#people;; these two's personalities actually go together so well
freesia-writes · 2 days
Pets4Vets: Jesse (2/4)
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Chapter 2 of 4 Word Count: 3.2k Jesse x Fem Reader previous chapter here
Jesse’s leg jiggled incessantly in his flimsy plastic chair in the reception area. He fidgeted with his fingers for a bit, then sat back, crossing them across his chest and lifting his chin. You swung open the door, datapad in hand, and scanned the empty room, stifling a grin at the fact that he nearly took up the entire corner. He was indeed “a big boy”, and his thin t-shirt made no attempt to conceal that fact. The giant Republic cog tattooed across his face and head was quite the statement, too. Resuming your businesslike manner, you invited him to follow you.
His eyes roved around your office as the door closed behind the two of you, the large window that made up the upper half allowing you to see people passing by outside. You felt a flicker of self-consciousness that surprised you as the faintest of smiles ghosted across his face at the sight of the many knick-knacks, memorabilia, and images that filled your walls. Past and present animals, with and without their owners, were peppered between what seemed like everything you had ever loved. But why should you care what some random trooper thought? You cleared your throat. 
“So… You’re looking for a large dog ‘or something equally badass’?” you asked, reading off your datapad. 
“Yeah,” he said, simultaneously proud yet a little unsure at his answer now that he heard it read back to him. “I just thought it’d be… nice. I’ve heard good stuff. Brothers seem to like their pets.”
“Many of them do, yes,” you agreed. 
“At least the ones that can’t land a girl,” he scoffed, laughing and nodding at you as though you’d wholeheartedly agree. You didn’t, and stared at him for a moment before deciding to let that one go. 
“The process might sound extensive, but the animals actually have a lot of nuance and personality, so we like to get to know our clients as well as possible so that we can find the best fit.”
“Ugh. You and the matchmaking people,” he blurted, pressing his lips together immediately. You realized he hadn’t meant to let that slip. Now you were torn about calling him out on it or not. Maybe feel him out a bit more first. 
“Yes, it is essentially matchmaking,” you grinned. “Many of these animals will be with you for a good portion of your life, so they do become a beloved partner in a way. Just don’t have sex with them.”
He guffawed so loudly he clapped his hand over his mouth, eyes large at the unrefined sound he’d just made. You couldn’t resist a chuckle at that one yourself. You did have a bawdy sense of humor at times, but it wasn’t always received well, so his laughter was a bit gratifying. 
“Just need to be clear on everything from the start,” you continued. He was trying and failing to arrange his features into the confident mask he’d worn through the door. You were surprised to find it endearing. But no time for that. “So… tell me about yourself. Your lifestyle. Your personality. Your priorities.”
“Kriff, that’s a lot. I mean… I was a soldier, obviously. Did a lot of wild and awesome things,” he grinned. Ah, back in his element. “Basically saved the galaxy. You know. You can show your gratitude in a variety of ways if you feel so inclined.” He ran a head over his bald head, leaning back to manspread a bit more on the other side of your desk. 
You didn’t know what to say, but apparently your face said it all.
“Anyway…” He coughed, then continued. “Now I’m apparently just a regular old person with a job and an apartment and a whole exciting life ahead of me…” A flicker of something crossed his face; you weren’t sure what it was, but you were suddenly quite intrigued. He moved on quickly, however. “So nowadays I work as a personal trainer at Dwight Schrute’s Gym for Muscles. Mostly afternoon and evening shifts. Cause I like to sleep in… After long nights, you know? Ahah.”
“I bet,” you murmured, swiping on the datapad screen. 
“I can tell you’re impressed,” he chuckled. You stared at him for a moment, unable to tell if he were being serious or not. “It’s okay, it happens to everyone.” Gods above, he was being serious. 
“I am… quite stunned,” you said, meaning every word. 
“Well don’t worry, I’ll pick you up if you faint.” 
“Mm. Thanks.”
“Nothing any hero wouldn’t do.”
“What about you? What’s your story?”
You looked up, taken off guard. Why would anyone be asking about your side of things? You were suspicious. “Nothing too exciting. I work here. Annnnd that’s about it. So you’d say you’re pretty active… Are you able to get outdoors a lot? If a pet needed a decent amount of exercise? Considering your sleep schedule, a crepuscular animal might be a good fit.”
“No crabs, lady,” he said, shaking his head and putting both hands in the air. “I’ve avoided those all my life and I’m not about to start now.” 
“Crabs?” you echoed, confused for a moment before it dawned on you. “Oh… Not crustaceous,” you clarified, biting back a giggle. “Crepuscular means animals that are most active in the twilight hours, so dawn or dusk. I suppose you’re not up early, but you mentioned a roommate? If they were able to give it a little attention in the early hours, you’d be on evening duty.”
“Alright,” he nodded, toning it down a bit. “I thought Massiffs were daytime animals though.” 
“They are. I don’t think that would be the best fit for you, though.”
He looked affronted, “You think you know me already?” A flash of a grin, both cocky and insecure.
“No,” you smiled. “But I know our animals, and I’ve gotten pretty good at reading vibes.” 
“Vibes?” he echoed, making no attempt to hide the condescension in his voice. 
“Energy, personality, whatever you want to call it. I’m good at pairing.”
“Ah, so you must have an amazing boyfriend then, eh?” he jabbed, unaware of the territory he was wandering into. The sharp look on your face gave him some clue, though, so he tried to correct. “Er, girlfriend? A theydey or gentlethem?” Then he gasped, forcing a conspiratorial look onto his face. “Is it even human?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the absolute ridiculousness. Where did he get the audacity? He was probably expecting you to be overwhelmed or impressed or have some kind of diminutive response. But that wasn’t quite what you were feeling at the moment. 
“Actually,” you said, imitating his tone, “it’s a rancor.”
Now it was his turn to laugh, only this time it was authentic delight and surprise instead of the cocky little “ahah”s you’d been getting so far. You were grinning without meaning to, momentarily pleased by the awe on his face. “Alright, alright,” he chuckled, wagging a finger at you. “So you like it freaky.”
“I actually haven’t been on a decent date in over a year now,” you deadpanned, relishing the shock that replaced his swagger. He legitimately didn’t know what to do with that, and that felt wildly satisfying. “Anyway, that’s all I really need for today. The receptionist will book your next appointment on your way out.”
He was too speechless to craft any sort of cocky response as he shuffled out of the room. 
* * * 
“This place is LOUD!” you yelled to your friend over the music. You’d finally caved at her incessant requests to go to 79s, and after hours of fretting over what to wear and how to do your hair, since you were mostly used to work attire and a ponytail, you were there. You’d opted for a simple black dress but had left your hair down since you wouldn’t be surrounded by animals for a change, although your friend had laughed and said that’s exactly what you’d be surrounded by. 
“You’ll get used to it!” she yelled back, waving enthusiastically at a table of troopers that she apparently seemed to be familiar with. A few of them howled back, beckoning her over, but she pointed at the bar first, and a few of them pushed past one another to meet her there. It was odd to see them all gathered in one place without their armor. Since the Clone Rights and Personhood Act had passed, they had no need for anything other than civilian clothing anymore, but it was still unique to see so many people with the same face. Granted, they all had their own unique style and approach to individuality, but you just weren’t used to all of it quite yet. 
Your friend dragged you to the bar counter along with the troopers, each one wearing a different t-shirt over some plain jeans, and the flirting began immediately. You stood behind the group, squinting to try to make out what was on the menu. The choices were fairly slim… a couple of cocktails or some very watered-down beer, or so you’d heard. Maybe you’d just stick with water tonight. 
Or so you thought.
Two hours later, you were completely drunk, having given in to multiple offers of drinks and dances, and your face was flushed red from the thrill of it all. It was quite unlike you, but you didn’t care. The troopers were adorable and endearing, and you were having an absolute blast learning so many names, dancing like a crazy person, and enjoying the shenanigans of the rowdy bunch. A naval officer currently had his hands on your hips, a gleeful grin on his face as the two of you rocked to the music. You’d been self conscious at first about dancing for all of two minutes, but the clones didn’t seem to care at all. They were just there to have fun, and you’d quickly found yourself caught up in the joy of it all. 
You were tiring quickly though, having danced for almost an hour straight, and you thanked your partner before heading off to the side, leaning against the wall and fanning yourself for a minute. Touching your hands to your cheeks, you giggled at how hot they were. You felt so pleasantly bubbly, just a little dizzy, warm and fuzzy inside, and absolutely delighted with anything and everything. 
“Well well well. Didn’t expect to see you here.” A clone had appeared at your side, immediately recognizable by the giant Republic cog tattoo across his face. 
“Jesse!” you yelled, flinging your arms open and throwing yourself at him for a hug. He stepped back, surprised, and lightly touched your back before you pulled back to regard him fondly. “This place is great!!” 
He chuckled, eyebrows furrowed at the shocking departure from what he’d seen of your personality at the animal shelter. “Yeah, I mean… You alright?” he tilted his head as you giggled, smacking his chest playfully. 
“SO GOOD!” you squawked, hand sliding up to his shoulder, then down his arm. You gave it a squeeze, then dropped your hand. “Damn, lookin good, trooper. What are you doing?”
“Just… hanging out,” he grinned. “You lookin for some fun?” 
“I seem to have found it!” You waggled your eyebrows, stepping closer and toying with his waist. “This place is great!”
“Yeah, you said that,” he laughed. “Want to dance?”
“Hellz to the yeah!” And you started dancing right there, swinging your hair around like your life depended on it.
“Wow… Okay… Let’s get you some water first,” he suggested, now torn between concern and delight.
“Water is for boglings!” you squawked, grabbing his hand and doing your best to drag him to the dance floor. But he was significantly larger than you, and he tugged you right back. You collided with his broad chest and looked up at him indignantly. 
“Water first,” he insisted, tapping the tip of your nose playfully.
“Get out of here,” you laughed, swatting at his hand. “But fine... if it means I get to grind on those juicy thighs!”
“Deal,” he grinned. 
You gulped down the pathetic cup of water he’d been able to wrangle from the bartender, then the two of you hit the dance floor. Whether it was all the pent-up energy you’d choked down from your disappointing dates or just the sheer intoxication of… well… being intoxicated, you were happy to let loose. Jesse was smooth and strong all at once, hands growing heavier on your body as you writhed against him, and you reached an arm up to cup the back of his neck. He lowered his head, brushing his lips against your neck, and hot fireworks exploded throughout your core as you continued to sway together. 
“Want to get out of here?” you yelled, turning around to face him and gliding your hands down his front. Your hair was scattered across your shoulders, cheeks bright red on either side of a dumb grin, and he swallowed. His gaze darkened for a moment, and he pulled you a little closer, cupping your face and meeting your eyes with undeniable desire. But he looked at you for a moment longer, and his shoulders slumped a tiny bit. 
“I’ll walk you home,” he offered.
“No, I meant to bang!” you pressed, laughing in complete disregard.
“I know...” he chuckled, taking your arm and steering you toward the door. "I know."
* * * 
You woke the next morning with a raging headache and a sick stomach. You sank your face into your hands, groaning at your desk as you tried to read the datapad with bleary eyes. Only a few appointments today, thank the Maker. Cleaning the animal kennels had nearly made you throw up, so a quiet day of desk work was about all you could handle before crawling back home to your bed. Your friend who'd taken you to 79s had commed you far too early in the morning, gleefully informing you that you’d been “off the hook”, and while you’d dreaded the answer to your the question you had for her, she’d assured you that you’d messaged her upon arriving at home and that you went to bed alone. 
Whatever else had happened, you couldn’t remember. At least you didn’t have to get tested for "crepusculars", you chuckled to yourself. 
A light knock on your door rang loudly in your ears, and you squinted through your window at the receptionist, who was waving with far too bright a smile for the ungodly hour of 10am. She jerked her head behind her, giving you a not-too-subtle thumbs up as she opened your door and ushered in the cocky clone from a couple days ago. Something about him looked different though… Your wracked your brain but came up with nothing other than an unsettled feeling. Maybe you’d had a dirty dream about him… it wouldn’t be the first time some random client had popped up while you slept. Either way, you felt your cheeks redden slightly as he stepped into your office, the door closing behind him. Only when he sat in the chair on the other side of your desk did you notice that he had two smoothies in his hands, one of which he slid across to you. 
“Good morning,” he grinned, and your stomach dropped as you realized he seemed to know something you didn’t. 
“Morning…” you said suspiciously, taking the smoothie and inspecting it before looking back at him. “What’s this?”
“It’s a lil somethin from the gym I work at… All kinds of healthy crap in it… But it’s supposedly great for hangovers.”
You stared, heart sinking in your chest. What had you done…
“So,” he continued briskly, all business and innocence. “What’s the next step? Meeting some animals today?” 
“Yes…” you said slowly, entirely unsure of how to move on. You were kicking yourself for having been so careless… You were never the type to drink so much that you couldn’t remember. But you’d felt safe and had been so buoyed by the infectious atmosphere… Regardless, there was work to be done, and you turned to your datapad to avoid his eyes. “There are a few different options that I had in mind after reviewing your file…”
“Is that what you call it…” he murmured, causing you to jerk your head up so fast that it throbbed. You winced, rubbing your temples and taking a sip of the smoothie. It was surprisingly refreshing, and you took a few more gulps, staring at him skeptically. 
“Alright,” you snapped, equally indignant and resigned. “Out with it.”
“With what?” His angelic smile made your heart skip a beat, which further added to your confusion. 
“Whatever you’re gloating about.” 
“You just seem so… professional in here…” he said, taking a leisurely sip of his own smoothie before putting it down with a flourish. 
“And a little more laid back when you were grinding on me like your life depended on it last night.”
You were stunned into silence, mouth falling open a little bit as you stared at him, speechless. You couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t even your type. Plus, you doubt he would have let you go home alone if you’d done what he was accusing you of. 
“You’re lying.”
“Mmkay,” he shrugged. Somehow that made you even more incensed. 
“So what else happened?” you challenged, lifting your chin a little bit. 
“Drinks and dancing. You really like to fling your hair around,” he chuckled. “Then I walked you home.”
“And?” you squinted. 
“And that’s it. You said you could make it up to your apartment. Did you?”
“Yes,” you sighed, relieved that your report to your friend had been accurate. But it struck you as odd. Wouldn’t he be the type to take advantage of your momentary lapse in judgment? 
“But if you still want to ‘bang’, as you put it, I’d be happy to oblige.” He folded his arms behind his head, showing off his muscles and arching an eyebrow at you, unfazed by your grimace and audible groan. 
“Did I really say that?” You didn’t even really want to know the answer. 
“Mhm. Didn’t know you wanted me that bad.”
“Kriff,” you muttered under your breath. Why did it have to be him? Of all the troopers in that Maker-forsaken bar… This was beyond repair. “I’m gonna have my colleague Tosak take your case,” you said suddenly, rising to your feet and grabbing your datapad. “He’ll be able to pick up where we left off and you should be able to take your animal home by the end of the week.”
“Wait, why?” Jesse stood up quickly, dropping the cocky facade immediately. 
“You expect me to be professional after that?” 
“No,” he answered bluntly, and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Exactly,” you sighed, the flicker of a smile touching your cheeks. “It’ll be better this way.” You slipped out the door, once again leaving him in your office, mouth slightly open with a million different things to say.
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lunar-years · 8 hours
Peanut gallery social media commentary on Challengers is sooo funny to me.
“Art was the victim!” Did you miss the part where he started stirring shit up between his best friend and his best friend’s girlfriend in the hopes they’d break up and he could get with her instead? Or how he chose to cut off his best friend entirely to side with Tashi because Tashi blamed said best friend for her injury (literally he doesn’t even talk to Patrick about the argument? Ever? Just kicks him out of his life because Tashi wants them to LMAO)?
“Patrick was the victim!” Did you miss the part where Patrick spends like 13 years willfully reinserting himself back into a relationship he no longer gets to be a part of all because he’d rather ruin them and come between them and repeatedly hurt them if it means he knows they still think about him, rather than taking ownership of his actions and coming to terms with the fact that they no longer think about him at all? Did you miss the fact that he’s a giant flop on top of being a giant asshole?
“Tashi is an evil cold manipulative bitch who doesn’t care about anything but tennis and comes between them!” Okay what we’re not going to do is 1) act like those two losers weren’t active participants in the vast majority of what was happening to them so that we can blame everything on the woman 2) forget that Tashi spends the entire movie both being incredibly horny for yes tennis, but tennis very much including Art and Patrick specifically, as well as bringing a wrecking ball down on her own life repeatedly because she physically cannot go on without having all three of them in her life.
“The three of them are ALL terrible, bad people!” Are they or they neither good nor bad but a secret third thing (messed up, regular people)? Are they or they all three simultaneously the one’s holding the gun and falling into the graves they’ve dug for themselves?
“The movie promised me a throuple and then didn’t even deliver!/it was just a regular boring old love triangle” Did you miss the part where Patrick was the person who taught Art to jerk off? Did you miss the part where Tashi encourages them to neck her until they’re close enough for her to back away and leave them kissing each other as she watches with horny amusement? Did you miss the fact that they’re both playing for her number? Did you miss Art molding himself into the person who could obtain the glory that Tashi was denied? Or how he saw his fiance/wife kissing her ex boyfriend who also happens to be his ex best friend in Atlanta and then spends like 10 more years doing absolutely nothing about it? Did you miss “Don’t I matter?” “Not to the most obsessive tennis fan in the world” “I’m not talking about tennis” followed by an Art who has stopped caring whether he wins or loses caring, by the end of the match, more than he’s ever cared before, because Patrick DOES matter and because he’s STILL playing for Tashi’s number? Did you miss the part where for about 15 seconds there they were actually playing tennis and they understood each other completely and so did everyone watching and it was a bit like they were in love or like they didn’t exist and they went somewhere really beautiful together? HUH?
“They’re incredibly toxic!” Well, yes! but you see, that’s part of the fun!
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pequenaotaku · 1 day
Now that my shock, my embarrassment, my indignation, my sadness and my anger have passed, and I'm calmer… Yeah, there were a lot of feelings per second when that bomb was dropped on Roy's route.
Anyway, I ended up thinking of some theories, and I just wanted to put it on record.
Spoilers after the cut
01. Fake relationship I really want to believe that this relationship between Roy and Brune is something like a fake relationship. Something they're faking to deal with a personal situation because they're good friends, and everyone at the company got in on the game, in this case. It was actually very shocking when it was mentioned in the episode that the two of them are a couple, but precisely, it was very out of the blue! We never see the two of them interacting during the episodes, and suddenly they're a couple? Brune herself is only seen next to Elenda, practically. I had even gone so far as to wonder if they didn't have something. And within the episode, if you choose to have Happy Hour at home, she sends a message to Elenda, her friend, letting her know that she couldn't go to the party because of water infiltration at her mother's house, but she doesn't tell the own boyfriend? Plus, he's going to the party anyway. Roy is cool, I imagine he would offer to help his girlfriend and mother-in-law with this problem. Something seems so strange to me… It could be my paronoia, still driven by the frustration from before despite everything. Another thing that I just remembered, but that I don't have all the facts gathered to support the argument, is that, in episode 1, when we go to the rest area for the second time, we find Brune and Elenda arguing about something mysterious. Elenda thinks Brune should impose herself on something, but she doesn't want to. I only chose the option of not interfering, so I don't know if it has any relation, and I also don't know if they explain a little without going into details if you choose the other options. But precisely because it doesn't have any context, it sounds suspicious to me. I mean, why would New Gen's screenwriters go to the trouble of creating a mysterious dialogue about an unresolved issue, which the protagonist even needs to witness before moving on with the story, so as not to use it later as a scheduling tool? Of course, we've only had two episodes so far to have context about this couple. Still, it's so strange. I love Brune, but she's really the last person I would imagine would be in a relationship with Roy. They just don't seem… on the same vibe? Of course I could be very wrong and end up breaking my face too. Premium Highlight for the moment in the scene when the protagonist goes all out to kiss Roy thanks to Truth or Dare, everyone thinks it's better not to, and even so Roy insists on at least giving her a little kiss on the cheek. I still don't know how to feel about this… 02. Relationship in ruins One thing I ended up thinking too, and this completely taking into account the description and title of episode 4:
"Hearts Looking For Love"
The entire Devenementiel team is meeting for coffee at Cozy Bear and, by force of circumstances, talking about relationships. The time has come to take stock of each person’s love situation…
It is also quite likely that, if Roy and Brune are indeed in a relationship, they may cut ties due to incompatibility. Like I said, they look very different from each other. That old law of physics about opposites attracting is beautiful in fiction, but realistically speaking, it doesn't usually work very well. Two people in a relationship who just disagree or don't have at least some tastes that they share and enjoy together can work like giving someone a rope to hang themselves. Speaking from experience. At the same time, I understand that for every rule, there is an exception. I just never saw it happen, but who knows? Anyway, that's not the point. This second theory of mine starts from: They are incompatible, or, somehow, the relationship had been cooling down for some time before the protagonist arrived at the company. In this next episode, they end up breaking up, and this generates the conversation at Cozy Bear. Perhaps the company group decided to get together to console one of the broken hearts and the conversation about the main theme of the episode ended up arising from this point. 03. Beemoov wrote another route about betrayal… Realmente não quero acreditar nessa, mas considerando que já fizeram uma vez, envolvendo o Eric, eles não precisam ter medo de fazer de novo, imagino… There's not much to say here other than what the title suggests. New Candy is officially a "Comedora de casados." "Affectionate" term that we give here in Brazil to people who go after people who are already committed to try to date them. Easy to sum it up as a lack of character. It's okay that, in her case, it was really unintentional, after all, she really didn't know. Still, it's comical and tragic that it happened twice in a row! One with Ioan and, for those following the route, another with Roy. And I thought that lightning couldn't strike twice in the same place. I laughed so nervously when this bomb was dropped, you have no idea…
In any case, what do you think? Do you agree with me, disagree with me, or have your own theories?
Ps: I think this all ended up coming out as a big rant…
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pinkandpurple360 · 2 days
I’ve wanted to ask, if you were the writer and you (unfortunately) had to make Stolitz cannon, how would you have rewritten it? Starting from ep 1 season 1? Or in general how would you have rewritten Stolas?
Hi anon!
Oh well the first thing I would do…massive tone change. It would definitely not be this deep melodrama of angst and betrayal, but far more lighthearted. And comedic. Spoilers they don’t end up star crossed monogamous married soulmates, not even close. They’d be close friends with a strong bond. Who may occasionally sleep together if they feel like it. And with other people. That’s basically as deep as it gets in the romance department. But that’s exactly how they like it, in fact both surprised that the other doesn’t demand more than that. I’d also have it be that stolas gets one focussed episode per season. His only song is ‘We* will be okay’ to Octavia.
First off, stolas and Blitzø make a trade with the grimoire, but one that is not sexual in nature. He completely allowed Blitzø to steal the book, finding his clumsy breaking and entering method very entertaining. He was just that bored. The ruckus blitzø, a “clown” disguised assassin in truth, caused at octavias birthday party made him laugh for the first time in several centuries (yes in this version he’s ancient and immortal) so he simply looked the other way when the theft occurred. “Sir! This imp has your grimoire in his possession!” “Say do we have anything stronger than this wine? I cant think on a sober mind. Fetch me some absinthe if you please?” “But sir!” “Absinthe! Unless you are doubting me?”
In my version stolas is the precautionary heir himself. And Via is her child self. This is why stolas is so negligent to his duties, he’s nothing but a figurehead. Symbolic. He knows how unimportant he truly is. Both parents love Via, but find it hard to connect with her because of her circumstances as the “extra” precaution and their arranged marriage. In my version at the start stolas still has his kind side, but is arrogant, afraid to show that side, and he is misogynistic towards his wife who is always “upset for no reason” I think stolas’ plain inability to read the room or people’s feelings pretty funny, so I’m keeping it in. He says things like “I’m sorry…that you think I owe you an apology Stella” she threatens to hire a hitman but doesn’t have the heart to go through with it. Ah but neither of them are violent towards the imps. Because. Ew? My version of Stella is actually a person. She gets enraged, abuses alcohol, suffers post partum depression. It takes some time before she and stolas become on good terms again. They decide to separate amicably in the end, their bickering having no real bite behind it and just becoming banter.
Plot: Stolas allows Blitzø to use the Grimoire, in exchange for offing a specific demon in hell or human target on earth, once a month. He also returns the grimoire for when Stolas needs it for a ceremony, so that nobody can suspect it’s misuse. This is in secret, training him for the ultimate target of all, Paimon. So that stolas can reach the throne and have a reason to exist in his own view. Nobody can suspect the innocent stolas of targeting his father whom he “loves” dearly. You never know if his moments of kindness or madness are a facade or if they’re real. He’d have a lot of references to Hamlet in my version. The occasional sex is nothing but a cover story for Blitzo coming over, sometimes stolas oversells the cover story. It becomes real once the two of them get a bit too carried away after celebrating one of their hits going perfectly.
In my mind stolas is completely insane but in an eccentric way. Strikers assassination attempt was a complete ruse, the one who hired him was none other than stolas himself to test Blitzøs skills and to introduce him to angelic weaponry. Yes he hired a hitman on himself. Stella was a red herring. In a tragic sense he knows he could have died but values his own life so little, that he wouldn’t mind. “I just wanted to see what would happen” is his explanation. Blitzø gets angry with him over this, for messing with/scaring him, and reminds him that even though he doesn’t love stolas that way, he still has a daughter who would cry over him. This inspires stolas to actually start trying to form a connection with Via. This is an aside but I find the accelerated aging trope fascinating (think Jake the dogs kids or Renesmee from twilight) so Octavia ages twice as fast as a human would before it pauses around 21. Stolas takes her to LooLoo land at 17 because she was literally 8 years old like, 4 years ago. That’s why it’s so difficult to parent someone like that. And why he and Stella still baby her, they can’t keep up with her rapid maturing. But stolas refuses to hire a full time nanny, he wants to do it himself. His own ‘father’ was his imp butler, when this butler died of old age it really effected him. He doesn’t want that for via.
With Blitzø, they form a bond built on mutual trust, push and pull, fun, empathy, occasional lust, but the fun is at the heart of it. Stolas is extremely ignorant about sexual innuendo, and Blitzø is very flagrant about it but stolas never knows what the hell he’s taking about. So blitzø has to challenge himself to use non raunchy humour. This is one of the many ways they start to change eachother.
Polyamory ✨ tragically, stolas knows this cant be a forever relationship, he doesn’t want to give up immortality, and he knows Blitzø would never want to be a consort. Stolas doesn’t even want that either. He thinks marriage is stupid nonsense. Him and Stella are swingers as is custom in Goetia families (a secret custom that is). And Blitzø is in love with more than one person. Having hate filled spicy trysts with Striker, an on and off again relationship with Verosika, and an unspoken thing with his friend fizzarolli, the court jester, that’s currently platonic but more intimate than any other relationship (aka terrifying).
Stolas says this mans bombastic love life is better than any telenovela and gives him plenty of material for erotic novels. (I’ll admit the romance novel author idea is a clever one I had a similar idea)
I think my stolas version is demi sexual and possibly aromantic. I just find it more interesting that way. Another idea I had was stolas as a dusty librarian who blitzø is in unrequited love with. This version of stolas is completely aroace, sex repulsed and all. Giving them a tragic angle and some fun conflict. They find each other fascinating, the flirting is only one way, and stolas helps Blitzø find someone right for him. (Spoilers it’s fizz because you know me) I just find it so much cuter if Blitzø is the one who is the real hopeless romantic and even though stolas doesn’t have romantic urges outside the fiction he enjoys, he finds it fascinating from an outside perspective. Maybe even subvert the ‘repressed’ angle to say stolas was repressing his asexuality to make people like Stella and Blitzø happy.
And yeah, twist! Paimon is executed during the revolution. Stolas abdicates as they move toward a democracy. His kind nature and changed ways allow him to actually be elected by the hellborn, giving him all his wealth and power back..causing him to have learned absolutely nothing and still being a spoiled brat but!! at least not a deeply racist one 😔 but please don’t use the word impish in your next novel owl boy.
That was so fun!!!
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en-geneisaxx · 2 days
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'Please don't say that this is the end of us...'
Pairings: Husband!Hoon x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing (you're gonna be on a rollercoaster of emotions darling) and a suggestive at hoon's part (if u squint 🤭)
Feat. Jay, Heeseung and Jake of Enhypen, Yeji (Sunghoon's sister), Jin Ae (Y/n and Sunghoon's child)
Tagging my moots who wanted to read: @pockettwinzz @diorsyun @rinbowaman @heeslomll @heeslut4life @hoonieshoneymain @sungvrhs
Not proofread 😅
Likes, reblogs and/or following me will be much appreciated!!
Part 4:
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The silence was so loud.
But I mean, it was expected. How would you have reacted given that information and the current situation you were in? Even I, too, wouldn't know, despite living it.
'Y/n,' Jay breaks the awkward atmosphere,
'take your damn child before it has a concussion from it falling from my arms, because I feel so fricking weak right now.'
Glady, you took Jin Ae, since she was like a comforter. And, gosh, she was SO 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 CUTE.
Finally, you felt a little light-hearted, but that could only last for long...
'I...damn. I never knew my bro would be like that... He's not the type to do that...'
'Y/n...have you ever suspected that Jake dude? Because right now, he seems like he's the problem.'
'I agree, Jay. Hoon would never hurt you, but it may be he's worried that Jake guy would take you. You're everything to him, Y/n, and he's just as similar to you when it comes to love.'
Hearing the different views of the story did give you an insight of what might be going on in his head.
'Try being Hoon,' suggested Jay, 'because you need to know what's his version of this mess.
Thoughtfully, you scrape out every detail of Jake you could get from your memory, and tried to piece it together to get a clear answer.
Jake was a flirty boy, so his actions could rub off people in the wrong way, especially if it was Hoon.
When he hangs out with you, he would definitely initiate the physical contact, snaking an arm around your waist or putting an arm on your shoulder.
The way he would look at you...it...it was different, now that you're gaining a third person view. Those eyes...it was so dark when it came to you, unlike when they have a charming gleam to others. Could it be lust? The thought made you sick, you hated liking another man when you were happily in love.
Even the nicknames...he would call me things Sunghoon does, like 'Love' or 'Darling'.
Ah, so he wasn't trying to be my best friend,
He took 'bf' to a whole new level.
No wonder why Hoon got so agitated at the thought of him.
But...at the same time, these are just reasonable guesses. I would need to discuss with Sunghoon to actually know the answer.
'So, what's your verdict, 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤?'
'I think Jake tried to change it to Mrs. Sim.'
'I thought so too, ngl.'
'Me three!' Yeji chimes in.
'Well, at least now you should have Sunghoon's view.'
And I think we talked for too long that Jin Ae started crying, hungry for milk.
'Shoot, Jin Ae hasn't drank yet.'
'We'll leave you two to be, call us when you're done.' Says the modest Jay, who you really thought deserved to be the older Park.
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'I'll be waiting nearby, ok bro?'
'Cheers Hee, for letting me hang about your place and all that.'
'My job as the eldest, is it not?' He chuckles.
'I know you love Y/n, but right now, you're not really taking your role as the husband, aren't you? Remember, you haven't heard her side of the story, so take it easy.'
'I'll try to, I really will.'
I head on over to the backyard of our house, decorated by my lovely Y/n. She took so much time renovating it into the piece of art it is today. That was what she was good at: creating masterpieces. She's probably best at it because she is one, and if I was to ever be hurtful to her, I would never have meant it; I never deserved such a woman ever, such luck I had to create my family with her as my wife.
I start appreciating everything more, taking a look around and observing the way she places the plant pots, and the strokes she did when painting the fence. There was something else she was better at stroking at, but we'll save that for another time.
When approaching the bench where we would always sit when it was a beautiful sunset, I noticed engravings on it. I thought someone may have vandilised it, until I took a closer look.
'Y/n Park ♥︎ Park Sunghoon'
'He's my forever!!'
'I'm so happy my child was made with him.'
'𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒏, 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖.
-𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒀/𝒏.'
All this made him feel ashamed of himself. He deserves to, he was pretty much destroying his sunshine.
He wanted to talk things out, but you weren't there.
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'Who is it?' Enquires Yeji
'Ooolalaaa, it's Mr. Park Sunghoon.'
*Otp* 'What.'
'Where's Y/n?'
'Jin Ae was hungry, so she's breastfeeding her right now.'
(She's such a good mother... Oh, Y/n, if only I could prove my love to you better...)
'Oh...ok.' *Ends call*
*Jay and Yeji monster shrieks*
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Hello hello! I hope you're having an amazing day! If not then I hope your day gets better!! I was kinda hesitant to try out your matchmaking because I've never done one before but also your blog is mainly The Outsiders and I didn't want to break the chain (if that makes sense?) with me randomly coming in asking for DC ^^. If you're not still part of the fandom that's totally okay! I'm fine with whatever fandom or can ignore!
I am a short queen standing at 5'0 😔😔. I have long black hair that goes down to my waist with chocolate brown eyes and wear glasses. I have a warm yellowish tone to my skin with a scar or two somewhere on my body either from minor surgery or being a bit clumsy 💀💀.
I like to think I'm a friendly person! When meeting people for the first time I'm very polite, though I can be a bit awkward sometimes when socializing but I do my best! With friends though I'm very silly and playful, I like to tease friends, mainly bringing up a slightly embarrassing story that I know we will all laugh together about. I'm very nice (maybe a little too much for my own good) and somewhat smart. I like to play along with the whole "aCTUalLY 🤓👆👓" skit because it gets a good giggle or two both from friends and myself. You could say I'm a bit of the mom friend? I stay observant when with friends, make sure no one is left out or if someone's having a bit of a rough day I stay mindful and check up on them if they need anything or just a simple shoulder to lean on/ear to talk to. Overall I'm a very bubbly person that likes to be silly at times! (Sorry I'm very bad at describing what kind of person I am 😔)
The things that I like: I am a very big book worm. I have a good pile of books on my desk that I absolutely adore, though they're mainly fantasy romance books (I'm a big sucker for those). I also ADORE the rain! From the sound it makes to how it smells just makes me go kind of feral. I also really love the ocean! If I could, I'd really want to just float in the deep blue or go exploring through underwater caves or shipwrecks (to live the mermaid dream 😔😔 CLEORR OH NAUR). I also do a bit of writing myself and dabble in video gaming!
Hopefully this was okay! I'm not the greatest in describing myself so I sort of just wrote down whatever was at the top of my head. I hope you have a wonderful day!! 🫶🫶🫶
No, I’m actually gonna thank you so much. I just happen to majority get outsiders requests, but I’ve been really wanting someone to try and break the chain so you’re actually doing me a huge favor dude
Your DC Universe Ship: Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
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Explanation: starting off with your appearance , I think that he would be extremely attracted to you and I think that he loves the fact that that you’re short and would definitely tease you about it by lifting you up if you’re comfortable with that and just constantly making jokes about it. I think he would really love your eyes and constantly admiring them and staring into them. I think he also likes the fact that you both have pretty dark hair. I don’t know. I just feel like he would like matching with with you. he also completely relates to the Scar thing and if you ever felt insecure about them, he would definitely kiss them until you didn’t or show you his own scars to kind of tell you that it’s OK to have them. Personality wise I think that you two would get along very well because he definitely turns up the charm and is generally kind person who is also very clever and such, and I think that he would also love, teasing and teasing as his love language I mean, he loves teasing the rest of the bat and I think you guys would have a great time teasing each other. I think he would be good at setting boundaries about what he wasn’t OK with teasing him about and things like that and hopefully you’ll be good at setting boundaries as well. I think you guys could be a really healthy relationship, Which would be a good thing for him because he hasn’t had that many healthy relationships. He also really likes being silly as well and I think you guys would totally have a lot of fun together and just absolutely vibe with each other. He’s also a very observant person so I think that you two would definitely be similar in that aspect of coming from a place of helping people and noticing the small things that not everyone does. Many people think that out of the bat family Tim is the avid reader, but the truth is that everybody in the family reads. They just tend to read about their own interests like I think that Dick Grayson would highly prefer reading things like comedy and romance, and period dramas. he often gets teased for reading romance novels, but I think that he genuinely enjoys them and can understand that as long as he likes reading them nothing else really matters, including anyone else’s judgment, but as soon as he finds out that you like reading romance novels too I think you guys would that would just be one of your things that you do together and bond over it and I think you guys would have little discussions about characters and theories and just talk about how cute some characters are together and ship people, I think would be the best person to read a romance book with. I feel like he also really enjoys the rain just for the aesthetic. I also feel like he’s super grateful to have found you and being in such a healthy relationship and he’s definitely willing to work through some of his trauma so he can always improve on being a better person for you. YALL ARE CUTE I SHIP 💙💙💙
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sodabranch · 2 months
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Little thing that was brought up in a conversation with my dear friend @hashal-hutcracker in which Hashal saves Justice from trouble by carrying it;; I thought the concept was kinda cute for them.
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forcedhesitation · 7 months
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astarion origin playthrough worth it just for all the extra moments where he does the "sad wet cat" face
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bluebudgie · 1 year
Alright gw2 peeps, here's one for all of you with a lot of alts:
All your characters of the same class (e.g. all your rangers) are stuck together in an escape room.
Which of your "class groups" is off the worst and who gets the job done with no problem?
#edit: yall did this way more detailed than my word salad so lemme redo this class by class as well:#eles: not awful. overall a relatively cooperative group despite very differing personalities.#wouldnt be the fastest in finding the solutions but definitely are getting out of there without casualties or other damages#necros: shit tier dynamics. hostile charr that wants to be left alone vs. volatile chak madman vs. way too gentle sylvari plant#communication would NOT go well but they would make it out (neljje contributes NOTHING to this)#mesmers: nightmare courtier who is out to be as destructive on purpose as possible vs. just some guy vs. tvekks (enough said)#tvekks will suffer but they'll probably make it out. maybe. im unsure.#rangers: actually competent. if we ignore the hostile inquest rat in the room we're left with a competent charr leader and a#very cooperative norn huntsman (and bobbie but he contributes absolutely nothing). they will get out just fine.#engineers: disaster. there might be dead. too many egos in one room and a poor norn who just wants to get out beween everyone fighting#she might jus solve this on her own while the other three are about to slice each other's throats#thieves: absolute hell tier. mordrem sylvari trying to eat everything he can possble dig his teeth into.#a mildly confused human who probably just tries her best while the asura in the room is suffering psychic damage caused by#the mordrem and the charr that will simply not shut up for one second#i do not see ANYONE managing to get a solution in these conditions even if individually they might just be able to.#revs: awkward atmosphere between happy upbeat asura kid and really grumpy charr but they're getting through it#warriors: also a weird clash of personalities but they'd pull their asscheeks together and get out of there#and finally the guardians: no destructive force in here. just two very mature people and a slightly chaotic but otherwise clever bard#absolute dream team coming up with solutions. peace and happiness.#budgie plays gw2
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rowenabean · 10 months
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#the wedding was lovely and i am so sad#managed to get most of the sad out of the way Friday and Sunday so i could be glad for them on the actual wedding day#but still. i'm going to miss her.#we always talked about living together and we never did and now we probably never will#i've got a model of married folk living together in community but i don't think they do and it has to be something you choose#her family are lovely and i was really glad to meet her friends and cousins that she talks about so often but they don't really get it#they get to have her!!! she's moving somewhere that's more convenient for literally everyone other than me! (this is not hard to do)#really good to get home and hug my dad and my little sister and have people who are my people around#was actually really good at the reception that there were a few other folk from my current town - i wasn't the only person who was#mixed joy and tears#i said something about us giving her over in my speech and they said yes that's exactly how we're feeling#but it wasn't till her husband responded to that in his speech that i started crying#everyone has been so kind to me but it has been SO good to get home#hoping i can get a bit more sleep as well. emotions are bigger when tired even though they're real still#(her cousins invited me to come stay any time and tbh i can see that living in Auckland could be actually really nice if you live where they#do. but i couldn't live where they do and do the work i want to do it is quite far away from the places in Auckland i could imagine working)#rowena adventures#btw no photos of me currently but probably some later??? not that we took many the groom had been sick the previous week and was#still pretty wiped so they got like two photos with the bridal party and ten with just them and that was it
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feeling very weird about the last two episodes of Miss Scarlet (3.3 and 3.4), because I... actually really loved them?? and I know it was largely because of the absence of William.
which I find odd, because I actually DO like him!! he's a complex and interesting character, he and Eliza's spark off one another is really fun (and also lbr, infuriating, and that's a large reason why this show works; hence the title), and I just... genuinely do like the character. he's irksome as all get-out, he can be entirely insensitive and a touch misogynistic and sometimes I really do wanna break his nose. but I still like him! he has a part to play in this story and I understand that for what it is within the narrative, I really enjoy it!
and yet... I've felt like these last two episodes were some of the most genuinely well-written and especially well-character-written ones for a good while.
I guess it's just because, with the Duke out of the picture, other characters aren't constantly being held up to him in one way or another. Moses, Detective Fitzroy, Mr. Nash, Detective Phelps--they're all given a chance to be developed as characters in their own right, instead of just supporting William/William and Eliza's relationship. and even Eliza grows and is a far more multi-faceted and, I think, genuinely enjoyable character when she's not reduced to simply her reactions to and against William.
I'm intrigued, to be honest. I know he's back in his usual spot as the second lead in the next episode, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens given the ~revelation~ in the very last scene of episode 3.4... but I'm already kind of sad that the rest of the characters I've so enjoyed getting to spend more time focusing on are going to once again be cast in the shadow of 'Miss Scarlet and the Duke'. despite that literally being the entire point of the show.
#idk what's up with this but. it's a weird feel?#and I'm probably not communicating it well...#I think it's just that I feel like after 2.5 seasons#those two are kinda stuck in a rut?? they're in a perpetual cycle of nonsense with one another#seemingly never getting a n y w h e r e in either their personal or professional relationships#and despite the fact that they CAN in fact make a FANTASTIC team together... they also kind of bring out the worst in each other#and so Eliza is often at her most combative and disagreeable and William is often at his most resistant and authoritarian#when they're together and clashing over whatever new issue they've found to argue about this time#and since Eliza really is the /most/ lead character#I feel like she's got a lot more room to breathe and grow and *be* the Lead Character in general whenever she's not constantly bashing#heads with William and she has other characters to interact with#other people who challenge her assumptions and test her willpower and her investigative skills and who provide her with a very different#sort of jumping-off-point to what William usually brings#it... adds enrichment to her enclosure? I think that's actually what I'm trying to say here?? X'D#I'm not going to be one of those people who watch a series just to bash on half the MC group or to anti the ship that the show turns around#but it's still really funny (funny like odd) to me that I feel this way about all this#miss scarlet and the duke#gurt says stuff
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
once you see the single nancy vision you really can't unsee it
#single nancy truther 4 life#since as we all know i hate st4ncy right after volume 2 i was like. this makes me want to go back to being really into j4ncy just out of#spite but i couldn't do it because i don't...actually care about j4ncy anymore and i haven't in years#but nancy not ending up with either of them makes so much sense narratively for all three of them and it's half as plot twisty as byler#since stoncy's the more publicized love triangle and is seen as left open-ended by the ga while willelmike...isn't#which is fun. nancy ending up single being unexpected#and something that's really funny is that people who are rooting for j4ncy are like 'well they'll just have a conversation in which#jonathan tells her the truth and then well they'll figure out. emerson or lenora or long distance they'll make it work' even though that#could be said about mlvn too and that's what mlvns expect i mean it's possible...technically...el's like oh that's not my painting btw and#mike says oh that's fine and el says i don't like that you see me as your superhero and mike's like oh don't worry i don't. and then#they end up together like😭 but we don't expect that to happen because there's this elaborate plot line#+ you could lowkey also say they built them up for two seasons only to break them down because they spent season 3 fighting and then well#Fighting (and i dont like how they made up. but thats personal. maybe) and in season 4 he was lying to her and she was ogling her ex..kinda#and i mean it's not like i have a vendetta against them like i do mlvn and st4ncy i'm just saying#and like i say: brf slt
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voidedjuice · 2 years
Hngh i want to post oc lore but about WHAT
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bibiana112 · 2 years
It's like 3:00 we got home before midnight but were already tired and sleeby and I swear I act so tipsy when all I had was regular ass tea just because of what the mix of tired and overstimulated does to my brain
#u think I'm exaggerating but the reason I'm only unwinding now despite getting home relatively early#is cause me and my roomie just sat on the floor talking shit and stuff for hours#and in the middle of that#at some point#I was cry laughing for absolutely no reason after being so unable to string words together that I just repeat dour synonyms#it made it sound like I was having an existential crisis but I'm just tired but my mouth keeps trying to say things 😭#roomie was like oh but I wish I could talk more I'm running out of energy and all I can communicate is via laugh#and I'm like I wish I could just shut up actually#I wish I wasn't the kind of person you know is doing bad because they're not swinging a thousand thoughts at u or in their head too much#Wish I had the sense to stop prattling if I can't communicate well but if I like the person and am enjoying their company I just. continue#oh no I'm having self recognition through the blorbo at this hour cause I just realized I headcanoned that about Aoi too oh nO#that makes sense fuck I never realized I did that until now#honestly it was embarrassing and roomie was like pfft what? no it's not I'm just awkward and indeed an jour later they cry laughed too#it's not like we were telling good jokes or anything like our brains were just melting so yeah how do I plan on finishing this#I liked the food kind of want to go there again for the gyoza ngl but not at night again there's too many people drinking and no sweets#we finished the meals and wanted dessert but everything had just closed :(#we got all dressed up and shit and not a single picture came out alright lmao#oh also I missed the two people that came with! they're so fun and we hadn't seen each other since y'know rona started#so it was really nice to catch up with them hopefully I'll be classmates w the two again if my transfer fcking goes through alright#Void fala aí
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guinevereslancelot · 2 months
is there any worse feeling than when you feel like someone is mad at you bc they literally are mad at you
#i came into the living room and my dad was yelling abt how he basically hates everyone in the whole family#bc nobody got around to reqding the latest chapter of his book yet#but he was really upset and mad#i get being hurt by that but it literally is not a personal rejection people are just busy idk#he didn't let on he was upset at all until he completely flipped out#now he doesn't want anyone to read it anymore#he's really hurt tho bc we all always read my mom's stuff#and my brother and i talk abt what we're writing together all the time#and i get there's a special kind of hoy sharing your writing with someone but only when they're really interested and engaged#unfortunately the two people most likely to care abt hia book are my two oldest brothers and they dont live w us#so they cant really give him that feedback#he did send hia chapters to them but they arent around to talk abt it and havent responded yet#basically nobody actually cares abt his book#he's been talking abt writing one for like ten years or more and only started in the past few months#its a zombie book and full of his really weird and controversial political and religious takes tho sp its a stressful read#i dont really agree w him on certain issues and we're ok abt it usually but it makes reading it more stressful#anyway#he's really upset tho#and he can only express unpleasant emotions through anger so i shut down and cant interact#and he specifically said he doesnt want people do do the thing he's so hurt that we didnt do#so there's no real way to set things right to alleviate my anxiety#he's a very difficult person to love with sometimes but he's really generous and has done a lot to help me#so i can live my dream and start a business and he's not really pressuring me abt my job seaech and rent and stuff#so it does make me feel guilty that i basically didn't care abt his book#it wouldnt be as bad if literally everyone in the family hadn't also done that#when he does to much for everyone#he's mad at everyone but im the only one having a panic attack and im the only one he didn't yell at#he's not handling his emotions well but neither do i so we usually just dont acknowledge things like this until everyone is over it#but i hate that i literally need conflict to be resolved immediately or i go insane
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sttoru · 3 months
.⌇ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. it’s late at night and you try to cuddle with sukuna. keyword; try.
wc. 1.2k
tags. true form!sukuna x female reader. fluff, angst (+comfort). heian era. size difference (readers referred to as small). sukuna’s a bit mean, but he also has a soft spot for you. miscommunication ? it gets solved. reader gets called ‘woman, doll’.
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“what are you trying to do?” sukuna sighs. you’re up to something again, he figures. his red eyes follow your body as it crawls up to him on the bed.
you’re both tired after a long day of fulfilling some duties here and there around the estate. all you need is a big beefy man wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm and safe.
the perfect man for that is sukuna. those four arms of his wrapped around your small body feel like heaven.
“it’s called cuddling,” you retort. the sarcastic tone you used triggers a deep sigh from the sorcerer. sukuna holds back the urge to say something sarcastic as well.
he doesn’t utter a single word once you snuggle up to his chest. you’ve taught him how to cuddle during the first time you asked him to hold you. sukuna was awkward with showing any type of affection back then.
. . he still very much is.
“hug, please,” you remind him. the cold-hearted man scoffs, though listens to your polite request. all four of his arms imprison you against his chest, your small body nearly disappearing behind his limbs.
that’s what you like most about those cuddles you share together; how you fit so perfectly in his strong arms. it’s much more comforting than you thought it would be.
a pair of hands rests on your waist, the other pair on your hips. sukuna glances down at you and immediately notices that smile on your lips. even after all this time, he still cannot fathom why you’re so carefree around a monster like him.
and that inability to understand you and your love for him is accompanied by an urge to push you away.
“you got your hug, now get up,” sukuna interrupts the silence. his voice is cold and devoid of emotion—he uses that voice when he talks to other people. not with you, “i have better things to attend to.”
thus, it hurts. when he talks to you like that. like you’re not the person he secretly cherishes most. though, you remind yourself of sukuna’s own words. the ones you heard him say a while ago.
‘love is meaningless’, he said. you remember. and yet you kept hoping that he’d change his mind about that statement. you hoped and eventually saw exactly that: your presence and your affectionate gestures mellowed his heart of steel.
but all that effort seems to go down the drain every time sukuna pushes you away.
you know it’s because he’s unfamiliar with the feelings of love. he may not say it nor show it, but you know that sukuna’s afraid of hurting you. so, he creates a gap between you two every now and then.
you know and yet you’re patient.
“oh, ‘kay,” you nod in understanding. you pull away from his embrace and get up from the bed. your bottom lip trembles.
sukuna is not gullible. he’s anything but oblivious. especially if it’s about how you feel and act. he notices every single change in your mood; whether you mask it or not.
you walk to the sliding doors—ready to open them and step out into the hallway. your eyes are a bit watery, but you quickly blink the tears away and take a deep breath in. you reach for the door.
“come back here, woman.”
sukuna’s booming voice makes you stop. you glance at his form over your shoulder. he’s leaning against the headboard of the bed, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.
is he. . . upset?
“why? you said you had better things to attend to.” you answer with a shrug. you try your best to not make it seem like his earlier words had effected you. you turn your head towards the word with a huff, “go on, then.”
sukuna narrows his eyes. he sucks at communicating what he actually desires—what he actually wants. right now that want is for you to stay. even though that completely contradicts his previous words.
the sorcerer doesn’t know what to do. when you’re with him, he pushes you away out of guilt. when you’re away, he wants you back with him.
love is complicated.
“you. . .” sukuna grunts in frustration. all those feelings for you inside of his heart are playing with his rational thoughts. he doesn’t like seeing you upset. he wants the usual you back, “tsk. fine then.”
silence, followed by the creaking of the bed frame. seems like sukuna’s getting up to do whatever ‘business’ he needed to attend. at least, that’s what you thought.
you slide the door open and set a foot outside of the chambers. before the other could follow, you’re suddenly lifted up in the air by a strong pair of hands. your vision turns upside down as your body is effortlessly hoisted onto a shoulder.
“woah!” you gasp and feel the blood go to your head. your eyes are fixed on the back of your lover. you kick your legs in protest, but only get a smack to your ass in response. you whine at that, “put me down!”
“watch it, doll,” sukuna hisses at your fierce demand, a warning to fix your tone. he puts you back down on the soft mattress. he’s surprisingly gentle when he settles you in place—not throwing you on the bed or anything similar, “should’ve listened when i told you the first time.”
your eyes meet sukuna’s and you notice how much they’ve softened. that alone makes the lump in your throat disappear. your love for him isn’t one sided—you’ve always kept that in the back of your mind—yet your thoughts made you overlook the little things he does for you.
his actions speak louder than his words. that’s the kind of man he is.
sukuna’s trying to open up more, though that process is slow. you’re fine with that.
especially when there’s that faint pout on his lips as he stares at you. his eyebrows are still furrowed, his crimson eyes sharp yet warm.
“oh, you want me back in bed this bad?” you tease once you get the opportunity. the man in front of you clicks his tongue and grabs your cheeks with one hand, turning your head up to face him.
sukuna’s eyes are focused on yours. the eye contact is intimidating, but you’re hypnotised. you physically can’t look away. he leans in and bites your lip with his sharp canines, “shut up.”
that raspy whisper alone confirms your assumption. you giggle at his attempt of refuting your point. you’re used to all those intimidating words and actions he pulls to get you to stop your teasing.
those empty threats—it’s becoming rather cute with how hard he tries to deny everything. he fails nearly every time, however.
“come,” sukuna lays back against the pillows after placing a quick and sloppy kiss against your lips. he pulls your body against his and presses your head against his chest, right where his heart is beating, “continue with your.. ‘cuddling’ thing.”
he put your ear right above his heart, because he remembers listening to his heartbeat calms you down. you told him that a while back. sukuna doesn’t understand why you like it, but his fingers massage your scalp either way.
that’s also something that brings you comfort.
you’re surprised by how much he knows about you, but appreciate it anyway. he remembers both the big and small things about you. ‘that’s how he probably shows his love,’ you conclude silently.
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