#platonic forms
nerium-aquifolium · 7 months
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“Platonic sun”
“I thought I knew what I was, now I feel made up, I’m a parody!
You wake me up.
Oh, what you are is hard to find, you could teach the deaf, or you could lead the blind
Just by the shock of your touch, yeah I know how it feels
Or the knife in your stare, and the way that it peels me…
Over and over till’ I’m skinned to the core!, I found a hole in my heart that wasn’t there before.
I’m just a pale little boy, looking out for myself, but I start shaking for you and nobody else.
I’d like to be just simple and dry, but it rains like a storm and I can’t fight the sky.
If you know what it’s best for your friends and yourself, you will sit still and shut your mouth”.
- Winter; Yabadum
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ambicephalic · 9 months
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World of forms
Based on a true story from a weekend walk through Franklin Park
Plato's world of forms is an absurd way of looking at the world which feels natural because we've been steeped in a culture built on that ridiculous notion for thousands of years. Any comparison between a mental symbol of a thing and the thing itself is all you need to realize that there is no such thing as an idealized anything.
On this day I was walking through Franklin Park with my husband, who happened to be wearing this shirt, and we came across some painted turtles sunning on a log. Were they really this close? NO. Embellishment.
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demon-girl-izalith · 4 months
Fun queer writing prompt idea with a philosophy mix:
Imagine you're in a universe where plural people are more common than singlets and the identities of individual headmates are like platonic forms that can reincarnate. Each lifetime if there's some big event between headmates of different systems, then in the next life their platonic form is pulled into a system together. Arch enemies become one after death, as do lovers and every other intense relationship. The ultimate dialectic.
At the end of human history what happens? What would the end of the world be? Would there be tons of systems, and each would have all identities of all humans existing in them simultaneously? Would there only be one system but billions of people? Or would it be neither?
When a system dies, is the incarnation in another still living system of one of their headmates the same person or does it just pull upon the same platonic aesthetic form-- are they clones? Different people...? If there are multiple instances of those forms incarnated in multiple systems do they agree or disagree on things depending on that system?
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sp0o0kylights · 9 months
Steve wearing a ring Eddie gifts him as a joke (so he can be less prep/more cool) except Steve ends up wearing it all the time.
Something happens-- Eddie misplaces or otherwise forgets his rings one night, and ends up having to go about the day without them.
He's so used to spinning and fidgeting with them that he feels practically naked. Keeps touching his bare fingers and wincing.
Without asking and mid conversation with Robin, Steve offerings him not Steve's own ring, but his entire hand.
Just gives his hand over to Eddie, an intrusive thought he followed without sparing so much as a second to think it through.
(Eddie plays with the ring on Steve's finger anyway, trying not to blush about it, but very much needing the distraction. )
Robin calls them out about ten minutes in, asking why Steve didn't just take the ring off. 
“Oh. I didn't think about that. Sorry Eddie.” 
“Don't apologize man, this is better."
Steve nods like that makes perfect sense, and Eddie refuses to elaborate further.
Robin wants to choke them both because they're fucking romance-blind idiots.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 4 months
Sirius Black 🤝 James Potter
Bringing chocolate to their boyfriends on their respective times of the month
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stars-obsession-pit · 1 month
Danny Phantom was not used to fighting magic users. Ghosts, yes. But humans with powers? No.
So when a cult managed to successfully summon and bind him, he lacked the knowledge of how to stop them.
And they tore him apart.
His core was broken into pieces, each one then implanted into one of the most loyal cult members (or potentially sold off to another person to use…) to grant them a portion of Phantom’s many powers.
However, the cult didn’t entirely know what they were doing either. You see, it turns out that shattering Danny’s core in that manner didn’t truly end him. His soul still persisted, still refused to die even as it was trapped amongst the disparate shards. Though each individual piece lacked the strength of mind or power to affect their hosts, they would gradually forge themselves together anew should they ever be gathered back together.
And after Red Hood killed several of the cult’s members, that process began. Their shards, now freed, transferred to the vigilante, instinctively latching onto his proto-core. Though still not yet whole enough to form a truly conscious fragment of Danny, they are enough to start to nudge Hood in the right direction (bolstered in effectiveness by Jason’s connection to death)
Jason can feel it deep within his soul. There’s something more to this cult’s powers than just normal magic, and he has a growing need to find out what that is. To stop them. To burn them all down and dig their secrets from the ashes.
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triangular-static · 30 days
look i understand if people just don't like the idea of billford, i think we have a different internal concept of what shipping means (they're not good for each other at all but i need to dissect their dynamic like a bug. you understand. it's fun) but it's fine to avoid things you don't like, good for you genuinely
however people saying they like. don't see it. like. i'm not saying there's no platonic way to read it, i'm aroace spec myself i'm all for reading things in different ways. but i do think saying they weren't partners in any queer sense at all is trying too hard to go against what the narrative is trying to say, or missing it. somehow
anyway media literacy time if a character makes a joke like this
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and the previous context of that joke within the show is that it's about an ex wife. what connection do you think the text is trying to get you to make.
and that's just from a writing point of view. not even noting that from an in universe perspective ford likely knows the joke from the same source as stan. and is therefore. placing himself in that role of the joke are you seeing where i'm coming from
(not to mention bill's side of this text which is. extremely manipulative but also does not read very platonic. again, it can technically be read as platonic! bill literally can manipulate ford's feelings. but the specific wording used is very much meant to look like possessive ex partner wording whether the character means it that way or not. it's coding. look again i'm not saying it was good for them i'm just saying there was something there.)
and then there's also the divorce/break up/rock bottom input on the website. like. how else is that supposed to be read. and the corresponding page in the book itself.
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the language being used here. like yes he's saying it in a joking way but then there's the other side that isn't joking which is him crying at the bar. it's the both sides (the very coded language on top of the very genuine emotions and dynamic beneath)
i know most of us are on the same page with this i've just seen a couple people saying they don't see it when this is some of the most clear cut coding i've ever seen. and these are just the things that explicitly reference a relationship off the top of my head i'm not even including the general vibes of Everything
tl;dr it's barely even subtext anymore it's all but straight up text. what's not clicking have we forgotten what coding is (lighthearted i just enjoy the phrase what's not clicking. what's not clicking)
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katerinaaqu · 3 months
Like...people who think Achilles and Patroclus are lovers that's great and good for you (I consider myself one of them who interprets them as both lovers and friends because they are not mutually exclusive. I love both interpretations equally)
However if you guys criticize people who want to interpret them as friends and companions and you say "oh there is no way he would go through that end if they were *just* friends!" Or if you consider friendship a "downgrade" then I am glad I am not friends with you...
Because to me friends are like family and I would jump through the fire for them and I wouldn't stop at nothing for them. I don't need to bed someone to care deeply for them.
Be kind and let people interpret their favorite characters as they want. Of course the same goes for the other side too!
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thattheater-kid · 9 months
Figuring out that I was aplatonic made so much sense.
I’ve never made a friend on my own. All the friends I’ve made approached me and made me their friend, or I met through friends. I’ve never felt a desire to have friends. Even as a child I never felt I needed them, which made adults think there was something wrong with me and peers think I was stuck up, thinking I was “too good” to be friends with them. I was seen as a mean person. Adults pulled me aside to ask me why I was by myself, and I told them I didn’t like people. I told them I didn’t want to be around people. I said there were more important things to worry about. This got me sent to school counselors, who would ask me why I pushed people away and didn’t want friends and I didn’t have a reason. I enjoy my friends’ company, but I don’t miss them when I’m away. I never understood why it mattered so much, even as a kid. I always preferred to be alone, honestly. I thought for the longest time it was related to being autistic and ADHD, and maybe it is to an extent, but I simply never liked people and never had a desire to be friends with them.
I’d already known I was aroace. I never felt a desire to have sexual or romantic relationships. I never saw a point. I felt no attraction towards anyone and had no desire to. My life was enjoyable without it. Once I learned about aromanticism and asexuality, I understood that that was what I am.
However, aroace spaces put so much emphasis on platonic love that I never felt like I really belonged in the aroace community. I felt like I was still weird and gross. I felt like a freak who was destined to be alone, someone who could never be fulfilled and would always be missing something. I felt like a freak in my own community because I felt no love. I didn’t feel platonic love or attraction and frankly didn’t want to.
I found the word “aplatonic”. Someone who feels no platonic love or attraction. Now I understand that’s who I am, and that’s not a bad thing. My life is no worse without love. I’m not missing something. I still live a fulfilling life. I’m still human.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 87
“Mother, I crave violence.” 
  Danny paused in the middle of his work, turning off the torch as he turned towards Dan. Who had once again be de-aged for destroying a world a few years before. (Ellie had cackled for hours about her being the older sibling now) The currently-six year old was scowling, definitely not pouting. 
  He raised an eyebrow, setting his tools down. “Jordan, we’re literally in an assassin’s den right now-” Honestly running into someone he’d met in his time-traveling was rather interesting, apparently his old rival had become so ecto-contaminated that he was immortal now. “-and I know you just got out of sparring, so are you really ‘craving violence’ or are you just bored?” 
  Dan pouted, sorry, he scowled. “Your ‘friend’s’ kids kept tryin’ to copy me and got in the way.” He hopped up onto one of the chairs, visibly not happy about not being able to fly as he glared at tiny legs. Tough shit, he knew better than to destroy worlds, they couldn’t always reverse time. 
   Danny sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “They’re just trying to play-” Maybe to a human they wouldn’t, but honestly everyone here was so liminal they were probably closer to ghosts than anyone except for Amity. Which had also been displaced in time after getting dragged to the ghost zone, so it had been soaked in ecto longer anyway. 
   “They got in the way and I almost stabbed Dusan!” Dan whined, despite what he’d insist. “At least Elnath can go intangible and Nyssa can dodge!” Ah, that was the issue. He’d been worried. 
   “Little sunbeam, you don’t have to worry,” Danny soothed, scooping up the ghostling. Even though he had been an adult, the chemicals in the brain and body were still that of a child’s. A young child at that. “The trainers are there to keep an accident from happening.” 
  Not to mention that he was rather confident that between Ras and himself they could keep any injuries to minor ones. Sam would have loved to meet him, Danny thinks. Honestly they would have been best friends, but Sam was off on another world on a mission to collect every plant in existence, so good for her, and Tucker was back in the reincarnation cycle. 
  Oh well, at least he wasn’t waiting for them alone, and maybe Dan having more siblings would help stop another timeline-breaking accident from happening. 
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gemstarstarlight · 2 months
“You don’t have to make the elevator noise” and “Masters of she—” “The elevator is slow” is so funny to me because Izzy clearly loves and respects Brennan’s comedic and personality style, but every once in a while she has to snipe him for the bit and it’s the funniest thing in the world.
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talesoflore · 8 months
When they're not friends or lovers but a secret worse third thing (defying boundaries and blurring the lines between all other conventional relationships)
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slices-of-naranja · 10 months
do any of my friends know the love I carry in every word i say to them. When I add too many words, drag on a joke that’s over, when I message them despite the fact the conversation barely ended five minutes ago? every word i speak is an intimacy that’s laced with outright adoration for them as people and all the little details that make them who they are. Do you know I love you? Do y’all know how much of you I try to commit to memory? How much I try to make you smile? do y’all know the love I feel for you?
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findafight · 1 year
Been thinking about another time travel au...
But this time, it's Robin. Just. Robin. She lands the Friday before Will goes missing, and she immediately assumes Steve went with her. Because of course he time traveled with her, why wouldn't he?
Until she gets to school and sees Steve flirting with Nancy and joking with Carol and Tommy. His eyes glance over her without recognition and she realizes she's alone. She panics every morning period until deciding to just go up and corner Steve at lunch and explain to him, try to prove to him she's actually his best friend from the future, and get help.
It ends up with her sitting on the floor of the boys bathroom crying, holding onto (a very confused and mildly freaked out) Steve's hand, and telling him that her day has sucked because how do you even deal with timetravel without your best friend? How do you deal with trying to save the world without them? She can't do this without him and she's freaking out and she wants her best friend back.
And Steve going "hey, uh. Okay. So... you're my friend in this weird future you're trying to stop? Prove it."
Which is something Robin can do. She stares at him for a long time, thinking, and Steve's huffs
"yeah okay. Super weird prank or whatever. Don't bug me again." And goes to stand up but Robin tugs his hand towards her and stops him.
"you are so impatient! I'm trying to think of something to say that won't freak you out and has actually happened! Gimme a minute!"
And Steve raises his eyebrows but he does wait.
"your aunt Ev." She says, finally. "She was your favourite grownup. Loved star trek. You cried so hard when she died and- uh. At her funeral, your dad got mad at you."
Steve blinks at her, brows furrowed."How...how did you know that? Nobody knows that."
Robin smiles. "Dingus. I'm your best friend from the future. You did."
Steve frowns. "Tell me something else."
"okay" she nods "you and Tommy tell everyone both your first kisses were with Carol but the day before you kissed each other."
"what the fuck."
"do you believe me now? Because seriously I need your help with this but I can keep going."
Swallowing Steve nods. Gives her a hand up.
"great. Okay. So, I think we need to tell Jonathan and Nancy about this. Then go to Joyce and Hopper. I'm not quite sure? You were always better at gameplans honestly."
"what about Tommy and Carol?"
She looks at him, and tilts her head (the same way he does) thinking. "Sure. Why not. They'll be suspicious why we're so buddy buddy now anyways."
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Dude Tang sanzang really sound like a gentle but also....ya know-
and maybe we could get a fic of him?I kinda curious actually-
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Taken Aboard
Yandere Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong
(I’ve noticed recently that I enjoy writing yandere introduction fics- them meeting you. The content is a bit softer, but I enjoy establishing these things!)
You don't really want the shiny little key, no matter how important it looks. You just know that it's important. Made from polished silver and ending in many prongs, with a large gemstone set into the bulb... it was clearly valuable.
But you don't want it. Not the silver, not the jewel. You want what comes with taking it- a chase. And if these people didn't want to play your games, why would they come into your forest?
They’re only at the very entrance of the forest, where the trees are thinnest, but it’s still a foolish expedition that they’re surmounting.
There's easier ways to get through the area, after all. The forest is thick with trees and sharp vines, running with many rivers and populated by thousands of different animals. Clearly, these strangers are in no rush and have supplies to spare if they're traveling directly through instead of around.
So what's the harm in one little game?
You’ve learned all the creatures in this forest by heart- their scents and sounds and shapes, each palm-sized critter and earth-shaking beast impossibly dear to your heart.
Your hands; diminutive and deft, shift from tight skin to soft feathers. And as nail curves to talon, the bones of your fingers slide around your palm until they’ve diminished from five to four. In a sudden. startling flash of golden light does the rest of your form fall away.
As the aureate rays that wrap your body burn away from your reducing frame, the new truth of your body becomes clear- you’ve taken the form of a diminutive songbird. Were it not for your green-flecked wings, you would be entirely indistinguishable as a demon by the eye alone.
There’s just enough wind filtering through the dense forest to aid your feathers, sending your small form skyward.
You gather speed by twisting around clustered branches and thick tree trunks, breaking through a canopy of foliage and soaring to the warm sky.
Wings close to your body, you zip overhead the group and unfurl them in what would be a grand display, had you a more imposing form.
Tucking your wings tight, you dive haphazardly, snatching the key from a very startled monk all dressed up in a fancy cossack with a jangly golden stick.
Prying the metal free from his fingers, you retreat to the denser woods, taking a moment to perch as he calls out indignantly for you to return.
But you don’t even have time to gloat to yourself before a multicolored hawk comes at you, red and blue and ginger feathering.
Barely you manage to dodge, watching the bird soar past. The wind left in it’s blazing wake is so fast that your feathers are nearly torn out by their quills.
It rounds sharply, lurching at you again, only missing when you drop from the branch and dip towards the ground. The hawk turns and dives, losing you as you loop a low-hanging branch. It curves the bend with you, only inches away. Through the leaves, it misses by a hairsbreadth, mistaking a browning leaf for your insignificant form. Over the river your shadows startle the koi, causing them to retreat to the muddy depths. All across and through the forest are you hounded, slowly falling closer to the talons of the glorious hawk.
And you finally slip, diving too slow to avoid the clutch of avian claws.
But cold keratin is not what cages you.
Furry fingers tightly enfold your fragile form, stuck fast between the palms of the Monkey King.
He drops from the sky with some measure of grace, tail swaying in glee born of victory.
Exhausted from the chase, you concede defeat in the form of birdsong, melodically peeping and chirping to the simian from the cage his hands form.
Sun Wukong pauses at your display of surrender. It’s not often that a demonic enemy accepts being beaten. He carefully opens his hands to view you- and, to his disbelief, you hop onto the pointer finger of his right hand, holding the little key in your beak.
“You’re a funny little demon, aren’t you? So cute, but so darn troublesome… here, give me that.”
You don’t protest or fight as he snatches the jeweled key, stuffing the metal into his pocket.
“Wukong! Wukong, don’t hurt them!” Says a worried voice from just a few paces away, clearly out of breath from running. “Wukong do not make me recite the… sutra?”
His voice trails away at the sight of you, cupped in the simian’s ginger-furred hands.
“…they aren’t running, Master. They just… gave me the key after I caught them.”
The monk approaches slowly, then takes you into his gentle hands, a note of pity in his contemplative eyes. One soft finger brushes against the green spots that speckle your quills.
“Demon, I kindly ask you- reveal to me your name and form.”
With a giggling peep, you do as asked and immediately return to your true form- in his palms.
Tang Sanzang gasps from the sudden shift in weight, pulled to the ground before he can right himself. You giggle again, sprawled half on his lap and half on the dirt. And Sun Wukong laughs too, enjoying a moment of indignity from his oft-stoic master.
There’s a flash of irritation that fades the second the monk gets a good look at you- gods, you’re only a child. And so thoroughly ragged too. Mud and leaves in your never-cut hair, your fingernails chipped and uneven. Shredded clothing and no shoes.
“Have you been out here long, little one? In the forest, all on your lonesome?” Pity in his voice, compassion in his eyes. “When was the last time you had a meal? A drink? Come, quench yourself with my canteen,” he commands, lifting the fur-wrapped metal to your lips.
“They’re not a baby,” Wukong argues, tapping one clawed finger against your nose. “And don’t act like they’re harmless, Master.”
You pull away from the canteen after a long sip, sticking your tongue out at him. “No one asked you, Hóutóu!”
“Are you getting cheeky with Sun Yéyé? Maybe I should chase you all around your own home again, brat!”
Tang Sanzang sighs, not cutting into the squabble. Petty arguing was better than outright violence, and neither of you seemed all too serious about the verbal spat.
All he can really do is change the subject.
“I can hardly leave a little one all alone out here- even in the forest, it must grow cold at night. Come, you may rest in my tent when the sun falls. Then we shall find your parents, and-“
“…excuse me? ‘N-no’, little one? You mustn’t joke with me like that-“
“I’m not joking,” you cheerily and confidently respond. “This whole forest is my home! And I don’t have parents, anyways! I was born from a fallen peach tree!”
That didn’t sound… too implausible, honestly. Strange things gave birth to demons, after all. Rocks, in Wukong’s own case.
But, even if you were a demon born of nature and the wilds…
Wouldn’t it be horribly cruel to leave a child out here, all alone?
You were small enough to still fit in his lap, small enough that you only came to Wukong’s hip even when you stood on your toes.
A child. Gods, how could you have survived on your own for so long? Demon or not, you were a child. Gods above, he couldn’t leave you here.
It couldn’t be that you’d leave easily. You had just declared that this forest was your home. And with the powers and skills you had, simple force wouldn’t be enough.
He… had some praying to do. To Guanyin, and to another blessed length of golden metal.
You would not be staying here a night longer.
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hephanna · 3 months
can't believe i'm still seeing anti-Charles/Edwin arguments in the form of "but there isn't enough representations of male friendship in media not everything has to be romantic (i.e., gay)." in what universe is there suddenly an influx of mainstream gay romances? Fanfic & Ao3 is not, in fact, a good indication of what is actually mainstream - fanfic specifically fills in the GAP left behind in mainstream - there is a reason a lot of popular ships are just, in fact, canonically male best friends (or female best friends).
it's fine not to be keen on Charles/Edwin but honestly I thought the whole "we need more male x male besties :(( otherwise we're gonna have a surplus of gay romances" was considered outdated last decade.
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