I am not responding to you anymore
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lookingformoondrop · 8 months
Hi!! I love your writing and hope you’re doing great. May I request a break up scenario with yandere!Andrew?
Yandere!Andrew Graves x Reader
TW: Dark material, mentions of a unalived person, manipulation, andrew calls reader a dumb bunny, very toxic relationship, Andrew drags reader around by the hair (weeee), captivity/kidnapping if you squint? Angst, very very depressing, it's been a while, so this is probably OOC ;-;
♡ Notes: GUESS WHOSE BACK! yes, I admit I was gone for quite a while, but with the progress reports of chapter 3 coming around, I figure now is my time to rise again. After I wrote all of this, I realized I might have made this a little too dark... My next work will likely be a fluff. Sorry Anon! Thank you so much for supporting, and I hope I can continue writing pieces for y'all~ ♡
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The clock on your wall ticked closer to 7 o'clock. Every sound in the room was silenced by the deafening sound of it.
At the time, buying that clock seemed like a cute idea.
It was an old thing, two big clocks held together with beautiful dark wood. And a small circle shaped glass built underneath the two clocks meant for displaying a picture.
It was placed on your fireplace mantel, accompanied by other little trinkets.
You tried not to look at the mantel or the pictures that displayed happy memories, instead opting to glare at the hands ticking closer to your doom.
You didn't deserve to glance at these memories with what you were determined to do.
The room around was in shambles. Blankets and pillows were thrown around, cups and plates stuck to the tables around the couch after hours of neglect, and every picture frame in reach with the smiling face of Andrew Graves was put down.
At any moment, Andrew was going to come through that door and open his arms for you.
You bit your lip, already cringing at the bloody spots forming. You had to leave. There was no other choice.
After what you've seen, there's no possible way you could keep hugging and kissing him...
When you first moved in with Andrew, you found yourself to be the happiest ever.
Every day, you'd roll over to face an already awake and smiling Andy, who would kiss your nose and promise you coffee.
Every evening, you'd have a delicious dinner prepared by Andrew, who would make the atmosphere romantic with candles and rose petals, all leading to a delightful night of fornication...
Yes, at times, there were small cracks in the fantasy you two had made.
You still had to go to work, and you still had projects and deadlines that needed to be met. Not only this, but you still had co-workers you needed to work with.
You had made peace with this and was more than happy to fulfill your office work, but Andrew was not.
Now that you thought about it, many times a day, he would demand for your attention. He would go as far as calling your office and asking to see you. Lunch breaks would extend to lunch hours, and your sick and vacation days were used up in a matter of weeks (back to back).
And then you get home... if you had spent a work day completely ignoring Andrew, going as far as muting him, there'd be no telling what he'd do.
It began with silence, then one word answers, but if you even started getting angry at him for his horrible communication skills, he'd finally lash out.
" Just help me understand. Do you hate me? You're ignoring me all the time so that I can run back to you and beg you to pay attention to me. Why do you even stay with me, then? "
At first, you thought maybe he was just stressed out.
You had such a beautiful relationship, and Andrew was never big on talking about stupid things.
These things could all be avoided if you communicated with him more. If you were just healthy, then nothing would be toxic. You were the shitty one in this relationship, not him.
When you took the blame for all those things, his anger disappeared.
So your life would become peaceful again.
You never considered Andrew to be possessive. He was... overprotective. That's all. He was caring for you. It's not his fault that you're so sensitive,
And now you were giving all that up, and for what? Because every now and then he'll complain about the people in your life?...
because once he'll complain about them, they disappear from your life?
...because you found one of those people in the basement freezer?
The same freezer he made you promise to never go into?
Your eyes blink up at the ceiling, the tears that were dancing on your water line finally spilling over the edge.
Suddenly, the sound of the door cracking open made you quickly wipe at your tears.
"Bunny? I'm here, where are you?" Andrew called out from the hallway.
"...In here, Andrew." You answered, holding your hands in your lap.
"Andrew? What happened to Andy? What, did I do something wrong?" Andrew walked in, having already ditched his shoes and coat.
"Y/N? Hey... What's wrong?" Andrew power walked to you, avoiding the many pillows scattered across the floor.
He leaned down in front of your knees, grabbing your hands.
You gulped, refusing to meet his gaze.
"Andrew, we need to talk about something."
"You... you have to promise not to get mad at me."
Andrew's face darkened, "...sure."
You bit your lip and finally looked up.
But Andrew was no longer looking at you, instead staring at all the picture frames that faced the ground.
You breathed in once. You had put this off for as long as possible.
"Andrew, i didn't call anyone yet, but you need to let me leave. I dont- no- I can't stay here anymore and I -"
You sputtered but couldn't get a good look at Andrew's expression as he stood up.
"You always get me worried over nothing," Andrew scratched the back of his neck, absently playing with his sweater tag.
You stood up,
"Andrew, this is important! I- I don't feel safe anymore, I don't feel safe with you! You've been keeping so much from me -"
Andrew scoffed at you, cutting your words short.
"You're acting wacky. Are you sure you didn't take anything before I came home?" Andrew finally looked at you with cautious eyes, "Look, Y/N, you're probably tired and need a break from your phone. Give it to me, and I can put this whole thing behind us."
Andrew lent his hand out, half expecting your hand and your phone.
But you shook your head.
"I know, Andrew. I know what you did."
Andrew raised a brow, "What I did...?" His hand was still outstretched.
"Last night I wanted to surprise you with some chicken soup, but I couldn't find the meat in our freezer, so... I went downstairs to the basement instead - "
Your eyes glanced at the clock again, it's happy picture becoming distorted the more you spoke outloud,
Andrew's eyes widened, and his hand dropped, "Y/N, you promised me you wouldn't go down there."
Your breathing became shaky, and your hand grabbed at the hem of your shirt,
"Andrew, you told me that all you had down there was some hunting meat. Y- You lied, not only lied, but you... You fucking killed someone! Oh god, Andrew, why did I find my boss and his DETACHED head in our basement freezer?!"
Andrew avoided your eyes, instead opting to run a hand down his face, sighing deeply into his palm.
When he didn't defend himself, your thoughts ran wilder, and the anger that you had locked away began bubbling to the surface.
This went far beyond control and possessiveness, Andrew murdered someone. Your Andrew, the same man you slept next to for years, murdered someone.
"How many years did I spend with a goddamn murderer? I had thought that- that maybe it was this crazy elaborate plot twist, that maybe you had a good reason to keep A PERSON in a freezer, but maybe I was living with a killer who I should have left a long time ago!-"
You had barely any time to process what he said before he grabbed your hair and began dragging you to the bedroom.
You tried twisting from his grip, dry sobs racking your body.
"Andrew, please stop! I'm - ow!- I'm sorry!"
"No, you're not. Everything I ever did was to protect you. Clearly, you've been thinking about this for awhile."
A dark chuckle rumbled from his chest, "and to think, I would've let you run around a little longer in the big world."
You continued sobbing, trying to grab at his hand. "Andrew, please!"
His hand pushed the door open, but right as he was about to enter, he stopped.
"Bunny", he crotched down to your level, his hand still grabbing your scalp, "do you love me?"
Your body shook involuntarily, your crying turning to hard hiccups. In your mind, all you wanted was to escape. To leave, to be embraced by someone who could protect you from this.
"P- Please Andrew, " you tried shaking your head despite the pressure, "s- stop, you're h-urting me."
Your chest heaved, your heart beating painfully against your chest.
Time moved slowly as Andrew searched your face, but slowly all the light he had in his eyes faded, and was replaced by a darkness that chilled your body.
"You didn't say yes." He clicked his tongue, "but that's okay, its only a matter of time."
Suddenly, he stood up and turned. Dragging you through the living room again, walking towards the basement door.
You screamed as you recognized the direction he was heading. You hit his hand, beating the grip he had on you.
Your eyes were wide and wild, trying to find some sort of escape, and your eyes landed on the clock.
Although you could no longer see the photo, you remembered the day Andrew brought it to you. He has promised to never leave you, and you promised to never leave him.
He asked you if you would love him if he was a monster.
You said, no.
All this time, you thought that Andrew would let you go. You would tell him you knew, he would turn himself in, and he'd let you go. Making all these years a bad nightmare. But the truth was, Andrew had long since known you would've found the body. The thought had crossed his mind, and he planned for the outcome even if he hoped youd be smart enough to never come to that.
When Andrew opened the basement door, he crotched down again and let go of your hair, instead moving you to his arms and holding you.
"Hey, I love you. You know that, right? I will never hurt you. Dont worry, you're going to be staying with me for a long time."
Andrew kissed your forehead, and began heading down the stairs.
Your eyes watched the door and the light that came from it as Andrew lead you further down the stairs.
Further away from the light, further away from freedom.
You cried into Andrew's shoulder, who patted your hair, until you could no longer see the light.
"You're never leaving me, my dumb little bunny."
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Thank you for the ask! <3
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foxglovepng · 4 months
Hello! Can I request for Soulmate AU of your choice for Leona, Idia, Floyd and Malleus? Thank you in advance!
Characters: Leona, Idia, Floyd, Malleus
CW: Leona & Idia being haters, Floyd is Floyd. Maybe OOC, Not proofread
A/N: Hello Anon! I am not too familiar with writing for soulmate AU so this will definitely be interesting. I decided to go with the red string one because It's the only one I sort of know.
A/N: I am so sorry if these are short I really do not write for soulmates at all.
If you liked Reblogs and Likes are appreciated <3
Soulmate?? PSHHHHH Leona doesn't believe in soulmates. Or so he thought.
His brother met his soulmate and well we all know how that went. Leona had given up on soulmates in general since he could never find the said person.
Going to NRC he didn't think he'd meet them.
When he came across Yuu he saw their strings joined during the spelldrive incident. But that wasn't the topic of conversation that was for another day.
When they came across him again Yuu realized they were soulmates and their eyes gleamed. Leona was like Ugh an was constantly trying to fight it, he didn't really care, but Yuu of course kept pushing. He snapped at them one day and was like
"You're annoying I don't care that you're my soulmate." and then walked away.
Eventually Leona secretly began to miss Yuu's prescense but would never admit it out loud. One day he got fed up and went to go look for them. Some students were ganging up on them and he well scared them off.
"Be careful herbivore I'm not cleaning up your messes again." Liar he would.
At first he hated the soulmate thing, but he's not saying he likes it just doesn't mind it.
He is a special case. He doesn't care enough, but he also does care. He's neutral to the soulmate thing, but if he ever did find his soulmate he'd be super stoked to meet them.
When Yuu came to Mostro Lounge to make the deal he found out Yuu was his soulmate then. However he was currently busy so he couldn't do anything about it although he's now super interested in Yuu.
After the whole ordeal he attaches himself to Yuu to learn everything about them, and just to get to hang out with them.
(Yuu literally has to force him to practice because he won't leave their side)
Eventually when they do start having a relationship he's even more loving and affectionate knowing he can kiss and cuddle his little shrimp as much as he wants.
He can barely handle a social interaction what make you think he will find his soulmate.
He's literally a shut in who is mainly on his computer either programming, doing school work, or gaming he'd not one for social situations.
The only way he found out Yuu was his soulmate was because he coincidentally went outside for club and he ran into Yuu and learned Yuu was his soulmate. Yuu figured it out too and he pulled out every excuse in the book to go back to the dorm.
Bro is not ready for the level 100 boss
Ever since then, he has tried to avoid Yuu. Emphasis on try as Yuu would probably be pushing as he is their soulmate.
Ortho at some point tells him he can't keep pushing away. He won't give up, but Ortho literally invites Yuu over forcing them to hang out.
It will take a while and some work before Idia can work up to the idea of a partner and a relationship, but he eventually does get there.
The second Yuu starts talking about marriage or a baby Idia would ramble about how he's not ready and tell Yuu to slow down.
Poor boy has been lonely forever a soulmate would make him feel less lonely and he'd be happy that he has someone to be around. He's been excited to meet said soul mate. He'd been dreaming what they'd look like what kind of person they are what gender they are (Not that gender matters to him)
When he was outside ramshackle and Yuu came out he realized their strings connected. He was happy he found his soulmate and would be even happier if they felt the same way about him.
When he came back from Diasmonia that night he told Lilia he found his soulmate. Lilia was happy so was Silver. Sebek was like WHAT? but he will get over it. (Spoiler he ends up liking and tolerating Malleus's s/o)
Peep Malleus planning the wedding with Lilia as the officiant.
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naomi-nana · 5 months
: ticklish s/o !
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based on this ask !
featuring : cyno, diluc, kazuha
cw : fluff, kinda ooc, not proofread
a/n : did i. just get a request. 😨😨😨 (im so sorry if it's not what u expected) btw i kinda change it to just the s/o being ticklish because i cannot write the same scenario over and over again, so i'm really sorry 🍩🐈 anon! :<
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whenever cyno came home from work, you always offered to give him massages. you might think that cyno doesn't think much about it, but he actually appreciates it very much. that's why today, cyno decided to give you massages instead to relief your stress.
"i'm home." he opens the door to your home and greets you as usual. when you notice him at the door, you smiled at him and greet him back. you were about to told him to sit down on the chairs in the living room, but he told you to sit instead. "what? why?" you ask, but he didn't answer. so you do as he said.
he brings his hands up to your shoulders and start massaging you. it started very well, but then he hit a spot that is way too close to your neck, and you giggled. "what? are you making fun of my ability to massage people?" he sounds offended, which makes you laugh harder. "no-i'm not making fun of you hehe." you answered, but you're still giggling to yourself. cyno continued to massage you and you still won't stop giggling. "stop making fun of me, you're supposed to appreciate this."
"i am, i am appreciating this." but you still won't stop laughing, and that's when cyno came to a conclusion.
cyno stops his movement for a while, then chuckles. "oh? i didn't know you're ticklish." he smirked at you. you denied all of his teasings and you thought he would just pay no mind to it. but after knowing that fact, he won't stop tickling you no matter how many times you told him to stop. "you should've told me that you were ticklish sooner."
"it's pretty funny to tickle you from behind whenever you're busy doing something."
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you're cooking breakfast for both you and diluc. well, adelinde already told you that you should rest in your bedroom with diluc and let her take care of both of your breakfast. but you insisted on cooking, so she let you do so. "good morning." you heard the voice of diluc approaching you. you greet him back and continued cooking. he walked by you and opened the cabinet.
that's when he accidentally bumped his hand to your sides, and you let out a giggle. "..what?" he asked out of confusion. you shaked your head, "no..it's nothing." diluc ignored your giggle from earlier and took a mug from the cabinet to drink. then, he accidentally bumped his hand again. and you giggled, again. "why are you laughing at me?"
"i'm so sorry, it's just that you keep bumping your hand at me and i feel pretty ticklish. so i can't help it." he paused for a moment after hearing your confession, then poke your side once again. "pfft—stop that. i'm cooking you know!" you pout at him, but it just amuses him even more. "i know that you're cooking. but i just can't help it, my love."
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kazuha probably found out when you both are hanging out in inazuma. the sun is high up in the sky, and it made you sweat a lot. so kazuha told you to sit down on a rock under the tree with him to relax and enjoy the scenery. you couldn't relax though, because kazuha is leaning against your shoulder and his hair is brushing against your neck. and, being a ticklish person, this position is very unfortunate for you.
"what's wrong, sweetheart?" he sat back up and looked at you lovingly. you let out a sigh of relief as you didn't have to hold in your laughter anymore. "uh, it's just that your hair is brushing against my neck.." you look at him, and he looks at you. he didn't answer and only blinked a few times before chuckling.
"i'm sorry. didn't know you're ticklish." he smiled at you. you thought that the conversation had ended there and you both will continue exploring inazuma. but now, kazuha won't stop poking you at your sides. "stop it—pfft" you want to do the same to him but you know he isn't ticklish. "i'm so sad that my partner was hiding such a cute fact about themself from me."
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 2 years
Sagau but the reader is touch starved so reader will alwayse be huging someone for straight few hourse and the first two victims are nahida and venti becose they need a hug!!
Touch Starved!Reader Wanting Hugs from Nahida & Venti: How Do They React?
I hope you enjoy these headcannons for these two :) I'm so sorry if this is OOC though!
This man would be shocked for a second, before immediately start teasing you.
"Ehe, Your Grace, you're so adorable like this~" You will most likely get flustered by a lot, if not all, of the things this bard comes up with.
He's pretty okay with letting you hug him—he thinks it as some sort of blessing from the Creator! He'll be rubbing it in at the other Archons if he ever decides to meet up with them.
Okay, but after a while of you not letting go, he starts to panic.
This guy loves moving around, but the fact that he can't because you're still hugging him? Yeah, he's struggling. He can't sit still all the time!
So his solution? He picks you up, bridle style and carries you around as he goes, ignoring all the stares he's getting just by caring you. And what makes it such a sight is because the dude is very short, so if you're very tall—yeah, that's gonna be very eventful.
"Don't worry, Your Grace! This humble bard shall be your helpful servant for today!" Now you're probably hugging his neck and trying to hide your very red face.
Wholesome bean would immediately reciprocate the hug! She's always down to make others happy—and the fact that the Creator themself walks up and asks her for a hug? She's glad to do it!
"Don't worry, Your Grace. I'll always be here for you!"
Literal child is legit the best person to turn to when your sad, even if she doesn't fully understand mortals and all. She will, by no means, cheer you up as best she can.
She's honestly pretty okay with you hugging her. I think she personally is also a little touch starved as well, being trapped inside the Sanctuary of Surasthana for so many centuries.
She'll find it very cute of you if you decide to pick her up and carry her as you go to places. Like I said, she's pretty okay with it. She finds it endearing to be in the spotlight of affection.
"Your Grace, where are we going this time?" Will legit smile up to you as she says it. Both of y'all are so touch starved it's almost a perfect combo somehow.
Alright, that's all I got! Hope you like these headcanons I made for them lol- Idk if it's OOC though so :') Sorry if it is. See you around now!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: The First Time I ever did Character Headcanons! Thank you for this message, anon! You certainly gave me a new experience that I've been wanting to try, but never had to chance to :) Feel free to come by to my mailbox when it's open!
Check the Ghost Rebel's Blog Description to See if Their Mailbox is Open!
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heartsforhavik · 9 months
Hey can I request yandere x gn reader, you can choose the chatacter from mk1 please. Where the yandere is obviously obsessed, but in the 'i live you so much, you can do nothing wring, i would die for you' kind of way? They absolutely adore the reader and would do anything. The reader tell them to cook and clean and suddenly they are the perfect house-husband. No matter what
yandere reptile/syzoth x reader hcs
warnings: slight angst, toxic relationship, slight mentions of violence, obsessiveness, ooc syzoth, regular yandere tendencies yk
summary: just some hcs of yandere syzoth being absolutely down bad for (gender neutral) reader
a/n: anon… you literally read my mind we are the same person. i see you i hear you i feel you. anyways my inbox is full of yandere reqs, i’m very sorry to anyone who has had their request sitting in my inbox for a while, i will get to all of them eventually i promise!! also this was kinda sad oopsies
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after the loss of his family, syzoth thought there was nothing to live for anymore. sure, he became empress mileena's emissary, but he could be easily replaced. why should he continue to live if he doesn't have anything driving him to get up every morning?
every day he felt as if his life was just a cold, dark void. every day he'd hear empty, half-hearted apologies for his past. every day was the same, as he woke up every morning hoping for something new, something exciting, something to dig him out of the hole his life was in. but no matter how much he longed it would come, it never did. as if it never would.
at least that's what he thought, until he met you.
you were so kind... so helpful... so empathetic. you never hated him for being zaterran, you were so patient, and you were so understanding when you listened to his problems.
and then syzoth became completely attached to you. he saw you as an angel that saved him at the lowest point in his life. it's like he was searching for an answer for why he was still alive, and he was granted one. it was you.
he would do anything for you. you were the love of his life. the second you even call out his name, he's running up to you and asking if you need anything. you filled the empty void in the heart he forgot he had.
syzoth desperately wants you to like him as well. (he knows you probably won't ever love him the same way he loves you, but he can live with that.) he would always watch you carefully and any signs of your likes and dislikes are engraved in his brain. he would mold himself to embody what you desire, in hopes that he can be perfect for you, in hopes that he can gain your love and validation. even if he has to change many features of himself to win your heart forever, then so be it.
his loyalty to you will never falter, even if you do something terrible and unforgivable. he becomes entirely oblivious to any morally ambiguous actions you may commit. he firmly believes that whatever you do must be okay, so he goes along with it without a second thought, defending you from anyone who says otherwise. there are a lot of disgusting things that he would excuse if you were to do it. because you're his beloved, surely you can do no wrong?
sometimes he ends up feeling extremely conflicted with himself if you ever actually did anything unspeakable. because he thought it was wrong all his life, but you just did it. so it must be okay, right?
syzoth often gives you little gifts and trinkets that he randomly finds. if he sees something he think you would like, he would immediately grab it and present it to you like an offering. even though most of them are quite amusing, since he doesn't exactly know what makes something a good gift or not. but he believes it's the thought that counts, so he gives you anything he hopes would please you.
but sometimes, syzoth gets so desperate for your approval and attention, that he unintentionally gets himself hurt. but he doesn't mind. he would risk his life if it meant he got to see you smile at him.
he doesn't have a very clear image of his future with you. just as long as he gets to be with you. whether he does all the work, or he gets to live life right by your side as your equal, or even if he has must be behind you in your shadow. as long as you let him see you. as long as he can be there with you. but he would understand if you had a different view of your future together.
if you want syzoth to become a househusband, he'll learn to cook and clean for you. he may not be good at first, but he's trying. he'll try to find out how to make human food that you can enjoy. he'll practice cleaning until your living space is spotless and his arms fall off if he has to. if you want him to be the breadwinner, he'll take the role very seriously and he'll work as hard as he can so you can enjoy your life and he can come home to you every day. he doesn't care what he has to do. he'll do anything to please you.
syzoth knows better than to think that he is deserving of your love and kindness. the fact that you even let him be in the same vicinity as you is something that he is grateful for every day. even though he knows he isn't worthy of your affection, he still strives to gain it every day. at least a small glance in his direction would set his body on fire and make him feel complete bliss. however, he doesn't care about his feelings since you are still his first priority. so he understands if you wish to not even look at him. it would hurt him and he would sulk about it for a while, but he understands nonetheless.
when it comes to his competition, he does not consider murder. the thought appears in his head, but he ultimately knows that you probably would not be very pleased with him if he were to eliminate anyone pining for your affection in that manner. instead of doing anything about it, he simply becomes insecure. he would ask if you still loved him. he would plan to be even clingier than he usually is, and unintentionally guilt trip you into staying with him. he knows he looks pathetic, but if syzoth had to look like a fool in front of anyone, it would be you.
however, he knows he does not have any control over you. if you wished to get rid of him and move on to someone else, he would willingly accept it. but even though he accepts your judgement, he would end up doing something he can never come back from. so you probably should not leave him.
you became his whole reason for living. he believes he lives to please you. and he gains pleasure from *your* pleasure. if you ever think he is sick of catering to your needs and following you around like a lost puppy, he would be quite offended. he would instantly work towards making sure you never questioned his affections again. he doesn't get his feelings hurt often, but he just wants you to always feel secure in your relationship. so if you doubted him, he would just work harder to please you.
syzoth thinks you are the only thing left in the world that is pure. you are the only person that can truly make him happier than ever after all his pain. he almost became used to the tragedy and loss in his life as if it was his destiny. he was convinced there would no longer be happiness in his life. but you give him a reason to wake up every morning. you are all he thinks about in the afternoon. you are all he wants to see and embrace as he drifts to sleep at night.
he is glad he no longer has to have nightmares every night about all that he lost, and he instead dreams of you. he no longer has to be fearing his life every second of the day, instead he spends that time thinking of how to please you. syzoth loves you very much. he worships you. he appreciates you. no matter what. let him give you his heart, his soul, his body. he's all yours, and you may do whatever you want with him. he is at your service.
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
could you write a Kaz x blind!reader? like they’ve been together for a long time when the reader asks to feel his face to “see” what he looks like
Blue- K.B x blind! gn! reader
hi, anon! Thank you for sending this in, and I'm sorry it's coming out so late but if you're reading this I hope you like it!
I went ahead and aged Kaz and the reader up to around 26 because it made more sense to age him and the reader up in my head, so I hope that that's all right!
Fic type- fluff
Warnings- kaz is probably a little ooc
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You and Kaz had been together for a decade by the time you felt ready to ask him.
Your blindness was a simple fact of life, and as a result, you'd fallen in love with Kaz based solely upon his personality, the way he spoke and the way that he acted and how he as a person, made a hell of a lot more sense than most of the others in the Barrel that you had met.
You'd been together nearly a decade when you finally asked him one night, a question that was burning a hole in your chest and one you knew he might not have agreed to, but one you had to ask anyway to give yourself peace of mind.
"Kaz?" You spoke into the opened space that was your bedroom. You knew he was there with you. You'd heard the sound of his cane in time with his footsteps as he entered, had heard him go to the bathroom on the left side of your room, had heard the door close and then open again. "Love?"
"Y/N?" Kaz asked. You'd been sitting at the desk, and you knew from the sound of rustling blankets that Kaz was on your bed, likely getting off of it and moving to you.
"I was thinking, and I realized that--well, I've not even the slightest idea of what you look like," you said. "I sometimes use touch to help grasp my surroundings and what I would be looking at if I could see, and you don't have to say yes, but I--"
"You want to touch my face?"
At that, you hummed your agreement.
"Okay," Kaz said. You heard a bit of rustling, the sound of Kaz's cane against the floor and moving in time with his footsteps, and then approaching you.
You used the side of the desk to get yourself to standing, felt one of Kaz's hands in yours, then the other. As you took a small step to the side you were met with the cool feeling of Kaz's cane against your left hip. He must've put it there while you were focused on the feeling of his bare skin against yours, an icy cold kick to his skin that only msde you want to draw nearer.
Kaz brought your hands up to his face, and you felt some restrain as he fought not to lean into it.
"Your hands and your face are cold," you murmured. "It's nice."
"Your hands are warm," Kaz responded. "That's nice, too."
You moved your hands to his chin, finding a sharp jawline and a cutting jaw. Your hands moved up his cheeks, finding sharper cheekbones and ragged but cold skin.
Your hands moved to his lips, and for a moment you could've sworn you felt Kaz stop breathing as they made contact.
"Inej was right," you said idly. "Before our relationship became romantic, I asked her to describe you. She said that you were jagged edges and sharp turns, that you were handsome in spite of it."
"You think I'm handsome?" You could feel Kaz's lips move, felt the grace of one of his teeth against your thumb.
You nodded. "I do," you said.
Your hands moved from his lips to his nose, from his nose to his eyes.
"Jesper said that these were blue," you said. "Like the sky in the middle of the day, like blue quartz shined in front of a light, like blue seaglass in the sun. He had a lot of metaphors."
"Hes right, though I do agree that the metaphors are a bit extravagant for describing an eye color."
You laughed. Kaz decided, in that moment, that he could've died happily if he were to have died right then.
Your hands ran gently across his eyebrows, along the run of his forehead, and they found his hair.
"Despite what Nina says, my haircut is decent, in the very least."
"Is it?" You asked, mentally cataloging that his hair was oddly soft. It hadn't been something you'd expected from the rough and tough Barrel boss that his voice emanated, but you supposed that your relationship with Kaz had been a series of things of that sort. Delightfully unexpected.
Kaz paused before laughing just a bit. One of your hands had idly gone back to his lips, and you felt them split into a smile. You, too, could've died happy had you died in that moment.
"My abilities as far as haircutting are concerned are decidedly not worse than they were when we were eighteen and I was realizing I was in love with you," Kaz said. "But, they're also decidedly not that much better. The haircut looks passable for something done by a barber in the Financial District, should that be of any constellation."
You grinned. "It's not," you said. "Your hair is soft, though. That's the constellation for me."
Kaz hummed, and you dropped your hands.
"I love you, Y/N," Kaz said after several moments of silence had passed.
"I love you more, Kaz."
Kaz pressed his forehead against yours suddenly, startling you for a moment, but then his hands were on your waist and yours were on his neck and Kaz was thanking the saints because he had not felt the water rising to his ankles, nor had he heard his brothers voice calling to him from the waves.
Kaz loved you more than he'd ever loved anyone. He wanted to make sure you knew that.
"If you ever want to touch my face again," he whispered. "Just ask. I'll say yes every time."
You hummed your agreement. "I don't mind the forehead press," you said. "Nor do I mind your hands on my waist. You can feel free to do this any time you like."
And then Kaz was grinning, his heart swelling with the love he felt for you, and nothing could've broken how content he was feeling.
And you were thanking the saints for their decision to give you someone you loved so much, someone who loved you just as much in return.
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lynxtheserval · 8 months
Hi im the anon that requested for scythe chasing the reader.
And yes,like thoese typical yandere pslsls im so down bad for this womwan🙏🙏🙏🙏
Fun to write wooo, I might do a part two if I remember about this lmao
Man sorry if it seems lazy at any point as well
Yan!Scythe x reader -
(TW: yandere shit, stalking, getting chased, a single curse word, possible ooc scythe)
All you heard was whistling and the heavy ba-dump of your blood through your ears. You tried to run as fast as you could through the dusty ghost town you managed to get lost in.
Your shoes pounded against the sand, and your legs were exhausted. You've been running for who knows how long at this point.
You turned around a corner and sat next to a wall to try to catch your breath. You hoped she wasnt following you anymore, but you still heard the whistling and humming of that… monster. The whistles sounded farther away now, but you still weren't fully safe. You don't know what she wanted from you, but what you do know is she's been chasing you for what feels like an hour, carries a terrifying looking gear, and she’s the most wanted in all the factions. You weren't that special of a person, you weren't a criminal, nor anybody important, you have no idea what a person like HER wanted from you.
You got snapped out of your train of thought when you realized you could hear footsteps now, oh god.. she was close. You were frozen with fear, you held your breath and stayed as still as you possibly could.
The footsteps got louder, and louder, and louder.
“Ya know, you can't run forever, sugar.”
Her voice was.. intimidating, to say the least. She had a very strong southern accent, if she wasn't chasing you down for who knows what reason, you might have found her voice attractive.
You said nothing and continued being as still as you possibly could.
“Listen, baby, I ain't gonna hurt ya! Just come out of your little hiding spot, so I can see your pretty little face.”
You seriously doubted that she wouldn't hurt you.
Scythe was getting annoyed now, where the hell were you?! She never loses her sights on a target, but you were much more than that. You were actually important to her. But of course you didn't know that, you just met her, after all.
Except she's known you for a while.
You were such a precious thing! Your adorable face, your laugh, your beautiful eyes, oh.. and your personality! She loves every bit about you.
That's why she isn't letting you leave.
You were still hiding, she knew you were around here, somewhere. You were terrified, you didn't know what to do.
So you stayed in your hiding spot, and waited.
And waited,
And waited.
It felt like forever, you couldn't hear her footsteps anymore, so you think you're in the clear to go.
So you carefully step outside your hiding spot, and look around.
It seemed cl-
You got kicked down on top of the sandy ground, and heard a menacing laugh behind you.
“Oh sugar.. I'm glad I was able to find you in the end! You hide well, I'll give ya that.”
You got the breath knocked out of you, gasping for air. The woman placed her foot on top of your back, not too hard as to hurt you, but enough to keep you from getting up and running.
“Now, you're probably wondering what I want from you.” She paused, trying to figure out what she wanted to say. You nodded, and tried to speak, but she interrupted you. “Well, darlin’, I want you.”
“Wh-what do you mean!?”
She took her foot off of you, but before you could do anything, she grabbed one of your arms, forcing you up. She then brought you into a hug, wrapping her arms around you.
“Ya see sugar, you don't know this, but I've been watching you for a while now.” She grinned at you, looking into your eyes. God, you were so much prettier up close.
“What did I do to anger you?!”
“You didn't do anything, darlin’. Except steal my heart!” She laughed, “And trust me, baby, I ain't angry. It's reasonable that ya would wanna run away from me.”
You looked at her with fear in your eyes and she took notice of this, and loosened her hold on you, instead of hugging you, she was now just holding your hands.
“Relax, I'm not gonna hurt ya! I just want you to stay with me for a little while, it won't be bad, baby, I promise.”
And then your vision went black.
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luvingshidou · 6 months
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sae x fem! reader part 2!!!
a little ooc idk
Not proofread
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Being home again was different without you. Without you being there to constantly berate and annoy, Sae felt different. After Sae put more thought into it, he missed you. He missed you so much to the point that it was painful to think about never talking or seeing you again. Oh how fucking stupid he was saying all that shit to you and what was it even worst is you've blocked him on every app and website imaginable, he's tried to go to your house but no one would answer when he rang the doorbell. Sae would always think about you to the point where it sometimes would affect him during practice. He wanted to know how you were doing, but he couldn't ask anyone to check on you since the only person that was close to him and you was Rin, but know he feels nothing but spite for Sae. The more time went on, the more he realised that he was in love with you, deeply in love.
It was 2 years since Sae broke your heart, crushed it into a million pieces. Some of your friends thought you were overreacting and that you'll move on, like you ever could, you fucking adored Sae more then anyone else and then he starts acting like this cold, heartless bastard of a man, good god did it piss you off. You waited 4 years for him, you never flirted with other men, you never went out on date, you were loyal to him, yet he still trampled all over your heart. You cut all contact for him. You didn't want to hear his sad little sob story. You never wanted to see him again ever. But at last here you were, sitting beside him on the train going back to your house. You're pretty sure he didn't know you at first that until you saw him staring at you, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly agape. Sae knew this was you, but you were so different. You had an this worn-out look on your face. The look in your eyes were dull, showing no sign of emotion. Fuck. You changed so much. What the fuck has he done to you??? Sae was about to say something to you until he saw you get off at the next stop. Sae quickly got up after you. He wasn't going to let you slip through his fingers, not this time.
"Y/N." Sae blurrted out walking behind you, grabbing your arm so you could face him. "Y/N, I—" Sae was overwhelmed and didn't know what to say. It took him every fibre in his being, not to hug you to death.
"Sae, why are you following me?? Are you a fucking stalker or something???" You snarled back at him, your voice was so flat and monotone it felt like Sae was talking to a complete different person.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Y/N, please I know I fucked up, but shit I realised I need you in my life. I really need you." Sae was desperate. He needed you. He was acting so pathetic. It was shameful for him, but he'd do anything to have you back.
"Fuck off. You're acting like you all of a sudden you care about me, even though when a saw you after 4 years, you acted like I was some lowlife and you were above me." You scoffed, rolling your eyes. It hurt Sae to hear those words out of your mouth. Really really hurt him.
"Y/N— look, I'm really sorry, really— I'm so fucking sorry." Sae blurts, his lips now pressed into a frown. God my did he fuck everything up, he was stupid, so so stupid.
"Shut up, I don't wanna hear your stupid sob story, I couldn't give a fuck." You Sae, turning around so you walk away. "You're the disgusting one, Sae, you'll always will be." You started to walk off leaving Sae standing there his thoughts telling him to go after you again but he just couldn't bring himself. He really fucked up this time, probably beyond repair.
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(idk if I like this or not😭😭😭)
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lalovi · 4 months
Hey I got inspiration from this other anon's ask and...gotta ask:
Same traits question...but for...well Royal margarine, clotted cream, shining glitter, cherry blossom, dark choco (after he redeemed himself), butter roll, red velvet, Caramel arrow and finally...cream unicorn.
If it's too many cookies at once...surprise me with who you choose from the List lol! (Sorry for so many...I simp for a LOT of cookies! Just picked a few from the list of cookies I Simp for.)
AN: I don't know some of these characters that well, so sorry if they seem a bit wonky-
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Multiple x Reader CRK
Warning: Some of these characters may be OOC, not proof read
Royal Margarine
First and foremost, Buttercream has to like you
If they don't, you're automatically out (sorry)
It shouldn't be that much of an issue as long as you are a halfway decent person
Since he's kind of a wimp, he'd definitely appreciate someone who can fight rly well
A person to take care of him when he's drunk
Oh, and you have to be able to handle his constant flirting
And he probably won't mind someone who flirts back as well
Starts blushing and kicking his feet at the thought /hj
So, someone outgoing and bold
Clotted Cream
Knowing his profession and all, his day to day life is very stressful!!!
Therefore, I think he'd like someone who can help him wind down a bit
Someone who is always put together and organized
Like housewife vibes, even if that's a bit stereotypical
A person to just help his life become a little easier and a little less dull
So, someone detail oriented and calm
Shining Glitter
Since music is such a big thing in her life, she'd enjoy someone who can create music with her
Or even just dancing along to her own would be enough
Someone who appreciates everyone's art
A person who never gives up on their dreams
Or a person with a lot of ambition and ideas
Since it reminds her of herself <3
So, someone determined and creative
Cherry Blossom
100% you need to go on picnics with her daily
Bonus points if you know proper tea-party etiquette
She gives off nice aunt vibes but gossips a lot
Probably enjoys someone who she can gossip with
Not only that, but I'm sure someone who can bake would do her some good
After all, you must bring plenty of snacks to a picnic
So, someone who always listens and is easy to talk to
Dark Choco
Enjoys a person who will always love and accept him, despite his past
It would be a sun an moon kind of relationship
He seems rather touch starved, so a cuddly partner will definitely serve him well
So, someone understanding and kind
Butter Roll
He'd like someone who appreciates and is interested in his work
A person who always listens to his rants and what-not
An upbeat person to match his sunny personality
And perhaps someone who can notice small details and point them out
Someone who's dedicated to their craft
So, someone focused and upbeat
Red Velvet
I think he'd be interested in someone who is very kind and gentle
Since he has a lot of dogs, (cakes?) He would appreciate someone who can help him take care of them
Not only that, but I think he'd enjoy someone who he can just rant to
I don't know why, but I feel like he has a lot to say
So, someone gentle and caring
Caramel Arrow
She would be attracted to a person who always looks out for others
A person who fights to defend those who can't defend themselves
Even if they have to defy authority
You two would share that struggle
So, someone who looks out for others and has integrity
Cream Unicorn
Though they are very kind, they are actually rather calm
Therefore, I think they'd need someone a lot more extroverted to be with
A person who always tells them about their day
They just find you so interesting
A person who is kind to everyone
Someone with lots of energy
So, someone who is energetic and loves to talk
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fatuismooches · 9 months
Reader is always sitting on dottore’s lap.. but what if dottore say on readers lap instead?I love the idea of reader holding one of the segments while they work just sitting on their lap <3 They will get antsy and flustered but you can easily fix that with a peck!! 😌
Something about being close and up and personal with dotty makes me feel so fuzzy and warm! I want to cup his face, kiss him all over, tell him I love him again and again!!! I just really really love the closeness for dottore :(
This goes for the segments as well because they deserve all the love too. Especially webttore!! Give that man a hug during one of his passion rants, no questions asked just do it.
And when I think of akademiya zandik & reader, I think of so much BECAUSE THAT WAS THE HONEYMOON PHASE!!!!! Just two dorks being in love and defending each other and trusting one another. Imagine reader with zandik after he tells them a bit of his past, his childhood, (A bit OOC but perhaps that could be the first instance where reader sees zandik cry for the first time..?) with reader reassuring him whilst embracing him.
I’d love to come back here and talk more!! Can I please become 🎨 anon? I do have troubles with speaking so I am sorry if this is a bit wonky. :1
There are certain words that you simply do not refer to Il Dottore as. Cute and submissive are two of these words, but you? You use them anyway. Because they are cute and submissive when they're all comfortable (although terribly embarrassed and defensive) in your lap. In the beginning, when you suggest the idea, Dottore and the other segments laugh at you because they think it's an amusing joke but, nope, you're 100% serious. It takes... a lot of perseverance and bothering and begging and pleading but!! Soon you'll have the segments fighting over who gets to sit in your lap, because well... it's comfy and soft and they get to be held by you for hours on end as they do their work... (Prime and Omega are obviously the last to give in, their egos are not handling this embarrassing treatment.) You always wrap your arm around him and ask him about his work! Giving him kisses when he starts to get irritated and working your hands into his shoulders and back... :( You're good at repelling the oncoming stress and headaches in this position.
Webttore's ego literally blows up whenever you show such blatant affection and interest in his rants, like yes please keep indulging because he WON'T stop as long as you keep doing it. You could be on the verge of falling asleep and all you hear is him continuing to tell his stories in the background. He wouldn't even notice at first because he gets very into his storytelling as to how he casually demolished a few dozen camps of enemies but then he realizes you aren't commenting anymore... oh you fell asleep :( all of this was probably too much for you to handle all at once...
HONEYMOON PHASE AKADEMIYA ZANDIK AND YOU... :( ugh you're so right 🎨 anon. That was when times were so much simpler... sure school is a pain but!! It was fun. It was when you two found love. Finding comfort, finding each other. It was when you two could simply be Zandik and [Name], no other titles getting in the way.
Zandik despised opening up about himself, much less his past so, he'd only tell you after like many years, and even then he kept it brief and acted like he didn't care and it didn't affect him, because he didn't want to be pitied, he doesn't want your comfort. And so you don't push the topic, but you know he was hurt by it, hurt by being called a monster since birth, being run out by the people who were supposed to be family. So when he does end up crying about it, you don't say a word, you just hold him even as he tries to cover it up, even as he curses you for being like this, because you love him.
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yanderes-galore · 6 days
Could I request a romantic yandere alphabet for Rennala (Elden Ring), please?
🕊️ anon
I researched her and Elden Ring lore the best I could. Sorry if she seems OOC. I sort of see her as a platonic yandere and I couldn't find much personality-wise. However, I hope the wait was worth it. I had to end up changing the pairing to general due to her :( I'm so sorry... girl is messed up in the head, she probably can't see the difference at this point.
Yandere Alphabet - Rennala
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Isolation, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Regression, Delusional behavior, Dark themes, Forced "relationship"/companionship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Rennala is a tragic character in Elden Ring. After her husband leaving her (That portion gets complicated) and her being locked away in the Grand Library at the academy... she's lost her mind. Rennala appears as a calm individual, but her studies into Reincarnation magic and her isolation have rot her mind.
She's reincarnated many of the Juvenile Scholars who used to attend the academy to the point they have no memories. The way she treats others seems to be that of a mother. She struggles with attachment as when her husband left, so did her heart.
Rennala seems like she'd isolate her obsession. You'd either be a Scholar or Tarnished. Her affection would be soft... but smothering.
The Full Moon Queen is determined to not lose another. She's already lost her husband, perhaps even some of her "Sweetings". Which means she'd keep you locked away and smothered like a mother's love.
She clings to you like she does her amber egg. You are never far from the royal queen. Her affection and touch is soft... but oppressive.
Even if her feelings are romantic towards you, you're often coddled. It's as though that's the only way she can cope with her losses. You'll be kept right by her side...
Even if magic must be used to keep things that way.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Rennala is strong but she seems more defensive and reclusive. She's capable of getting her hands dirty. However, she chooses not to, instead preferring to isolate you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
You'd probably be treated like one of her "Sweetings". She clearly has a stronger connection with you... but treats you the same. Even if you were a Tarnished, she'd probably have you locked away in her library (Maybe with Ranni's help-).
She would never mock you. You are her beloved, the one that fills the void where her heart once was. She'd never want to hurt you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Rennala is mostly passive. She isn't too forceful, just clingy and smothering. The only thing against your will is your inability to leave the library.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
I imagine quite a lot. Rennala is a vulnerable woman after her husband left. Once she finds someone to fill the void, I highly doubt she's letting them go. She's very vulnerable with you when she holds you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
I have a feeling Rennala is delusional in a way. She probably wouldn't view you fighting back as, well, fighting back unless you were heavily armed. She wouldn't understand it and would instead try to soothe you with soft words.
When in reality... you just want to leave... you don't want to be soothed... it really makes you feel like some petulant child. Even if you're so much more than that to her.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not a game and she does not enjoy escape.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
It's definitely either the isolation... or the regression that would come eventually. I would not doubt Rennala would reincarnate her obsession to keep them beside her. Subconsciously, she wants you reliant on her.
If you're reliant... You'll never leave her... You'll be hers forever.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Considering her mental state, it's most likely her wanting to cling to you for all of eternity through consistent cycles of reincarnation to keep you hers.
Dark, isn't it?
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Not really, she's too delusional to experience jealousy with you since you both are isolated. Even if she was, she seems like she'd quietly cope.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Calm and quiet, often talking to you in a hushed tone. Due to her past she has trouble showing love properly. Which means she's usually clinging to you tightly and pressing soft kisses to your head like you're her precious egg. You're never outside of the library, yet allowed to read within it.
She's always watching you...
Ready to love her Sweeting with all of her heart (or what she has left of it....).
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
There isn't really any courting unless you two met before she lost her mind. Even then, she doesn't cling until she loses her husband. After that... "courting" is just "isolation".
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really except she clings to you more than others. She's usually calm and soft-spoken all the time.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
The only thing that comes to mind for me is forced reincarnation. All in an attempt to weed out any fight or disobedience. Love with her gets complicated.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
I would assume all of them, even if she doesn't realize it.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Extremely patient. Isolation does that to people.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Honestly? Is it possible for her to be worse mentally than she already is? She probably either couldn't lose you due to her hold on you... or would be too delusional to notice.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No and she could never let you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Definitely the mass amount of trauma her story has (Husband abandoning her, academy betraying her...). That's what caused her attachment issues... among other things.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
She'd soothe you like she usually does, even if it makes you cry harder. She doesn't understand your pain. She just sees you crying and thinks soft touches and kisses will fix it.
Soon you may just forget why you're crying.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
I can't really... think of one. Honestly, even if you tried to exploit a weakness of hers, would Ranni let you?
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not intentionally.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
I suppose in a way you could consider her nature worshipping. She'd do anything to keep the one she loves beside her. Even if it means giving them the magic equivalent of a lobotomy.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
There's no pining. She just... latches on the moment she sees you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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kaichisaki-rp · 2 months
Love having to make this fun little posty post..
I want to clarify
I will NOT tolerate death threats on this account.
Understand that I, as the admin, should not be recieving threats for playing a character that has lacked in morals in a fictional series. I understand playfully bashing the character, but I just don't understand where threatening the admin is going to get you.
I wasn't the one who abused Eri, disregarded Magne (sorry for the confusion, Shiggy, I didn't know you were referencing the manga), etc.
"You should k*** y****** for making this account. I don't know what is actually wrong with you to choose to act as an abuser and a transphobic monster, but your lack of social standards has me in awe that you haven't already. You're a horrible person, and I hope you wake up to a pipe bomb..."
And other things I would not like to paste here.
Please understand, yes, I made a mistake, but don't bash the admin for a fictional characters morals.
I really don't know what to say, or quite frankly this had to be addressed. It wouldn't be public if i hadn't received 3 of them, but please. If it bothers you that much, just DNI.
I'll probably take this down, but to those that send asks, if it takes me a while to respond, this will be the reason. Ive already blocked one acc, the other two were anon, so.
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deusvervewrites · 4 months
okay good cus i have au brainrot and a sleeping problem
right now im working on lov traitor himiko bc she has done no wrong and possibly one of my favorite characters bc have i mentioned shes awesome /lh
also how do you make sure your characterization is right? ive deleted work before after working on it simply because they got slowy ooc over the course of the snippet lol
(sorry if im just barraging you with asks just tell me to stop if youre uncomfy as i mentioned i have brainrot haha)
yeah word dump (im sorry)
(This is the Anon from this Ask, but I didn't get around to this right away)
I'm not going to say Toga did nothing wrong but I love her, and the idea of her as a traitor is wild. Given her shapeshifting powers, she's probably the best situated for it after Shigaraki himself. Also she's a middle-school dropout homeless teenager so figuring out how she has the resources to do what she does could be fun
[Writing advice starts here]
For characterization, all characters are at their core comprised of three questions: 'What does this character want more than anything else?', 'Why does this character want it?', and 'How is this character going to get it?'
If you know those three questions you can handle pretty much anything. Here, let's give an example.
What does Bakugou want more than anything else? To be the Number One Hero
Why does he want it? Because he has no self-worth unless people are praising him, so he's set his sights on the top celebrity in the world.
How is he going to get it? Going to UA High School.
On the other hand, Midoriya:
What does Midoriya want more than anything else? To help people.
Why does he want it? Systemic discrimination has given him a strong sense of justice and compassion for others.
How is he going to get it? Going to UA High School.
You can see how these answers inform other parts of their personality--Bakugou is insecure, so he lashes out. Midoriya is compassionate, so he empathizes with the antagonists. Additionally, Bakugou's answers change over time in response to his character development.
While thinking of characterization as a list of traits can certainly help, knowing these three questions makes it easier to keep a character consistent even as they develop in response to events.
Toga, for instance:
What does Toga want more than anything else? To live freely and not be judged for drinking blood.
Why does she want it? Her parents abused her, and she's never had the chance.
How is she going to get it? Running away from home. Later, joining the League of Villains.
Obviously, characters want more than one thing at a time, which can create drama when they have to choose between something they want versus The Thing they want more than anything else.
You can also use these questions to create character foils. As mentioned above, Bakugou and Midoriya have the same answer to the third question, but similarities and differences can come from any of those three questions.
Let's say, hypothetically, you're writing a fantasy story about three kingdoms in an uneasy peace. You might have characters who want to unite those three nations under one banner that look something like this.
Character A:
What does she want more than anything else? To unite the three nations.
Why does she want it? A mixture of nationalist pride as the crown princess and a desire for revenge.
How is she going to get it? A war of unification.
While Character B:
What does he want more than anything else? To unite the three nations.
Why does he want it? To put an end to the racial prejudice he faced as a child.
How is he going to get it? Diplomatic schemes and manipulations.
And you've got two characters who are suddenly very similar in some ways and completely incompatible in others.
(And you thought you had word dump!)
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hi me again last night i thought of bacon x leowook and i felt the need to share this with you all.
help im still in the pmc (/ref) so this is heavily like pmc era but like. picture this: baconwaffles0. absolute fucking (assumed to be) loser. dating a FUCKING ASSASIN. that's a whole ass power move right there. scary dog privelage (if you headcanon leo to be a dog hybrid, you can take this literally)
imagine you just decide one day, for no reason at all (and not because you're in anyway a hater), "hm, let's jump baconwaffles because he's fucking dogshit at pvp (e tier loser e stands for eLOSER dontaskwheretheEcamefrom)!", and you see him with leo. oh, awesome, just go in and steal the kill from leo and then fuckin run away afterwards (why the fuck would you think that's a good idea? i dunno, it's lifesteal. i think you automatically lose all your braincells when you join that server)
yeah now you've got an assasin on your tail while you're trying to pull ideas on how to escape this straight out of your ass. bacon's just cheering on his girlfriend (yes i just trans female'd your leowook, so sorry! it will happen again!) going all like "omg yes kill that bitch". bacon's the typa of man to love women who scare and intimidate him.
i love them tbh. they go on sword-fighting dates and leo teaches her boyfriend how to beat a sword-fighter with a dagger. he learns after a month or two. she's proud of him. he'd manage to disarm her one time and that would be when she starts mentally picking out the wedding rings and deciding the date (also i headcanon bacon to have six fingers so she's probably tryna decide which fucking finger the ring would go on.)
leo would still assassinate bacon if she got hired to kill him but she'd make up for it with the most cheesy romantic shit ever. i need to draw them on a movie date but they're watching like. grease or smth. leo would absolutely adore musicals and she would be the only person who knows that bacon does too.
i've never watched either of them but idc if this is ooc or whatevar i love the idea of them. bacon's such a "loser who somehow pulled the baddest bitch of all" to me and leo wants to make a husband out of that man
"what the fuck do you see in him" minutetech and "he makes me laugh" leowook (bonus points if minute and bacon (i can't escape the technicwaffles curse) r exes... leo would be all like "bitch u fucking dated him too tf you asking me that shit for")
sorry this is so long im boutta making it longer. cishet bacon and trans bi leo. she'd bring her cishet boyfriend to pride WITH full pride.
i call them loserassassin/baconwook (name suggestions allowed i suck ass at ship names i peaked with deceitful king for red/zam and redstone riggers for cube/branzy back in s3 and then never made a good ship name ever again.). they'd call their lifesteal team "megamind" or some dumb shit.
-technicwaffles anon (so sorry if my spelling is shit in this i have dislexia)
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saytrrose · 9 months
Because, actually, the way you draw Kinger is so cute
I was expecting sus Kinger art on here, but it's actually weirdly wholesome. That combined with your really- how do I describe it?
You have a soft art style, is the best way to put it.
Wholesome Kinger + Really cute, really soft art style? Yes please. I'm gonna eat that baby right up.
I think you're actually turning me into a Kinger simp. But I don't have romantic interest in him. I don't love him or romanticize him or have a crush on him. It's like a platonic crush. Does that make sense???
Rose, you 🫵
You've turned me into a platonic Kinger simp
You hear me, Rose?
You did this to me. You 🫵
(Not that I'm mad or anything, lmao)
That does make sense!
I can be sus about characters I love, but I also have this thing where I hate when they are ooc?? It makes me very picky with fanfiction and fanart and how they are perceived.
I see how a lot of character simps talk about the person and if it’s out of character it irks me so bad.
All the Kinger x readers on ao3 I dislike, I don’t like them at allll I’m so so picky
Kinger is not a rizz god, he’s not going to be super flirty, and he’s also not super possessive in anyway, like obsessive. He would not go above and beyond romantically or know what he’s doing half the time.
He’s jittery, he stumbles on his words, he’s unpredictable and if you held his hand he’d probably explode.
He’d probably break down in front of you if you ever did reach a point with him where you had a sort of situation ship, I’m not sure how he would handle that because we have yet to know!! A lot about canon Queenie!
I like characters for a reason, so when I see them depicted in a way that doesn’t correlate to their personality at all it’s hhhh so bothersome to me. If you like the character, why do you change them so! I thought you liked them for who they are!
Idk this is such a strange ramble sorry anon hhsjsksj- i can be sus ab Kinger but majority of the time it’s all in fun jokes and I like to portray him how he is, hence him being just a kooky old man on my page
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