interactions this chapter but it’s ummm not super easy to show you because there’s a lot happening in these scenes. But you’ll see ;)
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thekinkyleopard · 11 months
Why Me?
An Alistar x Draeko Sick Fic
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Sexual Tension, Snz, Sick, Fluff, Slight Angst
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Author’s Notes: Hi guys! Been awhile since I’ve posted something, so sorry! I was pet sitting for the week and let’s just say those dogs would not let me have a moment of peace. 😭😭😭 I’m going to try to get a bunch done this week, as I’ll probably have more overnights at the end of this month to do. 🥲 So honestly, me and Geezie love Al x Drae’s relationship, so I thought I’d do a one shot of Al taking care of Drae. :>
Description: Al is stuck babysitting the sickly mutt, instead of enjoying a day of leisure. Can he contain himself against the mutt’s kitten like sneezing??
“Luciftias…I don’t want to go without you…I should be here, rubbing your leaking face holes with soft mulched tree sheets…” The grey skinned man looked somberly down at the sniffling, and stifling mutt. The mint and pink themed boy met his gaze with the other and tried to muster up the softest smile he could through tear stained cheeks and a reddened nose.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be better in no time but you can’t miss this….these divers are experts and they don’t tour out here often…” doing whatever he could to convince the hound not to miss out on such an opportune moment to learn about the ocean. Something not many got to.
“How will I know how to act? Or what to do? I need you there…” Kanai almost whimpered, feeling slightly a miss without the mutt coming with him. They’d been inseparable since they met, and this would be the real challenge. Trying to blend into a human setting without his …relatively…human guide. Drae tried to muster up the energy to giggle, shaking his head softly back and forth.
“You got this, okay? I’ll be here healing, you go learn! Text me if you need to, remember I showed you how to do that right?”
“Yes…okay…well…I can’t leave you to fend for yourself….” He considered for a moment what he was supposed to do in a situation like this. When suddenly it hit him. “I know,” his face beamed brightly, in aura, his expression mostly lay flat, either way it was something that didn’t happen too often, as he was mostly void of any expression. Now standing to his feet, he quickly made his way down the hall of the apartment he shared with his best friend. As he approached the door he could hear ICP playing very loudly from the other side of the door. Kanai knocked at a decent decibel, hoping to acquire the demon's attention.
Soon enough, the music cut and the bedroom door swung open. Alistar stood there shirtless, in a pair of black occult sweatpants and his ruby red hair tied up in a ponytail as his crimson eyes looked Kanai up and down. "Sup dude?" curious as to what he wanted, he cocked a thin red brow, knowing full well the hound had plans for the day.
"I need you to help me," the navy haired demon said simply, his emotionless eyes resting on that of the other.
"Ok, with what?" Cocking his head upward now, Al was intrigued by his friend’s sudden dance around the subject.
"I need you to look after Draeko while I'm out, he isn't feeling well," immediately Al's eyebrows fell into a furrowed motion and he crossed his arms over his chest as he absorbed the inconvenient request.
"Why me? I dont know the first thing about whatever the hell it is he's got," scoffing with a dramatic toss of his head.
"For me? Please?" This time Kanai stared straight into Alistar’s….being. Can you really say he has a soul? Maybe somewhere in there, to whatever part of Al’s body Kanai often appealed to, he bore into it.
"Fine...but you owe me," folding like a lawn chair, as he typically did in matters like these, but he was pointing a serious index finger into the other's slyly smug face.
"Thank you, Al," He nodded his head gently in a kind gesture, his face turned up, almost as if he would smile, but the motion was still too foreign to the hound. Yet the change in his general energy, could be easily deciphered from the red head. Al rolled his eyes, trying to push away the blush that was almost unnoticeable if he wasn’t so pale. Ever since Drae started coming around he was doing that, almost smiling thing more. Typically it was only something he had seen when they’d done something malicious, but it was still very different from that. However, things were changing for them now. Both of them.
"Yeah, yeah...so like...what do I have to do?" begrudgingly he started following the man out to the living room, now where they both loomed over the sniffling mess of a man that lay across their couch.
"You just have to always ask him what he needs...a lot....maybe set a timer every 15 minutes to check in on him.." he thought thoroughly before stopping in their tracks.
"Oh...jeez..he looks like he's dying...are you sure he's not dying?" Alistar looked over at Kanai with an air of seriousness, never having really seen a human this ill, without the reason being heavy addiction. Drae peaked open his dulled duo colored eyes and sniffled weakly.
"I'b not dying...I'b jusd sicg!" he huffed with a slight attitude causing Al to narrow his eyes over the little mutt. The two hadn't really exactly spent a whole lot of time together. Alistar thought Drae more like, a stupid distraction pulling his best friend's attention from him. Manipulating other's wasn't quite as fun without Kanai beside him thinking he was making acquaintances. Drae thought of Al as some bitter, angry, loser that was holding Kanai back. They clashed any time they shared a room together since K started dragging the mutt around with them every where they went.
"Listen here kiddo, if you're going to act like a priss I'll have you know I'-..." grumbling with slight agitation before Kanai lifted his hand in the space between the two of them.
"No, Drae is allowed to feel whatever emotions he feels Al, and you have to understand he is sick, he isn't himself...suck it up," Kanai spoke while gathering all his things and kissing the mutt on his forehead before taking his leave from the apartment all together. "Be good," he spoke more toward Al than he was Drae. The demon rolled his red eyes dramatically before looking down at the mutt once more, the front door now closing shut.
"....Is there anything you need....?" grumbing meerly under his breath but enough for the other to catch it.
"Y-yeah...I'm kind of hungry actually?" Drae perked up slightly his gaze leering slowly up at the anti-christ that refused to make eye contact with him.
"Uh...ok...what do you want?" looking to the side, he wasn't much of a cook, truly, the convenience of delivery and take out was far too grand than learning how to cook for one's self. Why would he? He could have all the money he wanted, and never have to lift a finger.
"Soup?" the mutt asked with a sore throat, trying to swallow the feeling of pins sliding down his esophagus. "Maybe some water?" bringing a tissue up to his swollen and red nose, an action caught by the red head who deemed the motion, rather cute in a strange way.
"I can make mac n cheese," he shrugged his shoulders, finally now attempting to look the other in his face, but still avoiding their eyes touching.
"No, I can'd habe thad, Al, it's bad for sicg people, it mages id worde cause of the dairy in id," furrowing his eyebrows in distaste at the mere suggestion of a flemmy meal.
"Uncle Fuckin’…..fine, whatever. I'll just order something, what kind of soup do you want?" Now pulling out his latest upgrade iphone and scrolling through the uber eats app. "They got some shit called pho, you want that?" looking up from his screen momentarily to possibly catch a response through Drae's face.
"Mmh...no...I jusd wand something comfording..." he mulled over the idea for a second but never really took to much a liking to pho. He snuffled loudly, though it was still soft and less disruptive than your typical sniff. “Sndfff…”
"Okaaaay....I could order from this weird diner, they have beef stew? Or clam chowder?" not even really certain what these kind of meals were. Al hated soup. Liquid meal? It's not a meal, its a beverage, with chunks. Gross.
"Stew sounds kind of nice...." Draeko started when he suddenly felt a painful, persistent prickle at the bridge of his nose. It crept higher, and higher. It overwhelmed him until he was hitching his mouth wide open and squinting his eyes almost halfway shut. "Heh'Kisssh!" a breathy kitten like sneeze escaped his mouth, flinging his arm across his face in order to catch the mess in the crook of his elbow.
"W-Wha?" Alistar blushed brightly at the sound, looking up from his phone to see the other still struggling to keep himself under control. Eyes leaking, nose swelling and lips dripping as he hitched again. The demon froze, just watching as his heart started to beat rapidly.
" 'ihschh! H'sSHIEW!" Again, and again the mutt suffered through as his tiny sneezes echoed the space between the two men. Al clutched his phone tightly in his right hand as he just continued to stare, almost in a trance, unaware of what was happening to him right now. Usually he was a man of composure, cool, slick, but currently he felt like he could melt into a physical puddle.
"Wait what's...what's happening are y-you okay?" he asked cautiously reaching his left palm out to gently touch the hybrid's sweating forehead.
"I'-Hih' I'm ...'TSCH! Fibe..." Draeko grumbled and sneezed, swatting his hand away trying to gain some sense of composure as his nose started to leak.
"You're literally exploding from your face," Alistar quickly looked around and grabbed a tissue bringing it over to the mutt and gently dabbing at the other's wet face.
"I'b sneeding," Drae rolled his tear stained eyes, allowing the other to help clean him up, a simple but kind gesture, it couldn't hurt to actually allow the hellion to tend to him.
"Yeah, I know what a sneeze is but...I didn't realize so many could come out at once..." looking completely entranced by the other’s stuffy, and snotty state of being. His motions moving slower as he started to notice the fine details of his chapped skin. Drae’s breath snagged in his throat once again, trying his best to respond.
"S-some-tim..'ihschh! H'TSCH! 'sHiew!" Befouled by the inevitable illness that had it’s tightened grasp on the small mutt. His sounds were innocent, like a small cat, there was minimal mess, but still puffs of stray mist would escape past his arm. Alistar felt his heart beating in places it certainly shouldn’t be at current as he tried his best to compose himself, he cleared his throat, standing back from the other’s space now.
“Okay well, uh…I’m gonna order that…stew…” he lingered as he contemplated his next move. Was he going to go back to his room and return to his previous tasks or, should he stay? Granted, the worse the mutt got, the more Alistar felt the innate urge to ravish him, but that was certainly inappropriate. He took a deep breath and swallowed. “Alright I’ll let you know when it’-…” cut off by the softest, most defiant whimper he’s ever heard, it caused a rush of heat to flood through the back of his ears and jaw.
“S-Stay? Keep me company?” Draeko pleaded from behind his stack of blankets, and used tissues, those glistening mint and pink colored eyes staring right through the soulless demon. His blackened fingers twitched as his sides. He knew he shouldn’t but, fine. He’ll do it for the sake of his best friend, and behave to his best ability.
“Uh…Alright…” looking around Al found himself more comfortable sitting on the ground next to the sofa Draeko was laying across. “You want to…idk…watch something?” He asked almost nervously, there was something off about the demon now, and Draeko could suddenly sense it. He had no time to ask questions as he continued to cough, and sniffle into his palm of crinkled tissues.
“Hnnn…” he groaned in response leaving the hellion in charge of having to make the decision.
“Okay, what if….I show you the Kardashians, huh?? They’re totally tone deaf to society around them and are actively shitty people, it’s fun to watch them scramble for a sense of normalcy in a world they begged for,” he snickered maliciously to himself as he thought back to all the episodes he’d already binged. Drae flopped his head to the side, looking at the demon with a less than amused expression.
“Okay then what do you want to watch?” Sighing deeply and leaning against the couch to look at Drae from an upside down angle.
“Aggretsuko,” he said simply. Al blinked a few times before he raised a thin brow in confusion.
“A what now?” He blinked a few times, not even really sure he heard the mutt correctly.
“Aggretsuko… just gimme the remote,” sticking his one hand out now from under the covers, Al slid the device over to him and the man began to find it in the recents, pressing play. Al went back into his phone now, ignoring the tv altogether in order to finish completing his order.
“You want anything with your stew?” He asked with an unamused tone to his voice.
“Nah,” equally distracted, Drae already found himself lost in the screen title of his show.
“K cool, it’ll be here in like 45 minutes,” clicking his phone shut he set it down on the ground beside his leg and began to watch the screen now in front of them. “What the fuck is this garbage?” He asked as the title scene came to an end and the show itself started. His eyes scanned over the harshly designed animated cat mood switching between scenes.
“It’s like..my favorite show sndfff,” Drae slicked up another mound of building sick from the depths of his sinuses, trying his best to keep them down.
“You can’t actually enjoy this shit can you…?” Alistar’s lip turned up in disgust he was so going to make Kanai pay him back for this. Before the mutt could answer there was a hiccup followed by a series of staggered inhales. “Whoa, is it happening again?” Alistar quickly turned around and almost like a dog that was told ‘treat?’, watching with intense intrigue before the hybrid let loose. Yet, with Al in such close proximity now, it filled him with nerves, stage fright. He stifled. “Hihh’GXXTsh!…Ihh’gxxnt!” shoveling his face deep into the comforter, trying to hide himself away while the feeling of built pressure pounded against his cranium.
“Now come on, that can’t feel good,” clicking his tongue with dissatisfaction. “Let it out!” He turned his body now to face the other fully, while getting a good look at his current state. His usually bright eyes were sunken, and rather lifeless. His mouth was chapped and his nose was almost swollen, hair strewn about in a terribly messy fashion.
“Bud…id’s embaradding….” He mumbled gently, shifting his gaze to the side before reaching for the box to obtain yet another tissue. Slopping it lazily against his aching nose.
“It’s just me here,” cocking a smug smirk before licking his lips dangerously. Draeko rolled his eyes in repetition.
“Thads the problem…” Mumbling with a new found shyness that Al hadn’t usually seen on the normally bubbly man.
“Just let it out,” rolling his own red orbs in reflection, with slight irritation now as he waited for the mutt to stop acting so damn coy. “Here do you want me to close my eyes?” He asked shutting his lids closed finally, Draeko giggled, though it did help a bit with the anxiety.
“Lil bid..” he uttered softly under his breath, already feeling the intense tickling build once more, his throat tightening, the prickle etching through the center of his nostrils the longer he focused on it.
“K’GNSH’’iiew! Hihh’…” his mouth hung open, and he allowed his eyes to fall shut after the first, before another forced itself through. “GXXTSH!” He sniffled loudly, though it still came off as a very gentle sound compared to most people. Alistar’s body trembled, he could not see the action but he could feel the vibration of the couch shaking beneath the pressure of Draeko’s sneezes. His toes curled in his black socks as he could not escape the thoughts in the darkness of his eyelids. His face felt hot.
“Can I look now?” He asked already starting to open his curious red orbs. Suddenly Drae panicked, trying to grab at himself uselessly trying to find something to cover his face but in no time, the dripping from his nose, the sting behind the light shining into his eyes from the peaking curtain, he found himself remaining underneath the cruel fate of fit.
“Ihh’gxXNT’IIEW! Heh’KISSH!” Out into the open air, mists of saliva drifting into the air between the two of them, a few stray droplets hitting the demon across his cheeks. He blinked his crimson reds in …almost amazement as it seemed. Quickly he grabbed a tissue and presented it to the young mutt.
“That was a surprise for you AND me,” he chuckled trying to distract himself from the rising heat within his chest. Draeko took the tissue in his own grasp, patting and rubbing his sore, leaking features.
“Shuddub…” Drae rotated his teary eyes back while blowing his nose self consciously into the thin sheet of tissue. “Uggggh I hade dhis,” he uttered helplessly while continuing to fight off the horrendous feeling that grew inside of him.
“I know, pup, but…you’re leaking like a faucet, and I’m stuck in charge so…is there anything else you need while we wait for your food to arrive?” Seemingly genuine, almost like he was dropping the hardened facade and maybe, cared? Drae blinked and shrugged gently.
“Somb more meds? On tha…uh…” his words fell back down his throat as a gasp of air forced it’s way through, his mouth hung open.
“The…?” Alistar stared at the frozen mutt, hoping to get an answer while he slowly came to a stand.
“Tha..H…Hih’hhishiew!…..counder….” Groaning with a powerful snort of his nose, desperate to feel clarity while his face only felt fuller by the hour.
“A-Alright…” Alistar quickly sped off to the kitchen and clutched the counter with his blackened hands. The Anti-Christ felt like he’d run out of air, like the time he was socked in the chest by Remi for being a bit too cheeky with the cat. He shook his head and tried to balance himself. He was sweating. “What the fuck? Why is my vessel leaking like this?” He swiped at his temples and turned to the sink and flicking it on with one swift motion. “Get it together, dude…” swift flashes of Draeko bent over the couch, looking behind him with that dripping nose and reddened eyes…the feeling of him sneezing while he’s buried…”DUDE,” he scolded himself, now dunking his entire head under the running water. He soaked through his red hair, allowing the shockingly cool temperature change to ground him, letting out a deep, desperate sigh.
“Do not…try and fuck the sick….DONT…” he stared at himself in the reflection of the over head microwave. Turning, he snatched the box of mucinex from the counter as droplets of water trickled down his scalp, neck and exposed back. When he returned to the living room Draeko looked at him with almost certain surprise.
“Why’re you all wed?” Raising a pink brow to examine the demon from head to toe, like he’d had a bucket of water dumped over him. How?
“Mind your business…here,” he tossed the box ontop of the mutt haphazardly, avoiding eye contact before he slid back to the ground, back flush against the couch.
“Okay….” Drae sighed, not liking the sudden change in atmosphere and mood. “Well…I need wader to tage it…” he managed as he fumbled with the plastic sealing on the individual pills.
“Oh shit..ok be right back,” sighing deeply before Al stood back up, walked into the kitchen, grabbed a Mountain Dew from the fridge and then brought it right back out to the mutt.
“Dude….no…wader,” sniffling sharply, pushing his sleeve against his exhausted nose. Alistar sucked in a breath of air through his teeth.
“Fuckin’ Uncle Christ,” he turned sharp on his heels, and back into the kitchen. Flinging open the fridge now with borderline rage, not really at anyone else but himself. If he had maybe a little bit of earthly knowledge in this sort of situation, that would be nice. They don’t really teach ‘Healing the Sick’ in Anti-Christ training. He snagged a water bottle out of the fridge and slammed it shut before he once again, returned to Draeko who was stuffing bits of tissue into his nose and still tending to his ever flowing face. “Here,” he shoved the bottle into the mutt’s lap before once again, taking a seat on the floor. Yet, the second his butt touched the surface, there was a knock.
“Bro! Every time I sit down?!” Now letting out an exuberantly frustrated chuff of air he stood, AGAIN, and stomped his way to the door, flinging it open with such rage that it spooked the delivery person standing on the other side. “What?!” His red eyes narrowed in on the bag in the shaking man’s hand.
“D-delivery f-for Al?” Presenting the bag slowly to the raging demon, he snatched it with his blackened hand, narrowed his eyes and spoke without emotions.
“Thanks,” closing the door he walked into the kitchen, a place he was sick and tired of having to be in, and started to fix a proper bowl of stew for Draeko. “Stupid Kanai…stupid Draeko…stupid earthly illnesses…I just wanted to watch ICP music videos today, maybe jack off a couple times, MAYBE, get some Poon….NO…” he grumbled the entire way through pouring the contents of the Togo bowl into a real temperature regulated containment. “I’m here…taking care of KANAI’S fuckin PET….catching BLUE balls…” Slamming the now empty to go box into the trash, shuffling his feet out back to the living room. While he approached the couch once more with his hands full of soup, uttering, mumbling and grumbling to himself he paused dead in his tracks.
Draeko was sitting up now, hugging his legs, and gently crying into his knees. “Hey…wha-…wait,” Alistar, already feeling and knowing the very real sense in sorrow. He set the bowl aside on the table and he sat next to Drae, looking at him with quizzical eyes. “What’s this? Why are you sad?” He wanted to reach out with his hand but, he couldn’t seem to make his body do it. So his hands stayed in his lap, and his ruby reds bore curiously into the mutt.
“Just leave….if taking care of me is SUCH an inconvenience on you, then leave, I don’t need you stomping around here making me feel worse,” He now looked up at the Hellion with tear stained eyes.
“Hey, wait! I didn’t…..” Al sat back for a second and reflected on the way he acted. Normally, it was fine with just him and Kanai here, but he hadn’t realized how sensitive the pink and mint colored male was. “Look, my bad okay? I just…..” he took a breath in and averted his gaze to the side while the sniffling, shaking mutt listened closely. “I never get to see Kanai anymore..and I just, feel left out…and like I don’t know…” he shrugged.
“Are you jealous of me, Al?” He asked quizzically.
“No. I’m not…jealous? I just hate…that you have such an influence on him, and that…I don’t know, what happens if you put all these things in his head, and then you disappear and he’s not the same as he was before? I’ve seen it ya know…” he muttered running a hand through his crimson threads. “Look, I just…I’m not used to….talking…I just don’t want you to change my best friend for the worst…and not in a fun way either,” he chuckled trying to lighten the seriousness of his sudden vulnerability.
“Oh, I have absolutely no intentions of going anywhere, Al….I really love that big lug…and I know, before you start…” he looked down at his hands. “I know it’s probably highly unlikely that he will even fully understand or truly love me back…” his face turned up into a smile, those his eyes stay somber. “It just means I’ll have to love enough for the both of us, but that’s perfectly fine with me cause, he’s the first person that’s ever felt like home,” trying explain himself the best way he could, looking up now to meet the demon’s avoidant gaze.
Alistar realized in that moment, this may be something incredibly real for his best friend. The only opportunity for him to ever know what it’s like to be loved selflessly.
“I’m sorry I’ve been a heathen….there’s more reason than one but…” he said genuinely, though it was hard to tell how genuine when his face always seemed so emotionless when he was trying to be, vulnerable. Meanwhile, he kept his struggle of arousal to himself. Least he make their newly found friendship, weird. “Let me make it up to you…” he turned his whole body to the side, and he noticed a visible chill go down Draeko’s spin. A tinge of pain shot up the mutt’s body and into his temples.
“Well first…I need a pain killer or something…can you grab me some Tylenol?” Taking the opportunity in the now seemingly once again peaceful environment, to get some relief from his suffering.
“Yeah, no problem, hey there’s soup over there if you’re peckish..” he nodded his head in the general direction of the bowl, before getting up and walking into the kitchen. This time, he wasn’t so angry, but thoughtful in his own head. He hadn’t realized how sensitive earthly beings were and for the first time he was actually aware of how he was carrying himself. Taking a deep breath to make sure he maintained an even aura, he grabbed all the medicine stuff that had been splayed across the counter. “Okay, so hopefully I won’t need to come back for any aide shit,” mumbling softly to himself as he came back arms full of bottles and packaging. “Okay which one is the Tylenol?” Looking down within his loot to scan any of the labels facing him.
“The white bottle with the red lid,” Draeko said before sliding a spoonful of stew down his throat. He was sitting criss cross on the couch, bowl in his lap as he continued to observe the demon. Who, in turn sat on the ground, and spilled over his hoard.
“Red lid….” His eyes visibly scanning through the different items before they spotted the exact bottle description he was given. He snagged it in his hand, turned it over and it read ‘Tylenol’ in bright red letters, satisfied he had found the correct item he popped open the lid and then looked up at the mutt. “Uh…how many you want?” Lifting his brow in confusion. Drae couldn’t help but giggle at this point.
“Are you allergic to reading? Medication bottles usually tell you in the directions how many you can exceed in a 24 hour period,” they both shared a chuckle while Al shook his head.
“My bad ok! They don’t really emphasize the attention to detail on the health care system, just how to abuse it,” he shrugged simply with a snicker before he actually took the time to scan over the bottle. “Okay says don’t exceed 6 so….give you 6? Or?” Fixing his gaze back up to Drae.
“Well I COULD take 6, but that wouldn’t be a good idea, give me two, and then set a timer for two hours for me to take another..okay?” It was slightly taxing having to explain how to take care of him to a seemingly grown man, but he never forgets that both Al and Kanai, are not from here, and it takes patience to deal with them sometimes.
“Alright cool, here’s two then,” the hellion handed the two pills over from his blackened hand and then preemptively taking the bottle of water next to the mutt, twisting off the lid and handing that over as well.
“You ARE learning!” The smaller giggled with a wink before snapping the pills back in his mouth and sloshing it down with the refreshment.
“Whatever,” rolling his crimson’s with a sly smirk spreading across his face. “Okay so you wanna watch that show now?” Though it played softly in the background this entire time, he meant more in the sense of actually watching the damn show instead of going back and forth.
“Yeah!” Drae seemed to cheer up now, before he suddenly looked very, quizzical. “Can I ask a favor though?” A light blush spreading across his cheeks.
“What’s up?” Almost cocking his head to the side as his ruby reds looked over the mutt’s slightly shy expression.
“Will you sit up here with me?” Patting the spot to the right of him, lifting his blankets to clear space for the demon.
“Uh…yeah, sure,” shrugging his shoulders without giving it a second thought, he plopped himself directly next to the small man, slinging a long arm across the back of the couch, behind Drae’s shoulders. “Alright, so what is the point of this show?”
“Well, Retsuko,” he started but quickly was met with interruption by the demon.
“The cat?” Alistar spoke out, looking between the tv and Drae who had just previously tried to speak.
“She’s a red panda!” He seemed offended, but any negative connotation that would come with offense was lost when he shook his head with laugh.
“Okay! Sheesh…” Al returned it with a huff through his nostrils and a toothy grin.
“Anyways…Retsuko works at an office and basically hates it, so she often vents through out the show in the fashion of death metal,” explaining a bit more with his hands than he was with his own words.
“Huh…” The demon now stuck watching a scene to which would be described as Retsuko venting, via death metal. “That’s kind of sick though…I’d probably find the human race a bit more tolerable if this was how they all vented,” he snickered, unconsciously his arm slipped down to pull Draeko into the crook of his chest, essentially snuggling him. Neither of the two men spoke about the sudden closeness they were sharing, it felt rather natural to them as they occasionally chittered and chuckled.
A few episodes went by and at first it seemed like the mucinex and Tylenol were working miracles on getting Draeko to a place of better health. However, mid way through the third episode, he started to feel that tickle again. Drae shifted under Al’s clinging arm, and tried his best to fight the urges rising within him. Alistar noticed the sudden twitching, and shifting under him and he looked down to see the small man’s nose flexing, and twisting.
“You okay?” He asked with a slight edge of concern in his voice.
“N-n…Hh’NDKT’ih! ‘ihschh!” He sneezed toward Al’s bare open chest, a mist of saliva spreading across his flesh. Al froze, and looked down, trying to hide the blush on his face that was surely growing brightly, quickly Drae slapped a hand over his face.
“S-sorry…H’GXTSH’UE! ‘TSCH! H’ih’Sshiew!” Trying now to shield himself as he shoved the blanket up into his face, successfully stifling any continued mess away from the hellion.
“N-No…you’re good…” Alistar muttered weakly as he reached over for a few tissues, bringing them over to Drae’s nose, pinching and rubbing the poor hybrid’s nostrils for him. His gaze staring closely at the darkened circles under the mint and pink orbs. “You need some rest, your vessel is tired,” he warned the mutt lightly while wiping any stray dribbles of saliva that may be on his chin.
“Bud…we’re wadghing someding…” whimpering stuffily he tried his best to keep fighting the broiling symptoms inside him.
“No arguing, sleep will do you some good…maybe laying down will help,” Al leaned back on the couch, his long body spreading as far as he could with the other still sitting there, he opened his arms out. “M’ere,” his fingers wiggling inward toward him, beckoning the sick one to come forth. Letting out a slightly defeated huff before he crawled into the space between Al’s leg’s allowing the demon to wrap his arms around his neck loosely, snuggling together like two puzzle pieces. “See? Get comfy, catch some Z’s it’ll be okay,” bringing a hand over to softly play with the loose strands of hair that fell over his lower abdomen.
“Bud…I’b…nod..” trying to fight against him but unfortunately, the warm body he laid on, and the fingers in his hair quickly sent him into slumber. The exhaustion from suffering all morning long, was just far too great. It was almost instant the second his body had gotten comfortable. Alistar, long abandoning the colorful television show that played mindlessly in the background, his eyes watched over Drae’s now sleeping figure. The way his chest gently rose and fell, but caught and stuttered in between breaths, mouth hanging slightly a jar. Any time it seemed like he may struggle himself awake, Al would slip his darkened finger tips tenderly down the male’s nose bridge, allowing it to soothe whatever interruption may intrude on his slumber.
As much as he longed for another, needed just one more to store in his memory to make the perfect mental compilation. He owed it to Kanai to take care of the sickly mutt at his best capabilities. This small hybrid male…may be the only creature in existence that can truly love the hound for exactly as he is, and truthfully, the only one that’ll follow him where he’s going. Alistar wasn’t sure what the future held, and if his father ever caught onto what he was doing down here, he could very well never see Kanai again. Leaving the hound alone. As he lost himself in one of the first thoughtful moments he’d ever had with himself, Drae shuffled. The demon blinked a few times as the movements brought him into reality, immediately looking down to see the mutt turning on his side, completely spooning Alistar’s thigh and leg.
“Pup?” He asked quietly out loud, trying to peer over to see his face, yet it was covered by the other’s colored hair. When he was met with silence he spoke out loud to himself “Guess not,” he chuckled through his nostrils, continuously running his hand delicately through Draeko’s hair. As his fingers gently combed through the strands, he let the backs of his digits slide gracefully across the other’s sleeping cheeks, causing him to slightly stir into the motion.
“K-…anai…” Drae whimpered in his sleep, snuggling closer into the demon’s body. Al almost froze up but realizing the mutt’s eyes were still sealed shut, he could only allow a small smile to slip over his features.
“Don’t worry kid, he’ll be home soon…I’ll take care of you til then,” his voice was soft, nothing but a whisper as he continued to run his hands over the man’s sleeping form. It felt like forever as the show played behind them and Al just carefully watched over Drae, Ruby eyes constantly gazing up and down the man’s body to observe any changes.
“Mmh…” the mutt grumbled from his sleep.
“Shh…” Al cooed with upmost care, just trying to insure the man retained his comfort, despite the fact his own leg was starting to go numb. “Shit..” he uttered loosely, unable to move his lower half as it joined Draeko into dream land. He heard a distant ding from under his torso, he just barely fidgeted to slide the device from under him with his free arm, looking at the screen he saw the display name.
Mine 🩵🩶: Hey can I eat these handfuls of colorful pellets they’ve given me?
Draeko: It’s Al. Drae fell asleep. Yeah, go for it.
Mine🩵🩶: ok
Alistar snickers to himself knowing full well he just told the hound to eat a handful of fish food. Often, finding it funnier to make his best friend fuck around and find out. Just as he was about to set the phone down another text came in.
Mine🩵🩶: It was salty. Everyone is looking at me weird. Why are they dumping theirs in the water?
Draeko: lol
Mine🩵🩶: Al????
Alistar sets the phone back down, he knows the 2500 year old being can figure how to manage on his own. For someone who was deeply invested in research, he surely didn’t pay enough attention to folks around him, and it was about time he did. His gaze switches over to the tv and though he had long lost interest in the strange cartoon, he was stuck here watching it. The remote had fallen onto the floor, and was not within Al’s range of reach. Instead he just continued to lay there, staring at the ceiling. Hm. He was bored. Severely bored. He sighed, almost completely forgetting he was trying to remain a comfortable source to the mutt, his expressive exhale is what woke him.
“Hmm?” Drae stirred, and Alistar’s crimson orbs shot down to examine the once sleeping creature’s face to see dulled out, and sleepy mint/pink eyes searching the space around him.
“Mornin’,” Al chuckled sliding his hand through the strands of hair that covered the mutt’s face and pushing them out of the way. “Sleep good?”
“Mmm…yeah,” followed with a yawn before he turned over to lay flat on his back now. “When did I fall asleep?” Blinking the sand from his eyes as he felt his body starting to waken, different areas of him throbbing uncomfortably.
“While ago,” The demon replied back smoothly, his face still searching that of the mutt’s exhausted features.
“You’ve just been…letting me lay on you then?” Drae raised a mint brow, his eyes looking up at him from where he was, his view of Al completely upside down but unchanging in the way he comprehended the hellion’s tone.
“Yeah, no biggie…K texted, but I helped sort that out so you could keep resting,” shrugging his shoulders and nodding his head into the direction of Drae’s cell that laid on his upper chest.
“Oh is he okay??” Trying to find the strength to sit up, only to be stopped by Al’s strong blackened hands keeping him in his position.
“Yeah, all good,” nodding once, with a slightly reassuring smile.
“Good…my head is killing me…” the mutt seemed to settle back down between Al’s legs, laying on his back as his hands came up to massage the different places on his skull that ached.
“Need me to rub your temples?” Alistar offered simply, his eyes going back and forth between watching Drae try to soothe himself, and the mutt’s pained expression.
“Would you?” Peaking his mint colored eye out from under his closed lids, wishing himself relief from the currently pounding headache.
“Sure, just relax,” the demon shifted just slightly so he could look down at Drae more fully, being able to see his head completely, he brought his hands to each side of the other’s head and with four fingers, on either side, began to gently massage the sore spots. Immediately he could feel Draeko melt into his lap, eyes slipping closed and groaning gently in response.
“It’s so much better when someone else does it….” He sighed with relief, allowing the hellion to work out his pain.
“That’s what she said,” Al couldn’t help but chuckle playfully, watching as Drae’s eyes shot open to make contact in his own.
“You’re such a turd,” giggling with a roll of his dual colored orbs.
“Yeah, rather me be a turd than a puddle of wet shart though,” Al said almost too seriously for Drae to not respond with a genuine laugh.
“Sometimes, the things you say are incredibly concerning,” slipping his eyes back to a closed position, while Al’s hands never ceased their movements despite the conversation between them.
“Probably, but it made you laugh, so I guess the line between funny and horrendous remains the same…” winking his crimson eye at the mutt as his hands continued to soothe and massage at Drae’s head.
“Mmmhh touché, just don’t stop,” rotating his eyes closed once more, feeling the first bits of real relief he hadn’t felt in days. Al’s face was flushed as he felt his body change in temperature again, the sounds of the relaxing man were proving to be a tad tempting. Yet, despite his natural hellish instincts to try and put the moves out, he swallowed it, and just remained attentive to the little mutt.
Seemingly, the tension inside his skull was starting to subside but as the pressure released there, it almost felt like it was migrating. The center of his face now feeling much tighter than it had when we woke. “W-Wait…think…I’m gonna…” hesitating to get the full sentence out, Drae’s eyes opened but squinted immediately when the light of the tv only irritated the continually building feeling. “I’m…” he tried to push back at the hellion’s hands but it was if no real use.
“Are you gonna sneeze again?” Alistar asked almost hopeful? It was enough to confuse Drae to disregard the fact he was trying to hold back.
“Hihh’GXXTsh’iiew! ehh’Gxxtchh’iew!” He brought a palm up, slapped clear across his mouth as he exploded outwardly. It was impossible to stop the force, but he did everything in his power to. Al reached down to snatch each of Draeko’s wrists pulling them apart from his face.
“Stop holding them back,” his voice was now much darker, commanding, Drae suddenly felt very small compared to the demon.
“Ehhh?” Looking up at Al from his still laying position.
“Stop. Holding. Them. Back. You’ll make your eyes pop out,” smirking, knowing it was a good enough excuse beside the sheer fact he just wanted to hear it. He’d been waiting hours again for the mutt to fall into another fit. The mutt looked innocently at the hellion before biting his lower lip, and as his ducts began to well with liquid, the red head could already suspect more were to come. “Release,” he said simply, but yet still laced with a dark edge.
“K’GNSH’iiew! Hih’hhishiew!” Each one so special in their own quietly explosive way, it was truly like a musical orchestra in the demon’s buzzing head. There was a lack of mess that disappointed him, as they weren’t relatively outward ENOUGH.
“See? Doesn’t that feel much better?” Releasing one of the male’s wrists to swipe his thumb under Drae’s moistened lower lip. In turn, the mutt nodded, but his maw hung open lazily as he struggled to breath.
“Bud now my node id plugged again..” warbling weakly, followed with a pout.
“Awww but the way you sound is so unbelievably adorable!” Pinching the mutt’s cheek playfully. “Come on…I know you have another in there…you still sound so full..” tickling his finger tips feverishly under Drae’s already struggling nostrils.
“Just a little more…come on, we’re friends, right?” Licking his teeth predatorily. Draeko groaned lowly in his throat before he let out a sigh of defeat.
“F-fine…H..hh…” stuttering and shaking under the demon’s still dusting hands. “Heh’kissh!! H!! Hih’hhishiew!” Al had just in time moved his palm to hover over Draeko’s open sneezing mouth, capturing any and every particle that came flying out. The mutt now unable to handle it anymore, he brought his wrist up to swipe and wipe at his leaking and wet face. “T-There…habby?” Snuffling and rubbing at his still itching nose. The hellion brought his hand upward twisting it under the light of the tv, the living space darkening as the sun started to set. He watched as his hand glistened and shined with even a poorly lit atmosphere.
“Very,” he responded lost in his trance of admiration before he brought his palm down and slid his tongue across a collection of the mess, giving into his carnal desires if just a little.
“Uh…” Drae stared up at him, suddenly feeling almost like prey in the palm of a hunter.
“Hm? What? I deserve to get a LITTLE something out of this…even if that means my own imagination later on tonight…” he spoke so nonchalantly, it almost slid right over the sickly mutt’s head but he furrowed his brows and rolled his eyes.
“You’re a weirdo,” shaking his head slowly back and forth.
“Yeah well, get used to it, kid,” he smirked ruffling his hair a bit now. Just as he was retracting his hand back to his side, the front door opened to their apartment and in walked Kanai, their favorite hell hound. “Hey buddy!”
“Don’t Hey buddy me, you let me eat fish food…” the man furrowed his brows over now at the demon who was already bursting into hysteria, shutting the door behind him. Draeko snapped back to look up at the cackling man and seemed now equally as upset.
“You did what??” He exploded in a tone of accusation.
“Hey! In my defense the guide probably told him, it’s not my fault he wasn’t paying attention,” trying to clear himself of any blame in this situation.
“It tasted horrible,” Kanai stepped closer as he looked over the two and his lips almost pulled up in what seemed like a smile. “You two seem to be getting along though, how are you feeling?” His eyes now coming to fall upon Drae’s swollen and red face, pressing the back of his hand softly against the hybrid’s still burning forehead.
“Still like poop…I missed you…” reaching his hands out in a grabby fashion, Kanai leaned downward and placed a gentle kiss upon the mutt’s clammy forehead, as he had before he left that day. Al stayed seated, but couldn’t help watch how different the hound seemed to be around Drae. It almost softened whatever heart he had beating inside his hallow chest.
“Yeah…well…babysitting is over for me now I guess…” chuckling to try and mask the slight disappointment that he would no longer be of any use now.
“Or…K could set up a spot on the floor and we could have a cuddle puddle! That would help me feel better faster, I know it!” Both hellions seemed rather confused by the sudden idea, but in all truthfulness, Draeko didn’t want Alistar to feel left out anymore. He could see it past the masking ruby orbs that he missed quality time with his best friend, and the mutt, despite being ill, was determined to make a change. If Kanai was his forever, so be it that Alistar would be too. The navy haired man shrugged his shoulders before he voiced his own opinion on the situation.
“If that’s what you want, Luciftias, I’ll go grab some extra pillows and blankets,” already settling into the idea without any hesitation. Draeko swiftly nodded his head, managing to beam up happily at the hound, who could only return the gesture by ruffling the already messy mint and pink colored hair strands. “Anything for you,”
Alistar smirked, his gaze fallen upon the little hybrid, almost lovingly. He could see exactly what the little mutt was up to, and it melted a thin layer of ice that had long encased his heart. Maybe there was more to this plane of existence than chaos. Maybe there was more to his existence, than chaos.
The End.
Author’s Notes: Aweeeeeeeee suh cute 🥹 Alistar’s secretly a softy for his best friend, and in turn, Drae as well. Cbwizckwh sorry if this wasn’t my best? Idk me and Geez wanted something cute so I hope ya’ll enjoyed 🥰 @aller-geez did the cover art and Owns Draeko as well as Kanai!
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thegeminisage · 7 months
readers i am so thrilled to report that tng this evening absolutely ATE. i thought tng was bad but as it turns out tng is good sometimes??? we did "a matter of honor" and "the measure of a man" which are proof of fucking concept: tng CAN BE GOOD!!!
a matter of honor: this is the first time i've been really, really fond of riker. his go-with-the-flow attitude is fantastic. yeah i'll wear the slut costume on the woman planet. sure i'll eat these worms to please the klingons. absolutely i will fuck two of their women at once. good for him. i get it now. I GET IT NOW. he is not only down to fuck is is down to do any and everything. when it rome. so true, buddy. he would've eaten those worms in the conspiracy episode fr
i was just noting how pleased i was that wesley only basically had secondary lines this season ("aye sir" and the like) when they called him to the transport room, but luckily it was just to be racist to that one guy...like, it was stupid, but obviously they were just explaining why they were re-using the prosthetic which turned it around into being funny
picard turning his nose up at the klingon food. WHAT A LIMP NOODLE OF A MAN. IF RIKER CAN EAT IT YOU CAN EAT IT. kirk would've eaten it. don't worry i'm only ragging on picard for this episode he's gonna get his time
whatever worf and riker had going on in this episode was gay. ok gayboys!
riker on the klingon ship...chefs kiss...he was so good. effortlessly parrying the challenge to his authority. conniving to become captain. the word phrase "who's your daddy now" may have been uttered by one or both parties during these scenes, among incredulous laughter. i can't believe he had it in him.
oh and HOW can we forget the klingon women. i actually forgive them for not only the threesome joke but also the breastfeeding joke because they were: fucking hilarious, actually, and felt more like they were punching down at riker instead of women. also i now 100% believe he is prepared to fuck his way through any given spaceship at any time and GOOD for him.
the measure of a man: FINALLY SOME GOOD FUCKING FOOD
still flying high on the endorphins of riker doing All Of That we got to view the poker game, which is apparently the first of many. it was wonderful. i loved data's little visor
episode started to drag when picard's lawyer ex turned up (toscore) bc i dont (didnt?) care about him or his love life, but when maddox showed up i was on high fucking alert bc i knew the name but couldnt remember why
LISTENNN every time he called data an it i gasped. i did call him a bitch several times in a row sorry to catherine. i knew obviously that data was going to be fine but i went on this ENTIRE journey
where do i even start. data resigning rather than submitting to the procedure, his goodbye party, his goodbye to geordi specifically AND THEY SHOULD HAVE HUGGED, augh augh augh
i think it was dumb to make will be the prosecuter if he wasn't going to more actively convey his regret to the audience. all of his goodwill from the klingon ship episode was used up sooo quickly especially when he used data's off button. data doesn't like that!!!!!
i did LOVE however the conversation picard had with guinan...which is bonkers bc apparently it was a last minute addition. but her like oh yeah they're gonna make more datas. entire generations of disposable people and his lightbulb going on OH YOU MEAN SLAVERY and she's like no thats a little harsh and hes like ACTUALLY NO IT ISN'T. it was so good. for the first time tng excelled at something that tos doesn't - like it wasn't too on the nose or pointed the way grand speeches in tos were. it was JUST subtle enough and coming from a black woman who is on tng because of the black woman in tos legitimized it in a way that it couldn't have been as much if, say, picard had come to it on his own. david cage WISHES
PICARD'S EXAMINATION OF MADDOX AND SPEECH IN THE COURTROOM. DID YOU GUYS KNOW HE COULD ACT? hey. did anyone know patrick stewart can act??? he was so fucking pissed off this whole episode and it was kind of nice but like did you guys KNOW he could ACT. when he got in maddox's fucking face about it. GO the fuck OFF i have been waiting and WAITING for him to do this
i loved data's packing things coming back, esp his hologram of tasha yar...she literally took his virginity lol i miss you queen
"does data have a soul? i don't know. i don't know that i have" I LOVE WHEN STAR TREK IS ATHEIST
data forgiving maddox in a sense at the end and maddox switching to calling him he...EYE certainly don't forgive maddox but his shock was so good. realizing something you thought was an inanimate object was like, alive.
also i really like that he forgave riker...i was so relieved they had a scene at the end together and so moved that data could find compassion for him after everything he did that EYE forgave riker...data is genuinely the most loving soul wtf i'd fucking die for him. anyway that made me well up a little bit. what a great episode 10/10 this is gonna be my first "must see" i think
ok! next i do "the dauphin" on my own and then tomorrow we do "the contagion" together
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
To the last anon, when it comes to Rise crossovers with 12 and how they handle ‘healing’ its done in a ‘holy-than’ tone. Especially with newer fans. When the arise movie dropped and crossover content was being made it was A LOT of 12 bashing in said fics. Like ‘Unfamiliar Familiar’ and ‘The fight for Mikey’ it was handled in such a bad faith way and reached such a wide audience that if i were to open a crossover fic for 12/Rise the predetermined ideas of ‘2012 brothers/Splinter are abusive’ ‘12 Mikey is innocent’ ‘12 April is a bitch’ are there.
Its why so many of us 12 fans vehemently speak out about it in a strong manner. A few of us are open to discuss it but the pool has already been tainted so to speak.
OH SO WE'RE JUST NAME DROPPING FICS NOW??? with like real people behind them and stuff?? ok damn i guess i really did kick the hornets nest here.
anyway, i read an ok fic once that i dont remember the name of where the rise bros were like "you guys are really mean" and the 2012 bros were like "y'all aint perfect either" and they kept fighting each other because of some sort of dimension thing where only one of them could exist in the same universe and it was an interesting enough premise i guess.
i stopped reading it cause the writing was a little too on the nose for me (like, people just saying exactly what they mean in an emotional situation sorta thing) but it wasnt the worst.
i think i also read a bit of unfamiliar familiar but i dont remember much about it. I guess I didn't notice that was character bashing? then again i never had a huge attachment to 2012 so i probably took the "2012 doesnt deserve mikey so im giving him to rise" thing as more lighthearted than you would if you like. were attached to 2012 and had strong opinions on them hah.
I assumed that the author was interested in telling a story about an abused kid who gets taken in by a new family, and just used 2012 tmnt to do it. I guess my blind spot comes from the way I view stories as vehicles for someone to express themselves. so i care more about the story itself and what it explores (usually abuse) than like, if they're being unfair to characters.
but yeah, having major fanfics that spread a version of 2012 dynamics you don't agree with/like is sure to rub ya the wrong way. I totally get the irritation there.
I read a fanfic that was similar to that actually, where 2012 Donnie and Mikey ran away cause home life was really bad, and it was written so well that I fell in love immediately. My favorite part was that we had parts from everyone's POV's, Donnie, Mikey, and then after they left Raph and Leo. AND it was going to be reconciliation too!! like they were going to get better and all this cool stuff, and the way it handled trauma and coping and healing was sOoOOOO good. unfortunately it was never finished, but yeah. i guess that's my ideal 2012 abuse fanfic that i'm always chasing the high of. it also scratched a particular itch i have for running away, and the tense feeling surrounding the lead up to you running away.
SIDE NOTE I have noticed some weirdness around 2012's female characters, but i think I have another ask that goes into that so I'll save it for there.
ANYWAY thats a long ass way for me to say "oooh i didnt realize that, i see things X way but it's clear to me now that a lot of people see it Y way. that's fair, anyway let me rant about other fanfics i read" haha
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angelbaby-fics · 4 months
Hiii hun
I just want to ask when u are opening ur request bc u said that u would open them in janurary or februrary
Please dont feel stressed by me now, take ur time <3
i still dont know 💔
i’m gonna use this to write out my thoughts real quickly just to help me think it all out but dont worry i’m not stressed or upset by this message 💕
its just really tricky for me because like i wanna write everything!! and not just because i love my followers and i want to make you guys happy & engage with everyone all the time but also because they’re really great requests!! and i feel so honored to be trusted to bring them to life!!
but then i get so strict with myself, i want to do them all in order so its fair for everybody who requested them, and i dont want to take on new requests until i finish the ones i already have, but then i just end up digging myself into a hole where writing has now become an obligation with a deadline & it just absolutely drains all of the motivation out of me when i approach it that way 😭
i always feel so nervous when i open requests again because on top of feeling guilty for everything that i never got around to writing, i also know that i probably wont be able to fulfill all of the new requests either, and in my brain it gets twisted all around & instead of feeling grateful for all the people who appreciate my work & have ideas for more, my brain just focuses on the future theoretical disappointed people who’s requests i’ll inevitably end up not fulfilling instead of focussing on all the stuff i HAVE been able to and WILL be able to write
and its crazy too because i request from other authors all the time (usually on anon hehe!) and sometimes my requests get written & other times they don’t & i’ve never EVER been upset or frustrated or impatient for it!! and even if others do get upset with me, i have to know that its just not my responsibility to keep everyone on tumblr happy 😅 and if anyone is mean to me, i’ll sic bucky on them 🦾😤
sometimes i forget that this is my PASSION & i start to let it stress me out even worse than my day job which is just silly 😅 i’m a freelance gig-based employee and a full-time disabled adult!! i need to remember that writing requests are not final exams that my life depends on getting a perfect score on 😌💕
idk… all this to say i guess i’ll probably open requests again soon 😅 with this new warning i guess you can call it that not everything can & will be written & thats ok! also never say never! i still go through my old requests from years ago & work on bits of them so you never know!!
i honestly think without putting pressure on myself, it’ll come easier to me, like the way i used to approach fic writing when i had less than 100 followers and i was writing 2 fics per day sometimes (side note there are nearly TWO THOUSAND of you guys now?? oh my gosh???)
ok sorry this is super long!!!! i love y’all & everything is okay 😁💕
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tacos-goku · 5 months
Ok today we're going to review Star Wars: Lost Stars (or *Estrellas Perdidas* since i have the ESP version)
Note: Includes Spoiler Free and Spoilerfull section, you'll be warned
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It a really old book i decided to read cuz i had it in my house and i heard good things about it.
Spoiler Free Section:
The book is pretty good, the author already had a good number of releases earlier. It doesnt drag that much its very fluid, one or two chapters that takes place halfway across the book feel slow but its not a deal killer. For a YA novel no character feels horribly corny, at least not cornier than a regular star wars character, although they do start introducing a bunch of characters halfway that i mostly couldnt remember.
The legacy characters are used pretty solidly, they dont take all the screen but they arent sidelined entirely since they are pretty important to the story, aside from Darth Vader and Princess Leia most of them only get namedrops here and there, and those that do appear regularly arent particularly famous. You dont need to know who Mon Mothma or Admiral Piett are to enjoy the book. The romance is good enough, its not god tier but you can tell the author has experience writing and she makes it very natural, the romance itself doesnt start until halfway making it feel fluid with the character arcs.
One thing that did bother me for some reason was the cliffhanger, I thought it would be a sell for Episode 7 or some sequel to the book, but its just an open ending for a character that will never appear in another piece of media, and a very unsayisfying open ending at that.
I'm gonna give it a 7.5/10, closer to a 7 than an 8. Recommended for anyone who likes Star Wars and/or YA novels, if youre not into either you might not like it, but its not amateurish like most YA novels post hunger games, it has essence.
Ok now it's time for the spoilers:
The biggest detail that I found odd but I grew to appreciate deeply was the characters never getting over Alderaan and the Death Star's respective explosions. The EU and New Canon have both wanked Star Wars powerscaling so much we forget blowing up a planet is a big deal and this book makes the characters feel that. Having an imperial from alderaan who witnesses the event and instead of defecting doubles down on his loyalty is really interesting.
I also like the change in characteristics from the rebel and imperial main characters, SW usually portrays the empire as rows of rich white people (and a blue man or two) and the rebellion as a very diverse group of humans and aliens so making it so the loyal till the end imperial is a black woman who sees it as a way out of space detroit and the rebel who defects after the events of a New Hope a rich white guy who sees the empire more cynically is an interesting take, although this may be up to personal interpretation.
I did mention that the legacy characters are handled very gracefully, much better than those Disney+ shows could manage, but there was a chapter that did feel too fanservicy, where the imperial main character, Ciena, is the one sent to tow Darth Vader's ship after the death star blows up, it seemed too forced of a meeting between the two, seeing as Ciena ends up in Darth Vader's Star Destroyer anyways for the events of episode V and VI, besides that I didnt feel any problem with the og characters.
The alderaanian imperial, Nash, left a lot to be desired, the book employs a lot of timeskips so it can extend over all the inportant years it needs to, but Nash's character arc doesnt adapt to these, seeing him go from a cheery imperial pre episode IV to an angry loyal commander during and after episode VI isnt handled *horribly* but you dont see the progression since they dont take enough time on him to make you feel the change, I do like that he isnt made comically evil and he does love his friends even at his worst, that is appreciated humanization.
Finally, the post Return of the Jedi events are a bit rushed, you can tell Claudia Gray wasnt allowed to spill too much details on the events since this was released before The Force Awakens, but the insider look on post Endor empire is pretty good, I dont necessarilly agree with the empire surrendering one year after Endor in the new canon, but the book makes it clear that the Emperor quite literally was holding the empire together by himself via duct tape and lightning and how him and Vader dying sent everything downhill, the Battle of Jakku is a great example of it, showing the Empire just getting completely pummeled.
Any character I didnt mention by name I dont have much to say about other that they were either very good if they first appeared on the first half (The other protagonist Thane and other imperials like Jude or Kendy), or a bit forgettable if they first appearned on the second half
That's all
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
Note on negativity
Hey, y'all!
So long-time readers may remember me posting shortly after publishing "Actual Proof that Bruce Wayne is Batman" about negative comments and their harm to writers. Unfortunately after publishing "bane" i feel the need to say it again
Ao3 writers write for FUN and for THEMSELVES. They share from a vulnerable and excited place inside and not because they were obligated.
There are also multiple tagging conventions and different styles of tagging fics. For example, I choose to tag slash relationships only on the fics where they are shown, not every fic in a series that may only occasionally feature the relationship, a decision I've gotten flack for in the past.
This recent fic however (bane) DID follow an established ao3 tagging convention. Folks, please:
"Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings" is a glaring signal that there may be a very harsh story below, and is used by writers to preserve a story's tension.
If you cannot handle the unknown, you don't have to read it! If you start and then get nervous, you don't have to finish! If authors provide an optional spoiler in their notes, that is your ticket to determine if this fic is ok for you.
I do understand, believe me, that there are times when we as readers make a judgement call from the warnings and end up getting triggered. I HAVE BEEN THERE. But please stop and consider before you leave an angry, biting, sarcastic, or hostile comment.
There are a lot of young and insecure writers on that site. A lot who were probably terrified to share that fic with a huge and unknown audience. And all of them wrote for their own enjoyment or exploration. You saying cutting things to their faces is hurtful, and could cause them to stop posting or stop writing altogether. That is NOT fair to them, and its also unfair to the people who genuinely enjoy their work.
So take a minute before you rant at them and slam "send." Take five. Write your rant on a piece of paper if you want. But just click away. Dont leave a comment. Dont leave a kudo. Just click off.
Dont risk destroying a writer's desire to write.
Two years ago, some of the comments I've received could have done this to me. They could have caused me really bad mental health spirals, and if Im completely honest, they affected me a little more than I want to admit, even now. But I'm not speaking because I can't take a few snide remarks. Im speaking because I know others out there CANT, and they shouldn't have to.
There's enough out there to tear people down. Don't join it.
Thank you
- sprite
Please feel encouraged to spread this post, but DO NOT bash the bashers. Most lash out from their own hurt, and snapping back is not the answer.
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mashiee · 1 year
blyke hcs?
blyke is THE definition of catboy. im sorry if you dont want to hear it but he literally is. he is THE catboy
afab trans man demiboy
he/they pronouns or he/him depending on what i want him to use that day
also has fangs, but unlike johns, his are more the kind that are meant to actually tear, rather than puncture. so basically, if he and john had a fight with solely their teeth for some reason, blyke would win
usually very scuffed up and has bandages or something of the sort on him because he gets in the middle of any fight he sees to try and stop it. even outside of school. doc doesnt hate him nearly as much as john but hes not that far
lots of freckles across his nose, shoulders, and ears
blushes super easily even the tips of his ears
his face just gets super red easily in general. when embarrassed, cold, angry, etc
he has braces!!! his teeth are really fucked
along with his fangs, he also has snaggleteeth. his fangs are behind those. like either on the other side of them to the back, or the snaggleteeth are literally growing on top/above of the fangs. not sure which i prefer
he also has two decently sized gaps (about the size of maybe like a toothpick and a 1/2?) between his snaggleteeth and the teeth next to them towards the front
and he has wider/longer than usual front teeth. i believe theres a name for it but i dont remember what its called and iirc it might have been used as an insult so im just not gonna look it up anyway
hes also insecure about his braces, dont bring them up to him. if he brings them up first its fine, but u cant do it first
peanut allergy
height is anywhere from 5'5 to 5'8 to me depending on the day
somewhere between masculine and androgynous for his personal image and the way he presents
wants top surgery, unsure about bottom surgery
currently wears binders (and sports bras for anything active)
anger issues
or maybe ied instead? (cus isnt rlly the same as "anger issues" because it's uncontrollable)
doesnt have a dad
his mom had him at 19 on her own, she told the dad who she had been dating at the time but he left her
her name is Meinya. sometimes her friends call her nya-nya
blyke was born as a twin
wow that sounds like the twin is dead, they are not
his twin's name is Blythe
shes also trans and its kind of funny bc they were originally born with eachothers names but then decided to swap them and take eachothers when they came out
btw this hc came about bc of this image
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p much everyone in that image you can put a name to, except for the red haired girl sitting in front of remi
so. i decided she was blyke's sister
claustrophobic maybe?
definitely afraid of not living up to expectations
or being enough
afraid his friends will lose interest in him and leave him
very loyal
maybe hes like percy jackson and thats his fatal flaw
basketball shorts and basketball jerseys as daily wear
his red flag is that he's literally red /j
obviously muscular and has abs
and also just hates lying in general
it makes him feel icky
hes almost always honest and hates lying AND liars
so uh. yikes for isen. not that i think isen is trying to lie to blyke but sometimes he just Does it. hes so used to it
doesnt like reading for that reason
would play soccer, basketball, and/or baseball, also maybe volleyball
def nd but not officially diagnosed w anything
high pain tolerance
he honestly has very little sense of self and isnt really sure what kind of person he is
and also has immense trouble forming his own opinions or ideals, esp without being influenced by others
on that note hes also influenced very easily, esp by ppl he cares about
desperately wants validation from authority figures (and sometimes peers)
love love loves anime and manga and manwhas etc etc etc
prefers sub over dub solely bc its less likely to have translation errors
reads fanfiction and also writes it
fav genre is hurt/comfort
has two goku figurines that he saved up money for. currently saving up for a hatsune miku one.
entire room is FULL of anime posters. all walls, ceiling. door. everything
wants to go to a con some day
attracted to idiots and idiots EXCLUSIVELY
which is why being friends with BOTH remi and isen is a STRUGGLE
arlo has been the direct cause of both blykes phone screen cracking and his computer legit fucking snapping in half, and arlo felt bad both times so he fucking bought blyke a new phone and computer both of excellent quality
therefore blyke once called arlo his sugar daddy as a joke and arlo just about fucking collapsed and died right there
"arlo, grabbing blyke aggressively by the shoulders, practically frothing at the mouth: do not Ever. Call me That. Again"
"blyke, about to bust a lung: aye aye captain"
when he laughs he sounds like a squirt bottle
listens to vocaloid music and plays rhythm games unironically
has a tumblr for his fandom stuff
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craw-dacious · 7 months
Review of the making of the map by fox_pitch
I'm new to marauders, this is the second fic I've read.
Summary: I liked this fic, a lot. It was a fun read and I really liked the progression of both Wolfstar and James/Lili (is it Jilly? I can’t remember). A bit less angsty than what I usually read and some parts felt underbaked, but the author kept my attention INCREDIBLY. I stayed up about four hours later than I usually do binge reading this. Very good.
Since chapters are shorter ill do bigger recaps infrequently throughout, but still little chapter notes
Chapter one
Cannot wait to see this unfold <3333
Aw they’re so cute, definitely a wolf star focus
I hope this goes through seventh year so I can see James and lily play out
Chapter two
Why did I not process its the first day of term thats wild and crazy
Ok so lily still is buddies with Snape which tracks timeline wise I guess
Do they pants him at the end of the fifth or sixth year I can’t remember
I am confused on the lily dynamic tbh what does she think of the group
Chapter three
This one kinda ate, im liking the short chapters I get more invested in each part of the story
Obviously I know they’re not just gonna kill off Peter, but him dying in the shack did cross my mind
I wonder when lupin gets the potion stuff
Chapter four
I hope remus gets over himself soon how was Sirius supposed to know how intense the situation was bruh
Blanket statement that I apologize for all shitty teenage boy behavior they need to chill
Chapter five
Calling him inbred is hilarious Im liking remus’s pov
Hes gay James stop
Literally he’s gonna go be ur wingman be happy
Good chapter very chill
I like the silliness thats been in this so far. I am NOT liking that remus and Sirius aren’t talking to each other. Is it a narrative device? Absolutely. But I despise it so much.
I think Sirius’ characterization is very good so far, I’m surprised they haven’t fleshed out the Regulus stuff more yet. Hopefully will get his pov soon
God I hope this is a save reggie fic cmon
I really hope this passage is the one to honey dukes.
Im sure the plots about to pick up more since they’re actually making the map
Chapter six
If I was lily I would’ve folded so fucking fast bruh
Like I know he’s annoying but like he’s cute, and likes her so much, and is clearly like progressive what is the problem
Anyway, sirius needs to chill if he wants to be gay
Chapter seven
Closet time closet time its time to be emotional in the closetttt
Calling him a cat is funny
Sirius is my fave because he’s also like a fixer upper with issues but he’s not EVILL he just has trauma
And he actually wants to be the best version of himself yk (unlike some dumb ass fucking bitches I know)
Chapter eight
Cradling his head
Sirius licking him
God can marlene just fucking kill herself please
Chapter nine
Honestly there is no world in which I wouldnt feel awkward with my friends jokingly offering to kiss me as a form of like emotional comfort like thats not normal
Like my best friend gave me a big hug after I broke up with my ex she’s not gonna go “oh haha idk what else to do other than make out with you lol lol.” Sirius what the fuck
Anyway I love to see the lily and James bonding but I can tell it makes remus feel lonelier
Wonder if we’re gonna get Peter development at all
Chapter ten
I dont even want to write uodates anymore because im liking the fic too much
Hes so stressed abt being gay I thought he already knew he was gay bruh Sirius is clueless obvi
Chapter 11
Love how the maps coming together
This is not going over well with Sirius im sure
Ok so bed making out
Im so fucking horny I need to make out with someone STAT
Preferably someone with a penis bc it confirms they like me but tbh I don’t give a shit
Its 1:12 am
So it did go over well with Sirius. I expected some internalized homophobia or something but he’s actually being chill for once
so i got so engrossed in the story that i forgot to write my chapter notes
but so far i feel fantastic about it
the regulus thing is making me want to kms. i have like no hope for reg redemption bc the fic isn't long enough, and i feel like all that happens will be the murder mystery and MAYBE gay shit
sirius was SO STUPID with marlene like clearly remus has some issues with being open and you need to like discuss,, not make out with some other bitch
also them both being bi is not what i expected? feel like remus should be gay
peters character is... interesting. why are they friends with him. also he has bo gryffy qualities wtf.
Recap AGAIN but not done yet
Ok, the wormhole shit is interesting. Poor elves.
I wonder what happened to them, is this the in between place or whatever?
They’re being too romantic on the battlefield you gotta lock in guys
Also I thought an avada grazing you killed you no matter what
Also Sirius fully used crucio and nobody like cared other than remus. Like no commentary
Hilarious. Peak comedy. Coming back to life and IMMEDIATELY kissing Lily. Her being grossed out. Literally perfect.
Ok the introduction of the OOTP, seems good.
Honestly really like what I’ve seen in the fic, but it’s a bit TOO silly for my tastes. I need more angst.
Like obviously I want Remus and Sirius to be openly gay and in love but it was too easy in this fic, like with Destiel its always SUCH an issue lmao.
I liked this fic, a lot. It was a fun read and I really liked the progression of both Wolfstar and James/Lili (is it Jilly? I can’t remember)
I do feel like it was a little too light at times, there wasn’t a whole lot of grey area morally, and a lot of big issues weren’t fully fleshed out. I wish they’d dived into Regulus more, and Snape. I wish they’d addressed Sirius’ use of the Cruiciatus curse, and I wish they’d address Dumbledores failings more directly
Werewolf shit was fantastic to read, the angst, the fear, the violence, the drama. I thought the transformations were excellently done and I really enjoyed the progression of them figuring out the roaming/playing
Hogsmeade passage shut off? Strange.
I did not enjoy that I cannot be sure they are safe. That’s a benefit of post-hog warts fic, if its truly marauders James and Lily often don’t die.
Overall very happy fic. I did love the aggressive use of drunkness as a plot device, I liked Lily’s characterization for the most part, and it was pretty addicting in the middle.
I thought Characterization was good, not fantastic but definitely good. Peter threw me, not very likable. It’s hard to do him correctly and have him add worth to the story, but I just did not like him the whole time, and I felt like Remus and Sirius both didn’t care for him and found him annoying.
7.5/10 <3
My rankings are not supposed to be biased. Horrible shitty fic would get like a one, something readable but bad would get a fourish. Most fics that I read will be around 7-9 simply because I sort by Kudos and get recs from misuss so they’re better quality to begin with.
Great light silly read, with just enough depth to keep it interesting. I could see myself re-reading this fic once I get to know the marauders better.
Also, I do not like the fanart in this fic but I'm sure that's not universal. The artist is credited within the fic but I'd like to tag them here just to acknoledge the hard work that went into it. I checked them out and ADORE some of their other work, this one was just not to my liking. They have some percy jackson shit up that EATS.
@komodokai on instagram
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sublieu · 2 years
Hi not a request, but I really like your writing for LMK, what's your inspiration to write and tips? and can I ask for lmk x reader blog recommendations, just something to soothe my curiosity
Oh! Thank you! :3
Some people I recommend! [I don't really think they write smut though]
@cheesecakezyum @drsp00ky1 @chimerabliss @pamgkrthwrites @fandomwriterlover @ghosts-garden
I don't really write out of inspiration, I only write out of fun! It sucks being in consistent work but writing helps me vent out! [Specifically smut writing but ye]
And some personal tips from me when writing! [Tumblr, wattpad and general]
Wattpad &Tumblr
Create your own covers and please do not use an artist's work without giving them proper credit: I remembered one of my old accounts where the artist sent a death threat to me
If you're going to write a y/n. Do not add any specific features or traits. This involves blonde hair or blue eyes or a shy personality, otherwise it wouls still classify as an oc insert and from what I've noticed. Many people [not alot just a good chunk] don't like a self insert. Y/n is a blank character, sure they can have attributes to make them look like a specific gender but they would still be classified as gender neutral unless you give a note stating they're either female or male. No messy blonde buns or magenta eyes.
Please refrain from switching povs every few paragraphs, I best recommend trying to write in a third person perspective or change the pov every chapter. Especially when it involves smut
General writer tips!
Monologues and Convos
-If you're going to write someone stuttering, please refrain from using too much to bring across a point
[E.g: "I- i-i-i love you!"] Instead try using from one to two or, if you're not comfortable with that you can simply say they stutter after writing their monologue.
[E.g: "I love you!" He stuttered,]
Learn to take criticism!
It's important for writers, artists and people in general to take criticism as not all the time the fic or suggestion will reach people!
But if you still can't handle it, Then you may feel free to either remove or block their comment! Just because I said you need to take criticism, You need constructed criticism and not criticism that hides a bit of hate in it!
Writing errors
Try to proofread or ask someone to proofread your works! Incase if any errors or something weird is said in your fic. Personally I use grammarly [how ironic]
Relaxing/Learn to take breaks.
Learn to take breaks every once in a while! Don't push yourself over otherwise you'll suffer a writer's block.
Writer's block is literally the worst thing to happen to a fic writer [happened to me twice] so it's important to take a break! Sometimes it takes a week to a whole year so it's extremely important to relax.
Dont be afraid to want to see a character squirm! Smut is basically either wanting to see the character or the [Name] squirm!
Be honest with your smut and write it! If you can't save it, try and write it down for later! [Except cp zoo and necro. Yall bitches are nasty]
If you can't/don't understand how to write smut then look up how to or ask someone! It's ok to ask people for help every once in a while.
I recommend to do not add author's notes during a smut, it ruins the vibe alot [this is from me personally]
Tag your fucking shit or write in the description what's to come. I swear I hate when I wanna read something and it involves a kink or fetish that I'm not comfortable with
And that's basically it!
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
question; why is ur handle quotient oblivion? it sounds really cool
Hi Hi!
I was waiting for this ask. (Ok- not "ask" per se, but I knew that at least someone would ask me why whether it was on tumblr or off). Thank youuuu!
Get ready for story time with Quo!
So for those people who might have known me before I became a fanfic writer on ao3, might remember that my old tumblr name used to be "marypearlsonsworld". That was partly because Mary Pearlson was my daydream OC, partly because i thought you needed have an actual name on Tumblr, and partly because I wanted to stay away as far as I could from anything to do with Islam online because I wanted to hide the fact that I was Muslim. I was a naive, innocent child, but I'm glad I'm over it now.
A series of events involving my parents finding my Wattpad account (where I wrote the cringiest fics, ouch, no smut or romance, but *shudders* the author's notes are still killing me. So is the grammar), my friends splitting up, me regaining my path to Islam, and discovering my "identity" or at least a vision of who I wanted to be, I became a whole new person. During this timeframe, I also deleted the tumblr app before my parents could find out abt that too, but i still kept both my Wattpad and tumblr accounts. I dont go on my wattpad anymore, i changed the username there in an effort to fool my parents into thinking that i deleted it. It's still out there somewhere, but i forgot what i had named it. Doesnt matter much now, I'm happy on ao3 ^-^
After the time period, I came back to fandom (there's a whole origin story behind that) and got an ao3 account named... Marysworld.
A couple fics later though, I realized that I didnt like my name. I was not a "Mary" I was a "Maryam" (except spelled with an 'i'), but I knew that my works would get skipped over if I had that in my username, so I sought out another solution. I scrolled through many brilliant and not-so-brilliant tumblr usernames (cuz they're always peak no matter how weird) to find an amazing, unique, standout name.
Then another thought entered my head. "What if I take a normal name and completely un-normalize it?" I went onto wordhippo, having no idea what I was doing and typed "normal" in the search box and waited for the synonyms to appear.
"Hmm... ordinary, nah. Accustomed? Doesn't strike much excitement. Wonted? I'm not a smut writer neither am I food. All of these are useless! What-"
And then. I found it.
The perfect word. The perfect name.
"'Quotidian'," I whispered, probably mispronouncing it. "'Very commonly encountered or observed'."
It was perfect! My fics were common in a very uncommon way! And so was I! Now I needed a second word like most tumblr usernames did and-
"The void calls you over to the dark side," hissed the fandom.
I blinked at the fandom void.
The fandom void blinked at me back.
"Perfect," I declared.
Therefore, A new ao3 username was born: ✨quotidian_void✨. And since I wanted a variety, but still wanted things to be connected, I named my tumblr account ✨quotidian-oblivion✨. Not as catchy, but still very cool.
There are so many nicknames that can spring from this. Off the top of my head, so far I've got "Quo", "Q", "Quinn". Most common is Quo cuz it was the first nickname based on my username given to me by @cygnusdoesthings. I'm collecting nicknames like Pokémons. Please keep 'em coming.
So! Here I am! Quotidian-oblivion at your service!
Thank you so much for the ask. This was an absolute joy.
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