#seriously though it's all so beautiful
saintfaulkners · 2 years
okay what is. pathologic
oh my god where to even BEGIN
it's like if brecht, kafka and camus were locked up together in a cellar and had to make a video game about a cow?? or...imagine going on a walk for 60 straight hours with no break, and the whole time you have to read dostoyevsky novels cover to cover, and like every 5 minutes someone hits you in the back of the head. you have to shoot seven barbers with six bullets and if you touch a rat you die. the world hates you. the devs are actively laughing at you. blood rites and soul sacrifice, impossible architecture, mythological dreams of utopia, like poetry you can cut your fingers on and get infected with plague. this is the best I can do ahdjfmf
alternatively watch this video <3
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unpopular opinion: terror en su faz ratas por detrás > seven foot frame rats along his back
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sinvulkt · 2 years
You, Me, and the Humanity in Between by @jube514
Bruce doesn’t know what’s wrong with his child, but he’s pretty sure kids aren’t meant to work like this.
From the day he had looked up into the tops of the circus tent and saw a frightened mirror image of a boy who had just experienced the worst day of his life, Bruce had instantly gone into emergency mode.
The Gotham PD had wanted to pass the boy off into the care of the circus. The circus had mumbled underneath their breaths about superstitions, about not having a boy like that with them, about not being able to handle something like Dick. So GCPD, not knowing what to do, had started talking about one of the handful of overburdened boy homes that handles a majority of Gotham’s unlucky orphans.
All the while, the camera lights flash bright and loud, wanting to know everything.
Bruce couldn’t let that happen.
Not then, not ever again.
Bruce is trying his best to protect the city that he loves. He doesn't know how exactly his Robins came to be- they're not fully human, not even at all. All he knows is that he wants to keep them safe. Finished, 65k words.
*** ** * ** ***
Apparently those stories of the storks delivering you children weren’t totally bullshit after all. All you had to do was go out into the world and peel children out of statues. Having sex? who needed it? Bruce was getting kids left and right and all he needed to do was either wait and snatch them up after horrific events or grab them off of rooftops–
The crowbar comes down again. 
Jason can feel himself fading. 
Jason wants his brother. 
The crowbar comes down again. 
Jason wants his dad. 
Batman is too late. 
The remains of Jason’s hand– curled up small fingers looking like flipped over dead bugs and hard as the stone he had come from– won’t take the pearls that Bruce desperately pressed into it. 
“Please!” Bruce begs. “Please!” 
His mothers pearls sit, shining, perfect, untarnished, in the perfectly still stone hands of his baby boy.
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yeleltaan · 2 years
//With the release of Elden Ring and all the talk about it in the dash, it’s been a few days that have made me come to a realization. This RP community is currently worth more to me than the actual Souls series games, and it may have been that way for a couple of years. To be fair I’ve sort of known for a while but, I don’t know, it’s never been so clearly apparent to me.
Of course, these two things come hand in hand, and I still very much love speculating about the lore with mutuals and hearing their own interpretations of the setting. With every lore discovery (including all the cut-content) we get more material to work with, another source of ideas that can develop into so many stories and situations. Still, I’ve been somewhat surprised to see that I care more about your headcanons than whatever would come out if Hidetaka Miyazaki somehow decided to put every single bit of lore that didn’t make the cut into the game, every single thing that he thought up but left unmentioned or changed to a different concept, all into a nice book.
I don’t know, it’s just kinda funny. Our little corner on the Internet has effectively transcended the source material for me- and not as a result of me being disappointed in the latter.
#all your characters... I don't care if they're OCs or NPCs (or player characters) they're all your characters to me#you took characters with number of lines ranging from 0 to... I don't know maybe 20 max? WIth obscure lore and often relatively small role#and expanded them and pretty much replaced my vision of the character and many elements of the setting in the game... that's wild!#So wild! Maybe not that much. Maybe it's fairly standard. But at least in a sense it feels somewhat crazy to me#same goes for all the fantastic OC's that would have felt right at home in the game. All the powerful dynamics#this NPC never met this OC in the game? Nonsense. I don't know what you're talking about they've always done some beautiful stuff together#on a side note: I haven't grown fully disinterested in playing Souls games. I just have this weird drive#that can make me not play a game genre for literal years then suddenly bam I'll leave any other game to play it#my drive to play games is very fickle and a mess tbh. I do plan on playing Elden Ring someday but I'd like to actually try Sekiro first#or replay DS3 and Bloodborne to explore them fully... weird how inspired I've felt for BB's setting but haven't felt like playing#in so long#anyways I'm not currently following the game so I hardly know anything. I don't mind some spoilers though#I might check an overview of the world so I can understand what some of you eventually talk about#because guess what I'm more excited about than Elden Ring? Yes! Your ideas for characters and AUs! I want to understand them#wild huh- alright let's not say the whole thing again#seriously though... take care everyone. I love what we've been doing. Here's hoping I can be more active as I said soon#ooc
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anewp0tat0 · 3 years
hey~~~ new chapter new post!!
so, this chapter was short and neat, as what was expected. not too much was learned, generally I'm just amused and depressed simultaneously thank you Yana Toboso. here are a few of my thoughts if you for some reason want them.
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not only is this just real depressing and morbid, it also brings to light another possible window into Bards psychy, and while I don't know if this is the correct terms for it, I'm saying "abandonment issues" for now because I'm lacking a better word and a couple minutes of extra research(may edit).
the possibility that he has preestablished [abandonment issues] is something that I'm coining from that alleged flashback bard, or Mr. Burg, had. it's still unclear whether he lied or not, about his wife and child leaving, but I'm choosing to believe in that theory because it could be a decent explanation to what bard is saying in that screencap above.
of course, this is war, so the phrase "don't leave me behind" could be a thing that any desperate and war torn soldier would say. I mean if he didn't have [abandonment issues] before, he probably does now o^o. not to mention that anyone could have left him behind, not just his wife and son as the flashback would suggest.
but, I still think it's something to consider- or that I will consider in the very least.
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so yes I am very much on the "that's his child" bandwagon. even if it is lacking in depth in terms of "bard used his own experience in his lie", no one said it had to be complicated. though there are of course many other possibilities and variations, to the story.
alright that wraps up any serious thoughts I had regarding this chapter, let me introduce you to this new idea.
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first of all what a dork, so salty, I know he meant it to be degrading to someone like bard but yea I mean burn the gender norms.
I also just love how bard acts so macho now but he knows how cute he is later on. ☆character growth☆. I think this is a good time to mention that I strongly believe that bard would be the type of dad to wear a princess gown with his child to Wal-Mart fight me.
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that's a wrap folks, tune in next time to see if the chicken WILL. BE. ROASTED. CORRECTLY. 👏👏👏
great cliff hanger yana, in holding my breath as if I'm at a sports match.
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ayzenigma · 3 years
Fjord's card game against the Gentleman lives in my head rent free, but gosh darn is it satisfying to watch it all over again
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jokerownsmysoul · 3 years
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wisegirl29 · 3 years
Me: ok, I need to block all thoughts of the shadow and bone show out of my head during the day so I can focus on revising for my exams.
Also me: *listens to the soundtrack on repeat whilst studying*
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nanamispookie · 2 years
On today's episode of things to be sad about at 1 AM:
Not having a childhood bestfriend turned sweetheart - the way you meet someone when you're innocent and don't know why the moon follows you but they're still your favourite person in the whole wide world.
The way you fight for small things and make up by giving them a shell you picked up on the trip to the beach. Sharing lunches in middle school and getting into trouble together, sitting hunched over the homework for hours on end only to chat the whole time.
The way you both had a phase where you hated everyone but the other one was still there for you and you figured maybe not everyone is as terrible and maybe, it is worth living after all.
The slow burn realisation that you like them, the heartbreak when they date someone else, the fights because you don't see eye to eye as much because they've a partner now and "everything is not the same at all".
The post breakup shoulder of support for them, the getting to see them become themselves again, to see them grow up into their authentic self and realising that, this just made you like them even more.
Brighter smiles and coffee runs before the finals, spending nights together with them and they realise that you look so peaceful when you're sleeping, the swatting your hand away cause you woke up and realised they were staring, calling you a dork for drooling all over your assignment.
The going to highschool prom together because you don't like anyone as much and a couple is always better than two solos. You are nervous cause "would it look like we're dating or smth" and realising that this moment right here is it, it doesn't matter, it'll all be over after tonight anyways so who cares. Them waiting at the bottom of the stairs for you is all you'd ever need to be happy.
Being nervous throughout the night cause "how did I never realise that they are so amazing and cute and respectful and responsible cause my god's this is f-ing news to me", the getting kinda tipsy on punch and dancing the slow dance with them, both of you looking into each other's eyes and thinking I know everything there is to know about this person and vice versa, except for that one small thing yk where I'm in love with them.
As the final song comes on, both your nerves are on fire. If you don't do it now, you might never be able to do it and that's too big of a risk to take. With every step you take you can feel that tiny voice in your head convincing you not to do it because, "they're your best friend, you can't risk it" with every spin and turn you can feel dizziness taking over you, "but what if they don't like you like that and you lose the best thing you've ever had" the song's gonna end in 45 seconds now, "this is a terrible idea" and, you've had enough of listening now, "it's not! It's how I feel and what says they don't feel the same?", "If they really felt the same, would they not have made a move already?" 30 seconds, "well what if they're too scared to do it? always been a scaredy cat anyways", "they were the one who stood up for you when you couldn't, ofc they would've made a move had they been into you", 20 seconds, "okay, okay I can lean in and if they don't reciprocate i can play it off as a joke. Eh? Sounds like a good plan to me", "might as well shout 'i love you' at the top of your lungs while you're at it huh?" 10 seconds "YK what maybe I will, maybe I will shout it out at the top of my lungs from the stage where everyone can hear me, how's that" 5 seconds "oh no, oh no no no no no no NO!" your eyes meet and you go for it, they take a second to register what's happening but then they lean into it. It feels wonderful. The butterflies, the voice in your head, the dizziness, the music, it has all faded away.
Oh wait! The music? What happened to the music? You turn around to see everyone looking at you both and clapping and you're sure you can see people exchange money in the back, it's all weird and amazing at the same time. (Lmao JK this isn't a Netflix flick. Calm down and look around at the normal teens doing their own shit and puking in the corner because they had too much punch)
But, this will still go down as one of the greatest nights you've ever had second only to the night where you both sneaked out to watch the meteor shower and ended up sleeping with snacks all around you before it even began.
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heavenlyborne · 3 years
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There’s been something on my mind for a while now when it comes to the Celestial Dragons, and in most cases, it’s that we almost never see their eyes properly. Donquixote Homing and his wife were rare exceptions, where we could see their eyes readily as they’d cast their titles aside, but Doflamingo and Rosinante were children and in later years of their life, we only see the eyes of ‘Corazon’ as an adult. When almost all Celestial Dragons wear glasses or some sort of eye cover, it strikes me as very odd that Charlos is never seen with one, but it makes sense in my head in that he’s considered so poorly as a family heir that he’s neither encouraged to wear protection over his godly eyes, nor kept by his father’s side unlike his sister.
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butterysalt · 3 years
so marvel’s producing visual au fanfics now?
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Anyone else have a hard time grasping that the different eras of Harry Styles are the SAME PERSON?
Like, I know he is the same, I know this, but my brain just can't seem to understand it.
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I mean, yes, I can see that his eyes and his smile and his dimples..... I can SEE that he is the same but I cannot COMPREHEND it.
Anyone else?
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moodypetrichorlove · 3 years
Alright, so I haven't watched SÇK in quite a few weeks (like I can't even recall what episode I last watched 🤦🏻‍♀️) because of Iife taking over, but thanks to Tumblr, I know what's going on in our beautiful (but heartbreaking 💔) Edser world.
Anyway, so only yesterday, this one thought popped into my mind: what if Selin came back with memory-wiped Serkan? 🙈🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
And this fragman has been enough for me to break my silence on SÇK here. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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okay but why is it that the only hard karate man game is tengoku karate man 2 which is literally just hard because of how slow it is for most of it? like, all the others are so fucking easy, why did ds and fever make them the last game before the credits-
#puppy rambles#rhythm hell#karate man 2 (tengoku)#yes this is just me wishing that karate man senior was actually somewhat difficult#it's fun but like#it's so fucking easy and also really slow#it starts at 120 bpm and only speeds up to 135#the wiki's also adamant on the fact that it's not an arrange version/sequel#i also discovered a beautiful trivia point#''While doing Punch kick! the player can knock away the barrel by press B for a combo which interestingly doesn't break the barrel.''#firstly ''while doing punch kick'' is a beautiful sentence#secondly it's just hilarious to me in general#seriously though the wiki's so fucking adamant that it isn't an arrange version#''This game is notable for being grouped with other arrange version games despite not being an arrange version of any game.#It could be seen as an arrangement of all previous Karate Man games rather than any one in particular.''#the wiki is so adamant on this shit and it's hilarious to me#just accept that it's a sequel already-#also side note: why does the wiki call sequels arrange versions???#i theoretically understand not just calling them sequels but. what#the wiki's so fucking confusing#trying to go to rhythm rally 2's page is painful because it means i have to remember that cosmic exists#ALSO I JUST NOTICED THE ALTERNATE LANGUAGE NAMES FOR KARATE MAN SENIOR AND THEY'RE HILARIOUS TO ME-#god i love the wiki#it gives useful facts#such as ''this is the second remix 8 to be speedy''#without that trivia point i never would've known that not remix 8 was fast#who'd've thunk that not remix 8 would be fast#not like it's 190 bpm or anything (/s)#(it's the fastest fever game. just a random fun fact#also apparently there's a wiki category that's just ''games not in megamix''
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doebt · 3 years
Wait i feel so crazy im like about to irl cry...ive gotta chill out i need to take a benadryl to counteract this caffeine
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frozenartscapes · 4 years
I just watched the latest episode of Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal
I haven’t cried like that because of a piece of media in a long fucking time
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