#peter x lois
teetytotty · 27 days
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i love my fucking gf........................
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wendytestabrat · 3 months
cartman & kyle’s similarity to peter & lois (FROM THE VAULT [2020])
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I wanna compare Kyman to Peter & Lois’ dynamic in Family Guy bc I feel like the two ships have A LOT of similarities. It’s been shown on Family Guy how part of the reason why Lois stays with Peter even though Peter is retarded and he’s always doing dumb shit and causing problems in their marriage, is because Lois likes getting to be the smarter one of the two. It gives Lois her sense of self worth when she can be the one to nag Peter constantly and tell him when he’s doing something wrong, because it makes her feel better about herself to hide the fact that she is a shit person herself with a ton of problems LMAO. I feel like Kyle is the same way with Cartman. I mean Cartman isn’t stupid like Peter, Cartman is smart in a lot of ways but he’s always doing reckless dumb shit too and getting himself into trouble. This is why Kyle likes being around Cartman even though Kyle shits on Cartman all the time. I mean it’s been shown many times in the show that sometimes Kyle chooses Cartman over Stan & Kenny. We’ve talked before about how Kyle has a martyr complex and how he always feels like he has to save the day and fix everyone. And Kyle is also extremely prideful and stubborn, he always feels like he has to be right and hates to admit when he’s wrong. Kyle loves being the smartest one in the room, and he’ll throw a fit or pout if he’s wrong about something or he doesn’t get his way. And this is where Cartman comes in, Kyle likes being the one to lecture Cartman, boss him around, and tell him when he’s wrong because it makes him feel better about himself and it’s been shown how insecure Kyle is and how much he feels like an outcast for being a Jew. It makes Kyle feel good about himself when he’s with Cartman because he gets to be the more reasonable one between the two and take on that role of the voice of reason 24/7. Cartman makes Kyle look less crazy by comparison LMAOO. And this is why Kyle has been a shitty best friend to Stan at times and why he chooses Cartman over Stan in the new episodes. The thing is Stan is just as smart and woke as Kyle, and I do think the reason why Stan & Kyle are best friends is because they’re both the more intelligent and reasonable ones of the show (even though Kyle can act like an immature baby sometimes LMAOO) so they understand each other, and that’s how they became best friends in the first place. But since Stan is more well-adjusted and he’s not bat shit insane like Cartman, Kyle doesn’t get to lecture Stan and talk down to him as much as he gets to with Cartman. In fact, sometimes Stan is the one lecturing Kyle and calling HIM out on his bullshit. And I doubt Kyle likes that because he hates admitting he’s wrong. So Kyle would rather be around Cartman, because he gets to take on that martyr role all the time that he loves having. I mean yeah in a perfect world Kyle would get over himself and learn how to like put his needs first instead of being obsessed with feeling the need to fix everyone else’s problems to feel good about himself, but Kyle isn’t like that and I doubt he’s gonna change. If he did then he would be able to seek out a more positive and healthy relationship and actually get a girlfriend (or boyfriend hehe) for once, but Kyle’s entire world revolves around Cartman and Cartman’s messes.
update 2024: ok i said ‘woke’ back when it was still a positive word LOL
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headfulofempty · 6 months
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loiswasadevil · 2 years
My favorite Lois and Peter moments are when Peter is prank calling his mom and he tickles Lois, and whenever they're spraying the hose at each other and calling each other Batman and catwoman! Do you have any canon wholesome moments that are your favorite?
Thank you for the ask!!! i love these kinds of questions. The 'McRib Is Back' Scene is one of my favorites. It's so wholesome, though its more of a whole family moment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6JIC360Lyk I also love this moment, even though It's a little anxiety inducing, But I love the way peter calms me down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB7MdrLWZOc
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purest-chaos · 11 days
And yes, I fill the void with animatics, edits, fanarts, comics, clips and fanfiction of my ship. SO WHAT?
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jetslay · 6 months
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Comics Couples by Patrick Gleason.
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wildglitch · 2 months
What if Zombies!Spidey x DCU LETS GOOOOOOOOO-
O K-
So, This is the (Probably not the last, don't worry) post with ideas for my What If Zombies!Peter In the DCU AU. This is the post that (Finally) Focuses on the DC side of things. This post Is also going to be mainly focused on Peter and what he's up to cause he's the focus of this AU, but I’m probably gonna make another post with info on the other heroes, so If your interested in that, don't worry cause I am thinking about them (Bucky & Loki = Brainwashed bros)
Its also part 1 of Idk since this post kinda got away from me with its length (oops)
Anyways, without further adieu, let's start :D 
-So! starting this off with something fun and not that serious that I just found out. this should have probably gone in the first post but I didn't know this until now so here, a +1 info on “facts about the zombie apocalypse” tm. 
Ok, so at this point you know I like to play around with the timeline right? Ok so, I’m researching the dates and events things take place in right? Turns out, the snap happened in either May or June, and one source even said that it happened on May 31. Now, with this in mind and the fact that I said the apocalypse lasted between 7-8 months, what happens if you subtract 8 months from May? You get October. And if you add the date to it? Guys…I accidentally made it that the zombie apocalypse starts on Halloween! That's just insane!
The official timeline now is 8 months of the zombie apocalypse, no more no less, sorry, I don't make the rules :^ (omg I made Antman & the Wasp a halloween movie lmao. It fits)
-Alright so, Peter, Head Scott/w the cloke and T’challa are on a plane on their way to Wakanda when all of a sudden, well, how many of you seen the Young Justice Episode s1e19 Misplaced? (Btw have I talked about how much I love Billy batson? I will one of these days ok, and that's a threat) well anyways
Airplane squad: *”peacefully” traumatized on a plane to Wakanda
Airplane squad: *the people on the plane fucking fazes out of reality leaving him alone to fly the plane*
Peter: *Panik*
Peter: *feels a pull wanting to take him but fighting it off as he tries to fly a fucking plane*
Peter: *also fades out of reality but much later the other and is now falling to certain doom in the middle of the ocean*
Peter: “Oh What the F-”
Ya that-
I mixed aspects of the snap and scene from misplaced as their way of splitting up. And, they did split up. A high speed plane plus the time it took them to disappear firmly separates Peter from the rest of the heros. And thus the adventure commences
-unlike Billy who can fly, Peter falls head first at top speeds and a thousand meters high into the ocean.  This can happen a few different ways
1) Peter is stranded, and is found by Young Justice or any superhero team that was passing through the ocean and thinks “Oh shoot, that's a child”. And this is how he ends up with the league. This one is kinda fast and there wouldn't be any identity reveal since at this point this Peter has no concept of such a thing. But a good way to work around this is memory loss. Not really my cup of tea but I can very much see this happening considering how hard he hit his head
2) …So Peter fucking dies-
Listen! I somehow started off with my 2 most opposite extremes of ideas, but hear me out. The fall? It kills him. But lets say that some cult or the league of assassins or some shit find his body, realize he’s a “meta” and decide “Yeah, this is a good revival candidate” And they revive the poor sucker. He is held captive HYDRA style and they try to turn him into a weapon. Obviously, he escapes, set free onto the world with a few months of trauma and a stolen one way ticket anywhere. And that anywhere just so happens to be Gotham. I’ll let your mind take it from there
3) This is the last version of events I’m gonna mention and I think this one is the one I'm sticking with, purely for the comedic potential I can see coming out of this. So Peter fought back the spell right? Well unlike the snap where he was fighting a force of nature were he would not have won, Peter was fighting Loki off, which,
Yeah, so since Loki had to focus on getting that idiot spider child to cooperate, he loses track of everyone else, and all of a sudden, the fuzzy mental image he had of everyone dissipates, and Peters becomes the full focus. This lets him save the kid from the crash, but he now doesn't know where all of the others are, including his brother, and now he can't really get to any of them.
Peter: Fighting off that staticy feeling that's trying to take him
Loki: *Genuinely struggling to get this non magic kid to corporate with him*
Loki: Damnit CHILD! I'm trying to save your worthless life!
Peter: *Legit almost wins and gets left by himself in the zombieland* 
Loki: …What did they feed you?
-Peter is saved with a spell that's basically the bubble from steven universe but Loki style. He can breathe just fine, but he can't get out or call for hell. He spends many Hours like this.
-Ok so, Loki is a god. We have established this, I keep mentioning it (sorry) he himself brings this up multiple times. What is something gods tend to have sometimes? Avatars, people who act out their will on Earth. You see where I'm going with this? Since Peter is the only mortal from his world he has access to, and because he is stuck on the watchtower, he decides to make a deal with Peter to make him his Avatar and have him look for the others (Thor). Peter, after having most of the situation explained to him, accepts his offer, with a few conditions here and there that prevent Loki from taking full advantage of him. But at the end of the day, they are both desperate and accept the others' offers and conditions with little fuss.
-Deals and conditions for the avatar contract between Peter and Loki
Loki’s Mission: Find the other mortals and spread chaos as his agent Loki’s Offer: Slight magical aid, “ability boost”, Protection from other magical entities, Godly guide and knowledge and Loki wont force Peter into doing anything too grotesque Loki’s conditions for Peter: He will be able to access anything Peter is seeing and be able to take control of any situation if he sees it fit, he must go on the missions he sends him on, And if the situation ever truly demands it, he will listen to everything Loki tells him to do Peter’s Mission: Finding his friends and finding a cure to his world in this new one as Loki’s Agent. He must also make good impressions on other Magical being in this world as to not shame the god he’s representing Peter Offer: His loyalty and tentative trust, he won't argue too much and will do his absolut best to find Thor. he will Listen to Loki and do what he says Peter’s Conditions for Loki: Will become his Avatar as long as he gets to keep being a hero and doesn't have to hurt or kill people. He will only do a mission once a month, and he will not advertise the Avatar bit. Peter gets free will, He can refuse to do something as long as he isn't demanded of it.
With this, a hand shake, and some blood, The deal is made in the bubble in the middle of the ocean.
-Peter is now Loki’s Avatar, Moonknight style, Yay! They don't really like each other that much due to circumstance but it's fineeeeeee. I did this because 1) I thought of a scenario that didn't really make sense unless Peter was somehow talking to him 2) It’s a little nod to the fact most of the fics have the snapped souls with Peter on his adventure. I thought that this way he can still have his voice in his head , it's not that crowded because it's only one voice, and it's not that Intrusive because Loki isn't going to be with Peter 24/7 only when he needs him, he's using some of his powers, or when he can sense distress or danger coming from Peter- Other than that he's stuck at the watchtower trying to plan his next moves. And 3) Cause the thought came to me and i thought it was fucking Holirouse.
-With Some trickery, Peter sneaks onto a boat and spends his time hidden under the deck pretending and hides like a corner spider the whole trip
-Peter in his, Hasn't been around actual living breathing humans for such a long time, self, breaks down and cries at the docks. Coincidentally, The bats are doing a drug bust there and a wearhouse not 10 feet away from him blows up. 
-Peter in his typical fashion, Puts on his mask and runs into the building looking for survivors.
-The bats, not knowing what happened, see’s this costume stranger helping the thugs get away and immediately clocks him as a villain. Opps
-They fight, misunderstandings happen and now, The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Is on the front page as gothams hottest new Rogue. Well shit
-Peter being the smart guy he is, squats at an unoccupied apartment and claims it as his. Then Loki shows up after weeks of radio silence, takes one look at the place and says, hell nah, and fixes the place up with magic making the place more than livable. With some (probably magical) persuasion, the guy renting out the place actually puts him on the lease with 50 bucks of monthly rent. Does Peter feel guilty…well? Gotta roll with the punches man. Plus, this place looks nice, ignoring his 20 something neighbor that has enough blood on him to turn his white hair dye red that had sent his spider sense. This is fine.
-With some help from the voice in his head and walking through dark alleys at night, he finds a guy that works for immigration and was selling sketchy (But legit) identities. Not really trusting the guy but in desperate need and ID for the lease he was about to sign, He coughs up all the savings he had, took a Photo, and Ben P. Riley was born. He said he didn't trust the guy.
-Peter has decided to go by an alias for a few reasons, like not knowing if there was already another Peter Parker in this reality and not really wanting to risk it or the plain fact that he didn't really trust anyone in this new reality with it  (Loki and his magical guidance, he has firmly decided to never give out his name so freely ever again). His name is one of the last things from his past life that he can call his own, And if his “Villainous” identity was revealed as Peter Parker, he didn't know if he could handle it. The most simple reason was that he just missed his family and wanted something in this new life he was making for himself to remind himself of them. Ofcourse, he still added that P in there middle so as to not completely erase himself.
-Peter spends a full month just trying to get used to living in a society again, This causes some problems and misunderstandings.
-After many series of misunderstandings and mishaps, everyone thinking he's evil, Peter decides, YK what's, If I can't beat them, join them. Peter starts going out as the “Villain Spider-Man” doing sketchy shit (normal teenage shit) and causing a commotion in Gotham. Peter counts this as his act of mischief and Loki agrees when he sees the kid sell his own photos to the newspaper. Peter isn't actually doing anything evil, it's just his presence that brings fear. The fact that the bats have caught him breaking into multiple high security facilities doesn't really help his case
-Peter spends his months looking through files and files of info searching for the others, but has just about no luck on anything.
-Peter, forced by a mission, goes undercover in Gotham prep to follow one of Loki’s leads. He doesn't really know what he's doing here, but this Tim guy is pretty nice
-Cause of the amazing pictures he keeps selling to the paper, the company hires him full time as their photographer for special events and even lets him write a few articles when they see the notes he puts next to his pictures that provide contexts and stuff like that. This job opens Peter to search to a whole new horizon.
-With Peter's new job, hes sent to many different cities which introduces him to many different people
-He meets Jimmy Olson on a trip to Metropolis and hits it off pretty well with the older man. Jimmy introduces him to his friends and coworkers Lois and Clark, both of whom are just a delegate. Though that Clark guy as not stopped setting of his spider sense since he met him
-The next place he went to was a city called Fawcett, where he was sent to help with a story with one of the local reporters who was apparently his age.
Boss guy: Ben, meet Billy. You two will be working together on the report for this years summer festival
The two sniff each other out as godly “employees” and exchange numbers. And thus, a friendship was born as Billy decided to keep an eye out for any other reality travelers, and Peter is put as one of his emergency contacts to help him get out of shit since he was “technically 20 according to his ID”
Peter: *Looks at Billy*
Billy: *Looks at ‘Ben’*
*Insert that one Spider-Man meme*
-Peter is also sent to Gothams sister city Bludhaven. Peter,ends up meeting a weird police officer that keeps expecting him to take pictures of the guy. But he's nice enough and bought him a hotdog and a cinnamon roll(even though he now thinks he's allergic to them), so the weird outweighs the good.
-On his trip to Bludhaven, Peter decides to go out as spider-man. Not to cause trouble, but to go sightseeing and swinging without the interference of a bat. He ends up sitting upside down on an old building (like that one Atsv scene)  working on some leads he has when all of a sudden, Nightwing appeared right behind him dangling off the side of the building like a mad man giving him a heart attack. Nightwing is about to confront the spider after his sneak attack was caught, but before he does, Peter holds out the cinnamon roll towards the vigilante as a peace offering rushing out the words “Please don't hit me!” and Nightwing just stares. He stares long and hard looking between the treat and the Spider mask. Peter was about to run from them when Nightwing sort of just…sits. Or sits at the best of his abilities with no gravity defying powers. He actually does a pretty good job at it. Nightwing takes to offering with a nod and the 2 just sort of sit there in silence. It's awkward and weird, and quiet but for some reason he doesn't feel as uncomfortable as he thinks he should. Even less when he feels the ringing of his spider senses slowly die down as the minutes pass until it's just a constant hum at the back of his head
-They don't talk after that but from here is a turning point as to how the Bat clan view the spider.
More? Nay I say! (There will be a part 2 to this specific post, but it has gotten too long and I need to go to bed. So hopefully this will do for now :^) Plus this feels like agood stoping point since I feel like that ending would mark the ending to an arc
Please let me know what you think of this AU. I love seeing other people's ideas and thoughts. It fuels me lo
And make sure to keep an eye out for Part 2 of this post.
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lavoixhumaine · 3 months
i am now in a world where these two—
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and these two—
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are being referenced together and i am fucking living for it.
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yourfaveisinfamilyguy · 5 months
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"Lois I'd like you to meet Kyubey from Puella Magi Madoka Magica."
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saradika · 1 year
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This is the list of the incredible fics I’ve read and shared this month for the stardust reblog challenge! Includes ones read here and on my side blog, @eupheme (in case there’s any confusion!) 💖
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'tis the damn season by @maybege
Years after you last saw Boba Fett, Natalie invites you to spend Christmas with her family. | hot dad!boba x f!reader
ownership of mine. (part 2) & (part 3) by @amywritesthings
You have been in Narkina 5 for four months. The unit believes you are in a secret relationship with Kino Loy. (Are you?) | kino loy x f!reader
Before. When. After. by @littlemisspascal
There is a story before, when, and after Keef Girgo enters your life | ruescott melshi x f!eader
Zena Thamne (Cuyan Series) by @againstacecilia
Your fiance disappears two months before your wedding on a dangerous hunt. Fearing the worst and desperate to find him, you accept help from a reluctant Mandalorian and set off in search of your groom. | din djarin x f!reader
Take My Hand by @princessxkenobi
after a fresh snow has fallen over all the forest, you & your darling obi wan sneak away from the cottage for some ice skating; your hearts, all the while held within each other’s palms | obi-wan kenobi x f!reader
Patience by @oscarseyebrow
 “Show me how you caught him,” you request, eyes daring the bounty hunter as his chest heaves in the fluorescent lights of the Crest’s hull. “Show me how you took control.” | din djarin x female reader 
By Your Side by @princessxkenobi
In the softened afterglow of the fireplace, things take a heated turn between you and anakin, where all that you begin to sense there, is your shared waves of longing and intimacy, wanting just to be together | anakin x f!reader
Unwavering by @uwingdispatch
You are so precious to me,” he said. “Do you know that? I never…” he trailed off for a moment, closing his big hazel eyes, taking a deep breath. “I never had the courage to tell you how much I love you, but if something happens today and I never get to see you again—” | brasso x f!reader
A Touch of Peppermint by @princessxkenobi
hot chocolate doesn’t exist where Din Djarin is from, & thankfully you had been there just to show him what it’s all about; that is…if either one of you doesn’t get distracted for too long to enjoy it first ...❄️ | din djarin x f!reader
Flowers that Bloom in Winter by @psychedelic-ink
A spiteful coworker ruins the flower arrangements you had hoped to compete with. Not knowing what can be done, you entertain a young boy named Grogu who comes in at the same time wanting to buy a bouquet for his father. The next day, Din returns and offers to help you out with your work until a competition. | din djarin x f!reader
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A Cause For Celebration by @andrewrussgarfield
In which Peter Parker shows up at your front door with a slightly smashed cupcake and a whispered "Happy Birthday". | tasm!peter x afab!reader
Bitten by Fate by @stargirlfics
After a Halloween party at an abandoned mansion, you wake up to discover strange bites on your body and a note inviting you back | vampire!stucky x black f!reader
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Nothing Comes from Nothing by @hometownbard
All it took was a production of The Sound of Music for you to finally confront your feelings for Harvey, the show's leading man. | harvey x farmer
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Live Fires & Low Lights by @wyn-n-tonic
“You're teasing me, sweetheart.” | javier peña x f!reader
frankie request by @softanon
A scoop of fluff with Dad!Frankie, with a bonus appearance of young Júlia Morales. | frankie morales x gn!reader
expectations by @pedrito-friskito
It was only supposed to be a job. | joel miller x f!reader
Did You Think I Had Forgotten? by @wyn-n-tonic
She’d fucking hate him if she could. | santiago x f!reader
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All is Calm by @clydesducktape
Nicholas returns home looking battered and bruised. A reminder of a past life you’ve shared that leads to him needing your comfort and joy. | santa!harbour x f!reader
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These fics are all so lovely - please check them out and please support these creators! 💖✨
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ehmahlee26 · 1 year
Multicouples || Boxes
collab with @b99peraltiago
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cloudyysworld · 2 years
Idk why but the superhero x normal human ship is more appealing to me ,i ship plenty of superhero x superhero couples too but there is something about normal human falling in love with vigilante is so...special .The vigilante is hurt after a battle and come to their lover's house for help? The vigilante protect their loved one when they are in danger? The vigilante hiding their identity and all the angst coming after it? Truly magnificent. Also I think building a love interest that is a normal civilian for a hero is harder because they likely to fall into a "damsel in distress" type
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Masterlist 2
Emoji Guide
Dark themes = 🖤
Smut = ❤️
Find Masterlist 1 here
-Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers and his 200 year old partner who he calls daddy (mild ❤️ mentions)
Steve Rogers x male reader with a choking kink (mild ❤️)
-Moon knight
The moonboys with a male reader whos a stoic tall history teacher
The moonboys (mainly Steven) watching horror movies with alien male reader
The moonboys with a lover who has C-PTSD
The moonboys with omegaverse, with a beta reader.
Moonboys and Khonshu with a touch starved reader
Moonboys with a summer-like reader
“Clipped wings” Part 1 Namor x mutant reader
-Eddie Brock(and venom)
Eddie and Venom with a ftm reader
-Andrew Garfield (tasm) Peter Parker
Peter Parker x deadpool male reader
-Miguel O’Hara
Miguel O’Hara scent/sweat smut drabble❤️
-Peter B Parker
Peter B Parker with a narcoleptic boyfriend
-Hobie Brown
Hobie Brown with a boyfriend whos a juggalo and a fellow spiderman
Hobie Brown sfw alphabet
Hobie Brown nsfw alphabet ❤️
Hobie Brown x deadpool male reader
Hobie brown x lead guitarist male reader
Hobie Brown x Male reader whos spiderman and the son of Miguel from another dimension
Hobie Brown x insecure male reader
-Pavitr Prabhakar
Pavitr Prabhakar sfw alphabet
-Peter Benjamin Parker/Spidernoir
Spidernoir with a ftm reader
Spidernoir with a lover who keeps touching his web slit/spinnerette ❤️(a little bit)
-Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly is in spider heat and wants nothing more than for you to dominate him ❤️
Miles and Prowler Miles with a black cat reader whos in love with miles, and is dead in earth-42.
Relationship headcanons for Miles Morales, Miguel O'hara and Hobie Brown.
Platonic/parental headcanons for Peter B and Miguel with a spiderman male reader whos very protective
-Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne x male reader cuddling and edging, drabble ❤️
Bruce Wayne x male reader, meeting the family
-Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson x male reader whos a dancer and hero
Dick Grayson x powered male reader whos the son of oliver queen
Dick Grayson x clarks son reader, who are hopelessly in love.
Dick Grayson x Rogue doctor male reader
-Jason Todd
Jason having a depressive episode and the reader takes care of him, so he goes into subspace ❤️
Jason todd x older vigilante male reader, part two (little bit of  ❤️)
Jason Todd x snobby rich male reader with brat taming ❤️
-Tim Drake
Tim Drake x ftm reader, ft cuddling and homemade coffee
Tim Drake x flirty son of Trigon male reader, whos a sorcerer vigilante
Tim Drake x autistic male reader, where they mirror eachother, ft the batfams reaction to that
Being Tim Drakes boyfriend and his family is protective of him
Tim Drake x male reader, pulling all nighters and falling asleep
Tim Drake x older male reader
-Damian Wayne
Platonic Damian with a Alien reader who pretty much adopts him
-Wally West
Wally West with an autistic male reader
FTM Wally West x Male reader with Wally being eaten out drabble❤️
-Barry Allen
Barry Allen x cat burglar male reader
Barry Allen x alien male reader whos culture roughhouses
-Eobard Thawne
Eobard Thawne with a male reader whos just a normal guy.
-Roy Harper
Roy Harper with a villain male reader
-Clark Kent/Kal-el
Clark Kent being flirted with by a rich male reader, instead of reader flirting with Lois
Clark Kent with a kryptonian partner, featuring scent kink and kryptonian words ❤️
-Conner Kent/Kon-El
Conner Kent with a male reader, featuring kryptonian headcanons ❤️(a little)
Conner Kent with a male reader whos culture is similar to kryptonians and who purrs
Conner Kent with a male reader whos stoic around everyone, but cocky and smug with him
Conner Kent with a male reader whos a clone of plastic man.
-Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan x Red Lantern Czarnian male reader (slight  ❤️)
Hal Jordan x male reader, with a scent/musk kink ❤️
-Guy Gardner
Guy Gardner relationship headcanons
Guy Gardner nsfw alphabet ❤️
Guy Gardner trying to top fellow lantern reader, but being dominated ❤️
Guy Gardner being put in subspace by his star sapphire lover, with sounding ❤️
-John Constantine
Constantine nsfw alphabet ❤️
Constantine with a male reader whos like Dean Winchester from Supernatural
Constantine x tattoo artist male reader (mild ❤️)
Constantine x Angel male reader
- Patrick “Eel” O’Brian
Patrick “Eel” O’Brian sfw alphabet
-Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Harvey Dent with a male reader who distracts him during work
Harvey Dent/Two-Face cuddle fluff
Bane x FTM reader general headcanons
More Bane x FTM reader fluffy headcanons
-Minhkhoa Khan/Ghostmaker
Minhkhoa Khan relationship headcanons
Yandere Jason x speedster male reader x Yandere Dick
Yandere Jason x speedster male reader x Yandere Dick part 2 🖤
Batboys with a villain reader who constantly flirts with them
DC characters and my personal headcanons for them (ethnicity, gender, etc)
Martian Headcanons
Kryptonian Headcanons
Dick grayson x Wally West x male reader
Platonic batfam with a kid reader whos a clone of jason, raised by the Joker
Platonic Batfam with a sick vigilante male reader who wont rest
-Mark Grayson/Invincible
Mark Grayson Yandere Alphabet 🖤
Mark Grayson nsfw Alphabet ❤️
Mark Grayson x constantine-like male reader
-Rex Sloan/Rex Splode
Rex x gcn ftm reader and defending them when they get misgendered
-The Immortal
The Immortal x immortal reader who isnt a hero
-Flaxan leader
Flaxan leader with an anti-hero male reader
-Damien Darkblood
Damien Darkblood x detective male reader, wholesome fluff
Nolan and Allen x small but strong ftm reader
Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x dark side leaning male reader
Anakin Skywalker x mandalorian reader with cockwarming ❤️
Anakin Skywalker flirting with the reader and making out
-Paz Vizsla
Paz Vizsla x sith male reader, ft Darth Revan and lots of headcanons
Paz Vizsla x ftm reader headcanons
-Din Djarin
Din Djarin adopting a foundling pantoran reader and being a father figure.
FTM Din Djarin getting eaten out in his pilot seat with his armor on ❤️
-Boba Fett
Boba Fett x male reader with gunplay❤️
The Boys
-Billy Butcher
Billy Butcher x male reader whos Homelanders brother
DomBot Billy Butcher x SubTop supe reader ❤️
-Homelander/John Gillman
Homelander x supe male reader whos much more powerful than him ❤️
Homelander dating a ftm reader
Homelander with a partner with self harm scars
-The Deep/Kevin Moskowitz
The Deep x male reader where he gets off just having his gills played with ❤️
A-Train, MM, Frenchie and Hughie as boyfriends, headcanons
-Jason Voorhees
Jason with a male reader whos childhood friends who meet again years later
Jason Voorhees nsfw alphabet ❤️
-Chad Martin-Meeks
Chad with a male reader who grew up together and fell in love.
-Billy Lenz
Billy Lenz with somnophilia ❤️(🖤 cuz theres no explicit consent)
-Poly Ghostface
Billy and Stu with a male reader who has anger issues whos tired of being angry
Billy and Stu comforting their lover who has body dysmorphia
Norman, Patrick, Michael, Jason, Brahms, Billy and Stu with an S/O whos as crazy as them without realizing
One Piece
-Donquixote Doflamingo
Doflamingo with a lover whos shorter than him
Yandere Doflamingo with a male reader who gets stockholm syndrome ❤️(🖤 a bit, cuz yandere)
Doflamingo x young adult male reader with back pains
-Sir Crocodile
Ftm Sir Crocodile being fucked into submission by the reader ❤️
-Dracule Mihawk
FTM dracule mihawk x service top male reader ❤️
-Red Haired Shanks
Shanks x martial artist male reader whos love language is physical affection and words of affirmation
-Trafalgar D Water Law
Law being Bratty and being punished by a bigger Zoan fruit male reader ❤️
Law with a tall intimidating male reader who everyone thinks is the top (mild  ❤️)
-Vinsmoke/Black Leg Sanji
Sanji being tied up and desperate to touch the reader ❤️
Reader spanking Sanji to let off some steam ❤️
-Roronoa Zoro
Reader punishing/spanking Zoro, but it ends up with them arguing, but making up❤️
-Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate
Whitebeard with a tall male reader whos never been shorter than anyone before ❤️
-Smoker the white hunter
Smoker SFW alphabet
Roronoa Zoro and Portgas D Ace and sounding ❤️
Teen Wolf
-Jackson Whittmore
overall Jackson Whittmore nsfw headcanons ❤️
-Scott McCall
Bottom Scott McCall x kanima-werewolf male reader, ft some tailplay ❤️
Rick and Morty
-Rick Sanchez
Yandere Rick Prime headcanons 🖤
-Josiah Nguyen
Yandere Josiah headcanons 🖤
Call of Duty
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost being secretly married to Soaps brother
Ftm Ghost x male reader smut drabble ❤️
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick 
Ftm Gaz x male reader, pussydrunk reader with overstim, drabble ❤️
-Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
Dom rudy headcanons along with a few cute ones ❤️
-Phillip Graves
Graves with a male reader whos gone through a near death experience
Graves with a vampire boyfriend
141 with a male reader who wears a lot of dog tags
Poly Alerudy with a male reader whos childhood best friends and post lovers with Soap
Cod boys with a male reader who wears a mask and has a huge burn scar
Cod boys with a reader who repeats words or phrases they say
Poly alerudy with a short male reader
Alejandro and Graves with a reader who rubs their face against their stubble
Poly alerudy with a tall male reader who is basically a giant cat
Alejandro, Rudy, Graves and Soap with a reader whos create as copying noises
Ghost, Soap, Alejandro, Rudy, and König with a reader whos a famous volleyball player
Alejandro and Rudy with a mute s/o
141 with an autistic reader who makes noises, like meowing and hissing
Soap, Gaz, Ghost, Roach and Graves as pups with petplay❤️
Alejandro and Rudy taking care of their sick and hurt lover
Lookism characters with a male reader who has a squishable chest and butt
Barbie (2023)
-Kenneth “Ken” Sean Carson
Ken x male reader drabble, where Ken gives the reader head and has a praise kink ❤️
Stereotypical Ken x Male reader x Pompadour Ken where they compete whos best ❤️
Baldurs Gate 3
-Astarion Ancunín
Astarion with a Bard Tiefling male reader, random headcanons
Fight Club
Jack/The Narrator
Jack x medical staff male reader (drabble, from jacks pov)
Tyler Durden and Jack “The narrator” throuple relationship headcanons
Scott Pilgrim Takes off
-Todd Ingram
Helping Todd Ingram get over his crush on Wallace and it leads to make outs.
-Stephen Stills
Stephen Stills x male reader meeting in a club ❤️
My Hero Academia
-Enji Todoroki/Endeavor
Reformed Enji with a hero male reader whos very flirty when they are on patrol
Jujutsu Kaisen
-Nanami Kento
Nanami giving dom/top reader aftercare (mild  ❤️)
-Ryomen Sukuna
Chubby heian era/true form sukuna x chubby ftm reader, sweet and cuddly hc
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writterings · 1 year
family guy fandom from an alternate reality:
-main ships are peter/quagmire and peter/joe. huge ship wars over them in 2015. nowadays though the fandom is more progressive and cool and a lot of people ship peter/quagmire/joe or peter/lois/quagmire or peter/lois/joe/bonnie or even peter/lois/joe/bonnie/quagmire.
-these are all shorted to p+l+j+b+q or whatever. or just like pljbq. lots of jokes about fandom newbies not understanding all the ship abbreviations.
-cleveland is the token straight friend or is forgotten entirely from the fandom.
-genuine discourse defending brian x stewie.
-people calling the actual liberal takes in the show "so progressive and subversive"
-surprisingly there is a relatively large amount of ship art of lisa simpson x meg that everyone claims to ship so hard but then you go on ao3 and there are like. 3 fics.
-(your own attempt to write one never gets posted)
-(this is not me saying i would ship them or anything, but i feel like i'm also just making a whole analogy of the fandom experience with this)
-heavy celebration of that bart simpson x chris fan comic where they're adults in couple's counseling (with bobby hill as their therapist). so much so that there is an entire smaller fandom for this crossover au of the simpsons/family guy and sometimes other shows are included like king of the hill or american dad or even bob's burgers (who's usually featured as a cameo or smth in fics, like if the characters stop in a restaurant and it's bob's restaurant). it's called "simpsons guy" or "simpsons guy of the hill" OR "simpsons guy of the hill's burgers"
-or SGOtHB
-blogs dedicated to pointing out the animation errors
-quagmire x reader fanfics being popular, but there is so much discourse around whether it's right or if a lot of stuff is in-character with quagmire or if it's even ethical to like quagmire at a character at all
-meg and chris are a lot closer and nicer to each other in fanfics and fan art. more supportive to each other against their abusive parents.
-like three genuine fanfics and one piece of fan art depicting the evil monkey as chris' real emotional father.
-several fanfics written in a star wars au (both genuine and in the same universe as the show's star wars parody)
-lots of ironic fan art about brian being a stoner
-more serious aspects that are usually played for gags in the show are treated so so so seriously. like how meg is treated and her depression. or like how joe probably has trauma (and so does his son).
-people saying that they would want peter and lois as their parents. then people pointing out why that would be bad and a then a lot of discourse happens.
-joe cop discourse
-discourse on the morality of shipping brian with humans
-popular tag on ao3 that says "Brian Griffin Only Dates Dogs" or "Universe Altercation: Brain Griffin Only Dates Dogs" or "Dog!Jillian"
-sub part of the fandom dedicated to celebrating mayor west (and a surprising amount of love for the ship of him and his wife)
-drawing the characters in different outfits. (i personally want to see meg in a yellow sunflower dress and peter in an 80s disco man outfit)
-SO MUCH fan art of peter x the chicken but it's not as popular now as it used to be.
-and in 2012, more of whatever else this is:
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youngsamanda · 3 months
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not to be a silly goose but i have the itch to write and below are a bunch of things i'd love to write ! i am open to writing on tumblr or jcink but heavily prefer discord ! please be eighteen or over if you are giving this post a like or messaging me ! if you have any questions please let a girl know i love to yap about headcanons , characters , and swap pinterest boards i will be annoying abt it ! but yea give this a like or dm me if interested !
plots : slasher multimuse / messy 2000s socialites / yellowjackets style where we play older and younger versions of plane crash survivors / mermaid x pirate romance / not actually the characters but the vibes of red white and royal blue gay royals and all that / just want random period pieces like characters in the 70s or something / rich girl x country boy / proper enemies to lovers / the bitches from the mummy / mob lackey and mob boss daughter / something based on beth x rip from yellowstone / literally just a drama college friend group bc it’s fun / gimme real old gay vampires that are just messy and awful for each other but keep falling back together / literally on my knees begging for any kind of beauty and the beast plot / gay cowboys / next gen marvel or dc / scooby doo style friend group and ships / 70s rockers / literally anything where we can cast older and younger versions and do next gen stuff eventually bc that's so fun / co-stars on a fantasy television show
wanted opposite : nick robinson / archie renaux / emilio sakraya / jena malone / ryan graves / adrian kempe / sza / lily gladstone / yahya abdul mateen ii / alperen duymaz / drew starkey / fka twigs / aubrey plaza / peter gadiot / renee rapp / paul mescal / havana liu rose / milo manheim / taylor zakhar perez / riley keogh / anna diop / melissa barrera / ben barnes / ayo edibiri / fabien frankel / dev patel / oliver jackson cohen / danny ramirez / aubin wise / cillian murphy / amber midthunder / daniel sharman / auli'l cravalho / logan lerman / phoebe tonkin / rege jean page / winona ryder / dua lipa / elodie yung / joseph quinn / simone ashley / camila mendes / jensen ackles / henry golding / blu hunt / aaron taylor johnson / calum hood / gabriel luna / savannah lee smith / may calamawy / ruby cruz / chay suede / brady skjei / zazie beetz / donald glover / emilio sakraya / evan peters / lola tung / anyone really
ships : wanda x vision (recasting required) / (recasted prefered) sam x bucky / bucky x steve / natasha x bucky / gale x dewey / buffy x spike / buffy x angel / keyleth x vax / older annabeth x percy / anakin x padme / tom blythe x rachel zegler / mason gooding x jenna ortega / peter x gwen but not tom holland peter / bloom x sky from winx club / danielle galligan x calahan skogman / nesta x cassian / taylor zakhar perez x madelyn cline / mickey x ian from shameless but recasted / rhaenyra x harwin / taylor zakhar perez x amita suman / haley x nathan from oth / haymitch x effie from the hunger games / anna diop x brenton thwaites / lydia x stiles (recasted) / scott x allison (recasted) / older sean x emma from degrassi (recasted) / rosalie x emmett from twilight (recasted) / odessa a'zion x drew starkey / courtney eaton x sophie thatcher / lorna dane x marcos diaz (lorna recasted) / kaz x inej / nina x mattias / jason todd x rose wilson (not titans tv version) / clark kent x lois lane / hal jordan x barry allen / klaus x caroline (recasted caroline at least) / hayley x klaus / mackenzie davis x gugu mbatha-raw
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Thanks for letting me spam, now I also have a Gen x father so I was already into geek culture
But fuck the Civil War event that character assassinated Tony so hard it took the 2008 movie to heal him
Sorry after I got into comics, 70% I go “Where are the adults?!” with the handling of characters
And Dan Didio
Oh that guy had a mid life crisis
And for anime yeah there a lot of people who are tourists like MCU fans
But something I notice with a lot of MCU fans or new fans of geek culture
Is that they REFUSE to engage with stuff like pre 2008. Despite it being so easy now with the options we have
Actually can I do another anon about the anime discourse? Because it makes me raised a eyebrow a lot
Uggggggggggggggh FUCK Civil War. That event is what stopped me reading Marvel comics all together. Such trash. Ruined so many good characters. The only saving grace is that it got me to stop reading Spider-Man before One More Day came out, so I never had to experience that abortion. I hate editors who get a hold of a popular comic and immediately ruin it because they don't like one of the main aspects of that character.
"PeTeR pArKeR cAn'T bE iN a ReLaTiOnShIp ThAt'S bOrInG aNd UnReLaTaBlE"
Sorry you're bitter and alone and hate fun and happiness, buddy, but Peter and MJ are the Superman and Lois of Marvel. If you don't like that relationship, then don't be in charge of the book.
Anyway, feel free to send me as many anons as you want about the anime discourse, or any other subject.
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