#so i have to be the annoying newbie asking questions all the time
nicistrying · 5 months
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It's just me and my brownie mocha against the anxiety today 🥲 I can do it
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
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#submission#I actually have seen this meme because someone sent it to my supervisor at some point and she showed it to all of us ajdbkajs#working with a bunch of gay autistic math nerds fucking rules lmfao y'all have no idea#one of my bosses is super into sci fi and is also a math teacher and puts star trek and firefly and buffy and hitchhikers guide etc etc#references in EVERYTHING he makes. I took a math class from him once and all of the test questions were about some fuckin show#whenever he runs meetings he asks us questions based on star trek usually. recently in a meeting he asked us to choose the best captain#I'm one of only like 3 people who watches all of this shit so I looove going to meetings when he runs them#bc he'll ask some fuckin question like who's the best star trek captain. and the 3 of us who knows what's going on will just start arguing#while everyone else looks around like what the fuck is going on right now (this one always gets the newbies)#my ALL TIME favorite Jake moment tho was when I was there one night and there were no students so we were all just hanging out#and Jake walks out of his office and he looks kind of annoyed. and he's a big dude like super tall and broad and loud as hell#so I can hear him like mumbling shit all annoyed and I'm like hey Jake what's up? you doin ok?#and he sighed and was like no. the schools internet filter started blocking my FAVORITE board game forum#and now when I have a thought I can't just look it up to see if anyone's said anything about it. and that's like ALL I do. it's so annoying#and I was like Jake maybe that's why they blocked it akddjkansbdjsdbebs#god I love that dude. and this barely mentions my other supervisor who is autistic and pansexual and married to a woman#and both of them foster several kids. Jake has like 10 fuckin kids or smth bc he was fostering a couple of kids and then he got married#and she already had children and then they had a baby together. idk he's got like a whole baseball team they're very cute
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dduane · 11 months
The Young Wizards series turns 40!
...And yes, we're having a sale to celebrate. But that can wait. :)
I'm sitting here looking at the date and considering how amazing it is that, despite the changes in the publishing world, anything can stay in print nonstop for forty years.
But this book has. Here's how it started:
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...Well, not how it started. It started with three things:
A newbie YA writer being deeply annoyed with a non-newbie one for (as she thought) stripping their teenage characters of their agency without good reason.
A suddenly-appearing joke involving two terms or concepts that wouldn't normally appear together: the 1950s young-readers' series of careers books with titles that always began So You Want To Be A..., and the word "wizard."
And the idea immediately springing from that juxtaposition. What if there was such a book? Not a careers book, but a book that told you how to be a wizard—maybe some kind of manual? One that would tell you the truth about the magic underlying the universe, and how to get your hands on it... assuming you felt you could promise the things that power would demand of you, and survive the Ordeal that would follow?
Six or seven months after that confluence of events, there was a novel with that joke-line as its title. A month or so after that, the novel was bought. So You Want To Be A Wizard came out as a Fall 1983 book, as you can see from the Locus Magazine ad above (from back when Locus was only a paper zine). The first reviews were encouraging.
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And by the middle of 1984, the publishers were asking, "So, what's next?" A question I'm still busy answering.
There's been a lot of water under the wizardly bridge since. In SYWTBAW's case, this involved a couple/few publishers, a surprising number of covers, a fair number of awards here and there; and lots more books. (I always knew there'd be more, but how many more continues to surprise me. Which is a bit funny, considering how much stuff that universe has going on in it.)
So here we are at forty, and looking ahead to The Big Five-Oh with some interest. More books? Absolutely. Young Wizards #11 is in progress at the moment, and YW #12 is in the late concept stages. More covers for So You Want To Be A Wizard? Seems inevitable. A TV series, perhaps? (shrug) Stranger things have happened: we'll keep our fingers (or other manipulatory instrumentalities) crossed. The New Millennium Editions in translation? and in international paperback? Working on that right now. The sky's the limit.*
And meanwhile, to celebrate, just for today we'll have a sale. (Except in the UK. To our British friends, the usual sad apology: the expensive bureaucracy of Brexit has made it impossible for us to sell directly to you any more. Details here, with our apologies.)
As has been mentioned before, changes are afoot at Ebooks Direct, so this kind of sale won't be happening again for the foreseeable future. (In fact I thought we were all done with them already. But the number 40 suggested one last opportunity that wouldn't be recurring, so I thought, "Aah, what the heck? Let's.")
New things first! Today, to mark this occasion, we're introducing the "All The Wizardry" Bundle. This is Ebook Direct's entire inventory of Young Wizards works; the contents of the bundle are listed on its product page. The $29.99 price listed there is for today only, to celebrate SYWTBAW's birthday, and will go up as of 23:59 Hawai'ian time tonight. As always, should you ever lose your ebooks or need to change reading platforms, we'll change your formats as necessary, or replace the books, for free.
Just click here, or on the image below, for the "All The Wizardry" Bundle. (Please ignore the category listings under the "Pay Using..." icons on the product page: they plainly think they're in a different universe. Kind of an occupational hazard around here...)
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The other, older kind of sale folks will have seen here is on the "I Want Everything You've Got" Bundle, which is the whole Ebooks Direct store—obviously including all the Young Wizards books as well: more than 2.5 million words in 36 DRM-free ebooks. Just for today, in honor of the birthday book, we're dropping the whole-store price to USD $40.00. This, too, will go away just before midnight Hawai'ian time tonight... and it will never be lower. So if you want everything we've got at that price, don't wait around.
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Make sure you use this link or the one associated with the image to get the baked-in discount at checkout. (If it fails to display correctly, use the discount code "40FOR40" in the checkout's "discount code or gift code" field.)
Meanwhile? Onward into the next decade. The new A Day at the Crossings novel unfortunately won't make it out before the end of 2023; other work in-house currently has taken priority. But as for early 2024... stay tuned.
And for those of you who're Young Wizards readers, and have kept this book, and its sequels, alive for pushing half a century?
Thank you, again and always!
*Though actually, it's not, is it? As the proverb has it, "Wizardry doesn't stop at atmosphere's edge..."
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o-sachi · 2 months
Then There Was You ‧₊˚ ⋅ Drabble (Request)
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ଳ he swore to only keep his eyes on ume and follow his good example, but then you just had to become a distraction ଳ character; sugishita kyotarou (wind breaker) ଳ tags; floof, tsundere sugi, short fight scene, afab reader, no y/n
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"You've been staring at her a lot lately huh?"
Just like that, Sugishita was snapped out of his stupor. He rarely narrowed his eyes at Ume, but if someone teased him about her... then not even Ume-chan is an exception to his grumpiness.
"No," he grunts and looks away.
Ume pats his back with a reassuring smile on his face. He said something about how it's okay to like someone because it's totally normal.
Yeah, right. Normal.
But the thing is—Sugishita's an anomaly. He's different in a way that he had never loved anyone before, let alone "liked." Some people were just not made for it and he believes himself to be one of those people. His purpose—he says—is to become stronger so that he can be someone Ume can be proud of. Even better if he could become someone that the great Umemiya Hajime could rely on.
However, he was nowhere near to attaining that. The idea of love is then out of question. He just had no time for trivial things.
It's funny though—how his mind and body are doing completely different things. A part of him doesn't want to stray from the path that Ume has carved for him, but another fuels this urge in him to simply stare at you. Admire you from afar. Because you were the most delicate thing in his eyes.
Compared to the self-assured and confident Kotoha, the new part-timer at the cafe was a bit laidback. But she was the bubbliest and friendliest person that the Furin boys have come across.
Each time they would come and visit the cafe, she'd be standing at the counter with a warm smile on her face. And once everyone has their food in front of them, she would happily listen to Ume's tales about the day's fight or Nirei's rants about the people he "observes." She'd giggle at Sakura's bashfulness and be amused by Tsugeura's enthusiasm.
She had a special talent in that she could make anyone feel at ease.
And Sugishita was sure that it would be the same thing all over again. No matter how nice or kind someone is—they'll be too intimidated to even converse with him.
But that wasn't the case with you.
He could still vividly recall how his heart skipped a beat the day he first met you. The boys had come to the cafe to wind down after a major scuffle. They had cuts and bruises all over, but they laughed as if there was no pain at all. As the newbie, you didn't know better and acted with the utmost concern.
Much to everyone's surprise, you came to Sugishita first.
"Does it hurt?" you ask, pointing at a cut on his arm.
His brows furrow and his lips press into a thin line—an obvious indicator that he is in no need of your help. But he should've known that it wouldn't be enough to push you away.
"Here," you say as you offer a band-aid to him. "Sorry, it's a bit childish with all the elephants on it, but it's all I have."
In spite of his unwelcoming demeanor, you persisted. Even the other guys around him were stunned at your resolve. But they remained quiet, wanting to see how Sugishita would react.
Sugishita sheepishly took the cute band-aid from your fingers, shoving it immediately deep into his pocket.
You smile. "You should wash that up and plaster it on as soon as possible or it'll get infected."
When he finally spares you a glance, he sees the maddeningly bright smile on your face. It almost reminded him of Ume when he annoys him.
"Thanks," he whispered. It took all of his willpower to say one syllable because he knew that there would be consequences.
Sakura piped up. "Oh, so you do know what gratitude is?"
The consequence being—a certain two-toned boy would get on his nerves.
Of course, the usual back-and-forth ensued. Sugishita got too heated up that he nearly forgot the band-aid in his pocket. When he glanced over to you again and saw how you laughed at their bickering... he swore you had done something to his forsaken heart.
He often found himself daydreaming like a kid when recalling that day. It made him happy to an extent, though he'd never admit it. But he mostly repeated the events in his head because he was trying to figure out why his heart was thumping so loud then and why he felt so nervous around you.
It bothered him to no end because he was this big hulking guy and you were... just a girl who probably wouldn't hurt a fly. He had fought guys thrice your size. Yet, here he was; scared at the thought of you sitting next to him and talking to him.
Throughout his daydream, he failed to notice that you had disappeared and went out to buy some milk for the cafe. Kotoha was busy cleaning the kitchen, so the errand was left to you.
It left Sugishita bored. He wasn't really interested in whatever they were talking about and Ume was busy eating anyway. And you were... well, he didn't know where you were. He'd rather be kicked in the shins twice than ask where you had gone.
Everything comes to a halt as they heard commotion from outside. And by the sound of it... it was you. His question was answered in the worst way possible.
"Let go of me! Stop!" you cried out desperately, but to no avail.
"C'mon, lady. We were askin' ye for some change so nicely, weren't we? Don't be a bitch and show us some kindness, will ye?"
The shady group of guys who were outside the convenience store saw you and decided to follow. So here you were, getting mugged.
Everyone in the cafe knew the situation straight away. They were all ready to jump into action, but none of them would have expected what happened next.
To put it simply, Sugishita just shot out of his seat without another word or thought. Kotoha was sure that the cafe's door would fly off the hinges with how strongly he swung it open.
His fiery stare was zeroed in on the scumbags that had you surrounded. His mind was empty except for two things: to beat these fuckers up and to save you.
He stomped over to you, the shady men becoming aware of his approaching and menacing presence.
"Watcha want, punk? Walkin' over here like a—"
The guy's sentence was left unfinished as Sugishita's fist met his face. His punch snapped and didn't waste any time slugging the rest of the men. Though they tried to fight back, they were no match for an extra aggressive Sugishita.
His senses only came flooding back when he felt a pair of arms around him. He inspected the ground below him where the men had fallen unconscious... and then he realized that you were clinging on to him like a koala.
"THAT WAS SO SCARYYYY," you cried. As you did, you squeezed him tighter. You were probably pushing his boundaries, but the adrenaline and fear got the best of you. You could apologize later for the tears that had seeped through his navy blue cotton shirt.
And normally, he would push you away, but strangely—it felt... really good. His hands hovered in the air, unsure of what to do with them. He helplessly looked around. But as he turned his gaze back at the cafe, he saw the boys and Kotoha watching them from a distance.
They were smiling and snickering, flashing a thumbs up at Sugishita for saving the day.
When it finally sank in—he was in a state of catharsis. He still couldn't put a finger on what it was that he was feeling. But all he knew was that he liked your warmth and that you still made him insanely nervous.
To some extent, it was like his eyes were opened to a world never seen before. And you were the key to that hidden realm.
He gulped and slowly placed a hand on your head, gently stroking it albeit he was shaking. Was it from punching too hard or was it because of you? He wasn't sure.
Buuuut, maybe Ume was right about this being totally normal.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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yeeterthek33per · 8 months
I want to hear you say it (Zećira Mušović x Reader)
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A/n requested
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI, jealous Z, unwanted flirtations. Terrible swedish translations.
As if today couldn’t have gotten any worse, it felt like a major kick in the stomach when you were forcibly dragged away from your own car after training and shoved into the back of Sam’s for team social night. 
It had started off with you nearly not waking up to your third and final alarm of the day leaving you running into training late, much to the annoyance of Emma and the girls who had to join you in sprints this morning.
After that rough start to training, you were then volunteered to introduce the new girl to the rest of the team, a young twenty-something fresh out of the Chelsea grassroots academy.
She was nice but a bit overbearing, practically hanging off you for the rest of the day.
Unfortunately, this left you with little time to spend with your favourite person.
Zećira, much like yourself, was ridiculously grumpy all training. Normally she’d have you to herself for most of it. 
Of course, being a striker and a goalkeeper, you had separate sessions to each other, but the warmups are generally intermingled.
So, when you had paired up for drills, you were the first person to grab her, just about growling at anyone who tried to pair up with her instead of you.
That said, the new kid, Sally?
She doesn’t really remember, nor care…
To be fair, she’d been latched onto you like a leech the whole time. It was obnoxious the number of times she was verbally and physically throwing herself at you.
Zećira could ignore it most of the time, given she had to focus on her own drills with the others, but she couldn’t miss the tone of Sadie’s voice every time she came within hearing distance of you both.
It was a sickly-sweet tone with heavy undertones, and it annoyed the Swedish woman to no end.
Regardless, even if it was annoying her, you looked like you’d been completely oblivious to the most obnoxiously obvious flirtations Sarah sent your way.
That’s what frustrated her the most, your ignorance of the situation at hand and the way you let the twenty-two-year-old cling to you like that.
Now that you’re in the bar, Zećira is watching as Summer leans uncomfortably close to you, hand grazing your arm as she animatedly asks you question after question about your life and what it’s like on the senior team.
You don't step away from it, not really, although, it seems, even you have your friendly limits.
The goalkeeper feels her chest start to heat up with the familiar low burn of jealousy.
A cough from across the table catches her attention.
“Zee, the staring isn’t subtle.”
There’s a raised brow on Niamh’s face as she glances back and forth between you and the goalkeeper with a small smirk.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Even if that’s the case, the poor newbie over there is definitely feeling your laser glare right about now.”
Zećira’s glare moves to the Canadian across from her.
“Good, I hope so.”
Both of them let out a small snort at the Swede, nudging her shin when she turns back to you, making her look away again.
“For the love of god, just tell her, she’s definitely not into flirty pants over there, and you have the best chance out of literally anyone here.”
“I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about. You pair are crazy.”
The pair groaned and just shoved the goalkeeper away from the table and out of her seat.
“Go save the poor woman, at least. If you won’t acknowledge your blatantly obvious love for our Striker, the least you can do is pull McFlirt over there off her."
“Oh my god, you’re so right!”
Savannah’s voice was getting a little grating in your ears now.
Flinching away at the loudness of the laugh so close to your ear, you cover it up with a signal to the bartender to bring you another glass of Vodka Soda, given you weren’t driving now anyway and the trainers weren’t here to scold you for drinking midseason.
“So- “
A soft throat clearing from just behind your shoulder makes the newbie in front of you jump a little out of her focus on you.
The warmth radiating from Zećira with how close she’s standing to you makes you relax back into the goalkeeper but also lightly shiver with the proximity.
“Oh... hi. You’re Zekira, right?”
You look up slightly at the raven-haired woman just in time to see her eye twitch slightly at the pronunciation.
“It’s Zećira actually.”
“Of course, right.”
There’s a small, awkward silence before Zećira clears her throat again.
“So Selena-“
“It’s Savannah.”
“Right, I think Niamh and Jessie were looking to talk to you.”
The blonde lights up suddenly at the mention of the two, to which when she makes eye contact with them as they look towards the suddenly excited new girl, they glare back at her when she smirks at them.
Once the girl disappears to go find the Canadian and English friends, Zećira turns to you with a small smile that you gratefully reciprocate.
Leaning back into the taller woman, you offer her the seat now free in front of you next to the bar but she shakes her head, instead gently grabbing your hand, leading you towards the outdoor area of the bar, settling in by one of the heaters.
It’s not a particularly cold night, but it’s just chilly enough to have a reasonable excuse to tuck yourself under her arm and lean your head on her shoulder.
It was silent now, but not like before.
The quiet was a welcome one, and it was quite common between you.
Zećira was your favourite person for the same reason you were hers.
Not that either of you really knew that.
You were both quiet people. You enjoyed the company of the rarely brooding but often times peacefully listening goalkeeper.
If you’d needed to rant, she’s always been an open ear for you.
If you needed a hug, she’s right there to give the warmest, tightest, sweetest hug you’ve ever had. They’d send tingles down your spine, and her hands are always sure on your lower back as your arms wrap around her neck.
The smell of her shampoo leaves you feeling slightly dizzy when you’d bury your face there after long and tiring days.
Her hand would settle on your knee comfortingly when you curl up beside her while binging tv shows after every one of your breakups.
Her overall presence keeps you going day to day.
Despite that. You were only friends.
Good friends, but friends nonetheless.
“Hey, I have to pee, I’ll be right back.”
Zećira hums softly and lifts her arm to let you out of the booth again.
Making your way over to the bathroom, you do your business, and as you're washing your hands to touch up, the door creaks open behind you, and you lift your head to look at them.
It’s Savannah.
“Oh hey, I was looking for you, I was wondering if maybe we could, you know, hang out some time?”
“Like to practise and stuff?”
“Well, I mean more like, come to dinner with me.”
Right as you’re about to answer with a soft no to let her down easy, the door opens behind her and Zećira walks in, looks slowly between the two of you before slipping into a stall herself.
There's a small awkward silence now as you shift uncomfortably under the stare of her.
“Look, as nice as you are, I’m not interested in dating right now. And you're far younger than me, I'm sorry but I'm just not interested.”
“At least give me a chance to- “
Zećira steps out of the stall at that exact moment, moving to the sinks.
“Look, kid, she said no, maybe take that as an answer instead of embarrassing yourself further, alright?”
She punctuates it with little flicks of water at the sink after washing her hands.
Savannah’s face turns bright red, and she mumbles a quiet apology and ducks out of the door swiftly.
You turn to the Swedish woman with a raised brow.
“What’s up with you, grumpy?”
She feigns confusion and looks at you funny, moving to dry her hands on some paper towel.
“What are you talking about?”
“You never get that snappy with anyone, even the persistent ones.”
Zećira steels her expression lightly but stays quiet.
It catches you off guard when she steps forward, hands grabbing your waist to walk you back into the wall.
The small “oof” you let out echoes in the small dimly lit bathroom, and your cheeks flush as her grip tightens on you.
“Zee… what are you- “
At that, she swiftly leans down to capture your lips with her own. A small gasp leaves your mouth but is quickly smothered, and one hand reaches up to grip the back of her neck while the other rests on her cheek.
The more your lips move together, the more antsy you get, and you nip at her lower lip slightly as she pulls back to take a breather.
Her lips are slightly swollen, and you can’t imagine yours aren’t the same.
With flushed cheeks, she dips back into you again, this time, though, her hands grip the underside of your thighs and lift you up onto the counter with a small squeak erupting from your lips.
“Zee, we’re gonna get caught -"
“So let them, even better if it’s that little-“
With a soft shake of your head, you pull her back in again to shut her up.
It’s a softer, slower kiss this time, one that she takes her time pulling away from.
With slow abated breaths, you move your other hand to cup the other side of her face.
“If you’re gonna kiss me like that in a bathroom, give a girl a warning first.”
Zećira blushes harder this time and almost pulls away out of fear of rejection, but you quickly tighten your legs around her waist, holding her to you.
“Something you wanna tell me, Zee?”
The small, curious, and teasing smile on your lips makes her stop.
Though, there must be something in your eyes at that point because she relaxes against you, hands moving back to grip your thighs again.
“Can I tell you later, because you and I both know what’s gonna come out of my mouth next and I really want to keep kissing you.”
A finger on her lips stops her from leaning down again and you raise a brow giggling softly.
“I want to hear you say it.”
“Du betyder allt för mig.” (You mean everything to me)
Your heart races. You knew Swedish enough to understand what she just said, and it completely catches you off guard.
But you release a shaky breath and let your hand fall onto the back of her neck again.
“Inte vad jag förväntade mig....” (Not what I expected)
She stops for a second. You continue.
“But it’s what I needed to hear.”
Her breath hitches at that, and you tug her down again, her hands tightening their grasp, nails digging slightly into your skin, leaving you keening into her.
At the noise escaping from the back of your throat, she slips them up to ride under your shirt, tracing a small path into the skin beneath the fabric.
You make a half attempt to pull her closer yet, pressing yourself right to her, hips rocking into her softly.
She groans at the way your nails dig into her shoulders when she trails kisses down the side of your jawline, tracing a line straight down to the junction of your neck and shoulder.
Tilting your head to give her more access, your breathing becomes more ragged, and your eyes flutter shut as her teeth take the skin there and tug lightly, her lips soothing the ministrations behind them.
Shifting to give herself a little space, her fingers move to swiftly unbutton the fabric currently standing in her way and with a soft growl, she finally tugs it open, head dropping to press kisses to your collarbone, nipping occasionally.
You breathe out when Zećira’s fingers dip below the waistline of your slacks, half tugging at them.
The commanding tone is firm but a little breathless as she pulls back to look you dead in the eye.
Letting out a soft pleading whine, you obediently lift your hips to let her tug them down along with your underwear at the same time, leaving you bare to the cool air, to which you shiver slightly.
A slight brush of her fingertips on your clit is enough to have you whimpering into her mouth.
You’ve never been this sensitive to someone’s touch but there’s something about the taller woman in front of you now, teeth digging into your lower lip, fingers still teasing you, that has you losing your mind on a public bathroom counter.
It’s a soft, keening whine, but it makes her chuckle, and she hushes you, thumb coming up to tug at your lip before her other hand finally applies enough pressure to your clit to have you bucking up into her hand.
“So wet for me already, Princesse.”
There’s a small tone of surprise behind it, and you nod at her, guiding her hand down lower with small encouraging whispers of “Please baby. I need you.”
She traces small circles around your clit for a moment and slowly dips her index and middle finger down, working them into you from the awkward angle of the sink.
She uses her hand to muffle your moans before they become too loud and starts thrusting at a fast pace, fingers bending at the right spot, leaving you a moaning mess embarrassingly quickly, completely at her mercy as she fucks you.
Her wrist moves her thrusts into you a bit harder, and you have to fight not to moan any loader lest someone catch you like you’d been fearing this whole time.
When she ducks her head down to mouth at the skin of your collarbone again, you know you’re a goner. 
A whimpering, keening, moaning mess.
The fact she’s got you this close this fast has you a little concerned for your own stamina, but it’s wiped from your mind the moment her lips are on yours again.
Hearing you moaning like this for her only makes her double her efforts, fingers tapping your g-spot with renewed vigour, and it throws you close to the edge swiftly.
You can feel your legs start to tremble a little, and she can feel you tighten around her, her thrusts meeting a little more resistance now.
“That’s it, älskling.”
The soft praise only spurs you on and your hips lift to meet her thrusts and it takes but a few brushes of her thumb on your clit to send you over.
Thighs twitching, legs tightening around the goalkeepers hips as your back arches into her.
She’s muttering sweet nothings to you as you come down, soft muttered "you're so beautiful"'s and "Good girl"'s.
If you weren't already mid orgasm, that in itself would have sent you over.
“My sweet, beautiful girl.”
There’s a slight whine in your throat when her thumb moves against your clit a little, still sensitive from your orgasm just mere seconds ago.
It’s a soft, breathy whine, and she smiles, removing her hand slowly and taking your lips with hers again.
“I love hearing my name on your lips, I need to hear it more, back to my place?”
You nod swiftly, letting her guide your underwear and pants back up, the haze of an orgasm still very much on your mind.
On shaky legs, you clean up a little, settling the sex-mussed hair on both of you and attempting, albeit failing, to cover up all of the marks left on your neck with her jacket which she settles around your shoulders after you shiver a little when you step out of the bathroom.
Thankfully, the bathroom is around a corner from where your teammates are tucked away in a set of booths so you both wave at them from a distance as you exit the bar, ignoring the looks you get from them.
Zećira guides you down the concrete sidewalk towards her car in the small parking lot beside the building.
Zećira can hardly focus on getting her keys in the lock with you nipping at her collarbone the way you are. That and your hands have slipped under the fabric of her button-up shirt to gently scratch at the skin of her abs.
“Älskling, please, need a second to get the door open.”
You feign innocence, a small pout on your lips, but they quirk up a little at her while she shakes her head lightly at the cheeky expression on your face.
Slipping your hands further up, she whines when you cup her through her bra, hands cold against her skin.
She curses the key in her hand when she finally gets the door unlocked, dragging you inside by the collar to slam you against it.
"Couldn't behave for one second to get us inside, could you?"
Chuckling, you tug her closer by the belt loops.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
She rolls her eyes.
"I'm sure you don't."
Following swiftly with that, her knee presses between your legs, hands fully unbottoning and removing your shirt now, tossing it to the side.
The smug grin on your face has her a little flustered, but she raises a brow down at you.
"I've finally got you here to myself, I'm not wasting anymore time getting you in my bed."
You chuckle softly, hands grabbing hers to steady them before pulling off and throwing her jacket to the side, hands tugging at her button-up to slowly remove it, softly grazing the skin of her shoulders as you push it off.
"We have all the time in the world, Baby. I'm not going anywhere."
She softens, and her hands grasp yours, gently tugging you down the hall to her bedroom, walking half turned towards you, eyes locked on yours.
"I'm right here, Zee. I'm all yours."
The soft reassurance has the last of her nerves settling once again, making way for the sweet, charming Zećira you know and love.
The shakiness in her limbs disappears altogether, making it easier for her to pull you back into her, hands settling on your hips, and she kisses you.
You lean up into it, pushing back as she applies a little more force into it, letting it fall naturally heavier with every move, nip, and caress.
A warmth starts to settle back into your stomach, and you nudge her towards the bed, to which she flips you back onto the mattress, hovering over you.
It's in slow movements, met with kissing you all the way back until your head hits the pillows.
You're craving her warmth a little more, so you tug the swede down onto you rather forcefully, leaving little room for argument as her hand slips under your shirt to grip at your chest, kneading the soft flesh there with a small sigh.
A whine slips out from the back of your throat when her fingers roll your nipple between them, pinching and tugging at the skin gently.
The taller woman pushes herself up slightly, kneeling, and pulls you up with her.
Soft, tender hands move to the buttons of your shirt, move, and undo each one slowly until reaches the bottom one, to which her two fingers under your chin bring your gaze back up to meet hers.
"Eyes on me, sweetheart."
You just about melt under the slowly darkening gaze of the woman.
The single flick of her fingers to unclip your bra and throw it to meet the discarded shirt has your mind nearly turned to mush right there.
With a soft muttered, "So beautiful."
She's swift to kiss you and push you back into the pillow, resuming her previous actions.
The cool air in the room does little to sate the heat taking over your skin, everywhere she touches, feels like a small fire under her fingertips, leaving you keening into her touch.
One hand remains on your breast, the other tracing a minuscule path over your ribcage and to the edge of your pants, tugging at the fabric.
She doesn't have to ask this time, though, as you immediately lift your hips to allow her to pull them off.
Her kisses trail away from your lips, shifting down across your jawline, to your collarbone, occasionally leaving small nips on the way down.
Down to your chest, lips wrapping around your nipple, suckling and leaving you a whimpering mess.
The more your whines turn to soft pleas, the more she smirks against your skin when she lets the nipple go and continues a featherlight trail of kisses across your stomach.
"Baby, please."
You can feel the wave of hot air come from her as she chuckles against you.
"What's the matter, darling?"
"I need you."
The keening whine behind the words just have her amused as you buck up into her.
"Yeah? Tell me where. Where do you need me?"
The fact she’s trying to make you think like this, is criminal alone, and it makes you whimper when she extricates herself from your vicinity, a soft but stern tone behind her words.
"Tell me, Y/n. What do you need from me?"
"I need your mouth, fingers, anything. Please just touch me, baby."
A smug, mocking tone makes you whine.
"But I am touching you baby."
Attempting to grab her and pull her back into you, she chuckles and tuts at you, pulling away from your grasp.
"I need you inside me, on me, anything please."
It seems she's satisfied with that because she leans down once again.
Peeling off your underwear, she groans softly at the dampened fabric, head immediately moving to press kisses to the insides of your thighs, hands slipping under them and urging your legs over her shoulders, manoeuvring herself to be directly over your centre.
Hot puffs of air directly hitting your clit leaves you gripping the sheets tightly, breathing more than a little ragged.
"Look at me."
Your head lifts from where it had fallen back, eyes flitting to meet hers in the faintly lit room.
"Good girl."
With that, her mouth is on you swiftly, tongue taking in your taste with a breathy groan.
The warm, firm muscle makes you buck your hips up with a small jerk.
"Jesus, Zee."
Your hand shoots to her hair, gripping the raven locks tightly.
The grunt you're rewarded with has your legs shaking a little with the vibrations and it only makes her grip on your thighs tighten.
Her tongue laps at you, lips taking in your clit with a sharp suck before releasing and returning to thrust into your entrance.
Inevitably, when you let your head drop back against the pillow, a sharp pinch to the leg jolts you back to watch her again
"Keep watching, älskling, don't make me ask again."
The slightly cooler warmth of her breath contrasts against the startling heat of her mouth as it once again latches itself around your clit.
With the way she's devouring you, it feels like her tongue has found a home between your legs, the skillful swift flicks and swipes have your legs trembling beneath the strong grip of her hands over the skin of your thighs.
The moans she's drawing from you feel unrestricted, being released with no thought to them like you’d always done with everyone else.
She makes you feel safe here, in the dimly room of her home, secure beneath her sure touch, without need to restrain yourself.
You feel freer and safer than ever.
One hand releasing your leg brings you back to her, to the warmth of her taking you in with small, breathy groans.
It trails over your hip, gliding over your ribs, brushing the underside of your breast before sliding off to slip your hand into it, tangling your fingers together like they had been in the sheets only moments ago.
The build-up in your gut suddenly alerts you to the oncoming orgasm, the wave having completely snuck up on you.
"F-fuck. Zee, I'm gonna.."
You barely have time to register the small hum against you that's paired with the harsh suck that sends you kareening over.
Her hand squeezes yours, your legs wrap tighter around her shoulders and head, and her eyes follow the way your back arches up and your hips buck into her mouth, her other hand forcing your hips back into mattress.
She can feel her own arousal building just at the sight of you writhing beneath her, chest heaving with the efforts of her mouth on you.
The way her already dark brown eyes dilate at watching you cum on her tongue, the flood of your taste meeting her tastebuds as she slips her tongue inside you to clean up.
Her hand never leaves yours until you're needily fisting at her to pull her up to eye level once again, wasting no time kissing her.
The sweet, slightly tangy taste of yourself on her lips has you whining softly, and it takes little effort to push her onto her back, straddling her waist.
You raise a brow at the soft pout on her lips.
"Who said I was done with you?"
Chuckling, you lean down to capture her lips in a brief, soft peck.
"No one, baby, it's my turn, now relax. I've been dying to taste you."
Clearly, your words have an effect on her, because you can feel the shiver run through her beneath you, and the way her fingers grip your hips tighter along with the small sigh she let's out when your lips trail down her exposed collarbone.
You're met with little resistance once your teeth dig into the soft pale skin of her chest, above the line of her bra, as you pull her up to sit up so you can reach behind to tug open the clasp.
Tossing it away, her hands find the back of your head, pulling you back down to kiss her again.
A smile crosses your lips against hers, and you press her back down into the mattress once again, hands holding you up either side of her head.
It takes but a small whine from her when you kiss down to her chest to have you nearly grinding down into her again.
Instead, you focus on the growing want to absolutely ruin the woman below you.
Teeth nipping small marks into her chest, your lips wrap around her nipple, tugging at the nub and releasing it with a small pop, relishing in the ragged gasps coming from above you.
Her fingers have fully tangled in your hair, pleading tugs every now and then, urging you on.
You only chuckle softly at her insistence.
"What's the matter, baby?"
Taking on the same mocking coo she held with you earlier, which she whines and almost rolls her eyes at, your hands still, laying flat over her stomach with your hips settled on top of her own.
"Älskling, baby, please..."
You gently smack away the hand that reaches for you with a smirk.
"Tell me what you want, baby."
The huff she lets out only widens your smile.
"I did not tease you this much."
"Answer the question, Zećira."
Ignoring her indignant whine, you slide a hand up her chest again, fingers twisting and moulding the soft flesh of her breast.
Hearing in that moment, the moment she gives in, the exhale.
A soft curse in swedish, followed by a whimper when you playfully grind your hips down and she's pleading.
"Älskling, god, please baby, fuck me."
"What was that, baby?"
It earns you a small, frustrated whine.
"Your fingers, fuck me with your fingers, your tongue baby please, anything, I need you."
A triumphant grin crosses your face as you lean down to reward the woman, lips meeting hers, hand slipping down to tug at the button on her jeans.
The way she eagerly lifts her hips up, her own hands encouraging yours as you tug down the fabric obstructing you, has you grinning up at the goalkeeper.
Not wanting to tease the woman any more than you had already, you tug down her underwear almost immediately after.
Frankly, you didn't feel like waiting any longer either, only torturing yourself more the longer you waited.
Sitting back on your haunches, just below her knees, reaching out a slow, gentle hand to trace a path down from her stomach to her hip.
To her inner thigh before finally settling, hovering over where she needs you.
Your forefinger and middlefinger apply a small amount of pressure, testing the waters as she watches with shallow rises and falls in her chest.
It would sound like a warning if it wasn't paired with a sharp gasp, eliciting when you glide your fingers further down to slip them inside her.
She's soaked through, and you have to hold back the soft groan as you feel her clench around you.
The feeling makes you shift downwards almost immediately, making slow, long strokes as you do so, with gentle curves of your fingers.
Hearing her beg and curse for you like this, you never want this to stop.
With that, your mouth lowers to take her, her hand in your hair now an encouraging force on your head as your tongue drags over her clit.
Her head falls back onto the pillow with what you can only describe as a small pleasured sigh of relief, and you giggle softly, letting your drag down, and back up again, lapping at the wetness accumulating around your hand.
Your other hand keeps her leg steady against the mattress, allowing you easier access as your thrusts speed up.
She's never been an overtly loud person, so having her moan and curse for you like this, underneath your mouthing ministrations, only drives you even more crazy.
"Så vacker." (So beautiful).
It's a soft mutter against the skin of her inner thigh, paired with small kisses that you trail up to her hip again, meanwhile keeping pace, fingers curling inside her.
With the way her hips buck up into your face, you get the inkling that you speaking swedish to her has her losing her mind above you.
Or it could be the fact you're buried between her legs eating her like she's your last meal.
You don't mind either way.
Getting to hear her like this fuels you alone.
It feels like no time at all passes before her moans shift, and she's crenching a little harder around your fingers while her own tightens in your hair.
"Fuck, Y/n, I-."
"I know, baby. Go ahead, cum for me."
Curling your fingers just right in time with her thrusts, her moans halt as she seizes up, legs trembling around your head.
She's absolutely beautiful when she cums, you've decided.
Her hands slowly release their grip on your tresses and the sheets below the both of you, breathing slower and deeper as she comes down.
Zećira's eyes meet yours once again, noting the shining smug but also awed glint in them.
In that moment, she's decided she's going to drag as many orgasms out of you as she can tonight, unable to be patient enough to wait to see the look on your face once again as your legs shake around her head.
"Get up here."
There's no hesitation. You're up straddling her waist once again as she's sitting up to grip your neck to pull you down to her level.
Her hands settle on your hips once again, sliding back around to cusp your ass, giving the cheeks a quick squeeze, and you giggle softly at the blissed out look in her eyes.
She's absolutely gorgeous with swollen lips, purple marks marring her collarbone, and hair mussed from your hands being buried in them earlier.
They quickly return to that position, fingers carding through the dark locks, thumbs coming to caress her face as you lean down again to kiss her, slower and softer this time.
Both of you are more than feeling all of that.
There's a shining, loving look in her eyes as she looks up at you, and you feel it flow through your chest in a wave of warmth that makes your skin tingle.
"Hey Zee?"
She hums softly.
"Du betyder allt för mig också." (You mean everything to me, too.)
She grins up at you and the sound of your giggle can be heard as she flips the both of you over onto your back with her on top, lips taking yours in a very much smile filled kiss.
"Feelin' okay?"
"Amazing, you?"
You've never felt safer than here, in her arms.
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jinuaei · 9 months
I saw a vid on twitter where the dude came while tattooing his own dick. Couldn't get out of my mind so now I have to write it about Leon because he's my muse. RE2r Leon in my mind but with a lil bit RE4r body. NO OUTBREAK HERE.
I also don't have any experience in tattoos in general so pardon me for getting stuff wrong.
Update: Put the vid in question, unsafe twitter link underneath the fic
Warning: NSFW MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, Multiple orgasms(Leon), tattooing, needles, dacryphilia, UNSAFE LINK BELOW
Word count: 2.2k
Leon S. Kennedy x Tattoo artist! Reader
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This was a bad idea.
Leon feels stupid standing outside the studio, he can't believe he's actually going to do a stupid dare that Chris forced him to do. He's going to get his dick tattooed. Thankfully, Chris was gracious enough to give him the freedom to choose his own tattoo.
I'll just get a small one and go.
But once he steps in and is greeted by the tattoo artist, he realizes that maybe he might get a bigger one after all.
You stood there with a smile, the tattoos on your body proudly shown to the world-- and holy fuck it was hot. He stammers a hello and nervously looks around, feeling awkward being in a place that he clearly doesn't belong in. There were a few people inside, 2 customers and another tattooist doing work on one of them, and of course there was you.
Chuckling at him, you guide this bumbling blond to your chair, showing him a catalogue of the designs that you do. He was overwhelmed with the choices so ultimately he just looked at you with his big blue eyes.
"Uh.. could...could you choose one for me? Something that you think would look good on me..."
He mentally punched the air when your relaxed eyes clashes with his wide ones, berating himself for probably annoying you with his indecision.
I-I mean, I don't really know much about tattoos so it would be a good idea to ask them right? I-it's not because I think they're gorgeous and want their approval or something right?? Yeah..
Expecting irritation crossing your face, he braced himself to get screamed at but instead he was met with giddiness. He relaxes under your eyes, finally keeping his nervousness under control.
"I'd love that! I was meaning to do a design I came up with recently, so if you don't mind I can do that to you?"
He nods eagerly, like a happy puppy getting asked to go on a walk.
"Great! Where do you want to get tattooed so I can modify it based on the area."
Leon's blood runs cold as the nerves came back ten fold. He forgot that he was going to get a tattoo, on his dick.
"...my dick." He tries to tell you but it only comes out as a whisper.
"My dick...!"
"Sorry could you repeat tha-"
"My dick!!! I'm gonna get my dick tattooed...!" He finally shouts, panting, exasperated.
The studio is quiet except for the buzzing of the machines, everyone's eyes was on him. He feels his face flush and tried to hide himself, scrunching into a ball, or close to it at least without looking like a pathetic baby in front of you. But being the angel that you are, only laughed and waved those staring at him as if to say 'this is normal'. Your assistant also laughed but directed the costumers attention to himself, explaining how newbies get nervous like that.
The blond unfurls himself, looking at you with sad eyes. You pat his head and he won't lie to himself that he didn't enjoy that.
"Don't worry dude, we don't judge here. Luckily for you, I have experience in that regard, but you don't look like you have any. Fresh meat?"
"Yeah... This is my first time."
"Bold of you to choose a sensitive part of your body. Really brave bud."
A smile creeps onto his face, delighted at being complimented by you. Yet his mind wanders back to your words earlier, you tattooed other peoples dick before? Internally shaking his head, he then asks when they'll start, which you promptly answered with a right now if you're ready, in which he agreed excited to get done by you... The tattoo he means.
You lead him to a different part of the studio, a more private area to be exact, its smaller with only one chair for the client. Due to him being too excitable he forgot how embarrassing it would be for people to see his dick in general. But if it's you... Of course it's fine! You're tattooing him after all, this is professional work, be professional Leon.
He sits on the chair after you instructed him to, you then proceed to tell him to strip his pants and underwear and roll up his shirt. Before he did that though he had to ask something important.
"Does it matter if I'm hard or not...?"
"Nah, it'll still look the same whether it's flaccid or erected."
Nodding shyly he starts to strip off slowly, almost teasing, which embarrasses him further since he imagines himself looking like he's giving you a strip dance. You wait there patiently, head lowered, arms crossed, eyes switching between his pants to his own. Eventually he lowers his pants and underwear to his ankles, shirt blocking his dick, but when he raises his shirt your eyebrows raise when you see how hard he is. Red angry tip, twitching under your scrutiny.
"Do you like it...?"
"Hm. You're bigger than I expected. Great abs too."
That made him more confident, puffing his chest out in response. He laid down on the chair, readying himself with what's going to happen. On the side he can see you prepare a piece of paper with your design on it. Staring at you, he admires the tattoos that litter your whole body, your arms filled with dark ink, one half filled with intricate details of crosses and angels, he can also see some weird sigils, rings with what looks like Latin on it and stars. He can only assume that underneath your clothes there are more than what he is allowed to see.
The young mans imagination is cut of with a jerk of his hips, startled he looks at you wide eyed and scared. He tried to apologize profusely but you only shook your head and explained that you needed to put the stencil on his dick. Luckily he survived the stenciling as it was done faster than he expected, he can't say the same for the actual tattooing part though.
You we're thankfully very patient with him, caressing his thigh before starting, which his body reacted with a jerk that he somewhat kept to a minimum.
The first thing he noticed was the loud buzzing of the machine, the next is the vibration, finally-- the pain. It was bearable, but that was not the horrific part of this situation, no, it was the fact that he was enjoying the constant stabbing, combined with the vibrations it felt so good on his cock. Leon wouldn't say that he's a masochist, but damnit whatever the fuck is happening turns him on so fucking much.
Shaky breaths start to come out of his mouth, it was getting harder to breathe with the constant stimulation and if he focus hard enough he could actually feel your breath on his thigh. God you were so close to his dick.
"O-oh! Oh God...huff... shit. I like it, why the fuck do I like it???" He mumbles to himself, biting his cheek to suppress the moans that's bubbling up from his throat.
He tries so hard to focus on something else, the paperwork left on the station-- the vibrations... Chris' smug face when he told him the dare-- feels so good..! His best friend at home, his good ol' dog-- FUCK!!!
"STOP!! Stop...! Fuck. Ah...sorry, it's just hahh... Feels too good."
He pants harshly, fingers holding on the smooth leather for dear life. He feels humiliated under your stare, tears starting to prick at his eyes, making it hard to decipher the expression on your face but he can feel the heat in your eyes.
Your eyes hungrily take in his body, appreciating his muscles as well as his pudge in certain areas. With such a sensitive man in front of you, you get to see all of his reactions. The way his eyes are tightly closed, eyebrows furrowed, his lashes accentuated by the heavy blush spreading from his face. Every flinch causes his body to flex and it is truly a sight for sore eyes.
However, since this is a professional setting, you as the professional doing your job, and him, the client just getting a tattoo on his weeping cock. The same cock that you have to wipe over and over as it drips pre-cum over your work. You tried your best to hold back, managing to stop yourself from ravaging this delectable hunk in front of you. But it was soooo hard to do so.
God... What a cute little thing he is. Makes me want to eat him up.
You tried to wait patiently for him to calm down, you waited 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes for it to stop twitching but it just wouldn't. stop. dripping. Ultimately you gave him a choice, either you stop here and work on it another time or you keep going regardless of how currently sensitive he his.
A whimper came out of his mouth when he sensed you getting more and more impatient with him. Wanting to please you he chose the 2nd option. The faster he's done the better right?
"If you're gonna cum, tell me."
"Wha- Hngggh...!"
The needles start up again and Leon really held himself back, gripping on the leather beneath his fingers. It worked for a moment but the sensation proves too much when his body jerks forward from a particularly more painful-- but delicious, jab of the needle. His hips was then forced down by your hand slamming itself on his pelvis. Your touch almost made him fall off the edge of the cliff but at that exact moment he had a brilliant idea to stop himself from cumming on the spot.
"Hahh...hng! Fuck!! I'm gonna cum! Pleasepleaseplease...!"
And then immediately proceeding to cum all over his chest and your hand that is still pining him down. Even then you were not strong enough to fully hold him down, his hips almost flying from the chair. Tears stream down his face, a mix of humiliation and pleasure dripping to the leather below. As he calms down from his high, he hears shuffling before suddenly, a weight plops down onto his lap. You didn't even warn him before starting again.
"Wait...! I'm still hnggg... I'm still sensitive!" Not knowing if you heard him or not, he tries again but is cut off with a moan.
"Don't move too much because I'm not stopping until it's done."
You're gonna be the death of him.
Finally after so so so so long you were done with his tattoo. Leon is spent, lying there chest covered with his fluids, t-shirt soaked with a mix of tears, drool, and probably semen. He was still twitching, eyes rolled back, overstimulated to hell and back. He doesn't know how much he came, thrice? Four times? Maybe even more than that but God was it amazing. Nothing could prepare him from the tenderness that you exude as you wipe the tears from his cheeks. You leaned in, face hovering over his as you look him in the eye, cooing at how much of a good boy he is for handling everything so well.
"Thank you... hahh hah..."
You hopped off his lap and went to get a mirror for him. He feels a little loopy with the dopamine rushing through his brain but that didn't stop him from thanking you. Blinking sluggishly, his eyes look at the mirror, showing his cock being held by you. Focusing on the design he can tell how much love you put on it.
It starts from just below the head, the whole thing wrapping around his whole dick. It was something akin to an insect, maybe a scorpion with 4 sharp legs, the head of the creature sprouting tentacles. The tail of it was long, twisting around until it stops, the sharpened end on the base, close to his balls. It was honestly really good, the shading makes it look realistic, almost like it will jump at him and bury itself into his skin. He's kind of sad that it's not similar to any of your tattoos. Still, he's happy to have been marked by you.
"Did you bring extra clothes?"
"You can't walk around the streets with a cum stained shirt, and you need to wear looser pants so it won't irritate tattoo."
Chris you better fucking pick up.
I should've called Luis instead.
Chris brought him clothes, probably from his own closet and Leon knew when Chris arrived because he could hear his boisterous laughter right outside the private room. SHIT! If I could hear him, people definitely heard me earlier.
After dressing up and doing the walk of shame towards the main studio, he sees Chris and your assistant laughing their guts out. Yeah they definitely heard me, and he's probably telling Chris everything.
You went over to them and smacked the tanned guy upside the head, introducing him as Carlos. Leon strains a smile, regardless of how much he wants to curl up into a ball and die. But Carlos reassures him that it actually happens and how he also cummed from you tattooing his dick, although he was not as loud as him. After that he was informed how to do aftercare for the tattoo and both him and Chris were off to go home.
Sitting on the passengers seat, Leon tuned out Chris' teasing and how 'I can't believe you actually did it!' and 'Imagine cumming while getting a tattoo LMAO'. On his hand is a piece of paper, written inside is your number and a note that read; 'See you when it heals ;)'.
Hey, maybe it wasn't a bad idea after all.
The vid in question:
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k4marina · 1 year
— type || s.r
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synopsis: some new recruits ask you what your type is
warnings: suggestive language, some military lingo i guess, not proofread btw 🤺
inspired by rules by doja cat
simon”ghost”riley x gn!reader
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the inside of the helo buzzed with excitement as it got ready for take off. you and the 141, with a few new recruits were off to a mission. it was quite simple, locate enemy base, eliminate any threats, and safely retrieve the intel.
price, gaz, and soap we’re going in a separate helo while you and ghost had to babysit the newbies in another helo.
you took a seat, shifting your rifle and your hips to get comfortable for the ride. once settled you leaned your head back, eye closed hoping to get some peace before landing at the destination.
“..what? no! you ask them!”
“bruh.. why me? i don’t even say anything about this.”
“bro, martinez, you ask them since you’re so whipped.”
the not so hushed whispering grew louder and you more annoyed. geez, would it kill for some silence?
“lieutenant, i have a question.” the voice came from across where a few new recruits had sat themselves.
with a sight you opened your eyes, tilting your head to look at him. he wore a cocky smile, eyeing the way you sat, staring a little too long. “yes?”
“i was just wondering, y’know, what your type is.” the deck got quite, all eyes on you and the soldier across from you.
“and what do you want to do with that information for?”
“well, i was thinking how about you and me go out for some drinks?”
his friends watched with a mix of awe and horror as their friend tried to hit on his superior. “seems like you’ve been doing a lot of thinking.”
he smirked. “what else am i supposed to think about when you’re running around up there.”
god, how you wanted to gag.
you crossed your legs, purposefully moving you hips around, catching his attention.
you licked your lips, “i’ll need devotion.”
“lemme show how much i can give.”
you shifted forwards, letting your foot touch his leg. a glance down at his pants showed that they’d gotten significantly tighter.
“be honesty,” your voice can out sultry. “do i make you horny, baby?”
he licked his lips. “that obvious?” you huffed, moving away from him with a shit eating grin.
“too bad.”
even under the red light of the inside of the helo, you could see the heat rise up to the tips of ears. “let me give you a few tips. one, don’t talk to your superiors like that and two, you’ve gotta fake gold chain on- change that.”
a few other snickered at the two little jabs you said. martinez sat back with a “yes lieutenant, sorry.”
you groaned, leaning back again only to hear heavy boots stomping up the ramp and down towards the empty seat next to you.
“hey martinez. wanna know my type?” you tilted your head towards ghost walking to you. “that it right there.”
simon sat now next to you, glaring daggers at the recruits across from you, who now could look at anywhere but you.
you looked up at him, watching as his eyes went from them to you. he leaned down to youre ear, “you’re a cheeky little minx, ain’t ya’?”
you gave him a little shrug. “maybe you should take so long next time.”
was this rushed? yes.
it’s it still better than nothing? yes.
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 7 months
There’s only one bed
Summary: you and Nat go in a mission and there’s only one bed
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Natasha's POV:
Fury Just called me into his office to have a mission debriefing. Normally we'd have the brief with all the Avengers but, this is an undercover mission and let's just say majority of the team aren't very good at that. They blow their cover all the time and can't persuade people to save their lives. Ironic because that's exactly what it does on missions, save their life.
I've been told I'm going with someone but a name hasn't been given yet. I hope it's not an Agent from the academy. They're all newbies so I'll have to hold their hand the whole mission because they're clueless. As I'm walking I bump into Wanda.
"Oh hey, good luck on your mission!" she cheerfully said.
"Thanks also, do you know who I'm going with? I mean like any details about them?"
"All I know is apparently she's very popular among her fellow students, and by that I mean, she's hot."
"Students?! Great, so she's from the academy?"
"Yeah but, Fury wouldn't send her with you if she couldn't handle it."
"I guess your right but they can be really annoying needing to be walked through every single step of the mission."
"I guess you're right but, rumour has it, she's the best of the best. Your level even."
"Ha, I've heard that one a hundred times before, no one's better than me c'mon Wands you know that."
"Haha, yeaah I know Nat but just give her a chance?"
"Fine, I will but, I got to get to Fury now, I'll see you around."
"Bye, good luck!"
We parted ways and I gave her a smile. I walked into Fury's office and was welcomed by the sight of a beautiful woman with wavy y/h/c and shining y/e/c eyes. I going to be honest Wanda wasn't lying, she's perfect. Oh my god, I can't be thinking about these things she's my mission partner! She was already sat down in a chair opposite Fury when I came in so I took the chair beside her.
Fury started talking first, "Thank you for both making the time to be here, as you know this is an undercover mission so, pack a bag that'll last at least 2 day and 2 nights. We can never predict what'll happen at these kind of events."
"Speaking of, what event is it and why exactly are we going?" I questioned
"Well I'm glad you asked. It's part organised by Darren McHugh, not a big name in any industry but filthy rich. Attending the party is Lauren Emerson, your target. All you need is information from her about a weapon Hydra is developing. Her father has every Hydra scientist and engineer in his pocket so, she'll know a lot. Now, she's interested in women which is why there is no men on this case with you. I need you y/n to seduce her and get intel while Natasha watches your 6 and looks for another possible target who, isn't confirmed to be there, but there's a good chance he will be.” Fury explained.
"What's the other guys name?" the other girl asked Fury responded, "James Scott."
"Is that all?" I ask
"Yes that's all. Here's your personal copies of the file and be ready at the quinjet in 30 minutes."
With that we both left but I couldn't help feel a pang of disappointment shoot through me at the thought of her flirting with other people. Damn I really need to snap out of this.
I got up to my room and pack my things. I also put in my red dress and black heels for the party and go to the quinjet. As I'm walking I see her already standing there. She catches me staring as I walk towards her and she extends her hand.
Reader POV:
I look over and see Agent Romanoff coming towards me, eyes trained directly at me. I offer my hand for her to shake and she does. "Agent y/l/n, y/n y/l/n."
“Natasha Romanoff.” She responds
With that we both boarded the ship, settled down and engaged in conversation. It was a long flight and we were going to have to spend the next 24-48 hours together so, may as well get to know each other. This conversation however turned into shamelessly flirting with each other constantly.
Time skip to when the ship lands and they get to the hotel (still reader pov):
We get the the hotel and Natasha asks for our reservation at the front desk. While she's doing that I take a minute to really take in this place because it's massive. There's a chandelier on the ceiling and art all over the walls. The architecture is beautiful and it has gold accents along every wall. It also smelt like vanilla, don't know why that's relevant but it smells nice.
I hear a 'thank you' and 'enjoy your stay' so I assume that Nat has got the key so I begin walking to the lift (elevator). I step in and so does Natasha just a bit behind me. She presses the button to the 5th floor and we stand in a comfortable silence for the short 10 second ride. The doors open with a ding and we step out and go look for our room. Natasha takes the lead and goes straight to our door and opens it with the key card.
"Wow Shield really outdid themselves with this one ay?" I think aloud
"Yeah, they really did." She agreed
As we were walking around the both of us were quick to realise something.
"There's only one bed." Natasha pointed out
"I was just thinking the same thing. I'll take the sofa I don't mind at all." I say trying to come up with a solution.
"No, it's okay I can." Natasha instantly tries to shut me down
"Honestly I'll sleep there it's fine." I repeat
"Look uhm, you don't have to but to save ourselves a very polite argument do you wanna just share it. I mean it's a double so..?" She nervously asked
"Yeah sure I mean, if your up for it?" I half mumble
"I'm the one who suggested it dummy of course i'm up for it."
I chuckle at her response and put down my bags by the bed. If I was being honest with myself I couldn't help the butterflies that formed when thinking about sharing a bed with her. Goddamnit, she's my superior I can't be thinking like this.
Natasha POV:
I brush my teeth and get changed in the bathroom whilst y/n orders room service. When I walk out she was getting changed so she only had a bra and pyjama trousers on.
"Oh.., oh! I'm so sorry!"
No sorry it's my fault I should've told you I was changing."
"It's fine, I mean we're both girls right? Nothing we haven't seen before."
"Yeah, yeah you're right, both girls."
"Never seen a girl with abs like that though."
The blush spread on her face faster than a forrest fire. She was flustered and I took great pride in knowing I did that. I made my way to the kitchen so I'd be ready for room service when it came.
Three knocks at the door alerted me that the food was here. I thanked the staff and put the food on the counter.
"Hey y/n tea's here!" I yelled to her. (It depends where your from but tea is just how we say evening meal, like dinner)
"Thank god, i'm starving." She gave me bright smile before plating everything up.
We sit on the sofa with our food and watch whatever trashy TV shows are on. We laugh at parts of it and it gives me butterflies, her laugh has quickly become my favourite sound. It's just so beautiful and care free, it also means she's happy which makes me happy. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear her softly say.
"Hey you okay? Lost you for a second there."
“Yeah, oh um, yeah I'm fine just thinking."
“About what? You were very focused."
"Nothing don't worry about it. Anyway, it's late we should go to bed."
"Your right I'll take the plates into the kitchen."
While she was doing that I went to the bedroom and set up the bed. I was laying down when she came in, she tentatively lowered herself o to the bed and layer down facing me.
"You sure it was nothing?"
"It wasn't really nothing and I'm about to talk a lot and I don't want you to talk till I'm done okay?" I respond with a hesitancy in my tone.
"Go for it." she says.
"I like you, like really like you. I know it's wrong because I'm your superior and your not even out the academy yet but I'm 25 and your what like, 20, 21 give or take so it's not like it's weird. Also can you blame me? You're perfect. Everything about you is perfect. Even though we only just met I can't help falling for you y/n. I'm sorry if I've just ruined the friendship we built today but I really needed to get that off my chest."
I look her deep in the eyes for any kind of reaction to what I just said. After a couple seconds of processing she smiled at me. Probably the biggest smile i've ever seen her have. She still hasn't said anything so I speak up. "Well?"
She doesn't answer me, instead she gently grabs my face and kisses me softly. Our lips dance against one another as second nature. Once air becomes a problem we release from each other's grasp.
"I like you too, if that wasn't already clear."
She giggled like a school girl when I grabbed her waist and started peppering kisses all over her face. She stopped and snuggled closer to me and buried her head in my chest.
"This woman is the one for me" I thought to myself as I held her safe in my arms. Although I really wasn't looking forward to this mission now.
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sydsaint · 9 months
If you don't think he's the hottest member of The Bloodline you are simply wrong I fear.
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Summary: The reader is an old NXT friend of Solo's that makes her debut on Smackdown to challenge Iyo for her championship.
"You wanna tell me why the hell you dragged me down here when we could be chilling in the locker room right now?" Jimmy complains from Solo's side as they make their way through the backstage area. 
"I told you earlier," Solo replies vaguely. "There's something that I want to see." 
Jimmy scoffs but continues to follow his baby brother. The pair finally come to a stop backstage over by the production crew. Jimmy idles by and watches Solo intently turn his attention to the monitor set up against the wall displaying the action in the ring. 
Iyo is currently out in the ring with the rest of damage control and talking about who her next opponent is going to be. "What are we waiting for here, Solo?" Jimmy starts to get annoyed by the lack of information Solo is providing him. 
Suddenly, entrance music that Jimmy doesn't recognize blasts through the arena speakers. Solo cracks a rare smile and points to the monitor while the crowd out in the arena all go wild. "That's what we're waiting for." He points to the monitor. 
"What? Who?" Jimmy steps forward to get a better look at whoever Solo seems to be excited to see. "Y/N L/N? Who's that?" He turns back to Solo with even more questions than before. "And why do you care so much?" 
"Y/N and I are old friends from my NXT run," Solo explains. his gaze still transfixed on the monitor. "I haven't talked to her since I left NXT. But when I heard rumors backstage that some A-list talent from NXT was getting called up to Smackdown to challenge Iyo, I knew it was going to be her." 
Jimmy turns his gaze back on the monitor as you march your way to the ring with no fear. Damage Control all encircles you to protect Iyo, but you pay them little to no mind. Iyo is the one you're here for. And no one is going to squander this opportunity for you. 
"Long time no see, Iyo." You flash a smug smile at the current Smackdown Women's champ. "I'm going to guess that you're smart enough to know why I'm here?" You add. "So why don't we skip the niceties and get right to it?" 
"You're a little outnumbered here, don't you think?" Bayley scoffs from Iyo's side. 
You turn your attention to Bayley for a second. "No one asked, Bayley." You inform her nonchalantly. "I'm here for Iyo, that's it. So everyone else? Well, you're all just in my way." 
Bayley scoffs and nudges Asuka and Kairi at her side. Dakota laughs with them but she's still not cleared for action, so you know that you don't have to worry about her. 
"That's some ego you got there, newbie." Bayley's attention snaps back to you after whispering with Asuka and Kairi for a moment. 
"It's not ego if you're just that good, Bayley." You reply. "And trust me on this. I am that good." You assure her. 
Backstage, Jimmy watches with intrigue as you work your mic skills against Damage Control. "Well, she's certainly got balls, that's for sure." He turns to Solo. 
"You ain't seen nothing yet." Solo cracks a knowing grin and nods to the monitor. 
After a bit more verbal sparring Bayley is the first one to attempt an attack on you, she goes for a clothesline which you dodge swiftly. Asuka and Kairi plan a combo attack but you send both of them out of the ring as well. Dakota retreats since she can't fight, and all that's left is the woman that you're after. Iyo Sky. 
"Look's like you're out of goons, Iyo." You laugh and gesture to the rest of Damage Control all laid out on the floor. 
Not about to back down from the challenge, Iyo makes her attack and the two of you trade a few blows. You get the upper hand and send Iyo out of the ring to join the rest of her crew. Iyo's championship belt remains on the mat in front of you so you pick it up and raise up to a roaring crowd. 
"You and me, Iyo! Royal Rumble!" You issue the challenge with the belt held high in your hands. "It's time the 'Genius of the Sky' got grounded." 
You leave the belt in the middle of the ring and hop down off the apron. Iyo glares at you from the safety of her peers and retrieves her belt while you make your way up the ramp. 
Backstage, Jimmy shakes his head in awe of your performance. "Damn. I can see why the two of you were friends." He chuckles. 
A few minutes later you enter the room and spot Solo hanging around with his brother. Having not seen your former NXT buddy in almost a year, you head over to him. 
"Well, I'll be damned." You march over to Solo with a smile. "If it ain't the hardest working man in The Bloodline." You tease. "Solo! It's been too long, man." 
"Y/N, it's good to see you." Solo nods and opts for a side hug. "I see that you haven't lost your touch." He alludes to your performance out in the ring with Iyo and Damage Control. 
You giggle and nod. "You know me, Solo. I take what I want. No matter who's in my way, or what I have to do to get it." You remind him. 
"Solo was saying that the two of you used to run back in NXT?" Jimmy speaks up from Solo's side. 
"Yep." You turn to Jimmy. "Solo's the only one that I could ever get to train with me on the regular. Everyone else was too afraid." You laugh. 
Jimmy nods, starting to see why you and Solo were such good friends. You turn back to Solo with another smile and get back to catching up with your old friend. "Anyhow. Nick Aldis signed me to the brand so get ready to see a lot more of me, Solo." You inform him. "Especially with a title belt around my waist. Because I am so kicking Iyo's ass at the Rumble." 
"Oh for sure." Solo agrees. "You busy after the show? I'd love to catch up some more." He asks you. 
"Yeah, I'm free." You nod. "Just shoot me a text after the show. Now, I've got a meeting with Aldis that I probably shouldn't be late for. But we'll talk later, Solo." You dismiss yourself. 
Solo nods and waves you off. He waits until you are out of sight before he turns back to his waiting brother. 
"So you two definitely did it right?" Jimmy asks. 
"What? No!" Solo scoffs. 
"Liar," Jimmy replies with a smug laugh. "You most definitely hit that, bro." He insists. 
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jweekgoji · 1 month
yan!TFRID2015 small hcs. (bot!reader)
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Overprotective yandere.
Like, Bumblebee is already so overprotective over his team because they're all so inexperienced and young compared to him it's natural for him to do the same towards you. Except you will be treated with more caution, like 10 times more than Sideswipe or Grimlock for example. He's selfless and tends to throw himself in front of you if the decepticon is a little too close to landing a hit on you. 🐝 often gets hurt because of it but maybe if you spend a little time with him, treating the injuries, he is happy to do that again.
Manipulative yandere.
I see Sideswipe as someone who will try to impress you all the time. He always tries to look cool or strong around bots who he sees as a role model, like Jazz or Windblade. He's not manipulative in a bad-bad way, but more in a childish way. Expect him to be more risky on your missions together because his optics will be all on you. If you look away from him, he will try to do everything to make you notice him again. Sideswipe is not the one who often follows what other bots say, but if it's you asking or ordering something — he's listening. It's funny how he acts like some bad boy most of the time, showing off and stuff, but surprisingly gets cooperative once he sees you. He just knows how to get what he wants.
Clingy yandere.
Grimlock probably can't take being apart from you. I mean, most of the bots would rather spend time with you whenever they can but this dinobot would beg Bumblebee to put him on the same mission with you no matter what your job is. He can't go with you because you will be busy finding a decepticon in the city? Don't worry, he already mastered how to disguise himself! He will try to say that because he's a muscle of the team and extra muscle is never enough if you deal with decepticons. Grimlock would be more whiney and impatient when he's not around you, making other bots so annoyed because they have to listen to him talking about you for hours! As soon as you come back be ready to get crushed by his dino hugs.
Obsessive yandere.
Strongarm sees you as someone who inspires her and she learns everything from you. If you're more experienced bot than her, she will ask you millions of questions, watching you in battle and analysing your moves. Just like Sideswipe she sees you as a role model but unlike him, Strongarm will be more calm and polite about it. If you're the same newbie as her, she will be glad to train with you and learn more how you can improve your teamwork together. Strongarm thinks you're perfect no matter what flaws you might have, if someone tries to tell her otherwise she gets easily agitated to protect your honor!
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kirihoon · 1 year
READER WHO CRIES WHEN THEY'RE NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY like katsuki chuckling at reader getting annoyed/upset at something he did and they cryyy 🥺
This is my first ask! omg, so exciting. I'll try my best.
Bakugou Katsuki laughing at you.
You've had an awful day. In fact, you've been having a lot of awful days lately. You just got a job after years of working your ass off at uni. You were so excited. It's your first job! Your first step into the real world! Yeah, you really set yourself up for disappointment.
Since you were new, no one cared for what you had to say. They would dismiss you or act like you didn't exist. Who cares about your opinion on the project? Who would give a shit about your ideas for improvement? Just go get us some coffee, newbie.
You were heartbroken to say the least. It's been about a month of this and you were running out of optimism. You kept looking for silver linings when they finally turned gray.
As you enter the apartment you share with your boyfriend, you sigh. Taking off your shoes and sitting at the coffee table. You open your laptop and look at the new design for the building that your team was trying to get approved.
Despite the shit you go through, you can't help but love your job. You've always had a passion for architecture and design. You could envision it in your eyes and the endless ideas float in your mind.
"Hey, brat, you seem busy." you don't even notice Katsuki enter the apartment. He stands there in casual clothes with hair slightly wet. He probably showered at the agency.
"Hi, Kats. It's just stuff for work." You try to say nonchalantly but the stress of work was weighing down on you. You haven't told Katsuki any of this because he was so proud of you for getting the job! You can't disappoint him!
"Yeah? Are you okay? You seem down." you sigh and muster up a smile.
"Of course I am, honey." You could see that he definitely does not believe it. He can read you too well. You look at him with pleading eyes and he takes the hint. Dropping the subject.
He sits by you and looks at your laptop, "What's that?"
You know what he's trying to do and you appreciate it. He knows how much you love to talk about what you do, it never fails to put a smile on your face.
"Oh! Let me tell you all about it!" You start talking about the project and there's a sparkle in your eyes as you recount all the ideas you have.
Suddenly, you hear it. Laughing. Katsuki's laughing. Directed at you.
Your heart breaks and you stop talking. Afraid your voice will crack if you do. You're frozen in your spot as your heart races and the world starts to cave in. You have a flashback to your coworkers. All of them laughing at you trying to give your ideas and present your work.
Tears well up in your eyes and your lip quivers. You can't even bother looking at him. Nobody takes you seriously. Not even him.
Were your ideas really that shitty? Shitty enough that even your boyfriend finds it laughable?
You close your laptop and abruptly stand up. You run to the bathroom still clutching your laptop to your chest. You lock it and crouch down to sob some more.
"Y/N! Baby, what's going on? What's the matter?" You hear Katsuki's shaky voice. He's panicking. You know he is. But you sob even more.
Katsuki follows you. Now there's only a door separating you.
"Baby, please, tell me what's going on. Are you hurt?" he starts asking a lot of questions. Questions that you don't have it in you to answer yet.
"Damn it, Y/n! Open the door! Please!" despite your on-going breakdown, you still appreciate Katsuki's patience. You know what he really wants to do is to blast the door away. He's had a lot of growth since you two started dating. Both of you have. You try to calm down as you recall that one of the things that made your relationship as strong as it is today is the promise of communication.
"J-just. Give me.. please, uh give me some time?" you stutter out in between sobs. Meanwhile, Katsuki sighs. There still panic in his eyes and deep worry etched on his face but at least you responded.
"Okay, I'm right out here." he sat down leaning his back against the door. He thinks about what could possible have happened.
After almost a half hour, you emerge. Katsuki is quick to stand and look at you, scanning if there are any physical injuries. He's just about to ask you again if you're okay but he's frozen. His heart aches at the redness of your puffy eyes and tear streaks down your face.
You both stand in silence. Him due to concern meanwhile you due to shame. Shame of your sudden outburst. Shame of your ideas. Shame of your shitty job. and finally, shame that even your boyfriend doesn't seem to think you're capable.
He's a hero for fuck's sake, he saves people for a living. You can't even do your office job right and here you are throwing a tantrum.
You can't help the shakiness of your voice as you finally break the deafening silence. "Do you- do.." you take a moment to try to compose yourself. "Are my ideas really that pathetic?". You look at him as tears reappear in your eyes.
Katsuki looks at you confused, he tilts his head and his eyebrows scrunch. "What?" He's wiping away the tears before he can even think about it. He caresses your cheeks as he steps closer. "What are you saying, baby? What's wrong?"
You look down and lean away from his hands. "You- you laughed. Why?" A million thoughts race in your mind. Did he finally see that you're not competent enough for a hero like him? Is he gonna break up with you? Maybe your coworkers were right about you.
Now, Katsuki's even more confused, trying to recall when he laughed. Finally he recalls the moment right before you stormed off. His gaze softens and he takes your hand in his.
"Honey, no, I wasn't laughing." Your sadness turns into anger at his words. "You're lying! I heard you! You can't gaslight your way out of this. If you have something to say, just say it!" You were shaking at this points. You didn't actually mean it. In fact, you didn't want to hear what he had to say. You weren't sure you could handle it.
"I chuckled." Now it's your turn to look confused. "Yeah, that's the fucking issue, Katsuki."
"No, no, you don't understand. I didn't laugh, i chuckled. Heck, it was even closer to a giggle." You looked at him as if he was talking nonsense. and in your mind, it really didn't make any sense.
"You were so excited, talking about your project. I always love it when you do. You're so damn passionate and determined - it's one of the reasons I liked you in the first place. You were different from the other extras." you can't stop the hint of a smile that appears on your lips which he immediately notices. He visibly relaxes a bit and smirks.
The smirk changes into a smile as he says the following "I was so proud. You were adorable as you work on your dream job. I couldn't help but smile. Apparently not only smile but also chuckle."
"Honey, I wasn't making fun of you. I promise."
Your anger dissipates and your sadness reemerges. Tears stream down your face as you hug Katsuki. You sob while venting about work, and how you feel, the imposter syndrome, just everything. He listens and rocks you back and forth trying to soothe you. He kissed the top of your head. He's never been good with words, so he does what he can do to show that he's here for you. His first instinct was actually to get mad at your coworkers and boss, but he knows now is not the time. His baby needs him. He carries you bridal style to your bedroom as you continue to cry and recount your shitty month. He orders some food and puts on your favorite movie and he hugs and kisses you, offering you a few encouraging words.
Weeks later he tells you to quit your job. He pulled some strings and now you're working on a brand new building. All from scratch. An amazing and high-tech building for the newly formed DynaRiot Agency. You both celebrate and you go to work as soon as you can. After all, DynaMight only settles for the best.
yeah, idk anything abt architecture, im sorry. not proofread. umm, hope you like it! im not rly good with the comfort thing so this is the best i could do haha. weird ending i know.
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literaryavenger · 9 months
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Summary: You're part of the Strike team and join Captain America as he tries to live his new life in the 21st century. [Reader is NOT Hydra]
Pairing: platonic!Steve Rogers x F!Reader, platonic!Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Warnings: Language. Rumlow being a dick. Mentions of death. My poor attempts at being funny. Idk, everything else in the movie?
Word Count: 2.7K
A/N: Happy New Year! This the first chapter in a new series I'm starting! I'm not sure how long it's gonna be yet, but I know it's gonna be longer than Broken. These series is about an alternate universe where the reader exists and lives through the events that happen in the MCU. A lot of the details will be changed to insert the reader, a lot of the lines said by other characters will be changed to be the reader's and I've also made up a lot of things and scenes and added them, trying my best not to change the official timeline and the main events. I hope you enjoy this and all chapters to come!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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“You heard the boss, newbie, text Romanoff and tell her to pick up Rogers.” Rumlow taps his knuckles twice on the table for emphasis before getting up and exiting the conference room.
You make sure he doesn't miss the way you roll your eyes at the now old nickname before writing ‘New mission, need you at the jet in one hour. Asshole wants you to pick up the old man in spandex’ on your phone and sending the message to Natasha, then you get up and make your way out of the room.
“Armory.” you say as you enter the elevator. 
“Confirmed.” the elevator voice says as the doors start closing. 
You suit up for the mission just assigned by Pierce and go to the jet to start doing the checkups you know the rest of the idiots on the STRIKE team won’t even think about doing. 
After making sure everything’s ready and in order, you can do nothing more than wait for everybody else.
Natasha and Steve get there exactly an hour after your text. 
“Right on time.” you point out.
“It wasn’t a coincidence, YLN.” Natasha smirks, making you laugh.
“Cap.” you greet him with a smile that he returns. “Y/N.”
The rest of the team meets you a few minutes after. “Ready for take off.” Rumlow says to the pilot and the jet takes off.
Once you get close to the target Rumlow starts briefing Steve and Nat. “The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago.”
“Any demands?” Steve asks.
“A billion and a half.” Rumlow answers.
“Why so steep?” Steve questions frowning.
“Because it’s Shield’s.” you answer promptly, ignoring the scowl on Rumlow’s face that disappears almost immediately.
“So it’s not off-course,” Steve says, understanding flashing in his eyes as he glares at Natasha “it’s trespassing.”
“I’m sure they have a good reason.” Natasha offers.
“You know, I’m getting a little tired of being Fury’s janitor.”-Steve seems really annoyed now.
“Relax, it’s not that complicated.” Natasha simply says.
“How many pirates?” Steve’s attention is back on the screen.
“Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc.” Rumlow pulls up the photo of Batroc on the monitor and looks at you expectantly, making you roll your eyes.
Of course you’re the only one who actually looked through the files.
“Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He’s at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. The guy’s got a rep for maximum casualties.” you fill everybody in, although it was obvious most of the guys aren't listening. At least the Captain is.
“Hostages?” Steve questions you, but Rumlow cuts in.
“Mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell.” he shows his picture. You’ve seen Sitwell around headquarters, he seems pretty close with the STRIKE team. Not that you hang out much with them outside of mission, or at all for that matter. “They’re in the gallery.”
“What’s Sitwell doing on a launch ship?” Steve asks more to himself, and he has a point. “Alright, I’m gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat and Y/N, you’ll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pots, get ‘em out. Let’s move.”
Yep, he’s definitely in Captain mode.
“Ay ay, Captain.” you salute with a smirk that mirrors Natasha’s while Steve gives you a fake annoyed look.
“STRIKE, you heard the Cap. Gear up.” Rumlow says but you’ve already started getting ready and stopped listening to him.
“Secure channel seven.” Steve says into his wrist communicator.
“Seven secure.” Natasha replies. “Did you do anything fun Saturday night?”
“Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so… No, not really.” Steve answers, making both you and Natasha laugh while the pilot lets you know that the drop zone is coming up.
“You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she’d probably say yes.” you point out, exchanging a knowing glance with Natasha.
“That’s why I don’t ask.” he fires back
“Too shy or too scared?” Natasha pushes.
“Too busy!” He yells over the wind as the door opens and then he jumps. 
You and Natasha both roll your eyes and look at each other smiling, not needing to talk to understand the other.
You barely register Rumlow and Rollins commenting on Steve jumping without a parachute before grabbing one for yourself and jumping alongside Nat.
You and Natasha have known each other for a while now, all the way back since she was first brought in by Clint.
You trained with both of them, went on countless missions together (yes, including Budapest) and you would’ve been right by their side in New York if you hadn't been on an important undercover mission and had strict orders directly from Fury not to blow your cover.
After that you got assigned to the STRIKE team by Alexander Pierce, though you still have no idea why. But orders are orders so you’ve been working with the idiots ever since.
But you and Natasha are thankfully still pretty close and your down time is spent mostly with her, sometimes also visiting Clint and his family at his farm.
 Nat’s still annoyed at Clint about naming his only daughter after you, middle name but still, and not her. But to be fair, you have known Clint longer, a fact that always amuses both you and Clint to bring up.
You’ve just landed when you hear Rumlow saying “you seemed pretty helpless without me” to Steve.
“What about the nurse who lives across the hall from you?” Natasha says.
“Yeah, she seems nice.” you add.
“Secure the engines, then find me a date.” Steve says in his captain voice.
“We’re multitasking.” Nat tells him before turning to you. “you take port, I’ll take starboard and we’ll meet at the rendezvous point”
“Copy.” you say and make your way to the engine room on the right side of the ship. You start taking down guys and can hear Rumlow saying they’re ready in position.
Just as you finish with the last guy you hear Steve calling your name. “What’s your status?”
“Port engine room secure.” you answer.
“Good, make your way to help Rumlow with the hostages.”
“Roger that.” you can almost hear him groan in annoyance as you smile while following his orders.
“Natasha, what’s your status?” you can hear her grunt while she fights through the comms. “Status, Natasha?” 
“Hang on!” She says as she keeps fighting. “Starboard engine room secure.”
You hear Steve countdown from three and then the team moving in on the targets, you get to the rendezvous point just in time to see Rumlow rounding the corner with the hostages on his tail.
“Hostages en route to extradition.” he says in his comms as you look around for Natasha.
“Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap. Hostiles are still in play.” you let Steve know while helping take care of the hostages.
“Natasha, Batroc’s on the move. Circle back to Y/N and protect the hostages.” he receives no answer and at this point you get a little worried. “Natasha!”
You want to go looking for her but you know better than to leave your post, and you’re also very aware that Natasha can take care of herself. 
So you keep protecting the hostages while listening intently to the comms where you can hear Steve fight, then you hear a voice you assume it’s Batroc’s talking French and are even more surprised to hear Steve answer back in French. Impressive.
You can hear him fighting again and then you finally hear Natasha’s voice but don’t pay too much attention to the conversation, bringing your entire focus on the hostages now that you know she’s okay. 
You’re helping people into the life-pods when you hear an explosion go off somewhere on the boat. You don’t even realize you’re holding your breath until you hear Natasha’s voice again and let it go, feeling even more relieved after hearing Steve too.
The ride back is very uncomfortable as you help Natasha with the minor injuries from the explosion, Steve refusing help and insisting that he’s fine, and in the mood he’s in you’re certainly not about to argue. 
As soon as the jet lands he stomps away angrily and you share a concerned look with Natasha, worried about what he’s gonna do next. 
You help Nat to the medbay and leave her there when she assures you she’s okay and to not make a fuss over her.
So you make your way to the usual conference room for debriefing but when you get there Rumlow very smugly assures you that you’re not needed at this meeting. 
You’re used to being left out of meetings with the STRIKE team and Pierce by now, since you’ve been forced to join you’ve been left out of more meetings that you’ve attended, but it still bothers you sometimes.
Still, at least you don’t have to spend too much time with those neanderthals. Not your circus, not your monkeys.
So you just make your way to the Armory to put away your gear and then the locker room to change and go home for what you think is gonna be the rest of the day.
A few hours later you find yourself in the hospital where the STRIKE team has been called in the middle of the night because, guess what? Someone tried to kill Director Fury. Or, as it turns out, succeeded. 
You’re behind Steve, Natasha and Hill alongside Rumlow and Sitwell, watching Fury flatlining and the doctors calling it.
You want to go with Nat to see Fury, be there for her knowing she cared about him as much as you do, but obviously Rumlow has to be a dick and order you to stay put. And, whether you like it or not, he’s your boss.
He rudely interrupts Nat and Steve’s conversation telling him they need him back at headquarters and you can already tell something’s suddenly off.
As much as Rumlow can be an asshole, he’s never been openly rude towards Steve.
You can hear Sitwell in your earpiece telling the team to bring Rogers in for questioning as he and Rumlow get closer.
“STRIKE, move it out.” he orders but you don't start moving until Steve’s by your side, giving him what you hope is a reassuring smile. 
When you get to the Triskelion Steve is taken to Pierce’s office and you get ordered to go to Forensics and check into the evidence found on the roof, then go to Operations Control and wait for there for further instructions, so you do. 
When you get to the control room you see Sitwell concentrated on a particular screen so you get close trying not to get noticed and see Steve fighting STRIKE and SHIELD agents in the elevator. 
You barely have time to understand what’s happening before he’s throwing himself off the elevator and lands on his shield near the entrance of the building. Thankfully Sitwell’s “Are you kidding me?” covered your quiet “holy shit.”
You’re in the room when Sitwell gives the orders to track down Rogers to all the Agents and when he’s done, you discreetly follow him and the rest of the STRIKE team out the room.
For a bunch of guys who work for a top secret organization they sure suck at knowing when they’re being followed. 
No one talks until they get to a deserted corridor. “Pierce is going to kill us. Rogers has the flash drive and can use it to find Zola. You fucked up big time letting him go.” Sitwell sounds pissed.
“Take it easy, four eyes.” Rumlow sounds just as angry “You’re not the one that got punched by a supersoldier.”
They keep talking about the flash drive and Steve and Pierce and Zola. That name sounds familiar but you can’t remember for the life of you where you heard it from.
Then it hits you.
Zola was a former Hydra scientist from World War II, turned ally when the war ended. Thank god the Howling Commandos were hot so you actually paid attention during that particular history class. 
You're about to turn away so you won’t risk getting caught eavesdropping when you hear your name being mentioned.
“Someone should keep an eye on her.” Sitwell says, making you worried of becoming the next Shield target, but Rumlow proceeds to ease your worries.
“That’s a waste of manpower. The whole reason she’s even on our team was so we could keep a closer eye on Rogers, but she just spends all her time with Romanoff.” 
So that’s why Pierce assigned you to the STRIKE team.
Yeah, you’re closer to Steve than most people but it’s not like you’re best friends, you sometimes hang out outside of work but most of your interactions are mission related.
You decide you've heard enough to kind of put together what’s going on, but there’s not much you can do to help Steve yet, not knowing where he is. So you stick to following the STRIKE team, praying that your absence in the control room goes unnoticed. 
STRIKE gets a hit on Steve’s location and you follow them in your car to a mall but think better than to follow them in, waiting patiently outside. 
After a few minutes you see Steve and Natasha in their not so well thought out undercover outfits and, once again, the Captain surprises you by hot-wiring a car. 
You follow them, more discreetly this time, knowing Natasha and Steve would be better at realizing they’re being followed. 
You get to an old army camp in Wheaton, New Jersey and are about to follow them in and make yourself known to them, but before you can get out of your car you hear the plan the STRIKE team has through your comms.
The idiots never even thought about using a different channel. Of course Rumlow would underestimate you this much. 
So you decide to drive deeper into the trees surrounding the camp to make sure you’re not visible and wait, knowing Steve and Natasha will need a fast getaway. 
You can do nothing more than watch as a missile hits the bunker and the helicopters start coming. You want to go and help them, make sure they're okay, but you will yourself to stay put and not give away your position. 
When you can faintly see Steve’s figure, almost running with what looks like Nat in his arms, you finally turn the car on and drive coming to a stop right in front of him and startling him to a stop on his tracks.
“Get in.” you urge him, and he seems wary of you, rightly so. “Come on, Cap, they can’t know I’m here!”
He seems to decide to risk trusting you and delicately sets an unconscious Nat down in the back seat before getting in the passenger’s seat.
As soon as his door is closed you drive away as fast as you can, heading back to Washington and you can feel Steve’s eyes on you.
“How do I know I can trust you?” he finally says after a minute of silence, his eyes never leaving you. “You’re part of them, after all.”
“I can see where you’re coming from, but trust me I’m not one of them.” You glance at him and you can tell that he’s not convinced yet, so you go on. “I didn’t even know who ‘them’ were before today. Apparently the reason Pierce assigned me to the STRIKE team was in hopes to get closer to you. He overestimated how close we actually are. If Natasha was awake right now she would tell you how much I hate working with those assholes… You can trust me.”
You take a look at the rearview mirror and see Natasha, but her relaxed face does nothing to ease your worries. 
Steve seems to pick up on your concerns as his features soften and, ever the hopelessly optimistic, he chooses to believe you.
“Okay,” he says, “what do we do now?”
“We have to get you somewhere safe” you check your mirrors as much as you can, making sure you’re not being followed “I don’t know any safehouses outside of Shield's radar. We need a place we can go that they know nothing about.”
“I have an idea.” he says, you glance at him and see him already looking at you, so you nod.
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its-all-stardust · 5 months
Guardian Angel
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Joel Miller/GN!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Prompt: Sometimes guardian angels don’t have a lovely singing voice and a set of fluffy wings, sometimes they have a deep frown on their face and a very bad attitude. (from creativepromptsforwriting)
Notes: this was meant to be a lot shorter 🥲 (not that it's technically long, but still). this is me attempting to write shorter fics/prompts as a way of refining my writing for oneshots so they don't drag on. this fic isn't anything special/impressive, but exists as a writing exercise.
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You never considered yourself useless, but you were pretty sure Joel Miller thought you were.
He came to Jackson in the spring with a teenage girl in tow. He said she wasn’t his daughter, but everyone could see the relationship all the same.
Joel got put to work right away. As a right of passage for anyone looking to go on patrol—one of the only things Joel was truly interested in—they shadowed you in the stables. You’re technically not Jackson’s stablemaster, but you had the best attitude when it came to training newbies on how to handle and take care of a horse.
You were a good teacher and had the patience to deal with both an angry rider and their annoyed mount. A talent few possessed, so you’ve been told. Your bright attitude, helpful nature, and unwillingness to give up truly allowed you to flourish in your role.
“Have you ever worked with a horse before?” was the first question you always asked a resident who hadn’t come from Jackson.
“I’ve ridden one before,” Joel said, his voice low, like he didn’t want to be heard.
“Okay, but that’s not what I asked.” Riding a horse was different from working with it, trusting it. You couldn’t race along the paths around Jackson, running from or chasing Infected if your mount’s instincts differed from yours.
Despite how gently you said it, the words still made Joel frown and eye you up and down like you’d lost your mind. He hadn’t said anything, though, so you counted it as a win. 
A couple of months later, Joel still greeted you with a scowl.
He’d graduated from stable work, riding and caring for his horse with ease, having become one of your top students. You still saw him at the end of every one of his rounds when he returned to the stables.
You tried not to take his gruff demeanor and permanent frown to heart. Despite his apparent dislike of you, he’d never actually said anything rude or condescending. He was always polite, even with his lack of interest in conversation. No matter how hard you tried to pull him in, get him talking, the most you would get was a word or two amongst the volley of grunts that typically served as his answers.
You kept talking to him anyway because, well, he never told you to stop.
The times you got him to talk, though, were always circumstantial and more often related to something you were about to do or something about to happen to you.
“Watch it,” Joel called, grabbing your arm and yanking you away from the carelessly tossed shovel left near one of the stable doors. “You gotta look where you’re going.”
You knew the stables like the back of your hand; you didn’t need to look up to see where you were going—at least, you never thought you did. You were focused on the torn harness in your hands, examining it and wondering if it could be salvaged or if it was better going into the scrap pile. The last thing you were worried about was watching where your feet were stepping.
Startled by Joel’s sudden outburst and handling of you, you stared at him wide-eyed for a moment before noticing the shovel. It wasn’t anything major; the most that would have happened to you would have been your foot catching on the curve where the wooden handle met the metal. You were around horses all day, every day; you’ve experienced worse than a stumble from a shovel.
Nevertheless, you wholeheartedly thanked Joel.
“I really should,” you said, smiling at him. “But my mind is always somewhere else.”
“I’ve noticed,” he said under his breath.
And it continued like that for months. By the end of fall, Joel always seemed to be there, rescuing you from things that wouldn’t have amounted more to a bump or bruised ego.
“Don’t hit your head,” he said when you tried to stand too soon after crawling under a table chasing after a runaway buckle for the harness you were repairing. Joel’s hand had been hovering over your head, and when you tried to rise, the back of his hand scrapped against the table. 
You thanked him again and politely didn’t say anything about why he felt the need to suddenly crouch at your side to save you from some scrapped skin.
“Like this,” he said when he saw you trying to repair a stall wall. He took the hammer from your hand before you could say anything and promptly started hammering the exact same way you had been. “Gotta move your hand once you get the nail in so you don’t hit yourself.”
“Thanks…” you said awkwardly, less enthusiastic than all the other appreciative words you’ve given out. The man had apparently never seen you do repair work around the stables in all the time he’d been in Jackson.
“Let me,” was said when you were mucking out the stalls. You had the wheelbarrow full and were about to take it outside when Joel stepped up. That, you were fine with him handling, but part of you wondered if he thought you were incapable. Did he really think shoveling shit was beyond you?
It was all, admittedly, a little much.
You didn’t usually get annoyed at people. No one quite got on your nerves enough. And if they came close, you were a master at redirection—either of their attention or your work—which helped to avoid much direct conversation.
Joel, on the other hand, was like your shadow. No amount of running or insisting you didn’t help couldn’t keep him away from you. There was even one instance where you thought he was on patrol, only to turn around and see him staring you down from the stable doors.
Then, one day, one of the horses returned from patrol with a nasty scrape on its shoulder. It had slammed into a tree during a chase with a small group of Infected. The rider managed to get it back to Jackson okay, but once it was in the stable, the stallion started fighting back, not wanting to be touched.
All the horses in Jackson trusted you more than they trusted any of their riders. You figured you’d be able to calm the beast down so he could get treated. 
“Woah, woah!” you called, hands raised in front of you, and you stepped back as the stallion, Ash, reared up. “It’s okay, you’re okay, boy.” You kept your voice soft, gentle, after screaming at everyone around you to keep quiet. Loud sounds weren’t going to help a skittish horse.
All four legs down on the ground again, Ash was still wide-eyed, chest heaving. He realized he was surrounded, looking around and stamping his feet at the circle of people trying to wrangle him. One of the other stablehands, thinking he could lasso the stallion, got too close to Ash’s rear. Ash spied him and kicked out a back leg, nearly catching the man in the chest before he stumbled back just in time.
After that, you waved everyone away. You thought nothing of the new shadow in the doorway behind Ash.
“Now, now, I’m not gonna hurt you,” you continued to soothe. You said nonsense a horse couldn’t understand, but you needed him to hear your voice, recognize you, and realize he was safe.
Ash’s breathing steadily started to even out, and you braved taking a step closer. He was still in his harness, the reins hanging down. If you could grab it, you could lead him back to his stall, giving him more time to settle away from people and other horses until he could get treated.
But Ash wasn’t as calm as you had thought. Instead, he had apparently been readying himself to lash out again.
You didn’t see it, not until it was too late, until you were too close. But someone else did.
“Move!” A voice shouted just as Ash reared up again. The next thing you knew, you were tackled to the ground, a loud grunt of pain sounding in your ear just before you landed.
There was shouting and Ash neighing, but you could only focus on Joel.
He hovered above you, staring down. “Are you alright?” he asked, voice strained. Ash had kicked him, you realized. Ash would have kicked you square in the chest if Joel hadn’t intervened.
His brow was furrowed, and you couldn’t tell if it was from the pain or concern for you.
“Are you alright?” You sat up, needing to check Joel over. Depending on how hard Ash got him and the angle, Joel could have had a broken shoulder or ribs.
“‘M fine,” he said, trying to brush you off. He kept staring at you, his hands twitching as if he wanted to reach out and touch you.
“You just got kicked by a horse, Joel.” You gently touched his right shoulder and caught him wincing.
You heard Ash squeal then and tensed, preparing for another outburst. But, thankfully, the others had finally caught him. He wasn’t happy and still struggling, but they were able to lead him to his stall, where they could leave him until he would let someone approach and tend his wound.
Able to breathe a sigh of relief, you turned back to Joel.
“Why did you do that?” you couldn’t help but ask. You were pretty sure Joel disliked you at best. What would have made him take a kick from a distressed horse for you?
“Someone has to watch out for you,” he said, somehow looking both inconvenienced and…shy.
You stared at him, stunned, unable to move even as he stood and held out his hand.
Joel Miller couldn’t…
Could he?
You took so long to do anything, Joel started to drop his hand. Your hand quickly shot out, grabbing his in a death grip. As he pulled you to your feet, pain flashed across his face. He used his bad side to help you.
Without letting go of his hand, you said, “Let’s go get you checked out.”
Joel’s protest died on his lips when he saw the look on your face. You wouldn’t take no for an answer.
After that, you let Joel take care of you however he saw fit, and on occasion, you returned the favor.
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fangirleaconmigo · 6 months
I've been going through some of your posts about Geralt and Dandelion's friendship in the books recently because... well I'm back in my book/game phase I guess and I really wanted to know if there are any other Dandelion friendships you like from the books and why? Like him and Zoltan or with the other Hansa etc? [Personally I'm a big fan of what little we see of him with Regis and it always makes me weepy that he wrote a biography about him in the games and fondly remarks abt him smelling like herbs all the time]
Awww yayy thanks for spending some time on the ol blog. I absolutely love this question. I don't get to talk enough about Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, and his relationship with Dandelion (for the newbies, that is Jaskier's name in the books) is so lovely.
Dandelion and Friendships
For those who are just joining us, Tea is talking about my series about Geralt and Dandelion's friendship in the books.
I have also written posts about Dandelion's friendships with Ciri and Zoltan:
Dandelion and Ciri
Dandelion and Zoltan
And for this post, I'll focus on Regis and Dandelion's friendship, which I absolutely love.
Dandelion and Regis Friendship (books)
What really strikes me about Regis and Dandelion, is just how patient and kind Regis is with Dandelion. Sometimes it is almost like he’s dealing with a child he cares about. Considering Regis’s age (over four centuries old), Dandelion (approx in his thirties when they meet) IS a child. 
On top of that, Dandy’s personality is rife with traits often associated with kids:
insatiable curiosity to the point where he endangers his own life, (when they go into the forest or sea, Geralt has to essentially, follow right behind him like you would a toddler),
hyper enthusiasm about every discovery he makes, (he whispers in awe when he sees mandrake for the first time, that’s just how he reacts to everything new)
his inability to censor himself or stop asking questions even when everyone else wants him to shut up (he will ask until he understands, no matter the social cues happening)
the way he will act incredibly transparent and awkward while thinking he is being subtle and smooth
Perhaps that is why Regis seems to be so indulgent of him. And somehow their personalities just fit naturally.
Regis’s most annoying trait is to lecture people at length like a professor and cut people off who are asking a question, since he is too eager to answer it. The vampire loves to hold forth on a topic.
Dandelion’s annoying trait (one of many, bless, we know he can't keep it in his pants either) is to ask questions incessantly. In that way, they really kind of fit together. 
Geralt loses patience when Dandelion is being socially inappropriate by asking too many questions. Geralt really values discretion and manners.
Regis is more willing to spend time explaining things and to open up.
Early in the hansa's time together, (before he manages to surprise folks several times over) Dandelion is often seen as the one who is in way over his head. Everyone else is a warrior or a soldier. Dandelion is the soft one. To add to the indignity, Geralt is angry at him during Baptism of Fire because Dandelion keeps forcing him to make friends (well, to ask for help)
Yet Regis, the new guy, is the one who always makes sure Dandelion isn't embarrassed or ashamed.
Here’s a few examples.
When Dandelion is given a bloody head wound by an arrow, the poet is howling and shrieking. He thinks he's dead already. He is not a stoic man. It is played comedically, but Geralt is also legitimately terrified that he will lose Dandelion. That bit is not played comedically.
But given the circumstances, the rest of them could be forgiven for rolling their eyes at the poet's dramatics.
But Regis (who is treating his wounds as the resident barber surgeon) does not.
Regis speaks to him so soothingly, and kindly. (I am omitting the Geralt dramz because I will get off topic lol)
Dandelion groaned and took a sharp intake of breath....
“I’ll put in a few stitches,” Regis said...”Be brave, Dandelion.”
Dandelion was brave.
“Almost done here,” Regis said, setting about bandaging the victim’s head. “Don’t you worry, Dandelion, you’ll be right as rain. The wound’s just right for a poet, Dandelion. You’ll look like a war hero, with a proud bandage around you head, and the hearts of the maidens looking at you will melt like wax. Yes, a truly poetic wound....”
And when it is revealed that Regis is a vampire, and Dandelion is afraid of him, Regis is incredibly patient and kind about the whole thing. He does not take offense. Geralt does! (Ironic, considering Geralt ran Regis off, but Geralt, bless, is dealing with a clusterfuck of feelings about the vampire and everything else going on in his life.)
But yes, after Geralt tells Dandelion about Regis, Dandelion is scared, and wants to seek reassurance. But the poet (unbeknownst to him it seems) is awkward and bad at it. He tries to bring up the issue with the subtlety of a sledge hammer.
Dandelion...deciding to clear up the uncertainty..began as soon as they set off. With his usual tact.
(I like that. His usual tact. Meaning, zero tact lmaoooooo.)
“Milva,” he suddenly called as they were riding, sneaking a glance at the vampire as they were riding, sneaking a glance at the vampire. “...I fancy eating a hunk of real meat for a change! How about you, Regis?”
Yeah. Real subtle Dandelion.
“I beg your pardon?’ the vampire said, lifting his head from the horse’s neck. 
“Meat!” the poet repeated emphatically. “...fancy some fresh meat?”
“Yes, I do.”
“And blood. Would you like some fresh blood?”
“Blood?” Regis asked, swallowing. “No. I’ll decline the blood. But if you have a taste for some, feel free.”
Geralt, Milva and Cahir observed an awkward, sepulchral silence.
I love that. Awkward sepulchral silence. Dandelion causes a lot of those. But Regis does not dismiss him or laugh. He reassures him.
“I know what this is about, Dandelion,” Regis said slowly, “And let me reassure you. I’m a vampire, but I don’t drink blood.”
The silence became as heavy as lead. But Dandelion wouldn’t have been Dandelion if he had remained silent.
But Dandelion wouldn’t have been Dandelion if he had remained silent. (sorry I am laughing every other line at this part)
“You must have misunderstood me,” he said, seemingly lightheartedly. “I didn’t mean-”
“I don’t drink blood,” Regis interrupted. “...I gave it up.”
Dandelion doesn’t know what that means and keeps pestering Regis to explain. Geralt is embarrassed and tells Dandy to shut up.
However, Regis opens up around the camp fire that night. He tells his life story, and says he hasn’t drank blood in fifty years. Dandelion is incredulous. 
“Not at all?” Dandelion said, and stuttered. But his curiosity got the best of him. “Not at all? Never? But...?”
Geralt is embarrassed again and shuts him down again. Regis, by contrast, is patient and defends Dandelion.
“I beg your pardon,” the poet grunted.
“Don’t apologize,” the vampire said placatingly, “And Geralt, don’t chasten him. I understand his curiosity.”
Baptism of Fire 291-295
That's right. Don't chasten him Geralt.
Regis and Dandelion also just have a wonderful dynamic of picking on each other.
Dandelion teases Regis about his long ass name.
And Regis has a great time teasing Dandelion lovingly. In one scene, Geralt and Regis team up to pick on Dandelion and the secretive way he treats his writing. Dandelion has stolen some paper and pencil from a Lyrian military convoy and is writing whenever they make camp, but gets testy whenever anyone gets near him or looks at his manuscript.
Geralt is good-naturedly giving Dandelion a hard time and Regis jumps in with such adorable relish. (Also, in this scene, we find out that Regis actually named Dandelion's memoirs)
"Indeed," the witcher joined in...."You've become devilishly touchy, Dandelion. One cannot fail to notice that it is somehow connected to the paper which you have recently begun to deface with a bit of lead while we camp." “It’s true,” Regis agreed, “our minstrel has become touchy, not to say secretive, discreet, and loving of solitude recently. Oh no, having witnesses when performing his natural needs doesn't bother him at all...His shameful secrecy and oversensitivity to being watched extends solely to his scribbled notes. Is, perhaps, a poem being written in our presence? A rhapsody? And epic? A romance? A canzone?”
He's like, you don't care who sees you piss and shit, but oh this you care about. lol. Tell us about the poem. But Geralt objects.
“No,” Geralt retorted...”I know him. It can’t be verse, because he’s not cursing, mumbling, or counting the syllables on his fingers. He’s writing in silence, so it must be prose.”
“Prose!” The vampire flashed his pointed fangs - which he really tried not to do. “A novel perhaps? Or an essay? A morality play? Dammit, Dandelion! Don’t torture us so! Reveal what you are writing?”
Dandelion says it is a memoir called Fifty Years of Poetry. Regis says that A Half Century of Poetry sounds better.
“Thanks, Regis, Something constructive at last.”
P 88 -90 The Tower of the Swallow
I admit I'm such a sucker (hehe no pun intended) for whenever Regis's fangs are mentioned, whether he is hiding them, baring them, or unselfconsciously showing them during a warm, silly moment with his friends. (Sobs, I love this vampire, seriously I need an intervention)
Regis also comforts Dandelion openly when the poet is doubting his courage or fitness for a task.
Later in the book, Geralt volunteers for a bloody job/violence for hire that terrifies Dandelion, so the poet protests the plan. Geralt insists he’ll do it alone.
But no! He has a hansa now! He won't be alone! Angoulême volunteers to go. Cahir says he’s coming with as well. Then Milva insists she is coming.
Dandelion freezes.
It would be like the LOTR ‘and my bow and my axe’ yadda yadda scene, but if there was one person left and when it got to them, everyone turned around and looked and they are just standing there frozen like....motherfuck this is scary idk idk wtf do I do. And the way this next paragraph is written, it pleases me.
Dandelion...was evidently struggling with his thoughts. And the thoughts were winning.
And Regis jumps in "kindly." He shows solidarity with Dandelion, and takes the heat by calling himself a coward.
“Stop meditating, poet,” Regis said kindly. For there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’re even less cut out to participate in a bloody swordfight than I am. We weren’t taught to carve up our neighbors with a blade. Furthermore...furthermore..,” he raised shining eyes towards Geralt and Milva, “I’m...a coward,” he confessed curtly.
They keep arguing amongst themselves because Geralt believes they have been spied on. And Regis is just...always soft with Dandelion. When Dandelion starts guessing about who is spying on them, and is beginning to ramble incorrectly,
“You’re mistaken, Dandelion,” Regis softly interjected.
The Tower of the Swallow p 182
It's Regis's gentleness that just fuckn kills me. That's always the character that's gonna get me right between the ribs with a shank. (Metaphorically, Regis is too gentle for that)the one that lives in a horror filled, violent, cruel world and is still just kind, even to the loud, awkward, soft, obnoxious poet who is in over his head and is afraid you'll bite him in his sleep and who shrieks when he is wounded.
Geralt and Dandelion are so sassy and old/married with each other, deeply, proudly loving in actions, but always bickering.
It's sweet to see Dandelion have a friendship like the one he has with Regis.
It is so nice to hear that the games continued his love of Regis. (I haven't played them, so I get my info about them from you guys XD)
So thanks again for following me and for the ask! I hope I've done ok answering. I also love Dandy's dynamic with Nenneke and ofc Yen, but I'll stop there.
Hope your week goes really well. x
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oneshlut · 11 months
Can you do The Amazing Digital Circus characters meeting the reader for the first time?
A/N: ofcofc!! thanks for the request, i ADORE writing for tadc! <33 (keeping these platonic since most characters i write for in tadc are platonic)
Another New Home (TADC & Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General meeting/friendship headcanons for ALL characters of TADC
Seeing as he's the ringmaster, Caine introduces himself first!
Tries to be a bit less louder than he was with Pomni. She's actually been talking with him lately, trying to get him to be a bit more friendly! And human!
Can you blame him for being slightly rude? He's not even human, so he can't be blamed for not understanding certain emotions.
But you help him understand! He'll ask you from time to time about what certain human things mean.
When you first spawned into the circus, Caine helped pick out a name for you! By that I mean he chose it for you. You didn't get a say in anything.
Your relationship now? Well, he makes sure you don't get abstracted! That's enough for a good friend, right?
Immediately freaked out hearing a new name in the theme song. DESPERATELY hopes you're not too weird, like Kinger or.. Jax? Well, she hopes you're not rude like Jax
After meeting you, she's pleasantly surprised! You two can kinda relate to your situation. Jax likes to call you two the "newbies".
Pomni tries her best to explain to you what the digital circus even means for you, what abstraction is, and what not. She may not be able to answer all of your questions, though.
Thinks you're one of the "normal" ones to hang out with. Tries sticking with you during Caine's adventures. (She just needs someone else that gets her. Luckily, you fit that role perfectly.)
If she's comfortable enough with you, some days she may visit you in your room! Pomni doesn't do this often, though, so feel lucky.
Overall, the two of you are existential crisis buddies! If you become friends with her, be prepared for lots of deep thoughts and.. well, confusion.
Ragatha is always eager to meet someone new in the circus! Despite how dire your situation may be, she tries her best to cheer you up.
Every morning she checks the doors before going down to the grounds, and that morning she found your door. Your design intrigued her, she just had to meet you!
She definitely explains abstraction better than Pomni tried to. When you get nervous about.. well, going insane, she heavily reassures you. Although Caine's adventures may seem like hell, they're actually pretty fun! Sometimes.
Ragatha shows you to your room, before she lets you get to know everyone else. She tries to stay optimistic for you, but you can kinda feel her underlying worries about the situation as she explains it.
She's definitely one of the easier people in the circus to get along with. If you get to know her a bit better, she may open up to you! Ragatha will try to tell you everything she knows about her past self, but she's left with very little wisps of what she used to be like.
Ragatha is on the more nicer and motherly side of the group, so when you can you try to spend time with her. If you put in the right effort, Ragatha will become really fond of you!
If you've read my other works, you'll know Jax isn't one for new people. And at the same time he is. He's really indecisive.
But meeting you wasn't too bad. You weren't overwhelmingly annoying, but you did have some elements to your character that he could tease or make fun of.
Your first impression of Jax was.. honestly kind of bad. He was a complete dick, what more do you expect? To say the least, his antics did not help your increasing confusion.
If you still hang out with him after your horrible introductions, he would be.. amused. Becoming friends with Jax was just setting yourself for failure. Walking into a bear trap.
He teased you, pranked you relentlessly, and made sure you failed horribly during Caine's adventures. Why? I dunno, it was funny.
Jax will tone down his asshole nature as time goes on, and the closer you are with him.
You'll know he's placed his full trust in you when he asks you to help him out with a prank.
According to Zooble, her name for you was 'weirdo' in her head until she met you. As is for everyone, I suppose.
Your first meeting was.. awkward? You had asked her how her limbs worked, detachable and all. It was intriguing to hear about, though.
One thing you shared in common with her was probably both of your lackluster attempts at Caine's adventures, before just deciding to give up.
When you were too tired to commit to an adventure, you'd hang out with Zooble. She was nice company, and much different from others who were much more chaotic. Spending time with Zooble gave your brain a rest, a chance to slow down. And.. it was nice.
Zooble may seem unwilling to befriend you, but I promise she's trying. Not many people actually try to befriend her, unless it's Jax. If you count Jax's pranks as a way of befriending.
In all honesty, when you first met her, you kinda thought she would be.. crazy. Like Kinger. Maybe it was her design, with all the colors in all its glory, but you found yourself pleasantly surprised!
As long as you aren't a natural annoying person, or push buttons like Jax, Zooble eill probably grow fond of you! She won't admit it, though.
Oohh, Gangle. She's a tough one. Right now she's focused on her comedy mask, and doesn't even notice you when you first spawn in.
When you come to say hi, she's still in sorrows. She wishes you could've seen her happier side when you first arrived..
You try to help Gangle fix her mask, but you.. kinda end up making it worse. You apologize profusely. Don't worry, she forgives you. She may have just cried a bit more.
The more you hang out with her, the more comfortable she will get with you. She's a tough one to break, so it may take a while for Gangle to become fully trusting in you.
Try not to make any sudden movements or bursts of affection, because she will cry. Gangle, being as emotional as she is, will probably break down if you're too nice to her. They're happy tears, I swear. She's just not as used to affection like she was before.
As you grow closer, you begin to notice the little things. Gangle begins to show hints of smiles, and if you're lucky, she'll giggle a bit at a joke.
If you're patient with Gangle, she'll get attached to you. Sorry, no take backsies. She's just happy to finally have someone to feel safe around.
Kinger is.. a wild card. Don't get me wrong, Kinger is one of my favorite characters, but you have to admit he's a bit startling at times. And confusing. So imagine meeting him after being transported to another reality, already confused enough with your current situation, and now having to deal with Kinger's personality.
Him being a bit, you know.. coo-coo, he kinda ignored you at first. Kinger thought he was just hallucinating again, as per usual. Then you spoke, and he immediately jumped.
Speaking to him leaves you a bit frazzled, but you don't mind. He asks a lot of confusing questions about you, like how many half-syllables are in your name. You don't even know your name yet..
But you spend time with him anyways, he can be fun at times! He's decently helpful on adventures, and is a joy to have outside of Caine's antics. (What I'm trying to say here is that you build fortresses together.)
Kinger categorizes all of his friends using chess pieces. He says your a knight. Not even he knows why, he just one day told you that you seemed like a knight.
Grow close enough, and this humanized chess piece will ramble on and on about plants and insects to you. When he's ranting, you can barely make out anything he says, as his words naturally seem to blend together. Honestly? He's probably neurodivergent.
One day he'll tell you about Queenie. But it's gonna take a while. Estimated 5 years. For now, you two are great friends! In a way, Kinger feels like this weird childhood friend you never had. And Kinger.. still sees you as a knight.
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bogunicorn · 1 year
thoughts on what fandoms the da:i characters would be in
I will do this for you but ONLY if I amend it to "fandoms they would be annoying about" because it's funnier and otherwise I'm just assigning them shows they would be into and that's too subjective and less fun
One of them has to be a Homestuck and it's Sera, Sera is the Homestuck. Sera has a Trollsona that she doodles on everything, she would 100% absolutely try to dye herself gray using sharpies and vodka for a cosplay. She references it all the time and is annoying when you don't understand her jokes. She still tries to get people into it, but she considers Andrew Hussy a mortal enemy these days for Reasons.
Solas is a Song of Ice and Fire bitch. Not the show. The books. "But wait, Boggers!" you might say (if you know me well enough to call me "Boggers"), "What about LOTR? Why isn't Solas into LOTR?" And to that I say, he's definitely read it and is a nerd about it, but this is about fandom, and fandom to someone like a Reddit-addicted bitch like Solas is about theory crafting, debates, and politics, and ASoIaF being complex but unfinished really lends itself to the kind of deep internet toxicity that I think Solas would crave. Also he likes wolves.
Cole is a Supernatural Superfan. He has all the cheesy "join the hunt" merch because for a while it was his chief special interest and all he wanted was SPN stuff. He's kind of obsessed with Baby, specifically. His favorite episode was Baby and he has an AO3 account full of fic written from the car's perspective. He didn't cry in the finale until he saw the Impala under the canvas and he's been lowkey upset at Sam for doing that ever since.
Dorian is an old school Baldur's Gate fan. Like, BG1 and 2. He's played other RPGs of that era, those are just his favorites. What makes him an annoying fan is that he thinks complicated = good and looooooves to complain about how "simple" and "boring" current-era RPGs are. If you can't softblock yourself from all progress by making one mistake two hours into your playthrough, it's too easy. He's active in fandom spaces and is largely helpful, like he writes tips and guides and will answer newbie questions, but the price for his help is dealing with him being smug.
Leliana is a FromSoft fangirl and a Soulslike aficionado. Nightingale says git gud. She'll happily team up with you in co-op to get you through stuff if you ask, but she also explains mechanics and such like you should have known them already and thinks you're just not trying hard enough to listen, even though her advice is almost incomprehensible.
Cullen is an MCU fanboy. He fully believes they're the peak of cinema. He compares literally everything to an MCU movie, as he has seen all of them, multiple times, and thinks you're "thinking about it too much" if you criticize them in more than the most banal of ways. Usually it's fine, like, being excited for stuff is fine and enjoying mainstream things are fine, but you can only have so many "Thanos was a great villain" conversations with this dude before you go insane. Despite seeming incapable of critiquing the MCU, his criticisms of the DCEU are spot-on, sharp, and demonstrative of actually very impressive media analysis skills, but also coming from a starting point of "DC Bad, Marvel Good", so it's like, we could've had it aaaaaaaaall.
Cassandra is in the Bridgerton fandom. She read the original books and liked them, so she was one of the first people watching the show. Most of her fandom stuff happens on Facebook with other book fans. Watching the show with her is fun until the exact second she says "well, in the BOOKS" and then rattles off a list of the most inconsequential changes, distracting you from a pivotal moment in the show and forcing you to rewind. She is very pressed about the seasons going out of order from the books.
Varric is a Critical Role evangelist. He was there when it started, he's listened to everything. He's listened to other real play podcasts and shows, but CR is his favorite. That's not annoying in and of itself, what's annoying is that he will not stop trying to get you to watch it. If you even breathe in the direction of a DnD-related topic he tries to give you "advice on where to start" with CR. His friends put up with it because he's their Forever DM and they love him, but he sure does do a lot more obnoxious sound effects now than he used to and they're planning an intervention about it.
Josephine is a Disney Adult. She seems normal and then bam, you get blindsided by something insane, like that she owns every single Disney character Funko Pop, or that she's gone to DisneyWorld for vacation every year for the last decade, or you go over to her house for dinner and find Hidden Mickeys in her bathroom, or she's really intense about pin collecting and limited edition mouse ear headbands. You wonder when she has the time and energy to collect all this. And there's more of it every time you see her. But the thing is that she's pretty quiet about it as long as you don't poke the bear. You know that she's seen every one of the new remakes in theaters, but you don't dare ask her opinion about them. Her favorite princess is Cinderella and she tells you "the original dress was silver" with exactly the same amount of excited did-you-know energy every time.
I hate to break this to you all, but Iron Bull is a Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan fanboy. Yep. Yes he is. His toxic trait is that he shuts his brain off and just enjoys the gritty action sequences. He liked Batman v Superman. He bought the Snyder Cut. He thinks Nolan's Batman is the absolute best that franchise has ever been and ever could be. I'm sorry, it's heartbreaking but it's true. I know, I'm sad, too, we can hold each other.
Vivienne has been in the Anne Rice fandom under the same pseudonym for ever. She was one of the original fans and was much more active in fandom when she was much younger, but she made her fannish activities more and more private as she became more established in her career. You would honestly never know it meeting her IRL; at most, people come over for dinner parties and might notice that she owns every single Anne Rice book, but they're part of her overall book collection and don't really stand out. Secretly, though, she's been keeping up with the Anne Rice fandom under a pseudonym this whole time and goes to the more modern in-person events using her fake name. She might kill you if you ever connected her fandom activities to her real life in any way. She's also just, like, she's really bad at letting people be wrong about these books. Really, really, really bad. There are epic-length threads on old forums that are just her and one other similarly deranged person fighting about obscure Vampire Chronicles lore.
And finally, Blackwall is a Game of Thrones girlie. The show, not the books. He's one of those "I don't like fantasy but I like Game of Thrones" guys, and he thinks GoT is mold-breaking and special and better and grittier and more realistic than other fantasy and that's why he likes it. His most irritating fan trait is that he thought season 8 was good and that the ending was good and he likes to get into heated debates with other fans about it. However, he does not know what Reddit is, he only talks with other GoT-watchers in Facebook, which is why he and Solas haven't had the fight to end all friendships yet. Yet.
BONUS! Krem is into Star Wars and Scout Harding is a die-hard Trekkie, and they go to big cons and cosplay together. They're not annoying at all, I just wanted to mention it because I feel like that's in-character for them.
**also if you like this and think "i'm gonna give this fine person a follow because they're so funny about dragon age", i made a new DA sideblog at @skyholdstarbucks where i'd post anything similar to this in the future
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