#send me a message here and i can send you the link individually!
andoutofharm · 10 months
idk if you'll have the answer for this but with the "show exclusive" shirts, I didn't see any at my venue (Toronto)- did I just miss them/they sold out before I even got in? Or am I misunderstanding what they are- since you said you would be making yours are they like... fan shirts? Sorry if this is a silly question! I'm just confused and can't find Anything online about show-specific merch, so if there Was something I'd want to find a way to get it lmao
I do have an answer! The shirts are official designs, and each city has a different lyric on the back and the name of the city and the smile/frown logo on the front. It’s very possible they sold out before you could get to them - they’ve tended to go really fast at every show so far.
The way I'll be making mine is through either one of those sites like customink (where you can upload a design) or through screenprinting (which I have just started to learn how to do). A reddit user created png versions of each of the city specific lyric shirts! their original post on it is here - these designs are for PERSONAL use and are not to be used for resale or for profit. But for anyone sad they missed their city’s shirt or a specific lyric or couldn’t go to any tour date, this is an excellent resource to use to get your own printed!
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littlelightfish · 6 days
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I will scream at every non-romantic post I see about these guys. Writers be not afraid. I will love their non-romance fics. I'll blow up your coment section all alone if I have to. I will find you. Artists be not afraid. I will reach tag limit on your artpiece. If I see it at least. And if I don't, I will eventually. Or I'll try. Or @me so I won't fail you.
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amalthiaph · 9 months
A present to @talesfrommedinastation and their neigbor Doug based off of THIS POST (which I highly recommend you check out)
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And this is the 9/9 art I promised to celebrate me reaching 99 followers here on Tumblr! It's been a treat and you are all amazing.
And uhh, I didn't include Admiral Rampart because I hate him so much I can't bring myself to draw him lol
And here are the individual icons. You can use them as your profile icon, just message me so I can send you the HD version and please don't forget to mention or tag me when you do so ^_^
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This will also serve as my contribution to TBB Appreciation Week 2023 because I do want to join but I can't understand how prompts work even after the admin explained it to me (I'm so so sorry admin)
Please be sure to check out the original post by talesfrommedinastation linked at the beginning of my post. I might also do the secondary character edition in the future. Bye.
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upsidedownsmore · 4 months
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ENTRIES CLOSED, reblogs turned off, thank you everyone for entering and sharing your wonderful works!!
A compilation of every entry piece can be found here!
The winner is @mugbearerscorner and the information has been confirmed in DMs!!
Roll proof:
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A link to the full spreadsheet of entries can be found here!
I'm so so grateful to all the people who participated in this event!! I'm so happy with how well it turned out and I'm so so thankful to be able to host it!!! Love you all!! :) :) :)
* Provided by Digital Extremes! Info about the prime access here.
To enter, simply reblog with your art of ANY warframe giving a thumbs up!
Giveaway entries will close on FEBRUARY 10TH at 10:00pm CST
The post for the above drawing (with reference screenshot and wips) can be found here.
This is not a contest! The winner will be decided entirely randomly, image quality will have no effect on chances of winning! Make whatever you can in any medium you want! (This can also include 3D mediums! The only thing I'm not including is unedited game screenshots/captura, though edited might be okay). Everyone can draw regardless of how good you think your own skills are!
Please submit your own drawing(s)!! Only one is necessary but you can make more if you want of course! Do not use any AI generation tools for your entry.
When reblogging it might be a good idea to enter some text either in the post or in the tags! It turns out reblogs with just an image and nothing else might not show up under the original post, which means I might miss your submission!
Only one entry per person, you will not get more entries for additional reblogs and/or drawings.
The goal of this is for the community to have a fun little gallery of warframe thumb ups in the reblogs, but again don't stress over how "good" your drawing is! As long as you have fun and submit something vaguely in line with the prompt you're good! (such as a wave instead of a thumbs up or an operator instead of a warframe, etc. Up to you how closely you want to follow the prompt!)
You DO NOT need to engage with me in any other way (likes, follows, etc.) to enter, just a reblog with a drawing loosely following the prompt!
This giveaway will only run here on Tumblr due to issues with bots and impersonation on Twitter. The issue of course is that the only way to submit images under a single post on Tumblr is through reblogs, but please know that I do not intend this to be a means of promotion. If people could submit images in the replies I would gladly take that option! If this post gets taken down I will look into other giveaway options.
As this is my first giveaway as a Warframe creator please let me know if I've made any mistakes!
Here are some example drawings that would all work, but of course whatever you want to make shouldn't be limited to this!
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Inspired by @ritens, I will be assigning one unique number per individual and then throwing them into the random number generator on random.org. After the entries close and I roll the winner, I will update this post with the winner's name and a message saying that the giveaway is closed. Reblogs will also be turned off once the giveaway is closed, as I am only using reblogs as means of congregating drawing submissions under one post during the giveaway period.
Whoever's number get's chosen will be contacted via DMs here on Tumblr, so please make sure your DMs are open! I will be asking for your Warframe IGN and platform so DE can give send over your prize! If you have cross-save linked or merged then please tell me, though I will also be asking in DMs as well. If the winner doesn't respond within 48 hours or no longer wants the prime access pack, then I will roll a new winner with the same method but with the previous winner(s) number(s) taken out of the pool.
Topmost drawing without giveaway text:
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Anyways good luck and most importantly have fun!!
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andy-wm · 11 months
How to explain JK & JM and their endless coincidences?
Easy really, none of them are coincidences.
I'll admit that I'm not the quickest at reacting to what's going on around me. My poor ND brain takes a while to absorb it all and put the pieces together, but then I can't stop thinking and thinking and thinking about all those puzzle pieces.
Gotta get those thoughts out of my head to make room for new ones LOL... so here they are.
Everything is not a coincidence 🎶
I hear Jimin singing this in my head.
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No, of course its not.
We've seen how intricately they plan their cocepts, outfits, stages and releases. We saw it in detail with the Artist Made Collection and the Photo Folios. The processes they went through were thorough and thoughtful. They considered everything.
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For Jimin and Jungkook, aligning their message is nothing new. For years they've been coming out in matching clothes, jewelery, and accessories - including the cute and silly matching Pororo bandaids at the puma fansign in 2016 when neither of them had an injury (JK's idea, according to JM).
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Sometimes the matching outfits are identical...
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Other times the alignment is more subtle....
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But it's so frequent, we barely comment these days.
When they aren't matching, they're swapping. Their shared wardrobe is legendary - especially for someone who doesn't like other people wearing his clothes (JK) and someone who has assured us they have different clothes (JM).
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But I digress....
The gist is, we know they pay attention to the mesage they send with their clothes and styling.
They know WE we pay attention too - they know we notice it all. Every.Single.Thing.They.Do.
They tell us they know all the ARMY jokes and memes. They do and say things that correspond too closely to ARMY's conversations on socials to be a coincidence.
Everything is not a coincidence 🎶
So with the visual themes of their solo releases being so astonishingly similar, anyone with eyes in their head (and a moderately functional brain and heart) can't think it's accidental. And JK and JM can't possibly think they're being subtle either.
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And I honestly don't think they're trying to be subtle. Not at all.
I think they are demonstrating very clearly that even when they're apart, they're together. They're always aligned*.
They share ideas, they work together (they certainly don't work in secret) and they agree on what they, together are choosing to show.
Everything is not a cooincidence 🎶
We know they've shared ideas for this because at no point has either of them shown suprise at seeing the other wearing a similar outfit, holding a similar pose, or adopting similar aesthetics. They're hyping each other's music and promo work, and sharing their pride and enjoyment with us. (JM posting on insta to celebrate JK's #1 on the hottest 100 was NOT for JKs benefiit. It was for ours 💜)
It's not a matter of who did it first or who copied...all of this they created together.
They're showing us their individual strengths and telling their own stories, but using an aesthetic framework they've planned together. The visuals overlap is enough to to unmistakablly link their narratives together without restricting their self expression.
It's genius really.
They're living their 'I am you, you are me' dream right now, but in such a way that they are also without a doubt independent individuals as well.
Personally I love this. I love them.
I love that they can contribute to one another's creative processes, each produce something wholly unique to themself, and still have visually connected stories.
One day this will become their shared history. With a brief glance, anyone who looks will be able to see how much they supported and cooperated with each other, and that they chose to reflect their personal relationship in these works.
This would be a very conscious decision - to be visibly connected, not just for the few months their solo work is on the charts but for as long as the record of BTS's existance remains.
And that will be a long, long time I am sure 💜
*They're always aligned, i believ, with regards to their goals. For their work but also in terms of their relationship.
I think they trust one another implicitly, both professionally and personally. I think they're honest but kind, and they have each others backs. They are each other's highest priority and I hope it will always be this way for them 💜
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ikemenlibrary · 5 months
Now announcing.... 'My Ikémen Valentine' Gift Exchange!
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A sweet and spicy holiday to celebrate with your true love
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The fifth installment in the Ikémen Gift Exchanges hosted by @ikemenlibrary. This one’s a bit different, as it’s not for a specific fandom, but instead, a romantic holiday! 
This is open to all of the current Ikémen games released in English servers!
Main Info:
Event: Gift Exchange
Fandom(s): Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Revolution
Creation time: January 19 - February 16 Gift sharing: February 17-18
You can sign up for the exchange here
The deadline to submit your submission to join the exchange will be due on January 12.
You will have a month to create a Valentine’s gift for your recipient and an Ikémen character that they have given to you out of their list. 
If you're interested in joining, please make sure to get your answers completed and sent in before January 12. You can edit your sign up form after it’s been submitted, but please make sure to let me (the host)  know if you’ve done that, as I do not get notified when that happens and I want to make sure everyone’s happy with up to date information. Once the deadline passes, I will turn off the link to edit or submit so if you have any problems after then, please contact me directly.
Once I get everyone’s information organized and sorted, I will be reaching out to everyone individually on January 19 to let you know who you’ve been assigned to create for, as well as any extra information to share at that point in time.
When your application has been accepted for the gift exchange, I will reach out with a link to join the Discord server (if you aren’t already in it from previous exchanges).**
Please let me know if you have any questions! I can be reached via Tumblr DM or if you have my Discord from previous exchanges, you may find me there as well <3
Disclaimer: **Please note before signing up that I do have a Discord server that I encourage everyone to join. We’d love for all the participants (myself included!) to get to know one another, work together, and potentially help each other out within the event. We also have some fun bots to play with!
If using Discord is something you are absolutely not comfortable with, please message me before you send in an application so I am aware that you will not be joining and can mark it down on my end for organization purposes. (If I’ve spoken to you about this before, just specify in the sign up sheet, there’s no reason to need to reach out again!)
Below the cut, there is a new update to the rules I’ve previously had in place. This is also reflected in the sign up sheet. Please let me know if you have any questions!**
Can’t wait to see you all soon!
**I just wanted to give a quick update on the rules, as I have changed a few things slightly this time around.
The minimum word requirement for fanfiction updated from 800 to 850 words
The fan art requirement has been updated from being lined with a colored drawing, to also require a background as well (this can be a solid color, or scenery, or whatever you decide. The background just cannot be white (of course, special cases may occur and I will leave it up to the artists stylistic choice))
This time around, you cannot select specific characters from a list who you aren’t interested in creating for. That would be too messy with 4 fandoms. Instead, you will get more options of characters to create based on your choices you fill out on the sign up form
You must be ready to share progress during the halfway check in point via Google Drive/Docs if you are a fanfiction creator. If you do not have access to using one of these, please send me whatever you have during the check in, and I will copy it into my Google Drive. This is so if there becomes a time where you lose your progress on something other than Google, there will still be a copy existing, even if it doesn’t completely reflect your current progress. 
This will all be reiterated in the information key you will be given at the time assignments go out, so don’t worry about remembering this for the time being
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ladyanidala · 1 month
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Hello hello!
Welcome to my fledgling masterlist, the place where you'll find just about everything I have written over on AO3. Below, you'll find my works, request guidelines, and anything I think of after I publish this. Enjoy!
Reader Insert
Alternate Universes
(Eventually this section will be updated with individual chapters and more masterlists, but as of 5/7/2024, I can't be bothered)
We're Not Needed Here
General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Grand Army of the Republic, Jedi General of the 212th Battalion, has had enough.
Series link is here.
Her Step Forward
In the galaxy far, far away that we know and love, Anakin Skywalker fell to the Dark Side, leaving destruction and death in his wake.
In another galaxy slightly closer, yet still far, far away, the wife of Anakin Skywalker took a step forward on Mustafar, not backward.
Series link is here.
Letting Go
Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi have kept Duchess Satine Kryze alive. The mission is complete, and they're heading back to Coruscant for a well deserved rest.
They never make it back.
Series link is here.
And With A Cry, My Chains Are Gone
It is the eve of the Fall of the Republic, and Anakin Skywalker is terrified of losing his wife.
The Force isn't having it.
Story link is here.
This story centers on Olyssia, a young woman with amnesia who finds herself aboard one of the Venators belonging to the 501st. The only thing she can remember is the order to kill Palpatine.
What Once Was Lost, I Have Found Again
Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala were dead. His corpse stayed behind on Mustafar, while hers was on a backwater planet, trying to survive for the sake of her children.
Commander Thorn had defected. There was nowhere in the galaxy he could go, and he wanted out. He was tired of fighting.
Story link is here.
Event Participations
Obitine Week 2023
The series can be found here.
Left on Read - based on a prompt found in the wild on Tumblr. Fox goes home to surprise his brothers, and none of them see him. Modern AU.
My Time Has Come (Brother, Let Me Weep) - Fox finds out about Ponds' death from the shiny grapevine. Soldiers can't mourn, and so he doesn't.
Seeping Through My Memory - Ahsoka can't stop seeing death when she closes her eyes. She ends up at Anakin's quarters, desperate for comfort and life to go back to normal.
The Bad Batch
You Weren't There (Brother, I'd Hold You To The End) - Crosshair can't handle living after everything he's done. He sends a final message to the Batch. Written before s3 aired.
Jedi Survivor
Ghost Star, Are You Very Far? - Two times Kata gets to hear a story about her parents.
Request Guidelines
So you found your way down to the bottom of the abyss- ah, the masterlist. Welcome! I can only assume you're either curious about what I'll write, or you want to request something yourself. Either way, happy to have you here!
A couple rules...
I will not write smut or suggestive content. I don't feel comfortable writing literary porn whatsoever. Any requests asking me to write smut will be deleted. (If you're ever interested as to why I won't write it, feel free to send a message/ask! I don't mind talking about it!)
I will not write clonecest or same sex romantic pairings. Again, these are things that I'm simply not comfortable with. Any asks for these will be deleted.
Beyond those two things above, go wild! I love a challenge, and am down to write platonic and romantic pieces.
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popfizzles · 8 months
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Hi guys!! This is going to be a long one!
Now, first things first, if you didn't know, I run an Etsy shop with my sibling @kittyacelia!
We're starting to branch out the things that we sell and offer (like jewelery, pay-to-use bases, and acrylic charms) but the thing we started with, and arguably the thing we are most known for, are Comfort Character Boxes and Letters!
You can receive a box full of snacks, beauty-care, and feel-good items--everything inside is catered to YOUR interests, as you will fill out a form after purchasing! Each box also comes with a letter and a sticker of the character you chose! The idea is that it will feel like your favorite character will have sent you the box themselves! We've got a short list of fandoms that we're very passionate about, and if you're ALSO passionate about some of the same stuff that we post, we would love to work with you! We work our very best to make sure everything is as in-character as possible, so we try to stick to things that we know. If you don't see your fandom listed, please feel free to send a message to the Etsy shop and double check before purchasing! We just restocked in time for the December holidays! You can buy our boxes for any occasion (birthdays, pick-me-ups, or if you're just feeling like getting a nice treat for yourself), but if you're looking to guarantee your box or letter arrives in time before the New Year, you should definitely purchase it now!! Our boxes have an estimated turnaround time of 10 weeks, and last year we had some weather trouble and got snowed in. So, better safe than sorry! There's also no issue with purchasing a box as a present for someone else; just know that you will have to fill out a form full of info on their behalf if you'd like to keep it a surprise (so be prepared to answer some questions like "what's your favorite color/animal/candy/etc." and "do you have any allergies we should know about?") [If you're interested in taking a look at the sizes of boxes we offer, you can click here to look at the listings we have in stock!]
We're having one last call on our Sticker Blowout Sale!
Any stickers that you see listed on our shop at this moment will be the last time they're listed individually (and with free shipping to the United States) like this! If you are interested in any of the characters listed, now would be the time to buy them!! If you don't, you will not see them again for a VERY LONG TIME unless you buy a box or a letter. Once January hits, we will be totally rebranding and cleaning our shop page so it's more cohesive, uniform, and easy to navigate! This will also include starting to add sticker packs, where you can choose to buy individual character stickers from a listing, or purchase a large batch of them at a discount! BUT this means that we will not be listing stickers until we have a large amount of them finished for one fandom, which will likely take a while, doing extra character stickers when we have time away from the boxes and letters. So again, you have until January 1st to buy the rest of the stickers listed on our shop. After that, any leftovers will be removed from the store, and will not return until we have large amounts of them finished. They'll be listed permanently by fandom in batches at that point! [To take a look at what stickers we have left from our Blowout Sale, you can click this link!]
And, as always, thank you all SO MUCH for the continued support.
We love our job, being able to bring people so much happiness!! We're ready to keep on delivering gifts to you from your favorite characters, and we're looking forward to bringing you so much more than that in the future!!
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wonsohl · 1 year
see you again ☆ han yujin 💭
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‘ so are you really going to that planet thingy?’
you ask yujin after several of other trainees had told you about the rumor of yujin going to the new mnet survial show.
‘yeah, i guess so..’
the there was an awkward silence.
you and yujin had been besties and very close but ever since the whole rumor of him going to that show, you’ve been distant.
abit too distant.
whenever you would see each other it would be lil nods signalling hellos.
‘cool, but if you actually debut than do not forget me.’
you say trynna uplift the dull mood which you do.
he lets out an chuckle and links his finger with yours promising your wish.
‘of course y/n, i know you won’t be far behind.’
it felt like forever but you guys were still linking fingers together.
it was 10:27 in the night and the company was empty.
or you thought.
‘ yujin! we need to practice, we’re going to the studio tomorrow get back here.’
you guys both turn around to see a tall and handsome boy pulling yujin by his ear towards the dance practice room.
‘oh, you are new?’
‘oh no, you don’t really see me on this floor and i’ m mostly on the top floor, im y/n and im not new’
‘nice, im kim gyuvin, now excuse me because me and yujin need to get practicing,
bye …’
‘bye y/n’ says yujin and gyuvin as they run off.
and that was the last time you saw yujin in person.
you sit on the green comfy chairs in mama, cheering on the other artists.
till you hear a familiar voice.
it was him, han yujin.
it had been 3 years since you last heard of him.
he stopped sending messages, he stopped calling you and talking to you.
but there he was, on the big screen dancing with the old smile.
you could’ve sworn your heart was beating unusually.
the world felt like it was going slow when you saw him.
but then your manager had called you and your group ( le sserafim ) down to get ready for your performance.
whilst warming up your vocals you went to fetch some water for your members and that’s when you saw him.
he looked so ethereal and handsome than usual.
you walked past him and you felt his eyes gaze on you.
the same way they gazed at you when you were dancing the practice room 3 years ago.
after fetching water, you guys put in your monitors and went on stage.
things went smooth and surprisingly alot of your fans had shown up.
lost of cheers were given when you were singing and at the end of your performance.
you also won an award for the ‘ best female group ‘ of the year in which you and yunjin both did a joint speech in english.
when retuning to your seat, you walked past yujin and his group.
eunchae , being the respectful younger, took her time bowing down to her sunbaes making you individually bow to them.
when it got to yujin, the whole world felt like it went silent.
yujin’s eyes softened when he looked at your beauty.
he mouthed a ‘ congratulations’ to you and you smiled back saying thank you.
after mama had finished you and several other groups headed down the stairs.
strangely in enough, yujin just had to be a inch away from you.
you looked at him secretly but it turns out he saw you looking at him.
‘so.. nice performance out there.’ he says fixing up his hair.
‘thanks you did great as well’ you say smiling back.
his heart deffo melted.
‘hey sorry about not keeping the promise years ago, i was really petty for that’
you couldn’t lie, it broke your heart when he mentioned it again.
‘it’s okay, we all move on.’
‘yeah, nice company’
after he left to go to boys planet, you left yueha and went to hybe leading you to debut in le sserafim.
you laugh making him laugh as well.
‘we should go out sometime huh?’ you say hoping he agrees back.
‘yeah, we should’ he says smiling like a dumb child.
‘well i have to go now, i’m at my changing room now’ he says pointing to the door.
‘oh of course , yeah you can go in!’ you say flustered forgetting that you and him were still in public.
‘welp, bye yujin!’ you say waving your hand.
‘bye y/n’
he says waving back.
as soon as he shuts the door behind him, you start jumping up and down like a monkey.
‘yes! i finally met him, i finally met him, i-i met him! ~’
you start to sing it out whilst skipping away.
but little did you know, yujin was listening through the door.
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 month
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Hello, Thank You For Being Here (Pt. 3)
other links: twitter | twitch | bluesky | neocities
side blogs: @toocoolforghoul & @in-the-woods
old pinned post
hello. my name is biddy. my pronouns are whatever, but you can use he/him if that makes it easier. i am a degenerate Anarchist dog from the Midwestern United States. i am 33 years old and taken (@thatcrazywitch). i am AuDHD, i suffer from severe anxiety, cptsd, depression, contamination OCD, and dyspraxia.
this blog serves as the primary source for my thoughts, feelings, ramblings, shitposts, life happenings, art, and whatever else crosses my mind. the topics will vary wildly, but you can expect a lot of the following:
anarchist and leftist agitprop
general us political news and opinions
world news
climate change/environmental news
poetry, prose, and other writing
random personal diatribes
silly text posts
photos of my dog
i find DNIs pointless, but i would ask if you are a TERF, transphobe, zionist, hardline religious zealot, or otherwise a fascist, for you to unkindly go fuck yourself. this blog is an unyielding ally to all marginalized and/or oppressed peoples, including but not limited to trans folks or any other queer-identifying individuals, Black and Indigenous peoples, and many others. you get a block immediately when interacting with my posts. i will not engage, so please do not waste anyone's time.
here are some tags that i frequently use. i am terrible at keeping up with them and i largely reblog without tags and then go back and add them later when i have time.
Text Posts: #text, #bork bork thoughts
Ask Responses: #borking back
Tumblr-Related: #meta
My Dog: #sweet princess peregrine
Other Dogs: #anarchodogism
Cats: #cats on the bork blog
Anarchoposting: #anarchy, #anarchism, #anarchist
OC Graphics: #oc, #learning photoshop through play
OC Poetry: #oc, #poetry
Non-OC Memes: #memes, #not oc
Wholesome Posts: #happy borks
please be advised: if i fail to tag something appropriately or reblog from someone detestable, please message me or send me an anonymous ask and let me know. DO NOT REBLOG MY POSTS WITH PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE COMMENTS. i treat people with respect when they treat me with respect. but i will publicly dress you down if you break this rule and then block you. this is the only warning i will give. no exceptions.
otherwise, please feel free to like or reblog anything i post. if it was too personal to be reblogged, i wouldn't share it. so don't worry about breaking tumblr protocol. i'm too old and tired to care about that.
my sense of humor is also very deadpan/sarcastic, so please keep this in mind when interacting. if something seems out of character, ask me for clarification and i'll provide it. there's a good chance that i'm probably just being silly. i love you, enjoy your stay.
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mangocheesecakes · 7 months
Fraudulent gofundme's by one "Michelle Diaz" of Berwyn, IL (And connections to tumblr scammer Laura Deramas)
Tumblr user widelys
A few weeks ago, @kyra45 called out now-deactivated user widelys for sending out suspicious asks and failing to provide consistent answers to questions about their fundraiser. (As an example, they couldn't clarify whether they were raising funds for their twin infant children or for their twin sister.) (Check out key's tag for the posts documenting what went down).
On the actual gofundme page, it says that the fundraiser was organized by one Michelle Diaz of Berwyn, IL "to help out a member of the community". The link to this (likely fraudulent) fundraiser is still up and can be found here:
Twitter scams
The other day, user @hannaweeny reached out to me after finding my blog while reverse-image searching pics being used by a twitter user they believe to be a scammer. Sure enough the pics were the exact same ones used by known tumblr scammer (and proven Laura Deramas alt) sheeyancjoje. The now-deleted twitter account (@JKrismoz8405) was once more claiming to be a "homeless trans" but now going by the name "Jess". This "Jess" was using a gofundme that was once more organized by, you guessed it, Michelle Diaz of Berwyn, IL. Link here:
Thanks to hannaweeny's screenshots and links, I found the twitter account that's sharing this new scam gofundme, user @/divinesanxuary. When you look up their account, their pinned tweet is another fundraiser they claim to have created for a Palestinian woman in Gaza named 'Azhar'. The one who supposedly organized the fundraiser is, once more, Michelle Diaz of Berwyn, IL:
I have no solid proof yet that this last fundraiser is a scam, as it is dated September 28, 2023, way before the internet and communication blackout in Gaza, but the way the other two fundraisers above organized by this "Michelle Diaz" person both turned out to be fraudulent makes this third one extremely suspicious and very likely to be a scam. The twitter account that is supposedly owned by this Palestinian woman also looks very untrustworthy (user @/burner74358009 if anyone wants to look them up). If this is indeed another scam, then it's a new low for this Michelle Diaz, to use the unimaginable pain and suffering being experienced by Palestinians right now for their own selfish gains.
Google Results
(After checking these twitter accounts, I then turned to Google to see what would come up if I try to Google gofundmes by Michelle Diaz of Berwyn, IL, and here are a few more that I found that all look suspiciously similar in wording to the ones I've linked above:
Screenshots of these Gofundmes in case the links above get taken down:
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Twitter user @/divinesanxuary sharing the fundraisers for sheeyancjoje/Jkrismoz84035 and "Palestinian woman, Azhar"
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The Laura Deramas connection
(deep breaths everyone, I know we are all so fucking tired of her. I will make a separate post for the screenshots of what I will describe on this part, as the post is already too long. For now, this is just a rundown of what happened as best as I can recall it.)
While I was writing this post, my mutual @thewondersmith was messaging with Laura on Facebook. Laura had contacted them a while ago asking them to tell me to take down my posts about her and her scams, saying that her irl friends and acquaintances have found out about her scams on tumblr, that they were mad at her and harassing her and threatening to report her to the police, and she was being called to their purok leader in connection with her scamming. After some prodding, Laura admits that she was the one behind the sheeyancjoje account. At first, she was still insisting that she wasn't responsible for the new one on twitter that was literally using sheeyancjoje's pics and typing exactly like her, but eventually, when her whining and guilt-tripping made no impact, she also finally admitted she was running JKrismoz84035.
From that point on in their conversation, Laura admits to owning sheeyancjoje, tumbsrrplzzstop, "A Cancer Girl" that "didn't go very far", widelys, AND the most recent blog milkydonutsh, which was found to have been using a Jessa Malubay paypal account. When asked about her connections to "Michelle Diaz" and Jessa and Joan Malubay, Laura gives confusing and conflicting details, claiming that Michelle Diaz messaged her on twitter saying she can help make her a gofundme (which doesn't explain how the widelys gofundme was made seeing as that one started here on tumblr, long before this recent twitter scheme), that there was another person, a "Tom" who shared it and has a "group chat of donations".
What we were able to understand from all of this, though, is that Michell Diaz organizes the fundraisers on gofundme, presumably using her American bank and money transfer accounts, subtracts a fee for running said fundraisers, then sends the remaining to Jessa or Joan Malubay's paypal accounts, which can then be transferred to Laura's Gcash account.
While talking to thewondersmith, Laura was all cry-emoji apologetic and remorseful, explaining why she was driven to do all of these scams, citing the usual excuses of wanting to fix her mother's house, her many different relatives being sick and needing money to go to the hospital. She begged thewondersmith "not to post about her anymore" because she's afraid people will post about her on twitter and "there are many Filipinos on twitter", sent videos of her son saying Merry Christmas and even had the audacity to ask them for "a gift" as her son's "godparent". She made it seem as if she was sorry for all the scams she was running and gave the impression that she was going to stop moving forward.
Despite all this, the tumblr blog milkydonutsh, which she has admitted to be hers, made a recent update just 5 hours ago (Monday morning here in the PH), as can be seen in this call out post by @confidenceiscrucial. When thewondersmith confronted her about this new update, Laura yet again tries to deny it, saying she no longer has access to this particular account. A few minutes after their convo, milkydonutsh was deactivated.
(The details on this part are up for correction in case I misinterpreted or misunderstood anything as I wasn't the one directly conversing with Laura. Oomf, thewondersmith, feel free to add any correction or clarification based on what you know <3)
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Hi, I've been a fan of J2 for some time now but I've never come across the tin hat fandom (do I call it correctly?) before (i always adored their interactions but never actually considered that they could have an actual romantic relationship that's not just in my mind haha) and I'm intrigued now. Could you please point me in the direction of some masterposts about them? Would love to read more about it! & also about their wives and kids bc I don't quite understand how it would be possible for them to maintain a beard-marriage for so long and also to have kids (??)
Sorry if this was really messy but it's 1am and English is my 2nd language so I'm not exactly capable of forming grammatically correct sentences🙈
Hi, there! 😊❤️
And welcome!
You’re about to start a wild ride into the heart of this decade point five romance between Jared and Jensen that will absolutely have you supergluing your tinhat onto your head just like the rest of us (as is always the case when anyone decides to really delve deeply enough into what’s been going on between the Js ever since their paths merged so many years ago).
A great starting place is going to be Speak the Truth, the site I’ve linked above, which pretty extensively covers 2005-2013, although there’s a lot of reading involved in that, so for some more condensed summaries, I’ll include links to a few of my past posts outlining a lot of my own observations on key elements of the Js’ relationship.
But first, I’ve also added timelines for a couple of additional years (2016 and 2017) on my page:
I’ll be adding 2018 fairly soon, and 2019-2023 (plus 2014 and 2015, very important years) will all be here as well as soon as I can finish them.
Here’s a post where I go over quite a bit of my own tinhat journey:
And here’s another summary-type post with some good examples to look into:
I could probably turn this post into a nightmare of far too many links lol, so I’ll cut myself off here, but I’m so glad that you reached out, and I’m ALWAYS happy to chat (in excruciating detail 😜) about anything you may wonder about or want to clarify or have questions about…anything at all.
So message me whenever you like, or send asks, either way.
And I wish you all the best, my friend!
Edit: here’s one last link focusing more heavily on the kids/parenting stuff!
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ensignsimp · 4 months
Weird Kinky HCs: Andorian Mating Rituals
A/N: This is a long one!
TW: Mature Content
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Andorians as a species and culture have always been a rather vague concept in Star Trek Lore including their mating practices. It is said that they have four genders and (like Pokemon) need all four in order to reproduce. In Data's Day, Data tells Doctor Troi that Andorians require four people for their wedding pratices, but we don't get much more because he's cut off. Many fans believe that its a polygamy based relationship.
I like to believe that rather that can be either polygamy, monogamous, or a polyamorous relationship, depending on the couple. The other two Andorians could just be genetic donors and not in an active relationship. (It's how ever you want to draw the square, I don't think you can be wrong.)
Than and Chan are viewed as masculine by outside observers. While Shen and Chen are viewed as feminine. According to "Fandom Memory Beta" : "During the conception of an Andorian child, the Than fertilizes a Shen's egg with his gamete. The Chan then also fertilizes the egg. This produces a fertilized egg that develops into a zygote. The Shen then transfers the zygote to the Chen's pouch, where it develops into an embryo. The Andorian fetus is incubated and nourished to term in the Chen's pouch. The Chen does not contribute genetically to offspring."
Andorians see all genders as equals. Thus creating an interesting dynamic for Andorian Mating Rituals and Practices. It's said that Andorian feminine genders can initiate a romantic relationship by assaulting their potential mate. However I think it is different based off of which gender they are and which they attempting to attract. That and the need for Shens and Chens is greater (being the only ones who can produce an egg and carry an embryo to term).
So like they're complicated reproduction there are complicated traditional mating rituals. Here's the flow chart:
If a Shen is trying to attract a Chen, she may show off her strength and durability by challenging Than, Chan, or another Shen to a duel. She may also present the Chen materials such as silk, fur, or jewelry.
If a Shen is trying to attract Than or Chan, she may also challenge him by assault to test abilities as a fighter, provider, and genetically viable candidate. She can even use this as a way of displaying her dominance over the other two.
If a Chen is trying to attract any gender, she may show off her resourceful nature, present a gift such as silk, furs, or tools. Possibly using her dwelling to demonstrate their nesting abilities.
If a Than or Chan is trying to attract a Than or Chan, he may also challenge another Than, Chan, or Shen to a duel. He may even challenge his potential mate and use this as a way to display dominance over the other. (FIGHT FOR TOPPING)
If a Than or Chan is trying to attract a Shen or Chen, he may also try presenting gifts such as food, jewelry, or weapons. They may also put on a display with either another Chan or Than partner or friend.
Any gender may also preform a mating display known as Usha'zhan were they display their bodies for potential mates to examine. This can be done either publicly through a festival or privately in individuals homes. (Like a kinky tupperware party.)
Mating Duels or Demonstrations are not as dangerous/life threatening as the ushaan. They usually only use their fists, or other non-lethal weapons. This either allows the victor to claim their prize and/or dominate over their new partners. The loser to improve and try again and/or accept submission.
A/N: I used the LINK here and LINK here to create the Usha'zhan.
A/N+: If you have questions and/or comments you want to share but want to remain anonymous please send me a DM! I'm happy to receive messages and inquiries.
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lambment · 4 months
FAQ & Important Info
About me:
bday: march 30th
lgbt?: im bi
What can we call you?
Lambment is fine, its supposed to be a play on of Lament or Lambent you can also call me Pepaw!
What pronouns do you use?
I'd prefer They/Them, but you can use She/Her.
Whats your Main blog?
Im still deciding whether I want to have my two blogs associated, Im enjoying the anonyminity. That being said, I may say whatever and link em', but you'll just have to wait until then.
Mutuals are free to ask though, theres a level of understanding that I trust you when I started following you.
Art Related:
What art program(s) do you use?
Procreate and Clip studio Paint. Brushes: Shiyoon Kims Wet Brush pack (X) and several Max Packs (X) for procreate in CSP I use the defaults + these two lineart brushes (X) (X)
How long have you been drawing?
I've always drawn, but I started getting really serious at 14, around the same time I first made my main blog. I was self taught up until I got into animation school.
What do you do as a career?
I'm currently doing Freelance work for companies and individuals. I was previously an animator, I'm moving over to storyboarding now.
Do you have a store for your art?
yes, probably wont be posting it here until/if I decide to link my main blog, But I'm willing to make prints or zines in the future!
Do you take requests/commissions?
I do have commissions. all the slots are currently filled, but you can message me and request an inquiry for wait times/prices.  for the time being small requests are open, they may close soon, and there’s no real guarantee I’d do anything with them.
Asks and Messaging:
Rules for asks/tagging?
Anyone can send me a message, Mutuals, Anons or not!
Dont send discourse or anything explicitly NSFW. you'll be blocked lol. suggestive I dont mind, also artistic nudity is oki doki, but if theres two people tangoing I dont want to see it. if you send me triggering content I’ll mind blast you into dust. (block).
Do not send and DNI's?
Transphobia, Homophobia, Acephobia. All the obvious bigot contenders.
SA, pdfilia and incest are absolute no goes.
***very important to note to be aware of when you’re making sexual comments on someones posts, are you actually being ‘funny haha’ or are u just being explicit.
are you okay with me direct messaging you?
only if we have spoken before/ you're giving me a headsup about something/ I've prompted you to send me one. Mutuals are free to DM though. willy nilly even.
***minors: please refrain from dming me to chit chat, im not down to and it will probably end with me lecturing you about internet safety.***
Why don’t you answer my asks/dms?
my main blog has +1000 unanswered asks... I’m tiored. (I also hoard the nice ones sometimes like its a pile of treasure, dont ask me why) as for DM's, unprompted messages from strangers will not always get answered sorry. I also sometimes just dont see it because im an old man w ADHD thats logged off the internet.
why are you posting political stuff on your art/fandom blog?
because I can and caring should have no such boundaries.
Can you reblog my donation posts?
no. too many scams.
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crippleprophet · 1 year
I always want to participate and understand disability theory but learning disability and tbi make academic language difficult to understand :/. do you/your followers have any tips to break things down? is it okay ask for a simpler version of something?
academic language is inaccessible to so many people! it’s really fucked up, especially when it’s disability theory. i write academically sometimes but theory should be for all of us, whether it’s articles or posts. i need to get better about adding accessible summaries or reblogs.
there are some articles, especially in journals about intellectual disabilities & learning difficulties, that have plain language summaries throughout the article. i think all journals need to require this.
the british journal of learning disabilities does this. i highly recommend the article ‘May we please have sex tonight?’ – people with learning difficulties pursuing privacy in residential group settings by Andrea Hollomotz. (one of my friends is doing a PhD under her!)
the essay Sixty Years in the Institution by Thomas F. Allen is written by an intellectually disabled man and is in plain language. i’m not sure if the rest of the book is accessible or not. this piece has content warnings for abuse during involuntary institutionalization.
i have a pdf of both of those, you can message me if you have trouble finding them!
i would also love to make more information accessible if i can help. i’m not an expert at plain language and need to get better at it. but if there are particular articles you want me to summarize, feel free to send them to me! i’m also happy to summarize articles i’ve read about topics you or other people are interested in.
i wrote a slightly more accessible summary of cyborg theory in disability studies here (link). it is not in plain language but it is not very academic.
accessibility should go beyond individual people trying to help. but intellectually disabled people, cognitively disabled people, and people with learning difficulties are my comrades and i want y’all in these conversations, too. i also have brain damage and when i’m having a bad day my girlfriend explains things to me in plain language. everyone should get that accessibility for everything they’re interested in, especially when the conversation is about them.
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celestecloud · 8 months
Attention all Neurodivergent & Queer folk
Hello everyone!! A friend of mine and I run a a discord server for Neurodivergent & Queer community. You can be Neurospicy or Queer maybe both! We are a small (but growing server) and we welcome diversity, no matter what race or religion or where you’re from. We all love the friends that live internationally. We also love to break the language barrier. Because most of us are interested in learning multiple languages. Especially if you speak a one of the languages we are interested in learning, so we will definitely poke your brain for questions about said language.
This server was/is created because no one else understood us & it was a good way for us to finally be yourself with others that understand. And learning how to manage our lifestyles by sharing tips and ideas, because we can relate to each other one or another. This community is for us to feel safe and understood. If you’re interested in joining I’ll post the link up right here. And if for some reason the link doesn’t work message me and I’ll send you a new link.
If you have any questions about the server Dm me and I’ll gladly give you more information & this server is 18+
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