#or if you can't see people having fun in a certain way without throwing an accusatory screaming public tantrum
seat-safety-switch · 2 months
Most small towns have a museum. Sure, they might not be ornate, enormous buildings filled with art. Once you pass a certain amount of people there's going to be some kind of hoard of historical items. We just naturally want to be able to tell future folks that we were here, that the things we did mattered, and here's where we came from, as evidenced by this old plaque, and a blurry photograph of the lady who got mysteriously murdered on this very night exactly 100 years ago.
One thing that almost all of them are lacking is a suit of armour. See, suits of armour are a big thing in museums in cartoons. Whenever you see Scooby-Doo investigating someone stealing t-rex bones, those crazy teens always somehow manage to end up over in Late English Medieval History and hide in a suit of armour. This is probably because suits of armour are fun for cartoonists to draw, and extremely time consuming for local, small-town cranks to fabricate.
Me, I live in a big city, and that means the museum has some very strict standards for what it accepts into its collection. Items have to be "historically significant," or at least not some random garbage that I welded together. They've got a suit of armour. It doesn't come from here: the museum has it because the queen gave us one when she visited. It's part of our history, sure, but only by accident, in the same way that you can't throw away an ugly vase from your mother-in-law because she expects to see it every time she visits on Thanksgiving.
A couple miles outside of the city limits, though, is a small town that I frequently visit. There's many reasons: it's close to affordable rural junkyards, the people are generally friendly to random folks showing up and pretending to have been invited to the barbecue, and the sheriffs are too busy ripping by on the highway to stop in and write exhaust tickets. Their museum fucking sucks, though. It absolutely rots. For starters, it's more of a "drinking hall" than a museum. Any mementoes of the town's last couple of centuries are just loosely nailed to the wall, without even an explanatory label stuck into the picture frame explaining who these ancient folks are. They needed a docent.
All this is to say that it really wasn't that hard to weld together a suit of armour. I had a lot of leftover bicycle fenders from the big internet company that went bankrupt. Burying the suit of armour, waiting a few weeks, and then digging it up was way more work, especially since I had to work silently so as not to arouse the suspicions (and indirect fire) of the good townspeople I was about to scam. Scam them I did, however. If you're in the area, come on down to the local museum. You can tell which one it is by the old, leaking Plymouth parked out front, in the "reserved for docent" 24/7 parking space.
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cybertron-after-dark · 2 months
Taking inspo from your post
Could you write about the mind control machine swapping the minds of these Decepticons and Autobots:
Ultra Magnus
Use a random picker or a wheel to choose who gets mind swapped with who
If you wanna take it further, then add the reactions of the unaffected members on the situation and their behaviour around the affected mecha
good luck and have fun
Ratchet < - > Shockwave
Bulkhead < - > Knockout
Soundwave < - > Optimus
Dreadwing < - > Predaking
Wheeljack < - > Ultra Magnus
Dear Primus the wheel understands COMEDY
His depth perception is GONE and he is NOT happy. He's even LESS happy that he can't CONVEY how distinctly not happy he is nonverbally because he can't even make facial expressions anymore, so he's taken to LOUDLY bitching even more than usual. Admittedly, the extra weight to throw around and the precision-designed clawtips are very useful, and he likes being able to pop out of the ground bridge and lay down cover fire without getting mixed up in the action. It may be giving him ideas for backup weaponry in the future.
The lack of his typical ranged weaponry is frustrating. That anyone should be content with bladed melee weapons alone is simply illogical. He also finds himself incredibly annoyed with the subpar earth-based altmode and all the unnecessary human designed internal kibble it comes with. He does not naturally emote at all, and he will not be starting today, sudden addition of facial features be damned. Gets pretty creepy to see Ratchet's face completely devoid of his usual grumpiness in favor of a completely blank look.
By the Allspark he feels so small... Speed has never been his strong suit, and grace ESPECIALLY hasn't. Sure the drill and the buzzsaw have been useful when he needs to deal damage, but they're just not the same as good old fashioned Blunt Force Trauma™️. He gets frustrated pretty quickly. However, he does take a certain malicious, schadenfreude-filled delight in messing up the good doctor's finish. He might just take Miko off-roading before they trade back 😈
DONT LOOK AT HIM, HES UGLY!! Knockout is going to spend this ordeal researching a cure while locked in a closet... Whatever closet is big enough to fit him anyway. All his usual hideaway spots are way too small for such a big lug like Bulkhead. Which means he's stuck out in the open... Looking like a clumsy, dull, green oaf... UGHH!!!! New plan, time to lock himself in the medbay and have breakdown work his magic with a rotary buffer. New paint job, new slimming decals, he's going the whole 9 yards to make himself borderline presentable. Whether Bulkhead wants it or not.
Soundwave is taking this very special opportunity to do a little trolling. Under normal circumstances, he's sworn never to let his voice be heard again. However... It's not really his voice, now is it? Besides, he doesn't have any of his remix equipment OR his visor screen. His normal means of communication are out. Though he does have Laserbeak to record him while he uses optimus's face and voice to say all kinds of horrible, blackmail-worthy slag that could completely ruin his public image whenever Cybertron gets restored. He'll definitely take requests too :)
Optimus is a mech who typically garners a lot of respect, by virtue of his position, his demeanor, and his sheer size. What he is not used to eliciting, however, is fear. And it hurts just a little seeing his trusted allies shrink back when they see him. He has no face to give comforting looks. His voice is not his, especially not under so many layers of off-putting static. Even his big, steady servos, so used to pulling people up when they fall, are good for little more than striking. And that's without mentioning the monstrous tentacles he finds himself relying on. He feels terrifying, and he doesn't like it one bit.
Dreadwing does not like the Predacons. He doesn't like the Predacons one bit. Call him stuffy with his moral code, but he's firmly of the camp that if something is dead it should STAY dead. The odd little experiments Shockwave concocted are no exceptions. They shouldn't be alive, plain and simple. And the fact that currently he IS one of the resurrected beasts and the brain of this disgusting undead thing is running around in HIS body is, quite frankly, unacceptable. He's going to be looming over the resident scientists with his new terrifying form until they find a way to fix this grievous error and return things to some semblance of normalcy.
He feels... Terribly small. Especially in his altmode. Flying without needing to move your wings at all is quite a strange experience. As is having no face or limbs outside robot mode. He's just so compact and it's all very uncomfortable. He will admit, though, it's nice being treated less like an animal. He's yearned to be seen as an equal, true and proper, and this is about as close as he's gotten.
Oh man, he switched bodies with the straight laced hard aft? Man, if Primus really has a hand in how things play out, he's one funny bitch. He's taking full comedic advantage of this situation, much to Magnus's chagrin. He's saying every swear he knows and breaking every petty rule in the autobot code that he knows isn't really enforceable. He's going on insane monologues about how rules keep us from descending into chaos in a horrible impression of Magnus that overshoots and ends up sounding closer to Sam the eagle from the muppets than anything. The kids are laughing their asses off. Bots who have worked with magnus are doing everything in their power not to laugh, with mixed success rates.
Ultra Magnus
Ulta Magnus does not care too much about being shorter or currently looking like a delinquent with no regard for anything other than his own personal amusement and some abstract concept of "coolness." ...Okay, he cares a lot and its very frustrating that people take a second to take him seriously again, but he cares much MORE about the delinquent currently inhabiting HIS frame and making a mockery of everything he believes in!!! It's unacceptable behavior and his body should be treated with the respect it deserves, not puppeted around for unfunny satire!!! He refuses to stoop to his level and mock back, so he'll simply stare him down until he gets the damn message.
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fangirltothefullest · 7 months
hey! i’ve seen you reblog a few posts from proshippers/posts tagged as proship and i just wanted to let you know in case its not on purpose!
I need some of you youngsters to please listen carefully to what I'm about to say because it might open your eyes to a very important concept- when I say ship and let ship I mean I don't give two fucks about what people read in fanfiction because it's all fake. Made up characters in a made up scenario with made up things happening.
Your christian-based concept that thought is equal to action isn't true. You can THINK whatever the hell you want do long as your actions don't cause a problem. A creepy old man can look at a young lady and THINK all the nasty things he wants. So long as he does not take those thoughts and turn them to actions, he's fine. He might want to go see a therapist but at the end of the day thoughts are just thoughts. Standing on the edge of a cliff and thinking "wow if someone pushed someone off this they'd die" doesn't mean you want to push someone off a cliff.
PLEASE separate the concept that thought and action are the same thing.
Even if the topic is a taboo topic, even if it's something you would never in a million years agree with, it's still fake at the end of the day.
I don't personally want to read about canibalism, but its not my job or my right to force other people to never write about that stuff. Policing other people's writing and policing the "goodness" or "badness" of the content they write is not my job and it's not anyone else's. Your morality is yours and yours alone. What you find taboo and never want to think about might just be a weird enjoyable read to someone else. Just like kinks or even random topics, you cannot cater to everyone and trying to force a moral purity in written fiction is just ailly. They're made up. No matter how much you want Azirphale and Crowly to be real no matter how much you are desperate for Percy Jackson to have real feelings, they aren't and he can't. They're not real and they never will be so nothing that happens to them, no matter how fucked up, really matters.
And that's all it is and all they will ever be. A bunch of taboo topics and events done to made up people.
I don't want to read about incest but I'm not going to stop people from writing fanfics about the supernatural brothers doing the nasty. I'm also not going to go out of my way to look for it or tell people to stop because it's all fake. Its not supporting it. It's made up pretend space.
I sit here throwing made up characters into Bad Situations that would be horrible if they were real people. But they're not. They're fake people with fake things happening to them and it's fun to write and fun to read. I torment my characters all the time. I made Virgil go through so much emotional trauma in APP and no one bats an eye because it's fake. Please apply the same critical thinking to the rest of written everything.
Proshipper literally means that a person should have the freedom to write what they want and read what they want because morality has nothing to do with fiction. It does not make you morally a bad person to enjoy a taboo subject in written form. This goes for ALL taboo subjects. People reading greusome murder mysteries don't go out and murder people. The same thing applies to the other taboo subjects. People writing about weird incest ships aren't going to go out and do the incest thing.
If they are it has nothing to do with the fiction and everything to do with that specific person.
Thought and action are not the same thing.
Allowing everyone to write what they want without gatekeeping based on morality is a good thing. We would not have lgbtqia+ stories if the morality policing of Christian values dictated what we are allowed and not allowed to write.
Please understand that I saying all this as a teaching tool. You might be super icked out by certain topics and that's natural and normal and ok. I am too! Everyone is! But what we have to do is be tolerant of the ideas that writing taboo subjects and being a proshipper isnt a bad thing. Also enjoying taboo subjects in written form doesn't make you somehow evil, ok?
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panlight · 2 months
not sure if you’ve touched on this before hint i’ve been curious lately: does edward actually like alice and bella or does he just appreciate their gifts? i’m not quite sure how to explain it but the more i think about it, the less alice seems like the kind of person edward would like. she seems to be more self-interested and cunning than the saint-like characters edward typically reveres. i’ve been wondering if their bond is less about a genuine like for each other and more about an understanding of each other's gifts.
i know edward's attraction to bella as a person vs her silent mind has been discussed before. do you think edward would've fallen for bella if she were more like characters like rosalie and jessica? for instance, assuming her mind were still closed off to him, would edward still have found bella fascinating if he perceived her to be vain and materialistic?
This is part of why I'm less interested in the gifts stuff that a lot of other people. I think it does muddy the waters with things like this. Like, are Edward and Alice actually compatible as siblings/friends or is it just like "you're the only one who understands because our author gave us these specific gifts?" And at the end of the day maybe it doesn't super matter; they DO have those gifts and it DOES help them understand one another so what it would be like without them only really matters if you're writing some All Human AU that removes the supernatural. In their world, compatibility with gifts is a thing, and probably just as valid as other kinds of compatibility and sympathy.
It is interesting that Edward thinks Rose is selfish and vain but loves Alice, when you know if it were Rosalie spending all this money on clothes they only wear once and throwing parties he would see it as another sign of her poor moral character. But part of it may be that Alice and Edward are different enough that they don't annoy each other in the same way Rose and Edward do. Both of them are more melancholy, more negative, more judgmental. Alice is more fun and happy and extroverted so Edward probably doesn't see his own flaws in her the same way he does in Rose (although they can be similar, too, in their sort of manipulative "I know best" dealings).
With Bella I think the gifts thing is even more of a factor. I mean if he could hear Bella's thoughts he'd be getting a lot of "Edward is SO hot" because that's what her narration is in the book, and I don't know that he's find that any different than how Jessica or whoever thinks about him. But because he can't read her mind, he's able to project on her, and also interpret her choices and actions in flattering ways rather than negative ways as he does with most people. And like I get it. I certainly think things I wouldn't say or do. I'm very patient and helpful at my job at the library, for example, but in my head when I see certain people coming and asking for help I'm like "ugggggh not THIS person" and "why can't you do this yourself?!?!" so if Edward were reading my mind he might be like "oh she's not as nice as she seems, she's two-faced, what a scoundrel!" when it's really just . . . being human?
If Bella's behavior was more like Rose and Jessica but Edward couldn't read her mind, that would be interesting. I guess if she also still smelled delicious he might fall for her, and then make up flattering explanations or excuses for the behaviors he doesn't like in others. "She just moved here/she's lonely/she misses her mother/she will grow out of it/whatever" when he's not willing/able to extend that same grace to Jessica because he can read her mind and judges her on her thoughts.
And this isn't me badmouthing Edward; I'm sure it WOULD be genuinely hard NOT to judge people when you're hearing what they are thinking all the time. That's going to flavor your perceptions of people in a major way. But I do think it's not really a fair or accurate view of a person, because what we DO and SAY matters more than what we think. We can have bad thoughts and re-direct them. We can think something mean and choose not to say it. We can internally grumble but do the Right Thing anyway.
I also think having the first two people he spent any time with being the uncommonly "good" Carlisle (super compassion!) and Esme (unconditional love) probably didn't help Edward get a realistic picture of what most people's thoughts are like. Judging a teenager's developing brain against a centuries-old compassion-motivated vampire doctor isn't gonna be a fair comparison. "Carlisle would never think like that" sure but he's also been actively choosing to fight baser instincts for hundreds of years, and Jessica's a 17-year-old navigating social cliques and history exams. They are not the same.
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isa-ghost · 4 months
My friend
I am gonna do it
Here's Set 1 and Set 2
Now M O R E
He won't do it without prompting because he'll feel like an ass giving nobody else room to talk, but if someone got him on the topic of like. Exploration or flight or something, he could talk for hours. He's extremely knowledgeable and passionate about stuff like that, most times because he has centuries of experience
I don't want to diagnose cc!Phil or whatever bc I know he doesn't like when people do that, but to me his rp character is free reign. And as a psych major with ADHD who's focusing on the study of neurodivergent disorders: this man is hella ADHD coded. He's told too many personal stories that are relatable to me for me to be silent about it. I'm 🤝🏻 this crow man
In his case this isn't a nd trait but instead a crow one, but he experiences echolalia sometimes. Funny things or certain noises he hears just scratch an itch in his bird brain real good, he can't help but repeat it for a while
The way to Phil's heart is good food, fun to be around, and kicking ass. If you can tick those 3 things off for yourself, you're Phil Approved
He'll say he doesn't fall for peer pressure, and often times he's right. But on rare occasions someone like Fit or Etoiles can convince him to do smth he maybe wouldn't at first. It's easier to win him over when he's drunk
cc!Phil has talked abt how he gets a weird confidence boost when he's drunk as shit. That's real for q!Phil too. He could be staggering slurring speech drunk and still snipe something like 50 blocks away. It makes Fit and Etoiles want to kiss him about it
He has intentionally made almost his entire wardrobe varying shades of green, which he pairs with black, red & gold. He thinks it's funny to have a branded wardrobe like an anime character
Idr how canon dsmp is to q!Phil but he still has the friendship emerald charm hanging from his hat. Perhaps it's from the Antarctic Empire days instead. Idk, I just like the character design of Dangly Thing On Hat Brim too much to exclude it from his design in my head (I should rlly attempt to doodle my Phil beyond the random notebook ones I've done. Maybe I'll post those if asked idk)
Don't underestimate this man's ability to get dramatic. Tallulah ain't the only one in the family that can go hard
I wouldn't say he has a bad temper. He's very well-practiced at self-control. However, there are certain things that set him off so severely, he throws self-control out the window. Those things aren't worthy of him trying to be "the bigger person." They deserve their ass handed to them right here right now (see: The Codes pre-current lore).
In a similar vein, when the situation isn't one of those special Fuck This incidences, he still doesn't have a temper, but when he finally snaps, he SNAPS. Like on a The Polycule be like "mark me down as scared and horny" level of snap. When you get on the Angel of Death's last fucking nerve he let's you KNOW.
I'm self-projecting here: this fucking idiot man has a detrimental habit of insisting on handling stuff like anxiety alone. He hates when people see him without his composure. It's not even like an embarrassing thing, it's just very uncomfortable to him. So when a panic attack hits or he finally concedes and let's himself cry, it's alone. And sometimes that makes it worse. But even that doesn't make him change his mind. "Keep it together for the kids," right? :')
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wishmemel · 1 year
(check out part two!)
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i know a lot of people think gojo would need someone who can dish back what he throws out. someone flirtatious. someone who doesn't back down. and i agree. but only to a certain extent. i feel like he would want someone like that for a fling. he wants that thrill, that excitement. but only for flings.
i feel like he doesn't even know it himself. but he needs someone nurturing to settle down with. someone who offers to buy him lunch before his missions even though he has all the money in the world. someone who reminds him to be safe before he goes out even though he's walking into a death zone. someone who can be patient and calm in the face of his recklessness. someone who can openly show him that they care, that they're going to stay, that they're here. someone who would be willing to take the first step in a relationship.
and of course he would want to challenge all of that. someone like gojo wouldn't be able to believe that anyone could care for him like that. not openly. not willingly. everything you give him with good intentions, he'd probably throw right back in your face, thinking it's a trick.
he'd think you're too kind. too good. too innocent. he'd want to ruin you or find some way to prove you wrong. so maybe he can't stand you or maybe he likes trying to rile you up. but only because that's his defense system speaking. he's panicking on the inside and that's why he's acting like that.
because he has all his walls up. he's flighty in relationships. and that's why he likes the ones who just want something temporary, something exciting for the night.
but what he needs is very different than what he wants.
if he were ever to settle down, it wouldn't be with someone who hates his guts (like utahime) or someone who can barely tolerate his antics (like nanami).
it would have to be with someone who can put him first. before their own work or anything else. he needs someone who puts him first. someone's who's willing to go all in. someone who just takes the dive. so that he can watch.
i know people have said this. and it's true. gojo's a follower. not a leader. and i agree. he needs someone who can take the leap first. and be willing to be vulnerable and open. so that he can do the same. like a "i'll show you my demons if you show me yours" kinda thing.
he needs someone who can do all of that vulnerability stuff and do it first. he needs to analyze it, to see it for himself, that there are no bad intentions. and then maybe he'd be willing to dip his feet in the pool. little by little. it would take time, of course, which is why i think he needs someone with a lot of patience. someone who doesn't assume the worst of everyone.
additionally, this doesn't mean that his partner is boring. they can still be playful and teasing and fun. but i think he also needs someone who can be soft openly. someone who can be sensitive without hesitating. someone who doesn't hide their feelings.
based on the way that he treats his students, i think he wants someone who he can protect. i think he's a protector over all else. he has all these powers and he can't just sit still with them. he needs to do something.
which means he needs someone who will show him off the way he shows off. someone who won't hesitate to toss out compliments for him and won't hesitate to claim him as theirs, leaving him in stunned silence. he just wants to belong to someone, you know. gojo satoru needs a home. more than anything.
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What do you think happens to Slytherins after Hogwarts? The ones who, unlike Malfoy, can't throw their parents names around and escape all trouble. The Wizarding World is tiny, so I imagine the stigma follows them into adulthood real easy, especially with the whole thing with Voldemort likely intensifying it tenfold, do you bet they'd be way more subject to suspicion and totally legal searches by the aurors where they conveniently find something to toss them in Azkaban over?
Well, remember that many of the Slytherins were not Death Eaters.
Draco was the youngest Death Eater to be inducted in. Crabbe and Goyle got high on a prefect power trip but weren't actually Death Eaters who had taken the mark at that point. The other students seem to have less and less involvement than even that (it was pretty much Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle throughout the series that were the super Slytherin Slytherins).
So, reasonably, Draco's the only one going to trial if at all. Considering all the other people who have to go to trial who did a lot worse things, including his own father who is a much juicer target, it's not surprising he got off the hook (that, and Harry thinks he owes him because of Narcissa).
Crabbe probably would have gotten a trial for dark magic voodoo arson, but his dark magic voodoo arson killed him so he gets to rot in hell.
That leaves the rest of the kiddos.
Goyle was high on a power trip, but it was also under order of the Carrows, and while Wizarding Britain could go nuts trying to try underage collaborationists that'd get... very messy... and likely shortly lead to a third wizarding war.
Pansy Parkinson tried to capture Harry for the glory points, but that makes her even less of a collaborationist than Harry so I don't expect anything to have happened to her.
And that's it, that's all we got who even aided the Death Eaters. So Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, all of them didn't do anything themselves and presumably weren't even involved.
Now, we do have some dirt on their parents. Nott's dad, known Death Eater. Greengrass's father, not a Death Eater but involved in incriminating activities per the fandom wiki, Lucius Malfoy, always a gem, and of course Crabbe and Goyle Sr. proud Death Eaters.
The reason I'm getting into this is that the kids of the parents involved in this, if they're not dead already (see Crabbe), then they're probably losing a good chunk of their money over this and get a stigma with the family name.
And that's where your ask comes in.
It was already bad in Slytherin, you have Hagrid noting casually "25% of the population is irredeemably evil" to Harry like it's a known fact, and that's before Voldemort was resurrected, but for the kids with the black mark on the last name it'll be even worse.
Probably in the aftermath there'll be attempts to um, rehabilitate Slytherin, so the new kids will have to stay on their toes but won't get it quite as bad.
This generation getting out though, well, I love Cursed Child so I will discuss it and note that Scorpius Malfoy's life is ruined over the rumor that his mother went back in time to have sex with Voldemort and he is their love child.
Is this in any way believable? No.
Do I believe something like this could ruin their lives? Yes.
Basically, Malfoy especially, will all be living on Harry (head of the Auror department's) good will and whether or not he doesn't feel like searching their house today (this is not absent in canon either, when Arthur Weasley promotes a low, that does pass, that um... lets them search certain people's houses without warrant).
So, yes, they're going to have a fun time.
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request Malleus,Vil,Riddle and Floyd with a very frail reader that has to take a lot of medications and can get sick quite quickly??
Hello, thank you for the ask!
Malleus, Vil, Riddle, Floyd x frail!reader
He knew humans were weaker than fae, but he still feels sad whenever he sees you sick.
Malleus won't think that you being frail is anything to be ashamed of. He doesn't think it's anything bad and instead he just focuses on making sure you can stay healthy.
If you are sick, he'll try his best to make you feel better. He cuddles with you, sometimes with a blanket wrapped around the two of you to make sure he's keeping you warm. Lilia might ask if he wants help (ex. food?) but Malleus declines haha.
I feel like because he's a fae, Malleus won't get sick. He doesn't have anything to worry about so he uses this as an excuse to stay with you longer than usual.
He hates seeing you sick. You're disheveled, you have dark circles under your eyes, etc. You just look sad but he can't imagine how you must be feeling on the inside!
He knows potions and medicines that work the best for you, so he remembers to take care of you. If anyone tries to make fun of how frail you are, let's hope they can withstand some strong poison.
Doesn't cuddle that much when you're sick because he can get sick too. But that doesn't mean he won't try his best to make sure you're feeling better. He let's you stay in his super comfy bed and strokes your hair when you're lying down. He might give you some warm foods too.
Overall he wants to help, and he wants you to know that being frail isn't something that is negative to him. He still thinks you're beautiful, he just wants to make sure you're not feeling sick.
Similar to Vil, he doesn't like how disheveled you are when you're sick. That doesn't mean he hates it when you come to him for help. Honestly he would stick by you 24/7 if he wasn't so busy chasing down Ace and Deuce for all of the chaos they do haha.
He might know that you're sick before you even show symptoms. Riddle keeps headache pills on him whenever you need it and he isn't opposed to having tea with you. If it helps calm you down or feel better, then he would be more than willing to participate.
When you are really sick though, he does keep a bit of distance. He wants to cuddle with you, kiss you so much, etc. But he knows that if he gets sick, it wouldn't be good for you or him. Because of this, he might not do too much physical affection, but he makes sure to visit you all the time and bring soup or other warm foods for you. He might also deliver homework haha.
Don't think of your fragility as a weakness. Riddle wants you to know that to him you are the person he loves the most. He just wants to be the best for you in return, he wants to keep you feeling better.
Unlike Riddle, he's less careful when around you. Maybe it's because he's not human, but he doesn't think he'll get sick when he's around you. He also doesn't take your fragility into consideration on certain occasions (like throwing a ball at you without warning :/).
He does, however, take people that make fun of you being frail very, very seriously. If he even hears a little bit of sneering, Floyd will turn to the harasser(s) with a terrifying glow in his eyes. Just know that you'll be safe from bullies with him on your side!
Though he might not be the best at being gentle, he loves cuddling with you. When you're sick, he makes that as an excuse to be with you even more than usual. He just flops into bed with you and you guys end up tangled in the blanket together. He will kiss you a lot too.
He knows however that you need to get better. He asks Azul for some help, and he might show up with some food on certain occasions. He loves being with you and cuddling with you, but he wants you to be healthy. Either way, just know that if you are ever sick, you won't feel lonely.
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omg so glad your inbox is open!!! i wanna know what you think Miles G’s sense of humor is like, because 1610 Miles has a pretty sarcastic one. Do you think G would make more jokes as a way of coping and keeping people around him just a tiny bit happier compared to the rest of his world? Or do you think he would make less jokes entirely? I personally think he makes less jokes in general, but if he’s with his mom, he’ll make a normal amount of them because he wants to see her genuinely smile ^_^
*looks through her infinite Miles G headcanons list*
This is quite an interesting question, because in fact, everywhere I like to look for the middle ground and the most likely option of all.
It is not difficult to say that until a certain moment in life, the humor of 1610 and 42 was basically identical. Neither Jefferson nor Rio are "stoned" when it comes to humor, so he wouldn't have any initial predispositions to a bad sense of humor. I can even say that if we take 1610 (and I always take him into account, because without it the analysis will be incomplete), that he has more humor from his father - similar slightly silly jokes and gags (they even became the authors of the same meme with that stairs). Rio, judging by her dialogue at the party, has a less...refined sense of humor, and I think that's also because she just grew up in a different culture, so jokes she used to might be unusual for New Yorkers, but I'm digging a little to far at that point.
Still, back to Miles G, I think their 1610 senses of humor would be similar BUT not the same, although they would be able to make each other laugh a lot more than other people (If Miles G would let himself to openly laugh near someone new of course) And the reason for that, again, is the family and other surroundings. It's not a stretch to say that there's a good chance he picked up some humor in Rio — especially when he's speaking Spanish, because the dialogue with 1610 shows that she likes to use Spanish when it comes to joking. As a bilingual, I can say that many jokes from one language are impossible to translate into another due to the peculiarities of the puns themselves (I can imagine how Aaron suffered because of this at first lol. Like he can't understand what this kid is saying and why is he so hard trying to keep this straight face)
Regarding Aaron and his influence on Miles' humor: I think his and Jeff's relationship with humor is quite different. Of course, there are similarities, because they grew up together, but Aaron looks way more...relaxed. While most of Jeff's funny moments are either his failed attempts to make amends, or phrases that should sound serious but don't. In general, one feels that he works as a policeman and tends to act serious when it comes to serious topics (wich was once he usually discussed in a movie).
At the same time, Aaron feels more in his element. He can calmly walk up to his nephew and start telling him some weird techniques or replying to messages with a bunch of emojis. I think he's the type of person whose jokes are really good, but not many people understand them; honestly, I don't even know if he was serious about that shoulder touch stuff.
Most likely, Miles also did not immediately understand some of his phrases, but over time of working together, he just got used to it, and became one of the few people who really appreciates his uncle's fun. Of course, they have to be more serious than 1610 in that scene, but I don't believe Aaron wouldn't throw in a joke at least once in a while (to which he would initially get a puzzled 'um?'). I'm not sure that he would have adopted some of those jokes, but in part - in part, this uncle's influence cannot but be felt.
And now for the weirder detail that I haven't seen anyone bring up yet - Earth 42's humor as a thing. Because it seems to me that Miles G understands sarcasm or dark humor - but not that he likes to use it very much. Because you have to understand something like this if you are part of Earth 42. Let me explain.
Six, as a group of people, are absolute idiots in themselves, and therefore, to problems or complaints in their direction, they most likely... simply did not respond with anything worthwhile. Respond with sarcasm like "if you don't have water, go bathe in our green river" (© the Lizard) might be quite of an option. One of the posters in the background of Earth 42 sometimes says "Don't do this" copying the slogan of the Nike company, so I think there are a lot of such billboards out there. Imagine if there were some sarcastic, ironic "Life is beautiful if you don't look at it" or "Just give it up dude" posters all over town. Because the Six benefit from keeping their slaves residents at bay, and this kind of passive-aggressive humor is part of that.
So yeah, Miles can't help but understand it when it's part of his environment and part of the job. But did he choose to use it often? Do not think. His life is already terrible enough, and knowing how he want to help and the way he honestly holds on to what is dear to him - I don't think he would have made the situation worse. (Especially considering that his mother would not like it, and yes, this is an important criterion). Sometimes he knows a sarcastic answer to some phrase - but he uses them only rarely and expediently. Usually when he feels hurt or uncomfortable.
I want to finish with how it was actually in the Vagabonds with humor. I think he's less funny than spiderman - he needs to be more quiet and focused or he might break a dozen bones (or fail a mission). It's not that he doesn't have jokes in his head - sometimes they do, but the work itself makes him very clearly analyze the moments when these jokes will be safe to tell.
He thinks that in a dialogue with thieves, he will rather start saying something like "Hurry up, I have to defrost the chicken before my parents comes home." with the most serious face ever. Like, really, he has things to do.
And well that's all for today cause I have to sleep. Thanks for your questions! Also I rly like your page and hcs they're all so TRUE/pos srs..
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actual-changeling · 11 months
Ellie probably got some incredibly bare basics cooking classes cause FEDRA needs them to have that skill, but I think it starts and ends with "this is how you put shit together to be somewhat edible".
So once they get to Jackson and have their own house and a kitchen, Joel is the one who cooks at the beginning (dining hall and two people with hypervigilance and ptsd does NOT mix), and Ellie watches him sometimes. Joel definitely knows what he is doing, he did raise Sarah (+Tommy) after all, and after a week or two, when they have both had time to rest and their brains are less fatigued and stressed out, she asks him to teach her.
At first, it is mostly a mix of mild curiosity and her brain recognizing it as a useful survival skill, and it is a pretty tense situation for both of them; she has the need to impress him and does not know what to do with it or where exactly it is coming from. Joel is trying his best to explain why he does something and how to do it without cutting/burning yourself, but seeing Ellie handling a very big knife near a hot stove makes him anxious in a way he did not expect. Yeah, he has seen her handle her knife and shoot people but that knife is sharp and he vividly remembers the time Sarah accidentally touched a heated burner. On the other side, Ellie wants to be good at it and gets overly frustrated in a way she also did not see coming when it is harder than she thought; Joel makes it look almost effortless but the whole process is mentally exhausting and making something taste good is a fucking minefield.
Cooking lessons are messy and on bad brain days outright unpleasant, with Ellie having trouble focusing due to her dissociation and Joel growing increasingly restless as his anxiety edges itself on more and more. Once he passes a certain threshold, he keeps hovering behind her and chiming in with completely unnecessary warnings like "careful, the knife is sharp", and the silent implication that she is failing/incapable pokes at Ellie's trauma (not that Joel actually means it that way, but reminding herself of that doesn't stop the cold pinch in her heart). It causes the cloud of static in her mind to thicken, and as a result her movements become more clumsy, which then makes Joel even MORE anxious. The whole lesson turns into a small spiral neither of them likes to see happen, but they also do not know how to make it stop, and after a memorable instance of burned black sludge coating their pans when she got distracted and a barely edible result, they both need a break for a few weeks.
Ellie feels incredibly useless and inadequate because this shouldn't be hard! Cooking looks easy and she does know how to do it, she really does! Somehow she is just really fucking bad at doing it with Joel around, her body can't decide whether she wants him as close as possible or far away, and the weird urge to impress him does not waver no matter how much she tells herself that it doesn't matter.
Luckily, there is one other person she can ask to teach her and that person is Tommy.
Compared to Joel, Tommy is the definition of relaxation and her brain is less conflicted around him, so when she comes over for the first time, the process and the end result are actually surprisingly easy and edible. They start with the few things she had already mastered and then work their way up, and Tommy is not Joel, he doesn't hover or throw her unnecessary warnings, he sits on a kitchen chair most of the time and does whatever while occasionally answering her questions or helping her out. Once she feels somewhat competent Joel also comes by, and with Tommy being fully unbothered and radiating peace, his anxiety calms more and more each time.
There is more to unpack than just cooking lessons, they all know that, but the day they prepare family dinner together, laughing and bumping into each other and making a mess of Tommy and Maria's kitchen, food becomes not just fun again but a way to connect, and it brings them one step closer to living with family instead of just surviving for it.
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cursedvibes · 6 months
This chapter was so fun to me and I guess what puts in all together how so many lives could have been spared if Kenjaku and Takaba had found each other earlier because the more this goes on the more it proves my own theory that Kenjaku just desperately needed enrichment and a equal mutual standing relationship of some kind all along. Yuuji would not have existed at all or at least had a different father if Kenjaku figured out what they actually needed and wanted in their life.
Yeah, I think they were like this (what we saw the last chapters) when young, but then gradually became obsessed with the wrong things and that overtook any other concerns they might've had and made them able to hurt and use the people they care about. I think they were always a little shit though and had low or no empathy from the start, which made finding friends difficult. Like, they clearly have no trouble hurting Takaba and he returns it to a degree (running someone over with a jet ski is not safe!). There was always a fascination for the grotesque and finding out new things in them, I think, just not as extreme. For example, they seem genuinely interested in medicine, biology, physics etc., and especially medicine and biology has to involve some cutting up of living beings. So there would probably be some death caused by Kenjaku and they would've experimented and pushed some ethical lines either way, but not to the point of wanting to merge their best friend with Japan's population against her will.
I wonder how much Tengen influenced Kenjaku's behaviour. They were/are friends and while Tengen doesn't strike me as the type to play children's games with Kenjaku, they must've gotten along very well at some point for Kenjaku to get so attached to her. Disagreements are normal, they have them with Takaba too and Kenjaku seems to need and enjoy that challenge and pushback (also why they liked Yuki). Tengen's first merger is probably what made their relationship turn for the worse. She didn't want to indulge Kenjaku's little experiments and fascination with her body and then they just became more and more fixated on their respective positions regarding what Tengen's future should look like. Tengen shutting herself off and becoming more concerned with running jujutsu society didn't help. Kenjaku wanted her attention, didn't get it and nothing could really engage them to the same degree.
Really telling that Kenjaku is thinking about how it has been centuries since they had so much fun that their heart danced and that they are glad they created the Culling Game because of moments like their fight against Takaba. Takaba influences their thoughts, but I don't think it's to the degree of him literally putting words in their brain. It's more like he brings out hidden sides of them that would make them behave in his favour. Kenjaku also immediately smothers those feelings as soon as they become aware of them, which I think tracks with how they behave around Tengen and Yuuji aka dehumanizing them around certain people while other times acknowledging their bond to them. They are very used to pushing any kind of growing feeling of attachment down because it makes them vulnerable to others and if you want to follow a thousand year plan full of setbacks, you just can't have weaknesses like that.
I'm really curious where this will all lead to. I'd like Kenjaku's friendship issues to be brought up directly and compared with Takaba's own. Throw in a Tengen mention for extra drama. I think this will conclude with Takaba managing to make Kenjaku genuinely laugh (he already got close this chapter) without any mind manipulation involved, but I doubt it will be enough to make Kenjaku discard their merger plan entirely. So Takaba technically wins, but I don't see this being favourable for the protagonists overall besides buying them a bit of time. Takaba really likes Kenjaku and is very invested in them. They also helped him with his depression (he even says as much this chapter, albeit as a bit and as an excuse to turn Kenny into a nurse). First by turning his life around with the Culling Game and then by making him realize why he wanted to be a comedian in the first place and strife to do better. They even called him "partner" now, which clearly means a lot to him. I don't see that attachment leading to anything good in the long run. Kenjaku isn't the only one affected by this fight.
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ur-urmom · 1 year
I just read your first work for Carlisle and I absolutely loved it!!! 😭❤️👌🏽 Maybe... could you write a second part? It's okay if you don't though!! I can't wait to read more of your works and I feel honoured to have found your blog! ❤️❤️❤️
ahhhh you’re so sweet thank you!! I am so glad to hear you liked it! I’m more than happy to write a second part, the first part is my most liked fic so it’s only right :D
I also did not know that Carlisle’s physical age is 23, but for the sake of this story we’ll say his physical age is like 30 or something 😭
Okay, That Hurt - Pt. 2 - Carlisle x Reader
(Part 1)
Genre - cute fluff stuff, possibly implied spice (not smut)
Warnings - cussing, age gap, implied spicy time
Summary - after the little accident with the demonic stairs, it’s about time Y/N get their cast off. However, that means the same certain doctor will be there to help with that, and he’s determined to see Y/N again, but this time somewhere outside of the hospital without a broken bone or any other injury.
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Today is the day, people! Today is the day!
Not only do I finally get my cast off on this fine afternoon, but I get to see Dr. Carlisle Cullen once more. Oh, how my heart has been swooning over him since I left the hospital that first time! Sure it was only about a month and a half ago, but damn have I been utterly tempted to just ‘accidentally’ fracture my ankle, or maybe slip on those same demonic stairs again… definitely not on purpose though.
I feel like a high school student again, one that has a stupid, innocent crush on their teacher that they know nothing will ever come out of it. But, still, it’s fun to remember how a little infatuation feels.
It’s been too long since I’ve had someone — well, someone who’s actually real and not fictional — make me all giddy and giggly and shit. I think about him and start twirling my hair, kicking my feet, and biting my lip with a turn of excitement in the pit of my belly.
Do I know that nothing is gonna happen? Yes. Yes I do.
Am I still gonna pretend like that man is gonna be my future husband? Yes. Yes I am.
I was putting on my shoes when I took a quick look at the time. It was one o’clock. I still had another hour before I needed to be at the hospital. I wanted to try and pass the time so I wouldn’t be on the verge of throwing up from how nervous I was from seeing Dr. Cullen again. It’s all fun and games until you actually have to be next to the object of your affection in person.
“Let’s go bother Bella.” I whispered to myself while I got up from my seat and began putting on my coat by the entrance. Turning the knob, I walked out and closed the door behind me. I glanced at the cars in her driveway. Her truck was there, but another car that I didn’t recognize was too. “Edward.” I finally decided that’s who it was. It couldn’t be Charlie, he was at work.
I did end up meeting Edward a while ago, he’s a good guy, maybe a tad bit eccentric, but Bella really likes him so I guess I do as well.
I really like his dad, that’s for sure.
Making my way to the steps, I came to an abrupt stop as I remembered my previous accident with them. Inspecting the stairs for any unseen slippery ice, I had come to the conclusion that it should be safe.
“Yeah… fuck you.” I flipped off the step in particular that had tried to kill me. My feet made contact with the ground, and I let out a small breath of relief that I didn’t even know I was holding. Crossing my yard into Bella’s, I went to her front door and knocked with my good arm a couple of times. I waited a few with no answer, so I decided to repeat my actions. On my third knock, the door opened and Bella stood in front of me. I gave her a smile and a wave, and my eyes glanced past her to Edward. I saw that his hair was kind of a mess, and when I looked back at Bella, I noticed her shirt’s top buttons were undone.
My eyebrows raised a little, and my mouth formed an O shape before I started giggling like a little kid.
“I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” My smile only grew bigger.
Bella’s eyes looked everywhere but me, her hand running through her hair and she kept it on the back of her head as she stuttered out, “N-no, no not at all. Come in.” She bit her lip as she stepped to the side for me to walk through.
I did, looking at Edward and the tiny grin on his features.
“You might have interrupted a little something.” He spoke, his gaze not leaving his flustered girlfriend, to which she gave him a very noticeable glare, almost as if telling him to shut up with her eyes.
“Aw darn it, my bad guys!” I apologized again. “I just wanted to pop in and say hello before I went to my appointment to get this son of a bitch off.” Pointing to my cast, I kept talking. “But I promise I’ll leave soon so you two can get back to your foreplay.”
My words only made Bella even more shy, but I did get a chuckle from Edward before he spoke up.
“Oh yeah, my dad can’t wait to see how it’s healed.”
All jokes about the happy couple immediately left my mind as images of Carlisle replaced them. I felt my face heat up at the thought of him somehow looking forward to our — professional — meeting today.
“Ah… what, he’s asked about me?” I tried to play off my butterflies.
“Every time Bella comes over.”
I looked at her, and she was nodding her head in agreement with her hands in her pant’s front pockets.
“…Which is all the time.” Edward finished.
I lightly coughed, trailing my finger along a dusted item to do anything with my hands except fiddle with them.
“Hm, good to know he cares about his patients.” I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from grinning ear to ear. “Makes me feel more comfortable in his care.”
“I don’t think it’s just that.” The pale boy voiced.
“Yeah, like… you’re the only patient he’s asked about so frequently like this… or ever.” Bella awkwardly stated.
I blinked.
“C’mon guys, it’s only because you two know me. He’s only being courteous, yeah?”
“No, I don’t think so.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I mean, do you know how many times Mike has hurt himself? We know him and Carlisle never asks about his injuries.”
“…Maybe he’s not very fond of Mike?” I was more so asking myself that in order to keep my composure. Sure, the idea of Carlisle actually being interested in me is absolutely exhilarating… however it’s quite terrifying in reality.
An older man who is the town’s favorite doctor and has kids that are very close to the age of my own? Given they’re adopted, but still.
How would society — the community — react to that?
Innocent flirting is always fun, but when there’s actual intentions behind it? I might need to rethink my feelings.
When neither of them answered, I took that as my sign to go ahead and get to the hospital and have this over with as quickly as I can.
“Alright, well, I’ve gotta get going, but I’ll let you guys know how it goes and what the verdict is.” I smiled. I gave Bella a small hug and waved bye to Edward before I saw myself out.
The chilly air hit my face like a brick, and I took a deep breath as I rubbed my hands together in an attempt to get them warm. I had grabbed my keys before I went next door, so I just walked to my car and got in. Starting it, I kept thinking about what they said about Carlisle. Needless to say, I’m about a hundred times more anxious than I was before, but I’m just gonna blame the coffee I had earlier for the upset stomach I was beginning to get.
My mind was racing as I drove to the hospital. I’m not gonna lie, I was driving like five miles below the speed limit. I was gonna be a little early anyway, so it’s okay. The fact that I was so excited to see his angelic face again when I thought there was no chance he would like me, but now that I know there might be a possible chance that he does I am dreading this interaction.
I can’t get too hopeful. Maybe he really is just a caring doctor who just so happens to be asking about me a lot more than his other patients. Yeah, that’s it.
When I pulled into the parking lot, I must have sat there for a good three minutes before finally getting out.
“Okie dokie. Let’s get this thing off… that’s what I’m here for… nothing else.”
I stepped inside and made my way to the front desk to a woman sitting behind the counter.
“Uh, hi! I have an appointment with Dr. Cullen for removing my cast.”
“Name please.” The woman didn’t even look at me.
“…Y/N L/N.”
“Have a seat and someone will call you to the back when it’s time.” Not even a glance my way.
“Um. Okay.”
I did as told and sat in one of the chairs, ignoring the fact that the lady could’ve been a little nicer or something, she could’ve at least made eye contact with me… but no need to dwell on that. If people wanna be negative there’s nothing I can do about it.
I heard the doors to the back open, and when I looked up I saw a nurse come out.
Shit shit shit shit.
“Yup!” I got up.
“How are you today?” She asked, a smile on her face. Much different from the woman at the front.
“I’m good! I’ll be a lot better once this thing is off.”
“Oh, I bet! You’ll be walking out of here with a brand new arm!” She laughed. I followed her to the back and she had me sit down on the edge of one of the beds. “Alright, well Dr. Cullen will be with you in a moment.” And with that she was on her way.
All I could do is wait in anticipation now.
It’ll be a quick process, there’s nothing to worry about. Hell, maybe I’ll even throw in another wink when I leave like the last time.
Honestly? Maybe I’ll shoot my shot! There’s nothing to lose, and the age gap isn’t even that big…
I don’t think, anyway.
The curtain to my section was pulled shut, so when the light sound of footsteps could be heard getting closer to me I couldn’t help but adjust how I was sitting. I straightened my posture and fixed my hair even though it didn’t need fixing. I was expecting the curtain to open and Carlisle in all of his glory to step in with his pearly whites showing and that glint in his eyes, but when the footsteps got close enough to enter, they turned a corner and faded out.
I slouched back down in disappointment and relief. That was until the curtains suddenly got pulled back at the speed of fucking light. I jumped up, startled and a small gasp escaping my lips.
And of fucking course it was the one and only Carlisle Cullen.
“Fucking hell, fuck me— god damn you scared me!” I muttered the first part, my heart pounding and my blood rushing. He let out a hearty laugh, closing the hanging fabric again.
“Sure, if you’d like.” The words absentmindedly left his mouth. I was confused at first, until I had realized what he was replying to. The blood that was rushing from a sudden fright was now rushing due to his flustering response. He turned around to face me now, and he was just as gorgeous if not more than the last time I saw him. “How have you been?”
"Oh... um, I've been okay! Getting by as well as I can with this stupid thing." I said, lifting up the wrist I idiotically broke. "Hopefully the doc has some good news for me though."
"The doc is about to have a look..." Carlisle's features changed from amusement to concentration as his gaze traveled across my face, making his way down to what I thought would be my cast, but his attention passed my injury and kept lowering... and lowering... until he finally started to go upwards again.
Is it just me or is it getting hot in here? I felt the heat rise to my chest, neck, ears, literally everywhere as his eyes scaled my entire being. It felt like he was checking me out, not looking me over. Either way, it's getting a little hard to breathe.
"You look great... healthy."
Yeah, obviously. I only had a small concussion, a few scrapes on my arm, and this dumb ass fragile bone that snapped.
He has to be doing this on purpose.
"Thank y—...ou." My breathing completed haltered, my words coming to a stop followed by an embarrassing linger when his hand gently grasped my jaw, his thumb on my chin as he tilted my head side to side.
His touch was still as cold as I remembered, a strange yet comforting feeling.
Just as I thought he was done, his free hand found my forehead, his fingers brushing away the hair that rested there and his face getting closer to mine... to get a better look I'd assume.
I could feel his breath on my cheek, and I was wondering if he could hear how fast my heart was beating. When he finally backed away, a tiny cough that I couldn't hold escaped. God, I hope he doesn't ask why my face is so red, because the way I was feeling right now It couldn't be anything but.
His gaze held my own for a few seconds before he spoke.
"Well, it looks like your concussion is gone."
…Yeah, I figured.
"Now, let's get this ugly bastard off shall we?" Carlisle pulled up the rolling seat right in front of me and a cart with everything he needed was sat beside us in his reach. Without warning, he took ahold of my covered arm and adjusted it to his liking, propping it on the empty space on the top of the cart. He grabbed the saw tool that looked like it was meant to be a torture weapon in a horror movie and held it up. Looking at me with a sweet smile, he said, "Don't worry, the worst you'll feel is a tickle."
I nodded to tell him I understood, and he turned it on. He started cutting, and he was definitely right. I couldn't help the small giggles leaving my lips as the vibrations from the cast saw tickled my entire arm. Dr. Cullen grinned at my laughs, still concentrating on removing the plaster. Once he was done, he slowly removed it. I saw the inside and immediately cringed.
"That is so gross..." I muttered.
"I've seen worse." Carlisle stated. "Trust me... you've done pretty good taking care of it!" His cold touch gently held my wrist up and he started moving it. It felt weird, I knew it was just because I hadn't moved it in a while, but at least there was no pain. "There we go, back to normal!"
I slowly took over, and after inspecting it I had come to the conclusion that everything was fine.
"Yeah... I guess you're right." I jokingly tried to question his experience.
"You guess? I have a degree."
"Oh do you?"
It was silent for a few seconds, our eyes never breaking contact before the two of us broke out into a fit of laughs and chuckles. Our excitement died down, and I jumped up now that it was over with.
"Thank you, Carlisle! I'll try not to break any more bones for you." I grinned at him. He mimicked my features. Sadly, I was about to wish him a farewell, that is until he spoke before I got the chance to.
"There's something else you could do for me too, if you don't mind."
My brows raised just the slightest bit in curiosity.
"What's that?" I asked, expecting him to tell me to wrap myself in bubble wrap, or tell Bella he says hi, but both of those guesses were farther than far off.
"Go out with me?... Tonight?"
Oh, wow.
"I get off in a few hours, I'll pick you up. 6:30?" He continued, a hopeful glint in those beautiful fucking eyes of his.
"Um..." I started. My mind was jolting forward to things people might say, how they would view this, what would actually come out of this. So many things that I didn't need to worry about kept jumbling around in my head. But that's what they were, things I didn't need to worry about. "Yeah. Yeah!" My hesitancy dissipating as I realized the opportunity I had here. "Let me give you my address." I was beaming.
Carlisle's face lit up even more than mine. "No need! I know where Bella lives, so I know where you live."
Oh yeah, forgot about that.
I bit my lip in a silly attempt to stop smiling any wider than I already was before he had to stitch my mouth back to normal.
"Perfect!... I'll see you at 6:30, doc." I giddily waved goodbye as I exited the curtained room. I didn't give him a chance to say anything else, mainly because if I stayed there any longer I thought I would drop dead from excitement, anxiety, and how hot he was. At least there would have been a doctor in the room.
I guess Bella and Edward were right to think he might have liked me as more than a patient, but now I have to figure out what the heck I’m gonna wear tonight.
When I left the hospital and got inside of my car, I let out an ecstatic scream. As soon as I get home I have to tell Bella, and I was hoping Edward would be gone by now. I think it would be a little awkward having me excitedly ramble on about how Carlisle and I are going on a date when his son would be in the same room listening to how his dad asked me out.
Adoptive dad, but like I said, still.
Leaving the parking lot, I practically floored it back to the house. As I was pulling into my drive, I noticed both of the cars that were in front of Bella’s place were gone.
“They both left? In separate cars?” I was confused as hell, but who am I to question these things. Edward was a strange man… and so was his family, but I’m literally going on a date with his father so I can’t say anything. Maybe I can pinpoint just what makes them so… well, unique, tonight.
Before I got out of the vehicle, I looked at the time. A little after three. Okay, I have a bit over three hours to get ready, that’s plenty of time. Though, I do need to be ready earlier just in case, so maybe I have about two hours and a half.
I rushed inside of the house, slamming the door shut behind me and speed walking my way to the bathroom while simultaneously taking off pieces of my clothing so I could take a shower now that my cast was off. I tossed them on the floor as I went along, I'll pick them up later.
What if he wants to come inside afterwards... or before? I also have to clean and make sure everything looks nice in here too, because that is a possibility.
Oh god... what if...
What if he wants to come inside, if you catch my drift.
Whatever, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
If we get there.
Once again, my mind was going over a billion scenarios that could happen tonight. I definitely wasn't doing any favors by easing my anxiety.
Before I knew it, time flew by and the last thing I needed to do was pick an outfit. I had straightened up my place enough to where it would look good but not like I was doing too much. My hair was nice, and I touched up any blemishes that might could be seen. Now, the wow factor. The clothes.
I needed to figure out whether I was going for more casual, fancy, comfy, or something else. I could do a mixture? I'm not sure what to expect from this, where we're going and all of that.
That's why I settled for something casual, but a nice casual, so it would be alright for any occasion that wasn't the red carpet or an award winning program.
By the time I got done, it was seventeen minutes before 6:30. To say I was nervous was an understatement, but I was excited too. I was practically walking around in circles pacing all over the place waiting for a knock on the door or the bell to ring. I didn't wanna sit down because I would could wrinkle my outfit, and the moment I sat down would probably be the moment he arrived. I walked to the kitchen and fixed myself a glass of ice water to help ease my nerves. The chill ran down my throat to my spine, and I let out deep breathe through my nose. I stared at the rim of the glass and the ice floating around in the water before taking another sip.
When I did that, the sound of a few thumps from the door came and I jumped. The water I was swallowing in the process shifted the wrong way, and I was met with a fit of coughs from the sudden startle. I was trying to hold them in, and I took another quick sip to chase it.
I'm just glad Carlisle didn't have some kind super hearing to understand what just happened to me from across the threshold, how embarrassing would that be if he heard?
I jogged to the door and stood there for a few seconds to regain any composure I had lost. With a little pat on the back, I opened it.
Carlisle stood on the other side with a smile on his face and one hand behind his back. I hadn't seen him in anything but his scrubs and coat before, so when I saw him dressed in a button down and slacks I couldn't help but stare.
"You look good too." He spoke, breaking me from my trance.
"Oh, gosh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"
"No need to apologize! Why wouldn't I want to get ogled by someone as beautiful as you?" He pulled his hand out from behind his back to reveal a spectacular bouquet of flowers. "They reminded me of you." He handed them to me with my mouth dropped in surprise.
Talk about old fashioned romance. I'm drooling for this man.
I sniffed them, and of course they smelled absolutely delightful.
"Thank you, Carlisle! They're gorgeous!" I beamed, trying to identify what kind each flower was since it was an assorted bouquet. He pointed to one that was drooping, the only one that was drooping for a matter of fact.
"I got this one specifically, because it had the stooping flower. I thought it could represent your broken wrist."
That drew out a hearty chortle from me.
"I love them, thank you!" I went back inside and left the door open to put these in a vase before we left. "You're welcome to come inside if you'd like, but I'll just be a jiffy!"
He decided to wait right there as I continued to situate the flowers. When I was done, I put them on the kitchen table and hurried back to him. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me, locking it.
"So what do you have planned, doc?" We walked to his car parked on he side of the road in front of the driveway.
"Come on now, what fun is it if I tell you?" He picked up his pace to open the passenger side door for me. I giggled, thanking him in the process.
"Such a gentleman." I said, getting in the seat. I looked at him as I grabbed the seatbelt. He had one hand on the top of the door and the other holding himself up on the side of the car. Then, he winked at me as he pushed it shut. I watched as he walked around the car to the drivers side and got in. "And I thought chivalry was dead."
"...In a way." He muttered, but I couldn't tell what he said.
"Nothing." He smiled at me as he started the ignition and drove. I didn't think anything of it.
"I'm really excited for tonight, ya know." I spoke. "If I'm being honest, I've had a small crush on you since you put my cast on."
"I know." Carlisle glanced at me and grinned.
"Wait, what? How?"
"Just had a feeling." He replied. "And I'm glad I was right, because I've had a big crush on you ever since I put your cast on."
I knew we were going on a date right now, and he's the one who asked me out, but hearing him say that he's liked me the same time I've liked him is just mind boggling to me. We talked for a bit more before we made it into downtown, and he parked.
"Okay, it's a downtown date?" I looked around from the window. There were tea lights in the trees which lit up the night sky, it was a really pretty sight, one of the reasons I loved going downtown at this time.
"I hope that's okay, I'd love to spoil you tonight. Every night, if you'd let me."
Carlisle didn't give me a chance to answer, he exited the car and went to my side to let me out. He held out his hand once he opened the door, and I took it immediately.
"If this is how you treat your potential lovers, I don't think I'll ever want to leave your side." I joked. He gently pulled to help me stand, and when I stood up from getting out, the proximity of our bodies were a lot closer than I had anticipated.
"That's the plan." He whispered, but we were so close I heard it loud and clear. Our eyes met, and I looked for anything that indicated any sort of distrust in his gaze, but all I saw was longing and affection. I felt myself starting to get flustered, so I broke contact and stepped back, thankful that the air was chilly enough to cool down any heat I started to feel from him.
"Where should we go first?" I changed the subject, looking at all of the different shops in both directions. Stepping on the sidewalk, Carlisle followed me.
"Wherever you want to go." He suggested.
"Well I don't want to go into a store that you'd rather not go in." I started, but in response he started to laugh.
"Thank you, but if you're happy, I'm happy. Wherever you'd like to go, I'd like to go."
"...You're too sweet." I looked at him. Without asking, I took his arm in mine and held it with my hands while I guided him down the walkway. "What about the bookstore first?"
"That sounds lovely."
We entered the shop, and the atmosphere was cozy and warm. There were chairs at the front to sit and read, the lights glowed an amber hue, and the smell was a nice mixture of oakwood and new and old books alike. The man at the counter greeted us, to which we waved and smiled back. I walked to my favorite section with Carlisle beside me and started browsing.
"What's your favorite genre?" I asked, stopping my search to turn my attention to him.
"I'm fond of historical nonfiction."
"Oh, really? I would have assumed medical books are your forte... like stuff on anatomy. Or maybe romance."
"Why would I read about anatomy when I could study yours?"
I was not expecting those words to leave his mouth. My brows raised in shock and I quickly turned my face back to the stories I was looking at so he wouldn't see the intense blush starting to show. I wasn't quite sure what to say, until one book caught my eye and I pulled it off the shelf.
"Ooo! What's this?" I read the title. "Eternity's Love... interesting." I was skimming over the back to see what it was about. "Listen to this! It's a paranormal romance about a vampire and a human... I do love me some vampires."
“Oh? Why?”
“Hm, they’re mysterious and hot.”
“They drink blood.”
“…To each their own.”
I put the book back and made my way down the isle, not seeing the tiny smirk on Carlisle’s face. We ended up staying in the store for another fifteen minutes, and after he made me pick out something to get when I was reluctant to have him pay — which he still did — we went to our next spot, the antique store.
There were a lot of little trinkets I was excited to look at, and if I weren’t mistaken, it seemed like Carlisle was more excited to look at me rather than the objects displayed in front of us. I picked up a few things throughout the store, inspecting them and placing them back in their rightful spots. I would practically point to almost anything I found and say, “Carlisle, look!” to which he would continue to explain what it was, which time period it was from, and what it was used for, almost as if he’s lived through them before and used those very items.
“This is beautiful.” I gasped, gently grabbing an old music box with the handle on the side to wind. I turned it, and although it was a bit scratchy due to its age, the music began to play and it was gorgeous. I didn’t know what the melody was, but it was soft and romantic. “I wonder what the story behind this one is.”
Carlisle looked at me while I went on.
“Maybe a courageous sailor gave it to his weeping lover right before he went to sea. Or maybe it was a gift to a little child from their parents, or an heirloom of some sorts. So many different possibilities, and somehow it ended up here, in my hands right now.”
“Regardless the story, now it’s your turn to make your own with it.” He spoke, taking it from my hands and walking to the register.
“…I could’ve payed.” I said to myself underneath my breath, he was already ringing it up and wrapping it before I went over there. “Let me buy you something.” I told him as we grabbed the bag and exited the shop. The chill from the air hit my face, and I subconsciously — well, maybe consciously — moved closer to him.
“You being with me tonight is enough already.” He smiled, taking my hand in his. His touch was still ice cold, but I blamed it on the weather outside. I felt bad that he was spending his money on me, but when I saw the sign for the coffee shop I lit up.
“I’ll buy us coffee! Or whatever you prefer! It’ll warm us up.” Beaming, I pulled him inside before he could resist. We were instantly met with the wonderful aromas of coffee, tea, spices, and everything else so great about a coffee shop.
There was another couple ordering in front of us, so we stood off to the side to look at the chalkboard of flavors hanging on the wall.
“Thank you, Y/N, but I don’t drink coffee… or tea.”
“I can buy you hot chocolate?”
“I’m okay, really, thank you for the offer.”
“…What do you drink then?”
He stared off to the side to think before bursting out into a mischievous grin, saying, “Blood red wine.”
I giggled with a roll of my eyes.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything?” I asked again, stepping to order now that the other couple had just left. He nodded his head, and with a disappointed sigh I told the boy at the register what I’d like. I decided to get a honey lavender chai tea latte. He rang it up and told me my total, but when I was getting out my card, Carlisle had already handed him his.
“Carlisle!” I protested.
“It’s only right that I pay for yours since I’m not getting anything.”
I furrowed my brows in genuine annoyance, which he definitely saw.
“Hey! I’ll let you buy me something on our next date.” He took his card back.
“So you wanna go on another date?” I perked up, and we waited for my drink to be made.
“Of course I do.”
His words caused me to break out into a shy smile, and I bit my lip in an attempt to keep it from growing bigger.
Once I was handed my latte, we left the store and walked to a bench close to the car. I sat down next to Carlisle and started sipping, the hot liquid traveling down my throat and immediately warming me up. I was staring off at the other side of the street at the lights in the trees, but from the corner of my eye I saw Carlisle staring at me.
“It’s really pretty, isn’t it?” I turned my head to him. The side of his face glowed a golden hue from the lights, and his eyes twinkled while his gaze met mine. He truly looked angelic.
“Yeah, it is.” He replied.
I had a feeling he was talking about something else.
We stayed there for a bit until the wind picked up and my cup was empty. I threw it away and we got in the car to leave, but of course he opened the door for me again. We talked about a lot of things on the drive back, and when he pulled into my driveway I couldn’t help but think about how I really didn’t want this night to end.
“Gosh, I don’t even wanna get out of the car.” I let out a chuckle.
“You know you don’t have to.” He stated. I looked at the time, and saw that it was 8:30. I had work in the morning, and so did he.
I sighed, taking a few seconds to think before I finally unbuckled and quickly opened the door to leave with my bags with the stuff he got for me. Carlisle followed, upset that I opened my own door.
“I was supposed to do that!”
I laughed, getting my keys out and stopping in front of my door with Carlisle beside me. I turned to him, a small smile on my features.
“I had a really nice time tonight.” I said to him.
“Yeah, me too.” He replied. “I’m thinking we do this again… say, in about—…” He glanced at his watch. “Ten minutes?”
“Oh yeah, okay.” I giggled at his joke. He was looking at me with something in his eyes that I couldn’t quite catch, but it was enough to send butterflies to my stomach. “Well, I—…” My voice trailed off when I saw him lean in and felt his lips on my forehead, my face now adorned with a blush. When I thought that was it, he moved down to the tip of my nose and placed a light kiss on top of it. The lower he got, the faster my heart was beating. His lips were finally in front of my own, and his eyes were on mine. We were so close, he was hovering in front of me, waiting, almost as if searching for consent. I gave a slight nod, and felt his lips gently press against mine.
My eyes closed, and hopefully his did too. I leaned into the kiss, and was happy when he did the same. Both of his hands cupped my face, and I felt my stomach twist with excitement. It was sweet, romantic, but unfortunately it was short. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.
“Ya know, you’re welcome to come in. I can make us some popcorn and we can watch a movie.” I whispered, my eyes fluttering open again. To my dismay, he moved completely now and stepped back.
“I would love to, but I think you need to rest.”
As if he willed it, a yawn was conjured and my mouth stretched open to let it out.
“…Maybe you’re right.” I frowned. He took my keys from my hand and unlocked the door for me before opening it. I walked past him inside, and then turned to him again. “Let me know when you get home?”
“Of course.” He gave me another kiss on the forehead, then started walking back to his car. When he was to the driver’s side, he stopped and looked at me. “Get some sleep. Doctor’s orders!”
I grinned, nodding my head with a wave of my hand as I shut the door and locked it. I turned around and pressed my back against the wood, and I heard his car turn on and him leaving. I couldn’t believe the events that had just unfolded, I was smiling like a freak, all giddy. I was still against the door when I suddenly heard the house phone ringing. I hurried to pick it up and answered it, but before I could even say hello, Bella’s voice spoke from the other line.
“Am I mistaken, or… did I just see Carlisle leaving your house?”
“Bella, hey!”
I was beaming as I replayed the events that happened in the last couple of hours in my mind. It looks like I had a long story to tell before I could follow the doctor’s orders tonight.
I hope it’s alright that I tag the people who asked for a pt. 2 in the comments of the first part!
not proofread, sorry if there are any typos!
@victorianhorrors @emmettcullenswife @twilightlover2007 @cudan2
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grislyintentions · 2 months
|| Compatibility: Kafka ||
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A list of characters I see that Kafka can potentially get along with (ship or otherwise):
-Stellaron Hunters
Admittedly, she does have a little bit of a soft spot for them. You can't really work with others for so long without at least forming tolerance and a certain level of attachment after all.
The thing with Kafka is that she is someone who se motivations/way of thinking is inherently predatory in nature whether or not she is consciously doing so. She is adept at picking out what people need/see her as and shifting different facets of her own personality to fit the role. Even if she doesn't, she sticks around until she gets a better idea. Not to say that she's 'faking', it's just rearranging her own traits. Most people are disturbed and get hung up over the amount of effort she takes but put it this way: intention matters. With them, she may do certain things with intent but it is always clear and never malicious. Kafka is flawed but they can understand her clearly and that stands for something.
They have the potential to become each other's worst enablers. Sparkle pushes boundaries for her own entertainment and Kafka loves to be entertained. Fire and Gasoline never burned brighter. The obsessiveness between muse and maker can so easily overlap, twist and ignite. Much like Black Swan, Kafka has little problem sstisfying her own curiousity and agency by playing along. Until she doesn't. Then it becomes a game of entertainment found in experiencing each other's ability to throw in unexpected (often dangerous) elements. Nothing personal though. It's all just fun and attention serving.
An arrangement of convenience and mutual benefit if there ever was one. There are benefits to be reaped in arrangements between mercenaries and criminals when their goals align. Why turn down the offer to scratch each other's back as they see it? Keep your friends close and your clients (potential threats) closer as they say.
Cat and mouse tension. They both like to win and gamble the odds. Yet he asserts those who know the outcome wouldn't even play at all and she believes choices have a predetermined end. How much is a stellaron hunter worth to the IPC? How priceless is a double agent to the stellaron hunters? Mutually assured destruction never felt so thrilling.
Either way, it pays to have friends in high and low places. No? Such wasted potential though. Could have been fun if either one were on each other's side in the first place.
Their plans and methods may differ but does it not look like their goals are aligned? Theories can only be proven or disproven when one is willing to act by taking that final step.
A chance encounter with an enigmatic stranger. She is a songbird who loves to sing and kafka is an appreciator of music: the spider that spins its web in preparation of catching the poisoned canary. But is it simply for food or does it lay it to rest? There is an allegory about birds and beautiful tragedy. It weighs nothing more than a stray note in the silent air. The essence of a memory, a dream.
Other compatibility posts:
Candace || Freminet || Clorinde
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skylarbee · 7 months
Over the years I have seen many fandoms and fans of all kinds, but yes, in fact lately the AM fandom is really becoming something unmanageable for anyone even for those who perhaps follow the band for the music without wanting to know anything about the gossip. I think this is also partly the fault of Tiktok which has led many young people to want to follow the band and therefore to become attached to certain characters without knowing what they have done in the past, they want to throw shit at people they didn't know until two years ago like Miles for example and blaming him for everything is saying disgusting things towards him that really, just reading it brings tears to my eyes. I don't know what will happen as soon as the tour ends, I hope things calm down even if it's hard for me given Amanda and Matt's attitude in the last few days
yes to all of this! the only times that i've searched for gossip were when i already heard a lot of rumours against my will and i wanted to see if they were true (other people should do this too instead of immediately believing/disbelieving something they've read on the internet...). other than that, the moment i open any social media, it's all there without me having to press a single button, and i'm sure that lots of other people have it the same way.
i do think too that tiktok might have something to do with it. i wasn't this deep in the fandom until only like three years ago, so i don't know what the situation was with younger fans before that. i also said a lot of stupid shit on the internet when i was really young, so i can't expect much from the young fans, especially the ones who have no idea about how problematic LV is and love her to bits. the extremely sad thing is that i've seen SO many people who do know a thing or two, and they still think that she's done nothing wrong (like ppl saying that she's a 'queen' for being the one alex cheated with, that she should be proud of it and brag about it, or the ones that congratulate her and say that they would've done even worse things just to get in alex's pants - just some vomit-inducing stuff)
the thing with miles makes me the saddest, i feel you anon. there are loads of people out there who spread false information and call him things that he's not - but what's even worse than this is there are people who have no idea about these things, and still hate on him and make fun of him for absolutely no reason. like he said, we have to accept the fact that this is the way it always will be; i can't even get mad anymore when interviewers constantly bring up alex/tlsp when talking to him. i don't think it will ever change. let's all learn from LV and do the opposite of what she does - when we see people talking shit, we should just click that block/mute button and go about our day without paying attention to it and posting on our stories about it (if i were to sit down and argue with every person on twitter who says something bad about him, i'd do that 24/7). miles' fans are the sweetest people out there (like artist like fan) and we should focus on not ruining the pure and good vibes that miles transmits to us via his IG (reason why i don't tag these posts with his name). if he can take some minutes out of his life (almost) every day to post cute things for us, we should also send him back positive things - out of tens of fake people in am's circle, he continues to be the only genuine, honest, and pure-hearted person - let's not take it for granted.
i imagine that after the tour ends all we'll have will be L&A's stories, specifically LV's stories where she'll position her phone so that we'll be able to see alex's elbow and lose our minds over it; and similar shenanigans. i am not looking forward to it. this community will be rotten for as long as those two will be present in the boys' lives (i wish it wouldn't be true, but everything has been going downhill since 2018/2019)
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masterqwertster · 8 months
Orange or green 4 for the color prompt, I actually found all number 4s interesting but those two were the top ones.
Prompt Gonna take the Green 4 and use it in my new Consecution Quest AU for fun. Green 4 "They can't look at you like that."
"They can't look at you like that! Like you-! They don't know you and you didn't do anything to them!"
It is... heartwarming, Essek thinks, to have such vehement support. Even if it comes from a child. (A child who, admittedly, he was more acquaintance with in their past life than the friend he seems to have, somehow, quickly become to them now)
And Essek is long used to the idea that many a society are wary of drow, given that many drow outside of the Dynasty are devoted to the backstabbing ways of the Spider Queen, or worse, the madness of the Chained Oblivion. Though Marquet is one of the less prejudiced places Essek has been to. It's why he hasn't used as much of the usual illusions and trickery to hide his true self. However, the continent is not without it's pockets of prejudice, and they have just managed to stumble their way into and out of one such pocket.
But Ashton Greymoore needs to calm down.
The roadside pebbles are quaking with each furious stomp as the young earthkin paces before him, and there's the distinct scent of dunamis strengthening in the air.
After being passive-aggressively run out of the small town maybe only a mile back down the road, it would be... unwise to let Ashton work themself up into a wild unleashing of their primal, chaotic magic. Especially as Essek is unsure whether his own arcane training would be enough to contain such a powerful outburst. He rather dislikes the idea of attempting a Banishment spell on them, even though he's fairly certain giving them a full minute in another plane to cool their temper would not fully trap Ashton in the Elemental Plane of Earth. The earthkin is native to Exandria, even with Titan blood in their veins. But there's always that slight chance in the unknown, and Essek would rather not add another search to his list of things to do.
"I appreciate the... concern, Ashton. But as they have not made any attempts to harm us, it is best to let it go," Essek calmly instructs his younger companion.
A raised eyebrow cuts off the rest of that outburst. Dealing with children will never be something Essek is good at, but he has learned some from being an uncle-of-sorts to the rest of the Mighty Nein's rascals. And much more since taking responsibility for the reborn Titan blooded.
With a huff, Ashton throws himself down beside the small boulder Essek is perched on, shaking the ground hard enough that Essek can feel it. Thankfully, the temper-induced quakes stop there, and even the stirrings of dunamis slowly settle.
It is an awkward silence that settles over the two. Ashton is brooding, temper lessened but not gone, and Essek... Essek is sure he should say something, but what that something is, he could not say. So the silence stretches.
Then heavy weight presses against Essek's leg. The ridges and points of crystals dig into his knee. Ashton is leaning against him.
Essek is not a terribly tactile person. And he would not have used 'tactile' to describe Ashton Greymoore before without 'not' proceeding it. But times and people change, he supposes. Essek certainly wouldn't have been even half as comfortable with this as he is currently (which still isn't terribly comfortable at all) before he met the Mighty Nein.
"It's just not fair," Ashton mumbles against his leg. "They shouldn't judge you for something you can't help."
Essek almost interrupts the soft confession to correct that he can help it, that he helped create a spell very specifically to permanently change one's race. He has not used it despite being on the run from the Dynasty for years now because he does not wish to be anyone other than the person he has become.
"You're cool, and they're stupid if they can't take a moment to see that," they continue to say softly into his leg.
Something in Essek's heart warms just a bit at that. There has been intense frustration and tension in this quest to find the reborn members of Bells Hells (to keep dangerous parties from getting hands on a dunamantic baby Titan), but softness like this reminds Essek of why he has willingly put himself on this path: Friends are worth the trouble.
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Momo doesn't understand what age regression is at first...
She hears about it through Denki and Sero, who are very involved with the topic. Sero is Denki's (and Shouto's, but no one else besides Sero really knows that) caregiver.
They play video games together and do finger painting sometimes. It is really fun and is a nice way for the both of them to relax after the stresses of UA's hero course.
Denki decides that he wants to include more people with his regression and be able to go into littlespace where ever in the dorms he feels like. So, they start talking to people about it.
Some get it and some don't. Momo falls in the latter category.
"Why can't you play those games without Dino pajamas and a sippy cup?" she asks genuinely.
Denki just shrugs, grin never falling from his lips, "it's just easier to slip and have a good time overall. to not have to worry about every little stress and only focus on.. well, little things."
She nods, but it is clear to both boys that she doesn't understand.
She declines their invitation to see a play date in action, but not because she isn't curious to learn more but because she must do some research first. She hates when she doesn't know something.
Research is what takes up the rest of her evening time and so it is a few days later before she can find Denki alone to ask him more about it. She asks and he answers.
She doesn't ask to be around him while he's little for a little while still, but when she does she brings supplies. She waited until she was completely comfortable with it because she read that having an unsure atmosphere can sometimes throw a little off. So she brings stuff.
They play with Play-Doh together and make multi-colored sandwiches that she had to stop him from eating more than once. Sero says he's about four years old.
"Tanksies, Momm...oh," he says after the materials are all put away and he is laying his head on her shoulder.
The name sounded weird from his garbled speech. As if the last syllable was a mere after thought than intentional.
"What did you just call me?" she asks gently, nudging his head up so that she can meet his eyes.
He pops his thumb in his mouth and stares back at her.
Sero moves over from the other side of the room (he'd been there the whole time to keep a watchful eye on his little guy for Momo's first time with him). He sits on the other side of Denki and gently pulls the boy's thumb from his mouth.
Denki makes an argumentative sound, but Sero is there to hold his hand a shush him. Momo watches this play out while quietly observing.
"Shh, you know you can't suck on your thumb anymore. Not after you hurt yourself..."
Sero's voice takes on a tone that Momo has never heard before when he talks to Denki while he is little; more of a parental talk than she would have ever given him credit for before this moment.
Sero guides Denki to sit closer to him while he relaxes into his new spot on this couch. Denki sucks his thumb when he is anxious, so Sero had told Momo that the best thing to do is hold his hand and cuddle him.
It doesn't work this time.
"Nhnoo," Denki fights back, drawing out the consonant sounds.
"What, why not? You love cuddles," Sero watches Denki with a certain level of exasperated fondness in his eyes.
Honestly, Momo hadn't realized they were this close.
Denki shakes his head and says, "wanna still sit next to Mama." He cuddles back into Momo's side.
Sero's eyebrows shoot up to his forehead and he let's Denki snuggle close to the woman there.
Momo is speechless.
Had he meant to say her name? Or was it intentional? She didn't know.
So she asked: "am I Mama, Denks?"
Denki's grin is immediately as he rubs his cheek into her arm and shoulder. "mhmm, yesh... Mama, mama, mama..." he murmurs, voice growing heavier with incoming sleep.
Momo maybe finally understands.
Being called that name makes her feel special. Like, his simple mind chose her to look after him. She was deemed special enough by someone in such a vulnerable position to be called that?
Sero grins at her while watching this all play out on her face while Denki snoozes against her.
Later, once Denki is big again, they ask her if the name is okay and if she'd like to be more involved in the future and she agrees immediately.
I just love, love, LOVE Momo being her littles' Mama. She'd be such a good one, too! She'd make them all kinds of custom little gear and make sure they had plenty of snackies and didn't burn themselves on their tea. Ugh, I just love her!!
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