#platonic raine whispers
starbychoice · 1 year
A Song For Little Ears
(Platonic) Raine Whispers x Child!Reader
Summary: Raine finds a child and deicides to care and raise them.
The day Raine found young (Y/N) was cold and dark. The isle was on a verge of spitting up another one of it's nasty storms of boiling rain. As Raine ran down the streets of Bonesborough, they already saw fellow witches outside casting protective spells on their homes in hopes to protect it from the hurtful weather.
As Raine ran past an alley, almost to their house as the rain started to fall, they heard a noise. This wasn't just any noise, but a cry. From the sound of the cry, it was obvious that it had to have been an infant or young child. Raine looked around cautiously, making sure this wasn't anyone's trick to lure witches in. When they decided it was safe, they slowly and carefully walked down the alleyway. There they saw a woven basket on the ground by a stack of crates.
Getting closer, Raine saw a infant in which couldn't be more then a year old. The small child was covered in a blue blanket, which had beautifully stitched stars and constellations. It wasn't an uncommon thing for mother's to put their children up for adoption, but just abandoning them was abnormal.
Raine knew that it would start pouring soon, hurting both them, and the small child. With that in mind, Raine made the decision they thought was best in that moment. That was taking the small child with them, planning on taking the child to the emperors coven after, in hopes of finding someone to take care of the infant.
At this time Raine didn't particularly want a child holding them down, but they had to admit. The child they now held in their arms was very cute. Raine could never forget when the baby looked at them for the first time. The boiling isles seemed to stop, for just a moment when they looked in the child's eyes.
That was one of the few reason Raine decided to keep young (Y/N). There wasn't many good reasons for Raine to keep a child at such a young age, but they had their reasons that were more important then any logical reason Raine should not adopt the infant. Raine didn't even know how to take care of a baby, but that didn't stop them. Hell, Eda didn't even think it was a good idea, and she was the queen of making bad choices!
There was much trial and error with (Y/N), but Raine fought through every one. Weather that be sleep deprivation, colic, and even worries for (Y/N) when their small body falls while trying to sit up for walk. Although there's all those little happy moments that make up for the big bad ones.
It was early in the morning. Raine had just awoken from a hard night, (Y/N) had been crying almost all night long. Raine had no clue why, they were stuck by (Y/N)'s crib, trying to figure out why she was still crying. Eventually (Y/N) did fall asleep, although so did Raine. Raine had fallen asleep next to (Y/N)'s crib sitting in a rocking chair, the top of his body hanging over the top of the crib.
Raine, still halfway asleep, felt something pulling on their hair. Well, a certain someone pulling on his hair... Opening their eyes, they saw the precious face of (Y/N). Raine smiled as (Y/N) tiny fingers weaved through Raine's hair. They thought that this would be a cute moment, that was before (Y/N) pulled on Raine's hair rather harshly for a baby. The combination of a tight grip and surprising strength for a baby was not good in this moment.
Raine immediately pulled back at the pain of having his hair pulled out by a baby. Raine held the part of their head that was brutally assaulted by baby hands. That was when they heard the giggle of (Y/N). Raine glared at (Y/N) slightly, hearing the baby's laugh. (Y/N) giggled more at Raine's look, it was almost insulting!
Looking at (Y/N)'s face, Raine knew they couldn't stay mad at them. Raine sighed, the frustration leaving their body hearing (Y/N)'s giggles. They smiled, picking (Y/N) up. As soon as Raine had done this (Y/N)'s hands were on his face, squishing Raine's cheeks. Raine laughed holding (Y/N) close.
Raine's all time favorite memory of them and (Y/N) was one night when (Y/N) woke up in the middle of the night, wailing. Raine sighed hearing (Y/N)'s cries, "Looks like its gonna be another hard night.." Raine said to themself. Raine dragged their feet to (Y/N)'s crib, picking (Y/N) up and mumbling comforts.
Raine rubbed (Y/N)'s back, hoping (Y/N) would just go to sleep. Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Raine's head. Raine sat (Y/N) back in their bed. (Y/N) wails grew louder when Raine sat them down. Raine summoned his violin, beginning to play soft melodies. (Y/N)'s crying ceased, sniffles only being heard now.
Raine played a common lullaby, humming along with it and closing their eyes. They continued playing for a few minutes, until the song finished. Raine opened their eyes, they were immediately relieved to see (Y/N) asleep. Making their instrument disappear, they leaned into the crib kissing (Y/N)'s head before going back to bed themselves.
I love parental Raine so much, might just be because of my own parent issues but ill take it.
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Raine Whispers and male/adopted son reader
Summary; You were just a regular bard whose magic came at a young age. Your parents ended up passing away while you were attending Hexside, but since you were on your own you couldn’t keep up your studies at the Bard Cash Course. You’d come late everyday and get terrible grades, constantly fall asleep in classes. So You were forced to drop out as you needed to fund yourself but that was until Raine found you.
Author’s Note ; The pronouns that have been used for Reader is you/your and he/him ! as usual instead of y/n being used it was [Name] :p This is just a little platonic Raine comfort bc I love them, enjoy ! <3
It was so overwhelming for you, having to fend for yourself after your parents unfortunately passed away. You were doing so well at Hexside but couldn’t keep up your studies anymore so you had to tell Principal Bump that you had to drop out, now all you had to do was to do street music so you can keep a roof over your head. It was until you started getting in trouble for playing street music and as you got slightly older, you needed to join a coven. You didn’t feel as if you deserved to join a coven since you weren’t very powerful, but even though you needed to join one, you ended up not joining one since the money to keep your parents home was still needed. So for a long time to get money, you were on the run, doing illegal performances..since you didn’t have a permit.
At least [Name] isn’t as wanted as the so-called ‘Owl Lady!’ yet..All he wanted to do was peacefully play songs. [Name] tried his best not to release the magic of the bard but sometimes he just couldn’t keep it in and stuff and people started to move! It was only a matter of time before you were kicked out of your parent’s home. So here he was, a hungry child with no hope left for the world, he barely knew his family there was barely any time before his parents passed on. [Name] hurried through Bonesborough as he was being chased down by some guards. Currently [Name] isn’t as strong anymore from being scarce on his food supply. However, he'll makedo lost time, trying to pickpocket and steal..! Finally [Name] lost the guards eventually.., before he started to hear a peaceful tune coming from the city and some witches without covens were running free from the guards trying to force the witches into the covens. He got out his violin to help with the distraction but by the time he finally got out of hiding the guards were already gone. The person [Name] stared directly at him, fear overcame him once more so he was prepared to fight before [Name] knew it, he was being dragged away but it wasn’t by a guard it was by the person he was about to fight.
The two finally stopped [Name], scared, started kicking to get away but hear, “Hey Calm down..,you're safe here.” the voice said. The Voice was calming, had its own shade of nervousness, it somehow calmed [Name] nerves down. He stopped kicking and was put down, “Mind telling me your name? And where is your place of residence?” the person said, are they trying to sound professional? Should [Name] say he’s still living with someone or at least somewhere..? no it would be too obvious he isn’t living anywhere, might as well tell the truth.. “It’s..[Name], and,..I don’t live anywhere right now.” You sighed, admitting the truth no all of a sudden, you looked sad. “Hey it’s okay,” they said while looking at you. “The name’s Raine Whispers.” They introduced themselves as their calming-sounding voice was soothing to you, “You can stay with me for awhile, if you would like.” Raine offered before all the emotions just broke free from [Name] as he hugged them. “I’d assume that's a..yes?” They joked but still sounded slightly nervous.
You grew closer to Raine overtime, actually having a home to go and come to. You also had more friends or just friends to hang out with when Raine had to do their coven duties as head witch. BATT was honestly fun to hand around but times could come when the members of it would get on [Name]’s nerves. Raine felt honestly the same around the little bard they took in, “Hey, Little Songbird..” they addressed you with a nickname before handing over adoption papers, “Wanna make it official?” They asked [Name]. He nodded his head with a quick “yes ! :)” a smile launched on his face. “Then I guess I’m your parent now, ‘both king and queen,’ you know..’best of both worlds.’” Raine said, patting [Name]’s head, while he knew full well that Raine was quoting someone.
“C’mon ‘Little Songbird’ what do you want to do?” They teased [Name] with the nickname again.
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saltedcoffeee · 1 year
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raeda core btw
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sleepingdeath-light · 9 months
platonic yandere hcs + child reader ; raine whispers
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requested by ; anonymous (09/04/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; raine whispers
outline ; “Could you do platonic yandere raine whispers(toh) x kid reader?”
warning(s) ; yandere!raine whispers, platonic obsession, magical drugging and brainwashing, emotional manipulation, stalking
first things first, you are the centre of their world and they will do anything, anything, if it means keeping you safe and out of trouble — even if that involves them having to confront their social anxiety head on in order to protect you from any threat (actual or perceived)
they stay up at night tormented by the idea of you being harmed or taken from them, with these fears even seeping into their nightmares and leaving them exhausted and clingy — refusing to let you out of their sight, or the sight of the few people they truly do trust, lest those nightmares become a reality
they refuse to let you join them on any missions relating to batts or catts, but insist that you stay with them at the headquarters as the day of unity draws near — and even then you always have one of the other members (or usually several of them) to keep you company and ensure that you don’t slip away
and if you try to leave? well… they’re more than capable of using their magic and their demeanour to guilt trip you and make sure you stay under their thumb (it’s easy enough to memorise the right tune to make you drift off to sleep or make you more agreeable when they have the perfect excuse to learn them)
if you need to go elsewhere, such as to school, then they’ll ask luz to tail you — she’s extremely easy to convince when it comes to protecting others, after all, and she can’t bring herself to say no to your guardian’s puppy dog eyes when they ask her to ‘please’ protect their little one
they show up to every event and appointment of yours without fail… even if you never mentioned it to them and there was no way for them to know about it (but you never question it as your parent is just being supportive as any parent should, right?)
they panic whenever you get hurt or ill (even if you’re just feigning it) and they’ll take off of work to spend the better part of your recovery pampering you and trying to heal you on their own — they really don’t like bringing you around others, but if they need to then they aren’t above bringing you to see a healer (they love you more than they hate seeing others be around you)
if they get the slightest idea that someone might be interested in you, no matter if you’re a child or an adult, they will take strides to scare them off and warn you of them — sitting down with you and voicing their concerns in a way that makes you so guilty for even considering pursuing that person, but if all else fails then they’ll use some more magic to make you hate or forget that potential suitor
(many of your ex friends suffered a similar fate as they only want you to befriend the people they trust, like luz or some of their batts members)
and if they notice that you’re being bullied or mistreated then they’ll reach out to their more ‘intimidating’ companions to scare them away whilst they take you somewhere else to comfort you — playing the perfect part of the loving, gentle parent (which they truly are, at least beyond the obvious) and making you more attached to them
raine spoils you rotten and their home is filled with various artefacts from over the years: essays and stories you’ve written, pictures you’ve drawn and painted, sculptures you created for them, pictures of you as you’ve grown up (kept in perfect condition in albums and frames all over the house), and so on — they take pride in everything you do and truly believe you’re the most wonderful person in the world and that they’re so lucky to be your parent
they’d let you get away with murder, even, if it came down to that because they just love you so very much
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feixshal-selfshipping · 2 months
Loving making fake tweets with my F/Os and S/I
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teatimeweirdo · 2 years
+Raine as your parent+
note: new brainrot go brrrr, I'm writing this in english class, i love raine so much.... also parental issues go brrrrrrrrrr also thanks to my bestie for fact checking :3c (i am very new to this fandom)
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they're very supportive of you, even if you don't want to be a bard
they would teach you an instrument and if you have no musical bone in your body, they will just play music for you while you do what you do, they just enjoy spending time with you
since you probably spend a lot of time in the castle, you might as well be friends with Hunter.... Raine does not approve (yet)
they're willing to go shopping with you and they will spend money on your strange interests without judging you
Raine makes sure to attend every school event you have, it's like really important to them, they want to support you and you may feel less shy when they are around
they give the warmest and most loving hugs ever, like they warp one arm around you while they give you headpats
Raine would probably teach you how to cook and bake, since these are important skills for everyone to have.....but mainly because they make some really good cupcakes and want to share them with you
they let you choose which school you want to attend (although they would probably prefer it if you just stayed home), but they would be quite happy if you'd choose to attend Hexside
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How about
“I’m late, yes. You should be used to that by now.”
for the ask game. Fandom up to you😘
It took so long to decide between Bruno or Eda, but it gives Eda vibes 😅
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“You’re late,” Raine sighed.
“You’re late,” Darius snapped.
“You’re late,” Amity said, eyes narrowing dangerously.
Everyone had gathered at the Owl House…except Eda. She flounced in, shopping bags in her hands.
“I’m late, yes,” she said. “You should be used to that by now.”
“We’ve already started planning!” Lilith said, far more frazzled. She unfurled the list of instructions from Camila. “Steve is in charge of the cake- don’t roll your eyes, Darius, he’s a very good baker- and I’ve put you, King, Raine and Amity in charge of buying decorations. Hunter and Willow already volunteered to help me clean up the house, but then we need to sort out the garden, and where to put the presents, and who’s going to make the dress and the banner-”
“Lily, deep breaths,” Eda said. “You’re turning red.”
“Luz’s King-ceanera is in two weeks!” Lilith cried. “How are you so calm!? And why were you late!?”
“Exactly,” Eda said. “Two weeks. It’s not time to panic yet. And…” She held up her bags. “I was buying presents. Found some pretty great Azula merch in the Human Realm!”
Rather than calming Lilith down, it seemed to have the opposite affect. She turned bone pale, eyes widening.
“Presents…” Lilith repeated in a hollow voice. She tugged on her hair and screamed, “HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT PRESENTS!?”
Eda turned to their friends.
“You guys go take a break,” she said, wrapping an arm around her hysterical sister. “This might take a while.”
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littleladybaker · 3 months
Oops! I did it again! I turned Ghibli characters into Raine and Luz!
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This time it was Baron and Haru from The Cat Returns. I saw that fancy, over the top cat in a little red vest and knew I was going to do it. It was actually a lot of fun playing with Luz’s clothes for this one, particularly the dress. I tried to make it a dress version of Luz’s Belos outfit from Watching and Dreaming and Raine’s mask is a play on the BATTs mask from Eda’s Requiem. Bonus! I turned Muta into an abomination because Muta and Toto have become Darius and Lilith in this AU with Eda as Louise who’s off on an adventure of her own. Hunter and Willow are Lune and Yuki, The Cat King as Belos, and Hiromi becomes Amity. I’ll edit those and Lilith later though because these took SO much longer than I anticipated.
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is it sad that the only way i can achieve true happiness is by viewing gay cartoon characters? idk move i cant see past ur judgement
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lizard-dumbass · 2 years
Alright imma be honest i'm becoming increasingly obsessed with the idea of raine and darius being best friends and just bonding (especially over shared trauma). Like. Dariraine but platonic. That is my new hyperfixation which will join my raeda fixation in consuming my every waking thought.
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mrsparrasblog · 5 months
Tf141 x Introducing your Boyfriend after they fucked up.
So I was thinking about a reader who kinda fell in love with her whole squad. You didn't want to.
At first, you fell in love with Johnny, the obvious choice. He was always flirting with you, calling you all these cute Scottish pet names like "hen" and "bonnie", and taking you on dates.
It was perfect until your feelings grew for the stoic, fatherly captain. He was mature, so much more mature than Johnny. He fixed your half-house when you were on leave, always checking if you were safe and making sure you drank enough. It was the perfect combination between Johnny's golden retriever behavior and his strong personality. It was okay in your books to fall in love with two men. It wasn't the first time it happened to someone, right?
You thought you were crazy when the scary lieutenant found his way into your overcrowded heart. He was like a guard dog for you, protecting you from all the creeps on base. And how couldn't you fall in love after he protected you from two men at the bar? Many men said, "I'd burn the world down for you", but the fact about Simon was he really would.
You thought you finally lost it when you were cuddling with your best friend Kyle again, like always. He grew up to be your safe space after a while. You never thought there would be more than platonic love. He was your platonic soulmate until you were pinned under him, getting fucked, with slow thrusts while he repeated over and over again how he loved you since day one. Yes, you're in a fucked up situation.
How could you approach this? After overthinking for straight months, you finally managed to tell them. "You can't love us all, that's batshit crazy," they mumbled, and god, it broke your heart as much as theirs. They never thought about a poly relationship before, but they all loved you and none of them wanted to give up their spot in your heart.
it took you several months to get over this embarrassment. The feelings never left, but you found a new boyfriend who was completely different from all of them. That was good, right? After a while, they got you to introduce your boyfriend to them after a deployment in an overpriced bar your lawyer boyfriend picked in Canary Wharf - The first mistake in their books. Of course, John fit in there with his neat whiskey but come on, this wasn't the place for you guys.
Johnny was the nicest of all of them; he at least had the courtesy to greet your boyfriend and be nice to him. You just didn't realize how he pulled as many jokes as possible, making you laugh for hours, how James couldn't. He was just nice, nothing to worry about, James, you said to him all over again.
Simon took his hand and almost broke it while shaking it, his 6'4" frame towering against your 5'6" boyfriend. He always had a grip on James, whispering in his ears, "And how is a twig like you able to protect my girl?"
By accident, your tires were slashed. "No, James, why should John have done this?" you rolled your eyes. Even worse, your boyfriend didn't know how to change a tire, so you stood there in the rain changing that damn tire while James stood under the umbrella until John came up, "Lovely, go sit in the car, I'll change it." He pulled his sleeves up, flexing his muscular arms while he fixed your problems like always. He was your husband after all, at least in his books.
Kyle hit it off when he walked towards James and whispered in his ear, "I bet you don't satisfy her, does she still taste sweeter than cinnamon there? Does she still get the whole bed soaked in squirt? Does she beg for you?" You didn't believe James when he told you Kyle said that, your Kyle, your best friend? The nicest man on earth ever.
"You're paranoid, James. I think it's better if we call it off," he accused all of your friends of things they never would even do. How could you be with someone so jealous?
"Mhm, broke up with James," you said.
"Was too boring for you, Bonnie",
"was too short for you and couldn't even throw a proper punch",
"couldn't fix a damn tire",
"you deserve someone better, not some jealous loser, what do you even want from a lawyer?"
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pretty-little-mind33 · 5 months
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Tangerine x fem!reader / bonus: platonic!Lemon x fem!reader
Summary: Tangerine and Lemon care for the kidnapped girl they were paid a lot of money to save.
Genre: Fluff, hurt & comfort
Warnings: kidnapping, abuse, banter, cigarette burns, trauma, swearing
next part
~ @kpopgirlbtssvt here you go, lovely 🤍 ~
"Remind me again why we're here?" Lemon deadpans, his clothes drenched from the rain as he stands in the middle of the abandoned building, blood splatter evident on his shirt from the men he'd already killed outside. 
Tangerine shakes his head, his hair wet from the rain as he grunts and checks his gun. "Because we're gettin' paid 300 million quid for this job," he snaps and runs a hand in his hair to tame it down, "And for once it's an easy one. Kill those fuckin' bastards, find the girl, and return 'er to whoever is paying for 'er. Easy."
"Ya, easy as pie," Lemon rolls his eyes sarcastically, "She some kinda princess or what?" he asks but he doesn't really complain about the amount of money. 
"Blood hell, I don' know, but it doesn't matter, does it? Cover me will ya," his brother retorts and lifts his gun, kicking down the door and shooting whatever scumbag appears in the dirty apartment room.
Lemon covers him as he shouts curses. It's a bloody mess by the end and both of them are drenched in blood. 
"Shit," Lemon curses again as he walks by a broken mirror in the hall, "Tis bad luck, mate."
"Can ya shut your mouth for once, Lemon?" Tangerine snaps as walks by, unamused by the comment. He looks purposeful as he walks to the closed room he assumes you're held in. He opens the door slowly, afraid to scare you, and his breath abruptly leaves him. 
Lemon stands behind him, looking past him and his eyes widen. "Tan," he whispers as if his brother hasn't already seen you.
You look so fragile, so scared, and so alone. You're pressed against the wall near the broken bed frame, the dirty mattress caved in and blood-stained, and you're trembling harshly.
Your arms and legs are covered in bruises, bleeding cuts, and cigarette burns. Tangerine and Lemon's hearts mutually shatter. 
You let out a whimper once they walk closer and Lemon instantly grabs Tangerine's shoulder. "She's terrified," he whispers, holding his brother back so he doesn't rush towards you too quickly.
Tangerine's shoulders tense as you continue to stare at them, tears and mascara stains running down your cheek. "I know," he answers and asks Lemon, "What do we do?"
Lemon thinks for a moment. "Show 'er we aren't a threat to ´er," he says and crouches down, putting his gun on the floor as he raises his hands in surrender. Tangerine copies his brother and he even removes his gold knuckle brace, putting it in his suit pants pocket without hesitation. 
You don't move, too afraid to stand or attempt to run from them. Your body feels so weak and beaten down. Lemon and Tangerine crouch down near you and you just continue to stare at them.
You look terrified.  
"What's your name, sweetheart?" Lemon asks calmly. When he doesn't get an answer he sighs and puts his palm on his chest, "I'm Lemon, and this is my brother Tangerine."
Your eyes drift from Lemon to Tangerine but you still don't move or speak. Tangerine nods his head as if to say "hello" and he keeps his eyes focused on yours. 
You shift away from them, exposing more of the bruises that litter your arm. Tangerine grimaces. "Do those hurt?" he asks, his voice low and hoarse. 
You nod and his heart swells when you answer him. Tangerine looks at Lemon, who sighs and tilts his head towards you. "I promise we mean you no harm. Can ya come with us? Can ya walk?"
You blink, breathing harshly, but you nod again. Lemon stands and allows Tangerine to be the one to extend his hand to you. He does and you stare at his hand for a moment. You look up and Tangerine's chest tightens again.
You look so damn scared of him.
He shakes his hand, "Don' worry, I gotcha, luv," he says in a whisper and then he holds his breath when you eventually take his hand. 
He helps you up, resisting the instinct to steady you with his arm around your waist as you stumble a little. He has a feeling you wouldn't welcome his touch right now. Still, you clutch onto Tangerine's hand, moving closer to him and flinching when Lemon wraps a blanket around your shoulders. 
"There, there ya go," Tangerine's words of encouragement swirl around as you focus on breathing and walking in a straight line.
The Twins bring you to their car and help you into the backseat. You still have aven't spoken a word as you fumble with your hands and pick at your nails.
* * *
A few hours pass and Tangerine is really starting to become impatient. He's leaning against the hood of his car, trying for the seventh time to light the lighter he presses against his cigarette—but once more nothing but sparks come out. 
Lemon stands next to him, wearing an annoyed expression as his arms are crossed. "What time did those fuckers say they'd pick 'er up and pay us?"
Tangerine glances at his watch and then mumbles around his cigarette, "Three fuckin' hours ago, mate," he finishes and with an angry huff, chucks his lighter to the side.
"And why're we still here?" Lemon deadpans. Tangerine turns to look inside the car and his eyes land on you.
You're sleeping in the backseat. Lemon follows his gaze and rubs his temples, understanding a little better now. "What are we supposed to do with ´er now?" he asks his brother softly. 
"I don't know."
"Should we bring her to the coppers?"
"Absolutely not!" Tangerine glares at his brother, "I mean—doesn't this all feel a little fishy to ya? A promise of 300 million, with a 200 thousand advancement, all for nothing because the bastards don't even show up?" 
"It's bullocks is what—"
"No, you don't understand," Tangerine continues, his stare hardening, "What if they want us to abandon her? Or bring her to the police? What if that was their plan all along?"
Lemon raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms, "Since when are ya into conspiracies, bruv, this doesn't sound like ya—"
"Are ya saying we just leave her?!" Tangerine snaps. 
Lemon instantly frowns, "That is not what I'm saying."
"Then what are you saying? We don't know who she is, why she was taken, and now we don't know where to bring 'er," Tangerine rambles, his eyes a little wild. Lemon pauses and examines him. He seems weirdly worried for this girl. 
"So, you want us to take 'er in," Lemon deadpans, reading his brother's body language. 
Tangerine's cheeks turn a little pink, "No—that isn't what—"
Lemon interrupts him and looks at you in the back of their car. "I think we should. I mean, look at 'er! She's harmless and she's hurt and we'd really would be fuckin' arseholes not to help 'er!"
Tangerine rubs his jaw, "Yeah, such fuckin' pricks."
Lemon nods in agreement "The biggest fuckin' arseholes." 
So that's what they do, they bring you to their house; a mostly hidden mansion on the outskirts of the city. You stay quiet and meek as they show you to your room.
Hours pass and you still haven't spoken a word to either of them and as much as it does annoys the hell out of him, Tangerine understands.
"Do ya want some tea, darlin'?" he asks from behind the door to their guest room. 
No answer. 
Tangerine squeezes his eyes shut and curses himself. He opens the door a little and peeks in. He needs to make sure you're okay. Sure, Lemon has been the one to clean up your wound and give you some clean clothes—but that wasn't because Tangerine didn't care. 
Instead, it was because he couldn't stomach seeing how badly you'd been hurt. It makes him want to puke (and he's usually good with things like that).
"Hey're ya alright?" he asks, seeing you sitting on the bed. Stupid, stupid question. Your eyes are bloodshot and you're clutching the covers over you, silent tears rolling down your cheeks. 
Fuck, Tangerine doesn't know how to deal with this. Should he get Lemon? Lemon could probably turn your tears into laughter. 
You look up and quickly wipe at your tears, staring at Tangerine as you nod an answer. His heart breaks and he clears his throat, weirdly timid as he rubs his nape. "Y'know, ya don't have to be okay. What happened to you was traumatizing and fucked up. It's okay to not be okay, luv."
You blink at him and then you nod again. Tangerine's shoulders relax. It's a start. 
"Do you wanna call anyone for ya?"
You shift and pick at your nails again. Tangerine wonders if you even have anyone to call and he sighs. Why can't he be better at conversations?
Suddenly, the door opens again, and this time Lemon walks inside with an all too familiar sticker book in his hand that makes Tangerine groan. Lemon sticks out his hand and shushes him. 
"I'm helpin' 'er talk," Lemon says and sits at the end of your bed. 
You look at him, obviously concerned but Tangerine sees you shift closer and peek at the sticker book. "Have'ya seen Thomas the Tank Engine?" 
Tangerine opens his mouth to protest. 
You nod.
"See, this is how I read people," Lemon starts and shows you the sticker book. He unsticks one of them and just as Tangerine walks closer and sits next to him, Lemon smacks his hand on his brother's forehead and leaves behind a sticker, "See, my brother here is a Gordan. He's the fastest, the most important, but he doesn't always listen to people," 
Tangerine looks downright offended. 
"He can, in other words, be an arrogant prick."
 You turn to look at Tangerine, your glossy eyes taking him in, and Tangeirne's stomach sinks so far he's afraid he'll drown. For some reason, he doesn't want you to think of him like that. A blush creeps on his cheeks. He pulls off the sticker immediately.
"Obviously, I'm Thomas," Lemon boasts and sticks the Thomas sticker on his own forehead, which ears a grunt from Tangerine, "Because main character energy, hello?" 
Both men swear they hear a small, almost non-existent, chuckle from your lips. 
Lemon unsticks another sticker, not wanting to make a fuss over one almost-chuckle. He turns to you and raises his arm. You look at the sticker, understanding what he wants to do, and hesitantly, you lean forward to give him permission. 
He gently sticks the sticker on your forehead. "And you, you're an Edward. You're kind, gentle, and smart. I can just tell."
For once, Tangerine agrees with Lemon's stupid Thomas the Tank Engine analysis. 
"Ignore Lemon, he still plays with toys as if he isn't a grown man," Tangerine interrupts, his tone playful as he sends Lemon a glare and then turns to send a small smile your way. He almost chokes on his saliva when he sees that you're also smiling as your fingers delicately probe the sticker on your skin. 
When Lemon nudges his side Tangerine wants to tell him to shut up but he's too immersed in your beauty. 
"I always thought I was more of Percy," you whisper and look up at them. Both men look completely star-struck and it takes Lemon less than a millisecond to make a joke (much to Tangerine's horror).
"Ah, so she does speak," he cracks a grin, which you return and unstick the sticker from your forehead. 
"Lemon," Tangerine hisses and looks at you, his concern obvious, "How're ya feeling, darlin'?"
Lemon rolls his eyes. "Smooth, bruv," he chuckles and then tilts his head and makes another joke, this time intending to make you laugh fully, "Ignore my brother, he has a permanent stick in his ass. He's fuckin' allergic to fun and laughs, apparently, the poor doctors couldn't find a cure." Tangerine's eyes widen so wide at this and he looks embarrassed. "Ya don't have to answer him right away, sweetheart. Breathe."
You look between the brothers as they argue. 
"I am not allergic to fun!" Tangerine hisses. 
"So you admit ya do have a stick up your ass?" Lemon chuckles and it takes all of Tangerine's restraint not to smack him. 
"I'm gonna kill ya," he whispers harshly and Lemon pretends to gasp but his expression remains blank.
"How gentlemanly, threatening me in front of a lady."
"You prick—"
Your laughter cuts the tension and both of them shut their mouths. They look at you again and when they see that your shoulders look less tense and you're laughing now, your breathing calm and your tears dried, their bickering ceases. 
Lemon looks at his brother and when he sees the look in Tangerine's eyes, he knows. He's done for, Lemon thinks with a smirk. 
Tangerine watches the way you move as you laugh and as the sound dies down all he wants is to hear it again.
However, the sound of your voice will have to do for the moment because you look at them timidly and say, "My name is Y/n." You sound almost embarrassed by your own name. 
Tangerine's heart swells and he swears Lemon might have to pry him away from you at some point because he's never voluntarily leaving your side again.
He grins wide and he's sure he looks like a smitten fool, which to Tangerine's dismay is confirmed when Lemon opens his mouth to make another joke.
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lcvemiyuki · 4 months
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“cliche romance tropes” | hq
𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃
content: haikyuu boys as cliche romance tropes
warnings: none
characters: various
a/n: my first ever writing ahhh ><
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
second chance at romance
your relationship was set; but, the future you planned and excitedly anticipated fell apart as you two grew up. when work got in the way of your relationship, you knew you couldn’t compete with his ambition. years passed and fate decided to bring both of you together. you were the one who got away. the rain patters off of him as he kneels on both knees in front of you. when a chance occurs to win you back he would do anything at all costs. anything.
⤷ kageyama, oikawa, ushijima
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
childhood friends to lovers
your families are intertwined and have been invited to every dinner, birthday party, and playdate since you were in diapers. secrets and pinky promises were shared as you guys grew up. being strictly platonic was the plan for you, but as you guys sat knee-to-knee with shared earbuds, your eyes trailed to him. you begin to notice things like how his hair falls perfectly or how he finally grew taller than you. what was happening? he knows everything about you, even more than yourself and maybe that's why you're falling. hard.
⤷ sugawara, daichi, hinata, goshiki, yamaguchi
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
enemies to lovers
his eye twitched as you entered the room. something about you made him all tense and hot. could it be how you stole the spotlight every time you entered a room or the way you always tried to one-up him? he despised you. the dark glares you cast his way and backtalk countered towards you. your very existence pissed him off. but the most annoying thing about you was how much you occupied his mind. how could you sit there and let that guy steal a smile off you? what’s so funny for you to laugh?
⤷ oikawa, tsukishima, atsumu, shirabu, semi, kageyama
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
best friend's older brother
you were always seen as his sister’s best friend. the one who hung out at his house regularly and ate all the food in their fridge. sure you guys butt heads and annoy each other, but it’s all in good fun. you were always going to him for relationship advice and he would shrug you off with the worst advice and ruffling your hair. but this time it was different; with tears in your eyes and scrunched eyebrows his chest tightened. his arms enclosed your figure and tried to soothe you in the best way possible. nobody deserved you, not even him.
⤷ iwaizumi, osamu, kuroo, kita, daichi
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
fake relationship
the golden boy was loved by everyone and their moms. the type to make everyone’s head turn and instantly attract. but you didn’t want him, you wanted his friend. you struck a deal with the golden boy and thought a fake relationship would get you closer to your target. to your surprise he agreed; the holding hands and sweet whispers of nothing in his ear were all fake. the love letters he would put in your locker and excuses to hang out with you were all to make it believable…or did he only agree to this deal because he wanted to get closer to you all along? he’s determined to make you realize his feelings for you are real.
⤷ oikawa, bokuto, atsumu, kuroo
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
opposites attract
have you ever heard of a magnetic pull? when two completely different people, who you would think make no sense, complete each other. you were chaos, a force to be reckoned with and he only watched you, cool and collected. he’s supposed to find you annoying, but surprisingly…you don’t. maybe he likes the way you fill the atmosphere with so much life. you bring out the best in him and even score a smile if lucky. sometimes people don’t have answers for how it works, because it just does. he wouldn’t want anyone else other than you.
⤷ kenma, suna, akaashi, kita, sakusa
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
love at first sight
he never really understood the concept of love. maybe it was because he never was in a relationship or had that feeling of connection with someone else. that was until he ran into you for the first time. maybe it was fate you both weren’t looking where you were going and crashed into each other; all he knew is that he couldn’t thank the universe enough. what was this feeling? his vision was a little hazy, but his mind was clear. he had to at least know your name before you get the chance to run away.
⤷ hinata, nishinoya, aone, tanaka, tendou, bokuto, asahi
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Keep me Close
Past Jules Bianchi x reader, platonic Charles Leclerc x Reader
Genre: angst
Request: yepyep finally got me some angst things to write
Summary: Charles's new girlfriend can't understand why he's so attached to the reader
Warnings: talks of death, name calling, a table gets flipped
Notes: I definitely didn't cry writing this at one point. Also, no hate to Alex!! I know hardly anything about her, but I know her and Charles are currently together, and it fits the Timeline, so please bear with me.
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Your love for Jules was something you find in fairy tales. It was beautiful, and both of you felt connected on a level deeper than anything imaginable.
It started when you were both merely kids. You were six, and he was eight. The two of you had met at the wedding of a mutual friend. Dressed in nice clothing, he'd marched right up to you and claimed to be a knight looking for a princess.
You were inseparable after that. It was like you'd found your soulmate.
When you turned eighteen, Jules had immediately proposed. And when you countered by asking if you were both too young, he said, 'Why waste time when I know I'll love you forever?'"
You'd gotten close with Leclerc family. Specifically with Charles since Jules was named godfather. He spent a great deal of time with you and Jules.
Then 2014. Everyone was sure Jules was going to get a seat with Ferrari. It would be a crime if he didn't.
You remember kissing him, good luck. The last feeling of his lips on your before getting in the car.
You remember telling him to be safe with the rain; that you love him dearly. He replied with his signature wink and an 'I love you more and I always am.'
Then everything stopped. The world seemed to no longer spin. Time refused to move forward as you willed it to go back.
It couldn't be real. There was no way it had happened. You still thought that as you sat at his bedside faithfully for months. There wasn't a world you wanted to live in if it didn't have Jules.
Charles was similarly devastated. He'd lost someone dear to him. The boy spent all his free time sitting with you in the hospital. Even bringing around food that Pascale had made to keep you alive. Something you didn't want to be at that moment.
The bond you'd formed with Charles during this time is hard to explain. There is nothing romantic. He's family despite the age gap not being that large.
He was, and is still, family. You'd promised to still take care of him despite the loss of Jules, and he promised to do the same in his stead.
The start of the 2024bseason brings on an interesting turn of events. Charles had split with his girlfriend before the new year and is now with his new girlfriend Alex.
You like her. She's very sweet as far as you've been told. But there is something there that makes you worry. You just blame the fact that you want the best for Charles.
The first time you met her was at a family dinner. Charles brought Alex with him to introduce her to everyone.
You were actually the first person he introduced her to. You felt honored, but there was something behind her eyes that you couldn't quite pinpoint. But you kept it to yourself and made friendly conversation.
The next time you saw her was when she dropped by the Leclerc family home unannounced. The position she caught you in wasn't a bad one, but it probably didn't look good to her.
Charles had a rough race in Monaco, as per usual, and was laying with his head in your lap while you ran fingers through his hair. It's the same thing Jules had done when Charles was a child after a bad Karting race.
Alex definitely didn't look pleased with you. But she managed to put kn a smile and say hello.
It was awkward. Especially after Charles and her went into another room because you could hear them talking in hushed whispers.
Your fingers find the chain with your wedding ring on it. Your lips press against the cold metal as you hold the ring to your mouth. "I hope I'm doing this right, Jules. It's hard without you here."
The last time you saw Alex was at a birthday party. Your birthday party. Something you don't like having after Jules because he was the one who always made the day special.
Charles is a stubborn man though and decided it was necessary. Partly because this is his way of remembering that you are alive and with them, but it also gives him and excuse to drink and dance.
It wasn't anything massive. Or at least - not a massive as it could have been. There were a good number of people crowded into your Monaco home. The food is good, and the music is better. It definitely felt like a party Jules would have dragged you to in your youth.
It's not long until Charles appears at the door with Alex in tow. He comes to you, and you embrace him as usual. The smile on his face makes everything worth it. despite having to deal with a party for a few hours.
Pierre also finds you and starts up conversation. The three of you fail to notice the fourth becoming increasingly agitated.
A loud crashing sound pulls all of their attention. Alex flipped over the table in her agitation and is now sending chills down your spine with the look on her face.
"Why are you so determined to be some kind of homewrecker! Why can't you just stop being a creep to Charles and let us live in peace!" She screams. It hits your mind like a shadow. The world fades away, and your thoughts are filled with the doubts you have daily.
Tears fill your eyes, and your body goes rigid. "I'm Charles' godmother. Y/N Bianchi. I am no homewrecker." You choke.
Charles and Pierre take a protective step in front of you. "Get out!" Charles' voice drips with venom. Alex looks stunned. She doesn't move even as Charles shouts at her. "Nobody gets to speak like that to my family! Get out!"
Then she runs. Avoiding the gazes of disapproval.
Charles spins around and places his hands on your shoulders. His eyes scanning your face to assess the damage.
"I'm so sorry that happened. You're amazing. Always have been. And anyone who says differently is a fucking asshole."
Even through the tears, she smiles. Jules couldn't have left her in better hands.
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Grid Kids: First Times
Sebastian Vettel x wife!Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: they know you’re their mom … you know they’re your kids … but these are the first times you all say so out loud
Series Masterlist
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Max Verstappen: Champion of the World
The roar of the engines has faded, the race has ended, and the stands are filled with jubilant cheers. Among the sea of fans waving flags, the color of the Orange Army is predominant. Max Verstappen has just clinched his first World Championship.
As confetti rains down, Max climbs atop his car, soaking in the euphoria. His face displays a myriad of emotions: triumph … relief … elation. During the celebratory chaos, he searches for a familiar face, and as his eyes find yours, a calm settles over him.
As you approach, he jumps down and without a moment’s hesitation pulls you into a tight embrace. Over the din, he murmurs something almost inaudible.
“Thanks, Mom.”
You pull back, a bit taken aback. The weight of the single word isn’t lost on either of you. Max, ever the tough racer, has tears glistening in his eyes.
He clears his throat, trying to mask the emotion, “I mean, after everything, you’ve been like a second mom to me. I couldn’t have done it without your support.”
Sebastian joins the moment, a proud smile on his face. “Welcome to the champions’ club,” he jokes but the underlying pride in his voice is unmistakable.
You wipe away a tear, “I’ve always believed in you, Max. And no matter what, you’ll always be one of my grid kids.”
Charles Leclerc: What If
The race is intense, the energy palpable. But in a split second, the exhilaration turns to horror as Charles’ car careens off track, crashing into the barriers. The scene is chilling and the paddock holds its collective breath.
Time seems to stretch endlessly until, finally, the screens show Charles moving inside his cockpit. It's a sign — he's conscious. When he is carefully extricated from the wreckage and gives a thumbs-up to the cameras, relief washes over everyone.
As he is taken to the medical center, your grid kids gather, their usual playful banter replaced by anxious glances and silent support.
When you’re finally allowed to see Charles, his face is pale, eyes reflecting the trauma of the crash. Despite the bandages and evident pain, he manages a small smile upon seeing you.
“Hey,” he whispers, voice hoarse.
You lean over, brushing the hair from his forehead, your touch filled with motherly concern. “Hey yourself. You gave us all quite the scare.”
He swallows hard, gaze locking onto yours, vulnerability evident. “I thought ... for a moment there ... I thought I wouldn’t ...” he trails off, the gravity of the incident heavy in the room.
You take his hand, offering comfort and strength. “But you’re here, Charles. You’re here.”
He nods, tears forming. And then, in a voice filled with raw emotion, he murmurs, “Thank you, Mom.”
The title that slips out isn’t one of blood or birth but of bond and heart.
You squeeze his hand, “Always, Charles. Always.”
Lance Stroll: Who Needs Wrists Anyway?
After Sebastian’s retirement, life quiets down somewhat. The raucous race weekends are replaced with peaceful moments gardening and beekeeping. But the bond with your grid kids remains as strong as ever.
One evening, a call disturbs the calm. Lance had taken a hard fall while biking and had broken both his wrists. The news shakes you, memories of crashes flooding back. Without hesitation, you pack a bag and book the next flight out to be by his side.
When you enter Lance’s room, you're struck by the sight before you. Both his hands are in casts, his usually playful eyes clouded with pain and frustration. However, seeing you brings a faint smile to his face.
“You didn’t have to come,” he starts, though the gratefulness in his tone betrays him.
You chuckle, pulling a chair beside his bed, “How could I not? I can’t let you starve or wear the same clothes for weeks.”
Lance laughs, “Well, there’s always the option of going commando.”
You both chat, the room filled with light-hearted banter in an attempt to lift the mood. As you prepare to leave for the night after ensuring he is comfortable and has everything he needs, Lance’s voice halts you.
“You know,” he starts, hesitating, “Even after Seb retired, you still ... you’re still here for us, for me. It means a lot.”
You turn back, smiling gently. “Once a family, always a family.”
He swallows, emotion causing his voice to waver, “Thanks, Mom.”
You reach out to squeeze his arm in comfort but remember the reason for your visit. Pulling back before you could hurt Lance, you say, “Get some rest. We’ve got a lot of healing to do.”
George Russell: King of PowerPoint
The rookies sit in the dim room, fidgeting in their chairs, their faces a mix of excitement and nervousness. They’re about to receive their initiation presentation by none other than George Russell, now the Director of the GPDA — an annual tradition to welcome the new drivers, give them insights into the world of F1, and ensure they understand the guidelines, all while keeping it light and enjoyable. It’s also an excuse to give a PowerPoint … and George never turns down an opportunity to put his prowess to good use.
George steps up to the podium, clicking the remote to begin his presentation. The slides cover everything from safety protocols to media interactions. But then, a slide pops up with a familiar face on the screen: yours.
The title reads: “The Heart of Our F1 Family”
George pauses, taking a deep breath. “Now, for those of you new to Formula 1, there’s someone you need to know, someone who has been instrumental for many of us drivers, both on and off the track.”
He clicks to the next slide, showcasing a larger image of you, radiant in the middle of a race weekend while giving one of your famous pep talks to the grid kids.
“This,” George says, voice filled with warmth, “is Y/N Vettel. To the world, she’s known for her contributions to the sport, her philanthropy, and so much more. But to many of us drivers,” he glances at the familiar faces of the other grid kids sitting at the back, “she’s known simply as Mom.”
There’s a hushed silence, the emotional weight of the moment evident.
“She’s our anchor, our guiding light, and sometimes,” George grins, “our stern disciplinarian. If you ever find yourselves needing advice or just someone to talk to, you know where to turn. Welcome to Formula 1!”
Lando Norris: Stream and Shout
Lando is live on Twitch, engaging with thousands upon thousands of fans from around the world while deeply engrossed in a racing simulation game — swerving, overtaking, and trying to claim the top spot. Along with the intense gaming, he’s also juggling questions from fans.
“Hey Lando, any tips for new racers?” one fan asks.
“Just keep training, mate. And don’t get disheartened by failures,” Lando replies, narrowly avoiding a virtual crash.
Another question pops up in the chat, “Who’s been your biggest supporter in F1?”
Lando doesn’t hesitate. “Well, there’s my team, my family, and of course,” he pauses as he navigates a tricky turn on his screen, “there’s Y/N. She is ... well, she’s like a mom to many of us on the grid. Actually,” he corrects himself with a grin, leaning closer to the mic, “She IS mom.”
Fans catch on quickly, and the chat floods with comments.
“Mom? That’s so sweet!”
“Tell us more about her!”
Lando chuckles, “She’s just ... amazing. Always there, always supportive. We’ve had our fair share of fun, chaos, and love. If you’re ever around the paddock, you’ll know. Y/N is magnetic in the best way.”
Mick Schumacher: Drunken Adoration
The end-of-season party is in full swing. It is a tradition where everyone lets loose by either celebrating their successes or shrugging off the stress of the competitive year. The atmosphere is electric with loud music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses.
Mick has perhaps indulged a bit too much. His usually composed and calm demeanor is replaced with a giddy, slightly wobbly version of himself.
As you navigate through the crowd, ensuring everyone was having a good time and not getting into too much trouble, you find Mick seated at the bar, a glass of something strong in his hand.
“Hey!” you call out, approaching him, “Having fun?”
Mick turns, his eyes slightly glazed but recognizing you instantly. A wide smile spreads across his face, “Hey! You know, you’re really awesome.” He slurs, the alcohol evident in his speech.
Laughing, you reply, “Thanks, Mick. Maybe we should switch to water now?”
He shakes his head, trying to focus. “No, no, you don’t get it. You’re not just awesome. You’re ... you’re like ... my mom. Like, a second mom. But also the first because you’re always there and ... you get it, right?”
You chuckle, moved by his inebriated but sincere confession. “I get it, Mick. And thank you. That means a lot.”
Helping him off the stool, you decide it’s time to get him some coffee and maybe a sandwich. “Come on, let’s sober you up a bit.”
As you lead him away, Mick continues to mumble about how great you are, his drunken words filled with genuine affection.
The party continues but for you, that heartfelt albeit tipsy confession is the highlight of the evening.
You: Sons and Spotlights
It’s a grand evening and the room glistens with opulence. Influential personalities from various fields gather, all in the name of charity and giving back. The annual International Philanthropy Awards Gala is an event where the most generous hearts are recognized, and this year, you’re among the honorees.
As you take the stage to accept the award for your contributions to various charities, the spotlight shines brightly but among the crowd, you spot familiar faces — Charles, Max, Lando, Mick, George, and Lance sitting next to your husband. Their presence is unexpected but deeply touching
You begin your speech, gratitude evident in every word, “Giving back is a principle I have always lived by. We are blessed in so many ways and it’s our duty to share those blessings with others.” As you continue, mentioning the various charities and initiatives you work with, an overwhelming wave of emotion grips you.
Taking a moment to compose yourself, you glance once more at your grid kids and say, “I have had many titles over the years — friend, daughter, wife — but one that has been among the most precious to me is simply being Mom.”
The room seems to hold its collective breath.
“These young men,” you continue, gesturing towards them, “are my sons in every way that matters. Not by birth but by bond. Charles, Max, George, Lando, Mick, and Lance are my source of strength, joy, and sometimes, a bit of frustration,” you add with a twinkle in your eye, causing a ripple of laughter.
“But more than anything, they are my family. And tonight, in this room filled with so many esteemed individuals, I want to take a moment to thank my sons. For their love, for their constant support, and for making me the best possible version of myself.”
As applause fills the room, your grid kids stand, pride evident in their glassy eyes that mirror your own, joining the crowd in honoring you. They might be champions on the track, but off it, they are just sons, celebrating their mom.
Bonus: A Family Holiday
Mother’s Day arrives and you wake to find a beautiful bouquet of flowers on your doorstep accompanied by a heartfelt note that reads:
For the woman who has been a mother to us all.
Touched by the gesture, you make your way to the living room. As you enter, warm smiles greet you and the scent of a homemade breakfast wafts through the air.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” your grid kids chorus, raising their glasses.
Max grins, “We know you’re not our biological mom but you’ve definitely earned the title.”
Charles, holding a tray with a stack of pancakes, adds, “We couldn’t ask for a better mentor and friend.”
Lance, with a card in hand, steps forward, “And we wanted to show our appreciation.”
You take the card, and as you read, your heart swells. It’s filled with their personal messages, anecdotes, and memories — marking the journey you’ve all shared.
George, holds out a gift bag with a sheepish grin, “We thought you might like this.”
Inside the bag is a beautiful necklace with six interconnected rings, each representing one of your grid kids. It symbolizes the bond you share, a connection as unbreakable as those rings.
Tears well up in your eyes, “This ... this is so thoughtful.”
Mick smiles softly, “You’ve always been there, through everything. This is just a small token of our gratitude.”
You pull them all into a group hug, the love and warmth radiating through the room. “Thank you, my sons. This means the world to me.”
And as you all sit down to enjoy the homemade (only slightly charred) breakfast, the simple yet emotional celebration of Mother's Day reminds you that family isn’t just about blood ties. It’s about the connections forged through shared experiences, tireless support, and love that transcends convention.
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feixshal-selfshipping · 2 months
OKAY HEAR ME OUT my main F/Os and main S/I and their social media usernames (these are just HCs ofc !!)
Fexishals would be Fl6mes
Shalnarks would be Bat_Phoned
Jeans would be DandelionBreeze
Genjis would be GreenDragon
Obanais would be _Snake1_
Raines would be Rainey_Days
Rays would be EmoReadings
Ne Zhas would be Lotus_Petals3
And finally Alastors would be Hellbent_Radio
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