#our manager (from the second office) doesn’t like it when we can’t go to her office
spacebell · 3 months
so either I am very chill (with some things) or I let people walk all over me
#tbh I don’t know#the thing is that I always avoid conflict and maybe sometimes I do it at my expense#like for example#i have to go to the office once a week (every other week is to one office and the next week to the other one)#my coworkers and i enjoy more going to the first office than to the second one#the offices are around the same distance from my house but one is much more comfortable and overall nice#this week we were called to the first office even though we were schedule to do to the second one#our manager (from the second office) doesn’t like it when we can’t go to her office#and next week is Easter week (which I asked for days off) and we have only two working days#one of my coworkers was thinking on traveling with his family and working from wherever he was that day#bc the day we were supposed to go to the second office is a holiday#but our manager told us (them) to instead go in on Wednesday#and it sucks for him#and now the idea that they have come up with us to go two days to the office the week after that (first week of April) instead#and my coworkers came up with that plan just for them since I am on vacation next week#but our manager included me in that plan#which is not that bad tbh#but in past days when something like this happens (our schedule is moved or something) one of my coworkers is the first one to complain#he does it in a very polite way so it’s ok#but i try to go with the flow bc they’re not asking me for something really big#idk#i try to avoid conflict and hope we all get along#is that too bad?#idk tbh#mariana.txt
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catscidr · 4 months
im sorry i know i should be writing reqs but i just can’t stop thinking about slightly creepy office au coworker dottore...... im horn
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you have a boring 9-5 job, trying to find joy in the mundane, else you go crazy. waking up to birds chirping outside of your bedroom window, the tasty to-go coffee and breakfast sandwich you always get in the morning, and your coworker greeting your still-sleepy self when you step into the office. always one to gossip, she’d motion for you to hurry up and sit at your cubicle so she can gush about whatever rumor was currently roaming the building. 
“have you seen zandik lately? his temper is worse than usual! think he just got broken up with or something? honestly, i see why his partner would call things off, it seems like he’s always prioritizing work over people...” you take a long sip of your coffee, relishing in the newfound energy that flooded your system. it takes you a minute to process your coworker’s claim. 
“how do you know he was even in a relationship in the first place?” you ask, scoffing in amusement at how fast her brain seemed to work; it was almost impressive, really. “well, he’s handsome, for one. and he’s loaded! i don’t understand how he can afford such a nice car with a salary like ours,” she sulks as she finishes her rambling. you take the opportunity to finish your food, setting your half-empty cup down to start prepping your workspace. 
“inheritance? or he’s crazy good at managing money,” you suggest. just as you thought your coworker was about to drop the topic, she perks up and slams her hand on her desk a tad bit too loudly. “oh! or maybe he works a second job? y’know, the cost of living is getting pretty high, so maybe he has a 5-9 on top of working here!” 
someone shoots her a look that says “it’s still early, lower your voice”, and she grins at them awkwardly before turning to look at you with a smile that rivals someone that just uncovered the cure to a deadly disease. 
you pause your typing, fingertips resting idly on the mechanical keyboard. “why do you care about what he’s up to, anyways? usually you avoid talking about zandik or any of the higher-ups because you know they’ll probably get us in trouble,” you point out, your shoulder getting hit as soon as the words leave your mouth. giggling lightly at how dramatic her reaction was, you turn your attention from your computer to your coworker. you’re met with a petrified expression and uncomfortable body language along with the lack of natural light behind you. 
“and why, pray tell, are we gossiping about my foul mood?” someone says from behind you, though you could recognize its owner anywhere. your blood runs cold— the warmth from your morning coffee having vanished from your body, not a single trace left in the presence of the office’s most intimidating employee (arguably). your coworker flashes him a wide, albeit shaky smile, and shakes her head a bit too quickly for it to be considered normal. 
“n-not gossiping! we’re just concerned for your health! right?” she says your name, nudging your foot from underneath the desk. you don’t have time to decide whether you want to detach yourself from your predicament or to go along with her bullshit because zandik bends down to your level, flashing a smile that doesn’t quite reach his dull eyes as he speaks for you. “then avoid spreading rumors about my personal life, it gives me a headache,” he murmurs quietly.  
you’d catch the unspoken threat in his voice if you weren’t so flustered. he was so close you could smell his cologne— musky sandalwood that made your head spin, losing whatever train of thought you had just seconds ago. “s-sorry,” you’re the one that apologizes since your coworker was frozen in fear, looking more like a deer facing headlights than an office worker. 
zandik’s lips stretch wider, vermillion eyes narrowing at her before flickering over to you. you immediately look away, suddenly now noticing the sheer lack of space between you two. if what you were doing before was unprofessional, then this was beating it by a landslide. although you couldn't help but wish that he bent down to your level more often. though, at the same time, he looked good looking down at you…
he stays like this for a few more uncomfortable seconds before straightening his back and walking away, no words spoken between the three of you. your coworker exhales a breath she had been holding in, and turns to face her desk in silence. 
you're left with a rapidly beating heart and the need to take a bathroom break even though you just clocked in not even ten minutes ago.
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bro-atz · 4 months
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pair: cmo!san/employee!oc word count: 2.6k chapter rating: pg-13 — sfw! genre: romance, drama
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The sound of heels clacking rapidly and heavily on the ground got closer and louder with every passing second. Gyuri and Minkyung looked up from their lunches to see Iseul running over to them. The second she arrived at their table, she held onto her knees and panted heavily. Gyuri couldn’t help but laugh upon the sight of her friend struggling to catch her breath.
“What took you so long?” Gyuri asked with a hint of a laugh.
“The server went down for a second… I almost cried,” Iseul managed to respond in between her deep swallows of air.
“Oh, shit. It was the latest music video, right?”
“I’m telling you, fangirls are terrifying. They have so much power,” Iseul nodded and sat down at their table, her hands trembling as she reached for Minkyung’s water when the girl offered it. “I hate whoever thought it’d be a good idea for clients to put up promotions on the company site for more fan-sign opportunities.”
“Mr. Kim came up with it,” Minkyung said cautiously.
“…I’m convinced Mr. Kim hates IT,” Iseul concluded.
Gyuri let out a tiny snort before finishing the last tomato in her bowl. She looked up to see Iseul’s teary eyes staring right at her.
“Um, yes?”
“Don’t leave me…”
“Okay, okay. We’ll stay. Go grab your food,” Minkyung ushered the girl to get up.
“We’ll?” Gyuri looked at Minkyung skeptically.
“Yes, we will. We still have plenty of time before our breaks are over.”
With a sigh, Gyuri nodded. Iseul shot up and left to go buy food from the company cafeteria. While they waited, instead of talking to each other like normal people would, Gyuri and Minkyung went right to their phones and kept themselves entertained on their phones until Iseul returned. Just as Iseul sat down, five gorgeous men clad in different colored suits walked into the cafeteria. Gyuri and Minkyung both stared at the men with sparkling eyes while Iseul, on the other hand, dug into her food. She observed her two friends skeptically before saying, “You guys are crazy. They’re our bosses. You know that.”
“That doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate the eye candy,” Minkyung responded without taking her eyes off the men.
“That’s still crazy. I don’t get the hype, and the fact that they’re called C5 is so weird.”
“Wait, do you not know why they’re called C5?” Gyuri asked.
Iseul shook her head, prompting the other two girls to launch into a full explanation to their friend who recently joined the company.
“So all five of them are the chief officers of the company. You have your CIO Mr. Kang Yeosang, CMO Mr. Choi San, CFO Mr. Jeong Yunho, COO Mr. Park Seonghwa, and CEO Mr. Kim Hongjoong. They’re all also the founders of the company,” Gyuri started. “They all also have their own nicknames that those not part of upper management call them.”
“Like what?”
“Mr. Kang is the “Happy Virus” because he is very sweet and kind and cheers everyone one, which I’m sure you know because you work in his department,” Minkyung looked at Iseul expectantly, who nodded in response. “Mr. Choi is “The Gold Standard” because he’s so detail oriented and his pitches usually bring more money into the company. Mr. Jeong is. “Mr. Cool Guy” because even when the company stocks were plunging, he was the sole person who brought it back up and higher. Mr. Park is “Cherry Blossom” because he’s an ethereal being who is so sweet and compassionate.”
“No wonder he’s head of HR,” Iseul acknowledged.
“And Mr. Kim is “Captain” because without him, this company would be a sinking ship,” Gyuri concluded.
Right at that moment, the men walked by their table. All three girls stood and bowed to greet their superiors, the five of them bowing back. Moments after they left, Minkyung and Gyuri let out deep, enamored sighs, and Iseul rolled her eyes loudly. The girls kept glancing at the men of C5 every so often as Iseul worked on finishing her lunch.
“Oh, aren’t you friends with Mr. Park, Gyu?” Iseul brought up.
“Yeah, Hwa and I go way back,” Gyuri nodded.
“Wait, seriously? I thought you were kidding,” Minkyung said with shock.
“No, I’m serious. We went to college together.”
“So is he why you have this job?”
“Are you saying I bought my way into the company?” Gyuri asked angrily and grabbed a balled up napkin and threw it straight at Iseul, the napkin bouncing off of her forehead.
“No! I meant like was he a referral, not the other thing!” Iseul cried as she shielded herself from more of Gyuri’s balled up napkins.
Gyuri calmed down then answered honestly, “Actually, I didn’t even know he worked for this company. It was a happy coincidence.”
“Aw, how cute! Do I smell an office romance?” Minkyung asked, her voice getting high with excitement, to which Gyuri and Iseul responded with the most disgusted looks on their face. “Damn, okay. You guys didn’t have to make those faces.”
“Hwa was my upperclassman in college, and now he’s like a brother to me. There is no way I’m dating him,” Gyuri responded passionately, thus ending the debate of her relationship with Mr. Park.
“Okay, I want to know. If you had to choose a guy from C5 to date, who would you choose?”
Both Minkyung and Gyuri answered immediately at the same time.
“Mr. Kang.”
“Mr. Jeong.”
“I want justification!” Iseul declared, her eyes sparkling.
“Well, I’ve had a massive crush on Mr. Kang ever since I started working here,” Gyuri explained.
“Mr. Jeong’s very attractive… I see his face at least four or five times a day. My heart swoons each time,” Minkyung admitted honestly, earning yet another eye roll from Iseul.
“Kyung I get because he’s your boss, but Gyu, you don’t see Mr. Kang, like, ever. I thought Mr. Choi would be your choice,” Iseul said mildly surprised.
“Absolutely the fuck not. Definitely not him,” Gyuri nearly gagged.
“Jesus, that’s a strong reaction…”
“No, it’s just… He’s just the most arrogant, obnoxious jerk. Like, if he was just telling me to do my work better, then it’d be fine and I wouldn’t be so mad… But he keeps shooting down all of my ideas during meetings because he thinks the client won’t like it, but then Mr. Jung lets me pitch it anyway, and the client either agrees with Mr. Choi or with me. And, if they agree with Mr. Choi, he’s always super fucking smug. If they agree with me, then he takes it out on me by making me work super fucking late to make sure the complete proposal is fucking spotless. I hate it.”
The other two girls went silent as Gyuri finished her rant. After a moment of silence, Iseul cleared her throat and said, “Alright, I’m sorry I asked…”
“Sorry. It’s just… That guy really knows how to push my buttons.”
“Well, the things you said about him just sounds like a boss doing his job. I don’t really get the anger,” Minkyung pointed out.
“You should hear the way he says it. It’s fucking annoying.”
As if on cue, C5 walked past their table again, this time on their way out of the cafeteria. The three girls stood up and bowed once again before taking their seats. Minkyung kept an eye on the men as they exited, and once they were all out of the cafeteria, she said in a hushed tone to her friends, “You know what’s crazy? Out of all the C5 guys, Mr. Choi is the most popular.”
“What the fuck?! Why?!” Gyuri said a notch too loudly.
“You don’t have to sound that shocked, Gyu. He is a part of C5,” Iseul responded quietly in an effort to get the angry girl to calm down.
“Why is he the most popular? That makes no sense to me.”
“Mr. Choi is the most mysterious out of the five, apparently. Like, no one knows anything about his personal life or interests or anything. He seems to be crazy talented and can do pretty much anything, not to mention he has amazing people and talking skills. He’s dedicated and driven and pays attention to the smallest of details not just in work but with people, too. The other day, Jinah from the IT department got the tiniest fucking hair trim, and Mr. Choi noticed and complimented her almost immediately. She was all giddy the rest of the day,” Minkyung explained in great detail.
“So he notices thing. Big deal.”
“His nickname is “The Gold Standard,” Gyu. He’s valuable and unattainable. Most of the girls in the company are obsessed with him.”
“Good lord…” Iseul rolled her eyes yet again.
“I always thought Mr. Kang or Mr. Kim was the most mysterious…” Gyuri whispered half to herself.
“Nope. It’s Mr. Choi.”
“I refuse to believe that… But fine. Whatever. Everyone loves him. Yay.”
On that sarcastic note, Gyuri got up. Minkyung followed, causing Iseul to panic. She shoved the rest of her food in her mouth and followed her friends out of the cafeteria, the three of them throwing their garbage away on their way out. Iseul chewed as quickly as she could while the three girls waited for the elevator.
“At the end of the day, none of it matters. We’re here to work, not date,” Gyuri said with determination.
“True,” Minkyung validated.
“Does that mean you’re going to give up on your crushes?” Iseul asked after managing to swallow without choking.
“Nope!” Minkyung responded cheerily.
“I’m still going to crush on him even if there’s no way in hell we’ll get together,” Gyuri added.
With a quiet ding, the elevator arrived, and the girls entered. They each pressed the button for their floor and continued to talk animatedly as the doors closed slowly.
“Oh, don’t forget, ladies. The company dinner is tonight,” Minkyung reminded.
“Fuck… I forgot… Do you think I’ll have to stay late?” Iseul sighed dramatically.
“It’s a company dinner. I’m sure Mr. Kang will drag your department to dinner,” Gyuri assured the girl.
“I hope so. I want free food and booze.”
The other two girls laughed heartily at Iseul declaration. Gyuri’s floor arrived first. She waved at the other two as she got out of the elevator and made her way back to her desk slowly. When she arrived and sat in her desk chair, she let out a massive sigh. She really didn’t want to return to work. Her current client was extremely picky— even more than his royal highness Mr. Choi San— which meant that her proposal had to be flawless if she wanted to avoid another late night at the office.
After looking over her proposal for the umpteenth time, Gyuri turned to her boss and whined, “Boss... Do you think Mr. Choi will approve of this?”
“Let me take a look,” her boss, Mr. Jung Wooyoung, said as he got up. “This is for the Ring account, right?”
“Yeah,” Gyuri nodded and leaned back so Wooyoung could look at her computer screen.
Wooyoung leaned over Gyuri’s shoulder as he looked at the proposal she had pulled up. He scrolled slowly and leaned into her screen closer, his tie falling over her shoulder. Gyuri couldn’t help but feel his tie— it was red and silk, and although she was wearing a blazer over her blouse, she could still feel how smooth it was over her shoulder and felt compelled to touch it with her fingertips.
“I think it looks great!” Wooyoung choked out and immediately leaned away, his tie slipping out of Gyuri’s fingers.
“Okay, good… If Mr. Choi rejects it, I’m going to scream.”
Unfortunately for Gyuri, that is exactly what he did, and that is exactly what happened.
“This is the exact same storyline as their previous music video! Not even a continuation, just the same story copy and pasted!” San roared as he stood up.
A couple of the people on the marketing team— including Gyuri, San, and Wooyoung— were sitting in the conference room going over Gyuri’s proposal for the Ring account and other items on the agenda. Gyuri and San were at each others’ throats, which seemed to be a normal occurrence given that everyone else at this meeting didn’t even bother trying to stop the two even when they started swearing at each other.
“Are you shitting me?! It is a continuation! The last storyline was about the relationship, and this one is about the break up!” Gyuri pointed at the screen behind her.
“Then why is the plot just covering the same things that happened in the last fucking MV? You just want to put the last one in flashback and not record anything new this time?!”
“Flashback is important! And, like I showed here, here, and here, we’d be spacing it out throughout the song, so the MV will still be the duration of the song and a little longer! We did this for the Sunrise account!”
“Listen, the fans can just go watch the old MV for flashback if they want! Get the views up that way! Redo this.”
San stood up, indicating that the meeting was over, but Gyuri wasn’t done.
“No!” Gyuri shot back, causing San to freeze in his tracks. “The fans are fans! They’ll go rewatch the whole storyline again no matter what! If we want the MV to make sense, you need to keep the flashbacks! We’re adding, not copying and pasting!”
“Go take out the flashback parts and let me know if the story is still confusing—“
“Of course it’ll be confusing without it!” Gyuri was practically screeching.
“Then redo the entire storyline! Do something where we don’t have to flashback!”
“Why are you so anti-flashback?! It’s just reusing our old footage! There’s no extra cost or anything, and it’ll fulfill the client requirements!”
San finally slammed both his hands on the table as he ended the exchange with, “I am your boss! Do what the fuck I’m telling you do to!”
With that, the meeting finally ended, and the team went back to their desks. Gyuri flung herself into her chair and immediately got back to work while uttering profanities under her breath. Her desk-clump-mate, Yoon Hana, delicately placed a lollipop on Gyuri’s desk. She immediately snatched it and stuck the lollipop in her mouth as she typed and clicked furiously.
“Gyuri, maybe you should just agree with Mr. Choi every now and then so you don’t get so riled up,” she said softly. “You don’t want to get fired now, do you?”
“If that were the case, then Gyuri would’ve been fired a long time ago,” Jeon Chanmi, another one of their coworkers, walked past with a stack of prints. “You should’ve seen them during the Fever account. They were screaming at each other for all five music videos. It got so bad that Mr. Park worked on our floor until all five of them were done.”
“Don’t we still have the Fever account?”
“Yep. The MVs were so popular that it revived that company. Even though they scream at each other like that, the videos they make go viral every time.”
“And I came up with each of those concepts,” Gyuri grumbled. “He should learn to trust my judgement by now.”
“You came up with all of those concepts after bickering with him each time. If he didn’t push your buttons, then you wouldn’t be creating what you are,” Chanmi flicked the back of Gyuri’s head.
Gyuri curled her lip in disgust and focused on her work. She hated that Chanmi was right, and she hated that San did bring out the best in her.
“Keep up the good work?” Hana said in confusion.
“Yeah,” Gyuri huffed out without even looking away from her screen.
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inkedroplets · 24 days
ficwip 'hot'
Rich Girl With Issues
“I happened to run into Diana in the lobby,” Sam said. “Happy accident.” “Very happy,” Diana agreed. “I wanted to check in on you before I head back out on some League business. Helping out a team in Platinum Flats. Shouldn’t be more than a day or two. I was going to offer to bring you back a souvenir,” she joked. “But from how much better you’re looking since the last time I was here, you might be given the all clear to go home. How are you feeling?” “Bored,” Lena answered honestly. “But I should be given the all clear to go home soon.” Not one for superstitions, she still crossed the fingers on her left hand as she said it, thinking it couldn’t hurt. “You can’t be too bored,” Sam said. She pointed to the empty Noonan’s cup on the bedside tray. “Kara’s been by, I see…” “Kara’s here everyday,” Lena said and felt a hot flush suffuse her face. “I tried to tell her that she doesn’t need to visit everyday but it was hard enough just to convince her to go back to work.” For as true as that was, Lena was still pleased that Kara insisted on visiting her everyday. Both before she headed into work and before she headed out on patrol as well as the many nights where Lena would hear a light tapping at her window and Kara would insist on spending another night curled up on a rollaway cot that the nurses had wheeled in one day.  
One Night Stand in Gotham
“I just think it’s funny,” Nia said, once more in outright defiance of what should have been an awkward silence. Lena said nothing, pretending to be too preoccupied with reading the altimeter to hear her. Not at all interested in what exactly Nia found funny. “Because she’s a reporter,” Nia said cheerfully, either not noticing or not caring that Lena had no desire to participate in the conversation.  “Do you have a thing for reporters?” she asked, sounding genuinely curious. “No,” Lena said, too incensed to keep pretending not to hear her. She glanced back and saw the wide grin that Nia was sporting and turned back around.  “She happened to be a reporter. Do you think that’s relevant to the problem at hand?” she asked, sounding more like her mother than she would ever admit to herself or anyone else. “Not at all,” Nia said, shaking her head, looking at her doe-eyed. This was followed by another brief silence that was broken all too soon by Nia, still sounding just as curious as ever. “Or maybe you just have a thing for hot, morally ambiguous women.” She was nodding sagely when Lena turned back around slowly to look at her. “We all have our kryptonite. It’s less fun when it’s actually kryptonite though. Funny isn’t it? Or is that more ironic?” Should have taken a portal, Lena thought.
Nature Always Wins
There were some days when it was almost too easy to forget that Lena was no longer living in Metropolis. The view from her office in National City was nearly identical to the one in Metropolis (save the golden globe atop The Daily Planet building). She still worked too late and slept too little. Her penthouse still felt more like a hotel room than a home and, of course, there were seemingly no shortage of people looking to kill her.  When Lena felt the first tremor her first thought was that it must be an earthquake before remembering that National City didn’t have them. She looked up from her work, still more puzzled than alarmed when the second tremor hit and the things on her desk began to dance.  “Miss Luthor!” Jess burst into her office on the heels of another tremor. She listed to one side like a drunk trying in vain to walk a straight line and just barely managed to get her feet back under her. “What’s going on?” “No idea,” Lena said, although she had plenty of theories. The floor shook and the sound of breaking glass and panic came floating up from the floors below. Her mug of hot coffee that she had placed precariously close to the edge of her desk jittered and tumbled off, the handle shattering as it fell to the floor. That was my favorite mug…
Suicide Squad Fic
“Any other pressing questions before you get started?” Waller asked, her tone making it clear that it would be very wise indeed to say no. “I have one,” Harley said sweetly, ignoring the warning look that Bloodsport flashed her. This was followed by a radio silence so long that Lena was convinced that Waller had simply cut the connection early, which made it all the more surprising when she answered a moment later. “Yes, Harley?” “Oh!” Harley said, sounding just as surprised as everyone else that Waller had indulged her. “I was just wondering if it’s always this fucking hot in Markovia?” She looked skyward for a moment, giving the sun the middle finger. “Ma’am,” she added as an afterthought. “Manners,” she whispered to Lena, grinning widely at her. 
I never know who to tag so I'll poke @eqt-95 again
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writingsfromhome · 2 years
Chapters III
A/N: Okayy long awaited part 3! We’re inching closer to more action. This part feels like roasting a marshmallow over a fire. Before it sets on fire or even gets toasted.
Part 4 should be coming in the next week or so--let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. Thanks for reading as always loves. xx
Part: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 /
 But I didn’t stand in front of you and make you feel small and unloved.
Y/N’s words tumble in my head, as I set an appointment with Ruth who openly stares at me, and while I walk to the studio. I can’t stop as my team discusses one of my singles, and while we go to our usual pub to wind down.
“Is everything alright?” My manager notices as we order a second round of drinks.
“Just got a lot on my mind,” I say noncommittally. But Jeff wasn’t Finn, he claps one hand on my shoulder and lets me know he was around if I wanted to talk in private. I thank him and continue staring at the bottom of my cup.
“Anything interesting?” a voice asks from beside me, I wasn’t sure how much time had passed since Jeff left from my side.
“Hm?” I ask the beautiful woman who takes the seat beside me. Some of my friends glance at her but go back to their conversation, this usually happened when we went out. “Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.”
“I was joking,” she smiles, her teeth white against the black lipstick she wears. “You were just looking into your pint like it was the most interesting thing in the room.”
“Just,” I motion to my head. “Got a lot going on up here. I’m Harry.”
“I’m Alina,” she says with another smile that showcases her dimples and round cheeks. I really look at her, she was a lot more interesting than my pint. “I’m here to save you from whatever misery’s got you down.”
“I don’t think anyone can save me from that,” I chuckle. Except Y/N maybe, but she’s said it herself--she moved on. All I can hope for now was she forgave me, and maybe invited me back into her life as a friend. But it was going to take time, and luckily I had until my birthday. “But it’s honorable of you.”
“I’m not really known to be honorable,” she says as she slides her foot up my leg. She smirks at my startled reaction, not expecting her boldness. But pretty soon, I’ve left my interesting pint behind and we’ve moved towards the bar for a fresh round. But we don’t stick around talking for long, she invites me back to her flat and I give myself to the night...some things weren’t solved in a day and I may as well enjoy myself before things got harder.
Y/N’s POV:
I accidentally bite down on the skin of my nails, already having bitten off any nail that existed. This is the shite I didn’t need, I think as Jules waves at me while he walks up his school steps. His head of curls disappears beyond the double doors and then I’m walking towards the tube station to get to work.
Any moment my mind isn’t occupied with Julien or work, I’m going over the conversation with Harry. Was I too harsh with him? Should I accept his apology just so we can move on. It was an irrefutable fact that Harry was the father of my child, and he would have to know this piece of information one day. Maybe I had to face this head on, and carefully apply a bandaid so he can stop finding clever ways to talk about us. Especially if I really was planning this birthday/listening party.
“Excuse me,” someone shoves past me and I realize I’d lingered at the turnpike. It was still early--on the days I dropped Jules off to school I got into the office early. Harry’s flat was a few stops away from where I usually got off...I consider if I should put my big girl panties on and get it over with. I already adjusted his meeting, I’d have to talk to him this week anyway.
I decide to stay on the train past my stop, and my head feels like I’d had too much champagne as I walk in the direction I knew Harry’s flat to be. When I get there and knock, I sigh in relief when he doesn’t answer. He could be sleeping, or already in the studio. I take a big breath out again, sending out a thanks to the universe or whatever. I wouldn’t have to do this today.
I walk back towards the lifts, and the doors open in slow motion. A rumpled Harry steps off; he has on the same shirt he wore to see me yesterday and an obvious bedhead. The walk of shame, or it wasn’t one until he sees me and his face flushes.
“Y/N? What--are you here to see me?” he clears his throat. “Sorry I didn’t realize you-”
“It’s fine-” I put my hand up when he takes a step towards me. “I’m fine, I was just going--I’ve got to get back to work.”
“Wait, why did you....fuck,” he whispers to himself but it’s so quiet around us, I hear it too. I smash the button for the lift but it’s long gone and doesn’t come back down. “Why are you here? Is everything okay? Is it Julien?”
My head whips at my son’s name, but I relax when I realize he was just going through the list of reasons I would show up.
“Everything’s okay,” I try to control my voice. “I just came to talk, about yesterday. I didn’t realize you would be...” I gesture to his outfit and his shame deepens.
“You came all this way can you just--”
“I should really get back to work,” I repeat again. I felt the sting of tears, I was stupid to come here and think Harry and I could casually put a bandaid over us. I also wasn’t sure why seeing him coming home from his night like this felt like my shame.
“Y/N,” he says softly. He takes the hand that’s basically destroyed the lift button and pulls it away. It forces me to look up at him. my jaw hurts from clenching it so I don’t cry. “We can talk.”
“I can’t stay,” I shake my head. “I just wanted to apologize for being so harsh yesterday. And I’m okay doing your event, I bumped your appointment up to this week so we can get started on it since we got distracted yesterday.” The lift finally opens. My safe haven. I look down at his hand on mine--I’d forgotten how unusually smooth his hands were; graceful and strong like he was always meant to be a musician. “I do have to get in now.”
“Okay,” he lets go of my hand and we don’t say a word as I get in and turn back. We make eye contact as the doors slide shut and as soon as they do, I slump against the railing. Barely catching my breath, I look at my reflection. I looked sucker-punched. I regret coming here today.
Harry’s POV:
I regret going last night.
It was fun, but I regret everything that followed. How could Y/N take me seriously if this is how she finds me when she is ready for a serious talk.
I slam my front door shut, at least I was going to see her sooner. And speaking of, I should probably let my manager know what I was planning for February. I groan, today was going to be a long day. But surprisingly by the time I have the conversation that afternoon, it isn’t as disastrous as Y/N and I this morning:
“Why...did you agree to that?” Jeff asks me when I spill the beans. “That sounds out of budget.”
“No it doesn’t have to be,” I try to backtrack. “Y/N, the person I hired to organize this is amazing. If I give her a budget she’ll stick to it so we don’t have to spend a lot and--”
“Y/N?” he raises an eyebrow. “Like Y/N—the Y/N you’re brooding about all the time?”
“Yeah, she does events.”
“Harry what are you getting yourself into? Are you trying to impress her or...?”
“No,” maybe. “I’m just trying to kill two birds with one stone—just say yes? I’ll fund whatever is over your budget?”
He drags his hand down his face and then nods. “Don’t make me regret this.”
“You won’t,” I kiss his cheek. That was a lot easier than I thought.
The days blur by as they do when I’m finishing an album. By the time Thursday rolls around, I’m buzzing to see Y/N again. She occupies so much of my thoughts these days, mostly for all the time I missed. I was still processing the fact that she had a three-year-old son, her life must be so different from what we had. She had a son.
I’d admit it to nobody, but I got angry drunk last night over the constant thoughts. Angry at myself, and as fucked up as it is, for whoever Y/N had her kid with. He had the life with her I wanted, even if he wasn’t in the picture. Y/N would have a piece of him forever. It was jealousy and possessive and unhealthy, and I paid for it this morning when I could barely see the stream of sunlight through my bedroom window without wanting to hurl.
“You’re early,” Y/N says sarcastically when I arrive 20 minutes late to our meeting. There’s one other person here that she introduces me to and who I forget the name of because the painkillers have yet to work their magic and my head is killing me.
“Rough night sorry,” my voice sounds like coarse sandpaper. “Sorry to make you ladies wait.”
“Let’s just get started,” she says with a tight-lip smile, she was annoyed with me. Damn, I should have gotten her a coffee before I got here. “Last time we talked we said we would go with a 70s theme and it’ll be medium sized?”
“I’ve put together somewhat of a list,” I pull up my notes app. “It’s just under 50, I’m emailing it to you along with my manager’s details in case you need him for something.”
“That’s helpful, can you CC Em?”
“Em,” she gestures to the blonde beside her and I try to play it off.
Em snorts but Y/N doesn’t look impressed. She asks Em to give us a moment and as soon as the door closes behind her, Y/N’s anger is pointed directly at me. “Is this a joke to you?”
“No of course not! I was lightening the mood. I’m serious about this.”
“Because I’m not here to be taken as a joke,” Y/N crosses her arms. I remember she would do that when she was upset with me. I would always unwind them and wrap them behind my neck, and just being between her scrunched face and the anger, her fists would open her up enough for a smile. My heart pangs when I realize it wasn’t easy like that anymore. We were building from ground zero. “You come in 20 minutes late, obviously distracted and can’t even be arsed to remember Emily’s name!”
“I’m sorry, really!” I try again. “I had a tough night, I’m sorry.”
“Tough night? You drink too much?”
“Maybe, but I wasn’t having a fun time.”
“Poor Harry Styles, try putting a moody toddler to bed for a half hour, and then cleaning up his sick because he’s got the flu.”
“Julien’s sick?” I lean forward. “What are you doing here then?”
“He’s fine, he’s with my mum.” She sighs. “He ate something that didn’t sit right with him but he’s okay, just had a small fever this morning. I can’t call in sick just because he is unfortunately.”
“The meeting was just me,” I feel more worried than she sounds. “You could have cancelled and stayed home.”
“I couldn’t,” Y/N cuts me off. “I’m serious I can’t stay home every time my kid is sick--I’d love to but that’s not how it works! I have a job, and more clients than just you. I call him when I can, and I’ll see him in a few hours.”
“I’m sorry,” I feel the need to apologize again. And then again for good measure, “And I’m sorry for the other morning-”
“Why are you apologizing, it’s your life Harry.” she types something on her laptop.
“I was hoping to have that conversation, and then I show up like that...”
“We’re talking now,” she continues typing. “And we can always talk another time.”
“Can we?” I ask, my tone catches her attention. Her face softens, she looks away and when she looks back at me her brows are pinched. I wasn’t sure what was going through her mind, she was making it hard to read her. There used to be a time when she was as easy to read as a picture book. “Tomorrow, can I pick you up for dinner? We can just talk I-I need to talk to you. Don’t you think we should...talk?” Way to use your language Harry.
“Okay,” she chokes out. “I’ll meet you tomorrow. I’m calling Em back in.”
And so she does, we discuss the event and although Y/N isn’t curt like she was, it almost feels like she avoids looking at me directly. I sit on my hands at one point, with her hand right beside mine I want to hold it and I don’t trust myself. I wonder if we’ll ever get to neutral ground with each other or if my adolescent decisions fucked me over forever.
Y/N’s POV:
“He’s fine Y/N,” my mum pushes me away from Julien. He’s cuddled with his stuffed bear on my mum’s couch watching his cartoons. “If you don’t leave now you’ll never make it on time for your work dinner.”
So I didn’t exactly lie to my mum, I just didn’t want her to know I was meeting the father of my child because--well, she would either get angry about letting him back in my life, or go the other way and ask when we’re becoming one big family again. I was giving her a white lie, and leaving Julien with her who wasn’t as sick as yesterday but still very lethargic and achy.
I crouch down to Jules’ level, he shifts forward so his forehead touch mine. “You smell,” he mumbles to me, leaning in to where I’d spritzed some perfume on my neck.
“I do, don’t I?” I kiss his nose. “If you need anything you tell gran to call me okay? I’ll be home right away.”
“I’m not even sick anymore,” he says while his eyes track the characters on TV. “I’m just sleepy.”
“Okay,” I stroke his head of soft curls. “Don’t stay up too late. I love you.”
“He won’t,” my mom says. I make sure she knows to call me before I head out to meet Harry at a restaurant he picked. It wasn’t somewhere I’d been before, and to be honest with Julien being so sick last night I didn’t have much time to think about what I agreed to. Only on the tube ride there does it hit me.
I’ll hear him out, I figure. I wasn’t going to tell him about Julien, not yet. A plan was shaping in my head--I would help him with his party, finish with him and then tell him when everything settled. It would be a courtesy, I would make it clear Julien was mine and if he wanted a relationship with him he would have to arrange that with me. But today, I would hear him out and smile politely because sometimes, thinking about how Harry and I ended still hurts like it happened yesterday but I couldn’t let him know.
I spot the back of Harry’s head outside the restaurant. When he spots me, he lights up and his smile is a thousand watts directed at me. There was a time when I would have killed to see that smile directed at me, he looked good--it hurt.
I nearly stumble and smile back as brightly but I reign it in. Instead I wave, and rush to get beside him. There was a certain magnetism with Harry and I that I couldn’t deny, it’s how we got on so well before. But it felt like our past, this secret I held changed my magnetic field so with him, I could only ricochet.
“Hey,” I say out of breath. “Did you just get here.”
“Parking was a nightmare,” he gestures vaguely down the road. “So I just walked up.”
Harry could barely pay for his share of rent when we were together, and here he was driving around London to fancy restaurants. Life had been good to him, which I was happy for, but it hurt he’d walked all over me to get there. I glance up at him as we walk in, he’s smiling jovially with the hostess and I secretly wonder if this was all a mask he wore. If the person he really was, was the one I got to know before we broke up.
“You look amazing by the way,” Harry says after we shed our jackets. I’d worn a flattering sage sweater dress that made up for its modest high neck and long sleeves by hitting me mid-thigh. There was a reason I had worn my trench coat on the ride here, it was short. “I’m really glad you agreed to this.”
I nod, the wave of realization that I would have to look him in the face for the next hour and talk to him like he hadn’t broken my heart and I wasn’t hiding such a life-changing secret from him. “Thanks yeah, i thought it was the adult thing to do. Since we’ll be working together.”
“To working together,” Harry clinks his water against mine. I give a tight-lipped smile and busy myself with the menu. But after we order, with nothing between us and my hands unoccupied I have to look at him. He’s watching me, which makes for an intense stare-off as we catch each other’s eye. I forgot how easy it was to be in Harry’s presence, how before it got bad, it was good. He would make me feel less anxious any time he was around. He used to be the safety of home to me.
“So,” I break the awkward silence. “Catch me up with you.”
“You know me, my life is online. How about you?”
‘You first,” my heart goes thumpthump thumpthump. “Successful EP and upcoming album...?”
“Yeah,” he’s luckily saved by the arrival of our wine. We sit in silence as our glasses are filled. I wondered if the waiter could feel the tension. “I had to really fight for even a single, my management was really awful back then--”
“Finn,” I can’t help the name coming out of my mouth like I’d taken a swig of sour milk. “I remember.”
“Yeah, him.” He looks down at his wine. “By the time I had to renew contracts, I’d taken over most of his role anyway. It was crazy at certain meetings, I was the only person in there that had my own back. But I managed to win in the end, got the EP out. Had a lot to write about…y’know.”
There he goes looking at me with those eyes again, now it’s my turn to look down into my wine and try not to think thoughts like, you didn’t even know I had your back during those times.
“I was kind of surprised when you said you never listened to the album.”
“That’s a bit arrogant.”
“Never said I wasn’t,” he flashes a smile that falls flat when I don’t return it. “I just uhm, did you never look me up? I looked you up sometimes, you did such a good job at disappearing I could barely find anything about you. It felt like...a punishment.”
“I didn’t ‘disappear’ to punish you,” I make myself clear. “I just. I had to.”
“You moved from our flat, did you get any of the voicemails or the emails I sent you?”
“I moved a few weeks after,” a few weeks where he never came back for me. Every time there was a knock at my door that was unexpected, I half-thought it would be Harry. That he would apologize and I might take him back, that I would tell him I was pregnant. That we could make our way back. But it never was.
“The voicemails?”
“I didn’t get them.”
“That’s probably good,” Harry flashes a dimpled smile. “I was very drunk in some of them. Probably crying...it wasn’t my shining moment. I-well I don’t think I had any shining moments in our last year. I was pretty shite boyfriend but I still hoped sometimes that maybe one day you’d call me and tell me you’re sorry too and we could figure it out...”
We go quiet as our food is brought to us. I watch Harry interact with the waiter, and think about what he’s said. He had regrets, that’s all I’m hearing. And with the way he treated me I didn’t exactly feel bad for him.
“I can’t get over the fact that you had a kid,” Harry continues on. “I never thought...”
“I would have a kid?” I ask when he trails off.
“No, we talked about kids a lot. Back when we were together. I knew you wanted them but that’s how I always pictured it—us having kids. Together. So yeah, I think it just shocked the hell out of me when I saw this cute kid and he was yours. And he wasn’t mine.”
Fuck, I stab my plate and try not to let my panic show. Did he know? He had to know, he was being so bloody obvious. But his expression is sincere, he doesn’t look like he’s testing me or anything. God, how can he be saying things like this not realizing the irony. I want to die.
“I was just as surprised when I found out I was pregnant,” I try to stick to easy details. “But, getting the chance to be a mother is something I never knew I wanted. Wouldn’t change it for a thing.”
We catch eyes again, and there it is, the fondness blooming in my chest. I see it in his eyes too as he says softly, “I always knew you would be a phenomenal mother.” The regret is all over his face.
I drop my fork and gulp some more wine. trying to wash away the warmth in my chest as he goes on. “I want to explain myself--how I treated you like I did but there’s no explanation for it. Really it was Niall that made me realize what a dick I was becoming. I lived with him for a bit, wrote a lot of my songs on his living room couch. Came to a lot of realizations.”
“Niall’s always been a good friend,” I missed him.
“He missed you just as much,” he says. “I’m ashamed to say I don’t know who I became then Y/N. I put you through every bad thing that happened to me, I wasn’t supportive or appreciative. I see that now—I saw it after we broke up, that’s why I tried so hard to reach you.”
“It was too late Harry.” I lie. “There was too much baggage with us. You—you said some unforgivable things, it would have been hard.“
“I know,” he looks down. “I never stopped loving you Y/N.”
I freeze, “I—that’s not...I don’t want to hear that Harry.”
“I just need to let you know,” he says simply but I’m already pushing my meal away. “I just want you to know that. Y/N, half my album is about you, I just need you to hear that, wish you had listened to it. I’m sorry and no matter what I still love-“
“Stop!” I say a bit too loudly, panicked because this felt like a farce. One day soon he would hate me again and I couldn’t handle confronting the crushing realization.
“Okay I’m sorry,” Harry holds his hand up. I can’t hear him say those words without wanting to cry in frustration and be sick from the guilt. “I have to go.” I get my coat off the back of the chair and begin walking out, it was rude but I couldn’t stand to be in there any longer. I hit the cold air of the streets. What was I thinking having dinner and not expecting it to end in disaster.
“Y/N!” A distant voice calls me. It’s Harry’s, but I keep walking. He’s out of breath by the time he reaches me. “I pushed too far, listen, Y/N!” He steps in front of me and blocks my path, holding onto my arms. I jerk away but he steps in sync with me when I step to the side. He puts his hands out, “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I just--”
“I’m not uncomfortable, I’m just trying to go home.” I try to side-step him again but he’s in my way. “Harry!” I push him and make enough room to slip past, but his long legs keep up with mine.
“Please don’t let tonight end like this,” Harry says beside me.
“Like what? I’m going home. We had our discussion. You apologized and that’s that!” I finally stop at a street corner near a row of bushes.
“I apologized but you never said you were okay,” Harry’s cheeks are a bright pink. This is all too familiar, this back-and-forth before Harry explodes and runs away from the argument. “I don’t know where we stand I—that’s why we agreed to dinner. For closure right?”
“If you’re expecting forgiveness, I can’t just give that to you. I can’t just forgive you!”
“I’ve changed,” he bends slightly to meet my gaze. It surprises me when his tone softens, when he doesn’t raise his voice back at me. “I promise I���m not that version of me anymore.”
“I can’t trust that!” I want to believe him, god I wanted to believe it but instead I shout too loud again, catching a few stares. I lower my voice. “I can’t trust you, I don’t know who you are. I thought I did once upon a time but you...you became such a cold and selfish guy that I slaved over and—and admit it you didn’t even love me by the end of it. The things you said...you don’t say those things to someone you love.”
“You don’t,” he agrees right away. “I didn’t even know who I was. I know who I am now. You have to trust me.”
“Well you have to earn trust,” I say. And I don’t realize it until I say it but it was true, that’s always what kept me from contacting him about Julien. I didn’t trust that he could love him the way I do, I couldn’t trust he wouldn’t come into our lives and try to take him from me too and break my heart all over again. I needed to know Harry really was changed before I could let him into Julien’s life as his father.
“I intend on doing that. I want you back in my life whatever way you want.” He slips his hand into mine but I can’t stand his touch and I have to pull away. It hurts him, I can tell, but all the memories of feeling unloveable while his cold eyes watched me as he said even colder words hit me again and I can’t see the man in front of me. Just the man that I knew last. So his hurt is the last of my concern, because even after having a child and going through multiple sessions of therapy I can’t forget standing on the other side of his venomous words.
“Be careful what you wish for,” I say bitterly. After I tell him about Julien we would be in each other’s lives forever. But before he can ask what I mean my phone vibrates and brings me out of my thoughts. Mum, my breath catches.
“Mum? What’s happened?? Is Julien okay?”
“Y/N, calm down.” My mum says in her calm voice when I get too panicked. “Julien is fine, he’s asleep now but he was all sick again--”
“I’m coming right now,” I say. Harry touches my back and points in the direction of his car, knowing it was my fastest way home I follow him. “How much was he throwing up?”
“Not much, Y/N honestly I knew I shouldn’t have called. Stay where you are, I’m just calling you now because I asked Shaza down the hall and she came to look at him--she’s studying to be a podiatrist so she know-”
“A pediatrician?” I ask, keeping my eyes on the back of Harry’s black coat. “Does she actually know what she’s talking about?”
“Yes—I hear traffic Y/N you best not be coming home. He threw up once, his fever broke I think whatever bug he’s caught is gone now. I just wanted to call you to check in.”
“I’m done dinner anyway, I’m coming home.”
“That was quick.”
We’d reached Harry’s car. “Yeah well, not much to discuss. I’ll see you in a bit. Bye mum.”
“What’s happening?” Harry asks as he gets into the car but I stay on the sidewalk.
“I can take the train,” I let out a deep breath. “Jules was sick again but his fever broke, false alarm.”
“I know you want to get to him as soon as possible,” Harry turns the ignition. “Just get in Y/N.”
I go around and do just that, and most of the ride is spent in silence as I text my mum and he focuses on driving. I don’t even realize we’ve reached my mum’s, or that I never gave him the address but he drove here all on his own. The warmth of fondness spread through my chest again, but I stifle it with the ever-present anger.
“Thank you,” I say sincerely. “I would invite you up...”
“Your mum might kill me,” Harry chuckles. I bite down on my lip. “Wait, does she know you’re out with me?”
“No? I wasn’t sure how she would react--”
“A lot of cursing, I wouldn’t blame her.” Harry says, giving me a way out. He thinks I’m being polite but it was complicated. My mum hated what he did to me, but the fact that Jules is growing up without a father hurts her too so if he was in his life she would be happy for him at least. “Are you staying at your mum’s? I can give you a lift home if you needed?”
“No,” I get out of the car and walk to his side. “I’ve had you drive around town enough. I’ll just call an Uber.”
“I’m staying here until you come back down,” Harry turns his keys and the car turns off with a blink.
I roll my eyes, I couldn’t argue with him when he made up his mind like this. I talk in hushed whispers when I go up and wrap a half-asleep Julien in his coat. I hold him tight to me, his limbs felt longer than the last time I’d picked him up and it always felt like I was catching up to him these days. Before I knew it, he’d be taller than me. I wondered then, on the lift down, if he would get his height from Harry.
Harry is sat in the car with his arms crossed and looking thoughtfully out the window. I wonder what he’s thinking about.
He jerks up when he sees me and starts the car, and I slide into his backseat with Julien in my lap.
“I thought you’d be up there longer,” Harry whispers as he pulls out of his spot. We hit a red light immediately and he meets my eye in the rearview mirror. “Is he okay?”
“Sleeping,” I rest my nose on his mess of hair and inhale the baby smell I loved. “He’s okay, his fever’s gone.”
“That’s good.” a smile in the rearview before the green lights cut through the night. We ride home in silence, a quietness that almost feels normal. I direct Harry where to go—I was only fifteen minutes from my mum, and when he parks down the street from my flat he rushes out and gets my door for me. He takes Julien from me as I grab his go-bag.
Julien stirs on Harry’s shoulder--on his dad’s shoulder. The thought feels dizzying. Harry is so careful with him as we go inside. My lobby is nothing like his, it’s not even a lobby, just a long corridor with the lifts on the right. Harry lets me lead the way, and before I can even think about what’s happening, Harry’s stepping into my dingy flat.
“Don’t mind the mess,” I say, completely embarrassed as he walks through the living room. A basket of laundry that needs to be folded sits beside the coffee table that has Julien’s sippy cup and two mugs of stale coffee. One side of the sofa is littered with lego and books. “I haven’t had much time to clean...”
“It’s a home,” he says, his voice cracks as he says it.
“I’ll put him to bed,” I take Julien from him quickly but Harry automatically moves to unzip his coat when I’ve got him. I feel fluttery, watching the thoughtful motions with his son. It reminds me of all the ways he cared for me when we were younger. As soon as the zip is undone I move Julien to his bedroom. I dress him in PJs, and he only wakes when I kiss his forehead.
“Mummy?” he whispers.
“I’m right here,” I feel a tear slip down my cheek. This whole evening was proving to be more emotional than I could handle. “Sorry I wasn’t there when you felt sick.”
“I’m not sick anymore,” he repeats. His tiny arms lock around my neck and pull me down into his pillow. I stay there until he relaxes, his arms falling away like the tears that slip easily down my cheek. I’m glad it’s dim, as I tuck him in and wipe the tears that don’t stop coming down. His father was right outside, and he’s gone his whole life without knowing him. It was unfair to him, and unfair to Harry--I knew that. I was selfish, I wanted him all to myself, and I was still holding onto the hurt Harry caused me.
“Everything alright?” Harry whispers when I walk out. He’d taken it upon himself to look through the photos scattered throughout the surfaces that had a few pictures of Julien and I as he grew. I know he’s seen the picture of Jules from a few years ago, he’s a carbon copy of his dad at that age, except for his eyes. I’m hoping Harry doesn’t make the connection, that he’s not thinking that hard about it.
“He’s in bed now,” I say. “I’m relieved to have him under the same roof as me! Sorry to keep you waiting, can I get you a drink?”
“No, I’m alright.” he moves towards the door and the twinge of disappointment surprises me. “I’m going to have to drive home.”
“Right, well I’ve got tea?”
“I...” Harry hesitates where he is. His eyes flit across my face, “Were you crying?”
“Yeah,” I laugh. “I’m an emotional mess when it comes to Jules. It’s nothing to worry about.”
“I know we’re...not what we used to be but, could I give you a hug?”
I stare, he takes a step towards me and I clear my head. It would be awkward if I said no, he did drive me home, plus “I could use one.”
But it was the wrong thing to do, even though it felt so right to be held like this. Folded into his chest as his strong arms pull me tight against him, it feels like more than just a sympathetic hug. It feels like seeing each other the first day back from winter break, it feels like celebrating graduation with a new flat, it feels like being comforted after not getting the job, it feels like birthdays and holidays and running out of steam after an explosive argument, crawling back to each other because we used to be like that—we couldn’t live without each other. Oh god, he was going to hate me. I’m going to have to break his world and he was going to hate me.
I push him away before he could feel the sob come up, I turn and walk into the toilet. I couldn’t be in the same room as him right now, and he must realize it. I hear the front door close softly as he leaves. Maybe Harry and I reached the end of the book a long time ago. I lower myself onto the toilet seat and cry into my hands, if there was another chapter ahead, it wasn’t going to end well. Maybe Harry and I were never meant to end well.
Harry’s POV
It’s been a few weeks since I saw her in person, and I forget how I survived five years without her. I feel like a drug addict going through withdrawal: Our virtual meetings don’t cut it, I have next Friday circled in red in my head for when we check out venues together. I can’t stop thinking about her, can’t stop thinking about my next fix of her. As the holiday season settles around us, all I seem to see are happy couples and Christmas trees and all I can think about is all of the Christmas memories we had together.
I can’t get her out of my head. Her smell, the feel of her tucked under my chin in the dim lighting of her flat, the way she looked at me when I took her son from her arms and helped her up, her perfume and the smell of her in her flat, the mug she stole from my kitchen in uni sitting on her coffee table, her short dress and her soft thighs on my leather seats as she texted her mum in my passenger seat, how we looked at each other across the table for a moment that night and I thought I saw my Y/N. But I must have been dreaming. That’s what I have to tell myself.
“How long do you think it’ll take before she forgives you?” Niall asks across my dining table. Apparently he had lunch with Y/N and Julien on Saturday, she apologized to him for cutting him off. Lucky bastard.
“I don’t know if she will,” I scratch out the line I just edited. “She confuses me. She could hardly stand to touch me when I tried to hold her hand after dinner, but in her flat she let me hug her.”
“And then she ran away crying,” Niall heard this story half a dozen times already. “You’re not good for her right now.”
“She’s sort of planning my party...”
“You’ve got issues,” Niall throws a pick at me. “So uh, has she said anything about Julien?”
“What do you mean?” I perk up. “Did something happen?”
“No,” he shrugs. “It’s just her son...”
“I know, I’m still wrapping my head around that. So how did your date go last night?”
“Ehm,” Niall scratches his arm, I could tell a nervous Niall from miles away.
“What happened?”
“A date, it was good. Probably not getting a second date.”
“Did you talk about your ex this time?”
“That was you,” Niall reminds me of one of my worse dates. “I brought up my mum...it didn’t go well. There’s no going back.”
“Better luck next time,” I say sympathetically. “Maybe we should have a boy’s night out hey? How does Saturday sound?”
“Actually...” Niall hesitates. “I’ve got uhm, a thing to go to.”
“A thing?” I raise my eyebrow, I knew Niall’s lying tic.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be busy.”
“What kind of thing...?”
“Okay, fine!” Niall huffs. “Y/N’s asked me to be her plus one to this Christmas thing.”
My mouth dries up, “What?”
“It’s nothing serious, she said her company throws these Christmas parties and they invite their families and stuff. She said she wants to see me more when she apologised to me, and she invited me. So people stop asking her when she’s going to get a boyfriend.”
“So-so you’re going as her date.”
“No! Not like that, I wouldn’t do that to you. It’s just a date. You know we’re best mates.”
“She didn’t even tell me about it.”
“No offense, but why would she?”
“Who’s side are you on?” I ask, feeling betrayed.
“I’m on your side, always, but c’mon mate. You broke her heart why would she invite you?”
“We’re getting along again, The Plan is working.”
“Firstly,” Niall wags his finger. “I’m not sure why you’re doing this whole Plan, it sounds fucking mental. Secondly, her family’s going to be there and they probably hate you. And do you forget Y/N and I were friends before you two dated?”
“I’m your best mate! Niall please, find a way to invite me. I’ll owe you big time.” I plead but no matter what I say Niall doesn’t give in. Until I realize, “Oh, her sister’s gonna be there isn’t she? Saf?”
“No, what? Probably.” Niall’s cheeks redden and I know I’ve got him.
“The sister you dated behind her back?”
“She doesn’t know, don’t you dare say anything to her!”
“Look, I might slip up and say something. Unless, say, you’re there with us making sure I stay quiet.”
“Don’t do this,” Niall groans. “It’s in two days.”
“So should I tell her gently or just say you dated her baby sister?” I grin, only feeling slightly guilty. But Niall had to get me in, I had to see her again.
“You’re a dick,” Niall gets up and closes his laptop, shoving it into his bag.. “You’re my best friend, you’re not supposed to blackmail me.”
“I’m sorry,” I say. “I just need to see her Niall, there’s something there I swear.”
“Okay,” Niall relents. “I’ll see what I can do. Her family might be there.”
“One step at a time,” I say even though the idea of seeing them makes me want to eat glass. “I just need to show her I’m not that guy anymore. I’ve changed, I’m not that guy right?”
“No,” Niall shakes his head. “You’re not Harry, I don’t think you were ever...you got lost when things got rough but you’ve always been Harry. Except when you’re blackmailing me, then I don’t care what happens to ya’”
Y/N’s POV:
“I love Christmas,” Jules jumps on my bed as I carefully apply my eyeliner. “It’s the best day ever!”
“You just love it because Santa gets you all the presents.” I say. “And stop jumping on the bed you little monkey, you’re going to wrinkle your shirt.”
“No, I love Christmas because Grandad gives me sweets and everyone gets together and we all eat yummy food and Aunt Saf always plays her video games with me and-”
“Okay Jules,” I chuckle. “It’s the best day ever!”
“I know!” He does one last jump and ends it by sitting down. “Your makeup is taking soo long.”
“Stop distracting me!” I turn to look at him. “Why don’t you get your get your coat out of the closet and my square purse?”
“The letter one?” He asks, it was shaped like an envelope so it became the only identifiable bag.
With him gone for a few minute, I quickly finish the other side and am just done my lipstick when he shows up with his coat zipped and my purse in hand. and my heels crushed against his chest. “I even got you your shoes from the closet.”
“You’re the sweetest boy,” I squish his cheek in a kiss and he rushes to the mirror to wipe the lipstick off but only manages to smudge it. At least he’s distracted.
My phone vibrates with a call, it was Niall. “Hiya, I was just about to head out.”
“Oh yeah,” his voice sounds rough and my heart drops. Was something wrong? “I’m really sorry to do this so last minute--”
“Niall please, don’t say you’re cancelling. I was counting on you!”
“Yeah, I...I got food poisoning? I’m still not feeling well.”
“Jeez,” I flop down on the bed and Julien looks over at me curiously. “Sorry, that’s shitty. D’you think you could make it late or it’s bad?”
“Uhm, maybe later.” His voice is a bit muffled. Maybe he was in bed. “Good news, I asked Harry and he’s free so-”
“-pick you up and...No?”
“Did Harry put you up to this? Niall! Why would you set me up like this?”
“It’s not my fault!” he squeaks. “Really, if I could make it I would but I can’t right now. You and Harry are cool right? You’re just going as friends.”
“I told everyone at work I was bringing a special someone.” I want to swear but I don’t want Julien’s eyes to get any bigger.
“Shite,” Niall has the audacity to laugh. “I’m really sorry I didn’t know you...oh god I want to laugh.”
“You better not, if you’ve already told Harry whatever. Tell him I’ll meet him there. I’m not forgiving you for this Niall Horan.”
“I’ll make it up to you,” Niall says with a laugh in his voice. I put it down before he can let it out.
“Let’s get our taxi,” I tell Julien. “It’s just you and me for now.”
Honestly Harry, don’t bother. I’m sure you’re busy. I text Harry back when he texts to confirm the address. He texts that he’s already on his way, which make me suspicious of the quick timing. There was something fishy going on, but I am too busy to think more about it. I have to convince Julien to behave and give him the lecture on the ride there, I spot my sister there and my brother’s family; as a partner I was encouraged to invite any family I wanted and the kids usually enjoyed it so they showed up for it.
I catch up with a few people and say hi to my favourite coworkers, and everyone badgers me about my date. They tease me when I say he got food poisoning, that he was made up which makes me confess he’d sent a friend in his place. I make sure to emphasize that to a few more than the rest, because I didn’t want my partners to think I was dating a client. Of course Harry didn’t think that through when he accepted Niall’s offer.
“So, you look like a million pounds.” Harry says beside me after I pick up another champagne flute. I can smell the musky perfume he wore, with its hint of sweet floral, my stomach flutters at the strong urge it brings to bury my face in his chest.
“Thank you,” I wrap my arm around my waist, feeling awkward. I did look like a million pounds, silver silk draped over my body that hit me mid-calf, and a deep V neck on both the front and back. But hearing my ex compliment me so genuinely made me self-conscious. “You look nice.”
“Oh, thanks,” Harry says uncomfortably and I want to dash out of the conversation but I’m saved by Jules, my angel. “Hey! Harry!”
“Hey buddy, you remember my name?”
“Yeah, you have the coolest guitars! I remember when you played all the strings!” Jules wraps an arm around my knee as he looks up to Harry with an awed expression. If only he knew Harry was a Musician with a capital M. And a Dad with a capital D. Shite.
“Well you’re welcome to play some more anytime you want.” Harry chuckles at the enthusiasm and Jules looks up at me excitedly. I tell him not to get too carried away, and luckily his cousin finds him and pulls him back to play.
“Is that...?”
“Danny? Yeah, all grown up. He’s 7 now.” We watch my nephew run to the other kids whilst holding Julien’s hand. I forgot Harry knew him as a kid.
“So that means your family’s here?” Harry drags out the question.
“Saf, and Daniel,” my brother named his firstborn after himself, it was a whole thing when it happened. “Daniel’s wife, his kids. Don’t hold your breath, my parents had other commitments.”
Harry lets out an exaggerated breath which makes me laugh, and surprisingly the rest of the evening isn’t so painful. A few people recognise Harry, he makes a show of knowing who Emily is, and although it gets a bit tense between my sister and him, I sit between them during dinner and it’s almost like old times until Julien tries to sit on me and Harry moves down so that Jules is sitting in between both parents. Saf nudges me, and I shoot her a look. I knew what was happening.
But Harry is so gentle yet playful with Julien, and Jules loves him. It gives me a break, allowing me to talk to those around me while we eat and it takes me a moment to realize this is what it could be like if I ever co-parented. This is what it was supposed to be like. And if I’d drank anything that night, the thought sobered me entirely.
Niall shows up after dinner as the drinks are flowing freely, he looks like he was never sick tonight but he swears he was. I third-wheel him and Harry as they talk in industry code, until my sister joins me.
“Safs, you remember Niall,” I say when she hands me a spritz.
“Ehm yeah, Safira, hi,” Niall shakes my sister’s hand awkwardly when she goes in for a hug. It’s so awkward and ridiculous I have to laugh. 
“It’s been a while,” my sister bounces on her heels. “You mastermind this?”
Niall looks over at Harry, my sister was referencing his invitation and Niall denies it but the smile on his face tells me otherwise. What was he up to?
“He’s dead to her,” Safs goes on like Harry isn’t there. “I’m surprised you tried to play matchmaker again.”
“That’s not for you to say-” Harry tries to cut Niall before he can defend him and tries to tell Saf that he wasn’t here to cause any trouble. But Saf isn’t listening, she’s having a conversation with Niall with her eyes. It was interesting, and something niggles at me but my emotions are too heightened to make sense of it. I’m taken aback by how comfortable my sister felt with Niall, enough to argue publicly, but she was head-strong and I don’t question it.
“She’s a bit drunk, sorry boys.” I give her a look she teases me for, says I look like mum when I do. She scowls at me appropriately and stalks off, surprisingly Niall follows her. I turn to Harry, “I don’t know why he’s following.”
Harry agrees. His eyes are locked on Niall and Saf bickering away like an old couple. “What a pair, those two.”
There it was, I look back at Niall and my sister. I remember that awful New Year’s party, Niall had flirted all night with Saf. Did they...I shake my head, I’d told Niall she was off limits there was no way... “They fight like an old couple.”
“Uhm,” Harry chokes out a laugh. “They do right?”
Harry’s POV:
I knew the moment would come when someone in Y/N’s family decided to grill me, I should’ve known it would be Safira. After she’d chewed Niall out and he heads for a drink, my conversation with Y/N is cut short when an old client of hers pulls her away. I watch as he makes her laugh, and my stomach churns. I’m left to stand aimlessly. And so of course she finds me, a fierce expression ready to battle.
“You’ll burn a hole right through his skull,” Safira says in my ear. I jerk back to stare, she looks less like a kid from the last time I saw her. She was probably in her 20s now. “You’re staring.”
"I’m not,” I retaliate.
“No, don’t do that.” She crosses her arms and shakes her head. “She doesn’t belong to you or something. She can have fun with a stranger if she wants, I’m sure you did plenty of that.”
It’s hard to take her seriously when she slurs half her words but the poisonous glare she shoots me sharpens the curves of her speech.
“You used to be so cute and harmless when Y/N and I first dated, now you can’t wait to bite our heads off.” I goad her, the same way I used to when Y/N and I first got together.
“Don’t do that either,” she punches my arm. “I’m not 16 anymore.”
“I know,” I look at her. She softens a bit, glancing out to Y/N which reminds me why I was so worked up. “Maybe I just need to get wasted so this doesn’t sting as much.”
She tilts her head to the drinks and I follow her, we drink in amicable silence. It doesn’t feel like she’s forgiven me, but like she’s willing to put up with me. It’s quieter where we are so I try to get some information from her. When I mention Julien, just like at Y/N’s office, Saf’s face softens.
“I love that kid, always thought I hated kids but he‘s the cutest, squishiest little thing.”
“He is,” I smile. “You lot are all very close with him?”
“My parents are putty in his hands,” she says fondly.
“His dad’s not in the picture is he then?”
She pauses mid-sip and eyes me, and then her expression changes to something I don’t understand before she shuts it down. “No, they split shortly after.”
That was a bit more to go off of at least. Maybe Niall can snoop through her instagram, who was she dating four year ago? “That’s a shame.”
“Don’t really like his dad,” she says with a ferocious intensity as she pushes away from the table. “Thought he was one of the good ones but he wasn’t.”
And just like that she leaves, without a second glance. It takes me a moment to shake off the information. Y/N dated a dick after me, I feel overprotective and angry and I know it’s mostly the drink but it doesn’t help that she’s still laughing with the good looking bloke. I turn to the bartender and he puts two shots in front of me without a word. I down them like water and turn back to where Y/N leans against a wall talking.
I had to get her away from him, I think. Or maybe the drink thinks it, but I’m moving towards her as fast as I can until I nearly crash into her.
“Woah, Harry.” she puts a hand on my arm and it stings and soothes. How did I let her go?
“Sorry,” I mumble. “I was getting a bit bored. Hi.”
“Hiya,” the other guy smiles politely. “I’ve taken enough of your time, I’ll go back to the wife but I’ll see you at the office in the New Year. Nice to meet you.”
I nod at him and find Y/N looking at me with a puzzled expression when I turn back. “What?”
Y/N’s POV:
When he looks at me I feel like I should look away, his expression feels like something private--what he’s feeling, it’s so naked on his face and I feel like I shouldn’t be seeing it.
“Nothing,” I shake my head. “I think you’d had enough to drink tonight.”
“I’m not drunk,” Harry splays his hand beside against the wall beside me, but because I’m in heels he’s not towering over me.
“But you’re getting there,” I level him with a look. “And I don’t want you to get sloppy in this crowd.”
“Right,” he hangs his head. “I missed ya Y/N.”
“I...” I don’t know what to say to that, there was too much to say and not enough. But I see the sadness in the downturn of his mouth, the shame in eyes, the frustration in his brows. I see him, the whole him, in that single moment. Anyone could take one look at him and see a man with regrets, but what scares me is what else I see: a man with love. “It’s getting late, I should get Jules and myself home.”
“Now?” Harry stands straight. “I-I’ll find Niall.”
We stand for a beat before heading in opposite directions, Jules is playing with new friends since his cousins went home a little while ago. His sweater is missing and I finally locate it under one of the Christmas trees. I look for Saf to say goodbye but she’s gone, and I type her a text one-handed while the other holds Jules’ who clutches his goody bags.
I nearly drop my phone when Harry shows up in front of us, and Julien laughs at my startled expression.
“What are you still doing here?”
“I ehm, my phone died. And I couldn’t find Niall anywhere.” Harry says with an embarrassed smile. “I’ve been trying to get a taxi but, every single bloody one that pulls up was called for.”
“You could’ve just asked the front desk to call you one,” I look around and sigh. “You can ride with us.”
“Is Harry coming over?” Julien overhears and interprets the conversation.
“It’s well past your bedtime,” why did my kid love Harry this instantly. “You shouldn’t be concerned about who’s coming over.”
“Please?” he stares up at me with his puppy eyes and the mom-guilt creeps in. He wanted to spend time with his dad even though he didn’t realize it. “Harry can teach me some songs!”
“He has a toy guitar,” I explain to Harry. “Jules has to be in bed in a half hour, but you can share our ride.”
“S’alright love,” Harry smiles sheepishly. “I can just take the tube home.”
“With your pass?” I raise an eyebrow.
“Ah, dead phone. Shh...shoot.” Harry side eyes Jules who is tugging my hand with excitement.
“Okay, Harry’s coming with us,” I say and I regret it the second we get into a car. Jules settles between us, and after a few moments in the lull of the heated car, he tips to his right and onto Harry’s arm. He’s out like a light. Harry lifts his arm up gently and maneuvers Julien into his chest, my heart nearly bursts out of his chest.
“I can get him here,” I whisper but Harry waves my hand away.
“He...” Harry starts before trailing off. “He’s a really great kid.”
“Oh,” a lump lodges itself in my throat, my eyes sting and I blink like a maniac to gain some composure. “He is. He really is.”
“Saf said your parents are putty in their hands, I can see why.” Harry continues. His face shines with a smile. “I don’t know if-I don’t know if it’s because he’s a piece of you or he’s just that special but, I would do anything for him too.”
“Harry,” I choke up. “Don’t say things like that.”
“Why not?” Harry whispers. “It’s how I feel.”
I stare at Jules’ head of curls, and find a similar one when I look up at Harry. It was hard to re-reconcile this man with the one I grew to love and the one who left me alone with an easy cruelty. I didn’t trust myself to decide which Harry was the real one.
“I wish I was there for you,” Harry continues. “After everything...I wish I was there for you. I wish I saw you become a mother, I know you hate me but I just wish...”
My hand finds his, wrapped around Julien’s back. I grasp his and give it a squeeze. “Just...leave it Harry.”
“I can’t,” he holds onto my hand tighter when I try to slip it back. “You still don’t trust me. And I can’t take the past back. I don’t know where I stand.”
He stood too close, I thought. I needed space from him, it was clear he still had love for me and I felt myself giving into the love that was achingly familiar. My body didn’t lie when it leaned into him involuntarily, but I couldn’t break my own heart like this. He would turn his casual cruelty back on me as soon as he found out the kind of secrets I was keeping.
“It doesn’t matter,” I whisper as we arrive to my building. Harry gets out with Julien and hands him over when I refuse any help getting to my flat. I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea even though seeing him with Julien, tonight at the party and in the car, thawed my heart a little. “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” Harry brushes my cheek. “For tonight.”
I nod and head home, without looking back. I had to figure out what I wanted from Harry, because things didn’t feel so straightforward anymore. I was scared that what I was seeing was the edge and any tiny momentum could tip me over the edge.
I go to my flat and try Saf again, I needed some sisterly advice. But she’s still unavailable. I try my mum next, she picks up on the third ring.
“So remember that work dinner I went to when Jules was sick...” I start off.
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brighteststar707 · 11 months
Fic request for Jumin and White Chocolate for @altaluneslair!
the direction I'd like it to go in is having a date with him for the whole day in cheap and commoner places without travelling by his car~ So, the date may go: travelling by public transport, eating street foods in the market, playing in arcade game center, dining in small gopchang restaurant, attaching love padlocks in Namsan Tower, just strolling around somewhere, or etc.
I'll be honest, I spent a long time watching Seoul vlogs and reading travel pages to write this fic 😅 I tried to get the details and setting right but my skills are limited by the fact that I've never visited Seoul or done any of these things.
That being said, I like how this fic turned out. It's nothing like anything else I've written for Jumin and it was a lot of fun to research and write. I hope you enjoy!
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✧ White Chocolate ~ Going on a Date
Jumin and his wife stand side-by-side at a subway station, looking for all the world like any other commuters. Since they arrived at their station, she has been talking to him excitedly about how well-connected they are, that her commute used to be so much longer before she moved into the penthouse. Jumin listens to her talking, content for any information she gives him about her life before. The idea of doing this several times a day is something he can’t imagine. Sometimes, he forgets how different her life used to be, how much has changed for her since marrying him.
The idea for today’s date had started as a simple conversation over dinner just this week. He had stayed back at the office later than usual, so to make it up to her he called in the chef to make them a nice dinner to share when he got home. Over dinner, after talking about their day, their discussion had moved to weekend plans.
“How do you feel about visiting the vineyard? The weather is supposed to be lovely this weekend, we can just relax."
She had nodded slowly, as if in a daze, then her face broke into a good-natured laugh. He looked at her, perplexed.
“Sorry, that sounds wonderful! I didn’t mean to laugh, it’s just that hearing that out loud… it’s still a little bit surreal. Going to the vineyard for the weekend as if it was as easy as crossing town.”
“Probably easier, we wouldn’t have to deal with traffic,” Jumin replies.
“Thank goodness for the plane.”
“So, what would you have us do on our day off?”
“Well, I used to keep a list on my phone of places to go and things to do when I had time off in the city. I haven’t gone through it in a while, but I’d probably have picked some things from there?”
He tilts his head to the side inquisitively. “Like what?”
“Oh, things like trying out new food stalls at the market or playing in the arcade.”
That was what got his attention. He always found himself fascinated by things so common to the everyday person.
“Well, why don’t we do some things from your list? The vineyard can wait until next week.”
And just like that, the idea for their ‘commoner date’ was born. She managed to get him to agree that they’d go out like she used to before, no personal driver, no security team following them (though just a call away and monitoring their locations at all times), no fancy restaurants or exclusive events. She instead took the time to plan out a full day of activities she would have done on a date if she weren’t married to Jumin Han.
Jumin, of course, wasn’t allowed to know about any of them until the day of their date itself.
The subway arrives right on time, and he follows her close behind as they step on. They find a single free seat, and  Jumin automatically stands aside to offer it to her, but she hesitates.
“I admire your chivalry, love, but are you sure you don’t want to sit?”
“Of course I am.”
She doesn’t look convinced.
“Are you doubting my ability to stand?”
“Of course not! If you’re sure, then I’ll take it, thank you.”
She sits down and watches as he stands resolutely in front of her and holds on to the bar (after just a second's hesitation at the idea of the germs). It’s not a bad sight. She convinced him to swap out his usual suits for something more casual and comfortable, so today he’s dressed in black simple trousers and a linen white shirt. His hair is less styled than usual and is floppy and soft over his head instead of combed neatly.
Perhaps she was wrong to worry. He’ll be fine.  
The subway doors shut and it pulls out of the station. The people have crowded closer around each other, and Jumin stands stiffly. The momentum of the train moving makes him wobble dangerously and he receives some dirty looks from the passengers around him.
 “Jumin, I’ll ask you one more time.”
“…Perhaps I should take the seat.”
She slips out of the seat and he sinks into it ungracefully. She stands up opposite him, holding on to the bar a lot more steadily than Jumin was a minute ago. He huffs at the sweet smile she flashes him.
She keeps a mental note of the stops they’re passing and her eyes linger Jumin as he people watches. He has spent so much of his life kept at a distance from people, and she has noticed that he enjoys any opportunity he gets to watch people going about their lives. It’s one of the reasons he likes the charity parties so much, for the wide variety of people he gets to meet.
Finally, they reach their stop and join the crowd of people stepping out and onto the platform.
“So, are you going to tell me what you have planned yet?”
“Well, first of all, I thought I’d bring you out for some of my favourite street food. We can't spend a day out without lunch.”
The entrance to the market is only a few minutes away from the subway exit (and Jumin is starting to understand her earlier excitement at their central location). Entering the market feels like entering another world. Garlands are strung from the ceiling, and the walls are lined with food stalls. It’s almost overwhelming, but he can’t stop looking around.  
Of course, he has known about the food markets in the city for a long time, heard his employees talking about them between themselves and even recommended them to clients looking to experience the city. However, he has never had the chance (or reason) to visit one himself.
It's full of people: groups of friends chattering while in line for food, people clustered around tables and conversing with the salespeople. She doesn’t let go of his hand as she leads him down the line of food stalls and stops at a specific one.
“Oh, Jumin, you have to try this!”
It’s a pancake, by the looks of it, fried in oil. She orders them one each and bring them to the table by the stall. He sits down next to her and she pushes the little aluminium dish towards him to taste.
He takes a hesitant bite and tries to ignore her gaze on him as she waits for his reaction. He concentrates on the pancake instead. It’s crispy and flavourful, and probably has got more oil in it than anything he has eaten recently. It’s delicious, and he tells her as much.
She smiles, satisfied, and starts eating her own pancake. They chat, and he asks her about visiting the market and her favourite foods. As he listens to her speak, he slowly grows less conscious of all the people surrounding him. He isn’t used to being alone – without security – in crowds like this. But despite his face being plastered on magazines and tabloids frequently, it seems like nobody here has recognized him. He even starts to relax a little bit. Clearly, nobody is expecting to see Jumin Han and his wife in the middle of a busy food market in the city.
When they both finish, they get up from the table and keep walking around the market. They stop at one more stall for drinks and keep walking, cups in hand.  
When they leave the market, Jumin is full and content, even excited for their next activity.
“So,” he says, “Are we taking another subway?”
“Nope! This time we’re taking a little walk to our destination.”
And so they do. Hand in hand, they walk down the street. Jumin likes the anonymity being in a crowd of people lends him, likes the security that her hand gives him at the same time.  
His first reaction at the arcade is a sort of shock. It’s dark, full of neon colours and loud noises coming from the machines. It’s overwhelming, to say the least.
They linger in the middle as she surveys the array of games she has to choose from. Jumin stands close to her, eyeing the machines warily. They’re loud and bright, and he isn’t sure what to make of them. Sure, he plays video games at home sometimes (a secret that’s well-kept from the RFA members), but surely this is different. For one thing, his games are not this loud.  
She spots a machine, and as Jumin follows her gaze, he starts to laugh. It’s a car racing game, complete with a steering wheel and gears. He knows what she’s thinking without her having to say anything.
“Come here, Jumin, I want to test out something.”
She ushers him over to the seat, instructs him to get ready to race, and puts a coin in the slot. He sets off, jerking the wheel back and forth with more force than she'd expect from such a machine. She stands behind him so she can watch the screen and cheer him on. For a second, it looks like he’s doing pretty well. That is, before the car slams into the barriers and he gets overtaken by the rest of the racers.  
Jumin doesn’t even wince.
“You’re going too fast to control the car, slow down!”
“The objective of a race is to be the fastest.”
“Yes, but you cannot be the fastest if you keep getting stuck.”
He finishes the race in last place, and she is reminded once again to never let him behind the wheel of a car.
From there, they move on to a few rounds of air hockey (which she ends up winning, despite his best efforts), then a round each on a platformer game (where Jumin actually gets a high score). On their way out, Jumin gets distracted by a little soft toy in one of the claw machines that looks a lot like Elizabeth the Third and insists on trying to win her.
After going through half of their coins, she decides to take over and try her luck. Jumin hovers over her shoulder, giving her instructions and encouragement. After going through nearly the rest of the coins, she gets lucky and catches the little cat toy. She takes it out of the slot and presents it to him like it’s an expensive piece of jewellery.
He holds it gently in his hands, admiring the little toy.
“We’ve freed you now, don’t worry. Just wait until you meet Elizabeth. She’ll love you.”
When they finally leave the arcade, his ears are ringing and the light outside feels too bright. He isn’t sure how Yoosung and Seven manage to visit so often without getting headaches, but he has started to see the appeal of the occasional visit.
He looks to his wife, who is looking out at the street expectantly. He still has no idea what she has planned for the rest of their day. Before he can ask her what she’s looking for, a taxi pulls up to the pavement and she walks towards it to say something to the driver.
“This is for us, Jumin, get in!” She must have ordered the cab when he was busy at the claw machine.
“Isn’t this cheating?” He asks after slipping into the backseat.
“Well, let’s call it a grey area. It’s getting close to rush hour and I don’t think that’s an experience you’re missing out on.”
He agrees.
She refuses to tell him where they’re going next, so he can only guess by trying to identify the streets they’re passing. Luckily for him, their next destination is one he recognizes.
They step out of the taxi and find themselves at the Namsan Tower cable car station. This is another city landmark he has often recommended to business partners, and one he often hears about from others.
He already knows he’s going to like this part of their date. They buy their tickets and wait for their turn to board (he prefers this to the subway). Once they've boarded their cabin, he holds onto one of the railings and she wraps her arms around him for support. He puts his arm over her shoulders and holds her close as they watch the city grow smaller and smaller from the windows.
It's definitely better than the subway.
The sun has started to set by the time they reach one of the viewing platforms. The city stretches out beneath them, but the view is different to the kind Jumin sees from his office. At work, it sometimes feels like he can reach out and touch the city with his fingertips. Even worse, sometimes it feels like the city below is reaching up for him to pull him down to them. As much as he loves his job, the people it sometimes brings to him are the kind who would do anything for a taste of his world. They both know that better than others.
From over here though, he feels untouchable. It’s calming, to have it at a distance for once, instead of being in its centre.  
“I have one more surprise for you, Darling.”
She wriggles free from his arms and starts rooting through her bag. She finally pulls out a padlock. It has their initials engraved on it, and under it a small inscription.
He takes it from her hands and examines it carefully.
“You had this made?”
“I had it engraved for us on short notice. I thought we could do one better than the ones the souvenir shop offers.”
He chuckles. "It's perfect."
They take their time looking for the perfect place to hang it. Walking around the perimeter of the viewing platform, stopping to admire the view as the sun slowly sets, then finally settling on a place.
It’s on the outside of a railing, on top of layers of other locks (a hundred other promises that were made before them) that they choose to fix theirs. They close it together, hands over hands, and then take a second to admire it.
The sun has almost set, but in the soft light, they can still make out the little engraved inscription.
Dedicated to old sunsets and new experiences, I'd follow you anywhere
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royaltysuite · 1 year
Hi! I saw that u also write for Ryung-Gu and wanted to request an imagine :) How about the reader is a normal human girl (maybe she knew Ryung-Gu in a past life though and - obviously - just doesn’t remember that atm?) and Ryung-Gu keeps appearing around her and talking to her after meeting her during a mission, even though he knows he probably shouldn’t. He can’t help but fall in love with her (or if u choose to take the option where they already knew each other, he is STILL in love with her but she falls for him again). When she’s about to take her own life later on, he saves her (and maybe she also remembers him from then on cause someone gave her her memories back? Like the Jade Emperor? :) ) Thank you <3
Sorry for the late response, but this request is almost finished. Just some proof-reading to do and it'll be ready to go!!!!
Edit: HERE IT IS!!!! It has now been completed and is ready for you all to read. Thank you to the sender for requesting this. I had a lot of fun writing this because I honestly think that Ryung-gu deserves all the love and affection he needs and wants. Anyways, enough of my rambling... I hope you all enjoy this and if you all have any commission requests, please send them to my inbox or leave a comment on my commissions post which is pinned to the top of the blog. With that being said, STAY CLASSY~~~
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Lover's Reunited (Ryung-gu x Reader)
Y/n's Pov
"Welcome to the team, Y/n. I hope you're ready for everything that comes your way." Ryeon said as I followed her into the Risk Management's Team Office. "I'm ready for anything." I answered. Once we entered the office, my eyes drifted across the room and connected to a pair of widened ones. " Ryung-gu, Jun-woong, this is L/n Y/n. She's now the newest member of the Risk Management Team. Ryung-gu, could you show here a quick little rundown of how we operate?"
Turning my head in the direction of her question, I made eye contact with the handsomest man ever. I waited a few seconds for his answer, but all he did was stare at me. "Is there, uh, something on my face?" I asked, starting to feel a bit awkward from his harsh stare. That seemed to snap him out of his daze. "Sorry, umm, let me give you a tour of our day-to-day agenda and how we keep track of our job." He stumbled, his cheeks gaining a light flush to them. "Great! I can't wait to start."
Ryung-gu's Pov
The day was going by slowly as I waited for my shift to come to an end. Jun-woong and I were currently finishing up our latest mission reports when Ryeon came walking in, except she wasn't alone.  "Ryung-gu, Jun-woong, this is L/n Y/n. She's now the newest member of the Risk Management Team. Ryung-gu, could you show here a quick little rundown of how we operate?" She asked.
The question just went through one ear and out the other. 'It couldn't be her, could it?' I thought, my eyes widening in surprise as I got a look at the person behind Ryeon. It was Y/n. Standing right in front of me, it was her. It's been at least four centuries since I last saw her. But, she's here.
"Is there, uh, something on my face?" She asked, touching her face. Her voice sounded the exact same, but not trying to make her feel any more awkward, I answered. "Sorry, umm, let me give you a tour of our day-to-day agenda and how we keep track of our job." I mumbled, feeling my cheeks heat up a little. "Great! I can't wait to start." She chirped.
Y/n's Pov
It's been a little over 6 months since I joined the RM team. With each chance I got after every mission, I got closer and closer to finding out where and who my killer was. That was my sole purpose for joining this team. Only problem, Ryung-gu seems to be avoiding me ever since my first day on the job.
However, there was no time for worrying about it. "Hey, listen to me. I've been where you are. Feeling like you couldn't do anything to prevent him from his death? Feeling like it should've been you instead of him? It's natural for that to happen. It's why people call it grief. But, let me tell you, he wouldn't have wanted you to do this. He wants to believe that he'll see you again in the next life and the one after that. So, trust me when I say, it's going to get better. It's going to be like hell going through it, but it will get better. So, take my hand and I'll help you start the journey to healing." I spoke, reaching my hand out to the young girl in front of me.
"Do you really believe that? That we'll be together again?" The girl sobbed. "Yes, I do. Now, grab my hand." She hesitated for a bit, but she stepped down from the ledge and ran into my arms. Collapsing on the floor, I cradled her in my arms and let her cry until she calmed down.
"Thank you. I know that's probably weird to say after everything, but I really mean it." "There's no need to thank me, now let's get you home and out of this cold. "
"Hey, Y/n, great work today. She seemed to really trust you." Jun-woong chimed, setting down a coffee right in front of me. "Thanks, you are a life-saver. But, it wasn't much. I just understood where she was coming from. When I was younger, I went through the same thing when my brother died in battle. The only person I could really trust after that was my best friend. But, I don't really remember much after my death so..."
We continued to chat until I noticed Ryung-gu walking into the room, looking troubled. "Ryung-gu, what's up? You seem worried." I asked. "It's nothing. The Director wants to see you. Something about your report." He answered. "Oh, okay....well, I guess I'll see you guys in a few."
Finishing up my coffee, I quickly made my way to the Director. On my way there, I bumped shoulders with someone. I turned to apologize but froze up. "Y-you...You!" I growled, my blood starting to boil. The man turned and I got a clear look at his face. It was the man that murdered me.
Letting out a scream, I ran and tackled him to the ground. The both of us grunted as we made contact to the ground. I began throwing punches left and right, each blow I let out a yell. What felt like hours was actually minutes. Soon enough, I felt arms wrap around me and Ryung-gu's voice flooding my ears. "Y/n, stop! He's not worth it!" "It is worth it! He killed me! He killed me and my brother!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks.
Ryung-gu and Jun-woong, who showed up minutes later, pulled me off the guy who was smirking at me. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" A booming voice echoed deep in the hall. Reapers on every side stood silent as the Director came closer to the scene. “Who escorted this criminal in this building?” “No one. I came here on my own…” He stated, a cold smirk still lying on his face. I struggled in Ryung-gu’s grasp, just wanting to land one, killing strike on this asshole. 
“YOU LIAR! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO ME! TO MY FAMILY!!!” “You deserved what came to you. Your father owed huge debts and when he couldn’t pay himself, I did it for him.” He chortled in a sarcastic tone. “After all, it ended well for you. You’re back with your lowly lover, Lim Ryung-gu, so you should be thanking me.” 
‘What….?’ I thought, anger slowly turning into confusion. Apparently, that amused him. “Oh, she never told you? The Director here sealed off your memories with him with MY recommendation. My plan to get away with it would’ve gone smoothly if you hadn’t started meddling with him or his team.” He spoke. “Enough!” The Director hissed before turning to another reaper. “Call for the Escort team’s best reaper and have them escort this man to the punishment room. Mr.Lim, if you could bring Y/n to my chambers. I will explain everything in great detail very soon. Everyone else, please continue on with your previous duties. That is enough discord for today.” She ordered, shuffling down the corridor .
As she walked off, Ryung-gu brought me into her office as instructed. Once we reached the door, I stopped in my tracks. “Did you know…?” I whispered. “What?” “Did you know? About me losing my memories? About our past together?” I cried, whipping my head in his direction with tears beading in the corners of my eyes. Ryung-gu’s once stoic expression softened into one of guilt and embarrassment. “Yes, I did.” He answered. “How long did you know?” “Since your first day here. When I saw you enter the office, I was in disbelief. I tried convincing myself that it was someone that looked like you, but after every mission, the more I came to terms with the truth. That you were real. Everything was confirmed when the Director called me into her office. She told me the truth about how you died, how you murdered. It took a long time for you to be reincarnated as a reaper and for our ties to appear again. I’m sorry that I kept this from you, I just didn’t know how to tell you properly.”
Each word he spoke was genuine and I knew it was the truth. Turning around to face him, I placed a gentle hand on his cheek and softly caressed it. “I- I’m sorry it took so long to come back to you. I’m so, so sorry” I sobbed. Ryung-gu pulled into his warm embrace, stroking my head as my tears soaked into his clothes. We sat like this for what felt like ages before we separated. 
“I see you both have resolved everything on your own.” The Director spoke, her presence becoming known as she entered the room. “This day was never supposed to work out like this, but fate can be wildly mysterious. So, tell me, what will you two do now?” We turned to look at each other before I answered. “I think…We’ll do what we’ve always done. And that’s to help the ones who need it and we’ll do it together.” “Together.”
Author’s Note: Here we are, everyone. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Ryung-gu ended up being a teddy bear type of guy, but that’s how I see him. I’ve added in the small detail of Y/n having a brother and the relationship between them and Ryung-gu already established. If any one has any commission requests, I leave a link down below on how to request them. If you’d like to be added to the fandom taglist, leave a like and a comment. With that being said, Stay Classy~~
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lovesosweeet · 9 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter two
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
chapter zero, one
july 13, 2018
los angeles, california
When we wrap up our final rehearsal for the week, the boys and I are both hyped for tour and drained from the whole thing before it’s even started. We’re all sweaty and eager to go home, yet we can’t manage to actually say goodbye to each other in the parking lot at our rehearsal facility.
It’s funny, seven years of spending practically every minute with these guys and I still find myself wanting to spend more time with them. I guess that’s family.
“What’s on the agenda for you and O tonight, Cal?” Ashton asks and leans against his car. He’s probably the sweatiest out of all of us, but to be honest, we’re all drenched.
I can’t help but smile when I think of her. “She’s been feeling kinda sick lately, so I was just gonna grab some ramen from that place near our apartment and we’ll just take an easy night in.”
“Ah, right before tour? Better not catch whatever she’s got,” Mike quips. “Maybe you should quarantine from each other.”
I roll my eyes. “I’m not quarantining from my girlfriend two weeks before I leave her for four months, especially not when she feels like shit.”
Mike mouths “whipped” to me before Luke intervenes. I pretend to whack Mike over the head and ruffle his hair. I know he’s just kidding, but he’s not wrong, so I wouldn’t actually care if he wasn’t.
“Alright, alright, cut it out you two. I’m calling it—let’s all go home now. See you on Monday morning.” Luke doesn’t wait for any of us to reply before he gets into his car and slams the door behind himself.
The rest of us laugh at his quick departure from the conversation but also take it as the end for us all. Mike and Ash give me a sweaty half hug before we’re all clambering into our own cars, mine the shittiest by far. This tank goes through gas at a rate that may honestly be illegal in California, but it’s my car and I love it. Besides, it runs. I get from point A to point B—what else do I need?
Orion. Ramen. That’s what I need.
The journey back to the heart of LA, including the pit stop at O’s favorite vegan ramen shop, takes me about an hour and a half. Actually, I guess it’s her second favorite. There was one in Madrid that she went to all the time that had a Winnie the Pooh sign, so naturally it became her favorite. That one was also far cheaper than any of the options in LA.
I park my shitty Jeep in the parking garage, next to her less shitty but equally beat up Honda Civic. The girl hits curbs and “bonks” other cars as she parallel parks all the time. Naturally that’s taken a toll on her car.
I swipe my fob to enter the building and nod to the security officer in the lobby.
If it weren’t for Orion going to UCLA, I probably wouldn’t live in such a central location, for safety reasons. When we decided to move in together, I didn’t want her to have to drive over an hour stuck in traffic to go to campus every day. Going from living on campus and being able to run to class 5 minutes before it starts is a big shift from living in an apartment, so I wanted it to be as easy as possible for her.
Thus, we live in a super secure building in Santa Monica with 24/7 onsite officers and fob entry for the parking garage and the building.
I take the elevator up to our floor and feel myself start to get giddy at the excitement of coming home to her. It’s so silly—we live together, have been together for two years, and yet I still get nervous to see her.
When I open the door to the apartment, Duke is waiting for me and I hear the sounds of a show playing on the TV in the living room.
“I come bearing gifts,” I call out and set our food on the entryway table while I kick off my shoes.
I’m met with silence.
“O, where are you?”
More silence.
I start walking through our home, looking for signs of life, but end up finding her curled up in a massive blanket on the couch, sleeping. She’s not wearing any makeup and her hair is dirty, pulled into a messy knot on top of her head. She looks adorable, but she must still feel kind of sick. She had gone to the doctor today since she keeps getting these bugs, constantly having a fever and feeling sick, then feeling better, but then the sickness comes back a few weeks later.
I carefully crawl onto the couch and gently lift her legs to lay across my lap, trying not to wake her up, but just wanting to be closer to her. My efforts are fruitless and she stirs, her eyes cracking open sleepily. When she sees me, she smiles.
“Hi,” she says quietly. “How was rehearsal?”
My shoulders rise and fall in a shrug. “Same old. How’re you feeling? Did the doctor have anything helpful?”
She sighs and shakes her head. “Not really, they took some blood samples and stuff to send off to a lab. They think it’s just a bug, maybe a weakened immune system for whatever reason—they said the blood test could help indicate a bunch of different things.”
I frown. She’s been feeling kinda crappy every few weeks for months now. “I’m sorry they don’t have an answer yet. I brought you ramen.”
And just like that, there’s life in her face and light in her eyes while she beams at me. “You’re the best ever.”
Orion sits up and scoots closer to me and lazily drapes her arms over my shoulders. Her brown eyes gaze into mine and she gives me a quick kiss, pulling away too soon for my liking.
“Just one? I brought you noodles!”
She giggles — my favorite sound — and then she’s kissing me again, her lips smooth and soft with her favorite lip balm. It’s birthday cake flavored and she’s gifted me a few tubes whenever she makes me random gift baskets. I’ve gotten shit from the guys for it since it has glitter in it, but who wouldn’t want to think of their girl every time they put on a layer of lip balm?
“Thank you for bringing me noodles.”
“Anything for you,” I say, giving her another kiss. She beams her bright smile at me and then rests her forehead on my shoulder while pulling me into a hug. “Want to eat and then we can take a shower?”
“That may be the best idea you’ve ever had,” Orion says, pulling me even closer to her than I already am, trying to get rid of any space there is between us.
A few hours later, we’re back on the couch, the sunset shining into our place through the windows, casting a warm glow over the entire space. We’re all tangled up in a mess of limbs and blanket and pillows; Orion is playing some silly game on her phone and I’m half paying attention to an episode of Brooklyn 99 on the TV. I know I have two more weeks here, but I can’t help but dread the thought of leaving Orion for months at a time. With her classes and our minimal breaks on this tour, we probably won’t get to see each other at all until after the tour is over.
We started out long distance, sort of, since we weren’t in the same place the whole time but saw each other frequently, but we haven’t been touring since the Sounds Live, Feels Live Tour ended a year and a half ago, so we haven’t really had to deal with being apart. I’m not worried about going long distance—Orion and I are stronger and happier than ever. I’m really just going to miss her… so much.
I’m thankful that tour is so crazy busy usually, so the time apart should fly by, and we’ll be having a great time playing shows every night and exploring different cities and meeting all the fans. I just wish O could come with us, but I’d never ask her to take a semester off. Her education is so important to her and I admire her for it, but I do almost want her to try a semester off now. Once she’s done with undergrad and is in law school, she definitely won’t be able to visit on tour, but that’s a problem for future us, I suppose.
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but mine is already growing fonder from a mere few inches away. I don’t need more distance.
“What are you thinking about?” Orion’s soft voice interrupts my thoughts.
“No thoughts,” I say, tracing circles on her back. “Head empty.”
She chuckles, but I feel her gaze boring into my face, studying me. “Don’t lie. I know you zoned out.”
I swear sometimes she knows me better than I know myself. Every gift she buys me is completely her own idea—she’s never once asked for ideas or guidance and it’s always something I didn’t know existed but I needed or something I simply needed or wanted. She remembers everything I’ve ever liked at every restaurant we have been to and she knows every word to our songs, which I can’t even say I do. She can tell when I’m drained from being around people and will offer for us to leave before I’ve even had a chance to realize I’m ready to go.
Seen. Known. Loved. I’ve never felt more love from anyone than I have felt from Orion.
“Nothing, really, just being sad about leaving you for a few months,” I reply. When I look down at her, she’s pouting at me with sad eyes.
“Stop being sappy,” she goes. She then rolls her eyes. “It’s not gonna be fun at all to tour the world with your best friends and perform music you wrote to thousands of adoring fans and fulfill your lifelong dream.”
This time I roll my eyes. “Of course it’ll be fun, but that doesn’t mean I can’t miss you at the same time!”
“Even if you were here, I’ll be so wrapped up in LSAT prep and law school apps and classes, you wouldn’t get to spend much time with me anyway.” I know she’d be busy, but we’d be in the same space, sharing the same air, sleeping in the same bed. She’s right though, just the amount of LSAT prep she’s been doing with some of the other kids on the pre-law track over the summer took up an insane amount of her time.
Oh, Orion. Even though she lives her life through emotion and feeling, she still somehow can be logical and rational when it counts, almost to a fault.
“I’m still gonna miss you, so, so much,” I clarify. We lock eyes, and I know that we both know that it’ll be a bittersweet few months apart.
“You won’t miss me. I’ll be just as annoying as I am normally, just from a distance. I can promise you that!”
I crack a smile. “Oh yeah, you’re so annoying. Leaving your contacts on the side of the sink and using the espresso machine at ungodly early hours of the day. Always texting me to bring you a snack between classes. Giving Duke a kiss before me when you get home. Honestly, I can’t stand you.”
She scoffs and lightly taps her hand against my face in a mock slap. “Wow, so you’re leaving me and insulting me all in the same breath? Hit me while I’m down, why don’t you?”
“Hey, you called yourself annoying. I’m just supporting you here.”
“Fine, I’ll stop bringing you coffee in bed then.”
“Wait, no, no, no, I take it all back, please use the espresso machine while I’m still asleep.”
Orion looks at me with her big brown eyes, so round and gleaming with light, staring at me with pure adoration. “I’m gonna miss you.”
I gasp. “I thought you just said that won’t be happening!”
“Oh my god, just stop talking and kiss me!” She laughs and flips over so our chests are pressed together and I can pull her even closer.
read chapter three
a/n: hi hi. idk what i’m doing here getting back into writing is hard :’) happy friday folks
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staysaneathome · 10 months
Turnabout SamurEye
Martin Blackwood stares at the fallen head of the oversized cartoon samurai mascot, and asks himself yet again how he got here.
The simple answer to that question would be “on the 386 bus that has a stop five minutes’ walk away from Global Studios”, but that isn’t quite what he means.
For all that he is a defense attorney, Martin’s always fancied that he has a poetic soul, one that still can’t quite believe he managed to scrape his way through law school and a handful of cases to running his own, meager firm. Sasha always used to laugh and tease that it was a combination of his dramatics and insecurities talking, that Martin was an ace attorney in his own right.
There are some days when missing his best friend and mentor gets easier, but today isn’t one of them.
There is a gentle tug on his suit sleeve.
Robbie’s eyes are crinkled in a smile above their face mask. They sign, “Ready to go check out the scene of the crime, Martin?”
He nods back. “Yes, ah, let me just take a picture of this for our evidence, first.”
They settle back, still bouncing on their heels slightly as he finishes up.
It makes sense they’re excited, he supposes. It’s not everyday that someone gets to go on the set of their favorite TV show, even if the leading actress has just been accused of murdering her coworker.
He probably would’ve taken the case even if they hadn’t badgered him into it with protests of the Blazing Samurai’s innocence, he reflects as they start walking towards the set area. Work has been thin on the ground lately, and the fees for Mum’s care home and renting the office space certainly aren’t going down anytime soon.
“We should get steak after this.” Robbie signs.
Martin blinks, has to mime out the signs himself to ensure he’s interpreted them correctly.
“What? But we just had lunch on the bus! How can you still be hungry after that?”
Robbie raises their chin proudly. “I have a second stomach for steaks!”
Martin gives them a knowing look. “Right. And, er, that wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you’ve just discovered that Lynn Hammond, The Blazing Samurai, also loves steak?”
Robbie’s eyes dart to the side guiltily as their fingers trip over the sign for “Noooo”.
“Ah,” Martin can’t quite control his grin at that as he pokes their shoulder. “Objection—the witness is withholding testimony!”
He snickers as they playfully shove his arm, hands a rapid flurry. “Don’t do that outside of court!”
There are wires and cameras everywhere when the two of them arrive on the set proper, large green screens and painted backgrounds propped up against the walls.
Robbie is practically vibrating with excitement next to him, likely torn between their desire to explore and their sense of duty as his self-imposed assistant.
They really remind him so much of Sasha, at times like this.
“Keep a lookout for anything that could be a clue,” He advises. They give him a mock salute.
There’s a large white outline near the base of the director’s chair, a discarded spear next to it. The murder weapon, presumably? It’s big and heavy, couldn’t be picked up by anyone who wasn’t trained for it, like Miss Hammond or even Jude Perry, the victim. That’s what it says in the autopsy report, but…
Martin frowns and kneels down next to it.
Surely, something like this, which is meant to have stabbed through Jude Perry’s torso, surely it ought to have more, well. Blood, on it? There’s a bit of dried bright red liquid on the very tip, but something’s…?
“Martin Blackwood.”
Martin freezes up. No. No, no, maybe, maybe he’s hallucinating things. Yes, that sounds plausible, surely he wouldn’t be here. He’s always been content sitting pretty in his office, while Detective Tonner brought him all the evidence to ruin Martin’s day, please don’t let him actually be—!
“Covering your ears and ignoring me doesn’t mean I stop existing, Blackwood.”
Well, worth a shot.
He takes a deep breath and turns to face the Demon of the Bar, trying desperately to turn his grimace into a polite smile. “Prosecutor Sims! How can I help you today?”
Jonathan Sims does not look happy.
He’s as crisp and ironed as ever, from his starched collar to his pressed cravat to the tips of his shiny, shiny shoes.
Martin feels small and shoddy just looking at him.
“I seriously doubt you could. I’d be better off banning you from the crime scene, so your bumbling around doesn’t destroy valuable evidence.” Sims scoffs. “That would be a welcome relief.”
Ouch. It takes everything Martin has not to wince.
“However,” Sims heaves a great sigh. “The law still states that the defense must have the same opportunity as the prosecution to examine evidence, so I can’t have you thrown off the premises. Yet.”
“Yet?!” Robbie signs.
They’ve taken a step to place themself between him and the man who haunts his sleep every night. They are also trying to roll up the billowing sleeves of their apprentice uniform with their fists clenched.
Martin quickly places a hand on their arm and gives his kind-of-assistant-by-adoption a placating smile so they don’t do anything crazy like assault the prosecution.
“So I take it you’re representing the guilty party in this case?” Sims sneers.
“L-Lynne Hammond isn’t the one who killed Jude Perry!” Martin protests. “We’re still gathering evidence, but, but all the character witnesses thus far have shown that she wasn’t the kind of person who held any grudges against the victim!”
Robbie nods furiously next to him, signing “That’s right! The Blazing Samurai could never do that!”
Sims glances between them and Martin with an eyebrow raised.
“And you believe it’s suitable to bring a child along to a murder investigation?” He demands imperiously, one finger pointing at Robbie. “Really, Blackwood, I knew you were irresponsible, but this takes the cake.”
Robbie puffs up indignantly, hands moving almost too quickly to parse as they sign, “I’m not a kid! I’m thirteen years old!”
“Wh-?!” Martin splutters, “That’s not the—! And you, Sims, you were trying to find them guilty of murdering Sasha last month!”
“That—!” Sims sniffs, trying to regain his composure. “That’s different.”
“How?!” Martin cries, trying not to tear his hair out. “They would’ve got the death penalty! The only reason they didn’t is because I found out the real murderer and she decided it’d be funny to frame me as well! If we hadn’t gotten that list of names—”
“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that, actually.” Sims cuts in, glare hard. “How did you find that list of Nikola Orsinov’s blackmail victims?”
Martin freezes.
“I. Um?”
Prosecutor Sims tilts his head, pinning Martin in place under that stare which thousands of witness have sworn somehow makes them say things they’d never tell another soul.
It’s not like he can just say ‘oh the tween tagging along with me is a spirit medium and channeled the ghost of my dead mentor who’s also their older sister so she could tell me and force Orsinov to confess! Oh and your hair looks really good like that and I’d maybe like to gaze into your eyes constantly and I’ve been in love with you since we were both five so do you wanna go out sometime?’
No. No, no, bad Martin, bad! Just because he’s got a nice face does not make him boyfriend material. Jonathan Sims is a dick, no matter what he was like when you were in primary school together. 17 years of radio silence to you and Gerry have sent that message.
Besides, you learned this lesson with Michael. He was pretty, and funny, and seemed like the perfect boyfriend, and what did he do? He framed you for murder. Yeesh. Why is that becoming a pattern in his life. Better for everyone to not—
There’s a gentle tap on his arm.
He looks down to see Robbie staring up at him, signing “Martin?”
Wait. Hold on. Oh god. How long has he just been staring into Jon’s eyes for?! Sim’s eyes?! Shit?!
The prosecutor is giving him an odd look, his glare morphed slightly to…something else? “Well?” He snaps.
“I…uh…um. Well. You know how, er, Robbie, Sasha is their, was their older sister?” He darts an apologetic glance to them. They hunch into his side slightly.
“I know the relation between the acquitted defendant and the late Ms. James, yes.” Sims drawls, “What of it?”
“W-well,” Martin bluffs. “Sasha and Robbie had a separate hiding spot here in the city, when, when Robbie had come to visit her before. She, she’d left a copy of that list here, a while ago, so Orsinov and Sarah Baldwin didn’t know about it. Robbie mentioned the place off-hand before the last day so I…checked…”
Jon’s glare has deepened to its former disdain.
“Forget it.” He sneers. “If you’ll do nothing but lie, I don’t know why I bother. Still, if you’re going to be that obvious, it’ll be easy to prove the accused’s guilt in court tomorrow. Good afternoon, Martin Blackwood.”
Prosecutor Sims turns on his heel and marches away.
Martin watches him go and tries to ignore the twinge in his chest.
There’s another small tug on his suit sleeve.
He looks down to see Robbie staring up at him with gratitude. They slip one hand into his and give it a squeeze, one hand touching their chin as if blowing a kiss. “Thank you.”
He squeezes back, a tired smile on his face. “Oh, it’s no. No trouble, really. I’m not about to tell anyone about you-know-what just, just willy-nilly.”
Robbie puffs out their chest, hands coming up to sign, “Let’s go prove that mean prosecutor wrong! He’s nothing but a phony anyway, you’ll show him!”
Martin huffs a small laugh at their enthusiasm.
Something clicks in his head. He turns back to examine the spear.
Blood is this color when it comes out of a body, yes. But for it to stay this way when dried, and there to be no stains around the white outline of the corpse…
“It’s phony.” He mutters, excitement raising his volume gradually. “It’s—this crime scene, it’s not real, it’s, it’s fake! The blood on the spear, it’s not the right color, and, and there are no other bloodstains or anything, so that means that when Jude Perry died, it wasn’t on set! It had to be somewhere else, and the body was moved here later!”
Robbie matches his excitement when he grins at them, fingers drumming against their neck rapidly.
“C’mon,” Martin says, feeling the thrill of unraveling a contradiction, of getting closer to the truth. “Let’s go see if we can’t work out where the real murder happened.”
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wellntruly · 2 years
M*A*S*H - Viewguide, S3
Are you interested in the long-running anti-war situation tragicomedy M*A*S*H (1972-1983), but there are simply so many asterisks and so many episodes?
Well I can’t help you with the asterisks, but nor can I help myself: I started watching all 11 seasons of M*A*S*H, and bringing back for you my viewing selections, chosen for The Qualities.
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You should have seen me at Movie Madness pulling out the drawer for “TV: 1970s” and finding this complete stack of covers for all 11 seasons of M*A*S*H. Lost in the saaauuce.
But, amazing news: not only did I make the surprising discovery that what's on Hulu is clearly a restored and remastered version of the far crunchier material on the DVDs, but also that I DEEPLY prefer the original laugh track! It turns out, the laughter is the score. They’d cut to it like music. Without that melody it was built around everything felt so off, so eerily quiet.
Incidentally, over the recent holiday weekend I sang all of 1.75 non-chorus lines of ‘Suicide Is Painless’ in the kitchen and my dad just said, “MASH.” We then talked about all our faves while playing solitaire and drinking maple whiskey sours by the woodstove. Cannot believe I’m getting such a fond memory with my father from M*A*S*H but I’m not sure why, that seems right.
Here are my own suggested favorites from the third season, the last of an era!!! /weeping
M*A*S*H - Season 3 Recommended sequence
3x02 ‘Rainbow Bridge’ - It is amazing that the first episode of this season that aired was the first episode of this season that aired, as everything about the second episode, ‘Rainbow Bridge’, feels like the premiere of the third season of a service comedy (slowly turning dramedy). The 4077th get a message from the Chinese that they have nine wounded American GIs that need more medical help than they can offer, and give their coordinates 50 miles behind the line. “Could be a trap, Trap.” GREAT STUFF. And hey, Season 3? Someone’s upgraded the photography department! She’s moving, folks (the camera). They also keep cutting to Loudon Wainwright perched above the camp with his guitar singing some absurd song about Tokyo like every third scene transition. Why? Couldn’t tell ya. Except to repeat the first line.
3x03 ‘Officer of the Day’ - Henry’s away and Frank makes Hawkeye be Officer of the Day. I love that when he’s backed into a management position, Captain Pierce is actually rather good at it. Tired and clever and humane. It’s gonna sound odd, but he’s almost Lawful, just his code is nothing Army regulation, simply Do The Least Harm. He is a stickler on that. Also contains the best visual punchline I've seen yet. Simply burst out laughing.
3x04 'Iron Guts Kelly' - Margaret kills a general and is like, who would help me hide this body, and doesn’t even have to think about it. Cordially, [throwing a pillow in the face of me of the past] YOU DIDN’T KNOW WHAT YOU HAD, YOU DOSED UP LUNATIC.
3x05 ‘O.R.’ - Ha ha I COULD EAT MY OWN HAND.
100% in surgery, zero laugh track, which does forever prove The Power of Editing (!) as it runs so beautifully, no weird stilted silence like when you take it out later, and also I’m changed as a person. 10/10 I am gnawing.
3x06 'Springtime' - Update ‘Springtime’ an essential episode as writer & actor Mary Kay Place’s literal-literal self-insert M*A*S*H script in which she plays a hot nurse in glasses getting seduced by Radar O’Reilly. I am….obsessed with her. Also Klinger gets married!!!
3x08 ‘Life With Father’ - This one is ultimately a lil' silly sure, but I think I’m powerless to resist Radar, Father Mulcahy, and this young Korean mom moving Heaven & Earth to get a rabbi on the radio to walk them through performing a bris for her Jewish-Korean infant son. And that’s the A-plot, the B-plot is Hawkeye and Trapper are trying to complete a Hidden Picture to win a pony.
3x09 ‘Alcoholics Unanimous’ - I wasn’t going to include both alcoholism episodes, but this is such a good Margaret ep I couldn’t kick it out of bed. Loretta Swit is just so, so funny in this one. I was losing it. Even our impossible miscreants are like lol hang out with us! Favorite drunken scene yet, for sure for sure for sure for sure.
3x11 ‘Adam’s Rib’ - The fact that my dad spontaneously quoted a line from this episode to me, and not even one I would have thought particularly memorable, should alone earn it a spot on any recommendation list. But I too still find myself recalling multiple moments from this one. 'Adam's Rib'—it's gotta be on here!
3x13 ‘Mad Dogs and Servicemen’ - Oh you know I’m here for an episode where in the first minutes Trapper is going, “Frank, that’s straight out of World War I, no one thinks ‘shellshock’ anymore!” Tragically we don’t actually get to see psychiatrist Sidney Freedman, their one-time comedic antagonist turned professional pal and poker buddy (I love this...so much), but I did send a plot synopsis to my own pal Jen, doctor of psychology and practicing therapist, for the psych eval, and her full report is pending but the abstract indicates that hey, Sid’s c. 1950s therapy for their phantom paralysis case (currently probably called a conversion disorder) might be a plausible approach! Remains to be seen if it would be strictly necessary for Hawkeye to have to role-play as Betsy Tough Love to this kid and feel chewed up about it, but it does make for good TV.
3x15 'Bombed' - Everyone’s emotions are running VERY high in this episode, which just straight up opens with the camp being bombed all to hell. With ‘O.R.’ and ‘Aid Station’ as well this season, this fellow dramatic one ended up just missing the first edition of this list, but it’s important to be able to admit when you were wrong. Margaret & Trapper trapped in the supply shed…the bombs are not the only thing shaking me.
3x17 ‘The Consultant’ - This episode rules so, so hard. Love a sneaky cautionary taaaale! Definitely a far finer crafted story than ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’, but we’re including both for their various other appealing elements. Such as, here: a sublimely absurd interlude to a British camp where everyone is like “..Quite,” heavy bombardment, a scene with the trio in incredible swimming get-ups for the water tank pool Henry has made, tensely breathtaking surgery, and just a steady course of Alan Alda being rampantly bisexual in front of, across, and at one point directly to his own real life father. You love to can't believe you're seeing it.
3x18 ‘House Arrest’ - This one is sheer chaos and with an ending I don’t care for much, but the primary plot is Hawkeye & Trapper have possibly never been more dating. Really some peak absurd & precious ne'er-do-well pair behavior, and I just can’t keep this one from you, not here, not now..(!) I also quite like the bit with Radar & Klinger, and ultimately Hawkeye, having a moment of critical self-reflection on his own teasing. Damn Frank storyline, get out of here! Just give us more of the gang watching the new Gene Tierney picture.
3x19 ‘Aid Station’ - Literally cheered at the end of a Margaret monologue in this, a stand-out even before she and Hawkeye and Klinger are in the midst of actual hell together at the front, and work so hard & desperately and get so dear. Not to bandy about the term mutual respect, but Hawkeye bandies about the term mutual respect. Haha, [softly] help. Meanwhile, Trapper & Radar :’) & Henry :’) Second of two episodes this season, both of which I have very much included, where Colonel Blake has to make the decision to send some of his people to the front where they very much might die, and his heart just won’t rest until they’re back, which is always *primo.* Henryyy..!
This episode is M*A*S*H being funny and harrowing and sincere and really, really aware of humor as a way to try to shore against the loss of people you care about all in 25 minutes, which is why, in probably an even more dramatic move than any episode I’ve skipped yet: this is my Season 3 finale for you. This does goodbyes in wartime best this season, goofy, glorious, gutting, the whole cocktail. The ingredients are there in ‘Check-up’ and ‘Abyssinia, Henry’, but they haven’t been balanced in the shaker by as steady a hand as the ones that crafted ‘Aid Station’.
And you’ll learn what happened in the actual season finale at the beginning of Season 4, and as you should: just a few careful sentences with a pit beneath them, and in a moment when the loss has gotten even ❤️ worse.
Season 1 • Season 2 • Season 3 • To be continued
#M*A*S*H hours
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
69 - Drastic Vampire Measures
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Part 70
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @dragonixfrye @samsgirl93 @elijahmikaelsonbitch
“I can’t believe this. My daughters and my husband have flipped their switches. Alaric is in a coma and that has all happened in the spam of not even twenty four hours. I mean what the hell is going to happen next!” Slumping down in the desk chair of the main office I smacked a hand to my forehead feeling frustrated.
My sister was standing in front of the wooden desk moving to sit down in the chair in front that was pulled up. She had some of her hair curled while I had mine separated into two braids falling down my shoulders. “Look, we have to face one problem at a time, Mads. I mean you managed to break Klaus from his crazy spell before so I don’t see why you can’t do it a second time. As for the girls, I don't think we can bring them back without Klaus.”
“I agree with you on that. It just shook me you know…when I looked into his eyes he looked like a completely different person. It was like the first time I saw his hybrid face…I…I was terrified all over again.” Leaning back in the chair I wrapped my arms around myself shaking a little. I usually wasn’t afraid of Klaus but I was when he had his vampire switch flipped.
Caroline twirling her twin ring sends me a glance with a half smile in my direction. “It was so long ago that I thought he wasn’t capable of having any real human feelings until I saw he was around you. He has been there for you through everything including our mother’s death. It took me a long time before I realized it wasn’t just because of the soulmate bond.”
“It’s always been more than that, Care. It’s like he opened my mind to something that I never knew I needed. I mean think about it Caroline our lives completely changed for the better once we were introduced into the world of vampires and werewolves.” Throwing my hands up from the desk I explained to her before I heard Lizzie saying something to her friends in another room. Vamping into the room I saw that Josie was lying asleep on the bed.
“Mrs. Mikaelson. I didn’t know you were back yet. Where is your husband?” MG questions turning to face me with Lizzie standing beside him.
Leaning in the doorway I noticed that Jo’s girlfriend Finch was sitting at her bedside until I had entered the bedroom. “My husband has been turned to the dark side yet again by my eldest daughter Nikola. And I can only assume that Josie is trapped inside the box because of Hope or her. Now would someone care to explain what exactly is going on here.”
“I have a solution to our Nikola and Hope problem after what they did to my father, Aunt Maddie.” Lizzie stepped forward where I could tell that I wasn’t going to like what she was saying next. She avoided my gaze for a moment before she finally muttered. “I want to kill them…”
The veins underneath my eyes suddenly appeared where I snagged her wrist dragging her into the hallway trapping her in between the wall and my boys where she gasped never seeing me like this. I didn’t lose my temper normally but she was coming after my children. “Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman you will never utter those words ever again or I will make your life a living nightmare. I have not gone to almost hell and back so that you could say something like that. Do you not know that they are already dead there is no way of coming back - and besides they are Tribrid’s. They cannot be killed. Even if they could - they are your cousins - you’re family!”
“Aunt Maddie I…They tried to kill my dad. He is in a coma - urgh!” She grunted with her hair falling in front of her eyes. I heard her heartbeat quickening with my right hand wrapped around her throat.
Pushing her up against the wall some more I didn’t care. My fangs appeared where her heart skipped a beat in fear. “I am sorry about your father but it doesn’t change the fact that you are talking about coming after my children. I let Hope and Nikola go to this school so you can be close - but under no circumstances will I ever allow you to hurt my babies!”
“Mads I’m sorry…ugh you’re hurting me…please stop.” She whimpered under my fingernails where she gripped my wrist trying to get me to pull away.
Stepping away from her I growled hearing her drop on the floor while my nose picked up a hint of blood. Glancing back at my niece I noticed that my nails had drawn a very little amount of blood from her neck so I bit into my wrist holding it out to her. “Drink Lizzie and then go watch over your sister. If I catch you anywhere else I’ll tell your mother what you just told me.”
“I’m sorry Aunt Maddie….I just can’t believe she did this…Hope hurt my father.” She gulped down my blood until the wounds healed.
I put a hand on her shoulder sending her on her way before I heard the front door of the school get thrown open. Vamping into the living room my husband dropped a dead body on the carpet where I shook in my head I felt my fangs trying to pop through at the heightened smell of blood. “Klaus, seriously you really can’t drop dead bodies inside the school. We have little kids here in case you have forgotten that.”
“I didn’t, my beautiful wife. But you seem to forget that I have flipped that glorious switch we have so I don’t care about much.” He waved his finger around in the air heading down the stairs until he was standing directly in front of me. “Now what do you say to you and me taking a little trip to France. Elijah and Hayley say that it is so lovely.”
Knitting my brows together I took a step backwards from him remembering that I had hidden one of Mikaelson's daggers inside the couch. Even though they didn’t work on him it was better than nothing. I couldn’t let him possibly hurt any students. “Klaus, we can’t go traveling. Our daughters need our help. And I know you haven’t forgotten that we have children to worry about..” Backing up by the edge of the coach I wrapped my fingers around the blade handle quickly drawing it out attempting to stab him.
“Maddison…Maddison…how pathetic of you.” He clicked his touch snatching my wrist in his where I grunted feeling his nails drawing some blood. He drew the dagger from my grasp, tossing it away then jerking me into his chest. “Right before that little attempt I did care what I did to you but now…well maybe this will help you see what I want you to do.”
He revealed his fangs pressing them into my neck where I gasped sharply feeling him drink my blood but also that his werewolf venom was entering my bloodstream. “Nik….Caroline!”
“I love you, Mads. But if you want always and forever then you will agree to my terms in France when you wake up.” He moved his hands up to the sides of my neck seeing that my eyes were watering at the pain he just caused. He moved his fingers quickly snapping my neck where I collapsed into his waiting arms where he carried me bridal style vamping me out of the house.
Only a minute later the older Forbes blonde vamped into the room seeing the dagger and some blood on the floor but didn’t hear the pair. She had heard he cry but wasn’t as fast an Original Hybrid. “Maddie!”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 11 months
The Invitation chapter 3
here or read it below
Daniel spends most of the day listening to the tapes in his office.  He and Alice converted the nursery into an office after the girls were old enough to not need it.  Mostly, Daniel uses it and Alice takes the kitchen.  It’s a small room, four walls, crammed with bookshelves and Daniel’s desk.  The girls know not to bother him when he’s working here.
He doesn’t take a break until it’s getting dark outside.  He barely even notices, too caught up in Louis’ tale.  Funny thing is, he can’t even remember the interview from that night.  It’s his voice on the tape, but he doesn’t recognize any of what happened.  
There’s a perfunctory knock on the door, then it opens and Alice glides in.  “I ordered pizza, it’s on the way.  What was on those tapes?”
She’s leaning in the door frame, mug of coffee in her hand.  She drinks it all day, says it helps her focus.  Daniel thinks he could use a cup himself; he may need to stay up to finish listening to these tapes.  “An old interview.  I never got to finish the story.  Now he wants to meet up and try again.”
Alice sets the mug on one of his shelves and walks over.  She perches on the edge on his desk, where there’s just enough free space to do so.  The rest is covered with notebooks and scraps of paper and other bits and bobs.  She stares at him a second then says “You’re not going to be able to let this go.”
Daniel leans back in his chair and looks at her.  “I’d have to go to San Francisco to do the interview.”
“Oh, my cousin Kenny lives in San Francisco,” says Alice.  “You remember Kenny, queer as a two dollar bill, got completely shit-faced at our wedding?”  
“Yeah, why?”
“Maybe you can crash with him while you’re there.  Save money on a hotel.  I think he has a guest house now.  He has guest house money.  His partner is that well-off.”
Daniel shows her the plane ticket.  “I think I’ll be staying at his place.  He’s already bought me a ticket and everything.”
“How long do you think it’ll take?”  Alice asks.  She sounds resigned to the fact he’s going.  And Daniel wants to go, but not if it’s going to cause a problem.
“You okay with me going?”
Alice shrugs.  “Depends on how long.  The girls are old enough I can manage them by myself, but they’ll miss you.  Margo especially.  She thinks I don’t ‘get’ her.”
Daniel gives her a reassuring smile.  “No eleven year old thinks their mother gets them.”
“I guess,” Alice says, “So how long?”
“Just a weekend, initially.  He wants to discuss terms.  I’ll know more after that.”
Alice drums her fingers against his desk a second then says “If I don’t let you go, you’re going to resent me.  Don’t say you won’t, I know how you are when you’re chasing a story.  If you want to go, go.”
“I don’t want to go unless you want me to go,” Daniel says, because he honestly doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do here.  It would be so much simpler if Alice just told him what she wanted him to do.  
Alice sighs, then smiles wryly.  “You’re going to be impossible to live with if you don’t.”
That much is probably true.
“Just for the weekend.  Then we can decide when I get back.”
Daniel leaves the next Friday evening.  His ticket is first class, which is more luxurious than he’s used to.  He spends the five hours on board mentally reviewing all the questions he’s drafted, the notes he’s made.  He’s got pages of notes about the initial interview in his bag, notes he’s been working on since he received Louis’ invitation.
He arrives in San Francisco to a whole security detail.  It seems excessive to Daniel, but he rolls with it.  He’s driven to Louis’ home in a black Rolls Royce with heavily tinted windows.  He tries to engage the driver Sergei in conversation, but he must have signed an NDA as closed lipped as he is.  He only speaks to tell Daniel they’ve arrived.
The house is an Italian style villa with a green lawn.  Daniel takes in the arched doorway, the large windows, the immaculately green grass.  It looks like something out of a magazine.  
Including the man standing on the second floor balcony.  Daniel can’t get a great look at him from the street, but he’s super-model gorgeous.  Brown skin, slicked back dark hair and dark-lined amber eyes.  Unnatural eyes.  He’s standing in the moonlight with his arms on the balcony, peering down at Daniel.  
Daniel feels his chest tighten and he can’t look away.  He raises a hand to wave.  The man doesn’t wave back.  
“Daniel,” the door to the house swings open and Louis sweeps out.  He looks elegant in all black, beautiful in the preternatural way.  “You’ve arrived.  Come on, I’ll give you the tour.”
“Whose that?” Daniel says and breaks his gaze from the man on the balcony.  
Louis glances up.  “I’ll introduce you inside.  Come on, I’ll show you your room.”
“Yeah, let me grab my bags,” Daniel says.  
“Sergei will handle that,” Louis says and the driver grabs Daniel’s bags from the trunk and walks them inside.  “Did you eat on the plane?  I’ve had our chef prepare you a meal.”
‘Our chef.’  Huh.  
Daniel’s flight left at seven, so his body thinks it’s midnight, even if it’s only nine in this timezone.  But he doesn’t want to start things off on the wrong foot by rejecting Louis’ offer.  “I could eat.”
Louis walks him inside.  On the way, Daniel takes one last peek at the man on the balcony, but he’s already gone.
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Chance Meeting
(warning for asa fantasizing about being nasty to elena, implied gross stuff, elena is an adult)
He sees her when he is fixing up his midday coffee.
He happens to glance over at the young woman sitting by herself in the corner of the cafeteria, her designer handbag on the table and a book in her hands. 
He stops what he is doing, and watches her for a moment.
The young woman is Elena.
Oh yes it is Elena.
She’s been letting her hair grow out. He’ll have to fix that. He preferred it short. It made her appear much more in high-spirits.
Some coincidence then. Enjoying our day trip? Figured you might have been turned off museums for a little bit longer than that.
Or maybe we’ve come prowling.
He carries on fixing his coffee. Selecting a seat at a table with a view of both exits, he sits down with his back turned away from her, so as not to startle her if she is looking.
If that is the case, as he deeply suspects it is, best not let her know he’s caught on.
He sips his coffee, takes out his phone, and pretends to be doing work. Occasionally, he looks at her reflection in the glass doors in front of him, watching her read.
Or imitate doing so.
Quite the predicament we find ourselves in Miss Peters. Getting nervous? Sure seems like it. We’ve been reading the same page for two minutes. Do we stay or do we go?
Ah, there. She’s turned it.
He weighs the possibility that she smuggled a gun in past security. She could put a bullet through his head at this distance, if she were a good enough shot, but he doubts she is. If it had been the other one, that case would have been open and shut. He would not be sitting here. But just the girl. That’s harder.
Knocking back his coffee, he scans the room slowly.
It is indeed just the girl, for now. He’ll keep an eye on things.
If anything is about to go down, they’ve picked a terrible venue for it. Broad daylight. Witnesses. Absolutely nothing to connect him to any of it, or there would have already been a knock on his door. And here, like the hotel, he knows this building inside and out.
He plays a game of patience and waits for her to move first.
Fifteen minutes pass before Elena gets out of her seat.
Over the murmur in the cafeteria he thinks he hears her ask the girl who works the coffee stand a question.
He watches her very closely, in the corner of his eye, as she walks past him, not four tables away, and goes out the door at an even pace without so much as a backwards glance.
She did not appear to know who she was sharing the room with.
He stops pretending to do work and crosses his hands on the table to watch her weave her way through the crowd. He lets her walk to the base of the Sauropod skeleton, a significant gap, before getting up himself and following her out, until he sees her disappear into the bathroom on the other side of the grand hall.
He rubs his fingers together at his sides. Difficult to tell.
Going to the top of the staircase, he continues on the second level until he stands directly over the bathrooms, and waits where she can’t see him for her to come out.
Elena seems in no rush when she goes into the gift shop.
He checks his watch.
My dear, you could not have possibly picked a worse time for it. Shipment’s in at twelve.
He can linger five minutes more, and then he’ll have to get back to it. 
Elena seems very intent on browsing though, and takes her sweet time doing so.
A chance meeting then. Or a very good act of one.
He’ll have to check his cameras as soon as he gets home.
He isn’t going to follow her home, because he doesn’t need to. He did his research months ago and already found out where she moved to following their pleasant evening together. So although it pains him to do so, and he’d like nothing more than to stay and watch this all unfold, he goes back to his office, finishes his coffee, and lets the girl go.
They'll be seeing each other soon enough.
Though initially he manages to hold the encounter at the outskirts of his thoughts, it proves an intense source of distraction to him for the majority of the day. He sits tapping away with his pen at his desk, thinking about how it would be to have her again. About her elegant pale face and how it might look contorting and bawling when she realizes that he still intends to do something about her.
Some things are still up in the air, such as how much he’s going to take off of her, and how long she is going to be kept breathing. Other things are a given. Like how this time he’s going to shatter her from the outset. Put her in her place and have her watch it back until she gets acquainted with it. Leave her some painful stitches to think about then split them open a few times as they heal. He might start to be gentle with her, after a point. Fear and anticipation do the heavy lifting for him when he is being gentle. She’ll be crying just the same, expecting the hurt. It’s the sort of fear that destroys identity. He’s orchestrated such a thing many times. Not to worry. They’re going to build her a new one together.
By the end of his shift he has, mostly jokingly, twice entertained the idea of sending her a card. There are butterfly-themed ones in the gift shop that would fit perfectly.
“Hope you enjoyed the sights. Flutter on back soon.”
–The Collection
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A Winchester’s Daughter 3/?
This is a SPN X OC X B99 TIE-IN
Maya is a 17 year old cop who is on the hunt for the dad, only, when she finds him, she also finds out the world in which he comes from.
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Dean, Sam, Cas and Jack’s stay seemed to last a little longer than they had expected. 
After two days, Sam found a case. Well...Maya did. 
It was around 2 in the morning when Maya got a call from the station. She tried her best to stay quiet since Sam was fast asleep in Daisy’s office and Dean was fast asleep on the sofa. 
Since Cas and Jack didn’t really sleep they had taken to touring the city at night. 
“What time is it? Is everything okay?” Dean asked, sleepily as he rubbed his eyes. 
He could just about make out the silouette of his daughter as she strapped on her side-arm. 
“Everything’s fine.” Maya whispered. “I’m on call. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”
However, those couple of hours turned into Maya coming in through the door around 7 in the evening. 
“Hey,” Sam said, slightly bouncing from the coffee. “Whoa. What’s wrong?”
Maya didn’t talk, she just shook her head, lifted her hand, walked towards the sofa and sat down. 
“Kid?” Dean asked. 
Still no answer. 
Dean and Sam looked worried to one another before looking back to Maya. 
“Hey, talk to me. What happened?” Dean asked, sitting on the coffee table, tapping her knee to try and get her attention. 
Maya sighed and sat up. “This is gonna sound stupid, but do you know anything about witches?”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
For a week now, they had been hunting the witch. 
Terry - along with a very frightening Amy - had managed to contact an agent in the FBI. Someone who Terry was in the academy with. 
Thankfully, this Agent knew a thing of two about what went bump in the night. They managed to issue two badges, with the Director’s approval, for the Winchesters. 
Granted, they had been hunted by the FBI once upon a time. But when the Director’s own daughter ended up with a poltergiest in her apartment and was saved by two Hunters, they were a little happier to hand over two badges to the boys. 
But, even with the upside that the FBI would lay off the brother’s for a while, there was still a downside. 
Maya was on the case with them. 
And she got hurt. 
“Lay her down in here.” Daisy directed as Dean carried his daughter’s unconcious body in his arms. 
Dean lay Maya down in her bedroom, Daisy moving around Maya’s folders to make room. 
“What happened?”
“Well, we killed the Witch. But not before she could get to Maya.”
Daisy looked to Jack. “Is she gonna be okay?”
“We don’t know. It all depends on her.”
“On her? What--” Daisy looked around confused. This might be normal for them, but not for her. 
“She’s trapped in her own mind.” Cas explained. “The spell the witch cast..the only person who can break her out is, well...her.”
“Okay, then it should be easy.”
Dean shook his head. “Not if she doesn’t want to leave.”
“Why wouldn’t she want to....” Then it clicked with Daisy. “She’s living in her memories. They’re her greatest hits, aren’t they? That’s why you look worried.”
They nodded. 
“Can’t- Can’t you do anything?”
Cas nodded. “I can. I can go into her mind and try and snap her out of it. It’s our best shot. But, I need permission.”
“Take me with you.” 
That was all Dean said, but Cas knew what he also meant. 
Cas didn’t like doing this without the actual person’s permission, but Maya needed to be saved. So, pressing a hand onto Maya’s shoulder and onto Dean’s arm, his eyes glowed and seconds later, they found themselves inside Maya’s mind. 
It was all black and empty at first, but they could hear all her memories. 
Slowly, as Cas reached out, the space around Dean began to change. It went from black and noisy to brown oak wood with walls surrounding them and plenty of pictures hung on the wall. 
“She’s in here.”
Slowly, Dean and Cas walked down the hall before turning the corner into the living room. However, they found no-one but a woman. 
She had a look of Maya, but it wasn’t her. 
Suddenly, however, the Hunter and Angel turned when they heard the sound of a plates clanking together. 
That was where they found Maya. 
Cautiously, Maya turned around. What was her dad doing in her dream? 
“Oh, thank god.”
Before Maya knew what was happening, she found Dean hugging her tightly. “You know me? You know who I am? You know who we are?”
“Yeah, of course I do. But...why are you in my dream?”
Suddenly, this was no longer feeling like a dream. 
“This isn’t a dream, Maya. This is your memory.”
“My memory? Why would you be-” Then it clicked with Maya. “The witch. Oh, my God. I remember. She-She yelled something and then I blacked out.”
Dean nodded. “There’s not much time to explain but we need to get you out.”
“Okay, how?”
“You need to break yourself out.” Cas told her. 
“Break myself out? How?”
“We don’t know.” Dean answered for the both of them. 
“Well...has this ever happened to you two? What did you do?”
But Dean’s comment that he was about to say was cut short when the woman by the sofa smiled, leaned forward and picked up the plate. The plate that Maya had beside her just a second ago. 
“Thank you, honey.”
Dean got a thought. “Remember when I died?”
“Which time?”
“Roy and Walt?”
Cas nodded but Maya cut in for a moment. 
“Okay, the fact that you have to specify is concerning.”
“Sam and I...we basically lived through our memories until we could get out. What if that is what this is?”
“It’s worth a shot.”
“Maya, do you remember what happened after this?”
Suddenly, loud coughs came from the sofa and Maya rushed forward. She picked tissues from the box before holding them in front of her mom who pressed them to her nose and mouth. 
“Mom, you need a hospital. Please, I can call grandma and she can help drive you-”
Maya’s mom shook her head. “No. No, it’s just a cold. I promise, honey, I’m fine.”
Maya’s mom leaned back but Maya stayed where she was, crouched beside the couch, watching her mom. 
“This was two months before we found out.” Maya explained, everything becoming a little clearer now. “She’d had this cold for a week but part of me knew it wasn’t right. I remember that night I came down the stairs, she had fallen asleep on the sofa and I looked in the trash...” Low and behold, Maya found the used tissues in the trash can beside the sofa. “Blood.”
Maya didn’t say much after that. Just stood up, wiped her eyes and moved away from the living room. 
“I need to leave.”
Except, as Maya headed for the front door, it seemed to open into another memory. And a change of clothes. 
“Come on, honey. You don’t want to be late for your graduation.”
Maya’s mom left from the doorway after Maya gave a small nod and a smile. 
“She looked like death warmed over.” Maya told Dean and Cas. “She tried so hard to put on a brave face. I remember...I remember, we went to Argo’s after this. She ordered a slice of apple crumble and a slice of pie for me.”
By the time they made it downstairs, the found themselves in a large hall. Maya was walking onto the stage, Cas and Dean in the audience. As much as it saddened Dean (and Cas) to see Maya go through her memories, he did a smile a little as seeing his daughter be handed her diploma. 
This continued for a short while longer, going through some of Maya’s memories. Seeing her at birthday parties, first making friends with Daisy, Cas having to hold back Dean once Dean spotted a guy in Maya’s class walk up to her to ask her out. 
But Maya was called away by a teacher. 
And suddenly, with the whole place spinning, they landed inside a house covered in photo’s and and picture albums. 
Maya felt like a dagger was being stabbed through her heart. 
“What...what is this?”
All three of them turned around at the sound of someone calling out to Maya. 
Her mom. 
Her mom was lay in bed, sat up, but even Dean and Cas knew it wasn’t good. 
“Maya?” Her mom called out again. 
“Promise you’ll stay with me?” Maya asked, looking to Dean. 
Dean nodded. “Promise.”
Maya could already feel her heart breaking with every step she took closer. 
With care, Maya listed one foot off the floor and sat beside her mother facing her. 
“Honey, I am so proud of you.” Maya’s mom began. 
Maya tried her best to smile but the tears were already trying to fight their way out. 
“I know. You’ve already told me.”
“And I love you. So much. So so much.”
Tears came from both mother and daughter, but her mom still smiled. 
“Oh, honey.” Maya’s mom placed a hand to her cheek whilst Maya’s two hands gripped onto her mom’s other. 
“I’m sorry, mom.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I have lived my life and it couldn’t have been better. I watched my beautiful intelligent daughter grow up.” Her mom made sure she was looking into her eyes. “You have his eyes.”
Maya’s mom smiled. “He would have loved you, I just know it.”
Maya ducked her head, more tears falling. However, her head lifted when she felt something be placed into the palm of her hand. 
“You don’t have to, but in case you wanted to.” Her mom told her. “I don’t know if it still works, but it’s his.”
“No, mom-”
“I’ll be okay. You’ll be okay.”
More tears fell. 
“My beautiful daughter, Maya.”
Sobs escaped Maya’s lips as she gripped onto the napkin note and her mom’s hand. 
Maya tried her best to force a smile but struggled. Her mom was fading and with each second, the sound of herown heartbreaking - for the second time - echoed in Maya’s ears louder than ever. 
“It’s okay. You can go now. I love you, mom.”
“I love you, my beautiful daughter, Maya.”
Her mom’s voice slowly faded away as her soul began to leave her body. All that was left was the sound of tears falling, Maya’s escaping sobs and the sound of Dean’s boots across the floor as he picked up his daughter and held her tighter and closer than ever. 
Before they knew it, they opened their eyes and found themselves back inside Maya’s bedroom. 
Maya was sat up in her own bed, Dean sat facing her, still holding her. 
Sam, Daisy and Jack were all confused but followed Cas out of the room as he waved his hand towards them all. 
Cas closed the door on the father and daughter to give them their space. 
“Is she okay? What happened?”
Meanwhile, inside the tears didn’t stop. 
“Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m here, kid. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” Dean reassured her. “I’ve got you, kid.”
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annaphoenix1994 · 10 months
Ch.124 - The Enemy of My Enemy
Previous Chapter - Masterlist 1; Masterlist 2 - Next Chapter
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Phil and Natalie discuss strategies following Kiera's last jab on his plans; A new threat emerges to merge strategies into a business deal - a deal that leads to the taking of Kiera's ranch.
“Never thought it would end up like this, Phil,” Natalie sighed, knowing that Kiera was onto their plan. “But I gotta say: this is quite the spot to put your project.”
“We need to figure out another strategy, I’m afraid.”
“Why’s that?”
“She showed up at my house last night. Harmon laying underneath my own wife as she was drunk. The only credit I’ll give her is that she knows how to get under my skin.”
“So… She knows about what I’ve been doing then?”
“Evidently so,” Phil sighed. “Were you able to find out anything like I requested?”
“Yes, but I must warn you, she and her husband are not one to back down from a fight – you can’t take them head-on, but we can create a strategy to take pieces from them one by one,” She arched her brow. “But we have to be careful and really play it by the book.”
“Why? Is she going to string us up and have us hooked up to some lie detector or something irrational?” Phil scoffed.
“She’s more like a human lie detector… Phil, she was a second-in-command Case Officer for the C.I.A. She can bend the truth more than a lawyer can if she needed to.”
“That doesn’t scare me.”
“In a way, it should. And she knows that,” She sighed. “We need to wipe your slate as clean as we can because any negative mark will be another tally to her board—”
“She already knows the details about my project, I’m sure.”
“She only knows what you told me to tell her. "Keep the lion fed" or whatever that phrase is that you said." She giggled. 
“Good that you followed my strategy. That information should keep her occupied for a while. What else should we do?”
“Well, start off by telling me who she could know in your circle. I’m aware you had a couple of friends in the military and police force—”
“That’s in Nevada, not Wyoming.”
“Didn’t you know some guy from Texas? Wasn’t he in the Marine Corps or something like that?”
“I know of two from Texas,” Phil chuckled. “Isaac and Phillip.”
“Well, with the digging I did last night, I’ve compiled an entire list that you’d probably want to see. You can use it for future reference just in case. And you know what I mean by that.”
Phil furrowed his brows as he took the notebook from Natalie’s hands, sighing deeply before opening it to look at her handwriting. “I’m sure you’re aware that Isaac has been dead for a couple of years now,” She began to explain. “His brother was written off as K.I.A before his records resurfaced from a hospital in Mexico City. He survived, of course, but you’d never guess who shot him.”
“Kiera,” She nodded, reaching forward to turn the page for Phillip to see her photo that Natalie had managed to dig up from the federal archives. “Shot him in the neck on a mission in Mexico. He was pronounced dead on sight, but I guess he had a guardian angel around him that day. He’s back on active duty after being cleared, but I’m sure he wouldn’t be opposed to plotting revenge.”
“That would be just a waste of his time—”
“Not when he has contacts, Phil,” She arched her brow at him. “This can be a last resort or if she attacks first, although it’s likely she won’t. We’ll just have to play our cards right.”
“Who’s to say contacting him isn’t a last resort?” He arched his brow.
“We can’t have anything go wrong with this, is what I’m saying. We just need to find a face for this fight.” She explained, “A new face that you can still stand behind in this fight.”
“Use my face,” A stranger blurted from nearby, entering the conversation after eavesdropping once he heard Kiera’s name, knowing exactly what the pair were planning. “For the past couple of years, I’ve been doing the exact same thing you’ve been trying to do for the last two weeks. Aside from Charles Dutton’s passing, I’ve thought my plans would’ve been easier. Well, all Duttons are the same – so I’ve come to the same conclusion: I can’t beat them alone. Tokala Absaroka,” He introduced, offering his hand to Natalie for greeting. “Chairman of the Confederated Tribe of Wind River.”
“That’s a… Very interesting name.” Phil chuckled, nearly offended that Tokala didn’t offer to shake Phil’s hand first.
“I’m a great descendant of the Wind River Tribe,” Tokala smirked. “My great grandfather is Washakie: the last great chief of the Eastern Shoshone.”
“Interesting. Phil Jenkins.” He said, offering his hand towards Tokala.
“A pleasure.”
“So, how can we help you?”
“My apologies, but I thought she was the one calling the shots?”
Phil chuckled, “I like the way you think. She calls the shots, I approve them, because I’m the one who writes the checks.”
“Not anymore if you’ll allow me to do that, too?” Tokala replied, offsetting his gaze back to Natalie, sensing that she had more control over the situation than Phil did as well as being comfortable with being arrogant. Tokala wasn’t only a descendant of a confederated tribe, but he was also a businessman for many years to do the exact same thing he knew Bud Dutton to do: protect the very thing that was left to him. And in their cases, it was their land they were protecting, except the only difference was that Tokala was looking to expand the distance of his opportunities by annexing land into the reservation to protect it all while doing whatever he desired. He wanted to build a city – a place for his people to grow into their own community. A modernized tribe.
Natalie arched her brow with curiosity, “Well, Mr. Ab…sorooka? I’m so sorry, I can’t pronounce it – I’m awful with names.”
“Absaroka,” He corrected with a warm smile. “If you’re not confident with pronunciation, Crow will be okay.”
“Is that what it means?”
“Yes, which is ironic because my great grandfather was a chief from a different tribe who defeated a Crow chief in the 1850’s, making the East Shoshone a part of the Wind River Valley after 1851. I carry the bloodline for the Eastern Shoshone but have the last name of the Absaroka.”
Natalie nodded with acceptance, “Yeah, that is pretty odd. Best of both worlds, no?”
“You can put it that way.”
“Well, Mr. Crow,” She addressed with a giggle. “Walk us through your strategies—”
“Natalie, this doesn’t sound like strategy, it sounds like business. Business, I deal with.” Phil corrected her.
Tokala sighed, leaning his forearms on his knees and twining his fingers before speaking, “By what I recall, you have a subdivision that you can’t build due to an immediate change to your proposed power source. I can give that to you.”
Phil scoffed, “That’s a 70-million-dollar build. Impossible.”
“I’ll get a loan.”
“You’ll get a loan to help build a subdivision?” He arched his brow, nearly calling his bluff. “That doesn’t sound reasonable.”
“Neither does an Indian willingly wanting to make a deal with a white man,” Tokala shrugged, smirking. “But here we are. The loan is not for a subdivision, but a casino.”
Phil nearly rolled his eyes, sighing heavily before presenting his next offer, “I’ll lease you the land for a dollar.”
“They won’t give me a loan for the lease, we have to own the land.”
“Well, how much land do you need?”
“Phil—” Natalie trailed off in hesitation.
“35 acres for the casino. I’d also like 80 for the planned hotel and parking. You can choose the location and have design approval. I do have minimum square foot requirements for the casino and hotel as well as minimum room requirements, but I finance all construction, not you. We will provide your water, sewage, and electricity as well as build all roads in and out. I finance all infrastructure and once it’s all done, I lease your subdivision access to the infrastructure for one percent of the casino revenue.”
“Now why would I agree to that?”
“Because I’m offering to give you 20% of revenue as payment for the land.”
“How big will the casino be?”
“A 185,000 square feet on the casino floor and 450 rooms in the hotel.”
“Christ, that’s a $200 million build!”
“Three,” Tokala chuckled.
“Phil,” Natalie spoke up. “Don’t agree to anything just yet.”
“Sounds too good to be true, right?” Tokala added. “Probably thinking I’m too desperate to lie.”
“Assuming,” Natalie nodded. “This sounds like the deal of the century and we can’t be too careful.”
“The enemy of my enemy. I know we share the same. I was once Charles Dutton’s biggest enemy, now I’m going to be his daughter’s.”
“Let’s set up a meeting,” Phil offered. “You, me, Natalie, and our partners.”
“Of course. I’m free tomorrow. I can be at your office and arrange lunch.”
“Great. We’ll be there!”
“Oh, keep Dennis Dutton at bay on this,” Tokala advised. “He may be on your side of the battle, but he is the one that’s desperate, not I.”
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let-me-love-you-loki · 11 months
Days Gone--Ch. 6
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Chapter 6
           Reid watched the second hand tick as the gears in his mind ground against one another. He suddenly felt overwhelmed with the crippling sense of helplessness. His dark eyes skipped over Lyssa’s face each time his gaze circled the evidence boards.
           “Damn it,” he swore under his breath. “What am I missing?”
           “We have to be missing something, Hotch,” JJ said as she glanced over at Reid. “There’s some piece of the profile that’s off.”
           “It’s not wrong,” Hotch replied, crossing his arms over his chest. “But there has to be something that we’ve missed. Or overlooked.”
           Morgan drew out his cellphone and pressed speed dial. It rang twice before it connected.
           “Garcia. Go for your girl.”
           “Tell me you have something, baby girl,” Morgan sighed. He rubbed his forehead with his fingertips. “Anything come up in your search?”
           He heard the deep intake of breath. For the first time since Lyssa’s picture showed up on the evidence board, he started to have some hope. “So,” Garcia began, “I did a deep dive into everything I could find about the financials of the bookstore and our four victims. Now, we know that the bookstore is the only thing they have in common. But! It actually isn’t. A deeper spelunking showed that all four of them are or have previously used the same bank. It didn’t show up before because two of them recently switched banks and practically scrubbed their old accounts—which by the way is like super weird because the average person doesn’t do that. It takes someone crazy good to do that. And, you know, it’s insanely expensive.”
           “That’s it?” Morgan felt his sense of hope slipping away. “C’mon, Garcia. You gotta give me more than that.”
           “Hold your horses, handsome,” she teased. “When I was able to compare the remaining open accounts, something fuzzy showed up. In the days leading up to their disappearance, both of them made some fishy withdrawals of exactly $223. Now, you can’t get that specific amount from an ATM. You have to go inside. So, I figure a teller would notice if a woman came into the bank twice a day for a week to do a cash withdrawal that specific.”
           “That’s good, baby girl. Give me the account information and the teller names as soon as you can.”
           Garcia chuckled. “Already on the way, sweet cheeks. And the bank is waiting for you.”
           Prentiss stepped into the air-conditioned lobby of the bank, tucking her sunglasses into the collar of her shirt. It was surprisingly hot and humid for the mountains of North Carolina. She flashed her ID to the security guard, who nodded and slipped away to the manager’s office.
           While she waited, Prentiss looked around. Her eyes landed on the tellers. Cameras watched each of them from over their shoulders. Still more cameras recorded the front doors and the entrance to the vault. It was entirely likely—or actually certain—that Garcia had already pulled the security footage. With or without permission from the bank.
           “Agent Prentiss?”
           “Yes,” she said, holding out her hand toward the woman who’d just appeared. The bank manager was a striking figure with pale blonde hair and dark black eyes. “Thank you for taking the time to speak with me.”
           “Of course,” the manager said calmly. “Let’s go to my office.”
           Prentiss followed the manager across the lobby and into a glass fronted office. She sank into an uncomfortable chair as the manager swept around and settled in behind the desk. A nameplate identified her as Veronica Addams.
           The moment Ms. Addams took her place across the desk, Prentiss spoke up. “I believe Agent Garcia told you why I’m here.”
           “She said it had something to do with some unusual activity in a few of our accounts. I’m surprised the FBI personally came down to deal with something like this.”
           “It’s actually a bit more than that, Ms. Addams. The accounts in question belong to three murder victims and a missing woman.” She watched the bank manager as she explained the reasons for her visit. “Two of them made a series of unusual cash withdrawals in the weeks leading up to their disappearance. Two others had accounts with this bank that were closed and almost completely digitally erased.”
           The manager’s brow furrowed as she leaned forward. “That’s unlikely. We keep complete digital records of all of our accounts, even those that are closed.”
           “Still. I’d like to speak with your tellers. To see if they can provide any additional information.”
           “Feel free, Agent Prentiss. But hundreds of people come in every day. I can’t guarantee that they’ll even know these women.” Addams kept her voice low, as if she feared someone might hear through the glass. “People here are just account numbers. Not names and faces.”
           For a moment, Prentiss wanted to reach across the table and slap the woman in disgust.
           “Okay, kid,” Morgan said as he stepped up beside Reid, who was still staring at the evidence board. “Garcia found something in the victims’ financials.”
           Reid turned toward him with a scowl that Morgan had never seen before. “Don’t call her a victim. Lyssa isn’t a victim.”
           There was a rage boiling through Reid’s veins. Beneath all of it was an overwhelming sense of helplessness and loss. His mind skidded to a halt; the blood poured from his brain straight to his toes. Reid stumbled. Slipped. Linoleum rushed up toward him.
           He caught himself on the edge of a nearby desk. His head swam as he sank down into the chair. Morgan watched him carefully. The color slowly came back to Reid’s face. Still, he scooted a trash can into place between the younger man’s knees.
           An alarm blared on the screen behind Garcia. She whipped around, fingers going to the keyboard with practiced ease. She reached out with her left hand for a pen and pad.
           “Oh,” she gasped. “Oh. Oh no. No, no, no, no.”
           Garcia’s heart galloped in her chest. Her stomach twisted into a tight knot. She dialed the phone with shaking fingers.
           “What is it, baby girl?” Morgan’s eyes raked over Reid in worry.
           “Derek, they’ve found another body.”
           Morgan’s brow furrowed as he looked around. “What?” His voice dropped into a whisper. “There’s nothing coming through here. How do you already know that?”
           Garcia’s fingers trembled harder. “Because it’s not there! It’s on the Blue Ridge Parkway across the state line in Tennessee.”
           “Don’t tell me…” He turned and walked away from Reid. His eyes squeezed shut. He thought he was going to be sick. “How do they know it’s connected?”
           “I set up an alert with the parameters of the M.O. for this unsub. Anything that even resembled the previous bodies would come through.” Garcia took a deep breath. “There’s no ID on the body yet.”
           Morgan stalked across the room toward where Rossi and Hotch sat at the conference table, files spread out in front of them as they discussed the case. He sat his phone on the table between them. “Garcia, you’re on speaker. I’m with Hotch and Rossi. Tell them exactly what you just told me.”
           The moment Garcia finished explaining what she’d found, Rossi stood up. “Send me the details right now. I’m on my way.”
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