#pretty sure they're all trans actually tbh
giantkillerjack · 1 year
Why is Wilson the only male character in Don't Starve Together who can grow a beard so magnificent it keeps him warm?
I'm so glad you asked! My wife has a theory and it is the correct theory and I will accept no substitutes:
You see, Wilson is Trans, and despite having other ways he could have accessed testosterone, he considered himself enough of a scientific genius to create his own Super Testosterone (patent pending) to speed up the process!
The good news is, it worked!
The bad news is it does bring about what Wilson dubbed "Super Puberty," and he still has the acne scars to prove it!
Also, he now grows such an intense beard that it can keep him warm in the cold!
Which was mostly just a nuisance that involved spending a lot of time and money on high-quality shaving kits, but it became a lot more useful once he suddenly had to survive in the wilderness!
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matan4il · 25 days
Hey! Anon from the last time here! By "Pro-Palestine Westeners" I was partially referring to all these students from Columbia and MIT who were illegally occupying the school grounds and harassing/hurting the actual Israeli/Jewish/Middle Eastern/the other generally decent students.
I know there's Pro-Palestine people who are actually decent, but all these college students are risking suspension/expulsion/jailtime because they'd rather chant pro-Ha*as slogans rather and listening to news from biased fonts rather than educating themselves on what's really happening. Some people would rather stay in their ivory towers, rather than going outside and touching grass.
I also know there's LGBT+ people in Palestine and other parts of MENA, and all I wish for them is that they live long enough to find a place where to live freely and out of the closet, without suffering persecution from their government.
Hope this clarified at least a little bit my other ask, and sorry it sounded so ambiguous. Finally, let's hope that Eden Golan gets at least in the top 5 at Eurovision 2024, just to spite anyone who booed her.
Hi Nonnie!
Thank you for sending this ask to clarify the previous one, it's what I thought you meant, and I'm glad to hear I wasn't too off.
TBH, as a gay woman myself, with gay Palestinian friends who are a part of my queer community, and whose struggles I know well, that's the first group I thought about as well. Then I thought about the fact that under Hamas law, husbands can rape their wives with impunity. I thought about the way the Christian population (the biggest non-Muslim minority under Palestinian rule) has demographically plummeted in the areas that Israel passed on to Palestinian control as a part of the Oslo accords. I thought about black people, whose ancestors were kidnapped because of the Trans-Saharan (i.e Arab) trade slave, and are still treated as lesser humans because of that (based on their skin color, they are still referred to in Arabic to this day as "Abeed," meaning slaves).
I think this last group, which most people don't even realize exists, deserves a bit more info shared about it:
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Pretty sure black activists in the states, who don't know the history (and present) of the Arab slave trade, or the persisting anti-black racism that exists in Palestinian society, have no clue they're being exploited against the same Jewish community, which stood with Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement, even having some of its members paying with their very lives for this. I hope they wake up and realized they're being used for antisemitic purposes by the same people who enslaved and are still discriminating against some of their people.
But it's funny how the world's activists and human rights defenders seem to ignore the plight of these marginalized Palestinians, isn't it? Almost like, because they're NOT being oppressed by Jews, rather by fellow Palestinians, and can't be used to justify antisemitic rhetoric and action, then they don't count. So much for minority solidarity and intersectionality, right? It doesn't extend to Jews, and it doesn't extend to Palestinians who can't be weaponized against Jews.
Regarding the last bit of your ask, bless you for being hit with Apollo's dodge ball and predicting Eden making it into the top 5, despite every effort made by the jury members of so many countries, the awful people in the audience, and members of fellow delegations. It was magnificent!
Sending you hugs! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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faeriekit · 6 days
For @kingcrow01 and everyone else because I forgot to port this back over from ao3: what the hell is going on with Cass's gender in Quiet Respite, specifically?
1) I know that DC plays fast and loose with medical facts but the truth of the matter is that growing up without a language of any sort fucks your brain up forever. Like. I'm pretty sure you might not even live to old age, if I remember my child development class correctly— humans need some level of linguistic processing even just to FORM MEMORIES. Your brain relies on language like a structural support in a building. People handwave Cass's childhood with a "oh, Cass learned body language" sort of thing but that is NOT the same as actual linguistic processing. Hence why it's so hard for her (especially in this fic) to speak and communicate even with a speech therapist and a bunch of time dedicated to learning English and about the world around her: genuinely, kids who grow up without hearing or speaking human language widely suffer developmental delays for the rest of their lives. (This part of the reason why sign language is so important for deaf kids and why talk boards and AAC devices are so important in nonverbal kids n adults btw; Communication deprivation is REALLY BAD.)
2) Gender is fake. Have we all looked each other in the eye and figured that out? Good? Okay. Gender is sociological and varies and adjusts to whatever culture you're in at the time and is a social role we've all pretended to obey in order to facilitate other, more complicated social roles for long-term convenience. We got it? Good? Far out.
3) Social roles are WAY harder to understand and conform to if you're neurodivergent in any way. No joke, one of the theories around why autistic people are more highly represented in trans spaces is that gender is just another social role that makes no fucking sense. Why are we jumping through hoops for pretend facts about people?? Hello?? Anyway, I call this the Neurodivergent loophole. Cass didn't grow up with any living culture or IDing as any particular gender, even though she probably knew she didn't have a penis at the very least. She had no reliable adults to model herself off of and was only exposed to a living, breathing society as a preteen. Gender is something that's purely sociological. I will bet you every buck in my wallet that she isn't particularly attached to the idea of womanhood in any way that doesn't involve doing a good job as Batgirl so that Barbara likes her. She has Bruce-assigned pronouns and is aware of what her own body looks like, and everything else is just icing.
However, I also think that Cass is exactly like Bruce insofar that most things about herself can be presented in a way to get her into better places. If Cass is going to date someone, she is going to be The Boyfriend, and be the support that the title implies. Cass is willing to also let Peter be The Boyfriend, but she is the ass-kicking boyfriend and he is the breadwinning and emotional support boyfriend. This all works. Peter, who does not care (affectionate), is willing to see this through as far as Cass is willing to take it, because it's not like his opinion will change anything and her thought process is kind of fascinating tbh.
Anyway, they're bi4bi. Happy Pride! 🏳‍🌈
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cookiewrites · 4 months
bang chan with a trans masc boyfriend
please enjoy these sfw/nsfw thoughts about bang chan, featuring my gender crisis. these are based on my experiences/hopes, and may not match every trans-masc person's - and that's okay!
wc: 1k
cw: bang chan x trans masc/afab! reader, mentions of dysphoria (various forms) and transition, no transphobia, brief mention of misgendering (no one actually misgenders reader), name for reader (baby, boy, boyfriend, pretty boy)
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i have no doubt in my mind that chan would accept you being trans - whether you came out before you met him or whilst dating him. but let's talk coming out; he wouldn't have a learning curve, there'd be no slip ups or small mistakes. it would be an instant shift, and he'd make sure it would be the same with the kids. even if you weren't ready to tell them straight up, he'd let them all know that you were trying more masculine things and they'd just follow his lead.
he'd let you borrow all his clothes, of course. not even in the possessive my boyfriend is wearing my clothes way although yes that as well but so you can try out different styles and have access to a full wardrobe of masculine clothes as you built up your own. tbh i think you'd end up sharing a wardrobe with him from then on, it's your joint wardrobe, easy as that. he'd instantly turn compliments from beautiful to handsome, or whatever would make you comfortable. suddenly you're his prince. sometimes you'd forget you were ever not out to him.
telling him for the first time was hard, you couldn't stop crying and you were so scared, hiccupping over words and telling him over and over that it was okay if it stopped him loving you and how sorry you were and- 'you know i love you, right? and i love that i have a boyfriend now, if that's the term you're most comfortable with. either way, baby, 'm going nowhere, and i'm so so proud of you for telling me.'. he'd hug you close, too, squeezing you tight as you calm down, reminding you over and over how much he loves you as you are.
you'd expect at least a discussion and questions, and maybe him to need some time and maybe take a break and maybe break up with you and maybe- 'god i was so worried you were going to leave me, baby boy, i'm so glad this is all that's been wrong'. he's so happy that you're not going anywhere he can't stop smiling. yes he has a boyfriend, and yes it's a change but you're still his! before you really have time to grasp what has happened he's covering you with small kisses and reminding you how much he loves you.
if someone were to misgender you he'd be quick to correct them, never making a big deal out of it, just interjecting with the right pronouns or terms. if it was one of the kids he'd pull them aside later and remind them to try harder - not that they'd need it, he taught them all better than that and they'd be so happy to have another guy the group, for some of them another hyung.
he already knew a bit about being trans, but he went out of his way to research everything he could, and the ways he could support. you'd often stumble across open tabs when borrowing his laptop or visiting him in the studio. the consideration to not expect you to do all the emotional labor of explaining things the internet could easily tell him. he'd look into chest binding and medical transition in case you ever wanted to, he looked up ways to help dysphoria so you wouldn't have to teach him. he wanted everything to be as easy for you as possible.
would 100% help you with your dysphoria by almost playing dumb to what's making you dysphoric. like he wouldn't even acknowledge your chest being anything but a chest, changbin has a bigger chest, so do you, it's the same. he's not tall, and he's as much of a man as you are. dysphoria where? dysphoria what? you're just as masculine as the rest of them.
'they're just jealous i have the prettiest boyfriend' he'd whisper to you when the kids would tease you both for being so loved up. every time he says that word is makes your heart skip - he says it with so much love.
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additional cw: mentions of chan bottoming, reader receiving oral sex, reader's parts referred to with the term dick, mentions of chan giving a blowjob, praise/dirty talk
i think chan could have a relationship without sex, he would never expect or push a partner and it is as fulfilling with or without for him. that being said, sex is something chan loves; the feeling of closeness, and trust, and love. the way he loves making a partner feel good, and loved, and cared for. he is such a soft dom, and just wants to make who he is with feel good.
so when he put together that your reluctance to have sex may come from your dysphoria he starts helping you over that; and make adaptions to intimacy to make you the most comfortable. don't want to take your shirt off or wear a binder? absolutely fine, let's make sure you're safe but you never have to be naked around me. don't want penetration? amazing, chan loves playing with you in whatever way makes you feel good. want to top him? oh please, he'll be good for you and really loves whatever toy you want to pick. want him to refer to your parts with masculine names? 'god your dick is perfect baby, fuck, it's so pretty'
he's so into you that he will do anything. there was one time he gave your strap a hell of a blowjob, just because you'd mentioned in passing how frustrating it was not getting to see him like that. even the way he does go down on you changes, with or without going on t, chan gives you head instead of eats you out - there's this masculinity in the way he treats your body.
the praise during sex is always incredible, and we are all in agreement that chan is talkative during sex. he doesn't always expect a reply but simply loves telling you how incredible you are. it's through this that you find just how good it is to be with someone to truly sees what you are;
'oh pretty boy, god you're so good for me'
'f-fuck you're so deep baby, so b-big, fuck'
'i don't think i'll ever get over this dick of yours baby boy, fuck, it's just perfect'
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aroapl · 1 year
hello! first off, this ask is not at all meant to be antagonistic and i am genuinely coming from a place of wanting to understand. i've always been extremely for "people can be and identify as whatever they want, so long as they're not hurting anyone". what i'm struggling with is that last bit and the way that i am seeing some people using the aplatonic or loveless labels.
i am both aro- and ace spec myself, so i definitely understand not having emotions or attraction in the way that a lot of people feel that you should. and while i am pretty high empathy myself, i'm also friends with people who have low or no empathy and have no trouble understanding that that's just another way of existing and doesn't mean that you can't have compassion for people or treat people decently. my best friend has no empathy and is incredibly supportive and caring.
i also totally get when i see people iding as loveless because the way that our society (especially western society) uses the word "love" is so weird and definitely not universally relatable. completely understandable.
i've seen many people identify being aplatonic as meaning "idk i just don't really Connect with people in the way that i see most people talk about, if my friends all moved away, i wouldn't really be bothered" okay, cool. i don't Get it, but just seems to be a different experience.
where i'm really struggling is not to condemn or get angry at people who i straight up see saying "i'm loveless meaning i don't care about other human beings and if any number of people just died right in front of me i wouldn't care. if i saw someone in trouble needing my help i'd walk right past them. i hate humans". i haven't seen a TON of people express this, but i've seen enough to where i feel like they can't all be trolls, and i'm not sure how to respond.
i've also seen a lot, like definitely the vast majority of people i see pop up on my dash who id themselves as aplatonic, say that they feel horribly lonely and disconnected and just Can't make friends...therefore they must be aplatonic, and they should stop trying and be "naturally" isolated. a lot of these people also mention having past trauma, and a lot of them seem to be young teenagers.
now. i am of the opinion that identifying yourself "incorrectly"--eg, a young trans woman identifying as ace before she figures out she's trans because she has no interest in sex as someone who's seen as a man--isn't ever really harmful. not having sex with anyone isn't going to hurt you. briefly deciding you're a lesbian isn't going to hurt you if you're actually a trans man.
but these teenagers i see iding as aplatonic because they're unable to make connections with people but want to really worries me. if you don't have any close friends or even casual friends and are totally happy with that and id as aplatonic, that makes sense and seems perfectly fine to me. but i just can't make "i id this way because i'm miserable" mesh with my worldview, nor can i make "i id this way because i hate everyone" mesh either.
in the past when i've brought this up to people with the loveless able specifically, it's incited threats of violence, doxxing, and a lot of ableism, which tbh did the opposite of convincing me it was a harmless label.
do you have any thoughts on this?
(Little preface to say I consulted a server with a lot of apls and loveless folks in it to get a second opinion on how to respond to this. So, some of this is entirely my own thoughts and some is paraphrased from another loveless apl. This person did not want to be credited/named.)
I’m gonna start with my main thought on all these points, which is this: there are always going to be some people that identify with a label for the “wrong” reasons, and there are always going to be some assholes and some people you fundamentally don’t agree with in every label/community. None of these things ever make it okay to try and get rid of or police a label, to take it away from the people that genuinely find community, joy, and self acceptance in it.
A lot of what you’re saying here is quite frankly just classic aphobia, the same stuff a lot of people say/think about aros and aces just directed at apls and loveless people. There are plenty of aros that desperately wish they could like romance and have romantic relationships, and there are aphobes that think these aros are just mentally ill and that the aro label should be done away with to “save” them. There are some violently sex negative aces out there, and there are aphobes who think they speak for the whole community and that the ace label should be done away with because of it. There are people that mistakenly identify as ace and/or aro because they’re struggling with other things, and some of them isolate themselves because of it in ways that genuinely do harm them, and there are people that think ace and aro are inherently harmful labels because of this. 
Whether they truly are aplatonic or just falling back on the aplatonic label because of other struggles, some aplatonic people genuinely wishing they could make/keep friends and feeling lonely doesn’t mean that the aplatonic label as a whole is a problem. Like I said, people misidentifying in ways that do actually harm them in some way is something that can happen with any label. Also, trying to make someone drop a label that doesn’t actually fit them and force them to face the problem that led them to it before they’re ready to is rarely helpful. A lot of people in this situation would at best feel disrespected and upset, and at worst double down on their misidentification or have a serious mental health spiral over being made to face a problem they aren't ready to face. People wrongly IDing as aplatonic might find understanding and resources in our community that help them heal, they might be miserable the whole time they ID as apl and eventually move on and get help afterward, or they might learn and heal in other ways or go on to struggle for a very long time. Either way, it’s not the job of outsiders to decide someone is identifying with a label for the wrong reasons and make them let it go. 
(Also, a side note on this point. While aplatonic is currently primarily defined and used similarly to other aspec labels, there have been several other definitions that differ quite a lot. One of these definitions defines it as struggling to make or maintain friendships due to neurodivergence, or just generally struggling with friendship. Some people do still use this definition. Some of these people you’re talking about may be using this definition.)
Now on to lovelessness. Some of what you’re saying here gets into ableism, particularly towards people with personality disorders. Some people with personality disorders genuinely just aren’t capable of caring about strangers like that, or people in general. Some often aren’t capable of going out of their way to help people, or struggle a lot with it. That doesn’t make them bad. People can’t control how they feel. As long as they aren’t hurting anyone, people can feel or think whatever they want. Thought crime isn’t real.
Now, if someone is actually hurting people and using the loveless label as an excuse, that’s obviously not okay. The thing about that though is that taking the loveless label away from them won’t make them stop hurting people. They will just find another excuse, or stop bothering with having an excuse. An asshole is still going to be an asshole no matter what label or excuse they attach to it. On top of that, some people within an identity/community being bad people doesn't make it okay to vilify everyone that shares that label or get rid of that label/community. 
I’m genuinely very sorry some people have been ableist and violent towards you, that is never okay. I do need you to know though that despite what may have been good intentions, this does come off as aplphobic, loveless antagonistic, and a bit ableist. That can rightfully inspire anger and defensiveness in people with these identities, especially since many of us are already used to having our identities antagonized, disrespected, and demonized. Since you’re aroace-spec, imagine how you would feel if someone came to you and expressed these exact same sentiments, but towards ace and aro identities instead. Imagine how you’d feel if some came to you doubting that ace and aro identities should be allowed to exist because they’d encountered some aces and aros that were mean or unhappy in their identify.
At the end of the day, not everyone is going to share your worldview, and that’s fine. You don’t have to understand them or like them, or even get along with them, but they have a right to exist as they are even if you don’t agree with them or like it. If they aren’t hurting you, simply move on and focus your time and energy on the people and communities you do like and understand.
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fruitybashir · 2 days
hey hello 👋🏻 i'm sorry im very shy but i'm a huge fan of the holidate and dopamin (closer) was so fantastic and super hot and i was blushing the entire way through, i've reread it maybe five times by now, i'm sorry if that's weird 🫣
if you don't mind me asking, i'm curious about something? in the holidate and in dopamin, there's obvious hints at some of their kinks or preferences in bed (hair pulling, praise....) and i'm just wondering......can you say more about what kinks they're both into? what you envisioned for them? is there more we don't know about yet? i'm a bit embarassed to ask but i'm so curious
either way, i'm a big fan and i can't wait to see what you post next and have a nice day/night bye bye 💌💕
omg hiiiii <3333 dont be embarassed omg i loveeee when people tell me they reread my stuff, thats how i know it actually was good!!! 🫶🏻💖💖💖
and sure i can talk about it! its nothing super exciting tbh but i do have a certain set of kinks/preferences/likes whatever you wanna call it for each of them, im gonna put it under the cut as per usual in case it gets long.
edit yeah this is getting super long. sorry. dont ask me to yap, i will not stop.
starting with kris:
the very obvious: hair pulling. i think that was made pretty clear lmao. in a non-sexual context he looooves having his hair played with, someone just running their fingers through his hair, lightly scratching at the scalp, playing with a strand or two, anything at all gives him very pleasant tingles and practically makes him putty in your hands. find that spot behind his ear like bojan did and his brain shuts off, you have now successfully tamed your kris, congrats.
in a sexual context that translates to him loving having his hair pulled, its a combination of him liking having his hair played with + liking a certain level of pain. and the combo of that really gets him off. obviously.
pain for kris is like. hes into some level of pain, like the hair pulling and he also likes biting sometimes. in dopamin thats bojan biting his butt, but i imagine sometimes when bojan takes his time exploring kris' body, he takes a bite here or there, kris' neck, the sides of his stomach, the inside of his thighs .. stuff like that and kris is also really into it then.
hes not into any bigger levels of pain other than that like he wouldnt like stuff like spanking etc although thats a combination of not liking that type of pain and not liking being in a submissive position
next point: he doesnt like being submissive. its both just a preference thing plus not liking loss of control. he loves being the one to order the other part around and be the one to kiiind of have the upper hand. im saying that a bit vaguely bc he also isnt really a dom, he wouldnt like a very strong dominant role, he just likes calling the shots and being in control of the situation. idk how to put it. ill come back to this later
hes freshly discovering that hes into feminization, as you can probably tell from that last upload lmao, and he likes it both in a non-sexual and in a sexual context. he likes feminine words of affection, being called pretty, likes thinking about how in certain perspectives and moments people might mistake him for a girl, and he could have shopped online for lingerie thats specifically made for men, and buy panties that actually had some space in the front, but he deliberately chose not to do that, he wanted it to be girls underwear. that was important.
holidate kris is definitely not fully cis, but also not really trans either i think, idk what to call it but yeah. he might be a little trans, hes having some thoughts and feelings and maybe ill let him explore that properly one day but basically he doesnt really know what to make of it yet or how to categorise it, but he knows he likes himself exactly the way he is and doesnt want to change anything. he also likes getting called girl-ish things and thinking about how people might mistake him for a girl sometimes. idk
other preferences uhhh he really likes sucking dick lmao, like he genuinely enjoys going down on bojan and it gets him all worked up as well. he just figured out he loves getting eaten out. he doesnt like bottoming and he also doesnt like getting fingered all that much. and the thing with that is that he likes having things in his ass, but he doesnt like the uhhh motion of it? having a dick in his ass is fine, having that dick thrust into him is a big no no. the lucky thing with bojan is that he has really short fingers so when hes fingering kris, hes focussing on kris's prostate and doesnt move around all that much so that is still something kris enjoys. on occasion. he also generally doesnt like coming more than once, bc he tends to be very sensitive after his first orgasm and the second one is often very overhelming and too much
moving on to bojan:
also fairly obvious: likes being manhandled, likes being told what to do, big on getting praised. he also loves servicing and making kris feel good, it genuinely gets him off when he can just worship kris a little.
bojan loves both receiving and giving oral but he really loves bottoming and coming on kris' fingers. he loves getting a little overstimulated like getting teased for a long time before getting any proper attention so by the time kris finally goes down on him or fucks him, bojan is already shaking with it and desperate. or in the way like in dopamin, literally not being able to fully calm down in between orgasms and still being super sensitive from the first one.
i think the praise thing is pretty self explanatory, he really loves getting praised for doing a good job when he follows kris' instructions, loves being called a good boy, loves when kris keeps telling him how good hes being in general, its a major thing for him
he loves getting fucked classic missionary or riding kris, they tried doggy once but he didnt like not being able to see kris and touch him. he loves watching kris' face when he comes and also before that, he just loves fucking face to face.
also he would love for kris to make real on his promise of fucking his tits, neither of them knows how that would work but bojan is heavily into the idea of it
as for both of them:
ive said it in dms earlier but basically like. theyre both still kind of vanilla with their kinks? like there is a dom/sub dynamic there but its a very mild one kinda.
like how in dopamin kris tells bojan hes gonna make him come on his fingers and then give him no break after, but later he still does give him a break and checks with bojan if hes still okay with it, if its too much etc. or how he keeps telling bojan to use his words, but always forgives him when bojan cant use his words or is too embarrassed to say what kris wants him to say. like theres never any real consequences.
and thats the thing with them: they are so in tune with each other and have a level of trust for each other that they never had with previous partners. bojan likes being bossed around but he wouldnt like if anyone was actually mean to him, hes not into humiliation or being actually punished for something.
kris knows when he says it that its all empty threats and he would never give bojan any real consequences, and bojan knows this as well, but he would also never intentionally misbehave bc he likes following commands.
they work so well together like that bc theyre both fully aware of what they and the other wants out of it, they know the others wishes and boundaries and limits etc, like there is just a level of trust and understanding between them like no other.
also theyre super in love. did i mention that. does that come across. thats not a kink thing but theyre just super mega in love and thats so important to me.
uhhhh i think thats basically all there is to them kink wise ✌🏼 sorry this got so long, oopsie
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jasontoddiefor · 1 year
Absolutely begging for the trans WWX who’s living her best life as Lady Mo, I’m obsessed with this au
(Also I just want you to know there is now a crack version of this incredible au in my head where upon meeting “Lady Mo” playing Wangxian for Sizhui, Lan Zhan has a full on falls to his knees clutching WWX’s going “you’re as beautiful as the day I lost you” alla HTTYD 2, gets a dramatic (to Sizhui, read confused for WWX) “Lan Zhan!?” in response and the Lan Zhan (in an actual miracle of being able to communicate) goes “I raised A-Yuan all of these years for you, I’ve raised our son into a wonderful cultivator” (the miracle has ended, and WWX is currently bluescreening trying to connect the dots of teen I am traveling with is baby I loved what do you mean our son ooo wait Lan Zhan thinks I’m pretty!)
And thus creates the misunderstanding for Sizhui that “Lady Mo” is actually his apparently not-dead mom who’s apparently been vibing as a wandering musician for the past 13 years. Sizhui goes through the five stages of grief before settling on “I can work with this” as a-niang starts showering him with affection and apparently thought he was dead and thus began Sizhui’s grand scheme of luring his incredibly oblivious mother into marriage with his father and it becomes “unstoppable force vs unmovable object, second times the charm on baby trapping, right?” adventures.
This doesn’t matter but it’s important to me that you know this popped into my head. This au is absolutely incredible and there is so much comedy gold. NHS has been left alone in the group project but he still manages to scramble together enough to pass decently, good for him)
1 (Ao3) | 2 (tumblr)
aaah I'm flattered to hear that!! and tbh, it's not so much that NHS has been left alone in the group project but that he decided on the project and then didn't call anyone to do their parts. never got to write it but i figured the whole reveal would go sth like this:
Gusu doesn't look like Wei Ying remembers it, but it has been decades since her attendance. After the war, well, for all that Lan Zhan had asked her to visit, she'd never accepted it.
And look at her now! Going to the Cloud Recesses voluntarily, accompanied by Lan Zhan's little juniors. They're good kids, polite and inquisitive and opinionated and so very alive. She wondered how much Lan Zhan must have changed in the last years to raise them this well.
What if Wei Ying doesn't recognize him at all? No, that can't be. Lan Zhan was too memorable for Wei Ying to ever forget a single detail about him.
"Just ahead now, Lady Mo," says Lan Sizhui. "I'm not sure if my father is home. He's taken to traveling more...."
He trails off, his face splitting into a smile as he looks ahead. "He's there!"
Wei Ying expects some unfamiliar Lan, but no, standing there is Lan Zhan. He looks older, refined, and happy at their return.
Oh, thinks Wei Ying. I always want him to look at me like that.
Playing the dizi isn't always for pleasure, especially chenqing, summoning all kinds of evil, but the song Lan Zhan taught him is like homecoming. Wei Ying watches in delight as Lan Zhan's eyes widen in recognition, she thinks.
The juniors look at her in wonder, but Wei Ying pulls the dizi from her lips with a smile.
"Lan Zhan!" she calls, "Lan Zhan, I heard you're walking around, clearing my name!" And then, just for pleasure, just for herself, she calls his name again. "Lan Zhan, I've been traveling! I've seen the world and it's alive."
I'm alive, I'm here, won't you ask me to come with you a final time?
Wei Ying can't place Lan Zhan's expression until it breaks into something hopeful, something grieving, something lost.
"Wei Ying?"
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solradguy · 10 months
I hope this isn't too inappropriate a question, but I was wondering if you have any advice when it comes to binders? Like, I know a lot of the minutia, but are there any companies you recommend that make good ones? I'm new to the whole actually-doing-it part and I've found conflicting stuff so I though it was better to ask someone who went through that whole thing already. Tbh I don't know anything about your transition and you might not have even did much of that but you're like the main transguy I know
No worries at all!! I'm really comfortable talking about trans stuff and what I've had to do to get where I am, so if you have any other questions please don't hesitate to toss 'em my way and I'll do my best to help out. The only major trans stuff I haven't done yet are any surgeries and changing my name/legal gender marker (pain in the ass to do in Ohio....).
I got kinda lucky and don't really have much boob tissue going on so I don't bind very often, but I do have two GC2B binders: a full tank and a half one. The full one is a lot more comfortable, imo, because I can tuck it into my pants and it kinda like smooths my entire situation out instead of squishing just my upper body and chafing under my ribcage lol. Unfortunately, GC2B's binder quality has dropped BAD in the last 5 years or so. If you can get one for free or dirt cheap then it might be worth it, but otherwise I'd avoid them.
One of my other trans masc buddies has some binders from Underworks that he really likes. He used to have one of the GC2B ones and it got a huge hole right in the middle of it after less than a year... As far as I know, his Underworks ones are still holding up and it's been over two years now. He did say that they were pretty stiff when they first came in and that washing them with just a tiny bit of fabric softener helped. Be careful using too much fabric softener on them though or they'll loosen up maybe too far. Here's their site: https://www.underworks.com/tri-top-chest-binder
I've seen people say Shapeshifter's binders are good too, though I don't personally know anyone who has one by them. They're a lot more expensive than the Underworks binders.... Here's their site: https://shapeshifters.co/
Make sure you read the sizing charts!!! The very first binder I ever bought was WAAAAYYYYY too small because I didn't read the chart very well... I've found that following the chart and then going up one or two sizes fits the best, depending on how big your chest is/how much compression you'll need.
Here's a big spreadsheet document of a lot of other trans resources with comments on specific things for each site too, like where they're based, shipping details (if the packaging is discrete or not, etc), if they're a charity, and so on. There are other binder websites listed and sites for other gender affirming clothing and packers and stuff too: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lSKoxVant40alYL-MZAP9QekUxjl3mH2EB3MidSk0b8/edit#gid=0
There's also this post with even more resources, but it might be a bit overwhelming going through it all right now haha Including it anyway just in case: https://solradguy.tumblr.com/post/719033735814742016
Good luck!! I hope you're able to find one that both fits and is comfortable to wear for long periods ^^
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trashiest-person · 3 months
people I'd love to know better (???)
uhh i have never done any of these kinda posts ever in my 5 years of tumblr-ing but i got tagged by @thedemises so ig im gonna do this
last song: CLOSET by Yoh kamiyama
this is actually kinda a lie cuz the last song i actually listened to was smth from one of those daily mixes on spotify
BUT is it the last some i added to the playlist of songs i like so it counts??? i guess???? pretty nice song go listen to it 👍🤠👍
also go listen to will wood and tv room (bro has 7.5k followers on Spotify PLEASE + also he made Say It Back if u ever saw it on yt)
fav color: purple, red (except not really)
i used to really like purble but tbh i don't really know what i like anymore
a big chunk my fav characters have red so i like it by association lol (+ red eyes go hard)
last movie: across the spider-verse
decided to go watch it w/ my kid cousins once and now i need to see unspeakable things happen to Spot. i will not elaborate.
sweet or spicy or savoury?
sweet & savoury
tbh all of them r good but my spice tolerance aint strong enough to devour spicy dried squid like id want to :(
relationship status: single and not lookin for anybody (+demiromanic)
id like to get a lover or lovers (i kinda wanna be in poly) at some point but not yet (not sure if i'll ever manage to :/)
last thing i googled: "portal characters"
so context: i suddenly thought of a oc idea and i wanted them to be trans and that they named xemself after a portal character n yeah
meet Wheatley lol (i know nothing abt Portal btw)
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(good lorde my style is inconsistent as hell)
(note @ringdabel they're in that prev wb we did if u wanna see thems)
hohhh boy here we go
current obsession: BOOTHILL 🤠👢🪦‼️‼️
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bros highkey actin as my will to live rn...AND he got dripped 1 day RIGHT BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY. I LOVE HIM. 250 passes + 40 pity he WILL COME HOME
im fucking insane for this guy
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so yeah datz itz i think thankz mori (i think thats ur name???????? i cant remember names)
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eshtaresht · 1 year
oh damn oh jees I'm so normal sooo sooooo normal rn ahaha! emotionally, I'm feeling sorta ZGBZFDHZV HV ZDH DZVVZDS ZD ZZV LZV. like, it's trigun, I expected it to hit hard BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO HIT SO HARD spoilers for ep 10 under the cut as usual
tbh I'm mostly shaking about the next ep and impending season finale, but this one was still pretty brutal
firstly, the goofs. vash fucking SNEESING and getting ruthlessly bullied by wolfwood is pretty much in spirit of their relationship in 98' anime and I'd love to see more of it (pls I hope there'll be a season 2)
scar reveal! I was afraid they're gonna give him a glow up and yeah, some scars are barely visible, but the other ones look awful. so, everything I hoped for, good to see he's in pain /j. also nico tried so hard not to stare at shirtless vash... he's looking away respectfully
vash is such a wet cat pathetic paperbag of a guy... just let that guy take a shot, barely flinched, took the bullet 'cause he thinks he deserved it. didn't even think of attending the wound until wolfwood said so. and, mind you, vash doesn't have any superhuman abilities so that must've hurt like hell
nico's job is so funny because to keep vash safe he has to get into mega epic fights, but also remind that idiot to eat and take care of wounds. again, vashwood duo feels more like the original now, after the sandsteamer. I think nico actualy started caring about vash since he saved the orphanage, it's great to see him conflicted with his mission
also policemen from ep 1 and the guy who shot vash are like... second best side characters in stampede and this is not a compliment. the best ones are nomads who ate worms btw
oh meryl, she's gonna girlboss so hard now... woe to all the haters and naysayers, she's getting character development and faces the same conflict as vash and nico thus gaining more narrative significance!! don't get me wrong, manga and 98' anime meryl was a crucial character, but she's getting much more freedom in stampede to develop and get into action
the moment where she gets up during wolfwood voiceover is when we start to see the "iron lady" and I'm so here for it! now we just have to wait for her designated therapy dog girlfriend to appear and when I can be at peace
tbh I don't really care about roberto. no hate, just neutral, rip drunckle grumps
everybody just dumped zazie... so rude, meryl didn't even answer their question >:(
elendira is..... not bad, but disappointing in comparison to the manga's gorgeously evil and hilariour girlboss who was also explicitly trans! oh look, she's a child experiment plant hybrid now, yay... meh
TESLA CONFIRMED omg I'm SOO exited for the next episode we're gonna be in SO MUCH PAIN
knives yeeting vash into the pit got a giggle out of me, but also... damn he actually was preparing all these years, crafting a perfect trap. and all the plants... he couldn't fix them and boy oh boy, I'm pretty sure he gathered them not for safekeeping... HE'S GONNA DO A LAST RUN ON THEM TO "FIX" VASH!! that was probably what elendira was refering to when she started crying
I am the normallest about this. these twins are such hyppocrites I wanna study and dissect them. knives doing the most cruel thing to his sisters so he can get rid of everything that makes vash human in hopes that if they were on the same footage they would finally stay together.......
and the words that he says to vash hurt so much more because it's true. he does love humans, but the main thing driving him is guilt. in stampede, more than ever, vash blames himself for pretty much all human suffering, because he helped the great fall happen. no wonder he's so depressed and not nearly as goofy! homeboy doesn't just protect the lives rem saved, his pacifistic quest is penance for all the people he (thinks he) killed
july is going to destroy him.
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
hi o/ jus wana start by saying dis is jus semi incoherent rambling of a sleeby oupy who didnt get to eat 5 borgars for dinner.
i find the anti endo point of “just doing it for attention” so weird
for one its really disconected from real life, like, attention is a basic need fir our body, its why solutary confinment is such good tourture. its like saying “theyre just doing it to get food” :l dumb argument, evyone needs and withholding food because someones starving is an evil thing to do, an so is ignoring someone who’s in need of social interaction.
and two, its blatantly wrong. like, we’ve told 0 people irl about being a system, we’ve only told like, 3 online friends, and we never talk about system stuff with them still cuz we’re scared of loosing those friends for being too weird. we pretty much never post about it on our blog an besides the blog description no one wud probably ever know. the one time someone guessed we’re a system in a discord servr i had a full anxiety attack an avoided any interaction for 2 weeks even tho they were accepting, an then when we finaly went back to talking there i made sure we had any trace of system stuff wiped from the servr profile an deleted the messages that made them ask and only just showed that all again after 2 months of keeping everything hidden. we’re terrified of people we know knowing we’re a system or getting attention cuz of tgat.
tho we’re definitly on the extreme end for that (mostly me tbh… the social isolation and abandonment issues exo-memories and the body’s trauma from similar irl stuff deff made me super scared about this) but its a pretty similar experience for a lot of systems from wut ive seen where telling ppl is pretty much an act of compleat trust an usualy very anxiety inducing.
besides, if someone really wus just after attention, they could just post a incorrect fact online or a really dumb take. thats much easier an will get a lot more attention than faking being a system ever could. like, saying something like “reading is bourgeoisie” on a semi popular post will be a thousand times better at getting u attention than being a system ever could.
theres so much more i wana say about this, like the ableism inherent to that argument point, or the way its linked to child abuse, but phone keyboard is stupid and terrible and im too hungy to think well enough to write out those points properly an do them justice.
anyways, i hope u have a great day/night depending on when u read this.
Right! And if they're claiming people are wanting positive attention, I don't see that as being that hard either.
Like, if someone wants to talk to people on the internet about stuff, there are spaces out there for literally anything and anyone. You're not going to get more attention for being a system than you would for being outspoken in a fandom or a religion or any other social group you're a part of.
People who want attention... don't need to pretend to have people in their head to get it. And the attention you would get for that is often going to be negative because a lot of people are sanist and pluralphobic. But as you mention, it's not even the best way to get negative attention when there are so many actual troll-y things you can do.
You can find hundreds of communities online with people who will support you and give you attention for your takes on various topics! Or you can find hundreds more who will hate you if you push the right buttons!
There's just... no logical reason to fake being plural for attention.
And isn't this, again, the very same claims that have always been made against the LGBTQ community?
It's actually kind of funny how that happens, isn't it?
The people who are getting attention are generally the ones who most conform to society. It's not plural or trans people. It's the ones who do their best to fit in and be like everyone else in their group. Meanwhile, people who have identities that diverge from the norm are often left outcasts and shunned by peers.
And yet it's the latter group that's accused of attention seeking?
It makes no sense. 🤷‍♀️
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unethicalmorals · 2 months
BISHOP😭😭😭 him being scared of getting piercing ouuuu. I like the thought of Bishop maybe being scared of needles in general. They don't really hurt that much but the image of the needle slowly being pushed into his skin gives him a MAJOR ick- even if he looks away he KNOWS that it's happening and he can just barely feel it it makes him so🤢🤢🤢 But hey at least Lucky is there to hold his hand☺️ (and possibly tease him a little bit afterwards)
I'm advocating for Bishop and Max to be green buddies, idk what they're dynamic would be exactly but I definitely think she'd have more of a rebellious streak than him💚💚
Also 👁👁👁👁 are those Trans colors I am seeing on Oranges shoulder👀👀👀👀 staring very hard rn
ROBIN'S SO MUCH TALLER THAN WRENCH OUOUIIII Robin and her pathetic tiny husband🧡🩶🧡🩶🧡 I know it's not accurate to their Canon heights but the thought of Robin being a tall queen makes me happy
Also hehe hoho haha I've been thinking of Catboy Bishop and Dogboy Lucky a whole lot recently :3 I wanna try and list off what sort of hybrids I think some characters would be 👉🏽👈🏽
Bishop is just a cat tbh. I can't think of any breeds I'd specifically assign him, so he's just a yellow cat. Definitely a short-haired one, I think he'd have tabby patterns on his tail :3 Honestly Bishop would probably be something else entirely but godamnit my brain has been thinking of animal hybrid au for the crew SOLELY because of the catboy Bishop and dogboy Lucky comment I made a while back.... I need to stay faithful to MYSELF
Lucky took a while for me to pick, at first I wanted him to be a golden retriever specifically I wanted him to have floppy ears. Then I remembered lucky isn't blonde, so I considered him being a German Shephard instead, then a golden retriever/German Shephard mix breed, then a beagle, then a beagle/German Shephard mix, then I finally landed on Shiba inu solely because I wanted him to have a cute curly tail😊😊😊 maybe he can still be mixed with a German Shephard, no reason other than it feels right (for the fluff au at least)
I think it would be really easy to make Captain a wolf- which is why I'm NOT DOING THAT ACTUALLY‼️‼️‼️‼️ I like the thought of Captain being a hawk, specifically a ferruginous hawk cuz that's the largest species :3 (can you imagine how wide captains wingspan is going to be in order to support all of him?! He could never spread his wings while in any building- he would knock everything over! Im suprised he can even close his wings in the first place‼️‼️)
Wrench and Pink are kinda stumping me but hmmmmmmmmm
I kinda want to say Rat for Wrench, but Rats are little sweethearts who love cuddles and affection🥺🥺🥺 they love companionship, and wrench is a little annoying freak (affectionate) (derogatory) (I will get him)
Oh god wait Wrench could be a ferret, a decrepit little ferret. Ferrets have the tinny little shit energy that Wrench has omg
Pink............ hmmmmmmmmm....... thinking about his death fascination...... I wanna say Vulture maybe but ehhhhh there's already 3 characters I think of as avians...... HYENA‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ HYENA PINK ACTUALLY GRRRRR MISCHIEVOUS LITTLE FUCK YEEAAHHH
Dove, Robin, and Rabbit are all really easy picks cuz. Well.
Despite not knowing too much on Max when I saw her design reveal I immediately thought of a Crocodile or Alligator. Bit sure why, maybe it's cuz of the green, or the side shave reminding me of Montgomery Gator, but either way she's a big ole reptile to me (Leaning more on Crocodile than Gator)
I don't know what to think of Captain 1.0 yet or the color trio, though Yellow seems vaugely dogish to me...... or maybe a moth? I could see yellow as a moth, have you seen those pretty Moths with the yellow bodies and pink legs? Gorgeous🩷💛
Ohhh,, poor Bishop 🥺 (Loving the needle idea so much!!) He's not one for sharp objects or things piercing his skin like that,,, Maybe that has something to do with the scars on his face 🤔😉
YESS!!!! MAX REVEAL!!! She's a very cool lady~! 💚😌 I can't wait till we get to see her and Cap 1.0 return in the fic!!
I wont say too much but I think she will appreciate Bishop taking care of Lucky! ^^
👁👁 yes 👁👁 I've had the idea for Orange that she's trans since I first thought of her but I didn't really know how to go about incorporating that without just shoving it in people's faces 😅😅😅 So now she just has a pretty tattoo sleeve on her left :)
Robin and her pathetic ahh Wrench-- Maybe we can make Robin 6'4, as a treat, y'know? 😌 It's what she deserves after being murked in chapter 1
This is what Wrench thinks he looks like but we all know,,, we all know he ain't that good 😔
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ALSO- ANOTHER AU? 👀👀👀 Omg,,, 🥺
Love those ideas so much!!
Captain - Hawk! Bishop - Cat Pink - Hyena Wrench - ferret Rabbit - rabbit (floppy eared) :3 Dove - dove :3 Lucky - PUPPY - Purple - sheep Orange - rat Yellow - moff! - Cap - seagull Max - croc Robin - robin :3
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heheheh just little guys
Here's a bonus Jay aka the dead crewmate Lucky replaced (courtesy of Porsha who jumped on the idea of them being annoying af) Since I took so long,,😅
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jiabeewrites · 11 months
ATLA Pride Headcanons, but cleaned up a bit/updated from this post
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stan the cabbage man
AANG 😇 - hoo boy - i still stand by my position that this smol child is aroace - but he's in a qpr with katara - bc yeah they're kinda cute - probably pan in terms of attraction - cisn't - genderflux. yes yes yes genderflux aang - probably doesn't give a shit about pronouns - and literally glows whenever someone calls him they/them, esp on days where the male-ness is low - because yay! ur right! - he's so precious aghsklfdjslk
KATARA 🌊 - she's also aroace - stfu - *proceeds to aroace the entire atla crew* - qpr with aang - they are very cute but not in the romantic sense - i feel like she'd be bi in terms of attraction tho - pan aang 🤝 bi katara - cisn't - genderfluid! all waterbenders are now genderfluid, change my fucking mind - any/all pronouns :)
SOKKA ⚔ - my friend said that he was the straightest one there - I DISAGREE - he's so BI - BISEXUAL DISASTER SOKKA MY BELOVED - i ship sokka and zuko so hard it's not even funny - but sokka and suki are also very cute so i kinda can't choose - extra heapings of internalized homophobia - bc he thinks it makes him less manly or some shit - i like to think that toph smacked it outta him - i said before that i was waiting for him to get smacked in the face with gay panic when he sees zuko, and like i mean get an ACTUAL GOOD LOOK AT HIM - sadly it didn't happen - anyways - cisn't, i think he's also genderfluid - genderfluid sokka would be so FUN omfg - pronouns change depending on the gender
ZUKO 🔥 - he's so GAY OH MY GODDDD - but i still feel like he'd be asexual - massive ace vibes throughout the entire fucking show - also demiromantic - sokka was his gay awakening fucking FIGHT ME ON THIS - bc you will see my corpse on that hill - and you'll realize that i was right - cis(n't) - i feel like he doesn't care enough to figure it out or put a label on it
TOPH 🪨 - I FUCKING LOVE HER OMG OMG - that being said - her favorite color is green how can she not be aro - giving me aroallo vibes tbh - probably sapphic oriented - cisn't - i headcanon that she's enby as well as transmasc - probably she/they pronouns
AZULA ⚡ - oh dear - i love her sm - she's a lesbian - like how can she not be smh - she's so gay - asexual in the "fuck you but not literally" sense - cis - azula and zuko are the perfect example of wlw & mlm hostility and i love them - they're like this
MAI 🔪 - aroallo mai aroallo mai AROALLO MAI - mai is aroallo and i will DIE ON THIS HILL - probably omnisexual if i hafta specify - prefers females - cisn't - agender. mai has no gender. fuck you.
TY LEE 🌸 - ty lee is a lesbian - like how can she not be tell me now - i kinda ship her with azula (mainly bc of this fic you should def go read it it's so GOOD) - cisn't. - ty lee is genderfluix/fluidflux but never tells anybody her pronouns because she likes to fuck with people that way. - mai always seems to know which ones to use tho
SUKI 🤺 - she is also bi - suki & sokka are bi4bi and i love that for them - pretty sure the kyoshi warriors are just one giant polycule but whatever - suki is trans fucking fight me - transgender suki transgender suki TRANSGENDER SUKI - she's also asexual :D
APPA ☁ - lmao there's nothing for him - i just love appa sm
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
so i tried a binder at one point and I'm pretty sure it was too small (a friend ordered it for me as a gift and the measurements she had were a bit old from a theater thing) but regardless I know that I wont be able to wear one even if its sized correctly because of sensory issues. i was cursed with a large chest as well so idk if trans tape would even work?
hear me out: i think binders are a bit too over romanticized in the community right now... i think it's because is a very, very "Visible" form of transness, which is fine, but i get so many asks about people who can't wear binders for a myriad of reasons and tbh i'm here with you. i'm fat, i have hypermobile joints, and i'm autistic and i hate feeling trapped and pinched.
i'm sorry it didn't work out for you, but i feel you, i really can't stand binders. i have not used trans tape, personally, so could some folks who have weigh in on whether or not it helps folks with large chests? my go-to advice is to try to find a well fitting sports bra with no built in cups, that are flat across the front. if bras cause too much dysphoria, i understand, but i've known a lot of trans guys who are in their 30s who actually have used sports bras their whole lives and swear by them. i actually still use a sports bra sometimes
if anyone else has any other suggestions, feel free to pitch in. i know how hopeless it can make you feel when you have a large chest and you want to bind. some days it's all you can think about, i get that. i think it's fine that you couldn't deal with that binder, it's not the end of the world and not everyone can bind. honestly, those kinds of binders are really only accessible to thinner, able bodied people who don't struggle with certain types of sensory issues. they're only accessible to some, not to all.
take care, i hope you're able to figure something out for the time being.
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cee-grice · 10 months
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it is once again blorbo thursday and now I have a bunch more new blorbos so we're gonna talk about them >:))
Some relevant info:
All the following characters are gonna be essentially Quil's co-workers. They're all part of the same project team which the A plot is about
They've (mostly) all been handpicked by Mistress Silvoir (the Academy's current Headmistress) for being outstanding in their respective field
The Cielle Academy has two major study programmes: magic and medicine
The Research Team (part 1)
Celeste Ekelie
the project's resident pathologist!! she's not a mage herself and is instead a graduate of the Academy's medical course
practically the only non-mage on the team lmao
probably the most Normal™ out of everyone, but that's not saying much, I'll be honest
very sweet and conflict-avoidant, will try to cool things down (but Will stay out of it if the conflict's between higher ranking people than her lol she's sensitive ok :()
a bit of a people pleaser tbh.... also kinda neurotic lol aee
LOVES to gossip and sometimes forgets that maybe she shouldn't around some people uhhh
very passionate about what she does and will talk your ear off if you let her :))
she and Quil may have the most well-adjusted relationship out of everyone LOL
also may or may not have a crush on another member of the team....
36ish, short, has glasses, dark-haired, pretty disheveled because she just. doesn't notice lol, pretty much always has her doctor's coat on, trans gal
“But they are a bit frightening,” she said, dropping her voice conspiratorially. “Especially Mistress Aukateshka. Oh, the way she can just look at you… Ah, but I shouldn't gossip!” she all but squeaked, her voice once more taking on a nervous tone. “They're all very capable professionals. Yes, very respectable.”
Akhel Yachek
a transfer student from an isolated northern country, currently in his third year
Mistress Silvoir's new mentee ✨✨✨ (Quil's replacement question mark ?..)
MAJOR imposter syndrome vibes lmao, he's been put on this project by the Headmistress as part of his specialized curriculum but he's just a student...and all these people are PROFESSIONALS....yeah idk how he's managing it
an aspiring conjuration mage!! (which is basically portal magic)
is actually very intelligent but is scared to say anything because what if he's wrong and everyone will think he's stupid and then he'll get kicked out and
a walking anxiety disorder basically
is intimidated by everyone and everything
both reveres and is frightened by Mistress Silvoir, qualities that Quil absolutely does not possess, so their convos get a little. interesting
19, tall boy, long, near-white blond hair, perpetually pale, wears mostly Academy-issues clothing, so baby blue robes
“I'm sure you would, but seriously, don't hesitate to put Akhel to work,” Celeste said, flashing him a grin. “He's like our… communal… personal… assistant. Headmistress's orders. I make use of him the most, though, because the others scare him.” “They do not,” he hissed in protest, and immediately flushed in embarrassment. He mumbled something under his breath, glancing away with a wince.
Avriele Kaelion
an abjuration mage that has a scientific specialization in freecasting (the ability to use magia intuitively without a magia conduit; unique to specific venemagiks)
a venemagik herself 👀 and a bit more on the eerie side appearance-wise...maybe a bit personality-wise, too...
extremely blunt. will not sugarcoat her words. she just says how it is and you can't really be mad even
absolutely unreadable tone. good luck figuring out if she's complimenting or criticizing you
is the most cynical about this whole project and its success. thinks they're trying to play with something they don't and can't understand. still does her job, though
is impossible to intimidate. you'll probably get intimidated yourself if you try
a master at catching you off-guard and making you say what you didn't want to. yeah she knows what she's doing
Quil is both on edge around her and can't seem to stay away, she's just Such an interesting conversationalist to him
43ish, very sharp and bone-y stature (you see bones where you probably shouldn't), jet-black hair cut to her chin, paper-white skin, entirely black eyes and lips, likes to wear pastel colors, though
“The Headmistress has spoken,” Mistress Kaelion cut him off, her voice fit for a music box with how soft and melodic it was. The marbles between her long fingers started to clink again. “The only appropriate response you may have is amen.”
taglist (lmk if you wanna be +/-): @writerfae, @tate-lin, @iriswords, @sternenmeerkind, @thecrookedwriterspath, @pure-solomon, @moonshinemagpie, @arowanaprincess, @scribe-of-stories, @thesorcerersapprentice, @stuffaboutwriting, @doriians, @sam-glade
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murdermeadow · 12 days
xc2 gender and sexuality hcs because it's hashtag pride month and I've been replaying it
Rex (he/him/any): very bisexual methinks. like obviously there's his wives of whom he loves dearly but there's also his blonde boytoy in the Torture Chamber of whom he also loves dearly. as for gender, I think he's confident in his identity as a man, and isn't afraid to play around with it a bit. for the most part he's pretty masculine, but he doesn't mind if you refer to him in other ways
Pyra (she/her and any fire themed neopronoun): she's like if a girl was soft and malleable. also very bisexual, with an equal preference for any gender. I think she's a girl in the way that you'd describe girlhood to someone who knows nothing about it and they went "oh yeah that's me" if you catch my drift. I can't explain it any better she's just Squishy
Mythra (she/it): bisexual lesbian methinks. has a major preference for women but Rex is that one exception that she's absolutely enamoured with. I think she's also pretty confident in her girlhood, but it's that very sharp and spiky rabid animal girlhood. she won't hesitate to bite you (as I'm typing this I realize her and Pyra are literally that "girlhood is a spectrum" image with the super soft looking bunny and that terrifying rabbit with the wide eyes)
Nia (she/he/they): I don't think she pays a whole ton of attention to specific labels. definitely trans, but I can never decide in which direction. common fanon is mtf but I've always interpreted her moreso as nonbinary, so I'm not sure which one I lean with more. but! transgender regardless! and as for sexuality, she's probably pan. just as long as you're pretty and/or handsome she doesn't really care
Dromarch (he/him): like he said, he's too old for romance. aroace and confidently masculine. his real gender is tiger
Mòrag (she/he): butch lesbian. enough said.
Brighid (they/she): she gives off femme nonbinary lesbian vibes. something about her isn't woman but it isn't man either. I think she likes to get silly with it. definitely enjoys being feminine though (and Mòrag enjoys it too)
Zeke (he/they): genderqueer man methinks. he absolutely loves to get crazy with it. enjoys and wholeheartedly loves his masculinity. he has the vibe of those dudes who put on their girlfriends silly tanktops while they're away or wear the most gorgeous dresses you've ever seen. I also think he's the kinda guy to go "I'm straight, but," all the time while everyone screams at him that he's bisexual. he definitely is, but doesn't want to admit it. for what reason? who knows
Pandoria (she/her and a million neos): I think she'd use incredibly niche labels. like omnisexual and the most hyperspecific xenogender you've ever seen. she probably has a whole stockpile of labels she enjoys that she just plays around with at any given day
Tora (he/she): tbh. I think he gets a little transgenderism. as a treat. I've seen people say that the real reason he dressed up Poppi in so many frilly girly outfits is because he was confusing attraction and personal desire, so what he actually wanted was for himself to wear those outfits. I think as she's grown, especially around so many strong role models who are women, she's come to terms with her femininity and allowed herself to dabble in both worlds. I place a tentative bigender and simultaneous straight/lesbian label on him (moral of the story, he likes girls)
Poppi (she/her and robot themed neos when gear's in the mood): rtf. robot to female. transgender in the convoluted nonhuman way. I think she's definitely on the aroace spectrum but still can still have affinities for anyone. so pansexual
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