#sassi says it
sassiperere · 8 months
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We've finally been introduced to all of the characters and I've decided to just compile them here! HUGE shoutout to my senpai in uni who helped me with ALL of these
I'm VERY curious about everyone's faves from this Bouquet, please tell me in the tags! Mine are Merold and Sanah.
I figured I should let everyone know what you can do with my translations!
CAN I SHARE YOUR TRANSLATIONS OUTSIDE OF TUMBLR? Absolutely you can! If you want them on Twitter, I already post there, so an RT would be appreciated.
If you want to use them in a Wiki you are free to do so as well! You can also repost these images anywhere you want, because I genuinely believe resources are to be shared without concerns. In fact, if any fan resources project for Fragaria Memories comes up, it would be my pleasure to actively participate!
I just really really hope to be credited and linked back to my other social media because this is hard work! And my first time really doing it! If you see any reposting of this work without credits and could please notify them of my identity I would appreciate it. I don't like taking stuff down but it would make me happy to be recognized!
Hoping to do a translation blog, RB these posts there and continue from Blue Bouquet onwards over there, so I hope to still have your support!
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You're version of Elizabeth is really sassy lol
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At the end of the day, she’s still Michael’s little sister
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sun-e-chips · 5 months
Are we supposed to ignore that Sun can do LITERAL MAGIC in help wanted 2!!!
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It’s canon
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theghooligan · 8 months
chifuyu to takemitchy every time he comes back to the past:
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willowser · 6 months
aww aww katsuki coming home to find you and your kiddos in the kitchen, a disarray of gingerbread and icing and candies spread out across the dining room table.
you'd managed to dye your daughters frosting pink, and she's jumping up and down on her tippy-toes when she sees him, grinning so hard the tendons in her neck are straining. she'd wanted to build and decorate her own gingerbread house this year, but so far she's spent the last twenty minutes being very particular about only the first wall.
"daddy!" she leans her head all the way back when he puts his hand on her face, giggling beneath his palm with her little squished nose. "look at mine, look at mine!"
your wobbly son jumps up in his own chair, using the table as leverage to balance himself as he lets out a squeal of gibberish that vaugely sounds like an echo of what his sister is saying. at the excited pitch in his voice, her head whips around, free from katsuki's grip as her brows furrow.
"he's not even decorating anything," she protests—and she's not wrong; whatever your little boy is doing hardly classifies as 'decorating', and is more like 'eating all the frosting he can before getting caught'. there is a mess of sugar dried all around his mouth.
still, your son squeals in his chair, jumping up and down with even more energy when you place a hand on his butt, in case he slips. the promise of you only encourages him, and katsuki reaches across the table to snatch him up when he tries to get his little knee up on the surface.
your daughter's frown grows; sharing attention remains a soft spot for her. instead of saying anything, she only makes an annoyed little sound and presses her cheek into her dad's hip.
"stuff's gonna give you cavities," katsuki murmurs, though he picks up a few red and green candies and shares them with your already sugary boy—who hums happily. "need a toothbrush for christmas."
"no," your daughter pulls back and tugs on his belt loops, sneering up at him playfully when he pinches her nose. "you have cavities!"
katsuki makes a point to bare his teeth at her, and then presses his forehead to his son and does the same until they're both giggling. "ain't me, bighead,"
"you're a bighead!"
"yeah, 'n i am big, so what's your excuse?" a wicked little grin splits his face when she starts swinging on him, and he deposits your son into your lap before scooping her up off her feet, her girlish scream vibrant and happy in the space around you.
katsuki waits until she calms down a bit, holding her to his chest like a baby, before coming around the table to get a good look at her little pink masterpiece. he presses his mouth into her hair, like he does with you, and her little ruby eyes sparkle when he murmurs, "looks good, kid,"—just to her and only to her.
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radiance1 · 6 months
Tim traced Bruce's family tree, and that led him down a path where he finds out that apparently his ancestors, the fentonightingales, split off into the Wayne family and the Fenton family and decides to trace down the Fenton family history to see if Bruce had any unknown relatives.
He finds Jack Fenton, his wife, Madeline Fenton, their daughter, Jasmine Fenton, their son, Daniel Fenton, and their second daughter and youngest child, Danielle Fenton.
Then he digs a bit through their social media, finds out that reclusive billionaire and CEO of a morally questionable company, Vlad Masters, is the godfather of the three children. Unfortunately, for some reason it's been hard to find information about Vlad Masters that isn't involving his company or publicity stunts, anything past that and it's only bits and pieces of information.
The biggest piece in his past is that he was trapped in a hospital due to an unknown illness that left him bedridden, and then making an miraculous recovery one day, then going to found Vladco and become a business empire.
He thinks the only reason that tidbit of information was so easy to find was that it tied into his business as some type of origin story.
Tim does a bit more digging and, yet to inform anyone else of his discovery, finds a video titled:
"Pranking my godfather after he stopped trying to get with my mom and kill my dad!"
Which, was a concerning title really, then he found the godfather in question to be Vlad Masters, and the one who recorded said video was Daniel Fenton.
He did some more digging.
He didn't really get very far, for some odd reason there isn't a lot of information to scrap together past the surface of Amity Park. Stuff like their museum, being a tourist attraction, it's history, normal stuff like that.
Nothing about the day to day lives of its citizens, nor any videos posted by said citizens or anything of the like.
He did come across some papers posted by the Fentons, however. Some research abouts ghosts, their behaviors and all that.
What he found wasn't pleasant, and he was thinking about telling Bruce before he came across another page.
The Fenton page.
It was, very, very clean of research papers of any kind having to deal with ghosts as a species, and while they are mentioned it's mostly in reference to take about one of their many weapons, or an installation to equip to your home as a safety precaution.
Then he went back to the page where their 'research' is placed, did some digging, and found it to be published by some kind of organization called the Guys In White, or GIW for short. Weird name, but he's seen weirder.
Although, this does cause some concern for him.
Tim, still not telling anyone of the information he's found besides Alfred (You can hide NOTHING from that man), decides to go over to Amity Park to check out the Fenton family firsthand, gather information about these ghosts to decide if magic is involved or not, and find out why the GIW are using the Fentons' name to publish their papers.
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shortbreadly · 5 days
hey guys
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we’ve still got this mountain of emotional turmoil to fight our way through
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random-daisies · 5 months
Danny vs. The Flash(es)
you know in a lot of fics 'the flashes' be it wally or barry or just all of them say that they don't believe in ghosts...
and danny is just standing in front of them like i am right here-
as a little tiny treat i think danny should turn around and say well i dont believe in the speed force :/ like ...
The Flash: you're a ghost? impossible they dont exist!
Danny: oh really well thats a shame i dont believe in the speed force sooo  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TF: but thats stupid... the speed force has been proven i am staNDING RIGHT HERE
D: what am i doing then... cause i am not the figment of batsys imagination... or am i... or are you... how do i know you are right there... i dont believe in you
TF: *screaming in fast* *crying in speedy*
***rest of the JL is just in the back ground and constintine in crying with laughter... batman is secretly living his best life tbh he is gonna show his kids the cowl footage later and have barbara save it for black mail***
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tsuchinokoroyale · 5 months
Happy new years… let’s stay hydrated together ✨
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#I didn’t end up going to the rave just stayed in with my buddies and had KFC (( Korean fried chicken )) and laughed til we cried so#it was still a wonderful start to the new year 💞🥰💞#but the fwb wanted pics of my potential rave look so I figured eh I brought the stuff anyways#and now I’m imagining locking eyes with a stranger on the warm and writhing dance floor#the beat thumps and shakes and rattles the air in our breath as the spotlights dance in the reflections of our held gaze#he pushes his way through the crowd with a singular stare and a wicked smile on his face#I smile and turn my back on him arching myself so he knows I am giving what he’s looking for#I take careful steps through the revelry toward the edge where the crowd thins out#I prop myself up on an available stool in a lonely corner of the club as he closes the distance between us#“now I wonder why you dragged me all the way here” he utters in a playful growl “trying to get far away from the crowd?”#I smile and I nod. “obviously. can’t really do what I want with you out there”#his eyes perk up and his smile gives away the desire building inside him. “yeah? why don’t you show me then.”#“I thought you’d never ask” I smirk. I reach down into my pants and pull out my phone#“so this one is blue. he’s the oldest but he’s sooooo sweet. and that’s Eva. my only girl she’s sassy but she loves swea-” he leaves#whaddahell I say demurely whimpering even… whaddahell…#gpoy
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mrsrookhunt · 11 months
80 Madols for a Surprise
Epel: Hey, Vil... What do you say we give Yuu 20 Madols if they can surprise Rook?
Vil:...Hmm. I'm listening."
Yuu: Yeah and so am I, 30 each from y'all and an extra 10 if I can offend him.
Epel/Vil: *looking at each other* Sounds good.
*Yuu, walking across the courtyard*
Yuu: Hey! Rook!
*Yuu pulls him in by the collar and kisses him.*
*Rook is shocked*
*Epel is losing his shit*
Yuu: Oh! And before I forget--
*Screams of triumph in the backround*
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ruegarding · 6 months
the entire point of the blue food was that it was the only way sally could consistently rebel against gabe without getting her or percy punished. sally is not and never was submissive in the books. percy himself says sally has "a rebellious streak, like me." however, sally and percy were under threat of serious abuse from gabe and therefore had to pick their battles. blue food was sally's way of telling percy "i am here and fighting with you" and "there is hope in the world still."
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sassiperere · 8 months
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I haven't seen anyone translate Sanrio's new character project, Fragaria Memories... so I tried my hand at it!
I am SO EXCITED for this project, seriously. I'll try to keep translating it as they come!
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pempempemto · 5 months
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sun doodles after seeing help wanted 2
poor lad needs a break sometimes, thank god for eclipse.
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icedlava1 · 7 months
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People need to start drawing sassy Tomas HAJDHJSHFJDKD
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cringefail-clown · 2 months
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vantas bros from my sketchbook sesh
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jazzkrebber · 6 days
“What’s he doing?”
“Performing an ancient zemeni ritual”
-Kaz Brekker the original gaslighter
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