#regulus x voldemort
childotkw · 2 years
Is there a snippet of regulus taunting voldemort??
And the sexual tension is high??
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I didn't have one of hand, but I'm happy to provide a more tense interaction they'll have in ays(aml)!
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"Mr. Riddle," Regulus said, hurriedly covering his surprise, "good afternoon."
"Good afternoon, Lord Black," Riddle replied, pushing to his feet and holding out his hand.
Regulus hesitated, eyeing him for a moment with suspicion. In public he was untouchable. No one would dare to attack him, no one was stupid enough to try, and it was a privilege Regulus was not afraid to abuse if it helped him achieve his goals. But here in the vast, empty halls of Malfoy Manor, with only Narcissa and the house-elves for company, Riddle could very easily get away with anything.
Regulus was arrogant, but not so much to assume the man before him couldn't crush him like a bug if it came to a fight.
His mind rushed to list all the risks - touch-based poisons, curses, monitoring spells, jinxes - and desperately wished he had thought to wear his gloves. He hadn't anticipated this ambush happening so soon, and not from an innocent invitation to have tea with his cousin, but maybe he should have. He knew where Narcissa's loyalty lay.
With a subtle downward curl to his lips, Regulus shook the man's hand. He would have to find a second to cast a diagnosis charm, because there was no way the rising Dark Lord would miss the chance skin-to-skin contact with Regulus could give him.
Riddle gave him a gilded smile, as if he knew precisely what he was thinking and found it funny. "How good to see you again. Come," Riddle continued smoothly, and against all expectation and protocol, he used his grip on Regulus hand to coax him further down the hall.
Regulus was unbalanced enough to allow it. He shot a look at Narcissa, but his cousin was facing forward, ignoring him completely as she followed them. Reduced to the background in her own home. It smarted Regulus' own pride to see her so demure, despite her participation in this farce.
Riddle led him into the nicer sitting room, and guided Regulus right to his seat. Stubbornly, he waited until Riddle was at his own chair before sitting down.
Narcissa took the place beside him, her hands folding atop her lap, and it was only then that she turned to smile at him. "Cousin, how have you been?"
Regulus considered briefly how he wanted to play this. He could pretend this was a normal occurrence, as if Riddle was a usual fixture in these meetings and privy to such intimate talks.
Or he could be more combative.
Logic dictated one but his instincts prompted the other.
"I'm fine, Cissy. Why are you here, Mr. Riddle?"
Riddle appeared delighted to be asked. "Straight to the point, Lord Black?"
"My time is precious," he answered, heavy with implications that wiped some of Riddle's smugness right off. "If there's a reason you orchestrated this entire thing, if there's something you wished to speak to me about, I'd rather know it now."
"Such an accusation. What makes you think I orchestrated this?" Riddle replied, his eyes bright with intrigue as he barely put any effort into the lie. "Perhaps it's a happy coincidence."
Regulus clasped his hands and leaned forward to meet that heavy gaze. "I don't think coincidences happen to a man like you, Mr. Riddle."
There was a moment when they just smiled at each other, both aware how close to the edge they were walking, before Riddle finally broke the stalemate. "It's about the latest bill -"
"I'm not changing my stance," Regulus cut in, voice hardening. "And forgive me for saying it, Mr. Riddle, but you seem far too interested in politics for a man whose most notable achievement outside of graduating Hogwarts was being a sales assistant."
Oh ho ho, Regulus thought with vicious amusement, that one got him.
And Riddle couldn't say anything to counter that, because at this point in the time, Regulus wasn't supposed to know he was the rumoured Dark Lord.
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siriuslychessi · 2 months
For me PinterestMort Reggie & Voldy
“Why do you always call me when I’m on a date?”
“Right… Well… I’m not sure how we ended up kissing like that…”
- 😉
Regulus was in the middle of a very important thing, after all the kissing part of the date it was the most crucial of it. He really wanted to keep going, but there was this sensation on his left arm that told him that Lord Voldemort was calling and the man didn't like to be kept waiting. He sighed and excused himself, telling his lovely companion that he would be right back, and moved to the next room to get the floo going to contact the Dark Lord. He finally connected and sighed, “Why do you always call me when I’m on a date?” asked the younger wizard, looking at the older wizard in the eyes, his dark robe looking fabulous as ever, Regulus wish he had that pompous style that only the Dark Lord could pull. "Because you are kissing my pet snake, I don't think that's how this relationship works." Voldemort said making Regulus blush. “Right… Well… I’m not sure how we ended up kissing like that…” he admitted, "But you were too busy for me, and technically a Horcrux is a part of you, so it shouldn't count as cheating." The younger wizard pouted. "I just don't think that's very sanitary." Voldemort replied, "also, I've already concluded my business, we can go on our date now."
You can keep sending Sentence Starters
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tenrousei-kuroi · 3 months
i just read Omnipotent to Arms and it's so well done!! and really gripping. i would totally read a sequel tho it also works well as a standalone. you create such visceral imagery and characterization.
I’m glad you liked it! Reggie/Voldemort is an underrepped pairing for sure
I’ve got a long list of fics that I wanted to make longer but ran out of time because they were fest fics…so maybe I’ll get back to it one day ;)
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w1tch3-writes · 19 days
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This is Regulus Black.
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He now has a Gryffindor boyfriend named James.
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Regulus likes to look at the sunflowers because they remind him of James.
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Oh no.
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sp7-mr · 25 days
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iloveratmen · 29 days
where the fuck are all the HAPPY rosekiller fics
(emphasis on the happy)
Fuck it i’ll take a HAPPY jegulus fic
(if either of these fucking exist)
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webbluvrsugar · 25 days
Getting tricked by Barty Crouch Jr.
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Barty didn’t want to do this to you, the sweet, hufflepuff girl that stayed late hours in the library, studying and reading whatever book you could find, the girl that sometimes skips lunch to help Hagrid and his multiple variations of animals. Really, he didn’t, but he had to, Voldemort was asking for information that his father in the ministry wouldn’t provide to him, and you were the perfect opportunity, your parents also worked for the ministry, surely they knew things he could use, surely it wouldn’t be so hard to exploit them out of you by pressing the right buttons.
So he did exactly that, followed you around the castle and helped you out with your books, listened to whatever you wanted to talk about to form some kind of connection with you and it worked out smoothly, it didn’t take long to make you swoon, a few hair twirls and cheek rubs and you went from complete strangers to kissing on each other’s dorms after curfew, to having you on his bed, to him taking your virginity and making it good for you. He hadn’t meant to go this far, but now with your naked body over his as he caresses your hair, his other hand carrying his cigarette in two fingers, he’s pensive about everything he’s done, because sure, he’s already got what he wanted from you, Voldemort has what he wants but he just can’t let you go.
“Really, that’s what they said?” He mumbles, as if he’s paying attention to anything you’re saying.
“Mhm.. they’re asses.” You whisper back, head slightly buried on his chest as he keeps the same mind-numbing motion on your hair. You stay silent for a while, he can tell you’re thinking to, one eyebrow raising, encouraging you to speak. “So,” you look up to him, a soft, blissful sigh escaping you. “Are we… dating now?”
Right, that question, the one he’s been trying to avoid the last few weeks, he’s even surprised you’ve only asked now, but it’s fitting, he just took your virginity, made you attached to him forever, made himself a permanent memory in your head, he doesn’t blame you for asking, he just doesn’t know what to ask.
“Hm..” he hums, eyes going up to the ceiling, it’s not that he doesn’t like you, it’s just that he never considered a relationship, you don’t know he’s a death eater and he’s not the type of guy you could present to your parents, but he likes the way you speak, the way you act and feel, it brings moments of peace to his restless mind.
“Yes, we are.” He looks back down at you, a small smile peering at his lips as he sees the way you light up, as if he just made your whole world in that exact same moment and he’s almost proud of himself, he doesn’t know how long this will last, but he’ll make sure to keep you happy and clueless while it does. “Feels right, doesn’t it?” He smirks.
“Yes… it does.” You chuckle, looking back down to his chest.
“Good.” He nods, one hand going down to deliver a smack to your ass. “Wouldn’t lose a body like that.”
“Hey!” You try to correct him, he only huffs out a low laugh.
“What? I’m only telling the truth.” His thumb goes down to caress your cheek, taking a long draw of the cigarette before blowing the smoke in the air, the faint scent of tobacco lingering.
He’s never seen himself this soft.
At the end of the day, he doesn’t know who’s tricking who.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 3 - Dark Fic
@wolfstarmicrofic July 3, word count 709
Sirius lounged on his throne. Spinning his wand between his fingers. Ruling over all of British Wizarddom was boring work. If he’d known exactly how dull it would be, he’d never have bothered taking his seat as Lord Black.
He’d questioned if the Black family was so old and powerful. Why were they throwing in their lot with an unknown wizard of questionable heritage? It had been a joke at his family’s expense. But it had got them thinking and before he knew it, he’d had his wand to Tom Riddle’s head and performed the killing curse for the first time.
And now here he was thrust into power and in a foul mood. 
“Bring in the next one,” He drawled, cracking his stiff neck. He’d already sentenced four to death this morning and he was starting to get peckish. One more and he’d order lunch. 
A man was thrown before him. He was dirty and ragged and his filthy too long hair had fallen forward covering his face. With an exasperated sigh, Sirius waited impatiently for the man to look up. They always did. They might be afraid of him, but they couldn’t help themselves, they all wanted to look upon the man who’d conquered them all. 
The door opened again and Regulus came sauntering in. 
“Sirius, I’m bored, anything interesting going on in here,” He yawned as he walked past the man still kneeling on the floor. 
“Just this last one and then I thought lunch?” Sirius suggested to his brother.
“What’s he done?” Regulus asked, wrinkling his nose at the smell that had finally wafted up to them. 
“No idea,” He clicked his fingers at the guard and stood to attention. 
“He was found living in the woods, stealing supplies from Malfoy Manor of all places.” Sirius sat up on his throne, taking an interest. 
“And what kind of insane person would ever think that was a good idea?” He scoffed. The man lifted his hand, swept his matted hair from his face and looked up directly into Sirius’s eyes. Sirius inhaled sharply. 
“Sirius, are you alright?” Regulus asked, a flash of concern on his face. He stared down at the man and rolled his eyes. “Come on Sirius, he stole from Cissy, it’s an automatic death sentence. Hurry up. Now you’ve mentioned lunch. I’m hungry,” Sirius didn’t move. This was what he’d been afraid of. He'd known he was still out there somewhere, but he’d hoped he’d stay gone. He put his shutters up. Shutting off his emotions so he wouldn’t give himself away. 
“This one’s got a rabid look about him, don’t you think?” He crooned at Regulus. Praying he wouldn't recognise him. 
“Oh, put him out of his misery already, Sirius. He looks like he’s suffered enough.”
“Nah, I think I might enjoy this one for a bit. Guard, have him washed and dressed appropriately, then have him taken to my chambers.” Sirius put on his best-wicked grin as Remus Lupin was dragged from his hall. 
“Merlin, there’s something wrong with you,” Regulus groaned.
“So lunch?” Sirius replied cheerily. 
He parted from Regulus soon after they’d eaten and told the guards they weren’t to disturb him for the rest of the day. They were so scared of him by now that he knew they'd heed his words. He climbed the stone steps up to his chambers and met the guard waiting there. “Go make yourself useful elsewhere.” He ordered. The guard stuttered but didn’t move. 
“But My Lord, what if he attacks you? He’s already tried to scratch the eyes out of Goyle and he bit Crabbe, took a huge chunk out of his arm.” Sirius narrowed his eyes and pointed his wand at the guard, letting the tip rest on his forehead. 
“And what makes you think I can’t protect myself? You’re only here because I allow it. I could get along very easily without you. Now leave before you find yourself kneeling in my hall before my throne.” The guard fled as quickly as he was able. Sirius took a deep steadying breath and opened his chamber door. 
Remus was waiting for him, chained to a ring embedded in the wall. “Hello, sweetheart,” Sirius smirked at him, “Did you miss me?” 
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jackfileo0 · 4 months
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I woke up at 3 am with an obsessive thought: how would Bellatrix look like with short hair
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voldemort had a crush on sirius and when sirius didn't join him & joined his ex-crush's party instead he got mad and took his brother who he didn't even gaf about
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childotkw · 2 years
I just read TLWD and I’m so excited for Harry and Reg’s relationship and how it’ll impact the plot like omg, I am bursting with questions - none of which you have to answer lmao i’m just rambling. but, like, is Harry’s Patronus still a stag? Does he still see Lily and James in the Mirror? AND Sirius! How the hell will that relationship work? and then there’s the whole romance with Voldemort and Reg. Like shit. How is that gonna go down with Harry? ahhh thank you so much for writing it!
😊😊😊 Harry and Regulus are gonna be so freaking cute i swear! And thank you!
I haven't put too much thought into some of the things you're asking about, but I'll tentatively say:
Harry's patronus won't be a stag
He won't see Lily and James in the mirror, or not just them, his greatest desire might end up being some amalgamation of Regulus and his parents all raising him; or something purely relating to Regulus being happy / proud of him / old and grey and holding Harry's imaginary future children and being a grandpa
Sirius and Harry's relationship is actually going to be a real mess for a long time since Sirius' introduction and reveal to Harry comes at a bad time, and Harry is firmly on Team Regulus - so any fight between Sirius and Regulus (of which there will probably be many) puts Harry and Sirius back several steps
As for Regulus and Riddle, Harry doesn't approve of it until he, personally, thinks that Riddle is good enough for his adopted dad - the romance will very much be on the backburner for a long time, since it takes a while for Regulus and Riddle to stop trying to murder each other; but Harry is the only one to not judge Regulus when things start taking that turn because he just wants him to be safe and happy, and if Riddle can accomplish that then Harry will refrain from biting the man whenever they see each other.
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louvhoney · 6 months
imagine that the one who actually killed dorcas was dumbledore. because voldemort took everything from her but dumbledore never got evan, barty and regulus help knowing what was happening to them and he did nothing to protect marlene and the rest of kids, literally fucking teenagers, who fought for his case. so she went and confronted him about him, so he started seeing her as a threat. like my girl would have him begging her for mercy for all that shit he pulled off
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moondustinfj · 1 year
Barty Crouch Jr.
"Wormtail, I need somebody with brains, somebody whose loyalty has never been wavered, and you, unfortunately, fulfill neither requirement" -Voldemort to Peter
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"I was under my father's control, I was forced to wear an invisibilty cloak day and night. I was always with the house elf. She was my keeper and care taker, she pitied me"
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"Should have spent a bit more time at home with his family, shouldn't he? Ought to have left the office early once in a while...got to know his son" - Sirius Black, about Barty's father
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"Father I didn't! I didn't, I swear it, Father..
Don't send me there, don't let him! I'm your son! I'm your son!"
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"Who put your name in the Goblet of Fire, under the name of a different school? I did. Who frightened off every person who i thought might try to hurt you or prevent you from winning the tournament? I did. Who nudged Hagrid into showing you the dragons? I did. Who helped you to see the only way you could beat the dragon? I did"
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"Mad, am i?"
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snetofed · 4 days
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loomis-maxima · 5 months
I'm so sorry for making you choose, I also love both of them so it's hard to just pick one but I'd also be open to Regulus x Reader x Tom or Voldemort if you write him too and if you're okay with an age gap fic i feel like this one is either a really angsty or really smutty one thooo
it's actual torture trying to pick between regulus and tom 😭 but i love this sm- my brain is all kinds of fucked up imagining reg x reader x tom bc- but fuck yes. not even a question I'm obsessed (also i may totally be open to writing for voldemort, i didn't know people would wanna read that but I'm feeling the validation for my weird ideas i love you)
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iloveratmen · 26 days
i genuinely can’t believe what i’m reading
i just laughed out loud
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