#so every once in a while I collect too many likes and it’s just overwhelming to scroll through
I won’t be checking my dashboard for the next few days because I have TOO MANY LIKES TO GO THROUGH LOL so if you really want me to see a post, like… tag me (I love being tagged) or send it to me or something :D
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will-o--the-wisp · 6 months
smut under the cut // MDNI
scaramouche × male reader
cw: overstimulation, dubcon (because reader says no, but all depicted acts are consensual), handjobs, sex toys, restraints, unconsciousness, tba.
this work is crossposted to AO3
“N-no, no more please!” (Name) cries, trying to extricate himself from the red ropes that bind him to their shared bed. The hand moving up and down the length of his dick shows no intent to stop. 
(Name) doesn't know how much time it has been since they started, how many time he has orgasmed that night, but everything feels like too much. It's been a while since the sparks from overstimulation turned from mildly pleasurable to pain shooting up his body with every movement. 
“But darling” Scaramouche's other hand shoots out to the other's face, using his thumb to collect the tears dripping down the skin “You still can talk. It's not enough” He pouts, leaning down to kiss his lover's cheeks. “Just one more” 
“I can't” The tears are nonstop falling down his cheeks now, writhing in place. The hand on his dick stops for a moment, Scaramouche standing up from the bed. This makes all tension dissipate from (Names) body their muscles relaxing and eyes closing, thinking the torture is over. Scaramouche has fallen for his pleas. 
“You will” Or not. A faint mechanical whirring starts to be heard on the room as Scaramouche takes his seat again, one hand wrapping securely around the shaft of the other's cock and the other one pressing the vibrating wand on it's highest setting to the tip. 
With the unexpected stimulation, a loud moan escapes (Name). His brain feels like mush, legs tensing from the overwhelming sensations. “W-what!?” 
“You like it darling?” Scaramouche slowly moves the wand up and down the length, the vibrations going straight to rattle (Names) brain down “Bought it the other day, just for you” He lets out a soft laugh, enjoying the show of his partner squirming in bed. 
“Fuck…” (Name) whimpers, the pleasure appearing extremely fast, making his whole body trembling “Fuck.fuck.fuck” He repeats like a mantra, trying to hang on to his last thread of sanity. 
It hits and crashes at once, his back arching and toes curling in pleasure. Fat tears roll down his cheeks as his orgasm washes over him, feeling so much at once that he feels like he can't breathe. His dick shoots out clear liquid, clearly spent some time ago. He doesn't even get to experience the aftershocks of his pleasure, as the sensations overwhelm his body and he passes out. 
“Good boy” Scaramouche says, but his partner is too occupied falling in and out of consciousness to realise that he's being praised. He lovingly unties the ropes from around him “You did so good for me. I love you” 
my masterlist
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hanasnx · 10 months
hiii, how’d you feel writing 65 + 68 with anakin ?
i think these go pretty well together :)
prompt: #65 + #68
prompt list | rules
minors dni 18+
word count: 0.9k | character(s): anakin skywalker x f!reader
warnings: established relationship, no plot rly, no y/n, calls you “girl” once, you cry but this is not a dacryphilia piece, actual smut (eating you out, sinking his dick in), kinda fluffy in his own special way, comforting you but you’re not crying bcos of sadness or pain just overwhelming orgasm.
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There's something so intoxicating about a lover who mixes pain with pleasure as beautifully as Anakin can. A well-rounded experience makes for satisfaction because he runs you ragged when he's got the time. Teasing that can only be described as torturous as he meticulously traverses your entire body head-to-toe with his hands and mouth. Erogenous zones given extra special attention as he consumes all you have to offer. As if willing to imbibe your very essence without second thought to consequence. Drinking you like red wine as you release, pouring it down his throat all the while he seldom takes a breath. Your nails scrape against his scalp as you draw his head to you, every detail of his plump lips apparent against your sensitive folds.
Nothing short of overwhelming, crying out to release boiling over emotions that can't be shook out through the tremors coursing through your very nerve endings. Exploding in a quaking orgasm, you claw on him as if intent to draw blood. His wet tongue laps up the excess, dripping down to the fat of your backside, concerned over whether or not he's wasting all you were so generous to give him.
You're limp, as lymphatic as liquid, while Anakin creeps up, hovering over you leaving congratulatory kisses in his wake. Chest heaving with hot pants, you lull your head to watch him, meeting those blue eyes already patiently awaiting you. It's not dim enough to conceal the lines of his face, becoming clearer as he crawls into your atmosphere. A level of cautious restraint to his expression that betrays his desire to have you now, yet he depends on your word. Inches apart, you smell yourself on his jaw. That wave that crashed through you so intensely, now ripples, and its effects linger. It reverberates, and that tug on your heartstrings opens the floodgates. Heavy, warm tears gather at the corners of your vision, streamlining down your pout as you fully realize the lasting impact your orgasm had on you. The feeling of emptiness between your legs is replaced with a swollen head prodding in search of your entrance. Out of humiliation, you throw your arm over your twisted countenance in an an attempt to veil it from your lover, so as to not make him uncomfortable.
Instead of invading the space you've created for yourself, your arm remains where it lay, and Anakin nips at the length of it. His soft, feathery voice soothes you in a loving croon, “I know, baby, I know. I’m right here, just breathe.” You've done this before, he's experienced being on the receiving end many a time by it. In the past you've instructed him to pleasure you through it for it's simply a symptom of being staggered rather than pained. Not everyone is capable of it. Choking back sobs, your mouth stretches into a grimace he can't help but dip down to kiss. His sweating forehead rests along your ulna as he clumsily runs his lips along yours, grazing your teeth, collecting your spit on the crest of them.
When he retracts, a string of drool connects you, breaking as he adjusts you. Expert hands redirecting to fold your legs on either side of him, and he sinks only his glans inside. "You're too tight, angel," he whispers. Hugging him in a vice, he gently rocks his hips, refusing to introduce you to more than the tip.
Finally, you absorb his advice, and control your breathing. To be filled is an ardent desire indeed, and the sting of stretch is not welcome for your recovery. Deeply inhaling, forcing it to level until salty tears dry sticky on your skin.
"That's it, girl, that's it." he commends, "You're doing well." A large hand strokes your hair affectionately, immersing more of himself with each kind piston. "S'not so bad, is it?" His honeyed approval is a disguised method to coax you out of the shell you've retreated into. All the while he comfortably steeps his length halfway in. Your bottom lip trembles in an acutely pitiful way, to the point your lover urges you to quiet it by sucking onto it; he runs his tongue along it in order to acquaint you with slipping into your open mouth, silencing you himself as he hums in content against you. You can taste your remnants on him and you palm his rotator cuffs, momentarily quivering around his member entwined with your insides.
"'Want... need more," The only sentence you can muster, dangling off of your wavering voice as you mumble it pressed against his lips. There's a curl to his you recognize, pecking the corner of his mouth it exists on. You're unsure if he's ignoring you for a purpose because you cannot see his face to determine why he'd continue to rock inside you lazily. It's not enough, surely he must know that. "Please, Ani—?"
“Shh, just look at me, baby.” he coos. Tentatively, you slide your arm away from your sights, allowing your surroundings to come into focus. Yet again those patient, blue eyes await your meet. Steadfast, he's your anchor to this world, leading you back to the ground as he moves within you, and reminds you why you're here— who you're here with. To reward you for your bravery, he drives into you at his leisure until he's sheathed.
A gasp emits from you, squirming as if you could persuade him deeper. The sensation of being filled sorely missed to the point of extreme yearning. As soon as you're able to accommodate him, he thrusts into you with reckless abandon. Stuffing your center as many times as you call upon it.
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gloryhrs · 1 year
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⟡ 𝓗𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝓣𝐎 𝓗𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 ━━ 「 Sōsuke Aizen. 」
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✿.*・。 ꒰ m! reader, slight yandere! aizen. ꒱
ʚɞ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ WHAT was this? This wasn’t a part of his plan. How could he fall for someone as innocent and pure as you? You were naive in every way possible, from your doe-like eyes to your bright demeanor. He loved it. He couldn't think of anyone as handsome as you. Your beautiful brown complexion, that would shimmer in the sunlight and be so tender to the touch, was extremely attractive to him. He could gaze into those big e/c orbs for hours on end without growing tired of them because they could not overwhelm him. Another reason he enjoyed being around you was that you were such a delightful, well-kept person who disliked dirt. No one couldn’t tell him otherwise that you were perfect for him.
He originally wanted to terminate the emotion by killing you, but as soon as he reached for his sword, an awful ache in his chest demanded he stop. Even with all his effort, he was unable to hurt you. He thought it was odd, he never felt this way before, especially for a man. When you were around, his face heated up and his chest began to pound loudly. The feeling was strange, but it felt wonderful. People noticed that the captain acted friendlier than normal when he was around you. He laughed at all of your jokes, followed you around like a lost puppy, and gave you goodnight hugs that would last for around five minutes. When his lieutenant questioned him about it, he swiftly dismissed it and said that you and him were just close friends. But everyone knew that was all a lie.
Because of you, he could tell Byakyua didn't like him. Byakyua was like a brother to you because you had known him for the majority of your life; which explained why he was so overprotective. Aizen would frequently overhear your and his chats when you two were having tea. Byakyua frequently commented that because he was a captain and somewhat unusual, so you should avoid getting too close to him. However, you would dismiss it and claim that he was merely being polite to you and had no hidden agendas. Of course, Byakyua was bothered. Because of his behavior and the way you would respond to it, he didn't enjoy how people would mistake you and the captain for a couple. Obviously, you ignored what he had to say. Aizen made you happy and brought your comfort when needed. So why would you avoid interacting with him? Aizen claimed that he was acting dramatically once more and didn't understand what he was saying.
Being the day of Rukia's execution, it was one of those days when you needed comfort the most. Even if what she did was wrong, you couldn't bear to witness the death of your dear sister. Aizen decided to take you out to the garden to cheer you up and help her in picking flowers rather than letting you stay around all day gloomy and moping (which was uncommon). He watched as you walked through the garden to collect the new flowers that had grown over the previous two weeks. He smiled softly at how you held the flowers up to your nose to give them a short whiff but ended up sneezing. 'How adorable.' He raised the teacup to his lips, the sweetness of the tea gave him a warm sensation in his chest as he thought to himself. His eyes softened when he turned to face you again and saw you walking while carrying a bouquet of vibrantly colored flowers that perfectly complemented your personality. "Captain Aizen! Do you think she’ll like these?" The warm tingling on the man's cheeks started to appear after you gave him the vibrant plants and sat down next to him.
"I told you it's okay to call me Sōsuke when we're alone, and yes, they're stunning." He took one of the flower from the bouquet to place in your hair. When the breeze swept past your hair at the perfect time, you push the frizzy locks behind your ear. Making you appear heavenly. At that moment, Aizen felt his breath hitch in his throat. He couldn't count on his fingers how many times you looked effortlessly handsome. "I apologize, Ai-Sōsuke." You stopped mid-sentence to correct yourself and giggled when a group of butterflies started flying around your head. Considering that when he found you, you were crying and holding your knees to your chest, the man thought it was good to see you smiling again. He vividly recalled the time he spotted you crying because you were being laughed at by other shinigami and he hated seeing you upset. He murdered each and every one of them on that particular day. Nobody could make fun of his darling and get away with it.
"It's all right, my dear." Your delicate doe eyes returned to his as he caressed your cheek. Oh he loved it when you stared into his eyes like that, so innocent without a care in the world. No one else deserved to stare in his direction, but you. Everyone else wasn't worth a lick of your attention; he wanted to be the only person you gazed at. He observed as your lips raised to create the dazzling smile you struggled to conceal. He never stated it out loud, but he hated when you were overly kind with other people. He wanted to be the only one who received your smile. They didn’t deserve your kindness, no one did, no one but him. Even though you two weren't dating, he made sure to get rid of the repulsive shinigami who had asked you out. He would be lying if he said he wasn't possessive of you. Even if it meant eliminating each of them individually, he refused to let them corrupt you given that he knew what they wanted from you.
The lovely moment was cut short before you could respond when he started to pick up the faint sound of footsteps. Which belonged to none other than Hinamori, his lieutenant. "Captain Aizen! The Head Captain has called a meeting with everyone." He paid her no attention as she spoke. You were something heavily more important than that. The attractive man's breathtaking brown eyes fixed upon on your lips before staring back into your eyes, making your cheeks warm up. "Head Captain needs you, S-Sōsuke." You whispered and turned your eyes away as he sighed. "Oh, I see. Once I come back I would like to talk to you about something extremely important. See you until then, my angel." He took your hand from your lap and gave it a brief kiss, startling both Hinamori and you. "O–Okay!"
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ʚɞ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ AS you slept soundly in the king-sized bed, Aizen's finger stroked the bandage covering your forehead. He saw as you unintentionally leaned into his contact as the palm of his hand soothed your cheek, which was stained with dry tears. "I'm sorry, darling. It had to be done." You stirred in your sleep as a result of him kissing your forehead, then you opened those stunning e/c eyes he adored so much. "Sōsuke?" Your eyes widened as you noticed that the man in front of you wasn't the one you had previously seen. As you quickly sat up from the bed and moved away from the man, you nearly fell off. When he saw how you moved away from him, Aizen's gaze saddened. Had Gin struck you so hard that you had forgotten what he looked like? If so, he will pay. "Hello, my beloved. I’m not going to hurt you." He opened his arms up, his eyes softened when you hastily crawled closer to him, arms wrapping around his neck tightly.
"W–Why did you do that Sōsuke? Why did you let Gin hurt Byakyua? Why did you betray Soul Society? What did you take from Rukia? Why did you take me?" He frowned as you questioned him nonstop while tears started to form in your eyes. Even though you were crying, you still managed to look like the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He wiped away the tears with his thumb. "It's because I love you, Y/n. Unfortunately, I had to use force since I knew that if I asked you to come with me, you wouldn't. You didn't deserve to be there or to have that thing's control over you. You weren't deserved by them neither. We are far more superior than them. I am able to provide for you in ways that far exceed your wildest desires. I will give you a throne next to mine when you agree to be my prince. They are unable to provide you with that, unlike me." Your plump bottom lip was stroked by his thumb as he restrained himself from giving you the most passionate kisses.
Your heart began to beat rapidly as your eyes widened. But it was wrong; he was now the enemy and traitor of the Soul Society. But despite how much you wanted to do it, you were unable to punch, swear at, or reject him. He wasn't going to let you go, even if you did. This was the same person that was so kind and gentle with you but quickly took out most all the captains. "Sōsuke, I love you as well. But could you promise me something?" His hands stroked l your cheeks, as you looked into his warm, brown eyes. "Anything, my dove." He said calmly, "I'll keep a promise for you if it means keeping you happy and at peace."
"Please promise to me that you won't harm Byakyua or Rukia. And with no complaints, I'll be your prince." You took his hand into yours and gave it a tight and reassuring squeeze. Aizen mentally groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose; he knew it would go like this. Your heart was going to explode from how much you loved them. He once considered killing them as a result of how frequently you mentioned them. "All right, I promise. I won't harm them. My prince, I assure you." He placed a kiss on your cheek, If he wasn't going to damage them then someone else would do it in his place.
He chuckled as his hand grasped your face to force you to look at him. You gave him an adorable grin and rubbed your nose against his cheek. "You have such gorgeous lips, sweetheart." His eyes swept over your lips before returning to your eyes. His thumb continued to slide across it while he spoke. He pushed his thumb past your lips and into your mouth, causing you to slowly suck on it. Before taking out his thumb, Aizen bit his lip. He couldn't take you at this time. As his hands pulled you onto his lap, he instead smashed his lips against yours. His tongue quickly slipped past your lips as the wet muscle invaded your mouth. When you whimpered and pulled on his collar pleading for more, his hold on your waist grew tighter. He started groping your thighs and ass, followed by forcing you to grind your groin into his while your body started burning up. You uttered yet another string of sinful moans in his mouth as a result of the unfamiliar feeling.
"S–Sōsuke. . ." The man continued to fondle your thighs and ass, often giving it a firm squeeze before kneading it using his hands. Although the sensation was completely foreign to you, it was so good that it left you craving more. Aizen smirked at your dazed state. Those pitiful shinigami who asked you out couldn't possibly have made you feel this way. He gently pushed you down, making you land on the soft cushion. His form now towering over you. "Doesn't it feel good, my dear? They cannot make you feel like this. Only I have the power to make you feel this way." His hands held your thigh while the other held yours as he proceeded to move his hips into yours. "Y–Yes it feels so go–good." You stuttered, your hands fisted into the covers underneath you. He could tell from your reaction that you hadn't had a lot of pleasure beforehand, which was fantastic. Someone like you didn't deserve to be contaminated by those filthy shinigami's; he was going to be the one to bring you a world of pleasure.
"You belong to me, understand?" His gaze darkened as his fingers wrapped around your neck, causing you to nod. "I understand, Sōsuke, I'm not going to run or hide from you." He couldn't believe he fell for an angel like you, you smiled as the glint in his eyes faded. "Thank you; I love you, my darling." Before kissing you, his lips brushed across yours; your lips were so velvety and soft that he couldn't stop kissing them. "I love you too, Sōsuke. Can we cuddle?" You asked sheepishly before glancing away, too shy to look him in the eyes. Aizen laughed at your timidity, "Of course, my darling. We can do whatever you want." He kissed your brow and made you and him trade places, with you now on top of him.
Aizen's eyes softened as you nuzzled your face against his chest before closing your eyes and smiling softly. He massaged your back repeatedly as you drew closer, your face now resting in the crook of his neck. "I'm going to give you the entire world and so much more, my love."
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ʚɞ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ "AH! Nice move Ms. Harribel!" You complimented the woman with brown skin who moved the cheese piece. You'd be lying if you said you didn't love life in Hueco Mundo after Aizen took you from Soul Society. Aizen granted you everything you asked for because he didn't want you to lift a finger when he was close by. He wanted to be the best husband possible for you. Everyone looked at him like he had three heads when he introduced you as his husband. Next to him, you looked like a saint! They thought it was all a bad joke until he asked you to show them the ring he had gotten you. He also threatened to torture and murder them if they did not treat him with the utmost respect. Which you didn't think was necessary, but he believed otherwise.
You had to admit that the Arrancars intimidated you, so you stayed in your room for the majority of the time. Until one of the Espadas, Ulquiorra, arrived with a plate of food in his hand, and because he didn't look as threatening as the others, you struck up a conversation with him. After you finished conversing with him, you invited him over for tea. At first, he declined, saying that Aizen didn't want you around him and he didn't want any friends. But you soothed him by telling him that having at least one friend was fine! You and he have been chatting since then. He'd frequently bow his head and greet you while you did the same.
Since then, you've made friends and gotten along with the majority of the Arrancars, partly because you were polite and cheerful, and also because Aizen threatened all of their lives. "Mr. Y/n. Aizen-Sama needs you." The monotone tone of Ulquiorra's voice made you grin. "Ms. Harribel, I'll see you later. I hope we can play again sometime." You waved goodbye to the woman, who returned your actions. After closing the door, you walked alongside the Espada who had been waiting for you. "I haven't seen you all day, Mr. Cifer; how have you been?" You smiled at the solemn man who bent his head and shrugged his shoulders. "I've been doing fine. So, how about you? Has anyone been causing you problems?" He hummed with his hands in his pockets. When he sees you, he often asks how you are or if somebody is troubling you.
"I'm doing great; would you like to come over later to play a game with me? It's okay if you don't want to." You picked at your fingertips, not wanting to scare the Espada away. "Sure. And you don’t need to be so formal about my name. Just call me Ulquiorra." He nodded his head while you internally squealed and bounced from wall to wall. He said yes! "Okay, I'll see you there!" You waved to the Espada before opening the door to your husband's chamber.
Aizen's eyes softened as he saw you skip through the door, your sparkling grin never leaving your face. "Good day, my dear. What makes you so happy and excited?" He watched as you dashed up the stairs to sit in his lap, aka your throne he mentioned. He placed his arms around your waist as soon as you sat in his lap, his lips kissing your neck before kissing your lips sweetly. "Me and Ulquiorra will be playing a game later! I can't believe he agreed." As Aizen's stare darkened greatly while you kicked your feet back and forth like a child. Game? What game can he play with you? You stopped kicking your feet when you felt something crushing your shoulders and neck, causing you hiss in pain. "S–Sōsuke!" You called out to your husband as he immediately snapped out of his trance. His eyes widened when he saw holding back tears while holding the back of your neck.
"I’m so sorry my darling, I didn’t know." His kissed your shoulders before messaging them, causing you to relax in his hold. This wasn’t the first time his Reiatsu almost knocked the wind out of you. "Is there something wrong? Did I make you upset?" You frowned as he caressed your cheek, each time this happened you would always blame yourself. When in reality it was his fault, he couldn’t stop being possessive over you even if he tried. Every time you bring up another man’s name it happens. "Oh no, I was just being jealous again. None of this is your fault." He kissed your forehead and brought you closer in his grasp, making you nuzzle your cheek into his chest. "There’s nothing to be jealous about, you know I love you and you only. Besides, you were the one who told me to stop being cooped up in the room all day." You laughed and removed your head from his chest to look into his beautiful eyes. Aizen smiled before leaning down to give you a kiss. "You’re right, how silly of me. I love you too, my dear husband." He muttered as he placed a kiss on the back of your hand, the gorgeous purple diamond ring standing out.
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© gloryhrs, 061023. — notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)
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meganslife · 3 months
Pen pals - p. parker (part four)
pairing; TASM! peter parker x fem! reader
read part one, part two, and part three before this!!<3
summary: you land in new york with no difficulties, besides one. you realized that peter was kind of cute, maybe more. maybe sleep would drown your thoughts out?
a/n: hey guys!!! idek how many more parts i’m gonna make. maybe like 3 more. idk. bare with me. i’m kinda just going with the flow. anyway, enjoy reading💗💗
Peter knew that you’d be feeling many things after the flight. Jet-lagged, hungry, tired, and maybe crabby. He tried to prepare the best he could. The 3-hour jump ahead in time for you might take a while to get used to. He had everything waiting back at home.
Peter wanted to be cool and collected. But, he wasn’t. His heart was pounding with worry.
“What if I don’t meet her expectations?”
Peter’s question earns an annoyed glare from May.
“Be serious, Peter,” May lightly smacks his arm, “Y/N flew all this way to come see you. Why would she have any expectations? She clearly likes you for who you are.”
Peter sighs, anxiously waiting by the gate you would come out of any minute now.
“Does she?” Peter asks, “I mean, she doesn’t know I’m–”
May nudges him. “Your girl’s here.”
And there you were.
You had clearly just been sleeping, the squint in your eyes was evidence of that. You had on a basic outfit, athletic shorts, and a baggy T-shirt. You looked even prettier in person, just like he predicted. Peter couldn’t form any words to signify where he was, all he could do was walk toward you, accidentally walking into people in the process.
When you finally notice Peter, he was only a couple of steps away.
You drop everything in your hands, not caring about it going everywhere.
Peter doesn’t even say anything before hugging you. It was a bone-crushing hug.
“You’re real,” Peter says, squeezing you tightly- not planning to let go.
“I’m real,” You sniffle, squeezing him right back.
Peter pulls back slightly, wiping away your tears. “Don’t cry,” He coos, “Happy tears, right?”
You nod, looking up at him. His calloused fingers were on your face, taking in every feature.
“You’re really tall,” You laugh, hugging him again.
Peter kind of wants to cry too. Your perfume, soft hair, and warm skin were so overwhelming. It was a good kind of overwhelming.
“May’s waiting for us,” Peter smiles.
You resort to holding Peter’s hand as you grab your stuff and walk over to May.
May was on the verge of tears too. She hugged you and whispered something in your ear that Peter wished he could hear because whatever she said made you flustered.
“Stop it, May,” You laugh, “He’s literally right here.”
You and May were still hugging. Peter raises an eyebrow at May, to which she shrugs and kisses your cheek.
“Shall we go home now?” Peter asks, interlinking your fingers once again.
“Shall,” You snort, walking off with May. Peter follows close behind, holding your suitcase.
The ride to Peter and May’s place was fascinating to you. Peter could see it written all over your face.
“New York is weird,” You look over at Peter while the three of you are on the train.
“The weirdest,” Peter agreed. “One day I was sw– walking around, and a guy in a huge dinosaur costume approached me and somehow knew my name. It was really strange.”
“Hm,” You nodded, resting your head on Peter’s shoulder.
Peter looked over at May when he saw your eyes close. He smirked, and May smirked right back.
When you all made it back home, Peter showed you around.
“There’s the bathroom- and uh, I got you some stuff,” He says shyly, holding up a little box labeled ‘Y/N’s’. “Toiletries. I didn’t really know what to get, so May tried to help.”
You frown.
“What? I thought I was being chivalric here,” Peter grins.
“Did you actually buy me all of this? This is expensive stuff, Peter.”
He looks away, setting down the box. “You’re not gonna want to see my room.”
“Peter,” You sigh.
“Just– come here,” He grabs you by your wrist and leads you to his room.
Peter opens the door to his room, and you’re met with a lot of things. On his bed, he displayed all of your favorite treats, along with a little teddy bear dressed as the Statue of Liberty.
You look at Peter with wide eyes. He can tell that you’re almost on the verge of tears.
“I would’ve bought more touristy stuff, but I figured you might want to do some yourself…” Peter shrugs, leaning in his doorway. “Come here, bug. You look sad.”
“I’m not sad,” You say, voice barely a whisper as you walk over to him.
Peter hugs your shoulders. “What’s wrong, then?”
You fidget with his hoodie strings. “It’s hard to believe that you’re real.”
“I’m real, I promise,” Peter whispers, kissing your forehead.
Peter was doing everything in his power to not confess his undying love for you right then and there.
Nighttime rolled around quicker than expected. The first day in New York was mostly spent in the house, but you wouldn’t have traded it for anything. You, Peter, and May played Uno. May demolished you both. Peter swore that it was just a lucky day for her. You laughed, replaying Peter’s frustrated groans in your head over and over again-
That’s the other problem. Stupid Peter and his stupid face, voice, and mouth. How dare he be sculpted like a god? How dare he have such a scratchy, soothing voice? It’s quite literally driving you crazy, and you haven’t even been here for a day.
“Are you sure I can take your bed?” You ask, putting on one of Peter’s hoodies.
He gulped. “Yeah! Yeah- it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Can’t have a pretty girl sleeping on that old couch, right?” He kisses your cheek and grabs his backpack. “Sorry I have to go. Night classes are so stupid.”
“It’s okay,” You shrug, “Are you gonna sleep in here?”
“I can if you want me to.”
You nod, “Can you?”
“Of course, lovie. Go lay down, now. It’s late,” Peter guides you to his bed, his hand on the small of your back. He tucks you in, smiling widely. “‘Kay, bye!”
And then he leaves. You cuddle with one of his pillows, and it smelled like him.
You were so fucked.
At around 2 am, you are rudely waken up by something falling loudly and a not-so-whispered curse.
You assume it’s Peter trying to navigate being in the dark after getting home from his class. Wanting to surprise him, you tip-toe down the stairs, and sneak through the living room.
Instead of being met with Peter, you’re met with… Spider-Man?
That can’t be right.
Why is Spider-Man, New York’s hero, digging in May and Peter’s fridge, eating everything he sees?
Your first instinct is to back away. Maybe he thinks this is his house. He doesn’t break into houses, does he?
Then, your foot steps on a creaky floorboard, and Spider-Man looks up from the fridge.
You are met with none other than Peter’s wide, brown eyes staring at you.
— read about me and find my masterlist here :3
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ciaraswritings · 1 year
The Pink Pool
Disclaimer: I do not own DC or their characters, or their settings. This is certainly not canon. Also, putting dye and bubble bath in a pool sounds like a bad idea in real life and you probably should not do it. Indulge in this fictional work instead.
Warnings & Topics: Suggestive themes. 18+.
Word Count: 812 words.
Summary: A short Bruce Wayne x gender neutral!reader fluff, a birthday present to remember, and a pink pool with bubbles. 
Author’s Note: It is not my birthday yet, nor would I like a vacation home for a present in real life, but I thoroughly enjoyed writing this piece. I’m going to try to publish many more summer stories in the near future. I hope you enjoy. 
It was honestly a ridiculous idea. Childish. Unrealistic. But I’d been dreaming of this opportunity my entire life.
The boxes were all unpacked, and we had finished constructing the new bed frame. New white sheets were fitted over the new mattress, new plates had been placed carefully in the new cabinets, the new house was completely ready for new adventures and new love. 
He had bought this new vacation home for my birthday and taken the next two weeks off work, just to spend it with me in the new villa. If I recall his exact words, he had given me the green light to “do whatever you want with the place, it’s yours now,” as he had carried me across the threshold. It really was an incredible home, a luxurious four bedrooms and three bathrooms, rose vines wrapping around the arches, white flowers decorating the shrubbery. Though it was nothing compared to Wayne Manor, I had been just a tad bit hesitant to accept the overwhelming birthday present, considering we had only been together for a few months. And yet…well, even if we didn’t last, at least I had gotten the glorious opportunity to live in such a fairytale house for a little while.
As I made my way to the French doors that opened to the spacious backyard, I smiled at the recent memory of him revealing my birthday surprise and the shock I had felt.
“You want to spend how many weeks here?”
“Just two. You don’t want to?”
“I do, but… come on, Bruce, work will never let me have the days off. Not so soon.”
“Quit your job.”
“Now you’re just being ridiculous.”
I will never forget the smile he gave me with his reply. 
“Maybe I am being ridiculous, but it feels too good to stop.” 
I had not resigned after all, but he had called my workplace, much to my embarrassment. Either way, I was on an unexpected vacation for my birthday, and life couldn’t be better. Bruce had to go back to the office for a few hours to wrap up some unfinished work, but then he would be back, ready to kick off the next two weeks of paradise he had promised me. I was anxiously looking forward to tonight, to spending our first night here together in that lavish bed. But first, I had something else on my mind.
Stepping out into the fading light of dusk, I drummed my fingers against the bottle I was holding. My boyfriend’s go-ahead to do whatever I wanted with the place was fulfilling a dream I had been entertaining since I was thirteen years old. Of course, that was years and years ago, but the thought had always stayed in the back of my mind every time I went swimming in a pool. I just had never had the chance to do it.
My freshly pedicured feet strode towards the rectangular pool, the shimmering blue water accentuated by underwater lights. I picked up the bucket that lay beside the edge of the pool, dipping it into the water to collect the amount I needed, my mind calculating the best way to carry out my plan. Pouring some of the bottle’s product into the bucket, I began to mix the liquid with the pool water. Once combined, I stood, my eyes searching for the location of the jets inside the pool. Locating one, I picked up the bucket and dumped the contents into the pool over the jet. 
An hour had passed since sunset. I had heard the car door slam shut, as well as his dress shoes making their way to where I was relaxing in the pool. My freshly dyed pink pool with bubbly foam floating on portions of the surface. 
I couldn’t help but laugh at the surprise on his face. Raising myself out of the pool, brushing the bubbles off of my swimwear, I wrapped my foamy arms around his neck, pressing myself against him, completely soaking the front of his suit. “Hey, missed you.” 
He was chuckling and shaking his head at me. “I missed you too… and I also missed the memo about a pink bubble bath in our pool. I didn’t really wear the right outfit to this party.” 
I laughed, kissing him before pulling away. “Then go change, I’ll be here.” 
“I know you will,” he winked, before disappearing into the house again. I stepped back into the foamy water, relaxing in the water that lapped against my shoulders and splashed gently on my neck. 
When he returned, appropriately dressed in his own swimming attire, I nearly pulled him headfirst into the pool in my excitement. Finally with my lover, in the pool of my teenage dreams, I was happier than I had been in a long time. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. The kiss we then shared was incredibly blissful, just like I knew this night would be.
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wrixthesley · 2 years
All I’ve Known | Tartaglia
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cw: choking, dubcon, jealousy, heavy breath play, lots of memories, mentions of tighnari, blow job, fellatio, possessive behavior, kinda yandere childe if u squint, friends to idk friends w benefits(?)
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You admired him.
“Ajax” you whisper, his hand finding yours, fingers interlacing.
The way you look up at him reminds him of when he went away for training and came back with no trace of the Ajax you once knew. He still sought after you though, slipping off his gloves so that his bare hands touch and fingers interlace with yours.
“Always your Ajax” he reassures, bringing your hand up to his lips to press a small kiss to the back of your hand.
He thinks that’s when you sealed his fate. It had to be, the very moment you both realized he would be there forever.
“Ajax” your whisper is barely there, his lips ghosting your own just like they were when he had gotten a little too close to comfortable in high school. When he swore that you would be his first kiss, his first and only. It stung when you pulled back, when you looked at him all teary eyed just to tell him you’ve never kissed anyone before.
He’ll teach you.
He’ll be gentle, finger tips grazing your chin while he guides your mouth to his own and captures your lips in a soft kiss.
It’s the first one after all, he can’t act too harsh. He’ll let your tongue slip through first before he deepens the kiss.
You pulled away first, overwhelmed and embarrassed when a string of salive was collected the two of you.
“Ajax” your voice is weaker this time, it sounds like you might cry.
You’re pretty when you cry, he noticed that when fat tears were spilling down your cheeks when you told him that you were leaving to study in Sumeru. He doesn’t mention the Fatui to you, knowing that he’ll be back just in time to greet you as if he never left.
He’d read every letter you sent him and saved the numerous flowers dried and pressed in between each fold.
When you came home and finally met up with him you talked about every experience you had. How your mentor was harsh but meant well, how he could hear your foot steps from far away and knew when you were coming before you announced yourself.
Tighnari you mention his name and Ajax feels the pit of jealousy plant itself in his gut rooting itself down to his very core because one season away from him and suddenly you glow differently especially when you mention Tighnari’s name and how smart he is.
“He’s amazing at what he does.” You shine when you smile at him, showing him the notes you’ve taken while away. His gaze darkens when you go back to the book you were showing him, suddenly he wonders what else you delved into while in Sumeru.
“Ajax” you slur, one night stumbling into his arms when your friends had called him to tell him to pick you up. You had a few too many and there’s no way any of them could lift you up and carry you home.
He doesn’t reply when you tell him you’re sorry. You’re stumbling and holding on to him for balance even though he’s practically dragging you into the bathroom to sober up.
You wrap your arms around him, hands playfully carding through his hair. “Always my Ajax” you whisper, tongue thick and heavy.
“Wanna thank you.” You say, pressing a sticky kiss to his cheek and his jaw.
He doesn’t stop you when your hands travel to his belt, doesn’t pull away when you’re pulling him into a heated make out session. Instead he guides your own hands to wrap around his hardening cock. Watches how you practically sober up at his length and girth before you mutter “I don’t know-“
“I’ll show you.”
He’s full of praises when you’re down on your knees, even when you’re worried that your skirt might ride up your thighs, he loves when you stick your tongue out allowing him to slap his dick on it.
He nearly cums when you take his length into your hot mouth and begin to bob your head up and down. He tells you when to hollow your cheeks, when to relax your throat, and how to breathe through your nose.
He loves the stupid look on your face when you look up at him for mercy as if you didn’t put yourself in this position to begin with. His hands are placed on each side of your head and you can’t breathe with the new pace he sets. He’s fucking your skull, doesn’t care that your nails are digging into his thigh or that you’re crying real tears this time.
He’s shown you through all your firsts, he’ll always be the shadow that lingers in your mind if you ever try to do this with anyone else. He wants to ruin you for anyone else, only wants you to think of him and only him.
He recalls your first kiss together how shy you had gotten when a string of saliva was connecting you both together, it’s the same now when he finally lets you off his cock.
You’re inhaling gulps of air, lips covered in spit and his precum while still connected to him through the same, fragile string of your salive.
“Hey, I’m all you’ve known right?” He asks, the toe of his shoe coming to press against your clothed cunt.
“I’m all you’re ever gonna know.”
He’s pick you up, your head is spinning and the coolness of the counter meets your bare thighs when Ajax pushes your skirt to bunch up at your waist.
“Be good for me.” He says before pressing a sweet kiss to your temple. “Wanna try something?”
His hand wraps around your throat, squeezing the sides a little, watching how your hands weekly squeeze around his wrist. You’re saying his name over and over again, the look in your eyes isn’t the same as when you talk about Tighnari, but this look is only for him.
“God, just be good for me and take it.” He breathes, kissing your lips when he lines himself up at your entrance.
“Good girl, fuck- you’re so tight.” He’s sheathing himself in, hips rocking slowly allowing you the mercy of adjusting to his length. The greedier he gets the more he speeds up, the rougher he gets.
“So tight, so fucking tight. It’s so fucking hot” he pants, rocking and allowing his weight to guide him in and out of your walls. His grip is harder and harder and it’s pulling him back to the reality that you’re really under him, that you really can’t breathe and your vision is getting spotty.
“Sorry, shit- you’re so good. sorry just a little bit longer” his brows are furrowed, head tipping back and basking in the heat of your pussy.
“Keep sucking me in, fuck fuck fuck” his pace is sloppier, his lips against yours are needy and you’re scratching at his arm now.
You feel his release inside of you, hot thick ropes of cum as his arm and weight come off your throat making you cough and sputter.
He’s holding you close, rubbing your back as a consolation for what you just endured.
“You’re all I’ve ever known,” he whispers, “always your Ajax forever.”
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br0ught2l1fe · 7 months
Headcanons on what Tim & Brian [marblehornets] would be like h!gh on their own
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a/n: this post is sfw. this post only contains the characters tim wright and brian haight. if you’d like to see anymore characters you can check out my other post here or you can request someone in my dms.
TW- smoking & weed
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Tim ▹
- not really into it if we’re being honest
- “having a cigarette is better”
- the only time he smokes weed is when he really can’t sleep or just feels overwhelmed and needs something to knock him out
- he can’t roll because he never smokes anything but joints
- will have an edible sometimes
- brian would definitely teach him how to roll if he asked though
- usually will stand outside and smoke
- once he’s finished he goes to his room and reads a book
- give him 30 minutes to an hour and he’ll be out cold
- even if he wanted to keep himself awake while high, he would not be able to fight the sleepiness fighting behind his eyes
- does not enjoy smoking in a group or with other people (besides brian)
- it just kinda irritates him to be around people while high, not to mention the minor anxiety that slowly kicks in
- so yea he doesn’t smoke much but when he does, it’s usually mostly for medical reasons
Brian ▹
- you might not think he is, but he is definitely a pothead
- this man knows how to ROLL. he places second place next to ben as first
- will use anything from edibles to bongs to pipes to blunts i mean anything
- has made his own bong once when his other one broke as a placeholder
- started smoking to help keep him relaxed but bro started to love it a little too much. cause now he gets high every night
- and sometimes the morning before a shower
- his clothes may smell fine but trust that his room smells strongly of weed
- when he gets high he usually just chills, watches a show, or doodles mini comics (i hc he’s a comic lover)
- please don’t put him, ben, and toby in the same room when they are high unless you want the place to burn down
- depending on who he is with he can either be super chill and relaxed or extremely chaotic
- basically matches peoples vibes when he’s high which is why many of the creeps love to smoke with him
- basically he’s apart of everyones dream blunt rotation
- loves to get high before a shower or before a nightly walk
- big pipe collection
a/n: remember if you want to request anything or see a certain character, dm my account
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witchthewriter · 2 months
⁺₊‧₊⁺‧₊⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐄! ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ⁺‧⁺‧
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I've been on this site for a while now, so I thought I would tell you all who Witch the Writer really is 🧙🏻‍♀️🔮🪄
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𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒅𝒐 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆?
Writing has always been part of my life. It was the thing that I was good at. Always in the top English class at school - whenever I couldn't get high marks in English; it really tore down my confidence.
But what really generated my love for writing was fanfiction. That's what kept me going in the hardest time of my life. Especially custom made fanfics with a character that I was shipped with.
And I just want to give back to people who may be in that state of mind. Who feel like they can't talk about their interests to other people because they feel awkward or weird (btw you aren't. you're allowed to like what you like. as long as it doesn't hurt you or others.)
Reading, writing, collecting rings, journaling, tarot. I'm also collecting as many books as I can because I want to have my own library where people can take whichever book they wish.
I also have hyperfixiations due to my autism; so I'll go in hard when something peaks my interest...
Chaotic Good
Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, Aries Rising, Pisces Venus
I'm a passionate person and have strong opinions. I will always stand up for what I believe in, no matter how scared I feel. That usually ends up with me being labelled, 'the loud-mouthed man-hating feminist'. But I believe in progression and equality, so if that's what I get called, so be it!
To sum myself up:
Easily overwhelmed (the autism)
Very sympathetic/empathetic
Open-minded & Progressive
Love to laugh and make others laugh too
Sensitive and have a very strong sense of intuition
I love cottagecore, I'm very witchy but also a little grunge and gothic at the same time.
Learning - especially witchcraft, watching tv, day-dreaming, listening and discovering new music, I love being at home, writing and then taking a reading break. I adore baths and constantly buy items from Lush.
(other than the usual injustices of sexism, racism, and homophobia), I strongly dislike spiders and will scream whenever I see one. I don't like close-minded people, or those who make fun of others. I hate passive-aggressiveness, large crowds and loud sudden noises.
𝑳𝒊𝒍 𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆
Have shaved my head. Asked my stepdad for his clippers and went into the bathroom and ...hacked at my hair. It was very liberating, I think every woman should do it at least once in her lifetime
I adore animals - I have 2 cats and dog!
Bought a tattoo gun from the internet and I tattoo myself. I do the majority of my own piercings as well. I like to learn how to do things like that. I've kinda learned how to do hair and do mine, my mum's and my nunna's.
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"Take A Rest"
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Summary: Even for an Adepti, with Adeptal energy isn’t always easy. - Reader falls suddenly ill due to their own Adeptal energy when they visit Cloud Retainer on Mt Aocang. Luckily Shenhe is there to watch over them as Retainer collects medication. Note: CH9 of Fate’s Destiny is still being worked on, dw. I just need to copium my way though my health problems, so give me this moment to write a little self indulgent fic–
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“One decides you must visit Rex Lapis once more.” 
Cloud Retainer’s voice is filled with concern. If Ganyu had stayed behind on Mt. Aocang for a moment longer, you’re certain that Retainer would’ve ordered her to take you back to Liyue once more.
Your chest heaves up and down. You’re trying to get more air into your lungs but your body seems to collapse on you. From head to toe your body is flaring, so hot that you’d jump into the lake located in front of Cloud Retainer’s domain if you could walk over there. But alas, you are stuck leaning your weight on one knee as the other leg tries to keep you upright. 
“Hmpf. One shall now allow you to fall into a deep slumber once more.” Cloud Retainer’s voice borders an annoyed tone, but you know she means well. “Were you foolish enough to forget your medicine once again?”
White spots in your vision makes your vision blurry when you look up at the Adepti. 
“I’m fine.” You force the words out of your mouth as you hold up a hand, signing her to give you a moment. 
Sure, it might feel like you’re about to faint any moment, but that’s what it feels like every time this happens. And around half of the time you’re alright. 
“Nonsense.” Retainer mutters to herself for a moment. 
If on cue, a cold but welcoming hand makes its way onto your back. “Y/n?”
“I’m fine.” You repeat for Shenhe. “You shouldn’t be near me. This energy is harmful.” 
“One can see that.” Retainer snarls back.
You lift your body up from the ground, grateful when Shenhe supports you. Cloud Retainer who you’ve known for many years gives you a doubtful look.
“Your determination is admired, but One shall not watch you suffer for longer. Shenhe–” Retainer cuts her message short. 
Without any words needed the white haired woman next to you deciphers Retainer’s message. 
“Understood, master.” 
Instantaneously after Shenhe answers, the Adepti takes off. You hear her wings flutter a few times before it fades in together with the sound of the wind. 
Mt. Aocang is serene and quiet for a while. 
No words are exchanged amongst you and Shenhe as she leads you towards Cloud Retainer’s domain. 
Between the sounds of your own heartbeat drumming against your ear and your own heavy breathing, you hear birds tweet in the far distance.
Once shielded away from the sun Shenhe supports your weight until you’re fully sitting down in the shade with your back leaning against the entrance of Retainer’s domain. 
“Thank you.” you’re somehow able to get the words out of your mouth.
Shenhe turns her head around to face you, “Don’t worry. I ask for nothing in return. You can rest.”
You lift one of your knees to your chest whilst the other rests on the ground. Perhaps this was the aftermath you deserve for surviving the Archon war as one of the remaining Adepti. Either way, you’d carry this burden alone while you’d continue to protect Liyue and it’s citizens.
But somehow… you feel internally conflicted. 
‘Is this what dying feels like?’ 
The warmth flowing through your body was previously overwhelming, but you no longer pay it any mind. It feels… comfortable. Your headache too seems to dull and replace itself with a welcoming exhaustion. 
For a moment you close your eyes.
“You mustn't fall asleep.”
Shenhe is crouching in front of you. Two thicker strands of hair frame her face. Ice cold eyes carefully inspect your face from a safe distance, knowing you’d otherwise scold her for coming too close in contact with your unstable Adepti energy. 
“I’m not sleeping.” You mutter out. 
Your body continues to ache, and despite your best efforts, you think she knows. But despite this, Shenhe makes no attempts to cheer you up. Instead, she sits down in front of the other wall facing you. 
Compared to your exhausted form she sits elegantly, peacefully. 
As a fellow Adepti, one having lived as long as Cloud Retainer, you know the Shenhe quite well. And perhaps you’ve forgotten that she too must know you better than you’d like to admit.
“Do you remember the first time I met you?” You prompt seemingly out of nowhere. “You were still young, barely started with training and you were already going into a hillicurl camp without plan. If I hadn’t passed by you would’ve–” Your throat tightens up for a moment. You cough.”-died.”
“I would’ve defeated the camp.” Shenhe defends.
You breathe in deeply, having just recovered from a coughing fit. “Perhaps, but you wouldn’t have been able to return to Mt. Aocang with your previous stamina regardless of defeating the camp or not.”
Shenhe stays silent. Her eyes continue to gaze into yours. She doesn’t seem to mind your lecture at all. 
“You’ve grown strong, Shenhe.”
Ice cold eyes continue to stare blankly ahead.
“Take a rest, y/n.” her voice is indifferent, but you could’ve sworn you saw worry flash by in her eyes. 
“Adepti have no need for your worries.” You joke.
“So I’ve been told.” Shenhe replies in an indifferent way.
While it might go unnoticed to anyone unacquainted with Shenhe, you see her effort to keep you accompanied whilst also respecting your boundaries. Perhaps it was because you accept her in a similar way to how Retainer accepts her. Maybe it was because she pitied you. Either way, her efforts were seen. 
She now gazes out of the entrance to the domain and towards the top of Mt. Aocang. White hair blows backwards with the wind. She’s undoubtedly watching over Cloud Retainer’s domain for as long as the Adepti remains absent.
As time passes by slower for Adepti than humans, you’ve failed to recognise her growth. 
Within a blink of an eye she’d become an formidable opponent and a beautiful woman.
You sigh deeply and close your eyes whilst keeping yourself conscious.
Somehow you’re able to carry the pain on your shoulders with a little more ease.
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feyspeaker · 5 months
Picked up two prints! (And a sticker!)
Just so you know, I would legit pay for, like, a collection of your prints in a size somewhere between the mini and 11x14.
Like, I just want to put a *bunch* of them in a binder and just look at it sometimes lol
thank you so so much!!!! ;A; I have considered other sizes, but I live in a tiny place and my printing room is already full of too many sizes of paper/mailers/tubes/etc for what I do offer. I will keep it in mind but the sizes I have now are probably going to be pretty set for now.
About to go off on a tangent, so apologies for hijacking your sweet ask.
honestly this is still so crazy to me, thank you. I have been illustrating for years and years now, but really only found proper footing this year after taking a huge break from commissions and just hammering in what I really want to do with my life.
I've always preferred rendered painting but I felt like the market was so saturated and that I'd never be able to make a living doing it. Many of my older followers will know that for a couple of years I was really on this digital watercolor kick, doing more stylized work. It was extremely grueling despite being faster, bc I forced myself to work entirely on 1 layer with no eraser. It was faster for me to do and felt more "lucrative" as far as timeliness, but I was not very happy doing it, and did a lot of rendered painting studies in my free time, it was basically my "fun time" where I was doing one style for work and a totally different one for private pieces. Literally, I would be painting realistic block of cheese as my downtime.
I was so convinced that stylized stuff was what people wanted, and I have had boxes and boxes of prints I've bought and thrown away because they didn't sell.
Now that I am doing the kind of art my heart wants to do, I am so much happier and completely overwhelmed by how there are actually people who want to art I make for myself on their walls.
This is probably coming off so random but I've been thinking about it a lot, it really is true that you HAVE to paint what makes you happy. If you try to box yourself in to what seems the more "marketable" I promise you are going to be miserable. (Never stop challenging yourself, though. seriously.)
I have never been happier about the art I have created in the last 6 or so years of doing this professionally than I am now that I just said "fuck it, I am tired of painting anime-ish stylized stuff because that's what's in." It's like I've been forcing myself to jam a square block into a circle shaped hole for years. Not to mention that doing line art on literally over a thousand pieces (yes, I've counted, absolutely insane; comic artists please take care of yourselves) for years has well and truly fucked my hand up permanently, I fear.
Other artists, please listen to that little creature in your brain that's telling you it doesn't like painting anime girls or cats or thick chunky line art because that's what you think is popular. If painting nothing but hyperrealistic swords is where you heart is happiest, just do it and stop forcing yourself because I promise there are thousands of people out there who want to see your swords. Just make sure to throw in some jewels or filigree or whatever every once in a while to keep yourself challenged.
Sorry again for hijacking your message, I just am regularly blown away that somehow people actually like my art now that I like it. (Not that my older pieces are regrets btw, I think every single thing you paint no matter the style is worth its figurative weight in gold)
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lisbeth-kk · 1 year
I can't believe it's over. 31 days. 31 fics. Such a joy to do. Challenging, but worth every minute. Thanks so much to @notjustamumj and @calaisreno for the prompts.
Alone isn't the answer
Sherlock didn’t believe Mycroft in the beginning. Giving his little brother advice on how to interact with other people, or rather avoid contact altogether if possible.
Sentiment is never an advantage.
The mantra of Sherlock’s childhood, which followed him into his adult life.
Sherlock found it hard to live by for many years. People intrigued him. They were a puzzle to solve. Why they acted the way they did in different situations. How they expressed their feelings, good and bad. What motives they had for lying, deceiving, stealing, murdering, caring, loving. It was fascinating to study, but in order to do so, he had to interact with them. Lacking the ability to do that in a sociable acceptable manner, led to another rule he’d invented himself.
Alone protects me.
In particular after having neglected Mycroft’s advice. Because Sherlock fell in love. He didn’t mean to, and he fought it, but he lacked Mycroft’s self-control when it came to feelings. Sherlock felt too much, and he failed to observe. 
Sherlock almost lost it when Mark showed interest in him. Asked him about his chemistry class, his experiments, his deductions. Sherlock was flabbergasted. Someone other than the professors and occasionally his family, was interested in his work, and later on, in him as a person. Mark never called him freak, but sensational and phenomenal. Seen in hindsight it was all a bit too much, and Sherlock should’ve known better.
Even now, he cringes thinking back on that night he pledged his love for Mark. They were alone in the gymnasium, or so Sherlock thought. Once the words were out of his mouth and he tried to pull Mark in for a kiss, the lights came on and a crowd of fellow students cheered and whistled.
“You did it Mark! Made the Freak say the words. Well done!”
Sherlock wanted to die. His face blushed, tears threatened to fall, his stomach and chest ached. He fled, didn’t even bother fetching his things. The next he remembered was Mycroft collecting him from the drug den he’d ended up in.
Sherlock didn’t make the same mistake again. Out on cases he was superior and couldn’t care less if he hurt someone’s feelings while he spat out deductions a mile a minute. He was a fraction more patient when interviewing witnesses, but that was all. Sherlock felt the hate and disdain from the Yard’s finest, but he didn’t care. His armour was thick and solid.
And then sunshine entered his life. John Hamish Watson. Sherlock felt like he’d known John for years when he handed him his phone that very first day at Bart’s. A man several people dismissed as boring and weak. John was neither. He was a marvel. An enigma Sherlock was sure he’d never solve if he lived to be a hundred years.
Sherlock was almost giddy when he brought John along to their first crime scene. Not showing it obviously. His façade was as imperious as ever, answering, “He’s with me!”, whenever someone dared asking who the hell John was and why he was there. 
Examining the dead woman, John showed that he was adept and useful, just as Sherlock had assumed. What almost knocked Sherlock over mentally, was John’s praise when Sherlock started his deductions. It was nothing like Mark’s exaggerations. To Sherlock’s ear, each word was sincere, and when he looked John in the eyes he saw true admiration. His face was like an open book. Sherlock knew John wasn’t lying and it overwhelmed him. He didn’t know how to address all the feelings surging through him. That’s the reason he left John at the crime scene. He needed to think, and again a man made him lose his bearings. Failing to bring Mycroft into the equation. Of course he’d already observed what was going on with his little brother. But John stood his ground, not the least bit intimidated by the British Government. 
Then John shot Jeff Hope to save Sherlock’s life, and his world changed forever. Seeing John standing there all innocent looking while Sherlock deduced the killer to Lestrade, opened his eyes. Giggling together afterwards was such a new experience to Sherlock. He felt invincible with John by his side. They could conquer all.
Bit by bit, Sherlock’s armour dematerialised. John kept him right, was his conductor of light, the love of his life, his entire world. He never had to fake anything with John. John made Sherlock promise after his encounter with Mycroft. No lies. No hiding. No shamming. Only honesty. Sherlock had thought he would fail, but John made it all easy. John also taught him that alone protects no one.
As Mrs. Hudson presumed, there wasn’t much need for the upstairs bedroom. Before the Banker case, which still was Sherlock’s favourite because of John’s (in)appropriate behaviour against Sebastian Wilkes, they became lovers. 
On their wedding night some years later, they made another promise. When the day comes, whether there’s illness, an accident or other circumstances leading to demise for one of them, the other will follow. Neither can live without the other. They’ve done everything together. Even death can’t prevent them from continuing that.
And there it is. The very last one. Thank you all for reading and cheering during the month <3
All the fics can be found here:
@totallysilvergirl @missdeliadili @peanitbear @raina-at @topsyturvy-turtely @keirgreeneyes @meetinginsamarra @catlock-holmes @gaylilsherlock
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macabremuscle · 2 years
Pegging the Slashers (and Friends)
Exactly what you think it is. I can't tag you but to my challenger, you know you are. This for you mwah ❤️
Ok now do I REALLY think half these guys would take the strap? No. And that's ok because we care about consent here. But, for the sake of making things fun, let's just say everyone on this list is willing to say yes!
This ended up just being some HCs because with so many characters it's just a super long post. But if you want a separate drabble with a specific character, please drop an ask and I'll happily flesh that out
This is very spicy content below so shoo kids
Jesse Cromeans:
He won't want it frequently but occasionally if he's feeling soft or it's a special day, he'll agree to it
You wouldn't think so the way he'll absolutely love it. Definitely not a pillow princess, he's rocking his hips to meet your thrusts every time
There's no quickies with this guy. If you're gonna fuck him he wants a thorough job of it. Will make you stop moving just so he can edge himself and last longer. Now's the time to tease him since he normally doesn't let you get away with it when the roles are reversed
Erik Destler:
Probably also likes dildos on the larger side too as a big guy himself. We all know he's got a sex dungeon full of toys.
Every day is a sexy adventure for you two. But you doing this is still a little rare because he isn't naturally a sub. He's happy to do this on occasion for you though, and he loves how it feels
Oh good lord he's flustered once you explain it to him. You can't tell me this man ain't a virgin and I guarantee his idea of sex is very soft sweet and vanilla (which is valid!)
He's not opposed per se but he wants to think it over a bit and once you reassure him you'll take care of him, he accepts. It's going to be just as romantic as when he takes you. Candles and rose petals, the works. He wants to feel loved too after all and you always do such a good job making him feel it. This is new territory but he sees it as a chance for him to see what it's like for you
This man is your pillow princess. The sensations are foreign but overwhelming in the best possible way and he's stunned into being unable to do anything but moan. He's so damn sensitive you'll probably be able to pull quite a few orgasms out of him
He'll be very open to doing this again if he's being completely honest
Asa Emory:
Oh geez getting him to say yes is... Not gonna be easy. Not because he's got any issues with it. He just is a control freak and giving you that much power goes against his nature
He'll agree as a reward but it will be something pretty big so you better be on your best behavior
Still tops. Sorry but you're not bending him over anything. He'll take the strap on his terms darling. You lay there and look pretty while he bounces on your silicone cock
It's still a wonderful sight to behokd, seeing his collected exterior slowly crumble as he loses himself to pleasure. He might allow you to grip his hips and thrust into him but if he's not ready for that he'll grip you by the throat and push you down into the bed as a warning
You might get this a handful of times in your life so enjoy it while you can
Pamper him all you want baby. He'll be a little nervous at first because he's a virgin but it's sex with you and you've told him so much about how good he's gonna feel, he's very accepting and excited too
Brahms Heelshire:
Doesn't want any of that bdsm kinky stuff. Very intimate loving and tender sex for him thank you. He still wants all the praises and kisses as you rock his world
Now's the time to encourage his mommy kink to come out. He'll be embarrassed about it but it's not gonna stop him
Anytime he wants to get pegged he'll come find you and shyly ask you to do it. It's a little jarring when he's in those moods because it's such a 180 from his other mood of wanting to toss you on the bed and go to pound town
Karl Heisenberg:
Surprisingly readily agrees. What? You thought Mr Mad Scientist who lives in a factory alone in a secluded village hasn't ever gotten horny and put something up his ass? Please
He loves to tease however so you'll have to earn it. Wants you to be a little rough in a playful way so he'll only fight back a tiny bit before you pin him and he relents you as the victor.
I think he'd want to try some wild stuff like weird positions or wild dildos. Absolutely a bad dragon kinda guy. Hell go the full nine yards and tie him up. He's down for a little pain play. Love hate relationship with overstimulation. Honestly give yourself a treat and bind him up with a vibrator in his ass
You do this kinda thing like once a week he loves it
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas.exe is officially broken. You've killed his brain. All he can do is turn red and stare at you. To be honest he may not know what pegging was until you explain it and it blows his mind
He's actually ok with it once the shock wears off. He has his moments of dominating you but as a switch he's always enjoyed you taking the reigns. So you domming him is no issue at all
You'll have to make sure the house is empty or go to some secluded part of the farm out of earshot. He's surprisingly loud for a man who doesn't speak. He can't help it. He's never felt this way before and it's so incredibly sexy of you
Not frequently getting pegged though simply because if his family found out he'd never hear the end of it. It's rare but it's always a treat
Pyramid Head:
Curious head tilt
He doesn't know what that is at all. You're gonna have to sit him down and give the full in depth lesson. This information is gonna blow his mind
Similar to Asa he'll be slightly adverse to it solely because he's never been one to give up control. He loves you but it's in his nature to struggle with being gentle and submissive. He'll really have to think it over and control some instincts to do this. But he's willing to try for you dearest.
Takes a little while to get used to it but once he does, he really enjoys the sensation. It's new to him but anything that brings pleasure will win him over. You don't get total control though. He's stroking himself the entire time and if you're moving too slow, he has no issue with grabbing your hips and moving you at the pace he wants. He's strong enough to do it with ease
Won't do it a whole lot but if you tease him for a while and get him worked up, he might be swayed again
Michael Myers:
One of the Slashers I think you'd have the least chance of convincing to do this let's be honest. This is gonna be a long term process. If he knows what it is, he'll refuse the first time you bring it up. He'll refuse it after you explain it if he isn't familiar
You don't beg or try to manipulate him into it but through the process of education and encouragement, he does get curious despite himself. Finally one day you'll come upstairs to find him holding out a strap to you, wordlessly telling you he's agreeing finally
You wouldn't think he'd be a pillow princess but... Yeah. He just kinda lays there. You spent so damn long asking him for this, you get to do all the work now. He always puts 100% effort into fucking you and often pins you in such a way it's hard for you to actually participate in anything besides taking his dick. So he thinks it's only fair. You want to peg him? Better peg him good then.
This might be a one off situation but from now on, you won't get your hand chopped off if you slip a finger in his butt
Bo Sinclair:
Oh yes Mr Alpha Male here is going to give you a hard time. Even if you're already a kinky person he'll be taken aback a bit by the request. But he'll eventually make it a game just to get to admit how bad you wanna do it. He loves hearing how desperate you are him
He comes to terms with the concept fairly early but won't let it on to you. It's a control thing for him too. So he'll make it a birthday surprise or something
Another who is still gonna top. But watching Bo ride is a reward all on its own. Especially if he's had a few beers or whiskey? He's really gonna make a show of it. God if only he'd let you take some pictures its drool worthy.
Thoroughly enjoys himself but wont let you have that much power too often. Offer him something he wants in return however and you have a 50/50 chance of him relenting
Lester Sinclair:
Is a bit shocked at first depending on your personality. If you're usually a sweet and soft person he's gonna have some mental whiplash over it
I HC that Lester is kind of a secret kinky kinda guy so after his shock is gone he's ready. Would probably want to go to a store and pick the toy out with you. He'd be bashful about it but definitely not ashamed
Likes things light hearted and fun so he's not gonna go for the BDSM level stuff. He can't get into it and he's probably laugh at the awkward roleplay you both attempt anyway. He wants it to be something you both enjoy. But you can absolutely pull his hair and maybe just maybe he'd like you to spit in his mouth
He doesn't turn it into a habit but if you can get him into the right mood he'll be happy to do it
Vincent Sinclair:
Blushy boy alert. You'll be worried you turned him off it completely with the way he excuses himself from the conversation so quickly
He's a switch but when he subs he SUBS. So he's excited to try this with you. Dominate him completely. Put his legs on your shoulders and make him beg for your cock. Loves it if you start slow but build up to a fast pace. On the flip side however, lazy sleepy pegging? Sign him the fuck up. Make him ride you though, he's too pretty to not enjoy that view
You both have a safe word in place but he'll be thrown for a loop if you suddenly take him roughly when he's getting close. Shove his head into the pillows and grab his hips for leverage? He's gonna cum in seconds. Bo won't look him in the eyes for a week after hearing those moans echoing out of Vincent's studio
Not interested in doing this all the time but yeah this won't be out of the norm for you guys
Jason Voorhees:
This is gonna be tricky. You know how he is about sex. It took him a long time to be ok with doing anything with you. But even then, most of that's pretty tame stuff. He's never brought up anything kinky on his own. You're sure he knows about it from things he's seen but he just never seemed interested in doing it with you
Explain it as you want to make him feel as good as he makes you feel. He's able to embrace it in that light. He's still a bit nervous though but he trusts you'll take care of him
You'll definitely need to go slow with him. Start with fingering him a couple times. Maybe rimming if you're into that. A few sessions for him to get acclimated to being touched there. You'll need to go slow for the big event as well because as happy as he is to try this, he's gonna be so nervous he'll be tense and stiff as a board. Give him a little bit. He'll let you know when he's ready for you to move
Is surprised by his own orgasm and upon reflection, he did enjoy himself. But I don't think this would be a super frequent thing between you two. But if you suggest it he'll probably oblige
Harry Warden: 
He's kinda offended at first because he takes it as a challenge to his being the dominant one. Hes got an ego. Talk it out and explain it's FOR his benefit mostly anyway. He needs time but once you plant that seed in his brain he's not going to be able to drop it
He'll approach you one day and huff out that he's ready. You can see the slight blush on his cheeks and he won't meet your gaze but he's already tenting his coveralls thinking about it so you know he wants it
He's gonna view it as a task at first. Won't be super receptive to any teasing or pillow talk. He's literally just focusing on not tensing up and breathing deeply. If you ask him if he wants to stop he'll shock you by rather aggressively telling you to keep going
Once you get going at a slow but steady pace he truly relaxes. The way he's feeling overrides the last of his nerves and despite himself he's truly able to melt into the moment. Now you can love on him and tease him a bit (but don't do too much)
He'll act indifferent about it whenever you try to discuss it but once in a blue moon he'll wordlessly approach you holding the strap, silently begging you to indulge him
Is already face down, ass up, cheeks spread for you. I will die on the hill that female yautja are more aggressive and bigger than the males and probably dominant the hell out of them every mating season. And you cannot tell me that doesn't lead to some hardcore pegging. You can try to argue otherwise but I know I'm right
Honestly probably knows more about it than you do which is actually quite helpful because he can tell you what he likes before you even start
He'll be beyond thrilled if you're rough with him. Pull his dreads, sink you teeth into his skin. If the both of you aren't marked up and bleeding by the end of it, was it any good? However, you can throw him a curve ball and give him the strap all slow and sensual. That might set him off more than the normal rough sex to be honest
Yeah this is a fairly regular thing for you both
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steddiecameraroll · 1 month
WIP Weekend
Here's some more of that hoarding fic that was sitting in my WIP folder for 8 months. Yes I've got multiple WIPs happening. What's it to you? Sorry, I'm getting defensive because it feels like they're haunting me.
Surrounded Myself with your Ghost
“Ohhh my god,” Robin’s hand covers her mouth as she looks around Steve’s house.
Steve sees Sam nudge the woman, who tries to pull it together quickly.
“I know,” Steve sighs. He hasn’t felt this much shame in decades.
“What happened?”
“I just- I don’t know,” and it’s true he doesn’t know.
It was never like this until Eddie got sick. When Eddie was moved into their bedroom, Steve felt like he needed to collect every piece of Corroded Coffin memorabilia that existed. He wanted to make sure Eddie got to see how much he’d changed the world and how important his music had been to his fans. He wanted his last remaining time on this earth to be surrounded by as much love as possible.
But it didn’t stop once Eddie was gone.
Eventually, Steve started buying things he knew Eddie would’ve loved, such as paintings by artists Eddie had mentioned over the years or guitars he’d always wanted to own. Then Steve started to find things that reminded him of their relationship from the early years. He’d bought a couch that looked exactly like the one they owned at their first apartment and pushed into his already overflowing office.
He could’ve put it in their bedroom but hadn’t stepped foot in there since Eddie passed. It looked exactly the same as it had on the day Eddie took his last breath, on the day that the nurse who had been taking care of him came out to tell Steve that he was gone. Steve had only left to refill Eddie’s water pitcher, but in those few minutes, he missed his husband’s last breath.
The nurse tried to reassure him that many patients ‘wait’ until their family members are gone to let go. They don’t want to hurt their loved ones, so they hold on just long enough until they feel like it’s ok to finally say goodbye. However, the explanation didn’t help to absolve Steve of his overwhelming guilt.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Robin’s voice sounds more accusatory than Steve is sure she means.
“It’s embarrassing,” he shrugs.
“Shit,” she moves, and suddenly Steve feels her arms wrap around him. “I’m sorry. I miss him too, you know? We’ll go through it all. I’m here to help.”
“There’s-“ Steve clears his throat, trying to stop the tears building. “There’s something I need to tell you both.”
“What?” Sam rubs her hand across her dad’s shoulder while he keeps Robin close.
“I-I can’t find him.” His stomach churns after he admits what he’s feared to say out loud for years.
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riseofamoonycake · 11 months
Dreams of Days, Whispers of Nights ☀️🌕 Afternoon ⁓ Fire
🔥Characters: Ares; Kojiro Sasaki
🔥Pairing: Ares x Priestess!reader
🔥Warnings: mention of death, hurt/comfort
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Ares knows he shouldn’t do it, and that Death is mourning beside him.
It isn’t a joke of the shadows dancing on the walls, thrown and immediately captured by the sacred flames that move in circles in the braziers: his hands tremble slightly as they caress your face and you, instead of running away from him and saving yourself, keep them pressed firmly on your cheeks and give him even more tenderness.
A splendid afternoon envelops the city of Rome: it is a winter day that already smells of spring, far too warm and calm, which gets dark as soon as it crosses the threshold of this tall, austere and cold temple where girls almost never get what they hope for and dream of; and just like that time, centuries before, he couldn’t resist the sweet smile and bright eyes of those who found themselves there in spite of him. Different name, different figure: same heart, and that burning feeling that condemns those who should forget desires, impulses and carnal caresses. And he… he can’t take it anymore. And so do you.
«You are shaking from head to toe, my lord. What is happening?» Your hands are delicate as they deprive the god of the helmet and immediately rest on his cheeks, caress his blond hair or trace the shape of his eyes; Ares wants to speak and ask you to stop, he doesn’t care if he is the one to beg and pray if that means saving you… but he can’t open his mouth, the lips glued together and the tongue tied by that (e/c) gaze that venerates every part of him, running over his figure with immense devotion. You are not stupid at all, you know what he is thinking: you understand that he is seeing Rhea Silvia🌼 in you, and everything that happened when that unfortunate girl listened to love and didn’t forget that she was human.
«We can’t go on…» Ares murmurs to you, the powerful Lord of War who has given meaning to your existence, while the more he would like to break away from you the more he leans towards your face, and in the end it is he who gives the kiss ― the first of many, as always.
You hesitate to hold him, you wonder if you have the right to; but in the end you cuddle yourself in his arms as soon as he opens them and, once you hug him, he presses you to his chest and suffocates impotence and fear between his teeth, unable to overcome the feeling that binds both of you. Amor Vincit Omnia, says a law that everyone, gods and men, knows; and you too must bow to its command. «What you fear will not happen, my lord. You don’t need to worry for me… I am and will always be here. I am the one you lost and who came back to love you again.»
Ares closes his eyes at the sound of your words and keeps himself silent, observing the sacred fire that continues to rumble merrily a few steps away from you, remaining vigilant in your place but slowly melting as your caresses touch all his sensibilities. As you strip off your clothes and drop every veil and obstacle to the ground, he wonders if he should listen to you; and even if only for a moment, an afternoon or a whole night, he finds himself hoping for a long, eternal spring.
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Kojiro Sasaki
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«I’d recognize that look in a thousand.»
You can’t help it: as soon as the man smiles at you, you do the same. It comes naturally to you: perhaps due to his good and humble nature, his eyes that lit up as soon as he noticed you and stared at you with an incredulous air, overwhelming like a blaze of heat, or due to all that he has left behind, and that you have collected and welcomed as the most precious and living of treasures. Nothing can be hidden from him: you don’t even have to open your mouth to introduce yourself, because he has already understood who you are and has stopped, waiting for you to join him.
Like a wave, the memory of long summer and winter afternoons spent listening to what was left of his voice ― filtered and woven from that of other people but still close to you ― reaches and envelops you in an embrace: and the years are reduced to little more than a breath while the memories arrive and there are many, countless things to say and tell, reveal and remember together in a day that seems so similar to the others, and instead is completely different. And the fact that Kojiro Sasaki, the man standing before you, killed a god a few hours ago is only the least important detail of a much bigger story. «You must be wrong, because my gaze is ordinary», you immediately reply without really thinking about it, just to take another instant of time: it seems that you have stopped breathing, and that your body will never respond to a command again. How many times have you dreamed of this moment or have you even just named it, thought about it and, in that part of you where meaningless worries await, feared it? And yet, if only you had known of seeing him descend into the Ragnarok’s arena and face a deity, challenging the whole world with his title of “History’s Strongest Loser”... if only you had imagined watching him fight for you all with the danger of losing him forever at any moment, and without him even knowing of your existence, what would you have done?
But what happened happened, and it couldn’t have been otherwise: and now his gaze is here with you, it welcomes and cradles you, recognizes you with a calmness and love that brings you to tears. You have never asked for anything but this, and finally your wish has come true.
«Let’s say so, if you want to… however, those eyes are too similar to mine. Even if yours are nicer.» A pause, then Kojiro chuckles and runs a hand through his hair as he narrows the eyes and his smile becomes even wider and warmer. «Aaaaah, I would have thought of everything, except to meet the most graceful and wonderful of women on this very day. I could not have asked for a better gift.»
You take one step and another, faster and faster, and you can no longer control your tears as you finally cover the short distance that separates you from each other, open your arms wide and, with all the strength you have inherited from him, embrace the man you have dreamed of meeting since you were a child, the hero of an entire existence and even beyond, protector of humanity. «Finally we met… dad!»
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🌼 Rhea Silvia: Mythical mother of Romulus and Remus (the former is the founder of the city of Rome). She was a vestal, a priestess of the Goddess of Fire Vesta, and according to the rules of the priesthood she had to remain chaste for thirty years; however Ares/Mars fell in love with her and made her pregnant with the twins, and for this the girl was buried alive, according to the punishment that was due to the vestal who had sexual relations with someone or who let the sacred fire of the goddess go out, which had to be kept always lit.
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roseofdarknessblog · 1 year
Darkest Moments (Reiner Braun x Reader)
Word count: 856
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
TW: mentions of anxiety, suicidal thoughts, mental health issues 
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Darkest Moments 
Whenever anxiety was trying to rip you apart, which was pretty often lately, Reiner was there. He knew how that felt like, and every time did his best to comfort you. With kind and reassuring words, warm hugs that tried to hold your world together, or small kisses on your cheeks, forehead, or the top of your head. He used to massage your tense shoulders and back, stroke your hair, or just hold your hand tightly to make sure you know, that he’s never leaving your side.
He knew how much you liked to be cuddled up against him, head laying on his broad chest and arms wrapped around his waist. You loved to feel the warmth of his body, it made you feel extra safe in his embrace. But above all... you found the biggest comfort in the steady beats of his heart. They were a sweet reminder that he is there with you – safe, alive, and ready to give you all the love in the world.
Reiner would hold you for hours to end. Until your raging mind calmed down a bit or until you almost cried your eyes out. He would be there if you wanted to talk about the things or situations that caused you to have such bad anxiety attack. And he would be there even if you stayed quiet for many hours. Sometimes he would try to make you talk to him, carefully trying to guide your mind to calmer places. But sometimes he would stay silent as well because there were moments when talking would make everything worse.
If you had any prescribed medication for your mental issues, Reiner would always make sure you took them when you were supposed to, or that you had them on hand in situations like these. If you needed to take your meds in the morning, he would make sure you had a fresh glass of water on your nightstand and prepare you some light but delicious breakfast so you don’t take your pills on an empty stomach and don’t make yourself unintentionally nauseous.
Even when it came down to your worst and darkest moments, Reiner could handle them. Moments when you were thinking about giving up, because everything was just too... scary, overwhelming, exhausting, confusing, draining... and so on. Anxiety at its worst could really make you feel all of the worst emotions all at once. It made your heart race and tears start to collect in the corners of your eyes. Your hands always felt cold and numb, while they were shaking and feeling too weak to even pick up something small. In times like this, your whole body tensed up until your entire back, shoulders, and arms started to physically hurt.
It sometimes felt like this only for a couple of hours, but sometimes it went on for several days, even weeks. Keeping up with everyday tasks was difficult, you had no motivation, no strength, and no desire to continue living like this.
Or continue living at all.
Everyone was always saying, that it would get better.
But when?
And how?
Even Reiner used to say that. But he always chose different, more careful words. Somehow he always knew what you needed to hear. He knew all the words that helped to calm you down. And he knew when exactly you needed to hear them. Sometimes during those long, nasty hours filled with fear and insecurity, and sometimes during the night, when you couldn’t fall asleep and kept staring at the dark ceiling.
Reiner would hold you tight until the morning, rub your back lovingly and make sure you get at least a tiny bit of rest before facing another day. When you woke up from a nasty nightmare, he would patiently listen to you and help you calm down. Reiner knew what helped you the most – hot showers even in the middle of the night, a good cup of tea or hot chocolate, or just a few quiet moments when the both of you looked up at the stars and the moon.
You loved how patient and careful he was with you.
It meant the world to you.
And he knew that. He knew how grateful you were for everything he was doing, and he never asked for anything in return. Mostly because you did the same for him whenever he needed it. And you did it with the same amount of love and patience.
You both needed each other.
And for that you were grateful.
Because when your thoughts made you believe that you were just a burden to everyone, a lost cause nobody would miss if you simply disappeared, Reiner proved you different. He made you feel wanted and needed.
He made you feel unconditionally loved under every circumstance.
And never let you believe, that your anxiety or anything else made you less of a lovable human being. Quiet the opposite. He never failed to remind you, that your emotions made you perfectly human and that there was no shame in feeling them.
No shame in showing them, and no shame in talking about them.
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