#so basically entire avengers class
hanakihan · 5 months
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that one meme I couldn’t resist
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teaableu · 8 months
Okay SO a LOT is up in the air right now because I'm doing Research as best I can between classes BUT here's what i got so far:
Lord Kogane is from a very powerful family that wants to take full control over Neo Edo. They think he's doing a poor job because the yokai are running free again and he's overall a pretty useless ruler. They step in and force him to enforce some pretty Messed Up Stuff that put all the people in danger (something to do with the Makkine tech probably). Usagi and his friends have a front row seat as to what he's up to and Usagi decides he won't let them get away with it. I haven't worked out the details but the Koganes' plans threaten the people and the yokai. BUT Usagi's not strong enough to take out the Koganes on his own.
My Usagi has a mystic power of sorts, which makes him very sensitive to spirits. All of the visions he gets through the Ki stone in the show, plus his ability to speak with Miyamoto stem from this ability. A simple way of seeing it would be like, he can see the threads of their lives. So he can read souls and connect with them, and sees ghosts when others cannot. I think the Ki stone sort of unlocked and amplified it when he connected with her. I'm still working on the details of his power but basically he can see and talk to ghosts with a little extra stuff sprinkled in
So the Ki stone encourages Usagi to seek help. Turns out the Koganes have a rich history of killing entire villages and armies that oppose them, dating (maybe) all the way back to Miyamoto's time. So he finds a couple of restless ghosts that are still waiting for vengeance and asks for their help. He strikes a deal that was supposed to help him fight Kogane while allowing the ghosts to avenge themselves their loved ones and their clans. I think he would amplify their power while they help him fight. But he doesn't realize who exactly he's making this deal with and ends up tethering his soul to very powerful VERY ANGRY ghosts that are WAY stronger than he is (I've been researching onryo and yurei for reference). They can take possession of his body, amplify his emotions to be in tune with their own, manipulate his power, and generally cause a lot of destruction. Basically, he becomes their puppet. I'm thinking it's a Venom or Little Shop of Horrors type dynamic between them. Also think of any poltergeist type film
He makes the deal and the ghosts possess him. When Usagi wakes up, he's killed Kogane (who really wasn't even the Big Bad behind the whole thing) and has to flee the city before he's caught and put to death for treason and murder. His friends are all imprisoned but he can't risk returning because he has lost control of his power and is unable to control the ghosts that are bound to his soul. The ghosts are starving for power and burning with hundreds of years of fury and anguish, and feed off of destruction (maybe the living?) It's sort of a pandora's box situation. The ghosts are just a whirlwind of chaos and use Usagi as a means to exact their wrath
I called it exile because Usagi can't return to the city without being arrested and killed for his crimes. The gang was the only one standing up to Kogane, and with his friends in prison, he's sort of stuck. He blames himself for everything that went wrong because he ran off without his friends and jumped headfirst into a situation he did not understand. He was reckless and cocky and now everyone is paying for it.
That's where EMD comes in, but the story continues after EMD season 2 as well.
Some extra notes:
- The timeline for srtuc would probably be a bit different so I can have more flexibility with the season one and season two events, since I wasn't sure when it would take place and I want there to be a pretty big time gap between Usagi leaving and returning. I also might use the Makkine invasion in the story
- I’m still working out Usagi’s backstory/past, but have pretty much decided that he has some history with the Kogane family
- I'm planning for Miyamoto to have a pretty big part in the story as well, acting as a guide for Usagi when he goes into hiding. I'm really interested in their relationship so I really want to take the chance to explore it.
- I'm thinking of adding someone as a nod to Tomoe Ame as well (descendant of her apprentice perhaps), since we got a representation of Chizu, Kitsune, and Gen in the tv show but not Tomoe (sad)
I wrote out the sparksnotes version of this here
In addition to the artwork there I have some other concept art
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Blood warning under the cut
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5, 14, 15, 17
More outsiders asks? Heck yeah!
5. What are your favourite ships?
a) Curly Shepard x Ponyboy Curtis- idk why other than the fact that fanon Curly seems to balance out Ponyboy perfectly, and that I read a Curly fit on ffn when I was like fifteen that fundamentally changed my brain chemistry
b) Steve Randle x Sodapop Curtis- I don’t like any other within gang ship but Soda and Steve make sense to me and ngl my closeted ass clocked them as gay when I was reading the book because of the ‘pillow fight’ scene. I genuinely answered a comprehension question in class like ‘Ponyboy’s naïveté is shown through the fact he believes soda never drinks and that Soda and Steve were having a pillow fight when they slept together’ and my teacher had to be like oh sweetie no….
c) Marcia x Two-bit Matthews- Not a HUGE fan but they had such chemistry and I wish that could’ve been explored. I’m actually working on a fit about them rn, just because I wanna explore Marcia’s psyche. She was fun :)
14. Five headcanons I basically see as canon
a) Steve is secretly SUPER protective of Ponyboy, partially because he knows Sodapop would never be ok if something ever happened to Pony and he couldn’t stand it if Soda’s spark ever went out, but also because he wants Ponyboy to have the happy childhood he never had.
b) Darry absolutely dotes on Ponyboy, even though he’s strict, he’s lenient about letting Pony go places and works overtime to make sure he can afford to get Ponyboy everything he needs (and some stuff he simply wants), especially after Windrixville.
c) Johnny Cade is scary looking. Full stop. The gang just doesn’t see him that way so it doesn’t show in Ponyboy’s narration
d) Dallas Winston had a good mom and a happy childhood and her death was the catalyst that made him into the hoodlum he was.
e) Sodapop Curtis absolutely drinks, Ponyboy just doesn’t believe he does and Soda is not anxious to correct him because he doesn’t want Ponyboy to see him differently
15. Five headcanons that are entirely self-indulgent
a) Angela Shepard and Curly Shepard have to share a room because Tim refuses to share with anyone. Neither of them actually hates it half as much as they pretend they do.
b) Part of why Curly and Ponyboy became close was because Ponyboy was struggling with getting over his concussion, and the side effects were really stressful for him (dizzy spells, blurry vision, absentmindedness) and Curly kinda helped him with it because Curly spent 90% of his childhood concussed so he knew what Pony was going through
c) Tim Shepard and Sylvia are best friends and would kill for each other but not die for each other. However, they would avenge each other’s deaths.
d) Steve Randle wishes more than anything in the world that Darry Curtis was actually his irl older brother 
e) Two-bit’s little sister HATES Ponyboy Curtis because her older brother spends more time playing older brother to him than he spends actually being an older brother to her.
17. Are there any criticisms or salt you have with the book?
My criticisms with the book lie with the author. SE Hinton has proven to be homophobic and racist, and its written into the book, which is my biggest issue. I love the story of The Outsiders but do not want to support Hinton or her harmful, bigoted ideology under any circumstances. (For anyone out there who wants a copy of the book but doesn’t want to support Hinton, you can find a free pdf online, all you gotta do is google it)
On a slightly lighter note, I would have loved to have seen more of the female characters in the book. Marcia in particular had so much potential, and I wish we’d seen one actual scene with Sandy or Sylvia.
Thanks for the ask!!!!!
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byoldervine · 8 months
Unoriginal Writing VS Field Trips
A lot of writers worry that their ideas have been done before or rely too much on existing scenarios. And you absolutely do need to be original if you want to write your own book that you intend to publish professionally. But a lot of writers can also take this the other way and start worrying that every single idea they have, no matter how fleshed out and unique it actually is, is just a version of a very broad and generic trope, and so it’s automatically bad and nobody will ever want to read it since it’s all been done before
Let me tell you about what has been dubbed the Peter Parker Field Trip in the fanfic scene
The Peter Parker Field Trip is an incredibly specific type of one-shot fanfiction about Peter Parker visiting Avengers Tower with his class on a school field trip while having to try and hide his status as the Avenger Spider-Man, usually along with hiding the fact that he’s basically been adopted by the Avengers and they all treat each other as family, if not legally having been adopted by Tony. And this is only the summary, it gets way more specific from here to the point where you can follow each story beat by beat and the vast majority of these fics will follow them:
1. Peter discovers that the adults arranged for him to go on the trip despite trying to get out it/telling them not to sign the permission forms. Peter tries to talk his way out of it on the way but fails. Sometimes the teacher will discourage him from lying about having a Stark Internship while they’re there
2. While they’re on the bus Flash teases Peter about how now everyone’s gonna know he doesn’t actually have a Stark Internship, meanwhile Peter’s freaking out about everyone realising he’s more than just an intern
3. The kids arrive at Avengers Tower and pile out of the bus to be greeted by some of not all of the Avengers, usually with Steve and/or Tony leading the introductions. Peter tries to keep his head down but the Avengers either spot him or were actively looking out for him, but at this point they usually don’t acknowledge him too much
4. An actual intern hands out access passes to the kids, everyone has level one clearance except for Peter who has Level Ten Alpha Clearance™️, which is even higher than most of the other Avengers and is reserved for Tony and those closest to him. Peter asks if he can just get a regular pass like the others but the intern says they don’t have any extras, usually while being starstruck at meeting Peter
5. The kids go through a security scanner, through which Jarvis announces their security clearance. Peter has his Level Ten Alpha Clearance™️ broadcast to the entire class, leaving everyone shocked. Flash thinks Peter, resident Poor Kid McOrphanface, bribed Tony Stark, known billionaire, for higher clearance
6. The tour goes ahead. They meet Bruce either in his lab or the medical bay. Bruce has a pleasant chat with Peter, who quickly helps him with something while he’s there. People are shocked that Peter works with Bruce on science stuff
7. The tour goes ahead. They meet Natasha in the training room. She offers to give a demonstration and has Peter come up to fight her. The class are shocked when he doesn’t get instantly thrown on his ass, even though overall it usually ends with him on his ass
8. The tour goes ahead. They meet Thor either on the landing pad as he arrives back home or he’s in the kitchen making an absolute mountain of pop tarts. He’s the one that comes closest to leaking Peter’s Spider-Man identity because he has no social awareness and just wants to wrap the Man of Spiders in a bear hug
9. The class break for lunch. There’s an ungodly amount of coffee machines in the cafeteria. Everyone is talking about Peter. Flash is talking shit. Clint then proceeds to drop out of the vents to ask Peter about either Mario Kart or babysitting his kids, potentially both. Clint then realises the tour was today, apologises and goes back into the vents. Peter can’t even muster up the energy to be embarrassed
10. As the tour continues, Flash is getting more vocal about his dislike for all this. There’s a 50/50 chance he’s going to get physically violent with Peter. If he doesn’t, he’ll ask Tony Stark why he’s let Peter lie about all this stuff only to be told harshly that Peter is Tony’s kid or something similar. The bullying will be discovered and Flash will be kicked out. If he does get violent with Peter, one of the Avengers will stop him, Tony will defend Peter while revealing that Peter is his kid or something similar in the process, then will kick Flash out
I just described to you an ungodly number of fics beat by beat. And people don’t just read one of them and call it a day; we consume each and every one of them despite knowing the exact plot and having read it a gazillion times
And I think that these fics are the most obvious example of the fact that people don’t care about the repeated use of tropes or clichés or plotlines; if they like it, they’ll like it. They’ll be willing to read those tropes a million times over, even if they know what’ll happen at every turn. And that proves that it’s not the use of tropes that matters, it’s the way you use the tropes. Even if it’s just a new way of wording it, people will enjoy it. It doesn’t have to be completely new or original, it just has to be out there
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💜 here, you take your time with your irl stuff BUT just know that I 100% support you doing a part two of big sis reader getting revenge for Mikey against Bradford. Take him down a peg. Maybe like— fake enrole in his class and act all stupid and inexperienced then during sparring just LAY HIM OUT in front of his class/friends?! Or something like that? I know you can do it better 💜 but take your time and deal with life, stay hydrated and well rested, I’ll be patient.
I wasn't gonna write any fic about that little thought, but you hath inspired me! Also thanks for the reminders, they are much appreaciated, highschool can be pretty ugh-
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Summary: In which reader avenges Mikey by absolutely destroying Chris Bradford in his own dojo.
Warnings: None really, just Chris gettin his ass beat. and swearing.
Requested: 💜 Anon!
Female Reader!
"Hey guys, I'm home... what the shell happened?"
Donnie sighed, "So, basic rundown. Mikey was manipulated by Chris Bradford into thinking they were friends, but turns out he works for the Foot."
You felt your vision go red, the familar feeling you get when someone harms your brother creeping up, "I'm sorry, what?"
Raph huffed, "Some douche bag celebrity tricked Mikey."
You hummed, setting down your bag, "You said Chris Bradford?"
"Ok, I'll be back later."
"You just got back." Donnie said, shooting you a questioning look.
"Yeah, where are you going, Ane-chan?" Mikey asked.
You looked back at him with a smile as you pocketed your wallet, "To either get ice cream, or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way."
Before anyone could say anything else, you left, leaving behind some very confused brothers...
You arrived at Bradford's dojo rather quickly, and you quickly plastered on a smile of feighned innocence.
Walking in you smiled at the man in question, and he paused his current lesson to walk over to you, "Can I help you, miss..?"
Ignoring his question of your name with feighned stupidity, you looked up at him, "Oh, I sure hope so! You see I'd like to sigh up for some lessons! It's just not safe for a young gal like me to walk around New York with no way to defend myself, so I thought, 'Why not go to the one and only Chris Bradford for help!' and so here I am!" you smiled innocently.
The idiot chuckled, "Well, I'm always happy to teach the younger generation, my assistant will give you an extra robes and discuss payment, then you can join the class."
When he turned around to continue his lesson, you smirked wickedly, this poor idiot had no idea he was about to be schooled, Hamato style...
The entire lesson, you pretended to know nothing of ninjitsu, all the way up to the end where apperently it was tradition for Bradford to spar any new comer to, 'See how much they learned' aka, 'Make myself look better'.
You stood in the middle of the dojo, Bradford standing opposite to you while the staff and students stood off to the side.
"I won't be taking it easy on you." Bradford said, snarkily in your opinion.
"Oh, I sure hope so, Sensei." you said, innocent act gone and a scowl present.
Bradford noticed the change and you could tell he had grown nervous, but knew he couldn't back out without looking dumb infront of his peers and students.
His assistant shouted, "Start!" and the fight began with Bradford attempting to pull you into a chokehold.
You dodged, and just the way your father had taught you to take down anyone bigger, you used Bradfords momentum to yank him to the ground, his arm held behind him with one of your feet on the back of his neck.
He tried to stand up and push you off himself, but you pulled his arm tighter, and placed more pressure on the back of his neck.
"Uh- uhm, f-finished!" Shouted his assistant.
You let Bradford go, and backed up as you bowed at each other. When you straightened, Bradford glanced at you with malice, muttering, "Who are you?"
You smirked, "Oh, you've met my brothers. I'm Hamato (Name), but you can call me karma, bitch. That, was for Mikey."
"How dare you come here, Hamato, and embarass me in my own dojo-"
"How dare you mess with my kyoudai?" You scowled.
You moved to collect your things, walking out the door as you shouted, "Send Oroku Saki my regards dickweed!"
You began your way home, stopping by a convenience store to pick up a big gallon of napolian ice cream.
You then arrived home, the gallon of ice cream in hand, "Kyoudai! Otou-sama! I'm home!"
Mikey ran into the main room from the kitchen, "No way, GUYS ANE-CHAN BROUGHT HOME ICE CREAM!"
Donnie walked in, glancing at the bag now in Mikey's hand, then at you, "So I take it you didn't commit a felony?"
"I did both." you grinned, taking the ice cream back from your youngest brother so you could actually get everyone some.
Donnie sighed, and Leo and Raph joined you on your way to the kitchen, "What did you do?"
"I didn't pay a dojo fee."
Leo looked at you confused as he accepted the bowl of ice cream you handed him, "Dojo fee- (Name) you didn't..."
"HA!" Raph snorted, holding up his t-phone to show a gif of you slamming Bradford into the ground, "Look at what's trending all over the internet, 'Chris Bradford gets his butt beat by a female student.'"
Mikey smiled, "No way! You beat up Chris Bradford?"
You nudged Mikey's shoulder, "Sure did. The idiot didn't stand a chance."
"Wow, you're awesome, Ane-chan!"
"Anything for you, otouto."
Quick little translation!
Otouto: Little Brother
Otou-sama: Father
Ane-chan: Older sister/ big sister
Kyoudai: Little brothers
If any if these are wrong, let me know!
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if only you knew
warnings: slight cussing, and a little bit of angst.
word count: 2k
Next parts: part 1, part 2, part 3
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You and Jason had been friends since back in the Robin days. Unlike him, you weren't a hero; you were just plain you. No secrets, no alter ego, just you. Jason thought the dynamic was perfect. He enjoyed that he could actually talk to you about things that didn’t involve debriefing or pointing out what he messed up on and how he could do better next time. It was a break from the chaos of his life as Robin, he could be an ordinary teenage boy that made stupid jokes. 
Then everything changed; Joker had killed Jason.
Bruce didn’t even call or stop by to break the news to you, but Dick did. He dropped by the night that Bruce had come back without Jason. He told you all that he knew. While he talked, your vision turned blurry, and your hearing became muffled. Your heart felt like it was going to leap through your chest. Your stomach felt so uneasy, like a boat on top of thunderous waves in the ocean. Dick held you while you both cried.  
For an entire week, you couldn’t function. Holding so much grief in your chest you stayed inside and shut out everyone around you. After Jason’s funeral, you had decided that you would start training. You needed to get stronger and better, you wanted to avenge Jason. You turned to Bruce for his help.
Walking into Wayne Manor had never been so glum. Stopping in the corridor, memories of you and Jason came rushing to you like a freight train. All you could hear was Jason's laughter. Alfred greeted you and took your coat. 
“Good evening Miss. It’s so good to see you.” His face looked long, his eyes tired. You had never seen Alfred this way.
“Hi Alfred, is Bruce here? I was wanting to speak to him.” You followed Alfred to the kitchen, where you were gifted a cup of tea, still steaming. 
“I believe Master Wayne is in the cave. I’ll guide you there.” He started walking out of the kitchen, arms behind his back and hands held together. You followed, sipping your tea and trying your hardest to keep the memories of you and Jason at bay while walking through the halls. Alfred led you to the elevator and pushed the buttons for it to go down, 
“I wish you luck, Miss. He’s barely spoken to anyone, he’s been terribly distraught over Master Jason. We all have.” He nodded his head and turned to walk back to the kitchen. You quietly thanked him and got into the metal box. As it began its descent down, you started rehearsing how you were going to ask Bruce. Obviously, you knew it was going to take some convincing. Once the elevator stopped, its doors creaked open. 
The cave was almost pitch black. The light of the computers was the only thing illuminating the area. You could see Batman’s ears poking from the chair, you almost giggled at the sight. You approached slowly, almost scared to speak. The computer had images of the Joker pulled up and different documents with words you didn’t understand, and Bruce was mumbling about something.
“Hey, Bruce, sorry to interrupt, but I needed to ask you a favor. I want you to train me, and I want to learn how to fight and everything that Jason knew. I know it hasn’t been long since he,” The words got stuck in your throat, and your eyes shut, willing yourself to go, but Bruce spoke before you could. 
“Absolutely not. I will not put you at risk like I did to Jason.” 
“I’m terrified. I don’t know the first thing about self-defense. I don’t want to be Robin. I want to feel safe. Bruce, please,”  What was a small lie in the grand scheme of things? Jason had taught you basic stuff like how to defend against small attacks, but you wanted more.
“Please, Bruce. I don’t want to go to some shitty self-defense class that's going to go easy on me and not give me proper techniques. You are the best person to teach me.” By now, he had gotten up from the chair. He moved closer to you, his shoulders folded in on themselves like he was trying to make himself look small as if not to intimidate you. He stared at you for half a second before shaking his head, your eyes were pleading, and Bruce could feel his guilt building. Maybe if he did this, it would make him feel better; perhaps if he could train you better than he did Jason, just maybe it would help ease his guilt of being a failure. He wondered what Jason would say about the matter. 
“I’ll do it, but there are rules. You will not be fighting, this is training purely for self-defense. I’m going to train you to be the best you can be, which will not be enjoyable. I’m not going to go easy. Lastly, if I say we’re done, then we are done. Understand?” He looked down at you, his eyes peering into yours.
“Good, we’ll start next week. On Monday, you’ll meet me here.” He gave you a nod and then turned, putting his full attention back on the computer. 
“Don’t make me regret this.” 
You knew Bruce was always serious, but this felt extra serious. There was no way you were going to disappoint him. 
After that first Monday, you continued your training. It had started with just Bruce, but after a few months, Dick began to fill in when Bruce was busy. You were steadily improving and always biting at the bit to learn more. You had a hunger for revenge, and you were going to fulfill that appetite. 
After a year or two, Tim joined the bunch. He was definitely smart, and you could see him being an excellent fit for the Batfamily. You two bonded quickly, you both being nerds and similar in behavior. Bruce got swept up in training him, and it was clear to everyone that he was the next Robin. You hated it. Hated seeing the suit being worn by another person. Hated that he was at the same risk Jason had been in. You feared for him. This just drove you to push yourself to be better. You wanted to be able to protect your found family. 
Walking home from the little corner store one night, you were witnessed to what you believed had been your calling. A group of teens getting followed and harassed by some lowlifes. You followed as they rushed the kids towards an alley. Using a fire escape, you jumped from one building to the next. This higher angle gave you the advantage of surprise. The kids emptied their pockets and huddled together, shaking harder than wet dogs. 
Rushing down the fire escape, you threw yourself out and grabbed onto an overhanging bar, your legs reaching around one of the guys. You rested on his shoulders while your thighs squeezed his neck, twisting your hips and throwing your torso, which took him to the ground. Rolling away quickly, you kicked out and broke another guy's ankle. His scream echoed through the alley. Getting to your feet, you kneed him in the face causing him to fall on the pavement. The last guy was huge compared to the others, not quite Bane size, but bigger than average. This was going to be a challenge luckily, you love challenges. 
He shook his shoulders out and charged you. You went low while he tried to grab you, his size causing his movements to be slightly delayed. Your elbow jabbed deep into his side. While this stunned him, it did nothing to bring him down. You frantically looked for something to help you take him down. Seeing a dumpster on the wall, you knew what your plan was. Unfortunately, by the time it took you to find something, he had gotten the chance to hit you square in the jaw. Your brain felt like it was sloshing against your skull. Your teeth ground into each other, causing the worse feeling and a god-awful sound. You were taking too long to regain your composure, and you knew that. The guy grabbed you with one arm and began wailing on your ribs. The air was gone from your lungs. You thought back to all the times Bruce and Dick had told you to try anything to escape the attacker, so you went limp; you decided to play the best game of possum ever. 
The guy believed he had won and tossed you on the ground. He started to walk away, but you weren’t done. Despite all the pain, you felt so alive. You felt more alive than you had in a long time. You felt unstoppable. 
So you sprung up and began taunting.
“You suck, dude. I’ve seen old women with more energy than you.” You rocked back and forth on your feet, waiting for him to make his move. 
“Oh yeah? How about I kill you, you stupid bitch!” He charged at you, full speed, basically frothing at the mouth.
Right before he got his hands on you, you launched yourself off the dumpster and punched him as hard as possible. You followed up with a kick on his chest. He stumbled but managed to maintain his balance. So you pulled out your pepper spray and unleashed it on him. His hands shot up to his eyes as he cried out, and his knees hit the pavement next with a loud thud. You slammed his head against the dumpster until he became unconscious. 
Looking around the alley, you couldn’t help but feel badass. The rush of adrenaline from being in a dangerous situation was empowering. You felt more alive than ever before and wanted to capture and keep this feeling.
After that night, you found yourself looking for more fights while also trying to start out of the public eye. You kept your business small and in areas where you knew someone else had already been. The last thing you needed was Bruce scolding you. But of course, he already knew.
Arriving at the Batcave for your daily training, you were met with Bruce in his regular clothes. He leaned against the computer with his arms crossed. Oh fuck. 
“Sup B?” You stood there looking confused. Usually he would quickly get started with warmups, but he wasn’t moving. After standing there in silence for a minute, he finally started talking.
“I thought you would be interested in this surveillance footage I found.” He pressed a key on the keyboard and the screen lit up. The video shows an alleyway with Joker thugs harassing a family. A hooded figure runs from behind and takes them down. You stared at the video and knew there was no reason to play dumb, he knew it was you. His eyes were squinted as he watched your reaction. You didn’t know what to say, but Bruce did. 
“Don’t try to excuse it. I should have known,” he let out a deep sigh. “I did know that you were planning to ignore my warning and that you were going to fight. You lied to me and put yourself at risk.” He furrowed his brow while shaking his head. He glanced at you again, and you felt your chest tightened. You didn’t want to disappoint Bruce, and you felt horrible. 
“I’m sorry for not telling you and lying. I really didn’t mean to start fighting. I helped a group of people a few weeks ago and I couldn’t stop thinking about helping more.” You shrugged your shoulders. 
“I don’t want you fighting anymore. There are people out there who are stronger and have more experience than you. I can’t have you running into them.” He spoke like there was no room for argument and in his mind, there wasn’t. In yours, you’ve become more irritated. Who does he think he is bossing you around? You are not Robin; you don’t look to him for action. You can do what you want. 
“You should be proud of me. I helped stop a lot of crime. I took down guys twice my size!” Your emotions are getting in the way. “You can’t boss me around, Bruce. I’m not Robin.”
“You’re right, you’re not. There’s a reason for that.” His words hurt. You knew they shouldn’t have. They weren’t that mean, it’s just how he said it. The sentence was laced with disappointment and gave you a feeling of not being enough. 
“I’m not stopping, you can’t make me. You should be happy that I’m helping Gotham,” you paused before finishing. “Jason would be happy.” The comment hung thick in the air. The silence in the cave makes you feel icky. Bruce stands there thinking of his next sentence, he needs to deter you from being a vigilante. He needs to say something to hit you hard, and he finds the perfect fucked up thing to say.
“Jason would hate you being a vigilante. He never wanted you to do this. Using his name as a reason for risking your life is disgusting. His disappointment would be overflowing. Be grateful he’s not here to see you. Your training is over.” That stung.
Your chest, throat, nose, and eyes all burned with embarrassment and the hot tears you were trying so desperately to keep away. You felt the anger bubbling up inside of you. You needed to leave before you burned this bridge even further.
“Fuck you.” So much for not burning it even further.
And if looks could kill, Bruce would have been dead. 
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frankensaint · 2 months
but doesn't days of future past retroactively decide that x1 through x3 and origins: wolverine are all in that "deleted" universe too? bc the beginning of dofp took place in the future of the main xmcu and then they split the timeline. every xmen movie that came out afterward should then be in the new xmen timeline (10005), including logan. and assuming logan is in that new timeline, i have no issue believing that the dp movies take place there too.
but also, dp2 ends with time travel shit that literally erases basically all the events of the movie so realistically dp1 and 2 should be separate from dp3. i assume that since dp3 outright says wade is in the 616 when he interviews to be part of the avengers, and THEN says he's in 10005 later, that the jump there was over the events of dp2, and that his time shenanigans directly caused that split.
but ALSO... despite being namedropped in dp3, the way that the loki show handles the multiverse and the TVA is not consistent with the TVA/multiverse lore within the movie. so there's honestly multi-multiverse shit going on here to the degree that i think it's all just... whatever
Starting this off with saying I haven’t see the Loki show and never plan to. I’m here for the X-men and X-men only. Also it’s 3:30am so this might not make sense. Anyway.
There’s a few reasons I think DFP is separate from the main trilogy + the Wolverine movie universe:
In the first X-Men, Xavier says he met Erik when he was 17, and that’s not the case in First Class
Xavier lost the use of his legs as a young man in FC, but in a flashback in the original movie series, he’s an older man walking with Erik when they first meet Jean.
Moira MacTaggert is a woman in her early 30s both in FC, and is mid 30s in The Final Stand
Jubilee is in Rogue’s class in the first X-men, but then is the same age as Jean and Cyclops in Dark Phoenix
Task is in either X2 or Last Stand, as a middle age man, and then is in DFP as well as a middle age man
Jean joins the school differently
Also First Class was intended to be a reboot of the entire X-Men movie verse, until they made Days of Futures Past
Deadpool, meanwhile cannot be in either the main X-Men movie series universe, Logan, nor the Reboot series- which I will be calling the ‘prequels’- also for a few reasons:
Colossus, in both the original X-men universe, and the reboot, is an American young man, no accent. In Deadpool he has a thick accent.
According to the movie Logan, no mutant has been born since 2004. In Deadpool 2 (2018) we see mutant kids younger than 14, meaning they were born after 2004
Yukio is an adult women in The Wolverine, and a teenage girl in Deadpool
Different Jaugernauts (not talking about casting) in Last Stand as well as Deadpool 2
As for Deadpool 1&2 being a different universe from Deadpool and the Wolverine…I think that’s mostly, yes, D1&2 are a separate universe, bc that universe was the one where Vanessa is dead. However that universe sorta got deleted when he went back in time and saved her (all the other stuff like shooting various pasts him I’m ignoring bc that’s just for fun fourth wall breaking and not actual Canon Movie Stuff)
So Deadpool one and the beginning and end of Deadpool 2 are the same universe, as well as Deadpool & Wolverine.
The stuff with him traveling to different universes with Cable’s watch doesn’t make sense to me bc he’s fully going to another universe, not changing the past to *make* one. So that doesn’t make sense, and is why they’re not connected in my correct universe timeline. So I’m calling that, along with having Logan be the same universe , on the sliding scale of ‘marvel wanted an excuse to have more multiverse stuff’ to ‘talk about a Macgruffin’.
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So, overall thoughts on 393 & predictions for 394:
I really liked 393 for the most part. I do have one gripe/concern with the current situation (and I’m gonna talk a lot more about that than anything else; that’s just how the internet is sometimes); but overall I really liked a lot of what this chapter did.
First off, the flashback to the League; the camaraderie, the stupid jokes, Dabi being a pretentious jerk who thinks these people aren’t his friends when they totally are. It’s all just *chef’s kiss* perfect, no notes. Other’s have gushed enough for this scene and analyzed all the interesting things it says about these characters so I’ll just add:
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“Dudes...Being Dudes!” Can’t believe I didn't see that until now.
But moving on from the “dudes”: Uraraka has earned my praise for having done easily the best to reach out to her villain of any hero kid in the entire arc; not least of which because she’s the only one having any back and forth, and because she seems to be genuinely trying to help Toga. Uraraka’s position isn’t quite perfect, still room to improve for reasons we’ll get too; but she has by far done the best at talking to her villain out of the entire class thus far. Her blood offering™ especially is really big for Toga.
Although, briefly moving on to predictions for the next chapter: my hottest take of a theory is that...I’m honestly not sure how Toga will take Uraraka’s offer. Because having someone in her life who understands her and is willing to offer her blood was, once upon a time, everything Toga ever wanted. But now there’s a bigger question on her mind that Uraraka hasn’t really answered properly yet. 
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What will she do with Toga? What will happen to Toga if she goes along with whatever Uraraka wants her to do now?
This is basically my biggest and only remaining concern for this plot-line: Toga still absolutely believes she’ll be sent to death row if she’s captured, and her prospects genuinely don’t look good from an objective view. And when Toga brings this up, Uraraka…doesn’t really go against her claim. I mean she makes clear she doesn’t want to murder Toga like Hawks did Jin; but her still going to death row seems a part “the obvious truth for both of [them]” and she “can’t wipe [Toga’s] slate clean”. So what will/can she do for Toga’s very real fear for her life?
It's possible Uraraka doesn’t have any good answer for that. I know some readers are interpreting the dialogue to think she does, that she���ll keep Toga from going to prison if Toga gives up; but putting myself in Toga’s shoes, it doesn’t sound like she’s willing or ready to go against the legal grain like that. And if she doesn’t then, for as much as she’d like that lifetime’s worth of blood, Toga may not give up here if she thinks her lifetime will be a few weeks that way. Heartbreaking as that’d be for her. (Which makes the drama queen in me consider this outcome even more.)
And also just in general, when the Todoroki’s fumbled saving Dabi as bad as they did; I can’t help but doubt Ochako’s chances of fully reaching to Toga in turn just a little.
Although…all that being said; Uraraka’s specific terms on the blood offering™ aren’t for Toga’s surrender. That’s just all of us reading between the lines, and maybe even jumping the gun. Ochako is asking to talk about love, so there may be a twist to expectations there where Toga still fulfills her end of the bargain without just giving up the fight for her life in exchange for blood.
What might come from that I can’t say. Well besides maybe discussing Uraraka’s feelings for Deku but I don’t know anything interesting that’d come from that. Although, maybe it’ll come back around to Toga’s fear for her life if she brings up her loved one, Twice, getting killed by a hero and who Toga is trying to avenge. And maybe this’ll get Uraraka to contemplate the kind of double standard she & her side have been applying to which actions warrant consequences. I mean if Hawks & Endeavor got off scot-free for their wrong doings (not to mention the currently ongoing Operation: Kill Shigaraki); maybe being lenient with the League in turn would be fair. That’s one way I think their conversation could go anyway.
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phierie · 2 years
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in every fandom there comes a time when you have to ask yourself, ok but what classes would these characters be if they were in D&D
overlong headcanons/design notes under the cut:
I based this AU off my rudimentary knowledge of D&D and it’s classes, but I’m taking creative liberties and it can be thought of as just a general fantasy rpg-style thing. Ended up being a mix match of comics and MCU but it’s an AU so hey it’s fine right lol
KAMALA - Sorcerer/Monk
Arguably one of the hardest to actually decide a class for?? I’m imagining her powers here as more akin to those she has in the MCU show; they’re something innate to her, passed down through her bloodline (and possibly unlocked by some event or heirloom as in the case of the TV show). I think the way she fights would be something closer to a monk, though? After awakening her powers, she journeys around helping people in the same way as she becomes Ms Marvel, both on her own and with the party. 
Kamala’s design is based pretty much entirely off the Mystic Marvel design (originally I believe from Champions, also in the Avengers game)! I saw this design and my brain instantly went brrrr because it basically combines my two fave marvel heroes (Dr Strange and Kamala)!! I changed a few parts of the design, and simplified the shirt a bit. I think it suits Kamala well for a fantasy AU - even in the main comics she wears an outfit that’s comfy and easy to move in!
NAKIA- Sorcerer/Cleric
Since Nakia is the only sensible one here, it made sense for her to be the (begrudging, probably) healer. I think it suits her personality well too though! I’m imagining here that her powers are innate (like a sorcerer), but she just uses healing magic the most (like a cleric). More similar perhaps to something like the cleric class in Fire Emblem Awakening, where clerics are often religious but their powers aren’t something directly conferred by the gods. 
Nakia’s design is based entirely off of her Storm Sage look in Ms Marvel (2015) #38 (aka the one where the gang gets isekai���d) Once again simplified it a little and softened some of the shapes (since it’s more of a villain look in the comic, but she’s obvs a good guy here) 
BRUNO - Wizard/Artificer
Bruno’s outfit is also partly inspired by #38 (esp for colour scheme), but I mainly just did my own thing for what I thought he should look like in a fantasy AU ahahah. Gave him a long coat because if there’s one thing I love more than wizards, it’s wizards with long coats lmao
To me the D&D wizard class is much more the ‘study and research’ side of magic so it think it works well for the scientifically inclined Bruno. The thirst for knowledge and hubris (all the benchmarks of a good wizard character, really) are also very fitting for him, I think..!!
He’s a natural prodigy of magic and manages to get accepted to a prestigious and exclusive magic school but is kicked out after The Accident. Leaves to find somewhere else that’s willing to teach him since he can’t accept the idea of not learning magic. Meets Kwezi and the rest plays out much as it does in the comics
His prosthetics are powered with some kind of Magical Rock (call it a magic substitute for vibranium), and made by Kwezi. I’m undecided whether they’re grafted onto his arm/leg or it’s a whole Full Metal Alchemist situation but maybe a bit of both? The arm also acts as a conduit of sorts for casting his own magic (hence where the artificer class comes in). As he makes all sorts of stuff for Kamala in the comics/show I think him having the ability to craft magical items also fits well. Probably learns that magic from Kwezi. Which brings us to...
KWEZI - Artificer
Another magical prodigy, but I see Kwezi as more of a support type to Bruno’s spellcaster. The embodiment of chaotic good. I think he’d be mainly a crafter of magical items (sort of like Olruggio in Witch Hat Atelier?) 
His background in this AU is the same as in the comics, and him and Bruno go adventuring a bit themselves before joining up with Kamala and co eventually. I think he’d be pretty sheltered when it comes to travelling outside fantasy-Wakanda, especially compared to Bruno, so hijinks ensue. (Side note, but I absolutely adore that contrast when it comes to Kwezi & Bruno’s dynamic, I’m so in love with them both)
The green cloak-wrap is inspired by his formal outfit in Ms Marvel (2015) #30, and the harem pants are from #29. I think comfy, practical clothes suit Kwezi, and I like that the colour scheme for him is a nice contrast with Bruno! 
KAREEM - Rogue
Probably the easiest class to decide on because really what else could it be?? I’m undecided on whether Kareem should have his origin from the MCU show or the comics for this AU - personally I prefer comics but I do think a secret society sort of thing would work well for a fantasy AU so I’m leaning a bit more towards that perhaps.
His design is a mix of MCU, comics and my own take on it to make it a little more fantasy/rogue-like.  
KAMRAN - Sorcerer
Probably the only one here (except maybe Kareem) who’s primarily based off his MCU appearance rather than the comics. I see him as being initially a bit more of a bad guy than in the show though, a sort of misguided villain who eventually ends up joining the party (see: Zuko in ATLA)
He’s grown up with the Clandestines (probably some kind of cult here) and he generally believes in their mission, so it takes a little more for him to turn on them. As a sorcerer his powers manifest suddenly and he doesn’t understand how to control them at first. The Clandestines probably want him to use his powers to their ends, and that, along with run-ins with Kamala gets him questioning whether he should continue to follow them or turn away from the only family he’s ever known...
Kamran’s design was probably the hardest to figure out, since he only really has appearances in regular clothes, and no canon alternate designs to work off of (like Nakia/Bruno/Zoe). In the end I was thinking of the Clandestines and what they might wear in such a setting? The blue colour scheme is based off the jacket he wears in ep 6 (probably his most iconic MCU look) and also his coat/scarf look in Ms Marvel (2014) #13. I don’t think I captured Kamran’s likeness very well here but his outfit actually turned out to be one of my faves, so swings and roundabouts hahah
ZOE - Fighter
I’m imagining Zoe in this AU is the daughter of some lowly noble family (a big shot in the town that her and the gang are from, not so much elsewhere). After a run in with some bandits where she’s saved by Kamala, she resolves that she needs to get stronger. Not the strongest nor the most skillful fighter, but she’s trying her best!!
Zoe’s design is inspired by her fantasy look in #38 (the pink tunic in particular), but I changed and added some details to it. Her cloak I swapped out for the pink scarf, as inspired by her stint as Ms Marvel!
BECKY - Paladin-->Warlock & JOSH - ???
The actual bad guys of this AU ahahah. I’m imagining here that the events of Civil War II play out pretty much the same in this AU as in the comics. Becky starts out as a paladin with generally good intentions, but when she crosses a line she gets disowned (is that the right word?? probably not) by her god. Unable to deal with it, she turns instead to darker powers, making a pact and becoming a warlock. 
I haven’t really thought about what class Josh would be... maybe a fighter as well (to match Zoe?), but I’m imagining him as a sort of mysterious Black Knight type figure, hence the you haven’t unlocked this character yet question marks lmao
Their designs are based entirely off their lockdown/discord appearances, just adapted into fantasy-armour style. I think the designs carried over really well, actually (definitely helped by the excellent colour schemes!)
And there you have it LOL I have no idea if I’m gonna do anything more with this AU but just wanted to share the brainrot, so if you got this far THANKS..... any thoughts/suggestions for other characters I should add are always welcome!!
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wizardfrogsbutevil · 1 year
Designs for a class swap au thing ill probably never do anything else with. Backstory ideas under the cut :)
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Also ignore that the images are different shapes
Gillion is a rouge:
Edyn ran away with him when he was 7-8 when she saw how the elders were treating him
They stayed in the undersea for a while but realised it was too risky so went to the oversea
They both had to learn to steal to survive-gill ended up enjoying it as it felt like he was spiting the elders
He kept stealing for fun as well as just survival
He and edyn were separated when they were attacked by navy soldiers a few months before he meets the other 2 and he's been looking for her since.
Confident and cocky like chip was at the start of the campaign, though less of a bastard
More knowledgeable about oversea stuff than canon gill
He still worships lunadeyis
Chip is now the ranger/artificer
Instead of joining price's gang, he ended up in edison kingdom after the sinking of the black rose
He lost his eye during the sinking
He ended up finding his way to the second layer of the kingdom, where he was taken in by a person who ran a mechanics/inventions shop
He ended up working for them and they helped him construct a mechanical eye using a combination of magic and tech like we saw in edison kingdom
As he got older he got better at what he was doing and his talent was recognised by the blossom boss, who let him work with the warforged
He still wanted to be a pirate though, and ended up leaving to do his own thing and try to look for info on the black sea now that hes older, where he then meets gill and jay
Still keeps in contact with his old mentor though they're not actually plot relevant
Ends up teaching jay about mechanics and stuff and they bond over enjoying it
He uses a lot of more mechanical weaponary- guns and stuff, no bow like jay had at the start of the campaign in canon
Makes the wierdest and most seemingly useless contraptions ever when he's bored
Jay is now the paladin:
The navy caught word of the undersea champion but not of the fact that he ran away-the elders kept that part very secret
They decided to train their own champion to be able to fight the elders and their champion
Ava was supposed to be the champion but they figured it would be easier with a younger child, so jay was chosen
May didn't want her to go but couldn't exactly resist the entire navy
Jayson was reluctant as well but he agreed anyway as he believed it was for the best
Jay was trained in fire/sun magic and the navy basically made up a prophecy to justify her being their, they claimed it was from aster
She was trained to fight tritons- different techniques specifically tailored to fighting them
Jay's vow was to protect the oversea at all costs
Ava was killed in a similar way to canon, but the navy basically saw her death as a way to motivate jay against the undersea more so they framed gill and edyn for it, though jay doesn't know exactly who they are
She goes undercover like in canon but she acts much differently
She's way more quiet and serious than in canon
Her thing is less about honour and more about eradicating anything the navy taught her was evil, no questions asked
She hides this at least a little though and she absolutely hates gill at the start as he embodies pretty much everything she was taught to kill, although she hides this and mellows out later, especially once she learns he's looking for his sister like she's looking to avenge hers
Definitely some angst potential when she finds out gill and his sister were the ones she believes to have killed ava
Also ava had a thing with edyn in this like she did with lizzie in canon
Jay knows more about oversea things than gill was at the start, but she is very bad at interacting with people since she had literally no friends growing up
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hubristicassholefight · 11 months
Swordswoman Showdown Round 3
Princess Sapphire (Princess Knight) vs Kikunojo (One Piece)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
#vote for sapphire if you love like literally any of the sword lesbians that came afterward#hashtag respect your elders
If the person who submitted Princess Sapphire didn't bother with propaganda, I'm happy to help! Sapphire is the OG shoujo action girl and also the OG androgynous anime swordswoman. She fights crime! She has three (3) separate identities and a totally different relationship with her love interest in each of them! Her aesthetic is basically "what if the Takarazuka did Disney's Snow White?"! She's a fun character in her own right, but also she was massively influential in anime and manga. Without her, a good number of the other popular competitors in this tournament (Lady Oscar, Utena, Sailor Uranus) wouldn't exist, and I think she deserves some respect for that.
#every princely girl you love owes her existence to sapphire
She is a samurai and a retainer for the Kozuki Family, serving as one of the Nine Red Scabbards, a group of samurai that protect the Kozuki family and their country. She's a very skillful samurai, and she and her group managed to delay and hold off the main villain of the arc, (which was an almost insurmountable task for even the main character) and survived the experience despite her horrible injuries; She's canonically and openly trans! And she's gorgeous. And huge... She's 287 cm tall, which for the USAmericans in the audience is 9' 5". She's simply the coolest.
She’s a samurai and fights with a sword; tall trans woman <3
Legendary devoted samurai!; She's 2.87m tall, a time traveler, and not even losing an arm in the middle of the fight stopped her- she had it imediately cauterized and went back to the fight.
She's a lady samurai! Pretty and very skillful with her katana!
She is a samurai who was sent 20 years into the future to avenge the death of her lord; She’s so tall and canonically trans and I love her
She’s a badass samurai who fights for what she believes in and to help people. She is known as Kiku of lingering snow. She’s also canonically trans
She's a time traveling trans samurai, the only woman in a group of 9 legendary samurais; Her arm was chopped off by the biggest baddie so far and she continued fighting, isn't that badass?
One of the strongest samurai in her country; She's a trans icon
#kiku the greatest of all time#🐐#tall and gorgeous samurai lady#who is a trans icon#love that she is so tall that she doesn't fit in the image display#gets recognized as strong by the main character multiple times and proves it by being the most resilient badass of the entire arc#stands up to tyrants and abusers of class privilege#also helps break said main character out of the enemies prison and takes part in a rebellion against the corrupt prison staff#one piece#okiku#kiku
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balanceoflightanddark · 10 months
"And the less said about Dimitri, the King of Faerghus, the better."
What exactly do you mean by that? Not asking in an angry way, I'm just genuinely curious. Your Edelgard analysis was really well done. This line just stuck out to me is all.
I'll be perfectly honest, I am the last person qualified to be talking about Dimitri. See...I'm not exactly his biggest fan. At all. In fact in a lot of ways, I sort of see him the same way I see Zuko from the comics which I have talked about at length before.
But, I will attempt to be as civil as I can. Just letting everyone know ahead of time so we all know what to expect.
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Dimitri is in many ways the opposite of Edelgard. Whereas Edelgard is extremely controversial within the fandom, Dimitri is lionized (heh) by large parts of the fandom. Mainly, since he's Edelgard's rival (for lack of better terms), he's seen as the "hero".
And he is certainly presented that way. His story and route are the most classical narrative possible. A crown prince disgraced from his kingdom returns to take back his thrown from usurpers and bring peace to his land. He even gets to kill a monster (Hegemon Edelgard) at the end of his route. It's a familiar story which a lot of people can latch onto.
...the problem is that Dimitri acts as a sort of deconstruction of this kind of character. If Edelgard is the villain who is virtuous, then Dimitri is the hero who is morally bankrupt.
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Now he doesn't begin this way, of course. He starts out as the head of the Blue Lions class in Garreg Mach, one of the classes you could end up teaching. He starts out as the classical prince. You know, caring about taking the throne. Wanting to restore honor to Faerghus. That sort of thing.
Well like Edelgard, he has a very dark past.
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Dimitri is the sole survivor of an incident known as the Tragedy of Duscur, which resulted in the deaths of the entire Royal Family aside from him. Needless to say, he has a lot of baggage. Particularly against the Flame Emperor who masterminded the whole thing.
So when he finds out that Edelgard is the Flame Emperor well...
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It's not too pretty.
When the war breaks out, he gives sanctuary to the Archbishop and the Knights and is basically all hellbent on putting Edelgard's head on a pike to avenge his family's deaths. Alright fair enough.
...there's just one problem. Edelgard wasn't responsible for the massacre since she was just a child at the time. It was her uncle who was the Flame Emperor at the time and masterminded the whole thing. Further complicating things is that Edelgard doesn't even have much beef with Dimitri to begin with. She's after the Church. So when Dimitri allies with the Church, he just dragged Faerghus and his whole people into the war for a chance at vengeance.
And he's pretty much driven by this need for vengeance during his phase as "the Boar King". It's here when...uh...he becomes pretty reprehensible. He tortures his prisoners, he goes on and on about butchering his enemies, and he treats his troops like absolute garbage. One of his most notable quotes is when he basically says he's going to use his people until the flesh falls right off their bones.
While it could be argued that this was before his redemption during AM or AG in Hopes and he does become a bit better before his route ends...he's still not the king that his people needs at the end of his story. For one, he upholds the Crest System in his ending, which I've delved into and basically said was downright abusive and encourages instability. The Church who enforced this system is still in power. We don't even see him dealing with TWSITD, since he lets them go during the last battle so he can deal with Edelgard. Mind you, Edelgard DID have a plan to deal with TWSITD once the war was over. Effectively, this whole mess can easily start again. Something that's reflected in a lot of the AM endings since there's a lot of widespread rebellion and fighting once he takes the throne.
What's worse, he enforces the traditions of Faerghus because "they're all they have left"...even though Faerghus's traditions emphasize warriors and militarism to the point it resembles Sparta in terms of brutality. Hell, it's part of the reason why Dimitri's so violent since he's a product of his environment. Doesn't justify a damn thing he did, but you at least understand where he came from. Which makes it galling that he lays the seeds for another Boar King to happen.
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The only thing I can say about Dimitri is...I'm pretty sure his character was deliberate. In any other route he gets killed off swearing vengeance against his enemies and trying to continue to cut a bloody swathe through Fodlan. In many ways, he works as a deconstruction of that classical hero. Avenging his family becomes a rampage of revenge where more families suffer. He retakes the throne, but does not ensure peace. And his "villain" turns out to be the wrong person in the grand scheme of things. I feel Dimitri works best as a hero gone horribly wrong. Something that I feel that a lot of people overlook and are willing to whitewash him into being the true "hero" who brought democracy to Fodlan.
Which...he didn't.
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hello-there-world · 1 month
more Fnaf Rewrite Modern Era stuff!! yippee!!
just about everyone of the original gang who's still alive is in therapy (so like Mike, Jeremy, Andrew, Sammy, and Evan, for example). understandable.
after everything was said and done, Mike and Sammy finally exposed William. Mike just kinda went "Oh it's the funniest thing haha so my dad called me on the phone and told me all of that and said he was dying well that sure is something, ain't it?" and. it certainly shook the town up, i'll say that!
Vanessa is actually the niece of one of William's '87 victims (specifically the Toy Bonnie kid).
Vanessa's last name is Warren. there's an interesting meaning behind that one, so if you figure out what it is, you get a sticker!!
Cameron (Mike and Jeremy's oldest son) has a bunny fursona. Mike is seriously wondering why so many people in his family is obsessed with rabbits and/or hares.
Cam is also the Gen 2 kid who knows the most about "past events."
Cameron, after hearing about his grandfather, really hoped that he'd never meet his ghost somehow, and Mike reassured him that it'd be unlikely. Apparently, However, Not Even Being Stuck In Actual Hell Will Stop William.
Mike and Sammy are so cagey about telling their kids anything because A) 2/3 of the kids are literally first graders, and B) there's basically no way they can talk about their childhoods without it pretty much being traumadumping.
Cameron's middle name is 'Liz' (Mike's way of remembering Elizabeth).
Cameron sometimes thinks about all the aunts and uncles he never got to meet, and it makes him sad.
Gregory got Cassidy's old room in the house, as well as his old toys.
Cassie literally looks like a younger version of Charlie. hairstyle and all.
since Sammy had dedicated his entire life to avenging Charlie's murder, he doesn't really know what to do with himself now. even Henry, the man who'd give him some form of direction for other things to do in between looking for evidence, is gone now. with the new restaurant open, as well as the fact he now has a daughter, he's got some things that he can work with.
Cassie is very much a Daddy's Girl :]
Charlie visits Cassie in her dreams, and occasionally in person. as a ghost, obviously.
Sammy got Cassie a smartwatch (that he fooled around with) that functions as an advanced version of the old security bracelets that his father had used in the original pizzeria. it's even green...a bright green, too.
Gregory had no idea who Cassidy was until the end of Security Breach.
when no one really showed up to Cassie's seventh birthday party (save for a few people in their class who thought she was cool), Gregory got a bit petty and threatened to not invite anyone to his own party, purely just to spite everyone. quite literally the only reason he didn't go through with it was because Cassie told him not to and that it was fine. he did make it clear that he was still upset about it when a lot of people showed up to his own party, mostly by saying something to the effect of "Oh, so you've got time for my super awesome sixth birthday party on a Tuesday, but apparently coming to Cassie's super awesome seventh birthday party on a Saturday was too much for you 😒 I see how it is. Uh huh."
huh...petty kid...KINDA LIKE CASSIDY WAS-
like Cassidy, Greg also has partial/sectoral heterochromia in both of his eyes, though while Cassidy's heterochromia was green and greyish blue, Gregory has light brown and amber brown (close to what his canon eye color looks like). i'll draw a ref for him eventually.
Greg's hair looks like Cassidy's if it were brown and halfway down his neck.
I love them! Poor Vanessa... does she still sometimes go by Ness?
Cassie and Gregory being protective at each other my beloved. :}
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gartenofbanny · 1 year
The author had to kill off SOMEBODY the audience knew and cared about so it would have any impact. People like Funk Man, Eel Boy and Crust had no character work done on them. Midnight was chosen, but it could have been anyone from UA. But he wanted to keep using Mic and Eraserhead, so here we are. I think her death was absolutely pathetic because her supposed two best friends didn't even talk about her death! But we can devote loads of panel time to Kurogiri's situation, when they knew the guy for a small amount of time before he got died and resurrected. Think about it. The time he was their friend is barely a blip on the radar compared to the amount of time he's been dead to them. But Aizawa didn't want to talk about Midnight's death, and so he and Mic shut up about it forever. What's funny is that Midnight was also a complete nothing character outside of Vigilantes, which most MHA fans never read. She wasn't built up to be the Aizawa to anyone's Shinso. Even when Mina talks about her, it's about how she liked her classes. Absolutely nothing about knowing her as a person. She's avenging an acquaintance because the story didn't build any bonds between these characters!
I'm not even gonna lie, Midnight in the War Arc has been disrespected. She was never brought to visit Kurogiri despite Midnight and Shirakumo (Kurogiri before he became a Nomu) were best friends and Shirakumo even had a crush on her, it was just Present Mic and Aizawa who visited Kurogiri. You are right Midnight was never mentioned again by the students or her best friends, hell bringing up her death to Kurogiri might cause him to change. I'm pretty sure Midnight is just a fanservice-y character, but Vigilantes actually gave her depth which is why I prefer Vigilantes over MHA. Midnight in MHA mainly helped the students with their hero names, and ultimate moves, and was really just around before striking a smexy pose every third time she's on screen. When it comes to teaching Midnight mainly acknowledges and compliments the students' success. The last paragraph is without a doubt true, we don't know much about most of the cast aside from Deku, Todoroki, Bakugo, Aizawa, Iida, and Ochaco. Either some of them already had an arc and they're just around or some of them just didn't need one. That's the problem with having too many characters in one series because once their mini-arc is done, they're done. We don't know what their relationship is like with other characters, Horikoshi just has them be cool with each other and admire the Big 3. God knows how many times these characters suck the dick of Deku, Todoroki, and Bakugo.
If any of the characters would've died, it should have been Gran Torino. He trained Izuku and taught him everything, he's still powerful but not as powerful as he was before, and he even had a nice speech saying that "Death can be another form to save someone" after Izuku gave Torino, Nana's regards.
Gran Torino's entire arc was basically done and he's severely injured and old, I don't believe he's capable of fighting again. So what's the point of keeping him alive?
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Hello, I've just gotten into your story, Passing Days, and I love it so far. I just want to ask, given what happens after all the lostbelts are resolved and if this question wasn't posted to you yet, how Vy will react to ordeal call? Will it basically be a slap to the face after everything she went through given that the Human Order prevents her from resolving the entire situation on the basis of being a foreign outlaw for repeatedly utilizing servants from the extra classes?
(_ _) Thank you for enjoying Passing Days so far.
As for your question, I'm awake at 4-5 am again, so I'll be brief.
I don't know if I'm going to even cover Ordeal Call, or as I like to call it recently, "Ordeal Stall." It reads like a GIANT slap in the face when thinking about it in Vy's POV, there's more nightmare/angst porn in the canon story to give Part 2 a run for its money, and well...
When a lot of FGO has been running on The Power of Friendship with the Servants, for Ordeal Stall to say that very same power of friendship is abusing the Extra Classes after the Foreign God and so many others already broke the rules--
I'm not keen on the arc. Heck, I'm in the place of outright hating it too. So well. Might just skip it entirely. Or just write something else.
Because when the Avenger Ordeal Call had me go into a real life breakdown from events mimicking the work stress I had with a real life friend - my first work friend at my current job - outright betraying me like Dantes did in stringing up Ritsuka to handle their trauma, not to mention the recent Moon Cancer Ordeal Call making me emotionally numb for a day and a half, I can safely say Ordeal Stall sucks and I do not have the energy to deal with that shit right now.
Once NA gets the official translation, we'll see.
TLDR: Ordeal Call is absolute bullshit in my eyes and I don't got the energy to process it right now when writing this answer alone is making me tear up on an early Saturday morning. Even took Dantes off my Support List too for his Ordeal Call bullshit. So fuck Nasu.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Zoomer Huey rants about fairytales and Disney, okay they been a mess with public domain post Walt… but dear lord the copyright shitshow on the other 18th century-
Shit anyways, let use the earliest Disney movies to say Hercules (I can use mulan but we have very easy access to the og tale vs the classic Disney films)
Let me use the mother of all modern American animation, Snow White and the seven dwarfs
The thing is that Walt Disney grew up watching a version of Snow White in theaters as a child
And he decided that he wanted to do a new SPIN of the Classic fairytale in the then NEW and GROWING style of storytelling that was animation
And that the thing about a lot of Walt Disney era films like Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Sword in the Stone, and Jungle Book.
They were SPINS on classics books and stories that were used in live action movies and plays at the time
And while behind the scenes knowledge became more well known after inking and desire to research it became more popular. Surviving documents and quotes always had Walt and his crew doing a different take on the source material. It just the Disney takes on fairytales stood the test of time due to animation styles and the company  preserverstion measures
Also the grimm thing….does anyone look up that the Grimm “fairytales” was a AMALGAMATIONS of different European folklores. So they serve as the basic of where you can get into European folklore…but it always had a citation needed as each region, culture, and era will have a different spin on it
Hell the Arthurian Legends are big examples as they rapidly change over the centuries. Hence why in Sword in the Stone, Merlin mention movies because he was hinting at Art that his life and stories will be retold and remembered for centuries to come.
But Hercules ugh
“Did you know Hera was actually a bitch-“ did you know that the Greek myths been a backbone of western culture stories for years and around the same time of the Disney movie, there were 2 popular Greek myth shows called Xena Warrior Princess and the legends of Hercules?
Not to mention that the animators presumed you would have learn the og Greek myths in high school English class like they did
And there was a ODEIPUS joke where Hercules thought his daddy issues was bad until he saw the play of the tragic Thebes king
Actually that the thing that I I notice with a lot of pop culture media and Wish is prime example…
Do people only know the CONTEMPORARY versions of Stories and don’t look into classic media or inspirations
Actually a lot of modern dc and marvel comics lore got me thinking here this as a example
Current comics writers and fans know that superhero teams like the Avengers and Justice League are contemporary American twists on classic team groups like Argonauts or Knights of the Round Table right?
Sorry, a lot of media is like…someone making a hamburger and think fast food is the basic for that. Make sense?
And that the thing about a lot of Walt Disney era films like Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Sword in the Stone, and Jungle Book. They were SPINS on classics books and stories that were used in live action movies and plays at the time
Walt was a storyteller first and foremost, ya so he adapted a lot of things staying mostly true to the story but not entirely, which make them your own if you can at least with the Grimm stuff since you don't have any copyright issues to fuss with there.
Peter Pan is a odd case, there's still a partial copyright in place even though it's way past where it should exist, but the money funds a children's charity so people let that be, and I think it only is a thing in the UK.
But Hercules ugh “Did you know Hera was actually a bitch-“ did you know that the Greek myths been a backbone of western culture stories for years and around the same time of the Disney movie, there were 2 popular Greek myth shows called Xena Warrior Princess and the legends of Hercules? Not to mention that the animators presumed you would have learn the og Greek myths in high school English class like they did
I knew about Hera, Hercules and Xena too. Hercules really had the biggest issues with Hera not Hades too, but that doesn't work for the story. Also Walt was long dead so not on him at least.
One other bit that bugs me to no end, Hercules is Roman, Heracles is Greek and almost nobody in media ever gets it right.
And there was a ODEIPUS joke where Hercules thought his daddy issues was bad until he saw the play of the tragic Thebes king
Ya they do that, throw those in for the parents. Much better than the naked people in Great Mouse Detective lol.
Actually a lot of modern dc and marvel comics lore got me thinking here this as a example Current comics writers and fans know that superhero teams like the Avengers and Justice League are contemporary American twists on classic team groups like Argonauts or Knights of the Round Table right?
I never put that much thought into it, but honestly most media produced is a twist on a existing tale.
Black Panther, to The Lion King, to Kimba the White Lion, ect till we get to Hamlet, and it actually keeps going from there but I forget the stuff in between Kimba and Hamlet and after Hamlet.
Clueless is just Jane Austin's Emma, 10 Things I Hate About You is Taming of the Shrew, to be fair the writers and such were very open about the fact that they were doing a modern retelling on those ones, several others too big thing in the mid to late 90's.
Sorry, a lot of media is like…someone making a hamburger and think fast food is the basic for that. Make sense?
Think so, would be nice to see more effort put forth. At least for some types of films, stuff that guys like Adam Sandler fart out in order to take him and his friends on a 6 week working vacation and get some people that haven't worked in a while working so they can keep their SAG insurance and what not can stay as they are.
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