#robins faq
reaperintheroses · 2 years
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Some frequently asked questions that it's better to answer once than over and over again :)
Q) What's your deal/who are you? Hi! My name is Robin and I'm a Non-binary Mexican writer. I'm a veteran turned paramedic and I have a husband (Will) and two dogs who I love very much and mention frequently. Some fun facts about me are I'm 5'11, I never went to college, I'm part of a leisure roller derby team, and I can hold a plank for ten minutes! Q) What kind of content do you write? I write for so many fucking fandoms it's impossible to keep track. The big ones are: Outer Banks, Marvel, Top Gun, DC, Yellowstone, Starwars, and Supernatural. Odds are if you want to hear my thought, opinions, or want to request something but don't know if I'm in the fandom or not just request it and I'll let you know! I write smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, au's, and so much more! Q) Do you have a masterlist? I pinky promise a full masterlist is coming. Tumblrs just being a little pussy and keeps deleting the entire thing right as I'm about to finish and it's lowkey pissing me off (that's happened like 10 times now) but as of today June 17th 2022 I have everything linked, tagged, and edited. All that's left is the key! Q) How can I sign up for your tag list? Literally just ask. Either drop a comment on a fic or leave me an ask and I'll just add you to it. If you're unsure what to say just copy and paste this templet: Hi, can I be added to your (fandom/general) taglist?
Q) Do you take requests? Only if I say that I am actively taking them, otherwise I write what I want. I'm happy to take a request and put it on the back burner if you ask really nicely but if I say no I mean no. Q) What are some general things to note about your blog? I swear often and that will be in almost all my fics, I'm very much in love with my partner and talk about fucking him often, my blog is not minor friendly so please don't interact, I frequently shit on the US Navy. Q) Is there anything you won't write? Smut involving minors (Different if it's a comic book character that was introduced as a teen and has a current storyline as a teen but has previous storylines as an adult [Ex. Dick Grayson]), rape, necrophilia, self harm/suicide, or sexual fetishes/kinks that involve bodily fluids other than cum and water (tears,sweat, etc.). Q) I want to talk to you but I'm shy is it okay to reach out? yes, please do! I love talking to and meeting new people! My ask box is always a great place to reach me as well as my direct message. I also understand wanting to remain faceless and how helpful the anon toggle can be! That being said if you abuse the anon option and use it as an opportunity to bring down other content creators or myself I will pull a tyler the creator and publicly put you on blast. I grew up in an immigrant household, anything you can say my own mother can say ten times meaner to my face in a better accent while serving up dope ass enchiladas sooooo
-Please realize that if you are using the anon filter to be mean to content creators who are out here doing this for free it means nothing because you're too much of a little bitch to use your actual blog
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dpxdc-shipping-wars · 5 months
What the hell is this?
This is a Round Robin style tournament where all the ships on the Batpham Community Server (represented on Tumblr at @batpham-discord-highlights) shipping spreadsheet; excluding the ghosts, miscellaneous, and platonic ships sections for brevity!
That's a lot of ships, how will this be managed?
Indeed it is, it's more than 230 ships in competition and many more excluded! I'm going to be breaking up the ships into sections based on the organization of the spreadsheet (linked and explained here), Batpham Ships, Young Justice Ships, Teen Titans Ships, Justice League Ships, Rogue/Villain Ships, Cursed Ships, and Poly Ships.
These will be run as individual groups of varying size and at the end the winners will be pitted against each other to find the Ultimate Winner!
How long will each round last?
Each round will last a Day, and the largest section, Batpham Ships, will be split into two first rounds one right after another for ease of voting.
Why are some sections excluded?
Even with some parts cut out, the ships on the spreadsheet are almost too much for this project. The Ghost and Miscellaneous sections were cut from the running due to being sparsely populated, but the Platonic section was removed for being platonic. This is a Round-Robin of romantic ships for now, but maybe in the future I'll include this section. (Also, Tumblr only has so many colors you can make text and I wanted each section to be distinct.)
Who's running this account?
Me, @aziraphale-is-a-cat, otherwise known as azi_matica on discord!
If you don't see your question here, please feel free to shoot me an ask. And when the voting officially starts, feel free to submit 'Propaganda' for your favorite ships!
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turnthepagevn · 9 months
How would Robin react to a mc who out of nowhere starts to move away from him and ignore him? I am a person with avoidant attachment and I usually do this so I was curious to know Robin's reaction
I get questions in this vein a lot, and the answer is usually the same.
He won't react well. He's extremely reasonable for a yandere, but he is a yandere. He'll start pulling strings to make it seem like the world around you is out to get you. He'll manipulate, murder, and malewife his way into your heart regardless of your attachment style.
Part of that is because, y'know, yandere trope, but the other thing that is important to remember is that he is an outer god. He's an eldritch horror. He's good at pretending to be human, but ultimately, he is pretending. And short of removing your free will, he will do anything to stack the deck in his favor if it means having your eyes on him and him alone.
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Feral FAQ: If you could time travel to assassinate one person, who would you pick?
reading feral faq made me laugh so hard, im 100% using it as the tag to hopefully help find any of these
also this is like, such a difficult question. theres so many good options. if youd asked me this yesterday, i think id have settled on maggie thatcher because rot in hell, margaret, but i put hbombs vaccines and autism video to go to sleep to last night so im going with andrew jeremy wakefield.
partly because i hate him, but also because genuinely a world without his "study" and press tirade would hopefully have a lot less antivaxxers
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hollowmend · 11 months
Hollowmend Project Masterlist
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Hey all! I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately (especially about Red-Handed Robin Redux), so I thought I’d make a masterlist/FAQ of sorts.
Here’s an overview of all the projects I have going on/planned for the future! All of these projects are commercial.
Fetch Quest Series
Fetch Quest Remastered  - (Comedy, Fantasy, Otome)
[Coming Soon]
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Would-be adventurer Flora accepts a job to retrieve a stolen item for a shady bartender. In order to retrieve the item, she'll have to infiltrate a group of notorious bandits by posing as a new recruit. Fortunately, she has the help of two other adventurers. UNfortunately, her companions seem completely useless without her!
According to the strangely vocal narrator, this would have gone more smoothly if everyone had remembered to make their characters beforehand...
A remastered version of my 2019 NaNoRenO game, Fetch Quest!
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What’s different from the free version?
-With all new scenes and a brand new “true” ending, the script has gone from 13k words up to 20k words
5 brand new CGs
A new original soundtrack
Shiny new UI
There’s an extras menu now, including a CG gallery, music room, and endings list
Can you date Dan?
Nope! Not this time. 
However, the “true” ending miiiight just be about him…
Fetch Re;Quest - (Comedy, Slice-of-Life, Stat Raiser, Otome)
[Current Project]
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After a remodel of their workplace leaves Flora, Dan, Connor, and Todd with a week’s worth of free-time, the group decides to play some games together…
The perfect opportunity to grind some stats!
Can Flora increase her Acumen, Charm, Gud, or Moxie enough to gain the courage to ask out her crush by the end of a self-imposed one week deadline? Or will she chicken out and be forced to pine after fictional 2D men instead?
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Fetch Re;Quest takes place directly after the events of the Fetch Quest remaster’s new “true” ending. Here’s some of what you can expect from the game-
A (very) light stat raiser!
One love interest (It’s Dan.)
No DnD this time, but each stat is tied to a particular video/board game the group plays together. Shenanigans ensue.
Go on a cute date at the end
get all the endings for a special beach day episode
The Maiden and the Magpie Series
Red-Handed Robin Redux (Dark Fantasy, Otome)
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When career thief Robin comes across a boarding pass for the Whirlwind Express, she thinks she's found a literal ticket to freedom. With a case full of stolen jewelry and her loyal bodyguard at her side, she's ready to flee the country in style...
That is, until she runs into her childhood friend turned detective.
Can Robin keep her cool as she navigates a series of magic and mind games? Or will her cover be blown along with her escape plan?
That’s right! Red-Handed Robin is also getting the remaster treatment!
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What’s different from the free version?
There will be new content and a new canon “Golden End”
New CGs throughout the game
An original soundtrack
A new UI
Extras! In addition to the usual CG gallery/music room/endings list, there will also likely be fandisk-esque extra scenes showing more of the gang’s life before they boarded the whirlwind.
After outlining the entirety of the 3 game series, some details might differ in the Redux version than the free version. The Redux version will be considered the canon going forward!
Will there be a Fletcher route?
Nope! For many reasons, not the least of which is that he is gay.
With the new Golden Ending being canon, will Jay and Wren still get their own endings?
Yep! Those endings are staying in, they just won’t be the canon version of events when you see the trio again in the 3rd game of the series.
Will Robin/Jay/Wren end up in a poly relationship?
I’d like to keep some secrets to myself until they’re revealed in game… but if you follow me anywhere and have been paying attention, I think the answer to this is pretty clear.
The Scarecrow Knight (Dark Fantasy, Mystery)
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A few hundred years before the events of Red-Handed Robin, a strange traveler, his adopted daughter, and a tag-along who considers himself the traveler’s apprentice unravel mysteries surrounding the ancient curse of witchcraft.
The Scarecrow Knight takes place over ten years, with each of the three acts focusing on a different mystery along the way.
Though events in both games are related, The Scarecrow Knight and Red-Handed Robin can be read in any order.
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Are Robin/Jay/Wren going to be in The Scarecrow Knight? 
Nope! The Scarecrow Knight features Mac, Corbin, and Lark as its protagonists. You won’t see the RHR gang again until the 3rd game in the series.
Is The Scarecrow Knight an otome/dating sim/will it have romance?
Nope. While this game is still focused on relationships, the cast’s bonds are familial in nature.
Will The Scarecrow Knight have a ‘game’ in each act, like Red-Handed Robin?
Yep! In order to solve the mystery presented in each act, you’ll have to navigate that act’s ‘game’. 
What are Corbin’s pronouns?
Corbin uses she/her pronouns for the first two acts of The Scarecrow Knight. In act 3, however, he switches to he/him pronouns as part of a disguise... One that he suspiciously doesn’t want to come out of.
3rd Unnamed RHR Game (Dark Fantasy, Amare)
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Directly after the events of RHR, Robin, Jay, and Wren find themselves in a foreign country, no safer than they were aboard the whirlwind.
Meanwhile, Corbin finds himself in a very strange predicament… Waking up in the apartment of Oliver Tangram and Merle Barrows, two young men entangled in Gales’ occult scene.
This game will wrap up the stories started in both RHR and SK.
Is 3rd Unnamed Game an otome/dating sim/will it have romance?
The answer is yes! Kind of! Both sides feature romance, and those relationship dynamics are integral to the plot.
On Robin/Jay/Wren’s side, the game will explore the trio’s dynamic more in depth. Corbin also has his own love interest (Oliver) on his side.
Who’s the protagonist?
The story is told from multiple perspectives, with Robin and Corbin being the most important characters.
Will 3rd Unnamed Game have a ‘game’ in each act like Red-Handed Robin?
Hopefully! That’s the plan anyway.
Other Upcoming Projects
Believe it or not, I’ve got even more stuff planned! 
If you’ve been following me for otome, I’m sorry to say that The Maiden and the Magpie series will probably be my last one for the foreseeable future. As a queer man, writing queer stories is what gets me motivated.
That being said, my next upcoming project is a BL!
Counter-Side (BL, Drama, Sci-fi, Kinetic)
[Current Project]
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A mining facility on the dusty, barren planet of Ikarus is the last place most people would expect to find their true love… But that won’t stop peppy mecha pilot Rosco from trying!
In fact, he’s positive he’s figured it out this time. Sure, his new partner seems bored and dismissive, but this has been Rosco’s longest relationship yet! That has to mean something, right?
Meanwhile, HR manager Rae has just transferred to the facility and is determined to keep any new acquaintances at an arm’s length. Convinced that he is cold, boring, and judgemental, Rae is certain that there is only one person who can accept him for who he really is… and he already screwed that up.
Just as both men feel like they’re at their lowest points, their evenings are brightened by a newfound friendship forged at a cozy bar…
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Counter-Side is the result of a writing experiment gone wild– I wrote one character’s viewpoint, and my friend/co-writer @brii-nanas wrote the other! The result is a story seen from both Rosco and Rae’s perspective.
Choose to play through the entirety of one character’s side before starting the other, or pick from either character’s perspective chapter by chapter. Both options offer an interesting way of experiencing the story.
The script is almost completely done (over 100k words!), and we will be working on putting out a demo containing the first 1/3rd of the game soon.
If Rosco looks familiar, it’s probably because I did his sprite for @brii-nanas​ amare jam game, Under the Skies of Ikarus! This game is set in the same world/facility. 
Unlike Under the Skies of Ikarus, which is very wholesome, Counter-Side’s tone is... different, to say the least xD. Rae and Rosco’s relationship is extremely sweet, but they both go through some rough stuff before they get to that point. Which leads me to the...
Content Warning
This game is for readers who are 18+! It contains some heavy subject matter such as:
Abusive relationships (both physical and mental)
Dubious consent
Sex (Nothing written/shown is super explicit)
Alcohol use
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panerapyre · 2 years
petition to make the sapphic senate the worlds biggest lesbian polyam relationship you’ve ever seen
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batfamilyweek · 1 year
Here are some questions y'all might have about the event and our answers. If anything is unclear, feel free to DM us or submit an ask!
When is the event running? March 26th-April 1st
How do I participate? There is no formal sign up for this event, but it helps to follow us to keep track of updates. Each day of the week will have three prompts. You can create content that fits 1 or more of the prompts and post it on Tumblr or AO3 so that we can reblog it or add it to the 2023 Batfam Week Collection.
Do I have to do every prompt? No, you don't need to do every prompt for each day, you don't even need to participate every single day. Create content as you see fit and don't worry about meeting any sort of quota.
Is NSFW content allowed? Yes, but it will only be reblogged if tagged properly and there's nothing explict in the description. However, NSFW content will not be allowed in the optional Discord server.
Discord server? Do I have to join that? No, it's just a fun place for Batfam fans to hang out and share the content they create. We have specific channels dedicated to the event, as well as general ones. Additionally, you can join the server even if you don't plan on participating and just want to view the works posted for the event and talk with other fans.
Is Batcest allowed? No. Any ship between Alfred, Bruce, Kate, Dick, Cass, Jason, Tim, Duke, and Damian will not be reblogged or allowed in the server. Ships with characters outside of the Wayne family, like Stephanie, Luke, and Barbara are totally fine.
What type of content is permitted? Any! Fanfics, fanart, playlists, edits, headcanons, etc. are all allowed. Create to your heart's content, just make sure whatever you submit for that day is at least somewhat related to one of the prompts.
How do the mods know to reblog my work? You need to tag us @batfamilyweek or use #batfamilyweek2023 for us to see your posts. Additionally, you can add your works into our AO3 collection, BATFAMWEEK2023.
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phantomcodes · 1 year
I use your claudia theme and i don't understand how to use the counters... would you be able to make a tutorial? It seems pretty easy but... 🧐
Thank you so much, have a great day!
hi if u want u can use the online users counter and the text hit counter from freehostedscripts, i'll show u what i did below the cut
i deleted any text in these boxes so it'll only show the numbers
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then just click 'generate the html code' and copy the code given, in my theme paste that code where it says Header Stat and put whatever u want in the Header Stat Text
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you can do the same thing for the text hit counter if you want to use that too
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canonatypical · 2 years
Requests FAQs
I figured since I had my very first request yesterday (thank you to the lovely anon who sent that btw!), it might do some good to post a little FAQ regarding my writing and what I'd be willing / unwilling to write and for whom. Info is below the cut! ♡
For anyone who may know me from my ADCU blog (direnightshade), you'll know that my specialty lies in dark content. I lean heavily into themes that don't seem to be explored all that much and may be triggering for a lot of people. You're welcome to request dark themes on this blog if that is something you may be interested in and I will be sure to tag accordingly, but please note that I will not be touching the following content:
Underage Content (In any of my pieces, it is assumed that reader is at least 18 years of age and I will not write for canon characters who are underage).
Mommy Kink. No shade to anyone who likes it, let your flag fly high, my friends. It's just not something that I'm personally into.
Domme Reader / Subby Characters. Lumping these two together as they generally go hand in hand. Again, no shade to anyone who enjoys this content, as stated before, it's just simply not for me. I will however, make slight exceptions for male characters who I feel are switches (though please be aware I still will not lean heavily into the subby side of things for them).
That being said, I'm pretty open to writing a lot of things. If it so happens that I come across a request that I don't particularly jive with I will let you know. But please keep in mind, just because I do not like something it does not make your likes and desires any less valid.
Characters & Fandoms I will Write For
*This list may change depending on my growing/waning interests.
Stranger Things:
Eddie Munson x Reader
Steve Harrington x Reader
Robin Buckley x Reader
Billy Hargrove x Reader
Eddie Munson x Reader x Chrissy Cunningham
Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson x Reader x Robin Buckley
Billy Hargrove x Reader x Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Tony Stark x Reader
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Sif x Reader
Loki Laufeyson x Reader x Sif
Hela x Reader
Loki Laufeyson x Reader x Hela
Valkyrie x Reader
Frank Castle x Reader
Grant Ward x Reader
Robbie Reyes x Reader
Elektra Natchios x Reader
Elektra Natchios x Reader x Matt Murdock
Billy Russo x Reader
I do write anime pieces, so if anyone is interested in that, you can find my anime blog here: @yoursinsintome. I will write for Attack On Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamisama Kiss, Spy x Family, Devil's Line, Death Note, High Rise Invasion, Fruits Baskets and some others.
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sophiethewitch1 · 5 months
What We Want Masterlist
In Which A Romantic Breaks The Universe.
(Yandere!batboys x f!reader)
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Another lonely birthday, another empty year. You miss your family. You're late for your bills and rent, and even then, you got robbed last Tuesday.
Still, you buy yourself a cupcake, because you need it. I mean, hey. What's dessert for if not to get over cheating boyfriends and dead relatives?
As you blow out the candle, watching the clock switch from 11:59 pm to midnight of the next day, you make a wish.
And because the world doesn't like to make much sense, it comes true. Your life is suddenly flipped on a dime, and you're stuck trying to catch up with it. Fantasy becomes reality. You're a Wayne now, apparently. Or you used to be. You're loved, you're rich, you're talented and powerful.
Well, sort of. Careful what you wish for, right?
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18+ MDNI, SLOW BURN yandere, romantic yandere with the 4 robin boys, rest of the batfam aren't yandere but still care about you, reader is a girlfailure, ex-step siblings (the dead mother trope), reverse harem, healthy dosing of enemies to lovers, my stupid romance novel tropes, fem!reader and afab!reader, all romantic leads 18+, the graphic violence, death and other such triggers of the original series, attempted sexual assault (chpt. 3), themes of depression/suicide, family death, themes of poverty, alcohol, mentions of alcoholism, my own mix of canon because honestly the canon right now is embarrassing, atypical/soft yandere behaviour, fluff and angst, suggestive and eventual smut, an eventual shared darling/polyandry, SLOW/INCONSISTENT UPDATES (aiming for once a month)
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0. - The Second Worst Birthday Ever 1. - Not Quite An Isekai 2. - First (Second) Introductions 3. - Dreams And... 4. - Nightmares Too 5. - Meet The Adams Family 6. - Round Two. Fight! 7. - Black N' White Knight
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Word Count as of the Chapter 6: 37k
Series tag (anon asks, snippets, updates and actual chapters all included): #series:WWW
More important asks/FAQ
Question about the boys being romantic or platonic Another question about the boys being hesitant or not Question about Damian being platonic or yandere Questions about Bruce being platonic or yandere Important note about the ex-stepsis thing Future sneak peek ft. Dames being stupid Question about happy/sad ending Future sneak peek ft. Dick being stupid
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Fanart! Please give everyone here lots of love, their work is amazing!
Tim's Introduction Jason's Introduction Reader Under The Table SceneTM Reader Before And After The Worst Birthday Ever
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sanriothot · 6 months
Dick Grayson x Female! Reader
Summary: You try joining Dick in the shower for some time together and it backfires.
Warning: SMUT! NSFW! 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI OR YOU WILL GET BLOCKED! hickeys, oral (m receiving), pet names (babe + baby), please don’t do sexc time in the shower, you might hurt yourself ☹️ also no beta, we die like robins
Word Count: 1,168
A/N: look at me, two fics a couple days apart! I saw a writing prompt with this plot years ago and i’ve always wanted to write it! I just wanted to let everyone know that requests are open! I’m still working on finishing work from my drafts but I don't mind working on other ideas. just make sure to check faq before requesting. Ofc reblogs and replies are always appreciated 💖
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This wasn’t part of your plan. Not part of the plan at all.
You scrambled out of the freezing cold shower and clambered for your bathrobe that hung on the door of your shared bathroom. Water dripped all over the floor but you were more focused on getting warm.
“Baby?!” Dick gasped, it was hard to miss the shock in his voice. His head popped out from behind the sliding shower door, his eyes wide and jaw already on the floor. “Are you okay?”
Your eyes glaze over at his muscular frame, only slightly obscured by the frosted glass of the shower door. it’s not like you haven’t seen him undressed before but you can’t help but to ogle at him with no shame.
You wanted to surprise Dick by joining him for his post-patrol shower. Help him get off the sweat and grime from a long night and maybe get him dirty in a different way. But you forget one key piece of information.
Dick typically takes cold showers after patrols.
“Yes, just-“ Goosebumps sprinkled across your dark skin, most of it still exposed despite how tightly you wrapped yourself up in your bathrobe. You caught yourself almost letting your teeth chatter while continuing to speak to your boyfriend. “Just so cold.”
“Come back in, I’m gonna warm up the shower.” Dick moves towards the faucet of the walk in shower. A squeak rings out as it turns and slowly the bathroom mirror begins to fog up from steam.
“C’mon, Babe,” He stretches his arm out for you.
You strip your robe off slowly. It’s not like Dick is lying about warming up the shower but that small part of your mind still can’t get over the shock of the cold water. You fully expect to get drenched with bone chilling water for the second time tonight.
“I promise, it’s warm, baby.” As if he could read your mind (or just read your body language, being that he was adopted by the world’s greatest detective).
You step in the shower once again now greeted by warm water and the sweet smile of your boyfriend.
“There you are. I really thought you were going to ditch me for a second.”
You took the suds covered loofah from out of his hand and gently ran it across his chest. You giggle to yourself before answering “Almost did.”
You and Dick go through your entire shower routine together, occasionally sprinkling in small talk on how your day went.
Soon, You’re rinsing each other off, the soap swirling down the drain. Dick drags his hands up and down the sides of your body, the water running down the both of you. He’s completely smitten with you after feeling so well taken care after a long night.
He leans in, dusting kisses across your face, making it distracting you from rinsing the soap from his inky black hair. He’s teasing you. Each kiss, you think he’ll finally kiss on your lips but the kiss lands somewhere else instead.
After a while, you had enough of his game. you tangle your fingers into his hair and guide his lips to yours.
Dick let out a whimper, he pressed your body against the shower wall, deeping this kiss. His hands roamed your body, fingers massaging your ass and the other hand squeezing your boob. He kisses the corner of your mouth, to cheek and then your jawline. Finally, he works his way down your neck, kisses getting sloppier as he goes. Your breaths get deeper while he sucks on the crook of your neck, grazing his teeth on it before dragging his tongue. Your neck is covered in hickeys but couldn’t care less, the only thing on your mind is making sure you and Dick have a great time and enjoy the moment.
“I need to know if you want this,” Dick says.
You look into his baby blue eyes with so much excitement. “I want this.”
“On your knees, now.”
You slowly drop to your knees, making sure to steady yourself as not to fall on the tile floor. His dick already hard, your fingers wrap around it, giving him a couple pumps. You let your tongue swirl on the tip, getting a taste of the precum that was already leaking out. Your lips work its way past his tip, taking your sweet time to suck him off.
“I know you can take it or am I too big for you?” You both lock eyes as he smirks, clearly teasing you.
And at the moment, you thought fuck taking your sweet time.
Your hands move to his thighs and squeeze them, letting your nails slightly dig into his skin to ground. You increase your speed, head bobbing with all caution thrown out. Your mind was already made, you were determined to work your way down his shaft. Coaxing more moans and whimpers out of Dick as you continue sucking him off. You can’t help but to moan at the filthy sounds you were making in the process.
You got yourself as close to his hilt as you could, your mouth adjusting to his size before Dick grabs the back of your head and thrusts.
“That’s right. Every inch of me.” He groans out.
You're completely at his mercy, your mind can only focus on how good this feels while you deep throat him. He slowly pulls out before thrusting again and again, working up to steady pace to fuck you to. He was kidding about taking every inch of him because god, you could feel how big he was. Your eyes glassy as a mix of drool and precum drips down your chin, trying your best not to choke.
“Don’t stop, baby. I’m so close-“ He moans, his hips rutting into your mouth, his self control slipping. Each trust was getting sloppier than the last. The water from the shower runs down every crevice of his toned body. He can help but babble about how great you feel and how much he wants you, his mind already blessed out.
And that’s when it happens. One last thrust that kisses the back of your throat. Dick moans and pants, his chest rising and falling as he fills your mouth with his hot sticky cum.
You mew, making sure to suck every last drop before your lips let go with a pop. You’re already aware that you probably look like a hot mess. Saliva and leftover cum that you couldn’t swallow running down your mouth. Your pupils are blown out with stray tears. And if it wasn’t for the shower cap you had on, you know hair would’ve been ruined too.
But you didn’t mind at all, loving making Dick a wreck.
Dick leans over, twists the faucet off.
“C’mere, I’m not done with you.” He pulls you up to feet again, cupping your face before diving in for another kiss. His tongue brushes past your lips to get a taste of you and himself.
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The third and last chapter will be posted on April 27th ;) check out the first two chapters while I finish the last one!!
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archiveikemen · 1 month
William Rex 2nd Birthday Campaign: Story (2024)
Chapters 1 - 3
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
!! Contains spoilers from William's main story !!
1st Birthday Campaign Story
I occasionally find myself reminiscing about the very first time I touched the pair of hands that took lives and gave freedom to others at the same time.
I have no regrets about surrendering everything in my life to those hands.
That’s why, today too, I’m by your side and singing my songs of love for you to my heart's content.
On my beloved’s birthday, I went to see my lover earlier than anyone else.
Kate: Happy birthday, Will!
William: Thank you, Kate. Looks like my little robin woke up earlier than usual today.
Kate: I did that to be the first to wish you a happy birthday.
William: Ahh, so that’s why this morning feels more wonderful.
William: What’s that tea trolley with the delicious looking black tea and sandwiches?
Kate: It’s your special birthday breakfast. I borrowed the kitchen this morning to prepare it.
Kate: Ah, but that's not all. I have more surprises prepared for you today—
William: … Fufu.
Kate: Will?
William: Nothing. I shall not doubt your confidence.
My cheeks turned red, it made me both happy and embarrassed to hear his jolly laughter.
Kate: Today’s your special day, and it has to be memorable for you.
Kate: I’m sorry for being so greedy.
William: You know that your greediness is what I love most about you, villainous woman.
Will smiled and gently pulled me closer by the waist.
William: Come, Kate. I shall enjoy the best breakfast with my adorable lover.
After finishing the dessert strawberries,
William: So, what does my greedy little robin want to do today?
Kate: What do you say about going to a photography studio to have your photograph taken?
William: A photograph… I’ve never thought of that.
Kate: I want to immortalise you, the embodiment of evil, as the fairytale keeper.
Kate: Words are wonderful indeed, but I feel that photographs are meaningful as well.
May my records of the self-righteous King’s sins be passed down from generation to generation, like a spoonful of poison warning against committing evil deeds.
“Look, the self-righteous King will come if you commit evil deeds. Therefore, you must never be evil”.
Because a fairytale can only end when evil has received judgement.
Kate: … You don’t want to?
William: I’d love to, this is a wonderful present you thought of. Thank you, Kate.
Kate: I’m relieved to hear that. Knowing you, there must already be one or two photos of you taken without your consent,
Kate: Besides, Her Majesty is quite a big fan of taking photos… right?
William: Yes, there's even a saying that “she is the pride of England’s photography”.
William: However, excluding a few candid shots Victor took, there has never been a proper photograph of me.
Kate: Why is that so?
William: Her Majesty never allows herself to be photographed. It’s unfair that I’m the only one being photographed, right?
William: Even though she has a role to play in this evil too, I’m the only one being known as the villain.
William’s exaggerated shrug brought a smile to my face without me realising it.
William: My “very first” photograph. I love this present from you.
(Will’s first… hehe)
Kate: Then let’s hurry to the photography studio. I have the carriage ready— ah.
When I was about to stand up and head out, Will pulled me back and I fell into his chest.
William: Before that, I want a birthday kiss.
Kate: … But we’ll be late for the photoshoot.
(I want a kiss too.)
(But I know that if we kiss, we won't be able to stop.)
William: You’re being a naughty girl, saying things that go against what your heart desires and making me out to be the bad guy.
William: Kate, “what do you want”...?
He easily exposed my innermost desires, unravelling my heart like loosening a knot.
There was no point trying to hide anything from Will.
Kate: Will, I want a kiss.
William: Shall we do that until we get tired of it, Kate?
We would never get tired of kissing, so we reluctantly parted our lips and made our way to the studio just in time.
Studio Owner: I’ve been awaiting your arrival!
Studio Owner: We have lovely weather today, so we can have a photoshoot both indoors and outdoors.
Studio Owner: Where would you like to have your photos taken?
Kate: … Will would look amazing outdoors. Ah, but he looks good indoors too.
Studio Owner: Ahaha, let’s do both then. This way, please.
Kate: Oh, thank you…
William: You’re so lovely when you’re being loyal to your desires. Well then, I shall live up to your expectations.
The photoshoot began a few minutes later, and it didn't take me long to realise what Will meant by those words.
(W-William… he looks PERFECT!)
With every pose Will struck, I could only sigh in awe.
William: How do I look, Kate?
Kate: … Perfect. Ah, please show us a wink.
William: Ahahaha! I’m glad you're enjoying this.
— At that moment, the doorbell at the entrance of the studio rang.
An elderly couple walked in.
Elderly Woman: My, are we a little too early?
William: We were just about to take a break. Would you like to proceed with your photoshoot?
Studio Owner: Let’s start the photoshoot! Alright, here we go.
We decided to watch the elderly couple during their photoshoot.
Under the clear blue sky, their smiles and the present moment were captured with every click of the camera shutters.
(They lived a long life together snuggled up like this… how beautiful.)
Watching them hold hands, their hands wrinkled from old age, my chest felt tight.
“Destruction” awaited Will and I with open arms at the end of our love story.
There was no knowing for certain that our destruction wouldn't come tomorrow.
There might never come a day when we could lean on each other lovingly like that elderly couple.
(Even so, I have no regrets. I will continue to live freely by Will’s side until the final moment of my life.)
(It's my freedom and my heart’s desire to love him until the end.)
The heart that Will set free continues beating to this day.
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William: ...
William: I have a favour to ask of you, Kate.
Kate: What is it? It’s your birthday, so I’ll do anything you want.
William: Sounds promising. Well then, will you take a photo together with me?
Kate: Together?
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William: Yes. You’re allowed to refuse if you don't want to be remembered as the self-righteous King’s lover.
Kate: Let’s take a photo together!
Kate: … Actually… I’ve been wanting to take a photo with you…
William: Ahahaha! I had a feeling you did.
William: If that's the case, let us flaunt our evil to the fullest.
— I wonder what the people looking at our photographs in the future will think of us?
Will they think of me as a foolish woman who was spell-bound by the sinful self-righteous king, leading to my own destruction?
(I don't care what they’ll say about me.)
(Because my heart is free and happy.)
Upon returning to the castle after the photoshoot, I guided Will to the dining room.
All the members of Crown were present to celebrate his birthday as planned.
We had cake decorated with strawberries, enjoyed a delicious feast, and drank wine until late into the night—
Kate: Mm… nn…
I was roused from my sleep by the gentle sunlight hitting my eyelids, my body wrapped in the sheets and the heat from last night still lingering.
(Ah, Will and I got intimate last night, and we fell asleep right after—)
(Is Will still asleep?)
I slowly lifted my head from Will’s chest that smelled like roses and caught his eyes, the colour of blood gazing at me.
His eyes seemed to hide a gentle rainfall.
Kate: … Will?
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William: … Kate.
William: How many more of such special moments will we have?
His tone sounded more serious than usual, I gazed at Will while being held close to his chest and listening carefully to his every word.
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William: I don't mean that I’ll let you die easily, but…
William: We’ll never know for sure whether fate will take you away tomorrow.
Kate: Yeah…
William: However, that won't make me regret or give up on loving you…
William: No, instead, that’s why I—
Kate: Will, mm…
William pressed his lips to mine.
The kiss felt more passionate than usual, and I found myself reflexively clinging to his shirt—
Our lips finally parted and he whispered in between ragged breaths.
William: I will risk everything I have to love you.
William: I will listen to and cherish the voices from your heart, and sing the melody of the finest love song.
At that very moment, Will and I shared the same emotion in our hearts.
We didn't know what would happen tomorrow, making that moment all the more precious.
I felt alive.
Kate: Sometimes… I wonder…
Kate: What kind of facial expression will I be wearing when my ultimate destruction comes?
Kate: I think… I’ll surely be smiling happily.
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William: … And when I’m holding your happily smiling dead body in my arms, your poison will spread and stop my breathing too.
Kate: … At that point of time, shall we go to sleep together at the finishing line?
William: … Yeah, sounds good to me.
William: But let's put that plan on hold for a bit.
William: For now, may I kiss those beautifully wicked lips of yours that can charm even the most sinful of men?
Kate: Yes… kiss me, Will.
Kate: Mm… nn…
William: Kate…
The desire in his gaze, the smell of roses in the air, the feeling of his hot fingertips on my skin.
Everything Will gave me fueled my desires and made me breathe.
(I was as good as dead before I met Will.)
I spent my life suppressing and killing my heart, ignoring my inner voice.
I felt lost, not knowing what I wanted.
Loving Will might’ve made me born again.
Kate: Will, Will…
William: … Hm?
Kate: If I keep being loved like this… I might never bear to leave you.
William: Want to hear something that’ll benefit you?
Kate: …? What is it? Please tell me.
William: I requested a day off on the day after my birthday.
William: Because I wasn't confident that I’d be able to let you leave this bed.
Kate: E-Eh…?
I was surprised for a brief moment before I burst out laughing.
Kate: … Fufu, ahaha!
Kate: I didn't expect you to surprise me again this year!
William: It’s not as if you don't know that I’m very loyal to my desires?
Kate: Yes, of course I know that.
William: So, Kate. Shall we make love in bed again, or—
Kate: I want it all. Give me a taste of everything.
William: Alright. … I was just thinking the same thing.
William: We’ll make love so hard, you’ll have scratches on your back.
Kate: Ah.
Will laughed as I looked in surprise at the scratches I left on his back last night.
A few days after Will’s birthday.
I went to the photo studio to collect the photos we took on his birthday—
Studio Owner: Huh? Didn't you just come to pick up your photos earlier on?
Kate: Eh? Was Will here?
Studio Owner: Yes. Fufu, the two of you sure think alike. The photos turned out wonderful too.
(I missed him. … This is embarrassing.)
(But it makes me wonder if Will was looking forward to seeing the photos. I’m happy if that's true.)
Kate: Thank you for taking such wonderful photos of us.
Studio Owner: …
Studio Owner: When he came to collect the photos, I told him “you look happy”.
Kate: Eh?
Studio Owner: But—
– Flashback Start -
William: Happy, huh. That’s strange, because people can never know what’s in another person’s heart.
William: Even though someone appears to be happy, they may be burdened by the feelings of loneliness, conflict…
William: Take these photographs for example. When the future generations look at them, it’s up to them how they want to feel.
William: But that's alright.
William: … Only the people in the photographs know the truth.
– Flashback End –
Studio Owner: That was why I couldn't help but ask him a question.
Studio Owner: “Is your heart happy?”
Kate: What did Will… what did he say?
Studio Owner: “It is, as long as I’m living with her”.
Kate: … I-Is that so?
(I… I see.)
Unexpectedly learning of Will’s genuine feelings made me so, so incredibly happy, I nearly cried.
At that very moment, I felt truly happy.
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m0r1bund · 11 months
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Read the FAQ Zine ▶
I put the zine I made last year on my website. It took me a full year to find a permanent home for it, because I have the brainweird that makes the focus bad, and I’ve been consistently busy since last year. But hey, better late than never.
This project was inspired by the work of Potawatomi botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer. During an interview with On Being, Kimmerer relates the story of a certain question that she asks her students:
“In talking with my environment students, they wholeheartedly agree that they love the earth. But when I ask them the question of “Does the earth love you back?” there’s a great deal of hesitation and reluctance and eyes cast down, like, oh, gosh, I don’t know. Are we even allowed to talk about that? That would mean that the earth had agency and that I was not an anonymous little blip on the landscape, that I was known by my home place.
So it’s a very challenging notion, but I bring it to the garden and think about the way that when we, as human people, demonstrate our love for one another, it is in ways that I find very much analogous to the way that the earth takes care of us, is when we love somebody, we put their wellbeing at the top of a list and we want to feed them well. We want to nurture them. We want to teach them. We want to bring beauty into their lives. We want to make them comfortable and safe and healthy. That’s how I demonstrate love, in part, to my family, and that’s just what I feel in the garden [laughs], as the earth loves us back in beans and corn and strawberries. Food could taste bad. It could be bland and boring, but it isn’t. There are these wonderful gifts that the plant beings, to my mind, have shared with us. And it’s a really liberating idea to think that the earth could love us back, but it also opens the notion of reciprocity that with that love and regard from the earth comes a real deep responsibility.”
- “The Intelligence of Plants,” with Robin Wall Kimmerer and Krista Tippett
I posed Kimmerer’s question to some of my online circles. Their responses are recorded in this zine, accompanied by the work of many photographers, and my own art.
I am many of thoughts and short of words right now, just as I was a year ago. Mostly I’m tremendously touched and grateful for those who participated. You have put words to environmental grief that I often struggle to articulate, and affirmed my belief that we all hold poetry inside of us—we just need the time and space to express it.
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blightbrxt · 10 months
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Hiya! My name is Robin but you probably know me as blightbrat 😁
I’m a 22 year old cosplayer who is just stepping into the world of tumblr but I’m very excited to be here 💖
You can find me many places: Cosplay OF It has a HUGE back log of content and the availability to access my most explicit videos! 👀 Lewd cosplay already posted to feed and 1-1 dms constantly available! 💬
Fansly I have all of my tiers listed out and dms open if you have any questions! You can follow me for free and check out the content I post there along side ppv or grab a tier ranging from lewd to everything inclusive! I do have a watersports and fetish tier so I am very kink friendly 👋
All of my links! Looking for anything else? You can find it here! I keep an up to date FAQ so you can have everything “blightbrat” right at your fingertips. Go ahead, indulge a little!
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