#shared experiences
Drifting endlessly
Into the space occupied
By our sacred Dreams
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artscloudy · 1 year
Guys I just found out there are SEVEN TYPES OF LOVE LANGUAGES like whaaaat?
We have the famous five ones that are:
Gift giving
Words of affirmation
Quality time
Acts of service
Physical touch
And then TWO MORE:
Shared experiences. I thought it was just something similar to quality time but it's more like doing new things together, such as trips, concerts, adventures with your loved ones. And I think that's so interesting. Do you ever feel like you want and need to share an experience with someone just for the sake of knowing you shared a great experience with them? And you love someone more after that?
Emotional security. This hits hard. I just thought it was obvious and underlying to all the other types of love languages but apparently it isn't. We needed to point out that feeling emotionally safe when you are with someone is a completely different way of showing love than just being with them or doing the choirs they hate for them. And I think that's fundamental now that we have so many types of relationships that seem perfect marriages and stuff from the outside but actually leave so many scars inside.
But what if I can't just say one thing resonates the most with me and I want all of the love languages to a certain extent? Do I really need to pick one or two? Should I accept to be either encouraged by words or kissed when I'm not feeling confident? Am I asking too much when I say I want to have both of them?
Sorry for the little rant
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hersurvival · 4 months
We share our sickness -
Inexplicable bouts of nausea
From complicated emotions.
It crosses borders and reason.
A sense of dread
Keeps us connected, bonded.
Until one of us throws up.
Always asking, how are you?
Always warning, I'm sick.
Last night you spit blood in the sink
And I have yet to calm my stomach.
I wonder if all day you've hurt
Or if this time the feeling is my fault.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Still Human
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We make one big mistake. We all do it. And it is a big mistake. Because something gets lost. When we talk about history. But also when we talk about people from other cultures today.
And that is, that we are all human. That those people in the past were all human.
Yes, they lived in different circumstances. They lived very different lives. But they were human. Fundamentally human. And they will have had human experiences, that you have had in your life.
I guarantee you that there was a guy in Ancient Egypt, who bumped his toe on a corner and then went hopping around on one foot hissing and cussing.
I guarantee you that there was a viking who came about a cat, cowered down and went all "pspsps".
I guarantee you that there was a woman in old Japan, who blew on her rice for a long time and still burned her tongue.
I guarantee you that there was this 13yo kid in the Aztec empire, who screamed at their parents: "You just don't get it!"
I guarantee you that there was an even younger kid in Ancient Rome, who crawled into their parents bed during a thunderstorm, because they were afraid of the thunder.
I guarantee you there was a poet in old China who was super frustrated that nobody read his poetry.
I guarantee you that there was some guy who had just settled Samoa, who looked at the sunset and just thought to himself that it was beautiful.
I guarantee you that there was this guy among the Zulu who had his first time and somehow everything went wrong and he felt totally awkward about it.
And I guarantee you that leading up to the French Revolution there was this merchant teen boy arguing with his father, because his father was in the firm believe that the monarchy was a good thing.
Because we are human. We might differ in some ways. Culture brings some changes with it. But we are human. And in the end there is just so much we share.
And, I mean, if you need any further proof of how inherently human some things are... Look at the graffiti found in Pompeii. that among other things involve drawings of penisses in the same form we will find on toilet walls all around the world today.
Or heck. Look at the drawings of Onfim and tell me, there are not almost identical drawings done by kids of his age today.
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pears-palette · 10 months
Human connectivity is amazing! We create and share and call out that This Is What I Am and You Are Not Alone. We want to express our lived experiences and in turn, affect the lived experiences of other.
There is such a joy in being known. To be loved is to be known. We put art out into the world so others can know us, can love us. And in knowing another and seeing ourselves in them, we can learn to love ourselves too.
What comfort we have in seeing or hearing something made by someone we will never meet, yet it still resonates across distance and time!
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lesbianseaweed · 11 months
sometimes I wonder if my ADHD meds actually work or if they just take away the sleepiness bc they're stimulants (I think that's the word in english)
and I can't tell the effects apart bc I'm constantly sleepy
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pocket-poly · 1 year
Yeah... its me again.... because he again... loved me loudly, showed up, blew my mind, and amazed me.
Remembered the small details in passing conversations and showing up to share experiences big and small
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Yep this is a coconut.
I have never had fresh coconut water or fresh coconut in general. Redgrasshopper brought me one today, and showed me the trick on opening one safely 1st to drink it, then cracking it open, and how to eat it.
Everything I ate growing up came from a box or a can. And food exploring hasn't been something I'm comfortable with solo. So this whole thing was amazing to me.
From sharing I had never had one to showing up months later with one to show me and experience with me. Man, it's probably one of the simplest things to most but I'm over the moon at this whole thing.
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kingofkingsschizo · 7 months
Tumblr is such a learning tool when it comes to people’s experiences with a mental illness. I’ve been on tumbler 7 years . I had been already diagnosed as a schizophrenic before hand. I met a girl blogger who blogged about schizophrenia and shared with me the symptoms that she educated her self on and I was able to relate and learn important things. I found out and confirmed like or similar experiences.
Fast forward to the present I’m thinking I’ve also been pondering if I have adhd but I’m not officially diagnosed til I see my doctor and he agrees Here again tumblr saves the day with everyone sharing there stories and experiences.
If you feel off and always wondered why is my behavior a way where it’s negatively impacting my life. Seek out and read about other peoples different mental illness experiences. Make sure to read closely. I stumbled upon information that can significantly help me out if I do get a confirmed diagnosis of adhd. You may have some diagnosis’s and be already thinking ex. I have schizophrenia and this must be the reason for xyz going on with me when all and all there may be more pieces to the puzzle that require attention in order for you to perform at your peak. Don’t go another day living with something that can be managed and controlled through proper care
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aestheteasteria · 7 months
I see people's Tumblr blogs as a reflection of their souls, their innermost thoughts, feelings.
It's beautiful how simply reblogging a post made by someone else could be a very personal part of one's own individual expression.
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tenth-sentence · 8 months
Mym found himself both glad and sad that he had chosen to share this young soldier's experience.
"Incarnations of Immortality: Wielding a Red Sword" - Piers Anthony
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internutter · 2 years
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Challenge #03616-I328: One in Ten Thousand
A person teaches some fellow Deathworlders how to take fruit, and turn them into alcohol. -- Anon Guest
[AN: I'm pretty sure most Deathworlders know how to brew anything capable of fermentation. And frequently will.]
"You guys are only using waste paper for your alcohol?"
"There are other things to make fast-burning fuel with?"
Human Ward glared at their fellow Deathworlders, and briefly thought about geologically-rendered dinosaur fat[1] before blurting, "You guys never drank this?"
"It's fuel, why would we drink it?"
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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i can’t decide if the knowledge that academy award nominee michael shannon and i have had the same teacher is devastating or enlightening.
what’s even worse is that said teacher has an actual framed picture of him on the wall
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bearlythere · 2 years
how i, as a woman, relate to each and every single one of the she-hulk episodes (episode 1)
DISCLAIMER: this post IS NOT intended to make anybody feel guilty about perpetuating such scenarios. it was written as a realisation of how important she-hulk is in highlighting the real issues we women face in our daily lives and understanding them. hopefully, you realise that it isn't about "putting the male gender down for feminism", but highlighting specific, common experiences every woman has or will experience in her lifetime due to SOME man perpetuating such stereotypes. it is written to show how important the show is to me, in validating my experiences.
in each one of these posts, green will be used to describe she-hulk scenes, and blue will be my thoughts corresponding to the scenes and how i have experienced something similar in my life. you can view the rest of my posts about she-hulk here.
we first see jen, introduced as an established lawyer, prepping for a court case closing speech. then we see a male colleague, bukowski immediately stepping in saying that he should have been the one handling that case, as well as how much of a better job he could have done because he's a man.
i personally felt that this was a homage to professional women, whose knowledge in their fields has always been undermined because of their gender. this is especially prominent in male-dominated fields like the tech, construction, and engineering industry. my own personal experience had a guy in my uni class trying to convince me that i did not know the basics of database management in the first week of class, although i had studied that for 4 years, and he had no prior background.
jen goes on a road trip with bruce, and fangirls over steve rogers. then a car crash happens and surprise! she's now a hulk.
there's no denying that steve rogers (well, chris evans) IS HOT. plus, i'm pretty sure there's a point in life where we all just are genuinely curious about the private lives of public figures who keep their private lives away from the public eye. RELATABLE.
jen runs away, and finds a bar, women in the bathroom help clean her up and offer her help and affirmation. she calls bruce, and walks out of the bar to wait for him, where she's catcalled by some men. when she doesn't respond, the men start getting touchy and aggressive, triggering her inner hulk.
i love how this scene portrays how women have each other's backs, especially in situations like these. and ohmygod the incessant catcalling! i can't get over how ridiculous catcalling is in real life. i have experienced my fair share of catcalling, while i was at work, and it ranged from encounters that i can brush off easily to explicit, unasked-for lines that still make me shudder when i think of it. catcalling is an uncomfortable experience that every woman would encounter at least once in her lifetime. most of the time, we can only just brush it off or run away in fear of triggering the man who made such comments.
jen goes through some denial, "i don't wanna be a hulk! i just want to be me! " bruce trains jen to be in control of her hulk powers. and jen can switch from jen form to hulk form easily! jen wants to go back to work, bruce is worried that she'll turn into angry hulk and go on rampages when she's angry. they then have this argument about whether jen is really "feeling fine" and "in control of her anger".
i get that bruce was genuinely concerned about jen's wellbeing, but the way where he keeps pressing and asking her, until she gets frustrated and yells back at him. it reminds me how women's emotions frequently get second-guessed by others and not taken seriously, and how there's even a trope in media where "if the girl says something, there's a hidden meaning behind that". in this case, i felt that bruce was pushing jen too much, and did not think that jen was serious about being perfectly fine, trying to push her into staying and "training to be a hulk".
jen then explains to bruce that the reason why she can control her anger better is that anger and fear is “the baseline of any woman just existing”. and telling him that if she ever decides to unleash that anger or fear to confront others, it'll just end up with the woman being labelled as "difficult" and "emotional".
i felt this on such a personal level. often when i share my passions/frustrations with others in the workplace or organisational structure, i've always been brushed off by others for being "emotional". when i highlight a problem in a male-dominated group project, my ideas are brushed off as "difficult to implement or work with" while the same idea gets adopted and agreed with immediately when a male person suggests it. if i voice my frustrations out, the number one reaction i'd get was to "chill out man, it's a small issue". if i happen to tear up a little talking about the frustrations i have with the current structure of organisations and what kind of changes i would suggest to improve shared experiences, i'm "unfit for leadership since i'm too emotional to stand firm" and "have biased experiences" although everyone else is equally as frustrated.
thank you for reading, and feel free to chime in about your own personal experiences below!
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lrndvs · 18 days
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compliments from girls go hard
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bulbabutt · 27 days
i don't know the etiquette for posting other peoples tiktoks but the delivery of this punchline hit me like a FUCKING TRUCK please
NikhilClayton <- you should follow this guy on tiktok he's fucking hilarious
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liones-s · 6 months
one of the biggest things I can advocate for (in academia, but also just in life) is to build credibility with yourself. It’s easy to fall into the habit of thinking of yourself as someone who does things last minute or who struggles to start tasks. people will tell you that you just need to build different habits, but I know for me at least the idea of ‘habit’ is sort of abstract and dehumanizing. Credibility is more like ‘I’ve done this before, so I know I can do it, and more importantly I trust myself to do it’. you set an assignment goal for the day and you meet it, and then you feel stronger setting one the next day. You establish a relationship with yourself that’s built on confidence and trust. That in turn starts to erode the barrier of insecurity and perfectionism and makes it easier to start and finish tasks. reframing the narrative as a process of building credibility makes it easier to celebrate each step and recognize how strong your relationship with yourself can become
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