wolvesandshine · 8 months
AU where Sirius runs away from his famous family and lives his life as a normal guy TM and meets James. Fast forward a couple years and James hooks up with someone and is later forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement but both of them have feelings so they continue dating in secret. It’s not until James introduces him to Sirius that they realise that James has been hooking up with none other than Regulus Black and that he’d been best friends with the scandalous Sirius Black who had run away years ago.
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wafflinglumos · 9 months
Sirius and James were not the same type of rich, I see this a lot, and a lot of people think that it’s canon, which is just, incorrect. James came from new money, Sirius came from old money.
Fleamont Potter’s business heavily, HEAVILY contributed to James’ wealth, sure Harry by our terms and by wizard terms inherited a LOT, absolutely, but from what we know from canon it’s incomparable to the Blacks fortune, it’s like comparing Draco’s and Harry’s wealth at the start of the series, you can’t.
Another thing to add is that the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black has that name for a reason, now sure, just because they’re known doesn’t mean they’re rich but we can quite confidently say they were, if you wanted to argue for the Potters’ being wealthier, you could I guess say that at the time the Blacks were a declining old money family, but they were still incredibly, INCREDIBLY wealthy.
We don’t know for certain how rich they were, or if they were richer than the Malfoys but because of how money works, old money specifically, we can say that at some point in the last few centuries(pre 1980) that they were as rich, or even richer than the Malfoys, however they weren’t as rich as them when it reached the 80’s. We can also guess they had the same amount of money or one of them had more, because Narcissa married Lucius so theoretically, Narcissa would have to be on the same level as Lucius in terms of wealth and vice versa.
Another thing we can use to calculate their wealth is their past history with house elves, from what we know from Ronald Weasley in Chamber of Secrets, a wizard/witch has to be “rolling in dough” to have a house elf, we can then look at the wall of dead house elves heads that the family had, and can make assumptions from there.
So, with all this information, we don’t have an exact amount, but, we know that even if they weren’t as wealthy as we paint them they were still known, and their opinions were highly regarded by an astounding amount, but then again, they were still insanely rich, and in terms of wealth and fame, leagues above the Potters.
The Potters were extremely wealthy, but the Blacks were loaded.
Anyways that’s the end of my Ted talk.
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Im soooo tired of seeing my baby (Peter Pettigrew) get ignored in fanon content :(((
He was one of the four marauders!!! EQUALLY IMPORTANT!!!!
sooooo many people ignore him because of what he did.
but back in the 70s? He was just my little guy
Young Peter baking at the Potters over Christmas break?? Sirius is constantly licking batter from the spoons. Remus is always trying to add a little more cinnamon and a dash more vanilla, I think these cookies could use some more chocolate chips you know? Effie sharing family recipes with him??
Young Peter who was the tallest in the group until 13~14 where everyone else shot up like bean poles? Peter stuck being the shortest from there on out. they all tease him about it but James crawls into his bed one night because hey wormy, I know we like to joke, but you aren't uncomfortable right? you sure this isn't bothering you? because I would feel horrible if it was.
Also James and Sirius were close, but Peter and James were close. like, James and Sirius would go everywhere and do everything with each other but those quiet nights? when James just needed someone to talk to or cry to? James would always crawl into Peter's bed and they would talk about everything until the sun peeked in through the curtains.
Young Peter who always recommends their parties are potlucks because all of his friends are such great cooks? (even if he spits out whatever Sirius is trying to convince them is cooked properly)
Young Peter who is great at lying and has saved the boys too many times to count. (Looking straight at James and Sirius 👀) like Remus would try to lie but the staff knew he was just as bad as the rest of them but Peter? The sweet one? The kind one? Nooooooo he would neeeeeever
anyone else got some headcanons? any ships? please my plants are dying
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starlittragedies · 2 months
one of the headcanons that i truly stand by is sirius, james, the slytherin skittles/ the pantheon (except for dorcas) are all so polite and well-mannered.
i mean yes, these blokes were notorious for being mean, troublemakers, and have a bit of psychopathic tendencies (i’m looking at pandora & the slytherins) but you can never catch them slouching, i mean sirius tried once (as an act of defiance) but in the end he hated how it made his back feel.
you can always see them walking around the halls of hogwarts with pristine posture (making them more intimidating than they are), you can see how tidy they eat when they are at the great hall, not to mention how most of them are invited to the slug club (where their table manners are really showed), and when anyone from their circle finally gets an invite, these are the first people they go to for fashion tips to make sure that they are dressed appropriately for the occasion.
these children were raised by purebloods, high members of society, they are expected to behave as a true heir should. even james.
james, having the greatest childhood in comparison with the others, is not saved from the hour long etiquette session held by a tutor (or in his case his mum). people are forgetting that is father is a literal business man & potioneer with one of the greatest wizard inventions ever, they were definitely invited to some balls and expensive galas where james needed to act “proper”.
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 3 months
sirius black cannot figure out chopsticks. james has tried to teach him on several occasions and it just... never worked. the purpose of 17 different utensils has been burned into his brain but chopsticks? my man has one in each hand stabbing his beef aggressively without results.
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winnienora14 · 3 months
The black brothers have roman noses.
That’s it. That’s the post.
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siriusthirdcousin · 1 year
regulus and sirius getting into screaming matches because one of them used the other's hair products without asking again
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lexithwrites · 7 months
Tumblr media
good for the soul
or the one where sirius and regulus are little shits that need straightening out and end up on the potter's farm where they meet the farm hands, chaos ensues
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vomits0cutely · 5 months
Sirius: but they’ll take a man that can’t read!
Remus: I can read!
Remus: I can read.. just not very well..
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Let's say Harry is aware that he is REALLY loaded. He knows how rich the Potter family is, and how Sirius gave him money from a separate vault as well (Not to mention him also possibly inheriting the Black fortune). Imagine him, Ron, and Hermoine wandering around Hogsmeade and the two found things that they really like.
Ron saw a chess set that is made of old wood while Hermoine's is a set of limited edition books of spells etc. They stared at it for so long but they knew that they couldn't afford it so they just walk away to look at some other stuff.
But Harry noticed the longing looks thrown at those things and just casually shrugged his shoulders. Well, he hadn't bought anything for his friends yet for their birthdays so...
When they got back to Hogwarts, imagine the shocked look on Ron's and Hermoine's faces as they stared at what Harry bought for their birthdays.
"Mate," Ron choked, "this is NOT what I was staring at." It really isn't because this chess set is made of old wood and GOLD. Harry just shrugged and smiled at Ron.
"Well, its for your birthdays!"
"Harry, this is not just for a birthday. This could be for the rest of our birthdays! Do you know how much this set costs?!" Hermoine shouted, disbelief still written in her face as she holds a set of HARDBOUND books with gold accentuating its cover.
"Just a couple hundred galleons here and there-"
"Seriously? Are you hearing yourself? JUST a couple hundred of galleons? Just???" By now Harry is fighting a smile on his face. They're not ready for Christmas then... And the rest of their birthdays.
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enbysiriusblack · 7 months
remus who buys a £5 treat for himself and instantly feels guilty and an urge to return it and sirius who spends £500 on a random mug on a whim
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kairospy · 1 year
You can’t tell me Regulus Black wouldn’t have been a nepo baby, fuck boy, conceited and overtly smart shit if he’d grown up present day as a muggle
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347-emeraldbitch · 3 months
Percy: Cousin Regulus what is your line of work again?
Regulus: I have many jobs.
Sirius: He just has family money and spends all his time harassing the people who have wronged him.
Regulus: That is one of my jobs, yes. It’s a family tradition.
Sirius: Regulus Arcturus!!!
Regulus: Alas, little cousin! You can work with me!!!
Molly: Noooo!!!!!!!
Percy: How much does it pay? Do I get benefits? I want weekends off too.
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pearlynia · 9 months
I wish I get a dollar everytime I think of dead gay wizards and their lovers who are also very dead and very gay wizards.
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sophsicle · 2 years
the best thing about james potter?????
i would not expect that from you honestly
i mean i love james potter
but the most interesting thing about james to me is his attraction to people who are real fucked up, because i feel like it shows the sharper side of him,
i don't think james wants to fix sirius, i think he is just as obsessed with sirius's dark as sirius is obsessed with james's light, and it's no good for either of them but also the best thing for both of them and totally unhealthy but absolutely necessary for them to be happy
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swag696942069 · 10 months
An idea I got while watching Home Alone
Sirius and Remus, on the plane, enjoying life
Sirius: I have a gut feeling like I'm forgetting something
Remus: Pads, we have everything, we have everyone, we did all that we needed to do. We're fine!
Sirius, slightly shaking his head, looking through his bag: Still I can't shake the feeling. Did we turn off all the lights?
Remus: Yes.
Sirius: Did I lock the door?
James, popping his head up from the seat infront of them: No. I did *smirks*
Sirius, tilting his head: Did we lock the gate?
Remus, thinking for a second: You know what? That's what it is. We forgot to lock the gate.
Sirius, let's out a sigh of relief: Oh.
Peter: See? Everythings fine Pads.
Sirius, nodding along: Yeah, right. I don't know why I was so worried. We'll just have Reg ask Crouch to shut the- *moment of realization* OH MY GOD WE FORGOT REG!!!
Everyone starts panicking
Meanwhile back at home:
Regulus, sitting down at the kitchen counter, bed head, looking around: Siri, James? Remus? Peter? *Looks around some more, takes a breath as realization hits* DID THOSE MOTHERFVCKERS FORGET ME!?!?!?
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