#should've gotten a chance to work through his emotions
sa1808fi · 1 year
I think that a lot of the time, people actually forget the fact that the timeline that Rex came from was, and still technically is the original timeline.
Rex is the original Emmet , and was what Emmet was supposed to and going to turn into, had it not been for the intervention of his future self.
I mean, when Rex was being back-to-the-futured, he himself said that the reason why Emmet would turn out better than him was because he intervened and stopped him from being sent to Undar, and staying trapped there for y e a r s.
And i think that makes it all the more heart wrenching, because the reason Rex eventually tosses Emmet into Undar is when they argued and Emmet said he loved his friends and would never abandon them.
Rex was obviously reminded about how trusting and loyal he used to be to his 'friends', and that reminder of how that trust he had in them was why he was in Undar for years, just, ends up making him angry enough to make his past self go through what he wanted to avoid.
And I want to think about how desperate he was, waiting in Undar for his friends to finally save him, how he hung on to that fragile hope for years before finally giving up, resulting in him changing everything about himself that made him Emmet.
It's just sad to think about Emmet developing that toxic masculine personality because of the way people treated him, and not just the people in apocalypseburg, but especially the new 'friends' he had, the closest people in his life, trying to stop his little personality quirks.
But I think that while Emmet has the potential of turning out like Rex, a being full of hatred and anger. Rex also has the potential of having a redemption arc.
I don't want him to end up like Emmet again, because that would be unrealistic. But he could develop better coping mechanisms, and finally be able to work through his trauma and mess of emotions that has been building up over the years, left unchecked.
I dunno, I just want people to acknowledge the fact that Rex is technically the original Emmet, if anything Emmet is the alternate timeline.
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bitin-and-barkin · 3 months
Come Back To Me
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Currently imagining Arthur Morgans reaction to seeing you again after you supposedly died.
Warnings: Angst, mentions/descriptions of blood/injuries + torture, eventual fluff, no smut (yet), Arthur Morgan x reader, gender neutral reader, religious talk, probably out of character, but he just really loves you okay, so he gets emotional
Let's say when Dutch was going to meet up with Colm, you offered yourself to act as backup instead, not wanting to make Arthur work any harder than he had.
Infact, seeing how exhausted your husband was, you were about to tear Dutch a new one for trying to make him work even more.
But they needed a sniper. And sure, you were tired. You had just gotten back from another solo job, where you scored a pretty penny for the gang. But you knew Arthur deserved a break. And so you said you'd help instead.
But while waiting on that mountain top for Colm to try something, you got distracted. You were tired, and you got sloppy. You weren't expecting his men to come for you. They snuck up behind you and wrangled you to the ground, with it taking four, maybe five men to keep you pinned down before they finally knocked you out.
When Dutch returned without you, Arthur knew something was wrong. Dutch claimed that you were probably out just doing another job, running off like you always did. Your horse was even gone from where you hitched it. And foolishly, Arthur believed him.
Now, it had been 5, maybe, 6 months after your disappearance. One month in Dutch stopped sending out search parties after they found your hat bloodied in an abandoned house, along with your ring finger.
They knew it was your ring finger, as it still had the wedding band Arthur bought for you on it.
Charles and Javier searched the area for any trails, but all of them were ruined past the point of tracking.
They arrived back to camp, bearing the bad news, that no trail could be found. Dutch pronounced you dead and had a honorary funeral. Swearing they would all eventually get revenge on Colm for this.
Revenge hadn't come.
It became even more of a common sight to see Arthur come back to camp covered in blood that wasn't his. He obsessively picked off O'Driscolls, killing and torturing every camp he found. Questioning every single one; Where were you? Where was Colm? What had Colm done to you? Were you even still alive?
Screaming that if he ever found Colm, he would rip him apart. Telling Dutch he should've killed him when he had the chance.
The image of your severed finger was engraved into his mind. They hadn't even sold the ring. They left it on just to rub it in his face.
He almost collapsed to the floor when he first saw it. He felt like he was dying. Who knew emotional pain could be so physical?
Even after the camp had sat him down and told him you were probably dead, and that he needed to accept that, he had never stopped searching. In fact, he punched Dutch in the face after he told him that.
He drew away from the gang, isolating himself. Dutch, Tilly, Hosea, Marybeth, Charles. Nobody could get through to him. He shut them all out, trying to act like everything was fine.
But nothing was fine. He knew that. He hated the world for moving on without you.
Every night he was drinking himself into a stupor, it was the only thing that let him sleep. He stopped talking or eating much, he was obviously losing weight. Always working, bringing in cash but never staying for too long.
He stopped sleeping at camp. He stopped sleeping much in general. He had nightmares whenever he did.
Your tent reminded him of you. Whenever he did sleep, it was always in your tent. It made him feel less alone.
Nobody ever took it over or moved your things because they all knew Arthur would gut whoever did.
He always thought of you, and whenever he did, he couldn't help but blame himself.
Why did he let you take his place? Why hadn't he searched for you the second Dutch came home without you? He couldn't do anything right. The same thing that happened to Eliza and Issac had happened to you. And all he did was sit around like a fool and let it happen.
How many days, weeks, had they tortured you before you died? Months, even? God, did they even wait for you to die before they took your finger off? Could you still be alive? You've always been a fighter, he knows that. If anybody was to survive being at Colm's mercy, it would be you. Could you still be waiting? In some basement, some hole in the ground, some old shack for Arthur? For the gang? For anybody to come save you? He knew what type of man Colm was. He knows Colm would do worse just to spite Dutch.
Was this punishment? For everything he had done? Was this hell? He wasn't religious, but every night where he went to bed without your presence next to his, it sure felt like it.
He was losing Dutch to his insanity. He was losing his way of life to the passing time.
And now he had lost you.
Why did it have to be you?
Why couldn't it have been him? Why did it have to be you? Why couldn't he have at least died with you? He would spend an eternity in hell if he could spend his eternity with you.
But what could he do about it?
What was he doing about it?
Riding into Valentine to drink himself half dead. Alone. Riding into an endless nightmare alone without you.
As he was hitching his horse outside the saloon, he saw your distinct mare hitched right next to his.
For a moment he was happy. Happy for the first time in a long time. As this was proof that maybe, just maybe you were alive. And then, he realized what had actually happened.
Some bastard after killing you had taken your horse. Like some sort of trophy.
He stomped inside the saloon. He bought that horse for you. Saw it at Strawberry while going to free Micah and just knew that you had to have it after your last one died in Blackwater.
The girl was so sweet, and obedient too. He had hunted down a panther in Lemoyne and sold it to the trapper to make a saddle for you. He made sure to fill up the saddle bags with everything you'd need to care for it, along with a couple of other gifts for you sprinkled in. When he shyly brought the whole ensemble to you, you jumped into his arms like you two were young again.
And now some selfish bastard was making a mockery of it.
He walked up to the Bartender and slammed his hands on the bar, grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt. Demanding to know who rode in with that horse.
The bartender nervously said they had rented a room. Were still upstairs as they spoke. He walked upstairs, unholstering his knife.
He was gonna make this slow.
Treading carefully towards the bedroom, turning the handle. It was locked. He backed up and kicked the door open, pointing his gun at whoever was inside, ready to shoot them in the leg if they tried to escape. No way was he gonna give them an easy death with a headshot.
And then?
He saw you.
Standing near the bed, bruises and cuts, scars new and old littering your body. Wrapped in bandages soaked in blood. Leaning against a bedpost, barely able to stand, pointing a shaky gun at the intruder.
Time stood still as your eyes met.
He dropped his gun. You lowered yours.
He whispered your name, almost like a prayer. Praying this was real.
You said his back.
Then, he ran towards you. Wrapping you in a hug, holding onto you for dear life.
Praying that if this was a dream, he would never have to wake up.
Running his fingers through your hair, gripping onto your shirt, he felt your chest heave. Your tears falling onto his shoulder, wetting his jacket.
You were crying- no, you were apologizing.
To him.
For worrying him.
And then he started crying too.
Crying into the crook of your neck like a little boy.
Arthur never really cried. He hadn't cried in so long. After your death, he never let himself cry. He felt like he didn't deserve it.
But you?
You were alive.
Your hands wrapped around his back, the distinct pressure of your ring finger missing.
Feeling your missing ring burn a hole through his pocket. Remembering the sight of your severed finger.
And the hell you must've gone through to stay alive.
He felt sick, as he sobbed into your shoulder.
What kind of man was he? Needing you to comfort him after you were tortured?
He dropped to the floor, his knees couldn't hold him anymore. Still holding onto your body, now just your legs, for dear christ. Like you might fade away if he let go. He wouldn't let you go.
He missed you more than anything.
You slowly bent down, running your fingers through his hair.
He began wondering if you were real. Was this real?
You got down to his level, sitting on your knees. Kissing him on the forehead and putting your hand on the back of his head. Pushing him into your chest, as he only sobbed louder, blubbering and crying like a fool.
About how he thought he lost you. How the whole gang thought you had died. How he never stopped looking for you. How he thought he was dying after you didn't show up back home. How he never stopped wearing his wedding ring. How he always kept yours in his pocket. How he cradled a photo of you the first time he slept after you died.
How he wanted to bleed the world for killing you.
How he wanted to shoot everything to ashes.
How he missed you every waking moment.
How he dreamed of you every night.
How he would've given anything just to hold you one more time.
Crying into your arms,
Begging you not to leave him.
You rubbed circles onto the back of his head as you comforted him. Whispering that they only tortured you, that you eventually managed to get out, that you were fine. That you're alive. That you're here with him. That you're here for him. That you weren't going anywhere.
The months that he thought you were dead melted away as he felt your fingers run through his hair,
As you promised you weren't leaving him.
You're alive.
You're with him.
You're here.
And he swore to fucking God,
He was never letting you go again.
Okay, so should I do a smutty pt2 where he REALLY shows you how much he missed you, or should I do one who he goes fucking yandere esque from the prospect of almost losing you?? Or should I do both??
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solar-wing · 5 months
⚣ Paralyzed 🕷️
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⚣🕷️ A/N → so the yandere/whump fic starring our very own Miguel O'Hara becomes a reality. watching his scenes back in the movie really gets you thinking. Either way definitely will be doing more content with him. WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI | Yandere Miguel O'Hara | Darling Male Reader | Reader is Spiderman in their dimension | Abduction/Kidnapping | Forced Paralysis |Bondage | Emotional & Mental Manipulation |
⚣🕷️ Summary → He should've seen the signs. Should have paid attention to the warnings. If he'd been aware of what he was capable of, he could've been prepared, or at least gotten away safely. Then again, an obsession was something people didn't just give up easily, especially Miguel O'Hara.
⚣🕷️ Words → 2.6K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ ENJOY 🕷️
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The signs were clear from the beginning.
All he could think about as his body lay limp was how he missed, or rather ignored every single sign that led to this. Every red flag that was warning him of this moment as the cause of his current paralyzed state kneeled behind him, propping his body up while fastening and securing the scarlet-red web bonds around his body.
“No more running. No more hiding. No volverás a escaparte de mí, cariño.”
The words were not met without merit. From his securely tied legs to the red webs wrapped around his body keeping his arms trapped to his sides, his captor took away any possibility of an escape attempt. He'd lost him once, and he would allow even the slightest chance of losing him again to exist in this dimension or any other for that matter.
It didn't stop him from trying though as he struggled, doing his best to will his body into healing and purging the paralytic toxins from his blood so he could regain his mobility. But, it was no use.
His fate had been set in stone as he was lifted off the ground and placed on the hulking man's shoulder, carried out of the motel room he’d been hiding staying in, the last view of his freedom slipping away farther and farther. Now, it was back to a life of captivity and restrictions all around him, bound to someone he would never love, but who would never not love him.
Had Y/N known Miguel O’Hara, aka Spiderman 2099, would have turned out to be an obsessive and demented mental case, determined to live out his failed love life through him, he'd have thought twice before accepting the Spider's invitation to join his team. Heck, he never would've even showed up to that damn fight with that anomaly on his Earth all that time ago that led to all this.
*13 Months Ago*
Y/N could hear the static noise from the police scanner that was in his book bag, ears perking at the voice coming on the other side detailing an incident or attack at Madison Square Garden, where his dad and other police were working security detail for an event. From the description, it sounded like Kraven, only Y/N couldn't think of a reason why he would attack such a massive event when his usual goal was always to capture him.
However, when Y/N arrived on the scene after getting the police and his dad out of harm's way, he was surprised to see that whoever the Kraven that he knew was not the Kraven attacking the event center. In fact, he wasn't even sure this was Kraven, though he had the same attire. This guy was massive, built like a giant, and dressed like a caveman or Neanderthal.
He apparently shared similar abilities to the hunter he knew, able to track him and move fast, but unlike his usual counterpart, the one in front of him seemed to be stronger. And it would seem he knew him too or at least another version of him if the way he started screaming "Spider! Spider! Spider," over and over again, switching his focus from attacking random attendees and venue staff to now trying to catch him.
Of course, different person, with different tactics, ones Y/N was not used to as he leaped, dodged, and fought with the primate Kraven in the event center, the guy seemingly trying less to straight up kill him and more trying to capture him. Maybe not that different from his Kraven at all.
After some more time and failed attempts, the primate hunter seemed to realize he wouldn't be able to catch him or his web the way he was trying and instead changed tactics, making a break for the door. Panicking at the thought of this guy getting loose in his city, he without thinking rationally went after him only to fall right into hunter's trap when he found himself getting tackled into a wall after the guy jumped out of his hiding spot when he realized his lure worked.
His mind was fuzzy as the hunter held him against the wall by his neck, his feet not touching the ground. He was struggling to breathe and was trying to free his wrists from the tight grip they were being held in.
"Caught you, Spider," the hunter chuckled, squeezing tighter, his large fingers digging into the flesh of his neck as he lifted him off the wall and held him in the air. Y/N's eyes were wide with fear, his hands holding on the wrists of the hunter as he struggled to breathe and keep himself up.
Suddenly, he was over the hunter's shoulder, his vision blurry from the lack of oxygen and the rapid movement.
"Let me go!" He heard a raspy voice shout, and it took him a minute to register that it was his own. He was kicking and fighting, but the hunter held him tightly, not allowing him any chance of escape.
The hunter walked slowly through the empty hallways of the arena as the sound of police sirens rang outside, seemingly overwhelmed by all the noises around him but still looking for something. "Den. Home. This not home," he grumbled, his voice deep and low.
"No kidding," He mumbled, continuing his struggle as he was carried.
The hunter's hand gripped the back of his knees, squeezing slightly in warning. "Find den. Go home."
When they made it to the stadium center, Kraven stood at the top of a staircase looking around while the Spider looked for a way out. While he was looking, he found himself abruptly, on the ground and no longer being held by the hunter, who seemed to be having some uncontrollable, tweaking moment.
Weird, but convenient until the Hunter grabbed him again before he could web away to a safe distance. Suddenly, just behind where they came from, something bright and wide appeared in the middle of the path, swirling with colors, like a portal.
"What the..." He didn't get a chance to finish before the hunter turned around to also observe the phenomenon, a loud whirring coming from it before a red and blue figure suddenly shot out of the portal, tackling the primate Kraven, causing him to drop the Spider again.
Serves him right.
When Y/N made his way down to the floor, he came across his savior, standing up from the ground with a digital cape that dematerialized as he stood up to his full height. His head turned slightly to the approaching Spiderwing behind him cautiously.
"Okay, weird and spontaneous entrance aside, and thanks for the save, but who the heck are you?" Y/N asked.
"Classified," the man, Miguel said, his voice was gruff, and his demeanor overly serious and imposing.
Y/N held a hand to his chin, analyzing the man before him, "Blue Assassin?"
"No," the man replied.
"The Red Caped Crusader?"
"No, I'm���"
"Attitude Dracula?"
"No, stop–"
"Cyber Luchador?"
"No, I'm from a different dimension," Miguel interrupted, his irritation growing.
"A different dimension?" Y/N feigned shock, "Yeah, that's not as shocking as you think it is, big guy."
Miguel raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, what? How are you not freaked out by this? I just came out of a dimensional portal in the middle of a public arena and you're not surprised?"
"Dude, I got bit by a radioactive spider, got superhuman abilities, and fight crazy idiots on a regular basis who come up with all sorts of hair-brained schemes. Plus, I watch a ridiculous amount of SCI-FI and supernatural shows and movies. Different dimensions are really not as plot-twisting as you think it is. Now, back to the important questions...Emo Daffy?"
"Not funny," The man interjected, "My name is Miguel O'Hara, also known as Spiderman in my dimension like you are in yours."
"So, not Emo Daffy then? Huh, that name would've suited better," Y/N smirked, earning a glare from Miguel as he looked him over, noticing the watch on his wrist, "Oh, nice watch. That how you dimension hop?" He asked, reaching for the watch.
"It's much cooler than a watch," Miguel replied, reaching his wrist back to keep the smaller Spider at bay.
"Yikes, sensitive much? Well, nice to meet you, Miguel. But, there's a confused and brutish caveman hunter probably stomping around, that I should get back to dealing with, so if you don't mind," He pointed toward the direction they came from.
"From what I saw before I came in, better you stay out of the way.. I'll take it from here," Miguel responded, not so subtly shading him for his earlier 'position' with the hunter, who speaking of, was slowly creeping up behind the red-and-blue masked Spider.
"No problem, knock yourself out," Y/N said leaning to the side.
"Huh, why are you saying it like that?"
Y/N stepped to the side as a very pissed-off hunter charged and tackled him from behind, chuckling a little when Miguel yelled at him for not being funny before going to help.
With the added backup now (not that he needed it), Y/N could better focus his attacks now that the hunter's full attention was on him. And since his sudden new partner seemed to know more about this than he did, he got a little more context.
This version of Kraven was from a dimension where they indeed still lived like primates or cavemen, but still had their own developed societies. That world's version of Spiderman was this Kraven's target, that part remained consistent.
However, the reasons he was trying to capture the Spider may have been a little different than what Y/N was expecting. Suddenly, he found himself a bit more grateful for Emo Daffy's appearance.
But, despite their initial introduction, the two Spiders were able to work well together, and with this Kraven having no experience against their weapons and abilities, especially Miguel's, they were able to take him down fairly quickly. Y/N had missed the part where the Spiderman from 2099 used a more special ability to incapacitate the hunter, making it easier to handle him since he couldn't move.
After Miguel had properly secured the hunter, he used the same watch Y/N was ogling earlier to open another portal. Before he left, he delivered some unexpected news to the Earth-6998 Spider.
"Well, that's that. Nice working with you, Spider. Try not to almost get captured next time," he said, in a sarcastic tone.
"Can't help it that I'm such a prize in their eyes," Y/N said.
Despite his joking tone, an air of suspense could be felt by the smaller Spider. Y/N couldn't tell due to the mask, but there was a quick, almost fleeting moment where he could feel Miguel's gaze on him, staring him down. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
"Yeah, you are," he finally said.
Though, it was definitely plausible that he could've said that in a completely unserious, sarcastic manner as he'd been doing the entire time they'd spent fighting the hunter who was currently hanging over his shoulder (ironic), it didn't feel like it. There was something else there, a hint of emotion that Y/N couldn't pinpoint.
"Yeah, we'll see you around, I guess. Thanks for the help," Y/N said.
"Hold on," the older Spider interjected, "I know you just met me, but have you ever wondered exactly how many others like you are out there?"
"Like me? You mean other spiders? I mean, yeah sure. Pretty sure everyone has had that thought at some point," the younger man joked, "What's your point?"
Hence, the beginning of a new journey in the young Spiderwing's life, and the first warning sign ignored.
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Miguel decided to take the scenic route home, wanting to enjoy the relieving feeling of finally having his love back in his arms safe. There was nothing wrong with him wanting to relish in his victory a little.
He did have to bite him again when Y/N's healing had managed to rid enough of his venom from his blood, giving him enough control back over his body to fight against his hold. Despite the warnings Miguel tried to give him, Y/N wouldn't listen, still trying to free himself, even if it wouldn't accomplish anything due to his restrained state.
And while it did hurt him to see his love fighting so hard to get away from him, Miguel couldn't deny the pleasure he got from forcing him into defeat. When the young Spider knocked himself a little too hard into the side of Miguel's head, the Earth-982 reveled in sick joy grabbing his prize off the ground, pressing him against the brick surface, and forcing his head to the side so he could sink his venomous fangs into the delicate skin once more.
He only injected a small dose, not wanting to leave any permanent effects on him, but he enjoyed the feeling of the smaller body squirming against his own until it eventually went limp once more. The sounds of his moans and whines as he bit and kissed his skin, tasting his flesh, was a delicious symphony to his ears.
"If I were you Y/N, I would quit it with the defiant behavior and escape attempts. I may have been easy on you since I was so relieved at finding you safe, but don't think I'm above handling you with more forceful methods. Especially considering my unaddressed grief from your long disappearance. All that to say, no me presiones, cariño," Miguel whispered into his ear, a threat and a promise.
Miguel's elongated claws pressed into the helpless Spider's body, eliciting more whimpers from the paralyzed man. Even in his powerless state, the brawny Latino could feel the distress and panic from the smaller Spider, which accomplished nothing but turning him on.
He could've taken him right there in that alley. Could've forced him on his knees and fucked his mouth, or pressed his face against the wall and taken him from behind, his cries muffled against the cold bricks, the fabric of his suit torn to expose parts of his body from their earlier scuffle in his motel room.
He was already half-hard in his suit, his member twitching and aching to be released, missing the tight heat of his love's body. But, he was a patient man. He could wait until the time was right.
Miguel looked down into the orbs staring up at him in hatred and fear, feeling his gut twist unpleasantly at the sight. He do something about that in the future, vowing to earn his love's affection and respect, to make him happy, and to show him that the life he wanted to give him was worth the freedom and choices taken away.
But, for now, he was content to accept the docile and forced submission from the Spider, his expression in defeat but the defiant spirit in his eyes still there. He'd take care of that too in time.
Y/N stared up at the man towering above him, truly seeing him as the monster and villain that he hid from everyone around him. This was the real Miguel O'Hara, a sight that lived in his nightmares before and would continue to with this new memory burned into his mind for ages to come.
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"Let's go, mi amor,” Miguel said, hoisting the paralyzed man onto his shoulder once more, "Nunca volverás a estar lejos de mí, mi amor."
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☀️ | Miguel O'Hara/Spiderman 2099 | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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sahisan · 4 months
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mind empty just imagining levi with a lieutenant!reader as keeping to yourselves as he is. bearing everything by yourself, not getting a chance to grieve (especially in the survey corps), and thus resulting in your emotions being bottled up for so long that you forget when you last got the time to mourn the loss of yet another one of your comrades. you've been through so much you don't even understand if you even can grieve anymore.
and the more time you and levi spend together — doesn't matter if it's on expeditions or randomly meeting each other in the halls of the hq — the more he starts to understand that what he sees in you is just a reflection of himself; of his own mindset and feelings.
and it's funny, really — he's basically observing himself from the outside.
levi can't say you two are close. of course, he's working on it (he really is trying), because the pull he has towards you hasn't ever wavered in the years he's known you, but it's so hard considering the circumstances you're living in. one day he's finally trying to open up to you, talking to you about how he'd lived in the underground all his childhood, and how much deaths he'd witnessed in his life that he'd long lost count of, and the next day he can find out you'd been eaten by a titan on another one of your stupidly dangerous expeditions.
and he knows, he knows that you're strong — shit, you basically equal him — that you can handle yourself in such dangerous situations where a normal person would die of shock immediately, that you're his god damn lieutenant, and you deserve your rank, but still there's this gnawing feeling in the back of his mind whenever he gets to know that you and your squad are leaving for yet another expedition, and he hates it.
every time you leave beyond the walls, levi tells you "don't die", or threatens that he'd come and get you in, quote, "wherever you go after death and kick your ass myself, lieutenant" when he has a particularly anxious feeling about the upcoming mission.
sometimes you come back with half your squad gone, sometimes with only a few people dead — doesn't matter how much, he sees the effect the losses have on you every single time, and he can't even bring himself to think of something akin to "they've been here for so long, should've gotten used already", because he himself isn't sure if he had gotten used to that.
and with the way you've both been so emotionally closed off for so long, levi can't help but start noticing how you finally start opening up to him, bits by bits, even if it's later than all of his attempts to do the same, but he's so fucking grateful you do, because he's never had the decency to come up to you and ask you to just talk. and it feels like such an accomplishment to him – to get a person with the same traumas as him to open up.
and when he thinks how proud he is of you, to try and start overcoming your own fears, to tell him the bits of your past and your fears and traumas, levi understands that he himself is becoming more open in your conversations; you helped him in finally opening his soul up after god knows how many decades, and to no one other than you.
the concept of time was foreign to both of you. as said before, nobody ever knew what would happen later today, tomorrow, the next week or month. but levi knows that now that you're in his life, guiding him through the debris of the mess that is his mind, death doesn't matter anymore, as you both try to live right now.
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koolades-world · 2 months
this piece is established relationship! with the nature of it anyways it probably would have been if i wanted it to or not lol. here's the post the idea came from and thank you to a wonderful mutual of mine for the inspo :)
Sharing is Caring
"Satan? You in here?" You pushed open the doors to the library in search of the knowledgeable demon. It was almost totally silent, minus the sound of a gentle, crackling fire.
"Yes. I'm by the fireplace." Satan's voiced echoed through the large room. You shut the door behind you and made your way over to where you'd heard him. "Hello, Mc. How was RAD today?" You quickly made yourself comfortable next to him. You threw your bag down onto the table in front of you and stretched out your limbs. He was reading, as usual.
"Tiring. But not too bad. Baking club was fun. Barbatos taught us how to make a bread that has candy hearts in it. We'll bake it tomorrow. He told us to think of a certain someone while making it for the most desirable outcome taste wise. Guess who I thought of?" You playfully elbowed Satan.
"Was it Cerberus?" He knew how much you cared for that dog, but you also knew he must've been messing with you.
"Noooo. Guess again, silly billy." You loved his tongue-in-cheek antics. Most weren't granted the chance to see that side of him, which was something you were eternally grateful for. He was much more than just the Avatar of Wrath, and it was a real shame others didn't take the time to learn the rest of him.
"Solomon, mayhaps?" You could see the hints of a smile begin to light up his face. You began to laugh as he tried harder to conceal his growing emotion.
"No! I'll give you a hint. He's blond, very helpful, and a genius." You poked his cheeks. He finally put the book down and allowed the joy to overtake his still features.
"So it's Luke then." He himself was beginning to chuckle.
"Wrong again. It's you! You're not very good at guessing games." You swatted at his arms as he put them around you to pull you into his side.
"Thank you, Mc. That's very thoughtful of you." He pressed a kiss on top of your head and into your hair.
"It's going to be delicious, I just know it. Even if the bread is awful, you'll still taste the heart and soul I put into it." You hugged him back, and savored the moment.
"You're so sweet. I'll make sure to enjoy it, just for you." The both of you eventually went back to being productive after you'd exchanged more sweet talk. You had homework to get done and he had a book to finish.
While digging through your bag for your supplies, you inevitably pulled out your pencil case. It contained what was arguably one of the most important tools for completing homework. You tried to fish out your favorite pen and instead found some sort of hard candy you'd been given by a professor earlier that day. You'd personally confirmed it was safe for human consumption, and decided to save it for while you were doing work later. Since it was Satan, despite the fact that he was enthralled in his book, he noticed almost immediately that you'd put something in your mouth. Maybe it was the scent, or the sudden movement, but you caught his attention.
"What's that?" He peeked over the top of his book, intrigued.
"A cinnamon hard candy. It's probably the most normal candy I've had in a long time. Got it for answering a question correctly in Devildom History." You gently blew on Satan's face so he could really smell the cinnamon.
"Where's mine?" He asked. You couldn't tell if he was being sincere or not, but at that point it was too late to give it to him since it was already in your mouth.
"Didn't you have Devildom History today too? You should've gotten your own, babe." You stuck your tongue out at him with the candy right in the center. He lightheartedly rolled his eyes back at you. You thought that was the end of that conversation as he turned his attention back to the book. Little did you know, he was in the middle of devising a plan to 'borrow' the candy from you.
He started by speaking up whenever he could when you were doing your homework. Whenever he saw you hesitate on something, he’d reassure you or help guide you to the correct answer. From there, he would also start to read romantic quotes from what he happened to be reading. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary for him. On the contrary, it would be more odd if he didn't.
"I need a break." You put the book you were holding back onto the table. To mentally relax, you decided to scroll on Devilgram. As you did though, Satan vied for you attention more than usual. Rather than directly asking or whining, he was subtle in his pleading. It didn't take you long to cave.
"You're planning something, aren't you?" You knew him well.
"Is it a crime for a demon to want attention from his amazing, gorgeous partner?" He tried to dodge the question, but unfortunately for him, you saw right him.
"I expect this kind of behavior from Mammon." Satan went silent, but met your gaze. "Do you want a kiss?" You could see the way his features lit up. You planted kisses all over his face, and he returned the favor. When your little exchange was over, you realized something was missing.
Looking over at Satan told the whole story. With a misevious grin, you saw him roll around the same candy while focusing on readiing again. "Satan. Is that my candy?" You knew the answer to that question.
"I have no clue what you're talking about." You could hear the laughter in his voice.
"You win this time. You earned that. Just you wait thought. I'll get you back." You hugged him and began your own scheming. You'd get him in some fun way later that evening. But for now, you planned to just enjoy snuggling with him. He might be a little shit sometimes, but he was your little shit.
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okay so, having now seen furiosa: a mad max saga opening night and having Ruminated on my thoughts, I am going to give my two-pence on the movie even though nobody asked or wanted it - you're getting it anyway!
but before going into the full thing, I actually re-watched fury road today, bc I just wanted to contrast it now that we know furiosa's full story that lead her to her trek in fury road, and I just had mad max on the brain (and also I love that movie).
spoilers under the cut below!!
first, I already knew before seeing the prequel, that that scene in fury road where furiosa breaks down after learning about what happened to 'the green place,' was going to now hit 2x as hard once we learn what really happened the moment she was ripped away, and...yeah, it's super painful to watch. it was already a very emotional scene, but now having known how much pain and struggle it costed her, how many times furiosa desperately made her bet to get back home and fell short - you can really feel her grief
funnily enough though, I was shocked to find myself tearing up not during that scene, but when furiosa was reunited with the last of the many mothers. having just watched her ripped away so unfairly as a defenseless child, her whole world destroyed and clinging onto this dream of one day, getting to embrace her family - you can't help it!! I started tearing up when the other woman rushed to furiosa, embracing her with the gentle touch of their foreheads, 'this is our furiosa' 😭 like..she did it!! she made it home!!! - also, I learned in the credits - that woman was actually the same little girl, valkyrie, in furiosa who was her friend!!! that girl saw her friend get snatched and pulled away from their home, and then finally, both grown, they reuinite! I just thought that was sweet
what max says to her about hope in the scene after they find the mothers, 'if you can't fix what's broken..you'll go insane.' - my mind immediately jumped to dementus. we get this glimpse that he once had a wife and child(ren) he loved, that were either taken from him or killed, and he tells furiosa in their stand-off more or less how that destroyed him mentally, further plunging him into this hateful madman who acts so cruelly to others. he couldn't 'fix' it by getting them back ('I want them back!!' 'I can't!!'), the one thing he loved that kept him sane, and so he lost his humanity.
I saw a post of someone saying how ricktus's death (immortan joe's son) is 10x more satisfying after having seen what he (nearly) did to child furiosa...abso-fucking-lutely (though, I think with that in mind, furiosa should've gotten a part in it..)
also, max & and furiosa's dynamic after knowing about her & jack...the parallels! the parallels!! their gradual bond of trust, how fluidly they work together to kill/fight the enemies of the citadel akin to her and jack vs. dementus and gang, etc.
this saga, of course, is about hope and redemption, alluded to in both fury road and the prequel. in fury road, max says (I think in his opening monologue) how he was once strived to be a 'righteous warrior', who could do good and help others. later, when one of the wives finds the warboy nux, he's distraught bc he thinks his chances for greatness are gone, but then she tells him that maybe, he's destined for something greater - and that would be, of course, later sacrificing himself to save her and the rest by crashing the rig into the war party. in furiosa, jack says how his parents were valiant warriors, and how he hopes one day, he could be the same - also, later, fulfilling that by sacrificing himself so that furiosa might escape dementus and the destroyed gastown. it's just such an amazing string of parallels - all three men, looking to do something great, and then, through furiosa, they're given that chance and achieve something good even amongst the destruction!! but it's only bc of furiosa, this harbinger of hope, that they do so - she's the tie between them all, the embodiment of that goodness!!! it's! just! so! good!!!
honestly there's probably way more parallels out there I'm sure ppl will bring up, but those were the things that struck me. now, onto my actual thoughts on the prequel.
--I'll start by saying I was unbelievably excited to see this movie. I'm annoyed though, bc despite knowing about it and wanting to see it once it was released, I literally only learned it was coming out a week before the release date. straight up, the press for it was so poor, not once did I hear about it before the trailer randomly crossed my feed one day - and considering how popular fury road is, I find that bizarre (but, I'll bet you a good couple bucks, that the press/hype was deliberately poor bc of the movie company execs, due to this being a female lead film 😠) - but it did mean I didn't have to wait too long, and that I did watch the trailer about 13 times on my own accord until then..
--having read the reviews, I do agree, it is a bit slower then fury road - but, that's really only bc it's a character story instead. fury road takes places in the current time of the film and the actions that follow, whereas the prequel is specifically about furiosa, so it's honed less to the action and more about a certain character, in my opinion. but it's just as good for a character story! it does an excellent job of unfolding furiosa's journey, and really, if you're gunna compare everything in the franchise to fury road, it's never gunna live up. that said, there's still excellent action and real nail-biting moments.
--I will say though, that I found it almost...darker, then fury road? fury road is definitely intense and there's of course violence, but it never openly tips into anything past pg-13; the darkness that is there, is more or less touched upon by the narrative (like, we can get a sense of what must've happened to the wives (ie assault) and why they escaped once we see how immortan joe regards them as property, the suffering furiosa must've went through by the pure vitriol look she gives him when their cars are side-by-side and later, 'remember me?' before killing him (my favourite scene)). but it's never explicit - furiosa is. from the torture of her mother, to that scene right after the max cameo when he drops furiosa off at the citedel's underground where I literally had to cover my eyes and ask my friend to say when it was done..there's an overtone of darkness that gives to the tragedy of furiosa, this child molded from pain (not to mention, again, that scene of ricktus and her as a child which to me, was the most nerve-wracking moment). fury road gives you a glimpse, but furiosa doesn't hold back.
--chris hemsworth, meanwhile, made an excellent villain. not just as an actor, but dementus as a character was fantastic. he's got lots of great lines and brings in a lot of humor - he's both deranged and erratic, while also clever and simultaneously childish, and mostly, cruel. he's wonderfully dynamic. bringing in a backstory of losing his wife/child was a great added piece to his story (I love a good backstory), and the way he takes the loss of his kid and tried to mold it around furiosa, tries to fill that empty piece inside, was a great choice in terms of their dynamic. it made him more then just a mad-man who stole a child for yuks - he had a deeper desire to tote furiosa around, almost as a security blanket in the same way the teddy bear also acts as one. his final monologue was great - the ramblings of a hateful man, but it was, in the end, what got furiosa to see past vengeance, and become better - to choose hope, and not destruction.
--anya taylor-joy did a great job I thought - while I wish furiosa had more lines, she made up for it in just the facial expressions and how full they were, really giving us a glimpse of what furiosa was feeling. even still, it would've been nice to have known what was going on in her head, or even hear her talk about her past - the green place, and then dementus, are the pure driving force of her character, yet she doesn't ever mention or grapple with her grief around these things, simply stays silent (except for the final confrontation with dementus). I would've loved maybe, if she had confided in jack, or maybe even one of the wives, to give more depth to her feelings.
--I also wish furiosa could've bonded with someone else besides jack, or at least before him. it would've been nice for to have had at least one ally, or, I dunno, a friend? like that war boy who had dwarfism - she seemed almost sad, when realizing after the battle that he was dead. instead, she's alone, but a fellow misfit friend could've been nice.
--speaking of jack, loved him! thought he was great! it's unfortunate his part was so short, would've loved delve into his background (also, I'm as gay as they come, but he's like..an objectively Good Looking Man, so well done all around).
--I was really nervous, for how they were gunna do the romance. I was against it initially, bc the great thing about fury road, was that romance was not at all forced into the narrative - you can read that between max & furiosa if you want, but for one of the very, very few times when a woman and man team up, romance wasn't forcefully wedged in, and instead they could be respected allies. so I was skeptical - and then I totally fell for them. they were so sweet! the two actors had great chemistry - their bond was just so soft. the way, after they crash and are caught by dementus, furiosa, who can barely stand, gently leans herself into jack's shoulder, sweetly muttering to each other as he leans his forehead back against hers, like 😩😩 it was so lovely, and so tragic. you could really feel the respect and care they had for each other; it was so organic, bc jack genuinely wanted to help furiosa. he respected her and asked nothing of her - he was a purely good man, and through that, furiosa was able to open up to him and trust him. it's the great curse of the mad max universe though - no romance can escape it's claws, same with how nux and one of the wives were torn apart. in my heart of hearts though, there lives a little AU fic where dementus doesn't catch them, and they make their way back to the green place and live happily ever after with a kid perhaps, and maybe, furiosa and him go back to later rescue the wives (they say, like they're not thinking of already writing that very fic...).
--one more thing about furiosa I wanted to mention, if I can call back to earlier saying how she becomes a beacon of hope for the various men that enter her life (and the women too, when you think of the wives..) - that, despite all this horror handed to her, at the very end of the rope, she gives into her hero's heart. time over, we see, even as the destruction of the wasteland chips away at her, furiosa can never quite betray her heart. she runs back to her mother even after being pushed to leave, she goes back for jack despite having the perfect escape to finally make it back home, and in the end, takes all her hurt and anger wrapped up in dementus, and turns it and him into something that can bring good into the world. it's about choosing good, above all!! a hero's heart, even in the darkest of worlds!!!
--the trailer really emphases the green place, but we only see it for like...a couple minutes? I was looking forward to more lore about it, maybe seeing some of it's inhabitants like the mothers. but furiosa is taken immediately and then her mother starts her hunt after her, and that's it. kinda a bummer.
--there's a couple inconsistencies here and there - like, when furiosa is first brought to where the wives are kept, there's gotta be about 20 women in there, roughly. but then, as she becomes a young adult, we see at the very end her approach the 5 wives from fury road (I was expecting a call-back, so loved that) and it looks like there's only them there - what happened to the rest of the women??? did they all die in childbirth?? also, when furiosa runs away and hides herself as a warboy/mechanic, how did no one know she was gone?? it seems odd, since immortan joe specifically picked her out and probably has a mental line-up of all his 'treasures', you'd think he'd notice. or how, later on, the new 'imperior' with jack looks oddly similar to that young girl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
--also, I wanna know how furiosa got away with being the only female imperior - you'd think immortan joe might snag her away instead to be a wife bc she's young and viable, or that she'd be either dismissed or preyed upon by his sons/the other men. maybe because she was partnered with jack it was easier, but that was kinda confusing.
--final thing, bc this post is already too long - my last gripe is mainly about furiosa's dynamic with immortan joe. in furiosa, her revenge is purely motivated towards dementus, but then, switching to fury road, she now holds contempt and anger towards the warlord. part of what I wanted to see in the film, was her past with immortan joe; we didn't know initially how furiosa got to the citadel, but my interpretation, was always that possibly (because she was branded with the logo on her neck) she was brought on as a wife, inevitably abused by him, and then something happened where she was no longer useful as a wife (maybe an accident that cost her her arm) but was still useful as a tool. but, immortan joe isn't really looked at in the prequel; he's here and there, but doesn't show any particular cruelty or act towards furiosa that I was expecting. that vitriol she shows in fury road, and of course, 'remember me?', makes you think there was something there to fuel furiosa's revenge. instead, nothing really occurs between them - of course, furiosa is brought on to breed him children and then is expected to do his every bidding in getting supplies, so, I think we're supposte to assume that she has seen how cruel he is up close, and so acts against him. still, I was expecting something deeper there.
all in all, I loved it and had a great time. fury road will always be one of my favourites, but this is a great addition. fury road is great on all fronts; a fascinating world, great characters, amazing action, a well-made and clearly cared for story, but the thing I love most - is that it's about hope. it's about choosing, every day, despite the horrors around you, to get up and hope for something better. to do something better, even at your own cost. it's about hope and what we mean to each other when we extend it. and I just love that so much
go see furiosa! support it! it's a great time!
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hopelessrromantix · 1 year
Part 2 to this
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Miguel had first met you a very long time ago.
By then, he was Spiderman, seeking out one of your partners they'd gone slightly rogue.
The only thing he hadn't realized then, was that your project had affected you too, creating a symbiote that attached itself to you.
After many encounters in and out of your suits, you and Miguel got along surprisingly well.
Until you'd sacrificed yourself for him. Sure he was alive, but he always regretted not knowing you better.
And when he found a universe where he was happy, he got to see your face again.
An alternate version of yourselves had gotten both your powers under control. You started a family, adopted a daughter, and settled down to have a normal life.
Until he replaced his dead self.
At first it was… nice.
Not just being with his daughter, but you too.
He regretted not knowing you even more after that. His life picked up where his alternate self had left off.
And when everything came crashing down, you let him carry your daughter. He could see the mix of pain and shock in your eyes as you faded away, breaking apart into nothing.
Soon, Miguel was alone again.
And now, in an alternate world, you were Spiderman. He should've expected it, really.
"You should leave, Y/n." Lyla imitated, puffing up her chest and placing her hands on her hip. Miguel didn't expect her glare to be so effective.
He only rolled his eyes, walking back toward his computer.
"See, that's my impression of you saying something dumb." Miguel stayed quiet, swiping through data he'd left open, organizing his space. "You didn't even answer when he asked if you knew him. What's going on with you? We both know you wanted to talk to him."
Miguel's eyes narrowed. "It's not that simple. I'm dead in his world and he's dead in mine, we can't go rewriting history and destroying Y/n's Canon."
"Oh please," She scoffed. "Forget the 'High and Mighty' schtick, trying experiencing emotion for, like, two seconds and talk to him."
Miguel whipped his head toward her, but she had already disappeared, probably anticipating his argument.
He let out a heavy sigh into the stagnant air. He missed you more than he wanted to admit, even if he never got to know you nearly as well as he wanted.
For days, Miguel attempted to process the conversation.
You hadn't come to find him since he'd told you to leave days before, but he'd seen you around. You usually blended into the crowd right after, making him feel slightly guilty about telling you to leave.
He just brushed it off, going back to his work.
You, on the other hand, had no such plans.
Miguel was stubborn as an ox, but you weren't about to give up just because he asked you to leave.
If there was any hope he'd hear you out, you'd be willing to take the risk.
"What are you doing here?"
A question you expected to get. It was so much harder to answer when he was staring at you.
"Any chance we could talk?" You asked, half expecting him to close the door right there.
To your surprise, he stepped back, leading you into his (oddly dark) workspace.
"Let me j-"
"I wanted t-"
You both froze, hearing the other speak. You chuckled, gesturing to him.
He sighed, taking a breath. "I wanted to apologize."
"You did?" You blinked at him. Apologies weren't Miguel's thing (unless you made it clear you expected one)... maybe he was more different than you thought.
Miguel's expression was stiff, his mind still focused on you. "When you were alive, I didn't know you as well as I wanted to."
He watched your face shift, first in confusion, then in understanding.
You didn't need to hear it all right now. Or maybe he just wasn't ready to tell you.
But either way… "I'd like to get to know you now."
"Yeah! Yeah, I'd like that too." You agreed, nodding your head before remembering why you'd come in the first place. "I'm sorry for springing everything on you. I mean, it's a lot all at once… I didn't mean to force you to talk to me."
He nodded slowly. "You didn't. I… I want to do this."
"You do?" You asked again. Whether to be certain or just to hear him say it again, you didn't know.
And you felt truly, unashamedly happy for the first time in far too long.
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chxrryhxrt · 15 days
The library - Lucius Malfoy x Female Reader
Synopsis: You have a slight crush Lucius Malfoy, finding yourself easily flustered whenever he is near. When this starts to bring you unwanted attention, who will stand up for you?
Warnings: none, just slight angst and fluffy stuff at the end
This is just a short little one-shot that I wrote a few years back for my first request. I posted it on my old account but am just in the process of moving all my work over here!
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Sighing, you flicked through the charms book laid out in front of you, landing on page 83. You shuffled through a few more pages and paused, frowning down at it.
“This is the right page, isn’t it?” you asked, turning the textbook to show your friend, “Because I could’ve sworn Binns said revision for muffliato was on this page, not self-defense charms.”
Glancing up at you, her eyebrows scrunched together as she reached out to pick up the book, bringing it closer to her bespectacled face, inspecting it. 
“Y/n, this is the wrong textbook, you absolute billywig. We’re doing standard charms, this,” she stated, waving the book in your face, “is an introduction to charms book.”
“Oh Merlin, how did I manage that?”
She snorted, “They do look pretty similar I guess, except the one you want is almost twice the size.”
You looked away and laughed dryly, taking the book back, “It’s an easier mistake to make than you’d think. I’m going to go find the other one, I’ll be back in a bit.”
You untucked your chair from the table, trudging through the towers of bookshelves to the section where you had gotten the previous book. Sliding it back into the shelf, you stared around at the masses of similar-looking novels - all worn down shades of brown and thoroughly used. Who on earth thought it was a good idea to make them look practically identical?
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After scouring almost every shelf for what felt like hours, you gave up, deciding to ask the librarian if they knew where to find it before the library closed up - which on reflection - you should've done in the first place. Hastily, you raced off around the corner, sending piles of books flying. Without this book, there was no way you’d be able to revise for your upcoming exams, let alone pass them.
As you approached the entrance, you saw a girl from your charms class, Beth, deep in conversation with Lucius; the boy you were absolutely head over heels for. With his smooth blonde hair and shimmering blue eyes, you couldn't be blamed - almost any girl would give up their soul for a chance with him.
You noticed that he happened to be holding a copy of 'Standard charms and spells' - exactly what you had been searching for. Hesitantly, you began to walk up to them, your heels scuffing the stone floor with each step and heart knocking against your ribs.
When you got closer, he turned to look at you, a small smile forming.
"Hi, Lucius," you started, fiddling with your fingers, twisting them into strange positions, "I noticed that you have the charms book I've been looking for, and I was just,  uh, wondering if I could maybe, like, borrow it?" As he opened his mouth to reply, you spluttered out a mess of words, which sounded somewhat like an apology for interrupting his prior conversation. At that, there was a subtle flash of an obscure emotion across his features. You felt fairly confident that it was pity.
"Oh, no please don't apologise, I was actually just coming to put it back, but," he paused, his eyes flicking to look at Beth briefly, "I bumped into Beth an-"
"And he's said he's giving the book to me, but don't stress yourself, he wouldn't have given it to someone like you, even if you’d asked before me."
You flinched slightly at the sudden abrasive tone, bottom lip tucking between your teeth as your body froze up.
You stared at both of them for a moment, then scurried away back to where you'd been sat before.
As you retreated, you felt a pair of eyes on your back, no doubt judging you. Thoughts clouded your mind in embarrassment, what if Lucius found that funny? What if they are both doubled over behind you, laughing? You tried tirelessly to shake these worries from your mind as you headed back to the comfort of your friend.
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When you got to the table, it seemed as though your friend had left already, as all her stuff was packed up and gone, but honestly you couldn't be mad at her, you had been gone for at least an hour.
So, you started grabbing all your stuff: your quill, parchment, inkpot and wand, and shoved them all into your satchel hurriedly.
You went to turn and sling your bag over your shoulder but found Beth standing behind you, in your way.
"Sorry, Beth, I really have to go, can you move over a bit?" you asked, chewing the side of your cheek.
"It's really obvious you know." she claimed, staring you dead in the eyes.
"You always blush and stutter when he talks to you. It's not like he's interested in you, you know? He's a Malfoy, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. You're nowhere near as respected as him. In fact, hardly anyone even knows who you are."
With every word, your eyes glossed over more and more, tears welling up, on the verge of pouring down your face. You couldn't think of anything to say, she was right and that was what hurt, Lucius would never be interested in you.
Beth stepped towards you, trapping you between the table and her body.
"Just the other day, I heard him talking about you, I'm only saying this because thought you deserve to know. But he said that you're nothing but a desperate wh-"
"Beth," A loud, assertive voice came from behind a bookshelf, revealing Lucius as he walked over to you both, "Step away from her now."
When she stayed put, he wasted no time in pulling his wand out and pointing it at her. "Move. now." He growled out, stepping forwards and pressing the wand to her neck.
Her breathing sped up and she said nothing, but moved backwards, freeing you from her grasp.
"Now leave us, and do not speak to her that way again," he said, moving to your side, "Do you understand me?"
She murmured a quick yes and snatched up her wand, sprinting out of the library.
Lucius turned to face you, expression full of regret, his hand coming up to gently stroke you cheek. "I am so so sorry, love. I would have helped you sooner, had I known she was going to do that."
"It's okay, but what she was saying, wa-"
He hushed you, cupping your jaw, "None of it was true, sweetheart. For the record, I can definitely like someone as perfect and as lovely as you. In fact, how could I not?"
You beamed, looking up at him and then at his lips, "Can I?"
"Of course you can,” He replied, placing his hand on the back of your head and pulling you slowly into a kiss.
He pulled away, pupils filled with adoration, his warm hand grasping yours, "Now, how about we go to the common room, and I help you with this charms work, hm?"
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klaprisun · 4 months
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley)(Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 23: Back to Danny's POV
I had gone to Gus's saloon to grab some dinner since I didn't feel like cooking tonight. I was also hoping to run into Haley too because I have been dying to see her. I was hoping to maybe pull her aside if I got the chance, but when I arrived, she was seated with Alex on their usual couch. She was awfully close to him, with her knees turned towards his. I should've known she'd be with him since we ran into each other at his house. She was not just there for Evelyn.
Something had compelled me to change shirts before coming here too. Earlier I was trying to hide the marks on my neck with a collared shirt, but I decided to show them off and put on a tank top with no collar. I was hoping Haley would see that I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about it and that my confidence is through the roof.
I was fully aware all eyes were on me too in the saloon. Word had gotten around about the situation, and everyone was trying to catch a glimpse. I ignored everyone and just placed my dinner order with Gus.
"I'll just take a pizza please, Gus," I say as I slouch forward in my seat and rest my hand on my cheek.
"Sure thing, Danny. Do you want a beer as well?" Gus questions. My gut lurches at the thought of drinking again and I quickly shake my head.
"No thank you. Just water for me today."
Gus examines me for a minute, realizing there is something off about me. He doesn't say anything as he turns to grab me a glass of water.
My eyes shift over to the arcade where everyone is hanging out. I would've gone over there too, but I can tell Haley is trying to hide from me. But when I look over, I catch many of them staring right back at me. I quickly avert my gaze away back to Gus who has brought me water.
"What's going on with you? Something seems to be the matter?" Gus sympathetically asks.
"It's a long story. I'm sure you've heard," I sigh and give him a small smile.
"Yeah I won't pretend that I didn't hear about that. Don't get too hung up on that. It will all blow over soon," He tries to reassure me.
"I don't want it to blow over," I mutter, "I want things to go farther between us. I want her to feel comfortable with me."
"Give it some time and maybe she will come around. You guys can't keep running around each other forever. One of you will have to make the first move, but I don't think it will be her," He explains.
"I'll try... but I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. She is the first person I have ever felt so drawn to. She makes me feel like no one has before," I start blushing and fiddling with my hands.
Gus gives me a genuine smile and pats the counter in front of me before walking over to help Pam.
From the corner of my eye, I start to see movement coming from the arcade. Curiously, I turn my head to see what's going on.
Haley and Alex are walking past, beelining for the door. Haley looks like she is on a mission, Alex is not looking too happy. I am a little upset, but what sends me over the edge is when I realize where their hands are.
They were holding hands as they walked through the saloon. Sure it looked a little forced, but nonetheless they were holding hands and leaving the saloon together. Late at night might I add.
I can't help it, but my jaw drops open as Haley looks my way with a glint in her eyes.
The two of them, still hand in hand, walk out the front door, making the bell above the door chime at their exit.
The saloon was silent as everyone had just watched the two of them leave together. I'm the first to break my gaze from the door. I instead look towards the group at the arcade who all turn to give me a pitiful smile.
Emily, who was working her shift at the saloon, had made the pizza I had ordered. However, she must've sensed my emotions because the pizza was already packed to go rather than for dine-in.
I took one last sip of my water and slammed it down on the counter. I passed some change to Gus for the meal, and took the pizza from Emily. Everyone in the saloon stayed out of my way as I booked it to the door to leave.
I was just going to call it quits for the night and go home, but before I could, I saw in the distance Alex and Haley still holding hands. They were headed straight for Alex's house. I watch as Haley stops in her tracks and leans in to whisper in his ear. Suddenly, their demeanors changed and there was more pep in their step. They burst through the front door of Alex's place and shut it right behind them. I swear I saw the door rattle on its hinges a second after it shut from something going on inside.
I was speechless. I was stuck in one spot, as I watched the whole thing play out. My whole body lost all of its energy in an instance. The hand holding the pizza lowered, my back suddenly ached, and my legs felt wobbly.
As if on cue, a raindrop falls right on my nose. I don't make any move to rush home, and continue staring in the same direction. I feel each piece of my heart break apart as I think about what they could be doing together in the house.
As the rain starts to fall harder, I finally muster up the energy to walk back home. I hold my pizza box as close to me as possible so it doesn't get soggy, but it isn't working very well. The rain is coming down too hard to shield the entire box.
I quickly enter through my front door and carefully set the collapsing pizza box on my kitchen table. Absolutely starving and on the edge of tears, I pop open the box to take a slice.
The rain had soaked through the top and gotten to the pizza making the cheese, dough and toppings all soggy. That was my final straw. Instead of taking a seat in a chair, my legs give out under me and I rest my forehead against my arms on the ledge of the table, uncomfortably squatting. I couldn't stop the tears from escaping this time, and let them rain down my face. 
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chanti-leaving · 1 month
Hot take incoming!! I really would like to read a fic where only Leo joins LREF. He's the only one without a bionic chip, which means he never had his melted in the finale. If the chip situation was a little more permanent and they could only send Leo, things would've worked out a lot differently. Adam and Bree would have finally gotten the chance to be normal people and Leo would have finally gotten the chance to become more responsible. I really do think that a team with Leo, Oliver, and Kaz has a sort of fun underdog energy to it, as well. I also love the dynamic that he had with Kaz in the crossover episode. It really does feel like he would fit in perfectly with Kaz and Oliver. Chase is amazing, and I really love his character, but Leo really needed his time to shine. Leo was very smart as well. He liked engineering and tech almost as much as Chase did, so he could've been the team's hacker/tech guy. The fact that the three of them didn't have any kind of powers or abilities until the end (or towards the end, in Leo's case) of their shows gives them such "Team Human" vibes. Like, I feel like it would be easier to focus on their emotions and working through their trauma if it was just the three of them. They are not as experienced as the other characters are, so there would be more growth for them. All of the Davenkids are great, and I love them all equally, but ABC really should've gotten to retire.
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garchu-garchu · 3 months
Guys, I love Ace as a character. He's cool, he has an interesting story and growth, I love that he has a (quite literally) fatal flaw, and his parallels with Luffy are very nice...
I'll always die on the hill that his death doesn't hit as hard as it could have. When Impel Down/Marineford comes by, we barely know anything about Ace himself. He has had such minimal screentime. We know and care for Luffy of course, so his unwavering determination to save his brother compels us to care too because we want Luffy to succeed, and Ace was a nice guy back in Alabasta so we have a shallow bond with him. We also know that he got caught in the first place because he wanted to defend Luffy, so it adds to that brother bond. That alone is part of why we care for his death - because it hurts seeing Luffy lose his brother after EVERYTHING he has done to save him. After he was already technically saved. It's a very touching scene to follow from Luffy's perspective, and Ace's last words are heartbreaking and bittersweet. It's very hard not to feel emotional because the scene is very well written.
But just IMAGINE if we had gotten the ASL backstory before. Of course, I'd tone down the "I'm not going to die!!!" Ace constantly says to still keep the shock of his death, but it would've been MILES more impactful. The backstory is there to add more context to Luffy's grief (and does an amazing job setting up the "I still have my crew" line), and it still hurts when you look back and realize how tragic Ace's death was in retrospect - but we've already felt the bigger feelings!!! The "climax" has already happened and only now we're building up on it? Don't get me wrong, this retrospective storytelling format CAN totally work. But this time, I think Oda should've gone with the standard "backstory to build the climax" format he usually does in his writing. Retrospective storytelling often works best with smaller bits of info, mysteries, and plot twists - not something so big and special like a character death. It also works for Brook! I think it's very clever to have his backstory only be told in the latter part of the arc as closure. Because we already know what happened to his crew and we've learned to care for Brook through the arc, so the scene hits hard like a truck. It works because his backstory isn't very relevant to the arc's climax anyway, only for his own character growth.
The ASL backstory gives us so much more insight on both why this is important to Luffy and helps us understand Ace's character. To me, the most heartbreaking fact we don't know in a first watch and that I think we should is the fact that Luffy (assumedly) has already lost a brother. This completely changes the framework here. It adds a very huge layer on why Luffy is so set to save Ace at all costs. He's lost a brother before, and he's not about to lose another. He has a chance this time. Back with Sabo, they felt hopeless - but now he's strong enough to at least try. And yet, he loses. He's all alone now. He's lost both of his brothers. And that's such an important tidbit we only learn after the fact!!!
We also completely miss the fact that Ace felt alone and rejected by the world ever since he was a kid. Yet he had a whole fleet he saw as a family and his little brother show up in the main Marine base to fight against all the Admirals just to save his life. This adds a LOT of impact to his last sentences and to Whitebeard's sacrifice. Yet... we don't feel that at the moment, either. We only learn of this later (if I recall correctly, I could be wrong about this one).
I genuinely truly feel like showing the backstory before would've made Ace's death more emotional. To me, as it's written, it feels like punching Arlong without knowing why Nami was hurting. It feels like seeing the Nine Scabbards' annihilation without seeing Oden's backstory. Or seeing the Going Merry burn without watching the rest of Water Seven. These would all still be emotional and impactful scenes on their own, but the context makes us understand their stakes and the emotional weight behind them. Because as it stands, Going Merry's death made me cry a river... while Ace's death made me emotional, maybe got my eyes a little watery. And it's a shame because I'm sure I would've cried a river too if I knew the whole context.
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Logan Walker x F!Reader
TW for nobody is okay following the canon Ghosts ending, swearing, likely military inaccuracies, lots of anxiety and guilt in this one, some very light innuendos (as with my whole blog: MDNI, you've been warned)
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Chapter 06
You kept telling yourself that what Hesh said wouldn't make it's way under your skin. That you acknowledged it as words said out of frustration in pain, and had no deeper meaning than to inflict the same pain onto someone else. Which should've worked, except your mind was racing with the parallels of your relationship from then to now.
How pre-federation Logan would sneak little kisses in with you every chance he got. Kisses to the hair, cheeks, neck, mouth, or in more private circumstances…any area of skin was free game.
While present Logan has only pressed a kiss or two to your hair.
How it felt like pre-federation Logan and you were attached at the hip. You two were the others shadow. A day without some form of interaction off mission was essentially unheard of.
Present Logan would ghost you for days at a time without warning.
Pre-federation Logan would cuddle you to sleep every night he was able to.
Present Logan hasn't spent the night with you since he was rescued.
Pre-federation Logan worshipped your body, made sure every part was loved equally.
Present Logan hasn't looked at you in that light. As much as it pained you to say, it felt like you were in a platonic relationship with him again. A lower-level of platonic at that.
Shaking your head slightly, you pushed out of your bed. Accepting that sleep wasn't something you were going to be getting any time soon; opting for a warm shower instead of your cold bed. Relax tense muscles, ease your body into sleep and hopefully slow your thoughts. You knew living in the past was unhealthy, and that you weren't purposefully faulting him for being distant. He went through more than you could ever know.
That doesn't mean it still doesn't sting when your relationship drops back down to a level of "close friends".
Turning the water to the shower on, you waited a minute for the temperature to warm up before stripping and stepping in. Sighing when you felt the heat against your skin. You stood for a moment, unmoving as the water ran down your body and your mind raced.
Would things ever be the same? Are you terrible if you end things with him after everything the two of you have been through? Do you even want that?
Without thinking, you sunk down to the floor. Eyes closing as the water beat down on your head, flooding your senses with a constant hum. The sound drowning out your anxious thoughts as you pulled yourself into a ball, letting your head drop forward. Wiggling your fingers or toes every so often to ensure you wouldn't fall asleep (waking up to ice cold water spraying on you sounds less than ideal).
Selfish as it may be, your mind brought you back to a time you yearned for. When he could pick you up from your darkest places.
You couldn't pinpoint any exact reason for your emotions in this moment. The day just kind of snowballed, starting with waking up late and rushing to work; ending with staying late to try to correct a mistake made by someone else. The thought of falling into your bed and ending this disaster of a day was the only remaining light at the end of this tunnel. Which, even that got snuffed when you came home to see the bare mattress staring back at you. Logan deciding to surprise you and change the bedding while you were at work, but hadn't gotten to re-making the bed yet.
Fingers running through your hair, you bit your lip as tears welled up in your eyes. After everything that happened today, this small inconvenience is what broke you. With a deep sigh, you made your way to the bathroom. Ignoring the greeting from your boyfriend as you passed by. Not seeing the concerned look that crossed his face at your abnormally cold behaviour.
Sitting on the floor of your shower, you cried. One hand over your mouth to keep the sounds quiet as you released all the pent up emotion. You felt pathetic, letting someone as stupid as bedsheets break you down. Even though you knew this pain went far deeper. A soft knock on the bathroom door caused your head to shoot up. Sobs ceasing momentarily as you willed yourself to be silent. Hoping Logan would move on and not see what a mess you were.
"Can I come in? I have a couple things for you" he explained softly through the door, making your heart swell. "Even just to drop them off, I won't stay if you don't want me to"
You whispered a soft confirmation, hearing as the door slowly opened and closed again. A soft thump on the counter, as his hand reached around the curtain, holding your favourite drink in the air for you to grab. Slowly, you reached up and took hold of the cool can. Sliding forward slightly, out of the water to take a sip as he leaned past the curtain slightly. Eyes swimming with concern and love as he saw you on the floor.
You met his gaze with one of shame, embarrassment. Not expecting him to come out with: "life is a bit too much today?"
Biting your lip as new tears started to fall, you slowly nodded. He didn't require any explanation past that, leaning back out and shuffling around on the other side of the curtain. Stepping into the shower with you a moment later, clad in only boxers. Ignoring the confused look you sent him, he grabbed the shower head off the wall. Gently wetting your hair down again, before grabbing your shampoo bottle silently.
"You're going to get soaked" you whispered, closing your eyes at the feeling of his hands working through your hair. "I'm fine"
Continuing with his current task he shrugged, making every step slow and methodical. Ensuring not to cause any discomfort or pain as he helped you wash up.
"You're worth getting soaked for" he explained once you were washed, wrapping his arms around you for a moment. Turning the water off he stood, holding his hands out for you to grab and pull yourself up. "Dry off, get changed and meet me in the room. Okay?"
Rubbing yourself down with the towel, soul feeling a bit lighter than it did 20 minutes ago you wondered how on earth you got this lucky. PJs on, you walked to the bedroom. Stopping dead when you saw the bed made with your favourite blankets, laptop sitting with a movie loaded and your boyfriend now in a pair of sweatpants laying waiting for you. Tears burned your eyes again as you launched yourself at the man, feeling him laugh beneath you as you held him tight.
"Thank you, Lo" you whispered, face pressed against his chest as he rubbed his hand across your back. Whispering about how he would provide you anything he could.
Shivering as the water ran colder, you pulled yourself from the floor. Rubbing a hand down your face, ignoring how your eyes burned and your body ached. What you would give to get back to the way things were.
"Did you get any sleep last night?" Keegan asked as the two of you made your way out to the watchtower. Since you two began walking not even 5 minutes ago, you've yawned 4 times.
"A few hours at least. Woke up with the worst headache around 2" you lied, hearing a sound of partial disbelief in return. "I'll be fine today, wouldn't be here if I wasn't"
The two of you continued in silence, neither pushing the topic any further than that. For him, it was respecting boundaries. For you, it was exhaustion. You got maybe 2 or 3 hours of sleep last night, if you were lucky. Your thoughts constantly skipping between then and now, like a broken record.
It's selfish to feel this way, to make it about myself right?
"Hm?" Keegan looked back at you, causing your face to burn realizing you said that out loud. With a sigh, he stopped and turned around to face you fully. "You're allowed to have feelings about this, we all are. This affects everyone" you dropped your gaze, opting to continue on forward. Walking past the sniper.
After a few beats of silence he continued, "I'm not going to push you to talk, but keeping that to yourself weighs heavy on the mind. It's not good for you"
The rest of the walk to the tower was in silence as you took his words to heart. Wondering how bad could it be to talk to someone outside of your team? Get some clarity and an outsider's opinion the situation. You made a mental note to look into that the next time you had freetime.
"I spy…." He started, sending you a mischievous smirk as you rolled your eyes
"No." You interrupted, shaking your head as you scanned the surroundings below. "Now is not the time, I swear you're worse than your brother sometimes"
Feeling his hands on your waist as he stood behind where you were leaning on the windowsill, you shifted your weight from foot to foot. Threat lately was low, but since the attack on the beach command wanted surveillance for outside the wall. It was when you felt his mouth pressing warm kisses against your neck that you tensed up slightly. Now is definitely not the time. Before you could tell him to quit, the radio chirped to life.
"Seriously kid?" Your face burned as you pushed off the ledge. Shoving the man behind you back as you pressed your back against the wall beside the window. Mortified that your teammate just saw all of that. Logan however was laughing across from you, face red from embarrassment. Giving him a soft kick to the foot, you glared.
"He wasn't supposed to be facing us, how can he see this far anyway!" Your boyfriend defended, hands in the air as he wore a playful smile. You still glaring at him with embarrassment and disbelief.
Your heart stopped as the radio started again, this time Kick in the background demanding to use the rifle scope to see what was happening. Demanding to know if "they're fucking right now?!", followed by Keegan shutting down the idea and pointing out how weird it was that he wanted to see.
"Get back to work you two. Nobody, except Kick wants to see that and we don't want to be flanked by feds" if it was possible, your face burned brighter as Logan laughed louder. Grabbing the spotting scope before returning to the windowsill, flipping his teammate off playfully before returning to work.
"Are you sure you're okay to be working right now?" Keegan asking pulled you back to your current task at hand -- working on programming the surveillance drones for the area. He was perched in the window, as you sat cross legged on the floor. Leaning against the wall with the tablet in hand.
"I need to work, it's just better for everyone that way" you shrugged, typing at the tablet in your lap.
"That's not what I asked," Keegan sighed, keeping his focus on his work. Dropping the subject when you didn't respond. "How long do you figure until drones are back up?"
"Download should take a couple hours, then maybe 15 minutes to reprogram them?" You yawned, starting the download. The lack of sleep weighing heavily in your muscles, making you feel as if you were moving through water.
"Get some sleep while it downloads, I'll wake you up if anything happens" the man instructed in a firm tone. Leaving no room for arguing, not that you wanted to argue a nap at this moment.
Nodding, you used your backpack as a makeshift pillow before sliding down. Eyes closing, and sleep taking you almost immediately.
You heard voices when you woke with a soft jolt, the blurry details of the nightmare lingering in your mind. Rubbing your eyes softly, you listened to the idle small talk between the two voices.
Why was Hesh here?
Sitting up, you cast a confused glance at the two men. Keegan still in his original spot, glancing back every so often during their conversation. Hesh beside him, holding your tablet.
"What the fuck, man?" You snapped, standing up. Both men looked over at you, before Hesh shot a concerned look at the sniper.
Who's going to tell her?
"Merrick radioed in, he needs to see you about something. Hesh is taking your watch today" Keegan explained calmly, not phased by the anger radiating off you.
"What did you tell him? I'm fine to work!" You snapped, betrayal filling your heart as he sat calmly. Repeating his words, but adding that he didn't get much detail from the commander. "Whatever" you muttered, grabbing your bag before leaving the tower.
This isn't you. You've never been angry like this. You never have outbursts with your team.
Raking your fingers through your hair, you swallowed your guilt about the whole situation the entire walk back to base. If you weren't in any sort of trouble then, you fast tracked yourself into it now. With a shaky sigh, you knocked on the door to Merrick's office, concern filling every fiber of your being.
You needed this job. You loved your team too much to let this go without a fight.
"It's open" you slowly opened the door, letting yourself in. Your commander looked up at you with a sympathetic gaze, gesturing to the chair in front of the desk. "What's going on?"
Sitting down, you let your gaze drop to the floor. Shrugging slightly as you thought through what to say next. Do you apologize? Blame this on a rough night of sleep? Admit you were being a bit of a dick but it won't happen again?
"Stress" you shrugged, deciding less was more here. "My apologies for what happened at the tower, I'll be more mindful to control my emotions in the future" it felt like you were on autopilot, your mouth working faster than your brain. Telling him what he wanted to hear; except….he didn't look convinced.
Leaning forward on the desk, he sighed. "You're not okay. Everyone can see that, and nobody here blames you. What happened to Logan has affected all of us"
"No. This isn't about Logan" you laughed dryly, "I just didn't sleep last night. It happens to us all"
"You haven't been the same since he was captured. We're not faulting you for it, we're concerned for you" mouth opening to defend your previous point, he continued before you argue.
"So that's why you're being put on leave until you can be cleared fit for duty"
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @bowtruckleninja @v1naco @ai-luni
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polyhexian · 1 year
Thinking about the emotional rollercoaster that is Hunter and Jasper's newfound developing relationship after Jasper's no longer dying of infection and everything's come to light. Hunter now knows the truth, but can he HANDLE the truth? He was already having, like, seven ongoing crises, and now he has THIS on top of them. He's just learned about a dozen new things he gets to be angry over!
Your approach to writing Hunter's trauma recovery has always been very raw. I like a good saccharine hurt/comfort fic as much as the next person, but I really appreciate the raw approach, too. Recovery isn't perfect, it can be ugly and uncomfortable and painful, and you've never shied away from that. So I'm thinking of a still-reeling-from-Hollow-Mind Hunter, freshly dumped in another dimension with his weirdo stalker who turns out to be the father he'd just gotten used to thinking never existed, and I'm looking over at Agony!Hunter and Lament!Hunter for comparison and wincing.
I commented on another post about how I feel like Hunter would WILDLY vacillate between "you should've just kidnapped me by force!" and "yeah I was definitely super brainwashed and would've run back to tell Belos everything first chance I got" for the first…however long it takes for him to come to terms with this. But I can also see him lashing out at Jasper, like, here's some of the awful things Belos did to me, I hope that telling you about them makes you hurt because I feel like you abandoned me and I'm angry. But then that eventually goes in the complete opposite direction, like, I'm not going to tell you about what horrible memory gave me nightmares tonight even though I'd feel better if I did, because I know you love me and you were trying your best and you've been hurting every day for 16 years while you tried to get me back, and I don't want to hurt you more.
Jasper just…trying to get his kid to talk to him if he needs to. Probably at some point when Hunter's clammed up Jasper has to open up a bit himself like, look, nothing you could say is going to surprise me, that man gave me more opportunities to look at my insides than I want to remember; I'll be angry and sad about what you went through, but I've spent 16 years thinking about what he might have been doing to you and trust me, nothing you say is going to send me into a horrified shock response. Maybe he's reluctant to talk about his own experiences much because 1) Remembering sucks, and 2) He doesn't want Hunter thinking he's trying to upstage his pain, but like…they have adjacent trauma from the same abuser, they're gonna understand each other on a wavelength most other people won't get.
I do feel at the very least though Jasper would nip whatever personhood-related crisis Hunter might be having in the bud. Nope, nope, none of that; it took me 12 years to figure out I was a real person with feelings, and I didn't bargain with Belos to convince him to allow you the privilege of thinking you're a person just for you to start questioning it because you found out you're part vegetable. You've got 16 years experience of believing you're a person, that's a fantastic foundation that you should NOT take a sledgehammer to. Are we real people? We damn well BETTER be after all the work I put into figuring out emotions! Maybe this is like, the one thing Jasper really puts his foot down on. He's fine if Hunter's angry at him or if Hunter never forgives him or whatever, but he absolutely draws the line at Hunter thinking he might not be a real person.
Probably doesn't help that the whole situation is likely compounded by Hunter's guilt that oh, all his friends had to leave their family behind and are super worried about them, and he just GOT his dad back but he can't even be grateful about it?? What kind of horrible person is he??
And later on, when they've progressed past the worst of the anger, and Hunter has realized that yeah, he really does want a relationship with his dad. Then his issues of self-worth and believing love is conditional come into play.
I'm imagining some point where they're having a quiet conversation, maybe on the couch late at night. Maybe it started with Hunter asking why - why did you even care, why were you so willing to die for me when you barely knew me for two minutes. And Jasper is like I don't know, I just did, but that's not good enough for Hunter so he keeps talking. He talks about growing Hunter, all the work he put in and the attention to detail, about how excited he was, how he'd quietly talk to the planter box and spill out what he was only starting to realize were real feelings, about how he'd put his finger in Hunter's little palm and feel his heart stutter when his hand closed around it.
And Hunter listens to all of this in silence, watches Jasper smiling at the memories while he speaks, and he starts thinking about himself. About how he's never been able to maintain Belos's approval, how he's never been able to impress the coven heads, how he's just a half-a-witch who's never been anywhere near as powerful as Jasper is, how he's never been able to beat the Martlet in combat, how he's got so many punishment scars, how he's been such an awful, ungrateful brat these last few weeks to this man who loves him so much; love is conditional and Hunter has done nothing to earn Jasper's love and he probably needs to figure out how to fix that before he loses what seems to be a good thing, except his failures are many and his debt to Jasper is enormous and there is absolutely no way he will ever be able to impress or repay this man.
Jasper is still smiling into the middle distance as he says something about how badly he wanted to meet Hunter and how curious he was about what kind of person he'd be when he emerged.
Hunter feels a rock sink in his stomach, and very quietly says, "Sorry for the disappointment."
And Jasper blinks and looks down at Hunter, pure confusion on his face, and asks, "Why would I be disappointed?"
jasper completely blindsided by this. he doesn't have the proper experience with hunter's self worth issues yet to expect stuff like this, its just fully like. what?? disappointed??? when did i say that?? did i make it sound like that??? shit im doing a really bad job at this i guess. but also like. disappointed?? how could i ever be disappointed? you're alive! you have friends! I'm so happy! this is everything i ever wanted! and hunter is like no, i mean, disappointed by me and what i turned out like, i'm not nearly as brave or loyal as you, im a coward. and jasper is just floored. like ???? no! you are so smart and creative and kind and you are brave! what are you talking about??? you're a great kid! cue hunter bursting into tears
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alicemitch09writes · 1 month
I just finished (un)loving miya atsumu and wow what a ride. I'm normally a silent reader, who gives likes maybe reblogs on fan fiction, but I want to give my appreciation and love to the author!!
I just want to thank you for writing this fic, and that I cried a lot and my heart aches and my headaches and I don't know what to do with my life now. I just happen to see this fic on a post on fic recommendations of miya atsumu and thank god I read it. While I was reading it, I had high hopes that atsumu and oc will get through it and be together at the end but, I was wrong at first I was like "I don't agree with this ending they should've had a second chance". Because as a hopless romantic, who always has consumed too many "love conquers all" type of media, it kinda of a slap to the face because in real-life, it doesn't always work that way. And that I think that if we had an ending where oc and atsumu get together, I think atsumu wouldn't be facing the consequences of his actions.
The fact that he wouldn't even give her a chance to explain herself properly, that she didn't sabotage his attempt to confess to his first love/crush. I mean they were young and like I mean I get it we were teenagers once, awkward, don't know how to handle emotions really well. But, the oc was/is their best friend, they grew-up together basically, and the fact that his immediate thought-process after seeing her letters was that she was sabotaging him, that she was capable of doing that to him, one of the people closes to her heart. During that part, my heart-ached for the OC. The feeling of betrayal, confusion, heart-ache, humiliation that she must have felt when he was reading her letters, where she wrote a very vulnerable piece of her heart on, to the team and when he ignored her for a year. I mean, it's a sad and traumatic experience to have someone, close to you, treat you like that and that he thought that you were capable of doing that to him. If it were me, I would be thinking, "Do you really think that I am capable of doing that to you?" "Was I a bad-friend to you" "Did my friendship with you, over the years, not show my sincerity, love and loyalty for you?"...I understand her stance in moving forward and as she should, I have yet to read the suna fic but, I think reading one angsty fanfic was enough for today. But, I did read forever person epiphanies, which made me cry more, but t'was great. I loved that the oc moved forward, got married, had children,... I loved that she got her happy ending.
On another note, I like the depiction of growing-up, that everything won't stay the same, letting go, that everything is futile and ephemeral, and that you should enjoy your youth and not waste it. I loved the quote that the oc said, "We can't always be ruled by our past after all. How else are we going to move forward?" that will be forever embedded in my mind along the "We don't need memories". And that we should cherish the people around you, that you should appreciate them and that don't be a scrub like Atsumu was in this universe JSAJSJ, I wish him well, and I hope he will find someone special too. Or not. BUHAHUSDkKk
Anyways, this is one of fics that I will be thinking about for a long time. And I wanna say thank you again for writing it and sharing it, even though the price of reading it was my sanity. AND LIKE OMG YOU'RE FILIPINA, I LOVE IT MY FELLOW KABABAYAN. Throughout this fic, I couldn't stop thinking about the song "IF EVER YOU'RE IN MY ARMS AGAIN, THIS TIME I'LL LOVE YOU MUCH BETTER"…!! I'm sorry if this rant was too long, I just really have a lot to say.
I'm goingto return to the fluff corner of Tumblr. Thank you and Goodbye!
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thank you, thank you, thank you very much for the read, sweetpea~
probably my favorite process of writing it was reminding myself over and over of the setting and the characters involved were teens. there was a myriad of emotions I've gotten since posting the fic years ago (wow, it's old lol) and though some were good and bad, it still did its job of making people feel things. because again, we were all teens once and we all wished life went the way we wanted it to. sadly, it never will.
even though i've already set on the ending and many didn't like it (at least in tumblr, my ao3 readers were fine with the ending), I wanted to stand my ground and give an ending /I/ wanted to share and remind everyone that you don't always need to be together romantically to be happy. sometimes, you just need closure.
(unrelated, but i'm listen to the natlan live symphony writing this, so I got a boost but it feels like I'm prepping for battle hahahaha)
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Things They Could've Done Differently in Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness
A list of ideas, in no particular order
1. Give Benedict Cumberbatch a Monologue to Act with (bonus points if it's about the million bad endings he had to sort through to find the Endgame option): Instead of a short convo in the benches, have the doctor who got dusted come up to Stephen at the afterparty of the wedding. In fact, have several people ask for his autograph or talk to him like he’s a celebrity beforehand, casually questioning him about the biggest call he made with the fate of the universe. When the past colleague questions the validity of his choice, maybe Stephen gets fed up, and the conversation goes something like this:
Doctor Colleague: What if you’d done [    ] before― Stephen: Nope, wouldn’t have worked, [    ] and [    ] goes off too soon, shit gets blown up, everyone dies, try again― Doctor Colleague: Then what if you’d [    ]― Stephen: Again, no, [    ] and [    ] means [           ], everyone dies! Doctor Colleague: But what if― Stephen: No, no, it doesn’t work! I looked through a million other choices we could’ve made, and we lost every single time. You think I made that call based on, what, personal preference? I saw the universe die more times than you can fathom, I saw galaxies crumble, why does everyone think― My opinion had no sway in the decision I made. I made the only choice I was supposed to. (etc.)
2. Show at least one way Stephen's disability impacts his daily life: Maybe his hands shake too much to steadily hold a glass. Maybe he can't get a key in the lock at the first try. It's either his hands or his magic, and Stephen chose magic. Show us the consequences.
3. I feel like the scariest villain should've been an Alternate Strange: We can keep the creepy chase scenes and all the emotional scenes with Wanda, Elizabeth Olsen’s performance was phenomenal and I love her. But everyone was talking about how Stephen has the potential for great evil. I feel like we should’ve gotten payoff on that.
4. At least One Alternate Christine should die in front of Stephen: I loved what they did in What If (tv series), we should’ve gotten to see Stephen’s grief on live-action too. Especially since it creates a direct parallel between him and Wanda. (They each only have the one love interest over countless timelines, yet they still can’t hold onto them, huh. Cruel fate.)
5. Elaborate on the Scarlet Witch Prophecy Thing: We needed a set-up of the prophecy in the movie before the actual reveal of the temple.
6. Wanda destroys the Big Bad Strange's universe (fulfilling the Prophecy―no one said anything about which universe) and seals the both of them in eternal combat: This feels like a better idea than what happened in the movie. Also it’s a cool parallel with an Alternate Stephen from the What If series.
7. More dreams about Alternate Stephens Fucking Up: Stephen should’ve just been constantly dreaming about instances where he makes the wrong choice and destroys the world. Drill it into his head that if he strays from the path, the world is done for.
8. Let Stephen complain about how apparently the only path for him is the straight and narrow one: If divergence from the Path guarantees certain destruction of the world by his own hand, how much freedom does he truly have? Show us what's so special about this superhero who sees everything that could go wrong with him every night he dreams, then wakes up to not do those things. He's tempted, he's afraid, and he Chooses not to do wrong.
9. Put more focus on Stephen giving Wanda a Second Chance: If he fucks up, it spells the end of universes, so he Can't fuck up; he has that pressure on him. But Wanda's fuck-ups don't automatically destroy universes. Wanda's fuck-ups can be recovered from. Let Stephen give Wanda what he will never be able to have across so many thousands of timelines: a second chance after a grief-stricken fuck-up. Trust her to help him fight the Big Bad Evil Strange.
10. Let Stephen snark and whine about his difficult life and still unfailingly do the Right Thing: We must remember that he is a smartass. Maybe he still gets jealous of practicing surgeons. Maybe he gives life-saving advice to doctors of alternate dimensions who are trying to save an Alternate Christine, whilst wishing he could do the operation himself. Let him complain about how everyone is hounding him about Turning Evil all the time. He rolls with the punches, accepts the madness that his life has become and the hard choices that are asked of him, but he can still complain about them all the way.
(I'm just choosing to focus on the two main characters here. I think a lot of the side characters deserved to be written better, but elaborating on that would make this post really long.)
TL;DR: Stephen and Wanda are characters with so much potential. They’ve got backstory, they’re morally complex, they’re uber-powerful and nigh impossible to keep in check. The only one that can stop them is themselves, apparently. Isn’t that interesting? Morality, power, corruption, accountability, grief, and sacrifice. When you’re faced with the physical manifestation of your choices, right or wrong, how do you grapple with the consequences?
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Could I ask for a female reader with a pining Aizawa? She’s over at his house to hang out, and the tension between them is already high because she’s been pining for him too, but they try to play it cool. It doesn’t help that, as they talk, they realize that they’re so close (with her on his kitchen counter and him standing, arms crossed, across from her). Her thighs have his heart pumping, and when she leans forward to talk (with a knowing tone in her voice) the built up emotions spill over
Aaaaaaaaaaa ok this probably isn't what you were looking for but i got inspired and went with it skskks i hope you enjoy 💕
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It's better this way.
Word count: 633
CW: angst (?), fluff
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This wasn't what Aizawa wanted.
Well, technically it was, but it wasn't the right path he should be taking. He didn't have time for love, for a relationship. Neither of his jobs left much room for companionship. Plus there was always the chance that things could go south and he would leave his partner a widow. He didn't want anyone to go through that, so he avoided love.
But of course that's not how life goes. Of course he met you and immediately questioned putting up such high walls.
You were a vision, to put it lightly. There was never a dull moment around you. Your presence alone made him suddenly feel like life was worth living, that it was more than work. What's worse was that you were beautiful not just on the surface, but inside too. He'd never met someone as intriguing as you, as inquisitive and compassionate. It made his heart ache for something he didn't know he desired.
But he kept his distance. It was better this way. The further away he was, the less likely he was to fall further into this inescapable pit.
But you never did make things easy.
He suspected you felt something similar, some sort of spark between the two of you, but you never spoke a word about your feelings so he kept his to himself as well. It was better this way. If your feelings were out in the open, then you would have to address them and he wasn't ready for that.
A part of him hated how close the two of you had gotten. This was dangerous, this friendship you had built between each other, late nights ordering takeout or cooking something quick and cheap. How often did you come over? It felt like every night, always ten minutes after he arrived home from patrol, the sun threatening to rise in the distance. Maybe he should've told you to stop coming over, but your company made his stomach churn in unimaginable ways. He actually liked this feeling, and he was reluctant to let it go.
Once again you were here, sitting on his counter as water began to bubble on the stove. You were swinging your legs, mumbling about something he wasn't interested in. He felt bad that he wasn't paying attention to your words, but how could he? You were wearing the tiniest shorts he had ever seen on you, your thighs squished against his stained countertop. He wondered how soft they felt, how they would mold between his fingers, between his teeth. How would you react if his stubble scratched along your inner thigh? Would you jump? Would you whine? Would you complain about how uncomfortable the sensation was? He considered shaving to be a waste of time, but for you he would do it daily—
"Shou?" Aizawa blinked, looking up to meet your gaze. You were leaning forward, hands clasped around the edge of the granite, pouting. "Is something wrong?"
Yes. He hated to admit it, but this was all wrong. He didn't want to keep you at arm's length; he wanted to pull you in and hold you tight and keep you close forever. It was better this way, keeping a distance, but god damn it if he didn't hate it with every fiber of his being.
"I'm fine."
"You sure?" you pressed, lips curling slightly, teasing. "You look a little red."
This was a horrible idea, terrible. It would only lead to disaster. Aizawa knew it.
And yet, as he uncrossed his arms and approached you, placing his hands beside yours on the counter and leaning in close to press his lips to yours, he couldn't help but think that this was the best thing that could've ever happened to a miserable man like him.
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