#regressing back to my teens
gaily-daily · 1 year
Today I learned that Obi-Wan's home planet Stewjon was named after Jon Stewart.
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miusato · 2 months
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I think we as a Shinjiham society needs to draw Shinjiro flustered more often ☝️🤓
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weebsinstash · 1 year
so with a platonic yandere (or yanderes) how does it work, do you just never get the chance to have a romantic relationship, do they force/encourage you into one with someone 'approved' like a family friend or someone 'in the know' sort of thing, or do their feelings change or border on the romantic side as well?
Well, I find for me personally it often depends on the character themselves for like, what kind of relationship im looking for, or, yeah sometimes i just switch it up based on concept, sometimes i get a real specific idea that stays in my brain and I can go back and forth depending on, I guess, preference. It's kind of a recent-ish development for me to think of platonic yandere AT ALL since like 99% of the time my brain goes "well if they don't love you romantically or want to fuck you what is THE POINT"
And it kind of took me a while to realize that sometimes "the point" of platonic yandere can be that they technically "don't get anything back". If they scoop you up and force therapy on you, it's because they want to legitimately help you, not to say a romantic/sexual yandere wouldn't, but for a platonic one it's more I guess "selfless" because they aren't like, getting a spouse or a fuck buddy out of it. With a platonic yandere, they don't want you to hook up with that guy because, yeah they're jealous you're not spending time with THEM but its like, spending time watching movies or going to the park or playing video games, spending time with you as you, doing potentially anything, but also they have you up on this pedestal and the guy is just an insignificant little worm to them. He thinks he can date THEIR sister? Creep creep go to jail eat dirt go six feet under here's a shovel start digging
I can be so moody and contextual about the whole thing, like for example, I've been making a lotta posts about a purely platonic yandere Batfamily with Bruce as you know the patriarch and all that, basically becoming a father figure to you even if you're already an adult, where he is like emphatically "no, Reader is your sibling, S I B L I N G" and getting out the batbottle and spraying them like cats any time he may notice anyone in his house catching feelings for you, but i also thought about, (this is kind of an AFAB specific idea sorry) what if Damian specifically developed one of those weird "big sister when i grow up im gonna marry you" complexes and Bruce is NOT having it when suddenly Damian hits him with "but FATHER, if I'M Reader's husband when I come of age, then our offspring will be YOUR biological grandchildren" and Bruce finds himself sitting there suddenly vividly picturing you holding a fat little newborn with a big head of black hair and smiling up at him "dad come hold your grandson 🥰" and he's. He's gone, like, suddenly he can't see it any other way. OBVIOUSLY Damian is the perfect husband for you, Bruce is helping raise him? Who would make a better spouse for his adopted daughter than his ACTUAL son? Talk about keeping it in the family
In his eyes, his son would make a more than competent husband once he comes of age, especially considering not only is Damian his son but, extremely similar to Bruce himself; broody angsty genius with superhuman skills, intelligence, athleticism, etc. And if not Damian, isn't Dick lowkey his favorite child, and also, you know. Already an adult and not nearly as emotionally constipated 😅 Bruce can trust either one of them to take care of you, building off of a paranoia that any place outside his family and his home is fraught with danger and anyone who hasn't been explicitly vetted by him suddenly cannot be trusted in your presence
I keep finding myself drifting back to platonic yandere but only in like, almost extremely specific circumstances, like for real those age regression ideas i realized are coming from like DEEP places of trauma and rejection for me and feeling like I'm so permanantly damaged i literally need a do over and need to be all but remade from scratch, being helped when i was younger and at my lowest points in childhood, and I'll admit I've noticed most of these platonic yandere ideas usually revolves around aspects of family, fatherhood, childhood, etc. Like literally right off the top of my head, two characters who kind of got the platonic yan ball rolling were Stolas from Helluva Boss and Nolan Grayson from Invincible, both of them fathers. Of course I would absolutely let Nolan tear this ass up too though as you guys have seen, like i find the Viltrumite Reader concepts kind of keep fluctuating between "he wants to mentor you and then catches feelings" to "no he just wants to be your dad and Viltrum mentor and after your real family dies during some kind of monster attack he just straight up adopts you and moves you into his house and the government lets him bc, i mean, they need to keep an eye on you as a Viltrumite"
Of course I also like the idea of sort of a middle ground. You know, like, the yandere begins purely platonic without any sort of intentions but it develops into something deeper after they've already come to know you and you trust them, or even, they're actually totally 100% "a normal person" and something happens to you or them where they suddenly become yandere. Like imagine you know someone for like a couple years and then all of a sudden, they're acting differently. So I've also thought about, Bruce and Reader are work friends in the Justice League and his feelings begin as purely protective and platonic and he knows you for a decent chunk of time but when he starts getting to know you more personally, more details about you the person under the costume, maybe he eventually realizes he's getting extremely jealous watching you interact with other men and, maybe in the process of taking care of you his feelings change. You get wounded on the job and you don't have any family to help provide any care while you're still extremely weak and recovering and he's helping you and that's when he suddenly realizes "oh shit this line of work is so dangerous, he doesn't want you to die, he doesn't want anyone to die but like you most specifically, he doesnt want you doing this anymore" and maybe he brings you to the manor for recovery and you never wind up leaving
But typically yes, as you suggested, usually when I've picked a character to be a platonic yandere it's because I can see them being overly protective to the point they won't let you date at all, even if the specific reasons for WHY may change. Like hypothetically for some of the ideas I've had, Stolas doesn't want you to date or have sex period because he's kind of Goin Through Some Shit and this is kind of like his second go around of being a dad and him expressing some sort of trauma or guilt over Octavia and he sees you as His Extra Special Little Girl and you don't get so much as a kiss on the cheek with another person until like, he's had enough years with you to be satisfied with "your childhood" kwim. Or a yandere who declares themselves as your sibling not completely against you dating or all that but they just have EXTREMELY high standards. like lmao imagine, like, someone like Deku basically inserting himself in your life as your brother and you're like "ok fuck dude, who do you think WOULD be worthy of dating me" and he's just like "I guess someone like All Might!" Like bro that platonic obsessive little twink is NEVER letting you get laid, you suck off ONE dick and he's holing up in his room CRYING because "someone's defiled his baby sister and made her dirty" not in the sense that he like doesn't like you anymore or he's judging YOU but in his mind your "purity" has been tainted by someone else and the only solution is to like, kill/get rid of that person and "atone" by never letting it happen again, cause obviously by letting you suck that guy off Izuku FAILED YOU, and maybe at some point he snaps and you wake up from one of your mandatory sibling cuddle sessions and he's pressed way too closely to you as he declares he's the only one worthy of you and he's sorry he didn't realize HE'S the husband you needed
Really I'm just a creepy little freak and it can depend on how I'm needing or craving to feel accepted in that particular moment in time 😅
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inutaffy · 2 years
watching theo get sent to hell 👍 watching the genuine terror in his eyes when he sees tara 👍 and when she grabs his leg and drags him 👍 watches as he screams for help--specifcally scotts help, because scott saves everyone. 👍 watching him claw at the ground, desperate. 👍 watching as the ground swallows him up 👍 he couldnt even save himself this time 👍
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too-much-tma-stuff · 3 months
Fear is a Dangerous Thing (Part 10)
A friend edited this for me because my brain is so mushy today but I haven't checked their work. Let me know if you find anything wrong.
TW: Torture, child abuse, descriptions of violence, panic attacks
Previous | Masterpost
Tim led the way to the meeting hall and opened the door to the meeting room where a bunch of the core members of the JL were already sitting. “Right, thank you for coming,” Tim started as Nightwing ushered the rest of them into the room, leading them to four empty chairs that were probably supposed to be for the teens and Nightwing. Instead the rest of the Teen Titans stood in the back and Hyena and Phantasm were sat between Hood and Nightwing. The collected members of the JL made various sounds of shock and anger at the sight of them, (Constantine looked green around the gills).
Robin completely ignored all of them and carried on as if nothing was wrong. “I’ve recently become aware of a troubling conspiracy that the Justice League must not be aware of.”
“Robin, what are they doing here?” Batman growled, watching Hyena and Hood warily.
“Phantasm is the newest member to Teen Titans, and both she and Hyena have been directly harmed by this conspiracy, so I invited them both to be here,” Robin said calmly. “Besides, though I independently verified all of it, the majority of my information originally came from Hyena. So if you have any questions at the end they’d probably be best directed to him.” Batman opened his mouth again and Robin raised his voice slightly, “Hold your questions till after the presentation please,” Robin chided before he switched to the next slide and carried on as if nothing had happened.
The presentation contained just about everything they needed to know, about the anti-ecto acts and the entire group of people that they targeted including a few members of the JL if the GIW ever got brave enough. It included that they had been experimenting on sentient and sapient beings and killed multiple people, that they were affiliated with the government and had plans for weapons of mass destruction specifically targeting these beings, and that they had taken over a small town and instilled a complete media blackout.
In other words they were unethical and illegal and the fact that the JL had allowed it to happen was nearly unforgivable.
“That concludes my presentation,” Robin announced, “If there are any-”
“Before you wrap up I have some… supplemental material. Because it’s one thing to hear about it and another thing to see it. I want you to see it,” Hyena interrupted with venom in his voice as he got up. Robin looked confused but he surrendered the projector remote to Hyena and allowed him to plug in his USB. Before he started it Hyena went back to his seat and glanced at Phantasm, hesitating for a moment.
“Little Star, would you mind leaving the room? Or coming here. I don’t want you to see this,” Danny said softly and Phantasm looked at him, judging his expression for a moment before she nodded and slid out of her chair and onto his lap. She had regressed just a little after everything, acting younger and more subservient for lack of a better word. She allied allowed  him to cup the back of her neck and hide her face against his shoulder before he started clicking through the images.
The first one was a picture of him as Phantom with Sam, Tucker, and Jazz, then the death certificates of everyone in the photo besides him. Next was a picture of Phantom when he’d first been captured by the GIW, crying, collared and gagged, looking at the person behind the camera with a pleading expression and obvious fear. There were many more after that, all bloody. They had kept a proper muzzle on him the entire time so he couldn’t scream, so his face was hidden somewhat. They showed him with his arms cut open or even off, his chest cut open and broken apart so you could see all his organs, his throat dissected and the skin pinned apart, and many worse things.
With each picture the life faded from his eyes, he was still alive in all of them but the fear, and pain, and any possible hope died in his eyes as he dissociated from the situation over years. Then there was a collection of other images, Ellie strapped to a table, destabilizing, then in the tube. Vlad’s intake photo collared and bound, then his autopsy. Ember with her arm cut off and screaming. Finally a somewhat blurry photo Danny had taken himself after his escape of the makeshift stitches and bulging wound, he had to just shove a few organs back in after all, the blood, pus, and ectoplasm leaking out of it. Someone gagged, Danny didn’t look to see who.
“In that first photo I had just turned 16, the GIW took me soon after that, killing everyone who tried to protect me from them. They kept me for two years, you just saw what they did, and the results. The GIW may seem inept, and they often are, but they are also sadistic and ruthless. They do real harm. Phantasm and I are the only people still alive to testify about it, and only then because I’m functionally immortal and she destabilized before they could get far.”
Once he finished he turned off the projector and let Ellie up and off of his lap, allowing her to slip back into her seat as he got up to grab his USB. The room was silent for a long moment, everyone's expressions ranging from furious, to heartbroken, to dissociated. Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, and Zatana in particular looked like they would like to tear the entire organization apart with their bare hands right now!
Jason felt a bit sick. He really would have liked a warning that Danny was going to do that because, even though he had seen the scars, it was a very different thing to see the wounds themselves. They were just as extensive as he had feared. At least now he understood why Danny had had so many panic attacks this week, if he’d been setting that up in the background it was half a wonder he hadn’t had more!
“What do you mean you're functionally immortal?” Batman demanded.
“They’re threatening the Infinite Realms?” Constantine squeaked.
“How have we let them get away with this!” Lamented Martian Manhunter.
All three nearly at the same time, it was an explosion of sound as a few others spoke as well, or tried to respond. Jason wrapped an arm around Danny’s shoulder, feeling him shaking a little bit, that had been very brave of him and Jason did think it would have the effect Danny wanted, but this explosion of emotion had to get out of the way.
One of the louder voices in the room though, was Superman, and Jason did not like what he was saying.
“Are the people of the Infinite Realms a threat?” Superman asked Constantine. “Should we have weapons to defend ourselves against them?”
Which, honestly, were fair questions but now was Not the time! Jason was sure the people from the Infinite Realms could be a threat but they hadn’t been and they had a very good reason to defend themselves. These were sentient people, would he be asking the same questions about a new species of mer? But he had already known Superman could be surprisingly intolerant for someone with his reputation.
“If we need to defend ourselves against the Realms we’re already fucked!” Constantine nearly shouted at Superman. “We should be dealing with this and be very grateful that they don’t have a king to organize them against us right now!”
“That could just make them more dangerous! If there’s no leader that we can make a treaty with then how can we trust them?” Superman argued.
“You don’t have to trust someone to know what the GIW is wrong!” Manhunter accused furiously.
“That’s not what I’m saying, of course it’s wrong,” Superman tried to placate, but it wasn’t working on Manhunter, and it wasn’t working on Danny either.
Jason and Ellie clocked it first, that the temperature in the room had been steadily dropping and was now almost ten degrees cooler than it had been at the start of the meeting. When Jason glanced over with concern he saw Hyena sitting perfectly still, his chest heaving in short shallow breaths and his eyes fixed on Superman, swirling with a very dangerous shade of green. Jason stood abruptly, slamming his hands down on the table in front of Hyena, startling him enough that his building rage turned sharply into fear and he flinched back, knocking over his chair.
"What-" Someone asked indignantly into the sudden silence as Danny backed up quickly till he hit the wall, curling in on himself.
"Everyone who doesn't know our faces, out!" Jason ordered abruptly.
"You can't just-"
"He's having a panic attack and you're making it worse! You know how dangerous panic can be in someone with powers! OUT!" He ordered and, begrudgingly but swiftly, he was obeyed and the heroes filed out of the room. The only ones left were Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and Phantasm. Jason ignored all of them.
He took off his helmet as he approached Danny quickly and crouched in front where he was curled on the floor, eyes unfocused. Jason unlatched Danny’s muzzle and took off one of his gloves, hearing a gasp behind him as he slapped Danny with an open palm, cupped for more sound than sting, enough to bring him back to the here and now. He grabbed Danny's face and forced him to look towards Jason.
"Look at me Cub," He cajoled, but Danny didn't hear, still reeling and panting. "Look at me!" Jason ordered this time and Danny obeyed, focusing on him finally. "What do you need?"
"Hold me," Danny gasped.
"Hold you or Hold You?" Jason asked.
"Hold Me," Danny hissed as he practically threw himself at Jason who braced himself and grabbed Danny quickly. He dragged them both up and spun Danny around, getting a hold on both of his wrists with opposite hands and wrapping Danny's own arms around his waist like a makeshift straight-jacket.
Jason stepped back into a fighting stand pulling Danny with him so he was off balance, and leaned back, bracing himself and keeping his head out of range as Danny thrashed and snarled in his grip, getting out his energy without trying to get away.
Jason didn't know how long it went on, but he knew his shoulders were sore by the time Danny went limp again in his hold, finally breathing properly again.
"Okay?" Jason asked sternly.
"Ya, okay. Thank you," Danny responded, meek and tired. Finally aware of what was going on around them he looked at the others in the room, and winced a little when he saw the worry and fear on Ellie’s face. Tim and Dick look worried too, Batman… Danny couldn’t tell what he was feeling. “Sorry about that guys, I’m okay now,” Danny said as Jason let him go slowly, easing him back into supporting his own weight.
Ellie rushed to hug  him and Danny hugged back, pressing his face into her hair. Dick approached more slowly, avoiding sudden movements that might freak Danny out again. “Are you sure you’re okay? That was… a lot. I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through.”
“That shouldn’t have happened-” Batman started, and Jason had no idea how he was planning to end that sentence because Danny didn’t let him.
“Well it did, you can’t save everyone, and now it’s too late. I’m never going to be what I was before they broke me,” He said, blunt and honest, Jason winced.
“Are you alright to bring the JL back in? They’ll have questions. If not it’s alright, Hood can take you home and we can handle the rest,” Robin told Danny.
“If you do stay I’ll make sure they behave themselves,” Nightwing put in with a grim set to his jaw.
Now Danny could read Batman’s expression, he looked startled. He hadn’t known Nightwing and Robin had gotten so close to Hood and Hyena behind his back. Danny wondered if he was more likely to question their judgment or his own in the face of this revelation.
“No, I can stay. I want to stay,” Danny insisted. He had been worked up already, and then upset by what Superman was saying, especially since he already didn’t have a particularly high opinion of the big blue boy scout since his treatment of Kon. “As long as they all don’t yell over each other like that again, too much noise,” Danny said, shaking his head.
 Danny slowly eased Ellie out of his arms, guiding her back to the table so he could slump back in his own chair. He dropped his face into his hands and took a few deep breath, Jason could practically see him counting to ground himself. Quietly he approached and scooped up their masks again, putting his helmet back on before gently nudging Danny’s arm and putting the muzzle down in front of him.
“Agreed. They shouldn’t have behaved that way in front of outsiders to begin with. I’ll talk to them." He started to leave before pausing and looking between Hyena and Phantasm. "It was brave of you to come to us about this. If there is any protection the two of you need to make sure that you do not face consequences from these people, we will gladly provide it.” Batman said and swept out of the room.
Danny lifted his head and saw the mask, giving Jason a little smile before he put it back on, doing the buckle up behind his head again and making sure it was secure on his face. He was as ready as he was going to be to face the rest of the JL again. At least Batman seemed to hate him less than he did before he knew a bit more of Danny’s backstory and exactly why he was like this. He thought that was fair, he didn’t think that anyone could remain sane after everything he had been through.
There was a knock on the door and Nightwing opened it, the rest of the assembled JL members filed back in, more quiet and calm now. They took their seats again, Superman looked a little sheepish, Kon paused to squeeze both Phantasm and Hyena’s shoulders, Danny patted his hand lightly giving him a grateful look. He’d like to have a better bond with Kon, all of the Teen Titan team really, but Kon in particular, he deserved a better support network with such shitty progenitors.
“He’s telling the truth,” Constantine cut in before the ruffled feathers around the table could progress to fighting again. “We do not want to mess with those fuckers, being beneath their notice, and letting them keep that tyrant king of theirs locked up, is the best that we can hope for there."
“We’re sorry our response wasn’t ideal,” Wonder Woman told Hyena diplomatically. “It was a shock, but that’s no excuse for making this harder on you. It was brave of both of you,” She praised.
“Thank you,” Hyena said, leaning back in his seat, his hands still pressed flat against the table. “I want to make it clear that the people of the infinite realms are a threat. It contains every afterlife, demons and gods and various other ancient and powerful beings. Violence is a culture and a language. However, most of us have very little interest in the living and the mortal. Despite being without a monarch there are rules about interacting with the living worlds, humans don’t exactly put up an entertaining fight anyway, a bit boring all around,
“All of this to say, if you don’t antagonize the Infinite Realms the Vast majority of its inhabitants will continue to happily ignore you, and if you do antagonize them you will lose.” The declaration held no doubt at all”
Hyena inclined his head towards Constantine in a subtle gesture of gratitude for the backup. “With that in mind if you ever have to deal with something from the Infinite Realms, call me. I’m from this world but I’m of the Infinite Realms as well, as long as Hood agrees, I will help.”  
“As long as Hood agrees?” Batman questioned, his gaze sharp. Next to him Constantine hissed and moved to elbow him before apparently thinking better of it.
“Yes. You know this Batman,” Hyena chided him, rolling his eyes at the super hero. “I am… potentially stronger than any one individual here, but I answer to him. You need my help, ask him.”
“If you want a demonstration I’m sure he’d be happy to provide. Just not where there’s anyone to get caught in the crossfire,” Jason put in smugly. “Right Hyena?”
“Oh absolutely,” Danny agreed with an unnervingly feral cackle. “I can survive in space, maybe Big Blue and I can give the moon a few more craters! Wait, no, probably better not use the moon we might knock it out of orbit. Mmmm Neptune?”
“Maybe some other time!” Constantine squeaked before anyone could make the mistake of taking a Realms creature up on his offer to fight.
“Too bad,” Hyena sighed leaning back in his seat, his mask hiding his pout. “I haven’t really gotten to let loose in ages.”
“We’ve gotten off topic,” Martian Manhunter said. Jason bit back a laugh at how quickly Danny subsided after being chided by his favourite hero. “What are we going to do about the GIW?”
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softspace-fics · 2 months
No princess. Your perfect.
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Cg! Bucky Barnes x little! Plus sized reader
A/N - My first request!! Thank you to the requester for this request! I hope you like it :} This took me a bit to put together the idea of how I wanted to execute, but I really like how it turned out.
Masterlist - All my work!
Request: I was wondering if you’d be comfortable writing a plus size reader fic? One where Bucky is her new care giver and he notices that she never lets him pick her up or sleep in the same bed as him or cuddle with him. She doesn’t ask for him let her sit on his lap to feed her or help her with things. And then one day Bucky asks her about it and she explains it’s causes she’s bigger than the other littles and she’s too heavy for him to do those things with her. But since Bucky is a super soldier he proves her wrong and picks her up. So everyday after that she lets him do all those things with her cause she knows she’s not too big for Bucky
Warnings!⚠️ :mentions of body dysphoria, tears, mentions of bullying, fluff fluff fluff!, use of (She/her) and feminine nicknames!, bucky mentions avenger missions. Bucky doesn't know the reader is a regressor at first. (Please let me know if I miss any!)
When you and bucky had started dating, you weren’t sure how he would take being a caregiver to you. You had been a regressor since you were a teen, the stress of school and having to work being hard to handle. You kept to yourself when you were small, it was easier that way. So you didn’t tell Bucky that you were a little.
Until he asked for you to move in with him.
When he popped the question, there was no doubt in your mind that you wanted to move in with him, but you were absolutely terrified of him finding out about your regression.
When you moved in finally, you learned to keep your regression dampened. You would only regress when he was on missions and you prayed that he couldn’t tell that something was going on when you went months without being able to regress.
He, on the other hand, had a feeling something was going on. He never failed to miss the small change in your tone when he told you he was on his way home, and he could swear that if he called you randomly during a mission that your voice had gone up in pitch.
When he had caught you by not warning you he'd be home early from a mission, he was surprised, but glad that it was a coping mechanism, not worse.
After awhile of him knowing and you slipping every now and then around him, he became your caregiver. This changed your entire dynamic. You became his princess, and he did everything in his power to protect you.
This included when he was on missions he had convinced you to let Steve or Sam stay back after they found out of your regression. He would make sure to meal prep for you, get you new stuffies from wherever he went, and would absolutely never leave your side no matter big or small.
He loved being your daddy, and he loved caring for you, it was something he didn’t know would affect him so heavily. He absolutely adored being your daddy.
Something he didn't quite understand is how against physical touch you were when regressed. When you're big you don't mind hugs, or kisses, very rarely will you let him cuddle you, but when you're regressed? Nope. Nuh-uh, not happening. You would actively avoid his hugs, and you would pull every excuse in the book.
“Princess? You wanna go take a bath?” Bucky asks as he walks in the room, seeing the coloring sheets spread out before you.
“Nuh uh. No t’anks daddy.” You shook your head, continuing to color.
“Okay baby, maybe later.” Bucky says, slight disappointment lining his voice. Sitting down on the couch behind you, he just couldn't understand what was going on.
He had tried everything to get you to let him cuddle you, he had tried coaxing you into a younger headspace to help you cling to him more, but to no avail.
He knew you had problems in the path due to people calling you different names, or poking at your weight. But he didn't care at all about that kind of thing, he thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. He never could understand why people didn't love you.
Your personality shined like the sun, and your daily life showed that. Your smile makes the light in his life come back. You were his everything. But he didn't understand why you didn't trust him? Was it the missions? Was he not enough for you? Did he do something wrong? Why didn't you let him touch you?
He sat there for 30 minutes, pondering and wondering why he couldn't help you to be as relaxed as you needed.
“Daddy?” Your voice snapped him out of his trance and he smiled at you.
“Yes, Doll?” Bucky responded.
“Whys quiets?”
“Daddy was just thinking. Can you come sit next to me?” He gently patted the cushion next to him.
You look at him worried, scared you upset him, but none-the-less sit next to him.
“Princess, can I ask you something and you be completely honest with me?” Bucky asks, looking at you with concern.
You slowly nod, anxiety pooling in your stomach. Your head clouded with worry.
“Daddy’s notices you don't like him to touch you or pick you up, or help you with anything physical. Daddy's not mad, he promises, but he's worried. He doesn't understand why you won't let him help. He's worried that you don't want him to be around when your little, or cuddle you, or keep you close to him. Is it something daddy did? What's going on princess?” His tone was laced with anxiety, and nervousness. He was so worried you wouldnt understand why he was asking.
What he didn't expect is for you to burst into tears, sobbing into your hands and shaking worse than he's ever seen. It was like he hit the worst possible topic and he had no clue what to do.
He softly scooted closer to you and gently pulled you into him, whispering to you gentle, sweet nothing's and stroking your hair. He held you close until you could breathe enough to talk.
“I toos big! Squish n heaby! I don wans hurts daddy o-or Unc’e Sammy n stebie becaus’ I too big!” You sobbed into his chest, the comfort of his hold breaking every wall you had attempted to put up.
“Baby, hey, listen to me.” He gently picks you up and stands up off the couch, holding you extremely tight and close.
“You are not ‘heavy’ or ‘Squishy’ you are beautiful. You saying that I wouldn't be able to pick you up is gonna hurt my pride a little bit there princess.” Bucky chuckles.
“You see how easy you are to lift? You're my tiny baby, and I love you no matter what you look or feel like. Uncle Steve and Sam are the exact same way. You have our hearts by your beautiful personality my darling.” Bucky gently wipes your tears as you look at him.
Numerous thoughts cross your head, the confusion on how you're not hurting his back, or how you haven't got put down yet. The thoughts cloud your head until you feel bucky gently climb into bed with you, cuddling you close to his chest, speaking softly.
“Sweetheart, you're exhausted. How about we take a nap and then we talk about this when you wake up?” He gently plays with your hair while kissing your nose.
“Daddy?” You softly ask.
“Yes Doll?”
“I nuh heaby?”
“No, princess. Your not ‘heavy’. Your perfect. That's all that matters okay?”
You slowly fall asleep to his heartbeat, his solid embrace and the knowledge that no matter what, who, or how you are..
Bucky will love you no matter what because your his princess and his most prized thing in his life.
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alicenpai · 13 hours
recent manga diary
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- okay starting to read love bullet now.. the art honestly looks incredible im totally digging the art style 👁👁
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- speaking of yuri im also reading erio and the electric doll. this is the new manga ive read the most of recently. it's a bit like kino's journey, mixed with yokohama kaidashi kikou, and pluto (naoki urasawa, and by extension, astro boy too). it tells of a post-war world in which androids destroyed a large chunk of humanity. because of that, people have taken to regressing to a pre-electricity world - into the world of steam. two girls walk away from their idyllic, albeit isolated life by the coast, in search of finding other humans and travel the world together. it has some really interesting world building and discusses some morally grey topics regarding humanity, war, and artificial intelligence.
- you might know the artist as the one who did a lot of work for final fantasy 14. the art is beautiful, with delicate linework, and a prominent steampunk aesthetic.
- going back to the yuri part - the main cast consists of a young teen and an android. the human girl has the power to create electricity, and so she charges her android by kissing her. they can charge via touching hands, but no they have to kiss. very cute.. i hyped it up but LMAO i don't know if i can recommend it for romance per se, as it's more platonic right now, but it's still a very charming read!
- i think this series would look so gorgeous if it came to life in an anime adaptation.. manifesting a steampunk anime in 2k25
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- also started to read kageki shoujo, it's really fun so far!! those are my only thoughts on it for now. i haven't read a shoujo in so long i think.. might have to watch the anime adaptation as well, as i heard the animation is quite good.
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- i also wanted to get into requiem of the rose king for the longest time, the brooding, gothic aesthetic totally looks up my alley, and the medieval politics looks interesting too. the pacing is a bit choppy, but idk if that's due to the poor fan translation, will have to source it from the library if i can..
- still catching up to medalist and shadows house, haven't read witch hat atelier in a while.
- caught up to skip and loafer 🥰 i wrote about it in some older diary entries, but it's literally so good. i really need to draw some skip loaf sometime..
- almost done the extra stories from emma.. and that's all folks!!
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I don't know if you can do it but if you can (want to), can you do child Atsushi and child Akutagawa in teyvat with teen reader.
Or they could be with normal Ages too!
If you were not alone
Part IX
Characters: Self-Aware! (Child!) Atsushi Nakajima, Self-Aware! (Child!) Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Reader: Teen! GN! Reader
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Physical age regression (Atsushi and Akutagawa remain their memories, mental age and abilities, but physically were turned into children). Platonic hug.
🐯🧥 After you, Atsushi and Akutagawa woke up in Teyvat, you tried to find both good and bad in your situation. Bad № 1 - you were transported into Teyvat, without your phone and without any idea of how to go back. Good № 1 - Akutagawa and Atsushi were with you. Bad № 2 - They, somehow, become children. If the situation was better, you would tease them for being an older sibling now. Good № 2 - Their memories were intact. Bad № 3 - You were on Dragonspine in your normal clothes, that wasn't suitable for this mountain. Good № 3 - You ended up in Durin's cave, so, for now, you were warm.
After the analysis you came a to a conclusion - situation was a bad one, not a good one or neutral one. How are you supposed to get down from Dragonspine? The closest people to the cave were Fatui solders, and you don't want to go near them. And you weren't sure, if Albedo visited this place at all. Atsushi and Akutagawa offered to use their abilities to get down from the mountain. However, there were two problems. First - it was almost nighttime, and you don't want to wander around Dragonspine at night. Second - none of you were sure, that Beast beneath the moonlight and Rashomon still have the same power level.
You three decided to sleep in a cave and rethink the situation in the morning.
You fall asleep, listening to a Durin's heart beating.
🐯🧥 The dream you have was strange. Like... You could see everything, that was happening around the Dragonspine. Hilichurls, boars, Fatui, members of Adventure guild... You even saw Albedo in his lab. Yet, you couldn't move. You saw, feel all of them at the same time... Strange dream indeed.
'Durin could not move, but he has remains of his will. It was hard, but he left the message in Scarlet Quartz's pieces near the lab. He knew, who was sleeping near his heart. Creator...'
🐯🧥 You woke up because of Atsushi's and Akutagawa's angry shouts, the smell of burning firewood, toasts, fried onions and tomatoes. The moment you opened your eyes, you saw Albedo, together with Klee, were trying to calm Akutagawa and Atsushi, while trying to keep an eye on the fire. Albedo calmly tried to reason with your older(?) brothers.
"Please, we don't mean any harm. We just want to help."
Well, it seems, you got some luck on your plate.
🐯🧥 You jinxed it. Yes, you had breakfast, and Albedo brought warm clothes. But, the biggest threat was soaring above you three. Because, if Albedo wasn't lying, soon you will have a bounty on your head and an angry mob chasing after you. On your meek "But... what if I told the person on the throne, that I don't want to be in charge and only want to return home" Albedo responded with "The Cursed Brat won't listen. They won't change their mind."
You three were in danger. And you need to move fast. Chase after Alice. To get home.
Albedo couldn't help Atsushi and Akutagawa became adults again. But, he said, that they would either get to their original age soon enough, or Alice could help with that.
And, according to Albedo, she was on her way to Fontaine.
Albedo gave you supplies and helped you find a boat.
Your journey has begun.
🐯🧥 Almost near Fontaine borders, you three were captured by Fatui. You were brought to the House of Hearth. You three were separated. Atsushi and Akutagawa were with other kids. And you were kept in the basement. In a hidden dungeon.
🐯🧥Atsushi hated the House of Hearth. While it wasn't as bad as his previous orphanage, this place still felt rotten. Especially because of the other residents.
"Poor brothers, the Sinner had corrupted you. Don't worry anymore. Father will protect you." Lynette, as Atsushi learned her name later, couldn't finish the line. Akutagawa still can't use Rashomon, but, the knowledge about self-defense was still with him. And Atsushi knew, how to throw a punch without white tiger's help.
Two ten-year-old boys were throwing punch after punch, hitting Lynette.
"Don't you dare talk about [Y/N] like that! They are our sibling!" yelled Atsushi. Akutagawa growled, trying to bite Lynette's ear.
Both of them were restrained and locked in a storage room.
They could hear, how Lyney and Freminet, who locked them, were whispering about "poor kids. I hope, it's not too late."
When the voices disappeared, New Double Black tried to make up a plan.
Akutagawa whispered.
"Did you learn, where [Y/N] are, Man-tiger?"
Atsushi shook his head.
"No. You?"
Akutagawa shook his head in return.
"No. This damn place is too big."
And, Atsushi could bet on it, other kids were keeping an eye on him and Akutagawa. They can't search the orphanage freely. But they knew, that you were still here. Something tells them, that your... "Punishment for being an Imposter" won't be quiet and hidden.
🐯 They were talking the rest of the day. And no good effective ideas were proposed. Atsushi hated it. He hated to be small and powerless. He hated, that you were in danger. If only his ability was here...
Atsushi's eyes slowly focused on the small window. At the full moon.
The transformation was painful. But, the white tiger has returned.
🧥 Akutagawa didn't pay attention to Atsushi or moon. He was thinking about you. You were his little sibling. And he was your protector. And he can't fail his job. He just needs… Just need his power. Akutagawa almost shouted.
"Rashoumon: Tenma Tengai"
And black tendrils finally came to life.
And the black hellhound has returned.
🐯🧥 Huge feline were shuffling the air, like it was trying to find something... Or someone. Yes... His family were missing. Tiger cub were missing. Tiger saw, that dragon knight was here. He will help find tiger cub.
Akutagawa, in his Rashomon's armor, climbed on tiger's back. Rashoumon's tendrils ripped off the door.
Their search has begun.
🐯🧥 You were half glaring at Arlecchino. The Forth Harbinger has been visiting your cell every day. Trying to convince you to be reasonable. She won't let you and Shin Soukoku go. She saw a chance of having her own loyal Creator. And she won't lose her chance.
Her voice was calm.
"Be reasonable. I can protect you and two kids you were traveling with. All I need from you is to be an obedient godling, child."
You breathe in, but stayed quiet. You already begged Arlecchino to let you three go. She didn't. Maybe, if you tried again...
🐯 He could smell it. Faint scent of his tiger cub. He snarled, following it. His tiger cub was in danger. Dragon knight on his back destroyed doors, that were on their way.
They reached the basement. And white tiger finally found his tiger cub.
🐯🧥 The door behind Arlecchino fell apart. Before Harbinger could react, familiar black maw sank its fangs in her shoulder and threw her away. The door of your cage have no chance against white tiger and Rashomon.
Immediately, you were hugged by Akutagawa, and the huge feline rubbed his head against your torso, chuffing happily.
Happy tars flow down your eyes.
"Guys! You are here!"
Akutagawa, before answering, put you on tiger's back, sitting behind you.
"We would never abandon you."
White tiger waited, before you two sat on his back, and started to ran off.
You three left the House of Hearth behind.
🐯🧥 Tiger were running all night, until sunset. Then Atsushi transformed back. Then the tears and hugs came again. You three were finally safe, Atsushi and Akutagawa were adults again. Now you can focus on finding Alice.
🐯🧥 It took two more weeks, but you managed to do it. You found Alice. And you finally went home.
🐾 Reunion was tearful. Your fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts and siblings were happy to see you. They were happy to see Atsushi and Akutagawa.
🐾 Your stay in Teyvat were scary. But, one thing you knew for sure. Doesn't matter, what age they were, your brothers Atsushi and Akutagawa will protect you.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu
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brofightiscancelled · 2 months
(taking a really long drag off a cigarette) i know the joke is that osomatsu at 18 is the exact same as osomatsu current but didnt he seem angrier to you. just in general. i cannot imagine how teenage angst would hit you if you were also a sextuplet
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like he was probably as carefree and stupid as usual with literally everyone else to be fair. but w his brothers it's like ough. i wonder if the "getting sick of the sextuplet schtick" hit him the hardest in HS. he's the only one who isnt visibly annoyed in the sleeping scene but he's also the one saying "why are there six of us?"
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i thibk osomatsu has genuine qualms w being a sextuplet. we see him complain abt it to chibita in episode 2. i dont think they were totally unfounded or made up on the spot, that's stuff he was holding deep in his core
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and i think esp in an environment like high school, and w being such an egotistical brat, oso wouldve started resenting not having his own identity just like the others. i imagine he wouldve channeled his clingy brattiness into being a nuisance to all of his peers. it's just that now, in adulthood, he literally doesnt have anyone else in his life, so his brattiness has fallen back onto his brothers.
ironic to how he is now, i think the "why are you asking me? that's your problem" response to totty comes from resenting the sextuplet status quo they'd established as kids of them expecting him to know what to do and expecting to follow his lead and having eldest brother expectations of him forever and ever. why do you assume we're going to be together forever? don't you know i'm going to make it out on my own in the real world?
it's interesting it was between totty and oso cuz it seemed like hs totty wanted things to stay the way they were the most. regressing and acting even more kid like. so to me oso saying that to totty specifically is a like "why are you expecting things to stay the way they were forever?" kind of thing
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i feel like (inhaling more smoke) it's kind of like the fight at their grad ceremony kind of unlocked those revelations for them. we've just had the worst fight of our lives but at the end of the day we all have to take the same route home to all sleep in the same futon. we're going to be brothers no matter what. for better or for worse we're shackled sextuplets forever and ever.
Everything just kinda clicks because even though he hates it, they're stuck together. And he doesn't have any idea on what he's gonna do, he knows Totty doesn't know what to do, and it's probably easy for him to guess that the rest of them don't know what to do either. They're stuck together and none of them have a plan for the future besides that. i think oso was coasting by on this idea that "everything would work out somehow" (very oso-like) and this is the wakeup call that no, if left unattended, this is how your problems will fester
i also really often think about 18oso's reaction to finding out they're neets in the future. yes this is funny yes this is deeply sad but i also remember being really taken aback by it when i first saw it
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like obviously after you think about it for 1.5 seconds like, yes, obviously oso didn't realize at age 18 that he was going to be a jobless bum well into his 20s. being a jobless bum wasn't what he had envisioned for his life. but juxtaposed with how carefree current osomatsu is with his life it really is funny to realize like oh, yeah, there was a point in time, most of their life really, where they thought they'd be something when they were adults
i think oso had always wanted his own identity like any other teen, but now that the only people left in his life as an adult are his brothers he's just clinging to his identity as niichan. but maybe this is the smoke inhalation talking
i think if oso had any other friends than his twins he would not be this annoying. but he doesn't
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multi-fandom-agereg · 3 months
HII!! If it’s not a bother could I request some regressor gojo with cg geto headcanons??
- @beaistiny 🩷
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
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🧸 || CAREGIVER!Geto × REG!Gojo
╰┈─➤ Moodboard + Hcs !! | SOTD: Treehouse (Alex G, Emily Yacina) — “What'd you think about my treehouse? It's where I sit, and talk real loud. Usually, I'm by myself.„
TW/CW // mentioning "willing to kill" to protect the other, a bit of spoilers for JJK, panic attacks and masking age regression
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🧸 | Gojo has been an age regressor for half of his adult years and mid childhood. Of course he never understood the concept, and just brushed off the feeling when he did age regress unknowingly. He didn't really think about it all that much until one particular instance where he regressed in front of Geto.
🧸 | at first, Geto would tease him because Gojo was acting more hesitant and not himself. Until Gojo ended up tearing up because of his teasing and overall confusing feelings, was when Geto got concerned for his friend. One thing led to another and now Gojo has a caregiver!:D
🧸 | Gojo doesn't necessarily have a little age; but if he had one he would definitely be a baby regressor. On rare occasions however, he can even regress to a middle regressor. Prompting him to enjoy more pre-teen/teen activities. After all, it makes him feel young again
🧸 | he's nonverbal when he regress younger, but is 100% verbal when he is more at an older regressed age.
🧸 | despite Geto recommending more "child friendly" music and shows for him to watch, Gojo rarely watches shows or listen to music that might be directed to his little age. He absolutely loves music with cuss words and movies with adult jokes or directed to an older audience. If this was in a more modern timeline, maybe he'd like Smiling Friends?
🧸 | Geto one day began using petnames for Gojo and never went back since. He calls Gojo "GG" and "bud" Gojo's personal favorite is GG. It makes him happy.
🧸 | Geto killed a whole village of people to protect two girls who he adopted as his daughters. Of course he would be protective and have a fatherly vibe towards him. That being said, he would be willing to kill more if it ends up with Gojo being safe in the end of it. Nobody harms his little one, and best friend.
🧸 | often than not, Gojo has panic attacks whenever he enters his regression. He can't control when he regresses, he just does. Because of this; this is what stresses him out the most. If he so happens to regress midway of training his students, he'll shut down immediately. Geto is the only person who manages to calm him down because Geto knows about little Gojo more than anyone else.
🧸 | because of this, it isn't common for Gojo to mask either. He'll either Mask because he suddenly regressed and his environment isn't safe for him to regress to, or to avoid stressing out anyone because of it. but Geto doesn't mind, and always consoles Gojo that he'll never get stressed out because of him.
🧸 | when they're alone where Gojo can regress, Geto helps Gojo get into comfortable clothes of Gojo's choice, and gets everything he may need. Stuffed animals, a show for him to watch, snacks, toys etc. He would even let Gojo sit/lay in his lap
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swee7dream · 4 months
ilichil as agere caregivers ! nct 127 x f!reader
warnings feminine nicknames dni if you sexualize age regression in any way . author's note i guess this is my opening to start writing cg!127 and cg!wayv ! mahae can be found here and winwin's headcanons can be found in wayv's when it's out .
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moon taeil (´ ∀ ` *)
he’s just so entranced with you and age regression in general.
“wait, that’s a thing you can do?”
he can’t keep his eyes of you when you’re feeling tiny, not because he thinks you’re in trouble or anything, but because he views you as the cutest thing in the whole world!
a grandpa-like caregiver. loves pinching your cheeks and pretending to eat you up! nom nom nom
not a big title user. he’s just moonie and ur his kid! his baby :3 his precious bit of starlight
got a rocking chair just to sit in with you to sing you lullabies when you have trouble sleeping!
what’s the opposite of an iron fist? that’s taeil.
if it’s past bedtime and you’re small or you don’t want to eat a certain food on your plate, you can bet one of two things will happen: a) he just lets you do what you want or b) bribes you with a sweet treat
you can try to bribe him in return the few times he puts his foot down, but he’s surprisingly firm. he’s not a pushover by any means.
“please?” you bat your lashes at him.
“no.” the little bugger puffs his cheeks right back at you.
the worst at playing with dolls /lh
“oh no, we got kidnapped!” you gasp, moving the bingo mini figurine in your hand.
“oh no...” taeil moves bandit in his hand with a voice lacking so much emotion it’s actually impressive.
he’s doing his best. try playing pretend instead! (he likes playing doctor the most)
seo youngho (¬‿¬ )
you got him wrapped around your finger! not that he’ll ever admit it
saw a cute dress? he got it for you. your stuffie’s arm ripped? he’s learning to sew for you.
purposefully hides pieces of the puzzle you’re building and feigns innocence just to see you get mad when you find out his schemes
“how’d that happen?” he pouts, cocking his head to the side.
if he every truly upsets you, he’s quick to apologize, pulling you into his arms and leaving kisses all over your cheeks until you’re laughing again because it tickles so much and he’s holding you so tight you can’t get away!
johnny loves being called daddy! he’s your daddy and you’re his babygirl!
loves cheesy, old-fashioned nicknames like honeybun, buttercup, cupcake… he just thinks you’re sweet, is what he’s trying to say
he loves when you sit on his lap and show him the coloring pages you finished while he was gone. he’ll make up stories off them like the purple elephant that wants to be a trapeze for the circus!
another big fan of playing pretend
his favorite game is dinosaurs, stomping around the house in slow motion with an evil toothy grin. you always manage to sneak away from his t-rex arms somehow but he’ll get you one day!
but johnny isn’t just a big goof. he knows when to put his foot down and is more 50-50 with it rather than taeil’s 90-10.
“i said no. put that back, please.”
his serious voice never fails to cause a shiver up your spine, settling you down within seconds.
when you finally decided to tell johnny, it took a minute for him to understand what exactly age regression is but kept the line of communication open. very open.
once, you were at work and your screen lit up with a message notification from him reading ‘do you like pacifiers?’
you almost beat him up
lee taeyong (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
worrywart !
doesn’t wanna make your regression feel even the slightest bit off. prioritizes your safety and comfort
at the beginning, taeyong as a cg can be seen as… a bit much
in preparation for his first time caring for you when small, he bought so many things. just anything he saw mentioned just once in all of his research of agere.
from itty bitty gear to middle/teen gear, bubu bought it all. if you don’t use any gear at all and have the ice cold heart to tell him so, you watch the color drain from his face.
poor guy
he just likes to be prepared. there’s nothing he likes more than a good plan.
cooking together is always so much fun. never lets you near the knives or heat but likes to keep you around to be his taste tester!
“what do you think, sweet pea?” “so yummy, bubu!”
loves doing crafts with you, particularly finger painting. you do it regularly, always forgetting that taeyong’s going to make you take a bath when the two of you end up with paint all over your faces and clothes
if you are allow it, taeyong is great with bathtimes !! he’s got rubber duckies and bath crayons to play with while he washes your hair.
cackles like a witch with a cauldron when adding a bathbomb to the bathtub, saying he’s preparing ‘baby soup’
“mommy, stop bein’ creepy.” “sorry, bug (っ- ‸ – ς)”
nakamoto yuta ( ̄ω ̄)
“so yeah, it was just me and this big panther booking it down the forest to get away from this bear.” “and then?!” “i dunno i made it up :3”
an evil, evil man that takes advantage of your imagination during your tiny time to make up stories only to not finish them!
“what do you think would’ve happened next, baby?”
evil, but a good storyteller that gives you ideas for games nearly everyday you suppose….
loves playing dress up and salon
learned to do your hair! it’s an ongoing process… how did you end up with one low bun and one high? don’t ask
your breath hitches because he pulled a little too tight and he drops everything. are you okay? are you crying? he’s sorry, so so sorry. you know what? let’s have ice cream for dinner
likes listening to acid black cherry while doing your (v-kei) makeup! lets you sit on his lap when its your turn to do his
“daddy’s making you a total rockstar, baby.”
lets you draw on him! might get one (or several) of your doodles tattooed on his skin permanently just because he likes it so much
cuddling is his true life’s passion. takes out all the pillows and blankets in the house to make a pillow fort for movie nights. if he has any left over he uses them to wrap you up into a burrito
kim dongyoung (´▽`)
just smile and wave, doyoung, smile and wave
maybe he shouldn’t have introduced you to his friends… they help add to your mischievous streak
“bunny? kangaroo! …pogo stick?” “doie… ‘s obviously you.” “me?” “yeah! when you can’t get the stuff on the top shelf at the the store so you did like this. ‘member? doie so bad at charades...” “:D ?!”
simultaneously the most competitive and worst player when it comes to video games
says he’s gonna win as you load up animal crossing like ….? okay gramps
hates when you call him that so you do it as much as possible because you live to displease
always knows the right thing to say when you’re feeling big feelings that feel only bigger when you’re small
treats you like you’re made of porcelain, his fingers delicately wiping your tears away silently.
never tells you to not cry or to stop, just tries to makes the process of feeling your emotions as easy as possible by making sure you’re drinking as much water as you’re crying out and making sure nothing could trigger you further
when you first told him about your regression you weren’t sure what his reaction was gonna be. he just stared dead at you in silence for like 8 minutes and then whispered “yeah… that makes sense” to himself
what is that supposed to mean? you know as well as i
jeong yunoh o(〃^▽^〃)o
he really just wants you to think he’s cool
that’s his main thing. of course, you being comfortable and happy is first, but you thinking he’s cool is a close second
most of his cg work is actually done behind the scenes; trying recipes, researching agere tips, and learning different crafts so that when you’re finally little again he can see the sweet, sweet sight of your awe
if you two planned for you to have some tiny time after a long time spent without regressing because overwhelming stress and responsibilities, you can bet on jaehyun to have organized an entire mermaid scavenger hunt in your home at a 6pm on a wednesday evening
the reward is always a ticket for something like a veggie-free night or a warm hug (he’ll give them to you whether you have one or not)
he calls them baby tickets
yes, that’s really what he calls them. yes, he chose the name himself.
there’s a reason you don’t let him name your dolls or stuffies
you tried once, this is basically how it went:
“hyunnie, what you think?” “it’s a bear… and pink… what about bearie? like strawberry and bear. bearie, haha. get it?” “…”
likes being called mister! but it’s actually rare for you to call him anything other than hyunnie
“say ‘please’ and i’ll think about it.” “please, mist-”
he’s already swiping his card
dong sicheng ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
read here (when it’s published) !
kim jungwoo (☆^ー^☆)
the silliest!!!!! how can you not love snoopy
your number one supporter in every single thing.
“the way you colored the sky with cerulean blue instead of the standard blue is just a peek into the artistic genius mind you have, my dear. how is every single art piece of yours just flawless?”
your babbles? “you don’t say! you know, i never did like that scoundrel…”
loves playing doggy! he could be cleaning around the house but if you slip that dog ear headband on him he’ll drop everything to entertain you.
he’s shattered a few plates...
he’s the most loyal friend you could have. he herds all your sheep plushies together and sniffs out the clues to help you solve the mysteries!
he also lets you doodle on his face. he’s just so easy-going it doesn’t matter what. whiskers? meow! mustache? hm, yes, it’s quite becoming of him, he thinks. you stuck some gem stickers on his cheeks? he’s an alien from the moon.
likes playing pretend much more than playing with toys.
sulky when you choose to play with your dolls rather than him. when he’s literally right there!!! your best friend :(( your buddy :((
i don’t know how else to describe this other than a dog-like caregiver
energy is always up, even when its bedtime which can be counterproductive sometimes. although? not completely? he definitely helps you tire yourself out until you’re knocked out on the couch
his nickname for you is giggles !! your giggles are his favorite thing in the whole wide world and makes sure to tell you that often.
lee minhyung (ᓀ‸ᓂ)
read here !
lee donghyuck ʕ˙Ⱉ˙‧:ʔ
read here !
extra ! ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
cg!johnny+yuta is being hit with whiplash every two seconds because they can either be the sweetest people ever or pranksters from the deepest depth of WICKEDNESS AND DARKNESS. they always, always, always tag team too, so it’s not like you can run to one when they other is trying to tickle you to death
cg!jeno+jungwoo is what happens when a baby is left alone with an old, tired dog (jeno) and his younger brother that has all the energy in the world (jungwoo)
cg!taeyong+doyoung has the same power imbalance as djj, leaving doyoung groveling at the ground even when he’s supposed to be the one taking care of the others
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
So I'm not like an anti, I would never send death threats or anything to people but I do wonder if there is something to be said about perpetuating the sexualization of teenagers through fanart/fanfic? I recognize that that is a cultural issue, and I recognize that sexualizing fictional teens is not on the same level as sexualizing real teens, but it still perpetuates the concept. Even if society has normalized something, it's worth fighting back against it in smaller ccommunities.1/2
This isn't to say that people should be harassing others, nor is it to say that I think proship are child predators. I think there's a lot of reasons why someone might like a character that doesn't equate to them wanting to harm real people. I do think we have a responsibility to discuss these things in fandom. While fandom itself isn't activism, pushing back against concepts like homophobia has always been an important aspect of fandom. Fetishizing youth is a problem & should be critiqued. 2/2
Okay, first of all, we've had this conversation about a billion times. The fact that you're still stuck at a 101 level does not make this new territory.
Second, where do you think YA fiction comes from? It's not written by teenagers. Lots of authors like to reminisce about their teen years. It's not about an older person being horny for teens. It's about remembering being that age.
Third, you might have no libido, but I was a horny little demon as a teen. It wasn't about ~fetishization~. Wanting to fuck was a normal part of my teen experience and the teen experiences of everyone around me. I didn't manage to get laid until 16 because I was a mega loser, but I'd have gone for it at 14.
The idea that teens are pure and sexless
Come back when you've un-learned your regressive Christian purity bullshit.
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farshootergotme · 17 days
Oh you and your friend make some interesting points about why Bruce adopting Dick so late in his life was a problem. It’s something writers clearly didn’t take into account when the trying to make this scene work while also not letting go of the not being adopted thing plot line while also trying to have their cake too by having Dick and Bruce makeup and finally having Dick be adopted by Bruce.
I know the writer writing Protugal wanted it to be a touching moment between the two of them. But the problem is it isn’t about what Dick wants and it written in a way where Bruce while has good intention offering him the adoption papers, he doesn’t own up to the fact he caused this issue in the first place if I am remembering correctly although I will have double check and reread that scene so take my statement with a grain of salt. Poor communication is truly the worst emery of them all and cough comic book writers loving to hammer in unnecessary drama and conflict even if makes no bloody sense at times or take into account how it effect the characters going forward. 
The thing about what is a good Batman writer is not necessarily if they nail Bruce Wayne and Batman as a whole but rather if they care about Robin as a concept or even like characters Dick Grayson in general. Same goes to Nightwing writers as well you can absolutely love Dick Grayson but do you actually understand Bruce Wayne as a character and are you willing to explore that aspect of their relationship Ie father/son. (Then again some of Nightwing writers do him so bloody dirty it’s honestly mind boggling to me.)
Another thing to think about is how most modern day writers and even some of older best writers from back in day of Batman is that they refuse to let him be wrong or admit he has messed up. Like my god, I like Bruce as character I really do but it’s so frustrating to see how he is treated in modern books like my god just stop the drama already with his family, I’m tired of Batman being regressed to his younger less mature self mentality and acts like he has learned nothing. Why is it so hard to just let him be a flawed but well meaning dad who yes messes up sometimes but is willing to get better and grow as a person because at the end of the day he truly cares about his children.
My problem with Richard getting adopted as an adult is well mainly with how it was handled. It never about what Dick wants if it was the writers would have made Bruce apologise for his failing as a father to him and make it so it’s up to Richard if he decides to forgive him or not because let’s be honest Bruce hurt his eldest son by his selfish actions but Bruce should also just be honest with him about he has always seen him as a son maybe not at first but it grew into that overtime and that he was wrong for assuming how Dick felt about being adopted and should have done sooner in fact he should have done around the same time as Jason. Again he should have done the minute or at least offered it when he and Dick had a heart to heart in the Marv wolf man run at Donna wedding but I don’t know. You know what amusing about his run is before this story was made he refer to Dick as Bruce adopted child early in his run which is an interesting thing to think about or maybe I misremember and it was a different writer altogether. OvO’)
Or maybe we can just skip all the stupid drama of adopting or no adopting bs and just have Bruce adopt Richard as a young teen which gives Dick enough time to think about it and probably change his mind. It also gives them time to bond as father and son, now I am not asking for Bruce to be a perfect father figure mistakes will happen as he learns what it means to be a father figure to Dick. Like come on give me fun and compassionate Batman please I miss him like geez why are the writers afraid to just let Bruce grow and move on from his past to some extent. 
Another to get off my chest with DC is well isn’t time to just retire the whole ward thing because it not really used anymore and might as well change to Dick being a foster child because that is what he is. Like the 2004 cartoon The Batman made this change to just that. Like I get Ward is historically important to Richard but I don’t know. Another thing I wish for is just to let Dick be adopted earlier at this point because the drama of not being adopted is just hurting both Dick and Bruce as characters at this point. 
When you could instead be focusing on why Dick wanting space and independence from Bruce like how his parenting style can be quite old fashioned the strict yet overprotective father figure and how he shows his love through his actions rather then his words. You could also explore how Bruce being a dad with a mental health issue aka ptsd, being kind of a control freak and suffer from self loathing issues and how he thinks he never be a good enough parent to his adopted soon. Effects Dick development and how Dick felt like over-coddled and suppressed by Bruce being overprotective and at times being super critical of his decisions as a young teen and young adult.
Honestly what frustrating about Tom Tyler run of Nightwing is that the scene with Dick and Bruce in the bat cave is so good but the problem is it is not earned because Tom Tyler hasn’t really taken the time to explore Dick’s and Bruce’s relationship as father and son or having the balls to actually explore the nuances of it and gasp let Dick call Bruce out on where he has hurt him and that Bruce needing to take responsibility for his actions as father. 
This is why I hate when people say they aren’t father and son or god damn family because one it makes it out Bruce actions aren’t as bad because they’re just “coworkers/partners” which just gross to me and also takes away Richard agency and why he repels so heavily against Bruce and why he is so upset about not being adopted you can’t just sit there and tell me they’re not family because it’s simply not true because this effects Richard heavily because in his mind he thought he wasn’t good enough to be Bruce’s son and felt replaced. Literally Eldest feeling replaced by the new baby sibling coded right there.
Another thing, I feel people will have come and accept about superhero comics mostly by Marvel and DC is well they’re kinda like fairy tales in a way, writers giving their own spin and takes on the world and the characters that function within it. They only things that keep them connected is how characters themselves and if they develop and grows carries over or sticks within that part of the lore. I also feel that writers are afraid to take big risks like changing how Dick Grayson became Nightwing even though they’re already one or two versions where it doesn’t lead to him fighting with Bruce and getting fired.
Now I am not saying ignore canon completely but I feel you’re at the mercy of the writers or eras of comic book runs and I think people should pick the writers they like rather try to stitch all these different takes and continuities together. Then again, I guess it doesn’t help that most media has Batman alone and completely disregard the concept of Robin or his found family in general and that honestly such a shame because Robin aka Dick Grayson is the reason Batman comics stayed alive for so alive for so long, hell he was created even before blooming Alfred.
Which leads to final point this whole thing about Dick Grayson not being adopted, has made so that is all is ever talked about. Who Dick Grayson the character like what are his goals who he is like yes he relationship with his father figure is important as it what lead him to this pathway and wether he likes or not he can quite similar to Bruce in terms of his beliefs and parts of his personality but also what about his friends the titans or his journey into adulthood and he finds himself that’s more interesting to me. Modern writers what are you doing with Richard he has so much potential and yet it feels like they have no idea on what they want to do with. No more Tony Zuuco no more changing to his backstory leave it alone please it’s fine how it is there is no reason to make it more complicated and by doing that you take away how the parallel between Bruce and Dick backstories 👏👏👏Hot take I know. 
Also, there is nothing wrong with wanting to write Dick and Bruce patching up their relationship as father and son, I love Bruce being a good dad that is trying to best despite being mentally ill himself. But keep in mind how you go about writing Bruce and make sure he faces consequences for his decisions and actions as a parental figure to  Dick Grayson and his other children. 
Oh wow sorry for making another kinda essay in your ask box again. 😅 (Hmm, I could talk about how Dick parents and his lifestyle at the circus effect his personality and how his flaws were already there before Bruce took him in but that probably for another time ha ha.
Anyway, that is enough of my rambles and inner never ending thought of this complicated father and son duo.
Hey, thanks for sharing your thoughts! I personally can agree with a lot that you're saying.
The problem when it comes to writing Dick and Bruce is that their characters are so old that many of the things from the earliest comics would be very different if one wants to write them in a more modern era. But many writers seem to choose to keep things (despite also changing things that are actually alright and should be left alone, but, oh, well...)
I mean, I don't think the drama of Bruce not being able to adopt is all that bad. For example, in one of the origins, there was woman, Sister Mary, who took care of Dick during his time at the orphanage. She mentions doubting Bruce's capabilities as a father because of his reputation as a womanizer, but that she was convinced she'd be good for Dick after talking with him in private.
They could still use this conflict in modern era and how his image as the playboy billionaire could influence the jury's decision to only give him custody of Dick as his new guardian rather than his adoptive father. Plus (I don't remember if it was in the same origin or not) Dick at the beginning wasn't fully ready to have a 'replacement' for his dad, so Bruce would respect that and accept the responsibility as his guardian.
However, here's where I'd say that they screw up; they let the years pass, no mention of adoption whatsoever (despite both clearly growing to see each other as father and son, respectively) and they just leave it at that until, check this out! Jason is adopted! I would assume now the jury is okay with letting him adopt a child because he's proven himself by taking care of Dick all these years. But, yeah, actually, back to Dick, what about him, then?
I don't believe for a second nobody would bring up the adoption issues. Like, if not Bruce or Dick (maybe because they're both afraid of being rejected by the other if they bring it up) why not Alfred? He's not shy about voicing his thoughts to Bruce, and I'm sure he could convince him to have a chat with Dick about a possible adoption because Dick is only getting older and one day it'll be too late to ask.
(Except not apparently because DC wrote Bruce asking a Dick in his early twenty's if he can adopt him which is definitely not late at all! Not to mention they had the first real conversation about adoption years ago, but Bruce just ignored Dick clears desires to be adopted and only brought it up when he thought it was the right time because why make a father that cares also about his son's emotions, am I right?
It just feels like a cheap compensation for all the years they (specially Dick) waited to become an official family. So what if the bond is more important? Maybe Dick wanted the reassurance that no matter what he would still be Bruce's family without meaning the end of their relationship everytime he left the manor to make a life for himself, is that so wrong?)
And it just makes Bruce look so bad when someone comes up with the excuse that "Dick didn't want to be adopted so Bruce was only respecting his wishes". Well, of fucking course he didn't want to get a new father a few weeks after he saw his dad's bloody corpse laying on the floor of the circus! But years later? When he's already learnt to deal with the grief and has found a new family in these two older men that chose to take care of him? What excuse does Bruce have then to not have ever brought it up again? The only 'excuse' I could think of is that he was insecure that he wouldn't be a good father to Dick (or as good as Jhon Grayson) or, as I mentioned before, afraid of being rejected. But this isn't just about him!! And as the adult in the situation he needs to save those feelings for later and communicate with Dick first without coming to any assumptions. What will change from the current relationship, anyway? Other than the security that Bruce can't just get rid of Dick whenever he wants since he's just his guardian and he can pass the responsibility to anyone else which sounds a lot more like a plus to me than a negative change.
And Bruce himself said "it doesn't really change anything" when he gave Dick the papers, so it really was a non-issue since the beginning.
I get he can have doubts and insecurities, but when it's between putting your feelings first or the ones of the child you're raising, I think the decision should come pretty easily. (Not to Bruce, apparently)
So, yeah, if DC really wanted, they could just change the early years again (we know they can, they've done it enough times already) and make Dick Bruce's officially adopted son during his Robin years and fix the whole issue very easily.
Now, I wanted to address the part about Bruce's parenting and DC not letting him develop and grow as both a character and a father, but I don't want to make this too long and you already said enough about the topic, so I'll leave it at that.
(also, would definitely love to hear about your thoughts on Dick's upbringing at the circus and how his issues began from his early childhood and not everything was for Bruce's influence. I have my own thoughts about that and it'd be great to discuss them with you)
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thelunarsystemwrites · 7 months
Age regression, a useful coping mechanism.
Long post about agere!
So, it's possible you've seen these things on my blog:
Agere. Petre. Agedre. Petdre. Age regression. Regressor. SFW. All that stuff, but, what does it mean? Well, I'm here to tell you!
So firstly, questions are ALWAYS welcome! Rather in reblogs, comments, or in my ask box, I'm always willing to answer questions about age regression!
Second, if you want JUST the terminology explained, you can find it here!
With that out the way: Age Regression. It's basically mentally reverting back to an eariler age! It's a completely SFW (Safe for work) coping mechanism! Though not all regressors use it as a coping mechanism, some just do it for fun! (Also it's technically a form of dissociation!
Same idea with pet regression, but it's reverting to the mindset of an animal! Kinda like shifts for a therian! (Coming from a therian!)
It's a wonderful thing, though it may not always feel like it. Just like how toddlers for example, might have tantrums, not know how to comprehend big emotions, or feel confused. That can happen in regression too! It can be voluntary or Involuntary. But there's ways to manage that!
Oh, and regression is for EVERYONE! (Any ethnic group, any gender, any identity, nobody is allowed to gatekeep it!)
When you're regressed, it really does feel like you're younger, like things are simple, and such. The levels of how extreme it feels varies from person to person!
But yeah, you mentally become a younger age, can be anything from a baby to a teen!
I do HIGHLY recommend doing it! I highly recommend watching shows you loved as a kid, or kids shows you think you'd enjoy now. I recommend getting in cozy clothes, maybe drinking from a sippy cup/water bottle to feel younger? Colouring, playing games (like minecraft!) Listening to soft music, these things really help me!
I'll admit, it can be scary the first time. But you have to trust your mind, trust that youll be able to become big again (your current mental age) when you need to.
Agere (short for age regression) and petre (short for pet regression) can help you have a childhood you never had, help you process difficult emotions, help heal your inner self and inner child, destress, and lots of other benefits!
And hey, some regressors PREFER to watch shows like Hazbin hotel, like playing games like call of duty, like drawing detailed artwork, like swearing. That's all okay too! You don't even have to use baby/kid stuff or talk/act like a baby/kid to regress! But, I do recommend starting off with that first, as it can help you know what regression feels like! ^^
Another thing, you might be a regressor without even knowing it! Like, have you ever laid in bed, grasping to cuddle anything soft near you—Just wishing you were a kid again, that someone would care for you? Maybe you felt like you were having unreasonable fears, like afraid of growing up, or afraid of the dark. Did the world feel bigger, did you maybe want to have a pacifier, or a stuffy?
That could be Involuntary regression! It's a defense mechanism of the brain, basically trying to process the world by becoming mentally younger to help.
You can learn to help control this, not always, but there's ways to help! Pushing away your regression isn't always a good thing, as often, it comes back stronger.
Instead, I recommend trying to find what makes you feel good or safe while regressed, and finding time to do it once or twice a week! (As long as regression isn't taking over your life/interfering with you as a teen/adult, you can do it a lot more than that! Every day if you want!)
You can watch videos online on how to regress, how to do it in secret if you're not ready/don't want to tell others! (I recommend looking up "Agere" or "How to age regress" or "What's agere?")
Same for pet regression! And another thing, there's something called Agedre (Age dreaming) and Petdre (Pet dreaming)
Again, it's always safe for work! It's basically acting, and wanting to be treated as a certain age/animal. It can help to have someone coddle you, and treat yourself younger, even if you'd rather not regress/can't! It's just as valid as Agere/Petre!
And, the community is huge! Slowly, we're working to normalize this, help spread awareness about mental health, and that regression ISN'T a disorder, it doesn't need to be cured! It's a tool that even some therapist recommended!
And hey, even if it's not for you—Please, don't hurt us who rely on it, or use it for fun. If it makes you uncomfortable? That's fine, even if it's 200% SFW, you're allowed your own safe space and boundaries. But try to understand that, we're not hurting anyone, and we can respect each other without taking away each other's safe spaces.
Thank you for listening, questions are always welcome and encouraged! And I hope this helped! (If you have a question you're afraid to ask, you can ask in my ask box with anon! This is a judgement free space!)
The end! ^^
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chickpea0 · 5 months
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Pet/animal regressing SAS trio moodboards inspired by @roseyposie-agere's headcanons which are here! I thought they were really cool and I just got a really vivid image in my head (which I tried to recreate lol) so here they are! I also have a few headcanons + bonus board myself which are under the cut :>
Growing up, they always played all kinds of games together. Hide and seek, pirates, tig and "animals" was just another activity they enjoyed. At least that's what they and everyone else assumed.
Eventually they outgrew many of their other games (though they still do remain healthily playful) they hadn't seemed to drop it like the others. It wasn't quite the same as it was before and there was a sort of break for a while
but I think one day, as preteens or young teens they were sitting around talking about whatever and suddenly one of them brought it up like hey, remeber when we did that? I don't want to forget about that. And there was a quiet understanding :) they're all pretty in tune with eachother.
Anyway, these days they love to use it not only to destress and decompress but as an act of a sort of rebellion!
Yeah they're gonna spend their free time in the woods together! Yeah they're gonna be themselves! And they're not gonna be quiet about it. Well, Abigail and Sam at least.
For Sebastian, he feels it more inwardly. When he regresses it feels more like a fuzzy warmth, like being indoors during a thunderstorm. His dream day while regressed would involve being cosy with his two favourite people, a nice sashimi dinner, a TV marathon running in the background and maybe a few head scritches or two. I feel like he's more open to touch while kitty. He's also less standoffish towards others outside his group but still reserved.
Abi loves to chew on things. I think. You can some times tell when she's feeling a bit wolfish when she starts nibbling the end of a pencil. Sam and Seb gifted her some chewelry once which she was really greatful for. Now she has a shoebox full of it along with some other "wolf-time" items. Has to constantly fight back the urge to playfully bite her friends lmao. I also feel like she might ocasionlly resonate with Springer Spaniels when she's feeling a bit lighter. She's also Very protective. Is even more head strong :)
Sam!! No specific breed and I feel like the "blond loveable character = golden retriver" is a bit tired but I think it quite suits him. Becomes even more goofy when he's regressed. I feel like Sam out of all 3 of them has less sepperation between him and doggy-him. While none of them really have to try hard to hide it, already being in their own world, they still generally like to avoid others, Sam fully embraces it. He even goes to work a bit puppy-ish. That's just Sam!
Regressing also helps them more grounded, and more connected with the natural world :)
They all have their own specific reasons as to why they turn to it. Abigail often feels quite detatched from her family, she enjoys having the stability of it as well as how tough (yet also valuable) it makes her feel. Seb as we all know deals with a heaviness with him; he's a child of divorce and struggles with keeping a healthy balance of things (smoking, distancing himself, being drawn to risky things like his motorbike) so he finds it easier to take care of himself and let others care about him. And Sam has a lot of anxiety with his father. I also believe they are some flavour of neurodivergent so. Projecting here but more "unique" coping methods form lol.
As for frequency I think it really fluctuates! They might go months or more without that familiar feeling or they might go through patches where it's every other day. Depends on each one of them and what they're going through at the time. Probably was more frequent when they were younger, but it was mixed with pet dreaming a lot as well back then.
I think regressing also helps keep them so close, partly. They're growing up and maturing and it is really easy to detatch from your friends and get so wrapped up with stuff on your own. They're able to be their own individuals and learn perfectly fine, but now they have something quite special that let's them be so open :)
Also! Also! I headcanon that they spent a lot of time on the abandoned farm before the farmer arrived! They loooved how out of the way it was and how the overgrown property was so fun to explore. They were actually kind of disapointed when they heard someone was moving in but lucky for them the farmer is quite quick to catch on, and they don't mind a patch of their land being used as a hangout. Afterall they already have so many animals around! What's a few more? Especially if they're willing to help out.
Sam LOVES helping around the farm, he's like a little herding dog. You can practically see his tail wagging. Seb and Abi prefer to watch most of the time though lol
Also. They have pushie version of each others animal!
So yeah! That's it! Brain dump finished! Phew...
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Tagging @theregressionlibrary to enter for Pet Takeover event!
[divider by saradika]
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sadlynotthevoid · 3 months
I'm not sure if I told you guys about the time I dreamed that 20ish Jason Todd died yet again and Death was pissed off because "really? Again? Wtf Batman. The universe doesn't keep reviving your son just so you can see how much he lasts!" And "He has a work to do you know?!". Besides, she's fond of the bright young soul.
So, she calls her uncle to help him. And what you know? Her uncle is the God of Death (because yes, my brain is like that sometimes). They sit to talk and come up with a solution.
First, taking advantage of the effects still present of the last time-space crisis and the spirits protecting the soul, they regress the time of this universe to when Jay had just left All Caste, way before he had came back to Gotham.
Then, Death places Red Hood!Jason's memories on the soul of his younger self. Not too harsh to force his soul to crack, but not too light to let them fall. Just deep enough so he finds them when he meditates.
And by last, God of Death tells the spirits where they should guide the boy to. The perfect place for him.
Where is the best place for a soul who craves for home and safety? Of course, that's with someone who has the heart to care and accept a new loved one and the determination to protect them.
That's how Jason Todd, teenage assassin in an existential crisis, ends up waking up in the softest bed he has ever been in some foreign country. At his side there's a redhead teen sitting in a sofa, a book in his hands and other boy— this one with black hair and pajamas— lying on his lap.
The redhead— Cale, as he presents himself— is mysterious but kind hearted guy. He also knows things. So much so that if he weren't as he is, Jason would suspect. As things are, he knows he's just used to collect information. A bit like a bat, but not quite. A bat would plan how to use it against the possible enemy. Cale? Well, he doesn't even bother to hide what he realized about him. He's also ridiculously casual about it.
Who offers an assassin if they want their hidden weapons back? This guy, apparently.
Jason only knows he's not totally unconscious because at one point an old guy entered with tea and pastries for the three and Cale, the little shit, choose that moment to reassure Jason.
"Don't worry. My butler is an assassin too and we don't treat him different for it."
The old geezer almost let got the porcelain teapot to the floor. Though, points for him for recovering so fast.
"Young master? May this Ron know who you would be talking about?"
"Hm? Who do you think? Hans? The only thing he can kill is Rok Soo's humor. It's you, obviously."
Rok Soo, the sleeping beauty complex guy pretending to be asleep on Cale's lap, was sweating badly. If everyone in the room weren't already aware he was clearly pretending, someone may had thought he was ill.
Later on, he realizes there was a reason Cale had said that at that moment.
He's looking at the butler subtly terrorize the boys to behave, treating the siblings like two particularly mischievous puppies. Then he turns around and uses the same tune to advise him to be careful with his wounds. And that's when he thinks 'Oh. He doesn't see me as a menace'.
Of course he doesn't. His employer just confirmed he's aware of his identity— at least partially— and his own nature. The biggest advantage of an assassin is their secrecy. After their identity is exposed, the only reason they won't attack is if the assassin believes the risk is worthy. Telling the assassin he knows he's an assassin was his way to show Jason's own intentions: none.
Jason didn't intend to end up in that field where these teens find him. He didn't intend to be brought in their vacation house. He definitely didn't plan that the people to found him passed out would be whoever these rich guys were.
But he didn't have anything against all of this either.
Well, maybe the wound. He could make it without the blood loose and the soon-to-be scar to add to his collection.
Either way, at least he had a safe place to stay and think. Just think. Because, the memories he saw— what is he supposed to do now that he has his answer?
His da— Bruce. Bruce didn't care for him as much as Jason does for Bruce. Bruce obviously didn't love him as he thought. And certainly, Bruce was way more willingly to harm him than he believed.
And Jason— well, Jason couldn't waste a second life on a man who didn't put hin even at the same level than the Joker of all people. But maybe his expectatives were too high? He hadn't planned what to do if his life was meaningless to him.
So, Jason needed time. Time to ponder and heal. Those things are better done in a safe place.
That's what Jason has in mind when Cale offers him to stay with them.
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