#so many feelings so many thought rats about this goon
mythvoiced · 7 months
-. wenzhe-core (pt. 3 the return of the jedi) (main-verse)
panic attacks
if he were an idol/celebrity most (thirst) edits about him would be about his hands
sipping quietly and stressfully on his drink while people talk about things he can't admit to being familiar with because it's Niche Queer Things
he loves cats, it's not mutual
dogs love him, it's not mutual (he likes dogs just fine enough, but... fine enough)
thinks he has a sweet tooth because he's always sucking on a lollipop or candy or chewing on sweet gum or getting popsicles in summers, it's not a sweet-tooth, it's an oral fixation
all his pencils from tween school years were covered in bite-marks as a result
undiagnosed in one way or another, probably adhd
"i don't get people who can just sleep on trains, like, what if you miss your stop" he says but if he's taking a train and it takes more than 20 minutes to get to his destination he will fall asleep
pastel colours terrorist group
childhood friends with latent romantic feelings trope but he got over it relatively quick (he thinks)
as answer to the question what kind of anime he watches: oh, you know, demon slayer, blue lock, stuff like that
the anime he watches: skip & loafer, a sign of affection, the apothecary's diaries
seeing auntie nao in skip & loafer made him really weird for a week straight before he repressed it again
*smacks him violently over the head* this baby can fit so much internalized [insert] in him
once i finish the apothecary's diaries, by the way, i AM making a verse for him in that
"i don't really like children all that much" *a child hands him something to hold onto for them and he's visibly holding back tears*
he's actually REALLY weird about catching feelings i cannot stress this enough
if a girl he's into playfully smacks him around and leans into him he'll go home and scream into his pillow
if a guy he likes ruffles his hair and tells him to take it easy, cheer up, he'll go home and bang his head against the wall
in terms of non-binary people they're usually way out of his league
this IS his canonical hair-length (this guy is starting to piss me off btw the fucking gender envy i swear--)
also that last one was just me wanting to show you his manga fc again ♥
in terms of type of people he likes (both romantic and platonic, actually, they tend to overlap) he likes people who are (subjectively at the very least) mentally and emotionally stronger than him, people who can say no but are still kind
he doesn't have anything against meeker, more submissive personality types but he will usually create a stronger imbalance here where he'll try to be less of a friend and more of a caretaker
watching a historical/period romance: this is?? what is this, wow, i can't even tell what fake past this is supposed to be inspired by because the clothes sure won't tell me, the inaccuracy, the liberties-- wait, what are you doing, no don't turn it off, the second daughter just helped the love interest infiltrate back into the city which means all of qianqian's work to get him out of the city to avoid his death are for nought plus su mu just rejected the first daughter again and she stood up for the first time to chase after him and-
actually while putting this together i realized that childhood friends crush might have been a lot more serious than anticipated
i am casting the other lead as qianru btw because i can use content like this and bc it suits the personality i'm developing for her
also yes i am not kidding it's bad wenzhe might have straight up been in love with qianru we're- RUH ROH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sjw-publishings · 9 months
Lit Gud Streamin
With much encouragement from @dumb-and-jocked
>First Time Streamin’ bro?
The house husband blushed at the first comment coming to respond to him.
Carson Green was anxious…he’d heard of streaming but never tried it until some pestering from his Gaymer group as of late.
The stay at home husband wanted to help with the finances, hence why he even considered it in the first place. Sure it was nice being a homemaker, and definitely had a flair in cooking, but he wanted to do something different.
“Y…Yeah, it’s my first time.”
He was relatively unsure of this, but he had known and spoken to several of the guys a week ago, and though he could have sworn they talked about a different topic entirely, he recalled about many of them bragging about ‘raking in the dough’ for gaming.
True enough, many of them are not only being paid handsomely in royalties for streaming, but they have a surprisingly large fanbase!
Admittedly, he was sort of shocked…and sort of jealousy that many of them are quite popular online, almost like they reached stardom within a week or less.
But regardless, his group also promised that they will help out with ‘assimilating’ him into the platform and moderate his stream. So surely he would reach a certain level of success with their guidance.
Though he’s still unsure how exactly will do they so.
“W…What games will we be playing?”
>Dis the game dude
>Ur in it, brought in da Boiz to watch the stream.
With that, the number count rose exponentially, from single digits, to doubles.
The house husband blushed, twiddling his thumbs at being watched by wide audience. Is it like a reality show game? Or is it something different entirely?
Granted, there weren’t any instructions or briefings given about it. Maybe it is a more on the spot, spontaneous kind of thing?
“D…Do I need to do anything in particular?”
>Just be yourself , LOL
>You gotta impress us Noob.
He…kind of doesn’t like being called a noob, but he is new to streaming after all. So he ought to listen to them, no matter how they are like.
>Dude, ur Tagline?
Oh yeah! All the cool streamers he watched had one.
Wait? Since when did he watch…well he is a gamer after all, so it’s only natural that he DID watch streams, at least some of em by proxy. He is rather connected to the other guys.
“Ummm…ok LOL, what kind of tagline. Do you all have any suggestions, dudes?”
>Just Lit Gud man.
>Yeah RAT
He thought maybe it’s tough love or something…though it really feels extremely rude. Almost draining even, like yeah it was exhausting trying to keep up with his group’s gaming shenanigans, but even in their streamin’ advice?
C’mon Man!
Plus he’s just got married not a while ago! They could’ve at least be NICE to him since he’s now tied down! Like don’t get me wrong, he loves his husbro, but when all is said and done, he does miss the glory days of being with the rest of the guys.
“Look, I-D-K if Lit Gud Noobs is such a nice tagline?”
Desperate for a win here. Yeah, he may be getting quite aggro. But it’s justified! Bro.
“And who you callin’ Rat, RATZ!”
His mouth slurred at that remark, a very sleazy…immature slur as he quickly covered his mouth in that regard.
Though admittedly, he kinda liked that.
After all, if he was the rat, then these noobs are his goons. And while he usually isn’t the dominant one in his relationships, admittedly he kinda liked roleplaying as one of the typical bros, even if he wasn’t THAT asian compared to them.
>You lift Bro?
“My body…its not that well off-“
>Get lit or get Shyt on
He’s gotta get LIT.
Watching as his weight sizzle away down, melting away the bubbling tummy fat into a faint trail of a six pack, straining loosely on the shirt being his college grad pectorals.
Gotta show off after all. Specially during the bachelor’s party!
His diet consisted of pizza, soda and chips. And so ducking what? Body trim as DUCK, that’s how he lived and how his rats loved it. Some people said it was his GENE-tics or some shit that he had this bod, but you know what he says to em’?
Get lit or get Shyt on!
But even so, da shyt? Why did these bastards gotta treat him like that? Weren’t they all buds or somethin’?
“You RATZ are always so rude.”
>We rude? KAPPA
>Haha Noob!
With every interaction and vocabulary pollution, hunching lazily towards the screen, eyes entranced by the masses of comments.
LIGHTING and EMPHASIZIN’ random words, like an obnoxious mixture tainting his patience. Persistent name calling and being on the receiving end of the relationship kinda pisses him off.
>LOL K, How’s the stream?
But admittedly, a growing part of him is really getting pumped, while irritated, a small part of him liked broadcasting to these gamers.
If only they had some MAN-NERS, sheesh!
“How the streamin’ goin? Dude IDK, just a Jerkin’ stream today, nothin but insults.”
> Git Gud
> Just Git Gud
> Noob
Chat, filled with your run of the mill, cloned responses. Your typical mocks and insults, passive threading onto aggressive, a fine balance of being slightly very aggro but chill, producing RUDE DUCKIN’ INSULTS.
Each one after another, a shytposting blend that makes the stupid obnoxiousness rise higher and higher. Calves toning out from jumping upwards in sports as his body shrunk downward, making sure he sees eye to eye with dem BOIZ.
One liner aggressiveness alongside swarms of memes and complete nonsense. Idiotic behaviour, fitting a ‘RatChat’. Blending in with the other dudes, speakin’ their language, participating campus exercises and roughing around with the other bros!
Like a game, course, they are gamers after all. They know the COMBO, dissecting their streamer bud like it’s nothin’! Insults kicking right from the beginning!
He wanted to beat them at their own game!
Be hetter-BETTER! Calson Greo wanted to be a PRO.
“Alright RATZ, What’ll make me less of a noob and g-”
>Git Gud Noob
His voice slurred, eyebrows raised as he slumped back in his gaming chair. Like a simple command burning into his skull.
He just gotta GIT GUD! No instructions needed, except you gotta be IN DA LOOP. At TOP! As his buttocks clenched at the refusal of being BOT! Cheeks meant for exercise and gamin’.
He had to GIT GUD! And that’s being on top of his game always!
>You gotta be LIT Fam
A delicious fuming rage erupted from his screen, as a multitude of laughing frogs and emojis filled his entire chat.
Igniting a fire within, his skin tanning till its just RIGHT. Made for a BOI who spends time gamin’ both online and in sports. Just like every other of his classmates back on campus.
>Stop being such a QUEER
SHYT, these men tryin’ to get under his skin. Really making him all pent and rock solid. NO HOMO!
Wait WUT?
DUDE! LIEK…man he’s really even sounding immature in his thoughts? Wasn’t he some sort of QUEER? DA FK? He was g…a…guy, A GUY! YEAH! He was a guy like em!
“Thought you all stand for GUY RIGHTS?”
HE ALWAYS TOPS! Yeah so maybe he had a PHAG, but it was clear they are ‘sabotaging’ his GAY STREAM and tryin’ makin’ it the way it ought to be!
Full of SHYT-talkin’, assholes are dragging him down to THEIR level. A more rodent, nastier bunch instead of friendly GHEYS! But alright! If these idiots want to game, then they gonna-
>Look PHAG, if you want to WIN you gotta stop sucking
An obnoxious Tenor bursted out from the man, retaliating like an immature douchebag as he finally sunk to their level. Height stooping at an average 5ft 9, GPA scores barely scrapping by the median. A fellow backslider like the crowd.
And HE was going to let these DOUCHEBOIS get it HARD!
>Just Chillax Gay Boi
He sneered, as his voice rose into a stupidly obnoxious loud tenor, allowing that youthful tone engulf him in an asian tan like his peers, makin’ sure he is part of the Hivemind that is Snitch culture.
“No Sweats allowed…Just CHILLAX man…”
Feeling his mind sinking into the mass rebellious conformity that is his gamin’ community, his voice cooled slightly, gifted the flexibility to yell when he WANTS to BOIIII!
His buttoned down fused, as the simple white tee clung over his frame with slackened glee, bluntly accentuating his pectorals, as a typical print was plastered over like another typical meshed up shirt that the zoomers would wear.
He was NO SWEAT, Trousers shortening up to his thighs, lightening up into a more mesh, flexible material. Hanging loose L-sized on his waist are his flaming red basketball shorts, stickin’ out like a sore thumb whenever the dude stands up or goes for a bathroom breaks.
>Yo streamer, you a player?
“Am I a play-yer?”
The young man slurred, smirking as he acknowledged that remark, teasing those thirsty PHAGS and RATZ like he always does.
ResidentSnorer and various funny frogs spammed the chat box like no other, skyrocketing his view count to the thousands.
The young Boi loved every minute of it. He was getting the fame, boi.
“Course I am, ain’t easy being this good…”
>u dating someone?
Slippers took a hit in their quality, soft material becoming a pair of stretchable basketball shoes. Made for the kind of guy who keeps his options open.
Both in da basketball court, and in da bed. And yeah, it was technically his home. Well, he and his GAY fiancé’s. But it’s mostly a BRO thing! Roommates with benefits!
“Boiz, I have a fiancé , but..”
>Sounds Sus
>you gay or what?
His eyes widened, SHYT, he wasn’t supposed to say that. Not that he minded the older man…except when he was being GHEY-but weren’t they a couple…of MEN.
But aren’t they together? Da SHYT! He was a playah! BUT what about that time when they cuddled-BRUH that’s GHEY! BUT WHAT ABOUT-YOU GHEY BROSKI? BRO? B-
Fiddling the ring, the band stretched beyond the size of his palm, turning into pure eleastic as it slid down his right wrist, loosely fitting like its part of some showoffy trend.
As the chat continues to spam various emotes, including a distinct rainbow head, don’t these douchebags know he’s single and ready to mingle? Why are they thinkin’ he’s gonna be bangin’ it with some dude?
“Who you noobs calling GAY? It’s just ONE night!”
One hand palming below, the other one flippin the stream. Colson Groh’s darkened hair flicked down the side, his new asian ethnicity fully taking hold without remorse, blending in with the group of bullies pickin’ on him and his-FAG!
“One night of PRANKIN FAGS!”
Picking on em hard, he wasn’t one of em, but man is it HOT setting them STRAIGHT! The twenty two year college dude smirked, as PHAGS couldn’t resist starin’ at his clean-shaven slack-jaw and risen cheekbones till they get completely RAT PRANKED.
>Ayyy LIT
>Lets go BOI
>AFKin’ RAT!
“Bet you all can’t get ladies to your doorstep.”
>Check GayPay
GayPay my arse, StraightCoin’s the deal bro.
Though speakin’ of ladies. Hot damn…is he THAT dry? Cause he’s having that fantasy every straight, gamin’ charged college guy’s has.
Surrounded by hot ladies.
Then again, he’s always THIRSTIN’. Course, a guy like him can get a bunch of women in a flash. But he totally can jerk like a maiden-less douchebag like a bunch of the idiots watchin’ him.
Makes him relatable to his RATZ, yeah? Sides, nothin’ wrong with a lil jerkin’ on cam, nothing GHEY bout it!
>Yo RAT, check out your numbers
>BRO past 7k
LIT_GUD: +7k subs
Rapidly vibrating his 7 inch joystick, brows raised as they thinned out. The last bit of hesitation melting away, making way for youthful gamin’ bravado as a seedy wide grin beamed in the stream.
“How to LIT GUD getting chicks?”
Comments flooding all over his stream, a mass mindset and mentality calling all to pump. PUMP! Pumping his POG-O STICK to the MAX! The Go-To-Game for men of his kind.
The HIGH score, as his eyes narrowed in utmost dumb simplicity, tilting his head upward to the ceiling as he grinned wildly as he thought bout’ that simple fantasy!
All da LADIES comin’ at him. YAAA BOIII!
Colton Goh no scoped all over his boxers, slumping back as drops of youthful rebellion spluttered all over, mucking it with obnoxious bully testosterone like he always does.
Feels so LIT! Being able to climax whenever the heck he wants, why abstain when he can just LIT GUD MAN! All those goody two shoe brethren back at campus grounds are really missin’ out.
But of course, he’ll scoop the remaining wads of mayo to his jerk off bottle later. He may be a backslider, but he gotta be up in his production game, beat his last record and all that shiz.
Speakin’ of which.
7k’s still just rookie numbers for a guy like him, but considering he got it all in a bunch of hours, he’s as good as the pros like the rest of em’!
“Yo…and that’s how you dudes get the ladies, man.”
“Boiz, if you see any gays going all homo on ya. You gotta give em the LIT GUD!”
Normally he would collab with his streaming buds, but he really oughta help his Bromies out by teachin em.
Especially ratting out GHEYS until they turn into a couple of rats like he is. And what better way than to create his own Streamin’ channel? All he got to do was be himself bro.
Brings in the subs, and sides, hot chicks dig him, and fags thirstin’ over him get weeded out until they are a bunch of rats like he and his gamer crew.
‘[TOP] Gay Dude Joined the stream’
Speaking of fags…
“Ayy, a new fag joined the stream, sweet.”
Not sure how did ‘Gay Dude’ squirmed into his ‘TOP’ friends list, but he must’ve added him during that stupid RNG game he tried last night while he drank Heteroade with the bois.
But honestly, heh, he doesn’t give a Rats arse bout em’. After all, he needed someone to dunk on to celebrate his 7k Subs, so why not make sure the fag gets the whole RatChat streamin’ experience?
Heh, this will be hot.
“Give em a couple of Lit Guds in the chat, noobs.”
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mammss · 8 months
plug!mammon headcanons
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a/n: let me just put this out there that I haven't played obey me in so long and I've fallen out of the fandom tbh. But was reading plug!eren fics for whatever reason and wanted to write something for this page...
fluff, discusses drugs and substance use
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plug!mammon who got the idea of dealing from the casinos he frequents, in a dark shady vip area he witnessed all sorts of substances being used and sold well for one being the avatar of greed he heard how much these little baggies go for and two had some connections on how to start said business so the man was already set.
plug!mammon who’s largest clientele base is at RAD why you may ask well he started making a quick buck off of students who wanted a way to destress and since there's no rules on dealing on school grounds mammon ran with it, later he got his fanclub to do the fine tuning after getting a shit ton of messages asking to buy. While mammon is the face of the operation his fans take care of distribution, payments etc all this man has to do is sit pretty and watch the cash flow come in
plug!mammon who at first glance is the definition of logo mania. This man can never leave the house without showing off where he’s buying his clothes in some way. And it doesn't help to see this man with copious amounts of shopping bags decorating his arms from said stores. 
plug!mammon when meeting you for the first time couldn’t trust you for shit as he thought you’d snitch to lucifer or diavolo so he made sure to have his goons keep a close eye on you and make sure you stay away from anyone who could unintentionally rat him out.
plug!mammon who after getting to know you more especially after your pact didn’t want you to know what he does not out of fear of getting caught but because he cared about you in some confusing way and wanted you to keep your innocence but that didn’t last long tbh you know this man is stupid affectionately and can’t cover up his tracks
plug!mammon after coming clean revels in the fact that you’re amazed he somehow started an empire and loyal clientele. You ask so many questions practically idoling the man he cant help himself but brag and gloat about how people fear him and need him all at the same time.
plug!mammon who will never let you come along on his deliveries now I know I said he doesn’t take part in the distribution but for the people who been day one’s demons known to have fat fucking wallets he makes the trips out himself, its just to create a long lasting relationship but these people don’t fuck around and the last thing mammon needs happening is you being caught up in business since his brothers nor anyone else in his life don’t really know about this he can’t protect you properly if something goes south.
plug!mammon who overtime confesses his feelings for you by taking you out on the fanciest “date” he told you it was to celebrate how much money he made for the year and spoils you to no end, he picked out an outfit for you with the help of his personal shoppers, got you a limo filled with fine alcohol and smells oddly familiar of mammons cologne.
plug!mammon who after making it official with you is obsessed with you, he is thinking of you when he’s dealing, counting money, with his friends etc. He refuses to keep you out of his mind and when he’s with you??? Oh it doesn't get any better always in your bubble one way or another this man GETS his way. Little miss princess
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spiked-mall-goth · 1 year
can we hear your barbie thoughts?
okay heres just the copy paste from my letterboxd. (whew wee is it LONG)
i was so excited. that one is on me.
movie so so confusing. i thought i was in for like an absurdist comedy, but it was like forced feminist political commentary?? do NOT get me wrong on this one okay, i have seen so many people get torn to SHREDS for saying that they didn't like this movie bc they hate #girlpower. i am not one of those people. but idk abt u guys but i feel like its not that hard a concept to have a good female empowerment movie without just telling us straight in our faces that its female empowerment ALL. THE. TIME.. felt like i was being spoon fed with a forklift. theres this really cool special tactic called… subtlety.. wow its a crazy thing. they spent so much time shoving a message down my throat they.. forgot what it was.??? like they lost track of what they wanted to say like a million times over it was annoying. they said so much to mean so little. messaging so muddled the barbies literally interfered with a fucking government election and got away with it. they didn't want the kens to have any power so they took them away from the pink house and voted without them to put themselves back as the only leaders. the fuck barbie. i feel like the solution in barbieland was not to just fucking reinstall the matriarchy but instead work together as one to create an idyllic society where the barbies and the kens can live side by side without one towering over the other. the kens were not being horridly mistreated b4, but i understand wanting to be treated better. and i could have some mild sympathy for them, but as soon as they took over barbieland they just treated women like shit making them doing everything for them. and yes that is no good, but its interesting to me that the barbies did not take this as a lesson at all?? like they did not look back and really go, 'huh,, maybe you should ALSO have rights bc being seen and treated as inferior is not okay.' no they took it as an opportunity to shove more fucking glitter coated instagram infographic #positivity down my throat. i understand that this was kinda the point, to be like look! this is what its like and the 'just be yourself' solution means nothing in the end! just like the real world! but why would i want that? why would i want a backwards version of a fucking corrupt system that doesn't work? it doesn't work this way; flipping it, well guess what it still doesn't work. this is fucking barbieland, i WANT them to all be happy and equal in the end! i don't want to think about how awful everything is! its a fantasy world, why would you want to model it after the horrible deep sucking never ending vacuum into the black hole that is the real world? its my barbies and kens (and allen) and damnit i think that they should be happy. also side note, how tf did the kens brainwash the barbies??? like the fuck was that? to me that implies that the barbies also had the kens brain washed to be only accessories. like whoevers in power just has control over the other group? this movie makes everyone like a fucking monster.
can u believe i have more to say? turn back now bc i will never stop typing.
ummm kinda hated that random ass woman and her child? and i hate even more that i can refer to them as that. they were horridly bland fucking ONE dimensional characters. no personality, no real development, nothing. just a forced under-devloped mother daughter sub-plot that if my mother had seen would've cried and made me feel like it was my fault for growing up. (normal mom behavior or just me….??)
mattel, you fucking sleazy greased up wet RAT. you canOT,,, okay listen to me… CAN. NOT. make a movie like 'corporations bad! they dont hire women! rampant consumerism bad!!'. baby girl look in the mirror, its not funny, its not being 'self-aware', it makes me feel,, bad. like you can get away with anything bc you actually can. making literal cartoon goons of yourself as some sort of distraction from all of the very real major issues that are happening in the real world corporate mattel company is rancid. you can to be as 'self-aware' as you want but the bottom line is that you just flat out dont care. you won't change anything. trying to be funny about it makes me feel sick. you can't make capitalist consumerism the movie and try to be like 'yeah thats so bad right guys? you guys also hate corporations?! great!'. you cant have your cake and eat it too.
i liked allen. allen sweetheart baby girl darling dear honeybun beloved i'm so sorry the filmmakers hate you. dude literally had like 6 lines. justice for allen.
out of all the 'shameful' barbies i was actually most excited to see the inclusion of video cam barbie!!! i wanted that bitch soooo bad.
laughed a handful of times, as fucking painful as the depression barbie ad was i laughed really loud at the bbc pride and prejudice joke. i thought the godfather joke was also very funny. some of the doll jokes were funny, but its like okay guys this was low hanging fruit to begin with lets not repeat them like ten times over. the n-sync allen joke also got me. i know i laughed a bit in the theater… but as of right now i'm drawing a blank on standout jokes. that says smth huh?
i like the big ken dance number when they went to like abstract reality zone. that was good. now just remake this movie but like that. it needed to be more loose and fun, alter reality for a dance number! do that!! i want some goddamn old hollywood type of just nonsense sequences. the song was not good tho tbh.
costumes and set were… objectively very good! do NOT get me wrong. the team behind it is very talented and they did an awesome job! however. they went for more of a 'generic barbie' look for the barbies costumes and for barbieland. which to me ended up looking more haunting..? idk WHY but the lack of actual dolls just chilling around made the few real dolls stand out like sore thumbs. that and also it felt like edward scissorhands type of suburbia. complete pastel hellscape. the thought of living in a 'perfect' pink pastel world where everything is the same everyday forever and if ur slightly different you literally get banished forever is horrifying. wheres all the girl power huh?? what happened to women helping women??? nope, you look kind odd?? sorry we hate you forever.
the ending was also just a hot hot garbage fire. whhyyyy did barbie decide she no longer wanted to be a barbie……? i feel like i missed that part since we were so focused on ken. oh so its bc she saw just a fuckinh home video slideshow?? yeah okay whatever just roll credits so i can leave now pls. a gynecology joke. really?
feminist movies do need to be made. but why with barbie? she has never been a feminist icon. this isn't her domain. she's just barbie. and trying to attach real life feminist issues to a fucking plastic doll to be bought and sold, to be commodified doesn't sit right with me. shes not meant to be this complex guys, and i feel like they just completely fumbled on that. to me barbie is just there. you play dress up with her, take her on fun adventures, play with your friends, you don't pick up a barbie doll and go 'wow i would just love to have this woman be groped and then come to terms with the real world and its many problems'. thats stupid. i was in for a fun little roadtrip adventure movie with barbie and her friends. and this was just too much.
this movie was not fun and whimsical to me. it was drab, it was horrifying, it was depressing. i wanted to have a brief escape from reality, but instead i was faced with the same atrocities of everyday life but hot pink and glitter coated. which only added to the awful feeling of 'it will be this way forever.' it wasn't a silly movie about being a woman and what that means, it was a faux women power movie made by massive corporations trying to tell us that they are hip and relatable and that you should buy so much merchandise. it was just one big reminder that capitalism will live forever and it will only get worse because everyone just eats it up if its brightly colored.
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Before Rewrite - Hades
*Spoilers for D3 rewrite~!!!! takes place from when Hades gets to the isle to the scene where Mal takes the ember from Hades!*
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Hades cursed the rulers of Auradon every hour of every day for putting him on this wretched isle of filth and trash. He was a god! The god of the undead, the underworld! He was a crucial player in the mortal's circle of life; without him, there would be no place for souls to go, Thanatos would harvest them but with no one to claim them; they would wander around the lands forever.
He could already sense the disturbed souls, miserably watching their families walk by, or through them. All alone with no one to turn to and nowhere to go.
He had only been here for two weeks and he was already sick of it; he may have never liked it but his job was important and he needed to get back to work
Two weeks and four days…that's all it took for the gods to replace him. He didn’t know who it was but they seemed to know what they were doing, claiming souls so fast Hades could hardly sense when one had left the mortal world to live in the underworld.
Hades perked up at the sound of crying
Oh, Hadie.
He turned on his heel and speed over to the makeshift crib of his son, rubbing the top of his fuzzy blue hair and picking him up; gently rocking him as Hadie continued to cry, Hades didn’t know from what but he would try to find out.
Like the little god he was, Hadie unexpectedly thrived on the barren isle of the lost; with what little food he got and with little sun, Hadie grew quickly and strong. At four years old he was already growing into his namesake; though Hades couldn’t ever resist being a dad over his little gap tooth in the middle of his teeth.
Hades just wished Persephone could see Hadie grow, and Hades wished he could see his little flower, Melinoe, grow into the headstrong warrior she was meant to be.
Whaaaaaaaat the fuck did he do….what in the actual fuck did he DO?!
He had stupidly gotten black out drunk at Gaston’s bar and somehow ended up with Maleficent! Of all people on the isle?! No-not out of all people, just with someone in general!?
He had prided himself in being the most loyal husband of his brothers, Zeus who had slept with a woman every time Hera blinked, and Poseidon; who wasn’t any better.
Hades had always been loyal and true to his wife…well there were those two times BUT compared to his brothers; he was loyal.
AND NOW HE HAD TO GO AND FUCK UP THAT STREAK; over 1000 years, 1000 years! And some bad whiskey had to ruin it.
He left that bed without a word, rushing home to his 4-year-old son who luckily hadn’t woken up yet from his sleep; and Hades swore if nothing came from that mistake, Hadie would never know about it.
Welp…that was something that came from the mistake. 11 months after the incident with Maleficent-
-There, right in front of his gates to his underground lair; was a little baby girl, halfheartedly swaddled in a green blanket and set at his gate, a little note taped to the front.
‘your problem now -M’
Hades leaned out of the gates, looking around for any goblins or any sign of the mistress of evil herself. But there was nothing. Hades sighed and crouched down, gently picking up the baby girl and holding him to his chest, her cries quieting as her cheek pressed against the fabric of his shirt.
She opened her eyes, vivid green with sparks of gold and yellow. She laughed, reaching up to his hair with a gummy smile. Hades sighed again and turned on his heel, closing the gate with his foot.
At least he got another chance at raising his daughter, and he would do his best to do as he would’ve with Melinoe.
Hadie had asked a billion questions when Hades placed the new baby in Hades old crib, leaning over and peering down at his little sister. Hades had explained it the best way he knew how to a child; but Hadie miraculously understood, didn’t blame him. All he did was reach down towards his sister and grin as the baby took his finger.
“I like her! Are we keeping her?” Hadie had asked, his gap tooth making his little grin seem even bigger.
“she's not a dog Hadie, but yes that’s the plan. I don’t think her mother’s coming back.” Hades rubbed Hadie’s fluffy blue hair and then reached out to rub his daughter's bluish-purple hair gently, her two-month-old hair curling around his fingers.
“What's her name?” Hadie continued to babble off questions, his yellow eyes staring directly into his sister's emerald eyes.
Hades thought for a moment, pursing his lips as he looked at the note and turned it over. Nothing other than Maleficent's writing and initial. Either the fae hadn’t given the baby a name or didn’t care enough to tell him.
“Morana“ the pagan Slavic goddess of winter and death; he had met or once or twice, not enough to know her but the name matched the baby girl before him well enough. (in this world, gods of all religions/beliefs exist in the same universe, they usually keep to themselves and rarely interact.)
Hadie repeated the name, pulling his finger around with Morana still holding onto him. “I like it!”
Three months later, Maleficent returned and took Morana from him; not even letting him give her a damn thing to remember him by. “I need an heir, that evil queens been bragging about her little rat and I won't let her get the upper hand with it” Hadie watched from behind Hades legs as the fae walked away with his little sister, her blue-purple hair stark against the black of Maleficent's sleeves.
Morana cried the entire time, reaching out for her father with tears streaming from her sparking yellow-green eyes, her face red with the flurry of confusing emotions she was feeling.
Hades took a step forward, going to take his daughter back but was stopped by Maleficent's goons, all glaring at him.
He was outmatched.
He stepped back, glaring at Maleficent's back as she took back their daughter she had abandoned so heartlessly three months ago.
Mal. That was her name now. He had heard many talk about the newly revealed daughter of evil; the daughter of Maleficent. Mal.
Hades clicked his jaw at the thought of her name, Maleficent had been shellfish and named her own daughter right after her; Hades would bet his stash of chocolate that Mal’s full name was just Maleficent.
At least Hades had been original.
Throughout the next couple of years, as Mora-Mal. Grew up, Hades kept out an eye on her; just out of sight from her and just barely stepping in if any of the older people of the isle, who had…less than ideal moral compasses, got any ideas about his daughter.
A few times he tried to go up to her, but each time she saw him she either ran away in fear, or stared him down with no spark of familiar want or recognition.
So he kept away, respecting her non-verbal wishes and leaving Mal to herself.
It didn’t stop him from trying to keep her safe. He left her food on the nights Maleficent or her goons forgot, never charged her when she came into his restaurant, was never harsh with her. Some of the other villains got curious at his gentleness with Mal but quickly shut up with a spark of red in his eyes. He might’ve lost his magic but he was still a god.
Hades watched from the shadows as Mal and her three ‘friends’ climbed into the limo, the son of Hook and son of Gaston climbing in alongside them. Mal looked up at Maleficent, who did an odd gesture and Mal nodded, sliding in and closing the limo door behind her.
He followed the limo all the way to the bridge, watching his daughter leave the isle for the first time and go to Auradon. If she didn’t end up burning it down; he hoped she would have a good life away from her mother.
Over three years later, his son was chosen to go the Auradon by his sister, and Hades watched melancholy as Hadie packed his things; fiddling with the dull ember between his fingers. Hadie hefted his bag over his shoulder and grabbed his duffle bag, nodding at his dad; who stood and walked over to his son “stay safe” Hades muttered, pulling Hadie in for a side hug, his hand resting on the back of Hadie’s head. “say hi to your mother and sister for me?” Hadie nodded against him, using his free arm to squeeze Hades back, and turned on his heel, walking out of the mines.
Only an hour later Hades stood at the bridge plaza, ember in hand; pointing it at his daughter, who cried out in pain against the embers draining powers. He pulled back as much as he could, he needed to get out; he just couldn't do it anymore, the isle was hell and he needed to leave.
Mal screamed in pain again and Hades faltered, remembering her cries for him when Maleficent took her oh so long ago. But the girl besides Hook took his falter and rushed at him, slamming him back behind the barrier and walking back through it a moment later.
Hades growled to himself, he had failed his attempted escape and hurt his kid. He stood and walked away from the plaza, planning to stay in his lair for the rest of the week in shame.
It was just the next day when he saw his kids again, Hadie and Celia standing in front of him; giving the excuse of a forgotten bass and some delivered goods. But Mal wasn’t as quiet as she should've been, he grabbed her hand just as she grabbed the ember and pulled it from her grip, staring her down behind his sunglasses.
She meekly asked for the ember multiple times, and on the third time, he raised his brow, holding up the ember in the air as he looked down at his daughter “You’re only half Hades, the ember won't do everything for you that it does for me” Mal huffed and gestured to Hadie.
“Hadie’s gonna be the one to use it anyway, I just wanted-to…” Mal looked up at him wide-eyed and shocked, and Hades had a startling realization that Mal might have not known about him at all.
After a few minutes of Mal screeching about her mother’s lies and her not being able to understand how ‘she’ happened, she demanded the ember once more “if you wanna make up for being a lousy dad” ouch that stung, he didn’t mean to be one; he just was forced into that position “gimme the ember”
Hades gave Mal the ember and watched her walk out, sighing sadly as he realized he could’ve been there for Mal a long time ago if not for his stupid assumption. He warned her about the ember getting wet and she just pushed past him, Hadie sharing one last glance with him before following after her.
Hades sighed, collapsing back in his minecart turned chair and leaning his head back. So much for respecting her wishes as a child, she hadn’t even known he existed as her dad.
people who i want to read this cuz ahhhh ya know? 
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @imtryingthisout​ @rintheemolion​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​ @verboetoperee​
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zedecksiew · 3 years
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When I received Kriegsmesser in the mail I finally googled "kriegsmesser", and found out it meant "war knife". Which makes sense; Gregor Vuga's ZineQuest 2021 project is a tribute to "roleplaying games named after medieval weapons".
I love Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay's piss-renaissance Old World setting. I tend to pick up WFRP-a-likes sight unseen:
Warlock (quality);
Small But Vicious Dog (yesss);
Zweihander (which I have come to hate); etc.
Anyway: I backed Kriegsmesser without really knowing anything about it. So Kriegsmesser surprised me.
Kriegsmesser grew out of a Troika! cutting. Its 36 backgrounds are compatible with that system: each come with a couple of lines of description; a list of skills and possessions; an a visual cameo cropped from actual 16th-Century woodcut art.
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Cohesive and competently flavourful. My favourite is the Labourer, who always starts with "an empty pine box":
"You've spent your life breaking your back, working hard for other people's profit. You have nothing to show for it but a spectre of the future."
(The obligatory ratcatcher-analogue , called the Vermin Snatcher, is here -- check that box!)
Kriegsmesser also comes with its own ruleset. Hits all the notes it needs to, with lots of orientation and advice for how to run a game -- but ultimately super-simple, mechanically:
Roll d6s equal to the value in a relevant skill, look at the highest result. 6 means you get what you want; 5 or 4 means you get what you want, at a cost.
It's not quite a dice pool, since only the highest result matters. No opposed tests.
Kriegsmesser intends to have this base mechanic handle fights, too. The combat rules - with armour, toughness and weapon values -- are nested in an optional section.
For a WFRP-a-like, this feels like a purposeful departure.
Many of WFRP's most celebrated adventures are celebrated for bits that their underlying ruleset does little to support: the investigative structure of "Shadows Over Bogenhafen"; the complicated timetable of "Rough Night At Three Feathers".
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Ludwig von Wittgenstein never needed a statblock to be memorable.
Not to say that lethal, hyper-detailed fights isn't super Warhammer-y. (Kriegsmesser includes an injury table, broken down by body-part -- check that box!)
But here it feels like Gregor is saying: "I'm not Games Workshop and Roleplay isn't an ancillary of Warhammer Fantasy Battle; we can evoke grim-and-perilous-ness even if we fork away from heavy combat rules."
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It has become ritual for me to read my partner Sharon to sleep.
Sometimes I read her RPG things. The other night, after I read her Kriegsmesser's introduction --
" The Empire wages an eternal war against Chaos. Its priests preach of Chaos as an intrusion, something unnatural ... These men see Chaos in anything that does not buttress their rule. They call it disorder, anarchy, corruption. They say that to rebel against their order is to rebel against god and nature. That the current arrangement is natural, rather than artificial.
" Meanwhile, the common people look to the Empire to deliver the justice that they were promised and they find none. They look to the Empire and do not see themselves reflected in it. They look around at what they were taught was right and good and see only misery.
" Their world begins to unravel. Chaos comes to reside in every heart and mind sound enough to look at the world and conclude it is broken. "
-- Sharon remarked: "Nice one."
The RPG things I read her generally leave Sharon lukewarm. She has enjoyed a couple -- but, yeah: for many of these books, text isn't their strong point.
Kriegsmesser is the only time I can recall Sharon praising the writing of an RPG book without my prompting.
Nice one.
That introduction surprised me. It underlines Kriegsmesser's biggest departure from its WFRP-a-like pedigree: how it characterises Chaos.
Corruption, a mainstay of most grim-dark-y games, is made an optional rule, like combat. Explaining this, Gregor writes:
" Kriegsmesser partially subverts or deconstructs the traditional conceit of Warhammer where the characters are threatened by the forces of Chaos. In this game it is the player characters who are the agents of 'Chaos': they are likely to become the 'rats' under the streets, and the wild 'beast-men' in the woods bringing civilisation down. It's the Empire and its nobles and priests that are corrupt ... "
Describing the Empire, Gregor writes:
" The Empire encompasses the world yet is terrified of the without. It enforces itself with steel and fire yet considers itself benevolent. It consumes the labour of others with bottomless hunger yet calls its subalterns lazy, or wasteful, or greedy. "
Holy shit this is the first time I've seen the word "subaltern" in an RPG thing, I think?
I love this.
Rant incoming:
With every passing decade Warhammer abridges its Moorcockian roots more and more; nowadays it is "Order = Good" and "Chaos = Evulz", pretty much.
Gone are the days when chaos berserkers are implied to grant safe passage to the helpless (because Khorne is as much a god of martial honour as he is a god of bloodletting); Or that the succor of Papa Nurgle is a genuine comfort to the downtrodden; Or that Tzeentch could unironically embody the principle of hope, of change for the better.
As Chaos is distilled into unequivocal villainy, Order goons get painted as Good Guys by default --
Giving rise to Warhammer's contemporary problem, wherein fans are no longer able to recognise satire.
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When I was introduced to 40K, it seemed pretty clear that the Imperium was a Brazil-esque absurdist-fascist bureaucratic state: planets are exterminatus-ed due to clerical error; the way it stamps out rebellions is the reason why rebellions begin in the first place.
Tragi-comic grimdarkness. That was the point.
Nowadays that tone has shifted -- and you're more likely than not going to encounter a 40K fan who argues that the Imperium's evils are a justified necessity, to prevent worse wrongs.
We went from:
"Space Nazis because insane dumbass fuckery, also chainswords vroom vroom rule of badass!"
"Space Nazis because it makes sense actually, and also chainswords make sense because [insert convoluted rationalisation here]."
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Even Fantasy Flight's Black Crusade line, which ostensibly offers a look at 40K from the perspective of Chaos, never truly commits to its conceit.
With prep you could play a heroic band of mutant freedom fighters, resisting the tyranny of the Evil Imperium --
But I don't remember Black Crusade giving that kind of campaign any actual support. Its supplements service the relatively more conventional "You can play villains!" angle; the Screaming Vortex is a squarely Daemons-vs-Daemons setting.
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This tonal drift culminates, in my mind, with Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop's heroic-fantasy replacement of the old WFRP / WHFB setting.
Here's the framing narrative for AoS's recently-launched Third Edition. Let's see whether I've got things right:
A highly professionalised, technologically-superior tip-of-the-spear fighting force (the Stormcast Eternals);
Backed by an imperialist military-industrial complex (Azyrheim);
"Liberating" rich new territories (Ghur) for exploitation by a civilised settler culture (Settlers of Sig-- I mean, Free Cities);
Justified because the locals are irredeemable heathens (Chaos and Kruleboyz).
I mean, that's a sweet-ass Warhammer setting. It's contemporary, laser-guided lampoon. Except it is played totally straight.
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In AoS, a literal crusade is justified as the moral good.
I think Kriegsmesser surprised me because its framing of Chaos -- as a promise, as the light of hope shining through cracks of a broken world --
It feels so fucking right.
Yes: its a subaltern deconstruction of the conventional moral universe of Warhammer -- but it is a take that is also already implied / all but supported in the various depictions of the setting: from WFRP to the modified title-crawl of Black Crusade.
I'm annoyed I didn't think of it, myself. Damn you, Gregor!
And I'm annoyed that more Warhammer fans aren't thinking it, also.
lmagine if Kriegsmesser's perspective stood on equal standing as the GW orthodoxy. Imagine if, instead of simplifying stuff into "Order = Good" and "Chaos = Evulz", GW did a Gregor Vuga.
You'd have a Rashomon-ed Warhammer, where villainy depends on perspective:
You are fearful villagers, huddled around your priest, muttering prayers against the wild braying coming from the trees beyond your gates.
You are Aqshyian tribeswomen, defying the thunder warrior towering over you, the foreigner demanding you bow to his foreign god.
You are a Tzeentchian revolutionary cell, desperately trying to disrupt a Inquisitor's transmissions so your home planet isn't destroyed by fascist orbital fire.
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Get Kriegsmesser HERE.
( Image sources: https://theenemywithinremixed.wordpress.com/2021/05/21/thoughts-on-the-4e-death-on-the-reik/ https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/59-brazil https://www.deviantart.com/faroldjo/art/Warhammer-40k-Black-Crusade-273596035 https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/09/fancy-a-new-life-bringing-order-to-the-mortal-realms-join-a-dawnbringer-crusade-today/ https://www.nme.com/blogs/the-movies-blog/team-america-15-anniversary-south-park-2558750 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Palestinian_children_and_Israeli_wall.jpg )
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heliads · 3 years
Guns Blazing, Tides Rising (Part Five)
When Kaz Brekker announces that they’ll be working with a certain Tidemaker to help with the latest heist, Jesper knows it’s not going to end well. He and Y/N L/N have a fierce rivalry, although feelings may change over a night.
previous / series masterlist
a/n: it’s finally over 😭thanks once again to @underc0vercryptid​ for being my muse for all of this
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It’s hard for Jesper to convince himself to leave the alley, to let his hands leave Y/N and return to their places by his sides. Inej and Kaz will be looking for them, that much is true. But there’s still a sound like a sigh trapped and rattling in his lungs when he leaves, a regret that he can’t quite excuse away with knowledge of what Kaz’s vengeance would mean if he found a single Dreg disobeying one of his most enforced rules.
Y/N understands, that much is true. She’s become more involved with the Dregs as time goes on. She knows Kaz Brekker in the way that they all do- the Bastard of the Barrel isn’t one that you cross unless you wish to lose your tongue and your life. It still seems wrong to give this up, though, to let Dirtyhands keep walking all over him for the one thing that matters. In the end, they would have had to leave the alley anyways. This is just the first excuse that passes Jesper’s lips.
He manages to turn off his mind for a little while, convincing himself that it doesn’t feel harder and harder to leave, that he can be emotionless and cold. Jesper’s tone is clinical when he tells Kaz and Inej of the successful mission, his hands for once unshaking and firm when he hands over the list of names to Kaz. However, even his attempts at being fine and calm draw suspicion- Kaz hadn’t seen them rejoin the rest of the party when the guests relocated from the main hall, and he wanted to know why.
Jesper has spent enough time running with the canal rats for lies to spring easily to his tongue. There was a difficulty finding the safe, he says, they had to dodge some guards and they didn’t quite get there in time. It doesn’t really matter, though, does it? They got in, they got out, and they weren’t the reason the alarms were sounded. Kaz raises an eyebrow at this, but he doesn’t press it. Jesper might be well and truly hallucinating, but he swears he sees a tinge of unrest in Kaz’s eyes, like the boy is haunting himself over the fact that he may have made an error, one that could have gotten his gang caught like a too-clever fox in a trap.
Maybe this shift in Kaz’s usual ruthless demeanor is enough to unsettle him, or maybe it’s the gnawing knowledge that Jesper keeps walking away from the girl he might love that drives him to leave the Slat once more. It’s early morning now, dawn with its rosy-fingered hues, but a lack of sleep has hardly bothered Jesper before, and it certainly won’t now. He thinks as he walks, stretching his legs as he paces mindless circles around the city.
Jesper can’t shake the feeling that he’s been running for too long. He’s used to it, but for some reason, it feels different now. He doesn’t like this constant leaving, this weight on his shoulders like he’s holding true to a lie that will one day spiral out of control. Jesper is used to living life on the run, to being flamboyantly proud of everything that makes him, well, him. The skulking around back corners, stealing kisses only after he’s checked and double-checked that no one is watching? It feels like a noose is tightening around his neck.
In the end, Jesper finds himself climbing up a rickety fire escape and stretching his legs out over the edge of a roof, watching the golden dawn start to turn the waters surrounding Ketterdam bronze with light. It is not long before he is joined by someone else, someone with answering steps and a reassuring smile tossed his way. Maybe she could tell from how they’d left that he was still lost in thought. Regardless, Jesper is happy to not be alone.
Y/N sits next to him, carefully swinging her feet over the edge. Her heels kick up against the brick. “I like this view. I like being able to see the water. It feels like I’m more connected to it.” Jesper turns his head towards her, watching the way the early morning air toys with her eyelashes, her face. “Is it easy to be a Tidemaker here? I mean, you’re powerful enough that people don’t try to trap you with indentures. Does it ever get easy in Ketterdam?”
Y/N laughs quietly. “Not at all. I still remember when I first showed up and stepped off of the boats. My parents wanted to send me away from the disaster that was the Ravkan civil war. They guessed it would happen long before it did, and assumed Kerch would be safer. They sent me over first, saying that they’d follow soon after.” Jesper can hear the inflections in her voice, the way she casts her eyes towards the water with renewed vigor. He knows this means that they never showed up again.
She clears her throat, voice stubbornly loud as if ridding herself of doubts. “I was terrified when I first got here. Nothing made sense. In Ravka, Grisha were feared, yes, and there were always traders or mercenaries or even drüskelle out for blood, but we had a home there. If you had a home, people rarely came hunting for you. I had no such harbor here.”
Y/N looks out over the streets as if she’s never walked them before, as if she’s once more a stranger to the coal-choked airways always drenched with a spattering of rain and misfortune. “I had a friend. A girl who came with me. She was an Inferni, made the mistake of trying to summon up a small spark to keep her warm. I watched them take her right before my eyes, and I didn’t do anything at all. I vowed from that moment on that I would never be weak again, never hide in the shadows like I did on that night.”
Jesper’s heard bits and pieces of the story from here. He’d learned the most about her before he even liked her at all, actually, back when they still considered themselves to be rivals. Jesper had told himself that he was just collecting information on an enemy to best take her down the next time they crossed paths, but there was more to that, wasn’t there? Maybe that was a sign that even then, when Jesper had convinced himself that the only thing they could ever have was animosity, he still wanted something more. That was a gambler’s luck, after all- always reaching for a better deal, a shinier prospect. She was his best capture.
Y/N glances over at him like she can sense his thoughts. “That’s when you entered the picture, actually. I stopped being scared to hide my powers and started using them in bloodlust. I took up jobs, found this one really annoying sharpshooter who kept getting in my way.” Jesper presses a hand to his chest in mock indignation. “I think you can do better than just ‘really annoying’. Dashingly infuriating, maybe. Devastatingly attractive. A charming enemy who-”
Y/N cuts him off, laughing. “You’re awful. Utterly awful.” Jesper goes to protest, but she leans in, pressing a kiss to his lips that makes his heart swoop in his chest. Y/N raises an eyebrow at Jesper’s sudden silence. “Am I that good of a kisser? I don’t think I’ve seen you that awestruck in a while.” Jesper scoffs. “I can do better than that.”
He lets his hands find hers, lets the rising sun light the way his lips meet hers. They don’t leave the rooftop until the sun has fully ascended to its place in the sky, until the clatter of feet on cobblestones is the only reason for an exit. Not a gang, not its fearsome leader. Just the two of them, drowning out the whole world until there’s nothing left at all.
He is eventually found out, of course. All stories repeat themselves, all beginnings follow suit. When Kaz calls Jesper up to his office, he finds that he isn’t worried at all. Before, he might have felt his shoulders tense, hesitating at the door. When Jesper faces the oddly terrifying wooden paneling, however, all he can think about is the sun shining through Y/N’s eyes, the smile on her lips as his fingers laced around hers. If loving her is wrong, well, Jesper’s already been a criminal for quite some time. Why not add one more misdeed to the list?
Kaz waits for him in the office. He stands up, black gloved hands tapping on the familiar crow’s head cane. It’s all meant for a threatening display- Jesper’s seen this very posture used successfully on many a nervous trainwreck of a failed business partner or lackluster goon. However, Jesper’s still filled with the giddy rush of seeing his girl and he can’t quite force himself to care.
Kaz clears his throat, the metal hull of a ship scraping against jagged rocks. “Y/N L/N.” He doesn’t have to say anything else, just the name. Jesper nods. “Yes.” Kaz raises an eyebrow. “You’re not going to deny it?” Jesper shrugs. “We both know your information is good. Yes, I’m seeing her.” Kaz’s fingers still on the head of the cane. “You know how I feel about that. It’s a weakness.”
Jesper should take it as a possible sign of insanity that he’s considering the path before him at all. He knows what Kaz expects of him- an apology, maybe, a promise that he won’t stray from the rules again, or at least not so long as they interfere with Kaz’s master plan for the Dregs. He’ll see Y/N out, do his best not to cross paths with her again. He might return to the gambling halls once more just to stave off some unsightly emptiness inside of him, and then he’ll be as good as gold.
Jesper, however, does not intend to do any of this at all. What good are the odds if he doesn’t have his girl? He’s stepped inside the Crow Club over the past couple of days. The rattle of Makker’s Wheel doesn’t have that same fervor, the excitement doesn’t spread over him in the same delicious rush. Simply put, it isn’t worth it. It isn’t a gamble worth his time, and Jesper’s lost mightier fortunes over lesser odds.
So Jesper shakes his head. “Not her. Not like this.” Kaz tilts his head just slightly, eyes calculating, looking for loopholes to exploit. “So you’d willingly break the rules?” Jesper leans forward. “We’re Dregs, Kaz. It’s what we do.” Kaz returns his level gaze. “Not like this. Tell me, what is it that makes Y/N L/N worth this much to you? You were enemies before, were you not? Is it the power? The chance that she may be like you?”
Jesper lifts a shoulder. “It’s not always about finding the best possible advantage, Kaz. We work well together. It was only a matter of time before it was more.” Kaz Brekker might understand. Dirtyhands does not. “Your goal was not to find some pretty girlfriend in the Barrel, Jesper, it was to complete the mission and move on. I knew from the second you held her bleeding body in your arms that this wouldn’t be worth my time or my energy.”
Jesper doesn’t realize he’s standing until he is. “Then say it. I’ve spent my time playing your games, Kaz, and Saints know I’ll keep on turning your tables, but not on this. We all break the wheel at some point. I’m willing to do it for her.” Kaz is silent for a time, a time that seems to stretch on into such an eternity that Jesper finds himself tapping his revolvers again, feeling that same itch for a fight. It’s well and good to go into a battle of the bullets and feel the adrenaline kick in, he could handle that. This, however? Waiting for Kaz to do something, anything? You can’t fight that, only wait for it to end. And Jesper’s never been particularly good at waiting.
At last, Kaz speaks. “Then stay with her.” Jesper almost thinks that he’s started hallucinating. “What?” Kaz inclines his head. “She’s good for you. You’ve been more focused.” Jesper stares for a second, then shakes his head, fighting back the impossible urge to break into manic laughter. “Honestly, if it takes you considering the potential business opportunities to approve of us, I’m not about to challenge that.”
Something almost like a smile appears on Kaz’s face. Jesper is most certainly going insane. “I’m not completely heartless, Jesper. You’re a useful sharpshooter.” Jesper’s eyes widen. “That’s practically a compliment. Do you need me for a heist later? I can’t think of anything else to cause this.” Kaz tilts his head in acknowledgement of this surreal situation, pausing for a second as if listening to a voice that no one else can hear.
Then he gestures towards the door, allowing Jesper to leave. As Jesper walks towards the door, though, Kaz says something else. “Inej just left the roof.” Jesper nods in understanding. “Look at you. Dishing out the compliments for your Wraith to hear.” Kaz’s brow furrows, and Jesper decides to leave the office now before Kaz decides to take back his approval of Jesper and Y/N and hit him with his cane or something else overtly Kaz-like.
Despite his best efforts, Jesper is still teeming with anxious energy after the meeting, so he goes on a quick stroll around the crooked alleyways of the Barrel to calm the restless ticking of his hands and legs. When he comes back to the Slat, however, he notices that his door is slightly ajar. Jesper enters his room slowly, relaxing at the sound of voices.
The window is open, showing the faint drizzle of the streets outside. Y/N sits on the floor next to Inej as both girls consider a makeshift target of a few rags at the far end of the room. Inej tosses a knife up and down in her hand, then flings it towards the target. She hits it in the center, to no one’s surprise. Y/N’s eyes follow the path of the blade, and then she extends her hand towards the window, letting drops of rain fly towards her palm. She curls her fingers around the water, shaping it into a perfect replica of the knife Inej had just thrown, then directs it towards the target to slosh around Inej’s blade, another direct hit to the center.
Inej makes a scoffing sound. “That doesn’t count. You got to control the knife instead of just throwing it.” Y/N shrugs absentmindedly. “You got to pick a knife, I had to make mine myself. I think it evens out.” Inej glances up towards Jesper, smiling slightly. Somehow, it comes to no surprise that she’d known he was there all along. “Jesper, come tell your girlfriend that she’s cheating at target practice.”
Jesper shrugs. “As long as you hit the target I don’t think you can cheat. Also, I thought I locked this door.” Y/N grins up at him. “That’s the unbiased support I love to hear. And your door was locked, we just wanted to go in so we did.” Jesper nods. “That clears up everything.” Y/N laughs. “Good to know.” Inej stands up, stretching, and goes to retrieve her knife. She goes to climb through the window once more then pauses, turning to face them.
“I’m glad Kaz let you two stay together. I certainly did my arguing for you.” Jesper frowns. “How long have you known?” Inej sighs exasperatedly. “Practically since the start. You two are terrible at being secretive, you know that?” She doesn’t give them time to protest, just slips out the window and disappears into the roofline before you could even blink.
Y/N walks over to Jesper, a half smile on her face. “I suppose she’s right. We haven’t exactly been the most discreet, have we?” Jesper shrugs. “Maybe not. But we don’t have to hide anymore. We don’t have to leave.” Y/N smiles at him now, a true smile. “I like the sound of that.” Jesper hums thoughtfully, leaning down to kiss her. “So do I.”
guns blazing, tides rising masterlist: @kaqua​, @amortensie​
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octalove · 4 years
II: Blood and Ghosts
(Batgirl/Red Hood)
Description: Reader tries getting a clue. part one
“Typically, they steer clear of the Village, but that doesn’t appear to be the case as of recent. Oracle found out about an operation out of a Hadley’s Deli there- standard money laundering, but it also could’ve been linked to the shipment of cocaine that we found at the Yacht Basin.”
“Right. So what changed?”
“A better question would be what didn’t?”
A beat. The contrasting silence that followed jarred me from my thoughts as I glanced over and realized that Bruce was prompting me for an answer. Tim looked expectant and inquisitive, but that was sort of his default expression.
“Oh. Sorry. What?” I said apologetically.
“Maroni.” He said simply. Nothing came to mind. He didn’t express verbal disappointment as he turned back to Tim, but I knew it was there.
“Red Hood has been operating out of The Bowery. Maroni and Falcone are stubborn, but they’re losing. He’s pushing them north.”
“So moving to the Village isn’t expansion. It’s desperation.” Tim muttered thoughtfully.
“I believe so.”
“May I be excused?” I asked. Bruce glanced back to me, studying a moment. Scrutinizing every detail; not deciding whether or not to let me leave- rather, deciding why I wanted to. Then, he nodded. Seems he wasn’t in the mood to ask.
I swept up my laptop and phone, and ascended the stairs from the cave to the manor quickly, trying to escape the eyes boring into my back. Only when the cool, lemon-scented air of the manor filled my lungs did I breathe a sigh of relief. Alone. All I needed was few minutes alone. I scaled the marble steps to my room and shut the door.
I hadn’t told anyone that I saw him three nights ago. That I watched him murder a man in retribution for me. My alter ego, anyway. I don’t know why. Maybe because it would mean having to tell them I snuck away. Having to walk through every detail again; sights, sounds, smells. What Red Hood was wearing and what he sounded like, what gun he was holding and how he held it, what prompted him to fire, how many shots and how he acted when he did.
But if ever there was a time to be high-strung and anxious, it was when you were keeping secrets from Batman. And Oracle. And Nightwing. And Red Robin. And Robin. Damian in particular could smell a lie like blood in the water, and he wasn’t too polite to hold your gaze until he was certain you weren’t hiding anything. That, and the art of solidarity was still foreign to him- even if I did tell him in confidence, he would take it right to Bruce. Possibly the police. Maybe a news outlet or two just because it soothed his vindictive nature. I’d been avoiding him.
Evening bled into night, and I was barred from masked business on school nights, so I couldn’t even patrol to ease the anxious energy. Still, that meant less opportunity for Bruce to analyze my musculoskeletal ticks or whatever the hell he did to tell when I was nervous, so I decided it was a worthy trade-off and resigned myself to independent research.
Who the hell was Red Hood, anyway? Half of Gotham was looking for him, the other half was running from him. I opened my laptop.
His debut was The Viper House, a strip club in Little Italy that also functioned as a human trafficking hub when the owner, Renaldo, needed to buy his wife (or handful of mistresses) a new Blue Nile diamond. By the end, the building had to be gutted. There’s only so much crime scene clean-up can do with carpet.
Next came the kingpins. Blowing open a trafficking operation had a short grace period if you didn’t cut out the source. Italian mobsters, the Romani families, the crews that had built empires on drug and sex trade dropped like flies until they found that their numbers dwindled for the first time since Joker finally bit it. The dozens of loyal men on their payroll decided that empty pockets were better than a full grave, and when it came to the business of death, Red Hood was very persuasive. It went on like that for six months; he amassed men, power, weapons, and tech. Most importantly, a potent reputation. This was due in no small part to his creative footwork; he liked to send messages. One file covered an incident where Alphonso Kuznetsov decided to write Gotham’s new player an open letter in the evening column suggesting that if he decided to bring his business to Port Adams, he might find himself in a ‘watery grave’. Kuznetsov was found a week later when a fishing vessel drug an entire coffin from the bottom of the harbor, padlocked and full of water. He was bound, drowned, and gagged with a copy of the very paper that featured his message. Red Hood must have been in touch with his artistic sensibilities; it was all very Shakespearean.
Of course, these were all just words. Rumors and hearsay. All I knew of the Red Hood from my intimate encounter was that he had a quick hand, an incendiary temper, and he didn’t fucking like creeps. All the makings of vigilante, if you chose to see it like that.
I sighed. Two hours and none of my research gave me any indication of why me. Why the hell should Red 57-kill-count Hood care if some goon told me he like the way I looked in my suit? I may has well have been the veiled threats of Kuznetsov’s evening column for all my inconsequence to him.
But it all kept running through my mind. Backwards and forwards. The vitriol in his voice preluding the barbarity of his reprimand. The way he said little Batgirl, like the crime was that I’d been engaged at all. More than the memory, something was telling me to keep digging. Something dragging me back to Crime Alley with the current of the running blood through Little Italy’s gutters.
I had to do something. And if that something wasn’t going to Bruce, then school tomorrow would have to wait.
The morning went along as per usual. I woke up at six, dawned my Gotham Academy uniform, grabbed a muffin and coffee, completed a complicated and well-practiced secret handshake with Tim (that Dick was secretly jealous of), and was out the door at 6:30, keys jingling in Alfred’s hand.
He dropped me off outside the ornate gothic academy, and I waved goodbye as I skipped backward along the cobblestone walkway. Once his black Mercedes was a pinpoint on the horizon, I promptly turned heel from the front doors, heading East toward the Narrows. Catching the subway there would take me as far as the Knight’s Stadium, and from there it was a short distance to the Alley. I wasn’t exactly inconspicuous in my academy uniform- anyone who gave a shit could pretty confidently deduce that school was in session at 8am on a Tuesday, and no student native to the Alley could afford a private education, so I was bound to draw eyes. I hadn’t packed an extra outfit incase Tim or Alfred got suspicious- that was paranoia puppeteering. I wasn’t used to skipping school. I’d have to make due.
Crime Alley in broad daylight was a brand new experience. At night, at least the smoke unfurling from the sewer grates hit the flickering streetlights and offered an unconventional charm. During the day, it was like shedding light on a foul sin. I was starkly out of place, and even the lapdog-sized rats seemed to know it, scurrying back across gritty concrete when I passed by. I looked for familiar things I’d seen the other night- a run-down apartment complex, a gated liquor shop, a meager but menacing corner-store, busy with glaring laymen reluctantly dragging out their wallets for a pack of cigarettes. I caught the eye of a woman sitting on the curb with a paper-bag bottle for company, and she scowled.
Spurned by the rats, and now by the people, I was running out of options. Sticking close to the buildings that perimetered the square, I moved in tandem with the motion of the locals, so as not to draw any eyes by looking lost. It was an unnerving scape; too quiet for my liking, but just empty enough to feel safely underseen. I made my way past familiar landmarks until I finally stood before the warehouse where I’d been.
I listened; no sound from inside. Even henchmen have day jobs. Jimmying the rusty padlock was just a matter of brandishing a bobby-pin from my hair, and the heavy metal door swung open without much resistance. I cautiously picked my way around crates and boxes, unsure of what I was looking for. Clues, maybe. Proof that he was here and dropped a body in my name, amen.
There was a dark, daunting stain on the floor where Hoffman’s body was. A phantom gunshot echoed in my ears, along with a nauseating sound of flat-back weight slapping concrete.
“Ain’t school in session?” I spun on my heel, meeting the red helm of a towering man draped in leather and armor. My mouth went dry. My right foot slipped back into a fighting stance before I remembered I was in cashmere and plaid, not kevlar. Not that I even stood a chance either way; but at least he seemed to harbor good will toward Batgirl. Wordlessly, I took a few steps back until I was standing over the blood and ghosts of Hoffman’s demise.
“P-please. Don’t- don’t hurt me.” I rasped.
I could play the rebellious, morose teenager and come up with something like it was a dare, or I could offer no explanation and simply cry.
Red Hood’s head tipped one way. His hands were empty- for now. Two heavy-looking glocks hung on his waist. I didn’t want to die on top of Hoffman’s blood stain. There was a level of symbolism there I was deeply unprepared to spend my final moments analyzing.
“Lookin’ for something, darlin’?” I swallowed- unable to say you.
“Wh-What do you want?” I asked.
He laughed, but it was humorless. Lacking whatever key component made laughs so appealing. As though the sound rung off the gravestones of uncanny valley before reaching my ears. “I think we’re both asking stupid questions.” He said. I was fucked. He outweighed me by a hundred pounds, and could out-draw me even if I had a weapon. I had no explanation for my being here that suited a civilian, and my phone was in my bag, meaning help was a world away.
But just as soon as he advanced a few paces, he stopped, and gestured to the crimson beneath my feet.
“Enjoy the show the other night?” He asked, before pulling something out of his jacket pocket and twirling it between his fingers with practiced ease. A batarang.
“You forgot somethin’.”
Cold, knife-like fear erupted in my spine, driven to the hilt. He knew. How did he know? What the hell was I supposed to do? My terror must have shown on my face, because he stopped fidgeting.
“It’s okay, babydoll. Your secret’s safe with me.”
He moved again, slow, lazy strides until he was no more than an inch from me.
“Who are you?” I asked, figuring if I was gonna die, I should at least know that much.
His hands grabbed mine. The leather of his gloves was cool on my skin, but it barely registered for the closeness of him. I stared at the red bat symbol on his chest, jagged and angry looking. I blinked and looked down slowly as he closed my fingers around the cold metal of the batarang.
“Go home, little bird.” It was a cold, seething demand, his voice snagging on the scrambler to make it sound like a low growl.
“Tell Batman when he’s ready to stop sending his toy soldiers,” His hand went under my chin, tilting my head upward. My breath shook as I drew it, hitching, even though the man before me was faceless. Clean, red monochrome, glinting in the light.
“I’m getting impatient.” *
I walked through the manor door in a daze, the cold steel batarang searing my palm.
Bruce and Damian were in the living room, each invested in their own reading material. The grandfather clock ticked his steady tempo, and I inconspicuously adjusted the bag on my shoulder. Bruce had a steaming cup of coffee on the glass side table beside his leather chair.
“How was school?” He asked, not looking up. My paranoia convinced me it sounded rhetorical, but I shrugged anyway.
“Same old.” A glance, to see if my lie had landed.
Damian was the spitting image of his father. He, along with Tim, operated in the wake of being an only child, so he never did care about how I did in school, or much of anything else in my orbit. If at any point he did, he never thought to ask. Father and son looked like a matching set of dolls sitting there, cross-legged, with dark hair and gaunt eyes, both leanly muscular, and habitually poised; a consequence of being from the upper echelon of each of their respective backgrounds.
“Hey, um, are you going out tonight?” I asked.
“I am.”
“Can I come?”
“Are you certain you want to?” He still didn’t look up.
I blinked. “Um… yeah. Why?”
“You’ve been distracted since the last outing.”
Damian visibly tuned in.
“Oh. Sorry. I had a big paper I was worried about for school, but I turned it in today, so I’m good to go.” I threw him a thumbs up, even though he wasn’t looking.
A beat.
“Very well, then. Nine o’clock.”
I nodded, and headed toward the stairs.
“Y/N,” I stopped, and turned around. He was looking at me now, eyes blue and steady.
“Do you think you did well?”
“On the paper.”
I threw him a smile. “The best.”
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moosoobi · 3 years
In the night: Chapter 2
T.Jeff- Hamilton: the musical 
Y/N can’t hold all her secrets. She’s tired of hiding. The people deserve the truth. Here’s her confession: the one she should’ve told us long ago
I started to write this chapter the day after I finished chapter 1, yet before the first chapter was even published (time management queen). As I’m typing this message, I’m currently distracting myself from finals LMAO. Anyway, I wanted to finish this chapter as soon as possible to give some explanation of the events in the previous chapter, so I hope I do exactly that. I’m still manifesting that I articulate through this story smoothly, please give me feedback <3 
MC (aka Y/N’s) POV 
Modern au 
Word Count: 5.4k
A few unrealistic realities, but I’m working with what I got
This chapter will most likely answer many questions about chapter 1 
THIS CHAPTER OCCURS AT THE SAME TIME AS CHAPTER 1! all events in this chapter line up with the events of chapter 1
TW: violence, abuse, mentions of blood, themes of injury, itty bitty angst?
photo not mine <3
If you have any questions/concerns about this story, DONT BE SHY TO ASK ME! This is my first time writing a whole series, so I apologize if the plot gets confusing. 
-Now Playing: Broken Clocks by SZA-
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Where to start… 
My attention was taken from Professor Washington’s lecture the moment I felt a pair of eyes attempting to pierce a hole in the back of my head. As I look back, I realize that it’s no one other than Thomas Jefferson, the spoiled francophile, or so people like the whisper, but gossip’s not my thing.
Upon being called out by Professor Washington, I couldn’t hold in my giggle as Thomas’s head ducks down in embarrassment. I suppose he sure knows how to lighten the demeanor in the lecture hall; It was a nice excuse to take my eyes off of Washington’s low-quality power-point presentation, but I appreciate that the man is trying. 
This class feels like it’ll last forever, and I contemplate if I could just perish in my seat at this very instant, yet Thomas’s presence seems to make it worthwhile. I don’t know him that much, or maybe at all for that matter, but since he’s been seen with a Schuyler, the locals around here can’t seem to keep their mouths shut about him. 
From what I’ve heard, he’s another silver-spoon raised boy representing Virginia up here in New York. A few scholarships here and there, as well as a trip to France for a semester. I don’t see what all the fuss is about; He seems like a pretty cool person, probably has an exciting life, and isn’t throwing away his shot. It’s odd, even with parents to piggyback off of, Thomas is very similar to a certain orphan I know. 
“Class is dismissed” Is all I heard from Professor Washington’s mouth before that obnoxious but relieving bell sounds off. 
Desperate to get out of this class, I hurry to put my stationery items into my burgundy-magenta backpack. You’d think after those turbulent years of high school that college would motivate me for fancier bags, but I can’t say no to my favorite color. It’s simple, won’t bring attention to my presence, unlike every other decision I’ve made in my life. 
After I finally finished packing up, I can’t wait to take a breath of the fresh, polluted air of New York City. I quickly spotted my roommate's car within the crowd of vehicles next to the sidewalk. He’s on time, as always, to pick me up from class, and I’m grateful that he sacrifices his time for me, but it’s not like he had a choice. I toss my bag into the trunk, surely crinkling a few important papers. Upon reaching the door of his expensive car, my roommate greets me with joy to see me. 
“How was class, Cherie?” 
Lafayette, my roommate, shoots a smile at me, his white teeth are almost blinding, but he always says I’m exaggerating. 
“Boring as always, but I’m still here, sadly” I say as I hop into the front seat of Lafayette’s car. He pouts in my direction 
“Ahh, c’mon, don’t be like that.” Once he acknowledges the buckling of my seatbelt, he begins to power up the car. “C’est la vie, Y/N” I roll my eyes, my hatred for him grows just a little more every time he says that. 
“Can we get McDonald’s?” I attempt to change the subject, earning a small chuckle from him. He prepares to drive off “You know I can't say no to you and your American junk food” 
And so we begin to drive off  
Lafayette and I indeed have a bit of history together. After I got mistakenly involved with Alexander and his clique, Lafayette was the next best (or worse) person to walk into my life. He’s sweet, charming, probably all the things Americans are not; the gentleman hails from France. Yet he’s so much more than that. 
Ever since I caught his eye at that obnoxious high school party, he and I hit the ground running. Disclosing the events which took place in his-
our bedroom won’t solve the problem, but the stubble on his jaw and the way he holds the steering wheel with one hand nearing my thigh reminds me of the unresolved sexual tension between the both of us. 
I’ve only been living in his apartment for a few months, an idea he proposed when I mentioned my dreadful rent. A nice view, nice coffee maker, and nice bedsheets were more than enough to convince me, but I know there’s more to that “nice” list that I shouldn’t disclose. 
Though I know his intentions were good, I’m sure he invited me into his abode to protect me from Alex. 
Since I began to band with Alex and his gang, Alexander’s been strict about getting me home on time. It wasn’t only because I was a helpless high school student, but also to prevent me from ratting him and his group out to the authorities. 
Upon joining Alex's posse, a strict curfew has been placed on me, only to ensure I stay safe at night, or perhaps to make sure I don’t betray them. 
Moving in with Lafayette made following this time limitation easier for me, especially since he volunteers to drive me home or takes a stand for me. If the unfortunate event of my arrival past my ‘bedtime’ timer occurs, Alexander ensures I pay the price.
Speaking of arrivals, Lafayette passes me a box of hot, salty fries and a smile spreads across my face. His eyes visibly soften as my entire demeanor changes.  
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best person ever?” I spilled my thoughts while stuffing my mouth with fries. He lightly chuckles, watching me. 
“Maybe a couple of times..” He prepares to drive off again “...too many times, actually.” he shot a wink at me. 
Blood didn’t have any time to rush to my cheeks before I could slap the side of his shoulder, causing him to whine in discomfort. I sigh before returning my focus to the steaming fries in front of me. The tension grows, and so does the silence between us. Eager to break the tension, I propose an idea. 
“Let’s go home?” we turn to each other at the same time 
I enter Professor Washington’s lecture hall and my attention is driven to the two curly-headed Virginians. I watch in secondhand embarrassment as Thomas Jefferson and his friend playfully argue in front of the entire class, seemingly a heated debate of the greatness of Mac and Cheese. One argues on behalf of the gooey pasta, while the other simultaneously retorts with a mix of “you’re so stupid” and “God help me”. 
Feeling a rush of confidence and suaveness, my brain urges my body to intervene in their conversation. Maybe it was to make new friends, or perhaps to stop the class from staring at their dumb dispute, but I swiftly walk over to them. The next few words to come out of my mouth fell into place oh-so-perfectly. 
“Hey, can I sit here?” 
Upon sitting in between the two Virginians, they introduce themselves. The calmer, self-collected man among the two introduced himself as James Madison, while the bolder, upbeat man introduced himself as no other than Thomas Jefferson. Both of them seemed happy that I interrupted and decided to reach out to them, maybe one was a tad more excited than the other. 
And ever since then, Professor Washington can’t seem to split up our trio. From childish jokes and a few inappropriate inferences, Thomas and James make great company. The idiotic smile that spreads across Thomas’s face whenever he’s capable of making James and I break our silence during class would become more annoying than Lafayette saying “C’est la vie” whenever I make a poor life decision. 
Nevertheless, Thomas and James dangerously remind me of Alexander and his goons. The abundant amount of self-praise and cocky remarks said by both Thomas and Alexander is almost astronomical. In the case of Thomas and Alexander’s meeting, I’m sure they’d be the best of friends. But likewise, I could also envision the two attempting to tear each other's heads off, the chaotic clashing of two powerful minds. 
They always know what to say and when to say it. I’ve never met anyone as clever as Thomas and James, and they’re even worse when they’re together.  
“‘ ‘s Adams here today? Washington told me to turn in my papers t’ him.” Thomas whispers as he eases into his chair, Washington’s booming voice seems to become background noise to us 
“Is he ever?” I reply, attempting not to giggle at my own response “I haven’t seen him since Washington initially introduced him to the class.” 
“Maybe he’s jus’ sick or somethin’. Kinda reminds me of you, James'' His head of curls turns to stare down James, in which James replies by rolling his eyes 
“He can stay home, he does the same amount of work there anyways.” James cleverly retorted. 
And that seemed to be our last straw before bursting out in laughter. Thomas’s body flung forward as he laughed his head off, James ducking his head to hide his glee behind his laptop, and I quickly slap a hand over my mouth to prevent anyone around us from drawing suspicion. But apparently, Washington wasn’t having our disguises. 
“Can the three of you even tell me what I just said?” Washington turns around from the board to scan the crowd, his eagle eyes find us quickly 
The silence was all we could emit, and soon enough, He turned back to his lesson. I sigh with relief; the last thing I need is to get kicked out of a class I don’t even pay for. 
“Washington sure got a shiny ass head. D’you think he uses shampoo and conditioner?” Whispered Thomas as he leans over to me 
And just like that,  we’re faced with the same struggle all over again.
Lafayette adjusted the hot pan, erupting a few sizzles. The wall clock ticked, the hour arm froze pointing to the “11” written in roman numerals. Lafayette and I decided to agree on a home-cooked meal, and although it’s too late for an average dinner, yet too early to be defined as a midnight snack, I’m sure Lafayette’s cooking will satisfy me for the night. 
“Y/NN, would you prefer salt on your omelet? Or did you decide to be healthy tonight?” He said holding a salt shaker in the air to steal my focus from the swirling red liquid in my glass. 
My head lifts to meet his eyes. I tilt my head, the wine causing me to ponder for a little longer than I should’ve. He continues to stare at me, holding in a laugh, before I force myself to nod. 
“Yeah.. a little won’t hurt” I hear him chuckle at my drunken dialect, but I know the French man isn’t about to lecture me about English “Your wish is my command.” 
I watch as he conducts the kitchen perfectly. He knows where everything is, exactly what to add into the sizzling pan, maybe even the exact second to take the meal off the flame. 
“I thought you weren’t a fan of monarchy?” the sarcasm was evident in my tone “but I appreciate the submission” I shot him a playful wink, to which he responds with a pompous smirk
A few sips of wine later, I recognize notification that has been staring back at me for hours. 
1 Message from Thomas
A text from Thomas? And I’m barely seeing this now? I silently scold myself for giving into the wine before opening the message.
“Thomas: Hey this is Thomas from class, wanna come study with us at the library sometime?”
My eyes become glued to my phone. It was certainly necessary for me to reread Thomas’s text, I was unsure if the alcohol was beginning to make me see odd things, but I assured myself I was correct.
I could feel the blush spread across my face. Maybe it’s just the wine taking control, or maybe it’s the butterflies in my stomach forming every time I reread his message. A harmless invite, perhaps evoked from Thomas due to James stroking his ego, but I know James’ wouldn’t promote such a bold, straight-forward message. Though Thomas is known for his meticulous confidence and certainty, a message this simple could be notably deceiving. 
But a little socializing won’t damage my self-respect. “Be bold, Y/N” is what I used to tell myself at the beginning of the semester, and what do I have to lose? I begin to type my reply.
“Y/N: yeah I’m down :) just send a time and place and I’ll be on my way”
 My introspection was soon interrupted by the screeching plate being slid in my direction by Lafayette, the steam circulating the meal 
“Y/N, Mangeons.” My head comes up from my phone, my eyes meet his eyes momentarily. 
“Thanks, Laf.” I reply before taking a fork from him and digging into the steaming meal ahead of me. Lafayette’s cooking never disappoints. Ever. 
My body couldn’t help but pick up my phone every few minutes to respond to Thomas’s messages, Though they were just the details of the hangout-offer he previously proposed, I felt enclosed in my little bubble while texting him. Those few moments of interaction with him somehow made my day better. I’m sure even Lafayette could see my radiating energy, but I’m not sure how he took it.
We’re technically not a couple; a few hookups and moving in together don't make us an official couple, right? 
“Merci, Laffy.” I watched as he visibly cringed at my poor attempt at french. “Let’s just stick to our mother tongues, angel.” He retorted. I laughed it off, yet inside his reply left a scratch on my pride. 
Another class of absolute foolery and childish inferences, and I can’t help but laugh as Thomas, James, and I exit the lecture hall. The New-York cold hits us harshly, but being about a month into this semester, students already know what to expect. 
It was indeed embarrassing, running to Lafayette’s car to remind him of your library study session. 
“Alright, I’ll pick you up before your curfew, okay?” He asked with one hand on the wheel. His faux-leather jacket contorting around his toned arms made it difficult not to remember the moments they shared around midnight. The imagery of their candle-lit room appearing in her head as he sat at the wheel stopped her from replying for a moment. 
“Y-Yeah sounds great. You’re the best, you know that?” She thanked him for sacrificing his time to make sure she arrives home on time. 
“You remind me all the time.” He sneaks in a small wink between his sentences “I’ll see you tonight, Cherie” 
Y/N smiled before turning around to prance over to her friends. Y/N heard the faint sounds of Lafayette driving off, sighing in relief
After briefly explaining my situation to the boys, we quickly head over to the library. 
A woman in a coral-pink blazer and pants set is waiting impatiently at a table she rented out just for us. “What in the world took you guys so long?” She pressured for an answer 
“C’mon Angie, that wasn’t even ten minutes.” Thomas rolled his eyes before removing his backpack and opening a chair for Y/N. Real smooth, Thomas, I can’t lie. He looked over to me, seeing stars in my eyes as I realize I’m standing next to the oldest Schuyler.
 “You’re-” She interrupted me with a smile, sticking out her hand to shake mine
“Angelica Schuyler. And you?” I swear her name sounds familiar. I’m sure I’ve heard it around but I just can't place it. I do see her on my social media feed from time to time, and I must admit, she looks even more heavenly in person. 
“Y/N L/N.” My hand meets hers in a firm handshake. 
“Nice to meet you.” 
At first, I thought nothing of it. 
Though Lafayette’s text at 7:30 (on the dot) did push me out of my zone, I did appreciate his promise to me. 
Thomas on the other hand seemed disturbed by my sudden leave, but it’s not like he’d understand. Alexander would literally kill me if I were home late.
But Thomas and I would continue to hang out. His evening texts would slowly become a weekly routine. Whether it was a scary movie or an ice cream date for just the two of us, he always found a way to spend time with me. 
“Don’t tell me that mint chocolate chip is actually your favorite flavor, darlin’.” He adjusted his position on the park bench and raised an eyebrow, his gaze focused on the green ice cream atop my ice cream cone “You might make me regret takin’ you out tonight” he chuckled and I couldn’t help but smile 
“You know you love me” I jokingly retorted, scooping part of my ice cream with my tongue, and relaxing against the bench.
It’s very rare to get to relax like this. Not only am I a fully-fledged college student, but also one of Alexander’s goons. The weekends are merely just ‘weekdays: the sequel’, but add forbidden literature and alcohol to that equation.
I look back up to Thomas, seeing his disgusted face. “Wait.. are you actually against mint chocolate chip ice cream?” I cocked an eyebrow towards him
He shrugged before chuckling “I recall telling you of my unfortunate arguments while visiting England..” 
“..so what does mint chocolate chip ice cream have to do with your political upheavals in a foreign country?” 
He smirked in an ‘all knowing’ manner. “Well, Darlin, if you did your research—“
“—You’ve got to be kidding me—“I start to wonder why I even asked 
“—you’d learn that the monstrosity in your ice cream cone, mint chocolate chip, originated in England.” He completed his statement with triumph “Ever since my disagreements in England, I swore to despise such a concoction until the day I die.” 
I looked at him like he was crazy. “I can’t believe you did your research on English creations. You’re so dramatic sometimes” I respond 
“Hey, I wouldn’t be a Jefferson if I wasn’t.” He stared back to his cone, the mesmerizing ice cream almost reflecting himself back at him. 
We shared silence for a moment. Words were unnecessary when we were together. 
“I suppose..” Jefferson started “...I might be able to tolerate mint chocolate chip ice cream, but only for you, though.” He turned towards my direction 
My eyes soon met his. “Well, I’m honored to be your exemption, Jefferson.” I smile with triumph, recognizing my effect on him. 
He swiftly takes my hand, his skin feels burning compared to mine. Our eyes remain connected as he dips his head down to kiss the back of my hand. I attempt to hide the fact that my heart stopped beating for a moment, but the breath hitching in my throat wouldn’t help me at all. 
“Let’s drop the formalities, Darlin, you can call me Thomas now.” My hand remained between his. I try my best to keep my hand still, wanting to marinate in this moment forever. 
A new feeling courses through my body. Something unfamiliar. Perhaps it’s the charm of a Southern Gentleman. Maybe the feeling of being treated right for the first time, something I’ve never experienced from anyone.
What have I ever done to deserve this chivalrous kindness? 
‘What a gentleman’ I repeat to myself in my mind. What makes him so different from the others? 
From a simple kiss, I suddenly crave more.
More than the unresolved sexual tension between Lafayette and I. 
More than I was ever granted the opportunity to. 
Maybe ‘more’ is what I deserve. 
My mind bleeds with the thought of Lafayette, but Thomas seems like he has so much more to offer. What if I do deserve to be happy? I may not have earned it, but who gets to declare my right to happiness? I was once happy with Lafayette, but the times have changed
He’s just not him. He’s just not Thomas.
But no matter how much I enjoyed spending time with Jefferson himself, I was always the first one to leave. I had to. 
I remember the way his smile would fall at the sound of Lafayette’s car horn. 
The way his jaw tenses whenever my phone vibrates across the table 
Whenever Lafayette came to pick me up, I also can’t help but feel a part of my soul crack within me. 
“I’ll see you this weekend?” He kisses the back of my hand once more in an attempt to savor this moment, continuing to maintain eye contact.
“I’ll try, Thomas. Not sure if I’m busy.” I sigh with fatigue. “But I’ll let you know.” 
“Alright. Get home safe, darlin’” I hear him stand from the park bench as I wander to Lafayette’s car, his eyes following my figure. 
I hop into Lafayette’s car before taking one last glance in Thomas’s direction, watching as his figure begins to walk in the opposite direction that our car was heading. 
“Ahh, Y/N. Don’t tell me you’re cheating on me” his sarcastic tone wouldn’t pierce deep enough. 
I speak without thinking. “I do recall you claiming that you and I were never a couple, remember Laf?” My change in demeanor was certain to shut him up. And he did. 
He’s just not him. He’s just not Thomas. 
I remained turned away from Lafayette as we drove through the city. The memories built between Lafayette and I constantly falls like a house of cards, but I prefer to avoid the subject.
Lafayette felt otherwise, yet respected my choice. 
He was the first to speak.
“Alexander needs me for a transport this weekend.” He stated, “I’m not sure when I’ll get back, so it’s very important that you get back from whatever plans you have before your curfew.” He takes a glance over to me and briefly meets my eyes 
“Don’t test the waters, Y/N.”
Ah yes, the monthly literature transportation of Alexander’s gang. 
The Notorious Sons of Liberty. 
A popular group roaming the streets of New York. But instead ironically of selling drugs or performing homicide, they produce and sell illegal, banned literature and disperse them to the highest bidders. 
How else do you think I pay for college? 
Although gang violence isn’t really their thing, that doesn’t mean they’re not in possession of such weaponry and devices. I’ve never seen anyone take literature as seriously as they do.
They’re also known for their bold publicity stunts, which are indeed fun to watch from a nearby coffee shop. Watching Alexander, Lafayette, and some other friends, John and Herc, run from the authorities on a Sunday afternoon, accidentally laughing at the sight of John tripping over his own feet, Lafayette mouthing ‘help us out’ in my direction. Very entertaining. 
On the contrary, their security on me has become tighter and tighter. I know they worry for the gang’s reputation over my safety, but it feels nice to imagine having a battalion of book-worm gang members watching over you. 
“I know, I know. You guys can stop treating me like a kid” I attempt to contain a giggle to portray my seriousness. 
He takes a glance at me before returning his attention to the road. “You cannot say that until you have another way home other than me.” He sighed rather loudly 
“Be careful, or I might do just that, Lafayette.” 
I sipped on wine and ate cheese at Thomas’s place without a care in the world on a Saturday night. Of course, I had to accept Thomas’s offer, I never knew how to say no to him. 
Jefferson has sure been taking his sweet time to put a title on us. Now, I’m no philosopher when it comes to dating, but Ice cream at the park, fancy dinners, and wine and cheese sure sound romantic. 
My night was going well. All until the 7:30 alarm on my phone rang, and before I knew it, everything began to go downhill
[events of chapter 1]
And next thing I knew, the cold New York air slapped my face, following the harsh slam of the apartment door. 
As my adrenaline began to settle down, panic rushed through my body. 
Fuck. At this rate, I won’t be home until after my curfew. Although my immediate instinct was to sprint my way home, those thoughts were quickly followed by the idea of passing out within five minutes. My apartment isn’t too far, but being fueled by wine and cheese doesn’t sound like the best idea. 
“Don’t test the waters, Y/N” echoed throughout my head. 
I begin to walk down the street before whipping out my phone to contact an Uber. 
The small talk produced between my driver and I worked a bit to calm myself down, but that would all change the moment I walked through my apartment door. 
Once I turn back around from locking the door, I’m met with exactly what I didn’t want to see at this very moment. 
Lafayette stood staring at me, his lips pursed with anxiousness, recognizing my significantly late arrival. 
Hercules, another good friend I’ve met through the sons of liberty, stood beside Lafayette. His mouth hung open in shock as he also recognized my mistake. 
John, the group’s smallest yet mightiest, leaned against the wall, perhaps planning my fate right in front of me 
And none other than Alexander Hamilton himself, sipping scotch on my couch, similarly to how I was not too long ago at Thomas’s place. The glare on his face quickly reminded me that I was in big trouble. 
“Y/N, I thought I told you—“ Lafayette began but was quickly interrupted 
“You’re late.” He swirled his drink before standing up. The clock ticked, and the hour hand notably passed the 8:30 symbol. I was not getting out of this one. 
Although I feared for the following moments, I attempted to contain my emotions within myself. I kept my straight face for the time being. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. 
“I’m well aware.” That came out of my mouth  a little too harsh for my liking 
“May I remind you that being out past your curfew could severely damage our image.” 
I saw John look over to Alex from the corner of my eye. The air became thinner if that were even possible, and I refused to meet his eyes.
“And I do recall reminding you of your consequences.” He walked towards me and I felt my heart froze. “Having you out so late could raise some suspicions among our competitors, L/N.” 
I couldn’t find the right words and resort to nodding instead 
“I always fucking told you—“ he harshly slammed his drink onto the table beside him “—not to test the waters—” 
“—I-I know—“
“So why the fuck are you stumbling in here past your curfew?”
 At this very moment, I wondered if I had pulled the last straw. 
I couldn’t speak. God forbid I spat out the wrong words. Contained within my thoughts, I didn’t acknowledge Alexander closing the distance between us. 
“Ow!--” I watched as Alex shoved me to the wall, the moment playing in slow motion in my head. 
Lafayette’s throat grew dry “Hey, Alex, Calm dow-” 
He was interrupted by the sound of Alexander harshly slapping me across the face. My hands quickly went to soothe what felt like fire burning my cheek. 
“We do so much for you, Y/N.” Alex growled 
The sharp pain in my side grew, almost echoing throughout my body. I could feel my body giving up on itself. I mean, this wouldn’t be the first time Alex has acted like this. 
Occasionally, Alex would stop by Lafayette and I’s apartment just to ensure I was home before my curfew, and he wasn’t the most forgiving. 
--He owns an apartment key and has every single one of his gang member’s location tracked on his phone. Sometimes I wondered what was so special about us to have to keep all of us in check 24/7--
One time Hercules and I went shopping a little too late after sunset, part of me felt like a reckless teenager, probably because I was. I still remember Alexander’s face when I entered my own apartment, he looks identical every time. 
In an attempt to shelter me, my body curled into itself against the wall. I shrunk to the floor, feeling his shadow intensely stand above me. 
“Arghh!—“ the sound spilled out of me when I felt Alexander’s shin connect with my rib cage. 
My lungs felt punctured under the pressure.
My arms felt like they could give out any second.
Part of me had wished I’d stay at Thomas’s place tonight, even if it meant telling him the truth. 
What a predicament I’ve gotten myself into. 
I looked up, wondering if my torment was over until I was met with a —Crack— Alexander’s knee encountered my face. 
It was only a moment before I could hear the shuffling of the others’ shoes. I prayed they were coming to help me out.
Alexander lifted his glass of alcohol, previously forgotten, and hauled it towards me
The piercing shards of glass combining with the stinging alcohol were the last thing I needed on a Saturday night. I didn’t notice the tears falling from my eyes until now, and the way my heart felt like it was just on a rollercoaster. 
I kept my head low, watching blood drip down my face and onto the floor below me. And apparently, I wasn’t the only one to notice. 
“Alex! What the fuck?!” I heard Laurens yell
“Are you trying to kill her?!?” I recognized Lafayette’s scream
Before Alex was able to make another blow, Lauren and Lafayette were quick to hold him back, attempting to calm him down. 
Hercules swiftly knelt beside me, the guilt was obvious in his gaze. I hated the pity in each of their glances towards me. He attempted to wipe away the blood from my forehead with a paper towel. 
Alexander fought back against the two, trying his best to prove his point. There’s the Hamilton we all know, unwilling to stand down no matter the cost.
Hercules turned back to me, his words were ready to leave his mouth from the moment we reconnected eyes. 
“Y/N..” He pulled me up and shoved me out of my apartment door. “..Run.” I almost stumbled into a nearby pole, but I began running, if running in my condition was possible, back to Thomas’s place. 
[events of chapter 1]
The next thing I knew, I woke up in Thomas’s bed beside him. I took a moment to soak in the feeling of his satin sheets. Part of me can’t recall the events before I passed out in front of Thomas’s apartment, or maybe my mind refuses to remember them. 
The sun hasn’t risen yet. 
I turn to my side and reach for my phone, wincing from the pressure applied to my rib cage. 
The bright light of my phone hitting my eyes felt like I was transported to another dimension. 
54 notifications: 
12 calls from Lafayette 🥐
24 texts from Lafayette 🥐
1 text from Alexander 💡
3 calls from Mariah 💋
14 texts from Mariah 💋
“oh fuck..” I sigh, wondering how things will play out. 
Out of curiosity, I open the message from Alexander. Perhaps it’s an apology? Maybe a reminder? 
Alexander 💡: I know where you are, Y/N. Don’t drag your friend into this. Because I can.
Where I am? I ask myself
My heart dropped, remembering that Alexander tracks my location 24/7. He knows where I am at this very second. 
By escaping to Thomas’s apartment, I’ve just dragged him into this mess I’ve made. If my worlds collide, it would all be because I ran to this exact apartment. 
Panic once again rushed through my body. 
I need to get out of here. I need to leave. 
I slip out from under the sheets and grab my belongings. Unprepared for what’s to come, I steal one of Thomas’s jackets from his cluttered desk chair. I’ll give it back eventually, I thought to myself. 
After I put on my shoes I take one last glance toward Thomas. 
He seems so peaceful when he’s asleep, tangled in his blanket, not to mention his name-brand Mac and cheese pajama pants. 
I’m sorry if I drag you into this, Thomas, you just wouldn’t understand.
Taglist <3: @kenmacrumbs @strayblades  @laic2299 @ohsoverykeri
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twilightprince101 · 3 years
Mafia!Wiggle AU
So yeah, I came up with the idea of Wiggle being a mob boss a few days ago and I succumbed to the brain rot. Wrote an entire fic for this idea, introducing her and what she's like.
I got flustered myself writing the tall crime lady. Enjoy!
Mafia Boss Wiggle
“GET YOUR HANDS OFF’A ME YOU MEATHEADS!!” A lanky, roughed up grumpus struggles in the beefy arms of two well-dressed goons. They grip his arms tight with their paws, dragging his body along behind it like an afterthought. “You have any idea what my family will do when-?!”
“Shut your trap already,” the purple goon groaned. They adjust their ornate mask, brushing the sunset and emerald colored feathers out of their eyes. “Honestly, you’re lucky we caught you before openin’ hours, else we’d have to knock your teeth in to keep you from disturbin’ the patrons.”
“Don’t act like yer better than me!” The red grump kicks over a velvet chair from a nearby table as they pass. It clatters against the polished wood floor, echoing through the well-lit nightclub. A bartender--wearing a similar feathered and jeweled mask to the goons--gets up from polishing glasses to set it right. “Don’t you know who I am?! I’m from the Turnpipe family!! My boys’ll storm this place once they hear what you’se done to me! They’ll roast you all over open flames until every last strand of your fur is singed to the flesh!! You’ll be nothing but a naked mole rat for the rest of your lives!!!”
“Heya Cold-Brew, how was your kid’s party last night?” The blue goon holding Turnpipe’s other paw waves to the bartender as he sets the chair upright.
“Went okay. Park got rained out midway through the picnic, so we went to Slaker’s for ‘shakes.”
“Ah, shame. Need any help after I’m done here?” He gestures to their victim as if it were a sack of potatos. The red grump wiggles and yells while scuffing the floor they’re dragged across.
“Nah, should be good here, thanks ‘Stein. Fifteen until the doors open.” Cold-Brew waves back to the goons as he returns to his station, both wave back and smile.
“Ugh, honestly why can’t you all say anything original?” The purple grump shakes their head. “Always just ‘let me go,’ ‘I’m with this family,’ ‘You’ll pay for this,’ if you’re gonna keep yappin’ at least say something interesting.”
“Hehey, he tells jokes!”
The nightclub’s attendants laugh together under the neon spotlights as the intruder’s yells fall on uncaring ears. Past the bar lined with high class alcohol and the grand stage lined with spotlights and the band pit, the three grumps make their way to a door labeled “BACKSTAGE: EMPLOYEE’S ONLY.” With a quick knock and faint response from the other side, the two gently push open the door and leave the main area behind.
“Heya boss,” the purple goon speaks, his voice much more formal. “Found this one tryin’ to bash the front lock open with a brick. Got him before any major damage was done, don’t worry.”
Both grumps lift the intruder up by the shoulders, leaving his legs kicking in the air. It takes the Turnpipe a moment to adjust to the dimmer lighting and he coughs from the lingering cigarette smoke in the air.
“Thank ya’ darlings,” a sultry voice speaks, facing away from the three. The grump thinks that the boss is some shade of pink, but poking above the large mass of pink fluff a sort of golden orange pokes out. Despite being held in the air, the orange grumpus sitting at the table in front of them reaches just below the Turnpipe’s height. “Wouldn’t want him making a mess before our loyal customers come in.”
“Are you these goons’ boss?!” The Turnpipe screams, pointing at the grumpus. “You fucked up now! When the Turnpipes hear of this-”
“They’ll tear us limb from limb, yes hun I know.” The boss speaks calmly, comfortably while applying purple eyeliner via pocket mirror.  “I could hear you all the way backstage, making me consider sound proofing.”
The red grumpus blinks. Despite the goons disregarding his threats earlier, for some reason his mind expected her to take him seriously. He takes a moment to look around the employee’s area, finding various other grumps of size and stature. Some more fancily-dressed grumps put on makeup and practice vocal exercises in large vanity mirrors, while toned tux-wearing grumps check their suits before walking out to the main club area. All of them are wearing the same mask and haven’t given him so much as a glance.
“Now tell me darling,” the boss angles the pocket mirror to address her intruder. Her ice blue iris gives off a sharp, cold gaze that clashes with the warm and comforting atmosphere before. “Why were you trying to break into our lovely establishment? Just couldn’t wait to have some fun, wanted to steal some of our booze perhaps?”
“Wh-no I’m, I don’t care about your stupid club!!” The Turnpipe yells, finding his fury again. “One’a your meatheads shook down my brother! They were on my family’s turf, and I don’t take these insults lyin’ down!”
“I can see that. So you’d rather take it in the air instead?”
Some of the other staff members chuckle as they check themselves for the third time over.
“Du-buh?!” Did you even hear what I said?!” The turnpipe explodes, his enemy’s eyes narrowing in the mirror. “YOUR goons-”
“I heard you clearly.”
The CLICK of the pocket mirror cuts through the smoky air. She places it on the table alongside the bills, fan letters and knives and begins spinning her chair around. It swivels as she sweeps her long legs along with the momentum, poking out of her dark emerald dress. The dark emerald dress’s frills flutter from the sudden movement, draping the boss from her knees to the straps on her shoulders, hidden under her flowing pink mane. With a CLACK of her deep purple heels on stone she sets her crossed legs down and stops the chair in place. Her previous playful gaze is now replaced with one of annoyance, both her icy and greyed eyes narrowed in contempt.
With her clean scar sweeping across her right eye, the boss of the Gilded Dahlias, Wiggle Wigglebottom, sits up fully and rests a paw on her chin while gazing down at her prey.
“I’m just curious as to how you thought you could barge in here and get revenge against my boys, my gang, even me, all by yourself. You certainly don’t have the physique or firepower to do the job, so my first guess is that you’re either full of yourself, or just plain dumb.”
The performers all “ooooooooh~” between them, like a class of 8th graders hearing their fellow classmate called up to the principal’s office.
“I mean-well, I…” The red grumpus searches the floor for the right words, then balls his fists and puffs out his chest. “I’d assume YOU would pay us with respect! Us Turnpipe’s been around longer than you newbies have, so we outrank you!”
“It’s stupidity folks!!” Wiggle cheers and flicks up a paw to announce the results. A few goons groan and dig into their jacket pockets, handing their smiling associates a fat wad of bills. Turnpipe’s hot air dissipates and he deflates once more.
“Damn, third in a row… I’ll treat you to a drink later Wiggle.” A brown-furred performer in a glittery red dress crosses her arms.
“Maybe a milkshake,” The boss peeks over her shoulder, “I overheard Brew talking about Slakers and my sweet tooth’s been acting up lately! Them icy sweets are ��Callin my naaaame~’.” She sings in a wide vocal range with complete ease, giving her paw a flourish and leaning back as she hums.
“You… You know, just because you’re new it doesn’t mean you’re better than us! Don’t act like you’re a hotshot just because you did a few successful heists!”
“A few? Oohohoho!!” Wiggle peers back, sitting up straight once again. “Goodness darlin’, you are not helping your case right now. Tell me, how many bank heists has your little family done in the past year?”
“Uh… twenty five?”
A tuxed grumpus snorts as he walks out.
“Oh darling…” Wiggle places a palm against her cheek with a pitiful smile. “That’s not even cute, it’s just... sad.”
“Yeah?! Well, I’d like to see you-”
“Fifty three.” Wiggle interrupts. “In the past three months.”
“Around… how much was it Abra?” Wiggle calls behind her.
“Passed the million mark just last week!” A green grumpus, wearing more casual clothing, peeks out from around a corner leading to an employee hallway.
“Got so much excess profits that even after giving everyone a bonus, I got to turn the rest to my own personal bed!” She waves a paw in the air. “Certainly wasn’t the comfiest experience, but I at least got to check it off my bucket list!”
“I… I don’t…” The Turnpipe’s words do their best to try and search for any rage or anger to grasp onto, but any attempt to feel above her hasn’t worked, not helped by the fact he’s still being held up by the shoulders like a small child. After around ten seconds of stammering, Wiggle sighs and shakes her head.
“You don’t gotta try and act tough anymore darlin’, I think I get what you’re about now…” The sunset grumpus uncrosses her legs and lets her other heel clack on the floor. The Turnpipe’s gaze goes from eye level to slowly upwards, and upwards, and upwards; the boss’s body obscuring the light from one of the vanities. She wraps one of her paws around the grip of a knife lodged into the table and yanks it out. Her prey freezes up in the arms of her trap.
“You didn’t come here so you could avenge your brother or any sappy nonsense like that.” Wiggle circles around the Turnpipe, her heels echoing their clicks with each step while fiddling with the knife in her paws. “You came here so you could try and make yourself feel big and stwong, flaunting your family name as if it were a gun in of itself.”
“I…” Clack. Clack. Clack. It becomes hard to think as each step feels like a hammer and chisel against his brain. Wiggle looks the red grump up and down, drawing invisible lines up and down his torso.
“Since you came in you’ve been talking about your little gang as if you ran it. ‘My boys,’ ‘My gang,’ ‘My my my my my.’ But all that time, being caught up in your own head? It just made your skull more dense. All you are is just some lowly lackey that probably joined, say…” She plants an elbow on the Turnpipe’s head, checking her makeup one last time in the reflection of her knife. “A month ago? Maybe less?”
The frog in her armrest’s throat nearly leaps out of his mouth. His head shrinking down is the only confirmation Wiggle needs.
“You’ve been so caught up in that little bubble of yours, thinking you’re the hottest grump on the block, just because you’re part of a gang. Think just because you have a name to flaunt around and access to guns it makes you powerful. But I’m gonna let you in on a secret little man.” The Turnpipe’s body clenches as Wiggle stands back up and Clacks her way back to his front, eyeing the knife she paws in her hands as intensely as possible.
“Having a name to flaunt around doesn’t bring you power.”
“Having guns and knives to hold against people’s throats doesn’t bring you power.”
“Having enough money to buy out all of Grump Vegas doesn’t bring you power.”
“But you know what does?”
Wiggle towers above the Turnpipe, patting her razor-sharp knife in her paw. All different rays of light are obscured by her roaring mane, leaving the grump to cower in the arms of her two goons. She Clacks forward, and her goons take a step back. Not out of fear or trepidation though; a quick glance to both of their faces shows the same devilish smile that their boss wears. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Every single step is like a jolt of ice to his heart, dragging every last little step for an eternity as his entire being trembles in the arms of the two goons. Just the slight bump of the wall on his back knocks out every bit of air in his lungs and he fights to just inhale as his natural predator CLACKS just inches away from him, casting a toothy, ecstatic smile. Her single, silver iris seems to glow in the limited light.
Wiggle grips the knife in a reverse grip in her left hand and begins to raise it. The grumpus tries to close his eyes and look away but she grabs his chin with her other paw and forces his gaze back to her. His attempts to shake his head in a desperate plea are pointless, her paw digging into his fur and keeping him from moving even a centimeter out of place. The glinted metal shines as it finally reaches the zenith of its arc, hungry to tear through red grumpus fur. With nothing left to do all the Turnpipe can do is let tears stream down his face.
With the speed of a bullet and barely giving the Turnpipe a moment to flinch, Wiggle swings down the dagger. Her victim closes his eyes and blurts out a whimper and-
He’s not dead. His eyes are still fuzed shut but he’s still not dead, he can hear the sounds of the backstage area around him. The Turnpipe forces an eye open to peek at the knife and his skeleton nearly leaps out and books it at the sight. The knife is only a hair’s length away from his cheek embedded into the wood beam he’s pressed against. A sting in his cheek and the running of a warm liquid helps him fill in the gap of what happened. But just a little bit away, the Turnpipe finds something else that makes his body completely shut down
It’s Wigglebottom’s face, just as close to his as the knife.
Her icy and greyed eyes peer into the Turnpipe’s irises, flickering around while high on adrenaline and terror. Her gaze looks past his false-bravado exterior and reaches further, deeper inside him into a dark pit he had tried so desperately to hide. A black, slimy, jittering piece of disgust comes out. Letting the grip on his chin go she traces his chin and speaks in a tone fitting of her now-sultry gaze. Wiggle leans in close, so close that the Turnpipe can smell her rich floral perfume, and whispers into his ear.
The Turnpipe’s mind has gone blank. Despite the pounding jackhammer in his chest, the final whisper and breath of hot air from the Gilded Dahlia boss erases his mind, leaving him a whimpering and stuttering mess. A few of the remaining employees from backstage snicker and point at her latest victim, though he isn’t able to process the fact that he’s being mocked. Seeing that the usual routine has worked yet again, Wiggle leaves the knife implanted in the wall and pulls back with a satisfied smile.
“Boys,” she snaps a finger in the air, her tone returning to the playful nature it was before, “drop our newest employee. He won’t be going anywhere anytime soon, should be good to leave him back here for the day.”
Both goons do as they’re told without question, letting the grumpus slump to the floor, his knees having completely given out. He continues to stare at the ground and shake his head, crying as he trembles from the terror just inflicted.
“So what’re you gonna make this one boss?” The purple grumpus asks with a playful smile. “Waiter? Bartender?”
“Nah.” She shrugs with little effort. “He doesn’t really have the looks for either of those. Probably’ll make him our new janitor, been needing a new one after our last one squealed. Feel free to give him the old guy’s uniform, I feel it should fit pretty well.”
The purple goon nods and takes out a sketchpad, writing “Find old janitor’s uniform” at the bottom of the list as they walk past and out towards the main area.
“Alright everyone, hopefully this little show of mine was able to help you get fired up! We got five minutes ‘till the doors open, get those finishing touches done!” The boss claps her hands in the air to her employees, resuming business as usual. “If we’re able to double our profits today I’ll treat everyone to Slakers at the end of our shift tonight! Let’s make tonight a good one darlin’s!”
The warm and familiar chatter of the backstage area continues once more. As every last well-dressed employee strolls out to prepare for the afternoon they pass by their new coworker, neither giving the other a glance. As the front door opens and the excited clamoring of a new audience begins to fill the club, Wiggle peers down at her latest victim, slumped up the hole-ridden wood post on his back. She smirks and gives a content sigh.
“Maybe one day you’ll all surprise me… but until then, I suppose this is just as fun~”
Wiggle ruffles the head of the former Turnpipe like an affectionate puppy, and then walks back to her main office, her heels Clacking and echoing throughout backstage and the red grumpus’s empty mind.
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milfbailorgana · 3 years
I posted it 
The urge to nest had been bothering Han for almost a week now. He knew, in the back of his head, that the urge meant he was in preheat, but he really wasn’t going to let himself hide in the Falcon for a week, pretending like he didn’t have things to do.
But the urge was overwhelming now. Han could feel it gnawing at the pit of his stomach, along with the beginnings of his heat; the feeling was a restless anxiety and restless urge to do something.
Huffing and getting up from where he was meant to be relaxing in the captain’s chair after fixing some faulty wiring in the Falcon’s cooling system, he walked down the corridor and pulled up the cover to one of the smuggling compartments with a grunt. It was empty, not having seen much use since he joined the rebellion. A little dusty but otherwise clean. Hidden. Safe.
Han dropped his pillow and blanket into the hole. If this is where Han’s hindbrain wanted him to spend his heat, who was Han to deny it. He’d come a long way from Corellia and Qi’ra and their singular bunk where anyone could walk in on her helping him through his heat, but it seemed his mind still hadn’t adjusted to the fact he was safe here. Well, as safe as one could be, in the rebellion.
Chewie was somewhere else on the base, which meant Han could raid his room. He wasn’t sure if it was unusual for an omega to want the scents of many different people around them, even non-humans, but his nests always felt the best when he could smell his family all around him. He grabbed Chewie’s blanket and pillow, standing for a minute to debate taking the fitted sheet but deciding against it. It was too much of a hassle and he had two new scents to add to his nest this heat, he would be fine without it.
He pressed his face into the pillow to take a deep inhale of Chewie’s scent, reveling in the familiar smell. Chewie smelled like motor oil and fur and something else that was distinctly Wookiee. It was what home had smelled like for the last ten years. Sighing, Han dropped Chewie’s things into the compartment and contemplated when he had last taken his birth control. It wasn’t yesterday, and certainly not the day before, but if he took two today, he’d be fine, right? It almost made Han long for his days in the imperial navy, where he was kept on heat suppressants, but he shuddered remembering how bad the heat afterward had been. Without Qi’ra he’d had to go to Lando, cramping and feeling slick drip down his thighs, hoping the man wouldn’t take advantage of him.
Grabbing Lando’s things was easy. He had never cleaned out his closet after Han took his ship and even though those clothes were almost ten years old by now, Lando liked to leave Han a shirt or cape whenever they spent time together. Whether Lando knew he brought them into his nest during heats or just left them around to mark his territory was unimportant; Han was grateful. Not that he’d ever tell Lando that. He grabbed the lilac cape that had been hung up in the closet a few months ago and pressed it to his nose, breathing in the scent of linen and something smoky that always followed Lando around before tossing it into the smuggling compartment.
Now, getting Luke and Leia’s scents in his nest would be more tricky. Neither of them stayed on the Falcon, and Han didn’t exactly know where they were staying, let alone their room codes. Plus, walking around the rebellion base smelling like he did was not Han’s idea of a good time.
His scent suppressants had gone missing over a tenday ago. Well— missing was relative. Chewie could probably find them if Han bothered to ask him to look, but his pride and the assurances he’d made to his hairy friend that ‘yes, I am going off my scent suppressors willingly, I think being drug free would be good for my system’ with his fingers crossed behind his back meant that wasn’t possible. Curse past him and his procrastination problem.
Comming Luke wouldn’t be a problem. Han was sure the beta would lend him a jacket or blanket or something if it would help Han through his heat, but the princess was a different story. She’d started giving him looks ever since he’d come off his scent suppressants and she had finally noticed he was an omega. If Han really thought about it, the looks might be about the fact he was in preheat and ignoring it, but it could just as easily be that as her thinking him less capable than another alpha or beta. Han wasn't very inclined to believe that someone who called Chewie a walking carpet on first introduction wasn’t probably a bigot in another way.
He rumbled in frustration— a noise he’d picked up from Chewie— stomping back to his room. He pulled out the stack of blankets Chewie had gotten him when they had first gotten the Falcon, just in case Han wanted to nest like a good omega should, rather than shacking up with a rando he’d picked up at a bar. If Han was honest with himself, he’d always preferred the heats he had on the Falcon. The familiar setting calmed something inside of him and Lando— the only alpha Han had ever let fuck him on the Falcon— was, admittedly, a good alpha. Too bad he was playing by the rules now. Not to mention, the last time they’d talked was... not pretty.
Han threw the blankets into the smuggling compartment and lowered himself inside after them. The compartment wasn’t exactly tall— the walls only came up to his armpits when he stood— but whatever his hindbrain wanted, Han was going to have to provide. Setting up a nest was never something Han had been particularly good at. His nests never looked pretty or elegant or clean, but he made them work. Arranging the blankets and pillows around the compartment in whatever order would appease his omega brain, Han contemplated what lay ahead. Usually in this situation, Han would be flying to a seedy bar on a seedy planet to for a seedy alpha to fuck him. Unfortunately, a snowstorm had come in the night before and was forecast to last at least a week and there was no way anyone was granting Han clearance to take off.
And the alternative: fucking someone on base. He’d considered it, of course he had, but it was completely off the table. Han had a policy: there was no way in hell he was going to fuck anyone he might have to talk with again later. It just led to knothead alphas feeling entitled to his body and Han wasn’t doing that again.
So here he was. Sitting in one of the Falcon’s smuggling compartments, getting ready to ride his heat out with nothing but toys. It certainly wasn’t any omega’s favorite way to spend a heat but it wasn’t like he hadn’t done it before. With the way he never tracked his heats and Chewie doing his best to make sure Han didn’t sleep with any shady people, Han had weathered multiple heats with just a knotting dildo and his fingers.
Flopping down once his nest was as complete as it was going to get for now, he pressed his face into the closest blanket. It was one of his designated nesting blankets so he couldn’t smell anything but Han assumed it probably smelled like him. He’d been told during a heat once that he smelled like delicate jogan fruits and honey, and since Han wasn’t exactly going to ask someone what he smelled like— nor had he ever actually smelled a jogan fruit— he supposed that was the best he was going to get.
Han climbed out of his nest and traipsed into his bedroom, where his compad and birth control were.
The birth control was easy. Han took three from the bottle and dry swallowed them. That should make up for his missed days, right?
The compad was harder. How was he supposed to write this message to Luke? ‘Hi, I’m horny and needy and I just need your jacket so I can sit next to it and feel safe whilst I get myself off’? It was stupid.
Han flopped on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He’d never had to do anything like this before. He’s never had a group of people he could almost call a pack. As much as being in the rebellion made him nervous (one of Jabba’s goons could pop up any time to take back what the Hutt was owed) the people here were some of the best Han had ever met. It wasn’t exactly a high bar, as a street rat turned imperial soldier turned smuggler, but the kindness he had been shown in his few months in the rebellion was nice, even if Han didn’t think it was deserved most of the time.
Han could feel the beginnings of heat gnawing at the pit of his stomach. Soon he would be slick and open and wanting. He didn’t have time to put this off.
He groaned and opened the device, finding Luke’s contact
H.Solo: hey kid
H.Solo: you know that jacket I lent you for the ceremony?
H.Solo: the yellow one?
H.Solo: I need it back for something
H.Solo: pretty urgently
It was seconds before he got a reply from Luke
L.Skywalker: of course!
L.Skywalker: I'm glad you messaged me now, I’m about to start combat practice with my squadron
L.Skywalker: Leia should be free, I’ll ask her to bring it to you
H.Solo: Kid
H.Solo: You don’t need to do that
H.Solo: I’ve got it under control, actually
But it seemed Luke had already started his training.
He really didn’t need that temptation around. Leia, who smelled like leather and something earthy that was unidentifiable to Han. He wasn’t sure there was any scent better than it. In his weaker moments Han could admit to wanting to press his face into her neck and drown in her smell, and this was certainly one of his weaker moments.
But as much as he wanted her, Han couldn’t let himself. Whenever he let an alpha with any power over him into one of his heats it always ended up with he and Chewie being blackmailed and Han having to do things he didn’t want to. Han would stick to fucking strangers he picked in bars, thank you very much, even if it dissapointed Chewie.
Han whined in the back of his throat and got up to pace. There was no way he could let Leia see him in this state.
Taking deep breaths to calm himself down— Leia didn’t need to be smelling a distressed omega along with one going into heat— Han left his room and walked back to the smuggling compartments, tugging the metal cover back over his nest.
Moving to the ‘fresher, Han took a moment to stare at himself in the mirror. His face was flushed and his hair was messy. He looked exactly how he felt: hot and out of control. It was a look Han wore a lot whilst working on the Falcon, though, so Han hoped he wouldn’t look too bad.
There was no way to disguise his scent, but Han hoped if he looked out together enough, Leia would assume he had a plan for his heat beyond fucking himself on a toy.
Alphas love to butt their heads in where they don’t belong, especially if they think it’s good for an omega, and the princess was definitely one of those righteous types.
Han froze from where he was trying to tidy up his hair when he heard the entrance ramp to the Falcon being lowered. Kriff. Either Chewie was back or Luke had given Leia the code for his ship. Either way Han wasn’t particularly enthused.
Straightening his shirt to make himself look as presentable as possible, he walked to the ramp, clearing his throat loudly. “Entering someone’s ship without knocking is rude, you know? I could’ve been naked”
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wildroseofarran · 3 years
Into the Umbra || Pete, MJ, Guildias, Abel, & Rosmond || March, 2020
MJ/Guildias: Midas would be good from this night forth, with designated things to knock down to make his point. Abel in his rat terrier form, sitting menacingly on MJ's shoulder while they conversed, paying no mind to him whatsoever, like a looming promise, seemed to do the trick. Staying the night at Peter's felt surreal, and in a sense, wrong. Their relationship wasn't as clean of a slate as he would have liked, but he couldn't deny himself a glance through rose-tinted lenses at what had been.
He would have insisted on a room of his own with Abel, distancing himself enough not to feel completely guilty come the next night, when Guildias knocked on Peter's door. Together, they excused themselves for a quick trip to Gertrude Draegan, establishing his presence and, against Peter's judgement, explained his intended rescue operation. The two returned an hour later, pulling up in front of Peter's house in a black Lincoln Navigator. James Rosmond, dressed in a black felt jacket, remained behind the wheel.
Pete: Even had MJ not insisted, Pete still would've set him up in the guest room. They were starting fresh and that meant a romantic relationship between the two of them didn't currently exist. As such, the guest room was the only option.
He'd looked on in amusement as MJ gave Midas a talking to with Abel's silent but very present assistance, pleased that it seemed to have worked.
The next day when Midas wanted attention, he only knocked over what he was allowed to and was rewarded handsomely with treats and affection.
Pete was in the middle of doling out said affection when the SUV pulled up.
"Looks like a goddamn mafia lieutenant," he muttered to himself, turning away from the window so his glare wouldn't be seen.
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: MJ and Guildias came to the door as one. No Callum in sight. The SUV remained warm and rumbling. Rosmond's first field operation since the Embrace. Waylon Dahlberg and Leslie Issott a few taps on his antiquated cellphone, should the expertise of a witch be required.
There he would wait, as Peter and the familiar named Abel were gathered for their expedition.
"Gertrude insisted," MJ explained. "Said it would be good for him. Probably t'keep an eye on us."
Guildias leaned against the doorway. "We represent Edenton, whether we like it or lump it. If something catastrophic were to happen, Raleigh mustn't be privy to the embarrassment."
Pete/Abel: Pete opened the door with a frown that was matched by Abel's as he appeared behind him.
"Dude, come on," said Abel, his tone heartily disapproving. "I thought we agreed you were gonna go in, observe the niceties, and get out. Why'd you go and tell her? She's not the boss of the Umbra!"
A sentiment Pete echoed. "The only catastrophe will be if we fail to get that kid, I couldn't care less about Gertrude's potential embarrassment. Like Raleigh gives one single shit about a human child, they probably didn't even notice."
MJ: "Since when did the two of ya start parroting each other? This be a sewin' circle while we were out?"
Abel: "He fed me chicken and rice casserole," said Abel. "We bonded. But still! Now some goon is gonna watch us the whole time and learn shit about us. It's like taking a cop on a heist."
Guildias: "More akin to taking a bodyguard and former assassin," said Guildias. "Trust me, Mr. Harrington, the man has no personality to speak of."
Abel: Abel peeked around Guildias at the SUV and turned to Pete. “You’re right, it does look like a mafia lieutenant car.” The windows were so dark he couldn’t even see the goon.
“All right, so. Is Mr. No Personality coming in or what?”
MJ/Guildias: MJ just snickered. "If it weren't for ya breakin' physics we'd have a Scooby-doo van. Ya know, for work."
"We have hours of drive ahead of us and little night. Rosmond encourages you to bring water," Guildias smirked at Peter.
Pete/Abel: “If we did have a Scooby-doo van, it would have to break physics, too, so we wouldn't have to drive around for hours. Does the mafia lieutenant really want to drive?”
Pete just sighed and went to the kitchen to fill up a water bottle.
MJ/Guildias: "Expect the unexpected." And a lack of trust for a familiar's magic from both Setite and Giovanni. Being backed by a Ravnos did little for confidence; less post-merge.
"Stopped by the RV for some shit. Should have everything," said MJ. "Let's go, Abe. Come meet the mafia."
Abel: "You said yourself we only have a little bit of night to do this and he wants to spend a chunk of it driving." Abel shook his head and grabbed his jacket. "This is why you don't bring a cop." He heaved a great sigh. "All right, let's go meet the mafia."
MJ/Guildias: "We got gear. Got shit if the kid needs moved. Can't just show up at a place ya ain't even seen. Can ya even move five people n'gear t'some place ya ain't even been, dude?" Asked while tugging him by the shirt. No standing and talking. Movement.
Guildias waited quietly for Peter.
Pete/Abel: "I can move four people and gear thanks to the booster spell and talismans I got from X and Ramsay. You know, like we planned. The news reported on it, pictures of the house and the kid are everywhere and the address wasn't hard to find. How do you think I grabbed your ass from that scary place with the giant glass tank? Magic, my guy."
Pete returned a few moments later wearing a jacket and carrying a small pack. "What are my chances of not having to ride with the prince's goon and just following behind in my own car?"
MJ/Guildias: "Magic - ya read my mind! Kinda different from pictures on a screen." Or in Rosmond's case, a printed map to a craftsman foursquare a few miles outside of Raleigh. The route was simple enough and already memorized.
MJ pulled from his inner jacket pocket a long enticing stick of LaffyTaffy. A peace offering handed over without word.
"Let's not over-complicate matters," said Guildias. "Has he outwardly wronged you?"
Pete/Abel: Abel opened his mouth, fully prepared to say more, but the appearance of the candy had it closing again. He accepted it with a smile. "Okay, I love you again. Let's meet Mr. Wet Blanket. Does he actually have no personality or was Guildias exaggerating?"
"Matters are already complicated," said Pete. "We're dipping into the Veil. I'd just rather not have Gertrude's ears and eyes adding to the tension. But I guess it doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done and we have shit to do."
MJ/Guildias: "Ya tell me," MJ smirked, opening one of the doors for Abel. Black interior and spacious, which was the point. Easy to label safety measures as cliche, but there they were.
"That still doesn't answer my question. Seems to be the one area you and Callum disagree."
Pete/Abel: Abel poked his head into the car and looked around. 'Woowwwww,' he thought to MJ. 'It's very la cosa nostra in here.' Out loud, he greeted the driver. "Hey, man."
"You of all people should know why I don't think fondly of the prince. Isn't that reason enough to not want him to be part of this?" He was almost certain telling Gertrude had been Guildias' idea, or maybe even his doing. "Let's just go."
Pete locked the door behind him and walked to the car, hearing his mentor's voice in his head telling him to take things in stride.
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: Abel was gently shoved forward. He wasn't going to bother reminding him to mind his manners.
A youngish-looking man, blond, eyes like dying grass, observed from the rear-view mirror. Chiseled from some other era. Stoic as a garden statue.
"Mr. Harrington," he greeted. Something in those two words was not quite North Carolina. Something more melodic and silky than one might expect from that face.
"For the man he once was," said Guildias, waiting to fall into step with the Fera. The door was opened for Peter, and it was Guildias climbing into the backseat. A choice made so MJ didn't have to. Rosmond watched expectedly as MJ took his place in the front passenger seat.
"I'll be y'all's DJ for the next hour(sss). We start our adventure with some Reba."
Pete/Abel: Having spent so long in the company of an alias-loving demon, it was more than a little unsettling to be called by his actual name, especially by someone that looked so...stony. Abel wasn't entirely sure he liked it. "Yep, that's me. You don't have to call me mister. And your name...?"
"Rosmond," said Pete, settling in between Abel and Guildias. "His name is Rosmond."
MJ/Guildias: The drive would have been quiet if not for MJ's music. Their driver offered nothing by means of conversation. Neither did Guildias, content with tilting back in his seat and adjusting large gold and brown hexagonal Ray-Bans.
MJ took initiative to sing. Juggling lemons which disappeared randomly, forced back with a bit of concentration. Minutes before arrival, Abel was finally given attention by the Setite.
"Is he always like this?"
Pete/Abel: While Pete didn't normally go for country, MJ's singing provided both distraction and entertainment. The ride was giving him way too much time to think.
Abel shook his head. "Nope. Sometimes he juggles oranges."
MJ/Guildias: "An improvement, then. It's time you upgrade to grapefruit."
"Ha. Easy." But what materialized in his hands looked too yellow. One looked more like Jupiter with various rings of decay. Not quite. He stared for some time, trying to find the appropriate color of a citrus he'd forgotten.
Abel: Abel leaned forward in his seat for a better view.
"Too yellow. Go for a slightly bigger orange that's a yellowy orange color."
MJ/Rosmond: Bigger than this? Roughly the size of both fists, then, and now a rotten lemon in shade.
"Too brown," said Rosmond.
Abel: "Slightly smaller. Think softball or....yeah no, just think softball."
MJ/Guildias: Guildias pulled his phone from pocket. Many years out of date. Complete with keyboard. He leaned forward and presented a stock photo.
"Huh," MJ sighed, trying one more time with Abel's advice and Guildias' image.
The texture wasn't quite there, but an improvement.
Abel: "Ah, you got it! Well done, well done. We're gonna have you juggling citrus of all persuasions before you know it."
To Guildias he said, "I thought your people hated tech?"
Guildias: "We're not part of the ivory tower; but it comes with its own set of rules."
Abel: The hell was the ivory tower? Something to ask MJ later on.
"Gotta live the burner phone life, man."
Guildias/Rosmond: "What makes you think I'm not?"
Rosmond had nothing to add. With the same silence, he drove the SUV quietly onto a dirt road and into a snug patch of forest. The engine was killed, keys stuffed in his pocket.
"Mr. Harrington, I would appreciate your assistance." A brief look back to Guildias. Both men climbed out of the vehicle.
Abel: "That phone you have has internet access. I'm talking the circa-2004-Nokia-phone-that-only-has-Snake-on-it burner phone life."
He peered out the windows at their destination, metaphorical antenna up for anything out of the ordinary.
"I'm all ears, but really, please call me Abel."
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: The driver's side door was shutting. Guildias gestured for Abel to follow him. Meanwhile, MJ climbed into the back with Peter.
"Stake out shit," he sighed. Normally his forte in the duo, and normally Xavier's forte in the trio. For now, grapefruit had been replaced by pink and blue golf balls, rolled in a single hand.
"You won't be getting a first name from our acquaintance, my friend," Guildias whispered. "That is not a hill to die on."
"Cameras and other security systems need to first be addressed. By any means." Rosmond looked expectedly to the snake, already stepping deeper into the woods where Rosmond pointed. To the house hidden behind a near quarter mile of bracken and sagging branches.
Pete/Abel: Pete nodded, peering out the window as Abel had. "Kinda wanna roll the window down and see if I can smell anything else that might be out there. It occurred to me about fifty miles ago that we might not be the only ones with an interest in this."
Abel looked from Guildias to the man called Rosmond. Did the guy ever crack a smile? Or a joke? Or blink? "I'm annoyingly persistent," he whispered back. "But I'll take your word for it."
He was itching to turn into his animal form but that wasn't wise for two reasons: one, he felt uncomfortable doing so without MJ around. Two, he wouldn't be able to communicate with them.
"There's a few spells for that. Glamours that could hide us while we do what we need to do without being seen."
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: "What, like fae? Ain't that their thing, stealin' children n'shit?" MJ reached over Peter's lap for the door, opening it a crack. He wanted to take his rebirth behind the masquerade seriously.
Rosmond followed behind by a few feet. "Observation," he reminded. "Mr. Calloway and Graham will utilize your information."
"Still the bodyguard?" Guildias looked over his shoulder, smirk in his eyes.
"Supervision." With Gertrude's insistence. Field work with new capacity. A test of responsibility he would not take lightly.
The same craftsman foursquare from the printed page. New paint job. Manicured lawn. A plastic colorful play set in the backyard. A silver truck and red sedan in the front yard. Porch light on. Lights off save for the second floor in two rooms.
Pete/Abel: "Some of them, yeah. Could be anyone though, including some weirdo human." It was never a good idea to underestimate the weirdos.
Pete scooted close enough to the door to where he could stick his nose out and scented the air.
Well, Abel thought, these two seemed fairly uninterested in magic. Which begged the question of why Rosmond had asked for his assistance.
He looked at the house with a frown. It looked so normal. Nothing about it gave away what had happened inside.
"Poor souls," he sighed to himself.
MJ/Guildias: "You were called 'pup' last night. We'll need that right now, if you're willing to oblige," said Guildias, softly for the semblance of privacy.
Meanwhile, MJ watched Peter with fascination. "What can ya smell?"
Pete/Abel: Abel turned to Guildias, ignoring the knot in his gut. Although whether it was more to do with the impending journey into the Umbra or the thought of transforming without MJ, he couldn't say for sure. "I am--" sort of, "--but I won't be able to communicate with you. Unless you practice telepathy?"
Pete inhaled deeply. "You. Soil. Some sort of body of water nearby. Vampire."
MJ/Guildias: "We'll be right here. You see what you see and come back to us. Door cams, police surveillance. Do not put yourself in unnecessary danger. I'll be right behind you."
MJ smiled privately. "That all? Lions, tigers, bears, oh my?"
Pete/Abel: "I'm not putting myself in any danger at all," Abel said with a grin, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a little silver pendant. It was small, about the size of a nickel, and inscribed with what appeared to be several runic symbols.
Abel clipped it on the necklace he was already wearing so it rested beside his 'A' pendant.
"Okay, so this is gonna hide me from view and muffle any sounds I make, but you should still be able to hear my footsteps if you listen close."
Pete chuckled. "None of them around, only us. Good sign I guess."
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: "A little more elaborate than a stray dog wandering about," said Guildias. "If the task is completed, then by all means."
Rosmond remained nearby a tree, hands to his sides, observing like the statue Abel imagined him as.
Guildias took a step forward, disappearing behind a tree and then altogether.
"The more borin' the better," MJ nodded. "Ain't supposed t'be a heist."
Pete/Abel: "People tend to approach small dogs, to either pet them or to try and help them. Sometimes I'll get a treat out of the deal but we've gotta be stealthier today." Abel took one more second to make sure the necklace was secure before chanting a small incantation.
He hadn't quite finished when he slowly started to fade from view, his voice growing fainter and fainter as if he were moving far away. A moment later he was gone completely, and only once he was hidden did he feel safe enough to transform.
'I'm in dog form,' he thought to MJ, chain and pendants jingling as he shook himself off. 'Also invisible. Just wanted to give you the head's up.'
Pete nodded as well. "Yeah. Sure feels like one though. Still can't quite believe we're gonna do what we're about to do. It's like my brain can't process it."
MJ/Guildias: Guildias remained on the outskirts, watchful of sinking grass under invisible feet that would be Abel. Watchful for a police car, something. After a bout of silence, he pulled from his coat various colored loupes, bringing each to his eye as he searched for an outward sign of entry. Some indication of where to begin.
MJ sat up straight, looking off to nowhere as though suddenly lost in thought. And then like that, it was over.
"This is sorta been my thing for a while now. Not rescuin' kids, but I mean, the weird shit it comes with."
Pete/Abel: The movement in the sinking grass would indicate a methodical survey around the house. Abel slowly circled it, alternating between sniffing around and watching and listening for any movement or sign that something was amiss. Aside from the obvious, of course.
Since he couldn't speak to Guildias, he thought his observations at MJ. 'Everything's pretty quiet. I smell new paint but I can still smell two kids. One scent is stronger than the other. There's another scent too, can't identify it just yet.' A few beats of silence. 'It's so frustratingly normal.'
"You're sounding more like Robin Hood by the second. Does your demon friend help too?" Pete looked over at MJ. "You okay?"
MJ/Guildias: Every image given to MJ was filed away. This would be vital later. One thing to look out for. That new trend.
'Check the door for one of them cams. I don't think they'll have anything else.'
After a wide circle of the entire property, Guildias returned to Rosmond's side. Reappeared as easily as a blink, and waited for the familiar.
"Yeah," MJ smiled. "N'yeah, m'good. We can start headin' over."
Pete/Abel: 'Copy that.'
Abel looped around again to check out the back door. That's where people tended to have cameras and other security measures, since it couldn't be seen from the street. Of course, humans didn't realize the real threats didn't need cover to attack.
'I see it. Small camera pointed at the back door. Simple, the kind an alarm company would offer to their customers. Fixed position, probably connects to their Wi-Fi network.'
Pete took a deep breath. "All right, let's do this, Robin Hood."
MJ: 'To zap the power lines or do my cloak shit.' To fuck the power lines would bring someone out and shorten their window further. 'Keep sendin' me a view. Check the front door, too. We're headin' that way.'
MJ looked back for Peter, a look on his face as though surprised to see him. Telepathy was disorienting.
"What's your plan?"
Pete/Abel: 'Cutting power attracts attention and utility people. I think cloaking is the way to go.'
Back again to the front of the house. A few of the windows had stickers with a company logo on them; probably the same company that had supplied the camera.
Moving as silently as he could, Abel climbed the front steps and inspected the porch. 'They have a doorbell camera too. Movement usually triggers the censor on those.'
Pete sighed as he zipped up his jacket and adjusted his bag on his shoulder. "Honestly? I don't fuckin' know, man. Abel's got this spell to turn me into a beacon or a lighthouse so this kid can find me but what if it doesn't work?"
MJ: "He's got a what now?" MJ laughed. "I'll bet ya real money that light freaks out the snake."
Which reminded him, speaking with Abel, to find a path with the least amount of trees.
'We'll focus on the backyard. I need the cam's perspective real quick and I got it.'
Pete/Abel: "I only understood about half his explanation but basically it's going to make it easier for us to find the kid in the Umbra so we're not there longer than we absolutely have to be. Time's already fucky over there."
'Good call. Tread lightly,' Abel added before rejoining the two vampires. A quick incantation to reverse the spell and he slowly blinked back into existence, once again in human form.
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: "I wouldn't know." They came upon two figures. Guildias handing over the various colored loupes to Rosmond. Green glass was brought to his eye.
"Ya get the cam's perspective?" whispered to Abel, not the least bit surprised by his sudden appearance.
Rosmond looked back for Peter. He offered the glass by its brass handle. Pointed towards the furthest wall of the back of the house. A small opening like smears on the glass broken by some nonexistent void light. The glass of course was spotless.
"That is where you will breach."
Pete/Abel: ‘It’s pointed at the back door,’ Abel thought to him. ‘At most it’s getting a tiny bit of the backyard and the back porch. It’s not super sophisticated.’
Pete accepted the glass and held it to his eye.
So that was what a portal into the Veil looked like. It was nothing like he would’ve expected. Didn’t even look sinister.
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: The telepathy put another smile on his face. "Ros ain't so fast t'kill us all." Two different expressions turned their attention upon the pair. One of bored neutrality, the other a smirk.
"Which of you can lure the occupants inoffensively?" asked Rosmond.
"I got that," said MJ. "Goin' in." Rosmond waited several steps before following behind. Watched as the trickster honed in on the small white device near the ceiling of the small back porch. His hands came together. Middle fingers wrapped over index fingers and touched. A halved orb, no bigger than a snow globe, attached itself to the camera.
'Actually, I ain't got that. Busy here. Can ya bark?'
Pete/Abel: "Hey!" Abel gave MJ a smack on the arm. "Be an agent of chaos after we finish our mission," he whisper yelled, though there was amusement in his eyes.
Pete studied the portal a moment longer and handed the glass back. He felt like starting at it too long would make him lose his nerve or fry his brain or something. Everything about this felt completely out of his depth.
Abel, who had made his way over to stand by Pete, suddenly seemed to lose himself in thought.
'Do you just want me to bark or should I make myself known and distract them?'
MJ: 'Nothin' human. We need sweet lost animal.'
Abel: 'Invisible innocent barking, gotcha.'
"Be back in a sec," Abel announced out loud before activating his spell again and transforming back into a dog.
He wanted to stay close enough to the house to be heard while also not drawing attention toward any of them, so he moved a few feet away in the opposite direction of everything before letting out the most pitiful little bark anyone ever did hear.
MJ/Rosmond: A sound which worked almost instantly to stir the house. Another bark and the porch light switched on. MJ knelt in place, focused on the camera as Rosmond waited around the corner. A woman with deep warm skin and tired eyes first looked out the window before opening the back door. She clicked her tongue.
Abel: Gotcha, Abel thought to himself.
He changed locations to give the illusion that he was wandering around lost and barked again, even adding a whine for good measure and shaking himself so his pendants would jingle.
He sort of felt like the pied piper but not sinister.
MJ/Rosmond: It was enough for her to descend the steps. She turned her head this way and that in search of what sounded like a little dog, to be greeted instead by a blond figure twice her size, hand clasped firmly over her mouth.
"You didn't see my face. You're exhausted. You deserve to sleep. Dream of your son."
Her expression softened, and Rosmond removed his hand. Her arms fell to her sides, and she turned, walking slowly back inside with the vampire at her heels.
MJ, caught up in what he'd just witnessed, damn near dropped his glamour.
Abel: It caught Abel by surprise as well. He very nearly barked for real and ran toward the woman and whatever the hell Rosmond was doing to her until she calmly walked back inside.
'What the fuck was that!?' he thought to MJ. 'Did you know he was going to do that?'
MJ/Guildias: 'Knew he was gonna do somethin'. Didn't know it was fuckin' that.' How the fuck did he do that? It felt familiar. Something he knew, or seen, or experienced. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on.
One by one, the upstairs bedrooms darkened.
Guildias took to the porch, patting MJ's shoulder along the way.
"It's your time to shine, Peter."
Pete/Abel: 'Well shit, that's an important detail to keep to himself. Is he always this bad at communicating?' Abel returned to where Pete was, making himself human and visible again.
"Oh no it's not," he said, reaching back into his pockets and pulling out even more pendants. Some were round, some polygonal, but all were made of perfectly clear crystal. The ones that were on short strings were placed on Pete's wrist and the one on the longer string was put around his neck. "Can't go walking in there without activating you first."
MJ/Guildias: 'He's the boss right now. Ain't gotta tell us shit.' It was still jarring, watching a mere ghoul rank before his very eyes. Someone he'd been forced to steal from Guildias' basement years ago under Victoria Harrak's orders, now working in tandem. Felt less real than what they were about to do.
"Activating him?" asked Guildias.
Pete/Abel: 'Says who? We're all bringing something to the table. He's being withholding, plain and simple.' It was just the sort of behavior he expected from someone with the demeanor of a statue.
Abel focused back on the task at hand, nodding at Guildias' question. "Yep. Sending him into the Umbra blind is a suicide mission, so I found something to help." The origin of which he would keep to himself. Wouldn't do to go revealing privileged information willy-nilly.
"These crystals are gonna turn our Petey boy into a lighthouse so he can find the little boy, or so the little boy can find him. Petey, did you bring your flashlight like I told you?"
Pete nodded.
"And a weapon?"
"I have a pocketknife?"
"That'll do. Extra sweater?"
Another nod.
Yet another nod.
"Good man."
Guildias: Guildias took Peter's wrist in three fingers, gently, to examine the crystals. Sunglasses resting on his head, hair now in a bun.
"If the Umbra will have me, I intend to go with him," he said. "Whatever you face will not be alone."
Pete: The crystals, though beautiful, looked completely innocuous. Indeed, it was hard to tell how something so unremarkable could serve as anything but an adornment.
But then that was the beauty of magic.
That caught Pete by surprise. "You want to come with me?"
Guildias: "Did you think you were walking into the unknown alone? That I or anyone here would allow that?"
Pete/Abel: Rosmond would certainly allow it, Pete thought.
"I mean, I assumed Abel might join me."
"Which I will," said Abel.
Guildias: "That will leave what remains to guard in our absence. Shall we?" Guildias opened his hand towards the still open door.
Abel: "Not so fast there. If the Umbra does let you in, you'll need this."
Abel reached into another pocket for yet another pendant, or rather three. These were again shaped like coins and each was on a silver chain. He put one on and offered the other two to Pete and Guildias respectively.
"From what I understand, it's very easy to get lost in there. These will help us find each other if we get separated. They feel warm when we're together and colder the farther away we get from each other. Magical buddy system."
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: "And you just happened to have three." Guildias smiled.
Rosmond filled the doorway, looked between the three and their shared necklaces. That answered his intended question.
"This way." To the laundry room just behind the kitchen.
"Don't y'all come back armless n'shit," called MJ in whisper, watching Peter for as long as he was able.
The small room was unassuming, plain white, and saturated in the scent of fabric softener. Two cat dishes sat atop of the dryer, already opened by Rosmond.
"It's the wall itself," he explained. "Spills outside." The green loupe was offered to Peter. "Keep it with you to find your way back."
Pete/Abel: "I have five actually!" Abel produced another two from his pocket. "One for MJ if he wanted to come and one for the kid so we don't lose him once we manage to get him."
Pete made to follow Rosmond, but not before shooting MJ a smile. "I'll do my best," he whispered back, finally following Rosmond to the laundry room.
God, it looked so normal. Unsettlingly so. Why of all places had a portal opened here?
He accepted the glass. "Thanks. Guess there's nothing left but to do it."
Guildias/Rosmond: "Manage your breathing. Keep calm. Do not separate." Words of advice Gertrude had given to pass along, and while sound, still seemed hollow coming from inexperienced lips. This would not always be the case, but Rosmond's experience would not begin tonight.
There was no sense in asking which would be the first to enter. The choice was only one to Guildias' knowledge. Quietly, he took a knee near the wall, looking up expectantly to Peter.
Pete/Abel: "Just focus on the necklace, Petey," said Abel. "Warm is good, warm is safe."
Pete nodded and tucked the buddy system pendant into his shirt. "Warm is safe. Okay."
Manage his breathing and stay calm. Pretty much what his mentor had told him over and over when he was struggling. He tried to hear Gaetan's voice now, tried to feel as centered as he had in Gaetan's presence.
Like stepping into the river, he told himself, taking a few deep breaths. This was just stepping into cool rushing water.
He entered the portal.
Guildias: A stench like primordial soup thick enough to taste. A heavy, cold, gel-like substance clung to Peter's entire being. Underneath his clothes and against his scalp. In his teeth, wet on his tongue, and seeped between fingers, toes, and thighs. The sensation threatened his nostrils and stung at his eyes.
Behind, someone grabbed his foot. Their only line into the Penumbra. That place where walking serpents were not welcome, and those covered in the dust of demonic ash were shunned.
Guildias held useless breath. Pupils slit in the limited light, finding their scenery drastically changed. They were outside. Outside somewhere else, but not. The same number of trees. The same three trees in a near perfect triangle. These trees were larger, older. Almost touched. The plastic playground, once colorful and clean, now covered in moss and mounds of dirt. Aged many years. Half swallowed by the earth.
Guildias got to his feet, reached for Peter and felt for Abel.
The ground was soft. Grass rich and healthy. The world saturated in color, though still blanketed in the same darkness of night.
"Come here," Guildias whispered to Peter, removing his scarf from around his neck.
Pete/Abel: What had he been expecting the Veil to be? Pete couldn't even begin to imagine.
But he did know that whatever slimy reek was covering him head to toe was most certainly not water and boy, did he want to fucking panic.
Would panicking help? No. Did it ever? No. So what was he to do?
Suck it up and pretend it was water. This first and hopefully only foray into the in-between was not about comfort.
Abel felt similarly. This place stunk like nothing had ever stunk before and every single cell that made up his being was absolutely screaming with protest at being here. God, he really hoped the Umbra didn't bounce them out. Could it even do that? Probably.
It was certainly unsettling being here, with everything looking the same but not. Felt like an episode of the Twilight Zone.
"Buddy system," he said, whispering as well. He grasped Guildias' searching hand and reached out for Pete's.
Meanwhile, Pete was moving closer to Guildias.
Guildias: Abel's hand was stuffed in the vampire's jacket. He then proceeded to wrap his black scarf around Peter's neck, careful around his mouth and nose to aid his breathing. Not a concern of his, and Peter was better use to them conscious.
Pete/Abel: Pete gave Guildias a grateful nod and focused on his breathing. He didn't want to speak just yet and tempt fate on the panic attack front, so he just tried to get his bearings and re-center himself.
Abel wasn't faring too much better, but he had the advantage of more magical experience.
"Wonder if I can make a barrier around us," he wondered aloud. "X does it all the time for privacy. Maybe it can work for Umbra lube."
Guildias: "I think the word we're looking for is Gauntlet." That uncomfortable veil which deterred most, but Peter was stronger than that. At least, so far.
"Slowly," he whispered. "Slow and shallow." A thick brown curl was pushed from between his eyes. "When you're ready, you lead."
Pete/Abel: "Gauntlet? Nah. That may be the technical term but this shit has the consistency of lube with none of the fun implications. So, Umbra lube. How we doing over there, Petey?"
Pete gestured with his hand to indicate 'so-so'. The scarf was helping the breathing situation, though. He was massively uncomfortable but no longer in danger of passing out from lack of oxygen.
"Hang in there, champ," said Abel. "We need to wipe his face so he can see."
Guildias: "Keep your eyes closed." The end of the scarf, the side which had been hidden during transition, was used to wipe at his eyelids and around his sockets. The substance was thin, and wiped away relatively easy.
"I assume for your kind this becomes easier."
Finally, Guildias looked back. "How are your eyes?" he asked Abel.
Pete/Abel: Pete didn't have to be told twice; he could barely open his eyes as it was.
"Thank you," he managed, sounding slightly breathless, like he was recovering from a workout.
Abel took a second to assess. "They're good, not great. Tried to duck my head as much as possible when we passed through, so only a little lube got in them."
Pete snorted. "Lube?"
"What else would you call this?"
Guildias: "Indulge the pup. Now, let's assume the child underwent the same treatment. Frightened, cold, in a broken mirror image of a familiar world. Where do you assume a child would go? I have but one theory."
Pete/Abel: Pete slowly blinked while he let his eyes adjust. They didn't sting or anything, but they very badly wanted to water.
"Uh...well. If I was a kid and I was lost, I'd try to find my house. Or at least something that looked familiar and safe."
Guildias: Guildias turned from whence they came. To a house without paint. Sagging with the weight of a tree growing on its roof. Its roots pierced through the ceiling and out through various windows. Spilled out from all sides of the roof and into the ground below. Only one window had stood the test of weight. Opened just wide enough for a little body to wriggle through.
"My assumption went through there."
Pete/Abel: Abel looked uneasily upon the tree. "There's no telling what the inside of that place looks like if this is what the outside looks like. Got your beacons out, Pete?"
Pete looked down at the crystals around his neck. Despite being covered in the same substance as the rest of him, he could swear they were glowing. "Apparently."
"Okay. Time to squeeze through the window. Hold on tight to Gil. I'll hold on tight to him too. Absolutely do not let go of each other."
Guildias: "Do you intend to each claim a foot as some golden prize?" His smile was brief but genuine. The window - kitchen window, from the looks of things - was pushed up until resistant. A tight squeeze, but manageable. They would only need to do this once. Assuming their way home was also in the sham of a laundry room here.
The vampire turned himself into a sitting position halfway through, body shifting in a manner almost unnaturally smooth. The house was blanketed in a dust thick enough to scrape away. Floating in the air in a kind of stasis. The handprint of a child on the fractured marble counter-top. Not a footprint in sight.
Pete/Abel: "In this world it might as well be," said Abel. Contact was the absolute name of the game right now; if they had that, they had a maybe decent chance of getting out of this okay.
Pete grunted as he squeezed through the window, the complete opposite of Guildias' inhuman grace. How'd he get here? How was squeezing through a window in the Veil something he was actually doing?
"Already sick of this place," he muttered in a whisper as he looked around. The handprint was a good indication that they were on the right track; the lack of footprint was not. "What, did this kid fly through here? Does anything look remotely disturbed to either of ya'll?"
Guildias: Guildias took a false breath. The air was stale, and thick with musk. The scent of rust and toiled earth blended almost seamlessly. His olfactory wasn't nearly as keen as he knew the Ravnos' to be. Might have come in handy, but he was otherwise occupied.
"That," he said. His tone suddenly quiet, as the only disturbance was that of roots. Roots which seemed to be breathing.
Pete/Abel: Abel looked uneasily to the tree. Other than the handprint and the open window, there were zero signs of life in here. Except, of course, for the tree. "Normally I'd say no way, buuuuut...."
Pete turned the tree as well. "What, you think the tree grabbed him? Wouldn't there be signs of that?"
"Not necessarily," said Abel. "Should we start hacking away at it? That seems like a bad move. It might attack us."
Guildias: "I think the best course of action would be to explore it. From bottom to top. We know he came in here, so I doubt he'd be on the roof. We can make that our last stop if we haven't found him."
Pete/Abel: Abel nodded. It seemed like a solid enough plan even though they weren't exactly spoiled for choice on how to proceed.
"Okay. So. Who's gonna be the first to touch the tree?"
"I'll do it," said Pete. "Any advice?"
"Uh...don't hurt it. Maybe--would it be weird to ask it for permission? I feel like it can definitely hear us."
Guildias: "No option is off the table. We'll see how it reacts to your nearness."
Guildias considered a moment before stepping down from his counter perch.
"I'll stand behind you. Follow Abel's idea. Hover your hand and ask."
Pete: Pete nodded and took a deep breath. "All right, here goes nothing."
He stepped closer to the tree, moving as cautiously and non-threateningly as he possibly could. If Abel was right and the tree was...sentient? somehow, then it couldn't hurt to be careful and respectful.
"Hello," he said softly, stopping just a couple steps away from the roots. "I'm looking for someone. Could you help me?"
Guildias: Guildias remained just behind, hand hovering over Peter's shoulder the same as Peter to the root. Ready to snatch at the first violent response.
The breathing root recessed from his presence. The tip of the root coiling defensively. A sound like a long hot exhale from within. A sickly-sweet stench blended with the scent of toiled earth.
Pete: So the tree was sentient. Good to have confirmation of that; gave him some idea of how to proceed.
"We're not here to hurt you," he said gently. "We won't hurt you. We just want to take this child home. He doesn't belong in this world. He belongs in our world."
Guildias: Guildias wanted to look back to Abel, but refused to remove his gaze. He would much rather have been wrong. Defense meant the capability of offense. Having any sense of emotion included anger and fear and worse.
A smaller root, hanging uselessly from the middle of the dining room ceiling began to lengthen, coiling away and tightening.
"Get away from it."
Pete/Abel: Pete didn't have to be told twice.
He took a few giant steps back from the tree, instinctively reaching for Abel and Guildias' hands.
Abel, meanwhile, had all his senses on high alert, trying to detect any hint of the little boy beneath the scent of dirt and decay.
Maybe the tree just smelled like that, or maybe they were already too late.
"Is he alive?" he asked the tree.
Guildias: Peter's elbow was gripped firmly, pushed just behind Guildias' arm. The tree his only attention.
The roots breathed again. As the one defensive coil relaxed by an inch, more roots curled. The thickest, larger than their combined mass, seemed to suck in a giant reluctant breath. Its exhale exuded more rotted stench. A low octave sound with humming vibrato. Words, but unintelligible.
Pete/Abel: A few beats of silence followed the...response? After which Pete said, "Either of you happen to speak tree?"
Abel shook his head. His face was set in serious lines, a rare display. "No. But that smell? It's either the tree itself or decomp," he said softly. It didn't necessarily mean it was the kid, but it was definitely something. That smell was unmistakable.
"Gil, any ideas on communication with sentient trees?"
Guildias: Guildias watched the root expand with every alien syllable, becoming impossibly large, beyond any tree of their world to his knowledge. It appeared wet. He suspected its surface sticky. The stench had remained consistent, but there was no conspicuous sign of a struggle, torn clothes, nor smears blood.
"Another time. Up the stairs."
Pete/Abel: Abel nodded. "All right. Come on, Petey, you heard the man."
He grabbed onto each of them and started backing out of the room, not taking his eyes off the tree until they were well clear of it. That wasn't to say one of those freakish roots couldn't stretch out and grab them but Abel felt better being away from it and the smell of death.
"Should we look in the kid's room?" Pete asked, compelled to whisper. "Might be worth a shot. There's no footprints leading this way but maybe...?"
Guildias: "Exactly why we're going upstairs." Through the kitchen, to the stairs separating the living room and kitchen. Stairs partially destroyed by roots and patched by the same. Caked dust on each step but that between the roots. Without disturbance to any of the floor, no area of the house could be overruled.
"Do you wish to sweep what remains of the first floor?" he asked Abel. "I'm more concerned with Peter's respiratory."
Pete/Abel: "Sweeping this much dust is gonna kick it up," said Abel. "I'd need to vacuum and I doubt the Umbra has power, but I'll have a looksee."
Pete shook his head. "I'm fine. Dust is the least of my worries right now. Let's just go to the kid's room. Together." This place was giving him the creeps. He spent a lot of time in the woods, surrounded by trees, but seeing all the branches holding everything together was just...unsettling.
Guildias: "Sweep - surveillance, searching, pup." He supposed his military background had caught the familiar, or this was just a familiar being idiosyncratic as usual. His tone remained patient just the same.
Pete/Abel: "Oh! You soldier types and your jargon." He gave a light smack to Guildias' arm. "In my defense, you mentioned breath--never mind. I'll give the place a once over."
"Abel, maybe you shouldn't--"
"Relax, buddy." Abel smiled. "Ain't going anywhere." He had magic; he didn't need to walk around to sweep the first floor.
He just had to listen, scent the air, put his feelers out for auras and energy signatures and other minds besides theirs. He wasn't looking to go poking around inside anyone's thoughts, he just wanted to get a feel.
For other people and for magic, and hopefully, for the little boy.
Guildias: What he sought would not be found on the first floor, but there was something. A sensation like static from the tree, damp with sentience, and if Abel were to consider above his head, where the static worsened...
Abel: Abel's brow furrowed. He turned his head to the left, waited. To the right, waited again. It wasn't coming from either direction. Then he looked up.
"We're not alone," he whispered after a moment. "I can feel something else here with us besides the tree. Up there somewhere." He pointed up the stairs. "We need to get into that room, it might be the kid. I can't quite make it out."
But first he needed to put out one more feeler so they wouldn't get a nasty surprise.
'Is anybody up there?' he thought in the direction of the second floor.
Guildias: A sleeping mind. That of a dream state. Alive, buzzing as youth often did. Peter's hand was directed to Guildias' jacket, heading up the stairs slowly, lingering on each step for a beat before attempting the next, pausing at the smallest groan of wood. The roots were no hurdle, only a humped bridge of breathing bark.
Abel: There was no response but that could be for any number of reasons. "I'm trying to talk to whoever it is," he told his companions, grabbing Pete's other hand. "They aren't saying anything back. I'll keep trying."
'We're coming up the stairs. It's okay, we aren't here to cause any harm. You're safe.' He reached out with his mind, letting the person or being's energy guide him to where they needed to go.
"This way."
Guildias: "I doubt they'd find much comfort in an invasive thought," Guildias muttered, looking back to inspect Peter's aversion of the root.
Pete/Abel: "Not barging in, Gil. Just ringing the doorbell."
Pete was trying very hard not to step on any bit that looked like it was made of tree root and being only partially successful. For all he knew the tree could feel all of them stepping on it and was waiting for the right time to strike. Maybe it was making Abel believe there was something upstairs when it was really just a trap designed to keep them all here, or worse, devour them whole.
"Are you ringing the doorbell on a person or another tree thing?"
"Jury's still out."
Guildias: "I think hearing a voice not your own in your mind is quite more than a doorbell." Had been his opinion since his most important murder.
The bedroom to the right, above the living room and kitchen, had long ago caved under the immense pressure. The bathroom visible by just a few feet. Its tile shattered and resigned from the walls. To the left, a small bedroom. The blue paint of the door crackled and chipped away. The breathing of the mother root, its stench, louder and more prominent.
Pete/Abel: "Not directly in it, just gently brushing against it. A whisper, like hearing something from far away."
Guildias probably didn't need a thorough explanation but Abel's babbling was more for his benefit than anyone else's. Anything to distract from the ruined house and smell of rotting flesh and the possibility that they were about to come upon a small little decomposing body.
"Guessing that's the one?" Pete asked, making an effort to breathe through his mouth. "Should we knock or just walk in?"
Guildias: "I'll go." Of those present, to his knowledge and current experience, Peter was most welcome in this umbral reality, but he'd risked enough.
His steps remained careful and deliberate, checking noisy floorboards as though hunting, mindful that the wrong step would dissolve their efforts.
The child's bedroom was as dust laden as the rest of the house. The roof collapsed by an enormous mother root.
Guildias reached behind for Peter. If ever there was a moment in which to keep a close grasp on the man, it was in seeing a boy, barely out of his toddling years, curled against the breathing black root, cradled between giant arm-like appendages. Eyes closed, breathing, suckling on a smaller thumb-like finger from one of the wrapped arms. This was not an appropriate moment for reflex action; perhaps his grasp of Peter was for himself.
Pete/Abel: Pete nodded. "Carefully, okay?" With the floors and everything else in the state they were in, he didn't like their odds of coming out of another altercation with those branches unscathed. Hell, he didn't like their odds of successfully walking across this floor without falling through.
He could see sky through the ceiling of the little boy's room. It had the same stench, the same lack of any sort of life apart from those damn--
"Oh..." he said softly. There he was. The little boy. Seemingly unharmed and sleeping peacefully as anything among the sentient roots.
Pete squeezed Guildias' hand just as Abel squeezed his. Much as he'd hoped this is what they would find, it was still a shock to see the kid safe. And alive.
He took a deep breath. "Thank God. We should..."
Abel nodded. "It should be you that goes and gets him."
Guildias: Abel was right, of course. Peter was the key to this going smoothly, whether he realized his capability or not. He would keep his mouth shut, being so near the entity. He hadn't realized how deep into the room he had stepped until needing Peter to take front and center.
Pete: "Guildias?" Pete barely whispered, squeezing the vampire's hand again. "How are we gonna do this?" Because he seriously doubted the tree was just going to let them take the little boy. For all that it was creepy and sentient and smelled like a rotting corpse, it seemed to be protecting him.
Guildias: "As you would... relieve an exhausted mother." The hold of the child was not hostile. There was no way to determine what was being fed to the boy, if anything. Something had rendered the child unconscious, evident by the gentle rise and fall of his stomach.
Pete: "I usually relieve an exhausted mother by taking her kids and watching them for a few hours so she can shower and sleep. But she doesn't have roots that'll kill us all for attempting to take him."
Guildias: "She's fallen asleep with her baby in her arms. I'm right behind you."
Pete/Abel: Pete took a deep breath. "Abel, any ideas?"
"Approach as non-threateningly as you can," Abel whispered. "Gil's right, the tree is protecting him. Look. It's cradling him, like a parent does. I don't think we're the only beings down here who care about that kid. Maybe that's why the tree tried to attack us downstairs. Here, let me--"
Abel took off his jacket and gave it to Pete to hold so he could take off his shirt. It was cleaner than the jacket and it would do to keep the little boy warm until they could get out of here.
Guildias: Guildias remained between them, kept his eyes on the root, studied its breathing, location of every hung and piled root, its grip on the child. He considered every possible angle, every reaction. They were in the heart of this house. Magic was unpredictable here. All of this on the suggestion of a Ravnos. He almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity.
Pete/Abel: Abel handed his shirt to Pete and put his jacket back on. "Remember, Petey, non-threatening. Come from a gentle, caring place, not a 'rescuing a tiny prince from a dragon' kind of place. The tree's kept that little kid safe down here and for that, I think it deserves our respect."
Pete nodded. Abel was right; whatever the circumstances, the tree was caring for that child. He turned to Guildias. "You have any advice?"
Guildias: Guildias forced half of his attention back to the pair, gestured with his free hand to keep their voices low. One of the reasons he was of few words.
"No. Fall back if something happens."
Pete: Another nod. "Okay," he whispered, taking a silent deep breath. Despite his apprehension, it didn't take much effort to approach the tree from a caring, gentle place. All he could see when he looked at that little boy was Graham. He couldn't begin to imagine how he'd feel if it were his nephew down here, lost and scared and away from everyone who loved him.
He had to bring this kid back to his parents.
Pete approached as slowly as he could, intending to crouch down when he was close enough and bundle up the kid.
Guildias: Still and silent he watched, ready to snatch for whatever bit of clothing he could fist. The surface objective was this child, but for the sake of others it was the well-being of the man in front of him. A promise not only to Callum, but the avoidance of Ravnos ire.
The tree exhaled a familiar musky odor. Contempt in its shiver for Peter's nearness. The child was lifted to a standing height, roughly shy of Peter's shoulders, and bundled with thin wispy black roots. The frequency of its rattling hiss turned Guildias' head in mild discomfort. Reminded him of a rattle snake. It was almost language, but the intent was clear.
Pete: Pete didn't let himself get agitated or make any sudden movements; he imagined he was in the serenity garden in the woods and forced himself to stay calm.
"I know you care about him," he said softly. "I know you've kept him safe and warm while he's been down here with you. If his mother knew that, she'd be grateful for it. She'd be grateful you kept her baby safe. She and his father miss him, they love him. He belongs up there with them, on the other side. I'm not here to hurt you, or him. I just want to take him back to his family."
Guildias: Peter's phrasing left him wondering. Was this, in fact, down or parallel to their reality? The association of down with Hell gave him pause. This was extrinsic, but nothing he could associate with the nightmares of Hell itself. Those of this reality must find their own as alien.
The sentient tree exhaled vibrations akin to words. Watching thin dark roots slowly covering the child's face and neck, a curious realization began to dawn on him.
Peter was slowly released; Abel pulled to replace him. He began to circle the enormous girth.
Pete/Abel: Both Pete and Abel looked to Guildias with identical looks of confusion.
"Gil, what are you doing?" Abel whispered, trying to move his lips as little as possible. It didn't seem like a good idea to draw attention to themselves when Pete was trying to reason with the tree. "We're at a delicate point in the process."
Guildias: "Hush." He placed his hand on the wall as a guide. The air between them thick enough to lose sight of all but their outline. He looked behind the tree, then turned towards the door, intent on inspecting the next set of sagging sleeping roots.
Pete: All right, okay, Guildias was doing this. Whatever the hell this was. Abel very much wanted to ask him what he was doing again but decided against it. He could always think it at him, but they probably wouldn’t be well received.
He’d just go with what was happening and keep one eye on Pete and the other on Guildias and keep his supernatural senses on the tree and the kid.
Guildias: There was a connection between what was happening to the child and the unpleasant lingering odor. He would not yet voice suspicions without evidence. He'd keep his hand to the wall, ribbed along a curtain of inky roots shivering from his dead touch. They recoiled, dissatisfied with what little they could learn from him. He watched, touched again, and then breathed life into his body. The shivers and low frequency hisses calmed with his growing warmth.
Guildias continued down the hallway, brushed his fingers along where a window should be, long since broken, dust covered, mostly replaced by the same living root.
The bathroom near the stairs. The same stench. He peered inside and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, irises becoming pale.
He almost missed it. A thin gray hoof peeking from a massive swallowing root. All that remained of an ungulate mammal.
Keeping his movements calm, Guildias turned, replaced his right hand to the wall and began the short journey back.
Pete/Abel: While Guildias did his thing, Pete debated his own next move. He'd said his piece to the tree and the tree hadn't seemed particularly receptive. It didn't seem particularly receptive to Guildias either, so saying more would only risk pissing it off and making it attack one of them or worse, hurt that little boy.
So...all he could do was wait.
He was doing a much better job of that than Abel, who was starting to feel antsy. Should he mentally ask Guildias what was happening? Probably not. He hadn't seemed thrilled with the idea of mental communication earlier.
Guildias: For a moment, Guildias wondered if the rooms had changed. The hallway felt longer than his initial roam. By at least twenty feet. The floor was layered by a thick blanket of roots. They breathed, reaching like long skeletal fingers for his boots, gripping with anemic strength to his clothes.
He reached down to brush away a particularly curious root. A gambler's knife, wrapped tightly in black tape, was pulled from his boot.
"Get away from it," he called, keeping his voice above a whisper.
Abel: Abel didn't need telling twice. He barely needed telling once, already on edge and itching to do something when he heard Guildias' voice. A voice that was absolutely not whispering like it had been before which meant something bad had happened.
He grabbed Pete's arm and yanked him a few giant steps back. "What?! What is it!?"
Guildias: "Follow my voice." He reached out into the mist, his knife-hand to the wall to continue guiding him back to the little bedroom.
Pete/Abel: "Follow--okay." Abel wouldn't question or hesitate, he just grabbed Pete's arm and held it tight. "Okay, okay. Come on, Petey."
Any hesitation was on Pete's part. It didn't feel right leaving the little boy behind, even if it was only for a short while. At least he hoped so. He also hoped to God that Guildias had an actual plan because what they had tried thus far just wasn't going to cut it. The Umbra might have accepted them, the tree might be standing down, but no way in hell was it going to let them leave with the kid just like that. They weren't that lucky.
Still, he'd do as he was asked; holding onto Abel with one hand and reaching out for Guildias with the other. "Keep talking so we can find you."
Guildias: What he grabbed was warmer than root, and fleshy. He assumed Abel for no reason. He pulled. Keeping close to the wall, he pulled his foot, breaking several clingy bits of brittle bark.
"Have you two remained in each other's sights?"
Pete/Abel: It was Pete’s hand, and it squeezed Guildias’ and held tight.
“Yes,” said Pete.
Abel nodded whether Guildias could see him for not. “The whole time, scout’s honor. What have you been doing? Are you okay?”
“What was that noise?” Pete looked around at the walls, the ceiling, the floor.
Guildias: He would answer all questions with a single-minded explanation. "I've regarded it as Mother of this house. If so, it's the kind of mother that eats her children. Loves them to death. What was it doing to the child last you saw?"
Pete/Abel: “Fucking fantastic,” Abel muttered under his breath.
Pete felt his heart leap into his throat. “It was covering him in more roots. Little ones, like it was trying to hide him. I thought it was trying t—we have to go back in there. We have to go, right now!”
Guildias: "I'm thinking we will be its next children if we don't act soon."
Pete: “Great, what do we do? Got a hatchet so we can cut the kid free?”
Guildias: "Can you conjure a hatchet?" Another root was pulled from his shoe. He lowered to give similar treatment to the pair.
Pete/Abel: “Magic works differently here but I can try,” said Abel. “Pete, you got anything hatchet-like?”
“I’ve got a pocketknife.”
Abel turned to Guildias. “Do you need the hatchet for the roots or for something else?” He needed to know how strong the blade needed to be. Altering was easier than conjuring; there was a slightly better chance of being able to magically alter Pete’s knife than conjuring up something else entirely.
Guildias: "It's for you... and what you're going to do to me." Guildias sat up again. "Don't remain stagnant." He began to remove his jacket, handed to Peter to wear or hold.
"If you're going to make attempt, do so now."
Pete/Abel: “Don’t remain—?” Right, the creepy fucking roots trying to mother them to death. Couldn’t stay still and let them.
“What exactly are we going to do?” Pete asked, accepting the jacket while Abel rooted around in his bag for the knife.
Guildias: "You're going to be quick taking the child. It should be occupied by mine and Abel's efforts. When he takes the child, Abel," he paused to make sure he was heard, "you need to be the leader back to the exit. Understood?"
Abel: Abel gave Guildias his full attention right up until he nodded that he understood. He didn't know what the vampire planned to do but he had to trust him; there was no room for hesitation or uncertainty on this side of the Veil.
"Pete, give me your wrist. I put three beacon crystals on you, there are three of us, and I'm not leaving anything to chance." He took the crystal from one of Pete's wrist and put it on Guildias'. The crystal on the chain was taken for himself. "Remember we have our other pendants that are warm when we're together. Tuck those into your shirts so you can feel them." He held up the knife. "Gil, I need you to tell me exactly what this is going to cut so I can make it strong enough."
Guildias: Guildias felt for Abel's gifts and nodded. He told himself this was an irrational leap, but the alternative was failure and it would haunt Peter for too long. If they tried to snatch the child, it could be as mothered as the unfortunate in the bathroom. Their efforts already brought the child closer to his death.
This was arduous no matter the plan. Efficiency was key.
Guildias began rolling the sleeve of his left arm. Two thin scars peeked from his shoulder.
"You're going to remove all of this. It'll be easier as you go along."
Pete/Abel: Pete's eyes widened. "Your arm? You want Abel to cut off your whole arm?!"
Abel blew out a long breath and tried to concentrate on the magic and not on the fact that he was pretty sure Pete was right and Guildias meant for him to lop off his arm. What he planned to do with the arm, Abel had no earthly or godly idea but dammit, this knife was going to do the job. No hesitation, no uncertainty.
He'd just hurl later.
Guildias: "Compose yourself. It'll grow back. We don't have time to be repulsed."
Pete: There was so much wrong with that statement Pete didn't know where to even begin. But Guildias was right, they were up against the clock at the moment.
"Fine, fine. What exactly are we going to do with you down an arm?"
Guildias: "You won't do anything. Your focus is the child, and ignoring everything else. Look away if you need to."
Pete: "Dude, we've gotta stop doing things that scar me for life when we hang out."
Guildias: "I'll always disturb you. We're on opposite sides of the page."
His gaze returned to Abel. "Are you ready?"
Pete/Abel: "You're a lot less disturbing when you've got all your parts attached."
Abel was deep in concentration and thus didn't answer. A hatchet sure as hell would've made the task easier and if he wanted to avoid carving that arm off like a butcher with a turkey, he knew he had to do his best to get this knife as close to one as possible.
He closed his eyes and held the blade in both hands, silently moving his lips as he recited a spell. The blade would lengthen, grow stronger, and fall heavier. Not a hatchet, but as close as he trusted himself to get. He was just grateful it seemed to work in this unpredictable environment.
"At the shoulder or the elbow?" he asked at long last.
Guildias: Guildias had intended shoulder, but he looked one last time to reconsider.
"Shoulder," he affirmed. He needed something he knew would be a worthy distraction. A little smaller than the child, but formidable.
"Ignore what I do next." He had to concentrate on his own spell. One he had to pull from memories from another body. A spell deliverable in every language, more potent in its original form, but tonight, spoken in the tongue of a former devoted student.
He reached for Peter, ignored his hand and squeezed his jacket. When the edge of the blade dug into dead flesh, he began to whisper in hissed, stuttered Hindi.
Pete/Abel: "Copy that," Abel sighed, steeling his nerve. He had to put some distance between himself and what he was about to do or he'd never be able to do it. "Petey, close your eyes and cover your ears, okay?"
This was venison. He was carving into venison, not the flesh of a friend. He'd done it a hundred times with his grandma and with his old mistress. He was just preparing dinner and definitely not separating this man's arm from his body with a magically enhanced blade.
Thankfully, the lack of blood helped that particular delusion.
Pete was way ahead of him. He was being flooded by deja vu, thinking back to the Draegan house and the last time he'd had to shield himself against something awful. The last time Guildias had tried to shield him from something awful.
Guildias: The Setite refused to scream. Forced his prayer to continue, stumbling from Hindi to Coptic and back with a slam of his fist to the living wall. The roots shivered and lashed defensively, retreated by an inch to avoid another bashing.
The drooped frozen fingers began to move, twisting backward and forward in sharp unnatural convulses.
"raakshason kee maata. raakshason kee maata."
His head bowed, loose strands hiding his face as he dry-heaved. Words hissed and spat as dead flesh mangled itself and reshaped, thickening as it gurgled like a monstrous coo of a child.
"Get the child." Blindly, he offered his knife to Peter. "Move."
Pete/Abel: "You're okay, Gil. You're okay, promise."
God, the noises. It was like when he'd gone hunting with Callum's family only a million times worse knowing it was Callum's husband and not an animal.
Pete only dared open his eyes when he was certain the cutting noises had stopped but he still didn't look. There were other noises happening and he really didn't want to know what was making them. He just kept his head turned and his feet moving and told himself there was nothing out of the ordinary.
He was off like a shot when Guildias gave him the word, just barely managing to take the knife from him in his haste to get back into the room and back to the kid. Pete had no fucking idea what was happening but what he did know was that he was going to cut that child free of those creepy fucking branches and take him back to family come hell or high water.
You can't have him. I won't let you. I'm taking him back.
Guildias: Peter was not alone. Guildias stumbled behind, keeping Abel within sight, but it was not the vampire trailing at the Gurahl's heels. The screech of what followed rang through the desolate house and down the Setite's throat. His intent woven into its resolute action. A hideous taupe creature a quarter Peter's height slithered on its thick lepidote tail and two bony hand-like appendages. Fangs curved and so large it could not close its mouth. Its tiny claws dug and splintered the hardwood floor to propel itself. Torso violently undulating with every snatch of the floor. Its breathing came rapid, chittering with sanguineous excitement.
It waited impatiently for Peter to attempt for the child before throwing itself upon the sagging mother root with a scream so shrill Guildias would swear hurt his eyes. It tore at the smaller surrounding roots. Sunk its fangs into fleshy bark and clawed like a rabid animal. The tree reacted quickly. Exhaling a stench so foul the air became thick and acrid. Desperate roots from above and below whipped at the creature, tried to grab its unruly tail. Its new insolent child was enough to occupy its conscious.
Pete/Abel: Ungodly. That was the only way Pete could describe the noises and the screeching and the sensations creeping over his skin as surely as if whatever was behind him were crawling all over him. It didn't matter what horrible magic Guildias had done to help him and he sure as hell wasn't about to look and find out.
Not when it gave that blood-curdling shriek that threatened to scramble his brain or tore at the roots and made the tree release a stench that could be nothing but the smell of rotting, burning Hell itself. Pete just kept his eyes on that little boy, wrapping him in Abel's shirt and tucking him close to protect him from the stench and the screaming and the few remaining roots that clung desperately to any part of him that they could before Abel stepped in to slice them away.
"We're going now! NOW!"
Guildias: Guildias swallowed down the false effort of breathing. He wanted no part of that stench. The guardianship of his monster was relinquished to the tree. Whatever it intended to do was or no consequence, so long as they reached the way out.
Don't stop. Not for the clingy roots or the noises upstairs. Keep moving.
Abel: That's exactly what Abel planned to do. He wanted out of this upside down, creepy ass Alice in Wonderland nightmarish hellscape and the smell of decomposing flesh and god only knew what else.
Down the crumbly stairs and over all the holes and rotting wood and dust to the gate. If a tiny part of him wondered if that fucking tree had the power to close the entrance it was quickly and viciously tramped down. He had even less time to dwell on that than he'd had to dwell on Guildias' missing arm.
Guildias: When this was finished, Guildias intended to have a laugh at Abel's choice of words. Seemed quite appropriate for a familiar. Just a little too obnoxious.
He held to the back of Peter's clothing, glanced back to observe the shriveling roots, reflecting the upstairs turmoil.
Abel: This couldn't be over soon enough. It almost seemed like the house had grown somehow while they'd been upstairs, no doubt having intended to trap them all here until it could absorb them into its maw. Made perfect sense now why this place smelled like decomp.
It wasn't like decomp, it was decomp, from what were probably untold masses of beings from their realm and countless others who'd had the misfortune of getting trapped here with that tree since time immemorial.
But not them.
They had arrived at the exit. Abel climbed through as quickly as he could, shouting for whoever was near to help him pull out Pete and Guildias and the little boy.
MJ/Rosmond: MJ looked back towards the sound, hesitant to move due to the camera. Rosmond was Abel's first responder, grabbing hold of what he could see and pulling with calculated strength. Now was not the time to begin questioning the strange sticky substance covering their bodies from head-to-toe.
Pete/Abel: Having known what to expect the second time around, Pete did his best to shield his face and the kid’s from the Umbra lube, as Abel had proclaimed it. If he couldn’t shield himself completely, then at least he could for the kid, who was safely bundled in Abel’s shirt and half tucked into Pete’s jacket.
The first thing Pete did as soon as they were free—after wiping his face as best he could—was check to make sure the kid was breathing and okay.
Guildias/Rosmond: Guildias' eyes remained closed as he emerged. His missing limb went unnoticed as Rosmond inspected the child, only taking pause when he caught the Setite holding an empty space at his shoulder.
He would ask later.
"We were not here. Leave the child in the grass. Don't touch anything on the way out."
Pete: Pete was only half paying attention to Rosmond.
He needed to see that tiny little chest moving up and down with each breath, needed to feel the reassuring thump of a pulse in that tiny little wrist.
“You’re okay, buddy,” he whispered, using the shirt to clean off any goop that had managed to cover the boy. He wasn’t sure if this was why Abel had asked him to bring an extra sweater, but this was as good a reason as any to finally take it out of his bag.
Spring was right around the corner but it was still chilly at night and in the mornings. Too chilly for a little boy to just be out here in his pajamas. He’d survived the Umbra and a sentient tree; Pete wasn’t about to let the elements get him.
Guildias/Rosmond: Guildias turned to check the wall for residue. Rosmond was right of course; there could be no suspicion. They'd covered most of their tracks; the last mile was the most arduous.
Rosmond studied the child and Peter's worried brow, assessed their quiet acquaintance and turned back.
"A message to Charon and an anonymous phone call will be made. None of us are doctors. You must trust the plan."
A gentler, less chilly approach was required. This much Guildias understood, placing his hand on Peter's shoulder.
"Calloway or I can stay and watch from the woods, but the child is not under Rosmond's influence."
Pete: “I’m not leaving him,” Pete said softly, bundling the little boy into the sweater as gently as if he were a newborn. “I’m not going anywhere until this child is back in his mother’s arms. I’ll watch from the woods.”
Guildias: "They will search these woods. I'm at no strength to conceal you."
Abel: "I am," Abel finally piped up. "I can hide us with magic, we don't even have to rely on the cover of the trees."
MJ/Rosmond: "That FBI SUV's gotta go," said MJ.
"I can trust you to keep them safe, Mr. Harrington?" Rosmond stared forwardly.
Abel: "You can bet your life on it, Rosmond. I have all kinds of tricks up my sleeve." And demonic backup just a thought away as well as in his pockets.
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: Rosmond studied those eyes, finding nothing of fault, he nodded. Turned his expression on Guildias.
"You're coming with me. Mr. Calloway-"
"I got em. I'll text ya."
Another nod. The two began to retrace their steps back to the SUV. Only a glance back from the Setite.
Abel: Abel gave Guildias a smile and a wave. “See you soon, Gil. Sorry about the whole...” He gestured at where the vampire’s arm was supposed to be. “I’ll make it up to you after I get very drunk and repress that memory.”
MJ: "Told y'all not t'come back armless. What the fuck happ - after. After. We gotta put him down somewhere noticeable."
Pete/Abel: "You had to go and put it out there," Abel muttered, digging in his pockets. After would have to wait for both the boy to be found, Abel to get drunk, and several days to pass. He needed time to process what the hell kind of night he was having.
Pete was already carrying the little boy to the front porch. He couldn't bring himself to leave him on the lawn; made more sense that he'd fall asleep on the porch after wandering out of the woods. That's the story he assumed Rosmond and Prince were going to go with, and as far as mysteries went, it was the simplest.
MJ/Rosmond: The point, Rosmond believed, was not to implement the family and have the child taken away on suspicions. Whatever the intention, in truth he did not care. The call would be made by Charon saying a child had been spotted. From there it was out of their hands. This mission had been about the people within, not the child in Peter's arms. His assessment found him impressed with Guildias' willingness of both life and limb. Everyone in some capacity played their role well.
MJ gently tugged on Peter's sleeve, encouraging him from the slumbering little boy. The sweater had to go. Fuck if he could tell if any hair had transferred from Peter. A last minute thought.
"You're probably leavin' trace." He looked to Abel. "Is there anything ya can do?"
Pete/Abel: Pete didn't move. He couldn't. He was frozen to the spot, imagining all the ways this could've gone so much worse than it did, seemingly unable to keep from picturing Mary and Graham in the clutches of that tree.
Abel nodded at MJ. "I'll cut the labels from the sweater so it can't be ID'ed. Feel like slipping in and seeing if they have tape or a lint roller? I'll keep Petey company."
MJ: "Easier t'just take the damn thing. I dunno how long them people are gonna stay asleep."
Abel: Abel subtly nodded toward Pete and gave MJ a look that said that wasn’t going to happen.
“Be fast. Most people keep lint rollers in the laundry room.”
MJ: "I can't magic away a hair of yours in his own. They'll comb it, Peter. Don't hover over him."
Abel: “Wait, I can—ugh, this night.” For a moment he’d forgotten he could teleport. “I’ll go, you stay.”
And he was gone.
MJ: "Well no shit!" The fuck happened, he thought. All three of them with flies and haze in their head. Faraway looks in their eyes. Lack of critical thinking.
"Y'all were only in there five minutes. What was it?"
Pete: Pete finally looked up, brow furrowed slightly, as though deep in thought.
“It was five minutes for you?”
MJ: "Yeah... So how long was it?"
Pete: “I don’t know. Longer.”
MJ: "Kay. Where was it?"
Pete: “Here, but different. Wrong.”
MJ: "God y'all are rubbin' off on me. Where was he?"
Pete/Abel: “In his room with the tree.”
Abel reappeared in almost the exact same spot he’d disappeared from with lint roller in hand.
“Back! Okay okay okay.” He began gently—and quickly—going over the sweater, paying close attention to the areas most likely to have any stray Pete hairs. Chances were that any hairs would come up very bear-like when examined but even so, it paid to be on the safe side.
MJ: "In a room with the tree. Okay. We gotta move him to the front of the house. I'll finish with the cam here. Wait for me 'round the corner. Don't go t'the front yet."
Abel: Abel nodded. “Yeah, yeah, okay. Just let me...” He carefully cut the label off the neck of the sweater. “Okay, done. Come on, Petey, let’s go wait for MJ.”
MJ: The backyard was untouched. No one had been there. The final bit of illusion belonged to the front yard, moving carefully to the next camera for the same treatment. The child was given a once over. Something of his likeness needed to walk from the eastern woods to the porch and lay in the most natural position Peter could place him. Had to be natural, he reminded. Not swaddled.
Pete/Abel: Pulling the sweater over the little boy's head--after Abel had smeared some dirt on it to make it seem like it had been found in the woods--was as natural as Pete could make it. On his side, with the too-long sleeves providing some cushion for his head.
"How's that?"
MJ: It would have to do. "Kay. Let's go." With little consideration, he took hold of Peter's hand and tugged. Free hand still directed towards the last camera, praying to no one that he'd maintained concentration enough.
Pete/Abel: Pete was still reluctant to go but he knew it would do no good to linger. What that kid needed more than anything else in the world was to be back with his family and if all went well, he would be before long.
"Come on, Petey," said Abel. "He'll be okay. Let's head for those bushes there so I can hide us until he's found."
MJ: MJ was last to follow, walking backwards carefully until reaching the woods. Certain that Abel could shield him when the moment was right. Finally dropping his hand, he took an unneeded breath and made the text to Rosmond.
Abel: Of course Abel could shield them; he was Xavier Atlas' familiar. Half his time was spent breaking into some house or private collection or another with his master. Pulling one over on human cops? Just another day.
When they were all settled, he took a talisman from his pocket and began murmuring a chant. He'd done it without the talisman before but it was a good safety net just in case. If anyone were to look in their direction once he was finished, all they would see would be shadows.
"And now we wait."
MJ: Not his first time observing Abel's magic. He made it look so effortless. So real. Far better than his version of concealment, having to memorize surroundings in order to mimic. Superior magic. For now.
Still waiting. And would wait for some time. After Rosmond had made certain to place distance between his vehicle and the house.
"Ya good, Peter?"
Pete: Pete shrugged, only half paying attention to what Abel was doing or how much time had passed. His eyes and his brain were glued to the porch.
“Been worse.”
MJ: "The call's been made. Just a little longer."
Abel: Abel wrapped an arm around Pete’s shoulder and squeezed. “Hear that? Won’t be long now. Then we can get a huge bottle of tequila and process our PTSD.”
MJ: "Y'all make it sound like y'all came outta Hell."
Abel: “We didn’t not not go to Hell, at least that’s what it felt like. I cut off a man’s arm. It’s been a stressful night.”
MJ: "You cut Guildias up?"
Abel: Abel gave a single nod. "He asked me to."
MJ: "Fuckin' why?"
Abel: "To save the kid from a horrifying sentient tree."
MJ: "Just threw his fuckin' arm at it?"
Abel: He shook his head. “Not exactly. It—he did...something and his arm wasn’t...an arm anymore. It was something else and that—something distracted the tree so we could grab the kid and get the hell out of that creepy Alice in Wonderland hellscape.”
MJ: "Huh." Maybe that was why Rosmond spoke the way he did, and why he'd been suggested for the mission. Another reason, he thought.
Abel: “Then there was the Umbra lube and the dust that didn’t behave like dust should behave and the smell of the decomposing flesh of the other unfortunate beings who’d found themselves in the clutches of the tree and been mothered to death by it.”
MJ: "Sounds like a Tool video." He tried to laugh. Came more as a cough.
Abel: “God I wish. That would’ve been easier to deal with. And less scarring.”
MJ: "Since when'd ya ever watch -" Hands clasped down on Peter and Abel's shoulders. Tires. Old, terrible oil. Had to be the oldest damn squad car he'd ever seen. He braced himself between the two men, half-standing and ready to react.
Abel: "In that dive bar in Colorado with that dude with the skunk stripes in his hair."
Abel turned toward the sound of the car and sighed. Finally. "Don't worry, they won't be able to hear us. We'll sound like wind to them."
MJ: "Baby boy's been found. So we should..." MJ considered a moment, dropped his hand from Peter's shoulder. "Mafia gave ya lookin' glass. The loupe. Check it."
Pete/Abel: Pete seemed to stir from a trance that broke the moment MJ moved his hand. His attention was still focused on the boy and the house, and he wasn't ready to move until he saw the parents come out and hug their child.
"Looking glass? Oh, right." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the loupe.
"Want to check the portal?" Abel asked.
MJ: "Yeah. Or this'll just start again."
Pete: Pete held up the loupe and turned in the direction from which they'd come, holding there for a moment before scanning the rest of the house.
"I don't see anything. Does that mean it closed?"
MJ: "Guess so. Rosmond would know more. S'why I went t'them. We make our money differently."
Pete: Some of the tension drained from Pete's shoulders. He still wasn't thrilled about how much information the prince had, but knowing that damn portal had closed made him feel a lot better about this whole situation.
"You made the right call. On Rosmond and on going in to save the kid. Thank you."
MJ: "Ya hate him, right? Rosmond. Gertrude. Ya hate em on my behalf or some shit." He watched the cop as he continued to bang on the front door. Lights upstairs switching on. Sirens in the distance.
Pete: Pete shook his head. “I don’t hate them. I dislike what they represent and I resent it, but I don’t hate them. Hating takes energy I’d rather spend on something else.”
Some more tension eased as the house started waking up. Soon, very soon.
MJ: "I know a little thing 'bout artful wordin'." His eyes fell to the bracken. "Part of the job. I don't hate any of em, either."
Abel was given a pat. "Let's start backin' out."
Pete/Abel: “I know it sounds like bull,” Pete sighed. “But it’s the truth. I have no beef with the mafia lieutenant or with the don.”
Abel shook his head. “Not yet. We haven’t gotten our emotional resolution yet.”
MJ: "Then read a book! Probably gonna put em on an ambulance, first."
Abel: "They better," said Abel. "No telling what he went through before we got there." He caught MJ's eye and gave him a look. 'Petey needs this,' he thought to him. 'All this struck close to home.'
MJ: 'Why though?' He didn't mean to seem callous, but their priorities were going in separate directions. His job had been the outside of the house, their mission finished in five minutes from his perspective. His urgency was in leaving, and the safety of the crouching men.
Abel: 'He's got a nephew and a little baby niece. Their photos are all over his house, they've got their own room for when they stay over. I saw his face in there. He was looking at the little boy but he was seeing his family.'
MJ: 'Too long.' A thought for himself, projected accidentally. Peter's reaction solidified his reason for being so adamant about renewing their relationship. A few years and circumstances had changed them into different men. The fumbling angry boys at a carnival were ghosts.
MJ took a step back, slowly retreating in their initial direction.
Abel: 'What's too long? Hey, don't move! This spell's got a range and it's not that big!'
MJ: MJ took to crouching a ways away, where Abel began his mental shout. Still watchful, ready to protect, but from here he felt more perceptive.
Pete: Pete was completely unaware of the silent conversation happening around him. He was too busy watching the house and the lights from the police cars, listening for the approach of an ambulance.
Despite the presence of help, he still didn't feel completely at ease. That wouldn't happen until that little boy's mother finally came out of the house. Pete watched the confusion and delight and relief play over her face as she was briefed by the officers and finally, finally got to hold her baby again. He heard her grateful prayers and thanks through her sobs and finally breathed a sigh of relief.
"We can go now," he said.
MJ: Peter was ready, at last. His willingness to engage loosened a knot in MJ's shoulder. He wanted to reach for him again. Take his hand and pull him under his arm and back them way they came. They would do all of that, but not hand-in-hand. He wanted to, but the gesture in the moment felt empty.
"Come on, then."
Abel: "And that has made this all worth it," Abel said cheerfully, getting to his feet and helping Pete do the same. "Okay, everyone grab a hand. We going back to Pete's?"
MJ: "Sure." What he really wanted was a large rock in the middle of a lake to lay on. Smoke a cigarette and listen to stories of the world he'd been denied. He wanted to watch Guildias grow his arm back. Listen to Peter's voice and fall asleep with Abel's head in his lap.
Pete/Abel: “Actually...” Pete looked between them. “Can we go to the river? I want a swim.”
Abel nodded. “Sure. You and MJ can swim and I’ll get us some supplies and we can get really drunk.”
MJ: "Y'all get really drunk." He shouldn't have been surprised by Peter's request, but its lost familiarity took him from his guard. "Let's do it. Behind Callum's place is safe."
Abel: “We’ll get drunk for us and for Gil and for you.” Abel took their hands and gave them each a squeeze.
“Brace yourselves.”
He gave them a moment and in an instant, the burgeoning crime scene was replaced by Callum’s dock and the tranquility of the river.
MJ: Not a moment after his feet landed upon soft grass did he begin to strip of his heavy jacket and boots. Hopping on one foot to remove socks and waddle towards the dock while arguing with his old belt. A trail of evidence left behind without once looking back towards the house.
Pete/Abel: Pete followed soon after, but not without taking a moment for the world (and his stomach) to settle. Impossible to get used to that feeling.
“You okay, Petey?”
Pete nodded. “Yep, I’m good. I’m gonna...” He gestured toward the river.
“Yes, swim. I’ll be back.”
And Abel disappeared again.
MJ: MJ remained crouched at the very edge of the dock. Arms against his knees as he watched the water. Waited for Peter to join him, looking over his shoulder to smile.
Pete: Finally being able to take off clothes covered in Umbra slime was the best Pete had felt all night. There was no way in hell a wash was going to save these. They needed burning.
He sighed in relief as he went to join MJ. “What?” he chuckled.
MJ: "Ya ever seen that film, uh, Poltergeist?"
Pete: “Yep, and I’ve hated clowns ever since.”
MJ: "That's you right now, with the shit all over ya."
Pete: “Goddamn Umbra lube. Felt like I was being waterboarded when we first went in. Ready to get it off.”
Without ceremony, he leapt into the water.
MJ: MJ watched a moment, as though waiting for something to happen. Some unforeseen reaction. Only when Peter emerged did he drop with dead weight into the water.
Pete: Pete’s entire body seemed to sigh in relief. The river felt just as good as any shower, maybe even better. Cold be damned.
“Fucking—it’s in my chest hair!”
MJ: "It sure is." He reached for his chest and flinched back - tried to play his retreat back by combing his own hair.
Pete: “Ugh...” He scrubbed at his skin, trying to get it off and trying not to notice that MJ had wanted to touch him.
“My skin and the water around me aren’t reacting, right?”
MJ: "Can't tell, honestly. Ain't got that sweet ass night vision like ya."
Pete: He scrubbed some more. “Well, no itching, burning, or glowing so far. I’ll take that as a good sign.”
MJ: "Guildias'll probably keep some, or Rosmond'll make him keep some. For science n'shit."
Pete: Pete squeezed some slime out of his facial hair and examined it closely. "I wonder what actual science would come up with if this stuff was tested. I'm guessing the kind of science they would do is actually magic."
MJ: "The kinda shit Giovanni do is like Frankenstein's madhouse. Science n'magic sorta become the same shit."
Pete: "I've been to Frankenstein's madhouse, it sucks."
MJ: "Talkin' 'bout Umbra?"
Pete: He nodded. "Yeah. Worse place I've ever been and I was in a microscopic part of it."
MJ: "I can't say from experience it's better or worse. It reflects. That's all I got."
Pete: "Sure does, like a funhouse mirror from hell." Some more scrubbing at his skin and hair and back below the surface he went.
MJ: "Ya know-" He'd wait for his return. "If ya feel that gross just go take a shower. His place is right there."
Pete: Pete shook the water from his head. “I’ll get around to it. I wanted a swim first. You know my thing with the river, always helps clear my head.”
MJ: "Yeah. Got a love-hate relationship with em."
Pete: “You currently on the love side or the hate side?”
MJ: "Got love for it right now."
Pete: “Glad to hear it.” Pete shifted to float on his back and heaved a long, content sigh.
“....So this whole time Guildias has been able grow limbs back like a lizard?”
MJ: Peter was watched for a moment before joining, staring at the sky. "We call can."
Pete: “Wait, seriously?! Is it magic or?”
MJ: "I mean, it's the blood. Takes a bunch, but he'll be his old cobra-self in no time."
Pete: “It’s crazy isn’t it? All blood does for the living is get oxygen everywhere so tissue and organs stay alive. Give some to a vampire and limbs grow back.”
MJ: "The moon's a rock in outer space n'ya become a fuckin' bear."
Pete/Abel: He snorted. "Touche. Never thought life would be so goddamn weird."
The rustle of plastic bags and clinking of bottles signaled Abel's return. "I'm back! I've got tequila and snacks and a snack for MJ!"
MJ: MJ looked towards the sound and smiled again.
"Your wrist? Fuckin' delicious."
Abel: "Nope, not mine, although good to know I have the appeal to you that a cheeseburger does to me. How would you feel about a taste of our own lovely Isabel, who was all moony-eyed over you going into the netherworld on a rescue mission? Don't worry, I didn't tell her you didn't actually go in."
MJ: "Mm, moon-y blood. Probably tastes better. I mean way better. It's Isabel."
A wink to Peter. Harmless teasing, he swears.
"Hey, I kept y'all from gettin' caught. The mafia and I are essential workers!"
Pete/Abel: Pete gave a good-natured chuckle. “I’m gonna go ahead and guess that Isabel is cute?”
Abel nodded. “Oh yeah, super cute with an adorable accent. She’s from Mexico.” He grinned over at MJ as he started unpacking the bags. “Damn right, Aquaman. You earned this moony blood and Petey earned his tequila. Come and get it.”
MJ: MJ climbed back onto the docks, allowing his feet to dangle.
"Ya know the whole 'if ya don't use it ya lose it'? She keeps me honest with my Spanish." He didn't have his mother and sister to speak to anymore. Not like that. The quick texts he could manage in good conscience with Kenna were in English. No phone call in years now.
"So what ya do with all the uh... goo?" he pointed over Abel's body.
Pete/Abel: After allowing himself one more dunk, Pete followed suit. It wasn't a shower and it was cold as fuck but the water felt great.
"We all need someone like that," he said as he hoisted himself up. "My mentor and his family still help me with my French." He accepted the bottle of tequila from Abel with a grateful nod.
Abel looked down at his chest. Most of the slime was gone but some still remained. "Isabel sprayed me off with the hose in the garden after Xavier took a sample."
MJ: "Of course he did." MJ smiled privately to Peter. "Sprayed ya down with a fuckin' hose. I love our life."
MJ glanced back to the house one last time, expecting a light; expecting to see Rosmond's SUV round the corner. Too soon. Abel had taken advantage of fewer numbers and now they'd have some explaining to do to Callum should he spot them first.
He kept those thoughts to himself and enjoyed a bit of Isabel.
Pete/Abel: Pete chuckled to himself. 'Took a sample' sounded like Rosmond and Gertrude weren't going to be the only ones doing some magic-science.
"Hey, it did the job. Petey, I got us some goldfish and hot fries and nachos. And stuff to turn the tequila into margaritas!"
A laugh this time. "You brought margarita supplies?"
"Hells yeah! Want one?"
"Hit me."
MJ: "Fuck, how much did ya fuckin' buy?" It all smelled... interesting. Food but not food. Familiar but unwholesome. A scent of memories and nothing more.
Abel: "A good bit. We've earned it." The only thing he hadn't bought was ice but that was no problem for someone with magic; as long as he had the essentials, they were golden. "Some lime juice, some salt, some tequila, and a dash of magic combined in the finest cocktail shaker the liquor store could offer. We shake it up." He shook it. "And we've got some much-earned catharsis. Hand me a solo cup."
MJ: MJ handed the cup over, watching the river as he supped. He could smell everything described and then some. Still smell the moisture of Umbra over Abel's skin and hair; could smell Xavier's cologne. Something about it was peaceful.
"Xavier ask 101 questions?"
Abel: Abel poured Pete’s margarita and handed it over. “Only a few,” he said, pouring his own. “Told him we would answer the rest tomorrow after I got really drunk. He’s probably coming up with more now that he has the lube.”
MJ: "We didn't not tell him what we were doin'," he felt the need to remind.
Abel: “We gave him a general idea. He’s a detail kinda guy, an exhaustive detail kinda guy. We basically went to Disneyland and didn’t take him, he’s curious.”
MJ: "Wonder where the fuck that comes from." A quick look back to his clothes before remembering he was fresh out of cigarettes. He missed pot. Alcohol was also acceptable, but he had no intention to bite either of them if offered. Teasing was one thing.
"He'd probably want a piece of your hair, too."
Pete/Abel: “This is the same man who breaks into places for fun. He likes to get into locked places and learn their secrets.”
Pete downed half his margarita and hummed thoughtfully. “So he’s a cat.”
MJ: "Ya know, if he were any animal... I imagine, like... a German shepherd, or Doberman. Somethin' overly groomed n'got that stance at dog shows."
Pete/Abel: “A show dog with the curiosity of a cat.”
“I’d say Doberman for sure,” Abel said, nodding sagely. “They always look intimidating.”
MJ: "He doesn't scare me." Maybe he should have. The night of merge, it was not MJ's body curled in a corner, shivering and mumbling, awaiting for capture. It was a handful of salt and a determination to flee no matter the cost. A chapter in his life more surreal than memory could recount.
Abel: “Well of course he doesn’t. He loves you. Scary people don’t look scary to their families and friends.”
MJ: "Isn't that what God's supposed t'be?"
Abel: “Which one?” Abel asked around a handful of goldfish.
MJ: "Respect is fear or some shit."
Pete: Pete shook his head. “They’re not. Fearing someone and respecting them are two different things but there are always people who think they’re one and the same.”
MJ: "Depends on the person. Not the one lookin', but the one they're lookin' at." He thoughtfully stared at the half-empty blood bag.
Abel: Abel shook his head. “This is too deep a conversation after the night we’ve had. We need more booze.”
MJ: "Right. So how 'bout them Knicks?"
Pete/Abel: “Which sport do they play?”
Pete chuckled. “Basketball.”
“Ah, the tall sport!”
MJ: "Yeah. The that," he laughed.
Pete/Abel: “Either of you ever play?”
“Nope.” Pete shook his head. “I play soccer.”
MJ: "Baseball."
Abel: “Look at you two, so athletic.” Abel mixed another round of margaritas, refilled their cups. “That must be why Xavier gets you that primo Olympian blood.”
MJ: "Never gonna be an athlete." It was a nice gesture, though. "Just get t'keep the body of it."
Abel: “And you don’t have to be sweaty and sore! That’s gotta be a nice bonus. Speaking of, are you still hungry? I’ve got more Isabel.”
MJ: "She a fuckin' mummy now? How much did ya take?"
Abel: “Nah, she’s fine. Did you see that the bag is smaller than normal? She gave a couple small ones, not two normal size ones.”
MJ: "All this for the kid?"
Abel: “All the nice girls like an Indiana Jones type.”
MJ: "Just wait 'til she hears 'bout Peter."
Pete/Abel: “I’m an Indiana Jones type now?”
Abel clapped him on the back. “Of course you are! Sure you can’t ever tell anyone and have them buy you drinks because of it but it still counts.”
MJ: "I'll buy ya a drink," he grinned.
Pete: Pete grinned right back. “Imma hold you to that. Getting covered in Umbra slime’s gotta be worth something.”
MJ: "Your real prize is a job well done," he laughed.
Pete/Abel: "You're absolutely right. Slime's a small price to pay for getting that kid back safely. With any luck he's not horribly scarred for life."
Abel shook his head. "Don't worry, Petey. Chances are if he does remember and does tell someone, they won't believe him. They'll chalk it up to a nightmare or to trauma, like humans always do, and if he hears it enough he'll start to believe it."
MJ: "That's how it goes," sighed MJ. "For their own good." For the most part, he believed that. More than he had initially. He didn't care to dwell on the why.
Pete: "In this case, I'd say that's the best case scenario," Pete sighed. "What we managed to see was horrible. Imagine what he saw before we got there."
MJ: "Well I can't. Y'all won't tell me."
Pete: "Did you miss the part where Abel told you about the sentient tree and having to cut off Guildias' arm?"
MJ: "I want the juicy details, goddammit."
Abel: "They're such gross details," said Abel, making a face. "I used to hunt with my dad, I can prep an elk or a bird but a person? That was fucked up."
MJ: "It's Guildias though. Bet he didn't even whimper."
Abel: "I don't fucking know how he managed to stay quiet. I know he wanted to scream. Man's got an iron will."
MJ: "Could the tree, ya know, hear y'all?"
Pete: Pete nodded. "Yeah. It could talk too, in some weird tree language that barely sounded like a language."
MJ: "Did y'all fight a fuckin' Ent?"
Abel: Abel shook his head. “It didn’t move around or have a face. It was rooted to one spot like a normal tree and the creepy roots extended everywhere.”
MJ: "Mmkay. Scratch one off of Ent." Another sip of sweet-metallic vitae, staring out across the river.
"I think we've earned a four-day weekend."
Pete/Abel: Pete polished off his second margarita. “I also wouldn’t call it much of a fight. Guildias distracted it and I just moved fast.”
“We have,” said Abel. “We’re starting on it right now.”
MJ: "Could it have gone without Guildias loppin' an arm off?"
Pete: They both shook their heads but it was Pete who said, “I don’t see how. We didn’t have any bargaining chips.”
MJ: "That bad, huh? Shit..."
Abel: Abel shrugged. “Maybe we would’ve had a chance under different circumstances but the tree was getting ready to kill the kid. We didn’t have time to think up an alternative, and we weren’t armed for a sentient tree.”
MJ: "I'll keep that in mind for the next Umbral mission." He watched the two of them a moment, suddenly taken by gratitude to find them in one piece.
Abel: "I am not getting covered in lube again unless it's for a damn good reason," said Abel, mixing yet another round of margaritas. "We need to find a rescue mission in like...Hawaii."
MJ: "I ain't ever been," MJ said. "Ain't crossed my mind."
Abel: "We should go! Petey and I will drink rum out a coconut and you can drink blood out of a coconut and we'll all sit on the beach for days on end doing nothing."
MJ: "Y'all do days, I'll do nights. But coconuts yes. N'Peter can get lost in the mountains on the full moon."
Pete: Pete snorted. "Or we could go when it's not a full moon. All that fur in that heat? I'd spend the full moon hiding in the ocean."
MJ: MJ looked to Abel. "Know any were-peeps Peter can hang out with on the full moon?"
Abel: "In Hawaii? No. But I can hang out with Pete on the full moon."
MJ: "You're hardly a were-anything."
Abel: “Neither is Callum and he hangs out with Pete on the full moon. It’s about companionship.”
MJ: "How d'ya know so much?"
Pete: “I told him,” Pete chimed in, devouring a handful of Goldfish. “We had time to talk before ya’ll came to pick us up.”
MJ: "A shit ton." Apparently.
Abel: “We talk fast,” Abel said cheerfully. “We needed to bond. Plus ya’ll took forever.”
MJ: "I like that." He wasn't surprised; this was Abel, after all. The man befriended a snake just because he could.
"I don't think I've ever heard ya talk fast," he smiled at Peter.
Pete/Abel: Pete chuckled. “I usually don’t. Didn’t think I could. I blame Abel, I was just trying to keep up.”
“Very few can.” Abel poured them another round and toasted Pete with his. “Here’s to you, Petey. L’chaim.”
MJ: "Ya've joined the club. Welcome. We don't have tee shirts or hats; we got loyalty and free arguments."
Pete/Abel: “I’ll take both.” He clicked solo cups with Abel and downed the contents. The world was beginning to take on a very pleasant haze. His head had started to feel lighter, more floaty. The perfect place to be after the night they’d had.
“What if we got T-shirts? Everyone lives a T-shirt.”
Abel nodded. “They do.”
MJ: "Shirts just for us, or the whole crew?" He couldn't imagine Rosmond wearing one, nor Guildias for that matter.
Pete: “For everyone!” Pete said cheerfully. “I’d pay good money to see Guildias in a T-shirt.”
MJ: "Ya'd know more than me at this point. I ain't seen it."
Pete: “I bet Cal’s seen him in a T-shirt since they’re married.”
MJ: "I don't think 'bout that shit." Not for some years now. Didn't seem fair to even consider.
Pete/Abel: Pete giggled to himself imagining Guildias in something as casual as a T-shirt. It seemed way too normal a thing for Mr. GQ.
“Oooh! I know what we should put on the shirts!” Abel announced. “How about, ‘I went to the Umbra and all I got was lube and this lousy T-shirt’?”
MJ: "Ha. Hell yeah. Xavier'll have t'wait for the next mission, then. He ain't gettin' shit this time."
Abel: Abel snorted. “There’s a man who would never wear a T-shirt. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in any shirt without buttons and a collar.”
MJ: "I think s'time we steal his clothes."
Pete/Abel: He gave a dramatic gasp. “That’s so sneaky! He’d be so pissed,” Abel laughed. “We should steal everything and only leave him the T-shirt, some jeans, and tennis shoes so he has no choice but to wear it.”
Pete snorted. “Or he’ll just be naked until ya’ll give them back.”
MJ: "Wouldn't put it past him t'just walk 'round naked. He'd make some artistic excuse for it. Pretend the clothes aren't missin'."
Abel: “Or, or!” Abel laughed again. “He’d make us go suit shopping with him as punishment and stick you in another tie.”
MJ: "He'd still have t'walk 'round in a tee shirt. Worth the punishment."
Pete/Abel: “Say the word and we’ll raid his closet.”
Pete turned his attention toward the hot fries. “What if ya’ll just ask him to wear it? Pretty please with extra sugar on top?”
Abel waved the notion away. “That’s not nearly as chaotic and potentially hilarious.”
MJ: "Nah. Fuck that," MJ laughed, overlapping Abel's retort. "Gotta make your own fun, man!"
Abel: “Exactly! And trust me, this is going to be a lot of fun. Oh, we can’t forget his robes,” Abel added to MJ. “He’s got a bunch and if he doesn’t have his clothes he’ll try to just wear those. Should we also steal his underwear and make him wear American flag boxers?”
MJ: "Oh fuck, you're right. I'll get the boxers. Walmart's on the city limits."
Peter was given a grin. "Want a way-too expensive robe?"
Pete/Abel: Pete snorted and just decided to roll with it. He'd blame the tequila, which he was just drinking in shots now. "Why the hell not. Take his socks, too. Walmart's got novelty socks."
Abel's face lit up. "Yes!"
MJ: "Ain't there a shop here that got em? Ones that say, 'fuck this shit'?"
Pete: Pete nodded. “Yep, that gift shop on the way out of town.”
MJ: "Let's go tomorrow. Oh! Ya know, Guildias'll be next."
Pete: “You’re gonna steal poor armless Guildias’ clothes?” Pete chuckled.
MJ: "Maybe talk Callum into it - when he's, ya know, whole."
Pete: “We might be able to get him to get Guildias to wear a T-shirt. Stealing his clothes not so much.”
MJ: "Maybe m'just in a stealin' mood."
Abel: Abel shoved a handful of chips in his mouth. “You can help Devlin steal cookies from the kitchen when Christine isn’t looking. Or break into a fancy museum with Xavier.”
MJ: "Both. I'll do both. Maybe the underwear at Walmart, too."
Pete: Pete squinted. "I feel like I should be discouraging this, but Walmart's a giant corporation, so..." He shrugged and downed more tequila.
MJ: "Now you're gettin' it," MJ chuckled into his bag of blood.
Pete: "I'll scold you tomorrow if I remember. Gotta keep up them good and righteous publican appearances."
MJ: "Good n'righteous I guess is your MO now. Maybe it always was, but ya ain't punchin' people anymore."
Pete: "Got lectured by the law. Then the law's boss. I still punch people though. Aren't enough lectures in all the world to keep assholes from being assholes."
MJ: "Was wonderin' when ya were gonna get canned."
Pete: “Last time I got close was when I got the lecture. Around here it’s considered a miracle that I don’t have a lengthy rap sheet and a couple lawsuits under my belt.”
MJ: "S'part of your charm! I fell for it," he winked.
Pete: Pete laughed. "Next time there's an asshole in the pub, I'll call you before I punch their lights out."
MJ: "Hell yeah. So sexy." A glance was given to Abel, his smile fading a bit at the link between Abel and a certain witch in California. His mind wasn't made up one way or another, but little reminders tickled an annoying sense of guilt behind his neck.
"Y'all ready t'go home?"
Pete/Abel: Abel was just gonna keep eating his chips and let them flirt. Any opinions he had in any particular direction about any particular situation would be kept to himself.
Pete nodded after taking another drink. "Yeah, we probably should. Still gotta shower, and work tomorrow. Or...later today. Is it today?"
Abel nodded. "Yep, it's today."
MJ: "Let's get ya home, then. Ya damn near drank a whole bottle. I mean ya earned it, but s'way past your bedtime, old man."
Pete: Pete’s dramatically offended gasp lost some of its effectiveness when he just barely avoided falling into the river as he staggered to his feet.
“I am a great and mighty bear! Bedtimes are the stuff of mere mortals!”
MJ: "Mighty bear gonna go down river if he keeps stumblin'." MJ got to his feet and began gathering Peter's things. Offered his hand to keep the bear upright.
Pete/Abel: Pete laughed again, taking MJ’s hand. “Thanks very much. Been a loooong time since I had that much tequila. Come on, Abel!”
“Yep, I’m here, I’m up.” He took the hand that Pete offered and smiled at all of them. “Look at us, a drunken daisy chain and a sober vampire. Onward to Petey’s! Petey, be a champ and try not to hurl, okay?”
“Copy that.”
MJ: MJ watched. Didn't think to look back if they'd gathered every bit of trash. Callum could yell at them later. Probably would, given Guildias' condition. Right now, Peter was the only priority.
"Want us t'stay?"
Pete/Abel: “Yeah, stay! I have blackout shades and stuff to make French toast for breakfast.”
“Sold!” Abel said cheerfully. “Okay, everyone gird your loins.”
He did some girding of his own, making sure he was steady before transporting them to Pete’s.
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cthruthestars · 5 years
compañera (a Javier Peña x Reader fic)
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Summary: A series of snapshots of Javier Peña and the Reader's relationship and his fixation with calling you "compañera". Rating: M Words: 7922 Warnings: canon-typical violence, swearing, use of alcohol, mentions of sex
(Y/N - your name, Y/L/N - your last name)
Cross-posted on Ao3, if you’d like to read there or leave a review: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22268422
This is a fucking nightmare.
The words on the page in front of you started blurring together no matter how hard you tried to squeeze your eyes or rub your temples in a pitiful effort to force them to make sense again. Soon, your vision was filled with smudged black ink in the vague shape of letters and you couldn’t stand it anymore. A deep sigh escaped your lips and you allowed your head to fall limp onto your forearms.
The DEA’s task force (consisting of you, Murphy and Peña) had gotten a gift, of sorts, from the local police: reports from around the time when Pablo Escobar had been arrested briefly. The only problem was that the files spanned years and even though you knew the exact year you needed, the reports weren’t organized even remotely and you had to comb through hundreds of papers for only one small but highly significant folder, which contained evidence that Escobar was linked to the drug trade in Colombia and Miami. You knew you had to be thankful to even have this stack of files – it was more than you’ve had for weeks on Pablo – and the snitch had been rightly terrified shitless to even give you those in fear of the kingpin finding out and taking care of him. But right at that second?
You couldn’t give a rat’s ass about gratitude. All you knew was that you were exhausted and you wanted to catch some shut-eye in your own, albeit shitty, bed.
Murphy was at the desk on your left, steadily and surely going through each report he had in his stack. He had taken some smoke breaks and a couple of calls from his wife, but he didn’t look nearly as desperate as you felt. You weren’t sure if you envied him or pitied him. Peña had disappeared some time ago, presumably to smoke outside, but you weren’t sure. A small part of you was annoyed that he was enjoying cool and fresh air while you and Murphy were holed up in the small, smoke and file-filled office, drowning in despair and delirium. As soon as that train of thought finished, you realized you were being unnecessarily dramatic and you slightly hit your head onto your forearms.
“You okay there, Y/L/N?”
“Yep,” you answered, voice muffled. It was a miracle Murphy even understood what you said.
“Sure?” he pressed.
You hummed in affirmation, hoping Steve would drop it before you snapped in frustration. You knew he was just being a good partner but common sense and manners had flown out the window hours ago, when you had first sat in your god-awful chair.
“I’ve got the answer to her problem, Murphy, don’t worry.”
At the sound of Peña’s voice, you raised your head eagerly, causing a bit of vertigo to invade your senses but you ignored it.
“The report?”
“I wish,” he replied, coming over to your desk. He looked way better than when you last saw him, the familiar mischievous glint in his eye and his lips curved in a smirk. “I mean coffee, compañera.”
Amidst the disappointment that you were likely to spend the night at the office, your face lit up as Peña handed you a cup, filled to the brim with black coffee. The smell wafting from the warm mug alone gave you a small burst of energy, so you eagerly took a generous gulp. Immediately, the fog clouding your mind cleared and you looked up at your second partner with a look you hoped showed sincere gratitude.
“Thank you, Javi.”
He smiled and mock-saluted in response, heading to the desk on your right, leaving you in the middle, always in the middle between Murphy and Peña.
You were assigned to Medellín shortly after Steve Murphy, headquarters deeming it necessary to embed as many agents as possible without it becoming too worrisome for the local government. The partnership had started out rocky and unsure, mistakes were made because of unwillingness to trust and that had quickly sobered up all parties involved. Right now, you considered you had a good working relationship with both Peña and Murphy – you knew they had your back and they knew you had theirs. Work flowed smoothly after that but it sadly didn’t help much – Escobar was gaining more strength and more support by the hour. It seemed hopeless but well, that had never stopped you three.
Sipping your coffee slowly, trying to draw out the pleasant feeling of caffeine flowing through you, your gaze flitted about the office, occasionally landing on your partners, both immersed in police reports. It finally landed on the one on your right – Peña – and you wondered…
What did compañera mean? 
“Vamos, compañera!” (Come on, partner!)
You were sprinting through the streets of Medellín, bulletproof vest on and gun out, chasing La Quica, one of Escobar’s top sicarios, and another one of the drug trafficker’s men, who wasn’t as important but still probably knew valuable information. Javier was running about 10 meters ahead of you.
“Right behind you!” you shouted back at him, willing yourself to go faster up the hill.
Suddenly La Quica swerved to the left into a narrow alleyway and the other goon went the opposite direction, climbing onto a rooftop. Peña immediately followed the sicario which meant you were climbing rooftops.
Fucking great.
For a chubby guy, the motherfucker sure climbed fast. Even though you didn’t hesitate, you stumbled a couple of times due to the structures being unstable and littered with trash. You sneaked a peek at the rooftops ahead and there was one that was on a taller building but there was a ladder down to a secluded alleyway you suspected led out of the block. The goon didn’t strike you as the smartest and you prayed to God he would be as idiotic as you hoped.
You stopped running and pulled out your gun, aiming at the man, when he turned his head around briefly and saw that you had halted. He laughed and shouted something in Spanish.
“Yeah, keep laughing, motherfucker,” you murmured under your breath. You saw that he was going to turn around again and you pretended to be tired and put your hands on your knees, while still keeping an eye on him. As soon as he saw that, he started climbing the wall you had predicted he would go for. You rose quickly and aimed your gun.
Son of a bitch went down like a bird.
You ran quickly to the place he fell and thankfully, he was still on the ground, clutching his bleeding knee. He was going to be fine, the wound wasn’t fatal, but he was screaming as if his leg was torn off. You unhooked your handcuffs from your belt and pulled him up with great effort while he still whined like he was dying.
“Shut the fuck up, culo (ass)!” you barked at him and shoved him forward.
Murphy was waiting for you back at the busted lab, his hands on his hips. You could see yourself leading Escobar’s man reflected in his sunglasses. You couldn’t lie to yourself – you liked the sight.
Steve nodded at you respectfully. Looking around, he asked, “Where’s Peña?”
“I don’t know, we got separated. He went after La Quica.”
As if summoned, the man in question slowly walked down the hill.
You sighed in disappointment, yet again having come this close at catching one of Pablo Escobar’s top men. One of Carrillo’s officers passed by and you handed your prisoner off to him and gave him orders what to do. Peña had reached Murphy in the meantime and the two were talking, the former clearly frustrated, annoyed and disappointed at the same time. You quickly sent the officer off, not wanting to miss any kind of debrief.
When you came close to them, Javier turned towards you, his eyes filled with exhaustion. You were overcome with the need to comfort him somehow but you kept your hands to yourself, knowing that it wouldn’t really help. Once you got in your head about guilt, there was no getting out, no matter what anyone said.
“You got Alvarez?” he asked.
You simply nodded in reply.
The corners of his lips quirked and if you hadn't already been gazing at his mouth, you wouldn't have noticed it.
(Javier Peña was a damn handsome man and you were still a woman who had eyes, for pity's sake.)
He squeezed your arm and murmured tiredly, but sincerely: "Good work, compañera."
You turned around to watch him walk away and you couldn't figure out whether to feel proud, compassionate or disappointed.
Compañera had become a regular culprit in Javier Peña's day-to-day vernacular when it came to you.
Your Spanish had improved a bit, enough to say some simple sentences but not enough to be comfortable in a conversation with fluent speakers. You had noticed your partner's increased use of the word when referring to you, but you figured it meant something like partner or friend, supposing it was similar to the English word "companion", so you didn't really think about it much.
But then there were smirks. And winks. And it wasn't so difficult to pretend your partner wasn't using his wily charms on you to get you in bed for a night like his informants.
Now, you had the dignity to admit to yourself that yes, you may have had some inappropriate and very unprofessional dreams about said partner and perhaps sometimes your mind would wander off during meetings when he wore a shirt with a very deep neckline and maybe from time to time your gaze would accidentally land on his ass, but you were partners and Javier had a certain reputation with women you didn't exactly want to experience first-hand.
Damned if it wasn't difficult to keep your hands off him, though.
"Morning coffee, compañera."
Speak of the devil.
You lifted your head from the report you were typing just in time to see Javier place a steaming mug of coffee on your desk and hit you with the signature smirk and wink before he went over to the map of Medellín on the wall. You didn't even have time to react or say anything before you heard the Colombian officers nearby snickering. You glared at them and they quickly shut their mouths and went back to work. They were smart enough not to say anything in front of you since the time they saw you take down a guy twice your size with your bare hands, but apparently not smart enough to know when to keep their mouths shut.
Still, it could’ve been much worse.
You returned to typing up your report, pausing for a moment to gather your thoughts. In your concentration, you didn't notice Javier looking over at you and then the Colombian cops. He said something to Murphy who was also observing what was happening, and then slowly walked to the center of the room and put his hands on his hips. Peña made sure he caught the eye of every officer who laughed.
"Oh, this is gonna be good," Murphy murmured to himself.
"Escuchen," Javier began with a low voice, laced with a dangerous undertone, "Si a ustedes, hijos de puta, les gusta reírse tanto, ¿por qué no le dicen a Carrillo que no pudieron encontrar una mierda durante semanas hasta que Y/L/N nos consiguió información?" (Listen up. If you motherfuckers like to laugh so much, why don’t you tell Carrillo you couldn’t find shit for weeks until Y/L/N got us information?)
You looked up at the sound of Javier's voice, understanding almost nothing of what he said but perfectly knowing what his tone meant.
"¿Claro?" (Clear?)
The cops all replied in unison, "Claro."
Javier waited for them to go back to what they were doing before and then his gaze shifted to you, checking to see if you were alright. You smiled at him softly and mouthed Thank you to which he nodded and smiled in return. He walked back to Murphy who had an unreadable expression on his face but the humorous glint in his eyes was unmistakable. You shook your head at him and Steve put his hands up in mock surrender before continuing his conversation with Javier.
Sighing, you went back to work, resigned to the fact that Javier Peña was making it very difficult for you to resist him.
Time passed, Escobar was still being a pain in the ass and the DEA had gotten almost nowhere with the investigation. Carrillo and his men were a great help but you couldn’t always agree with his methods, even though your partners and you had agreed: all in.
Lately, you, Murphy and Peña were spending more and more time at the office than out in the field, doing surveillance and analyzing potential leads and tips. The situation was too quiet and you didn’t like it; you had the gut feeling that something big was about to go down. The work at the office was slow and tedious, so often there would be tension arising due to agents and cops getting restless, but you were handling it well without complaint, even though your fingers were itching to go out and nail one of Escobar’s guys.
You were in the middle of transcribing a phone call between two of Pablo’s watchers when Steve perched on your desk and folded his hands in his lap.
“So what’s the deal with you and Peña?”
You looked up, confused, “What?”
“You and Peña,” he continued, “The whole compañera thing, you two ogling each other, that kinda shit.”
It was true that things had been getting a bit more… flirty between you and Javier. He was relentless with his teasing and you started teasing back, thinking it was harmless and just banter; a small reprieve from the heavy work you were doing every day. You didn’t think people really paid attention to it but apparently you were wrong.
“What the fuck are you talking about, Murphy? There’s nothing going on between me and him. And what do you mean ‘the whole compañera thing’?”
Steve chuckled. “You don’t know what that means?”
“I thought it meant ‘partner’.”
“Well, it can mean that but it can also mean ‘girlfriend’. And Peña’s been using it a lot when talkin’ to you, which people have noticed. And he hasn’t exactly done anything to shut down the rumors whenever someone makes a comment in front of him.”
You sighed and rolled your eyes. “All of you are being idiotic. I’m sure he means it like ‘partner’ and if he doesn’t, that doesn’t matter. You can calm down.”
“I’m calm, I’m calm,” Steve replied humorously, “I’m sure his informants are jealous, though. Be careful not to steal their thunder.”
You chuckled in spite of yourself and flipped Murphy off which made him laugh in return. He hit your arm lightly as a goodbye and went back to his own desk and you put your headphones back on to continue transcribing.
Javier was watching the whole display with curiosity, unable to really hear what the two of you talked about but he thought he heard his name a couple of times. He found himself smiling when you laughed but quickly sobered when Murphy turned around and pretended to think before writing something down in his notes.
When you and Javier shared your first kiss, it really wasn’t a good occasion.
The DEA had gotten a telephone tip about one of Escobar’s labs that was soon to be dismantled. The coordinates given were deep in the jungle and you had to leave quickly unless you wanted the trail to go cold. Carrillo had quickly assembled a hundred of his men and a convoy, while you and your partners suited up and got last-minute orders from your superiors. The raid was successful: you had managed to catch the workers still in the lab and there were minimal casualties on your side. The same couldn’t be said about Escobar’s men, but you did capture a few prisoners alive, which relieved you since you desperately needed inside information about the leader of the Medellín Cartel.
You really wanted to nail that son of a bitch.
The prisoners were lined up in front of the lab, their hands intertwined on their heads on the order of Colonel Carrillo. He was pacing back and forth in front of them, while you, Javier and Steve were in the back, observing.
“Caballeros,” Carrillo began, “Tienen que darse cuenta de la gravedad de la situación en la que se encuentran. Su patrón no se preocupa por ustedes. Si lo hiciera, estaría aquí y moriría con usted. Así que, será mejor que piense cuidadosamente lo que va a hacer a continuación.” (Gentlemen, you need to realize the gravity of the situation you're in. Your boss doesn't care about you. If he did, he'd be here and he'd die with you. So, you better think carefully what you're going to do next.)
“Si alguien me dice dónde se esconde Pablo Escobar como una rata, puedo facilitarte la vida en la cárcel. Tú me ayudas, yo te ayudo.” (If someone tells me where Pablo Escobar is hiding like a rat, I can make your life easier in jail. You help me, I help you.)
Javier was quietly translating to you and Murphy what the Colonel was saying, for which you were grateful since you understood about half of the words and couldn’t really get the whole picture. There was a moment of silence once Carrillo stopped speaking, some of the men looking at each other, unsure of what to do and say. You saw a lot of terrified faces but also ones that didn’t give a shit. One of latter ones, by far the youngest, a kid that probably wasn’t even 18 years old, spoke up.
“Come mierda, hijo de puta.” (Eat shit, you son of a bitch.)
That you understood perfectly without the help of Javier.
Carrillo went to stand in front of the young boy and leveled him with a cold stare. He nodded at the kid, who didn’t back down.
The Colonel crouched in front of him. “¿Es así como va a ser?” (Is that how it’s going to be?)
The boy spit in his face in reply and your stomach churned. You had a bad feeling about this.
“Muy bien.” (Very well.)
It all happened so quickly that if you had blinked, you would’ve spared yourself the sight.
Carrillo wiped the spit from his cheek and quickly stood up before putting a bullet right in-between the kid’s eyes. You looked away and clenched your jaw so tightly, you thought you’d break a tooth. Javier was looking at the ground, his hands gripping his hips so hard, his knuckles were white, while Steve looked everywhere but at the boy’s corpse on the ground, surrounded by an expanding pool of blood, and breathed heavily
.“¡Esto es lo que pasa cuando proteges a tu querido patrón! Mejor repensar tu estrategia en el viaje a la base o terminarás como él,” (This is what happens when you protect your dear boss! You better rethink your strategy on the way to the base or you'll end up just like him.) Carrillo shouted at the prisoners before ordering his second-in-command to load them up in the trucks.
You didn’t look at the Colonel when he passed by the three of you and urged you to get a move on. The bile in your throat rose when you glanced at the kid on the ground who was probably either going to get left behind there as a warning to Escobar, or they were going to bury him somewhere no one would find for years and his family would be none the wiser. You managed to keep your lunch down but only barely, before you quickly made your way to Javier’s truck, unable to stay in that place any longer. Peña and Murphy followed closely behind and none of you said a word aloud on the way back to base.
After a seemingly endless string of meetings, it was decided that the prisoners would be left to stew for a night in the cells of the police station under heavy guard before taking off for interrogation the next day at an undisclosed location which was going to be personally conducted by Colonel Carrillo. You had a pretty good idea what that interrogation would be like, so you volunteered to stay behind and take care of the paperwork for the raid. You knew you had agreed to being all in but this was another level of insanity you weren’t sure you signed up for. Yes, in your short time in Colombia, you had done many things you weren’t proud of, things that can never be on paper and that superiors would close their eyes to or just pretend they never happened. Many times they wouldn’t even know about them. But killing kids in cold blood? You couldn’t stomach that or justify it. All of you had one goal but this was going too far.
Still, it wasn’t your place to say anything and you knew that there was a war brewing and that the ‘good guys’ had to play by the ‘bad guys’’ rules if they wanted to win.
It was well after midnight and the office was empty which you were immensely grateful for, because that meant you could take out the hidden bottle of whiskey out of your drawer and pour yourself generous amounts multiple times. If you smoked, you would’ve gone through a packet of cigarettes already, but you didn’t really pick up the habit, even though everyone around you smoked practically every minute of the day.
The young boy’s face wouldn’t leave your mind. You had seen it on officers during meetings and debriefs after the raid and had to shake yourself out of it before you did something stupid. But now, you were alone, just you and your bottle of whiskey, and you let the silent tears, threatening to spill for hours, stream down your face. You felt dirty and guilty, and you wanted to scream and break things, and cry until your voice was hoarse. You couldn’t do any of those things, of course, you still had a job to finish, but you desperately needed to forget what happened somehow and the whiskey wasn’t working as well as you’d hoped.
“Still here, compañera?”
You quickly wiped the tears off your cheeks, fully knowing it wouldn’t hide the fact that you were crying, before turning around in your seat. Javier was leaning against the doorway, his hair mussed and his eyes exhausted and drooping. His gaze flitted across your face and body, taking in your disheveled state. Pity was clearly written all over his face, but there was an understanding there that somehow made you feel a bit better that you weren't alone in how you felt.
"Yeah," you answered quietly, your voice hoarse from the alcohol and being silent for hours.
Your partner nodded and started walking towards you, dragging one of the chairs with him on the way. He placed it next to you and pulled up his pants before sitting down.
"Got a glass for me?"
You were silent and unmoving for a moment, trying to appraise him. You didn't find anything you didn't like – his face was as open and as vulnerable as yours, so you reached into your bottom cabinet and pulled out your spare glass. You poured him the same amount of whiskey you had and handed it to him. He clinked his glass to yours and both of you downed the alcohol in one gulp. It seemed that you weren't the only one who was trying to forget.
"Can I ask you something, Javi?"
"Of course."
"Does it get easier? At all? Or do you get used to it?"
You couldn't keep the tremor off your voice no matter how hard you tried to appear strong in front of him. You hated showing weakness; those moments were usually reserved for when you were alone at home where you could privately process all your feelings and then move on the next day as if nothing had happened. You didn't plan for Javier seeing you like this, ever, but this man always found a way to somehow fuck up your plans.
The strangest part was that you didn't mind.
Javier sighed. He leaned his elbows on his knees and looked at the ground for a couple of moments, as if he was contemplating whether to lie to you and comfort you or tell you the truth. You waited patiently until he looked up at you with glossy eyes.
"If I ever find out the answer to these questions, you'll be the first to know," your partner finally said, his voice cracking at the end. You nodded slowly; you figured you weren't going to be happy with his answer but you found comfort in the fact that he had basically told you that he struggled every time, same as you. Javier seemed to gouge something in your expression - his larger hand suddenly closed tentatively around yours, the warmth seeping from his skin travelling all the way from your fingers to your heart. You fixed him with an intense gaze and saw it mirrored in his own dark eyes. A sort of unspoken understanding and agreement passed between the two of you: there were a lot of ways to forget and the two of you could help each other.
You surged forward simultaneously. You tasted whiskey and nicotine on his lush lips and it was as intoxicating as you had imagined. You rose from your seat and settled yourself in his lap, his arms immediately snaking around your waist while yours tangled in his hair. You ground your hips down, which made Javier tighten his grip and lower his hands towards your ass, making you moan into his mouth and offering his tongue a perfect entrance. You forced yourself to pull away but not completely; just enough to lean your forehead against his and your lips to brush tantalizingly while you spoke.
"My place is closer," you whispered.
Javier looked up at you, "You sure?"
You simply kissed him in reply before standing up and grabbing his hand to lead him out of the base and into your home. 
Needless to say, your night with Javier had been unforgettable.
The despair and intense desire to forget the harrowing events of that day in both of you had made the sex intense and exactly what you both needed at that moment. You worked off your frustrations, letting yourselves express your feelings physically and the payoff was worth it.
It seemed that Peña’s reputation with the fairer sex was well-deserved.
It had been an unspoken agreement that this was just to forget, just to deal with all the jumbled thoughts and complicated feelings that came with the job and it was that at first but then afterwards Javier had become oh so gentle, his touches feather-light and his kisses soft and sweet and you had completely melted in his arms. You couldn’t help yourself – you felt safe and more dangerous than that – loved, which was something that you were careful not to feel for months while working with him, careful not to fall for his charm, not to become another one of his conquests, just another woman in the list.
But then he nuzzled your neck and wrapped his arms around you protectively and you found yourself too tired to continue that train of thought, so you put your hands on top of his and closed your eyes.
You hadn’t expected him to stay – you fully expected for him to be gone in the morning, no trace left of him even being there – but he did. You woke up in his arms by his kisses and with an intensity that could break your heart, you realized you hadn’t felt this happy in a long time.
You didn’t get up right away, instead shifting your position so you were half-laying on him, your head on his shoulder and him on his back with his arm around your waist.
“Mm?” he murmured in your hair, stroking your bare waist gently.
You stayed silent for a minute to fully absorb the moment, appreciate his warmth and his breath softly blowing on top of your head and you willed the uneasy feeling in your stomach to go away, because this was good.
“Why do you always call me compañera?”
He chuckled and you found you liked feeling the vibrations of his chest when he did.
“Because you are that to me, compañera.”
“In what sense?”
You felt him pull away from your hair and you looked up at him, resting your chin on his shoulder. He was smiling but there was a confused expression on his face.
“What I want to know is…” you began, “What do you mean when you call me that?”
His eyebrows rose in surprise before he quickly covered it up with a smirk and you knew immediately that he was going to dodge the question.
“It can mean whatever you want it to mean.”
“Not what I asked, Peña,” you quickly countered. He smiled approvingly at that and you were slightly surprised to see he had a proud glint in his eyes. “I’m serious, now, c’mon.”
“And I meant what I said,” he replied with that low voice he used the night before and shifted, so he was on top of you, kissing you passionately and you completely forgot about talking.
Then you’d made breakfast, eaten with him, joked with him; it was as if this was the way your relationship had always been, like he belonged in your home and in your arms. It was bittersweet – you still waited for the other penny to drop. It was too easy and in your experience, nothing was ever that easy. Still, you kissed him goodbye and smiled at him, see you Mondays were exchanged and that was that.
The other penny dropped when said Monday came.
You knew you had to be careful at work – no one could know what you and Javier had gotten up to; fraternizing between agents was frowned upon, especially in such a high-profile and very dangerous operation as yours. It was clear to you that you were going to act as always and you had to watch your attitude towards Javier. Therefore, you went about your usual routine: you checked with security, showed them your badge, greeted the Colombian officers you knew and walked into the office with a small smile, where you found both of you partners already sitting at their desks, told them Good morning and you waited for Murphy to lift up his hand and say Morning, Y/L/N and Javier to look up at you with a grin and reply with the usual Buenos días, compañera. Sure enough, Steve did exactly as you predicted.
Except… Javier didn’t even look up from the files he was reading.
You walked over to your desk, sneaking a glance at him, but still, he didn’t even move a muscle and that uneasiness in your stomach from the night you were together was back with a vengeance. He’s probably just trying to be conspicuous or he’s just very concentrated, you thought to yourself and set your things on your desk, trying to keep a poker face. That was probably the case, so you focused on your tasks.
But then he didn’t even glance at you the whole day.
It was another day of work, consisting of surveillance and typing up reports, so you were trapped in your small office together and Javier’s interactions with you were strictly limited to him passing you documents wordlessly and discussing intel in a very professional manner. No jokes, no smirks, no compañera, no winks, nothing.
If he was trying not to raise suspicions about the two of you fucking, he was doing a piss-poor job.
You got increasingly frustrated with the hours passing by but you followed his lead and said nothing. If he was going to be like that, then two could play that game. You were too annoyed at him to stop and think that this childish behavior was even more telling that something happened between you to your other colleagues, since everyone had gotten used to the banter that you two frequently engaged in. Around 5 in the evening he got a call, looked at his watch and said Estaré allí en 20 minutos (I’ll be there in 20 minutes.) and you understood enough Spanish by now to know that he was most definitely going to go visit one of his favorite “informants”, which made your blood boil. The pressure you were applying with your pen on the report you were writing, while you watched Peña put on his jacket and put his gun in his pants, became so high that you almost made a hole in the paper.
“Where’re you goin’?” Murphy asked, “El burdel?” (The brothel?)
Your lips thinned in anger but you willed yourself to keep writing and not show any reaction.
“Fuck off, Murphy,” Javier replied, annoyance clear in his voice. “I’m done for the day. Goodnight.”
As soon as he walked out and you were sure Steve had gone back to work, you let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding as quietly as possible and tried to hold back the tears of anger burning behind your eyes. 
This bullshit continued for two weeks.
Javier kept on ignoring you as best as he could and you did the same: angry at him that he was behaving this way after being the complete opposite when you were together in your home, but even angrier at yourself for breaking your vow not to fall for his wiles. He never cared about you – you were just another woman in his bed for a night, just another conquest he used to get over his own feelings and then thrown away and forgotten about.
It was your own damn fault and that was the worst thing about the whole fiasco.
“Y/L/N, do you have a minute?”
You were sipping your morning coffee (that you had gotten for yourself) when Steve approached your desk. His hands were on his hips and his expression was serious, so you quickly put down your cup of coffee and wiped your hands on your pants.
“Sure,” you replied and followed Murphy out of the office.
He led you to the evidence room, which was too small of a space to house the thousands of police reports, evidence, photos and whatnot, which made the air inside stale and difficult to breathe, so it wasn’t advised for any living thing to remain there for long. You thought you were going to help your partner search for something, but then he closed the door behind you and fixed you with an unimpressed look. You waited for him to say something, his gaze unnerving you, until you got frustrated and spoke first.
“What do you want, Murphy?”
He sighed and shook his head before crossing his arms and coming closer to you, so he could speak more quietly.
“Look, I don’t know what happened between you and Peña and frankly, I don’t wanna know. It ain’t my business to pry into your personal lives but it is my business when it affects our work.”
You opened your mouth to say something rude to him, already annoyed by the direction the conversation was going, but he quickly cut you off.
“You know damn well what I’m talkin’ about, so don’t give me any bullshit. You’re not fucking teenagers to act like this. This whole silent treatment is making us lose valuable time we could use to catch Escobar and people are starting to notice, which I’m sure neither you nor Peña want that. So you two better kiss and make up fast or this task force is going to shit.”
You didn’t say anything; you knew he was right and you felt ashamed that you were acting so childishly and possibly endangering the operation. Your personal problems couldn’t affect the trust you needed out in the field and you needed to resolve this as quickly as possible, for the good of everyone.
You stayed silent but nodded at Steve, who squeezed your shoulder before leaving the room. Sighing, you leaned your back on one of the shelves with evidence. You resolved to corner Javier after work so you could talk in private and fix this one way or another, so you could avoid any one of you going back to the US.
Later, when the sun had long gone down, you glanced at your watch impatiently. You had done your tasks for the day and you were free to go but you were trying to gauge when Javier would decide to go home, so you could pull him aside to talk. Steve had left a while ago, having promised his wife a long-awaited date night, but not without shooting you a warning look and subtly tilting his head towards Peña. You had simply waved your hand in reply and said goodbye.
Finally, Javier started gathering his things, so you took your cue to put your jacket on and lean against your desk. You waited for him to be done before you spoke.
“Javi, we need to talk.”
He quickly looked up at you at the sound of finality in your tone. You met his gaze and hoped he saw that there was no getting out of this because you weren’t backing down this time.
“Okay,” he replied, folding his arms across his chest, “what’s up?”
“Not here. Come on, I’ll make you some coffee at home.”
Javier hesitated at the mention of your apartment, this whole situation reminding him too much of the last time he was there. You rolled your eyes.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna seduce you or anything. We really need to talk.”
He nodded at that and followed you wordlessly.
The drive to your apartment was as quiet as you expected, Javier focused on the road and you looking out the window. There were still kids playing in the streets, their mothers calling them to go back home but they pretended not to hear them. Some shady characters also hung around but it wasn’t your job to assess them, so you let yourself take in Medellín during the night just as a spectator.
The car stopped, so you took your bag and went out to go unlock the front door, while Javier put the handbrake on and turned off the ignition. You walked in and hung your jacket on the hanger near the door before tossing your purse on the floor. You waited for Javier to come in, who walked slowly and unsurely, his hands in his pockets – a sign that he was nervous.
He sat silently at the kitchen island while you made two cups of coffee, yours with a little bit of sugar and milk, while leaving his black, just the way he liked it. You handed him his mug, to which he murmured a quiet thanks.
“So…” you began unsurely.
“So…” he mimicked, keeping his hands wrapped around the hot cup.
You sighed in resignation; it was clear that you had to lead this difficult conversation, seeing as how Javier was closed off even now.
“This silence isn’t helping anyone, Javier. Not you, not me, not Steve or any of our colleagues for that matter. We can’t work together like this.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he nodded. You waited for him to continue but he stayed silent. He was still going to be like this? Even now, when you were trying to resolve this?
The familiar anger that had become associated especially with one Javier Peña bubbled up and this time, you didn’t hold back.
“That’s it? ‘You’re right’? That’s all you have to say to me? After all we’ve been through together and a one night stand makes you pretend none of it happened?” Your voice rose in octaves with each sentence, all of your bottled up feelings for the past few weeks coming to the surface.
“What do you want me to say, Y/N?”
The annoyance in his voice was the last straw.
“Anything! Anything at all! I deserve at least that little respect from you as your partner. The least you could do is tell me that it was a one-time thing; that I was just one of the many putas you slept with, so we could move on with our lives. At least like that I’d have closure and we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
“You’re not like that, Y/N.” Javier now had stood up and you realized that in your anger you had circled the kitchen island and you were standing in front of him, crowding his personal space.
“Aren’t I that, huh? Didn’t you go and fuck another one two days after me?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“The Monday after we had sex. You took a call and immediately left, not even bothering to deny it to Murphy.”
“I was going to meet with an informant, I wasn’t going to the fucking brothel!”
You chuckled humorlessly, “Yeah, we all know about your ‘informants’.”
“It wasn’t like that, Y/N!” Javier was properly rivaling the intensity of your anger now, his voice matching your volume. “I got a tip from one of Escobar’s watchers, the kid was afraid someone would find out and get killed, especially after Carrillo—“
He stopped himself suddenly, not wanting to bring up the very thing that the two of you wanted desperately to forget and that led to this whole mess. You stepped back, the dead kid’s face immediately clouding your vision, but you shook your head and didn’t let yourself get sidetracked. You knew he wasn’t lying but that didn’t mean it made things okay.
“Fine then, why didn’t you say anything? Why did you pretend you didn’t even know me after that?”
“Because I was fucking terrified!” Javier shouted. Both of you breathed heavily, the air in the room charged with electricity.
You crossed your arms over your chest. “Terrified of what?”
Javier rubbed his eyes in frustration before putting his hands on his hips and looking at you dead in the eye, his gaze wet.
“I didn’t plan on you, compañera,” he began but you cut him off quietly.
“Don’t… don’t call me that.”
Gulping, he continued, “It was harmless at first. I was joking around and you seemed like you didn’t mind and the job got a bit easier. But then… Then you had to go and be the kindest, smartest and most beautiful woman I’ve ever met and it wasn’t so harmless anymore. And after we—we were together, I panicked. I haven’t fallen for someone in years and I promised myself never to do that to a woman I cared about again. I haven’t slept with anyone after you. And I realized that I was way in too deep with you and I thought it’d be better if I just made you hate me, so we could spare ourselves the pain.”
Holy fuck.
Javier Peña had feelings for you.
You gulped and shook your head.
“That’s not your decision to make, Javi,” you said softly, your anger dissipating to a small simmer.
“I know, I realize that now and I’m sorry for doing that to you.”
Your eyes flooded with tears and you looked towards the ceiling in an effort to will them away. When you looked back down, Javier had stepped closer to you, his eyes just as tearful as yours. He extended his arms towards you hesitantly and you readily stepped into his embrace, hugging him tightly. He buried his face in your neck and placed a kiss on your pulse.
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated in a whisper.
“You can’t do that to me again. I won’t—I won’t be able to handle that.”
“I won’t, I promise.”
You pulled back and put your hands on his cheeks, thumbs stroking gently his skin.
“What are we gonna do?” you whispered.
“I… Maybe we can see where this goes. If you’re willing to try again with me?”
God, his warm brown eyes were so vulnerable and he was so nervous that you’d say no that you swear your heart broke for him then and there. You took a deep breath.
“We’ll have to keep it quiet. Otherwise, I’m probably gonna get shipped back on the next plane back to D.C. And no more shutting me out, Javi. This won’t work if you’re not willing to talk to me.”
“You’re right. I swear I’ll try for you, compañera.”
Your breath escaped your lips in a small chuckle and you shook your head before pressing your lips gently to his. He held you like a man lost in a desert, just discovering an oasis and you clutched his shoulders, as if afraid that he was going to disappear.
You tasted salt on his lips but you didn’t know if it was from your tears or his.
“So what did you mean when you first started calling me compañera?”
Javi chuckled and put his beer down on the table. He tightened his grip on you and placed a kiss on your shoulder.
You were sitting in Javier’s lap at the balcony of your apartment, enjoying one of your days off. The weather was absolutely perfect, the Medellín sun warming your face and the slight breeze providing a much needed cool-down from time to time.
You looked back at him with a grin, “You never did answer me.”
“Well,” he began, “It was partner at first. You had definitely proven yourself in my eyes and had an impressive record so I had respect for you. Then, I guess it kinda morphed into friend. You were always there when I needed you and you had my back when I was in a tight spot. Then, one day, you came to work with your hair down and I had an ‘oh shit’ moment.”
You laughed out loud. “Really? Me with my hair down made you realize you had feelings for me?”
“Shh, don’t interrupt me now, mi amor. So, yeah, at that point the rumors started that I was using compañera in its meaning for girlfriend and was deliberately doing that like a code or something, so people would get confused.”
“And yet you didn’t deny any of it.”
He smirked. “No, I guess I didn’t.”
You shook your head at his antics and turned around in his lap, now fully facing him.
“Eres un idiota,” (You’re an idiot.) you whispered against his lips before kissing him. You felt him smile and couldn’t help but smile, too, effectively ruining your kiss.
“Pero soy tu idiota,” (I’m your idiot, though.) Javi said, pecking your nose. You gazed at the man you loved so much, you’d lay down your life for him, admiring the way his disheveled hair tousled in the wind and the way his eyes shone in the sun. You found that there was no better sight in the world and you smiled softly.
“Yeah, I guess you are.”
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thottyhrs · 4 years
Just a lil world building and build up between myself and a certain... rat.
Not my best work, but I finally had the motivation to push myself and write something I’ve been wanting to make for a while ;;
Blasted thing!
Ratigan growled, outstretching his cloak and observing the long tear. He usually kept his attire in pristine order, so something like this was more than just a tad irritating. As he wondered where such a tear could have come from, the bigger question popped in his mind— where would he go to stitched? He wasn’t well versed in sewing, nor did he trust any of his idiotic goons to fix it properly. As he walked along the streets of London, he kept his eyes peeled. He couldn’t exactly stroll into any boutique, considering his face was all over the papers. Perhaps he could just manipulate some poor worker?
That seemed to be the plan as he walked up to a small shop, nestled just outside of Baker Street. He rubbed his chin, looking around the empty city. He wasn’t too keen on the idea of potentially running into trouble if he went further down the street. His worst nightmare would truly come to light if he ran across that second rate detective while he was out in the open. Time to test his luck, he thought.
He walked onto the porch, noticing the little bell strung just above the door. He gave it a tug. The soft ring went off, sounding similar to a wind chime. However, no one showed up. He tapped his foot, his patience quickly growing thin. He tugged the thread of the bell once more, glaring at the door. He pulled out his pocket watch, checking the time. He couldn’t wait around all night— and despite his better judgement, he’d prefer to just head home with tattered clothes than stand outside in the dreary night.
Just as he was about to call quits, a small voice broke him out of his train of thought.
“Excuse me, sir?”
He looked behind him, seeing the mouse at the bottom of the stairs. At least, he assumed she was one— she was quite tall, much taller than many other mice he’s met. However, her large eyes and small tails proved to him she wasn’t a rat. She took off her hat, showing off her puffy brown hair. She smiled up at him before speaking. “May I help you?”
He raised an eyebrow, smirking softly as he slid his watch back into his jacket. Considering she didn’t look at him with fear or suspicion, Ratigan suspected he caught a lucky break. She didn’t recognize the criminal— he wasn’t sure how, but he surely wasn’t going to complain. “Good evening, my dear. I assume you’re the owner of this little boutique.”
She nodded in response. “Yes. I hope you weren’t waiting too long.” She said, walking up the stairs to speak with him face to face. “Are you here to pick up a suit or—?”
He snickered. Such a polite little thing, he thought. “I don’t suppose you would be able to stitch up something for me?” He asked. He watched as her eyes brightened up with a smile on her face. “Of course! Please, come in.” She said, slipping around him and pulling out her keys, unlocking the door for the both of them. The professor was taken aback by the young woman’s generosity— if he didn’t know any better, it was almost like was walking into a trap. Though, judging on cover alone, so to speak, she didn’t seem like the detective type. He stepped inside without a second thought, taking in all of his surroundings. The shop was quite... quaint— if you could even call it a shop.
It looked more like a home. If the many mannequins weren’t present, adorned with their beautiful gowns and handsome tuxedos, it would look like a typical living room. Upon further inspection, he saw the small basket of threads and needles that stood beside the lounge chair— which sat in front of the brick fireplace. All those put together, Ratigan was able to deduce that this young woman lived alone and wasn’t very well off. Much of her furniture looked to be hammy downs, most likely from her grandparents, as the manufacturing seemed old fashioned.
Normally, he wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like this. However, he didn’t have much choice at this point. “I’m sorry if it looks kinda messy.” She said, a hint of nervousness was present in her voice. “Would you like something to eat? I have some crumpets fresh from the oven.”
“No thank you, my dear. However... a cup of tea does sound rather nice.”
“I’ll brew a pot, then! How does earl grey sound?”
“Perfect. No sugar, please.”
She gave a quick nod before rushing to the kitchen, just a few steps across from the front room. He sat down on the doily couch, resting his elbow upon the arm rest. He couldn’t deny, being offered tea and crumpets out of the blue from a random stranger felt... odd. Civility wasn’t something he normally came across, especially in his line of work. Then again, that didn’t mean he was against it. She was clearly a naive, overly trusting person— the kind of mouse that would be a victim of his blackmail. If he didn’t have to work in order to get some obedience, then there was no need to complain. That reminded him... her voice— she clearly wasn’t British, or European for that matter. She sounded foreign... American perhaps?
Before he could pounder further, the smell of freshly brewed tea enveloped his nose. He couldn’t help but smile— it smelled absolutely delicious. The young lady placed the cup in front of him, the saucer gently clicking against the wooden table. “There you are.”
She sat down in the lounge chair across from him, watching as he took a sip of his tea. It wasn’t the most delectable, but it was certainly above average. It almost made him forget why he was there... wait a minute—!
“So, what did you need stitched up?” She asked. He cleared his throat, feeling a touch embarrassed that the reason he was here had completely slipped his mind. “Ah, yes. Pardon me.” He began.
“It’s my cloak, you see. Damn thing caught on something. Quite the nasty tear.”
“Oh! May I see?”
She quickly stood back up, approaching him and undoing the clasps on his cloak. Once she saw the rip in question, she let out a wondering hum. “Hmm... shouldn’t take too much time, nor would you need any patches. I can sew it back up no problem, will only take a few minutes.” She said, returning back to her chair and pulling out the basket of threads he saw before. “I’ll try my best to hurry. I don’t wish to take up anymore of your time.”
“Not to worry, my dear. I’m a patient man, especially in the presence of such a lovely image.”
He couldn’t help but smirk as he watched her fur fluff up, her gaze quickly avoiding him and down to her fumbling fingers. “You’re too kind, sir.” She muttered softly, a soft blush now present on her cheeks. Ratigan was no stranger to swooning others, men and women, but that was a little too easy. “Actually... would you be so kind as to tell me your name before showering me with compliments?” She asked, peeking up at him with a raised eyebrow and sly smile. He let out a deep chuckle, resting his chin on the palm of his hand and looking at her with half lidded eyes. He didn’t mind a little playful banter. Although, would it truly be wise to out himself? She didn’t seem to recognize him when they first met, so it’s possible that perhaps... she truly didn’t know who he was. He wasn’t much of a gambling man, but he was willing to make that risk— worst case scenario, he can manipulate and threaten her.
“Professor Padraic Ratigan. And you are?”
“Pleasure.” She said, bowing her head. “Oh! Um... it’s Madelyn. Though, I’m not too big on formalities— Maty is just fine.” She added.
Hmmm... Madelyn, if he remembered correctly, it was a name of French origin— it’s more popular meaning being ‘high tower’. He held back a laugh, finding the name rather fitting, given her height. Her continued politeness lead him to assume that she truly had no idea who he was or that he had even existed prior up to this point. What luck, he thought.
The room became quiet as Maty continued to sew. He was impressed that she was able to work while they spoke, even when her eyes weren’t on the garment. It was clear she was very experienced. His eyes followed her supple fingers as they gently and carefully threaded through the fabric. Feeling his gaze on her, Maty cleared her throat. “Um... so... Professor, may I ask what you are a professor of?” She questioned. She seemed a bit uncomfortable by his staring. Noted.
“Ah, I’m afraid it isn’t anything too extravagant. I was a mathematician for a university.” He answered. That seemed to peak her interest, her gaze moving away from her work and back towards him. “Really? What made you want to leave?”
“Oh... a change in occupation, shall we say.”
That seemed to satisfy her, as she let out a content hum. For a moment, he assumed she was trying to interrogate him. Maybe he should do the same. “If we’re exchanging personal information. I’m curious why an American mouse would move so far from home. Considering it seemed to be a heavy burden on your finances.”
He grinned, seeing the shock on her face. What looked so obvious to him probably wasn’t to others. She seemed a little offended by his assumption, retorting with a not so humored stare. “For a man who most likely came from nothing, that’s quite the stone you threw from your glass home.”
Ooo, feisty. Usually, he would get rather insulted by such an insinuation, but her precious little smirk made it more forgiving. “Oh, I don’t mean any offense. I was just intrigued, that’s all.” He said. She sighed, laying the cloak on her lap. “I’m sorry. I’ve unfortunately heard that question many times from... not so friendly people.” She said. “If you’d really like to know— I’ve wanted to challenge myself and travel from a while now. I figured London was a nice place to start. It’s been an interesting change of pace, especially compared to Florida.”
Ahh, so that’s where she was from. He couldn’t hear a southern accent, so he was curious what part of America she was from. Florida certainly wasn’t his first guess. “I’m surprised such a charming woman like yourself is from a swamp of all place.”
She giggled, her hand over her mouth, barely covering her smile. Seems buttering her up works wonders. “I wouldn’t consider it a swamp, but since you’re British, I’m sure you’d assume any place in the world that doesn’t have an obnoxiously large clocktower to be just a rickety old swamp town.” She taunted. Not bad, she knew how to tease back. To be fair, they were childish and surface leveled, but it’s not everyday he meets someone with a little backbone.
She stood up, showing off the sewn up cloak to him. “All done.” She announced. He was pleasantly shocked— the craftsmanship was superb, you couldn’t even see the thread. “I suggest being more cautious. The stitch work, if ripped and teared again, might do more damage to the fabric.” She explained as he had him stand up, buckling the cloak back around his shoulders. The two were rather close to each other, he could see some of the details on her face. She had a freckle just below the right side of her lip, long eyelashes along with greenish blue eyes. She was quite beautiful, even the professor couldn’t deny that. “Thank you for your service, my dear.”
He took her hand into his, bringing it up to his mouth and planting a kiss upon her fur. She smiled wide, looking to the side and gently batting her eyes. “It was nothing, really.”
“Now, how much would this cost?”
As he was about to pull out his wallet, Maty quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him in an instant. “Oh, thank you, but... I do stitching for free. Besides, I was a bit rude earlier.” She said, muttering the last part under her breath. Perhaps others would consider it rude— he thought of it as nothing more than cheeky banter. Other than that, he was surprised that she was offering her work for free. Why would you look a gift horse in the mouth, right?
“Very well. Oh! Before I leave, I would like to try one of your crumpets, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course, one moment.”
She rushed to the kitchen, taking a small baggy and placing a couple crumpets inside, tying it up with a bow. She figured it was better than giving him one with just a napkin or something. As she came back out, she was surprised to see that the man was gone. She blinked a few times, looking around the room. “Professor?”
As she made her way back towards the coffee table, she noticed from the corner of her eye— a subtle shimmer. She looked over and saw a diamond, a small pouch filled with coins, along with a letter. Did she really take that long or was he really that fast? She picked up the paper, scanning it with her eyes and reading out loud. “Thank you for your work, hope to see you again soon. Sincerely, Professor Ratigan...”
Her heart skipped a beat as she finished. She looked back down at the pouch, picking it up and looking inside. Her eyes shot wide— there had to be at least a hundred pounds or more, not to mention the beautiful diamond he left behind. She was honestly so overwhelmed— a part of her wanted to rush outside, look for the man and return the money. However, she had barely enough to get by lately— some nights she had to go to bed hungry. All of this could keep her fed and stable for a while. She smiled wide, hugging both the letter and pouch close to her chest. What luck, she thought. Who knew London would have such a kind soul?
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divine-motion · 4 years
i’m having more of my tmnt au/2012 rewrite-ish thing so i’m gonna post this doodle of Karai and Leonardo bc it also summarizes one problem i have with 2012 and then the rest of my thoughts will be under keep reading
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if you can’t read my handwriting/the quality of the phone picture is too bad: Karai: You ever think about how we’re in this mess just because our dads were fighting over a girl? Leonardo: ...... Y. Yeah. All the time.
yeah so obviously i don’t really like the reason for The central conflict of the series and shredder’s motivation to begin with, especially when they put in a much better reason in his backstory but still focused on “gorl didn’t like me back :(”
like really this guy devotes his life to revenge, kidnaps his niece, tries to murder several children, allies himself with colonizing aliens, and literally dooms the earth to destruction all because... he’s an incel. like i do like how crazy devoted he is to his revenge bc i love that stuff but with this it’s just kind of funny when it’s not supposed to be. so! i would change his motivation to what it should have been and is actually in the show, namely: the whole thing about the Hamato Clan taking him in as a baby after they launched a devastating assault on a Foot Clan village, where they found him.
they do add in a little bit of it but. it should’ve been his main motivation, not just an extra thing! it could’ve even made him something of a sympathetic villain! like how i would’ve done it, he finds out about his origins as being part of the Foot Clan and the fate of his home village, and is enraged that he’s been lied to his whole life. he questions the honor of the Hamato Clan since they clearly attacked civilians - this was a village, and there were clearly kids there, he wonders if he really was the only child there and how many were not given the same mercy he did - and his family were apparently killed in the attack. so he confronts his brother yoshi about it (not sure if i’d have yoshi know about it or not but his reaction remains the same). saki expresses his desire to have revenge, tear the Hamato Clan down since he doesn’t believe that it deserves to continue to exist, but that doesn’t mean yoshi has to die too, and asks yoshi to join him. of course, since saki wants to kill yoshi’s dad as revenge, yoshi refuses, the two fight, tang shen jumps between, house burns down, big ol’ domino brick effect.
i think he still has feelings for tang shen and while he’s jealous he leaves it be and remains best friends with tang shen, and her death at his hand drives him further off the edge. he takes in miwa/karai partially as a way to make it up to tang shen, though he knows it’s not enough. oh and also as a dramatic irony/more revenge against the Hamato Clan since that’s exactly what they did to him.
while he is entirely dedicated to eradicating the Hamato Clan he gets more and more obsessed with revenge as the story goes on. like i’m thinking of having leo and karai suggest a truce between the Foot and the turtles with the Kraang threat afoot and shredder actually ends up accepting bc he agrees they can’t let the Kraang win. maybe more bc he genuinely cares abt karai in his own way and wants there to be a world for her to grow up in (even though at this point she’s been trained as an assassin for her entire childhood but. well. he’s still a villain yanno. “this is how my adoptive parents treated me when i was growing up, i don’t see what the problem is.” “your parents who you hate?” “yeah. what of it.”). but then, later on, he would become entirely obsessed with revenge and not care about anything else that happens, probably after killing splinter and finding it brought him no peace or satisfaction
seriously what’s up with 2012 allying with the Kraang. how do you see that working out for you sir. sure he was expecting a betrayal but. still.
of course he takes opportunity of the truce to steal mutagen and Kraang tech while they can and makes sure to make use of the fact that the turtles can’t interfere in his business to make more weapon deals and gain more territory.
... hmm... i could... have tang shen live... potentially surviving the wound... and she and yoshi both believe that miwa perished in the fire, and they either get divorced or they both move to usa together and then yoshi gets mutated and tang shen is left alone, not knowing that her husband turned into a giant rat... i mean that’s just a potential thing. it sounds a little bit melodramatic and contrived but i think tang shen should get to survive sometimes and making splinter Epic Divorce Man would be funny. i dunno just a thought!
while we’re on the topic of Foot Clan stuff i might as well talk a little about other Foot Clan goons
bebop and rocksteady join way earlier. i care them ok. not sure if they’d still be anton zeck and steranko... idw and bay movies are peak bopsteady ok, and i like them being friends from the start! also for design changes i just don’t agree with bebop being skinny. he’s fat :)
Xever doesn’t get mutated, i like his human design more and there are, what, three major black characters in 2012 and they’re all villains and all get mutated? let xever be human!! he’d also be a bit more of a major and respected villain, a very Neutral Evil type, and makes a point to show he’s out for himself and for his own survival. if possible he’ll try to talk his way out of situations when he can and speaks in support of the truce i mentioned earlier because he’d prefer it if the earth was still inhabitable. karai proclaims that he is her favorite among her dad’s cringe henchmen but the only thing they bond over is their mutual disdain of bradford. he just thinks karai is kind of a brat, if a very skilled and dangerous brat.
while bradford/rahzar is a fairly formidable threat, there would be more emphasis on how pathetic he is. he’s chuck norris so he deserves it. also he’s like a 50 year old guy who acts so entirely devoted to shredder who’s. what. 39 years old? 40? he deserves to be dragged more
i’m thinking mr baxter stockman wouldn’t be mutated either, i like his human design a lot too. he would also be much less of a loser in this rewrite since bradford would take that role. instead, he’s just... an absurdly normal genius scientist/engineering guy who happens to be part of a really evil crime organization full of evil ninjas. he’s polite and eccentric, happy to have someone who finally funds his many inventions and experiments, even if that someone happens to be someone literally called The Shredder. however, while he is a nice man, he is rather impatient when people rush him with inventions. whenever shredder tries his usual “if you fail there will be consequences” it just doesn’t work bc baxter points out that failure is part of the process and that shredder absolutely needs him to make the inventions shredder wants.
karai is weirded out by baxter the most bc he just seems so normal
later on when karai goes double-agent to try and take the Foot Clan down from the inside: i trust baxter the least leo: it’s the sweater isn’t it karai: it’s just so pink, i can’t stop looking at it whenever we’re having an Evil Ninja Crime Organization meeting! do you know the tonal dissonance of seeing him next to The Shredder? and listening to shredder speak in grunts and growls while baxter just keeps a chipper tone?? i don’t think i’ve ever used the word chipper to describe someone before but with him, it’s the only word i can think of!!! leo: he is disarmingly pleasant. karai: right!!! he looks more like someone’s wacky dad!! the other day he literally told me a dad joke. i felt like i was light-headed
i don’t think i’d change tiger claw very much, if at all. maybe make him a little less invincible at times, and a little more regretful of the outcome with alopex.
i have more thoughts but this is. already several walls of text so i’ll end this nonsense post here
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shijiujun · 4 years
fear no more (when you’re with me)
Lu Yao is scared of almost everything, and Chusheng doesn’t get it.
“Why would you be scared when you have me?” he asks, genuinely bewildered.
(or once again, a nonsensical, incoherent and self-indulgent ficlet where Chusheng takes care of everything for his Lu Yao)
Chusheng lived on the streets for a few years where he got involved in too many fights to count, way before he met Boss Bai and was taken under the man’s wing. He had to stare down people that were larger than him, fiercer than he was, scarier too. When he slept on the streets, he shared the space with rats, cockroaches and the likes. If he didn’t want to go hungry, he had to fight for leftover food in the garbage too between buildings.
From early on, he understood that if he wanted something, he had to fight for it. What use was fear? Being scared didn’t fill up his stomach and it sure as hell didn’t keep other assholes from hitting and bullying him.
After he met Boss Bai, the man began to teach him how to fight, how to channel his strength efficiently and properly, and how to make sure that people respected or feared him. He was strong now and could fight anything that came his way as long as he faced it head on. The uncles and brothers he grew up around didn’t let fear control them either. 
There just aren’t that many things in the world left that scare him anymore. This is something that comes with experience and age. It’s the case for him, and it is the same for everyone else, Chusheng believes.
That is, until he meets Lu Yao.
“It’s a dog, it’s barking at me!” Lu Yao panics from where he jumped over Chusheng’s back earlier.
Staring at the chihuahua incredulously, Chusheng thinks he is hearing Lu Yao wrongly. “What- It’s a small, tiny dog, San Tu. What are you even scared of?”
“It’s barking at me! Shoot it!”
The dog continues to bark at Lu Yao and the tall, gangly genius refuses to get down from his back, even going as far as to grab his gun from the waistband of his pants. When the dumbass gets like this, shit always happens, and his theory is proven correct when the windows to his car shatter from a misfired bullet.
Chusheng has never seen anyone like Lu Yao. How can anyone be that brilliant and intelligent, and also this timid at the same time?
Where he has long since outgrew his fears, Lu Yao has them all, and more.
The man hides from trouble the second he spots it - hiding inside the train while Chusheng beat the hired goons up, averting his eyes when he saw the beheaded corpse, running away when people chase him, using Chusheng as a physical shield when You Ning or anyone else confronts him, and the list goes on.
Lu Yao is scared of everything except dead people (if the corpse is whole), which is ironic, if he thinks about it.
There’s a rat running around Chusheng’s office one day, and before You Ning can even take off her shoe and chase after the rodent, when Chusheng turns around, Lu Yao is already standing on top of his table, hugging his hands to himself.
Chusheng deals with the rat quickly, trapping it with his cup and then calling for Ah Dou to come in and remove it.
A few days later, one of their cases brings them to a dilapidated, dark and eerie warehouse at the ports. Lu Yao insists on standing outside the door, and when Chusheng rolls his eyes and moves to head in with his men, Lu Yao grabs at his elbow and stops him. He forces Chusheng, the great Inspector Qiao, to accompany him outside while his men checks out the place. It turns out to be empty and they find the lights to illuminate the whole space ten minutes later, but even then, Lu Yao is pressed closed to him at his back with every move after.
A confrontation with one of Boss Bai’s brothers, one of Chusheng’s uncles, has the men threatening to cut off Lu Yao’s fingers one by one for daring to suspect one of their brothers for the case they’re on. That has Lu Yao so frightened he actually faints.
Chusheng can only look towards the heavens and pray for mercy.
Lu Yao backs off when beautiful women at the club approach him with a predatory eye. When one of their enemies actually brings a gunfight to the station, Chusheng finds Lu Yao hiding under his table after he deftly knocks the culprit out. 
A trek through the forests on the outskirts of the city in the middle of the night has Lu Yao flinching and jumping at every little sound. A visit to an abandoned three-storey building which used to serve as a prison back in the older days and Lu Yao is clutching at his sleeve, refusing to let go as they check out the scene.
“I don’t understand,” Chusheng finally says one afternoon, turning around to look at Lu Yao who is crouched low in his seat in the car, hiding while Chusheng faced off with two men who followed them out of the restaurant, looking for trouble.
“What… what do you not understand?” Lu Yao asks as he straightens, confused and awkward.
“Why would you be scared when you have me?” Chusheng continues, absolutely exasperated as he crosses his arm, staring at Lu Yao with a raised eyebrow.
The man returns his stare from the backseat for a long while. Chusheng writes it off as a lost cause after Lu Yao has been silent for too long, and gets back into the driver’s seat.
Chusheng doesn’t know fear anymore, but a few weeks later, he supposes he comes rather close to the feeling again. Seeing Jiang Zhi Qing and his men carry a body in a potato sack, coming out of the restaurant Lu Yao went into earlier. Lu Yao is now nowhere in sight.
He manages to save San Tu then, but as his sources inform him of Lu Yao’s siblings and father moving, moving to remove him from Shanghai, away from him by any means possible, Chusheng begins to worry. He starts to fear, the first time in more than a decade. 
He fears that if he’s not careful, he’s going to wake up and Lu Yao will be nowhere to be found, whisked away to somewhere that Chusheng cannot reach.
Chusheng suggests to Lu Yao that he leave Shanghai for a bit with You Ning while he sorts all of this out. He is almost entirely certain that Lu Yao will agree, given his penchant for running away when trouble comes knocking, so when Lu Yao shakes his head and simply continues reading the case document in front of him instead, Chusheng doesn’t understand.
“Why don’t you want to go? You should go, San Tu. I’ll make sure they can’t reach you,” he frowns.
“I don’t want,” Lu Yao responds, almost indignant. “Why should I go? I like being here where I’m not disliked, and you pay me handsomely- well, not really, you could do better with my wages, but the thing is, I like it here. Where would I even go?”
“Anywhere,” Chusheng shrugs, helpless. “Anywhere at all. Anywhere is better than here. Jiang Zhi Qing already tried to kidnap you once. I don’t have to tell you how powerful your siblings are, right? And don’t try to hide it, when you heard that your Dajie was coming to visit you earlier, you shuddered. You’re scared of her, so why won’t you go?”
The more time he spends with Lu Yao, the more Chusheng understands that he is willing to do anything if it means Lu Yao is safe and happy. This is the most he can do for Lu Yao right now. The triads are a big thing in Shanghai, but against political power and status which Lu Yao’s sister has in spades, her talons sinking into places even they cannot reach, there’s only so much Chusheng can do.
He’s not confident that he can protect Lu Yao from this one.
“Well,” Lu Yao begins, peering up from the document and staring pointedly at Chusheng before looking away in a pout.
Chusheng gets distracted immediately as he actually finds the pout cute. He’s done for, he knows that.
“Someone asked me a while back why I would be scared… when I have him?” Lu Yao ends the sentence in a rush, as if embarrassed. “And he’s right. So this is me… trying to be less scared.”
He is floored. He truly is, and Chusheng doesn’t know if he should laugh or cry in this situation. However, Lu Yao’s response has strangely chased away the uncertainty he’s been feeling for a while now, just like that.
Sitting against the edge of the table right next to Lu Yao, Chusheng bends down and asks, “Are you sure? You’re so sure that I’ll be able to protect you?”
Lu Yao’s face is mere inches away from his as he looks up to return Chusheng’s gaze.
“You said that I have you,” Lu Yao swallows, his eyes unsure. “Did you mean it?”
Chusheng can say no right now. He can laugh it off, hit it where it hurts and get Lu Yao far away from Shanghai. Logically, he knows that, but when Lu Yao is looking at him like this, when Lu Yao relies on him, when Lu Yao needs him-
How can he say no to that?
He’ll deal with Lu Yao’s troublesome family when they come.
“Hnn,” he hums in assent, “You have me, for as long as you want me.”
At the answer, Lu Yao does a pretty good imitation of a deflated balloon as the tension in his body leaves him, and says, “I thought you were going to say no-“
Chusheng cuts him off and captures his lips with his own suddenly. A hand cupping the side of Lu Yao’s angular, handsome face, Chusheng deepens the kiss until Lu Yao can hardly remember his own name when they break apart.
He looks pretty dazed, Chusheng thinks smugly.
It takes Lu Yao a minute to come back to himself, but when he does, his face turns a lovely shade of red and he pushes Chusheng away, standing up.
Seeing Lu Yao scramble away and head for the door, the fondness that wells up in his chest at the sight is surreal. There he is, his timid Lu San Tu.
“Where’re you going?” he asks, amused. “Is that it?”
“I-“ Lu Yao spins around, then takes two steps to the left before regretting it and turning back. “I- I’m going home. You- You figure out what to do with my Dajie. I’m- I’m going home.”
“Shall I send you back-“
Chusheng winces as Lu Yao strikes the back of the couch, then trips over a cabinet leg in his fluster to leave the office. Shaking his head, Chusheng decides that he will not press Lu Yao for now.
He’ll have to figure out some way to deal with Lu Yao’s Dajie and the rest of his family.
After all, Lu Yao is counting on him to drive away all his fears and Chusheng has resigned himself to the fact that he will give Lu Yao everything he wants, if only the man opens his mouth and asks.
*Dajie - Older sister
*Based loosely on the ending of ep 24, I took liberties with the timeline a little bit
*We’ll only know what happens when Lu Yao’s sister comes visit him this week probably, I await with bated breath
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