#so johnny goes and works in one of the garages ^_^
help-itrappedmyself · 7 months
Summoning Game Show Part 4
Look. I don't know how to write a sword fight and if I tried this part wouldn't be coming out for a month. So here's this and if I ever do write the sword fight I'll shove it in as part 4.5 or something.
Turns out that Fright Knight bleeds green. Weird. It had taken a moment, both of the fighters taking the time to get to know their opponent before truly engaging in the fight. But after the fight had well and truly started, it hadn’t lasted long. Damian had quickly taken advantage of his speed and the fact that Fright Knight was clearly not used to being limited by gravity.
“So the puzzle currently stands with four letters showing.” Danny gestured as the screen reappeared.
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“For winning against Fright Knight, what letter would you like to guess?” Danny asks Damian, who has returned his borrowed sword and is now standing back on the stage.
“I choose the letter O.” Damian’s quick with his answer.
“An amazing choice, Robin. There is an O!”Danny waves his hand and the screen changes.
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“The next game is a race! You can pick how you want to race from: bike race, flying race... Can any of you fly?” Danny’s face scrunches slightly as they all answer no. “Apologies, your options are bike race or swim race!”
“Nobody is swimming in radioactive substances!” Nightwing interjects.
“Bike race it is!” Danny agrees cheerfully. “Who will our biker be?”
Tim and Jason turn to look at each other. “Look, if it’s between the two of us to do the brain puzzle at the end, I think we all want that to be you.” Jason states. “Let me take this one.”
Tim nods and Jason stands up. “I’ll do it.”
“Wonderful! You’ll be racing Johnny.” Danny says. “Skulker will be playing defense.”
They are approached by a blond man wearing driving gloves.
“Wait, defense on a race?” Jason asks.
“Yeah, his goal will be to try and let no one win!” Danny is getting very excited. “He makes his own weapons, so I asked him to make some traps and things for this, he was excited to be able to participate.”
Danny jumps off the podium, but floats gently down until he’s next to Johnny, but now his forn doesn’t have any feet, just a wispy tail. Then waves for Jason to join them. As Jason is walking over someone with flames for hair wearing a lot of metal floated past through a door that said 3. Danny noticed Jason’s eye tracking him.
“That was Skulker. He’s going to set up the racetrack. Now we need to go to the garage so you can pick out your bike!” Danny starts walking over to yet another door. “Johnny will be on his usual bike, but you can pick whichever you want out of these.” Danny opened the door and flung it open for Jason, who stood still in the doorway.
“These are all motorcycles.” Jason muttered. 
“Well, yeah.”
“Is that a problem?” Johnny asks.
“No.” Jason shakes his head. “I had thought bicycles when I heard bike race, but this works out great.”
Jason goes and looks around at all the bikes, they had a large selection.
“Johnny, remember to keep Shadow in line. I know he’ll want to ride with you because it’ll be fun and everything, but he is not to interfere with the race.”
Johnny nods. “You got it. I’ll make he sure he doesn’t do anything.”
“Good! When Jason is done grabbing his bike, get yours too and I’ll meet you outside room 3!”
Johnny starts walking over to help Jason pick out a bike and Danny heads back into the main room. He floats up to the stands to talk to a few people, then floats back down to the podium and lands on it with two feet again.
“We’ll be watching from here.” Danny tells the boys, who had huddled together sometime while he was gone. 
Skulker comes back out of room 3 and heads over to Danny. “Got everything set up.”
“Nothing lethal? You remember that one of them is mostly human, not ghost. He will actually be hurt if you go too far.”
“Mostly?” Tim mouths at Dick. Dick shrugs.
“Got it covered. Non-lethal weaponry, and set up some road hazards.”
Danny nods and Skulker heads back through door number 3, as Johnny and Jason leave the garage, both pushing bikes next to them. 
Danny heads over to lead them to the track and get them set up at the starting line.
The room is large, with what looks like three separate zones and the track looks like it’s made of glass, reflecting as green as almost everything else in the Infinite Realms. The  first zone looks like a mountain, with the track starting on ground level and going up in winding circular trails up and around the mountain before heading back down. Then there’s a quick jump in it, a ramp leading to a gap in the track, which separates the zones. Zone Two  looks like a series of mounds, or small hills like a dirt racing track, some grassy, some muddy, some sandy, all sure to make driving difficult. Another jump leads into Zone Three which looks like a cityscape. There are many different paths you can take through it but you have to go around buildings and what looks like fake traffic.
Johnny and Hood get the bikes set up at the starting line while Danny starts explaining.
“You have to go through all three zones, but the actual paths you take are pretty optional so long as you go through all of them in order. The first zone really only has one path, but the second one has some splits and the third is almost a maze, so you wont get penalized or anything for going down different streets or anything. Main points are you make it up and down the mountain, through the hills, and across the city. If you crash or skid, or Skulker gets you, you are free to keep going so long as you are uninjured.”
Danny then goes back to the podium and gets the screen up and ready to begin.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 39
Part 1 Part 38
Will’s heartbeat picks up when someone knocks on the front door. Even though Demogorgon’s don’t knock, and bad men with guns probably don’t either. He stays curled up on the couch while Jonathan goes to open the door.
The voice that drifts in from the front door makes his shoulder relax.
“Johnny boy!” Eddie calls, pushing into the house like he owns the place, Steve trailing in his wake. Eddie looks around, eyes wide. “Woah, this place cleans up nice.”
Mom and Jonathan had picked up all the furniture, cleaned all the debris from the linoleum, and packed away all the Christmas lights into boxes they’d stuffed into the garage. Neither of them had let Will help, so he’d sat on the couch, doodling pictures of Steve and Eddie as they worked around him.
“Thanks?” Jonathan says, awkwardly shuffling on his feet.
Steve smiles at him, “hey, man,” he says, bumping their shoulders together companionably before slinking past him to sink down onto the couch.
Will reaches out to snatch Steve’s hand, notices the fine tremors running through it. There’s sweat beading on his forehead, standing out starkly without his hair to mask it.
“Are you okay?” Will asks.
Steve smiles over at him, “I’m fine.”
“Actually,” Eddie says, clapping his hands together enthusiastically before wincing and shaking out his fingers, “We just came from physical therapy, and someone,” he pauses to make squinty eyes toward Steve, “could use some food to make up for the calories.”
“Eddie,” Steve sighs.
“No,” Eddie says, crossing his arms, “the doctor said you needed to eat to like, fix your body and shit.”
“I’ll, uh, go grab some sandwiches,” Jonathan says, scurrying into the kitchen and away from the conflict.
“I’m hungry,” Will murmurs, even though they’d had breakfast late and he’s really not.
Steve slumps into him, head lolling onto his shoulder as he groans pitifully. “God, there’s two of you now.”
Will giggles, cheeks warm at the contact.
“How tragic,” Eddie says, slumping down on Will’s other side, reaching over him to run his hand playfully over Steve’s head, avoiding the stitches. “Two people care about your wellbeing? Whatever will you do?”
Steve slumps further into Will, shaved head scratchy where it’s rubbing against Will’s chin. Eddie pushes him down, gently onto Will’s crossed legs. Steve grumbles but lets himself be shoved.
“There,” Eddie says. “Now we can feed you like the wilting princess you are.”
Steve scowls, eyes drifting between both of them as he mutters, “Whatever, dude,” before he seems to droop, eyes closing.
They sit quietly, waiting for Jonathan to come back. Will settles into himself, enjoying the way his skin isn’t crawling, the way it only seems to when he’s with Steve and Eddie.
It’s like, now that he’s met them, the shadows only fully recede when they’re in sight. That crawling thing inside him stops trying to get out.
Jonathan looks surprised when he gets back, plates full of sandwiches stacked on top of one another. He puts them on the coffee table, eyeing Steve. “Should we, uh, wake him?”
“’m not asleep,” Steve mumbles, levering himself up with a wince. He, notably, doesn’t open his eyes until Eddie grabs one of the sandwiches and curls his fingers around it.
He eats slowly, sedately, and seems to doze off again, a quarter of the way through. Will pulls the sandwich from his fingers and puts it back on the plate.
Eddie puts the remains of his own sandwich on top of it, pushing Steve gently down onto the couch, gently placing the throw from the back of the couch over where he’s curled into a ball.
“Is he okay?” Jonathan asks quietly.
Eddie’s brows furrowed as he looks down at Steve, but he smooths it out by the time he looks back up. “He’s fine,” he says, ironically echoing Steve’s own words, like covering up each other’s raw edges comes by rote. “Physical therapy just seems like a lot.”
Steve’s legs are now in Will’s lap. He clutches Steve’s ankles, cuddling them into his stomach.
“Guess we’re staying here for a bit,” Eddie says nonchalantly, but he’s biting his lip and darting his eyes between Jonathan & Will like he’s waiting to be kicked out.
Will clutches Steve’s ankles tighter, looking over at Jonathan as well. Jonathan shrugs, “Sure,” he replies. “Mom’ll be overjoyed. She’s pretty much adopted you both into the family.”
Eddie looks down, at Steve’s sleeping face, biting his lip. “Oh.”
Will thinks of Uncle Wayne, and the way Eddie’s Mom or Dad weren’t ever mentioned, not even once. He thinks about the conversation he’d overheard his Mom having with Hopper, that Steve couldn’t go home alone, and the way Steve hadn’t seemed to want to call his parents at all. Even in trouble. Even in Hell.
Well, they’ve got three more family members now, whether they like it or not.
And Jonathan’s right – Mom is happy when she gets home to find two teenaged boys passed out on her couch. She makes her special occasions lasagna, and the smell seems to rouse both boys from their prolonged nap.
It’s a quiet dinner. Mom asks gentle, probing questions about Steve’s health, and when everyone’s thinking of going back to school. Steve waffles around the conversation, blushing and turning awkward every time Mom turns the power of her care onto him.
Eddie seems to bloom with it, though, talking about getting back into D & D, and his band, and his plans to corral Steve into staying home at least for the rest of the week.
By the time they leave for the night, Will’s belly and heart are both full. Still, the shadows creep back in.
Will goes to sleep, alone in his bed, shivering from the cold, clawing thing inside him.
Part 40
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mister-mickey · 17 days
Reverse au (socs and greasers reversed)
Cherry- greaser girl with a single father who’s pretty busy but cherishes her a lot. She’s able to befriend most people, but she gets harassed a lot because… she’s a girl. She kind of take pony’s role
Bob- greaser whose parents both work a lot, so they aren’t there for him to give him attention, so he’s an adrenaline junkie as well as an alcoholic. He works at the DX and is always drag racing people
Randy- greaser whose parents are way too strict. He’s got younger siblings and a job, his parents are always pressuring him to do more. He works at the DX with Bob and is usually the one to pull him away from fights (greaser Randy is less of a follower because he knows Bob is in more danger if he lets Bob do whatever)
Marcia- her parents both work as well, but her mom is around more. Her mom is kind of doped up and isn’t there for her. Her dad used to hurt her but ever since Cherrys dad let her stay at their house, she barely goes home and it’s stopped ever since Marcia got taller (aka able to defend herself better) she is dating Randy but honestly he’s just her friend. She feels bad about it.
Paul: Cherrys cousin on her mom’s side. He takes Darry’s role and is very protective of her as well. He wanted to go to college, but can’t obviously. He’s the leader of their gang, but he feels like he’s somehow betraying them by being in love with Darry. He’s Paul still, so he’s kind of arrogant and assumes he knows more than other people. He’s obsessed with “shortcuts” and “work smarter not harder” and often gets in trouble for this
Darry- Sox who is currently in college. He isn’t around a lot even though his parents are dead (soda and pony are left with a nanny who comes around three times a week to check on them and report to Darry. Darry also calls every day to check on them) he’s a likeable guy but he is still in love with Paul. He has romps with Tim sometimes but he’s very conflicted. He does LIKE Tim but Tim is far from Paul m. It doesn’t help that twobit gets wrapped up in this sometimes too. Darry’s head is about to split open sometimes.
Soda- Soc who didn’t drop out, but he’s still failing all his classes. This upsets Darry a lot, but soda could care less. He’s very popular and throws parties a lot, which makes Darry very upset. Soda doesn’t think college is important, but he also knows that he doesn’t get a choice and no matter how bad he does, he’s going to end up there. So he doesn’t try too hard and just has fun.
Pony- soc who is a smart cookie. Basically the same tbh, perhaps a bit less traumatized from the basic environment. He loves talking to greasers because Darry said not to.
Johnny- Sox who is still abused, it’s just hidden now. His parents actually care about public perception so they act like a loving family in public and at events. They both tell Johnny he sucks and isn’t good enough to be their only son. Johnny takes this to heart a lot and it makes him try harder at school (but it stresses him out so he does worse)
Dally- soc whose dad is a big time lawyer who doesn’t act like a father. Dally is left to run wild and jump greasers (he also gets with greaser girls sometimes because he’s not supposed to sully soc girls) dally is failing most of his classes but somehow gets a’s every semester (his dad pays the school) he’s besties with tim and they jump greasers together. They don’t have the same relationship as they do as greasers because i think it’s less acceptable for civilized boys to beat each other up like that. Instead they both were in the boxing team in highschool and made sure to stay in the same weight class lmfao
Steve- soc with absent single father, Steve has a car hobby. He’s got two cars and they’re both super expensive. The cars are his babies and his dad pays him a lot more when he upsets Steve now. Steve has one super nice car he drives his friends around in and one that he keeps in the garage and obsesses over. He likes to jump greasers but not with soda because sometimes soda feels bad about it 💔
Twobit- soc, his dad didn’t leave, he’s just always on business trips. His mother is a socialite who is always bragging about him, even if there’s nothing to brag about. He’s an alcoholic whose parents paid for him to not have to retake junior year. Despite this, he’s a fun guy and everyone likes him, even greasers. He’s very non discriminatory (and is lowkey in love with Darry) He helps his buddies if they get jumped but he won’t jump a greaser unless he has a reason (like a vendetta against one specific greaser who keeps exchanging eyes with Darry)
Tim- stepdad is also on business trips a lot, his mother is classy old money. His family has ties to the Italian mafia on his mother’s side. Tim (like Paul in the series) didn’t go to college and instead works for his father’s company and is already making a shit ton of money at 18. He likes to scare greaser girls and children. Sometimes he revs his engine super loud around greaser girls to make them shriek. He likes darry and romps around with him but he’s aware of the way Darry looks at Paul. He HATES Paul and tries to hit him with his car sometimes
Angela- most popular girl in school. She ruins relationships and makes girls insecure. She shoves cherry and Marcia around sometimes and bullies them in the locker room. She doesn’t actually have anything against them, she just has a lot of built up frustration inside. She’s still awful to them. She tried to steal Bob 😭 but he didn’t gaf about her and she got embarrassed
Curly- He’s always getting arrested but somehow has no criminal record. He likes to jump people ofc because he’s curly but nobody takes him seriously because he always jumps weak people. He knows he isn’t that scary. He struggles in school and his mom threatens to send him to boarding school when he pisses her off (this sets his straight for two days before he’s back on his bs)
Evie- pretty soc girl that is always wearing the newest and most expensive clothing. Incredibly spoiled but not a total jerk
Sylvia- soc girl that’s always with a new guy, usually bounces between Tim and dally. Her focus in this au is more along the lines of picking the best husband because her parents have basically groomed her into a trophy wife position
Buck- daddy’s boy. Very spoiled. His father runs a successful beer company and Buck holds an important position there. He’s Sylvia’s cousin like always and is trying to keep Dallas and Tim AWAY
Sandy- Soc girl that is incredibly eager to become a mother. She’s a typical “good Christian girl” and gen believes this is the best she can do
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nevadancitizen · 6 months
synopsis: you died six months ago, but you've come back to haunt johnny. not as a ghost, no – as some twisted version of you that johnny still loves. too bad you don't still love johnny, or remember him in any capacity.
word count: 4k
characters: john "soap" mactavish, resurrected! reader
trigger warnings: talk of canon-typical violence, temporal weirdness, hurt + damn near no comfort
notes: first soap fic.. hopefully i've written him well!! also i couldn't resist incorporating madness combat in this somehow lol it's taking over my life (you don't need to know anything about madcom to read this, don't worry). also tumblr user nevadancitizen using the amnesia trope again? it's more likely than you think.
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Somewhere in Nevada, a battered body is denied death, so that it may be granted, en masse…
And six months ago, somewhere in Russia, you were killed in action. 
It was a single shot through the skull – nice, clean. You didn’t suffer. Despite your killer more than likely being a terrorist (or working for one), they did you right. It was probably unintentional, but they still did you right. 
Johnny couldn’t bring himself to get out of bed, even to piss, for weeks after. He was completely numb to almost everything. The world passed by while he stood completely still, laying on his side in your shared bed, spooning a pillow that was rapidly losing your scent. 
(He even tried spraying it with your perfume or cologne, but it didn’t work. It was too strong – it didn’t smell like when you wore it.)
Johnny thought all-too-often about what happened after death. He was ready to die, always has been, but he never really thought about what would happen if (or, more accurately, when) you died. He always cast those thoughts away, because he was done losing people. He was done with grief and screaming, pleading to God, and crying so hard he threw up. 
But he eventually returned to his job. He eventually put you to rest. He prayed for the first time in damn near two decades that, if there was really an afterlife, that you were in Heaven.
(He just hoped that, whatever Heaven there was, it was good enough for you.)
But again, six months ago, somewhere in Nevada, a battered body was denied death, so that it may be granted, en masse.
It is a land without sun, without warmth unless you could find it in another body. It is a land without rules, without remorse, without regret. 
It is a land of violence. It is a land that fits you well.
Despite being dead, you were sewed back together and cursed to live once more. Someone put a gun in your hands and told you, “Listen bozo, I don’t care where you’re from – just shoot!”
Of course, Johnny didn’t know this. How could he? He watched your casket be lowered into the ground. He knew it wasn’t empty – he had to confirm your identity in the morgue. 
But he can’t help but feel his stomach drop when Kyle comes rushing into his office, pointing behind him and, in a panting breath, says your name. 
Johnny immediately springs up from behind his desk and almost pushes past Kyle to get out the door. He turns down the hallway to the left, where he knows it leads to the hospital ward. 
“No, Soap – Soap!” Kyle sprints after him, just barely catching his wrist. “Wrong way, man.”
Johnny stops and, in his stunned state, lets Kyle lead him down the hallway to the right, away from the medbay, away from where you were surely waiting for him, recovering.
Kyle leads him into an elevator, scans his keycard, and presses the button for -3. They’re both uncharacteristically quiet. It just faintly registers in Johnny’s mind that the floor -3 is below the parking garages, past where anyone typically goes. 
(Past where anyone can hear screams ripped from tortured throats, really.)
When the elevator doors open, Soap’s greeted by a familiar sight. It’s a grey concrete hallway, with two soldiers on either side, guarding the way in. Doors line the hall, each one steel with a keypad to unlock it.
Gaz leads Soap down the hall and doesn’t stop for a while. Eventually, he stops in front of the last door and takes a deep, almost shuddering, breath.
Gaz inputs the code into the keypad and opens the door, nodding at the inside. “Come on.”
Soap, almost so quick he clips his shoulder on the doorframe, goes into the room. It overlooks an interrogation room, and it’s fit with a double-sided mirror, recording tech, everything.
Soap freezes when he looks into the interrogation room. It – it’s you, but… not you. You’re pacing, and Johnny can only stare. There’s a grey flush to your skin – no, your skin is actually grey – and bandages cover the back of your head, dirty and frayed, like you haven’t changed them in a while. 
You’re angry, a far cry from the person Johnny knew you to be. Sure, you could be angry, and Johnny’s seen you angry, but this…
You’re panting as you pace, fists clenching and unclenching as your eyes dart around the room. Soft mutters and expletives leave your mouth as you look around, surely looking for a way to escape. 
Johnny just keeps staring. You’re… alive? Yes, you’re not what Johnny remembers you to be, but you’re still alive. 
“Fucking – goddamnit!” You bang your fist on the steel table, causing it to rattle. “I don’t have anything to tell you! You’re all cowards –” you turn to the double-sided mirror and point at it “– especially you, Sheriff! Don’t tell me you’re not back there!”
You immediately turn away, your hands coming to clutch at the sides of your head, your fingers digging into the bandages, almost ripping them. “I swear, when I get my hands on you…!” 
“We don’t know what to do,” Kyle says softly. He looks over at Soap, his gaze obviously sad and sympathetic. “Do you want to try ‘n talk ‘em? Even if they’re feelin’ a tad… neurotic.”
Johnny can’t rip his gaze from you as you throw a steel chair at the wall, still cursing out someone named Sheriff and his lackeys. The chair bounces off the wall and one of the legs hits your shin, causing you to curse it out, too.
“Yes,” Johnny says quickly, decisively. 
Soap shifts on his feet, oddly impatient, as he waits for Kyle to unlock the door to the interrogation room. As soon as he does, Johnny shoulders past him and into the room. He hears a faint click as Gaz closes it behind him. 
You immediately whirl on Johnny, your eyes wide and your breath labored. 
“You!” You point at Johnny like it’s meant to be some offensive gesture. “What do you want?”
You move closer, and Johnny catches sight of the dogtags hanging from your neck. You were buried with one, and he kept the other. He even gave you one of his own because, on that day, a part of him died with you. But… instead of two, you have four hanging from the metal chain. 
You shove your finger in Johnny’s chest, your fingernail digging through the thin fabric of his fatigues. “Answer me!”
Soap immediately takes your wrist and cradles your hand to his chest. “Bonnie, please, calm down.”
“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down!” you bark, ripping your hand away from him. “I just lost one of my team and you’re telling me to calm down?!”
“Your team?” Soap echoes.
“Deimos!” you snap. “You – you killed Deimos.”
You take a step back, your fists still clenched and your eyes still angry. “I saw your stupid fucking Engineer murder him. He was dead from the first five bullets, and you know he knew that! But oh, let’s just make sure he’s dead by unloading clip after clip into him.”
You heave a breath, almost growling. “Let’s desecrate his corpse. All because he’s a dissenter. Let’s make it oh-so-hard to bring him back.”
Johnny steps forward, just barely moving his foot, and you jump back like he took out a knife. 
He breathes out your name, soft and unbelieving. “Are… is it really you?”
“Of course it’s me!” You turn and rest your hands on the steel table, obviously resisting the urge to bring your fists down against it. “Always has been, always will be. It’s always me.”
Johnny circles around the table and leans down a little, taking in your face. The grey makes you look dirty and unwashed, like you’ve got a layer of dirt on you that you couldn’t wash away.
You look up at him through your eyelashes. “I know you.”
Johnny’s heart leaps into his throat and, for a hopeful moment, thinks that you remember him, that this is all some sort of stupid trick, that you went MIA instead of being KIA, that this is really you. The you Johnny knows, the you Johnny loves. But his heart is crushed beneath your boot when you speak next. 
“I know soldiers like you,” you say softly. “Soldiers, produced en masse, told to shoot first and die quietly. We’re both clones, you know? But there’s a difference in what we want.”
You stand up straight, glancing at the double-sided mirror before turning your eyes back to Soap. “You follow orders. When they say jump, you ask how high. But I…” you laugh beneath your breath. “I am fighting for change. Normality. You’re comfortable living in this… this chaos.”
“Bonnie, what are you on about?” Johnny reaches across the table, trying to take your hand. You snatch it away before he even comes close.
Gaz slides into the room, holding a tablet. You whip your head around and glare at him. 
His eyebrows lift a little, and he raises the tablet, as if in a defensive manner. “Your tablet. It –”
You snatch it from Gaz’s hands before he can talk again. You set it down on the table and stare at it, waiting.
Johnny can just barely see the interface. The top of the screen reads COMBASIC .9(beta). It looks like some sort of chat room. A few messages pop up in quick succession.
FellowD9: GOTEM FellowD9: YOU WERE RIGHT FellowD9: HE WAS COMPLIANT 2BDamned: Neat FellowD9: CHECK MY SECTOR FellowD9: ANCHOR HIM NOW [user:FellowD9 IS OFFLINE]
The messages seem to relax you, even if Johnny has no idea what they’re talking about. You bring a hand to your forehead and laugh breathlessly, then set to typing.
CrosshairF6: lol hey im still alive CrosshairF6: aahw assholes gave me my tablet idk why CrosshairF6: check my sector & get me back 2BDamned: Getting Deimos right now, I’ll get back to you CrosshairF6: better do it right CrosshairF6: saw his corpse, looks like he ran through traffic [user:2BDamned IS OFFLINE]
Johnny watches as you tuck your tablet back in one of the inner pockets of your jacket, casting a suspicious glance at Gaz, like you expect him to take it back. 
Gaz raises his hands and slips back out of the room, leaving you and Johnny.
“So.” You look at Johnny. “Why are you trying to act all buddy-buddy with me?”
“You’re… you were…” Johnny sighs, an overwhelming feeling settling in his chest. “Do you remember… dying?”
“Of course,” you say, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “2B brought me back.”
“2B?” Johnny echoes. “Like, the one you were talkin’ to? 2BDamned?”
“Yeah.” You move and lean back against the wall, crossing your arms over your chest. “He’s all doctor-like, y’know? Brings us back when we need it.”
“And he’s… on your team?” Johnny asks. He feels a deep pang of… something in his chest when the thought of you actually being on another team, separate from him, settles in his mind.
You nod. “Yeah. 2B, Hank, Sanford, Deimos.” You tap the dog tags resting against your chest. “We’re a team. Some of us are on a subteam, but still. We’re a team.”
Johnny blinks hard, shaking the thought from his head. “Do you remember anything before you died?”
“Some, but… not a lot. Just blips of fighting, some soldiers, then Nevada.” You shrug. “2B says that happens sometimes.”
Johnny feels his tense shoulders relax, if only a little. “Any one specific soldier, bonnie?”
“No,” you say. You look away and fiddle with your dogtags. “But I’ve got the dogtag of someone named John.”
“John?” Johnny echoes, his heart picking up in his chest. “John ‘Soap’ MacTavish?”
“Yeah.” Your gaze fixes on him again, immediately suspicious. “How do you know that?”
“That’s me, bonnie.” Johnny laughs breathlessly, moving towards you. He makes sure to stay slow and cautious, just in case. “I’m Johnny. Your Johnny.”
You move along the wall, away from him, just slightly. You seem to bristle a little, and bring your shoulders up a bit. “You’re not mine. I don’t own anyone.”
“Not in the literal sense, bonnie,” Johnny laughs, resisting the urge to trail after you. “I’m yours, romantically.”
You bring yourself off the wall, taking a step back. It’s like you’re repulsed by the idea. “I’ve never been romantically involved with anyone. You think I’ve got time for that?”
It’s like Johnny’s been punched in the gut. Tears well in his eyes and he suddenly feels so fucking sick. His feet almost come out from under him as he stumbles to the door, shaking hands putting in the code before slipping out. 
He could take the idea of you maybe not remembering him, sure. He could just re-introduce himself. He could take the idea of you forgetting the time you’ve spent together, because you’d remember, right? But the way you were disgusted by the idea of romance, the vitriol in your voice as you spoke…
Johnny doesn’t like the word ‘relapse’ because he thinks it holds too heavy of a connotation, but that’s the best way to describe what he did for the rest of the day, and into the early hours of tomorrow. He rotted in your shared bed, but instead of feeling numb, he felt his heart being wrenched by your hand, by your words. 
He just laid there, looking at his sketchbook – a good one with thick paper. The one you’d gifted him for your six-month anniversary. It’s filled with drawings of you: candid ones, ones where he had you pose (even though you were embarrassed), ones of you and him, together, doing couple-y things. 
He could only mourn what was lost, because you seemed to have absolutely no interest in recovering it. 
A week passes before you’re able to be let out of your cell. You slowly lost the fire and brimstone that filled your heart as you realized that the 141 really did want to help you. You feel better now that you have a few people by your side, fresh bandages, and a renewed sense of comfort.
(But you forgave yourself for acting like that in the beginning because, in Nevada, no one is nice. Not without an ulterior motive, at least.)
You’re practically on a leash as Ghost leads you throughout the base. He doesn’t talk as he guides you through winding hallways and up an exhaustive amount of flights of stairs. 
Eventually, he opens a door labeled ‘ROOF EXIT.’ He tilts his head towards the door.
“Someone waitin’ for you,” Ghost says gruffly. “And…”
He fishes around in his pocket and pulls out a carton of cigarettes. Your cigarettes. 
Ghost takes your hand and puts it in your palm. “Don’t set anything on fire.”
You close your fingers around it and nod. “Got it, boss.”
Ghost starts back down the stairs, leaving you and the open door to the roof. You move through it and look around. 
Johnny’s sitting, cross-legged, on the concrete roof, facing away from you. It’s dark – obviously, it’s night. You look up and take in the stars, and…
“You have a moon,” you say softly.
Johnny looks back at you, a tentative smile on his face. Like he’s scared to be too hopeful. “Yeah. We do.”
You hum and look at Johnny. 
“Do you…” Johnny glances at the floor, then back up at you. “Do you wanna sit with me, bonnie?”
You slowly move over to Johnny and sit by him. You keep a healthy distance, but you’re still closer than you’ve ever been to him before. 
“Those fags for sharin’?” Johnny asks, a teasing smile on his face. 
You look down at the carton of cigarettes in your hand. You grip them a little tighter, causing the thin carton to crumple a bit. “Sure. Don’t know if you’ll like them, though.”
“Nonsense, bonnie.” Johnny bumps his shoulder against yours. “Let’s give ‘em a go.”
You smile and take out two cigarettes. You hand one over to Johnny. They’re hand-rolled and don’t have a filter, so they look more like joints, but the overwhelming smell of raw tobacco quickly quells that thought.
“Got a light?” you ask.
“‘Course.” Johnny reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small lighter. He lights his own cigarette, then pulls it away with a sputtering cough. 
“Steamin’ Jesus, what is that?” He asks in between coughs. 
You laugh, hitting your knee as Johnny reels from the taste. “It’s good, yeah?”
“Hell no!” Johnny wipes tears from his eyes and looks over at you. Despite his coughing, a soft smile spreads across his face at the way you’re laughing – loud, unabashed. Just like before.
You swipe Johnny’s lighter from his hand and light your cigarette, the cherry basking your face in a soft, warm glow. “Welcome to Nevada.”
“Let’s see that thing.” Johnny reaches over and takes the carton from your hand.
He turns it over, looking at it. The carton is worn, like it’s been refilled many times. There’s no warning about nicotine being an addictive chemical, just a grey box with a simple brand: G01 Choice. There’s a name scribbled on the back – Deimos, in all capital letters. 
“Deimos,” Johnny says aloud. “The man died and you stole his cigs?”
“He’s not dead.” You take the carton back and tuck it into your jacket pocket. “Not anymore. Well, he’s died lotsa times, so I guess he’s an... honorary corpse.”
“An honorary corpse,” Johnny echoes, looking down at the cigarette in his hand. He puts it out on the concrete. “Just like you, yeah?”
You take a drag off your cigarette and blow out the smoke in a single, smooth stream. “Just like me.”
A silence settles as you look up at the moon. You can feel Johnny’s eyes occasionally flitting to you, then back up at the night sky. 
“Your dogtags.” Johnny points in your direction. “Whose are they?”
You look down and tug on the metal chain, causing them to clink together. “Mine, yours, and my team’s.”
“Your team?” Johnny asks softly. “You never told me about them.”
“Yeah.” You look over at him. “I’m part of an extraction team. My partners are Sanford and Deimos.”
A pain, almost so real he thought he was actually injured, runs through Johnny when you say partners. The logical side of his brain chides him a few moments later because you obviously meant it in a militaristic sense, not a romantic sense.
“Can I see them?” Johnny asks.
You nod and take off the chain, then hand them to Johnny. He looks at the dogtags – he recognizes his and yours as being standard military dogtags, but Sanford and Deimos’ are much more… odd.
Johnny tilts the dogtags so that you can see them and runs a finger along the lettering. “What do these mean, bonnie?” 
You move a bit closer and lean in. “The first lines are their names, obviously. The second is what they’re proficient in. The third is what generation clone they are, and their blood types – there are only two blood types for second generation clones. And the last one is what to do with their bodies if they can’t be revived.”
“Wait, bonnie.” Johnny laughs breathlessly. “Clones?”
“Yeah, clones.” You tilt your head a little to the side. “What, you don’t have cloning technology here?”
“Of course not!” Johnny laughs.
You laugh and bump your shoulder against his. “You people are so primitive.”
Johnny smiles back at you and it’s like nothing is wrong. You both go quiet as you stare at each other until you look away.
“I, uh…” you clear your throat awkwardly. “I’m sorry for being so… abrasive. Earlier, I mean.”
“It’s alright,” Johnny says, almost too quickly. 
You scratch your cheek and glance over at Johnny, then away. “But it’s not, is it? I should’ve handled things better.”
“Someone you know died right before we talked.” Johnny reaches over and, cautiously, puts his hand over yours where it rests on your knee. “It’s expected that you don’t act like yourself.”
Your breath hitches, and Johnny squeezes your hand reassuringly in response. 
“But that’s the thing,” you say. “I’ve seen so many awful things before. People getting shot, stabbed, beaten, Hank tearing people apart with his bare hands. But, Maker…”
You drag a hand down your face, rubbing your jaw. “Deimos is young. So young. He’s only twenty-seven, and he always has a smile like he’s just tied your shoelaces together and is waiting for you to trip. And he’s so smart, even if everyone calls him a bit stupid. Yeah, he’s got a slower reaction time, but that’s what me and Sanford are for, y’know? He…”
You blink hard, trying to will your tears away. A soft, frustrated groan leaves your mouth as you duck your head and put your cigarette to your lips. “Don’t look at me.”
Johnny starts to pull his hand away, but stops when you squeeze his hand. Instead, he squeezes your hand back, averting his gaze.
To Johnny, it again almost feels like nothing ever happened. Like there’s no Russia, no Nevada, nothing besides you and him on this roof, together. But he’s no fool. He knows things have changed – that Nevada has changed you. 
You breathe out a shaky plume of cigarette smoke. “I just want to go back.”
“But you’re here now, bonnie,” Johnny says. He tries to ignore the crushing feeling in his chest, tries to keep his composure for you. “Aren’t you glad you’re back?”
“I don’t know this place.” You look over at Johnny, your eyes rimmed with unshed tears. “You keep saying that we’re together, that – that this is my home. But how can this be my home if I don’t remember a thing about it? How can you be my boyfriend if I don’t remember a thing about you?”
Johnny exhales sharply, like he’s just got the wind knocked out of him. “Bonnie, please don’t say that. Please.”
“I know violence, and I know bloodshed,” you say softly. “I know Nevada. This place, this world…” You gesture vaguely with your cigarette still in your hand. “It’s not mine.”
“But there is violence here, there is bloodshed here,” Johnny insists. “Here, we fought together.”
“But I don’t remember us being together, in any capacity!” you snap. You take a breath and try your best to soften your words. “All I remember from before is just flashes. I didn’t remember your face. I just had your dogtag and a weird, empty feeling.”
Johnny sighs and feels tears welling up in his eyes. He can’t tear his gaze away from you. 
“You really expected me to trace the bullet and sift through fleeting memories when there was an entire agency playing Pinkertons knocking down our door?” you ask softly. “2B was bandaging my head ‘cause he just finished playing around in my brains and Sanford was shoving a gun in my hands. They pointed me in a direction and told me to shoot. I didn’t have the time to remember you.
“I’m sorry, but I just didn’t.” You squeeze his hand before letting it go.
Johnny immediately scrambles to catch your hand in both of his, holding on desperately. “No, bonnie, please.”
A few tears slip down Johnny’s cheeks as he looks at you. Your face is a mirror of his own, just in greyscale. Your cheeks are stained with tears and your eyes are just beginning to get a bit puffy. 
“If you know you’re gonna be leaving again, then just let me hold your hand,” Johnny says softly, his voice wavering. “Just for a few more minutes.”
You nod and, when you blink, a tear rolls down your already-wet cheek. “Okay.”
Johnny slowly moves so that you’re sitting shoulder-to-shoulder to him. He hesitates before resting his head on your shoulder. You smell just like how he remembers, albeit tinged with the acrid tang of G01 Choice cigarette smoke. You’re just as beautiful as the day he lost you.
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Carpe Noctem 8
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note:Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You leave the motel under a cloud of reluctance and relief. You have little to your name but your wallet, phone, and a few snacks. Hesitation keeps you stagnant behind the wheel, hovering over the address saved on your maps. This is it, hit start and accept your fate.
You put your phone on the passenger's seat as the automated voice directs you. You shift into gear and pull out. Disbelief fades to indifference. You don't have the energy to feel. 
You follow along, in autopilot, until the GPS announces your destination on the right. You slow down and look up at the large house. Of course. He's rich. Dirty rich.
You pull down the long lot and stop to the right side of the double garage door. You don't get out immediately, you lean back and close your eyes. You try to sort through your thoughts. It's not that big of a deal. Sleep here, go to work, find anywhere else to be during the day.
There's a rumble on the seat beside you and you snatch up your phone. You drag your thumb across the screen to answer, too late to change your mind. It's him. Of course it's him.
"Don't say a word, sweetheart," Lloyd looks down his nose at the lens, "I just need you to see this."
He switches cameras and you squint as he points it at a familiar wooden door. No. The brass numbers confirm his location; your home. Former home.
His hand knocks on the door as he shifts the phone in his hand.
"Lloyd! Stop. No, don't–"
"Fair warning, sunshine, I got you on mute, so if you're tryna change my mind, it won't work." He knocks again, pounding on the door.
As the door opens, Lloyd's fist flies from the edge and snaps Johnny's jaw. You watch the other man stagger and grip his cheek, only for a moment, before swinging back at his attacker. The picture skews as Lloyd dodges and his foot hits Johnny’s chest and sends him onto his ass.
"Think that's about even," Lloyd clucks as he enters your apartment and steps over Johnny.
He leads with the lens, giving you a glimpse of the front room as he inspects it. He finds his way into the bedroom and hums. He goes to the dresser, opening a drawer then shutting it as all he finds are Johnny's briefs. He slides out the next one and picks out a few neatly folded panties.
"You keep a nice place, sweetie pie," he remarks. "Boring…" he comments as he examines a pair of your cotton panties.
You want to cry. You want to just wilt away to nothing. Why is he doing this?
The camera blurs in a smear of colours suddenly and Lloyd grunts. You hear Johnny and a struggle. Banging, clattering, and clamoring. You hear them locked in contention, helpless as you're stuck staring at a wall.
Another growl and an unsettling thump. The phone lifts and Lloyd snorts as you get a glimpse of him, his nose slightly bloody. He puts the phone down and you hear the drawer snap shut.
"See ya soon, baby cakes," he says, slightly breathless, "make yourself cozy… don't miss me too much."
He taps the screen and the call ends. You gape at your phone and whimper as you slump forward. Shit. You're totally fucked and you have a feeling Lloyd knows exactly that.
You lock your phone and sigh. Well, no going back now.
You get out of the car and look around. It's a nice neigbourhood, a bit far from work but not terrible. God, you're really going to do this.
'High five, fuck, go on our way.'
His words reverberate. Does he really want that? From you? Surely you could just pay rent.
You head up the walk and pull up the passcode. You punch it into the keypad on the door and it beeps, a green light granting you access.
Inside, the entry is airy and bright. You pause to take it all in. You check your phone again. Maybe you should go to the apartment and make sure they're not killing each other. Or maybe you should let them. You might avoid a lot of trouble if you just stop trying so hard.
There's a table against the curved rail of the staircase. You near as you give a curious look to the basket on top. White with a bright pink ribbon snaked around the handle. Inside, you find various boxes, taking the first to cringe at the small bullet vibe through the plastic window of the packaging. 
The rest of the contents are similar; bottles of lube, stimulating salve, toys, clamps, and even a few panties without much fabric. Jesus. You leave the array of erotic aids but take the small envelope from in front of it. He knew. He knows you have no other option and he's entirely prepared.
Inside the card, ignoring the exterior image of a dildo and butt plug beneath a pun, you find script typed in Arial. 'Welcome to the sex shack. Make yourself at home. Yours is the room with the tie on the handle. Leave it on for when I get there.'
Gross. Not just him, you. There can be no doubt that his intent is just as shallow and sick as he is as a person. But you, you're not going to walk out and sleep in your car. Just like with Johnny, you will roll over and take it.
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andvys · 2 years
We’ll burn the sky | E.M.
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Warnings: none yet, this is just the teaser!
Pairings: rockstar!Eddie Munson x rockstar!fem!reader
Summary: Eddie left his life in Hawkins behind to live the one he always dreamed about but there is a missing piece in his life and in his almost perfect band; you.
Author's note: Daisy Jones & the six inspired me to band au fic, so here we are. I hope you guys will like this! Also shoutout to @littledemondani thank you for helping me choose the title and for letting me rant about my ideas, you’re amazing
“They don’t want us.” 
“They don’t want us! They don’t even want to record the album!” 
After months of pouring tears, blood and sweat into this album, their record label suddenly decided that the songs aren't good enough, that the band isn't good enough, that Eddie isn't good enough.
“We worked our asses off– what do you mean they don’t want us?!” Jeff cries, throwing his hands up as he follows Eddie, who almost ran into an old man on the sidewalk, quickly apologizing to him before he keeps on walking. 
“They said that we’re not good enough!” Eddie mumbles in annoyance, “told me to come back when we got something better to offer.”
“Not good enough? Sam loved our songs!” Gareth says as he looks at Eddie in confusion. 
“He did but apparently something is missing, the label refuses to record the album,” Eddie sighs as he halts in his tracks, placing his hands on his hips, he looks up at the blue sky and lets out a long sigh, “they said some.. some freshness is missing, whatever that is supposed to mean. Told me that there’s enough bands like ours out there already. They want something different, something new. It's too 'old fashioned'.”
Gareth stares at his best friend, shaking his head, he plops down on a bench, running his hand through his messy hair, “freshness?” he mumbles, furrowing his brows. 
Eddie clenches his jaw as he thinks of his conversation with their producer. 
‘You’re good, amazing even, your voice is great but there’s a missing piece.’
“Missing piece,” Eddie huffs, shaking his head, “he said that there’s a missing piece.” 
Jeffs stares at him, “like.. like what?” 
Eddie shrugs as the doubt begins to creep in. They all left their life in Hawkins behind, dropped everything to come out here to Los Angeles with the goal of becoming big, everyone laughed at them, told them that it would never work out, that their dreams are ridiculous but things went well, for a while. 
All four of them worked hard, they worked extra hours, saved up enough for money for them to last out here for a few months. Eddie wrote the song texts and they put all their blood and sweat into each song, hours and hours of rehearsals paid off and after a long search for a producer who was willing to work with them, they found Sam, who instantly took a liking to the boys, he gave them a chance, arranged some gigs for them before they were finally given the chance to make the album but suddenly, something is missing and they aren’t good enough anymore. 
“I don’t know, I think nothing is missing,” Gareth mumbles, “the band is perfect as it is.” 
Eddie sighs, “I don’t know.. maybe there is something missing,” he mumbles, eyes falling on the bar across the street, “I need a drink.” 
“Yeah, me too.” 
They knock back one drink after the other, listening to the awful karaoke performances and making fun of all the singing drunk people, a distraction is what they all needed after the stressful past months and who knows, maybe they’ll find inspiration here, though Eddie doubts it. 
As entertaining as it is, Eddie can’t concentrate on it for too long. His mind goes back to the conversation with Sam. If he refuses to make the album then they can pack their things and go back home to Hawkins, pick up where they left off. Eddie would work at the garage again, Gareth and Jeff would try to get back into the community college there, Johnny would work with his dad again, they would give up their dreams and go back into a town they wanted to leave behind. 
Sure, Eddie has Wayne, all his friends and girlfriend there but Hawkins is a part of his past, something he doesn’t even want to go back to, not even for his loved ones. He is fine to go back for holidays or birthdays but that’s all. 
This is what he wants, he wants the band, he wants the concerts, the tours, the life he always dreamed of. 
But what choice does he have if the album won’t even get a chance? 
Fear fills him, anxiety takes hold of him and his hope begins to dwindle.
The music stops and only the loud chatter in the bar fills the room for a moment. Eddie stares down at his drink, ignoring the laughter of his friends. 
He downs the rest of his drink, running his hand through his messy curls, he leans back and turns to look at the stage to find a young girl reaching for the microphone. After all the old drunk men, the girl is the first female to sing tonight. He can’t see her face yet but he recognizes the band shirt, he has a similar one lying in his closet, somewhere. Clad in a short leather skirt and chunky boots, she already looks like she belongs on a stage but he doesn’t have much faith in her voice, after all, karaoke bars are just for drunk people who want to have fun, right? 
“Damn,” Gareth whistles, “she’s hot,” he says, staring at the girl. 
Jeff and Johnny chuckle but agree with him nonetheless. 
“Look at her, man,” he says to Eddie, who only shakes his head, “totally your type.” 
“I have a girlfriend,” Eddie mumbles, glaring at his friend. 
Gareth rolls his eyes, “whatever,” he mumbles, not even hiding his distaste for his best friend’s girlfriend. He never liked her and he never will. 
The One I Love by R.E.M starts playing and Eddie’s friends immediately start to bop their heads to the music. Staring at the girl with curious looks on their faces. Eddie chuckles at them, shaking his head. 
The smile falls from his lips and his eyes widen a little, both the lyrics and your voice catch his attention. He looks away from the awestruck expressions of his friends and turns to look at the singing girl, you. His breath hitches in his throat when he looks at you, truly looks at you. 
Your eyes are closed and you hold the mic tightly in one hand as you sing with the most beautiful voice he has ever heard, it’s soft yet husky and low; it’s just perfect. You look like you’re in your own little world, like only you exist. 
A girl in front of the stage whistles and you crack a smile as you open your eyes to look at her and the other girls around her who are no doubt your friends. 
Eddie’s heart makes a weird jump in his chest when you look his way as you sing. Eddie can’t help but stare at you, he is in awe. The way you sing, the way you hold yourself, the way your voice seems to get prettier and prettier to him.
He can’t tear his eyes away from you, you sing as though it’s the only thing you are meant to do, like this stage is meant for you and the people are here just for you. You own the stage, you own the heart of all the people watching you, you stole it with just your voice. 
“Holy shit,” Jeff mumbles, he stares at the way you move your body as you sing, “she’s a hot piece of ass.”
Eddie gives him a disapproving look but then his eyes widen when he looks back at you. 
Piece. A missing piece. 
This is the missing piece. 
Your voice. 
Eddie blinks as Sam’s words echo in his mind. 
He looks back at you, watching your performance in awe. He is impressed by the way you look and sound like a professional, like you are already a famous singer and how you seem to capture everyone’s attention in this room. 
Your performance is effortless, there is not a single pretentious thing about you, you are just a natural. You are a star, born to be one.
The people in this bar cheer for you, whistling and clapping even as you get off the stage and your friends embrace you. 
“You’re a star, baby!” one of your friends yells with a slur in her voice as she smacks her lips against your cheek. 
“Damn, I wanna kiss her too,” Jeff mumbles as he watches you with dreamy eyes. 
A smile tugs at Eddie’s lips as he stares at you, you blush and giggle as one of the drunk performers from before pretends to ask for an autograph. You wave him off with a chuckle before you make your way towards the bar. 
“That was one hell of a performance,” Gareth says with an impressed look on his face. 
“Yeah,” Jeff mumbles, “do you think that she’s maybe.. I don’t know, a singer already? We’re in L.A. after all, there’s plenty of singers we don’t know.” 
Johnny shrugs, “I don’t know–” he stops, raising his brows as he watches Eddie get up and walk away from his friends, “but we’re about to find out.” 
Gareth and Jeff follow his gaze to see him walking towards you. 
You smile at the bartender, thanking him after he takes your order. Your heart is still pounding in your chest from your little performance. It took you a lot of courage to sing in front of such a crowd, your friends did a good job at convincing you and cheering you on. You were nervous and anxious but the moment the music started and you began to sing, you forgot everything and everyone around you. 
You lean against the counter, smoothing down your skirt a little and brushing through your messy hair when someone comes up next to you. 
You raise your head and you feel as though you have been punched in your stomach, your breath is stolen away and goosebumps arise on your skin as you lock eyes with the prettiest chocolate brown eyes you have ever seen in your life. 
He grins, showing off his pearly whites. He stretches his arm out, offering you his hand to shake, “I’m Eddie.” 
A small smile appears on your face, you take his hand, ignoring the way his touch seems to make your heart flutter in your chest. You tilt your head, squinting your eyes as you stare at him. You have seen him before, not up close but.. Oh! 
“Eddie,” you smile, “from Corroded Coffin, right?” 
His eyes widened in surprise, lighting up, “you know my band?” he asks, still not letting go of your hand. 
“Yes,” you say, licking your lips as you stare at the tattoos on his arm, “you played at the twilight zone last weekend, I was there with my friends. You’re good,” you smile, “amazing even.” 
Eddie blushes, smiling at your words, “thank you!” 
“You’re welcome,” you chuckle as you see the flushed cheeks. 
He finally pulls his hand back, laughing awkwardly, “uh so, I think you’re amazing, your voice is pretty– pretty fucking good!” 
You smile at him as you look into his pretty eyes, “you think so?” 
“Yeah, I totally think so,” he grins, “that’s uh– that’s why I wanted to talk to you.” 
“Yeah,” he nods. 
He doesn’t know what comes over him but he can’t help but check you out. It isn’t just your voice that caught his attention it’s also– No, Eddie. Don’t go there, don’t go there. He looks away for a moment and takes a deep breath. 
“Do you do that for a living or something?” he asks, “I mean, singing.” 
You shake your head, “no..” you mumble.
He nods, trying not to stare at your lips as he looks back at you, “would you like to do that for a living?” he asks, tilting his head as he looks into your eyes, noticing the pretty color; his favorite color as he just realized.
You furrow your brows and shrug, “I mean, I would love to. I-I grew up with music. I sing and play bass."
Eddie raises his brows, “you play bass?” 
Not only are you an excellent singer, you also play one of his favorite instruments.
“That’s.. that’s amazing!” 
You chuckle. Your eyes trail down to his hands, eying the many rings on his fingers. 
“So uh– you know, my band might be missing a member,” Eddie says as he takes a step closer to you, leaning his elbow against the counter, “and you are really talented so…” 
Normally, Eddie wouldn’t make an offer like that, he was content with the band and he wasn’t interested in having any new band members— especially another singer but he is desperate and his chances of becoming a rockstar are getting smaller every day but something tells him that you and your voice are the key to success— hopefully.
You blink in surprise, “you’re looking for another band member?” 
He shrugs, sighing, “we weren’t looking but apparently something about our music is not good enough and the label is about to drop us. We need something new.. something that might make our music better— don’t get me wrong, I think it’s good already but apparently not everyone thinks so.”
A smirk appears on your face, “oh, so… you want me to save your band?” 
He rolls his eyes playfully, giving you a coy smile, “I guess?” 
“Aren’t you a heavy metal band?” you ask, skeptically, “I do rock music, not heavy metal.” 
“I mean, we lean more towards rock right now, so..” he says, shrugging.
You raise your brows, crossing your arms over your chest, you shrug, “I don’t know, what am I gonna be? A background singer?” you ask, “background bass player? I’m not interested in being in your shadow.” 
“No…. we just need another singer.” 
“The lead singer wants another singer?” you ask in confusion, “who would want that?” you chuckle, shaking your head. 
“I want that,” he shrugs, “I play guitar and I sing so I have no problem with sharing the spotlight.” 
“Really?” you laugh, “you don’t mind sharing the spotlight, why is that so hard to believe?” 
He chuckles, “listen Sweetheart, I would never ever make an offer like this to just anyone but I’m really desperate here, I really want to make this album and I’m willing to add another singer to the mix, your voice is fucking beautiful and something tells me that you could.. make things better so… are you interested in joining the best band in the world?” 
The smile on your face gives him the answer he was hoping for. And just like that, his confidence is back.
This isn’t over yet, not for him and not for the band.
Corroded Coffin is gonna go big and Eddie’s dreams will come true, he just knows it, he can see it, in your eyes.
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fire-emblem-poll · 11 months
Johnny Cage analysis part 1
Let’s get a few things out of the way, one being the “bimbo-fication” of Johnny Cage. I’ve seen (mostly on TikTok) saying Johnny is very stupid and some saying he wouldn’t understand what you are saying 80% of the time. Then in turn making him a massive slut and doing anything to get fame.
This I can disprove just by playing the game, background info, and extra items around the house. Example: Sento, previous movies, and his college education.
Sure he’s not the brightest man, far from it, but this man had to be a little smart if he got a degree in Quantum Mechanics. He also knew the story of Sento, thus why it’s one reason to not giving it up to Kenshi (who I could also write so so much about) since he thinks Kenshi is lying.
Then you also have to be pretty smart and a strong willed to do a scene for 40 takes to get absolutely perfect. He want’s everything he does to be perfect and that also requires you to memorize a script.
Yeah he’s full of himself but I think it’s just a front he shows people. You can see it crack after the scene Kenshi’s eyes get stabbed out, showing he cares for someone else other than himself.
You know who he didn’t show that to? Kris. He gave her only what I can call excuses. I think at the end of MK1 he realizes she was right. Though it took her taking almost everything in the divorce to realize.
Though it shows he’s happy, still joking around in his intros and even in the tutorial of the campaigns(?). Plus he’s willing to ask for help.
Something else I wanna touch on is Johnny’s bad mannerisms. In his intros with Omni-man it can be implied that Johnny didn’t have a good father figure in his life.
I don’t know if this implies to the MK1 timeline but it’s implied that he didn’t have a good childhood with no one in his family seeming to like him.
Then with MK11 he is trying to be a better father than his father was to Cassie, basically saying “yeah dad made us (younger clone) bad, but Hollywood made us worse.”
I’m going back to MK1 now, it shows in his living room(?) that he has a bar, now I know people have bars in basements, garages, and maybe a whole room dedicated to it but never the living room.
Then right before Kenshi enters looking for Sento, I think it’s implied he was prepared to drink himself to sleep for the night. Since his wife left him, no one wants to hire him, and he’s having financial issues.
As well as having bad habits if he goes against himself he asks if “he’s still sleeping off (name)’s party.” Implying he has done several things damaging to his health.
Maybe not all the time but I think those two things, maybe even more examples
That’s it for right now, honestly shout out to my boyfriend for talking to me about the awful mischaracterization of him. Simply because I got pissed off at getting 3 posts in a row about babying Johnny Cage.
(Also I have several strong opinions on how people talk about Kenshi, sorry guys people not understanding Sento’s power is showing, also I’m scheduling this for when I go into work just in case people want to add something)
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sadie-bug345 · 6 months
Ok one more I need outsiders Halloween hcs (costumes, what they do on Halloween, like go to parties, trick or treating, or staying in and watching scary movies) etc. THANK YOU IM DYING I LOVE YOUR WORK
OMG SHUT UP i just checked out your blog and you seem so cool😭🥰
what the gang does on halloween!!
yall im fr missing this time of year 😭🫢
ponyboy: - he only wants to go trick or treating if friends are going - probably gets pooped after like an hour🙄🖐️ - he seems like the type to dress up as a niche character from a show, movie, or book - and the SECOND anyone asks him abt it he will be like “😃i’ll tell you all about it!!” - LMAO its super cute though - he probably really likes handing out candy to kids though - he’d give a bunch of candy to kids with the coolest costumes in his humble opinion - he’s a blast to hang out with tho.
johnny: - prob get really into his costume, he’d go all out with makeup - lmao he’s giving like joker vibes and dallyd be batman or smth😭 - like pony, he’d only go trick or treating or out to parties if his friends pressure him to - if it was his choice he’d be perfectly content chillin on the couch with some snacks and a scary movie - i feel like he’d like poltergeist (this is my personal fave horror movie so im projecting lmfao) - the type to have a total straight face during the movie but he’s QUAKING.
sodapop: - he a partier for sure - probably have some goofy ahh matching costume with steve - like they’d kill it with the ghostbusters costumes - if he does hand out candy he’d be over here hyping up kids costumes which is so sweet - he’d pretend to get all scared when some kid yells “boo!” at him😭🫶 - just good vibes all around ngl
darry: - in high school he’d def go to parties and stuff - but now he only goes to supervise the loose cannons of the gang (dallas) - he’d probably wear a shirt that says “this is my costume” or smth - when he’s not making sure everyone’s making decent decisions he’s at home handing out candy - he got a special bowl for rude kids that just has like toothbrushes and raisins in it 😭😭
dally: - i feel like he’d begrudgingly match costumes with his friends - secretly loves it tho don’t tell him i said that - goes to some parties for a bit just to make his necessary appearance - but gets bored after a bit and goes to wreak some havoc in the neighborhoods - steals candy, ransacks those haunted houses people set up in their garages, scares kids, you name it, dallas the menace has done it - it’s a lot of fun but also concerning like wow you really like giving kids traumatizing core memories?? 😧
two-bit: - ONLY joke costumes - i can see him in onesies, inflatable costumes, just anything that makes someone crack a smile - most likely a partier, if he does stay home and watch movies he’s secretly scared - the type to make fun of anything the characters are doing - lemme tell you he is RELENTLESS - like he’s lowk coming up with a whole plan just in case he’s in that horror movie situation - “so first, i’d get the bat i hide underneath my bed at all times and then get my emergency flashlight and slide on a mattress down the stairs and out the door and-“ - and you’re just like “🧍‍♀️” - LMAOOO.
steve: - he will probably get so hyped up at parties - matching with sodapop duh - super fun ngl - he and soda will just dare each other to do dumb crap and they’ll actually do it - meanwhile everyone is just staring with admiration and concern in their eyes lmaoo - probably pigs out on candy at three am but don’t we all😭🫶
cherry: - this girl will pull up with the cutest but also most random costume ever LMAOO - like ponyboy it’s probably super niche and no one really expect cherry to wear it - everyone expects her to just be a hot zombie cheerleader or smth - she said she’s too iconic for that😔🖐️ - she’s honestly the kinda gal to just hang out at home if she had it her way - but hates scary movies so like she’ll watch half and just have a breakdown and switch it to my little pony - she’s so funny and sweet to the kids trick or treating - if she sees some littler kids getting bullied she’d swoop in and steal their candy like a superhero or smth LMAO.
thanks so much for requesting again! this was a lot of fun!❤️‼️
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cemetery-sunset · 5 months
🔪Johnny Sawyer Headcanons #1
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Main Masterlist
Texas Chain Saw Massacre Masterlist
522 words
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Appreciates Bobby’s passion for music, even if they don’t like the same genres. Johnny doesn’t like the hippy stuff, he prefers harder rock and aggressive music. 
Johnny likes having Sissy as a little sister figure, though he never tells her. They put on this act of they hate each other but they secretly would (and have) killed for each other. Being the two odd ones out/the “cousins”, they are closer with each other than they are with the other boys (they also get along with the boys, of course!).
His relationship with Sissy is complicated because he sees her potential to be like him, but he knows they don’t share the same views on things
Johnny is surprisingly really good at pool. He spends a lot of time in bars, scoping out his next victim, so it only makes sense that he knows how to play pool very well. 
Johnny is literally the cleanest member of the family. He washes every day and takes pride in his looks. He makes a point to say that “the bait has to look good to attract something good”. 
Even though he is the cleanliest, he doesn’t mind getting dirty at all. Johnny loves working outside, in the fields, barn, garage, etc. He loves getting dirty and seeing the visual representation of his hard work. He just likes to clean up at the end of a long day. 
Johnny takes pride in his space and alone time. He will not sleep in the Big House, or even Nancy’s (much to her dismay). He’ll enjoy meals there and hang out but he likes his nights at his own shack. 
His family makes fun of him for his attachment to Maria Flores. Sissy’s snuck into his shack and saw the missing poster above his ‘bed’ and now he never hears the end of it. 
Nancy is the reason why Johnny talks bad about hippies. He doesn’t actually think that but he’s just been basically brainwashed by Nancy and Drayton into those painfully toxic and traditional views. 
Johnny spends his free time working on cars and the mechanical aspects of the property. He usually prefers staying outside or in the garage inside some random car. 
He has the worst mommy issues. Johnny will do anything for his ‘Mama’ and she knows it. Nancy will play this man like a fiddle, whenever she wants and he can’t do anything about it. Johnny kills people when his Mama says, like Maria. And he’ll be a bitch to Drayton because he treats his Mama badly. He’ll even degrade and bully Sissy because his Mama doesn’t like when they get closer.
Johnny hates smokers. The smell and the taste of it just disgusts him. He has standards when it comes to his meals. He makes sure to always scope out good, healthy meat. No one who’s sick or an addict or anything like that. Even if a larger person would be easier to hunt and kill, he doesn’t like the way the meat tastes so he only goes for strong, lean people most of the time… he also loves a good chase and hunt.
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
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🟨 HighVoltage: Just "Married" 🦝💍🔧
Aaaaaah 👉👈 this is a repost from my old blog again hgfhgf but this one is dear to meeeeee
Shouldn't begin to talk about all the lore here cause- IT CAN GET LONG HGFH Buuuut But I kinda want to gfhhgf
I'll try to do a TL:DR ▶ (ok so after writing, it''s pretty long LMAO lore dump 🤡)
Valentin's canon follow the game's canon but is heavily edited, he's still a V and still deals with Dex, Johnny yadda yadda
Instead of Takemura takin' him from the junkyard tho, it's Mitch and Scorpion who finds him during what should've been a standard scavenging routine
Takin his half-dead ass back to camp, where Dakota was around for some days, she recognized Valentin (he used to work a bit at her garage after she helped him hide from the Wraiths) and tells the ripper to keep the extracted bullet; it's a miracle that kid is still alive, he shouldn't be (and for sure, it's only thanks to the chip, right)
Skipping over a BIG CHUNK of lore here, Val' bonds a bit with Scorp and Mitch, meet with Panam, they prepare the kang-tao shit, the kang-tao shit happens, Valentin saves Mitch's ass and all
then during Scorpion's funeral, Mitch thanks Valentin by giving him a necklace made with the extracted bullet (instead of the figurine, he keeps it) and Valentin won't take it off ever since he got it
They keep on getting closer and closer, starting to crush on each others, they also keep saving each others from potential death (Valentin tries to save Saul by himself, feeling guilty of the wraith attack, rumors started to spread that he was ex-wraith and he felt responsible, it turns to shit and Panam, Mitch and vets goes to save him)
Speed forward to The Star ending, everyone is kind of aware that those two are in love now- but not doing anything about it, ignoring those feelings, Valentin dealing with his low self esteem and past trauma of being used and lied to, Mitch having his own demon with the recent lost of Driss, self conscious about a lot of things (his appearance, his age...)
But after a talk with Panam, Val realize they might very well just- fuckin' die tomorrow, so he decide to check in with Cassidy and see if he can help slicing the bullet in half (after checking with Dakota if it's be "ok", not wanting to potentially fuck any... "spell" or force that the bullet holds with everything that happened to him; she understand instantly for *whom* the other half is for and assure him that it's the good thing to do)
He was supposed to give it to Mitch that evening, but one thing leading to another, everybody got drunk and partied, Valentin got his tattoos on his shoulder, and kind of forgot.
MikoSHIT day happens, and as Mitch was about to leave for the Panzer in that tunnel, Valentin grabs him and finally "kiss" him (more like- smash their mouths together, it was a quick, bad kiss, full of regrets and unsaid feelings) and they both share So Much in those short minutes, Mitch having a reason to survive even tho he was well ready to give up his life for his family, for him
Post mikoshi, both Val and Mitch ends up in pretty bad states, going on and off coma, loosing track of time- but everytime one of them wakes up, they ask for the other
At one point, Valentin wake up for a day, going to see Mitch in another tent and placing the half-bullet necklace around his neck, kissing him shyly in his sleep, hoping wishing for him to come back
Later it's Mitch turn to wake up, noticing the bullet around his neck, and taking one of his dogtags off to place it on Valentin's necklace, who's now back into a deep, needed sleep
They're eventually both OK to move and so the 'Caldos prepare to leave for Arizona, similar to the game's canon
But instead of piloting with Panam, Mitch is the one to share the panzer with Valentin, and while on the lake they both talk a lot, happy to both be alive and with each others, and finally share a prope kiss, that slowly grow into something more, until a thunderstorm pop and having to go get back into the panzer, not letting go of the others, sharing their first time linked together (it was also Valentin first first time, pretty intense and full of emotion) as the raindrops falls against the metal and thunder echoing outside
AND LIKE. SPEED FORWARD AGAIN, They're in Arizona now, but Valentin's condition is slowly degrading, everyone can see it, and they eventually find a really good Nomad "hospital" with folks ready to try and help him, even tho it'll be a heavy surgery and nobody knows how it'll go and if it'll even work
But not wanting to make the same mistake as before, with the fear of loosing him, Mitch ask Panam (now leader of the clan) if she could "make them official" (I do believe the 'caldos have some ritual for couples, not necessary a proper weddings like statics- but then again it depends on the peeps, everybody can do whatever they want! What's sure tho is that there's a big party uwu)
She accept of course, and Mitch tells Val, they're both excited but afraid, knowing what it all means, that Valentin could die, and this is a way to tie them together forever
and basically their """wedding rings"""" are their necklaces, that they had around their necks for a long time now, and were always so important to them; but now it's official and celebrated by everyone
If ya read all that? Well first off I apologize, writing is one of my big insecurity and I lack the skill TOTALLY. I been writing here and there in private for myself, I'll eventually get better but yeah for now you have this weird puddle of words 🤠
ALSO really want to one day properly share Valentin's lore, it's been cooking for literal years now and I want to share it with you all gfhh
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katatty · 1 year
Recap: Strangetown Round 5 (Summer) - part 3
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Next is Martin Ruben, whose dream of becoming one of Strangetown's mad scientists is shattered when he's fired on his very first day.
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But he recovers quickly, finding a new job in game development, reading a few self help books, making a friend a work and buysing himself a ZX Spectrum. He even adopts a cat, Bailey!
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He ends up going on a pretty sucessful date with Sadie, an agressive (and a little socially awkward) sorority girl he met back at college.
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Then it's time for the Giekes - Chester Gieke, his wife Bianca, their daughter Giorgia and her best friend Kent Capp.
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Kent gives his niece, Hermia, some friendly advice about being true to yourself.
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They get a little mad-science lab-garage! Bianca finally has room for the culinary career reward (which I am pretending Chester built for her).
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To Capp off the round, Bianca goes out for an interesting meal with Albanny Capp, who apparently wants to discuss a plan to end the feud...
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Now it was time to check in with the Smiths! The Smith household has been quiet, this summer. With Julia at summer camp, Jill at college, Johnny moved in with Ophelia, and PT#9 gone… the house is feeling emptier and emptier.
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Jess is set to become a teenager this season, and Jenny has to admit she’s dreading it. Still, the two of them make the best of things.
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They have plenty of phone-calls with Julia while she's at camp.
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And plenty of dinners with family & friends! Don is a friend of Jenny's from work, and he brings along Bella, who's eager to talk about the ghosts she senses...
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Jess meets PT9's ghost, too! But she's nervous about talking to Jenny about it, so confides in cousin Tycho.
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(She also meets her bestie Xander Roth at an outing Downtown, and it was so cute I had to include it.)
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Jess grows into a knowledge sim - all too common in her family but pretty fitting, I think! She likes boys but prefers fancy boys. Boys with a good sense of hygine (uncommon for teenagers, lmao), maybe some cologne, maybe some jewelry.
Her traits now are childish, supernatual fan, cat lover, and the newly-aquired eco-friendly! I like the idea of her love of animals (well, cats) turning her into a little environmentalist.
Her one true hobby is games and she’s a taurus. Oh, and the Lifetime want is to become a World-Class Ballet Dancer! I think that’s perfect for a whimsical romantic like her :D (and she did prance around in that pink princess dress for most of her childhood, haha)
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She and the other Strangetown Teens go on a little outing together downtown.
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Johnny & Ophelia come over for a visit, and Jenny gives Ophelia some old baby stuff... (which they'll be needing sooner than they thought!)
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Okay. We all know how Buster is about his coffee. We also know that you love to make Ryan a Coffeeholic as well.
What about the others? And who definitely stay away from it?
Thank you so much for the ask!!! I'm so sorry for the delay, life's been crazy. Hope you enjoy! - <3 Gooseless
Johnny despises it with a burning passion. He likes the smell but thinks it tastes terrible, making him the only one in his family to drink tea instead of coffee on a daily basis.
Rosita likes it but tends to never be able to finish a cup before it goes cold because of either kid or troupe based chaos.
Norman likes it and always has a cup in the morning before work.
Nooshy tolerates it but only if it's like 99% sugar. She prefers sweeter things and despises tea so she typically sticks to energy drinks, something that Marcus tries his best to discourage.
Ash likes it more than tea but not as much as stuff like energy drinks. However, she doesn't drink either often and typically sticks to soda.
Meena doesn't drink it. She thinks it smells good but just doesn't drink it.
Eddie is essentially dependent on it to handle Buster all day. He has his with an insane amount of sugar but at least two cups daily.
Marcus loves coffee and always has a pot of it in the flat above the garage. He drinks at least two cups a day, typically closer the three or four. Stan and Barry also love it and will drink some with him before work in the mornings.
Nana and Hobbs both love coffee and tend to be coffee snobs. They're both really particular about their coffee and their tea. It's something they bonded over.
Clay likes it but will only drink it black or pass it over for tea.
Gunter is another sugary coffee fiend. He will only drink it if it does not at all smell or taste like coffee but is pretty dependent on the caffeine to function.
Buster adore it and will drink any and all types of coffee he can get his hands on. He is the opposite of picky.
Porsha likes the fact it makes her seem mature but hates the taste of it. She always passes up on actually drinking it.
Ryan essentially has a caffeine addiction at this point and has to be cut off from coffee by Johnny on a near daily basis. He also loves really sugary coffee.
Mrs. Crawly loves coffee and will have at least two to three cups a day without exception.
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theretirementstory · 1 month
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18/08/24. Bonjour et bienvenue, if you are new to this blog, what took you so long finding it 😉. For those that have followed me for the past years, thank you 😊.
The photos this week are from my “archive”. The above is of the front garden after I spent days removing very long grass and (stupidly) laying weed suppressant before I covered it with bark. I was so pleased with the result. Unfortunately now the potager is a cat toilet and the bark has lost it’s colour and the area looks shoddy. I have some more bark and would like to get the germinated seeds taken out and add more bark. Perhaps I will be able to do this very soon.
We are one week closer to the arrival of 2nd son and his girlfriend and I have had a few baking days preparing food for the freezer so that, if, I don’t feel up to cooking a meal we won’t starve 😊.
It’s been a different week with two visits to the hospital in Troyes, for my transfusions. Back to normal next week with a visit to Paris and also Troyes for the transfusions.
Talking of Paris, I messaged Jony, my Syrian friend, on Friday evening and brought him up to speed with my treatment. When I met him his paperwork in France had his name spelt as above, however, he signed off with Johnny. I am pleased he is now using (perhaps) the correct spelling of his name. I know that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime, Johnny left Bar-sur-Aube in July 2018, although I haven’t seen him since, when we message one another it’s as if I had just seen him last week. I pray to be well enough to go to Paris one day and meet him for coffee as I used to do here in Bar-sur-Aube. Keeping my 🤞 for that one!
Anie and Monique are sharing the shopping duties, with Anie getting the visits to the pharmacy too. It’s so kind of them to do this for me, although I know I couldn’t do it myself.
On Friday, Anie was telling me about the liberation which took place on the coast of Provence on the 15 August 1944. After American, British and Canadian forces landed they were followed by some 250,000 soldiers recruited largely from French colonies in North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. As 15 August is Assumption Day this landing goes largely unremembered. She then mentioned the Résistance and I asked if she had been to the Résistance Museum in a village not too far away. She said she hadn’t and maybe we could go together. Hopefully we will get there before it is only opened to groups from November.
The cleaner came and she is a good worker, however I will have to itemise each task I want doing. I did clean the kitchen myself (apart from the floor) which she did. I want to get her to wash the window and door frames inside and out 😳 plus the glass panes.
I have a “to-do” list as long as your arm! The car is in need of a service but as I am not allowed to drive, I haven’t phoned the garage. I messaged the gardener to come and cut the grass. He didn’t respond but I feel sure he will turn up and transform the garden. Maybe I won’t contact him again just yet. I messaged the plumber to come out but again no response. He maybe on holiday and could contact me this week, if not I will call him. I have to ring the man to come and wash the outside walls of the house. Currently, the sand blown from the Sahara has caused red streaks to appear and I would like them cleaned. Finally I need to contact the roofer, I signed the estimate in October last year and he said he would come on a dry day to do the work. We have had a lot of those days but he is more elusive than “The Scarlet Pimpernel”.
“The Trainee Solicitor” now just shares his office with one other person. I hope that means that he can get on with his work without too many distractions. I know from being in a car with a driver for three hours or more, picking the skin on their fingers or picking their nose, plus a little cough which has become a habit all of these get on your nerves.
“The Recovery Coordinator” has had another “garbage” week! They have lost 5 members of staff in 6 weeks so the workload for the remaining staff has increased and it’s stressful. She is glad she has her holidays to look forward to.
“The Photographer” has had an okay week which ended with a high on Friday evening, winning a game of bingo. Yesterday he was at Scarborough AFC’s home game taking photographs. It’s something he enjoys doing and is such a change from his full-time work.
“The Jetsetter” still has clipped wings and is spending her summer going swimming, playing bingo 😂 and working. Some of that working involved a professional exam this week. I would imagine, while waiting for results of the exam, that she will be deciding on places to visit during her next round of holidays 😁.
Talking about holidays, Pauline has been making the most of the Iberian peninsula. She has been to Lisbon and Porto. Then went back into Spain visiting Malaga, Seville, Granada and Madrid. Not quite sure where she is at the moment but she is not due back in Paris until 21 August.
Goodness me, I nearly forgot the music section 😳. The first track is “Loves Me Like A Rock” by Paul Simon this was released in 1973 that makes it over 50 years old but I love it as much today as I did then. The second track is from a lady who, sadly is no longer with us, it’s “This Time I Know It’s For Real” by Donna Summer which was released in 1989. I hope you enjoy listening to these two songs.
The photo below was taken at Chateau de Cirey-sur-Blaise. A place where the writer, Voltaire, lived with Mme Du Châtelet from 1734 to 1749.
Jusqu’à la semaine prochaine.
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Eli you should be proud of yourself, that turned out nice:
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They even put up lanterns.
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Johnny drinking an RC cola and not beer, proud of him. The fact they sit together and eat. That Daniel brought an extra pair of chopsticks to share. Johnny tried gyoza and liked it. 🥺💖💖💖💖
Johnny wearing Mr. Miyagi's gear for blocking, the baseball catcher outfit and the way Johnny smiles in that thing. 💖
Johnny ripping what's left of his sandwhich in half and giving it to Daniel and Daniel looks at it like eww but then tries it and likes it.
Johnny being a slight shit by doing the crane pose, but it's clearly a joke.
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I loved this whole opening.
Do you think Johnny painted this himself?
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he carpools with Miggy.
Double date dinner with the LaRusso's!!!!
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Of course Daniel's home has a built in pizza oven and he makes his own pizza.
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Daniel catching Johnny's flick beer cap is also another favorite.
He also made broccoli rabe and is getting a barolo (italian wine) from the garage.
Anthony: What the hell why are you here/Johnny: who the hell are you, wait a second are you the son? Anthony: It's called a growth spurt dipshit.
I wonder when the last time someone noticed Anthony was.
Sam used to walk around the showroom floor like she owned the place so they tease that she'll take it over, but there's no actual pressure for it. Though Daniel expects her to go to college.
Miguel and his straight A's and dreams of Stanford.
Oh Daniel I can see the gears in your head working on paying for Miguel's tuition.
Miguel accidentally spills wine on Daniel and breaks the glass, curses, and then apologizes for cursing and is so panicked. He was reaching for the salad.
No one asked about Anthony or really talked to him.
Both Sam and Miguel look unhappy/distracted
Silver having a rough time due to the kitchen torch taking a moment to work.
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There's a headcannon that Terry's sick/dying. I'd like to note that he's got medicine in front of him and as soon as he tells the chef he's skipping breakfast the chef asks if he should call the doctor.
Kenny showing up to cobra kai to ask for help from Robby and Kreese doesn't even let him finish but allows Kenny to at least try because Robby goes to the mat saying his older brother was one of the toughest guys in juvie.
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Daniel thinking ah yeah I got this lesson, and the prize because these kids like competition: If you succeed you get to lead class all week. Crickets. And pick out which flavor gatorade I buy next. 🤣🤣 And that wins them over.
Poor Miguel thinking once again he Mr. LaRusso might not think he's good enough for his daughter.
Daniel teasing Miguel the way Mr. Miyagi teased him.
Demetri scaring the kids. "I heard he drowned a kid in a pool teaching him to kick and that was before he sicced a rabbid dog on Eli."
Ah, not fully accurate. Miguel survived, and I don't think the dog was rabid and He didn't sicc the dog on him he just called the dogs.
I do think for a lesson with students you don't know too well, even if 90% of them used to be your own, having kids try to jump over buildings is a terrible idea Johnny and a couple mattress isn't enough protection.
The other issue is, unlike Daniel and the Eagle Fangs who are more open to learning Miyagi-do and up for the challenge. Daniel's spent 3 seasons telling Miyagi-do students that Johnny is a dangerous and monstrous person, add to it what Demetri tells them and their own, like 2 days as Cobra Kai kids and they don't want to do anything he tells them to do. It's literally stacked against him.
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Measuring by Nates. Omg was I calling Nate Ryan? Nate I'm sorry. They truly rarely say most of the B/C plot kids names.
None of the kids jump which, fair but also kinda rough on Johnny that no one listens to him. But also Johnny???? WHY THE HELL FOR THIS ONE? Practice their jumps closer to the ground first. Don't just shove them out of the nest. Let them take some practice jumps from somewhere safer.
This feels like one of those flanderization moments, of like Netflix got their hands on this and was like give him something the kids will all say no to because it's a terrible idea and super unsafe.
Kyler? Kreese come on. Be a little nicer to Kenny. Great question Kenny, how am I supposed to fight if I haven't had any training yet?
Kyler literally scaring Kenny off the mat and then laughing. Poor Kenny, and I think he left without his shoes. That was mean. Johnny wouldn't have done that.
Hawk: Let's practice at a fish tank in a Chinese restaurant.
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This is not fully Sam, this is Daniel.
Sam really snaps. She uses being a teenager as an excuse for all her poor choices and says she's made a couple of mistakes. Which fair, but also being coddled and believing she can do no wrong does not help. "You're a 50-something-year-old-man who live alone, drinks all day, and clearly hasn't figured out his own life."
Which is very much a mad teen thing to say, but also a bit of that is once again Daniel.
"If you want to sit in the backseat your whole life, go right ahead, it's no sweat off my back." He also points out that he gets to do what he loves every day because he didn't listen to his parents or do what they wanted him to do.
Kyler to Tory: want to stand in line with me to buy Nikes?
Tory: How many sneakers do you need?
In otherwords he's asked her to do this before and she's stood in line with him before while he buys shoes. Kyler says she looks good in Dunks. ( A type of Nike shoe) Maybe he bought her some?
Terry: Turn around you son of a bitch.
The fact Terry doesn't even wait until the students are fully far away and these kids don't give a shit about the tall guy who walks past them into their dojo.
Terry comes in pissed, but stops to take off his shoes before crossing the mat.
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Sometimes you forget how tall TIG is.
Terry's also the first one to come in, show he hasn't gotten rusty and doesn't actually hit Kreese, just shows him. They also were circling each other around the mat while Terry ranted.
Kenny your brother gave you a fairy god-brother and he's here:
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Note that this is more big brothers big sisters style adoption but he's going to do his best, he's going to fuck up a little but he's going to try and help you.
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Also, again whose paying and buying Robby his clothes other than Netflix?
Shawn is supposed to get out this summer. But he got an extra month for spitting in a guards face.
Kenny blames himself for Shawn being in juvie. Shawn had some bad friends at school, Kenny caught this friend stealing from their parents. the guy tried to hurt Kenny but Shawn protected him, defended Kenny but because the guy got so badly beaten Shawn got juvie. Which is wild since it sounds like it happened in the Payne household, so wouldn't it be self defense?
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Is Kenny like allergic to dairy? What is with all of the milk stuff?
Kenny: All i can do is run. Robby realizing from Miyagi-do that Kenny can use that for karate.
oh man Lucille
Apparently Lucille saved, scrimped and put every spare cent in a jar she called The Daniel Fund. And Daniel spent it all on a round trip ticket to Okinawa and then again on Mr. Miyagi's Little Trees.
Man Lucille must be pissed about TKK2.
It is funny though to have someone go oh so you did this right and Daniel have to realize that no he was a kind hearted dumbass.
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Johnny is so fucking proud of her. She's so stubborn like her dad. But she also does what she wants, she just actually has to figure out what she wants, but like she said she's a teen. She's got time.
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Look how happy and proud of herself she is
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Terry and his medicine again.
Someone made a meme out of Terry in front of the mirror and I forgot for a second it was a meme and was like where's the lipstick writing? 🤣
oooh I like his black cup
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It's March 14th.
Terry is getting ready for bed before 10.
Cheyenne's last name is Hamidi
He's been ignoring her since Friday.
We're having vegan cacciatore for dinner, is that okay?
I'll save you a plate. Honey where are you. I love you. Please text me back... Is everything alright? (Yesterday) Terrance... Why aren't you texting me back? Are you mad at me? You must be busy...Let me know when you'll be home.
Terry had his cobra kai tattoo covered up.
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Their first All-Valley
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Saturday December 20th
Kreese entered cobra kai before they even had any students. He wants to show the world that 'their way is the right way'.
Terry's father made him take over the company or else get cut out of the inheritance.
Kreese: I can't do this without you Terry.
Also Kreese: You can get through anything, you know why? Because you got me.
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I didn't leave you behind in the war and I'm not going to leave you behind now. Kreese, he's leaving you to go work at company. I get that this is support for him being scared but still.
The absolute drama of Terry putting his hair up. They should've done this for Violet Baudelaire the first time she puts her hair up in a Series of Unfortunate Events.
We spend so much time, zoomed in on his hair.
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Johnny going for it and Carmen trying to save him due to the other people in her home. 🤣
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I think it's kinda funny and adorable that he gives his big speech to Carmen then turns to Rosa and her friends and is like I don't know if they got all of that, do you want to translate and they're all nodding like they got his big romantic speech.
And that they're like he's cute does he have an older brother as Carmen and Johnny make out in the entry way.
Go Kenny go! Also the fact Kenny is proud of himself for charging forward and landing a punch.
Apparently Mitch did homework by watching Hillybilly Handfishing.
What I love about Miguel is once he figured it out he didn't just try to win, but he taught the other eagle fangs too.
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Pure delight but also, that poor fish
Aw Sam called Johnny sensei.
Perseverance, courage and strength are apparently watch Daniel's hachimaki means.
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We never do get to see what else Johnny had planned for the Miyagi-do's. I was wondering why Daniel got two days and Johnny got one, and it's because they don't show it (or at least not in this episode)
And on the one hand it feels like oh but Miguel did well and the goal is for them to learn and everything from each other and technically Johnny you're bonding with Sam (something that if I remember correctly, Daniel didn't like either)
But Daniel also taught Robby and (arguably) kidnapped his son, poaches his students and Kreese stole most of the rest of his students so it's like a sore subject. Even though I'm happy that they're bonding and pretty sure Miguel's feeling a little more secure in dating Sam with Daniel.
Plus as soon as they enter the dojo all the kids run up to look, even the Miyagi-do that are supposed to be paying attention to Johnny and following him that day.
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kai-selfships · 2 years
Part one: main characters
Picrew link, art by Naylissa on various social medias
(One year passes in between movies so for characters who are in both movies, there will be two ages listed)
I’m posting this here instead of on my main because you guys are used to me being cringe <3
Also, important: I chose each character’s ethnicity based either on where in the world their species of animal lives, or (for animals that live all over, like pigs or mice) other contextual things (like Gunther’s accent)— basically, please understand that I’m not making Johnny black because he’s a gorilla, but because gorillas in real life can be found in equatorial Africa— however if you’re black and still find this offensive, please dm me and you can explain to me what’s wrong, and I’ll do anything I can to make it better :)
Buster Moon (he/him, gay and trans)
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36-37 years old
Autism, bipolar, and PTSD (after working with Jimmy Crystal)
Hair started going gray due to stress, so he dyed it all
Forgets to eat a lot
Works too much, gets bad burnout
Is best friends with Rosita; she reminds him to eat and sleep and stuff when they’re on the road
Has electrical burn scars on his hands from when he and Ash messed with the electric fence on Clay’s property
Was dating Eddie in the first movie, but they broke up which is why he’s not there in the second movie
Rosita (she/her, bi and ace)
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40-41 years old
Latina (I chose this for her because of her name)
ADHD, depression
In canonverse she had two litters of piglets, one with 15 and one with 10
In human au she only had five kids— Carrie, Hannah, Kelly, Leo, and of course Casper
Her husband, Norman, is very supportive of her identity— they were going through a rough patch in the first movie because he was taking on too much work (hes a Lawyer) and didn’t have time to spend with family, but they work on it together and have a much healthier relationship now
She got a degree in journalism and used to work for a newspaper
She has been closeted bi all her life, but only found out about the “asexual” label once she met the theater group (mostly Gunther) and learned more about the queer community
Speaking of Gunther…
Gunther (he/him, queer)
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39-40 years old
Immigrated from Germany when he was a teenager
Was not accepted by his family for being queer— he hasn’t had any contact with them for most of his adult life
He’s very well adjusted and stable now, though
A lot of his energy goes towards helping out his friends at the theater, who are still figuring out who they are— like Rosita!
He gets along surprisingly well with Ash, probably because Ash really needs a really positive friend to hype him up
Gunther has been doing dance since he was a kid, and is really good at it
Johnny (he/him, gay)
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19-20 years old
Very sweet and supportive with his friends
Kind of a puppy punk— he’s discovering a lot of new music and ideas through Ash haha
Always bruised and sore from dance practice
Loves skateboarding
Used to straighten his hair (like in the first movie) but now he takes better care of it
Helps Nooshy get tattoos and piercings because they’re afraid of needles
His late mother is the person who inspired his love for singing
Also loves to do other kinds of art
Dropped out of school at age 16 to help out at the garage so his dad could focus more on his other business
His best friends in the group are Ash and Meena
Ash (he/him, transmasc)
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19-20 years old
Actually went to middle school with Johnny, but neither of them remember the other
Gives himself stick and pokes
Came out and started his transition in between the first and second movies
Also has electrical burn scars on hands like Buster
Is kind of withdrawn from his family— they love him a lot and want to rebuild their relationship, but Ash feels guilty for having chosen his ex-boyfriend over them when he gave him an ultimatum
Still doubts himself about his gender identity a lot because he grew up thinking everyone felt that disconnected with femininity
Loves getting piercings
He still wears really artistic makeup for shows
Hasn’t even thought about dating anyone after his ex— not because he carries a torch for him, but because he feels like his mind and body has been “ruined” by having spent so much time in such a manipulative and toxic relationship (I’m toootally not projecting haha /sarcastic)
Meena (she/her, transhet)
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23-24 years old
She and her family are Indian (I chose this because in the second movie she’s a lot smaller than Alphonso, and to make it work with both of them being amab I decided she’s an Asian elephant and he’s an African elephant)
Anxiety, dyslexia, rejection sensitive dysphoria
Her parents have always been supportive of her transition, but it took her grandparents a few years to warm up to it
She has been out as a trans girl since she was a young teenager
She’s been taking singing lessons since she was a kid
Attends a community college in the area and is really self conscious about the fact that she’s not pursuing any other higher education because her cousins and parents are all very scholarly
Her parents are both professors
Gets really dysphoric about her height and size
But she feels really EUPHORIC about her beautiful long hair and the jewelry she likes to wear!
Looks up to Buster a lot even though sometimes he doesn’t make the best choices
Miss Crawly (she/her)
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82-83 years old
Half blind and hard of hearing
Was very good friends with Buster’s late parents
Is extremely good at cooking; always feeds the theater group when they work late rehearsing or putting on a show
Is actually married, but none of her friends at the theater know her husband very well
Has two adult children too; she loves them very much and talks on the phone with them a lot, but they both live out of state so she only sees them and her grandkids every few years
Doesn’t mind when Buster doesn’t have the money to pay her; she may technically be an employee, but she views her job at the theater as just helping out a family friend
Is definitely more competent that she appears to be
Porsha Crystal (she/her, lesbian)
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19 years old
Has lived in Redshore City all her life
Has a lot of followers on her official social media, but she also has a few secret accounts so she can goof off with her friends without her dad knowing
Really admires Ash, even if he took a while to warm up to her
Dyes her hair as a way to be in control of her appearance— Jimmy always chose her hairstyle and clothing so she looked “normal”, but didn’t mind if she dyed it because that’s kind of typical for modern teens
Loves to do colorful and fun makeup
Had a little bit of a crush on Suki when she first started working for Jimmy, but obviously that was one-sided because Porsha’s a lot younger than her
Nooshy (he/she/they depending on the day, genderfluid and bisexual)
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21 years old
Was homeless prior to meeting the gang, now lives with Johnny
Dyes his hair black
Is afraid of needles
Gets a lot of nightmares and doesn’t sleep well
Doesn’t spend a lot on clothes, upcycles their own stuff
Still just does street performance as her job
Clay Calloway (he/they, trans, genderqueer, bisexual)
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62 years old
He and Ruby are t4t
Stealth in public, and has no living family members— the only people who know he’s trans are his friends, who he came out to after a few months of getting to know better
Ash is like their grandson
Completely left behind their old life when they moved to Redshore
Ruby transitioned later in life— when they first started dating, they were technically a mlm couple
Literally hates Jimmy Crystal so so much and is very open about it
Porsha helped them start a social media account. He’s not very active on it besides replying to fan messages and posting things about the shows he does.
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lulamadison · 1 year
131 please!
Thank you for the prompt 😃
Well, I said I was going to write a Lawrusso comedy, but I'd had a stressful week and several vodkas, and out came this depressing little Butterfly Effect style time travel fic...
I've spent the rest of this weekend cleaning it up, and I was hesitant to post it because it is so miserable, but here goes anyway 😉
Prompt 131: I’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you
Warning: Major Character death
Johnny had lost count of how many times he'd tried to bring Daniel back.
He'd altered the timeline so many times that he could barely remember what was real and what wasn't, but every time he came back one thing remained unchanged – Daniel was still dead.
And it was ridiculous really; the amount of desperation he felt to bring him back when they'd only ever been on one date.
One date.
One perfect date, where they'd laughed and drank and Daniel had kissed him chastely at the end of the night as they said their goodbyes.
Johnny had gone back to the date and instead of leaving Daniel in the parking lot as he waited for his Uber, he told him he loved him and confessed everything.
Told him how he'd loved him since they were 17.
Told him he'd beat him half to death because he didn't know how to deal with his feelings.
Told him he was sorry for everything he'd done.
And yet it still didn't work.
Instead of dying in an empty parking lot, he'd slipped at home and banged his head.
He'd died on the floor of his own garage when he went out for more beers and didn't come back.
It seemed that Daniel was destined to die, no matter what Johnny did.
Johnny went back again.
This time to before the date, and when Daniel had kissed him in the dojo and confessed his feelings, Johnny feigned indifference.
He told him he wasn't interested.
He wasn't gay or bi or whatever.
He saw the hurt in Daniel's eyes as he apologised for misreading the signals.
Johnny could live with the pain if it meant that Daniel lived.
He could hide his feelings.
He could live with the constant longing.
He could ignore the awkwardness of their interactions as he watched Daniel try to treat their relationship as nothing more than friendship.
But it didn't change anything.
Daniel still died.
This time he was found dead in the pond at Miyagi-Do. Drowned in the water below the balance wheel. No one knew how it had happened. He was always so careful around the dojo.
Johnny went back further, to the moment they bowed to each other at the All Valley.
When Daniel bowed Johnny reached over, pulled him in by the shoulders and kissed him in front of all those people. He didn't care who knew that they were in love.
Daniel was found dead the next day. Beaten to death in the LaRusso Auto parking lot.
A hate crime the news called it.
Amanda blamed Johnny.
Johnny blamed himself too.
He went back again.
They were in Miyagi-Do and Daniel offered Johnny a bite of his food. Johnny shook his head.
“Nah, man. I'm not eating that crap,” he said, then he stood up and walked away.
Daniel died, choking on the food he'd offered to Johnny.
Johnny went back further.
Daniel was at his apartment. Johnny offered him ham.
Daniel said no, and took a drink of beer. He said they needed to tell the kids it wasn't going to work out.
“Nah, man,” Johnny replied. “We love each other. We need to figure it out.”
“You love me?” Daniel asked, his voice hesitant, like Johnny had just confirmed everything he'd ever dreamed of.
“I do,” Johnny said, as he leaned over and kissed him.
Daniel didn't pull back. He leaned into the kiss and let out a moan.
“I need…” Daniel said as he pulled back, his eyes showing that he reciprocated every stupid feeling Johnny had ever felt for him.
“I need…” Daniel said again.
“Just don't leave me,” Johnny replied, his fingers still trailing across Daniel's cheeks like the ghost that he was. “I've been trying for so long.”
“What do you mean?” Daniel asked.
“I've loved you for so long,” Johnny replied as he ran his fingertips down Daniel's neck. “Every time I tell you it means nothing.”
“You've never told me you loved me before,” Daniel said with a huff of laughter.
“I have, so many times,” Johnny said, as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Daniel's neck. “But it doesn't change anything. Every time I tell you it still ends the same way.”
“Then don't let me go tonight,” Daniel replied, holding Johnny's gaze, and pulling him closer.
“I won't,” Johnny said, as he ran his hand down Daniel's chest.
They touched each other in a way Johnny hadn't experienced in any other life time.
They made love, and after it was over he clung to Daniel knowing he'd made a difference.
Knowing this time was different.
Daniel would still be alive.
He could live in this lifetime with Daniel by his side, just as he hoped he would.
But it didn't happen.
They woke, all warm and cosy, wrapped together under scratchy blankets. Kissing each other gently as Johnny felt like all his dreams had finally come true.
Daniel went to work in his car and didn't come back.
A tragic accident, the news said.
Drunk driver, they said.
Side swiped Daniel's car on Ventura Boulevard while doing 90.
He didn't stand a chance, they said.
Missed by his wife and family, the funeral notices said.
Johnny attended Daniel's funeral for the hundredth time, hidden in the shadows.
Hiding behind the trees.
Looking over toward the plot where he was buried next to his Sensei, as always.
Johnny tried again.
“Still got those Golden locks,” Daniel said, with a smile on his face.
“Yeah, but you based your whole life on kicking me in the face, huh?” Johnny asked before the other LaRusso Auto assholes could come across.
Daniel laughed. “Maybe I did,” he said, as he gazed at Johnny in a way he hadn't seen this far back.
“Guess I made an impression on you?” Johnny said cockily, as he took a step closer.
Daniel swallowed, casting a glance towards Johnny's lips before flicking back up again. “Maybe you did.”
Daniel died that same day.
Taking someone for a test drive in a red Dodge Challenger that they smashed into oncoming traffic
Every time Johnny went back he felt it sapping the life out of him.
He knew each time he went back it was killing him and he didn't care.
He was dying and it didn't matter when Daniel wasn't by his side.
Every time he went back as he tried to put everything right was a moment he didn't get to spend with Daniel where he came from.
Every time he tried to change things he saw that he loved Daniel in every timeline.
He saw that Daniel loved him in every time line.
The next time he tried he grabbed Daniel by the shoulders.
He'd gone back so far that they'd never even met yet.
“I know you don't understand this, but I have to tell you,” Johnny said, as they stood on the beach. “I’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you, and it'll never be enough.”
“What?” Daniel asked. “I don't even know who you are.”
“I can't put it right,” Johnny said. “I've tried so many times, but I'll keep trying.”
“What do you mean?” Daniel asked.
“I've figured it all out now. This is all the time we have together,” Johnny said. “I'll keep going because it's worth it.”
“I don't know what you're talking about, man,” Daniel said with a nervous laugh.
“I kept thinking it wasn't important, all these moments I spend with you across a hundred different timelines,” Johnny said, as he took hold of Daniel's shoulders again. “I thought the only thing that mattered was the outcome. The only thing I cared about was spending the rest of my life with you, but I can still do that.”
Daniel pulled away from Johnny's grasp. “I don't know who the hell you are, but you need to back off right now!”
“It doesn't matter what we do,” Johnny said. “It always ends in the same way, with you dead.”
“Is that a threat?” Daniel asked raising his fists.
“It's just how it is,” Johnny said, his shoulders sinking. “I can't save you. You always die.”
“OK, now you're freaking me out, so if you don't leave me the hell alone I'm going to kick your ass,” Daniel replied angrily.
Johnny couldn't help but grin. “This is what I love the most about you. Hotheaded little asshole, always spoiling for a fight.”
“I'm spoiling for a fight now, yeah,” Daniel said, as he took a step back.
“You're still going to die,” Johnny said.
Daniel lashed out, hitting Johnny in the cheekbone, knocking him backwards, as he shouted, “Leave me alone, man!”
Johnny was rocked backwards, but he didn't fall. He raised a hand to his rapidly bruising face, running his fingertips across the reddened skin. Every punch from Daniel felt just as good as a kiss these days.
“I might not get to spend the rest of my life with you in my timeline,” Johnny said, still running his fingers of the bruise. “But I can spend the rest of my life in these moments with all the different versions of you.”
Johnny went back again.
Moving between the timelines, even though his nose started bleeding and the headaches were lasting longer each time.
He knew he was dying, slowly killing himself with each jump.
He never went back to his own world again. He knew Daniel would never be there.
He travelled the universe. A spiderweb of encounters written across the timeline.
If he ever crossed his own path the whole thing could come crashing down, but Johnny didn't care. Daniel was always destined to die and Johnny would always be cursed to stand by his graveside.
What did it matter if the universe ended? What was left for him beyond the stolen moments with all the different versions of Daniel?
He kept travelling.
He spent the day watching Daniel through the windows of the dealership, as he smiled brightly at customers and staff.
He spent a day at the All Valley tournament as they agreed to work together to defeat Cobra Kai.
His nose barely stopped bleeding now. Sneezing red spots into his hands. Pockets full of crusty blood stained tissues.
He spent the day getting ready for their first date.
“Are you OK?” Daniel asked, as he sat across from him in the booth.
“Huh?” Johnny asked.
“You keep kinda zoning out on me,” Daniel said with a grin.
Johnny smiled softly. “I was just wondering if it was appropriate to tell you that I love you on a first date.”
“Wow,” Daniel said, sitting back. He was quiet for a moment, then he shrugged his shoulders and said, “It must be fine, because I love you too.”
Johnny smiled to himself even though he felt like his skull was about to crack.
“You're amazing,” Johnny said. “And every single moment I've spent with every you has been worth it.”
Daniel's brow wrinkled in confusion for a second, then he smiled and said, “I think I'll take that as a compliment?”
Johnny smiled.
Right here and now was all that mattered anymore. All he had to do was keep travelling.
All he had to do was keep coming back to Daniel for the rest of his life.
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