#plus sized fitblr
1/30/24 - fitblr
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Did a workout yesterday and today I'm having a rest day.
I did my best to complete the Slim in 6 DVD workout. I had to take a lot of breaks and make some adjustments but I got in a lot of squats and some crunches so for that I'm proud. I also think I'm starting to see an increase in my flexibility so I'm also happy about that. My lack of flexibility as I've gained this weight has been a concern of mine so any improvement is good.
The workout was a lot harder than I expected it to be, but I plan on doing that first one in the series a few more times to improve. It's an older recording from beachbody so the adjustments aren't as good as I was hoping but I'm working on just staying hydrated and staying in motion as much as I safely can. I did this as a challenge for myself.
I had my fiance take some pics of me to establish my best baseline and use to keep me motivated as I keep going. I'm weighing in at about 305 to 308 lbs right now on most days so I'll keep pressing on!
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findingmyhealthy · 2 years
it’s so frustrating having to specify that my anxiety about working out has practically NOTHING to do with “what other people think”. It’s more like I’m scared I’ll go into sensory overload and feel like a failure. Does anyone else deal with this? Because I can’t ever find tips for dealing with this specific brand of gym anxiety. It’s always the social anxiety side. Which is totally valid and all, but so feel like my side isn’t prevalent enough to get support…
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gymleadernie · 1 year
Picking Up the Pieces
Depression has been whooping my ASS for about 2-3 months. I've finally reached my moment of being fed up with it and I want to take the time to write about it.
I keep asking myself how, when, and where I went wrong. I do feel feel like those are valid concerns, but what I feel is most important is how I'm going to pick up from here. Im going to achieve that by finding my balance. Even if it's something as small as making sure I eat dinner on time. Just taking that little bit of control back gives me strength, courage, and motivation to try to take a little more tomorrow.
OOTD: 🍊🖤
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Credit to dr_idz
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This is one of those lovely non scale victories, I tried this dress on back in March and I couldn’t fasten it at all. Spotted it in the sales today and it zipped right up! Felt good man, it felt good.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
Weight 246.6
Yes. Doing the work.
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- got groceries, Meal prepped, attempted to clean kitchen
- did a social thing. Went to a book club and wore what I thought was a cute outfit.
- Got my project done at school.
- Did 26 miles on the recumbent bike, watching Collateral and Golden Girls.
- Finished yesterday within my calorie goal.
- Went to bed listening to my favorite bedtime meditation.
- Signed up for Human Biology.
- only 5 more days of the current class.
- made plans to visit my sister.
Below in pics. Weird food, cute outfit, walking with cat, watching cat, studying with cat. A place I walked. And a meme I felt compelling.
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ohitsabb3y · 2 years
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More thankful than ever these days…
What a wonderful life when you’re happy in your own skin. Is life perfect? Hell no. I have loose skin. I have imperfections. I still have problems. But, I’m happy ya’ll.
Like… really happy. 💞✨
And all I wish is the same for all of you.
I hope you’re all having a fantastic weekend!
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cozy-comfy-cuteness · 14 days
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Watch the full video here: https://bit.ly/3V6SOBF
GlucoTrust contains several, sleep-enhancing ingredients...
Because when you sleep, your body goes into repair mode. This is especially important when your body is under stress.
Yet the number of hours you sleep means nothing compared to the amount of deep sleep you get.
During deep sleep your body is able to balance important hormones, such as cortisol, your "belly fat storing" hormone.
A lack of deep sleep elevates cortisol. This means the food you eat can get turned into a dangerous form of fat: visceral fat. This is the fat inside of you that wraps around your abdominal organs.
On the other hand, getting deep sleep keeps your cortisol in check while boosting leptin, your hunger-controlling hormone.
Watch the full video here: https://bit.ly/3V6SOBF
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1/31/24 - fitblr
I completed a dance video workout that was Disco themed. I did my best. It was a bit difficult but I kept moving. I felt some comfort knowing that the people in the video looked a bit ridiculous, so I felt less bad doing the workout because I know I looked ridiculous too. I followed it up with some light weight lifting using 2 5-lb weights. I did 2 sets of 12 of chest presses, tricep curls, and alternating ab crunches with weights.
I got my order of new undies and leggings in. I felt a little bad about spending money, but I deserve to have things that fit me properly while I'm working on getting into better shape and losing weight.
I also got the news I was hoping for regarding my meds and I'm stoked. I'm getting an increase on my wellbutrin which I'm prescribed for my MDD and SAD so I'm like yay! I saw an improvement when I was put on it so I expect some more can't hurt.
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Love the golden hour sunshine ☀️
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ericaloses · 2 years
Hey, Hi, Hello.
Well, here I am again. Who am I? I’m Erica, 46, and it seems in a perpetual struggle with gaining weight.
My current weight is my highest ever, and is the result of grief and depression after I lost both my parents and my stepmother in the space of five months last year. We’ve just passed the first anniversary of my mother’s death. None of the deaths were expected, Mum was given up to six months and passed at three weeks.
Weight Loss Goal: Get from my current weight (around 132kg) to under 100kg. 95kg would be ideal.
Measurements Goal: I’m not sure what to aim for with my measurements, but I would like to get my stomach (measured at the navel) much closer to my waist measurement (measured just below the ribs, I have a ridiculously high waist). My stomach was never a place I held weight before I was put on Lyrica for my fibromyalgia - that was the thing which initially started me re-gaining weight I previously lost.
Fitness Goals: I hate being sedentary and unfit, so this is where a lot of my focus is going to go, trying to find a new balance that allows for chronic pain as well as fatigue.I need to work my way up to these goals, and keep in mind for myself that rushing in will not do me any favours.
exercise 7 days per fortnight
increase work out intensity/duration monthly
work on incorporating resistance training
increase walking distances
basically just get to the point where I can move much more
I would love to be able to do weight training again, but my wrists and shoulders are fucked. Also, about seven years ago my podiatrist told me I’m never allowed to run again because of my hip dysplasia. Which sucks, because I love running. There is an old bike here, maybe I can see if I remember how to ride one!
Food Goals:
stick to mostly water for drinks
cut down on ice cream
take away no more than twice in a fortnight - this allows a meal out when we go to the city for shopping day, plus one “lazy” meal option at home
cook good things in bulk and freeze
be aware of portion sizes, don’t “upsize” to counter flagging energy
I think with my current energy levels and executive dysfunction, aiming for two years is a good goal.
Exercise I need to get onto immediately. Which I’ve been saying since July.
I need to keep myself on track with food starting immediately. I have been making improvements with food, but slipping sometimes.
I’ve had fitblr/weight loss tumblrs before. I deleted one several years ago when I was in a bad headspace and just needed to wipe all my slates clean, then I had a bunch of false starts with Yes I should, ugh I can’t fitness and weight stuff. I’ve made an entirely new blog this time so I can have a focused dashboard with just weight loss and fitness stuff. I’m somebody who likes to compartmentalise things and file my information in the correct place.
I won’t be counting calories, part of the reason I’ve had so much trouble with weight fluctuations throughout my adult life is because I suffered disordered eating as a teenager, and tracking calories puts me back into the headspace of wanting to “beat the number”, which I know is not healthy. Instead I’m focusing on focusing my mind via this blog, and using Map My Walk to keep track of the walks I’m doing. Also doing my best to eat mindfully, not restrictively.
I no longer hate my body, but at this point I am physically uncomfortable and extremely frustrated by my lack of ability to engage the part of my brain that has always been up and out for a walk or off to climb a great big hill, or buzzing to get a work out done.
If you’ve made it all the way to the end of this post, you are a champion, and deserve a medal! 🏅
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losingitinjersey · 3 years
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These posts are starting to get ridiculous with all the comparison pics :)
While my weight loss efforts weren’t nearly as dramatic this past month I still feel great about my progress.  46 pounds down in almost 4 months is nothing to sneeze at.  I don’t notice much difference in my body from the end of October to now other than RIP my tits.  
Starting in January I want to change up my monthly progress outfit because while I appreciate the consistency of wearing the same thing for each update, this black shirt has a lot of loose fabric in the stomach allowing me to hide my rolls.  Which is the main reason why I love this shirt!  But not great for minute body composition analyzing.  
I find it hilarious how Thanksgiving (on Friday the 26th) made me gain over 5lbs in my slight overindulgence.  I think it was more the fact that all the carbs were consumed when my body hasn’t had them in so long.  Glad to see I’m getting back to my downward streak and that this didn’t throw me off course too much.  I expect the end of December to have a similar effect and hopefully, like with Thanksgiving, I won’t be too bothered by the gain and know that it comes with good times and good memories.  
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transformwithe · 3 years
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Last summer vs last weekend 🙂
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Fitblr folks
If we're not already mutuals, let's be mutuals! I'd love to interact with more fitblrs. I'm following lots of folks and I'm looking for accountability buddies or just ppl to interact with. Let's succeed together. Like or reblog plz and I'll follow you! 🥰
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nickynicole47 · 2 years
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Chunky face😁
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Killing it! 🙌🏾❤️💪🏾🏋🏾‍♀️
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The stomach is way down, thighs looking smoother, skin glowing! Everything is looking better, clothes fit better! 💋💋😍Crushing on myself 😍❤️💋💋🙌🏾❤️💪🏾👏🏾👏🏾🏋🏾‍♀️🔥🔥
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Good stuff
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Real good stuff
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