#pieces of writing advice
cepheusgalaxy · 1 year
Pieces of really helpful writing advice I found on internet
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If any of this content is yours and is not credited, warn me and I'll make sure that it is corrected ☃️
All of these images were found of pinterest, and some may feature tumblr posts, if you have the link for any of said posts, sharing would be appreciated
If you want to do an ALT description for any of these images, you are encouraged
I may as well do an ALT for each image, but it doesn't have one so far
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fahye · 7 months
@lieutenantkim replied to your post “hi freya! your work with the TLB series is...”:
I'm a little confused, what do you mean by "start as late as possible in the story" and then "have the main inciting incident take place within the first scene"? Did you mean the other way around or?
​nope, I mean exactly that!
the TLB books are slightly unusual in that the real inciting incidents for all three involve the murder (even if obliquely, in book 3) of a third party, so they all begin with a kind of BBC-crime-drama pre-credits-scene chapter in which the murder occurs.
but the first chapter from a protagonist's perspective begins as close to the thing that Starts Their Story as possible. even after it. I could have showed you robin's daily home life, his parents' death, and then his receiving the notification of his new job at the home office. instead I started it RIGHT where he is introduced to the existence of magic, and then only introduced his home life & maud once he was already embroiled with worrying about magic and the curse.
I could have started ART with maud and mrs navenby getting on the ship, or even with maud on her initial voyage out to america. I started the moment AFTER her discovering the dead body: the plot is off! immediately! at once!
there is a tendency for first drafts to start with a character on their way to the plot: waking up on the day in question, or on a train to somewhere new, so the author can get comfy and wriggle around with some narration telling you who they are at the start of the story.
nope. start when they get off the train. or later. by the end of the very first scene, something new should have happened to them which gives the reader the story's first (or even central) unanswered question or point of conflict. you can fill in their backstory and personality and pre-story-status-quo in the narration as you go.
finding the right starting point is often a second-draft thing. and that's fine! but it gets easier with practice.
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lees-chaotic-brain · 1 month
bakugou katsuki who isn't a stranger to death due to the nature of his job is at a loss when faced with the death of your father.
after all the deaths in the war you both were suffering, so he was able to share your pain as you comforted each other. after a civilian died on his watch for the first time he came home and allowed himself to fall into your arms as you comforted him. the first time a civilian died on your watch he cooked you a warm meal and told you that some things are out of your control, and it doesn't make you any less of a hero.
he'd like to think he knows death and grief well enough to do something. he'd like to think he knows you well enough to know what to do. but in the face of your insurmountable grief, one that shoves you to the ground and slowly chokes out your will to live, he's lost.
you don't speak for days, just isolating yourself in your room and refusing to eat. it scares him. he knows how to deal with your depressive episodes, but this goes far deeper than an episode.
so he tells you he's there for you, and worries from a distance. days pass, and finally you emerge. standing under the fluorescent lights of your kitchen you finally allow yourself to cry, the force of your tears knocking you to your knees.
he kneels before you and allows you to sob into his chest as you ask if it's always going to hurt this bad, if the grief is always going to be this overwhelming, how you're supposed to move on after losing the only person who supported you since the day you were born.
he doesn't have answers for the first two, but for the last one he tells you what he's heard others say. "for now, you cry. you let yourself grieve. then you take it one day at a time, and let me be there for you when it feels like too much."
they're simple words, but they seem to comfort you a bit. crying into the comfort of his strong embrace, you allow him to hold you up as he sheds a few tears of his own in the face of your pain. he swears, he'll be there for you through it all.
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dallasgallant · 4 months
Tough Slang |
I’ve been watching a lot of delinquent movies (I have recs) lately and I’ve started to collect the slang common in them. This is a “dictionary” that’s useful for writing but I’d still recommend looking up period or group specific slang yourself too, consider this a starting guide.
Primarily 50s-60s , mixed with general slang and relevant words.
Baby: Term of endearment [also used in Gay context]
Backseat bingo: Making out
Beat it: Go away
Belted: Beaten; Hurt
Bent car: Stolen car
Bit: Job; Robbery plan
Blade: Knives [typically switchblade]
Blast: Good time
Bop: Kill
Boss: Liked man of authority
Box job: Safe cracking
Break it up: Stop fighting
Broad: Woman
Bug: Bother
Bugging: Freaking out; Tripping
Bulls: Cops
Bum: To get by asking or begging; Vagrant
Bunk: Sleep with ; Share a prison cell
Candy ass: Coward
Can opener: Tools capable of breaking open safe
Can: Prison
Cheese it: Stop what you’re doing; Look out
Cherry: Good looking/condition [typically a car, sometimes a person]
Chicken: Coward
Cool it: Calm down
Cooler: Prison
Con: Convict; Swindle
Copped: Had the cops called on; Ratted out
Cranked: High; Drunk
Crash: Stay/sleep at someone’s place
Crazy: Deranged ; Enthusiastic about something
Cut the gas: Get to the point; shut up
Deck: Box of ciggerettes; To punch
Dibs: Laying claim on something
Dig: to understand; to like something
Dive: Low down place
Flat: Broke
Flip: Panic
Freak out: Wild/irrational reaction or behavior
Fry: Executed by electric chair
Fuzz: Police
Gas: Fun or cool
Get bent: Get lost; Go fuck yourself
Get lost: Go away
Greaser: Young man with greased hair, usually of lower class , gang affiliation or juvenile delinquent
Hang: Gather together with no expressed purpose
Hang loose: Relax; Take it easy
Happenin’: Exciting/Lively/Busy ; With the times
Heat: Police
Heater: Gun
Headshrinker: Shrink; therapist
Hip: With it; Understand; Cool
Hoodlum/hood: Trouble maker; Criminal
Jam: in trouble; Cram something
JD: Juvenile delinquent
Jive: Agree with someone
Jug: Prison
Jumped: Attacked without warning; Beaten
Keen: Eager; Enthusiastic
Lay off: Leave alone
Lifer: Someone serving a life sentence
Loaded: Drunk; Armed [Depending on context]
Lone it: Do something on ones own
Loiter: Stand or wait around without purpose; hang out
Man: Colloquialism for emphasis or familiarity 
Neato: Neat; Excellent; Exciting
Nance: Efféminent guy/Gay
Pack: Carry some sort of weapon
Pad: Where someone lives
Pansy: Efféminent guy/Gay
Paper shaker: Cheerleader
Pops: Affectionate term for an older man
Punk: Hoodlum
Rat: to tell on
Reefer: Weed; Marijuana
Rod: Gun
Rumble: Organized fight
Scram: Go away
Scum: Despicable person
Shiner: A black eye
Sock: Punch
Skin: Fight with no weapons
Slug: Bullet ; Hit
Stay cool: Remain calm ; control yourself
“Give some skin”: High five or handshake
Spill: Tell information
Split: Leave ; Get out fast
Square: Uninteresting person; Someone never in trouble with law
Stuck: Stabbed [in context]
Sucker : Gullible person; Someone who was conned
Swingin’ : Exciting ; Hip ; throwing punches [in context]
Tanked: Drunk
“The man”: Figure of authority keeping systems in place [Oppressive] ; One who maintains status quo
Turf: Territory
War council: Meeting between organized gangs to work out issues or plan a fight
Waste: Kill
Weed: Cigarette
Whipped: Beaten
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honey-writes · 2 years
Maybe someone needs to hear this today, but writing is supposed to be fun. Ultimately, that should be the goal. To have fun. To enjoy yourself; enjoy the process of making something new out of nothing; enjoy tying together your plot lines and scenes and everything that goes into crafting a story. At the end of the day, your number one goal should be to have fun. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with copious self indulgence if that’s what makes you the most happy. And if you’re not having fun writing right now, it’s okay to take a break! If you’re feeling burnout, there’s nothing wrong with taking a step back to breathe. Remember: art should be an enjoyable process. Yes there is work, and yes there are times where it’s strenuous, but it should be fun, too. Write for yourself. Write for YOU. (Or: don’t write right now if you can’t/don’t want to! That doesn’t make you any less of an artist.) The rest will come later. Just have fun! ♡
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aleksanderscult · 4 months
It is also a teeny bit weird to make Zoya being prettier and thus a more ideal sun summoner be set up as thing to be proven wrong in the beginning but then Zoya actually becomes the Queen with lots of focus on how gorgeous she is and Alina fades into obscurity and wears old shawls.
I mean yeah.
Because apparently one of the messages this trilogy wanted to pass was how nothing is what it seems. Alina is not weak but very powerful, she just doesn't know it. Aleksander is not a man to be trusted but a selfish, power-hungry bastard, except Alina doesn't realize it until it was too late (*inserting dramatic tones if you didn't notice*).
Normally, Zoya wouldn't get that much spotlight. But, alas, Bardugo has said many times that she's one of her most favorite characters so she was bound to become important. A Squaller (among hundreds) became important by becoming a Saint as well.
Saints in the Grishaverse normally have very distinct, unusual powers. Alina had her light, Aleksander his shadows, Elizaveta's Materialki powers manifested themselves through her ability to control nature while Ilya didn't allow his powers to be restricted at all (he was both a Healer and a Durast as well as an inventor). Plus, they get martyred and Zoya is...well....alive.
Her push to the spotlight was, for me, too forced while, at the same time, the author tried to remove Alina's presence (as if she wasn't the main character for three books straight that the antagonist fell in love with and his plans revolved around her). Whether someone likes Alina or not, we have to admit that it's not going to be the same without her on the front. The story doesn't really make sense without her. It's like removing Harry Potter from his own books.
And it seems that whether Alina has powers or not, she stays hidden. And Zoya got what she wanted all along: the spotlight.
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clementine-kesh · 9 months
Of course you have writer’s block. What you call your memoir—a chronicle of the kind of feelings you think you should be having in your cabin in the woods—is actually a first-person novel with a main character whose soul looks like a photoshopped version of your own. But you’re a writer, not an actor; it’s not your role to perform on the page. Even if you did—if you wrote gorgeously about the trees you don’t care about, the sunsets you’re tired of watching, and the swirling tea that isn’t that good anyway—it would be a shell of a book and it would not touch readers in the way you want to touch them. It would not move them, and it would not surprise them, because in the process of writing you would have faced nothing real about yourself.
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gt-daboss · 2 months
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Annnnyways... there is a CASCADE of illustrations and writings about how a giant can and WILL get easily fucked over by a gremlin tiny, hell, they literally live in your walls. BUT SCREW ALL THAT! WE ARE TALKING ABOUT GIANTS TODAY! Giants who attach tiny's favorite food to a string, right. Maybe a tiny thinks they're so so sneaky and boasts about it all the time, only for one day the giant comes out with a fucking phone book sized collection of pictures of them eating and stealing all there food. bonus points if they start hanging the particularly embarassing ones on the walls outside their home. Maybe even sharing a couple to borrow-tok if we're feeling extra spicy~
OMG what about a tiny sneaking around trying to steal food only for the giant to sneak up behind them and make a Nat Geo doc on them, "Here we can carefully observe the totally 100% independent borrower female. Well renowned for their hunting prowes, she wanted to let me know that she wasn't the one who stole my twinkies last night. ah but alas back to the hunter... slowly but surely approacing the dull light of kitchen... all good intentions I'm sure... (Bonus points of course if the tiny can match the vibe, make this shit an episode out of the 3 Stooges)
And if you're a giant whos thinking, "Oh no! I can't do this to my tiny they'll be too scared! they'll think im bullying them!" THINK ABOUT WHAT THEY'VE DONE, steel your heart, If they can be a gremlin, So. Can. You. Get out there and cause some mayhem!
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vacantgodling · 1 year
✨preferences should not be standards for writing advice✨
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aachria · 1 month
Aachria I wanted to thank you I've been picking apart Ed's character and using them as a measuring stick for my own OC's and I think I'm on my way to making a proper Isekai protagonist of my own
Damn bitch I did NOT think this little fuckhead would be anyone's measuring stick for ANYTHING, that's CRAZY.
My best advice for writing any character is to remember they're supposed to be a person — they'll have a million little details about them and a million little stories that make up their mannerisms, not just one be all end all moment of formation (though having a turning point or revelation moment with a goal or purpose is GREAT). For an isekai character specifically, striking a good balance between who they were before, how the event of being isekaied changed them, and how they'd like to be moving forward is what makes or breaks a good character. Goddamnit I forgot I was a nerd for a minute feel free to ignore that.
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tips for writing law as a surgeon in a modern AU
the US medical system, and especially medical training, is a mess of incomprehensible rules and timelines. surgery training ESPECIALLY. and accurate information can be weirdly hard to find! so without further ado, here's a list of random factoids that i thought would be vaguely useful to have in one place
Some basic terms: 
Attending: boss doctor, fully trained and certified. Often intimidating. 
Resident: worker doctor, still finishing training. They usually do the majority of the actual work in surgeries, especially as they advance. 
Intern: first-year resident. Their schedule is slightly different because every intern in every specialty has to meet a few requirements. They’re also limited in what medications they prescribe until they take a big test (usually at the end of the year).  
Junior resident: first 2 years of training. They do more of the paperwork (writing notes, calling other doctors, admitting patients) and floor work (changing wound dressings, seeing new patients, checking on old patients if there’s an issue)
Senior resident: 3+ years of training. They check on the juniors to make sure they’re doing everything right, and generally do more operating and interacting with the attendings. 
Chief resident: resident on their last year of training/just out of training. In many specialties there’s only one, but usually, every 5th year surgical resident is a chief. Treated as attendings in many cases, they also build the schedule for the other residents. 
Fellow: fully certified doctors doing additional training in a sub-specialty. Common surgical fellowships are trauma/critical care surgery, colorectal surgery, surgical oncology, and cardiothoracic surgery. 
Service: a team of doctors from one specialty who admit, operate on, and follow up with patients for one specific problem. 
On service/off service: “on service” residents are working on the team within their own specialty (a surgical resident who’s working on the general surgery team this month). Off-service residents are on a team outside of their primary specialty (an anesthesiology resident on the general surgery team). Anesthesiology, urology, plastic surgery, transitional year, and sometimes family medicine residents have to rotate through surgical teams. These residents pretty much never operate and only handle paperwork and floor work.  
Please, for the love of god, forget everything you saw on Grey’s Anatomy
I’m begging you. It’s so inaccurate.
Scrubs is decent tbh  
Dating patients is a HUGE no-no, especially for surgeons. Surgeons and psychiatrists are the two specialties where it is a top-tier ethical violation to ever date anyone who has ever been your patient. With other specialties (especially in rural areas) it’s generally okay, though still a little frowned upon, to date someone who’s a former patient, but you also can’t ditch someone as a patient just to date them. 
Also: surgeons deal with poop so much more than you can imagine. Would you, a normal person, ever want to date someone who wakes you up at 5am to ask you very seriously if you’ve pooped yet, press super hard on your still healing incisions, and leave? No. You would not. 
Surgical training is long AF. in the US you need to get through a bachelor’s degree (3-5 years), a MD/DO degree (minimum 4 years, often longer), general surgery training (minimum 5 years, up to 7 pretty regularly if people do research), and maybe fellowship (about 2 years). That’s a minimum of 12 years of training, after graduating high school at 18 years old. If you’re writing law as an attending (boss doctor) he’d need to be at least 30 years old, and if you’re writing him as a specialist he’d need to be 32. 
Attending schedules vs resident schedules: 
Residents work around 80 hours a week, often more. They switch services every month, and work all over the hospital. The work year starts in July and ends in june. Residents get either new years or christmas off, never both. residents have to get an average of one day off every week, and having both weekend days off is called a “golden weekend”. Also, most surgeries are at seven AM, so residents get to the hospital around 4:30/5am to see patients, write notes, and get ready for the surgeries. 
Attendings have more control over their schedule. Surgeons still work over 40 hours a week, more if they’re on a busy inpatient service. Generally, when they’re not covering the inpatient service, they’ll have 3-4 days a week of operating, a day of clinic, and a day of administrative work or research if they’re doing other projects. Attendants also take calls, which is when they supervise residents and do emergency surgeries for 24 hours straight. If they’re lucky they don’t actually spend the full 24 hours awake and working, but they’re rarely lucky. On some services, (especially trauma) there is Q3 or Q4 call, which means the surgeons work 24+ hours every 3 or 4 days. It’s brutal. 
What certain specialties actually do:
This is very Law specific and one of my pet peeves. “Heart surgeons”, who are cardiothoracic surgeons, are kinda boring imho and don’t fit the law's vibe. (all cardiothoracic people will, of course, disagree with me). They do some very cool, very intense open-heart surgeries, but they also do pretty much everything inside the chest cavity. So that means things like repairing a hernia in someone’s esophagus, or messing with the diaphragm. But that’s all pretty controlled surgery and they’re very limited in what else they can do. 
Trauma surgeons, on the other hand, are “emergency room surgeons”. They’re the ones who handle all of the super serious surgical injuries that come into the emergency department. They’re the ones who will fix someone if they have a gunshot wound and are bleeding out, or stabilize someone who was hit by a truck and broke all of their bones, or will open up someone’s chest cavity and use their hands to physically squeeze a heart to make it start beating again. They’re wild. They’re also usually chronically sleep deprived and have a thick veneer of “i give no fucks”. Very law.
anyway WOW that got long but i hope this was helpful to someone!!!
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fanaticsnail · 6 months
Hello Snail! Just a stupid question :D
I'm writing a new fic and I have problems with a really silly thing: an onomatopoeia. I need to write the sound that boots made when the person is walking over wooden floor.
Context: Buggy shoes, he is walking slowly on deck, scrutinizing each pirate in a row one by one.
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I thought first about: tap, tap, tap
And later: clunk? thud? stomp?
Which one would you use in a situation like this?
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Oh my gosh, hi Jintaka! Thank you for your ask, and I hope I can help! There's a few elements I would think about here before the sound is thought about.
Boots: Leather, buckles, braces, laces, steel-capped, matte, heavy, light, thick, plush, cinched ribbons, elevated heel.
Deck: waxed, polished, old, worn, unstable, thick, supporting, water-rotten, flimsy, swollen, soft, pliant, hard, durable.
Walking: Strides, intentional, furiously, enraged, purposeful, lengthy, disciplinary, fists balled, straining, buzzed, shoulders squared, chest puffed.
Now with all those in mind, how would it sound? Here is a little snippet, just in case:
{The captain walked with lengthy, intentional strides atop the wooden deck. Each moment he took an aggressive step, he would halt and pay insult to a row of his loyal crewmen.
"Where's the enthusiasm?" His voice cracked out a barked reprimand, "Row if your life depends on it! Because believe me, buttercup, it does."
Each heavy step he took, the thump of his matte boot-heel ricocheted from the swollen wood. Contrary to his furious steps, the soft jingle of his belt buckle rang melodically in dangerous harmony to his aggression.}
In saying all that, Buggy is known for pranking his crew and not taking himself too seriously.
Would he hide ballooned squeakers in his toes and whoopy cushions in his heels, so each time he took a step; a crude combination of a tooted mock-flatulence expelled from his boots? Possibly.
He'd absolutely use this as leeway to discipline his crew further if they ever dreamed of laughing.
I hope this helps! Let me know how you go 🖤
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cedar-sunshine · 4 months
I need to stream my writing on twitch or some shit. Nobody would watch but it'd make sure that I don't get too distracted
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
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fox tales
(cw: smut, threesome, polyamory, breeding kink, kitty!play, misuse of haki, dirty talk, vaginal sex, doggy style, cunnilingus, cum play/eating, daddy kink, being in heat, geez this is reminding me of old destiel fanfictions where i first discovered soooo many kinks. lmao)
thinking about...
Vasya being in heat and needing Zoro to help Luffy fuck her brains out
Luffy holding Vasya in his arms, half-awake and mewling, to Zoro’s bunk to ask for an extra dick and pair of hands. like, panting and flushed with Vasya pulling at his clothes, already having gone so many rounds in a row.
(a/n: what do we feel about third person vs. second person? i know first person is not my personal favorite, and second person seems to be the standard use, the narrator being "you." buuuut i really like writing in third person, esp about my oc! she's Vasya and i wanna say her name!!! also it makes my heart happy to write about her and Luffy together. they make me smile :)
words: 2.8
“Zoro!” Luffy pants, a squirreling Vasya in his arms. He’s standing outside Zoro’s door, midnight air pooling in from above deck. Zoro is half-asleep, good eye still crusted from sleep.
“What’s wrong?” He groggily asks, not clocking the red forming on Vasya’s cheeks, or her scrabbled claws at Luffy’s shirt collar. He's wearing a black t-shirt, thrown on inside out and backwards. The white tag hangs from the front of his collar. Vasya is pulling at it now, trying to drag it off Luffy's shoulders. He grimaces, trying not to drop her at the same time as he fends her off.
"Kitty's in heat!" Luffy huffs, adjusting her weight in his arms. Her tails are all puffed out, fluffy and white, and her ears are flat against her head. She's not wearing much, herself.
Zoro opens the door wider.
"Come in."
Zoro holds you against his broad chest, shirtless, while Luffy spreads your legs on the bed. Each of the crewmates got their own room on the Sunny, and Zoro's bedroom is a reflection of him: sparse, minimalist, and sleepy. His bed is really the only piece of furniture in it, besides a dresser with a bellyband slung over an open drawer, t-shirts spilling out underneath. It smells musky, like him, but not entirely unpleasant. Like black coffee and thyme.
"Luffyyy," you whine, arching your back against him. "I need you."
"I know, baby," he says, sitting up with your legs around his waist. He spreads his hands along your waist, leaning forward to kiss you. You whimper, the ache in your core nigh-on unbearable. Hot lava roils in your chest, flaring all the way down your spine to your toes. It's so inconvenient to be a fox, sometimes.
"I was wondering why you two have been so fuckin' chaotic lately," Zoro rumbles against your back. You lean into him, ears flicking around his face as you rest your head against his shoulder. He shifts, around you. "Is that the courtship you were talkin' about?"
Luffy nods.
His voice and demeanor are dark, intense. Like a crow assessing a particularly thrilling puzzle. He runs a hand through his jet-black hair. "Yeah, she's so mischievous this time of year, apparently. And bitey," he hooks his fingers into your underwear, and starts to slide them down your kicking legs. You moan, twisting your spine against Zoro's chest. You can't think; all there is is heat.
"Play," you say, small. Luffy hushes you, kissing along your stomach. Zoro tightens his hold around your waist.
"Naughty fox," he chides you, gently. "Gimme a sec," his voice is raspy, drenched in lust from hours-long play sessions previous. You're grateful for his stamina.
Zoro plants a kiss on your heated shoulder. "S'okay, sweetheart" he whispers, "Be a good kitten and hold still." He rubs his jaw against your cheek, the rough stubble scraping your skin. You nuzzle against the welcome touch. You, Zoro, and Luffy had already agreed on helping fill your needs together.
Luffy finally dips his head down to your cunt, bypassing foreplay to start biting at your clit. You yelp, jumping a bit in Zoro's arms. He shushes you, carefully stroking his fingers over your stomach.
"Ya like bites, don'tcha, kitty?" Luffy asks from between your legs, his breath hot and ticklish on your dripping ache. You nod, feral.
He licks and sucks at your sensitivity. The pleasure drips down your limbs, hot and sticky like honey. You moan, relaxing finally into Zoro's steady weight. He smells like pine trees. You're grateful for his strength. And Luffy's, too, as he starts to pump you full of haki-hardened fingers. Glass toys are your favorite, and his iron skin is the closest thing akin to the weight and press of glass. He's not cold, though. He's hotter than you are, striking heat like a match against your cunt. You hitch a short breath, sharp in your lungs.
"Please," you moan, "Please, captain, fuck me?"
Luffy groans, stilling his fingers inside you. He rubs at the spot you love, glancing his eyes up to Zoro's. "Ya don't want him first?"
You shiver down Zoro's abs, hot and soft behind you. You shake your head. "Nuh uh, daddy. You first."
Luffy grins, shrugging for Zoro's benefit. "Alright, vixen. Sorry, Zoro." He giggles. He hooks your legs over his shoulders, getting up to kneel. He kicks off his hastily thrown-off shorts (which he'd flung on as you'd begged him to take you to Zoro's room with him) and comes back to settle in the home he's made between your legs.
He presses his cock at your entrance. You're already soaked. Zoro reaches down to finger your clit, rubbing it in slow circles. He breathes heavily against your shoulder. He sinks his teeth into the flesh. You moan, loving the burn. You're so feral like this, leaning into every instinct of a carrion-predator, wanting to hide and moan and run and cum all at the same time. It's so chaotic, a myriad of whirlwind emotions circling inside your psyche.
Your body just wants more.
Luffy starts to press his cockhead inside you, warm and stretching you out oh-so-deliciously. You hum, finally feeling a little at peace. The weight of his cock is anchoring you like a rock in a storm.
"Fuuuuuck," you moan, feeling your tails shiver of their own accord. There's no blue light this time, no spirit-dust flickering off you like fireflies. It's all just flesh and blood and meat and bone.
You're viscerally afraid, alive, awakening. Clarity only just out of reach as you see stars in your vixen's eyes.
Luffy tethers you back to earth, kissing your hand that he then gathers at his chest. His heart is racing beneath your fingertips. "Love ya, baby," he growls lowly. You whimper, nodding along.
"Love you too, Luffy!" His name is sweet on your tongue, spiced like mead in winter. He is your sun in winter. The flame in the hearth, the embers at sunset. The baking bread aside the coals. You want him, so badly. You ache for it, twitching hungrily as you sink his cock further into your heated walls. He gasps, loudly.
"Quiet," Zoro warns, knocking back against the headboard behind him. His eye is half-closed in lust, as you crane your neck to watch him talk. "Could wake someone up."
"Who cares?" Luffy emphasizes with a particular thrust, "Everyone knows we're fucking, anyway."
Zoro snorts, and starts playing with your over-sensitive tits. His fingerpads are rough as sandpaper, and you gasp. "Z-Zoro!" You protest, arcing away from him. You don't go far, though, sandwiched between both his and Luffy's steel frames as you are.
"Whaaat, ya don't like me?" He grins at your ear. (You have both sets of ears: mortal and fox). "Thought ya wanted us both to breed ya. Huh, pretty vixen? Don't ya want both your men inside your cunt?"
"Fuck--!" you breathe, arcing your tails in wild shapes against him. He pushes them down, shoving them out of the way with one arm. Two out of nine peek out from his grasp. "Want you both," you mutter, prayer-like. Desperation heats your core as Luffy's pounds become sweet and scattered, him already reaching his climax for the nth time tonight.
"Lu-uffy," you grunt, feeling him speed up inside you. His hips slap against your ass, loud and unashamed, as he spills his seed inside you. It leaks out and around his cock, dripping with your slick onto Zoro's mattress. Sorry, Zoro.
"Your turn," Luffy huffs, falling over without grace onto his side. He poofs into the covers, snoring already. A blue bubble pops in and out of his face. Zoro sighs, reaching down from your tits to your ass, pushing you forward onto all fours.
"Sit," he says, stroking his cock behind your ass. He slaps the thick, heavy weight against your thigh. You gasp, skin prickling in surprise. You've never taken him from behind, before.
Doggy style's your favorite.
Zoro wastes no time in stuffing you full of his hard cock, impatiently throbbing from watching Luffy fuck you. He starts a rhythm, hard and fast, slapping against your ass cheeks with rippling force. You feel the soft parts of you shake with his movements. It feels so good to have your tits swinging for him, your nipples hard and sensitive. You reach under yourself, supporting your weight on three limbs, to thumb at your own buds.
Zoro grunts, reaching down to slap your hands away. He pushes your face down, gasping as you go, as you realize he's grabbed some of Luffy's cum to smear it all over your face. It's cold and slick, sticking to your cheeks from Zoro's fingers. He scoops up another blob of his captain's cum, and shoves it into your open mouth. You take it, panting hotly. It tastes like shit but it's still so good.
"Huh, ya like that?" He asks you roughly, pinning your arms behind your back. His breath is ragged as he pounds into you from behind. Your pussy clenches down, hard. "Ah, I fuckin' feel how much you like that, dirty girl," he grits his teeth as he slams his hips against your ass. He slows his pace, long and lazy, but still rocking you to your core. You scream, hoarse.
"F-fuck, Zoro! Yes! Yes, yes, yesyesyesyes--," Luffy cuts you off, roughly shoving his fingers into your face. He fucks your mouth with his thick digits, eyes hazy and half-lidded from lust and sleep. He's recovered now, apparently. His hair is black and fluffy, disheveled from where you stare at his handsome face from upside down. His knuckles smear the cum still left across your face. You moan.
Luffy's fingers are merciless, speeding up to match Zoro's pace. Finally, something pushes that button inside you that makes you cum. You shake on the swordsman's cock, eyes rolling up to the back of you skull.
"Good kitty," Luffy whispers, voice dripping with command. His emperor's haki flits around you, like ruby red lightning strikes. His energy is warm yet supple--as rubber as he is--stretching and relaxing and pulling like taffy. He waves it over and over your body, like strokes of his sure fingers. It feels hot, like sun-warm stones being raked over your back. He presses into your feet, your hands, your face. The burning skin beneath his cooling cum.
"Not done yet," Zoro grunts, bruising your hips with his vicelike grasp. His cock is thrusting inside you, harder and harder. Your walls are already fluttering and overheated, clenching down on his length like a bear trap. He huffs, grunting and moaning and swearing under his breath. He feels good, apparently.
You bite.
Luffy gasps, pulling his fingers out of your mouth with a curse. "Fuck, kitty!" He complains, "I told ya not to do that!"
"So-rry," you moan, broken and hoarse. Your heat is coming to a close; you can feel the satisfaction creeping up. You've cum a bunch already, but your body still needs Zoro's seed inside you.
"Bad kitty," Luffy says again, gripping you by the back of the neck. He hauls you up, and stuffs his cock into your mouth without ceremony.
"Mmph!" You manage out, tongue lolling up against his length. He moans, tipping his head back in ecstasy. His hips shudder weakly, thrusting against your face as you open your throat for him.
Zoro slaps your ass.
You grunt, stuffed full of cock in both your pussy and mouth. Your tails arch, fanning over you like peacock feathers. Zoro grabs one in his teeth. He holds it gently, but firm, like it's the handle of Wado Ichimonji. You rock yourself back on his cock as best you can. Another orgasm is creeping up your thighs, and you clench around him hard. Your pussy is fluttering, moaning and soaking, the wet squelch of his dick inside you filling the room with homemade pornography. Luffy adds his own moans to the mix, raspy and hoarse as his boy's voice starts cracking.
"Fuckfuckfuck, kitty--," he gasps, rutting his hips against your face. Your nose is stuffed against his pelvis, breathing him in until there's nothing left. It's just him, him, him, and Zoro, and Zoro's cock, and flames licking up your abdomen--
Zoro tugs at your tail, and you cum.
"That's it, that's my girl," Luffy groans, his hands cradling your face. You shudder around Zoro's cock, his thrusts coming sloppy and haphazard, now. He's getting closer, you can tell. His cock swells inside you as you pulse around his shaft.
"Fuck, Vix--," the swordsman groans out, velvet and deep. His own conqueror's haki is emerald green: less prescient than Luffy's but still knocking you senseless all the same. It holds you from below, while Luffy's shivers all over your skin. It arcs and blasts, shooting through the room in invisible sparks that rub up against your pleasure so sweetly. Your boys take such good care of you.
Zoro mmph's through his teeth, burying himself to the hilt inside your cunt as he spills his seed. It's hot, and wet, and throbbing, and you shake against his hold. His lips sputter over words of praises, all "good girl, good baby, sweetheart, take it, just like that keep squeezing me, yeah--," as he cums inside you with a strangled moan. The swordsman is a hot lover, strong and steady, and his pace rocks you back and forth on the bed, folded as you are.
Luffy isn't far behind him, hands clenched into fists in your hair, stroking at the tips of your ears. "C'mon, Vasya," he grunts, hitting the back of your throat with every thrust. You gag and moan, but he keeps on. "Cum f'me again."
It's a command, electrified by a strike of his haki straight through your heart. You don't even need Zoro's aching thumb on your clit, you're already shivering with heat as you cream. Yes, captain. For you, captain. I'll do anything for you, captain--
"Good girl," is all he says as he finishes inside you for the hundredth time that night. Your mouth takes what it can, but still overflows with his steaming cum. It tastes bitter, and you gag. He pulls out, leaving a trail of white spend and rainbow spit from your lips to his tip. Luffy pets your hair softly, collapsing back onto his knees. "Good girl," he says, raking a hand through his ruined hair.
Luffy's lips are puffy and swollen, his face flushed and rosy. Zoro pulls out of you too, sitting back to grab a towel from the nightstand. He raises the oil lamp, slightly. Orange light fills the room. You stare at the two men behind you, still slumped over on all fours.
Luffy laughs, and Zoro snorts. He wipes himself off, and then turns to you. Luffy leans forward to lick his own cum off your face. "Hi baby," he says quietly, cleaning you up like the daddy he is, "Didja like that?"
"'Course," you mumble, groaning as you push yourself up. You take the rag from Zoro to wipe at the spot between your legs. You grimace: what a mess. Luffy giggles again, and you can't help but join in. "Thanks, guys."
"Feelin' normal again?" Zoro asks, standing up to chug some water from the canteen by his bed. Luffy stretches out an arm to snatch it from his grasp, and he curses in complaint. "Oi!"
"Shishishi," Luffy snickers, dousing his own head with water. He shakes his hair out like a dog. He pours water over you, too.
"Hey!" You splutter out, waving him away. "No fair!"
"Yes fair," he teases, leaning forward to bite your ass. You squeak in surprise. "Feelin' good yet, kitty?"
"Yes," you say, grateful, finally standing up to stretch your legs. Oh, fuck. You're gonna be sore in the morning. "Can we sleep here?"
"Nope," Zoro laughs, "Luffy snores."
"Aww, Zoro!" The captain complains, hanging onto Zoro's shoulder. He plants messy kisses all along his swordsman's collarbones. "Pleeease?"
You both blink up at Zoro with pleading eyes, and he finally caves with a sigh. "Fine," he huffs, falling back with his arms crossed over his chest. You squeal, jumping over him like a fox diving into snow. "Fuck!" He shouts, winded, before tangling you in his arms, if just to keep you still. "Stop that."
"Sorry," you giggle, nuzzling into his broad chest. "'Night."
"'Night!" Luffy echoes, snuggling up on Zoro's other side. You both wrap your arms around him, so that you're folded over each other in one big, happy pile.
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
how do you have so many ideas constantly? i want to write more but i jus t dont really have a lot of ideas on what to write about and it stumps me a lot D:
well, partially because it consumes my life, but my real thing is dialogue and free writing tbh. i almost never have an actual plan when i start writing, i just pick a line to start with and go from there. i can do a little tutorial if that helps??
usually, i start with dialogue. my goal is to start with something interesting or dynamic enough to be read in a certain character’s voice, because that keeps people reading once it catches their eye. that’s why i don’t post titles or anything on my fics. dialogue is the easiest thing to start with, because it guarantees a second line — someone has to respond to that line. i might choose a first line that’s something like this:
“Woah, hey, I wanna try.”
now this can go ANYWHERE. very very open, but it does have restrictions: this dialogue tells us 1) the speaker is observing something, 2) they are observing someone else do it, 3) they are intrigued by the action, so 4) it must be kind of cool, and 5) they cannot yet do it, so 6) whoever they are observing might try and help them. i didn’t have to explain any of that, it’s inherent in the line, right? no matter what you imagine, those things hold up.
next is narrowing this down further. who is the speaker? who are they observing? what are they doing? where are they doing it? to some degree, you have total control here, but i find that in fanfic a lot of these questions are already answered for you. i’m writing solangelo fic, so this opening dialogue is likely from one of two characters (although, if i desired, i could totally go in a very different direction and choose someone else. adding more characters means a longer story, so if i was aiming for something longer, i would).
so who is more likely to be speaking this? who is more likely to speak up when they see something cool, and try it? who is more likely to be doing a cool new thing? to me, that solidifies the speaker as will pretty easily. great. now i have an opener from will, so i can work on nico’s response.
nico’s response can go a lot of ways, especially depending on the setting. if this is post-canon, it might be a little more relaxed, might be established relationship. when i read the dialogue in will’s voice, though, i did end up picturing a bit of a scene, and it went a very specific way. i’ll write some of it first and then explain what i did.
“Woah, hey, I wanna try.”
Nico startles at the voice, tiny bone falling from his hand and sinking back into the dirt.
“Aw.” Beat-up flip-flops slow to a stop right next to him, and Will plops himself down. He shoots a bright, too-wide smile in his direction, eyes crinkling. “Hi!”
“Hi,” Nico says warily, subtly inching away. Will, either oblivious or uncaring to his intention, just leans in closer, blue eyes watching him intently. “…What are you doing here?”
okay SO. with this alone, i’ve established both setting, some character info, and a good amount about their relationship, without stating too much outright. there’s some tension, right? a bit of imbalance! by making nico startle, a few more things become clear: 1) he was alone before Will came, 2) he was not expecting will to come, 3) he was probably no expecting anyone to come, 4) he was either focused or daydreaming, and 5) he is tense/uncomfortable enough to startle at a voice.
some of those questions are answered as the sentence goes on — he was playing around with a bone, probably a raised skeleton. not hard for him, so he was, probably, pretty spaced out. as the scene goes on, i make it clear that nico is absolutely not comfortable around will yet (although not so that he gets up and leaves entirely), so it’s pretty clear that this is right around the blood of olympus, after the three days. i also shove in some of my own small headcanons (like children of apollo being kind of off-putting to look at, too bright, like the sun) for funsies.
from there you can just go off. once you have a solid start like this, you can just write and see what comes up. maybe you like what you get, maybe you don’t! i’ll try and see.
“Woah, hey, I wanna try.”
Nico startles at the voice, tiny bone falling from his hand and sinking back into the dirt.
“Aw.” Beat-up flip-flops slow to a stop right next to him, and Will plops himself down. He shoots a bright, too-wide smile in his direction, eyes crinkling. “Hi!”
“Hi,” Nico says warily, subtly inching away. Will, either oblivious or uncaring to his intention, just leans in closer, blue eyes watching him intently. “…What are you doing here?”
“Hanging out with you. Duh. How did you do that?” He points to Nico’s hands.
Confused, Nico re-summons to the squirrel femur, dragging up the rest of the skeleton too. It chitters to life, nosing at the sliver of bare knee out from Nico’s ripped jeans, before bounding over to Will. He doesn’t even flinch, laughing as the little thing scampers up his arm and rests in his hair. Nico’s mouth twitches.
okay im gonna stop here because i ended up writing something decently solid and i want to post it lol. it spiralled & came pretty quickly!!
this is already way longer than i intended, and kind of rambly, so to answer your original question — i have so many ideas because i choose to. i make the active choice to write and post something every night before bed, regardless if i have something prepared. if i do — great! it can be a lot of fun to bring a scene from my head to life on paper. if not, it's still fun to watch a scene almost bring itself to life as i write. i promise that you just have to commit to doing it, commit to the actual act of writing, not writing something specifically. it gets way easier as you go on. when i first started doing this, two years ago for a different blog, i was writing things as short as 40 words. the skill came with practice, with heeding advice, with reading and analyzing what other writers do, but mostly with practice.
just write!! see what happens! and, of course, the best of luck to you!!
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t1meslayer · 7 months
By Moonlight
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What happens when you mix she/they Napoleon with an autistic tech nerd who has hobbyist sleep deprivation?
A fanfiction I'm finally getting around to write because of Side Order hype :) You're welcome, Pearlina fans.
Fandom: Splatoon
Pairings: Pearl/Marina
Summary: Pearl is awoken by a strange piano melody in the middle of the night. Nobody could have anticipated the knock-on effects this late rendezvous would have for Off the Hook's future. Rated 'Teen' cause Pearl's in their undies — but also Marina's shirt.
Click through the Read More below to get a preview of the latest story. Thanks for reading <3
"It's an artifact of Old World music culture raided from a holdover Kamabo facility. The way this thing was preserved is incredible!" The irony of how tightly Marina clutches the book to her bosom is clearly lost on her. "Between all the plastic and air-tight storage, there's hardly any mold on these pages!"
She opens it to double-sided lined sheets like any other, headlined in barely legible Octarian scribble over completely illegible typography: "Moonlight Sonata."
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