#pretty sure this is a trauma response BUT OH WELL
Laughing to myself as I think about how many of my ships are OT3s
We've got:
Kylo Ren and Hux
Aizawa and Oboro/Aizawa and Kurogiri
Jaskier and Geralt
Anakin and Obiwan
Doctor Strange and Loki
Pretty sure they're a more but these are the ones that come to mind
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hello! Could I request a platonic MC telling Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Cater, Leona, Floyd, both Scarabia boys, and Malleus that out of the whole cast, they're her favorite?
I'm not sure if that's too much, but if it is you could you just do Riddle, Leona, Scarabia, & Malleus. Thank you!
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request! I found this one to be rather cute, thank you, Anon! I hope that you enjoy!
Tw: Brief mentions of trauma (Riddle, Malleus, Scarabia duo, and tiny bit in Floyd's)
Request: Boys reacting to being the favorite of platonic!MC
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He promises that he isn't mad, given that's when we see his face as red as he is, you just... caught him off guard
Out of everyone, he was your favorite?
Granted, you seemed to have a good choice in mind, it's just that... him?
He didn't exactly have the best upbringing and much of what he does is rather new
But he takes this role of being your favorite very seriously
You are now the best and closest person that he has to family, and ring the honorary 'older brother' and favorite, he wants to be able to give you the things he wasn't able to have growing up
Now, if everyone will excuse him, he has to meet with MC for strawberry tarts and tea
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One word, smug
There were literal princes in this college, and he was the one you said was your favorite?
Yeah, he is eating that all up
But he also sees just how serious you are about that declaration with how you seem to stick to him, especially in moments of danger
Big brother mode has been activated
Ace is quite often seen hanging around you a whole lot more
Before anyone asks, no, he doesn't know what happened to his spare jersey is, and yes, it is just a coincidence that you have one that matches
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Instantly told his mother the moment that you told him that he was your favorite out of everyone in the college
Low-key wanted to cry
Another who took this role very seriously
Deuce ensures that you have everything it is that you need throughout the day
Food, water, a spare jacket, notebook, or a pencil
He just wants to be able to take care of you, if he is seen as your favorite, he must take on that responsibility
Do you wanna come and watch him during club practice? He will make sure that you have what you need to be comfortable
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Please excuse him, he needs a moment
You managed to catch him alone when you told him of this little information of yours
And for the first time, you saw that constant positive facade of his drop for just a moment
Are you sure it's not just the happy side that he shows to everyone that is your favorite?
It's literally all of who he is?
Yeah, a couple tears were shed
You are the only person he let's see him for who he is and much of the time you two are together, you're chilling in either of your rooms
He remembers the excitement he felt when you showed up to the Light Music Club to see him
Will you come more often?
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Another one who needed a moment to reflect on what it is that you said, even asked you to repeat it several times
Look, all his life, he's been second place to pretty much anything and looked down upon for his second born prince status
And he is your favorite out of everyone here?
Also a bit smug about it
Will want to hear you say it every day, him being your favorite
Will often give you small gifts here and there ranging from clothes to little trinkets
Protective big bro mode coming out
Oh, you came to see him during Magic shift wearing his dorm uniform?
Well, don't take your eyes off of him. Time to show you all that your favorite can do
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Congrats, you're a Leech now
New little sibling, you have been adopted and he's bringing the parents to come and meet the newest edition to the family
If you thought he was latched onto you before, it's at an all new extreme now
He is your favorite person
Meaning he now wants to be with you and take care of you like a good big brother
He is used to people wanting to be more around Jade as they deemed him to be the safer of the twins (an error on their part), so having someone who says he is the favorite?
He takes his last name a bit seriously
Did you just show up to the game in his spare jersey? Well, it looks like NRC is going to secure themselves a win
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To be honest, it's a phrase he is kinda used too, given all the siblings that he has, there is no doubt that he has been told that before
But it's different for you
You're new to this world, you have no one here to really turn to, so the fact that you have chosen him as your favorite?
He is quite happy to hear those words and was merely seconds away from throwing a party before you stopped him
If there is anything that you need, please let him know, he will certainly get you anything that you need no matter what it is
Another one who told his family about you and they are all rather excited to be able to finally meet you
Kalim was quite happy seeing you at club practice, want him to teach you? He has no issue with it
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Will also make you repeat that statement several times no matter how many days it has been since hearing that statement
At times, it is still a bit hard for him to believe, given how he was raised and his status
He was never anyone's favorite before, so he will be clinging onto that title something fierce
Every time you tell him, you can see the hint of a smile on his face, a real and genuine smile
Constantly ensures you have what you need throughout the day
Unlike with Kalim, he is more than happy to help you out
Homemade meals, tea, even help with studying, just let him know and he will be there to help you out, okay?
Now, are you ready? He just brought everything you guys will need to make a traditional Scalding Sands meal
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Well, it isn't raining anymore
It had been a rather stormy day on campus when you had finally found him and shared that little bit of information
Now it was nice and sunny outside and he had a smile to match
Are you saying that you actively went out in that horrible storm with the sole mission to seek him out, and tell him that he was your favorite person?
He had been alone for so much of his life, so to have this conversation with you
Please excuse him, he really isn't trying to tear up
Instantly invited to Diasmonia for a number of things
Has to stop Lilia from straight up adopting you.... even if he didn't mind, he wanted you to be okay with it before anything
Sebek obviously praised your taste when it came to choosing your favorite person, of course you would choose Malleus!
Now, if you will all excuse them, they have some gargoyle studies that they have to attend too
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Thank you for your request! Have a wonderful day/night!
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rafry · 1 month
Euclydia, Cults and Need for Control
Disclaimer: this analysis raises sensitive topics. if you are/were a victim of a cult and the topic triggers you, please refrain from reading further(/seek help). Additionally, I am not a specialist on said topic, nor am I a clinician. But I am a survivor, so part of the narrative may or may not be just me projecting the trauma on a silly yellow triangle. That said, reader discretion is advised! :)
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The take: Euclydia is likely to be a cult-like society and the reason Bill, after years of abuse, grows up to be as he is: a power-hungry monster. Let's analyze!
For the starters, The Start. Each state has its own anthem. How lucky that we were kindly provided with the Euclidian hymn (hidden under the code "FORGETTHEPAST")! Lets take a look:
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"Two dimensions to and from, You always know which way to go If you're lost, don't be afraid, In Euclydia you've got it made! Run too far too right of frame, You'll appear on left again! Jump too high, don't fry or fret, You'll pop up from the ground, I bet! In this place there is no fear, Roles and rules, always clear, Euclydia, we hold you dear…"
That tells us way more than we could've asked for, really. The most important: Euclydia is a state of Clear Rules™. Everything works perfectly thanks to The Rules and The Roles, and the state is loved by it's citizens. It's might be a caricature 2D utopia, but how it reacts when the rules are questioned?
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"Eye doctor of a different kind, who wants to make his patient blind The doctor says: 'three sips a day will make the visions go away' Fussy eater, baby Billy Wouldn't drink unless it's silly..."
If there's anything about cults and the way they make people behave, is that the "wrong" ones in the community are usually ostracized and/or heavily medicated to not cause any troubles. Those people are sometimes called 'heretics', but may as well just be called crazy or insane by their peers. Oh look completely unrelated picture:
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"Cipher, Cipher, he's insane Starting fires with his brain"
Honestly, the other time it would be it. Euclydia, if not Is, then sure does Act like a cult in some way. I could've finished here, easily, but there's something missing, isn't?
"The hell do you mean by 'The Need to Control', OP?"
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I mean that the BILLVILLE is important.
There's the thing about trauma survivors: some of us, after living a life with no control over ones societal position (ostracization/isolation), body (forcibly medicated) or even mind (feeling of inadequacy), crave for some form of control to be regained.
It can turn toxic very quickly when the only form of control one has ever seen in their life is being The Leader (cult leader/shitty parent/armageddon overlord/you get the idea, it's about becoming an authority figure).
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And so, Bill becomes a cult leader! Very possibly covering up the need for control and admiration with what I call "The most inefficient way to build an Interdimentional Portal ever", since, well, he's got to lie to himself every now and then, that's his thing (trauma response).
As for the details:
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He uses the dead mans body — the body that wouldn't cause any resistance, thus being perfect for taking under control.
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He sees the position of the interviewer as more authoritative than the position of the interviewee — and he swaps the roles. That wasn't enough though, so he demands (politely) to be called "My Lord And Master" for a good measure.
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He very possibly recreates some of Euclydia-like order in his own "Town" in terms of expressing individuality. They might've been pretty decent in following scripts, I think.
So, I don't think Euclydia has ever been religious in any way, since that would left some other scars on Bills psyche for sure. But highly authoritative, ignorant, strict in its rules to the point of self-damnation? That checks. That's the place that has formed Bill, after all.
That's the place that he wishes to rebuild.
Maybe not consciously, maybe distorted by his illness and broken memory of a loving-paradise-home that has never actually been that way, but he seeks the comfort of familiarity — most of us do. Familiar stings are better than an uncontrollable too-bright future, isn't?
I hope he does well on therapy.
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womenloverlmao · 6 months
Forgot Something?
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(Yes, someone else has probably written this but I decided to write one of my own :)
TW: normal criminal minds shit.
Summary: Reader is set on the fact that Spencer forgot something when he got called into a case late but he cant figure out what that could be.
Imagine season 4 Spence? Possibly? I don't even know man. 
You and Spencer had gotten used to not always being together. You and agent… or, rather, Dr. Spencer Reid, resident genius and pretty boy of the BAU had been together for around a year and a half. It was a lot, but you grew used to it. 
After coming to terms with the fact that you wouldn’t always have your boyfriend around, you learned to value the time you spent with him. Moments like this; you were curled up together, the result of coaxing your germaphobe out of his comfort zone (and into another). Lying on your sides, his head against your chest with your leg over his waist. You would have fallen asleep there if it weren’t for that sound. 
Oh, that God-forsaken sound. 
The sound of Spencer’s phone going off. Sure, you were used to him going away for cases, but that sound honestly caused a trauma response. You removed your leg from him as he went to get his phone from the bedside table. He picked up, and said some stereotypical responses… well, the stereotype when you went to work on profiling rapists, bombers, murderers… you get the gist. 
He got up and changed, before grabbing his bag that he always had ready. You quickly followed behind him. Sure, you were only in a ragged t-shirt and panties, but you weren’t the one leaving. It was around ten at night. You wouldn’t have realized that he had muted himself if you didn’t see him unmuting. “Yes, I’ll be there in fifteen,” he said. “Okay, thank you. Got it.” 
You grabbed your arm as whoever it was on the other end hung up. “I’m sorry…” he tried to start. 
“No, don’t apologize, Spence. It’s your job. I’m not upset, I promise,” you cut him off. 
“I still feel awful.” 
“Don’t. You’re gonna go save some people, or whatever it is that you do,” you smile. 
“Well, technically-” 
“Spence, I’m gonna repeat the ‘don’t’. Go do your job, okay, baby?” 
He sighed. “Okay…” He walked to the door, almost opening it before you stop him. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” You asked. 
“I thought- I thought you just told me to do my job?” He responded. 
“I did, but not when you forgot something.” 
You could see the gears in his brain turning as he tried to remember what it was that he could have forgotten. There was nothing, he had every single thing in his bag. He could so clearly picture everything he had put in there. “Forgot something? No, I have an-” 
“Eidetic memory, I know.”
“I didn’t forget anything?” 
“Yes, you did,” you stayed on your point. 
“What did I forget?” He was genuinely confused. 
You rolled your eyes. “Where’s my kiss, Spencer?” 
He had an ‘oh shit’ moment in his head. “That’s… what I forgot?” 
You nodded. He couldn’t help but laugh a little, you had him fully convinced he forgot something for a minute. He walks over again and presses a gentle kiss to your lips. “Better?” he asks.
“Yep.” You smiled. 
He kissed your forehead. “I love you, lock the door behind me, okay? Make sure to check if all the-” “Windows are locked, I know,” you said. 
He reached the door, and he was mildly hesitant to open it. “I’ll be okay,” you assured him. 
“I know, I just…” “I can stay with my parents, too, if that’ll make you feel better.” 
“It’s not about that, I just sometimes wish that I could be here with you,” he admitted. 
You walked over to him, giving him one final kiss. “I know, but they need you out there. I can last a couple of days on my own every week.” He calmed down after the kiss. “Okay.” 
“Now, go, you’re gonna be late.” 
“I love you,” he told you again. 
“I know, I love you too,” you responded. He walked out of the apartment, leaving you alone. Yes, it was upsetting to be alone most of the time. You locked the door and made sure the windows were locked before you laid down again. 
Sure, lonely nights were sucky, but… you knew it was for a reason. And no matter what, you were grateful to have Dr. Spencer Reid as your boyfriend.
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itoshiexx · 1 year
unworthy (but chosen)
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synopsis: rin doesn’t think he's worthy of your love, but he's glad you chose him anyway.
pairing: itoshi rin x gn!reader | words: 521 | warnings: established relationship, overthinking, hurt/comfort
notes: honestly i don't know what i'm doing. i feel like shit and wrote this on a whim (again) and decided to post it since @ode2rin told me to just do it so yeah! pretty sure it doesn't make any sense but oh well
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the night is cold, but rin feels warm with your body pressed next to his under the covers of your bed. his arm is circled around your waist, and he can feel your breath tickle his skin as you nuzzle further into his neck, always seeking for more of him in a way he can’t seem to understand. 
truth be told, rin doesn’t know why you are with him. scratch that, he does: it’s because you love him, and that is something he can’t wrap his pretty head around. 
you were like a ray of sunshine, always with a positive outlook on life, far different from his cold and pessimistic persona. you were full of life and still had that sparkle in your eyes, whilst rin felt like he carried an abyss inside of him, filled with a mixture of anger, sorrow and an unstoppable void that nagged at his skin in the darkest hours of the night. 
itoshi rin was rotten to the core, fucked up on the head, so broken and bruised there was barely anything left of him to cherish. you didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of his sharp shards, to be cut by his careless words fueled by trauma and fear. you should never bleed on his behalf. 
yet, the longer you stayed, the more it happened. although your life together was full of a joy rin never knew could exist, it was inevitable to have its downsides, where his toxin would spread like a wildfire and contaminate everything. 
he would never admit it, but rin was scared of the day his poison would inevitably reach your heart of gold and kill it. he would rather die than be the reason your light went out.
“you deserve better,” he would always say. and you’d smile, cradling his cheeks like he was worth something, before saying the same thing: “i chose you, and i choose you every day.”
he doesn’t understand why you choose him if he wouldn’t even choose himself.
as you stir in your place on top of his chest and open your eyes blearily to look at his teal ones, rin can’t help but feel the weight in his heart easen a little. unconsciously, his hold on your waist tightens. 
“rin…? is everything okay?” you slur, voice laced with tiredness. again, he can’t help the guilt that claws up his throat and the small voice in his head that says you deserve better. 
but then, when you touch his cheek with such tenderness and eye him with a gaze so full of love, rin remembers why he doesn’t let you go even if he deems himself unworthy of your love. 
“it’s nothing, love. go back to sleep,” he whispers in response. his hand trails from your waist up to your head, where he starts petting your hair in an attempt to lull you back to dreamland. it always worked. somehow, you felt safe with him.
and he’s thankful. that you chose him before, and that you choose him every day of your life.
he would choose you in a hundred lifetimes, too.
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© 2023 itoshiexx. do not plagarise, translate, or repost any of my work on here or other sites.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 11 months
Pretty like the wind
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a/n part nine! Sorry, for the wait y'all, life is a bit all over the place and my shoulder is killing me. But please do enjoy!💨✨ Once again thank you so much for all the love. ✨🤍🫧
warning: kids, past trauma, blood, mention of puking, wounds, Illyrian camps.
Azriel had no idea why this was the first thought that struck him after his knees bucked for the very first time. Time. Time and how much he hated it now. How greedy he was for a chance at getting more. Somewhere deep within, he had a feeling that you two were timeless. You had to be. You lingered around him. Azriel felt you even when you weren't around. As if his senses had been affected by your presence that much. Then came the emotions. Your emotions. He felt it through himself. But all that time, he pushed the thought of it away. Because it couldn't be. There was no way, and Azriel couldn't open up his heart one more time. Could face the weakness.
The spymaster knew it after the kiss. It struck him so fast and deep that his lungs had forgotten how to welcome the air. He had searched your features after. With the hope of catching a glimpse of the same knowledge. The realization. But there was nothing there. The bond that snapped for Azriel didn't snap into place for you. When you two walked into his mother's house hand in hand, he wondered why there was no dread in his chest. Why wasn't he scared or nervous about the fact that you had no idea? But the spymaster found the answer fairly quickly. You were his, in your own way. Not how most mates were, but you two were heading there slowly. Other things were clouding your mind. The new place. The fact that the kids had to face a whole different world now. So much worry, so much stress. No wonder something so delicate would slip your senses.
So Azriel had opted to hold you for the night. Make you smile while he spun Zofie around. "Higher", she screeched, her cheeks pink from the laughter. Axel stepped up to pull at your hands as well. Spinning long into the night. And then the two little ones had fallen asleep while Cordelia was telling everyone a story about how Azriel had nearly burned the house down while trying to bake cookies for the very first time. Azrie had carried them both upstairs to his bedroom. Carefully cradling them against his chest. Tucked them in before he turned to go downstairs, only to find you leaning against the doorframe. The glow in your eyes was enough to make Azriel light up with happiness himself.
"They had fun", you muttered, right as a yawn slid past your lips. "They are out cold", Azriel had laughed, his eyes darting to the sprawled-out children. "Did you have fun?", however the spymaster's attention was almost immediately back on you. You stepped closer, lowering yourself to his lap. It had felt so natural and right. Azriel's hand slipped to cradle your lower back. You only hummed in response, brushing your fingers over his lips softly before leaning in to kiss him once more. Oh, how Azriel felt as if he was on fire from the amount of emotion bubbling within him.
Odd as it was, he even went as far as thinking that this could be his forever. That he wouldn't have to face his cold and empty apartment ever again. Every time he would come home, there would be laughter. Little feet running around. He would never have to know how cold and suffocating a night could be. Wouldn't have to drown in darkness. "Can I hold you?", he had asked, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. Daring to go as far as to kiss your collarbones ever so slightly. He felt the laughter rippling through you even before he heard it, "You are holding me, silly". Azriel snicked himself before he lifted his gaze. "Through the night", he specified. Something completely different chimed in your eyes. There was that heartbeat that you took to make up your mind. Even if Azriel was sure that he knew the answer, "Yeah, yeah, you can", you muttered quietly, and so he did. Holding you as close as he could without making it weird between the two of you. All he could feel was you. The way you felt pressed against his chest. He just held you. Running his fingers slowly through your hair. He held you until his mind finally stopped rushing.
The sounds that left Azriel as he tore through the group of males were out of this world. His mind swirling with the memories you two shared. Gone was his rational thinking. The need to keep at least one of them alive for later use. Those thoughts were so long gone. So overthrown by the intensity of losing you, all Azriel could think and do was eliminate anything and everything that might cause you any more harm. His shadows worked almost on their own as they crawled all around the males, seeping deeper within them and making them choke on the darkness. Their veins turning black. Azriel moved in ways he had never moved before. Crossing the distance between you two in heartbeats.
The crimson that painted your hands and chest made Azriel's stomach twirl. Then his arms were on you. Holding you up. He was torn between clasping his hand over your throat and your hands. The fuckers only nicked the delicate skin on your neck, thankfully. Azriel had eaten through their souls before they could do any mire harm. He watched your frightened eyes before his sanity clicked back into place.
"Slow your heartbeat", Azriel's broad frame covered the bodies left behind him. "Azriel", you mumbled his name so quietly. As if it was the only thing left on your mind. He wasn't sure if you were horrified by him or if your pale skin was mainly caused by the blood loss alone. "Y/N, slow it down", each word seeped through the spymaster's gritted teeth. You trembled in his grip. Your vision slowly growing blurry. The coldness of the wind made you sway. You tried to plunge back into your inner self. Tried. Only to be met with a steel wall. The venom. Whatever was twirling in your bloodstream now was blocking your powers. "I can't", you whined. The only thing you could focus on now was the steady stream of blood dripping from your wrist. Azriel cupped your face between his hands. He felt that initial flinch coming from you, making him grumble deeply. "Focus on me", Azriel muttered, reaching to pour the strength and adrenaline he felt through the barely simmering bond. Your eyes flickered immediately. You swallowed the first two gulps of air greedily. Azriel felt it rather than saw it. The way the thudding of your heart grew deeper. You watched him through it all. "Good job, sweetheart. Now hold on, okay, hold on for me", you let out a sigh at the spymaster's words. Blinking once. Twice. Before your own body got too heavy. Azriel was quick to catch you. Wrapping you up in his embrace, he winnowed you to the only place and person he could think of at the given moment.
Scorching pain pulled you out of your slumber. Ripping you out of the dull thudding of your heart. You jerked up, trying to sit up, right as the most painful sob echoed. For a moment, you weren't even sure if it was you who was screaming. Just the pressure of hands on your shoulders quickly pulled you down. The hands felt like fire. Whatever was touching you was hotter than the flames of death. You tried to move from beneath it. Get away from the suffocating pain.
"Keep her still for me, boy", a female's voice rang around you. From where you couldn't tell, there was too much fuzziness all around you. You felt something sharp twisting in your palm, making you roar in response. As you tried to pull your body away, shrink into yourself. "Bloody hell, where is she getting her strength from", a male's voice filled the room. Male. Males. Panic ripped through you. Had they gotten to you? But Azriel was there? Or was he? Was it just your imagination? You tried to withdraw from the grip unknown hands seemed to have on you.
You wanted to tell them to let you go. You didn't know anything. What you did that night was pure self-defense. You had to. But all you could do was shriek. Drown in pain. Until a blanket of coldness was drawn over you, "You're safe", the voice called right in your ear now. You trembled. "Madja needs to pull the iron out of your palms, love", a cold hand ran over your forehead. Love. Azriel. You tried to blink. Rip your eyelids apart but to no avail. Then there stood a moment of silence before Azriel spoke again, "Open that side of the bond that you called to me from", back was the soldierly tone. A man who knew rules and regulations "Direct all the pain you feel to it; I'll take what I can from you", you wanted to protest. You had to. You didn't want him to feel your pain, but the moment the scorching misery shot through you, subconsciously you grasped the bond with both hands as you roared into it. Azriel only gritted his jaw harder. He knew what he felt was only a fraction of the pain that you felt, but that alone made his knees buck.
"Do it faster", the spymaster barked out, snarling at the healer, who was already moving quicker than he had ever seen her before. Cassian grumbled a warning from beside Azriel. The general had been holding onto your hand ever since Azriel had lowered you onto the medicine table. Trying to keep it steady so Madja could do her thing easier. Your back arched off the table as you choked on another sob. Azriel leaned closer. The mere need to hold you down like this made him sick. Let alone watch you suffer. Oh, how he wished he could pull the bastards from their deathbeds and slowly kill them all over again. Azriel leaned closer to you, nuzzling closer to your shoulder. He was way past caring that you were drenched in sweat from the fever or that you still had crusted blood all over you.
He quickly plucked all of his emotions out one by one. Shoving them down the unbreakable walls deep within his head, Azriel had to be a sea of calmness for you. He had to turn into that gentle breeze that cooled one down on a hot summer day. He had to suppress the agony, change it, and mold it into something that would soothe. The spymaster placed a loving kiss on the side of your head, right as you cried out once again. His shadows slowly brushed across your skin, delicate and cooling the aches. He continued to kiss your tears away until the moment your body sagged. Till he could swear you had muttered his name. Till the sound of the iron arrows hitting the tray filled the room.
"You're in charge", Azriel said bluntly, continuing to wipe his bloody hands. The room had been quiet for over an hour. Cassian had practically dragged Azriel out so the shadowsinger could clean himself up. He hadn't realized how much filth was on him until he saw his reflection in the mirror. "Aj, aj, captain", Cassian saluted. Azriel knew that out of the three of them, Cassian used humor to cope with whatever stressors surrounded him. There was no male beside him and Rhys that Azriel would ever trust with his woman. His whole world...
"I'll look after her; if a hair falls off her head, you can sit me down on a dagger", Azriel huffed at Cassian's remark. Even if his chest felt too hollow, your screaming still echoed in his brain. It felt good to have at least one thing Azriel was familiar with around. The spymaster stepped closer to the bed you were carefully tucked into. Brushing a strand of hair away from your face. The fever had dropped the moment the iron was out. But it left an unconscious body behind. "She might sleep for days; might wake up in a couple of minutes", Madja said as she bandaged your hands up. You didn't wake up. Too worn out from all that had happened.
"I'll just go see them for a bit. Make sure they...", Azriel turned back to Cassian, who stood right behind him with a knowing look on his face. "Don't rush it. Stinkers need you. I've got your girl", with a tap on Azriel's shoulder, Cassian turned to pull himself a chair. His girl. The words lingered. Azriel wondered if you would roll your eyes at that. Would you scowl? You were mad at him after all. He had upset you in a way. Now all he wondered about as he spared you one last glance was whether it would all have been different if you hadn't been upset.
Only when Azriel was standing right outside his mother's door did he realize just how tired he was. He knew he had a family to lean on. He knew that Rhys had promised to take care of the interrogations in the camp. Find out who planned this. Who ordered this. Who targeted you. He had Cassian looking after you; his brother was mind tap away if something changed, but it was still not enough. Azriel needed to see the two sets of deep golden eyes. He needed to feel their wild and young heartbeats to ground himself fully. Know that the second half of his family was safe and sound.
"Azriel", the sound of that high-pitched voice, made the coldest that surrounded the shadowsinger melt away almost instantly. The pitter-patter of the tiny feet rushing was enough to make him let out a sigh. But that blissful delight was cut off almost immediately. A firm grip. A tug. And the girl was left standing in place. "No, stay back", Axel pulled her back, and Azriel had never seen a look like this on him. Not an ounce of love or adoration. Pure steal. Anger. As if the little boy had been crushed.
"Axel", Azriel tried to call out softly, but the boy only tugged on Zofie harder. The poor girl looked up at her brother with her big eyes. "Don't come close", the boy said, pointing a warning finger at the spymaster. He had no weapon. Azriel could easily march to him, but he knew that if a line like that was crossed in a delicate moment like this, he would end up losing them forever. "Bud, why...", Azriel tried once more but, even more frustration bubbled, "You hurt YN! She said you weren't one of us. So back away", Axel's words ripped at Azriel's soul. Not one of us. But he was. He wanted to give it all to you all. He...
"Darling", Cordelia gently placed a hand on Axel's back, "We all make mistakes, and whatever happened must have been a misunderstanding". Azriel met his mother's gaze. It was warm and loving, but it was hard to ignore the questioning plea. "Where's Y/N?", Zofie asked, shifting the atmosphere in the room, "I want to see her". Her voice was so small and trembling. Azriel went stone still. How do you tell the kids that their guardian is lying unconscious after an assassination? Someone had tried to kill her. "Yeah, where is she?", Axel pressed.
"She's... She's seeing a healer", the kids stilled instantly. Axel's hand drooped. The sight alone could kill Azriel, hence why he added quickly, "I'll take you to her as soon as I can". The kids just watched him. Zofie tugged on Axel's hand firmly, and the boy instantly furrowed his broken wings out. Wrapping one around the girl, as he pulled her into his arms. He shouldn't have to. Both of them should be far away from all of this pain. From needing to be strong like this. From needing to be so grown up.
"Why don't you two go check on the soup for me?", It's Cordelia who gently pressed a loving kiss on Axel's head. "You both worked hard on it. Y/N will love to have some". Leave it to his mom to mop through his mess, Azriel thought. Leave it to her to provide a distraction for a moment. Azriel tore his head up, trying to fight the angry tears as the kids slowly turned away from him.
"Azriel...", the gentle sound of that loving voice was enough to make a choked-out sob slip past the male's lips. Azriel never cried. He just didn't. And if he did, he always cried in the presence of his mother. "Sweet boy, look at me", Cordelia's soft voice was followed by her palms guiding her son's head down, so he would meet her gaze. "I fucked it", Azriel choked out, "I just went and did it again". Cordelia shook her head quickly, "Oh, my boy, I'm sure it's not all...", but Azriel pulled away abruptly. "She didn't want to see me, and now the kids...", his breathing was becoming rigid. He couldn't lose you all. He couldn't picture a word where you all weren't linked in some way. The idea of never... "They are kids, and they are scared", Cordelia tugged firmly onto Azriel's shirt. She could tell that he was spiraling, and she was not going to let him stroll down that path once again. "Axel is scared, as is Zofie, but they do not hate you", she gripped his chin tenderly, "They need you, son".
Azriel leaned to rest his head on his mother's shoulder for a moment, bathing in the comfort of her, just like when he was a boy. "She's my...", and Azriel couldn't bring himself to say it out loud. Not until he had spoken those words to you first. But Cordelia only smiled up at him, cupping his cheek. "Oh, I know. I had a feeling. Call it mother's instinct", she bit her lip, shaking her head softly. "Now you listen to me. I said it to her, and I will say it to you. You were meant to find one another", Cordelia tapped her hands against Azriel's chest a couple of times. "Whatever happened has to be a misunderstanding. And you, my boy, will find a way to make it right once again," she said, turning and padding towards the kitchen.
Azriel sat by your bed for what felt like years afterward. Double-checking the way your chest fell and rose back up. Adjusting the blanket. Refilling the water in the glass beside your bed. Madja said that your hands might not even scar, considering that you had healing magic running through your body. The bandaged palms were a cruel reminder of how much Azriel had failed to protect you. Yet it didn't come close to the red mark on your neck. The cut on your delicate skin there made him want to pull a bucket out and hurl. If he had been even a second more late... but he made himself look. He looked until all he could see were your scars.
"Was it a lie?", the words made Azriel jump slightly, head-turning straight to your partly opened eyes. He quickly hurried to lean closer. "What", he muttered. Azriel was trying to grasp just what you were referring to. "Was this all", you ask, looking down at yourself and then back at Azriel, "Was it a lie?". And mother, the fact that your voice was so weak made Azriel want to scream from the rooftops.
"No,", he said, shaking his head quickly. But would a word so simple ever be enough? "Did you just need a distraction?", And then it hit him. It hit him so hard that if he could, he would slap himself. The way he jumped up for Elain and the way they embraced. He was banished to the sanctuary because he was perusing that woman, and back at the dinner, he pushed you aside to once again reach for someone who would never be his. And he didn't even want her to be his. Because now he knew what he he truly wanted.
"I fucking lo-like you; none of it was a lie", Azriel hated the way his voice had risen. It was way too stern. Way too demanding. He wanted to reach for you, but the look on your face said it all. "I don't want to accept it", and these six words disarmed Azriel so quickly that he had to lean against the chair for a heartbeat. He saw the way your eyes filled up with tears as you tried to keep your breathing steady. "That's okay", Azriel said bluntly, as if all of this hadn't just shattered him completely. If his heart wasn't breaking because of these words. What were they taught back then? Wasn't there a story about a male gone mad because his mate had refused his love? Had suppressed the bond so hard?
"I... This just doesn't feel right, I need...", but Azriel quickly lifted his hand, silencing you. "There's no rush. I can wait. I'll wait for you however long it takes, and if you never want it, it's okay", he blurted out, shaking his head as he moved to grab the door handle. You shook your head in return, clearly trying to reach for him. Make him stay. Make him properly listen. "Azriel", you breathed out, trying to catch his attention, but all he did was back away. Azriel muttered a quiet, "It's okay" before he disappeared into the dark hallway. Turning away. Leaving you alone. Wanting nothing more than to drown his own heart.
Taglist: @naturakaashi @hoemadegrace @just-m-2 @thereadinggremlin
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dpxdc AU: Danny can’t fix Jason’s whole…deal… and doesn’t want to answer any questions on ectoplasm but he can get Jason to the best therapist he knows! Jason mistakes Danny constantly pushing Jazz his way as an awkward little brother move to set them up romantically- which uh, isn't necessarily a bad thing? Jazz has her own vested interests.
… heads up that this got long...
Jason ran his hands through this hair, relieving them from their previous position of cradling his face in embarrassment. Why was he sitting in a nice cafe with Danny’s redhead sister and a five dollar chai latte? For all the awkward live wire feelings he had, at least she was calm and composed. How many times had this happened already?
“So… the green stuff again?” Jazz asks, taking a sip from her own stupidly expensive drink and giving him eyebrows that beg for his explanation.
“Yeah. I was trying to get your brother to explain stuff without all the science mumbo jumbo. I just, I guess that means he defers to you.” Jason sighed, and tried to not think about how pretty her eyes were as she observed him.
“Not likely. But is the search for your answers helping you cope from day to day or making you climb an impossible mountain?” Jazz asks and it makes Jason fluster.
“It’s a moving goal post, sure, but I need answers if I’m going to fix my-“
“I think it might help you to realize that people don’t need to be fixed, they just need to grow.” Jazz interrupts.
They finish their drinks in a comfortable nonchalance, the rest of their conversation doesn’t go anywhere beyond their mutual hobbies and he’s grateful for that.
Jason's been doing a lot of introspection since this all started.
The first time it happened was months ago.
He confronts Danny after a mission, just wanting a simple answer on whether or not Danny thought the Lazarus pit contained ectoplasm? Could ectoplasm be separated from blood? Danny looked a little uncomfortable.
“Look dude, I know you want to know more but like, having this info isn’t going to help you. You need to talk it out.” Danny sounds sad and his eyes are filed with something adjacent to pity. It riles up the pit inside him.
“Oof. See that whole reaction thing. That’s not ectoplasmic, that’s something different. C’mon follow me.” Phantom cringes as he talks to him, and then floats across the rooftops, going slow enough that Jason can keep up on his grapple.
The arrive at a modest apartment building, not too far from his territory but clearly outside of it. Danny opens a window and slides in ahead of Jason, and all of a sudden he’s seated at a kitchen table with hot chocolate and teal blue eyes peering into his soul.
“Danny, some warning next time you’re bringing a crime boss to my apartment.” Jazz sighs and its not said with any malice or sarcasm. Danny gives her a grin and a peace sign before disappearing.
“So you want to talk about it?” Jazz turns back to him and asks.
“About?” Jason’s deep voice is going through the modulator and it sounds more sinister than it should.
“Death. Dying. The afterlife. Those are the normal things Danny brings people to me for.” She blinks.
“There’s a misunderstanding, I don’t need to talk, I need answers on Ectoplasm.” He grits out.
"Hm. Well that's not my field of study, but I can tell you that however your feeling is probably a valid response towards the trauma you've faced in life. Do you think showing yourself some kindness might lessen your desire to know the knitty gritty details?"
Jason scoffs.
"Oh. You're serious. No. I don't think being kind to myself is a valid approach to dealing with an infection that's cost me a lot of family relationships." Jason rolls his eyes. The woman looks contemplative for a moment and Jason can tell that while the dim kitchen lights are doing her no favors, she's incredibly beautiful. He pockets that information and refuses to think about it.
"So...Lets take this a different direction. Do you think successful people know what they're doing or do you think successful people need help to get where they want to go?"
"Most people are dumb and trying to get by." Jason grits out.
"So, accept that you're dumb. And then get by." Jazz replies, and then sighs and leaves the room.
Jason however, is now pissed off. Who the heck was she to say that to him?
The next time he finds himself across the table from Jazz, he's been on a wild goose chase with Danny and lands himself in a fancy restaurant. Why the hell was she here?
"Uh, it's called self care." Jazz replies, because apparently Jason asked that out loud. But he's not going to let this lead get away from him.
He takes off his helmet, years of muscle memory make him check that his Domino mask was in place, and sits down across from her. She raises a brow and then sighs.
"You think Danny might give me answers if I hold you hostage over, what is that, some kind of gnocchi dish?"
"Mm. Probably not." Jazz says, taking a bite and pulling out her phone.
"You're just going to ignore me then?" Jason finds himself a bit flabbergasted, he was a fucking crime lord, not someone to be ignored! Like he's just- just some bad blind date!
"Uh huh. You don't want to work on your issues and it's not my job to lead a stubborn horse to water."
"The expression is that you can lead a horse to water but you can't-"
"Can't what? Or are you still going to tell me it's not a huge waste of my time to tell you that you need to accept and forgive yourself to be able to move on. Find peace. Rest." Jazz is taking bites between her last few words but her glare remains unshakeable.
Jason is about to get up and leave when a terrified waiter comes over: "A dish, as compliments from the chef. Your guest's meal as well." He's shaking as he speaks and it makes Jason feel bad.
"Thanks." He grits out.
"...Is that the lasagna?" Jazz is looking at his food curiously, and Jason pushes it forward to indicate that she can take a bite. Probably not the safest thing for a civilian to do considering people regularly try to poison Jason but, meh. He's kind of pissed off at her still.
"It's pretty good. I was debating between that and the gnocchi- Okay let's think about this differently. You want to know about the green stuff, Danny is never going to tell a mortal about it and you keep denying yourself basic self-respect. What does your support system look like?"
"You're really pushing my buttons lady-" Jason can feel the green, but after a breath and seeing her unimpressed gaze "-I have a few friends who know what my deal is, I have an older brother who claims to forgive me, and a merry band of goons that I call my henchmen."
"Henchpeople?" Jazz asks.
"I mean, sure. That's more accurate."
"What do you do for fun?" She asks.
"I take down crime syndicates-" she levels him with another glare, he wonders why its so effective on him "-I read."
"Yeah? What genres?"
"Classics." He can admit only that much.
"Nerd. Are you going to eat any of that? You really shouldn't let food waste like that when it's not even fighting back."
"I don't know why I'm even bothering to talk to you right now." Jason spoke plainly.
"I dunno either but it's easier to tolerate you without the stupid helmet speaker. Anyway, If you like to read, hopefully that means you like to see new scenarios, new plots, stuff like that. You ever think to put yourself in side-character mode and contemplate what your whole deal is bringing to the table?"
"...How so?"
"Like, if you don't think it's worth it to treat yourself well, how do the main characters feel? Or, you know, if you were a child reading your story, what would you shout at them to move forward differently?"
"... I've decided that I only read poetry." Jason grumbles, trying to deflect with humor the fact that he does have some thoughts about what she's saying. She actually laughs at his joke though- he hadn't anticipated that.
"Uh, what is the Dr. Suess line? Stop telling outlandish tales, stop turning minnows into whales? something like that."
"Dr. Suess? Really?" Jason laughs.
"Sorry Mr. Classics, I spent most of my childhood raising my brother, forgive me for not knowing any fancy poetry." She huffs but he can tell she's laughing with him still.
They get off the topic of his mental health crisis and it turns out the Lasagna isn't half bad.
Jason keeps chasing Danny. Danny keeps leading him to Jazz. It goes for a few rounds before the ghost kid makes a joke about Jason liking her better anyway. Jason asks what the hell Phantom means by that, but Danny just laughs and says that Jason should just ask for her number.
...This does not sit right in his gut all of a sudden. Does he think that, that Jason is only pursuing this knowledge to keep talking to Jazz?? Does Danny want him to pursue Jazz? Does HE want to pursue Jazz???
He spots the Replacement in the Cave's lab before he heads upstairs to grab a cookie and leave as a civilian. The reason he even looked that way being that Tim is holding glowing green vials.
"Is that-"
"Yeah. They're literally the same except for the magic mumbo jumbo that Ra's has mixed in with the pit. Leave me alone now."
"So there is a way to heal it or, or extract it or-" Jason can feel his heart racing, but his constantly-exhausted sibling is looking at him like he's grown a second head.
"Dude. You're not gunna be able to flush it out with like, a juice cleanse. You're probably better off trying to find a magic user to deal with the curses and a therapist to do the rest." Tim looks like he's trying to be patient despite being deeply, deeply vexxed.
"Therapist- why in the hell would I-"
"I mean hasn't that been Danny's entire solution for you? He's only had one strategy the whole time he's lived in Gotham." Jason rolls his eyes.
"His solution is setting me up on dates with his sister not-"
"Dates!?! His sister is THE break out psychologist, she's done more for Arkham in the last year than decades of political reform! You've been goin on- wheez- oh my god I have to call Danny-" Tim is cackling, the lazarus water all but abandoned.
"Don't you fucking dare!"
After a (from both brothers) number of punches, a few headlocks and a large portion of threats, Jason agrees that Tim can tell his boyfriend but no one else.
Kon can keep a secret right? That's why he's the favorite?
"So... You and Jazz huh?" Danny looks amused as he floats by- Kon could not be trusted. The entire Justice league knows. Jason might have to die again. Apparently he said as much.
"Oh buddy, it's okay! You don't have to die again! I'm sure that if she likes you, she likes you just as you are, weird little zombie boy." Danny teases, turning intangible as Jason swings a punch at him.
"What do you mean if she likes me?" Jason asks, swinging with his grapple, trying to keep up with Danny.
"You think I read her diary or something? Weirdo. You need to talk to her about it tho, it's funny and all but I'm sure she's not a fan of the JL hot goss."
"I didn't start any of this-"
"My guy. Chill. I know, but uh, I did definitely tell her about it so... Oh look! We made it all the way to her apartment! BYE!"
Jazz is standing in the window and she looks like an absolute vision. Her glare makes him want to shit his pants however, and he knows that it's going to take all of his brain cells making contact to survive this encounter.
He sits on the fire escape when he realizes that she's not moving from her spot in the window, blocking his way. Ouch.
"So let me get this straight, you thought this whole time-"
"I thought Danny was being annoying and trying to set us up! I didn't know you were a shrink!" He tries to defend himself.
"...Why should I date an idiot?" the like yourself goes unsaid but he can hear it. Jason is scrambling.
"...I can make even better lasagna than that fancy restaurant you like." is what he lands on. Jazz bursts out a laugh.
"I was just fucking with you, but honestly what a great response." She's wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.
"Just fucking with me?" He grins a bit, unable to stop himself from getting excited.
"Yeah, I've been telling everyone at work that I'm dating the Red Hood for like, months now. It's been stellar for my hostage record, I haven't had an issue since I started the rumor!"
"We're dating?" Jason asks, a bit bewildered but charmed.
"I wouldn't give free therapy to just anyone! Now about that Lasagna-"
Something, something, something- they seal the deal with a kiss.
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c4m-th3-gr34t · 29 days
inspired by a post from @jamandjazz
How Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston, and Steve Randle are affected by their parent issues.
ok so keep in mind i havent read the book since december (i dont have my own copy) so this might be a bit wrong. im using info from my mind, the movie, the musical, tiktok, and here.
Johnny Cade
so its canon that johnny wouldve ran away if it werent for the gang (starting off strong with dally-johnny parallels OUCH)
the abuse from his parents definitely gave him a fucked up sense on what it means to feel loved
which is why johnny gets along with dally so well, i'll get into that more in dally's part
he 100% thinks that the entire world hates him except for the gang
someone said that he is so sweet its sick, not true. the abuse definitely toughened him up enough that he will be mean to strangers
he canonically is somewhat responsible (going out to the store to buy supplies and giving ponyboy a note)
im saying that because im pretty sure pony says something like twobit and someone else in the gang would forget to buy something johnny remembered
johnny learned that from having to live out on the street sometimes when his parents fought or kicked him out for multiple days
he is the living definition of forgive but never forget
he just wants a home
i personally hc that the abuse started as johnny grew older, maybe when he was 6-8 years old
which is why johnny (especially in the musical) still cares about his parents
because he remembers that they WERE good people
and he hopes to bring them back eventually
Dallas Winston
oh this man...
ran away from his problems. thats canon
his mom died when she gave birth and thats why his dad is the alcoholic deadbeat abuser he is
the abuse from his parents gave him a fucked up sense on what it means to love
which is why he can talk to johnny so well because johnny is used to the type of love dally gives
he 100% hates the world except for the gang
the abuse toughened up both johnny and dally, the thing is dally grew up with it, johnny was raised with love at first
also dally's environment in ny, that place is rough in many areas
tulsa doesnt have that, at least not on the level of ny
he's rough with everyone because thats what he learned
Steve Randle
screw u se hinton for giving us NOTHING abt him
the neglect sooo fucked him up
then his dad giving physical money for forgiveness?
hell nahhh
steve definitely felt like he cannot be loved without paying someone
like with real money
which made him feel unlovable because he's like broke as fuck
soda was the first person to show him what love actually is
his mom uhh eloped to wherever after steve's birth ig idfk
steve thinks everything in the world comes with a price, even an ounce of love
i literally cant think of shit for this man rn
All Three
accidentally trauma bonding
johnny mentioned something then both steve and dally said "same"
genuinely concerning from an outsider standpoint but really funny to them
if it was modern au darry or soda wouldve sent them to therapy
one time johnny got kicked out and went to the curtis house and found steve in the kitchen
j: "kicked out?"
s: "...yeah"
j: "same."
then dally walks in
d: "bottles got thrown at me in buck's place"
j: "ptsd?"
d: "no-" *remembers he's with two people who had it happen to them* "...yeah"
j and s- "its good."
johnny convinces them to do a cuddle blob thing (the gang's done them before)
darry wakes up and see them, doesnt comment but remembers for blackmail
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factual-fantasy · 11 months
24 asks!! :0000🌟🎭🌟
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Kinger and Caine are my favorite characters! I've seen a lot of theories and fanart and I've already started making my own AU and angst and everything but I cant DRAW any of that yet because I'm REALLY BUSY with an OVERDUE PROJECT AAAAA
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(In recent development, Asgore is unable to heal Spamton because he is a darkener :((( )
I think it might have been addressed at one point yeah :0 Maybe something was wrong with Seam and Asgore reached out to help. In which Seam was terrified and Jevil jumped in to protect him. Asgore could see the trauma and tension in the both of them so he carefully backed off.
Later he could hear from Seam about their pasts and why they were afraid of him. Asgore would then try to take steps to.. not..? Be scary to them?? <:D
Spade king could have talked in a very gravely and booming voice. So Asgore is sure to always talk softly and clearly. He is careful to not make any sudden movements around Seam and Jevil. If he's reaching for something near Seam/Jevil he will gently announce what he's doing and make sure they understand before he does it.
Asgore with his hands in his lap: "Seam, I want to grab that bag.."
Seam: *turns "huh?"
Asgore, hands still in his lap: "That bag beside you, I'd like to grab it."
Seam: "oh, okay,"
Asgore then gently reaches for the bag, making sure that Seam can see his hand coming.
Little things like that would really ease Seam and Jevils nerves. And its what made Asgore so trustworthy to them. The fact that he cared so much about their comfort and went above and beyond to make sure they felt safe around him.
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Not really a parental figure. He sees Seam as his equal in every way. So like.. he sees him as his brother of the same age.?
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Oh he didn't lock Seam up in a cell. He just put shackles around his wrists and neck :00
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The thing about Jevil is that the bigger the group got, the worse his habits became. And the harder it became to break those habits.. Jevil was the one who collected these people, so they are his responsibility. Giving up his food not just for Seam, but for everyone. Staying awake to keep the fire large and roaring to keep the group warm.
The others try to help him.. but they would have a hard time getting Jevil to listen to them. Telling him he needs to eat, sleep or just relax. He probably wouldn't listen because he's a bit stubborn and is probably riddled with anxiety 24/7.
Although when Asgore came around things got a lot easier.
Asgore is very powerful and has proved his trustworthiness multiple times to Seam and Jevil. So although the royal vibe is off putting.. Jevil trusts him to watch the fire at night and protect the group. Seam has been able to reason with Jevil about the food part a little too.
Jevil: "You need this food more than me. You gotta keep your strength up until we can find someone to break these chains!"
Seam: "Jevil, you consume energy to make those mirrors to other worlds. How are you supposed to keep looking for someone to break my chains, if you're collapsed on the ground, too weak to make another mirror?"
Jevil: "......."
Jevil: *takes ONE bite out of sandwich
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I was thinking around 10 years or so..? Maybe more? Haven't really decided :0 And he was able to escape by making a mirror and stepping through it. That mirror basically poked a hole in the walls of the AU and he was able to step out of the AU. Effectively stepping out of his cell and breaking free :}
Also thank you!! :DD
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I've completely ignored comments like this recently because I don't wanna deal with all the drama that will surly follow. But you were really polite and very thorough with your evidence.. sooo I guess I might as well answer it now,
I am aware that people use they/them for Seam. But -> my version <- of Seam goes by he/him.
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I don't reeallly have a Splatoon AU..? And I haven't played Splatoon in a while- although I do still like it and have made some Splatoon ocs!
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These drawings are pretty old. I've been meaning to come back and re-draw them haha <XD
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Yeah its okay to tag like that. Like "seam and jevil" or "mario and luigi". That's just tagging them as being in the same post, no big deal 👍
Also no, no art of any kind. If you truly wanna show that you appreciate my work then leave comments. Maybe reblog once in a while or send me an ask. The comments don't have to be anything complex. You could leave a "Looks great!" comment on 50 posts of mine in a row and I will see what you're doing and appreciate it endlessly.
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(I most likely will lol XD) Also thank you! I'm glad you love it! :DD
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Honestly I can see Seam wanting nothing wrapped around/touching his wrists for a while.. even though they need it. But he could accept cold rags being dabbed on the wounds to ease the stinging.
As for what he'd eat? Dude- anything XDD Probably a burger to start. He'd just take a big fat bite and cry about how good it tastes 😭
And yeah! Now that he has his full range of movement he has his cat like flexibility back :}}
When it comes to Seam using his magic? Its hard for a while...
He hasn't used it consistently in so long.. he would be rusty, and probably anxious to use it again. It would take a lot of sparing and gentle guidance from Jevil and probably Asgore to get his grove back.
It would also take time for him to physically heal. Having his body's energy constantly drained has really effected his ability to control his magic. He would need a few weeks of good sleep and hearty meals before he could get his groove back. But he'll get there. With the group/Jevils support, he would eventually be back to the way he was. Equally matched with Jevil. :}
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Thank you!! :}}} 🌻🌻
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I don't remember that, did he do that?? Kwazii whyyy that's nasty XDDD
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Seam is frightened and confused but appreciates the message! XD
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Joy. There's just joy and relief everywhere.
There has been a constant anxiety over this group- not just Jevil, that Seam would suddenly collapse and die. Finally succumbing to the chains draining properties.
Now that the chains are off? Seam will heal. He will eat and stay full. He will absorb those calories and turn it into energy. And he will keep that energy. When he sleeps he will wake up feeling rested. He will heal, he will live.
For Seam, it was almost too good to be true. It just, it blew his mind. He was free. He was really free. No more pain, no more aches. No more hunger. His freedom truly starts here. The relief he felt can't be described. He cried, hard. But he also laughed, and for the first time in years, he smiled.
And Jevil? He couldn't speak. He just cried and cried and cried.. He couldn't let go of Seam. He couldn't stop looking at his wrists. Exanimating them over and over again. As if he couldn't truly believe it. All the anxiety, all the worry, all the sleepless nights. They were all over. Seam was gonna live, he didn't have to worry anymore. He couldn't let go of Seam, he couldn't stop shaking, he couldn't stop crying. He couldn't stop smiling.
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They will likely leave some kind of permanent scar on Seam yes.. but his floofy orange fur hides the scars around his neck. And the scars on his wrists will be somewhat covered up by his fur. So thankfully they wont really be noticeable. <:)
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Heck yeah. After they cry their souls out together they go and crash for like 6 hours or something XDD
(Also funny username, made me laugh! XD)
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WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And heck yeah!! Feel free to send me your AU stuff when you're done/ready! I'd love to see it! :}}
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@ocinstituterep I imagine he's just reeeeally quiet about sneaking out. My Kwazii doesn't sneak out though he knows better XD
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Thank you so much! Also Spongebob has angst??? :00000
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Things are mostly better!
Little Red got her knees fixed, Escorts broken down a few times but he's currently in working order! Suburban is stiillll a work in progress... undrivable at the moment- :x
Greenie now takes all 4 limbs to start, Brown is out of the garage and U.M is out of the trailer! Pretty good stuff :}}
(If any of that made sense to you I applaud you for your dedication to my Transformer ocs <XDD)
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She does exist, although I didn't have any real plans for her.. maybe she was just a gal that the bros knew in passing back on Earth.?
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I feel like none of them would willing visit that old stage.. expect for maybe Foxy. I feel like Foxy would be a very emotional and tender hearted character. I can see him not wanting to "leave them behind" in a way. He would come back now and then and talk to the stage as if they were standing on it and could hear him. The staff think that Foxy's programming just hasn't properly registered that Chica and Freddy are gone. And in a way.. they're right..
Foxy cant let go of their memory. And despite how much it would ache seeing that empty stage, I can see him coming back to it anyway..
This also means that part of the reason why Bonnie and Foxy clash so much now is that Bonnie is trying to snuff out any memories and feelings of the past. Meanwhile Foxy is wallowing in those memories and refuses to let go.
If any of the four of them had to preform on that stage once again? Oh man. That would hurt. It would kill Foxy to stand in the place of his late friends. He would feel guilty, ashamed.. Monty and Roxy also couldn't handle it. They would be crushed. Monty would likely get emotional and angry. Roxy would want to run and hide her face. Maybe the three of them would find a way to fake a malfunction so they could just get off the stage..
But Bonnie? Man. Maybe he's so overwhelmed that he just goes on autopilot and finishes the performance. Only to have a complete mental breakdown in his room later.. being so close to the memory of Chica and Freddy.. its crippling to him.
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Daww, thank you :}}}
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
On a serious note, why do you not like Derision? I mean, I can guess why, but I’m genuinely curious to hear your thoughts (if you want to).
What have they done to my boy?!
I guess we'll start with the whole "trauma" thing since that's how the episode starts - with Marinette going on a date with Adrien at the pool but constantly getting heart palpitations at the very idea of it. And not good lovey-dovey crush ones like Sabine thinks. The Actual Panic Attack kind.
This just feels unnecessary AND too late. Unnecessary because there are plenty of pre-established reasons why Marinette could be hesitant to go all in with Adrien (Being Ladybug, the 354th other times going for Adrien has failed or left her humiliated, Being Ladybug). So I don't know why they invented a trauma for her in the final hour and didn't think it was worth talking about before now?
They really came up with this whole scheme to explain why Marinette does Marinette things, like learning Adrien's schedule, planning out everything before she tries to make a move, needing to know everything about him, as if the show hasn't been mocking her for these exact traits and allowing them to blow up in her face over and over again. But NOW it's due to her TRAUMA. So...retroactively when her friends laughed at her or slapped their foreheads in frustration or the show framed her failures as a joke...we know it's actually from a tragic place and can't laugh anymore.
I mean, I was never laughing, but you get what I mean. They framed it like it was part of the comedy and now they're pulling the rug out from under themselves. How are you supposed to laugh when Adrien brings Marinette constipation medicine, or when her pictures of him are blasted all over Paris Television, or the *ugh* Statue Scene plays out and now you know that this is just adding to her pre-existing trauma? They have shot the show's rewatch value.
I never thought Marinette needed a "reason" act the way she was because those were always just kinda The Things Teenage Girls Do when they have a crush. I've admitted in the past to learning my crush's class schedule just to orchestrate running into each other in the hallways more often, and if their crush had public interviews and magazine pictures, I'm pretty sure most kids would also cut out their pictures to keep and would read and remember the interviews. I never really saw her behavior as that weird for a girl her age with a crush and recognize some cartoon exaggeration.
...Stealing his phone was a little weird, though, I'll give them that though Alya is the one who suggested it first...
SO, we enter a long flashback to One Year Ago (with Marinette now on her third Almost-Akumatization, good lord) and learn what life was like for Marinette pre-Origins, and oh boy. It's hell. She's making up illnesses to avoid school, avoiding all contact with anyone in the courtyard, having cockroaches put in her locker, having the Principal catch her "late" for class (after she had to clean herself up from a water prank), gets yelled at by the teacher for being late, sits in paint, mocked in class and then yelled at again by the teacher for pointing out the person mocking her probably planted it, and gets Saturday detention. All in one day. And when anyone tries to talk to her or even glares at the person responsible, they get threatened too.
The main reason this is hell is because Marinette is being let down by every single adult in her life. Sabine just laughs and tells Marinette that she only has a few weeks left with Chloe and it's not like she'll be in the same class as her next year.🙃 Well, why don't you make SURE she doesn't?! Maybe this is just an American vs French school thing, but where I come from, it's totally within your rights to request that your child not be put in the same class as someone else, they could at least put in a throw away line about her parents TRYING to move her, but Chloe's not allowing it JUST to keep Marinette close to her. And maybe take this a little more seriously, Sabine- your daughter is faking illness to avoid One. Girl. That should be concerning, not "lol my daughter is so silly for trying to get out of class."
Damocles finds Marinette and yells at her for being "constantly late" and praising the "anonymous notes" (signed by Chloe -_-) for always alerting him when she's behind, and then later gives her Saturday detention for...someone clearly planting paint on her desk chair? He sees a victim of bullying and punishes her for it. At the end of the episode he even suspends Socqueline for something that happened outside of school, yet in "Jubilation" she's pumping him up as The Best Principal?! Does this show thinks we're stupid or something?!
Mendeleiev also yells at Marinette for being late. She allows Chloe to make fun of Marinette for looking depressed when she comes in and allows Chloe to mock Marinette for sitting in paint, but when Marinette doesn't even stand up for herself but just accuses Chloe of putting the paint there, THEN Mendeleiev has something to say, and it's to Marinette? For "groundlessly" accusing the only person in the room laughing at Marinette, the one who was just making fun of her, the one who kept her eyes on Marinette so she could watch her sit in the paint?
Marinette tells Socqueline that all the adults are scared of Chloe, but that's not what I saw. Sure, at the end of the episode Damocles is afraid when Chloe pulls a "Lady Wifi" to force him to punish Socqueline for smashing Sabrina's phone, but the sequence of events played out more like the adults participating in the bullying. It wasn't like Damocles was sympathetic to Marinette and then Chloe cleared her throat, so he straightened up nervously and started berating Marinette. It wasn't like Marinette accused Chloe and then Chloe glared at Mendeleiev, forcing her to finally intervene. All the adults see what's going on and are either completely oblivious or don't care.
Also, Chloe totally unprompted says this:
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GET A LIFE, what is your PROBLEM?! Like, why have a flashback episode and not have it explain what Chloe's fixation on Marinette even is?! It doesn't have to be big or anything! Like, have Marinette trip and spill something on Chloe in art class! Just do something!
And like, I totally get that irl bullies just choose their targets for no real reason and this is just another example of that, but to this level?! Just...get a hobby!
And then there's the big thing they did in this stupid episode. The unforgivable. The reprehensible.
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This fucking guy.
It's been so long since we've seen Bully Kim that I was pretty sure he was left behind entirely on the draft floor. Sure, Kim is still capable of being insensitive or not thinking long-term, but he was a good kid. He roots for his friends and wants everyone to have a good time.
Hell, I could even buy that Kim was dumb enough to believe Chloe when she claims what he did was a funny practical joke that they'd all laugh about later...until Socqueline came up and yelled at him that he should be ashamed of himself.
And Ondine yelled at him in the present that he should be ashamed of himself.
And it's a year later and he should have realized by now that he should be ashamed of himself.
Kim is dumb, that's just a fact, but the way he doubles down and is so sure of himself that NO it's everyone ELSE who has a problem because they can't take a JOKE? Like...why?! Why did they co-sign on this character assassination?!
Just make him become akumatized because he's A S H A M E D of what he did now that he's finally sitting down and thinking about it a year later! He can keep the same look and motif, just have Monarch stroke the part of him that doesn't want him to be the jerk, the old Kim! It's totally normal, especially for a kid, to want to believe that they're not the bad guy even with all the evidence pointing to it, so I could even see the akuma being exactly the same.
But naur, it's KIM who talks like a right-wing podcast douche bag, complaining that you can't just speak your mind these days and everyone needs to get a sense of humor, they just don't GET it man, this is just how he IS brah, take it or leave it! His akuma's even named "Dark Humor", like edgy losers on reddit who make racist/sexist jokes and then get mad when he's downvoted and boo'd out of a forum. God, we just CAN'T TAKE A JOKE I guess.
I'm glad this is resolved by Ladybug gluing a toilet to his head.
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I just...I feel like this could've worked in Season 1, or Season 2. Like...put it before Dark Cupid or before Syren or something. That way, Kim being a total douche is the starting point of his character arc, not the Season 5 Post-Hero Run point, ugh.
It'd also make this stupid line make more sense:
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I'm sorry, the girl who got you akumatized after she humiliated you in nearly the same way you humiliated Marinette? I guess that was "just a prank bro" too, right?
Establish Marinette's problems with romance early, so she can overcome them or at least give them the proper context. It'd at least make the show look better if they hadn't made fun of her for 4 Seasons only to drop this bombshell on us at the end. You know...the thing that they just did.
This episode just isn't fun. I hated "Illusion" because all you get to see is the bad guys winning and outsmarting the heroes, but "Derision" is a marathon of seeing the absolute misery Marinette was put through, just to jump forward to the present to destroy a character that I really liked.
Would a kid even like this episode?
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aealzx · 7 months
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After Leo left with Donnie, Leon strode over to Raph with a displeased expression. He wasn’t sure if Donnie was out of earshot enough yet, so just made a series of rapid gestures at Raph as Raph shifted to be seated instead of kneeling. Raph ended up looking sheepish, but also tried giving an excuse for it being okay. Leon didn’t seem convinced, crouching down near Raph’s wrapped leg and tenderly poking at it to inspect it.
Glancing over to make sure the other two were out of sight, Raphael stepped over to his counterpart. “Need me to move him?” he asked, keeping his voice quiet just in case. Leon flinched at the sound, but it seemed to just be because of reflex and not because it was actually a problem.
“Raph can do it-” Raph assured, starting to move before Leon shoved a hand in his face.
“No, Raph can’t. Just because you can create a shell around your limbs doesn’t mean they aren’t being used,” Leon huffed, earning a snicker from Don as he shifted closer as well, just in case.
Raph ended up giving Leon a halfway convincing pout, but ended up relenting since Leon had a point. The movement hadn’t been completely painless. He’d just not wanted to leave Donnie and April on their own.
“Don’t worry about it kid. Once you get better I’ll let you pick me up too,” Raphael consoled, thinking that Raph just didn’t like feeling helpless.
“Really?” Raph asked, expression brightening.
“Sure,” Raphael shrugged, crouching down so that Raph could sling his arms around his shoulders to allow him to heft him onto his back. “Just don’t blame me if I turn it into a wrestling match instead.”
Raph just laughed, not minding at all if that ended up happening either. “It’s been fun to get picked up for once. So of course I can return the favor,” he agreed, being a little more relaxed this time since he knew Raphael didn’t have any issues carrying him.
The response caused Raphael to raise a brow in surprise, but he ended up just huffing in amusement as he started the trip back to the couch.
“Hey April?” Don started, moving closer to April to start addressing his question that had come up because of the mild skirmish.
“Yeah?” April voiced, sticking next to Lil Mikey but still turning to face him.
“What did you mean by Leon spiraling off of Donnie?” Don asked, partially repeating what she’d said, the words not making sense to him.
“Oh. Ever since the-... a few months ago it’s been hard for Leo to tell if he’s feeling his emotions or Donnie’s,” April answered, cutting herself off at first so she didn’t prod at any nerves that may be recently irritated. “So if Donnie gets upset Leo will get upset too, and then they both get protective, which makes them-”
“April,” Leon interrupted once he noticed what she was talking about after making sure Raph was back to a comfortable place. The sharpness of his tone caused Don to blink in surprise, wondering if he’d asked about something he shouldn’t.
“What? It’s not a big deal, and if they know then they’re less likely to make it worse,” April protested, placing her hands on her hips.
“It’s none of their business,” Leon countered, eyes narrowing defensively.
“Is this related to the- umm. You know what, nevermind,” Mikey started, cutting himself off when he realized they hadn’t actually told any of their guests that they had figured out Leon had traumatic flashbacks.
“Related to what?” Lil Mikey persisted, leaning to the side slightly in his curiosity.
“Nothin,” Mikey responded quickly, avoiding the topic while averting his gaze to the ceiling. It only caused Lil Mikey and April to narrow their eyes in suspicion, but he was luckily spared from their scrutiny when Don took over.
“Mikey, it’s fine. It’s better they know anyway,” Don assured, his voice growing more soft, especially when their guests looked at him in wary confusion. “I told the others that I was pretty sure Leon has flashbacks from trauma. I know it’s a little personal, but I didn’t want them getting upset with him if he ended up lashing out at them,” he explained gently, noting how Leon’s folded arms became hands tightly gripping his upper arms as his eyes widened.
“Oh! No, it’s not that- not really. Leo and Donnie are just twins,” Lil Mikey clarified easily, not thinking it was a big deal.
“MIKEY!” Leon snapped, rounding on his little brother and just barely keeping from swatting him.
“What?!” Lil Mikey shot back. “It’s not like it’s a secret with how you laud it over everyone.”
“Well maybe I didn’t want them to know this time!” Leon shouted, a hand flinging out to gesture at Don and the others.
This caused April and Lil Mikey to scrunch their brows in confusion, Lil Mikey pulling his head back slightly. “Since when did you-?”
Lil Mikey started to argue, but April reached out to rest a hand on his shoulder. They didn't need to be antagonizing Leon again, especially when he was already double stressed from this whole situation and Donnie’s mood. “Leo…You were always so proud of it before. Why don’t you want them to know?”
Leon ended up drawing a stressed breath that he let out through his teeth, raising his hands to helplessly try and smack words from the air to give an excuse before giving up and blurting the reason. “Because I'm tired of being a hindrance!”
“Leo. It’s okay-” Lil Mikey started, quick to reassure Leon that he wasn’t a hassle, and they really didn’t mind helping him.
“No it’s not!” Leon shouted, arms punching down at his sides. “You guys already have to deal with all of us freaking out all the time over stupid things. You don’t need to deal with my other problems- Donnie stop it!”
Don had to admit he wasn’t fully following exactly what Leon was saying other than picking up that a lot of pent up emotions were spilling from a bubble that had just popped. But when Leon suddenly cut himself off, addressing Donnie who wasn’t even there anymore, Don quickly knocked his brain from trying to apply what he already knew to the situation to mentally throwing all options out and starting from a blank page. Which ended up making it extremely hard for him to react since he had switched completely into observation mode.
“Don’t give me- It IS my fault! You don’t know what I- What do you mean so what? You’ve done worse? I doubt that- Just stop- I’m in the middle of a crowd of people ” Leon’s words sounded like he was talking to, and continually being interrupted by someone who wasn’t there. Raphael ended up watching for a bit before looking at Don and jerking his thumb at the kid in question. To which Don could only semi hesitantly shake his head. He didn’t think it was a flashback, especially since Lil Mikey and April were both just standing there with mildly confused by otherwise content expressions.
“...Dangit Donnie… That’s not fair,” Leon’s voice significantly changed after a short stretch of silence when he shifted from being stubbornly avoidant, to curling in on himself before not being able to hold back fat tears around a shaky smile. At this point April and Lil Mikey broke their stationary state and moved forward to bump against Leon, wrapping their arms around him quietly.
“... I think it’s time for both of you to take a break,” April said quietly, rubbing Leon’s back as he quietly hiccuped. “I’ll take over. Let’s go,” she beckoned, nudging him over towards the couches where Raph and Raphael were.
Giving a slight nod, Leon allowed April to usher him over to the couches, rubbing his eyes and staying hunched. He still had a faint smile that helped the others not be too concerned. But when they got close enough to where he was standing Raphael couldn’t help react to a subconscious idea, abruptly stepping forward and snatching Leon into an air stealing hug. It earned a wheezed huff from Leon, who then blinked in surprise before eventually looking up for a possible explanation. Unfortunately Raphael didn’t have a good one. “...You’re a great kid,” he half muttered pathetically, not sure why he chose those words.
It earned a snort from Leon, though he didn’t seem completely opposed to the compliment. “What are you, my mom?” he asked, the sarcasm not quite there as Don silently noticed the unusual choice of using mom instead of dad.
It was Raphael’s turn to snort softly now, and he responded without thinking too much. “I wish.” He wasn’t sure why he said that, he’d never wanted kids before. But it was surprising enough to get Leon’s head to snap up so he could look at Raphael better. “I know I’d be real proud of all of you if I were your dad. You’re pretty impressive kids. Even without all the mumbo jumbo mystic stuff.” What had Master Splinter said? Just rely on his instinct and don’t overthink it? Leon seemed rendered speechless by the comments, and Raph and Lil Mikey also looked rather surprised. It was like they weren’t used to hearing someone tell them they were proud of them.
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I'm too tired to give this a third read through |D
I sat down yesterday ready to struggle to write even 100 words for this, but ended up finding the perfect song to just throw on repeat and ended up writing 3300 words X'DD so here's the first half since I don't like posting more than around 1500 per post unless it's a really bad break point.
This section and the next one are learning heavy into the Rise Leo and Donnie have a twin thing headcanon.
also none of this or the next section was planned. I just sat and wrote self indulgence as it came to mind |D enjoy if you will
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linos-luna · 8 months
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My Queen (Pt. 6) 🔪
Yandere!Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
(Pt. 5) (Pt. 6) (Last Part)
Warnings: Stockholm Syndrome, Yandere, delusions
—————————————————— 👑
"I'm so excited to see Jihyo today," you said happily as your boyfriend helped you change. His response was silent, unsure of what to say.
"It's been so long since I hung out with her," you added as Hyunjin slipped a sweater over you.
"I hope she treats you well," he said quietly, kneeling to tie your laces.
"Oh, I know she will."
"We'll be away from the castle; I'll have to be on high alert."
"I know," you nodded.
"I wish to please you, but if it's unsafe, we have to leave."
You nodded again, watching him getting changed himself. He was stuck between the need to make you happy and the need to keep you safe.
"I just want you to be safe," he mumbled, a trace of anxiety in his voice.
"Yeah, I know—" you began.
"Outside—it's dangerous... don't take her away," Hyunjin snapped, he was looking elsewhere as if lost in his own worries.
"Jinnie—" you started.
"Don't take her away!" he snapped, holding his head, leaning against the wall, and sobbing quietly. "Don't take my Queen... don't leave me."
"Jinnie, don't worry," you reassured with a frown, attempting to reach for his arms. He kept them still against his head, groaning a bit.
"Are you okay?"
"Headache," he muttered.
"Do you want to take something?"
"Don't worry about me," he sighed, lowering his arms. "I-I'll get it."
You worried for Hyunjin—I mean apart from his delusion that you’re actually a queen and this was actually a castle. He gets these headaches often and seems to get really anxious on the rare times you go out.
In all honesty, you did too. The outside world just seems so scary. I mean, why would you need to go outside? Everything you could ever want or need is here.
"We don't have to be out for too long," you suggested, following him to the kitchen.
"No... you deserve to get what you want," he replied, looking down at you, holding your hand, and raising it to kiss. "My dear Queen, you're always so kind... this world doesn't deserve you."
~~~~~~~~ 👑
It was a little tense… to say the least.
Meeting up with your friend Jihyo at the local restaurant brought a mix of happiness and awkwardness. The place required ordering upfront, and a server would bring the food. As you waited, Hyunjin kept a cautious eye on Jihyo and your friend stared back.
“It’s been a while, y/n… we missed you.” She said, finally speaking up after some awkward silence.
“I missed you too Jihyo.” You responded. “Sorry I’ve been so busy.”
“With what?”
“With Jinnie of course.” You giggled. “He brought me back to the castle! Did you know we’re currently working on a garden? We started growing strawberries!”
“You don’t go out much. Why?”
“She had no reason to.” Hyunjin finished. “I serve her.”
“I just don’t understand—”
“Maybe we shouldn’t talk about that!” Hyunjin blurted out. “After all, it’s the queen’s birthday.”
Your friend was a little unnerved and confused. Did he just call you the queen?
“How’ve you been, Jihyo?” You asked sweetly.
“I’ve been fine…” she started before noticing your ring. “Wow that’s pretty. When did you get that?”
“A few weeks ago.” Hyunjin answered. “We will be getting married soon.”
You nodded as your boyfriend stood to go to the restroom. When he left, you leaned in close to talk to your friend.
“Jinnie doesn’t want anyone there but I think I’d want you at my wedding.”
“Just me? What about your parents?” She replied, a bit confused.
“Why would I do that?” You responded with a disgusted expression.
“… because they’re your parents?”
“I wouldn’t want to invite abusers.” You said bluntly. “My dad was so mean. Did you know he would beat me?”
“What?! No he didn’t!” Jihyo was taken aback, not sure where this was coming from. “Y/n, your parents love you! How are you not remember your childhood right??”
“I actually can’t remember too much. Jinnie says when you can’t remember your childhood, it means there was trauma.” You said with a shrug. “He says they were bad to me.”
“Well he lies.”
“No he doesn’t.” You frowned.
Jihyo sighed. What has he done to you??
“Y/n! He’s brainwashed you!” She snapped.
“He loves me, jihyo.” You said with a frown. “No one loves me like he does.”
“What’s going on?” Hyunjin came back, looking between the two of you with an annoyed expression.
“Nothing Jinnie.” You replied. “Just talking about the wedding. I want her there.”
“My love… are you sure?”
“Yeah I think she’s sure.” Your friend mumbled with her arms crossed.
Before anyone could say anything else, a server came over and dropped off the food.
She watched in confusion as he fed you. It was odd how you acted like it was completely normal. You’ve never been like that before.
“You know… she can feed herself…”
“Yes.” Hyunjin rolled his eyes. “But she prefers me to feed her.”
“Does she?”
“Yeah I do.” You said suddenly looking back at your boyfriend with a small giggle. “I love you, jinnie.”
The room fell silent as everyone ate. Hyunjin watched your friend closely, she was bothered by how you seemed so willing and submissive to him. She remembered when you used to be independent and handle yourself. Now, it felt like you were a different person, and she couldn't shake the frustration and resentment building inside her.
Jihyo thought about going to the police but figured it wouldn't help. You're an adult, after all. You just need to say you’re there willingly. Things got a bit weird when Hyunjin whispered something to you.
As you finished, you turned to Jihyo.
"I'm tired. Maybe I should go back to the castle for a nap."
"With no cake?" Jihyo asked, raising a brow.
"I'm full," you replied, looking at Hyunjin.
"Okay," Jihyo said, getting up. "Nice seeing you again, y/n."
"I'll text you the wedding details when we finalize it, okay?" you told her.
"I look forward to it," Jihyo nodded, and that was that.
~~~~~~ 👑
Once home, you were filled with excitement for opening your friend's gift. Sitting on the bed with Hyunjin, you quickly removed the tissue from the bag, revealing a plushie.
"It's so cute!" you cheered. "She always knows exactly what I like!"
"Cute like you, my darling," Hyunjin added, making you blush.
"Take your afternoon nap, my love," he suggested, patting the pillows. "I'll get your cake for later."
"Okay," you agreed as he kissed your forehead. As he left the room, you examined the plush; it’s an old teddy bear. It felt oddly familiar, like you've had it before, but you couldn’t figure out why…
After a nap, Hyunjin gently woke and guided you to the dining room, revealing a small cake with candles representing your age.
"What did you wish for, my love?" he inquired.
"I wished to stay in the castle with you forever!"
His happiness radiated as he heard your words. He always knew you were his queen, destined to be loved by him for all eternity.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 👑
I have a thing against finishing on even numbers(unless it’s 10) so last part coming soon.)
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wonwoosstuff · 9 months
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Seawind | wonwoo x fem.reader (fluff)
Pairing: husband!wonwoo x wife!reader
Genre: married couple, wonwoo’s obsessed with his wife, vacation, too much fluff, words of affirmation, physical touch, kisses (like a lot), slight angst, pet names (baby, hubby, love), reader is shorter than woo, comfort ,established relationship, romance
Warning: death of a loved one (mentioned)
Summary: you’re on vacation with your husband. Your trip starts on a cruise ship. Wonwoo goes upstairs on the deck and observes the expanse of the sea while thinking about your marriage.
A/N: how in the world did this turn into a slightly angsty fic??? Also I’ve been thinking a lot about hubby wonu. Hope you enjoy my very first (I’m not even kidding) ff.
It has been three years since you got married to Wonwoo. Your husband encountered you at the worst part of your life. When your father passed away five years ago, you grappled with the intricacies of emotional coping. Throughout that period, Wonwoo stood steadfastly by your side and continued to do so. It is without a doubt that you’re immensely grateful for your husband.
Reflecting on your trauma, Wonwoo has been delicate with you, like handling a piece of porcelain.
He was leaning against the ships railing gazing at the sea. Thousands of thoughts were wandering through his mind. A sweet and familiar voice brought Wonwoo back into reality.
"What's on your mind, hubby?" you inquired, leaning against the railing. Your free hand delicately caressed his back as you smiled at your husband.
"Nothing much," he replied. It was true that Wonwoo wasn't adept at expressing his feelings, but he excelled in deciphering minds, particularly yours.
"Well, that didn't seem like 'nothing much,'" you playfully added. A grin formed on his lips. Wonwoo, who had been gazing at the water earlier, turned his head to look at you.
His big figure hugged you. Oh how he loved you so much. “Thank you for being my wife.” He said.
"Oh, wha—I mean, you're welcome," a laugh escaped both of your mouths. "I'm just kidding. Baby, that's so sweet." Wonwoo fell silent for a moment. You were leaning against his chest, hearing his heart beating fast. His chin rested on your head. All you could hear at the moment was the satisfying sound of sea waves lapping against the ship and your hearts pounding loudly. Your arms enveloped his waist.
In his arms, you felt secure. Safety and comfort were attributes you deeply admired about Wonwoo.
“Love?” He broke the silence. You hummed softly in response. “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known. You should know that I’m proud of you.” Facing each other your husband leaned in and connected your lips. He kissed you passionately yet delicately.
What followed after were sweet and tender kisses interrupting you mid-sentence.
“Won” -kiss- “woo”-kiss- “I“ -kiss-“love” -kiss- “you.”
"I love you too, wifey," Wonwoo expressed, lifting your chin with his hand to meet his gaze. A blush graced your face. "Your new makeup look suits you," he chuckled. You hid your reddening face in his chest, hugging his waist. Your husband smiled so profoundly that his gums began to ache.
This vacation was going to be your best one. You were pretty sure about that.
It’s pretty short. Sawwwrryyy. I wish me a husband like Wonwoo though. Is that too much to ask for?
©️ wonwoosstuff do not copy or translate!
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Battle Scars // Bob Floyd
-> An Official Flight Deck Blurb
Summary: Robert Floyd doesn’t take his shirt off at the beach. But when the shirt stays on during sex? You start to wonder what he’s hiding.
Warnings: Mentions of parental Abuse. Mentions of Child Neglect. Foster Care Systems. Mentions of family trauma. Bob Floyd x Female!reader.
Word Count: 2.1k
Author Note: Day Nine of Whumptober. Prompt I chose: ‘Scar reveal’ Thank you to @ailesswhumptober for the prompt list.
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People have secrets they keep close to their chest. Some are small enough to not cause a ripple effect onto others, and some are big enough to destroy lives, crush dreams, alter realities. 
Bob Floyd wore his secrets across his chest. Scars that made his torso look like the Rocky Mountains. Littered with small to medium size scars that healed wrong, healed over, or healed with anger. 
They weren’t pretty. If anything he wore a roadmap of abuse on his body that was hard to face in the mirror every morning. He never wanted to subject anyone to the sight of his scars, some red and raised, others faded but turned a deep purple in the cold. 
“Mornin’ gorgeous—“ Bob's morning voice was something you’d never get tired of hearing. Those lazy Sunday mornings where you’d wake up to find the Naval Aviator already awake and reading whatever book he brought with him in his overnight bag were starting to become your favourite thing. “How’d you sleep mama?” 
“Like a log.” You yawned, creeping closer and closer to where Bob sat on the opposite side of your bed. His T-shirt clad back pressed up against the headboard while his legs stayed covered by the sheets and covers of your warm, inviting bed. “I thought I had an early body clock.” Being a single mum and small business owner left little to no time for sleep-ins, which usually meant you were up before the sun got a chance to kiss the horizon good morning. “But here you are, Mr Military Man with your internalised alarm system.” 
Bob couldn’t help but to chuckle as he closed his book and placed it on the bedside table you cleared just for him. Whatever this was between you and Robert Floyd you really liked it. He was the first man you’d ever paid attention to since your fiancé died. Bob was like a breath of fresh air and so was North Island. No one knew you, no one judged you, no one cared about the demons that haunted you. 
“Force of habit I guess.” He shrugged before he sunk lower and lower, meeting your eyeline once again as you both settled in under the warmth of the covers. “How long do you think we have before Oliver wakes up?” 
“Hmmm—“ You tried to hide your eagerness through a hum that kept your lips pressed together in a fine line. “He knows Sundays are bacon and egg roll mornings.” You began as your arms wrapped around Bob's shoulders. 
His lips were hot against the supple skin of the juncture of your neck, in response your body ignited, sending waves of energy through your body that only Bob could create. He was just different. 
“So like, five? Ten minutes maybe?” Bob looked up from where he’d been leaving small
but affectionate kisses against your collarbone and met you with a lust filled gaze. He was falling head over heels in love with you. “Because I only need like two—“ 
“Oh well in that case we have time for two rounds.” You teased before rolling yourself up and over to straddle Bob's waist. He let you easily. If he wanted to, he could have fought back. The thing with Robert Floyd was that he had a sleeper build. He wasn’t as buff as some of the other Naval Aviators that frequently stopped by the Flight Deck for their morning or mid afternoon caffeine hit. With the amount of sugar and caramel syrup you dosed Hangman with on a regular basis you weren’t entirely sure how he managed to maintain his muscle density. 
But for as much as Bob was a gentle soul, he was strong and fast. He enjoyed a long run every now and again. But for all intents and purposes—he let you be on top. He liked the view. After all, he was just a simple man. Boobs were pretty cool. Especially your boobs.
“Can I ask you a question?” You cooed all the while Bob's hands trailed up your hips. You wore nothing but one of those silk nightgowns that made you look like an angel. The bed hair was cute, Bob liked you first thing in the morning. It was a side of you only he got to see. The side before the makeup, before being put together– he liked it. The authenticity. For what it was worth, Bob just really liked you. 
“Depends what the question is?” Bob replied as his hands squeezed at your hips, rolling you gently back and forth over his boxer brief clad length. “I’m kidding, ask away.” 
He had been expecting the question sooner rather than later. And with how things were going between the two of you Bob knew he would have to come clean. He was just afraid of what you might say. What you might think, and if his scars would be a deal breaker. They were, after all, a part of him that he couldn’t get rid of. 
But even expecting the question to come didn’t make it any less hard to hear. 
“How come you never take your shirt off?” You wanted to approach the question as politely as possible. “You don’t have to tell me, if you aren’t comfortable, I just—I’ve just noticed.” You saw the hesitation in Bob's baby blue eyes as he searched your face for any kind or fear. “Again, you don’t have to tell me.” You reminded the man lying beneath you as his hands stilled on your hips. “But I want you to know that if you’re hiding some sort of third nipple under there—I’m all for it.” You tried to make the conversation a little more lighthearted, Bob could appreciate that. He smiled softly at you while his hands needed at your hips like dough. 
Bob didn’t say much after that, he simply laid beneath you stroking his hands up and down your exposed thighs as his mind ran rampant with memories. He hated his scars, but most of all he hated the people who gave them to him. 
“You’re a waste of space!” The memories were all too prominent even after all these years. “I wish I never gave birth to you!” His mothers words were as cruel as she was violent and unpredictable. 
“You’re the abortion I wish I fucking had.” The abuse Bob endured went with him everywhere, even well into his adult life. He learned not to complain, to cause a scene. “Stop crying for fucks sake kid.” He learned not to show emotion when it wasn’t asked or needed. 
“You did this to yourself, if you had stayed out of the way, none of this would be happening.” But most importantly he blamed himself, for hiding his scars that clearly showed how strong he really was. 
Bob sat up to meet your eyeline. For a man haunted by so many scars he certainly had the softest of eyes. He gently tucked your hair behind your ear and placed a fleeting kiss against your forehead, all before he reached up and over to take his shirt off over his head. 
What you saw rendered you speechless for a few moments as you took in the terrain that was your, well, you wanted to say boyfriend but Bob wasn’t even officially that, torso—littered with scars he surely would have called ugly on the best of days. 
“It’s a lot.” Bob whispered just barely above an audible level as he chucked his shirt off to the side. “But they’re not going away, ever.” It was almost as if Bob had struggled with that notion himself. He wished he could have them removed—expunge from his record. The tales of parental abuse he suffered before collecting more in the foster care system. 
“Oh Bob—“ You tentatively reach out to glide your fingers over one of the many scars that were angry, red and what seemed to be risen. “You don’t have to hide these from me, ever.” Bob's heart was racing a million miles inside his chest, no one had ever touched him the way you were now. With so much love, with kindness, with understanding. “What happened here?” Your fingers gently glided across the scar down near the waistband of Bob's boxers. Right above his hip bone. 
“One of the kids in one of the foster homes I was in.” Bob began, you could tell he was uncomfortable talking about it, but you didn’t stop him. You knew if anything he would stop if he didn’t want to talk about it. “I think his name was Ryan, had an old bow with those barbed edges on it.” You knew where the story was going. “It got wedged in there deep when we were playing around, but our foster parents didn’t have insurance, so they weren’t gonna take me to get it removed—so they ripped it out and poured bourbon over it.” Your heart sank into your stomach. “I was nine.” 
“That must have hurt a lot.” You replied gently as Bob laid back down in your bed with his hands resting behind his head. His roadmap of scars on full display. “What happened here?” You moved your hand to the longer scar across his left peck. It seemed less angry, more healed, but the story attached was just as heartbreaking. 
“When I was eighteen I went back to see my parents.” Bob's eyes were tearing up. He hadn’t ever spoken about this to anyone. Not even the people he trusted with his life. You were the only one. “It was a mistake, I shouldn’t have, but I needed some closure.” Your fingers gently ran the expanse of the scar that had never been touched but another person. Bob wanted to stop you out of fear you’d leave—but he willed you to continue because it felt comforting to be touched with such warmth. “My dad ran at me with a knife the second he saw me—I remember he was rambling on about how I broke my mum's heart when I went with CPS. I’m lucky it was only a graze, he still got me good enough to leave a scar though.” 
“Bob, honey, I don’t even know what to say.” You were a mother yourself. You couldn’t ever imagine doing anything of the sort to your son. Bob reached up to guide your hand across his torso to his wrist—you’d seen those small circle cluster scars time and time again but never bothered to ask what they were from. 
“These are from where my mum and my foster mum would put their cigarettes out on me.” Again, it made your heart sink, but Bob never faulted as he guided your hand around his body, back up to his stomach just above his belly button. Ridged abs peaked through the softness of his skin. “This one is from when I had to have surgery after I got an infection. Doctor said I could have died if my friend and I didn’t walk ourselves to the emergency room.” 
Bob wanted you to touch every last scar that littered his body, he wanted your gentle touch to heal his old wounds. So you let him guide you as your straddled his waist and looked down at the roadmap of torture. 
“These smaller ones are from when my dad swung the whipper snipper at me, I was in his way, I shouldn’t have been there, I remember they wouldn’t stop bleeding and ruined a bunch of my shirts.” 
“None of these are your fault.” All his life, until he joined the Navy and ran as far away as he could, Bob had been told every scar he collected was his fault. The abuse he suffered as a child, from his parents and in foster homes, was his fault. “Someone who loves you doesn’t do this to you.” You reminded the man who laid beneath you. He could hardly breathe with how hard his heart was hammering in his chest as your hands trailed over the expanse of his torso. “Bob I don’t know your history, but from what I can gather about you in the present you are all but the problem.” You were the first person to ever tell him he didn’t deserve the scars he wore, the scars he hid. 
“You’re a really good person, you know that right?” Flashes of your own war blinded your vision for a moment. The lies and haunting rumours that had you running as far away as possible could came flooding back to you in a blur as Bob sat up to kiss your lips softly, tenderly, and all so lovingly. “You don’t know how much you mean to me baby.” The term of endearment sent a shiver down your spine you weren’t expecting. But you welcomed it nevertheless. Bob was a dream, your new beginning. 
“I reckon you’ve got about three minutes to show me.” You teased, deciding now was not the time to bring up your dead fiancé. “With the shirt off—“
Whumptober Tags 🏷️ @xoxabs88xox @oldermenaremyreligion @slut-f0r-u @emma-is-cool @armydrcamers @topguncortez @topgun-imagines @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 2 months
"Go For the Throat" ~ jake peralta x reader
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tw! fighting, hitting a throat, self-defense, genitalia mention, laryngeal trauma.
sum! "Have one of them teaching the other self-defense or fighting and one of them accidentally hits the other too hard." (ai fanfic trope again lord save me)
I'M SO MAD, THEY DIDN'T HAVE A B99 LIKE PICTURE THING IDK WHAT THEY'RE CALLED. I'M 𝒶𝓃𝑔𝓎. js fyi i did watch b99 while watching so im pretty up to date on his character 😉😎 also established relationship between jake and reader
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You weren't a detective but you did have a detective boyfriend. Who says he's "put a bunch Gruber's away"? Whatever that means.
Anyways, having a cop boyfriend meant that you were safe. When he was there at least. Otherwise it was up to you to keep yourself safe.
Except you never really got taught how to defend yourself. But recently Jake offered to teach you self-defense.
You were on your way to the 99th precinct, after looking up what to wear when you practice self-defense. It said comfortable clothes you can move around in: you brought tennis shoes, t-shirt, shorts, no jewelry.
You go to the detective floor for Jake, after grabbing his attention he took you to the gym. He had on his gray shirt and jeans. God he looks so good.
"i don't know what to do." You confess to him, looking at his body not his face.
He chuckled, "thats the whole reason you're here. Because you don't know what to do."
You roll your eyes at his witty response. He then starts to teach you what to do.
"I'm gonna teach ya how to throw a punch, kay?" He said a tad more seriously.
You nod your head, then he goes further to explain.
"Okay you wanna make sure you're always covering your face. so put your forearms in front of your face, but make sure your fists are still able to throw a punch." He does it as he explains, showing you a visual aid as well.
You copy him, as well as his spread feet that he didn't explain.
"Okay, good. But I'm gonna warn you, you're not always going to be able to do that so I need to see how good your punch is." He explains.
You look confused, "How am I supposed to show you?"
"Punch me."
He says it so carelessly meanwhile you're freaking out, "What? Why?"
"So I can see how you strong you punch? I feel like I made it pretty clear?" He says with his confused, teasing smile.
You roll your eyes at his sarcastic come back, "Where?"
"uhh my stomach. No that might could hurt bad... uh my.. hand!" He says, while he was thinking about it he was doing that thing where he looks around a bunch.
You snicker at his antics before hitting his hands, the way he told you to do it. You hit hard enough that every time you hit him his hands went back. He also wasn't known for being the strongest. No matter how much Jake had told you otherwise.
"Noice, okay now let's do a body part where it wont move backwards when it gets hit." He has his proud, genuine, sweet smile on as he says this, "Hit my shoulder"
"Won't that hurt?" You put your hands down a little more as you look at him concerned.
He rolled his eyes and laughed, "Thanks babe, but I'm so buff that I probably won't even feel it."
Again, you roll your eyes and scoff at his comment. God he was gaslighting himself.
"What I'm saying is there a bunch of strong, tough bones in your shoulder that will hurt if I try to fist my fist through it?" You said, matter-of-factly.
His face came to a realization of what you meant then he smiled, "Oh yeah, smort. Hit me in the chest, it'll hurt less. Especially with all of these... chest bumps... that I do with, uh, my gym bro's."
You shook your head, putting your fists back to the way he instructed you.
You meant to aim or the chest.
You thought you were hitting him a little below the collar bone.
Except you were a little off. You hit him in the throat.
He was making a wheezing noise, holding his throat. Your hands were still near your face, but this time they aren't kept in fists. They're flexing as you freak out.
"Oh my god, Jake! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to!" You say panicked.
He doesn't respond, he's still bent over an end table, holding his throat, wheezing.
You grab his phone, unlocking it, and call some of his coworkers upstairs to join you. Those being: Amy, Charles, and Terry.
They all come downstairs after seeing he had been put in a group chat with the only message reading, "come to the gym NOW."
They then see Jake gasping for air. Charles was the first one by his side.
"Jakey! Are you alright?" Charles asked panicked as well.
Jake gives him a look of concern and confusion (eyes widening and brows furrowed).
"What the hell happened down here?!" Terry asks somewhat loud, "Peralta I'm gonna take you to the hospital."
Charles, Terry, and Jake all leave. Jake getting admitted to the ER more than likely. Leaving you and Amy alone. Together. Where you probably just killed Jake.
"What happened?" Amy asks, genuinely just confused.
That's when you word vomitted.
"Jake was teaching me self-defense so I could protect myself when he isn't around, he told me to him in the chest but I missed and hit him in the neck!" You speak at a rapid pace.
You feel so guilty, he has a now life-threatening injury because of you. Amy comes up to you with a sympathetic look, rubbing your shoulder, "When the sarge texts me I'll let you know and I'll take you to the hospital."
You nod your head at her comment, appreciating her kindness.
About half an hour later Amy gets a text from Terry and she takes you to the hospital in her car.
You were allowed to visit him in his room, Terry had to drag Charles out so you two could have alone time.
Jake wasn't weezing anymore but his voice was super raspy.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. I did not mean to hit you in the throat. I meant to punch you in the chest, like you said. I feel so bad." You again rant.
"It isn't 100% your fault. I should've gotten you to punch the actual punching bag, the thing that is made to punch." He says somewhat regretfully, still coming out in weird teasing tone.
Your eyebrows were practically knitted together. He could see the guilt, pain, and regret in your face.
"Don't feel bad. We're both at fault. Hitting me in the chest also would've hurt me, and risked my heart. The doctors said I have Laryngeal trauma," He tries to explain, "but they also said that nothing looks severe and that I should be back to normal soon."
You nod, understanding that nothing is too severe. Still, you feel bad that this whole time you could've avoided this. If you were smart enough to say, "Hey! This isn't a good idea, let's just use the punching bag!" or if you had just done what he originally said and punched his shoulder.
"I think that is what you should use that move for self-defense." Jake says jokingly.
You rolled your eyes at him and laughed, "or kick 'em in the genitals. Hurts for girls and guys."
"I don't want to practice that move with you."
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I couldn’t reblog the og post bc ig Tumblr’s ruined the code, so this is a copy of it. Please give credit to the og posters.
It dosen't really matter that Percy isn't hurt by Annabeth insulting him all the time and sometimes even being physically violent to him(he should be because that's a realistic response from an abuse and bullying survivor but i digress),not just because he's a fictional character and not a real person with free will,but also because that's Annabeth's way of showing she fucking hates him.Her treatment of him has literally not changed since they were 12 yet nobody in this dumbass fandom can shut up about how ~developed~ their relathionship is cause they make out now and are planning on having a dysfunctional cishet marriage while trashing the characters of color for being 'annoying'.
Percy and Annabeth are not 'made for eachother' because Rick wrote everyone in-universe as telling them that and i'd like to remind y'all that this is the same guy who wrote Luke,an adult serial abuser and ped0phile,as a 'hero' because of the Great Prophecy.Destiny means jack shit and Annabeth and Percy-ESPECIALLY Percy,who's been doomed to trauma over and over again despite his best efforts to escape it-should've been allowed to choose who to love instead of having it shoved down their throats by both everyone in their franchise and the creepy weirdos in the fandom too
Hi! As someone with ADHD who's been in several abusive relationships before, I figured I'd add something about why it IS actually realistic that he doesn't appear hurt, but that's actually even more alarming. So it starts with meeting them (obviously) and especially if they don't really have any healthy romantic IRL relationships to compare it to (which the books go out of their way to emphasize that this is the case) then it can be really hard to notice when red flags like that start to come up. "Oh it'll get better!" "They're still adjusting to it!" All of which are valid! There's healthy relationships that start rough and there's relationships that start really well and then something happens that doesn't go super well and it turns bad real quick. I've been in a few of both. The problem comes when it still happens after they're asked to stop, which is what happens in Percy Jackson. This can lead to things like "Oh they're just kidding, surely they don't mean it!" "Oh that's just how they flirt/show they love me!" Which, again, is fine IF IT'S WELCOME. However if it's not then eventually it's "Oh they're just like that." "Oh it's fine I guess, it's not like I can stop it." Just because someone doesn't complain doesn't mean that they're consenting. It means they're resigned to the abuse. And that means that he's internalizing and normalizing it. "We don't hear any real negativity towards Annabeth in Percy's thoughts though!!!" Well no but we don't hear any love either. We don't ever hear any thoughts about her really ever. Nothing about how pretty she is or how cool she is or anything. Percy Jackson has thoughts about EVERYONE. As someone with ADHD, this level of no thoughts is concerning and no basis for a relationship. He deserves someone who will treat him well. She deserves someone who thinks about her fondly. Both of them deserve better but they both need to undergo some character development and serious therapy first.
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