#satellite capacity
itsgerges · 6 months
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Can A Light Beam Its Speed 1.16 million km per second Be Found? (Revised) https://app.box.com/s/vqn38cl5ufhdabcj4tdnm75fxbk1950f
The paper provides 4 hypotheses with their explanations and proves – let's provide them in following
Paper hypotheses
Hypothesis No. (1)
The space is created from one energy and this energy is provided by a light beam moves by a speed 1.16 million km per second – the speed is registered in the created space proves the speed is a fact.
Hypothesis No. (2)
The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By The Sun Gravitational Field– Moreover- The Sun Does NOT Produce A Gravitational Field And It Has No Massive Gravity- 
Hypothesis No. (3)
Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and Pluto was The Mercury Moon (Pluto size was equal Mercury size) But these two planets had migrated from their original orbits as a result for a collision- the planets migration caused a risk for the solar system geometrical design- Uranus and Jupiter the Two planets worked to repair the solar system design– that caused Jupiter orbit to be the main orbit in the solar system design- Jupiter orbit proves the speed 1.16 million km per second is a fact.   
Hypothesis No. (4)
The Sun Is a phenomenon created by the planets motions
The sun rays is created from the gravitational waves motions energies and the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies-
Based on that 
The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions
The Sun Is NOT Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays- instead- The Planets Motions Energies Total Is Used To Produce The Sun Rays
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion – means
The Planets Are Created And Moving In Their Orbits Around A Point Of Space Before The Sun Creation- And The Sun Is Created On This Point Of Space around which the planets revolve - And
No Planet moves by The Sun Gravity (Newton is Wrong) - And
The Sun Doesn't Produce A Gravitational Field (Einstein Is Wrong)
The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions– means-The Sun creation and death depends on a cycle – means – after this current sun death another sun will be created for the solar system.
The Hypotheses Explanation
The abstract provides the hypotheses explanation and the paper provides their proves and discussions- In following the hypotheses will be explained in details 
NOTICE - The creatures and all matters on the Earth are created from the sun light energy and the sun light speed is 300000 km/s, because of that, the creature realization is limited to the speed 300000 km/s and can't realize the original speed (1.16 million km per second) that means the speed 300000 km/s is a limit for the creatures realization and not for the universe design.   
Notice- this revised version adds only more proves for the paper first hypothesis-
Hypothesis No. (1)
The space is created from an energy and this energy is provided by a light beam moves by a speed 1.16 million km per second – the speed is registered in the created space which proves the speed is a fact
The Hypothesis Explanation
I- The Space Is Created By One Light Beam Energy- And This Light Beam Speed Is 1.16 million km per second
I-1 Preface (the main idea)
I-2 The Space Creation Method (the distances are one network)
I-3 Light Coherence between light (1.16 million km /s) and light (300000 km/s)
I-4 The Matter definition (based on my planet diameter equation)
I-5 The Planets Creation
I-6 Can The Time Machine Be A Fact?
The Hypothesis Proves
I-7 The Proves Logic Analysis
I-8 Planet Velocity Is A Function In A Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-9 Planets Orbits Are Defined By A Motion Its Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-10 Jupiter distances are defined by a motion by a speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-11 The Solar System Geometrical Design Proves The Hypothesis
I-12 The Solar System Distances Analysis Prove The Hypothesis
I-13 Deep Analysis For The Planets Orbits
1-14 Light defines each planet orbital period
I-15 Can Planet Diameter Be Used As A Period Of Time
I-16 Mercury Orbit Analysis
I-1 Preface (The Main Idea)
The solar system (planets and distances) is created from one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam and this light beam moves by speed (1.16 million km/s)
The space is created before the planets creation-
Let's write the whole story in following
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) started its motion from Mercury orbit moves toward Pluto orbit– by that– we consider Mercury orbit is the origin point-
Now- we should notice- No planet is created yet- the motion from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit defines the motion direction- and No planet is created before this motion end nor during this motion- the planets will be created after this motion is finished means when the light 1.16 million km per second reaches to Pluto (orbit)- after this event – the planets will be created –as I will explain later  
The light (1.16 million km per second) creates the distances by its motion- means- the light moves from Mercury point to Venus point– the distance from Mercury to Venus was not found and is created only by the light motion through it for first time- means – before the light motion this distance was NOT found- It's found after the light moves through this distance for first time-    
This is similar to the blood motion through the arteries, the blood creates these arteries and the blood moves through these arteries, but the blood created these arteries with its first motion and that needed energy- but – after the arteries creation the blood move through them without any energy is required- means- the first motion is the most important one because by it the arteries are created
Shortly- The space is created from the energy of this light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second – NOW- after the Space creation- the light beam energy is decreased because of the energy consumption in the space creation process- and the rest energy is one light beam its speed is (C=300000 km/s =the light known speed) – But - We understand that- it's the same one light beam- its speed was 1.16 million km /s before the space creation- and the light created the space and that caused to consume the light energy and that caused to decrease the light speed to be 300000 km/s
Shortly- the light beam started its motion from Mercury (orbit) with speed 1.16 million km /s and reaches to Pluto (orbit) with a speed 300000 km/s because of the energy consumption in the space creation process   
Let's give example to explain this idea
Imagine we create A Sea Of Water- we use energy to create this sea of water- now we have some energy and we use this energy to create this sea of water- BUT- our energy is NOT spent completely But there's a small part still rest with us – this small part of energy is used to create one wave moves through this sea and this wave speed is 300000 km/s (I suppose the space is similar to the sea of water)
Now – the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed 300000 km/s and this light beam is found NOW in Pluto Orbit – and this light beam will be reflected from Pluto orbit toward the inner planets– means- the rest energy will move in the reflected direction to the original light motion direction.
This idea will be explained in details in the next point- shortly
The light beam (300000 km/s) will be reflected from Pluto toward the inner planets
AND  the light 300000 km/s will meet the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) in the origin point (in fact – beside the origin point) and there's a coherence of light is done between the light beam (300000 km/s) and the light beam (1.16 million km per second) – this coherence of light is proved strongly- we have to ask (how can that be possible while the light beam 1.16 million km /s is consumed and the new light beam 300000 km/s is the rest energy? how this light beam (300000 km/s) can meet the original one (1.16 million km per second)? in points no. (I-3) and no.(I-6) I answer this question.
Notice (1) I suppose the rest energy is a light beam its speed is (C=300000 km/s) but this idea is for simplicity- the rest energy can be in any wave form its speed (C=300000 km/s) – no necessity to be in visible light beam form
It's simply energy moves by the known speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
Notice (2)
All Planets Orbits Are Defined Before Any Planet Creation-
The light used the distance from the sun to Pluto as one area and create one geometrical design for this area before any planet creation 
Notice (3)
The planets are created from the rest energy its speed (300000 km/s) – means- the space is created by the light 1.16 million km per second and the energy is consumed in the space creation and the rest energy is one light beam its speed 300000 km/s (or one wave moves by the known speed of light C=300000 km/s) – the solar planets are created from this one wave its speed 300000 km/s and that means all planets orbit are created and defined before any planet creation
Notice (4)
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creations And Motions
The sun is a phenomenon created by the planets motions energies total
The sun doesn't produce a gravitational field and doesn't have massive gravity
Logically – No planet moves by the sun gravity
(The Planet Moves With The Energy From Which The Planet Is Created – Newton is wrong- later we discuss the proves)
Notice (5)
The child (fetus) inside his mother is created by the blood motion- the blood motion creates arteries for this child and through these arteries the blood moves also but the arteries themselves are created by this same blood motion- Similar to that- the distances are created by the light motion energy and the light moves through these distances also but originally these distances themselves are created by the light motion energy-  means the distances creation is done with the first time of the light motion through them - that required energy- but after the distances are created no more energy is required- the light (or planet) can pass simply through these distances
I-2 The Space Creation Method (the distances are one network)
778.6 = 1.16 x 671
721    = 1.16 x 621
629    = 1.16 x 543
543    = 1.16 x 468
5906  = 1.16 x 5127
These numbers are distances in (million km)
778.6, 721, 671, 629, 551 are Jupiter distances to the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars respectively- 5906 and 5127 Pluto distances to the sun and Jupiter respectively     
468 = 936 /2 where (940 million km = the Earth orbital circumference)
The previous data tells us how the light beam motion creates the distances-
Simply the light uses a distance as (a period of time) and travels through this period another distance- that can be understood clearly from Jupiter distances- let's look deeply as possible
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) uses the period 629 seconds to pass a new distance = 729 million km (Mercury Jupiter distance is 721 million km error 1%) – where 629 million km = Jupiter Earth distance
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) uses the period 671 seconds to pas a new distance =778.6 million km (Jupiter orbital distance) 
where 671 million km = Jupiter Venus distance
by this method the light creates the distances based on each other- and that makes all distances to be created depends on one another and that makes all distances in the solar system to be One Network where all distances are created based on the same One Geometrical Design
The data shows the creation method- and we understand that- the distance 551 million km (Jupiter Mars Distance) is created firstly and the light (1.16 mkm/s) used this distance as a period of time (551 sec) and the light travels during this period a distance =(639 million km where 629 million km is Jupiter Earth distance error 1.5%) and then the light uses the new distance (629 mkm) as a period of time (629 sec) and the light travels during this period a distance = (729 million km – where 721 million km = Mercury Jupiter distance – error 1%)
The data shows the method clearly and we understand the light original motion started from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit because the distances are created based on one another in that direction of motion as explained clearly
New data NO. (1)
2723 sec x 2 x 300000 km/s = 1622 million km – where
2723 million km = Uranus Earth Distance
1622 million km = Uranus Neptune Distance
The data shows- the light beam its speed (C=300000 km/s) is in proportionality also with the created distances but this proportionally is found in Reflected Direction
Logically, The light can NOT move from Uranus to Neptune and after that the light returns to move from Uranus to the Earth- it's simply reflected direction  
The distances are NOT created by the motion of this light beam (300000 km/s) – but the distances are created by the motion of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) but the proportionality between the distances with the light (300000 km/s) is found because there's a proportionality between the original one (1.16 million km per second) and this light beam (300000 km/s) – AND 
Because the light (300000 km/s) moves in the reflected direction of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) that causes the proportionality between the distances and the light (300000 km/s) be in a reflected form
New data NO. (2)
2094 sec x 300000 km/s = 629 million km
2094 million km = Uranus Jupiter distance
629 million km   = Earth Jupiter distance
The light (300000 km/s) moves in reflected direction- for that- the distance 2094 million km is used as a period of time to pass a new distance (629 mkm)
The data proves the idea clearly
Notice (1)
The proportionality between the light (1.16 million km/s) and the light (300000km/s) will be discussed in point no. (I-3)
Notice (2)
In Point (**) I prove the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies- and I prove that – the planets motions energies move toward Pluto and this energy is reflected from Pluto toward Venus- this fact is proved by powerful data and proves- for that – I don't explain in details the light motion trajectory from Pluto toward the inner planets because this motion trajectory is studied in details in the hypothesis No. (2) of this discussion- understandable that- the planets motions energy trajectory is the same trajectory the light moves through it – means this trajectory is studied in details and powerful proves in point no. (**)
Notice (3)
Jupiter Distances Analysis shows that Jupiter orbit is the central orbit for the light (1.16 million km per second) based on which all planets orbits are defined.
But – this is not the first creation case –
The light (1.16 million km per second) created the planets orbits based on each other starting from Mercury orbit moves toward Pluto orbit – this is the fist creation case – and this fact is proved strongly in point no. (I-9*)
Mars had migrated from its original orbit (Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus) and Pluto had migrated also (Pluto Was The Mercury Moon revolves around Mercury and Pluto size was equal Mercury size)
The planets migration caused a serious risk for the solar system geometrical design- Uranus was the first planet tried to repair the solar system geometrical design and to save it- by that
Uranus created a vertical effect on Jupiter orbit to fix Jupiter in its orbit and prevent it to migrate with the migrant planets- and based on Jupiter orbit the other planets orbits are modified – that supported the solar system original design and saved it which causes to protect the geometrical design from the destruction.  
As a result
That causes Jupiter orbit to be the most important orbit in the solar system- the paper third hypothesis explains the planets migration and Jupiter orbit analysis is done with the solar system design analysis (I-11*)
I-3 Light Coherence between light (1.16 million km /s) and light (300000 km/s)
The Coherence Of Light
The previous explanation told us that we have 2 light beams-
The original light beam its speed (1.16 million km per second) and it started its motion from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit (where Mercury orbit is the light motion origin point) – and this light beam created all distances in the solar system and lost its energy in the space creation process and the rest energy is one light beam its speed is (C=300000 km/s)
The other light beam is the rest energy- its speed is (C=300000 km/s) and it moves in a reflected direction from Pluto toward Venus and Mercury-
Now – we have a coherence of light between these two light beams- the coherence is proved by powerful proves BUT firstly we have to ask (how can this coherence be occurred)? Because the original light (1.16 million km/s) is consumed and its energy is used already and the rest energy is this light its speed is (300000 km/s) - HOW can the light (1.16 million km/s) meet the light (300000 km/s)??
Imagine we have (116 dollars) and we spent all money except (30 dollars)- how can this (30 dollars) meet the original money (116 dollars)??
Let's write the answer
Suppose the light beam (300000 km/s) moves in the reflected direction (in the space) and also (in the time) – that can enable the light (300000 km/s) to meet the original one (1.16 million km/s) in the past and the coherence will be done there in the past- and we see the coherence results and effects on the solar system -
Means – the light (300000 km/s) moves into the past and found the original light (1.16 million km/s) in the past
Notice No. (1)
The original light beam (1.16 million km/s) can NOT move toward the future to meet the light (300000 km/s) because in the future the original light beam (1.16 million km/s) is NOT found –by that – the coherence can't be occurred in the future - But – the light (300000 km/s) can move into the past because this light beam (300000 km/s) was found in the past because it's a part of the original light beam (1.16 million km/s)
Notice no. (2)
I prove the coherence is done by powerful proves- that tells- this idea is a fact–means- there's a strong proof tells (in fact the light beam 300000 km/s moved into the past) and if we can use this feature practically we can get photos from the past events and by that we can have photos from the catastrophe which killed the dinosaurs and know much better about what had happened really in that time - This can be a real machine of time – the light motion into the past is a strong method to perform this invention. 
Notice no. (3)
Why Can NOT We Move Into The Past As We Move Into The Future?
This question is answered in point no. (**)
The Light Coherence Proves
First Proof
The planets order is typical to the interference of Young –
In the double slits experiment, Young Interference is consisted of bright fringes and dark fringes - If we consider planet diameter is equivalent to bright fringe – we will see that- the planets order is typically to Young interference because
Jupiter (the greatest fringe) is in the middle and the fringes width is decreased gradually on both sides – typically to the planets order
Notice / I have proved that (Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus) if we restore Mars to its original orbit the order will be typical to the Young Interference
(I prove this fact in point no. **)
Second Proof
The planets velocities are defined based on the speed (1.16 million km per second) and the planets velocities analysis shows the speed (300000 km/s) is the planets motions limit- means- the planets velocities are defined based on both velocities (1.16 million km per second) and (300000 km/s) I prove this fact in point No. (**)  
Third Proof
The light coherence defines the solar day period (24 hours) which is the solar system design cornerstone 
(1.16 /0.3) x 2π = 24.3
By this equation the space and time are created- the equation tells–the space is created in curves (2π) and the time is created in units each unit is (24 hours) 
Please note – the solar system geometrical design depends on the light motion in a solar day (24 hours = 86400 seconds) 
The light (1.16 million km per second) moves in a solar day (86400 seconds) a distance  = 100733 million km (= the planets orbital circumferences total)
Fourth Proof
The planets data prove there's a speed (1.16 million km per second) found in the solar system but the sun light beam moves by speed (300000 km/s) that tells the two speeds are facts and found in the solar system and the coherence between them is a logical result
The hypothesis proves discuss many powerful proves for this fact-
Notice- the coherence of light is a very important fact because it tells the light (300000 km/s) moved into the past and by that gives us a proof for the motion on the time axis- for that – many powerful proves support this fact.
I-4 The Matter definition (Based On My Planet Diameter Equation)
Let's remember my planet diameter equation
Planet Diameter Equation (v1/v2)= (s/r)= I
v = Planet Velocity                                                          
r = Planet Diameter
s= Planet Rotation Periods Number In Its Orbital Period
I= Planet Orbital Inclination        (example, 1.8 degrees be produced as a rate 1.8)
v2, s, r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet
The planet (v1) is defined by test the minimum error 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
(The Equation works from The Earth To Pluto) (the discussion explains the reason)
Neptune Equation (89143 /49528) = 9.7/ 5.4 =1.8         
89143          = Neptune rotation periods number in Neptune orbital period
49528 km    = Neptune diameter
9.7 km/s      = Saturn velocity
5.4 km/s      = Neptune velocity
59800 days = Neptune orbital period (and Neptune rotation period =16.1 hours)
1.8 degrees = Neptune Orbital Inclination
(the equation is proved and discussed in details in point no. **)
Can We Define The Matter Nature Based On My Planet Diameter Equation?
The equation tells, the matter is created based on its motion! means Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s!!
That tells the motion with velocity 5.4 km/s is defined before Neptune diameter is created! Can we understand such definition for the matter nature? let's try
The Matter Nature
The space and matter are created from the same original energy and they move with this original energy motion- BUT the matter has a distinguish picture and different velocity from the space picture and velocity (notice- The Gravitational Waves Prove That The Space Has A Motion)  
If we suppose the space is similar to the sea of water, the matter be similar to a whirlpool or a vortex found on the sea page- means- the matter is a geometrical design has a distinguish picture from the space- as the whirlpool, it's created from the sea water but it has a distinguish picture from the sea waves picture
The whirlpool is carried by the waves motion- and- the matter is carried by its original energy and moves with it- No Mass gravity is required for the matter motion- means- the matter is MOVABLE by nature.
The whirlpool dimensions are defined by the water motion - for example- we have a whirlpool its diameter is (2 meters)- this diameter is defined by the sea water motion features (velocity, pressure and other motion features) by that- the water motion analysis explains how the whirlpool dimensions are created
Also- the whirlpool is created but the creation requirements are needed every day- means- even if this whirlpool is found since years it can be changed immediately if the water motion features are changed- means- the whirlpool creation process is NOT a historical one.
Also- the matter is similar to a creature muscle, the muscle is found based on the blood motion and without this motion the muscle can be changed or removed.
The Original Energy Was Found In Motion By Itself (As Moving Light Beam)
From This Moving Energy The Planet Matter Is Created
The Created matter dimensions are defined by the features of this original energy motion (means the planet creation data is defined by the energy motion features)
After the planet creation- The Planet Moves With This Original Energy – means- the created planet moves a motion depending on the motion of this original energy because the planet moves with this original energy motion- and – the planet moves by this original energy motion (No mass gravity is required to cause the matter motion)
The planet creation data is in full harmony with its motion features- this fact is produced logically because the planet data is defined by the original energy motion features.
This explanation tells (Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s)
Example For Explanation
We agreed that the space is similar to the sea of water and the planet (matter) is similar to a whirlpool found on the sea page-  this picture explains the idea clearly- because
We see the whirlpool doesn't move by the sea water waves velocity but by another velocity and that shows a distinguish in form and motion between the whirlpool (the planet) and the sea waves (the space)- BUT- the whirlpool dimensions are defined based on the sea water motion features- and if the motion features are changed the whirlpool dimensions will be changed also- also the whirlpool moves by the sea water motion even with a different velocity relative to the sea waves velocity but the whirlpool motion still is  caused by the sea water motion- based on this picture we can say (because the water motion velocity is 80 km/h that causes this whirlpool diameter to be 2 meters "for example') – this is perfectly our sentence – let's remember it     
(because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s that causes Neptune diameter to be 49528 km)
This idea is proved by my planet diameter equation (my fourth equation) (point No.**)  
Now The velocity is a motion in (A Defined Direction)
Means– the matter is created because it depends on a motion in a defined direction- as we have seen- Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s but this velocity is a motion in defined direction- and that tells Neptune creation depends on a motion in the direction of the (x axis positive "+x ") (for example)
That tells, if this motion moves in (x axis negative "-x ") that will cause Neptune diameter to be changed or perished
Means- the matter creation needs a motion in A Defined Direction
Now let's ask our question
Why Can't The matter (creature) Moves Toward Its Past?
Because the matter depends on a motion in one defined direction- that causes the matter moves into (the future) always and can't move into (the past) let's discuss this question more deeply in point no (I-6)
No Planet Moves By The Sun Gravity (Newton is wrong) – logically because- the planet moves by its creation force- means- the planet creation and motion should be done by one force only (one energy only) because if two forces have effects on the same one planet- this planet will be broken- this fact is proved strongly with the gravitational waves source discussion (Point no.**)  
I-5 The Planets Creation
I summarize the main idea in following and the idea proves and discussions are found in point no. (**)
We know, the solar system is created from energy of one light beam its speed is 1.16 million km per second- and – the light created the space (the planets orbits) firstly and the energy is consumed in the space creation- and for that- the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed is 300000 km/s - And
From this light beam 300000 km/s the solar planets are created
before the solar planets creation
The solar system was one light beam (or one wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)- by that – the solar system is One Wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)
The Solar System needs To Create A Stationary Point Its velocity Zero relative to the moving one wave (300000 km/s)
This is the basic information in the solar system design-
The solar system needs to create a stationary point relative to the wave motion- by that – two velocities will be found which are (v1= the wave its speed 300000 km/s) and (v2= Zero= the stationary point velocity relative to the wave motion)–these two velocities produce a relative motion with different velocity 300000 km/s– this relative motion is the solar system design cornerstone.
Shortly – the solar system needs to create A Stationary Point 
Notice– The solar system is carried by the light beam motion, NO stationary point can be found here – it's similar to a ship on the sea water- Nothing can stop- because the motion is done forcedly by the sea water –
The stationary point will be similar to the whirlpool (vortex) on the sea page-  BUT
The solar system needs to create this stationary point - Now – let's try to create this stationary point in following - The solar system uses two procedures to do that,  
The first procedure
The wave its velocity 300000 km/s revolves around a point in space (any point in space), the revolution motion creates 2 equal velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value and opposite in direction- their total be equal Zero-means- the revolution motion creates A Stationary Point in the center of the revolution. 
The second procedure
The previous idea is correct- but –the velocity 300000 km/s is a huge one and to decrease it to Zero velocity this is a complex process– for that- the wave (300000 km/s) created small waves with low velocities to use them as steps to decrease the velocity to Zero- the small waves are The Planets- (The planet is a small wave moves by low velocity relative to the original wave its velocity 300000 km/s) 
Why Are These Small Waves Required?
Because the velocity 300000 km/s is decreased to Zero by using these small waves and their low velocities- the low velocities are used as steps to decrease the unified wave velocity (300000 km/s) to be (Zero)- this process decreases the velocity gradually from 300000 km/s to Zero depending on these small waves velocities (the planets velocities)  
Means- the planets are created for this process to decrease the wave velocity from 300000 km/s to Zero- and The Planet Is A Small Wave Moves By Low Velocity  
Shortly – the solar system has one complete system of velocities, Starting from Zero to 300000 km/s where the planets velocities are the steps between the two velocities – let's prove that here
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2 where
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect for speed 297000 km/s (99% of speed of light)
205.8 km/s = the 9 planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity
(The moon velocity =29.8 km/s = the Earth velocity because they revolve together)
Why does the data use the squared value (205.8)^2?
We know the answer- but - Let's remember it
The planets are geometrical points on the same light beam and move with its motion- for that- the planets velocities rates creates rates of time– for example-  Mercury velocity = 1.6 the Earth velocity- that means – one hour of Mercury clock = 1.6 hours of the Earth clock- Why??
Because Mercury and the Earth are carried by the same one light beam- the light moves one motion and passes one distance in one period of time- by that Mercury and the Earth have to move this same motion and to pass this same distance in this same period of time- but the two planets velocities are different- for that- the planets use different rates of time based on their velocities rates and by that the planets move equal distances in the same period of time –
Now- the velocity (205.8 km/s) moves relative to the stationary point (Zero) and creates a rate of time (1 second = 205.8 seconds) –
(one second of the unified wave clock = 205.8 seconds of the stationary point clock)
But – the energy is reflected in the solar system (I prove that in point no.**),
The energy reflection reflects the players – means
(one second of the stationary point clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock)
The stationary point will be THE SUN – by that
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock) – means
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of any planet clock) –
Now during one second of the sun clock, the wave clock needs 205.8 seconds while the wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s- means –
During one second of the sun clock, the wave moves 42253 km = 300000 km /7.1
That creates the different velocity 300000 km/s between the sun motion and the wave motion-
Notice 1
The wave (205.8 km/s) moves during 1461 seconds a distance = 300000 km, and we know the Earth cycle (1461 days = 365 +365 +365 +366)
That tells, the speed of light (300000 km/s) is performed by the rate of time and that causes to create the Earth cycle-   
Notice 2
Planet velocity is created by the rate of time- means- if no rate of time can be used – No planet velocity can be created – instead- all motions will be only by speed of light (300000 km/s)- the planet can create a small velocity because it can use rate of time
We realize that clearly because
The planets motions depend on the light motion- by that – the motion is done by One Motor only which moves by speed of light (300000 km/s), the planets can only move by speed of light or create a rate of time for their smaller velocities - No more options are provided.  
Notice 3
We understand that, the planets are geometrical points on the same light beam, means
The planets are similar to carriages in one train and the light motion is the train engine  means the planets are carried on the light beam and move with this light motion
I-6 Can The Time Machine Be A Fact?
To answer this question we need to review basics facts we have studied – let's do that in following
The solar system is created from one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam
The light moves simply and freely in any direction (for space) and (for time)- means- the light can move into the future (as matter does) or into the past (which the matter can Not do)
We know, the solar system is created from one light beam, and this light moves by a speed (1.16 million km per second) - And
We know, the light (1.16 million km per second) created the planets orbits firstly before any planet creation and the energy is consumed in the space creation and because of the energy consumption the light speed is decreased from  (1.16 million km per second) to the known speed of light 300000 km/s – also
We know, the light (1.16 million km per second) started its motion from Mercury orbit moves toward Pluto- that means- the light (1.16 million km per second) started from Mercury orbit with speed (1.16 million km per second) and the light created all planets orbits till Pluto orbit- before any planet creation- and by that- the light lost its energy and the light beam in Pluto orbit reduced its speed to be 300000 km/s as a result for the energy consumption in the space creation process
Also we know the energy is reflected from Pluto toward Venus (the inner planets)
By that the light beam (300000 km/s) moves in the reflected direction to the original light beam (its speed 1.16 million km per second) 
And – we know-
The light beam (300000 km/s) reaches to the original point (Mercury Orbit) from which the light (1.16 million km per second)  started its motion 
And we know that
A coherence of light is done between the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) and the light beam (300000 km/s)
BUT  we don't know how such coherence can be occurred? Let's analyze that deeply in following
The produced light beam (300000 km/s) moves in (the reflected direction) to the direction of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) (In Space)  and reaches to Mercury orbit (the origin point)
But– logically – the produced light beam (300000 km/s) can NOT find the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) there because the original light beam is consumed already in the space creation process and the rest energy is this produced light beam (300000 km/s) – based on that –
How Can This Coherence Be Occurred? Means-
How can the produced light beam (300000 km/s) meet the original light beam (1.16 million km per second)?  The answer is
The produced light beam (300000 km/s) moves (in the reflected direction) to the motion direction of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) (In Space) and (In Time) Means- the produced light beam moves into (Its Own Past) and in the past this produced light beam (300000 km/s) was (A Part of the original light beam 1.16 million km per second) and because of that the produced light beam (300000 km/s) can meet the original light beam (1.16 million km per second),
The two light beams create a coherence (in the past) and we see the results of this coherence in our present time-
The idea is very important because – the coherence of the two light beams (1.16 mkm/s and 0.3 mkm/s) is proved strongly and with powerful proves and any explanation for this coherence will prove that the produced light beam (300000 km/s) must move Into The Past to enable this coherence occurrence- and that tells clearly- the travel through the time is possible and fact
Can the matter moves into its past as the light does? NO
Why?? Because
We know the light can move simply in any direction (+ x, + y, + z, + t) by that the light can move into the future and can move into the past BUT
The matter creation depends on A Motion In A Defined Direction-
let's remember this idea
Neptune diameter =49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s
(This Fact Is Proved By My Planet Diameter Equation)
Now, Neptune velocity is a motion in a defined direction
(for example a motion in +x direction)
The energy moves in this direction (+x direction) and because of this motion Neptune matter is created and Neptune diameter is defined- now if the energy moves in (opposite direction "–x direction") that will change Neptune diameter or cause to perish its matter at all
Means- as long as – Neptune is found- that means – the energy moves in one direction (and not two directions) – for that Neptune can move into the future but can NOT move into the past.    
The matter can not move into the past but the light can do that-
Means- we have the time machine already- we need to know how to send the light into the past and by that we can have photos from the past events- and this will be The Time Machine
The Hypothesis Proves
I-7 The Proves Logic Analysis
I-8 Planet Velocity Is A Function In A Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-9 Planets Orbits Are Defined By A Motion Its Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-10 Jupiter distances are defined by a motion by a speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-11 The Solar System Geometrical Design Proves The Hypothesis
I-12 The Solar System Distances Analysis Prove The Hypothesis
I-13 Deep Analysis For The Planets Orbits
1-14 Light defines each planet orbital period
I-15 Can Planet Diameter Be Used As A Period Of Time?
I-16 Mercury Orbit Analysis
I-7 The Proves Logic Analysis
Why can we prove that, a light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second is found in the solar system? also, the theory tells this light beam energy is consumed and the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed 300000 km/s (the known speed of light), if this light energy is consumed, how can we prove its existence?
There are two major reasons, which are
The Planets Orbits Are Created Before Any Planet Creation- And These Orbits Are Created Based On One Motion- And This One Motion Is Done By A Speed 1.16 Million Km Per Second.
The Planets Matters Are Created Based On Their Orbits – means- the planet is similar to a tree and the orbit is similar to a ground and the tree is planted in the ground-
after the planet creation, the planet can migrate from its original orbit to any other orbit - as Mars and Pluto did and that will not cause to destroy the planet. 
the planet matter and data is created based on this planet orbit- the orbit is defined before any planet creation and based on the orbit the planet matter and data is created (we remember- the space is similar to the sea of water and the planet matter is similar to a whirlpool found on this sea page- that tells the whirlpool is created based on its place in the sea of water)
Shortly- The Planet Matter Is Created Depends On This Planet Orbit
The speed 1.16 million km per second is registered in the planets orbits because the orbits are created from the energy of the light beam (1.16 million km per second), and the planet matter is created from this planet orbit (energy)
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) is the source of energy for (everything) in the solar system-
All orbits are defined by its energy, all matters are created by its energy, and all motions are done by its motion-
Can we prove this light beam is a fact? YES we can
The analysis for any data or any motion will discover this light beam because it's the source of energy for everything
the light beam (1.16 million km per second) is The Source Energy of the solar system
The mother of all children can be discovered by analysis these children data 
Can the solar system design uses a rate 1.16 and I can't understand that but wrongly consider this rate (1.16) as a speed of light 1.16 million km per second?
NO- this can't be possible – Because
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) behaves typically to the known light beam (300000 km/s) – as we will see in the data discussion
I-8 Planet Velocity Is A Function In A Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
My 5th equation (v1v2=322)- the planets velocities prove it–let's see that in following  
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocities)  x 6.8 km/s  (Uranus velocities)                    
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2             
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2      
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)               
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity) (Max error 2%)
The previous data tells the planets velocities are defined by three features
(1st Feature)
The planets velocities are complementary one another –means - each planet velocity is complementary with another planet velocity– means– The planets velocities are defined in pairs and not in single planets. 
(Notice, the inner planets orbital inclinations are defined by the rule (v1/v2), for example, Mercury orbital inclination 7 deg = Mercury velocity 47.4/ Uranus velocity 6.8 that proves the effect of the rule (v1v2=322) on the planet motion)
Ceres velocity tells the idea - Ceres is used as the main point - as a result the outer planets be complementary with the inner planets – for that the rule (v1v2=322) controls the planets velocities- that means- The planets velocities are created based on One Design- Ceres velocity is used as the main point for this design
(2nd Feature)
Why the constant is 322? because 1160000 seconds = 322 hours – means- there's speed of light = 1.16 million km /s - Shortly
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 6.8 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 47.4 hours a distance               = 1160000 km  And
Venus (35 km/s) moves during 2 x 4.7 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 35 hours a distance               = 1160000 km 
Earth (29.8 km/s) moves during 2 x 5.4 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during 2 x 29.8 hours a distance        = 1160000 km  And
Mars (24.1 km/s) moves during 13.1 hours a distance                = 1160000 km 
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 24.1 hours a distance             = 1160000 km  And
(Notice - Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during 33.2 hours a distance = 1160000 km  - (between 33.2 and Venus velocity 35 km/s the error 5%)) (Data Max error 2%)
The Data Proves, The Planets Velocities Are Functions In The Speed 1.16 Million Km Per Second. That proves the speed (1.16 million km per second) is A Fact
(notice the planets velocities are complementary one another also based on the known speed of light 300000 km/s, the paper provides this data) 
(3rd Feature)
The planets velocities limit depend on the known speed of light 300000 km/s
Let's explain that in following
The 9 planets velocities total is 176 km/s (I add the Earth moon velocity 29.8 km/s)
The 10 planets velocities total is 205.8 km/s
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2
The speed 297000 km/s (99% speed of light) causes Lorentz length contraction effect with the rate 7.1
The velocity (205.8 km/s) moves during 205.8 seconds a distance 42253 km
Where 300000 = 7.1 x 42253 km BUT 42253 = (205.8)^2
The squared value (205.8)^2 is found because of the used rate of time
We have studied this equation in point (I-5**) -the data shows, the planets velocities are defined as parts of a complete system of velocities starts from (Zero = stationary point) and reaches to the speed of light 300000 km/s and between these two values the planets velocities are defined to support this same system- that tells- the planets velocities are defined with limit to the speed of light (300000 km/s) - The data proves the speed (1.16 million km per second) is a fact -and also the data proves the coherence is done between the light (1.16 million km per second) and the light (300000 km/s)
I-9 Planets Orbits Are Defined By A Motion Its Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
(1) Mercury Motion
During 310s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 360 million km
During 310 s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 93.1 million km
93.1 million km x 2π = 586 million (this value will be used by Venus as a period) 
Where 360 million km         = Mercury Orbital Circumference
(2) Venus Motion
During 586s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 680 million km
During 586s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 175.8 million km
175.8 million km x 2π = 1104 million (this value should be used by Earth as a period) 
680 million km            = Venus Orbital Circumference
(3) Earth Motion
During 810s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 940 million km
During 810s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 243 million km
243 million km x 2π = 1526 million (this value should be used by Jupiter as a period) 
Where 940 million km       = Earth Orbital Circumference
During 940s light its (1.16 million km per second) travels 1104 million km (error 1%)
That shows the direction reflection between the Earth and Venus because of the reflection of energy- I proved that in point no. (**)
Notice –
Jupiter is the next planet after the Earth based on the light motion design for that the Earth value (1526 million km) should be used by Jupiter because Mars is a migrant planet and Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and the next planet for the Earth was Jupiter- the confusion in data is made by Mars migration effect
(More explanation is provided in the comment on the data)
(4) Mars Motion
(Mars Is Exceptional)
During 1235s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 1433 million km
During 1235s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 371 million km = 2π x 59 mkm Where 1433 mkm = Mars Orbital Circumference
(5) Jupiter Motion
During 4224s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 4900 million km
During 4224s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 1267 million km –
4900 mkm  =Jupiter Orbital Circumference
1267 million km x 2π = 7960 million km (this value be used by Saturn as a period) 
Mars is a migrant planet for that – the Earth value isn't used for Mars orbit- but it's used for Jupiter orbit- and because of the reflection between Venus and the Earth- the Earth produces the value directly (1526 million km) without using the light speed (1.16 million km per second) where
1526 million km = Jupiter Orbital Distance 778.6 million km x 2 (error 2%) 
During 4224s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 4900 million km
4900 million km = Jupiter orbital circumference while 4222.6 hours = Mercury day period- if (one hour of Mercury = One second of light clock) that will connect Jupiter with Mercury strongly- this is a fact because- the solar system depends on Mercury clock in its motion and the planets orbits are defined based on Jupiter orbit after the planets migration- that makes Mercury and Jupiter the two heads of the solar system unified motion. 
(6) Saturn Motion
During 7960s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 9007 million km
During 7960s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 2388 million km
9007 mkm = Saturn Orbital Circumference
2388 million km x 2π =15004 million km (this value be used by Uranus as a period) 
(7) Uranus Motion
During 15559s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 18048 million km
During 15559s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 4668 million km
18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference
4664 million km x 2π =29305 million km (this value be used by Pluto as a period) 
The transported value from Saturn is 15004 but the used value is 15559 (error 3.5%)
(8) Neptune Motion
(Neptune is exceptional)
During 24348s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 28244 million km
During 24348s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 7305 million km
28244 mkm = Neptune Orbital Circumference
(9) Pluto Motion
During 31983s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 37100 million km
During 31983s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 9595 million km
37100 mkm  = Pluto Orbital Circumference
(10) The Earth Moon Motion
During 639s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 724 million km
During 639s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 191.6 million km = 2π x 30.5 mkm – BUT  
30.5 mkm     = 88000 km x 346.6 days
The moon displacements total during 346.6 (solar days) = 30.5 mkm
346.6 solar days= The nodal year and  88000 km     = The moon displacement daily
742 mkm = The distance is passed by Uranus in 30589 hours -  The data tells, the moon orbit regression be done by effect of Uranus motion.
We should note that, the data follows the rule perfectly- as we see in Mercury and Saturn data – the confusion in data is found by the planets migration – let's prove that
680 mkm (Venus Orbital Circumference) x (1.16 mkm/s) ^2 = 940 mkm
28244 mkm (Neptune Orbital Circumference) x (1.16 mkm/s) ^2 = 37100 mkm
(Max error 2.5 %)
940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference
37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference
Clearly the confusion of data is done for the Earth and Jupiter (Mars migration effect) and for Pluto and Neptune and Uranus (Pluto migration effect)
The light (1.16 million km per second) created the solar system distances based on one another as the chess board distances- perfectly the light created the distances based on one geometrical design and as one network- But – The planets migration caused confusion for the data- by that the planets orbits data is confused and no longer be seen as designed by the light motion- specially because the solar system design repair needed to make Jupiter orbit as the central orbit based on which all planets orbits are modified- by that– the discovery for the light motion effect on the solar system distances creation needed deep analysis in data to remove the confusion.
The Earth data produced the value (1526 mkm) and this distance is used by Jupiter as a distance (1526 mkm = 2 x 778.6 mkm Jupiter Orbital Distance) (error 2%)
Uranus data produced the value (29305 mkm) and this distance is used by Neptune as a distance (29305 mkm= 28244 mkm= Neptune Orbital Circumference) (error 4%)
The behaviors are typical tell that by the same effect the modifications of both planets data are done- 
680 sec x 1.16 million km /sec = 789 mkm (Jupiter orbital distance 778.6 mkm error 1.3%) – the data shows – Jupiter is the mentioned planet after the Earth because Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus by that the light motion moved from the Earth to Jupiter directly- Mars is not seen in this motion-
The inner planets distances ( 93.1, 175.8, 243, 370.6) can be used as cycles periods
175.8 solar days =Mercury day period
243    solar days = Venus rotation period
370.6 solar days are near to 365.25 days (error 1.5%),
(93.1 days x 2π= 584 days =the period of periodical meeting of Earth and Venus)
This equality depends on the rate 1mkm = 1 day
That  tells each planet creates its PREVIOUS NEIGHBOR CYCLE PERIOD
And the outer planets distances in blue color (1267, 2330 , 4664, 7305, 9595)
2330 = 2 x 1165             = 2π x 371
4664  = 4 x 1165             = 4π x 371
7305 = 2π x 1165           =2π2 x  371
9595 = 8 x 1165            = 8 π x  371                                                 (error 3%)
This data cornerstone is the number (371), (the Earth year 365.25 days)
The data refers to the Earth year because of the Earth effect on the sun creation
The data proves each planet orbit is defined based on its neighbor – my first equation (Planet orbital distance equation) proves this fact –
In following I put my planet orbital distance equation for revision
Planet Orbital Distance Equation
(My First Equation) 
d = A Planet Orbital Distance
d0= Its Direct Previous Neighbor Planet Orbital Distance
The equation depends on the planets order, for that , just 2 neighbor planets can be used in this equation, means if (d is Venus distance, d0 be Mercury distance) 
The equation exceptions are,
Earth depends on Mercury Not Venus – and Mars depends on Venus Not Earth And Pluto depends on Uranus Not Neptune
Note, we don't use the forma (d=2d0) instead we use the forma (d2 = 4d0 (d-d0)) because it uses the distance between the 2 planets and that decreases the errors
Let's test the equation
(1) Venus Motion
(108.2)2 = 4 x 57.9 x (50.3)                                        
d= 108.2 million km  = Venus Orbital Distance
d0= 57.9 million km    = Mercury Orbital Distance
50.3 million km          = The Distance Between Venus And Mercury 
Venus Depends On Mercury
(2) Earth Motion
(149.6)2 = 4 x 57.9 x (149.6-57.9)                                                  (error 2.8%)
d= 149.6 million km  = Earth Orbital Distance
d0= 57.9 million km   = Mercury Orbital Distance
Earth depends on Mercury and doesn't on Venus 
(3) Mars Motion
(227.9)2 = 4 x 108.2 x (227.9-108.2)                          
d= 227.9 million km   = Mars Orbital Distance
d0= 108.2 million km = Venus Orbital Distance
Mars depends on Venus and doesn't on Earth 
(4) Ceres Motion
(415)2 = 4 x 227.9 x (415-227.9)                      
d=  415  million km      = Ceres Orbital Distance
d0=  227.9 million km = Mars Orbital Distance
Ceres depends on Mars
(5) Jupiter Motion
(778.6)2 = 4 x 415 x (778.6- 415)                     
d= 778.6 million km = Jupiter Orbital Distance    
d0= 415 million km = Ceres Orbital Distance
Jupiter depends on Ceres
(6) Saturn Motion
(1433.5)2 = 4 x 778.6 x (1433.5- 778.6)           
d = 1433.5 million km = Saturn Orbital Distance    
d0  = 778.6 million km = Jupiter Orbital Distance
Saturn depends on Jupiter
(7) Uranus Motion
(2872.5)2 = 4 x 1433.5 x (2872.5- 1433.5)                  
d= 2872.5 million km = Uranus Orbital Distance    
d0 = 1433.5 million km = Saturn Orbital Distance  Uranus depends on Saturn
(8) Neptune Motion                                                                          (error 4%)
(4495.1)2 = 4 x 2872.5 x (4495.1- 2872.5)
d= 4495.1 million km = Neptune Orbital Distance    
d0 = 2872.5 million km = Uranus Orbital Distance     Neptune depends on Uranus
(9) Pluto Motion
(5906)2 = 4 x 2872.5 x (5906- 2872.5)
d= 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance    
d0 = 4495.1mkm = Neptune Orbital Distance     Pluto depends on Uranus
Notice the error is less 1% for all planets except (Earth 2.8%) and Neptune (4%)  
The Equation Discussion
The Equation tells each planet orbital distance depends on its previous neighbor planet orbital distance – but – there are 3 exceptions which are –
Earth depends on Mercury not Venus –
Mars depends on Venus not Earth–
Pluto depends on Uranus not Neptune–
The equation shows – the distance from the sun to Pluto be distributed based on one geometrical design – means – the distances be created together as one group in one a network form – the distances be similar to the chess board distances- they are distributed geometrically and in one network based on one design -
No Single Distance be Created independently or individually – We deal with one network of distances - 
By Using Mercury Orbital Distance (57.9 million km) (one data) We Can Conclude All Planets Orbital Distances (9 Data) By Using Mathematical Calculations Only
Kepler stated (Planet orbit defines its velocity) – this concept is used in my third equation (d1/d2) = (v2/v1)2 where  d= Planet Orbital Distance and v = Planet Velocity
The concept tells– If we know a planet orbital distance, we can conclude its velocity by mathematical calculations only    
By Using my 1st equation (d2 = 4d0 (d-d0)) and kepler law and the One Data (Mercury orbital distance = 57.9 million km) we can conclude by mathematical calculations only All Planets Orbital Distances, Velocities And Periods (27 Data)
That proves the concept (Planet data be created based on exact equations)
Planet Orbits Are Defined By Very Accurate System
Each planet orbit is defined based on an angle, these angles are reflected also – let's prove that  (I suppose –There's a right triangle by the three points The Sun, Mercury and Venus) - Now
Venus angle is (61 degrees) because Venus orbital distance (108.2 mkm) x cos (61) = Venus Mercury distance (50.3 mkm) -
Here we can replace Venus with any other planet in the same triangle to define this planet angle based on similar calculation – as a result
Earth angle is (51 degrees) because Earth orbital distance (149.6 mkm) x cos (51) = Earth Mercury distance (91.7 mkm)
Mars angle is (41.7 degrees) because Mars orbital distance (227.9mkm) x cos (41.7)= Mars Mercury distance (170 mkm)
Jupiter angle is (22.2 degrees) because Jupiter orbital distance (778.6 mkm) x cos (22.2)= Jupiter Mercury distance (721 mkm)
Similar to that – Saturn angle is 16.5, Uranus angle is 11.6 deg, Neptune angle is 9.2 deg and Pluto angle is 8 deg- these angles follow the same system – for example
Pluto angle is (8 degrees) because Pluto orbital distance (5906 mkm) x cos (8)= Pluto Mercury distance (5848 mkm)
NOTICE No. (1) The right angle and its triangle is (a hypothesis) – we Can prove it because (v1/v2) = (θ1/ θ2)
means – these angles are rated with their planets velocities – for example
(Neptune velocity 5.4/ Pluto velocity 4.7) = (9.2 deg /8 deg)
Shortly -the angles which are defined based on the sun perpendicularity on Mercury orbit – all of them- are the correct angles by which the planets orbits are defined – that because the planets velocities are rated with these angles and Kepler stated (Planet orbit defines its velocity)- means- the planets orbits are defined based on these angles and that causes the angles rates to be equal with the velocities rates - Shortly -That tells indeed the sun position is perpendicular on the (inner planets orbits) – in fact – the sun is perpendicular on the Earth moon orbit- and this perpendicularity has effect on all inner planets because of the small distances among them. 
I-10 Jupiter distances are defined by a motion by a speed = (1.16 million km /s) Data
(1.16 million km /s) x 300 sec   = 348 mkm (300 mkm = Earth orbital distance x 2)
(1.16 million km /s) x 348 sec   = 470 mkm (470 x2 = Earth Orbital Circumference)
(1.16 million km /s) x 470 sec   = 551 mkm                       (Mars Jupiter Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 551 sec   = 629 mkm                       (Earth Jupiter Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 629 sec   = 721 mkm                       (Mercury Jupiter Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 108.2 sec x 4 = 500 mkm        (108.2 = Venus orbital Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 500 sec   = 580 mkm                      
(1.16 million km /s) x 580 sec   = 671 mkm                       (Venus Jupiter Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 671 sec   = 778.6 mkm                    (Jupiter Orbital Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 778.6 sec x 2    = 1806 mkm
(1.16 million km /s) x 1806 sec           = 2094 mkm          (Jupiter Uranus Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 2094 sec           = 4900 mkm/2  (Jupiter Orb. Circumference)
(1.16 million km /s) x 5127 sec = 5906 mkm                    (Pluto orbital Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 4437 sec = 5127 mkm                   (Pluto Jupiter Distance) 
(1.16 million km /s) x 3825 sec = 4437 mkm                   (Mercury Neptune Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 3244 sec = 3825 mkm  (=π x 1205 mkm Mars Saturn Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x2872sec=3244mkm (=2x1622 mkm Uranus Neptune Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x4900sec=2 x 2872 mkm (Uranus Orbital Distance)
(1.16)2 x 170 sec             = 227.9 mkm                            (Mars Orbital Distance)
Where 170 mkm = Mercury mars Distance
(1.16 million km /s) x 1980 sec           = 2296.8 mkm
(1.16 million km /s) x 2296.8 sec        = 2644.6 mkm       (Mars Uranus Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 2644.5 sec        = 3033.5 mkm       (Uranus Pluto Distance)
1980 million km = the orbital circumferences total of (Mercury + Venus + Earth)
(1.16 million km /s) x 3717 sec           = 4310 mkm          (Earth Neptune Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 4346 sec           = 5040 mkm          (Jupiter Pluto Distance)
3717 mkm = Jupiter Neptune Distance –
(Earth Neptune Distance 4345mkm "error 1%" and Jupiter Pluto dis. 5127 mkm error 1.7%)
Discussion - the data tells the idea clearly, it tells 
The distances in the solar system is created together based on one design and by one motion- this one motion is the light motion (1.16 million km per second) and the light creates the distance and after that the light uses the created distance as a period of time to create another distance, and by that, the light created all distances in one network together based on one geometrical design and this creation of the distances is done before any planet creation- the data clearly and strongly proves the hypothesis. 
NOTICE - The total distances in the solar system (the orbital and inner distances) are 45 distances, the previous data used almost 50% of these distances (because many distances are equal in the solar group – for example – (Saturn orbital distance = Mars orbital circumference)- this distances equality makes the previous data behave in place of around 50% of all distances- and no logic to suppose these all distances are rated by the way with the rate (1.16)!!
The logical explanation is my theory I have explained- the light (1.16 million km per second) creates the distances based on one another by using the distances as periods of time - Also this behaviors is typical to the behavior of the known speed of light (300000 km/s)– as we have seen before - During 2094 seconds the light (300000 km/s) moves 629 million km (=Jupiter Earth distance) where 2094 million km (= Jupiter Uranus distance)- Simply it's typical behaviors tells the fact that the speed 1.16 million km per second is real fact and used in the solar system design)   
I-11 The Solar System Geometrical Design Proves The Hypothesis
Data (1)
(A) (1.16/0.3) x 2π = 24.3
(B) 1.16 million km per second x 86400 seconds = 100733 million km
(100733 million km = The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total)
Data (2)
(a) 4224 x 1.16 =4900
(b) 100733 = π x 32200                                        
(c) 1.1318/0.3 = 5906 / (778.6 /2)  
Data (1)
Data no. (A) - (1.16/0.3) x 2π = 24.3
By this equation the space and time are created- because it shows the coherence of light between the light (1.16 million km per second) and the light (300000 km/s)
The equation tells – the space is created in curves (2π) and the time is created in units each unit = (24 hours)
Shortly- the time essential units are 2 units (the second and 24 hours) because of the rate of time (one second of light clock = 24 hours of planet clock) by that the period of the (one second) (for light motion) is comparable with (24 hours) for planet motion that means- the period (24 hours) is one unit can't be divided and it's similar to the second period which is a unit can't be divided
Data no.(B) 1.16 million km per second x 86400 seconds = 100733 million km
The data tells the light (1.16 million km per second) moves in solar day (24 hours=  86400 seconds) a distance = 100733 million km = The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total - that proves the solar planets orbits creation is done by the motion of this light beam (1.16 million km per second) - the data proves the solar system design depends on this light motion.
Data (2)
Data no. (a) 4224 x 1.16 =4900
The data tells, the light (1.16 million km per second) moves in 4224 seconds a distance = 4900 million km = Jupiter Orbital Circumference
But – Mercury day period is 4222.6 hours (4224 hours approximately)
If (one second of light clock = one hour of Mercury clock), that will make the period (4224 s) as Mercury day period – and – we know that Mercury day period is the main period in the solar system because the sun rate of time is created based on it as I explain in the second and fourth hypotheses of this paper-
Shortly- while Mercury is the solar system head- Mercury day period is the main period in the solar system and this period is used for Jupiter orbital circumference because all planets orbits are defined based on Jupiter orbit after the planets migration- this fact is discussed in the third hypothesis is details – let's summarize it
Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus, and Pluto was the Mercury moon, and Pluto size was equal Mercury size- But- Mars and Pluto had migrated from their orbits- the planets migration caused serious risk for the solar system geometrical design- And Uranus provides a vertical effect on Jupiter to fix it in its orbit and prevent Jupiter to migrate with the migrant planets- after Jupiter be fixed in its orbit all other planets redefined their orbits according to Jupiter orbit – by that – Jupiter orbit be the most important distance in the solar system-  
Notice- later Uranus caused to create Saturn to support Jupiter role- Saturn creation is done after the Earth moon creation because the energy reflection caused this delaying  
The data shows how the solar system design depends on Jupiter orbit
Data no. (b) 100733 = π x 32200
32200 million km = the different distance between Pluto orbital circumference and Jupiter orbital circumference
100733 million km = The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total
The data supports the same idea- Jupiter and Pluto orbits create the general design of the solar system- because Jupiter is the main orbit in it and Pluto the last orbit.  
Data no. (c) 1.1318/0.3 = 5906 / (778.6 x 2)  where
5906 million km              = Pluto orbital distance
778.6 million km             = Jupiter orbital distance
1.1318 million km           = Jupiter motion distance per solar day
0.3 million km                = speed of light 300000 km/s
The data shows the distribution of Jupiter and Pluto orbits are in proportionality with speed of light (300000 km/s) and speed of (1.16 million km per second)
BUT the data shows Jupiter velocity daily (1.1318 million km per day) in place of the speed of light (1.16 million km per second) Why??
Another question asks (Why do all Jupiter distances depend on the speed of light 1.16 million km per second?) as we have seen in the previous proof No. (1-10)?
The story told the facts, Uranus provided effect on Jupiter and as a result Jupiter orbit be used as the main orbit in the solar system- BUT- what's this effect Uranus provided on Jupiter? What had happened really?
Uranus sent a light beam its speed (1.16 million km per second) to Jupiter for that Uranus velocity and Jupiter velocity both depends on the speed (1.16 million km per second)
Jupiter should move a distance 1.16 million km per solar day (24h) BUT Mars effect created more problems and caused Jupiter to use (Mars rotation period 24.6h) in place of the solar day and decreased the velocity with 2.5%
Uranus moves a distance 1.16 million km (in TWO solar days- error 1.3%)
The solar system basic design depends on (two seconds and not one second) as I explained in details in the fourth hypothesis of this paper- now – the system design uses two seconds in place of one second because Uranus moves the required distance 1.16 million in two days
Shortly – the force which is sent from Uranus to Jupiter was a light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second and by this force Jupiter helped the solar system and supported the planets in their orbits to prevent more migration in the solar system
I-12 The Solar System Distances Analysis Prove The Hypothesis
DATA (No. I)
50% Of All Distances In The Solar System Are Equal One Another (WHY?)
Saturn Orbital Distance = Saturn Uranus Distance =1433 million km =
                                      = Mars Orbital Circumference 
                                      = Pluto Neptune Distance         (error 1.5%)
          = Pluto eccentricity Distance     (error 1.5%)
= Neptune Orbital Distance/π
= Uranus Orbital Distance /2
= Mercury Jupiter Distance x 2     
Neptune Orbital Distance     = Saturn Pluto Distance
Jupiter Pluto Distance          = Uranus Neptune Circumference
Earth Neptune Distance       = Mercury Saturn Circumference  (0.5%)
Jupiter Mercury Distance     = 2 Mercury Orbital Circumference
Jupiter Venus Distance        = Venus Orbital Circumference   (1.5%)
Jupiter Earth Distance          = Earth Orbital Circumference   (1.2%)
(Earth and Jupiter at 2 different sides from the sun)
Jupiter Mercury Distance     = Mars Orbital Distance x π      (0.6%)
Jupiter Uranus Distance       = Venus Jupiter Circumference  (0.8%)
Pluto Orbital Distance          = Earth Orbital Circumference x 2π
The data tells these distances must be created based on each other because all of them are parts in one design and one network- the data tells – it's impossible for these distances to be created univocally nor independently – but they are created by one motion based on one design and for one result. 
(778.6/721)=(721/670)= (670/629)=(1433/1325)=(1284/1205)= (2872/2644)= 1.0725
These are distances measured in millions km – let's define them
778.6, 721, 670 and 629 are the distances between Jupiter and the sun, Mercury, Venus and the Earth respectively.
1433, 1325, 1284, 1025 are the distances between Saturn and the sun, Venus, the Earth and Mars respectively.
2872 and 2644 are the distances between Uranus and the sun and Mars respectively.
629 million km (The Earth Jupiter distance)= (1.0725)^2 x 551 million km (Jupiter Mars Distance)
4495.1 million km (Neptune Orbital Distance) =1.0725 x 2 x 2094 million km (Jupiter Uranus Distance)
5906 million km (Pluto Orbital Distance) = (1.0725)^2 x 5127 million km (Jupiter Pluto Distance)
5127 million km (Jupiter Pluto Distance)= (1.0725)^2 x 4437 million km (Mercury Neptune Distance)
2.574 million km (Earth motion distance daily) = 1.0725 x 2.4 million km (TheMoon Orbital Circumference)
These distances are rated each other with (1.0725) this rate is created by Lorentz length contraction effect (as I supposed and proved)- but – regardless this rate reason the question is – How can all these distances be effected by this rate together?
That can be possible only if (these distances are parts of one design and this design is effected by this rate as a result all distances be effected together)    
The data proves the distances are created together based on one design and the distances are effected together by the same one effect – shortly- these distance can NOT be independent from one another but they are one group created based on one design.
I-13 Deep Analysis For The Planets Orbits
The Light Uses Each Planet Orbital Period To Move A Distance = This Planet Orbit + All Previous Planets Orbits Total
14 x 24 x (300000 km/s)           = 100.8 million km = 2 x 50.4
35.76 x 24 x (300000 km/s)      = 258 million km = 149.6 + 108.2
58.1 x 24 x (300000 km/s)         = 418 million km = 149.6 + (2 x 108.2) + 58
109.3 x 24 x (300000 km/s)       =787 million km = 58+ 108+149.6 +2 x228 (error 2%)
687 x 24 x (300000 km/s)          = 4900 million km
687 x 24 x (300000 km/s)          = 4900 million km
1710 x 24 x (300000 km/s)        = 12312 million km = 28244/(1.16 x2)
4868 x 24 x (300000 km/s)        = 17600 million km x 2
9517 x 24 x (300000 km/s)        = 68522 million km = 2 x 18048 + 32400
14413 x 24 x (300000 km/s)      = 103773 million km
The data shows the rule (Planet Orbital Period "days"/2π) x 24 x Speed Of Light (300000 km/s) = A Distance = This Planet Orbital Circumference + All Previous Planets Orbital Circumferences Total – let's prove this rule in following
(1) Pluto Data
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) /(2π) = 14413 days
14413 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 103773 million km
The planets orbital circumferences total is 100733 million km  
Between 103773 mkm and 100733 mkm the error is (3%)
Pluto follows the rule perfectly- the light passes a distance = Pluto orbital circumference + all previous planets orbital circumferences = the planets orbital circumferences total
(2) Neptune Data
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) /(2π) = 9517 days
9517 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 68526 million km = (2 x 18048) + 32400
The distance 2 x 18048 million km = all planets orbital circumferences total before Neptune
32400 mkm = 1.16 mkm/s x 28244 seconds 
28244 million km = Neptune orbital circumference
Neptune follows the rule perfectly but because of the energy reflection the speed (1.16 mkm/s) is used one additional time- clearly we see Neptune follows perfectly the rule   
(3) Uranus Data
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) /(2π) = 4868 days
4868 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 17600 million km x 2
18048 million km (Uranus Orbital Circumference) (error 2.5%)
Uranus follows the rule perfectly because Uranus orbital circumference =18048 mkm and all previous planets orbital circumferences total is = 18048 mkm
(4) Saturn Data
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) /(2π) = 1710 days
1710 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 12312 million km
Jupiter orbit (4900) + Saturn orbit (9000) = 14000 million km
Light (1.16 million km/s) x 12312 seconds = 14282 million km
The value (12312) equal (Jupiter orbital circumference)+Saturn orbital circumference
But the reflection of energy uses the speed of light (1.16) to have effect on the data
That tells Saturn follows the rule
12312 sec x 1.16 mkm/s = 14282 mkm = 28244 mkm/2
28244 mkm = Neptune orbital circumference – that tells the confusion in Saturn data is done by Neptune orbit effect   
We see the speed of light (1.16 mkm/s) has effect on Saturn data by division (12312 = 14282/1.16) but in Neptune data we have seen the speed of light (1.16 mkm/s) has effect by multiplication (28244 x 1.16 = 32400)
That tells we have opposite positions between (Neptune and Saturn) and the light connects them together by one motion- 
The data tells simply (A x 1.16 and B/1.16) this is effect of one light beam motion through both points.
(6) Jupiter Data
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) /(2π) = 687 days
687 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 4900 million km
Jupiter orbital circumference = 4900 million km
The distance equal Jupiter orbital circumference only without the previous planets BUT - The inner planets orbital circumferences total be = 4900 million km
Let's prove that
360 (Mercury) + 680 (Venus) +940 (Earth) + 1433 (Mars) = 3413 million km
4900 million km – 3413 million km = 1433 million km
That tells – the data supposes the Earth moon orbital circumference around the sun = Mars orbital circumference = 1433 million km
By that 360 + 680 +940 + 1433 + 1433 = 4846 million km = Jupiter orbital circumference (4900 mkm) (error 1%)
(7)Mars  Data
687 days (Mars orbital period) /(2π) = 109.3 days
109.3 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 787 million km = Jupiter orbital distance 778.6 million km  (error 2%)
778.6 million km= 57.9 mkm + 108.2 mkm + 149.6 mkm + 227.9 mkm+ 227.9 mkm
Means- Mars Value (787 = 778 = the four inner planets orbital distances total + the Earth moon orbital distance to the sun (which is considered = Mars orbital distance)
Here the value provided the distances total and not the circumferences total
But Mars follows the rule perfectly because
The value (778) = the 5 planets orbital distances total
(8)Earth Data
365.25 days (Earth orbital period) /(2π) = 58.1 days
58.1 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 418 million km = 149.6 mkm (Earth orbital distance) + 2 x 108.2 mkm (Venus orbital distance) + 57.9 mkm (Mercury orbital distance)
The Earth follows the rule- the modification can be done by the moon effect on the earth motion.
(9)Venus  Data
224.7 days (Earth orbital period) /(2π) = 35.76 days
35.76 x 24 x (300000 km/s)= 258 million km = 149.6 mkm  (Earth orbital distance)+ 108.2 mkm (Venus orbital distance)
(10)Mercury Data
88 days (Earth orbital period) /(2π) = 14 days
14 x 24 x (300000 km/s)  = 100.8 million km = 2 x 50.4  
50.4 million km = Mercury Venus Distance
The Comment On The Data
We notice a deep interaction between Mars and Jupiter where Jupiter orbital period (4331 days /2π)= 687 days (Mars orbital period)  
And Mars value (109.3 days) enables the light to pass a distance 778.6 mkm
109.3 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 778.6 million km (Jupiter orbital distance) 
That shows deep interaction between Mars and Jupiter which is logical behavior because Mars is a migrant planet and Mars created an interaction with Jupiter to enable Mars to stay in its New orbit and prevent any more migration.
Mars orbital period 687 days = 88 (Mercury) + 224.7 (Venus) + 365.25 (Earth)
(error 1.5%)
Notice - 551 mkm (Mars Jupiter distance) = 57.9 mkm (Mercury orbital distance) + 108.2 mkm (Venus orbital distance) + 149.6 mkm (Earth orbital distance) + 227.9 mkm (Mars orbital distance) (error 1.5%)
The data shows very important fact
The data tells that (The Light Motion Is The Main Player Behind All Data)
Let's use the sea water as example
The sea water motion is the main player behind the sea waves, the ship sailing, the fish swimming and the cause for any motion in the sea - Different forms of motions in the sea we can discover but the motion reason and motor is the same one reason and motor –  This is the useful result of this data- it's simply a major proof for my theory- the light motion is the reason behind all planets motions and data-
Notice - Why Is The Planets Data Analysis Method Important?
The planets data analysis makes some anatomy for the planets data, by that, we can know how this planet data is created and what geometrical reason caused to create this data- the planets data analysis also enable us to discover if a planet violates a rule used by the other planets- and it shows the geometrical reason behind this violation-
1-14 Light defines each planet orbital period
The light defines each planet orbital period based on this planet diameter
142984 s x (0.3)^2 = 12868 = π x 4331 (error 5%)
120536 s x (0.3)^2 = 10747
51118 s x (0.3)      = 30589/2
49528 s x (0.3)^2   = 4457
7510 s x (0.3) x 4π^2 = 88945 (= 90560 error 1.8%) (notice 7510 x 4π^2 =296483)
6792 s x (0.3)^2    = 611
7510 s x (0.3)^2    = 676 = 687 (error 1.5%)
12756 s x (0.3)^2   = 1148 = π x 365.25
12104 s x (0.3)^2   = 1089 = (π^2)/2 x 224.7
4879 s x (0.3)^2    = 439 = (π^2)/2 x 88
7070 s x (0.3)^2    = 637 = 687 / 1.0725
The left side data is the planets diameters, in details
142984 km, 120536 km, 51118 km, 49528 km and 7510 km are the diameters of (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune respectively and 7510km =Pluto circumference)
6792 km, 12756 km, 12014 km and 4879 km are the diameters of (Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury respectively) – all diameters are used as periods of time with the rate (1 km = 1 second) - The periods are used by light known speed (300000 km/s)
The right side is the planets orbital periods
12868 = π x 4331 (error 5%) (4331 days = Jupiter orbital period)
10747 days = Saturn orbital period
30589 days = Uranus orbital period
90560 days = Pluto orbital period
4457 million km = Neptune orbital distance
That shows Neptune produced its orbital distance in place of its orbital period based on the same rule proves that Neptune is found on the opposite direction to the other planets.
687 days      = Mars orbital period (with 611 the error 12%)!
1148 days    = π x 365.25 days (Earth Orbital Period)
1089 days  = (π^2)/2 x 224.7 days (Venus Orbital Period)
439              = (π^2)/2 x 88 days (Mercury Orbital Period)
7070 s x (0.3)^2    = 637 = 687 / 1.0725
7070 km was Mars original diameter before its migration- and the rate 1.0725 is found by Lorentz length contraction effect.
 The Comment On The Data
The data shows the following
Light Motion Connects Each Planet Diameter With Its Orbital Period
The equation modifications can NOT refute the theory because the modifications depend on geometrical constant as (π), or depend on the using of (C) or (C^2)- these values can't be considered new values nor change the rule because they are geometrical constants which shows modifications are done for the energy- for example- the energy reflection causes to square the speed, by that, the planets which us (C) have no reflection of energy but the planets use (C^2) are suffered from the energy reflection- Shortly- the modifications can't refute the theory- means- the data tells – planet orbital period is defined based on this planet diameter by effect of the speed of light
I-15 Can Planet Diameter Be Used As A Period Of Time
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 10921 s a distance = 142984 km = Jupiter diameter
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 7510 s a distance =51118 km = Uranus diameter
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 10921 s a distance =51118 km = Uranus diameter
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 51118 s a distance =2 x 102536 km = Saturn diameter
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 120536 s a distance =1.1318 mkm
(1.13184 mkm = Jupiter motion distance per solar day)
10921 km = The Moon Circumference 
7510 km   = Pluto Circumference
The data shows the planets diameters are used as periods of time (for planets motions) also and not only for light motion – the fact is proved simply
The Comment On The Data
My planet diameter equation proves that planet diameter is created as a period of time because the diameter is created as a function in this planet rotation period.
The previous data is example of many similar which proves the planet diameter is used as period of time.
How can the planet diameter be used as a period of time?
Planet diameter is used as a period to define another planet diameter-
The idea is that- the solar system is created from one motion (the original light beam motion)- by this one motion all planets diameters are created for that each planet diameter defines the next planet diameter.
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
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khruschevshoe · 9 months
Me, really not understanding why people don't like the Long Game: It's got the best example of both the worst of humanity and the best in Adam and Cathica, it's got a great first example in New Who of one of my favorite tropes "this timeline is really not where it's supposed to be at, let's go investigate," it's literally the Doctor and Rose solving a mystery together, it's got a great cheesy, bad-CGI villain that skewers Capitalism like all the best episodes do, it's got amazing NineRose chemistry/moments, it introduces Satellite Five (which might just be my bias coming in, but three of my favorite episodes of all time-The Long Game, Bad Wolf, the Part of the Ways) all take place on Satellite Five, so it gives me nostalgia), it has Simon Pegg chewing the scenery, it reinforces why the Rose/Nine dynamic works, and have I mentioned that I love Cathica with all my heart? Anyway, in this essay I will-
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
there really is a cultural pressure for transmascs & men to detransition, and it comes from all sides. it comes from the queer community too, not just terfs and cishet transphobes.
it took me a while to realize why transphobic people and transandrophobic queers utterly despise trans guys & mascs who are over the age of like 25- it's because it pisses them right off that we've resisted their attempts to make us detransition. it makes them so angry to see they were unable to groom that person into a life of self-shame and repression. it really seems like MOST people believe that trans men will just detransition eventually in life? people NEVER think about older trans men, only teenage trans boys and trans men in their very early twenties.
when i was involved with my local punk scene i was addressed with condescension, almost everyone around me didn't accept transmasculinity as a legitimate identity and thought that we would've transitioned by now in life. i encountered folks who would talk about transmasculinity with subtle disgust that made me feel like i was doing something wrong, and people who expressed overt disgust, saying in plain english that they were disgusted by breasts and vaginas because they were gay men. all along the way i was literally mocked for not having a penis, and one of my roommates started treating me differently once they found out i didn't have one (because they were attracted to me)
i've been on T for 9 years, and been out as a trans man for a bit longer than that, and i noticed as i've aged i've also attracted a lot of folks who have tried to deter me from identifying as a trans man, either through directly telling me that trans men are inherently dangerous, or by implying that women or another gender are safer, quieter, calmer, "less traumatizing to be around," etc. one of my exes told me they were terrified to date me (despite literally going out of their way to do so for over half a year) because they were scared i would be transphobic to them because i'm a transmasculine lesbian.
i received pressure from online friends to either detransition and become an intersex butch woman, or to something feminine adjacent or nonbinary. for years i dealt with a few friends who kept subtly hinting that i should stop identifying as a trans man or trans masc because of how awful transmascs are- going as far as to sending me screenshots of transmascs speaking, complaining about them and calling them whiny, annoying. talking about how all transmascs are entitled, how all transmascs take things too personally, how we complain too much, and so on.
people make no effort to make space for transmascs and men. i met 0 transmascs in my local punk community that i was able to stay in contact with. none. i met a few in passing but none that actually were introduced to me in a capacity where i could actually try to befriend them. it really felt like other punks in the scene were desperately trying to keep the transmascs apart at times. excuses were made as to why i couldn't hang out with other transmascs i liked, but i was constantly being forced to befriend transphobic cis gay men and transandrophobic transfemmes who outwardly expressed hatred and disgust of us. it really felt like it was on purpose... almost as if other members of this community wanted our attention, but never wanted us to give each other attention or a sense of community. like we were objects, not people to be included in the community for real. satellite friends, if you will.
i'll be honest with you. i was at my lowest at this point. i realized i wasn't just a trans man and that i'm a genderqueer person who experiences multiple genders, including womanhood and an "other" gender, which was great. however now i was being forced to completely stuff down being a man for the sake of other people. instead of folks telling me they'd rather not hang out with transmascs, folks rather just attempted to guilt me for identifying as such in the hopes i'd stop identifying that way. i was being told daily that trans men and mascs are inherently violent and terrible to be around. i was in discord servers where transmascs were being kicked constantly for getting even slightly upset about transandrophobia, or being unfairly targeted by staff.
it's violence, but nobody wants to call it that. i pulled myself out of there and am now able to contact other transmascs and trans men who are proud of who they are and have elevated me back into a headspace where it's okay to truly be myself. just keep in mind that if you feel like you're in that situation, you're not alone. people who attempt to groom others are often very subtle it's not always up front. they will start slipping in hateful sentiments very slowly and make you feel like maybe they're the ones who are actually right.
it feels good to be an almost 32 year old trans guy. there's nothing to be ashamed about there. people project their feelings on to my gender and that has nothing to do with me. it has nothing to do with you, either. people will just project on to you for whatever reason- hatred is usually the motivator there. if you encounter folks who keep trying to badger you out of identifying as your gender, no matter who you are, transmasc, transfemme, transneutral, trans anything- they are not good for you. they are not your friends. they do not accept you as you are and you deserve so much better.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
China’s massive rollout of renewable energy is accelerating, its investments in the sector growing so large that international climate watchdogs now expect the country’s greenhouse-gas emissions to peak years earlier than anticipated—possibly as soon as this year[!!!].
China installed 217 gigawatts worth of solar power last year alone, a 55% increase, according to new government data. That is more than 500 million solar panels and well above the total installed solar capacity of the U.S. [...]
Wind-energy installation additions were 76 gigawatts last year, more than the rest of the world combined. That amounted to more than 20,000 new turbines across the country, including the world’s largest, [...]
The low-carbon capacity additions, which also included hydropower and nuclear, were for the first time large enough that their power output could cover the entire annual increase in Chinese electricity demand [!!!!], analysts say. The dynamic suggests that coal-fired generation—which accounts for 70% of overall emissions for the world’s biggest polluter—is set to decline in the years to come, according to the Paris-based International Energy Agency and Lauri Myllyvirta, the Helsinki-based lead analyst at the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.[...]
Its rapid emissions growth long provided fodder for critics who said Beijing wasn’t committed to fighting climate change or supporting the Paris accord, the landmark climate agreement that calls for governments to attempt to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius over preindustrial temperatures. Now, analysts and officials say Beijing’s efforts are lending momentum to the Paris process, which requires governments to draft new emissions plans every five years.
“An early peak would have a lot of symbolic value and send a signal to the world that we’ve turned a corner," said Jan Ivar Korsbakken, a senior researcher at the Oslo-based Center for International Climate and Environmental Research.
In 2020, Chinese leader Xi Jinping pledged that the country’s emissions would begin falling before 2030 and hit net zero before 2060, part of its plan prepared under the Paris accord. He also said China would have 1,200 gigawatts of total solar- and wind-power capacity by the end of this decade. The country is six years ahead of schedule: China reached 1,050 gigawatts of wind and solar capacity at the end of 2023, and the China Electricity Council forecast last month that capacity would top 1,300 gigawatts by the end of this year.[...]
Transition Zero, a U.K.-based nonprofit that uses satellite images to monitor industrial activity and emissions in China, says the official data are “broadly aligned and consistent" with theirs.[...]
[M]oving China’s timeline for an overall emissions peak forward could shave off around 0.3 to 0.4 degrees Celsius of projected global warming if emissions started to decline next decade, analysts say.[...]
The most certain variable in the equation is the breakneck pace of China’s renewable-energy rollout, which analysts expect will continue to add 200 to 300 gigawatts of new wind and solar capacity a year. The investments in renewable energy have become a major driver of the Chinese economy. The country’s clean-energy spending totaled $890 billion last year, up 40%. [...]
The adoption of electric vehicles is happening so rapidly that analysts say peak gasoline demand in China was already reached last year[!!!].
10 Feb 24
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Utah’s getting some of America’s best broadband
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TOMORROW (May 17), I'm at the INTERNET ARCHIVE in SAN FRANCISCO to keynote the 10th anniversary of the AUTHORS ALLIANCE.
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Residents of 21 cities in Utah have access to some of the fastest, most competitively priced broadband in the country, at speeds up to 10gb/s and prices as low as $75/month. It's uncapped, and the connections are symmetrical: perfect for uploading and downloading. And it's all thanks to the government.
This broadband service is, of course, delivered via fiber optic cable. Of course it is. Fiber is vastly superior to all other forms of broadband delivery, including satellites, but also cable and DSL. Fiber caps out at 100tb/s, while cable caps out at 50gb/s – that is, fiber is 1,000 times faster:
Despite the obvious superiority of fiber, America has been very slow to adopt it. Our monopolistic carriers act as though pulling fiber to our homes is an impossible challenge. All those wires that currently go to your house, from power-lines to copper phone-lines, are relics of a mysterious, fallen civilization and its long-lost arts. Apparently we could no more get a new wire to your house than we could build the pyramids using only hand-tools.
In a sense, the people who say we can't pull wires anymore are right: these are relics of a lost civilization. Specifically, electrification and later, universal telephone service was accomplished through massive federal grants under the New Deal – grants that were typically made to either local governments or non-profit co-operatives who got everyone in town connected to these essential modern utilities.
Today – thanks to decades of neoliberalism and its dogmatic insistence that governments can't do anything and shouldn't try, lest they break the fragile equilibrium of the market – we have lost much of the public capacity that our grandparents took for granted. But in the isolated pockets where this capacity lives on, amazing things happen.
Since 2015, residents of Jackson County, KY – one of the poorest counties in America – have enjoyed some of the country's fastest, cheapest, most reliable broadband. The desperately poor Appalachian county is home to a rural telephone co-op, which grew out of its rural electrification co-op, and it used a combination of federal grants and local capacity to bring fiber to every home in the county, traversing dangerous mountain passes with a mule named "Ole Bub" to reach the most remote homes. The result was an immediately economic uplift for the community, and in the longer term, the county had reliable and effective broadband during the covid lockdowns:
Contrast this with places where the private sector has the only say over who gets broadband, at what speed, and at what price. America is full of broadband deserts – deserts that strand our poorest people. Even in the hearts of our largest densest cities, whole neighborhoods can't get any broadband. You won't be surprised to learn that these are the neighborhoods that were historically redlined, and that the people who live in them are Black and brown, and also live with some of the highest levels of pollution and its attendant sicknesses:
These places are not set up for success under the best of circumstances, and during the lockdowns, they suffered terribly. You think your kid found it hard to go to Zoom school? Imagine what life was like for kids who attended remote learning while sitting on the baking tarmac in a Taco Bell parking lot, using its free wifi:
ISPs loathe competition. They divide up the country into exclusive territories like the Pope dividing up the "new world" and do not trouble one another by trying to sell to customers outside of "their" turf. When Frontier – one of the worst of America's terrible ISPs – went bankrupt, we got to see their books, and we learned two important facts:
The company booked one million customers who had no alternative as an asset, because they would pay more for slower broadband, and Frontier could save a fortune by skipping maintenance, and charging these customers for broadband even through multi-day outages; and
Frontier knew that it could make a billion dollars in profit over a decade by investing in fiber build-out, but it chose not to, because stock analysts will downrank any carrier that made capital investments that took more than five years to mature. Because Frontier's execs were paid primarily in stock, they chose to strand their customers with aging copper connections and to leave a billion dollars sitting on the table, so that their personal net worth didn't suffer a temporary downturn:
ISPs maintain the weirdest position: that a) only the private sector can deliver broadband effectively, but b) to do so, they'll need massive, unsupervised, no-strings-attached government handouts. For years, America went along with this improbable scheme, which is why Trump's FCC chairman Ajit Pai gave the carriers $45 billion in public funds to string slow, 19th-century-style copper lines across rural America:
Now, this is obviously untrue, and people keep figuring out that publicly provisioned broadband is the only way for America to get the same standard of broadband connectivity that our cousins in other high-income nations enjoy. In order to thwart the public's will, the cable and telco lobbyists joined ALEC, the far-right, corporatist lobbying shop, and drafted "model legislation" banning cities and counties from providing broadband, even in places the carriers chose not to serve:
Red states across America adopted these rules, and legislators sold this to their base by saying that this was just "keeping the government out of their internet" (even as every carrier relied on an exclusive, government-granted territorial charter, often with massive government subsidies).
ALEC didn't target red states exclusively because they had pliable, bribable conservative lawmakers. Red states trend rural, and rural places are the most likely sites for public fiber. Partly, that's because low-density areas are harder to make a business case for, but also because these are also the places that got electricity and telephone through New Deal co-ops, which are often still in place.
Just about the only places in America where people like their internet service are the 450+ small towns where the local government provides fiber. These places vote solidly Republican, and it was their beloved conservative lawmakers whom ALEC targeted to enact laws banning their equally beloved fiber – keep voting for Christmas, turkeys, and see where it gets you:
But spare a little sympathy for the conservative movement here. The fact that reality has a pronounced leftist bias must be really frustrating for the ideological project of insisting that anything the market can't provide is literally impossible.
Which brings me back to Utah, a red state with a Republican governor and legislature, and a national leader in passing unconstitutional, unhinged, unworkable legislation as part of an elaborate culture war kabuki:
For more than two decades, a coalition of 21 cities in Utah have been building out municipal fiber. The consortium calls itself UTOPIA: "Utah Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agency":
UTOPIA pursues a hybrid model: they run "open access" fiber and then let anyone offer service over it. This can deliver the best of both worlds: publicly provisioned, blazing-fast fiber to your home, but with service provided by your choice of competing carriers. That means that if Moms for Liberty captures you local government, you're not captive to their ideas about what sites your ISP should block.
As Karl Bode writes for Techdirt, Utahns in UTOPIA regions have their choice of 18 carriers, and competition has driven down prices and increased speeds. Want uncapped 1gb fiber? That's $75/month. Want 10gb fiber? That's $150:
UTOPIA's path to glory wasn't an easy one. The dismal telco monopolists Qwest and Lumen sued to put them out of business, delaying the rollout by years:
UTOPIA has been profitable and self-sustaining for over 15 years and shows no sign of slowing. But 17 states still ban any attempt at this.
Keeping up such an obviously bad policy requires a steady stream of distractions and lies. The "government broadband doesn't work" lie has worn thin, so we've gotten a string of new lies about wireless service, insisting that fiber is obviated by point-to-point microwave relays, or 5g, or satellite service.
There's plenty of places where these services make sense. You're not going to be able to use fiber in a moving car, so yeah, you're going to want 5g (and those 5g towers are going to need to be connected to each other with fiber). Microwave relay service can fill the gap until fiber can be brought in, and it's great for temporary sites (especially in places where it doesn't rain, because rain, clouds, leaves and other obstructions are deadly for microwave relays). Satellite can make sense for an RV or a boat or remote scientific station.
But wireless services are orders of magnitude slower than fiber. With satellite service, you share your bandwidth with an entire region or even a state. If there's only a couple of users in your satellite's footprint, you might get great service, but when your carrier adds a thousand more customers, your connection is sliced into a thousand pieces.
That's also true for everyone sharing your fiber trunk, but the difference is that your fiber trunk supports speeds that are tens of thousands of times faster than the maximum speeds we can put through freespace electromagnetic spectrum. If we need more fiber capacity, we can just fish a new strand of fiber through the conduit. And while you can increase the capacity of wireless by increasing your power and bandwidth, at a certain point you start pump so much EM into the air that birds start falling out of the sky.
Every wireless device in a region shares the same electromagnetic spectrum, and we are only issued one such spectrum per universe. Each strand of fiber, by contrast, has its own little pocket universe, containing a subset of that spectrum.
Despite all its disadvantages, satellite broadband has one distinct advantage, at least from an investor's perspective: it can be monopolized. Just as we only have one electromagnetic spectrum, we also only have one sky, and the satellite density needed to sustain a colorably fast broadband speed pushes the limit of that shared sky:
Private investors love monopoly telecoms providers, because, like pre-bankruptcy Frontier, they are too big to care. Back in 2021, Altice – the fourth-largest cable operator in America – announced that it was slashing its broadband speeds, to be "in line with other ISPs":
In other words: "We've figured out that our competitors are so much worse than we are that we are deliberately degrading our service because we know you will still pay us the same for less."
This is why corporate shills and pro-monopolists prefer satellite to municipal fiber. Sure, it's orders of magnitude slower than fiber. Sure, it costs subscribers far more. Sure, it's less reliable. But boy oh boy is it profitable.
The thing is, reality has a pronounced leftist bias. No amount of market magic will conjure up new electromagnetic spectra that will allow satellite to attain parity with fiber. Physics hates Starlink.
Yeah, I'm talking about Starlink. Of course I am. Elon Musk basically claims that his business genius can triumph over physics itself.
That's not the only vast, impersonal, implacable force that Musk claims he can best with his incredible reality-distortion field. Musk also claims that he can somehow add so many cars to the road that he will end traffic – in other words, he will best geometry too:
Geometry hates Tesla, and physics hates Starlink. Reality has a leftist bias. The future is fiber, and public transit. These are both vastly preferable, more efficient, safer, more reliable and more plausible than satellite and private vehicles. Their only disadvantage is that they fail to give an easily gulled, thin-skinned compulsive liar more power over billions of people. That's a disadvantage I can live with.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: 4028mdk09 (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rote_LED_Fiberglasleuchte.JPG
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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avnnetwork · 3 months
Connecting the World: Telecommunications Satellites Enhance Global Communication Networks
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In an increasingly interconnected world, the role of telecommunications has never been more critical. The rapid growth of digital communication technologies has significantly transformed the way we live, work, and interact with one another. At the heart of this transformation lies a technology that orbits high above us – telecommunications satellites. These sophisticated machines play a pivotal role in bridging gaps across continents, bringing people closer, and enabling the seamless exchange of information on a global scale.
Telecommunications satellites are the backbone of modern communication networks. These satellites are designed to transmit signals across vast distances, overcoming the limitations of terrestrial infrastructure. By relaying signals from one point on the Earth's surface to another, they enable instant communication, regardless of geographical barriers. This capability has revolutionized various sectors, from media broadcasting to internet services, emergency communications, and more.
The Evolution of Telecommunications Satellites
The journey of telecommunications satellites began in the mid-20th century. Early experiments with satellite communication laid the groundwork for what would become a global network. The launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, in 1957 marked the dawn of the space age. However, it wasn't until the launch of the first geostationary satellite in 1965 that the true potential of satellite communication was realized. This satellite, positioned in a fixed location relative to the Earth's surface, could provide continuous coverage to a specific region, paving the way for real-time communication across the globe.
Since then, telecommunications satellites have evolved dramatically. Advances in technology have led to the development of more sophisticated satellites with greater capacity, reliability, and efficiency. Modern satellites are equipped with high-powered transponders, enabling them to handle large volumes of data transmission. These advancements have expanded the capabilities of satellite communication, making it an indispensable part of the global communication network.
How Telecommunications Satellites Work
The operation of telecommunications satellites is based on the principles of radio frequency transmission. These satellites receive signals from ground-based stations, amplify them, and retransmit them back to other ground stations. The process involves several key components:
Uplink: The transmission of signals from a ground station to the satellite. This is typically done using high-frequency radio waves.
Transponder: The component within the satellite that receives the uplink signal, amplifies it, and changes its frequency for retransmission.
Downlink: The transmission of signals from the satellite back to a ground station. This completes the communication loop, allowing the original signal to reach its intended destination.
Satellites are positioned in different orbits depending on their specific functions. Geostationary satellites, which orbit at approximately 35,786 kilometers above the equator, provide continuous coverage to specific regions. Low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, positioned much closer to the Earth's surface, offer lower latency and are often used for services requiring real-time data transmission, such as internet connectivity.
Impact on Global Communication Networks
The impact of telecommunications satellites on global communication networks is profound. They have enabled a level of connectivity that was previously unimaginable, facilitating the seamless exchange of information across vast distances. Here are some key areas where their impact is most evident:
Media and Broadcasting
Telecommunications satellites have revolutionized the media and broadcasting industry. They enable the transmission of television and radio signals to remote and underserved areas, ensuring that people worldwide have access to information and entertainment. Live broadcasts of major events, such as sports competitions and political speeches, are made possible through satellite technology, allowing audiences to experience these moments in real time.
Internet Connectivity
In many parts of the world, terrestrial internet infrastructure is either insufficient or nonexistent. Telecommunications satellites provide a vital solution to this problem by offering internet connectivity to remote and rural areas. Satellite internet services have become increasingly popular, providing reliable and high-speed internet access to communities that were previously disconnected.
Emergency Communications
During natural disasters and emergencies, terrestrial communication networks are often disrupted. Telecommunications satellites play a crucial role in providing emergency communication services, ensuring that rescue and relief operations can be coordinated effectively. Satellite phones and portable satellite communication devices are essential tools for first responders and humanitarian organizations, enabling them to maintain communication in even the most challenging conditions.
Global Navigation Systems
Telecommunications satellites are also integral to global navigation systems. They provide the precise timing and positioning data required for navigation and location-based services. These systems are essential for various applications, including aviation, maritime, and land transportation, as well as for personal navigation devices used by millions of people worldwide.
Future Trends and Developments
The field of telecommunications satellites is continually evolving, driven by advancements in technology and increasing demand for connectivity. Several trends and developments are shaping the future of this industry:
High Throughput Satellites (HTS)
High throughput satellites represent a significant advancement in satellite technology. These satellites offer substantially increased data transmission capacity, enabling faster and more reliable communication services. HTS technology is particularly beneficial for providing broadband internet access to remote and underserved areas, helping to bridge the digital divide.
Constellations of LEO Satellites
One of the most exciting developments in satellite communication is the deployment of constellations of low Earth orbit satellites. These constellations consist of hundreds or even thousands of small satellites working together to provide global coverage. LEO constellations offer lower latency and higher data transfer rates compared to traditional geostationary satellites, making them ideal for applications such as internet of things (IoT) connectivity and real-time data services.
Advances in Satellite Manufacturing
Advances in satellite manufacturing are making it possible to produce smaller, more cost-effective satellites. These miniaturized satellites, often referred to as smallsats or cubesats, can be launched in large numbers, providing flexible and scalable communication solutions. The reduced cost of manufacturing and launching these satellites is driving innovation and enabling new players to enter the market.
Integration with Terrestrial Networks
The integration of satellite communication with terrestrial networks is another key trend. Hybrid networks that combine satellite and terrestrial technologies can offer seamless connectivity, ensuring that users have access to reliable communication services regardless of their location. This integration is particularly important for providing consistent internet coverage in areas with challenging terrain or sparse infrastructure.
Challenges and Considerations
While telecommunications satellites offer numerous benefits, there are also challenges and considerations to address. One of the primary challenges is the cost associated with launching and maintaining satellites. The development, launch, and operation of satellites require significant investment, which can be a barrier for some organizations.
Additionally, the increasing number of satellites in orbit raises concerns about space debris and collision risks. Ensuring the long-term sustainability of space activities requires careful management of satellite operations and the implementation of measures to mitigate the risk of space debris.
Telecommunications satellites have fundamentally transformed global communication networks, enabling instant connectivity and information exchange across vast distances. From media broadcasting and internet connectivity to emergency communications and global navigation, the impact of these satellites is far-reaching and profound.
As technology continues to advance, the future of telecommunications satellites looks promising. High throughput satellites, LEO constellations, and advancements in satellite manufacturing are set to further enhance the capabilities of satellite communication. By overcoming challenges and embracing innovation, telecommunications satellites will continue to play a crucial role in connecting the world, bridging gaps, and enabling a more connected and informed global community.
In a world where connectivity is essential, telecommunications satellites stand as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of progress. They embody the spirit of exploration and innovation, bringing people closer together and fostering a sense of global unity. As we look to the future, the continued evolution of telecommunications satellites promises to unlock new possibilities and drive the next wave of communication advancements.
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niqhtlord01 · 2 months
Humans are weird: The Long War
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
War’s often did not last long when fought between warring galactic powers. They often fell within one of two categories.
The first would be a short but brutal war in which one side had overwhelming superiority over their rival and would decimate them within a short period of time either resulting in the defeated offering concessions for peace or being incorporated into the victors realm as a new territory.
The second and less frequent of the two would be a drawn out conflict that would reach a stalemate at some point due to the near equal power of the opposing sides resulting in a peace treaty or more likely a cease fire that would last for a few years before resuming hostilities.
These two outcomes were the most frequent as with the age of space travel often came great leaps and bounds in other forms of technology; many times said technology being diverted to respective military industrial complexes.
Weapons that could carve up continents from orbit or snap starships in two like twigs left little in room for anything else.
Humans did not share this notion.
In quite a contrast to the standard norm human military planners also considered lengthier drawn out conflicts. Data sheets and computer banks were filled with projections for supply consumption, industrial production capacities, troop conscription rates, and even the designated planetary ration levels that would be acceptable before general population revolts within their own territory.
This practice was first demonstrated when conflict broke out between the Drumengi and the Terran Republic after a series of trade disputes resulted in the Drumengi seizing several dozen human trade vessels and demanding a ransom for their return. This was a grave insult and the Terran Republic responded the next day with an open declaration of war.
While the Drumengi did not have a sizable fleet, they had invested in a wide range of defensive orbital installations that dotted their territory in what was known as the “Halo of Iron”. No fleet had ever been able to breach the defenses of the Halo and so previous wars had gone for little more than a year before a peace treaty was negotiated. The Drumengi expected as much and planned to force humanity to the negotiation table.
It was unfortunate no one had informed the humans of this plan as the terran’s had already devised a plan to crack the halo.
 Establishing a vast network of relay stations, automated satellite weapons platforms, and mobile fleet waystation’s that were brought in and placed along key trade routes into Drumengi territory, humanity established an iron halo of their own. Once the human ring was completed warning beacons were activated and a message was broadcasted in every language declaring the territory an active warzone and refused passage for any ship to try and cross through it.
Initially the Drumengi were inclined this was the prelude to a massive invasion fleet and prepared themselves, but as the months turned to years still no attack came. Human fleets patrolled the surrounding systems and intercepted all ships that tried to breach their lines with the help of the relay stations that were constantly scanning the surrounding space for ships.
Three years passed and soon every ship learned to avoid Drumengi space for fear of human retaliation; and that is when the Drumengi learned the true plan of humanity.
They never intended to besiege their defensive ring in some full frontal do or die charge. Instead they had formed a blockade that now was choking the very life of the Drumengi economy month by month.
It was never intended for the war to last more than a year, two at max, but now humanity was still showing no signs of relenting as the war dragged on to the fourth year. Critical supplies had not been stored in sufficient quantities for an extended war and while the public was assured of an eventual victory, Drumengi planners were beginning to panic. Worlds within Drumengi space were reporting that their stockpiles had dropped 32% since the war began and were increasingly demanding to open negotiations with the humans.
With little offensive capabilities the Drumengi were forced to sit behind their iron halo and continue to wait out the humans. Several delegations had been sent to other powers to open up channels and begin laying the ground work for peace talks, but each time they were informed that the talks were stalled by human counterparts who proceeded to drag their feet over every minor detail. One delegation went so far to report that a human diplomat would not accept any document unless it was written with a “Ballpoint Pen, color blue”. No one had any idea what that was exactly and even after researching it the device took another three weeks to be shipped in only for the human to reject it again saying that they had imported red pens instead.
The war dragged into the fifth year and supply levels had reached critical across the entire Drumengi domain. Supply levels had decreased by 67% for most worlds while fuel levels now were at a critical 13%. Travel was limited to military personnel, government officials, and what limited transportation still remained. Food riots had broken out in several major metropolitan areas on numerous planets and were becoming increasingly difficult to put down. In some cases the magistrates sent to neutralize the riots switched sides and joined the rioters, beckoning the military to get involved as well. That did little to settle the matter however as then the government worried how long it would be until the military switched sides as well.
With heavy hearts and empty bellies the Drumengi leadership finally came to humanity directly and offered to surrender. No terms were asked for save the resumption of trade and the dismantling of the human ring of iron.
The humans agreed to the first measure, but denied the second. Their ring of iron would remain, as a reminder of how easily humanity could cripple them again should the Drumengi ever show their hand again. They also insisted on reparations for maintaining such an extensive grid and exacted a high sum of credits as well. The Drumengi were outraged at this. They were told not only to surrender but to also pay for their imprisonment? The government would be overthrown within a fortnight when the general population heard the news.
Their pleas fell on deaf ears as the humans reiterated their demands once more.
As they had planned ahead for their long war, so too had they planned for the end result. They had changed the nature of the war and had steered it to the point where either outcome would be in their benefit. If the Drumengi agreed to the terms the current government would collapse in on itself as the general population railed against humanities demands, but if they refused their supplies would run out at the general public would once again violently rise up across their entire domain and their territory would become nothing more than mere pocket kingdoms for despots and criminals.
Regardless of the choice, the long war would finally be at an end.  
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brittle-doughie · 9 months
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Infinity and Beyond - Looking Into The Sweet Signals from Space Update!
We’re finding the imposters among us with this one!
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The aim of this concept is to have it be a multi-update deal akin to the Dragons storyline with how they say “like the dragon series, we’re diving into a story set in a rich, expansive universe”. This peaked my interest, I’d love to see what they have in store! I know there are some folks who like or don’t like the Dragons story, so I wonder what you all think of this!
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Meet Astronaut Cookie! She’s cute, has an ice cream sandwich satellite for a pet, even has a cat cookie motif with her costume? What more could you want! Yeah, her skill might be a bit too reminiscent of Cyborg’s (who also got a skin after 84 years lol), but I’m willing to look past that.
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Alright, I’m kind of vibing with the setting already, cookies are probably toothpaste, wonder if they clean your teeth when eaten. How does one “escape” or even fortify against a blackhole? The event itself sounds similar to the Sugar Maze event to me…in a way somehow. Wait, why is Stollen Cookie here?Also Planet H A M B O R G A R
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I’m now getting Star Wars: Rogue One flashbacks. Just like Cyborg, it’s been 84 years since he got attention, so I’m happy to see he got a cool skin to deck himself out with!
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The Surprise Bears. They can either go well or go very poorly, still means I don’t have to run over and over again for the god damn legendary ingredients. However, I do hope the challenges aren’t meant to be a cap in any way, since that already drags it down when you were able to AFK for hours beforehand, even if it sucked. Team Fight getting a gem boost might give me more incentive to play.
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(Gmod flatline sound effect plays)
The Deal with Legendaries is canceled, y’all /j. I can’t keep up with their pace, bro. I’m over here trying to write it from time to time and they already have another one on the way, I’m dead. Xylitol Nova himself is getting flak for having a supposedly dull design unworthy of the rarity, I’m already seeing it in the QRTs on Twitter lol. For me, I’ll wait until I cast judgment, he has a pretty cool skin though…
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(Astronaut Cookie looked all around her new setting, seeing the city’s sleek, clean, futuristic design she hasn’t seen much of back on Earthbread. The cookies here didn’t look all that different too, save for their ingredients being possibly toothpaste in some capacity. She was caught staring at this one cookie in particular, she observed them inspecting the shield and instructing the robots to different spots close to the barrier, Xylitol Nova Cookie chuckled at her once he noticed.)
Xylitol Nova Cookie: Ah, I see you’ve taken an interest in one of my cookies. That would be Xylitol Y/N Cookie, they’re in charge of making sure the barrier is in peak performance, they’ve been hard at work ever since we’ve seen reports of the blackhole.
(Xylitol Nova walked over to them as Astronaut followed. Meanwhile, you were instructing both cookies and robots alike on the status of the barrier, making sure that no fault in any way was detected. Until the voice of someone very familiar to you called your name..)
Xylitol Nova Cookie: Hello, Xylitol Y/N Cookie. How are you doing?
(You greeted Xylitol Nova in return and proceeded to ramble on about the barrier. You did your best at trying to speak to him, but couldn’t ignore that cookie next to him staring at you. It also looked like Xylitol Nova wasn’t taking your analysis seriously with that smile of his, something that bothered you to no end!)
Xylitol Nova Cookie: How routine of you, Xylitol Y/N Cookie. Always thinking about the barrier when we haven’t had any issues in the past couple rotations. We have a guest here today and I’d like for you to meet her-
(You couldn’t, you had to inspect the rest of the barrier-when Xylitol Nova Cookie suddenly hugged you from behind with a strong grip, a scene that made Astronaut Cookie feel…envious. You complained and grumbled as you try fruitlessly to free yourself)
Xylitol Nova Cookie: Xylitol Y/N Cookie. You are taking a break from now until further notice, I’d hate to use my authority on you, but this is for your own good. Feel free to interact with your fellow cookies, come and see me in my residence, or even introduce yourself to our guest here~! (I’d prefer you pick the second option in my opinion)
(You continued to struggle until it felt tighter to move, you looked to your front to see Astronaut Cookie hugging you from the front, her head resting on your chest. You swear she’s…shaking a little bit?)
Xylitol Nova Cookie: What do you know? Even our visitor is agreeing with me, she appears to have taken a liking to you too.
(…Who was this?)
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cursedvida · 4 months
I genuinely don’t get the reaction towards noamae. Do people think we’re out here shipping real human beings with real monkeys in real life?!
Is it so shocking to believe that a talking, genetically-altered ape who rides horses and tames eagles, who possesses rational thought and repairs wepaons could be potentially capable of developing complicated feelings for a girl from an underground bunker who lives in a post-apocalyptic world with other people escaping a virus that devolves them and was on a mission to get a chip to communicate with other people in space using 300 year old satellites and who managed to complete her mission with the help of said ape???
Have these people consumed fiction before?? Make believe worlds??? Unlikely pairings??? Fantastical ideas??? Whimsical illusions??!?
And then they call them animals…umm, isn’t the whole premise of the films about them not being just animals??? Isnt it a reality set WITHIN the universe of the films that they’re not just animals???
I’m lost 😵‍💫
As I said before, I don't care if people like the same things as me or not, or if they share my perspective on things. If they have an issue with those of us who see chemistry between the TWO FICTIONAL MAIN CHARACTERS of a movie, who are rational, thinking beings perfectly aware of their actions and with full decision-making capacity, then the problem is not mine, it's theirs. Basically because I'm not out there hating on people, I don't have that much free time lol
Anyway, it doesn't matter. I believe there's palpable chemistry, you can see it as romantic or platonic, but denying the obvious seems absurd to me, especially when it's confirmed that it's not just Noa's story, but the story of both, and that the initial idea has always been for their relationship (of whatever kind) to become one of the main axes of the new saga.
However, most of the people I've seen hating (and I mean hate, not just not liking the ship, which is totally legitimate) in the end are basically Mae haters, and their arguments, to me, have a background that rings too much of internalized misogyny for me to take them very seriously, but ok.
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witchofthesouls · 17 days
About the Other/Cybertronian!TFP crew in Jack, Raf and Miko…
What would their alt modes be like, do you think? Would they be more Autobot, Decepticon, or Predacon in nature? Also, what kind of shenanigans would each of them get into?
Personally, I do enjoy the thought that cyberized!humans would have a slant towards 'military' upgrades and beastial traits. Like a tribute to humanity's ties to the animal kingdom and their capacity for arms (tool usage lol). Think of it how a lot of civilian equipment, vehicles, fashion, and architecture, as well as groundbreaking discoveries, had a lot of roots from warfare or military applications.
Shoot, I'm thinking that Aligned verse cyber!humans could be considered throwbacks since the initial generations of early Cybertronians didn't have T-cogs!
I think it would be really fascinating to build on the Cybertronians' form of ableism (as seen with Bumblebee and Starscream with their stolen T-cogs) compared to a cyber!Agent Fowler -who was an Army Ranger-or a cyber!random human that lacks a weapon system and/or conventional armature. Plus, the massive culture clash between American views on social mobility versus Golden Age Functionist-held caste system.
(So much shenanigans there.)
Generally, my thoughts for their Cybertronian forms are consistent across the various Other aus with some tweaking on the plot and the world-building:
Jack has deep ties to blackbirds and corvids, so he's capable of flight. May have multi-forms as an ode to a fae heritage or something strange as a direct descendant to a Prime of Chaos upon a planet caging the Unmaker. Dark frame with a pale face. His (and his mother's) optics would be a grey-blue hue.
Miko is a War-Forged Seeker femme. A lot of is due my headcanons on Seekers (and their kin) and her yōkai roots. War-Forged is what I'm specifically calling Elita One's frame-kith. Cybertronians used to bleed pink, so the bright pink armor is callback their Primal Age and their ancient roots. War-Forged are mecha with extreme combat-related programs that modern science as yet to come close to surpassing them.
As for Raf, he's a dragon. Not quite a Predacon, but it's definitely aligned. Or, weirdly enough, a satellite. I think it would be funny if he's similar to Soundwave in some ways there. The Autobots would need to deal with his data-cables. A dragon shape as it's a call his family's roots to being adventurers to Elsewhere, his dad being a dragon himself, and the old warning: "Here be dragons."
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itsgerges · 6 months
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Can A Light Beam Its Speed 1.16 million km per second Be Found? (Revised) https://app.box.com/s/vqn38cl5ufhdabcj4tdnm75fxbk1950f
The paper provides 4 hypotheses with their explanations and proves – let's provide them in following
Paper hypotheses
Hypothesis No. (1)
The space is created from one energy and this energy is provided by a light beam moves by a speed 1.16 million km per second – the speed is registered in the created space proves the speed is a fact.
Hypothesis No. (2)
The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By The Sun Gravitational Field– Moreover- The Sun Does NOT Produce A Gravitational Field And It Has No Massive Gravity- 
Hypothesis No. (3)
Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and Pluto was The Mercury Moon (Pluto size was equal Mercury size) But these two planets had migrated from their original orbits as a result for a collision- the planets migration caused a risk for the solar system geometrical design- Uranus and Jupiter the Two planets worked to repair the solar system design– that caused Jupiter orbit to be the main orbit in the solar system design- Jupiter orbit proves the speed 1.16 million km per second is a fact.   
Hypothesis No. (4)
The Sun Is a phenomenon created by the planets motions
The sun rays is created from the gravitational waves motions energies and the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies-
Based on that 
The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions
The Sun Is NOT Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays- instead- The Planets Motions Energies Total Is Used To Produce The Sun Rays
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion – means
The Planets Are Created And Moving In Their Orbits Around A Point Of Space Before The Sun Creation- And The Sun Is Created On This Point Of Space around which the planets revolve - And
No Planet moves by The Sun Gravity (Newton is Wrong) - And
The Sun Doesn't Produce A Gravitational Field (Einstein Is Wrong)
The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions– means-The Sun creation and death depends on a cycle – means – after this current sun death another sun will be created for the solar system.
The Hypotheses Explanation
The abstract provides the hypotheses explanation and the paper provides their proves and discussions- In following the hypotheses will be explained in details 
NOTICE - The creatures and all matters on the Earth are created from the sun light energy and the sun light speed is 300000 km/s, because of that, the creature realization is limited to the speed 300000 km/s and can't realize the original speed (1.16 million km per second) that means the speed 300000 km/s is a limit for the creatures realization and not for the universe design.   
Notice- this revised version adds only more proves for the paper first hypothesis-
Hypothesis No. (1)
The space is created from an energy and this energy is provided by a light beam moves by a speed 1.16 million km per second – the speed is registered in the created space which proves the speed is a fact
The Hypothesis Explanation
I- The Space Is Created By One Light Beam Energy- And This Light Beam Speed Is 1.16 million km per second
I-1 Preface (the main idea)
I-2 The Space Creation Method (the distances are one network)
I-3 Light Coherence between light (1.16 million km /s) and light (300000 km/s)
I-4 The Matter definition (based on my planet diameter equation)
I-5 The Planets Creation
I-6 Can The Time Machine Be A Fact?
The Hypothesis Proves
I-7 The Proves Logic Analysis
I-8 Planet Velocity Is A Function In A Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-9 Planets Orbits Are Defined By A Motion Its Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-10 Jupiter distances are defined by a motion by a speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-11 The Solar System Geometrical Design Proves The Hypothesis
I-12 The Solar System Distances Analysis Prove The Hypothesis
I-13 Deep Analysis For The Planets Orbits
1-14 Light defines each planet orbital period
I-15 Can Planet Diameter Be Used As A Period Of Time
I-16 Mercury Orbit Analysis
I-1 Preface (The Main Idea)
The solar system (planets and distances) is created from one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam and this light beam moves by speed (1.16 million km/s)
The space is created before the planets creation-
Let's write the whole story in following
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) started its motion from Mercury orbit moves toward Pluto orbit– by that– we consider Mercury orbit is the origin point-
Now- we should notice- No planet is created yet- the motion from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit defines the motion direction- and No planet is created before this motion end nor during this motion- the planets will be created after this motion is finished means when the light 1.16 million km per second reaches to Pluto (orbit)- after this event – the planets will be created –as I will explain later  
The light (1.16 million km per second) creates the distances by its motion- means- the light moves from Mercury point to Venus point– the distance from Mercury to Venus was not found and is created only by the light motion through it for first time- means – before the light motion this distance was NOT found- It's found after the light moves through this distance for first time-    
This is similar to the blood motion through the arteries, the blood creates these arteries and the blood moves through these arteries, but the blood created these arteries with its first motion and that needed energy- but – after the arteries creation the blood move through them without any energy is required- means- the first motion is the most important one because by it the arteries are created
Shortly- The space is created from the energy of this light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second – NOW- after the Space creation- the light beam energy is decreased because of the energy consumption in the space creation process- and the rest energy is one light beam its speed is (C=300000 km/s =the light known speed) – But - We understand that- it's the same one light beam- its speed was 1.16 million km /s before the space creation- and the light created the space and that caused to consume the light energy and that caused to decrease the light speed to be 300000 km/s
Shortly- the light beam started its motion from Mercury (orbit) with speed 1.16 million km /s and reaches to Pluto (orbit) with a speed 300000 km/s because of the energy consumption in the space creation process   
Let's give example to explain this idea
Imagine we create A Sea Of Water- we use energy to create this sea of water- now we have some energy and we use this energy to create this sea of water- BUT- our energy is NOT spent completely But there's a small part still rest with us – this small part of energy is used to create one wave moves through this sea and this wave speed is 300000 km/s (I suppose the space is similar to the sea of water)
Now – the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed 300000 km/s and this light beam is found NOW in Pluto Orbit – and this light beam will be reflected from Pluto orbit toward the inner planets– means- the rest energy will move in the reflected direction to the original light motion direction.
This idea will be explained in details in the next point- shortly
The light beam (300000 km/s) will be reflected from Pluto toward the inner planets
AND  the light 300000 km/s will meet the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) in the origin point (in fact – beside the origin point) and there's a coherence of light is done between the light beam (300000 km/s) and the light beam (1.16 million km per second) – this coherence of light is proved strongly- we have to ask (how can that be possible while the light beam 1.16 million km /s is consumed and the new light beam 300000 km/s is the rest energy? how this light beam (300000 km/s) can meet the original one (1.16 million km per second)? in points no. (I-3) and no.(I-6) I answer this question.
Notice (1) I suppose the rest energy is a light beam its speed is (C=300000 km/s) but this idea is for simplicity- the rest energy can be in any wave form its speed (C=300000 km/s) – no necessity to be in visible light beam form
It's simply energy moves by the known speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
Notice (2)
All Planets Orbits Are Defined Before Any Planet Creation-
The light used the distance from the sun to Pluto as one area and create one geometrical design for this area before any planet creation 
Notice (3)
The planets are created from the rest energy its speed (300000 km/s) – means- the space is created by the light 1.16 million km per second and the energy is consumed in the space creation and the rest energy is one light beam its speed 300000 km/s (or one wave moves by the known speed of light C=300000 km/s) – the solar planets are created from this one wave its speed 300000 km/s and that means all planets orbit are created and defined before any planet creation
Notice (4)
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creations And Motions
The sun is a phenomenon created by the planets motions energies total
The sun doesn't produce a gravitational field and doesn't have massive gravity
Logically – No planet moves by the sun gravity
(The Planet Moves With The Energy From Which The Planet Is Created – Newton is wrong- later we discuss the proves)
Notice (5)
The child (fetus) inside his mother is created by the blood motion- the blood motion creates arteries for this child and through these arteries the blood moves also but the arteries themselves are created by this same blood motion- Similar to that- the distances are created by the light motion energy and the light moves through these distances also but originally these distances themselves are created by the light motion energy-  means the distances creation is done with the first time of the light motion through them - that required energy- but after the distances are created no more energy is required- the light (or planet) can pass simply through these distances
I-2 The Space Creation Method (the distances are one network)
778.6 = 1.16 x 671
721    = 1.16 x 621
629    = 1.16 x 543
543    = 1.16 x 468
5906  = 1.16 x 5127
These numbers are distances in (million km)
778.6, 721, 671, 629, 551 are Jupiter distances to the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars respectively- 5906 and 5127 Pluto distances to the sun and Jupiter respectively     
468 = 936 /2 where (940 million km = the Earth orbital circumference)
The previous data tells us how the light beam motion creates the distances-
Simply the light uses a distance as (a period of time) and travels through this period another distance- that can be understood clearly from Jupiter distances- let's look deeply as possible
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) uses the period 629 seconds to pass a new distance = 729 million km (Mercury Jupiter distance is 721 million km error 1%) – where 629 million km = Jupiter Earth distance
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) uses the period 671 seconds to pas a new distance =778.6 million km (Jupiter orbital distance) 
where 671 million km = Jupiter Venus distance
by this method the light creates the distances based on each other- and that makes all distances to be created depends on one another and that makes all distances in the solar system to be One Network where all distances are created based on the same One Geometrical Design
The data shows the creation method- and we understand that- the distance 551 million km (Jupiter Mars Distance) is created firstly and the light (1.16 mkm/s) used this distance as a period of time (551 sec) and the light travels during this period a distance =(639 million km where 629 million km is Jupiter Earth distance error 1.5%) and then the light uses the new distance (629 mkm) as a period of time (629 sec) and the light travels during this period a distance = (729 million km – where 721 million km = Mercury Jupiter distance – error 1%)
The data shows the method clearly and we understand the light original motion started from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit because the distances are created based on one another in that direction of motion as explained clearly
New data NO. (1)
2723 sec x 2 x 300000 km/s = 1622 million km – where
2723 million km = Uranus Earth Distance
1622 million km = Uranus Neptune Distance
The data shows- the light beam its speed (C=300000 km/s) is in proportionality also with the created distances but this proportionally is found in Reflected Direction
Logically, The light can NOT move from Uranus to Neptune and after that the light returns to move from Uranus to the Earth- it's simply reflected direction  
The distances are NOT created by the motion of this light beam (300000 km/s) – but the distances are created by the motion of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) but the proportionality between the distances with the light (300000 km/s) is found because there's a proportionality between the original one (1.16 million km per second) and this light beam (300000 km/s) – AND 
Because the light (300000 km/s) moves in the reflected direction of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) that causes the proportionality between the distances and the light (300000 km/s) be in a reflected form
New data NO. (2)
2094 sec x 300000 km/s = 629 million km
2094 million km = Uranus Jupiter distance
629 million km   = Earth Jupiter distance
The light (300000 km/s) moves in reflected direction- for that- the distance 2094 million km is used as a period of time to pass a new distance (629 mkm)
The data proves the idea clearly
Notice (1)
The proportionality between the light (1.16 million km/s) and the light (300000km/s) will be discussed in point no. (I-3)
Notice (2)
In Point (**) I prove the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies- and I prove that – the planets motions energies move toward Pluto and this energy is reflected from Pluto toward Venus- this fact is proved by powerful data and proves- for that – I don't explain in details the light motion trajectory from Pluto toward the inner planets because this motion trajectory is studied in details in the hypothesis No. (2) of this discussion- understandable that- the planets motions energy trajectory is the same trajectory the light moves through it – means this trajectory is studied in details and powerful proves in point no. (**)
Notice (3)
Jupiter Distances Analysis shows that Jupiter orbit is the central orbit for the light (1.16 million km per second) based on which all planets orbits are defined.
But – this is not the first creation case –
The light (1.16 million km per second) created the planets orbits based on each other starting from Mercury orbit moves toward Pluto orbit – this is the fist creation case – and this fact is proved strongly in point no. (I-9*)
Mars had migrated from its original orbit (Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus) and Pluto had migrated also (Pluto Was The Mercury Moon revolves around Mercury and Pluto size was equal Mercury size)
The planets migration caused a serious risk for the solar system geometrical design- Uranus was the first planet tried to repair the solar system geometrical design and to save it- by that
Uranus created a vertical effect on Jupiter orbit to fix Jupiter in its orbit and prevent it to migrate with the migrant planets- and based on Jupiter orbit the other planets orbits are modified – that supported the solar system original design and saved it which causes to protect the geometrical design from the destruction.  
As a result
That causes Jupiter orbit to be the most important orbit in the solar system- the paper third hypothesis explains the planets migration and Jupiter orbit analysis is done with the solar system design analysis (I-11*)
I-3 Light Coherence between light (1.16 million km /s) and light (300000 km/s)
The Coherence Of Light
The previous explanation told us that we have 2 light beams-
The original light beam its speed (1.16 million km per second) and it started its motion from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit (where Mercury orbit is the light motion origin point) – and this light beam created all distances in the solar system and lost its energy in the space creation process and the rest energy is one light beam its speed is (C=300000 km/s)
The other light beam is the rest energy- its speed is (C=300000 km/s) and it moves in a reflected direction from Pluto toward Venus and Mercury-
Now – we have a coherence of light between these two light beams- the coherence is proved by powerful proves BUT firstly we have to ask (how can this coherence be occurred)? Because the original light (1.16 million km/s) is consumed and its energy is used already and the rest energy is this light its speed is (300000 km/s) - HOW can the light (1.16 million km/s) meet the light (300000 km/s)??
Imagine we have (116 dollars) and we spent all money except (30 dollars)- how can this (30 dollars) meet the original money (116 dollars)??
Let's write the answer
Suppose the light beam (300000 km/s) moves in the reflected direction (in the space) and also (in the time) – that can enable the light (300000 km/s) to meet the original one (1.16 million km/s) in the past and the coherence will be done there in the past- and we see the coherence results and effects on the solar system -
Means – the light (300000 km/s) moves into the past and found the original light (1.16 million km/s) in the past
Notice No. (1)
The original light beam (1.16 million km/s) can NOT move toward the future to meet the light (300000 km/s) because in the future the original light beam (1.16 million km/s) is NOT found –by that – the coherence can't be occurred in the future - But – the light (300000 km/s) can move into the past because this light beam (300000 km/s) was found in the past because it's a part of the original light beam (1.16 million km/s)
Notice no. (2)
I prove the coherence is done by powerful proves- that tells- this idea is a fact–means- there's a strong proof tells (in fact the light beam 300000 km/s moved into the past) and if we can use this feature practically we can get photos from the past events and by that we can have photos from the catastrophe which killed the dinosaurs and know much better about what had happened really in that time - This can be a real machine of time – the light motion into the past is a strong method to perform this invention. 
Notice no. (3)
Why Can NOT We Move Into The Past As We Move Into The Future?
This question is answered in point no. (**)
The Light Coherence Proves
First Proof
The planets order is typical to the interference of Young –
In the double slits experiment, Young Interference is consisted of bright fringes and dark fringes - If we consider planet diameter is equivalent to bright fringe – we will see that- the planets order is typically to Young interference because
Jupiter (the greatest fringe) is in the middle and the fringes width is decreased gradually on both sides – typically to the planets order
Notice / I have proved that (Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus) if we restore Mars to its original orbit the order will be typical to the Young Interference
(I prove this fact in point no. **)
Second Proof
The planets velocities are defined based on the speed (1.16 million km per second) and the planets velocities analysis shows the speed (300000 km/s) is the planets motions limit- means- the planets velocities are defined based on both velocities (1.16 million km per second) and (300000 km/s) I prove this fact in point No. (**)  
Third Proof
The light coherence defines the solar day period (24 hours) which is the solar system design cornerstone 
(1.16 /0.3) x 2π = 24.3
By this equation the space and time are created- the equation tells–the space is created in curves (2π) and the time is created in units each unit is (24 hours) 
Please note – the solar system geometrical design depends on the light motion in a solar day (24 hours = 86400 seconds) 
The light (1.16 million km per second) moves in a solar day (86400 seconds) a distance  = 100733 million km (= the planets orbital circumferences total)
Fourth Proof
The planets data prove there's a speed (1.16 million km per second) found in the solar system but the sun light beam moves by speed (300000 km/s) that tells the two speeds are facts and found in the solar system and the coherence between them is a logical result
The hypothesis proves discuss many powerful proves for this fact-
Notice- the coherence of light is a very important fact because it tells the light (300000 km/s) moved into the past and by that gives us a proof for the motion on the time axis- for that – many powerful proves support this fact.
I-4 The Matter definition (Based On My Planet Diameter Equation)
Let's remember my planet diameter equation
Planet Diameter Equation (v1/v2)= (s/r)= I
v = Planet Velocity                                                          
r = Planet Diameter
s= Planet Rotation Periods Number In Its Orbital Period
I= Planet Orbital Inclination        (example, 1.8 degrees be produced as a rate 1.8)
v2, s, r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet
The planet (v1) is defined by test the minimum error 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
(The Equation works from The Earth To Pluto) (the discussion explains the reason)
Neptune Equation (89143 /49528) = 9.7/ 5.4 =1.8         
89143          = Neptune rotation periods number in Neptune orbital period
49528 km    = Neptune diameter
9.7 km/s      = Saturn velocity
5.4 km/s      = Neptune velocity
59800 days = Neptune orbital period (and Neptune rotation period =16.1 hours)
1.8 degrees = Neptune Orbital Inclination
(the equation is proved and discussed in details in point no. **)
Can We Define The Matter Nature Based On My Planet Diameter Equation?
The equation tells, the matter is created based on its motion! means Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s!!
That tells the motion with velocity 5.4 km/s is defined before Neptune diameter is created! Can we understand such definition for the matter nature? let's try
The Matter Nature
The space and matter are created from the same original energy and they move with this original energy motion- BUT the matter has a distinguish picture and different velocity from the space picture and velocity (notice- The Gravitational Waves Prove That The Space Has A Motion)  
If we suppose the space is similar to the sea of water, the matter be similar to a whirlpool or a vortex found on the sea page- means- the matter is a geometrical design has a distinguish picture from the space- as the whirlpool, it's created from the sea water but it has a distinguish picture from the sea waves picture
The whirlpool is carried by the waves motion- and- the matter is carried by its original energy and moves with it- No Mass gravity is required for the matter motion- means- the matter is MOVABLE by nature.
The whirlpool dimensions are defined by the water motion - for example- we have a whirlpool its diameter is (2 meters)- this diameter is defined by the sea water motion features (velocity, pressure and other motion features) by that- the water motion analysis explains how the whirlpool dimensions are created
Also- the whirlpool is created but the creation requirements are needed every day- means- even if this whirlpool is found since years it can be changed immediately if the water motion features are changed- means- the whirlpool creation process is NOT a historical one.
Also- the matter is similar to a creature muscle, the muscle is found based on the blood motion and without this motion the muscle can be changed or removed.
The Original Energy Was Found In Motion By Itself (As Moving Light Beam)
From This Moving Energy The Planet Matter Is Created
The Created matter dimensions are defined by the features of this original energy motion (means the planet creation data is defined by the energy motion features)
After the planet creation- The Planet Moves With This Original Energy – means- the created planet moves a motion depending on the motion of this original energy because the planet moves with this original energy motion- and – the planet moves by this original energy motion (No mass gravity is required to cause the matter motion)
The planet creation data is in full harmony with its motion features- this fact is produced logically because the planet data is defined by the original energy motion features.
This explanation tells (Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s)
Example For Explanation
We agreed that the space is similar to the sea of water and the planet (matter) is similar to a whirlpool found on the sea page-  this picture explains the idea clearly- because
We see the whirlpool doesn't move by the sea water waves velocity but by another velocity and that shows a distinguish in form and motion between the whirlpool (the planet) and the sea waves (the space)- BUT- the whirlpool dimensions are defined based on the sea water motion features- and if the motion features are changed the whirlpool dimensions will be changed also- also the whirlpool moves by the sea water motion even with a different velocity relative to the sea waves velocity but the whirlpool motion still is  caused by the sea water motion- based on this picture we can say (because the water motion velocity is 80 km/h that causes this whirlpool diameter to be 2 meters "for example') – this is perfectly our sentence – let's remember it     
(because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s that causes Neptune diameter to be 49528 km)
This idea is proved by my planet diameter equation (my fourth equation) (point No.**)  
Now The velocity is a motion in (A Defined Direction)
Means– the matter is created because it depends on a motion in a defined direction- as we have seen- Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s but this velocity is a motion in defined direction- and that tells Neptune creation depends on a motion in the direction of the (x axis positive "+x ") (for example)
That tells, if this motion moves in (x axis negative "-x ") that will cause Neptune diameter to be changed or perished
Means- the matter creation needs a motion in A Defined Direction
Now let's ask our question
Why Can't The matter (creature) Moves Toward Its Past?
Because the matter depends on a motion in one defined direction- that causes the matter moves into (the future) always and can't move into (the past) let's discuss this question more deeply in point no (I-6)
No Planet Moves By The Sun Gravity (Newton is wrong) – logically because- the planet moves by its creation force- means- the planet creation and motion should be done by one force only (one energy only) because if two forces have effects on the same one planet- this planet will be broken- this fact is proved strongly with the gravitational waves source discussion (Point no.**)  
I-5 The Planets Creation
I summarize the main idea in following and the idea proves and discussions are found in point no. (**)
We know, the solar system is created from energy of one light beam its speed is 1.16 million km per second- and – the light created the space (the planets orbits) firstly and the energy is consumed in the space creation- and for that- the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed is 300000 km/s - And
From this light beam 300000 km/s the solar planets are created
before the solar planets creation
The solar system was one light beam (or one wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)- by that – the solar system is One Wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)
The Solar System needs To Create A Stationary Point Its velocity Zero relative to the moving one wave (300000 km/s)
This is the basic information in the solar system design-
The solar system needs to create a stationary point relative to the wave motion- by that – two velocities will be found which are (v1= the wave its speed 300000 km/s) and (v2= Zero= the stationary point velocity relative to the wave motion)–these two velocities produce a relative motion with different velocity 300000 km/s– this relative motion is the solar system design cornerstone.
Shortly – the solar system needs to create A Stationary Point 
Notice– The solar system is carried by the light beam motion, NO stationary point can be found here – it's similar to a ship on the sea water- Nothing can stop- because the motion is done forcedly by the sea water –
The stationary point will be similar to the whirlpool (vortex) on the sea page-  BUT
The solar system needs to create this stationary point - Now – let's try to create this stationary point in following - The solar system uses two procedures to do that,  
The first procedure
The wave its velocity 300000 km/s revolves around a point in space (any point in space), the revolution motion creates 2 equal velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value and opposite in direction- their total be equal Zero-means- the revolution motion creates A Stationary Point in the center of the revolution. 
The second procedure
The previous idea is correct- but –the velocity 300000 km/s is a huge one and to decrease it to Zero velocity this is a complex process– for that- the wave (300000 km/s) created small waves with low velocities to use them as steps to decrease the velocity to Zero- the small waves are The Planets- (The planet is a small wave moves by low velocity relative to the original wave its velocity 300000 km/s) 
Why Are These Small Waves Required?
Because the velocity 300000 km/s is decreased to Zero by using these small waves and their low velocities- the low velocities are used as steps to decrease the unified wave velocity (300000 km/s) to be (Zero)- this process decreases the velocity gradually from 300000 km/s to Zero depending on these small waves velocities (the planets velocities)  
Means- the planets are created for this process to decrease the wave velocity from 300000 km/s to Zero- and The Planet Is A Small Wave Moves By Low Velocity  
Shortly – the solar system has one complete system of velocities, Starting from Zero to 300000 km/s where the planets velocities are the steps between the two velocities – let's prove that here
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2 where
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect for speed 297000 km/s (99% of speed of light)
205.8 km/s = the 9 planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity
(The moon velocity =29.8 km/s = the Earth velocity because they revolve together)
Why does the data use the squared value (205.8)^2?
We know the answer- but - Let's remember it
The planets are geometrical points on the same light beam and move with its motion- for that- the planets velocities rates creates rates of time– for example-  Mercury velocity = 1.6 the Earth velocity- that means – one hour of Mercury clock = 1.6 hours of the Earth clock- Why??
Because Mercury and the Earth are carried by the same one light beam- the light moves one motion and passes one distance in one period of time- by that Mercury and the Earth have to move this same motion and to pass this same distance in this same period of time- but the two planets velocities are different- for that- the planets use different rates of time based on their velocities rates and by that the planets move equal distances in the same period of time –
Now- the velocity (205.8 km/s) moves relative to the stationary point (Zero) and creates a rate of time (1 second = 205.8 seconds) –
(one second of the unified wave clock = 205.8 seconds of the stationary point clock)
But – the energy is reflected in the solar system (I prove that in point no.**),
The energy reflection reflects the players – means
(one second of the stationary point clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock)
The stationary point will be THE SUN – by that
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock) – means
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of any planet clock) –
Now during one second of the sun clock, the wave clock needs 205.8 seconds while the wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s- means –
During one second of the sun clock, the wave moves 42253 km = 300000 km /7.1
That creates the different velocity 300000 km/s between the sun motion and the wave motion-
Notice 1
The wave (205.8 km/s) moves during 1461 seconds a distance = 300000 km, and we know the Earth cycle (1461 days = 365 +365 +365 +366)
That tells, the speed of light (300000 km/s) is performed by the rate of time and that causes to create the Earth cycle-   
Notice 2
Planet velocity is created by the rate of time- means- if no rate of time can be used – No planet velocity can be created – instead- all motions will be only by speed of light (300000 km/s)- the planet can create a small velocity because it can use rate of time
We realize that clearly because
The planets motions depend on the light motion- by that – the motion is done by One Motor only which moves by speed of light (300000 km/s), the planets can only move by speed of light or create a rate of time for their smaller velocities - No more options are provided.  
Notice 3
We understand that, the planets are geometrical points on the same light beam, means
The planets are similar to carriages in one train and the light motion is the train engine  means the planets are carried on the light beam and move with this light motion
I-6 Can The Time Machine Be A Fact?
To answer this question we need to review basics facts we have studied – let's do that in following
The solar system is created from one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam
The light moves simply and freely in any direction (for space) and (for time)- means- the light can move into the future (as matter does) or into the past (which the matter can Not do)
We know, the solar system is created from one light beam, and this light moves by a speed (1.16 million km per second) - And
We know, the light (1.16 million km per second) created the planets orbits firstly before any planet creation and the energy is consumed in the space creation and because of the energy consumption the light speed is decreased from  (1.16 million km per second) to the known speed of light 300000 km/s – also
We know, the light (1.16 million km per second) started its motion from Mercury orbit moves toward Pluto- that means- the light (1.16 million km per second) started from Mercury orbit with speed (1.16 million km per second) and the light created all planets orbits till Pluto orbit- before any planet creation- and by that- the light lost its energy and the light beam in Pluto orbit reduced its speed to be 300000 km/s as a result for the energy consumption in the space creation process
Also we know the energy is reflected from Pluto toward Venus (the inner planets)
By that the light beam (300000 km/s) moves in the reflected direction to the original light beam (its speed 1.16 million km per second) 
And – we know-
The light beam (300000 km/s) reaches to the original point (Mercury Orbit) from which the light (1.16 million km per second)  started its motion 
And we know that
A coherence of light is done between the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) and the light beam (300000 km/s)
BUT  we don't know how such coherence can be occurred? Let's analyze that deeply in following
The produced light beam (300000 km/s) moves in (the reflected direction) to the direction of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) (In Space)  and reaches to Mercury orbit (the origin point)
But– logically – the produced light beam (300000 km/s) can NOT find the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) there because the original light beam is consumed already in the space creation process and the rest energy is this produced light beam (300000 km/s) – based on that –
How Can This Coherence Be Occurred? Means-
How can the produced light beam (300000 km/s) meet the original light beam (1.16 million km per second)?  The answer is
The produced light beam (300000 km/s) moves (in the reflected direction) to the motion direction of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) (In Space) and (In Time) Means- the produced light beam moves into (Its Own Past) and in the past this produced light beam (300000 km/s) was (A Part of the original light beam 1.16 million km per second) and because of that the produced light beam (300000 km/s) can meet the original light beam (1.16 million km per second),
The two light beams create a coherence (in the past) and we see the results of this coherence in our present time-
The idea is very important because – the coherence of the two light beams (1.16 mkm/s and 0.3 mkm/s) is proved strongly and with powerful proves and any explanation for this coherence will prove that the produced light beam (300000 km/s) must move Into The Past to enable this coherence occurrence- and that tells clearly- the travel through the time is possible and fact
Can the matter moves into its past as the light does? NO
Why?? Because
We know the light can move simply in any direction (+ x, + y, + z, + t) by that the light can move into the future and can move into the past BUT
The matter creation depends on A Motion In A Defined Direction-
let's remember this idea
Neptune diameter =49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s
(This Fact Is Proved By My Planet Diameter Equation)
Now, Neptune velocity is a motion in a defined direction
(for example a motion in +x direction)
The energy moves in this direction (+x direction) and because of this motion Neptune matter is created and Neptune diameter is defined- now if the energy moves in (opposite direction "–x direction") that will change Neptune diameter or cause to perish its matter at all
Means- as long as – Neptune is found- that means – the energy moves in one direction (and not two directions) – for that Neptune can move into the future but can NOT move into the past.    
The matter can not move into the past but the light can do that-
Means- we have the time machine already- we need to know how to send the light into the past and by that we can have photos from the past events- and this will be The Time Machine
The Hypothesis Proves
I-7 The Proves Logic Analysis
I-8 Planet Velocity Is A Function In A Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-9 Planets Orbits Are Defined By A Motion Its Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-10 Jupiter distances are defined by a motion by a speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-11 The Solar System Geometrical Design Proves The Hypothesis
I-12 The Solar System Distances Analysis Prove The Hypothesis
I-13 Deep Analysis For The Planets Orbits
1-14 Light defines each planet orbital period
I-15 Can Planet Diameter Be Used As A Period Of Time?
I-16 Mercury Orbit Analysis
I-7 The Proves Logic Analysis
Why can we prove that, a light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second is found in the solar system? also, the theory tells this light beam energy is consumed and the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed 300000 km/s (the known speed of light), if this light energy is consumed, how can we prove its existence?
There are two major reasons, which are
The Planets Orbits Are Created Before Any Planet Creation- And These Orbits Are Created Based On One Motion- And This One Motion Is Done By A Speed 1.16 Million Km Per Second.
The Planets Matters Are Created Based On Their Orbits – means- the planet is similar to a tree and the orbit is similar to a ground and the tree is planted in the ground-
after the planet creation, the planet can migrate from its original orbit to any other orbit - as Mars and Pluto did and that will not cause to destroy the planet. 
the planet matter and data is created based on this planet orbit- the orbit is defined before any planet creation and based on the orbit the planet matter and data is created (we remember- the space is similar to the sea of water and the planet matter is similar to a whirlpool found on this sea page- that tells the whirlpool is created based on its place in the sea of water)
Shortly- The Planet Matter Is Created Depends On This Planet Orbit
The speed 1.16 million km per second is registered in the planets orbits because the orbits are created from the energy of the light beam (1.16 million km per second), and the planet matter is created from this planet orbit (energy)
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) is the source of energy for (everything) in the solar system-
All orbits are defined by its energy, all matters are created by its energy, and all motions are done by its motion-
Can we prove this light beam is a fact? YES we can
The analysis for any data or any motion will discover this light beam because it's the source of energy for everything
the light beam (1.16 million km per second) is The Source Energy of the solar system
The mother of all children can be discovered by analysis these children data 
Can the solar system design uses a rate 1.16 and I can't understand that but wrongly consider this rate (1.16) as a speed of light 1.16 million km per second?
NO- this can't be possible – Because
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) behaves typically to the known light beam (300000 km/s) – as we will see in the data discussion
I-8 Planet Velocity Is A Function In A Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
My 5th equation (v1v2=322)- the planets velocities prove it–let's see that in following  
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocities)  x 6.8 km/s  (Uranus velocities)                    
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2             
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2      
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)               
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity) (Max error 2%)
The previous data tells the planets velocities are defined by three features
(1st Feature)
The planets velocities are complementary one another –means - each planet velocity is complementary with another planet velocity– means– The planets velocities are defined in pairs and not in single planets. 
(Notice, the inner planets orbital inclinations are defined by the rule (v1/v2), for example, Mercury orbital inclination 7 deg = Mercury velocity 47.4/ Uranus velocity 6.8 that proves the effect of the rule (v1v2=322) on the planet motion)
Ceres velocity tells the idea - Ceres is used as the main point - as a result the outer planets be complementary with the inner planets – for that the rule (v1v2=322) controls the planets velocities- that means- The planets velocities are created based on One Design- Ceres velocity is used as the main point for this design
(2nd Feature)
Why the constant is 322? because 1160000 seconds = 322 hours – means- there's speed of light = 1.16 million km /s - Shortly
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 6.8 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 47.4 hours a distance               = 1160000 km  And
Venus (35 km/s) moves during 2 x 4.7 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 35 hours a distance               = 1160000 km 
Earth (29.8 km/s) moves during 2 x 5.4 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during 2 x 29.8 hours a distance        = 1160000 km  And
Mars (24.1 km/s) moves during 13.1 hours a distance                = 1160000 km 
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 24.1 hours a distance             = 1160000 km  And
(Notice - Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during 33.2 hours a distance = 1160000 km  - (between 33.2 and Venus velocity 35 km/s the error 5%)) (Data Max error 2%)
The Data Proves, The Planets Velocities Are Functions In The Speed 1.16 Million Km Per Second. That proves the speed (1.16 million km per second) is A Fact
(notice the planets velocities are complementary one another also based on the known speed of light 300000 km/s, the paper provides this data) 
(3rd Feature)
The planets velocities limit depend on the known speed of light 300000 km/s
Let's explain that in following
The 9 planets velocities total is 176 km/s (I add the Earth moon velocity 29.8 km/s)
The 10 planets velocities total is 205.8 km/s
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2
The speed 297000 km/s (99% speed of light) causes Lorentz length contraction effect with the rate 7.1
The velocity (205.8 km/s) moves during 205.8 seconds a distance 42253 km
Where 300000 = 7.1 x 42253 km BUT 42253 = (205.8)^2
The squared value (205.8)^2 is found because of the used rate of time
We have studied this equation in point (I-5**) -the data shows, the planets velocities are defined as parts of a complete system of velocities starts from (Zero = stationary point) and reaches to the speed of light 300000 km/s and between these two values the planets velocities are defined to support this same system- that tells- the planets velocities are defined with limit to the speed of light (300000 km/s) - The data proves the speed (1.16 million km per second) is a fact -and also the data proves the coherence is done between the light (1.16 million km per second) and the light (300000 km/s)
I-9 Planets Orbits Are Defined By A Motion Its Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
(1) Mercury Motion
During 310s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 360 million km
During 310 s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 93.1 million km
93.1 million km x 2π = 586 million (this value will be used by Venus as a period) 
Where 360 million km         = Mercury Orbital Circumference
(2) Venus Motion
During 586s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 680 million km
During 586s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 175.8 million km
175.8 million km x 2π = 1104 million (this value should be used by Earth as a period) 
680 million km            = Venus Orbital Circumference
(3) Earth Motion
During 810s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 940 million km
During 810s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 243 million km
243 million km x 2π = 1526 million (this value should be used by Jupiter as a period) 
Where 940 million km       = Earth Orbital Circumference
During 940s light its (1.16 million km per second) travels 1104 million km (error 1%)
That shows the direction reflection between the Earth and Venus because of the reflection of energy- I proved that in point no. (**)
Notice –
Jupiter is the next planet after the Earth based on the light motion design for that the Earth value (1526 million km) should be used by Jupiter because Mars is a migrant planet and Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and the next planet for the Earth was Jupiter- the confusion in data is made by Mars migration effect
(More explanation is provided in the comment on the data)
(4) Mars Motion
(Mars Is Exceptional)
During 1235s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 1433 million km
During 1235s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 371 million km = 2π x 59 mkm Where 1433 mkm = Mars Orbital Circumference
(5) Jupiter Motion
During 4224s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 4900 million km
During 4224s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 1267 million km –
4900 mkm  =Jupiter Orbital Circumference
1267 million km x 2π = 7960 million km (this value be used by Saturn as a period) 
Mars is a migrant planet for that – the Earth value isn't used for Mars orbit- but it's used for Jupiter orbit- and because of the reflection between Venus and the Earth- the Earth produces the value directly (1526 million km) without using the light speed (1.16 million km per second) where
1526 million km = Jupiter Orbital Distance 778.6 million km x 2 (error 2%) 
During 4224s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 4900 million km
4900 million km = Jupiter orbital circumference while 4222.6 hours = Mercury day period- if (one hour of Mercury = One second of light clock) that will connect Jupiter with Mercury strongly- this is a fact because- the solar system depends on Mercury clock in its motion and the planets orbits are defined based on Jupiter orbit after the planets migration- that makes Mercury and Jupiter the two heads of the solar system unified motion. 
(6) Saturn Motion
During 7960s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 9007 million km
During 7960s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 2388 million km
9007 mkm = Saturn Orbital Circumference
2388 million km x 2π =15004 million km (this value be used by Uranus as a period) 
(7) Uranus Motion
During 15559s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 18048 million km
During 15559s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 4668 million km
18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference
4664 million km x 2π =29305 million km (this value be used by Pluto as a period) 
The transported value from Saturn is 15004 but the used value is 15559 (error 3.5%)
(8) Neptune Motion
(Neptune is exceptional)
During 24348s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 28244 million km
During 24348s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 7305 million km
28244 mkm = Neptune Orbital Circumference
(9) Pluto Motion
During 31983s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 37100 million km
During 31983s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 9595 million km
37100 mkm  = Pluto Orbital Circumference
(10) The Earth Moon Motion
During 639s light its speed (1.16 million km per second) travels 724 million km
During 639s light known speed (300000 km/s) travels 191.6 million km = 2π x 30.5 mkm – BUT  
30.5 mkm     = 88000 km x 346.6 days
The moon displacements total during 346.6 (solar days) = 30.5 mkm
346.6 solar days= The nodal year and  88000 km     = The moon displacement daily
742 mkm = The distance is passed by Uranus in 30589 hours -  The data tells, the moon orbit regression be done by effect of Uranus motion.
We should note that, the data follows the rule perfectly- as we see in Mercury and Saturn data – the confusion in data is found by the planets migration – let's prove that
680 mkm (Venus Orbital Circumference) x (1.16 mkm/s) ^2 = 940 mkm
28244 mkm (Neptune Orbital Circumference) x (1.16 mkm/s) ^2 = 37100 mkm
(Max error 2.5 %)
940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference
37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference
Clearly the confusion of data is done for the Earth and Jupiter (Mars migration effect) and for Pluto and Neptune and Uranus (Pluto migration effect)
The light (1.16 million km per second) created the solar system distances based on one another as the chess board distances- perfectly the light created the distances based on one geometrical design and as one network- But – The planets migration caused confusion for the data- by that the planets orbits data is confused and no longer be seen as designed by the light motion- specially because the solar system design repair needed to make Jupiter orbit as the central orbit based on which all planets orbits are modified- by that– the discovery for the light motion effect on the solar system distances creation needed deep analysis in data to remove the confusion.
The Earth data produced the value (1526 mkm) and this distance is used by Jupiter as a distance (1526 mkm = 2 x 778.6 mkm Jupiter Orbital Distance) (error 2%)
Uranus data produced the value (29305 mkm) and this distance is used by Neptune as a distance (29305 mkm= 28244 mkm= Neptune Orbital Circumference) (error 4%)
The behaviors are typical tell that by the same effect the modifications of both planets data are done- 
680 sec x 1.16 million km /sec = 789 mkm (Jupiter orbital distance 778.6 mkm error 1.3%) – the data shows – Jupiter is the mentioned planet after the Earth because Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus by that the light motion moved from the Earth to Jupiter directly- Mars is not seen in this motion-
The inner planets distances ( 93.1, 175.8, 243, 370.6) can be used as cycles periods
175.8 solar days =Mercury day period
243    solar days = Venus rotation period
370.6 solar days are near to 365.25 days (error 1.5%),
(93.1 days x 2π= 584 days =the period of periodical meeting of Earth and Venus)
This equality depends on the rate 1mkm = 1 day
That  tells each planet creates its PREVIOUS NEIGHBOR CYCLE PERIOD
And the outer planets distances in blue color (1267, 2330 , 4664, 7305, 9595)
2330 = 2 x 1165             = 2π x 371
4664  = 4 x 1165             = 4π x 371
7305 = 2π x 1165           =2π2 x  371
9595 = 8 x 1165            = 8 π x  371                                                 (error 3%)
This data cornerstone is the number (371), (the Earth year 365.25 days)
The data refers to the Earth year because of the Earth effect on the sun creation
The data proves each planet orbit is defined based on its neighbor – my first equation (Planet orbital distance equation) proves this fact –
In following I put my planet orbital distance equation for revision
Planet Orbital Distance Equation
(My First Equation) 
d = A Planet Orbital Distance
d0= Its Direct Previous Neighbor Planet Orbital Distance
The equation depends on the planets order, for that , just 2 neighbor planets can be used in this equation, means if (d is Venus distance, d0 be Mercury distance) 
The equation exceptions are,
Earth depends on Mercury Not Venus – and Mars depends on Venus Not Earth And Pluto depends on Uranus Not Neptune
Note, we don't use the forma (d=2d0) instead we use the forma (d2 = 4d0 (d-d0)) because it uses the distance between the 2 planets and that decreases the errors
Let's test the equation
(1) Venus Motion
(108.2)2 = 4 x 57.9 x (50.3)                                        
d= 108.2 million km  = Venus Orbital Distance
d0= 57.9 million km    = Mercury Orbital Distance
50.3 million km          = The Distance Between Venus And Mercury 
Venus Depends On Mercury
(2) Earth Motion
(149.6)2 = 4 x 57.9 x (149.6-57.9)                                                  (error 2.8%)
d= 149.6 million km  = Earth Orbital Distance
d0= 57.9 million km   = Mercury Orbital Distance
Earth depends on Mercury and doesn't on Venus 
(3) Mars Motion
(227.9)2 = 4 x 108.2 x (227.9-108.2)                          
d= 227.9 million km   = Mars Orbital Distance
d0= 108.2 million km = Venus Orbital Distance
Mars depends on Venus and doesn't on Earth 
(4) Ceres Motion
(415)2 = 4 x 227.9 x (415-227.9)                      
d=  415  million km      = Ceres Orbital Distance
d0=  227.9 million km = Mars Orbital Distance
Ceres depends on Mars
(5) Jupiter Motion
(778.6)2 = 4 x 415 x (778.6- 415)                     
d= 778.6 million km = Jupiter Orbital Distance    
d0= 415 million km = Ceres Orbital Distance
Jupiter depends on Ceres
(6) Saturn Motion
(1433.5)2 = 4 x 778.6 x (1433.5- 778.6)           
d = 1433.5 million km = Saturn Orbital Distance    
d0  = 778.6 million km = Jupiter Orbital Distance
Saturn depends on Jupiter
(7) Uranus Motion
(2872.5)2 = 4 x 1433.5 x (2872.5- 1433.5)                  
d= 2872.5 million km = Uranus Orbital Distance    
d0 = 1433.5 million km = Saturn Orbital Distance  Uranus depends on Saturn
(8) Neptune Motion                                                                          (error 4%)
(4495.1)2 = 4 x 2872.5 x (4495.1- 2872.5)
d= 4495.1 million km = Neptune Orbital Distance    
d0 = 2872.5 million km = Uranus Orbital Distance     Neptune depends on Uranus
(9) Pluto Motion
(5906)2 = 4 x 2872.5 x (5906- 2872.5)
d= 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance    
d0 = 4495.1mkm = Neptune Orbital Distance     Pluto depends on Uranus
Notice the error is less 1% for all planets except (Earth 2.8%) and Neptune (4%)  
The Equation Discussion
The Equation tells each planet orbital distance depends on its previous neighbor planet orbital distance – but – there are 3 exceptions which are –
Earth depends on Mercury not Venus –
Mars depends on Venus not Earth–
Pluto depends on Uranus not Neptune–
The equation shows – the distance from the sun to Pluto be distributed based on one geometrical design – means – the distances be created together as one group in one a network form – the distances be similar to the chess board distances- they are distributed geometrically and in one network based on one design -
No Single Distance be Created independently or individually – We deal with one network of distances - 
By Using Mercury Orbital Distance (57.9 million km) (one data) We Can Conclude All Planets Orbital Distances (9 Data) By Using Mathematical Calculations Only
Kepler stated (Planet orbit defines its velocity) – this concept is used in my third equation (d1/d2) = (v2/v1)2 where  d= Planet Orbital Distance and v = Planet Velocity
The concept tells– If we know a planet orbital distance, we can conclude its velocity by mathematical calculations only    
By Using my 1st equation (d2 = 4d0 (d-d0)) and kepler law and the One Data (Mercury orbital distance = 57.9 million km) we can conclude by mathematical calculations only All Planets Orbital Distances, Velocities And Periods (27 Data)
That proves the concept (Planet data be created based on exact equations)
Planet Orbits Are Defined By Very Accurate System
Each planet orbit is defined based on an angle, these angles are reflected also – let's prove that  (I suppose –There's a right triangle by the three points The Sun, Mercury and Venus) - Now
Venus angle is (61 degrees) because Venus orbital distance (108.2 mkm) x cos (61) = Venus Mercury distance (50.3 mkm) -
Here we can replace Venus with any other planet in the same triangle to define this planet angle based on similar calculation – as a result
Earth angle is (51 degrees) because Earth orbital distance (149.6 mkm) x cos (51) = Earth Mercury distance (91.7 mkm)
Mars angle is (41.7 degrees) because Mars orbital distance (227.9mkm) x cos (41.7)= Mars Mercury distance (170 mkm)
Jupiter angle is (22.2 degrees) because Jupiter orbital distance (778.6 mkm) x cos (22.2)= Jupiter Mercury distance (721 mkm)
Similar to that – Saturn angle is 16.5, Uranus angle is 11.6 deg, Neptune angle is 9.2 deg and Pluto angle is 8 deg- these angles follow the same system – for example
Pluto angle is (8 degrees) because Pluto orbital distance (5906 mkm) x cos (8)= Pluto Mercury distance (5848 mkm)
NOTICE No. (1) The right angle and its triangle is (a hypothesis) – we Can prove it because (v1/v2) = (θ1/ θ2)
means – these angles are rated with their planets velocities – for example
(Neptune velocity 5.4/ Pluto velocity 4.7) = (9.2 deg /8 deg)
Shortly -the angles which are defined based on the sun perpendicularity on Mercury orbit – all of them- are the correct angles by which the planets orbits are defined – that because the planets velocities are rated with these angles and Kepler stated (Planet orbit defines its velocity)- means- the planets orbits are defined based on these angles and that causes the angles rates to be equal with the velocities rates - Shortly -That tells indeed the sun position is perpendicular on the (inner planets orbits) – in fact – the sun is perpendicular on the Earth moon orbit- and this perpendicularity has effect on all inner planets because of the small distances among them. 
I-10 Jupiter distances are defined by a motion by a speed = (1.16 million km /s) Data
(1.16 million km /s) x 300 sec   = 348 mkm (300 mkm = Earth orbital distance x 2)
(1.16 million km /s) x 348 sec   = 470 mkm (470 x2 = Earth Orbital Circumference)
(1.16 million km /s) x 470 sec   = 551 mkm                       (Mars Jupiter Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 551 sec   = 629 mkm                       (Earth Jupiter Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 629 sec   = 721 mkm                       (Mercury Jupiter Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 108.2 sec x 4 = 500 mkm        (108.2 = Venus orbital Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 500 sec   = 580 mkm                      
(1.16 million km /s) x 580 sec   = 671 mkm                       (Venus Jupiter Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 671 sec   = 778.6 mkm                    (Jupiter Orbital Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 778.6 sec x 2    = 1806 mkm
(1.16 million km /s) x 1806 sec           = 2094 mkm          (Jupiter Uranus Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 2094 sec           = 4900 mkm/2  (Jupiter Orb. Circumference)
(1.16 million km /s) x 5127 sec = 5906 mkm                    (Pluto orbital Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 4437 sec = 5127 mkm                   (Pluto Jupiter Distance) 
(1.16 million km /s) x 3825 sec = 4437 mkm                   (Mercury Neptune Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 3244 sec = 3825 mkm  (=π x 1205 mkm Mars Saturn Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x2872sec=3244mkm (=2x1622 mkm Uranus Neptune Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x4900sec=2 x 2872 mkm (Uranus Orbital Distance)
(1.16)2 x 170 sec             = 227.9 mkm                            (Mars Orbital Distance)
Where 170 mkm = Mercury mars Distance
(1.16 million km /s) x 1980 sec           = 2296.8 mkm
(1.16 million km /s) x 2296.8 sec        = 2644.6 mkm       (Mars Uranus Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 2644.5 sec        = 3033.5 mkm       (Uranus Pluto Distance)
1980 million km = the orbital circumferences total of (Mercury + Venus + Earth)
(1.16 million km /s) x 3717 sec           = 4310 mkm          (Earth Neptune Distance)
(1.16 million km /s) x 4346 sec           = 5040 mkm          (Jupiter Pluto Distance)
3717 mkm = Jupiter Neptune Distance –
(Earth Neptune Distance 4345mkm "error 1%" and Jupiter Pluto dis. 5127 mkm error 1.7%)
Discussion - the data tells the idea clearly, it tells 
The distances in the solar system is created together based on one design and by one motion- this one motion is the light motion (1.16 million km per second) and the light creates the distance and after that the light uses the created distance as a period of time to create another distance, and by that, the light created all distances in one network together based on one geometrical design and this creation of the distances is done before any planet creation- the data clearly and strongly proves the hypothesis. 
NOTICE - The total distances in the solar system (the orbital and inner distances) are 45 distances, the previous data used almost 50% of these distances (because many distances are equal in the solar group – for example – (Saturn orbital distance = Mars orbital circumference)- this distances equality makes the previous data behave in place of around 50% of all distances- and no logic to suppose these all distances are rated by the way with the rate (1.16)!!
The logical explanation is my theory I have explained- the light (1.16 million km per second) creates the distances based on one another by using the distances as periods of time - Also this behaviors is typical to the behavior of the known speed of light (300000 km/s)– as we have seen before - During 2094 seconds the light (300000 km/s) moves 629 million km (=Jupiter Earth distance) where 2094 million km (= Jupiter Uranus distance)- Simply it's typical behaviors tells the fact that the speed 1.16 million km per second is real fact and used in the solar system design)   
I-11 The Solar System Geometrical Design Proves The Hypothesis
Data (1)
(A) (1.16/0.3) x 2π = 24.3
(B) 1.16 million km per second x 86400 seconds = 100733 million km
(100733 million km = The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total)
Data (2)
(a) 4224 x 1.16 =4900
(b) 100733 = π x 32200                                        
(c) 1.1318/0.3 = 5906 / (778.6 /2)  
Data (1)
Data no. (A) - (1.16/0.3) x 2π = 24.3
By this equation the space and time are created- because it shows the coherence of light between the light (1.16 million km per second) and the light (300000 km/s)
The equation tells – the space is created in curves (2π) and the time is created in units each unit = (24 hours)
Shortly- the time essential units are 2 units (the second and 24 hours) because of the rate of time (one second of light clock = 24 hours of planet clock) by that the period of the (one second) (for light motion) is comparable with (24 hours) for planet motion that means- the period (24 hours) is one unit can't be divided and it's similar to the second period which is a unit can't be divided
Data no.(B) 1.16 million km per second x 86400 seconds = 100733 million km
The data tells the light (1.16 million km per second) moves in solar day (24 hours=  86400 seconds) a distance = 100733 million km = The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total - that proves the solar planets orbits creation is done by the motion of this light beam (1.16 million km per second) - the data proves the solar system design depends on this light motion.
Data (2)
Data no. (a) 4224 x 1.16 =4900
The data tells, the light (1.16 million km per second) moves in 4224 seconds a distance = 4900 million km = Jupiter Orbital Circumference
But – Mercury day period is 4222.6 hours (4224 hours approximately)
If (one second of light clock = one hour of Mercury clock), that will make the period (4224 s) as Mercury day period – and – we know that Mercury day period is the main period in the solar system because the sun rate of time is created based on it as I explain in the second and fourth hypotheses of this paper-
Shortly- while Mercury is the solar system head- Mercury day period is the main period in the solar system and this period is used for Jupiter orbital circumference because all planets orbits are defined based on Jupiter orbit after the planets migration- this fact is discussed in the third hypothesis is details – let's summarize it
Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus, and Pluto was the Mercury moon, and Pluto size was equal Mercury size- But- Mars and Pluto had migrated from their orbits- the planets migration caused serious risk for the solar system geometrical design- And Uranus provides a vertical effect on Jupiter to fix it in its orbit and prevent Jupiter to migrate with the migrant planets- after Jupiter be fixed in its orbit all other planets redefined their orbits according to Jupiter orbit – by that – Jupiter orbit be the most important distance in the solar system-  
Notice- later Uranus caused to create Saturn to support Jupiter role- Saturn creation is done after the Earth moon creation because the energy reflection caused this delaying  
The data shows how the solar system design depends on Jupiter orbit
Data no. (b) 100733 = π x 32200
32200 million km = the different distance between Pluto orbital circumference and Jupiter orbital circumference
100733 million km = The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total
The data supports the same idea- Jupiter and Pluto orbits create the general design of the solar system- because Jupiter is the main orbit in it and Pluto the last orbit.  
Data no. (c) 1.1318/0.3 = 5906 / (778.6 x 2)  where
5906 million km              = Pluto orbital distance
778.6 million km             = Jupiter orbital distance
1.1318 million km           = Jupiter motion distance per solar day
0.3 million km                = speed of light 300000 km/s
The data shows the distribution of Jupiter and Pluto orbits are in proportionality with speed of light (300000 km/s) and speed of (1.16 million km per second)
BUT the data shows Jupiter velocity daily (1.1318 million km per day) in place of the speed of light (1.16 million km per second) Why??
Another question asks (Why do all Jupiter distances depend on the speed of light 1.16 million km per second?) as we have seen in the previous proof No. (1-10)?
The story told the facts, Uranus provided effect on Jupiter and as a result Jupiter orbit be used as the main orbit in the solar system- BUT- what's this effect Uranus provided on Jupiter? What had happened really?
Uranus sent a light beam its speed (1.16 million km per second) to Jupiter for that Uranus velocity and Jupiter velocity both depends on the speed (1.16 million km per second)
Jupiter should move a distance 1.16 million km per solar day (24h) BUT Mars effect created more problems and caused Jupiter to use (Mars rotation period 24.6h) in place of the solar day and decreased the velocity with 2.5%
Uranus moves a distance 1.16 million km (in TWO solar days- error 1.3%)
The solar system basic design depends on (two seconds and not one second) as I explained in details in the fourth hypothesis of this paper- now – the system design uses two seconds in place of one second because Uranus moves the required distance 1.16 million in two days
Shortly – the force which is sent from Uranus to Jupiter was a light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second and by this force Jupiter helped the solar system and supported the planets in their orbits to prevent more migration in the solar system
I-12 The Solar System Distances Analysis Prove The Hypothesis
DATA (No. I)
50% Of All Distances In The Solar System Are Equal One Another (WHY?)
Saturn Orbital Distance = Saturn Uranus Distance =1433 million km =
                                      = Mars Orbital Circumference 
                                      = Pluto Neptune Distance         (error 1.5%)
          = Pluto eccentricity Distance     (error 1.5%)
= Neptune Orbital Distance/π
= Uranus Orbital Distance /2
= Mercury Jupiter Distance x 2     
Neptune Orbital Distance     = Saturn Pluto Distance
Jupiter Pluto Distance          = Uranus Neptune Circumference
Earth Neptune Distance       = Mercury Saturn Circumference  (0.5%)
Jupiter Mercury Distance     = 2 Mercury Orbital Circumference
Jupiter Venus Distance        = Venus Orbital Circumference   (1.5%)
Jupiter Earth Distance          = Earth Orbital Circumference   (1.2%)
(Earth and Jupiter at 2 different sides from the sun)
Jupiter Mercury Distance     = Mars Orbital Distance x π      (0.6%)
Jupiter Uranus Distance       = Venus Jupiter Circumference  (0.8%)
Pluto Orbital Distance          = Earth Orbital Circumference x 2π
The data tells these distances must be created based on each other because all of them are parts in one design and one network- the data tells – it's impossible for these distances to be created univocally nor independently – but they are created by one motion based on one design and for one result. 
(778.6/721)=(721/670)= (670/629)=(1433/1325)=(1284/1205)= (2872/2644)= 1.0725
These are distances measured in millions km – let's define them
778.6, 721, 670 and 629 are the distances between Jupiter and the sun, Mercury, Venus and the Earth respectively.
1433, 1325, 1284, 1025 are the distances between Saturn and the sun, Venus, the Earth and Mars respectively.
2872 and 2644 are the distances between Uranus and the sun and Mars respectively.
629 million km (The Earth Jupiter distance)= (1.0725)^2 x 551 million km (Jupiter Mars Distance)
4495.1 million km (Neptune Orbital Distance) =1.0725 x 2 x 2094 million km (Jupiter Uranus Distance)
5906 million km (Pluto Orbital Distance) = (1.0725)^2 x 5127 million km (Jupiter Pluto Distance)
5127 million km (Jupiter Pluto Distance)= (1.0725)^2 x 4437 million km (Mercury Neptune Distance)
2.574 million km (Earth motion distance daily) = 1.0725 x 2.4 million km (TheMoon Orbital Circumference)
These distances are rated each other with (1.0725) this rate is created by Lorentz length contraction effect (as I supposed and proved)- but – regardless this rate reason the question is – How can all these distances be effected by this rate together?
That can be possible only if (these distances are parts of one design and this design is effected by this rate as a result all distances be effected together)    
The data proves the distances are created together based on one design and the distances are effected together by the same one effect – shortly- these distance can NOT be independent from one another but they are one group created based on one design.
I-13 Deep Analysis For The Planets Orbits
The Light Uses Each Planet Orbital Period To Move A Distance = This Planet Orbit + All Previous Planets Orbits Total
14 x 24 x (300000 km/s)           = 100.8 million km = 2 x 50.4
35.76 x 24 x (300000 km/s)      = 258 million km = 149.6 + 108.2
58.1 x 24 x (300000 km/s)         = 418 million km = 149.6 + (2 x 108.2) + 58
109.3 x 24 x (300000 km/s)       =787 million km = 58+ 108+149.6 +2 x228 (error 2%)
687 x 24 x (300000 km/s)          = 4900 million km
687 x 24 x (300000 km/s)          = 4900 million km
1710 x 24 x (300000 km/s)        = 12312 million km = 28244/(1.16 x2)
4868 x 24 x (300000 km/s)        = 17600 million km x 2
9517 x 24 x (300000 km/s)        = 68522 million km = 2 x 18048 + 32400
14413 x 24 x (300000 km/s)      = 103773 million km
The data shows the rule (Planet Orbital Period "days"/2π) x 24 x Speed Of Light (300000 km/s) = A Distance = This Planet Orbital Circumference + All Previous Planets Orbital Circumferences Total – let's prove this rule in following
(1) Pluto Data
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) /(2π) = 14413 days
14413 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 103773 million km
The planets orbital circumferences total is 100733 million km  
Between 103773 mkm and 100733 mkm the error is (3%)
Pluto follows the rule perfectly- the light passes a distance = Pluto orbital circumference + all previous planets orbital circumferences = the planets orbital circumferences total
(2) Neptune Data
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) /(2π) = 9517 days
9517 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 68526 million km = (2 x 18048) + 32400
The distance 2 x 18048 million km = all planets orbital circumferences total before Neptune
32400 mkm = 1.16 mkm/s x 28244 seconds 
28244 million km = Neptune orbital circumference
Neptune follows the rule perfectly but because of the energy reflection the speed (1.16 mkm/s) is used one additional time- clearly we see Neptune follows perfectly the rule   
(3) Uranus Data
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) /(2π) = 4868 days
4868 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 17600 million km x 2
18048 million km (Uranus Orbital Circumference) (error 2.5%)
Uranus follows the rule perfectly because Uranus orbital circumference =18048 mkm and all previous planets orbital circumferences total is = 18048 mkm
(4) Saturn Data
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) /(2π) = 1710 days
1710 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 12312 million km
Jupiter orbit (4900) + Saturn orbit (9000) = 14000 million km
Light (1.16 million km/s) x 12312 seconds = 14282 million km
The value (12312) equal (Jupiter orbital circumference)+Saturn orbital circumference
But the reflection of energy uses the speed of light (1.16) to have effect on the data
That tells Saturn follows the rule
12312 sec x 1.16 mkm/s = 14282 mkm = 28244 mkm/2
28244 mkm = Neptune orbital circumference – that tells the confusion in Saturn data is done by Neptune orbit effect   
We see the speed of light (1.16 mkm/s) has effect on Saturn data by division (12312 = 14282/1.16) but in Neptune data we have seen the speed of light (1.16 mkm/s) has effect by multiplication (28244 x 1.16 = 32400)
That tells we have opposite positions between (Neptune and Saturn) and the light connects them together by one motion- 
The data tells simply (A x 1.16 and B/1.16) this is effect of one light beam motion through both points.
(6) Jupiter Data
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) /(2π) = 687 days
687 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 4900 million km
Jupiter orbital circumference = 4900 million km
The distance equal Jupiter orbital circumference only without the previous planets BUT - The inner planets orbital circumferences total be = 4900 million km
Let's prove that
360 (Mercury) + 680 (Venus) +940 (Earth) + 1433 (Mars) = 3413 million km
4900 million km – 3413 million km = 1433 million km
That tells – the data supposes the Earth moon orbital circumference around the sun = Mars orbital circumference = 1433 million km
By that 360 + 680 +940 + 1433 + 1433 = 4846 million km = Jupiter orbital circumference (4900 mkm) (error 1%)
(7)Mars  Data
687 days (Mars orbital period) /(2π) = 109.3 days
109.3 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 787 million km = Jupiter orbital distance 778.6 million km  (error 2%)
778.6 million km= 57.9 mkm + 108.2 mkm + 149.6 mkm + 227.9 mkm+ 227.9 mkm
Means- Mars Value (787 = 778 = the four inner planets orbital distances total + the Earth moon orbital distance to the sun (which is considered = Mars orbital distance)
Here the value provided the distances total and not the circumferences total
But Mars follows the rule perfectly because
The value (778) = the 5 planets orbital distances total
(8)Earth Data
365.25 days (Earth orbital period) /(2π) = 58.1 days
58.1 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 418 million km = 149.6 mkm (Earth orbital distance) + 2 x 108.2 mkm (Venus orbital distance) + 57.9 mkm (Mercury orbital distance)
The Earth follows the rule- the modification can be done by the moon effect on the earth motion.
(9)Venus  Data
224.7 days (Earth orbital period) /(2π) = 35.76 days
35.76 x 24 x (300000 km/s)= 258 million km = 149.6 mkm  (Earth orbital distance)+ 108.2 mkm (Venus orbital distance)
(10)Mercury Data
88 days (Earth orbital period) /(2π) = 14 days
14 x 24 x (300000 km/s)  = 100.8 million km = 2 x 50.4  
50.4 million km = Mercury Venus Distance
The Comment On The Data
We notice a deep interaction between Mars and Jupiter where Jupiter orbital period (4331 days /2π)= 687 days (Mars orbital period)  
And Mars value (109.3 days) enables the light to pass a distance 778.6 mkm
109.3 x 24 x 300000 km/s = 778.6 million km (Jupiter orbital distance) 
That shows deep interaction between Mars and Jupiter which is logical behavior because Mars is a migrant planet and Mars created an interaction with Jupiter to enable Mars to stay in its New orbit and prevent any more migration.
Mars orbital period 687 days = 88 (Mercury) + 224.7 (Venus) + 365.25 (Earth)
(error 1.5%)
Notice - 551 mkm (Mars Jupiter distance) = 57.9 mkm (Mercury orbital distance) + 108.2 mkm (Venus orbital distance) + 149.6 mkm (Earth orbital distance) + 227.9 mkm (Mars orbital distance) (error 1.5%)
The data shows very important fact
The data tells that (The Light Motion Is The Main Player Behind All Data)
Let's use the sea water as example
The sea water motion is the main player behind the sea waves, the ship sailing, the fish swimming and the cause for any motion in the sea - Different forms of motions in the sea we can discover but the motion reason and motor is the same one reason and motor –  This is the useful result of this data- it's simply a major proof for my theory- the light motion is the reason behind all planets motions and data-
Notice - Why Is The Planets Data Analysis Method Important?
The planets data analysis makes some anatomy for the planets data, by that, we can know how this planet data is created and what geometrical reason caused to create this data- the planets data analysis also enable us to discover if a planet violates a rule used by the other planets- and it shows the geometrical reason behind this violation-
1-14 Light defines each planet orbital period
The light defines each planet orbital period based on this planet diameter
142984 s x (0.3)^2 = 12868 = π x 4331 (error 5%)
120536 s x (0.3)^2 = 10747
51118 s x (0.3)      = 30589/2
49528 s x (0.3)^2   = 4457
7510 s x (0.3) x 4π^2 = 88945 (= 90560 error 1.8%) (notice 7510 x 4π^2 =296483)
6792 s x (0.3)^2    = 611
7510 s x (0.3)^2    = 676 = 687 (error 1.5%)
12756 s x (0.3)^2   = 1148 = π x 365.25
12104 s x (0.3)^2   = 1089 = (π^2)/2 x 224.7
4879 s x (0.3)^2    = 439 = (π^2)/2 x 88
7070 s x (0.3)^2    = 637 = 687 / 1.0725
The left side data is the planets diameters, in details
142984 km, 120536 km, 51118 km, 49528 km and 7510 km are the diameters of (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune respectively and 7510km =Pluto circumference)
6792 km, 12756 km, 12014 km and 4879 km are the diameters of (Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury respectively) – all diameters are used as periods of time with the rate (1 km = 1 second) - The periods are used by light known speed (300000 km/s)
The right side is the planets orbital periods
12868 = π x 4331 (error 5%) (4331 days = Jupiter orbital period)
10747 days = Saturn orbital period
30589 days = Uranus orbital period
90560 days = Pluto orbital period
4457 million km = Neptune orbital distance
That shows Neptune produced its orbital distance in place of its orbital period based on the same rule proves that Neptune is found on the opposite direction to the other planets.
687 days      = Mars orbital period (with 611 the error 12%)!
1148 days    = π x 365.25 days (Earth Orbital Period)
1089 days  = (π^2)/2 x 224.7 days (Venus Orbital Period)
439              = (π^2)/2 x 88 days (Mercury Orbital Period)
7070 s x (0.3)^2    = 637 = 687 / 1.0725
7070 km was Mars original diameter before its migration- and the rate 1.0725 is found by Lorentz length contraction effect.
 The Comment On The Data
The data shows the following
Light Motion Connects Each Planet Diameter With Its Orbital Period
The equation modifications can NOT refute the theory because the modifications depend on geometrical constant as (π), or depend on the using of (C) or (C^2)- these values can't be considered new values nor change the rule because they are geometrical constants which shows modifications are done for the energy- for example- the energy reflection causes to square the speed, by that, the planets which us (C) have no reflection of energy but the planets use (C^2) are suffered from the energy reflection- Shortly- the modifications can't refute the theory- means- the data tells – planet orbital period is defined based on this planet diameter by effect of the speed of light
I-15 Can Planet Diameter Be Used As A Period Of Time
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 10921 s a distance = 142984 km = Jupiter diameter
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 7510 s a distance =51118 km = Uranus diameter
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 10921 s a distance =51118 km = Uranus diameter
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 51118 s a distance =2 x 102536 km = Saturn diameter
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 120536 s a distance =1.1318 mkm
(1.13184 mkm = Jupiter motion distance per solar day)
10921 km = The Moon Circumference 
7510 km   = Pluto Circumference
The data shows the planets diameters are used as periods of time (for planets motions) also and not only for light motion – the fact is proved simply
The Comment On The Data
My planet diameter equation proves that planet diameter is created as a period of time because the diameter is created as a function in this planet rotation period.
The previous data is example of many similar which proves the planet diameter is used as period of time.
How can the planet diameter be used as a period of time?
Planet diameter is used as a period to define another planet diameter-
The idea is that- the solar system is created from one motion (the original light beam motion)- by this one motion all planets diameters are created for that each planet diameter defines the next planet diameter.
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
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nasa · 2 years
Calling Long-Distance: 10 Stellar Moments in 2022 for Space Communications and Navigation
Just like your phone needs Wi-Fi or data services to text or call – NASA spacecraft need communication services.
Giant antennas on Earth and a fleet of satellites in space enable missions to send data and images back to our home planet and keep us in touch with our astronauts in space. Using this data, scientists and engineers can make discoveries about Earth, the solar system, and beyond. The antennas and satellites make up our space communications networks: the Near Space Network and Deep Space Network.
Check out the top ten moments from our space comm community: 
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1. Space communication networks helped the Artemis I mission on its historic journey to the Moon. From the launch pad to the Moon and back, the Near Space Network and Deep Space Network worked hand-in-hand to seamlessly support Artemis I. These networks let mission controllers send commands up to the spacecraft and receive important spacecraft health data, as well as incredible images of the Moon and Earth.
The Pathfinder Technology Demonstration 3 spacecraft with hosted TeraByte InfraRed Delivery (TBIRD) payload communicating with laser links down to Earth. Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center
2. Spacecraft can range in size – from the size of a bus to the size of a cereal box. In May 2022, we launched a record-breaking communication system the size of a tissue box. TBIRD showcases the benefits of a laser communications system, which uses infrared light waves rather than radio waves to communicate more data at once. Just like we have upgraded from 3G to 4G to 5G on our phones, we are upgrading its space communications capabilities by implementing laser comms!
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3. The Deep Space Network added a new 34-meter (111-foot) antenna to continue supporting science and exploration missions investigating our solar system and beyond. Deep Space Station 53 went online in February 2022 at our Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex. It is the fourth of six antennas being added to expand the network’s capacity.
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4. You’ve probably seen in the news that there are a lot of companies working on space capabilities. The Near Space Network is embracing the aerospace community’s innovative work and seeking out multiple partnerships. In 2022, we met with over 300 companies in hopes of beginning new collaborative efforts and increasing savings.
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5. Similar to TBIRD, we're developing laser comms for the International Space Station. The terminal will show the benefits of laser comms while using a new networking technique called High Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking that routes data four times faster than current systems. This year, engineers tested and proved the capability in a lab.
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6. In 2021, we launched the James Webb Space Telescope, a state-of-the-art observatory to take pictures of our universe. This year, the Deep Space Network received the revolutionary first images of our solar system from Webb. The telescope communicates with the network’s massive antennas at three global complexes in Canberra, Australia; Madrid, Spain; and Goldstone, California.
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7. Just like we use data services on our phone to communicate, we'll do the same with future rovers and astronauts exploring the Moon. In 2022, the Lunar LTE Studies project, or LunarLiTES, team conducted two weeks of testing in the harsh depths of the Arizona desert, where groundbreaking 4G LTE communications data was captured in an environment similar to the lunar South Pole. We're using this information to determine the best way to use 4G and 5G networking on the Moon.
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8. A new Near Space Network antenna site was unveiled in Matjiesfontein, South Africa. NASA and the South African Space Agency celebrated a ground-breaking at the site of a new comms antenna that will support future Artemis Moon missions. Three ground stations located strategically across the globe will provide direct-to-Earth communication and navigation capabilities for lunar missions.
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9. Quantum science aims to better understand the world around us through the study of extremely small particles. April 14, 2022, marked the first official World Quantum Day celebration, and we participated alongside other federal agencies and the National Quantum Coordination Office. From atomic clocks to optimizing laser communications, quantum science promises to greatly improve our advances in science, exploration, and technology.
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10. We intentionally crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid to test technology that could one day be used to defend Earth from asteroids. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART, mission successfully collided with the asteroid Dimorphos at a rate of 4 miles per second (6.1 kilometers per second), with real-time video enabled by the Deep Space Network. Alongside communications and navigation support, the global network also supports planetary defense by tracking near-Earth objects.
We look forward to many more special moments connecting Earth to space in the coming year.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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spacelazarwolf · 11 months
if you want to answer (and i totally understand if you dont), who do you think bombed the hospital in gaza? ive seen a lot of different people talking about it and blaming different people & organizations and you seem like you know a lot aboit i/p
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: i am not a news source. i am some guy with access to the internet. please follow the links in this post, as well as doing your own research. please do not use social media posts exclusively as your source of news, and please continuously read and compare several different accredited news sources. keep on top of new sources and evidence that are being put out to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information.
it's not really about who i think did it. i feel like that centers me in a thing that is very much not about me. but i'll give it my best shot.
we still do not have confirmation of how many were killed or who is at fault for the bombing. there are a lot of numbers and opinions floating around online, but as of 4pm on october 19th there has not been a consensus on either of these things from any accredited organizations.
that being said, here are the statements that have been put out as of the time i'm responding to this:
statements about death toll:
the gaza health ministry estimates between 200 and 471 dead
the director of al-shifa hospital where people were brought from al-ahli estimates 250 dead
an assessment from the us director of national intelligence estimates between 100 and 300
an analyst with the center for naval analysis, after viewing photos and video, said the death toll was closer to 50
statements about fault:
(taking these directly from the article)
J Andres Gannon, an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University, in the US, says the ground explosions appeared to be small, meaning that the heat generated from the impact may have been caused by leftover rocket fuel rather than an explosion from a warhead. Justin Bronk, senior research fellow at the UK-based Royal United Services Institute, agrees. While it is difficult to be sure at such an early stage, he says, the evidence looks like the explosion was caused by a failed rocket section hitting the car park and causing a fuel and propellant fire. Mr Gannon says it is not possible to determine whether the projectile struck its intended target from the footage he has seen. He adds that the flashes in the sky likely indicate the projectile was a rocket with an engine that overheated and stopped working. Valeria Scuto, lead Middle East analyst at Sibylline, a risk assessment company, notes that Israel has the capacity to carry out other forms of air strike by drone, where they might use Hellfire missiles. These missiles generate a significant amount of heat but would not necessarily leave a large crater. But she says uncorroborated footage shows a pattern of fires at the hospital site that was not consistent with this explanation.
Visual evidence from the blast site The BBC was able to match details of buildings and the layout of the Al-Ahli hospital site with publicly available satellite imagery, to establish the hospital was the scene of the blast. Based on available evidence, it appears the explosion happened in a courtyard which is part of the hospital site. Images of the ground after the blast do not show significant damage to surrounding hospital buildings. What the images do show are scorch marks and burnt-out cars.
where the explosive came from
so far, israel, hamas, and palestinian islamic jihad have all denied responsibility
channel 4 news reported that palestinian islamic jihad had uncovered a warhead but they have not produced it
in a since-deleted tweet, hananya naftali, a social media advisor for netanyahu, claimed that it was an israeli airstrike that hit the hospital. he followed up by stating that he had shared incorrect information based on a reuters headline that refered to an israeli airstrike
tentative conclusion based on sources:
what i gather from what i've read is that the blast was likely caused by a misfired rocket originating somewhere in gaza, and the blast was exacerbated by the fuel in the rocket. BUT, as i stated before, new information is always being put out. there could be evidence released tomorrow that it was an israeli air strike. there has been no conclusive evidence yet.
and perhaps the most important section:
what you can actually do to help
if you are in the us, call your representatives and urge them to support the resolution for a ceasefire
check out this list of verified aid groups (if there is not a ceasefire as soon as possible, it won't matter what aid is sent to them and if they cannot get the supplies into gaza, so refer back to the first bulletpoint)
send a donation to your local synagogue(s) and mosque(s) to help them offset the rising costs of security
take a moment to be a human. don't think about the numbers. don't think about the politics. think about the human beings who lost their lives, and the people who are mourning them. the mothers who will never see their children again, the children who will grow up without parents. what did they have for breakfast? what was their favorite song? when was their birthday? were they afraid? were they in pain? what can we do to ensure this does not happen again?
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Warriors of Hope "Ten Years Later" reunion livestream where they play D&D with Komaru as their DM and chat about their lives. They're somewhat well-adjusted now but also they're former child abuse victims who started a retaliatory war and killed tons of people so there's a limit to how well-adjusted they're capable of being.
Monaca is streaming from her space van. She's literally parked next to a satellite in orbit so she can plug in and steal internet. Having limited capacity to make friends or touch grass in fucking space, Monaca is now terminally online.
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melliae · 2 months
Assorted Pharos/Ryoji Thoughts
So, huh, don’t expect something too meaningful or conclusive for this. It’s quite literally just me rambling about the possible connections and influences Pharos and Ryoji have as they come. Quite messy, and it may not make much sense…
Phallus and Birds
As I said in my post about Nyx, Pharos’ japanese name (“ファルロス”) isn’t a word that exists. It’s a combination of “ファルス” (“Phallus”) and “ファロス” (“Pharos”, as in the lighthouse of Alexandria). The two of them mark him as the masculine aspect of the Star Eater (i.e., its psyche), while its body remains as the feminine or maternal one.
“In this sense, the concept of matter is also only one archetypal representation among many others; indeed the concept of matter derives from the archetype of the Great Mother. [...] The archetype of the Father, that is, of the mind, is the polar opposite.” - Psyche and Matter, by Marie-Louise von Franz.
This divide is important to make clear, since it harks back to one of the fundamental inspirations mentioned by the FES Fan Book: Jung’s childhood dream about “Father Phallos”. I’m not going to explain it since it’s somewhat long, but the gist is that it acted as one of the foundations of Jung’s work, as seen with Seven Sermons to the Dead:
“Spirituality conceiveth and embraceth. It is womanlike and therefore we call it mater coelestis, the celestial mother. Sexuality engendereth and createth. It is manlike, and therefore we call it phallos, the earthly father.” - Sermo V.
I’m not going into detail about what Jung exactly meant by “womanlike” or “manlike” beyond pointing out it is more akin to the Yin and Yang division, but through western or hermetic lens.
While the parts of sexuality and creativity are better represented by Ryoji for obvious reasons, the identification between Pharos and Father Phallos is still important because it points to the former’s future as the “son” or “avatar” of “Dea Luna Satanas”.
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I put Systema Munditotius here again because it’s a graphical summary of the cosmology and psychological principles presented in Seven Sermons, showing how the human mind is a whole that encompasses all dualities. But instead of focusing on the vertical axis this time, I’m going to explain the horizontal one, where we can see:
The Emptiness (the black circle named “Inane”) at the leftmost extreme, whose dissolving and destructive capacities are manifested in the figure of “the Devil”, represented by the waxing moon—the so-called “Dea Luna Satanas” or “Goddess Moon Satan”.
The Fullness (the white circle named “Plenum”) at the rightmost extreme, with its creative capacities manifesting in the golden circle called “Deus Sol”, the Godly Sun.
Now, despite the presence of another Devil-like figure in the series (Nyarlathotep, with the japanese version of Eternal Punishment directly calling him “the archetype that destroys humans egos”), it’s undeniable the connection between Nyx as the moon and, well, the lunar Satan described in the Sermo IV:
“The dark gods form the earth-world. They are simple and infinitely diminishing and declining. The devil is the earth-world’s lowest lord, the moon-spirit, satellite of the earth, smaller, colder, and more dead than the earth.” 
And that’s where the other half of the left side enters: the Devil-Moon is the root of everything that’s “physical”, the “visible” and “sensual” spirits of earth (the green circle named “Mater Natura”) that manifest through the sexuality of the Phallos, who lies in the “depths of the earth” according to Jung’s dream—in the unconscious, with the Dark Hour being a symbol of it. That’s to say, Father Phallos and thus Pharos are the result of the countless souls that are attached to earth, of people dead in spirit and alive in bodies—of the Lost, and those who transmogrify each night, and those who have lost all hope.
However, unlike Pharos, the Avatar doesn’t show many “sensual” details, despite the entire Fool’s Journey it/he recited being a perfect metaphor of the earthly/gross side of life (i.e., you are born, you grow, you die); on the contrary, it presents a couple of celestial characteristics. The meaning of these properties lie on the other half of the right hemisphere, in the heavenly sphere that the wise kin of the Sun inhabits, communicating with the receptive nature of the human soul (or Celestial Mother) in the form of a white bird—the Holy Spirit.
“The white bird is a half-celestial soul of man. He bideth with the Mother, from time to time descending. The bird hath a nature like unto man, and is effective thought. He is chaste and solitary, a messenger of the Mother. He flieth high above earth. He commandeth singleness. He bringeth knowledge from the distant ones who went before and are perfected. He beareth our word above to the Mother.” - Sermo VI.
Yet, due to Nyx’s body being a shadowy reflection of the Heavenly Mother, it’s to be expected the Bird too becomes twisted, from a pure white dove into a pitch-black crow. There’s no need to go over all the references to black birds during the game, from Tartarus to Nyx Avatar—the messenger or “angel” of Nyx.
So, on one side we have Death as a Shadow, primitive and all-consuming, and on the other we have Ryoji, a conscious being filled to the brim with love and energy. Pharos is, then, the in-between, the liminal state between consciousness and unconsciousness, a baby that’s trying to break free from the grip of the unconscious’ “womb”, yet joins the “divine” with the mortal.
“The "child" is born out of the womb of the unconscious, begotten out of the depths of human nature, or rather out of living Nature herself. It is a personification of vital forces quite outside the limited range of our conscious mind; of ways and possibilities of which our one-sided conscious mind knows nothing; a wholeness which embraces the very depths of Nature.” - Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious.
Be it from Nyx or the protagonist/Makoto himself, Death/Pharos/Ryoji, from the moment his being was fragmented, sought separation and division, to know where his essence began and ended. He was trying to create himself. That’s the most beneficial manifestation of the Phallos: the birth of a “sun” or (primitive) consciousness through the active energy of the unconscious.
“The psychic life-force, the libido, symbolizes itself in the sun or personifies itself in figures of heroes with solar attributes. At the same time it expresses itself through phallic symbols.” - Symbols of Transformation.
An event comparable to the separation of the waters through the spirit (or “dove”) of God himself, or to the eating of the fruit of knowledge upon the serpent’s goading. That’s to say, a manifestation of the beginning of individuation, the development of the—his—Self out of the unconscious’ waters.
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Introversion and Extraversion
Makoto is introverted, and Ryoji extraverted.
Okay. That isn’t something new, like, at all. But it’s a good start, since I’m not referring to the popular conception that we have of introversion and extraversion, but to the jungian one, explained in Psychological Types:
“The introvert’s attitude is an abstracting one; at bottom, he is always intent on withdrawing libido from the object, as though he had to prevent the object from gaining power over him. The extravert, on the contrary, has a positive relation to the object. He affirms its importance to such an extent that his subjective attitude is constantly related to and oriented by the object.”
I went into a deeper explanation in my post about Philemon’s and Nyarlathotep’s Types, but the above is the main idea: the introverted individual focuses inwards, in the inner realm of the universal “subjective factor” or unconscious, and the extraverted individual focuses their energy into the external world and its objects, relating to the present. As a compensatory method, the differentiated attitude of consciousness will be opposed by the acquisition of the contrary attitude within the unconscious, giving rise to psychic wholeness and certain peculiarities that, for the moment, aren’t important.
Now, with that out of the way, I want to focus on a particular scene described by the book, about an interpretation about Spitteler’s “Prometheus and Epimetheus”, with Jung concluding that the brothers are representations of introversion and extraversion respectively:
“For just as Prometheus makes all his passion, his whole libido flow inwards to the soul, to his innermost depths, dedicating himself entirely to his soul’s service, so God pursues his course round and round the pivot of the world and exhausts himself exactly like Prometheus, who is near to self-extinction. All his libido has gone into the unconscious, where an equivalent must be prepared; for libido is energy, and energy cannot disappear without a trace, but must always produce an equivalent. This equivalent is Pandora and the gift she brings to her father: a precious jewel which she wants to give to mankind to ease their sufferings.”
Prometheus parted ways with the outer world to focus completely on his soul, the realm of the unconscious and his Anima. Understanding that libido can be symbolized by fire, light and heat, then Prometheus’ actions can be interpreted as he trying to “incubate” the treasure that lies deep within, which is compared in other parts of the book with the dharmic tapas or meditation, and the birth of the Buddha, one of the “three jewels”… The underlying meaning of the scene should be obvious at this point.
“The moon with her antithetical nature is, in a sense, a prototype of individuation, a prefiguration of the self: she is the “mother and spouse of the sun, who carries in the wind and the air the spagyric embryo conceived by the sun in her womb and belly.” This image corresponds to the psychologem of the pregnant anima, whose child is the self, or is marked by the attributes of the hero.” - Mysterium Coniunctionis.
A renewal of the “Sun”, who is no other than Pharos/Ryoji himself. Or do you think the sobriquet of Saturn, the Persona unlocked through his Linked Episodes, is for nothing?
Just like the maternal Nyx holds the golden, cosmic egg inside its body, Makoto “incubates” within him the seed of a new life, enveloping it/him just like the ocean does with all sorts of “primitive” life. This is not surprising considering that introversion is the “feminine” (or “ying”) attitude, and that Makoto was, in fact, described as the “mother” of Pharos in the Club Book (Thanks to elle-p for pointing it out!).
But I think there’s something much more interesting in how Makoto “incubated” Ryoji, because just like the moon, as a symbol of the Anima, carries “the child of the sun”, Prometheus makes his libido flow towards his soul… or Anima. That’s to say, both Makoto and Ryoji, at some level, represent each other’s Anima, the sexual counterimage to consciousness that mediates the collective unconscious.
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(While technically a non-canon portrayal of things, I still think it fits here :) After all, we know butterflies represent the souls of individuals in the series)
It’s not a perfect correlation naturally; the soul-image is that of the opposite gender of consciousness, to balance the psyche. But the mirror idea is the basis of their relationship, with Ryoji and the protagonist playing each other’s attitudes. The movies are more explicit with this, and there’s a particular quote I really hold close to my heart:
“綾時は理の対極にいるようなキャラクターです。物静かな理と社交的な綾時は"静と動"の関係であり,彼らの対比第3章の物語に欠かせない視点をもたらしています” - Keitaro Motonaga, Persona 3: Falling Down Pamphlet.
“Ryoji is a character that feels like the opposite of Makoto. The quiet Makoto and the sociable Ryoji have a relationship of ‘stillness and motion’, and their contrast brings about an indispensable perspective in the third chapter of this story.”
The connections are clear: Makoto is an introverted sensor (ISxx), and Ryoji is an extroverted intuitive (ENxx). And if we really break down their character, Makoto is an ISFJ (overall ISFx, with the J/P depending on the particular media) and Ryoji an ENFP, which is pretty damn close to a mirror match! You can compare them with Elizabeth, who is likely an ENTP.
Anyway, what’s more interesting in Ryoji’s Type is how it’s described on Psychological Types, under the “Extraverted Intuitive” section:
Going from “object” to “object” and situation to situation, never satisfied with the current circumstances staying the same.
That applies to people too, how they can go from “adventure” to “adventure” in search of romance.
Thanks to the enthusiasm they hold for what is next, they are able to inspire others as well.
Their unconsciousness is mainly governed by an archaic Sensation directed towards introversion, which means their blind spot corresponds to the endosomatic part of the senses, manifesting as strange and absurd sensations (which yes, it can include perceiving the world as dream-like).
And since Ryoji is a feeler as well, all those characteristics acquire a romantic tinge, seeing things by what they emotionally mean instead of what they (sensually) are. Does it sound familiar? Metaphors about “flowing water” maybe? You can quite literally do one of those school homeworks of joining columns with those points and Ryoji’s characterization.
Another interesting thing to consider is the contrastive relation between Ryoji’s and Makoto’s Types, which returns to my previous point of Ryoji being “incubated” through Makoto’s introversion, because he’s the personification of Makoto’s unconscious functions. The only exception is Ryoji being an extraverted feeler (ExFx) instead of an extraverted thinker (like with Elizabeth again, or Metis), but I still think it fits with Edogawa’s explanations in P4G:
“However, it's not impossible that you might have picked it. The other path was certainly a logical choice. Your Shadow is the path that you didn't take. In other words...It is another you. The Shadow is the ‘you that wasn't picked.’”
Through his fear and trauma, Makoto withheld all the “heat” he could have vested life with inside his soul, warming and breathing life into the “seed” that was sealed within. But whereas the Shadow merely personifies that repressed libido and possibilities, Ryoji became human only through living them—he didn’t only embody Makoto’s repressed yearnings and sufferings, but made them his own. This returns once more to the “jewel” of Pandora that doesn’t solely belong to Prometheus (i.e., Makoto), but to the whole world.
“hell: a name for the *prima materia, the *black colour which appears during the *putrefaction of the matter of the Stone at the *nigredo, the torture through which the ‘body’ of the Stone passes while being dissolved by the secret fire. [...] The nigredo stage is also known as ‘Tartarus’. During the process of the nigredo the colour of the putrefaction is said to be as black as pitch, and the shades of hell appear. A profound blackness reigns both over the matter in the alembic and over the alchemist who may experience the torments of hell while witnessing the shadow or underworld of the psyche.” - A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery, by Lyndy Abraham.
There’s no need to explain why Tartarus and the Dark Hour are the unconscious, but I’ve to in regards to how they represent Makoto’s “stagnant hell” and their relationship with alchemy.
Fire and Motion
According to the same book I quoted before, “A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery”, towers in general can be interpreted to be symbols of the alchemical alembic, the main instrument through which the alchemists try to create the philosophers’ stone. However, alchemy is both an outer and inner discipline, so the tower isn’t merely a symbol for the external instrument, but also for the inner one: the human soul, which is put through “hellish” heat to purify it. Thus, towers, hell, and the individual become synonyms for the same alchemical instrument of transformation, fueled by the “secret” or “inner fire” that, in this case, corresponds to Makoto’s libido.
If we follow the normal alchemical process, then Death/Ryoji should be equal to the prima materia or the “first matter” used to create the Stone. But since the Stone is a symbol of the Self, the presence of Ryoji is iffy unless we, instead of thinking of him as the actual goal of alchemy, interpret him as the “secondary” goal, as gold itself, the mineralized/gross essence of the sun.
“But when the alchemists speak of gold they mean more than material gold. In the microcosmic-macrocosmic law of correspondences, gold is the metallic equivalent of the sun, the image of the sun buried in the earth. The sun in turn is the physical equivalent of the eternal spirit which lodges in the heart (the ‘sun’ of the human microcosm).” - A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery.
This is a topic I already explained previously, since “sun = life = libido = phallus”, corresponding to the masculine/yang/extraverted side of things. As I previously noted on Nyx's post, one can see all of these correspondences with Ryoji’s infamous yellow scarf that represents the golden color—Nyx's core—of the final battle according to the Design Works (again, thanks to elle-p for pointing out that indecipherable text!), decidedly marking him as a product of Makoto’s inner work—as his “mineralized” life-energy.
But to describe Ryoji as purely “gold” would be incorrect; he’s far from being a pure manifestation of the incorruptible essence of the sun. His “true nature” is pointed by, again, the final Persona of his Linked Episodes, Saturn, the “black sun”.
“This power is called ‘sulphur.’ It is a hot, daemonic principle of life, having the closest affinities with the sun in the earth, the “central fire” or ‘ignis gehennalis’ (fire of hell). Hence there is also a Sol niger, a black sun, which coincides with the nigredo and putrefactio, the state of death.” - Mysterium Coniunctionis.
It’s darkness itself, the stagnation of life and its energy that leads to the state we see in the Dark Hour: putrid and rotten to the core, stagnated and filled to the brim with the dead and lost in life. It’s the collective “dark night of the soul”, the nigredo stage of alchemy of all humanity that can only be overcome by setting the world in “fire”, the element of motion and change that makes the clock advance with each full moon and each cleared floor in Tartarus, for better or worse. The transformation of Death into Ryoji is just the repetition of such a process at the individual level.
And if all of that sounds familiar, it should be! That’s the fundamental meaning of both the Fortune and Death arcanas, representing the nature of life as endlessly changing to represent its wholeness. Thus, life stagnating and “becoming a void” is a paradox that must be solved by reigniting its motion/change, lest it collapses into itself.
“This card is attributed to the letter Nun, which means a fish; the symbol of life beneath the waters; life travelling through the waters. [,,,] In alchemy, this card explains the idea of putrefaction, the technical name given by its adepts to the series of chemical changes which develops the final form of life from the original latent seed in the Orphic egg.” - Book of Thoth, by Aleister Crowley.
The Death arcana is that hellish fire that puts people under the most unbearable pain to put things in the correct path once more. Due to that, it has three “manifestations”: the scorpion that kills itself when finding itself surrounded by “fire”; the serpent that renews itself through its shedding, crawling and thus still attached to earth; and the eagle, the spirit of life that soars the sky, unbounded by and embracing change at the same time. Yet, Death as a Shadow represents the contrary, the stagnated core of the Dark Hour that leads all to its destruction and that must be burned—killed and resurrected
Alchemy is necessarily a violent process, because it requires the constant death and union of the elements so they can be “perfected”. In Death’s case, its alchemical work began from the moment it was separated/”killed” and sealed in Makoto, who is a stand-in for the maternal womb, the alchemical vessel, and the mercurial waters that dissolve the murdered element. Yet, as the alchemist himself, Makoto also pours his own life and heat into the dissolved Shadow to unify and resurrect it in a new, “purer” shape: Pharos, the “creativity” of a nascent sun, the seed of a new life.
(By that matter, Nyx crashing against earth follows a similar pattern: the original being is mutilated and “dissolved” through the alambique—the primordial hadean life. The broken egg or core is an image that has the same meaning as the separation of Death; both fall under the dismemberment motif of alchemy)
But then, how does all of this relate with Saturn? Well, it’s because Saturn has a really long history in hermeticism, alchemy, and astrology: he represents the outermost and heaviest planet of all, embodying the limitations and structure of the universe such as time and death, devouring nature to rebirth it once again. Furthermore, the planet is associated with none other than lead, the heaviest metal that’s commonly used as a metaphor for the first matter, the moribund nature that… well, it should be obvious what one must do.
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And funnily enough, just as fire is the element of transformation and renewal, Intuition in general corresponds to the function that oversees the dynamic elements of reality. It perceives the relations and motion between external/internal objects. So in more than one sense, Ryoji is the “inner fire”/“spirit” of Makoto. However, since alchemy deals with opposites and due to his nature as the black sun/saturn, there must be a limiting element in nature to restrain his ever-expanding/intuitive nature…
The Bonds of Death
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Why a scarf? Why not another piece of cloth or even jewelry? Well, the image above answers why: a scarf is no different from a noose, one of the most common elements of death deities and grim reaper figures around the world, for what’s death but a hunter of humans? Thus, Ryoji’s scarf is a symbol of how even himself is bound to death, to his underlying nature.
“The difference seems to be due to the repression of real sensations. These make themselves felt when, for instance, the intuitive suddenly finds himself entangled with a highly unsuitable woman—or, in the case of a woman, with an unsuitable man—because these persons have stirred up the archaic sensations.” - Psychological Types.
I can hardly argue in favor of the “unsuitable” part, but there’s no need to really explain the other one, right? “Déjà vu” and all. That’s the “magical” part of Introverted Sensation, which transforms the sensed objects into symbols of the collective psyche through impressing it onto them. And in case of “inferior” Sensation, as presented above, those “filtered” sensations become “effective entities” on their own right since the archetypal forces of the unconscious control them, possessing them even. This strengthens the idea of Ryoji’s attraction being rooted not only in the “forgotten” or unconscious memories of when he was Pharos, existing in a liminal state between consciousness and unconsciousness, but also points to how those memories are themselves mixed with archaic, mythological imagery, and that only has one source.
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The protagonist is Ryoji’s “alchemist” and thus an equal to his “mother”, a reflection of Nyx as Death’s “mother”, the “black ocean” from which the transmuted golden egg (or seed) was extracted. This relationship is also pointed out by the fortune teller in club Escapade during January, explaining how “nothingness is the other face of the infinite world/universe”, ultimately hinting at the same thing I explained through the inferior Sensation: the oneness between the figure of Nyx and Makoto (understanding him as a symbol for all humanity).
In particular, I think the image above is perfect for this, since not only Nyx’s core and Makoto are (close to be) superimposed with each other, but also due to the black spiral in the background. The spiral also appears on the Great Seal’s surface, and within this context I have to quote Jung once more:
“We can hardly escape the feeling that the unconscious process moves spiral-wise round a centre, gradually getting closer, while the characteristics of the centre grow more and more distinct. Or perhaps we could put it the other way round and say that the centre—itself virtually unknowable—acts like a magnet on the disparate materials and processes of the unconscious and gradually captures them as in a crystal lattice. For this reason the centre is (in other cases) often pictured as a spider in its web (fig. 108), especially when the conscious attitude is still dominated by fear of unconscious processes.” - Psychology and Alchemy.
The book and even the own paragraph goes on to say that the “centre” is the Self (along with a noteworthy mention of the orphic egg again). But more importantly is the mention of the web here, representing consciousness’ “fear” of joining into the endless spiral that moves around without end, and its connection to the first kanji of Ryoji’s name: “綾”, which means “twill weave” or a “pattern of diagonal stripes”, a textile element that shouldn’t be so different from a web. Needless to say, all of that is connected to the figure of the alchemist/crafter and that of a mother.
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The scarf in the first image, due to the fetal position of Ryoji, can be read as an umbilical (normally red) cord connecting him to Makoto/the “mother”, while the second is a little more explicit with the association to the red thread of fate—and what other fate there’s but death? Ryoji’s inherent connection to Death and Nyx is expressed through the “golden cord” that his scarf is, which can also be read as a noose, and as a manifestation of the inferior Sensation, the static element that eternally joins him to his source.
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(Scan uploaded by Vesk)
Even the final resolution of Ryoji and Makoto, the white stone and pure dove incarnated, can’t abandon the chain that binds them to death and its hellish fire. However, this time is a willing acceptance of its existence, holding it with one’s hand instead of letting it strangle the individual unconsciously. Even the hands at the waist are holding each other gently, representing the final union of the “lovers” at the top of the alembic—at the top of Tartarus—in the form of a winged spirit.
“The united bodies of sulphur and argent vive, usually symbolized by a pair of lovers, are killed, dissolved and laid in a grave to putrefy during the stage known as the *nigredo. Their souls fly to the top of the alembic while the blackened *hermaphroditic body is sublimed, distilled and purified. When the body is cleansed to perfect whiteness it is then reunited with the soul (or united soul and spirit).” - A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery.
Death is fate indeed, and in that fire, change and life. It’s the ultimate “fetter” that no one can go against, let alone the immortals that do not fear it.
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selfcestmovies · 1 month
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For Kate Bishop, taking up residence at the new Avengers Compound made her feel like a kid in a candy store. She never had to worry about paying rent or cooking for herself (or cleaning up!), and to top it all off, Kate found herself with a nearly unlimited quantity of mind-boggling techy toys at her fingertips.
Battle drones, trick arrows, satellite reconnaissance... frankly it was enough to spoil a girl rotten.
But the battle simulations were what really caught Kate's eye. At it's full capacity, the tech could fill an entire room with holographic enemies and hazards to further train her skills – but even the "pocket-sized" version of the sim gear was impressive. Tony Stark had showed her personally how the small headset could simulate fully life-like encounters with various enemies or allies – anyone who had been pre-loaded into the simulation archive.
"Have fun," he winked. "Don't get too hooked."
Kate's gears were already turning by the time she got back to her dorm. She could use the tech to practice interrogations with Natasha Romanoff, or even to simulate a one-on-one encounter with intergalactic foes like Thanos... As she flipped through the options available on the headset, more and more ideas came to mind.
And then... her mind began to wander. She could summon *anyone* into her dorm room. Even someone like Yelena, or Wanda, for a bit of private time without the boundaries usually set by social decorum. It was late at night already and Kate began to feel herself getting excited as she scanned through the list of potential strings-free hook-ups that the simulation tech would make available to her.
Then one name caught her eye, one that she hadn't realized would have been preloaded into the augmented simulation gear, but she supposed it shouldn't be a complete surprise: it was herself. Kate Bishop.
Kate could literally hang out with herself.
Kate could literally do much more with herself, too. Many more things, she realized. A few otherwise previously-far-too-impossible interactions came swiftly to mind.
She didn't waste a second longer. With the swipe of a few buttons, she launched the simulation and another identical Kate Bishop appeared by her side. Oh what fun the two of her would have in store.
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