#pretty boi ed
caesarinsalata · 8 months
Ed's face before fully processing that someone complimented him
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sherlockig · 12 days
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Rhys Darby on the OFMD fans :)
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autistic-dishes · 1 year
Są we mnie dwa wilki.
Jeden twierdzi, że an0reksja to umysł.
Drugi, że jestem za gruba na anoreksję.
Ale oba wilki kochają cycki.
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nyxp · 10 months
🥕Dieta do coelho🥕
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O que é "Dieta do coelho"?
Acho que pelo nome já é meio óbvio, mas irei explicar (eu criei essa dieta pra mim, mas ela provavelmente já existia).
Bom, a dieta do coelho é basicamente você comer apenas cenouras do início ao fim dessa dieta .
Água (obviamente)
Adoçante zero
Refrigerante/Energético zero
NÃO permitido:
Leite e qualquer bebida q não seja 0kcal
Temperos calóricos
Qualquer comida q não seja cenoura
Quantas unidades/gramas por dia e o modo de preparo?
Eu criei essa dieta justamente pra ser extremamente lowkcal.
Quando eu fazia essa dieta, eu fazia omad, bebia apenas água e café puro (sem açúcar e nem adoçante) e comia apenas uma cenoura crua e ralada por dia, as vezes eu temperava com um pouco de azeite e sal, mas eu recomendo não fazer isso se vc quer o mínimo de calorias.
Recomendações de como come-lá:
Com a ajuda de um descascador, tire a casca da cenoura (coma se quiser, mas eu jogo fora) e depois continue "descascando" ela até não sobrar mais nada. Vai ficar como umas tirinhas, sabe? Ou então, vc pode ralar.
Dos dois jeitos vc tem q mastigar bastante pra poder comer, oq é ótimo, pq dá a impressão q vc está comendo o suficiente.
Com a ajuda de um descascador, descasque a cenoura. Após fazer isso, corte-a em rodelas (não tão finas e nem tão grossas), ou melhor, corte as rodelas no meio também, assim vai "duplicar" a quantidade e enganar o seu cérebro.
Com a ajuda de um descascador, descasque a cenoura, corte-a em rodelas e a coloque em uma panela com água quente. Espere ela ficar bem mole, ao ponto de q de para vc amassar.
Quando ficar ao ponto, despeje a cenoura e um pouco da água da panela no liquidificador e bata/triture. Se quiser, coloque uma pitada de sal.
Essa dieta me ajudou a secar bastante, tanto as minhas pernas quanto a minha barriga secaram muito. Amanhã vou ao mercado comprar cenouras e voltar a essa dieta♡
Qualquer dúvida, escrevam nos comentários ou mandem ask anonimamente, se preferirem. Vou tentar responder oq estiver ao meu alcance.
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on-till-morning · 11 months
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Just gotta give a shout out that Stede’s very first (#1) suggestion about what to do with the guilt loot is to buy clothes, which is totally 100% for the sole benefit of his only-ever-been-in-one-outfit-and-one-outfit-only bf and def not at all about I’M A BIT OF A CLOTHESHORSE Stede and all the outfits he can buy for himself while dressing Ed up in a pretty women shopping montage
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catboycooter · 1 year
everytime someone tries to punish ed teach for doing crimes im right there behind him going god forbid women have hobbies
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timxstuff · 1 year
Ed and Jonah in the One Piece art style from Surely Some Star Binds Me To You by @aachria
I love this fic so much everyone should give it a read!
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
my favorite baby style ncu continuity is cute tiny hopeless romantic kindergarten disney prince stan falling in love with kyle broflovski at first sight and buying every flavor of ring pop trying to propose to him like 'you are...the most Beautiful person i've ever seen.'
and evil feral kindergarten nj kyle threatening to bite him, fight him and end his pitiful life like 'and you are...so Gahdamn WEIRD. stay the hell away from me, yA FREAK!' and trying to bear mace him skdhs
— but then k-garten stan doing something incredibly wholesome, mindboggling stupid and storybook chivalrous to save k-garten kyle's life, the ice around his cold black heart melting, bein forever changed and falling head over heels in love w boy hero k-garten stan...
...all to take the fATTEST L OF ALL FUCKING TIME because he is too emotionally constipated to confess his feelings and end up gettin stuck in the super best friend zone FOREVER bc every day perfect stan marsh gets lovelier, handsomer and....Fucking STUPIDER.
#nina speaks#i really do feel for ncu kyle...i do#that man got shafted#please note: if the super popular extremely pretty dark haired boy w/ big blue eyes confesses his love to you on day one#just say yes like just go along with it#however i will say that kyle being unapproachable and hating him and wanting to bear mace him did make him obsessed#which is soooooo mentally ill i am actually CRYING#but yeah because then youre going to realize that he is actually v sweet and cute and kind and wonderful and special#and your chest will start to swell and youll get light headed and want to start smiling and singing and swinging#and then you think he's gonna ask you to marry you again and he just asks you to be his super best friend forever#because he doesnt want to push it clearly u dont like him and he is just happy to be near you and spend time with you#and you want to push yourself off a cliff because now every person on planet earth is in love with stanley marsh#including you#and you are legitmately FUCKED#they really are who fell first who fell harder and i mean it#i love insane yandere black lab bf kgarten stan he is so funny like he has mental problems but i admire his detirmination#i also love emporer of evil probably has rabies new jersey potty mouth orange cat bf kgarten kyle who without a doubt 100%#would have a crush on a boy and send him death threats and be like Get Out Of My School because he makes him nervous#obsessed with my silly gay opposite attract sbf sons#ft baby stan like aw! u wrote me something <3#( can't read bc he's illiterate ) ( hugs kyle ) you're the BEST! ( ft kindergarten kyle having shaking and having convulsions )#pour one out for kyle#specifically jersey#because his stan d*ed he never recovered and then fell in love with the sexc rockstar vers
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oop, idiot doodles alert-
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caesarinsalata · 8 months
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I finally came up with something for the prompt
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magget22 · 4 months
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Update Monday may 3rd 2024
Tbh I don’t think I’m going to be able to reach my goal by the first day of summer (38 days)but I’m going to stay consistent slow progress is still progress gotta remember consistency over perfection is the key also lost the 8 pounds I gained when I fell off a wile ago it’s different losing what Iv all ready lost back to 120 (I’m 5 foot for reference) I worked for it but I wasn’t even exited when I saw the scale pop up the number heaviest was 172 but that was 3 years ago at this point hard to believe anyway today walked 13k steps and worked out a lil I had a chocolate croissant a bite of a bagel and fruit today plus some candy sticks and hard candy plus plenty of water and diet soda
(Website Is piggy.com 🐷)
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Link Click Season 2 "You viewers had your fun with the more high-stakes mystery plot and incredible actions sequences in the first two episodes so lets bring it back down to the way everyday life and individual tragedies are just as significant to the plot and universe and wreck you emotion and soul with a snapshot of how a single couple's life contains both beauty and tragedy and significance to their close ones and new friends" Episode 3
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autistic-dishes · 1 year
Zarywanie nocki, żeby spać w dzień i nie musieć jeść >>>
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nyxp · 7 months
A partir do momento que a pessoa se encaixa no:
"ela não é magra, ela é normal"
"ela é meio.. gordinha/cheia, mas é magra"
Significa que ela é gorda. Se você tem gordura o suficiente pra formar uma bola na barriga mesmo que não seja grande pra krlh ou uma onda de pneus, você não é magra.
"Ai sou meio chubby/cheinha" Minha filha, você é gorda. Doa a quem doer, mas qualquer outra palavra que usam para se referir a você sem ser "magra", então quer dizer que VOCÊ NÃO É MAGRA‼️
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crazy-starboy · 14 days
Quero deixar o leite estragar para beber depois e pegar um intoxicação alimentar. Contemplando essa ideia há um tempo...
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