#sick!harry potter
starchasersunseeker · 1 month
"You're just like the nazis if you ship jegulus / if you like Regulus / Barty / Evan / any character that was a death eater"
What the fuck is wrong with you all??? That's not a good take you think it is.
My great grandparents were literally in concentration camps. How dare you make such an awful comparison? Comparing FICTIONAL CHARACTERS to real life events is actually very sick of you. To call someone a nazi or nazi sympathizers just because they enjoy exploring FICTION makes you a very gross person.
I don't care if you think you're superior for liking a different ship or for hating certain characters. You are not. You're actually well bellow everyone else for making such horrible comparisons. You are playing limbo with the underground with how terrible you are.
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ecstarry · 1 month
james and reg both traveling alone and end up with the seat next to each other and they make small talk because james is reading a book that reg loved and its a long travel so eventually reg falls asleep with his mouth open against james’ shoulder and james notices when he’s kinda waking up so he acts like he’s sleeping too hoping the really handsome man won’t move away because he actually really enjoyed having him that close and then james ends up falling asleep against reg and reg takes james’ book and takes the insane liberty to annotate stuff on the sides to ‘enrich’ james’ reading and writes his number on a piece of paper and leaves it as a bookmark
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quail-in-red · 9 months
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Happy New Year, darlings!
2023 was kinda lousy for personal reasons, but I also started posting on tumblr this year and it’s been really fun making goofy drarry art! No idea what 2024 will bring but I’m glad to be here✨
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cloudybarnes · 1 year
bella donna
Pairing: theodore nott x reader
Summary: a sick night in bed calls for your cute boyfriend to come in and take care of you
Word Count: 800+
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Nothing was helping.
The soup burned your tongue, the medication didn’t cure your stuffy nose, and your throat felt like it was on fire.
You felt like total shit right about now. 
“I’m sorry mi amore.” Theodore said as he wrung out a wet rag to place on your forehead. You were laid up in your bed, covers drawn to your chin as a chill wracked through you. 
Theo sat on a small stool next to your bed. He was being the sweetest boyfriend ever. He waited on you hand and foot for everything you needed. 
He was the one to make the soup and fetch the medicine and rags for your head. 
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, Theo,” you mumbled. “You’ve done literally everything right for me.”
He smiled softly, then just as quickly, his smile fell. “I just can’t believe how suddenly this came about. Something must be going around; I heard Draco coughing in class yesterday, he must be the one who got you sick.”
You chuckled but were soon thrown into a fit of coughs. The coughing was so bad, you had to sit yourself up in order to catch your breath. 
“Mio dio,” he softly said. “My poor baby.” Theo rubbed your back as you caught your breath. You smiled at him, grateful for his being here. 
“What would I do without you, Theo?” 
He smiled and left a tender kiss on your forehead. The action was so soft and sweet, your eyes involuntarily closed, a soft smile adorning your lips. Theo really was something special. While most may find him to be a brute and hard to get on with, you’d only ever seen the kind, caring boy standing in front of you. 
“The real question,” he replied, “is how could I ever live without you?”
You giggled as Theo led you from your seated position to lay down. 
“You need your rest, sweetheart. Don’t waste all of your energy sitting up.”
You nodded and let Theo guide you down. You sniffled, but all that did was send more mucus to your throat, causing it to hurt worse. A whimper came from your lips without meaning to. 
“What hurts now, dolcezza?” He felt your forehead with the back of his hand, and gently picked up the discarded rag to dunk it in the bucket of ice water on the floor. 
“Just everything: my head, my throat, my nose, it all just sucks,” you said. “At least I have you to take care of me.”
Theo smiled, his eyes alive with love for you. “I’ll always be here to take care of you, even when you’re snotty and coughing on me.” He teased as he wrung out the ice rag and placed it back on your forehead. 
“Hey!” You whined with a teasing smile. “I didn’t cough on you, just in your general direction.”
“Oh, so that’s how we’re describing it, now, huh bella donna?” 
You gave a health-hearted smile and shifted a little in bed. “I don't feel very pretty right now. I’m all snotted up and it feels like I’ve been hit by a truck.”
“I think you look beautiful, (Y/N). Fully and truly, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
Your heart swelled. You had the sweetest boyfriend in the world. Theo never failed to make you smile and make you feel beautiful, even when you felt far from it. 
Slowly, as to not hurt the ache in your head, you pushed yourself up into a seated position. 
Theo started to fix the pillows so they would accommodate your upright position. “This okay, amore?”
You smiled down at him. Never had you felt more in love with this boy than you did just then. “It’s perfect, my love. Everything you do is just perfect, Theo. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
A pink hue tinted your boyfriend's cheeks as a smile crept onto his face. “You’re everything to me, (Y/N). I would do anything for you. Something as simple as taking care of you while you’re not feeling good is my job as your lover.” 
You didn’t think your heart could take anymore sweetest from him. “Come ‘ere,” you mumbled as you patted the empty side of the bed. “‘wanna lay with you for a little while.”
Theo walked around the bed and climbed into the empty space. He fit perfectly in the bed, like it was made to accompany him. 
You pushed him to lay down so you could rest your tired head on his chest. He lightly chuckled at your movement, and pulled you close to him. His arms wrapped around you as your fist held onto the fabric of his shirt. 
“I love you, (Y/N),” he mumbled. 
You smiled, closing your eyes. Right before sleep pulled you in, you responded, “I love you most, Theo.”
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iamnmbr3 · 4 months
Harry: The true master of the Elder Wand was Draco Malfoy.
Voldemort: Oh no not this again. I had enough of your Malfoy obsession during sixth year.
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tomriddleslove · 4 months
Mattheo and the Ranking Kisses Trend
Mattheo Riddle, who picks you up from your closing shift at the little bookstore in hogsmeade, with two cups of hot chocolate.
Mattheo Riddle, who makes you stand there whilst he bundles a scarf around your neck, not wanting you to get ill as you walk back in the snow.
Mattheo Riddle, who listens to you ramble about your day, gazing at you like an absolutely lovestruck fool.
Mattheo Riddle, who can’t say no when you flop down on his bed next to him and ask him to film the trend where you rank the kisses generated by the filter.
Mattheo Riddle, who holds his phone up as this song begins playing in the background. He grins when the first kiss, a forehead kiss, pops up and you shuffle over to press a sweet kiss to his forehead.
Mattheo Riddle, who ranks it second best because it reminds him of all the times he’s fallen asleep next to you, finally feeling safe as you press a gentle kiss to his forehead.
Mattheo Riddle, who’s a little too excited when a neck kiss comes up and you press a slightly too long kiss to the underside of his jaw. (You’re going to pick up from where you finished off the second you stop recording.)
Mattheo Riddle, who can’t help but grin with delight when french kiss is the last one. He’s got lipstick kisses on his cheek, nose, forehead and neck.
Mattheo Riddle, who all but pulls you into his lap. His phone drops onto the bed sheets, still recording. You squeal his name with a giggle as he drags you over, and his laugh echoes throughout the room as he pulls you in for the sweetest kiss.
Mattheo Riddle, who’s bruised-knuckled hands tenderly cup your head as he kisses you. It’s all love and little laughs slipping into the kiss, Mattheo holding onto you like he can’t get enough.
Mattheo Riddle, who’s found his forever person.
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writtenicarus · 1 month
and while you're bleeding on your back in the glass (regulus) i'll be glad that I made it out, and sorry that it all went down like it did (sirius)
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cursedvida · 9 days
I've always found the excuse "not everyone who suffers from bullying ends up being a jerk like Snape" amusing, because yes, it's true—having suffered abuse and/or mistreatment doesn't mean you're going to become an abuser. However, your environment, life experiences, and how you handle your traumas do play a significant role. As someone who works as a social worker, I've been around people who've been to prison, individuals whose lives have been turbulent, and one of the common denominators they share is growing up in extremely disadvantaged environments, with a complete lack of support systems and care networks.
Snape wasn't just a kid who experienced violence at school, with none of his teachers showing the slightest interest in the bullying he endured; he also didn't have any support at home. We're talking about someone who grew up surrounded by violence, whose emotional and affective role models were violent, and who never had a support network or a safe environment at home. Outside of home, during his school years—which he probably hoped would at least be a break from what he experienced at home—he also didn’t get a moment's rest. His entire childhood and adolescence were marked by the violence he received, and by the feeling of vulnerability he experienced from not having a SINGLE ADULT to back him up or protect him. His examples of functional adults weren’t functional. His role models for how to relate to people weren’t functional. Nothing around him during his emotional and cognitive developmental years was functional.
People still seem surprised that he joined the Death Eaters. Let's see: if the only people who aren’t violent towards him turn out to be a group of individuals deeply involved in a dark sect, what other options does he have? First of all, Severus probably didn’t fully realize just how despicable these people were, because honestly, all his role models throughout life had been so violent that his perception of good and evil was likely quite distorted. And then there’s the fact that he probably saw those people as the only ones who treated him like a human being, and his need for acceptance and protection led him to follow them to the bitter end. At the end of the day, he was just a kid/teenager looking for affection and acceptance.
And honestly, it seems to me that a spoiled rich kid like James Potter had it pretty easy when it came to changing and becoming a good person. Everything in his life was always in his favor: parents who adored and spoiled him, a high social and economic status, friends, and great popularity. His life was a constant stream of support, understanding, and love. There’s no comparison whatsoever. What’s unforgivable is that a guy who had clear social and economic advantages took advantage of that privilege to bully a kid who was clearly at a disadvantage in every way. And trying to excuse him, as his fans do, is disgusting, but okay.
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poitionsprince · 3 months
Things a random person is trying to claim canon on Snape and the Marauders over one of my videos since I can't fall asleep cus of sickness + they are EXTREMELY stupid for a 17yo:
Severus tried to kiss Lily by force. (???)
The worst memory happened because of he wouldn't leave Lily alone (??? He didn't even talk with her before it started and they were BEST FRIENDS)
James was "provoked" and did it to "protect his girlfriend from the enemy" (the "gf" in question which hated him and refused to date him till their 7th year, and the enemy being her best friend)
Severus physically hit children (only happened in the movies where his character was cut by more then half ☠)
Physically abused Harry for 7 years (girl do you know how to read?)
He was a stalker (??? Mixing him much with the marauders who literally had a map that showed who is where and when? 🤨)
Severus called lily a slvt (what even???l
She said Severus trying to apologize for using the word 'mudblood' is "guilt tripping" (you would've cried over him not apologizing, right? ☠)
Came to attack me for shipping Snupin as if that had anything to do with the convo lol (didn't have anything smart to say ig)
Continued it by saying that Remus was a marauder and that they all hated Snape - also untrue regardless, he was the only one to call him be his name and to feel bad for him, also the only one to not laugh at him at the worst memory.
They said they're 17 yet they're fighting me like a 12 yo ☠
"I've read the book 4 times" girl who gave you the knockoff version ☠
The video in question was a joking vid over people hating Snape-defenders and Harry being the 1# defender, nothing more.
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birdieardley · 6 days
"Wolfstar angst", "Jegulus angst", can we talk about the Rosekiller angst??
Barty's only goal is to piss off his father so he joins the death eater as soon as he can. Evan follows him because the only thing he wants is to be with Barty, wherever that means. Barty knew that Evan did not desire to be a death eater but his conflict with his dad and the abuse is all he's thinking about, and then Evan died. Evan died, killed, trying to protect him. And now, Barty spends the rest of his life alone, in Azkaban and under his father's abuse again, believing he killed the love of his life, all of it because he couldn't love Evan more than he hated his father.
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tkstarss · 2 months
James: Hey Padfoot, are you free tomorrow at 7:30 PM?
Sirius: Yeah
James: What about you, Moons?
Remus: uh yeah I think
James: Great, because I’m not. Have fun on your date! *walks away*
Remus: Did he just-
Sirius: Yup.
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How I sleep at night in the HP fandom while holding the opinion that Severus Snape was a cult survivor groomed at age 15, and not actually a SS nazi officer:
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daddiesdrarryy · 10 months
Auror Harry: I think Malfoy is up to something!
Auror Ron: What?
Auror Harry: I know he acts like nothing is happening, but I know he’s doing something odd, I just know it!
Auror Ron: …It’s seven years ago. My time machine works!
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cherrycolacigs · 10 months
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕕𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕟𝕒𝕜𝕖
This was requested by @cosmicswan!
Ty Lovey for requesting I had fun writing this for you! I hope you like it and get better soon!
No warnings just fluff!
You were a mess; sitting at your desk with hundreds of papers and snot covered tissues littering the surface. It was the end of the year and the only thing on your mind for the past two weeks was to ace your O.W.LS., no matter how sick you were. You were wearing Cedric’s yellow jumper that you borrowed, stole, as the quill in your hand moved quickly, writing down answers as your eyes darted back and forth between textbooks and your notes. Occasionally your work would cease to wipe your nose or hack out a cough. 
Then there was a polite knock on your dorm’s door.
You jumped, your brain snapping out of your extremely focused world. You huffed and rubbed your temple.
“What?” you groaned, a not so friendly tone in your voice as you were irritated that someone would interrupt you. 
Then your boyfriends head poked through the door.
“Hey darling, what are you doing?” Cedric queried, slipping into your dorm and walking over to you perched at your desk.
“O.W.L.S.” was all that you grumbled, sticking your face back into your book.
“Ah,” Cedric replied, placing a hand on your head and bending down to face you. “And why would you be doing that instead of being in bed? You’re obviously sick.”
You swatted his hand away and shook your head.
“Nuh uh,” you muttered, dipping your quill in your ink. “I’m not sick.”
Cedric sighed and sat on your bed. He knew you were most likely the most ambitious Slytherin to had ever graced the halls of Hogwarts. But he knew he was just as patient and persausive as you were stubborn.
“I know for a fact that you are sick,” Cedric said in a calm and assertive voice.
“Yeah hmm and why’s that?” You said airily, not looking up from your work.
“Remember yesterday you tried to stifle those little coughs for the entirety of Snape’s class yesterday?”
You stopped writing for a moment, sideyeing him for a split second as you remembered.
It was in the middle of one of Snape’s lectures and had you coughed. Cedric had slowly turned his head to meet your gaze, a knowing look plastered on his face. In response you scowled and looked down, continuing to hastily scribble down the rest of your notes.
“No,” you answered flatly.
Cedric scoffed and shook his head with a dry smile. 
“You don’t remember?” he said with an amused tone.
“I’m not sick!” you insisted, running your hands through your hair in frustration before flipping another page of your textbook. He grabbed your wrist to stop you from taking your quill again.
“You need rest,” he said firmly, spinning your chair around and placing both hands on the arm rests, sticking his face infront of yours. “And I made sure of it.”
“Yuh huh, and how exactly?” you challenged, crossing your arms and looking up at him defiantly. 
“I told Madam Pomfrey,”
Your mouth dropped and you tried to find the words. This was unfathomable. 
“No. No!,” you wheedled, a look of surprise and anger on your face.
“Yes,” Cedric said sternly. 
“You can’t just do that! Your not in charge of me!” you exclaimed, trying to stand up from your chair but he grabbed you by your waist kept you sat.
“Oh darling but that’s where your wrong. I am.” he said sternly, running his thumb over your lower lip. 
You went speechless for a second. You were not expecting this. 
“I am prefect after all,” he said smugly, smirking at you while you sat open mouthed and visibly taken aback. 
“You dick!” you retorted, running your hands down your face. “I need to be in classes tomorrow!” 
“What you need to be, is in bed!” Cedric pressed, his eyes piercing into yours as he became more authoritative. 
“I… you!” you fumbled, grasping for the words but he had you.
You sunk into your chair anc crossed you arms, feeling completely dominated. Though you were irritated he knew you loved it when he took charge.
“Can’t I study in my bed at least?” you prompted, grabbing for your papers.
“No,” he said simply, his large hand snatching them from your grasp.
“But! Hey-” 
You were cut off, Cedric kissing you firmly. You instantly stopped and let him, not knowing what else to do.
“What was that for?” you asked in bewilderment.
“To shut you up,” he stated.
“I’m gonna get you sick!” 
“Hah! So you admit! You are sick!” he said triumphantly. 
You tried to defend yourself but you started coughing, not being able to say anything else and suddenly he scooped you up and plopped you into your bed, but you couldn’t even protest so you accepted your fate.
He tucked you into your bed and felt your forehead.
“God, darling your burning up,” he said quietly, sitting down on your bed next to you and kissing the top of your head.
“I’m cold though,” you mumbled.
“Here,” he replied, pulling out his wand and pointing it to the other side of your dorm where your fireplace was. "Incendio.”
A fire shot up instantly and the heat started flowing in your direction.
“Better angel?” Cedric caressed your cheek and kissed your forehead.
You nodded and reluctantly leaned into his touch. You didn’t want to admit it but you indeed did feel better, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. 
“You need to drink alot of water. Stay hydrated,” He informed, grabbing a water bottle from your schoolbag and putting it in your hand.
“Drink,” he demanded. 
You sighed, knowing you had no choice. You drank as much as you could and handed it back to him.
“That’s a good girl,” he whispered, rubbing you arm and kissing your lips. “Now you’re going to sleep you hear?”
“Only if you stay,” you said in a quiet voice.
“Of course I will sweetheart,” He chuckled and kissed you again. “And is that my jumper?”
You looked down at the soft yellow sweater that was so big on you, you were pretty much swimming in it. 
Cedric smiled and stroked your hair.
“Last time I checked, Slytherins wore green.”
You rolled your eyes and laid back a bit more, looking down at the carpet.
“I’m not tired,” you complained.
“Don’t you worry, you will be soon.”
You huffed but stayed quiet for a few seconds. 
“I feel guilty for not studying. I should be studying!” you moaned, hiding your face in your pillow.
“Oh hush, darling your work isn’t going anywhere! I’ll get you some hot tea and that will put you to sleep yeah?” He whispered, running his hands through your hair.
You nodded and he pulled the blankets over you carefully. 
“Now, I’ll be quick as possible. I won’t leave you again until your better.”
Cedric kissed your head and strolled out your door to the kitchens.
He came back in a matter of minutes, true to his word, holding a jug of hot water and some packets of chamomile tea, along with an armfull of other things he thought you needed. Tucked in his arm was all of your favorite candies, cans of soup, and other (probably useless but he thought you’d like it) items. 
“Darling I’m back,” He announced softly, looking over at you.
But to his surprise, you were already dead asleep.
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cheekyboybeth · 3 months
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cakegatedisaster · 1 year
But I don't want them to heal. I want them to stay bitter and sour and angry. I want them to choose revenge over letting go every time. I want to see glimpses of hope, of peace, of a future that is better for everyone and I want them to choose wrong. I want them to refuse to regret that choice, no matter how much it hurts, no matter who it hurts. I want them to succeed in their vengeance and look back and think, even after everything, "It was worth it. I did what I had to do." I'm tired of characters choosing peace and healing and love. Choose hate and anger and pain, and inflict on every person who ever hurt you.
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