#recovery intake
monsters-for-meals · 2 years
little weight loss ideas
these are just a few things I like to do throughout the day to burn a couple extra calories!
Dance breaks! As a student, I love to take dance breaks when I’m studying. It’s a great way to break up those sedentary hours.
Never take the elevators! I always like to take the stairs. This one’s kinda obvious though.
Standing while working! Standing definitely burns more calories than sitting, so I like to stand while I read or scroll edblr.
Do the “tv show workouts!” All of those “do 10 squats every time Chandler laughs” and “do 15 jumping jacks whenever Eleven uses her powers” type workouts are so much fun.
Take the long way! I always park the farthest away from the grocery store in the parking lot or walk the longest route to class to get steps.
Pacing! I, for one, like to pace when I think and it helps burn a few extra calories when I do.
Inter mural sports! I’m not good enough to be on any of our teams at uni, but there are always pickup games to join when I’m on campus.
Alright, that’s all I got for now.
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st4rv3me · 16 days
Todays hospital lunch
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I wiped the chicken bc it was OILY and my dad took one potato
Didnt eat the bread with cheese thats on the side but I drank the glass of milk
Total was about 270? Idrk
Also this was my last hospital lunch bc my dad helped me to get discharged from the hospital bc they just didnt help at all with my 4na sooo 😊
Idk what to post now bc I only posted my hospital lunches 😭
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If you have ARFID and you tried a new food recently I am very proud of you. So few people understand what you're dealing with around eating but you are being very brave.
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arfid-is-hecc · 6 months
It was a bit hard to eat; it was pretty thick and had a strong flavor, but I was able to eat most of it!!
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rambrosius · 1 year
My therapist suggested last week that I try to recover from ARFID again and I really really want to. I'm just so scared. I'm tired of being scared of food all the time and latching only onto one or two meals and eating exclusively that for months and months. I hate cheese pizza right now but it's all I've been able to muster this whole semester. But it's all I know how to do and food legitimately scares and overwhelms me. I know avoiding recovery is just going to make the problem and anxiety worse but I just want to metaphorically hide in a dark cave until the danger passes. Tomorrow I am going to try and come up with reasons why it's worth it, and remember that I don't need to make big changes right away. Maybe a Pinterest board will help? Idk I'm just so conflicted and tired.
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loserwitchkid · 9 months
people who put their diet/calorie counting/pro-4n4 content in the ED Recovery tag...
wtf is wrong with you???
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morethanpicky · 1 year
Some tips for practicing increased food intake specifically related to the lack of interest type of Arfid are:
- Set timers on cell phone 3x a day and make sure to eat something. A big theme for people who identify with the lack of interest in eating or food is suppressed hunger cues. This means that a persons body won’t alert them when they should be hungry. Setting reminders to try and eat something are helpful to not ‘forget’ to eat, when it would otherwise be easy to.
- Ice packs. A big issue that one could face when increasing intake is feeling full/ bloated. This can be an uncomfortable sensation but it will pass with consistency. To help distract from the uncomfy feelings of being too full, you can try to use ice packs on your abdomen, back of neck, or arms.
-Radical acceptance. This is a DBT skill and in short it is the practice of accepting what is. You don’t have to like or condone it, you can just accept it at face value. This is really helpful when you have lack of interest in food because you can fact check by knowing that you need to eat to nourish your body. You don’t have to like it, but by radically accepting that more food intake is needed you can cope with it better.
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whispytears · 4 months
Hi, idk if this is the right place to ask..
I wanted to know if there's any advice you would give to help someone w an ed, where they are restrictive and have dysmorphia.
I've got a person close to me who's having a hard time eating, and I'm trying to understand and be helpful/supportive but idk what to do or if I'm doing anything right/helping much at all. I don't trust the stuff that first pops up on google to be good advice and I'd rather get something from people who personally understand.
I have ARFID, which isn't focused on the body in the same way other eds are, and so I can kinda understand the person's difficulty and have an intuition on how to be there for them, but I also kinda don't fully understand so i'm looking to see if there are any people on tumblr that can advise me on this.
Thanks if you do choose to answer
🌸Hi, thanks for your question. I am so sorry for the late response but here’s my take on this:
In order to be supportive for your friend who is restrictive and has dysmorphia i like to think it starts with vocabulary/diction.
Sure, you can have full on convos with your friend about ed topics but that’s not as realistic as changing your vocab to be more supportive of her recovery.
For example: stray away from harmful phrasing when talking about appearances. Instead, encourage confidence in the way your friend looks. “I like your outfit, your hair is nice, your skin is glowing” etc.
For example: Encourage to eat meals that are fulfilling during appropriate meal times. Like going out to eat or cooking a meal together.
My experiences with restriction taught me that I might count calories or see the size of food and panic that it might be too much for me. If you have an understanding of why your friend restricts, maybe guide them towards meals that help discourage those thoughts.
Disclaimer: do NOT suggest diet changes without consulting professional resources first :)
Hope this helps!
~ whispy
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Having an ED while being an attention whore is so conflicting because I don’t want people to know or force me to eat or anything, but I do want people to worry about me and notice that I’m losing weight…
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luvvee11 · 1 month
🩵WIEIAD 3/26/24🩵
I messed up a little today, but i still managed to stay in my calorie deficit! (i’m a verrry snacky person lmao)
quest chocolate protein shake (170)
teen gummy vitamins (15)
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LUNCH (229)
whole grain waffle (?) idk what that is but it’s definite not a waffle.. my school website says that’s what it is though so i’ll count it the same ig! (90)
chicken nugget (84)
1 tbsp maple syrup (55)
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SNACK (510....😭) 1/2 is pictured
little debbie cookies & cream brownie (this was sooooo good I buy healthy snacks whenever I can, but my little sister bought me this from the gas station and when my mom picked me up from school I was starving :( I meant to eat half but I failed to control my urges! to prevent this from happening again I thanked my sister for the brownie but I asked her to buy me a protein bar next time and if she still buys me unhealthy snacks I'm going to practice portion control! : )
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DINNER (258)
protein pasta (190)
2/3 tbsp butter (68)
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(not pictured is the gum i had which was 10)
1191/1200 calories
50/60g protein (I aim for over 60)
156/150g carbs
13/25g fiber
63/45g sugar
42/40g fat
honestly not bad in total but I'll do even better tomorrow!
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mydiary444 · 2 years
Having an e@t¡ng dis0rder means believing your mom made extra oil and extra calories in the soup she made, only to manipulate you into getting fatter
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arfidrecovery · 1 year
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Starting a, as silly as it may seem, sticker chart. Each time i eat a vegetable, I get a sticker. After 8 times, I get a reward. Unsure what to make the reward
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st4rv3me · 20 days
Todays hospital lunch
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The chicken was SO oily but I took a tissue and tried to wipe some fat oil of
Didn’t eat the bread with cheese but I drank the milk and spat out a little of the milk in my hospital bed👍
Total was like 260 c
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niphredil-14 · 1 year
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. keep photos of food off the fucking arfid tag. you don’t know what might be upsetting for other people to see, what someone might not want to. the least you can do is put the photo after a cut or a read more i am so fucking serious
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arfid-is-hecc · 2 months
I like 2 new things!!!!
We went to a Steakhouse for a late Valentines family dinner. Family got Parmesan crusted Spinach dip as an appetizer. It smelled sooooo good, and I just couldn't resist trying it. And it was really good!!! The spinach pieces were pretty small, so I couldn't feel them.
I also tried ribs! My dad got a rack of them and gave me one to try, and I cleaned off the bone!!! I had to eat it with a fork and shred it up to eat it but that doesn't matter too much 💜
Two for two!!!
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stilllovedtheshow · 8 months
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