#peter pettigrew apologist
marsconer · 1 year
the marauders
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james potter, sirius black, remus lupin and peter pettigrew, you know them, you may not love them. james is a deuteragonist so his relationships are on a very small spotlight, afterall, he is a problematic fav of mine but often people forget he’s problematic.
the golden girls
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lily evans, mary macdonald, marlene mckinnon and dorcas meadows. the golden gryffindor girls who march on hogwarts halls like the totally spies with an extra member. lily, the perfectionist one. marlene, the quidditch queen. mary, the casanova and dorcas, the intelligent one. i could never write a fic in the marauders era without them !
the slytherin skittles
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regulus black, pandora lestrange, barty crouch jr. and evan rosier. the slytherin slays, one can say. they are a tight knit of people who were childhood friends, their very dark academic, with summer houses and pianos and old books. the vibes are great.
the fabulous four
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sybil trelawney, william wilkes and the twins: artemis and apollo’s rowle. two ravenclaw, a hufflepuff and a slytherin. sybil has visions, artemis believes in fairies, apollo is an eldest daughter and will is the prettiest boy / lord byron variant. they are very chaotic and i love them.
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letraspal · 2 months
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Forgive me, Peter
My lost fearless leader
In closets like cedar
Preserved from when we were just kids
Is it somethin' I did?
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starchaserdreams · 4 months
The main villains of the Marauders universe, according to me:
Lord Voldemort
Albus Dumbledore
Peter Pettigrew
Barty Crouch Jr.
Severus Snape
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oxydiane · 2 years
honestly people who are insufferable about “the prank” or whatever can eat my entire ass because everyone crucifies sirius for telling snape how to get past the whomping willow but i’ve never seen anybody acknowledge what a fucking idiot snape was for meddling and willingly following somebody he assumed to be a werewolf inside a tight passage under a tree that could murder you during a full moon. what was the little bitch even trying to achieve by following remus? we know from his flashback that he had a hunch about remus being a werewolf, then he was told from a guy he hated and who hated him back the way to get past the tree and actually did what sirius said during a full moon? i’m sorry but that’s just being fucking stupid. i’m like 97% sure sirius did not even expect snape to do what he said because why on earth would he do that and if he had actually died that would have been well deserved because god knows the amount of times harry almost got himself killed by doing dumb things in the books but nothing he ever tried was quite as idiotic as this
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sapphic-agent · 3 months
I hate JK Rowling's guts... That being said, she absolutely gagged me with POA. I've been chasing the high of that Scabbers plot twist for the better part of a decade
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yorsun · 1 year
Imagine George and Fred their first year finding the marauder’s map and they’re also taking care of scabbers and he sees them using a map he helped create with his friends.
Imagine how much he’d be wracked with guilt over watching his friendship dynamic play out in front of his eyes as the two twins tried to figure out the password and would see their interaction with the map aka HIM AND HIS FRIENDS
Imagine how much guilt he would feel to be reminded of what he had, and what exactly it was that he betrayed
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impishtubist · 1 year
Peter hot take: spending 12 years as a rat wreaked havoc on his faculties. Not arguing he was a good person but he definitely wasn’t the pathetic, jumpy creep we know from canon during school and young adulthood. The other three straight up wouldn’t have given him the time of day.
I'm so sorry, anon. This is not a hot take. This is a lukewarm take. An ice-cold take, even.
Peter Pettigrew is absolutely nothing. He is the Gryffindor reject. He IS pathetic and a creep. He is not a Marauder. The other three only let him tag along because they had no other choice, but they weren't friends with him. They didn't like him. They absolutely did not give him the time of day, because he was worth nothing. And yeah, spending 12 years as a rat then made him worse than nothing 😂 Honestly, Moony should have eaten him back at school when he had the chance.
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artbyace · 1 year
for the violence ask 21 10 8
21. part of canon you think is overhyped: the prank. i think a lot of marauders fans actually like the prank and incorporate it into their fanfics because they love the angst and the drama but i just feel like. ugh. i don’t think remus would ever truly forgive or trust sirius again after the prank and that bothers me so much. i’m all for the prank erasure ‼️‼️
10. worst part of fanon: i don’t think that i have a worst part of fanon honestly.. i feel like the fandom does pretty well. the most heartbreaking, gut wrenching, part of fandom i think though, is how absolutely cruel the things walburga and orion did to their sons in fanon are. like these writers are going INTO it. damn. are y’all okay??
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about: i’ve said it before, and i’ll say it again. people believing that peter is truly a horrible person inside!! just because he did something wrong doesn’t mean he was bad all along. i truly believe he was just looking out for himself , even if that made him cowardly :(. i think most people would do the same in his situation, to be selfish is to be human
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ziglikesrain · 2 years
if eleven year old me (peter pettigrew’s biggest hater) met me now (peter pettigrew’s #1 fan) we would fight FOR SURE
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
omg what happened with the Snape fans?
mm. man. okay here we go 😭
so i made a post last year that was kind of poking fun at how snape fans ‘baby’ snape. which is not in the stereotypical sense where they characterise him as someone submissive or meek, but in the way where they destroy any nuance to his character and characterise him as a martyr or a hero in the face of the “terrorising, popular bullies” or what have you. which totally gets rid of the point of him— showing how lonely and bitter boys can be taken advantage of by redpill rhetoric and lose the things they cared for the most. its funny because snape fans will bitch and moan about marauders fans who do the exact same thing.
i didnt word it like this, i worded it as a sort of snarky joke at them. i had like 60 followers at the time. i didnt think it would get much traction at all bcuz i had criticised the marauders fandom MUCH more at that point and hadnt gotten any flack for it on tumblr so i assumed it would be the same for “the snapedom” or whatever cringe name they go by.
i got called a bitch, idiotic, stupid. they were pulling old posts i made of silly headcanons about the marauders and reblogging my post saying i was just another delluded marauder fan who just hates snape and reads too much atyd. which is SO funny because i have never read a marauders fic but i have tried to read snape-centric fics and most of them i had to drop because of the lily-bashing in it. and multiple of them tried to gaslight me in reblogs and the notes and tell me that snape fans were not like that AS THEY WERE LITERALLY PROVING MY POINT. they were saying “its so clear you havent met a snape apologist and just want to bash us” like ??? they had a serious case of victim complex and it suddenly made sense to me why they characterise snape the way they do. someone said i was trying too hard to be “not like the other girls” for criticising both snape and marauders fans, and when i proceeded to block them they made a pinned post about me thats still pinned on their blog 💀
when i tell you these people were like a hornets nest. i used to feel bad for them for the flack they get for simply liking a character— but after that i was so done trying to defend them. i remember at the time i had a more detailed criticism of snape i was going to post but after that i was too scared bcuz if they reacted like that when i never even insulted snape, i knew i was going to be absolutely cooked if i decided to actually say something of value.
and that was just from one post. there have been others who have tried to convince me things about the marauders characters that are simply not true. like james sexually harassing lily into dating and marrying him, or how sirius and remus are terrible for wanting to kill peter pettigrew themselves instead of sending dementors to him. such stupid ‘arguments’, if you can even call them that.
theyre like delusional james potter fans, which is hilariously ironic. both claim to hate the other for doing the exact same things they do.
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joanthangroff · 1 month
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thanks for the tag @incorrectcoldflashblog! :)
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I've been writing my own stories since I was like 10 or 11, but when I got on tumblr a few years later I discovered fanfiction :D First in a German forum where I mostly read Harry Potter fanfiction and eventually I tried my own hand – with drabbles (the actual exactly-100-words-kind of drabble, thank you very much) and then oneshots about Draco/Luna – because what else could have made me write than a rarepair? When I got more into the Glee fandom, I also got more used to fic in English and then I tried my hand on that, too (mostly because, again, I was into a rarepair that nobody else wrote about).
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
If we take all the Arrowverse shows as one fandom, it's 10 :)
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
At least for 13 years :D
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
At the moment I read more – because I rarely write at the moment :D But usually I'd say I write more.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I'm much much much better at introspection!! My fics consisted mostly of dialogue when I started writing. And now I spend more time analyzing characters' thoughts and feelings, I think?
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Oh, don't we all have that moment where we text our bio-engineer friend at 2am in the morning and ask "Hey, if a person in Illinois died in the night of December 11 2013 because they were struck by lightning and then got buried in moist soil, how rotten would their body have been after nine months?"
Otherwise I'd say the month I spent researching lacrosse which almost made me start playing the sport was a very wild ride, personally.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
"I love all comments equally!", I say like a father who's asked to name their favourite child. (In truth, I have always loved comments that are written while people read the fic. I used to write them, too, but since I mostly read via phone nowadays it's a hassle.)
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Trans Indian Epic, baby!
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
TIME TRAVEL!!! Do you know how many fic ideas I have that I just can't execute because I keep running in circles whenever I think about the implications of time travel?????? And also anything involved with lots of movement.
10. What is the easiest type?
Chatfics, my beloved <3
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I write per hand most of the time while my mum's watching something on TV that I'm not interested in. Then it gets typed up to Google Docs and from there it finds its way to ao3.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
The Glee/Flash AU of your dreams is resting in my head. And also the Teen Wolf season 5+6 rewrite where Mason can see Auras.
13. What made you choose your username?
It was my tumblr URL at the time and is a relict of my Marauders phase. pettigrace = pettigrew + ace. Do not mention Peter Pettigrew to me unless you want to be exposed to a rant that would make me look like a Rat Apologist. (On that note: FUCK JKR!!!!!)
I am tagging @lalalenii @pikechris @sophiainspace @frosty-the-killer-doll and I cannot think of a fifth writer rn.
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chaoticthotsstuff · 8 months
in no way a Peter Pettigrew apologist, but there are loads of fanfictions with Snape on the good side, and the Harry Potter/Voldemort ship is hugely popular with thousands of fanfics on any website. However, in my five years of reading Harry Potter fanfics, I have only read one fanfic where Pettigrew is humanized. He is always portrayed as ugly and mouselike, and in every AU he is discarded.
So I asked myself, why is that? Why can we let some things from canon slide, while others are irreversible and irrefutable?
And then I realized it. We expect betrayal from Snape, but Pettigrew's betrayal runs deep. The Marauders were a close-knit group, and war happened. Not everyone can handle war, and Pettigrew was a child too, barely 20 and under the thumb of an egomaniacal lord who wanted blood purity at best and to make orphans and slaves at worst. Can you say with 100% certainty that you would have made the right choices?
What Pettigrew did was terrible, but at least with frenemies you expect them to stab you in the back. With best friends, that kind of heartbreak severs you. That's why Remus was in hiding until Dumbledore probably asked a favour from him. Because no matter what Sirius or Peter did, that betrayal ran deep.
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birlwrites · 1 year
thanks for the answer about my reg-runs-away question! okay, so, another one - barty. barty my love <3. anyway, point is, what does barty think of james and sirius and remus and peter? undoubtedly he's aware of them, but what's his opinion surrounding them?
he does not have many opinions on peter as an individual i'll just put that out there. the slytherins are not immune to 'pettigrew is the irrelevant tagalong friend' syndrome
barty wouldn't have *many* opinions on the marauders if not for regulus. of course he'd know about them - it's kind of impossible not to - but his reactions would probably be confined within the range of 'eyeroll' to 'mildly amused'
because of regulus, barty primarily thinks of that friend group as 'sirius and sirius's friends' - sirius is the estranged brother, james is the Brother Stealer, remus is the prefect one with the jumpers, and peter is The Fourth One
to get more into it - barty knows that regulus and sirius used to be very close.
barty and regulus weren't close enough for barty to *really* witness the beginning of that estrangement, because that was a while ago, but at the very beginning of reg's first year regulus and sirius did interact. just not super often and it got increasingly stilted. and barty knew that regulus would talk to his brother sometimes. and then that just kind of Ended
at first, barty was mostly picking up on regulus and sirius's history through context clues, but it all started becoming much more clear to him once regulus conceded on the issue of blood purity (which took a while) - not so much that that was a Landmark Turning Point for them, although it was, but more so that once they reached that point, barty was the *only* one who knew what regulus actually thought, which meant that the two of them had a secret
so it was a turning point in the sense of talking a little more openly about their lives, which for regulus meant talking about sirius
to put it briefly, barty thinks sirius did not make an effort to maintain his relationship with regulus when he clearly could have. barty is very much a regulus apologist on all matters sirius - frankly, the only reason he intervenes in ch 41 is because regulus is losing control of the situation and needs to take a break and reorient.
and that is also kind of barty's first major interaction with sirius (as in, prolonged period of time in physical proximity), and he's absolutely primed to dislike him because of regulus aghslkhjdf
which takes us to James Potter The Brother Stealer! or rather, brother *supplanter*, as barty assigns sirius quite a bit of agency in that estrangement. potter is sirius's best friend which means he sucks. sirius ran away *to* potter which means he DOUBLE SUCKS and probably ENCOURAGED sirius to just fuck off, which is probably better for regulus in the long run really but it UPSET regulus which is of course bad
(re: sirius's disownment, barty is of the general opinion that sirius being heir black wasn't doing anyone any favors, primarily regulus aka the only one of the blacks he actually cares about, but that doesn't mean he thinks sirius running away was a good thing - more that it was the natural end result of sirius doing what he was doing. neither good nor bad, consequentially speaking, but as i said, it upset regulus, so bad METHODICALLY speaking)
okay back to james - with james, barty really just dislikes him because regulus dislikes him. barty has his own reasons to dislike sirius that are based in his caring for regulus - barty does not have his own reasons to dislike james
and he sees regulus's dislike of james and figures it's really resentment rooted in regulus's feelings towards sirius, so barty really doesn't dislike james on a personal level - but out of loyalty to both regulus and slytherin, he dislikes james on an OMFG He's So Annoying level
barty has even less reason to dislike remus - he's not as obnoxious as james and regulus doesn't care about him as much, so besides the general awkwardness of 'that's one of sirius's closest friends,' barty mostly knows remus through quidditch commentary AND RUNES CLUB
remus is in runes club but he's very lax about attendance, he just joined when they were working on making the map so he could pick babbling's brain for extracurricular projects and now he shows up occasionally for more Extracurricular Reasons
barty hasn't interacted with him, seeing as a) barty wasn't trying to interact with him and b) remus went 'oh, that is regulus's best friend, we will Not be acknowledging each other's presence because i don't want to turn sirius and regulus's quiet feud into a loud feud'
but barty has SEEN him there and so as a result he has concrete proof that lupin exists as an individual being beyond the marauders, the commentator's booth, and prefect rounds
(lupin naturally being a prefect because who else were they going to choose)
and re: the quidditch commentary, barty's general opinion is 'he's fairly competent but the pro-sirius and potter bias is appallingly blatant'
so barty's marauder opinions really stem from regulus's marauder opinions, which stem from regulus's sirius experiences (side note i like the sound of 'sirius experiences'). there are minor exceptions because of remus being in runes club (VERY minor exception) and james being the face of much of the marauders' pranking, but for the most part, each marauder is 'one of sirius's friends' first and an individual second
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jocanneverdecide · 11 months
[Marauders rant moment]
I hate the way this Fandom treats <young> Peter Pettigrew. It's so insufferable.
I absolutely live laugh love the boys, and i survive on the dopamine this Fandom gives me, but let's be real here, the marauders were just a bunch of insufferable popular teenage boys who spent their days causing chaos and were kind of these 'elite' students. If they were real and they had been with any of us in school, we would honestly just be so done with them and roll our eyes whenever they're braught up.
Peter was the black sheep of the group, ironically enough. He was the quiet one of a very loud bunch. And if the marauders were constantly erupting fireworks, Peter was nothing but the little 'pshhht' sound after the boom. He was not as attractive as they were, granted that James, remus and Sirius are portrayed as greek gods. He was not fit for the 'beauty standards' (im not gonna get into the fact that the Fandom collectively agreed to make him like this when they could've possibly, like they did many others, just alter his looks and make him more conventionally good looking, at the end of the day this fandom's main structure is perspective).
He and remus do share the same 'quiet kid' aspect, but whereas remus was given a background story and a tragic personality, Peter is always painted in a very one-dimensional way. In every single fanfic, he is either the bad guy, the homophobic guy, or just a background nuance.
Thing is, we could easily change that as a Fandom that does not have the word 'canon' in their dictionary, however we always chose to villanize him. And don't get me wrong, Peter does canonically become the villain, but no one is born bad. Villains are made by so many altering factors in their life.
All the other marauders got to date one of the girls at some point more or less (and depending on the fics) like the very popular sirius-Mary thing, obviously james-lily and sometimes even Remus-Marlene / past remus-lily. But no one ever gave Peter a second glance. Authors always 'invent' him girlfriends and OCs to date if they were kind enough to give him any sort of storyline at all.
Peter became a villain, yes, but he was once an innocent kid as any. He had a bright future ahead of him. He may have had hopes and dreams and secret crushes, and I hate to see that no one ever takes a second to consider it.
Peter is always faulted in fics for wanting a normal life. A normal job, a normal house in a normal place with a normal middle class life. He never was for all that explosive chaos. And everyone shamed him for it. Because sirius is a runaway with abusive parents, a very dark past and a rebellious soul, remus is a werewolf is a tragic past, no parents and absolutely nothing to lose, and James is a sunshine with a beautiful home life but a secretly crippling self esteem. Peter was just a simple boy from a simple household and trust me I couldn't tell you more because I wouldn't know. Nothing about him is clear. He's just always portrayed as a villain to be but this shouldn't be some kind of bridal shower. This is a boy who just wanted to be loved.
Maybe it's my savior complex talking, or the stick-up-for-the-underdog mentality I've got, but Peter deserved so much better than this.
There's this one fic (I didn't read it when I saw the 'petter Pettigrew is a bad person' tag) but the name really put me into perspective for a second. It's called ''the sun, the stars, the moon, and Peter''. How crushed i was when I read it.
I've always been a Pete apologist (not apologist for what he did, but more of an apologist for the person he was before he wasn't anymore.) And it just destroyed me.
In this fic there is a quote (i saw it in a tt video)
''James was always described as the sun, sirius was the stars, Remus was the moon. Where does that leave peter? He is like the meteors. Not important, but he can destroy all of them if he wants.'' CHILLS.
Tell me why do you think the betrayal hurt that much? Was it because Peter was just a background character in their lives or because he TRULY MEANT SOMETHING. to ALL of them?!?!?
Start thinking from this pov, and then build your fics, draw your fanarts (AND PLS INCLUDE HIM) and do whatever else you want.
Justice for Peter Pettigrew. He's human too.
[Edited]: I would like to make it clear that this isn't about Peter *in the marauders universe*. It's about how the fans portrait him. I'm only talking about the way authors of fics make him so one dimensional and give him no depth or plot line, and the way he is treated as a character.
I changed some of the things I've said in the rant, because someone did make me aware that i had offended them with what is said, and i sincerely hope this doesn't happen again.
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moaning-riddle · 4 months
hi :D
Please come and yell in my ask box about tomarrymort or any ship ship (x harry) that you want to yell about haha
This is a fic rec dump account, (emphasis on dump, I do not do rec lists or fic finds)
#fic rec for fics? though not accurate like half the time. just search the ship name tag.
I love Slytherin. I love time travel. I love professors Harry and Tom. I love powerful and competent Harry. I love the golden trio bonding (bashing is fine but only if there is Sirius or Tom in the main pairing). I love top/switch!Harry and bottom/switch whoever else is in the other side of the pairing (exception: Sirry)
hinny, drarry, nottpott, sirry etc etc enthusiast.
As obvious, I am extremely pro Harry James Potter. He is the #1. Everyone else comes later.
Grey on Snape and Dumbledore. In marauders, James Potter and Sirius Black enthusiast, Remus Lupin not so much. Peter Pettigrew is fine too. (anti Wolfstar and Jegulus)
OOH ALSO, Bellatrix Lestrange apologist.
sideblogs: @snowlike-fungus (poetry/mental health blah blah blog), @frothing-at-the-jaw (I am dying to make friends PLEASE come talk to me. dms O P E N), @paperbakc (academia blog).
Main blog: @solis-angelus
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ohsiriusly · 2 years
i am forever a peter pettigrew apologist.
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