#so I’m gonna get back on the road and hope I don’t have a panic attack
victory-cookies · 9 months
in a really fun situation where, because of the aforementioned incident, I really really don’t want to drive again for a little bit bc it’s making me absurdly anxious, but my sister, due to her aforementioned though undisclosed situation, needs a drive somewhere tomorrow without the parents knowing
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moonstruckme · 6 months
Hey bestie! I hope your day is going great! If you're open to it could I get some comfort from Steddie? I hate storms, always have and I unfortunately live in the Midwest. We are under tornado watch right now and could use something else to focus on. I wanna live vicariously through my beautiful Indiana boyfriends 😩. If you're too busy I totally understand. Thank you!!!
Hope your day is going even better ml!
cw: reader get anxious during storms
Steddie x fem!reader ♡ 717 words
You flinch when a piece of hail hits the window, and Steve tucks you closer against his side. 
Eddie shakes his head. He jiggles his keys as he stands from the couch. “I’ve gotta go get the van.” 
“No, no way,” Steve says, not for the first time tonight. “We’re all staying here.” 
“The closest tornado’s way off.” Eddie waves a hand, getting his boots from by the stairs and pulling them on. “I’m just gonna bring her here to take cover in your fancy garage so she doesn’t get fucked by the hail all night.” 
“So what, you think you’re gonna walk home and drive back?” Steve is incredulous. “Tornadoes can form anywhere, dipshit. On the road’s the worst place to be.” 
You tense as the winds pick up outside, and he tightens his grip on you as if he can contain your panic. You’re all holed up in Steve’s basement, the constant drone of the weather channel covering up the whine of tornado sirens outside. It’s probably overkill to have gotten out of bed to come down here this early—because Eddie’s right, the tornadoes are nowhere near you yet, you’ve only got the storm that the weatherman on channel 4 says comes before them—but there was no way you were going back to sleep after the sirens started anyway. Steve knows you feel safer down here, where the only windows are small and nearly at the ceiling, restricting your view of the outside to rain-pelted grass and occasional flashes of lighting. You get a bit freaked about this stuff. 
“Don’t go,” you say to Eddie, pleading. 
Eddie hesitates by the stairs, and Steve looks right at him as he says firmly, “He’s not.” 
The other boy heaves a great, dramatic sigh, kicking his boots off and tromping over to flop back down beside you. You’ve got your legs curled up underneath you, and Eddie lays his head on your thigh, looking up at you with his eyes extra big. 
“You’ll help me take care of the dents tomorrow, won’t you, hot stuff?” 
“Mhm.” You nod readily. Steve thinks you’d agree to anything right now if it’d keep him from going outside. 
He watches Eddie realize this, the other boy’s expression sobering slightly before he doubles down on the teasing. His eyes flick up to Steve. 
“Or I guess you could always pay to get any damage fixed, huh?” 
Steve scoffs, using his free hand to brush a curl away from Eddie’s eye. “Yeah, right.” 
“What? Is my old gal not in the budget?” 
“Your gal’s sitting right here.” 
Eddie’s gaze moves back to you, and Steve thinks he sees you going a bit shy as Eddie makes a show of taking you in. Good. You could use a distraction. 
“Nah,” he says after a minute, quiet in an intentional way that makes Steve grin and you squirm. “That there’s my girl. Don’t insult her like that, Harrington, I’m talking about my old gal.” 
You turn to hide your smile in Steve’s shoulder, and he and Eddie share a look. It’s knowing, contented, grateful on one end and shit-eating on the other, and because you can always tell when they’re conspiring without you you mumble a not-unhappy, “I’m too tired for flirting,” into Steve’s skin. 
“Liar,” Steve accuses fondly. You’re basically flirting with him right now, the way you’ve got your arm snaked around his middle, anxious fingers fiddling with the hem of his pajama bottoms. “Why don’t we just spend the night down here?”
“Ooh.” Eddie turns onto his side, getting comfier on your thigh. “I like it. Whaddya think, baby? We can put on a movie, and that way you can stay here and keep feeling Harrington up.” 
You sigh. “That’s not what’s happening.” 
“Sure.” Steve drops a kiss on your head, and when you try to let go of him he holds you close.
Eddie gives your thigh a conciliatory pat. “We’ve all been there.” 
“If we watch a movie,” you say, and Eddie grins at your obvious attempt to change the subject, “can it please be something not scary?” 
“Sure, honey.” Steve rubs your arm, shooting Eddie an apologetic look when the other boy pouts. “Your pick.” 
When the next strike of lightning flashes in the window, you don’t seem to notice. 
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doctorbitchcrxft · 1 month
All Hell Breaks Loose | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual ? )
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, dean's lowk suicidal, dealing with trauma from a sexual assault please please please take care of yourselves!!!
Word Count: 4442
A/N: I combined episodes pt. 1 and 2! Enjoy!!!
As a result of things going on in my personal life, the start of my season 3 release has been delayed for a month from now. I just want to give myself some extra time to make sure the season is perfect for y'all! i hope you understand. see ya real soon. <3
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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After the Djinn captured you, your relationship with Dean was beginning to heal. You still couldn’t bring yourself to have sex with him despite knowing he would never treat you the way the guard had. Slowly, you became more comfortable with him initiating touch, in contrast to the way you’d previously been tensing under it for the past several weeks. 
You reclined in the backseat humming along to the radio as the Impala rolled to a stop in front of a small diner.
“Hey, don’t forget the extra onions this time, huh?” Dean told his brother while he handed him some money. 
“Dude, we’re the ones who’re gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions,” Sam sighed, getting out of the car.
Dean grinned and leaned to look at Sam. “Hey, see if they’ve got any pie.”
Sam glared at him and shut the door.
“Bring me some pie!” Dean begged. “I love me some pie,” he murmured to himself.
You giggled at your best friend and closed your eyes, leaning against the back of the seat. Your solace was broken soon after by the car’s radio going static. When you sat up, the café was seemingly empty. 
Without needing to look at Dean, you grabbed your gun from under the seat and ran into the building. Upon entering, you discovered a customer in a booth, dead, lying face down in a puddle of his own blood.
“Sam?” Dean called.
You moved around the counter to find the employees also dead behind it, their throats slit. Dean opened the door behind the counter and looked around outside. “Sam?!”
You noticed something on the door. “Dean, sulfur.”
Dean’s eyes widened in panic, and he raced back out to the car. “Sam? Sammy!”
“Dean, he’s not here—” you lamented.
He cut you off by bellowing, “Sam!”
“Dean, passenger’s seat,” you ordered. 
“You’re in no condition to drive. Do as I say,” you commanded.
He looked like he wanted to argue, but his shaken nerves wouldn’t let him. Expertly, you quickly got out of the parking lot and back out onto the road. 
“Call Bobby,” you instructed Dean, and he did so.
“Bobby,” Dean said. “It’s got Sam. I don’t— We need help killin’ this son of a bitch, man. And I’m gonna kill ‘im myself. Damn it!” He slammed his hand on the dashboard, and you shot him a concerned glance out of the corner of your eye.
You motioned for Dean to give you the phone. “Hey, it’s (Y/N).”
“Hey, kid. What’s goin’ on?” Bobby asked through the phone.
“I have no clue,” you replied honestly. “We literally just stopped at a diner, the radio went static, and everyone in the place wound up dead. No trace of Sam. Sulfur on the door, though.”
“Damn it,” Bobby muttered. “I’ll meet ya halfway. Where are you?” 
“Uh, somewhere in Iowa,” you replied. 
“Alright. Just drive like you’re headin’ to my place. Take US-20 and I-29 and I’ll call you about two hours from now.”
“Got it,” you replied. “Thanks, Bobby.”
“Dean, you’ve gotta keep your head, man,” you urged him.
“I am,” he grunted.
You shot him a questioning, deadpan look. “Really.” 
He said nothing in response.
“Call Ash for me.” You handed him your phone from your back pocket, so you didn’t have to look while you drove.
“Hey, pretty lady,” Ash said once you’d gotten ahold of him.
You laughed. “Hey, Ash. Listen, would love to catch up, but we’re in deep shit right now.”
“How deep? Like, trash compactor deep or Sarlac pit deep?”
“Sarlac,” you responded.
“Damn,” he muttered. “What’s happenin’?”
“This is it. All demonic signs and omens over the past month,” Bobby told you and Dean. You’d met each other just off the highway and laid out a map on the hood of the Impala.
“Are you joking? There’s nothing here,” Dean scoffed.
“Well, come on, there’s gotta be something. What about the, the, the normal, low-level stuff? You know, exorcisms, that kind of thing,” Dean pressed.
“Dean, I think that would’ve been the first thing he looked for,” you gently reminded him. Bobby nodded.
“Well, how are we supposed to look for Sam? What, do we just close our eyes and point?” Dean gruffly snarked.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. 
“Ash, what do you got?” you asked, picking up your phone.
“Okay, listen, it’s a big negatory on Sam,” Ash said quietly.
You sighed and ran a hand through your hair.
“I did find something, though,” he whispered.
“Ash? You okay?” you asked.
“I can’t talk over this line, (Y/N).”
“Oh,” you said. “Okay. We’ll come to you, then.”
“What? No!” Dean grabbed the phone from you. “Come on, Ash, I don’t have time for this!” A moment later, Dean pulled your phone away from his ear. Ash had apparently hung up on him. “I guess we’re going to the Roadhouse. Come on.”
Bobby drove a little ahead of you and Dean in the Impala. You were still driving due to the fact that you didn’t want Dean’s reckless driving to get the both of you killed before you could help Sam.
When you arrived at the Roadhouse, though, all you found was a pile of charred wood and ash.
“What the hell?” you breathed out. 
You got out of the car and headed toward where the bar had once stood. You stepped over debris looking around for any sign of Ash, Ellen, or Jo. You were pretty sure Jo was still working at that bar Meg had found her at, but you knew that somewhere in the rubble would be the bodies of Ash and Ellen.
“Oh, my god,” Bobby muttered. He stepped up behind you.
“You see Ellen?” Dean asked you and Bobby. 
“No. No Ash, either,” Bobby replied.
You pulled in a sharp breath upon noticing Ash’s watch in a pile of rubble. “Oh, fucking hell,” you breathed out. 
“Oh, Ash, damn it!” Dean grunted.
You couldn’t take standing in the debris anymore. You moved back to the Impala and leaned against it, facing away from where the Roadhouse once stood. 
Bobby walked up behind you a moment later. “This is…” he trailed off.
“What the hell did Ash know? We’ve got no way of knowing where Ellen is. Or if she’s even alive. We’ve got no clue what Ash was gonna tell us. Now, how the hell are we gonna find Sam?” Dean questioned, pacing between you and Bobby. 
“I don’t know, Dean, but we’re gonna, okay?” you said.
Suddenly, Dean clutched his head in pain. 
“Dean?” you asked.
He groaned and doubled over. You rushed to catch him before he collapsed to the ground. Dean suddenly stood back up, still furrowing his brow and clutching his head.
“What was that?” Bobby asked.
“I don’t know. A headache?” Dean guessed.
Bobby scoffed. “You get headaches like that a lot?”
“No. Must be the stress,” he chuckled. “I could have sworn I saw something.”
“What do you mean? Like a vision? Like what Sam gets?” Bobby asked, interest piqued.
“What? No!”
“Dean, what’d you see?” you asked.
Suddenly, he doubled over again. 
The older Winchester fell against you in pain.
“Dean! Hey!” you said, grabbing the side of his face.
“I saw Sam,” Dean panted, suddenly coming to. “I saw him, (Y/N).”
“It was a vision,” Bobby said.
“Yeah. I don’t know how, but yeah. Whew. That was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels,” Dean chuckled.
“What else did you see?” you asked.
“Uh,” he thought for a moment, “there was a bell.”
“What kind of bell?” you asked.
“Like a big bell with some kind of engraving on it, I don’t know,” Dean shook his head.
“Wait, engraving?” you questioned. “Was it a tree? Like, an oak tree?”
Dean seemed surprised and confused. “Yeah, exactly.”
“I know where Sam is,” you said. “Cold Oak, South Dakota. It’s the most, like, notoriously demonic town ever. All the inhabitants fled. It’s surrounded by miles of woods.”
“Okay, well, let’s go,” Dean urged, immediately moving to the driver’s side of the Impala.
“Wait, Dean—” you tried.
“No, (Y/N), I’m driving.” Dean left no room for protesting.
You slipped into the driver’s seat wordlessly, shooting a concerned look at Bobby. He returned it, but nodded to reassure you. 
The drive to Cold Oak was completed mostly in silence, clutching the door handle as Dean sped well over the speed limit. 
“Dean,” you tried about two hours into the drive. 
You reached out for his hand to wordlessly support him. He returned your gesture and squeezed your hand, offering a stiff, tight-lipped smile. You knew he appreciated your support, even though he couldn’t verbally express it.
Night had fallen by the time you reached the town of Cold Oak. With guns shouldered, you trudged through miles of woods. Suddenly, you came to the edge of the town. You saw Sam fighting with a man in an army uniform, who he knocked on the ground. 
“Sam!” Dean called as the three of you hurried toward him.
Sam smiled, “Dean!”
Suddenly, you saw the man on the ground behind him get up and grab a knife from the ground next to him. “Sam, look out!” you cried, running toward him.
The man drove the knife through Sam’s back.
“No!” Dean screamed, and your concern for Sam was quickly replaced by anger and hatred toward the man who’d twisted the knife in the younger brother’s back. 
You sprinted after him, running as fast as your legs could possibly carry you. Just before the man reached the tree line, you stopped and raised your shotgun. You barely had time to aim before you needed to take your shot, otherwise he would disappear into the trees and become impossible to find. You fired once, then reloaded, then fired again. Your heart dropped when you realized you missed him.
“Fuck!” you cursed.
“(Y/N)! Get your ass back here!” Bobby called.
You ran back to where Bobby stood over a crying Dean on his knees holding a slumped over Sam. 
“Oh, Jesus, his back’s bleedin’ really bad,” you said. “Dean, hold on, I’ll just go back to the car ‘n—”
“He’s gone, (Y/N),” Bobby said gently. “Sam’s gone.”
“Oh, my god,” you cried. Tears began to stream down your face as you fell to your knees next to the boys. Dean refused to let go of his brother, and you put your head against Sam’s shoulder, crying silently. You hugged Dean with your left arm to try and support him and brushed a hand over Sam’s hair with the other. “Oh, god,” you murmured into the back of Sam’s shoulder. You sniffled and suddenly remembered you needed to be strong for Dean. You rose from the floor and wiped your eyes. “Um, let’s get him into that inn. Gotta be a mattress in there. We can, uh, lay him down till we figure out what to do with him.”
“We’re not doin’ anything with him, (Y/N),” Dean warned firmly. 
“Still, c’mon,” you said, beginning to help Dean get his brother’s body up the stairs of the building. You laid him on a mattress in the corner of a room on the second floor. 
You sat wordlessly on the bed, resting your hand below Sam’s knee, and Dean sat in a chair he’d pulled up to the side of the mattress.
Neither of you said anything for hours until Bobby returned.
“Dean? Brought this back for you and (Y/N),” Bobby said hesitantly, holding up a bucket of fried chicken.
“No, thanks. I'm fine,” Dean replied.
“You should eat something,” you urged, taking the bucket from Bobby. “Thanks, by the—”
Dean cut you off harshly. “I said I’m fine.” He took a swig from the bottle of whiskey in his hand. 
“Dean…” Bobby trailed off. “I hate to bring this up, I really do. But don't you think maybe it's time... we bury Sam?”
“No,” Dean nearly growled.
You tried your best to speak gently. “Dean, I think we should. I get it if you don’t wanna do a hunter’s funeral, but—”
“Hell no, (Y/N). Stop.”
“I want you to come with me,” Bobby said.
“I'm not going anywhere,” Dean replied.
“Dean, please,” you begged.
“Would you cut me some slack?” He stood from his chair.
“I just don't think you should be alone, that's all. I gotta admit, I could use your help,” Bobby explained.
Dean snorted coldly.
“Something big is going down— end-of-the-world big,” Bobby continued.
Dean yelled, turning to Bobby, “Then let it end!”
You shook your head. “You don’t mean that.”
“You don't think so? Huh?” Dean was suddenly in your face.
You held your ground. “Back up, Dean.”
Dean didn’t listen, continuing to chastise you. “You don't think I've given enough? You don't think I've paid enough? I'm done with it. All of it. And if you know what's good for you, you'd turn around, and get the hell out of here.”
Bobby stepped closer to the two of you. “Dean, she’s just trying to—”
Dean suddenly shoved Bobby. “Go!” he roared.
You shoved Dean back before he could do anything else he’d regret. “Hey! When you’re ready to get in control of yourself, you fucking let us know. Let’s go, Bobby.”
You turned on your heel, Dean muttering shocked apologies that grew more distant as you left the inn.
*** You and Bobby sat in silence in his living room, each nursing a beer. 
“It’s a little early for drinking, but hey, it’s five o’clock somewhere,” you’d said when you retrieved a beer from Bobby’s fridge, trying to raise your own spirits.
“Bobby, I know Dean,” you started, staring at the ground. “I’m scared he’s gonna do somethin’ stupid.”
“Don’t worry, kid, I’ll send him straight to hell if he does,” Bobby responded.
You tried to laugh, but even your laugh sounded sad. Silence fell between the two of you for a moment.
“This really isn’t good, Bobby,” you murmured. “Not even just for Dean. Sam’s my best friend. He reminds me of my little brother so much sometimes it’s scary. I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do without him. I don’t even wanna talk to Dean right now after the way he treated both of us—”
Bobby tried to cut you off. “(Y/N), he’s grievin’—”
“I don’t care! You don’t treat people like that,” you replied. “I’m pissed at him. But he’s all I got left aside from you. It’s like everyone I ever care about ends up dead. My parents, my brother, now Sam.”
“Kid, I think that’s every hunter,” Bobby coaxed. “How much family do I got? How much does Dean have? This line of work, nobody gets out without losin’ someone.”
You nodded, staring at the ground thoughtfully still. “It just sucks, man. I want Dean to be happy. I want you to be happy. I wanna be happy. I mean, that Djinn gave me a taste of what my life would be like without hunting, and I still wasn’t satisfied. Maybe I’m just not meant to be happy.”
“It’s all in what you make of it. It’s not fun by any means, but I’d take this life over normal any day.”
You nodded. “Me, too.” *** Later, you were shooting beer cans off the top of a fence to blow off some steam. Nothing was seeming to work, though. You noticed some sandbags Bobby had piled against the side of the garage and hurled your gun at it. Chest heaving, you picked up one of the bags and threw it to the ground. You got down on top of it and punched over and over and over again until your knuckles bled and bruised. Your hands shook as you looked down at them, tears streaming down your face. You let yourself scream out in frustration with everything that had been happening these last few weeks. First, the prison guard. Then, the Djinn, and now, you’d lost your best friend. And you were surely about to lose another one. Whichever direction this was going to send Dean, it wasn’t going to end up being good.
You sat in the yard behind Bobby’s house for hours until stars started to appear in the sky. Numbly, you moved back into Bobby’s house. Bobby was nowhere around, and you settled for sleeping on his surprisingly comfortable couch with a crocheted blanket wrapped around your body. You curled into yourself and eventually settled into a dreamless sleep. 
A knock on the door pulled your attention away from your journal. Your socked feet padded across the floor to your shoes, and then to the door. You opened it and nearly gasped in surprise at the sight of Sam standing in front of you with Dean.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Dean said.
You turned in an attempt to wordlessly communicate with the older brother, but he looked away almost immediately. 
“Sam,” you breathed out.
“Hey, (Y/N/N).” Sam wrapped you in a hug, stepping into Bobby’s kitchen. You tried to relax into your friend’s embrace, but you couldn’t at the horrible thought of what Dean may have done to himself to get Sam back.
“Sam,” Bobby suddenly sid from behind you. “It's good to... see you up and around.”
“Yeah,” Sam nodded. He looked back down at you when he pulled away from your hug. “Thanks for patching me up.”
“Don’t mention it,” you replied; the words feeling more reflexive to you than having any true weight to them. You tried to resist staring Dean down, but he seemed to be getting the message nonetheless. 
“Well Sam's better. And we're back in it now, so... what do you know?” Dean chuckled.
“Dean,” you spat. “Outside. Now.”
Sam seemed confused, but you marched out the front door with no explanation.
As soon as you made it far enough away from the house that Sam couldn’t see you through the window, you wheeled around to face Dean. “What the fuck did you do?!” you yelled, gripping the edges of his jacket resting against his chest.
Hot, angry tears streamed down your face. “What did you do, you fucking idiot? You made a deal? Huh?”
“I couldn’t just let him die, (Y/N),” Dean uttered.
“That’s exactly what you were supposed to do! How do you think Sam’s gonna feel when he finds out, huh?! Because I know you didn’t tell him,” you argued. “I cannot believe you!” You turned away from him and ran a hand through your hair. “How long did they give you?”
“How long, Dean?”
“One year.”
You felt like you’d been punched in the gut. 
“Which is why we gotta find this yellow-eyed son of a bitch. That's why I'm gonna kill him myself. I mean, I got nothing to lose now, right?” the man continued.
You wheeled back around to him, eyes blazing. “Nothing to lose?”
“I'm not even supposed to be here, (Y/N)!” Dean protested. “My dad died for me. At least this way, something good could come out of it, you know? I-I— It's like my life could mean something.”
“What, and it didn’t before?! You seriously think that little of yourself?” you questioned angrily. “Fuck you, Dean!”
“(Y/N), please—”
You cut Dean off. “No! Don’t tell me to understand. Because I can’t. I fucking knew you’d do something like this.”
“Why does it bother you so much?!” Dean roared, stepping closer to you.
“Because I love you, goddammit!” You stumbled back from him when you realized what you’d just admitted. Stunned, you brushed past him to go grab your bag from inside Bobby’s house. 
“(Y/N)!” Dean called after you, but you wouldn’t turn back. You continued to the house, wordlessly grabbed your bag from next to the couch, and headed out to Bobby’s garage.
“(Y/N), where are you—” Bobby started.
You cut him off. “I’ll call you later.”
You grabbed one of the sets of keys off the wall of Bobby’s garage, hoping the car worked, and marched out to it. Thankfully, the sedan started, and you pulled away from the junkyard. 
Angry tears streamed from your eyes as you white-knuckled the steering wheel. You were unbelievably angry with Dean, and the fact that he would be gone in a year was too much for you to bear. 
You drove for hours and ignored calls from both brothers and Bobby. As evening fell, you found a remote crossroad in southern Wyoming. You dug forcefully into the gravel and shoved an Altoid tin filled with everything needed to summon a crossroads demon into the dirt below. You covered it with the displaced gravel and stood back up. 
“Funny seeing you here,” a sultry voice purred from behind you.
You turned to see a beautiful woman in a sleek black dress with glowing red eyes staring you up and down. 
“How do I get Dean out of his deal?” you asked firmly. 
She laughed coldly. “Ooh, cutting straight to the chase.” She sucked in a breath through her teeth and tsked, circling you. “You can’t, hon.”
“And why not?” you hissed.
“That’s way above my paygrade, dollface.”
“Please, c’mon,” you begged. “You could drag me straight to Hell right now if that’s what it takes.”
The demon hummed. “As much as I’d love that, no can do.”
“Why?” Your voice broke as you asked.
“I can’t break a deal to make another,” she replied simply. “Besides, I don’t hold the contract.”
“Well, who does?” you questioned.
“Why would I tell you,” she smirked. “Goodbye, (Y/N).”
“Wait!” Before you could even get the word out, she was gone. 
You knew the brothers would be going after the yellow-eyed demon and the guy who’d killed Sam, so you finally decided to listen to the singular voicemail Sam had left. Maybe the demon was the key to breaking Dean's deal.
“Hey, (Y/N), uh, Dean won’t talk about why you took off,” his voice began. “I’m hopin’ you’re coming back, so, meet us at Fossil Butte Cemetery in Wyoming. We’re thinkin’ that’s where the demon’s gonna be. Anyways, so… see ya later, I guess.” And then the line went dead.
Fury burning in your eyes, you sped to where Sam said your group would be. It was abandoned for miles around, and you had to drive over about a mile and a half of grass to get anywhere close to the cemetery. When you got out of the car, black smoke suddenly began filling the sky coming from the cemetery you were headed toward. With a gun and knife in hand, you ran to the cemetery and stopped dead in your tracks at the sight of the spiraling smoke pouring out of a crypt facing away from you. You noticed Bobby and Ellen hiding behind a tombstone and felt momentarily relief at the fact that Ellen was still alive. However, your relief was short lived when you saw Dean being thrown through the air by an invisible force and down against a tombstone. 
‘The demon,’ you thought, creeping around the right side of the crypt. You saw the demon saying something to Dean while Sam stood pinned against a tree. The demon’s back was to you, and you could hear what he was saying more clearly as you moved toward him.
You couldn’t pay any mind to it, though, and you took the demon’s distraction as an opportunity to jump on its back and wrestle the Colt away from him. The demon yelped in surprise as you grabbed the gun and held on for dear life; throwing yourself over the demon’s shoulder to try and yank it out of his hand. 
You succeeded in getting it away from him much to your surprise, and you pushed yourself up to see the ghost of John Winchester wrestling with a cloud of black smoke shaped like a man. The body the yellow-eyed demon had been possessing had fallen to the ground, dead, and the cloud of smoke pushed John to the ground. 
It rejoined its body and stood, turning its venomous gaze toward you. A smile spread across your face, and you shot the demon square between its eyes. The yellow-eyed demon fell to the ground, dead. 
You rushed over to where you noticed Bobby and Ellen trying to close the gate the demons and ghosts were pouring out of, completely ignoring John and his boys. You helped Ellen shove the door closed with one final push and leaned back against it, panting. You turned around just in time to see John disappear into a haze of white light. 
The brothers stood over the demon’s body, and you turned to Ellen. 
“I’m glad you’re okay,” you told her. “And I’m sorry about the Roadhouse.”
She nodded and smiled half-heartedly at you. “Jo wasn’t there, so, uh, that’s all that matters, I guess.”
You nodded, unsure of what else to say. 
“Kid,” Bobby started, and you turned to him. “What happened with Dean that made you leave?”
“Look, ya don’t have to tell me. But at least say ‘goodbye’ next time,” he softly scolded you. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t,” you replied.
He paused for a moment. “Are you gonna leave again?”
You stared at the ground. “I’m not gonna watch Dean die.”
He nodded. “Will you call every once in a while?”
You grinned sadly. “Of course.” You wrapped Bobby in a hug, and Sam and Dean walked up behind you. 
“Good shootin’ back there, sweetheart.”
Your heart almost broke at the nickname, but you steeled yourself and turned to face the brothers. “Thanks,” you told Dean shortly. “I’ll see you around, guys.”
“Whoa, where you goin’?” Sam questioned.
You gave him a hug and cupped his cheek. “I’ll call you when I figure it out.” You lightly patted his cheek and turned away without saying another word to Dean. You could practically feel his eyes staring you down as you walked out of the cemetery and back to your car.
*** The Colt cast a heavy air over your— well, Bobby’s— sedan as it peeked out of your duffel bag. Even though it had no bullets left, its mere presence was putting a target on your back that you were well aware of.
You knew that simply killing the yellow-eyed demon wasn’t going to be enough to break Dean’s contract. You weren’t sure how, but come hell or high water, you would figure it out. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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lunajay33 · 4 months
New Addition🤎
Summary: Being Sam Winchesters long time girlfriend was wonderful until he had family business and was on the road all the time, but what happens when you find out you’re pregnant?
Pairing: Early Seasons Sam Winchester x f!reader
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Sitting in my apartment missing waking up to sharing the bed with Sam, cuddling against his warm body, sitting on the counter as he makes us pancakes, getting ready for college parties together, everything we use to do now just memories
“Come on Sam I miss you, when are you gonna be home?” I sighed into the phone
“I’m sorry baby I miss you too but Dean and I are working some jobs and….”
“Jobs? I thought you were just looking for your dad? Sam are you okay I’m worried” he’s been gone for a month now and it was miserable he helped pay half the rent and it was a struggle by myself now and he’s my soulmate and being apart really wanes on the heart
“Well we’re still looking just making some stops along the way” I could hear Dean in the back making fun of him calling me baby
“You know I can’t be mad at you I’m just……I just miss you but I hope everything is going good with Dean and you find your dad” he told me all about his problems in the past with his family but all I wanted was for him to be happy
“You know I miss you too baby, wish I could see you, sleeping in these shitty motel rooms doesn’t compare to WOAH Dean stop hitting me!” Dean obviously didn’t want to hear the end of that making me cheer up a bit
“Well just call me more when you get the time but I have class, I love you Sam”
“Love you too Angel” the call ended and I was forced to go along with my daily routine, get ready, go to class and come back to an empty apartment
It went on like this for 2 more months and it just got worse, his calls became less frequent maybe once a week, I fell into a deep sadness that only Sam Winchester could brighten, and I became sick at first I thought it was a flu maybe a stomach bug but after talking to some friends and one test later and I find out I’m pregnant, I have to be atleast 3 months along since that’s the time he’s been gone
After having an hour long breakdown I dialed Sam hoping he had some time to talk and not on another job
“Angel why are you calling so late?” His voice groggy
“Sammy……we need to talk” I stutter out still emotional
“What’s wrong are you okay?”
“I’m pre……I can’t tell you over the phone I need to see you…..please” I beg praying he’ll just come home
“I don’t know Dean and I are…”
“Sam this is really important what ever you’re doing can wait, I need you”
“Okay we’ll be there by the time you wake up”
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I woke up exhausted from the stress of the day before, I’m pregnant actually pregnant under normal circumstances I’d be happy starting a family with Sam but with how absent he’s been I feel him drifting away
I willed myself out of bed and pulled on one of Sam’s hoodies that hung down to my knees and wore a pair of pair of black legging, running a warm cloth over my face to freshen up when I heard a rapid knocking at the front door
My heart filled with panic and I was becoming hesitant about coming clean, I opened the door and there he stood, towering over me like a god yet still so soft on me
He swooped down and lifted me easily into his arms and held me close, being back in his arms just felt right it felt like home and so I broke down again as I clung to him
“Sammy” I whined as I hide my tear streaked face in his shoulder smelling his oh so wonderful cologne
He brought me inside and sat me down on the couch, Dean looming in the room after he rummaged for food in our kitchen
“Angel what’s wrong? You don’t look so good” he asked as he stroked my hair helping calm me
“You’ve been gone so long and I understand but it’s been a hard 3 months alone, I can’t sleep, I can’t think straight, I’m broke and……..”
“And what?” Dean intervened making my heart jump, Sam sending him a glare
“I thought I was just sick but…….im pregnant” I felt so vulnerable as he just looked at me seeming to be in shock
“You’re joking” Dean groaned
“I didn’t mean too…..im sorry” I say as my lip trembled
“Oh Angel this isn’t your fault it’s mine and I shouldn’t have left you alone so long like that I don’t know what I was thinking” he sighs as he holds me to his chest
“Family business Sammy” Dean stated
“Dean stop”
“Sam if being with your family is so important and doing all these jobs I understand but if that’s what you want then I don’t want to hold you back if this isn’t what you want anymore”
“What? No of course I want you I want this, you’re my soulmate and I’m never letting you go again, you deserve to know the truth”
“Sam don’t” deans assertive tone booming in the room
After Sam told me everything about this new supernatural world I was sceptic at first but honestly it connected a lot of dots
“So these jobs you work are important but I can’t go months being apart again”
“You can come with us, just for while you’re pregnant and then when you give birth we can go home and settle” he said with a bright smile, that smile I fell in love with
“Are you sure Dean won’t hate me” I whisper to him
“He’ll lighten up trust me Angel”
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Sam helped me pack all the my clothes and personal items I needed and we were off on the road, it was a nice car with lots of room for me to stretch out in the back
“So where are we going?”
“There’s signs of a vampires nest in a small town, going to check it out see what’s going on” Dean says his eyes still on the road, he still made me a bit nervous though
“Umm are vampires one of the easier monsters you deal with?” I ask trying to make conversation
“They can be, but a nest of them can be a bitch”
They go on to tell me all the cases they’ve worked since they’ve been gone and it’s crazy to wrap my head around, after driving all day we finally got to the town settling into a little motel room
“I’m gonna go pick us up some dinner” Dean said as he threw his bag on his bed and left
I sat on the bed me and Sam are sharing sighing once the door closed
“What’s wrong Angel?”
“I just hate being a burden to you guys I know how stressful this is for you plus having this baby….”
“Hey you’re not a burden I’m just glad you’re with me now, being cooped up with Dean 24/7 can become a bit macho” he says making me laugh
“Do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl?” I ask as he places his hand on my tiny bump
“I’m happy with either, you know my mother would have loved you you’re as kind as she was, well atleast that’s what Dean says about her”
“You know this baby is the luckiest in the world to have you as their father, and such a handsome one at that” he smiled as he pulled me into his lap pulling me close
“I’ve missed this, holding you” his hand runs down my back sending shivers
“Kissing you” his lips gently press to my collar bone making me gasp
“Being with you at night” the door bursts open interrupting our moment, I jump out of his lap and their stands Dean and what I believe to be their father from old pictures Sam has showed me
“Sammy trying to get some” Dean laughed making my body heat in embarrassment
“Who’s this?” John asked his voice full of disapproval
“Dad where have you been? Never mind that right now, this is y/n my girlfriend”
“And what the hell is she doing here son?” I felt little under his gaze
“She can’t be alone she’s pregnant” Sam said confidently as he held my hand
“Sam what the hell were you thinking, you can’t have a pregnant girl doing this job, you need to be focused”
“Maybe I should just go home” I say as I go to pick up my bag
“No! You’re staying Angel I’m not letting you go again” he said as he wiped a stray tear I didn’t know had escaped my waterline
“She’s family now dad, you can’t push her away cause if you do then you’re just gonna push me away too, for good this time” John sighed and gave a look to Dean
“Tomorrow we’re going to stake out the vampires nest, be ready” he said sternly before stomping out of the room leaving an awkward cloud looming over the three of us
“Come on you two let’s eat” Dean said in a lighter tone obviously trying to pick up what his father ruined
We ate at the little table chatting about random things, how Sam and I met, our first date and how nervous Sam was, almost everything we had together up until this point
“Have you told your family about the baby?” Dean asked after he took a swig of beer
“I don’t really have family, I was raised in an orphanage and when I turned 18 I was pretty much on my own, I stayed in the schools dorms until Sam and I moved in together, plus our friends kind of changed after first year so it’s mostly just been Sammy and I”
“I’m sorry”
“Oh no it’s fine I’m happy with the way my life turned out it lead me to Sam after all” I smile looking at Sam who had that loving look, he was so gentle compared to his brother
“You guys are going to make me hurl”
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It’s been a crazy and stressful 6 months but I’m now in the last week of pregnancy and to say I’m scared is an understatement, I’m terrified but I feel like I can’t tell Dean and Sam with what they face everyday, this is probably a walk in the park to them
They were out right now hunting a werewolf as I paced back and forth in yet another motel room, I’ve been having cramps in my stomach since I woke up but I just thought it could be indigestion from the food we ate last night but they’ve only gotten stronger, walking helps but this could just be Braxton’s hocks I try to tell my self that is u til my water breaks, I’m hesitant to call Sam because of the case but like he said this is more important, I dialed hoping he’d answer
“Hey we’re on our way back now did you need us to pick you up anything?”
“Sam my water broke” I could hear him tell Dean to drive faster
“Okay just hold on we’ll be there soon, just do the breathing exercises like we practiced”
“Okay I’ll try” I breath deeply as another contraction hit a whimper left me but I know it’s going to get much worse
Minutes later Sam and Dean busy through the hotel room, Dean get my to go bag and Sam gently picks me up and brings me to the car sitting with me in the back
“Sammy I’m scared”
“We’re almost to the hospital hold on kiddo” Dean said trying to reassure me, he’d warmed up to me over the months like Sam said
“You can do this, think of our little girl or boy we’re about to meet” I nodded gripping his hand, we got to the hospital and were settled in a private room, Sam at my side and Dean on the couch used for husband or partners
“What if something happens?” I ask as he brushes my hair back
“Everything will be okay, you’re the strongest woman I know”
“It’s time Mrs Winchester” the doctor said making my heart swell at the name, he was wrong but I didn’t care
After some agonizing pushes that pressure was gone replaced by a little babies cries, the nurse laid the baby on my chest and she was beautiful, she had Sam big green hazel eyes and had light brown hair
“Congrats on a baby girl” the nurse said, they cleaned me up and left the room letting the four of us settle
“What are you going to name my little niece?” Dean asked now standing on the other side of the bed mesmerized by her
“How about Luna Mary Winchester” I say looking up to Sam for his opinion
“I love it, I love you, both of you” he smiled as he played with Lunas little fingers
“The three of us just became four”
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thisreadswhatever · 1 year
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Anything For The Club: Part Six
Will you betray Jax to protect The Club?
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series masterlist
[description]: jax teller x female reader, reader x oc characters
[wordcount]: 3.2k+
[series cw]: 18+, female reader, swearing, sexual harassment/assault (non-canon characters), alcohol use, mix of fluff, smut and angst throughout, p in v sex, teasing, violence, gun use, mentions of blood, murder, blackmail
[authors note]: and that’s the end! hope you enjoyed this as much as i did writing it :)
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“Assume you’re used to riding shotgun”, The President asked as he handed you a black helmet. 
You put it on and straddled yourself along the back of his bike. “Not usually in heels.” 
Realisation of the betrayal you were committing was crushing you. Here you were, sat on another man’s bike, about to ride off into nowhere so he could do god knows what to you. The guilt weighed on your chest as you gripped The President's waist from behind. You reminded yourself the reason you were doing this, Protect The Club. Protect Jax. 
“First time for everything, sweetheart.”
He kicked the bike alive, it roaring fiercely as he rode out of the parking lot. 
The journey was short. He pulled into a motel lot two blocks up the road. It was a quiet and dingy motel, known for its drug hookups and escorts. The exact kind of place you used to work before you had agreed with Jax to run Diosa. Jax didn’t like sharing, you were his and that was vital to him. You’d agreed that you’d both be entirely faithful to one another there on out, and you knew after this, he’d never forgive you. 
“Classy.” You muttered as you pulled the helmet off your head. 
“Ain’t gonna matter where you are once I’m inside you, sweetheart.” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
He placed the bike on its kickstand, and you followed as he made his way across the car park, up a flight of stairs and to room numbered 208. The curtains were already closed on the outside. He grabbed a yellow key card out from his back pocket, unlocking the door. 
You stalked your way inside the room, hearing the bolt echo behind you as he secured the latch on the door. 
The room was a simple, one large crimson bed centered between wooden side tables, home to two outdated lamps and a dusty bible. The President wandered straight to the mattress, sitting along the edge. He placed the manilla envelope on the side table closest to him before he pulled his cutte off. He slapped the mattress, coaxing you to sit beside him. Across from the front door was a bathroom that you immediately streamlined for. “I’m just gonna freshen up.” 
He laid back falling flat across the bed, “don’t leave me waitin’.” 
You closed the door behind you, sighing of relief for the brief moment alone. You looked at yourself in the mirror above the sink. It was cracked slightly along the edge, distorting the image in front of you. You turned the tap, letting the water run. The sound of the streaming fossett was soothing, and you closed your eyes with your hands clutching the sink, trying to overcome the sickness you felt burning through your stomach. You wanted to vomit. You took your jacket off, thrusting it to the floor, trying to breathe as you struggled for air. You’d never had a panic attack before but you imagined this is what it felt like. 
He’s got you right where he wanted, you told yourself. Alone in a motel and not a soul knows you’re here. You searched your jacket for your phone, before remembering you left it in the car at the diner. Calling for help was out of the equation. Your chest was tight, the sound of your heart thudding engulfing your ears as you tried to gasp for air. 
You didn’t have a phone, but you did have the gun. You could go out there and shoot him, take the envelope and run for the hills. And potentially start a gang war by killing The President of another crew, one that’s associated with the Mexican cartels. Dumb idea. 
Your last option, just give him what he wants, get the photos, and be done. You’d already made it this far. The guy was hardly the worst looking man on the planet. He was monstrous and crass but it would be a sacrifice of a moment compared to the loss of everything Jax knew. 
You let the water run through your fingers before you turned it off. You pulled your hair to the side of your neck, the cold water on your hands dripping down your skin. You can do this, you tried to convince yourself. Protect The Club. Protect Jax. You were going to have to break his heart, to save his club.
You heard a knock on the door at the same time it abruptly opened, not giving you any chance to respond. 
“I said don’t keep me waitin’, little lady.” 
“Just had to pull myself together.”
He crept towards you, and you instinctively turned into him, your back pressing into the sink behind you. 
“I can help you out.” 
His hands found your hair, clutching at the root as he pulled your head back. Your hands were grasping the edges of the porcelain, as he brought himself against your body, pressing his lower half into you. You were unable to move. He held you there, watching your face, taking in the sight of you completely at his disposal. 
Tears welled in your eyes, unable to be forced back this time, and they began to stream from your face. You realised at this moment that you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t force yourself to want this man. He placed a hand on your cheek, wiping away the drops with his thumb. 
“You look so pretty when you cry.” 
He pressed his face into yours, kissing you viciously. His tongue tangled against your lips as it searched for entry, but failed as you kept your mouth forced shut. He pulled your head back again by your hair, staring into your eyes. His eyebrows raised as he watched you sobbing, furious from your apprehension.
“I’m not gonna fuck a corpse. You better give me something back.” 
His hand released from your hair as he brought them down to your waist, pulling you from the sink. You stumbled against him, trying to find your balance. You wanted more time, a chance to think or just pause this from happening, to try and find a way out. 
You forced yourself to find his lips, kissing him back. You entwined your fingers through his hair, hoping you could sell the facade that you wanted him too. A smile formed at the corner of his mouth while yours did all the work. 
He seemed to relax before you pulled away, “should we go to the bed?” 
“Fuck the bed. I want you here.” 
He dragged the hem of your dress to expose your underwear, pulling you tight to his body by your ass. You squirmed at the feel of his hands on you this way, but tried to play calm to control the situation. 
Your heel tangled into your jacket beneath you, and you could feel your gun was right under your feet. You kissed him again while he palmed at your backside, dragging his fingers under the fabric of your panties. You lowered your hands down his frame, leading them to his jeans, rubbing against his erection. You crouched down to your knees, your eyes never leaving his. 
He groaned aloud as he watched you undo his belt buckle, your face parallel with his dick. “I knew you wanted this, little slut.” 
You ignored his degradation, and carried on feeling him with your hands. His head fell backwards, and just as his eyes left yours, you began to press your mouth against his cock, gnawing at the hard membrane covered in denim. Your mouth continued to distract him, as you searched the floor with your free hand, desperate to find the gun in your jacket pocket. 
Just as your hand reached the metal piece, your fingers twisting along the handle, The President looked down at you. 
“The fuck you think you’re doing?” 
You pulled the piece from the jacket, aiming it up at his chest. “Back the fuck up. Now.”
He chuckled at your advance, looking at the gun point towards him as he slowly stepped backwards. 
“Maybe you ain’t so smart.”
He backed through the doorway as you stood, continuing to aim the gun. He reached the bed, sitting upright on the edge, his jeans draped around his thighs. He smirked at you, looking directly down the barrel. “We had a deal, little lady.” 
You gripped the gun tighter, “I’m not your fucking lady.” 
A chuckle escaped his teeth, “You really do need my dick in that dirty mouth of yours.” You paced towards the side table, holding your aim on him as you walked. You kept your focus on his face as you reached for the envelope. “You got any idea what you're starting?” 
You placed the envelope under your arm, grasping the gun with both hands again, edging yourself further from the bed, until you were backed against the far wall of the room. 
“Nothing I’m not prepared to finish.” 
He held his arms out wide, taunting you. “I got a long list of enemies who would do anything for the shot you got right now.”
“I don’t want to kill you, asshole.
I want to leave this room, and pretend I never met you. I want you to leave my Club the fuck alone. I want to go back to my life before you existed.”
He closed his arms, and stood up slowly, pulling up his jeans and clasping his belt buckle back together. “Then I guess you better kill me.”
You readjusted the gun in front of you, “sit back down!” 
He ignored you, continuing to pace forward, step by step. “I can see why he picked you as his old lady. Got looks and balls.” 
“I said I don’t want to kill you, asshole. Not that I won’t.” 
He grinned, reaching for you, extending his arms out. “Don’t be like that, baby.” 
He was inches from you again, his chest now pressed against the barrel. You pushed it into him further, “I fucking mean it. Back the fuck up!” 
He didn’t waiver. “Drop the gun, sweetheart.” 
You pulled the trigger. 
The sound of the gun jamming rang through your ears, and you stared at him wide eyed. He slammed the gun from your hand, the metal flinging across the room. He grabbed your wrists, pinning them to the wall behind you, the envelope under your arms falling to the ground, images of The Club spreading across the carpet beneath your feet. He pushed you with force against the wall, crushing your wrists in his grasp. 
He spoke low into your ear, “No more choices.”
You tried to retreat, but the weight from his body engulfed you, making it impossible for you to move. The stubble of his beard scraped against your skin as his mouth moved against your neck. You screamed for him to stop, but the pleas fell on deaf ears, seeming to entice him further. His body was entrapping you against the wall so harshly that his hands could move freely, creeping their way under your dress as he tore at the seams, ripping it open. You recalled how it felt to be trapped by this man that first night you met at Diosa, and you knew now that had the eyes of the entire lobby not been present, this would’ve been your fate then. You closed your eyes, giving up the fight. 
Suddenly he stopped, interrupted by a repeated banging on the door.
“Jax! Jax! I’m in-”, his hand slapped against your mouth. You bit the skin as hard as you could, but he didn’t release. Instead he plowed your body into the ground, laying over you as you crumbled to the floor, crushing you into the gap between the wall and bed.
He stared into your eyes as he held your mouth shut, whispering to you through his clenched teeth.
“Shut the fuck up or I’ll kill you with my bare hands.” 
Tears streamed as your muffled screams paused. You clutched his hand against your mouth, trying to pry it from your face. You could only listen as Jax repeatedly thrust his entire weight against the wood of the door, the metal latch bulking under the pressure. The bolt gave in, and the door flew open. 
“Jesus-” Jax was armed and reeling as he looked around the room. Your jacket, the gun and the images strung out across the motel room. 
Your mouth was released from his grip as he pulled you by your hair. You winced at the pain, trying to find your footing as you stood up. He held you there like a prize, showing off your exposed and broken frame, tears pouring down your face. Jax’s core was stiff, glaring at The President with a look you hadn’t ever seen from him before. 
His jaw flexed as he put his gun back into his cutte, speaking slowly through his gritted teeth. 
“Get your hands off her.”
Your blackmailer smiled, his hands twisting further into your hair. “We were only just getting started.” His hands never left you, taunting Jax further. He looked at you up and down, licking his lips before turning back to Jax. “You got a good one here, Pres.”
“You got one more chance. Then I’m done talking.”
He pulled your hair back further, and you swayed as your balance was rocked.
“Oh, relax. Only wanted to try out the slut for myself.” 
That was it, Jax lunged for him. Any restriction of his fury was completely unleashed, as he stormed across the room, grabbing The President by the head, slamming it against the wall. You were finally released from his grasp, and threw yourself across the bed, rolling onto the other side of the room. 
You watched as they fought against the motel floor, Jax on top of him, repeatedly smashing his head into the carpet with all his strength. The bangs against the upstairs floor rocked the supports beneath it, thudding as Jax gasped from the repeated exertion. The President heaved his elbow into Jax’s stomach, and he fell backwards sitting upright, his back slamming against the side table. The table lamp crashed to the floor as Jax launched himself back into the President, crumbling him again. Jax was on top of the President, pounding his fists into his face repeatedly. He smiled at Jax, showing his bloody teeth as he took the beating. 
But he didn’t let up, he continued to crush into him, his elbow dropping against his flesh, further forcing his face further into the carpet. Jax’s fists rammed into his face, for what felt like eternity, as blood poured from The President’s nose and mouth. 
The President reached beneath him, grabbing a knife from the sheath that hung from his jeans. He sliced into Jax’s leg, and he screamed out in agony, making you flinch. Jax dropped his knee onto The President’s hand, crushing the knife out of his grasp. 
His leg was bleeding through his jeans, but he didn’t stop. You watched as he endlessly beat the President into nothing, pure rage fueling his hands forward. Blood sprayed from the open wounds of his face onto the wall beside the bed frame, covering the floor and Jax too. Only once The President stopped moving, the groans from his mouth silencing, did Jax stop. 
He was on top of him when he glanced at you, hiding in the corner of the room, your dress tore to shreds and tears streaming down your face. 
He crawled off of The President’s lifeless body, crouching towards you. He wrapped you in his arms, and the relief of feeling Jax holding you again turned your tears into sobs. 
“You okay?”
“I’m so- sorry-”
“Shhh. Darlin’ you got nothing to be sorry for.”
He cupped your face in his bloody hands, his rings glistening red from the liquid. His eyes matched yours, water pooling at the lids. 
“Did he hurt you?”
You shook your head. “A few minutes later and he-”, you couldn’t continue as the sobs poured from your chest. He didn’t need you to say anymore. He hugged you tight against him as he stroked your hair, soothing your wimpers into submission. You looked up at him as he wiped the tears from your face.
“I had no choice- he was going to rat- he had proof-”
“I know, darlin’. Nero told me everything.”
“He did? But how did you find me?”
“Your car was still at the diner but you weren’t there. I didn’t know what to think-” he flinched at the memory. “I just kept riding, then I saw the bike parked outside the motel. I was checking rooms and then I heard you scream-” You kissed him before he could continue. His hands stroked the back of your head, “I’m here now, darlin. It’s okay.” 
“He’s the President of another club.” You wanted to look at the carnage but you couldn’t bring yourself away from Jax’s face. 
He took a deep breath, looking up from you to the body laying in a pool of blood across the motel floor. His body tensed as anger filled him again, his tongue pressing against the bottom of his mouth as it straightened into a hard line. “He’s nothing now.” 
You sat up from Jax’s arms, watching him as he stared at The President, his eyes shifting from care and sorrow and  morphing into pure rage once again. “They’re all done. Nobody is ever gonna hurt you again. You’re mine and anyone who touches you- they’re as dead as that guy and everyone that’s ever associated with him.” 
He shifted onto his knee as he stood up, taking off his cutte. He removed the black SAMCRO t-shirt he had on and handed it to you, before putting his hoodie and cutte back on himself again. You placed the t-shirt over your ripped dress, and stood up alongside him. Jax walked over towards The President’s body, collecting the printed photographs that surrounded him on the floor. He flicked through the pictures, scoffing at the evidence.
“This prick’s been trailing us for weeks. These are from a run two months ago.” He carried the stack into the bathroom as he examined the images, before igniting the corners with his lighter, leaving them to burn in the sink. He watched as the flames turned the paper into ash. “Are there more of these?” 
You shrugged your shoulders, “he said this was all he had.” 
Jax picked your jacket off the bathroom floor. He walked back to you, draping it over your shoulders. “Doesn’t even matter. His crew is good as dust.” 
You kneeled to the ground, reaching under the bed for the jammed gun. Jax looked at the weapon in your hands, “Did you try to use it?” 
You handed the metal piece to him, “piece of shit jammed.” 
He hugged you again, wrapping his arms around you. “That’s my girl. Least I got to pummel the cunt to death myself.” He placed the gun into his holder. “Let’s get you home.” Jax held your waist as you both headed for the door. 
He looked down at you, “you okay darlin’?” 
Your eyes peered back at the bloodied mess that had unfolded on the motel room floor.
“Maybe we should call that cleanup guy you know.” 
Jax smiled, kissing you reassuringly on the side of your head as you walked together. “I’m on it.”  
find my masterlist here
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jj-5656 · 2 years
First and Last With; James Potter
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A/N: Hello again! I finally finished that wonderful request, so sorry it took forever. Football (NFL playoffs) and school preparations have kept me preoccupied. Winter break is over and I’m absolutely devastated. For anyone in college, I wish you luck for this Spring Semester. But with that being said, school starting back up means I likely won’t upload as much. So I apologize in advance. Regardless, I hope this makes up for the wait on this request. To the lovely anon and all others, enjoy!
Summary: The one where the Marauders vacation to the Potter’s beach house, and a revealing drinking game ensues...
TW: Descriptions of panic attacks, Sirius is an ass as usual, a lot of mutual pining.
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   “Marlene, you have packed half of your house and more, it’s just a week’s vacation.”
“Anything could happen, Sirius. Better to be over prepared than under prepared.”
“I’m just happy James is filthy rich.” Dorcas deadpans, straightening when you and Lilly shoot her a disapproving look. “And so, very generous at the same time.”
“I’m not filthy rich.” James laughs, taking your bags from your grasp and loading them into the trunk for you. Amongst all of your friends belongings, piled high enough to reach the top of the van you’ve rented for the adventure. “We’re just...Comfortable.”
“That’s what all rich people say.” You and Remus look to each other, stunned at your simultaneous blunt confessions. 
“Shush, the lot of you.” Lilly chides, never sparing commonalities. 
“Remind me why we couldn’t just use floo powder? I’m already sweating, and my complexion does not do well in heat.” Sirius fans himself dramatically. James allows you to lift yourself over the mountains of bags with his arm for support in order to reply. 
“When have any of you experienced the adventure of a road trip?” You’re beaming at the thought, James takes your distraction as an opportunity to admire your unusually giddy attitude. Though the real reason you’re so eager to be away from home pulls at his mind, his grin faltering. He pokes your side, grabbing your attention. 
“Miss sunshine gets shotgun, I’ve called it.”
“Prongs, I thought you’d have wanted me to be your passenger princess?”
“Absolutely not, though I’ll miss those luscious locks of yours. I’m driving, so I select my navigator.”
“You’ve been there a million times.” You note, crossing your arms incredulously. James smirks, placing his burgundy and gold quidditch cap atop your head. 
“I’d much rather you keep me company.” He says so only you can hear, unknowing of your flushing when he turns back to Sirius. “Pads, Moons is gonna need a pretty view, it’s fortunate he’ll have you in the middle seat.”
“I’m reading! Reading this entire time, very busy.” Remus teases, pleased with the raven-haired boy’s mock offense. 
You round the corner of the van after checking the trunk for the fourth time, positive you haven’t forgotten any supplies for the trip. James is at the passenger side, holding the door open for you. He’s got a pair of prescription sunglasses on, and looks very different. No less handsome, if anything, the shades accentuate the bravado you’ve always envied. His arms are especially toned after another quidditch season, tanned from the summer sun you’ve missed so dearly. You’re staring. 
“Systems ready, co-pilot?” He beams down at you, pulling his cap over your eyes in teasing. You stick a tongue out at him, pulling his arms away so you can  adjust it right again. 
“I feel silly in this.”
“Nonsense, you look adorable. My clothes suit you.” He defends, so casual you don’t let the words resonate until after he’s shut your door and rounded to the drivers side. 
“Enjoy the passenger seat, princess.” Sirius sneers, pouting despite not holding any true ill-will. 
“Are we there yet?” 
“No, Dorcas. Just like we weren’t there ten minutes ago.” James glances at the girl through the rearview, slightly amused with her childish complaints. 
“You know, we could just pull over and-”
“No floo powder!” You and Lilly shout to Sirius, hoping not to have awoken a sleeping Marlene and Remus. Sirius covers their ears, both of them having dropped their heads on each one of his shoulders some time throughout their slumber. You finish fiddling with the radio when a good song comes on, taking a moment to look at the lot of your friends all corralled in the van. 
“Where’s the camera, James?” 
“On my side door here, I’ll pull over if you want it.” 
“Oh, so you’ll pull over for her.”
“Shut it, Pads.” 
“No need, I can reach it.” You lean over the seat, careful not to block his view of the road as you quickly grab it. James swallows, clears his throat to act natural whilst all of his insides begin to burn. 
“Hot?” Is all you ask, studying his discomposure.
“What?” He starts, voice shaky and strained. Sirius falls into a fit of muffled laughter from the back, leaving you confused. “J-Just a little warm, yeah.” Potter recovers, now well aware you were inquiring about temperature. You turn up the AC, taking the cover off the lens and pointing the camera toward the back. Sirius smiles wide for the camera, handsome features lighted by the early afternoon sun. Marlene and Remus drool along on his shoulders as Lilly beams brightly from the back. Looking positively radiant, as always. Dorcas smiles, but holds up her favorite finger to the lens. You grin,full of adoration for the entire lot of them as you snap a couple photos, ensuring they’re all in the frame. 
James admires in increments from the rearview, blowing a raspberry to the camera when you point it at him. 
“Eyes on the road, Potter.” He shakes his head, running a hand over the steering wheel in a mindless habit as he hears the camera snap. Looking over quickly to smile at the lens. Effortlessly handsome, as usual. 
“We have to take as many pictures as possible this week.” You demand, getting excited all over again for the much needed vacation, spent with all your best friends, no less. 
You roll down your window even more, sticking your head to enjoy the warm, salty air. It smells of the beach, grass, all things green and beautiful. You’re so happy your head spins, giggling to yourself as you catch Lilly doing the same behind you. Meeting her eyes in the side mirror and scrunching your nose when she blows a kiss, an embellished hand pretending to capture it in the air and holding it to your heart. 
James does a double take from his view of the road and then you. Trying to stay focused and not find any distraction in your adorably delighted mood. His brows furrow when you shuffle forward, aiming to get even more of your body out of window the feel the entirety of what this beautiful view has to offer.
“Absolutely not.” He chastises, a finger hooking onto your belt loop and tightening. His eyes are on the road, one hand on the wheel as he tugs you back inside. 
“Lame!” You whine, hitting his arm in distaste. 
“I prefer my friends with their pretty heads in tact, thank you.” 
You settle in your seat, still full of delight but a little more contemplative as you think about what got you here.
“Summer vacation!” Sirius throws himself between you and Remus during lunch. Gathering an assortment of food on his own plate. You’ve barely eaten, stomach turning at the thought of being home for two months. You’re nudged from under the table, meeting James’ gaze, whose eyes avert to your abandoned plate. A subtle request for you to eat. You offer a weak smile, shrugging before your friends go on. 
“Two whole months without exams.” Marlene adds, absolutely pleased with not having to spend another second with her nose in a book. 
“We’ll be seventh years, I can hardly believe it.” You’ve considered Lilly’s words the entirety of this last month of classes, absolutely dreading going home. Hogwarts is more home than your house would ever be, and your friends are the only real family you have. You lose your breath at this, biting at the nail of your thumb and wincing when it draws blood. 
“I’m gonna head to the library,” You announce, blinking hard to fight the room from blurring. “Forgot to turn in my potions textbook.” It’s believable enough for the group to nod along, chorusing their farewells as you head out of the great hall. Heart racing and hands trembling. James takes only a moment, eyes following you the entire time. It’s not his business, but he knows that demeanor. He’s seen all of this before, in the boy he calls his best friend. Sirius Black, who leans forward and shoots James a look. Instantly, the chaser is on his feet, mumbling a feeble excuse and heading out of the hall in search for you. 
“I think he left the curling iron on.”
James searches the corridor wildly, all of the students being in the Great Hall makes the search easy, he can follow the sound of your fleeting footsteps with ease in this sea of silence. He follows your distant frame up a set of stairs, cursing to himself when they shift before he can follow your path. He’s searching for a new route, not wanting to shout to you and scare you even more.
There’s a lot of running, a couple instances of tripping over his own feet, but eventually Potter catches up to you. 
You’re sat in a windowsill beneath an overhang of a hallway above, curled in on yourself. James approaches carefully, trying to control his panting breaths. 
“Fuck, James!” You startle each other, studying the other instantly.
“You’re” the athlete coughs, winded, “so fast.” You smile, but it does little to calm you down, because as he gets closer, the view around him blurs, and everything sounds cloudy, distant. 
“I’m,” you try to form words, too loud because you can’t hear yourself properly. “F-fine.” You try to move, try escaping to prevent embarrassing yourself further. Clutching your chest and swiping at the flood of tears that can’t be ceased. 
“You’re not. You’re having a panic attack.” 
“Happened b-before,” you wheeze, staring at your hands to make sure they’re real “I’m good.” 
“And I’m a humble introvert that loves Slytherin, sit down.” You begin to wheeze, rubbing your hands over your legs to stop them from sweating, ground yourself maybe. “I’m gonna hug you, tight. Is that alright?” You nod, because you’re not entirely sure what he’s just said and it’s easier to comply. 
He encloses you in an embrace, loosening for only a second when you fight it. He’s squeezing again, but it’s not unpleasant. You’re shaking, and your breaths are still rapid. James swallows, terrified and unsure. Because all of this usually helps Sirius but he’s still kind of freaking the fuck out.
“Let’s talk about something.” He suggests, wincing when you hiccup for air in reply. “I know you’ll love this. What’s something about me that annoys you?” You’re aware he’s trying to distract you, and you feel like you’re dying, so you give it a go in the off chance it’ll help.
“You’re im-immature.”
“Good. But you’ve done better than that, love.” 
“You’re reckless. You play quidditch like,” you lick your lips, trying to control your trembling. “Like you’re indestructible.” 
“Attagirl, something else?”
“You’re picky, and...And you’re too stubborn to try new things.” James hums, recalling a time you’d forced him to drink pumpkin juice an he hurled in the lavatory minutes later. He rests his chin on your head, pleased when the added pressure slows your breathing. 
“You’d do anything for your friends, no matter the personal expense. It’s self destructive, p-probably exhausting.”
“Ouch. You really know how to flatter a man, love.” 
“I don’t want to go home.” You whisper, so quiet he’d miss it had he not been surveying your every move. The confession shocks even you, and James, for likely the first time in his life, is devastated to be right about something. 
“I’m not gonna let you. We’re going to figure this out. I’m gonna figure this out, I promise.” 
“You’re doing that thing again.” You note, wiping your nose with the sleeve of your robe. Further comforted in the feel of his chest vibrating against you from laughing.
“And you’re forming full sentences.” He loosens, giving you space to decide whether or not you want to separate.  You don’t, not right away, not when you can feel the strong, stable beating of his heart. 
“What am I gonna do? I can’t stay here over break. Even if Dumbledore allowed it, my family would-” You falter, unable to finish. James holds tight again, nauseated. 
“I promised. And I intend on keeping it, love.”
“Land! Sweet, sweet land.” Sirius cries, throwing himself onto the freshly cut grass. 
“James, it’s stunning.” Lilly shades her eyes to admire the shore house. Standing taller than the others around it. 
“It’s home. Away from home, that is.” James shrugs, and you can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. There’s a faint, deep-rooted envy for the blessings your friends hold. Sirius rolls onto his back to look at you, the only one noticing your hunched shoulders amongst the rest of the group beginning to unload the van. 
“Shall we go inside, lovely? Get dibs on the best rooms while these common folk collect our luggage. He extends his arm for you to take, adjusting the sunglasses adorning his face and ignoring the displeased looks of your friends. Stealing a kiss to your temple as he leads you inside. 
“Moony, sweetheart, do be careful with my things. I’ll show you what bed to place them on.”
“Fuck off, Pads.”
“That’s Sir Padfoot, to you.” 
You and Sirius falter, shocked to see an older woman placing the finishings of a homemade meal on the large kitchen table. The inside is even more impressive than the out, but you don’t have much time to appreciate the decorum. Considering you’re engulfed in an oddly familiar embrace. 
“Welcome, welcome!” She beams, holding Sirius’ face and kissing his cheeks with small pinches. 
“How’s my Siri?”
“Alright, mum. Thanks. James didn’t mention you’d be here. Though it’s a very happy surprise.” He looks at the wrinkled, stunning woman that smells of lavender and tea like she’s hung every star in the sky. It’s then you make the obvious connection this is Mrs. Potter. 
“Oh, he doesn’t know either. I’m only here to make sure you’re all settled in and then I’ll be on my way. We haven’t visited here in a while, I wanted to be sure it looked alright for you all.”
“Hard to imagine it ever looks less than gorgeous,” you say without thinking, “thank you for having us. This is lovely.” 
“And so are you, dear. Sirius, tell me this beautiful young girl is with you?” She strokes your hair, and it’s the most comforting touch you’ve likely ever felt. 
“Only in my dreams, unfortunately. Unless dear y/n would like to make a wish come true?” You laugh, swatting away his puckered lips. 
“Y/n? Oh, I’ve been waiting to meet you! Sweetheart, Jamie talks about you so much in his letters!”
“Let’s get waste-Mum!” James drops the bag in hand, yours. Pulling the handle of liquor behind his back in pure shock. “What are you doing here?” 
“Thought I’d have a warm meal waiting for you kids. You must be starving after that drive. Though I’m so happy you did as opposed to powdering here. Shows some responsibility. And Jamie gets so sick sometimes with the powder and all-”
“Mum!” The taller boy repeats, setting the array of luggage in hand down and hiding the bottle behind it. 
“I’m doting, aren’t I? Remmy!”  She stops herself, rushing over to envelop the taller boy in her arms. He, just as Sirius, is absolutely pleased to see her. She goes down the line of girls, putting faces to names and genuinely loving every second of it. James sighs, no genuine distaste in his nature as he observes.
Sirius throws an arm over your shoulder, cheeky as ever. “Mum was just telling us about your letters home.” 
“You’re just as pretty as he said you were. All you girls are so beautiful!” She goes on, blissfully unaware of her beet-red son. 
“She exaggerates.” James scratches his neck, skin burning with embarrassment. 
“Does she?” Siris pulls you closer, basking in your shared humiliation. 
“This food looks wonderful Mrs. Potter. Thank you so much for thinking of us.” Lilly clasps her hands together, rolling her eyes fondly at James’ indebted glance. 
“Call me Euphemia, please. And yes, you all must be starving. Come, fill those bellies with something warm.” You’re in a state of shock as you sit, unaccustomed to such hospitality and genuine kindness. It’s evident where James gets his big heart, undying selflessness. 
The food is amazing, you all go for seconds with a chorus of shared appreciation and compliments. Euphemia beams as she collects her things, pleased to meet the lot of friends her son cares for so deeply. 
“All the beds have fresh sheets, and there’s extra throw blankets in the linen closet. Jamie, your father says go easy on the fire whisky. He’d ask for no drinking, but we all know that’s a long shot. Don’t break anything, and Remmy, keep everyone in check.” The taller boy nods swiftly, no doubt having heard the orders before. James gets up from his seat, kissing his mothers cheek and enveloping her in a hug. 
“Thank you mum, seriously.” She fixes his hair, wiping invisible smudges from his face in a fit of doting. 
“No problem, I’m glad you were all able to make it here. You’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like. All of you.” Theres a quick moment where she meets both you and Sirius’ eyes, the two of you nodding with feigned smiles. Quickly, she kisses both Moony and Padfoot’s heads, stopping for only a moment to caress your cheek with her thumb, a faint sadness in her gaze. Everyone else is enveloped in conversation, passing servings across the table as they would at the Great Hall. 
“You’ll keep an eye on my Jamie, won’t you?” She whispers, touch soothing you with an unknown ease. 
“Of course, though I’m not sure he needs it.” You hold her wrist, somehow not minding the affection whatsoever. 
“So he likes to think. He does, really, speak so fondly of you in his letters. You’re even more lovely than he described.” You want to cry, so overwhelmed with her generosity and love, a maternal energy so strong it’s wiped your mind of any anxieties. 
“Alright, mum. Let the poor girl eat.” James guides her toward the fireplace, while his mother pats his arm and says something to him you don’t quite catch. James’ ears burn bright red, and he nudges her gently so she’ll stop looking over at you. The rest of the group turns toward the fireplace, echoing their farewells and gratuity as she waves. Floo powder enveloping the space around her and sending her off. 
“Does that turn your stomach just looking at it, Jamie?” Marlene mocks, the rest of your laughing through bites of food as he flips her off. 
“Fuck off, the lot of you.” 
“We should start cleaning up.” You suggest, taking your own plate and bringing it to the sink. “This way we can unpack before the sun sets.” Lilly follows, taking her and Dorcas’ plate to you as you begin washing. Sirius groans, grabbing a dish towel from one of the drawers and drying the dishes you hand him. 
“Can’t we just charm the sponges to clean these?”
“Dad had them countered so they can’t be charmed. Said it was supposed to teach me some ‘household responsibility.’” Sirius howls, thoroughly amused.
“I’m just curious about these detailed letters back home.” Remus mutters as he carries his plate past James, dodging his swings and rushing toward the group at the sink for safety. 
After everyone’s settled in, and you’ve all recovered from the ‘who called what room first’ arguments, there’s an obligatory round of shots. A bin begins to pile high with cans, and you’re all sat around a bonfire atop the Potter’s outdoor furniture. Even the furniture for the backyard looks expensive, so you clutch your drink in hopes not to make any spills. 
You’re buzzed now, skin tingling with an uncommon ease as you lean against the arm of the couch. Sea breeze easing the warm air as the fire pops in front of you. 
“Alright, none of you are drunk enough.” Sirius chastises, shifting in his seat and tossing Lilly another beer. “Never have I ever,” you all groan in half-assed annoyance as the name of the game sounds, “been snitched on by Peeves.” 
You and the rest of the girls take slow, ashamed, sips. The boys all looking over in amazement. 
“We snuck out one time! All I wanted was a bloody butter beer.” Marlene confesses, flushed. James stretches as he approaches, still sore from driving. He passes you his cup, grinning when you cringe at whatever concoction he’s come up with. You move your legs so he can sit beside you, the rest of the couches having been taken. 
“It was a terrible craving, but nonetheless worth the loss of points for Gryffindor.” 
“Is that why we were tied with Ravenclaw mid semester?” Remus laughs over his cup. 
“We still won the cup!” You and Lilly defend, James taking hold of your legs to place them on top of his. He isn’t even thinking about it, too enthralled with the teasing conversation before him as he slides a hand under the cuff of your jeans. Warm hands calloused from quidditch running over your shin. You’ve always found affection with him comes easier than with others, and the touch comforts you, electricity lingering on your skin. 
“Never have I ever, had my first kiss.” Because Dorcas also aims to have the rest of you drinking more, she says what she thinks is the most common proposition. Your stomach turns, and you debate on taking a sip just because it’ll spare you the embarrassment. You must consider it too long, because Sirius’ brows shoot up in shock. 
“Merlin, how?” Is all Sirius manages, the girls’ jaws dropping because you’ve never told them. 
“I volunteer!” Marlene shoots a hand up while you curl into the cushions, wishing you’d just had the drink. 
“It’s not that there haven’t been opportunities.” You struggle through the explanation, tugging on the sleeves of your shirt to fight the cold. “I just, I guess, want the first one to matter. If it’s been this long I may as well make it special.” They all coo in mocking, laughing when you flip them off. 
“I get it.” James pats your leg, taking generous sips of his own drink. 
“You don’t.” Theres an amusement in your tone, no real meanness to any of it. 
“Well what about that Hufflepuff third semester, he was totally into you.” Dorcas inquires. 
“Are we seriously this interested in my love life, or lack thereof?” You roll your eyes when they all agree, giddy from the topic and the alcohol. “I thought he was into me, but I don’t know. We stopped talking after a while.”
“Wait,” Remus narrows his brows, too contemplative to see James’ signals. “That curly haired guy, beater for Huffle?” You nod, giggling because he’s not usually this slow to understanding, clearly inebriated. 
“Wasn’t that the kid that came up to us at Hogsmeade, Prongs?” Potter vehemently shakes his head, chugging his drink again. 
“Nope, I don’t think so.” 
“No, I’m pretty sure it was. You two didn’t get on that well, I think.” Sirius covers his mouth to muffle his laughing, basking in Moony’s drunken confession. 
“You sabotaged me!” You frown, James grabbing your leg so you can’t kick his side. 
“Listen, I overheard him boasting in the locker room. He’s not the type you should be around. Trust me.” He’s sincere, enough to make you relax. 
“He was a bit of an ass, sweetheart. Prongs isn’t entirely wrong.”
“You two are still snog-blocks.” Dorcas is quick at your defense, crossing her arms in solidarity.
“If I wasn’t banished to solitude, I’d kiss you, Dorcas.” 
“Time and place, lovely.” You clutch your heart, feigning a blush in your antics.
“Alright, I need my beauty rest. Someone needs to remain the prettiest of the friend group.” Sirius stretches, tapping a dazed Remus on the cheek to get him up. His actions initiate the turning in of the rest of the group. To which you and James groan. 
“It’s only 2, you’re all lame!” Potter sneers, looking to you for consolation. You nod along, displeased with their departure. 
“You night owls can stay up as long as you want, but we have all week to be sleep deprived.” Marlene ruffles James’ hair and kisses your temple as she stupors inside, giggling all the way with the other girls. 
“And then there were two.” You stretch, moving over when James shifts, moving into a laying position. In order to fit comfortably, you still have to keep your legs over his. “You know, now theres three other open couches.”
“I like it here.” He decides, enclosing his hands over his chest and settling in. You chuckle, letting him tangle his legs in yours. 
It’s confusing, because he chooses you as his passenger, his seat-mate, scares other guys away. Fuck, he planned an entire trip just because you and Sirius have such shitty home lives. Guilt twinges in your chest, and the alcohol allows you to finally say what you’ve been holding in since you first got in the car. “James?” He hums, hazel eyes looking up at the array of stars in the night sky. “Why did you do all this?” Potter sits up, looking over to you in disbelief. 
“Why wouldn’t I? Don’t you like it here?”
“Like it? It’s a shore house filled with all of my closest friends and alcohol. I love it here.” He laughs, nudging your legs with his own in teasing. 
���I’ve been wanting to ask you something,” he starts, answering your question with one of his own. “Would you be willing to spend the whole summer here?” 
This time, you sit up, brows raised in shock. “Sorry?” 
“Instead of having to go home, you could stay here.” 
“James, I couldn’t possibly intrude like that-”
“It wouldn’t just be us two.” He unnecessarily reassures. “I’ve already spoke with Pads, and he’s staying. My mum doesn’t want him going home either.”
“You already talked to your parents about it?” 
“In the chance either of you said yes. They both are more than happy to have us stay here. There’s internship positions at my dad’s company, and he said if we looked after the house and helped him out, we’d be more than welcome to stay.” 
“Are you starting a shelter for the broken homes club or something?” You jest, not in poor taste, but because it’s the only defense mechanism you know. James frowns anyway, upset at the thought.
“I care about the both of you. And...I’d never want either of you going home to- Well, anything other than a place you feel safe. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you. Knowing I could have stopped it. Understand?”
You nod, warm tears brimming in your eyes. Because in a world full of people that don’t, James Potter cares. You tackle him in a hug, overcome with the foreign feeling of being cared about, protected. He falters, wrapping an arm around your waist with a small laugh. 
“That’s a yes, then?” You nod, smile pulling at your lips when he uses his thumb to wipe away your tears. 
“Yeah?” He’s soft-spoken now, eyes studying yours as you press your hands to his chest. 
“Is there...Any other reason you told that guy to stay away from me?” He swallows, licking his lips with an unusual anxiety to him. He meets your eyes again, pleading for another hint.
“Would you want there to be?”
“I’d like to have my first kiss.” You play with a pull in his sweater, fighting a smile at his nervous demeanor. “Would you want it to be you?” He nods, slow, and honestly unsure if you’re fucking with him. Considering how embarrassed he’d be if this is some joke, or a dream, maybe. “James?” You move closer, and he snaps out of his daze.
“I would.” He averts his eyes to your lips, back to your eyes again to ensure you’re sincere. “Like to kiss you, I mean.” 
You remove the space between you, putting your lips to his and hoping it comes natural like everyone says. It must, because he’s pulling you into his lap, a hint of a whine escaping his throat. You grin, flushing at his eagerness. He squeezes your sides harder, a warning. 
“Stop it.”  He continues past your jaw, down your neck, hearts thrumming with excitement and uncertainty. He tilts your head with his thumb, grinning when he nips at your skin and you gasp. Pulling back, he surveys his work, kissing you two more times before letting you breath. 
Is that what I’ve been missing out on?” You pant, energy coursing through you and accentuating your buzz tenfold.
“Up to expectations?”
“Exceeded, I’m pretty sure.” You blink hard, taking hold of his wrists and moving them so they can slide under the hem of your shirt. You hold them at your waist, a silent sign to keep them there. Though you’re sure he would have anyway. He kisses you again, more intense this time, finally allowing all the pent up tension between the two of you release. 
James, against every fiber of being in his body, pulls you away from him. Both breathing hard to collect yourselves. “While I’d really, really like to keep this up.” He starts, trying not to reconsider when your perfume envelopes his senses. “I’d like to take you out for dinner first. If you’ll let me.”
“Are you asking me on a date, Potter?” You whisper, teasing him as if it’s the hottest gossip to reach Hogwarts. 
“Are you gonna say yes, pretty girl? Or leave me hanging?” You nod, and James throws his head back against the cushions, absolutely relieved. 
You blink awake, fire still burning brightly after being charmed by Lilly earlier in the evening. In the midst of you and James conversation, filled with recalling old times, plans for the rest of the summer, and a lot more alcohol, you both fell asleep. James’ jumper covers your frame, while the boy lays on the other side with only a sweater to keep warm. 
“Prongs.” You nudge him, wincing when he groans. “It’s too cold, let’s go in.”
“Too tired,” he croaks, voice riddled with sleep, “too drunk. Come over on this side.” He rolls on his back, groaning again when the world spins with him. 
“What, like...Next to you?”
“No, curled up on the floor like a cat.” Your brows furrow at his sassiness, fighting a smile as you crawl over. Muttering a half-assed apology when you nearly knee his groin. 
Hesitantly, you place a head on his chest, letting him grab you under one knee and pulling it up so you leg rests over his abdomen. Immediately, he releases a deep breath, fully relaxed. Your body, though, tingles with that same electricity from before, keeping you awake. 
“Sleep.” He orders, nudging the back of your head with his shoulder, eyes closed but somehow aware.
“Is this alright?” He blinks awake, afraid he’s made you uncomfortable. 
“Good, this is good.” You reassure, pulling on his jumper so it covers both of you. He pushes your arm away, tugging on the fabric and covering only you again, stern in his actions. 
“Close your eyes. I need us both to sleep this alcohol off so I can kiss you again.”
“Who says I’ll let you, Potter?”
“I may have been your first kiss, but I’m also aiming to be your last. So please, Dove, shut up and sleep” You’re speechless, he’s stunned you with his confession and simultaneous attitude. 
“I hate you.”
“I seriously doubt that.” There’s a smile on his face, you can hear it in his grumbling voice. Wordlessly, he moves the arm that’s under you so he can stroke your cheek, eyebrows, and jaw with the hook of his finger. Knowing the gentle touch will send you off to sleep. And it does, because you don’t wake again until morning. 
“Rise and shine, love birds. If you want to hoot with the owls, you’ve got to fly with the eagles.” Sirius chimes, a click of a camera sounding out after he speaks.
“Any louder, Pads, and I’ll break your jaw.” James covers your ears, shielding you from your friends shrill laughter with an intense glare. His head pounds something awful, and he’s pretty sure he’s never been this hungover in his entire life. He remembers every second, though, memories of last night bringing a dopey smile to his face. Despite the alcohols consequences. 
“Hey.” He nudges your arm, ignoring the gawking of his friends through the glass sliding door as he wakes you. You yawn, stretching atop him and regaining sense of your surroundings. 
“Are we supposed to be spinning?” James rolls his eyes, much too fond of you for his own good. 
“We have to get up, theres breakfast.”
“I can’t eat a single thing right now.”
“Yes you can,” he pushes you again, sighing in feigned annoyance when you rub your face into his shirt. Shielding the morning light from your eyes. In one swift movement, he sits you both up and hurls you over his shoulder, ignoring your squirms of protest with an obnoxious yawn. He sets you down at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, grumbling a hello to your astonished group of friends. You’re too hungover to feel embarrassed, smiling a thank you to Remus when he slides his glass of orange juice toward you, Sirius’ sunglasses over his eyes. 
“Gimme those,” you plead, extending an arm that’s quickly swatted away.
“Get your own,” he whines, “I let you have my juice.” You accept this, nursing the glass as though it’ll save your life. 
“Late night?” Lilly teases, putting a plate of food in front of you and James. You both groan, but offer your gratitude for breakfast anyway. 
“Figured you would have at least made it inside.” Marlene chastises, amused with your zombie-like states. You frown when James finishes what’s left in your glass, watching as he leans across the counter to grab the carton and refills it. Sirius places a steaming cup of tea in front of you and Potter, avoiding your distrusting gaze as he clears his throat to speak. 
He’s awfully cheeky all the sudden, hoisting himself onto the counter with his signature mischievous grin. “Never have I ever…Had my first kiss?” His voice tilts in questioning at the end, and you’re momentarily displeased with the realization you’ll be spending the rest of the summer with the shit-starting bastard you consider a friend. 
You’re absolutely flushed, curling in on yourself when a chorus of cheers erupts after taking a swift sip from your mug.
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2012wannabe · 1 year
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One Bad Night
cw/tw: I played something that I knew would probably trigger me and then was all surprised pikachu face when it did soooo we have this! Don’t be like me lmao. Reader gets drugged at a party and you can fill in the blanks. Tbh I haven’t drank in so fucking long so if that part is inaccurate we can just ignore.
mid write update: I was like ‘oh I wasn’t triggered that bad’ and decided to finish the game which got 10 times worse and now I want to curl in a ball d*e so um anyway I hate this but if ppl like it I’ll do the second part like I was planning to.
abby x reader, reader is r*ped at a party, date r*pe drug, hurt/comfort, Slight weed usage mention, dr*gging, trauma
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When you told Abby you were going to that party, she couldn’t help the sinking feeling in her chest. She dreaded it and wanted so badly to tell you to stay home. Thinking about it the whole day leading up to the party she wrestled to find a good reason for you not to go.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to go, but I just have a bad feeling. Please stay home with me, please.” Abby pleaded.
“I’ll be fine. I’ll have Ellie and Dina there with me.” You said. That didn’t do much to comfort Abby but your mind was made up.
“Is your phone fully charged along with your portable? Do you have your pepper spray and your taser?” She asked fervently.
“Yes to all of those things. I’ll be back in our bed safe and sound before you know it.” You said kissing her.
“Ellie and Dina are almost here, they’re picking me up. Are you gonna be okay?”
“Forget about me, I’m worried about you,” Abby muttered. You kissed her again and reassured her before walking out the door. Still, she felt unsettled and sat awake awaiting your return. She tried to calm her nerves, but nothing would do. You could do everything right and and still fall victim to the wrong person. The clock ticked on, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2 before Abby’s phone buzzed startling her. She anxiously responded, assuming the worst.
You had texted from the party, stumbling and your hands shaking. You had to strain to remember how you found yourself in a bed in one of the bedrooms that were on the second floor.
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Her heart sunk into her chest, shattering like glass. She could kick herself. Abby wasted no time jumping in the car and speeding off to the party you left to. All the while you could barely follow the conversation as a bubble of panic started to form in your chest.
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Her whole body shook as she voiced her texts into her phone microphone. She should have never let you go to that party, she chastised herself. Abby tried to push it down, knowing that you did indeed do everything quote unquote right. You frequented these parties and were familiar with all the people. You had your drink cover and an assortment of weapons. You were always with your friends. She could almost feel tears bubbling in her eyes from her worry about you, hoping that nothig actually happened and she was just thinking about the worst case scenario. She typed out another question, waiting for your answer.
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She tried calling you to no avail. Your phone rang and rang but you lost your battle to sleep. She tried Ellie and Dina with unfortunately similar results, Texting them frantically asking where you were.Abby pulled into a spot on the side of the road and very anxiously ran up to the house, letting herself in.
Checking each and every room, Abby’s panic escalated. To her relief in the room at the very end of the hallway, you laid asleep in the big queen sized bed. She rushed in, slipping your phone in her pocket and sitting down next you.
“Hey baby, how are you doing? You scared me a bit.” She said, tucking your hair behind your ear. You awoke slowly and gave her a big smile.
“Abs!” You said,
“You’re here.”
“Did you doubt I would be?”
“Never. Not for a moment.” Your speech was still a bit slurred and there was still a pain in your thighs.
“C’mon, let’s go.” Abby said as picked you up and put you on your feet as if you weighed nothing.
“My strong girl,” you muttered. You gave Abby your things and she helped you back down the hall and out the door, both of you momentarily forgetting the implication of what actually happened to you. You were okay now, at least physically. She lifted you into the passenger seat of her car but when you sat down you couldn’t help but grimace.
“What’s up?” Abby asked.
“Just hurts.” Her heart sank again for what seemed like the millionth time that night.
“Can you show me where it hurts?” You put your hands on your upper thighs and into the space between your legs. Fuck. Shit. Fucking shit.
“You know what, let’s just get home and we can deal with that later ok.” Abby’s heart raced as she got into the drivers seat. She gave you some water she brought and your favorite kind of granola bar. As for you, your mind was just blank. You just stared out the window, not really thinking anything. Just silence echoing in your ears as you ate. In the years to come you would forget most of the details of the night, that morning feeling so far way. Abby tightened her grip on your hand and leaned over to kiss your forehead.
“I love you so fucking much. I can’t tell you how terrified I was that something had happened to you, that I had lost you somehow.” Abby whispered. Tears welled up in your eyes and you scrunched your face, turning away. You gripped Abby’s hand back and couldn’t help but just cry. You were so overwhelmed you didn’t know to feel just speechless, blank. She put her arm around you, pulling you in for a hug as you just all of a sudden felt your world crashing down. You cried and let out a particularly loud sob into her shoulder as she held onto you. Your phone rang, your ringtone cutting into the tense air.
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You pulled away, wiped your tears and took a breath,
“Hey els.” Your voice still shook. Sounds of the party still blasted in the background,
“I just got your text and wanted to check up on you. Did Abby pick you up yet?”
“Yeah.” A pause.
“You sound off, what’s wrong?”
“I’m fine.” You lied, not wanting to explain everything the events of the night.
“No you’re not. What’s up?” Ellie asked more sternly.
“I’m good.” You said firmly.
“I just don’t want to talk about it right now. All you need to know is that I’m good.” Hesitating slightly, she agreed.
“Is Dina with you?” You asked.
“Yeah, yeah. She’s right here.” She said, Dina’s slurring voice echoing in the background.
“Okay, okay. I’ll call you tomorrow, all right?”
“Okay, get home safe!” The call ended and silence shot through the air. You looked at Abby again and neither of you said anything. For near the rest of the night, you both operated in silence. Abby drive you home, got you out of the car, you both went upstairs and started to get ready for bed. It wasn’t until you had to sit down on the toilet that it felt that all of a sudden your brain turned on again and pain flared through your inner thighs and crotch area. You let out a cry and just started to cry again with your pants still down around your ankles.
“Babe?” Abby said, immediately tending you you. Tears started flowing again and you let your body fall forward, hugging your knees. Abby extended her hand out gripping yours. You used her hand to pull yourself up so that you were standing half nude in front of her with your bruising on full display.
“I don’t…I don’t remember this. I obviously know it happened, but I just sat down to smoke a joint outside on the upstairs balcony and then I was groggy in the bed.” You said. The only thing you could focus on was the salty taste of your own tears that had wet your cheeks and Abby’s every tight grip on your hand. She let a few tears fly too, turning around to briefly wipe her face in attempt to stay strong for you.
“Okay. I appreciate you telling me baby. Is there anything else you want to tell me?” You nodded no in response and held your arms out toward her. She took you in her arms graciously, hugging you tight.
“Is there anything I can do for you? I can get you ice for the bruises and some water.”
“Jus’ want to go back to sleep.”
“Okay, ok.” Abby muttered, bringing you to bed. She put a pair of her own basketball shorts on you with ice packs tucked in the front in addition to your favorite hoodie of hers that you always stole. Your water bottle was sat on the night stand, filled with water and ice, ready for you. When everything was done Abby crawled next you in bed, wrapping her strong arms around you. You calmed for just a moment before muttering to yourself,
“He must have did it wrong.”
“He must have did it wrong.” You said louder and clearer. There was a pause.
“Whoever did that to me must have drugged me. I took a shot right before I went up to go smoke which must have been where it happened considering I don’t remember anything after actually smoking. But something went wrong apparently because I was at most half asleep.”
“But you don’t remember the act?”
“No.” Abby swallowed thinking about that. It was probably better that you blocked out the event. The bruising patterns on your body told a clear story and her heart was absolutely broken thinking about what had to say next. It felt like she had cotton in her mouth, trying to to spit it out.
“So, for at least a moment we can’t dance around this. You were raped right?” Abby asked, sucking in a breath. You sighed.
“Yes. I can tell that much. It’s kind of coming back to me.
“Okay.” Abby said carefully.
“How would you feel about getting a rape kit done? You don’t have to, but I think it would be a good idea so that you have all that information should you decide to say something in the future.”
“Only if you come with me.” You said in a low voice, cuddling your body into hers and your face into her neck. Abby’s heart hurt as she said,
“Of course. Of course. We’ll go first thing in the morning.”
“Okay, Abs.” You took another deep breath and let your fatigue take over, lulling you to sleep.
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pixeldistractions · 14 days
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On dry ground, Johanna dripped with mud. “No, you can’t keep the frog,” Maria decided. So Johanna let him loose back into the river. But that didn’t concern her much, because she quickly found a stray chicken wandering down the path. It must have wandered away from some local farm. Maria grimaced, but she was trying to ditch her habit of saying “no” to everything all the time. “Be careful, it might bite.”
Maria shook her head. “She’s a mess.”
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Jordan shrugged. “Eh. Clothes are supposed to get dirty. It means you lived in them.”
Maria liked that. It felt refreshing. “I hope she doesn’t wear you out. You’re so good with her, but it’s been a while since you lived with a four-year-old.”
“But when I did, I lived with two of them.”
“Fair point.” She nodded. “I guess that’s why you’re so good at this.”
The playful grin washed straight off his face, the levity of the day dispersed, and he looked shook. Then he tried to hide all of that behind a shattered smile, but she knew it was forced. “Eh, I don’t know about that.”
She hadn’t meant to cause a short circuit in his brain over what seemed like such a basic compliment. She didn’t know what he was thinking specifically, but you didn’t need to be a mind reader to know that he missed his boys terribly.
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“It’s not your fault,” she said.
“It’s kind of exactly my fault I’m here and they’re not.”
“But not all your fault. Not all of it.”
“I mean, I knew she would make it hard, but I didn’t think she’d make it impossible. I should have known. I’ve known that woman for ten years. But I hoped. I was stupid.”
“You’re not stupid.”
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She rested her cheek on his shoulder. She didn’t know what to say, and she didn’t know how to make it better. He seemed so full of regrets, and her being here didn’t fix it. Johanna being here certainly didn’t fix it. Did it make it worse? Maria feared knowing the answer to that question.
And she suspected there was a lot she didn’t know about his ten years with Colette, because there was still so much he didn’t tell her. She hoped he knew he could trust her deeply, but he still didn’t tell her everything. He still had these moments of panic and desperation at war inside him, and he sank into that deep well of quiet where she couldn’t reach him. Please talk to me, she wished.
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But he said, “She’s getting too rowdy with that chicken. She’s gonna get bit.”
Maria sighed.
So they went to retrieve Johanna from the chicken she had tortured to madness in the road.
— from “boxes and squares #5.1: live the fairytale (6/10)
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previously: he promised the boys adventures, too // Colette isn’t playing nice
Next -> // 5.1 start // index
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Hi Cal!!! Lol I’m submitting later than I usually would but dw I’m here with lots of emojis! 😝 I hope the competitions went well!! Your dogs are so adorable please tell them I said “hi hi hi!!” with lots of pats and smooches!
Already so pumped for the new stories! I think I’m gonna vary my submission order this time - I’m finding a theme for the pair of emojis in each ask. First up is the supernatural stories!
🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟 (this story is still everything to me! I can’t wait for when they come back from their road trip and buck is ride or die for eddie and the rest of the 118 is kinda lost :p in every world BuckAndEddie are a bit much so why should an apocalypse be any different?)
➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ (i have questions! I want answers! I’m ready for buck to bust them out of there and to find out why eddie is being both wonderfully sweet and sketchily weird)
- PCA <3
Thanks! The dogs did great! All passes, and three new titles across between the two of them
75 for 🧟 (THANKS! Excited to share my plans. I may not hit 75 though because I'm almost done the chapter. We shall see.)
It happens before the sun is even up. It’s not the full dark of nighttime, but not quite dawn. Eddie has finally managed a few hours of sleep on the couch. That is, until he is rudely awoken by a loud clattering outside the house. 
His first two thoughts, as he snaps from dream to reality, are Buck and raccoons. The first thought is proven wrong when Buck immediately calls Eddie from the bedroom, asking if the noise is him. So not Buck. And, when he hears another loud clatter, and a muffled curse, he realizes it’s raccoons either. Or zombies.
So, Eddie doesn’t really think. He doesn’t wait for Buck. He grabs his weapon, and he rushes outside. It’s hard to see, but Eddie is immediately greeted by the dark silhouetted of two living, un-zombified people messing around with his truck. They’ve got the hood open, they’ve jacked up the wheels, siphoned the gas… Everything… . 
He doesn’t think. He aims at the thieves, and shoots. 
“Oh, fuck,” he hears Buck hiss behind him. 
Even in the dark, Eddie’s aim proves true. It hits one of the thieves, though probably not fatally. The man shouts in agony and falls backward. The other thief grabs something from under the hood and takes off running. 
“Fuck,” Buck says again. 
The person Eddie shot scrambles back to his feet, cradling his arm. He takes off running in the direction of his co-conspirator. He knocks over a gas canister as he runs, spilling fuel all over the driveway. 
“DON’T COME BACK!” Eddie shouts after them. It feels sort of redundant after the whole gunshot bit, honestly. 
Buck shoves past Eddie to go pick up the canister, trying to save as much gasoline as he can. Eddie stands uselessly for a moment, hands shaking a little. Not from the danger. Eddie is used to the danger. But to the… Well, the fucking catastrophe of it all. Another stupid, horrible thing to happen because of Eddie’s fruitless mission to find Shannon. Now his truck is ruined. And… And he dragged Buck into all of it.  
Yeah not quite 75 but all I can do for you right now.
75 for ➰ (Wonderfully sweet and sketchily weird is exactly right!):
Tagging @steadfastsaturnsrings
“It’s okay!” Buck scrambles to appease him. “It’s fine, Eddie. We can still make it for dinner on time.”
They’ll go to the seafood place, sit inside, and die of carbon monoxide poisoning or whatever it is. No need to panic. No need to assume disaster will strike. 
“What does a broken kayak rack have to do with dinner?” Chris asks. 
“Nothing,” Eddie mumbles. “Nothing at all.”
“Beach or pool?” Buck asks when they walk back to the Jeep.
Eddie still looks flattened. Like he’s waiting for the worst to happen. Which is weird. Because the day Buck jumped out of the way of the kayak, he’d been pretty understanding. Why is today different?
“Doesn’t matter to me,” Eddie replies, somewhat weakly. He almost seems dejected. Like, okay. Can’t we be glad Buck wasn’t smacked in the head? Just for a second? 
“Well, what’s easier?” Buck asks. “In the worst case scenario.”
Eddie sighs. “Pool. Less work for first responders. And, uh, me.”
Right. Getting down to the beach. The sand. The water. That makes sense. 
“Pool it is,” Buck replies. 
“You guys don’t make any sense,” Chris sighs. “You’re being extra weird today.” 
“Sorry, Chris,” Eddie mumbles. 
“Yeah, sorry, bud,” Buck adds. “You don’t mind an afternoon at the pool, do you?” 
“Nope,” Chris says. “I’m okay with the pool. We have beaches in L.A.”
It kind of ends up being like the day Buck hit his head on the rocks. Chris and Buck swim in the pool and have fun, and Eddie seems somewhat distant. Not quite as bad as that day, but it does feel like he’s hanging back and not participating. The difference, this time, is that Buck is aware of what’s happening. He knows Eddie is waiting for something bad to happen to one of them. He just doesn’t understand what makes this go-around different for Eddie. 
“What’s wrong?” Buck asks him, sitting beside him on a reclining pool chair. He’s brought them both a fresh beer.
“You know what’s wrong,” Eddie whispers. He takes a sip of his beer. A long sip. “We messed up the day. Something worse is coming.”
“Okay, but you didn’t act like this last time I screwed up,” Buck reminds him. 
“That was different,” Eddie mumbles. 
“How?” Buck asks. “It’s kind of the exact same, actually. Other than the fact that I didn’t accept drugs from Rachel.”
Who passed him by without offering, thankfully. She’s sitting across the pool deck, begging her kids not to run so close to the edge of the water, rubbing sunscreen into her husband’s very hairy back. Buck has avoided looking at her as much as possible. Eddie has thrown her unpleasant glances, which feels a little too far. She doesn’t know she killed Buck.
Eddie sighs. “It just is, Buck. Okay?”
“Why?” Buck asks. “Because we both messed up this morning and not just me?”
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littlebluespoon · 9 months
Fork In The Road ~ Choices Ch 2
Here it is! Chapter 2! Apologies for the wait on this one, it was really taking a lot. I wanted to really make Johnny darker and more manipulative in this chapter so I hope it comes across.
AO3 Link
TW: 18+ MDNI, abuse, obsessive behaviour, manipulation, cold showers, punishments, chains, restraints, force feeding
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It was hard to tell how much time had passed. The room you were in had no windows, the only light source was a ceiling lamp that had been turned out after Johnny had left the room which mean there was no reason for you to stumble around trying to find the switch. But you tried anyway, bumping into walls and tripping over raised floorboards. Your hands scrambling in the dark to find something, anything to touch, to hold onto and ground yourself with so that the feeling of falling through an abyss would dissipate. But it was not to be. You sat in that room, falling into anxious despair with your arms hugged tightly around you just so you had something to feel. It could have been hours, could have been days or it could have only been minutes and you would have never known.
The bright light startles you, burns your eyes and as you’re distracted by it the sound of the locks goes unnoticed by your ears. However the whistle that comes next doesn’t,
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes lass?” He stands in the doorway, surrounded by the light in a mockery of a halo, carrying a bowl in one hand and chains in the other. Your choices. You were out of time. The choice had to be made now,
“Johnny? I’m sorry, I- I shoulda asked fir-first about the book” you choked back a few sobs and held back the flood of anxiety driven ‘what if’ scenarios your mind had dreamed up in the dark
“Hey, hey, did nae worry about tha’ lass,” he croons, leaving the chains by the door and coming to a crouch in front of you, “Here, let’s get you settled first eh?” He reaches his hand out towards you and smiles softly when you hesitantly extend a hand towards his.
“There we go, that wisnae hard, was it?” He sits next to you as if you were a scared puppy that he was trying to coax out of a corner. He doesn’t offer you the bowl though, instead he scoops some food onto a spoon and offers that to you, “I ken I’m no the best chef but I can manage some cereal,” when you reach a hand towards the spoon he pulls it back, “Ah, ah.” He chastises you and waits until you lower your hand before offering you the spoonful again.
You suffer through being fed like a toddler in silence. It’s a decision that comes mostly from confusion as you expected him to be angrier. He was practically frothing at the mouth as he chased you through the woods yet he seems content sitting here with you. Of course he doesn’t miss the way your eyes stare at the chains that had been left by the door. The fear in you not quite able to be forgotten due to their threatening presence, 
“Did nae worry, they’re jus’ incase ye dinnae want tae eat. Finish up and we can get tae chatting.” 
The last few mouthfuls of cereal taste like ash because you don’t know whats coming next.
The empty bowl gets tossed to the side, banging against the wall. You flinch from the noise and Johnny rushes to comfort you, engulfing you in his arms as you feel the heat that radiates from him,
“Sorry Bonnie, didnae mean tae scare ye,” He’s soft as he tucks you into his chest, his chin resting on your head, “It’s alright now. Yer gonna be good for me, aren’t you Bonnie? Ma good little wife, can come home to ye in ma bed and not in that daft wee hut that’s fallin’ apart.” He whispers the words in your ear, holding you as if you might disappear at any moment.
Slowly, the heat from his body warms yours. Your legs regaining feeling last, though you wish they hadn’t. In your panic you had run several miles through the forest and your muscles were suffering from it as well as the soles of your feet. They’d been cut to shreds on the forest floor and the cold was the only reason you hadn’t felt it until now. 
Johnny had dismissed your small whines of pain assuming you were protesting about his hold on you so you found what voice you did have to get his attention,
“J-Johnny?” he watches as you pause to turn in his arms and look up at him almost in disbelief, “How?” you had whispered the word. Almost like you didn’t want to say it but you were staring at man who had turned into a wolf. You had watched him do it. Several times. While the supernatural was something you were used to reading about, after all it was what paid your bills, it was something you never expected to witness. It was fiction, something to fuel the darkest fantasies you kept locked away in your mind. It wasn’t real. Except it was and Johnny was living proof of that. 
“You’d be surprised at whats real Bonnie. Come on,” he lifts you into his arms, one arm under your legs and the other supporting your back, “Let’s get ye cleaned up huh?”
Out the room. Up the stairs. Front door. By pass it. Up more stairs. Two flights. Four closed doors. Bathroom. 
You had never actually been in Johnny’s farmhouse. He always came to your little hut, as he called it, usually on his way in or out of the gates as your house was set just aways from them. Said it made more sense for him to come to you but it meant you’d only seen the large house a few times and had never seen the inside. It wasn’t as you imagined.
A military man his whole life, you expected minimalism. Very few comforts or possessions but from the small glimpses you caught on your way through, it was anything but. Definitely farmyard but all the wood was stained darker so it felt like a winters cabin. The décor a navy blue with grey accents and a large fireplace filled with photos. Considering how little he was in it, it felt lived in and looked like a home, not a house.
The bathroom was bright in comparison. White tiles with black grout and silver chrome fittings. Everything in the room reflected the bright LED lights and left you squinting your eyes as Johnny placed you on the counter surrounding the sink and turned his attention to the massive sunken in to the ground bathtub that took up most of the space. Large enough to fit four, the tub was more spa jacuzzi than bathtub with its jets and benches. As Johnny got the water running he took to smelling different products he had, 
“Wanted to get you what ye usually use but ah figured if ye smelt like me, ah wouldnae be as jumpy.” You could smell the apple scent from across the room, it was crisp and sweet, exactly what Johnny smelt like whenever you got close enough to catch a hint.
“Lets get ye outta those dirty clothes shall we?” he pulls at the bottom of your top and clicks his tongue in displeasure when you don’t move with him, “Come oan, arms up now. Lets not make this difficult eh?” He waits a moment, letting you decide and when you don’t choose, he makes the decision for you,
“Fine then. If that’s how you want to do it,” he gets his hands under your legs and hoists you up, holding you close to his chest.
“This coulda been nice for ye, relaxing even. I want ye tae remember that ye chose this.” He wasn’t walking towards the bath and it wasn’t until you were in it that you saw the shower. Four glass walls, with a door that opened outwards. A door that Johnny was holding closed,
“We could have had a nice day, you could have been warm and fed and I could have eased ye into this. I need ye to understand that you chose exactly how this goes.” 
The cold takes your breath away. The water hitting the top of your head with such force that you can’t keep it up. You reach for the door but it won’t move, held closed by Johnny’s bodyweight, so you’re forced to endure the freezing cascade of water. You watch the water turn a murky brown and flow down the drain, your lungs just gulping air in short bursts as black tendrils swirl in your vision. It feels like it goes on forever but as quick as it started, the torrent stops and you’re left shivering in the cubicle as Johnny uses his foot to keep the door closed while reaching for a towel,
“Ye gonna make good choices now Bonnie?” He waits for your small nod, although it was probably more shivering than nod, before he opens the door, “Lets get ye outta they wet clothes now.” 
He reaches for your t-shirt and this time you comply, more concerned about hypothermia than Johnny seeing you naked, raising your arms and letting him pull it off. You manage to disguise a flinch as more shivers when he reaches for the button on your jeans, stepping out of them when he taps the back of your calves,
“There we are,” He croons as he wraps the large, warm towel around you like someone would a child, “Lets get ye dry and warm now.”  You follow as he guides you to a bedroom at the end of the hall. 
The cold keeps you distracted as Johnny flits about, drying you with the towel, dressing you in a cotton nightgown and sitting you down at a large vanity. You look at the large mirror in front of you but you don’t see. The exhaustion hits you hard, your eyes closing as Johnny takes his time brushing through and drying your hair,
“I know, we’ll get tae bed soon lass but I don’t want ye catching a chill.” He methodically sections and dries your hair, taking more care than you ever have to ensure its dry and knot free. Every time the brush snags at a knot he runs a hand over your scalp and places a kiss atop your head in a silent apology for hurting you. 
His actions were confusing and in the pits of exhaustion you couldn’t make sense of anything, choosing to sit silently as he worked. You could hear him muttering away behind you, counting every pass he does with the brush and once he reaches 100 he picks up another section and starts again.
“Gotta get all these knots out luvie, dinnae wanna have te shave ye now,” he jests throwing you a wink through the mirror, “Once we’re done here ye can go tae bed, awright?” He stops and stares at you as if waiting for an answer but when none comes he resumes brushing your hair, hitting your head with the brush a little harder than he had been and you can’t hear him counting anymore.
The hair brush gets set on the vanity and you get another kiss right on the top of your head, this one longer than the others had been and Johnny rests his cheek on your head too, looking at you through the mirror,
“Yer beautiful lass, ye do ken that right? Ah just wanna eat ye up.” Another quick kiss to the top of your head and he’s pulling you up and towards the bed. Johnny directs you into the bed and pulls back the covers, exposing the soft sheets and a chain. 
Just in case Johnny reassures you as he clamps the cuff around your ankle and secures it. So you’re warm enough he tells you as he tucks the hot water bottle in beside you. So you’re not scared he says when he turns on the small plug in lamp. So you know you’re loved he explains as he tucks the covers around you and kisses your lips.
“Get a good rest and hopefully in the morning ye can make some better choices luvie. Night night, sleep tight and dinnae let the bed bugs bite.” He sings as he turns out the light and closes the door behind him. The sound of an electronic door lock chiming echoes in the room. You’re frozen in the bed, not willing to make a sound in case it brings him back in but not willing to sleep in case he sneaks back in.
The only option you have is to lie there. Thinking about the choices that got you here and the choices that lay before you. Contemplating every option, using a pillow to smother the sobs that come with the panic attacks when you think about the worst options and daydreaming about the best ones. Praying that the choices you make keep you alive until you can see a way out. Johnny never sticks around for long after all.
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pokidot · 10 months
MANDELA — twelve
wc: 1,473
“Get in. This is the last time I ever waste my time for some rando.”
Kuni was the first to exit the convenience store. He opened his vehicle door with a force strong enough that the rest of them were surprised it didn't fly off the handles.
You aided in his tyrant wake of destruction by pushing and nudging Hu Tao towards the door, leaving her to fervently panic. "Look, I can't say it out in public, alright?! This is a secret operation, and you're seriously going to blow my cover—”
"Cover? That's what you're worried about, a cover?" Kuni scoffed, "Your cover was to no avail once you got your tears and snot on my very expensive car."
"Did you have to add that it was very expensive?" You said, looking away with half-lidded eyes.
She strode mighty out of the convenience store, the welcoming beacon of neon lights clashing with the sunlight rising. "I can't believe you're the one triggered, I had to almost dig my eyes out with a spoon."
"Oh, we're complaining now? You can stay here, if you'd like. I'm sure you'll love scraping maggots off the floor in the back." But as the silence made emphasis, he grinned.
Hu Tao gasped, holding her manicured fingers towards her lips, her reddened eyes in slight fear. “Are you implying there’s dead bodies in there right now?”
“I’m implying that it’s an extremely unsanitary condition that only a rat would think to be around.” He replied. “Oh wait, I see some similarities now.”
"Okay, can we relax?"
Hu Tao gasped, backing up. "You used your hairspray-nuclear...practice missile thing on the wrong person, buddy. I feel like your dog is ten seconds away from turning me into a chew toy."
"You are really suspicious." You shrugged.
"I'm not!"
"Yeah, you are~ You little sussy-wussy, you." You said while poking at her cheek, swaying your shoulders humorously. “Just get in the car, he’s not gonna bite you. I am!”
You nudged the girl’s shoulder again, closer and closer towards the inside of the car, shutting the door behind her and looking towards Kuni again. Your eyebrows raised.
You knew he knew about suspicion, but in your eyes, suspicion was looking back at you too. “Stop scarin’ our livestock, Johnny. We ain’t gonna have none left.” You said to him in a country accent.
He shouldn't have been seething, but something about Hu Tao’s general disposition irked him. “She’s a creep. If you were alone I wouldn’t be surprised if she sold you to the Fatui.”
“I know, but we gotta lay low!” You threw your hands up. “We can’t just be outing our business to the entire wild west! You think word don’t spread around these parts?” You said while motioning towards the vast land of nothing besides the road and the tumbleweeds in the distance.
"Stop doing that voice. And don’t talk to me like I’m stupid.” Kuni’s eyes moved back towards the rest of the group. “We can’t afford to take chances when we have a pack of idiots with us.”
“Spoken as if I didn’t collaborate the pack of idiots.” You stuck your tongue out sarcastically. “If we’re really talking, I can’t afford anything.”
You drew closer to the rest of the group. “We’re going straight in. Ready?”
“You’re not listening to me.” Kuni’s voice drew out in a louder tone, his annoyance lingering on his tongue. "This is a really bad idea that will get worse, I'm warning you!"
“Damn, for some reason I hear a very annoying ringing! Hope it GETS BACK IN THE CAR SOON.” You responded, ending with a shout, that made Kuni's lip twitch in malcontent.
"...Wow." Kuni scoffed, ultimately listening and retreating back to the drivers seat.
Your head turned back to the group, grin slack on your face. “He’s so happy to be here.”
The group's faces held an air of expectation, but as they all exchanged glances, Heizou's gaze remained fixed. It was like a tapestry unraveled in his brain. "Question," He paused with uncertainty. "We're keeping a hostage with us because...?"
"Okay, chill out." You rolled your eyes. "She can't be a hostage if she attacked me first. Keep up."
"Keep up?!" Heizou's jaw fell slack. "Is your head on right? What if someone is looking for her? We led a paper trail to the rest of us. Then we have blood on our hands, we can't let anybody know we're going into Mori Grove!"
"It'll be fine! This is the best possible outcome." You grinned. "Plus, if I get what I want, we may have further investigation to look into."
"And you're happy?" Aether hesitated. "Like...with the risk?"
"Are you kidding? I'm so happy, I almost forgot I owe the government 500,000 mora." You chortled, the chuckle slowly fading as your face fell. "Almost."
"I thought you said that you weren't in debt?" Kazuha blinked.
There was a sudden tremor in your expression, begging Kazuha not to simmer the burn any further with your pleading eyes. The boy could only nod slowly. "Right...nevermind."
"Oh~ I love when cute people are financially vulnerable." Venti cooed.
"Oh my gosh, not here!" You dramatically replied, making a shooing motion with your hand.
"Well, this was a ridiculously unnecessary amount of time we wasted." Xiao's eyebrow cocked up in disdain. "You better have a good plan."
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The car glided up the winding path heading to a cabin not too far from the village itself. It remained nestled in the ominous thicket of the forest, remaining eerie enough for the fog not to clear from the open acres of land. The road was beginning to close from the leeway, but thanks to Venti’s very convincing (and seductive) reasoning, the patrol let them through.
The headlights, like a piercing cat's eyes, provide fleeting glimpses of the ancient trees as it starts to stop along the pathway. There was something wrong with the atmosphere, and that itself was a reminder to Kuni that his stoic mood was necessary.
He turn the key out of the ignition, his eyes made a small glimpse at the sun that was no longer on the horizon before watching the second car with the others approach the other side of the pathway onto the grassy texture.
There was a noticeable sense of presence that was left, like an unseen spectator watching from the windows, their group unknowing that they were there. But before he was about to mention such, he was snapped out of his focus by Hu Tao's nervous chuckle.
There was an imminent silence amongst the three, before Hu Tao laughed nervously, eyes darting around the area. "Haha, well it's been a blast getting to know all of you within...two-ish? Hours, buuuuttt I really gottaaaa-"
"Shut up. You're not going anywhere." You cut her off, your hand reaching for the car door to open it and get out. "Kuni, watch her. I'll get the equipment."
Hearing a small sound of protest from the former, you grunted and shut the door, having felt your nerves on edge as soon as you got here. The home built out of wood stood tall, intimidating in its nature, being the lonesome home.
You wrapped the band of the camera around your neck, hooking on the gear and shoving the spare lens in your pocket, digging for spare handcuffs while the rest of the group approached you.
"Hold this. Can someone knock on the door? She said she would be here." You asked, putting a wad of paper towels and coins into Aether's hand.
"What are you- oh! okay!" Aether was met with anything he could have expected from you: a pair of handcuffs. "Where did you even get those?"
"Stole 'em."
Aether, looking extremely uncomfortable, gave a small cough. "Just a...heads up for next time would be good, okay?"
"Not kink stuff. This is for her." You motioned your head towards the girl who was coming out of the car, being stalked upon by Kuni, who didn't look too pleased either.
You quickly snapped the cuffs on each hand one at a time, to which Hu Tao's mouth dropped. "Handcuffs. Handcuffs? I think you're taking this way too far."
"Yeah? Should've thought about that when you lied to me."
"What, all because I can't tell you what I was doing?! I'm not trying to sabotage your investigation, I swear!" Hu Tao said in a slightly pleading tone.
"Pull your weight if you want out." You leaned closer to her with a hiss to your tone, causing her to draw back slowly. "You're going to wait until we're finished, and THEN I'll decide if I'm feeling generous enough to uncuff you."
You drew your finger back from her face, stepping back and heading towards the wooden door. Hu Tao was frozen in disbelief, along with Aether who slowly murmured towards her. "They didn't put me up to this, I swear."
Kuni, mildly proud of you as his eyebrows rose in delight, nudged Hu Tao and Aether towards the rest of the group. "Move it.”
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NOTES || hey! if anybody saw the other one... no u didn't ! <3 PLEASE NO UYOU DIDN'T (but if you did then u know smth others dont oh well lol)
TAGLIST: @wisteriarain @akagism2 @murderisokayforme @aeongiies @d4y-dr3am3r @truck-kuns-gf @3lysiaa @ayoitsmarie33 @crucnhice @natsuscrustyscarf @dreamsofminnie @astreaa-express @goj0h @miraculin @xirthia @kylexzz @dollpoetwriting @dreamingkace @strawbxrrytiger @k1an4a @itzblazekun
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rorywritesjunk · 6 months
Let’s be one another’s present tense
Buggy ‘rescues’ you from an abusive situation, and after a less than stellar introduction, he has you audition for his crew to keep you safe. You want safety, security, and joining a circus seems like the best idea.
Rating: R Warning: Communication is a THING for these two. They have to talk shit out because Cupcake has some baggage and Buggy is impulsive and worried. He has concerns. Relationships have bumps in the road. A/N: Still dealing with relationship stuff but there's fluff at the end! Also the word document this is stored in is at page 69. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Title comes from “Crater Lake” by Lady Lamb
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 (NC-17) + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 (NC-17) + Chapter 16 (NC-17) + Chapter 17 TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @neuvilleteismybby @fluffybunnyu @sinning-23 @the-angriest-angel @ane5e @fanshavegottensotoxic @honey-deerling
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Chapter 14
“Wait, what?” 
“I asked if you’d marry me.” Buggy said, looking down at you as your brain tried to catch up to what just happened in the last ten seconds. You had been waiting for him to do something, finger you, fuck you, anything, but proposing marriage was not what you expected. Did he really want to? Would you want to go through that again? “Listen, it won’t be like your last marriage-”
“Damn right it wouldn’t be!” You shot back as you sat up to stare at him in surprise. “Why would you want to get married?!”
“Because people in love do that, babe!” He told you, hoping his words were comforting for you. “I know you were “married” before but it wasn’t out of love, okay, so this will be an actual marriage where we love each other and take care of each other, y’know?” The fact he used finger quotations in his statement didn’t… help. You were baffled at his logic. It was dumb, you didn’t want to get married again after the last time, but… he was trying. Buggy was trying to make the idea of it appealing to you even if you were horrified he even asked.
“What… do you think goes on in a marriage, Buggy?” You asked him. “Huh? Are you gonna make me clean up after you, cook your meals, pop out some kids for you? Because if you’re expecting it, find another bride! I’m not doing any of that!”
“You can’t cook, why would I ask you to cook for me?” Buggy asked with a frown. “And you already do my laundry. This… this just means we’re official, y’know, if we’re married. And… and kids, no, I don’t know, maybe? Not any time soon, y’know.”
“I-I love you, but why do you want this?” You were trying not to panic, thinking what if he married you, grew tired of you when the fun wore off and he decided he was done with you? Would he dump you off on some island where you were a stranger, or would he just keep you around to fuck whenever the two of you were bored? You couldn’t imagine getting married again, even willingly, because you didn’t want to be put in a terrible situation again.
“Because I love you, Cupcake!” Buggy insisted. “Geez, I just… I just don’t want you to get tired of me and leave if I don’t show you that I’m serious about us!”
“You-You think I’m going to leave you, why?!” 
“Because I love you, babe, and-and people leave, okay? And I don’t want you leaving me!”
You stared at him in shock, trying to wonder how or why he started thinking that. Why did he think you would leave him all of a sudden? You’ve been with the circus nine months now, and half of that time was in a relationship with him. You tried to wrap your mind around why he was thinking this but nothing was coming to you.
“Why do you think I’m going to leave you, Buggy?” You tried to keep your voice calm, even  though internally you were freaking out about the idea of marriage, even if it was to Buggy, someone you actually loved. He took care of you, had since you arrived even if your first few interactions didn’t reflect that. Buggy had given you the choice to stay or go, something you hadn’t had before. You had no intention of leaving him.
“Because everyone does.” He stated it so bluntly your heart hurt. Did he think you were just going to up and leave him one of these days?
You covered your face and groaned before dropping them and reaching for him. He let you take his hands in yours as you looked up at him. “Babe, I am not leaving you ever.”
“Shushshhh.” You tugged him down on top of you as you laid back, wrapping your arms around him as you held him against your body. “I’m not. I promise, Buggy, I’m not leaving you. There’s no reason to propose marriage to me if that’s your reason, okay, because… because if I’m marrying you it’s because we both want to and you really want to, not out of some fear you’re gonna be alone.”
He leaned into your touch, wrapping himself around you as you kissed his temple and stroked his hair gently. “Babe, you rescued me and gave me a choice, so you're stuck with me for a while.”
Buggy lifted his head up just a bit. “We’re moving the tent. I didn’t… want you to think about staying behind.”
“And why would you think that?” You sighed as you tried to pull the blankets over the two of you, adding that extra layer of comfort while you held him. “I told you just a second ago that you’re stuck with me.”
“But then someone better could show up and take you away from me, that’s what I don’t want!”
“Where the fuck is this coming from?” You asked as you stared at him in surprise. “Buggy, babe, I’m not gonna do that. Who the hell do you think would waltz into the circus and convince me to leave with them? No one, okay? No one would have done what you did for me, even if you were a little violent about it.”
He let his head thunk against your shoulder as he clung to you. “I don’t want you thinking you can do better.”
You tried to hide your frustration with his sudden change in behavior, hoping you could mask it for concern. You were concerned, yes, but frustrated as well from him being sultry and ready to fuck you to a whining mess in your arms, thinking you were leaving him if he didn’t propose marriage to you. What went through his mind when he asked that? You never wanted to get married in the first place, you didn’t really have a choice in the matter at the time, but now… someone was asking. Someone you loved and cared about, even if he asked at the weirdest moment.
“Ugh, Buggy…” You shut your eyes and counted to five before taking a deep breath. “I’m not saying yes, but I’m not saying no right now, okay? Let’s… let’s wait.”
“Wait, why? Why do you want to wait?” He demanded as he looked up at you. “C’mon, I’d be a good husband!”
“I’m not saying you wouldn’t be, I just- we should wait, okay?” You said as you tightened your arms around him, hoping to keep him in place as you chose your next words carefully. You didn’t want him overreacting anymore. “Let’s… wait until we get to the new place, okay, where the tent’s going up, because if you’re gonna ask me to marry you, I’d rather us not being naked with your fingers knuckle deep inside me.”
Buggy considered that option. It would take a few weeks to get to their new spot which would give him time to come up with a way to propose to you that would have you saying yes immediately. He didn't like you being hesitant, not accepting it right away. 
“Really, let's wait. You're stressing yourself out and I don't want you to ask and… regret it.” You continued as you kissed his forehead. “And not regret it as in asking me, but regret in that you didn't set off fireworks or blow up a town to ask. You want it to be flashy, right? So don't ask when you're about to fuck me.” A pause. “Actually I'd be offended if you didn't do something flashy to propose.”
He sighed and let his head drop against your shoulder as he settled in your arms. It was impulsive to ask, it came from fear of losing you, but to know you wanted him to ask again in a flashier way helped soothe the small rejection. You kissed him on the forehead, his cheeks, lips, and finally his nose. He frowned at that last bit but you just stroked his cheek with your fingertips softly, giving him a smile before kissing him again.
“I love you, babe, but have some patience, okay?”
Buggy nodded and sighed softly. “Fine.”
It was a flurry of activity with the crew to get everything packed up. You couldn’t believe you spent nine months living with a circus on your home island. Did they normally spend this long in one place? It was a little weird to be leaving without acknowledging your parents but they probably assumed you were dead given what happened to the house. It was bittersweet to be leaving but you were ready. 
You helped pack things up to move onto the ship. It took a few days and it was weird only seeing Buggy at breakfast and bedtime. He was busy getting everyone on task, making sure everything was done on time and in the way he wanted it done. Things they needed right away would be loaded last to make it easier to access at their new location. Richie was settled into his little area of the ship with a fresh bed of straw down for his comfort. 
Your clown was exhausted and irritable. The night before you set sail, you thought he needed to relax and you knew he’d fight you on it, be a total brat, but honestly, you wanted him to have a moment where he wasn’t thinking about all the things left to do. You set his favorite snack out on his vanity before getting the tub ready with hot water in it, hoping he’d be tired enough to listen to what you wanted, which was for him to fucking relax for a few minutes before bed.
When he showed up about 15 minutes later, grumbling to himself as he toed his boots off and tossed his hat onto the bed, you stood up and walked over to him. Buggy looked over at you and sighed.
“What now?”
You swatted his arm and helped him out of his coat. “I got you a snack and filled the tub up. I’m ordering you to eat the snack and sit in the tub for no less than 15 minutes.”
“Babe, I’m exhausted.” Buggy shook his head. “Snack, yes. Bath? Fuck no.”
“Buggy.” You batted his hands away before you started to unbutton his vest. “Fifteen minutes in the tub, that’s all. Please?”
“I really want to go to bed.” He whined softly but you looked up at him, eyes widening as you stuck your lower lip out, chin wobbling as you started to fake cry for him. He groaned again and shook his head. He was too tired to fight. He let you undress him before leading him over to the tub first. He needed to relax in the hot water before enjoying his snack.
“We’ll go to bed after you relax for a few minutes.” You told him as you knelt beside the tub and picked up one of the pieces of chocolate you had cut up. It was a mix of fruit and sweets, nothing too exciting, but you wanted him to have something before bed. You hadn’t been seeing him at dinner which made you think he wasn’t eating or he was only grabbing an apple or something as he ran around. You pushed the piece of chocolate out to his mouth and he took it, giving you a tired wink as he ate it.
“You don’t have to do this. I can feed myself.” 
“Yea, but I want to, so shut up and let me stuff your face with some sugar and fruit.” You retorted as you gave him an apple slice next. 
“Rather stuff my face with something else.” He grinned as you rolled your eyes. “I feel like I’ve been neglecting you, babe. I should take care of you next.”
“No, you need rest.” You told him as he took the apple, but not before nipping at your fingertips. “I don’t need you falling apart because you ran yourself to the ground trying to get everything ready. That’s what Cabaji and others are for, you know, to help your ass out so you’re not having to do all the work.”
“Cupcake, babe, I can rest after I take care of you.” Buggy insisted as he grabbed your wrist as you tried to feed him a piece of mango next. He kissed the top of your hand before taking the fruit, making eye contact with you as he chewed it. It wasn’t as sexy as he thought it was. Once he was done, he brought your hand closer to his mouth, taking each of your fingers into his mouth one at a time, sucking and licking the fruit juices off. If anything you were more amused by his actions than turned on. Having your hand slobbered on by your boyfriend wasn’t the highlight of your day.
“Okay, finish the plate, another ten minutes in the tub, and you can fuck me if you’re up for it.” You told him as you pulled your hand back and dipped it into the water to wash his saliva off. “If you keep putting your hand in my mouth I’m going to think you’re going to need more food.”
“I definitely need something.” He winked at you and you flicked some water at him. 
“Uh huh.” You leaned on the edge of the tub and grinned at him. “You’re such a romantic. Just your words have me swooning, Buggy.” 
“As they should!” He replied as you wiped your hand on your pants before handing him another piece of chocolate. He took it, chewing it as he sank a bit further into the tub as he looked at you. He felt a little silly, self conscious even, that you were taking care of him like this. He was the one who wanted to make sure you were taken care of. “You really don’t have to be doing this.”
“I know.” You smiled as you reached over to drag your finger tip along his jawline, the stubble catching along before you pulled your hand back. “But I want to because I love you, Buggy.” You picked up another apple slice for him and held it out to him. “And you take good care of me and I wanna make sure you’re taken care of.”
He took the apple slice and  looked away, hoping you thought his red cheeks were from the heat of the water and not from your words. He chewed it slowly, occasionally glancing over at you, before he swallowed and nodded, muttering, “Thanks, babe.” 
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lunajay33 · 6 months
Just Us🩶Part.5
Summary: In a world full of walkers y/n was able to escape with her best friend, but maybe that friendship turns into something more
Pairing: Carl Grimes x f!reader
A/n: This story starts when the group is on the road after Terminus but I’m gonna make y/n and Carl 18 just to speed along the story!! This is also my first Carl Grimes series! This story includes 18+ scenes, pregnancy and more
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After finding out I was pregnant yesterday I’ve been nothing but uneasy and a sense of panic, Carl on the other hand was rainbows and sunshine, last night he feel asleep with his head on my hip talking to my belly it was cute but that’s not where my head state was at
I was up in bed as Carl was out helping around the community as it was later in the day around noon, Carl had brought us breakfast in bed saying I should rest but I was glad because I didn’t have the motivation or mental energy to get up and face the others
There was a knock on my door and in came Daryl closing the door behind him as he leaned against it
“Hey, ya doin alright” he asked with his gruff voice
“I don’t know, I’m just worried but Carl is so excited, I’m scared I won’t be a good mother or that I won’t even be able to be a mother” I said as the panic grew stronger
He crossed the room and sat next to me
“Hey yer gonna be fine, I’m scared too but we’re safe now and I ain’t gonna let nothin happen to ya”
“Thanks Daryl” I said leaning my head on his shoulder
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I was sitting on the porch as the sun was lowering in the sky, a plate of strawberries in my lap that Daryl got me before he left on a run, our little talk earlier had calmed my nerves a bit and now I just wanted to see Carl now
As if my thoughts were heard he rounded the street and once he saw me picked up his pace soon sitting right next to me
“Hey baby I missed you today” he said wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me close and kissing my cheek
“I missed you too, what did you do today?” I asked looking at the bag he had in his hand
“Oh Maggie and I were cleaning up one of the houses and we found some things” he opened the bag pulling out a pink and blue stripped baby onesie, some baby bottles, a little yellow beanie and another onesie that matched
“Oh Carl I love them, they’re so cute, I love you Carl and this baby is so lucky to have you as their dad” I said taking his jaw and pulling him into a passionate kiss feeling my hormones work up again
“Woah baby calm down I don’t know if we should go there just yet, not until we know it’s safe from Denise” he said brushing my hair back
“Ugh fine but before that we need to come clean to Rick and Michonne I can’t keep this in much longer, maybe have Maggie and Glenn there too”
“Maggie said her and Glenn are coming over tonight for supper seems like the best time plus we will have Daryl there to help if dad gets crazy”
“Ya well let’s hope it doesn’t get to that”
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Everyone was home now as we all worked on setting up the table, mixing the salad, Rick cooking steak from a cow we found, just waiting on Glenn and Maggie to walk through the door
“Hey you ready” Carl asked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind
“Yes as long as I have you by my side” he leaned my head back and gave me a gentle kiss when we heard the front door open and in they came
We all settled at the table, Rick at the head Michonne at the other, Carl was sat next to me with Daryl across from us, Maggie next to Carl and Glenn next to Daryl, we picked up our food and started eating when I felt Daryl nudge my leg under the table leaning his head towards Rick
I set my fork down and held carls hand as I cleared my throat catching everyone attention
“So ummmm…..me and Carl have something to tell you all” I said feeling my heart pound looking at Carl for him to continue for me
“We only found out yesterday and we know we’re young but, y/ns pregnant” the room was eerily quiet nobody said a thing and just looked at us except for Daryl
Rick dropped his fork hearing it cling against his plate
“Are you kidding me, what did I tell you both” he said with anger in his voice
“I’m sorry we didn’t mean to it just kind of…..happened”
“This is your fault y/n Carl was fine before you got together and now we’re gonna have to deal another baby and you might not even be there to help” my heart sank as he said all my fears
“Rick that’s enough” Michonne glared as Daryl was also
“We know it’s not ideal but I’m happy to have a baby with the girl I love most in this world” Carl said as he wiped my tears away that I didn’t even know had fallen
“I’m sorry” I said getting up and going down to my room
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Carls POV
“Come on dad why would you be so hard on her it’s not her fault and we aren’t kids” I said feeling extremely angry and protective
“Rick she’s scared and you just confirmed her fears, she needs us, she ain’t got parents we’re all she’s got” Daryl said moving food around on his plate
Dad got up and left out the front door Michonne following quickly after him
“Congrats Carl, you’re going to be a great dad” Maggie said smiling from next to me
“Thanks Maggie”
“The best thing you can do for her is support her we know how much you both love eachother and it’s crazy to see you both grow having watch you be kids together but this kids gonna have the best parents” Glenn said lightening my mood
“Plus a baby between you and her it’s gonna be adorable” Maggie giggled obviously excited for us
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Normal POV
I laid on the bed feeling my heart shrivel and the tears fall quickly
“Oh baby please don’t cry” I jumped sitting up not realizing Carl came in
“He’s right Carl I thought we could be okay but have I ruined us have I made your life worse?”
“What no never, I’ve told you baby you’re my world you’re the reason I wake up everyday and the reason I look forward to a better day and a happier life, you gave me a reason to love and this baby is gonna have such a strong,caring and beautiful mother, please don’t stop fighting” he said as his own tears fell as he rubbed my arms
“Okay Carl I’ll be stronger…….we’re gonna have a baby” I said finally feeling happy about it
“We’re gonna have a baby” Carl said smiling as he tackled me down to the bed and held me close
Taglist: @carlsdarling @eiirqgi
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whumpdoyoumean · 11 months
Whumptober #22
Whoops, I missed it by like an hour. It's fine!
My sincerest apologies to any Texans reading this, I have definitely just fudged all of the geography (and we’re just going to pretend that the 126 responds to any call anywhere near Austin) :’)
xxx they never saw us coming, ‘til they hit the floor
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” There isn’t an immediate answer, but Grace thinks she can hear someone breathing. “Hello, can you hear me?”
There’s a short pause and then, “Grace? Thank god, I hoped it’d be you.”
Grace’s stomach drops and she sits up a little straighter. “TK, is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me. Listen, I--we need help. We got in an accident and Carlos, he--he’s stuck, I tried to get him out but I couldn’t do it and he’s stuck and I--”
“Hey, hey, hey. TK, slow down honey. Where are you?”
“I--I’m not sure, exactly. Uh, we were headed--headed west on 71, maybe fifteen minutes outside of Austin?” His voice is taut, and Grace knows the tone well. It’s the kind of tone that comes when someone is on the verge of panic and trying very hard not to be. “Is that--will they be able to find us? I don’t--”
“That’s good enough, TK,” Grace says, typing quickly. “Help is on the way. Can you tell me what happened?”
“The car rolled. Something darted into the road, just came out of nowhere. Carlos swerved to miss it--oh, god, Grace!”
“Hey, TK. TK, I need you to listen to me. The best thing you can do for you and for Carlos is to stay calm. Take a deep breath for me. Are you still in the vehicle?”
TK takes a deep, shaky breath. “No. I was able to get out.”
“Okay, good. Are you injured?”
“No, Grace, I’m okay. I’ve got a--a burn on my arm, from the airbag I think, but I’m okay.”
“What about Carlos? Is he conscious?”
“Yeah, he, um. He says he’s not hurt but Grace, he’s stuck and I’m--” He lowers his voice. He sounds like he’s on the verge of tears. “People who are trapped in a vehicle have higher rates of critical injury. Broken bones, blood loss…Where are they?”
“The 126 is on their way to you, TK.” Grace speaks calmly, doing her best to sound reassuring. “They’ll be there soon. Can you--TK?” 
The line disconnects suddenly, and Grace’s heart jumps. She immediately reaches for her phone, pulling up TK’s number so that she can call him. 
It goes straight to voicemail. 
“Grace? Grace, are you there?” TK looks at his phone. No signal. “Damn it!”
“What’s wrong, TK?” 
TK takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down a little before he turns to Carlos, walking back to the wrecked car. “Lost signal. How are you doing, you still breathing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Carlos says, and smiles a little. “Ready to be out of this car. What about you, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, babe,” TK says. It’s mostly true. His chest and stomach hurt a little, but it’s probably just from the seatbelt. “Grace said the 126 is on their way, it shouldn’t be long now.”
“Good…Hey, I’m really sorry I totaled your car.”
“Carlos, the car is the least of my worries right now.” TK can’t help the anxious edge to his voice. He looks down, running his fingers nervously through his hair. “It’s replaceable. You’re not. You’re sure you’re not feeling dizzy? No pain?”
“TK, look at me.” TK looks up to see Carlos staring at him, brown eyes wide, brow pinched. “I promise you if anything starts to feel wrong, I’ll tell you.”
TK is about to answer when his attention is drawn by the distant sound of sirens and he lets out a long sigh of relief. “Here they come, thank god. We’re gonna get you out of there.”
The engine has barely stopped before Owen is off of it and running to TK’s side. 
“Hey, TK, you okay?”
“I’m fine, Dad,” TK says. “We need to get Carlos out of the car.”
Owen lifts his eyebrows. “We don’t need to do anything.”
“Dad, I can help. I want to help, he’s my husband, I--”
“I know,” Owen interrupts, putting his hands on TK’s shoulders. “I know, believe me. But right now, you are not a first responder, you are a victim. You need to let us work.”
TK feels a surge of frustration. “I am not a victim.”
“Hey, TK.”
TK turns at the sound of Tommy’s voice. She nods at Owen. 
“I got ‘im, Cap.”
Owen nods back, then turns to the 126 crew. “Alright, let’s get started on that extraction.”
“Come on, TK,” Tommy says gently. “Let’s get you checked out.”
“I’m fine Captain Vega. I need to be with Carlos, I--”
“Hey, hey. We’ve got ‘im. Nancy is over there making sure he’s alright while they get him out. Now I need to make sure you’re alright, too. Bandaging that arm, for instance.”
TK looks down at the nasty burn on his left forearm and sighs. “Fine.”
It’s with no small share of reluctance that he allows Tommy to lead him to the back of the ambulance, though he keeps his eye on the car and the 126 and Carlos, barely paying attention as Tommy takes his vitals. 
“Heart rate’s a little elevated,” Tommy says, “but you’re under a lot of stress, that’s to be expected. I’m gonna wrap that arm up for you now, okay?”
TK hisses a little as she wraps a bandage around his forearm and she looks up at him. 
“Sorry about that. All done.”
“Thank you,” TK says, standing, ignoring the pain in his middle as he does so. He can ask about that later. Right now, he just wants to be as close to Carlos as he can. Tommy follows him, bringing a gurney along as they move nearer to the car.
It takes another ten minutes to get Carlos out. He’s got some scrapes and bruises, but as they load him onto the gurney he, miraculously, actually seems fine, smiling and even cracking a joke. The relief is almost too much for TK, and he actually gets lightheaded as they get onto the ambulance. 
“You’ll both need to be checked out at the hospital,” Tommy says as they start toward the hospital, “but your vitals look good, Carlos. The two of you are extremely lucky. I’ve seen a lot of car accidents in my time, and not many people are able to just walk away.”
“We’re gonna be okay, baby,” Carlos says, looking over at him as best he can with the neck brace on and reaching over to take TK’s hand in his own. He frowns a little. “Hey, TK, you alright? You’re clammy.”
“Uh…” TK takes a deep breath, then closes his eyes, leaning forward to put his head between his knees. “I’m a little dizzy. It’ll pass…”
He feels a hand on his arm and Tommy says, “TK, I’m gonna take your vitals again.”
He blacks out for a second as the blood pressure cuff tightens on his arm. He’s distantly aware of Carlos’s voice. 
“TK? What’s wrong?”
And then Tommy’s, in that professional tone she gets on serious calls. “His pulse is high and his blood pressure is dropping. He might be bleeding internally. TK, you with me?” 
And then everything fades. 
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skylathescholarly · 4 months
The Terrible Fire of Old Regret (fic under the cut)
A One Hundred Days to Become a Wayne (by @maccreadysbaby) story
TW: Child abuse, violence, panic attacks
So! If you follow the lovely @maccreadysbaby, you may find a thread where we both shouted at each other (in a good way) over this lil oneshot. If you haven't read their fics, you can find the first installment here, and if you love the Batfam you need to read it. You'll also need to in order to understand this, haha. But anyway! Most of the dialogue is taken straight from her story. It covers chapter 1-3 in 100 Days (plus some stuff I made up that doesn't happen in the original, but is implied to have happened) and is Dick's POV of chapter 7-8 in 100 Days. Chapter title from Bitter Water by the Oh Hellos. Hope you enjoy!!
Dick swung through the streets, reveling in the swing and release of his grappling hook. It was good to get out and clear his head. He’d been having a weird feeling lately, like something was coming. 
It was probably nothing. They were tracking a new metahuman, those cases always got on his nerves. It was dangerous for metas in Gotham, and they also really didn’t need to be adding to their Rogue gallery anytime soon. 
“No. It’s… I don’t know. It’s like all of these reporters are scared of her for no reason. None of them point back to anything she’s done, all the photographs are of her just… walking around.” Barbara said over the comm.
“Then how do they even know she’s a metahuman?” Dick asked. 
“I don’t know, I’m looking into it,” Barbara replied. “Facial recognition software pinged her on the Northern outskirts of Gotham. Nightwing, you’re closest, but I’m sending her coordinates to everyone. Stay sharp.”
“Always am,” Dick grinned.
“Lots of these reports say they saw her in a dream-like state before they ever saw her in person. One from the blog Drew Confidential says: I’d never seen the girl before in my life, until I fell asleep that night. I could hear her voice and see her botched face. It was like I could feel her in my head, and I knew she had to be stopped. I didn’t know, however, that I would see her, yellow hood tugged over her head, walking right by my office building the next day. I knew her name without ever speaking a word to her — Secret Keeper. Several of the first hand accounts talk about dreams coming first, and then seeing her for real.”
“Okay, weird. I’m just going to be busy walking elderly people across the road.” Steph cut in. Dick smirked at the comment, but quickly returned his attention to the task at hand. 
“She’s moving to the East, Nightwing. Slowly — looks like she’s just walking down the street. Keep your head on your shoulders.” Barbara instructed. 
“Red Robin, standby to assist,” 
“Standing by,” Tim replied.
Dick silently followed Barbara’s directions. Secretly, he had to agree with Steph. What the eyewitness had described was more than a little creepy. The creepy parts of the night job were always the worst. 
“Oracle, I’m closing in on her position,” Dick updated the Cave. He hoped Bentley wouldn’t watch if it got to be too much. The kiddo didn’t need any more trauma than he already had. Anything to keep him out of the field. Maybe one of us can be the lucky one for once. 
Suddenly he saw her. Blonde, dressed in yellow, standing on the ground below him. She looked… weirdly calm. 
“I’ve got eyes on her,” Dick said. “And she’s… got eyes on me?”
“Elaborate, Nightwing.”
“She’s waving at me. She was waving as soon as I walked up, like she knew I was coming,” because that wasn’t creepy at all. Oh no, am I gonna get kidnapped? Not this week, please, I’ve got stuff to do. 
Barbara sighed. “Well, she hasn’t done anything yet, so the most we can do is monitor from afar. I’ll let the police know where she was and keep her pinged on the Batcomputer, for now.”
“I’m also going to set up the system to alert us when she gets near large public gathering places — schools, the library, malls, the bank, county buildings,” Barbara said, and by her tone Dick knew she was already working on it. 
“Roger that, Oracle. Should I-” Dick suddenly gasped as agonizing pain shot through his head. He could honestly say that in all his years of crime fighting, he’d never felt such piercing pain. He tried to form the words he needed to call for backup, to warn his family, to ask for help, because it hurt- black spots swam in his vision and he knew he was too late. He barely felt himself crumple to the ground. 
When he opened his eyes, he didn’t recognize his surroundings. It almost looked like Wayne Manor, but he knew intrinsically that it wasn’t. It was too… dark. At the sound of light laughter, he got up and walked across the hall. The rest of the house seemed to be decorated just as classically, if a bit over the top for Alfred’s usual tastes. Everything around him felt real enough, but one could never be sure in Gotham. He could even just be dreaming in the Cave. A really weird, hyper-realistic dream, but still. A guy could hope. He found the source of the laughter in a sitting room, and snuck into the room, sure he wasn’t able to be seen. He wasn’t sure what was happening-either some new Scarecrow drug or the Secret Keeper. Lovely. Dick prepared himself mentally, but… even then, his usual protections fell short. 
Bentley. That was a tiny baby Bentley, sitting on a chair much too big for him, in a tiny suit that looked supremely uncomfortable, staring at the three adults in the room with a serious, wide-eyed gaze. The kid couldn’t be more than five, but he wasn’t fidgeting at all. Dick began to feel sick. Were these Bentley’s real memories, or an elaborate lie his brain was concocting? Or even the Secret Keeper’s doing? 
The adults were talking, Dick heard snippets of conversation that sounded like business matters, and he had to wonder what Bentley was doing here. Maybe it was a weird rich kid thing. Tim might know. 
Dick turned his attention fully to the adults as the two guests started exiting. Bentley’s father-no, Bentley has a better dad now. A better family. This man is nothing. Whittaker saw the others out, and returned to the room to collect Bentley. Dick watched warily. He knew Whittaker was an abusive piece of trash, but none of them had really pushed Bentley into telling details. From various nightmares he’d helped Bentley through, though, he knew Whittaker was physically and emotionally abusive, and Bentley often dreamt about a dark closet. He had a terrible feeling that what he was seeing was real, and that he was about to get up close and personal with Bentley’s worst nightmares. 
He wanted to see. He wanted to run away. He wanted to grab the tiny Bentley and hold him as tightly as possible. He wanted Bruce to handle it. He didn’t want anyone else to have to see it. 
Bentley hopped off the chair as Whittaker approached, a hopeful look on his tiny, squishy face. He was so little. Were five year olds normally this small? Was he even five? 
“Did I do good, Father?” Little Bentley asked, and despite the tension growing in his chest, Dick had to resist the urge to coo at the toddler. 
“Shut up, Bentley. Go to your room, I have work to do.” Whittaker said dismissively. Dick clenched his fist. 
“Go! Do you want to spend the night in the closet, Bentley?” 
“No, sir, please don’t-”
“Go to your room.”
“Yes, sir.” 
Dick watched as Bentley ran out of the room, barely holding back the tears. He followed the boy, trying to put aside his anger at Whittaker in favor of comforting the child. Everything felt way too real to be an illusion or hallucination, and as crazy as it seemed, he might have to start considering time travel. He had to admit, though, it was mostly wishful thinking. Maybe if he got sent back in time, he could make a difference in Bentley’s life sooner. He made sure he wasn’t seen as he followed his baby brother to what he assumed was his room. 
Bentley scrambled onto the bed and buried himself under the covers, and Dick flinched as he heard the unmistakable sound of someone choking back their sobs. Bentley was trying to cry as silently as possible, probably out of fear of his father. He desperately wanted to comfort the kid, but wasn’t sure he should. Would Bentley freak out? He was dressed as Nightwing. Bentley didn’t live in Gotham or Bludhaven, he probably had no clue who Dick was. He didn’t want to scare Bentley more than his father had. No, maybe he’d wait and watch, as much as it pained him to do so. 
Almost as soon as he’d decided to leave Bentley alone for now, the scene dissolved and Dick found himself back in the sitting room. Confused, he turned and saw Bentley, but it was the same Bentley that Dick had first met all those months ago. Small, scared, and pale. Brave, hopeful, and kind. And sleepy. Dick watched as Bentley’s eyes drifted gently shut and his chin sunk toward his chest. 
“Aw, John… looks like your little helper got a bit sleepy. How sweet is that?” A female voice said. Dick turned long enough to see two people, obviously potential business partners. He didn’t spend too much time on them though, instead focusing his attention on Whittaker. It would’ve been invisible to a civilian eye, but to him who’d been Bat-trained since he was eight, he saw the brief flash of anger. Bentley jerked upright as Whittaker strode toward him, chuckling. 
“It seems as though he has. Let me take him up to bed.” He gathered the boy into his arms. Bentley wrapped his arms around his father’s neck and laid his curly red head on his father’s shoulder, the very picture of youthful innocence, but Dick could see the tense lines in his shoulders, the slight tremble to his fingers. No nine-year-old should ever have those traits. 
Dick ran after Whittaker as he carried Bentley down the dark halls. Once they were on the other side of the house, Whittaker stopped and abruptly dropped Bentley onto the floor. Dick cried out and lunged towards the boy, but he was too slow. Bentley hit the ground with a thud and a soft whimper, and Dick turned on Whittaker, furious. What the heck? Why did he even have Bentley with him in his stupid meetings if he was just going to beat him up for being a kid? 
“Get up,” Whittaker said, a cruel edge to his voice. Bentley obeyed wordlessly. “How many times do we have to talk about you not embarrassing me during meetings? It’s always something with you. You’re tired, you’re hungry, you don’t feel good,”
“I’m sorry,” Bentley whispered as he brought his hands up to wrap around his middle. “I was really tired.”
“Yeah? Well I’m really tired of your excuses.” Whittaker said. Dick jumped forward to stop the hit he saw coming for Bentley’s face, but his hand seemed to slide right off of the attacker’s arm, and he shouted as Whittaker slapped Bentley-his own son, just a little kid-in the face. Bentley jumped and staggered back. His hand reached up to his cheek, and Dick choked as his little brother whispered a small, 
“I’m sorry.” 
Tears were now pooling in Dick’s eyes, and he tried to blink them away and focus on Whittaker. He was moving toward Bentley again, and Dick was too slow, he was trying to get Bentley away, he couldn’t move-
Whittaker gripped Bentley’s arm tightly and dragged him around the corner. All Dick could see was Bentley’s terrified, pale face, as Whittaker dragged him toward a white door. 
“No! Father, please… I promise I won’t do it again. I promise. Please don’t-” he begged, pleaded with the larger man, but to no avail. Whittaker simply growled something at him and tossed him roughly into the dark room behind the door. Dick heard another small thud as Bentley hit the ground again, and he wanted to scream. Why couldn’t he help? He was so useless, it was Ethiopia all over again, he wasn’t enough-
Whittaker deadbolted the door and left, not seeing Dick standing helplessly in the hall. Dick rushed toward the door, tried to open it, to get in, to save his baby brother, but his fingers kept slipping off the lock. He couldn’t open it, couldn’t unlock it, why?
“Father! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Bentley was screaming, but then he finally gave up, and all Dick could hear from inside the closet was silence. Awful, dead silence. 
“Bentley! Bentley, please, it’s okay, I’ve got you, I’m right here! Bentley!” Dick cried, near frantic. He was still desperately trying to open the door as it dissolved into darkness like before. It gave way once again to an elaborately furnished office. Bentley was sitting on a chair on one side of a large desk, and Whittaker occupied the desk chair. 
“You know I love you, right?” Whittaker said, and cupped his hand around Bentley’s cheek. Dick tried to cross the room to rip Bentley away, but he felt like he was running through mud. 
“You… you what?”
“I love you,”
“The way I treat you, the way I raise you — I do it so you can be successful,” Dick saw Bentley start to trust the gentle touch, to lean into it. 
“I teach you the hard lessons so you don’t have to learn them from anyone else,” Whittaker stroked Bentley’s face. “Because I want what’s best for you. I always have.”
“No, Bentley, no baby, don’t listen, we love you-” Dick felt like he was being ripped apart. 
“And that, son, is how you manipulate someone,” The man said, and walked away from his desk. Bentley was unbalanced by the loss of support, and Whittaker’s expression regained its cruel edge.  “With your words, your touch, your eyes… you can make people fold in the blink of an eye. People you never thought would fold. You believed me, didn’t you?”
“No! No, you- you- stop!” Dick practically screamed in Whittaker’s face, but the man looked right through him. 
“I… you don’t… you were lying?”
Dick turned toward his little brother just in time to see the heartbreak unfold on his little face. 
“I’m going to teach you how to do what I just did to you. How to take people's pasts, their desires, their fears, the tiniest sliver of information they present to you… and twist it into a net they can’t get out of. How to tie strings around the wrists and ankles of every person you meet so they bend to your will. Move when you move.” Whittaker pulled a stack of files from the desk. “I’ve asked myself for a long time, what’s the most efficient way to get rid of my rivals? To silence them? It's been right in front of my face for as long as I can remember. Sales people, businessmen, they live, thrive off of pulling the right strings, moving the right parts, saying the right things… they’ve made manipulation, deception, into a career. But us, we’re going to make it into a superpower. And you… into a weapon.”
Dick couldn’t hold back anymore. He sobbed as he tried to hold Bentley, to take him away, to cover his ears, but he just couldn’t seem to affect anything. 
“These are going to be your main targets.” Whittaker said. Dick guessed they were the Wayne family folders, but he didn’t care. “But first, you need training. Let’s start with this,” 
Bentley and Dick yelled out in surprise and anger respectively when Whittaker’s hand thwacked across the child’s face, hard enough to shake the office chair and leave a painful red mark on Bentley’s cheek. “You must not allow yourself to be so easily deceived. If you’re going to be using it as a weapon, you must be immune to it yourself.” Whittaker eyed his young son with distaste. “Don’t you dare start crying.”
Dick sobbed harder. Bentley didn’t move. 
“You know who else thrives off of manipulation? Children. They cry to get what they want, or to make people feel bad. It’s instilled in you simply for existing as a human being. And while you’ve learned over time that you can not manipulate me with childish antics… you will learn just how far you can take people before they teeter off the edge. We’re going to pull that instinct out of you until it’s all you are. All you know. I’m going to turn you into a human Puppeteer. One that can twist and weave its way into the unsuspecting consciousnesses of strangers and control them, make them feel and believe things that aren’t really there. A weapon that can’t be found. Do you understand?”
“I… understand, father.” Bentley said, but his voice sounded thick. Dick didn’t know how much more he could take. 
“Good,” Whittaker tossed a protein bar on the desk in front of Bentley, and Dick nearly threw up at the look of joy and thankfulness on Bentley’s face when he saw it. “It seems you have much reading to do. When you finish, we’ll discuss how you can use that information to make the Waynes weak at the knees.”
Bentley happily began to eat the measly protein bar and look at the files. Dick tried and tried to get Bentley to see him, to hear him, but nothing worked. He was still trying to get the boy’s attention when the room faded to black again. 
He knew he should be trying to focus on figuring out what was going on, could hear Bruce’s voice in his head telling him to slow down, think logically, but he couldn’t. Bentley was in trouble, his baby brother was getting hurt and again-always, always-he couldn’t do anything, he was too late, he was in space, he didn’t listen-
The darkness once again pulled away and Dick was standing in another sitting room. Whittaker was staring at a portrait of a woman on the wall, a glass of alcohol in his hand. His eyes were red, he was crying, and Dick hated him. Hated him with every fiber of his being. His attention was drawn toward the door on the other end of the room, and he saw Bentley peer inside, fear and curiosity on his face. When he saw his father crying, something unreadable crossed his face. 
“Father?” he said timidly. Even with this monster, he’s always kind. Dick thought, but his reflection on his brother’s unfailing empathy was chased from his mind when Whittaker leapt from his chair and punched Bentley in the face. Dick screamed as Bentley flew into the air and crashed down hard on the floor. The ten-year-old pressed his hand against his mouth as tears pooled in his eyes. 
“Stop it, stop, stop, he’s just a kid-” Dick shouted at Whittaker, but the man marched toward Bentley without a glance in Dick’s direction. Bentley scrambled backward, utter terror written in every line of his body. 
“What have I told you about invading my privacy?!” Bentley’s back hit the wall, Dick’s feet seemed to be cemented in place. “Tell me!”
Bentley curled into a little ball, and Dick saw rather than heard the sobs rack his body. 
“Stop crying!” Whittaker raised his hand and threw the glass toward the child, his son. 
“No!” Dick screamed, and lunged forward, but his hands just slipped off the glass, not deterring it in the least. The glass barely missed Bentley’s head and shattered against the wall. Strong liquid pooled on the floor, and the scent of heavy alcohol, fear, and anger made Dick want to gag. 
“Just… just… go put yourself… in the closet,” Whittaker grumbled. When Bentley simply looked up at him, he shouted, “Now!” 
The boy stumbled to his feet,and in his hurry, pressed his hand against the shattered glass. Blood joined the already nauseating smells in the air. Dick remembered that wound. They’d helped him dress it. 
“Get out of my sight, boy!” Whittaker slurred as he sat down. “Knew I shoulda’ given you away after your mother died. Worthless excuse of a human being.” 
Dick heard the words as he followed Bentley out, and he knew the boy had, too. I hope he knows better now. I hope he knows we love him. Bentley’s small frame shook with sobs as he huddled in a bathroom, but after a while, he bandaged his own hand and cleaned the blood from the floors and walls. Dick hated the blank, miserable expression on the child’s face as he closed himself into the closet. Dick tried to comfort him, tried to hug him close, but he couldn’t do anything to dry Bentley’s tears, and he was soon crying as well. 
“Dick…” Bentley’s voice said in the darkness. But it wasn’t the young Bentley still crying in the dark next to Dick. It was his Bentley. His babybird. “It’s okay. Nothing scary is happening.”
As soon as Bentley finished speaking, Dick was pulled violently from the darkness of the closet. He was in the sitting room, Whittaker was slapping Bentley. He saw Bentley cry himself to sleep because he was so hungry. He saw Bentley get locked out of the house as a toddler for interrupting a meeting. He saw Whittaker strike his son again and again and again and again and again, and he couldn’t move, and Bentley kept getting hurt, and Whittaker starved him and yelled at him and never ever touched him without causing pain and Dick screamed and sobbed and begged everything he knew for it to stop. 
Until it finally did. Until he woke up in the Cave, Bruce sitting next to him. Until he sobbed into his father’s shoulder and begged him to send Bentley down, he needed to see Bentley, bigger and happy and safe. Until he could finally, finally hug his baby brother. 
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dirtybitfic · 7 months
Gangsta ( discontinued story but left it up just incase people did read it )
Chris Sturniolo x y/n
Tumblr media
(I based this off the song )
Contains-violence, kidnapping kinda , knives, being cut with a knife(not like enough to hurt you just to get information out of you)
Y/n pov-
It’s late as fuck right now but I was craving some ice cream so I decided to take a walk to the store a couple blocks over.
It’s storming so I threw on a rain jacket and made my way out of the door.
I like stormy weather and honestly walking in the rain is calming. I put one AirPod in so I wasn’t walking in silence but I also wanted to be alert of my surroundings since it’s 2 am.
I make my way into the store. It’s nice to have a store that’s open 24 hours since a bitch gets random cravings late at night .
I make my way back to the ice cream section and grab two flavors and make my way to the register. As I was checking out I looked out of the windows behind the counter and noticed a guy in a hood talking to another one . It seemed pretty normal until one of them pulled out a gun and pointed it at the other. I immediately looked down hoping they wouldn’t notice I saw what they were doing. I payed quickly and thank the cashier before I rushed to the door hoping to be able to make it out without being noticed.
I threw in my hood and walked with my head down out of the store . I glanced over at the guys in the corner having a full on screaming fight. Something about “owing him money” and “pay me before I put a bullet in between your eyes”
My heart starts to race but I can’t seem to look away. I’m nosy but the fact one has a gun should make me want to immediately run for my life but … I don’t.
As I’m watching the one with the gun turns around and makes eyes contact with me . I immediately panic and turn my head beginning to run away down the street .
Hey where the fuck do you think your going one yells but I don’t dare turn around . I continue running as the wind picks up and my hood blows off and the rain hits my face.
I’m struggling to breathe since it’s kind of cold outside and the icey wind is burning my lungs. I start to slow down a bit thinking I was safe as I walk through the park that is the best route to get home quickly.
As I stop to take a couple breaths and calm my heart rate I hear tires screeching on the wet cement. Immediately my head snaps in the direction and see a red Camaro speeding down the road in my direction.
WHAT THE FUCK I think as the car slows down by the park and the window rolls down and I meet eyes with him. The man who was holding the gun.
Fuck I breathe as I immediately start running again dropping the bag with my ice cream . The least of my worries is my fucking ice cream right now.
I reach the end of the path in the park meaning I have to cross the road but before I can even try the car screeches to a stop in front of me .
Get in the fucking car he says as his icy blue eyes meet mine
Fuck no I say as I turn to run back the opposite direction back through the park.
I hear the car door slam and the sound of feet vastly approaching me causing my heart to race.
FUCK FUCK FUCK. I should stayed the fuck home.
My inner thoughts were screaming at me. Why didn’t I run when I had the chance. I just had to stand there and be nosy like a dumb ass fucking bitch.
I try to b line it through the trees but get pulled back aggressively by my hood choking me in the process.
Should have ran when you had the chance princess he says in my ear as his hand is over my mouth covering my screams . I wiggle around trying to get out of the tight hold he has on me but fail.
I’m so fucked . What the fuck is he gonna do. What if he is gonna kill me for seeing what I saw.
He drags me back to his car opening the passenger side door and holding me down securing your wrist with strong ass duck tape .
He slams the door as he gets into the drivers seat.
HELP i scream when he opens his door .
He shoves his hand over my mouth and grabs me by the hair with his other hand tugging so harshly tears form in my eyes and i whine into his hand.
Shut the fuck up. I’m not going to hurt you.
That sentence would normally calm somebody down but it’s 2 am and no one knows i went to the store and not to mention. HE FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME .
I bite his hand causing him to pull it off my mouth .
What the fuck did you just bite me he says looking down at his hand.
Sure fucking did . Get your fucking hand off me right now i growl at him causing him to look shocked and to unhook his hand from my hair.
He puts the car into drive and starts speeding down the road.
Where the fuck are you taking me i say in a panicked tone. As i watch the houses speed by as he accelerates even more .
I suggest you shut that pretty little mouth before I do it for you he says holding up the roll of tape.
My teeth click shut as my breathing is accelerating and the panic starts to set in . How the fuck did I end up in this situation. Of all the people I could have ran into I run into this guy who’s obviously dangerous.
We reach the highway and he speed down it in the fast lane before he pulls off an exit and we reach dark woodsy backroads. I’m panicking even more now.
He’s gonna take me out Into the woods and kill me. This is the end.
I continue panicking until we reach a nice ass gate with gargoyles on each side. He clicks a button and it opens as he pulls through it and it shuts behind him.
We drive down a long driveway with deep woods lining each side.
After probably 5 minutes we reach a huge house with a fountain in the front .
I stare in disbelief. He took me to a fucking mansion. Who the fuck is this guy .
He shuts the car off and gets out going over to my side and unbuckling my seat belt and dragging me out of the car.
W-what the fuck where the fuck are we ? I stuttered as he drags me to the front door.
My house now shut up he says aggressively
I shut up not wanting to escalate the situation more than it already is . I have no idea how far we are from my house since he was speeding so fast. That has my stomach turning . I’m freaking out but also a little intrigued. If this man didn’t just kidnap me I’d say he’s the hottest man I’ve ever seen in my life .
He opens the door and shoves me inside as he shuts and locks it behind him.
I look up to see a man standing at the top of the stairs looking at me with questioning eyes.
I look down immediately getting scared knowing I’m now in a house with not only him but another man.
CHRIS . Who the fuck is this and why are her wrists duck taped the guys says before he makes his way down the grand staircase.
Chris… that’s some good information to know for later.
Chris shoves me forward again.
Why don’t you answer him princess . You know damn well why the fuck your here
I suck in a breathe and shake my head to scared to even open my mouth right now. I have no idea what he’s involved in but I know it can’t be good.
Answer him he says grabbing me by the back of my head and taking my eyes off the floor to meet the other mans who’s standing in-front of me waiting for an answer .
I- I don’t know . I didn’t do anything please just let me go .
Take her down to the room . I’ll be there in a second . Chris says to the other guy.
The other guy grabs me and starts dragging me down the flight of stairs leading to what i'm guessing is the basement.
What the fuck let me go you fucking bitch I seethe at him trying to kick him . I land a hard kick on his heel causing his to stumble.
you know you have a big mouth for somebody in your situation right now he says to me with hard eyes . Kick me again and see what the fuck happens he continues dragging me down the last stairs and down a long dark hallway into a room with a couch and a table with some chairs around it.
he throws me down on the couch and makes his way back to the door quickly shutting me in.
FUCK YOU ASSHOLE I scream as I get up and run at the door trying to knock it open . Instead I end up almost breaking my fucking arm .
Fuck I cry out as my arm throbs with pain. The door is not wood if anything its metal painted to look like wood.
I start crying finally letting my emotions get the best of me .
I went out for some god damn ice cream and ended up getting kidnapped and locked in a basement . Just my fucking luck .
I decide to go back and sit on the couch crying from the non stop pain in my arm and everything else.
After god knows how long the door opens and not only the guy who threw me in here walks in but so does two other guys then Chris .
But what catches my eye is the dagger in his hand that he's spinning between his fingers.
I back up as far as I can into the corner of the couch and they all stand there watching me with smiles on their faces which is very unsettling.
Get up and come here Chris says
I just look at his with a dead pan look on my face.
fuck you is all I say as I stay seated. Im not even scared anymore i'm just pissed off and want to go home but the last thing i'm going to do is listen to his orders .
his smile drops as he tilts his head at me with a very unsettling look in his eyes that has me gulping.
Okay then he says smiling again as the two other guys walk over to me grabbing me and pulling me over to the table and forcing me to sit down as they turn the chair to face Chris. I whine as they keep a tight grip on me as they undo the duck tape around my wrists.
Just when I think i'm free they duck tape them behind me to each leg of the chair making my back arch painfully and I have to hold my head back at an angle. Then they move to my ankles . Immediately I start kicking trying to hit them . One of them grabs my leg painfully hard digging their fingers in causing me to scream out.
then don't fucking kick at me he says in a warning tone. I stop kicking and he lets go. They finish taping my legs to the chair. Im now fully unable to fight back which is very concerning .
now ... chris says coming closer to me causing my breathing to accelerate. You're gonna tell me who sent you to get information on me
What the fuck are you talking about I say confused by what he meant .
If you wanna play stupid that's fine but you're not going to like the outcome.
Im not playing stupid I literally don't know what you're talking about I bite back with attitude.
he steps closer and his blade hits my leg warningly.
Answer or my knife breaks skin. Your choice he says in a deep tone.
I start breathing hard panicking. Im really in deep fucking shit now. What's he gonna do when he doesn't get the answer he wants.
I- I just went to the store for fucking ice cream I swear to god . I don't know who your are and I was not sent by any... I get cut off by his blade slicing my leg . Not deep but enough to sting.
mmm what the fuck I whine out . he didn't even give me the chance to finish my sentence.
let's try that again . This time answer honestly he says .
I gulp . He seriously thinks I'm lying and I don't know how to convince his i'm not.
I swear to you please I wasn't sent by anyone I cry and this point i'm tearing up. I don't know how far he'll go and I don't want to.
Slice. He cuts me again a little deeper on my upper thigh causing me to cry out.
Fuck p-please I swear i'm not lying I cry as the tears fall down my face.
mmm thats what they always say he says into my ear causing me shiver.
W-why would I lie. do I look like the type of person too be sent by some one to spy I cry as my legs start to tremble. Im starting to slightly go into panic mode trying to find anything to say to prove i'm innocent.
yes you do actually he says as he presses his blade into my arm.
Are you fucking kidding me what part of me makes you think that I ask ask more tears spill out of my face.
They always send the pretty ones to do the dirty work
For some reason I almost smile at the fact he called me pretty but I stop myself .
I laugh. You think because i'm pretty I was sent to spy on you for who the fuck knows what . do you know how fucking crazy you sound right now
he growls as he slices through my sweatshirt and rain jacket and through my skin harsher than the others.
One of the other one groans. Shouldn't have said that the guy says in a whisper tone but I still heard it .
The next second Chris slices down the front of my sweatshirt exposing my lower stomach .
WHAT THE FUCK STOP S-STOP IM NOT LYING PLEASE I scream with worried eyes as his blade presses into my side.
He stares into my eyes. His are cold and dead as mine are felt with fear and tears that threaten to pour out.
okay then you have one chance to convince me he says as the blade pokes into my heaving stomach.
o-okay I decided to walk to the store since I didn't want to drive in the rain and I only live a couple blocks away. I wanted ice cream so I went to the store got my ice cream and when I was at the register I noticed you and the other guy talking but then you pulled a gun and I panicked so when I was leaving the store I was going to just leave and not be seen but then I saw part of your face and I just couldn't make myself look away or move and then you saw me and I ran and now ... YOU FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME I was staring into his eyes searching to see if he believed me or not.
The guy who threw me in here stepped up to Chris
dude I don't think she's lying that was to much detail to think of the spot
Chris's face softens as he look back down at me.
You're not lying are you he says with a worried look on his face
n-no i'm n-not I pr-promise you i'm not I cry. Relief washing over me as he immediately goes to free my arms then my legs . When my arms are free I hug myself and continue crying. Im embarrassed that these men are watching my grown ass cry but as of right now I don't care that much.
i'm so sorry . I was paranoid I freaked out and I took it out on you
He tries to put his hand on my shoulder but I stand up and back away. He raises his hands and sighs .
He may be hot as fuck but I don't want him to touch me after what he just did.
d-dont touch me I say as I look into his eyes . He looks down at the ground and sighs as he drops his hands .
The others leave the room leaving us alone which i'm not happy about but now that he knows the truth I know he won't hurt me .
look i'm really sorry . The ... business I am in is risky and you can never trust people . I didnt believe you at first and i'm sorry I cut you I should have let you explain . Can you forgive me ? he asks his face filled with regret .
You’re right you should have let me explain but... your gonna have to work for my forgiveness I say looking at him and he smiles. Not the sadistic smile he gave me earlier but a warm smile that made my heart flutter. When he's not interrogating me with a knife he actually looks ... warm and kind.
What can I do to get you to forgive me he asks genuinely wondering.
well since you cut through my sweatshirt and pants ... a change out clothes would be nice I say with a small smile.
okay but ... you need to let me clean the wounds so they stop bleeding
o-okay fine I say as I step closer to him . He offers his hand for me to take. I reluctantly slide my hand into his and he starts leading me out of the room and down the hall back up the stairs and through the entry way then up the second flight of stairs then we reach a door.
He opens it and leads me in . I’m guessing it his bedroom . It’s nice but dark and simple.
come on lets get those cuts clean he says with a soft smile and leads me into a bathroom.
he tells me to sit on the counter as he grabs the supplies.
okay I know this is uncomfortable but your gonna need to take your pants off he says looking at me with an awkward smile.
I sigh and slowly slide my pants off avoiding eye contact then hop back up on the counter . He grabs some cotton pads and squirts something onto it then walks to stand in front of me .
This is going to burn so
just fucking do it I say as I close my eyes and scrunch my eyebrows anticipating the pain I’m about to feel.
the second the cotton ball hits the first cut I scream.
I know I know im sorry ill try to go as quickly as possible
he moves to the second cut and I wince and grab his arm in a tight grip causing him to stop his movements. I open my eyes to meet his as he has his brows raised with a look on his face that says "let go of my arm and it will go faster" so I let go and sigh leaning my head back into the mirror As he finishes cleaning that one
okay legs are done now we gotta do the arm one
I open my eyes and look at him.
Can you at least get me some new pants to put on so i'm not almost fully naked in front of you . Honestly as crazy as it sound because of what the fuck he just did to me ... secretly I wouldn't mind being half naked in front of him but he doesn't need to know that.
oh- y-yeah sorry one second.
he walks away back into his room to go grab me a change of pants. He comes back in after a couple second with a pair of black sweatpants.
here they might be a little big on you .
thank you I say as I get off the counter to pull them on.
I go back to sit on the counter and I pull my sweatshirt over my head exposing my lace bra and bare stomach to him.
he gulps and quickly looks away as he goes to grab another cotton pad to clean the deeper arm wound.
hes... blushing I think to myself when I notice his face is a shade of pink.
I smile but wipe it off my face when he looks at me as he walks back over to the side the cut is on .
He starts cleaning it and I gasp and jolt a little this cut was deeper than the others so it hurt a lot more .
im almost done I promise he says as he puts a small bandage over it like he did with the rest.
okay all done let me grab you a shirt real quick he says before walking out and coming back in with one and handing it to me.
thank you I say as I pull it on wincing from the stretch in my arm where the cut is.
he leads me back out into the room and tell me to sit down and I sit on the edge of the bed. He goes to crouch down in front of me.
look-... I know you probably think i'm a psycho asshole and ... im really sorry for what I did . I never enjoy hurting woman but... in my line of work its hard to tell who's a good person and a bad one and I just assumed you were a bad one and I shouldn't have done that. Hurting an innocent person is the last thing I ever want to do and I did and ... trust me if I could go back and erase what i did tonight I would. Moral of the story you didn't deserve this and im really truly sorry. I take a second to respond until I smile softly at him.
I-its okay ... I don't think your a psycho I just... you scare me a little but I don't think you're a bad person and I accept your apology.
he smiles at me and I smile back as we just keep eye contact .
then he looks down and his face looks... sad almost.
but... I cant take you back home just yet. Don't freak out its just... there may be some people who found out about me kidnapping you which again i'm sorry about that but now some people have a hit on you and you're not going to be safe if you go home.
I gulp as my eyes start to tear up. Im actually kidnapped now and he's going to keep me here. Non of this would have happened if id just minded my business and stayed the fuck home. Now my 2 am ice cream run has turned into me now having people who want to ... kill me at least thats what I gathered.
He looks at me noticing the tears that are threatening to fall .
Please don't cry . oh god... i'm sorry but you're safe here . We have security at every gate and door and no-one inside this house will put a finger on you .
I bite my lip as I think of something to say. a tear rolls down my cheek and I look away from him . He puts a hand on my cheek and I turn back to look at him.
who knew my late night ice cream run would end up like this huh I try and joke. I actually try and fucking joke about it became thats what I tend to do in uncomfortable situations.
he chuckles a little as he wipes my tear away .
Im so sorry ... wait I don't know your name he says .
its y/n
beautiful name it suits you
t-thank you .... chris right
yep my full names Christopher but everyone just calls me chris
mmm I say as I take a deep calm breathe.
you must be tired
exhausted actually . If i'm being honest i'm so fucking tired but I don't know if i'll be able to even sleep here. My mind is on full blast even though my body and soul feel drained of any energy.
there is a guest room two doors down you can sleep in there if you'd like or... if you don't want to be alone you can sleep in here with me but I understand if you don't want to do that.
I- as nice as your being right now I don't know if I wanna sleep next to you . im lying id love to sleep next to him but I have enough self respect to not do that. so guest room it is.
understandable come on ill walk you to the room
I stand up and follow him out and down the hall to a door at the end.
he opens it up and it leads to a cozy bedroom.
cozy I say as I walk in and take it in
okay well ill let you get some sleep if you need anything just come and knock okay . I know you might now feel safe but I want you to know that im here if you need me okay.
okay. Thank you chris I say as I walk to the bed and sit down.
he smiles at me and the soft look on his face makes my heart flutter.
goodnight y/n
good night
he turns and walks out closing the door.
I turn off the light and get under the warm comforter .
I lay facing a window . All I can see is the dark night sky and the large trees.
I try and close my eyes but every time I do my mind says things that scare me and my eyes pop open.
Ive been tossing and turning for god knows how long and i'm fed up.
i'm at the point of exhaustion where I just want to cry . I start breathing heavy as I feel the tears well in my eyes . God I think this is the most i've cried in months.
I didn't want to have to do this but its the only way I might get some sleep tonight.
I get up as tears roll down my face as I open the door and slowly walk to chris's door. I stand there for a second contemplating if I should knock or not . After a minute I say fuck it and knock. I hear rustling of sheets and then steps coming closer to the door . As it opens he looks down at me seeing that i'm in tears and immediately his face drops.
Hey hey what's wrong he says in the softest voice that has my head spinning.
I take a breathe embarrassed that this man has seen my grown ass cry too many times in one day. I feel like a little girl crying to her dad she had a nightmare. God what I wouldn't do to be a little girl again and have my dad rock me back to sleep in a big rocking chair.
I- I cant sleep and im so tired I just-
he brings me into a big bear hug and I stiffen not expecting it but after a bit I melt into his arms and he runs his fingers through my hair softly calming me down slowly.
its okay come on lets go to bed he says as he still holds me close walking backwards to the side of the bed.
I unlatch from him and get under the warm covers as I take in the warm manly sent of his sheets . It's calming for some reason .
he walks over to his side turning off the light and getting in.
Im facing away from him and I know I should keep it that way but... I just want to be held . I know its weird that just a while ago this man was slicing me with a blade and now... I want him to hold me but... im just a girl.
I roll over and look at him he was looking up at the ceiling but when he sees me roll over he looks down into my eyes.
c-can you hold me I ask quietly as my face gets hot with embarrassment that I just asked him that.
of course come here he says opening up his arms.
I scoot over as I lay my head on his chest and drape my left leg over his and his arms wrap around me.
I sigh in contentment and I feel him smile against my head .
he places a soft kiss in my hair .
goodnight y/n he says in a quiet tired voice
mmm goodnight chris I say so quietly its almost inaudible and then I slowly lul off to sleep.
I don't know If I even like this story but meh .💋
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