#over confident and clings to people and things too easily CHECK
desertthorn · 11 months
Making fun of this beautiful man is my new hobby.
Mostly because he makes it so easy lol
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Look at this dork.
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onskepa · 1 year
Na'vi Children with humans
Hellooooo, so I have done a poly, then a single two pair, now I was thinking what other's I could do. So then, I thought of the children. Now for this I will admit, I did pull ideas from other fellow tumblr users. I will tag them by the end of the list. As well as the other two previous headcanons that I did in case you are all interested. If you would like to use this list for inspiration or use it in your fics, I don't mind, but please credit me. Now that's out of the way, LETS GO!
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[ FYI I pulled this off the internet, if this is yours pls let me know so I can tag ya]
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Na'vi children I would say, would live as normal as na'vi life can be, be it hybrid, or full bloodied, despite having a human for a parent.
I can imagine them be really close to their human parent, enjoy the facial expressions, soft warmth the human provides, and since their Na'vi parent is always busy, they have their human parent to enjoy and have fun time with.
The human parent would tell human children stories, sing classical nursery songs, and possibly games they grew up with.
If the human were to explore or doing something around the village, the Na'vi children would obviously follow them very closely, and simply being happy being near their smaller parent.
I can see the na'vi kids being jealous of just about anyone. Be it their other parent or other kids taking their human parent attention away from them. Might hiss or yell in frustration.
If they could, they would cling on to them for the rest of their lives.
Of course would spend every minute with not just their human parent but as well as their na'vi parent. Spending family time together.
If the Na'vi children were to have human features, should they feel a bit insecure about their oddities, their human parent would support and uplift their confidence. Telling them its another addition of them simply being unique.
When growing up and doing their Iknimaya, the Na'vi children would no doubt feel pressured in some way to perfect their skills, be it in hunting or healing, or in some other way, their worries will always be there.
While yes their Na'vi parent will always be their to support them, the human parent is more like a support that Na'vi kids seek.
Refuse to do their duties without a loving kiss and hug from their human parent. Tends to be physically affectionate with their human parent.
Saying anything bad about their human parent, both Na'vi child and mate would pounce and silence those who speak ill of their human.
As the Na'vi kids get older and taller, easily over towering their human parent, they will share the same instinct as their na'vi parent to protect their human parent as they are smaller and can easily hurt themselves.
The Na'vi parent would absolutely tell how their kids how to fight back others if other na'vi they hurt their human parent, and how to protect them should the Na'vi parent not be there.
No matter how old the Na'vi kids are, even if they are now adults, they will still seek out their human parent, if the now grown up Na'vi have kids of their own, the human parent, now grandparent, would be there for the new generation until their time ends.
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Now again, I might add or change things. Idk. But that is all. This one is special, all thanks to these people, check out their materials too!
@hinataashoyos @i-thirsty-boi @mandomaterial @sunandsstars @avatarbyamara @star-girl69 @wholelottawidows https://www.tumblr.com/byunpum
Now after this one, I am not sure what else to do. Still got no story to say, I dont mind suggestion! Hope you all liked it! And if you haven't read the other two, here are the links to them!
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lavenderlegends · 10 months
I'd love to hear anymore of your headcanons for Trans!Erica it's something I didn't know I needed in my life till right now!
omg omg yaaaaay!!!
so it's something i've seen a few times, back in the day, but i didn't know i was trans/nonbinary at the time so i didn't explore it too much.
but literally, i've been obsessing over the idea of trans!erica for the last few weeks since i've decided to dip my toes back into fandom and here's what i think:
erica has the biggest transformation on the show imo and her storyline could really VERY easily have been a trans storyline. so here is my trans!erica head canon (that turned into like a mini fic):
happiest she's ever been
erica has been struggling with her feelings of gender and sexuality for quite some time, but doesn't really know what they mean. until stiles.
stiles, this bisexual king, who has spent hours and hours obsessing and hyper-fixating on figuring out his own sexuality and reconfirming his own gender. he's learned so much about the queer community since discovering he might be bi that he's practically an expert on the subject.
erica doesn't really know what to make of stiles, but when he comes out as bi, she wonders if maybe he'd be a safe person to talk to. after all, he did do a bunch of research when he learned she was epileptic so he could better support her and yell at people for incorrect biases. he's always been nice to her, really.
she finally gets the nerve to talk to him, and when she does, she blurts, "so you're bi."
but stiles knows that look. he's worn it on his face a million times before he met derek. so he takes her hand and walks her to a more private spot.
they start talking, and the more stiles talks, the more relaxed erica feels around him. she finally, and quietly, asks, "what if i like... dresses and skirts and high heels and lipstick and... girl things."
stiles launches into all the research he's done on trans identities, and even recommends her some trans and nonbinary books he'd read in his rabbit hole. erica types the recommendations into her phone, despite already memorizing the titles.
she works up the courage to get them from the local library, where her crush, boyd, volunteers. she's shaking when she checks out the books, but boyd simply lifts one up and says, "this is one of my favourites. you'll have to let me know your thoughts once you've finished it."
so erica starts with that one. she loves it. she cries, she smiles, she laughs, and she clings to the characters as if she was them. and then she reads the next, and the next.
she tells stiles she's trans first. he's delighted and more than happy to help her in any way possible.
she changes her name after the main character in boyd's favourite book.
erica and stiles go shopping. it's a disaster. stiles asks if it's okay if he tells some of his friends, who will be more than understanding, willing, and protective of her secret, who can help her shop for women's clothes better than he can. she hesitates but agrees.
lydia, allison, kira, and malia all come to her rescue. within a weekend, erica has been completely transformed. she knows the basics of makeup. knows what clothes she likes, and what clothes she hates. she's broken in her new pairs of leopard print high heels.
and she's gained a thousand times the confidence she used to have.
"so," lydia asks, as she paints erica's nails. "tell us. have your eye on anyone?"
"well... i do, but i don't think he'd like me like this."
the girls all look at her, and then allison says with a decisiveness that warms erica's heart: "if that's true, then he's not the one for you."
"you should give him a chance though," kira encourages. "maybe he'll be different."
"maybe." but erica's not sure.
she looks over at the library books she still has to return.
and maybe happens on a friday. the library is usually quieter then. she spends over an hour getting ready, changing her mind, and trying to figure out what to wear. but she manages. she only has to message the girls' group chat twice with make-up questions, so she counts that as a win.
walking into the library, she's nervous. she doesn't know what to expect. but there he is, beautiful as ever, standing behind the counter. their eyes meet. she almost expects him to make a face.
instead he says, "i don't believe we've properly met. i'm vernon boyd."
"erica," she says, stumbling over her chosen name. "erica reyes."
he smiles and asks, "so, what did you think of the book?"
and she knows. right then and there, this is the love of her life.
so when monday rolls around, she enters the cafeteria in her new look, embracing her true self, and has more confidence than she's ever experienced before. she doesn't know what shocks people more: her coming out as trans or her sitting with vernon boyd and holding hands.
but she's the happiest she's ever been.
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cheqorb · 7 months
shared obsession.
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You could’ve never imagined in your wildest dreams that two members of an elite military group would both gain an interest in you. Flattering, right? Well, with the chain on your ankle, you really wish they didn’t.
featuring. yan! jouno & yan! tetcho
warnings. yandere themes, implied kidnapping, mentions of injuries
notes. is it spelt tetcho, tetchou, or tecchou?? love these guys a lot and they have such good yandere potential. more people need to write for tetcho!! minors DNI please!
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i feel like with these two, especially if you’re a civilian, it’s inevitable that you’ll find yourself confined within some building that serves as a makeshift ‘home’ for you. a place hidden from the knowledge of anyone, besides the few guards who check on your wellbeing every so often when they’re both out on extended missions (they have sworn to protect the people, after all).
don’t get your hopes up though; they respect and fear the two hunting dog members too much to disobey orders and allow you to escape. anything deemed ‘suspicious’ like searching the house for something or mapping out the area are swiftly reported to them.
but hey, if it makes you feel any better about your situation, having both men infatuated with you is a much easier time than if it were only one! reason being, they balance eachother out in a weird way.
TETCHO is kind, in a sense. he’ll happily let you cling to him, gently wiping away any stray tears that fall down your cheeks, apologise over and over again that you feel so trapped but it’s for your own good, he swears. he’s the one that dotes on you mostly.
with this kindness comes overbearing protectiveness however. a simple cut or bruise that can easily be avoided might just force him to watch over you far closer than before —or even limit your movement around the house. he’s a stubborn one, but maybe if you’ve been on your best behaviour lately, you could manage a few minutes outdoors (with him watching over you of course) before being promptly escorted back inside.
"Let's get you back inside now. are you hungry? would you like something to eat?" Tetcho's voice carries a comforting tone as he guides you back indoors, much to your dismay. But you know that you’re not going to try and disobey him either.
i imagine this is one of the few aspects JOUNO is slightly more laidback on than tetcho, he’s more confident in that you won’t run away because staying home like a good s/o is preferable to being punished, don’t you think? you learn to tolerate his snarky attitude because when he’s in a good mood, he’ll occasionally let you join him on a quick trip to a cafe. perhaps even buy you a gift if he hears your heart rate pick up in excitement.
nevertheless, he won’t hesitate in showing what he’s capable of doing if you try anything funny. punishments from jouno are always drastically different from the next. if it’s for petty things or perhaps he was just particularly bored that day, then you (hopefully) leave with a few bruises and cuts littered around your skin. they sting but, again, it’s better than if he were to start breaking bones or something like that.
unlike his colleague, he won’t be swayed by your tears, no matter how much begging or pleading you do.
lucky for you however, tetcho always intervenes if he deems the punishment too excessive for your crime. he’s also the one who tends to any wounds afterward, carefully bandaging your body while reassuring you that jouno didn’t mean any harm, he’s just worried about you! weirdly enough, they seem to justify eachother’s behaviour all the time.
“too avoid consequences like this again,” he says, “you should just accept that you won’t escape anytime soon.”
The hand patting your head feels almost patronising in this scenario, just as Jouno reenters the room.
"This whole thing could’ve been avoided if they hadn't tried to escape," he chides in a gentle but reproachful tone. You don’t bother lifting your head, already anticipating the expression on his face would only intensify the queasiness swirling in your stomach.
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sylvie-writes · 3 years
Chain of Events
word count: 2500
pairing: andy barber x female reader
warnings: cheating, age gap, some profanity.
request: can i request a andy barber x fem!reader where the reader is his asisstant and his secret mistress (in mid 20s) which she always stick by his side and help him through jacob's trail. after the trail he divorced w laurie and they got marry and have a baby girl please!! thank you!!
a/n: sorry for the wait! i hope you enjoy lovely! ngl this really fueled my love for andy. 
please excuse any mistakes!
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It wasn’t something you were proud of. Something that had started off as a night with a few innocent drinks paved the way for a never ending cycle. At times you felt dirty and awful, yet that didn’t stop you from going to see him every other night. Even when you had the slightest feeling that Laurie had a hunch, it didn’t stop you. Especially when things got dark for Andy, you were the one to hold him close and not his wife. It felt so right although extremely wrong all at the same time. 
Currently, you were sitting in your apartment bed, spending your Friday night a bit differently than most. Rain gushed from the sky and rhythmically hit your bedroom window which you were spaced out on, many thoughts running through your mind and a glass of wine occasionally hitting your lips. Using your free hand you softly ran your fingers through the mop of hair that belonged to Andy who was passed out in your lap. His breathing was even and it did your heart good to see him so peaceful for once. Just two hours ago, he called you, sounding so broken and vulnerable which was out of the ordinary for Andy. The minute you answered the door, he flung himself at you and held you tight, whispering repeatedly “don’t leave me, please.” 
It absolutely tore you to pieces to hear him say that and you were quick to reassure him that it wasn’t even possible. You then lead him to the bedroom to ask what had happened. 
“Is everything alright? Talk to me, Andy.” You placed a set of his pajamas into his hands but not without a pleading look in your eyes when meeting his own sullen ones.
“Laurie’s adamant it’s him, but (y/n)-” Placing a finger on his lips, you hushed him. 
“I know, I know. You just have to ignore it okay? Laurie is just,” Pausing, you chose your next words wisely, “having a hard time with it all. Everyone copes differently.” 
He sadly nodded before standing to kiss your forehead and make his way to the bathroom to get changed and cleaned up a bit. 
The two of you continued to chat about Jacob’s trial once Andy returned from the bathroom, and he confided in you in many ways more than one. You’d never seen Andy so open, even with yourself, and clearly it helped him quite a bit as he was now relaxed. 
Time had flown and amongst your thoughts, one stood out to you in particular. When would Laurie start to question where he was? Andy always had some bullshit excuse ready to give her and would then tell you that it would be alright. Normally, before you had time to truly convince yourself, Andy’s lips would be on yours or his hands would caress you gently and you’d melt into him as did your cares. Except for now. 
The two had just gotten into a huge fight and you were sure Andy hadn’t even thought twice about telling her where he was going. Even if he did, Laurie would surely be on the lookout for his return. 
Carefully reaching over to your nightstand, you grabbed your phone to check the time and noticed that it was getting late. 
“Andy? My love, when do you have to go home?” You leaned down to whisper to the sleeping man who groaned in return. 
You repeated his name once more, this time slightly shaking his shoulder to which he rolled onto his back, a goofy grin on his lips as he looked up at you. “Well hello, honey.” 
From Andy’s point of view, you peered down at him like a disappointed mother but with a faint smile upon her lips at her child’s goofiness. 
“Nice of you to join me, sleeping beauty. I was wondering what time you had to get home. It’s starting to rain more heavily and Laurie-”
Andy sat up and turned himself so he’d be sitting shoulder to shoulder with you. Silently, he took your empty wine glass from your hand, leaning to place it on your nightstand. As he did so, he didn’t let go of your wrist, which he brought to his lips when he returned to face you. 
Murmuring against your wrist, he started to place soft and delicate kisses to the smooth skin there. “Don’t worry about it. I told her I’d be back tomorrow morning.” 
“But Andy, she knows you don’t have anywhere to stay.” You didn’t want to exactly say “Hey! Andy, you have no friends and your wife knows that!” but it was implied in a kinder way. Andy picked up on this, clearly deflecting when he just nodded in response and started to place more kisses up your forearm. 
Letting out a frustrated “hmph,” you let Andy carry on before he victoriously smiled at you.
The vicious cycle went on throughout the course of Jacob’s trial as things between Andy and his wife got worse. Even though they both lived under the same roof, slept in the same bed, and put on a facade for Jacob, they were practically separated. One night Andy drunkenly showed up on your doorstep, confessing how he had come home to find Laurie with another man. In a fit of rage he let the cat out of the bag that he had been seeing you. Funny how things work. 
You knew they were both wrong, so instead of shaming either one of them, you just let Andy cling to you for comfort. When Andy was drunk, he was like a big child and if the circumstances were different, you’d been laughing, but rather you soothingly rubbed his back and listened as that’s all he needed. Someone who would just listen.
At three in the morning, he most definitely needed you as well when you found his head in the bowl of the toilet and not sleepily nestled in your neck. (Which was ironic as the two of you would be switching places very soon.)
Christmas came quick and along with it, many miracles, one being that Jacob was not convicted.
Just as Andy was in a rush to tell you the news, Laurie was even faster to serve the divorce papers to him. In a relationship, you and your partner are supposed to be able to push through tough times without breaking. With that being said, Andy and Laurie mutually agreed that they had failed and it was time they both quit lying to themselves. It was time for real happiness. 
“(y/n) meet me at our favorite restaurant in thirty minutes.”
You were working on some case files for Neil, despite your hatred for him, and tried to tell Andy that you were busy at the moment. He didn’t listen but continued to insist that you meet him there. His tone wasn’t demanding, but it was...excited? Surely, Andy had been excited over things in his life, but you’d never actually heard the usually emotionless man speak with such ardor. 
Setting down the case files, you rushed to put on some real pants and a blouse, but nothing too fancy or flashy as you had no idea what was about to happen. 
When you arrived at the restaurant, Andy happily flagged you over. He wore the biggest smile ever and you were borderline concerned. What could have him this happy? Was he getting back with Laurie? As much as you wanted them to be a functioning family, you weren’t sure if you could deal with such heartbreak because Andy really did feel like the one. 
Ever the gentleman, Andy pulled out your chair and handed you a small bouquet as you sat in the wooden seat. Before he walked away, the man planted a smack of a kiss on your lips and hurried back to his seat since he saw the waiter out of the corner of his eye. As the waiter approached, you were just sitting there, the most shocked expression on your face as it settled within you what Andy had just done. Long ago when this whole fiasco began, you and Andy always kept it professional when out in public because so many people knew him and word could get out easily that he was cheating. 
The minute the waiter left, you were quick to chastise Andy who just laughed as if it were the funniest thing in the world which left you a bit angered. 
Since the restaurant was quiet, you extended yourself across the table so Andy could hear your harsh muttering. 
“Do you realize what you just did, Barber?!” Andy shook his head in a content manner and at this point steam was about to emerge from your ears. Before all hell could break loose and you go ballistic, Andy cut in to explain. 
“Jacob, he’s a free man!” Andy looked at you with an awaiting smile and your face immediately softened, but for only a second as that didn’t explain why he was parading your relationship out like this. Didn’t he know what he was risking, not only for himself, but you.
Your counterpart noticed the sudden change of expression on your face and continued, “But among other things, I meant to tell you that Laurie and I got divorced recently.” 
“Oh hon, I am so sorry.” Reaching across the table, you comfortingly ran your thumb over the back of his hand, but he just shook his head in detest.
“No no, it’s not a bad thing because it just opened the gateway for this,” Andy pulled his hand away and went to dig in his coat pocket. You thought to yourself, no he couldn’t be-
“(y/n), I’m gonna make this short, but sweet. You mean the world to me and I could spend all night listing off why I love you, but that will never do justice, so instead, I ask that you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?” 
His cliche, yet utterly adorable speech could make a person’s heart melt and instantly say yes, but you’ve always been a thinker, and maybe Andy had accounted for that a bit in his proposal. 
“Andrew! You just got divorced!” In a semi-whisper slash hiss, you bent over so only he could hear, hiding your words from the prying onlookers as if you had top secret info spilling from your lips. 
“I know, but, (y/n), you are the one.” He looked a bit awkward being on his knee for so long and the ring box still patiently in hand as you processed his question. Nonetheless, Andy continued to hopefully smile at you, ignoring all of the whispers, until you excitedly replied “yes” just a mere second later, though it felt like ages for him. 
This proposal was definitely gonna be a story for generations. 
You and Andy settled for a simple courthouse wedding with just your parents in attendance as witnesses. The two of you were never really used to flaunting your relationship, and even though you could now, it just wasn’t ideal. Besides, you had bigger things to worry about.
For example, when just a few weeks after your short-lived honeymoon, you noticed some changes and came to the conclusion that you were pregnant. 
One night, you casually brought up the idea of more kids to Andy to test the waters. 
“Hey love, you awake?”
Andy lifted his eyes from his book, no longer looking as if he was asleep. He nodded his head and set the book aside giving you his full attention. 
“What’s up, gorgeous?”
“I was thinking… what if we were to have a kid. Would you be opposed to that?”
The reaction on Andy’s face was most definitely not the one in mind and he looked as if you had asked him the most appalling question on earth. 
“(y/n), I love kids,” He chuckled a bit, “I thought I made that clear, you know, by being a dad and all.” 
His lame attempt at making a “joke” eased your nerves and you just came straightforward with the gold. 
“Andy, I think I am pregnant.” 
And faster than a predator can pounce, Andy was on you in seconds, his arms hugging you close as he whispered words of excitement. 
Nine months later and that statement was very true as you held a bundle of joy in your arms. Your hours numb in pain couldn't even be compared to the gift that was before you. Andy could hardly keep his hands off your stomach for the past few months and he never failed to speak to your daughter as if she was actually there. Now that her presence was finally in the world, Andy was yet to look away from her small figure and his smile hadn’t withered the slightest. 
The nurse had stepped out a few minutes ago, giving both you and Andy some time and privacy with your newborn. Even though drowsiness overcame your body, you visibly forced yourself awake just to absorb all the time you could with her. Little ones grow up in a flash and you weren't going to miss a second if it was up to you.
Andy joined you in the hospital bed when you silently invited him in with a soft pat to the crinkly sheets. Once he snuggled up against your side, you carefully passed the little baby who was about to have her first contact with her father. 
As Andy played with her mini hands, you sleepily rested your head on his broad shoulder, watching the two and already figuring out that they’d be lifelong friends. 
“They always say with age comes wiseness, but darlin’, your momma gives that phrase a run for its money.”
You giggled at your husband’s words and propped up the little darling the smallest bit so she could “see” you and her dad. 
“Don’t listen to Daddy, munchkin. The grey in his beard says otherwise.” 
“Hey! I’m not that old, I was still able to knock-” Backhanding Andy’s leg caused him to dramatically cut his sentence short. There were plenty of years for him to taint your daughter’s innocence.
 As you observed the two, you noticed Andy gazed at her as if she hung the moon and stars for him, a familiar look he often gave you. Possibly from the lack of energy or just being enamored with the interaction, a sweet tear slipped from your own eye. Upon closer inspection, one could see that a subtle tear fell from the man beside you.
If Andrew Stephen Barber had known all those years ago he’d be here with a second chance at life, he would’ve never even waited another second to be with you. It’s funny how life can send you down the most twisted paths, yet have you come out with the most precious of gifts. 
 taglist: @memissbee @tricereads @buckybarnesthehotshot @bval-1 @tonystankschild @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @turtoix @kelbabyblue @jakiki94 @aubreeskailynn @calirindo @lady-elena-adeline @siriuslyslyslytherin @sushiinmidnight @patzammit @iwik3it​
a/n: what did you guys think? it feels like ages since i’ve written anything, and I am sure you can tell haha
if you are new here, check out my masterlist at the top of my blog for more Andy Barber (and Chris Evans characters) writing. I’d link it but tumblr always tag blocks me :( 
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Undateable headcanons for them being snuck up on by MC while they were talking about MC, like in a I can't tell them I like them or whatever kind of way
MC Hears the Undateables Admit They Like Them to Someone Else
AN: Love this idea! Sorry about the title, I couldn’t figure out how to title this one. If anyone has a better idea let me know!! I tried to keep these relatively short because the first draft of them was way too long ;u;
Edit: I started Diavolo’s a long time ago and only just got around to finishing these now. Sorry for the wait <3
Solomon’s was difficult. I can’t see him confessing his feelings to anyone other than the subject of them, so sorry its kind of off-prompt.
He’d been working late when everyone was over in the castle and you decided to bring him tea and some nibbles to have, reminding him not to overwork himself. Barbatos passes you as you leave, smiling and giving you a nod by way of greeting you.
You pause when you get to the end of the hallway, fishing in your pockets and suddenly realising you’d left your DDD on the tray when you handed it to Diavolo. You’re quick to turn on your heels and head back for it - the brothers messaged often enough, and you wouldn’t hear the end of it if you missed one of Mammon’s calls. It was worth the embarrassment of having to go back in and tell Diavolo you’d left your phone behind than dealing with the headache you’d end up with otherwise.
You’re about to tap the door when Barbatos says your name, and you wonder briefly if he’s just found your DDD and is talking about that, but the tone he was using sounds off. He’s amused, the same tone he used when you scolded one of the brothers and he was trying not to laugh behind a gloved hand.
“You must really admire them,” Barbatos smiles. You peak in through the gap of the door, and see Diavolo with his face in his hands. He lets out a laugh, sitting up straight to grin at Barbatos. Your heart jumps in your chest.
“Of course.” Diavolo’s voice has all the confidence and charm of a natural born leader, but the blush on his face defies it. “I am... very fond of them.”
It didn’t sound like simply admiration, the way he said it, the way his fingers brushed over his mouth and chin thoughtfully before he takes a sip of the tea you’d left for him. He smiles into his cup, and you see him notice your DDD.
“Ah, Barbatos, can you return this to them? And tell them again that I’m very grateful for their presence here.” Diavolo holds up your phone, chuckling at the chocolate lizard charm you still have on it. You face heats up, and you turn on your heels and rush off down the corridor before Barbatos can realise you’ve heard the entire conversation. When he returns the phone to you later, he has a knowing glint in his eyes, but doesn’t say anything other than what Diavolo had instructed him to. You blush and thank him, and wonder what to do now.
[[More under the cut]]
You’re at the final ball that will be held in Diavolo’s castle before you have to return to the House of Lamentation when Diavolo himself holds out his hand to you, invites you to dance with him. You accept right away, sitting your glass down and ignoring the glare Mammon and Belphie shoot at you.
You’ve been practicing hard for this dance, and as you twirl around with Diavolo, you see that now-familiar admiration glowing in his eyes. Your gaze darts away and you lick your lips. You have to say something now, he’s going to be busy soon and you have to leave in the morning. This is your last chance.
He notices your nervousness and comes to a stop in the center of the ballroom, allowing the other pairs to continue dancing around you two. You look up at him, smile, swallow.
“I am very fond of you, Lord Diavolo,” you tell him, and watch as he mulls over it, tries to process what you’re actually trying to tell him. It finally clicks, and his eyes widen.
“Ah. You heard my conversation with Barbatos earlier, then?” he asks, face betraying nothing. His fingers twitch against your waist, and he pulls you back into the dance.
“I... I left my phone behind, and I was coming back to get it. I didn’t mean to overhear anything.” You’re starting to feel bad, now. Had you misinterpreted his words earlier? Was it really only admiration he felt for you, because of the changes you’d made for his people and your own? No. There had been something more in it.
The second time you come to a stop, you steel yourself and look up at him, putting as much feeling into your words as you could without choking on them.
“I like you,” you tell him, and he pauses, eyes searching your own. “Do you like me too?”
His expression breaks then, and he looks so relieved and happy you’re almost overwhelmed by it until he sweeps you up into a hug. You can hear Mammon yell somewhere, off to the side, as Diavolo presses a kiss to your forehead.
“I do, MC.”
Barbatos was in the castle’s kitchen when you entered at 6am for a glass of water, the energy of the day still flowing through you and refusing to let you sleep well. You greet him politely and, after getting your water, ask if he needs any help - he seems to be preparing the breakfast for the morning, and there was a lot of it, what with having to prepare for Beel nevermind everyone else.
“Not at all. You are a guest here, MC. I couldn’t possibly ask you to work,” Barbatos smiles. He looks tired, you realise. He usually hid it well, but he seemed to be jumping between washing up and cooking, and his steps had no bounce to them.
You pull on an apron without asking again, and take the rubber gloves by the sink.
“Nonsense,” you tell him. “I’ll do the washing up, you can focus on the cooking. We’ll get it done faster if there are two of us here.”
You end up being right. Aside from the sound of cutlery and pots clanking, the room is comfortably quiet, and when you finish washing the last few pots you turn around and see that Barbatos has a cup of tea ready for you. You accept it gratefully, leaning against the counter beside him as you two drink. You’d never felt so comfortable in silence before, not before you met Barbatos.
You’re quick to leave after thanking him, knowing Asmo will huff if he knows you woke up and left without him. As you leave the kitchen, Diavolo drops in to check that everything is ready. He pats your shoulder as he passes, thanking you for helping Barbatos, and you blush and nod.
You realise that you probably should have helped set the dishes out so that Barbatos didn’t have to keep going between the kitchen and the main hall, and with some time still left before the others are supposed to wake up, you jog back towards the kitchen.
“If you want to tell MC,” you hear Diavolo laugh, and you pause. You weren’t  familiar with that tone and wanted to know what it meant. “I would be delighted to attend your wedding.”
You huff out a startled laugh, and the kitchen goes silent. Barbatos opens the door not a second later, and you don’t know what to do or how to react. You can see Diavolo behind him, who looks between the two of you, amusement and concern warring on his face. You speak without thinking.
“I’m not sure about marriage right away. How about a date, first?”
Diavolo laughs, then, and Barbatos sighs before breaking out into a smile.
“That sounds delightful, MC.”
You were supposed to help Solomon prepare dinner for the others at Purgatory Hall today, per Simeon’s request - Simeon promised to take up your cooking duties at the House of Lamentation if you helped Solomon on his days, after having to secretly order in take out every week on the days Solomon prepared his... food? It didn’t feel right to call it that.
You arrive early and let yourself in, familiar enough with the building by now. You could hear loud chatter before you could even get to the kitchen. Simeon, Solomon, and Luke were all talking, and it sounded almost like an argument.
“I just felt like you two could do with spending more time with them,” Simeon says, polite and calm as always.
“I don’t trust you around MC,” Luke says at the same time, and you can easily picture him pouting with his fists balled by his sides from here. You’re silent as you approach the kitchen.
Solomon sighs, and whilst his voice has a teasing lilt to it, he sounds wary. “Luke is right. If I see MC right now I might just ask them out.”
You round the corner then, and pause when you process what Solomon just said. Simeon and Luke see you first, and Solomon lowers his head.
“They’re behind me,” he mumbles, turning around to lock eyes with you. He grins, lopsided and genuine. “What do you say, MC? Why don’t we leave these two and go on a date?”
“We have to make dinner,” you say dully, unsure if he’s joking or not. You’re not sure how their conversation ended up like this.
Solomon doesn’t falter at all, just ushers the other two out of the room. Its the look that Simeon gives you that confirms things for you.
“We can go on that date after, if that’s alright?”
Solomon grins again and throws an arm around you, ignoring Luke’s protests. “I’d love to.”
Simeon brings Luke over to the House of Lamentation for movie night, and Luke clings to you half the time, talking excitedly in whispers as he tells you what he’s been up to lately - new recipes he’s trying, his success with one of them which Beel immediately wolfed down, how he got to spend time with Barbatos recently, and so on. You’re listening to him more than the movie up until you decide to take a break and get up to get drinks and snacks for everyone. Luke and Simeon follow, Simeon wanting to help and Luke not wanting to be left with the brothers on his own.
You go into the kitchen on your own, asking the two to stand outside because it was a mess in there from an incident earlier and everyone had abandoned cleaning it until after movie night. You hear faint mumbling outside as you stack up glasses on a tray, but its hard to make out the words.
“You’re having fun getting to spend time with MC, right?” Simeon asks.
“Mmhmm! I have to protect them from those demons whilst we’re here!” Luke says excitedly. You don’t hear what he says next, until he suddenly pipes up with, “You have to tell them you like them so we can convince them to move over to Purgatory Hall with us.”
You drop the glass you’re holding, and it shatters on the floor. The door opens immediately, Simeon rushing in and telling you not to move as he holds Luke back. He grabs a dustpan and you crouch down to pick up the larger shards, face red. You spare a glance at Simeon’s face and see that he’s blushing too, and, unable to hold it in, you start giggling. Simeon starts as well, dumping the glass in the bin. Luke takes the tray with the rest of the glasses, confused by the situation, and you and Simeon lift the bags of snacks and drinks.
On the way back to the common room, you glance up at Simeon, smirking.
“So, when are you going to ask me to move in, then?”
He jolts, surprised, and sheepishly smiles at you. “We can start with a date this weekend, if that suits you?”
“It’ll do for now,” you grin.
Luke scenario is very similar to Simeon’s, except after he promises to protect you from all the demons, he admits that you feel like a sibling to him. You open the door and hug him around your tray, and from that day forward Luke is your little brother whom you’d do anything for.
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heyy,may i request with diluc and kaeya, s/o who gets hurt but like doesn't tell them till someone slips it up.Thank you!!
Diluc and Kaeya on: fem!s/o getting hurt
WARNING: angst/hurt with comfort
You end up in the hospital after a series of rookie mistakes. It's not your first time, so you reassure your teammates and plead them to keep quiet about it. It only takes a few weeks or only one day, considering that elemental healing will speed up the process. All you have to do is lie down and pray that no one spills the beans until things are better or confirmed...
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Kaeya is in the center of Mondstadt so it’s impossible to avoid him, he did suspect that your mission is going on longer than usual
Ah, but what was the point of secrecy? Kaeya is too good at sweet talking that he found out in an hour - majority of that hour spent hunting down your party members.
He'll most likely "accidentally" stumble into your party members and bait them to a willing, subtle interrogation
He'll tease out little hints and piece everything together without even needing a direct answer
If you had a minor injury
He would take some time on the way to buy you a snack or gift to make you feel better. He spends a little longer more than he would like, cursing a bit and choosing one of the three presents he thought you might like. You hear rhythmic knocks on your door and the door swings open, Kaeya dramatically walking in with a smug smirk on his face. "How are you doing?"
You roll your eyes as Kaeya saunters in, sitting next to you and holding a gift in his hands. He laughs, but he looks nervous. His leg shakes erratically despite him pushing down on it, knuckles white. Then you remember the way his eyes flickering around the room, averted by his vexing smirk. Before you can talk about it, he interrupts with a distraction, the gift. He observes you with a smile as you brighten up at the sight of it, feeling a lot more better at the sight of you. 
Kaeya continues to distract you with teases that get you all riled up (adorable and hilarious in his opinion) and discussing the nervous nature of your encountered party member. You take the opportunity to retort about his nervousness. He looks stunned for a second, but he chuckles, “I knew I couldn’t get anything past you..” He hesitates. “I was worried when your friends looked so anxious, I was preparing myself for...” ‘The worst.’ Kaeya leaves it as it is, bitter smile in the pensive atmosphere. You clutch his hand tighter and Kaeya lightens up, reciprocating and knitting your hands together.
“When they said it was minor and you would recover soon, it was like a boulder was lifted off my chest.” He pats your head, his touch lingering longer and his gaze fond. “I’m glad, glad that you’re okay.”
If you had a major injury
"What?" His charming smile disappears, words slipping through a frown of gritted teeth, daring (even hopeful) for the person to say it's a joke. The answer doesn't matter, he can tell from their expression. He only allows a flash of pure terror to be seen by them, pushing through the crowds of people to reach the hospital.
When he bursts into the room to see you, his eyes fixated on yours. He freezes at the door, processing everything now while you are there, alive, in front of him. He refuses the voice in his head feeding into his fears, making him scared to come closer for a confirmation. He might have to face it: a loss and an emptiness.
But then you weakly smile and reach out for him; and he can finally breathe again. He is so urgent that he stumbles to get there, to give you comfort. Finally, when he sits next to you, you can see closer the joy but weariness in his expression. He has a smile unlike Kaeya, ridden with anxieties and unable to fool even a domestic dog. He pecks your hand and sandwiches it between his, familiar warmth wrapping around your hand. You start to fall asleep, exhausted by the events of today, and Kaeya overlooks worryingly. These injuries happen all the time, it's part of the job, but it doesn't make it any better to see - especially when it involves you. He swears and curses under his breath, not wanting to wake you up. 'It's best for her to get some rest', he tries to assure himself from his concerns, but he can't stop his stupid leg from shaking. He hangs his head, still clutching your hand, and he allows a few tears to fall despite himself. He closes his eyes and focuses on the touch of you, calming down and slowing down his breaths knowing that you are here, alive and well, next to him.
When you wake up, Kaeya's head lies uncomfortably asleep with a disturbed expression on his face. Your hand is intertwined with his while you both were sleeping, seeking that familiar heat that made you feel ever better. He mumbles in his sleep, his grip tightening on your hand as often as his eyebrows furrow. Your touch soothes him, the tension and wrinkles on his face vanishes when you lovingly stroke his hair or gently caress his cheek. As long as he can feel your warmth, he can sleep much better.
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He would either find it through his acquaintance in Mondstadt’s hospital or be told at the winery. 
It’s not pleasant either way, especially since there would be a period of unsettling silence after the metaphorical beans have been spilt
His interrogating is less subtle than Kaeya, very straight forward and to the point so he can get to where you are faster with preparation
Diluc uses the classic, intimidation method that is amplified by his resolve to see you and assure himself that you are safe
If you had a minor injury
You hear soft knocks on your door and a tentative voice asking from your lover, giving you a forewarning before he comes in. He doesn’t waste a second to be by your side, assessing your injury in closer detail then lightly scolding you out of the worry. It might take 2-6 minutes just for him to calm down and get it all out. Diluc is sensitive to your injuries, fearing the worst when anything happens, and he finds it childish; always trying to hide it with his lectures. This grumpy façade falls quickly, like always, after reassurance from you and inspecting your wellbeing with his own eyes. 
Diluc sighs, "...but it's a minor injury, and you’re Y/n L/n.” He smiles assuredly and it encourages you because of how confident he is of you.
He’ll cling to you, self-aware of his behaviour and evidently embarrassed about it, but does it nonetheless with pink cheeks. You pretend not to see when he hesitantly leans on you or when his hand lingers on yours while you both chat about everything else. Soon you’ll find him pecking your cheek or kissing you more than usual
“It’s to make you feel better.” He mumbles going in for another after you tease him about it. Kisses are one of the things he uses to be expressive for his love for you, so he becomes generous when you get hurt like this and gets more affectionate to hopefully “love” the pain away.
If you had a major injury
Diluc is shell shocked; colour draining from his face in favour of raw fear. He is reminded of the dreadful past and it toys with his heart, stringing it along to his vulnerability of you. He fails to fully grasp his thoughts but his legs move on their own to see you, to feel you and to know for sure that you're okay. He pushes and shoves through people in his way, silent to anyone that approaches. He finds it hard to breathe, maybe it's how he ran to the hospital or the tight cinching in his chest.
When he enters your room, he'll take in your form and process the injuries you've sustained. He looks more horrified and panicked the longer he looks. He beats himself over it and swallowing the growing shame in his throat. ‘How could I have let this happen?’ Past buried memories come alive and it gets harder for him to stay grounded. These things don’t go away easily, he knows from experience, and he’s afraid of the unknown future and of what will happen next. What if you don’t recover and... Bad thoughts choke him up and he wallows deeper into it.
But then you smile, like nothing is wrong; even though that small action took so much energy and you end up wincing in pain. Diluc looks heartbroken.
No moment is spared when he is next to you, he'll even fall on his knees and just, cry. It's like all this tension in his chest is released at once. It's scary, worrying even, and you start to wonder who's supposed to worry over who. You stroke his hair and mumble comforting words, his sobbing dissolves into embarrassed sniffles. He remarks on it, but you reassure him that it's endearing.
You both might fall asleep like that; your hand on his nest of hair and his head on the hospital bed. There are some times you wake up and see Diluc awake in cold sweats, tightly gripping on the covers of your bed, pale as a ghost in the night. He tells you to go back to sleep and rest, but you wait until he does. He guilty stares at you as you stay up, half-awake at 2am, about how it’s fine and how it’s going to be okay. He shakes his head and looks pitifully at you, flinching at your injuries - more effected than you are. It makes you upset and a little frustrated, so you sigh and reach out to him. He leans close and you kiss him on the forehead, expressing a passionate-believe me glare. Then he remembers that he trusts you, you are the Y/n he loves. He smiles gratefully, and when you wake up in the morning he is still snoring asleep. 
🌼💫 Hello, sorry for the inactivity, it’s just that I got quite stuck. But now it’s over and this is the result :) This is a very very long post, so I had to put a “keep reading” or else people uninterested would have to keep scrolling for 5 minutes. A reminder is that this is what I hc Diluc and Kaeya to act, it’s not definite and it’s fine if you disagree because this is imaginary and based on subjective perceptions. If you do enjoy these hcs, do check out my blog for more and tell me if you do!
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lukasspookas · 3 years
My Linked Universe headcanons that are DEFINITELY NOT just me projecting
Has trouble seeing himself as an actual person, often feels like he's living someone else's life
Loves to sing, sneaks it in wherever he can, much to either the delight or annoyance of the rest of the chain
Plays the guitar, likes to duet with Malon
Has suppressed his emotions so much for so long he has trouble fully feeling them
Dissociates a lot, relates to Wild with this as well as shared trauma over involuntary time travel and permanent loss of certain life experiences and feeling as though they were "too late"
Makes a lot of those "Dad Grunts" where he makes a sound every time he even slightly exerts himself
Speaks fairy language, sometimes has secret little conversations with Hyrule that no one else gets
Feels responsible for everyone, as though he has to protect and defend each and every one of them despite the fact they are all quite capable
Talks to animals a lot, has that in common with Twilight and Hyrule
Got his armor engraved by the Gorons as a gift for helping them
Allergic to cats but doesn't care
Has horrible handwriting, writes emo poems about Midna, shared them with Shad once who loved his writing and encouraged him to keep it up
Cannot. Dance.
Will growl at you like that one furry kid in middle school
Really awkward relationship with Zelda, never knows what to say because their only shared experiences are their relationship with Midna and traumatic experiences with Ganondorf and Zant
Very much an older brother sort to Wild and Wind especially
Talks to animals a lot, especially cats, goats, dogs, birds, and bugs
Herds the others like a sheepdog (shocker!)
Not very fond of social interaction, much much much prefers books and animals
Kids either think he is really cool or terrifying, either way it's a confidence boost
Taps his fingers, flaps his hands, and stims a lot when he's happy
Speaks eloquently until he stutters and his voice cracks horribly and he gets flustered
Loves simple but nice things, especially handmade things, really gets along with Four because of their shared love of handmade goods
Has ADHD, spaces out a lot
Loves feeling cozy, bundles up at every opportunity
Tends to think his problems aren't as important as the others'
Has athsma and terrible stamina, can't run for more than a few seconds
Feels obligated to fix and help everything because he feels like every thing bad in the others' lives is his fault
Sleep is his go-to coping mechanism
All of his dreams are about Sun, some are fluffy and sweet, others are dark and disturbing
Has OCD, does a lot of rituals like counting and having to fold all his clothes a specific way
Feels happiest when he's helping others
Can accidentally be very loud when he gets excited during a conversation
Can't tell the difference between a lobster and a crab
ADHD to the max
Surprisingly good at giving advice (he is a big brother after all)
Loves spending time with the others, but feels guilty for taking up their time
Passionate about a lot of things that he never really gets the chance to talk about, tends to overshare accidentally
Feels like he's annoying to the others, which is quickly reacted to with reassurance and kindness
Hates dry air with a passion
Very respectful to the elderly unless they're jerks
Middle child syndrome, very good at solving problems
Overly critical of himself, never satisfied with his own work
Can't eat anything even remotely spicy (thinks bell peppers, cinnamon, and some cheeses are spicy, which Wild finds ridiculous)
Has a special interest in smithing and swordsmanship, knows everything there is to know about metal and weapons
Makes gifts for the others all the time
Eats lots of little snacks throughout the day as opposed to a few large meals
Embroiders his clothing as a coping mechanism for stress
Has OCD, constantly checking to make sure his swords aren't broken or rusted, won't step on cracks in the dirt or road, has to sheath his sword a certain amount of time
Really bad tinnitus caused by the colors constantly buzzing in his brain, likes to listen to Time sing and Sky play the harp to cope
Feels bad for the others because of how unlucky they are and how underappreciated they were, has some guilt over the hero worship he received
Goes out of his way to make sure others know they're appreciated and important
Always on edge, can't relax, always anticipating the next fight anxiously
Doesn't know anything outside of war and battle
Treats others kindly because making others happy makes him feel confident and happy
Has anxiety over measuring up to the expectations of being "The Hero" and "The Captain," acts confident because he thinks it'll make him confident
Doesn't care for rich or sweet foods
Always giving the others advice and compliments in order to make sure they feel appreciated
Emotionally distant with the others because he's lost so many people that he doesn't want to get too attached for fear of losing them too
Wishes he didn't care as much about the others as he does
Swears a lot, often in other languages
Gives the others "anonymous" gifts (everyone knows it's him, they just don't say anything)
Severely touch starved but also scared of physical contact
Hates the sound of his own voice, wishes and often imagines he had a voice like Sky or Time but would never admit it
Loves sweets
Can tell you an extensive story about every single item in his collection
He collects items because he's been on so many adventures that without souvenirs he fears he would forget them altogether
Likes doing art but thinks all his art is bad
Will not tolerate self deprecating comments, aggressive positivity
Allergic to flowers
Extreme insomnia, scared if he sleeps he will wake up with no memory again
Not great at emotional vulnerability, but will always try to be there for the others when he can, even if he doesn't know exactly what to say
Wants to try everything because he is afraid of truly dying and losing the opportunity to do so, makes the most of every moment
Loves colors and sounds, tries to appreciate every little detail of life that he can
Asks a lot of questions, doesn't want to miss anything
Keeps a journal for fear of forgetting things again
Utterly and completely tone deaf, can't sing or play any instrument whatsoever
Despite this, quite likes music as it eases his tinnitus, sustained from his injuries from 100 years ago
Doesn't really understand gender or sexuality, doesn't use labels for himself
Loves architecture, takes pictures of it whenever he can, wants to become an architect to help rebuild his world
Easily drained by social interaction but enjoys it nonetheless
Loves animals, especially bugs, will hold them and talk to them for hours
Sees the others as stronger and nobler and more heroic than himself
Very strong ADHD, often wanders off by accident because he thought he saw or heard something
Swears a lot (even more than Legend) but not to be mean, it's just how he talks
Tries not to swear around Sky because he knows it makes him uncomfortable but still slips every now and then, he apologizes furiously but Sky assures him it's ok
Very good at singing but very insecure about singing in front of others, loves learning folk songs and stories, has them memorized
Doesn't ask for help very much because it makes him feel weak, when he does, he goes to Time, who counsels him with understanding, patience, and kindness
Wears loose clothing, hates it when his clothes cling tightly to him
Feels he doesn't deserve comfort or luxury
Gets panic attacks randomly, hides up in trees and sings to himself softly when they happen
Likes to compare he and Wild's bone collections
Dyslexia and nearsightedness, couldn't read or do math to save his life
Can't cook, prefers to just eat herbs and fruit straight from the source
Like Legend, is severely touch starved but isn't fond of physical contact
Doesn't find anyone annoying
Sorry this is really long
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kaito-is-baby · 4 years
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Plot: Todoroki gets jealous when he sees you flirting with Kirishima and you take advantage of it to finally confess your feelings (fluff, a lot of fluff) (gn!reader)
Hiii~ this is heavily inspired by this @pillow4iida 's post, please go check it, their writting is amazing and I love them. The point is as I was reading it I thought about a very similar scenario but where Todoroki is not so... experienced and confident, I usually think about him as an awkward boy when it comes to socialize so it must be even worst when flirting, the point is, he is very cute and this post is very fluffy to me, Shoto is a cutie
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"Kiri just give it back!" you said between soft laughs
You were on your toes, clinging onto Kirishima's arm trying to grab your pencilcase from his hand, your pitchy voice echoed through the walls of your class
He giggled knowing you couldn't reach it, you were too small to do so and he always teased you about your low height
"Come on, y/n, you can't grab it?" He teased you with a fake pout on his face "I can give it back if you let me write whatever I want on your face" that fake pout easily turned into a devilish smirk
But it soon disappeared when a taller hand grabbed it from behind him
"This is theirs, isn't it?" He sounded particularly annoyed by Kirishima's existence right now
You smiled widely seeing the boy behind your red head friend, It was Shoto, one of your closest friends on the UA and the only boy who made your stomach ache like this just by looking at you
You had try to flirt with him many times, you even went to some dates together but he never seemed to catch on it, or maybe he just did not like you back
"Y/N?" His voice woke you up from your own thoughts and once you came back to reality you found his heterochromatic eyes looking directly at yours while he held your case in his arm, pointing at you, waiting for you to grab it
"Oh, yes..." you nervously laughed grabbing it back "thanks Sho"
It had already been months since he told you to call him by his first name and as you two grew closer you found yourself calling him Sho more than you believed correct but... it was a nickname only you called him, it made you feel so special to him that you couldn't stop using it
Maybe you could have thought why did he let you use that nickname on the first place, you oblivious mess
"You're welcome, I don't like him messing with you" again he sounded uncommonly annoyed
Well, he wasn't really messing with you, you two were jocking and flirting around... just what 16 year olds teens usually do between classes but you were not going to reject a protective and helping Shoto, you always enjoyed those little details he had for you even when they weren't really necessary
But then it hitted you, you were flirting with Kirishima, not that you liked him, you just had an impresive flirting nature, but Shoto looked so annoyed, so... jealous?
A smirk came to your lips as you found the perfect moment to try and discover if your feelings were at all corresponded
"Sho, can we talk for a moment?"
"Uh... sure, yeah" Usually you would've said whatever came to your mind and start a conversation with him instead of asking him for a moment. It made him kind of nervious
You finally reached the emergency stairs, they were lonely and quiet, and you two could sit one in front of each other comfortably
So you chose it as your new personal couch
Once you had him right in front of you you decided to shoot your shot
You took his hands on yours before asking
"Do you ever... just... want to bond a little with us? Live some good experiences?"
"I don't quite understand you" He admitted, with his eyes on both your hands, swinging them back and forth and rubbing yours with his thumbs
"Sho, back there with Kirishima" you started, gripping at his hands with more strength so he could slightly relax
"That was flirting"
"Oh, I'm sorry for interrumping" he apologized with his usual monotone voice tone empty of any feelings
Except this time he wasn't sorry at all and neither were his feelings untouched, he was extremely jealous and glad he had interrupted you before it became something worse
“No, that’s not the point. What I mean is... we all kind of flirt around and talk to each other all the time, I mean, that's what people our age does. But you don't seem to do that with any of us, why?” You asked. Still holding and swinging his hands you felt how the slight relax that you had managed to get him disappeared as they tensed
After some seconds, his hands relaxed again and he came back to rubbing yours with his thumbs
“Well I guess I’ve never been in that kind of situation” he confessed smiling while looking down.
He had been in situations like that, you had flirted with him countless times, you had asked him out, you two even went to see a movie together last week, how was that not clear enough to see it as a date?
Inside your head your heartbeats sounded worryingly fast, the fear of being rejected suddenly disappeared thinking that maybe he was just too oblivious to flirt like any other boy your age
You were still holding his hands, now locking your fingers with his, gathering the courage you needed to finally ask him about his feelings
"But... have you never been in that situation because you have never liked anyone that way or...?"
"I don't really know, how it is to like someone to want to flirt with them?" No sign of embarrassment or nervousness on his face, he was inexpressive as always even asking something like that
As impossible as it seemed his small knowledge about feelings, reactions and human relationships always got to impress you and even more when he did not seem to realise that his question was quite rare
"Well, to flirt there isn't much really, it's just having some chemistry? Like... you find them attractive and want to have a good time with them so you flirt, it's not something so special really"
"Hmm" He shook his head and you felt like you were losing him "then I'm not going to flirt with anyone, I don't really like that, isn't it kinda like... jocking?"
"Yes! Yes it really is! Is just that the person you are jocking with... well you would like them to be so near you, to touch you... to feel their breath on you and taste their lips, you know what I mean? " you felt your cheeks heat up the moment you realized you two were still holding hands while explaining this to him, but you stood there anyways, holding onto him
He looked at you, staring directly at your eyes, confused, not relating really to that feeling
"I'm not good with jokes, I don't think I will be good with that either"
His eyes placed onto yours made your brain malfunction and just... start talking about your own feelings
"Sometimes it may be even better... you are craving to see them or to be with them because you want to be by their side, listen to their voice... it makes you quite happy just to hear it. And... and whenever you see them all you want to do is kiss them, everywhere, everytime" now you had went over the top explaining how you yourself felt about him and everything you heard in your head was 'please, cut me off please, don't listen to me, forget about this' but his answer did surprise you
"Hmm I think I get it, yeah... I may have felt that, yes"
"Yes?" Your eyes opened in disbelief
"Yeah, I think I do" Still, his usual monotone tone, as if he weren't admitting to have some strong feelings towards someone
Being honest a little piece of your heart broke at that moment, was he really feeling that way for someone? Then no flirting or teasing would make you look any interesting to him
"What should I do in that case then?"
"You... you should tell them about how you feel, you are smart, and the strongest on our class and... you're handsome and polite and so sweet truly..." you stopped yourself before you regretted saying anything else "I'm sure they will return your feelings" you managed to get out a smile to calm the boy, yet your heart ached incredibly
"Okay, so... tell them straight out?" You nodded, incapable of talking anymore
"Y/N" you looked at him again "I do feel that way about you, is that okay?"
Is that okay? Was he asking if that was okay? You couldn't help but to laugh
To laugh the sadness and tension this whole situation had brought to you
"Did I say something wrong?" He asked, truly concerned
"Nothing, you've never said anything wrong" you said approaching your face to his, placing your hands on his cheeks and reaching to his lips, planting a very sweet and innocent kiss on them, a fast one, just to reassure him that you felt the same way "after all, I feel the same way"
"Oh. Then... what do we do now?" Oh God, this was going to be a difficult relationship
"What do you think goes now dummy?" You said teasingly, with your hand still resting on his left cheek
"Kiss me back, you idiot" you chuckled and his lips found yours this time
You melted in a sweet kiss with a taste of mint, warm and sadly, soba
"What do you think if we go on like... our 5th date today?"
"I... have asked you out so many times... I always took it as dates but you never seemed to realize or... wanted to make any move so I thought you just did not like me"
"I'm stupid" Shoto hid his face on his hands but his expression remained the same, as always inexpressive
"What?" You laughed
"I am not good at this things, I can't catch signals or... when you were flirting, I was the one to think you did not like me and that's why I never made a move, I'm sorry"
"Well, I should have been the one to make a move first and I was too scared to because... I actually really liked you so... it's a tie! We both are stupid" You laughed and with your sweet laugh his face brightened and the softest smile grew on his face
"Let's have our first date as a couple, shall we?"
He nodded kinda awkwardly, he is not the best at those things so don't expect many shows of affections from him and even less on public, you will have to be the one to hold his hand or kiss his cheek, at least at the beginning, he is new to this but he loves you more than he thought he would ever love someone
Later on that date you asked him, laughing and teasing him, holding on his arm
"Was that you first kiss, Sho?"
"Uhm... well, yes" his cheeks grew slightly red and his eyes kept looking at his feets, usually he was incredibly confident so seeing him like this catched you off guard
"Well, don't worry, it will be the first of many more I plan on giving you" you said, placing your hand softly on his cheek to turn around his face, now facing yours, you got on your toes and kissed him for the third time today, making those words true, you will make sure you give him many many kisses and cuddles from now on
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sk-lumen · 5 years
How to Get (and Keep) Your Life Together 101
Here’s a quick masterlist of all the tips, hacks and advice that stuck with me from reading so many articles, videos and research. Feel free to ask me any questions, or add tips of your own. 💜
Hydration: Make sure every day you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, green tea, black tea. You see this everywhere but it’s true. Just drinking water wil do wonders for your skin and your overall body health.
Nutrition: Maintain a healthy diet by letting go of toxic “restrictive” diet culture and realizing that food is sacred fuel for your sacred body, so offer your body the best! Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds; lots of wholefoods. Incorporate smoothies into your mornings for extra dose of vitamins. Practice mindful, conscious eating, be there in the moment when you are eating, taste the food, enjoy the experience of it. Meditate over your relationship with food and try to work through any unhealthy beliefs.
Exercise: Pick one or multiple forms of exercise that suits your schedule, lifestyle and personality; whether it’s jogging twice a week, going to the gym daily or even just a fresh walk every evening. Pick what is suitable for YOU and keep it part of your life. DYI your own gym routine or hire a trainer; train at home or in the gym; whatever works best for you.
Growth Mindset: Maintain a positive mindset that is always open and curious to learning new things, trying new skills and ever willing to improve itself. Redirect your attention from drama, gossip and toxic comparison beliefs to healthy ones; unfollow accounts online or delete all your social media if that’s what you need. Recreate yourself if that’s what you want. Focus on YOUR growth! Make a habit of reading new books, watching TedTalks, documentaries, etc. Look at educating yourself as a way to invest in yourself, a way to honor yourself. Maintain curiosity in your heart for the ways of the universe. Stay humble and graceful in the face of adversity, but never give up on your dreams, failed attempts are only lessons for improvement and the only true failure is giving up. As long as you keep going you’re still winning. Bonus tip: comparison is self harm, and a denial of your own power; so remember that nobody can be you and that’s a good thing. You can only be you, so make it count and honor yourself!
Relationships: Don’t cling to relationships and don’t be afraid to lose people. Be your authentic self at all times, and do not be afraid to intimidate people or be too much! Those that matter don’t mind, and those that mind don’t matter. Know that the friends/partners that are meant for you, will stay or will find their way back to you. Be mindful of the dynamic in a relationship, and be self-loving enough to walk away from what is toxic, unhealthy, restrictive, disrespectful, etc. Forgive those that wronged you, but tolerate no mistreatment; you can forgive them from afar, but make sure they’re no longer a part of your life.
Focus & Goals: Keep a journal and as frequently as you can, write down bullet lists of to do lists, goals, dreams, daily reflections, aspects of yourself to improve upon, positive affirmations, wishlist etc. - in other words, brainstorm all the things whirling around in your head regarding your own life. Remember all those things you���ve wanted to do? Bucketlists, reminders, curiosities, etc? Keeping a journal, staying focused on your goals, checking progress and practicing positive affirmations will transform your life.
Fashion: Elevate your wardrobe to a whole other level by sitting down and figuring out what your style actually is. Play around in your journal by creating a collage of your favorite colors, textures, patterns, styles, outfit combos and accessories. Mix and match, figure out what your aesthetic is. Refine, polish, remove what doesn’t click. (You can find a bunch of videos on YT for organizing clothes and being effortlessly fashionable/put together.) When you reorganize your wardrobe according to the above, you can easily mix and match anything because your wardrobe makes sense and it’s already planned out. Bonus tip: do your laundry the same day every week (ie. Saturday) and do a wardrobe prep on Sundays for the upcoming week; so that at any moment you can be ready in five minutes looking perfectly polished, and avoid the whole ordeal of being stressed/rushed and not knowing what to wear.
Skincare and haircare: Golden advice - invest in natural products/oils/ingredients instead of investing in brands. Why? Because otherwise you’re paying for a concept instead of actual health benefits for your body. Try natural soaps, oils (shea butter, coconut oil, argan, avocado, jojoba, rosehip, etc), and water extracts (rosewater, hazelwater) for toner. Coconut oil and argan oil is particularly famed for hairgrowth and shine. Castor oil as well helps hairgrowth, including for brows or lashes. Rosehip and shea heal discolorations, scars and marks. Do your research and try out what fits you, your skin will thank you later. I’ve been using natural products & oils for 9+ years and people always compliment how clear, smooth & glowy my skin is. Bonus tip: if you don’t use sunscreen already, try to incorporate it into your routine; just make sure it has gentle, non-harmful ingredients (for both yourself and the environment.
Etiquette, manners, poise, posture: Watch videos, read books or listen to audiobooks about confidence, proper etiquette, leadership skills, how to make people listen when you speak, etc. There are things which are so intuitive, obvious and logical, and yet simply becoming aware of them and having the science of it explained will transform your perspective (and the way you carry yourself).
Finances: Perform a monthly financial review to make sure you know where you are, what your budget is. Make a plan for backup funds, or savings for travels, or new tattoos, or a house, or whatever you want. It doesn’t have to be complicated, you can keep things simple by listing your expenses in five categories (Necessities, groceries, luxury, savings, free/remaining funds). Keep track of your expenses or habits, there are even apps that show statistics or analysis for easy use. The point here is to stay on top of your own finances: know how much are the monthly necessities (rent/mortgage/etc), know what has been payed and keeping receipts, knowing when things need to be paid, etc.
Integrity: This means knowing yourself, having standards, knowing what your boundaries are, what you are willing and not willing to do. When you know yourself and know your worth, you won’t ever tolerate or accept anything less. Know what your principles, values, beliefs are and hold them firmly because it is what you stand for. At the same time, it is important to keep an open mind to growth and improvement, but not so much that any persuasive argument will change your mind. Hold your own, but be gracious to other perspectives. And through it all remember - only you know what’s right for you, what’s best for you. Literally nobody else but you can know what’s in your best interest!
Efficiency & Improvement: This ties in with growth mindset but in a more practical way; make sure that you’re always leaving open space for improvement in your life, don’t ever just settle down/get stuck/let yourself sink into complacency. Know that you can always change anything! Make a habit of frequently reviewing aspects of your life (ex. via journaling) to see whether there’s anything you can make more easy, more efficient. Instead of spending hours grocery shopping, check out shops online where your favorite products can be home delivered in a snap. Instead of driving to a vet for your pet, have a call in. Setting up recurring payments for finances also counts. Literally any process or activity whereby you can automatize a service, delivery, payment, etc. will help you in the long run, so you can focus more on enjoying life, instead of wasting time with Trivial Adult Things.
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writingbeary · 3 years
Kingdom -  Sports Day
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Minyoung’s Outfit
Texts placed inside brackets are Kingdom’s show subtitles
Italicized texts are in English
Texts that are block quoted are interview cuts
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Today, the groups participating in Kingdom were told that they will be competing in the groups that they will be collaborating with for the No Limit stage. ATEEZ were confident in their athletic abilities but they also know that the other groups also have members who are athletic, especially BTOB who have Minhyuk who won medals in ISAC.
Minyoung brought out her self-made cheer banners for every group, taking it upon herself to be their cheerleader since she cannot participate in most group games. She wrote individual groups names and the Collab Team names on the banners.
"Our princess has betrayed us." Hongjoong feigned a hurt look over his face noticing the cameras zooming on him when Minyoung could be seen cheering for The-i-9 team when they entered the field.
"I'll cheer for everyone! There's no discrimination here!" Minyoung joked sticking her tongue out to her leader before waving the banner containing SF9's name. "Sepgu hwaiting!"
"You're cheering for everyone today? Not just Chani?" Dawon called out grinning
"Of course, I'll prioritize our Chanhee." clearing her throat before raising her banner up high "Kang Chanhee fighting!" with Chani laughing waving her off.
“Okay then 8 makes 1 team.” Hongjoong jokingly said making Minyoung pout and say “If you do that then I’ll ask the other groups to take me in!”
Stray Kids who were lined up beside them looked over the group laughing. Jisung waving her over “Young-ah, come here and perform <God’s Menu> with us.” as he jokingly did the du-du-du-du with Felix and I.N dancing a bit.
“That won’t happen. I’m keeping her.” Yunho placed an arm around Minyoung’s figure grinning “I happen to like having her around.”
The MCs noticing something happening with both groups called out to them. Wooyoung calling them out grinning “ATEEZ, what are you doing? We’re filming something here. Please focus.”
“We would but our Minyoung-ie is about to be taken away!” San shouted back, the other participants amused at what is happening
Wooyung stood up surprised “What? I leave you guys for a bit and this happens. What happened?”
“They’re kicking me out and Stray Kids is adopting me, thankfully.” Minyoung moved over to Stray Kids fitting right in with her clothes having a hint of pink.
“Oh! Welcome. We gained a new member. We’ll gladly take her Dovey.” Changbin laughed teasing Wooyoung as the latter pointed at their female member “Yah! Park Minyoung!”
Eunkwang joining on the teasing raised his hands and said “We’ll also be glad to take her in. That will bring our average age down a bit.” evoking laughter from everyone.
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Minyoung cheered on everyone waving her banners around as the The-i-9 attempted the vaults. Yunho laughed when he saw the girl near BTOB’s table, tapping on Seonghwa’s shoulder to point it out. “Where is she going?”
“Minyoung-ah, stop invading other people’s tables.” San called out to her as she fired back “They’re not other people! They’re our teammates and we’re one team!” making the rest of Mayfly look at her laughing.
“Alice, come and join us here!” Felix waved her over to which she happily skipped over and hang out with them.
“This kid. Wait where’s Jongho?” Hongjoong looked around and saw Jongho already at Stray Kids’ table too
Yeosang chuckled “Our youngest members are all grown-up. They’re already making friends on their own.” As the rest of the members watch as the two youngest play around with the others.
When it was time for Chani to attempt the vault, Minyoung screamed waving her banner excitedly. “Kang Chanhee, fighting!”
"Minyoung-ssi won't you also cheer for the other participants? You shouldn't play favorites." MC Changmin asked, teasing the younger girl
“Oh. But I’m not close with anyone else.” Minyoung mumbled making the older male laugh.
Minyoung returned back to ATEEZ’ table after a long while sitting down beside Seonghwa who gave her a water bottle. “You should take care of your throat. You’ve been cheering since we started.”
“Ah yes. Thanks mom.” Minyoung giggled while Seonghwa shook his head already used to it
“Waah. THE BOYZ is full of good looking people.” Yunho commented as he watched them all attempt the vault
“ATEEZ is also full of good looking people oppa!” Minyoung countered nodding seriously making the members laugh
“What? We also have good looking members! Don’t think otherwise.” Minyoung continued as she returned her focus on the activity
“What is this? You’re praising us now?” Hongjoong laughed, shaking his head a bit
“I’m just saying the truth.” Minyoung shrugged smiling a bit
“But you told us we looked weird. Remember that?” San fired back grinning
“Ahh. That’s different. I’m the only one that can criticize our members. Other people don’t have that privilege.” Minyoung laughed and puffed her chest out as if proud of it “I can say those things because I do it out of love.” at this the members pretended to gag before laughing
When it was ATEEZ's turn to challenge the vault, Minyoung did light stretches before standing next to the vault. "Omo. Hongjoong-oppa what do we do?" Minyoung shouted making everyone laugh.
"She says that but watch her clear it with ease." Yunho chuckled
"Oh it seems like Athlete Minyoung would attempt next." MC Changmin announced as he saw the girl walk over to the starting line
"I'm assuming she's going to do well as she's a main dancer of ATEEZ." Eunkwang commented
"Alice is scared of heights though." Felix noted making Jisung scoff a bit hearing his remark "But she's competitive. I bet she won't even care until after the fact. She's been doing stunts with ATEEZ but I wonder why she still gets so scared."
"Maybe because when she does stunts for their choreography, she knows how she'll land?"
“Minyoung Challenge!” Minyoung shouted as she ran and made it over the vault easily, surprised at herself. “Omo! How come?” she asked aloud making ATEEZ laugh
“How come you made it over?” San laughed patting her back as 6 of 8 members pass.
As they were watching THE BOYZ challenge San commented on Juyeon’s challenge “Having the hood on was so cool. We should have worn hoods too.”
“Oppa, it would only be cool if you made it over.” Minyoung jabbed at the older male sticking her tongue out playfully, the latter reaching over pretending to flick her forehead.
For their second challenge at 1.8m, Wooyoung, Jongho, and Yunho already succeeded. The ones left were Minyoung and Hongjoong. Minyoung mumbled “I’m scared but I also don’t want our team to place last.”
Yeosang who was beside her laughed gaining the attention of the other members. “If you succeed in this attempt then you already did better than me, Young-ah. Besides, we can trust the three to do it well.”
“I know but I also don’t want to lose to our members.” Minyoung pouted as she walked towards the starting point to attempt. She ran as fast as she could and jumped making it over the vault, letting out a squeal as she flew over.
“Young-ah!” Jongho cheered immediately going over to her.
“See? I told you she would do well.” Jisung laughed raising a thumbs up towards the direction of ATEEZ.
When Hongjoong failed to make it over and hit the vault instead, all of ATEEZ ran towards him with Minyoung going over patting his back before teasing him “Our leader did well. It’s just our heights aren’t made for this kind of games.”
“You made it over though.” Yunho noted laughing
“Seriously this kid.” Hongjoong laughed poking her side as they all went back to their tent.
“Are you okay?” LeeKnow asked Hongjoong seeing as how he hit the vault
“The 10cm is a huge difference.” Hongjoong informed them as they’ll go next. Felix letting out a worried sigh.
“Felix you can do it! I even made it.” Minyoung cheered on her friend, San laughing making the girl look at him “If you say it like that then what happens to the people who failed to make it over.”
Minyoung gasped, defending herself quickly in a panic “Ah. I didn’t mean that. I just thought since Felix is more athletic that I am, he has a higher chance to make it over.”
The remaining members of ATEEZ all succeeded the 1.9m and moved on to the next level. Everyone was shocked when Minyoung cleared the 2m height, even she couldn’t believe she made it past it that when she landed she was wide-eyed, looking back towards the vault. ATEEZ let out a cheer in surprise as Wooyoung helped Minyoung out of the mat patting her back.
“You made it! Wah. Our Minyoung found her talent.” Yunho laughed sending a thumbs up towards her direction.
“Oppa what happened? Omo.” Minyoung jumped around excited that she made it over then gasped realizing that she has to try an even higher level.
When she attempted for the 2.2m, she wasn’t able to go over and instead was hanging on almost on top of the vault with half of her body on it. Realizing how high up she is, she continued to cling on the vault tightly “I’m scared! This is so high! Oppa help me.” she exclaimed making everyone laugh at how cute she’s being, while Wooyoung and Yunho made their way to help the girl down. The rest of the surviving Mayfly members also went over to steady the vault for the girl to come down.
“Just let go and jump down.” Wooyoung instructed her but she shook her head “Let go. I’ll catch you if needed.” Hearing this, Minyoung let go and true to his word, Wooyoung helped her up quickly patting her back. “You did great.”
As the three of them went back to their tent, Minyoung was holding unto Yunho as she limped slightly.
“Why? Why? What happened? Did you injure yourself?” Seonghwa immediately went over and helped the girl to sit down, worriedly checking her any injuries.
“I think I hit my knee on the vault during that last attempt.” Minyoung sighed as she shook her head “It doesn’t hurt that much but I think I won’t be able to join the other events.”
“Are you sure? You also hurt it last filming.” Jongho asked handing the girl a towel to wipe herself with
“Mhm! I don’t think I really hurt it. It’s just like stubbing your toe, just temporary.” Minyoung smiled laughing a bit. “I’m serious! If you don’t believe me then I’ll get it checked tomorrow.”
“I think that’s for the best. It’s better to be safe since you did injure it before and it might get serious if not treated properly.” Yeosang noted patting the girl’s head
"Wooyoung-oppa fighting!" Minyoung cheered as Wooyoung became the last representative for ATEEZ however, he also failed to make it over the vault for 2.30m.
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(Visual Ranking Voting)
"Omo. I knew it. I told you that there’s a catch when they took our photos this morning. Jongho-yah, I'm ruined." Minyoung said to the male beside her, covering her face in regret. "If I knew this was going to happen then I'd have put in more effort in how I look today."
"Yah. If you're going to say that then what about us?" Hongjoong laughed
"Have you seen everyone else? There's no way we're winning this. That's a miracle if it happens." Wooyoung motioned to the other photos posted on the board.
"Who should I vote for?" Minyoung looked through all the photos before turning to the staff "Can I please have these photos? I'll keep them as a souvenir. Maybe I'll have everyone sign them too." evoking laughter from the staff and a cheer from the girl when they said they’ll ask if she can have it after.
"I'm voting for Minhyuk-sunbaenim. As much as I want to vote for our team...lying is bad and voting should always be objective. Sorry our ATEEZ members. I love you all." Minyoung smiled before slipping in her ballot inside the box.
As the rest of the participants voted, some even voting for themselves citing that one should learn to love yourself first, some of them voting for Minyoung.
Stray Kids Jisung: I’m not saying this because I’m her friend but just judging by the photos, she looks good today.
SF9 Jaeyoon: I’m voting for Minyoung-ssi. Her photo stands out with her posing cutely.
THE BOYZ Kevin: She’s adorable and she cheers on every team sincerely. She even showed off her charms today.
THE BOYZ Hyunjae: Throughout their performances, it’s like having an on-off switch. She’s like a kid off-stage but as soon as they start their performances her charisma explodes that why I vote for her.
ATEEZ Yunho: Do I really need a reason? Our member’s pretty. *laughs*
When the results were announced, Minyoung couldn’t believe her ears when she heard her name called out together with Felix for the 2nd place both of them getting 5 votes each. She looked around pointing to herself confused.
“Me? Why?” Minyoung looked to her group members who were cheering for her.
“Minyoung-ah! You did it! ATEEZ present!” Wooyoung shouted making the others groups laugh
Yunho grinned going over to the girl patting her back and ushering her to go to the center.
“Did our members vote for me? Is this a love your own situation?” Minyoung asked outloud making the MCs laugh.
Yunhyeong looked at the cue sheet to see who voted for her before speaking into the microphone “There’s one ATEEZ member who voted for you.”
Yunho proudly raised his hand “I did! Minyoung-ah, be confident!”
“Yunho-oppa! This is why I like you.” Minyoung laughed before shooting hearts at him exageratting every movement.
Compliments calling her cute were heard in every group while Seonghwa covered his face embarassed for both his members.
“Mom! I’m on TV!” Minyoung posed cutely for the camera before laughing and facing the participants “I don’t know who voted for me but thank you. I’ll do my best to show more of my charms in the future as well.”
“Felix~ We’re twins from now on!” Minyoung declared to her friend making him laugh as they pose for the photo sharing the wreath.
“Aussie!” Chan cheered for the two clapping for them
As soon as she got back to her group, Minyoung looked at Seonghwa and asked jokingly “Does this mean you’re also 2nd place? I mean Atiny says we look alike.”
“Oh. That’s right.” Hongjoong who heard her agreed laughing as Seonghwa just blushed shaking his head.
Minyoung cheered loudly when Minhyuk got the 1st place for the visual ranking, surprising the other groups. “I voted for Minhyuk-sunbaenim.” ATEEZ just laughed shaking their heads used to Minyoung’s fan girl mode.
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(Catch the Tail)
As the Mayfly team strategized who was going to play in the second event, Minyoung let out a giggle gaining the attention of their team.
“Why? Is something funny?” Eunkwang asked chuckling when the girl hid behind Yunho’s back suddenly conscious of everyone
“Ah. Nothing..it’s just we’re planning this seriously that it felt like this actually the competition and not the rounds.” Minyoung said her voice going softer as she talks
“What’s happening? You’re not like this Mintokki.” San laughed poking her side as the girl slapped his arm lightly, still hiding behind Yunho as she clutched on to his shirt
“Is Minyoung-ssi normally this shy?” Minhyuk asked looking at the girl
“No. Not at all. She’s far from shy.” Yunho answered quickly making everyone laugh.
“This is such a twist. I never knew Minyoung could also feel shy.” Jisung teased making the girl hide herself more pouting.
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(Relay Race)
“ATEEZ fighting! I believe in you!” Minyoung shouted on top of her lungs as the runners take their place. The race went by quickly and turned to the last lap where Wooyoung ran as fast as he could overtaking everyone.
Both San and Minyoung were jumping in their tent holding ATEEZ’ flag up as they cheered for Wooyoung. “Wooyoung run!” “Oppa you can do it! I won’t call your hair, pudding anymore if you win!”
"I never knew Wooyoung was that athletic!" Changbin exclaimed as Wooyoung overtook Sangyeon and won first place in the relay.
"Jongho's still the most athletic out of everyone but Wooyoung-oppa is also up there in terms of athleticism." Minyoung said as if giving insider information.
"Don't let her fool you! If she weren't injured right now, she'll probably be the one running. Minyoungie is pretty competitive." San commented making the MCs laugh.
Minyoung pouted "I wanted to try too. Ahh why did I have to get injured. If I could've joined, I'm determined to at least be better than Hongjoong-oppa." at the mention of his name, Hongjoong's mouth dropped looking betrayed. "Yah!" the girl just laughing throwing a heart sign on her head towards her leader
[Minyoung / 22 / Youngest on Top(?)]
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“Good work today everyone” everyone clapped and bowed towards one another after the day’s activities.
Minyoung suddenly gasped remembering something. “Ah! I was given these by the staff.” She took out the polaroids from the voting before while the rest of the groups were surprised.
“Ah so that’s why the staff asked if it was okay for us if the polaroid were given..” Sangyeon laughed finally piecing together the information
“No! Minyoung-ah, let’s just take another photo. I’m not proud of how I look there.” Inseong shouted jokingly evoking laughter from everyone.
“Really? Then I’ll take you up on that!” Minyoung giggled holding her pinky up as if sealing a promise.
“Just be honest and say you want photos with Jaeyoon-sunbaenim and Minhyuk-sunbaenim.” Wooyoung started while Minyoung quickly slapped his arm, eyes-wide “Oppa!”
“Don’t forget Zuho-sunbaenim and Donghyuk-sunbaenim.” San grinned as the girl crouched down embarrassed. The males who were mentioned all looked surprised with some covering their faces feeling shy. Inseong elbowing Jaeyoon laughing knowing the male voted for her for the visual ranking.
“Ahh. Is that your type Minyoung-ssi?” MC Changming asked jokingly, the girl waving her arms around denying the allegations
“I think I see a pattern. I see a pattern.” Eunkwang laughed joining on the teasing. Minyoung just wanted to dig herself a hole and hide there as Jongho patted her back laughing.
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ATEEZ Minyoung Masterlist
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. Any portrayal of real people is a combination based on what we could see on cameras and imagination of the author. This is purely fan fiction written for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.
━━━━━━ʕ ˵• ₒ •˵ ʔ━━━━━━
Writing Beary Corner
Truth be told, Kingdom’s episode for the Sports Day bored me a bit lol It dragged on for a long time during the vault but hey at least the groups interacted a bit more this time. So as long as they had their fun then that’s great!
I also have a question and request for the people reading this. Send me questions anon or off-anon for Minyoung! something like interview questions or fan questions haha I’m planning to use them for a future post. spoiler but meh lol
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gravesightings · 4 years
jealousy meter - masked slasher edition
masked slashers jealousy hcs + how to quell their anger.
Asa Emory / The Collector
controls his temper really well but the vibes he gives off just screams murder.
if you’re being hit on, he’ll step in before ushering you behind him. sarcastically asks the stranger if they needed anything.
if they're persistent, asa will get more ....uncivil by the minute. he won’t start a fight though.
if they touch you - he’s going to be PISSED. now it’s personal. he’ll waste no time in prying their filthy little fingers off you.
again, he won’t start a fight but he’ll have any notable features memorized so he can deal with them later on.
rating: 8/10. won’t publicly fight anyone but this man holds grudges. touching you = stuffs them in a trunk for his own twisted amusement. might even show it off to you if he’s feeling particularly immoral.
solution: distract him. cling to his arm and take his attention away from the poor idiot who tried flirting with you. not usually a fan of pda but he’ll have an arm around you for protection. no amount of sweet-talking will stop him from abducting the creep later on though.
Brahms Heelshire
unsurprisingly gets jealous of the only other person you get to talk to.
who takes this long to drop off some groceries? why can’t he take a bloody cheque and just fuck off already?
somehow, in some way, he’s going to figure out how to get that fool out of the house without being seen.
was he... hitting on you? gasp! THE NERVE-- starts breaking objects in other rooms. scatters rat corpses all over the man’s car.
brahms will either be grabby hands at you as soon as you’re alone or just stubbornly keep you in his arms until you make him feel better.
rating: 10/10. hates it whenever the grocery boy drops by, especially when he’s blatantly checking you out. especially if he’s still breathing. AWFUL tantrums during and afterwards.
solution: praise him while showering him with affection. hold him tight and tell him how much you love him. kisses make his anger melt away fast. let him glue himself onto you until the next week or he’ll get upset.
Bubba Sawyer / Leatherface
thinks he’s not exactly ideal boyfriend material and he knows how much you prefer not being a cannibal.
big boy sad. initially gets mad when he sees someone flirt with you, but he’s plagued with insecurities. maybe you wanted someone normal and nice-looking. maybe you’re sick of living with the sawyers.
snaps out of it if he sees you uncomfortable. bubba is quick on his feet! don’t worry he’ll save you!!! literally saws the man in half.
creeper? dead. meat? acquired. yee? haw. he’ll quickly check to see if you’re okay. doesn’t quite understand if you freak out on him.
chainsaw go brrr. bubby doesn’t hold grudges and he’s not mad at you or ...whoever this guy was! he’s a simple man: he sees a problem, he saws it in half.
rating: 5/10. not above keeping you in a room to avoid unwanted attention. just gets sad and insecure a lot. tries to “save” you from everyone.
solution: just as easily swayed. please keep reassuring him otherwise he’s just going to keep tearing himself down. usually just reminding him how much you love him will work but why not give him some extra cuddles while you’re at it?
Jesse Cromeans / Chromeskull
very possessive. confident in himself and your relationship but gets an ego boost every time he successfully adds to his body count.
he sees a threat, he eliminates it. simple as that. jesse has more patience than the rest but his violent tendencies tend to get the better of him.
very observant so he’s most likely already blocking you from a creep. uses his towering figure to lowkey cover you. what is he doing, you ask? oh nothing, dear. pets you.
if they still stupidly pursue, he’ll be an asshole about it. “exit’s that way, pal.”
if a stranger tries to reach out for you - it’s game over. let’s just say he might not care if his partner has a weak stomach.
rating: 10/10. bathes in the blood of your fallen admirers. if he feels especially sinister he’ll let them live to pour salt on their wounds. snogs you in front of them after he’s broken both their legs.
solution: literally nothing. jesse’s just the type to kill people for fun. trying to reassure him would just feed into his ego.
Jason Voorhees
believes that his protection is the only thing he can offer you so if he happens to fail at that, he’s going to blame himself for the longest time.
if you’re within the stranger’s reach, alarm bells are rapidly going off in his mind. too close. they might hurt you. silently hopes you run away.
they might not even be able to get a word out honestly? being tackled by jason voorhees probably feels like being hit by a train.
if he’s somehow preoccupied with other trespassers and found you a bit late, he’ll see red as soon as he discovers a horny trespasser had been harassing his beloved!
full speed ahead! all aboard the jason train!
avoids killing in front of you if possible. at the best of his days he’s still questioning why you even stay with him. you’re not afraid of him now but you might change your mind if you see him off someone with his bare hands. it’s a risk he’s not willing to take.
rating: 7/10. similar to bubba, he often tries to “save” you from everyone. he’s also got a lot of insecurities himself so he might keep you in his cabin as an absolute last resort.
solution: heavy dose of TLC. jason’s indifferent towards verbal affirmations - he’s seen people lie all the time. the best way to reassure him is through actions: holding him, mending his clothes, helping around the camp, etc. it’s the little things that have the biggest impact on him.
Michael Myers
the most possessive out of the bunch. stalks you all the time because he’s mike myers and that’s what he does.
hates people and tolerates you at best. people around you though? ick. talking to you and smiling at you? disgusting. doesn’t even smile at you himself, but it’s not like you expect him to. and that’s why you’re his tolerable little thing.
flirting with you? VILE. he’s already made his way inside the premises. mikey is going to back this person into a corner and take his sweet time.
also stalks anyone you meet regularly. don’t be surprised if they rant to you about the harmless but unsettling encounters with a “masked man.”
you are not free from michael’s wrath. he’s going to mark you up in any way he can. if he’s feeling especially territorial he might even show up maskless at your workplace to “pick you up.” (cue him rawing you in the nearest restroom.)
rating: 100/10. AWFUL. he’s gone off the charts, folks! all you need now is a leash and a collar and you’re all set. luckily this hasn’t crossed his mind yet.
solution: bold of you to assume he’s doing this for you. you better believe mikey’s just doing this for his own satisfaction. this man is simply a asshole and nothing can stop him.
Thomas Hewitt / Leatherface
middle man tommy is both insecure and possessive, but he does genuinely care about you. unlike bastard hands mcmike.
very similar to bubba. he’s haunted by his insecurities and believes well in the fact that others can offer a lot more for you than he can.
he won’t jump in with the saw right away, but he’ll immediately come to your side. just kinda stands there and looks as menacing as possible, just silently daring them to try something.
he’ll make sure to put himself between you and the stranger. if they persist then he’ll get to the wrangling. won’t kill them if hoyt isn’t around but won’t let them go unscathed either.
lowkey gets clingy after the ordeal. you need to be in his sights now at all times. won’t keep you around the gore but he’s always within earshot.
rating: 9/10. more likely to keep you in a confined space for safekeeping. you’re too good for this world and tommy’s not about to let anybody hurt you.
solution: very similar to jason, he needs a HEFTY amount of TLC. more actions instead of words. would probably get emotional if you whisper sweet nothings to him though.
Vincent Sinclair
very insecure and would bend over backwards for you. doesn’t get possessive but worries you’ll get tired of him.
he’s also going to convince himself that you’re much better off with a “better-looking” boyfriend that can give you a normal life.
if a victim starts flirting with you, he's already close by, listening intently. wax man sneaky. he’ll knock them out mid-conversation and pull them away from you. saves them for last so they can watch all their companions get waxed.
if they touch you though, he’ll jump in and disembowel them in two seconds flat.
either way - he’s not going to turn them into wax figures. please don’t ask him why. he’s too ashamed to admit his jealousy.
rating: 6/10. stews in his own insecurities and sulks a lot. only time he’ll get angry is if someone touches you inappropriately - then he’ll get extremely violent.
solution: keep him company. seriously, you don’t even need any sort of activity. just do your own thing in the basement while he works on his art and he’ll be more at ease. (but he also enjoys random kisses throughout the day too, he’s just too shy to ask.)
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jean-kayak · 4 years
Chapter 5
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Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: smut (18+!!), unprotected sex, reader being a tease, major sexual tension, grinding, multiple orgasms
A/N: Alrighty people, this is the moment you all been waiting for lmao, hope you like it. Here’s y’all food 🤣
Word Count: 3101
P.S.: If you listen to Body by Summer Walker, it'll make it better, I'll say when to play it and I've been dying to put this song in an Eren fic bc every time I listen to it, I only think of him lmfao
Tags: @her-majesty-kiara, @germfart3, @styxtm, @iwascrybaby, @bigdaddyzawa​, @erensblackgirlfriend​
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Chapter Summary: You finally give in to him, with a little teasing of course
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You cross your arms as you shake your head. "Ymir, I've already told you, I don't want a birthday party," you oppose, and she throws her hands up.
"Why not? Everyone wants a birthday party!" she argues, and you give her a look.
"Twenty's not even that big of a milestone. And my parents aren't gonna be home on the actual day, so I thought I could just relax, you know? I have a lot of shows to catch up on."
Ymir scoffs as she turns to Jean. "Please convince her that this is a good idea," she tries, and you look at Jean who shrugs.
"Why not? I mean you're only twenty once, right?" Your mouth drops open when you hear that he's siding with her, and Ymir cheers in triumph. "Come on, it's a party. It'll be fun."
"What's this about a party?" You feel your face go hot when Eren walks into the living room, and Ymir tilts her body so that she can look at Eren.
"We're throwing a party for, Y/N." You move to stand in front of her, blocking her view.
"No, you are not. I said I don't want a party. Why can't I just spend it with my two best friends and some terribly painful cliche movies?" you counter, and she gives you a bored look.
"What's wrong with a party?" Eren speaks up, and everyone turns around, putting him into the conversation. "I had one," he comments, and you roll your eyes, knowing it's not going to help your case.
"Exactly! So, did I when I turned twenty," she continues. "And turning twenty is a big milestone. It's your twenty's," she emphasizes, and you smile as you shake your head.
"Ymir, no."
"Y/N, yes!"
You both go back and forth until you're subconsciously talking. "No," Eren cuts off you, and you don't even realize it, not even turning to him as you say yes.
"Alright!" Ymir cheers and your mouth opens at what just happened. You turn to Eren who just gives you a wink, and you glare at him.
"Fine," you give in, "but no alcohol, Ymir."
Of course, Ymir planned to have the party in Jean's backyard, saying his had the nicest appeal, your close friends were all coming along with a few others, and you ended up celebrating your birthday with your parents the day before because they were leaving for a business trip on the day of your birthday.
Ymir thought a pool party was a good idea, but all Jean had was about a forty-two foot wide, five-foot deep pool in his backyard, but he filled it up anyway, and it was hot, so Ymir thought that was a good enough excuse for everyone to wear swimsuits.
Ymir was waiting for you to get changed, and her eyes widen when you come out in yours, a two-piece yellow suit. "What? Is there something wrong with it?" you ask, checking yourself in the mirror, wondering if maybe it was a bit too revealing.
"Absolutely not. You look smoking hot. I would sleep with you," she says, and you laugh loudly as you slip a huge t-shirt over yourself and you turn around to see Ymir walking up to you. "I'm serious. You might even get some birthday dick."
You guffaw as you shake your head and put your shoes on. "Yeah, right. Don't plan on that happening at all tonight."
You raise an eyebrow when you see a tiara and a sash in her hands. "Here, put these on," she tells you, and you scoff.
"Why? Everyone already knows it's my birthday," you answer, and she shrugs, pushing the items closer to you.
"It's for dramatic effect." You roll your eyes before slipping the slash on, looking in the mirror to put on the tiara.
You follow her downstairs, and she asks you to grab the ice cream and the waffle cones while she finishes setting up outside. You see Eren when you walk in, the only thing covering his body are the swim trunks that definitely are too small, the outline of his muscles clear as day.
Neither of you exchanges a word as you grab the stuff from the ice cream from the deep freezer before moving to grab the cones. There on the top shelf, so you have to reach up to get them, practically feeling his eyes burning into your ass, which is now partially exposed, and you jump slightly when you feel hands around your waist.
"Need some help?" he whispers in your ear, and you refuse to let him get you flustered again, so you grab the cones, before looking at him over your shoulder.
"No, I got it," you say before pushing your ass back against him, and you feel his breath hitch. "Thanks though," you say, smirking before walking away, looking back and chuckling slightly at his shocked expression.
Ymir takes the stuff from you and makes you wait in the house, wanting to announce you when you come out, and you shake your head fondly, but following anyway, and when she calls your name, you're walking out, the backyard is filled with whoops and hollers, and you find yourself smiling and laughing. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all.
Everyone surrounds you at the table as they sing happy birthday, and you blow out the candles, everyone clapping before Ymir starts to cut the cake. Everyone comes to you individually when they can during the party, wishing you a happy birthday and giving you a hug.
You got into the pool pretty early, about seven people being able to get in without it being crowded, and also because it was a lot hotter than you thought it would be, so people are coming in and out of the house to escape the heat. You're slipping your shoes off when you make eye contact with Eren across the yard, who's watching you, and you make a show of slowly stripping off your shirt, tossing it in a chair next to you before turning around and bending over, sticking your arm in the water, pretending that you're testing the temperature, knowing that this swimsuit was a little bit more revealing than your other ones, knowing that your ass was nearly exposed.
You look over your shoulder to see that his eyes are glued to your ass, and you can help but chuckle before you get in, feeling proud of yourself because two can play at this game. You sort of just wade in the water, talking to your friends. You don't go underwater since you just got twists, which Ymir paid for, even though you insisted that she didn't have to, but she said she was treating you since it was your birthday.
You share your slice of cake with Jean, opting for eating ice cream instead, and you make eye contact with Eren for a second time, and another idea forms in your head. He's watching you intently this time, a look in his eye you can't really pinpoint, but you check to make sure no one's looking your way before licking at your ice cream in the filthiest way, and you can see his fist clench, making you smile widely.
You dip a finger into it before raising it to your mouth, making a lewd show of licking your finger clean before popping it out of your mouth, sending him a wink, and you see him breathe out heavily before he looks away, and you laugh softly before Ymir's pulling you away saying that you have to take pictures for the occasion.
There's some alcohol because it's Ymir, but not enough for you to be overly concerned, taking a couple of shots until Ymir insists that you have a few more because you're close to being legal now, and you have to stop her when she tries to take more than you. The party's pretty much died down, the only people left are some of your close friends, and you're walking into the house to put the ice cream in the freezer when you hear footsteps behind you.
You turn around to see Eren, hiding your smirk as you close the freezer. "Happy birthday," he says as his eyes trail down your body, your suit still wet from the water, so it's clinging to your skin.
"Thanks," you respond easily, noticing that there's an edge to his voice. To Eren right now, you're basically naked, and he's pretty sure you know that. He couldn't help the envious burn in his chest at the sight of Jean hugging you, his hand resting on the exposed skin between your top and your bottoms, and he wanted to walk over there and take you in front of everybody.
His eyes were on you the entire time, never leaving you, and it's not like he wanted to, and he already knew that he was going to have you after your first little stunt, but you kept going, kept pushing him. He knew you knew that he was watching you, having to quickly stop his mouth from falling open after seeing how little your swimsuit was.
He didn't expect you to be such a fucking tease, nearly having to go somewhere to take care of his hard-on that you caused after your third stunt, and that's when he lost it. "Aren't you glad you had the party?" he asks you, and you smile softly before nodding.
"Yeah, I did. Ymir did a really good job," you admit, and he nods, his eyes catching a drop of water run down your chest into the valley of your breasts, and he feels his dick stir again. He steps closer to you until the freezer is digging into your ass.
"You think you're cute, don't you?" he asks, and you shrug as you tilt your head.
(play the music here hehe)
"Maybe. Did you like it?" you ask teasingly, and he smirks at you as he rests his hands on either side of you on top of the freezer. "Thought it would be nice for you to get a taste of your own medicine." You don't know where all of this confidence is coming from, but you don't let it ruin the moment.
"Yeah?" he says, leaning closer to your lips.
"Yeah," you echo, watching his eyes glance down at your lips before he licks his.
He watches you smirk, the lustful look in your eyes matching his, both of you more than feeling the tension in the room. You turn around, moving just enough so that he doesn't have to move his arm, and his eyes instantly fall to your ass, and his hands grip the edge of the freezer when you bend over, and he moves back to give you room, your backside flush against his dick, and he sighs heavily.
The music from outside is still clear as day, so you roll your hips against him to the rhythm of the music as his hands grip your hips. You go from moving your hips side to side, up and down, rolling them around in a circle until Eren feels like he might cum from the stimulation and the sight of your almost naked ass grinding against him.
And you can't help but admit that this is affecting you too. You're pretty sure that if your swimsuit wasn't wet, then the huge wet spot from your arousal that you know is there would show through. You gasp suddenly when he pulls you up flush against his chest but your shoulder, his hands rubbing all over your body as you continue moving your hips.
"So," you start, not even realizing that you're practically breathless from just grinding against him. "How's it taste?"
He brings a hand up to your neck, guiding you to face him, and he leans down but pulls away when you try to close in, and he smirks seeing the hunger in your eyes that matches his. "If you're gonna fuck me, Jaeger, then fuck me."
That's all it takes before he's crashing his lips down on yours, the kiss taking your breath away as he tightens his hands around your waist. He pulls away too quickly for your liking, but the next thing you know he's pulling you upstairs so fast that you're glad you took your shoes off because you're sure that you would've tripped. He's leading you to his old room, quickly opening the door and closing it behind him, the door barely clicking closed before he has you on the bed, his hands touching every part of your body that's exposed.
His lips are on yours again, and kissing him is nothing like you've ever imagined, which to your embarrassment is way too many times to count. It's sloppy, but it feels so good, like finally receiving something that you've been deprived of for so long. He unravels the string on your swim top, his lips never leaving yours as he throws the clothing to the side.
The kisses are nothing but tongue, but it's full of hunger, the sounds of your lips smacking together echoing in the room, and he moves down, sucking every mark into your neck until it's covered in love bites as his hands cup your boobs, groping them roughly, whining softly when he pulls at the hard buds.
"Come on, Eren," you plead, bucking your hips up, brushing against his raging erection, and he groans into your neck before lifting himself up to get rid of his trunks while you get rid of your bottoms. You can't help but gape at his dick, looking at how big it is, and you start to worry if it'll actually fit.
"It'll fit," Eren states, reading your mind, sitting up on his knees, looking down at you. "You're gonna take all of it, cause I'm not playing games anymore."
Your mouth opens to say something, but you go quiet when he starts stroking himself, and you realize that you haven't actually looked at him. And, God, he's so hot, your mouth watering subconsciously. This is way better than what you've fantasized, and you fight the urge to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming.
You lean forward to rub down his abs which definitely feel like they could cut glass before you brush over his length on the way down, making his jaw clench. You're about to replace his hand, but he moves yours away, and you're being pushed back down onto the bed as he lines himself up.
You gulp in anticipation, but your mouth falls open when you feel the tip start to stretch you out, and you moan at the feeling. He braces himself on his elbows as he slides in further, and you feel your eyes roll back as you feel the stretch burn throughout your whole body rendering you nearly speechless.
"God," he pants, his voice breaking as he rests his forehead against yours. "You feel so fucking good, even better than I fucking imagined," he sighs once he bottoms out, and you feel so full, your nerve endings on a thousand.
"Move," you manage, and he wastes no time in pulling out, and you go from feeling completely empty to full in an instant, your scream bouncing off the walls as he thrusts into you mercilessly, his chain smacking your chin with every roll of his hips.
"Eren!" you scream when he hits those bundle of nerves inside of you, and his hips falter when you clench around him.
"Shit, say my name again, baby girl. Scream it," he demands, picking up the pace to brutalize that spot, and your nails dig into his back as you say his name over and over again like a mantra.
"Ngh, I'm close." You can barely get the words out, every cant of his hips feels like he's reaching deeper inside of you every time.
"Shit, me too. Cum, baby, please cum," he begs, running a hand down your side to thumb at your clit. You cum as soon as he makes contact, and he puts his lips on yours to muffle your scream of his name as you cum so hard you see stars. "Fuck," he whispers, his hips seeming to pick up speed, and then his body's tensing as he shoots into you.
You don't even have the chance to catch your breath because he's slipping out of you and flipping you over. You already feel the soreness starting to form, and he rubs soothing circles down your back as he props you up on your knees. "You got one more in you for me, I know you do, baby," he says, easing back inside of you, and you feel your eyes rolling at the stretch.
"Move, Eren, come on," you rush, moving your hips back against him, and he grips your hips hard before he starts moving, and your hands keep a tight grip on the sheets as you bite into the pillow, muffling the sounds that spill out of your mouth that you have no control over.
He's ramming into that spot inside of you, and your body is shaking with overstimulation, the only way you're staying upright is because he's holding you. "Too--oh fuck," you cry out, trying to tell him that it's too much, your body feeling like it's going to explode, your brain numb with pleasure.
"You can take it, you're my good girl, yeah?" He releases a broken moan when you clamp around him, and he leans over you, his grunts and suppressed moans are breathing right in your ear, and you let out a broken whine as you buck back into him as you seem to move away from him at the same time.
His head falls on your shoulder. "God, Y/N, you feel so good, I'm so fucking close," he praises, and the wrecked sound of your name is the last straw, dropping your head down to cover the loud scream that rips from your chest, your body going rigid as your eyes roll back in your head.
"Shit, shit," he swears, and he's cumming right after you, releasing another load inside of you. You both stay in the same position, your ragged breaths barely filling your ears, wincing when he pulls out, and as soon as he lets go, you're falling limp on the bed.
You barely move, every shift of your legs sends an overstimulated jolt through your body, and you feel him flop down on the bed next to you.
"Happy Birthday, Y/N."
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|Chapter 4|Masterlist|Chapter 6|
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stories-by-belle · 3 years
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Just some smutty Tom Holland inspired drabble, enjoy. Bx
It was here. I thought to myself, staring into the mirror. My last ever performance as Juliet.
It'd been almost a year since I rushed across London to my audition and somehow bagged the role even after being massively late and a total unknown. This was my first big role, my first leading lady role and here I was gaining good reviews as Juliet opposite Tom Hollands Romeo.
The fact that this was Tom's essential return to the West End, his first play since doing Billy Elliot when he was just a child, and his first ever go at Shakespeare had created a huge buzz around around the play. And he'd absolutely killed it, all of London was talking about his performance.
And, somehow, I'd been lucky enough to join him for the whirlwind of press that surrounded the play every night. Sally, my agent, was thrilled, I was no longer the problematic talent on her books struggling to hold my nerves together.
"Alright there, Juliet?" Tom nudged me with his elbow as we both stood backstage waiting to begin, for the last time. "You're being very quiet tonight."
He was right, normally by this point of the evening I was laughing with him, psyching myself up, ready to get on stage.
"I just can't believe this is the last night." I mumbled, I was really sad that this was ending, the whole experience had been amazing, we'd all become close friends, Tom and I especially, he was infectious, his enthusiasm, his joy, it rubbed off on me daily. And I truly believed that he was making me a better actress through all this. My confidence had grown as our friendship had over the many months of working together.
"Aw, you gonna miss me?" Tom grinned playfully at me.
I was, but I wasn't about to tell him that.
"Ah, you won't be able to get rid of me that easily." He said pulling me into a hug as I rolled my eyes at him. "You'll always be my Juliet." He whispered, lingering a little bit too long at the nape of my neck before moving away to take his starting position on the stage.
And in the blink of an eye, our last performance was done.
Both Tom and I lay still on the stage where we'd both fallen in our death scene, as the other cast members finished the play around us.
Each night, we'd lain still, and tangled up together as lovers in each others arms for, what felt like, an excruciatingly long time.
"I'll miss this part the most." Tom whispered, barely audible even to me. I thought I was hearing things until I felt his hand subtly move to hold mine.
My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest, as I chanced a glance up at him to find him staring down at me.
Finally the curtain fell around us, and the tension between us was cut. The audience were cheering as we got to our feet & rushed to take our final bows.
After the usual rounds of bowing, and then congratulating each other backstage, I quietly sloped off to my dressing room while the others starting cracking open bottles of champagne.
I'd just got my costumed unzipped when Tom rushed into the room, champagne bottle in hand, soaking me as he shuck the bottle spraying it everywhere, laughing manically.
"Tom, stop! Come on! I gotta give this costume back!" I shouted through my laughter.
"Payback!" He shouted back as he proceeded in soaking me in champagne. "For that coffee you got all over me!"
"That was an accident!" I managed to move out of his way, hiding behind my dressing screen. "And besides, I thought we agreed that neither of us had been looking where we were going that day!" I giggled at him as he missed me.
He pounced behind the screen, pushing me back against the wall, threatening to pour the rest of the champagne over my head.
"Okay, okay, I give up, you win, you win!" I giggled.
We were both breathless, I was drenched and he had my hips pinned under his against the wall. Without moving away from me he took a swig of champagne before offering it to my lips.
I could feel him watching me closely as I drank from the bottle.
We'd spent a lot of time over the months being close together like this, so it didn't feel weird, there had been a tension slowly building over the months as we'd played lovers on stage & flirted playfully & unapologetically offstage.
As Tom lowered the bottle from my mouth, we both hovered in the moment, simply staring at each other, daring the other to make the first move.
I'd wondered many times if there was something more here than just flirting for Tom, but this was the first time I felt for certain there was something. In fact, I could feel something pressing into my lower stomach as we breathlessly stared at each other.
"I'm sorry." Tom gulped as he moved away trying to hide his lower body from me "That was probably quite, uh, inappropriate." The gentleman in him kicked in, suddenly embarrassed at his actions, and his, ah-hem, reaction to it all.
My heart melted for him, for all the confidence & charm he had, he was really quite shy too. This, mixed with the pure desire I felt as he held me pinned against the wall, emboldened me.
"Don't be sorry." I said simply, moving towards him. "After tonight we won't be working together, so it's not inappropriate at all." I smirked at him, as I took the bottle from him and put it down.
Before I knew it, he had one arm wrapped around my waist, another in my hair, as he pulled me into him to kiss me hard and desperately. It was the polar opposite of the kisses we had shared each night on stage, there was absolutely nothing polite about this kiss.
"You have no idea how many times I've imagined this." Tom moaned into your ear as he trailed kisses down your neck, slowly pulling your unzipped dress down your upper body, following it closely with kisses, occasionally nipping at my skin with his teeth.
As the dress reached my hips & Tom was on his knees in front of me, my entire skin tingled with lust.
He tugged the dress over my hips & let it fall to the floor, leaving me standing above him in just my underwear. His eyes traced over my entire body before mumbling "So. Fucking. Pretty." as he placed kisses along the top of my knickers, he glanced once more up at me, asking for permission to keep going. I nodded and sighed as he kissed my centre through the thin cotton, that was already soaked through, he buried his mouth into me as my hands wound their way into his hair, willing him to keep going.
As he pulled my underwear to one side & I felt his tongue flick over my clit, my knees buckled as I gasped, grabbing his shoulders to keep me from falling.
"Sensitive?" He chuckled as he let me catch my breath.
Standing back up, he kissed me again, swapping between nibbling on my lips and pushing his tongue into my mouth, all the while his fingers worked my clit. As he applied more pressure, my knees buckled again, but this time he was there to catch me, pushing me back against the wall to keep me upright, he was relentless, as he pressed harder while drawing circles around my clit, as he moved to nibble my neck, all I could do was cling to him as my orgasm hit.
He held me close, his hand still gently playing with my clit as he watched me ride out my high.
“I’ve been dying to see you like this for months.” Tom whispered, stroking my neck with one hand, and stroking my wet folds with the other.
The noise outside my dressing room door broke us out of our trance.
“We should probably go join the rest of them for the party.” Tom mumbled, glancing behind him to check the door was closed, before removing his hand from my underwear and bringing his fingers to his mouth to taste you.
You let out a moan at the loss of his touch, knowing you needed more of him.
“But…” I started, knowing that now wasn’t the time, but I just couldn’t help it, I wanted more.
“So needy.” He chuckled with a satisfied smile on his face, I sighed as I pulled his lips back to mine and rolled my hips against his, hoping to pull us both back into the trance we’d been in.
“Later, baby.” Tom moaned as his pulled away from me completely. Reaching out for my robe that was hanging on the back of my door.
As he walked back towards me, he tried to adjust his raging hard on through his trousers, eliciting a quiet groan to escape from his lips. He gritted his teeth hard as he wrapped the robe around my shoulders.
“We should get you tidied up and looking presentable again.”
In the dressing room, he had quietly helped me dress and waited patiently while I attempted to fix my hair and face. We didn’t talk about what had just happened, and I was desperate for him to say anything about it, I needed clarity, was that just a one off, or was there going to be a later? He stayed by my side until he was pulled away by the director as we approached the bar to order drinks.
As I watched him leave, I tried, desperately, not to over think it all. And threw myself into having a good night instead, I chatted happily to the rest of the cast and crew, and drank and danced the night away. I had assumed Tom was somewhere amongst the crowd doing the same thing.
Suddenly it was 3am, and I was exhausted. Several of the others were all starting to make their way to the exit, as the guy I had been chatting with at the bar bid me goodnight as he left, I glanced around the room for Tom. Just as I thought that maybe he’d left already, my eyes found him, was already staring me down from across the bar, practically ignoring the group of people chatting animatedly around him.
I smirked at him, I knew that look. It was the same as the look he gave me in the dressing room earlier. As I made my way over to him, slowly, hugging and saying goodnight to various people as I moved through the crowd, he never took his eyes off me.
As I got close, he excused himself from the conversation he had been ignoring and moved towards me, winding an arm around my waist and kissing me on the cheek as he started to guide me towards the exit.
“Hey you.” He whispered.
“Where’ve you been all night?” I asked genuinely wondering why he’d left my side so quickly after we got into the bar.
“Sorry, my agent hustled me away to chat with some producers about a project. Did you have a good night?”
“Yeah, very good, lots of dancing and lots of wine.” I giggled as we made it outside, he led me away from the crowd of people congregating by the doorway waiting for taxies.
“You looked like you were having a good time with that guy at the bar before, or should I say he was having a great time looking down your dress.” Tom grumbled.
“Ohh, is that a hint of jealously I can hear?” I smirked at him.
At that he spun me around, pressing me up against the wall, his hands pinning my hips, his eyes boring into mine. I could see him gritting his teeth as he stared down at me considering his next words.
“Would you mind if I were a little jealous?”
“Not at all. In fact, I really quite like it.” I smiled sweetly up at him, this seemed to relax him a bit, clearly he’d been doing more overthinking than I had tonight. I reached my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my lips as his body melted against me.
“Hey Tom?” I pulled away as he started nibbling on my earlobe.
“Is is ‘later’ yet?” I asked as innocently as possible.
“So needy…” He chuckled into my neck as he peppered light kisses down and along my collarbone.
“Do you mind if I’m a little needy?” I questioned him, the same way he had me.
Tom stopped what he was doing to look at me. “Not one bit.” He smiled. “Shall we get out of here?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” I grinned back at him, as he pulled me towards the nearest taxi, finally knowing we about to finish what we started after he’d dowsed me in champagne earlier.
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thenovelartist · 3 years
Burned Beginnings, Chapter 5
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13. Family
“Yes, Maman, Adrien and I arrived safely. Now please go to bed.”
“I just wanted to check up on you,” her maman said from the other side of the phone. “It’s your first time out of the country, so you’ll have to excuse me if I worry about you.”
“We’ll be fine,” Marinette assured, glancing over at Adrien as he snatched one of their luggage bags off the carousel. “And tell that to Papa, too. I know he’s more worried than you are.”
“Why do you think I’m the one making the call and not him.”
Marinette laughed. “I’ll keep you updated.”
“All right. Thank you, sweetie. Enjoy your trip.”
“Thank you, Maman. Love you. Tell Papa I love him.”
“Will do. Love you, too.”
With that, Marinette ended the call.
“Got our bags,” Adrien said, pulling the two suitcases behind him. “How’d the call go?”
“Fine,” Marinette said, putting her phone in her purse. “My parents are just worried about me, so it was me doing what I could to settle them.”
“You have a close family, so I understand that.”
Marinette took her suitcase from him. “So where to, now?”
“Taxi to the hotel, drop of our suitcases, find a place for dinner, maybe walk around the city a bit if we’re up for it, and then crash out for the night.”
“Doesn’t sound like too bad a plan.”
“Then let’s go, milady.”
Once they’d secured a taxi, Marinette looked out the window to take in the sights.
“Have you been here before, Adrien?” she eventually asked.
“Couple times for modeling jobs and once for fashion week,” he confirmed.
“Do you like New York City?”
Adrien shrugged. “It’s novel. It’s kinda like Paris, being a bustling city, but it’s just so modern and feels like people just don’t appreciate the history behind their city, you know? And the natives here are like a whole different breed of human. But they feel the same about us, so feeling’s mutual.”
Marinette nodded, turning back to the window to marvel at the sights.
When they got to the hotel, Adrien checked them in. Marinette only knew basic, school-grade level English, but Adrien seemed comfortable with the language. He did promise to be her translator for everything.
“Here’s your room key,” he said, handing her a room key once he’d finished at the front desk. “I got two rooms right next to each other.”
“I still can’t believe you paid for all this,” she said, taking the keycard. “This is so much, Adrien.”
Adrien shrugged. “I wanted to,” he brushed off. “And it’s not like I’m going to go broke from this trip or anything. It’s fine.”
Marinette still wasn’t fully comfortable with all of it, and she still knew that one day, she’d have to pay him back somehow. But for now, she’d smile and thank him for the millionth time.
Once they dumped their suitcases, they started to wander around town until they happened across a food shop that smelled amazing. They wondered inside the bustling shop and found the line was conveniently long enough for Adrien to read off most of the menu for her. Once Marinette told him what she wanted, he was kind enough to order for her. But before Adrien could pay, Marinette quickly held out her own card.
“I can get it, really,” she said with a grin.
“You don’t have to.”
“Please,” she said with a pout.
The cashier laughed and made some comment about her that got Adrien to smile and put away his card.
“He said that you sure know how to guilt trip a guy,” Adrien translated as they walked back to their hotel, bag of take-out food in hand. “And I couldn’t help but agree.”
Marinette grinned at that. “I’ve had good practice manipulating you. It’s almost like you just let me do it at this point.”
Adrien snorted a laugh. “Yeah, you’d think I’d have learned by now that you’re a little minx.”
“But you love me,” she said, batting her eyelashes at him.
She meant it as an offhand comment. One that could easily be brushed off, but that wasn’t its intent. She was probing, like the ‘little minx’ she was.
And she liked the hesitant response she got, his pause followed by a soft smile and gentle shake of the head. “Yeah, I do.”
 14. New York
He forgot just how much he hated New York Fashion Week.
I’m doing this for Marinette.
That was what kept him going. That, and her smiles. She was happy and enjoying herself, which made this whole trip worthwhile.
The last thing that made this easier to bear was the fact he was strictly a spectator. While he’d debated using what contacts he had to see if they could have special access, he ultimately decided not to. When his father kicked him out, it wasn’t something that was just kept quiet. Back when he still was in contact with Chloe, she told him he was the buzz of the fashion world. Even recently back in Paris, he had been spotted by cameras and had come across an article written about him. Whatever contacts Adrien had would likely be unwilling to work with him, and he wasn’t willing to take those chances to find out for certain. Not even for Marinette. If she decided no after this, Adrien would still feel confident that he did everything her could to help her make her decision.
“You look tired. No, more like completely drained.”
Adrien looked down at the lovely lady standing beside him and forced a smile. “I’m fine. Are you enjoying yourself?”
Marinette paused. “I am,” she answered.
“That’s all that matters, then.”
Both he and Marinette turned their attention towards the voice.
And Adrien’s heart dropped. “Chloe.”
The woman rushed over to him, heels clacking on the pavement. The fiery look in her eye was one he was all too familiar with: she was on a mission. “Adrien, I have so many questions for you, but let’s start with what the hell you’re doing here with her.”
Adrien gave Chloe a flat look. “I thought I told you I no longer want to be in contact.”
“Yeah! What’s that about?” Chloe screeched. “You text me out of the blue and tell me we’re done?”
Adrien nodded. “Yup. Because if all our interactions after my dad kicked me out weren’t enough to convince me, Marinette here told me everything. I was already fed up with your lies and how cruelly you treated people, but telling people we slept together when we never did takes the cake.”
Chloe froze, her eyes wide with horror, and Adrien knew why. Was he being an ass on purpose? Absolutely. He knew full well what he was doing talking in his best English loudly enough for anyone and everyone around to hear.
In the blink of an eye, camera flashes started up, and Adrien knew that meant paparazzi were here, ready to cash in on this drama. He pulled Marinette close, knowing it was likely too late but still trying to hide her face against his shoulder.
“Adrien,” Chloe began, voice dripping with fake honey. “What are you talking about?”
“Our friendship is over, Chloe. Don’t try to lie your way out by saying I just used you for sexual favors, either. Because that never happened. We never happened. Just leave me alone, and don’t bother contacting me ever again.” He hoped he didn’t butcher the English in that, but even if he did, he didn’t particularly care. His point got across, Chloe was redder than a tomato, and security was doing their best to shoo the paparazzi away.
Now, it was time for him to leave, if for no other reason than getting Marinette out of here. “Head down, cover your face,” he whispered to her.
She already had her hand over her face, but she still nodded in understanding.
“You think this is over, Adrien? Just like that?” Chloe yelled in French.
“Completely,” Adrien asserted.
How Chloe’s face turned redder, he didn’t know, but it did. “And you never answered my question of what you were doing with her!”
Adrien was going to leave it, but Marinette turned around and snapped. “I’m treating him with more respect than you ever did, entitled bitch!”
His heart went thud in his chest, and he quickly slapped his hand over the grin that couldn’t be suppressed. As he ushered Marinette away as quickly as he could, he snuck a glance behind him at an absolutely enraged Chloe, her security coming to her aid and trying to get her in the car. He hated to say it, but served her right.
 15. Dreams
“I’m not doing this.”
Marinette looked over at Adrien. Currently, they were resting in Adrien’s room while eating pizza from a little place close to the hotel. “I’m not going into this industry. At least, not this section of it.”
Adrien’s expression fell. “Was it because of Chloe?”
Half of Marinette’s lips pulled up in a twisted, bitter way. “Yes and no,” she said. “Chloe wasn’t the only reason I came to this decision, but she’s a good reminder that people like that will always be a part of it. People who would gladly manipulate you to advance themselves exist here, and you will always have to be careful about who you can and can’t trust in this industry. Who can you trust to give your designs to, who do you have to hide from, when do you let go of your designs even though they won’t be under your name, and when do you cling to them in the hopes that one day you’ll be able to use it? I just…”
She shrugged, giving Adrien a pitiful smile. “I don’t have the energy to gamble on this trust game,” she finally managed. “And I don’t trust easily in the first place. Which, in a profession that requires you to be social and stretch yourself out into, that would take so much out of me. And in the end, I just don’t want to. Maybe things would have been different had I not been walked over by Chloe. Had things not gone in such a way where teachers and students automatically began to assume the worst out of me just because of my reputation that I didn’t even get to shape myself. I don’t want to go in an industry that demands those parts of me that I’ve learned not to give out. I can’t.”
The pain on Adrien’s face physically hurt her. He’d given so much to encourage her, and here she was, practically throwing it back in his face.
Yet, despite that, he smiled sympathetically. “If that’s your decision and your reason, I won’t challenge you on it anymore.”
At the sight of his forced smile, her heart hurt, and the guilt soon became so much to bear. She wouldn’t cry, though, not even as she felt the pinprick of tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
His brow furrowed. “What for?”
“I feel bad for making this decision, because you brought me here to New York Fashion week. You spent time and money planning this trip just to encourage me, and here I am throwing it back in your face. I’m really appreciative of what you’ve done for me. Really, I mean it. So, I’m so sorry that I can’t… I can’t move forward and prove your efforts weren’t in vain.”
She hadn’t been expecting the shock on his face at her words, like they’d caught him off guard. But soon, that faded away into a soft, sympathetic smile. A real one that she liked so much, that could ease her worries and calm her down.
He stood from the bed and started walking over to her, his arms open. At this point, she gladly took the invitation, standing from the chair she’d been curled up in and meeting him half-way. When he wrapped her up tightly, she clung back, relishing in the warm comfort that being cocooned in his arms, protected from the world, provided.
“I’m not disappointed,” he spoke softly. “Not at all. It’s clear you thought long and hard about your decision, and so, if you decided you didn’t want to go into this field, then that’s perfectly fine. I just didn’t want you to give up on your dreams just because you saw only the negative. And I know I was part of that, telling you my own horror stories. That’s why we came, as one last encouragement to feed your dreams before you decided on your future.”
By now, Marinette could feel the tears well up in her eyes. She sniffed, hoping to bite them back.
At that sound, Adrien squeezed her tighter with one arm and rubbed her back with the other. “Oh, Marinette,” he whispered soothingly.
That was all it took to break her. The tears spilled over down her cheeks, and there was no stopping them. She buried her face against his chest, clenching his shirt tighter as she hiccupped out choked sobs. “Thank you,” she managed to squeak out in the midst of her tears. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re so welcome, Marinette,” he whispered.
Still, he never let go, continuing to hold her as he gently swayed back and forth. And Marinette gladly stayed in that warm embrace, unwilling to leave the comfort he so willingly provided, even after her tears had stopped falling.
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hndcrm · 3 years
There is actually something that jumps in my mind. Do you remember that sauna/spa/whatever in Hokkaido? Well, what about 47 is ordered to use that place to relive some muscle tension. And what happens when it's discoverd that he can't relax without some (someones) help?
It’s still a few days before Yamazaki should be checking into Gama, and Soders cannot be killed yet, if not for the risk of resulting in increased security, then for 47’s own ego. Diana seems to enjoy it when he flaunts his skills, after all.
He’s spent the last two days wandering around the facility, following Diana’s floorplans, checking for side entrances and hidden corridors, exploring as much as possible without changing disguises; unconscious staff suddenly being found after his appearance at the hospital and before the contract’s completion would be less than ideal. With no electronic key hackers to be found, his exploration was limited to creeping into corridors after staff members and hiding in closets along his path.
He spent this morning reading up on patient case files Diana somehow managed to acquire on the balcony of his suite, the cool wind on his face. A VIP patient, Jason Portman could be a good disguise to get into the hospital quarters, coincidentally checking in on the same day as Yamazaki. Portman is planning on getting plastic surgery to liken himself to a certain German high fashion model - the opportunity almost too perfect, he considers there must be a catch.
He eats breakfast at the restaurant, orders natto and an onsen tamago with green tea. It’s filling enough, and he leaves to take a walk up the mountain path near the facility, looking for potential exfiltration points or good sniping locations. The path is winding, but neither narrow or steep, and it’s far more pleasant than he anticipated, with birds chanting nearby. He walks back down, committing important locations to memory, though he doesn’t plan on using them. Sniping missions aren’t as exciting, and he cannot put on a particularly elaborate performance for Diana, so what’s the point?
He returns to his suite, and finds a missed call from Diana. He scolds himself, he should’ve brought his burner phone with him, what if something’s happened? Anxiously, he calls her back, and she picks up immediately.
“Diana, you called?”
“I did.” Her voice is steady, it seems she’s not in danger. “How are you feeling, 47?”
“I’m well,” he responds, trying to anticipate the direction of this conversation. It’s aimless, Diana feels utterly unpredictable most times.
“Have you had a chance to relax at the spa? I hear the sauna’s top of the range.”
“I have not.” He answers evenly. “I’m here to prepare for a contract, not on holiday.” She hums in amusement, continuing.
“I’m afraid there’s been a change of plans, 47. Yamazaki’s arrival is being delayed. Only by a day, thankfully, but it does mean you have some downtime. I’ve extended your reservation so that you’ll still have a reasonable window of opportunity to ensure the mission’s completion. Until then, well,” he hears that note of mischief in her voice, “I suggest you relax.”
He knows better than to question her instructions, but a day off is the last thing he needs right now. There’s nothing for him to do, and he knows he can’t really relax - he’d be only pretending to, because with a career like his it’s crucial to be constantly on the lookout.
“You know I can’t relax,” he retorts, hoping she’ll understand, give him something to do; he’d gladly do any bland paperwork over this.
“You deserve a break, 47.” She insists. “Most agents take weeks off between each contract, and yet I’ve been working you to death. This is an order - one day off, that’s it.”
“And remember, you’re there as Mr Rieper, not 47. Think of what Tobias would do, play the part. I doubt he’d pass up the chance for a massage.”
She’s right. He can pretend to be someone else, easily, and it’ll make his cover more convincing. In a way, this is just setup for the mission, he tells himself, and that makes it more bearable.
“Oh, and, 47?”
“Bring your earpiece.” She hangs up.
He walks towards his drawer and retrieves the small, clear gadget. Popping it into his ear, he checks himself out in the mirror, and leaves for the spa.
It’s fairly busy, there are people meditating and practicing yoga outside, with rows of white-robed patients sitting in the hot springs. Inside, people are sitting in the massage chairs, staff members attending to them with care. He walks past them, entering the corridor that he recalls leads to a toilet and the sauna. An interesting opportunity for the contrac, should it arise. He pushes the wooden door open, and then removes his robe, staying in his briefs. Immediately, the heat surrounds him, clings to every inch of his skin invasively, and he regrets this.
“In the mood for some heat, 47?” Diana teases through the earpiece, and he’s not sure what to respond. He’s not in the mood for any of this.
He sits down on the wooden bench, and the whole room is torrid and sultry. He takes a breath in, in hopes of relaxing, but his muscles are tense, and he’s not sure what to do.
He thinks of Tobias Rieper, of what he might do in this situation. He leans back onto the wooden walls, lets his arms droop more than usual, and decides he looks like someone who is relaxing. The focus on appearing relaxed, however, keeps him tense, and he thinks that there is no way that it’s this hard for other people.
“You seem tense, 47.” Says Diana, and his head immediately snaps up to look for cameras. Nothing. Her methods are incomprehensible. “Would you like me to help you relax?”
He knows the kinds of things she might have in mind. This conversation isn’t being sent for review to the ICA, and Diana has used that to her advantage before. He thinks about the things Diana says to him in safehouses when she calls him up late and he picks up only to hear the slick sounds of her touching herself, whispering in her heavy, breathy tone of what she wants him to do. He’d like to do all those things one day, if Diana ever let him. It’s unlikely, this job is stressful and he imagines this is probably her way of coping with it, nothing more, but on indulgent nights he imagines what life could be if her calls really did mean something more, and if Diana really wanted him like this.
Still, he could never turn her down, and he knows it’s the only way he could ever really relax, so the answer is obvious.
“Yes.” It comes out guttural, and he hears the hum she makes when she smiles. He wonders for a second if he’s misunderstood, if Diana will play some looped jungle sound audio and talk him through a guided meditation instead, but the sound of a zip being undone on the other side would suggest otherwise.
There’s a rustle of fabric, the snap of panties being pulled down, and then her breaths, coming heavy and anticipant.
“I want to hear you touch yourself, 47. Can you do that?” She asks, and he turns to look out of the door instinctively. “I’ve locked the door to the corridor remotely, you’re alone for as long as you need.”
Encouraged by the sounds of her pleasure, he reaches down for his cock and begins to stroke himself. She must know, because he hears her hum approvingly.
“That’s right, 47, just like that-” Her words are cut off by a particularly breathless moan, complimented by the continuous slipping of her fingers inside of her cunt, and it’s enough, he’s hard. He imagines what she might look like right now, slender legs up on her desk, heels ruffling the papers, her pencil skirt piled on the floor as she’s leaning into her desk chair, speaking such sultry obscenities through her headset. Every inch of him is dripping in sweat, he feels filthy, but continues, for an opportunity like this arises rarely, and he intends on stretching out every blissful millisecond.
He does wish this was being recorded for the ICA, so that he could intercept it and steal the recording for himself, have a reminder of Diana when she isn’t feeling this generous, for nights when he wants her so desperately that he contemplates initiating such a call himself.
“Tell me, what would you do if I was there with you?” She gasps out, and he’s too preoccupied by the heat and hormones and hunger for more to lie.
“I’d touch you,” he begins, his words punctuated with soft grunts, “I would kiss you, so much,” that’s what lovers do, after all. That’s the part he’s meant to be playing now, isn’t it? He hears her chuckle gently, and hopes it’s not at him. She doesn’t say anything, it’s all slick folds and breathy moans over the static, so he attempts to continue. There are many things he would like to do if she were here, but only if she would like him to. He’s worried about overstepping. Where does she draw the boundary? They’ll still have to work together after this, he’s never been the one detailing his fantasies over the phone, she was the expert.
“Is that all, 47?” She teases, and he loses his earlier confidence. “You’re this hard from the thought of just kissing me?”
“Yes,” he grunts out, and he can feel himself getting painfully close. She gets louder then, and he can hear her beginning to lose control, riding the waves of her orgasm endlessly. He imagines her hips bucking, her eyes shut tight and her lips parted, when he realises that she’s putting on a show for him, when he’s done nothing to deserve it. He comes then, hazy with the exquisite image of her carved into his head.
“You do seem far more relaxed now, 47. Perhaps I should do this more often?”
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