#only it's kiss the eel who has been in love with you ever since he saw you
merakiui · 4 months
I wont lie, for a sec i thought the reader was gonna tell fake floyd she realized she ended up liking Jade. I don't think he would be able to keep a straight face at that.
With how much Jade was rotting in Reader's brain during that entire scene, I wouldn't have been surprised if she said something like that. T_T there is no normal way to explain why you're thinking of and imagining your crush's twin brother when your "crush" is currently fucking you.
The amount of times Reader brings up Jade... oh, she is falling and she doesn't even realize it.
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The Song We Are Drawn Towards; Floyd Leech
A song rests in the heart, calling out to the one who completes the harmony. Their match pulls at them, as the moon does the tide.
Main Character: Floyd Leech
Supporting Roles: Mrs. Leech, Jade Leech, Azul Ashengrotto, Deuce Spade (if you squint)
Content: Soulmate AU (I use the term soul match instead), gender-neutral reader, hurt/comfort/crack, reader is not amused, can be read as familial, platonic, or romantic and that was done on purpose, some Azul slander
Content Warning: Swearing, blood (Floyd)... just Floyd things (I love him, but he comes with his own warning). I don't want to spoil the ending but do read it with caution if it's triggering for you.
Word Count: 5 K
Author's Note: Please do not repost my works to other websites or into AI software. I will be writing more parts for this AU, but for other characters; you can guess who based on the hints I left in Azul & Jade's stories. I switch between third and second-person point of view. I struggled writing for four days and then I wrote 4.7K in one sitting, help me; that makes like 15.5K words in like a week. Don't worry, I do touch grass.
Azul's Story & Prologue | Jade's Story
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Floyd was a bundle of energy, swimming all over the place, and excitedly talking to anyone and everyone who crossed paths with him. “Tell me, tell me, tell me!�� He would pull at the fins and limbs. “Tell me about your soul match!!!”
Ever since he was first told the story of soul matches, he has been obsessed, wanting to hear everyone’s story that he happened to swim across. Most merfolk would just quickly swim in the opposite direction of the hyperactive young eel-mer. Others would humour him and tell him what it felt like. But his favourite by far was that of his parents.
“Mommmmmm,” he whined, clutching onto her tail fin so that she couldn’t leave. “Can you tell me the story of what it felt like feeling your soul match for the first time? And what it was like meeting dad?~” He looked at her with his biggest pleading eyes, even though he has heard the story at least a hundred times from both his mom and dad. “Pretty pleaseeeeeee?!~”
Mrs Leech giggled, and sat down on Floyd’s bed, kissing him on the cheek. “Aren’t you tired of hearing it, my little eel?”
Floyd clutched onto her arm, “Nuh-uh!”
She shook her head, amused by his insistence. “Well, for me, the song felt like the heat from the hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean; down there it may seem dark and lifeless, but there was a scorching heat that feeds all life.” She hummed, smoothing over a little nick that she noticed on Floyd’s arm. “And the pull… hmm, it was gentle, like the tugging of a cool current.”
Floyd sighed with contentment, finally settling down for the night. “Mom, what do you think my soul match will be like?”
Mrs. Leech tucked his hair behind his ear, “There’s no way to tell before it happens, my little elver. Only the Sea Witch knows, and she’s very secretive about those sorts of things.” She got a mischievous look on her face and kissed his nose. “But whoever is your soul match, be they mer, fae, beastman, or human, they will be lucky to have you.” 
“Mommmm,” he tried to push her off, but he didn’t mean it, his giggling giving it away. He got serious for a moment and hugged his mom. “No matter who they are, I won’t leave the ocean for them. I love you, mom.”
Mrs. Leech squished her son against her, placing her head on top of his. “I love you more, baby… And whatever decision you make, to stay in the ocean or go live on land, I will always love and support you.” Holding onto him tight, she placed a kiss on his forehead. “And that goes for you too, Jade, I know you’ve been eavesdropping.”
The mass of blankets on the bed on the other side of the room stirred, revealing Jade who was acting like he totally wasn’t listening in on their conversation. “I know, mother. I love you too,” he whispered, letting out a yawn, tired from the day.
“Oh, how did I get so lucky to have not one but two sweet sons?” Mrs Leech, still holding onto Floyd, swam over to Jade’s bed and had him in a tight squeezing hug. “I love my little elvers!”
Both of the boys accepted the squeezes, Jade patting his mom on the shoulder and Floyd giving back his own tight squeeze. Like mother like son, as some would say. “We love you too, mom,” they said in unison. And they all sat there, in a big eel squeeze.
When he woke up on his sixth birthday he was confused. Why wasn’t there a song in his head? Where is his soul match? 
The good mood that he was bound to be in that day morphed into confusion, hurt, and anger. But not like the anger he was used to, it wasn’t a hot, short, spark, instead, it felt festering, an ember wanting nothing more than to combust. So instead of staying around his brother, who only pissed him off even more because, of course, Jade got his soul match. He swam out to the edge of the reef so that he could be alone.
“ARGH,” he lashed out at a rock, scratching at it with his claws. “WHY?! WHY ME?!” He screamed out into the drop-off, no answer but the dark looking back at him. He felt hot, briny tears start to fall down his face. He had dreamt of this day since he could remember. He wanted someone to not be scared of him. For someone to look at him with joy. For someone to accept him. “WHERE ARE THEY?!”
By the time he got out the initial rage at his situation, he floated down into the sand and looked up to the filtered sunlight coming up from above. He was still angry, but it was something small, and it felt like there was something stuck in his throat and he couldn’t get it out. Sighing, he closed his eyes… I really should go home, mom and dad are probably worried…
Wait, what was tickling him? Ugh, that’s annoying. “Scram off, would ya,” he muttered, opening an eye.
Beside him was a cleaner shrimp, going over the new scrapes he had given himself during his moment of anger.
“Eh? A little shrimp like you is brave,” he chuckled, poking one of its feelers. 
The shrimp ignored the poke, still cleaning the wounds before moving up and going through his hair. Floyd was half tempted to swat it away for bothering him, but he didn’t. For some reason, he found the shrimp’s actions comforting. Like the ocean sent this little cleaning crustacean to help him heal. He was still mad, hurt, and confused, but if some shrimp didn’t mind him, even at his most volatile moment, then maybe not everything is as bad as it seems.
Eventually, though, he had to leave his new little friend and go home, and face his family. He wore a happy mask when he entered the home, trying to hide the festering part of his heart.
“FLOYD!” His mom crashed into him, squeezing him tight. “Where were you?! I was worried sick! Are those scrapes? What happened to you?!”
He squeezed her back, not as strong as he would normally, debating whether or not to tell her the truth. But he saw his dad and Jade whispering to each other, no doubt talking about his soul match. His eye twitched, “I was just curious about where they were,” he whispered. He wasn’t lying, but it wasn’t the entire truth. The truth could always come later.
Floyd was walking around campus, bored out of his mind. Azul and Jade were at the entrance ceremony for the new minnows. As was his main source of entertainment. It wasn’t his fault that Riddle was so amusing when he gets all red from anger, just like a goldfish. So he was just going around, a bad mood apparent, so people quickly walked in the opposite direction when they saw him.
“Ugh! There’s nothin’ interestin’ hereeeee,” he muttered to himself. Even getting lectured by Beakfish is better than utter boredom. He rolled his eyes, thinking about Azul giving his stuffy formal speech to the new minnows in their dorm. “Tch, boring.”
Hmm, the sun did sure feel nice though. Maybe he would take a nap like Sea Lion did. So he found somewhere where he wouldn’t be disturbed, stretched out, and closed his eyes, dreaming about the Coral Sea. 
In his dream, he was back near the drop-off, by the rock he nearly destroyed during his outburst when he first realized he didn’t have a soul match. Over the years, he wasn’t nearly as bitter as he once was, but it still stung. But he was alone, his little shrimp friend was nowhere to be seen. “Little shrimp,” he called out, but his crustacean friend didn’t appear. Maybe they too got tired of Floyd and left. Or maybe they were… maybe a predator finally caught up with his little friend, as he always thought they were too brave for their own good.  “Little shrimp?” He called again, but still nothing. But then a net came down from above, catching Floyd in its wake. He struggled, but something else was there. A faint song.
Floyd gasped awake in a cold sweat, heart pounding and racing. “It was just a dream, snap out of it,” he hissed to himself, shaking his head. Ugh, why did it feel like he was still caught in that net though? And that song was still stuck in his head. Stupid dreams.
Oh, the sun is setting, Azul and Jade have got to be done with sorting out the freshmen by now. Heh, wonder if there are any interestin’ minnows around? Eh, Azul is bound to bring some entertainment by getting some chump in a contract. That at least would bring in some fun. 
Groaning, he stretched out and got up, making his way back to Octavinelle, still not quite in a good mood but not in a bad one. He was just floating in between.
Azul and Jade were conversing among themselves when he entered the room, Azul looking more agitated than he would normally. Huh, that’s intriguing. 
“Somethin’ has all your tentacles in a bunch, Azul.~” He leaned against the house warden’s chair, getting into his personal bubble. Ugh, he still felt weird, and that song was still there.
Azul shot him an annoyed look but ignored him trespassing in on his space. “It has nothing to concern you with, Floyd,” he huffed, massaging his temple. 
If even mentioning that it has nothing to do with him, it just puts Floyd on a mission to discover exactly what it was.
Jade chuckled, mirth in his eyes. “He will just keep on pestering you if you don’t tell him, Azul” his smile was sharp and he looked over to his brother, his smile widening. Floyd also smiled, getting further into Azul’s bubble.
“Fine,” Azul snipped, “if you must know the ceremony didn’t go exactly as planned.” This didn’t satisfy Floyd, as he just got further into the bubble, prodding. Azul sighed, knowing it would just be better to get it over with so he didn’t have to put up with the eel’s antics. “I had to clean up someone’s mess, chasing their wayward familiar throughout campus. They also sent the mirror into a tizzy. Satisfied?”
Well, that wasn’t all that interesting. “Awwww, and I thought you’d finally met your cuttlefish, Azullll,” he whined but got out of his personal bubble.
Azul’s eye twitched at the nickname Floyd had dubbed his soul match but didn’t say anything, knowing that if he did, it would just end up with him lying in bed with a splitting migraine. “No,” he dusted off his chest, “we have no control over when we meet our soul matches, and you know that.”
Oh, Floyd knew that very well, he didn’t need Azul subtly shoving it in his face either. Even if the other man wasn’t privy that Floyd didn’t have a soul match.
It’s been about three weeks since Floyd had that dream, still feeling like he was stuck in a net, and that infernal hum of a song hasn’t left his mind. By now, everyone on campus was aware that it was better to avoid him than risk getting on his bad side. Ugh, is this what it feels like to have a soul match? 
He squinted his eyes, and stopped dead in his tracks, pausing in the middle of the hall. Is this what it feels like to have a soul match? His eyes went wide, still frozen in the hallway. IS THIS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO HAVE A SOUL MATCH?! After all this time, was there finally someone?
He started running, letting the pulling sensation guide him. Feeling the ebb and flow of it, the only kind shared with soul matches. The dream! Maybe the Sea Witch sent it to him? Finally gifted him the blessing that she has given others? He tested the waters by messing with the volume of the song in their head and he felt it falter like they were surprised by it. Where are you? But as soon as he started giving chase he stopped. People gave him weird looks, but he paid no mind to them.
His hands turned into fists, and he shook slightly, his joy and excitement shifted into bitterness and anger. WHERE ARE YOU?! He shouted at them through the song, letting out over a decade of bottled-up emotions into the open. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! But all he got in return was the gentle hum that had started it all.
“Floyd, are you alright? You seem out of sorts,” Jade hummed, eyes boring into his soul, searching for what could have possibly caused the sudden running. Calculating.
Floyd frowned back at his brother, but he knew that he couldn’t just outright tell him, as he hadn’t told anyone about his soul match situation. So instead he bit down on the inside of his cheek, hard enough to draw a bit of blood to distract himself. “Eh, thought I just saw Goldfishie, but it was just someone else.”
Where are you? Where the fuck are you?! Where were you for all these years?!
You were enjoying some lunch with your friends — if you can call Ace and Grim your friends. At least Deuce was considerate enough to make up for it… most of the time. The four of you were chatting, mainly Grim and Ace complaining about homework and the professors, but your mind was elsewhere. In the three short weeks that you’ve found yourself in Twisted Wonderland, they have somehow squeezed their way into your heart, even though they make you question your life decisions on more than a daily basis. On some days it was an hourly basis.
But something else has also been on your mind than just being in some sort of dimension themed on a beloved yet problematic movie studio. There’s been a song playing in your head since you arrived. It hasn’t been very loud, but it seemed to change in its emotion frequently. You could tell when it was excited, bored, frustrated, and you had no idea why. It was fine the first day, as you just chalked it up to inter-dimension technicalities, but it has persisted.
So, there you were, sitting with your friends, enjoying your lunch. Or you were until you were rudely interrupted by the song in your head screaming at you. “Shit,” you hissed, dropping your fork, and covering your ears even though it did nothing to help with the sudden onslaught.
Ace, Deuce and Grim all gave you looks but turned back to the conversation they were having. Not thinking anything of it. But someone else noticed, pushing up his glasses before leaving. You paid no attention though, as your attention was elsewhere.
Inside your mind was a voice, it had started quiet, and full of wonder. Where are you? But then it turned venomous, bitter, sharp, and screaming. WHERE ARE YOU?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! You didn’t really know what to make of it, and it’s not like Crowley in all of his ‘kindness’ and ‘generosity’ gave you an encyclopedia to explain any of this stuff.
Deuce shook your shoulder gently, pulling you from out of your thoughts. “Hey, are you okay? You’ve been staring at your food for a while…”
You shook your head, ignoring the screaming in your head, and gave him a reassuring smile. “Ah, I’m okay, just was thinking is all. Nothing to worry about,” you shoot him a smile as reassurance. Deuce still didn’t look convinced but he trusted you and dropped the subject.
Where are you? Where the fuck are you?! Where were you for all these years?! The voice seemed to scream through the melody. WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!
Floyd’s mood has only been worse since finding out that he had a soul match. Even with the amount of obsessive screaming he sent their way, all they sent back was that gentle hum. Ugh, it was really annoying. He was half tempted to just hunt them down so at least he knew who he was mentally screaming at. But he would always clench his fists and stop himself. As much as he would like nothing more than to see their face as they saw him running at them, he wanted a good reason to do so. 
Yes, even though he was harassing them through the song, he wanted a reason why he should seek them out. He was just… hurt. He didn’t know how long he would feel like that, but it was something that was difficult to shove aside, even if they were the person that was supposed to make him happy. He couldn’t just forget about it.
Sighing, he clutched his shrimp plush to his chest, inspired by his shrimp friend from his childhood. “Eh, little shrimp, what should I do? Should I seek them out, or should they find me?”
The shrimp plush just looked back with its unblinking eyes. If it were his actual cleaner shrimp, they would have shuffled around in his hair, looking for scraps and reassuring him in their silent manner. Even though the plush was silent, it was still reassuring in its own way.
He heard Jade shuffling around in his sheets, but Floyd knew that Jade slept like a rock. He shook his head and walked to the Octavinelle lounge area, plopping down onto a sofa by the aquarium, criss-cross apple sauce style, still holding on to his shrimp plush. His reflection looked back out at him, eyes searching, but there were no answers. Just his own conflicted thoughts, the gentle humming of his soul match, and the snores coming from some dorms.
The gentle pitter-patter of footsteps took him away from just staring into the aquarium. “Azul?”
The footsteps and intruder on Floyd’s pondering and staring at the aquarium time was none other than Azul, wearing his house robe, matching slippers, and a hair bonnet. Azul squinted his eyes, as he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Floyd,” he sounded just as equally confused to find someone else awake at this un-Sevenly-like hour. “What are you doing up?”
“Eh, couldn’t sleep,” he wasn’t in the mood to tease Azul for his sleep get up. “You?”
Azul sighed, “You and I are in the same boat then… don’t you dare utter a word about this to Jade.”
Floyd looked down at his shrimp plush and looked back up, “Don’t mention it.” He looked back into the aquarium, most of the fish were hidden away for the night, but other sea creatures were swimming and scuttling about.
Azul cleared his throat and continued on with his business, whatever that might be at this hour, leaving the eel to his thoughts. Perhaps he could solve not just Floyd’s current down mood but also answer someone’s burning questions.
By some cruel twist of fate, you found yourself in the Mostro Lounge VIP room against your will, having been carried there by none other than Jade Leech. You would have put up a fight, but in all honesty, you would rather be carried bridal style than like a sack of potatoes. You don’t even know how you ended up in this situation, last time you checked, you hadn’t made a deal with the scheming house warden of Octavinelle. So why did he seek you out?
“Prefect, I’ve heard through the grapevine that you’ve been… troubled,” he said in his overly nice business voice.
You squinted your eyes at him, knowing better than to trust anything he says at face value. “And what exactly have you heard,” you countered. 
Azul looked at Jade and he exited the room. That doesn’t seem like a good sign. He waited for a few moments before continuing. “That you’ve been distracted, not all there. Oh, don’t give me that look, I don’t want a contract with you,” he rolled his eyes upon seeing the stink eye you were giving him.
“Then what do you want, Azul? Last time I checked you only did things for others if you got more out of the deal than them.” Yeah, you were being sassy, but he tricked your friends, your dumb friends, so he deserved the attitude.
Azul sputtered at the comment before pulling himself together. “I’m just looking out for others in the same boat as us.”
You raised your brow, “Us?”
“Yes, us, Prefect,” he pinched his brow. “I take it that you have a song in your head?” You nodded and he took it as a sign to continue with his monologue. “Much as I suspected then. You have a soul match, which I take wherever you’re from doesn’t have. You have a bond with a mer. It can be familial, platonic and or romantic, a match made by the Sea Witch herself.”
You blinked, letting all of that sink in. “Uh, but why?” Literally, why? Why would the Sea Witch match you with a merperson?
Azul just gave you a look, “Why not? It is not for us to question why the Sea Witch chooses our matches.”
“We should question it though,” you snap at him. “We should question everything! Like why? Who is it to determine our fate?” The stress of the past few weeks had finally caught up, and you were scared, stretched too thin, and tired, so damn tired. “I didn’t ask for this! I didn’t ask for any of this!” You smacked your hands against the desk. You were going to say more but shut your mouth. You were talking to Azul Ashengrotto, who was known for using others' weaknesses against them. Why were you letting this all out into the open with him of all people?
Azul sat there, with a small shocked expression. “Just let me know if you want help finding them,” he slid you a piece of paper. Despite your better judgement, you take it, shoved it into your bag and left without saying anything else. “Hope to speak with you soon, Pre-”
You slam the door in his face before he could say anything else, shaking slightly. Sighing to yourself, you take out the piece of paper, now crumpled and creased.
“A song rests in the heart, calling out to the one who completes the harmony. Their match pulls at them, as the moon does the tide.” That is what the Sea Witch told us. I know what you think of me, Prefect, but all I want is for you two to meet. If you wish to seek them out please feel free to see me. - Azul Ashengrotto
Floyd sat in the Octavinelle pool, still festering over everything. Even though he was still in his human form, he didn’t want to leave the pool. Everything was quiet until he hissed in pain. Ah, so after all this time his soul match decides to make a commotion? Damn, they sounded pissed, their anger clear in the song… but also tired, so tired. Huh, so maybe they weren’t too different from him.
Where are you? He sang, reaching out softly this time. He didn’t like this feeling, at least not from them.
Surprisingly the song snapped back at him, much like his shrimp friend would when he came to them all banged up. Why do you want to know?!
Well, that gave him pause. Heh, maybe this Shrimpy was more gutsy than he gave them credit for. Heh!~ I want to findddd youuuuu!~ He sang, a giggle escaping his lips.
I don’t want you to find me! Leave me alone! I didn’t ask for this! I don’t know you! Stranger danger! STRANGER DANGER! 
Floyd could imagine a shrimp scuttling back and forth, snapping their pinchers at him and it made him laugh even more. Awww, Shrimpy!~ I’mma hunt your ass down nowwww!~
The song rang sharp, oh yeah, he would be hearing a ringing in his ears for a few hours due to that. GO AWAY!
I’m comin’ for yo ass, here I comeeeeee~ He laughed one more time before pulling himself from the pool, excited for what was about to come. You kept me waitin’ for this long, only fair for me to find you!~
Azul could hear Floyd’s laughter from his office. This wasn’t exactly how he was imagining on helping Floyd find his soul match, but oh well, it’s best for them to meet on their own terms anyway. Hey, you could have done it the calm way, but with Floyd as your soul match, he should have expected the eel to do things the… well, the Floyd way.
So Floyd went running down the hallway, still soaking wet and dripping water everywhere, laughing like a madman. Some other mers looking for their soul matches gave him weird looks, but they minded their own business. “Oh, Shrimpyyyyyyyyy!~ Where are youuuuu?~” He sang out, still laughing.
Meanwhile, you were on the way back to Ramshackle, eyes shifting everywhere since your soul match seemed to change their tune all of a sudden. I’m coming to get your ass, Shrimpy!~ Kept on being sung in the song, so yeah, you were rightfully scared shitless by this entire situation. Who the hell wouldn’t be if they were in your shoes?! So you were trying to make a beeline back to the safety of your dorm. Maybe you should have made that contract with Azul after all… instead of being hunted for sport by someone that some octopus lady decided was your match. And why did they insist on calling you Shrimpy? Weren’t shrimps like the cockroaches of the ocean? What the hell my guy?
“SHRIMPY WHERE ARE YOU?!~” A loud voice rang down the hall.
Oh shit. Oh fuck. You chanted to yourself. Should you try to make a last-ditch effort to make it to the safety of your dorm, or should you hide in the broom closet until they leave? Run? Hide? The increasingly fast footsteps made the decision for you. It was a dumb decision, yes…
...You booked it.
I HEAR YOU RUNNING SHRIMPY!~ They sang in your head with glee. Heh, cute that you think you can escape me!~ Best hope you’re a fast runner Shrimpy!~
What was their issue?! LEAVE ME ALONE! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!
They pouted. They had the audacity to pout?! But Shrimpyyyy, you’re my soul match! Stop runnin’ so I can catch you! My ‘problem’ is that I don’t have you!
Oh Sevens, you can hear them catching up with you. You would never make it to Ramshackle at this point. Shit. Maybe you should have hidden in that broom closet… THERE! An open door! You got in and quietly shut the door, holding your breath.
“Shrimpyyyyyyy! Marco!” They called out, running past the door. “Come on, Shrimpy! It’s not nice to hide!~”
Once you couldn’t hear their footsteps or their horrifying version of Marco-Pollo, you took in some much-needed air. Silently thanking your lucky stars that they went by your hiding spot. Yeah, maybe you would sleep in here for the night since they would still be able to get you until the sun rises… if you could even sleep.
SHRIMPYYYYYY, WHERE ARE YOU?~ OH SHRIMPYYYYYYY!~ Yeah, definitely not sleeping. So you sat in the closet until you saw the rays of sunlight seep beneath the cracks.
Yeah, you’re taking Azul up on his offer, since this is starting to feel like a horror movie and not something from fanfiction you would read back at home.
You looked everywhere before setting foot into the Octavinelle pool room since your soul match was definitely in there somewhere. “Pst, Azul?” You called out, hoping that he would answer.
His head popped up from the pool, a faint glow coming from beneath the water. “Ah, Prefect. Did you change your mind?” 
If by change your mind you mean be scared shitless, then yes. But you held the comment back. Eugh, it felt like you were being dragged into the water, but you stayed on land, the song deafening. If it was this loud for you, then it was probably the same for them. “Help me,” you pleaded with the merman.
“How so,” he said, smug.
Your eye twitched in annoyance, “They are hunting me, Azul. Hunting me!” You hissed. The water rippled, but nothing emerged. “So help me, Ashengrotto!”
But the air of helpfulness he had earlier was gone, this bitch. “I could just go get him for you-”
“NO!” You shouted, realizing your mistake last minute. No, no, no! NO!
Oh? Shrimpy came to me instead? Oh, Shrimpyyyyyyy?~
You tried to get away from the edge of the pool, but you weren’t fast enough; a clawed, webbed hand latched itself onto your ankle. And a familiar face smiled at you with a wide grin. “Found ya, Shrimpy!~”
You gave Floyd a sheepish smile, “Heyyyyyy, can we talk about this? Hahaha…”
Floyd just giggled before dragging you into the water with him, “Nope!~”
Ah, shit-
Azul and Jade looked at you and Floyd, Floyd still curled around you like an extra-large living feather boa.
“You know, not even I would be so cruel to the Prefect,” Jade looked at Azul, giving him a side-eye. But there was a large sadistic smile on his face.
Azul rolled his eyes, “I gave them the chance to meet him peacefully, and they chose not to. It’s not my fault. And you are a horrible liar, Jade.”
Jade just chuckled before looking back at his brother. “Hmm, it’s Floyd, so we both know it would most likely end in something… chaotic.”
Azul sighed, but he was happy for Floyd… and glad that his bad mood was gone, dealing with that for the past few weeks has been hell.
“AZUL! JADE!” You yelled, trying to pry off the eel, “HELP ME!”
But the two just looked on and didn’t interfere.
I'm really happy with how all of Octavinelle's parts came out, and I had a lot of fun writing the characters. I have 7 more characters for the Soul Match AU planned for the future; no promises of when those will come out though, mainly waiting for more lore... since SOMEBODY seems to get the most traffic.
Hoped you enjoyed reading!
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ryuichirou · 1 month
More Tweels/Idia hcs!
Anonymous asked:
I don't know if you'll ever see this but: I LITERALLY LOVE YOUR ART!! The whole reason I got a tumblr account was literally to be kept updated on your posts. your Jade x Idia posts keep me alive genuinely. So of course I'm here to ask for your fav headcanons on Jade x Idia or the Octotrio x Idia in general (bottom idia for the win)
Anonymous asked:
feed us more bottom idia hc's 😃... and possibly jadidi 🤔
Anonymous asked:
AHHHHH I just stumbled upon your tumblr a few days ago and I love your Jade/Floyd x Idia hc's!! MORE please
Anons!! Thank you so much for sending so much love our way, it means so much I can never stress it enough. I am very happy that you like our stuff, both headcanons and drawings <3 whether you’re new here or have been with us for a while, we appreciate you a lot.
Sorry for the late reply! Here are some more Jade/Idia and Floyd/Idia hcs; some neutral ones, some spicy ones, some a bit fucked up ones. I won’t be writing anything about Azul this time because posted a new bunch of Azul/Idia hcs not so long ago, but he is mentioned a couple of times!
Jade makes snacks for Idia sometimes (sometimes sour, sometimes sweet, sometimes salty) and asks Azul to bring them to him whenever he goes to a board game club meeting, which always makes Azul super annoyed because he isn’t Jade’s errand boy + Idia doesn’t want to eat anything anyway. But even though Idia always says that eating stuff that Jade has made sounds like a dangerous game, he got used to munching on whatever Azul brings him. Making sure that Idia-san always remembers him + inconveniencing Azul at the same time? Sounds perfect to Jade <3
If Idia visits the Lounge (which doesn’t happen very often, it’s a pretty rare occasion, to be honest), he always tries to find the tiniest, least noticeable place to sit, but he always gets all the attention, because Floyd sees him, drops whatever he’s been doing and jumps on Idia’s couch to lean on him, chat with him, tease him and even squeeze him a little bit, not caring at all that Azul will absolutely yell at him for that. And even though it’s always a super stressful thing to Idia and he would prefer Floyd not to jump him like that, whenever he visits, his heart starts pounding very loudly, because his body is aware that Floyd will notice him and react very soon. It’s 50% him being scared and 50% of weird anticipation that makes him feel a bit ticklish down there.
Despite the fact that it’s easier to catch Floyd in his eel form, the first twin that Idia saw in his eel form was actually Jade. It was his first time seeing a merman in general, and since it was a dark pool and Idia didn’t realise what he was looking at at first, he got kind of freaked out. But also mesmerised at the same time. Idia ran away the moment Jade noticed him and look at him with his scary glowing yellow eye + avoided him after that point, but he still couldn’t escape the visual of Jade’s huge slippery heavy-looking tail that was constantly on his mind.
But the first Leech to actually touch Idia in his eel form was Floyd. That wasn’t a planned encounter either; Idia pretty much just fell into the pool in the most ecchi anime convenient way possible. But Floyd caught him, grabbed him with his huge hands, left a couple of scratches with his fins and claws, and slid Idia’s entire body on his own tail. Idia ended up not only wet, but covered in the eel slime, cold and weirdly aroused. He just got rid of weird eel-related dreams that Jade caused..!
Compared to Floyd, who touches, kisses and bites in a very overwhelming manner, Jade gives Idia some moments to “breathe” during sex, but this only makes things worse somehow. Because Idia’s brain just shuts off completely when he is with Floyd, but Jade makes sure that Idia is constantly aware of how exactly he is getting fucked, what sounds he makes, how his body reacts and how Jade’s dick creates a bulge inside his stomach. Jade always stops just in time for Idia to catch himself yelping pathetically and twitching, moments away from orgasm. And Jade always smiles like a criminal that is about to betray and shoot him when it happens…
Jade’s and Floyd’s dicks are pretty much the same size-wise, but the way they operate them is different; after having sex with Floyd Idia feels completely ruined. Not in a horrible way, but even if it’s been days, his insides remember how it felt when Floyd was shoving that thing deep inside his body. So it’s not unusual for Idia to spend a couple of days in bed after having sex with Floyd, especially considering the fact that if he moves his legs in the wrong way, he’ll probably trigger a spasm that’ll send a shockwave of pain and pleasure through his whole body.
Idia still isn’t sure why this whole thing keeps happening and why the tweels keep chasing him to have sex with him; he kind of was sure that they would lose all interest in him after a week or two. But even though he acts annoyed and even freaked out by them, somewhere deep inside it feels weirdly good to know that these two think about him so much that they just can’t get enough of him. This is such a cringy thought for Idia… but suddenly realising that Jade or Floyd could fit his entire dick inside his butt without any problem is more cringe; is it really this loose now??
Jade and Floyd are fascinated with the way Idia’s hair colour changes when he is embarrassed and aroused, and they know that it also changes in other situations, so now they have a quest to collect the entire rainbow of Idia’s hair. The winner gets to have fun with Idia while the other watches. Idia loses either way because the idea of being fucked by one of the tweels while the other one is pissed, horned up and cockblocked sounds like a nightmare lol Idia isn’t aware of this little challenge/game of theirs, which is for the best.
Floyd approaches the challenge by making Idia experience different physical sensations. He also loves to freak Idia out, he feels like if he does it enough, he could get a cool new colour. He just couldn’t scare him enough yet… maybe if he combines it with them having sex… Or makes Idia believe that he is about to drown him and keep his head under the water for like a minute until he either cums or passes out…
Jade’s approach is to play mental games with Idia + use potions, mushrooms and other stuff that he could feed him or inject into him. He got pretty interesting results, especially when poor Idia got super delirious and confused as Jade was having sex with him after pretty much frying his brains with the newest mushroom-based potion… but Floyd said that it doesn’t really count because it’s cheating.
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shytastemakerthing · 6 months
helloo!! can I get twisted wonderland match up? romance please
I've never done this so I'm just gonna be specific as possible and hope I did it right <3 also please no first years because of the age
I'm 5'7, 17 y/o almost 18, girl, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, pale, skinny, virgo (born in late august)
I love video games, especially games with combat. I also like reading books, especially fantasy books or horror, I like excercise and a very specific thing about me is that I love horses and ride them. I've been riding them ever since I was little. I love animals in general. I have 2 cats, a dog and a horse.
I am a very shy person (I need someone else to ask a thing for me at a restaurant otherwise I won't do it type of shy) but can defend myself in certain moments. I don't like loud/rude people or people who try to make a problem out of small things. but I love people who help me better myself or pick me up when needed even if it comes off as 'rude'
I don't like heavy pda only hand holding and a small kiss. however I love cuddling in private and kinda clingy but not annoyingly clingy.
I deadass love doing homework and orginazing things and cleaning. I like make up even tho I'm not good at it most of the time. cooking/baking is actually my favorite thing to do at home.
I love love love fashion but like more simple and elegant or cute.
I had to ask my gf for half of these things 😅 so I hope I did it right. thank you again!!! 💕🙏
A/N: Hello and thank you for your request! Happy Birthday if it has already passed and I hope that it was a wonderful day! Consider the match-up a little birthday gift (maybe late if it's past your birthday), and I do hope that you like it! Enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with..........
Azul Ashengrotto
Much like yourself, he isn't the biggest when it comes to PDA, he does have an image to maintain after all while out with his peers. Not to mention, he has made a number of enemies with those contracts of his and the last thing that he would want is for something to happen to you. Though, if you both happen to share a class and are seated with one another, maybe the both of you will hold pinkies but that is about it.
Behind closed doors in the safety of either of your rooms? Congrats, you now have a clingy and cuddly octopus latched to your hip. Perhaps one of the very few things he likes about his merform is all the extra arms that he can use to hug you. Though, sometimes they have a mind of their own and will not unlatch from you when he needs them too........ (yes you still have those sucker mark imprints)
Azul absolutely loves the fact that you love organizing things. Look at him. He is one organized man. Between being a mafia boss business man, owner of a lounge, running Octavinelle dorm, and a number of other things, this man needs to stay organized. He would absolutely love it if you helped him out with that.
When it comes to homework, please come over to the VIP lounge and he will work with you. If there is anything that you are struggling with, he will gladly help you, and for free! Maybe he'll even throw in a drink or some snacks. Anything for you (and yes, the tweels tease him relentlessly about this)
Speaking of the tweels, the moment you are official with Azul, you get scary..... eel rights. No one ever messes with you, lest one of the twins show up right at that very moment.
I feel like Azul knows at least knows a little bit about video games, and that is because of his club meetings with Idia. The Ignihyde housewarden has a habit of rambling on about his latest game obsession. Perhaps you would like to join them for club meetings some time?
Azul's mama owns a restaurant, he has been around amazing cooking from a young age. Tell me he can't cook. He will absolutely cook you something, anything that you want. Your smile makes it all worth it, especially if you love the meal he has prepared for you. Even better if it's something that the both of you get to work on together.
Overall, our beloved octopus is absolutely smitten with you, and can be just as cuddly and clingy. He loves that you love him for him, he loves who you even help keep himself organized when things are just too crazy. And he will always love you for who you are.
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elettralightwood · 1 year
You didn't think i would forget our one and only golden boy birthday right? Cause i definetely didn't. Happy birthday Jace Herondale, thank you for showing me how much love a person can give, i wish i could tell you how much of it you deserve, cause it's a lot 🧡
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Every student, Shadowhunter and mundane alike, knew the name Herondale. It was Jace’s last name. It was the name of heroes.
"Just because you call an electric eel a rubber duck doesn't make it a rubber duck, does it? And God help the poor bastard who decides they want to take a bath with the duckie. "
“What’s the Nephilim motto again?” “ We are dust and shadows,” said Ty, not looking up from his book. “Some of us are very handsome dust,” Jace added.
"One minute you're munching on a faerie plum the next minute you're running naked down Madison Avenue with antlers on your head. Not," he added hastily, "that this has ever happened to me."
“What happens in the demon realms stays in the demon realms.”
I thought: classic Jace. Never makes a mess when a total catastrophe will do.
“I’ll find you something. Something that says Herondale.” “I could slay with my deadly sense of humor and wicked charm,” said Kit. “Now that says Herondale.” Jace looked pleased.
"I don't want to be a man," said Jace. "I want to be an angst-ridden teenager who can't confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on other people instead."
"It means 'Shadowhunters: Looking Better in Black Than the Widows of our Enemies Since 1234'."
"I've heard the word 'fear'. I simply choose to believe it doesn't apply to me."
“You are a great deal of trouble, Jace herondale.” “So I’ve been told” jace said.
"I'll just have them change the entry in the demonology textbook from 'almost extinct' to 'not extinct enough for Alec. He prefers his monsters really, really extinct.' Will that make you happy?"
He understands why people hold hands: he’d always thought it was about possessiveness, saying This is mine. But it’s about maintaining contact. It is about speaking without words. It is about I want you with me and don’t go.
"I swear on the Angel." He ducked his head down, kissed her cheek. "The hell with that. I swear on us."
"There is no pretending," Jace said with absolute clarity. "I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then."
"I know it's wrong - God, it's all kinds of wrong - but I just want to lie down with you and wake up with you, just once, just once ever in my life."
Jace, who had asked Alec to be his parabatai and then always pretended as if he did not need one. Alec was not fooled.
"Don’t carry the weight of the world on you Jace. It’s too heavy for even a Herondale to bear."
"You had - so much love, and so much forgiveness, and so much faith. So I started to think that maybe I was worth that faith. That I didn't have to be perfect; I had to try, and that was good enough."
"I only have two reactions to bad news. Uncontrollable rage and then a sharp left turn into boiling self-hatred."
"To love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be destroyed"
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blacklister214 · 11 months
The Little Mermaid: Mixed Review
I finally got around to seeing the Little Mermaid today and I must say my reaction was mixed. Overall all it was enjoyable and some of the updates were great but others were a bit perplexing. Let’s dive in! Yes, pun intended. 
1) Ariel’s mirror trick. Small change, but makes Ariel slightly more clever than lucking into catching Flounder on one side of the anchor, yanking him back and immediately giggling about near their death experience.
2) Eric’s updates. Eric from the original was cute, but the new movie gave him more depth. He saves dolphins! He’s trying to end isolationist policy and help his country through trade. He is an avid explorer and collector. He’s getting sick of the rules of his society. 
3) Eric get his own SONG which was great! The song itself was only fine, but that he got one was top notch. 
4) Halle’s voice, particularly in Part of Your World was amazing!
5) Ariel’s sisters. It’s nice we got to see her interact with them. I also liked that they have their own seas that they each manage.
6) Gorgeous CGI. I thought Under the Sea in particular looked fantastic, despite my other issues with the scene. The final battle with Ursula also was cool. The Mermaid bodies were STUNNING!
7) Ariel experiencing moments of doubt and nearly backing out the contract. Makes her seem smarter than the original Ariel.
8) Ariel’s Relationship with Eric. Because of the Eric updates they seem to actually more in common that both being pretty, pro-animals royalty and Florence nightingale syndrome. They also got more time together.
9)  Grimsley’s updates. A Grimsley who is aware of Eric mood shifts, breaking rules to see him happy, and uncool with his sudden engagement to Vanessa is a Grimsley I love and respect.
10) Blood magic versus signing a contract closes the “Why doesn’t she just write it down?” loophole. Clearly merpeople have linguistical magic speaking, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to writing. 
11) Consequence song. Having Ariel reflect that surrendering her voice maybe hadn’t been so smart was nice. Go self-reflection!
12) Ariel getting to her travel checklist: Fire and dancing in particular.
13) Eric’s ability to understand sea creatures is consistent. Very clever way to have him learn Ariel’s name. 
14)  Update to Kiss the Girl about asking if you are not sure someone wants to kiss you. Consent is so so nice! 
15) Scuttle Butt song. I thought it was fun, and definitely the most memorable of the new stuff. 
16) Cutting the Sebastian vs crazy chef scene. Can’t say I missed that.
17) Ariel being the one to break the necklace. As long as it isn’t messing with the story, I’m all for empowering the heroine.
18) Ariel’s electrocution. They are electric eels after all, and seems like a nice touch of cruelty. 
19) Casting. Loved everyone. Scuttle, Ursula, Grimsley, and Vanessa in particular killed it. 
1) Eric is adopted and it goes NO WHERE. I don’t know why it was thrown in there, except to explain how a white boy is a prince in a tropical island nation. If you are going to do colorblind casting, then DO it. It’s a fantasy country. It can be however diverse you want it to be! 
2) Ariel knowing the ship was used for war and the words “feet” “fire” and “mirror” but not having visited the surface before. Scuttle doesn’t know shit so where did she pick up those vocab words?
3) Scuttle intro. Scuttle is a seagull and she should not be having underwater conversations. Also she eats a fish right in front Ariel and Flounder. Since we don’t ever address what mermaids eat, make a big deal about humans eating fish, and are inconsistent about intelligent vs unintelligent ocean creatures we really should not being eating fish in front of the talking fish. 
4) Siren song is real. They changed lyrics to make consent be a thing and then implied Ariel has vocally hypnotized Eric. Sebastian said she did it to “save his life,” but he seemed to be breathing before. He looked like he was slowly re-gaining consciousness. We saw no wound closing and her lyrics weren’t about healing a la Tangled. If the thing Ursula does is a different use of sirens voice they should have clarified that better.
5) Half-Assing Eric’s country and the Mermaid Society Situation. Eric is dismissive, but the sailors are in the know about the coral moon and the power of the siren song. Both real things. The queen is aware of “Sea Gods.” Some supernatural force seemingly causing the shipwrecks. Was it Triton? He seems upset about the reef damage, which is odd if he is causing the wrecks. Was is Ursula? It is just bad luck? Who killed Ariel’s mother?
6) Under the Sea with no chorus of fish singing just doesn’t sound as good. Nobody is doing anything Sebastian is talking about. Dolphins aren’t “the fish in the see is happy and off through the waves they roll.” Dolphins are mammals and they eat the not so happy fish. Weird to show them during that line.   
7) Ariel’s not acting “in love” in front of her sisters, prompting the Triton’s convo with Sebastian.  
8) Skulls littering Ursula’s cave. Hard to see how Ariel is remotely fooled by the “I’m just misunderstood” routine when she enters swimming over hundred of mermaid skeletons. Also Ursula is literally playing with a skull during her song.
9) Half-Assing Ursula’s backstory. You can’t just throw out there that she is Ariel’s aunt and not follow up. Especially since they are different species. 
10) Ariel doesn’t reference losing her home, her family or her best friend Flounder in Poor Unfortunate Souls. What’s up with that?
11) The whole “forget the kiss” line in the contract. The reason Triton can’t override the contract is that it is magically binding. Ursula shouldn’t be able to change the terms. Also it seems to keep wiping her memory which is a weird thing to have built in when the sea witch didn’t know Flounder and Sebastian were there. To make it worse, I don’t see the point. Would Ariel have been a bad person if she wanted Eric to kiss her so she could stay human? Not to me, especially considering he is part of the reason she wants to stay human.  
12) Ursula monologues and talks to her tentacles like she is Doc Oc, but not to her eels. Where’s the relationship? She needs to FREAK OUT about her babies. That needs some set-up.
13) Inconsistent treatment of Ariel being able to hear her friends in the “Kiss the Girl” scene. Sebastian’s goes “Ariel doesn’t want us to interfere so we will use nature noises!” and then sings in front of her and she doesn’t care.
14) Eric’s Mom going from “GROSS SEA CREATURE!” to “WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!“ quickly and seemingly without reason. 
15) The mermaid court being nowhere when Ariel is missing. The king of all the merpeople sends out his other six daughters and that’s it. 
16) Triton doesn’t make a contract to free Ariel, he just hands over the superweapon to the already powerful lunatic with no guarantees on his daughter’s safety. Hercules negotiated better. 
17) The final showdown. Where are Ariel’s sisters? Having them there would have created enough of a distraction for Ariel AND Eric to be the awesome tag-team power couple and together stop Ursula. We need something for Trident to respect him for other than his throwing a spear and witnessing Ariel being awesome.  
18) Triton being murdered then resurrected rather than transformed in a lowly sea barnacle. If mermaids can be resurrected why didn’t they do that with the mother?  
19) Final Scene. Getting married after the three days and on land of all places. Wrong on multiple levels. No modern princess should be marrying after three days. Just have them go off on a diplomatic/trade missions and dad and everyone shows up to say good bye/indicate a societal alliance. Also how rude to have a wedding where the bride’s family can’t attend. Just no. Finally having them also pop up closer to the shore than Ariel, literally in boats and nobody but Ariel is reacting. How did they ALL sneak by her? 
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petitelepus · 1 year
Hi! Could I get a TWST matchup if that's alright? (I'd prefer none of the freshman, but the staff are open game!)
I'm a girl, 4'11" and 90 lbs (am smol ;-;), and a Gemini. I have pale skin, hazel eyes and short black hair.
I'm in school for a degree in Marine Biology and hope to land a job working at an aquarium! (Catch me swimming with sharks in the future.)
Personality wise I'm EXTREMELY introverted and can easily spend all day in my room. I'm very shy initially, but once I'm in a comfortable environment I'm what could be called a 'class clown'. My sense of humor is inappropriate and I cuss a lot, and I tend to be bratty just because I think it's fun.
Despite being a huge introvert, I actually love to perform. I'm a trained singer and can act as well, so I love being in plays. (My favorite roles have been Alice in Alice in Wonderland, Vivian in Legally Blonde, and Snow White in Into the Woods). I also like to write songs as well, but it's been a while since I've written one and I'm DEFINITELY rusty.
I ADORE horror movies and games. I get all kinds of inspiration from creepy stuff and often incorporate it into my writing. I get scared pretty easily though for such an avid horror fan like,, you'd think I'd be immune.
I'm a picky eater and am insecure about it, so dates at restaurants tend to make me nervous. I have big food texture aversion and would rather starve than eat something with a nasty texture.
I'm really high maintenance skincare wise and have such a problem buying masks and lotions and such. But ya know what it could be drugs, so-
My love language is physical touch 1000%. I adore all physical touch and if I ever say I don't wanna cuddle YES I DO. I also just,, really enjoy being tickled it makes me feel so loved and soft inside so a boyfriend that would tickle me a lot would make me vvvv happy
That's all thank you in advance!
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I match you with Floyd Leech!
Aww, Sea Bunny, you're so tiny! You are also so small and shy when talked to, not that he had that chance yet, but you were far too cute to just simply ignore!
So you can try to run, but Floyd will ultimately catch you and when he does, he will throw you into the air and catch you as if you were a little child. This may or may not scare the living shit out of you, but Floyd finds your tears so irresistible. Want it or not, this is your life now.
No one can pinpoint when you and Floyd started seeing each other as an official couple. You were like fire and ice, small and big, beauty and the beast. You get my point. Apparently, opposites attract, and as you get to know each other you also get more comfortable with each other.
With enough time, Floyd learns about your little bratty clown act and he loves it almost as much as he loves seeing his little Sea Bunny, aka you, cursing up a storm and shooting inappropriate jokes left and right, but only at your friends.
It was Azul's idea to hire you as a singer for the Mostro Lounge, but it was Floyd who got you to take the gig, smiling and laughing at how you would make him jealous.
Write a song while thinking about him and he knows you wrote it while thinking about him, mainly because you described the lover in your song as "An asshole, all toothy grin, and no class, coming at me like an eel needing a meal!" Honestly, he is so happy, he will rush to the stage, pick you up and cover your face in huge showman kisses.
Once you are dating, you aren't getting just kisses, oh no! Floyd has absolutely no shame, he will come to your doorstep to whine for you to let him in so the two of you can do fun stuff together...!
Oh yes, the two of you will be playing horror games until late at night! Floyd finds horror as funny as a regular person would like comedy and the fact that you love horror also and fear it at the same time is just hilarious.
The young man will sneak his hand behind you and pinch your butt when you least expect it, making you shriek like a banshee and he laughs so hard he falls from your bed and rolls on the floor. Expect apology nibbles. Yes, nibbles, not kisses, but apology nibbles.
Floyd is a good cook once he gets in the mood to actually cook, but he will take notice of your pickiness and how you like your food to be served. It's the least he can do.
It's common knowledge that Mers have to protect their skin, even as humans, so they won't dry out. You and Floyd have a kind of symbiotic deal going on. You help him with skincare and he feeds you good food.
Floyd absolutely loves and adores you, and you are studying Marine Biology and he happens to be a Mer? This opportunity was too good for him to pass by so he gives you a potion so you can breathe underwater and takes you to see his homeland in the vast sea. It would be a great trip for you to also meet his parents! They are going to love you!
This Mer loves making you blush and he will turn extremely happy once he learns that you like being touched. Floyd's love language is 1 000% touching, hugging, tickling, biting, and kissing. Did I say biting? I meant nibbles.
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sweetleaf-cafe · 3 years
Floyd Crush/Relationship Headcanons
First off, if you've attracted this chaotic eel, good luck.
Once he's decided he's into you, or even before he realizes it, he's going to be extremely obvious.
Floyd will straight up attach himself to you.
Say goodbye to your personal space!
(Though if you were really uncomfortable, he would back off, a bit.)
He can and will squeeze you whenever you're in the vicinity, and if you're not, he'll probably just chase you down and do it anyways.
And if he surprises you or manages to get some sort of rise out of you while doing it?
Then it'll be extra fun in his book!... And you can expect it to become even more of an occurrence.
"Found you, Shrimpy! Lemme squeeze you~!"
When he squeezes you, he's still very firm in his grip, but usually not bone-crushing.
(It wouldn't be any fun if he broke his favorite Shrimpy.)
Well, unless he were very excited or if his mood was at some sort of extreme.
If so, you'll have to be quick to remind him that he's not trying to kill you, and if you don't, R.I.P. you.
Also, he doesn't particularly care where he squeezes you.
You could be giving a presentation in front of the entire school, and that wouldn't stop him.
He would just run up, pick you up, and run right off the stage or wherever you are with you in tow.
(Que Jade chasing after Floyd while Azul tries to get the chaos at the assembly under control.)
If Floyd wants his squeezes, he's getting his squeezes.
Overall though, as long as he isn't murdering you or you aren't super shy or easily embarrassed, hugs from Floyd are very fluffy!
Physical affection from Floyd is certainly not limited to squeezes though.
He loves draping himself on you like a freaking coat.
Only he's very heavy and chances are, you will topple under his weight.
If you do, will he bother to move from this position?
He's comfortable enough as is, as for you?
Pray you aren't in some sort of public space or a hallway.
Hope you can get comfy quick, because who knows how long you're going to be there?
And that's not the end of it, not by a long shot.
He'll also rest his head, arms, or whatever's most comfortable on your head.
If you're somehow taller than Floyd, then DOESN'T MATTER.
He'll just have you sit down first.
Or he'll even just straight up grab a box, stand on it, and rest himself on top of your head.
But if he can't do that, then your shoulders are pretty comfy too, right? :D
"Shrimpy! I'm tired.... lemme use you as a pillow!"
Overall, even before an official relationship starts, Floyd is already very physically affectionate with you.
And he will want your attention, like, all the time.
Whenever he can, he'll be looking for his favorite shrimpy.
Time spent together is spent doing all sorts of stuff, but Floyd is always going to looking to make it FUN.
He wants to play with Shrimpy!
Which somehow always ends with him chasing you around.
If he doesn't find whatever it is that you're doing interesting, he has absolutely no issue trying to find some way of distracting you from it.
What he'll do will certainly vary, but he'll often poke and prod you while complaining till he has your attention.
Or if he's really wanting your immediate attention, he'll just pick you up and carry you off to do whatever it is he wants to do.
At that point, good luck trying to get anything done.
And he'll also get rather possessive.
Does not like it at all if your friends get too close or they flirt with you.
Well, he doesn't like it if anyone pulls something like that if it's not him.
If someone gets a bit too close for comfort, Floyd will squeeze you, all the while sending a death glare towards the offender.
From there, he would be even clingier for the rest of the day, or even longer, depending on how you interacted with them.
And hid mood would also be rather foul.
If you were to ask him about it, he would be honest with you.
"They got too close to my Shrimpy."
If you ask him about since when you've been his Shrimpy, he'll shrug it off.
"Since I decided it."
He'll want a lot of cuddles from you, and somewhere along the line, he'll probably just trap you in his arms and stay like that until his mood shifts.
"I just wanna stay like this."
Floyd is also one to be very vocal about his love for you.
When he's not ranting to Azul and Jade about how adorable he thinks you are, he'll be telling it to your face.
He has absolutely no shame when it comes to this.
What he says will also differ.
Sometimes, it's remarks about how cute he thinks you are.
"Shrimpy is the cutest when they're jumping around like that~"
To other more upfront remarks.
"Because I wuv my Shrimpy~!"
Either way, he's very good about letting you know just the way he feels about you.
It's honestly endearing.
While many of these aren't said in super serious situations, he certainly means every word.
And if you're easily flustered, then he'll definitely notice that.
Once he does, prepare yourself, because you're in for one heck of a ride.
He'll be even more vocal about it, because he thinks that it's adorable when your face turns all red like that~
Throughout all this, eventually, Floyd will just decide he wants to make it official.
He's already aware that you two are essentially in a relationship, and the idea of being able to take it up a notch makes him feel all happy inside.
(The idea likely first being presented by Jade and Azul.)
If you think he's going to wait to tell you, YOU'RE WRONG.
The moment he decides this, he'll just barrel through to find you.
Once he does, he'll pick you up and twirl you around, seemingly happier than ever.
"Shrimpy! I was looking for you all over the place~! So I like you, I want you to stay with me, and I want to date you."
He'll be very upfront with it, not really leaving any room for interpretation.
And from there, he'll also tell you about all the little and big things he loves about you, already in a really great mood.
Should you accept, he'll legit start beaming.
That mood will certainly last awhile, so you can expect most people nearby to be breathing a sigh of relief.
They did not want to be around if things went awry.
Now that you're officially in a romantic relationship, somehow, he'll be even more affectionate.
He'll want kisses from you all the time.
And is not afraid to bug you for them.
"Shrimpy, I wanna kiss~!"
He loves it when you pepper his face with kisses, and any sort of affection you give him, he'll return it three-fold.
Whenever you kiss him, depending on his mood, it can go many different ways.
Still, a lot of the time, he'll be hungry for more.
So it's best to not kiss him a whole lot unless you're looking for a full-on make out session.
As for his erratic mood swings, you'll have to deal with that.
Sometimes, when his mood is sour, you'll be able to brighten it up with a kiss or something cute like that.
However, much of the time, he'll likely just get annoyed with you and will just want to be left alone.
Should you persist, it likely wouldn't really end well. When it comes to this, it's really best to just give him space when asks for it.
Once he's feeling better, he'll be sure to find you and hang out with you more, and will give you an apology if things didn't go so well.
Overall, things with Floyd are always a rollercoaster of emotions and will bring more than enough chaos in your life.
So once again, good luck with our eel boi!
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hotaru-no-yume · 3 years
Floyd Leech Relationship Headcanons
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I might do these headcanons for all of my biases, but ngl, it's kind of hard to imagine Floyd in a steady relationship. I love this chaotic eel, but if we consider his constantly changing mood, I have some doubts dhfjkgg Still, if he does get an s/o then...
Floyd isn't really the "romantic" type imo, but he is a bundle of chaotic energy that thinks he can squeeze his little shrimpy everyday now. Expect this tall eel to tackle you on sight, hugging you a little too hard and showering you with kisses, uncaring of the audience you may or may not have. He's just very touchy and clingy.
Unfortunately, Floyd's changing moods don't just disappear now that he has a partner. There are times where he'll get annoyed and ditch you, saying he wants to be alone or some other reason. It does hurt, but do remember that this is Floyd. Even Jade, who has been with him since they were little could not control his moods.
I think you'll need to have a lot of patience with Floyd. He's used to doing what he wants, he doesn't think about how it affects other people most of the time. If you snap and get mad at him, then his mood will sour and he'll immediately walk away from the argument. In any other situation, he may have gotten angry as well, but you're his little shrimpy aren't you? He'll exercise some restraint.
If you want Floyd to listen, then I think it's best to talk to him with a clear head. It can be a challenge- not to feel frustrated or upset, but if you're determined to stay, then explain it to him. Your thoughts, your feelings. About how his actions can sometimes hurt you and hope that he understands. Otherwise, the only other option is to break it off. (That's another can of worms I don't want to open ngl djjfjgg)
It will take time, but Floyd will come to understand. He starts to think about you more, even asks Jade and Azul on how to "make shrimpy smile more." You may or may not notice the subtle differences. He doesn't grip your hand too tightly anymore. His hugs aren't suffocating. He backs off if you don't like what he's doing. He asks what his little shrimpy wants to do instead of blatantly dragging you around everywhere.
He's still chaotic Floyd. Someone who changes his moods in the blink of an eye. But he learns to be more considerate. If his mood drops around you again, then expect a visit from him after he's feeling better. The eel may cook you dinner. Cuddle with you. Maybe even take you out for a swim. He will never say it directly, but it's his way of making it up to you.
And well...if he ever gets up in the middle of the night, patting your head as he stares at your sleeping face...if he ever whispers the words "I'm sorry" and "thank you"...that's his little secret.
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shroudcore · 3 years
Speak now, or forever hold your peace.
Summary: Ace, Rook, Epel, and Riddle failed to stop Eliza and Idia’s wedding. All hope is lost, and midnight is approaching. 
An angstier take on Ghost Marriage. Idia x GN!reader. Idia-centric. Reader is MC, or takes the role of MC in this story. (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Warnings: none
Wyd when you’re minutes away from receiving the literal kiss of death? Idia wished he could ask Threaddit. Of all ways to go, he never imagined getting kidnapped by a ghost princess and being forced to marry her. It was a dark but almost funny twist that wrote itself into his uneventful shut-in life. 
“The wait is over, my prince. It’s time for our vows!” Eliza told him, as if this were something to be happy about. It was absolutely baffling how she never noticed his tears today. His pleas fell to deaf ears as an ancient wedding march played, which sounded more like a funeral march. It was a fitting BGM. 
> Idia tried to escape, but was paralyzed on the floor and couldn’t move an inch! 
> We need a healer to come save us! 
> Someone with a skill to clear debuffs!
At first, he thought it was ridiculous for him to be chosen when Vil, Leona, and Malleus were right there. But now, he figured it was only right for an NPC like him to be sacrificed so that the heroes could shine. The problem was that there were no heroes here—everyone here was selfish. Besides, no one could really save him now. His schoolmates lay defeated on the floor, frozen by Eliza’s OP status effect. 
Ace-shi was tied up and silenced after “offending the princess”. He tried to speak, but only incoherent grumbling could be heard with that silvery, translucent gag in the way. 
Epel-shi followed after him, but started yelling and wildly waving his bouquet around after Eliza asked him to consider being a bridesmaid. He had to be restrained by the ghosts. 
Rook-shi almost did it, but was slapped after Eliza somehow felt that his words weren’t for her alone. 
Riddle-shi was rejected for being too short. He tried to reason with the princess, making her feel that he was too serious. He was slapped. 
These four would-be saviors were frozen on the floor like everyone who came before. The Headmaster was nowhere to be seen. Since he’d been kidnapped, Ortho had been trying to help. Unfortunately, his brother was unable to do much for him without anyone’s aid. He isn’t even here right now. Idia’s heart broke at the thought of his brother still gathering people to help him.
And you? He hadn’t seen you all day.
While he waited for a savior, Eliza waited for his “I Do.” When the clock strikes twelve, she would kiss him. Then, it would be Game Over. 
“I stand before this couple this day to unite them in the bonds of matrimony,” begins the ghost officiant. Idia thinks of his unfinished manga volumes, the anime he didn’t get to watch, the games he never got to play, and movie sequels he’d never get to see. Most importantly, he thinks of you—his unexpected friend. Or maybe the more appropriate word would be crush. These past few weeks, he strongly denied these feelings as if his life depended upon it. Maybe it did. 
“... if there be anyone present that may present a just and lawful cause why these two individuals may not be lawfully wed…”
It was totally lame, but yes—your rejection would Crit him. 
“... let them speak now or forever hold their peace.” 
If his schoolmates couldn’t do anything, he didn’t expect you, a magicless human to be able to stop this. Still, it would have felt better to see you try. So, where were you? Did you ever care for him at all, or did he overestimate your friendship points? 
“Do you, Idia Shroud, take Eliza as your lawful wife...”
Can someone crash through those doors right at this moment?
to have and to hold from this day forward—”
Maybe an explosion could happen in the middle of the cafeteria idk
“for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,”
Or the ground could crack open, sucking all the ghosts into the Underworld! 
in sickness and in health?” 
Anyone, please?
“Man, I’m so done with this!” Floyd whined, cutting off the vows and distracting the ghosts. Idia let himself exhale as he silently thanked the eel for interrupting. “When Mr. Firefly Squid gets a kiss, we get to go home, right? Get it done already.” Oh. Or maybe not.
“My back is starting to hurt from being stuck in the same position for so long. Give her a good peck on the lips while the gettin’s good,” said Lilia. What? I gamed with you! Traitor!
“Do as Lilia says! Hurry and give her a good peck!” yelled Sebek. This was followed by more jeers—more urging for him to just die already. 
Unbelievable. But he should’ve expected this from the beginning. This was why he hated people. None of them liked him, so none of them would care. It was fair, wasn’t it? There was no one he cared about in here. Only Ortho strongly protested against the wedding, but what could he do and where was he now? If only he knew this was going to happen, then maybe he could have installed some ghostbusting features into Ortho—like that one movie he watched!
In his desperation, he tried to appeal to the closest person to him in the room. “Azul-shi, we’re board game club buddies. Do something!” 
But his friend, if he could even be called that, only faked a sniffle. “I’m so moved I can barely see through my tears. Congratulations, you have my blessing!”
If Azul-shi, his closest in the room won’t and couldn’t help him, who would? He hoped it would be you, but that hope has long been squashed and only left him hating that he ever hoped at all. He must have bullied you too much while you were gaming. Did he overdo the trash talk? Was he too mean? (He swears it was all light-hearted!) Did he shut you out too much? Did you hate hanging out with him all along? Of course you would. 
Gaming together and talking on VC for hours, he supposed, weren’t enough to make you care if he lost his life tonight. 
Eliza talking about the kiss barely registered as a lone tear escaped his eye. 
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” If you were here, would you be chanting with them? Probably. It’s about time you showed your true colors too. 
“STOP CHEERING!” he yelled, anger flaring amidst his sadness. Did he deserve this? Did he deserve to be this hated?  
“Pay them no more mind, Idia. Midnight is here!” 
“Shut up, shut up! Can’t you see I don’t want this?”
But Eliza leans in, drawing closer and closer. Tears seep out of Idia’s eyes, weeping for things that never came to pass. No. No. No, he chanted in his head with his eyes closed, as if it could do anything. A chilly feeling begins to cover his face. This is it. GG. 
A sad and pathetic ending for a sad and pathetic shut-in boy. This was the only love he’ll ever get. Love wasn’t real. Heroes aren’t real. Dating sims aren’t reality. He should just—
“That voice!”
“Is it really…?”
Gasps and murmurs erupted in the hall at the sudden arrival of a figure clad in all-black. Beside them was Ortho, and at their feet was Grim. A large hat obscured their face, adding to the mystery of their person. The entire hall was awe-struck.
The ghosts whispered in confusion and alarm, but those who recognized the voice began hoping to be saved. Eliza, who’d been stunned into silence, quickly grew annoyed at the new interruption. 
“Who is that?” she asked him, but Idia couldn’t care about her. His heartbeat drummed in his ears. His blood was alive. There they were again—those butterflies you’ve been giving him… as cliché as that sounds. 
He watched you take off your hat as the hall greeted you with cheers. 
To be continued
This is my first post and I’m nervous as hell.
I’ve been seeing the “Yuu-crashes-Ghost-marriage” idea around and decided to write my (really long) version of it. (Seriously, it got really long ahaha) Thank you for reading. If you liked this, stay tuned for the next parts!
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
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dickpuncher420 · 3 years
hi ambre my love for writing prompts can i get uhhhhhh fairground ferris wheel zukka
As the Fire Lord, it’s rare that Zuko finds enough time to travel, especially at this time of year. But the spirits must have been feeling especially generous lately, because this is the longest he’s ever gone without an assassination attempt, his council has been uncharacteristically agreeable, and all of his current projects are moving smoothly along, without the need for his supervision—meaning that he’s free to take some time off, for once in his life, and finally experience this Glacier Spirits Festival that Sokka has told him so much about.
Sokka and Izumi have already been down in the Southern Water Tribe for a while, ever since Izumi started suddenly bending the tea out of their cups at breakfast one day, and they’re the first ones to greet him when his airship touches down on the outskirts of town. Izumi makes a face when Sokka pulls him in for a kiss—she’s getting to that age where everything her dads does embarrasses her—but then tugs insistently at Zuko’s robes until he reaches down to pick her up.
“Oof.” Zuko groans as he settles her onto his hip. “You’re getting a bit too big for this, ‘Zumi.”
Izumi pouts at him, her golden eyes big and imploring. “But Daddy does it all the time, and he never says I’m too big.”
“Does he now?” Zuko shoots Sokka a look, and Sokka grins sheepishly and shrugs. They’re going to have a talk about that later—he’s well aware that Izumi has the both of them wrapped around her little finger, but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn to tell her no sometimes.
He sets Izumi down after placing a kiss to the top of her head, and she holds his hand and chatters excitedly the whole way back to the house. Auntie ‘Tara has been teaching her some very basic waterbending control, mostly to keep her from getting into any future accidents—even Azula didn’t start learning actual bending techniques until she was six years old.
With the festival starting tomorrow, booths and attractions have been set up all over the centre of town, and Izumi eagerly points them out as they walk past. Zuko can practically feel the tension easing out of his shoulders by the minute—he doesn’t realize how much the crown weighs him down until he’s finally free of it, and now, with it safely stored in his rooms all the way back in the Fire Nation, he feels lighter than he has in ages.
Dinner is a quiet, simple affair. Sokka nabs the stewed sea prunes that Izumi has pushed to the sides of her bowl, and laughs at the face that Zuko makes when he bites down into one by accident. Even after all these years, he’s never quite been able to get used to the taste; never had to, really, since Sokka would always steal his right out of his bowl whenever he came to visit.
They put Izumi to bed once she starts nodding off in her seat, and then spend a few more hours talking quietly, curled up together next to the hearth. Zuko heats his hands and massages Sokka’s leg without being asked—the break is old and fully healed, but Zuko knows that the cold still gets to it sometimes—and Sokka sinks back into his furs with a grateful groan.
“You’re the best husband ever, you know that?”
“Mhm,” Zuko says, smiling. “You could stand to say it more often, though.”
They’re awoken in the morning—or what passes for the morning, this close to the solstice—by Izumi, who leaps onto their bed, squealing about the festival. She barely gives them time to eat breakfast before she’s ushering them out the door, one hand clasped in each of her fathers’ hands, dragging them along as fast as her little legs will go.
Zuko catches Sokka’s eye as they walk and grins. He can’t help it—Izumi’s excitement is infectious.
She totes them along as they go from booth to booth, trying out the fried eel-squid here, admiring the beadwork of a young vendor there. At one of the game stands, Sokka wins her a stuffed sky bison plushie, which she immediately names Baby Appa—or Bappa, for short. Zuko complains that it sounds too much like Baba, and Sokka just laughs and wins him one too, if only to shut him up.
There’s something comforting about the anonymity of the festival. Here, he’s not the Fire Lord. Here, he’s just a man, enjoying the Glacier Spirits Festival with his family, just like any regular person. He’s not the only foreigner, either: in the years since the end of the war, the festival has expanded enough that people from beyond the Water Tribes have become regular visitors as well. Nobody even spares Zuko, with his pale skin and mottled scar, a second glance—especially not when his hair has been braided back like this, in a traditional Water Tribe style.
Zuko doesn’t often regret being the Fire Lord, at least not anymore. Sure, it’s tedious and tiring and stressful, but he’s always proud of his work, and there isn’t a single person in the world that he would rather have take his place.
It’s at times like this, though—with Sokka’s hand in his, and Izumi bounding ahead to marvel at the ferris wheel that towers over the rest of the town—that he wishes he could leave all the pomp and circumstance behind and just be Zuko.
Izumi waves them over, practically vibrating with excitement, and begs them for a ride on the ferris wheel. Unable to deny her anything, Zuko dutifully hands over a few copper pieces to the operator, and the next thing he knows they’re being strapped into the strange metal contraption, Izumi safely wedged between him and Sokka.
Snowflakes begin to fall as they wait for the rest of the seats to be filled. Izumi kicks her feet excitedly, eyes wide, and sticks her tongue out in an attempt to catch a few. Zuko laughs and joins her, and he’s so intent on his snowflake-catching that the sudden jolt of the ferris wheel kicking into motion catches him off guard, and he yelps and clutches at Sokka’s arm.
“Scared?” Sokka teases, and Zuko gives him a half-hearted smack.
“Are you scared, Baba?” Izumi says, adorably earnest in the way that small children are. “You can hold my hand.” She holds out a small gloved hand, and Zuko smiles at her and takes it, wondering if she can sense the way it feels like his heart is melting in his chest. He can feel people’s inner fire—surely waterbenders must be able to do something similar?
“Thank you, ‘Zumi,” he says, and she beams.
The ferris wheel creaks and groans as it carries them up, and back down, and back up again. Sokka assures them that it’s perfectly safe—he’d looked over the plans and supervised its assembly himself—and Zuko finds himself relaxing into the motion of it, chuckling at the way Izumi’s eyes go wide whenever they reach the top of its cycle.
Eventually, the ferris wheel slows and shudders to a stop—and it’s just their luck that they happen to be sitting at the very top of it when it does. Like this, they have the entire town spread out before them, with all its lights and colours and the crowds of people milling about. It makes Zuko feel strangely small, but small in that way that he likes, in the way that makes him feel like just Zuko.
And maybe it’s only temporary, but—he glances over at Sokka, at Izumi, both staring down at the world below with wonder in their eyes—he thinks he can let himself enjoy being just Zuko, just for a bit.
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merakiui · 1 year
I’ve been thinking a lot how Jade would become fascinated by the human body. His darling can just be minding their business (or napping :0) and he takes their hand and studies it intently. Humans are so weird and so… interesting?? Soft noncon with Jade orz ^^
Also your tags on pregnancy with Floyd oml — imagine being his assistant as he’s a crime lord who has been with him through thick and thin. You’re essentially a glorified secretary and maid for him but the pay and security is good so you can’t complain too much. Being with him for years has allowed him to develop an unhealthy obsession with you. Even more so when he starts viewing your body as something enticing. And he’s a greedy, spoiled eel who always gets what he wants :)))
:0 omg Little Mermaid concept where you’re caught in a terrible storm and Jade saves you and brings you to shore, but you’re just such an interesting sight. He’s never seen a human this closely before (at least a human who’s alive and breathing and isn’t decaying deep within the sea…), so naturally he’s overwhelmed with curiosity. Your hands are so small and soft, and they don’t have any webbing or claws! Your teeth are far more blunt than his sharpened, needle-pointed ones.
And of course the strangest part of all is your legs. He pokes and prods at them while you’re unconscious, his head tilted the entire time he tries to work out what these things are used for. Your feet don’t seem as strong as his tail fin, but then maybe they aren’t used for swimming? Maybe, since you’re a terrestrial creature, it’s for walking. That sounds reasonable! He couldn’t ever imagine walking himself! That feels impossible, but if he ever got the chance he’d try with sheer determination. >:) in the end, Jade’s so curious he ends up sticking a few fingers in your hole, spreading it wide to look inside. Curiosity is a nasty vise, but the way you squeeze his cock when he pushes in so gently is even tighter. He’s gone before you can wake up, hiding amongst rock formations, invigorated with a feeling he’s never felt before. He’s fallen in love.
And crime boss Floyd with his cute, powerless assistant!!!! He adores you, even if you’re so focused on finishing your work as quickly as possible so he won’t find fault and get upset with you. But Floyd could never be angry at his favorite secretary. He loves teasing you. After you’ve cleaned up the blood from a previous…disagreement he’s had, he makes you service him. Give him a kiss or give him head. >:) your technique may be sloppy or inexperienced, but Floyd loves it. He’ll give Shrimpy lots of praise and compliments—and the occasional teasing, degrading remark—but he means well. And since you’re so obedient for him, bound to him via a contract Floyd could care less about, you’ll spread your legs like a good secretary and let him cum inside, right? You’ll come to his room every night so he can fuck you until you’re finally pregnant, right? You don’t have much say either way, and if a loaded gun or a knife is pointed at you… Obviously the only answer is to listen to what he tells you. <3
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sttarkeys · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭: 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 (part one)
summary: eight years ago veronica was lost in a world that was the unknown. she is now found by her one one true love in a whole new universe where she has been living for the past eight years.  pairing: peter parker! andrew garfield x original character (OC) warnings: fluff, swearing i think, NWH spoilers  fandom: Marvel, MCU  word count:  requested?: No 
please do not use or share on any other platform. 
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2014 New York City, USA 
Veronica never knew that her life after high-school was going to be like this, with just graduating high-school she was on here way to MIT and she was wanting nothing more then to live out the remaining months in New York to the best that she could. The blonde haired girl had been through a lot within the past few months, with the ending of Dr. Connors rage and almost turning the entire city into lizards along with her uncle George Stacey being killed in the process there was more then just one more emotion that was running through her veins right now. 
Her relationship with Peter Parker was more then what it truly intended to be at the begining of their friendship. At the begining it was Veronica looking out for the boy who was tremendously bullied and tormented by the other kids who also attended Midtown High. Then his uncle Ben died that is when Peter needed someone more then anything. That was where it began for the two of Veronica Owens and Peter Parker. Their relationship was the quite cliché, the two of the liking one another but no one made a move until Veronica asked Peter to come to her home for dinner since it was her birthday. And on this night they share their first kiss and along with that Veronica learned that Peter B Parker was indeed the one and only Spider-Man. And in that moment Veronica Owens truly learned who Peter was that night. Even though that he lost Ben weeks beforehand he was still able to keep to his true self whilst slowly becoming the savior that New York truly needed. 
From that night on her entire world was changed some for the better and some for the worst.  - So now that there has been a recap of everything that has happened within the past year a half lets go to now. Peter was currently fighting his childhood best-friend Harry Osborne who has sadly allows himself to go down the same way that his old man Norman Osborne did months beforehand. The Green Goblin was Harry’s new name and everyone was in danger of what was happening, along with Harry there was electro, who’s real name is Max, the guy had fallen into a bail of eel's and truly the rest is quite history for him. Right now one of the only things that were running through the blonde girl’s mind was. ‘I should have gone when I had the chance.’ But there was no way that she was going to leave Peter to fight on his own, even though he was more then capable.  One thing lead to another though and she was now in Harry’s grasp, this is one of the things that she had fear would happen to her. And so did Peter, she was one of the only people who he had left in his life right now and he could not loose her.  “Harry, you don’t have to do this.” Peter yelled out Harry as he held onto Veronica loosely. Harry just looked down and laughed at the boy who was dressed in the Spider-Man suit.  “She has done nothing wrong, just let her go.” 
Ever heard of famous last words? Yeah me too and those were Peter’s. Veronica looked at Harry to see if there was any humanity left in the boys face, and she plead with her eyes, begging for him not to let go.  “Please, don’t do-” And with one swoop Harry had let go of the blonde girl, she was falling between both Harry and Peter, the spandex cladded boy jumped from where he was and he reached out for his true love- But before we get to the part that I know you all are wanting to see let me tell you something. Veronica is a scientist and she has always believed that there is something beyond the world that she lives in, multiverse per-say. And with being a scientist came research and experimenting. And without her knowing days ago the blonde girl had opened up her world to something that she never knew could be possible and right now she was going to meet her demise. 
Veronica continued to fall fast towards Peter but there was a weird sensation that was running through her veins and she didn’t know how to feel whatsoever. And that was when one by one the cells in her body started to disappear from one another, she was starting to become no more in this world. She was so close to Peter but she was gone before he could catch her in his arms to safety.
Veronica Owens was no more and there was nothing that Peter could do to stop it or bring her back, he had no idea at the research that she was taking upon herself to do. All he wanted was his Veronica back. He had already lost so much within the past few months that his here was going to break him even more.
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
Breathing Room
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Warnings: fluff, no plot just brainrot,  lowkey horn knee, feral and angry Taku coming from nine o’clock because I squeezed too much of her favorite tropes into this
Summary: Humans are strange. Their hobbies and customs are bewildering, but nothing Jade couldn’t handle as he was quick to adapt. Sometimes, he might even partake in said activities. Case in point with hiking. And you, knowing Jade for a decent amount of time as his significant other, came to terms with the fact that he would decline a request to participate in something that didn’t pique his interest. So when you proposed that he play the pocky game with you, you were certain that he would decline. But he didn’t.
A/N: Happy birthday to the Jade simp, @takuyakistall​~! I’m so sorry that this was posted late but you’re already wary of that and thank you for supporting me through such a tough time. Ahhh life just doesn’t want me to simp for my hair wife! I tell you this a lot but I’ll say it again: I’m quite attached to you since you were my first tumblr friend. I didn’t have any in real life or online friends who like twst before meeting you so you mean a lot to me as my first. You always make me laugh whether it be bullying you or rotting over our mains together. Even when we get serious, I still love talking to you. You’re that amazing.  I hope you have an amazing day, one just as amazing as you are. Eat lots of cake and pocky. I love you ♡
“Jade,” you said, tugging at his sleeves.
He sighed through his strained smile as he set down a glass he was polishing. He tucked his hair behind his ear and dusted off his slacks as if he was brushing away invisible crumbs off the garment. It was an ungodly hour. He was working overtime for Mostro Lounge. Today was unusually busy. As vice prefect, Jade took it upon himself to bite off more than he could chew. And he could chew a lot actually. He was a moray eel with two sets of jaws and an immense appetite. In his human form, he only had one set of jaws yet the appetite remained.
The lounge was deserted. Students shuffled to the mirror chambers and headed to their respective dorms to retire for the night. Jade, on the other hand, was sitting on a barstool with an array of glasses and creased brows. You sat by his side, doing your assignments and engaging him in idle chatter here and there. He had promised to help you with your alchemy homework, but alas his duties called for him. In a way. You didn’t mind per se since he helped you understand the material within minutes during his short-lived breaks.
They were about three minutes long and Jade only took two breaks ever since his shift started. You weren’t an expert at reading people like he was, but even you could tell he could use some rest or a pick-me-up at least. Perhaps the latter. Jade was stubborn. He wasn’t going to head to his bedroom until he was done.
“Yes, (y/n)?”
You reached into your book bag and pulled out a small box of biscuits– pocky to be exact. You held it in front of his gaze. He cocked his head.
“Let’s play the pocky game.”
“Maybe later. We can play after I finish. Or tomorrow. It’s late so you should return to your living quarters and get some rest,” Jade said as he turned his attention to his task.
“Please? Think of it as a break. Your last one was about three hours ago.”
“Well, if you put it like that then I shall indulge you, my dear.”
Heat rose to your cheeks as he spun the barstool to make direct eye contact with you. You avoided his gaze as you opened the box, selecting a random stick of pocky and holding it in front of him. He took it and examined it with a perplexed expression.
“What is this?”
“Which is?”
“It’s like a cookie biscuit thing with a chocolate covering,” you said, getting yourself your own stick.
“I see. So this ‘pocky’ edible.”
“Yes,” you nodded, biting the pocky.
He mirrored your actions. You watched him chew it thoroughly. His eyes wandered around the ceiling of the lounge. You held your breath as he closed his eyes and exhaled.
“It’s delectable.”
Your shoulders relaxed and he chuckled under his breath. It would have been disappointing if Jade didn’t like pocky. That would mean you couldn’t persuade him to play the pocky game. You looked into his eyes lovingly while he nibbled on the remainder of the stick.
“And what is ‘the pocky game’?” Jade mused.
You took out another biscuit. His brows arched as you waited for him to swallow the last bit of his current pocky stick.
“The objective of the game is to be the last to hold onto the stick as we each take a bite and move closer to the center. Whoever is the last to pull away wins. You take one end and I’ll take the other. I’ll let you have the chocolate end because it’s your first time playing.”
“My, my how kind of you. I almost thought you were the headmaster. All you needed was to comment on your kindness.”
“Ha ha,” you deadpanned.
He brought his hand to chin. He feigned curiosity.
“Though… if you wanted to kiss me you could have just said, (y/n),” Jade gave you a toothy grin, ones he shot at the poor unfortunate freshmen souls that tried to escape the conditions of Octavinelle’s yearly exam contracts before chasing them down the hallways with his brother.
“I-I.. It would be more fun?”
“I jest, my pearl. There’s no shame in wanting to engage in intimacy. I shall indulge you. Though, I have a feeling that I will win every round– seeing as you get flustered even when I embrace you without warning fufu~”
There was not a shred of innocence in his voice. Jade knew where this was going. He was going to do everything in his power to win. He was good at that sort of thing, small ministrations that drove you wild.
When he found out that you were sensitive to neck kisses, chaste or not, he greeted you every morning outside of your first period threshold with a peck on the side of your neck. The first time he did that, you were reduced to a puddle of empty thoughts, a spasm of spiraling emotions and heated cheeks. The following incidents featured your hand instinctively shooting to the spot he kissed, cheeks still hot and bothered. When you had adapted to his rhythm, he kissed your neck in the halls, during lunch, and when he walked you back to your dorm. They were spontaneous and sporadic. They ceased when winter began and you wore a scarf around your neck all day, every day. Of course, that was months ago. The routine faded as your relationship developed. Jade had his share of teasing and came to understand that setting your nerves on fire on a daily basis despite your protests wasn’t exactly healthy. He also came to understand how people might get the wrong idea from neck kisses. He teased you for hours on end for being so lewd, but digressed when you were on the verge of tears due to embarrassment. That didn’t stop his other methods of teasing, but at least you were free from public surprise neck kisses.
Jade loved to tease. He was good at it too. He knew you and your ticks like the back of his hand. You were certainly going to lose this game, but it was better not to let your true feelings show and give him the upper hand.
You inserted the biscuit between Jade’s lips and took a deep breath before taking your end. It was more so a hybrid of a deep breath and a yawn. It was late after all.
Jade’s eyes widened and the stick broke in half. Your eyes widened as well.
“You’re supposed to hold onto the stick for a long as you can, silly.”
He closed his eyes: “Yes, my bad. Shall we try again?”
“One to zero,” you said as you slipped a biscuit into his lips.
“Did that count?”
“Of course it does.”
He pouted as you inhaled and exhaled deeply before taking your end of the pocky. It snapped immediately.
“Jade,” you whined, drawing out the last syllable of his name.
“Apologies, my dear. It seems to be instinctive for me to bite the stick.”
“You can bite. It’s just that the pocky keeps breaking in half whenever you bite it. Maybe try to be more gentle?”
“Two to zero.”
“You’re so cruel, (y/n).”
You giggled as you handed him the stick. He pursed his lips and held the stick out for you to take a bite from your end. You closed our eyes and opened your mouth to take a deep breath once more and the stick snapped before you knew it.
You looked up at Jade to see the pocky awkwardly sticking out of his hand which was covering his face. Mostro Lounge’s dim lights made it difficult to make out many details, but you were positive that Jade Leech was profusely blushing.
“C-Could you not do that*?”
“Do what?”
What could have possibly reduced him to such an adorable state? He’s usually so composed. He was never this flustered. Out of all the times you tried to get him to break, he was resilient. And here you were, not having any idea as to what you did to make him blush.
“O-Open your mouth.”
A yawn escaped from your lips. Jade spun the bar stool around and stared at the glasses with sudden interest.
“Could you not do that?”
He nodded.
He mumbled something under his breath.  
“(y/n), you should have just asked for a kiss.”
The eel stood up curtly from his seat. He towered over you and his eyes glowed in the dark lighting. He pulled out a pocky stick from the box in your petite hands and slipped it in between your lips. There was a small pause before he came crashing down. If he hadn’t been holding your shoulders so firmly, you might’ve fell over from the force that he exerted. He came barreling towards your lips. You weren’t sure if he had even bit the pocky. You felt it snap, but when you parted your mouth to allow his tongue to entangle with yours, you could not find a single trace of the biscuit. The flavor lingered in his mouth, but the pocky itself was nonexistent. Did he swallow it whole?
He did not leave your mind to wander too far from him. He kissed you hungrily and nipped at your lips. His sharp teeth grazed your flesh and you mewled into the kiss. You could hear him growl faintly as he held onto your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He tiled your head for a better angle. You pushed him away. You needed to catch your breath.  A string of saliva fell from your lips.
“Jade,” you gasped as he nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck.
“It would be in your best interest if you don’t do that again, especially during mating season. I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself next time. I might break you in half, dearest.”
Your cheeks flushed as you nodded absentmindedly. Mating season?
He bit your neck.You yelped and wriggled out of his embrace.
“Jade!” you hissed, clutching your neck.
“Consider that a small price to pay,” he chuckled.
You huffed.
“I win this time,” he said.
“Yeah, yeah…”
He packed the glasses onto a shelf.
“You’re free to go now. I’ve finished here so you don’t have to keep me company anymore. Would you like me to escort you?”
“No, it’s fine,” you said, trying to stifle a yawn.
“Goodnight, (y/n).”
“Goodnight, Jade. See you tomorrow.”
Though you had agreed not to yawn, it escaped your lips. Luckily, your back was facing Jade as you exited the lounge so he didn’t see you yawn, but rather heard you yawn. You heard a distant bang on the counter as well as a faint “dammit” from a voice you knew all too well.
It took every fiber in your body to restrain yourself from turning around. You knew all too well that if you turned around, he would’ve rushed towards you and snapped you in half just like a pocky stick. It was best to give him a little breathing room even if you were hot and bothered yourself.
*Note: To initiate the mating process, moray eels open their mouths very wide at each other to signal the start of it. This trait carries over to when (y/n) yawns as Jade took it as a sign for his eel-y instincts.
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dwellordream · 2 years
kilig jaime/cersei
kilig (tagalog, n.) - the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, usually when something romantic takes place
Jaime only realizes the serving wench who's brushed past his table three times now is Cersei when the torchlight of the inn momentarily catches at her golden hair.
Most of it is hidden under a faded kerchief, but he sees it wink at him for a moment, and then he pushes up from the table with a jolt, almost upsetting his drink.
Now that he cares about that; it might as well be ashes in his mouth compared to Cersei. She glances back at him; she's painted her face cheaply, the way whores sometimes do, but also, he thinks, to hide her age.
Powdered and rouged she could pass for a few years older than fifteen. He starts towards her, trying to hide his grin; she darts out of the common room and down a narrow passageway.
He follows her, almost running, into the inn's yard, where the air reeks of pigs and shit. It does matter, though, once he's grabbed hold of her slim waist and pulled her into his arms. He rips the kerchief off her head; she swats at him ineffectively, then curses like a man when he tosses it into the pig pen.
"You ass," she says, when she tears her mouth away from him. "I have to hide my hair somehow, and I won't be putting that back on now!"
"We'll find a pillowcase for you to veil yourself with on the way back," he sniggers, and she smacks him again, but then smiles, pushing her head against his chest like a purring cat. They hold one another for a moment; it's been half a year since they laid eyes upon each other.
"You're very tall now," she breaks the silence first. "What have they been feeding you back home, halfmen?"
Jaime chuckles at her jape, though for an instant his thoughts flash to Tyrion, who begged to be allowed to come along as his squire. And he is of an age to be a page boy. But that will never be; his brother will never swing a sword nor ride a horse into battle.
Jaime feels sorry for him, but he is also a little relieved. At least he doesn't have to worry about Tyrion getting himself hurt. It's been draining enough to know that Cersei is here at court.
Sometimes he has violent, jealous dreams of her besieged by suitors without him. In most of the dreams she is in distress and thrilled when he arrives, armor gleaming, to save her from their advances. In a few, though, he finds her locked in passion with any number of mystery men, but he always wakes before he needs come to grips with it.
Pushing that out of his head, he kisses her again, soundly, and says, "You're very womanly now."
"Typical," she rolls her eyes, though he can tell she is pleased he's noticed she finally has breasts now.
She used to constantly bemoan her lack of them, to the point where he once snapped when they were thirteen and told her that he'd love her even if she was flat as a boy for the rest of their lives.
She seemed to like that, then, and eagerly asked to try on some of his clothes, which he conceded to, but he wouldn't let her touch his sword or daggers.
"You are," he insists, and sniffs her hair. "And you smell nice, even if you're dressed like a whore."
"You're as charming as ever," she pulls on his earlobe, but pecks him on the cheek. "I don't want to pretend to be a whore. I'm a mummer, I'm going to be a famous one, the best singer in Eel Alley, and you're a butcher's son who's besotted with me."
Jaime scoffs, though he's deliberately dressed in his plainest clothes, shades of green and brown, and hidden his distinctive hair under a cap. "Why do I have to be the butcher's son? Why I can't be a mummer, too?"
She laughs, high and tinkling, and loops her arm through his. "Because I'm ever so much better at it."
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twstdreams · 4 years
HC for enemies--friends--lovers please! With Epel, Ace, Floyd💛
Everyone is a sucker for enemies to friends to lovers, including me, but that is quite a long process so I changed it to enemies to friends to crush! I hope you enjoy it.
Warning: Floyd’s section contains bullying and not respecting personal boundaries, long post
Includes spoilers for episode 1
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Epel Felmier
You two start off on the wrong foot when Epel thinks you’ve misgendered him. You were pointing towards him and giggled with your friend, saying, “She’s so cute!”
Epel immediately shuts you down and tells you that he’s a man
Being called out so publicly shocks you, especially since you were referring to the familiar beside him. But eyes are starting to linger your way, so you decide to stay silent. Besides, why was he even listening in to your conversation?
Epel is annoyed because he takes your silence for shame. You feel uncomfortable because of both the unwanted attention and the fact that Epel confronted you so publicly instead of approaching you personally, preferably without the class staring.  
Neither of you make an effort to approach the other, perfectly content staying in your own circles until you’re forced to be lab partners. It’s a little awkward but you both know Crewel doesn’t give easy assignments, so you put aside memories of your first impressions of each other.
Here and there little bits of conversation sneak in. Discussing the latest assignment while waiting for something to reduce, complaining about the mess the ghost wedding made while distilling this or that, talking about favourite foods in the cafeteria while sharing notebooks to write down qualitative and quantitative observations
The two of you find out your common interests and take turns letting each other gush. Your relationship with Epel improves and your feelings towards him morph into something more pleasant
At the end of the experiment, you get the courage to sincerely apologize and clear air. From there, the two of you become friends.
You encourage him to go for a manly aesthetic if that’s what makes him happiest while providing your opinions to help him widen his viewpoint. He appreciates the support and discovers more sides to you as your friendship continues
He loves the way your eyes sparkle when he carves all sorts of creations out of apples but crinkles his nose when you suggest he make one that looks like a Nashi pear
You two sneak out and have yakiniku to celebrate the end of exams! 
Epel feels like he can be himself without reservation around you. He’s never been one for romance or flowery gestures, but as much as he’s nervous to admit it, the feelings he has for you have bloomed into something beyond friendship. And the nervous butterflies that erupt in his stomach every so often aren’t from some botched potion either
You admire Epel’s persistence and hardworking spirit, but even more than that you crave his attention and affection in a unique way. You see Epel’s apparent distaste for romance when topics like true love’s kiss or love poems come up, so you hide your feelings. Unfortunately, even in the darkness, they continue to grow
Ace Trappola
When you first meet Ace Trappola, you are not impressed. He radiates little sibling energy in the worst way. You can just feel that he was the youngest that tried to get away with everything with sweet words and a cheeky smile
His lack of filter is annoying but more importantly he seems to be on Riddle’s hit list. With hopes of avoiding getting collared by the dorm leader, you swiftly avoid the troublemaker. Someone who nearly got expelled and subsequently punished by Riddle on the same day was not someone you wanted to hang out with.
Unfortunately, luck is not on your side. You were minding your own business while tending to the flamingoes only to find yourself suddenly embroiled in his harebrained scheme to skip chores. 
Ace pretends to help you out but Riddle catches him in the act and now the two of you are in trouble! You, for hiding Ace, and him for trying to avoid his responsibilities. The hundreds of rules you have to copy by hand are enough to fuel your hatred for the redhead 
You actively avoid Ace until he stands up to the dorm leader. Quite frankly, since he needed to punch Riddle to get the message through, his communication skills definitely leave something to be desired. However, his action, as clumsy as they were, bring about good change for the dorm and Riddle
You’re still a little weary, Riddle isn’t that lenient even after relaxing and Ace is as blunt as ever, but you have a newfound understanding of Ace
The two of you get closer bit by bit. One day, you’re partners to paint roses, having fun practicing casting spells and perhaps keeping quiet about a hedgehog that turned lilac for a bit. 
The next day, you’re casually chatting while playing croquet at an Unbirthday party
Another day, you let Ace have the last slice of cherry pie in exchange for him teaching you a cool card trick he showed you the day before. Little things keep adding up, intertwining your lives closer together
Eventually, you watch Ace play basketball. He describes it as a casual practice but you can’t help but be drawn in by his playing style. Ace looks so cool during the scrimmage, interrupting his opponent’s offence with ease and changing the tide of the game in an instant!
His spatial awareness shines through when all it takes is a quick glance at the hoop for him to take a shot. Your heart may have skipped one too many beats when the basketball flew into the net.
As the days pass, you find yourself looking forward to his teasing. Sometimes he actually manages to fluster you! Otherwise, you two enjoy a casual banter. Or at least, that’s what you tell yourself as you ignore the butterflies in your stomach
Floyd Leech
Are you scared of Floyd? Why yes you are, which is why you go out of your way to avoid him. The way Savanaclaw students quake in fear when they accidentally bump into Floyd is enough to confirm that you should steer clear of the belligerent eel
Unfortunately, this sentiment is one sided. Floyd has taken to calling you glass catfish because you’re both horribly skittish around him and your terror is clear! He thinks it’s cute how you assume crowds will keep you safe and you do your best to not be alone.
Quite frankly, it’s a one-sided animosity. Floyd thinks you’re funny while your torment is his pleasure. You try to keep your calm but his relaxed comments of breaking bones and the looming threat of being squeezed keeps you on your toes
Honestly, you’re a little miffed. First of all, why is he so fast? Secondly, there must be others to scare. You’re sure Azul gives him enough work in that aspect. And finally, how are you supposed to memorize all these mushroom species and history facts when Floyd has deemed you his current favourite squeaky toy?
You always assumed Floyd’s squeeze would be a horrible experience of organs being rearranged and the nasty sound of something snapping. So when the first time he embraces you and it’s the feeling of warm, strong arms curling around you protectively, your brain short circuits 
You had been fuming and more than a little annoyed so when you crossed paths with some rowdy students, instead of spitting out some standard apology and being on your merry way, you snapped back! And, like most students at NRC, they didn’t take kindly to it. 
It feels ironic that you had avoided Floyd so fervently but in the end, you only had yourself to blame for stirring up trouble. Magic battles were most definitely against the rules but you didn’t have any intentions on letting some fireballs scorch you either
Yet your opponents quickly withdraw when Floyd chimes, “Let me join in!~” And for once, you’re happy that Floyd is around. It must show on your face because in the midst of drawling about how boring it is now that the tension is gone, he breaks out into a smile
“You’re grinning glass catfish!” It’s the first time Floyd ever makes you smile and it’s far from the last 
Your friendship is very much a give and take affair. You learn to go with the flow, but you put your foot down as necessary. More than you expect, Floyd can be amendable to your demands. He’s still as chaotic as ever though, hedonistic almost to a fault
You two have a takoyaki adventure! Cooking with Floyd is nothing short of chaotic. For the first half, he’s bored and pacing around. You chop up ingredients and he not so secretly snacks on them. Then when it’s time to fry the takoyaki in the molds, he’s suddenly over-pouring batter and eating them almost as fast as you make them! By the end, you didn’t even get to take a picture of the takoyaki you two made but his goofy grin and lips covered in sauce engrain themselves into your memory
“I could eat you up too!” he comments with his signature laugh and it does dangerous things to your heart.
“Please don’t!” you squeak out hastily but you can’t help the flush of heat that comes with embarrassment nor the hasty hand gestures as you avoid his gaze. Your pulse starts to increase rapidly, but you know it’s not out of fear
You won’t complain of boring days anymore. For now, you let the current take you where it will. And if that destination happens to be romantic, well you’re not one to fight the waves
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