#pink f gal
inkudrama · 5 months
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MEET PINK F. GAL!!! The Girlboss Mayor 🍭
Pink F. Gal is the fun and reckless Mayor of Clown Town! She was in the Lucy Red Pirates until she was 11, which is when she ran off and took over a broken town and turned it into the funky paradise it is today. So what if she can read or write? She's all about having fun and taking nothing seriously, made it law in Clown Town! She keeps busy with running Clown Town and dealing with the rival mayor from Spawn.
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pulpitude · 6 months
agejo princess marguerite thorne ✦ edit by me 🎀
2nd attempt at posting because im a stupid dumb dumb who forgot to watermark the first time
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YALL. YALL OMG. i was fully convinced that this edit would turn out worse than the aiden edit because that one only needed some recoloring (on my part) while for this one i actually had to go on a hunt for transparents and place them correctly and the coloring was a lot harder
but it actually turned out so much better????? im genuinely screaming. not to feed my own ego but i rly do feel like i outdid myself. or maybe it's just mags. i adore her but the clothing they put her in (and made her put mc in) is rly not it.
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Comrade... That's OUR gf <33
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captain-joongz · 8 days
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Pairing: club owner!Min Yoongi x f!reader x right-hand man!Jung Hoseok
Genre: non-idol au, pure fucking smut i'm not even playing, a hint at s2l??
Summary: Question - what is something that might help a shameless brat trapped in a body of a shy girl come out of her shell? Answer - two hot owners of a local club more than happy to whip her into shape.
Word count: 19.7k (i'm sorry lol)
Warnings: ginger Yoongi and that mama 2022 red carpet Hoseok (*in Britney Spears voice* a guy like you should wear a warning~), intoxication, min yoongi hands, they're softer doms, threesome, oral (f rec.), breath play and slight choking (i'm so predictable), light bdsm themes, spanking, bondage, light use of a whip, humiliation and degradation, reader is a right brat, multiple orgasms, overstim, clit slapping
A/N: indulge in this sope brainrot :). when i tell you this scenario changed my life i'm being only a little dramatic, long live our dom kings and i will die on this hill
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„Come on Y/N, you should totally give it a try!” one of my friends exclaimed, drunkenly leaning on another one of our gals to her right, “You never know! And you should be more confident!” Other girls sitting around the dingy sticky table in the club we were currently in all enthusiastically nodded and grumbled their own supportive comments.
I looked over them, still unsure, and then back to the ginger man sitting on the bar, relaxedly swirling a glass of an amber gold liquid and occasionally taking a sip. He wasn’t really talking to anyone, just sat there and watched the two guys manning the bar wordlessly, which in my friends’ opinion made him an ‘easier target’.
Target of the stupidest game our drunken brains could have come up with – whoever manages to seduce a guy the quickest drinks for free for the rest of the night. The second that suggestion hit the table, I loudly opposed it, for two reasons.
First, it seemed kinda mean. And secondly, and most importantly, I was terrified of coming up to someone and just flirting. That’s not something I did, not that I was against it or for the lack of trying, and occasionally I entertained when someone came up to me and flirted, sometimes even going home with them. But I was shy, and when I got shy I got painfully awkward, so I’d rather save myself from that embarrassment.
“Yeah, it would do you some good,” my best friend Yeri, a tall thin pretty girl with her hair dyed cupid pink, suddenly turned to me and joined into the fray, “You don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re super hot and somehow you don’t realise it at all.” She was already a little tipsy as well, her posture more relaxed than usual as she giggled along every other word. There’s no love like drunk girl talking to her friends.
“That’s easy for you to say, you already finished your mission!” I whined back to her, the whole table’s undivided attention on me. To keep the stakes high and the game fair, we collectively selected a few guys and randomly divided them between us – each of us went to a specific man that was chosen by us and given to each girl.
But mine was out of this world, like unfairly so out of my league it would be embarrassing to even try. The moment I lost the game of rock paper scissors, I tried to bargain my way out of it – there was no way I could bag a guy like that in under a minute! That was insanity! But the girls wouldn’t budge, telling me to challenge myself and have faith in myself. That was easy of them to say when they didn’t have to walk up to a god amongst men and try to awkwardly flirt with him.
“Look at that guy, if I tried to talk to him he’d probably think I’m the valet or something,” I continued to grumble, as the constant stream of complaints didn’t stop since I lost the game.
Our attention collectively jumped back to him as he sat there. He had the kind of smirk on his face that was annoyingly effortlessly hot, giving him the aura of someone who was very well aware of his otherworldly qualities. The black tee with some kind of white print was oversized just right to be fashionable and hung off of his frame in a way that enhanced his physique in the best way. Black cargo pants and black boots gave him a punk vibe, and the whole look was finished with some chunky steel rings and necklaces that somehow managed to be even more hot and not look gaudy at all. My eyes trailed down to the rings, which were comfortably sat on one of the best hands I’ve ever seen, and I had to physically stop myself from drooling.
Yeah, there’s no way in hell I could just hit on that.
“What’s the worst that could happen? He says no. It’s worth a try,” Hana, another part of the friend group tried to wheedle me into going one more time. They all probably sensed I was about to give them another rebuttal, and an understanding passed through all of them.
Suddenly several pairs of hands were manhandling me, pulling me onto my legs and out of from the booth with the table we were sitting at. I let myself be pushed to the edge of the seat, too confused about what’s going on. Someone pushed a glass of alcohol in my hand and I downed it, resigning myself to this happening. A wave of compliments and encouragements washed over me, and I turned on shaky knees, those several drinks I’d already had making themselves known now that I was stood.
I took a step forward, froze, another few steps, and then promptly power-walked all the way back to the table. There was some booing and some disappointment, the girls already grumbling about how I shouldn’t chicken out now.
“How do you even flirt with someone like that?!” I hissed out in panic, not having the slightest idea of how to initiate conversation.
A barrage of tactics flew over me, one stranger than the next one, but I turned to Yeri, trusting her the most. “Just be really bold, he seems the type to like it,” she told me once she saw my trembling eyes, “walk over all confident and say something really crazy and ballsy.” With one last smile she started pushing me away into the direction of the bar again.
Easier said than done! ‘Just be bold’, thanks very much! That was the problem from the very beginning!
Putting my complaints away and pushing my brain to think of something to say to the rapidly approaching bar-dweller, I nervously dragged my gaze over him several times, stumbling in my distractedness several times. Come on brain, what do we like about him? What can we say?
As the man got closer and I got a clearer look at him, one thought overpowered every other – hands hands handshandshands.
I basically crashed into the bar upon my arrival, somewhat inelegantly attempting to lean into it with way too much force. The man startled a little before his eyes jumped up and looked straight at me, no distinct emotion discernible in them, but he certainly didn’t look extremely friendly.
Before I could stop myself, I let go of the reins over my drunken brain and blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“What nice necklaces you got there, but don’t you think they’d look better around my neck?”
I tried to sell the statement more by putting on a (hopefully) cheeky smirk and then pointedly looked at his hands coquettishly.
The man froze, only stared at me wide-eyed and shocked to his core, hand holding his glass halfway to his lips. Silence. I started panicking, and basically begun melting down with the shame and humiliation, already prepared to apologise and slink off to some dark corner and die there, but then he smiled.
It was a wide shit-eating grin, a devilish glint in his gaze now as he obviously checked me out, eyes gliding over my figure in a clearly appreciative manner. He put his charm on thick, lips curled smugly as he stared me quite intensely.
“Well, I don’t know princess, guess you’ll have to try them out,” his voice was basically a purr, a deep rumble that started up in his chest and drawled out of his mouth in a velvet perfection. I shuddered, now quickly getting flustered when he was flirting back. But I steeled myself, determined to bring this to a successful end. Mama didn’t raise no quitter.
“Oh, and you’d let me have a test drive?” I drawled out with my fingers playing with my hair (how basic!!), only a light stutter to my words that immediately sent a wave of heat to my already red cheeks. I only hoped it wasn’t visible under the lights of the club and the bar.
He leaned forward, chest now pressed into the edge of the bar, which brought our faces impossibly close. His eyes were dark and half-lidded, full of lust and dark promises, as his lips stretched in a self-satisfied smirk. The hand that used to hold the glass was now slowly, teasingly making its way up the skin of my naked arm, breaking a wave of goosebumps in its wake.
My whole body quivered, and my next exhale came out shaky; it was too audible in the tense atmosphere between the two of us. He must have definitely heard and felt my reaction, judging by his soft snicker, expression full of amusement and desire. Then his eyes bore into me, into my very soul, and threatened to consume me.
“I’d let you do that and a whole lot more, princess,” it was a whisper, but that didn’t take away from the intensity of the statement and the promise in his words. It poured over me like hot honey, my back immediately straightening and thighs pushing together on instinct, trying to contain the gush of sensations hitting my lower tummy and my heat. Very embarrassingly, I could already feel my panties rapidly getting wetter and wetter; the effect of the man was immense and he knew it very well, judging by the smug aura.
With a satisfied grin his hand moved from my arm down to my thigh, squeezing the flesh right under the hem of my mini skirt. The twitch that tore through me was completely involuntary and once again I found myself fighting for every shaky breath taken.
A quiet melodic laugh hit my ears and then the ginger menace leaned even closer to whisper straight into my ear. “Cute,” was all he muttered before he pulled all the way away from me, raising his hand to catch the attention of the barman, “but first, let me treat you to a drink, kitten.”
That suddenly snapped me back into reality and my brain jumped back online. As if waking up from a terribly amazingly sweet dream, I remembered the reason why I came over in the first place – the bet. The bet I thought I would absolutely fail at that I was about to complete now.
A laugh bubbled out of my throat, sweet and mischievous, and all the confidence I pretended to feel before rushed through my body straight into my head. With a giggle I leaned in and said: “A drink you say, huh?”
My smug smirk must have been awfully annoying, but the man only looked at me with curious eyes. He sensed the change in my behaviour immediately and it threw him for a loop – his amazingly brave little lamb was now laughing at him like the she was the wolf? His head tilted to the side as he tried to figure me out, but I only made sure he was watching me as I gestured thumbs up back to my friends.
The whole table erupted into cheers, Yeri was wildly gesturing something to me and it took a moment to realise she was trying to say I won. Her finger was pointing at her phone that had the stopwatch app open and she was laughing joyfully and sending me thumbs up. I grinned at her back, elated that I was able to not only overcome the initial fear but also best all the others.
Turning back to the ginger who was watching the whole interaction with curious surprised eyes, suddenly unsure and a little less dominant. I giggled at him, happily plucked the prepared colourful drink from his waiting hand and stood up, not before bowing to him slightly.
“Thank you very much, I appreciate your help,” I teased him with a wide smile, going as far as to lean heavily into his side until my lips were almost pressed to his ear as he did to me earlier and then whispered my killer shot: “It was pleasure doing business with you.”
With that I walked away, hips swaying side to side and confidence like I’d never felt coursing through my veins. The atmosphere at the table was unrivalled, and I had to admit it was probably the most fun I’d ever had on a night out so far, and I probably indulged in the free drinks far more than I should have.
But whenever I’d start feeling a little bad for my behaviour, I’d shyly look towards the bar, hoping I wouldn’t see the man too upset. He wasn’t. Anytime our eyes met, the wild primal hunger reflected in his would threaten swallow me whole, sending little shocks of pleasure and heat through my whole body.
That night I spent dancing feeling those eyes bore into me, eating up my every movement and salivating over me so openly I felt the fire of his lust all across the club. He never disappointed, never failed to deliver, and I lived for it.
And if I put on a little more show than I usually did while swaying my hips and dancing to slow sensual beats, that was only my business.
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“I can’t believe you managed to talk me into coming here again,” I muttered grumpily to Yeri, who was happily vibrating next to me, her wide grin almost infecting me with the joy as well, but I held steadfast and kept on a frown just because. To prove a point, actually.
The girls (the same group as last time) were excitedly chattering in the line right behind us as we stood in the blistering heat of the setting sun on the street, waiting to be let inside a club. Why yes, it was the same club as last time.
The fateful Saturday night happened already full two weeks ago, and since then I haven’t stopped listening about it.
As my friends watched my interaction with the handsome stranger (the next morning, incredibly sore and hungover, I shamefully realised I didn’t even know his name), it suddenly was less about the bet for them and more about rooting for me to go and actually fuck him. I was so embarrassed about their loud drunken outbursts, trying to push me back into his direction and very unsubtly begging me to go and “get some premium dick”, but I stood my ground and never strayed from the dancefloor.
When we were leaving at 4 am – tired, already in the awful stages of slowly sobering up and with melting makeup and blistering feet, I was hounded the whole time about going to get his number at least (which I didn’t). I told them some things just end this way and I was okay with it (I wasn’t). In reality I was just a big fat coward.
The following two weeks were hell on earth – nobody, and I mean nobody, ever stopped talking about the ginger guy and how he had me folding with two or three lines and some charming smirks. The amount of scolding I got daily for not taking him up on his offer or at least giving him some contact info was insane, and I was slowly losing my patience with it.
That’s why when this Saturday the suggestion to go to the club again was thrown into the group chat, I knew it was more about them hoping I’d bump into him again than actually liking the club itself. I fought, valiantly, but I was outvoted. Someone even tried vetoing my disagreement.
So that’s how I found myself here, about to walk inside again in a black pleated mini-skirt, black crop with a heart cutout over my cleavage and cute little strapped heels (outfit courtesy of Yeri who wouldn’t let me walk out of my room until she approved that I was ‘extremely fuckable’) and some courageous makeup that I was slightly unsure about but everyone kept saying it was hot.
I was nervously shuffling, leaning into Yeri’s side as she started comforting me and calming me down.
“Don’t you think it’s even more awkward, seeing him again after I fucked him over like that?” I mumbled into her shoulder, careful about not smudging my red lipstick all over her pretty pink dress. Her arm coiled around me tighter and she quickly shook her head, her curled hair hitting me int the face with every move.
“Absolutely not, you think I didn’t see the way he was eye-fucking you the whole rest of the night? That was foreplay, baby. Now it’s time for the main course,” she recited confidently, and finally pushed us towards the stairs down now that the whole group was inside. I didn’t fully agree with her, to me it was obvious the connection kinda fizzled out by the end of the night, but I didn’t want to burst her bubble.
Tonight I’d go along with them, comfort them through the disappointment of him not being here (because what are the chances, honestly), and if he does show up I’d give him the awkward wave and move on and then they can cry about how anti-climactic this whole thing was. They’ll be sad for about ten minutes and then buy shots and promptly forget about any guys.
That was my plan for the night.
And for a while, everything went according to it. Coming down into the main hall of the club, all eyes (even mine, but I’d never admit it out loud) eagerly turned to the bar which the man was glued to the entire time, only to not see any sign of the ginger bombshell. My heart quivered in disappointment only a tiny bit, but I didn’t let them see, only gave them a look that screamed ‘I told you so’ and moved on.
During the first few rounds I scolded myself for actually letting myself get swayed by their words and hoping for his presence against my better judgement, and quickly convinced my heart that it was for the better he didn’t show up.
For a few hours we danced and drank, and it almost seemed that everyone started forgetting the reason why they even pushed to come here, the whole experience slowly turning into a normal night out, when suddenly Yeri that was dancing next to me loudly gasped into my ear.
It alerted me to her, but before I could even turn to her, she started wildly slapping my shoulder until it hurt.
“Ow, ow! Stop!” I slapped her hand away, considerably gentler than she did to me, and scowled at her slightly irritated with the commotion.
“He’s actually here!” she screamed that in my face, but with the loud music pumping all around us she might as well been whispering. The statement took the wind out of the sails of my slight annoyance and I floundered, stuttering and staring at her wide-eyed.
When Yeri realised I was too shocked to look myself, she grabbed my shoulders and forcefully turned me in the direction of the bar. I almost wanted to close my eyes, not even wanting to believe he actually did come to the club two weeks later and now I was facing the real chance of a terrible let-down, but at the same time I yearned to catch another glimpse of the ginger demon that swung my world upside down in literal seconds.
Tonight he was wearing a plain black hoodie and wider jeans with a single cut on both of his knees, showing off some pale skin that glistened under the flashing lights. He sat in the same spot, which meant currently his back was turned to us and he was none-the-wiser to our presence. He was locked into a long conversation with one of the guys manning the bar. They seemed pretty friendly, which spoke of the fact that he was most probably a frequent visitor.
I felt my palms getting clammy as I suddenly sweated for a very different reason than before. Yeri was excitedly shouting and gesturing at the rest of the group, and I saw some of their very crude and very dirty gestures back, before I turned back to the bar blushing and embarrassed.
Before I knew it, Yeri was fighting our way through the crowd towards the bar and I twisted a little in her hold, panicking and ashamed.
“Yeri, wait! God, please wait!” I pleaded with her, and something in my voice must have been truly desperate because she actually listened to me. With troubled eyes she gave me a once over, clocked in the shaky eyes and unsure knees, and then changed the direction towards the hall with toilets.
It was relatively calmer there, the bass still booming through the walls and the echo of the song playing reaching our ears, but we could actually speak in a semblance of privacy where usually no one lingered for too long.
“What’s wrong?” my best friend asked, and to her credit, she was truly worried, but I couldn’t believe she didn’t understand. I threw my hands out and looked at her incredulously.
“What do you mean ‘what’s wrong’?” I asked her, exasperated, “What don’t you understand about the fact that I maybe don’t want to talk to him again?!” My voice raised a little, and I did feel bad about it, but the whole situation put me too much on edge to apologise immediately.
Yeri didn’t seem to be too offended, instead she just watched me with her steady all-knowing eyes, and it felt like they saw all the way inside my insecure little soul. My face crumbled under the power of that, and I knew she’d have me spilling everything to her anyway by the end of this conversation.
“Y/N, you literally have nothing to worry about,” her guess was correct, just as I feared, and I avoided her softened loving gaze, “You’re absolutely gorgeous, and I know you know that, and I know you think you’re too awkward… But you had that man literally drooling all over himself. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you until the moment you walked out of that bar. He wants you, a lot.”
“I know that we kind of stared at each other, but I don’t know…” I told her and I hated how weak and vulnerable my voice turned as I spilled out my insecurities to her, “the novelty kind of wore off, didn’t it? Now I’m just an awkward girl stuttering under the gaze of the hottest guy I’ve ever fucking seen. I could barely get a word out when he looked at me.” That had my friend smirking up a storm and I narrowed my eyes at her, already knowing she was about to annoy the shit out of me.
“Yeah, and as someone who watched your entire interaction, he fucking loved it,” she said firmly, a teasing lilt to her words, “Please, trust me. Do you trust me?” Of course I fucking trusted her, so I petulantly nodded, even though I was grumbling to myself that it had nothing to do with that.
“Do you trust that I have a set of functioning eyes?” she teased some more, grinning at me mischievously as she poked me in my ribs with her fingers. Even as I tried to stay upset, the laugh was punched out of me completely involuntarily and I found myself slowly relaxing. When I nodded, her grin turned all happy and toothy.
“Then trust me when I say that the moment you walk up to him, he’ll be over the fucking moon,” her voice was soft and loving, and it almost made me a little mushy, “and trust me when I say that tonight he’ll definitely not let you walk away from him.” She winked as she said that and I laughed at her, pushing her a little teasingly.
I did feel lighter and less stressed. I felt like I could actually go and talk to him again, and I smiled at my best friend, knowing she just wanted the best for me and was always on my side.
“And if he turns out to be a dick, then you’ll come back and I’ll buy us a drink and we’ll curse him out,” she added cheekily, already stepping away from me to head back onto the dancefloor. That made me laugh, because… as if I didn’t say that before.
Rejuvenated and slightly more confident, I turned from Yeri and headed in the opposite direction she went in – straight to the bar. The guy was still sitting there, still turned away from me, but now he seemed to be back to not really engaging with anyone, not even the friendly smiling barman that was currently serving drinks to someone while laughing with his coworker… until he wasn’t.
In an inopportune moment his head turned just right for me to graze the corner of his eye and then he was full on swinging around to do a double take, startling the poor guy he worked with. Suddenly there were two sets of eyes trained on me and I froze, blushing under their gazes as the recognition set in and teasing smirks played on both of their faces.
The dark-haired one then went to wave his hand, but immediately I realised it wasn’t to greet me but to alert the ginger who was kind of just staring off into nowhere. To keep the element of surprise, I lunged into movement, basically jumping the last few steps and crashing into the bar in a terrible déjà vu, trying to look elegant and sexy even as I winced lightly at the impact.
My back was now turned to the two little shits behind the bar, and I could only imagine the expression on their faces, but I was too preoccupied with the wide-eyed stare from the man of the hour himself.
This time he shook off the surprise way quicker, relaxing almost immediately as he realised who I was, a truly smug smirk splitting his face. His gaze was unabashedly travelling all over me, taking in every detail, and I was suddenly reminded of how intense it was to be in the centre of his attention.
“Well, well, look who it is,” he drawled out, but it was more amused than anything and I slowly started letting go of the fear that he was incredibly mad at me for our last meeting, “what, looking for another free drink?”
I flushed with embarrassment, avoiding his eyes as much as possible, which wasn’t that much of a great idea when that brought me to staring at his hands. His cursed, beautiful hands that never strayed too far from my dreams even as I tried to forget about the man.
They started flexing, stretching across the expanse of the thick glass and showcasing their strength, and I realised I was caught. Not giving him the satisfaction of seeing my plight, I turned my gaze somewhere slightly above his shoulder, fixating on a pillar or something that stood directly behind.
“Sorry about that, it was a stupid game,” I stuttered out, trying to ignore his insistent attempts to move his head to where my eyes were trained at, “It was quite rude of me.” He chuckled and I could basically feel the entertainment seeping off of him in waves.
“Don’t worry about it princess,” the velvety purr was back and the ginger clearly decided that if I wasn’t going to look at him, he’ll just try every dirty trick in the book. He leaned into me, lips easily finding the shell of my ear as his hand weightily clasped over the exposed skin of my thigh.
“There’s a very easy way for you to make it up to me,” he whispered languidly, caressing over me with his sweet words, “this time when I buy you a drink, don’t run off, as easy as that.” I was so embarrassed by my previous actions I found it hard to actually answer, so I just cleared my throat and hummed low in my throat in agreement.
He seemed satisfied with that, hand moving from my leg to possessively squeeze at my waist as if he was insuring I really wouldn’t leave as soon as I got my drink, and I did have to laugh at that. His narrowed eyes hit me as soon as he heard my giggles, the teasing reprimand in them spoke volumes, but he stayed silent, hand waving for the barman while his eyes never left mine.
“What’s up,” came the low baritone of the guy as he came closer to us. I could clearly hear the amusement in his voice, but the informal address also didn’t escape me, and I started wondering who this guy actually was. This time I would at least leave the bar knowing his name, if nothing else.
Tuning out while he was ordering, I was just about to ask for his name, when the teasing voice of the younger guy registered back into my brain.
“And would that be on the bar, Yoongi-hyung?” it was some kind of a joke, judging by (apparently) Yoongi’s scoff even as he clearly wasn’t mad or annoyed, and he shot back with: “Stop asking stupid questions, Tae.” It was all jokes and games, the two men laughing and smiling at each other, when I froze in his hold.
Wait a minute. On the bar. Yoongi. Hyung. A memory rushed to the forefront of my mind – Hana excitedly rattling off about a club she wanted to go to, that she heard about because apparently the word on the streets was the owners were super hot. Saturday, two weeks ago, as she dragged us off into this club. A club owned by some guy called Min Yoongi and his friend Jung Hoseok.
The very same guy that was currently watching me go through this whole rollercoaster of realisations with an amused grin on his face, hand still securely curled around my waist and pushing me into the bar.
Jesus fucking christ.
I wasn’t actually sure whether I paled or blushed, but something crazy was happening with my face as I opened and closed my mouth like a beached fish fighting for its life, finger slowly lifting and wordlessly pointing towards the ginger man.
Yoongi finally couldn’t hold it back anymore and burst out laughing, the pure joy on his face making him look even more impossibly handsome with his cute smile and eyes closed in glee, but then he was suddenly fixing me with another one of his cocksure smirks and leaning closer.
“Oh kitten,” he purred, and his excitement was suddenly palpable between us, his whole body trying to curl around me eagerly, “don’t tell me you didn’t even know whose hands you wanted to choke you so bad?” My breath got stuck in my throat fighting to stutter out, and then I was just all pliable and melting right in his arms. That’s all it took, and it was absolutely pathetic on my part, but I couldn’t really bring myself to feel ashamed about it, especially not when Yoongi was pulling me closer, off the bar stool and nearly wedging me between himself and the wooden bar.
“Come on, princess, where’s my cocky little tease telling me the naughtiest things and then walking away with a huge fucking grin on her face?” the man teased me, so close that his hot breath was hitting the crook of my neck as I shivered and trembled under him, “You’re being such a good girl right now, I’m beginning to think this might be another one of your ploys.”
At his words, a surge of confidence hit me, reinforced by the clear lust that was dripping off of his voice, off of his aura. Suddenly I was back to the night two weeks ago, preening under his starving eyes, each moment between us packed with so much unreleased sexual tension it might have set the whole club on fire.
While Yoongi tentatively nosed under my ear, testing the waters afraid he’d push me away by being too much too fast, I sneaked my arm up his back aiming to give him exactly what he wanted.
Snaking my hand into his hair, I heard his little sigh, body pulling into me a little further as he took it as an encouragement to continue. Just as his lips lightly kissed at my neck, the slightest sweetest hint of tongue tasting the salty sweat, I grabbed a handful of the ginger locks and pulled, dragging his face away from me.
The moment our eyes met, it was like an electric current went off between us, his pupils dilated and darkened, consumed with desire, and mine couldn’t have looked much different. There was slight annoyance at my action written on his pretty face, but the grin was as amused as ever, pleased, even, that I dared to go against him.
My tongue slipped through my smirking lips very briefly, just teasing the man with little extra disobedience, and it worked to pull his attention, gaze trained on my blood red lips.
“There she is,” he whispered that almost reverently, the unfiltered joy running through him on a shiver, and I saw the exact moment he lost the battle to his instincts and surged to claim my mouth in a searing kiss.
Only… he never got there. Yoongi abruptly stopped midway, eyes jumping somewhere behind my shoulder, and I almost whined out loud, so desperate for his attention after I had it for a few brief moments.
But then his grin turned nasty, just downright filthy, and a shiver of arousal plundered through me. Before I knew what was happening, brain already muddled by this guy almost beyond recognition, he was spinning me in his hold. My back hit his chest, his hand splaying over my stomach in the process, and I was greeted with a delicious sight.
There was a man sitting in the chair that I was previously occupying before Yoongi pulled me off to himself, he was leaning his head on his hand that was propped up on the bar, watching us with an amused smirk and hungry eyes. I flushed under his gaze, and also from realising that he’d been watching us, but with the slightest curl of shame in my stomach I found that I really didn’t mind at all.
This guy was insanely attractive as well, he had dark hair slicked back and swept off of his forehead and an expanse of skin on show. He was also dressed in all black, but a very different vibe – dress pants that hugged his waist and hips nicely, accentuating his slim form, a silken blouse that was open all the way to his fucking belly button, but somehow it still looked extremely stylish and tasteful, covering just enough while giving you a taste of exquisite miles of honey-toned skin. He topped it off with a black suit jacket that fell past his hips and hung off of him nicely. For some reason he was also wearing his sunglasses, even here inside the club.
Looking at him made me feel like a horny nun in a sex shop. I swear to god I started sweating under his obviously interested eyes that peered over the rim of those black glasses and lingered on Yoongi’s possessive hold around my waist.
His hand swiftly tugged the sunglasses off and when he looked at my face again, there was a bright friendly smile on his, but something sharper and darker lurked beneath it, sending shivers down my spine in anticipation.
“Having a fun night, hyung?” he asked, voice happy and teasing, a laugh spilling out of him effortlessly like it was natural for him to do that with every word. Behind me there was a slight rumble as well, and I could only guess what kind of expression graced the ginger man’s face, but something hungry reflected in the newcomer at seeing it.
“Hoseok-ah,” Yoongi said in greeting and I jerked, recognising that name immediately. Amusement pulsed in the air, making me feel like I suddenly got caught between two starving wolves, while I just stood there wide-eyed and blushing. “You wouldn’t believe who returned to me tonight,” the older man continued, and I could hear the shit-eating grin in his intonation.
The hand that wasn’t currently lightly caressing the exposed sliver of skin between my crop and my skirt lifted from its place on the bar and laid gently on my neck, hold just strong enough to feel its weight there and fix me in place, but not to actually grasp. My heart stammered a few times in my chest, a needy noise getting stuck in my throat and tampering off into a little whiny exhale. My face was burning, but the interest of the two men seemed to skyrocket at the sound.
“Oh!” the exclamation out of Hoseok’s mouth was full of unbridled thrill and he leaned closer as well, recognising the gesture as something to do specifically with me in a way that sent shame and excitement through me, “Look who it is, our very own Cinderella!” Now when his gaze swept over me, there was a slight glaze over it, like he was putting the body to the tale he must have heard from Yoongi himself.
“So this is she,” the dark-haired man said finally when his eyes feasted enough, sparkles reflecting in them as he stared me down before he offered me his hand. Kind of dumbfounded I reached for it on instinct, making me even more aware of Yoongi’s hands coiled all around my body.
Hoseok quickly grabbed it as soon as it got within his reach, but instead of a handshake he pulled my hand to his lips and tenderly kissed the top, eyes sending me cheeky glances as I blushed under the ministration.
“Nice to meet you, Cinderella, my name is Hoseok,” he stated sensually, the fire that was steadily burning right under his surface momentarily showing, and then he pulled back all sunshiney and smiley again, like he wasn’t staring me down like a predator just a second ago.
“Oh, that’s right,” Yoongi suddenly mumbled, and I shamefully realised I was so pulled into Hoseok’s aura I forgot about the presence glued to my back, “What is your name, princess?” The dark-haired man in front of me suddenly gasped loudly, jokingly slapping his friend’s shoulder in reprimand.
“Hyung, you haven’t asked her till now?” he whined loudly, draping himself over the counter a little bit and making himself comfortable leaning his head on his hand again, “How incredibly rude of you. You were about to stick your tongue down her throat without even introducing yourself.” I flushed at the reminder of what got interrupted by Hoseok’s arrival, quickly averting my eyes and staring at the floor shyly.
There were few chuckles all around, and then the hands released me. I stumbled a little, not expecting to lose my tether and allowing my legs to grow weak knowing I was being held up, but thankfully Hoseok seemed to have quite quick reflexes, and his hand shot out to grab my hip, righting me on my feet. I mumbled my thanks and leaned on the bar casually like I was just waiting for my drink, trying to ignore the mounting sexual tension between the three of us.
Quickly clearing my throat, I hoped to dispel the slight awkwardness that suddenly overtook me, drumming my fingers on the bar. Suddenly realising that the drink Yoongi ordered for me stood completely forgotten and melting there, I reached for it and started downing it while I felt their amused but still ravenous eyes on my figure.
“I know, Hobi-ya, I’ve been such a bad host,” Yoongi purred out, fingers playing with the glass with what I assumed was whiskey. Since every time my gaze got stuck on his perfect hands his ego seemed to grow even more (which I thought to be impossible, but Yoongi proved to be an impossible man, so it checked out), I tried to avoid the sight, but my eyes still got dragged down every once in a while, lured in by the massive rings flashing under the lights and the pretty veins flexing with every movement.
There was some rapport between them, shooting one clever dirty remark after another, but I sort of tuned them out for a moment, getting lost in the world of possibilities that opened before me quite abruptly. I try to win a bet and end up getting chatted up by not one, but two owners of the very club. I almost wanted to run off just to whisper this to Yeri and giggle about it with Hana, some slight snickers escaping my mouth at the image of her wide-open mouth at finding out who these guys were.
“What are you laughing at, Cinderella?” a voice right next to my ear tears me out of my musings, and I immediately shuddered, feeling the hot puff of air of his breath hitting the tender skin of my neck. Hoseok was grinning at me wickedly when I turned to him, so close I could count all of his perfect pretty lashes.
Belatedly I realised I never actually introduced myself, the conversation getting derailed immediately and I got so flustered I forgot he even asked, so I cleared my throat and said: “My name’s Y/N.” It came out a little scratchy still, emphasizing how deliciously nervous they made me, which in turn served to excite them even more – I could see it in their dark expectant eyes.
Then I smirked, regaining a little bit of sense now that I wasn’t helplessly caught in Yoongi’s sweet net. “And that’s none of your business,” I added, barely supressing the desire to stick out my tongue at him. I’d keep that one in the arsenal, I was sure I’d get many a chance to be bratty at him until the morning.
Hoseok hummed, a spark running through him at the tiniest bit of attitude, but then he smirked back.
“I see what you mean, hyung, you do have to push her a little to get to that fire,” the dark-haired man said almost too conversationally, like they were discussing their favourite drinks. His head tilted as he regarded me and I felt almost undressed under the weight of that stare. Looking at him, he was clearly already thinking of how he’d like to push me to get the reactions he wanted, so I chose to ignore him even as heat threatened to overtake my face.
Instead I narrowed my eyes at Yoongi, who was trying to look as innocent as possible but he couldn’t hide the devilish spark about him, his smile a little too sharp to get away with anything.
“What exactly have you been telling him?” my voice tilted in faux anger, but there was a grin tugging at my lips even as I was attempting to fix him with my stare. Needless to say, he wasn’t intimidated in the slightest.
Leaning forward, until our noses were almost brushing and our breaths mingled, and I felt my knees getting a little weak again, he grinned. “Nothing but the truth.” We were locked in what I’d call an eye-fucking staring contest, but neither of us wanted to back down. As I started to feel a little more comfortable in their presence, I quickly found my spine again, and they clearly liked when I sassed them a little. So I let go and slipped into my usual stance.
“Well, I originally came here to talk shop, but this is much more interesting,” came Hoseok’s voice from our right, and we both looked over at the same time. He was watching us with an obvious smile, but not the ones like before, no. This one made me shiver (as if they haven’t been doing that for the entire night).
I quickly spun around, leaning on the bar with my back instead of my front, and looked seemingly carelessly into the crowd, partly trying to annoy them a little and partly actually searching for Yeri to make sure she knew I was okay.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, there’s clearly nothing happening,” I sing-songed slyly, making sure I put a little distance between all of us. Yoongi, who was clearly the one more experienced with me bolting, was shifting around on his stool, and for the first time that evening I realised how much they both towered over me even with my heels, even when they both sat and I was standing. It was exhilarating, like getting slowly sweetly hunted.
I made eye contact with my best friend exactly the second two hands from two different directions wrapped around me and fixed me to place, Hoseok’s elegant hand squeezing at my waist while Yoongi’s bejewelled one made itself home in the crook of my neck, as close to grabbing me by the throat as he could get away with in the middle of a crowded club.
I stuttered out a gasp, my thoughts screeching to a halt and Yoongi took the chance to dip down to my ear and whisper: “You’re not running away from us that easily, pretty girl.” I couldn’t help the little smirk, thinking back to Yeri’s words promising me that if I went to speak to him, he wouldn’t let me go again. Oh how right she was, and she’d be super annoying about it later, but right now I was so glad she convinced me to go I’d accept all the teasing later.
Yeri was watching the interaction with sharp eyes, face a little worried at the sudden appearance of a second man. She raised her hand in the universal ‘ok’ gesture, a question written into her features. I quickly nodded, not wanting to leave her hanging, and then turned to Yoongi and staring right into his eyes.
“If I knew you were this desperate for me, I’d have given you a few more crumbs last time,” I teased him shamelessly, too satisfied with myself for Yoongi’s liking. He growled lightly, the rumble rising through his chest and throat and vibrating on my shoulder. The ginger ducked his head back into my neck and then there was a quick warning nip to the soft skin, which had me gasping breathlessly, thrumming in their arms.
Hoseok was quietly laughing to my right, free hand amusing itself by playing with my dark curled hair while he amusedly watched his hyung getting provoked like that.
With blown out pupils and wild heart jumping around in my chest I turned again to find Yeri’s eyes once more. She was glancing our way occasionally, and by now the other girls noticed as well, all hooting and hollering and gesturing at me happily. I grinned back, and then pulled out my phone from my little bag and tapped it so everyone saw. It was our gesture to have them check their messages.
With that I slowly pulled myself from their hands, and as possessively as they both clutched at me, once I actually showed the intent to leave, they both let go easily, leaning back in their chairs. I could see the moment of nervousness in Yoongi’s eyes, probably afraid he’d taken it too far with the bite, but I smirked at both of them, trying to ease them a little.
“Gentlemen, I need to use the restroom,” I announced heartily, thrusting my bag into Hoseok’s hands, “I trust this will be safe with you.” With a little wink, clutching my phone in hand, I turned on my heel and happily bounced through the throngs of people towards the quiet hallway.
Once there, I quickly pulled up the group chat, not being able to keep this all to myself anymore.
Petty bitch: you won’t fucking believe me what I found out
The slew of messages was immediate, some begging for the tea and some berating me for texting them when I had two very hot men to make out with.
Pink nightmare: istfg if you don’t tell me now
Petty bitch: calm down lol, i’m not gonna leave you hanging
Petty bitch: you know who these guys are?
Petty bitch: min yoongi and jung hoseok
Dressed to distress: ARE YOU FUCKING FOR REAL RIGHT NOW??????
Dressed to distress: istfg you better go there and fuck them until they can’t walk or i’ll never speak to you again
Pink nightmare: i think Hana almost passed out when she read that
Dressed to distress: shut up it’s big news
Dressed to distress: it’s THE min yoongi and jung hoseok
Dressed to distress: FUCK THEM. N O W.
I was laughing at the endless barrage of messages, Hana and Yeri taking over the group chat with their combined freaking out and subtle threats to end our friendship if I leave again. The smile on my face was fixed permanent at that point, and the warmth spread through me quickly knowing I had such support out there, even though it was about getting fucked senseless.
Petty bitch: aye aye captain, will do sir
Dressed to distress: you better
Petty bitch: you were right tho yeri, about what you said before
Pink nightmare: i know ;)
With one last smile at the screen, I locked the device again and made my way back to the bar, where the two man conversed leisurely. A third chair was pulled between them, waiting and empty, and Hoseok was still securely clutching onto the little red handbag. I supposed that was the only reason they were being so chill, though I wouldn’t understand anyone that would be able to walk away from them for the second time.
Confidently walking over, I went straight for the empty stool and sat down without glancing at either of the men, instead gesturing at the smiley barman, Tae if I remembered correctly. He waved at me and without saying anything he started preparing my drink.
Well, there was a certain advantage to being the girl that his bosses were about to fuck.
Said men didn’t waste a second and immediately engulfed me in their warmth, flanking both my sides, hands wandering around the small of my back or the exposed skin of my thighs (that one was definitely Yoongi, judging by the cooling feeling of heavy jewellery dragging across the heated skin that made me shiver more than I was prepared to admit).
A small talk started up between us, talking about mostly nothing or inconsequential things, about what we did that day or whether I also got mad at the latest change in bus schedule (Hoseok got weirdly passionate about that, considering he most definitely either drove a high-end car or even had a chauffeur).
But it was increasingly more difficult to pay attention to a single thing that was said when their hands slowly but surely strayed more and got bolder and bolder, with Hoseok’s sliding up, up, under my little top, until his thumb was sliding across the line of my bra, while Yoongi had managed to slowly inch his way almost all the way under my skirt. He was so close to accidentally brushing against the edge of my panties, and it was driving me insane.
I was endlessly squirming in my seat, legs constantly fighting to either fall further open or squeeze under the rush of sensations, either giving the smug man more opportunities to caress my inner thigh or just trapping his hand there.
And as if sensing what Yoongi was doing, and how he kept me on edge, Hoseok begun inching his head closer, leaning in until I felt every word he said on the skin of my naked shoulder, until his soft lips were brushing against me with every laugh and murmur, sometimes even giving up the pretence of polite conversation and just openly kissing his way around my crop when he wasn’t talking.
It took me entirely too long to realise they were just winding me up on purpose, finding new stupid stuff to bring up just to prolong the sweet torture.
I snapped sometimes in the middle of a heated debate over soap dispensers in public bathrooms, just as Yoongi was detailing his thought process over choosing the ones they had in their restrooms.
“Are you planning to finger me right here on the bar?” I jumped into his spiel, the frustration bleeding into my voice, “Or are we going to talk about soap until morning?” Yoongi immediately shut up, amused grin playing on his lips and his hand flexing on my thigh at the mention of fingering. Hoseok also froze where he was in the middle of gently mouthing at the back of my neck, and I felt his lips pull into a smirk.
Tae that was just passing by looked horrified though and started protesting basically as soon as I was done with my little outburst.
Before I knew what was happening, both men were on their feet and pulling me along, each one hand in their grasp. There was a quick understanding between them, and they both started off in the same direction.
“I thought you’d never ask,” Hoseok purred, overcome by the excitement, “No matter how hot fingering you at the bar would be, let’s reserve that for when the club’s closed.” The promise of future endeavours worked like a charm on me, and I quickly melted into their embrace, speeding up to keep up with their rushed steps.
Turns out, they were going towards a dark door, coloured just well enough to blend into the walls. Yoongi impatiently started unlocking it, almost barging into it once the key finally turned. It opened to a narrow little barren hallway that ended in stairs going up.
The three of us couldn’t fit there side by side, so I ended up with Hoseok’s arm around my shoulders with Yoongi going ahead, taking the stairs by two. Up there was a little space and a singular door, which finally led into what must have been their office space.
It was a nice room, a little dark, there was only a single small window and it was currently night outside, but it was decorated nicely, giving it a modern yet cozy feel. There was a dark wood desk in one corner, with a massive chair behind it, and a nice little conference table with a comfortable sofa in the other.
Hoseok led us straight towards there, but just as I wanted to move to sit on the nice dark blue furnishing, I was pulled down by the man and we both tumbled onto the soft carpet instead. He cleverly manoeuvred me so that once down, I ended up almost in his lap, and his arm coiled around my waist quickly to keep me pressed up against him.
I’d have laughed at his cheekiness, I would have, but then his face was buried in my neck and finally kissing in earnest, and all that came out of me was a pleased sigh. There was clinking coming from somewhere behind us, but I ignored it in favour of running my hand up Hoseok’s back until it was tangled into his styled hair. He released a few pleasured chuffs and then he was pulling back.
I whined, I couldn’t help myself, and I wasn’t even particularly ashamed of it once I saw his teasing smile. The dark-haired man amused himself by pressing in closer, our lips only a breath away, and then jerking from me when I tried to close the distance, laughing in earnest at my frustration.
His hands kneaded my hips, similarly pulling me close enough but then keeping me in place when I tried to shuffle closer, until I had enough. I was so turned on, not only from the teasing from before, worked up from their gentle touches on the bar, but also from being so close to finally having what I wanted only to be entertainment for him. So fine, if he wanted to play, let’s play.
Using the hand in his hair, I tugged at it a little harsher than before, enough to jerk Hoseok’s head back as he wasn’t expecting it. A little hiss of pain escaped his lips, but even as I quickly descended on him I saw the swirl of arousal in his eyes. Using the moment of surprise, I finally crashed our lips together and barrelled into him, not giving him a chance to stop me when I finally climbed atop his lap properly and made myself home there.
He took it all in stride, giving me what I wanted, happily so if his overjoyed little noises were anything to go by. I didn’t give him a chance to tease more by controlling the pace of the kiss, instead I kissed him filthily from the beginning, going in hard.
Hoseok matched my pace easily, accepting all of my desire and doubling it with his own, wasting no time in licking into my mouth, pushing his tongue in and claiming me thoroughly. We battled for dominance briefly, our tongues messily pushing against each other, the kiss descending into heated wet chaos, but it was mind-meltingly good and I couldn’t stop the outpouring of moans that the man eagerly swallowed and answered with his own.
When we finally separated for air, I suddenly became aware of the fact that I’ve been rocking against him as his hands firmly gripped at my waist, supporting the flow of my movements.
We breathed heavily into each other, my brain already muddled and its only goal turning to getting railed into oblivion. Hoseok’s gaze was trained somewhere off to my left and I turned, being greeted by the sight of Yoongi leisurely sprawled over the sofa, whiskey glass hanging from his hand.
His eyes were beyond starving, fixed on us in a manner that excited me as much as it unnerved me, but then Hoseok was chuckling into my ear and whispering “hyung must like the show” and my head was spinning with the force of lust that surged through me.
This time when I lunged for another kiss, the man was already expecting me, accepting me. Hoseok was full of eager noises, sighs and moans and groans, all escaping into my hungry mouth and sounding through the room alongside the wet smacking of our lips. And I wasn’t far behind, the quiet moans spilling out freely as my hips jerked over the man, this time very much with purpose.
There was a bulge increasingly hardening right beneath my soaked centre, and every time I rubbed against it there was a hitch in both of our staggered breathing. My skirt has long since ridden all the way up, pretty much exposing my panties to Yoongi’s eager eyes as he watched me hump his friend.
Our mouths fell apart for breath, but Hoseok immediately trailed wet scorching kisses down my jaw and neck, licking into the skin there. At first I didn’t even realise when the scales of power started tipping the other way, not until I was suddenly pulled up and slammed down on the little table, splayed on my back and with a very horny man attached to me and pushing me into the sturdy wood.
My head was spinning and I could barely see through the haze, the fog filling my mind with every swipe of Hoseok’s talented tongue, and when I bumped into something I didn’t even care that much. Not until the dark-haired man bit down hard at the junction of my neck and I threw my head back with a debauched scream, body seizing and arms flying back in an attempt to grasp onto something.
Soft jean material was suddenly between my fingers, and I started slowly noting that there was a bony leg underneath it.
Hoseok’s hips relentlessly pushed into mine, jerking into me and letting me feel every inch of his now erect cock, still confined to his silken pants.
“Going to ruin your expensive slacks, pretty boy,” I gasped out with a laugh and the man scoffed into the skin in the crook of my neck. His hips slowed down to a drawled-out grind, torturing me with delicious drag of the prominent bulge through the thin material of my panties.
I felt his big strong hand splayed out on the meat of my thigh, holding my leg curled around his hips and pinning me into place.
“I’m not a teenager anymore, angel, I can hold my own,” he purred between licks and kisses, enjoying the slowed down pleasure as it made me squirm in impatience, since the turn in pace was quite sudden.
“Oh yeah? You’re already a big boy?” I teased right back, little gasps and moans escaping me with every sharp nip to my neck. I was already breathless, writhing around on the table under a man who seemed to be gradually more and more cocksure as the seconds ticked by.
Hearing my words, he ground his hips into me with surprising force, shocking a moan out of me. “Can’t you feel for yourself?” he giggled into my ear, upping the tempo and force behind his thrusts until I was thrown around and had no idea where was up and down.
Brain overrun with pleasure, any kind of smart retort died in my throat under the sudden onslaught of pleasure coursing through me, only desperately holding onto Hoseok’s shoulders while he ravaged me. The little table pitifully squeaked under us, but it seemed it would hold even with how wild he was getting.
“Oh? No more witty remarks?” he now fully teased, enjoying this little game we had going, “Do you only behave when you’re fucked into oblivion?”
Before I could respond, Hoseok straightened out, hands migrating to hold down my hips as he jerked into me and laughed down at me. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what sight I made – flushed, with messy hair and red lipstick smeared around my lips. His eyes drank me up hungrily, mouth open and tongue licking his lips like I was the most delicious dessert. There was a tinge of red on them from mine too, and with his blown out eyes it painted such an erotic picture I felt myself clench around nothing.
A deep dark chuckle from behind me made me remember the fact that there actually was another person here with us, but I didn’t turn to look at him. Instead I channelled all my energy into smirking towards Hoseok.
He himself was far from collected, a tiny line of sweat breaking out at his hairline and his cheeks were a healthy red colour, eyes hazy and dark. Sensing my rebellion, he smiled sweetly and waited for what I’d grace them with.
“And you think you have it in you to do that?” I gasped out cheekily, almost even winking at him, but instead I settled for letting my tongue peek out slightly and poking my upper lip with it, “A healthy confidence is sexy, but don’t oversell yourself, pretty boy.”
The moment Hoseok’s eyes darkened with slight aroused irritation, face pulling into a hard dominant mask, I knew I’d succeeded in pushing his buttons just right. I felt the hands holding me tighten, but his hips abruptly stilled.
A disbelieving chuckle came from Yoongi, who must have been comfortably sitting on the sofa behind us watching everything unfold. “Now you’ve done it, princess,” his deep raspy voice rumbled amusedly.
Anticipation set heavy into my bones, my whole body thrumming in excitement while I watched the tick in Hoseok’s jaw. I could almost see the cogs turning in his head, no doubt coming up with some way to punish me.
“Well, I think we have to teach our little guest some manners, don’t you hyung?” it was like a switch turned in him and there was no trace of the happy smiley man he was mere minutes ago, now only intense determination shined through his face as he began pulling away from me.
Yoongi hummed, then there was a sound of shifting and suddenly the man’s breaths were hitting my ear, the goosebumped skin of my neck shivering at his abrupt proximity. “I couldn’t agree more, Hob-ah,” the ginger whispered, but in the quiet office it was still perfectly audible.
The smirk that split Hoseok’s face was completely different from the one before and it frankly sent shivers down my spine in a somewhat jittery excitement.
Both men then stood up, leaving me alone on the table. Before I knew it, I was whining like a little abandoned pup, scrambling to get up as well, but a firm gesture to stay from Hoseok had me freezing in my spot, only a whimper escaping my mouth where I laid.
I watched them as they rummaged through a small closet, each pulling out something else. When they turned back to me, Yoongi was hiding something behind his back while Hoseok’s hand was wrapped around with some colourful piece of cloth. They made no move closer to me though, just stood there and watched me sprawled out on the little table.
I was squirming under their heated gazes, a little unsure and a lot desperate. I just wanted their hands on my body, their cocks stuffed in whatever hole they pleased, but I was so awfully alone there on that little table – that must have been illegal. Fighting the whimpers from trickling out of my mouth, I seeped in my embarrassment and lust, eyes begging them for anything.
“Look at her hyung,” Hoseok started, ever the more talkative one of the duo, “look how obedient and desperate she gets when we take the pleasure away from her.” The older man’s eyes glided over me for the thousandth time, hungry and burning, and I almost cowered from them on instinct.
“Not so mouthy now, are we princess?” he teased as well, in that voice of his that made me embarrassingly aroused.
Within moments Hoseok was back onto me, but now he just grabbed my waist and pressed me into the wood, arms and hips holding me from squirming but not touching me in any relief-inducing way.
I almost whined again when suddenly Yoongi’s hands entered my periphery from above, where he was situated back on the sofa behind me. While Hoseok held me still, the man grabbed both of my hands and started gently fastening a tie around the wrists, slowly enough to let me see what he was doing and loosely enough for me to protest anytime.
But the second I saw that happening, my breath hitch in excitement and I arched into Hoseok’s hands, the man quietly snickering to himself.
“This okay?” Yoongi’s voice was completely serious, devoid of any teasing from before. I nodded, but quickly remembered myself and before he could ask I rasped out a “yes!”. The answering smile washed over me along with a little murmur of “good girl” and I positively melted under them, hips desperately pushing down to find Hoseok’s.
“Are you familiar with the colour system?” the dark-haired man asked this time, eyes trained on his hyung carefully twisting and turning the tie to properly fasten a comfortable safe knot on it. I caught myself as I started nodding again, and instead croaked out another affirmative, pulling satisfied smiles out of them just as Yoongi lightly yanked on the binding and the knot shrank and tightened until it was snugly sitting on the skin of my wrists.
“Anything, and I mean anything, feels weird – don’t hesitate to let us know,” with last comforting murmur Yoongi moved back to sit onto the sofa – my nod must have been enough for him – and as he went my arms stretched backwards over my head. The ginger leisurely held onto the fabric like it was a leash, giving me slight room to move, but keeping his presence known.
Hoseok’s reassuring smile melted into a smug smirk and I held my breath in anticipation, ready to accept anything the man had in store for me. But instead of returning to me, he pulled back once more, the hands on my hips now almost bruising.
In a split of a second I found myself flipped over. My front hit the table with a big clank, almost sending the poor piece of furniture to the ground and knocking the wind out of me. Hoseok released a big breath, one hand pushing at the small of my back and keeping me pinned down, while the other started a slow journey up the outside of my thigh.
His teasing fingers at first only lightly grazed underneath the skirt, caressing the sensitive yearning skin before finally pushing the clothing out of the way, completely exposing my panties clad ass to the room. I shivered slightly, but the temperature was comfortable and I was only filled with overwhelming waves of lust and eagerness.
Hoseok’s hand gently caressed the skin for a moment, sometimes kneading and grabbing at the meat of my ass and lulling me into a false sense of security, before abruptly pulling back and landing a harsh slap on the right cheek. I gasped out a choked moan, whole body jerking forward with the force until my hips barrelled straight into the table. A loud bang of the table taking the hit combined with my noise of pleasure sounded through the room in a strange yet satisfying cacophony.
In this position I could clearly see Yoongi lounging back on the sofa watching us with dark eyes, hands flexing on the tie holding my bound wrists. His eyes jumped to mine the second his friend started administering the chosen punishment, something predatory swimming in them at my reaction. In that moment he felt more like a beast than a man, and one that wanted to eat me whole. The thought made me shudder, but in the best way possible.
I was quite sure that my own eyes must have been dazed and hazy with lust, as I could barely see through the film of pleasure blinding me, and Yoongi seemed to love that more than anything.
“Give her another, Hobi,” he encouraged the dark-haired man, and I realised he was probably monitoring whether I was okay as much as enjoying the view.
But all thoughts of anything flew right out of my mind the moment Hoseok’s hand descended onto me again, this time to the left side. The shock of pain ran through me like a zap of electricity, melting into pleasure as soon as it hit my bloodstream. The vision of Yoongi in front of me blurred as my eyes rolled back, a strangled moan releasing into the tensed air between us.
The next four spanks came quickly one right after the other, alternating between the cheeks and leaving behind stinging buzzing skin, more sensitive with every touch. I felt the burn there, and the ache of my hips continuously ramming into the wooden table also kept reminding me my position. But I didn’t care, too busy trying to dampen down my increasingly more high-pitch desperate groans and moans, before I embarrassed myself too much.
The wetness building up between my thighs was almost embarrassing, and I started to worry any moment I would start dripping down my legs just over a few spanks, and then Hoseok would never let me live it down.
Speaking of the devil, the man switched again to gently caressing the reddened tender area, humming lowly in his throat. I slumped onto the table, whining and whimpering at every soft swipe of his hand, every delicate pinch and handful he grabbed. Yoongi was smirking at me, but stayed silent, giving his friend all the space to do whatever he wanted.
“Look at you, being such a good girl now,” he purred slowly behind me, pushing his erection into my clothed core once more and teasing me with the hardened bump griding into me. The sudden realisation that I was wet enough for squelches to be heard with his tight thrusts hit me square in the chest and pushed another pathetic moan out of my throat. His hands once again pinned me down by my hips, making sure I wasn’t squirming underneath him and wouldn’t try to grind back at him, but I heard him groaning under his breath when he realised the same thing as well.
“All I had to do was spank you a little and put you in your place, and suddenly you’re all out of smart remarks,” Hoseok continued smugly (if a little breathlessly), hips smoothly riding me. I could hear his little sighs and half-moans with every thrust, obviously more desperate for relief than he was trying to let on.
I wanted to speak back to him, but my mind was blank, filled only with thoughts of his cock and his hands on me. Opening my mouth, only thing that was able to come out were strangled groans, and I worried I might start drooling soon too. And even if I did manage to speak, no doubt the only thing I’d be able to formulate would be pleas for Hoseok to stuff me full of his cock and fuck me dumb.
Yoongi was watching me with amusement, like I was pathetic, and the humiliation was burning through me and heightening everything I was already feeling.
“Aw, look at her hyung,” Hoseok continued, “can’t even speak now.” The older man hummed in satisfaction, tugging lightly on the tie and jostling me into paying more attention to the interaction. I put the last strains of brain power into talking back, the final try before I would be too lost and cock drunk.
“So pleased with yourselves, aren’t you boys,” the words came out of my mouth slightly slurred, but the cheeky lilt was still clearly detectable, and I chuckled tiredly, shimmying under Hoseok’s firm hands to try and get his cock closer to me.
To which the man swiftly reacted by pulling his hips away and instead bending over me. I felt the feather-light brushes of his shirt over the exposed parts of my back, but Hoseok never came any closer – not enough to feel his skin, only to have the feverish warmth of his body seep slowly into me from above.
“Be careful what you say, pretty,” his low voice warned me, the words delivered a touch too sensually to fully register in my mind, “that is, if you wanna get fucked tonight.”
“How many spanks did you get, princess?” Yoongi’s question came before my hazy brain could even fully process Hoseok’s warning, but I managed to choke out the answer, muddled mind going through the sharp delicious impacts to my skin.
Both men hummed, pleased that I kept track even without being told to. Hoseok finally lowered himself onto me, chest plastered to my back, skin pasted to skin by a thin sheen of sweat.
“Now, I was considering letting you off with six,” he murmured straight into my ear, “but it seems you do need the whole ten.” Then he was gone, only reminder of his presence was the sudden cold spot over me and the tingles running through my skin where we touched, and I shivered. My hips still pushed back needily, and he let me for a few moments, before his hand was back to caressing the throbbing red skin of my bottom.
The first spank was a fast one, delivering a more intense sting than the ones before. I gasped and braced myself, eagerly pushing my ass out and arching my back. Someone chuckled, and I had a hard time deciphering who, all my attention channelled into the two hands fondling the meat of my ass leisurely.
The press of his fingers into the burning flesh was something I swore I’d be able to remember 20 years from now, the sensation almost classifying as a life-changing event for my pathetic little brain as the anticipation of the next three spanks drove me crazy with need.
“She’s presenting nicely like a bitch in heat,” a deep voice whispered breathlessly, mockery and arousal mixing into his tone, “are we sure this is even a punishment for her?” In lieu of answer only a whiney moan left my mouth, hips shaking desperately and attempting to push back just as Hoseok delivered another sharp blow.
The last two were a little hazy for me – they came in a fast succession and immediately after the calming cooling caress of Hoseok’s hand returned, his voice soothing me with reassuring coos and purrs.
“What a good girl,” Yoongi whispered, tugging at the tie again to check on me. The praise poured over me, replenishing me body and soul like I was a thirsty traveller stumbling upon an oasis, and I slowly raised my head from the wood to blearily blink at the man. I was pretty sure there was a line of drool connecting me to the table, but I was too fried to care.
The ginger smiled at me, looking pleased more than anything, but still giving his younger friend free reign. Said man gave my bum a few more gentle pats before he helped me turn around on my back again, hooking my legs over his elbows to make it a little easier for me.
His face was flushed, a predatory grin spread over his face. I watched a drop of sweat slide down his neck and plunge down the perfect almost exposed chest, and while the man’s hair was all messy from our previous kissing, lips red from the lipstick I wore, his clothes were still firmly in place.
He was watching me with such overwhelming desire I almost melted right on the spot, the full force of my arousal making itself known in a single burst of fire. Suddenly the wetness in my panties became nigh unbearable, and my pussy fruitlessly clenched and oozed more juice in hopes of getting stuffed soon. And with Hoseok’s cock so close to my centre I was going even more mad with it.
“What do we think, baby? Have we learnt our lesson?” he asked me in a cheery voice, the taunting lilt provoking me and pushing my heated brain into overdrive to come up with a swift comeback. In the end I let the lust override the reason and blurted out what I really wanted.
“We think,” I started, my voice all breathless with a little rasp, “that maybe you should bury your pretty face in my cunt.” Immediately after those words tumbled out of me, a blush overtook my face in unexpected shyness. Even now I was still getting embarrassed – I’ve never bratted this much to anyone and I’ve certainly never said those exact words before – it was as exhilarating as it was terrifying.
Hoseok tsked at me and then looked to the older man while lightly shaking his head in faux disappointment.
“Oh dear, I think it’s only making her mouthier,” some darker breathier excitement crept into his voice, and it had me alerted in an instant, “what do we do, hyung?” The beastly smirk Yoongi gave in response felt like a bucket of ice water hitting me straight into my face, and I realised that they were planning something more from the beginning and I just played straight into their hands.
“I know these types, Hoseok-ah,” the ginger played along, but he was too excited to sell it properly, “and only one thing ever seems to work on them.” With that his hand reached somewhere down the sofa and grabbed a thin black flexible stick.
A whip. He had a whip.
My mind got transported back to before they spanked me, how Yoongi seemed to hide something behind his back. I got distracted real fast after that, but this must have been it.
I’d never used it before with anyone and as much as slight nervousness set into me, it was heavily overshadowed by the rush of exhilaration. With a single look at it I felt my body jerk in response, pussy clenching and singing in praise.
“Let’s see how bratty you are when you’re too busy crying from overstimulation, princess,” debauchery dripping off of him like pouring rain, pelting me right in my weakest points and leaving me gasping and breathless. I very much did want to see that.
A loud snapping of fingers had me whirling my head back to Hoseok who wore a serious expression, only getting emphasised by the obvious lust swirling in his blackened orbs.
“Colour, baby?” he rasped out, hands kneading the meat of my thighs slowly, in a hypnotising loop of thrills. I swallowed with some difficulty, getting steadily pulled into his intense gaze.
“G-green,” I stuttered out, buckling under the sudden aura these two were exuding, like I only now realised that I was in the presence of two domineering men. The slight hesitation before my answer was noticed as well, and while I was merely taking my time to know surely this is something I wanted, the men seemed to be worried by it.
“You sure?” Hoseok enquired again, mellowing out the rough touch into a gentle caress to make me more comfortable. I nodded, hurriedly and a tad too excitedly, drawing a chuckle from Yoongi still sitting behind me.
“Yes. Green,” I repeated, this time firmer and surer to chase away any doubts they could have. Yoongi’s hand started a slow path along the sensitive inside of my arm, his energy shifting into something more predatory and tangible, making sure I was aware of him.
“Have you ever played with a whip before, princess?” the ginger drawled out sensuously, amusement evident in his tone. I wanted to turn my head to look at him, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the way Hoseok’s face crumbled back into lust.
“No…” the word slipped out of my mouth in a whisper. It almost felt like both of them were holding their breath for something, something that was escaping me in my scrambled state.
“Are you excited to try?” came the next question, now feeling Yoongi lightly nose at my wrists, just shy of kissing there, making me shudder under the sensation. I just breathlessly nodded, not having the strength to actually find my voice. The ginger snickered and smacked a loud kiss to one of my wrists.
“Don’t worry baby, we’ll go easy on you,” he whispered the promise and then pulled away again, gesturing at Hoseok to do what he wanted. The dark-haired man happily giggled and immediately grabbed my thighs, spreading them without much preamble.
I squeaked in surprise, hands jerking to go cover myself, but they got tugged back into Yoongi’s lap. Hoseok paid me no mind though, and didn’t waste time in putting his lips to the smooth skin near my ankle, showing off with loud wet kisses trailing quickly down.
As he was descending down my legs, his quick skilful hands found their way beneath my skirt (that was barely covering anything anyway) and started tugging at my panties, dragging them up my thighs to take them off. The wet spot spanned almost the entire seat of the panties and the size of it would be more embarrassing if I didn’t see the way Hoseok’s eyes rolled back at the sight, the excitement rushing through his body on a shudder. At the same time a veiny knuckley hand descended onto me from behind and tugged my crop up to release my tits from my bra.
Before I knew it Hoseok was bending over and had his face buried in my cunt while the handy little whip was teasingly circling one of my nipples. I barely managed to gasp out, drowning under sudden barrage of sensations and body growing confused under the different stimulations.
The dark-haired man started enthusiastically licking around my drenched folds, swiftly attaching himself to my clit and sucking with loud slurps, hands tightening on my thighs and keeping them thrown over his shoulders. The zap of pleasure hit me like a tank and I arched, mouth opening on a silent moan – and Yoongi, the bastard that he was, chose that exact moment to raise the whip and slap one of my nipples enough that it stung a little.
The desperate cry that left my mouth was almost unrecognisable from my voice, but it wasn’t a negative noise – quite the opposite, if the rush of slick that hit Hoseok’s hungry mouth still latched onto my pussy was anything to go by. The man groaned, debauched and dark eyes rolling back into his skull, before redoubling his efforts and wildly licking and sucking at the swollen lips and clit, slowly working his tongue around my hole and pushing in.
While my body tried to cope with the flood of liquid fire from Hoseok’s eager ministrations, my brain was continuously stuttering under the stinging sensation of Yoongi’s whip slapping my nipples in a seemingly whimsical manner. The man of course, once he caught wind of my obvious interest, didn’t hold back and used the little tool to alternatingly caress and lightly smack both of my breasts.
The dual stimulation made my brain melt quick, and soon I found myself to be a drooling moaning mess under the ministrations of two eager demons. I was teetering on the edge of cumming, the heat and pleasure accumulating in my lower belly until it was dangerously close to consuming me whole; and with every little suck on my clit and another hit from the whip I jerked a little closer to it snapping.
But it wouldn’t be them if they didn’t play with me a little, and every time Hoseok felt me nearing the edge he pulled off, roughly biting into the meat of my thighs to distract me with more delicious pain while watching his hyung distribute his own discipline on me.
“Fuck, I don’t think I can take it anymore,” he moaned helplessly into my skin finally, hand migrating to grab and fondle the bursting tent in his black slacks, groaning in relief immediately.
“Go ahead Hob-ah, have your fun,” Yoongi purred from the couch, the warmed leather of the whip now trying to soothe the sting with gentle caresses. The man didn’t even answer verbally, only let himself slump into me with a loud moan.
Once again he wasted no time, hands scurrying to undo his pants. He quickly shucked of his blouse, revealing the beautiful smooth muscled torso he hid beneath. I only had a moment to fully sink in the beauty of his arms stretching as he pulled his top off before his trousers were pushed down his hips. Sinking all the way to his knees, Hoseok paid them no more attention as he started hurriedly fisting his flushed red cock just begging for release.
Reminiscent of my reaction to getting spanked, I was unwittingly spreading my legs and arching off the table to offer up my pussy to him on a silver platter. The sinful smirk he gave in response made me even wetter (if that was possible), and I released a series of high needy moans.
“Look at our baby, all mute and docile now,” Hoseok teased, smirking up a smug storm, somehow regaining some semblance of a composure. I couldn’t find it in myself to reply, brain mush and hole wet and needy, so I just moaned again. It was so much easier to let myself ride the wave, to let all thoughts slip away and give myself over into their skilful hands – I felt no more need to sass back, I just wanted to cum. The two men giggled, and I heard a tearing of a foil packet, redirecting my dazed eyes towards Hoseok just to see him putting on a condom.
Anticipation ran through me, my horny mind recognising that I would be getting cock inside of me soon, needy cunt clenching and gushing desperately. Hoseok started pushing in practically immediately, impatient and wanting, and I was so wet and ready for him that he sunk in without a problem on the first stroke, pushing a helpless groan out of the man immediately.
I hadn’t even stopped moaning yet when Hoseok pulled back and thrust back in, overriding my senses with burning pleasure – it felt like my brain was buffering and short-circuiting under the never-ending overwhelming sensations. I finally felt so deliciously full, and it scratched something deep inside me, body catching up quickly and erupting into mindless ecstasy. After a few experimental strokes he set a speedy pace, desperately pumping his hips into me, jostling me on the table. If he wasn’t gripping onto my thighs so tightly, I’d probably find myself sliding up with the force of his lust, while the dark-haired man lost himself to my wet heat.
The moans spilled out of him freely, bronze sweaty body rippling with the movements and teasing some abs. When I managed to take control of myself and perceive anything through my own desperate staccato moans and gasps, I saw the man’s hazy gaze, unfocused eyes glazed over with ecstasy. It made my own lust mount immeasurably, building on my previous almost-there orgasm and throwing me headfirst into heady bliss. The scorching heat gathering deep in my core spilled over shocks of fire through my bloodstream, getting more intense with every stroke, with every time his tip bumped into the magic spot inside of me and made me shudder, so close to release I could almost taste it on my fucking tongue.
Tugging on my hands alerted me to Yoongi’s presence, the stagnant whip now moving again, teasingly making its way across my chest and tummy, here or there thumping down lightly to keep me on my toes. I heard his purred-out hums and rumbles at my eager reactions even through Hoseok’s groans and gasps, even through the wet slapping of skin on skin as he pumped into me wildly.
Just when I got used to the feeling of the leather travelling across my skin, Yoongi distributed four quick slaps, alternating between my nipples. The impact made me jerk in surprise before the delectable mix of pleasure and pain caught up to me and poured through my veins and nerves and I cried out on a moan. I felt my body spasm, cunt clenching and trapping Hoseok’s cock into the warm pulsating walls. A loud desperate moan cut through the room, the dark-haired man’s hips stuttered into me, and I felt his cock throb and twitch inside of me – and it drove me fucking insane with need, my hungry wet cunt attempting to suck him deeper and deeper in mindless lust that overrode all rhyme and reason.
His face spoke of inconceivable bliss, screwed into a grimace of a man on the brink of glory, red and sweaty with mouth hanging open, and breathing hard. He stilled for a moment, trying to catch his breath, his cock lodged inside of me begging for release. For few long seconds we exchanged exhausted but content smiles before Yoongi became tired of being ignored.
His whip suddenly smacked my tummy, making me clench again and in succession torturing Hoseok further as he tried to stave off his oncoming orgasm. Our breaths hitched at the same time, our gazes trained to the little black tool slowly sliding down to my cunt. It seemed that both of us had an inkling as to what Yoongi was planning – considering Hoseok’s wink and winning smirk towards his older friend while I was filled with dark anticipation, gaze glued to the sight of it rising right above my mound and coming down almost in slow-motion.
The first smack to my clit almost made me cum on the spot, all the accumulated pleasure bursting in a blinding jolt making my body contort. Hoseok’s hips jumped forward, answering the endless squeezing of my cunt with breathless moans. I thought I heard Yoongi chuckle, but I wasn’t sure through the ringing in my ears.
And then everything disappeared, melted out of my head in a barrage of moans full of honeyed lust as he started slapping my clit, swiftly, in a way that made it sting but the outpouring of achey pleasure that made everything staticky and muffled was worth it thousand times. The continuous feeling of a nearing climax mounting in me was overwhelming me, sending my thighs into fits of tremors.
Hoseok started up his pace again – unable to deny himself any longer and fucking into me hard and quick, obviously chasing his high and helplessly losing to the tidal wave about to swallow him whole. As the stimulation of his cock drilling into me and barrelling into my g-spot returned, even through the fog in my mind I knew I was a goner. The wet squelch of my pussy seemed to intensify, signalling the oncoming beast of a climax too.
Yoongi also kept up his antics, periodically bringing the whip down straight onto my clit and making me jerk and cry pathetically under them (though Hoseok seemed pretty lost too). My hands were pulled over to his lap and in my plight I grabbed onto his thigh to gain at least some stable point. I felt his hand briefly squeeze mine in support, the tender touch calming my beating heart a bit. I screwed my eyes shut, head thrown back and body thrumming, just waiting for the final push.
But then Yoongi was back to his agenda, delivering few hard quick hits down onto my clit. My body tensed up, shaking and right on the brink of a powerful orgasm and head full of cotton and buzzing. Hoseok was also losing his mind, hips accelerating and balls drawing in tight, and I knew he was about to cum as well.
All it took was the sensation of Hoseok thrusting in hard a few more times before he burst, cock throbbing uncontrollably as he came with a piercing cacophony of high-pitched moans, and Yoongi smacking down one last time before my whole body locked, then everything exploded in me and I was suddenly cumming so hard I was surprised I didn’t simply burst into pieces. Distantly I was aware that I was screaming out, but everything was muted through the humming and ringing in my ears, eyes rolled back into my skull rendering me blind. I jerked with the waves of pleasure, warmth pumping into me from all directions and pushing me deeper into a dark fog, pulling me under the endless billows of scorching honeyed nectar spreading through me.
It rocked me whole, thighs and hips shaking while Hoseok desperately grasped at me going through the shockwaves as well, still unwittingly pumping into me to ride out the wave. The added sting of overstimulation prolonged everything and made it sharper, making my toes curl with the mind-numbing pleasure.
When the high started ebbing away, I felt drugged, or on the verge of blackout drunk – eyes barely able to keep open, unseeing through the film over them, face wet with drool and tears. I didn’t feel fully in my body, like I was floating above the table and saw the whole world through cotton candy.
Hoseok was saying something, but his words were slurred as well and I could barely hear anyway. He slumped over me, hips finally calm, and by the bonelessness of his form it could be judged that he went through similarly intense experience. I was suddenly hyper-aware of the amount of sweat that was pouring off of us, of our chests rising in tandem trying to catch our breaths and failing at it desperately.
There was some shuffling and then my arms were released, the tie binding them together gone – but they still immediately flopped down, no strength in them left. Someone pressed their face close to mine, ginger locks coming into my view but not fully connecting as I was still out of it, fighting off sleep.
But then Hoseok started moving, pulling away from me and out of my pussy, and I was jostled from the floaty space somewhere in between, slowly settling back into my bones and feeling the content ache still overriding all of my nerves.
The sound slowly came in and I realised that Yoongi was actually gently whispering praises into me, kissing softly along my neck and jawline while “such a good girl” and “took it so well” slipped out of his mouth on a murmur.
I moved my head just enough to see the dark-haired man collapse onto the carpet, half slumped into the leg of the sofa, grinning at me all doped out and still half naked with his pants undone. Yoongi quietly prowled over to the other side of the table, for the first time since we came here putting himself into my direct line of sight. And while his touch stayed respectful and soothing, his starving eyes ate up my messy wet swollen pussy like it was his last meal.
But then instead of touching me more he leaned over for some discarded clothing item, lightly dragging it down my thighs to clean up the juices that got all over me while Hoseok was fucking me. My eyes naturally slipped to the unmissable bulge tenting his black jeans (he must have taken off his hoodie somewhere during the session) and I couldn’t hold back the whine, brain still not quite capable of putting my thoughts together in a civilised manner.
In that moment it was simply unconceivable to me that he’d be left without release, and in a split moment I stubbornly made up my mind that I needed to make him cum, right there right that instant. But the man was cleaning me up, that was simply terrible!
Another whine, this time more desperate and forlorn, finally tore Yoongi from his chore and he gave me a soft smile, worriedly looking at me to ascertain what was wrong.
“What’s up, baby? What’s wrong?” he asked gently, and I whined again, frustrated with myself that it took me such an effort to put together a simple sentence, but finally I managed to sweat it out.
“Wanna make you cum,” I whimpered pathetically, and the man was split between smug smirks and kind smiles – obviously still horny out of his mind but thinking that he shouldn’t push me.
“You’re such a good girl angel, wanting to take care of me, but I can manage,” Yoongi tried to soften the rejection as much as possible, afraid I would take it badly while I was in a fragile state. But thankfully I was steadily regaining all of my abilities again, and I squirmed on the poor little table that went through all this with me.
“Green,” I stated firmly, looking him in the eye, still somewhat dazed but much more present, “Please fuck me too, Yoongi, please. Wanna feel you cum. Want you to use me as a toy.” The compassionate care-taking look immediately drained out of his eyes, and for the first time I was hit with the full force of his arousal. His dark blown-out pupils starvingly regarded me, hands now giving up on the cloth and instead slowly making their way to my stomach and waist.
“Well,” the ginger whispered sensually, “since you’re begging so nicely…” My cunt clenched at those words, slowly coming back alive and contracting almost painfully in such feral anticipation it left me breathless. The prospect of having him buried inside of me hilt-deep was enough to almost make me drool again, and I spread my legs more to him.
Yoongi’s gaze was trained on my chest though, hands reverently kneading the skin on their way up until he grasped my tits, letting out a staggered sigh. But as soon as he got there he flinched away, pulling himself away to fling his shirt off, hands excitedly tearing at his pants and getting them off as quickly as was humanly possible.
“I swear to god I normally put more care into foreplay, but I’m about to fucking explode,” Yoongi breathed out apological, snatching the condom Hoseok leaned over to give him and without wasting any time pulling it onto his throbbing red cock with a hiss of relief.
I only nodded, eyes too busy sliding over his naked torso and admiring his pretty tits and slim waist. He could probably stick it right in now and wouldn’t meet a shadow of resistance, my cunt was so nicely slicked up and fucked out, so ready and hungry for him it was basically begging to get railed.
Still the man leaned over me as he shuffled closer, putting himself firmly between my thighs and pressing his length into my slit while be busied himself licking and mouthing over my tits. His body was curled over me nicely, damp skin pressed into damp skin and driving the temperature even higher, making me feel small and safe under him, and my hands grabbed onto him, desperately whining and pulling him closer.
With a soft groan he finally folded and reached between us, grabbing himself and guiding his cock into my awaiting cunt – and I was right – I was so wet I swallowed him all up and he slid all in on the first try. He was thicker than Hoseok (even though not as long) and hit all the right spots on the way in. I released a pleased little sigh, basking in the feeling of being full again, but the man was in considerably worse shape.
Unlike Hoseok’s unabashed high moans, Yoongi was full of gruff drawn-out groans and gasps while his hips jumped on their own, starting up a slow grind to curb the edge of the surmounting pleasure.
“Fuck baby, this won’t last long at all,” the man giggled somewhat shyly, planting his face right into the crook of my neck to kiss there as he tried to prolong the experience for as long as possible. I released my own little breathless snicker, and that had Yoongi giving me a chastising look, raising an eyebrow at me in signal that he was still ready to put me in my place if I chose to brat out. I didn’t, only gave him a blissed-out smile and rolled my hips with a sigh.
Yoongi only hummed, and I almost expected him to start up some smartass monologuing, but then he was thrusting forward, hard and deep, and it knocked all thoughts out of my mind. The ginger man’s style was completely different from the fucking I received before him – he started up with a slow but rough pace, focusing on jerking into me forcefully and sliding as far as my body would allow instead on quickness.
While Hoseok’s fucking was a chaotic hot mess of quick-paced rough sex that left me breathless, Yoongi plastered himself to me and went unhurriedly but on every heavy thrust imprinted himself deeper and deeper into my core and fully overwhelmed my senses. The ringing in my ears started up again, and I was already overheating with the gooey ball of fire forming in my belly. I felt dizzy and hazy, my little moans and sighs getting cut off midway with the power behind Yoongi’s hips.
He played me masterfully, gradually speeding up, at first not fast enough to have me notice but to have my nerves overloaded with a mounting surge of pleasure. Then he ended it all. With a smirk that I would have found insufferable in any other circumstance (or if I was more present and not losing my mind on a cock) his hand lazily dragged up my tummy, up my chest, teasingly squeezing a tit on the way, before it settled on my neck. Game over town.
I froze, tensing underneath the man, and then I melted, stretching my head away and offering up my neck all he wanted with a whimper and a whine. And with a chuckle he used it all to his advantage, dear god that he did.
“Let’s go back to our roots, princess,” he whispered meanly straight into my ear, naughty lips brushing the shell of my ear while his hand tightened a touch, “isn’t this what you asked for those two weeks ago?” A barrage of moans spilled out of my slack mouth, my mind already burning with the anticipation of the tight hold of his beautiful strong hands.
Yoongi seemed to have pulled himself together a little for the purpose of teasing this out for a little longer, though both of us were already running full speed towards the finish line.
He straightened out, looming over me darkly with hungry eyes as his hand slowly tightened around my neck, lightly squeezing the sides to give me the rush of adrenaline. Any noise that would have barrelled out of my hoarse throat got cut off and I got light-headed fast, with all the sensations running through me with the flow of oxygen significantly lessened pushing me into an almost out of body experience.
The ginger man picked up his pace, delivering rough hard deep thrusts, eyes hazy and reflecting just how close he was to his own climax. I felt his dick throb and twitch as it rammed into my sweet spot, practically pushing both of us into the beginning stages of overstimulation because neither of us could hold on for much longer.
Hoseok still leisurely sat by us, leaning into the sofa and watching everything unfold half naked, underwear back on but pants still wide open and chest on full display. His eyes were darkened in interest, but he looked proper sated and only enjoying the show as a bystander. I noticed the dark-haired man’s eyes glued to the hand on my neck, eating up the desperate expression on my face and the flush spreading over me whole, like he was filing it all into his memory for a rainy day.
A quick slap to the side of my thigh brought my attention back to the man that was currently railing me into the next week, and he tsked at me with mocking mischievous eyes when he saw me flushing under him in embarrassment.
“Pay attention to me princess,” he hissed breathlessly, “you can ogle Hobi later.” That had his friend chuckling and he shuffled closer, settling in behind me. One of his hands slid softly into my hair only to grab roughly and pull my head back, adding the sting of pain to my already overloaded brain trying to keep up with the periodic tightening and loosening of Yoongi’s hand on my throat and the onslaught of pleasure from his cock. He kept my head in place as he leaned in close and started whispering sweetly into my ears.
All praises, good girl, doing so good, you’re perfect and more, all spilling from his beautiful lips like caramel candy and melting over me, sinking me deeper into staticky molases-like headspace.
“That’s right, what a good girl,” Yoongi reiterated, mumbling the praises with a heavy tongue, he himself slipping into the cosmic pull of the promised high, “take what you need, pretty girl, let go.”
And I did.
The build up of the orgasm creeped up on me – there was no monumental wave, no big crash, only slowly rising tide pulling me deeper and deeper without me realising how close I was to getting pulled under.
The constant stimuli of the Yoongi’s hips barrelling into mine, slapping into my clit and filling me so deliciously I wanted to scream and growl, my body wanted to twist under the pleasure but he kept me in place, not giving me any other choice but to lie still and take the endless cycle of lust and ecstasy, his hand squeezing my neck whenever he pleased, letting his presence known and pushing me into the table, forcing me back into the cotton candy hum as my oxygen deprived brain desperately fought to keep up.
I let it all wash over me, fully trying to feel all the sensations at once and getting hit with the flood of good good good oh god yes god yes please until I was screaming under them, body convulsing and cunt clenching on him one last time before I released all. The relief of the orgasm was immense and I went slack almost immediately while my thighs shook around Yoongi, the slick squelch of my pussy intensifying with every helpless pump.
Distantly I realised my own screams and moans while my body shook with the waves and aftershocks, until I went ragdoll on them and nothing but pure satisfaction and contentment flowed through me, mind completely scrambled.
Yoongi released his hold on me, instead hauling my legs over his shoulders and pressing my thighs to his abdomen, hips kicking up in pace. I twitched under him, pussy sore and sensitive but still willing to receive him in all his glory.
I heard the hitches in Yoongi’s breathing, both me and Hoseok watching him from below as he blindly chased after his climax knowing he’s so close it was palpable in the air.
Then a few rough pumps later the man suddenly pulled out, hand tearing the condom away and hurriedly jerking his red angry cock until he was twitching and spilling all over the back of my thighs. I felt his hot cum hit my heated skin and my cunt clenched so hard it was almost painful; at that moment I thanked god it wasn’t enough to get me going again, because I didn’t think I could handle another round.
Yoongi was still grunting and groaning breathlessly, one hand supporting him on the table while he attempted to catch his breath while Hoseok gently caressed my arms and hair to help me come down from everything.
I was too tired to think about anything, I just wanted to sink into their warmth and let them lull me to comfortable sleep. I let them manhandle me into a better position to be cleaned up, but I grumbled the whole time, already halfway unconscious and annoyed at being jostled from the soft floaty space somewhere above this plane of existence.
To their credit, they both tried their best to move me as slowly as possible, both softly cooing at me and giving out praises easily, but I ended up blinking the tiredness out of my eyes anyway and my brain cleared up. I still ate it all up and played up my grumbling to their great amusement.
Moments later I found myself wrapped in Yoongi’s black oversized hoodie, lying down on a comfortable soft blanket on the carpet with a pillow stuffed between my head and arm, while the men cuddled up to me from both sides. Something thin and cool was thrown over all of us, not exactly a blanket, but enough to give me the feel of not being completely exposed.
“You should let your friends know you’re okay,” Yoongi whispered, Hoseok sleepily humming from my other side, and before I could complain whinily about not knowing where my phone is, he was pressing it into my clumsy uncoordinated hands. I mumbled my thanks and blinked through the sudden ray of light cutting straight into my eyes. Blindly I clicked on the chat and wrote something half passing as a reassurement.
Petty bitch: mission accomplished sleeping over
With that I was completely dead to the world – all snuggled up into a lightly snoring Hoseok while Yoongi’s hand tenderly caressed up and down my side, not even realising an immediate answer came through.
Pink nightmare: atta girl :*
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“Jesus fucking christ, I might have as well gotten run over by a truck,” were the first words tumbling out of my lips that morning when Hoseok shook me awake mumbling something about putting my clothes on.
Yoongi was nowhere to be seen, but at least the dark-haired man seemed to be similarly ruffled as he tried to stretch out groaning, face puffy and tired. He still giggled at my words though, and helped me stand up.
I did try to put my clothes on, but none of my limbs were cooperating and I ended up fumbling around like a newborn giraffe until Hoseok took pity on me and pulled my clothes on for me as I steadied myself on his shoulder. He was laughing at me the whole time, to which I replied by smacking him repeatedly while whining that this was all their fault.
As we stumbled back into the club area hand in hand, I finally got a glimpse of the ginger man, who was standing by the bar laughing around with a tired but still happy looking Tae. They seemed to be counting last night’s profit and the ginger bastard looked completely fine, a total one eighty from the two of us making our way over in snail’s pace.
Tae saw us first and the smirk he gave us was so shit-eating even I was considering slapping it off his face (a sentiment which seemed to be returned by Hoseok whole-heartedly). Yoongi’s laugh joined into the fray, and we just stood there and listened to them be greatly amused by the state of us.
“Holy shit hyung! What the fuck did you do to them?” exclaimed the other barkeep, a small thin guy with a pretty face and cutesy vibe, who was cackling like the devil himself when Hoseok glared at him, one arm still pulled around me like we were leaning on each other to stand (we might have been, honestly I was still pretty much asleep).
“Shut it Jimin-ah, I might still decide to keep the bonus to myself,” the man by my side threatened with no real heat behind it, and thus was promptly ignored by all three other occupants of the club while they entertained themselves by snickering at us.
Yoongi slowly walked over, face melting into something a little softer as he took us in, the slightest bit of worry worming onto his face. “You both okay, right?” he whispered to us, one hand squeezing my arm and other squeezing Hoseok’s. I snickered right back at him, amused by how he was trying to not show his tender side.
“Yeah, don’t worry, just half asleep on my feet,” I replied loudly, earning some chuckles from the two young guys at the bar, but they did seem quite used to their hyung’s shenanigans.
He lightly squeezed my shoulder before letting go, more serious gaze sent towards his business partner and friend, which had Hoseok sobering up pretty quickly.
“I’m sorry princess, we’d love to have a breakfast, but unfortunately we have a meeting with a potential partner,” Yoongi explained apologetically, and Hoseok groaned next to me, crumbling into my shoulder and loudly fake crying.
“I completely forgot about that,” he whinily complained, arms snaking around my waist like I was his personal emotional support stuffed animal (well, I was stuffed just a few hours prior, soo…), “I’ll have to go shower and change home and it’s across the whole city.” Yoongi looked unimpressed and pulled him from my side, the man pouting and blinking at him in an attempt to garner sympathy.
“Come on Seok-ah, Kookie’s here to drive us and my place is closer,” the ginger man murmured, trying to placate him – and it worked. Whoever this Kookie was, Hoseok brightened right up at the mention of him and started happily skipping towards the exit.
There was some booing and disgruntled “you’re never this happy about seeing me hyung!” screaming from behind the bar, but all fell on deaf ears as Yoongi started pulling me after the man and I barely even managed to shout my goodbyes.
“Kookie’ll get you home, pretty girl,” he promised with a tender smile, looking so kind and gentle it was almost a whiplash from the predatory smirk and sharp eyes from yesterday. Hoseok was already on the street hanging off of a laughing tattooed man.
His name was Jungkook I learnt, and he was pretty cool and obviously loved both men as his brothers, as the teasing and jokes flew between them the whole ride. Yoongi and Hoseok requested to be dropped off first, so I sat squeezed between them in the backseat while I bickered with Jungkook about the best drama currently running on TV.
Once out of car at the given address, both the men suddenly did seem quite in a hurry, but neither of them left without a hug, a kiss and some naughty words exchanged sneakily while their hands possessively grabbed at me unwilling to part.
“Keep the hoodie, princess,” Yoongi said finally, pulling Seok away and pointing at the clothing I forgot I was still wearing, “You can return it to me next time.” They both winked at me and with that, they were gone – disappearing into a very nice high-rise building in a posh neighbourhood.
With a bit of shame and still blushing from their displays of affection I told Jungkook my own address and he took me there gladly, even though he was teasing me about his hyungs the whole time.
It was all over too soon – before I knew I was standing in front of my quite average building, waving off Jungkook as he drove off god knows where, feeling quite happy even if a little lonely after spending the night with the two men.
His promise of seeing me again kept me warm though, and I reached in my handbag to pull out my keys – only for a little piece of paper to fall out. I bent over and took a look at it before bursting out laughing.
Min Yoongi +82 145-5286-036, Jung Hoseok +82 634-1654-220
Those sly bastards.
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divider from @saradika-graphics <3
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Kiss, Marry, Kill: Part 1/2 (LA!Buggy the Clown x F!Reader)
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Summary: In which Buggy overhears a private conversation and uses that knowledge against you. Pairing: LA!Buggy the Clown x F!Reader Rating: Semi-explicit. Word Count: ~3k (of 5.3k) Warnings: Clown abuse, strong language, incorrect use of a straight razor.
Never had you on my mind Now you're there all the time Never knew what I missed until I kissed ya
By all accounts, Buggy should be having a great time. There's food, alcohol, gambling... hell, there's even a swimming pool. Not that he can partake, but he can live vicariously.
Instead, he's got a whole school of shark eyes trained on him as he sits on a stool next to Arlong's throne. This water park sucks.
He's not chained up or anything. The threat of a couple dozen sets of teeth ripping into him is reason enough to sit perfectly still, keep his mouth shut, and try to look as small as possible. No sudden movements, no change in expression, no—
"Kiss the clown, marry the waiter, kill Pink Hair."
Buggy sits bolt upright and looks around. Who the hell said that?
Arlong doesn't even deign to look at him. "Hear something?"
Clear. Crisp. With a little bit of an accent, maybe. He's heard it somewhere recently, but where?
Certainly not here. It was a woman's voice, and Arlong Park is a bit of a sausage party at the moment. Not that he can tell on sight with fishpeople.
"Answer me, clown," Arlong rumbles.
He forgets who he's talking to for a moment. "Eavesdropping's an art," he snaps. "You can't rush art."
Big mistake. Arlong responds with a low, wet growl. "It's been three days. My patience is running thin."
Quiet chatter. The clinking of silverware. Someone chewing with their mouth open. The little pirates are at a restaurant, it seems.
He relays this to Arlong. He's less than pleased. He enunciates every word to show his teeth. "Care to be more specific?"
A shudder crawls up the back of Buggy's neck. He takes a swig of his drink to cover it. He places his fingers over his remaining ear, straining.
"You're shitting me." That voice he recognizes. The redhead. The one who ruined his show. The one Arlong's so interested in. Nadi? Nani? Noni?
The other woman speaks. "Nami, you rejected him," she says. "Girl Code only applies if you were dating."
Nami. That's her, the conniving little bitch. "No, not the waiter. I mean you'd seriously kiss the clown? He nearly killed us."
He'd recognize Rubber Boy's voice anywhere, the little shitheel. "And his nose would get in the way."
The mystery woman speaks up again. "That's nothing new. I’ve smacked noses with plenty of guys."
Okay, that narrows it down. It’s not the redhead, it can't be Rubber Boy or the bounty hunter, so that leaves...
...you. Of course it's you. How could he forget you? You're the only one who laughed at Axe-Hand Moron. Granted, it was more like a snnrrrk and you immediately clapped your hand over your mouth, eyes wide with horror, but it was a laugh all the same.
And in that moment, he knew he liked you. Bad sense of humor. Cute smile. A little bashful. He appreciates that. Sure, you helped humiliate him not an hour after the fact, but all's fair in love and piracy.
"Look, I'm not saying it’s a good idea," you continue, "but sometimes you gotta live dangerously."
The bounty hunter speaks, dry and droll. "Storms are dangerous. Bar fights are dangerous. You're just insane."
"Oh, c'mon, you're not seriously gonna hold Fu..." You pause. "Kiss Marry Kill answers against me."
So that's what's going on. "They're just chattering like they always are," he says to Arlong.
Arlong does not like that answer. He snatches Buggy up by the neck, lifting him clear off the ground with only one hand.
"Wait! Wait wait wait! They're still talking! I might have something!" He kicks and struggles, but it's no use.
You speak. "You think everything pops off? ‘Cause a gal could really— hyurk.”
Laughter all around as you’re cut off by something. Sounds like you choked.
“Thank you, Usopp,” Nami says. “I am not having that conversation.”
Arlong saunters over to the pool, carrying Buggy like a ragdoll. He has precious few seconds now. C'mon, he wills them, say something useful!
A slap, a spit, then a couple of hard coughs. “Nice shot,” you wheeze. “Use the unspicy peanut next time. I think I burned my windpipe.”
The new guy — Usopp — scoffs. “Spicy? Please. This isn’t spicy. Baratie spicy is barely a zip. Now, you want spicy, you gotta hit up the Great Pepper Isles. Their chilis are so hot, I had an out-of-body experience.”
And boom, there it is. Right as he's about to be dropped into the water, his ticket to life.
“Baratie! They're at Baratie," he chokes out. "That floating restaurant. That really nice one I got thrown out of, the pricks."
It was Cabaji's fault. Turns out whipping a unicycle out at the bar is frowned upon. Who'd've thunk.
Arlong 'smiles.' All teeth and gums and no mirth at all. "Consult our charts," he says to the nearest fishman. "I'll prepare our compass."
He grabs Buggy by the hair and yanks. In the interest of not getting his neck broken, he separates his head from his body. Unfortunately, gravity takes over and his body plunges into the pool.
Weakness swamps him like a rogue wave. He can't say a word as he's stuffed into a cloth sack and everything goes dark.
In both ears, all he can hear are the sounds of laughter.
Someday, Buggy will learn not to run his fat mouth. That day is not today.
Usopp barges into the galley and lobs his head through the air, a low slow toss. He only has a moment to appreciate not being overhand pitched before landing on the floor. Not on his nose, fortunately, but it still hurts.
He points at the blonde guy — Sanji? Sanji. "I can't take it anymore. He's your problem now. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
He tramps off as Buggy flips himself upright. “What’s his problem?” he asks no one in particular. “Sheesh, you make one ‘your mom’ joke and—“
A decidedly unmanly yelp escapes him as he's popped up into the air. The world spins and turns and he braces himself to hit the ground again, only to be caught in soft hands. He's spun around...
...and comes face to face with you, regarding him with curious, contemptuous eyes.
Oh, you're even prettier up close. The redhead's a looker, but she's still a kid. Soft. Pale. Set like a mousetrap, ready to spring and break some poor chump's neck at the slightest provocation.
But you? You're a grown-ass woman. Comfortable in your sun-kissed skin. A twinkle of experience in your eye and the ease of someone who's been sailing her ship for years.
He can't help but smile. "Well, well, well. Fancy meeting you here, gorgeous," he says with a wink.
From the corner of his eye, he sees Sanji shoot him a glare. Your expression remains cool and uninterested. Shifting his head to your side, you hold him against your hip like a laundry basket. Even through your trousers, the soft swell of flesh warms his cheek.
“Weren't you just on buggysitting duty?” you ask Sanji.
Buggysitting? Really? "I'm right here, y'know," he grumbles.
He's ignored, as per usual. Sanji straightens up and huffs. “New guy always gets the shit jobs.”
“Let’s trade,” you say. “You take my watch and I’ll mind our chatty compass.”
Rude. “I’m still right here.”
Sanji shakes his head. “Go get your beauty sleep. Not that you need it, of course."
Wow, that was a bad line. Buggy makes his displeasure known with a retch.
“Sleep is for people who don’t have coffee.” You flap your hand toward the door. "Shoo.”
Sanji glances between you and Buggy, but heads for the door. "Any trouble at all, love, and I’m a shout away."
A little smile colors your voice. "If he starts gnawing my ankles, you’ll be the first to know."
Sanji returns the smile, sickeningly sweet. As he leaves, you sit at the table, placing Buggy across from you.
He wants nothing more than to plant his leg on a stool, lean in on his knee, and give you a toothy grin. But alas, he must settle for the grin. "Alone at last. Come here often?"
You don't even bother to look at him, too preoccupied with picking up a very shiny straight razor and a strip of leather. Muscle ripples under your skin as you slide the blade back and forth.
"So you're the barber," he says. You don't respond. "Can't imagine you're too busy on a ship with a bunch of babyfaces." Still nothing. "Don't suppose I could get a shave, then? Last time I used a straight razor, I ended up like this!"
"Barber surgeon," you say as you inspect the blade. Dissatisfied with some invisible blemish, you continue stropping.
He shrugs, only to remember he can’t. "Say, doc, I can't feel anything below my neck. Could you take a look?”
Irritation tints your voice. “Not a doctor,” you say. You’ve clearly had to explain this countless times before. “Doctors treat the inside. I fix up the outside.”
“Splitting hairs, Miss Sawbones.”
Shiff shiff shiff goes the razor. "If you don't stop talking, we’re gonna see if cutting off the nose really does spite the face. Might be an improvement for you.”
That’s just low. “Keep talking shit and this bark is gonna turn into bite.”
You finally look up. You level the razor at him, glaring down the blade. “You’re the only one talking, clown.”
Damn. Your eyes are pretty. Warm as the first sunbeam of a summer morning, but dark as the blotches he gets in his eyes when he looks into a spotlight by accident. Hot like one, too. Heat lurks below the dark surface, like warm charcoal about to catch fire.
Nerves ball up in his absent chest. He swallows them and summons his bravado. “Can ya blame me? I’ve got shit else to do. I’ve met parrots with more to say than you.”
"Count the cracks in the ceiling."
"One, two, three—“ He gives an exaggerated groan. “Didn't you say you were gonna make coffee? Can I get in on that?"
You scoff, but you do stand. "Last thing you need is caffeine.”
“The last thing I need is to be held hostage by a bunch of greenhorn nobodies,” he says, "and yet here I am."
“Sucks to suck,” you say. You pull a pot out of a cupboard and fill it with water. “How do you take it? Sugar? Cream?”
“Black. Like my heart.”
You let out that snnnrrrrk of a suppressed laugh again. What a nice sound. “Something we got in common.”
“Black heart or black coffee?”
Such a simple, easy response. Not even particularly clever. But the delivery with no hesitation, no intonation, no second guessing the punchline. He laughs. “I knew I liked you!”
You glance over your shoulder at him. “You try to kill everyone you like? No wonder you have no friends.”
He hops to the edge of the table. Not an easy feat with only a stump. “C’mon, babe. All’s fair in love and piracy.”
Calling you babe was a blindfolded over-the-shoulder shot in the dark, but it lands. You add a smile to your glance. “I’ll give you that and nothing more.”
Somewhere, miles away, his heart flutters. He lets it. “Will you still give me coffee?”
“Only if you shut up ‘til this water boils.”
In this state, he’ll take any scrap of stimulus he can get. He bites his tongue and bites it hard, willing himself not to speak.
Silence creeps in. Silence leads to stewing, and stewing leads to bad thoughts. Bad feelings. Lonely feelings. Like how long it’s been since he’s had a friendly cuppa joe with someone. Or had someone honestly laugh at his stupid jokes.
Especially not someone as quick as you. Or as pretty. Or with such a nice ass. Or who maybe-sorta-kinda-might-possibly be interested in him. Potentially. Hypothetically.
There’s no damn way, he tells himself. You’re humoring him. You’re definitely shacking up with that cook — young, charming, handsome. Or the bounty hunter, maybe — tall, dark, broody.
You wouldn’t give him a second glance. Him, a pathetic, painted, big-nosed weirdo. Who is currently a severed head. A temporary state, but still not a good first impression. Even though his actual first impression was trying to kill you and your buddies. This second first impression is just as bad.
A sharp groan escapes him before he can stop it. He eyes you, expecting you to snap at him or worse.
But you don’t. You pause in your pouring to peer over your shoulder at him, gaze soft. “Y’alright?”
There goes his heart again. Ugh. “Peachy. That coffee done yet?”
You curl your lip. “What’s got your panties in a knot?”
“Just realized I’m gonna need a straw or some shit.”
Still sneering, you set a shallow mug in front of him. “I’ll see what I can find.”
See? You definitely don’t like him. Stupid fucking jackass, letting his hopes get up. This is what he gets.
…A nice, warm cup of coffee. If you really hated him, you wouldn’t have given him coffee, right? Or be looking for a straw?
You’re just humoring him. You just want to save your friend. Catch more flies with honey and all that. He’ll be more agreeable if you’re friendly.
Across the room, you open a drawer. “Hey, bendy straws. Perfect.”
You’re breaking out bendy straws for him? There’s gotta be something there! At least a little something!
No. No way. Coincidence.
You place an oddly long straw into the mug. He realizes it’s three normal ones jammed end-to-end, creating a pipe ending just about level with his mouth.
You just pulled some engineering shit so he can drink coffee with you. There’s definitely something.
An ice cube plops into the mug and you slide back into the booth with your own cup. “Might dilute it a bit, but can’t have you burning your mouth.”
His distant heart flips again. He has to say something. Before he can convince himself otherwise. He says the first thing that comes to mind.
“So,” he says, “‘kiss the clown,’ eh?”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. That’s the first thing he thought of? Seriously? He braces himself for boiling coffee thrown in his face.
You freeze mid-sip, brows raised. “Excuse me?”
Okay, you don’t look mad. “Don’t deny it, babe. I heard everything. Kiss Marry Kill? Nice job keeping it kid-friendly, wink wink."
You stare at him with those dark eyes. "No idea what you're on about."
"I know you know. And I know you know I know." He waggles his eyebrows, hoping for a laugh, but he gets nothing.
You watch the steam swirling up from your mug. "What do you want me to say, exactly? That I chose you to kiss?"
"I just wanna know what possesses a woman to make her want to shack up with the guy who tried to kill her and her friends." He lips the straw into his mouth and takes a test sip. Still quite hot.
"Circumstance. Process of elimination. Being put on the spot." You pick up the razor. Your fiddling with it belies your agitation.
"Don't lie to me, babe," he croons. "I can see right through you."
You stare at him. "And what is it that you see?"
What does he see? "A woman on a knife's edge of self-satisfaction and self-destruction. Once bitten, twice shy, but when he comes around the third time, you just can't help yourself."
Your fiddling becomes more insistent. You break eye contact to look at the razor. He's hitting on something. Time to push some buttons.
"You bet on the wrong horse every time. You think it'll be different this time. But it never is." He smiles bitterly. "Something else we got in common. Birds of one ugly feather."
Your gaze softens as you return your gaze to him. "So you found the problem, Doctor Headshrink. What’s the prescription?"
Shoot your shot, Buggy. "Kiss the clown and maybe we'll find out."
You're still for a few moments. Then slowly, carefully, you slide your hand across the table. You pull him closer as you lean lower in your seat to eye level with him.
He can't help the way his breath quickens. It's been so, so long since he had any kind of intimacy. Your reedy fingers trace his jaw down to his chin. Your thumb comes up to pull at his bottom lip, and he lets out a satin-soft whimper as he opens his mouth to you.
You strike like a snake, yanking his tongue out with one hand and readying your razor with the other. His choke turns into a scream as you bring it down, severing his tongue clean at the root.
It's one thing to disconnect body parts. Pop a leg off, drop an ear — he’s used to it. But it's a different story when said part is supposed to be inside of him. His tongue waggles like a fish as he tries to return it to his mouth, but you keep a firm grip.
"You can have this back in the morning," you say.
He wants to cuss you out, but what comes out is ew bihck, whadda fuhck iss won wif ew, gif ih bahck.
You laugh. And lord, what a laugh you've got. Loud, like a party gone late into the hours of the night. Clattery, like a dozen plates shattering on the floor. Full of mirth, like a drunk on payday.
And, for the briefest of moments, his rage is forgotten. He wants to make you laugh like that.
But it returns with a vengeance, replaced with a desire to see you squirm.
⬅⬅⬅ | To the "Curious Courtship" Masterpost | To the Mastahpost | Tip Jar | ➡➡➡
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happyhauntt · 4 months
— april fic recs, brought to you by happyhauntt.
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it's that time again! a wee fic rec post for a few of the fics i read in april that altered my brain chemistry!! i've put a lil comment next to each rec because honestly writers don't get praised enough for their work these days and i wanted to show my appreciation for these talented souls!!
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criminal minds.
➡ spencer reid.
in every other life by @irndad. notes: adorableness incarnate honestly.
trouble almost all my life series by @januaryembrs. notes: might honestly have to put this on every masterlist til the end of time.
forgiven by @reiding-writing. notes: um HOW DARE YOU i sobbed my way through this
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➡ kaz brekker.
breakfast by @sophierequests. notes: look i'm a simple human i see badass characters and i fall in love
➡ jesper fahey.
i'm your gal by @atlabeth. notes: NOT ENOUGH JESPER FICS and this one is GLORIOUS
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star wars.
➡ poe dameron.
the f-word by @the-little-ewok. notes: i reread this constantly pls it's so good
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moon knight.
➡ marc spector.
i should've been there by @januaryembrs. notes: not em out here ruining my life and making me sob AGAIN you simply never miss
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➡ evan buckley.
take my hand by @redocity. notes: cute cute cute cute cute
emergency room by redocity. notes: the ANGST i feel well-fed
won't say i'm falling by @borntobewondering. notes: this was DELICIOUS
➡ buck / eddie.
a bleeding sun on a silver screen by @hoediaz / rarakiplin on ao3. notes: i was fully choking back sobs while reading this. i binged this fic in less than 24 hours and it has changed something fundamental inside me. i will never be the same person again. i'm billing you for my therapy.
good luck, babe by @hattalove. notes: i cackled my way through this, potentially the funniest shit ever.
hate to say i spent it all on masquerades by hattalove. notes: i sobbed and sobbed and sobbed while reading this. this fic is everything to me, it should be required reading for all my friends who want to understand me, it is beautiful and magical and i want it tattooed on my face.
don't wanna let you love somebody else but me by @shitouttabuck / fleetinghearts on ao3. notes: sheer adorableness i will well recover from this!!!!
tried and true blue by shitouttabuck / fleetinghearts on ao3. notes: SCREAMING I'M SCREAMING I MAY NEVER STOP SCREAMING
like a dog with a bird at your door by shitouttabuck / fleeting hearts on ao3. notes: iconic. truly iconic. quite possibly one of my fav fics ever written.
let the world have its way with you by shitouttabuck / fleeting hearts on ao3. notes: you don't understand how hard it was not to include every single one of shitouttabuck's fics on this list and there will almost certainly be more in future but i just want them tattooed on my forehead i feel insane
i have dreams where i kiss you and it's pink by shitouttabuck / fleeting hearts on ao3. notes: the cutest and i mean THE CUTEST shit ever
all my shattered oaths by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels on ao3. notes: i sobbed. i sobbed so hard i think i burst something honestly. everything from this author is immaculate but THIS is the holy fuckin grail and i will truly never be the same again.
let my ink stain your pages by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels on ao3. notes: castle au CASTLE AU i'm a sucker for a castle au and this is EVERYTHING
even in winter there is eranthis by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels on ao3. notes: i think about this fic daily.
your love is an oil slick by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels on ao3. notes: this is everything this is EVERYTHING to me i will reread this weekly for the rest of my life
even the darkest night by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels on ao3. notes: stardust au STARDUST AU aka my favourite movie and my favourite ship combined into a fuckin masterpiece
curl up in my heart and let me keep you by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels on ao3. notes: soft sweet my brain is mushy and i adore this
hoping it gets to you by @bucktommys / hammersmiths on ao3. notes: cute adorable stunning MAGNIFICENT
you're my whole house by @/bucktommys / hammersmiths on ao3. notes: THIS FIC OUT HERE MAKIN ME SQUEAL AND KICK MY LEGS
left unsaid by c_m2 on ao3. notes: this is mcfuckin adorable i'm crying buck deserves everything in the world
say yes to heaven by dylaesthetics on ao3. notes: okay full disclosure this made me cry so much i threw up. also it hit some pretty intense trauma for me. still so glad i read it because it was also kinda healing. and i want everyone else to suffer like i have because fuck i suffered.
if i need to rearrange my particles, i will for you by dylaesthetics on ao3. notes: author you will always be famous bc you're knocking my emotional stability OUTTA THE PARK
honestly, truly, completely by dylaesthetics on ao3. notes: simply fuckin adorable
feels like magic by 42hrb on ao3. notes: there's nothing i adore more than an urban fantasy au and this one is EXQUISITE
fallin' into your ocean eyes by princessfbi on ao3. notes: okay every part of this au is absolutely fuckin perfection i am so deeply in love with it
until now by tearsthissideofheaven on ao3. notes: a reincarnation au??? it's like you know how to ruin my life
if i never hear your voice again by @actualalligator. notes: disability rep!!!! brilliant writing!!!!
life sure can try to put love through it by @capseycartwright / wafflesofdoom on ao3. notes: ahahaha ruin my life why don't you
sometimes its hard to see what the future holds by @/capseycartwright / wafflesofdoom on ao3. notes: olympics buddie au??? didn't know i wanted it but now i can't live without it
all good things come to an end (but it's not the end) by @/capseycartwright / wafflesofdoom on ao3. notes: i will, in fact, devour every buddie!fwb au ever written but this one is especially great
you smiled and it was the most beautiful thing that I'd ever seen by @/capseycartwright / wafflesofdoom on ao3. notes: coffee shop!buddie have become everything to me wdym
it's funny 'cause i've always dreamed of me and you by @/capseycartwright / wafflesofdoom on ao3. notes: yes i did sob my heart out reading this and i'll do it again
'cause darling, you're the one by @/capseycartwright / wafflesofdoom on ao3. notes: icymi i think this author is the best author to ever exist and i want to devour everything they write forever
i don't think that we should have friendly sex, anymore by @/capseycartwright / wafflesofdoom on ao3. notes: !!!!!!! that's it that's the note. brain: faye you can't put this many fics by the same author on one masterlist. faye: bET-
still i call it magic (when i'm next to you) by @clusterbuck / lecornergirl on ao3. notes: urban fantasy is, in fact, my shit.
(this kiss is) something i can't resist by @/clusterbuck / lecornergirl on ao3. notes: NO BC THIS HAD ME CACKLING AND ALSO IT'S BRILLIANT
give me five more minutes, baby (i'm not finished loving you) by @/clusterbuck / lecornergirl on ao3. notes: fake dating or immaculate writing??? both
cuffing season by @/clusterbuck / lecornergirl on ao3. notes: i am still laughing at this and i may never stop
257 notes · View notes
kinda-super-hot · 28 days
I Want More. (2)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Harvey Specter x F!Lawyer!Reader - friends to enemies to lovers <3
Part 2 Summary: Well, (Y/n)'s first day doesn't go as she had planned. She learns that she is office neighbors with Harvey Douchebag Specter. Luckily, she makes quite a few gal pals + Louis. Harvey brings her what might be a peace offering, and she learns they will be working closer together than she thought.
Warnings: overthinking - I think that's it but if you noticed something I missed, please let me know.
Word Count: 4038
I wake up from my first night in my new apartment to the sound of busy traffic and honking horns outside. “Blegh...” I mutter and force myself out of bed. Today’s the day- My first day on the job! “Ok, time to get hype.”
I hop to the bathroom and poke at my eyebags for a moment before doing light, office appropriate makeup. I’d picked my outfit out the night before and I had to squeal just at the sight of it laying on the bed. A hot pink dress shirt that I planned to leave more than a few buttons undone towards the top- just enough to not get written up! And a black pencil skirt for the shirt to get tucked into with some pointy, black pumps.
The way I see it, this is my first impression, and I need them to know not only do I mean business but I’m bold.
I take my time curling my hair and even make myself an egg to really soak up my morning. And finally, just as my toast pops up, I snatch it and walk out the door with my thin suitcase.
It’s a short walk towards the firm and I can’t keep the smile off my face. I beam at people walking in the opposite direction and occasionally get a smile back! Nothing could ruin this perfect morning. My optimism was not prepared for me to glance towards the building and catch sight of a familiar face, however.
 Time slowed, but my heart sure didn’t. Across the street and right in front of my new place of work was Harvey Douchebag Specter getting out of a limousine. I stopped in my tracks and let out an audible gasp.
I watch him walk until he disappears into Pearson Hardman. What. The. Fuck.
Ok, ok, don’t panic. He’s probably from another firm and just has a meeting with another lawyer. All I have to do is keep my head held high. Obviously, also actively avoid him if I see him, but otherwise, pretend I never saw him.
I take a deep breath and keep walking. My heart is RACING, but I won’t let him ruin this for me.
I walk through the glass doors and don’t see him. Good, he must have gone up already. I waste no time introducing myself to the lobby ladies, taking my employee picture, and getting my newly printed employee ID.
Ok, everything is going fine. We’re alright. I scan my keycard and make my way to the elevator. “(Y/N) (L/N)!” Shit.
I turn around, but thankfully, it’s a new face. “I thought that was you.” A beautiful, confident black woman glides over to me. She reaches her hand out, and I shake it with a smile, despite not knowing this lady. “Jessica Pearson.”
“Oh!” A real smile takes over my face and I shake her hand more enthusiastically. “It is so good to finally meet you. I must say, my first impression of the firm: very impressive.” I’m saying the absolute truth, but I also want to smooth talk her. “I’m thrilled to be working here, Ms. Pearson.”
She releases my hand and smiles at me, but her eyes say something different. I can tell that she’s a great lawyer just by this first encounter. Her face is warm and inviting but her piercing gaze says mischief in big, bold letters. “I’m glad to hear it. I have a very busy morning ahead of me, so one of our Junior Associates will be giving you the tour.” She looks over my shoulder and I turn to see a mousey, stout looking man. “This is Louis Litt. You will be working closely together on the same floor with both myself and one of our Senior Partners.”
I smile at Louis and reach my hand out, he beams at me, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Litt. I can’t wait to be working with you.” Once again, I try to flatter the person in front of me.
His smile grows wider, and he looks to Jessica behind me before his eyes dart back to mine. “The pleasure’s all mine.” He hesitates to release my hand, and I inwardly laugh at his awkwardness. “We can start the tour right away.”
We all get into the elevator and instead of getting off at each floor and showing me around, Louis pulls out some papers from his pocket. “This is a list telling you exactly what you need to know about each and every floor. What they work on, who manages it, and the phone number for the head receptionist if you ever have any questions.” I take the stack of papers from his hands, and find they are heavier than they look.
“Oof, thank you.” I have to re-straighten my knees from the new weight just placed on them. Jessica raises her brow in Louis’s direction. I flip through some of the pages. Everything he said was on here plus more. Something tells me he wants to show me the type of guy he is by giving me this surplus of paper.
“You’re welcome. Though, you won’t really need to travel to other floors,” He comments, “that’s what the lacky associates are for.” He nudges me with his elbow and lets out a laugh. I do as well, more to keep the cramped space from being uncomfortable than actually finding it funny. Jessica rolls her eyes, and I am obsessed with her refusal to put on an act for him. “No,” he clears his throat, “most of your work will be done…here.”
The elevator doors open, and I’m met with familiar sounds of clicking away at computer keys and phones ringing. I smile and step out onto the floor instantly. It’s everything my old firm was, but better. More advanced, more colleagues, more in general. I let out a pumped-up, “Yes!” and punch the air as discreetly as I can.
Jessica takes over swiftly by saying, “There’s more.” We follow her down a long hallway and pass an office with Louis’s name on it as well as one with Jessica’s name until I see one with my name. There’s a corner office directly to the left of it but I don’t bother looking at the name, I found what I was looking for.
“Oh, wow.” I breathe out to the furnished office that still felt empty. “I can’t wait to put my own flare in here. I can see it now,” I throw my hands out from my sides and walk through the office, I think out loud, “A vintage end table would be so cute here, maybe a fancy vase on top with some fresh carnations...” I ponder.
Jessica hums from the doorway and I turn to see a new person has joined my entourage. “Sounds cute, I can tell we’re gonna be friends.” The new woman is much more relaxed than Jessica and Louis. She has voluptuous, orange hair and a charming smile. “I’m Donna. I work for your grumpy colleague on the other side of this wall.” She knocks on the conjoining wall.
“Nice to meet you, Donna! I’m (Y/N) (L/N).” I look over her outfit. “And by the look of those shoes, we’re going to be the best of friends.” I give her shoes a pointed look and we laugh together.
“Oh, we needed a girly like you in the office.” She squeezes my shoulder. “You let me know if you need anything, and I will get it done. I’ll be your temporary secretary up until you get too many clients and we have to hire someone new. Though, I’m sure it won’t be long with a personality like yours.” She flips her hair and walks out.
“I love her.” I breathe out and turn to Jessica. She smiles before her eyes glance just above my head.
“What great timing!” I turn around, ready to greet whoever else I’ll be working with. “(Y/N), this is our Senior Partner, Harvey Specter.” My smile drops as I look at his face. He’s changed. There are lines on his forehead that weren’t there before. He wasn’t scrawny anymore, either, he’d beefed up. His shoulder width was probably double the size of mine. But when my eyes met his, I knew it was most definitely the same Harvey. “Harvey, this is our new Junior Partner, Ms. (L/N).” We both freeze in shock, looking each other over, analyzing what might have changed.
Tension. Unbelievable tension fills the hall, and I’m sure everyone has stopped what they’re doing to watch our interaction. Harvey’s face, that is usually so great at hiding how he feels, is failing him. His mouth is slightly agape, and his brows are raised the smallest bit. His big, brown eyes widen the more he looks at me. Stunned is the only way to describe him, and that doesn’t even begin to cover it. Though, I’m sure I don’t look much better.
The silence becomes awkward. I clear my throat, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Specter.” I reach my hand out sharply and remove my gaze from him, preferring the wall. What am I doing?!  “I’m sure we’ll work great together.” My tone is curt, and I have the best smile I can muster on my face. I look him in the eyes once more, silently urging him to shake my hand.
He recovers and clears his throat as well before shaking my hand. “I can’t agree more.” Oh god. I roll my eyes and remove my hand from his grasp. “If you’ll excuse me.” His face is back to being unreadable as he turns and walks into the office right next to mine.
No- I read the name on the glass: Harvey Specter. I clench my jaw; I have to get through this. I turn my head back to Jessica. “Well, what’s next?”
I received the grand tour of the floor and was then told by Louis to make myself comfortable. The company’s top paralegal would come to speak with me as soon as she was available. I gave him a tight smile before sitting in my office very distressed. “Fuck.”
I want to close my blinds so I can peacefully bang my head into the wall without anyone seeing, but I don’t want to seem closed off. I wonder if I should sit here any longer and wallow in self-pity. “Fuck it.”
I get up from my very comfortable, very expensive chair and leave my office. I can’t help looking over my shoulder as I walk away from it to see if he is still in his office, but all I see is an empty chair. Ok, that means I need to be aware. He’s probably prowling around here somewhere…
“Are… you alright?” I stop surveying my surroundings when a younger man with blonde hair and a skinny necktie talks to me from his cubicle. “You’re, like, scowling at the entire bullpen.”
“Oh, I-I’m sorry.” I fix my face before walking to the man’s cubicle. “I swear I’m not an a-hole, I’m just…” I stop myself as I continue surveying. I need a confidante. I stare right into his soul and bend down so we’re on the same level. “Can I tell you something you will never ever tell anyone else in your entire life?”
He retreats back in his seat a little flabbergasted. “You know, confessing to murder in a law firm probably isn’t the best idea.” I smile at his joke, cool kid.
“Oh, it’s much, much worse.” I stand straight again and lean onto my right leg with my hip jutted out. I smirk as he raises a brow, “So, there’s this guy-”
“You just got here and you’re already talking about guys you’re into?” A tall, tan brunette asks me with sass. Her eyebrows are raised, and her smirk tells me she’s my type of people. “I’m Rachel, top paralegal.” She reaches her hand out.
I shake it, “I’m (Y/N) (L/N), the new Junior Partner.” I smile at her before turning back to the associate I was talking to. “Gosh, sorry! I never asked your name?”
“You were going to confess murder to me, and you didn’t even know my name?” His brows furrow and I roll my eyes jokingly.
“I needed a confidante!” I joke though it’s not really a joke. “Trust me, I’ve had a really odd first day.” I turn to Rachel, “Though, I think I’ve found your replacement.” I return my gaze to the kid. “Sorry it didn’t work out; I’ve just met my match.” I shrug and nod towards my office, Rachel follows behind me as I walk in.
She giggles behind me. “His name is Mike by the way.” I sit in my new, cool chair and let out an exasperated sigh. I motion her to sit across from me. “I’m not a counselor, by the way, but I totally support a girl who needs a quick rant sesh.” She jokingly grabs a writing pad from atop my desk and clicks a pen that was formerly behind her ear. “And, trust me, you are way better off with me than Mike.”
I smile at her thankfully. She says nothing but nods her head, waiting for me to start talking. I groan dramatically and slouch in my chair. “Rachel- you wouldn’t believe what I’ve had to go through today!” She’s already writing on her pad. “My ex who I haven’t seen since law school is my office neighbor-”
Her pen drops from her hand, and she looks deep into my eyes as if making sure what I’m about to say is nothing but the absolute truth. “Harvey?” I nod and hide behind my hands. “Oh. My. God.” She breathes out in shock.
“Well, technically, we were never boyfriend-girlfriend,” she gives me a questioning look, “but we did kiss and go on dates.”
“So, boyfriend girlfriend?” She questioned and I could tell she got it.
“Exactly! But someone doesn’t like labels or commitment or head apparently.” I huff and sink deeper into my chair. When we were together, Harvey and I had the occasional heated make out, but had only just started having sex before we broke it off.
I look back to Rachel and her mouth is still wide open. “W-Well…” Her eyes are everywhere but me. She fidgets with her fingers in her lap, and I feel like I’ve traumatized the poor girl.
“Rachel, I know you’re not a counselor, but I expected more than this.” I can’t help but laugh as she gawks. “Don’t tell me I need to go back to Mike!” I joke and put my hands on my desk to lift myself out of my seat.
“No!” She yells and throws her hands out in front of her, urging me to be seated once again. I freeze before plopping back in my seat. “Mike is Harvey’s personal associate, he’s like his right-hand man.”
My lips create an O. If I told Mike, there’s a good chance he would have told Harvey. “Well, it’s a good thing you saved me when you did.” I smile at her and let out a sad sigh. “I’m really glad you’re here. You and Donna are gonna be my girls, I can tell.”
“Oh, Donna is the best.” She stops and winces before she continues, “She is also Harvey’s right-hand woman.” I let out an exasperated groan. “But! She’s all girl code! You can absolutely trust her so long as you’re not conspiring against Harvey… probably even then too.” I stand from my desk and move to her seat while giving her arm an appreciative squeeze.
“Thank you, Rachel. I’m super happy I get to work with you.” I pull her into a hug that she’s not prepared for which is evident when she lets out a squeak. She pats my arm awkwardly.
I get through the rest of the day, just getting adjusted to the system the company uses and setting up passwords for mandatory accounts. Only when it’s pitch back outside am I interrupted.
I sense someone at my office door, someone I’ve been expecting. “Ms. Pearson.” I smile but don’t look up from my computer. I’m not surprised by her dropping in.
“Ms. (L/N).” She greets back. I wait for her to continue but there is silence. My quick fingers slow their typing, and I look up at her, but she’s already looking at me expectantly. “Spill.”
I’m about to act like I have no idea what she’s talking about, but it’s like she reads my mind. She raises her hand to stop the lies I’m about to spew and squints her eyes. Scary. “I know him.”
“Well that much is obvious.” She glides to my desk before perching on the edge and crossing her arms. “But why were your reactions to each other so… hostile?” Her expression evolves from confusion to intrigue.
“I don’t know if I’d call it hostile…” Her expression doesn’t waver, and I cave. I can’t help but spill every secret I have when she looks at me like that. “…but I swear, when I applied for this job, I had no idea he worked here.” I finished my story out of breath and worried about what she would think of me and my character.
“Hm.” She thinks for a minute before standing. “Hm.” Again, she hums in thought before briskly walking out of the room. My mind is racing but there’s also not a rational thought.
I walk into the firm the next day wearing another pink top, this one more pastel. I refuse to cower down, especially to Harvey.
“Good morning!” I say to just about every associate in the bullpen. When I finally reach Mike, my smile grows tenfold. “’ Morning, you.”
He pulls out one of his earbuds. “Still don’t know my name?” He asks playfully but doesn’t look up from his computer.
“Mike,” I speak. He nods but still won’t look at me. If this is Harvey’s right-hand man, I need to be on good terms with him, and maybe get some info, too. “So, you work for Mr. Specter?” I try to be nonchalant while getting information. He stops clicking at his computer and gives me a weird look. “What?”
“Mr. Specter?” He pulls his only earbud from his ear and leans back in his chair. “That’s awfully formal.” I don’t like this. He gives me a quizzical look before he comes to some sort of realization. “That’s why you guys were so weird yesterday…”
“What?” I can feel myself start sweating and my voice is at least two, maybe three pitches higher than before. “We weren’t weird-that’s a weird thing to say- you’re weird.” I huff and can tell he’s not buying it. “Ugh, how obvious was it?”
He ignores my question. “How do you know him? One night stand?” I can’t help but grimace at the thought, “No? Oh, you must be the girl from France.” A pang of unexplainable hurt goes through my chest. He’s not mine, never was actually, it’s pointless for me to feel- “Jealous.” His eyes widen, “You loved him.”
My throat tightens and my mouth runs dry. “You have some nerve.” I fight to keep my voice level. “When you’re done making assumptions about me, and being an overall smartass, see me in my office.” I walk away from him.
I pull out my phone, contacting Louis to tell him I’m in the office so he can come talk to me about what duties would be passed on to me. As I do so, I see a figure out of the corner of my eye right outside my office door. One that’s awfully Harvey shaped.
I stop texting to make sure my eyes aren’t failing me. Sure enough, Harvey is leaned against the glass wall that separates me from the bullpen. In his hand is a drink carrier with what looks to be two hot coffees. He’s wearing a navy-blue suit and a… pastel pink tie that matches my shirt to a T.
He looks at me and pulls his body from the wall. His face is unsure, not very Harvey-like. “’ Morning.” He extends his arm with the coffee in it towards me. I can smell the delectable caramel macchiato that he knows I love. I eye the cup suspiciously, and then I eye him suspiciously.
“’ Morning.” I take the coffee and look at the familiar label. It was no Starbucks, that’s for sure. No, this coffee was from Samson’s Brewery. The same mom-and-pop coffee shop that we would go to during late night study sessions. This coffee place is on the literal whole other side of town, he didn’t go out of his way for this… did he? No, he definitely either door-dashed it or sent a driver.
His eyes don’t leave my face as I inspect the beverage. Once I deduce it’s not poisoned, I look up at him. For the first time since seeing him, I’m not a panicked mess. I just look at him, his gelled hair and puppy dog eyes.  I’m staring. I avert my gaze and mutter a, “Thanks,” before pushing past him into my office.
I stop myself from closing the door behind me. He won’t. He won’t walk in. I sit in my chair and put the coffee on my desk. I stare at it intently, trying not to remember the late nights we spent together. But I also stare at it, so I don’t look at the door, so I don’t look to see if he’s still there.
There are three quick knocks at my door. I look up with hope I can’t mask, only to be disappointed. “Hey, girly.” It’s Louis. I look over his shoulder, but there’s no one.
“G’morning, Louis.” I smile through the pain. “How are you doing?” I side-eye the coffee on my desk like it’ll disappear if I leave it alone too long.
“Same old, same old, I just convinced a major pharmacy company that they needed to break a deal with…” He drones on for a little bit, bragging to me about accomplishments I could do in my sleep. “But, anyway! I came to tell you about the workload you’ll be taking on. Seeing as Harvey is the closest Senior Partner on the floor, you’ll be shadowing him for the next few days. Just until you think you’re ready to fly solo.” He says that like it’s nothing, and I guess it would be for anyone else.
“So, like an associate?” My face scrunches up. “Why can’t I just shadow you, then? Aren’t you in charge of the associates?” I cross my arms.
He chuckles. “I wish, but we’re both Junior Partners, for the time being-” He winks at me. Poor guy, I’m sure he’s been waiting to be Senior Partner for a while. “So, you technically need trained by a Senior Partner.”
“Great.” I have a tight-lipped smile and unconsciously reach for the coffee on my desk. I bring it up to my lips and hum at the nostalgic taste before I even realize I’ve done it. I stop mid-sip and lick my lips guiltily.
“What coffee place is that from?” Louis gets closer and squints at my cup. When he doesn’t recognize it, he pulls away. “The best coffee around is Roaster-Roos right down the way,” He uses his thumb to point over his shoulder. A coy look flashes across his face, “I could go get you one if you want.”
“No. No, this is fine, thank you.” I say a little too quickly. I hold the cup closer to my chest and grip it a little tighter. He shrugs and I clear my throat, “When does this shadowing begin?”
“ASAP.” He snaps and turns his back to me to walk out the door. “Harvey’s in the office right next to yours,” He pivots outside the door to face me again. “He’s kind of cocky, so let me know if you need anything.” He smiles with raised eyebrows. I nod hesitantly in discomfort before he goes to the left and disappears from sight. A long exhale leaves my body. “Why me?”
103 notes · View notes
super graphic ultra modern girl | On Call
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summary: frankie, bug and luc go to pride.
pairing: neighbour!frankie morales x f!reader.
an: just some (a lot of) headcanons for my fav bi idiots. third person pov.
series masterlist
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At this point, Bug is a well-seasoned Pride fiend.
She was going before she was out to her extended family, parading with friends, waving her little flag. She’d send pics to her dad, and he’d respond with a thumbs up selfie or a beer, cheersing to her and the gang.
She went to all the shows, did all the activities, ate all the food.
She’s a messy gal on a night out anyway, but she developed a bad reputation for running at the end of the night during Pride.
Frankie’s a little more lowkey by nature. He’s been to a couple of parades, one with Benny, but he’s more interested in the colourful, fruity little drinks he can sniff out at the park.
The morning of Pride, Bug wakes up extra early. She’s buzzing with excitement, busting through Frankie and Lucia’s front door with bagels and face paint and glitter.
Frankie just gawks at her, puffy eyed, from where he’s watching the coffee pot.
But he’s soooo quickly swept up with how excited and giggly Bug is.
He watches her do her makeup in his bathroom mirror, amazed. Her sparkly eye shadow, blush, fierce eyeliner. Cute little bi flags on her cheeks. She keeps catching his eye in the glass and laughing, patiently explaining things to him as he picks up palettes and brushes and other bits and bobs. 
He leaves her to get changed when Lucia wakes up, but she protests that she’s not even hungry, somehow infected with Bug’s enthusiasm in her sleep.
She’s wide eyed and slack-jawed when she bounces through the bathroom doorway. She gasps that Bug looks like a princess, which only makes her grin harder. 
Lucia wants her own makeup, and Bug plops her on the counter as Frankie watches helplessly, biting his lip against the smile that threatens to split his face in two.
He watches as she sweeps clean brushes over Luc’s skin, only swiping a little glitter over her cheekbones before asking if she wants little flags.
Luc claps her hands, giddy, head vibrating with a nod. So Bug paints little bi flags on her cheeks in kiddie-safe face paint as she babbles about what they’re gonna do later on.
When they’re finished, Luc stares at herself in the mirror, SO pleased with her little flags - ‘for Papi and Bug!’
And when Bug turns to him, clapping her hands and announcing that it’s his turn, Frankie can hardly say no. 
Luc is twirling around the room in her cute little dress, Frankie in his jeans and t-shirt and cap as he perches on the bathroom counter.
Bug whips his cap off, all ‘you gotta let those curls fly, baby!’ 
And he cannot stop giggling at her.
He’s familiar with the touch of brushes and paints and glitter from his and Lucia’s makeover evenings, but his heart is pounding as Bug smudges a little blush on his cheeks, baby pink glitter over his eyes, and flags matching hers and Lucia’s.
He keeps his arms folded to save his hands from reaching for her waist. But he can’t fight the way his lips purse when that little frown line appears as she does the flags. He’s not thinking about kissing it away. He’s not.
‘What are you pouting for, pretty boy?’
And Lucia agrees through excited shrieks that he is pretty, and Bug is pretty, and Lucia is pretty, and she wants breakfast.
Bug ties her bi flag cape around her neck when they join the parade, the streets alive with colour and music. She takes Frankie and Lucia’s hands, pulling them into the crowd, laughing and turning to Frankie with a smile so big it makes his heart melt.
Luc eventually wants her own little cape, so Bug darts off to find one. She comes back minutes later, successful, and Frankie ties it loosely around her neck. She feels like a superhero.
As the parade gets going, Frankie hoists Luc up onto his shoulders. Her little feet swing against his chest, little hands grabbing onto his ears, his curls, his forehead. 
‘Watch the facepaint, mija.’
Luc is delighted with her view. She’s constantly pointing out her favourite outfits, floats, and costumes. She gets little high fives from folks moving around her, and Frankie cannot keep the joy from his face.
Bug can’t stop looking at the two of them. A little family.
Bug introduces Frankie and Luc to a bunch of her friends. They’ve heard so much about them, and Frankie files away Bug’s little look of shyness for later.
They give Luc tonnes of rainbow stickers. She sticks them all over her outfit, beaming at the attention.
They all swap stories and laughter, conversation coming so easily to Frankie with Bug next to him. The warm pressure of her knee, the bright burst of her laugh. Luc takes a particular liking to Camille and Lucas, who show her how to make daisy chains. They have matching necklaces by the end of lunch.
And he feels so at home. So accepted and understood, and he understands why she loves it so much. Not just the fun, the party, but people who love and treasure you.
The trio disband to explore the kids area, full of more face painting, crafts and games. Lucia makes a pride-themed bracelet with Bug’s help, which she’s thrilled with. She makes a matching one for Frankie before he’s even finished his first, thick fingers struggling with the little beads. Bug feels her knees go a little weak at the way his tongue peeks out when he’s concentrating.
Frankie gives his bracelet to Bug. She slips it straight on, thumbing the beads with a small smile before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
Frankie blushes right to the tips of his ears.
Lucia drags them to the dance party, holding both their hands as they take it in turns twirling around. She’s laughing uncontrollably, hands in the air as Frankie sweeps her up in his arms, spinning her high before swooping her low.
Bug photographs everything. The bracelets, her friends, the parade. Frankie and Lucia dancing, selfies where their faces are all smooshed together, bright and so happy.
Frankie asks her to send them to him, and he quickly makes a selfie of the three of them all grinning his lockscreen.
A few months later, he changes it to his actual favourite - one where Bug and Luc’s grins are still the same, but this time he’s pressing a kiss to Bug’s forehead. If he looks carefully, he can still see the light of surprise in her eyes.
They indulge in every food truck they want to. They get huge cones of colourful ice-cream from one, Luc’s covered in sprinkles which eventually cover Bug when she sits in her lap to eat it.
Frankie thumbs a splodge of ice-cream from Bug’s nose, licking it from his skin on instinct. He freezes when he realises he’s done it, and she’s not thinking about it. She’s not.
Luc picks out a small rainbow plush toy from a merch stall, a keepsake to remember the day by. Bug gets one too, and they nickname them the Pride Pals.
Frankie naturally has to get one too, because he has to match with his girls.
They catch a few performances, Luc clapping along on Frankie’s shoulders when her legs get too tired.
Not too tired, as it turns out, to join a dance group that invites kids on stage to boogie with them.
Later in the afternoon, they find a quiet, shaded spot where Luc takes a nap all curled up in Frankie’s arms. Frankie and Bug chat away, little bean soothed by the rumbled of her dad’s voice.
When Luc wakes up, they find a spot to watch the sunset. Bug breaks out glowsticks from her bag, and they watch the fireworks together. Luc back on her spot on Frankie’s shoulders, Frankie with his arm wrapped around Bug, Bug’s arms wrapped around Frankie.
Luc holds both their hands on the way home, squealing as she’s swung between them. She provides them with a comprehensive rundown of everything that’s happened as if they weren’t there, chattering about her favourite things. She wants to go every year, and she especially wants to see Camille and Lucas again.
‘I’ll see what I can do, bean.’
Frankie’s managed to find a different babysitter for the night, but they still make sure to tuck Luc in and read her a story. They both leave their numbers with the sitter, just in case.
When they arrive at the club, sunwarmed and refreshed, Bug takes Frankie’s hand and pulls him through the crowds. It’s electric - bright lights flashing through his eyes, bass felt deep in his belly.
They find her friends again before hitting the dancefloor. It’s easy, people moving freely amongst the clutch of bodies. Easy, even when Bug leans in close to giggle in his ear about how he dances like such a dad.
He’s not thinking about her warm, sweet breath on his cheek. Not about her palm on his chest. He’s not.
And she’s not thinking about his mess of curls, his plump lips. His arms in that t-shirt, how he moves his hips. She’s not.
They might be oblivious, but Bug’s friends aren’t. There are cheeky flashes of raised eyebrows that they miss, knowing smiles.
When Camille and Bug go to the bathroom together, she’s shaking Bug’s shoulders.
‘Are you fucking blind, baby?!’
Bug laughs it off, because she is, indeed, fucking blind.
An outrageous amount of fruity cocktails are drunk, even more toasts made to the day they’ve had. A new cheers to every new friend that joins the group of dancers, and Frankie is grinning so much it hurts.
He can’t remember the last time he felt free like this. So himself. Not a dad, not a soldier. Just Frankie.
It makes his heart swell with gratitude when he looks at her. 
Bug is the life of the party, screaming along to Chappell Roan and MUNA.
At some point, someone discovers there’s a photo booth. 
Drunk and fizzing with energy, the whole lot of them pile in, howling with laughter at the mess of faces in the images.
At some point, it’s just the two of them left. A set up, orchestrated by Camille. They don’t know that. Don’t remember how close they got, the soft feel of each others mouths, the breathless laughter. So carefree in the pictures, the forgotten kisses frozen in time. 
Bug finds the pictures the next day, at the bottom of her bag. Her cheeks burning, giddy and nervous, she hides them away and tries to decide how best to bring it up.
She doesn’t. Frankie is so hungover the next day he can barely remember there even being a photo booth.
He also cannot remember sending the drunk texts to the babysitter. Barely comprehensible check ins, answered extremely graciously by the amused friend-of-a-friend. Frankie makes sure to tip her the next morning, voice hoarse from singing and apologising.
Tired now, they find themselves tucked into a back corner, laughing and talking, wrapped in each others arms.
Camille is hollering from the dancefloor because they’re kissing. THEY’RE KISSING.
She brings it up casually a few months later, AMAZED to discover Bug has no recollection of it at all.
Because, and I quote, ‘it felt like I should have been paying to watch it’.
They get fries and nuggets on the way home, walking hand in hand through the city lights before they figure out how to summon an Uber.
When Frankie wakes the next morning, there’s purple, blue and pink all over his pillow. And he has to gently explain to Luc why she has to talk quietly around him.
And when Bug knocks with iced coffee a little later, he’s never been so sure he’s in love with her.
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happy pride! <3
divider from @saradika-graphics
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squadmuse · 3 months
A/N: So this idea was originally inspired from babysitting my nephew, and I just had to write it for Matt… again dedicated to @deanstead who is amazing and her anons got me into this dad!Matt rut.
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It had been a quiet July morning when Matt Casey had arrived for work at Firehouse 51, with a special guest in tow.
“Now sweetheart, Daddy has to go to work, but you’ll be absolutely fine here,” said Matt to his three-year-old daughter, Emma, who was held securely in his arms against his hip. Known as Emmy in the family he shared with you, his wife, she was an adorable little girl and the apple of her father’s eye.
It was the summer vacation, and sadly, little Emmy’s daycare had ended up closed due to an outbreak of chickenpox. Usually, when this happened, you’d take her to the daycare at Chicago Med but you and Matt had happened to awake that morning to find out your other three children were suffering from a very mild sickness bug. This meant that you were home with Emmy’s three older siblings while Matt took her to work with him.
The three-year-old rubbed one of her bright blue eyes. “Uh huh, Daddy,” said Emmy as she laid her head against his broad shoulder. Matt smiled as he walked along and into the building.
He had just walked onto the app floor when he spotted the members of Squad Three already sitting around their table, playing cards. Instantly, each member lit up at the sight of the two Caseys.
Kelly quickly made his way over to Matt and Emmy, and plucked the three-year-old out of her father’s arms, to her delight. Matt smiled as Emma giggled in her godfather’s arms. Kelly was the closest thing he had to a brother, and he very much considered him to be one.
“If it isn’t my favorite little girl!” exclaimed Kelly loudly to the toddler.
“No, no, Uncle Kelly!” giggled Emmy as Kelly began to playfully tickle her, her little rosy cheeks pinking up even further.
Kelly grinned at Matt as he relented, letting Emmy rest in his arms. She was very much a Daddy’s girl, but the littlest Casey absolutely adored her godfather too. “Hey man, where’s the rest of the fam?” he asked Matt, looking behind the Captain of Truck 81 as if to see you bringing up the rear with his three other godchildren.
“Sickness bug,” commented Matt as he shrugged his bag further up his shoulder. Kelly instantly understood.
“So, Emmy is here for the day?” he asked Matt.
“Yeah, we didn’t want Em getting sick too,” said Matt.
Kelly nodded and so did the toddler in his arms.
“Me not sick,” said Emmy out loud. “No sicky!”
The two men chuckled. “Is that so?” asked Kelly.
Emmy nodded seriously.
Kelly hummed, grinning at her. “Well, that means you can have one of Auntie Stella’s cookies?” he smiled at his goddaughter, whose blue eyes lit up like a Christmas tree at the mere mention of cookies.
“Down please!” she squealed, to which Kelly allowed. It didn’t take long for Emmy to find her feet again and run off to the open door. The three-year-old had grown up in the firehouse, visiting even before she was born, and she was familiar with the layout even though Matt and you never let her venture far alone.
Matt and Kelly chuckled as they heard Emmy start to call out for her Auntie Stella, and the two firefighters headed off to follow Matt’s little girl.
Luckily, as they reached the kitchen and recreational area, it seemed that Emmy had found Stella, and was already munching on a chocolate chip cookie happily.
Stella grinned widely as Matt appeared alongside Kelly, her husband. “You should’ve told me my favorite little gal was coming by!” exclaimed Stella as she bounced Emmy, making her giggle.
Matt nodded, making his way over to his daughter and wiping the chocolate off her cheek. “I’ll make sure next time,” he chuckled, taking Emmy into his arms as she reached out for him.
Stella grinned as she ruffled Emmy’s hair. “You better, Captain! This little cutie pie is just so cute,” she said, tickling Emmy much like her husband had done moments before.
“Cute!” repeated Emmy, looking up at her dad, placing her tiny hand against his cheek. Matt smiled, feeling his heart grow even fonder and larger due to his little girl.
“You’re the cute one,” chuckled Matt to Emmy as Stella awwed loudly. There was no denying that fact. However, Emmy’s attention didn’t stay focused on her father, aunt or godfather for much longer as she spotted Tuesday wander into the room with Ritter, Gallo and Herrmann.
“Tues! Tues!” cried the three-year-old, who began to wrestle herself out of her dad’s arms in order to get down to the Dalmatian dog. Emmy couldn’t quite say Tuesday yet but neither she or Tuesday seemed to care as Matt carefully let his youngest child pet the dog.
Emmy’s giggles seemed to ignite within the room as Tuesday excitedly licked her face, Matt and Ritter keeping a close eye alongside everyone else in the room.
“Hey pumpkin,” said Herrmann as he crouched down beside Emmy, her father, Tuesday and Ritter. “I swear you get bigger and bigger every time I see you!”
Emmy waved at him, making the Engine lieutenant smile widely. “Me three now! I go swing with Mama,” she said to Herrmann.
“Oh you do? Annabelle likes the swings too,” replied Herrmann with a grin as he talked about his only daughter. “Likes to give her old man a heart attack too, launching out of them too,” he added, glancing at Matt.
Matt grimaced. “Don’t give her ideas, Herrmann, we Caseys might have heads made out of stone, but I’m still trying to calm down after Joshua broke his arm jumping out of a tree last week,” he commented to Herrmann. “I don’t need my little girl trying to kill me doing the same on a swing.”
“No, no Daddy!” said Emmy as she wandered to the side away from Tuesday and towards where Mouch sat watching the television. “Mama say no, no, Josh hurt!” she chimed in her innocent voice.
Matt nodded again, he was lucky to have such a smart little girl, not that his other children were not, but he hoped that Emma Casey would be the mellowest Casey. “That’s right, listen to Mama, sweetheart.”
Emmy nodded as she determinedly tried to pull herself up onto the couch beside Mouch. As the older man went to help her up, she squealed out loud and made Tuesday bark out loud.
“No, no! I do! I do!” exclaimed Emmy, pulling herself away from Mouch, who looked at her and then Matt with confusion.
Matt shrugged. “The independence stage has hit with a vengeance, Mouch don’t take it to heart,” he commented, watching as his daughter tried to pull herself up. Even at three years old, Matt was impressed with the amount of determination and resilience his daughter had.
“Ahh, a Casey through and through then,” vocalised Mouch, who started to pet Tuesday as she sat next to the couch.
Herrmann chuckled as he stood now beside the door-frame. “You need eyes on the back of your head, especially with the youngest… I don’t know how many times Kenny tried copying his big brothers and sister, landing himself in the ER!” he commented, watching Emmy successfully climb onto the couch.
Everyone in the room clapped in celebration as she did and Emmy beamed happily. Even in his happiest of hearts, Matt hated seeing his youngest become more and more independent and growing up. She was his baby.
Seeing as Mouch had put Dora the Explorer on, which harnessed the complete attention of Emmy, it was then that Matt decided to head off to his quarters to leave his and Emmy’s bags and get some paperwork. He would do the paperwork in the common room area at the table and chair beside the couch as it’d allow Matt the opportunity to work while keeping an eye on his daughter.
Walking over to Emmy, he leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Daddy won’t be gone long okay, kiddo,” he told her. Emmy nodded.
“Kiss kiss, bye bye Daddy,” chirped Emmy, making Matt smile lovingly. That little phrase was a new thing she had started saying whenever he or someone went away. It was absolutely adorable.
Matt glanced over at Herrmann who had sat down at the long lunch table with a newspaper, Mouch bringing over two cups of coffee for them both. “Herrmann, keep an eye on my little girl while I go to my quarters.”
Herrmann nodded as he took a gulp of his coffee. “Will do, Captain,” he replied.
Knowing that Herrmann, a father of five, was there, Matt hurried off out the door. Reaching his quarters, he opened up the glass door and went inside. The little rectangular room had not changed much ever since Matt had become Lieutenant all those years ago, but it held a lot of memories, both good and bad.
Now, there were some changes to his quarters. That was undeniable. Underneath Matt’s bunk was a small box of toys and blankets for whenever his young children visited. There were numerous photographs that he had carefully framed and hung up on the stone walls that told the story of the Caseys.
Sitting down in his chair, Matt smiled pensively at them all. There was a photo from your first date together at Mollys that Sylvie had taken. Then there were the photos from your engagement party and wedding, and Matt couldn’t help but grin as he reminisced about those moments. But his heart swelled even further as he saw the photographs of his four children with you, from womb to now. His two little boys and two little girls with you. They were nothing short of miraculous in Matt’s eyes.
Sighing, he got up and quickly got together the reports and other documents he needed to complete and file today. Slipping back out and locking the door, Matt made his way back to the common area and passed by Stella, who was on the phone with someone. However, as Matt entered the room, he instantly locked eyes with the couch and saw that his daughter was no longer sitting there.
“Herrmann! Where is Emmy?” commanded Matt to the lieutenant, who was arguing slightly with Mouch, Gallo and Ritter over something to do with Mollys. Each one of them quietened instantly at their Captain’s sharp tone.
Herrmann gasped and hurried over. “Shit! She was just there, I swear Casey!” he yelped, frantically looking around the room with his eyes for any chance that the blonde toddler was simply sitting elsewhere.
“I just gave her a juice box!” exclaimed Mouch.
Matt hummed as he rubbed his temples. It was now that he had a good idea of where his daughter could be and most likely was.
“I can search the entire firehouse top to bottom, Captain!” said Gallo seriously. He was quite close to you and Matt, ever since he had been taken under Matt’s wing and mentored by the Truck 81 Captain. He absolutely adored the four Casey children.
Ritter nodded, Tuesday beside him. “Me too, we can go now, Captain,” he stated, getting up to go and do it but Matt gestured for him to sit down.
“No need, I know where my daughter is now,” replied Matt before he turned on his heel and hurried back out the way he had just arrived. Pushing through the doors to the app floor, it was there that Matt did find his little girl.
There was three-year-old Emma Casey, sitting perched on her godfather’s knee, with a Squad Three cap on her little head, as she enthusiastically participated in a jigsaw puzzle with Kelly, Tony, Capp and Cruz encouraging her every step. Her juice box sat on the table next to her.
Matt stood there, watching as his little girl laughed and giggled, placing each piece of the puzzle together as if it were a piece of his heart. Emma was the finishing piece to the jigsaw puzzle that was the heart of one Matthew Casey.
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dearly-somber · 3 months
with a hop, skip and a—WAIT I’M NOT READY | m.jh
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-> pairing. non-idol!myung jaehyun x f!reader
-> genre. Meet-cute, s2l
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 1171
-> warnings. None!
-> a/n. I’m a simple gal with simple weaknesses: a man with a pretty smile and golden retriever personality just happens to be one of them :]
-> bnd drabble, oneshot and series m.list!
-> started. Apr. 28th, 2024 @ 21:49
-> fin. Thurs., May 2nd, 2024 @ 08:57
-> edited. Wed., Jun. 5th, 2024 @ 23:00
-> divider credit. @saradika
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You walk down the street with your friends’ arms hooked through your own and a large, satisfied smile on your face.
It’s been a long time since the three of you managed to get together like this in between all your studies and part-time jobs, so you can’t help the little skip in your step as you window-shop from the middle of the street, your bright pink Hello Kitty sweater pulled past your fingers and tucked neatly into a white skirt, your colorful sneakers making you smile anytime you look down.
“Let’s get boba,” Sandy suggests suddenly, tugging on your arm while leaning forward to look at Jamie.
She nods, easily agreeing as the three of you change direction to head to your favorite boba shop near the middle of the shopping district.
“Morning, ahjushi!”
“Ah, Y/Nie! It’s been too long since I saw your face!” Mr. Gu says with a familial, wrinkly smile that warms your chest. You’ve known Mr. Gu as long as you’ve been alive: before you and your friends started coming here, your mother came here while she was on maternity leave (with you, obviously).
“The usual?”
“You know it,” Jamie grins, giggling when Sandy looks at her judgmentally, gently shaking her head to hide her smile.
“Can’t take them anywhere,” you mutter with a smile, squeezing their arms between your own as Mr. Gu initiates a brief conversation about your studies.
“—waiting outside,” Jamie tells you aside, slipping outside with Sandy hot on her heels.
“Here you go,” the old man sighs, carefully handing you your boba: two in a two-cup cupholder and one wrapped in a cup-sleeve.
“Thank you, ahjushi. I’ll come again soon, okay?”
“Yes, yes, now go! Your friends are waiting for you.”
You smile as you turn around to join your friends, yelling and barely managing to save your drinks as you try and recover from the sudden ache in your shoulder from where it connected with someone else’s.
You look up with large, surprised eyes at—a puppy.
Well, not actually, but he might as well be with his round face, fluffy brown hair and bright boba eyes. His tie-die hoodie is wooly and soft-looking enough you have to suppress the urge to run your palm over the sleeves.
“Sorry,” he gasps, looking at you with concern swirling through the pretty amber speckles in his otherwise cocoa-irises.
“I’m—I’m fine, sorry—“
“No, it’s okay! Sorry for bumping into you.” He smiles sheepishly and you swear you feel your heart clawing itself out of your chest and into into his hands—
“You’re so—fine—!”
“I mean, like, sorrygoodbye—“
You turn on your heel and speed out of the shop, your whole body on fire. Practically running to your friends, you can’t help but squeal the second you’re within audible distance.
“What happened to you?” Sandy teases, laughing as she takes her boba from the cup holder, tossing the cardboard after Jamie’s taken hers.
“I just ran—literally ran—into probably the most handsome man on earth,” you laugh like a maniac, your hands subtly shaking.
Jamie snorts around her straw, already shaking her head as you launch into a detailed retelling of the events. “My heart was calling to him, I swear—he’s so cute—literally his sMILE Sandy, oh my gOD—“
“Did you get his number?” she asks, chewing on her boba.
“Wha—what? No! I literally ran away from him, San, do you know how weird he probably thinks I am?”
“Well, why don’t you ask him right now?” Jamie joins in, gently taking your hand and walking you back the way you came.
You scoff, taking a sip of your drink and fanning your face because you still feel hot and high on adrenaline. “He’s probably long gone—“
“Good luck!”
You yelp as Jamie pushes you with all her might, stumbling over your feet and, once again, just barely managing to save your drink from splashing all over the sidewalk.
You look up and stomp your foot with an indignant pout on your face, glaring at Jamie with murder on your mind. “You little—“
You frown confused at the bright eyed look on Sandy’s face, tilting your head at the way she aggressively shakes her head and points behind you.
Someone clears their throat.
Your shoulders raise anxiously as you turn around like the first-to-die from a horror movie.
“Hello again,” Puppy Boy says with a surprised, breathy laugh, his five friends surrounding him in a (rather intimidating) half-moon.
“Hi,” you breathe, looking anxiously over your shoulder where Jamie is waving her hands enthusiastically, mouthing at you to go! Say something!
“Uhm…” You clear your throat and gather your courage, trying hard not to squeeze your boba to the point it pops. Looking down at Puppy Boy’s plain white sneakers, you draw in a breath, not looking at him but rather looking somewhere over his shoulder.
“I—I actually… My friends were trying to get me to talk to you because I told them I think you have a nice smile and wanted to get your number but was too scared so they pushed me and now I’m standing here…embarrassing myself in front of you and all your friends—again—“ you force an awkward laugh, reaching up to twirl your earring as Sandy swears under her breath from somewhere behind you.
You sigh, looking up 100% ready to flee the situation based on the slightest ounce of disgust in Puppy Boy’s eyes, only to find him looking at you with (what you hope is) an endeared smile.
“Can you give me your phone?”
Your jaw falls open as he proceeds to take a step closer to you. It takes a hard kick to the back of your heel for you to snap out of your daze to actually do something, muttering an apology and reaching for your phone. You bite down on your lip when he nods appreciatively at your Stitch-blue phone case.
You sip at your boba, watching enamored as he types in a series of numbers and hurriedly trying to wipe the dumb look off your face when he hands your phone back to you.
As he’s pulling his phone from his back pocket, “What’s your name?”
“Y/N.” You bow your head ever so slightly, your eyes widening in surprise when your phone dings with a message from Myung Jaehyun🧋:
Hi!!! 👋🏻👋🏻
You grin at him, giving a short wave that makes him laugh.
“I’ll see you around?” he says hopefully, heart-stealing grin still pulling at the corners of his lips.
You nod dumbly, shy smile hurting your cheeks. “Definitely.”
He nods, ducking his head as he waves and mouths goodbye before being ushered away by his friends, their rambunctious laughter and brotherly smacks to his back capturing your attention all the way down the street…
Slowly, you turn to your friends.
“I don’t know how I pulled that off, but—”
Jamie laughs, wincing away as Sandy runs at you with an excited squeal.
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floral-force · 1 year
American Hospitality - One Shot
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
summary: A girls' night out gets interrupted when a handsome stranger spills your drink. Can this mystery man salvage your night with chivalry and smooth British flirting?
words: 2.8k+
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY/NO MINORS, flirting, innuendo, meeting at a bar, alcohol, drunk task force 141 are little shits, ghost is a gentleman, meet cute, Chicago traditions
masterlist | read on ao3 | taglist
part 2: breakfast in bed
The crowd was rowdy and unpredictable—Saturday nights always brought out the annoying drunks—and you were used to being pushed or moved around, but never with such force. Usually, being even a little tipsy meant you brushed off that type of contact, but this shove was so jarring that you couldn’t ignore it. That, and you’d just turned away from the bar with your new drink in hand. The shove knocked it to the ground, thankfully missing your outfit and ruining the grimy tile floor instead. 
Just as you were about to scold the person responsible, you looked up and saw a broad chest right in front of your eyes. Tilting your head back a bit more, your eyes widened at the sight of a man in a black balaclava, a skull jaw printed on it, his wide brown eyes and raised eyebrows the only visible features. A large hand came to rest on your left bicep, and you gulped. Here was one man you didn’t want to pick a fight with; you could cough up another ten dollars for a replacement drink.
“Fuck—I’m sorry, love,” he said, the pet name and low British accent making your heart skip a beat. He looked you up and down. “It didn’ spill on you, did it?”
You dumbly shook your head no, your buzzed brain too stunned to speak.
“Thank God, else I’d feel even worse,” he sighed and moved his hand to the small of your back, guiding you back to the sticky bar top. “Now then, let me buy you a new one.”
“Oh, no, it’s okay,” you shouted over the music. 
He was so broad and tall that he commanded space, forcing people to move out of his way. Being ushered by someone with that type of presence made your heart flutter. It didn’t help that the black shirt he wore was tight around his arms and torso, accentuating his size. Feeling his hand on your back made your skin hot in the best way possible, as did his deliciously deep, accented voice. 
He shook his head, and you noticed that his pale exposed skin had a hint of a blush near his eyes—just barely.
“Nah, I can’t let a pretty gal like you have her night ruined by an arse like me.” His eyes landed on yours, taking you in with a calculating stare. “What’re’ya drinkin’?”
You swallowed. “Um, a, uh,” you stuttered and rubbed the back of your neck, hot under his brown eyes. “A vodka cran.”
He nodded. You watched him flag down one of the bartenders scurrying around, jealous of how easily and quickly he was able to do it. His hand remained on the small of your back as he ordered your drink and maybe something else, but you weren’t too sure; you were too focused on trying to slow your heartbeat and breathe normally. One pink drink and one dark brown drink in shitty plastic cups were set down, and two shots of amber liquid soon joined them. You heard a muffled word of thanks as he handed the bartender cash, stuffing his wallet back in his pants pocket. 
Before you could take your drink, he set it down in front of you. His hand dwarfed the cup—he could easily crush it in his fist. 
“Now,” he said, turning to face you, taking his hand off your back. “My mates and I heard that we had to take a shot of Malört while we’re ‘ere in Chicago.”
You grimaced, eyes falling on the ominous liquid in front of him. You sighed deeply and shrugged, meeting his eyes. “It’s fucking awful, but it is a Chicago thing.”
He chuckled. “So we gotta sort this ourselves now?”
He shrugged. “Can’t do it alone, love.”
“Let’s be clear,” you said, smiling and pointing a finger at him, “I’m only doing this because you got me a drink.”
“Oh, absolutely. You’re a right saint.” He handed you one of the shots, taking the other in his hand and pulling up the balaclava enough so he could drink. Your lips parted when he smiled. “Name’s Simon, by the way.”
You told him your name, standing on your tip toes as he bent his neck so he could hear it. He repeated it a few times, straightening and looking at you with something affectionate in his eyes. “I like the way it sounds, sweetheart.”
You giggled like a schoolgirl talking to her crush. You raised your shot, and he followed suit. Feeling bold, you said, “Here’s to Chicago, and handsome strangers.” 
Simon chuckled, a low rumble from his chest. “I’ll drink to that, and to meetin’ stunnin’ lasses.”
It was your turn to laugh. You tapped your glass against the bar top and brought it to your lips with a grimace, knocking it back as fast as you could so the taste didn’t hit before you could swallow. You tapped the glass twice against the counter, hoping that you timed it right. Luckily, you had, and it hit a few seconds after the Malört had burned down your esophagus. You shivered and shook your head, immediately gulping down your vodka cran.
You heard a deep ugh and looked over to see Simon setting his empty shot down and shaking his head. He looked over at you and pursed his lips. 
“Yeah,” he rasped, “that’s fuckin’ mingin’.”
You laughed at his response; seeing the reactions people had to Malört never got old. The sweetness and tang of vodka from your drink had finally covered the fermented licorice taste, and you watched Simon drink his, chestnut eyes squeezed shut as he chugged. He set the empty cup down and looked at you. You were twirling the straw in your drink, absentmindedly gazing at him, and embarrassed when he caught you looking. 
“Like what you see, sweetheart?” he purred, pulling the mask down again.
You nodded emphatically. “Very much so.”
“Me too,” he breathed, taking a step closer. When he brushed a thumb across your cheek and pinched your chin, you bit your lip and stared up at him through your lashes. Simon shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Don’ go lookin’ at me like that, pretty girl.”
Usually, you hated the smell of whiskey, but on his breath, it was intoxicating. “Why not, Simon?” you asked innocently, setting your drink down.
He inhaled sharply and got even closer, your bodies almost touching. The heat in your gut was almost unbearable, burning with anticipation. He placed his hands on your waist, kneading your flesh with his fingers. 
“Because you won’t be able to walk when I’m through with you,” he husked, eyes sparkling with lust.
You giggled and placed your hands on his broad chest, stroking up and down. The man was toned—you could feel the muscular ridges under the tight material—but soft at the same time. The Malört must’ve melted part of your brain because you suddenly imagined what it’d be like to let your hands explore his bare torso while he was on top of you. You just knew it would be a holy sight and sensation.
“I’ll take my chances, hot stuff.”
“You’ll give me a proper Chicago welcome, yeah?”
He squeezed your waist and you saw the corners of his eyes crinkle with a mischievous smile. You nodded emphatically, never breaking eye contact. 
“I’ll give you that and more,” you purred.
He chuckled, then his sultry tone dropped. “How much ‘ave you had to drink, love?”
You took a deep breath and forced air across your lips as you thought. You glanced at the abandoned vodka cran, barely half empty. “Aside from that—” you jerked your head- “and the Malört? Maybe two. I got here an hour or so ago with a few other friends.”
He nodded, his eyes dropping to the floor, hands loosening. Simon met your eyes again, asking, “You free tomorrow?”
You smiled and playfully tapped your finger on your chin, looking up at the ceiling as if you were thinking. “You know what, Simon? Suddenly, my schedule is wide open. Oh, and my legs if you’re interested.”
Simon shook his head and laughed. “Cheeky thing,” he commented, a hand rising to pinch your chin. He then pulled out his phone, the bright light illuminating his pale skin, his hands nearly dwarfing the device. He unlocked it and pulled up a blank contact page, looking back up at you. “Before we get too battered, what’s your—fuck, what d’you Yanks call it—cell phone number?”
You rolled your eyes as you started telling him, hearing him swear when he pressed the wrong number with his too-large fingers. He asked you to spell your name—“Don’ wanna fuck something that lovely up, lass”—and nodded, quickly sending you a text so you could save his number.
The text he sent made you shake your head and rub your temple. Simon grabbed your arm, gently stroking it. 
“Somethin’ wrong?”
“No! You just didn’t strike me as a ‘kissy-face emoji’ kind of guy.”
“That a bad thing, sweetheart?”
You beamed up at him, putting your phone back in your pocket. “Not at all. But I do get the feeling you aren’t like this with your ‘mates,’” you giggled, using air quotes around the British word.
He rolled his eyes. “It’s the skull mask, innit?”
You shook your head, taking a sip from your forgotten drink. Tilting your head to the left, you gazed straight ahead behind him and jerked your chin forward. “Something tells me it’s that pack of guys pointing at you.”
He whipped around and you heard him groan. “Fuckin’ hell.” Simon turned to face you again, picking up his drink and finishing it off in less than ten seconds. “Yeah, those’re them.”
“You know,” you said, puckering your lips. “Are any of them single?”
Simon raised an eyebrow and leaned against the bar, resting a fist against his hip. “You’re not ditchin’ me already, are ya, love?”
“Oh, absolutely not. I’m incredibly excited to have those arms around me tomorrow,” you stated. “But I do know my girlfriends would love to flirt with some British guys.”
Simon stared at the ceiling, silent as he considered your offer. When he looked back down at you, he nodded. “Under one—no, two conditions.”
“One, nobody goes home with anyone tonight.”
“I like that.”
“Two, everyone takes a shot of Malört.” Simon exhaled, fiddling with his empty cup. “I need those twits bloody humbled.”
 “Aye-aye, cap’n,” you giggle, giving a fake salute. “You sound like you give orders all the time, Simon.”
He took a step closer to you and gripped your waist again. “Most people call me lieutenant,” he husked. “But you can call me daddy.”
You were absolutely flustered, words catching in your throat. Before you could attempt to respond, you heard raucous laughter and saw two men ambling towards you and Simon. He immediately turned and put his back to you, his left arm slightly out in a protective stance. His words left you burning and you felt your pussy throb with sudden arousal. You’d explore that innuendo tomorrow; for now, you were focused on taking in the grinning men converging on Simon.
One of them waved at you with a toothy grin. You could see the drunken blush blooming on his pale ivory cheeks, and you couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oi, Ghost! Who’s tha bonnie lass?” he yelled, a Scottish accent underscoring his query. 
“Soap, I’ll fuckin’ end ya,” you heard Simon growl.
Another man stared over at you, his cool sepia arms toned and a wide smile splitting his face. He nodded at you and raised his thin black brows. “Ol’ Ghost ain’t scarin’ you too much, is he?”
“If he is, I’ll knock ‘im on his arse!”
“That’ll do!” Simon barked. You placed a hand over your mouth to stifle a laugh, but he heard it anyways and twisted his head to look at you. “Y’alright?”
“I’m perfect, Simon,” you chuckled, pursing your lips and holding back a laugh when his eyes widened as his friends started to howl with laughter. 
“Steamin’ Jesus, LT!” The one you assumed was Soap doubled over and guffawed. “Gaz, go get Price!”
Gaz nodded and turned, expertly weaving through the thick crowd. He quickly returned with a bearded man, brunette with a few lines and a smattering of freckles on his ivory face. You assumed this newcomer was Price. Gaz dragged him next to Soap and jerked his chin at you. 
“Ghost here told this lass his name,” Gaz chittered.
A smile teased Price’s face, and he nodded. You saw Simon bow his head and groan.
“And he didn’t scare her off?” He looked between Soap and Gaz, who both shook their heads. Price smiled up at Simon and stepped forward, clapping him on the shoulder. “Attaboy, Lieutenant!”
Price’s shoulders shook with a suppressed laugh as Gaz and Soap burst out laughing, and you couldn’t help but laugh too. The sound rose over the din of the bar, your cheeks pained from smiling so much.
You cleared your throat as the laughing died down, and the three men looked at you; Simon’s eyes had never left you. He turned so his back was to the bar, leaning his left arm on it. 
“You guys ever had Malört?” you inquired, raising an eyebrow. 
When they all shook their heads, you looked up at Simon. He tilted his head towards you and sighed, broad chest rising up and down.
“Well,” you declared, “You can’t say you visited the great city of Chicago if you didn’t take a shot of Malört while you were here! My treat.”
“Simon!” Price exclaimed, his brow furrowed. 
“Yes, Captain?” Simon sighed.
“You’re gonna let the lass pay?”
“Bloody hell,” Simon murmured. He grumbled and pulled out his wallet, turning around to order the nasty shots as his friends hollered and laughed. He looked down at you, shaking his head and chuckling. “What am I gonna do with you, sweetheart?”
You shrugged. “I dunno. I’ll leave that up to you, Lieutenant.”
He clicked his tongue and stared down at you, pinching your chin. “Oh, you’re askin’ for it now, love.” 
You dreamily smiled up at him, leaning against the bar and propping your elbow up on it, resting your cheek in your palm. Simon ordered and paid, the three shots sitting ominously on the counter. Two vodka crans were set down soon after, and Simon placed one next to you. He lifted the balaclava, revealing his pink lips to you as he sipped his drink, pale blond lashes fluttering on his cheeks. You raised an eyebrow, wondering why he hadn’t ordered whiskey and coke again.
“I didn’t peg you as the type of guy who likes vodka crans.”
He smirked, the thin black straw resting on his lips. He said your name, and you were enamored with the way his lips looked as he said it. You hoped he’d be pressing them all over your skin tomorrow. It would be a fucking tragedy if he didn’t.
“I’m a man of taste, love. Besides,” he said, taking one last sip before pulling the mask back down. “How can I not like ‘em after spilling one led to me gettin’ your number?”
You nodded. “Fair enough. It’s probably my new favorite drink because of this.”
He snorted, making you giggle. He rapped his fist against the counter and gazed into your eyes. 
“Now, how about we make those clowns suffer?” 
“I thought Chicago was welcoming, sweetheart,” Simon teased.
“Oh, please,” you scoffed. “I was ready to fight you when you spilled my drink.”
He raised an eyebrow. “And how would that have gone for ya?”
“I’m feisty,” you giggled. “But maybe not as well as letting you buy me a new drink.”
“Probably right,” he nodded, rubbing a large hand on your back. 
He turned around and slapped Soap’s back with the back of his hand, the man startling from the force and sound of it. The men instantly crowded the bar, each taking a shot glass. Simon moved to stand at your left side, angling himself and acting as a barrier between you and anyone dumb enough to risk spilling on his feisty American girl. The men looked to you, and you raised your drink with them, Simon following suit.
You beamed at them, warming up when Simon placed his hand on the small of your back. “Welcome to Chicago!” 
As they took it, you and Simon both took a few sips from your drinks. You looked up and patted Simon’s arms, and he leaned down.
“You’ll get your second welcome tomorrow, handsome.”
You gasped when he quickly squeezed your ass. 
Simon straightened to his full height again. The corners of his brown eyes crinkled with a smile, and he nodded. “Oh, I plan on it, pretty girl.” 
a/n: I'm a proud chicagoan and just needed to post some gentleman!ghost and goofy vacationing task force 141...also, malort is as awful as it sounds. but if you visit and you're 21+, you gotta take a shot of it. hope you enjoyed! UPDATE: i wrote a part 2 to this fic called breakfast in bed! it is all smut (with a dash of fluff), so give it a read if you'd like.
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masterlist | join the taglist! | part 2: breakfast in bed
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
Girl, I’ve never loved one like you
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A/N: well, I have mixed feelings about this piece at the moment. I poured my heart and soul into this, and I hope everyone enjoys this story that truly touches home for me. In high school I always felt like an outcast because I wasn’t that girl that had a boyfriend, and I didn’t have dates to the school dances. I dreamed of having that magical prom night with the guy of my dreams. It never happened, and I moved on. Years later I sometimes wish I did get to experience that magical night. Well, now I get to, and it feels like a piece of my past is being healed. I know that not everyone will be able to relate to this experience, but I know there are those of you out there that will. Thank you for reading, and please be kind. 🩷
Pairing | AU high-school student! Joel Miller x high-school student! f! reader
~word count: 12.12k~
Summary: Senior Year, 1985, a month before prom and Joel Miller has yet to find himself a proper date, until he and Tommy stop in for a late night bite at your parents diner, and everything changes. Joel Miller gives you a prom night of your dreams that you’ll never forget…18 years later, you’re running into each other at the very same diner you first met.
Warnings: fluff, young love, meet-cute, injuries sustained from falling out of the bed of Joel’s truck, (please buckle up it’s the law) alcohol consumption, smoking, implied smut, right person wrong time, some negative feelings, reader gets harassed by a guy, Joel steps in, Joel is a total sweetheart, friends to lovers, no age gap, reader has no physical descriptions, reader’s nickname is darlin’ (+18) minors dni!
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A truck door slams, gravel crunches under the weight of heavy worn boots as two teenage boys bicker.
“Ain’t you the least bit concerned about askin’ a girl to prom, Joel? It’s a month away, and you still haven’t asked a single gal? C’mon, what’s holdin’ ya back? Your mug ain’t as handsome as mine, but your charm oughta make up for it!” Tommy Miller was real good at getting under his brother's skin without even having to lift much of a finger.
“I ain’t concerned about findin’ myself a prom date cus’ I ain’t goin.’ It’s a silly dance that literally holds no personal value for me. I jus’ wanna graduate n’get out of this fuckin’ shit-hole town.” Joel gruffed a response back.
“Jus’ a silly dance? Brother, do ya hear yourself? It ain’t jus’a silly dance! For fuck sakes, it’s supposed t’be the night of our lives! One last hurrah before goin’ to college n’facin’ the real world.
The older by just a few months,Miller brother clenched his jaw tightly as he grinded his teeth together. He twirled his keys between his fingers absentmindedly. “Like I jus’ said, it’s jus’ a silly dance. Besides, even if I wanted to go, I ain’t have anyone in mind to ask. So can ya jus’ please drop it?” Joel grumbled as he grasped the handle to the diner door and swung it open.
“Well, that’s bullshit. I’m gonna make it my personal mission to find you a lucky gal to take to prom.” Tommy caught the edge of the door with his boot just as Joel tried to close it in his face.
“Yeah, lets not fuckin’ do that. I don’t need you findin’ me a prom date.” Joel snapped back as he shoved his hands deep into the worn out pockets of his worn out light-wash denim Levi’s.
Tommy snickered as he wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulder, “With an attitude like that, you ain’t gonna find a date. Dontcha worry, big brother, we’re gonna find ya a real nice gal.”
“I’m only a few months older than you, you fuckin’ hillbilly.” Joel grumbled under his breath.
“I’ll be with you boys in just a second! Do you want a booth or table?” You whizzed past the two brothers on your roller skates, holding a tray of burgers and fries above your head with ease. Your skates were light pink, with ruby red hearts stitched along the fabric. The laces were a creamy white color and there were three cherry-red heart beads on either side of the tied laces.
Joel cocked an eyebrow as you skated past without missing a step. He had half expected you to eat shit in those skates, but was thoroughly surprised that it didn’t happen. Even more so that the tray of food you were holding on the flat side of your palm, didn’t topple over.
“A booth would be great, thanks darlin.’” Tommy responded with a lopsided grin to which Joel immediately smacked him on the back of the head for.
“I thought you already asked Mackenzie Patterson to prom Tommy? I don’t think she’d appreciate it if she knew you were sendin’ heart eyes to another girl.” Joel lightly chuckled as he plopped down into the nearest booth that wasn’t occupied.
“Yeah, I did ask her but I wasn’t makin’ heart eyes at anyone.” Tommy flipped him off as he plopped down onto the other side of the booth.
“Uh-huh. Sure you weren’t.” Joel fought the urge to roll his eyes.
After grabbing two menus from the register, you glided over to your next customers with ease. It was easy work skating along the black and white checkered flooring. “Welcome to Patsy’s, here’s a couple menus for you, take your time, there’s no rush and whenever you’re ready, just give me a holler.” Your parents were more than willing to give you a job as a waitress at the diner they recently opened. You made decent tips, and for the most part, your job was pretty fun and easy-going for a highschool part-time job.
“Patsy’s, huh? Does that name hold any significant meanin’ to ya? Tommy inquired with genuine curiosity.
“Yeah, it’s actually named after my mom. It was my dad’s idea to name it after her. Pretty sweet, huh? Guess romance is truly alive and well.” Your response was light, and your smile was infectious. Joel didn’t want to admit it then, but your smile lit up the entire diner. It was brighter than the damn incandescent neon lights that flashed along the crystal clear windows.
“Romance is definitely alive and well. Awful sweet that your pops named this joint after your ma. Hey darlin’ you don’t happen to attend McCallum highschool, do ya? Never seen a pretty thing like you skatin’ around the halls.” Tommy effortlessly worked his sweet talk. It flowed out of his mouth like his own personal song. You already imagined that girls at school probably swooned at his very boots, just from his smooth Texas drawl alone.
It didn’t surprise you that a guy like Tommy Miller never noticed you in the passing period hallways. You kept to yourself for the most part. Being a teenager, let alone being a teenage girl was not easy in the slightest. You struggled to build friendships with girls in your class. They all would look at you funny when you participated in gym class, finished the homework on time and in their eyes, became the teacher's pet. You went to the mall with your mom and spent your weekends reading at home with your dog curled at your feet under a soft knitted blanket. You were happy..until you weren’t.
You couldn’t help but feel slightly envious towards the group of girls that went to the mall every Friday to buy a new outfit for whatever house parties were going on that weekend. You hadn’t even had your first sips of alcohol or tasted nicotine on your tongue. Truthfully? You felt like a loser because your highschool experience wasn’t exactly like the movies said it would be. Where the fuck was your Han Solo or Indiana Jones? Where was that one special guy to swoop in and sweep you off your feet, and single-handedly wipe out a quadrant of clone troopers with his blaster alone—
“Huh? Oh, highschool. Yeah, I’m a senior at Mccallum high.” You weren’t flustered over Tommy’s incessant style of flirting, you were flustered because you were thinking about Harrison fucking Ford.
“Don’t mind my brother. He’s a fuckin’ hillbilly, and our ma dropped him on his head when he was just an annoyin’ lil shit.” Joel’s eyes flitted up to yours over the top of the menu that was grasped between his hands. His Texas twang was deeper than his brothers, it had a distinguishable edge to it. Similar to the way that gooseflesh rises upon your skin when you hear something that is particularly delectable, and itches that figurative spot in your brain so good.
Did that make any sense? Who cares. All you could presently think about was how fuckin’ gorgeous this guy was. A total dreamboat, and you didn’t even know his name.
“It’s alright. I wasn’t offended or anything..but uh, can I get you guys something to drink maybe?”
“Yeah, you got any cherry cokes, darlin?’” Joel asked you casually.
“Cherry cokes? Yeah, of course! Coming right up.” You scribbled two cherry cokes onto your notepad before you skated away.
“That’s her.” Tommy uttered with a gleeful grin.
“What in the hell are you talkin’ about now?” Joel set his menu down with an annoyed sigh
“Brother, that’s the girl you’re goin’ to ask to prom.” Tommy gestured to the spot infront of the booth where you were just standing a few seconds prior.
“Her? No. I am not askin’ a total stranger to be my prom date.” Joel crossed his arms over his chest as he sank back into the cushioned seating of the booth.
“She ain’t a total stranger. She goes to our school! Never seen her around before, but does that really matter? She’s awfully pretty, and I bet you whatever I got in my wallet, she thinks you’re good lookin’ too. Take it from the guy who just knows what gals are interested in.”
“Do you ever fuckin’ think before you speak? Or does your brain not work the same way everyone else’s does? Again, she’s a stranger, and what makes you think she’d even want to go to prom with me, huh? Don’t be ridiculous Tommy.”
“No, you jackass. I just say whatever comes to mind and then make up the rest as I go. You’ll never know unless you try, big brother. Don’t act like I didn’t see the way you were lookin’ at her when she rode past in those skates. You were positively flabbergasted.”
“Yeah, cause I surely thought she was gonna eat shit on those things, and I was imagining the tray of burgers and fries smacking you right in your big-ass forehead.” Joel stifled a chuckle as Tommy leaned over the booth table and swatted his arm.
“You’re such a fuckin’ asshole sometimes I swear.”
“Yeah, well..you still love me so I can’t be that awful of a brother.”
Tommy was just about to reply with some snarky comment when you had skated back to the booth with two cherry cokes in hand, and placed them down in front of the brothers with two straws. “Are you guys ready to order, or do you need more time?”
“I think we’re all good here darlin.’ Thanks for bein’ a real peach. Now I’m gonna have the double bacon cheeseburger with crispy onion straws and a side of cheese fries..andmybrotherherewantstoaskyoutoprom.” Tommy blurted out suddenly, throwing you and Joel for a complete curveball.
Joel had just taken a sip of his cherry coke, and nearly spit it back into the cup as he glowered at his brother. He could feel the tips of his cheeks turning bright hot red as he sucked down a hefty sip of the sugary drink to hide his redness.
You felt like a deer in headlights as you scribbled down Tommy’s order as quickly as humanly possible. The heat was rising to your cheeks fast as you did your best to hide it. “Oo-Kay and for you?..”
“Jus’ a double cheeseburger and regular fries. Thanks, darlin.’” Joel presented you with his order without making eye contact as he was too busy thinking of all the ways he wanted to brutally murder Tommy with his bare hands. He was kind enough to grab both menus and hand them back to you with the tiniest reassuring nod.
“Coming right up!” You squeaked out before scurrying back to the kitchen area to put the order in.
“You’re fuckin’ dead, Tommy. Dead as a fuckin’ door nail I swear to god—”
“Look, I’m doin’ this for your own good Joel. You’re a sour puss, grumpy son of a bitch 99% of the time and you’re gonna grow a pair of goddamn balls and ask that girl out to prom. What’s the worst she could say? No? I don’t think she’s going to say no to you.”
“For fuck sakes..there’s a way to go about these things! Poor girl looked like a deer in fuckin’ headlights cus’ of your fuckin’ big ass blabber mouth.”
“A cute deer though.”
“My god, you are fuckin’ hopeless.” Joel uttered with an unenthusiastic sigh.
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You were counting out your tips for the evening at the front register when Joel Miller sauntered up. His demeanor was casual, yet by the way his hands were shoved deep in his pockets, you could tell he was nervous..but perhaps even embarrassed?
“Hey darlin,’ jus’ wanted to personally apologize for my brothers behavior earlier. He really is a fuckin’ hillbilly sometimes, and I hope he didn’t uh—make you feel too uncomfortable. Anyway, jus’ need to pay the bill and then I’ll get out of your hair.” He was already pulling his wallet out of his back pocket when you threw him for a loop.
“I’m free on the weekends after seven.”
He was thumbing through his bills as he pulled out a $20 and placed it along the counter. He slowly looked up at you, cocking a brow at your sudden boldness that came out of left field. “..I’m sorry?”
“You want to take me to prom, right? Well, don’t you think we should go on a proper date and get to know one another before I agree to be your prom date?” You grabbed the $20 from the counter and placed it in the register as you counted out his change.
“I’m sorry, I’m so fuckin’ confused right now. You want to get to know me? Look, I don’t even want to go to prom. It’s just a silly dance that I really have no interest in, and my brother is really the one who put me up to—”
“A simple no would have sufficed y’know. Regardless, what’s wrong with me wanting to get to know you? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I don’t have a lot going for me right now. What’s the harm of one date? Who knows, maybe you’ll actually have a good time.” You responded with a shrug.
“Keep the change, it’s for your tip. I wouldn’t exactly say that you don’t have a lot going for you. For starters, you're the only waitress here that knows how to skate..doesn’t that count for something? I suppose there wouldn’t be any harm of goin’ on one date. What’ll it be then? Dinner and a movie?” He was leaning his elbow against the side of the counter top as he reached into the jar of lollipops and pulled out a cherry flavored one. You couldn’t help but watch the way that his fingers effortlessly unwrapped the sweet and placed it between his lips.
He did that on purpose..right?
“Dinner and a movie sounds great. How about next Friday night? Pick me up around 7:30? I don’t believe I caught your name earlier either..should probably tell me what it is, right?” You gave him a little grin as you pushed the cash register drawer shut with a soft clink.
“Well, if I’m going to pick you up, I suppose I’ll be needin’ your phone number so that you can tell me your address? Or you could write it down..but what if I randomly want to call you up and tell you all about my shitty day? It’s gonna be hard for me to do that if I don’t have your number.” He gave you a little lopsided grin as he tilted his head to the side.
“Alright, well I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you my phone number in exchange for your name. That sounds like a pretty fair deal to me. What do you think?”
“Ain’t gonna be necessary for an exchange, darlin.’ I was just playin’ a little game with ya. Anyway, my name is Joel. The buffoon waitin’ in the parking lot is my brother Tommy. What kinda food are ya into?”
“I know you were, Joel. That’s why I played it right back.” You pulled out your little pen pad and wrote down your phone number and address. “Feel free to call me at random to tell me about your terrible, no good, rotten shitty day. I’d love to chat some more, but I have tables to wipe down. I’ll leave it up to you to pick out the restaurant.” You placed the piece of paper into his outstretched palm with a small grin playing on your lips.
“I like a girl that knows how to keep up with me. Nothin’ gets past you, huh?” He teased as he slipped the piece of paper into his back pocket. “Well, I’ll leave it to ya then. Wear somethin’ pretty, kay darlin?’” He shot you a playful wink before pushing himself off the edge of the countertop.
You desperately fought hard to not roll your eyes at his request to wear something ‘pretty’ “uh-huh. See ya around, Joel.” You brought your hand up to your forehead, giving him a little salute. Only when you were positive that he was back in his truck, and could no longer see you through the glass doors, you let out an excited squeal as you twirled in a tight circle on your skates.
Joel had an unmistakable pep in his step as he approached the drivers side door of his truck. Tommy was waiting for him, witn a cigarette perched between his lips, and an eyebrow raised in his brother’s direction. “What’s gotten you grinnin’ like a devil jus’ now?”
Joel reached into his back pocket and pulled out the folded piece of paper and handed it to his brother. “I’ve got myself a date Friday night. I didn’t even have to ask her, she jus’ pretty much beat me to it.”
“Uh-huh. I am sure that’s exactly how it went.” Tommy snickered as he handed the folded note back, sinking into the seat as he took a long drag from the cigarette. “So, where are you and the lucky gal gonna go?”
“I was thinkin’ keepin’ it simple..dinner and a movie. She said I can pick the restaurant, so I was probably gonna take her to the nicest place in Austin.” he shrugged his shoulders before starting the ignition. “Or do ya think that’s too bold?”
“Damn, look at you! Wantin’ to treat a lady right. ‘Atta boy.” He reached over and lightly punched Joel in the shoulder.
“Jus’ like momma taught me.”
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Joel Miller arrived thirty minutes before you had expected him to show up for your date. You were just finishing up on your makeup when you heard the familiar sound of truck wheels crunching along gravel. Your parents were at the diner all evening, so that left you at home to dance around the house while you got ready. You had pretty much demolished your closet as you struggled to figure out what to wear. The butterflies were already fluttering rapidly in your stomach. Joel wanted you to wear something ‘pretty’ but you didn’t like the way that any of your dresses fit currently, so that was out of the question. You opted for suede olive green lace up shorts, a floral tie up top and your favorite pair of baby sky-blue go-go boots.
A warm breeze moved freely through the open windows in Joel’s truck as he was casually smoking a cigarette with his forearm resting along the outside of the window. He glanced upwards to where he imagined your bedroom was. A grin was playing on his lips as he caught a glimpse of you dancing around through the billowing curtains. He could faintly hear Tainted Love, by Soft Cell playing through your portable radio. You were using your hair brush as a pretend microphone. You were a burst of fun-loving energy, and Joel was already feeling infected by it. He didn’t want to come across as a cliche and drop the classic ‘you’re not like other girls’ line, but how could he not? Especially when you were dancing like no one was watching.
A few minutes later Joel was being torn from his trance when he heard the porch door swing shut, and the sound of your go-go boots clicking down the wooden steps. He nearly dropped his cigarette from between his lips when he got a first look at your outfit. He had half expected you to wear a dress, but the outfit you picked was fitting for your personality. You looked beautiful, and now he was beginning to feel his own butterflies flapping in his stomach. He wolf whistled as he reached over and unlocked the door for you.
“Well, ain’t you just a sight for sore eyes? Christ, you look so goddamn pretty, darlin.’” The way that he was looking at you was the way that all girls dreamed of being looked at. His eyes held a certain twinkle to them that had you feeling weak in the knees. Were all those failed crushes about to finally pay off? Well, only time could tell.
“How long have you been waiting out here for?” You responded with a shy smile as you climbed into the passenger seat.
“Long enough to see ya dancin’ to Tainted Love.” He chuckled.
You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you reached for the seatbelt, but he was already doing it for you. You got a proper whiff of his cologne, as he leaned over the center console. He smelled faintly of sawdust and cigarette smoke. His cologne was both sweet, and musky and god, did his hair look soft.
“You saw me dancing?”
“Mhm. You looked cute, and I swear I wasn’t bein’ a creep about it.” He slowly retracted himself after snapping your seatbelt in place.
“What can I say? Tainted Love just really gets me going.”
“Really? I totally couldn’t tell.” He teased as he slowly reversed down the driveway.
Your eyes zoned in on the collection of CD’s that were stored along the dashboard, and you wasted no time to grab the stack and flip through them. “Wow, you actually have good taste in music..i’m surprised.” You glanced over at him with a small grin. “Who’s your favorite?”
“I’m a big fan of Depeche Mode and Fleetwood Mac.” Responded as he rested one hand along the wheel, and the other on the center console. “You wanna pop one of those in?”
“Ahh, I love Stevie Nicks with my whole heart. Depeche Mode is really good too.” You gently opened one of the CD cases and placed the disk that you chose into the player. “So, are you gonna tell me where we’re going to dinner, or is it going to be a surprise?”
“Hmm..I could tell ya, but then that would ruin the surprise. I’m tryin’ to make this the best first date of your life darlin.’”
“Woowee. Best first date of my life? Y’know, those are some awfully big shoes to fill. I think it's gonna take more than dinner and a movie to accomplish that.”
“The evenin’ has only jus’ begun. I’ve got all night to show ya a good time. Spare me a lil’ faith, will ya?” He reached over and played with the volume toggle before he reached for another cigarette from the pack resting in the cupholder.
“Can I have one of those?” You gestured to the pack of cigarettes.
“A smoke? Sure ya can. You ever had one before?” He asked curiously as he pulled out a cigarette and placed it between his lips, using his freehand to light it.
“No, but I have always wanted to try one. I always think that the hollywood actresses and models in magazines always look so fucking cool smoking a cigarette. They're all just effortlessly cool.”
Joel couldn’t help but chuckle at your explanation for wanting to smoke. He didn’t want to go and crush your romantic dream of looking as cool as the magazine models. “Well, I don’t think you need to smoke in order to look as cool as the models in magazines. That being said..welcome to the darkside.” He pulled out another cigarette and placed it between your lips. Your eyes locked for a millisecond as he brought the lighter to the unlit end.
Your first inhale of the smoke from the deathstick was rough as the toxic chemicals invaded your lungs. “Fuck. That tastes like complete ass. Why did I expect it to taste sweet, like cherries or strawberries?”
“Never said it was gonna taste sweet, darlin.’ You’ll get used to it after the nicotine kicks in.” He softly reassured you as he reached over and gave your knee a gentle squeeze.
The restaurant Joel had picked was immediately out of both of your comfort zones. It was filled with the snobby upper class members of society. You and Joel stuck out like a sore thumb as you were seated at the table in the middle of all the rich people bullshit. The prices on the menu were absolutely ridiculous and even the water that was being poured looked expensive. Joel looked particularly uncomfortable as he felt that every pair of eyes in the damn establishment were looking at you and him, as if you were zoo animals trapped behind a glass case.
“Hey, Joel?” You asked as you set your menu down on top of your perfectly folded napkin.
“Yeah darlin?’”He was playing with the ends of the table cloth nervously.
“Can we stop playing pretend for just a second here?” Your question immediately caught him off-guard as he looked across the table at you with a quizzical expression on his face.
“What do you mean by that exactly?”
“What I mean by that is do you really wanna sit here making fake small talk about the weather to fit in with the upper snobs of society, or do you wanna go out and have some real fun?” You asked while leaning over the side of the table slightly. A woman to your left let out a disgusted sound when your elbows touched the edge of the table as if it was some terrible sin you had just committed.
An immediate look of relief washed over his face as he relaxed his uncomfortably straight posture. “Fuck. I was hopin’ you were gonna say somethin’ like that. Let’s ditch this joint.” He was already pushing his chair back in a haste.
You reached for his hand as you slung your purse over your shoulder. It wasn’t technically dine and dashing when you hadn’t even placed your food order yet. That didn’t make it any less thrilling to run through the kitchens and escape through the backdoors with your fingers still interlocked as you raced back to his truck.
“I’m so sorry for bringin’ you here darlin.’ I was thinkin’ of impressin’ you somehow, but there’s no way either of us were gonna last a minute longer in there. I hope this hasn’t completely ruined my task of makin’ this the best first date of your life. Do I get a second chance?”
“Joel, it’s alright. I’m just glad I finally said something. Did you hear that woman’s disgust when my elbows touched the table? I never wanna join that group of society. What a bunch of fucking losers.” You responded with a soft giggle. “The night is still young, remember? I have the perfect place in mind for us to go and have some real fun.”
“That woman is probably absolutely miserable in her stupid mansion filled with materialistic shit that she buys to make up for the fact that her husband is cheating on her with her sister. What did ya have in mind sweetheart?”
“Thank goodness she has Chanel and her fur coats to keep her warm at night. Have you ever gone to a roller-rink?”
“How did I know that was going to be your suggestion? Are you just lookin’ for an excuse to watch me eat shit? Cus’ that’s exactly what is goin’ to happen.” He chuckled.
“Me? Nah. I would never! That would just be so cruel of me. C’mon. I promise you’ll have a good time, and we can hold hands?”
“Like they do in the movies?” He looked over at you with a lopsided, boyish grin.
“Exactly how they do in the movies.”
“I’m all in darlin.’”
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The roller-rink was packed and teeming with people of all ages but mostly teenagers. There was a large shimmering silver disco ball dangling from a wire in the center of the rink.
“I’m gonna look like an absolute fool in these things. How the hell do ya make it look so easy, huh?” Joel muttered as he laced up his skates with a huff.
“Hey, you’re not gonna look like a fool, okay? Trust me. This place is a judgment free zone. No one is going to make fun of you if you slip and fall on your ass.”
Joel looked over at you, squinting a little from the bright flashing light from all the little mirror tiles reflecting on the disco ball. “Okay, but if I fall, i’m takin’ you down with me. Deal?”
“Deal.” You hopped up from the bench with a grin as you offered him your hand to which he gratefully took as you helped him up.
You could feel just how sweaty the palm of Joel’s hand was as his fingers interlocked through yours. He had his other hand outstretched to the side to help with his balance. “So do I like..try and walk in these things or is more like a glidin’ motion?”
“You won’t get very far if you try to walk in them. It’s more of a gliding side to side motion to start, and if you feel like you’re about to fall, you can use the toe stop at the front of the skates. It almost acts as an emergency break.”
“You’re so fuckin’ lucky I like you darlin.’” He squeezed your hand gently as you helped him onto the rink.
“You’ll get the hang of it in no time. Just let me guide you for the first few times around the rink, and then I’m sure you’ll be able to try it out on your own. Unless..you wanna skate with the little tykes in the middle?” You teased as you slowly started to glide across the smooth surface with ease.
“Absolutely not. I will not be skatin’ with the kids. What if someone from school sees me?”
“Who cares? Just have fun!” You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. You thought Joel looked quite cute looking all grumpy, but you hoped that by the end of the night you’d be able to get at least one smile out of him.
As the night progressed, Joel gained a little bit of confidence the more he skated and at one point, he had gently released your hand so he could try it out on his own. He was getting a hang of the gliding motion just as you decided to one up him and skate backwards.
“Now I think you’re just tryin’ to one me up darlin.’” He grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Hey, none of that! You’re doing great, Joel. Keep it up. I’m just going to go and grab us some refreshments, okay?”
“Really..? Thank you. It’s actually not as hard as I thought it was gonna be. Y’know, I might actually be having a good time..jus’ don’t let that get to your pretty lil’ head too much, okay?”
“I told you it wasn’t going to be so bad. You’re a natural. I’ll be right back.” You brushed your hand gently across his bicep as you skated past him and exited off of one of the openings to the carpeted area. You ordered two cherry cokes and a basket of fries. While you were waiting off to the side, you didn’t notice the guy to your left checking you out until a shadow casted over the wall from his presence.
“You here alone?” The guy asked as he leaned his elbow up right next to your head. He reeked of cheap liquor and you immediately grimaced.
“I’m not interested.”
“Ouch. That quick to shut me down, huh?”
“Ain’t interested cause you got a boyfriend or somethin’ sweetheart?”
“I really don’t think it matters. Please leave me alone.”
“You don’t have to be such a fuckin’ bitch about it. Thought you would be interested considering your dressed like a fuckin’ slut.” He spat.
“Excuse me?”
Just when the piece of shit excuse of a man was about to open up his mouth to spew some more shit in your face, Joel was suddenly skating off the rink and to your rescue. He had noticed the guy harassing you from the other end of the rink.
“Hey man, how about you leave her the fuck alone? She ain’t interested. Fuck off.”
“Who the hell are you? I don’t have to listen to what the fuck you gotta say. Why don’t you just mind your own business?”
“I’m the boyfriend.” Joel deadpanned. “So, I’m gonna give you exactly five seconds to step away from my girl, or I’m gonna break your fuckin’ jaw.”
“Hey man, I don’t want any trouble I was just—”
“Five..four..three..two—” Joel started to countdown.
“Okay, okay! I’m goin!’” The guy scampered off like a dog with its tail between its legs.
“You alright?..I’m sure you had that handled, but it didn’t look like that guy was going to fuck off.”
“I’m okay. It’s unfortunately not the first time I’ve dealt with guys like that. I appreciate you stepping in though..”
“Of course. I’m sorry that you’ve had to deal with guys like that before. I don’t understand why it’s a rare occurrence for men to respect women. It’s the bare minimum, y’know?”
“Yeah, I really can’t understand it either. Men act like they are so entitled sometimes. At least you’re not one of them. You’re a real gentleman.”
“It’s how my ma raised me to be. She’d have my head on a spit if I ever disrespected a woman.” He grabbed the two cherry cokes and basket of fries from the counter as you sat down along the bench, with the fries placed between the two of you.
“Are you have a good time at least? You skated all the way over here without eating shit. I’m impressed.” You teased as you popped a perfectly crisp fry into your mouth.
“I’m actually havin’ a blast. This was a great idea to come out here. I guess the adrenaline sorta jus’ kicked in at the last minute? I definitely want to show ya my new moves I learned. Maybe impress ya even more?” He chuckled as he took a sip from his bottle of coke.
“I’d love to see your new moves. You think they’re gonna make my heart swoon?”
“Absolutely positive that they will make your heart swoon darlin.’”
Joel’s ‘moves’ consisted of him attempting to spin, and skate backwards. He ended up falling on his ass and taking you right now with him. You both were in fits of laughter as you hit the floor in unison. He was muttering about his ass hurting while you were clutching your stomach from how hard you were laughing.
God, you had such a cute laugh.
Midnight was the closing time for the roller rink. You and Joel were the two stragglers that weren’t ready to leave just yet as you skated in the middle of the rink to Take On Me. Your eyes were twinkling brightly like the disco ball above as Joel playfully spun you around.
In the end, you were kicked out by the closing staff and you and Joel walked back to his truck with infectious smiles on your faces. His arm was around your shoulder where your hands were interlocked, and before you could unlock the passenger side door, Joel was stopping you as he gently pressed your back up against the side of the door.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” He softly admitted as his arms encased your head on either side. He was broader than you realized as he loomed over you.
“So then kiss me.” You whispered through the thick palpable tension that was growing between you rapidly.
“You want me to kiss you?” He breathed softly as he dipped his head down, lightly brushing his nose against yours.
“Please kiss me Joel.” You whispered eagerly as your lashes fluttered shut.
His lips were slightly chapped, but you immediately liked the way they felt on yours. He was testing the waters out to see how you would respond as one hand dropped down and encased around your waist, pulling you up gently so you were flush against his chest. It was the kind of kiss that stole your breath from your lungs, and spun your brain like a ferris wheel. He tasted faintly of cherry coke, and tobacco.
He deepened the kiss only when you gave him the silent signal which consisted of your breath hitching in your throat, and your fingers twisting through his soft coffee-colored tendrils of hair. His tongue swiped confidently across your lower lip as you yanked on the roots of his hair gently.
He let out a soft grunt that vibrated up his throat as he gave your hip a gentle squeeze.
“Hey! What are you kids still doin’ here! Go the hell home!” A security guard at the roller rink shouted as he shone his flashlight directly in your faces.
“Hey man! We were just leavin!’” Joel grumbled in annoyance as he reluctantly detached his lips from yours and popped open the passenger side door.
“I’m serious! Get the hell outta here before I call the cops!”
Joel wasn’t the least bit threatened at the mention of cops being called as he lifted you into the passenger seat with ease. He stole one more kiss before he gently shut the door and sauntered over to the drivers side.
He started the ignition and rolled the window down just enough for him to stick his hand out and flip his middle finger up to the security guard before he peeled out of the parking lot.
When he finally looked over at you, he saw that your fingertips were lightly pressing into your lips where he had just kissed you minutes ago. You appeared to be in a trance as he reached his freehand over and gently squeezed your thigh. “You alright over there darlin?’” He softly asked.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just..happy.” You admitted as you looked over at him with a small grin.
“Ohh. Is that why you have that dopey look on your face?” He chuckled.
“Yeah, and because that was my first kiss. Could..you tell that it was?” You were playing with your hands in your lap now.
“Wait, I was your first kiss?..You’re serious about that?”
“Yeah, I mean..I’ve been kissed on the cheek by a couple guys but none of them ever properly kissed me. I guess maybe I should have told you that earlier?”
Joel couldn’t help but frown when he sensed the hesitation in your voice. It affected him so much that he was pulling over into the nearest gas station and turning his body completely so he was facing you. “Hey, it’s no biggie that you didn’t tell me earlier, sweets. I’m honored that I was your first kiss. I guess I'm just surprised that I am your first? I mean, you’re fuckin’ beautiful. You’re witty and smart. You’re like a breath of fresh air man. Sounds like these other guys are fuckin’ fools.”
“You think..I'm beautiful?” You finally looked up at him. “I guess I was afraid to tell you because I thought you’d..think it was weird or a turn off that i’m basically a prude?”
“Yeah, you’re literally a gem. You don’t see it? Look, I won’t lie to you and say that I haven’t been around the block a few times, because I have. I’ve had girlfriends here and there and casual hook ups just like the next guy, but as cliche as it's going to sound, you’re different. Now of course there’s nothing wrong with girls just wantin’ to flirt with me and fuck at some house party, I respect them just as much as I respect you. Don’t beat yourself down because you’ve never been kissed, or had sex. Real men aren’t gonna give a shit about that stuff because at the end of the day, that’s your personal choice. Hell, if you told me you slept with twenty guys it wouldn’t make me any less attracted to you than I am now. You’re not prude, and anyone that has ever made you feel that way is a piece of fuckin’ miserable garbage that is probably missin’ some substantial happiness in their lives.” Joel’s statement was one that was rooted in passion. He knew that he wasn’t the perfect guy and he made loads of mistakes, but he always made a point to respect the women in his life.
Your lips parted in pure surprise at Joel’s words, and even more-so when his hand that once was resting along your thigh, was now gently cupping your face with his thumb stroking your cheekbone. He was looking at you like you were the only girl in his world (you were). Ridden with overwhelming emotion, you found yourself wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. “Thank you for respecting me, Joel. I know it’s silly for me to worry about these things but it’s just so fucking hard being a girl. Let alone a teenage girl. Sometimes I just feel like I'm behind everyone else, y’know? I see so many girls at school with boyfriends and dates to prom..and sometimes it makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me.”
“I can only imagine how fuckin’ it is to be a woman. Y’all deal with so much crap that men ain’t have to ever worry about. I know as a white straight male, I have it easy in the world and you don’t. I’ll never understand why the fuck society views women on such a low scale compared to men. Hell, maybe in our-lifetime we’ll see that change? One can only hope that by the time we’re our parents age, maybe the world will become a better place. Anyway, you shouldn’t feel like anythin’ is wrong with you darlin.’” You’re not behind the rest of us, and you’re completely normal. I’m tellin’ you this not because i’m tryin’ to get you to fall for me or anythin’ but because it sounds like you’ve been rough on yourself for years, and you deserve to hear the truth and some reassurance.”
“I don’t think you’d have to do much for me to fall for you, Joel. Not when I have been this entire evening.”
He took in a harsh inhale at your words. Was this what it felt like to fall in love with someone? Was it even possible to fall in love in one night?
“Well, if we’re goin’ and spillin’ secrets like that..i’m fallin’ for you too darlin.’”
“You’re right about me being hard on myself Joel. I’ve gotten so sick of my negative mindset and feeling this way that I decided I needed to do something about it. I’m really happy that I did.”
“You gotta stop that shit, okay? I know it’s hard, but you got your whole life ahead of ya. Just focus on havin’ fun. Fuck all that other noise.” He was leaning in close now with his hand still gently holding your face.
“You’re right. Fuck all that other noise.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the wonderful situation you had found yourself presently in. Just a week ago you were feeling like you’d never experience romance in your last month of highschool. Well, you were wrong because here was a guy, sitting next to a girl, wanting to kiss her.
“Before we finish what we started back at the roller-rink. I got one question to ask ya.”
“Shoot.” You whispered as you threaded your fingers through his hair as his nose gently brushed across your cheekbone.
“Will you go to prom with me darlin?’”
You responded to his question with a kiss as you climbed over the center dashboard right into his lap.
“I take that as an enthusiastic yes.” He mumbled into your lips with a warm chuckle as his arms encircled around your waist.
“Yes, I'll go to prom with you Joel.” You kissed him deeper as he pulled you in close.
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It was the night of prom, and already you felt like you were living in a fairytale. Your dad had just come home from the dry-cleaners with your dress just as your mom was finishing up your hair and makeup.
“When is your lucky fellow gonna come and pick you up hun?” Your dad asked as he handed you your dress that was protected by a sheet of plastic.
“He said he’ll be here around six. You’re going to be nice..right?”
“Honey, of course I will. I’m not gonna bite the guy's head off.” Your dad responded with a chuckle. “You look beautiful sweetheart.”
You gave your dad a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. “Just checking to make sure. He’s a nice guy. I’m sure you’ll love him. Thank you for picking up my dress, dad. I love you.”
“I’m sure I will love him, and I love you too kiddo.”
Joel pulled up into your driveway a little earlier than he said he would. Truthfully, he was a little nervous to meet your parents, but especially your father. His mom sent him over with a bottle of wine and he had stopped at the market to pick up some fresh flowers. He used what was left of his last paycheck from his dad’s carpenter company to purchase a fine tailored suit. The only hint you had given him about the dress you were wearing was that it was silver. So, he purchased a silver bowtie so that he would be matching you.
He swallowed his bubbling nerves as he knocked on the front door. Your dad greeted him with a polite smile as he opened the door. “You must be Joel. It’s so nice to finally meet you. Come on in, son. I promise I won't bite.” Your dad reassured him with a wink that immediately relaxed his muscles from having a spasm.
“It’s good to finally meet you as well, sir.”
Your father and Joel were deep in a conversation at the foot of the stairs when you had finally made an appearance. Joel found himself stuck in a trance, and perplexed by your stunning beauty as you gracefully descended down the stairs.
Your dress was made of silver shimmering fabric. The tool wasn’t poofy like the other dresses you had seen. It looked as if it was made for you. The top of the dress dipped down into a delicate sweetheart neckline, and his eyes zoned in on the silver pendant that laid against the middle of your breastbone. It was heart shaped and twinkled under the light. Your heels were silver, and just high enough to give you a couple inches. What really sent Joel’s heart racing was the bright smile you gave him when your eyes locked at the bottom of the stairway.
“Wow.” He uttered in disbelief. “You look absolutely beautiful darlin.’”
Your smile only began to intensify from his words as you gave him a little twirl before hugging him so tight, he thought his heart would burst. “You’re not looking too bad yourself, handsome.”
He could feel the blushing rising to his cheeks as you called him handsome, and he turned beet red when you pressed a soft kiss to his cheekbone.
Before either of you could leave, your mother insisted on taking a few photos while your dad told Joel to have you home no later than midnight.
As soon as you were safely in Joel’s truck, you wasted no time leaning over the center console and kissing him deeply. He responded to your kiss immediately as his hands gently found purchase around your waist. “I missed y’too.” He chuckled against your lips.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since you walked in that door.”
“Ditto.” He didn’t hesitate to respond.
“Ready to do prom with me, Joel?” You slowly pulled away and used your thumb to gently wipe away the lipstick residue that stained his lips.
“Ready as i’ll ever be darlin.’”
The theme for prom was “A Night To Remember” and boy, was that an understatement. Joel wasn’t much of a dancer, but he would be damned if he didn’t make his girl happy and dance the night away with her, even if his feet ended up aching by the 20th song. His favorite part of prom was the stupid little photobooth. He had so much fun making silly faces and kissing you like a man in love while the little camera in the booth flashed brightly. By the fifth slow song of the night, you were ready to get the hell out of there.
He was in mid conversation with Tommy when you had gently plopped yourself down into his lap and innocently whispered into his ear, “Wanna get out of here, cowboy?” As his arm wrapped around your lower back for support.
Joel’s eyes widened slightly at your suggestion, and he was silently grateful that he remembered to tuck a couple of condoms in his wallet. “Yeah, baby. Where do you wanna go?”
“Anywhere.” You pressed a soft kiss just below his ear before you slid off his lap.
Joel wasted no time to grab his suit jacket and gently drape it over your shoulders as he snatched up his keys and gave Tommy a little salute.
“Have fun kids! Don’t do anythin’ I wouldn’t do!” Tommy yelled as you and Joel were making a b-line for the nearest exit with his hand gently resting along your lower back.
As soon as you were outside, Joel wasted no time to scoop you up into his arms bridal style as he carried you back to his truck. Your arms looped around his neck. You could faintly smell moisture in the air as a storm was slowly beginning to roll in.
Joel used his freehand to open the passenger side door and gently set you down on the seat, making sure that your dress was tucked in before he closed the door. You were on one another like a moth to flame as soon as he was in the driver's seat.
“Where d’ya wanna go darlin?’” Joel mumbled against your lips.
“I want to go to the nearest park, and dance under the moonlight with you.”
“a lil’ bit of moonlight dancin’ with my baby? I’m all in honeypie.” He was holding your face in his hands so delicately as you kissed. “We can even celebrate with a lil’ splash of champagne after? I was savin’ it just for this special night.”
“Moonlight dancing AND champagne? Joel Miller, you sure know how to spoil a gal rotten.” You giggled softly as your hands slipped down over the patchy spots in his facial hair that were just beginning to grow in.
“Only the best for my baby.” He hummed thoughtfully as you gently ran the pads of your fingertips across his jaw. He pulled away from the kiss slowly and dragged the tip of his nose against yours in a kiss. “Don’t wanna mess up your hair and makeup just yet, darlin.’ We got all damn night for those shenanigans..although, your old man did say to have you home by midnight.”
“He really meant one in the morning.” You pressed one final kiss to his lips before you buckled yourself up.
“Mmm. Did he now? Are you absolutely positive about that darlin?’”
“Well, if ya say so.” He looked over at you with his usual boyish grin as he started the ignition.
Joel drove to the nearest park that was situated right in the middle of a little pond. There were only a couple people taking an evening stroll when you and Joel excitedly hopped out of his truck, finding one another’s hands as they interlocked like two puzzle pieces.
Your combined giggles painted the night air in the pure joy of young love as your heels echoed along the pavement. The moon was full, and bright in the stardusted sky as Joel pulled you into his arms and spun you around playfully.
There was no music to be heard, but you created your own with the clicking noises from your heels and your heartbeats entwined. Even when the wind picked up, and blew the skirt of your dress around your ankles, and the thunder rumbled its baritone tune, you continued to dance. The heavens opened up as rain droplets danced around you, and the sky lit up in brilliant flashes of white hot lighting.
“Baby! We should uh—probably get back to the truck now, don’tcha think?” Joel had to shout over the pouring rain that had already begun to soak through your dress and turned it a darker silver color.
“Not yet! Just dance with me a little more! The rain can’t hurt us baby, c’mon!” You grabbed both his hands gently as you spun each other around in a circle along the wet pavement. All it took was one threatening crack of thunder above for both of you to scamper back to his truck.
You sat side by side in the backseat, laughing about nothing in particular as the rain pounded into the roof of the truck and windows. Your giggles died down when he slowly looked over at you and gently grabbed your hand in his own. “Hey, even though we totally almost got obliterated by some lighting out there, I had so much fun. However, this storm seems pretty bad..won’t be able to drive you home until it passes through..any ideas on how we can make good use of our time?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you suggestively.
“Hmm..that’s a really interesting question for you to ask, baby. How do we make good use of our time?” You asked in a suggestive tone as you kicked your heels off to the floor of the truck and pulled yourself into his lap. “I think that all depends on what we both want to do..”
Joel felt his smirk tugging on his lips as you straddled his hips. His hair was soaked and stuck to his face until you had gently ran your fingers through the wet strands and pushed them off his forehead. “Well, what I wanna do requires me ruining this pretty dress, baby. I don’t wanna ruin it. You look so goddamn gorgeous in it.”
“Joel, it’s already pretty much ruined from the rain..”
“We’ll only do what you wanna do. Okay?” He reassured you.
You nodded, swallowing the lump growing in your throat as you looked deeply into one another’s eyes. The tension was slowly beginning to build as your forehead gently rested along his. “Joel?..” you asked softly.
“Yes darlin?’”
“I want you to make love to me. Just like how they do in the movies.”
He took a sharp inhale of breath as his lashes fluttered shut momentarily before he reopened them. “You sure that’s what you want baby? There’s no rush, I promise.”
“Joel, please. I want you to take care of me. I don’t care if it’s not in a bed. I don’t care that it’s in the backseat of your truck. I want you fuck me like it’s our last night.”
He was kissing you then as his hands came up to hold your face once more. “I’ll take care of you, I promise baby. We’ll go as slow as you want. I—I brought condoms..not because I was expecting this to happen tonight, but I just wanted to bring them to be safe.” He mumbled softly against your lips.
“Baby, I know you’ll take care of me. I trust you.” You did. You really did trust him with your entire heart. As if it was made only for him.
“Lay on your back for me honey..nice and easy now..” he kissed you slowly as he gently eased you on your back. He detached his lips from yours for only a moment as he reached for his suit jacket and tucked it under your head so you would be more comfortable. His lips found yours once more as his hand slowly trailed up your calf to your knee. He didn’t want to rush this experience for you. He wanted every moment of it to be enjoyable, because he cared about you that much.
His hand had just found its way up to your middle thigh when you had let out a wanton whimper. You’d never been touched like this before by a man. It set a fire deep within your belly when Joel began to pepper kisses down your jaw. He kissed down the column of your neck, and that valley between your breasts. You opened for him like a blooming flower.
Gooseflesh rose upon your skin as his freehand slipped under your lower back in search for the zipper of your dress. You could feel his lips curving into a grin against your skin as he slowly tugged it down. He shimmied your dress down over your breasts and hips and gingerly laid it across the center console. “You’re so beautiful, darlin. I could stare at your beautiful body for hours..but why do that when I can just show you how beautiful I think you are?..” he whispered against the spot where your collarbone met the base of your throat.
“Joel..” you whispered.
“Shh. I know, baby, I know. I jus’ wanna take my time with ya. Savor every inch of your skin on my tongue.” He lowly hummed as his head dipped back down. When his lips enveloped your pebbled soft flesh, your back arched upwards as a sweet moan slipped past your parted lips.
He rolled his teeth across the bud, flicking his tongue across it expertly, just as his hand slowly dipped under your cotton panties. His fingers stroked you gently, moving in tight circles as your thighs fell open. You had touched yourself under the bedsheets many times before, but it never felt as good as this.
His name dripped from your lips as his fingers played you like a violin. He was carefully attentive to your body language and the way you reacted to his touch. He learned that you were ticklish around your hips, and you liked it when he lightly nipped at the soft flesh of your inner thigh.
He learned that you especially liked the way his tongue worked your cunt into ruin, and his patchy beard scratched at your sensitive skin. He learned that you loved to kiss him, and hold his face as close to your own as possible. He learned that you enjoyed slow, deep thrusts where you could feel him in his entirety. Every stretch and pull as your body hugged itself around his cock like a warm blanket. He learned that kissing just below your ear would cause you to giggle, kissing your neck made you moan.
He learned that your body may as well have been created just for him, and his for you. He never felt so emotionally connected to someone in his life, and now here he was buried so deep inside of your warmth, he swore he could see stars behind his eyelids as he kissed and nipped your chin gently.
He had never made love to any woman he had ever been with. He never moved so slowly, so thoughtfully with the only goal in mind to bring you to that high that felt like no other. So when you came undone around him, he praised you, he kissed you and held you as tears fell down your cheeks. He knew they weren’t unhappy tears. They were tears of overwhelming emotion, and he kissed them all away before he gathered you up in his arms.
It was far past midnight by the time the storm had stopped, and you and Joel found yourselves in the bed of his truck, sharing the bottle of champagne while you were wrapped up in a blanket together. You talked of the future, your relationship and what it meant. You giggled like school girls when he brought up how sweet you tasted, and how he wouldn’t mind having you as a meal everyday.
You talked about the stars and the moon and if the sun ever felt lonely that she never gets to see the night sky like you and him do. You talked about your dreams, your desires and wishes after highschool. He wanted to say he loved you, he really did; he just didn’t know how to articulate it.
You had drunk more than enough champagne, and the bubbly effects were beginning to take their toll on you as you struggled to stand to your feet. Joel was a second too late to catch you before you fell right over the side of the truck and hit the concrete below with a thud.
He screamed your name as it happened in slow motion before his eyes. Panic swirled deep in his gut as he hopped down from the bed and immediately rushed to your side. You were scraped up pretty bad and had a gash an inch long across your forehead that was oozing crimson blood. “Baby! Are you alright?” He was scooping you into his arms in a haste but you didn’t even seem to notice that you were injured.
“Babyyy why do you look so sad? Why wouldn’t I be okay?” You giggled drunkenly.
“Fuck. I knew I should have cut you off from the champs sooner. Baby, you’re bleedin’ all fuckin’ over the place. I’m gonna take you to a hospital, okay? I’m so sorry I didn’t catch ya.” He lifted you up bridal style
“Bleeding? Baby, what are you talking about? I’m not bleeding!” Your giggles continued as you reached up and touched the gash on your forehead. You saw the blood droplets on your fingers, but were unfazed. “Oops! I am bleeding. How did that happen?”
He was already placing you into the passenger seat and buckling you up quickly. He didn’t speak until he was in the driver's seat and peeling out of the parking lot to the nearest hospital. “Baby, you had a lot of champange and fell out of my truck. Your daddy is gonna fuckin’ kill me sweetheart.”
“Champagne must be numbing all the pain, because I don’t feel a thing! Joel, my daddy is going to have to go through me first if he wants to kill you. I’ll protect you baby. He won’t touch you.” You were reaching into his glove box for his pack of smokes and lighter.
“Baby, you don’t feel a thing at all? Fuck. Well, I guess that’s a good thing cus’ you nearly fuckin’ broke your ass. Don’t worry, m’gonna get you to the hospital, and they’re gonna fix ya right up. You’ll be good as new.” He spoke as calmly as he possibly could. Inside he was absolutely freaking the fuck out.
You took a long drag from the cigarette as you made yourself comfortable in the passenger seat. You reached for his freehand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
It was in those exact moments that he realized just how deeply he had fallen in love with you.
Your daddy did in fact want to kill Joel when he drove you home from the hospital. He profusely apologized to your father, while your mother ushered you upstairs. You kept looking over your shoulder to find his face, but your dad was blocking the doorway.
The last time you saw Joel Miller was graduation day. It was outside in the school parking lot. He was leaning against the side of his truck, with his graduation cap in hand. His shoulders were slumped forward, and from the angle you were at you couldn’t tell if he was crying. You were about to call out his name, but he was already getting back into his truck.
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Eighteen years had suddenly passed. You went off to college on the other side of the country. You met loads of boys that kissed you, and fucked you, and loved you, but none of them were Joel. You kept a little piece of him in your heart all those years, wishing you could go back to that magical night. The faint scar along your forehead was a constant reminder of those last moments you shared together. Now you were older, and feeling lost in life, and returning home seemed like your best option.
Your parents were more than happy to have you home again, and it felt like nothing had changed. The diner was the same way you had left it, and your old skates were still in the back cubby. Nostalgia washed over you when your eyes locked on the corner booth where you and Joel had first met. It was so long ago, but it had felt like just yesterday he was asking you out on your very first date.
You closed the diner up half past 10 when you could hear the familiar sound of crunching gravel under truck tires. A car door slammed shut as you were locking up the front door.
“Hey stranger.” The familiar Texas drawl nearly had your knees buckling inwards.
“Joel?..” you asked in disbelief as you slowly turned around to face him.
“Yeah, it’s—it’s me darlin.’” He shoved his hands deep into his pockets as he looked over at you.
“What—what are you doing here? I never thought I’d see your face again.”
“Truthfully? I..don’t know. I just heard from Tommy that you were in town again, and I jus’ figured there was no harm in comin’ to see you. I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to just grow a pair. I wasn’t sure how you would react to seein’ my face again after all these years.”
You took a few cautious steps forward as you twirled your keys between your fingers. “Do you want to come inside?..we can talk and I’ve got some leftovers in the fridge—”
“Please.” He cut you off suddenly. “I would love to come inside and talk to you.”
“Two cherry cokes and a basket of fries?”
“Jus’ like our first date.” He murmured softly as he followed you into the diner he knew so well.
“You remembered?..”
“How could I forget? It was the most fun I ever had on a date darlin.’” He cleared his throat nervously as you walked over to the booth in the corner.
His presence was suddenly so close, you felt like you couldn’t breathe as he slid into the booth. He had grown much broader over the years. His arms had filled in and his beard was less patchy. His eyes still held that same familiar warmth to them like they did the first time you met. He clasped his hands together along the table as you disappeared into the back area of the kitchen, and returned minutes later with two cherry cokes and a basket of fresh fries. You sat across from him, and the beverages and fries were left untouched as you sat in silence for what felt like hours.
“So, how have you been?” Joel started the conversation as he slowly reached for a fry.
“I’ve been better. How about you?”
“Not that great if I’m bein’ honest with you.” He popped the fry into his mouth, chewing slowly.
“What’s..going on?”
Joel let out a heavy sigh as he sank back against the worn booth seat. “For starters, I have a 12 year old daughter that I’m raisin’ on my own. Tommy has been helpin’ out thank god. It jus’ ain’t easy, bein’ a single father.”
Your lips parted in shock. It was easy to forget just how much time had passed. Of course Joel had been married, and had a child now. Of course he moved on. You couldn’t blame him, especially when you had gone and done the same.
“You..have a daughter? What’s her name?..”
“I do, yeah. Her mom left us when she was just a few months old. Really fuckin’ messed me up. Anway, her name is Sarah. She’s as cute as a button, really she is. I’m just strugglin’ to make ends meet with my job. I do everything for that little girl, and sometimes I feel like that’s not enough.”
“I bet she is adorable, Joel. Do you have a picture of her? I’m sorry that your wife left you to raise her. I’m glad that you have Tommy to help out at least.”
“Yeah, I’ve got a photo of her right here in my wallet. S’okay. You don’t have to be sorry. Sometimes those things just don’t work out. I’ve moved past it the best that I can.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet and opened it, revealing an adorable little girl with a head of thick black curls, and eyes just like her daddy.
“Oh, Joel. She’s absolutely beautiful.” You were holding in tears you didn’t realize were building as you gently stroked your thumb across the photograph. “She’s got your eyes.”
“She is beautiful. She’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I’m so grateful that she’s my little girl. Enough about me, what about you? What’s goin’ on in your life darlin?’ Are..you married?” He was almost too nervous to ask you. He just had to know, even if the answer would hurt him forever.
“I’m miserable if I’m being honest with you now. I’m not married, no. I actually just broke up with my long term boyfriend and moved back home. I quit my 9-5, and just realized that I was pretending to be happy for so long.”
“Why did you break up with him?..”
“Because he wasn’t you Joel.” Your confession fell heavy upon his heart as his face slowly fell into a deep set frown. “He was good to me. He loved me, and wanted to marry me, but he wasn’t you. He’ll never be you.”
“Do you remember that day you fell outta my truck?” He asked softly.
“I sure do, you came jumping out after me.”
“Well, you fell on the concrete, nearly broke your ass and you were bleeding all over the place. I rushed you out to the hospital, you remember that?” He could feel his own tears begin to well up along his waterline as his voice nearly cracked.
“Yes, I do.” You were reaching for his hand across the table, gently placing yours on top of his.
“Well, there’s something I never told you about that night…” he trailed off.
“What didn’t you tell me?”
“While you were sitting in the passenger seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last, I was falling deep deeply in love with you, and I never told you ‘til just now.” His tears had freely begun to fall in sync with your own. You both were reaching for each other's faces to gently wipe the tear droplets away.
“All these years?…”
“Yes, all these years I have wanted to tell you. That night, after we made love, I was going to say it. It was on the fuckin’ tip of my tongue and I froze. I chickened out, and lost my chance. I haven’t stopped thinkin’ about you, or that night for eighteen years. You always have had a piece of my heart, and I’ve never been able to fully let you go, and I don’t think I ever will.” He admitted.
“I wanted to tell you that night as well. I lost my chance when I got too drunk to stand and toppled over the side of your truck. I knew it when we danced in the rain, and when you took care of me the way that all women want to be taken care of. I’ve tried to move on, and love someone else, but I’m incapable. I didn’t just come home because I was miserable in my present life. I came home because I was hoping I’d run into you.” You gently stroked your thumb across his cheekbone.
“Joel, do you believe in the idea of the right person, but at the wrong time?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Do you believe that then can turn into the right person, at the right time?”
“Yes, darlin’ I absolutely believe that to be true. Now, I have one very important question to ask you.”
“What is it that you have to ask me?”
A knowing smile graced his aging features as he leaned in close, close enough that you could see the warmth held in his irises.
“Will you go to prom with me darlin?’”
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Tagging people I think will enjoy: @chaotic-mystery @cavillscurls @morning-star-joy @dinsdjrn @cupofjoel @thetriumphantpanda @darkroastjoel @tessa-quayle @saradika @kirsteng42 @amanitacowboy @sinsofsummers @lovers-liability
Banners made by the lovely @saradika
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localnokia · 8 months
Elevator Hitch Genderbending rambles (part one of maybe many)
Hello! Thought I'd flex a little of my research and talk about my designs. Obviously these are pretty fluid, but yeah!
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Ms. Protagonist!! Oh the miss average lady you are.... That's really the core of her: average. She dislikes standing out and prefers high pants and a jacket that's loose with little/no scaffolding. She's very obviously feminine/a woman but likes to be a lot more lowkey about it
I like the idea of her having a perm...or at least having one at one point! Maybe the Co-worker convinces her to. But her hair is rather short and a little closer to her head than c!protag's. I'm very okay with her hair being less strict to the time period, since her masc counterpart isn't :}
A general "rule" I have for genderbends is to give or take about 4 inches if you're going one way or the other. She just radiates 5'3 woman to me. I apologize. She wears a cute wedge, which gives her about an inch or two.
70's makeup was much more simple/lowkey compared to the bumper eras of the 60s and 80s. There was a lean more for natural makeup, popularizing pink tinted lip gloss and the invention of cream eye-shadows. F!PT does closer to the minimum, lip-gloss and mascara, but nothing intense.
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Oh Ms. Co-worker... Oh miss ma'am...
Some people may not agree with me on this one but I cannot resist a big lady opportunity. She very much is tall and broad-shouldered, but very confidently super feminine. She's already tall but loves a good heel so she gets to be even taller. as a treat <3
She loves fashion and has more outfits than triple the years she's been alive and she wears ALL of them. She also changes her hairstyle very often. Art above is just what I think she wears for the game events.
Her makeup is the 70's STANDARD. She does the whole thing and man does she do it well.
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You KNOW F!CW is all over that pastel eye-shadow oh my goodness. She can get away with more eccentric/less work appropriate make-up since she's 1) gorgeous and it fits her perfectly 2) nepo-girlboss
Some more examples!
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I won't go into insane detail about how 70's makeup worked--maybe in another post, though!
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Normal Gal!!
Sorry for such a more low-effort drawing haha. Didn't even get her hair the way I wanted to...
She's also ! utterly average! Which is the point I think haha. She wears a similar outfit to canon with an office skirt that doesn't hug her form much and tights with a pump potentially like this
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She doesn't wear any make-up other than mascara and a lip-gloss :} there is no blush/skin/eye definition to keep that sorta flat/off feel c!normal guy has.
Her hair is inspired by this! I didn't draw it totally properly, but it's rather short with two clips on the side and asymmetrical to keep the same gestures as C!NG
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Hope this was at least to fun to read ^^! Will definitely be toying with their designs etc more in the future!
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cheesecakeislazy · 2 months
I have insomnia, my phone is about to die, and I feel like I need to write! So here we go boys!! (And gals and non-binary pals) Sorry if this one is shitty TwT
Sensitivity is High
F!Reader x BEN Drowned Smut
You and Ben laid in bed together, just enjoying the moment. Nothing was going on today, it was a free day. Cuddling in bed, looking at memes, listening to music, and playing co-op games together.
While for most people, a day where you can relax with your partner would be quiet and calm, for the two of you, it was quite the opposite..
Within the other rooms of the mansion you could hear Jeff blasting metal music, you could hear Toby annoying Masky by doing anything possible, if you listened carefully you could hear the subtle sounds of Sally trying to sneak a few extra snacks before anyone noticed. While on the outside, you could hear the faint sounds of Clockwork exercising with Jane, the crunching leaves as Slender went on a walk, the sound of the front door slamming open because Masky started to chase Toby outside. Yep, this was home. Full of chaos, full of loud voices and sounds consistently. However, almost everyone within the mansion agreed that this hellhole was better than their old lives, or the life they would have now if Slender wasn’t nice enough to give them a job.
While normally you and Ben would have been joining in on the chaos, the two of you decided to really relax. No pranks, no jokes, no annoyance to others, just each others company in bed playing Minecraft. The life you had was hectic at best and mentally painful at worst, but having Ben with you? It made those shitty days not so bad.
“Alright! Tha-That’s our base d-done!” Ben was honestly really good at Minecraft, speedrunning, building, pvp, he was a Jack of all trades when it came to the game. Probably because the elf-like boy had been playing the game practically since it came out.
“Hm.. well now that we got the homebase finished, you wanna play something else?” You looked over at your boyfriend, as much as you loved playing MC with him, you were pretty bored right now.
Ben took a moment to think before he nodded, saving the game file and quitting the game before looking over at you. “S-So then what d-do you wanna play in-instead?” His voice glitched less during moments like this, alone, just the two of you in peace, it made you generate a gentle smile from your lips.
“Ah, to be completely honest? I kinda wanna just… shut down? At least for a little.. you get me?” Sometimes, as much as you loved gaming, you just wanted to take a 4 pm nap and cuddle. “O-Oh! Y-yeah! That sounds great! I-I-I wouldn’t mind that at all, Babe!” His ears tinted a slight pink at the tip, an indication that he was happy with the idea of cuddles.
As you both laid there, bodies intertwined with each other, arms and legs looped and twisted together like multicolored playdough, a part of your brain sparked curiosity. You had suddenly remembered Ben’s ears.. during more.. intimate moments.. the ears twitched consistently. It made you wonder quite a bit if the ears were extra sensitive, at least compared to the rest of his body.
Deciding to act on this sudden surge of curiosity and confidence, you shifted around slightly, making it look like you were just making yourself a little bit more comfortable. However, you were actually getting your head just a smidge bit closer to his ear, slowly you moved your mouth forward, and before Ben could question or react, you softly bit onto his ear.
The sound that came from Ben was a mixture of arousing and concerning, as you couldn’t tell if the yelp/moan was of pain or pleasure. You pulled away as soon as possible, and stared into his eye sockets.
“Sorry! I was just curious.. if they were.. sensitive.” You realized that after saying it out loud, your explanation for possibly putting your lover in pain, was extremely stupid.
“Uh- It- Uhm! N-No- N-No! Y-you real-really shouldn’t b-be-be sorry-!!” You could tell it certainly had some type of effect on him, as his voice had gotten much glitchier. You were about to open your mouth and make another apology, despite his statement, but as you shifted your leg you felt something poke you. Ah, it was that kind of sensitive..
You smirked to yourself, you found it quite adorable that by just biting his ear softly, you had given the poor man a hard-on. It was obvious that Ben was embarrassed by this fact, he hated to look needy in front of you. But unfortunately for him, he was about to look even needier..
Slowly and carefully, you began to shift your entire body lower and lower on the bed, until you had reached the point of his body that laid right in the middle of his pelvic bone. You laid right in front of his boner, Ben immediately knew what you were trying to do.
“N-no!! Y-Ya-You really don-don’t have-have to-to D-d-Do that!!” His glitchy stutters only turning you on more. You began to remove his sweatpants and boxers, as his cock lie infront of your face you looked up at Ben, wanting his consent before you actually ended up doing anything.
Thankfully, as you expected, Ben bit his lip and nodded at you to continue. Gently, you put his tip inside your mouth, precum already leaking from it. Sucking and licking softly at the head of his cock, tasting the slight sweet salty mixture, Ben threw his head back slightly and let out a few quiet groans and pants.
Slowly getting more and more of his cock into your mouth and down your throat, Ben whimpered for more. The feeling of his cocks tip hitting the very back of your throat as you sucked him off always felt so good on another level. The slight burn of your lips as they tried to stay open and fit his cock inside. Using your tongue to lick the underside of his cock as you bobbed your head up and down his shaft. Ben slowly began to get more overwhelmed by the pleasure and started to buck his hips upwards into your throat, causing you to gag slightly. The feeling of your throat gagging on his cock made him moan your name, tightly gripping onto your hair. God, you were so fucking perfect..
As you continued sucking and licking BEns cock, you saw his ears twitch in unison with his cock. Not only did it remind you of how you had gotten into this, but it also made you wonder if his ears were as sensitive as his cock..
But you weren’t able to ponder on the matter for long, as Ben had busted his load inside your mouth, filling and overwhelming your tastebuds with the sweet and salty creamy substance that made you addicted to giving this man blowjobs. Once you had lifted your head off of him, and swallowed the load he had just so kindly gifted to you, you looked up at him.
Ben looked back at you.. his red eyes no longer circular, little red hearts lay in their place.
“Switch spots with me, Baby~ And take off y-your clothes.. I’m g-gonna return the favor~” Ben licked his lips as he winked as you.
Your panties were already soaked from sucking him off, but the thought of Ben devouring your cunt made you shiver with excitement.
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ozuk-authentic · 5 months
I took a bit of a break from this series but I am back. Today I'll exploit my opinionated self for entertainment purposes only ˢᵗᵒᵖ ᶜᵃˡˡᶦⁿᵍ ᵐᵉ ᶠᵒⁿᵉʸ ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᴵ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵃ ˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ˡᵒⁿᵉˡʸ... Sorry got sidetracked, I was just singing a good song called fepo by coupdekat (should check it out, really good song and artist).
Wait, where was I going with this? Ah yes, pride flags.
The two spirit flag.
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It's a kinda lazy design, just two feathers on the standard pride flag. It is just serviceable.
Sapphic flag.
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Really cute design. I like the reddish-pink on the top and bottom plus, this is one of the few flags where an emblem looks good on. Seriously just solid overall and it makes me crave mochi for some reason. I'm hungry now... But it is way beyond bed time where I live... 🥲
Androgynous flag.
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LET'S GO GUYS, GALS, ENBYS AND ALL THAT IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION, we got BARS NOW, LET'S F***ING GOOOOOO! but yeah, the colours do look great and it just looks right.
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This is the second flag that make me think of food. This time, it is buttered popcorn. But besides that, I don't know, it not ✨giving✨. It is way too bright and the colours are a tiny bit off.
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triviareads · 9 months
can you recommend for me a good historical romance with a heroine who is in STEM?
I read one good earl deserves a lover on your recommendation and I really liked Pippa. do you have other books with heroines like her?
Sure! Here they are:
In Want of a Viscount by Lorraine Heath (pub date 2/20/24): The heroine is a businesswoman and inventor who invented the typewriter (or a better version of it) and is very interested in engineering. The hero clocks this and even takes her out on dates to see Big Ben (no, not a euphemism but Stuff does happen up there) and to a club so she can disassemble a roulette wheel and I thought he was very hot for that.
Convergence of Desire by Felicity Niven: The heroine is so focused on proving Fermat's Theorem that she agrees to a marriage of convenience to a local rake so she can focus on math while he's allowed to fuck anyone he likes (he predictably can't get it up for anyone but her shortly after their marriage).
My Kind of Earl by Vivienne Lorret: The heroine accidentally incites a riot in a brothel and escapes by using one of her experiments, a beetroot bomb that makes everyone pink. She's generally an inquisitive, experimental sort from what I remember.
Knockout by Sarah MacLean: Another gal with a penchant for explosives, Imogen tinkers with explosives in her brother's basement, but don't worry it's for a good cause, namely her vigilante group, the Hell's Belles. Her expertise is also called upon to investigate a series of bombings.
When a Scot Ties a Knot by Tessa Dare: Maddie does animal illustrations for scientific books for naturalists and dreams of f illustrating multi-issue encyclopedias. A subplot in this books does involve lobsters fucking so Maddie can illustrate them accurately.
The Detective Duke by Scarlett Scott: I'm pretty sure the heroine in this one invented the first electric frying pan.
The Governess Game by Tessa Dare: The heroine goes around fixing clocks in aristocrats' houses before she accidentally becomes a governess for the slutty hero's new wards, and her one true passion is astronomy and looking for comets.
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