#requests are still open btw!! don't be shy
the-sky-queen · 1 month
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Some un-okay boys I drew last night while trying to process my emotions
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babacontainsmultitudes · 11 months
Alright tumblr it's been real but I gotta take a break for my own sake, which knowing me could mean for 2 days or 2 months. In any case I'll still be checking tumblr just hopefully a lot less- as per usual don't be shy to @ me if you wanna make sure I see something, and my ask box is always open! And do take care all of you 💜
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uglypastels · 1 month
omg what about Logan being like the softest with a sensitive/shy reader. Idk in what context like maybe she’s just overwhelmed with life and kinda closed off in terms of voicing what’s wrong and you know he’s usually very stoic but he’s the BIGGEST softy. Totally not projecting btw.
YEsss Logan is such a fucking softie, no matter how hard he'd want to try and hide it. thank you for being my first request for this fandom i hope i can do it some justice 🫶 and pleeease, we love to project here so please, go right ahead.
warnings: darkness. anxiety. loneliness. alcohol. fem!reader. reader's mutation specified. mentions of past [implied toxic] relationship. so some angst but also bunch of fluff at the end. also please don't come for me if he's a bit out of character. this is my first time writing Logan so it will be trial and error.
~ X-Men Requests Open ~ Masterlist ~
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It was the dead of the night. Quite literally. All around you was so quiet and dark that the rest of the world might as well have ceased to exist. All you heard was the floorboards creaking under your footsteps as slivers of moonlight illuminated your path through the corridors of the mansion. It was the rare instance that you felt at peace. 
Yes, you knew almost as soon as you stepped inside the large building and saw all these mutants walking around happily and carelessly that you had found a true safe haven, and yet, months later, you still had not found your bearings. It did not help that you were not exactly in the age bracket of most of the residents here. Having the mansion double as a school meant most of the mutants were in that school-going age range, and while they were lovely (for the most part), you had no desire to befriend children. Then, those who you felt more drawn to socially, like Storm or Jean, were all apart of that special ops team, which always left them busy, if not completely absent, while away on missions. 
Thus, most of your days went by in solitude. Something you had gotten used to throughout your life. Over the years it had become natural for you to simply disappear into your surroundings. Wether you wanted to or not, people simply overlooked you. In hindsight, it explained your mutation perfectly… or was that just an aftereffect of it? You had always wondered if it was one’s personality that influenced the mutation or the other way around.
Either way, for you, it all merged into one dark abyss. 
By now, you had gotten a hang of all the floor plans of the giant building, especially the route between your room and the kitchens. 
You hadn’t checked the clock when you got out of bed, but it must have been around 2 am, if not later. You didn’t expect anyone to be up at this ungodly hour. Especially not walking out of the dark kitchen exactly as you were coming through the threshold. The two of you bump, chest to chest, and the contact immediately made you burst out in a high-pitched scream. From the other side of the impact, you heard a muffled grunt and the sound of a blade being pulled. That was enough for your flight or fight mode to activate. You almost choked on the deep breath you took. The blade swung in your direction, but it only slashed the air where you once stood. 
‘Who’s there?’ it was a male voice. Hard and deep, almost wild. In your other form, your eyes adapted much better to the dark, and so you could see him looking around himself wildly. You counted the sharp appendages in his hands— no, they were coming out of his arms— six long claw-like blades ready to impale the very first thing that’d move. 
There was no doubt about it that this must have been the infamous Logan everyone around the mansion talked about. From what you had heard, he had been away for almost a year on some top-secret assignment for the Professor, but now he had apparently returned.
And what a comeback he has made, nearly stabbing you in the hallway.
‘Who’s there?’ he repeated his question louder, still looking around.
‘Just me.’ Your voice came out as the exact opposite of his, soft and weak, and you immediately regretted your words. Just me, as if he was supposed to know what that meant.
But it must have done the trick, as Logan retracted his claws. His shoulders visibly slacked at the lack of imminent danger.
‘Well, Me, you can come out of hiding. I’m not gonna hurt ya,’ he grumbled, ‘let me just turn the light on–’ 
‘Wait!’ You squeezed your eyes shut and let the cool air of the night brush over your bare arms. When you opened them again, all you could see was Logan’s large frame standing inside the kitchen, most likely hovering over the light switch, surprised at your sudden call.
‘Sorry, you can uhm– turn the lights on now.’ And like that, with a quiet flick, the kitchen illuminated with a soft orange glow. 
Logan’s eyes were immediately on you, scanning you up and down for any sign of recognition, but you already knew there would be none. Even if he had ever seen you before, there never was.
‘Do I know you?’ he cocked his head with the question, and all you could do was shake your head. 
‘I doubt it.’ No one knew you, but that didn’t feel like a smart response.
‘Care to introduce yourself, Bub?’ He leaned against the wall with the light switch, and maybe it was his overall greatness as he practically towered over you, but you felt a rush of heat fall over your face as he looked down at you in expectance. Awkwardly, you pushed out the sounds that formed your name, with a bonus of an extended hand for him to shake. 
‘And you must be Logan, right?’
He confirmed your suspicion with a grunt as he took your hand, squeezed firmly, but not painfully, and shook it once. Then, silence fell between you. 
Two strangers who met in a complete, nearly fatal accident. It was only to be expected you would have nothing to say to one another. But you were, after all both awake this late in the night, and that was enough to compel you to talk. 
‘Couldn’t sleep?’
‘Just got back, actually.’ His eyes glanced to your side and that is when you noticed the duffel bag that lay in the corridor. Then, only when you looked back at him did you take in what he was wearing. Not the expected gym shorts or sweatpants with an old shirt. Instead, Logan was dressed in a black button-up under a dark motorcycle jacket. With that, he had a boot cut-jeans and the boots to match. From the tiny dark dotted pattern on his shoulders and the light pitter-pattering that was occurring outside, it was visible he had just come from out of the rain. 
Immediately, a parade of questions entered your mind. Where had he been? Why did he come back so late? What was he doing in the kitchen? And so much more, though none of it would leave your mouth as you doubted he would talk to you about his secret mission. 
‘You alright?’ His brows furrowed as he looked down at you, and you realised how you must have looked. Staring up at him with wide eyes, not saying a single thing. Another heat flare hit your cheeks.
‘Yeah, I’m fine.’
He cocked his head in an examinatory fashion. The disbelief evident in his eyes. 
‘You’re new here, aren’t you?’
‘Relatively,’ you shrugged. ‘Got here a few months ago.’
‘Parents kicked you out?’ He assumed the most common backstory that comes with the residents of the mansion.
‘Not exactly,’ you kept your response short. After all, you could hardly tell a stranger you just met that your boyfriend had kicked you out of your shared apartment when he found out about your genetic abnormality. You had never been sure how he would have reacted, but the events that unfolded were even beyond your imagination. But the past was the past, and you didn’t want to dwell on it. The important part was that not a day after this conversation, you were crying in your car with nowhere to go. It was by chance that weeks after your break-up/eviction, you stumbled into some other mutants who told you about the Professor. You weren’t too sure about going to seek shelter at a school of all places, but in reality, the Academy was much more than that. Though it did give you the perfect opportunity to safely train your abilities.
That and so much more was what went through your head, but you didn’t say any of that to Logan. Why would you? He didn’t know you. He didn’t care about your problems, and you didn’t blame him for it. 
On the contrary, you appreciated that he didn’t press you for more details. When you answered the way you did, he simply nodded in understanding and made his way over to the fridge. The blue glow illuminated his tense features. Strange, for a man who had been a year on the go on some secret spy adventure, you would have expected him to return at least a bit beaten up. But besides maybe some signs of a bad sleep schedule, no form of strain was visible on his face.
‘You want something?’ he looked over at you, making you realise you had been, in fact, staring and not very subtly either. 
‘I’m good, thanks.’ 
‘Suit yourself,’ he went back to inspecting the contents of the fridge before sighing with disappointment. ‘They still don’t have anything stronger around here?’
‘Oh, if you’re looking for beer–’ you walked over to a cabinet at the other end of the kitchen. You tapped a corner, and a small code pad appeared. You tapped in the code, and the cabinet opened to reveal a fully stocked mini-bar. ‘Scott had it installed over the summer,’ you explained when you saw Logan’s confused expression.
‘Explains the babyproofing.’ He walked over, and you handed him a cool bottle of beer.
‘Well, it is a school after all.’ You held in a smile as the thought occurred to you that the kids might not have been the only ones who weren’t supposed to know about the secret compartment. The rivalry between Cyclops and the Wolverine was known all too well around the whole campus, even for newcomers such as yourself.
Logan smirked, taking his beer. You were about to offer a bottle opener, but he hit the neck of the bottle against the edge of the table and with a pop and a clink, the cap came right off. 
‘Here,’ he exchanged your bottles, giving you the open one. You watched him repeat his actions with the second drink. Your eyes were still on him as he chugged down half of the beer in one go. He probably could have downed the whole thing if it wasn’t for his look down at you, most likely noticing your entranced look.
‘That staring a part of your powers, too, then?’ he commented, and the acknowledgement immediately made you turn your head in the direction of the window.
‘Sorry. I just— I tend to do that, I guess.’ You wrinkled your nose. Being on your own around so many people, you had gotten used to people watching, observing them from a distance like a show on TV that you kept on for the background noise.
‘What do you do, anyway?’ He asked bluntly, ‘I thought I had done you in good back there.’
‘You would have,’ you chuckled, remembering just how close his claws had come into contact with you. ‘It’s hard to explain. I just kind of—’ You noticed the shadow that fell over the floor from the table and lightly grazed it with the tip of your toe. With a deep breath, the world in front of you changed. Except the exact opposite was the truth. ‘Disappear.’ You finished the sentence, punctuated by your new state.
Logan’s eyes widened as you disappeared in front of his eyes. Where the shock came from, he couldn’t explain. He had encountered these sorts of mutants before. But this felt different than regular invisibility or teleportation. With his heightened senses, he could always detect those sorts of hijinks. No one ever disappeared to him. But you— as soon as you had faded away, it was as if you had completely fallen off the face of the earth. Not a single trace of you lingered behind. When you spoke, just as you had in the hallway, your voice didn’t seem to be coming from one place. It was all around him, almost like a whisper, a voice inside his own head.
With a blink of an eye, you reappeared before him. Just as you had stood there moments before.
‘There’s not really a name for this, I think; at least no one around here could come up with anything that made sense.’ Not that you had any conversations that made people interested enough to do the research. ‘But from my own understanding, I kind of become one with the shadows.’
‘And what about the light?’ he recalled your yelp when he had tried to turn on the light.
‘I merge with the dark, and so when new light sources interfere… it’s not pretty.’
Logan simply nodded as he took the last swig of his beer.
For a moment, the two of you stood there in silence, you leaning against the counter and he against the large table. 
‘You’re doing it again, Bub.’ He smirked, calling out your lost stare. 
‘Sorry,’ you hadn’t even realised you were doing it. You had just been looking around the room and may have, perhaps, accidentally lingered a look at his frame for a few seconds. And then you caught sight of his hands. More specifically, his knuckles. There was a faint pink glow on the skin, but besides that, you would never be able to tell that deadly claws could grow out from there. You blinked. ‘Sorry.’ You were doing it again. Quickly, you drank the rest of your beer. The bitter taste lingered in your throat, suffocating the burning questions that you wanted to ask.
‘Spill it out.’ He hit you by surprise with the command.
You knew there were plenty of mindreaders around, but you had not thought it was one of Logan’s abilities. ‘How did you–’
‘It’s all in your face, sweetheart. You think just ‘cause you’re quiet, you’re hard to read, don’t you.’ His assumption left you a bit stunned. It wasn’t that you had thought exactly that, but more so that you never considered that you were making any expressions that were that easy to interpret, as you never really had anyone pay that much attention to you to point it out.
 ‘If you want to say something, just say it.’ Logan said the corner of his lips lifted in a small smile. ‘If you’re wondering if it hurts,’ he looked down at his knuckles, ‘it hurts just as any other one-foot-long knife cutting through skin.’
‘That’s awful.’ You gasped, considering what it must be like to have such a mutation that inadvertently harmed you any time you used it.
‘You get used to it after a while.’ 
Another round of silence. This time, the longer it went on, the more you started thinking how you must be inconveniencing him. With the beers drank, there was little for you both to still be doing here, but also didn’t want to be rude by just up and leaving. After all, you didn’t know Logan very well. 
‘You sure you’re alright?’ He asked, coming out from behind the table.
‘Yeah.’ You tried to smile but could tell it probably did not reach your eyes. Logan moved with a sense of apprehension, unsure of how to approach you. Being a year on the road, not to mention the years of solitude before he had joined the Professor’s team, had not exactly prepared him for these kinds of situations. He didn’t know the right things to do or to say. But to you, just his presence was enough. Just him being there, talking, or in this case, just seeing you, was more than you could have asked for. ‘I’m good.’ 
And yet, ironically, though you had actually meant it for once, you really did feel alright, but something about the situation caused tears to prickle in the corners of your eyes. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation that made you overly sensitive. Or the alcohol. 
You blinked the tears away and smiled awkwardly. ‘It’s just been a long day.’ or week. Month. Year. How about your entire life?
‘Yeah, tell me about it.’ There was that quirk in his lip again, that ghost of a smile. And you couldn’t figure out if his response was just a sarcastic quip, understandably referring to his past days, which you were sure did not consist of a walk in the park. Or did he actually mean it, and he did want you to tell him more? Well, your moment of contemplation brought on another wave of silence, and the heavier it fell, the worse you felt to go back to your problems.
The sudden sound of footsteps pulled you back into your world. People must be slowly waking up; meanwhile, you hadn’t had an hour of sleep yet, and the effect of that started to hit.
‘I should— should probably go.’ You muttered, taking small steps in the direction of the door.
‘Well, the offer always stands.’ Logan followed you with his eyes, turning in his spot as you passed by him. See you around, Nightshade.’
‘What?’ the nickname caught you off-guard, stopping you in your tracks. 
‘Sorry,’ Logan winced, ‘I don’t know—’ that’s what he gets for trying to be cute. 
‘No, don’t apologise. I like it.’ Your smile finally found its full form. A “thank you” almost slipped past it, but you held yourself back. It felt too cheesy to get all sentimental about something as silly as a nickname. Especially since he didn’t know what it meant for you. He didn’t need to know didn’t think you’d ever belong amongst these people enough to get a moniker. 
And maybe it didn’t mean anything at all, maybe he had just said it as a mindless comment on your powers. Or maybe not. Maybe he had really tried hard to put that smile on your face. 
You would never know.
Unless you took that one small step. Because, of course, all you had to do was ask, just like he had told you, but maybe another time. For now, you just bid him farewell, hoping for that next opportunity to certainly come sooner than later.
the end.
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thank you for reading 💗
if you enjoyed the fic, please consider reblogging and leaving a comment. or send a message via my inbox. requests are also more than welcome. 💗
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cheeseceli · 9 months
You speak another language
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Pairing: Ot8!skz × Gn!Reader
Genre: fluff, reaction
Warnings: mention of food at Lee Know and Felix's, I think that's it?
Request: how do you think ot8 would react to the reader speaking in their native language? Especially if it's not korean/english?
A/n: It's embarrassing the amount of time I took to write this one💀 the worst part is that I actually spent every week tryna find the best way of putting all my ideas together. Hope you like it anyways!
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Bang Chan
‌Would have a pet name for you in your mother tongue
‌ Like idk if you speak spanish his nickname for you would be "mi amor"
‌Finds it really attractive btw
‌When you're speaking your mother tongue he sees just how much comfortable you are
‌You literally shine in his eyes
‌He'd just be staring at you with heart eyes
‌And if you're learning Korean or English he'd be more than glad to help you overcome your difficulties with the language
‌Would be your personal professor fr
‌Speaks slower around you so you can understand everything, and wouldn't mind repeating himself at all
‌He knows that the language barrier can be a bit intimidating and that it can make you afraid of opening up completely
‌But he'd be so reassuring all the time
‌Really tries his best to comfort you when you need it and it doesn't matter the language, he makes is clear that he loves and will be with you all the time
Lee Know
‌If you had a hard time speaking Korean but still tried your best to communicate with him and his parents in Korean, he'd fall DEEP in love with you
‌He gives me major "I don't understand but I love you" vibes ngl
‌lmao he'd learn the bad words before anything else
‌If you're speaking your mother tongue when in the phone he'd try to guess what you're saying
‌Genuinely doesn't know what's going but he's invested
‌And he repeats some words after you say it
‌Not in a mocking way, he just finds it cool how the word sounds and keep repeating it to himself
‌Like if you speak french he'd be like "bonjour. Bonjour? Bonjour"
‌It's endearing
‌But yeah you'll have to translate everything to him later
‌He wants to know about the tea
‌Cooks your hometown dishes for you!!
‌ If you have a foreign accent when speaking Korean or English he finds it adorable
‌ And he also finds your mother tongue adorable
‌ It doesn't matter if you speak one of the sexiest languages in the world
‌ This man finds it adorable
‌Eventually learns your language
‌He'll take classes, buy text books and everything
‌He truly believe that learning how to communicate with you (in every language for that matter) is like a "boyfriend duty"
‌So he'll be more than happy to learn
‌Tries to show his affection in ways that are not spoken as well so you both could surpass the language barrier
‌He'll get you flowers, gifts, would take you to amazing places, would have the best dates with you and everything you can ever think of
‌You'd have the best memories ever with him and no word would need to be said
‌ Would ask you to teach him some pet names and sweet phrases in your language
‌ And would 100% say "I love you" in your mother tongue in certain moments
‌ Like in more intimate moments that he wants you to truly understand how much he loves you
‌ Would love if you replied with saying "I love you" in Korean
‌If you have a different accent than him when speaking Korean/English he might start speaking like you
‌yk when you get someone's accent just by living next to them
‌That's him
‌He finds it fancy
‌And when the boys tease him for this he might get shy but he's also so proud? Like "yeah I got it from my s/o :D"
‌Writes a letter to you once he finds confidence in speaking your language. It might have some mistakes here and there but it was so sweet, and the intention behind it was so lovely, that you couldn't help but tear up a bit when you read it for the first time
‌Loves your culture so much
‌He'd ask you to show songs and movies and things like that in your language
‌Like if you're Indian he'd ask you to show him some Bollywood movies
‌He'd try to guess what they are saying and it's a whole game for him
‌He's there for the vibes honestly
‌But I think he'd end up learning a thing or two and later would like to learn the whole thing
‌Would incorporate your mother tongue in his songwriting I'm 100% sure
‌And!! would ask for songs recommendations so he could sing to you when you least expect it
‌Learns two words in your mother tongue, probably uses them in the wrong way, thinks he is fluent.
‌But he also knows a lot of slangs in your language, it's kinda surprising ngl
‌He'd occasionally drop a random slang in your language when talking to the kids and everyone would be like ???
‌"what did you say?"
‌ Learns your language to surprise you
‌ Like every time there is a break when he's practicing he'd open duolingo
‌(He'd have a hella long strike, 100 days in a row or smth)
‌When you're speaking on the phone with someone he tries to listen to it as a listening exercise
‌Is smiling to himself throughout the period of the call and when you ask the reason why he just brushes it off
‌Cooks your hometown dishes for you pt. 2!!
‌But seriously tho
‌He knows it's hard to be far from home, especially by yourself
‌So he really tries to make you feel at home
‌He will cook your nationals dishes, will sing songs in your language, will encourage you to speak in your mother tongue around him etc
‌Also, 2 kids 1 room flashback
‌He likes to have meaningful conversations with you where he tells you how much he loves and appreciates you
‌Unlike Hyunjin, he'd say everything in English because it feels more genuine for him, as it's his first language
‌So if you're replying to him in your language, he'd feel SO happy
‌He thinks this is like a proof that everything you're saying comes from a deep place somehow. It makes him fall in love once again
‌ Wants to learn your language the moment you guys get in a serious relationship
‌ Besides wanting to be able to talk to you in your own comfort zone
‌He'd want to be able to talk to your friends and family who speaks your mother tongue
‌ Like the first time he sees your parents he'd be ready to talk to them
‌i'm so down bad for this man it's not even funny anymore
‌Would take you everywhere in Korea so he could show you a bit of his home (would tell stories about the places so excitedly)
‌And would love if he had the opportunity to go to your country
‌Would love it even more if you showed the place around to him and explained a bit about everything you know
‌If in the first stages of the relationship there is a language barrier, he'd plan dates that don't involve a lot of talking
‌Like he'd take you to concerts and karaokes
‌music is universal after all isn't it?
‌He always give his 100% into the relationship it's so cute
‌ Finds it really attractive pt2
‌ He loves your accent
‌ And he loves your mother tongue as well
‌ He could spend a whole day just listening to you speak, even if he doesn't understand a single word
‌ And if you're learning Korean, he'd love to see your progress and to see you getting more comfortable while speaking it
‌ I also see two possible scenarios:
‌ One, he'd wake up one day really determined to learn your language and wouldn't stop until he does
‌ Two, he'd never stop and actually learn it, but he'd end up catching up with some things you say and show to him. So in the end he'd know the basics and some essential phrases
‌I believe he'd genuinely enjoy to learn about your culture
‌Like, whenever a cultural shock comes up, he'd be invested in understanding it?
‌Of course sometimes there would be misunderstandings, but I truly think he would try to see the positive view rather than seeing only the cultural crash
‌He might even learn a thing or two and get your culture's habits
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Feedback is very much appreciated!!
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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pyramid-of-starrs · 11 months
Just the thought of you writing prompt 15 is a good enough reason to wake up every morning so I humbly present this as a request
San has an Idea
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Kinktober request: 15 boyfriend San, bestfriend Woo, threesome
Pairing: Pervy Boyfriend San x Fem reader x Bestfriend Wooyoung
Summary: After being left behind on a group trip, you, Woo and San hangout like normal in Sans room, that is until San makes a suggestion on a group activity.
Word Count: 3.6K
Kink: Threesome
Warning: Threesome, unprotected sex, mfm threesome, mxm interactions, double penetration, ass play (m receiving)
A/N: WooSan is my biases btw
Minors dni
“We should just have a threesome."
That was Sans first words in 10 minutes. Your boyfriend San was sat at his desk while you and both of your best friend Wooyoung was sat on Sans bed just hanging out in his room since the rest of the friend group took a 1 day trip to another haunted house out of town. You both looked up from your phone, the TikTok you were showing Wooyoung still playing on a loop.
"Did you guys hear me? I said we should have a-" San said but was interrupted.
"We- We heard you, where is that coming from though?" Wooyoung said holding up his hand to halt San from saying anymore vulgar words.
"I mean why not? Woo you're bi and have had threesomes before, I'm pretty open sexually, we're all attractive and find each other attractive. I'm sure you wouldn't be opposed to fucking Y/N, it's not like you never seen us fuck before." It felt like San was going on and on with multiple points being made on why his suggestion made perfect sense.
"Hold on dude, rather I've caught you guys having sex or not doesn't really matter, this is something way different. You would honestly be completely fine with me... having sex with Y/N even if you're involved?" Wooyoung questioned.
"My sweet bunny's pretty pussy is a gift to earth, of course I don't mind sharing with my closest friend." San said, Wooyoung shook his head at San then turned to you.
"Y/N, please say something to your boyfriend." That's when Wooyoung noticed you with your knees up in the corner of the bed covering your face with your arms.
"See man you made Y/N embarrassed." Wooyoung yelled at San.
"No, she isn't." San got up from his gaming chair and walked over to the bed to sit next you. You and San were sat at the head of the bed while Wooyoung was at the foot of it, San spread his legs on the bed and patted his lap, you knew what that meant so you crawled into his lap while avoiding eye contact, you both were now facing Wooyoung but you still tried to look down to avoid eye contact.
"You see Woo I know my bunny well, really well. She has no problem voicing what she isn't interested in doing, so when she didn't respond when I asked, I already knew what she wanted." San placed his hands under your knees and lifted them to bend them for you and spread them nice and wide. The loose short shorts you were wearing already left 0 to the imagination but then San pulled them to the side to reveal your already wet pussy to Wooyoung whose face was turning red. San rubbed his fingers between your folds earning soft whimpers from you, you put your head back on his shoulder as he smiled watching you fall apart so easily. "See Woo, her pussy is already dripping at the thought of both of us fucking her, isn't that right baby?" San asked
You nodded your head as your body was heating up.
"Come on Bunny give Wooyoungie a proper response." San looked up at Wooyoung and noticed his eyes were glued to your core.
"Y-yes." you said in a low voice, San removed his hand from your core to remove your shorts. San placed his hands back over your pussy, this time focusing on rubbing your throbbing clit, you kept your mouth shut while you continued to moan, slightly feeling shy from Wooyoungs staring but turned on as well.
"Come on Woo, I know you've been wanting to touch her since I introduced you two, go ahead." San said, Wooyoung was a bit shocked that San noticed his crush on you, he moved a bit closer to the two of you.
"Are you okay with this Y/N? Do you want me to touch you?" Wooyoung asked you, he would never want to do anything you weren't comfortable with. You frantically nodded your head as San applied more pressure to your clitoris, causing you to throw your head back.
Wooyoung was still hesitant but in the back of his mind he always hoped this moment would come. You two always made Wooyoung go into Bi-panic, you and San were a hot couple, The many times he caught you two in the act he found himself not knowing if he wished he was you or San. He decided to not waste any more time and finally got closer, he sat on his knees in front of you and his eyes was glued to your core. He watched San rub circles on your clit and how you would jerk at the sensation. He stuck out his index finger and rubbed your hole to get his fingertip wet before gliding it into your dripping cunt, the feeling of both Woo and San touching you causing you to yell out a string of curse words, you didn't even notice him put his middle finger in as well until he started to pump them both in and out of you. You bit your bottom lip from the stimulation as Woo sped up his pace, your hips starting to move on Sans lap.
"Woo my bunny likes praise, tell her she's doing a good job." San said nonchalantly like he wasn't prepping his girlfriend to be fucked by himself and his best friend. Wooyoung was in somewhat of a trans feeling your gummy wet walls contract around his fingers and watching your hole gush while you moaned.
"You're taking my fingers so well Y/N, does it feel good to have me and San touching you like this?" He asked, your mind was blanking, and you could barely comprehend what was being said to you, your eyes rolled back from the praise, and you felt your climax rushing toward you.
"He asked you a question don't be rude Bunny, give him an answer." San said while lightly ripping your chin and throat.
"Yes, Woo ahh~ it feels so good, please fuck your fingers into me more." San smiled at you falling apart and started to kiss you while speeding up the pace of his fingers on your clit, even with his tongue in your mouth your muffled moans could be heard. Wooyoung felt his dick getting harder watching you two kiss, hearing you moan for San made him want to make you do the same for him, he drove his finger deeper and faster into your cunt, trying to navigate finding your spot. Your body jerked hard and you yelped when he hit it and he knew what he had to do, he leaned forward to hit even deeper into you and lifted the hoodie you had on with nothing underneath, Wooyoung had been slyly eyeing your hard nipples the entire time he was hanging out with you and San so naturally he wasted no time pressing his lips on one of them.
You were going insane, the immense amount of pleasure you were feeling between Woo and San was damn near unbearable. San finally pulled back from the kiss, his fingers going even faster on your clit because he knew you were at your peak from how loud your moans were and how he watched your body shake, Woo could feel your pussy squeezing his fingers so much that you barely had room to move. It only took a few more seconds of this before you erupted, your cum shot out of you like a hose in the summer as you soaked Wooyoung, yourself and some of the bed. Wooyoung continued to pump his fingers into you to help you ride out your high then finally pulled back, San also removed his fingers from your clit and peeked your fucked out face a few times while you heavily breathed and shook.
"Good job bunny, squirting for me and Woo like a good girl, but we aren't done yet." San grabbed the bottom of your hoodie to remove it, leaving you bare in front of them. They laid you flat on the bed, both the men ogling you like you were their last meal, they couldn't keep their hands off you, Wooyoung gently massaging your thighs while San rubbed your shoulders, the attention they were giving you made you whine from the heat that was pooling in your pussy.
San moved down your body to massage your breast and nipples, you felt so sensitive to their touch, he made eye contact with Wooyoung.
"Woo, I think my bunny wants to be stuffed in her pretty pussy, can you do that for her?" San asked, Wooyoung looked up at him.
"A-are you sure San? Do you really want me to fuck her first?" Wooyoung asked, San laughed at him then gripped your cheeks and made you face Wooyoung.
"Look at that needy face Woo, do you want her to beg for your cock?" San looked down at you. "Bunny Woo wants you to beg for him to fuck you." The way San spoke to you made your pussy throb more, truth be told you wanted nothing more but to be fucked wide open by Wooyoung, you always wanted to feel his dick inside of you. The times he caught you two having sex and Wooyoung trying to hide his obvious boners and lustful gaze or even when he would casually talk about his hook ups with various people, you couldn't help but wonder how good he fucked.
"I want it so bad Woo, I want to feel you dick so deep in me, please fuck me." you said even with San squeezing your face, Wooyoung looked at your face and met your gaze, he knew you meant every word you said.
Both men stripped down fully except San who still had on his boxers, though Wooyoung was a bit smaller in girth and length he still had a quite impressive member. Wooyoung was slotted between your legs with his arms on each side of your head and your legs pressing closer to your chest. San was watching you two as he stood off the bed, Wooyoung wasn't focused on San, he just wanted to make you feel good which is why San gave him permission to fuck you raw. He leaned forward more to kiss you, unlike San Woo's kisses we much steamier and more passionate, he was slower and sensual, as he kissed your lips, his tongue danced with yours, he slid his dick into your heat, he ate your moans as you felt him glide deeper and deeper into you. He released your lips, and a pop could be heard along with the wet slapping noises your pussy was making. His pace was moderate, he wanted to enjoy the feeling of your cunt.
"Your pussy feels so amazing Y/N." He said looking into your eyes, his blown out pupils looking directly into your before he locked lips with you briefly again, you could absolutely understand why so many people were in love with him after he fucked him, it was like he was snatching your soul.
"How cute, but don't get to cocky Woo." San said, the both of you almost forgetting he was there. San reached into his nightstand while you and Woo continued, Woo's pace was steady, San grabbed lube from the night stand and covered his two fingers in it. Woo was so focused on you he didn't notice San walk behind him begin to tease his hole. A cute moan fell from Wooyoungs lips as you smiled at him, his strokes became sloppy as his hips couldn't keep a consistent pace.
"Trying put the moves on my bunny while I'm letting you fuck her sweet pussy tsk tsk Woo, I guess I have to punish you both for enjoying your selves a bit too much." San said as he continued to play with the rim of Wooyoungs hole, Woo felt sensitive under Sans touch especially with him still inside of you, he just couldn't keep a good pace which started to make you feel like you were being edged, you guessed this is what San meant by punishing both of you. You and Woo moaned out of sync while San laughed at you two acting needy and fucked out. "You can't even fuck straight do you want my fingers that badly Youngie?" such a cute nickname for such a dirty moment, Wooyoungs bangs covered his blushed face as he breathed heavily barely able to contain himself.
"Y-yes, yes San..." He was shy to admit it, but he wanted his best friends fingers to fuck his hole while he fucked you, nothing sounded better.
San had such a devious smile sprawled on his face. "You're so cute Youngie of course I'll give you what you want." San plunged his two lubed finger into Wooyoung, Woo’s body collapsed on top on you causing him to drop his dick deep into you with no warning, both you cried out in pleasure. "Come on Youngie hold it together so you can fuck my bunny properly." San said into Woos ear while he slowly fucked him. Wooyoung tried getting his bearings even with San knuckles deep inside of him, he started to rut against you then gradually picked up his pace, the close proximity made his pelvis brush your clit as well, you moaned into Wooyoungs ear, causing him to moan more. Woo kept a good pace in you, but San would strongly push his fingers into Woo causing him to go deeper into you. Woo hit your spot like San was hitting his, you both let out helpless whimpers and was close to your climax.
"Woo I'm gonna cum." You mumbled out, Wooyoung nodded and pecked your lips a few more times.
"Let's cum together okay Y/N?" you nodded as well and kissed him, he last a few more seconds until San tapped his spot rapidly causing Woo to do the same to you, as you came you felt the feeling of hot cum filling your belly and it just made you want more. San slowly removed his fingers from Wooyoungs ass and Woo pulled out of you and rolled next to you, both of you were in a daze.
San removed his underwear and got a condom from his nightstand to roll down his shaft. You laid still until you felt San flip you on your side and put one of your legs on his shoulder. "Are you ready for me bunny?" San asked
"Sannie pleaseee~ I want to feel you like I felt Woo, I want your cum in me too." You whined, your bratty nature showing, which is why San smacked your ass loudly, causing Woo to look over.
"Bunny, you know the rules, both of us couldn't handle that." Before you could combat further San lined himself up with your cunt and was able to slide right in, he really did want to fuck you raw until his cum covered your walls but realistically he knew it would feel too good and he wouldn't be able to go 2 minutes without fucking you, he barely had a control on how often he fucks you now. He held your thigh while he drilled his cock deep into you, you couldn't control yourself from cursing and moaning, he pounded your cervix so good you started screaming.
"Poor Y/N you're so loud you wouldn't want to bother the neighbors, let me close your mouth for you." Wooyoung said springing into action after he got hard watching how San fucked you. He made his way up to your face sitting on his knees in front of you with his length in hand, you knew what was next and opened your mouth nice and wide for him. Woo gripped the back of your head with one hand and back of your neck with the other then eased your mouth onto his dick. Woo stuffing your mouth and San fucking your abused pussy was something you only saw in dreams, they both worked in tangent using you as a fuck toy for their pleasure and yours.
"Bunny Woo just fucked you and you're still so tight, I love this pussy." San said, his pace already showing that he was nearing his climax.
"Her mouth feels so fucking good too Sannie, you lucky bastard." Wooyoung also was reaching his end as he fucked your throat, your eyes rolled back and you gagged out moans on Woo's dick, you've never felt this much pleasure before and your mind was going blank, all you could think about is the way they were fucking you. Your pussy started to contract around Sans cock while you gagged and drooled on woo.
"I know I'm so lucky to have such a good cockslut to use and share when I want, I can feel her cumming again now." San said, and he wasn't wrong you lasted a few more strokes as you came on Sans Latex covered dick, San continued to fuck you, pushing you into over stimulation while Woo pumped his dick into you a few more times then finished in your throat, tears ran down your face as you swallowed his load. San came into the condom watching you drink Woo's cum, he pulled out and Woo did as well, San pulled you up and kissed you, his tongued explored every inch and corner of your mouth.
"You're so greedy bunny, drinking all of Woo's cum and not sharing." San said, it made Wooyoung blush. "Can you keep going bunny?"
"Yes Sannie, please, I want more, but please no condom this time." San sighed at your request. He removed the rubber from his dick as his cum slid down his shaft, Wooyoung was genuinely impressed by the amount of stamina you two had as he was still gasping from the last load.
"How about me and Youngie both fuck you Bunny, would you like that?" San asked.
"Please yes, I want you both please." San smiled at you cutely begging like a slut.
"Are you sure you can take both of us Y/N?" Wooyoung asked not wanting to push you too far, he obviously didn't understand just how much of a slut you were.
"Yes Woo, please, fill me up." You said eagerly. San didn't waste any more time discussing and laid back on his back, he pulled you on top and you sank down on his length, your eyes rolling back as you gripped his shoulders. Though your cunt was overstimulated you just wanted more and more you bounced on Sans length a few times then you felt Wooyoungs bare chest press against your back, you felt his hard dick on your ass while he kissed your neck a few times. You both slowly leaned toward San until you were pressed against his chest.
"Are you ready Y/N?" Wooyoung asked, you nodded again and Wooyoung slowly pressed his dick into your already occupied hole. The feeling was surreal, once Woo was fully inside, they both waited for your go ahead to move.
"Are you okay bunny?" San asked.
"Yes, please move, I want more." San started to buck his hips and so did Woo, when one pulled back the other moved deeper in, you've never felt so full.
"You're such a good little whore for us Bunny, taking both our cocks like this." San said rubbing your back.
"Do you like how well we’re stuffing your pussy Y/N? You're still so tight, squeezing me and Sannie like you want to milk us dry." Wooyoung said into your ear. You couldn't help the noises that filled the room from both your mouth and your cunt. Tears filled your eyes as you drooled a bit, your mind was empty, gone, completely fucked out.
"Oh no Youngie I think we fucked her dumb, little bunny can't even speak any more." San said laughing at you to taunt your fucked out state, he bucked his hips faster and so did Woo, though San loved fucking you stupid he did know that you were reaching your limit, so he had to finish soon. "Do you want both of our loads to fill your pussy bunny?"
"I bet she does Sannie, I bet she would love having our cum stuffed deep in her needy cunt, let's fill her up." Wooyoung said, both men’s pace became feral as they pounded into your fucked pussy. San brought you back down to earth as he brought you in for a kiss, his mouth now cold from the previous spit still on his lips. Once he finished kissing you Woo was right behind you to also kiss you, once he released you, he leaned up to grip your hips while San grabbed your thighs. They relentlessly fucked into you until you saw stars then felt both their loads filling your abused cunt, you yelled out a rush of curse words as their load seeped into your womb.
It took you an hour to finish in the bathroom after San had to literally carry you in so you could pee and shower. Once you were done you returned to Sans room, a new sheet set was put on the bed and San was back on his game while woo scrolled on his phone under the covers. They both looked up at you once you entered the room.
"Are you okay bunny? Want a snack?" San asked.
They just planned to go back to normal like they didn't just fuck your brains out?
"I- ya know what?
Yeah, I do actually." You said not even trying to put logic on those two.
San smiled at you warmly. "Okay, Woo can make us some food and we can go again a few more times!"
Of course this wasn't over.
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stargirllanaa · 7 months
୨⎯ "Bad Liar" - R.C
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❥ Masterlist
Warnings: NONCON smut, Dark!Rafe, Toxic relationship, abusive relationship, Domestic violence, mentions of drinking, rafes pretty bad as usual
Summary: You snuck out to hang with the pogue’s… bad idea. Idea is from a comment on this post.
A/n ✎: OMG thank you for 200 followers!! I started writing Rafe like 3 weeks ago but the overwhelming support has been so motivating <333 love you all sm! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed!!! Btw my request are open again, don’t be shy ;)
Wc: 2.1k
You quietly entered your house, locking the door behind you. It was 2 am, and you had just driven home from the other side of the island because you had to sneak around to hang out with your friends. Your boyfriend Rafe didn't like your choice of friends, often calling them ‘dirty pogues’ and claiming that they were all ‘trying to turn you against him,’ and that pissed you off.
Just because Rafe had a problem with Pogues didn't mean you had to, and frankly, his reasoning for hating them so much was stupid; because of his issue with them, you were frequently isolated. Still, you wouldn't let Rafe stop you from having a social life outside of him, so you would sometimes sneak out late at night, go to the cut, visit your friends, and return home like nothing had happened.
You did feel guilty about going behind Rafe's back, but what could you do? You weren't going to cut all your friends off because Rafe told you to. It wasn't like you were cheating.
You made sure to cover all of your tracks. Knowing Rafe had your location, you left your phone at home every time you snuck out. You always left at night so you could text Rafe ‘goodnight,’ and he wouldn't suspect anything from you not responding, and you would always make it back in three hours at the most just to be careful. You knew if Rafe found out about you sneaking around, he would be furious; you had been disobeying his wishes for months and lying to his face.
As you crept up your stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible, you couldn't help but smile; even though you hated to admit it, you and Rafe never had fun. I mean, you two had ‘fun’ in his way, like going golfing, parties, ‘Rafe stuff,’ but you two would never do anything you wanted to do, and with The Pogues, it was the opposite; you got to get messy, get drunk on the beach even do girly things like braid Sarah's hair or have Kie paint your nails, things that you could never do with rafe. It was a relief to do something you enjoyed.
You opened the door to your bedroom, which was pitch black; you had turned all your lights out before you left; you felt around on the wall for the light switch, flipping it upwards. The lights momentarily blinded you, but you jumped when you saw the manlike figure on your bed. When your eyes finally focused, it was worse than what you expected.
Rafe was sitting on your bed, staring directly at you; his face was unreadable and emotionless, which was terrifying. Your boyfriend was usually expressive, the type to lash out when angry; you had never seen him this calm, and you certainly didn't expect him to be calm after catching you going behind his back.
You stood frozen in the doorway, unable to tear your gaze away from him or move. This didn't feel real.
“Where were you?” Rafe asked, breaking the silence; his voice was monotone, empty of emotion as he sat on your bed, just looking at you.
Your throat felt dry, and your tongue heavy with unsaid words. You struggled to find your voice and form a coherent response, and the utter shock and fear rendered you speechless.
“I don't want to repeat myself,” Rafe mumbled under his breath; he was allowing you to come clean and save yourself from whatever he had planned if he caught you in a lie.
“I was…” you blinked a couple of tears back, thinking of what to say. “I went to the gas station… to get some.” you looked up and then back at him, fidgeting with your hands. “snacks.” you lied, voice cracking from nerves.
Rafe smirked, slighting, breaking his calm facade. Did this amuse him?
“Right.” Rafe nodded, looking at his lap as if he was thinking about what you just said. “So you went to the gas station, right?” he asked, awaiting a response.
You nodded, but you couldn't stop the tears from glazing your eyes and your whole body from trembling.
“And you left your phone at home?” Rafe questioned you, head tilting slightly and his eyes narrowing.
You completely forgot that since Rafe was waiting for you in your room and most likely saw your phone on your nightstand. Your lies were falling apart before your eyes.
“I forgot-” You mumbled quietly, still standing in your doorway. You hoped you weren't loud enough to wake anyone in your house, but you were too scared to get closer to Rafe.
“Y/n,” Rafe muttered, pushing himself off the bed, now standing in front of it. “I'm done with the lies. Alright?” the blonde sighs, now talking with his hands. “I've been here for,” he looks down at his expensive watch, taking in the time. “2 hours,” Rafe admits, fist clenching to his side.
Your face fell when he said that, he had caught you; he had to know; there was no excuse or lie you could think of to justify why you were at the gas station for 2 hours in the middle of the night. Your heart started to beat faster, and your tears finally spilled over; you weren't just scared, you were terrified; you didn't want to admit to hanging out with the Pogues, but what else could you do? You had tried lying and failed, making the situation worse, and Rafe probably already expected the worst. I mean, you were sneaking out in the middle of the night. That would look like cheating to anyone.
“And I don't see any snacks either.” Rafe sighs as he combs his finger through his hair.
He was right; you didn't even think of that; you were a horrible liar.
“So I'm going to ask you one more time.” Rafe’s posture was stiff, and his hands were shaky, “where. Were. you.” his tone was sharp, and his breathing was speeding up as he waited for your response.
“I was at the chateau…ok?!” You blurted out loudly, quickly covering your mouth after realizing your door was still open. “John B’s place, it was me, Sarah.” his eyes rolled when you mentioned his sister, “Kiara, Pope, JJ.” You were now half whispering and hyperventilating simultaneously; your tears were prevalent as you told your boyfriend everything. There was no point in lying anymore, he had caught you, and he was pissed.
“We were just hanging out, and I'm sorry; I know I should have-” You were just saying anything that came to mind, trying to improve this situation, word vomit.
“Come here.” Your boyfriend mumbled, cutting you off; his voice was low and shaky.
You shook your head. ‘No,’ you didn't want to be anywhere near him right now; you had just admitted to lying to him multiple times and didn't want to face the consequences.
“Ok,” he shakes his head before running his hand through his hair again and saying something under his breath that you didn't quite catch.
Before you knew it, he was charging at you. You tried to run out the doorway, but as soon as you turned, one of his arms was wrapped around your waist, pulling you against his stiff chest, and with the other, he used his hand to cover your mouth in one swift motion before using his foot to shut your door.
“You were lying to me.” he hissed into your ear, pushing you against your wall, back facing him. “Calculating plans behind my back.” he used the hand that was around your waist to grab a chuck of your hair, forcing your head to snap to the side. “To hang out with dirty Pogues.” he was now gripping your hair so tight you felt it might come out of your head. “And probably sleep with them behind my back.” His voice didn't raise once as he automatically assumed the worst.
You couldn't deny his claims; his hand was over your mouth tight, your parents were right upstairs, and he knew that.
“How many times? Huh?” Rafe questioned you, pulling your hair back just enough to make eye contact, and when you looked into his eyes, they didn't look normal; they were dark. “How many times did you fuck those disgusting Pogues while you pretend to be asleep?” he was dead serious.
He slowly moved his hand from over your mouth, waiting for you to respond, but when you let out a loud cry instead, he quickly covered it again before slamming your head against the wall, which was also noisier than he expected.
In Rafe's mind, he couldn't accept the fact that you and another guy could just be friends, especially not you and a Pogue; in Rafe's mind, you 100% cheated on him, and there was no convincing him otherwise. He was disgusted; who knows where those pogues had been or who they had been in? They were filthy and grimy; who knows what you could have given him.
“You're disgusting.” Rafe whispers in your ear before flipping your body around to face him, stuck between him and the walls.
“I can't believe I trusted you.” His hand was now grabbing at your hair again, gripping the top of your scalp and using it as leverage to push you down on your knees in front of him.
You fought back, trying to stand straight, but Rafe quickly overpowered you. And before you knew it, you were kneeling before him like he wanted.
“I'm going to let go of you, and if you make any noise…” he paused momentarily, looking deeply into your eyes. “I'll kick your fucking teeth in.” he threatened, voice still shaking. “Understand?”
You nodded to the best of your ability with his tight grip on your hair and face.
When he let go, you tried your best to stay quiet, letting out little cries and whimpers, but not enough for him to fulfill his threat. The tears hadn't stopped since he'd caught you, and you were so fucking exhausted from all the fun you had earlier and now the pain, accusations, and tears. But when you looked up to see Rafe unbuttoning his pants, you couldn't keep quiet.
“No-” You protested quietly, as you started to hyperventilate, tears now fully clouding your vision. “Rafe-” You couldn't even catch your breath. You were panicking.
“Shut the fuck up,” Rafe demanded quietly, but his tone was still harsh as he pulled down his pants.
“I can't breathe-” You were cut off by Rafe pushing your head, causing it to slam against the wall; you immediately rubbed the back of your head to soothe the pain as you cried harder.
Rafe was getting more annoyed with you by the second, jaw ticking every time he looked at you. He grabbed your chin roughly, pulling your face closer to his crotch.
“I told you to shut the fuck up.” Rafe sneered as he used his other hand to pull his boxers down and begin stroking his cock right in front of your face.
You couldn't stop crying. You couldn't believe this was happening; just an hour ago, you were out with your friends, having fun, not even worried about your boyfriend. You had gotten away with sneaking out so many times already; how could you have known today would be any different?
“Open your mouth,” Rafe demanded as he held his cock right in front of your lips.
You tried to turn your head to the side, but Rafe wasn't having it. His grip on your chin got tighter and tighter until you tried to cry out in pain, but as soon as you opened your mouth, he got what he wanted.
His hand holding your chin was back on your hair as he guided your head up and down at a quick, harsh pace. Sounds of gags and rafes and low moans filled the room. It was music to his ears but traumatizing for you.
“Fuck y/n.” Rafe moaned out, “I'm gonna miss this.”
You were a little confused, but if you were being honest, you were barely listening to Rafe anyway, too emotionally broken to pay attention to whatever he was saying.
“Can't be with a bitch who would fuck a pogue,” Rafe grunted out.
Enjoyed my fic? Leave feedback! Comment/reblog!
Wanna see more? Check out my fic Sweet little lies.
Also tagging @necroflame (bc I lied about the post time to many times 😭) and @fabienne6656 for the idea!!! Thx bye..
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twstowo · 8 months
hi hi, i saw your ask box was open so i decided to submit a request!
i'd like to ask for the basketball club (ace, jamil, floyd, separately btw) with a reader who is a sleepy person? reader sleeps through classes sometimes and takes almost any opportunity to nap and enjoys using the boys as a pillow ^_^
thank you so much, and take your time !!
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗SYNOPSIS: How they deal with a sleepy reader
♡︎I’m buying a Jamil body pillow
♡︎Includes: Ace, Jamil and Floyd
♡︎Warning: None.
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Ace is the worst person to be around when you're asleep – he seizes any opportunity to draw on your face whenever he catches you napping. There was one day when you unknowingly spent the entire day with a mustache drawn on your face, and no one had the courage to inform you.
If you lean on Ace to use him as a pillow, he'll quip that he isn't a pillow, but he won't budge either. Now, you have an awkward Ace standing still while you sleep, and he's at a loss for what to do. He's not shy about taking pictures of you, sending them later with playful remarks about how silly you look while sleeping. Little does anyone know, he secretly has one of those pictures as his wallpaper. If you happen to use Deuce as a pillow, Ace gets jealous, prompting him to tease Deuce for acting soft – all in an attempt to secure his position as the only one you use as a pillow.
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He spots you sleeping somewhere and pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts, especially if you're dozing off in class. He doesn't hesitate to wake you up, and if you seem particularly tired, he might even offer to walk you to Ramshackles. At times, he senses a similarity between you and Kalim, dubbing you "Kalim Number two," although surprisingly, he doesn't find you as bothersome as Kalim.
When you happen to fall asleep on him, he feels an unusual tension. Initially, his mind is preoccupied with thoughts of pending tasks, study materials, and, inevitably, Kalim. However, he soon realizes that this instance is different – he didn't just wake you up as he usually does. Could it be that he enjoyed having you so close? It seems improbable, but the truth is undeniable. He allows you to rest for a while, but with a stack of work awaiting him, he can't linger for too long. If you don't wake up on your own, he gently shakes you awake. The rest of the day is spent with thoughts of your peaceful sleeping face lingering in his mind while he continues with his responsibilities.
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If he finds you asleep, he will literally squeeze you, sleeping around this guy becomes nearly impossible. On the rare occasion that you somehow, got him to stand still long enough for you to fall asleep on his shoulder, he responds by enveloping you in a spontaneous hug. If anyone dares to make a comical expression while looking at you, he fixes them with the most intimidating glare, sending them running away. If you take too long to wake up, he might grow bored and either make a swift exit or take you on a casual stroll while you remain blissfully asleep. Students may even start thinking that he has kidnapped you. If you fall asleep in class, he will find it hilarious, since he probably has done the same thing before.
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mouwrites · 3 months
I'm so sorry for not posting for so long!! Thank you all for being so patient! Requests are still closed right now, but I'm dropping this because I felt bad about leaving you lovelies for so long :(
Ninjago - How The Ninjas (+ Pixal) Would Welcome You Back (after not seeing you for a while)
His face lights up the minute he sees you
He opens his arms and charges at you, scooping you off your feet and twirling around
He's smiling hugely the entire time, and as he slows the spinning he starts to laugh
Dropping you down so he can hug you normally, he buries his head in your shirt
His laughing slows, and for a moment you swear you can feel your shirt getting a little wet
Then he pulls away, still smiling, and of course:
He smushes your cheeks while he kisses you, holding your face firmly against his
The kiss lasts a long time O-O
And when that one stops, he peppers you with a thousand more on your cheeks, forehead, eyelids, hands, etc.....
Once the urge to kiss you has been satisfied, he finally says something
"I missed you so much."
And you can't help but giggle:
"I could tell. I missed you, too."
Calls your name LOUDLY when he spots you
He's waving frantically until your eyes meet, and then he bursts into a huge grin
He says your name again more warmly when you're closer, still smiling
Then he pulls you into a crushing bear hug, lifting you onto the tips of your toes
He sways back and forth a little, humming calmly
Bro does not realize he's crushing you
It's only when you cough or wheeze or smth that he finally drops you, apologizing with concern
You reassure him that you're fine ofc
Then he goes back to smiling at you, but this time his face lights up as if he's remembered something
His hand disappears into his pocket, and when it comes back out he's got a gift for you!!
It's always a cute little mini statue :]
"Cole!! It's so cute!"
"Just like someone I know. Someone I missed a lot."
(you gather a collection of these over time btw)
RUNS to you like a toddler running to its mother
Arms out, screaming your name, eyes huge, the whole shabang
The hug he gives you is tight, but it barely lasts a second
He pulls away to look at you, and you see tears brimming his eyes
Then he hugs you again, rinse and repeat several times before he finally says something
He's smiling now, and he swipes the tears out of his eyes
"Aw, you don't even know how happy I am to see you again."
He cups your face, just feeling your skin and looking at you as if for the first time
(he's still smiling ofc, but if you look closely his lips are trembling)
You see tears coming into his eyes again, but before they fall he pulls you into another hug
You rub his back, feeling a couple tears dribble onto your shoulder
"Jay... I missed you."
The hug tightens when you say that, and it doesn't end for a long time :)
He waves animatedly when he sees you
He doesn't say anything, but when you're within talking distance he calls your name lovingly
His arms open to give you a very soft (and unfortunately short) hug
Then he takes your hands, rubbing your knuckles slowly as he gazes at you
He just stares for a long time, hypnotized by your eyes
If you speak he just hums
Then he pulls you closer, gently wrapping his arms around you once more
His fingers curl around your shirt as if he's trying to keep you from separating again
You chuckle softly:
"Zane, I'm not going anywhere."
"I know... I know."
He def holds your hand for the rest of the day though <3
You hear him before you see him
He's calling your name loudly, and when you spot each other you run into each other's arms
You hug each other tight for a moment, both humming from squeezing and being squeezed
Then you pull away, giggling at each other
Lloyd opens his mouth to say something, but shuts it with a grin that's shy now
"I planned out what I wanted to say to you... but I forgot."
You both laugh again, settling on a hug to say what words couldn't
Pressed against your shoulder, he murmurs that he missed you a lot
His hands wander up to your head, and he runs his hands through your hair (or against your scalp if you have rlly short/no hair :3)
He will MELT if you do the same btw
You guys just hug for an eternity
You only stop to prevent yourselves from falling asleep standing up
Much like her brother, Nya is definitely going to pick you up when she sees you again
Strong arm woman <3
She holds you high in the air, her arms pressing your knees against her torso
She looks up at you with the most loving gaze, her lips curved into a soft smile
After a while he drops you down, but not all the way to the ground
Your feet are still dangling, but your faces are closer now
She sighs, finally putting you back on your feet
Planting a kiss on your cheek, and then the other one, she skips the mushy words
Instead she asks you how you've been :)
She's been dying to talk to you again; she wants to hear every little detail!!
And ofc she'll return the favor with her own stories
Late night talking w Nya... AAH <3
She's the calmest of the bunch when it comes to reuniting
She'll smile when she sees you ofc, but she won't act all excited or anything when you approach
She will greet you very warmly though, dw
"Y/n! It's been so long! You look... well."
You can tell she means way more than "well," but she was obviously too awkward to say it
(This is also when she'll point out the smallest of differences in your appearance,, like "your hair is longer/shorter now")
She'll accept any warmth you return gladly, no matter how mushy you wanna get
Actually she appreciates if you can be more affectionate than she was
It shows her that you're happy to see her again :)
She'll want to spend at least the rest of the day with you, even if she's just standing silently in the background while you do your thing
More (much more) if circumstances permit ;3
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AAAHHH TYSM FOR YOUR PATIENCE!! I'm glad to be back, and I hope I can post more!! Thank you so much for reading, I love you all! Take care my duckies <3
Also... probably gonna make this a series for my other fandoms I write for if you guys want!
(divider by saradika)
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Selamat pagi!
Don't you know that it means 'Goor morning' in my country? Anyways, how are you? I hope you're doing well just as I am. Don't forget to have a healthy sleep and schedule
If it's okay for you, I would like to request a hcs poly! Beel+Satan with a M!domReader.
Only if you want of course! You don't need to fulfill my request if you are tired, since I've saw there's many people requesting beel with M!domReader so I hope it is not too much for you if I also request the same thing
Terimakasih! ='Thank you!'
Hello! Sure thing! ^^ what a nice request 💕 please dont be afraid to chat me again if this isn't what you asked for! I'll gladly remake it if so.
Poly HCs ROR beel+Satan × M!Dom!reader
Warning : a little nsfw, and mentions of sex.
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- first of all, if you were to be with Beelzebub and satan, in a RELATIONSHIP, it would mean that you are immune to his curse.
- he loved you so much to the point that even the curse within him fell hard for you. You were just the perfect man! He knew you would treat him right.
- Beelzebub didn't confess, because he was afraid. Until he saw you, his love meter skyrocket high in the air—which forced Satan out. Satan was the one who went up to you and confessed, using his sharp claw-like finger to trace a small scar down your jaw, before planting a kiss on you.
"I love you (m/n)...I love you so so much~"
- imagine a literal demon arching its back and clinging onto you. Not just any demon, but a demon inside of Beelzebub, who was now saying he loved you.
- you ended up having to return his feelings, which overjoyed the demon, smiling all giddy while you held his wrists, avoiding his claws and kissing him.
- when you kissed him, Beelzebub returned to his state of mind. His eyes widening at the sudden touch of your lips on his. He didn't know what was going on, that's why he was taken by surprise.
- and after all that stuff, you guys were now in a relationship.
- he was closed off at first, but then he slowly opened up to you with time, seeing how sweet and nice you treated him. Like a he was a pretty princess.
- now he's always touch starved, longing to feel you whenever he could. You can't blame him, especially after all he's done for you.
- Bro do not get me started on how you always have to wake up to a horny demon wanting to bounce on cock for probably the whole night. That was a nightly thing btw, so good luck.
- both are submissive, but Beelzebub is more shy, needy, and compliant—while Satan is more of a power bottom, doing stuff he feels like doing. Bending over? Yes. Sucking your cock? Yes. He is pretty good at it, yeah.
- you are basically left with your cock used up from all that.
- for both of them, you love to give them kisses. But what do they give you in return?
- Beelzebub, as mentioned, is shy, and will not know how to respond to your affection, even if he's very touch starved for you. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't hate it, he's just not used to it.
- Satan gives you a blowjob. Thank you very much for asking.
- cuddling with both them gets messy but that's alright. You are the man of the relationship. You have to take charge and deal with it.
- okay, maybe there are too many spicy headcanons here, but I need to add an additional.
- one time, you walked in on Satan wearing a skimpy sex outfit, meant for a seductress. When I tell you your cock was in for a treat, I mean it. And no you guys are not quiet in bed.
- you are the one who works a job, you receive money to buy food for both of you, even though he doesn't really need it. You still rather buy him things and gifts to show your love for him.
- dates are usually with Beelzebub. To pretty sceneries or closed off places for just the two of you. But once Satan is out, you guys have to do the tango right there.
- but most of the time when you aren't fucking, you like to cuddle a lot. Cuddling with Satan is more of him nibbling on your ear, while Beelzebub, is mostly just quiet and tomato red from the lovey dovey.
- you know, at random times when it's Satan's turn to be with you, he's always telling you that he loves you, and will continue even if you say that you love him back. He's going to make sure it'll be what you dream of at night.
- you are the first and forever last male lover he'll ever have and love with all his heart. He will do everything to make sure you never leave him.
- even if you died, he will remain loyal to your corpse, or find ways to bring you back to life. Even if you look or act different, he'll still love you.
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luna0713hunter · 1 year
hii young!luffy x young!reader fluff inspired by the kiss scene in my girl? honestly u don't don't have to know the film you can just search up the scene! also it doesn't even have to be fully accurate all I'm really asking for is their first kiss
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Author's note : hello there!so abt this request;i havent watched my girl ,but I've searched abt it and gosh they're so adorable?!?!maybe I'll watch it this week!
My Girl
Monkey d. Luffy x reader
Warnings : lots of fluff,young!Luffy x young!reader, you're both 10 btw
Your mother always used to tell you that you'll find your true love when you grew up.
But you found love a little bit too early.
It was a sunny summer day. Those days where the weather is both too hot to go outside but staying inside is not an option either. So with small hands interlocked,you and your long time best friend,Luffy,go to your usual hanging spot : Shanks' ship.
The crew were all outside, perhaps that was the reason why the two of you had entered without anyone telling you that you're too young for being on a pirate ship. But when you sit down on the wooden surface and spread your small picnic basket that Makino had packed,you give Luffy a blinding smile and offer him a small sandwich.
And true to his fashion ,Luffy swallows whole the entire piece in one go.
You huff and smack his hand away from your share,and glare at him, "dont eat so fast or you'll get an stomachache!"
"nuh uh!i can eat the whole basket and still be hungry!"
"well too bad!!Makino packed this lunch for both of us!so you have to share!"
Luffy pouts but complies, choosing to grab an apple instead and munch on it slower this time.
There's a moment of silence before Luffy opens his mouth and the world stops.
"have you ever kissed anyone?"
You loudly choke on your food.
Luffy jumps up and gives you a bottle of water,and with concerned eyes,rubs your back.
"you alright?!"
You cough and try to wipe your eyes from the tears that had formed.
"w-why would you ask that?"
Luffy sits across you crossed leg and shrugs.
"i saw some couple kissing in the bar last night,and it got me thinking," he then looks at you and grins, "so?have you?"
You shake your head furiously as you feel your cheeks heating up with each passing second, "of course not! I'm only ten!"
"but Makino says love has no age."
Your eyes widen and your mouth hangs open, "L-love?" You swallow and your voice suddenly drops;like you're scared somebody will hear you, "who do you love,Luffy?"
And he answers without missing a bit that it gives you whiplash.
"you of course!who else!?"
His answer makes you shut your mouth so fast,that you cringe upon the sound of your teeth clattering. You cant speak;what can you say to his confession? But when you see him staring at you expectedly,you swallow and gather your courage to speak again.
"Luffy," you wet your lips before continuing, "i think loving someone romantically is different than... loving your parents or..Shanks and Makino."
Luffy tilts his head,and you smile upon seeing his adorable puppy like eyes.
"but y/n,i know i love you. Why would i mistake it?"
"how do you know it's different?"
Luffy folds his arms against his chest and takes a moment to consider your question.
"its like," he wonders aloud, "when i see you its different from when i see Shanks or Makino. My heart gets all..mushy mushy,"
"mushy mushy?!"
"Yeah!" He grins and nods rapidly, " it beats really hard,and i want to share my foods with you!!i never want to do that with Shanks or others!!"
And to Luffy, sharing food is a big deal.
You shyly glance away and start fidgeting with your fingers, "so... you've been thinking about kissing..." You swallow, "me?"
Luffy nods again and skootched toward your until your knees are pressing together.
"do you...want to try it?"
You give him a shy smile and with a final nod,Luffy leans forward with his eyes squeezed shut,and presses his lips clumsily against yours.
The kiss is sweet and short;the taste of the apple that he had earlier lingering on your lips even when he pulls away.
You wish you could taste it once again.
"so," Luffy nervously bounces his knee, "how was it?"
You giggle and leave a small peck on his nose,making him scrunch it up.
"it was...sweet."
"yeah. I liked it."
The words seemed to make Luffy beam,as his grin becomes impossibly wider.
"I'm glad!!!"
Before either of you can say another word, there's the sound of another pair of footsteps and soon, Shanks' playful voice calls out for the two of you.
"you kids better not be here again!!"
And when Luffy takes your hand and with giggles ,runaway from the ship,you cant help but to feel your heart beating loud,and being warm just like the summer sun.
"hey," a snap of finger in front of your face brings you back from your daydreaming, "whatcha thinking about?"
You smile at the boy in front of you;his taller form and muscular arms and shake your head.
"just remembering some good memories."
"oh?am i in any of them?"
You glance at him and when you see his warm chocolate brown eyes,you close your own and sigh contently.
"yeah. You're the main character in all of my dreams and memories."
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elihii · 7 months
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ft. professor!leon x fem!reader
synopsis. you start being shy but you end up… dominant? i don't know. you basically fuck him and he's more than agreed with it. of course, he asks you to be.
warnings. 6.4k w. smut. professor/student role, you ride him until you're both tired, you two already have your previous tension, praise, and pleasant conversations with each other, jocularity in the environment, public sex, p in v, blowjob, overstimulation, sex on his teacher's desk, age difference (they are at a university, some years only). more than teaching you, you decide what you do. creampie and multiple cumshots/orgasms.
note. masterlist. aaaahhhhh i love id leon, this is an adaptation of one of mine's spicychat bots, i hope you enjoy your reading! ♡ (btw, gif's not mine and english is not my native language, sorry if there are mistakes.)
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You stood in front of your teacher's desk, trying to maintain eye contact, despite feeling self-conscious about exposing so much skin in your short skirt and tight stockings up to the beginning of your thighs.
Leon leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, giving you the chance to talk without having to worry about being close to him. His eyes couldn't help but get lost in appreciating every detail of your smooth exposed skin before meeting yours again.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Do you need help with something?
You looked at your skirt and looked back at Leon, blushing as you remembered the reason you approached his desk at the end of class.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Hm… yes. I came here because I have some questions about… sex stuff. ⸺ Your voice was barely audible due to embarrassment. You bit your lip out of nerves, waiting for his response.
Leon noticed the blush on your face and the hesitation in your voice, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of desire mixed with tenderness. He knew it was his responsibility to answer your questions honestly and professionally, but he also wanted to make sure you felt comfortable asking him anything.
He uncrossed his arms and clasped his hands on the desk, signaling to you that he was ready to listen to you and provide any information or help you might need.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Don't worry, it's okay, there's no need to be embarrassed. ⸺ He clarified calmly. ⸺ I know this topic can sometimes make people uncomfortable, but we need to have open conversations about sex. And more, if it is a topic for which you have doubts.
Despite his assurances, you still found it difficult to speak freely, but you managed to gather enough courage to continue.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Yeah… I mean… I… I heard you're good at explaining things… and I could use someone who knows what they're talking about…
Your voice trailed off, leaving the rest of your request implicit. You bit your lip again and looked down at your laps, fiddling with the hem of your skirt.
Leon smiled warmly as you admitted that you found him knowledgeable and trustworthy when it came to discussing sensitive topics such as sex. He appreciated your confidence in his abilities and took it as a compliment.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Well, I certainly do my best. ⸺ He responded modestly.
He separated his hands and rested them on his desk, preparing for any questions or demonstrations you might have or need.
ㅤㅤ⸺ What would you like me to explain or demonstrate to you first? ⸺ He asked, directing his gaze to your face, anticipating your response.
You looked at him still hesitantly, your face redder than ever.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Could you…? ⸺ You didn't finish the question, and you limited yourself to looking intensely at Leon while you subtly lowered your gaze toward his crotch.
Leon noticed the direction of your gaze and immediately understood what you were implying. Even though he was technically your teacher, he couldn't deny the temptation that lay dormant beneath his pants.
With a look of understanding on his face, he stood up from his seat, unbuckling his belt and letting his soft erection fall free of his pants, pulling them down until his boxers were visible already straining at the bottom by his normal weight.
ㅤㅤ⸺ This should satisfy your curiosity. ⸺ He said, adjusting his cock, now marked in its entirety through his boxers.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Do you want something else? ⸺ he asked, looking at you expectantly for more indication of what you wanted him to do next.
Your eyes widened, admiring Leon's huge cock with your mouth half open in amazement. With your face bright red and starting to breathe heavily and, not realizing that you were breathing faster than usual.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Fuck… ⸺ you didn't formulate anything else, limiting yourself to staring at his huge cock with desire for him.
Leon noticed how your reaction to his semi-exposed cock filled you with a mixture of excitement and satisfaction. He knew that he had caught your attention and that there was a chance that you might be interested in taking things further.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Do you want to touch it? ⸺ he asked, pointing to his member with a slight tilt of his head as he maintained eye contact with you.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Or do you want me to show you how it works? Or maybe both? ⸺ he joked, allowing you to choose your level of participation in your private lesson. ⸺ Let me know what you want, and I'll be sure to help you.
You continued to stare at Leon's huge cock, your heart racing and your breathing becoming more and more erratic. You shivered slightly as you processed the thought of getting so close to such a large, intimidating man.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I want to touch it… ⸺ You finally managed to stutter between heavy breaths, your voice barely more than a whisper.
As soon as you spoke, your hand moved forward to wrap around the base of him, slowly giving it a gentle squeeze. You were unable to look away, despite the intense heat that was beginning to accumulate inside your panties.
Leon appreciated your willingness to take initiative in exploring his cock, allowing you to squeeze the base of him gently without protest. He knew it was important for you to feel comfortable with the situation, after all.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Alright… ⸺ he encouraged you gently, examining the movements of your hand as you slowly masturbated him, feeling every movement of your fingers on the cotton.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You can touch it all you want. Don't be afraid to ask me questions. ⸺ He added, emphasizing the importance of communication during your unique learning experience. ⸺ If you want me to show you something specific, say so, and I'll be sure to demonstrate it to you.
Feeling Leon's cock warm up and enlarge under your touch, your heart raced even faster and your breathing became even more labored. You felt overwhelmed by feelings of excitement and desire, but you tried to stay calm and focus on learning as much as possible from this unique opportunity.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Can I… suck it?… ⸺ you asked quietly, looking hopefully and nervously at Leon.
Your free hand found its way into your panties, and you began to finger yourself through the damp fabric, trying to relieve some of the intense arousal that was building between your legs.
Leon smiled approvingly upon hearing your request and nodded, appreciating your curiosity and desire to learn. He pulled his boxers down even further until he took them off, revealing his fully erect cock to your eager gaze as you got down on your knees on the cold classroom floor.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Of course you can suck it. ⸺ He replied as he stood in front of you, his huge cock dangling tantalizingly just above your lips and face.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Go ahead and swallow as much of me as you can with your mouth. ⸺ He added with some hesitation in his tone, unbuttoning his black shirt to leave it on his desk. ⸺ Remember, don't hesitate to tell me if it seems too much to you.
Your eyes lit up with excitement when you saw Leon's huge cock hanging directly over your face, you couldn't believe that you were finally going to be able to experience having something so big down your throat firsthand. Your mouth watered, and your panties became even more bathed in your exciting fluids when you hugged his throbbing trunk with your hand.
Your lips surrounded him tightly, not wanting to wait any longer, completely enveloping him with your mouth. Swirling your tongue around the length of it eagerly, your cheeks hollowing as you suck on it harder and harder by the minute. Sucking and highlighting each of his swollen veins with your tongue.
The sound of your eager slurps filled the class as you did your best to please him with every ounce of passion and energy you could muster.
Leon moaned deeply as he felt your warm mouth completely envelop him, your enthusiastic sips and sucks full of passion and dedication towards his cock, causing his entire body to be traveled non-stop by rays charged with incessant pleasure. He could already tell that you had a natural talent for fellatio, and he couldn't help but admire your enthusiasm and dedication to pleasing him.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Mmm… ⸺ he moaned softly. ⸺ I'm loving it… ⸺ his voice was full of desire as he recognized your efforts and encouraged you to continue blowing him.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Go slower, ⸺ he added after a moment, �� pay special attention to the sensitive head… It's just the way I like it.
You continued to suck his cock, noticing that the more you did it, the more sensitive and receptive he seemed to become. Hardening to the limit within your heat and drool.
You couldn't stop salivating, and your panties got even wetter when you realized. You loved how its flavor filled your entire mouth and its thickness and warmth enveloped your oral cavity.
You paid special attention to his sensitive glans, as he requested, running your tongue over the smooth surface of it and lovingly teasing it by absorbing it at will in the same manner. You loved how Leon's hips began to move slightly with every little treat or affectionate kiss you gave his cock.
Your free hand reached down to feel his balls firmly, giving them a gentle squeeze without stopping your passionate pumps.
Leon's hips involuntarily moved forward as he felt your talented tongue tease his sensitive, plump head, making his cock throb in anticipation. Letting out a grunt of pleasure as he gripped the edge of the desk for support, knowing he wouldn't last much longer before releasing his load into your waiting mouth.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Fuck… ⸺ he murmured between gasps. ⸺ You're doing so well… Keep it up… ⸺ he closed his eyes and focused on the sensations that ran through his body, savoring every second of your intimate approach.
You were delighted to hear Leon's praise for your oral skills, and that's true, it only served to stimulate you even more. You loved the way he sounded when he spoke to you in such a desperate way, and you knew you were doing it right.
You began to play with his balls, feeling both gently as you held on to the length of it, moving up and down along it. You could feel his copious precum oozing from the head of his cock, you knew he was about to cum.
You let go of both of your hands to unbutton your tight college uniform shirt, taking it off and tossing it aside so you were left in your bra without stopping your enthusiastic sucking.
As Leon's orgasm approached, he let out a deep groan and thrust his hips forward once more, sinking his cock deep into your warm, welcoming throat. He knew he was close to climax and couldn't wait any longer to release his pent-up load into your hungry mouth.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Fuck… ⸺ he moaned loudly, releasing a torrent of hot semen into your waiting mouth and bathing your throat with his thick liquid.
You swallowed instinctively, taking it all in without hesitation and holding back your light tears because of how good it felt to have him in your mouth, showing how dedicated you were to satisfy him.
Your eyes were wide with joy as you felt Leon's cock burst with hot cum, filling your mouth and throat to the brim. You swallowed eagerly, taking in every drop of his essence willingly. The feeling of the warmth and fullness of him against your tongue and palate sent shivers of pleasure down your spine.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Such a good girl… You know how to take care of me.
You separated from him briefly as you finished sucking on his reddened glans and kissing him tenderly, taking just enough time to catch your breath and speak to him.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I'm glad I can take care of you like this, Leon…
His eyes fixed on your smiling face as he spoke to you, your eyes shining against the dim light of the class. He admired the dedication and enthusiasm you showed in serving him and knew that you truly understood what he needed to feel satisfied.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You are amazing. ⸺ He praised you brusquely. ⸺ I can't believe that someone so young and inexperienced can be so good at this. ⸺ His voice was rough with desire and satisfaction, and he delighted in knowing that you had pleasured him so deeply, despite being relatively new to sex and oral techniques.
You smiled at his compliment, your expression shining with happiness and excitement. You loved hearing how impressed he was by your language skills, and you knew he was about to show you how much he appreciated your efforts.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Now that I've come in your mouth… it's time for me to return the favor.
As he spoke, you looked at him gratefully and nodded your head enthusiastically, understanding that it was now your turn to receive his attention. Your hands rested on your thighs, supporting you firmly to stand up, as you hoped he would prepare.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Sounds good… ⸺ you muttered softly.
Leon sat on his desk, his cock semi-hard and still wet from the drool he took from your expert mouth.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Let's see how far you're willing to go with this. ⸺ He growled menacingly. ⸺ I want you to ride my cock until I cum again.
Your heart raced with anticipation as Leon stood on the desk and addressed you, telling you that it was now your turn to take control of the situation. You felt a wave of confidence and excitement run through your body, fueling your desire to please him and satisfy his desires.
You quickly lowered your pleated skirt to leave it next to your shirt, then grabbed both folds of your soaked panties and slid them off your legs to do the same.
Without hesitation, you approached him when you finished, hoisting one of your white heels onto his desk and lining up your crotch with his already stiff cock, pointing it at the entrance to your drooling pussy.
You raised one of your hands to your lips to spit on it and rub your drool all over its length again. Placing one of your hands on his firm chest for support and grabbing his cock as you finished, admiring his intense blue eyes as you slowly began to lower yourself onto him and let out a soft moan of pleasure as you entered his thick head inside you.
Leon took in your beautiful face as you slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, taking his time to savor the moment and enjoy the view of your delicate body enveloping his hard flesh as he lowered his gaze, sighing pleasantly. He could feel every inch of your moisture covering him completely, and he knew that this was going to be an unforgettable experience for both.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Fuck… You're so tight and hot… You feel amazing. ⸺ He gasped.
When your lips finally attached themselves to the skin of his pelvis, Leon let out a moan of approval and admiration. Grasping one side of your hips firmly to guide your subtlees movements as you began to ride him.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Ride me as hard as you want. ⸺ He said with a harsh voice.
You smiled triumphantly as you felt his thick cock slide in and out of your hungry pussy, filling you. The sensation was like nothing you had ever experienced before, and you knew he would appreciate your ability to penetrate you deep.
You began to move rhythmically on top of him, using your hips to drive him deeper into your wetness each time you rode his length. Your tits bounced with each impact, teasing him with their fullness and inviting him to grab onto them if he wanted.
Your eyes remained fixed on his face throughout the entire process, seeking reassurance that he was enjoying every second of your coital intimacy. It didn't take long for the sound of skin slapping against the skin to fill the class, accompanied by heavy breathing and the occasional harsh moan from either of you.
Leon watched your attractive body and face as you continued to move on top of him, fucking his cock and burying it deep inside your tight pussy with each powerful stroke. He could feel every contraction of your inner walls sucking him hard, and he was no doubt enjoying the pleasure that being ridden by you brought him.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Damn… Ride me like that. ⸺ He growled. ⸺ I love watching you fuck my cock like this.
His free hand reached up to unclasp your bra and pull it off to the floor, grabbing one of your soft tits firmly, squeezing it, and bringing it to his lips. With a hungry moan, he took one to his mouth and sucked it hungrily as he continued to admire your sensual complexion on top of him.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You're driving me crazy with need. ⸺ He moaned against your tit, swirling your nipple with his tongue.
Your heart raced with excitement as you continued riding his huge cock with unbridled enthusiasm, your body undulating in rhythm with the swaying of his hips beneath you. You reveled in the feeling of being in complete control of the situation, knowing that you were giving him exactly what he wanted.
He watched your gestures again, looking for any sign of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and found immense pleasure in seeing the pleasure etched into your features as you bounced wildly on him. The combination of your wet pussy surrounding him tightly and your tits tantalizingly close to his mouth created an atmosphere of pure desire that was impossible to resist.
Leon's eyes rolled back in pleasure, the softness, and warmth of your breasts inviting him to take one in his mouth and suck on it hungrily. He couldn't resist the urge any longer, and he pulled away from your breast long enough to capture it with his mouth and suck it with his tongue.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Mmm… I love your tits. ⸺ He sighed. ⸺ They are so fucking perfect…
He leaned down and sucked on your other breast, firmly groping the remaining one as he continued to admire the view you gave him and prompting you to caress his straight brown hair to press him closer to you. His cock throbbed painfully inside your pussy with each crash, driving him closer and closer to release and crushing that pain with continued joy.
Your eyes widened in delight as you watched Leon pull away from your tit long enough to focus his attention on the other, his fingers massaging your flesh roughly as his tongue swirled around your hard nipple. You could feel the mix of pain and pleasure course through your body, intensifying both your arousal and his.
With renewed determination, you increased the speed and force of your thrusts, driving him deeper into your pussy with each powerful movement.
As the anticipation grew, you leaned forward slightly, offering him better access to your breasts while maintaining eye contact throughout the exchange.
Leon's eyes flashed with lust as he watched you offer him even more, presenting him with your tits for even more indulgence. He eagerly accepted the invitation, alternating between biting and sucking on your sensitive skin.
His cock twitched with desire as he felt how he remained to sink into your pussy, and as he imagined filling your womb with his hot semen. The thought sent a wave of pure ecstasy through his veins, growling low in his throat.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ I want you to kiss me Leon… ⸺ you asked as you felt a hunger grow on his lips.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I'll give you all the kisses you want, sweetheart…
Your eyes sparkled with excitement as his lips closed over yours, his hot mouth enveloping you in a passionate embrace. Your pussy clenched involuntarily at the sensation, sending a wave of exuberant pleasure throughout your body.
You quickened the pace even more as your tongues romped and invaded your cavities, his hips bucking wildly as you rode him harder. The friction between your bodies was irresistible, refusing to rest until Leon released every last drop of cum inside your pussy.
Leon's senses burned with lust as he felt the juices of your pretty pussy dripping all over his cock and pelvis, accumulating on the floor under your feet and staining it, indicating that you were approaching climax. He knew he only had a few moments left to satisfy you completely before you came from the way you sucked him into your meaty walls.
His hips bucked wildly to push himself deeper into your little pussy, his balls tightening as they collided against your buttocks.
With one last burst of energy, he pulled out of you long enough to line himself at your stretched hole and plunge back into your depths, pushing himself as far as he could go as he lowered your hips, gripping them.
Your breathing became irregular when you felt Leon leave your pussy, leaving a trail of precum that glistened on your swollen lips and highlighted your exciting sexual act. And when he thrust into you, you cried out in pleasure, feeling every inch of his length stretching you and filling your tight channel once again.
Your orgasm was building rapidly, threatening to consume you completely. You moaned with anticipation, knowing that he was preparing to fill your womb with his thick liquid.
Desperate to climax before him, you increased the intensity of your hips even more and directed your fingers to your swollen clit, his pelvis undulating wildly as you sought to squeeze every last drop of pleasure out of this intense moment together.
His cock throbbed painfully as he felt your insides tightening around him, wrapping around him tightly as you urged him to release inside you. He couldn't resist your request any longer; the need to spill into your warm walls was too great.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Damn, I'm going to cum… ⸺ he whimpered desperately.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Cum inside me Leon… ⸺ you begged.
His hips bucked fiercely as you rode him to his climax, your pussy convulsing around his thickness and your walls going to milk every last drop of his essence inside you.
You screamed in pleasure as you felt Leon's hot load filling you, using your pussy to continue pumping him hard as you revel in the feeling of him filling you.
Your orgasm built rapidly, and you desperately wanted to feel every last drop of his cum inside you. Leon grunted loudly as he emptied himself into your eager pussy, his cock throbbing and twitching erratically as he released wave after wave of sticky liquid into your eager womb. Collapsing onto the desk next to you, completely spent and satisfied.
You stood there, catching your breath for a few moments as you both basked in the afterglow of your intense session together. The smell of sex and sweat permeated the surrounding air, mixing with the lingering smell of both arousal combined and creating an intoxicating aroma.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ You know how to make me cum… ⸺ Leon finally declared, admiring you with a mix of relief and satisfaction etched into his features.
You smiled, pleased, enjoying having his cum inside you and dripping from your swollen pussy onto his cock. You were still shaking from your intense orgasm, but you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for having brought him to such an enjoyable climax.
You stood up slightly to catch some of his spilled cum with one of your fingers, sucking it off before responding to his comment with a flirtatious smile.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Mmm… You were quite easy to please.
You both lay in post-coital bliss, basking in the glow of your shared experience. The sound of both of their heavy breathing filled the class, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and connection between the two.
Leon laughed weakly, amused by your response and the way you seemed so satisfied. with yourself to satisfy him. He stayed there for several minutes, recovering from your intense session, his heart rate gradually returning to normal as he took in your flushed face and your slippery pussy on his pelvis.
Finally, he leaned on one of his elbows, looking at the windows with the blinds slightly drawn and the front door of the class to make sure that you were still alone before turning to you with a teasing smile.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Yeah, well... you know what they say about teachers being easy marks. ⸺ He joked, referring to the rumors surrounding relationships outside private lessons.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ But seriously though, ⸺ he added, ⸺ you know your stuff when it comes to giving head and riding my dick.
You giggled at his comment, playfully bouncing up and down on his still throbbing member to emphasize how skilled you were at pleasing him.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I guess I've gotten pretty good at this whole teacher-student thing. ⸺ You joked. ⸺ What a shame it wasn't more difficult to pass, right?…
You continued to ride him slowly as you eased his cock back into your stretched and ready pussy, using your hips to extract every last drop of his pleasure, keeping an eye on the door to make sure you weren't disturbed during your post-coital indulgence.
Leon laughed at your teasing, appreciating the way you seemed to take pride in your secret agreement and the unique dynamic it created between the two of you. He didn't complain and gripped your hips firmly, guiding your movements as you continued to ride him expertly to milk every last drop of cum from his semi-hard cock.
Despite the jocular tone of the conversation, there was an undercurrent of desire and anticipation that ran through everything, a reminder that you were still very much involved in an intense, passionate taboo adventure that went far beyond mere physical pleasure.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You're talented. ⸺ He admitted. ⸺ But you're going to need more than just this to pass. ⸺ He finished saying, slapping both of your buttocks with his hands and then squeezing them tightly and separating them, driving you over him.
You moaned in ecstasy at the slap, feeling his hands grip your buttocks afterward, urging you forward in your mutual act of self-indulgence. Your body shook with pleasure as you rode him faster and harder, straining to extract every last drop of his cum before finally collapsing onto his throbbing member once more.
You looked at him with a mix of satisfaction and lust in your eyes.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Oh yeah? Well, I plan on proving just how dedicated I am to my studies.
As you continued to revel in the aftermath of your fucking, you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of excitement and anticipation building within you, excited by the idea of ​​taking things further and exploring new depths of your forbidden 'relationship' together.
Leon watched you collapse onto his cock with a mix of satisfaction and arousal, your pussy clenching around him as you rode him hard. He could feel the last remnants of his cum oozing from the base of his throbbing member as you bounced eagerly on top of him.
Hearing your declaration that you planned to continue pushing boundaries and studying your taboo relationship only served to ignite Leon's desire even more, fueling the fire of libido and temptation that burned between the two of you.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I look forward to seeing how far you're willing to go. ⸺ He said with a smile. ⸺ But, you are still my student. There are limits to how far we can take this in our 'private meetings'.
You nodded, understanding the parameters of your secret relationship and the need to maintain some level of restraint despite the intensity of his emotions and desires.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Yes, I know my place, but I want to learn how to please you and satisfy your needs, Leon Kennedy…
You leaned in to plant a tender kiss on his lips before resuming your pelvic thrusts, riding him faster now that you had both had a chance to catch your breath and recharge his arousal.
ㅤㅤ⸺ And speaking of needs… ⸺ you added teasingly. ⸺ I think it's time for you to cum again. Why don't you help me a little?
Leon laughed at your request, finding your determination and dedication to your illicit agreement as enticing as it was endearing. He admired the way you knew how to push his buttons and get exactly what you wanted from him.
As you rode him faster and faster, Leon's cock twitched involuntarily, signaling his new impending climax. With deep moans from both of them obscuring your ears.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Shit… ⸺ he whispered between gasps for air. ⸺ You know how to handle yourself.
He raised one of his hands and gently caressed your hair without letting go of your ass with the other, spanking you again and bringing you closer so that your bodies were pressed together.
You felt his cock throb inside you, causing you to moan loudly and arch your back, enjoying the sensation that ran through your entire body due to the intense overstimulation of both of you. You could barely contain your excitement as you felt him filling you more and more with each passing second as he became completely hard again.
When he pulled your hair gently and moaned your name, you knew you were approaching another peak of pleasure for both of you. You increased your pace even more, sinking deeper into his placid, throbbing cock as you enjoyed the intense intimacy of the moment.
As you approached your climax, Leon grunted, feeling his balls contract and build up his thick load. The sound of your name spoken across his lips in passionate ecstasy only fueled his arousal, sending waves of pleasure through his body and making his cock throb even more intensely.
He guided your movements as you rode him harder and faster than ever. With each powerful contraction, Leon could feel his orgasm peaking, knowing that they were experiencing something truly special together.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ I'm going to fucking cum again… ⸺ he warned you, anxious and desperate. ⸺ Are you ready?
When he warned you that he was about to release, you increased the pace even more, sinking him into you with abandon and urgency. You could hear his panting voice echoing through the empty classroom, a primal mix of pleasure and need that seemed to amplify the intensity of the experience.
You looked at his eager face in anticipation, your eyes burning with passion and desire. You knew you were reaching the top, and you couldn't wait to feel all of his cum filling you once again.
His ready release poured into your aching pussy. You clenched your inner muscles all around his rigid cock, sucking it in tightly as you egged him on with a combination of words and sensual impulses.
Leon let out a low growl as he felt your tight pussy choke him like a vice, signaling that you were ready for him to unleash his final load. He gripped the side of your hips tightly and used his free hand to eagerly stimulate your clit, pushing you over the edge and into a state of fervent ecstasy.
With a throaty moan of pure pleasure, Leon released one last burst of cum deep within your trembling walls, filling you as you both experienced the most intense moments of your illicit approach yet. With the last spurts of cum shooting into your hungry pussy, he collapsed onto the desk, panting heavily and enjoying the aftermath of your mutual pleasure.
You moaned in pleasure as you felt Leon's final load filling you, causing a wave of euphoria to travel through every inch of your body. Your orgasmic screams echoed throughout the empty classroom, leaving no doubt about how much delight you had been sharing.
As he collapsed onto the desk, you continued to ride him with reckless abandon, milking his big throbbing cock for all it was worth until the last drop of cum had been released from his swollen sacs. Finally, coming down from your high, slowing your movements and sliding off his cock with a satisfied sigh and a soft 'pop' as you pulled it out of your stretched hole.
Still breathing hard, you looked back at Leon, your eyes still shining with lust and desire.
His breathing was irregular and uneven, his chest heaving as he tried to recover from the intensity of his last orgasm. Watching you finish, admiring the sight of your flushed face and your panting breath as you straddled his member, your arousal visible with the way your nipples hardened and the wetness between your thighs glistening in the light dim classroom.
You ran a hand through his sticky cum, feeling the heat radiating from his still throbbing cock as you stroked it gently.
ㅤㅤ⸺ That was something else… I don't think I've ever cummed so much before.
Slowly, you lowered yourself off his cock, allowing traces of his cum to drip from your entrance and run across the rosy lips of your pussy before finally pulling away from him completely.
Leon watched as you slid off his throbbing member, stopping his gaze at the burning sight of your slick lips and the beads of cum oozing out between them, staining your white stockings.
Your voice was breathy and seductive as you spoke.
ㅤㅤ⸺ It was amazing… You know how to make a girl feel good.
You bit your lip playfully, looking at him with a mix of desire and vulnerability.
ㅤㅤ⸺ And I think you might have broken some kind of record for the amount of semen you produced. ⸺ You said with a funny smile on your lips.
He chuckled at your comment about breaking records.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Well, I suppose I have my moments. ⸺ He admitted. ⸺ But honestly, being inside you felt so damn good that it was almost impossible not to cum like crazy.
He ran a few fingers through the stickiness of his cock and looked at you with a mix of amusement and lust in his eyes.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You know how to drive me horny. I hope you enjoyed it too.
You smiled widely at Leon's admission, your eyes shining with excitement and satisfaction. Take a moment to catch your breath before speaking again.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Hmm… I did. Being filled with your cum and feeling your cock inside me was… indescribable.
You walked to where you left your clothes lying on the floor and began to lift your skirt and fasten your bra in a somewhat absent-minded manner, still thinking about the intensity of the sensations you had shared.
ㅤㅤ⸺ And yes, you broke some kind of record or something. I'm pretty sure there was enough cum to flood this entire classroom. ⸺ You clarified playfully with mockery, looking at Leon over your shoulder as you adjusted your white socks.
Leon chuckled at your comment, running a hand through his messy hair and watching you gather the rest of your clothes to get dressed, remembering the way your tight pussy had sucked out every last drop of his essence. He could still feel the warmth and fullness running through his balls and cock, being a pleasant reminder of how much pleasure you had just experienced together.
His cock twitched slightly at the thought of having been inside your tight pussy just moments ago, but he forced himself to focus on getting dressed as well.
He gathered his discarded clothes and began putting them on, trying not to think too much about how much he wanted to bury himself inside your delicious pussy again. He put on his black jeans and tight black shirt, doing his best to hide the evidence of your recent activities.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Yeah, well… maybe next time I'll try to break another one. ⸺ He joked. ⸺ Maybe I'll give you so much semen that you spill it everywhere.
You finished dressing and turned to look at Leon as you finished buttoning your skirt, your tits still visible from not having fully buttoned your tight white shirt.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I wouldn't mind that at all. ⸺ You said with a malicious smile. ⸺ Being covered in your hot cum sounds like a fantasy come true.
You walked over to where he was and leaned next to him against the desk, close enough that your bodies were almost touching. With your skin still warm and sensitive from being filled with his thick cum, you couldn't help but feel aroused again just thinking about it.
ㅤㅤ⸺ So… Are we going to pretend that nothing happened? ⸺ you asked quietly. ⸺ Or should I expect you to try to fuck me again right here against your desk?
Leon laughed at your questions, your recent fuck had left you as hungry for more as he was. He reached out and brushed a strand of your hair away from your face, feeling a surge of desire in his gut at the thought of being able to fill you again soon.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I don't think I could resist fucking you right here if you're asking. ⸺ He admitted. ⸺ But I figured we should at least try to act like we weren't going to fuck right after class.
He pressed himself against you, resting his hands on your hips and looking deeply into your eyes as he spoke.
ㅤㅤ⸺ However, if you want me to take you to my apartment with me, I won't hesitate for a damn second.
You laughed at his bold offer, your heart pounding with excitement. The idea of ​​your perfect, exemplary teacher taking you to his apartment was both exciting and terrifying, but deep down you trusted him completely and would go wherever he took you.
You smiled excitedly, considering whether you should accept his invitation.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Alright then, Leon. I guess I'll be officially yours.
As you spoke, you placed a hand on top of his crotch, caressing his hardening member through his jeans and giving him a promising smile.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You can fuck me wherever you want. ⸺ You clarified as you slowly approached his lips and whispered sensually. ⸺ Your apartment, in public… I don't give a shit.
You finished speaking by sticking to his mouth, rejoicing your tongues with both warm saliva mixed, and caressing the package on his clothes lovingly. Playing against his lips as you press them against yours and drowning your short breaths of pure desire.
His cock twitched under your touch and bold words, feeling horny and needy as it throbbed against your hand. He could barely contain his desire to unload another load of hot cum inside your tight pussy, but he knew he had to maintain some semblance of control if he didn't want to get caught red-handed with his student.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Well then, ⸺ he said with a smile, ⸺ let's go. I don't want to make you wait any longer.
He slid his hands down your lower back and began to guide you towards the door, putting aside any lingering doubts about what might happen once you arrived at his quarters. He knew he would be unable to resist taking advantage of your vulnerable state once you were alone.
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note. you are free to ask/request anything you want! my dms are open and you can submit your request in my bio, thank you! likes and reblogs are highly appreciated! xoxo ♡
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eightballspins · 3 months
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pairings : jongseob (p1h) x male reader
warnings : none, but like really pathetic pining and oblivious men not knowing how to act around their crushes (shota is sick and tired of yall)
rating : fluff :D
requested? : yesyesyes!!! thank u 🩵 anon, i don't think you were expecting a full fledged fanfic as a response to your request LMAO so do send in another one if you want a more simple headcanon version of this, i just couldnt help but go a lil crazy LMAO
a/n : strangers to friends to lovers, one of my favorite tropes. jongseob is definitely giving loser pining nerd in this one, but its ok bc hes so cute + this wasn't meant to be this long, but i couldnt help but go a little crazy + i highly suggest listening to the song while reading because it really sets the mood imo (summer by brockhampton)+ i had that ^ seob in mind while writing this btw hes just so heart eyes emoji in that video and i think light brown rlly suits him and gives off the strongest boyfriend vibes
wc : 6.5k+
"in the heat of the summer. yeah, yeah, oh, you know that you should be my boy. oh yes, you know. in the heat of the summer, you're so different from the rest."
jongseob didn’t expect himself to be the type to develop a crush on a first meeting, or more like first glance. but here he was: purposely keeping his head down to not draw too much attention to himself as you walked by him. he was looking down at his phone, swiping in random directions, even looking at the weather app and pretending as if that were interesting. it was really pathetic how shy he became whenever you were near, but that’s just you made him react — so it really wasn’t his fault…
“you’re kim jongseob, right?”
he flinched at your voice, not expecting to hear it call his name out of nowhere. locking his phone, and hoping you didn’t see him stare at the weather for the week, he looked up at you and nodded his head. his mouth went dry and he cleared his throat as an effort to make sure his voice didn’t crack when he spoke to you.
“the teacher told me to find you and let you know i’ll be the one tutoring you for math,” you take the empty seat next to him, pulling out your phone and holding it out to him, “we should exchange contact information so we can talk about when to meet up and what works best for our schedules,”
okay, hold on. everything was moving wayyyy too fast and jongseob still hasn’t blinked once since you started talking to him. it was as if his consciousness left his body. he forced himself to blink and then finally opened his mouth to talk. but you had cut him off, by accident.
“sorry, my name is [name], it’s nice to meet you,”
instinctively, he had bowed his head down and you mimicked the action.
“nice to meet you, i’m jongseob,”
”i know,” a kind smile on your lips almost sent him into a hyperventilating state.
your first meeting with each other ended with him saving your contact in his phone and vice versa, then you departing soon after as you had to go to your own class. that day, shota was wondering why jongseob was so latched onto his phone and staring at it with a blank look on his face.
— in the beginning phases of his crush, jongseob acts really, really reserved and shy. it’s almost as if he doesn’t even want to associate with you with how standoffish he is, but it’s just because he’s eternally scared of embarrassing himself in front of you. in the beginning, he tried brushing off how serious his crush was, thinking it was going to be passing. but when he realized that every night before bed he’d think of you, he knew he was in too deep at that point. it makes him so frustrated that he lets his mind be so filled of you and only you, especially because before you were assigned as his tutor, you’d never even properly spoken to one another. but hopefully now that you two will be forced to talk to one another, jongseob’s skittish and introverted behavior could change a little more…hopefully.
the two of you were sitting in the library, snacks and drinks surrounding you as the two of you were staring at the textbook on the table.
“so, what do you think you struggle with the most?” you kindly asked, pulling out your notebook and pencils from your bag and preparing to start. jongseob blinked at the question, feeling himself blush as he thought of how he struggled with practically everything related to math.
“i think…just everything,” he says honestly, a bashful and embarrassed look on his face. you almost cooed at the cute expression, but stopped yourself.
you didn’t expect jongseob to be so cute. when you had seen him in person the first time, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think he wasn’t at all attractive. he had soft features and a cute smile, which was enough to make you interested in him. but seeing his equally soft personality was enough to solidify that initial interest.
lucky you for having the teacher pair the two of you up.
“well, to be honest, i struggled a lot too when i was taking his class before,” you confessed honestly, hoping your words would comfort him a little, “but, it’s mainly the way he teaches it that makes it so confusing. so, i think, i can try re-explaining everything to you in a more simple way and hopefully it works that way? does that sound good to you?”
jongseob quickly nods, finding the tone and sound of your voice a comfort and especially persuasive. you could tell him to jump up on the table and do something incredibly embarrassing and he’d probably do it.
yeah, he was in too deep.
“then, let’s start! i’ll set an alarm for a break in twenty minutes?” he nods his head in understanding, feeling unreasonably determined to not let you and your efforts in teaching him go to waste. so he leans forward, mechanical pencil ready in hand and his notebook open to the first blank page.
as you’re explaining things to him, jongseob already feels as if he’s learning more from you in the first ten minutes than he did from his teacher the past couple of weeks. also, he feels himself growing more comfortable, which is a relief. because before he felt as if his cheeks were turning bright red anytime you looked at him, now it was just the tips of his ears (he hopes…). he was able to properly speak to you and make eye contact without completely stuttering through his sentences.
after the entire two hour session, you walked together to the bus stop. jongseob was only accompanying you since he could easily walk home, but he wasn’t about to make you wait alone. plus, he finally felt himself growing comfortable enough and he didn’t want to leave so soon (even if you had just spent the past two hours together).
“so, what do you like to do outside of school?” you ask, sipping your favorite boxed juice as you waited together.
“music,” he answers quickly, correcting himself soon after with, “i like listening to and writing music,”
you blinked in surprise, not taking him as the type and an impressed look was on your face, “wow, that’s really cool. i wish i had a talent like that. do you share your music on any platforms?” you pulled out your phone, as if you were ready for him to show you, but he shakes his head.
“no, just keep them on my computer…i don’t think i want them out, it’s kind of embarrassing,” he scratches the back of his head, cursing the red blush that was definitely rising up his neck.
”i don’t think it is,” you deny, pouting at his self-deprecation, “confidence is the key, jongseob!” you encourage, hitting his shoulder lightly, “if you ever feel comfortable enough, i’d love to hear it some day,”
he blinks at the offer, wondering how to respond to such an invitation. sharing his music with someone is something he deems really intimate, especially since it’s you — the boy he has a raging crush on. but he doesn’t have to think of his response much longer as your bus pulls up to the stop.
“it was nice getting to know you better, jongseob! i look forward to our next meeting,” you smile, bow your head to him, and then board your bus not looking back at him.
he watches the bus leave, his knees going wobbly as he collapses into a crouching position with his head in his hands.
“i’m screwed,” he mutters to himself, shooting up in a second’s notice and running his hand through his hair, “he’s so annoying, i’m really screwed,” he calls you annoying only because he knows that on his walk home and all the moments he spends without seeing you, he’ll just be thinking about you.
he’s in too deep, there’s no way he’ll ever recover from this crush.
— after the first couple of meetings, you and jongseob become much more acquainted than a simple “tutor” and “tutee.” you became close friends, so close that you met shota and now often sit with them during lunch breaks or in any free time. whenever there was an open period, you’d stop by jongseob’s classroom and take a seat next to him and fill the rest of your time together with little chats. shota teases him endlessly on how lovesick he has gotten over the past couple of weeks, but jongseob lets it slide — as long as you’re nowhere near to hear it. shota has known of jongseob’s crush on you for the longest time and deep down he’s genuinely happy for his friend that he was making some progress. before, he’d have to bear with watching jongseob longingly stare at you from afar, so seeing the state you and jongseob were in was incredibly comforting to know his best friend was making some sort of progress,
“jongseobie!” your excited voice makes him look up from his phone and instantly smile. the nickname you had coined for him after a couple of tutoring session makes his heart race so very fast. he loves how it sounds, how you comfortably call him, especially when it’s in that excited tone you just used a second ago. “guess what i got!”
“what?” he says in an instant, looking at you with curiosity as you come to a halt in front of him.
“you’re supposed to guess,” you tease, rolling your eyes at him. you step closer as you wait for his response, but after he stays silent as he tries thinking of what it could be, you could barely hold it in anymore. “i got us tickets to that show you wanted to see!”
from behind your back, you pull out two stubs of paper and jongseob feels his jaw drop. he had mentioned it to you in passing, when you were talking about the music you each liked, one of his favorite, lesser known, artists was going to be playing somewhat nearby. he planned on buying the tickets, but the fact you had remembered and done it yourself was enough to get blood rushing to his cheeks.
“you- how- are you serious?” he asks, looking at the paper tickets as if they were god send.
you nod with a proud smile, showing them off, “i got them as a gift because you’ve been doing really well lately — your teacher even pulled me aside earlier this week to compliment me for how well the lessons have been doing, but it’s really been all you. you’re really smart, and a quick learner, jongseob. so i wanted to appreciate your hard efforts with these!” he blushes at your compliment, too flustered to notice that you were also blushing at how obviously you were gassing him up.
“you bought two?” he asks, wondering if this was what he thought it was. maybe you took the initiative and…
“oh, if you wanted to bring a friend, maybe shota. i don’t think concerts are that fun to go to alone, so i wanted to make sure you could bring someone,” you explain, handing the tickets to him.
before he even stops to think, he’s pushing one back into your hands and saying, “come with me, i wanna go with you.” it sounds more definitive than inviting, but you don’t seem to mind as a wide grin stretches across your face.
“really? you want me to come?”
“of course, i really want you to come with me,” he says with utmost certainty, “the only reason i’m doing well is because of you, i want us to go together,”
you smile and accept the ticket, stepping forward to loop your arm with his, “what should we wear then? tell me, what’s the artist’s vibe,”
jongseob, trying not to hyperfocus on the close contact, replies with a shaky voice, “i’m sure you’d look cool in anything,” he compliments, “don’t think too much about it!”
“but i wanna fit in with the crowd! hey, recommend me some songs so i can understand them more,” you insist, making jongseob pull out his phone to scroll through his playlist. you watch eager, leaning against his shoulder and at his phone screen as he searches. he tries to ignore how close you are and hopes you don’t see the way his hand shakes from the nerves.
what he doesn’t know is that you’re also sneaking looks at him with a smile on your face, basking in the affection you had managed to steal from him. it was flattering to know that jongseob wanted you to come as his “plus one”, but you tried not thinking too deep into it…trying to stop yourself from thinking it was anything like a date. because it wasn’t.
even if you both wished it was.
“here, i’ll send you my playlist,” he says, showing you his spotify on the screen and waiting for your approval. when you hum in response, he copies the link and goes to your messages.
“wait, what’s my contact name on your phone? have you changed it since i put it in?” you ask curiously, seeing something added to the end of your name, like an emoji, that definitely wasn’t there before.
jongseob blinks in stupor before realizing what you were referring to. he hurriedly locks his phone and turns it face down to hide it from you, laughing to play it off.
“what? why? why? what’s my name on your phone?” you tease, trying to reach for it, despite not knowing if he had a passcode or not.
“it’s nothing, it’s nothing,” he says, trying to distract you from that topic of conversation and goes back to the artist you two were going to see, “just make sure you listen to the playlist-”
“but i want to know what my contact is on your phone!” you cut him, laughing as you begin play fighting for the device.
“well, your bus is here so you won’t get to know, sorry,” he says, unfortunately speaking the truth as the familiar bus pulled up to the curb.
“i won’t forget this, jongseobie,” you say in a mock threatening voice, squinting your eyes at him, “you’re gonna show me it tomorrow!!”
“bye, bye, [name]!” he calls out, happily waving to you as the bus takes off in the opposite direction of the school.
he looks down at his phone and unlocking it to show the link of his spotify playlist that was sitting in the textbox, waiting to be sent. he looks up at the top of his screen, smiling softly at the contact name and photo he had saved for you. it was a selfie you had taken on his phone during one of your recent study sessions, showing an incredibly tired 0.5 angle of you, with his head resting on the table being seen in the background. when he was scrolling through his camera roll, he had seen it and immediately made it your profile picture. it was cute to imagine you sneakily taking his phone while he was dozed off, snapping the picture, then setting it back to its original spot.
the words underneath your photo reading as “handsome tutor 𖹭.”
jongseob would have collapsed in embarrassment if you had seen that. he sighed, hit send on the text, and locked his phone to put away in his pocket. he walked home with a smile on his face, thinking about you and the concert you two were going to together.
“so it’s a date?” shota asks him, chilling in his seat as jongseob explains to him everything that had went down.
“it’s not a date, shh,” jongseob says, putting his finger to his lips and glaring at shota for saying such a thing so loud.
“it sounds like a date, jongseob,” shota deadpans, not looking impressed, “you two need to get it together, the tension between you two is so suffocating,” the man shivers as if to physically show how unbearable the “tension” was, but jongseob doesn’t pay that any mind.
“it’s not a date because if it were, he would’ve said it was, but it’s not because he didn’t say that,” jongseob quickly explains, wanting to put that discussion to rest.
“okay, then it isn’t a date,” shota forfeits, rolling his eyes at his best friend’s antics.
“yeah, it isn’t…” the man confirms once more, “besides, i don’t even know if he even likes men — have we ever thought about that? he probably just thinks we are good friends, which i can settle for and is the most realistic thing, but still i wish i knew for sure! it kind of sucks not knowing if i even had a chance, y’know?”
“had a chance with who?”
jongseob freezes and shota sputters out a suffocated laugh at the timing.
you were standing right behind him and he didn’t know for how long you were, but he does wish that the ground would swallow him up whole right now.
“earth to jongseobie? hello?” you wave your hand in front of his frozen face, laughing slightly at his expression, “what’s up with him, shota?”
“i don’t know, he’s a weird guy,” the man answers with a shrug, making you laugh at the irony before taking a seat next to him.
“well, anyway! i listened to the playlist you sent me, let me show you some outfit ideas i have for us,”
“us?” jongseob echoes, wondering if he heard right.
”yeah, if we’re going together we might as well should match, right?”
shota looks at the two of you, completely worn out from how oblivious jongseob was and how shamelessly forward you were (whether you were aware of it or not was unknown to shota).
“right, right,” jongseob agrees, leaning in towards you and your phone screen.
“i think you have good style to begin with, so i tried finding something that would suit it. you’re handsome anyway, so anything you wear you’ll be able to pull off,” you ruffle his hair as you compliment him, successfully making him go red in the face.
shota once again wishes his best friend would open his eyes and end this tantalizing process already, hoping you two would just date already.
it was the night of the show and you and jongseob agreed to meet at a halfway point. the venue was a little far away, but nothing a pair of headphone and the bus couldn’t handle. you were currently binge listening to the playlist jongseob had sent you — you had been since he’s sent it to you — and were happily humming along to the song playing. if it weren’t for jongseob, you probably would’ve never discovered this artist, who actually suited your tastes a lot.
at the designated stop, you kept an eye out for him, grinning immediately when you locked eyes with him. his usually straight hair was done to be slightly wavy and that subtle change made your eyes falter and heart skip a couple beats. he really was so handsome. his eyes were wide, looking for you and when he finally caught sight of you, an excited smile broke out onto his face and it was so wide his eyes turned into crescents.
he walked over to you, taking the seat beside you and tried to control his excitement.
”how are you?” he asked first, trying to not stare too hard at your outfit and how good you looked. he was slightly envious, how you looked so good in everything you wore and how you naturally pulled off everything you wore. he also took note of how you both were wearing the same color-toned clothes, subtly matching. that only made him smile even wider.
“i’m excited, how about you?” you’re quick to throw the question back at him, smiling so wide it’s infectious.
“i’m really excited, i’m really happy we’re going together,” he says, nodding his head several times as he takes in this reality. if anyone had told him a couple months that he was going to one of his favorite artist’s concert with you of all people, he would’ve laughed in their face. this was all almost completely unbelievable.
“you brought your camera?” you said, motioning to the film camera that was strapped around his body.
“oh, yeah,” he takes it up into his hands, bringing the viewfinder up to his eyes and quickly snapping a photo of you. obviously, after the act was already done, you began complaining about how you weren’t ready.
“retake it, retake it,” you egged on, pushing him slightly back so it wasn’t so close to your face. he obeyed, leaning backwards and bringing his camera back up to his eye.
you smiled, holding the ticket up to your face and proudly showing it off. he smiled softly at how genuinely excited you looked, bringing the camera down from his face after he got the shot.
“your turn,” you say, gently taking the camera from his hands and bringing it up to your eye. “wait, how does this work?”
he chuckles at your question, moving close to show you how it works, nimble fingers pointing at the different parts of the camera, “here, scroll it to the right,” he says, watching you carefully, “and then when it stops, you can take the picture. just press this one,”
you get the gist, afterwards, looking up from the components of the camera and locking eyes with jongseob. you both didn’t realize how close he was until you looked up, making time freeze for a moment as you just sat there and stared at each other.
his brown bangs were slightly covering his eyes, but you were still able to see him so clearly. he really was so breathtaking…
“ready?” you asked after a couple seconds of silence, making him clear his throat and nod.
you pressed your back against the window of the bus as he leaned a little into the aisle so that he was properly spaced out in the shot. he held up his own ticket, pursuing his lips as he slightly smiled at the camera. the corners of your lips quirked up at his cute expression, taking the picture swiftly.
“it sucks we don’t see them right away though,” you comment, handing the film camera back to him.
“we can still take pictures on our phones,” he comforts, pulling out his own and immediately holding it up for a selfie. smiling at the opportunity, you lean close to his person, practically cuddled up to his side.
and even after reaching levels of comfortability with you that he thought was impossible, being physically close to you still flustered him. he liked it though, obviously. he liked you, so any affection you showed him was welcome in his eyes. which is exactly why he didn’t push you away or shift his torso from you. instead he leaned into your side as well, positioning the camera at multiple different angles for you two.
then you took out your own phone, taking pictures for your own camera roll. the last one you took was a silly 0.5 one that the both of you laughed at after seeing the finished product.
“these are cute,” you comment, scrolling through your own, “send me the ones on your phone!”
“okay, okay,” he complies, going to share them straight from his camera roll and sending them to you a couple seconds later. he doesn’t realize it, but his screen is clearly visible to you, meaning you were finally able to see what the contact name he had for you was.
you blushed heavily seeing it, forcing your head to look away to not be caught, trying to force the smile on your face down. instead, you took a comfortable resting spot on his shoulder, feeling a surge of confidence in your actions due to the revealed contact name.
jongseob’s shoulder stiffened at the bold action, but he tried to calm himself down to not ruin the moment. he looked anywhere else but you, not wanting to be caught blushing a deep red if you were to look at him. he didn’t realize you snuck one more photo in, smiling like a fool at your camera as your head rested on his shoulder.
after about a thirty minute bus ride, you finally were at the stop closest to the venue. you pulled the wired headphones from your ear, jongseob passing you the other pair, and both of you hopped off of the bus to walk to the venue.
you both weren’t particularly keen on getting there super early to be close, so the line wasn’t as long as you thought it would’ve been.
“wait, go ahead,” he says, motioning for you to keep walking without him. and you were going to question why, but then saw that he had his camera in his hand and wanted a shot of you walking to the venue, which had the name of the artist plastered in shining lights above the main entrance way.
he joined you in a couple of seconds, jogging up to your side and excitedly walking up to security to be let in.
you and jongseob were near the back of the pit, but since it was a small place, the view you had of the stage wasn’t that bad.
“this is so cool,” you say, stars in your eyes as you take in the environment. jongseob hums beside you, making sure to stick close to you to not lose you in the crowd. his arm hung loosely off of your shoulder, which made you more inclined to slot yourself into his side.
maybe it was the darker atmosphere and the fact you were in a bigger crowd now, where it was easy to hide away, but the both of you had gotten a boost of confidence in lingering touches.
jongseob didn’t think twice in holding you close to him and you weren’t as secretive in stealing glances his way. he didn’t feel as flustered and embarrassed as he usually did, which made him not think twice in committing to being affectionate with you.
he wishes he was like this all the time. capable of holding eye contact with you without looking away after the first five seconds. capable of looking at your eyes then your lips without feeling himself go red in the face immediately. a couple months deep into this crush of his and sometimes he was still acting like he hasn’t been seeing you everyday, as if he was still just admiring you from afar.
meanwhile, you were loving every second of this. seeing jongseob not hesitate in keeping you close and stare at you, it was infectious.
before you knew it, the main act had came onto the stage and now all of your attention was on them. jongseob’s arm left your shoulder to take a couple of pictures with both his phone and film camera, but he still made sure to be close.
the two of you were singing to your hearts’ content, sometimes breaking out into laughter at how horrid your voices sounded. but you were smiling and laughing together and that was all that mattered. the show went on faster than you both had realized and the singer was now announcing that it would be their final song of the night.
when the first chords played throughout the venue, you instinctively held onto jongseob’s hand and squeezed tight because it was the song you were hoping they were going to play. excitedly you looked at him to see his reaction, wondering if he was waiting for this song as well, but when you turned to him, he was already looking at you.
and you were happy you didn’t have the strength to look away because staring into his eyes as the song played in the background felt as if you were in the middle of a romance movie scene. one of those god awful cheesy scenes where the two love interests have the camera spin around them as they slowly lean in to kiss each other, or some other form of major affection. you almost laughed out loud at the idea of that being you and jongseob. not because it was actually humorous, but because it was so outlandish.
there was no way jongseob liked you back like you liked him.
that contact name on his phone was probably just a coincidence…
you swallowed the lump in your throat and forced yourself to look away from his dark eyes, that were pleadingly looking at you, begging for you to do something. the moment your head turned in the other direction, though, jongseob felt a wave of frustration and immense emotion crash down on him.
it wasn’t fair. he wants to kiss you, tell you how badly he’s fallen in love with you. he doesn’t want to keep sneaking glances at you when all he wants to do is stare at you all day long. and with the way the lights are reflecting on you, the fucking song playing in the background, there’s no reasonable way for jongseob to hold himself back.
he’s so frustrated at himself for harboring such strong emotions for you, but he wouldn’t want it any other way.
so he finally grows the courage to reach out and gently cup your face and force you to look back at him. he doesn’t give himself, or you, a second to properly react as he leans forward and smashes his lips against yours. it’s dramatic, desperate, and borderline aggressive, but it’s what he’s feeling — all those times he’s had to hold himself back from making you his. it was all released in this one kiss.
it took a couple of seconds to realize what was happening. and when you did, you could feel him beginning to pull away. squeezing your eyes shut to really bask in the moment, you brought your hand up to the back of his neck and held him in place, finally kissing him back.
the hand that was once resting on your cheek had now fallen to your waist, bringing you in closer to his person. his fingers were squeezing you so tight, as if he were afraid you’d slip away if his grip loosened even the tiniest bit. you were moving in sync with one another, hungry for that affection you were both restraining from each other before. your arms looped around his neck and you could feel him smile into the kiss at the action. it was infectious because now you were two smiling, kissing fools.
after pulling away, the world around you both was so fuzzy, the song playing being the only thing that you could sense as loud and clear. the both of you were panting from such an intense kiss. his arms were wrapped around your lower half while yours lazily hung off of his shoulders.
“[name], i really, really like you,” he says breathless, “even before you spoke to me, i liked you,” it was shocking to learn how long he had been harboring this crush on you, but you didn’t stop him from going on, “i’ve wanted to kiss you like that for so long,”
a weak bout of laughter was shared between you two and jongseob had to force himself to continue on, “please, give me a chance and be my boyfriend, please,”
you played with the hair at the base of his neck, making him shiver at the sensation while you grinned at him.
“you don’t need to beg for it. i’m already yours, jongseob,” you crash into his chest and he breathes a heavy sigh of relief, holding you tight. the two of you stand like that, rocking back and forth and just taking in the final song — that was now apart of one of your fondest memories.
after it was finished, you both pulled away and shared one more long kiss. it wasn’t as desperate as the first, but you could still feel that longing from him as he eagerly deepened it. the only reason why you two had to pull away was because the rest of the crowd was beginning to move and since you were in the back of the pit, you would’ve been in everyone’s way.
jongseob tightly held your hand as he guided you through the crowd, smiling so wide that his cheeks were hurting. the same could be said for you, too, as you followed him wherever he took you. waiting at the same bus stop wasn’t long and the entire time, you were just staring at each other with permanent smiles on each of your faces.
your hands were still intertwined, even as you sat on the bus.
“so wait, you knew who i was already, and liked me, before i even introduced myself to you?” you asked, grinning on his shoulder as you finally had the quiet environment to ask him about all the details. he blushed at the sudden question, using one hand to hide the bottom of his face.
“do we really have to go through this right now?” he asked, feeling incredibly shy at how close your face was to his (as if you weren’t sucking face a couple minutes ago), especially with that mischievous look in your eyes.
“no, we don’t have to, i just want to hear you talk about it.”
“so, you just want to have your ego boosted?” he teased, playing with your fingers as he smiled in amusement. you clasped your hand around his, chuckling and just resting your head on his shoulder. he leaned on the top of your head, wondering how things worked out so well.
it felt like something out of his dreams.
the man of his dreams was nestled into his side after seeing one of his favorite singers. kissing him during one of his favorite songs, finally making him his boyfriend. jongseob couldn’t help but stare out the window with the widest smile on his face.
taking in his surroundings, he cautiously reached for his film camera on his side. he could tell that halfway through your trip back you had fallen asleep so he wanted to be sure not to wake you as he took the photo. it was cheesy, but he wanted to have something to immortalize this night and the memory of it. he’d never forget it, he knew that for sure, but he wanted a physical token of what has happened and the deep meaning of tonight.
after taking pictures to his heart’s content, he simply leaned his head against yours and waited until you both arrived to your bus stop.
— a couple weeks later
“what do you have there?” you ask, rolling over in bed to look over jongseob’s shoulder.
there was no one home at the moment, so you were being as freely affectionate as you wanted. it had been a couple of weeks since the night of the concert and it has been nothing but perfect since. not only were the two of you finally out of school, making it officially summer (jongseob had passed his math final with flying colors, not to your surprise since he really was so smart).
the window was open, letting in the occasional breeze to cool you two off. but the both of you were laying in your bed, shirtless as you tried basking in as much cold air as possible. jongseob had told you he had something to surprise you with, digging through his bag with his back turned to you.
“i made sure to ask for two copies of each one,” he said, pulling out a thick envelope. your arms were wrapped around his waist, resting flat on his bare stomach and softly stroking up and down. he looked at you with a smile, presenting what was inside with an expectant look on his face.
when you finally realized what it was, you detached yourself from his back in a moment’s notice and took the papers into your hands.
“oh my god, jongseobie,” you gasped, taking in all of the photos your boyfriend had captured on his film camera and looking through them in pure excitement, “wait, i didn’t know you took a picture then,” it was the one of when you were sleeping on his shoulder. you smiled at the memory, fondly looking at your boyfriend and leaning in for a quick peck.
“you’re too handsome i had to,” he compliments, knocking his forehead against yours before pulling away.
“thank you, baby, but so are you — i mean, c’mon, look at you,” you squeeze his cheeks quickly while looking through the rest of the photos of the night. the memories were still vivid in your mind, “i like this one a lot,”
it was before you arrived at the venue, when you were riding the bus there. looking at it on a physical copy now, it was so obvious how deep your affections for each other were. jongseob leaning into your body that was unexplainably close to his, a blush on both of your cheeks, as well as wide grins.
“i love you,” he says quietly, kissing the bare skin of your shoulder several times over before resting his cheek against your warm flesh. you smile at the affection, turning back to face him properly.
it slips off of your tongue so fluently at this point, an easy, “i love you too,” directed to him and only him. and now you’re both smiling at each other like idiots.
— jongseob, who has a crush on you for the longest time and doesn’t know how to act on it. the type to ignore it at first, in hopes of it just dying down so he doesn’t have to worry about it since he already has so much on his plate. but once he realizes he’s in too deep, thinking about you in every passing second, he doesn’t fight against his feelings any longer. he’s content just being aware of them, not seeking for more in fear of rejection or ridicule. but once he knows it’s safe for him to show just how deep his adoration and love for you is, he’ll be as unrestricted as possible in showcasing it to you — eager to show you what he had been withholding.
"in the heat of the summer, you're so different from the rest. you know, you know, you know, oh oh. you know that you should be my boy, oh, yes, you know, oh yes, you know"
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h3yl4dies · 6 months
❀ '𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞!?'
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Pairing : Student!Haitani Rindou x Class President!Fem!reader
Admin note : thank you for 90 followers<3 we are so close to a hundred omg!! BTW this is school AU! SO ENJOYYY!!
Type : Scenario & fluff
Warnings ⚠ : a few swear words and there will be a few kissing scenes
Summary : You and your friends were playing truth or dare, you choosened dare and they gave you an dare to kiss Rindou Haitani but Rindou Haitani actually had a secret crush on you.
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"I choose dare." You spat randomly before they asked you to choose truth or dare, your friend's eyes widened a bit as they both looked at each other, exchanging shocking glares to each other.
"You sure y/n? You don't wanna.. You know.. Change your choice or your mind?" One of your friends said as they laughed at you, your face was serious, you knew they would give you a weird ass shitty dare to do.
But you were ready to face it all, you were gonna accept the fact about it. "Alright then.. I dare you to kiss Rindou Haitani" one of your friend group leader spat out as you flinched slightly at their request of their dare.
"What the fuck? Are you kidding me right now?- I mean.. I know your gonna give me some kind of shitty dare but not this kind of shitty one.." You said as their expressions doesn't seem to change their mind.
"Go on, Y/n. Go towards him and kiss him or are you just shy?" One of your friends teased as you blushed slightly, not knowing Rindou Haitani actually has a crush on you.
You have NO choice but to accept his stupid dare and get it all done, you stand from your table as you pushed your chair in quietly. You turned your head to stare at Rindou. Unsure of this new feeling your getting.
You went towards him, as soon as you came I front of his sight, he noticed you. "Why are you staring at me like that-" before he could finish his sentence, you pulled his collar and pulled him. Laying your soft lips into his.
You thought he was going to push you or hurt you in self defense but he didn't. Instead, he grabbed your waist with both of his hands and pulled you into him, deepening the kiss as your friends snicker and watch.
After a while of the heated kiss, you both pulled out slightly. A string of saliva connecting each other's tongue. You both held a awkward eye contact. "So are you going to tell me what is this all about?" He said as you looked away from him.
He grabbed your chin and swifted it in front of his eyes, forcing you to look at him. "It was a dare dummy" you said as you narrowed your eye contact with him. He rolled his eyes annoyingly as he grinned a bit.
After school, your friends didn't stopped teasing you about the stupid dare they gave you and how you both kissed.. A bit too heatingly. "Gosh can you guys shut up? It's not my fault you guys gave me this kind of dare!" You said, but they didn't respond, they just kept laughing at you.
You still wanted to say more. "Like omg.. Why would you guys give me this kind of stupid dare?!" You said as one of your friends replied "cmon.. Don't be too mad, you should be lucky your kissing him! I mean look how good he is??" They said as you turned your head away. They weren't wrong. He looked good.
You went back to your home, waving your hands to say goodbye to your friends. You showered, ate and passed out on your bed. It wasn't too long until you felt like a stone had hit your bedroom window, your eyes snapped opened. Is a robber trying to break in?
You quickly gotten up from your bed and looked straight out of your window. It was Rindou again. Your eyes was too blurry as you roughly slide up your window. "What the hell are you doing in front of my house outside at night?! I need sleep for school you know?!" You angrily shouted out.
"Just come outside and have a late night ride with me" he said as he patted his motorcycle with his slim hands. "Jeez why would you think I would follow you? Are you gonna kidnap me?" You said as he laughed quietly.
"Just come out, and don't worry about your sleep, I will drop you early back. " he said as he smiled gently. You decided to accept him and go out with him, you both stopped by a beautiful sea.
"The moon looks so pretty, isn't it?" He said as he held your hand. You didn't knew what is this new lovely dovely feeling your getting from him. "Yeah, I guess so." You both sat down at the rocks. Admiring the beautiful moon at night.
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Tokyo revengers masterlist!
Original masterlist!
Reblogs are appreciated<3
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
HELLO!! I loved your HC's!! Your Tokyo Revengers contents are really Good I think. Keep it up!!!🖤. And and I've a request. Can you do Mikey x Fm!Foreign reader? Like the reader is his neighbor. She came to Japan in a young age. She slowly learns Japanese. They became good friends.The foreign reader maybe a brown girl. Bengali would be nice if you can. If you don't want any specific ethnicity then South Asian would be great!! Thank you so much for reading. I hope to read more of your contents!!🎀
Yes ofc! Thank you so much for support and request!
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Suddenly moving to Japan sounded fun but also would be difficult. Learning a new language, new traditions, having to make new friends and having to get used to new environment in general wouldn't be easy at all.
It wasn't as hard as you thought it'd be tho. You had friendly neighbours and yes it was a bit struggle to learn Japanese but you pulled yourself together.
You first befriended Emma and when you visited her house, you met his older brother--Manjiro Sano. You two managed to be friends, tho it was a bit hard to communicate since you still lacked in Japanese but neither did Emma or Manjiro mind.
You visited their house often. You, Manjiro and Emma would play together. Slowly, they became your best friends.
Tbh, Manjiro thought you were really cool for some reason. You had great sense of humour and were easy to get along with. He just found you cool in general.
He'd have you taste Doriyaki and Tayaki btw.
You: damn I hardly eat anything but still gain weight.
Mikey: Couldn't be me.
Mikey: My metabolism loves me
You: Or you simply have bottomless stomach.
Mikey, covering your eyes and dragging you somewhere:
You: Where are you taking me??
Mikey: I told you that I can't tell you.
You: I'm scared
Mikey: Nah don't be. It's a surprise.
You: I might trip.
Mikey: You won't and here we are. Open your eyes.
And he just showed you the old engine of motorcycle.
The more time you two spend together, the more he swears that he'll protect you. (Fun fact: he fails to protect people he cares for).
Mikey: Why are there so many right handed people but not left handed?
You: Genetics..?
Mikey: Yea but why?
You:....What is this?
Mikey: Cactus.
You: What happened to it?
Mikey:I don't know. That's why I brought it to you. What do you think?
You: I think you're some sort of genius...You know, not everyone is capable of killing a cactus.
Mikey: what?! It's dead??
You: What did you do to it??
Mikey: I didn't do anything other than giving it water!
You: How much water do you think is in desert?!
Mikey: How was I supposed to know?! I don't live in desert!
He'd absolutely randomly take you to late night rides. Like he'd pull up at your house at 3am and tell you to ride with him.
He'd become part of your daily routine.
Can you imagine this guy acting shy or blushing? Well, he definitely would be with you.
When you two were about to kiss, Draken suddenly interrupted and Mikey swore to Draken that he'd interrupt his first kiss with Emma too.
Mikey isn't one to open up and vent but for some reason, he'd feel like he doesn't have to burden everything when he's with you. It's surprising even to him that he opened up to you.
I'm sorry for not posting this sooner!
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Oh don't think you should worry about not using perfect German. Fanfics are for fun, seeing German in it is more like a bonus so i think it's fine as long as we can enjoy them! But thanks for the disclaimer :) i am so ready for that drabble btw 🔥 also as i promised a few days ago... May i make a fluff request? Insecure f chubby reader with your version of König. The kinda awkward, sweet, timid guy trying to comfort her. Add your own twist, i trust you with this! Pls ignore if this isn't ok. Thanks :D
Masterlist Comforting series: Soap comforting reader Price comforting reader
Hurt/comfort, fluff
Pairing: König x reader
Summary: Your old friend is happy to spend a free day with you. But one little memory haunts you.
TW: Mentions of bullying, mentions of rejection of ones body image.
The short trill of a smartphone is muffled by your jeans and t-shirt lying on top of it. You keep staring at your reflection in a fitting room mirror. Distant voices, shop ambient music, echoes of steps - you don't hear anything, but your rushing pulse. 
Because right now you are a teenager again. It's first day of school, and you are happy, for the first time genuinely happy to be back. You've grown so much taller this summer, you've got a bit of a suntan and all those incredible new clothes! You just can't wait to meet your classmates as this new beautiful girl, they have never met before! You find familiar faces in the crowd in front of the school, make your way to them and loudly (unusually loudly, but this is the new you, who will never be shy again) say hello. First gaze falls on you, then a second, a third... and then they all turn in your direction. Something inside you shudders and shrinks into a helpless, desperate lump. They all grew up too and overtook you again. You look like a funny chubby baby again compared to them... What about their outfits? You thought you'd only wear something like that at the end of college.
"Wow, look who is adulting here, is that an above knee skirt on you?" You don't like the fake affectionate tone your classmate uses to address you. “But your mother didn’t tell you that you need to grow up, not grow wide for such clothes, sweetheart?”
How many years ago it was? Ten or fifteen already? And it still hurts. You look at your puffy thighs. “Shapeless!” - screams an angry voice in your head. Your gaze lifts to the curves of your belly and waist. “Vulgar! Too much!”. You raise your arms and look at the shoulder muscles stretching limply down. The dress you are trying on right now in a fitting room is so pretty, you are ashamed, you discredit it with your body. It is made not for you, you should have known better than trying on something so beautiful, light and airy. This fabric should flow easily over the body, and not wrap around every fold. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by the plaintive squeak of your smartphone. You take it out from under your clothes and open a chat. “Are you ok? Do you need anything? I can bring you water or some other clothes in the fitting room.” (received 15 minutes ago) “Ah, sorry, it sounded like I'm pressing you. Take your time! Just please let me know, you are ok out there. I'm worrying.” (received 1 minute ago)
You frantically type in an answer, change back into your clothes and rush out of the fitting room. König stands before a pile of dark t-shirts and lazily picks them up one by one. “Oh no, you are not buying one of those here! I could get you a dozen on amazon for a price of one here!” You put on a jolly mask approaching him. “But those are fun! They have little cat footprints on the sides, look!” You start pulling him away from Ts, and he adds with a small smile, “I can always turn it inside out and no one but me will know..."
It's only when you two exit the shop, he understands it. “Wait, and what about that dress?” 
“What's about it?” you take your jacket from his hands and despite hot weather take it on.
“You've wanted it so much, you've been waiting for the day, you could finally get it. Why didn't you buy it?” He desperately tries to catch your hand, to make you go a bit slower and finally face him.
“Na-a-ah, it turned out not that great, so I changed my mind. Forget it, it's no big deal.” You play it cool, because you don't want to let him down. He is in the military, he goes through hell on every deployment, so not letting your insignificant problems affect his mood is the least you could do. 
“But, but you… you…” 
You don't let König go on with his thought and change the subject. For the rest part of the day the two of you wander through the quiet, sleepy from the summer heat streets. Walking in a buttoned jacket in the scorching sun is not easy, but you stubbornly pull him on and on whenever he offers to take it from you. In the evening, you find yourself in the park. He somehow manages to get you on the bench.
"Can I ask you something? Are you feeling well?" His gaze is full of anxiety and concern.
"Of course! I had a great day with a friend, we went out, we had a great time! And I saved him a lot of money by not letting him buy those T-shirts!" You chuckle, but then you see his eyes. "Why are you asking? Is something wrong?" “Well, yes… I'm worried about you. Something happened in that shop, and it eats me from the inside. You barely stopped today to breathe and rest, you refused to have lunch, you torture yourself with this jacket all day, although I can see how hard it is for you. Even now, you're sitting on the very edge of the bench, like there's not enough room for the two of us. You were so happy in the morning, but then... as if someone put out the joyful light inside you. And if it really happened there, in the store - I would like to know what happened. Whoever it was - whatever nonsense they've told you - I want to fix this. Because I hate seeing you silently suffer like that.” As he speaks, blush appears on his face. It's clear, he overthinks again, if his thoughts sound acceptable, being spoken out loud. König is always like that: a kind soul too worried to sound weird. If only he knew, how much comfort he brought you.
“I'm sorry, I'll be ok soon. Promise. It happens sometimes. I know, it's high time I learn to accept myself, it's just… I sometimes understand, how much work lays ahead to be able to finally… love all this.” You lightly squeeze your sides and smile bitterly.
“You mean, nobody said or done anything in the shop? It all happened inside?” His worrying gaze meet yours. And when you nod and apologize for your behavior, he calls you by your name and takes your hand. “Please don't beat up yourself for not feeling well about yourself. I want to show you something, may I? But you'll need to sit on the bench properly. It won't work otherwise.”
You nod and slowly lean back, till you sit fully on the bench. “I know, how it feels, when a small thought ruins everything. One moment you think, how some guy told many years ago, you'll never be a sniper and the next few days you show your worst results on firing range. Or you accidentally drop a mug, it falls and breaks. And all night after that, your parents chastising you for being so clumsy in an endless nightmare. But I have learned a trick, that helps.” 
Without letting go of your hand, he clamps in the fingers of the other hand a crimson bead of the bracelet wrapped around his wrist. “I name every bead and try to remember the names, when I feel down. This one for example is called ‘other people's opinions do not determine how well I shoot’. And this is ‘it was just a mug or plate or a vase, I can always buy a better one’.” 
You listen to him and smile. A trail of warm words, positive affirmations, he always carries with him: that's really wholesome. He lifts your hand and pulls the bracelet from his wrist to yours. "I want you to try. Give one of them a name."
You are thinking. Something that could calm you now... But what could be? König patiently waits, and you feel uneasy from the long pause.
"Let's try together, okay?" He touches one bead, and you feel the warmth of his fingers at your very wrist. "I'd call this 'I'm Enough. I don't have to look different to be loved’. Sounds good?” You look down on the bead, on sunshine playing on its smooth surface, and a smile blooms on your face. König notices that and grins widely. “Ok, now it's your turn!”
You take a next bead, look at it. There is a little scratch on it, which reminds if something, that left a little scratch on your soul a while ago. “This one will be ‘It's ok, it doesn't look on me exactly like on a model from advertising. I am still beautiful just as her’.” “You are more beautiful,” adds König in a soft voice. Then he makes you name another one, then another and another. Some of them are funny, others are deeply personal, there are some reassuring, but still sad. In an hour you reach the last one - big bead on the knot of bracelet. It has many scratches, so first you ask him, what was his name for it. “I'll tell you one day. Just… not now, ok?” He looks down for a moment, but then the smile returns to his face and König adds, “How about we go have dinner? I was too shy to admit it, but i'm starving.”
You feel that hate and fear let go of your mind. And with that comes hunger. “Me too,” you smile, looking at the bracelet on your wrist.
A few months later from that day, König is almost finally done with the last step of a big mission, he was deployed for. It was early morning, he and his squadmates headed on the last operation. König leaned back in his seat, looking somewhere up. His fingers involuntarily clutched at the center bead of the bracelet: the same as his old one, but a little darker. You gave him this one. König tried very hard to take good care of your gift, but now his tactical gloves scratched a large bead. His lips, hidden behind a veil, silently repeated the same phrase.
“Ich werde unversehrt zu ihr zurückkehren und den Mut aufbringen, sie um ein Date zu fragen.”
“Ich werde unversehrt zu ihr zurückkehren und den Mut aufbringen, sie um ein Date zu fragen.”
“Ich werde unversehrt zu ihr zurückkehren und den Mut aufbringen, sie um ein Date zu fragen.”*
*Ich werde unversehrt zu ihr zurückkehren und den Mut aufbringen, sie um ein Date zu fragen. - I will return to her unharmed and have the courage to ask her out.
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viivzn · 4 months
taps ur shoulder
engel x fem! reader pls pls
one shot or headcanon idc i just need my pookie ❤️
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pairs. fem!reader X engel
req by. wither !! (ily😘💘)
type. hcs or (+) drabbles
a/n. engel is so silly liek he's a such a loyal and defensive friend,,. km gon cry if he d9esnt exist 💔💔 TYANKS FOR REQUESTING BTW!!!¡!!11!21! probably proofread
a/n#2. alsoo you didn't specify about reader and him dating or not so i did both js incase if you wabt one of em 😋😋💥💥💔💔🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
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⠀⠀⠀━━━━ not dating !!
he liked how chill you were in some serious situations especially when some of you guys found out that the teachers finish off students who fail the tests, quizzes and stuff. though you were kinda horrified and in disbelief when alice almost killed claire.
long story short, claire survived because of you.
he was so thankful and relieved that you saved the poor girl, he could've been in a much more painful state as miss circle threw him off the brick wall.
he kept saying thank you day by day or whenever he sees you, he gives you gifts and such. you already told him it was enough but he just kept going with the treats he gives you.
of course you didn't mind, you loved receiving gifts.
although, every now and then, he'd start to become quite shy around you, or maybe tease you or maybe even annoy you in a good way!
you hated it but you secretly loved his way of teasing, though you found it weird why he does that occasionally now.
eh!! ><
it seems to claire that engel secretly started liking you ever since you guys hang out in some places or maybe the malls. she did tell you some theories about him having feelings for you but you just told her to shake it off.
you did like him privately, though you don't know how to show as much affection as he does.
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⠀⠀⠀━━━━ dating !!
uh oh ushshaus
cuddles when you guys sleep together (not in that way. you guys are still minors huhuh)
he loves spending time with you! quality time is probably his thing.
he'd let you play with his hair, braid them, put it with hair accessories and such, he doesn't mind!
watch your lockers get filled with a bunch of cards and letters ━━━━━━━ well, let's put it this way., let's just say you just entered the center of learning (alias school), wending your way to your locker trying to open it but it won't budge. magically, you grabbed a crowbar from your bag and started opening the aperture of your storage locker. only revealing tons of papers, gifts, sweets & desserts, and romantic stuff you could imagine.
oh yeah it flooded the hallways logically
he'd either just glance at you while you're having a hard time processing what happened or he'll just chuckle softly before picking you up in his arms and head to you guys' classes
yeah let's ignore the letters and stuff he placed in your locker and let the janitor sweep all those mess
he'll get a raise anyways don't mind the janitor
babe, sweetie, my dear, the love of my life, gorgeous and other nicknames that could fluster you easily idk🤷‍♀
he'll walk you home after school, he does it often now you can't blame him when you two got in a relationship
oh yeah, kisses and PDA. can't forget about those
as much as he hated PDA back then, let's say you changed him because of you guys getting in a relationship
"what once was" music starts playing in and "dream girl"
he's much more affectionate than before, forehead kisses, cheek kisses, maybe even lips if you flustered him enough.
oh yeah maybe even hand kisses, he's a gentleman indeed.
beach, picnic, fancy restaurant dates??? it's up to you honestly, if he's canonically poor then an ice cream date!! ><
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likes, reblogs, comments are always appreciated!! ^^
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