#peer pressure is a real issue
Real quick PSA for the followers, just to make sure my positions are clear on some issues and to make sure I am not causing any unintentional harm (that devolved into a minor hiatus):
-If I'm intending to talk about something specific, I'll mention it, I promise.
-I do be forgetting that you all recognize me on both my A03 and my tumblr. It is surprising to me every time. I tend to be vERY flippant on here, especially in my tags. I think we have reached a point where I should be more careful lol. I am not used to having an actual effect, so if I have an effect you don't appreciate, or I say something hurtful, please please bring it up to me! Dms, anon, replies; idc, I'm always down for a conversation.
-I am not in the business of apologies I do not mean, and I certainly do not back down from my opinions, I think that's been fairly clear. So, if I apologize it's because I mean it, and that won't change.
-I make a lot of posts that are critical of fandom culture in a lot of different fandoms, and culture around specific characters as well. I want it to be very clear that unless I am directly interacting with another user, then the criticism should never surround anyone specific. I never want to direct hate ever, unless I'm tagging.
-If there are questions about the appropriateness of my headcanon posts in response to asks, that can be changed. I would really hate to be making my very small community uncomfortable. I had thought I was fairly clear on the blogs boundaries and what I think is appropriate, but perhaps I haven't been careful enough. Please feel free to address issues with me, or to block me. That is always an option of course.
Uh, that being said, I might take a couple days. I have used this blog for fun and friends since 2015, it's not my first time fucking up nor will it be the last. But, it's upsetting to me that my blog might be harmful to some (who I hadn't intended it to be harmful to, it's always been an active warzone for irredeemable character excusers lol, since 2015). The queue will go on as usual but no new posts for a bit while I figure out if things need to change. I'll respond to DMs tho, probably, bc I'm obsessed with my mutuals.
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veunho · 23 days
On one hand, I enjoy working with people bc they're funny and it's nice to have someone to quietly take breakfast with.
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shebrakesforrainbows · 7 months
This is what happens when abusers are given a platform on social media.
#“emotional grooming” lol. get fucking real and get over yourself#“mocking trauma” REMEMBER YOUR BESTIE'S WHOLE ASS SONG PARODY MOCKING ME GETTING GROOMED BABE?#NOT TO MENTION THE ART AND MEME VIDEOS Y'ALL MADE??? LIKE DID YOU EVER CONSIDER MAYBE /I/ WASN'T COMFORTABLE EITHER?#where oh where have the smart people gone? where oh where could they be?#everyone knows you manipulated those people. your friends. your followers.#they were scared of you up until you showed your flimsy ass callout in which point they jumped onto your side#you know why? because they're fucking scared of you#and you. YOU. you know who i mean. she's not a fucking psychologist and you're old enough to know better than to believe random strangers-#-on the internet. not friends. not a psychology STUDENT. a PSYCHOLOGIST. a LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL.#and to YOU. the two people who KNEW this was wrong and went along with it? SHAME.#you KNOW i know you went along with this because of fucking peer pressure.#she's an abuser. we've discussed this before. so many times.#someone who plots behind their “friend”'s back for THREE FUCKING MONTHS is NOT A GOOD PERSON.#all these issues could have been amicably solved if you had just spoken politely to me instead of. y'know. going behind my back and also-#SCREAMING AT ME FOR THREE HOURS IN A PUBLIC SERVER UNTIL I HAD TO BEG TO GO TO BED AT THE ODD HOURS OF THE NIGHT? LOL?#i have fucking screenshots of you admitting to this shit. don't try and delete your messages sweetie.#hell hath no fury like the scorned and believe me when i say i'm fucking coming for all of you.#ALSO WHY ARE YOU WHITE AND TELLING HISPANIC PEOPLE WHAT SLURS THEY CAN AND CAN'T SAY?#KAREN MOMENT#AND I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS /STALKER/ YOUR ENTIRE PERSONALITY IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE BEING OBSESSED WITH ME LIKE THE FREAK YOU ARE!!!#BYE GIRL#fucking proship trash i swear to god lol
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kira-akira · 7 months
What I Want You To Know About Long COVID
Well lads, I've been suffering from Long COVID for over a year now. My life is at a complete standstill. I'm 25 years old and I'm too sick to go back to school, I can't work, I had to move back in with my parents and I'm still stuck here.
Here are just a few things I wish people knew about Long COVID, including things I didn't know myself until I got it.
COVID destroys your immune system. Yes, even if you don't have Long COVID. Are you getting sick more often now? When you get sick, does it last longer? There are many studies showing that COVID causes t cell depletion, even in mild COVID cases! T cells are how your body remembers how to fight off infections you've had before so losing those cells? Bad news.
Your initial infection can be mild and you can still get Long COVID. Right from Yale Medicine, "Most people with Long COVID had mild acute COVID." (This is also a good link for a basic Long COVID overview).
There can be a gap of time between when you "get better" from the initial COVID infection to the onset of Long COVID symptoms. Some people get sick with an initial COVID infection and never get better. Some get better and then weeks or months later start developing Long COVID symptoms. Long COVID symptoms can even fluctuate over time, can go away for months and then suddenly come back.
So many people have Long COVID and don't realize it. Do you feel more tired lately but no matter how much you sleep, nothing helps? Is it harder to concentrate at work or school? Can you just not think like you used to? You could have Long COVID and not even know it. Even mild post-COVID symptoms are still Long COVID.
COVID can do anything to your body. Long COVID has over 200 recognized symptoms and can affect basically any part or system of your body. There is no one mechanism or cause of Long COVID which unfortunately also means there's no one cure either.
The effects of COVID are cumulative. Each COVID reinfection increases your chances of developing Long COVID. COVID is also affecting your body in other ways, yes, even if you're otherwise young and healthy! "Repeat COVID-19 infections increase risk of organ failure, death".
Once you have Long COVID, repeat COVID infections will make your symptoms worse. "80% [of Long COVID patients] saw their symptoms worsen [from reinfection]. In 60% of people who were in recovery or remission from Long COVID, reinfection caused a recurrence of Long COVID."
There is a lot more I want to say about Long COVID but I want to keep this post at least somewhat manageable to read. Like how when COVID is contracted during pregnancy, those COVID-exposed fetuses have a 6.3-fold increased risk of motor developmental delays, or that another study found 50% of babies exposed to COVID in utero had developmental delays.
You need to keep caring about COVID, for others around you and also for yourself even if you're "healthy". Everyone is at risk. And don't forget 40-60% of COVID infections are asymptomatic, which is why masking even if you feel fine is crucial. The only way right now to not get Long COVID is to not get COVID in the first place. It's not too late, if you've stopped masking it's never too late to start again! I know it's easy to get distracted by things in your life that seem more real than the possibility of getting sick some time in the future, and the peer pressure to not mask can be intense. But it only feels less real or less important until your entire life is having Long COVID. Trust me.
I know this is a complicated issue, many people can't afford to stay home when sick even if they want to because of their jobs, there are disgusting policies trying to ban wearing masks, but please if you can. Keep masking. Masking works, masking saves lives.
This post got a bit longer than I wanted so below the cut is a non-exhaustive list of my Long COVID symptoms and some of my experiences as one of the "healthy young people" who got "unlucky". cw brief mention of suicidal ideation.
Welcome to the Thunderdome that is my body with Long COVID. Keep in mind these are just my experiences and symptoms, Long COVID can cause any range of symptoms at varying severities.
Dysautonomia: Exercise intolerance, Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM), fatigue, and heat intolerance. What do those things mean? Here's some specific examples. Absolutely terrible circulation I am so cold all the time but also, if I get a little too warm I will pass out. Eating hot food makes my heart rate spike, I sweat, my body feels heavy. Blood pooling and pins and needles in my feet when I walk. Don't even think about exercising past walking, it's impossible. I used to work out an hour a day 4 times a week and now walking up one flight of stairs makes my heart pound and I can't breathe. Can't take even just warm showers anymore or I will pass out. Heat rashes from being in the sun for 10 minutes.
Digestive issues: Honestly too many to name but: constant bloating, extreme nausea, constipation, slow motility, lack of appetite, just so much cramping and pain. I lost 18 pounds from Long COVID, as someone who was already considered underweight their entire life, and almost had to get a shunt put into my chest to deliver nutrients because I was nearly completely unable to eat. For the first 6 months of Long COVID, if I could manage 600 calories a day, that was a good day.
Histamine intolerance: Oh boy. My worst symptoms, I don't even know where to start with it. If you know Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) it's very similar. I can only eat 19 foods. If i eat a single bite of something not on that list, it's 48 hours of absolute hell. Coughing, migraines, itchy eyes, such extreme nausea I cannot even describe it, panic/feeling of doom, racing heart rate, derealization, rash, uncontrollable muscle tremors. I only learned about histamine intolerance 5 months into having Long COVID so before that, I was experiencing these symptoms nearly every single day. Terrifying isn't even a strong enough word to describe how it felt to experience all this and have no idea what it was, how to stop it, or if it would ever stop. Really dark times.
Neurological issues: More of that derealization. Inability to concentrate. Anxiety. OCD-like symptoms such as thoughts getting "stuck" in my head, repeating 24/7 completely unable to stop them, genuinely felt like my brain had cracked open and I had lost my mind. Constant dizziness like I'm on a boat.
Sleep issues: I sleep like garbage. I have insomnia, I wake up dozens of times every night and every single time I sleep I have intensely vivid dreams. I can't sleep longer than 7 hours total no matter how exhausted I am. It is exhausting. I'm exhausted, I'm so so tired.
And finally. Just. Really intense suicidal ideation. My body, my health, my entire life has been stolen from me because someone else decided my life was worth less to them than wearing a mask or staying home if they feel sick. Before I got Long COVID, I was preparing to go to South Korea to teach English, then on to a PhD in neurolinguistics, I was supposed to meet my long distance partner and had already booked plane tickets when I got sick. All of that has been destroyed.
Most of us with Long COVID are stuck in a cycle of being extremely sick, then if you're lucky you'll slowly get better over months, just to get reinfected and go right back where you started or worse. Honestly, I'm not scared of dying from COVID. I'm scared of living for a long time, suffering from Long COVID the entire time. This isn't living.
I don't know how to end this now. I'm still fighting, I'm trying experimental treatments, I'm not giving up yet. I hope everyone reading this stays healthy and well.
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floorpancakes · 2 years
it was a cruel twist of fate that everything i actually wanted and all my personal growth flashed before my eyes as soon as i ended up in the biggest mental and physical crisis of my life that has slowly eaten away at my will to live and aged me like crazy but at least it gives me (this is a metaphor and not literal***) watanuki kinnie points
#ehe#no but like ITS KINDA FUNNY THO#the funniest part is i got more and more mixed on the og holic manga ending the more and more i went through mental health crises#and various inabilities to feel like i can see friends without feeling scared or battles with loneliness or all that depressing stuff#like as a teenager i found suffering and tragedy in stories a lot more mature and beautiful than i do now#smth abt going through suicidal periods and massive mental issues that makes the holic ending look less and less beautiful and mature etc#i mean theres beauty in it and most of my fav series are DEEPLY TRAGIC AND COMPLICATED but also fuck this let them be happy#holic especially just feels so fuckin wild cause on the one hand its rly fucking poetic as a cautionary tale but#also its like ...for a series deeply centered on personal growth and depression....to contradict its own thesis statement...#i think part of my mixed feelings is rei cause the fetch quest dream world sike actually made me angry#plus it felt kinda like ...oh no choice is the wrong choice freedom of choice good (peer pressures him into making the 'right' choice)#tfw the hand monster is THE COOLEST SHIT imaginable but what it represents kinda soured me on rei lol#anyway when Rei continues ill keep up with it but my eyes are SIDE EYEING it real bad#sometimes i think abt how the ovas further clarified various shit the anime chose not to#they said no clamp not everything is improved by teacher student forbidden romance ambiguity theyre not actually into each other#stamped that ambiguity out right away#i forgot where i was going w this#anyway angst is good but sometimes anime characters should have nice things#i have no idea where this train of thought came from#i used to be too anxious to go too hard on likkng holic cause nobody cared and i worried i was being too cringe#at least in my sick person with no life era one of my big realisations was that that was dumb and i like it way more than i let on#cringe is dead and doumeki is not in my brain because i said so
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box-in-a-cage · 28 days
There is not virtue in getting scammed. There is not virtue in being a mark. You are not displaying your virtuous nature by giving money to someone who is lying to you via emotional appeals so that you will open your heart and bank account to that poor downtrodden Nigerian prince. All you are doing is showing fellow zealots that you are also utterly devoted to The Cause, and showing other ill-intenders that they too can get you to cough up money with the right words.
You are not obligated to #GetScammed4Palestine. Getting scammed is not activism. You are not bettering anyone's lives except for the ill-intending agents who want your money to do something secret and untoward.
You wanna help Palestinians? Donate to real, honest, accredited aid organizations and charities. Ones that did not have employees taking part in the atrocities on October 7th. If you're in the USA, campaign for Kamala Harris as a means of harm reduction toward Palestine. Giving your money to some random person who is in one of the twenty countries that GoFundMe operates in (NOT someone in Palestine!!!) does nothing but cost you money and GUARANTEE that your money does not reach Palestinians in need.
We have our issues with the phrase "virtue signaling," as it's often a condescending right-wing buzzword, but that's what this whole Gaza-scam Zeitgeist honestly is-- taking action first and foremost in furtherance of upholding our standing as a good activist. You feel obligated to circulate, to give to, false crowdfunding operations that empirically, evidently, cannot be for the cause you are supposedly contributing to. You feel that you will be ostracized by your peers if you question these fundraising asks you're getting in your inbox. You'll be a bad activist if you don't do everything you can to help Palestinians-- yes, including possibly sharing a few scams! Sharing just a few scams is a small price to pay for circulating what surely are mostly honest accounts of real need, right? After all, you really think someone would do that? Just go on GoFundMe and tell lies? It's never ever happened on Tumblr before.
Do not give your money to randoms on the internet. You do not know who they are. The people who supposedly "verify" these fundraisers are also random people you do not know. You know that the site they are using to crowdfund does not service people in Palestine. The only evidence you do have around this whole thing is evidence that these GoFundMe's are lying to get your money. Believe the evidence and stop giving in to (what seems to you as well-intended) peer pressure from your activist friends.
If anyone takes issue with you wanting to know where your money is going, then they are showing that they want you to be taken advantage of. They want you to listen blindly! Sight-unseen! Listen to your self-preservation instincts, take notice of the red flags in front of you, and prioritize your own well-being. Drop manipulative people from your life.
Your principles are being used against you for no benefit to Palestinians, and you are in a cult. You have to start taking care of yourselves and stop endlessly sacrificing yourselves for no real value in the name of a cause that you are not benefiting.
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deepmochi · 7 months
Lilith in the 4th house 💎
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Lilith in Cancer can also read it, or Lilith-moon aspects.
⚠️ Read: Mention of cheating, family dynamic and mothers!
What to learn: Emotions make you stronger, you are worthy of real love, and your family shouldn't define you.
What to avoid: Having victim mentality, blame others for your wrongdoings, and over nurturing tendencies with others.
Some celebrities: Alexa Demie, John Travolta, Donald Trump, Ozzy Osbourne, Shia Labeouf, Justin Bieber, Cameron Díaz, Brook Shields, Kristen Dunst, Margot Robbie, William Shakespeare (apparently) Cary Grant, Orlando Bloom, Jennifer Garner, and Jessica Alba.
🕯Issues with femininity and the idea of being a woman. In men, issues with being nurtured by a woman.
🕯Undeveloped Lilith attracts overprotective (toxic) people and manipulators.
🕯 They could cheat with people who are married just for the sake of feeling better (if bad aspected).
🕯 Other women admire or like them, but men like them more (male gaze).
🕯The mother could compete with them for certain reasons. These creates issues with female peers.
🕯 Can easily became a mother even thought they don't want it. Pregnancy scares could be a thing. Use protection please.
🕯They're very private about their roots and family. They will avoid posting pictures on their social networks.
🕯 Motherhood troubles them; they can come to a term if they do it willingly.
🕯 Mothers are sacred to them, but mother was also their worst nightmare. Mother was harsh and cold at times.
🕯 Emotions are not easy to read for them; sometimes, they might ignore them, creating chaos.
🕯 They prefer long-term relationships even if it is toxic. They might follow the family pattern. The must work on it.
🕯 Father was an absent figure; mother has both roles combined. They can imitate this too if bad aspected, especially men.
🕯Emotional manipulator: they can use people's feelings to their pleasure.
🕯 They use their body and feminine energy to lurk others in. "Why you feel like that?.... tell me"
🕯Undeveloped Lilith is the friend who cheats with you bf/crush and makes her innocent face..."I didn't knew you were together" (pd: she knew).
🕯 People can see them as innocent or someone who need protection.
🕯Disconnection with the body and their feminine energy, especially when something traumatic happens at home.
🕯Women has difficult relationships with mothers or mother figure during childhood. Mother was very demanding.
🕯Here, Lilith doesn't want to be consider only a "woman"; they want more than that.
🕯However, this Lilith can be highly sexualised due to their feminine energy. Men can use them as ego boost for the immature masculine energy.
🕯 Men with this placements can have big issues with their emotions. They may ignore their pain and feminine energy, producing cheating or violence outburst.
🕯Both (women and men) can be moody when they're "hurt", and use these emotions as weapons.
🕯The mother could have hurt them or used for her benefit. She may sold them metaphorically to society, or they didn't shield them when they need to.
🕯Prone to follow traumas from their childhood. If they denied their mother issues, they may repeat their pattern.
🕯 As a mother, they are afraid to be like their mother. It's highly possible that this native sees motherhood as complex. However, they are call to cut the ties with the past.
🕯 The best partner is someone who nuturues them, but this person is destructive for their home if wounded. So, they may run away from "commitment" or commit too quickly to toxic people.
🕯 Society pressures them to be a woman. To follow a certain path, they have to deal with the Madonna-whore complex.
🕯 When they are younger, they tend to be sexualized. When older, people "miss" their old self aka beauty. Here, the native must value herself in very stage. She isn't missing anything. She is worthy in every stage.
🕯 They were sexualised very young, unfortunately. Even use as profitable object, look at Justin Bieber, Brook Shield and Shia Labeouf. They were introduced very young to Hollywood.
🕯Deep down, many of them want the home and family they couldn't have. However, they must understand that marriage is more that a social contract. It's a healing process for them. Love goes a deep as they let it.
🕯 Some may have weird family dynamics, which lead to traumas.
🕯 They will very private with their families, partners and lovers. Overprotective tendencies.
🕯Like to follow traditional roles such as, marriage, couple titles (ex: bf or gf), or/ and traditional families. Also, they make like to damage them.
🕯 They can be seen as a perfect parent or as a lacking one. Society is the one that decides (is not always true).
🕯Prefer to live far away from their family. It's safer for them.
🕯 It's very protective of their love ones, especially younger children and sisters/brothers.
🕯Their home is a very private area. They save it from really close people.
🕯They prefer to have small wedding or doing something rather private. If Lilith is immature, they will be a show.
🕯 Bad aspected Lilith would like to take your bf or husband from the sake of feeling loved. They're wining him over you because "they're better than you".
🕯Home could have an abusive dynamic.
🕯Young girls and boys are prone to date older men/ women due to mommy / daddy issues. With time, they realize that nobody can heal them, only themselves will do it.
Take care, loves!
Note: just take what resonates.💚
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timecheck47 · 2 years
astrology observations 4 💐
if an aquarius moon is not afraid to act completely unhinged and voice out their weird thoughts around you, congrats, you won them over
contrary to popular belief, aries moons do not ever come across as aggressive or hot headed, like at all, rather very chill instead
aries in big three can lead to having really prominent and well shaped eyebrows, can be because of its color, shape or size
virgo mars can get real petty in arguments and often bring up every little thing you did that they deem as a “flaw” or “mistake” to invalidate whatever you’re saying
sagittarius in the big three can lead to travel being a big part of your life, when asked about your hobbies you may bring that up as your #1, may also travel more as you grow older
libra moons really do notice every single detail about your appearance, may not say anything out loud but oh are they thinking it in their head, have no issue ripping someone apart up in there
capricorn in the big three may have extra pressure placed on them from a young age to do things, the type to be scolded for not being hardworking when other people around them also aren’t
in addition to that, capricorn in the big three can lead to taking on leadership positions early on life compared to their peers and excelling at it
scorpio in the big three may have very alluring eyes matched with great eyebrows, intense glares, usually what people notice first about them is their upper face
aquarius in the big three almost always have had a fascination with aliens at one point or another in their life
your big three can also be found in your family’s chart, whether it be same sign or opposite
ex: moon conjunct moon, sun conjunct moon, & moon conjunct rising is the most common in what i’ve observed
you probably have a romantic soft spot for people whose placements fall in your 5th house
following the path of your mc really is where you find the most success
ex: selena gomez is a taurus mc and has had massive success in both her cooking show and beauty brand, rare beauty, both of which are taurus qualities (food, beauty)
capricorn risings and or people with saturn in the 1st house have impeccable bone structure
you spot the gemini rising in the room by looking at whoever is managing to talk to everybody at the same time about the most utmost random topic ever, either that or they’re talking to one person but their voice is so loud you overhear them anyway
virgo rising, especially in men, have facial features that are closer together, also looks as if their squinting or pondering something at all times
you probably find yourself approaching people who have placements that fall in your 10th house before anybody else, almost like you spot them first in the room and feel most comfortable in their energy
scorpio risings always have something going on with their life that makes you think wtf, sometimes in a good way but other times not so much, also have the craziest stories to tell
thank you for reading!
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bigfatbreak · 11 months
Out of curiosity, do you think Lila is a compulsive liar? It's something I've never really been able to decide on myself as someone who used to genuinely be a compulsive liar due to trauma/anxiety, and your one of the few writers I know in the fandom that shine a spotlight on lila in your story
The funny thing is, there's actually a huge debate in the psychological community as to whether or not compulsive and pathological lying should be put in the rulebooks as a condition, since its something that can't be diagnosed. The real debate here should be the "WHY" of the lie.
For many people who are defined as "compulsive" liars, whether self diagnosed or by peers, those compulsions some from a desperate, anxious motivation. They want relief from something, and want to escape a situation or a conversation, they're avoiding SOME SORT of confrontation by lying.
Under this definition, Marinette could be defined as a compulsive liar. She lies to hide her identity as Ladybug, and would lie in different, nonsensical ways about her crush on Adrien (to Adrien.) These lies aren't created with the person lying in mind to be elevated to a higher social standing, but to relieve that pressure - with a lie, Ladybug's identity is secured, and its a way to cope with her reality.
(This is doubly confirmed as a case of "coping" and not of self-importance in how guilty Marinette feels about her lies, and how she hates liars - it's a form of self-hatred as well, but that's another conversation.)
In Lila's case, all her lies don't come from a place of coping, but a place of narcissism. Now, her writing has been contradictory here and there, but the safe things to state as fact are that: She has to be in the spotlight, she has to be liked by the people around her and admired, and if those aspects are confronted, she lashes out or doubles down on the lie. This isn't an issue of delusion, either, where someone is so far gone from reality that they believe everything they're saying with an absolute truth. In her case, she KNOWS what she's saying is a lie, and is pretending to believe otherwise. I'll put it like this, Lila doesn't have a condition or underlying issue that makes it so she HAS to lie, she uses it for her own benefit, throwing the argument out the window. The why of the lie is that she's a little shit, and is super manipulative. Lying is just the way it presents. She could have the exact same personality and attitude, and use other tactics to manipulate others with the same result - but because she's a child, the easiest way to do so is by lying. In short, I think she lies compulsive-ly to garner attention, but isn't herself a compulsive liar. Its a tool of manipulation. If Lila was half as rich as Chloe, I'll bet she wouldn't lie. She would have other tactics to use via the power she would hold. It's just a tool, and its the only one she knows how to use.
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pastelpinkkadan · 4 months
My most blunt, controversial ACOTAR opinions. Nothing is safe, nothing is sacred. Mind the tags for your own peace of mind please.
P.S.: Absolutely not directed at any other blog/person specifically. Just general fandom/shippers.
Gwyn is not that important of a character. She is a secondary character whose main purpose in the story was to be Nesta’s friend. She has no connection to any overarching plot. She could literally never be seen again in the books and all the main plot points would still work.
People have inflated Gwyn’s character and importance solely because they ship her with Azriel. And they ship her with Azriel because 1. She is the only other single female character (besides Elain) that he has interacted with. 2. Gwyn is enough of a blank slate for people to project/self insert themselves into and thereby romance themselves with Azriel 3. Gwyn has only been shown in a positive light, with only positive personality traits (good friend and can wield a sword) so there’s no REAL controversy on her character/personality. Because there’s not enough to actually have any controversy.
If Gwyn was actually that important, Emerie would also be as important, if not more so. But 90% of time Emerie is forgotten by the fandom. Even to the point that the theory of an Illyrian plot is somehow given to Az and Gwyn, rather than Emerie. The two people that, arguably, have the least skin in the game concerning that theory. And the reason Emerie is this pushed out of her own potential story line is because she isn’t shipped with Azriel or another Fae male.
If there was no Bonus Chapter Gw*nriel would not exist. Or at the VERY least, it would be acknowledged as the crackship that it is. Because outside of the BC, there is nothing in the main ACOSF to accurately ship them to the degree that the fandom does. Elriel, however, still has several books where canon scenes have taken place. The BC is absolutely not needed to show that Elriel have feelings for each other, we already knew.
“Well Elain gave by TruthTeller, so Elriel isn’t end game!” Is one of the stupidest reaches I’ve seen. TruthTeller was always, OBVIOUSLY, meant to be something lent to Elain for the war. It wasn’t a permanent gift, and Az didn’t say it was. He said he wouldn’t use it TODAY, implying he would expect to use it again in the future. Imagine -
“Well Gwyn gave back the books Nesta recommended to her, so they obviously aren’t friends.”
Thats what y’all sound like. It’s just purposely misinterpreting things in a scene that obviously aren’t there for the sake of your ship. It’s disingenuous and not at all the win you think it is.
You cannot call Azriel an incel/fuck boy for Elain and then ship him with Gwyn in the same breath. If he’s all those things with Elain, he’ll be the same for Gwyn. She is not magically going to make him “better” or a gentleman. Actually, he’s already a gentleman. He just didn’t have sexual thoughts about Gwyn and y’all can’t stand it.
Same vein, but if Azriel had had those sexual thoughts in the BC about anyone else besides Elain there would have been no issue/debate.
If a Gw*nriel book did somehow happen, it would 1000% be for fan service/peer pressure. No previous books have set it up, even the main story in ACOSF. Elriel has been setting up since book 2. It makes sense. Anyone who says it doesn’t just doesn’t want it to happen, mostly because they don’t like Elain. And that’s also mostly because they can’t see themselves in Elain, so they lash out.
Saying Elriels are delusional is the wildest thing, because Elriels have the most canon scenes spread throughout the books, Elain and Azriel have interacted with each other positively the most and the longest, and they are the only potential couple that actually bluntly like each other. They exist outside of misinterpreted bonus chapters and “what if” theories with no real backing.
Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, part of the Elain hate IS misogyny. The amount of hate this character receives, compared to what she has actually done in the series, is entirely undeserving. She has received the same level of hate, if not more, than Tamlin, any of the ACOTAR villains, and Nesta, who is still a very controversial character. And for what? Liking Azriel, and not wielding a sword while doing it, apparently.
Elain liking flowers does not determine who she’ll end up with. For fucks sake we didn’t know Nesta liked to read smut or was great dancer until her book. And neither of those things determined her partner. It’s just what she likes. Same with Elain.
The idea that Nesta will leave Cassian and make her own court is stupid.
Being anti-ACOSF but Pro-Nesta is a streeeeeetch, because all of Nesta’s actual good character development came from ACOSF. Like, did you like that she was angry and unhealed before? Because that’s where she would still be without all that happened in ACOSF.
People don’t understand the intervention that HAD to happen with Nesta in ACOSF. And I would even venture to say that most people against it have never HAD to have a real intervention with someone to that level. The level of, go to rehab/therapy or you are not allowed to be in my house/take up my resources. Because you will not get better on your own, you will only hurt yourself or others and I won’t enable you anymore. It’s a difficult decision that but often it is NECESSARY. Speaking as someone with several addict family members.
All the theories about an El*cien plot line are completely focused on Lucien, and ignore everything built up with Elain. It’s always about Lucien figuring out his heritage, becoming some High Lord of one of the courts, or something with the Band of Exiles. Elain doesn’t have to be involved for any of that to happen. She’s pushed to the side in her own romantic story line. Nothing about her Seer powers, or the fact that she’s apparently been gaining spy abilities, or her place at the Night Court.
Lucien fans make me hate Lucien more than Lucien ever could.
The poor Lulu mindset can die.
While we’re at it, the theory that Elain likes Lucien so much that she avoids him is also stupid. That makes no sense. She loses her boldness around. She got better WHEN HE LEFT. All of Elain’s most powerful moments are when Lucien isn’t around. And that says something.
People cling to 1st book Lucien so much, but he has not been that way SINCE book 1.
Tamlin already got a redemption arc when he brought Rhys back to life. He doesn’t need another one, and he certainly doesn’t need a full book.
The Tamlin/Elain ship is stupid and only benefits Tamlin, not Elain. Once again placing Elain to the side of her own romance, much like El*cien.
If you hate everyone in the IC, you don’t actually like ACOTAR. They’re the majority of the books, including half of ACOSF. And it’s actually really stupid to hate the IC and still pretend you’re an ACOTAR fan. Because, again, the IC is the MAJORITY of ACOTAR. Please read something you actually like.
If you hate the entire main story and main characters of ACOTAR, but like one or two characters, you don’t like ACOTAR. You see yourself in a character, and want the story to reflect what YOU want to happen to that character (ie, yourself), and can’t handle that it didn’t. You don’t actually like the ACOTAR series. Again, maybe it’s time to read something else.
3 Acherons x 3 Bat Boys isn’t cliche. It’s a pattern. It’s a literary motif. It’s a theme. It is a pattern that SJM has naturally set up, the fact that you can see and assume that Elriel would be apart of that just means you can recognize basic literary devices in a fantasy novel. Which is the POINT.
I have no intention of debating anything. I’m just stating my opinions on my blog, like everyone else gets to do. So take that as you will.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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legobiwan · 2 months
I want to spend a moment talking about Ford's relationship with alcohol and how it ties back to both his social isolation and relationship with Bill. Warning, there's no real thesis to this post, but I do want to explore the concrete tidbits we get in so-called 'canon.'
Before Ford meets Bill, it's more or less stated that Ford doesn't really drink - maybe on occasion (high school/college shenanigans and such) and in small amounts, but never to excess. To do so would be to lose control of both his intellect and actions, and we all know Ford loves to try and exert control over his environment.
And then Bill comes around with this proposition:
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"How about I mix you a drink to make it up to you? It's called the 'Myoclonic Jerk' and it can get you loaded in your sleep. Salvador Dali loved 'em!" "I was flattered but politely declined - I'm not much of a drinker."
Well, we know how that turned out.
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Long-standing crush/obsession peer pressures you into drinking and you give in, finally able to slough off your many, many inhibitions for a delightful evening of...well, we're not exactly sure what happened but we're kind of sure via insinuation. (And let's be honest. The man did build a literal shrine to Bill, a point which I feel we're ignoring in the whole Bill-crying-over-his beer-because-he-got-dumped fiasco).
Anyway, Bill feels awkward. Ford feels awkward. They get cosmically smashed and then whatever happens, happens, but there's no reason this is considered a negative event considering Ford's escalating shrine and Bill's consistent fixation.
Fast-forward to the Krampus incident.
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"He asked if I was finally coming around on holidays, or if this was just to keep the Krampus from coming back. I told him it was time to drink nog until we couldn't remember what a Krampus was."
I don't think Ford's referring to virgin egg nog here.
This is fascinating shift for a man who claims he doesn't really drink not all that long ago. There has to have been enough positive reinforcement for Ford to default to suggesting getting blackout drunk again for him to even bring this up. (The last time ended up with him and Bill doing something...good - he thinks. Ford doesn't want to consider the Krampus and how he insinuated that Ford was a callous, lonely man who cared for no one by not offering 'holiday cheer' to others. He might even feel that his natural anxiety and 'oddness' dissipate when he's drunk - a common enough rationalization for people with social anxiety/issues finding a social home. Hell, it might even be a fragment of what could be attraction to Fiddleford that he's working through the same unhealthy way Bill did with him).
This isn't the last time Ford gets plastered in canon.
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"I was so excited that we [Ford and Jheselbraum] spent the entire night partying and drinking Cosmic Sand - the very same kind Time Baby himself consumes. When I awoke the next morning, she was gone and I was in another dimension entirely."
Again, I don't think Cosmic Sand is a Dasani bottle in this universe. Ford waking up in a whole new dimension with no idea how he got there is more than enough evidence, not to mention the fact the Oracle used to run with Bill's gang of Henchmaniacs and Ford himself outwardly states that they (him and Jheselbraum) 'party,' which is amazing for a man who was so socially tortured for so long. (But there is something to be said for being a freak in a situation where you know you'll be a freak. For example, living abroad in a country you have no chance of fitting in due to the way you look. You accept that you're going to be perceived as weird and that takes a certain amount of pressure off you, although it doesn't really help if and when you go back home. I have the feeling Ford experienced something similar on the other side of the Portal, and aside from not being able to kill Bill, it may have contributed to some of his bitterness upon coming back to Gravity Falls. Because at the end of the day, you can't run from yourself, and Ford had been running for a long, long time).
Funny enough, this habit doesn't seem to cease even after Ford comes back through the Portal, the most notable moment being after Stan and Ford are captured by Bill while the kids run off on a - as Ford so aptly puts - 'suicide mission.'
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I would bet good, legal currency that this isn't water. Why even include it in the animation - in a set of episodes that were already constrained in terms of time and plot - without good reason? The fact that he passes his canteen to Stan afterwards is telling.
They're bracing themselves.
Now, why Ford had this on him before the surprise Weirdmaggedon (and that has to be when he equipped it, as he was in captivity throughout the rest of the timeline up to the point where the Shacktron and Stan/Mabel/Dipper freed the Gravity Falls citizens) - well, that's anyone's guess.
Addiction? Wanting to feel something the way he did so many years ago? Trying to bury a fuckton of emotional issues, including the nature of his relationships with Bill and Fiddleford? (He is a child of 1960s New Jersey, and that is bound to fuck you up). Too much time spent hanging around Rick Sanchez in the multiverse? (Not out of the realm of possibility).
I've seen a few fanfics touch on this topic and I don't think it's that much of a stretch to consider that Ford - for many, many reasons - may have developed an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, not solely, but at least partially due to Bill's initial influence and that first true influenced moment possibly resulting in a scenario where Ford would be able to drop so many of his barriers and, for once, (in his mind), be a human who is worthy of acceptance without needing to prove and justify his existence through achievement and accolades.
Anyway, this would be great fodder for Stan O'War II content, especially considering the massive guilt complex/hair shirt Ford dons after the whole Weirdmageddon event.
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dhampling · 8 months
I've had this idea in my head ever since I first played as a Dragonborn or Tiefling in BG3, and I have no idea why it isn't discussed more. But what if a Tiefling! (Or Dragonborn, whichever you prefer) Tav shows affection by coiling their tail around their s/o? Like they're close by and are just overwhlemed with love and adoration, and their tail just kinda wraps around their lovers leg? Or wrist or anywhere they can reach! Like Tav is hugging Astarion and then without really realizing it, their tail coils around him as well? Idk, I just think the concept is super sweet/cute. I would love to see this as a small story, or even just head cannons if you want to explore the idea as well. No pressure, obviously, ignore it if you wish to ❤️ hope you're doing well!
a tail of... insert pun here! tavs with TAILS. tails with tav. tav tails with dal.
hello sweetling! can i start by saying that i loved this - genuinely, absolutely loved this. i started by writing HCs and got a bit carried away, so i hope you enjoy the little bit of both here! thank you for giving me something different - this is absolutely not something i'd have thought of and i had SO MUCH FUN. a/n: species isn't mentioned, and I've tried to keep it as generic as possible so it could be applicable for tiefs or dragonborn tavs!
As far back as you can recall you’ve been particularly expressive
It’s not something that you’ve ever seen as an issue, beyond the occasional mishap you can laugh over with any tail-whipped parties later
Frantic little licks of excitement when playing with your peers as a youngling come to mind as an immediate example
Running amok and jumping with the widest of smiles as your tail oscillates behind you
Your family chiding you playfully whilst rubbing their stinging ankles after a particularly jovial day in your presence
Your parents holding you whilst you were still small enough to be held
Your tail bony and light, and yet tightly winding around their forearms as you rested on their torso like a twisting vine
A sign of comfort, safety
A sign that hasn’t lost any significance as you’ve aged
Many a time you’ve run into an old friend and accidentally lashed them in sheer glee, loosely wrapping your tail to whichever limb you can to keep them close as you agree to wander the local bustling market together
And so when you begin to bond with your fellow escapists as you search for a cure for your unfortunate parasite problem, it’s inevitable
It doesn’t even cross your mind
Not until the day where everything just went right 
For the first time since your abduction you’ve emerged your battles all victorious, casualties kept to a minimum, and with enough variety in supplies to have a proper meal 
Spirits are high, wine is flowing; and your party has a real energy of optimism
Your tail flitters back and forth like a moth to a flame as your take to your feet and search for the one who has captured your attention
fool's errand;
It takes Astarion a little aback when the wine steers you towards him.
A few weeks in each others’ presence, sure. A night or two; possibly three, maybe even four at this point, of mutual enjoyment under the stars. Frequent back and forth exchanges while on the road, bantering like old friends. You give him your neck, he offers you moral support.
But on a night where the joy is positively spilling from every cup in camp, you step to him?
He’s unsure whether to be flattered or cautious.
If you’re to end your arrangement, surely tonight - where the conversation is so effusive, so effortless across your party - would be the optimal time to do so. Laugh it away as a lapse in judgement between ‘old friends’, as you often joke, and drift from him to a more viable prospect as the coming days pass. Leave him as the least amicable in camp once more. He’d understand.
Not that he’d like it.
But he’d understand.
Or, he’d try to. He might be a little upset if Lae’zel wins Lady Congeniality over him, but it’s not the end of the world.
He’d have to hope the group still would still want to keep him around of course. Be a little nicer to Gale. Offer to help Karlach carry your packs between camps. 
What is he offering you if not his nimble fingers? Maybe he went too hard on gunning for you. Or not hard enough, perhaps?
You quirk a brow as you snap your fingers in his face, wine sloshing gently in your other hand.
Clearly his face is now showing his displeasure.
“You ok? Hello?”
“Oh! Yes, my sweet. Lost in thought.” 
He waggles his fingers and lifts his goblet to toast alongside yours. To new friends.
“I must say - you being lost in thought is entirely unusual. Still wondering about the left handed tongs Gale sent you searching for earlier?” You laugh warmly. He scowls.
“I don’t eat! I haven’t eaten for two hundred years. What use would I have for tongs in a dungeon, darling?’
He sips.
‘A fool’s errand in very poor taste, if you ask me.”
You still. He pauses.
He’s feeling sour, and he’s ruined it for you. Sapped the joy from your evening. Gods.
He wracks his brain for ways he can come back into favour. 
Suggest other things he’d like to taste in order to clear his palate. He hasn’t eaten in two hundred years, and he’s absolutely famished. Whet your appetite a little. Win you back round.
“I can hear your brain whirring, you know.” You whisper, leaning close.
He freezes. Can you see it? Through the tadpole? His horrid scheming?
And you do the most unexpected thing.
Your arms come around his torso to envelop him in a tight hug.
You aren’t fervently clutching at his waist, running fevered hands over his abdomen or pulling yourself close just to feel his body against yours.
It’s soft. Clandestine almost. He doesn’t know how to react. 
“I do so adore you, you know? You make this sordid little adventure a little more enjoyable each day.’ 
You hum. Your head falls to his chest, your tail wrapping around his leg steadily.
‘You can talk to me about these things if you want to. If you figure out what you want to say. I’m here.”
He wouldn’t have anticipated a single one of your actions in the face of his sullen behaviour this evening.
Yet the one that touches him most is the tail now secure around his leg. 
A reminder of every tired day you flit joyously against him as you trek together, the curiosity and jubilee when he powers through a wholly trapped room with nothing but a single tool and a flourish - for good measure, of course.
Your little happy whips as you stumble on dire-needed pouches of gold alongside him. His lockpicking skill that you find oh-so enthralling, providing for the party in making use of his talent.
And every once in a while when you’re aside him, the way this happens.
A moment that reminds him of the beauty within bodies past their use for sexuality. How genuinely happy those little mindless touches make him. How his undead heart could maybe be cajoled into beating again over this one.
He coughs. Smiles. Brings his arms around you, though delayed.
Head resting atop yours. 
“You’re full of surprises aren’t you, treasure?”
Your tail flits against his leg in a happy shiver.
“Naturally, darling.”
You imitate him in a way that makes you both laugh like fools. Toast once again.
"To us."
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being-addie · 6 months
Let's talk about friendships.
Company matters. If your friends are out smoking during work, bunking classes and partying, you will either
a) break under peer pressure and follow them
b) be miserable if that isn't the lifestyle you want
I want to say I've never been in that situation, but I was. This is why I can empathize with you, and tell you that you need to leave friendships like these ASAP.
My "friends" did not respect me. Because I let them. They would talk over me, make plans without me, leave me behind at gatherings, had absolutely NO boundaries. It took me a painful experience to wake the fuck up and leave them.
In my room, I cried. I screamed. I raged about how unfair all of this was. But the issue wasn't them it was me. I was the one who didn't set the boundaries. I was the one who let them disrespect me over and over. The moment you do not stand up for yourself, it's over. Its hunting season, and people will tear you to shreds.
It took me a while to heal, but when I did end up making new, better friends, I realised the vast difference between my friend groups. When I was with my old friends, I was constantly stressed, I had incomplete assignments, I would go out all the time, and I'll be honest I was really bitchy. With my new friends, my god how things changed. New study habits, healthier choices, laughter, love.
I didn't realise how long I hadn't been myself. The people who you surround yourself with have a huge effect on you and your life. And trust me when I say if you feel the need to hide parts of yourself and fake shit to be around them, you will NEVER be happy around them. True friendship flourishes around authenticity and confidence.
Company matters. Know who your real friends are.
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fr3sh-tragedies · 30 days
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[Inside Out 2] Valentina [Val] Ortiz x Female Reader
Summary: General and romantic headcanons for Val with a female S/O.
Word Count: 1.87k Content + Warnings: None Category: Fluff + Slight Angst || Headcanons + Drabble
[A/N]: Not sure if I'm going to write consistently for her since she got so little screentime and we know very little about her, but I did want to at least share headcanons and a small drabble.
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Generally laid back and extremely kind-hearted, Val is usually the one her friends rely on for advice, comfort, and support
She has a cool temper, and it’s hard to get her genuinely worked up over something
She trusts most people easily because they trust her easily
She has a very open personality and welcoming nature, so it’s not hard for people to let their guard down around her once they’ve known her for a short while
On top of being trusting towards other people, she’s also trustworthy herself
Any secrets or issues someone decides to share with her stay with her. They don’t leave her and make it to anyone else unless said person explicitly says it’s okay to share what they’ve said
Val is an extremely patient person, especially when it comes to her friends and family
She tends to keep an open mind about everything and never shames others for the things they enjoy, so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else
In regards to those she’s close to, she can be very teasing and often jokes around about the smallest things
Because of how much she trains and competitively plays hockey, I have no doubt that she’s got a bit of muscle
She’s definitely lean, but I’m sure in real life she’d have a decent amount of muscle, especially in her arms and legs
Aside from hockey, I can see her having other aspirations and hobbies
While exercising, she’d probably like to listen to music, specifically old bands she used to like listening to in middle school and the beginning of high school
This interest in old music was sparked to life again after meeting Riley and talking about “Get Up and Glow”
On top of this, I can see her listening to podcasts while studying, especially ones that revolve around her interests – mainly hockey
I also like to think she enjoys video games, even if she’s not the one playing them
There isn’t a specific category of games that she prefers. She enjoys them all
We saw it in the movie: this girl is extremely friendly with others
She likes making sure others feel secure around her, and her Wiki page literally says one of her main dislikes is peer pressure, so she makes an effort to be accepting of almost everyone
It deeply concerns her when she takes notice of people not taking care of themself, so she’s quick to offer any help she can
She’s extroverted, and often encourages other people to try stepping out of their comfort zone when it’s necessary
She’s a kind, confident, caring person who just wants to see the best in others, though she isn’t one to shy away from standing up for other people or herself
Love language (receiving) would absolutely be quality time, and likely words of affirmation as well
Love language (giving) would be a mix between three: quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch
She enjoys getting to spend time with you whenever she can. Whether you’re joining her team during one of their hangouts or not, she wants to be with you
Her favorite thing is seeing you smile or fully brighten up the room when she compliments or encourages you somehow, so she makes sure to do it often
She’s not touch-starved, but does enjoy physical contact and affection, which is clear throughout the movie as she does things such as draping her arm around someone, standing shoulder to shoulder, and bumping people with her shoulders and hands
If you’re someone who loves physical affection, you don’t necessarily have to ask for her to provide it
She can read you like a book, so she’s almost always able to tell when you’re wanting her near you
Need a hug? She’s there
Want to cuddle? Her arms are pulling you to her in an instant
Craving a kiss? She’s leaning in regardless of where you are or who’s around
Even if you aren’t directly asking for her touch, it’ll be there. During hangouts – or even out in the hallways – she’ll have her arm draped around your shoulders or waist, or have her hand resting on the small of your back
If you’re someone who prefers to have your own space most of the time, she’ll respect it 100%, only stepping over that occasionally if she’s genuinely worried something’s wrong. She’ll hold you close to her and try to get you to talk to her about whatever is troubling you, then she’ll let you go once you calm down
She’ll still stay near you, but she’ll give you your space again
If you have a hard time initiating or expressing your want for some kind of touch, she’ll simply ask you or encourage you to either explain what you’re wanting or show her, assuring you that she won’t judge you for it
I can’t decide whether or not she’d have any proper relationship experience considering how devoted she is to hockey, as well as the fact she’s only 17-18, but from how she treats others throughout the film, I think she would be a great partner. She’s shown to be kind, empathetic, and patient with others, and she doesn’t shy away from standing up for people
Gifts from her aren’t necessarily common, but they aren’t rare either. She’ll take her time when picking out a gift for you, wanting it to be meaningful and special
She thanks you plenty of times if you give her a gift because she wants you to know that she truly does appreciate it, even if it’s something small
Arguments aren’t very common with her due to her open-minded nature, but even when they happen, they aren’t harsh and often they’re not over something serious. I can see her having playful arguments with you more than anything, solely because of her more laid back attitude
However, she isn’t one to hesitate to put her foot down if things get aggressive. She’ll defuse the situation or step away from it until you’re both able to think with a clear mind. Her moral and core beliefs are strong, so even while she tends to be open-minded with others, there are certain times where she won’t put up with it
She’s often the one who cheers people up. Because of her protective and caring nature, she often stands as an emotional pillar for others and will happily help them through whatever is troubling them
There’s no exception for this with her partner. She’ll often check in on you, even if you’re having a good day, and will consistently give words of encouragement to help boost your confidence
Regardless of what’s going on in her own life, she’ll always be a shoulder to lean on if you need it
Dates are a weekly thing at the very least. She adores getting to spend time alone with you, and dates are the easiest way to do so
While most of the time she’ll invite you over to stay the night and do simple things such as watching a movie or ranting about whatever comes to mind, other times she’ll take you out to restaurants, arcades, carnivals, libraries, cafes, or anything that she thinks you’d enjoy
Now, during most instances, she isn’t one to show off. She enjoys impressing you, but she often gets too absorbed in what she enjoys to think about showing off – namely hockey
There are times here and there, however, where she might do something slightly flashy during practices, even though she earns teasing from her teammates about it. She always shrugs them off with a smile, though. She knows they like you and mean well
Overall, she’s a patient, kind, and understanding partner, and she’ll do everything she can to make sure you know just how much she loves and cherishes you
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Like she did just about every weekend, Val had invited you over to stay the night, and just like you did every weekend, you said yes. You had arrived at her house a few hours prior and were now sitting with her on her bed, rambling on and on about one of your latest obsessions. You hadn’t realized that you weren’t really letting her get a word in, but she didn’t mind. She always enjoyed listening to you talking so passionately about the things you enjoyed, and just looking in her direction confirmed that.
As you waved your hands around with each word, you failed to take notice of how she moved to lie down beside you, head resting in her hand. Soon, after recalling all you had said, you paused and let out a small, sheepish “oh.” You turned to her, ready to apologize for your endless blabbering about your interest. You froze, however, upon seeing the way pure love, care, and admiration filled her eyes as she gazed up at you, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Shyly, you smiled. “Sorry,” you still managed to blurt out. She shook her head and waved your small apology off. “No, don’t be,” she replied just as softly. “I love hearing you talk. Plus, you always have this beautiful little smile when you’re talking about things you like.”
Face reddening with her words, you scratched lightly at the back of your neck. “Are you sure you don’t mind? I don’t want to annoy you.” She rolled her eyes with a smirk. “You could never annoy me.”
Wordlessly, she patted the spot in front of her, inviting you to lie down as well. You did so and gazed over at her for a while. “So what happened next?” She asked, already settling back against her pillows to relax as she listened to you. Gleefully, you started up again on your rambling, excitedly explaining the things you liked and disliked as she stayed there, studying every little crease in your features as you smiled and laughed and talked.
Regardless of how long you continued to talk, there was no doubt that she was hanging on to every word. She chimed in here and there to solidify the fact she was following along, asking genuine questions and keeping notes of how you reacted to certain details.
As you finally ran out of the things to talk about, you fell silent, expecting to see her asleep beside you. When you turned and rolled back onto your side, you instead found her staring softly back over at you, that small smile gracing her lips never faltering. You grinned back, taking note of how her pupils were blown with love as she focused entirely on you. For her, you were the only thing she cared about in that moment.
She adored the sight of you in front of her.
She adored the feeling of you when she reached out to pull you into her chest.
She adored the almost intoxicating scent that greeted her when your body met hers.
She adored hearing you murmur a few smaller details you had forgotten to mention.
She adored the way your fingers traced out random patterns against her back.
She adored the way you were always there for her, how you never judged her once, how you gave her all your love and trust. She adored you, and only you.
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brenhotapplepies · 4 months
Seen some stuff about Astrid being problematic in the same breath as praising Essek. I know media literacy is tough, but let’s examine.
How is Astrid problematic and Essek isn’t? They both are manipulative when it’s called for. Both are capable of lying, killing, and other untold horrors. Both are incredibly powerful.
One has had a lonely by choice and privileged life as the weird but useful son of the head of a Den.
One has had their identity stripped from them in a way that combines the worst of cults and the military. Tortured, experimented on, changed in ways we don’t even know the extent of.
One has had the pressure of his Den, his mother, his father, his brother, his whole community pressing on him his whole life. He stepped up into the air and took the weight as if it was effortless. He focused his life on study because it was the only thing that gave him worth in this society and it was genuinely what he enjoyed, whatever enjoyment was for him then. He had access to materials, books, almost anything.
One has had the pressure of her community, her background, in her face as she tried to beat the odds. The expectations for her were nothing, but she said fuck that. She studied with nothing, clawed her way into the venerated halls of higher magic learning. She does everything for the Empire, for Trent. She wants success for herself, because that is what gets her approval, keeps her safe.
One is in a position of power in his society. He has the ability to pull strings. He doesn’t think about how his actions impact his community or really anything besides himself. Sure maybe he wants to find something to impair the religion in the region, but it feels like even that starts out as a quest to prove himself right. His life is largely his own, despite the derision of some.
One is continuously tortured, tested, forced to PROVE herself. Cut her hair, stomp out any resistance to her mentor through any means necessary. Find some solace in their two peers. Made to kill their family to prove themselves based on a lie. She is conditioned to fight because who else will protect her country in the dirty, dark ways she has to? She is trying to salvage her sacrifices into a purpose. Bren is one of those sacrifices.
One kills indiscriminately if they get in his way. The man the Nein dropped off at the peace talks? I still remember how sad it was as he tried to piece together his broken mind, a mind Essek broke to save himself.
One kills for their country. Follows orders, kills when they find it necessary to protect those who cannot protect themselves. This is what she believes.
One GAVE AWAY a powerful religious artifact to HIS PEOPLE’S ENEMY. The intent was purely selfish curiosity.
One helped protect and study that artifact to PROTECT her country. The intent is curiosity to assist in her job, protect her country.
One finds the strength to allow himself to be loved and have friends after years of solitude. Because he just never was so fully loved. He finds the strength to let the ultimate time travel power and the knowledge that he was right go. To become comfortable with time he has left.
One finds the strength to listen to one of the only real, genuine relationships she’s ever had. Her first love. A reminder of her younger, hopeful self. She changes. She realizes the lies she’s allowed herself to believe. She finds the strength to not kill her torturer just to kill him. She finds the strength to testify. To promise that no other kids will suffer. Justice. To become comfortable with the time she has left.
One is a he.
One is a she/they.
I wonder what the issue is.
These characters are two sides of the same coin. They are both INCREDIBLY WELL THOUGHT OUT characters. They are more than just paramours of Caleb Widogast.
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maykitz · 4 months
i think it's fine to talk about social pressure to drink alcohol and whatever but at the same time (and i know it's impossible to phrase this without sounding like a cunt) it is an issue of being weak willed. the majority of the time the pressure is extremely low level- potential disapproval from randos. well, big deal. ime it hardly even begets real disapproval because other people don't actually care enough to disapprove. i never drink alcohol because i know i'm a personality type that loves to become alcoholics and it has never required more than a decided "no thanks." i often get the impression insecure people in the orbit then feel emboldened to also reject it seeing as i didn't get executed by firing squad. but the thing is, even if you're on your own, other people aren't your guardians and the world is full of enticing choices and if primarily self-inflicted baby tier peer pressure is already hard for you that spells disaster. if you find it hard to turn down social drinking you're among ඞ the lowest hanging fruit to take advantage of. i'm not saying this to be mean; without personal responsibility and a dgaf mentality you will go under. tldr: grow a pair
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