#or employer
Job interview tip I got from a tiktok but it's genius:
If you were unemployed for a while, they're going to ask if you can explain the gap in your resume. Unless you were actually doing something cool & relevant, this is hard to answer in a way that makes you sound like a good corporate cog. So here's the best and infallible answer -
No you cannot, because you signed an NDA.
You now sound mysterious, desirable, worldly, experienced. They can't even really ask you more about it! Perfect.
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mirrorama · 4 days
estimate! and say you currently still work at your first job, just choose how long you’ve been employed. i also understand there might be some nuance as far as maybe like promotions/transfers/etc etc etc, so feel free to explain things in the tags!
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ratlingrun · 5 months
I don’t care whether you like rooster teeth or not the idea of deleting 21 years of media should be incredibly concerning
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
TW: Wolverine Badonkas
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I laughed rewatching because like
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violent138 · 1 month
Alfred totally brags about the kids in public, simultaneously shading Bruce who cannot defend himself using Batman:
Alfred: "Master Duke was a Gotham Genius Grant finalist at 12, and Miss Gordon holds multiple degrees." *side eyes Bruce*
"Oh, Master Dick restored the car himself, he's got a phenomenal skill with automobiles, much like the late Dr.Wayne himself."
Outsider: "Too bad it skipped you, huh Bruce? Can't even change a spare tire."
Bruce: *seething quietly* "I wonder where he gets it."
A visitor to Wayne Manor: "These are lovely portraits."
Alfred: "The work of Master Damian, he's practically a prodigy. It's a relief that someone in the family is appreciative of the arts."
Bruce: "I appreciate art--"
Alfred: "Twelve years of piano lessons and nothing to show for it."
Later in the Cave
Bruce: "I appreciate art."
Alfred: "Apologies Master Bruce, it's a little hard to see things around here as you seem to think black is the last remaining colour in the world."
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catchymemes · 8 months
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thewritehag · 2 months
"Toxic Positivity" is another phrase that gets bandied about so much that the whole of us forget what shapes our tongues need to make to form the right sounds.
Toxic positivity isn't smiling through tears or stiffing that upper lip, it's not hearing "the sun will come out tomorrow" on the old warped record player in your head or making jokes after a tragedy. At worst, those things are naivety and at best they're Hope.
If you want to see Toxic Positivity, capitalized and omnipresent, just to see what it looks like, go to any job recruiters' page on LinkedIn. It's a landscape made of rictus smiles and worn down manifestations; each profile is a shiny altar to a god that won't acknowledge it's been abandoned.
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tiger-grace · 2 months
I think Alfred is constantly dreaming about retirement but is shackled by the knowledge that he is the glue holding this barely functional family together
Alfred: sir I really don’t think
Bruce: why not. why should I not invest millions into funding a therapy corporation that Jason will ACTUALLY be able to trust
Alfred: quite honestly sir I think if it says “wayne” on it he’s 10 times less likely to go
Tim and Damian kicking the hell out of eachother rolling around on the floor: (unintelligible screaming, glass breaking, various cartoon crashing sound effects)
Alfred: (stares into batcamera like he’s in an office episode with several decades worth of exhaustion)
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redstringredeye · 3 months
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Danny was one of the people hired to design/build the Watchtower. He got attached to it during this time and the space station is now considered as a part of his haunt.
This is the JLD's first time on the Watchtower, they IMMEDIATLY know what's up.
LJD: did you take a supernatural entities property or something?
LD: what? No! The lights are just like that :)
Danny, still employed on the Watchtower: Space go brrr
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kineticpenguin · 2 years
Hiring managers acknowledge as much. In a survey of more than 1,000 hiring managers last summer, 27% reported having job postings up for more than four months. Among those who said they advertised job postings that they weren’t actively trying to fill, close to half said they kept the ads up to give the impression the company was growing, according to Clarify Capital, a small-business-loan provider behind the study. One-third of the managers who said they advertised jobs they weren’t trying to fill said they kept the listings up to placate overworked employees.
You've probably been in the position of sending out your resume far and wide, filling out zillions of applications, and going weeks or even months before even getting an answer. Well, turns out a lot of it's because they're not actually hiring anyone. It's not just you.
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sea-salted-wolverine · 6 months
if any body else ever learns how to edit a PDF or use excel im out of a job. that is the only thing i do here. then again, given the likelyhood that someone will actually figure out how to edit a PDF, im pretty sure im set for life.
now if you'll excuse me, im off to go explain the concept of an external harddrive. again.
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incognitopolls · 6 months
For example, a call center representative would answer “other customer service” even if they work for a healthcare company.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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butchfortress · 2 months
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happy summer update btw
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rocks-in-my-vodka · 3 months
assad zaman went frm “oooh i hope i get this minor part :)” to “thE NAME!!! UN UTTERED IN OUR HOUSE F O R 2 3 YEARS SAID OVER AND O V E R AGAIN”
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catchymemes · 7 months
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