#platonic dinner for marie!
tigerdrop-official · 5 months
um... Saying youd fuck a guy just after you asked him to dinner..... Are you sure youre not gay?
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apute11as · 1 month
Liability - Alexia putellas x reader (+platonic Lucy bronze)
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Based on this little request of ficlets (more will follow) x
Warnings: no warnings just Alexia being overly protective
- part of the “everything happens for a reason” universe 🤗
It was around 9pm and Lucy had just returned from dinner and analysis with the team when her phone started to ring. Glancing down at it, she was met with a picture of Alexia bent down as you poured champagne into her mouth out of the Champions league trophy, a contact photo that captured a rare moment of pure joy from the Catalan midfielder. Lucy wondered what on earth would her captain be calling about this late at night, worried it was to yell at Lucy for not telling her that you were pregnant, the second she found out. Hesitantly, Lucy accepted the face time.
“Ay dios mío Lucia today would be great” scolded Alexia.
“Sorry Ale but may i ask why you’re calling me out of the blue?” She replied
“Y/n is pregnant.” She stated bluntly.
Ah yes Lucy could see this one coming but she was not about to be blamed for anything Alexia was ready to accuse her of.
“She is. Congratulations.” Lucy responded in an equally blunt tone.
“I’m very happy” Alexia added.
“You really sound it Ale” Lucy mocked
“Excuse me?” exclaimed the blonde, a hint of annoyance laced her voice.
“Why are you calling me Alexia, I’m very happy for you both too but this phone call seems rather pointless, like something that could’ve been done over text?” Said Lucy, hoping her captain would get to the point so she could be on her way to bed.
“Right yes, there was a point” Alexia stated, clearing her throat as though she was preparing a pre-match speech. “I love y/n very much but she’s ridiculously stubborn, I mean she hid a whole pregnancy for a while just so she could play in this tournament. Whilst I’m mad at her, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same so with that being said, I’m asking you to watch over her for me.”
Lucy was taken aback, she was not sure what she’d expected from this conversation but this wasn’t quite it.
“You’re asking me to babysit your wife?” Laughed Lucy
“Sort of? I’m just saying I know I already told you to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid, like play through and injury and when I told you to keep an eye on her sickness and stuff but now she’s carrying mi princesa, even more of a reason why I won’t let her do something dumb.” She explained
“Alexia you and I both know how stubborn she is, if I start hovering she’ll kill me” Lucy argued
“Fine I tried to be nice, she always tells me if I use my captain voice it’s not fair but Lucia I swear to God if anything happens to her or my baby I will get you benched for the rest of the season and then kill you” Alexia responded with a stern, demanding voice.
“Okay okay but if she finds out and calls you to complain that’s your fault not mine” bargained Lucy.
“Si si, of course! Make sure she eats enough, lots of vitamins, make sure she doesn’t train too hard, make sure she gets lots of sleep and-“
“Crshhhhh lo siento Capi the phone is- crshhhh breaking up- crshhhhh”
And with that Lucy hung up, rustling her crisp packet worked every time with Alexia as she had been told by you, bless Alexia and her inability to understand technology.
Just as Lucy opened her hotel room door, Mary came running down the corridor with you on her back, Alessia and Ella hot on her heels. Dear God what had Lucy gotten herself into.
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najenvhs · 8 months
who's most likely to get jealous and why?
nct dream getting jealous
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sorry decided to make this for everyone because it is too good- but the top 3 would be Jisung, Haechan, and Jeno…. Anyway 🤍 sorry some are longer than others, everything is what came to my mind first.
mdi 🤍
♡ Jisung— you guys were out for a coffee date and while the two of you guys were sitting a friend from school came up. you were shocked so you stood up and gave him a hug.
Jisung watched as his hands were all over you going up and down your back and when he detached, he was still close talking and looking straight into your eyes, as he was holding your hands.
he knows you guys are just friends but this was time for the two of you and the two of you only. he just sat there getting annoyed as the conversation went on for 5 minutes till you finally sat down.
“what's wrong?” you ask confused but still riding off the high of running into an old friend.
“What, nothing… nothing at all” he responded taking a sip from his drink and looking away from you.
“Oh, I see” you replied crossing your arms and leaning back in your seat, “your jealousy huh?”
he starts chocking on his drink, coughing “What are you- no of course not”
“Sure, I guess you're not getting your surprise tonight,” you said leaning forward and looking at your nails
“y/n I said I'm sorry,” he said pleading with you.
♡ chenle— “I'm going out tonight,” you say to chenle as you guys are eating dinner at the table inside his apartment.
“oh with the girls?” he asks taking another bite of his food.
“well.. yes” you replied, you didn’t even know why you needed to tell him but you were scared if you didn’t say anything he would find out another way.
“What does well mean?” he asked raising a brow as he took a sip of his wine.
you just roll your eyes in response as you get up and go to start washing your dishes. “listen we are just paired for a project, and he was assigned to our group so we didn’t have a choice”
as you were cleaning and you heard him leave the table then felt some arms come around your stomach hugging you from behind.
“Just keep me updated,” he said in your ear as he started kissing your neck, you dropped the dishes into the sink that you were cleaning, it felt good, leaning your head over so that Chenle had even more access to your neck.
he starts rubbing one of his hands over your stomach as his other starts crawling up your chest, just then you realize what was happening, waking yourself up you made him stop by pushing him off you in a soft manner.
“what? What's wrong?” he asks wiping his lips off with the back of his hand.
“Are you jealous?” you ask pointing at him leaning against the sink
the only response he has is having his eyes wide open feeling caught making you giggle.
“no” he finally says.
“Whatever you say” you laugh as you walk past him patting his shoulder.
♡ Jaemin— “Awe y/n” you look so beautiful tonight,” Mark says going in for a hug.
“Mark, thank you” you responded prettily, holding hands with him, thanking him. you guys talked a little bit more before you finally turned around to Jaemin standing right behind you.
“you look so pretty my princess, you are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen on this earth” he gushed as he looked at you up and down.
you guys were at a reunion event and Jaemin’s close friends were there. you knew them well so Mark giving you compliments like that was nothing that you hadn’t heard before, and of course in a platonic way, and of course same as Jaemin in a romantic way. but it felt off and you could feel it.
“Thanks, babe,” you said smiling up at him.
it was until Renjun came up to you hugging you and kissing you on your check— again the norm for when interacting with him. “y/n i'm so happy to see you happy, you are just glowing”
he was always so sweet, “Junnie, thank you”
he walked away— you turn back around to Jaemin as he quickly shifted from looking like bloody Mary just walked across the room to the normal smiling nana he normally looks like.
“what,” you said crossing your arms
“yo-you look so sexy tonight,” he says changing the subject, swiftly moving to pull you closer to him.
“please stop talking to the boys,” he said with a smile on his face close to your own.
you knew what was going on, and you were shocked, Jaemin never gets jealous, and of all days he decides to get jealous of his friends. it was kinda silly to you that he would ever believe you would leave him.
“you know Nana,” you say reaching up and wrapping your arms around his neck as his grip around your waist becomes tighter. “they are just friends,” you say in his ear
“I know” he replied removing his hands from your waist to start rubbing your back.
“well if you know so much, then you should know I don’t have a bra or underwear on tonight,” you said in his ear again.
you felt his hands stop, you could tell you shocked him so before you let go to continue saying hi to everyone else you left him with one last thing.
“if you don't stop acting jealous then I'm not coming home with you tonight”
♡ haechan— you and Haechan are lying in bed, the night before was long. you guys went to a party the boys threw for what reason? none, it was fun and ended with you and Haechan together in bed. In the morning you guys just hung out in bed till one of you got hungry.
you were on your phone looking at the photos you took last night and saw a photo of you and Jaemin where his face and yours were touching one another.
"Haechan, look at this photo I took with Jaemin isn't it cute," you said showing him the photo.
"oh, cute" he flashes a smile at you, then drops it instantly. you didn't think twice but maybe he was tired, so you went back on your phone.
you found a video and it was of you and Chenle taking shots, it was funny to you so you decided to show Haechan again.
"look watch this video of me and Chenle," you say scooting close to him in bed.
"funny" he smiles then shifts to move closer to the end of the bed.
"Okay, what's wrong," you ask dropping the phone and looking at him who is on his own.
"Nothing, I swear," he says looking at you.
"Haechan I've been dating you for years, tell me," you say crossing his arms.
"you taking pictures with another guy," he says quilty, under his breath.
"I'm sorry what?" you said looking over at him with your right ear facing him more so you could hear him clearly.
"you taking photos with Chenle and Jaemin," he says looking at you right in the eye
"so you jealous?" you ask but don't even give him the chance to say anything more before you start giggling. "Haechan, honey, I'm sitting here in bed with you, in your shirt and my panties only, yet you are jealous about me taking a photo with Jaemin and taking shots with Chenle?”
you guys just sat there in silence looking into each other's soul and before you could say anymore he broke the silence
"you know what no," he said dipping his head to kiss your cheek
"That's what I thought" you giggle again as you hold his head close to you.
♡ Jeno— it was after a three-hour lecture where you and your classmate were talking right outside the door, you knew him since high school so it was nice seeing a familiar face around campus.
you were leaning against the wall as your friend stood in front of you, you didn't think twice about it till you saw Jeno walking up but stopped midway for some reason. but you not knowing what's going on, had an even brighter smile on your face seeing him.
"Jeno-ah!" you called him over to where you and your friend were talking leaning ur body to where your whole side was leaning against the wall.
pushing yourself off of it, you walk over to Jeno dragging him over to meet your high school friend Jisung, "Jeno, this is Jisung, we went to high school together and were actually seated next to each other"
"Oh, hi, nice to meet you," Jeno said to Jisung sticking out his hand to shake.
Jeno made sure to squeeze Jisung's hand a little tighter to make sure he understood their ground making Jisung squill a little but laugh it off since he was in front of you.
you were off to the side looking at both of them, but even more at Jeno. he had a different demeanor and you could just tell something was up. the three of you continued taking a bit and when Jisung wasn't looking you would look at Jeno and mouth 'What's wrong with you' Getting back 'Nothing' in the same format right before Jisung turned his head back to the both of you.
"well, y/n, I'll see you on Wednesday for the next class, let's sit together again?" Jisung asked as he rested a hand on your shoulder.
"for sure!" you responded touching his hand while responding.
after that, he walked away and was faced with Jeno.
"what?" you asked raising an eyebrow.
"What was that?" Jeno responded.
"Well, like he said a friend from high school," you said, looking at him up and down. "what about you? what was that"
"I, you know what? I don't know," he says scratching his head.
"Lee Jeno, that was jealousy" You look up at him, and you drag him again by his arm. you lean against the wall again and pull him to where one of his arms resting on the wall beside you.
"y/n? at school?" he asks you as you undo one of the buttons of his shirt.
"there's no one around, and I mean we are just gonna kiss" You look up at him smiling.
"I'm confused? are you mad at me or?" he asks you.
"no I'm not mad at you, but you being jealous is really hot" you answered wrapping your arms around him going incating the kiss.
♡ renjun— "What," Renjun asks spitting out the water that was in his mouth.
"ah hahaha, someone tried to ask me out," you say blocking your face from the water even though you were nowhere near him.
he walked over to you, softly moving your hands away from your face, "Hopefully that wasn't to you and was for your friend you were with" he said smiling.
"No, I'm telling you he came up to me while I was away from my friend looking at clothing and asked if I was single," you respond.
renjun just looked at you blinking, "and what did you say"
"um no? Of course?" responded in shock you crossed your arms.
"anyways I thought it was kinda funny no need to be worried," you say as you try to walk away from the kitchen.
"y/n it's not funny, I mean like does this normally happen?" he asks you making you stop before leaving the kitchen.
"When you are around me never, and when you are not... sometimes," you say, "I never say yes, there's nothing to be jealous about"
"jealous?" Renjun askes.
"yes jun, jealousy!" you respond with a smirk on your face.
you walk close to him wrapping your arms around his neck and leaving a peck on his lips. "just know I love you so much, and there is no other guy I would choose over you"
he just smiled and hugged you back holding each other close and tight for a while.
♡ mark— "a concert?" marks asks you. you were invited by Haechan to go to a concert with him, and you said yes not thinking twice about how it may affect Mark.
"babe, it's Haechan, you've like known him forever, what's the problem?" you say shoving more chips in your mouth as you are sitting in the bed on the phone.
"Baby, that's the problem it's him," he says, as he's walking back and forth in front of the bed.
you didn't understand why it was such a big deal, you were fixing to put another chip in your mouth till you looked at Mark Lee going crazy which made you stop.
"oh" you abruptly say, "you're jealous"
Mark stops and turns to you who sit on the bed. you shove the chip back in the bag and leave your phone behind as you walk over on your knees to the end of the bed pulling him over by his arm.
"Markie, I love you so much you fool" you giggle, "I'll never love another man but you, but you don't need to worry about this and never think this again okay?"
"I'm sorry y/n," Mark says as he brushes some hair behind your ear and pulls you into a hug.
you end up pulling him on top of you, falling on your back, "now show me how much you love me, Mark Lee"
[hehe, I hope you guys enjoyed this sorry it took so long, I have just been a little busy and also have been cooking on this one FOR A MINUTE. I don't remember when this was asked but I'm sorry AND please enjoy. leave SOMETHING in my ask 🙈 ]
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gunnerfc · 6 months
Double Trouble | Kyra Cooney-Cross & Matildas!Reader [Platonic]
Summary: Matildas camp becomes a bit more chaotic now that you and Kyra are reunited after you were out for an extended period of time with an ACL injury 
Warnings: there's like one really dirty joke lol
WC: 2.2K
AN 1: wish I could take credit for the dirty joke but i heard it ages ago from some youtube video 
AN 2: in hopes of helping Arsenal fans distract themselves from the game today…
You thanked your cab driver as he pulled up to the hotel the Matildas would be staying in for the upcoming camp in Brisbane. You, despite playing Australia, were one of the last ones to arrive that day due to misplacing your plane ticket. Despite arriving late to the hotel, the team still sitting in the lobby due to a room error the hotel staff made. 
As you entered the lobby, you immediately spotted your teammates, one in particular. You sped up your walking just as Kyra lifted her head when she heard suitcase wheels rolling across the floor. The midfielder quickly jumped from her seat as you two embraced in a tight hug, squealing loudly together. You could hear a few groans and whispered “oh no’s” from some of the older girls on the team which made you and Kyra laugh. 
You and Kyra had a bit of trouble making a reputation within the national team, always finding yourselves in some sort of trouble. The team had been free for your pranks and jokes for a while as you were out with a harsh ACL injury. Now that you were back, you and Kyra had a lot of time to make up for and you would not be holding back. 
“I’ve missed you so much!” Kyra all but yelled in your ear before you two pulled away from each other. 
“Didn’t have too much without me, I hope,” you joked as you took a seat next to Charli, quickly giving her a side hug.
“Of course not,” Kyra replied with a teasing grin on her face that you knew all too well. You were glad to be back with the national team after your injury but you were even happier to get to spend time with one of your best friends. 
“Okay, guys! They got everything sorted out, here are your room assignments. When I pair you up, you can come get your keys and head to your rooms before dinner,” a staff member spoke loudly to get your attention as they walked toward the group. 
They read off their list, pairing up those who were there and leaving everyone else who wasn't there yet for a later time. The staff member was almost done calling out names, only you, Kyra, Alanna, and Mary were left. You were silent hoping that you would get a room with Kyra, making it easier to plan pranks.
“Y/N, you’ll be rooming with…” the staff member read off, pausing as she saw the hopeful glint in your eye. “Alanna,” she finished as she held out two hotel room keys.
You groaned, throwing your head back when she didn’t say Kyra’s name. Alanna dramatically gasped at your actions, hitting you in the arm as she stood up. You rolled your eyes at her but she could see in your smile you didn’t mean anything mean.
You followed the blonde to the elevator, making small talk about her life in Manchester and the things you did while you were out. When you made it to your room, you claimed the bed near the window and got started on putting your things up. 
“What time did they say dinner was,” you asked as you got your training bag ready for training tomorrow morning.
“If you and Kyra had been listening, you would have heard them say seven thirty,” Alanna playfully scolded, throwing you a pointed look when you mocked her.
Dinner came quicker than you thought and you found yourself sitting at a table with some of the other younger players, all of making jokes instead of eating. You and Kyra took turns telling jokes, trying to see who could make your teammates laugh harder. You eventually won after telling a dirty joke, something you were known for on the team. Even in moments when you should be serious, you had a dirty joke ready to go.
Dinner ended without much excitement other than the jokes told and everyone found themselves back in their rooms, ready to hit the training grounds bright and early. You told Alanna goodnight after you were both in bed, both of you falling asleep pretty quickly. 
You groaned some hours later when the alarms you both set went off, the sun peeking in from the curtain hitting your face, making you squint your eyes as you rolled over to turn your alarm off. You let Alanna sleep for a few minutes longer as you went to the bathroom to get ready, hurrying as fast as possible so you could meet Kyra. 
Alanna groaned as you softly shook her shoulder before she sat up, her hair all over the place. You laughed at her bedhead before she shoved you slightly as she got up to get ready. You yelled out to her that you were going to find Kyra as you passed the bathroom, opening the door and coming face to face with the midfielder you were hoping to see. 
The two of you chatted in the hallway before heading toward the conference room that had been turned into a dining hall for the team. “I dare you to tell Steph a dirty joke while we eat,” Kyra knew you would be able to get a reaction out of the captain, one of your usual victims. 
“Say less,” you smirked as you two entered the room, most of your teammates already sitting down with their food. A joke came to your mind as you got your breakfast, grabbing a glass of milk as well as some water. The milk would be useful later for your joke.
You and Kyra joined her fellow Arsenal teammates as well as Hayley and Macca at a table off to the side. You received a chorus of sighs when you sat down causing you and Kyra to laugh at your teammates. The two of you kept your jokes to a minimum as you ate, Kyra giving you a look every so often as she waited for you to say something inappropriate to Steph.
You took sips of the glass of milk you had, prepping it for the joke you were going to tell the defender. You waited until there was a small sip left and everyone at the table was done eating so you had their full attention. 
You gave Kyra a teasing smirk before turning to face Steph, waiting for her to end her conversation with Caitlin. “Hey Steph,” you laughed lightly when she turned away from Caitlin, her focus now on you.
“Do I even wanna know what you have to say,” the captain sighed, earning a quiet round of laughter from everyone else at the table.
“What did the virgin say to her boyfriend after her first blowjob,” you laughed as you took the last sip of milk, keeping it in your mouth instead of swallowing. 
Steph groaned at your words, already shaking her head as she waited for you to finish the joke. Others at the table mumbled things like “oh my god” or simply started chuckling at the first half of your joke. 
“I love you,” you said as you spit the milk back into the glass in front of you. Steph brought her hands to her head in disbelief at your words. 
Your joke earned you loud laughs from Kyra and Hayley as Caitlin and Macca sat across from you with their jaws dropped. You laughed harder at their faces, using a napkin on the table to wipe your mouth. Kyra lifted her hand for a high five which you gave her as she pointed with her other hand toward Steph who refused to meet your eye. 
You didn’t get the chance to get told off by your captain before a staff member told everyone to get their things and head for the bus. You quickly disposed of your trash before you and Kyra headed to your separate rooms to gather your training gear. You met back up with some of the younger players as you headed for the lobby, retelling the joke you told Steph earning another round of laughter. 
You and Kyra sat together on the bus, much to everyone else's dismay. You two spent the whole bus ride messing with Charli and Mary who were sitting in front of you. You two laughed as Charli turned around in an attempt to hit you, though she missed as you quickly moved away. 
The two players in front of you were grateful when the bus pulled into the stadium, thankful to be away from the double-trouble duo that was you and Kyra.
Everyone was quick to change into their boots and training tops before everyone was headed for the pitch. You were one of the first ones out the door and took the opportunity to hide around a corner to scare some of your teammates. You let a few of the pass before you heard Ellie and Hayley coming through the tunnel, knowing they would be great targets. 
You waited until their voices were close to you, yelling loudly as you jumped around the corner. Ellie’s loud scream alerted everyone else as Hayley started swearing at you as she hit your arm multiple times. You laughed each time she hit you, their reactions to the scare were comical. 
“Camp was so much nicer when you weren’t here, y’know,” the winger huffed as she walked past you, throwing her middle finger up as you laughed harder. 
During training, you and Kyra were kept separate the entire time. Everyone knew if you two had even a second together you could come up with some prank that would get everyone. Each time you even attempted to go in her direction during breaks, someone would pull you back by your shirt. 
The only time you had to be near Kyra was when you were doing scrimmages. You two were more focused on trying to trip each other rather than playing the ball. The team couldn’t be mad at the two of you, knowing how long it had been since you two got to spend time together. Plus, they found it extremely funny each time one of you tripped the other. 
Training went on for a bit longer before Tony decided to call it a day. You and Kyra made your way back to the locker room while trying to wrestle, her arm wrapped around your neck as you tried to keep her other arm pinned to her body. You moved your hand to tickle under her arm, the midfielder quickly pulling away from you as she started laughing. 
Everyone changed quickly before making their way back to the bus, ready to take showers before relaxing a bit before dinner. You and Kyra took your seats, this time everyone made sure to leave the two seats in front of you empty so no one would have to suffer whatever you two came up with. 
The bus was quiet on the way back to the hotel but that didn’t stop you and Kyra from hatching a plan to prank Alanna. It was risky to prank your own roommate but you knew her reaction would be worth it. Everyone took their time exiting the bus and making their way through the lobby, too exhausted to do much. 
Though the same could not be said for you and your best friend, the two of you were bouncing with excitement. You two waited to take the elevator, letting Alanna have enough time to get to the room and start her shower. You giggled as you rode the elevator up to the tenth floor, already picturing how the blonde defender would react to your prank.
Kyra quickly tossed her things into the room she was sharing with Mary before you both entered your hotel room. You were as quiet as you could be as you sat your things down softly as Kyra grabbed the hotel ice bucket. You two rushed down the hallway to where the ice machine was, giggling to yourselves as you filled it up and rushed back to your room.
Kyra propped the door open so you could make your exit quickly as you quietly opened the bathroom door. Steam had fogged up the large mirror and Alanna’s phone was lying on the counter blasting music as she took a shower. Kyra stood at the bathroom door, her phone ready to record. 
You held your laugh in as you stood on your toes to dump the buck of ice into Alanna’s hot shower. The blonde shrieked as the cold ice hit her body and you quickly raced out of the bathroom and into the hall, Kyra laughing as her phone caught Alanna’s loud swearing. You two fell to the floor as you could still hear Alanna’s voice, not-so-kind words escaping her mouth.
You two rushed to Kyra’s room just as Alanna opened the hotel door, clad only in a towel as she dripped water onto the carpeted floor. She quickly looked up and down the hallway expecting to see you and Kyra peeking around the corner. She cursed when she didnt see you, quickly closing the door before someone saw her. 
You and Kyra laughed as the midfielder watched through the peephole. You were glad to be back at camp with the national team but mainly you were happy to spend time with Kyra. The team may suffer when the two of you are together, but they'd be lying if they said the two of you didnt make camp a bit more exciting.
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princessanonymous · 9 months
When Night Comes
Platonic Yandere Vampire
Previous Part | Next Part
First Chapter
12. 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓼
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Anxiety coursed through him as the clock's hands reached 1:00 AM, and still, there was no sign of (Y/n). Each passing moment heightened his unease and frustration, amplifying the relentless tick of the old, grandfather clock that marked time with meticulous precision. "She must be somewhere within the manor," he muttered to himself, a reassurance directed more inward than outward. Dorian had taken to searching her room, his eyes scanning every corner in hope of finding any clue that would lead him to her whereabouts. Casting a worried gaze outside, he observed the storm raging with unrestrained fury, the frigid winds howling through the night.
"She isn't foolish enough to venture out," he reasoned, as much to convince himself as to align his thoughts.
A sudden intrusion broke his solitary vigil, as the door to the room creaked open and two servants timidly entered. The woman, adorned with freckles and strawberry-blonde hair, bore the look of someone on the verge of tears. The man, standing alongside her, radiated fear and trepidation.
Dorian's stance stiffened as a rush of worry enveloped him. "Where is she?" He demanded, foreign instincts surfacing within him. "What has happened?"
"Mary helped the young lady leave, sir," the man confessed, his voice marked by meek submission.
His eyes darkened as he spoke, his tone eerily calm. "I beg your pardon?"
"The young mistress expressed her desire to step outside for a brief while, sir," the woman explained, her eyes welling up with tears. "I told her that a storm was coming later tonight, but she said she would come back before then. She gave her word that she would return before dinner, yet she has not—"
In an instant, he seized her, his clawed hand digging into her skin with a firm, painful grip. His voice dropped to a sinister, seething tone. "You imbecile fool," he hissed, his words laced with menace. "I will eviscerate you, snap every bone in your fragile frame, and dismember you piece by piece. Where did she go? Tell me—WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?"
⊱ ────── {⋆☾⋆} ────── ⊰
Shivers wracked her body as the icy wind lashed at her, its relentless gusts chilling her to the bone. With each step, the soft crunch of her boots on the snow was drowned out by the deafening roar of the winter storm. She felt cold in her light coat; she had brought only the bare essentials: sturdy boots for trudging through the snow, mittens to protect her frozen hands, and a coat to ward off the cold.
Glancing behind her, she realized that her own footprints had already been swallowed by the snowdrift. Her determination to leave the estate had driven her this far, and despite the bitter bite of the wind and the chill in her bones, she was determined to press on. This path, a constant struggle, would surely lead her to a town nearby. The cold icy storm against her will and determination. She was going to prove she was stronger, that despite her cold hands and the fact she couldn't feel her feet anymore, she could still win.
She had left the estate at 11:30 PM, when the weather was still relatively calm, but now, her sense of time was lost in the relentless blizzard. She clenched her mittened hands tightly around her frame, seeking warmth and comfort where there was none.
"Any moment now," she whispered, her breath forming frosty clouds in the frigid air. "The next town must be nearby. I just need to find a cottage or a village." Her words barely carried in the howling wind, a fragile hope that she clung to as she trudged onward.
Then, a voice cut through the tempest, an unexpected sound in the desolate wilderness. "Are you lost, child? What are you doing all alone in such a cold storm?"
(Y/n) halted in her tracks, her heart quickening with relief as she noticed a figure in the distance. She hastened her steps, eager for help.
"Please, help me, I…" she stopped walking, a feeling of wrongness overtaking her. He was frothing at the mouth, and his lips parted to reveal sharp, menacing canines. Its eyes were red and the sclera was bloodshot.
Dread gripped her, and she began to take several steps back in fear. The creature edged closer, stalking her with predatory intent. (Y/n) felt her panic rising, and in a desperate bid to escape, she turned and ran, her voice screaming out in terror.
Narrowly evading the first pounce from the rabid monster, she managed to free herself from its grasp, rolling away just in time to avoid its second assault. A bead of frothy saliva landed on her face, and she quickly wiped it away, trembling with fright as she attempted to stand, her legs unsteady. All around her, the storm raged on, a cruel backdrop to her desperate plight.
The monstrous creature raced toward her with inhuman speed, and (Y/n) realized with a sinking feeling that there was no hope of escape. She squeezed her eyes shut, her breath catching in her throat, knowing that this would likely be her final moments.
Amid the chaos of the frozen battleground, (Y/n) heard a guttural screech and the gruesome noise of flesh being torn apart. She mustered the courage to open her eyes, though her vision was blurred from fear and distress.
Before her, the rabid bloodsucker's head had been gruesomely pierced through by a powerful hand, its vacant eyes now void of menace. Her gaze traced the hand to its owner, and as she met the chilling, disdainful sneer on his face, a mixture of emotions swirled within her. Dorian stood there as he peered down at the hideous creature that had terrorized her. Icy tendrils of power danced around the duke's bloody hand reaching the beast's visage. It covered the thing, freezing the head in mere seconds. The frozen head disintegrated like shattered glass, leaving the monster's lifeless body to crumple like a marionette with severed strings.
In a single, overwhelming rush, the adrenaline that had been coursing through her veins, the very life force that had sustained her through the harrowing moments, suddenly vanished. With it, the strength that had held back her emotions collapsed like a dam breaking, and she was left defenseless against the torrent of raw emotion that surged within her. Tears welled up in her eyes, and before she could even comprehend what was happening, she found herself weeping uncontrollably, the weight of her ordeal finally taking its toll on her fragile, exhausted soul. The cries were not just of fear, but of relief, of frustration, and of the indescribable cocktail of emotions that had been brewing within her throughout this ordeal that had begun the day she had met the duke.
She felt the vampire's arm encircle her, his presence offering an anchor amid the storm of her emotions. As she sobbed uncontrollably, she pounded her fists against his chest in frustration, each blow punctuated by her tears and her trembling voice.
She wanted her mother. She wanted her father to tell her everything was going to be alright. That she was safe. That she wasn't alone. She missed her mother's soft voice and her father’s deep, yet joyful laughter. She missed the way they made her feel safe.
All of that was gone now and (Y/n) would never have it all back. Her mother was dead. Gone. So was her father. All because of this man.
"I hate you, I hate you!" she screamed in sorrow, her words filled with anguish. "I want my mother! I want my father!" Her sobs racked her body, a torrent of sorrow and longing, while he remained silent, a somber figure bearing witness to her raw, unfiltered pain.
Just realized I never mentioned my inspirations for this fic so here it is !
-Interview with the vampire (1994 movie with Tom Cruise AND Brad Pitt)
      Just a great movie. MUST WATCH. Lestat greatly inspired Dorian to the point I sometimes wrote his name instead of Dorian’s in the first chapters (ง ื▿ ื)ว 
-Interview with the vampire (TV show) 
      I started writing the fic after binge watching the entire show so I’m pretty sure this fic wouldn’t have been made if the show hadn’t reignite my obsession with vampires ╮(︶▽︶)╭
      Mostly the concept of immortal children. Dorian doesn't sparkle XD
-Vampire Knight 
      Anime I watched as a teen up until that big weird plot twist with yuki and kaname. (If you know, u know). I took inspiration for the vampire powers thing. Also the first scene with young yuki in the snow inspired this chapter. Also the concept of what they call Level Es in the anime, but that will be further explained in the next chapter.
-Vampire diaries
    Chevalier ring protecting from the sun
-Chica Vampiro
    Powers again
I try to make my fic as original as possible despite all this tho. I hope i succeeded somehow. I'm just out here trying to have fun with vampire media lol.
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
Ava + Mary (platonic), introduction
"Mary. Mary. Mary."
The uproarious laughter continues on the other end of the phone, loud enough that Ava has to pull it away from her ear. She flops back down on her bed and waits for Mary to regain her composure, kicking her feet idly off the end of the bed.
Finally, Mary gathers herself enough to speak, though the odd chuckle breaks through every few words. "I'm going to put you on speaker so you can repeat that for Shannon."
"I absolutely do not want to repeat that for Shannon, she already thinks I'm a moron."
"I don't think you're a moron, Aves," a second voice chimes in, and Ava sits up solely so she can fling herself down again even more dramatically. "Impulsive, maybe, flighty, sure, but a moron? Hardly."
"See? Shannon tolerates you. Tell her what you did."
"Ava," Shannon pleads, elongating the vowels, "I need something to cheer me up. I had to spend half of last night holding Lilith's hair back while she lost her dinner."
"You didn't have to," Mary rebuts, her tone edging towards sour.
"You weren't exactly lining up to help her."
"She's a big girl, she can look after herself."
"She shouldn't have to, not when–"
"Brunch," Ava interrupts, before they can sink further into the easy bickering that she knows from far too much experience will inevitably lead to innuendo-heavy flirting.
"I'll tell Shannon about it if you take me to brunch."
"Mary, we already had plans–"
"I wanted them to–"
"True, this could work–"
"Meet us in the lobby in fifteen," Mary says, while Ava's head is still whirling as she tries to sort out the muddled conversation. "Wear something nice. A white dress, maybe."
"Fuck you."
Twenty minutes later, Ava stumbles out of the elevator, sunglasses slotted tight against her face and hood pulled up over the rat's nest of hair she'd been unable to tame in the interim. She scans the lobby, spots Mary and Shannon near the centrepiece fountain, each with a hand in the back pocket of the other's jeans. Disgusting. 
They're talking intently to someone, heads bent together, Mary's gaze flicking across the room every so often. She jerks her head to beckon Ava over once she spots her. Ava crosses to them gingerly, slings one arm around Mary's shoulders and the other around Shannon's as she forces her way between them, their hands slipping back to their sides. 
Ava's left knee buckles as she puts her weight on it and she begins to spill forward, but Mary catches her around the waist and sets her back on her feet. She takes the opportunity to bring her mouth close to Ava's ear. "Shannon's Person of Honour," she whispers, then swings Ava around to face the third member of their party. "Ava, this is Beatrice. Beatrice, Ava."
"Hi!" Ava starts, shoving a hand out as she lifts her head.
"We've met," a familiar voice replies dryly, the accompanying wry smile making Ava's knee go weak again. "Shan, Mary, allow me to introduce you to my wife."
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unalivedblogger · 1 month
Slenderman the type of person to sit like hes always plotting something.
Offenderman the type of person with a 15 year old temper.
Splendorman the type of person who carries a mini first aid kit.
Trenderman the type of person to be a certified yapper.
Helen the type of person to skip an outing if he gets nervous the day of.
Judge angels the type of person to ask if you prayed before eating.
Julius the type of person to trip and be embarrassed the entire day.
Killian the type of person to shake the vending machine if his chips got stuck.
Lui the type of person to tap his foot when someone sings a song he likes.
Sully the type of person to love a song until he overplays it.
Smile the type of pet who argues back by howling and barking.
Grinny the type of pet who ignores you until you have food.
Jeff the type of person to laugh randomly at a memory from years ago.
Lulu the the type of person who had an emo/scene phase.
Ciara the type of person to break out in song with a trigger word.
Nathan the type of person to call your music trash but you hear him playing it in the shower hours after he secretly googled it. (Mhm. Not slick.)
Vine the type of person to have a 7+ year old lollipop bowl for visitors. (He's so sweet 😭)
Candypop the type of person to get mad when you tell him "you work out for what?" when you catch him lacking.
Candycane the type of person who doesn't know what to with her hands if theyre not fidgeting with something.
Morivin the type of person to act shocked when his effort of annoyance gets to you.
Jason the type of person who doesn't go out if he thinks the outfit of the day doesn't match the energy of that day.
Xvirus the type to always say "oopsie" after burning his dinner.
Toby the type of person who loves spiderman.
Jane the type of person to offer to eat the food you don't like.
Mary the type of person to always point out animals outside.
Ben the type of person who doesn't know to accept affection.
Sally the type of person who had a hello kitty phase.
Lazari the type of person who loves lilo and stitch.
Kate the type of person to set up pillow forts on movie nights.
Tim the type of person to always be apart of sassy man apocalypse.
Brian the type of person who gets hangry and goes on doordash silently.
Eyeless jack the type of person who you think doesn't like you (platonically) but won't move his leg when accidentally touching.
Seedeater the type of pet who thinks they're still a lapdog at their adult size.
Laughing jack the type of person who reads the groupchat but never says anything.
Kahekao the type of person to always have cute emojis
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lightningrogers · 3 months
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Dear Dog (can you do me a favour?)
𖤓 @marauderswithpalestineproject fic
𖤓 Prompt #141 by @bellaxisworld (thank you so much, this prompt took me by the throat and SHOOK ME AROUND)
Regulus works at an animal rescue shelter, and James is looking for a pet. He comes to the shelter just to see Regulus, and after he adopts a pet, begins volunteering at the shelter to see Regulus more.
𖤓 Pairing: Regulus Black/James Potter
𖤓 Rated: Teen & Up
𖤓 Chapter: 1/3
“Well shit,” a voice says from beside him. He’s just tucked the last punnet of blueberries from the wall of produce into his basket, stacked atop two others. “There goes my blueberry-pancakes-for-dinner plan,” the man sighs.
James turns. He stares brazenly at the man next to him, taking in the way his dark hair hangs in overgrown waves around his ears, how his sharp jaw tapers into a long, delicate neck. Strong nose, and what might be an ice-blue eye.
“Oh,” James says dumbly. A voice that sounds a bit too much like Sirius shouts stick the landing, Potter! in his head. “Here.”
Or: noticing his dad is a little lonely, Harry decides to enlist the help of a certain…furry…deity to find him a friend. What happens thereafter seems to fall into place rather naturally.
Alternate Universe - Muggle, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Marauders (Harry Potter), Background Relationships, Minor Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Minor Mary Macdonald/Lily Evans Potter, Minor Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Kid Fic, Kid Harry Potter, Harry is a little menace, and also the cutest, mum lily evans, mum mary macdonald, Dad James Potter, he means the fucking world to me, he loves being a dad so much, Platonic Parenting, remus and sirius are basically harry's parents too, Veterinarian Regulus Black, Psychologist James Potter, Animal Rescue, Dogs, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Family Fluff, Regulus Black and Sirius Black Angst, manifesting, Letters, Age Difference, Older James, younger regulus, Trans Regulus Black, Meet-Cute, Mutual Pining, they dance around each other spectacularly, Happy Ending, MWPProject Fandom Initiative 2024
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ele-sme · 1 year
False alarm
It was Spider first sleepover at the sully's. He was so much excited, but more then him, his three best friends. Neteyam had to beg for months and Lo'ak acted as a good kid for weeks, Kiri taked care of Tuk alone. Only for one sleepover with him.
When the night came they were all shaking from excitement.
Neytiri, was cooking some human friendly food and Jake was careful that any of the non friendly food would have dropped by 'mistake' in the preparation. The kids were playing, Kiri and Spider with Baby Tuk, Lo'ak and Neteyam with a toruk toy, the only thing in common? They were all close, sitting next to eachother.
"Kiri, this is not a way of holding a baby!" Spider telled her, the female kid was holding the little one by the arms and not by under them.
"What do you know about it?" She asked imitating her friend voice.
"Last year, Nash and Mary had a baby and they maked me learn how to hold him, feed him and change him." He said, a pride tone in his voice as the others looked at him, he could do something they couldn't.
Jake did not shared the pride.
"What do you mean bud?" Jake asked Spider meanwhile chopping some vegetables.
"I mean that I'm in charge of the baby when I'm at hell gates" he explained, that pride still there like it was the most cool thing in the word. He was meanwhile rocking Tuk who felled asleep in his arms.
"You Bearley eight you shouldn't be in charge of another kid" Jake tried to explain.
"I'm nine!" The child corrected the other
"Still you shouldn't" The adult replicated.
"It's okay i make them happy by doing this." The other said, Neytiri picked up Tuk from his arms, and as she seated by her self to make the baby eat she watched her mate with a sad face, she understood what they were doing to that poor child, and even if she didn't like him she couldn't deny the crudelty the child was facing.
After there were silence from the adults, the kids otherwise were still playing, now that Tuk wasn't with them they were all playing with only a toruk toy.
When dinner was ready they all seated in a circle and after a pray they started to eat.
"Do you know why a chicken crosses the road?" Jake asked, all the presents looking at him confused.
"What a chicken mr Sully?" Spider asked, making the other kids laughing and Neytiri giggle.
"A chicken is a animal on earth" he tried to explain, but the laugh of his dear ones got the best of him making him laugh too.
They obviously had no idea of what a chicken was.
"How the story ends?" Kiri asked after her laughing.
"It's a joke not a story, and it end with the chicken wanting to go to the other side" jake explained still laughing
"I don't understand" kiri explained.
"It's simple: why does a chicken wants to go across the street? because they wanted to go the other way" Spider explained.
"Ohh now i understand" the girl replicated.
Jake maked a sweet smile at the two of them.
"Spider, you like Kiri very much don't you?" Jake asked the human child.
"Yea she is my platonic soulmate" he telled him, a innocent tone, a innocent voice a child voice.
"What is a platonic soulmate?" Lo'ak asked
"A platonic soulmate is a feeling of deep connection and understanding, without the romance. Consequently, platonic soulmates offer each other a soul connection that goes beyond feelings of friendship but don't go romantic ones" Kiri explained, with her big words that maked Lo'ak confuse.
"For dumb people: it is a connection similar to a connection between mate and mate but they are only friends" Spider tried to explain with simpler words
"I want to be Spider platonic soulmate too" Neteyam said
Kiri grabbed Spider arm and hugged it.
"Nah-ah, he is only mine soulmate!"
The dinner went on, some more chatting, jokes and some songcords singed together.
It was now time to sleep, all the kids close to eachother, meanwhile the parents and baby sleeped to another side of the room.
It was deep night when Spider eared the sound.
He opended his eyes, and a second later Neteyam who was close to him open them too, they stared at eachother for some seconds, watching eachother in they own big eyes. Then Lo'ak ruined everything by getting up too and Kiri followed.
They seated up, ears up for listening, the parents up too, listening too.
The sound came again.
"I'm going to check, you stay here" Jake tolded his mate getting up "Neytiri all the kids" he exclaimed picking up his bow.
With a nod Neytiri gotten close to all the children and gave to Kiri the baby. Kiri gave her to Spider and he rocked her.
"Mom what is it? Why dad is out?" Lo'ak asked, his mother taking him in her arms.
"Oh great mother please don't tell me they came back" she whispered a pray. After she looked at the human child. Maybe thinking if she should have jumped on him or not.
In the end she didn't.
Jake came back some minutes later announcing it was nothing.
A gasp of relief exited Spider mouth.
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inkks · 7 months
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(Platonic) lily and remus at the Yule ball <3
Remus was glad that the full moon had landed on the Sunday before the yule ball. While he had never been one for dances such as this, it was the first time he’d ever had the choice of going. The Yule ball the year prior had landed on a full moon and the one before had been cancelled. However this year the dance had been announced for the first of the month, two days after the full moon.
Remus allowed himself to, just this once to be excited for such a trivial occasion. The marauders had first promised to go to the ball without any dates, just the four of them. Peter was the first to break this promise when he asked a sweet hufflepuff girl ,who he’d fancied for a while, to the ball. James and Sirius following closely behind. Sirius had asked Mary McDonald to the dance- much to Remus’ dismay. He tried not to let his face fall when Sirius had (very obnoxiously) asked her in the middle of the great hall after dinner. He shouldn’t have been surprised, Mary and Sirius had been dating for a couple of months, it was only natural that Sirius asked her to the dance the moment he could. James however had been a total surprise. Everyone had expected him to pounce on the table when the dance was announced and romantically declare his love for Lily Evan’s and propose she be his date to the dance. James, however, did not do this. Instead his eyes had dimmed and his smile superficial. He remained silent until he turned to the marauders and asked them if they wanted to go all together -no dates. A week later, he had a date that he refused to provide the name for and a blinding grin whenever the secret date was mentioned.
That’s how Remus had found himself alone in the common room, the day of the Yule ball, fully dressed and so utterly alone.
“Lily?” He asked, brows twisted in confusion. Lily emerged from the girls dorms, fixing her hair behind her ear as she waked towards him.
“Alone too?” She asked softly. Remus sent her a small pitiful smile.
“I guess so” he chuckled out. Lily paused in front of him,the silence welcomed between them.
“You didn’t ask anyone to be your date?” She questioned.
“Well, Sirius,Pete, James and I were meant to go together, but the plan was changed and i -” he let out a sigh “Nevermind that, what about you? I can scarcely believe that no one asked you”. Lily let out a playful huff.
“Oh Remus how you flatter me” she laughed slightly. “I was supposed to go with Mary” she began, eyes trained to the floor as her lips twisted to a sad smile. “But, well - you know” she finished off.
“Yeah, I know” Remus replied.
“How about we go together?” He asked her after a short pause. She looked back up at him surprised.
“What? Wont James have your head for going with me?” She joked.
“You know James hasn’t asked you out for a while and he’s been very adamant that he’s over you so he doesn’t get a say in whether I can take my best friend to the dance. So, what do you say?” He leant out his hand.
Lily knew this of course. It was clear that something had happened during spring, soon after the confessions and love letters had stopped. It wasn’t until a couple weeks later that she had learned the reason. James had found someone, a person who made his heart explode with joy and his smile broad and wide. It was a boy who he wasn’t supposed to love yet he couldn’t fight his feelings. That night, Lily had seen a new side of James, one that she hadn’t seen in all of the years that she knew him. Under the starry sky, she had told him her own confession. How she had been slowly but irrevocably falling for someone who would never love her back. A girl more beautiful than any painting. To her, the girl had redefined beauty for Lily. From then on, they decided to be friends. She promised to actually give him a chance and she had yet to regret that.
“Yes, let’s go” she placed her hand in his and together they walked down the tower to the dance.
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yourwosogirly · 1 year
Kicking off romance-Katie Zelem
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Based off this request
Word count: 7k
P.s buckle up it’s a long one
"Well done guys, get yourselves a drink"the trainee said clapping his hands together as all the girls stood up heading towards the side of the field and grabbing their Gatorade bottle.
Katie took a chug of her water feeling the dryness in the back of her throat and the sweat radiating off of her body as her body grew more exhausted by the second.
She took this chance of a break in the best way she could in the sense of 'if you don't ask you don't get.
Katie walked to where Mary was with Millie and baggers and tapped the taller girl on the shoulder making her whip her body round to face her.
"Mary can I ask you something?" Katie asked as Mary nodded moving away from the conversation with her friends.
"What's up skipper" Mary asked in a cheery tone putting her arm around the shorter girls shoulder.
"Umm so you remember Y/N right?" Katie said nervously fumbling with her hands as Mary chuckled. Katie didn't know what was happening to her she was never like this and it confused her.
"Yes Katie I know who my best friend is why'd you ask"Mary asked confused but she knew what she was doing.She wasn't stupid and it wasn't like you two weren't fawning over each other all night.
A week ago
You had been friends with Mary Earps since child hood.You had been known as the classic new girl upon your school and Mary had been the one to take you under her wing and you had stayed in contact ever since .
Even with her football career shooting off, as the best goal keeper and you being busy with your own career as a dancer you had managed to say in contact and were somehow known as platonic soulmates.
So it was no surprise when she invited me to her 30th birthday party.She didn't want something to big just her teammates and closest friends which of course included me.
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"Sorry l'm late," | exclaimed rushing into the diner where there was a big table and everyone was looking at me making me feel a little uncomfortable but it was to be expected.
Mary had picked a very nice place for her birthday dinner and had managed to get it reserved so it was just us tonight.
There was a display of balloons on the wall that looked amazing and beautiful. Mary had picked great and speaking of the girl.
"Y/N! she shouted across the room sliding her chair back and walking straight towards me the best she could in the heels she was wearing.
She looked beautiful and her shimmering silver sparkling dress with sequins shining in my eyes as she pulled me into a hug.
"I missed you Y/N" she said keeping her arm wrapped tightly around my shoulder.
"I missed you too mearps happy birthday here this is for you" I said handing her my gift bag.
"Thank you come sit down" she said grabbing the bag and putting it on her arm and leading my to sit down in a chair next to her and I was sat next to a blonde and brunette girl.
The waiter came over noticing my arrival and I ordered my drink, main and starter since the rest already have ordered and had drinks.
"Y/N, I would like you to meet all of my teammates this is Alessia and Ella" she said gesturing to the two girls next to me making me wave at them. They seemed quite friendly and Mary had already told me about all of her teammates before.
"Hi y/n l'm Alessia and this is Ella" the tall blonde girl said with a kind smile on my face. Of course had heard of them both from Mary and how they were an iconic duo.
"Hi Alessia hi Ella" i said waving at the brunette who gave me an excited look.
"Hi y/n most people call me tooney" she said brightly. I could tell if we spent more time together we would be good friends. Ella or tooney as she liked to be called seemed to be one to talk and I was someone who hated silence and we matched each others energy perfectly. It was the same reason why me and Mary were such good friends.
All the girls continued to talk and I couldn't help but stare at this Katie girl as I sipped on my Wine and ate my starter.
Well all up until I had my retinals so focused on Katie my breaded mushroom missed my mouth and landed in my lap.
"Shit" said catching the attention of a few other girls but none of them mention it well everyone except a certain best goal keeper.
"Y/N looks like somethings got you distracted not like you" she said clearly knowing what she was on about.
She had been watching me out of the corner of my eye and as she followed my eyes she saw they were staring deeply into her captains figure.
She wasn't stupid and knew exactly what looked like when I was crushing on someone.
"W-what are you on about Mary" I said looking away as i stumbled on my words nervously making the older girl laugh at me making me blush in embarrassment.
"Oh please Y/N your my best friend I can tell when you've got gay panic and by the look on your face" she pointed at my body up and down making me groan and slap her hand away.
"I get it Mary but I don't even know Katie" said and I immediately regretted it as I let her name slip our .How could I have been so fucking stupid?
I knew I would've never hear the end of this but l also knew that it made Mary's job easier as she would have spent all night trying to get me to admit who it was herself already knowing.
"Ooo so you like the skipper ay" Mary smirked teasing you to no end.
"Mary no" groaned throwing my head back in frustration.
"Oh c'mon Y/N I can tell in your eyes you clearly have the hots for her" she smirked looking over at Katie who was talking and laughing with Millie.
"Mary I've only just seen her I haven't even met her yet yeah she's cute but-"I said but she cut me off.
"Oh well I'll introduce you Mary said as groaned again.
"Katie over here" Mary said waving Katie over catching her attention. She quickly made her way over and I felt the blush take over my cheek as she smiled at me.
"Katie this is Y/N my best friend and Y/N this is Katie my teammate and captain now talk" she said pushing us both closer together so we we're chest to chest and walked away to laugh with someone else.
"Hi l'm Katie" she said holding her hand out for me to shake.
"Hi l'm Y/N it's lovely to meet you Katie" I smiled at her as we both sat down.
"So Y/N what's it like being friends with Mary?" she said taking a sip of her wine.
Present day
“Well we got talking last night and she seemed like a really nice girl” Katie tried to word the best she could hoping Mary would get the message .
“So?” Mary asked with a teasing smirk as Katie sighed .
“Umm well she’s pretty and after talking to her I’d like to I don’t know chat with her again” Katie stumbled. God she was a mess. She was only thinking about you and already she couldn’t say anything that made sense.
But Mary decided to put her out of her misery.
“So you want my besties number” Mary asked putting the pieces together and Katie sighed .
“Look Mary I kind of like this girl I don’t know I’ve been single a while and she made me laugh so hard last night so I just want to talk to her again” Katie said giving up and blurting all her feelings out.
“Here’s her number” Mary said giving my phone number to Katie giving her a wink before walking away as the trainer called them all back .
But Katie couldn’t concentrate at all but to be honest unlike normally she wasn’t as bothered as she would be as she just couldn’t wait until training was over so she could text you .
Everyone could tell she was deep in thought and only had and Mary knew what it was about as Katie couldn’t get your image out of her head. It was like she was craving for you.
So once she was finally free and alone she reached for her phone and under there new contact replaced your phone number with Y/N x 💗 smiling at it she worked up the courage to message you .
Katie ❤️
Hi Y/N it's Katie I was at Mary's 30th
Hi Katie yes I remember you
How've you been?
I've been good hbu?
I'm good but I actually wanted to ask you something
Yeah sure shoot
So I know this is a long shot but l've got a game this Sunday and I was wondering if you'd like to go
I'd love to watch you play and it gives me a chance to see Mary aswell
Great I'II send you the deets
Okay thanks Katie
You and Katie had talked for hours on end that night and you ended up falling asleep with your phone in hand .And you had been doing it a lot, talking about everything and anything with her and it felt easy with her .she was easy to talk to on the phone and always made you laugh.
But you hadn't seen her in person since Mary's birthday and you had began to develop feelings for the skipper and you didn't know what to do about but knew that you wanted to see her again.
So luckily it was the day of The game Man U had against West Ham and you couldn't help but feel really excited to see Katie on the field and talk to her again.
I had put on a Man U jersey that Mary had gifted me and paired it with some black cargos, black high top converse and a jacket.
I grabbed my phone and as I headed to my car I got a call and I saw it was from Katie bringing an immediate smile to my face.
I answered it but put it on hands free as I started to drove to Man U's home stadium where the game would be held today. Old Trafford.
"Hey Katie you alright?" I ask turning the wheel and looking behind me as I reversed off my drive and began the journey to the stadium.
I knew the path way too well as it was nailed in my brain from the many games I had gone to, to support Mary.
Yeah I was just checking in on your whereabouts me and the girls have just arrived at the stadium and we've just done pitch inspection" she said as I nodded .
"Okay cool well I should be there in a round 15 minutes" i said.
"Ok sounds good just when you get there park round the back and I'll meet you at the door to take you to the seats I'll be waiting" she said.
"Okay thanks Katie I'lI see you there okay"; said as my finger hovered over the screen to hang up.
"Okay see you Y/N" she said a bit excited and I ended the call. I drove the rest of the way to the stadium and it didn't take me too long as there wasn't much traffic which was lucky.
I couldn't help but feel kind of nervous to see Katie again but I was also really exited and I wanted to let out a squeal like a little girl but I didn't.
Staying true to her word, I got out of my car after parking and as she saw me Katie was by the door and she waved her hand high in the air hoping i would see her.
"Y/N I'm so glad you could make it" she pulled me into a small hug talking in her thick Manchester accent and i hid my head in her neck as I blushed deeply by her words.
“No worries it would be a pleasure to watch you play” i said as we pulled apart and she kept her hand rested on my lower back.
“Thank you so much, I’m excited for you to watch us, let me show you to your seat” she said as she led me through the inside of the stadium.
She showed me to my seat which was on the opposite side of the fans with the family and just above the subs on both team and of course I was sat on the man United side .
“Right so this is your seat bathrooms are through there feel free to do whatever you like and if you need anything just ask one of the guys in man u jackets and if you want food or anything like that you can just go through the booth up there” she said pointing towards the box with a camera that would stream the game just in front of it. Luckily I wasn’t .
“Ok great thanks Katie” i said as I rummaged around getting comfortable .
“Of course Y/N and I’m sorry but I’ve got to go before Marc shouts at me. I need to get ready for the game and it would look bad on me as captain” she apologised and I could tell by her face she was guilty.
“Katie don’t worry about it” i said grabbing her hand to stop her from rambling on and on.
“Are you sure your okay” she asked concerned making a chuckle leave my plump lips that she kept on staring at .
“Katie it's gonna be fine okay now go before your late and if you don’t I’ll throw you there yourself” I threatened her making her chuckle and raise her hands in the air .
“Okay okay I’ll go I’ll see you after the game Y/N” she mumbled before walking down the stairs and back into the tunnel to get ready .
You watched as all the girls came out for warm ups as music blasted through the stadium. Speaking of the stadium, it was bloody amazing like a theatre and the crowd was electric.
You had missed watching Man U play and hadn’t seen them play in a long time and it showed how much they improved and how good they were, they were strong .
The game began and as soon as it did, you were on the edge of your seat, watching eagerly as the two teams battled it out on the field .Man U had most of the possession passing the ball back and forth as their opponents, Brighton tried to get the ball of them and failed almost every time .
As you watched the game, normally you would stare over at each and every player on the pitch but not this time, no, you couldn't tear your eyes away from Katie's figure.
You couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as you watched Katie lead the team onto the field, wearing the captains armband and exuding in elite confidence.
It was half time with it currently being 2-0 to Man United. But tensions were still high and All of the players walked into the tunnel for the break. All except for two. Mary might have been concentrating on saving goals and the game but she had managed to seek me out from my spot as my seat was close to her and she heard me cheering which was a big give away.
“Oh Y/N I didn’t know you were here” Mary walked over to me holding her bottle under her left arm .
“Uhh yeah I came to see you” I lied awfully at that but she already knew why I was here .
“Oh please don’t lie Y/N I know your here to see Katie” she rolled her eyes and my mouth opened and close in shock making her giggle .
“You don’t mind do you?”i ask as I looked over where Katie was talking with one of the officials not that far from us .
“Of course I don’t Y/N you come to enough of my games and anyways everyone thinks about me anyway” she said shrugging her shoulders sassily making me laugh at her .
We continued to talk for a few moments catching up on what we had missed out on since we had lasted seen each other .
“So what’s been going on with you and Katie” Mary wiggled her eyebrows at me making me laugh as she lent her hands against the barrier in between us .
I sighed thinking about the girl. “I don’t know, we talked all night at your party and it was amazing and we’ve been texting every time we can since” i said .
“So do you like her because I haven’t heard you talk about someone like this for years Y/N” she said and I thought about it even though I already knew how I felt about her .
“Yeah, I do a lot but I don’t think she liked me back she probably thinks of me as a friend and I don’t know it’s frustrating your right I’ve never felt like this for someone she just makes me feel so happy whenever she walks in the room” i rant to her and Mary doesn’t say anything but just smiles at me dreamily .
“Y/N from the way you’ve talked about her just now I think you feel a lot more than a little crush for Katie and trust me when I say she likes you back” she rested her hand on my arm but before I could say anything the whistle blew that half time was over.
Which meant Mary had to go back to the goal and I wouldn’t have had time to talk to Katie which was the one thing I was desperately craving for right now .
The game resumed, with both teams bringing back even more power and energy as they had done once before.But you could tell they were both getting frustrated, yes Man U may be winning 2-0 but they hadn’t add another goal yet and what wasn’t like them.
Brighton we’re getting sloppy and angry not being able to get through Man U defence or Mary earps causing them to become rough with unnecessary tackles becoming fouls and getting them nowhere .
But then, out of nowhere, Katie made a bold move, darting across the field with lightning speed and expertly maneuvering the ball past the opposing team's defenders. Before you knew it, she had kicked the ball into the back of the net, scoring a stunning goal that sent the stadium into a frenzy of cheers and applause.
You leapt to your feet, cheering along with the rest of the crowd as Katie raced back towards her teammates, beaming with triumph. It was a moment you would never forget, watching her in her element and seeing her score that goal as the captain of her team.
“Yes Katie!”you screamed at her waving your arms high in the air with the rest of the fans and Katie caught your eyes .
As everyone walked back to their positions, Brighton looked defeated as their was only a few minutes left and they were down by 3 knowing they would win this game.
And as expected, 2 minutes later the full time whistle blew signalling the end of the game as all the fans cheered loudly .
You stood up from your seat and made your way to the front row waiting where Katie had told you to as she had told you earlier she come see you.
Some people walked into the tunnel and others went to sign autographs, shirts and take photos.
Katie made a beeline for you as you made eye contact and you smiled at her excited until you could hear the ragged breath.
You high fives her with both hands and wrapped your fingers around hers before pulling her into a deep hug taking in her sent .
“You were amazing”you beamed exaggerating a little but I didn’t care .
“Thank you Y/N and thank you for coming to watch me”she said flashing you a smile.
“Don’t worry about it i bloody loved it”I expressed my feelings making her laugh heartily.
“That goal you scored was incredible. I couldn't believe it."you replied, feeling a little starstruck .
Katie grinned, looking pleased. "It was a team effort," she said, modestly. "But I'm glad you enjoyed it.” And it was silent for a few seconds .
“Katie what’s wrong?”I asked confused as I looked into her eyes seeing something I didn’t recognise.
“Nothing..I just I wanted you to come to my day today because I wanted To ask you something”she said and I could hear the seriousness in her voice .
“Well okay I’m here so talk to me”i chuckled at the end to hide my nerves.I was assuming the worse seeing as all the colour drained from her face .
“So umm I wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?”she asked nervously as she looked at the grounding full on refusing to look me in the eye .
But I grabbed her by the chin and tilted her head back up to look straight into mine and I stared at her lips for a few moments not saying anything .
“I’d love to”i whispered so she could hear and her face light up like the sun and it would be funny if I wasn’t joking .
“Really? You’d go on a gate with me”she beamed at me getting over the shock I actually wanted to go out with her .I mean who wouldn’t want to go out with her .
“Yes Katie I would be honoured to go on a date with you”a smug smile took over my lips as I put on a posh accent making us both giggle .
I don’t know how but somehow our hands had connected together and I only noticed when I had to pull away as I moved further away from Katie making her frown in confusion .
“I’m sorry I have to go”i said not wanting to leave.I really wanted to go home and be in her arms but I couldn’t .
“It’s ok”Katie gave me a tight lipped smile .
“Goodbye Katie I’ll see you later”i said giving her one last smile and a kiss to her cheek before I turned around and walked out the stadium.
Katie stared in a haze where my figure had been standing but now it was just nothingness as I had pulled out of the car park and started to drive home .
But she couldn’t help but he excited she had just won a match with her team and had scored a date with her crush.Her life couldn’t get any better .
“Katie cmon or your gonna miss the bus”Millie shouted and Katie snapped her head towards her seeing that she was already changed out of her kit and her Man U casual clothes .
“Shit”Katie mumbled too herself running after Millie who had already disappeared back inside the tunnel .
The next evening
That night when both you and Katie had gotten home you had done the same thing you had done every night and had talked on the phone all night and had set your date .
Katie was adamant about wanting to plan it since she asked you out she wanted to every thing for you said it was my treat.So she had told you the address and the time.
Some how it might have been a coincidence she had planned to go to an Indian restaurant called the chutney and it had managed to be your favourite restaurant that was just down the street from your house .
It didn’t take you that long to get ready as you put your hair up in a slick back bun with some light make up and lip gloss to brighten up your eyes and lips .
You had gone with a long black dress with a long slit on the left hand side with a small black bag and put all your essentials inside .
You took One last look in the mirror and took a deep breath before leaving your house and driving to the restaurant.But before that you made sure to text Katie not wanting her to think you were ignoring her or standing her up.
Hi Katie I’m just leaving now I’ll be there in a couple mins
Katie ❤️
Hi Y/N/N that’s good I’ve just arrived see you soon xx
I closed my phone and smiled at the message before focusing my attention back on the road .
As you approached the restaurant, you noticed Katie outside looking around for any sign of you but she wasn’t doing very well and looked a little helpless.
But other than that, she looked Gorgeous.In a brown chocolate dress that hugged her curves and was a few shades lighter than her natural hair colour.
Her hair was styled in loose waves with nude heels on. You feel your heart skip a beat as you approach her.
"Hey!" she greets you with a bright smile. "You look amazing."
"Thanks," you reply, feeling a little shy. "So do you."
She had her hands behind her back which only made it a little awkward as you pulled her into a small hug.
"These are for you"she said revealing what she was holding behind her back.You look at her shocked as she hands you a bunch of red roses.The real ones .You took them out of her hands and took a big smell taking in their sent.
They smelt lovely jusToday you liked them.And they smelt fresh which was a plus.
"Wow these are beautiful thank you Katie"you said and leant over to kiss her on the cheek making her blush but you didn't notice luckily for her.
"No problem I'm glad you like them"she smiled at you still feeling the lingering feeling of your lips against her cheek.
"How'd you know I like roses?" asked confused looking at her curiously.
"I talked to Mary"she smiled and it all made sense now.I had a lot to thank Mary for because without her I wouldn't be here right now and I wouldn't be on the date with the prettiest girl in the world.
"Of course you did" rolled my eyes as we both laughed.
“Do you mind if I go put these in my car?"; ask as she nods with a smile gesturing for me to go ahead and as quick as I could unlocked my car and put the roses in the passenger seat before locking it again and headed back to Katie.
I saw she was still outside waiting for me which made me smile.
"Shall we?"she asks as she held the door open to me.She was such a gentlewoman I couldn't get enough of her.
"Thank you l'm sorry I didn't get you anything" apologised regretting not getting her anything but she shook her head as she kept her hand around my waist.
"Don't worry about it"she kissed the top of my head making me blush.
I noticed that Inside, the ambiance is cozy and romantic, with soft lighting and a fireplace crackling in the corner.
"Hi reservation for zelem Katie said politely as she took her hand from around my waist to hold my hand in hers as the lady looked down her list before she grabbed two menus.
She gave us a smile. Todayw me please"she said and we walked after her until we reached a table for two and it was nice and secluded under the lights with a both of privacy away from the other people in the restaurant.
Once the lady leaves before you could sit down
Katie pulls out her chair for you and guiding you into your seat and once your sat she tucks your chair in before sitting in her own.
"Thanks," you say, feeling a little overwhelmed by her chivalry.
"My pleasure," she says with a grin. "So, have you looked at the menu yet? |heard the steak is really good here."
"Hmm, well I am a steak girl" you said as your eyes skim over the menu when you really already know what you want.
"Really I didn't see you as someone who likes steak"she asked curiously.
"Oh god yeah I love it it's all ever eat really probably not healthy but oh well" shrug my shoulders making her laugh.
"Why what do you like?" ask curiously as she just hums.
"I don't know I don't have a lot of options because of my diet"she said.
"Oh cmon can't you treat yourself for one night you tried to convince her as she sighed.
"Alright then"she said fully convinced and attached to your charm.It was only your first date and now she couldn't say no to you.
“Are you ready to order?” A waitress came over with a note pad and pen.
“Uh yea”Katie said and motioned for me to go first which I gladly did after giving her a nod of consent .
“Can I please have a Pepsi to drink and for my main can I please have the 8oz steak with chips please”i said politely putting the menu down and waited patiently as the lady wrote that down .
“And how would you liked that cooked?”she asked .
“Uh well done please”i said and she nodded before turning to Katie and Katie gave the lady her order .
The waitress took our menus off of us .
“And just to make sure we have no allergies?”she asked as me and Katie shook our heads at the same time .
“Ok good I’ll be back soon with your food”she said walking away leaving me and Katie alone .
“So Y/N I know we’ve talked a lot but tell me something about you no one will know tell me just anything about you”she said.
“Uh well I warn you my life not that interesting”i shrugged but she shook her head with a smile .
“I don’t care if you don’t think your life’s interesting just talk to me I wanna know”she said as I sighed .
“Well okay so obviously as you know I’m really close with Mary and she’s been my best friend forever like my second family really”i said and someone else came round with a tray with two drinks on it .
“So I’ve got a Pepsi and a white wine”the guy said placing the two drinks down on the table and we both took a sip from them synchronously.
“So Y/N then I have a question for you why didn’t you have an alcohol beverage?”she asked as she licked her lips not knowing how much it drove me crazy .
“I don’t know I’ve always been a picky person with food and drinks I’m always fussy and with drinks I only really like Pepsi and water and alcohol doesn’t taste that speaking to me but it’s not that bad”i said as she laughed .
“God what am I getting myself into”she said making me laugh with her .
“Well you
“No I like being here with you”she said reaching out and taking my hand above the table and squeezing it making me smile at her .
“Good because I like being here with you as well”i said and we stared at each other with a look our eye that neither of us could explain.
The rest of the time was a waiting game as we waited for our food but that was the last thing on our minds right now as all I could think about was Katie as I spent the most amazing night of my life wine her.She made me laugh without even realising it.
sooner or later though at some point during the night the same lady who was our waiter earlier came over with our food. Good because ‹ hadn't eaten all day and my stomach was rumbling.
" I have the sirlon steak"she said putting my plate down in front of me masking me look at it in awe. Yes i was that hungry.
"so this must be for you, enjoy your meals"The lady said putting Katie’s plate down and walking away to assist someone else .
“Let’s dig in”you smiled at her Katie as she nodded and you both grabbed your knives and began to eat your food in a comfortable silence .
But you had gotten distracted because since Katie had pasta bolognaise she had to swirl around her fork which became a much difficult task that it needed to be.
“Shit”she cursed as the spaghetti fell off her fork once again making you burst out laughing .
“Stop laughing at me”she whined and you saw she had sauce spread all over her mouth because of it .
“Ok ok I’ll stop I’m sorry”I smirked pressing a hand against my chest to calm down my heart rate .
“Oh wait here”i said leaning over the table and wiping the sauce of her mouth with it getting dangerously close to her lips as we looked at each purse with adoration in our eyes .
“There”i said breaking eye contact with her as I leaned back and we both straightened our selves out not wanting the moment to end but sadly it had .
“Thank you”she smiled at me and I nodded placing my arms in my lap.
The waitress came over once again to take your plates away once she had saw that you both had finished your meals and asked if you would like anything else.
“Umm I’m fine”i said feeling full and the waitress turned to look at Katie .
“Then the bill will be all”Katie declined and the waitress nodded walking away .
While she was gone me and Katie both grabbed our purses preparing to pay for the dinner .
The lady came back with the mettle plate with the receipt laying on top of it but from where I was sitting I couldn’t see the price .
“How much is it?”i ask rummaging through my purse making Katie lift her head up and quirk her eyebrows at me .
“Umm £45.62 but you don’t need to know that I’ll pay”she said going to put the money down but I was quicker grabbing her hand before she could put the money down.
“Please Katie let me pay for it you brought me to this nice place it’s the least I could do for you”i pleased with she as she sighed .
“Okay fine”she said as I smirked in triumph knowing I had won over her as I placed the money on the table.I stood up from my chair making Katie look at me .
“I’m going to go to the bathroom before we leave”i said as she nodded and once she saw I couldn’t see her she swapped the money and putting mine back without me knowing.
I finished up in the bathroom and washed my hands heading back to our table and slinging my bag over my shoulder and me and Katie stood up .
“Ready to go?”i ask as she nods and we head out of the restaurant reconnecting our hands together .
We step out of the restaurant and feel the wind hit us as we step onto the street.I felt a bit sad knowing this was over but I had so much fun and I would never forget this night.
“Do you wanna take a small walk around the block with me?”she asked as I nodded excitedly trying to keep my cool.
“I’d love that”good thing she asked because I wasn’t ready for this to be over.We started to walk and you could hear the click of our heels as we walked around the path.Her hand slipped into mine slyly but I let her and held it tightly afraid it’ll fall out of my grip if I held it loosely.
“So Y/N, you noticed your a dancer right?”she asked as you nodded .
“Yeah I’ve been dancing since I was three” I said smiling.I had a lot of am compassion for my career and I held so much love for it .
“And that’s how many years?”she said smirking at me as I slapped her on the arm making her chuckle .
“Rude”i said offended before we both laughed our asses off bending forward before I held her hand in mine again.
The more you walked you could feel the cool night air hit your face as the night darkens.You couldn’t help but shiver involuntarily.Your glad you brought a jacket with you that was just about keeping you warm so that your not that freezing that you were shaking .
“Feeling chilly?”Katie chuckles as she saw the goosebumps creep up your arms .
You nod and zip up your jacket. "Yeah, a little bit. I didn't expect it to be this cold tonight."
Katie chuckles. "Welcome to Manchester weather. You never know what you're gonna get."
As you continued to walk, you pass by a street musician playing a guitar, his voice echoing through the empty streets. Katie stops to listen, and you stand beside her, watching as she sways to the music.
It was a soft song, and you couldn’t help but sway your own hips eyes closed in contempt .
“Katie do you wanna dance?”I ask holding my hand out to her which she takes and we sway back and forth in each others arms until the song is over .
"That's beautiful," she says, her eyes closed.
You nod, feeling a sense of peace wash over you. "Yeah, it is."
You both continued you walk, you had loads of fun as you point out your favourite landmarks and hidden gems in the neighbourhood.You always thought Manchester was beautiful and it was even better at night .
“So you’ve asked me about my career now tell me about yours what’s it like being the captain for man United women”i ask her as i big smile took on her face once again.
“Well I love it really Man U’s my home and it always will be I’m never leaving I love playing for them and I love being the captain and wearing the armband it makes me feel a lot of pride for myself and my name”she smiled broadly.
You both reach the end of the block and end up back outside the restaurant our front where your cars were parked .
You both turn to face each other, there’s a moment of silence as you both look at each other.The air changed with possibility.
Finally, Katie spoke up. “Thanks for joining me tonight Y/N.I had a really great time with you”she caressed your cheek making you blush.
You smile, feeling a rush of warmth. "Me too. I'm really glad we went out."
“Where’s your car?”she asked and i saw her eyes searching around even though she didn’t know which car was mine .
“Just down there”i said pointing at the blue Renault that was a bit down the slope of the hill as Katie nodded .
“Ahh ok do you want me to walk you to your car?”she asked me politely.She was such a gentlewoman.
“I’d love that”I smiled wider than a rainbow as she linked our arms together and I wish it lasted longer because every step we took would be closer to my ride home and the less time I would be spending with Katie.
“Well here I am”i said as we arrived at mg car and I grabbed my car keys out of my pocket sadly and I think Katie could tell .
“Hey what’s wrong?”she asked concerned as I shook my head .
Nothing it’s not important…it’s silly”i said as she cupped my cheeks making us look eye to eye and I stared deeply into her chocolate brown eyes .
“Hey, nothing you do is silly so tell me I wanna know”she said as I sighed looked down at my feet before back up at her .
“It’s just I don’t know you that well but I already know I like you and it’s stupid but I’m already missing you”i said but she didn’t chuckle or laugh at me she just smiled kissing my cheek making my cheeks turn a crimson red.
“Aww Y/N that’s not silly it’s cute” she said and I look at her surprised.
“Really?”i ask as she nods .
“Yeah and I’m gonna miss you as well ever since I’ve met you I know I liked you”she said .
“Well I’m glad we’re on the same page”i said my lips turning upwards .
“Well I better go”she said as she put her bag on her shoulder .
“Yeah it’s getting late maybe I dunno I could take you out next time”i said nervously fumbling over my words I hated how she would be the reason I was stumbling .
“I’d love that I had fun with you I’ll see you soon”she leaned in to kiss my cheek turning around as I watched her walk to her own car already missing the feeling of her body closest to mine as humanly possible.
“Katie wait”i said running after her after I had weighed out my options and she turned around looking confused .
But she didn’t have time to say anything as I pulled her closer to me wrapping my arms around her neck kissing her not giving her a chance to speak.
She quickly rerocpirated my actions holding me up securely by the waist rubbing my sides .
We eventually, not happily though separated for air but I still stayed in her arms not wanting to let go but knew I would have to eventually.
I moved my hands from the back of her neck to wrap around her shoulders and smiled up at her.I was so happy with her .
“I’m sorry I’ve got to go”she apologised but I knew it was a long time coming so I just nodded loving out of her arms .
“I know hey I’ll see you as soon as okay?”i ask as she nodded and I sighed in relief.I couldn’t wait to see her again and I was still standing in front of her .
“Yeah.Definitely I’d love that I’ll text you tonight”she said as we kept our eyes lingering on each other and I tried to desperately pull away .
“Goodbye Katie”i whispered one last time as I tuned around heading to my car succeeding form getting away from her and I could feel her eye lingering on mine as I got into my car but she didn’t leave my head until I got home and she had texted me.But she was in the exact same position as I drove her crazy without even knowing it .
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chairwritexv · 1 year
Can i request platonic rottmnt leo & little sibling reader one-shot?
It's about reader who loves girly, childish things such as; Barbie, mlp (my little pony) & even dresses.
But they're worried that their family would judge them for it & not take them seriously or think they need to " grow up ".
Surprisingly when leo found out he wasn't upset at all, in fact he was happy because he ALSO loves Barbie, mlp...etc. He even said he's excited for the new Barbie movie.
Leo reassured reader they have nothing to be ashamed of.
AHH YESSZ!?!! i’m SO excited for the barbie movie ngl
tw: cringe ajdhsjddj
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you lifted up the blonde barbie toy, making it face the black barbie in your other hand.
“but marie, we can’t go on like this much longer-“ you’d said in a falsetto voice, bringing the barbie closer to the other one.
“don’t worry, delly, i’ll break it off, i swear,” you’d said as the other one, making your voice slightly deeper.
you were cut off by your brother, leo, yelling your name and announcing he was coming in (he’s had to announce he was coming in ever since he accidentally walked in on you changing clothes, which was embarrassing for everyone involved).
you squeaked in surprise and shoved your barbie’s under your bed, hiding them behind your blanket.
“mikey was wondering if-“ leo cut himself off when he realized you seemed nervous.
“…what’s up, hermana-?” he asked, trying to sound casual but was really sizing you up, trying to figure out what was wrong.
“uh, nothin’!” you stuttered out, trying not to show your nervousness but failing miserably.
leo hummed in thought, starting to say something, but you cut him off.
“so what did mikey want-?”
“oh! he wanted me to let you know dinner was ready.”
“oh, ok!” you smiled and stood up before rushing out of the room, having been hungry.
leo hummed before turning around, walking toward your bed with a curious look on his face.
later, after dinner, leo slung his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close.
“hey, hermana, can i ask you about sumthin-?”
“uhh, sure-?”
leo then dragged you to your room, leaving you by the door while he walked over to your bed.
your nerves immediately escalated as he did.
he stared at you for a moment before lifting up the blanket, revealing the collection of barbie’s, my little pony figurines, bluey toys, and more things you really didn’t want your brother to see.
“why were you hiding these, hermana?”
you sighed, looking down in defeat.
“i didn’t want you all to know cuz i didn’t want you to think i was childish ‘n stuff,” you mumbled.
leo’s eyes widened in surprise before walking over to you.
“whaat? it’s not childish! and if it is, then, we’ll i’m guilty~” he replied with that ‘charming’ overconfident smirk in his voice, confusing you.
leo sighed and put his hand on your shoulder.
“hermana. i absolutely love barbies! and i’m totally excited for the new movie coming out!”
“y- you are-??”
“yea! there’s nothin’ wrong with liking ‘childish’ stuff,” leo said, putting air quotes around ‘childish’.
he slung his arms around your shoulder and started walking the two of you to the door.
“now, whaddaya say we go to american girl and buy some stuff, eh?”
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thanksz for requeszting! hope you enjoyed!
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danisbrainrot · 8 months
shauna shipman x reader
honestly, this can be read as platonic with blink-and-you-miss-it unrequited feelings.
shauna blew on her hands, desperately trying to warm them up. her fingers weren't the only body part beginning to feel numb. shauna was bundled up in jackets, jumpers, and sweaters—if it was comfortable and warm, she was wearing it. she'd even snuck into your backpack to wear your red sweater. she figured that the jacket she wore would cover it up, and even if you did see it, she was pregnant for crying out loud—she deserves a break.
you were climbing up the ladder, practically drowning in warm clothing. you look her up and down and smirk, before making eye contact. "is that my red sweater?" you teased. shauna blushes, an excuse forming when you giggle, "keep it. looks better on you than me," she snorts.
"you sure? you look pretty chilly," she replies. you were barely even shivering, she was just so shocked about being caught, that she wanted to give you the sweater back.
"i'm helping mari cook belt soup tonight," you joke, rolling your eyes, "tasty, i know. but you're always trapped up here, or the meat house with. . . you must get cold more than me, that's all I'm saying," you wince, hoping she didn't catch on to you referencing jackie. it was a tough subject for shauna, and you couldn't help but want to pull her in tightly and squeeze the baby out of her.
shauna shook her head, "i'm nice and toasty," she laughs, she subconsciously rubs her belly, causing you to force a smile. you feared for her baby—in the beginning, you were pissed because the last thing you guys needed right now was a baby, but as her pregnancy progressed, you realised that the team could use some source of light. you just had no confidence the baby was going to make it. it was too cold and it's mother was starving.
"i'll be downstairs if you need me, just up here to check up on you," you begin your descent down the ladder when shauna calls out for you. you turn around, smiling softly as she bit her lip and looks at the ground, avoiding your gaze.
"can you stay?" she asks, you nod, walking over to her. she sits on her makeshift bed, staring out the window; you take a seat next to her, watching her watch the white forest outside.
"you ok?"
she shakes her head, finally looking at you instead of the window. tears were springing to her eyes as she confessed, "i can't stop thinking about jackie. about how i should have gone outside and gotten her," tears slowly streamed down her pretty face. you pulled her into your arms, rubbing her back soothingly to calm her down.
"it's not your fault, no one knew it would snow," you reassure her, pressing your head against hers.
she shakes her head again, pulling away. "it is my fault, she's my best friend, i should have gone out there. i shouldn't have argued with her in the first place. i shouldn't have slept with her boyfriend!" she cried.
you wipe away her tears with your thumb, cradling her cheeks in your hand. "look at me, shauna. jackie loved you; she'd hate to see you beating yourself up like this," you whisper.
shauna nodded, looking deeply into your eyes, "i'll never be able to forgive myself," she mutters.
"i'm sure jackie already has," you respond. you didn't realise how true you were. "come 'ere," you embrace her again, letting her head rest against your chest. she smiles softly, listening to the sound of your heartbeat. "dinner's gonna be ready soon, it's not much, but it's better than nothing."
"okay," she whispers. you stand up, offering her your hand—which she gladly takes. you help her get down the ladder, before walking into the living room hand in hand. you both greet the other girls, with tai sitting next to shauna and mari sitting next to you.
your dinner was no feast by any stretch of the imagination. natalie and travis hadn't successfully found any game in months. but you still enjoyed it, as you felt closer to shauna—you even offered her the rest of your bowl, not that it added much nutrients.
that night, shauna fell asleep in your arms. you'd moved your stuff upstairs but ended up sharing the sleeping bed with shauna. she rested her ear against your chest again, soothed by the comforting sound your heart made, before sighing.
you watched, as she snored lightly. tai sent you a knowing look, before turning over and pulling her covers up to her neck.
it was a freezing cold night, but in shauna's embrace, you were nice and warm.
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princessanonymous · 9 months
When Night Comes
Platonic Yandere Vampire
Previous Part | Next Part
First Chapter
6. 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
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Dinner in the vampire's grand estate was a silent but pleasant affair for (Y/n). The food was unlike anything she had ever seen before. She had heard that noble meals were separated into multiple courses, but the lavishness of it all exceeded her expectations. Five courses in total, with the last one offering a delightful assortment of sweets and fruits.
She ate quietly, aware of the vampire's watchful gaze on her throughout the meal. As he reached the end of his own meal, her attention was drawn to the glass filled with a red liquid at his side. The sight of it, coupled with his actions, sent a shiver down her spine. She knew all too well what the crimson liquid truly was. The vampire called a servant, who took the glass and refilled it with the disturbing substance.
Feeling a sense of unease and in need of diverting her thoughts, (Y/n) broke the silence, saying, "I am growing bored. There is nothing to do here."
The vampire arched an elegant eyebrow, waiting for her to elaborate. "Would you like more dolls?" he suggested.
She rolled her eyes, her frustration mounting. "I don't need more dolls," she retorted. "I want something genuinely interesting to do. I miss going into the forest."
"No," he replied firmly.
She gave him an outraged look. "Why?"
"Too dangerous," he said dryly.
Brows furrowing in irritation, she argued, "I've spent a lot of time in the forest near my home! This one can't be any different."
"You won't go anywhere," he hissed, and the air grew noticeably colder around them.
Her stomach twisted, but she wasn't ready to back down. Her mind raced for an alternative. "If I can't leave this estate, can't I at least do something here? The horses! I want to ride horses."
"No," he fumed, his anger so palpable that it led to a shattering glass as he tightened his grip. "I don't want to hear any more about this matter."
The blood was now dripping on the table. She pushed her chair back. It was a good thing the table cover was red. As servants rushed to clean up the mess, (Y/n) pushed her chair back, her appetite vanishing.
Well, she had at least tried with the vampire, she pondered. There were still the servants she could try to convince. She had talked briefly with one servant named Mary. (Y/n) wondered if she would be able to use this to her advantage. Instead of insisting on it, she would occasionally talk to that lady to gain her trust.
"I shall buy new books," the vampire announced, his tone more composed. "What would suit your taste?"
She hesitantly lifted her head and shrugged. "I don't know," she admitted meekly, still mindful of the vampire's previous anger. "I don't read much."
He narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean, you don't read much ?"
She fidgeted, unable to understand what was so wrong with her statement. "Not really necessary when harvesting food, is it ?" She reasoned with a dismissive shrug, hoping her response would suffice.
The vampire sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I suppose we shall have to change that, then," he remarked with a shake of his head.
⊱ ────── {⋆☾⋆} ────── ⊰
"Now, I want you to be on your best behavior," the duke instructed, his gaze sweeping over (Y/n) from head to toe, making the final adjustments to her appearance as the maid who had dressed her discreetly retreated.
(Y/n) let out an impatient sigh. "Is this really necessary?"
"Yes," the man— vampire, insisted. "I must ensure my daughter is well educated." Another exasperated sigh escaped her, and she crossed her arms. "None of that now, do you know how difficult it is to find a governess willing to work during the night ?"
"No," she acknowledged with a careless shrug. "But you wouldn't have to if you simply agreed to me having lessons during the day."
He scoffed at the suggestion as if it were the most ridiculous thing he ever heard. "That would disrupt your sleep schedule."
A servant knocked at the door before announcing : "Mrs. Mitchell has arrived, Sir."
"Let's proceed," he ordered, striding toward the door. The girl practically had to jog to keep up with his brisk pace.
They entered the reception room, where the tutor was sitting, waiting for them. The woman had a sharp, stern look about her. She wore a white chemise and a long black skirt reaching her ankles.
"Good evening, Duke de Beauvoir," greeted the woman.
"Greetings, Mrs. Mitchell," he replied politely. "Please, take a seat," he offered.
The adults engaged in conversation, and (Y/n) stood beside the vampire, remaining silent. Her thoughts drifted, and she began to daydream. Eventually, Mrs. Mitchell decided it was time to assess her current level of knowledge.
The tutor instructed her to read and write a little. After the brief examination, she slightly furrowed her brows and remarked, "She appears to be slightly behind, but I believe this can be rectified in no time."
"Very well," the man agreed. "A room will be prepared for you, and your lessons will commence on Monday night at 6:00 PM."
At this time of the year, the sun sets early in London. (Y/n)'s jaw dropped in outrage. That was insanely early. She was usually still in bed at that time. Nonetheless, they agreed on the hours without the girl's consent.
Mrs. Mitchell, however, seemed curious and ventured to ask, "May I inquire why nighttime is the preferred time for these lessons?"
The vampire's expression turned cold. "I do not believe that is any of your concern, Mrs. Mitchell."
The tutor nodded humbly. "Of course, Duke de Beauvoir. I apologize."
He accepted her apology, then turned his gaze to (Y/n). "Your duty is to educate my daughter, not to interfere in our affairs."
"Understood," Mrs. Mitchell replied with utmost respect.
(Y/n) couldn't help but wonder how the woman would react if she eventually discovered the truth. Would she leave? Or would fear keep her bound, much like the other servants?
The vampire placed a cold hand on her shoulder as they left the room together. Lately, he had expressed an interest in teaching her to play chess.
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lazyalani · 1 year
Hello, I hope you're well! I hope I'm not bothering you, but if I understood correctly then you currently have requests open for Black Butler?
If I'm wrong, please feel free to delete this ask. I appreciate you taking the time to read it regardless!
If I'm not, then may I please request for Black Butler? I have all kinds of ideas myself about a situation where Ciel brings in another member of staff to help Mey-Rin out with cleaning since she can be clumsy quite often. That being said, the person (Mc, reader, whoever you wish to refer to them as) isn't strong or spiritual or really that special of a person. Borderline Mary Sue with how normal their life seems, but maybe they could have something more to them than just being a normal human. How would some of the characters react to/interact with them? (Preferably romantic headcanons if that's okay, if not then feel free to change it however you wish!) My favorite characters at the manor are Snake and Sebastian, but if you want to add someone different feel free! If you only take one character per request, then can it please be Sebastian?
No pressure, no rush, you don't have to accept this. Thank you for reading my request anyway! I hope you have a lovely rest of your day, please take care of yourself and stay safe! 😊
| Black Butler [Phantomhive Estate]
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| When Ciel brings in an assassin as a servant
| i was a little bit confused to what you meant as 'more than a normal human' but i assumed they aren't supernatural but not a normal civilian either, i hope this is okay, gosh im so nervous about this, but i love this request, i got this when i was in rites rehearsal in school lol, only a few dialogues, oc is gender neutral, i wasnt sure if i should put reader or oc but ig oc would fit more i hope its okay, this could also be read as reader cuz its gn anyway, i wanted to write this is fic form but i figured it would be too long, im sorry i couldn't do snake because im not really that familiar with him, this is my frist time taking up this kind of request, mixing up an assassin and romance is a bit confusing so sorry if i dont live up to your expectations, mc is referred to as 'they/them'
Ft. Ciel, Sebastian, Mey-Rin
| Kuroshitsuji Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
Extra Note: I was a lot more motivated to write this cuz you're so sweet :') lots of thanks and hugs for you
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CIEL [Platonic]
Ciel encountered them during a mission as the guard dog. An assassin sent to kill him, who ofcourse, failed due to his demonic butler. After suffering an utter defeat on Sebastian's hands, Ciel had a risky idea of bringing them back with him to add to his army servants. He has seen great potential. Although Sebastian had not been fully pleased as it was risky because they were literally sent to kill them, he had respected his master's wishes but kept an eye on them. Waking up to an unknown bedroom and then suddenly being offered a chance to work for someone you were assigned to kill before was definitely surprising for them, but after observing how the 'job' works, they reluctantly accepted.
They weren't good at doing the housework, but they weren't bad either for someone who had just started to work. Still confused, they kept observing Ciel, wondering why they were even offered the job despite almost assassinating him.
"Young Master, may I ask a question?" They asked during dinner time, dusting shelves near the dining table.
"Because you're useful."
"Pardon me?"
"The answer to your question. You were going to ask why I had offered this to you, were you not?" He calmly sipped his tea, then lowering the cup to let Sebastian fill it. "Failed, but not helpless. Surely you understand why I have 'servants' like you, don't you? You'd prove to be a good ally against those pests."
".... Thank you, young master."
"You have yet to prove your full loyalty, show me your devotion, servant."
"Gladly, Earl Phantomhive."
And so they brought back the heads of their former client and their agency employer. With a few days of Sebastian still keeping an eye on them, they had slowly but surely earned the whole manor's trust.
They had soon gotten used to how their job works. Although still a bit clumsy, they had done their best to serve the Earl, gaining fondness for the child. Despite what others think, it was quite easy to have affections for the young master, whether it's out of sympathy or slowly just getting to know him. They understand what draws the other servants to their master. The Earl was cunning and ruthless, but he was still infact a child and in need of support. So they had grown to get used to taking care of him by doing simple actions and words, serving him with gentleness and fondness.
"Young Master, is the blood yours?"
"Young Master, please let me tend to your bruises."
"Young Master, it is time to eat."
"Young Master, what should I tell Sebastian to prepare?"
"Young Master, Bard has made something explode again, please civer your nose from the smoke."
"Young Master, I heard this tea is good for soothing headaches."
"Young Master, I believe it is time to rest."
As an assassin, they understand what it's like to kill. To have a shitty and frustrating background. To have to kill to survive and get what you want. To have to be cautious everytime. To not affording to let your guard down knowing the dangers of your world.
And so they are cautious and wary of anyone getting close to him. A visitor or anyone that's not originally a part of his life before. They always keep them, hence why they requested to have a slight change on their uniform to hide it.
They had heard his story from the other servants and came to an understanding of what Ciel really wants to do, to achieve. Revenge, and if it means protecting the boy and letting him live as much as he can, they will help him towards that goal.
It's only when they are in a mission and they are involved that Ciel is reminded that they are a professional assassin still.
It does make him more confident that while Sebastian is out fighting the main enemy or hunting someone, they can protect him, not letting any other enemy near him and killing them all before they can even take a step forward. It gives him chills, the same ones he feels when Sebastian shows his true abilities. It terrifies him that a human could kill so easily like a demon, and relieves him that he took them in.
Eventually, Ciel has gotten used to their subtle (not really) smothering and protectiveness. He was bothered at first, but he just let it be until he does get used to it, it's a great balance to Sebastian's sarcastic and teasing nature at times. And althought he would never admit it, he does look forward to getting pampered after a long day or mission and not get teased for it (Sebby srlsy).
SEBASTIAN [Romantic]
When he doesn't trust them yet, he sees them as a potential formidable enemy. They may not have defeated him, but they still put up quite the fight for a few minutes. Although defeated, not completely. They might not be a danger for him but they are great danger to his master, being inside the estate and meddling with other servants. He does find them a bit interesting. Normal people may not see it, the assassin's face is neutral, but their eyes are readable, atleast to him. It interests him how their eyes keep on changing emotions, curiosity, observant, interested, empathetic, understanding, sympathetic, pleased, distressed, frustrated, disagreeing, surprised. It interests him how much a human could keep on changing through so many emotions in a short time, and manage to keep it hidden under a neutral mask. And it interests him how they could keep such a calm manner while suspecting something about him.
Sebastian could see it in their eyes whenever they see or interact with him. Cautious, observing, curious. He knows they suspect he isn't human. Ofcourse, what human could do those things he did during their fight. But still, they had kept quiet about it and never asked questions, atleast not verbally. Sebastian could see so many questions hidden in their eyes, and it amuses him to see how they try to keep those questions in. It amuses him how they could really reign their own thoughts and questions despite seeing and interacting with him everyday.
When they had gained his trust, he lets his guard down just a little bit more. He admits, he finds it comforting to finally have someone competent enough in the household to help him. It's not that he really needs help, it's just that he finds it quite a bother and annoying to do every chore while doing his tasks as the Guard Dog's 'assistant' or something.
It's not really a secret that Sebastian finds it easier to be around them than the others. The way his stiffness is nowhere to be found around them, and his voice seems to be less strict. He knows and he doesn't really care when even the Earl points it out. He claims it should serve as a motivation for the others to start working harder if they don't want him to always nag them. Ofcourse he and Ciel knows there's more to it but they don't care (though Ciel definitely would save his thoughts about it for future purposes).
After a while, their curiousty does fade into just being neutral and not giving a shit about who he is or what he is. Despite having suspicions, they let it be because knowing he keeps their master safe is enough. Although they are a bit wary to how he is connected to the young master, they decide to push it down.
Sebastian and them act like normal co-workers as time passes.
"Goodmorning, Sebastian."
"Goodmorning. Has the utensil shelf been polished upstairs?"
"I did that yesterday, shall I do it again?"
"No need. Have the pests been taken care of? There were quite a few crawling around yesterday night."
"They have, I laid them in the 'garden' and let the others clean up. I will check on it again later to make sure the job is done perfectly."
"Good job. Make sure everything is fine while the young master and I take care if everything outside for later."
"Yes. Is the young master still asleep? He didn't overwork himself again, didn't he?"
"It seems that he quite did, seeing as he is still asleep right now and not calling for me. I shall get him ready for the day, I'll leave you to do the rest."
Sebastian does prefer interacting with them than anybody else. Okay, maybe not normal co-workers, but the most normal talk murderers pretending to be servants could do. He prefers talking to them more than any servant because they understand how he talks about the things that aren't meant to be said around anyone else. They have the intelligence Sebastian wants a subordinate to have and he's quite greatful for it. It pleases him that he can now take a little bit more time outside the manor without worrying about it burning down or the young master's safety.
Afterall, their new servant is very skilled in doing their job.
But the main reason it that because he could show sides of himself that aren't meant to be seen even by the other servants. While he may not show his true nature, he does show a little bit of non-human capabilities. Not needing to worry about it makes things easier for him, also because they can cover for him at tines. Their neutral and usual they don't care nature puts him at ease. And them being an assassin definitely adds more ease. Knowing how to kill, and anything that involves it makes it easier for him to slip out and ask a bit help.
It reaches to the point where interacting with them puts him at ease after a long day or after an annoying event. Sebastian is definitely more comfortable around them than anyone else.
He does know what it means. He knows what the little tingle feeling he feels when he hears their voice. He knows what the ease on his back means when he sees them. And he doesn't mind at all. It feels good so why would he deny it? Although it could propose a few problems in the future, but he'll worry about it when it gets there.
When he realizes it, he gets a little more softer on them.
"Job well done as usual."
"After dusting that, you may take a rest."
"Have you eaten? The food I made a while ago is still fresh."
"Ah, do be careful dealing with those pests, they might be quite a handful."
"I imagine you might be tired from dealing with those cockroaches, the tea is still hot, it is good for body pains."
And yes, other people do notice. And yes, Ciel does know, and he doesn't give a shit as long as it doesn't interfere with their missions and tasks. Plus, it gives him opportunities to tease his butler back.
It also adds that whatever is going on will not have to interfere with his tasks to his master because he knows full well that they can protect theirself, the household, and the young master. They are a professional assassin and does not need protection and direct orders and intructions to kill and hunt.
In any case, Sebastian and them would deal with their growing affections slowly and quietly, letting it grow further while letting the each other savor it.
As times passes by, Sebastian does get a little bit more bold with his words and actions. He grows quite more confident when they reciprocate his advances.
All in all, Sebastian was drawn to them because he can show a little more if his true self around them. Because despite disgusing as a servant, they don't exactly differ from when they act as an assassin or a servant. They don't lose their personality and turn into a normal person when changing roles. They are competent in any role they take and know what needs to be done, how to talk about house chores and how to talk about other things, when to meddle, what to do, what needs to be left unasked, how to deal with their emotions efficiently, and does not get distracted by the slights of things.
MEY-RIN [Platonic]
Mey-rin sees them as an older sibling.
Sure they might be monotone and apathetic at most times, but their caring nature makes her think otherwise.
"Mey-rin, be careful, you might fall down."
"Please don't move too much, you might get injured."
"Ah, use this instead of that, this is more effective."
"Oh, don't do that, it will make blood flow out more."
They definitely scare her when they are at the battlefield. Those emotionless eyes and monotone voice are more terryfing than everything when they hold their katana and slash through the enemies. The thought of them being their ally when they keep enemies from coming at her makes her calm.
Merciless, definitely. But she sees them a bit different inside the manor. Those scary eyes are replaced by a neutral face. They rarely smile but she can see their caring actions towards everyone, especially towards their young master.
She was definitely more than happy to know that they can live up to Sebastian's standards in doing house chores because they definitely need help. Although she is ashamed and embarassed to be outdone and to ask for help from a new servant, she can't help but do it and admire them. She can't help but ask them to teach her, and she was happy to know that they agreed.
"I see, instead of doing that, I think you should do it sideways so the duster can cover everything."
"Try cleaning in a more staright posture so you don't fall down."
"How about starting at the top so you don't fall down bending when you start at the bottom of the stairs?"
"I am glad to be of help."
She does look up to them so much. She is very glad that they are as competent in the house chores as they are in the battlefield.
When she observes then, she can quite see the similarities of when they are outside. They still have that stealth when they are walking, that swiftness and speed when doing chores, the effiency when doing tasks, and the quality when doing everything.
It honestly terrifies her how they can just kill so easily without any trace of emotion and pretend to be a normal servant as though nothing happens at night.
Despite obviously having a crush on their resident visual butler, he also does intimidate her in a way the new servant does.
The new servant does make her a little bit more scared, but it brushes of everytime she sees and hears them taking care of everyone. It makes her happy that under that apathetic face they wear, they truly care for all of them. And it makes her relieved that they aren't an enemy.
Ofcourse, she was wary of her before, all of them were. But they did see their improvement. From doing chores improvement to socializing improvement.
When they kind of 'nag' her to be careful on standing in chairs to dust the shelves and clean the stairs, she feels warm. It feels like having an older sibling nag at you to take care of yourself.
They also have the room next to Mey-rin, and when she has her nightmares about her past, they come comforting her. Despite the usual monotone of their voice, she can feel their concern. They may not be much of a talker, their comfort is quiet, but it's enough for her that they listen to her thoughts and worries and understand her.
They also remind her to change her glasses when it's near breaking. Or when she falls and breaks her glasses, they always offer to buy a new one and let her rest and tend to her small bruises.
All in all, she's glad to have someone who can be there for when she's sniper Mey-rin, maid Mey-rin, and sad Mey-rin.
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bethanysnow · 10 months
Golden Hour: a SKZ thanksgiving~
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Writers Notes:
As I get back into K-pop and South Korean Culture. The fandoms of K-pop, and Stray Kids. I am reminded of my first holiday season having moved from Alaska. Coming from a big family it felt like the house was too empty, that I couldn't turn the tv loud enough to replace the people that weren't there. Everyone has had that at some point. A holiday, a birthday, or some event where you just wished that person or those people were there for. Even as good as that event or holiday turned out to be. You still saw an empty chair and thought it would be filled. So I write this because of that feeling. I have friends now as an adult all over the world and it's hard to convey that specific brand of isolation.
I know Thanksgiving is a very U.S.-centric holiday. But go with me here lol. I promise it's cute.
So to my fellow stays all across the world you make not only stray kids but also me, stay. So thank you. I may not speak to you directly, but if you are tagged below you have impacted me in your work, and blog, and it's been an honor to be in this space with you. I dedicate this work to you. I hope it doesn't suck!
@hyunsvngs @moonlightndaydreams @moonjxsung @ddyskz @queen-in-the-shadows @chansmanda @antoniorhinothethird @cbini @its-hannjisung @noellllslut @channieandhisgoonsquad @sweetracha @skzms @hyunjinfairy @7ndipity @forlix
Stray Kids ot8 X Platonic!Foreigner!Reader. (But honestly, it can be whatever you want ;) ) 2.7k wrds
"Vanilla! I fucking forgot Vanillia! God damnit!" Recircling it on the very long list that had been trailing behind her through the week. It was days before Thanksgiving and it was not only a herculean task to try and buy cranberry sauce in Korean, but also to find a whole turkey from meet markets and buchers who of course looked at y/n like she was insane.
It was only because Seungmin and Minho teased y/n about just how festive she was getting for the holidays she had to open her big mouth. You just had to, didn't you? Of course! Y/n was gonna show them just how amazing the holidays could be, starting with the third week of November. If she had to pull a full Martha Stewart out of her ass to prove her point she would, Y/n was already too deep into it now.
That is how she found herself in the middle of a grocery store on the outer edges of Seoul trying to buy potatoes and cursing about Vanilla. Y/n thought back on how she got into this mess while continuing shopping.
Originally Y/n worked as a remote context translator for a couple video editors based out of South Korea. That of course turned into more and more Zoom meetings and a vacation to Seoul later she had moved and worked full-time with JYP and Stray Kids. Still as a context translator, but also now as an assistant to their manager whom she grew close with. He was the big brother/father figure one needed in a country you weren't from originally. The eight boys who followed her around like lost puppies also maybe had something to do with it maybe just maybe.
Getting out of the store with her now chosen ingredients it was time to hail back to the apartment and start the process that everyone dreaded most of all. Cleaning. It wasn't the obligatory floordrobe, or the collection of maybe two mugs too many on the coffee table; but left to ones own devices the apartment was...not great for hosting what will be the greatest dinner ever?? One would love to have the ~aesthetic~ apartment you see on Pinterest, but fuck even the Idols she worked for didn't have that. So why should she? Y/n's roommate of six months was out on a bussniess trip for the next week, so she got to fight the great pile of doom on her own.
Walking in the mix of preparation and desolation that greeted her would make Marie Kando tremble in fear. But she was determined! The kitchen was stacked with dishes so strategically one would call her a master of her craft- now this artform isn't one for the faint of heart, but art nonetheless. Putting down the new groceries away in the refrigerator and cabinets it was time to start.
"CUE THE CLEANING MONTAGE!" Y/n yelled as music filled the room. Pretending to be a tavern wench as she cleared the table and did the dishes or Cinderella waiting for a Hwang Prince Charming.
As the night wore on it was becoming increasingly obvious cleaning the entire apartment wasn't going to be an option tonight. Flopping on the couch looking at her phone Y/n scrolled through social media. Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter (Authors note: Fuck you Elon). She stopped and tossed the phone down onto the cushion beside her. Her shirt was wet, cold, still sudsy from doing the dishes that needed to be handwashed. Her knees hurt from getting under the table. Hands ached with the grip of a thousand suns it felt like.
All Y/n could hear though was the quiet. The dripping of the faucet, the cars outside, the heater kicking on. But like a ringing in her ears she just heard quiet. No laughter, no joy or drinks being spilt over stories that don't see the light of day. The air was heavy and thick cold enough to cause goosebumps up her arms. Y/n had moved away from everything she knew on the hope that she would find her place in the world. That she would find her people. Maybe she had, but in the moment she exhaled all that was left was a tired body. It was for thanksgiving, it was for people she now considered friends to come over and have a good time. The emptiness in stagnation though diligently reminded her of why they were her friends in the first place. There was no support group here like back at home. She didn't have to think twice about connotation or what someone meant when they said something because they all spoke the same language at home. Found similar things funny. Understood implications of words and meanings. That was all gone. Working twice if not three times as hard just to get a foot in the door Y/n was faced with the reality and consequence of her decision. She didn't regret it. Or at least at the moment, she didn't. The gnawing in her chest would subside one day and she would find friends, family. People to kiss under the golden hour sun and dance in the kitchen as things baked in the oven. To sneak around roommates and hold hands under the table at a restaurant. She would find them, like a mantra she chanted this over and over while moving to Korea and now she sat on her couch. Looking off into the middle distance her brain coaxing her to the scenarios where she wouldn't find them. Didn't take that step. Didn't say hi.
Yet she was swimming in silence meant to choke her. Drown her hope.
It wasn't enough to be lonely.
it wasn't enough to not understand.
It was in moments like these did she allow tears to reach her eyes and fall.
Over her cheeks, down her jaw, her neck. Just silently spill into empty glasses that never could be filled in the first place.
Her heart was wretched and blue it needed a fire to stay warm and she was almost there.
She looked around the apartment and could almost see Changbin and Seungmin yell at one another about cards, or Hyunjin silently judging her decorations, Chan trying to help but being told not to, and Felix talking about the pie she made. Just like a picture book, it was so close and she blinked and it was the empty room again. Sinking her fantasy into the sea.
............its soon
The days leading up to the fateful Thursday were one of a lot of shopping, decorating, and cooking. Lots of cooking.
Proving the bread to make the rolls, blind baking the pie crust, hell even making the pie crust to then blind bake it. Mixing stuffing to set overnight, potatoes to peel and mash, cranberries to turn into a sauce, a turkey to baste and season and cook, Arms deep in a bird stuffing it with stuffing.
And yes the fisting jokes abound.
The group chat that was made kept the phone buzzing its way off the counter with the fervency in which some of the boys texted.
Jinnie: What should I wear?
Wolf boy: Do we need to bring anything?
Cat: I googled Thanksgiving and...do you really make hand turkey art?
It made Y/n giggle seeing how excited the boys were getting. This was what she needed after the work put in.
Y/n: Wear whatever you want, be comfortable, but Idk..like nice comfortable? Stuff you wouldn't mind photos being taken in? No don't bring anything, and yes we did as kids.
Bin: ...So no girl group outfit? lol
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Y/n: No no you could if you wanted to, but that's between you and Stay lol.
Wolf boy: You sure we don't need to bring anything? I can pick something up on the way.
Minnie: Oy, grandpa she said not to~ ;P
Wolf boy:
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Y/n: I cannot wait to see you thursday. Don't kill each other before then. Or else no one is gonna eat the food.
The day had arrived. At least the dress rehearsal had. The day before it was no holds bars, if it wasn't going to be done that day it wasn't going to be done. Waking up at 6 am Y/n padded out to the kitchen. Making coffee and something to eat it was the waiting before the rush. The inhale of the orchestra before placing their bow on the strings, the grabbing of a mic and feeling it in your hand, the stare into the crowd before going on stage.
The 'hold your breath and jump.'
And the race was on!
Dishes from the cabinet were taken out, the nice dishes, the ones Y/n picked up thinking her social life would be fuller than it was. Yes those dishes. Beautiful and shined like the inside of a clamshell, pearl dust and fairy tears was what the label read originally. Some rich people shit as far as she was concerned, she just liked it being pretty.
The table was set with a red tablecloth, and leaves from maybe the tree outside her apartment, (they were yellow and red, and who really would have noticed?). Crystal glasses, and tapered candles waiting to be lit. Pine cones and wreath garlands shrugged against window sills and folded oh so strategically a brass-coloured throw blanket on the couch to cover a night of drinking.
The food slowly grew from one side of the counter to taking up the entire kitchen. Even having to borrow a table from her roommate to set everything out. Drinks, games to play. The oven heated up the apartment till Y/n had to take off her hoodie and reminisce that maybe this was what it was like to put coal into a train engine. Warm light from the stove swallowed the apartment in an amber-golden glow. Sitting on the kitchen linoleum her head fell back against the cabinet under the countertop. A smile gracing her features. She could hear the timer tick by, feel the heat from the stove, she could look up to the counter top and see dishes filled with food and it was all for tomorrow. For a good day. To have a good day. It will be worth it. She was sure.
By the time Y/n had decided to fold the fabric napkins it was past 1 in the morning. Her phone lit up with a notification, and she swiped her pin to see it was a text from Chris.
"Hey Chan, whatsup?"
"Nothin, working on music. You uh sure you don't want me to bring anything?"
*sends a photo of the buffet that has been created* "That your answer?"
"You did all that for us?"
"Well yea, I want you to have a good time."
"Yes Chan?"
"Thank you. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. Thank you for doing this, I know you've been homesick. So I am looking forward to it!"
"Me too"
turning the screen black Y/n sat back against the chair and looked at the now decidedly more festive apartment. It was like a hallmark movie threw up and she wouldn't change a thing about it.
The morning had come. Unlike Christmas or a birthday, this was about family and gathering around a table and honoring those around us. That is what it was supposed to be at least.
Taking the most deep everything shower one can achieve Y/n had it down almost to a science. Lathering body washes, scrubs, hair masks, everything! To hope she could look maybe half as good compared to who was going to walk into her place in a couple hours.
Slipping into a green dress, she put on an apron. Putting the last rolls into the oven wiping down countertops and doing last touches.
She had a hour before all hell would break loose and eight of the most talented men in their generation would be walking in through her front door. It made her nervous.
Not nervous bad, but nervous. First time she had people over to her apartment, first-time friends, but also she did work for them technically. It wasn't lost on Y/n just how amazing this situation was.
How many people would kill to have these opportunities in life. Sure things hurt, and sucked sometimes, but looking around she knew she was grateful and that's what mattered. Till the stove timer went off snapping her back to what needed to be done. Rolls out, covering them with a kitchen towel, running into the bedroom to slap on some makeup and finish her hair. It was just as she put down the last thing did the doorbell go off.
The group walked in with confidence like they owned the building but Y/n would expect nothing less. All in sweaters and hoodies, sweatpants and big hugs for the host. Standing next to the door Y/n was crushed with biceps only the kpop industry could produce. Holding her tight she kept each boy embraced till they were the first to let go. With Han, Felix, and Chan that could last the entire night though.
"This is your apartment?"
"You made bread???!"
"Do we eat now??"
"Oy! Y/n you decorated for us? Why?"
*insert Minho elbowing them*
"Its really nice!"
Her apartment was now filled with laughter. Han finding a guitar of course needed to waltz through and serenade anyone who would listen. Chris and Changbin fussing with the tv to get karaoke set up. Hyunjin indeed was judging the decorations but with the artistic eye of admiration in reality. Felix and Seugmin hovered over the food talking about it, pouring drinks. Leeknow sat on the couch scrolling on his phone ultimately being more moral support for the boys at the television. IN staying close to Y/n watching the groups chaos ensue.
It was what she needed.
What she had been missing.
"Okay everyone, dinner is served!" Taking the turkey out of the oven and the foil off the tops of serving plates "Chan would you do the honors?" Offering to have him place the turkey out on the serving table. His smile reached his eyes as his chest puffed up with pride calling the boys to have a seat. One by one they piled food on their plates high, filling their glasses full, and sitting down at the table antsy so excited to eat with everyone there. For they too felt the separation of the two apartments, they didn't get to have homecooked meals or someone to plan something this nice. But Y/n did. She saw how they ate from food delivery containers, vending machines, and out of each others plates. Her heart ached as did theirs and so tonight, today, would be spent healing that pain.
Chan cut the turkey, Minho continued to smack people's asses because he could, Changbin got up and did a girl group dance playing the song on his phone. People laughed till they cried. Pie was served and everyone commented at how much cool whip was on Felix's because "That's how you're supposed to eat it!"
The sun was setting casting the apartment in that golden hour hue. Where Y/n had normally kept busy, ignoring the pit in her stomach of another day gone by alone. She got to sit back and watch her friends, her new family enjoy time together. Eat a meal that they didn't have to stress about. The golden light filled Y/ns chest with warmth and the fuzziness of blankets at a sleep over, the stuffed animal won at a claw machine, the bed of home after being away. Time had passed, and she could let go of the pain that held her back if these boys were the ones to catch her.
And they would. Time and time again they would catch her. All she needed to do was jump. So while Han sang a disney princess song, and Seungmin and Minho admit defeat that maybe the holidays aren't as bad after all, or even Chan stopped the ever-present work load to be in the moment; Y/n finally had it. What she had been wanting all along. She found her place in the world.
In with these boys, in the laughter, in the pain of loneliness, she had found it.
Uno rounds, songs sung, pillows thrown, food ate, it was truly a Golden StrayKids Thanksgiving after all.
Where no one can be forgotten.
La fin.
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