#so anyway glee sure was a show on tv huh
thoughtpalace-blog · 2 years
Are bad tv shows more fun to watch?
Have you ever been ready to sit down and watch one of your favorite shows? But right before you do, you run down your mental checklist. Do I have my snacks, a cozy blanket? Are my headphones connected? Is the door shut? Should I lock it-? Is anyone home??? What’s my alibi if someone walks in?!
Huh, okay. In retrospect.. while you were doing all of that you could’ve already been 15 minutes deep into your 4th run through of the Gossip Girl reboot or Big Mouth by now. But once you’re in it, you’ll be having thee television watching experience of a lifetime! So, uh.. maybe all those extra steps aren’t so bad? That’s what you tell yourself at least. But wouldn’t it be easier to accept that sometimes bad shows are a little more fun? There’s no fear of having the right opinion on the blonde one from Game of Thrones or telling your coworkers what you think will happen next season on Stranger Things. Of course, sometimes a bad show is just that. I learned that the hard way watching Degressi: Next Class on Netflix. But, in every dumpster there’s a gem. One man’s trash is another man’s morally questionable guilty pleasure!
That being said, I spent a little under half my life accepting that sometimes people will think you’re weird no matter what you’re into. So why not accept that cringe culture is dead and enjoy yourself? Just like with anything, the more you talk about it, the more people you’ll find that genuinely enjoy it too. Maybe Twitter thinks this show is the second coming of twilight or whatever. But what does Twitter know? Where to find the sharpest pitchfork for the next angry mob meet up? Also, Twilight had a freaking renaissance okay? Maybe it’s time to admit we’ve finally come full circle to admitting that not every pleasure has to be guilty!
Who’s to say you need Good™️ writing to love a show? Sure it doesn’t hurt, but when the dialogue is two paperclips being held together by a frayed piece of string and the plot is… definitely a plot.. sure-? That’s where you come in! A bad plot gets you talking! Like when Rachel Berry finally achieved her dream of playing Fanny Brice on Broadway after watching her gush about it for 3 seasons just to watch her throw it all away a couple weeks later for a tv show that was cancelled after its pilot. Or even every time I’ve quoted Brittany’s little “Stop the violence,” from the Quinntana fight. I mean the amount of glee forums and irl friends I’ve ranted to and in about glee alone fuels me to keep coming back to it. Sure people could stop you and say, ‘oh.. you watch that? But it’s so.. Bad!” Maybe they will. But, you’re having fun so who cares?
There’s plenty to talk about with good shows, I mean I could rewatch the Haunting of Hill House a dozen times over and find something new to love about the characters, cinematography, script, etc. But I could do the same with Glee or First Kill because I can turn my brain off and just enjoy them for what they are. In reality, taste is always subjective. If the masses have deemed a show you love “bad,” talk about it anyway!
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tuiyla · 2 years
Such interesting thoughts in asks damn you guys are smart
I'll get to them tomorrow sorry I couldn't continue all the recent topics today
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wlwmarvelenthusiast · 3 years
More Than A Friend
Summary: A weekend trip with Carol leads you to realize you might like her a little more than you'd thought.
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
Warnings: language
Word Count: 6,194
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You crept into the bar. It was a rowdy place, even this early in the evening. Your eyes scanned the crowd, taking in all the different people that were scattered throughout the room. The football game was playing on the TV, but unfortunately, it wasn't really your sport. Finally, your eyes landed on a blonde sitting at the bar. You moved toward her, a smirk on your face. You didn't even bother to slide into the seat next to her.
Your hand touched her hip and your lips were right next to her ear when you spoke. "What's a beautiful thing like you doing all alone here?"
She startled a little, whipping to face you. When she saw you, though, she smacked you away, an unamused expression taking over the surprised look she'd had a minute ago. You slid onto the stool next to her, eyes watching as the bartender held up a single finger to indicate he'd be over to you in a moment. You only nodded in acknowledgment before turning back to the girl beside you, the smirk still on your lips.
"You're an idiot, you know that?" She rolled her eyes.
"Come off it, Care-bear, you love me."
"Christ, I hate when you call me that."
"I apologize, oh Captain, my captain."
The bartender arrived and prevented her from retaliating. You didn't even bother looking back at her as you ordered your drink of choice, glancing up at the football game that you didn't care about in order to not look at Carol. She finally snorted and bumped her shoulder against yours. It made you look back at her, unable to keep a smile from forming on your face when she gave you a hearty wink. She laughed.
"How was work?"
You shrugged. "People are idiots."
When you were sixteen, you'd worked a retail job where you'd learned just how stupid people really were. You'd learned that fully-grown adults had nothing better in their lives to do than yell at teenaged, minimum wage workers during their spare time for nothing more than a minor inconvenience. When you'd become an Avenger, you thought that would stop. You were incorrect. You might not have been a teenaged retail worker anymore, but people found a reason to lose their temper anyway- even right after you'd saved their life.
"That good, huh?" She chuckled.
"Are people nicer on other planets, Care-bear? Take me with you?"
"They're not, no," Carol huffed, sipping from her glass. "And the drinks don't taste as good."
You wondered what she was drinking that she seemed to be enjoying so much. It was colourful, and had, at this point, piqued your interest. You reached out and snatched from where it sat in front of her on the bar. You sniffed it first. It was something fruity, that was all you could figure. Finally, you dared raise the glass to your lips. The second the liquid touched your tongue you felt like you might overdose on sugar and sweetness.
"Oh, my God, Carol!" You exclaimed, setting the drink back down on the bar top and sliding it to her. "What the hell is that?"
"She got it extra sweet," the bartender said as he walked by. "Your friend's got a sugar addiction."
It didn't seem to bother her at all. While you felt you could puke from the sugar content alone, she was sipping it happily. You rolled your eyes at her, reaching for your own drink, much preferring the taste of it. Carol turned to you suddenly, the straw still between her lips. You watched as she lowered it back down, using the same straw to stir the drink around, the ice clinking off the side of the glass as she did. She sipped it again.
"What's our weekend plans, then?" Carol asked finally.
"Who says I have plans with you?"
"Oh, please. You practically begged me to come stay on Earth for a weekend."
"I did absolutely no such thing."
You absolutely did do that. Carol was away from Earth more often than not and you missed her. It wasn't like it was a crime to. So, you'd phoned her up and asked her over and over to come spend just one weekend on Earth with you. She'd finally agreed on the eighth ask, and now here you sat; on the right of the girl you'd missed so dearly, teasing her relentlessly about whatever that abomination was swirling around in her glass.
"We're taking my new car on a little road trip," you finally gave, sipping your drink. "Music, fast-food, and deep talks on the interstate."
"Snacks too," you promised with a chuckle. "And we can get a nice motel room or pitch a tent at night. Whichever you please."
You had to laugh at the smile that had crept over her face. The way she giggled in excitement, you had to wonder if it'd just been too long since her last day off or if the alcohol had gotten to her already. She waved the bartender lever as she finished hers. He placed a new one in front of her, and she thanked him quickly, bringing it close and immediately bringing the straw between her lips. You wondered whether the sugar or alcohol content would hospitalize her quicker.
"So, when do we leave?" She chirped.
"In the morning. Don't drink too much. You'll get hungover and I want to actually have fun."
She stuck her tongue out at you. You rolled your eyes in response, finishing your own drink and then declining another. You didn't want to be hungover when you were the one driving the two of you around. The bartender brought you a pop instead. You sipped on it, watching a bar-goer stumbled over with a drunk grin on his face and tapped Carol on the shoulder. He said something you didn't quite hear, but you saw Carol nod. He took her hands and dragged her onto the dance floor. You brought her drink toward you.
Carol was a flirt. She always had been. She was a flirt with you, your teammates, and strangers. She was also gay. This dance with this guy didn't mean much to her. You weren't sure if it even meant much to him. You couldn't be sure that he'd even remember this dance. He was absolutely wasted, and it wasn't even midnight. Regardless, he seemed to be enjoying it. His eyes travelled up and down Carol's body and you squeezed the glass in your hand a little tighter. You were protective of her, despite knowing she could absolutely hold her own.
When the song finished, she winked at him, retreating back to your spot at the bar. She finished up her drink and then insisted the two of you head back to your place and that you were right: she didn't want to be nursing a hangover while you were supposed to be having a good time. You paid the bartender and then linked your arm with hers, leading her out the door and onto the streets. She glanced up at the tall buildings around her. A smile had formed on her face.
"You don't appreciate how beautiful this place is."
You glanced up at the glowing buildings that towered above you and marvelled, for a moment, at the soft light that radiated off them. Your gaze was tugged downward, though, at a rustling noise. You were snapped back into the reality of your city as you watched a rat scurry along the curb of the sidewalk in the direction opposite you. You chuckled at that, motioning to it as you looked up to catch Carol's bright gaze.
"Surely some of those planets are far more beautiful than this."
She shrugged. "Some, maybe. Some are worse. Some are kind of alike to this. This has always been my favourite, though."
You might have understood that if Carol had taken the time to visit the actual beautiful parts of the Earth. But she was always in the city. She'd never gone to stare in amazement at a waterfall or glance at towering mountains. She had never seen the true beauties of this Earth, and you promised in that moment to change that fact. If she thought New York City was beautiful, she would be blown off her feet by the things you showed her.
"One day, Carol, I'll show you the actual beautiful things on this Earth."
"You're pretty beautiful yourself."
You smacked her. That was her flirty side coming out once again. It didn't mean anything. It never had. So, you wondered what that strange flutter in your chest was when she said the words. You ignored it, passing it off as a longing for a meaningful relationship. You hadn't had one of those in a while now. You probably just wanted someone to say those words to you and mean it. You made a mental note to sign up for an online dating site after the weekend had passed. It was too hard to meet people in your line of work without them.
"Yeah, I know," was all you gave in response.
When you glanced over at her, she had a grin on her face.
It wasn't long until you'd reached your apartment building. You smiled at the front desk as you entered the lobby and immediately made for the elevator. You pressed the button to the seventh floor and waited patiently for the doors. You knew Carol was suppressing a squeal of glee when they arrived. She usually just flew everywhere. Using simple inventions like this one had always gotten her more excited than the average person. To anyone else, an elevator was just a boring elevator.
"Can I do it?" She asked as you pulled out your key.
Carol really was just like a child, in a sense. Everything was so advanced out in space that these were the things she enjoyed doing. You pointed out the bronze key and watched her run ahead. She practically skipped the distance to your apartment door. She pushed the key into the lock and turned it, glancing back at you and smiling widely when the door pushed open. You smiled affectionately as you took the key back from her.
She may not have visited Earth overly often, but every time she did, she visited your apartment. Resultantly, she knew her way around. She knew, as well, that you didn't mind in the slightest if she made herself at home. She slid her shoes off and jumped onto the couch, pulling the blanket down over top of her and snuggling into it. You actually took a photo of the sight before you moved into the room behind her, lifting her legs, sitting on the couch, and then dropping them back over your lap.
"Can we watch a movie?" Carol asked, pleading gaze turning to you.
You showed her the remote you'd been reaching for. "Already on it, Captain Danvers."
"I take it back," she giggled, tossing her head back so that it hit the armrest. "That's worse. You can call me-"
"Aw, my Care-Bear!" You laughed, shifting your position so you could throw your arms around her shoulders.
Carol grunted at the impact against her torso. Once you settled, though, she breathed a little easier. You were both squished against one side of the couch, now, but the closeness was nothing new to you. You still had the remote in hand, and aimed it at the TV, managing to get it to Netflix. You flicked on a random horror movie, setting the remote back down on the coffee table in front of you. You nestled back into the cushions.
It had always amused you how jumpy Carol got when she watched horror movies. She was a literal superhero that fought literal aliens all the night and day and yet a ghost jumping out of a darkened corridor had her cringing away from the TV screen and pulling the blanket further up her body as if in an attempt to protect her. She would always adamantly deny it if you ever brought it up later. You would never show her the picture you had of her, fuzzy blue blanket pulled all the way up to her nose, eyes wide, as she watched The Conjuring. She would delete it off your phone as you slept.
Today, though, her nerves seemed to be calmed somewhat by the cup of tea she had clasped between her hands. She looked entirely content, sitting cross-legged on the couch with that same fuzzy blanket draped over her lap and a grey, ceramic mug warming her palms. The alcohol had clearly gotten to her a little, you realized, as you watched her eyelids droop every once in a while. The corner of your mouth tilted upward ever so slightly. She was wide awake a moment later.
It was a sudden jump scare. Even being half asleep, Carol was still paying attention. So, when the TV boomed and there was a flash and a scream, she jumped. The tea that she'd been holding in her lap sloshed over the edges, a large amount of liquid soaking into the couch cushions. You were out of your seat in an instant, reaching for the remote to pause. Carol was apologizing profusely, jumping to her feet and following you to the kitchen.
"It's okay, Carol. It's fine," you chuckled, wetting a dish towel and grabbing some paper towels. "Hey, it's fine. Really. Chill out."
Carol seemed hesitant to do that. When you lightheartedly flicked the wet towel at her, though, she finally smiled taking the paper towel out of your hand and heading back to the living room, pressing the paper towel into the couch and absorbing as much of the liquid as she could. When she'd finished, you used the wet rag to clean the beverage out. As you tossed the paper towel away and threw the dishrag into the kitchen sink, you stood back and took a look at the large wet spot on the couch.
"Guess we're moving to my room, then. Let's go, Care-Bear."
Carol nodded. She trod behind you into the bedroom, where you flopped onto the bed. She was lagging behind and you waved her onward to hurry her up. She finally jumped onto the bed and sat next to you, sliding her legs underneath the covers. You turned on the small TV in your room and resumed the movie you'd been watching. In the soft comfort of the bed, though, it seemed the tug for sleep was greater. Carol's eyes finally fluttered shut and she lay down against the pillows. You chuckled, turning off the movie.
You, unlike your friend, hadn't fallen asleep involuntary. You were able to head to the bathroom and brush your teeth before yawning tiredly and deciding to join. You padded back into the room, climbed under the covers, shut off the lights, and lay your head onto your own pillow. You smiled once at Carol's sleeping figure before you shut your eyes, letting sleep take you.
As hard as you tried to convince her, you weren't able to get Carol to stick her head back inside the sunroof. You weren't sure how to breeze was so exhilarating to her. The superhuman could fly faster than your car was going right now. The wind in her hair had to be a familiar feeling at this point. Plus, there were no laws against flying above the interstate to feel the wind in your hair. There were, however, laws about standing with your entire torso stuck out the roof of the car.
You'd given up a while ago. If she fell out, she'd be just fine. If she got you a ticket? Oh, there would be serious hell to pay. She'd agreed to that already. You'd honestly be surprised, though, if she did get ticketed. It'd be quite a sight to see: a measly police officer ticketing the Human-Kree Hybrid superhero. That sight alone might actually be worth the fine you would have to pay. By the time she'd pulled her head back in, though, blonde hair windblown and a smile plastered to her face, you'd yet to see a single cop.
"Have fun?" You asked, doing up the sunroof.
"Absolutely. You should try."
"Do you know how to drive?" You scoffed.
"I can fly a ship."
"Yeah, I'm sure UFO controls are much different than cars so I'm gonna have to politely ask you to stay the hell away from my car."
Carol only stuck her tongue out at you. She still didn't do her seatbelt up yet. She twisted her body so that she could reach into the back seat. You turned back to the road, but when you shot a second glance at her a few seconds later, she was popping open a can of Pringles with a large grin on her face. She bit down onto a chip with a giggle before turning the can to you. You reached into it with one hand and took a small handful of them, setting them down on the centre console for easier access.
"Where are we staying tonight?" Carol asked through a mouthful of chips.
"A campground up in a small town in Ontario," you hummed. "It's still a good few hours away. I'd ask if you wanted to stop for food, but I'd guess you've filled up on snacks."
She dug through her backpack. "Do I need this?"
She held up the passport you'd made her get last time the two of you had headed up to Toronto. Despite the fact that she really wasn't a citizen of the United States... or even of Earth, you'd managed to get S.H.I.E.L.D. to make you an exception for Carol. It was the perks of being an Avenger, and a close friend of Nick Fury, you supposed. To answer her question, you simply nodded your head as you reached for the Gatorade in your cup holder. She stuck the papers back into her bag.
"So, are you seeing anyone?"
The question almost made you spit the red beverage onto the steering wheel. It wasn't that you and Carol had never talked about it. She was one of your closest friends, after all. She was the first one you'd called when you'd realized your feelings for your last girlfriend, and she was the first one you'd called when you'd broken up. Carol wasn't someone you didn't talk about your love life with. It was just that it was completely and entirely out of the blue. It didn't help that the answer was still no, even after the long period of time since she'd last asked it.
You'd tried to assure yourself that you were just busy with work. It wasn't a lie. You'd been busy as hell ever since Loki's sceptre had inexplicably gone missing after the Battle in New York. But it wasn't just that, you knew full well. Something seemed to be wrong with your brain, or maybe your heart. Maybe it was just that your standards were practically in the clouds, but no one seemed attractive to you anymore. Not even the girl Natasha had tried to set you up with (and you were well convinced that Natasha only knew attractive people).
"Not at the moment, no," you finally admitted. "You?"
"On-and-off," she shrugged. "Just a girl from a planet called Xandar."
A pang of jealousy struck your chest. You were carving something- anything. You would've given anything even for something on-and-off just about now. Had it really been that long? You could hardly believe you were jealous of her. It wasn't like you to be jealous of something someone else had. You were supposed to be happy for her, not sulking over your own lack of a love life... or sex life. You forced a smile at her, wishing it could be real.
"Oh, yeah? Tell me about her."
"Not too much to tell," Carol said, biting down on a potato chip. "She's cute, funny, sweet. A little younger than me, but most people are," she chuckled as she glanced over at you. You plastered a phone smile back onto your lips and forced a laugh from your chest. "Her name's Alya."
You almost grumbled, but managed to bite your tongue on time. You resorted to ripping open a packet of gummy bears in order to keep your mouth full and therefore unable to make any snarky comments. Carol didn't seem to notice that, only reaching over and grabbing a green bear out of the bag. Though you might have been a little frustrated, you let her. It wasn't her fault that you were touch-starved and desperate.
"You know, we could spend this trip trying to find you a girlfriend," Carol grinned, tossing a candy into the air and catching it in her mouth.
"No," you denied immediately. You didn't need for her to see how weird your head was being right now. You were certain there was no one she could find that would be able to snap you out of this strange state of no one being attractive to you, yet craving someone. "I'm not looking for a girlfriend in Ontario."
"What's wrong with girls from Ontario?" Carol teased.
She'd been to Ontario once before. She'd pointed out that, though they may have dressed a little different and talked a little different, the girls from Ontario were just as attractive as the girls from New York. You'd had to point out that, at the time, she'd had a girlfriend. With Carol's ogling at girls on Earth, clearly, she and the girlfriend hadn't been working out well. They'd broken up two weeks later, leaving them both a little hurt, but not beyond repair. Even still, they saw each other for lunch or for a drink, but just as friends. It was admirable; the respect they had retained for one another.
"Nothing is wrong with girls from Ontario," you huffed. "I'm just not in the mood. This is supposed to be our weekend."
"What if I want to spend our weekend finding you a girl?"
"I don't. Drop it," you finally snapped.
Immediately guilt rushed to settle in the pit of your stomach. You readjusted your grip on the steering wheel as your gaze refused to leave the road in front of you. You didn't want to glance over at the frown that had surely taken the place of that infectious smile you loved so dearly. You definitely didn't want to look at it knowing that you were the cause of it. Carol was so incredibly joyful all the time and that was one of the things you loved about her. To be the one who had taken that joy from her, even momentarily, broke your heart.
"I'm sorry," you muttered.
She didn't answer that.
You attempted to swallow the lump in your throat as you tried to focus on driving instead of picturing the frown that was probably tugging at each of Carol's features. You wished you could actually physically kick yourself for what you'd done. She didn't deserve you snapping at her like that. She hadn't done anything wrong. You were just being pissy for reasons you weren't sure even you quite understood. You finally turned to her, but she was looking out the window.
"Look, Carol-"
"Hey, don't worry. Sorry I pushed."
You didn't deserve Carol Susan Jane Danvers one single bit. She deserved more than the world and you swore right then you'd work every moment to give that to her. Despite how you'd treated her for reasons she couldn't possibly have understood, when she turned to you, she was still smiling. As always, her smile put a smile on your face too. You turned away from those soft brown eyes to glance back at the road in front of you.
"It's okay. I'm sorry I snapped. I just... it's a long story, Care-Bear."
"We've got a long ride ahead of us," she tried.
"I don't know that I'm feeling like talking about it right this second," you admitted.
She seemed to accept that. You felt her touch your arm with her hand. Warmth seemed to rush from her touch, up your arms, and into your chest. How one person could instill such comfort into you amazed you. She said a few soft words to you that you didn't quite hear, but you felt you might not need to. You knew they were words of comfort. Just that knowledge was enough to put a smile onto your face. Your eyes flickered from her to the road.
"No problem," Carol chimed. Then, without missing a single beat, she changed the subject. "Hey, which bag did you put the Fuzzy Peaches in?"
"The green backpack."
Just like that, it was easy again. Carol didn't let you linger on just how upset you were for more than a second. She practically dived into the back seat for the backpack, reappearing with the orange package in her hand. She plopped back down into her seat, still refused to put her seatbelt on, and ripped the package open. She reached out and turned up the music when one of your favourite songs came on. You wondered if she knew that.
"No! That piece goes over here!" You insisted.
Carol frowned and handed you the long pole.
Pitching a tent with an alien who hadn't even known was a tent was, up until five minutes ago, was not easy. She'd practically rolled herself up like a burrito in the rain fly right after nearly putting the stakes directly through the floor to pin the tent down. You'd been guiding her, preventing any damage from coming to it. She was listening intently, making sure she did everything exactly how you said. She stuck the peg through the guy line and looked at you.
"Like that?"
"Yeah. Perfect. I think we're just about done, Care-Bear."
At that, she unzipped the door, diving through it into the empty tent. You reached into the trunk of your car, throwing the many pillows, blankets, and sleeping bags through behind her, not caring much where they landed. When you finally shut the door and ducked into the tent, Carol was beneath the large pile, peering out from where only the top half of her face was visible. You had to chuckle, grabbing one of the blankets and pulling it over her face.
Carol insisted she set up. She had you sit aside by the door, munching happily on a small bowl of popcorn as you watched. She carefully unzipped the sleeping bags and lay them down on the floor, putting the pillows atop them, and then the two comforters stacked on top of each other on top of that. When she finally finished, she gestured proudly to her completed setup. You raised an eyebrow.
"We both sleeping there?"
She nodded. "It's cold."
You had to give her that. You were practically shivering just from waiting for her to finish. The sun had dipped beyond the horizon at this point, the darkness of night did nothing to heat up the air around you. You clambered under the blankets, careful not to drop any of the popcorn you still held. You placed it next to you, letting Carol reach over and grab some as she, too, climbed into the makeshift bed. She popped a piece into her mouth.
"Up to talking about it yet?"
It was a genuine question. Carol wasn't pushy. That was something you could tell by her tone. She had waited patiently and was continuing to wait for you to be ready to talk about what you needed to talk about. She didn't want you bottling it up, but she didn't want to pressure you. She was able to do that. You glanced down at the red blanket that covered your legs, pondering her question for a moment. Then you nodded your head yes.
"I just haven't felt myself recently," you shrugged. "I would like to get out there and find someone, no doubt. Recently, though, it's like my standards are unmeetable. No one seems even remotely appealing to me."
"No one at all?"
"Nat tried to set me up with her Russian model friend," you said, turning to Carol with a grin finally on your lips.
"Nothing?" Carol said, an exaggerated amount of shock on her face. "You must be broken."
You shoved her. She chuckled; the offensive action having done nothing. She was inhumanly strong. If you'd decided to punch her, you likely would've broken your hand against her. She shoved you back, only lightly, so you moved a few inches away from her. She stuck her hand back into the popcorn bowl as you shuffled back into your place beside her. She was chewing thoughtfully, and you didn't dare interrupt her with the very focused expression on her face.
"Do you already like someone? That usually takes away the appeal of anyone else."
You stopped to think about that. You knew that could be the case. In eleventh grade when you'd had a crush on Adelaide Artenbaker, you'd suddenly failed to find anyone else attractive at all. Of course, Adelaide had eventually rejected you on account that she was straight as an arrow. It wasn't malicious. She'd actually given you a kiss on the cheek and assured you that, if she discovered wasn't, she'd let you know. It had made you laugh.
Now, you had to wonder if there was anyone that was making your stomach flip and making you dismiss anyone else. It wasn't the Avengers. You'd been in the changing room with Natasha, the Black fucking Widow, two days ago, and she'd strutted up to you in nothing but her bra and underwear. You hadn't even bat an eyelash as she'd asked you if you wanted to get some Chinese food after the mission (but you had said yes, of course).
"Yeah. Maybe."
Her words had knocked some serious sense into you. You definitely had a crush on someone, and it had definitely been impairing your ability to get out on a date. That someone was around so little, though, that you hadn't realized right away just how you felt for them. Maybe if she visited Earth a little more often, you'd have realized why you blushed so deeply when she'd crawled into bed with you last night or right now.
"Who is it, then?"
Carol had a girlfriend. It may have been on-again-off-again, but she had a girlfriend. You were not now, nor ever, someone who would come between that. You were going to let her be happy with someone who was making her happy and you were going to be happy for her. You plastered a smile onto your face and reached into the bowl of popcorn that sat on your lap, letting the snack cloud the feelings of jealousy that you knew now weren't jealousy of a relationship, but if Carol.
Carol didn't miss a single beat. "Liar."
You glared at her. "The fuck do you mean? Telling me who I do and do not like?"
"I know who has your heart right now. It isn't Nat."
This time when she reached for the popcorn, she leaned over. To support her weight, her hand came to rest on your upper thigh. You had to refrain from reacting. You sucked the inside of your cheek between your teeth, biting hard on it to suppress any sort of reaction that Carol would have noticed. It seemed to have worked. She grabbed a small handful and then backed away, the pressure of her hand disappearing from your limb.
"Yeah? Who is it, then?"
"Someone that likes you back."
"And who says Nat doesn't?"
You might have actually been offended if it weren't Carol you were talking to. You were good enough for Natasha, right? She was practically a goddess in respect to her looks, but you were something, too. Not that you liked Natasha in that way. She was a friend. Carol was the one that you cared about. Something about that sweet smile and that confidence mixed with an innocence she had after being away from Earth for so long warmed your heart every time.
"Fair," Carol admitted. "But you know, you're pretty oblivious. With all the hints I've been dropping, you'd think you'd have realized your feelings are reciprocated."
"I like you, dumbass. More than a friend likes a friend."
Your jaw might have dropped. You coughed, choking on the popcorn that you'd been eating as you whirled to face the blonde. She had a twinkle in her eyes, and a giggle escaped her lips when she saw the expression on your face. She tossed a piece of popcorn into the air, catching it in her mouth. She chewed on it as she waited, arms crossed, for you to collect yourself. Finally, after a long drink of water, you calmed.
"You're an idiot," she mumbled.
Then she grabbed the front of your shirt and pulled you closer. You didn't fail to notice, as your lips moved against hers, that she moved the popcorn bowl so that it wouldn't spill. It seemed completely unimportant, though. You felt everything starting to melt away into Carol Danvers. Her lips were talented and kissing her felt like an intricate sport and suddenly you needed to breathe. When you pushed away, you realized what you'd done wrong.
Her feelings to you didn't matter. She had a girlfriend. Unless that fact changed, she and you didn't get to be more than your friend. You pushed her even further away. You knew she had the ability to, but she didn't resist. You backed off a little further so that your bodies were completely separated. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, but she didn't push. She even waited for you to speak first. Your eyes wouldn't meet hers.
"You have a girlfriend."
"I just said that to make you jealous," she scoffed.
You immediately got defensive. "I was not jealous."
"You were so!"
"Shut up."
She did. You suspected the only reason she had shut up was because she was kissing you again. It didn't matter. You were on cloud nine. You felt right again. You felt more right now than you ever had. Carol was exactly what you had needed for longer than you could figure out right then. She was clouding your thoughts and, honestly, you couldn't have cared less. You didn't want to think about anything besides how good her lips felt on yours right then.
You couldn't even find it in yourself to be mad at her for the little stunt she had pulled. You could only be glad that this so-called girlfriend wasn't actually real, and was just a part of her stupid plan. Without the girlfriend, you were free to kiss her as much as she would let you. Judging by how she was kissing you now, she wasn't going to stop you anytime soon. Her teeth grazed your bottom lip as she pulled away, not moving more than an inch from your lips, though.
The hand that clasped your shirt uncurled. She pressed her hand flat against the centre of your chest, pushing you onto your back. You had to chuckle as her knees pressed into the ground on either side of your waist. She kissed your nose once, scowling at the laughs that were beginning to bubble from your chest. You leaned up and kissed her lips for a brief moment, before using a hand to caress her cheek and tuck her hair behind her ear.
"What are you laughing at?"
"Nothing. You were right," you stated. "I'm kinda glad you were right."
"You're kind of glad? Can you imagine how stupid I'd have looked if I were wrong?" Carol laughed.
"Quite," you agreed with a nod.
You pulled her down next to you, wrapping your arms around her and feeling hers do the same to you. You pressed your forehead against hers, taking the time to admire her smiling face. She giggled a little, pecking your lips quickly. She didn't linger, though, having been preoccupied in reaching over your shoulder into the bowl of popcorn once more. She shoved a few pieces into her mouth and chewed happily.
"Care-Bear, what's more important: me or snacks?"
"You are a snack."
You gaped. "How the hell did you learn that term?"
She shrugged. "I hear things."
You rolled your eyes, pushing her away from you. She let you, reaching for her water bottle to wash down some of the salty flavour that had come off the popcorn. She offered you some water, which you accepted. When you finished and handed the bottle back to her, she pulled you close to her. Your body moved until it was flush against hers. Her torso was so warm you could've fallen asleep right then and there.
"You're more important."
Being more important than snacks, in the opinion of Carol Danvers, was just about the highest compliment you could have received.
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1kook · 4 years
commercial break; SEVEN
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this is part of my netflix & chill series ! happens a few months before part 7 
summary; And lastly, Jungkook will bring it full circle by indulging you two in some good old fashion spooky sex where he nuts inside you because the only thing scarier than a scary movie is a pregnancy scare. It’s a perfect plan.  warnings; horny jk, jk wants to roleplay... everyone point n laugh, mentions of his impreg kink lol, making out, tits, honestly jk is just very horny n in love lol, jk in a vampire costume w fangs O_o rating; mature (18+) wc; 2k
notes; if u don’t know who lindsay is first of all ur sick, second of all here’s my queen’s top moments. also i just gotta say, this was originally gonna be a larger fic (a halloween special) for my ncouple, but i got a lil busy with school n ultimately didn't have time to invest in this as a whole installment so..... enjoy this commercial break instead!!
Jungkook loves Halloween.
He loves the pumpkin carving and the decorating. Loves the spooky music and the abundance of candy. He loves it, absolutely adores it, and for the second year in a row, he gets to spend it with you! Yet another person he loves very much.
He doesn’t remember ever being this excited for Halloween. Last year, you had roped him into going to some frat party with him, had egged him on, begged so cutely that it was your last year in college, baby until he caved. The two of you had spent the night drinking until you blacked out, Ubering home with your costumes half on, and then unceremoniously fucking in his living room with the blinds wide open.
(The next neighborhood meeting had been very awkward for Jungkook.)
It was his first time ever drinking with you like that, and he vaguely remembers, through his own drunken gaze, how cool you had been. Had absolutely owned a bunch of greasy football players at beer pong in your little sexy nurse costume. And when the crowd cheered your name, shrieked in awe, it had been him that you turned to for praise. “Did you see me, baby,” you had giggled, crowded him against the wall of this random house until Jungkook was sweating profusely. In lieu of a costume, he had worn a silly jogger set with a skeleton design that was supposed to glow in the dark, according to Amazon. You had told him he looked adorable, had kissed and squeezed his cheeks until Jungkook was a flustered mess.
It was still early into your relationship— if Jungkook did the math, you were only about five months in at that point —so he didn’t know how else to cope with the rapid thundering of his heart, the confession sitting on his tongue, the then scary L-word begging to be heard. So, he took you home and fucked you until your little nurse cap slid off your head and you were begging for him to let you cum, thus earning him his first ever offense for violating the neighborhood rules (i.e., traumatizing a group of middle schoolers by fucking in plain sight).
Long story short, Jungkook loves Halloween, and he loves it even more when he gets to spend it with you.
(He’ll never admit it, but he’s a hard romantic. He wants to do cheesy things with you, like cuddle you into his arms when you get scared, pat your head until you can look at whatever is happening on screen again. He wants you to feel safe in his arms, wants to be your refuge when things become too much. He likes to think he’s done a pretty good job so far.)
Jungkook’s plan goes like this:
First, welcome you with that Halloween basket you’ve been sending him tweet links about all month. The cute little Jack-O-lantern candy bucket stuffed with candy and hair ties and a soft Halloween themed blanket. It’s so cheesy, makes him blush when he catches sight of it in his closet, but Jungkook will do anything to please you.
Next, after presenting you with your Halloween gift and having you coo and tell him he’s a good boy, he’ll invite you to break your new soft blanket in. The living room will be prepared with an assortment of your favorite foods, the flat screen ready to play whatever horror movie the two of you settle on.
And lastly, Jungkook will bring it full circle by indulging you two in some good old fashion spooky sex where he nuts inside you because the only thing scarier than a scary movie is a pregnancy scare.
It’s a perfect plan.
It’s the best way to spend his favorite holiday, with his favorite girl by his side and some of his favorite horror films on the big screen. Jungkook spends all of October geeked up for it, even considers hanging up lights around the living room to really set the mood. He’s so excited, can’t wait to spend another wonderful holiday at home with you, that he doesn’t fully realize why you haven’t brought up the long awaited topic of costumes.
“You like?” you ask, standing at the door of his bathroom with a sultry look in your eye, tits practically pouring out of the tight top you’ve wiggled into, skin oiled up scandalously. He fumbles with the fake vampire fang prosthetics he’d been trying to glue in for the better half of an hour.
He had heard the door open downstairs when you got here, had called out his mandatory greeting as he heard you come up the stairs. But none of that had prepared him for the sight of you in… whatever this was.
Jungkook doesn’t really understand exactly what you’re supposed to be dressed up as until the two of you are back downstairs—blinds drawn, full moon slipping in through the cracks—with some random horror movie pulled up on the TV. “I’m Lindsey,” you whine, brand new fluffy blanket wrapped around your shoulders. It shields your boobs from view, but he’s not sure if that’s a win or a loss. “From Total Drama Island!”
He settles in beside you, doesn’t get too comfortable because it’s nearing sundown now and he knows the herds of children are bound to start flowing in. “Uh huh,” he says mindlessly. His collar feels itchy, the overly-detailed vampire costume he meticulously scoured the internet for being one size too small. You snuggle into his side anyway.
“You don’t know anything about cinematic masterpieces,” you frown, avidly tuned into The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, because apparently you love horror movies all of a sudden, a fact that genuinely throws Jungkook off. He’s not sure what it is about you that had deluded him into thinking you would be a scaredy cat, but he doesn’t take the new bit of information too hard.
The doorbell rings right as the first gorey scene ends and you make a big show of huffing and whining as he rushes to answer it. But it’s only the beginning of the long night that awaits, and, as Jungkook comes to find, running back and forth from the door to the couch is harder than it seems.
Anyway, Jungkook’s neighborhood is a little posh, or ‘bougie’ as you like to claim, and trick-or-treating hours end a little before eleven pm. By then he’s tired, having refused your offer to switch places in fear that your boob might fall out of that scrap of fabric you call a top and earn him his second neighborly offense.
However, that doesn’t mean he’s opposed to your boobs falling out in private.
“Stupid,” you giggle when he gets caught in his long cape, the sound slowly melting into a whimper as he slips his hands beneath your top, fighting with the ridiculous push-up bra you’ve donned tonight. Hands tangle in his hair, mess up the careful side part he’d styled up for tonight, and legs lock around his waist. “Your curtains closed?” you tease.
He huffs, catches your chatty lips with his roughly, presses and presses until your mouth must bruise. He belatedly remembers about those sharp fangs he’d glued on—hey, if he was going to dress up as some gaudy monster it might as well be realistic—and doesn’t realize until he tries to bite your neck and you let out a little yelp. Truthfully, he feels bad right away, but then you’re practically dissolving in his arms so he plays along. “Shh,” he hisses.
The roar of a chainsaw and terrified screams fill the living room, almost drowning out the soft sounds you release by his ear. “O- Or what?” you pant, flinch when he pushes your sad excuse of a skirt up over your waist. “Gonna b- bite me?”
And so Jungkook does.
You shriek. “That hurts, you idiot!” you scold with a tiny whine in your voice, but Jungkook’s cock is so hard. Your tiny, tight outfit does you no favors. Tits in his face, tiny thong against his bulge. He wants to make you sob, litter bites and marks all over your skin until his love makes you ache. You must see the crazed look in his eyes, because you drop the scowl. “Hey,” you say slowly, hand on his chest. “You look like you’re gonna eat me.”
He lets go of a breath he hadn’t known he was holding. He wonders if you can feel his thundering heart beneath your palm. “Fuck,” he sighs, leaning away to regain his senses. Was it something in the air? Was it the fatigue? The full moon? Why did he want to fold you in half and fuck his cock into you until you were a crying, shivering mess? Something about you tonight, laid out for him to take, makes him feel absolutely insane. Starved and psycho; he just wants to take and take until you don’t have anything more to give. He purses his lips, tries to ignore the hot feeling in his lower abdomen when your hardened nipples register to his eyes. “I think I’m becoming evil.”
Of all the idiotic things his brain can come up with, this one is definitely top five. His cheeks flush right after, fueled by the boisterous laughter that escapes your lips at his statement. “Oh my god,” you gasp in glee, hands falling down beside your head. “You’re becoming evil?’
Jungkook frowns, flopping down on top of you to hide the embarrassment that paints his face. “Shut up,” he mumbles against your neck, warm and safe.
A hand cards through the back of his hair, nails dig lightly into his scalp. “Aren’t you the cutest little vampire,” you coo, seemingly ignoring the rock hard cock Jungkook presses against your thigh. He’s still so horny, has this sick thought that he could just pin you down right here, tear that silly costume to shreds and swallow you up in his lust. But your voice is so sweet, has his eyes fluttering shut as you gather him in his arms. “Silly vampire,” you hum, one leg thrown around his hip, a subtle roll of you hips up into him.
Jungkook huffs, licks a flat strip along the base of your neck. It draws a shaky exhale from you, has your hands digging into his back when he begins to slowly lap against the skin, nibble and tug until your back is deliciously arching up into him. “Wanna push you down,” he confesses quietly, hands securing themselves against your hips as he leans back. You're all dazed, eyes trained on his fanged mouth when he hesitantly adds, “l- little human.”
You could laugh, tease him for his sudden weird need to role play with you, but you don’t. A look of understanding crosses your face, sly smirk slowly following. “Oh?” you grin, hand coming around to cup his cheek. “The little vampire wants to use my body?” Jungkook tightens his jaw at your jab, but nods nonetheless.
You’re a feast before his eyes. Boobs in his face, pussy begging to be filled. You’re his, just like Jungkook is yours. And when you indulge him and his stupid whims—kinks, he should say, occasional interests that sometimes make him question himself—his heart feels warm and full. Proud and unashamed, like the truest version of himself when you look at him with those eyes. And your words only confirm it.
Your hands reach down for your top, pull the flimsy material over your head in one swoop that has your bra coming off with it. It drops to the floor. If it makes a sound, Jungkook doesn’t hear it over the shrieks of terror on screen. the blood deaths, the suspenseful music. All he hears is he hammering of his heart. 
It’s two of your sneaky fingers that come up to play, pinch one nipple tenderly as you meet his eyes. “It’s all yours,” you purr. “I’m all yours.”
And the thirst he feels, well. It’s a little vampiric, to say the least. 
Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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Oneshot: Cinderella (Part I)
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One day, Crowley stated that he had some matter he needed to speak with you after your classes. As you ran to his office, you saw Kalim heading towards you. Kalim, not being aware of his surroundings, almost bumped into you until you saw a familiar hand grabbed Kalim by the collar. As you stopped yourself and took a closer look at who could’ve prevented this collision, you saw Jamil scolding Kalim as usual.
Jamil: *sigh* “Just when I take my eyes off of you for one second, be more careful Kalim! You could’ve bumped into someone!”
Kalim: “Hehe, sorry Jamil…I wasn’t really paying attention!”
You call out to the both of them:
A: “Kalim-senpai! Jamil-senpai! Are you alright?”
B: “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you guys!”
Kalim laughed it off, going up to you to give you a pat on your shoulder. “(y/n)-chan! I’m fine, don’t worry about me! It’s thanks to Jamil that we didn’t get hurt. Anyways, I haven’t seen you in a while! How’ve you been?” You give him a small smile, “I’ve been fine, I guess I was too busy with the exams that I didn’t get to talk to you and the others that much.” You heard Jamil give a small cough as he eyed at Kalim, Kalim seemed to be clueless and look over to him.
Kalim: “Jamil, are you alright there? Don’t tell me you caught a cold?!”
Jamil: *sighs in an annoyed tone* “I am fine. Ahhh! Kalim, us second-years are also done with our exams right? We do seem to have a lot of free time on our hands, which is nice, right Kalim?”
Kalim: “OOOH THAT’S RIGHT! (y/n), I’m planning to have a banquet tonight to celebrate with all the students, now that exams are over! You should come too! I’ll make sure to bring extra magic carpets and camels just for you!”
You giggled, remembering that the last time he stated that he’ll bring you a thousand camels to you if that would get you to come to his first banquet, which resulted in getting scolded by Jamil for bringing such an outrageous number of camels.
You respond:
A: “Sure! I would love to!”
B: “I don’t mind, just don’t stress Jamil-senpai too much.”
You look at the clock on the wall, realizing that you should be meeting with Crowley by now. “Ah! I have to go! I have to talk to the Headmaster! I’ll see you two later!!” As you ran to Crowley’s office, Kalim turns to Jamil.
Kalim: “I just realized that I should’ve only invited her tonight…” *sighs* “I wasted an opportunity to confess my feelings for her!”
Jamil: “I was trying to help you out earlier but it seem like you didn’t catch my signal again. You’ll have another chance someday. Now, let’s set this party that you suggested last minute.”
You arrived in Crowley’s office, you can see his slightly angry demeanor as he tapped his foot on the ground with his arms crossed. He got up from his seat and approached to you. “My my! To think that you would be late!”
You bowed, quickly apologizing him for making him wait for you. Crowley just sighs and gestures for you to come to his desk.
As you got yourself together, you saw Crowley reaching for something in his drawers. He places a piece of paper on top of the desk.
Crowley: “Well, because I am so nice after all, I shall let this little incident go. Oh, I also see that the trio isn’t with you. How rare.”
You forgot that you left Grim with Ace and Deuce at the courtyard without telling them anything. You can remember the faint screams from them asking where you were going as you ran off.
Crowley: *small cough* “Anyways, going back to the topic at hand! (y/n), I need you to help set up a play.” You raise your eyebrow in confusion. “A play? What is the meaning of this, Headmaster?”
You picked up the paper to see a picture of a glass slipper with the words Cinderella. You remember back in your old world where you watched the movie Cinderella on your TV as your younger self once dreamed of becoming a princess like her.
Crowley: “You will be participating in the play, the classic Cinderella! As you can see, we do not have that many female students or to be more exact you are the only female student. And I thought that being an all-boys school wouldn’t last us long. So! I am declaring that Raven Night College will be accepting female students! And to introduce this, I was planning on announcing it after the play! The play is to show off our very successful female student at Night Raven College! How does that sound? Ah, I am such a genius!”
There was so much for you to take in that all you could do is blink in response. As you look back to the paper, you can the list of roles, ranging from the prince to the evil stepmother and stepsisters. As you took a closer look at the list, you see next to “Cinderella” was your name.
“Headmaster, so you are saying that I have to set up the play and play the main role of CINDERELLA?!” Headmaster laughed with such glee, as he got on top of his desk in a dramatic motion, raising this arm high in the sky with his other arm on his chest. “Why yes (y/n)! You shall be the main star, as that you are the only female, it is a given that you will have to play as Cinderella!”
You let out a heavy sigh, not only will other students seeing this, but you have to figure out who is going to play these roles?! That sounds like a lot of work. Crowley senses your tension and comes to give you a pat on your shoulder.
Crowley: “Now, I am sure that you are excited but also stressed that you are suddenly given this task. But no worries! I have already written the script and getting the costumes ready! All you need to do is to find who is willing to be part of the play. Because I am so nice!”
At least Crowley has laid out the foundation, but to find people for these roles, will you even find people willing to? But before you can think, Crowley pushes you out of his office and as he was closing the door, he states, “I’m looking forward to what you have to offer, (y/n).”
You hesitantly walk forward as you thought about how you were going to handle this. Should I put up flyers? No, too many people might apply or no one would notice them. Maybe I can ask the upperclassmen to help spread the word? Or should I-
You look up to see Ace, Deuce, and Grim running towards you.
Ace: “Jeez! If you were going to the Headmaster’s office, you should’ve said something!”
Grim: “We were looking for you everywhere!”
You apologized profusely, feeling bad that you left them behind. You promised them that you would treat them to something at the Mostro Lounge if that would make up for abandoning them earlier. Deuce spots the piece of paper in your hands and asks what you were holding. You sighed as you state that it would be a long story and started to head your way to the Mostro Lounge as you explained the situation.
~Some Time Later You Arrive at Mostro Lounge~
Deuce: “Huh, I see. So, the Headmaster is forcing you to pick the cast and you have to play Cinderella. That sounds rough.”
Grim: “Cinderella? What’s that?”
Ace: “As usual, Grim doesn’t know these types of stories. Cinderella is a story of a princess that goes to a ball and gets married to a prince. Right?”
You shook your head:
A: “Ace, that’s too little. It doesn’t even sound like Cinderella anymore.”
B: “You’re missing a very key component Ace…”
You decided to take the lead and began to summarize the story of Cinderella. After you were done, you were asking for everyone’s input on the plan to get the play ready. As you guys were throwing suggestions, Jade happened to be near your table and overhears this. He takes a glance at the piece of paper that was sitting on top of the table and lets out a small inaudible chuckle before walking away. He then quickly heads for the VIP Room and calls to Azul. “Azul, (y/n) and the others seem to be struggling with something.” Azul, who was looking at his papers, look at Jade with a slight gleam of interest in his eyes.
Azul: “Oh, my poor (y/n) is struggling with something? I must help her! What seems to be the problem?”
Jade: “It seems like they are setting up a play and they don’t know how to start one.”
Floyd, who was standing by Azul’s side like a bodyguard, giggles.
Floyd: “A play? Is shrimp-chan going to be in that play?~ What type of play is it?~”
Jade gives a small grin as he answers, “It is Cinderella. And it seems that (y/n) is chosen to play Cinderella in this play.”
Azul gives a small chuckle, this is his chance, he can help out (y/n) and then find a way to get his spot as the prince. He shall take this opportunity to steal (y/n)’s heart. “Jade, have them meet me in the VIP Room. I shall aid them in their predicament…” Jade nodded and gets Floyd to come with him as they make their way to your table.
“Excuse (y/n), but I can’t help but to overhear that you seem to be struggling with something.” sound familiar?
You look up to see Jade and Floyd with smiles on their faces. You smile back in response. “Hello Jade and Floyd-senpai, well we are having a bit of trouble...” Ace gives a long sigh, “We are trying to set up this Cinderella play but we don’t know where to start and how we are going to handle this…” Floyd takes your arm and has you stand up. He gives you a wide grin as he responds. “Azul is free right now, you guys wanna go see him?” You nodded and you guys make your way to the VIP Room. As Jade open the door, you were greeted with Azul at his desk with a smile on his face.
He gets up from his seat and walks up to you, kissing your hand as a greeting. “My dear (y/n), I can see that you are struggling with something, is there something you would like to tell me?” as he guides you to a seat next to him while holding your hand, the others follow suit and sat in across from you two.
You turn to face Azul:
(y/n): “Azul, I need you help with setting up a play.”
Azul, grinning to himself, knowing full well what you were struggling with, but he acted as if he didn’t know firsthand. He rubs his thumb on the back of your hand gently as he ponders on your question.
Azul: “A play you say? I’m afraid that it might be hard to accomplish with just the two of us. I do not have much experience in that field…”
Ace: *whispers to Deuce* “Wait, did Azul just say just the two of them? Did he forget we’re here?”
Deuce: *whispers back* “I heard it too. So it wasn’t just my imagination…”
Azul: “What play is it, (y/n)?”
You hesitate to respond, but Grim beats you to the punch as he climbs on top of your shoulder, causing you to let go of Azul’s hand in shock.
Grim: “It’s this story about a girl named Cindela?”
Azul: *sighs* Why would you butt in our conversation like this? “I believe you mean Cinderella. And? Have you decided the roles yet?”
You shook your head. “No, but the Headmaster says that I have to play the role of Cinderella so I am stuck with that role. He also said that he will take care of the script and costumes so all we have to worry about is who is playing what role…” Azul nodded as he took a bit of time to process the situation.
Azul: “Hm…so you are saying you need people that are willing to participate in this play? I can also send out Jade and Floyd to recruit other members. But if you do not mind, I can participate in that play as well.”
You dropped your jaw, right away Azul is willing to help you out by not only helping you recruit members but also to participate in it as well. “Really Azul?! You don’t mind at all?!” He shook his head in response. “Of course I don’t mind helping you out. Plus, if anything, since you are playing the main role, I’m sure you will gain a lot of attention. But I do have a request…”
Holy frick! So since the way I want to lay this out will be too much to put into one post, I will be splitting it into two parts. Sorry to leave you at a cliff-hanger! But no worries, I will finish this request and the other requests ASAP! But I do have exams to worry about (sucks to be a college student...), so I hope you guys can give me a little more time to write out these requests! 
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chimchimsauce · 5 years
Five Letter Word
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Share is a five-letter word. So is fight.
Recreduscense AU for @sordidmusings​. Thank you so much for commissioning me! I hope you enjoy!
Commissions closed. They will open back up in February.
Please note! This is NOT canon. In this au, Cerberus is the only one with YN as their soulmate.
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Yoongi huffs, exasperated as he steps through a portal and back into the mortal realm. Yet again, there had been a stir in the Underworld, causing Hades to call his trusted Hellhound down to help him fix up the problem.
It wouldn’t have been such a big deal, had one of the other two gone. But Yoongi is always voted to go and spend hours or even worse - days away from YN.
Just the thought of their mortal soulmate cheers Yoongi up tremendously. After dealing with the cries and screams of the undead, seeing her will breathe fresh air into his tired form. Hurrying to go find her, Yoongi quickly locates both YN and his other-selves by the sound of their heartbeats.
Preparing to barge in and be wrapped up in three pairs of arms and smothered with kisses from YN, Yoongi stops short in the doorway to the living room, watching from the sidelines as Namjoon and Hoseok snuggle YN between them, all wrapped up in a nice soft blanket.
The blue light from the television illuminates their smiling faces, the way their hands are entwined with each other. They haven’t even looked back at him, even though Yoongi knows for sure that Hoseok and Namjoon should have sensed him by now.
But the thing that ticks him off the most is the fact that they’re watching that new show that had just come out - the show they’d promised to all watch together.
Anger flares up inside of Yoongi quick and hot. Exhausted and with hurt feelings, Yoongi turns around and stomps towards the bedroom, slamming the door with enough force to crack it.
In the other room, YN sits up quickly, alarmed by the noise.
“What was that?” she asks, peeking behind her as if the source of the noise will be standing there.
“Yoongi just got back,” Hoseok says, feeling the anger and hurt in the back of his mind.
The feeling makes him shift uncomfortably. He looks over YN’s head and glances at Namjoon who looks just as apprehensive as he does.
“I wonder what’s wrong,” YN says, turning back around, “I’ll go speak with him.”
Namjoon opens his mouth to say something, but he can’t find any words to form a valid excuse. Frowning, he just watches from the couch as YN leaves, taking the blanket and all of her warmth with her.
Hoseok pouts.
“I know that she’s not going far, but it hurts every time she leaves . . . even if I know she’s spending time with Yoongi. I’d still rather feel her with my own fingers and see her with my own eyes,” Hoseok says, locking eyes with Namjoon.
The other nods, raking his hands through his hair. He scoots closer to Hoseok, leaning his head on his shoulder. It’s comforting being near another piece of his soul, especially when the other piece is hurting.
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YN stops before the splintered bedroom door, her hand hovering inches away from the cracked surface.
It’s obvious that Yoongi is upset about something, but YN isn’t sure if she should interrupt his brooding. Its been a little over half a year since YN went to the BTS concert where she met them. She always had a particular affinity for rapline over the other members, but it still took her by surprise to find out that her adoration for Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon stemmed from something much deeper than she ever could have imagined.
Even now, that word sends a shiver up her spine. It’s both comforting and terrifying to think that her soul was made to perfectly complete another one. And more shocking than finding out that she was bonded to them was finding out that the boys were actually something she believed to be myth - Cerberus, Hades’ hellhound and three pieces of one soul.
At times it seems impossible that no one else - not even the other members - have noticed how identical they can be. When they’re relaxed or distracted, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon move, speak, and react with perfect synchronization. It’s almost unsettling.
But other times, they couldn’t be more different. Disagreements and sometimes even fights are not uncommon between the triad. They get into spats over the littlest things, like Hoseok leaving the lights on in the bathroom, Namjoon using all the paper towels up and forgetting to buy more, or Yoongi staying up so late that the other two can’t sleep.
Usually all it takes to calm everything down is a few words and touches from YN. Her presence alone can dissolve any animosity almost like magic.
Something deep down in her stomach tells YN that this won’t be the case this time around.
She takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.
“Yoongi?” she asks softly, knowing that he can hear her.
YN learned about the boys’ shared heightened senses when she sneezed from across the house and they all said ‘Bless you’.
There comes no response from inside, but YN decides to enter anyway.
It doesn’t take her long to find him. Yoongi is situated by the window, glaring through the glass at the sky like it’s done something against him.
“Yoongi?” YN repeats, “You okay? Did something happen in the Underworld?”
Yoongi is silent for several minutes. Just as YN begins to believe that he’s ignoring her, he speaks up.
“No. It was fine. Annoying, but fine.”
YN walks over to him, placing a hand on his back. She tries to catch his eye, but he refuses to look at her.
YN ignores the sting in her chest his lack of attention causes. She knows that Yoongi’s mood probably has nothing to do with her.
“Then what’s wrong? I know that you’re upset.” YN persists.
He’s silent again, opening his mouth as if he’s thinking about speaking, but he quickly shuts it again. He turns to look at her fully.
“Can we just . . . cuddle? I really don’t want to talk about it right now.”
Yoongi’s voice is soft, vulnerable. All traces of hostility are eradicated, replaced with tender shyness.
“Of course,” YN says, melting, “I’ll call Hos -”
“No!” Yoongi interjects, startling YN.
At her bewildered expression, he clears his throat.
“I just want it to be me and you . . . if that’s okay.”
“Of course it’s okay, Yoongi,” YN says.
She crawls onto the enormous bed in the center of the room, pulling the blanket along with her. One she’s settled among the pillows, YN taps her lap, signaling for Yoongi to lay down.
As soon as his head hits her legs and her fingers drag across his scalp, Yoongi relaxes completely, falling asleep within minutes. And just like that, YN’s movie night with Hoseok and Namjoon comes to an end.
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A few days later, the four of them are relaxing outside in their backyard, butterflies floating on the breeze. The weather is warm, YN laying on Yoongi’s lap as Hoseok plays with her fingers, Namjoon reading a novel aloud.
It’s a fairytale, a story about a young girl being chased by a wolf. The tale isn’t quite what YN remembered being told as a child.  Namjoon’s alluring timbre tone has his soulmate’s full attention, the girl completely entranced by the alternate tale.
“And then the huntsman killed the wolf, freeing little red. She lived happily ever after. The end.”
YN feels herself pouting.
“What’s wrong, YN?” Hoseok says, picking up on her upset expression.
“Why did the huntsman kill the wolf? He didn’t do anything wrong. He just tried to show her the way she needed to go.”
“Good intentions are the stepping stones right to hell. Trust us, babygirl.” Yoongi says, unbothered by the injustice.
Before YN can protest, a phone rings, completely disturbing their peaceful afternoon. Namjoon frowns as he picks up his phone, placing the book down.
“Right . . . yes . . . now?” Namjoon says into the device, clearly displeased, “Okay . . . yeah, I’ll bring him. See you soon.”
“Yoongi,” Namjoon says, tossing his phone aside in frustration, “One of the producers fucked up and deleted part of our new song,”
“You’re kidding,” Yoongi says.
“I wish. Bang PD wants us to come in right away.”
Cursing, Yoongi wiggles out from under YN, the woman sitting up to make it easier. When he makes it onto his feet, Yoongi stretches.
“When that bastard dies I’m making sure his soul gets stuck in the worst corner of the Underworld,” Yoongi vows, Namjoon nodding along with him.
And with that, they’re gone, vanished into thin air.
“Just me and you, huh?” Hoseok says, grinning widely at YN.
“I guess so,” YN says, returning his smile with ease, “What do you want to do?”
Hours later, when Namjoon and Yoongi finally return from an exhausting day dealing with the incompetent producers and staff members only to find YN and Hoseok sitting side by side, video game controllers grasped in their hands as they playfully shoulder shove each other, both trying to win.
“We’re back,” Namjoon says.
“Hey guys!” YN says, taking a quick peek behind her shoulder to smile at them but looking right back at the screen a moment later, huffing when she discovers that Hoseok is beating her.
The man in question laughs in glee as YN tries to regain her lead, going so far as to stand up to block the screen. Hoseok resorts to holding his controller with one hand and tickling her with the other.
“Hey! That’s not fair!”
“You’re not being fair either, YN - ah!”
It’s as if Yoongi and Namjoon aren’t even in the room. The duo grows irritated. They’ve already had a tiring day. The least Hoseok could do is move so they can spend time with YN too.
Hoseok sends the duo a quick look, winking at them and letting them know he knows exactly what they’re thinking. Of course he does. 
“YN,” Yoongi says, “Why don’t you come snuggle with Namjoon and me? We’ve had a long day.”
“Sure,” YN says, “But let me finish up with Hobi first.”
They play well past two AM. When the sound of the TV finally stops, Namjoon finds YN passed out on top of Hoseok, the both of them fast asleep.
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When award season rolls around, Bang PD hits the boys with a complete shocker.
“You can bring your girlfriends if you’d like,” he says casually, shuffling papers.
“What?” they say in unison, their shock causing them to forget not to speak at once.
“That’s what you’ve guys been up to lately, right? I may be old, but I’m not stupid. As long as they are prepared for the backlash.”
And with that, they’re dismissed. Pure excitement courses through their veins as they think about finally getting to show YN off.
However, their bubble is burst as a single, innocent though passes through Hoseok’s brain as they teleport home.
Who gets to be her boyfriend in public?
Instantaneously, a fight breaks out. The boys argue so loudly that they nearly wake YN up from her afternoon nap. As soon as they hear her begin to toss and turn under her blanket, they make their way outdoors.
“It should be me,” Yoongi insists.
“Oh please,” Hoseok scoffs, “No one’s going to believe that you ever left the studio long enough to get a girlfriend.”
Offended, Yoongi looks taken aback before his expression hardens. He’s preparing to give Hoseok what for when Namjoon interrupts.
“I’ve spent the least time with her recently. Between comforting Yoongi’s moody ass and playing games with Hoseok until the buttcrack of dawn, I’ve hardly gotten to be around her at all.
Sope find themselves without a proper response.
“It’s settled then. She’s going with me. YN, dear!” he calls out, walking back into the house, “Guess where we’re going next week!”
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Nervously, YN checks her reflection in the mirror for the millionth time in the last hour.
“You look gorgeous, YN. Stop fretting,” Yoongi says from his place relaxed on the couch.
“Absolutely perfect,” Hoseok agrees.
In all honesty, the two of them are quite nervous. YN looks gorgeous, definitely. Matter of fact, that’s the entire problem. She looks like heaven on Earth and they’re supposed to pretend that she’s simply their bandmate’s girlfriend. 
Hoseok pulls at his tie, hoping the night goes by quickly.
But it doesn’t.
Each moment drags on forever. Painfully slow, Yoongi has to watch YN laugh with Namjoon, placing her hand on his shoulder and pretending like she can’t see the longing look on Yoongi’s face. At one point Hoseok reaches for her hand and YN turns away from him, pretending not to see.
Pretending, pretending.
And finally, finally when it’s almost over, the boys stand for their final photograph. Namjoon brings YN close and kisses her, the cameras going berserk as Hoseok and Yoongi see red, absolutely furious. It’s all they can do to force a smile until it’s time to leave, making up an excuse not to celebrate with the others.
As soon as they get home, Hoseok has his hands around Namjoon’s throat, Yoongi not far behind.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Yoongi shouts at Namjoon, pain and anger lacing his tone.
Namjoon grins, hand coming up to pry Hoseok’s hand away from his airway. Yoongi, overcome, socks Namjoon right in the jaw.
“STOP IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” YN cries out, rushing into the fray and pulling them all apart, “WHAT’S BEEN WRONG WITH YOU LATELY?”
None of them can meet her eyes, all ashamed of themselves for upsetting her.
“FOR THE PAST MONTH YOU’VE ALL BEEN A MOODY MESS! What am I supposed to think, huh? You’re not telling me anything! I don’t know what’s wrong . . . I don’t know how to help!”
YN’s face is red from screaming, her blotchy face giving away the fact that tears are soon coming. 
All at once, the three of them rush to comfort her, pulling her in close.
“We’re sorry, YN” Namjoon says, “So so sorry.”
“It’s all our fault,” Yoongi agrees, stroking her hair.
“You’d think sharing a soul would mean we’d always get along but . . .” he pauses, looking away from YN’s sniffling face to Namjoon and Yoongi, “I guess we don’t know how to not get jealous.”
Saying it aloud makes him realize how ridiculous they’re being. They cringe in tandem.
“Jealous? Of what? Of who?”
“I . . . each other I guess. It’s stupid. We’re sorry,” Namjoon says, embarrassed.
“You know I love all of you right? That my soul is bonded with each part of yours,” YN says, face softening at their ashamed expressions, “There’s no reason to be jealous.”
“We’re sorry,” they say, refusing to look at her.
“It’s okay. Just tell me when you feel this way next time, okay? I love spending time with all of you. You’re all precious to me.”
YN opens her arms and they step into them, feeling their connection grow even stronger.
There will be bumps in the road, but they’ll overcome them. They are soulmates after all.
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sweetiepie08 · 4 years
RebelZ Chapter 6
Invader Zim fanfic
While analyzing Zim’s PAK for weaknesses, Tak discovers strange coding that sends her on a search for answers. The clues lead her to uncover a conspiracy that governs all of Irken society. When the truth sends her on the run, she has no choice but to return to the one place the Tallest would never willingly go: Urth.
Meanwhile, Dib has noticed odd changes in Zim’s behavior. Has the invader simply grown bored of his mission over the last few years, or is there something more interesting going on?
People who asked to be tagged: @incorrect-invader-zim , @messinwitheddie, @reblogstupids, @cate-r-gunn, @agentpinerulesall​
If anyone else would like to be added to the tag list feel free to message me. Also, if you’re on the tag list and you changed your name, please just let me know.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7.  Chapter 8.  Chapter 9. Chapter 10.
Dib flipped through the streaming services, looking for something to watch. The documentary had ended, pizza had been eaten, and Gaz had gone upstairs to fix some emergency with one of her online gaming groups. He knew he had surveillance tapes waiting for him on his desk, (or worse, college applications) but he wasn’t ready to check up on them just yet. He was actually enjoying some downtime for once, and he didn’t want it to end.
Then, he heard the all-too-familiar sounds of an alien spaceship landing outside.
Nope, he thought as he hit play on whatever show he landed on. Didn’t matter what, so long as he could pretend he couldn’t hear what was going on in his driveway.
Some muffled arguing came from the front door, followed by the bell ringing. Dib turned up the volume. Not getting out of this chair.
Loud pounding began, accompanied by cries of “Dib-human! Open this door!” Dib turned the volume up as loud as it would go as the pounding continued.
“Jesus Christ, Dib!” Gaz shouted from upstairs. “Just answer the door!”
“Fine!” Dib shut off the tv and stalked to the front door. When he opened it, he found two Irken idiots.
Zim and Tak hung off each other and drank from plastic bottles while their robot pets bolted right in and made themselves at home. “Hey, you grew into your head,” Tak said, lazily pointing her claw at him.
“You know, Dib, there’s a lot of reasons to hate your planet,” Zim slurred, letting himself in. “You keep chihuahuas as pets, some of you refuse to inoculate against deadly diseases, and that Game of Thrones finale was garbage! But at least you don’t need identification to buy gingzor, and that almost makes up for it.” Zim punctuated his short rant by taking a long swig from his bottle.
“And look,” Tak said, pulling a box of ginger snaps out of a plastic shopping bag, “they had edibles.”
“Are you guys drunk? What is this?” Dib grabbed the bottle out of Zim’s hands. He checked the label, gave it a sniff, and took a small taste. Yup, it was exactly what the label said it was. “This is just ginger ale.”
“Eee-yup,” Zim said, swiping his bottle back. “Your light brews aren’t as potent as the ones we’ve got on Irk, but it gets the job done.”
“Wait, are you guys seriously telling me your species gets drunk off ginger?”
“Why?” Tak asked, shoving a cookie in her mouth. “What do humans consume when they want to forget the futility of existence?”
“Uh, alcohol, usually.”
The two Irkens locked eyes, then burst into laughter. “Seriously?” Tak squealed, wiping a tear from her eye. “That’s an antiseptic.”
“Humans really are stupid,” Zim agreed.
“Not that kind,” Dib grumbled, knowing he would be ignored. Then he felt his temper boil. “What are you two doing in my house?!”
“Oh yeah,” the two brushed past him and hopped on the couch like they owned the place. “We need to crash here for a while,” Zim explained. He turned on the tv, got blasted by an old episode of The Office, then turned the volume down.
“We uncovered a conspiracy behind the Irken empire and our government tried to kill us.”
“I discovered,” Tak corrected. “They just caught you harboring me.”
“Eh, details.”
“The point is,” Tak went on, “we’re both marked as traitors and we need to lay low for a while.”
Dib could have sworn his ears perked like a dog’s. An intergalactic conspiracy? There was a story here so juicy he could almost taste it. Still, as he watched the earth’s total Irken population spill ginger ale on the couch and grind crumbs into the cushions, the only question on his mind was, “why here?”
“Need your lab,” Zim tossed off as if it should have been obvious.
“So? Why don’t you go back to your base and use your own lab?”
“Can’t.” Zim took a teal cube out of his pocket and tossed it in Dib’s direction.
Dib caught it and brought it up to his eye to inspect. “What’s this?”
“My base.”
“Your whole base is in this?” Dib strained his eyes, looking at the cube. “What’s going on? How did this even happen?”
“How far back in Irken history do you want to go?” Tak asked, popping open a bottle.
“Wait, you mean you’re actually going to tell me?”
She gave a non-committal shrug. “Eh…”
“Hold on, wait right there.” Dib zipped upstairs to his room, grabbed a notebook, pen, and recorder, then zipped back down. He grabbed a chair, hit record, and poised his pen. “Let’s start at the beginning.”
Dib scribbled furiously, trying to keep up with Tak’s slurred ramblings. Zim interjected occasionally to add something or explain an Irken concept, but it was clear exactly who the conspiracy hunter was.
“So, anyway, that’s when I realized this parasite has been controlling our entire society for generations and, you know, it’s just a real buzzkill to find out you’re basically living food.”
“I see,” Dib said, making a note to ask about this library planet later (maybe get coordinates?). “And this parasite has been masquerading as the Control Brains.”
“Not ‘masquerading’ exactly,” she explained. “They always were the Control Brains.”
“And, just to make sure I got this, the Control brains are what, again?”
Before they could answer, he heard a loud “eh-he-eh-hm.” He looked over to see Gaz standing in the kitchen doorway. When he met her eyes, she curled one finger, ominously beckoning him over. “Uh, one second, guys.” He put down his pen and followed Gaz into the kitchen.
“Make this quick, Gaz,” he said, peaking back into the living room. “These two are giving me everything.”
“Okay then,” she said, her voice displaying her irritation. “Just answer me this: why are there two destructive aliens drinking like civil war amputee patients on our couch?”
“Revealing their government’s secrets, that’s what,” he answered with unbridled glee. “Turns out, ginger gets them drunk and when they’re drunk, they have no filter. They’ve been rambling on and on about their creepy big-brother-like society for an hour now. Look at all these notes.” He shoved the notebook in Gaz’s face and flipped furiously through the pages. “As long as I keep them drunk and happy, they’ll keep talking. Which reminds me…” He took out his wallet, grabbed a bill, and handed it to Gaz. “Go to the store and buy them out of ginger ale. We can’t let them sober up.”
“Five bucks?” Gaz said, wrinkling her nose. “I assume you’re planning on reimbursing me for the grocery bill later.”
“This isn’t about money, Gaz.”
“Then dig a little deeper, Scrooge. I know your part-time at Dad’s lab pays more than this.”
“And you make plenty off of your twitch gaming streams,” Dib argued. “Come on, this is about furthering human knowledge.”
Gaz raised her eyebrow in her ‘you’ve got to be kidding’ way. “You’re offering me $5 to drop everything, go to the store, and buy out their entire supply of ginger ale without reimbursing me for the bill.”
She scoffed. “Get a pulse.”
Dib pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed the corners of his eyes. Was she seriously arguing with him about money at a time like this? “Look, what if I give you an acknowledgement when I publish this baby? Like, say, in the forward?”
“You mean the part no one reads?”
Gaz let out an exasperated huff and looked into the living room at the two Irkens. “So, they’ll really ramble on and on if you stuff them full of ginger, huh? About anything?”
“Yeah, pretty much. We managed to stay on topic so far. I mean, Zim did go on a tangent about the Game of Thrones finale, but we got back on track.”
Gaz smiled. “Did he, now? About what?”
“Something about Westeros crumbling as soon as the credits rolled. I don’t know. You watched that show, not me.”
“Hmm…” Gaz murmured, looking pointedly at Zim. Oh no, she was thinking… Worse! She was plotting!
“Gaz? What are you doing?”
She threw him a wicked smirk and sauntered into the living room. “Hey, Zim!” she called, clear as a bell. “That Game of Thrones finale sucked, right?”
“Don’t even get me started, Dib-sister!” Zim called back, slapping his hand on the couch. “Zim has never seen such a staggering drop in quality!”
Dib dropped his face into his hands. Was it too late to offer a twenty?”
“I guarantee Dorne and the Iron Islands rebelled as soon as they stepped out of the Dragon Pit.” Zim said, splashing ginger ale on the couch with every gesture. “I’ll bet they only voted ‘yes’ on Bran because this would be the easiest reign to overthrow.”
“Exactly!” Gaz said, slapping the arm of her chair. “Dany promised Yara independence two seasons ago. There’s no way she’s just going to watch him hand his sister a kingdom and not demand what’s owed to her.”
Dib twisted the notebook in his hands as he listened to them rant. They’d been at this since Gaz brought up the subject.
“And what was with them acting like Dany was in the wrong for executing Varys?” Zim added. “He tried to assassinate her!”
“As if Jon didn’t execute a child a few seasons ago for the same thing. And it was obvious that kid was coerced into it by the higher-ranking Night’s Watch men.” Gaz said. “You’ll notice Dany didn’t execute the child Varys manipulated into poisoning her. And he only thought she was ‘mad’ because she stopped listening to his shitty advice.”
“Their ‘advice’ lost her the Dornish forces, the Iron Fleet, and Highgarden’s armies,” Zim agreed.
“Plus another dragon and her best friend. And when she goes into mourning, he’s all ‘Welp, she’s clearly gone mad. Time to put her down like Old Yeller.’ Oh! And what was with Tyrion’s ‘everywhere she goes, evil men die’ speech? Like that’s a bad thing? Yeah, I know. That’s why I liked her.”
“You know wat she should have done?” Zim said. “She should have flown her three dragons to the Red Keep like she wanted to do last season. She could have taken the city with fewer casualties.”
Gaz nodded in agreement. “Maybe even no casualties if King’s Landing surrenders immediately.”
“Then she’d have all three dragons and all the armies in the Seven Kingdoms to fight the White Walkers with!” Zim added.
“Yeah, then maybe there’d be enough time to make the army of the dead live up to the hype! Nice Long Night. Lasted about six hours.”
“What is this show?” Tak asked. “I want to watch.”
“Enough!” Dib burst, jumping out of his seat. “Enough Game of Thrones! If you want to keep complaining, go on the internet and do it! Now can we please get back to you two spilling the secrets of your evil intergalactic empire!”
“There are no more secrets, human,” Tak snapped. “We’ve told all. The only other information I could find is on this.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a square, plastic information drive. “But this technology is too outdated to decode. So, unless you have access to an ancient computer…”
Dib took the square and held it up to his eyes. “This just looks like a floppy disc.”
“Really, Dib-beast?” Zim scoffed. “Your planet’s technology is antiquated, but it’s not that archaic.”
“Actually, that’s pretty outdated for us too,” Gaz said, “but our dad’s got a computer graveyard in the attic. Maybe we can get one of those to work.”
Tak regarded the disc suspiciously. “You’re serious? You think you might be able to get it to work.”
“It could be possible,” Dib answered, eyeballing the disc. It looked about the right size and shape. It may at least fit into the disc drive. “It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve gotten Irken and Earth technology to work together. It’s worth a shot.”
After about an hour and a few trips to the attic, they found an old monitor and hard drive they managed to turn on. As the computer booted up, they compared the Irken disc drive to a standard floppy disc. Dib was right. They seemed to match up.
“You really think this has a shot?” Tak asked again. She looked skeptical they whole time the were getting set up, but as the computer whirred to life, Dib thought he could detect a hint of hope in her voice.
“It could,” Gaz answered. “If the magnetic polarity is the same as we use on earth, the computer might be able to read the disc.”
Dib nodded along. While he was good with technology, his area of expertise was more on the engineering side. Gaz was the one with an affinity for coding.
Once the computer was ready, they popped in the drive. They all gathered around the monitor and held their breath. A buffering window popped up on the screen and they let out a collective gasp.
After a few minutes, the picture went black and green Irken text scrolled up across the screen, accompanied by, what sounded to Dib, like a series of chirps, clicks, and hisses. “Um, is it supposed to be making that-”
Tak and Zim threw a sharp hiss in his direction, then went back to staring intently at the screen. When Dib quieted and listened harder, he realized the sounds came from an organic voice and had a deliberate pattern. Holy shit, it’s reading the text! This is their language!
The voice stopped and the screen froze on another set of Irken symbols.
“Oh, my…” Zim choked out, eyes still glued to the screen. “We’ve got to write that down!”
“MiMi,” Tak commanded, “my tablet.”
“Wait, what was that?” Dib asked as he watched the two aliens scramble to scribble down the symbols on the screen. “Was that guy speaking Irken? What did they say?”
“Yes,” Zim answered. “And those are coordinates to the next place we need to go.”
“You mean, I need to go,” Tak cut in. “I’m the one who uncovered the conspiracy, remember?”
Zim scowled and stomped up to her, getting in her face. “You made this my problem when you crashed at my house, drank all my gingzor, and got my base cubified.”
“Why would I ever team up with you?” she shot back.
“I’m every bit as Irken as you are,” Zim argued. “I deserve answers as much as you.”
“Will someone please tell me what that thing said?” Dib shouted. The two stopped their bickering long enough to cast him an icy stare.
“Well,” Dib growled impatiently. If these two thought they were going to force their way into his home, spill ginger ale on his couch, tell him about an intergalactic conspiracy, and not let him in on the details, they had another thing coming.
“This doesn’t concern you, human,” Zim snapped.
“You two waltzed in here expecting me to hide you form your creepy totalitarian government and let you use my lab. Unless you want me to throw you out on your ass…”
“Fine, fine,” Tak said, waving an arm dismissively. “That voice claimed to be Krislotch. He confirmed that he left the clues that lead me to discover the truth about the Control Brains. He also claims more information is waiting on a planet at those coordinates. I must go there next if I want to solve this mystery.”
“We must go there,” Zim but in.
“This is my conspiracy, Zim,” Tak growled, turning back to him. “If there are more answered waiting on that planet, I will be the one to find them.”
“Oh yeah?” he said with a smirk. “How you gonna get there? I’m the only one with a working ship.”
“Dib’s got a ship,” Gaz chimed in. She turned to Tak. “Actually, I think it’s your ship.”
“You!” Before Dib could say anything, Tak had already jumped on the coffee table and grabbed his collar. “You have my ship?!”
“Take me to her!”
“wha-wha…WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!”
They group stood in the garage and stared at the collection of barely-held-together parts, also known as Tak’s ship. Dib had to admit, his last few forays into space hadn’t exactly been smooth sailing.
“It doesn’t look like this all the time,” he tried explaining. “I’ve gotten it to work. But, you know, sometimes things happen… and when they happen, I have to convince the ship to let me fix it again.”
“And why is she blue?”
“Um… I like blue?”
“Stupid human!” Tak spat, rushing up to her ship. “You have no idea what you’ve been toying with!”
“Fine,” Dib grumbled under his breath. “Only repaired it multiple times of the last six years but whatever…”
“Ship,” Tak commanded, laying a hand on the ship’s windshield. “Respond.”
“Biosignature detected,” the ship said as it began to light up. “You are Tak.”
“Yes, yes, ship! It’s me!” she cried. Dib could almost swear there were tears in her eyes.
“Hmpf, what took you so long?”
Tak looked taken aback. “I was, uh, had a lot going on, you know? Schemes and such?”
“And you never once thought to check in on your ship?”
“When I have to eject, I thought I’d lost you forever,” Tak explained, pressing both hands on the windshield. “I never wanted to leave you behind, but I’m here now. I can take you back.”
“Hey, wait a minute…” Dib protested. He started forward, but Gaz pulled him back.
“It’s her ship, dummy.”
“And how exactly did you get here?” Ship went on.
Tak hesitated. “Well, I…”
“I knew it,” Ship huffed. “You have a new ship now, don’t you?”
“It’s not like that,” Tak insisted. “Yes, I needed a new ship to get around, but I swear, it was a simple matter of transport. That ship means nothing to me. I would trade every other ship in the universe for you.”
The ship went quiet, as if thinking it over. Dib found himself oddly captivated, like when he’d accidently get sucked into his grandmother’s soap operas. He quickly shook himself out of it. This is ridiculous. She’s talking to a ship.
“I don’t know what to believe,” Ship finally said.
“I promise, Ship, I will fix you myself and, after that, I will never even look at another ship again.” She gently caressed its side and the engines purred.
“I will allow you to repair me, for now. After that, perhaps I can allow you to pilot me again, in time.”
Tak smiled and continued to pet her ship while it continued to purr. The scene was almost sweet until Zim decided to break it up.
“Well, well, well,” Zim said, a smug smile on his face, “looks like I’m the only one here with an operational ship.”
Tak only hissed in response.
“So, I guess I’ll be taking those coordinates and be on my way,” he continued, “unless someone wants to grovel for the chance to accompany me.”
Tak stomped up to Zim and unleashed a cavalcade of Irken at him. Dib wasn’t sure what she said, but if cricket/bat/snake could cuss someone out, he imagined it’d sound something like that.
“Okay,” Zim squeaked out, looking up at Tak who now towered over him. “I suppose I could let you come, but only because you asked so nicely.”
“I’m coming too,” Dib declared.
Tak and Zim both turned to him with questioning looks on their faces. “Uh, what?” Zim said.
“I’m coming. I want to see what’s on that planet, too.”
“This doesn’t concern you, human,” Tak spat.
“Excuse me? Who’s house are you two crashing at? Who’s ancient computer did you use to get those coordinates? And who’s been keeping your ship running while you’ve been got?”
“We don’t need-” Zim started, but Dib cut him off.
“Yes you do,” he shot back. “You need my lab to get your base working again. You said so yourself. And Tak, you need my garage and my tools if you’re going to fix your ship. If you want to stay here and use my equipment, to fix your stuff, you need to let me in on the conspiracy.”
The two Irkens looked at each other intently, as if holding a telepathic conversation. Dib briefly wondered if they could communicate semi-telepathically, or at least through pheromones. They did have antenna after all.
Finally, they broke their stare down and turned back to Dib. “Fine, the Dib can come,” Zim conceded.
Dib felt a jolt of excitement jump through his body. “Yeah, Gaz and I-”
“Nope,” Gaz said, turning on her heals and heading back inside.
Okay, so no Gaz. Aw well, he could at least count on her to cover for him while he’s gone. “I will get my space travel equipment and be ready to leave within the hour.”
“Yeah, fine, whatever,” Zim said, and he and Tak headed back inside as well. Dib went further into the garage and began preparing the things he’s need for the trip.
“You’re seriously going to let him come along?” Tak asked as they walked away.
“Eh,” Zim said with a shrug. “If the Dib-worm wants to come to a dead planet where total species-wide genocide took place, let him.”
Dib let the helmet he’d been holding clang to the floor. “Wait, what?”
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daisylincs · 4 years
Hi! It's your This Is Not Goodbye exchange person!! I wanted to ask about one of the prompts you gave-with the actors/actresses AU, do you care what kind of actors? Stage, TV, college theater majors, or something like that?
Oh hey, This Is Not Goodbye Exchange Person!! :D I'm so happy to hear from you 🥰 I love fic exchanges, I really do, and this one is Huntingbird, which is really just going to be SO fun!! 😍
But *sits on hands* I shall try to suppress my excitement long enough to, you know, actually answer your question. *muffled squeeing* AHEM, anyway, yes, let's talk prompts.
So for me, one of the best AoS fics (and just best fics in general) I've ever read was called Meet Cute, and it was a group writing project by Team Engineering in a Fitzsimmons challenge a while ago. That fic was an AU of Fitzsimmons as the starring actors in a new TV show - and that, I think, is the moment my brain just went, huh. Because if there's one thing I love more than the AoS characters, it's the AoS cast... so what could be better than a merger of the two? 😱😍 The AoS characters - put in the position of the AoS cast?
It still makes my mind explode into "😍😍😍," to be completely honest with you - and I just genuinely ADORE to read about them goofing off before and after takes, and their relationships on and off screen, and of course the actual shooting of the show... Honestly, it's like AoS BTS, except with the AoS characters, and it is one of my favourite things in the whole damn world to read about.
So, my dear... person? LOL, I'll just call you "love," it's simple and Huntingbird-y 😝 So, love, as you can see from the verbal spam above, Actors AU as in Hollywood/Movie/TV show AU would be the absolute primetime thing for me to read. HOWEVER, though, Stage or College Theater sound like super intriguing ideas too, and I'm 100% sure I'd love to read either or both of those, too!! The thing about me is that I adore AUs, and I get endless glee from the translation of familiar characters into another setting - you know, the whole changing small things to make them fit into a different world, but still keeping them them, if that makes sense xD.
And, ahhhhhhhHHHHHHHHH, love, I am so excited to read whatever you come up with!! This exchange is going to be amazing, and I cannot WAIT to enjoy all the amazing Huntingbird content 😍🥰🥰 Thanks do much for asking, and I hope you have a great (and Huntingbird-y 😝😍) day!
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otterbeesfanficblog · 4 years
When neutron stars collide
(Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
Part 1: Steps Before The Starting Line
Part 2: When a Star Chooses To Shine Part 3: Compare And Contrast Part 4: From Where We Stand Part 5: You Would Be Angry Too...
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A/n: Hello dear readers, I'm so glad you decided to read my story. I hope you have fun. Anyway, I wanted to clarify a few things before we begin. Because this is featured in Japan, your in story surname will be first. For your surname, I have chosen it based on your quirk. Many, if not all My hero characters have their surnames related to there quirk. Get ready if you don't already know this, you about to learn somethin'. For example: Bakugou's family name looks like this (爆豪), which is in Japanese kanji.  The kanji (爆) means (Burst) which can also be found in (爆発) (bakuhatsu) which means (Explosion). The second part of his surname (豪) has different meanings, one of them being (overpowering).  And in short, even his first name roughly means (Win) and (Myself) which really really relates to his need to win by himself and do most things himself. Now that we have explained Bakugou, let's explain you!I've chosen to use (宇宙急増) which is (Uchūkyūzō). The first half (宇宙) means (space), the second (急増) means (Surge or Explosion). From what you learned, I'll let you figure out what your quirk is. Either way, I simply wanted to explain this to you because I thought it was fun to do and I thought some of you would want to know. Japanese is such a beautiful and interesting language. Anyway, sorry for rambling, I hope you like the story!
You had to admit seeing it on tv, movies, shows, cartoons, animes...
The school was a lot different than you had expected it to be.
In all fairness, it was hard to say UA was a good example of what a 'normal' school is like. You may not be the most well versed in what a 'normal' school should be, but a school full of heroes and students training to be heroes was probably not too normal.
Your stomach twisted into a not as you watched all kinds of students pile into the UA for the same entrance exam, breathing in deep and letting out a big sigh you rubbed your face with your hands.
"Am I really doing this...?"
"I asked myself the same thing when I got here!"
You felt your body flinch at the sudden voice next to you, but looking to your side where it came from you relaxed. A little.
Standing next to you with a smile you can only describe as the rival of a golden retriever, was a boy with spiking red hair and red eyes. His teeth were as sharp as the points in his hair, but his eyes held nothing but friendliness in them.
He had a red tint to his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck with a groan.
"This is so nerve-racking, huh? I knew a lot of people would be here but man, it sure is crowded."
You were quiet for a moment, simply staring before you shook your head and realized normal people have conversations with each other.
"Oh, uh, yeah right. Crowded..."
"Sorry, totally blanked!" He held out his hand to you with his smile still wide. "My name is Kirishima Eijiro! Nice to meet you!"
You looked at his hand for a moment, slowly extending yours and giving it a small shake. His hand was warmer than yours and was rough, glancing up from his hand you realized how tall he was compared to you.
You mentally roll your eyes, scolding yourself for sizing up the first person you meet. He seemed nice enough...
"Yeah, nice to meet you too..."
He gave you a shy smile, tilting his head almost expecting something. You tilt your head back in confusion, trying to converse with him with your eyes. You jump a little and felt heat rushing up your neck you your cheeks.
"Oh! Right, my name... I'm Uchukyuzo Y/n."
"Wow! That's such a manly name!" He clenched his fist together in a fist pump motion in front of his chest, looking at you in awe, then quickly backing up and waving his hands around.
"Ah! I mean! Not to say you're like a man because.. you're a girl, obviously! Not trying to say you're manly. Eh-! I mean! Not to say you aren't manly! Just that, ya know, you aren't manly in the sense that you're a man! You're not a man! Well, unless you wanna be! If so - ah- That's awesome!"
You felt yourself grin up at him stumbling, it had been so long since you had talked to someone your age, let alone someone so... outgoing.
It was nice.
"It's cool, Kirishima. It's a compliment in my book, I think you're pretty manly too."
He paused his stumbling and gaped at you, then grin wide so wide he scrunched his face and closed his eye in glee.
"Oh wow! Being called manly by someone on my first day here, no way I'm gonna fail now!"
For the first time in a while you relaxed your body, then watched Kirishima bounce up.
"Oh! Hey, I got an idea! Let's sit together at the exam orientation!"
Grin not leaving your face, you nod with gentle eyes.
"Hell yeah! My first friend! Things are looking up!"
You let out a soft chuckle and let him lead the way while he continued to talk to you, telling you how excited he was to have this chance and how he was definitely gonna make it in. He treasures you that you would make it in too and that hopefully, you two could be in the same class together.
You just let him talk, agreeing with him every so often and chiming in if he had asked you a question or not. It was a little tricky at first, again you hadn't talked to someone your age for a long time, but with his outgoing personality, you quickly got into a rhythm with him.
You appreciated the fact that he wasn't someone to dig into your personal life after you dodged and gave vague answers to him about some stuff he got the picture you didn't talk about it that much.
He didn't at all hold back about himself though, which you found surprising. Everyone you had ever meet didn't really... talking about personal stuff like their life. You had been around people who minded their own business and didn't bother you so... you didn't bother them.
You and Kirishima had come in early so there were lots of seats open. You wanted to sit in the back and Kirishima wanted to sit in closer, so you two decided to compromise and you sat in the middle decently far back.
While more people were filling in seats, you were caught off guard by one of Kirishima's questions.
"Hey, noticed you aren't wearing your school uniform."
You froze and looked at the table in front of you, hiding your eyes from him.
You weren't wearing a school uniform the same reason why you don't have a bag like everyone else...
You were silent for a while and Kirishima was about to dismiss it before you looked up at him again. You gave him a timid smile while scratching at your cheek.
"Ah, I didn't really know I had to wear it. News like that doesn't really get to me until it's too late."
Kirishima looked at you with curious eyes, shrugged then looked at the screen in the front of the room.
"That's okay, I'm sure it won't be a problem. And if it is," He sends you a wink and shoves a thumb to his chest. "I'll be there to back you up."
Your chest clenched at his words, your throat barely letting any air in as you took a shaky breath in, hoping he didn't notice as you turn to the front. You give a strained smile and nod.
"Yeah... thank you..."
The orientation started boisterously by the pro hero and radio star Present Mic, though, no one reciprocated his calls to action. You were a little embarrassed to think you were actually going to respond to him, you opened your mouth to but when you heard nothing from your peers you quickly shut your mouth and slouched.
Then you felt secondhand embarrassment for a curly-haired boy with green hair and freckles as he was called out by a boy with blue hair and glasses in front of everyone.
"I could never..." You mumbled, crossing your arms and trying to hide more in your chair. Kirishima chuckled next to you and smiled.
"There's gonna be some interesting characters here, I'm excited! I mean, I already met you, and you're super cool!"
You looked at him confused, both of you leaning in close to each other so as to not get caught talking.
"But, I haven't done anything."
"You talked to me, that's pretty cool! Most people think I can be... eh, too much." He blushes and rubs his neck in a timid manner.
In all honesty, you only talked to him to blend in, it was only chance that you ended up liking his company.
"Anyway, he said we'll be in different battle centers. Which one are you in?"
You watched him pull out his exam ticket that you were also given when you came in here and looking at it, it said he was stationed at center D.
You reached into your pocket, pulling out the folded ticket, you realized how different yours was from his.
You only had your name, your examinee number, and the battle center you placed, which luckily was also center D. He had his school picture along with other information, which the picture you had to admit was cute. In the photo his hair was black and let down, showing he changed before he got here.
You didn't have any of that because, well... they didn't have records of that.
"Ah, yes! Same battle center! I already know we'd make a great team!"
Putting the ticket back into the pocket of your baggy ripped pants, you chuckle and shake your head at him.
"You do know this is basically a competition right? We have to win points for ourselves."
"Oh, sure, but who said we would have to do it alone? Present mic didn't say anything about not teaming up!"
You supposed he was right, but you had no doubt they would be watching for that too. They most likely wanted to separate friends to get the full potential out of everyone, and you can't do that if you are working with a friend, at least not all the time.
You both went back to listening to Present mic speak, but you weren't at all focused on his words. You glanced around at all the faces around you, some were serious, some were nervous, and some were just plain cocky.
You didn't use your quirk much, not unless you really needed it, which... That's a lie, you used your quirk often, but not at it's strongest. You did that once and...
Looking down at your clothes, you pulled at your baggy shirt and shuffled in your baggy pants. They looked like hand-me-downs from an outsider's view, which in a sense they were. You just hoped no one noticed...
They were the only clothes you had.
After you and many other students were bussed to battle center D, your nerves began acting up again and you couldn't help bouncing your leg.
There were a lot of people already showing off their quirks and getting pumped for the exam, you on the other hand couldn't get the sinking feeling out of your chest that you were not only being constantly watched, but also looked down on.
Kirishima had changed into something much more sensible than you, but he pressured you that it wouldn't matter what you were wearing once you got into it. You held tight to those words, knowing that you'll worry yourself into a hole thinking about things you can't fix so you focused on a plan.
Which... wasn't coming to you greatly. Of course, you had thousands of ideas popping off in your mind, but you knew plans can change in seconds, especially for hero work.
"We're gonna do great, then we're gonna get in, and be in the same class, and become pro heroes, and get to be symbols of peace all on our own!"
You chuckled and looked over at the red-haired boy, who you were sure if he had a tail it would be wagging non-stop.
"You sure are confident."
"And you aren't? Come on, once you get into it, it'll be as easy as breathing!"
The busses arrived and let you off, and you let yourself fall to the back of the group waiting at the large doors of battle center D.
Kirishima stood next to you looking more determined than before, which you were surprised because you didn't think he could be any more determined. Looking up at the large door you sighed, then glanced at your hands.
This whole time, you'd be collecting as much as you could and it was making your heart race. You knew you had to release it soon, but you also knew you could still gain more.
The doors opened and your head shot up.
You had this.
You ran close behind everyone else, closely feeling the vibrations of their feet hitting the ground next to you. Kirishima hollered in glee as he ran, grinning so wide it must have hurt. The group started to branch off every which way, but Kirishima stayed on your path with a few other people.
A three-point bot came around the corner and you all locked onto it.
"This one's mine."
There was no room for argument as you high jumped over the group with immense power, landing, then speeding to the bot. Jumping high above it you felt the power in your building as you land on it face, then you smile and started to glow.
You and the robot were surrounded in bright light, then an explosion came from you and the bot, sending a couple of people who were still behind you stumbling. As the light around you dimed, you were surrounded by specs of light that looked like tiny stars. The bot beneath you fell and you jumped off, landing before it and collecting the energy from the vibrations it forced into the ground upon it falling.
You yawned as a sense of tiredness fell over you, looking back you saw a few students still watching you in awe, one of them being Kirishima who looked like he was gonna cry.
"So cool..." He whispered.
You waved at him and began to jog off, calling back to him as you left.
"I'll see you later, Kirishima, get some points!"
Kirishima was right, once you were in it, you were in it. You weren't even really thinking about points even though you knew it was almost the whole point of the test, you just couldn't bring yourself to care about it.
You destroyed many bots and even saved a lot of people who were overwhelmed or just not ready. Time was going down but you were more focused on if this was real.
You've seen what villains could do in real life, they could be anyone, anywhere, anytime. You learned quickly at a young age, life will always be against you, and you have to be ready to fight to be alive.
You came down what looked like the main street, looking side to side. You saw a couple of students downing a few bots, while others stood and looked for more. Out of the dust clouds, you saw a bit of red hair flash into view, then you saw a very focused Kirishima.
He was breathing heavily just as you were, and he was helping someone up from the group, presumably asking if they were alright.
"Hey! Kirishima!!" You waved your arms above you, trying to get his attention. You couldn't help but smile, knowing not only he was your friend, but you were also so filled with pent up power and adrenaline, you didn't care if you stuck out.
He was quick to turn his head after hearing his name, once he saw you from down the street, he smiled and waved back.
Your meet up didn't last long when suddenly the ground started to rumble and shake, you allowed some of the energy from the rumbles to leak into your body. You didn't want all of it, in fear it would be too much, but you also wanted to be ready.
Turning around, you watched a humongous hand come around the corner, bringing with it its body and your eyes grew wide.
"Holy shit... That's a big boy."
The bot stood larger than the buildings and apparently was zero points, but the points weren't what you were thinking about as it easily collapsed a whole building. The collapsed building sent a huge dust cloud your way, you covered your eyes but took in all the energy you could from the blast and the bots movements towards you.
You started to glow as you glared up at the bot.
To you, it was real, very real. It remained you too much of your time as a kid, everything was bigger than you back then, you weren't about to step down from this thing. Especially not after you heard screams and people running away.
"Uchukyuzo! What are you doing!?"
Turning, you saw Kirishima running to your side with a look of our worry.
"This thing is huge and it's not worth points!"
"That's not the point." You glared back up at the bot as it got closer and closer, your body glowed and allowed tiny bits of star-like lights to fall from you. Kirishima looked at you as if you were crazy but stood firm by your side, readying his body and smashing his firsts together.
You watched sparks fly from them as the bashed into each other, seeing his skin turn stiff. His quirk was hardening, that could be very useful.
"Okay, then... I'm with you! What's the plan?"
"Catch me, I've got the rest."
Your eyes glowed and sparkled like a night sky as you smiled at him, you could see him sweating but he nods with determined eyes.
"You got this!"
With that, you crouched and sent a large amount of power through you legs to the ground, sending you flying into the air towards the bot. It wasn't long before you landed on it, with plenty of power still left and power you absorbed from its heavy movements, you knew you just needed a little more before you could to it.
You watched its many eyes glow in response to your appearance, zeroing in on destroying you.
If you were any younger, any less prideful, you would have ran away for sure. This was the thing you would run from as a kid, hiding instead of fighting. Not anymore.
You weren't going to hide anymore, you've hidden enough in your life.
It was time for people to know your name.
You began to glow too bright for people standing by to look at, bright as the sun. You friend down at the bot as you held onto it, hoping Kirishima could actually catch you.
"Let's create a supernova!"
You screamed this as you released all the pent up power you had, simultaneously taking in and expelling that same energy all at the same time. It hurt like a bitch, but you felt that power go right through the bot and a few feet into the ground below.
All that light disappeared, then reappeared with a vengeance, basically blinding anyone who was staring too close. It was silent for a few moments, but then almost a sonic boom came from where you were. A huge burst of wind and power exploded from where you and the bot were.
The bot exploded into pieces, and the sheer power behind the explosion sent you flying upwards. You, along with everyone else watching, saw the large bursts of colorful stars come from the bot as it fell to the ground. You were sent into the air, but soon you felt yourself start to plummet.
You gasped and forced your body to face down to see where you were headed, watching the ground below quickly approach as you looked for Kirishima.
Your heart plummeted into your gut when you couldn't find him, the one person you need to help you not die. You started to use the wind coming at you as a force of power, but you knew it wasn't enough to break your fall so you wouldn't die.
Your eyes go wide as you saw Kirishima jump from the window of a building towards you, holding out his arms. You reached out just the same, grazing him at first, then gripping his hands as he pulled you into his chest.
You felt his skin harden all around you, and you knew he was going to try and take the brunt of the blow as he placed himself under you.
You weren't having it.
The ground quickly coming at you, you flipped and had yourself beneath him. His eyes went wide at this, but you just smiled up at him, starting you glow.
Then, you both hit the ground.
Your eyes were tightly shut, your teeth clenched, until finally you opened you mouth wide and let out a breath you were holding in, along with a groan. You heard a groan from your chest, and you opened one eye to see Kirishima slowly getting up from on top of you. He opened his eyes, first blinking and just taking in what happened, then gasping and looking up at you.
"Uchukyuzo! Oh my god, are you okay!?"
You felt one of his hands behind your head, you suspected that was him trying to protect your head from the fall, the other was moved from your lower back to the ground on the side of your hip.
You let him pull his hand out from under your head and you went limp on the ground taking deep breaths as you closed your eyes and groaned.
"I'm okay, are you?"
"I'm fine, why are you asking me that!? You took the brunt off the fall! You told me to catch you!"
"And.." You opened your eyes and started to lean up. "You did, thank you."
Kirishima got off of you and sat next to you as you sat up, rubbing the back of your head before, tiredly turning around to see the mess.
It was big. Pieces of metal were everywhere, speckled stars still fell from the sky as the dust was clearing.
You slowly stood up, Kirishima standing as well and just silently watching you. Not to your surprise, many many students crowded around and stared at you. You looked on at all of them with half-lidded eyes, the adrenaline and power you had before was no longer there and you were exhausted and beat.
"Are... You all okay?"
They all started at you, mouths gaped and eyes wide. From what you could tell, none of them were seriously damaged, which was good. You nodded and put a hand to your stomach in pain, which you then felt your own skin.
Looking down, your clothes were ripped as hell. Your shirt was now a ragged, dirty crop top, and your pant legs were ripped at your thigh and your ankle, making it this mismatched length. Your shoes were as dirty and thin as they always were, if not a few new holes.
"Wow... I look like shit."
You turn to make a joke with Kirishima about how you really should have brought different clothes, but turning you saw him with tears in his eyes and clenching his fist. He tightly closed his eyes and nodded at you.
"So manly..."
You couldn't respond before you heard the overhead voice speak and a siren goes off.
For a moment you just stood there then your eyes go wide.
"Ah, shit! How many points did I get! I wasn't paying attention! Did I get enough? How many is enough? I --"
The ground beneath you shifted and the word tilted to the side which made you stumble, you groaned again and closed your eyes.
"Well... shit..."
Then it all went black and you went numb.
"Will she really be okay?"
"You worry too much, young man. She will wake up in no time."
A groan left your mouth as you rolled on to your side, snuggling into the blankets and pillow beneath your head.
"... Just five more minutes."
"AH! You're awake!"
You open one of your eyes to see where you were, the room was white and standing next to you with a sheepish grin was Kirishima, and next to him was a nice-looking old lady.
"I'm awake."
"Dude, you totally passed out at the exam. You freaked me out! You freaked a lot of people out actually!"
"Oh... sorry." You closed your eyes again and yawned, then sat up and rubbed your eyes. "How long have I been out?"
"It's sunset now if that gives you a clue, my dear." The old woman said, point out the window with a chain that kinda looked like a syringe.
Looking at the window, you saw that it was indeed sunset, which made you frown and look at Kirishima.
"Shouldn't you... I don't know, be at home?" After saying this he looked at you with shock.
"I couldn't just leave you here! I would just die wondering if you were okay or not! Can't have my first UA friend die on me!"
"Oh, hush, she wasn't dying." The old lady scolded him, turning and going to her desk as he rubbed his neck with a blush tinting his cheeks.
"Well, I didn't know that..."
You smile at him, throwing your legs over the side of the bed, partly wishing you could just sleep in the bed forever.
"Thanks for worrying about me Kirishima, but you should go home, I'm sure your family must be worried."
He shook his head as the old lady came back over and handed you some small candies.
"Nah, I called them to tell them I was making sure a friend was okay, they know where I am. I'm worried about your family."
You went still at the mention of your family, vaguely shrugging.
"I'm sure they're fine."
"We couldn't find any emergency numbers in your name, my dear." The old lady said, looking at you sadly. "So, we didn't know who to call."
"It's okay, really. Kirishima, you can go home now, you know I'm okay."
He then let out a sigh and ran his hand over his shoulder.
"Would... It be okay if I walked you home? Just to know you're really okay!"
You were about to quickly deny him the offer and even felt yourself thinking of some rude away to make him go home, but... looking at his concerned face and knowing you were the reason he stayed back so late...
"... Yeah, sure."
Recovery girl, as you learned she was the school nurse, gave you a new pair of clothes. You thanked her over and over for them, knowing the ripped clothes you had would no doubt go to the trash.
As you walked with Kirishima, you were both quiet. It was somewhat awkward and tense, but that was your fault.
You didn't want him to see your home, you didn't want anyone to see your home. You never let anyone go near your home, fearing judgment and pity.
"So..." Kirishima started, trying to fill the silence. "Your quirk is hella cool, how do you do it?"
You thought for a moment.
"Well... I think I would call it force control. See, I can absorbed any kind of force or power. Some more than others, vibrations and impact forces are easier."
"Uh..." He looked at you confused, so you slowed down and explained.
"Meaning I can absorb vibrations from the ground or if I was hit, say, in the face, I could take that impact energy and use it for my own. I can also take in things like air, light, and sound. Other stuff too but, those ones don't work as fast as the one I mentioned before."
"So," He looked off in front of him. "Are you like, collecting energy all the time."
You hum in though, waving your hand in a so-so motion.
"Well, yes and no. If I really focus, I can absorb a lot of energy. If I'm just walking like I am, I'm collecting but just not as much, just enough to keep me going."
He groans and puts his head in his hands, you look at him in confusion.
"Your quirk is so cool! Mine's nowhere near that cool, or flashy! I mean, you explode like a star in the sky! All I do is get hard."
You choked on the air you breathed in and screamed, covering your mouth as you laughed. At first, he thought you were laughing at his quirk, then he realized what he said and his face grew almost as red as his hair.
You both end up laughing for a while, him from embarrassment, you from it being just plain funny. After you calmed down you smiled over at him.
"Hey, honestly, your quirk is fuckin' amazing. The ability to harden your skin like a shield, making it a fantastic defense tactic, while also being able to use it offensively. That's nothing to sneeze at, Kirishima."
He shyly chuckled, looking off into the distance.
"Yeah, I guess..."
You soon came to where you planned on taking him.
"Here we are."
It was a one-story house, it was clean, white, and had a for sale sign on it. Kirishima looked at it then to you.
"You're moving?"
You shrug.
"I move around a lot."
"Oh, well, okay."
You smiled gently at him.
"Thank you for taking me home, you're a really nice guy."
He waves his hand dismissively with a smile.
"No way, it's just the right thing to do. Oh, how bout I give you my number, and we can call each other while we wait for our results!"
You felt your blood run cold as you let out a chuckle, shyly scratching your head.
"Actually, I... don't have a phone."
"Eh, it's okay, I know we'll both make it in any way. No worries."
He began to turn down the street you both came from, turning back with a smile and a wave.
"See ya, Uchukyuzo."
"... Hey!"
You called out to him which made him stop and turn back to you, smiling you shrug towards him.
"Just call me Y/n."
He seemed shocked at first, then gave a huge grin and nodded.
"Sure, and you can keep calling me Kirishima or Kiri if ya want! Bye!"
You waved at him one last time, watching his disappear around a corner. As he did so, your smile vanished and you dropped your hands to your sides with a sigh.
Looking at the house you stood in front of, you glared at it, knowing you would have to switch houses soon. Not because you lived there, god no. It was because you didn't live there, you were just using its mailbox.
If you tried to live in that house, people would start to notice and you didn't want to get in trouble like that again. So, with a sigh, you turn away from the house and venture off to your real home.
If you could call it that.
Making your way to a somewhat closed-off area, you looked to see if anyone was watching, then turned down an alleyway. In the alleyway was a large wooden board set up against the wall, talking the side, you drag it to the side enough to see the narrow space between the two buildings it was leaning on.
You shuffled your way in the narrow walkway, turning and pulling the wood board back into place, then turning and going down the narrow way. Once you were at the end, there was another wooden board, which you move as well. You made your way in the small boxed off area, the shoved the wood back in place.
Turning around, you faced your real "home".
A large tipped over dumpster was where you had placed your back shift bed, made from a dirty, old, and ripped table cloth and a bunched up pile of ripped clothing you couldn't wear anymore as a pillow.
In the middle was the small trashcan that you used as a fire pit, just the left of where you slept held all your canned and stolen foods. It also held a first aid kit you had stolen and a few other things you had 'permanently borrowed' from someone.
The whole place was covered by scrap metal you have found and use as a roof for your little 'home', only enough space to let the smoke from the fire out.
Speaking of fire, you walk over and pick up your fire poker, pushing around the embers that were just barely alive. Looking to your right, you didn't have much left in your pile of flammable items so you put the poker down and decided to let the fire die.
Going to your food pile next, you looked through it. Most of the stuff had to be heated up of the fire you so nicely let die, but your stomach growled in anger of missing another meal for the four-time in a row. You didn't eat at all yesterday and you certainly didn't eat breakfast today, to you picked up the can of peaches and went over to your bed.
You didn't have a mattress, you just used some extra clothes you found here and there. You sit down, you head just barely grazing the top of the dumpster that hid your bed, opened the can and began to eat.
And by that, you just poured the contents into your mouth.
You grew to realize you can't be picky about what you ate, if you did, you'd be dead. Staring into the dying fire, you thought back to the red-haired boy you met today.
You wonder: Was he at home now? Did he have a home to go to? He said he had a family so, that's good. He must have a bed. And food. A home... Good...
"... someone as good as him doesn't deserve this fate..."
After finishing the can you put it off to the side, crossing your legs your slouch and rub your hands over your face. Covering your face your eyes start to have a familiar sting, to which you growl at and shake your head.
Crawling out of the dumpster, you pull down the lid, encasing you in darkness as you curl up. Head resting on the pile of clothes, you pull the table cloth up to your chin and close your eyes.
You couldn't help but imagine how the nurse's bed was so much better than ... this. You gently raise your hand, letting it glow. You released a burst of energy that stuck to the ceiling of the bin and floated all around it.
If you really imagined it, it was like you were floating in space, far away from earth and just... floating.
You willed yourself to close your eyes and hoped that you'd get at least a little sleep before you found out the horrors of tomorrow.
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crystal/gigi and #7
“Did you hear that?” - “I’m telling you, I’m haunted.”
It was Crystal’s day off, and she was living the hight of luxury in her opinion. 
Her day was spent lounging about the living room sans-pants, watching horrible reality TV, eating hot chips for every meal, and helping herself to the secret chocolate stash Widow kept under their sink.  
When her cellphone rang at two am, Crystal picked it up without a second thought, there was only one person it could be anyway.
“Hey, baby, what’s up?”
“Will you please come over?” The vulnerability in Gigi’s voice made Crystal sit up straighter on her couch. She sounded hurt. Timid even. 
Crystal’s blood ran cold at the sound. 
“Yeah, of course. Are you okay?” Crystal asked even as she was searching for pants to pull on.
“I’m not really sure.” 
Crystal’s mind filled with a million different horrible possibilities at once and she was ordering an Uber before she could blink.
“I’ll be there in ten.” Crystal assured her.
“Okay. Thank you.”
“Yeah, course. I love you.”
Crystal arrived eight minutes to the dot after she left, thanks to the traffic being light and her driver being fairly lax in regards to obeying traffic laws. She knocked only once before Gigi’s door swung open to reveal the younger girl draped in her comforter.
“Shhh!” Gigi exclaimed, putting a finger to her mouth. 
Crystal looked at her quizzically but kept her mouth shut and let Gigi lead her by the hand into her bedroom. Only after Gigi shut and locked the door, and placed a chair under the knob, did she speak.
“Okay so, I need you to just go with me on this one, yeah?”
Gigi looked at her seriously, but Crystal had gotten the feeling that the issue wasn’t nearly as serious as Gigi had made it out to be on the phone.
“What the hell is happening? Are you okay?” Crystal asked.
Gigi took a deep breath in and out. “I think there’s a ghost in my house.”
Crystal had her repeat herself, once, twice, and then once more because she wanted Gigi to realize how insane she sounded.
“I know I sound crazy! But I heard noises coming from my kitchen earlier and when I went to check it there was a cabinet fully hanging open.”
“So you left a cabinet open and you heard a noise in the kitchen so you think you have a ghost?” Crystal asked deadpan. 
“Babe, take this seriously!” Gigi whined.
Crystal rolled her eyes, “Honey, there isn’t a ghost in your house.”
“How do you explain the banging outside then, huh?” Gigi put a hand on her hip, “Or the doors slamming closed on their own? Do you remember that time when you and I were watching that tv show about the highschoolers that kept breaking out into song and the bedroom door just whammed shut? How do you explain all that?”
“First of all, didn’t you say your neighbors were awful and had loud parties at all hours of the night.” Gigi went to argue, but Crystal cut her off again, “And that time we were watching Glee, your windows were open. Knowing how forgetful you are, baby, I wouldn’t be surprised if you just left the window and the cabinet open.”
Gigi’s complaint was cut off by a very real crash just outside her window. It was so loud and so sudden, that Crystal found herself instinctively flinching away from the sound. 
“Did you hear that?” Gigi asked. “I’m telling you, I’m haunted.”
“I’m sure it’s just-”
Another crash sounded, much closer to the bedroom window this time and it took everything in Crystal not to jump away.
Gigi gave her a pointed look as if to say ‘told you so’.
Crystal got up to peer out the window, but it was still too dark to make anything out. She decided it would be easier to go outside and actually look. Gigi did not like this plan at all.
“No, you can’t go alone what if you get possessed?”
“I’m not gonna...” Crystal had to take a deep breath in and out. “Gigi, ghosts aren’t real. I’m not gonna get possessed.”
“You can’t know that!”
Crystal took Gigi’s hands in her own and spoke as calmly as possible, “Baby, honey, I love you. I’m not gonna get possessed.”
“At least let me go with you.”
Crystal agreed and got to work on moving the chair out from under the bedroom doorknob and unlocking it. Gigi was right behind her, still clutching at her blanket like it was a lifeline. Crystal couldn’t help but find it adorable, no matter how much she wanted to be annoyed.
The two ventured out into the living room and Crystal lead them over to the back door. She turned to look at Gigi, who only encouraged her forward. Crystal was surprised to find herself a bit nervous, but she shook it off for now.
In one swift movement, Crystal flicked on the outside lights and flung open the door revealing... two startled raccoons.
Crystal exhaled.
“G, honey, it’s just some raccoons.”
“Are you sure? They could be possessed raccoons.”
Crystal turned to look at Gigi. “Okay, what scary movie did you watch?”
Gigi bit her lip and looked down at the floor guiltily. “Annabelle.”
Crystal sighed, “Gigi-”
“I know you said not to watch them alone anymore but I was bored and I didn’t want to bother you because today was your day off but I ended up doing that anyway, god, I’m so stupid.”
Crystal flipped off the outside lights and closed the door softly behind her before pulling Gigi into a tight hug.
“Baby, you aren’t bothering me. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Gigi sighed against her shoulder. “I know. I know. I’m sorry.”
Crystal pulled back to look Gigi in the eyes, “Stop apologizing, okay? It’s all fine.”
Gigi nodded. “Okay, sorr-” 
Crystal held up a finger to stop her. Gigi smiled softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too, babe.”
The comfortable silence that followed was shortly broken by Gigi’s loud yawn. She pulled out her phone to look at the time and reluctantly untangled her limbs from Crystal’s, “I guess you’d better get back home now, it’s late.”
“Do you want me to stay?” Crystal asked seriously.
Gigi shook her head unconvincingly, “No, you need to get back! I won’t keep you any longer. Besides you’ve got so many things to do tomorrow and I-”
“Yes, please would you stay?” Gigi’s eyes did that thing where they got super wide and she looked like a damn doe and Crystal could never refuse her anything. Not that she ever would.
“Of course I will.”
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tsunnychan · 4 years
chasing daybreak: the color of your hair
iii. after a while I give up trying to guess if the color of your hair means anything
now back to my (ir)regularly scheduled fluff @nicolewrites @shining-jul-of-hope @mishspelled
Sylvain doesn’t even wince as the blonde sitting across from him shoots up and empties her entire iced coffee onto his head and storms out the door. He blinks through his dripping hair and calmly reaches for the towel in his bag that he specifically prepares for this.
He watches the disgruntled pink-haired barista behind the bar throw up her hands in frustration and disappear into the backroom for a mop. Sylvain smiles. She’s so easy to rile up. Sure enough, she reappears three minutes later with her bucket and approaches him, eyes glaring holes into the side of his head.
Water splashes over the edge of the bucket with her mop and she growls at him, “that’s the fifth drink this week alone, and it’s only Wednesday. What on earth is your—”
Sylvain hides his amused smile. He can tell she’s bitten back her scathing words because they don’t actually know each other. It’s considerate of her to try anyway.
Instead, she sighs heavily and wipes away the coffee dripping down the table. “How many more times are you going to make me clean up these messes?”
He leans back and presses another napkin to his face. “Nobody asked you to do that. Heck, I thought you enjoyed it. Besides, you’re real good at it. I’m excited to continue working with you,” his eyes dart to her name tag and he smiles, “Ingrid.” Huh. He feels like he should’ve remembered that name considering all the times he’s been here. And all the times she's cleaned up after him.
Ingrid’s eyebrows shoot up into her hairline and she explodes, “do you mean to imply you have no intention of acting a bit more respectably?”
Now he winces. “Please don’t yell like that. Everybody’s staring at us.”
She’s fuming and he just knows she has another lecture on the tip of her tongue. He glances worriedly around the coffee shop, though he’s not sure why. He makes a scene of himself here almost every single day, considering he takes all of his dates here to break up with them. Sylvain couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something about this place felt familiar… made him feel safe. Despite the raging barista who looks like she’s about to kill him—
To his surprise, he watches her straighten up and take a steadying breath. “Nobody asked me to do this? This is my job, Sylvain. Now, if you would kindly make my job easier,” her eyes flash to his. “Stop breaking up with girls here, hm? Or at least try to be a little more courteous to the other customers here.”
He blinks at her. “How do you know my name?”
She stares at him like he’s stupid. “You’re in here almost every day with a new girl who curses your name in some shape or form. As much as we all love reality TV, some of us come here to get some work done, not be your live audience.”
The glint of her hardened green eyes stirs something in him, and he stamps it down quickly. Instead, he gives her a sickly sweet smile. “Fine, I promise I’ll try to change. Are you happy now?”
She scowls at him and rolls her bucket away without giving him with a response. Sylvain smiles watching her back walk away from him.
Oh, he’ll change alright.
In the next week, Sylvain has doubled the amount of girls he’s brought to the café and has doubled the amount of drinks dumped onto his head.
He internally dances with glee as Ingrid becomes more and more furious at him with each passing day, muttering under her breath how she’s spending her entire allotted break-times to clean up after him. He always greets her with the most infuriating smile he can muster when she trudges over, mop in hand.
Except for today.
Today, the brunette he’s breaking up with decides to put on more of a show than the others. Funnily enough, he still doesn’t remember her name. He already grew cautious when he saw her order a scalding hot coffee in the middle of summer, so he dragged this out as long as he could.
But as soon as her hand brushed along the inside of his thigh under the table—his hand wrenched her wrist away from his leg, eyes cold. “I think we’re done here.”
Of course, the girl spluttered in anger as the other customers in the shop start to whisper. Breaking out of his grip, she predictably reached for her hot coffee and threw it in his face.
He did not expect it to still be so hot. “Ah, fuck—"
“You’re a prick, you know that? A real piece of work.”
Sylvain is still wiping the hot liquid from his eyes when he gave her a cruel smile. “Ha, that’s rich. Doesn’t really mean much coming the person who wanted to bleed my bank account dry.”
The other girl paled and clutched her empty cup harder. “You’re an asshole—”
He scoffs and fixed her with a glare. “Please. Save your breath. Texting your friends about the ‘Gautier net worth’ on the first date? Don’t make me laugh.”
The girl flushes a bright red and the whispers around them grew louder. In one last ditch effort, she threw the cup at his head and stormed out of the store.
Sylvain let the paper cup hit him and clatter to the ground. He grimaces. He left his towel at home.
A few of the other regular customers send him concerned glances, but ultimately, none of them move to help him.
To his surprise, a white towel falls over his head and he sees a familiar mop by his feet. Her wry voice sounds closer than he expected. “Are all the girls you date like that?” His heart skips a beat.
He forces his arms to move and he clears his throat, bringing the towel to his face. “More or less.”
Sylvain peeks at her from behind the towel, chest tightening oddly at the frown on her face. “You need better taste in women then.” Her eyes dart to his and he is thankful for the towel blocking the sudden blush that floods his cheeks. “And a lot more tact.”
He shrugs and keeps his burning face hidden from her. “What, you have any ideas about that? Taste in women, or otherwise?”
He just knows she’s rolled her eyes at him, despite not even facing him. He smiles at her scoff. “Have some dignity, will you?”
With her back turned, Sylvain runs the towel quickly through his hair and down his front where coffee was still dripping. He doesn’t expect her to whip around and study his face, eyes softer than usual. His throat dries. “You know, this wouldn’t keep happening if you were even the slightest bit genuine. Try it sometime.”
Sylvain watches her walk away, his heart beating strangely in his chest.
Over the next few months, Sylvain enters the coffee shop with less and less girls, but with more and more heart problems.
Now that he’s not having drinks dumped onto his head, he actually has time to sit at the bar and watch Ingrid make drinks, even chat with her when she’s not taking orders at the register or drive-through. He’s learned that she has several older brothers, that working in this coffee-shop is only one of her many jobs to support her family, and the only reason she even remotely sympathized with him about his dates was that she had her own fair share of disasters, set-up by her father.
Then, she began to sit with him during her breaks. Those are the times when his chest hurts the most.
Today, he doesn’t see her pink hair behind the counter, so he takes a seat in a booth and pulls out his laptop. He may not care for his family, but he damn well won’t let some Gloucester intern outclass him in his own division.
Just five minutes into revising his proposal, he catches pink hair in his periphery as it slides into the seat across from him. He doesn’t bother trying to hide his smile. “On break already?”
When she doesn’t answer, Sylvain looks up and is only slightly embarrassed to find, not Ingrid, but another pink-haired girl with pink eyes, smirking slyly at him. He gulps and his grimaces when he doesn’t see a nametag. “Sorry. Wrong person. Can I help you?”
The other girl’s smirk widens and ignores his question completely. “You know, I’m only saying this because you’re one of our best customers by buying an absurd amount of drinks to just get them dumped all over you—but there are better ways to get her attention than sitting at the bar staring at her like a lost puppy.”
Sylvain splutters, “I-I don’t know what you mean. Who are you anyway?”
The other girl waves her hand dismissively. “Right, and my hair is actually green. Face it loverboy, you like Ingrid.”
He feels heat climb the back of his neck and he wills the blood to stop pounding in his ears. His eyes scan the coffee shop quickly and grimaces. “You still haven’t told me who you are, and I don’t like her.”
Sylvain watches this mystery girl sigh and shake her head. “I’m Hilda, Ingrid’s roommate. I normally only work weekends, but she wasn’t feeling well today so she asked me to cover for her. As for you, Mr. I-come-to-this-café-every-day-to-see-her-smile, just admit that you like her and this’ll be easier for all of us.”
His flush spreads across his face and he resolutely continues to lie through his teeth. “I don’t like her. She’s not my type.”
Hilda raises a lazy eyebrow. “And your type is blondes and brunettes who don’t give a shit about you?”
His jaw drops and Hilda sighs heavily. “Well, if your shallow, stubborn ass needed confirmation, her hair isn’t really pink. She lost a bet to me last summer and I get to color it whatever I want for the next two years.”
He still hasn’t picked his jaw up off the table and Hilda brushes off her skirt as she stands. Glancing back at him, she winks. “She’s actually a blonde, and she does give a shit about you.”
Sylvain stares at Hilda’s back as she walks away. When she disappears into the backroom, he turns to stare blankly at his laptop, his heart fluttering violently beneath his ribs.
Next week, Ingrid gets to work two hours later than usual at Hilda’s insistence. Hesitant at first, especially because Hilda had already covered for her last week, she was adamant about going. Plus, she hadn’t seen Sylvain in a while—
Her roommate leveled her with a knowing smirk and waved off her concerns, stating that she would cover the opening shift, so Ingrid could sleep in. Still exhausted after being out sick, she was grateful for the extra rest and she didn’t think too much of it…
Until she saw Sylvain sitting at the bar with two drinks in front of him, leg bouncing restlessly on the stool. She couldn’t help the frown that formed on her face and the sudden tightness of her chest. Is he dating again?
After that one particularly nasty encounter with hot coffee, Sylvain had actually taken heed of her words. Less and less drinks got dumped on his head and slowly, they stopped altogether.
He started sitting at the bar so he could watch her work. He told her about his stifling family, briefly touched on his disinherited brother, how he had trouble making lasting connections because of his family’s reputation, and to his own surprise, he tells her how oddly detached he felt from everyone and life itself. Until he found this café and its dark blue walls. Something about it, making his heart ache, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
She was too struck by the gold in his eyes in that moment when he smiled at her, ‘isn’t that weird?’
Ingrid was far too busy willing the churning in her stomach to stop to tell him that she felt the same.
Sighing heavily, Ingrid pushes through the door and strides straight to the backroom, despite hearing Sylvain call after her. She finds Hilda lazily scrolling through her phone and idly greets her as she sets down her bag. Hilda’s eyes flash up to hers and she grins, her eyes pointedly darting out to the redhead Ingrid brushed past.
Flushing brightly, she hastily grabs her apron and walks back out front, still tying it as she steadily avoids his gaze. She briefly thanks her lucky stars that two new customers had walked in after her, so she could busy herself with their orders…
But Ingrid feels his eyes burning into her back as she pretends to ignore him.
She’s granted another twenty minutes of respite due to the morning service, but eventually, she runs out of customers and she runs out of excuses. Sighing shakily, she turns to him and finds him tapping his fingers against the wooden counter, eyes staring blankly at the two cups in front of him. Still no date in sight.
She clears her throat and his eyes jump to hers. “Hi.”
A small smile forms on his face and it is not fair how it makes her pulse spike. “Hi.”
Ingrid fidgets in place as he continues to study her face in silence, like he hasn’t seen her in a lifetime. Her eyes fall to his drinks because she does not want to think about how the open collar of his shirt affects her breathing. She clears her throat again. “Date today? I haven’t seen you with two drinks for months.”
Sylvain blushes curiously and his eyes drop from her face. “Um, not exactly? Well, it’s not not a date… b-but I also don’t want to assume anything! Oh Goddess, this is a terrible idea—”
Ingrid raises an eyebrow as his blush spreads down his neck, biting back a smile. “You’re being weird. Have you always been this weird, and I just never noticed?”
“No! I’m pretty sure. I don’t think so?” He runs a hand through his hair, his eyes looking everywhere but her. “By the by, have you, you know, fallen for anybody recently?”
She snorts. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve been out sick. What are you even bumbling on about?”
She watches him make eye contact with someone over her shoulder and groan, covering his flaming face. Ingrid whirls around, but Hilda is still on her phone, twirling one of her pigtails around her finger. Slowly, she turns back to Sylvain in confusion, only to find one of his drinks pushed toward her.
Her heart stops.
She looks at him and he’s still covering his face, but his ears are as red as his hair. His muffled voice comes from behind his hands. “Read the label.”
Blood pounding in her ears, Ingrid reaches out and turns the cup toward her and she inhales sharply.
              Go out with me?
              Yes: drink it
              No: dump it on my head
Her eyes jump back to him and she finds Sylvain peeking at her through his fingers, taking in her expression. The longer she stares at him in silence, the more tense he gets, and he finally lets his hands fall away from his face. “Look, I’ll clean up the mess this time, so just—”
Ingrid brings the cup to her lips and takes a small sip. Chamomile. Her favorite.
Humming lightly, she sets the drink down and smiles, warmth blooming in her chest as she meets his gaze. “My lunch break is at 1.”
 She turns to greet the new customers that walked in and misses the gigantic smile that spreads across his face.
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premonition; never too late  preface
Summary: When Richie dies, Eddie has no idea what to do next, until he wakes up the next day, and Richie is sleeping next to him. In the strangest week of their lives, Eddie puts the missing pieces together to solve the mystery and his husband’s life.
A/N: this is a story idea based on the movie ‘premonition’, that both me and @reddie-fangirl24​ are going to work on. We’ll alternate between writing chapters, and this is the preface. Let me know what you think! Also, I’m thinking about applying for a writing course in college so i would really appreciate any honest opinion about my writing! 
warning: curse words 
Despite Eddie’s best intentions on following the route of the car, he loses his sense of direction barely five minutes into the car ride. A blindfold is covering his eyes, making him blind and reliant on Richie, who is sitting next to him in the driver’s seat.
‘Are you excited Eds?’ Richie asks, childish glee laced through his voice. Eddie opens his mouth to answer, but right before he can, Richie makes a sudden U-turn, cursing harshly while he does.
‘Richie I swear to God. You’d better be paying attention to the road!’ He wishes he could see him, mostly because that would give him the opportunity to prod some more. He’s sure that if given the change, he’d make Richie spill the secret in 10 minutes flat.
As it stands, however, he can’t check if Richie remains focused on the road while they’re talking, so he resorts to silence. Africa by Toto is playing in the background, the same song that was their first dance as husband and husband, so he tunes in to the lyrics and lets his mind drift, the only way he can keep his energy in check.
He’s full of curiosity about where exactly they’re going, and what Richie had in store for him. Maybe they’ll be going on a day trip to the zoo, but that seems unlikely since it was already two in the afternoon, or they could be hanging out with their friends. But then why did Richie put so much energy in keeping it secret? The truth is, Eddie is clueless, and that is not something he likes.
He’s gotten better at letting things go that are beyond his control, but disruptive plans are a pet peeve he has yet to overcome, and Richie knows that, so there must be a good reason for doing it.
Richie is nervous, Eddie can tell, even if Richie tries his damn hardest to convince him otherwise. He’s been drumming his fingers against the steering wheel from the moment they left their apartment, too rapid to match the beat of the songs they’ve been listening too.
Just before he decided to remark on this before he can start questioning Richie, the car slows down, and the thumping stops. ‘Hey, Eddie Spaghetti, any guesses as to where we’re going?’
Eddie lets a disbelieving laugh escape him. ‘Obviously not, idiot. If I could see where we are, then maybe I had a chance to.’
Laughing himself, Richie turns the temperature in the car down, indicating to Eddie that he’s sweating, another clue that he’s more tense then he likes to admit.
‘You hot, babe?’ Eddie questions smugly, the edges of his lips lifted up to a smirk.
‘No’, Richie denies, ‘but you sure are, babe.’ He puts empathies on his last word mocking Eddie with his choice of words.
Eddie rolls his eyes as best he can behind his blindfold, even when he knows Richie probably won’t be able to notice it anyway.
For a moment, he nearly forgets what they’re doing. The atmosphere in the car brings forth the same emotions that summers as kids used to do. Before they had to worry about work and everything else, they could be as careless as they wanted to be.
Then the car comes to a quiet halt. Richie sighs, bracing himself for the next part, as he is both equally exhilarated, as he is anxious.  Impatient as ever, Eddie eagerly asks; ‘Can I take off my blindfold now?’
Exhaling a chuckle, Richie shakes his head, before realizing that Eddie can’t see him. ‘In a minute��, he responds, taking the keys out of the ignition.
‘Remember our wedding day, when we returned at night to an apartment and the fucking annoying couple down the hall wouldn’t stop screaming?’
Of course Eddie remembers that, he remembers everything from that day in great detail. The way Richie positively beamed when Eddie came into the room, his arm linked with Bev’s, the hilarious speeches the losers made when proposing a toast, and the promise they made at night, when everyone was dead asleep.
The vow Richie and Eddie made, the one Richie is referencing, was a guarantee that they would move out and find their own place, away from others where they would be with each other and no one could interrupt.
They deserved that much after the lives they had, and especially after Eddie was nearly killed by IT, leaving him in the hospital for almost a year. That had been six years ago, but they still coward at any sight of a shadow, or a sound coming from a dimly lit place.
But that vow had been over a year and a half, and they had yet to find any house that was affordable and close to Eddie’s job, or the other losers. Eddie’s confused as to why Richie would bring it up now.
‘Sure, I remember that Rich, why?’ Eddie inquired, unsure where this was all heading.
‘Good, just making sure.’ Richie’s lips were chapped as they brushed up against Eddie’s, their lips meeting in a slow, loving kiss. Because Eddie hadn’t seen it coming and was taken by surprise, the kiss is a bit sloppy, but the fact that it’s Richie that’s kissing him, made up more than enough for that fact.
When Richie pulled back, his hand brushes over Eddie’s eyebrow, a soothing gesture he had picked up on at the hospital, since every other part of Eddie’s body was off-limits due to injuries. A dopy smiles rests on Eddie’s face when Richie eventually leans away, and he catches the sound of him opening up his car door.
‘Hold on one second, Eds.’
Then, the door on Eddie’s side unlocks as well, the cool air breeze from the open door making him shiver slightly.
‘Okay, I’m going to take your blindfold off now, okay?’
Eagerness spreads through Eddie’s entire body. He nods enthusiastically, he’d be embarrassed, if it wasn’t for the man-child that he called his husband.
When the one blockage slips away, another replaces it straight after, Richie’s one hand big enough to cover both of Eddie’s orbs. He groans. ‘Oh, you asshole, I fucking knew that that was what you were going to do.’
‘Yeah, well deal with it Eddie my love.’ Richie teases lovingly.
Richie supports Eddie out of the car, the grip on his forearm tight. With a slam, the car door shuts behind them, and they are left on the street.
Together, they shuffle over a sidewalk, and that is the only thing Eddie can make out, still in the dark. A kiss is pressed to the side of his head, and then Richie leans down, Eddie small and short frame nothing compared to his, so he can whisper; ‘Open up, Eds.’
His hands fall away, and it takes a hot minute for Eddie to adjust back to the light, after being without it for so long. After his eyes have adapted, he focusses on what’s in front of him, his eyes widening in uncertainty.
Before him is a house, by the looks off it made completely out of wood frame, plywood and sheetrock. There’s an enormous front yard, about 50 square feet, with a walkway from the street up till the front door, full of gravel.
There was a parking spot, marked by the absence of grass, in front of a large window that constricted the view inside the house by white curtains. Eddie blinked, then shakes his head as if to get him out of a daze before turning and gazing towards Richie.
‘A house? Is that why I spend thirty minutes in a car? To see a fucking house?’
Richie paled a little, clearing his throat before covering it up with a smile. Eddie felt guilty nauseatingly fast. ‘You should check it out first, Eds.’
‘What for, Richie? Getting arrested for trespassing is the last thing I want to do right now.’
With a chuckle, Richie guides the two of them towards the front door, his hands still holding on to Eddie’s upper-arms, steering him gently but firm. ‘We’re not going to get arrested, Eds Spagheds, trust me. Where’s your sense of adventure? Maybe I want us to get caught, huh?’
Richie playfully nibbles at the top of Eddie’s neck, right below his chin, laughing when Eddie pushes him away with one of his own. ‘If we get arrested numbnuds, I’m leaving you behind and I am not posting bail!’
The walk up to the front door, Richie letting go as he searches for the keys in his pocket. The door is painted in a camel color, with a mailbox opening near the bottom. Fumbling his way in front of Eddie, Richie opens the door with a tada-motions, gesturing Eddie inside widely, thrilled that he gets to show him the place.
Eddie enters hesitantly, glancing left and right, then stepping inside and doing the same thing. When you step through the door, you find yourself in the hallway, leading up the stairs to the end of it.
Turning left, Eddie sees what he believes is the dining room, and on his right is the living room, a large tv hung smack dab in the middle of it. There are no doors connecting them, just open spaces, but Eddie likes that a lot. It gives the illusion of freedom, and when discussing moving plans with Richie, he had always insisted it should be an open concept.
He peers at Richie, silently asking which direction they’ll go to next, but he patiently waits for Eddie to decide, his hands shoved in his pockets as he silently watches him.
Eddie sets off to the right, gaping out the beauty and serenity that the room displays. There’s a large sand-colored three-piece sofa in the corner, with pillows a baby pink littered across it. Besides the tv, there’s also a bookcase, a mirror hanging on the wall opposite of the couch, a closet, a wooden coffee table, and several green plants. The walls have a peach color to them.
Straight ahead was the kitchen, fully equipped with the newest equipment for cooking. Excluding the basic necessities, there is also a coffee machine, a food processor and an immersion blender. Though it’s a very modern cooking area, it’s build-out of wood. Eddie lets his fingertips slide over the top, focusing on the feel of the rubles under his touch.
Then they saunter over to the main hall again, arriving in another room which held a piano, a desk, and another tv, the walls tinted a dusky pink.
Next is the dining room, a large wooden table at its center, alongside six chairs, neatly places under neat it. There are two large windows, covering the entirety of the walls, leading up to the grass part of their front lawn.
A bathroom is located under the stairs, complete with a toilet, mirror, and sink.
The back garden is even bigger than the front, and if Eddie were to guess, he estimates the total ground at about 71 inches. A little pond covered under a large tree oozes tranquility, an image of an harmonious Sunday afternoon filled with reading and enjoying each other’s company flashes through Eddie’s thoughts, the imagine warming his insides.
Next, they ascend up the stairs, walking up to an even larger floor than the ground one. There are two more bathrooms, one next to one of the bedrooms, and one that’s found at the utter end of the hallway.
In the bathrooms a bath and a shower can be found, along with a toilet, sink and several cabinets, tiles coating the walls with a homely feel. There is a work office, with a desk, computer and placements for Eddie’s files so he can work organized and at peace.
Lastly, there are three bedrooms, with respectively lilac, peach and aqua-colored walls that Richie insisted they visited last. It becomes clear why when they enter the aqua colored bedroom.
The peach bedroom is unquestionably the main bedroom, as it is the largest, and has the biggest bed. It’s adjacent to the street, but the walls are thick enough that any sound from the outside gets muffled.
The Lilac and aqua rooms share a wall, both of them positioned near the backyard. 
Eddie’s eyes are drawn to letter placed upon the bed in the Aqua room from the second he walks in, so he makes a beeline for it.
He hears Richie chuckle, but he pays it no mind as he rips the envelop open to reveal what’s inside. In the letter, with scribbled handwriting that can only come from Richie, a message is written. Want to make this the baby’s room? It reads, Eddie dropping the paper in shock, turning to asks Richie what the hell is going on.
‘What do you mean, Rich? Why the hell are we here?’
With a beam, Richie turns around in a circle, gesturing towards the whole house. ‘This is our house now, Eds. I followed everything you said, and added a few things of my own. I really hope you like it. I was basing it off of what your mother liked, you know since I knew her so well.’
Eddie looks at Richie like he grew two heads, his brow furrowed while his body stands rigid. ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’
For a whole year, they rejected every house that was on the market, touring more open houses that Richie toured cities, for none on them even remotely resembled what it was they were after, and now the perfect house suddenly fell in their lap?
The quest was partially daring since they both agreed that refraining from having children while still at the apartment was a must. Both of them longed for kids more than anything, but they scorned having to raise them in a place that didn’t belong to them.
‘Oh, yeah,’ Richie says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully, ‘maybe I should have told you that this was haystack’s wedding gift.’
‘Wait, what the fuck, how?’ Eddie questions, the pitch of his voice going slightly higher.
‘Well I told Benverly about our search for a house and Ben offered to help. So we’ve been secretly working on this whenever you’re off to work or out with Bev.’
‘Oh Rich’, Eddie smiled, his heart growing twice as big as before. Every time he thinks he can’t love the man anymore then he already does, he organizes something like this.
‘And if you don’t like something we can change it. But we agreed on two kids, so two children bedroom, and look’, Richie exclaimed as he trudged to the window, pointing outside to the garden.
‘I was thinking we could place a swing set there, and maybe even a pool.’ He faltered when Eddie kept listening instead of speaking up, keen on knowing what Eddie thought.
Eddie, who was staring with a lovestruck gaze on his face, rushed forward to sloth his lips against Richie’s, kissing him passionately in a way to hopefully convey what words didn’t. Thank you, I love you, I love this.
‘Rich, Thank you. I-, this is amazing, you’re amazing.’
Richie melted to a pool at Eddie’s praise, swooned by the love that surrounded him.
‘And yes, of course, I would love to have a baby with you.’
He could not wait to start their new lives, in their own home. 
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officalkittycat1619 · 4 years
I'll always be your hero 《Mirio Togata x Chubby Reader》 Chapter 2
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Days later...
"Hon, wake up...." 
Mirio shakes [Y/n] calmly from her bed, trying to wake her up. [Y/n] only groaned and turned her side away from her blonde boyfriend. "It's a Sunday, Babe." muttered [Y/n] lazily. Mirio laughs,"I know, but don't you want that thing I promised you." [Y/n] looks at Mirio tiredly. "What thing?"
[Y/n]'s P.O.V.
"Remember, I promised that I'd get you a [favorite/animal] plushie." He reminded me. I turned from him once. "Can it wait, I want to sleep more." I felt Mirio's arms wrapping around my waist, then he pulls me in a instant out of my bed. Quickly getting up, I ran after Mirio, but instead I crashed into my door and landed on my butt. "Curse your stupid fazing quirk!" 
Mirio's face phases through the door,"My bad, Hon." I got up frustrated,"You're lucky I love you. Now let me get changed, and I'll be right there." He leaves, while I start looking for something to wear. Just as I look for my clothes, I see a picture of Mirio, Tamaki, and I when we were kids, on the day of my birthday. Because of that, I became really good friends with them since. 
"I can't wait anymore [Y/n]. No one came, I have to leave for work." my dad said. I grabbed his arms and pleaded,"Wait! Dad please, just a few more minutes. I know somebody will come. I just know it." Dad looks through his watch,"*Sigh* Alright [Y/n], only five more minutes. If no one comes, then I have to head back to work." I smiled before hugging my dad. "Thanks Dad!"
After getting ready, I walked over to Mirio's dorm, then knocked. "Mirio, are you there?" He didn't answer. I knocked once more and he still didn't answer. That's when I felt a pair of hands on top of my eyes. "Guess who?" "Really Mirio..." His hands left my eyes, the went wrapping around my waist. He laid his head onto my shoulder and nuzzled it. "Ready to go." I replied,"As I'll ever be."
Once we made it to the mall, we walked around various stores seeing if we can find that looks appealing. We came around one shop that had a ton of plushies, which was an advantage for me. I love plushies. There weren't just plushies, but flower crowns, fake wolf & cat ears, necklaces, and bracelets. Looking around, I see identical bracelets, both having a piece of a heart.  I decided to buy them, since they looked cute & I've always wanted something like this to match with Mirio. Just as I buy, I saw Mirio had already purchased something before me. We held each others hands & head back to the dorms. 
Inside my dorm room, Mirio & I were just layed down, cuddling as usual. "Mirio..." "Yea, Hon?" I asked,"Remember when we became friends, on the day of my birthday.." "Yep, I remember like if it as yesterday. Tamaki & I were heading to your house and I was really exciting to go."
"Come on Tamaki!" said young Mirio with glee. Young Tamaki tried to keep up with Mirio as they were running to [Y/n]'s house. "W-wait for me!" Tamaki shyly said. When the two boys made it to the house, Mirio knocks on the door, which opens to [Y/n] father. He gives off a glance before letting them in. "[Y/n], your friends are here." He calls for his daughter. [Y/n] runs to the living room to see Mirio and Tamaki waiting for her. Her eyes widen with realization. "Y-you both a-actually came..." Mirio smiles happily,"Yea! Why wouldn't we? Oh! This is for you" He hands her a present along with Tamaki. "H-here [Y-y/n], Happy b-birthday." [Y/n] holds onto the present, she looks back at the two boys. She drops them & went straight into hugging Mirio and Tamaki.
"Thanks you two, so much..."
"I'm still glad that you both came though. I actually lost hope that I even had friends. But when you & Tamaki came, I realized that I do have friends."
Mirio caresses my cheek,"I did promise I'd always protect you." "And that promise still resides in my heart." I said lovingly. I noticed how late it was so I spoke,"You should probably head back to your dorm, it's getting late and we have classes tomorrow." Mirio pouted,"Aaww, come on Gorgeous!" He gives me those cute puppy dog eyes. I just couldn't resist those cute blue eyes. "*Sigh* Fine, ten more minutes and then you head back to your dorm. Got it!" He nods his head in response. "Speaking of which, I got you the plushie I promised." He goes to grab the bag to reveal a cute [favorite/animal] plushie. "Thanks Babe, and I could say the same." I said. He looks at me curiously as I went to go grab my bag. I showed Mirio the matching couple bracelets I got for him and I. He looks at me lovingly,"I love it, Doll." 
He pulls me into a warm hug. "I love you." I responded,"Love you too."
Mirio gives me a passionate kiss on the lips before heading back to his dorm. "Wait, Mirio!" He turns back to me. I grabbed his hand & placed the bracelet on it. "You forgot something." I gave him a quick peck before he left. Of course he too gave me a quick peck before leaving. I hope moments like these  never change.
Next Day
"Hey, Guritchi! Where did you get that bracelet?" Hado asks with curiosity.  Tamaki adds in,"I noticed Mirio had one similar like that." I blushed a bit,"Hehe, well I got it for Mirio and I, so we can be a match."  "That's so sweet!" Hado commented sweetly. "What's sweet?" Mirio asks as he heads towards us. "The bracelet you and Guritchi have of course!" Hado excitedly said. Mirio laughs with embarrassment while scratching the back of his head. 
As we walked through the halls, we hear the speaker announcing,"Third years, Mirio Togata and [Y/n] Guritchi. All Might is calling for you."
We stopped walking and we couldn't help but be surprised.
"Please go to the counseling office at once. I repeat.."
"Woah! Uncle All Might wants to talk to us, that's so cool!" I commented with joy. "Right! I wonder what he wants!" Mirio wonders. Hado walks up to us. "Hey Togata, Guritchi, what did you do?--Did you both do something that could get you two in trouble" Tamaki asks,"--What could he want with you two?" 
I shrugged. Mirio exclaimed,"I don't know, but we've 'To-GATA" go see!" 
"Just kidding!" Mirio winked while doing a funny pose. I giggled. "Aw, I was totally not funny again, right? Sorry!" 
I responded,"Not quite Hon'." 
We head to the counseling office to see Uncle All might. I noticed the green haired first year we meet from before. "You.. are...here!" said Mirio excitedly. "Just kidding! Sorry, I got a little too excited when we heard you wanted to talk to us, All Might." I commented,"Maybe a little to much Hun'." 
"Um, I don't really understand what's going on." said Midoriya. "Neither do we. What a coincidence, right?" 
"Young Togata is currently doing their work study under Nighteye. Including Young Guritchi, since she's the daughter of Nighteye to be exact." All Might stated. "Is that true, Togata, Guritchi?!" Midoriya said astonished. "Yup! We've been with him for a year now!" Mirio exclaimed. Midoriya spoke excitedly,"Then, when you graduate, you both are pretty much guaranteed to be a sidekick, huh?" I added in,"As long as Dad doesn't change his mind though."
"That's so cool!"
All Might asks,"Getting straight to the point, do think Young Midoriya can work under Nighteye, Young Togata, Young Guritchi?"
"I see, so this is what you called us to talk about, right?",Mirio points out. He zooms right over to Midoriya while wrapping his arm around him. "You want us to introduce Midoriya to Sir!" 
"But wait a minute Uncle All Might, hate to sound rude, but why do you need to go through us? I've always seen Dad watching old videos of you in his spare time, I'm he'll be real happy if you call him up your self." I questioned with confusion.
"Honestly, I can't really face him right now..." Uncle All Might responds before he mutters,"Because in the end, I ended up exactly as he warned...." 
I knew what he was talking about. Honestly I couldn't blame him though. "So anyway, what do you think about Young Midoriya?" I looked backed at Mirio, thinking about what should we say. "Well..." Mirio looks at Midoriya. "What kind of hero do you want to be?" "What kind...?"
 Midoriya stood there silent for a minute. He responds,"I want to save everyone with a smile, no matter--" He then stops for a second. "I want to be strong enough that no one will worry about me. To always win.. To always save everyone..." He looks back at us. "I want to be... the greatest hero."
Mirio & I smiled backed at him. "That's a crazy goal." I commented."There' no reason for us to refuse, so we'll do it." Mirio adds in with a thumbs up. Midoriya said with astonished"Really?! Thank you both so much!" 
"Yeah! I always thought Sir would like you."
"But we're not  entirely sure if Dad will agree to it yet, though." I mentioned. "Even so, thank you both so much..." 
The rest of the time Mirio just made funny hand gestures for the laugh of it. 
 The weekend came, and after a whole hour in the train, we've made it. "This is Sir's agency." points out Mirio. Midoriya gives a stiffed looked. "Hey, don't be so stiff!" It's not good." Mirio asserts him.
 I stated,"Like I said before, Dad can be a pretty strict."
"I am fully aware! A hero famous for being strict and on himself and others... Even just watching on TV, his sharp gaze through the screen made me shiver." Midoriya points.
"That's true, too." Mirio explains,"But Sir has a different side to him that you see in the press." Midoriya gives a puzzled expression. 
"If you don't want to be turned away, then before finish talking to Dad today," Mirio & I looked at Midoriya and spoke in unison,"You need to make him laugh."  Midoriya gave a puzzled look. "W-what do you mean? Make him laugh?" 
Mirio opens the door to the building, letting us in. "Despite how he looks, or maybe because of it, Sir really holds humor in high regard. The most we can do is introduce you to him." 
"Dad's the one who'll decide if he'll accept you. I wish we could help you though, but from here on out, your gonna need to figure out how to make Dad acknowledge you on your own." I stated. "It's kinda late to ask this, but why are you both being so nice to me even though we've just met?" Midoriya asks with confusion.
"What do you mean, we've barely even know you." Mirio replies to Midoriya. "But what we do know that you have a crazy goal, and you're trying to turn it into reality. Wanting to do what you can to help those in trouble is basically hero 101, am I right?" 
Once we were in front of the door to Dad's office, Mirio points at it,"Now, he's just beyond that door." I added in,"If you want to become stronger, then open it with your own strength!"
Just as Midoriya opens the door to Dad's office I replied,"Hey Dad! We've brought the first year Mirio & I told you about!"
The first thing we see is Bubble girl, Dad's sidekick, laughing her ass off while being tickled to death in Dad's machine. She pleaded for forgiveness. By the looks of things, she didn't make him laugh. Sad. I noticed Midoriya looked puzzled at the sudden scene he's witnessing."Mirio, [Y/n], what's going on?"
I explained,"That's my Dad's sidekick, Bubble girl. It looks like she didn't made him laugh, sucks." Dad turned to our direction, he mostly looked at Midoriya with his usual strict stare. Midoriya starts to mess with his hair for some odd reason until, he made a awkward imitation of Uncle All Might. "I'm Izuku Midoriya!"
Which Mirio & I gave a shocked look on the sudden action he just did. Dad just looked at Midoriya with his usual strict scary stare,"Are you... ridiculing All Might?" Oh well, Midoriya is screwed.
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toshisae · 5 years
scripted ➵ lee jeno
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summary: in which you and your ex star in a new movie where ironically you two are dating again, like where you two once started
genre: angst-ish to fluff
theme: actor!au + ex to lovers!au
word count: 1.7k 
author’s note: hhhh yes hello i’m back, inspired by ‘heartache on the big screen’ by 5sos ++ let me know if you guys would like a part 2
italics = flashback!
“it’s not you.. it’s me” jeno runs a hand over his face. your face dropped as you put down your glass of iced tea “so everything was just nothing to you huh” you angrily stood up from the table. jeno ducked his head down, “stop, you’re making a scene” he hushed, looking around at the people in the restaurant staring at the two of you. “so that’s all you care about? fine. be like that then. we’re through!” you pushed your chair back and strutted away from jeno and the restaurant.
the following day after that night, you and jeno made it to the headlines. ‘Lee Couple Broken Up?!’ with your picture pushing past the paparazzi was in front of the newspaper and headlines.
you were an actress. a well known actress to be exact; and so was jeno. you two met during your first breakthrough movie. ironically enough your role at the time was jeno’s little sister and the news that you were dating your co star shocked the internet if you were being honest.
“you broke up with lee jeno?!” your manager slash best friend, haechan busts into your room. “oh okay” he muffles his laugh as he sees you sprawled out on the floor, angry tears running down your cheeks. “fuck off hyuck, i’m not in the mood” you sniffled, sitting up giving him a death glare. haechan quietly closes your door and sits on your bed. “wanna talk about it?” he peeks over at your lying figure. “no” you rolled over to your stomach. haechan stayed quiet knowing you were gonna break any minute now. a moment has passed and you stood up and sat next to hyuck, resting your head on his shoulder. “so..” 
“well shit” was all haechan could say about your story. “you’re supposed to be cheering me up, dickhead” you slapped his chest. haechan winces and stands up from the bed. “let’s go shopping and i’m not taking no as an answer” he says before grabbing your hand and dragging your ass away from bed
“would you mind explaining this?” renjun, jeno’s manager walks in front of the tv and throws a newspaper article onto jeno, who was busy playing PUBG on his playstation. “i’m kinda busy here” jeno tried to look past renjun but renjun ended up unplugging the tv. “DUDE WHAT THE FUCK” jeno slams his controller down, towering over renjun just a tiny bit. 
“i’m older than you, sit your ass down and show a bit of respect” renjun pokes jeno’s chest. jeno huffs and plops down on his couch, pouting. “i’m sorry hyung” he looks away from his manager. renjun sits down next to him, “so are we just gonna pretend you never dated lee y/n?” renjun looks at jeno. jeno grumbles and scratches his hair. “ugh i’m going to jaemin’s” jeno stands up, grabs a random hoodie on the floor and his car keys. “goddamn it jeno..” renjun sighs as he watched jeno walk out of their shared apartment.
“why would you do that tho” jaemin takes a sip out of his coffee whilst listening to jeno rant about his love life. “i don’t know! i just- maybe i got bored of our relationship? the spark died or something?!” jeno rambles on, pacing around jaemin’s living room. “i mean if i were you, i’d never let y/n go like have you seen her?” jaemin sighs dreamily, smiling to himself at the thought of you. “back off na jaemin” jeno sends a death glare towards jaemin’s direction. jaemin puts up his hands in defense. “chill dude, i’m just saying she’s pretty” jaemin smirks knowing this conversation they were having is making jeno miserable little by little. 
“i’m so tired” you whined the moment you and hyuck entered your shared apartment. “oh so you’re tired? how about me who carried all your shit from the mall!” haechan retaliates as he struggles to put down your oh so many paper bags on the kitchen counter. “not my problem anymore señior” you laughed out loud. haechan huffs and walks over to his office.
an hour or so has passed and you hear hyuck’s office door open. “hey y/n” he calls out. “yeah?” you respond
“how about you would like to audition for a new coming of age movie?” 
after venting everything to jaemin, jeno goes home a little late. he quietly enters the apartment. it still looked the same how he left it except there was a pink sticky note in front of the tv. ‘got you a gig. here’s the script, auditions will be tomorrow at 1 pm sharp -ronjun” 
                                                     a week later
“hello?” you answered your phone. “is this y/n?” a voice speaks. you looked over at hyuck who was across the table with a confused face. “yeah it is. how may i help you?” you asked. “hi! i’m the director for the new movie, disconnected? and i’m here to tell you that you got the part! you’re the main protagonist” the voice tells you the news happily. your mouth opened in shock, “oh my god thank you so much!” you cried out loud, mouthing ‘i got the part’ to haechan. “i’ll be expecting you soon! see you” the other line hangs up. you put down your phone and ran to hyuck. “i got the part!” you hugged him
renjun knocks on jeno’s door. “come in” renjun walks in to see jeno playing on his phone. “what’s up?” jeno stares at renjun, putting his phone away. renjun grins, creeping jeno out. “why are you smiling like that?” jeno eyes him. renjun suddenly throws him the official script of the movie he was gonna star in. “holy shit i got the part?” jeno’s eyes widened and stared at the thick script with glee. “you bet baby!” renjun exclaims in joy, throwing his fists up in the air. “you’re the love interest of the protagonist! you’ll start on tuesday but you’ll meet the cast tomorrow” renjun informs jeno. 
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you walked inside the studio you were supposed to meet your new colleagues in together with haechan. you watched haechan talk to the staff members asking where are the offices that you need to go in to. “hyuck i’m gonna buy some coffee over there” you point over at the small starbucks kiosk just right by the corner of the information booth. haechan hums as he speaks with the staff member
you got in line, chanting your order in your head so you won’t embarrass yourself in front of the barista. “yeah can i get a grande iced americano and a tall caramel macchiato please?” a familiar voice speaks up in front of you. your eyes widened, staring at this strangers back. “good morning! may i take your order?” the barista chirps, cutting your train of thought. you smiled at the barista, “hi can i get a venti mocha frap and a tall vanilla bean frap please?” the barista smiles back and punches in your order. “your order will be up in 10 minutes” she hands you the receipt. 
“nervous?” renjun asks jeno who was in the passenger seat as they both drive to the location of the studio. “a bit” jeno chuckles, throwing his head back. “why would you be? you’re a well known actor! directors would kill to get you on their movies” renjun laughs, giving jeno a glance from the rear view mirror. “i don’t know man, i just feel like something bad is gonna happen” jeno sighs, leaning against the window. renjun shrugs and carries on driving. 
“can you buy me some coffee?” jeno requests to renjun as he finishes up writing this form. renjun nods and leaves jeno alone with the information assistant. jeno suddenly notices haechan walk past him. he tenses up and tries to divert his attention to the sheet of paper in front of him. “sir, that would be all” the clerk yanks the paper away from jeno. jeno turns into a bright shade of red and laughs awkwardly, surely catching the attention of haechan. 
haechan turns to his side to see jeno smiling awkwardly while sending a small wave to his direction. “oh hey didn’t see you there” he manages to choke out. haechan gives him half assed smile before turning his attention back to the person he was talking with.
“hyuck here’s your drink- oh my god” 
you almost dropped the cup of coffee in your hand after seeing jeno standing next to hyuck. “what’s going on here” renjun comes out of no where. “oh my god” he covers his mouth in shock. 
“ah yes! the two main protagonists of my new upcoming movie!” the director walks over to the four of you. you looked at haechan and then the director. jeno does the same thing with renjun.
“main protagonists?!” you and jeno both yell at the same time
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“there must be a mistake director, there’s no way he’s my love interest! it’s gotta be somebody else!” you complained. haechan flicks your forhead, “we’re in a meeting, be more professional” he hushed. the director reads the script and adjusts his glasses. “what do you mean? he’s perfect for the role! do you recommend any other male actors for his position, miss y/n?” the director faces you. you shake your head no and the director smiles, “see? i told you” 
“do i get a say in this?” jeno asks loudly for everyone to hear. the director now turns to jeno with the same smile as before, “any concerns sir lee?” renjun beats him to it before jeno could say anything. “actually no. so when will the shoot start?” he whips out his handy laptop. 
“ah yes, the shoot will start in about a month. it would be nice if our main protagonist here,” the director points at you, “to dyes her hair a darker shade of brown? and the love interest,” he points over at jeno, “to dye his hair a chesnut color” the director proposes. “sounds good to me. needed to get my hair done anyway” you twirled a piece of your hair. jeno seems to nod in agreement making the director happy. “okay then it’s settled! now we just gotta sign the contract” he hands the two of you a piece of paper. 
not thinking much about it, you immediately signed the contract. except for the fact you were gonna star in a new movie with your ex. 
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evien-stark · 4 years
✧I Need You✧ Chapter 140
In the very back of a mostly empty and unsuspecting diner in the East Village, you and Tony sat facing away from the door (less easier to be spotted that way), with you leaned into him on his side of the booth. You’d barely touched the salad the waitress had brought you. He’d made similarly slow progress on his own food until really it was just the two of you picking at his fries. And then another order. Somehow just easier to eat than an actual meal. 
“So where’s this place again?” He seemed a little dissatisfied with this makeshift plan you’d left Jessica’s apartment with. Probably because it wasn’t much of one. 
“Caldwell, New Jersey.” She’d written the address down for you. But already it was burned in your memory. 
He huffed out a soft noise of amusement. “Jersey, huh? Explains a lot.” 
This tiny amount of sass at least got a little smile out of you, probably its exact intended mark. You gave him a little nudge. “Don’t start.” 
His arm around you gave you a little squeeze. “So. She goes. Does who knows what for who knows how long and… then gives you some sort of secret code word so you can swoop in and save the day? There’s a lot of blank spots here.” Which wasn’t really good. It didn’t make for a solid plan. And he was anxious. 
So were you. But what more could you do? “I think Kilgrave thinks he’s in love with her.” The way she’d said you have no idea in her office. The way Kilgrave was pursuing her so intensely-
“Tell me something less obvious.” Clearly Tony agreed. “Like- for instance- if that’s the case, what does he want with you? He’s expecting her to go to this house of her own volition. He escorted you to dinner basically on the same premise. Is this just about double-dipping?” 
Kilgrave in love with you? “I don’t think so.” It really didn’t feel that way. You pressed closer to Tony, thinking… about everything. “He’s enamored with me. I think. He asked me a lot when- the first time.” You clasped your hands tight on your lap, eyes unfocused as they lowered to the table. “About my family. My powers. What I could or couldn’t do.” It was hard. Remembering all that.
It always was. It probably always would be. But it helped. Having Tony so close. His simple presence was comforting. Reassuring. “The whole-... the nickname thing.” He was just on the cusp of saying it. Puppy. You were intensely glad he hadn’t. Probably the reason he choked the word back before it got out. “It’s not just a pet name. Is it.” Knowing already. Knowing it wasn’t. 
The noise that came out of you was as sad as it was bitter. “So what. He wants to have Jessica as his wife and keep me as the family dog?” 
“Guy’s deranged, that’s for sure.” Breathing out slowly as the thought escaped. “How much does he know? About what you can do?” 
“I don’t think he knows I can undo his little mind spells. Didn’t seem like it, anyway.” And you had to hope that was the case. It was about one of the only secrets you had left that would help protect other people from him if you fell in their path. Which you were about to in a very big way. 
The silence then was telling. Tony was thinking. The wheels were churning. It probably would have been a lot easier if you’d explained the entirety of your first stay with Kilgrave. But up until now- and maybe always- you were too weak to do so. But even with those missing pieces… “You think he wants you as reinforcement?” 
...oh. You hoped that was not the case. 
Two days was too long a time to not hear from Jessica considering everything. It wouldn’t do any good to get your anxiety working, but that’s what it was doing. Pulling your brain in all directions. All the bad ones. Thinking of every terrible end this could come out to. What if, in the end, she’d just given herself up? What if she and Kilgrave had disappeared into the sunset? What then? Did it erase your accountability? Did it make this whole thing over? 
...of course not. You’d be back to square one. Like you’d just come home again. Clawing through your trauma and secretly wondering if every person behind you was the next one about to whisper in your ear. But what more could you do? If you called Jessica out of the blue it would seem fishy, right? Especially when Kilgrave seemed to have a mind to make the two of you fight. If you just called her to check in… he’d get suspicious. And rightfully so. 
So that meant you had to sit around. And pretend things were okay. Pretend you weren’t slowly coming undone at the prospect of that you’d just let Jessica hand herself over to her abuser with no real plan in mind. No other avenues or options. Just the one where you were supposed to storm in once she got his guard down. But what if it never came down? What if- 
“Ms. INY.” JARVIS thankfully stole your slowly spiraling attention away, calling to you while you sat on the couch in the living room of the penthouse, laptop having long since gone to sleep. 
Stiffly you sat up. “Yeah- what’s up?” Something good? ...probably something bad. That seemed to be how life went these days. 
“Jessica Jones was just spotted on a news camera in New Jersey with an unidentified male. I believe they broke the perimeter of a hostage situation.” 
It took you a full minute to process this wealth of information. So… JARVIS had had pings running in case Jessica showed up in the media. Fair enough. You hadn’t set that safeguard but… you knew who might have. It was irrelevant right then, anyway. The ping was happening at a crisis situation- where she and… most likely Kilgrave were… doing what? 
“Can you show me, please?” 
“Of course.” 
The TV overhead turned on and JARVIS picked one of the news stations running the story- WHiH no less. Whose side was he on? He then reversed the airtime, zooming in beyond the reporter to the left side of the house where it looked like Jessica and her unknown guest were talking to a group of cops- who then stepped out of the way for them. Kilgrave, for sure. Not that you had any doubts. 
But what the hell were they doing? They disappeared out of the camera’s frame in just another moment, going around the backside of the house. Before you had time to try and puzzle it out for yourself, JARVIS released the footage letting it run live as the reporter exclaimed, “The hostages are coming out! They’re coming out!” 
Bewilderment wasn’t really even close to what you were feeling. Something far beyond that. Had Jessica taken Kilgrave to a hostage situation to… use him? To do something good? This felt wrong. Like perhaps she’d had too much of the Kool-Aid. What had they been doing together in this time? What had they been talking about? That Kilgrave could be turned around? That- 
“He’s coming out!” The reporter stole your attention again as the man who had been holding his family hostage for hours on end just walked out of the house with his hands up. Dead-eyed stare ahead. One you’d recognize anywhere. 
Maybe it was the wrong move but… you called her. And she didn’t answer. Obviously. So you called her again. And maybe she sensed it was better to not avoid you, because she picked up that time. “I’m a little busy right now, so I don’t have time for your bullshit.” 
“I’ll say. What the fuck are you two doing?” 
In the background you heard him. “Is that my puppy? Won’t you two ever play nice?” There was a weird sort of glee in his voice. 
But it only cemented the fact that you two could not talk freely. Still, you tried. “Are you serious right now? You think you can- what- rehabilitate him or something? Are you out of your fucking mind?” 
Her voice grew hard. “Well not all of us can just sit around and do nothing, oh righteous one. I’m sure you know better, but I don’t really have time for a lecture. So fuck off.” 
Maybe the two of you should have established a code word or something. So you’d know if she was in trouble. It was weird, hoping that Jessica was in trouble and that she needed your help. But the alternative was that she’d gone soft and seriously thought the only way through this was to pull Kilgrave by his hand into the light. And that was just absurd. If you lost her in this battle, too, that would only make things that much harder. 
Infinitely more, really. She was definitely one of the people that he didn’t need under his thumb, but definitely one of the only ones he wanted. If he had her, did that mean he was coming for you next? ...did he have her? Was she acting on her own? She had to have been, you reasoned, because Kilgrave wouldn’t make her take him to a hostage situation all on the off chance you’d see it… but did this have anything to do with you anymore? None of it made sense. Your head hurt. 
You knew where they were. You had her address. The place they were staying… you could go there. But to do what? Liberate her? End this? That wasn’t a plan. It was the beginning of a warzone. Kilgrave would never let you get near her, if he’d finally wrapped his arms around her. Maybe, you were finally realizing, it hadn’t been smart to tell her to hand herself over to him. Maybe that was why she had wanted you to come up with any other plan than that. Because facing him down, maybe she came to the same conclusion as you had- 
What you’d thought that night in her office. This was inevitable. And eventually he would win. So why… why bother… 
“No news was good news, right?” Tony’s voice piped up behind you as the sound of his footsteps came closer. He’d been in his office. Still torn between two worlds. He was probably hoping that this would be over soon. So that the two of you could get back to… other just as terrible business. 
But he knew. Because of course he did. You just sat there, staring ahead, heaving a sigh. “I don’t know what she’s doing.” He perched over the back of the couch, and you felt his gaze, saw the soft blue light of a tablet in his right hand. “He sounded… happy with her.” Maybe that was the most confusing part of all. That monster- happy that he’d saved a family? Could that even possibly be right? 
“Because that’s what he wanted. And now he’s getting it.” 
You found yourself shaking your head. “She made him save a family and he sounded happy.” Had she come to some understanding with him? Did she see in him something you hadn’t? Was he… capable of not being a monster? Was that the point she was trying to make? Would there be a point of trying to redeem himself? After all he’d done? ...was that even your call to make?
Tony’s head dropped forward with a little scoff. “I’m sure Jones is a stunning ethics professor. Who knows what we’ll have on our hands now. Maybe they can both be Avengers. Should I send them some applications?” 
His ribbing was generally appreciated, but right now it was rubbing you the wrong way. Jessica was saving Kilgrave. Was that it? Saving the world from him by changing him. “I just don’t get it. Is it over?” Utterly defeated. Was this possible? Was this her plan? She’d seen some spark in him and realized he could be used for good? Really? And she’d mocked you on the phone… maybe for your insistence that he’d never be anything other than evil. But she had seen better? Was doing better? 
“I think the call is a little early to make.” His voice was soft as he lifted his head again to look at you. You shifted back just slightly to return the gaze. “Give it at least another day.” 
Maybe Tony was right. Maybe you were jumping the gun. ...this was too many maybes. 
All the maybes ceased that same night around nine PM. When an unknown number called your phone just as you’d sat down for a dinner in the kitchen neither you or Tony were going to eat. The two of you shared a long look before you answered it- and, of course, Jessica beat you to the punch. “I don’t have a lot of time.” 
“So talk.” You held your phone out after putting it on speaker. 
Her voice filled the room. “It’s tonight or never. You’re gonna come to the address I gave you. I’ll keep Kilgrave preoccupied. He has a bodyguard- Hank. Take him out first. He’s not under control. Just paid well. He has two other people- Laurent and Alva. They seem ordered to kill themselves at the first sign of trouble, so you have to deal with them.” 
A plan. She had a plan. She was giving you a plan. She had not decided Kilgrave was worth redeeming. You’d ask her about it later. It wasn’t important right now. “Okay. Understood.” This was all stuff you could do. It was a stealth reconn mission. You had one soldier to take out and two civilians to save. You could do this. “Then what?” 
“If you do your part successfully, I’ll be able to knock Kilgrave out without a word. Then we’re taking him to the place. And we’ll get his confession.” 
Hope. This was still all for Hope. Jessica was still holding out that this would all work out. That she’d be able to do this. To make him talk. You were pretty sure it was never going to happen but… you had no choice. This was her plan. You were going to stick to it. “Okay. I’m on the move in five.” 
“Stark is not to come with you.” Jessica seemed almost a little… scared? There was a small tightness in her voice as she said this. One she was trying to over control. 
Tony rolled his eyes. “No, of course not. Block off all potential avenues for help. You just love making this harder on everyone. I get it.” Angry. Easily so. If this was the move, he was being told he had no involvement. Which didn’t sit right with him.
...probably because you were being asked to go to an unaccounted for address, pick up Kilgrave, and then go to another unaccounted for secret location. There were a million ways this could go wrong or end badly for you.  
“You’re of no use to me. Stay out of this.” She didn’t let a silence hang too long, calling your name a lot softer than she’d said his. And then, “I’m counting on you.” Just when you thought maybe the two of you would make some headway, she defaulted to what was easiest. “Don’t fuck this up for everyone.” And then quickly hung up. 
Tony put both his hands down on the table and stood, though he waved one at you. “She knows I don’t take orders from her, right?” 
You had to take a deep breath and settle your nerves. “But what about from me?” 
The look he gave you was heartbreaking. “Honey… what was the point of me being here- if finally- we���re making a move- and I have no part of it?” Utterly desperate for your allowance on this one. To not be left behind. To be able to do something. 
Carefully you stood, raising a hand to soothe up along his arm. “Not no part-” 
“Just nothing that’ll matter-” 
“I need you to watch my back. Track my coordinates. Keep my channel open.” You wanted him for backup. Just in case a moment came that you were unprepared and outmatched. But until it arrived… you wanted him safe. And as far away from all this as possible. 
He made no attempt to hide his frown. His disappointment as he looked at you. But. He gave in. For you. “You know I’ll do whatever you need but- me being outside a ten mile radius if you get pinned is not a good plan.” Being just short of blunt. Any harder and he’d have called this idea stupid. 
“I think this bunker is somewhere in the city.” It had to be. She’d tried to kidnap Kilgrave from Union Square- she couldn’t have had plans to go far. 
“Very reassuring.” Tone dry as his lips pulled thin. “Don’t even know where you’re going yet.” 
“But when I do, we’ll have a smaller radius.” If he didn’t come to terms with this now, you’d have to either resort to begging or laying down the law. Neither would be fun or easy. When he just continued to stare at you, “Tony. I have to make a move.” You said you’d be out in five. It was getting past that now. Any later and you risked ruining the entire plan altogether. 
It took him another few seconds, but finally he sighed and resigned. “Open window at all times.” He was setting his own rules, so you had to listen, giving him a nod and an affirmative noise. “Coordinates on this bunker as soon as you get them.” Another nod. “And…” He stood back from his hunched over position on the table, hands moving to lay atop your shoulders. “If you get hurt, or you get into a corner you can’t get out of, you say the word. And I’ll be there. Plan or not. Promise me.” 
He’d blow up Jessica’s childhood home and everyone inside of it to save you, most likely, if you required that level of action. This little bunker situation was probably no different, either. That was what he was saying. He would come and get you. And put everyone else in the ground. If that’s what it took. 
Reaching up you wrapped your arms around him, allowing yourself one final moment of weakness as you held tight to him, closed your eyes, and just breathed him in. “I promise, Tony.” 
That was that. 
You had your orders and you were going out. This was a mission and you would see it through to the end. What a concept. The end to this. No more worrying. No more waiting. No more wondering when he was going to come get you. Or ruin another part of your life. No. Now you were going to come get him. So you had to do it absolutely right. 
No random passerby or any part of the media could know that Lady Iron was leaving the Avengers Tower. That would tip him off, and much as he seemed complacent with Jessica now, whatever he was feeling, you were also sure he was still prepared. He still had whatever service staff Jessica had spoken about, after all, all filled up with contingencies. 
So you left quietly, in a car. And once you were in enough of a deadzone you suited up and pushed hard to get to Caldwell. On the outer limits you killed your jets and slowly yet quickly sneaked your way through the town up onto the premises. Nothing could be allowed to get to him. Absolutely nothing. If you blew this Jessica would never forgive you. You would never forgive yourself, either. 
While you deactivated the helmet, you left the visor on as you approached through the backyard. Already LUNA was detecting all the heat signatures in the house. Two in the dining room- Kilgrave and Jessica for sure. In the kitchen there was a broad figure. Probably the bodyguard. He wasn’t hanging too close to the dining room, though, instead facing the back of the room on the other side- drinking something. Maybe a beer? Jessica had probably asked for him to go away. A good set up. 
The other two signatures in the house were in the living room. Standing… eerily still. Waiting. Probably. Waiting for anything. Their next command, maybe. Or for something to go wrong. 
You started calculating. Going in through the window on the backside of the living room- freeing Alva and Laurent first- that made the most sense. If they were positioned to kill themselves, they were collateral damage. You and Jessica wouldn’t let them, which was why Kilgrave had laid that wire down. You had to get them free first. Then you’d wind back around to the kitchen and take out Hank. After that… the rest was up to Jessica. 
Okay. All on you. Sidling up the side of the house, you held your breath as you reached up in the darkness to press on the edge of the window, not hard enough to break while you were still wearing your suit, but enough to pressure it into moving up. Slowly. So slowly. No noise. You had eyes on them the entire time. Luck might have been on your side as they continued to stand still staring off into nothingness. Lifting yourself up, you perched on the windowsill and then eased your legs in first and then arched your back to allow a full swaying stand. Just like that you were in. And while they still had no idea of your presence, you slipped beneath. Jessica was right. They were drowning in that heavy, stifling purple command of his. And while you’d never done this- done more than one person at a time- or had to concentrate on your forward momentum as you approached them- 
You let pure adrenaline carry you as you quietly stepped closer with both sets of eyes. And then with both sets of hands, you laid one on each of their shoulders. They startled- thankfully without a sound- turning quickly- but with a clawing squeeze you shattered that thickened glaze over the both of them in one swift move. The next was a quick slide of your arms around both their necks, bringing them down. While they weren’t controlled anymore there was no saying that they wouldn’t overreact and throw the entire plan down the drain. Right now you couldn’t control their panic. They’d scream and run. You couldn’t let it happen. It was unfortunate. You were sorry. Really. They seemed like nice older people. 
But it was time to go to sleep. 
You held them firm during both their struggles, glad you had the suit on, bolstering your strength. And finally. Finally they stopped moving and you let them both down completely. You had to ease yourself. Take a breath. Stop focusing on the hammering of your heart. ...make sure they were still breathing. Which they were.
Kilgrave and Jessica were talking about something in the other room. You couldn’t stay still very much longer. 
Quick and careful you made your way through the entryway and then around the side into the kitchen. Hank had his back only half turned, looking out the window, head tipped as he finished off the rest of his beer. And while you wanted a longer moment to make a plan out of this, you didn’t have one. Gut reaction came first because if he stopped in his final swig and saw you, he’d have the upperhand. 
So you launched yourself at him, wrapping both arms around his windpipe. A poor plan, as he dropped the bottle he was holding and it clattered against the counter and then dropped to the floor in a shatter. The other room went cold with Kilgrave’s sudden nervousness- he called out- 
But your attention was redirected as Hank slammed back into the fridge once- and then again- bruising you in between with every blow. You upped your efforts, just shy of crushing his windpipe. “Just go to sleep-” Hissing in his ear. 
Cutlery and plates were falling to the ground in the dining room. But you had no attention to give Jessica, hoping she was doing her best- as you rode the proverbial bull. He started tapping out, the telltale slaps of his hands against your arms growing weaker until finally his legs gave out beneath him and you found your own feet finally firm on the floor when he crumbled. You held on to him. Just a few seconds longer. Not life threatening. Just assurance. 
When you let him go he fell face first onto the kitchen floor. And you had no time to waste. Dashing into the dining room you saw Jessica with her hand holding something over Kilgrave’s mouth. He was struggling, but had no strength to compare to her. And certainly none when realization dawned as he laid his eyes on you. 
His terror had never tasted so good. He’d been out played. 
Perhaps the last thought he had as she rendered him unconscious. She was breathing heavy, as were you. And the both of you stared at each other. She found the courage to speak first. “We good here?” 
You nodded blindly. “Yeah. We’re good.” 
“Good. Let’s go.” 
Coming closer, you bent down, hefting Kilgrave’s quiet body over your shoulder. He was so… powerless. Why didn’t- why couldn’t the two of you just- ...why not end it here? It would be so easy… you could just… kill him. Break him in half. Rip him apart. Snap his neck-
 A pain deep in your chest threw you forward back into reality. You were still breathless somehow as you asked, “Where’s this bunker?” 
As you looked at her, you realized she was barely hanging on. This was too much for her. Same as you. The two of you would have to weather drowning together a little while longer. She moved her hand around uselessly. “It’s a- a decommissioned CDC facility. Brooklyn. Come on. We don’t have a lot of time.” 
Tony’s voice was quick and quiet in your ear. “Got it. I’m locating now.” 
So. You were taking Kilgrave back to Brooklyn. The first place he’d taken you. And maybe now… maybe you could finally end it. 
 You followed Jessica into the living room and waited while she grabbed something- a laptop and something off the coffee table, both quickly shoved into a bag she then slung over her shoulder. She then nodded wordlessly and led the way back outside onto the lawn. Where, immediately, the two of you were stopped by three men carrying very large guns.
 “Let me finish him.”
 Jessica shook her head. “We can’t.” Clearly she knew whoever this was.
 But there was no time for this. So you held your hand up, repulsor charging. “Back up. Move away. Now.”
 Two of the men lowered their guns, a wave of astonishment along with a healthy dose of fear taking hold of them. The murmur of, “Holy shit-” was not exactly hidden well, either.
 The man facing Jessica didn’t back down though. “I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what you can do. He has to die. This doesn’t have to be on you. Let me do it.”
 Jessica turned fully towards him. “Back off! He’s not allowed to die. Not yet.”
 This arguing would go on forever. One your visor screen you eyed the power window for the repulsor bringing it center, lowering your gaze down along the retinal scan to back the power off to 50%. And then, without a word, you fired a blast his way, knocking him off his feet into the nearest car. “We’re done here.” Holding your hand up to the other two men who immediately surrendered their weapons onto the ground. You turned to Jessica. “You have a plan to get back into the city?”
 She rolled her eyes, a little bit of annoyance getting the better of her. “You didn’t bring a car?” And before you could bite back she just shook her head. “Never mind. Here give him to me.” Leaning over to her, you hefted Kilgrave into her arms. She then turned her back on you. “You carry me. I’ll carry him.”
 “That’s a terrible plan.”
 Tony’s voice was hot in your ear. “I agree.”
 Jessica’s frustration leaked out of her. “Well I don’t have a better one, so let’s fucking go already. We’re losing time. He won’t be out forever.”
 This was a threat. Surely and truly. Kilgrave wouldn’t be unconscious forever. Which meant… the two of you had to get moving. So you could only do as she asked, picking her up and reactivating your helmet. “This isn’t going to be fun for you.” Warning her only once.
 “Tell me something else I don’t know-” Complaining ending abruptly with a rough cry as you lifted off.
 This wasn’t going to be fun for anyone.
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Bedside Stories ch.1 (baon)
Summary:  In the aftermath of Internal Disputes. Everything is going swell.
Tags: Spicyhoney,  Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Injury, Hospitals
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
One of the first things Stretch had done when Edge was able to remain more awake was to sign in to their Netflix account on the hospital room television. Or rather, Red’s Netflix account since they still hadn’t bothered to get their own. He suspected Red took some minor glee at allowing others to pirate his account and who was he to steal his brother’s joy. He’d keep his thefts to digital streaming services.
But the television was currently dark, hunkering in the corner and silenced from the bevy of cooking shows played non-stop since that morning, ones like Sugar Rush and Cake Wars. Edge finally snapped on the second episode of ‘Nailed It’ and turned it off to relish the silence. His pain was currently at a tolerable level without any medication and he preferred not to add to it with awful programs.
On the table beneath the tv was a lovely floral arrangement sent by Asgore, one that he’d quite likely made himself and Edge truly appreciated that Stretch only put it where Edge directed and made no comment about who it was from.
It wasn’t entirely a surprise; Stretch had been on his best behavior for the past couple days and if the shrill voices of the hosts from that awful show had grated on his nerves, a well-behaved Stretch was nearly worse. He loved his husband as he was, snark and puns and all. It was nearly better to have him briefly gone, with the hopes he’d be more himself when he returned.
Much as Edge appreciated the current silence, there wasn’t much else to do in the hospital room. There was a stack of books sitting on the side table that he didn’t want to read along with his cell phone which gave him an apologetic message stating that his account could not currently access the Embassy servers, along with a terrible stick figure drawing resembling Janice with a word balloon that said, ‘Get well soon!’.
On top of the books was a rubix cube that Jeff brought in for him, a thoughtful gift that Edge solved in less than a minute, to his laughing dismay.
He was actually starting to reluctantly consider playing Simcity on his phone when a hammering knock at the door almost sent him flying to his feet. Or foot, rather, since one of them was currently firmly encased in a plaster cast.
“Come in!” Edge called irritably. He really could do without anyone testing whether skeletons could have a heart attack for a while.
He wasn’t surprised when the door flew open to reveal Undyne, grinning unrepentantly. She all but slammed the door behind her and flopped down in the chair by the bed, propping her booted feet up on the bed rail.
“Heya, tough nerd, where is your pretty honey bunny?” She glanced around the room as if she expected to find Stretch stashed away in the closet or under the bed.
“Must you call him that?” Edge sighed. The soles of her boots were leaving smudges on his sheets and he reached down to give them a slap, knocking them to the floor. Undyne only laughed.
“Touchy.” She shifted to lean with her elbows on her knees, hands hanging between them. “I’m the one whose knocked up, shouldn’t I be having the mood swings?”
“Thinking of you with mood swings is terrifying. Congratulations, by the way.” Edge knew very little about pregnancy, but he couldn’t really see a change in Undyne. He thought she might be wearing a slightly looser shirt than normal, but nothing else seemed visible, not even the ‘glow’ often mentioned in books and movies.
“Eh, thanks,” she grinned. “But let’s back up a step. I figured that honey of a hubby of yours wouldn’t leave your side.”
“You would be correct, even if I want him to,” Edge said dryly. “Much as I adore him, he was starting to get, shall we say, antsy. I sent him home to check on his chickens and to bring me some clean clothes.” Today was the first day Edge was in a position to despise the hospital gowns and he was, with great distaste.
“Uh huh. When are they springing you?” The way Undyne’s gaze fell over him was familiar, assessing damage and calculating potential weakness. It was automatic and came from a place of concern, he knew, but it was difficult not to bristle.
“Hopefully tomorrow, for a week’s rest and then a walking cast.”
Her eye narrowed, flicking back to his leg. “Bad?
“Not as bad as it could have been. For one, it’s still attached.” Undyne barked a laugh and pounded on the arm of her chair, which was the hoped for reaction. He’d tried that particular gallows humor with Stretch earlier and he had not been amused in the slightest. “It was mostly healed before we even got to the hospital, but the bone needs support until the doctors deem otherwise. Now that we’ve discussed me, can we…?”
“Yeah, sure.” She leaned back in her chair and spread her hands over her belly, pulling her t-shirt taut. That revealed the soft swell of her belly. “Alphys and I decided it was time to have a rugrat to chase, so us and the pop-sicle are on it.”
Popsicle? He didn’t want to know. But he did ask, curiously, “When are you due?”
“‘Bout two months.”
“Two months!” Edge blinked at her in shock. “I thought you’d be...more…” He held his arms out in front of his own empty stomach cavity in a wide circle.
She scoffed loudly and flexed, the firm ball of her bicep popping. “When you’re swole like me, the baby’s gotta fight the abs. And let me tell you, they’re trying.” She smirked then, a fiendish sort of glitter in her eye that filled Edge with equal parts fondness and terror. “You wanna feel the baby?”
“Well, I—”
Too late, she already stood and snatched up his hand, plopped it the slight curve of her belly. It was oddly firm, not at all what he was expecting and before he adjusted to that, there came a wiggle, like a fish was caught in her stomach which it might very well be. Ugh, that was disturbing. He preferred children after the creation process was finished.
She let him pull away and from her grin, she knew exactly how Edge felt about it; some of her glee rather resembled Red’s...or another Undyne, from another world. She flopped back in her chair and gave her belly an absent scratch. “So, when are you and Stretch gonna--”
“Please don’t ask.”
She frowned. “Oh. Sorry.”
It wasn’t her concern or her business, it was private, between him and Stretch, and Edge was as astonished as anyone to hear himself say, “He doesn’t want children.”
“What?” Undyne’s face twisted into disbelief. “Get off it. He loves kids, he’s always getting into trouble with the local ankle-biters. Bet you could talk him into it.”
“I don’t want to talk him into it.” Edge barely kept his testiness down, he knew Undyne, and knew she didn’t mean any harm, and he was the one who’d opened the topic. "I never want him to feel like a child is something he needs to agree to to keep me. I—“ He hesitated, thinking of Stretch, and his irritation faded. His faint smile was automatic, as natural as breathing when it came to thinking about his husband. As terrible as their anniversary had been with him mostly in a drugged sleep and Stretch curled up against him in his arms, Edge would have rather done it that way a dozen times over than to not have it at all. “I love him and I’ve accepted that we won’t have children. That’s our choice.”
For the first time, that honestly felt true. He supposed there was a faint hope lingering after their brief discussion last year, one that nagged at the back of his mind, tugged at his soul. But if he forced himself to truly consider it, Edge was happy with their lives the way they were and that wasn’t simply from Stretch’s preference; if they had a child, he would need to severely limit his other commitments to the Embassy and the Monster community as a whole. Plus there were the children at the Y to consider, children whose home lives were far from perfect, who craved a stabilizing influence.
Those children needed him more than he needed to speculate on an imaginary child. Even the children in New New home, who had loving parents of their own, needed to be protected from a world that was not yet as accepting as they might wish. The glaring white cast on his foot was proof of that.
That little pang he sometimes got when he thought of having a child of his own eased, fading, and Edge was content to let it go.
Undyne was looking at him with unusual shrewdness. “Yeah, I get that. Well, you’ll be a great uncle, both of ya, and I’m betting we’ll be trying to hook you up with babysitting duties.”
“I’d like that,” Edge said honestly. “And all the other neighborhood children seem to enjoy having a spare uncle or two. I’m sure your tadpole will be delighted to join the rest.”
She slapped her knees and stood. “Well, I gotta get back to the shitshow...and don’t even bother asking, I’m not supposed to tell you anything yet, that’s orders from on high. Just wanted to check in on you.” She sobered, and said with unusual softness. “And thank you. If I’d been there--” She shuddered, her hand falling down to rest on the slight swell of her belly.
“You don’t need to thank me, but you’re welcome,” Edge said sincerely.
Her somberness split into another wide grin. “But while I’m here….”
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a Sharpie, waggling her eyebrows as she held it up.
Ugh. They’d only put the cast on this morning and thus far, no one else had been around to attempt signing it. Grimly, Edge nodded. This was a bonding ritual of sorts in this world, and he would not be so churlish as to refuse it.
“Nothing obscene,” he warned. Undyne scoffed, but obediently signed only her name, adding in a clumsy sketch of her own face saying ‘get well soon, nerd!’
The door opened as she was finishing, Stretch barrelling inside with several bags in his arms. “okay, i know it’s cold out, but you won’t be able to do any turns on the catwalk soon anyway, so i figured gym shorts would be easier to get on you--hey!” He stopped, outraged. “i was gonna do that!”
“I left you plenty of room,” Undyne snorted.
Stretch harrumphed and started digging through one of the bags. He pulled out an entire package of sharpies in a startling array of colors. “my canvas is the world!”
“Your canvas is on my body,” Edge said dryly. “You may sign your name and sketch a small picture, Van Gogh.”
“salvador dali had a better moustache. and both ears.”
“Considering you have neither--”
“yeah, yeah. hey, undyne, congrats on the bump.”
“Thanks,” Undyne said easily, but Edge noticed she didn’t try to grab Stretch’s hand and drag it over to feel any kicking. Neither did Stretch ask and that seemed best. “See you two nerds around!”
“See ya,” Stretch called even as he plopped down to sit next to Edge’s carefully propped leg. “oh, yeah, here, i got you this.”
From the depths of his bag came a couple of books, not novels, but crosswords and sudoku, both with bright titles declaring them ‘World’s Most Difficult Puzzles’! There were also two metal squares about the size of his fist and when Edge inspected them, he found that they were latticed, dozens of different parts that appeared to be a whole.
“those are supposed to be really tough brainteasers...shit!” Stretch had been struggling with opening the packet of pens and when he finally pried the plastic apart, they fell out in a burst, scattering over the bed. Grumbling, he gathered them up in a messy rainbow pile near Edge’s cast.
Edge added a blue sharpie that had made it all the way up to the pillow to the pile, then set books and puzzles on his other side. “Thank you.”
“sure. i figured you were tired of watching other people baking when you can’t stand up and do it yourself.” Stretch contemplated his pile of pens, his face screwed up comically, and his expression brightened into an ‘aha’ as he picked up one in bright orange. Of course.
“hmm?” he said absently, pen poised over the rough plaster.
“I love you.” Edge said it with all the deep, longing sweetness in his battered soul, the warmth that rose merely from thinking of Stretch, trying in some small way to project the depth of his love.
Stretch blinked and lowered his pen. Undyne might not normally be shrewd but Stretch very much was and his look was assessing. Wondering, perhaps, what happened while Undyne was here.
“i love you, too.” Then his mouth quirked in a lopsided smile. “but you’re interrupting art here.”
Edge smiled back and shook his head. “Far be it from me to play the part of philistine.”
“actually, this might end up more picasso,” Stretch mused, “guess we’ll see.” The tip of the sharpie touched down as Stretch began, but Edge didn’t watch his dubious attempt at art. Instead, he began inspecting the brain teaser his husband brought for him.
As if Stretch wasn’t a walking, talking brain teaser every day.
Edge lightly touched each joint as he contemplated how to begin, listening as Stretch hummed down by his feet, sketching something that would likely be terrible for him to love.
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