#one day i'll write a book about how normal i am about him but for now have this textpost
galacticlamps · 10 months
'to thine own self be true (and thou canst not then be false to any man)' Polonius tells his son Laertes in Act 1 - and it's so trite a saying that we quote it on everything from greeting cards to jewelry and almost laugh to stumble upon it in its original context
and then Laertes goes and spends the rest of the play - and let's face it, what little of it came before that as well - playing the foil to its tragic hero until it kills them both in Act 5 (and through the means of his own deception too)
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7seas-of-ryy · 2 months
I Need You | Part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Author’s Note: *F/C = your fav color* I'm enjoying writing this so much that I've been writing in ALL of my free time!! :) Have more parts started already so hopefully I won't keep you all waiting too long!
Summary: Maybe if you pretend to be alright, then it will be?
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions scars, let me know if I need to add any others :)
The next morning you woke up determined. You would prove to everyone that you were ok. But first, you would need to get out of bed, bathe, and then get dressed... all on your own.
You slowly dragged yourself out of bed, your bones creaking from the lack of movement for so long. Madja may have healed you but you could still feel a lot of the pain. And there were large welts over your body where the deepest cuts had been. You would have some pretty nasty scars soon.
It took way too long to get up and walk towards the bath. You might never make it down to the group if you don't get dressed and go right now. So opting out of bathing, which may have not been the best idea, you grabbed some clothes instead. You got dressed in what you would normally wear. Because you needed everything to be normal.
You slipped a nice F/C dress on, brushed down your hair and braided it back. You walked over to the mirror in your room to check yourself over and that's when you really saw the marks covering your arms.
You gasped and ran your fingers over each mark. Air seems to vanish from your lungs and tears sprang to your eyes. No. You grabbed a hold of that feeling and shoved it deep down inside of you. You would not break.
You heard a creak and whipped your head around to see the shadowsinger standing there. You don't know how long he was there but you knew he made the noise on purpose to make himself known. You watched as his eyes moved along your arms, surely he was disgusted with you.
"Y/N-" He started
"Stop" You interrupted him
He cleared his throat, then waited a minute, "I uh came to see if you needed anything, I can bring you some food" the male gently spoke
"No thank you, I'll be joining you all today. I'll be down in a minute" you gave him a smile, hoping he would buy it.
He eyed you suspiciously but didn't push any further and left your room.
Grabbing a sweater to cover up as many of the marks as you could, you began downstairs. The stairs were just another challenge you needed to get through. You managed to make it down one deep breath at a time.
Before you entered the kitchen, you forced a smile on your face. Walking to grab some coffee, you could feel all eyes on you. Azriel, Cassian, Rhys, Feyre, Mor, Nesta, Elain, Amren, and even Lucien were all watching your every move.
"You got yourself dressed and came down on your own." Rhys stated simply
"I am not a child. I know how to clothe myself," You snapped at him, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it... I just..."
"Y/N I found the most interesting book on the history of the Day Court but it appears to be in one of their old languages. I was wondering if you could help me translate it?" Lucien asked
You felt grateful to the male for changing the subject.
"Yes, I would love to help" you were happy to have something to focus on
You didn't notice Azriel looking between you and Lucien, softly glaring at the male.
As you went to sit at the table, you stumbled slightly, a sharp pain shooting up your leg. Everyone jumped up to help you.
"I'm fine, just tripped on my dress. Seriously, I promise" you gave a small smile to them all as you sat at the table.
You could feel a small shadow wrapping around your ankle and climbing your leg exactly where the pain had been. You smiled softly at the comfort, then remembered that you didn't mean enough to him for him to even show up. A scowl quickly overtook your face and you shooed the shadow away.
Conversation started amongst everyone. You were sat next to Nesta, who started telling you about her most recent smutty book she had read. At least she was treating you like everything was normal.
Besides the fact that you could barely look at Az, you wanted to forgive him. You wanted to take his guilt away but that was a lot harder than it seemed. Avoiding him seemed to be the best option for now.
Eventually everyone started heading off to whatever work they had to accomplish that day. Azriel took off in search of any answers. You, Rhy, Cass, and Lucien were left at the table.
"Until we can figure out why this happened to you, we think its best you stay here, where you're safe" Rhys said
"I will stay with you and we can do research from the house so you'll still be helping" Lucien added
You were about to reluctantly agree, knowing your limits, when Azriel's shadows started to appear and their master not too far behind.
"Eris is here" he said coldly
"Bring him in and be nice. He's the reason y/n is alive." Rhys replied
The spymaster returned quickly with Eris.
"Y/n I had no idea that was going to happen, I need you all to believe that." Eris started out
"Why have you been ignoring our requests to meet?" Rhys countered
"I was trying to figure out what was going on, just like you. These past few days have been rough. I couldn't just go around asking questions, it would raise suspicion... But, I figured out why they attacked and kidnapped her." the autumn court male stated
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squoxle · 3 months
pls write a jay dad au and wife😔🙏🏻
Well, since you asked so nicely...how about we start your day with a little...
Coffee After Sex ~ P.JS
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☕︎ pairing: soft dom!husband!jay x sub!wife!reader | ☕︎ wc: 3.3k | ☕︎ plot: after a recent job promotion, you have been spending less and less time with your husband. | ☕︎ cw: 🔞MDNI!! this fic contains a combo of smut, fluff, crack, and angst with a hot cup of coffee in the morning.
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The feeling of Jay's breath on your neck sent chills up your spine as he left soft, wet kisses along your neck.
You felt his warmth against your body, a sensation you had missed for far too long.
Nothing could take the place of him at this moment.
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Nothing...except for the fact that this was all a dream and Jay had left you alone in bed hours ago. You looked over to the spot where he laid next to you and brushed your hand across the cool, empty space.
You pulled his pillow to your chest as you laid in silence, the delicate rays from the sun peeked through the blinds hidden behind the floor-length white curtains. Tears rolled down the side of your face, wetting the pillow slightly as sweet thoughts of him flashed through your mind.
You thought back to the last time you took a family vacation, the twins were a little younger at that time, but you still had fun playing in the sparkling beach sand. You rolled onto your back, looking up at the ceiling before climbing out of bed.
The cold floorboards kissed your feet as you walked to a pair of fluffy slippers. A lot of times it was easier to just keep yourself busy, focusing on the present rather than going into a mini depressive state. But you couldn't help it, you missed his laugh, his smile, the smell of him cooking breakfast on the weekends, and the way he'd come up behind you and kiss you randomly...some of the many things you loved about him.
Recently your husband's work schedule has been a lot busier than usual. He left earlier in the morning and came home even later.
You'd hope to spend some time with him on the weekends, but it was hard to balance everything with the twins and all of the other things you had to do around the house. Plus, he spent most of the day in the home office anyway. And by the time he came home in the evening, you were already in bed.
But what could you do about it? "This'll just be for a little while and then everything will be back to normal," you thought back to what Jay told you when he first took this promotion. His fingers gliding across the side of your face, brushing the hair behind your ear as your head hung low. He lifted your chin gently to meet your eyes before delicately kissing your lips.
A little while...a lot of times his absence made you feel like a single mom, but you had to stay positive. If not for you, for the kids. Seeing their mom sulking all day wouldn't do them any good.
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Today you took the kids out for a trip to the library and picked up a few books before walking over to the nearby park. You sat on the bench and watched them play around together, chasing each other in a game of tag before taking turns pushing one another on the swings.
You saw Jay sit on one of the swings as the twins took turns pushing him. "Argh! You're too heavy, Daddy," your daughter sighed.
"You're just too weak," your son teased, giggling slightly as his sister puffed her cheeks.
"I am not!" she spat. "Watch," she grunted as she pushed with all of her might. Jay used his legs to swing a little higher. "See?" she smiled, tilting her head to the side as she placed her hands on her hips. "Told ya."
"No, I saw Dad use his legs," Jay burst into laughter noticing that his son had picked up on that detail.
"No, he didn't," she shook her head. "Did you Daddy?"
"No, you're just really strong," he chuckled as he swung back and forth.
"He's lying," your son said plainly, folding his arms as his sister stomped over to him, careful not to get hit by the swing.
"Okay," she huffed. "I'll show you how strong I am," she raised her fist at her brother.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he squeezed his fists together, cracking his knuckles.
"Woah, woah, guys calm down," Jay stopped the swing, breaking up the two. "Don't hit your brother, baby," Jay kneeled down to meet her gaze.
"Nah nah," your son poked his tongue out.
"But he just--" she started as Jay cut her off.
"Leave your sister alone. And we don't hit girls in this family, okay," he patted his son's shoulder. "How about I push the both of you? There're two swings."
"No, we wanna push you," they said in unison.
"Well, you gotta play nice, alright," he exchanged looks between the two.
"Okay~" they smiled before running behind him.
"You can push him first and then me, okay," your son said, making a deal with his sister.
"Okay," she smiled. "Hurry up, daddy. Sit down," she jumped excitedly as Jay sat down, waiting to be pushed.
Their little grunts mixed with his laughter caused your nose to tingle as tears gathered at your waterline. It was as if you could see Jay everywhere, but it was all just your imagination trying to fill that void for you.
You used the back of your hand to wipe away the wetness from your eyes before walking over to join the kids in whatever game they were playing.
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After a busy day, you finally had the chance to relax after laying the kids down for bed. You ended up reading two of the books you picked up earlier since they couldn't decide on one. You flicked on the carousel nightlight before walking out of the room, leaving the door cracked enough that you could peek in and check on them without disturbing them.
Your husband, Jay, had texted you around lunchtime that he would be working late again tonight, but he'd try to get home as soon as possible.
This had been going on for the past few months and you were starting to miss him more than ever, but you didn't want to stress him out with your feelings so this was something you kept to yourself.
You went over a mental checklist to make sure you took care of everything before getting ready for a bath. You walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to double-check that you packed a lunch box for Jay before switching off all of the lights and heading back to your room.
You started the bathwater as you shuffled through your drawers to pull out an oversized T-shirt. You climbed into the warm water and thought back to your dream from this morning.
You wished you could spend more time with him like you used to. Wished he could be sitting behind you right now with his arms wrapped around you, kissing your shoulder, and playing with the bubbles that floated on top of the water.
You rested your head on the cool, smooth, acrylic outer surface of the bathtub as music played through your headphones. You closed your eyes and drifted away in your mind as you felt a set of lips leave a kiss on your cheek.
"Jay?" you thought to yourself. You opened your eyes and turned around in the water to see nothing but your king-sized bed peeking through the door. "Must my mind playing tricks on me again," you sighed as you turned around to lay your head back down.
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Soon after you zoned out in your music, you felt a hand glide along the side of your face. This time you felt kisses trail from your cheek down to your shoulder. You opened your eyes to see Jay hovering over you.
He was wearing his black work slacks and a plain white tee. You felt his warm hands press into the soft, moist skin on your shoulders. “Hope you don’t mind if I join,” he smirked as you turned around.
“Not at all,” you smiled back, watching as he undressed himself.
“Don’t think you’re getting this show for free,” he chuckled. “A view like this can be pretty pricey y’know?”
“I’m sure I can afford it,” you giggled back.
You loved how your husband liked to joke around here and there. This was one aspect about his personality that made you fall for him in the first place.
You turned off your phone and reached over to place it on the countertop near the sink. Bubbles covered the lower half of your body, but the silhouette was still very visible.
“Nice ass,” Jay smiled as he eyed your naked body. He was only wearing his boxers now, the rest of his clothes were kicked in a corner and balled up.
You shook your head in response as he stepped into the bath water. “C’mere,” he mumbled under his breath as he pulled you close. It was quiet for a moment as you laid against his slightly wet skin before reality set in.
“What’s with the sudden change of attitude? You’ve been so quiet lately,” you toyed with the wedding band around his finger as you laid between his legs.
“I missed my wife,” he said softly, pulling your hand to his lips as he kissed your knuckles. “And my kids.”
“Hmm, well we missed you too,” you hummed.
You listened to the deep, rhythmic beats of his heart as you rested your head against him. Aside from the warmth of the water, you missed the feeling of being wrapped in his arms.
Were you finally getting what you’d been waiting months for? To feel the strong embrace of your husband and the comfort that came with it? Whatever it was, you wanted to enjoy every last second of it.
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You felt his breath on your neck as he rested his chin in the crevice of your shoulder. "Hey!" you exclaimed as you felt his fingers rub against your clit. He giggled at your reaction.
"Has it really been so long that my touch surprises you," he mumbled in between kisses.
"No, I just--"
"I'm kidding," he chuckled. "I'd be shocked if you touched me like that too."
A playful smirk grew across your face as you grinded your ass against him, the gentle sounds of the water matching the movements of your body. He groaned slightly as you stimulated him. "Are you shocked yet," you whispered, looking over your shoulder as you met his lustful gaze.
"Almost," he smiled, kissing your lips again. "I wanna see what else you can do," he bit your lower lip before you turned around to face him. He raised his knees up to get a little more comfortable as his back pressed up against the walls of the tub.
You straddled his wet body, the water level at your waist as you leaned over his shoulder. He pulled you closer as he lined his tip up with your opening. You slowly lowered down, taking in every inch as he held you by the waist.
The strokes were slow, but this gave you the chance to watch his facial expression contort as you bounced up and down. You teased his cock as you paused randomly, flashing him a playfully seductive glare.
"Are you gonna be a tease the whole time or are you gonna fuck me like a good girl?" he cooed. "I thought you liked it when I played with you like that," you tilted your head to the side as his lips turned into a smirk. He winced, sucking air through his teeth as you circled your hips around his tip. You pressed your hands into his shoulders as you plopped back down on him, filling yourself with his cock.
The water rocked with your hips, matching your movements, filling the room with its delicate splashing sounds. "Mmm, I do but," he moaned as you took this as an opportunity to pick up the pace.
"But what, baby?" you huffed. "But, I wanna fuck you so badly right now," he groaned. "You'll get your turn," you smiled. "I wanna have a little more fun like this," he hummed as you said these words, you could feel the desperation increase with every movement.
You listened as soft, sweet moans escaped his lips while you rode him. Every so often you would hit his good spot, causing him to throw his head back and lift his hips up slightly to buck into you.
His breathing quickened and began more ragged as you changed the speed and movements of your body. He felt your pussy tighten around him as you both came closer to your highs. You leaned back slightly, bracing yourself against his raised knees as he pressed into your lower stomach.
You felt his thumbs pushing hard into your soft flesh as you nearly toppled over. The overwhelming and increased sensation of dick sent you into a mode of overstimulation as you humped faster. Matching your energy, Jay raised his hips to pump deeper into you as muffled screams hid behind your hand.
You knew you had to stay quiet because you had a habit of getting carried away with the noise. "I've had enough of this," Jay huffed, guiding you off of him as he leaned you over the edge of the tub. You held your position with your palms as your tits pressed into the coolness of the acrylic layer.
You leaned your head across your hands as you waited for him. You were facing the door as you heard the sounds of him moving behind you. Your eyes jumped open as he spread your legs apart. You felt the top of his head bump into your stomach before the feeling of his tongue lapping at your entrance overwhelmed your senses.
"Ngh!" you yelped, in this position it was a little harder to cover your mouth so you just stuffed your face into the fold of your arms. "Ahh!" you gasped as he jammed his fingers into you, coating them in your juices as continued eating you out.
He finger fucked you faster as you leaned more and more over the edge. You were struggling to stay in one spot as he gripped onto your ass, holding you in place as nearly came right on his face. You caught your breath as he ripped his fingers out and climbed out from between your legs.
"I want you to finish with my cum inside of you," he hummed as he lined up behind you. You moaned, faced still stuffed into your arms, as he slammed his dick into you. "Already tightening up?" he cooed as he felt your entrance had tightened up slightly compared to earlier.
"It's my turn now," he hummed, grabbing a handful of your hair in his hand before pulling your head back to face him. "Look at me while I fuck you," he groaned as one hand wrapped around the base of your chin, squeezing your lips together.
You panted breathlessly as fucked into you harder. "Who's pussy is this," he smacked your ass as you moaned with his touch. "Say it," he pushed, taking his free hand to rub your clit. Your body trembled in his grasp "You better say something or I'll stop right now," he huffed.
"It's yours," you yelped. "It's yours, baby," you whined in a shaky voice before he sucked your lips in for a rough kiss.
"Good girl," he grunted as he pushed your head down. You felt his hips smacking into your ass as he groaned in pleasure. He kept up the pace until finally spilling his seed inside of you.
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The two of you laid there breathless, panting with your wet bodies, both from sweat and the water that swayed beneath you. It wasn't long before you climbed out of the tub and went straight to bed, naked and slightly damp, especially Jay's hair which got wet when he ate you out.
As much as you enjoyed that little surprise with Jay, you hated the feeling that came over you once he finally fell asleep. You looked over his features, lightly touching his face as you thought about how he'd be gone in the morning...just like always.
Your husband was starting to feel like another part of your imagination, every good moment being tainted by the feeling of abandonment. You closed your eyes looking at him with tears in your eyes as you drifted off to sleep.
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Your eyes fluttered open as the colors of the sun danced across your bedroom floor. As usual, you woke up to see the covers pushed back on his side, reminding you that you were alone again. You sat up before swinging your legs over the edge of the bed. You slipped into a pair of panties from your top drawer before pulling a dress over your head and sliding into your slippers.
Interrupting your senses, was the smell of breakfast. You stopped as your hand wrapped around the bedroom doorknob, you listened as the sounds of hushed giggles and food sizzling filled the air around you.
You hoped with everything in your body that this wasn't your mind playing tricks on you again, you weren't sure how much more you could take. But when you opened the door to see the kids huddled over the countertop as Jay swirled a skillet on the stove, you had to blink a few times before realizing that this was really happening.
You slowly walked into the kitchen as Jay welcomed you with a smile. "Good morning, Mommy!" your kids smiled in unison.
"Morning," you waved as you walked over to them, planting a kiss on each of their heads. "What's all of this?"
"We're helping, Dad make breakfast," your son smiled. "I made your coffee."
"I put all the stuff on the pancakes," your daughter chimed in as Jay placed the eggs and bacon on the place.
"Yeah, but you didn't make them," her brother teased.
"I made one," she huffed.
"And where is it now, huh? Oh, that's right, in the trash," he giggled.
"Well, you put salt in the first cup you made for mom. So now who sucks," she poked her tongue out.
"Calm down you guys, you both did a great job. Especially for your first time," Jay smiled as he came behind them, patting them both on the shoulder before coming over to kiss you on the cheek. "We were gonna surprise you in bed," he chuckled.
"Wait, Jay. Don't you have work today?"
"I did," he started as he walked over to the table, placing your breakfast down. "But I called in. I wanted to spend some time with my family today."
The kids climbed onto their barstool as Jay passed them their breakfast. "Thank you," they smiled before they started eating.
"Jay," you gasped. "You didn't have to do that. What if they needed you at work today?"
"Well, my family needs me more. Especially my wife," he tilted his head to the side as he sat down next to you. "This morning," he started in a hushed tone, "When I was about to get out of bed you grabbed my arm and said 'Please don't leave me again.' Your eyes were still closed so I knew you were sleeping, but there was no way in hell I could go to work after something like that."
He reached over to grab your hand, caressing the back as you lowered your head. "Sorry," you whispered quietly.
"Don't be sorry. If I hadn't been working so hard I would've noticed how this change was affecting you sooner. I already contacted my boss about another position and we'll see how it goes from there, but for now, let's enjoy this moment together. Just me, you, and the kids."
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❀ Thak you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
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facelesssbirds · 11 months
Cuddles || Genshin
A.N. Summary: How you (and them) cuddle. Characters: F!Reader, Neuvillette, Furina, Beidou (I promise Childe will be in the next one...) Rating: E - Everyone <33 P.S. If you have requests, I'd really appreciate it! I'm trying to grow my writing skills through fan fiction, because it brings a lot of joy to people, so... I'll do my best tysm!
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Neuvillette is all seriousness and perfection in public, but when you get him alone, he devolves into a cuddly teddybear that just adores curling up on the couch with you, just lazing around.
That isn't to say he's opposed to days like this, where you've crashed his lunch break, he had planned to skip it completely, the overflow of documents from the court clerk's office standing tall and unrelenting at his desk.
"Neuvi!" You grinned, opening the door, "I brought lunch."
He looked up, only briefly, giving you a hint of a smile, "Oh? What'd you get today?"
He had long since learned that even kicking you out wouldn't deter you, and your insistence on making sure he got proper time to rest.
"Steak-Frites," You said, tossing a few bags onto his coffee table, "Nothing special."
He raised a brow, almost imperceptibly, "Oh? Then, ma trésor, why are you here so unannounced?"
You laughed nervously, wringing your hands behind your back, almost like a child who's been caught stealing from a cookie jar, your eyes darting to his, then away, a faint flush painting your cheeks.
"Well..." You trailed off, busying yourself with the cuff of your sleeve, "cuddles?"
He chuckled, a low rumbled, barely there as he stood from his desk glancing at the clock.
"I suppose I have time."
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Furina is a clingy lover, you come to understand very early into the relationship, but despite her grandiose and facades, she's a private person. She didn't want her lover to be the subject of whispers and rumors, or scandals, no she wants you all to herself, safe and sound, thank you very much.
Still, when you're home alone, and she's just gotten back from a particularly interesting day at court, she'll hop down next to you on the couch, regardless of what you had been doing earlier, and snuggling into your arms. Then she'll talk.
You always enjoyed hearing Furina talk, it was where her passion shined out into the world, even when she was being particularly needy.
"And so I said, 'well you can't--'," Furina cut herself off, looking at something on the coffee table, she was snuggled right under your head, the book you had previously been reading discarded.
"Furina?" You probed quietly, your arms tightening around her waist.
She turns to look at you, scooting sideways, and pouts, "You had hot-chocolate without me!"
You chuckle, realizing what this is about, "Ma cherie, do you want some?"
She burrowed under the blankets, "Yes, please!"
"Well then, you know you're going to have to move... right?" You warned her, a amused smile creeping onto your face.
She pouts, again, this time more jokingly, "I will not! I am Lady Furina, the Hydro Archon and I will not move for you!"
You laugh along, gently moving her out of the way, so you can go to the kitchen and make your darling a nice cozy drink.
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Beidou normally didn't do cuddling. Not that she was against it or anything, but the whole 'physical affection' thing came easy for her towards friends, it was entirely different with lovers. Not to say she was nervous, more-so she was just... unfamiliar with the concept.
As a girl who grew up on the sea, and with a love for the sea, work and friendliness ran in her veins, romance however was something of a mystery. She could flirt seven way to heaven and charm a man of his beard, sure, but that didn't make up for her absolute unawareness of the... fluff that came with love.
"Beidou--" You wined, coming out of the captains cabin just after the sun had risen. Today was supposed to be your and Beidou's day off, and you had planned to sleep in, and laze the day away. Naturally, you dearest, ever hardworking had derailed those plans.
Still, she looked up, smiling at you, and yelling your name. You waved back from above, yawning. Nonetheless she was beside you in a flash, "Good morning, sleepyhead-- you're up late."
You gave her a deadpan stare that conveyed, 'it's too early for this.' before nestling into her side, and arm wrapped around her waist.
"I wanted cuddles," You whined, it seemed that your day off had made you a bit bratty, "Its out day off, we should spend it... like, taking time off."
She laughed, hearty, "This is me taking the day off," She grinned, and you returned it with a smile, "But- I suppose, I can make an exception, just this once."
Your initial smile lit up, suddenly energized you tugged Beidou away from the crew. Perhaps a new experience wouldn't hurt?
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iheart-alastor · 6 months
how about some alastor angst (with tears hehehe)?
I've had this idea brewing in my head for ages so you asking gave me a great opportunity to write it
Alastor x Reader
No pronouns used as per
' ' means thinking
Warnings: Ooc alastor, mentions of alastors mother
Angst, fluff
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It was a normal day in the hotel everyone was calm minding their business doing what they had to do apart from alastor and Lucifer. Ofc it was them two out of all the people they was creating drama, you may of overheard their conversation while pretending to read your book Alastor ofc had to bring up Lilith Leaving Lucifer.. So Lucifer snapped back "Oh shut the fuck up you asshole, I bet your mother wouldn't like her son talking shit about people I bet she'd hate you the woman would disown you if she could see how your acting right now" the room went silent the silence was LOUD you looked over to alastor who had strained his grin and his grip on the microphone before disappearing probably to his room. "Lucifer That was so uncalled for!" You shouted at the man breaking the silence "Yea dad. That wasn't nice" Charlie said adding onto your statement Lucifer scoffed and sat down besides you "He got what he deserved talking shit about my wife like that!" He said while fiddling with his ring till you hit him in the shoulder a loud ow came out of Lucifer before you stood up placing your book on the table besides the radio. "Look I'm going to go check on alastor okay?" You began to stride up the stairs heading to alastors bedroom to see if he was okay.
When you got there you knocked 3 times you put your ear up to the door to hear a loud static sound "Alastor can I come in?" You asked quietly you waited at the door hearing the static sound fade until alastor opened the door with a strained smile "what is it you want dear I am not in the mood right now" he asked trying to sound polite although a hint of annoyance was in his tone "Look al I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Can I come in?" The deer man sighed and clenched his cane harder "Dearest I do not see why you think I aren't okay I'm perfectly fine" he said trying to make you drop the subject as he opened the door wider for you to enter his room "Alastor you aren't okay it's obvious I know how you miss your mother and him saying that was totally uncalled for, I'll get him to apologize later I just want to make sure your okay first if you want we could talk about it? " getting to the point of the reason you was there surprised him 'why did you care so much?' Alastors static rose again before he pulled you into a hug burying his head into your neck you noticed how his ears twisted back to nuzzle into his hair how cute. You patted his back while your one hand ran through his hair combing it with your fingers, you felt your neck get wet. 'Was he crying?' You wiped his cheek with your thumb wiping away the tears on his face you thought to yourself of how much alastor must of trusted you to be that emotional with you. None of you said a word you was both silent the only sound was the static in his voice and the radio playing in the background. You suddenly felt yourself being picked up before being put on a velvet covered bed alastor was still hugging you and he was still smiling "oh dear how long I've wanted to let out my emotions" he said quietly breaking the silence as a small giggle came out of you alastors static rose sounding almost like a purr while u continued to play with his hair the both of your legs entangled as you both dozed off
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Stop that was so cute 😭
*angel dust sneaking into the room to mug you both off before running away laughing ready to blackmail you with the photo the next day*🌚
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panlight · 4 months
hi! 💕
I just wanted to say that I'm relatively new to your blog and omg I am absolutely feasting on all the carlisle content!! ☺️☺️ he was always one of my favorite characters (along with alistair lol) and I'm so excited to have found your blog and all your fantastic character analyses and meta and writings for him (and others 💖)!
um yeah that's all I wanted to say! I hope you have a lovely day! 🥰
I find Carlisle really interesting! So often he's just sort of written off as 'the dad' and I find that bizarre; he'd been around for centuries before the whole family thing happened. He was a reluctant vampire hunter doomed to become the very thing he hunted! Starved himself as a newborn while hiding out in the woods! He hung out with vampire royalty! He traveled around Europe and immigrated to the Americas! He overcame bloodlust enough to become a doctor all by himself! IDK, it's just way more interesting and impressive to me than anything Bella did.
And I was reading a lot of vampire books when I read Twilight. Classics like Dracula, horror like Salem's Lot, etc. Not just vampire romances. And the thing that stuck out about Carlisle was how . . . hopeful it was? There were other "good" vampires in some of the stuff I was reading, but they'd always either started off 'bad' and became 'good' later, or they fell off the wagon a lot and wallowed in guilt and self pity. Carlisle's never slipped up, and while in other contexts I might find that annoying or roll my eyes, in THIS context I think it's not only hopeful and interesting but necessary for the tone of the story. If your good-girl uncommonly kind martyr of a protagonist wants to be a vampire, you GOTTA give an example that lets her point and say "see? I might not ever kill anyone!" for it not to just be a morally horrifying decision. (And I personally still find it morally questionable but at least Carlisle's existence/example takes the edge off).
Also in most stories someone with Carlisle's origin would just be sulking in a crumbling castle or a decrepit old cemetery, bemoaning his accursed fate. Oh, woe! Doomed to endless night! Forever apart from humanity! But this guy was just like "idk maybe I'll study medicine?" like THAT's a normal thing for a vampire to decide to do. He made a life for himself on his own terms. Good for him.
That's all to say he has a role in the story that is more than just 'the dad' and while "good" characters are often perceived as boring I find him really interesting in his particular context.
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a good omens grieving update because if I'm crying at 5 am you better be too.
Good morning, maggoty loves of mine. Despite all attempts to distract myself and you all with wedding cakes and dresses and textposts, it is five in the fucking morning, and I've been crying for half an hour already.
I'm listening to the Pentatonix cover of Hallelujah on loop and I will never be normal about anything ever again and there is nothing you, I, God, Satan or even Neil can do about it.
@mirrorleaf was kind enough to hijack my stupid royal family post with this fucking gorgeous edit of season 1 set to Hallelujah. Thank you, I'm now fucking sobbing and I found another edit again of season 1 and then I read fics and now I'm NOT FUCKING OKAY.
All the times Aziraphale looks up to Heaven and prays, how hopeful and desperate he is, and then the way he looks at Crowley while he's pinned against the wall, entirely calm and sure and safe.
And the song playing with Love is not a victory march, it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah over Crowley crying over alcohol when he thought Aziraphale had died. I'm not okay.
I need to watch season 1 again. When I watched it first, it was in two installments with you maggots on livestream, and the first installment was like two days after I was kidnapped as Mascot of Good Omens. Needless to say, it was all a fever dream.
Then I watched this edit now and there's so much. There's so much fucking layers and emotion and nuance that I didn't notice. And it's absolutely going to wreck me and then I'll have to rewatch season 2 and by then I'll have no self-preservation and I'll have read the book and I'll never ever be okay again and I'll have to live with it.
You all really just found a guy on the internet and fucking wrecked him, huh. This fandom really just did that. Now salt and pepper shakers made me think about Crowley's Fall and the inherent transience of human nature and The angel you knew is not me.
It hurts. I thought I was ridiculous about Drarry. No I was entirely fucking reasonable about Drarry. This is a gut punch except to the throat. Repeatedly.
I remember when I made a post a day or two after finishing season 2 and someone, @thescholarlystrumpet it was probably you, told me that grief isn't a linear process and to take care. To anyone outside this broken fandom, that would seem like a disproportional response to a show's season 2 finale when we know that it will end happily. Everyone in this fandom knows how much that reminder is needed, though.
Besides, though we know that the show ends happily, we know that Aziraphale and Crowley will be together and it is inevitable, how does it still fucking hurt so much? I knew all the spoilers, technically, of the show before I started, and it still surprised me with the emotions.
I had to stop writing this post for a few minutes because an image came to my mind and I had to sketch it. Of how I'd felt when I came here, lonely and frightened, and how the fandom grabbed me and forced me to watch the show and how much it hurts and how beautiful it is and how it feels like a mirror. A shattered mirror, one that's soaked with all our blood and tears, but it showed me I wasn't alone. So here, have this brief sketch and do NOT come at with about pretentiousness my beloved maggots because for one, I have always aspired to be pretentious and for another, THE SUN HASN'T FUCKING RISEN AND I'VE BEEN IN TEARS WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?
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Congratulations, the next time anyone asks you if you've ever killed anyone, every one of you can confidently say that yes, you are indeed directly responsible for murder. My blood is on your hands, motherfuckers, you adopted a Mascot and then killed him.
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mayanakahara · 8 months
I have a request!
Can I please get a confession from Denji with a side of fluff ? 👉👈
"honey ,I belong with you,and only you,baby ♡"
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note:I loved writing this request😭, sorry for the delay, I had a huge creative block, so I hope you like it!
Content: Denji x fem reader,fluff,A little anguish,Reader being emotional , first kiss.
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You are always so observant. You're a little popular because you're a second year, nothing was that impressive in that school, nothing and no one... but him...
He's always humiliating himself out there, you always see some people making fun of him and giving him a shitload of money, you never understood why he accepted this kind of thing.
Was this normal for him?...You always see him in this situation but you never did anything to stop it...getting closer was the right thing to do, right? You know that.
It's around 9:00 am and the teachers decided to do a dynamic with the first year and second year students, the dynamic is simple,You just needed to pair up with someone from the first year and spend the day with that person, talking and participating in activities.
This was your chance, you took advantage of being alone and chose Denji as your partner.
"hey...want to be my partner? It's just for today, it might be fun."
You say that in a hopeful way, Denji blushed a little.
"huh...right, we can be partners..."
He says stuttering and a little anxious, it's not every day that a girl is kind to him, especially a veteran.
You and him walk away, you don't talk much so most of the way to the canteen you were silent.
"so... do you like strawberry cake? They sell some really delicious ones here and on my own, I'll pay"
Pay for it? He was stunned looking at you
"...pay for me? I can't pay you later so I'd rather not eat"
"pay me later? Forget it Denji-kun, I have no problem paying you, I'm the oldest one here."
You just left him sitting there waiting while you went to buy two strawberry cakes, he mentally thanks you since he's hungry.
You bring the cake and you eat it, you watch him while he eats it, a bit desperate lol.
"do you want mine too? I see you're a little...hungry"
"Eat this...y/n senpai"
"I don't want to, I'm on a diet, you can eat everything, Denji-kun"
You smile, a light blush appears on his chubby cheeks, you think it's so cute how he eats, how his eyes shine when he sees the cake batter with whipped cream topping.
He finally finishes and you start walking again, now it seems less uncomfortable, you seem more relaxed.
"so Denji, do you have plans for the end of high school?"
He is paralyzed. He never thought about anything other than trying to get money, he doesn't care that much about school but he wasn't going to tell her that.
"maybe yes, I think I have time to think...do you have plans, y/n?"
"oh yes, yes, I work in a cafe nearby, you can stop by there sometime if you want to talk"
Something about you makes him calm, he is so used to bad treatment that it has become normal.It's strange to know that a person treats him well without using him, without making fun of him.
He wants to know more about you.
The school tour ends as soon as you arrive at the school library.
"Denji, whenever you want to find me, I'll be in the library after the first classes, just in case you want to talk"
She says with a shy smile, Denji looks at her and analyzes everything, she really is something from another world.
"Of course...I'll definitely come."
Months passed and you became really close. You no longer saw students making fun of him, when he needed something you made a point of helping.
Classes are over, you are in the library alone arranging the books that the students returned, until you hear a somewhat familiar voice.
"y/n senpai?! Are you here?"
"yes Denji, right here!"
You extend your arm over the shelves, then he finally comes to you.
"Did something happen? You seem anxious."
He looks at you blushing,You get down from the small ladder that you use to store the library books, after all, you take care of this place.
"I just need to tell you something...are you free?"
"Ah yes!...can you tell, did something serious happen?"
"yes, someone stole something from me."
"They robbed you? And who did it? Tell me I'm going to kill this son of a bi-"
He interrupts her.
"It was you, you stole my heart, senpai. You were always so kind from the beginning, how do you think I would feel? I'm not worthy of you, I don't deserve anything from you and you still treat me well,Am I not disgusting to you? I was once told that I smell like a dog...do you think so? Tell me y/n, why are you still around a guy like me?"
You looked at the ground, you felt your vision getting blurry, salty tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
"y/n I like you, please please don't you give me up, please don't give up."
You look directly at him, still not knowing what to say.
"Y/n let me do something for you.”
He gets closer, but not too close, he wants you to move forward, after all he is traumatized as hell.
"Denji, I like you too"
That was enough to make him lose any posture, you approach and kiss him without hesitation.The kiss is a little ruffled and desperate, but it's sweet and full of feelings, the way he holds you against him makes you weak.
You pull away panting, you smile, completely happy to kiss the boy you've always had a crush on.
"You're my boyfriend now, and that's an order, Denji-kun!"
"I will follow you until the end of time, just you my girl"
You blush like idiots, he simply steals your first kiss just like you stole this poor boy's heart.
And there is no better place than next to him. He is your puppy now ♡.
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Omg thanks for reading !
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forsssnaken · 10 months
Aziraphale's Literary Discovery
Important note: I am no longer writing stuff like this. It was a nice way for me to be happy while in a rather precarious mental state, but I no longer enjoy it all the same way I once did. I'm keeping it up as it was a gift, and there are still people who may enjoy it, but I am unhappy with my writing how it was in this fic, and I don't enjoy writing this stuff anymore. I still write good omens fanfics now, if you want to give me a chance there.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS @practickles!!! I am your squealing santa this year :)) I hope this is everything you hoped for and more!! (and now i can follow you without being worried that i'll blow my cover lol)
screw canon(/j), they are happy together and have tickles.
switch!aziraphale, switch!crowley.
cw: light mentions of alcohol/sobering up magically, cursing (because it's Crowley), using a miracle to pin someone that could be read as invisible bondage.
Aziraphale turned a page in his book, but wasn't really reading anymore. This had been happening more and more often: he would stop reading just to think about the demon who was currently asleep on his couch.
Aziraphale and Crowley had finished off some good wine last night, and instead of sobering up, Crowley had decided to sleep it off on the bookshop's couch. The angel had sobered up, reading all through the night with the occasional glance to the demon's sleeping form.
Honestly, Aziraphale prefers Crowley awake. He loves the demon's antics and being able to spend time together (although the serenity and calmness radiating off the demon's lanky form was delightful). He didn't technically need to breathe, but he did -- soft deep breaths that were almost soft snores.
Aziraphale quickly snapped himself out of the trance he had been in, staring at his friend(?), and glancing back at the book. It was a sweet romcom, one that left Aziraphale feeling giddy and with butterflies in his stomach. The couple in his book were playful, and in the current scene, were poking each other and giggling. This was a fascinating idea that humans called "tickling", which led to supposedly uncontrollable laughter and seemed like a sweet bonding exercise.
Something clicked in his mind and he looked back at Crowley asleep on the couch, limbs splayed out haphazardly. His tight-fitting shirt had risen a little, leaving a sliver of the pale skin of his lower stomach on display. Aziraphale gasped excitedly, looking back at his book where the tickle fight was happening. Supposedly, even small touches could lead to ticklish sensations!
He stood up, beginning to creep over to the sleeping figure, before realizing that Crowley could sleep through almost anything and walking over normally. The angel stared at him with wide eyes, glancing back and forth between his calm face and the sliver of exposed stomach. He tentatively reached out a finger, poking Crowley's abdomen.
There was a faint reaction, a small breath hitching in between small snores and Crowley squirmed a bit. Was Crowley ticklish?! How silly! How human! What a delightful discovery! He giddily clapped, then began tracing the sliver of exposed skin. Crowley huffed, squirmed, and scrunched up his nose a bit, before rolling over and crossing his arms over his stomach.
Aziraphale was ecstatic at his findings, and couldn't wait to enact something rather devious (by his standards)!
A few days later, he woke a grumpy Crowley up from his nap (and if Crowley became less grumpy when he noticed that he was covered in a cozy blanket, the angel didn't need to know). Aziraphale had a mission: go on a date -- a Friend Date (he told himself, at least) -- and bring up tickling to him! The angel had an innate need to tickle Crowley now, see his presumably adorable reactions, and have the physical contact that the angel began to crave.
"Come on, Crowley!" Aziraphale grinned, pulling the demon into a seated position by his hand.
Crowley grumbled, "For what?"
Crowley seemed entirely uninterested, but in truth, he loved spending time with Aziraphale and would do anything if Aziraphale truly wanted to spend time with him.
"A picnic!" Aziraphale gestured to a wicker basket stocked full of goodies.
Crowley rolled his eyes (but was truly content with this plan), put his shoes on, and drove them to a gorgeous woodsy park. When they had found their own spot, Aziraphale spread out a blanket on the grass, sat down, and began unpacking some small sandwiches and poured them both a glass of wine.
"Not so much now, my dear boy," He handed Crowley the wine, "I'd like you awake for a little while. It's dreadfully boring being all alone and reading by myself!"
He got nothing but a grunt in return, but everything was perfect, so Aziraphale continued on with his ramblings.
In between bites of his sandwiches, he told Crowley all about the books he had been reading, but especially about the lovely rom-com he had just read.
"They had such a lovely relationship! Human love just excites me so much! They do so many sweet things together, not unlike us!"
"Ngk-" Crowley choked slightly on his wine and turned a bit pink, but Aziraphale didn't seem to notice.
"They certainly touched a lot more than we do, though, Crowley!" The angel pouted.
Crowley shrugged, "We're not having sex."
"Crowley!" Aziraphale's mouth gaped as he gasped, smacking the demon softly on his leg, "Don't say that! They touched plenty without sexual implications!"
Crowley sipped his wine, not needing to respond.
"They cuddled, and kissed, and even- well," Aziraphale cut himself off, suddenly a bit embarrassed.
This now intrigued Crowley, who sat up a bit, and looked at Aziraphale, scooting closer so they were side by side.
He teased Aziraphale, "Oh? Was it sexual then? You realized I was right and you were wrong?"
Aziraphale huffed indignantly, "No! I'm just not sure if you even know what it is!"
Oh, Crowley was so up for a challenge. "I'm sure I would! I know much more about humans than you do."
Aziraphale leaned closer, grinning and placing a hand on the blanket behind Crowley, so they were almost touching. "Oh really?"
Crowley smirked and nodded, taking his sunglasses off and stowing them safely in the picnic basket, so he could look at Aziraphale in the eyes to show him how serious he was.
"Yes, they were tickling each other!" Aziraphale grinned, hoping that Crowley wouldn't know about tickling, so he could teach him.
"Oh, that? How would I not know about that?" Crowley didn't let anything slip, so Aziraphale thought it might be possible that he just didn't know.
"Yes, I think that's quite intimate," Aziraphale reached out and placed a hand on Crowley's knee, "it seems sweet to me!"
Crowley grumbled, avoiding eye contact awkwardly. "What, is this your way of asking me to tickle you?"
Aziraphale stammered, protesting quickly, "Why would I want that?!"
Now it was Crowley's turn to look offended, "There's nothing wrong with wanting that!"
Aziraphale was now slightly grumpy; this wasn't how it was supposed to go!
Crowley had that devilish (albeit attractive) grin across his face, placing a hand on Aziraphale's side.
"This wasn't how this was supposed to goHO-" Aziraphale smacked a hand over his mouth, eyes wide.
Crowley, that evil, evil demon, had squeezed Aziraphale's side! What a terrible thing for his corperal form to feel! Aziraphale, in all his planning, could not have anticipated this!
A small smirk crept across Crowley's face as he put the other hand on Aziraphale's clothed side and squeezed a few times in a row.
Aziraphale's hands flew down from his mouth to his sides, weakly pushing at Crowley's hands as he laughed heartily. His smile was beautiful. It was, well, angelic.
Crowley was right. Aziraphale thought this was quite nice. He hadn't laughed this hard in a while, and seeing Crowley's enjoyment of his reactions was amazing!
Crowley smiled widely, skittering his nimble fingers along Aziraphale's gorgeous plush stomach, before refocusing his attention on Aziraphale's thighs. Aziraphale's magnificently scrumptious thighs, currently busy with Aziraphale's frantically kicking feet. Crowley stopped, giving Aziraphale a small break, before placing his hands on those delightful thighs.
Aziraphale was not worried in the slightest; he had never heard of someone's thighs being ticklish, just the usual suspects like the upper body, feet, neck, and hips. But thighs? That seemed silly... until Crowley started squeezing them.
Aziraphale barked out a laugh, falling gently on his back as he was unable to hold himself sitting up. He made noises that were so embarrassing: he even squealed! Crowley was unwavering in his ticklish squeezing, grinning broadly. Aziraphale was laughing harder than he ever had, his head shaking back and forth as he laughed frantically, beginning to push at Crowley's hands again. This was Crowley's cue to slow down, and he moved his hands back up to the angel's stomach to gently trace shapes as Aziraphale recovered.
"Y- you're evil!" Aziraphale gasped, still giggling.
"I'm a demon, that's kind of the whole point," Crowley deadpanned, although unable to wipe the smile off his face.
Aziraphale caught his breath, then grabbed Crowley's hands. Crowley's eyes widened slightly, but he tried to play it off, scoffing.
Aziraphale sat up quickly, pushing Crowley onto his back and pinning him there with shocking strength. Crowley looked at him confused and began squirming awkwardly. Aziraphale had fully sat on his hips, pinning his arms above his head as he leaned over the demon, their faces quite close together.
"What? How did you-" Crowley stammered, baffled by Aziraphale's strength, "What are you doing?"
Aziraphale grinned, excited to give Crowley all the exposition of his plan. "When I was reading that book, I tried tickling you, when you were asleep. I poked you, and you reacted! I have to try it again!"
Crowley blushed a bit, before retorting, "Angel, anyone would react to being poked. I'm not ticklish, I'm a demon. Being ticklish is all- cute and innocent. I'm neither of those things."
"I beg to differ," Aziraphale grinned, slipping his warm hand under Crowley's tight shirt, beginning to trace circles on Crowley's stomach.
Crowley's brain short circuted. Not only was the angel on top of him, but he was touching Crowley more intimately than they'd ever touched. And Crowley did feel something -- was that being ticklish?
Crowley squirmed, averting his eyes from Aziraphale's as he clamped his mouth shut.
Aziraphale, ever so oblivious, was slightly upset that it didn't really effect Crowley like it did when he was asleep. Maybe he was controlling his reactions? Maybe he truly was right and wasn't ticklish!
Aziraphale huffed, "You really reacted the other day, I promise!"
Crowley was trying his best to not react, his serpentine eyes flicking towards Aziraphale's well-manicured hand, still tracing under his shirt.
"Ngk- just give it a rest, angel!" Crowley sputtered, feeling giggles (Yes, giggles! Demons aren't supposed to giggle!) bubbling up in his chest.
Aziraphale was starting to feel a bit hopeless; he thought it would have been incredibly endearing if Crowley was ticklish. The demon barely smiled (not counting his mischievous smirks), and Aziraphale would love to hear him laugh, truly laugh, for the first time in years. Aziraphale pouted and decided to give it one last go.
He poked Crowley in the side.
Crowley gasped, jumped, and made awkward eye contact with the angel on top of him.
Aziraphale, on the other hand, was ecstatic! A giddy smile broke across his face.
"No, angel, no. I was just startled-" Crowley said quickly, squirming.
"Oh my dear Crowley, my dear silly demon..." Aziraphale grinned.
"No angel I-" Crowley couldn't focus on being called Aziraphale's, due to the imminent danger of him being tickled.
Much to his dismay, Aziraphale began ruthlessly skittering his fingers over Crowley's stomach and sides. Damn his fashionable outfits! The shirt he was wearing was incredibly thin and did nothing to protect him from the angel's attack.
Crowley tried to keep his mouth shut and hide his reactions, but his attempts were futile. He burst out into loud laughter and squirmed as much as he could (which wasn't much). It made sense why tickling was used as a torture method in the past; he would have given up any secret that Aziraphale could ask for in this moment! Although, there was something nice about it: the intimacy, the giddy feeling, and Aziraphale's touch gave him a rush of happiness.
"Why are you laughing, my dear boy? Thought of something devious? Scheming?" Aziraphale laughed along with Crowley -- for such a supposedly evil being, he sure had a contagious laugh -- and scribbled his fingers even faster. "Or are you just... ticklish?"
And if Crowley's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of pink, he hoped Aziraphale didn't notice.
"You're- teasing- me!" He sputtered indignantly, through bright, happy laughter.
Aziraphale paused, pretending to look offended, "No I'm not! I'm simply asking questions to figure out why you're laughing so much!"
In the midst of talking, he wasn't paying attention to what his hands were doing. His hands moved down to the hem of Crowley's shirt, causing the demon to jump, eyes wide.
Aziraphale's eyebrow raised quickly, "Oh?"
Crowley shook his head, stammering "No," and tugging on his hands.
As both of them knew, although the angel's corporeal form was strong, Crowley could easily have gotten his arms free by non-human means. Maybe he just didn't want to.
The most devilish grin to ever cross an angels face suddenly appeared on Aziraphale's. He let go of Crowley's arms, but not before preforming a miracle that kept his arms trapped in place, taut above his head.
Crowley's snake-like eyes grew wider as he tugged frantically on his arms, beginning to giggle nervously. His whole 'bad boy' persona was completely gone now, and he was quite enjoying this (though he'd never admit such a silly thing).
"Oh Crowley," Aziraphale teased, wiggling his fingers at the squirming demon, "are you prepared for your demise?"
That shut Crowley up.
Until Aziraphale did something truly evil. Something so evil that even the higher-ups in Hell couldn't dream of. He repeatedly squeezed Crowley's hips.
Crowley made the most embarrassing noise possible -- he squealed.
"AAAAZiraphale!!!" He laughed, wiggling as much as possible, "YOU BASSSSTARD!!"
Curse that stupid hissing. Usually he was able to disguise it, whenever Aziraphale caught him off guard with accidental(?) flirting or made a silly joke that a big bad demon like himself shouldn't laugh at. Speaking of laughing, Crowley was laughing more than he ever had in his life.
And it felt amazing. Having his angel so close to him in such an intimate way, literally on top of him. He was able to let his guard down.
The angel gasped, "What did you just call me, my dear boy?!"
Aziraphale skittered his fingers around Crowley's stomach and sides, relishing in the rare and genuine laughter.
Luckily, although neither of them could be sure if it was intentional or not, Aziraphale's miracle that pinned Crowley's hand was slowly faltering. Crowley didn't realize (he was laughing too hard to think about much) until his arms subconsciously snapped down to grab at Aziraphale's hands.
Aziraphale paused his attack, concerned about his friend(?). Crowley looked at him, as his leftover giggles became slightly more devious.
Crowley latched his clawed hands onto Aziraphale's clothed sides and rapidly squeezed, disrupting the power that Aziraphale had held over him, and toppling them both over onto their sides, facing each other.
Aziraphale tickled Crowley back, angelic giggles pouring out of his mouth.
"You- you're such a demon!" He exclaimed through loud laughter.
Crowley nodded, squirming closer to Aziraphale as they tickled each other.
They were practically cuddling as their fingers slowed to tracing each other's abdomens, softly giggling.
Aziraphale stared into Crowley's gorgeous auburn eyes and was struck with a sense of overwhelming love.
Crowley's smile was wider than it should have been from leftover giggles as he watched the angel and his smile and gorgeous face. As if God Herself had heard his thoughts, sunlight struck the angel's face in a certain way where he looked like he was glowing (although he may have been radiating an otherworldly glow from overwhelming happiness).
They stayed there for a while, in each others arms, staring lovingly into each other's eyes.
If you made it this far, thank you. Reblogs help writers and artists on tumblr a lot, so consider reblogging if you enjoyed <3. If you'd like, send me an ask if you want to talk about anything (related or unrelated to this fic), as it motivates me to write more.
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klbwriting · 7 months
For Love of Fiction
Part 3
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!plus size!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: You think too much and realize you have to talk to Jason
Notes: I am not sure if this is the end honestly. I keep thinking I'll be finished, but then I'm like but what if...? So there may be a part 4, this has no planning whatsoever (even less than my normal fics have) so I hope you're enjoying this and would anyone mind if I just kept going?
Taglist: soradragon (let me know if you want me to add you to this when/if a part 4 appears)
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               You couldn’t get what Red Hood said out of your mind.  It was distracting.  You were writing another book, something for YA romance this time, wanting to see if you could, and the words ‘thanks for making me your muse’ kept floating around your brain.  He knew about your books, knew that he was your muse.  How?  Why would Red Hood read your books?  You supposed it wasn’t that surprising, a lot of people in Gotham read them.  Gotham wasn’t a great city to live in but the people were loyal to their own, they would have to be to bother staying in this shithole.  Maybe he had seen your book out and about when he wasn’t Red Hood, any bookstore or library had them.  Jason had even told you that he had been at the library when he…your mind froze.  Jason. 
               Jason who worked at night, Jason who was always tired, Jason who had money, enough to justify the amount of gear and tech that Red Hood would need, Jason who knew you called Red Hood your muse.  Not your inspiration, not your influence, not your favorite superhero, your muse.  Jason who had canceled dinner because of work.  Jason who was always so gentle with you, like Red Hood had been when he had touched your shoulder and checked in on you.  No way, you were crazy.  Then again, Jason was in incredible shape.  You had gone to the gym with him and one of his brother’s Dick, and they had taught you some self defense before sparring themselves, and they looked professional.  It was crazy, but you had to know.
               You debated calling Jason all day.  Would he even tell you?  Why would he tell you?  You had been seeing each other, casually, for only two months, you had had a total of one actual date and various text dates and calls.  Why would he confess what was probably his deepest secret to you?  You called him anyway.
               “Are you mad about dinner?” Jason asked as soon as he answered.  He had canceled via text and figured you must be fuming, but he had already been in gear, heading towards a robbery near you.  Its why he even stumbled on the Joker’s minions in that diner.  He had heard a call to the cops, intercepted by Oracle, and she had sent him the information since he was closest.  When he arrived, he had been shocked to see you, and so angry.  How dare anyone threaten you again?  He had probably concussed those guys with that extra punch he gave them.  Then he had to say something to you, find out if you were ok, not anyone else.  He sighed.  The muse line had been a bit stupid too, you were probably so confused.  Either that or you were giddy that Red Hood knew who you were, about your books. 
               “No, I’m not mad about dinner, but I did want to see you and I have some free time today around lunch?  I know you’re tired but wanted to see if maybe we could meet?” you asked.  You sounded nervous.  He wondered why you were nervous.  Did he make you nervous?  Was he not obvious enough about how much he liked you?  How much he loved talking to you and spending any precious time he could with you?
               “I would love to meet you, where?” he asked.  You said the name of a diner, the same one from the night before.  He swallowed a little, wondering if you had actually gotten your dinner last night.  He assumed that’s why you had gone out in the first place.  Maybe the attack had left you without dinner and you just wanted to go back and get whatever you had been craving.  Couldn’t have anything to do with Red Hood. 
               “Its just a diner, so if you don’t want to go there, we can go somewhere else,” you said, wondering why he didn’t say anything.  Were you too obvious about why you wanted to meet at that diner?  Ugh, this man was scrambling your brain, and you loved it.  You were feeling so many things you hadn’t felt in years, all of that plus the confusion on the Red Hood issue, it was a lot for one person to take.
               “No, it sounds good, I love diners,” Jason said quickly, then wanted to smack himself.  ‘I love diners’? What the fuck was wrong with him?  He heard you giggle on the other end of the phone and that made him feel a little better.  You discussed details and he agreed to meet you. 
               You were nervous, waiting at the diner early, typing what you could for your book, trying anything to stop watching your phone as time ticked by.  You were trying to think of what to say, but didn’t want anything rehearsed, you wanted to be direct, but not sound crazy or accuse him of anything.  How could one person cause this much confusion and stress and yet the very thought of him made your heart flutter and your stomach twist into sweet knots?  It was the most wonderful and infuriating thing in the world. 
               You heard the ding of the door and looked up, seeing that familiar shock of white hair and those eyes that were perfect and then he smiled, and all your planned words flew out your head.  He walked over and sat down, and you hurried to close your laptop, hoping you remembered to save the two words you had written. 
               “Working on that new book?” he asked, taking the menu.  He slid his hand over and gently took your hand.  He was a touchy-feely person you could already tell, loved feeling your skin against his and it did not help your focus on the task at hand.  You nodded, pretending to be engrossed in the menu even though you knew exactly what to get, what you always got.  The waiter came over, not the same from last night, and took your orders and headed away and you swallowed.
               “Can I ask you something?” you asked.  He nodded, thumb rubbing gently circles on the back of your hand and you almost lost your nerve.  “Why did you cancel last night?  You said work, but what happened?”  His thumb froze and you saw his panic in his eyes for just a moment before he smiled, rolling his shoulders and he moved his hand to link your fingers, thumb now near your palm.
               “There was a break in,” he said.  “I had to assist.”
               “The other security guy couldn’t handle it?” you asked, pushing the subject.  Once again panic in his eyes.  He was scrambling for a story.  You observed, wrote about what people did, how they acted.  Had long ago started making up lies for Red Fox to tell Layla about himself and what he did before she had known about him.  You could see all the signs of Jason trying to cover for last night.  It was either he was Red Hood, or he was seeing someone else, and despite this arrangement being casual you really hoped he was Red Hood.  You could handle that, but him maybe falling for someone else after you already had fallen for him was too much. 
               “It was more than one person, they wanted backup to search the place,” he said, voice uneven.  He swallowed, wondering what this was really about.  He didn’t have a lot of people that didn’t know his secret, never let anyone close, he wasn’t used to this kind of questioning.  He could tell you didn’t believe him, but he couldn’t tell exactly what emotions you were feeling.  Anxiety?  Hurt?  Hope?  They were all moving through your eyes.  Had you figured him out?  Figured out he was Red Hood? 
               “Tell me the truth, please,” you said softly.  He stared at you.  How could he tell you the truth?  He swallowed hard.  “Were you seeing someone else?  If you were just tell me before I start feeling more for you than I already do, I don’t want a broken heart.”  He felt himself breath out slowly.  He could handle this.  He didn’t realize that you would think he was seeing other people, but he knew how to calm your nerves.  Jason smiled softly at you, bringing your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles.  You melted a little, smiling at him.
               “I was not seeing someone else; I promise, it really was work, I went in helped contain the scene and catalogued the missing items, lots of fancy science words,” he said.  You nodded.  You didn’t believe a word.  You knew he wasn’t seeing someone else, that was true, but that left the lie of work, which left the unsaid truth.  Jason was Red Hood.  You were sure of it.  You weren’t going to tell him you knew; you would keep it to yourself, but now you at least could understand him canceling dates last minute. 
               “O good, I didn’t want to be the only one feeling this way,” you said.  Jason smiled and shook his head.  “So tell me, why does Bruce Wayne’s kid work night security at CADMUS labs?”  He chuckled and sighed.
               “Me and Bruce had a falling out several years ago, right when I finished school.  We’re all good now but I got the chance to be on my own, make my own way in life, and found that I couldn’t do police work, I had a criminal record as a kid, but I could do security work.  It may not be as helpful, but I can protect things like the chemicals and inventions at CADMUS, keep them out of the wrong hands, some of the stuff there could be dangerous,” he said.  You nodded, listening to him talk more about work.  It was a very well thought out cover story you had to admit. 
               “Sounds to me like you’re a couple steps down from a hero yourself, and we know how much I love a hero,” you said, giving him a smile.  Jason smiled back but saw it in your eyes.  You didn’t believe his story for a second.  “Maybe you’ll be my next muse.”  The way you said muse, the way your eyes lit up a little bit, he didn’t know how, but you knew.  You knew about Red Hood, knew his secret.  But you didn’t say anything, didn’t confront him.  You were letting him keep it, tell you himself when he wanted.  He hoped this meant you wouldn’t tell anyone else.  “But don’t worry, I’ll make sure to keep your identity secret,” she said, making Jason hold his breath.  “In my books,” she finished.  He let out a breath and nodded. 
               “Just, if I tell you I got called into work and had to cancel?” he said. 
               “I’ll be sure to stay home, order in dinner maybe, or just always have pizza rolls on hand,” she said.  Jason let out a breath.  That he could live with, she was smart enough to just stay home.
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bumblee-stumblee · 2 years
I am one of those 'kids who can't consent'. I can consent. But because of radfems allying with the conservative right, you are forcing me through irreparable changes. Every day I wake up and my body is more and more disgusting. But, because of you, I keep getting gaslit by GPs that I'm not trans, that I will learn to love my body, when the reality is it's wrong. Radfems do want to kill trans people, and they want kids to stay sexually available to them. I've lost count of the amount of lesbians telling me that I shouldn't "mutilate" my body because they lose out on another butch. You're disgusting and why I may be attracted to girls but will never date them.
Killing trans people is your end goal and that's why people think you're evil. 56% increase in hate crimes in the UK, thanks for that.
No, actually, you can't consent and if you don't understand the dangerous precedent this sets (for full grown adults with agendas to tell you can consent,) I'll explain it to you.
Within the trans community there's an idea that the sooner you can get a kid to transition, socially or medically, the sooner this can be seen as normal. The normalization of transitioning children is important, it pushes the idea that they could be born in the wrong body and normalizes the idea that a child knows what is medically best for them.
Child predators will try to find a way to have access to children by any means, now imagine how much easier it would be for them to have access to vulnerable children if they just claim to understand and support their gender identity issues.
The idea that children can consent would mean parents have no right over their children when it comes to their health and protections. I'm not saying children shouldn't speak up for themselves but we need to acknowledge that many children can be coached or groomed into saying or thinking things that may not benefit them or their safety.
The people that would love it for the law to 'recognize' that kids can consent doesn't stop at transgender rights advocates. It extends to pedophiles/child molesters that would love to get off the sex registry(something Jacob Breslow thinks it shouldn't exist to begin with) & pedophiles in position of power; informing and creating guidelines regarding childrens health & gender identity issues/transgenderism.
Pedophile sympathizer Jacob Breslow advocates for the rights of pedophiles, he thinks people are too mean to them. He thinks minors can consent too.
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In his book Ambivalent Childhoods, Chapter 3 Desiring the Child: Queerness, Motherhood, and the Analyst, he writes:
[a description of a 12-year-old child dancing and mimicking sex acts to a crowd of adults.]
“As his movements transition from those that mimic break-dancers to those that mimic sex acts, repeating the easily citational gesticulations of pelvic thrusts … I find myself caught up in exhilarating waves of memory, identification, and desire … a desire for him himself,”
Why am I talking about Jacob Breslow? You should know him right? He was a Mermaids charity trustee until all of this came out, the pedophile sympathizing and all that.
Breslow also cited as an inspiration for his own writing Judith Levine’s 2002 book Harmful To Minors: The Perils Of Protecting Children From Sex in which she wrote that “sex is not in itself harmful to minors” and argued for the lowering of the age of consent to twelve.
He also was a guest speaker for a Pro-Pedophile B4U-ACT conference, an organization set up by a convicted child molester to destigmatize pedophiles and rebrand then as MAPs or Minor attracted person.
He's just one person tho, right? Not like there are more pedophile sympathizers in position of power when it comes to the transgender movement-
Anyways, all that to say;
Kids cannot consent because they don't have the cognitive or emotional maturity to understand long-term ramifications of such things.
>forcing irreparable changes
Going through puberty is normal. You've been convinced it's not but i promise you, you can still transition as soon as you turn 18 or whatever if that's what you want and you'll be fine.
Radfems don't align themselves with the conservative right but i can understand how you'd come to think that's what's happening when certain radfems talk on conservative platforms. I think there's a lack of understanding that they have no where else to speak on, especially when leftist first action is to label them as terfs and often don't give them the opportunity to have a conversation lest they be cancelled for even giving them the time of day.
Your body isn't disgusting. I'm sorry you feel that way and I'm sorry there are certain people that have convinced you to hate your body. I won't tell you you can learn to love yourself, it's taken me decades to learn to love myself and stop hating myself so much for things that happened to me that were out of my control and made me resent being a woman. Learning about radical feminism has definitely helped. I hope you can find something that will help you you as well that won't cause irreversible damage.
Radfems don't want to kill transpeople, I've already explained this in a different ask. Radfems don't want kids to be sexually available to them either, that's disgusting.
Hey, it sounds like you're dealing with a lot, including internalized homophobia, maybe some trauma. I truly hope you get an actual therapist that can listen and validate your concerns. My end goal isn't to kill transpeople tho I'd definitely would like to know where you're getting that from.
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bonefall · 11 months
First off, obviously this is a WC blog so I won't go further but THANKS for the brief dunk of The Lion Guard, that's one of my biggest problems with the show. Second off, are you seeing this shit Elder Bones?! * Points at the Thunder Spoiler Thread at WCRPForums * Do try to avoid reading the posts that aren't chapters though, they're bad as usual for that site lol.
Maybe one day I'll grumble about Lion King on the side blog lmao.
Anyway... that spoiler thread. I try to take these threads with a pinch of salt, but... overall feelings are really getting negative. If I had a Vibes Barometer, the needle would be dipping out of positive right now.
We're 2 books away from the conclusion and I don't know if they have time to turn this around... and they chose to spend time traveling. It's partially a travel book, guys. Several chapters of pointless bullshit.
(Spoilers under the cut-- remember we are getting this secondhand from a spoiler thread. Some of this may turn out to be misrepresentation.)
We start off where the preview left off. They jerk the shit out of your chain with Squirrelstar teasing but spoiler we DO got her
We get a BrambleSquirrel screaming match. Please for the love of god divorce these characters, this is fucking insufferable
They also had to give Bramblestar a smug little gotcha moment where he's right about his argument, Squilf accidentally walks to SkyClan camp for the plot and it turns out that Bramblestar, the guy who was apparently supposed to have memory issues and brain fog, was right that Squilf forgot how to navigate her own territory
Im dead serious she like... accidentally walked to SkyClan.
This is a clever literary trick called bad writing <3
*I look directly into the camera. Right at you. Reader I am glimpsing across the magical threads of the internet, directly into your soul.*
"I Forgor"
if this thread is to be believed. Then the canonical explanation for why Tree was not mediating up to this point. Is because every single cat around the lake. Including the geniuses who came up with a unique role JUST for the specialest little boy. Just fucking forgot about him.
(bestselling young adult series)
Do I laugh? Do I cry?
I think im unlocking the emotion that those lizards who shoot blood from their eyes feel just before a squirt
There is also an absurd amount of Bramblestar winking at Nightheart and teasing him about his new mate and reminding the audience about how much Nightheart wuvs him. This is probably supposed to be charming?
it just feels unsettling, ngl.
It's even more Bramble Worship than normal, like the writer is trying really hard to stress how cool and awesome their special boy is :D and how dumb and mean his wife is >:( and it's so fucking forced.
They pad the book by having it be cloudy so that StarClan doesn't show up the first time they try to do the Squirrelstar thing
I kept thinking, "What if this wasn't a willing abdication?? What if the Clan didn't have a second chance to do this?? What if this was Nightstar 2 all over again and she died of plot convenience before coming back?! This dumbfuck system has fixed NOTHING"
Plumstone and Dewnose have a moment where they antagonize Nightheart over the fact he was chosen to accompany Squilf and Bramble to the Moonpool, because he just got back and it's not fair
And you know what? They're right actually
Nightheart huffs that Squilf was giving him a Chance To Prove Himself but he doesn't fucking get it! His whole life's been nothing but chances he threw tantrums about being offered or blew up through wrecklessness, like a spoiled brat nepobaby, and he keeps getting more and more
Meanwhile Plumstone here has been in the background just being this consistently steady warrior, and has never gotten a chance to shine
He also has a moment where he whines about Sparkpelt and Finchlight being mean to him in the past when Sunbeam shares they've been super nice to her.
Sunbeam offers that they're probably trying to make up for it and he agrees.
Folks. I REALLY. REALLY HOPE. That this ends with Sunbeam telling him, "Nightheart, you are the problem. They've treated me like Kin, and they treat their Kin well. Do YOU?"
Anyway something happens and suddenly Nightheart's on the trip with Frostpaw.
The rest of his chapters so far (at time of writing the spoiler thread is at chapter 14-ish) are traveling chapters.
The traveling chapters suck diet discount dick. They look like they were rejected submissions for the various travel shenanigans that happened in Riverstar's Home.
For me, this is the most disappointing part of the Thunder Spoiler Thread. I love Nightheart because I really like the idea of him learning to grow, consider his actions, and realize that he's actually been very loved in his life.
I like the impulsive Nightheart from Book 1 who doesn't know what's wrong with himself, shooting down every attempt others make to bond with him, making shocking descisions that frustrate the entire Clan and not realizing how much he gets away with. I hoped that maybe, just maybe, the writing could be a little clever for once.
But, no. On this trip he's still whining to Frostpaw about how his family "wanted him to be like Firestar" and this is treated as something Frostpaw is able to bond with him about, somehow, because Curlfeather wanted her to be a Medcat??? And now she's choosing to be a Medcat again anyway????
WC Writing Team: "Everyone is super invested in Frostpaw's story where she learns to choose her own path! Especially the idea that she chose to not be a medcat of her own will and made a brave choice for herself! Lets fix that"
Literally, I guess lol
Smoky Cameo. Fuck Smoky. I hate this character and I hate seeing his deadbeat ass.
Gotta love how Daisy's one major role in ASC so far has been to be a source of negative emotions for Nightheart, but Smoky gets to be the new Barley with a cutesy barn rest stop.
He calls for a human to come get Frostpaw because she's got wounds.
Like. Cat MEOW MEOW calling. And this summons... a magic vet?
She has the world's fastest field surgery, as if she's some kind of endangered wild leopard and a top-notch vet staff rolled out of a research truck.
They even inject her, by hand, with tranquilizer. Who the fuck carries cat tranquilizer around?
Is this barn in the back of a fucking vet office???
Does this universe have roving surgical vans that drive around and play music like an ice cream truck, waiting for cats to call them over?????
Frostpaw wakes up back in the barn
But now her neck wound is fixed and she's spayed.
She looks down at the fresh cut on her abdomen and is like "what's this"
Smoky: "dont worry abt it"
If Frostpaw is okay with being sterilized, this will be the first time in the series that a cat being fixed will be seen as a good thing
Which, irl, it is. To be clear. Spay and neuter your animals
But dudes, this is really massively unsettling me. It seems like she doesn't know what has been done to her. This has never been treated as a positive thing in this series before. In the last book she was talking about the sort of life she would like to live
Once again she has been stripped of her own choices in a massive way
And if Smoky apparently lives so close to a vet that they just come when he calls,
I have so many questions im losing my marbles
Why is Smoky not neutered
Why were none of his 3, possibly 4 wives spayed
Why are his kids not fixed
Why were his kits with Floss taken "when they were too young to even open their eyes" back in TNP if their humans are so loving and educated
Anyway through the power of the writers not caring anymore, Frostpaw can now talk to StarClan whenever she wants.
They have magically bestowed a connection onto her.
This is apparently something they can just do now. Maybe it's tied to near-death experiences or the vet or something
Remember Shadowsight having a whole thing about this at the end of TBC?
Remember Mothwing and how upsetting it was to have no connection to them and how finding Willowpaw was a big thing in TNP?
Yeah apparently they could just do this whenever. Sorry.
Frostpaw is just cool with this because fuck the last book where she found out she likes being a warrior
Agency? What's THAT
It's not ok if your mom encourages you to be a doctor nun, but StarClan rips your organs out and forces you to be their mouthpiece and that's peachy-fucking-keen.
Then she goes traveling for several chapters i want to commit crime
Riverstar does the usual alarmist moaning, "ooooouuugh this newest crisis could destroy riverclan!!! Oooooooooooooouuououou it's for real this time!!!!"
Everything's gonna destroy the clans. A light breeze has just reduced ThunderClan to rubble. A beetle has landed gently upon Harestar's nose, 34 dead 25,430 injured
Girl help frostpaw is being followed by clickbait headline ghosts
And, also, for no good reason, the ghosts can't just answer a question. Why? Who fucking knows. Never explained. They can summon Frostpaw into a Ghost Zoom Call whenever they want now, but they're forbidden from revealing anything useful.
Average autistic experience with zoom calls though, can confirm, that is what every zoom call ive ever been in was like.
Im serious though, she tries to ask Reed who killed him, he just says no i cant :(
She tries to ask where her mom is. They don't tell her she's downstairs.
Riverstar says nothing useful
I have never been more frustrated with StarClan as a plot device. This is actually fucking insufferable.
They're annoying enough when they send vague signs and prophecies that amount to nothing, but now they can pop up like shitty unskippable cutscenes and STILL add nothing of value to the plot
Something I was ENJOYING was how much more grounded ASC was compared to previous arcs, and that StarClan was back to being difficult to access directly. Gone. Goodbye.
The highlight of the book everyone leave me alone i need to speak directly to sunbeam
I like how she's finding more reasons than just Nightheart to stay in ThunderClan, but is also struggling with the shift in culture
It's in a Sunbeam chapter that we FINALLY get Squilfstar. Everyone say Thank You Sunbeam
If you even LOOK at the Sunbeam wrong I will smash you to death with my hooves
For once it actually feels like we're using the cast in ThunderClan. Cherryfall, Dewnose, Plumstone, Myrtlebloom, Bayshine, Finchlight, Sparkpelt, and Lionblaze all get some significant little lines to add to this.
In particular I like Cherryfall throwing a bit of a fit about being a senior warrior and acting high and mighty, which Sunbeam immediately dislikes because ShadowClan doesn't do as much posturing. It's fun to see how she percieves ThunderClan cats.
I have a softness for these sorts of stories though, to be fair. The idea of moving to a new place and having to adjust.
It's also neat that she's growing frustrated with how Nightheart has now ditched her THRICE.
Girl please steal his family and dump him.
Be a legend. Marry his sister. It would make you the queen of pettiness you would become my favorite forever
Ivypool's exams are also pretty neat, they all test teamwork abilities. I'm going to be happy when I finally get to read them in full, if nothing else, these trials have been delightful to see.
Anyway the next emergency gathering comes up and it descends into an argument
Dovewing gets to yell at Ivypool and tell her to back off <3 "You're not going to manipulate my mate through me, screw you"
Tigerheartstar and the other leaders eventually agree to meet with the mediator off-screen because the writers don't feel like showing us Tree's madd skillz which definitely justify having this unique role that we completely forgot about until just now
It doesn't accomplish anything meaningful because they only acknowledged the mediator role to make the fans stop complaining
Tigerheartstar agrees to not station more warriors in RiverClan territory but nothing else. Waow.
aaand Berryheart's planning something and Sparrowtail, Sunbeam's father, accidentally spills the beans to his daughter. I like this because I have always imagined him as a himbo
so... yeah. It's not looking great. I'm not having a good time in this spoiler thread. I am hoping that a fair amount of it is misrepresentation, because if it's what the leaker says it is, I'm not going to be a happy camper
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weenwrites · 1 year
For a request, how about a scenario with a witch human reader through a botched spell accidently turns their bot into a human with TFP Bulkhead, TFP Optimus and TFP Knockout.
✎ A/N: I only write scenarios for one character at a time, so I'll only write it for Knockout.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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"Well?" Knockout began, his voice was much quieter now, and rather than towering over you, he was instead poking his head over your shoulder, much to your annoyance, "have you found any reversal spell?"
Ever since the cloud of smoke dissapated and allowed him to take a better look at his new human body, it was needless to say that he was anything but pleased with the results. And whether that was the way he looked, or the fact he was human, Y/N didn't know.
Neither could they ask as they frantically flipped through the hovering book in front of them, muttering curses to themselves as they combed through the entire transfiguration section only to no avail. With a defeated sigh, they pushed the book away and shook their head.
"I'm afraid not," they frowned, "but even if I did, changing you into a human took a lot out of me the first time. I don't think I could cast a spell to turn you back without the looming possibility that I'd fail."
"W-well I can't just stay like this!" He argued, motioning to his new human body. "You have to turn me back!"
"I know, I know, but until I find the spell and cast it, then you'll be stuck as a human for now."
"So what am I supposed to do now? If you don't get me back to normal by tomorrow, I can't simply take the entire day off! Megatron would have my head!"
"Well I don't know how to transfigure a human back into a giant alien robot, so I don't think you'll have any other choices but to ask."
"Surely you could reverse time or something, couldn't you?"
"No, but I could turn you into a frog next..." They mutter.
"Excuse me?"
"Nothing..." They roll their eyes, "but really, Knockout. The only thing you can do here is wait until I've figured something out."
"Fine," he scoffed.
As they turned back to their book for answers, he turned away, crossed his arms, and cringed at the weird feel of human flesh as he rubbed his own skin. As he muttered something about the feel of flesh, they briefly turned to him.
"I promise you won't be stuck like that forever..." They offer, "Give me a few hours and soon enough you'll be saying hello to your sweet red paint job again."
While they doubt that hardly eased his mind in the slightest, he only hummed and crossed his arms.
"Well... I'd hope so."
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starzzach · 1 year
would you write another charlos abo 👉👈
insane. i am. insane. so sorry for the wait. head in my hands.
part 2 here and part 3 here!
Charles really, really wants a baby. Carlos is not so sure.
Baby. God, he really wants a baby.
It is all he can think about, really. What Sound Coherent Charles can think about, not Heat Hormone Related Charles. The thoughts are all real and solid and seem like they have absolutely no intention of leaving.
So much so that he walks into Carlos' room unannounced, feeling bold and brave and wanting a baby. "Car-los," he sings, in that very not-his-name way that he can never bring himself to correct, and neither can Carlos, clearly. "Hello, mate."
Carlos is reading a book, but blessedly sets it aside, leaving his lap free and very, very inviting. He looks confused, but pleased, like he had been wanting for Charles to want a baby and subsequently end up in his room. Yes, Carlos' lap is very inviting, and Charles experiences the very normal human pull of it, and does not bother to resist, straddling his lap like he belongs there. "I am not free," Carlos says, but he is smiling. "I have a media thing in ten."
Charles pouts, rubbing his hands up and down Carlos' arms, trying to scent him. "I want a baby."
Carlos taps his forehead, ruffling his hair like he's one of his dogs. "You don't want a baby," he corrects, "that's the heat talking."
Charles shakes his head, vehement. He is sure – he has been sure about it. He most definitely, certainly wants it and his heat is days off, so Carlos cannot even blame the hormones, and even if he did, he would be wrong. "No, I want a baby," he insists. "Please, Carlos. I need a baby."
"Now you are talking crazy," Carlos muses, peppering feather light kisses along his jaw. "You don't even like babies. Last month you were going on and on about how Seb was crazy to go and have another one."
"I'd like our baby," he argues. "And Seb is crazy. Even Mark knows that. But they still have four babies and I want just one, Carlos, just one."
Carlos sighs, pulling away. His hands settle on Charles' waist, a comfortable grip. "You don't want a baby. You'll hate being pregnant. You already hate me waiting on you now, you know how bad I'm going to be if you're carrying my– Charles," he sighs again, and internally Charles smiles, because now he is certain Carlos has seen his watery eyes. "Please. Charles. Don't tell me you are going to cry."
Charles sniffs, perfectly plausible and completely fake. "Maybe."
"You cannot seriously want a baby this much."
"Do you think I would be a bad father? Am I too messed up?" Charles asks instead, wobbly and sounding very close to tears. Shame he is faking, really. He is a really bad actor otherwise, but he knows how to get what he wants, especially when it comes to Carlos. "Is that why you don't want my baby?"
"What, no," Carlos says immediately, distressed. "No, I want your babies. I want to give you all your babies."
Charles slides off of him, flopping onto the other half of the couch. "I can get a baby somewhere else. Everyone wants to give me babies," he mumbles, pretending to seriously consider it. Carlos won't believe this, but at the very least it might make him die inside out of frustration. "It wouldn't be too hard."
"Are you hearing a word I am saying," Carlos says exasperatedly, finally giving in. "Fine. Tomorrow– tonight, even we can make a baby, since you want it so much."
"Don't you?"
"Like," Charles starts, gesturing generally to his self. "You have me. Even during my heats. You don't want a baby?"
Carlos blinks, long and slow. "I don't want a baby," he says slowly. "I want our baby."
Charles claps his hands, grinning widely. "Yay," he cheers, sitting up. "I am going to go tell Pierre and pretty much everyone else."
"Thank you for warning me," he deadpans. "I'll sit here and pretend to not notice the crowd of people waiting to ask me why I want to take Ferrari's star driver out of the game, but okay. Enjoy the announcement."
Charles winks at him, or tries to, leaning down and pressing a long, thorough kiss to his lips. "I'll come back to talk soon."
"I don't think we're going to be doing much talking," Carlos says with a shit-eating grin, eyes soft.
Charles smiles to himself, a skip in his step as he exits the garage. It feels nice to know that the other person feels the same way you do, and shares the same views that you have. It feels very nice, indeed.
Baby. God, he really wants to have that baby.
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officialdaydreamer00 · 10 months
okay wait this is an official ask for a crossover oneshot: imagine this shit— idia just fucking spawns into camp half-blood (the olympians series timeline, probably before luke dips out but i'll leave that up to you) and is just stuck there. i need to see this; on hands and knees begging. i'm already imagining idia just being completely terrified like "where TF am i?!" 😭💀
hjsldsdkshsk omg 😭 idk how to write the oneshot so ya gonna get imagines instead :'D
*cracks hands*
gonna set the time to after manhattan's battle, normal day in camp half-blood, campers bustling around and all
,,,,, and then an idia falls down from the sky
i could just imagine my guy just,,,, dies right there in the middle of the camp lmao, while the rest of the campers went ?????
why?? how?? the hades??? is there a guy here?? pale as fuck??? hair is blue flame?? science?? witchcraft??
they'd be so confused help them 😭
everything about him stumps annabeth and the rest of athena's children
eventually idia wakes up and would be bombarded with questions → overwhelmed and passes tf out part 2
chiron has to talk to him bc social anxiety
i reckon idia knows ancient greek bc,,,,, it just fits idk, so they have a talk and idia finds out he ain't in twisted wonderland anymore
cue panicked overthinking™
timeskip to when our guy somewhat calms down, he followed chiron to the unclaimed's cabin
still a bit hesitant bc he KNOWS for sure people will look at him weird
imagine if people finds out his connections to hades and the underworld (not this one but still)
they question the gods and the reality they live in :D
idia meeting THE god of the dead himself would be interesting 👀
hades is rather chill in the books so i guess it'd go well :D they'd exchange ways to manage the underworld probably, hades with the og underworld and idia with STYX
THEM WATCHING DISNEY HERCULES 😭 the group slandering the movie while idia sitting there like o-o
will they connect movie hades with idia though 🤔 annabeth probably would see the similarities and ask him about it
them when they hear disney hades is worshipped in twisted wonderland :D shocking, honestly
hephaestus cabin would be interested in his gadgets tho, probably would pester him about it (poitely ofc)
he would avoid aphrodite, ares and apollo cabins with every fiber of his being, i just know it
also, idia and nico 👀 interesting pair ngl
i wanna imagine idia chilling with hades's child in the underworld, idia teaching him all about video games and nico (albeit reluctantly) teaching him mythomagic 🥺
ouh and then when hazel's found they could do that too!!
honestly idia in pjo could go either right or wrong in so many ways, and i'm down with traumatising the heck out of him lol
tags🏷️ @dove-da-birb @taruruchi @azulashengrottospiano @identity-theft-101 @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @thehollowwriter @twistwonderlanddevotee @edith-is-a-cat
remember to reblog if you enjoy my works! ^-^
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onlyjaeyun · 11 months
I love your writing but I think SB is getting a little bit repetitive? This isn’t hate I love the book but it’s just a bit of feedback but when is the actual stuff going to start? I’m tired of Y/N talking for ages to her friends about how much she likes Jay WE GET IT and Jay’s notes HURRY UP AND CONFESS ALREADY. Also I think I’d hate in real life Y/N because she always talks about herself and cuts off her friends conversations with the same exact drama she said last chapter. We get it you like him!!!
i know, i've noticed that myself! i didn't even realise that we're at chap 20 now and it's barely been going forward but i promise these upcoming few chaps are absolutely gping to get things into motion! tomorrow's gonna be a written chapn qhereas tonight is gonna be a bit of a longer one where things with y/n and jiwoong finally start AND jay's also going to wake up. i am aware of the fact it's been getting repetitive yet i still feel like it needed this to create enough tension if that makes sense?
also..y/n is literally the main character and like idk what to tell you? her friends are trying to set her up woth other men (bc she agreed, yes) but they're also aware that she's doing that to get over him so to me personally it's only normal that she can't let go of him just yet? and like i'm really sorry if i sound defensive but what else was she supposed to talk about? this is in no way an attack yet i am a little confused bc what are your expectations of y/n? i'd love to know so i can actually yk indulge in those! but anyway, thank you so much for this, i hope you have a great day 🤍
also edit: just bc i've gotten a few of messages like these in the past i'd highly suggest you not to start an ask with "i love you BUT" bc personally i always know there's criticism behind it (which i'll gladly accept if its not hate) yet it kinda loses its meaning yk?💀 this is silly but i felt like saying it
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