#questioning elfkin
elfkin-culture-is · 1 year
How can you know if you’re elf kin? /genq I’ve always been super connected to elves, from such a young age I remember obsessing over them and wanting to be one really bad…but I’m so new to otherkin stuff and I have no idea where to go, and your blog was the first to pop up. Sorry if me asking this is inconvenient!! /gen
not inconvenient at all ! i love helping others :3
first off, disclaimer: i am fairly new to this community and my own alterhumanity, but this is what i've found helpful:
1. accept that you might now ever 'know' for sure, but you can be fairly confident in your identity.
2. similarly, know that identity is fluid, and just because one label is correct at one time and it isn't at a later time doesn't mean it wasn't true.
3. when you're questioning a specific kintype, i find it helpful to write out all the reasons you think you're that kintype. then look over that list and see if each thing could be explained by something else. do that enough, you'll have a fairly good idea about whether that kintype is the right one.
4. there's a lot of labels in this community. and i mean a lot ! i'll link a resource with a bunch of definitions at the end, but just know this: you absolutely do not need to label yourself if you don't want to. these labels are here to help you describe your experiences and explain them to others, but they are absolutely not necessary, and if you feel more comfortable just labelling yourself as x kintype, go right ahead !
5. have fun ! you're learning new things about yourself, try not to stress too much. if you have anymore questions or if you just want someone to walk through this with you, my dms are open.
here's that link: https://otherkinresources.carrd.co/#definitions
if you scroll to the bottom and click the home button there's a lot more information, that link is just the definitions page.
my only other advice is just to get involved in the community. ask questions like you are now, follow some tags, have fun !
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aura-dragonfly · 2 years
Omg wei didn't know these exist until today.
Like moon elves of d&d skywing elves are described as: "the least ill-willed towards the humans."
I really feel a connection here especially to the colors gray, blue, and purple. We really think either Sora or Twilight is one of these. But wei just don't know. Sora is into video games more so especially racing games but also nature but not sure how to reconcile that in muir head. It seems to contradict itself. Like I thought them being into gaming they wouldn't really be into going outside and being outside and being a nature being. Whether it's elven or nymph or whatever is yet to be determined. Wei know always really been the tomboy type and kind of hyper or as much as the body with chronic pain and EDS will allow. Hm.
And Twilight is fairly new ish like a month or so. So still figuring her out fully. If anyone has any kin help please lmk. Maybe wei thinking too much into it, I don't know. I just know what I feel. What definitely feels right is Aura being moon elf, Yuki being alien, dog/warewolf kin is probably right for Soma, and Indigo I'm pretty sure is a little girl fairy. It's Sora and Twilight that gets confusing. Sora has always been a tomboy, hyper human. But I know that side of me really feels connected to the wind and to trees especially oak and tried to imagine we could "treespeak."
Thank you if you had the patience to read my ramblings. :)
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kitsune-pop · 3 months
how do I talk about furry rights without people rolling their eyes and ignoring me? how do I bring up issues like online bullying and exclusion from communities without people calling me "one of the annoying ones?"
furries, in many ways represent transhumanism. now, I don't personally believe every single furry is a transhuman, or even give the concept much thought. however, the very existence of furries reflect the tenets of transhumanism. the idea to reject one's very species, to find comfort and camaraderie with others who share your feelings, to make changes to your everyday life in order to pursue that comfort. you can replace "furry" with "trans" and nothing would change
both furries and trans people have communities that overlap almost completely. I myself am a furry, and I have many fursonas. I am also a therian, otherkin, otherwise known as transhuman. I feel a level of discomfort not just in the perceived gender of my birth but in my human body. I very much wish I was a fox, and often fantasize about being one, or being turned into one in an entirely non sexual way. (if it was sexual, there still wouldn't be anything wrong with it because pursuing personal happiness can only be a good thing)
regardless, concepts like transhumanism have been a part of the furry community for as long as there was a furry community. some of the earliest records show in the summer of 1990 people online who identified more as elves than humans call themselves "elfkin," and as this new vocabulary spread, there were people who identified as animals, both fictional and factual, and they were initially labeled as "otherkin" by elfkin to differentiate from their specific community, and otherkin has more recently been described as "therian" in modern conversations. and we as a people can also acknowledge that the idea of humans turning into something nonhuman is a concept that has existed for as long as man has an understanding of the difference between man and beast. and even further, we know people who have sympathized with the nonhumans, or identified with their plight, in some way, shape or form. this is most often seen in queer communities
now, with this understanding of the idea of furries out of the way, is it any surprise that a huge amount of the trans community, as well as the lgbtqia+ community as a whole, also identify as furries? the modern interpretation of nonhumans existing as themselves happily? the idea that even though you are different, you are still loved and supported by like-minded individuals? is it such a surprise that so many of us had fursonas when we were younger? that as we matured and our understanding of our identities grew and became more complex over time we began questioning fundamental parts of our identities? I, for one, did it backwards. I transitioned, came out as a lesbian, and only then did I become a furry. and since I had all the hard parts of my identity out of the way, that meant I got to scrutinize my concept of what being a furry meant to me. and it allowed me to see the parallels between the trans community and the furry community
telling your family and being mocked. telling your friends and them treating you like an outsider. being outed by others in public spaces and facing public ridicule and shaming. feeling uncomfortable in your body. performing affirmative actions to alleviate the feeling of physical and mental discomfort. finding community online. talking to others and realizing you are not alone, you are not wrong, there are so many others like you. learning new ways to express yourself. still having a feeling of discomfort in how other people, outsiders to your community, will react if they find out what you are. relationships not working because of this part of your identity. only feeling comfortable in spaces exclusive to your community for fear of being gawked at and made unsafe. physical abuse directly because of how others interpret you as a threat, or something that needs to be "fixed." the words "trans" and "furry" are interchangeable here. and in many cases for furries, all of this is applied to them if they simply are furries and don't necessarily identify as therians or otherkin. then it can be seen as a direct one-for-one experience, unfortunate as it is
if more evidence is needed, think about how furries are treated online. the word "furry" itself is treated almost like a slur, calling someone a furry as a derogatory joke, or discrediting them because they are a furry. not to mention the proliferation of aggressive misinformation to further slander the furry community as a whole, such as them being sex crazed freaks, pedophiles and rapists (sound familiar?) the idea that there are "good" and "bad" members of the communities, ones you should listen to (the ones who are palatable, who keep it private, who aren't therian) and the ones you shouldn't listen to (the weirdos, the ones with weird pronouns, the ones who wear weird things out)
trans panic has gotten so ridiculous that there has even been an attack on the furry community by legislation. senate bill 3084 in Oklahoma banned the use of litter boxes in schools based on the rumors of furry children "demanding" this be allowed. this not only shows just how ludicrous the anti trans legislation that's been swallowing up the country has gotten, but how easily furries gets swept up with lgbtqia+ in cishet spaces. I would expect more sympathy for the furry community by the trans community at least, if not the larger lgbtqia+ community. and yet furries are still allowed to be made out to be jokes and insults.
now, I'm not saying that furries have been the target for systemic oppression in the same way the lgbtqia+ community has. but what I am trying to say is that we should step up and defend those who have been by our side every step of the way, cheering us on at parades and helping us figure out our identities. there are a lot of problems with how people both on and offline treat furries, and how it is just allowed to happen. because if you speak up against violence towards a community, you are labeled as "one of the bad ones"
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elluendifad · 3 months
Hi!! Could you talk a little about what following Tolkien elven religion is like for you? (Only if you want, of course.)
I'm a very newly awakened elf and I've just started reading the silmarillion. I haven't even gotten that far yet, but already it's the most connected I've felt to any religious system/religious lore before. I'm considering practicing Elvish religion, but idk. I feel a little strange saying I want to practice a religion from a work of fiction, y'know? (Please don't take this as me saying your beliefs are strange— I think they're incredibly cool. This is very much just a me thing.)
Anyway, I guess my question is something along the lines of How did you realize this was the religion for you/What do you believe wrt Tolkiens work being or not being fiction?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and doubly so if you choose to answer! Have a nice timezone :))
Alatulya, welcome kin! this one is a little long so there is a break. i also accidentally hit publish early, so we will see how editing it works lol.
table of contents: 1. my personal history and variety of practitioners 2. dealing with fictional mythology + my fave paper on this 3. specifics of tolk elven religion
Eldarin religion has been my primary religion (buddhism and my eclectic animistic witchcraft also there and co piloting) for seven years. I have been working with other eldar on our own group experience of this religion for two or a bit more years. I have taken a bit of priestly service role of collecting and organizing materials and keeping track of the calendar, which we call Loa and which assigns different holidays and themes in order throughout the year. i suspect this role is agreeable and natural for me as minya, but that anyone could do it. the degree of demand differs depending on the person, and i would say that much of my time is set to thinking of or practicing our religion. others have less involvement, and some of us feel our cosmology and philosophy is more cultural than religious the way humans might think being a member of a religious group should be. as for my own journey of getting here, i have been otherkin for most of my life and many years of that was 'generally a nature spirit type thing.' which became 'an elf but i am not sure what kind.' which then became 'oh god… am i one of those hoity toity tolkien elves?' bc there is a cultural expectation among elfkin that tolk elves are more dour and care what color clothes you wear or something… turns out that is not true! or, at least, i have not met these grim arbiters of what is becoming of the firstborn! reading the silm and other texts in the legendarium to fill in what i had absorbed from the hobbit and lotr (books and movies) was the lightbulb in the dim cellar. i use a mixed spiritual and psychological theory of origin and function for my several theriotypes and elven kintype, and this experience filled in some gaps i had just been sitting with. i personally feel that i am living one continuous eldarin life--awoken at cuivienen among the minyar, lived and died, spent my time in mandos, and was reembodied here. my sense of memory is dim, and i generally assume that is just a sign that memory is not necessarily important for this part of my life the way it was in arda. it is a great honor to live this life and to find other eldar and folks of all kindreds to share my love of life with. it was natural to transition from my magic and religious work with nature spirits to a cosmology centered on the legendarium-some of the spirits i still work and live with admit they are maiar, others are not maiar and are of the many kinds of spirit and sprite that entered into ea after its foundation to explore. our working relationships and the techniques i use for magic have stayed much the same. so how i do it is just one example in a variety.
2. i will answer first on dealing with the fictional aspect and wrestling with the nature of constructed or pop culture or modern mythology spirituality-the individual beliefs differ there, too!
for my part, i do not think the legendarium is a factual history of this actual world we currently live in. i do think jrrt was channeling something, and may or may not have been kin himself of arda reembodied here.
i think ea, like most faerie realms, is both here and not here and you have to open yourself up and step into it. once most people have experienced the enchantment of an otherworld, they are never fully able to drop the sense of it. i do feel that the legendarium makes a suitable mythopoetic 'history' for powers and themes that apply to both this world and ea and where they overlap, and that the legendarium becomes more historically factual the closer you move into ea and the further you go from current earth.
there is a lovely paper that i surely have annoyed everyone with titled the tolkien spiritual milieu by Markus Altena Davidsen of the university of leiden that really gets into the anatomy of constructed religion and what is present in certain medias that lends itself to that anatomy, which he calls 'religious affordances' in the text. it details a number of groups of many varied beliefs in the tolkien spiritual sphere, some active and some long gone, and i feel that it is a great way to expand one's vocabulary and mental concept of constructed religion and the wide variety that is possible in such constructions. the pdf is available from the university website here
if you check out mr davidsen's other published papers on that website, there are several others also relevant to fiction sourced mythology and spirituality including some by other authors.
3. that being said, there are religious affordances for the eldar in the texts, but not necessarily enough for a fully fleshed out practice as is prepared and given to new members of various world religions. it will take a bit of crafting, but we elves do love to craft! most of us blend legendarium cosmology and philosophy with practices or philosophies we are previously familiar with, like neopaganism or judaism or etc etc.
we have developed some structure in the forms of: a multiply layered observational calendar for the six seasons, eight holidays, twelve months, and seven days of the week; the fourteen valar and several named maiar associated with certain valar; the panentheistic experience of the creator Eru; and the use of witchcraft, meditation, devotional or worship activity, enchantments, glamor, and arts like music poetry painting crochet etc.
most of us practice our own personal flavor by ourselves, and group rituals or ensorcelments are rare at the moment. we are all exploring, and i would be thrilled to hear about your own explorations and what calls to you!
sooo… basically i have a worship and work relationship with our gods and supportive spirits, and give observation on the schedule of the loa. i have daily practices, like offering of beverage an thanks or an oil anointment of my body, and then weekly practices like an eruhini veneration and well wishes for the dead. and monthly practices on the full and dark moon, which is focused on the vala of that month, where i usually do spellwork for the constellation. there are holidays at the start of each season and at the solstices, where i will sometimes do magic for the group but is usually about the personal journey. the one time another elf was physically with me i did do some small rituals including that elda. my herbalism work is inherently religious to me and i also count both learning and practicing herbalism as a devotional activity, same with going on walks or drumming.
i invite you very earnestly to reach out any time and through any means you are comfortable with, and i wish you a very blessed full moon of winds. hantanyel ar namarie!
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months
idk if that elfkin/lotrkin question was a genuine open question or not, but- we're still here :) Most of us that I know are not actually literally from lotr in any fictionkin sense, just good ol' elves. Same way as wolfkin aren't from wolf media (usually.) I'd never thought about my elfkin nature and fictionkin nature at the same time... They're so distinct! hehehe!
Of course, for some of us, our elf nature *is* better represented by LotR than it is by, say, Christmas elves. A lot of us do indeed have things in common with the Legolas-type of elf.
Anyway, yes, we're here. Forums are active, discord servers are humming, and et cetera. You can still find folks from those 70's elfin organizations, kicking around alive and well on the internet. Sorry for the long answer, lol, I'm just a chatty little elf.
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ithriel-coins · 1 year
hmm. i've been thinking about my kintypes. i know i'm elfkin and catkin, and that i'm a shapeshifter. i'm pretty sure i'm wingkin, although i'm not sure of the specifics. i've questioned dragonkin, and foxkin, but i don't /think/ those fit. right now i'm questioning if i'm celestialkin.
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flockofphoenixes · 6 months
New intro post to introduce some of the other members of the system 📯
• bodily age is twenties
• we are autistic, ADHD, and we have dysgraphia, dyscalculia, C-PTSD, PMDD, Persistent Depression Disorder, and Anxiety
• use they/them, it/its pronouns for the collective as a whole
The Team Collective
Sage 🌱 (they/it/one/dude)
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• spacialian
• bicurious and quoisexual
• Human
• likes: artificial intelligence, programming, physics
• tag: #sage-speaks.txt
Midnight Raven 🧙🏻‍♀️ (fang/goth/vamp/they/she)
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• Vampiregender, fanggender, other xenogenders
• vampirekin
• Lesbian
• likes: metal and hard rock music, witchcraft, haunted houses, scary things, wearing black, saving the environment
• reblogs witchcraft stuff, sustainability stuff
• tag: #midnight-speaks.txt
Juno 🎨 (use their name instead of pronouns)
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• agender
• asexual
• Human
• likes: art
• reblogs art, probably too shy to post art
• tag: #juno-speaks.txt
Aster 🐱 (meow/mew/they/it/she)
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• gender questioning
• catkin
• bisexual
• likes: cats, cute things, writing, piano, classical music
• tag: #aster-speaks.txt
Scarlett 👩🏻‍🦰 (she/they/fae)
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• GNC Woman, feisolvulpic
• Lesbian
• Human
• about ten years older than the body
• likes: more action / fighting / competitive video games
• tag: #scarlett-speaks.txt
Raine Cedar 🧝‍♂️ (ae/they/he)
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• Nonbinary Man
• Elfkin
• a few years older than body
• likes: animals, calmer RPG video games
• reblogs animal things, cottage core things, goblincore things, elven things
• tag: #raine-speaks.txt
James 🤵‍♂️ (he/him)
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• Man
• a couple years older than body
• isn't on here much
• tag: #james-speaks.txt
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alterhumanthings · 1 year
An Introduction
My two names are Dhor and Fa'nir. They are the closest I can remember to my deity and angel names respectively.
I am polykin. Deitykin is the one I feel most strongly, and as a deity I was a polymorph, so it's two for one, lol.
I'm also angelkin, dragonkin, cryptidkin, faunkin, caninekin, dollkin, and rabbitkin.
I'm questioning if I am demonkin, incubus/succubuskin, satyrkin, faekin, elfkin, and felinekin.
My kintypes are mostly past-life types, though I feel some of their instincts and have multiple phantom limbs from all of them. I have memories of some, but not all, of my kintypes.
I'm experimenting with pronouns at the moment so they may change, but I'll always be comfortable with he/him. The others I'm experimenting with are ze/zim and fae/faer.
I'm physically in my mid 20s. I'm not good with kids or teens; I'm open to DMs but only if you are at least physically 20, thanks.
DNI: zoophiles, non anti-racists, pedophiles, etc.
This is a sideblog
Feel free to DM me if you'd like to talk, either for fluff reasons or for emotional support; being otherkin can be difficult at times, so we should help each other when we can
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apstynsears · 2 years
Hi! I would be interested in learning more about nefur'un and gara'ul. Can you say a bit more about them?
Yess! So first thing
TW: fantasy anatomy (mentions of s*x characteristics & g*nitalia)
I'll start with Gara'ul! Gara'ul can be both a kin and kingender. Gara'ulkin is seen as the elven sex, Gara'ul, and it not seen as a gender. As a sex, they appear extremely androgynous and have very few masculine secondary sex characteristics if any. Their genitalia is not similar to any human sex, and they are very close to infertile. They do have the slight chance to impregnate 3 of the 7 sexes. There are 3 sub categories of Gara'ulkin, called Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3, Type 1 being the most androgynous and Type 3 being the most masculine. Those who do not identify as Gara'ulkin or any form of Calamaor elfkin may still identify as Gara'ulkith or Gara'ulhearted (meaning otherhearted). The flags are here:
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Gara'ulkin Type 1
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Gara'ulkin Type 2
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Gara'ulkin Type 3
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There is also Gara'ul (kingender) which is the gender version of the Gara'ul, created by the society of the elves. The Gara'ul represents an androgynous, xenine, genderless, & masculine gender. The amount of masculinity in this gender can vary from being very strong, very weak, or fluctuate. This kingender is exclusive to those who are otherkin, specifically Calamaor elfkin. Those who do not identify as any form of Calamaor elfkin may still identify as Gara'ul kithgender (meaning otherhearted). The flag is here:
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Now for Nefur'un! Nefur'un can be both a kin and kingender. Nefur'unkin is seen as the elven sex, Nefur'unkin, and it not seen as a gender. As a sex, they appear extremely masculine and have many human male secondary sex characteristics (deep voices, body hair, facial hair, adams apple, muscle mass, etc.) Their genitalia is more similar to the female human sex, however completely different at the same time. They do have the slight chance to become pregnant from 3 of the 7 sexes. There are 2 sub categories of Nefur'un, called Type 1 & Type 2, Type 1 being closer to the masculine side and Type 2 being closer to 50/50, but still masculine leaning. Those who do not identify as Nefur'un or any form of Calamaor elfkin may still identify as Nefur'unkith or Nefur'unhearted (meaning otherhearted). The flags are here:
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Nefur'unkin Type 1
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Nefur'unkin Type 2
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There is also Nefur'un (kingender) which is the gender version of the Nefur'un, created by the society of the elves. The Nefur'un represents an strong tie to masculinity and/or manhood/boyhood (in a completely xenic and nonhuman way), but also with ties to androgyny and femininity, however the masculinity always outweighs them. The amount of androgyne and femininity can be strong or weak. This kingender is exclusive to those who are otherkin, specifically Calamaor elfkin. Those who do not identify as any form of Calamaor elfkin may still identify as Nefur'un kithgender (meaning otherhearted). The flag is here:
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I hope this answers your question fully! <3
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bappledilk · 2 years
In the very first otherkin post I made on my blog, I said that I was questioning elfkin/elvenkin…  Just here to say that absolutely nothing has changed about that.  This whole time, I’ve just been here like… am I?  I may be an angel, but nature is very closely related to my kintype, just as much as the afterlife is.  On top of that, I feel a deep connection to things completely unrelated to angels, but very much related to elves.  I know that my kintype is one being… so I’m either an angel of nature, as mentioned in the past, or an angel/elf hybrid (which I like to call angelf lol).  I have so many questions ughhh.  :’)
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elfkin-culture-is · 1 year
greetings ! this is an x culture is blog for all elfkins / elvenkind / elves ! please no discourse or drama ! this blog is a safe space for all !
submission info :
- submissions are always open
- please start your ask with "elfkin culture is" or "elvenkind culture is" or "elf culture is"
- feel free to specify a subspecies at the start of your ask, such as:
forest elkin culture is...
space elfkin culture is...
- feel free to combine other kin types or labels / identities in your ask, such as :
catkin elfkin culture is...
queer elfkin culture is...
tagging system :
elfkin culture = culture related asks / posts
asks = non culture asks
important = posts like this one, announcements
other = anything else ! this will be elfkin related reblogs, promos, or anything miscellaneous
* note if you want, you can tag me in elfkin related things you make like art, poetry, etc, and i'll reblog them ! *
about me :
hi ! i'm ithriel, my pronouns are they/them. i'm a shapeshifter, elfkin, catkin, wingkin, and i'm questioning several kintypes ! you may or may not know me from my main blog, @/ithriel-coins.
i'm starting this blog because i feel like there isn't a lot of elfkin content on tumblr, and i wanted to change that !
some other things to note about me are that i'm queer, neurodivergent, mentally ill, a minor, and a witch ! if any of that makes you uncomfortable, please just block or ignore me and move on. if you send hate it will be deleted. /srs
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lesbiantherian · 2 years
Quick question, if you don’t mind me asking? Does trans-species mean the same as being otherkin or is it another word for used in context of being nonhuman/alterhuman? I’m a bit rusty on the terms nowadays, I don’t wanna make a mistake or seem uneducated. Thanks! :)
It is similar to otherkin, but transspecies individuals often wish to take steps to transition irl. For example, one could be elfkin, but they would be considered transspecies if they wish to get surgery that would permanently alter their ears and wished for everyone to know them as an elf instead of as a human.
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karak9 · 4 years
looking for elvenkin
(is it elfkin? idk, elvenkin sounds cooler)
I don’t know why it’s been hard to find good information on elvenkin, like I still don’t know what really defines an elf, or what being an elf is like. I haven’t seen LOTR since I was a small child and haven’t really consumed any other elf-related media, so I feel like I know nothing about what it really means to be an elf. But the thing is- I’ve been realizing that maybe I am elvenkin. I’ve had this weird vague nature-y kintype for as long as I can remember, but found it difficult to find the correct label for it, and most of the time, I didn’t even know what it was, just that I felt an abnormal connection to nature.
So, if any elfkin are out there, send help pls. I’d love to have some elves to talk to, whether to help me figure out my own identity or just learn about elves. Even if it turns out I’m *not* an elf, elves are pretty heckin awesome and I’d love to learn more about them! What even makes an elf an elf? Are they just magical people with pointy ears?? I wanna know!
Or even if you’re not an elf yourself but know about them, feel free to message me! I definitely wouldn’t mind more friends haha c’:
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Ask me anything! Well, almost.
I’m bored and sleep-deprived. Ask me questions. Just nothing you wouldn’t ask a minor. Have fun!
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Official Coining Post ☄︎. *. ⋆
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Kinaceflux is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum where one's sexual attraction fluctuates, changes, etc. depending on what kin one is.
For example, one could be fully asexual and sex-repulsed when angelkin, while they could be more cupiosexual or mollsexual when dragonkin. ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅☾☼☽⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅☾☼☽⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
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Kinaroflux is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum where one's romantic attraction fluctuates, changes, etc. depending on what mental shift kintype one is.
For example, one could be fully aromantic and romance-repulsed when dogkin, while they could be more cupioromantic or mollromantic when elfkin.
These orientations are exclusive to those who identify as otherkin.
Both Kinaceflux and Kinaroflux were coined on May 10, 2021 by me
The flag was made on the same day by me as well that coined the term. It has no confirmed meaning.
Can be added to dictionaries, wikis, etc. as long as nothing about the term is changed, and the definition isn't altered in any way
if you have any questions or anything, feel free to dm/ask us on here!
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mechanical-sunchild · 3 years
Fictionkin musings
First of all, I'm aware that a reason a lot of alterhuman's have a kind of...weariness, misunderstanding or confusion about fictionkin is the same reason they have it about any kintype that is largely humanoid in shape or appearance. For example, an angel, ghost or a humanoid android. That is, there seems to be a general feeling of if it's 'basically a human' then there somehow wouldn't be the same experience of nonhumanity or altered humanity? Now that is largely a concept and talk for another post, but it links back to fictionkin and the a large basis or why people look at it as 'you must just be projecting' or 'it's a comfort character'. I mention it as a way to say that I understand why you would go down that path of thinking, as it does seem 'entirely different' from an outsiders point of view. There are lot of otherkin out there right now identifying as 'fictional' or just 'unproven/mythical' if you will, animals or creatures that don't get looked on as critically, though of course still receive plenty of questions and invalidation from time to time. The lesser gatekeeping on say, a general dragon, as opposed to someone who identifies as Tohru (Kobayashi) is because people understand the 'other' meaning 'different from being a human(oid)'. Which is again, understandable, although everyone would be wise to remember the large community of elfkin who were there from the beginning, far far before there were any internet communities let alone of this size to invalidate their humanoid appearance. But what's to say that 'other' can't mean 'different from the current you'? Or simply 'having lived a life in an identity other than your current life'? Or 'identifying as someone or something other than your current self'? Whether or not you believe in the multiverse therefore, shouldn't matter. People identify truly as fictionkin or some variation with the same intensity, seriousness and feelings that your regular catkin feels about being a cat. If they believe they were that character in another universe, are still that character in that universe by some connection, are that character but from an AU canon, are that character because of psychological reasons, were always that character but were memory locked until the media existed here, or could only have a connection to that life once the media existed here or they just don't know why what they do know is that the character is them etc it doesn't matter. They are that character and embracing that part of their identity in a healthy way can only be beneficial for that person, allowing them to be who they are as a whole.
And oh yeah, a common factor between animal otherkin and fictionkin is that this is not a choice. We do not choose our fictionkin identities (unless it's copyinglink perhaps) any more than a wolfkin chooses to be a wolf just because that's a cool and popular animal. And yes, it can cause dissonance to look at yourself and not have the hair, eyes, face, voice, gender etc that you remember. To not live where you once lived, or know the people you once knew. Even if the character you are had no special gifts or powers, you can feel like you're living the wrong life. And so what if that character was the person's fave first before they realised it was a kintype? Or it's a popular character from popular media? Can you honestly say that there are no otherkin who aren't 'popular animals' or animals that started out as childhood faves? Lemme tell ya, I'm not even kin with the character I changed my name to when I transitioned, let alone my fave from every piece of media I consume. Deep analysis and thought is given by a good majority of sincere fictionkin at all times. But maybe someone out there is kin with someone from every piece of media they have ever enjoyed, so what? If they understand that it's 'as' and not 'with', they aren't KFF and they mean it seriously. It doesn't matter that fictionkin is the most common label for KFFers because they misunderstand us and the whole community. Sincere fictionkin exist and we belong to the alterhuman community, we need a place to be someone or something 'other' than 'us' without judgement or being told we're just roleplaying or playing pretend.
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