#pregnant gay dog
send-me-a-puffalope · 4 months
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ipad-348 · 18 days
Vhen You 😭😭😪😊🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️
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Just learned cthulu can reproduce and I have to say Lovecraft isn't safe from me anymore
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bandagewastingceo · 2 months
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The sillies
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leandra-winchester · 1 year
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Hot (though maybe no more than lukewarm) take: liberal feminism is just as bad as the patriarchy, because it managed to re-brand misogynist concepts under the mantle of individualism as seemingly progressive. Women who subscribe to it are made to believe they're liberating themselves while the exact opposite is the case. It's gaslighting at its finest.
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st-dionysus · 1 month
(The Poem is named) Emetophobia CW
It’s 2024 and I’m in a 20 year old drag bar, watching the very first trans-masculine performer to compete on their stage, he gets second place even though he deserved first.
I show up to the men’s bathhouse on trans night to get free entry and get turned away at the door, and told it’s for transgirls only, bitch you could have put it on the flyer that transmen need not apply.
I’m doing a line of ketamine off the table, calling it stealing transfem valor.
I get banned from the camsite for listing myself as transgender when I don’t have a dick, I complain online and get told that the trans-masculine body is to grotesque to be fetishized and I should be grateful.
I wear a packer and hitch up a skirt, walk the street, get $20, calling it stealing transfem valor.
Cissie puts a TW #body-mutilation tag under my thirst trap. Tranny puts a TW #dysphoria tag under my thirst trap.
T-girl with a callout post pedojackets me, Enby with TME in bio pedojackets me, T-boy with a self-deprecating joke about men in his bio pedojackets me.
I do another line of ketamine off the table, calling it stealing transfem valor.
I am at the woman’s clinic, I am at the woman’s clinic, I am at the woman’s clinic wearing a mask – not cause I’m compromised (I am), just to hide my beard – avoiding making everyone uncomfortable.
I am getting re-diagnosed with BPD, which just means I have bitch disorder and no one trusts me.
I take my pills and throw them up. I drink my liquor before the beer and throw them up.
I am just 14 when the picture and videos go up. Remind me that I have it easy, they were only pictures and videos.
I am just 17 when the recording of my proof stops before it happens, my phone memory is full, I’m called a liar and now I can’t see buttered crackers, thanksgiving, or sriracha sauce without wanting to kill myself.
No one gets me therapy, but they still want to convert me, she puts her hands down my pants, at least I’m 19, to remind me I’m a woman – tell me how they love trans men again.
I do a third line of ketamine off the table, realize it doesn’t effect me, calling it stealing transfem valor.
I call myself a dog, I start biting my lovers and I have to hold back from ripping out a chunk of flesh, I don’t think I’d throw it up.
I am reading the statistics, 40% of BPD patients try and kill themselves. 1 in 2 transgender men try and kill themselves. I’m one of them. I’m 12 and I swallowed all the pills. I’m 14 and the gun is empty. I’m 17 and I put the box-opener against my throat. Therapist calls me a liar, there is no scar, and my words don’t count for anything.
I’m using he/him pronouns for Stormé DeLarverie, like the stonewall veteran association said to, and telling you he started the riot, calling it stealing transfem valor from a woman who told you she didn’t fucking do it.
I’m shoving my fingers down my throat in a fit of mania, convinced I can vomit up my uterus. She tells me I should be grateful, she’d do anything to be able to get pregnant.
My brother in the struggle gets bottom surgery without top, calling it stealing transfem valor to feel comfortable in his body.
It’s 2024 and I’m at trans pride, the announcers tells everyone to give a round of applause for trans woman, a round of applause for gender-queers, a round of applause for transfems, a round of applause for the enbies, a round of applause for trans-masculine people. You forgot someone. Did you know a trans man started the first ever transgender pride parade?
A book on queer history talks about gay men and lesbians and trans women and the women who dressed as men for better job opportunities. I’m reminded that my invisibility is a privilege, if you aren’t seen you don’t get bashed.
I’m 13 and they throw me in the girls bathroom, pin me down, beat me, and in black sharpie write “dyke”, write “tranny”, write “lesbo”, and pull my hair out the cap I shoved it in.
I’m 19 with D cups that a binder can’t hide and a beard I refuse to shave less I break the mirror and kill myself with the shards of glass I would swallow.
Man at the bus stop calls me tranny and tells me I’ll never be a woman. I’d laugh if he didn’t have his hand on my throat. Calling it stealing transfem valor.
I’m 21 and have to pull a taser on him, cause from the back, even with short hair and top surgery, I look rape-able.
I’m 23 and in the gay district when they chase me down the street, calling me faggot.
Make another forcemasc post, calling it stealing transfem valor.
Read an article about a trans man prostitute that kills himself and ends up another female statistic.
Read an article about a trans man shooter, they blame the HRT he didn’t have access too.
Going to read a callout about me, five pages on Google Docs, does this post make it on the list?
Do a final line of ketamine, write the final line of a poem that makes me want to die, calling it stealing transfem valor.
I puke and miss the toilet.
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uncle-fruity · 4 months
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odo-apologist · 2 months
Every ENT character is the most character ever. Archer is a bitch he plays a fundamental role in the creation of the Federation he brings his dog on away missions which once causes a diplomatic incident he likes water polo he commits war crimes he saw a gazelle giving birth and implements it into his rousing speeches he had a wet dream about his first officer that included his dog's funeral he had to carry the soul of the creator of the main tenets of Vulcan philosophy in his head he gives a lecture on Tycho Brahe while getting his ass beaten during an interrogation scene. T'Pol is strict in her Vulcan beliefs she doesn't believe in time travel even as she's presented with irrefutable evidence and remains somewhat skeptical after experiencing it firsthand she is the funniest person on Enterprise she is more emotional than average Vulcans to the point that she had to have memories erased for causing her too much distress she could canonically pick up any of her crewmates and carry them bridal style she has Vulcan HIV she has it cured by the woman that later watches Spock and Kirk roll around in the sand in Amok Time she is technically canonically trans she is a recovering drug addict. Trip is a perfect gentleman he undergoes incredible emotional losses his favorite movies are Frankenstein Bride of Frankenstein and Son of Frankenstein he gets pregnant five episodes in he dies in the worst episode of the entire series (and the entire franchise) only to have that death retconned in the following tie-in novels he ran around the ship in his underwear he leaves the ship for a couple weeks only to come back after one person had been kidnapped another thrown in jail and the engines are on the verge of destruction and reacts like :/. Malcolm is gay he has 50 ex-girlfriends he has only had one friend in his life his own sister barely knows anything about him he dies alone he likes pineapple even though he's allergic to it he gets spacesick he worked as an agent for a top secret organization he's afraid of drowning he whined about getting a cold he had a spike driven through his leg and didn't complain at all he has a psychosexual obsession with a man he thinks is after his job and grows to respect once they had a homoerotic fight scene before witnessing him die. Hoshi is a linguistic prodigy she's the greatest contributor to the universal translator she has a panic attack on one of her first missions she ran a gambling ring she has a black belt in aikido and broke her superior's arm she has never been to the principal's office in her life she is afraid to use the transporter she became an empress in an alternate universe she is the only one who gets laid on Risa making her the first human to do so she reacted to the threat of getting worms injected into her brain to make her reveal secret information by spitting in her interrogator's face. Travis is the sweetest man ever he loves rock climbing he gets injured whenever he tries to use those skills he's a fan of ghost stories he grew up on a small freighter he gets neglected by the narrative his counterpart helps Hoshi become empress he works out when he's horny he dies in a alternate future where Earth is destroyed he's a movie buff who would probably love the Criterion Collection he likes to chill in a part of the ship with zero gravity which he calls "the sweet spot." Phlox grins like the Cheshire Cat he breaks doctor patient confidentiality to help figure out Malcolm's favorite food he goes crazy when the rest of the crew have to sleep through part of space because of how social his species is he has three wives who in turn have three husbands he responds to the news of one of his wives propositioning a crew member by being like "cool! have fun :]" he once nearly vivisects Travis because he's being affected by radiation and gets obsessed with knowing why the guy has a simple headache he has a menagerie in the middle of his sickbay. And they're all my best friends.
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sitp-recs · 2 months
livvvv my rec goddess. i’ve recently developed an insatiable knack for draco doing little muggle things, like being obsessed with soap operas, or learning how to bake, or playing board games, or painting a house (??) etc etc. any recs as such perchance?? my eternal thanks x
Love this ask anon, “Draco in the Muggle world” can be such a fun trope! I tried to include a bit of everything but I feel like driving and cooking are very popular in fic, so there’s probably a lot of it here. I hope you enjoy these!
magic in the making by getawayfox (G, 2k)
I didn’t see Malfoy for a year after the trial. When Gin told me that, according to Pansy, he had opened a little posh bakery in Mayfair, I thought she was joking, so I went to see for myself.
Market Saturdays by iota (M, 3k)
In which Harry is an accidental part-time cheesemonger, Draco is an organic farmer and they fall in love.
Muggle 'Drug Store Items' by loveglowsinthedark (E, 4k)
Malfoy's interest is caught by a certain Muggle drug store item. (Hint: Flavoured Condoms)
To Make A Way by cavendishbutterfly (E, 5k)
When Harry finds Draco in the back row of the cinema, he doesn't mean to accidentally befriend him. Or fuck him. Or catch feelings. The thing is, Draco only does casual.
How We Throw Our Shadows Down by thistle_verse (T, 14k)
Draco has finally found the perfect, rare piece to complete his collection. The only problem is that the item belongs to Harry Potter, the last wizard on earth Draco wants to ask another favour from.
The Tapestry of Kinship by khalulu (T, 15k)
Harry is at loose ends, Draco is good with needles, and Draco's young daughter wants to see a certain tapestry repaired. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black will never be the same.
Tuesday Nights by firethesound (E, 15k)
The absolute last place Harry expected to see Malfoy was in a rundown Muggle cinema on a Tuesday night.
Rich Friend by iota (E, 18k)
As far as Harry can tell, Draco Malfoy is still rich as hell. He’s just not a wizard anymore. Featuring: Draco Malfoy trying to make it as a Muggle pop star, Harry Potter as our confused and horny hero, bad driving, good music, and the mysterious magic of falling for someone.
Harry Potter and The Bisexual Awakening by Writcraft (E, 23k)
Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
I Bet That You Look Good on the Dancefloor by birdsofshore (E, 28k)
Harry felt lit up from inside as soon as he entered the bar. There were blokes dancing together, their bodies close to one another, not keeping a wary distance as Harry was always careful to do when he was near another man. God, he wanted this – wanted it so much he could taste it, a metallic tang of heat and desire. He suspected nothing would ever be the same again – especially when he saw who else was in the room.
Around You Moves by ignatiustrout (M, 29k)
Harry knew Draco was gay when he invited him to move in. He’s never had a problem with this. So why does he feel so weird about Draco bringing men home all of a sudden?
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout (T, 30k)
Draco Malfoy is the last person Harry expects to turn up in Boston, Massachussetts. But now he's here, and he won't stop requesting books from the library where Harry works.
Open For Repairs by FeelsForBreakfast (M, 35k)
After the war, Draco works at a tv repair shop and Harry breaks things.
(Un)wanted by aibidil (E, 36k)
Ginny's pregnant, then she's not and Harry's single. Harry, again with no family, doesn't know what to do with this turn of events, or how to find a new life—post-war, post-Ginny, post-abortion—in which he belongs. He doesn't expect that life to include dancing to the Backstreet Boys with Hermione and Draco Malfoy. A story of finding belonging in the unexpected.
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl (E, 37k)
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
Take A Chance On Me by mintaminta (E, 40k)
There's a DJ on RareFM with a secret. Or: the one with all the ABBA in it.
Nights With You by The_Sinking_Ship (E, 58k)
Draco is mortified when moments prior to departing for the most anticipated destination wedding of the year, he is cruelly dumped. But when he learns that Harry Potter has, at long last, split with his horrible boyfriend, Draco is certain his luck has changed. Never a man to squander an opportunity for revenge (and what would probably be a spectacular shag), Draco vows to make Potter his for the weekend. Now all Draco has to do is convince him.
Salt on the Western Wind by Saras_Girl (M, 60k)
When the war isn’t quite as over as it first appears, a guilt-ridden Harry is sent to a mysterious safe-house. Among sandwiches, insomnia, and Mills & Boon, he discovers something quite unexpected.
Modern Love by tackytiger (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
Running on Air by eleventy7 (T, 75k)
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
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dazednstoned · 1 year
Modern Rdr2 hcs:
-Abigail dresses like it's the 2000s (I'm talking miniskirts, low rise jeans, heeled flip flops w the fucking sparkles). She will never change too.
-Charles and Arthur go on dates to those adoption events to pet all the dogs and cats
-the whole gang frequently gathers for family bbqs. Every time someone ends up getting punched, passing out, or storming off
-Abigail puts Jack on one of those backpack leashes for kids (John too if we're being honest)
-Tilly, Karen, and Marybeth do full goodwill, garage sale, and vintage market days. They do not mess around either
-the only thing hosea knows how to do on his phone is play chess
-Sean still can't read in modern time
-john plays guitar and writes really horrible love songs for Abigail
-Javier and john r for sure in a band together, they're pretty good when they sing the songs Javier wrote
-Lenny and Sean co-parent an extremely neglected widgetable
-Arthur listens to facebook reels on full volume in public w no shame. Isaac is mortified every time
-john has various tattoos, half of them are god awful. He definitely got Abigail's name or initials tattooed somewhere and she was livid
-Karen gives herself piercings with a really shitty piercing gun
-arthur and John work together in construction, an auto shop, or in the equestrian field.
-Dutch has a very rigid and lengthy skincare routine
-john uses 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, but he says it's 3 in 1 bc it also counts as bodywash
-Tilly is the only one of her family to graduate college (Arthur dropped out of hs when Eliza got pregnant and john never went)
-Hosea is one of those old people you just see walking around the neighborhood at like 8am
-john and Arthur don't wear sunscreen or put on lotion. Abigail sometimes manages to force some sunscreen on John's face before he goes to work tho
-bill refuses to go to gay bars but uses Grindr
-Abigail cuts John and Jack's hair bc she refuses to pay for something she thinks she can do herself (she cannot do it herself)
-Kieran is a hair braiding god. I'm talking French braids, fish tails, you name it.
-john owns a really shitty pick up truck. Jack was either conceived or birthed in the backseat of it (maybe both)
-Sean falls for those free iPhone scams every time
-the only videogame charles plays is stardew valley. He thought it would be relaxing, it wasn't.
-Tilly and Mary Beth are in a book club together
-Abigail is the type of parent to not let her kid play w nerf guns or watch pg13 movies (John is the exact opposite)
-Sadie spends her weekends at rage rooms
-everyone's fridges are covered in drawings Jack made for them
-John, Javier, and Sean game together. Violence always ensues
-dutch does not tip waiters
-john tried to play catch w Jack once and ended up getting hit in the groin by a baseball. He didn't know 4 yr olds could throw that hard
-Abigail and Karen (& sometimes Charles) drink cheap wine together every Sunday and discuss the dumb things their boyfriends did that week
-Lenny and Hosea do the wordle everyday
-Jack is in little league soccer. John sits back drinking a beer as Abigail shouts at the referee
-Abigail got a tramp stamp of a little bow when she was 17 (she regrets it)
-Hosea exclusively sends emails
-Abigail hides John's weed socks bc she doesn't want Jack to see and "fall into a life of drugs" when he's older
-Arthur is a hiking dad through and through. While John is a sit on the couch drinking a beer w his kid in his lap kinda dad
-uncle is the old drunk that lived in the same trailer park as Abigail and John did when Jack was a baby. He kinda just stuck around after
-Miss Molly O'Shea would be a makeup god and u cannot convince me otherwise
I might do a pt 2 late in the future!
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scrollonso · 17 days
Scrollonso Brainrot Universe!!
Strollini Baby
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-They got together in late 2017 and by the same time in 2018 they decided they wanted to get married (kinda fast, idc.)
-Luca proposed to Lance in early 2019 and they got married in late 2021, everything being pushed back bc of covid
-In those 2 years between engagement and wedding they'd decided on adopting
-They adopted a little girl (newborn baby) after the wedding and named her Delilah
-Luca is Babbo is Lance is Papa
-From the second they got her they started trying to teach her their languages (Luca speaking Italian to her, Lance speaking French, and them speaking English when it was the three of them)
-She has crazyyyy blonde curls, for most babies the blonde turns brown by the time youre like 5 but for her it stayed super bright forever
-Her favourite uncles are Mick and Cele because they teach her all the bad words to say in front of Luca to make him freak out (Lance thinks its the funniest thing ever)
Bez/Marc/Vale Babies
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-Bp!bez is canon in this universe, ofc.
-They have little heteropaternal superfecundation babies (when you get pregnant by 2 guys at the same time)
-Vale gets him pregnant with a boy, naming him Antonio
-Marc gets him pregnant with a girl, naming her Catalina
-Rosquez dated from 2014-2018 and in 2019 Vale got with Marco then in 2020 Marc joined after Marco tried his hardest to get them to kiss and makeup
-By 2021 Marco was pregnant with their babies
-Antonio, Catalina, and Delilah all grow up together, the twins only being a month or so older than her
-Marc is Mamá, Vale is Papito and Marco is Daddy
-Obviously these babies have the craziest curls.
-Antonio has problems with his hair touching his ears so they make sure it's cut short enough that he isnt uncomfortable so his curls are less obvious
-Catalina is the complete opposite and ADORES her hair, she loves playing with her daddy's long curly hair and she loves having the same hair as him (getting sad when he trims it)
Alecco Babies
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-The dogs.
-Sitch, Shira, and Turbo are their babies
-They've been together since moto2 but have no interest in having children, babysitting Strollini and the throuples babies is already enough work as it is
The Crazy Uncles
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-No babies between them
-Sometimes they get bored and have some crazy gay sex though
-They're horrible influences on the babies
-Mick has started teaching the babies long crazy words in German for literally no reason? Yeah
-Cele lets the girls play with his hair whenever their dads are busy, he doesn't mind being the girl uncle
-Este and Antonio get on so well he loves that little baby so much, it's like a Gloria and Lily from modern family situation (If Bez, Marc, and Vale dies he gets Antonio and hes very excited)
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afterhourwriting · 8 months
Mini Glossary at the end. Words in red will be in glossary.
TW: Lots of Scottish phrases; choking; spanking; praise and degrading; talk of making the reader pregnant (or literally just breeding)
2/3 update: Just now reading this back and realized this was supposed to be a ‘first time having sex’ thing… but I’m sure it’ll be fine. I think
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“Please be gentle..”
Were the words you remember saying at the beginning of all of this. But now look at you; fucked dumb and fucked rough underneath the man that had promised he would keep it slow and sweet for your first time. Johnny whispered each and every dirty thought that came to mind in his ear, letting you feel his hot breath against your neck as he panted like a wild dog.
“Feel so fuckin’ good. So damn tight! Fuck, lassie, li’ah’?” He groaned as your wet walls clamped down around his girthy cock as he mercilessly pounded into you, not stopping for anything. This was his favorite pastime whenever he was on leave and hadn’t seen you for quite some time. You always managed to get tighter with your time apart, and it was fucking incredible that Johnny had the chance to stretch you out again.
The Scotsmans hands gripped your hips tightly as he pulled your ass back to meet his thrusts. “Mokit.. fucking hoor. You were practically gantin’ fer it, eh? Say it, c’mon. Lemme hear you. Say you wanted me!” Johnny growled as one of his hands flew to wrap around your throat, squeezing just enough to let you feel that delicious sensation of his fingers wrapping around your neck; but not entirely enough to outright knock the wind out of you… at least not yet.
“I-I wanted you, Johnny! I wanted you s-so fucking BAD.” You cried out, gripping onto the sheets beneath you as you felt your boyfriend’s hand curl tighter. If you weren’t close already you certainly were now! Johnny’s cock twitched against your walls as your words rang through his head. “Good girl. Shite! Gaun cum all inside this pretty lit’le hole. Gaun make you a maw n’ have you carry my bairn. Our bairn.” This kind of dirty talk from Johnny wasn’t entirely unexpected, nor was it anything new.. but something about tonight felt he might go on with his promise. You moaned as you felt his hand come down and slap your ass harshly before returning to your neck.
“You gonnae let me cum inside you? You’d look so fucking bonnie carryin’ our kid. Please let me, lassie! Please let me get you pregnant, hen.”
Now how could you say no when he asked so nicely?
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Mini glossary:
Li’ah’ - ‘Like that’
Mokit - ‘Dirty’
Hoor (could also be hure, hore, hooer or whure) - ‘A whore’
Gantin’(or gaggin’) fer it - ‘Begging for’
Gaun - ‘Going’ could also be ‘go on and’
Maw - ‘Mum’ or ‘Mom’ if you’re American.
Bairn - ‘Baby’ can also be used for ‘Small child’
Hen - Term of endearment, like ‘Sweetie’ or ‘Darling’
A/N: Can we please have Soap say more Scottish shit during sex? 🙏🏽 also, I said I was gonna do gay butt sex but I changed my mind. And I’m not that great of a writer, sue me, at least I tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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zyonsay · 1 year
Blinding Lights
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Warnings: NSFW-> guk guk 3000,Alcohol, Gay shit
Reader: Male
Word count: 1'655 Words
Song i listened to while writing: "I threw at my friend's eyes and now im on probation" by Destroy Boys
AN: Hey :] Lemme know what u thought about this! Im open for tips, as i still struggle with writing. Also this is like the first time i wrote smut. Deadass. But anyways, Enjoy!
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Your black military boots made a slouching, wet sound as you walked through the city streets of London. It had rained earlier, but that didn’t stop you from having fun at the club.
The entrance that greeted you looked absolutely disgusting, the only thing you’d expect to occupy the old sewage system would be rats or some old, sick stray dogs. But behind the big, withered cloth that probably inhabited maggots a dimly lit, colorful tunnel hid itself. It was covered in Graffiti and colorful bottles hung from the ceiling. Loud music could be heard from the other end, which was covered by a dark blue curtain, resembling the night sky you had abandoned just a few minutes ago.
The colorful lights blinded you temporarily, but you felt right at home. This was one of the less popular meet up spots for underground artist and queer people. It wasn’t just some nightclub, it was a safe space for all kinds of people, that’s why you loved it so much. You too were very much part of the LGBTQ+ community, so you sought out your nightclubs very carefully. Being involved in a hate crime wasn’t exactly on your bucket list, obviously.
 Some unknown band was absolutely tearing up the stage with their messily decorated instruments. People were dancing, drinking, and singing. It was a big chaos, but you felt at peace, surrounded by your people. The big, broad room was filled with a bar, a few sofas and the stage and it was also thoroughly decorated with graffiti, more colorful bottles, and fairy lights.
You ordered yourself some alcohol, vodka being your favorite. The band was finishing up their last song, then thanked the lively crowd. Then another band stepped foot on the stage, their guitarist and lead singer looking familiar. You’ve seen him around a lot, but you’ve never talked to him. You were basically eye banging him, he looked very good. The way his eyeliner had already smudged made him even more attractive. It almost seemed like he read your thoughts, because he stared right at you, a big grin plastered on his face. You thought it might’ve just been your imagination, the crowd was way too big for him to have looked at you specifically.
The band began performing their first song, the mass of people around you immediately started dancing and singing. Everybody was having a good time, including you. You were dancing with your drink still in your hand, gripping it tightly as the alcohol was way too expensive for you to spill it. You directed your glance towards the stage again, wanting to grace your eyes with the hot man shredding his guitar solo. People were cheering and clapping for the young man, showing him exactly how amazing he is. He continued singing the lyrics to his song and while doing so he grinded against the mic stand, firing on his ego even more.
People were screaming at his cheeky action, a drowned “GET ME PREGNANT!!!” could be heard from the other side of the crowd, many people laughing at that. The punk on stage was smirking at that, though he was seemingly looking at you again.
Now shit got absolutely wild, he was pointing at you and then pointed to the door, which hid a storage room for the band’s instruments. You grinned at him, taking another sip of your drink. He then sang along to the suggestive lyrics of his song, looking at you again, making a very distinctive gesture with his hands. He wanted you to blow him. You felt hazy, blood rushing to your face as you smirked at him, nodding while raising your drink to him.
His band finished their set, people were cheering them on, excited for their next song. Meanwhile a young woman went on stage and announced a campaign for disabled people, receiving a lot of cheers and support.
You on the other hand had made your way to the storage room, feeling a hot, burning feeling in your core. Your cheeks were slightly reddened – whether it was from the alcohol or from your excitement, no one knows. You must admit, giving a blowie to a random guitarist wasn’t the most unhinged thing you’ve ever done. You really didn’t care to be modest anyways.
Then suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder, causing you to spin around and look at whoever was behind you. You were greeted with two beautiful brown eyes and a cheeky grin.  
“Sorry if I put you on the spot there, mate” You smirked at him, then replied “I would’ve let you know if I didn’t want to, but who would say no to you?” You smiled, checking the person opposing you. He was tall and handsome, something mischievous glimmering in his eyes. He smiled at you, slowly growing impatient, since there wasn’t much time in between his band’s sets.
He led you into the storage rooms, revealing a sofa and wall covered in mirrors. This was probably where the bands waited for their performance and could freshen up their makeup. “By the way, I’m Hobie Brown.” The man now known to you as Hobie sat down on the sofa, gesturing you to come over. “Names’ Y/N.” You muttered with a smile, eyeing the bulge building up in the punk’s pants. You shifted closer to Hobie, not wanting to waste too much time. You settled between his legs, kneeling on the orange and pink patterned carpet.
You started fiddling with his belt, looking up with your big eyes, almost looking innocent if it wasn’t on the big smirk on your visage. “Ready?”, you were barely whispering. The young man, who was looking down at you with a grin only nodded his head. You opened up his jeans, slightly pulling them down to give you space for slutty activities. You touched his member through his plain grey boxers, that already had a wet spot on them, revealing his excitement. Hobie let out an impatient groan, wanting you all over him this instant. You quickly got rid of the remaining cloth in your way, your own erection pressing painfully against your jeans. You took his cock in your hand, Hobie hissed at the feeling of your soft hands around him.  You pumped him slowly, before leading your lips towards his tip, enjoying yourself a lot. “Mmmhhhh…” The man above you threw his head back. You then took more of his dick into your mouth, enjoying the feeling. You swirled your tongue along his shaft, earning quiet grunts and sighs from Hobie. He gripped a handful of your fluffy hair, slightly fucking into your mouth.
He looked at you through lust filled eyes, a pleading expression painting his face. “Can I fuck your mouth?”, he whimpered.
 You nodded, slowly letting his member out of your mouth. He stood up, facing your kneeling figure. You got right back to savoring him, as he held you by your hair again. He then began thrusting into your mouth, enjoying the wet, warm feeling. He still held back some of his length, waiting for you to look at him with your doe eyes. He smirked down at you, whispering something along the lines of “Get ready, darling”.
 You took the rest of his cock into your mouth, tears building in the corner of your eyes. Hobie fucked your throat slowly at first, but quickly fell into a more violent pace. You glanced to the side, seeing a sinful scene playing in the mirrors covering the wall. It could’ve well been a baroque painting on the wall of a filthy rich art critique. But there you were, in an underground nightclub, full of drunk queers, sucking off a musician. 
Hobie was now thrusting at a devilish fast pace, using you like a cheap toy to get off on. He looked at you, grinning at your face. “You gonna swallow, like the good little slut you are?” You nodded slightly, not wanting to disturb his pleasure. Your own dick was pulsing in your pants, starved from any kind of stimulation. You were stabilizing yourself by holding the back of Hobies thigh, feeling slightly dizzy due to alcohol and lust. You wanted to make the man in front of you feel good, even tough you merely met him a few minutes ago.
Your thoughts were cut off by Hobies cock twitching in your mouth, you quickly looked up at him, watching happily as he threw his head back and let out a moan. “Ngahhh… Fuck!” Thick ropes of cum flowed down your throat. You tried your best to swallow all of it, as you didn’t want any of the white fluids landing on the fluffy carpet beneath you. Even though this carpet is probably covered in it anyways, you thought to yourself. This was a messy nightclub after all.
Hobie slowly pulled out, grinning down at you again. He pets your fluffy hair, with you sitting at his feet like an obedient dog. “Good Boy.” The punk zipped his pants up again, as you got up from the floor, straightening your messed up clothes. Paying little to no attention to Hobie, you didn’t expect him to tip your chin up. He captured your lips in a feverish hot kiss, getting a taste of himself. You two then parted, leaving a fragile strand of saliva between you two. Outside of the storage room, a loud voice announced Hobies band again, receiving many loud cheers. “Gotta go sweetheart”, he turned around to leave, when you gripped his wrist gently. You looked at him, smirking.
 “Ya wanna come home with me later?”, you received a mischievous look from the man. You cocked your eyebrow, wanting an answer. Hobie then leaned forward, leaving a small kiss on your neck. “Deffo.” He then left the storage room, leaving you with weak legs. You were definitely planning to take this man home tonight.
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thelovetheystole · 2 months
Another long post ahead, because I was thinking about what the audience wants to see vs what Emmerdale wants to show.
Fans: We don't want to see animal abuse on the show.
The show: Piper will be a continued focus in the story, this wouldn't be as much of an issue if we had picked an "uglier dog".
Fans: Please don't drag this Belle story out much longer.
The show: The story will go on for like another 6 months, i.e. it's only halftime really.
Fans: We don't like Vanessa and Suzy together.
The show: Vanessa and Suzy are moving in together.
Fans: But we want Charity and Vanessa back together.
The show: Charity is with her soulmate, Mackenzie.
Fans: Mary and Suzy have chemistry!
The show: Mary might get another love interest soon.
Fans: Please, no more (especially unplanned ones, it's 2024!) pregnancy storylines for a while!
The show: Ella will come back pregnant with Liam's baby.
Fans: But we liked Liam with Chas!
The show: See above answer.
Fans: We are interested to see what's next for Aaron, since you brought him back and built him a new set.
The show: Aaron will only appear in like 7 episodes between April and July. But then we might put him with Robert's brother.
Fans: It would be great if Seb was brought back to the village for Aaron to raise.
The show: Seb? We only mentioned him that one time to make Aaron understand that biological parents hurt more when children are taken away.
Fans: Good on Jai for getting revenge on evil Amit over Rishi's death, we loved Rishi.
The show: Jai will be punished, he's a bad person, he'll lose his wife and family over this.
Fans: Is Angel coming back with a new face after going to prison?
The show: No. Same face.
Fans: We need a bit more lighthearted stories.
The show: Lots of more hard hitting stories coming up still. We can certainly throw in some comical scenes featuring the show's best partnership Marlon and Paddy, or our best comedic performance winner, Mandy!
Fans: The show needs more Sugdens to counter all the Dingles.
The show: Ok, here is a new brother for Victoria (and Robert), but we'll make him gay, and the only other gay character in the village at this time is Aaron. But who will catch John's eye??
Fans: Would be cool if the show brought back some old characters for the 10 000th episode.
The show: We are honoring some past characters by dressing up scarecrows to look like them. You're welcome.
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honeygrahambitch · 10 months
You've made quite a few posts about Hannigram having a kid, usually a daughter. So any hannigram raising their son headcanons?
Okay, fair, here's some:
Will would be ecstatic to teach him about boat engines and fishing. Kid's first word is a piece from the engine probably.
he would feel so nervous about introducing his first girlfriend to his dads.
If he was bi/gay, he would still be extremely nervous lmao
Cause what if he got those simpy, non-manipulative traits from his parents? He is intelligent, he is probably a prodigy but he doesn't have murderous hobbies. He is not against what his dads do tho but he is a sweet boy that Hannibal raised as a gentleman
Will and Hannibal would probably get a lot of "you are raising him to be gay" assumptions from people which make it hard for him to figure it out for himself
Cause baby boy is smart like both of his dads but clueless about his own feelings just like Will
And he does collect dogs
He is not the best in the kitchen but he is trying and loves helping his dad around
He plays the piano and draws and he is a nerd about art museums just like Hannibal. This kid has been in art museums before he could even walk.
He does get into trouble now and then. He once "borrows" Will's car and lightly scratches it against a wall so when he has to confess he goes "I need to tell you something but please don't be mad." And Will and Hannibal stop whatever they are doing cause this is a rare occasion. And he goes "I got my girlfriend pregnant" to which Will and Hannibal go through 14 different types of emotions.
And then he is like "Nah, I didn't do that but I might have scratched the back of your car."
To which they are relieved so yeah, he is smart like that.
He would speak many languages and Lithuanian too.
I picture him as Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds
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(TW: sex mention, brief mention of child sexual abuse)
My dear lgbt+ kids,
When I tell people that I used to volunteer for a teen pregnancy helpline, they often get curious and ask "Who was the youngest person who ever called?"
I don't mind answering that: most of our callers were 16 - 19 years old but the youngest ones I personally spoke to were 12 years old.
I find it important to note that kids in difficult situations often do not react in the ways that "make sense" to adults: the youngest callers were also the calmest. As counterintuitive as it may be from an adult perspective, they were definitely less terrified than the 19-years-olds - but that's a whole different conversation to have. The point relevant to this letter is just that the usual adult reaction to hearing me say "They were 12 years old" is, understandably, pity. "Oh my gosh, poor kids, they must have been terrified!".
But there are also people who react in a way that I do not understand: with anger - aimed at the pregnant child but also at me. "Oh my gosh, how does a 12-year-old even get pregnant? The newer generations are so slutty and sex-crazed. Why would you encourage that? Those kids should play with dolls, not have sex!"
Frankly said, these kinds of reactions piss me off. Mainly because they (choose to?) overlook the obvious: Pregnancy at such a young age is highly, highly likely to be a result of sexual abuse. I get that it's difficult to stomach the thought, and yes, it is not always the case, but when we are talking about pregnant 12-year-olds, we need to consider the very real possibility that we are talking about rape victims.
But even if we choose to overlook that or just focus on the cases in which 12-years-olds had sex with their (same age) boyfriends and got pregnant, it's such a ridiculous reaction. The kids and teens who called us did so because they either already had a positive pregnancy test or at least had a strong suspicion that they were pregnant (or in some cases, had already given birth) - in either case, it means that they already had sex. It's not like they called us to ask for permission to have sex! They called us after the fact. Because, well, that's what we were: a resource for those who already are in that situation.
And this is where this long and not very lgbt+-related story finally circles closer to what this blog is about:
"If you offer resources to pregnant kids, you encourage kids to get pregnant" is just one flavor of a common misconception. It's the same logic some people use to oppose (lgbt+-inclusive) sexual education in schools: "Teaching kids about sex will encourage kids to have sex!" (which is kinda ironic because, you know, it's actually proven that kids who receive Sex-Ed are less likely to become sexual risk-takers. They wait longer to have sex, and when they have it, they are more likely to use condoms - both of which would help lower the number of teen pregnancies.)
Less of a direct mirror but also in the same vein are some arguments people use to oppose trans rights (which in turn mirror arguments people use against gay marriage). "That's a slippery slope, people will see that and copy it, and suddenly we have doctors performing gender surgery on toddlers!" ("... and suddenly we have people marrying their dogs!").
It's good to learn to recognize that pattern in an argument - because any flavor of it is based on faulty logic: Offering X does not increase the number of people who need X. It just means that those who already needed it will now have easier access to it.
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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