#so then and sam are either end of middle school or start of high school
volturiprincess · 7 months
Little Brother
Paul Lahote x fem reader
Summary: reader has a little brother who is a shifter Warnings: some angst, I think there were some curse words A/N: So this was a request, sorry it took a while to get this out but school comes first ☺️. if anyone has a request, don't hesitate to ask me, I am open in doing them. There will be a second A/N in the end. Word count: 2k+
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Researching for colleges is such a pain in the ass, why am I doing this again? Oh yea I want to be a Doctor, more specifically a Physician. I have been in my room for over 3 hours already looking at different pamphlets of schools that have caught my eye. I have a little brother to take care of so I have been looking at schools near La Push but there are not a lot of schools that have the program I am interested in. And little old me decided to also graduate from High School one year early so that I could have a gap year to save up money and to visit different universities. I've been dragging my little brother with me to these college visits for the reason we are close and I don't like going alone on these visits. 
We are only 3 years apart but I still treat him like a small child, even if he is already slightly taller than me. I heard a sudden knock at my door and called out for them to come in. I sat up from the floor and saw my little brother walk in
“Hey Oli, what's up?”
“I just came to check on you, I haven't seen you in like days already and you missed dinner”
“Shoot, sorry, I didn't even know so much time has gone by, I been trying to narrow down my choices in colleges down to 5 but it has been a struggle but I did eat a sandwich earlier”
He nods 
“Why don't you take a break and we can go walk at La Push?”
My eyes widen at the mention of the beach
“Sounds like a plan bro, meet me outside in 10 minutes”
He rolled his eyes playfully but walked outside nevertheless. I stood off the ground and got somewhat ready, I just needed a sweater and shoes. I left my room and went outside where Oliver was waiting, we then started to walk to the beach, it was literally over the the treeline of where we live so it didn't take long. I have been coming to this beach since I was born, and when Oliver was born I made sure he came as frequently as I did or sometimes I would sneak at night just to come see the moon over the ocean. 
As we arrived at the beach I saw a group of boys and knew right away who they were, Sam Uley's pack. I went to school with them. I even had a class with some of the members but they always seem to annoy me with their loudness so I personally decided to stay away.
As we were walking Oliver asked me 
“Do you know those guys?”
“Yes I do, why do you ask?”
“Just asking, you always look at them like they killed your dog or something”
I laughed 
“Well there are just rowdy boys, and that annoys me you know?”
We kept on walking until someone shouted out “HEADS UP '', I grabbed Oliver instantly and pulled him down and saw a football flying over us. I stood up and walked over to the ball and looked at where it came from and I stiffen up when I saw it came from the pack, I grabbed the ball and threw it back to them immediately. I could hear one of the guys shout back “THANK YOU” which I just responded with a hand signal and walked off with Oliver.
“You know I'm surprised you didn't do sports in high or middle school, that was one heck of a throw, the distance you threw was easily a whole football field”
I rolled my eyes but wrapped an arm around his shoulders and ruffled his hair
“Oh yea? Easily a football field? You need to go touch the grass more often then, but I do got to agree it was a beautiful throw, an old friend of mine and I would practice throwing either a football or baseball in the backyard”
“I remember that, I preferred to sit at the porch and read a book while you two played”
“Such a bookworm, you know thats suppose to be me right, the amount of books I have read so far in the 17 years I have existed would blow your mind”
Chuckling he answered 
“I'll take your word on that”
Recently Oliver has been a bit distant with me, I thought at first it was just him being busy with school and his new job he told me he got recently but I hardly see him at the house anymore. I have approached him multiple times but his response is always “I'm just busy living my life”. He always says it in this tone that is just bland and he doesn't sound like himself. I know I've been busy with applying to colleges and stuff but he's been like this for a couple of months now. It also appears he's been getting into shape, not only has he gotten taller out of the blue but he has muscles now and on top of that he cut his beautiful thick locks. It makes me think that maybe there is a girl he likes and he wants to impress her or maybe there is something else. I wish he would come up to me but for now I am giving him his space and hoping he will come up to me when he is ready. 
I decided to go take a  walk at La Push beach to just clear my mind from the stress of life for a bit. It has been a while since I've been here and I kind wish Oliver was here with me. As I am walking on the sand, I see a group of boys all shirtless and with jorts on close by. I knew right away it was Sam Uley's pack but then I saw a familiar figure amongst them. My eyes widen and before I even think twice I shout out his name
I saw him turn his head to me slowly and his face reflects my current face. I felt slightly betrayed and went up to the group of boys and confronted my little brother.
“The hell are you doing with these guys Oliver, I told you to stay away from them”
Sam was the one who spoke up
“Miss why don't you relax and leave Oliver alone”
I snap my gaze to him 
“Excuse me? You don't get to tell me what to do when it comes to my little brother, that is between me and him. Sir”
Oliver spoke up still with that same monotone voice 
“Y/n just go home please, I will talk with you later”
I stared at him and then I saw something else I didn't notice earlier, a tattoo, the same tattoo that all of the other guys in this pack had. At that moment I had to bite my tongue so I didn't blow up on him in front of the guys so instead I nodded stiffly and walked away. So many thoughts started to flow through my mind; “why is he hanging out with older guys, more specifically why is he with those guys?” “Is that why he changed, so he could fit in with them or was he forced?” “What happened to that sweet boy who was scared of the lighting and would come to my room for comfort?”
I sat in the living room waiting for Oliver's arrival. I really wanted to blow up on him right there in front of the guys but why embarrass him like that, even if it was very tempting. I just realized I was addressed as “Miss”, I literally had a class with Sam and he sat right next to me and we were even partners once for a stupid math project. But what went totally over my head was a certain guy was watching intensely, he was looking at me like I was the only person alive. Before I could decipher this guy's name Oliver came into my view of sight.
I looked at him with narrowed eyes,
“So? Care to explain to me what I witnessed at the beach earlier? Or are you going to brush me off again like you have these past few months?
I saw for a moment he was hesitant but what he said next was expect
“You wouldn’t understand, they are helping me with stuff”
“Helping you with stuff? Like how to flirt with girls or how to be an idiot?”
“As I said you would not understand? How could you, you are only focusing on yourself and your future, I seen the pamphlets you been looking at, and they are all colleges far away from here”
I tried my best to be face to face with him but he is at this point he is a whole foot taller than me now
“For your information little brother, I have been looking at schools near here, why do you think it's been so hard for me to find the one, and for your information you think I am so self absorbed that I don't think about you? Why do you think you don't live with mom and dad? it's because they never paid attention to you or even cared to  raise you, it was all ME who raised you. I am trying to work towards a good career so that I could give you a better childhood that mom and dad failed to give you.”
I didn't even know a tear spilled from my eye but I quickly wiped it away and stood my ground, but for some reason he huffed and stormed out of the house without giving me a second glance or anything. I stared at the door for a while until I decided to just drop this for now. Teenagers really are something else, I really wish I did have someone to confide in when I face these problems with him but there is nobody. I decided to just make dinner and call it a night already, if he does not want to talk with me then so be it. 
I was getting ready to go visit another college alone once again when I heard a knock at my front door. I went to it and did not expect to see Paul Lahote there. Secretly I thought he was pretty cute, even if he flirted with all the girls at school but I just admired him from a distance and in silence. 
He was the one to speak first 
“Can I have a quick word with you?”
“Yea sure, what's up?”
“It's about you brother”
My mood dropped at that moment
“What about him?”
“Are you familiar with the Quileute legends?”
I nodded with suspicion 
“Yes i'm aware of them, but they are just stories”
I saw that look of hesitation once again, it was the same face Oliver did when I confronted him at home after the beach incident.
“Well, to some people it is but they are real you see, and your brother happens to be a shifter along with me and the other guys”
My hand went straight to the dorm frame to steady myself and Paul instantly went to a concerned stance.
“Hey you good?”
“You-your telling me, that my little brother who is 14, is a shifter, that the stories I grew up listening to are true and he didn't even tell me?”
He gave me a sheepish look
“Well the thing is, he couldn't tell you, it's a secret that is between the pack, it's to protect each other and not to reveal others our existence, can you imagine if others found out about us, the panic everyone would go through?”
I nodded since he did made a valid point.
“Yes well you have a point, but why are you telling me then, why not Oliver or Sam for instance?”
He scratched the back of his neck and he avoided eye contact with me. It's strange to see him like this, all flustered and nervous when I knew him as some cocky and flirty guy from High School. 
“Well you see I um….. imprinted on you….”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion 
“Imprinted on me? What the hell is that? And why me to be exact?”
“Well you see it's an involuntary mechanism that us shifters go through when we find out soulmates, we have no choice in who we get to imprint on, it just you know.......happens”
At the mention of soulmates my eyes widened in shock, the guy who I secretly liked but annoyed me at the same time is supposedly my soulmate. I always thought soulmates was an interesting topic hence my obsession with Greek Mythology and the topic that Zeus splitted people's souls in half and it was mortal's mission to find their other half. I looked back into his eyes 
“Soulmates? That's insane”
He chuckled and teased in return
“Oh and not shifting to a big wolf is not insane, your brother definitely knew you would react like this”
“Well I have heard the legends for years, so it's not like `oh what the hell your mental” kind of situation, at least I knew some part of this, but soulmates? You got to admit that's something you don't hear everyday”
Rolling his eyes playfully he gave a me a smile that stopped my heart for a minute 
“Fair but you're not too creeped out by this or have questions or whatsoever?”
I chuckled at his rambling but asked him 
“Well now that you say that I think about 1 million questions came up, please don't tell me Oliver has found an imprint yet?”
“No he hasn't yet, he's still figuring this whole shifting and stuff”
I nodded along
“Good, Good, I don't think I would accept it right away thinking he found love so young, but I also wanted to thank you”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion
“For what?”
“You and the other guys probably were a great help to him with all of this, even if I was completely clueless to all of this, he was for sure scared and confused with all of this, wasn't he?”
He nodded 
“Yea he was lucky me and Sam were close by, we heard a yell of pain and then a growl and well we knew what it was, we went up to him and calmed him down and then we explained everything to him”
When he said yell of pain, that hit me, as much as I might not tell Oliver directly that I love him, I do, I just show it a different way by being there and being his best friend. I looked up at Paul and hugged him tightly. I felt him stiffen from shock but eventually he wrapped his arms around me. He was so warm, even with the layers of clothing he had on, his heat was radiating through it to me. I felt him caressing the back of my head while I just had my cheek against his chest.
We pulled apart shortly after and I looking down mumbled 
“I'm sorry for calling you and your pack a cult and annoying behind your back”
I heard him chuckling loudly and I looked up at him with a surprised look
“No need to apologize sweetheart, we know we are annoying and I could never be mad at you”
I rolled my eyes playfully but let out a breath of relief
“Is Oliver with the other guys?”
He nods 
“I can take you to him, the cat is out of the bag already or this case the wolf is out of the bag”
I punched his arm playfully 
“Your such a nerd”
He did a fake pout but smiled while offering his arm for me to take. He guided me to his car and we drove off to who knows where. We eventually arrived at a cabin in the woods and I saw a bunch of shirtless guys running outside of the house towards us. I spotted Oliver and ran into his arms and pulled him into a deep hug. He returned the gesture immediately and I felt some small tears spill 
“I know everything, I'm sorry for blowing up on you”
He pulled away slightly to look at with slightly teary eyes
“It wasn't your fault y/n, it's mine, I just wished I could've told you about this but you know why I didn't, right?”
I nodded and wiped away his tears
“I'm just glad you didn’t have to deal with all of this alone” I turned to all of the guys “Thanks to all of you” they all nodded in a reassurance and some of them went back inside the house 
“So Paul also told you about him imprinting on you?”
I nodded 
“And he told me you have not found an imprint yet which is a relief, I don't think I would be ready to see you with someone yet, your just a little boy”
I ruffle his hair and he just chuckled slightly 
“Im 14, almost 15, and I'm taller than you also”
I huffed at his response
“Well i'm older and more mature than you”
Paul came up to us,
“She's got you there dude”
I looked at Paul who winked at me and Oliver just groaned in disgust
“Can you not be like that in front of me”
“Hey! since I know about all of this, you will see more of me and Paul together”
He scoffed but then smiled 
“Whatever, at least you won't be alone that often now”
Paul wrapped an arm around me and looked down on me 
“She will never be alone”
My heart skipped a beat at his response
A/N: My third one-shot DONE. Anyways I will get to that extended version of that Felix drabble/random idea/ im not sure what to call it, hopefully I will get it down in the next couple of days. Plus I will work on another moodboard since its been a while.
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colorlessjayblog · 3 months
Supernatural High School AU idea: Here me out
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High school is full of monsters (metaphorically), and with Sammy being old enough to actually start that dreadful stage of pre teen, it's up to his big brother Dean to make sure lil Sammy doesn't have to deal with the shit he had to Unfortunately for him, his dad John Winchester just got promoted and decided, without even discussing it with his kids, that they should move out to the big city so he can live closer to the police station he's been transferred to. So all the street cred Dean had built up for 4 years that he was planning on using to keep Sam safe from bullies? Down the drain. Worst of all, the new high school the two were enrolled in is, for lack of a better terms, crawling with monsters (teenagers) that see two cop kids and immediately pin them down as fresh meat.
While Sam hopes to keep a low profile and focus on his studies, Dean immediately tries to make himself a bigger target for attention. He hope to building a reputation that could either get people to like him enough to not bother Sam, or scared of him enough that they wouldn't dare hurt his little brother. Either way, he finds himself with a busted lip and bruised knuckles, sitting in detention on the first week of school. Dean thinks of his dad at that moment, and the amount of shit he was gonna get when they inevitably call him and snitch. He thinks about ways to possibly get out of it (maybe calling Uncle Bobby to bail them out somehow) when the door to the detention room opens and Dean, to his surprise, was given a slap on the wrist and a warning by the vice principle When asked why, all Ms. Billie tells him was that a guy named Castiel vouched for his innocence and claimed it was all self defense. Dean soon meets his 'guardian angel' standing by his locker, not leaning against it, standing in front of it in the middle of the hall way like a creep. The trench coat that was two sizes too big didn't help They have the most uncomfortable stare off before Dean asks who the hell he was and all he gets is: "I'm the one who vouched for you, and saved you from detention" Dean doesn't trust the guy as far as he can thrown him, especially after finding out the guy was part of the school's Ice Hockey team, who Dean didn't even know the school had, since they also had a (more vocal) Football team, one that Dean was planning on joining to gain some jock rep. Castiel's reason for 'saving' Dean had been to try and recruit him for hockey, something Dean immediately turns down. Dean didn't trust whatever it was they were planning, certainly didn't trust the guy they sent as a representative. On the other side of the coin, Sam is struggling to find his footing in his new life. He's gotten used to traveling often, his dad having taken him and Dean out hunting numerous times through out his childhood, but this was permanent. He barely had any friends back in Kansas, he has less so now being the new kid. One thing was for sure, Sam didn't want to rely on his big brother for everything anymore. Not because he wasn't grateful, heaven knows Dean had been more of a father to him then his own dad, but that's just it! He doesn't want Dean to keep watch over him, he wants his big brother to actually enjoy high school and be a teenager, without having to worry about his little brother getting hurt or finding Sam on the wrong end of a fist. Sam wanted to prove to Dean that he was just as capable, independent, and strong as he was. Which leads to Sam finding himself among some bad company. He wasn't gullible by any means, but hormones and the itch to rebel and prove himself push him to some trouble he thought he'd never find himself in. All it took was one conversation with his classmate Ruby, and suddenly Sam finds himself involved in the most convoluted, and frankly cliche, high school deep shit drama. Now he has to keep secrets, sneak around, and uncover dirty laundry from people who are far too damaged to be in high school. Seriously, so many of them need to go to some kind of therapist or physiatrist. That or they need a better guidance counselor. Highjinx happen, fights break out, hearts are broken, and people discover things about themselves they wish they never did. All in time for the apocalypse (Senior Prom)
----------- Feel free to use this as a prompt or something! I'd love to hear people's ideas. Or hell, add on to the idea, what the other characters would be in this AU. I was thinking Charlie could be part of a DND or boardgame/video gaming club, some, some shit happens that leads to Dean and Charlie being friends. Thinking about Heaven and Hell just being two very different popular groups. Heaven group being the student council, preppy, rich kids. Hell being the rebels, delinquents, and outcasts. Cliche's like Vampires being goths, werewolves being jocks and all that
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panicroomsammy · 11 months
Throughout the show Sam and Dean are repeatedly confronted with people telling them their relationship is unusual, but this never seems to sink in for them. The canon compliant interpretation is repression and that they have never acted on their more than brotherly feelings for each other, but I have another theory: they started acting on these feelings way too young and can never acknowledge that they act on them because of this. I’m putting it under a cut for containing severely underage sex but I’ve been thinking about this for days and just have to get it out of my system.
You see, when some kinds of relationships start so young that the people in them don’t know what to call it, it can either never be given a name or it can end. I don’t know if there is any relationship in the world that can survive saying out loud “we started having sex when both of our ages were in the single digits and that was really fucked up but do you want to keep doing it.” But Sam and Dean’s relationship cannot end - they are soulmates after all - so they can never say it out loud. It started before there was a word for it so now there never will be a word for it.
It starts when Sam is two or three and Dean is six or seven. They sleep in the same bed - they have practically ever since either of them can remember. Legs wrapped around each other maybe one of them grinds against the other just the wrong way and it feels good and they don’t stop. Maybe it starts with Sam maybe it starts with Dean, it doesn’t matter - it happens. Maybe Dean already has some idea of what’s going on, maybe he’s done this before on his own, but he doesn’t fully grasp that it’s wrong for him to be doing it with another person. Maybe he has the vague feeling that it would be Bad if John found out about this but he can’t put his finger on why - just an internalization of societal norms that he doesn’t understand and never will. It stays this way all through childhood. Humping turns to touching themselves next to each other turns to touching one another directly. When Dean is in middle school there’s some kind of sex ed class and he finds it intriguing - he’s always been interested in sex - but never puts together that what he’s doing with his little brother is sexual. They’re both boys after all and sex is something you do with a woman. When Sam reaches middle school teenage Dean figures it’s his job to teach his little brother about sex. He never stops to consider that it’s something they’ve already been doing. Dean loses his virginity to some girl in high school. As far as he’s concerned it’s the first time he’s had sex with another person - sex requires a pussy, after all. Some time in their teen years they start going farther. It would seem impossible for the denial to continue at this point but it does. They’re just doing this because they’re brothers, because they need to be closer to each other.
Then maybe Sam realizes. Or maybe he doesn’t. If he does, maybe that’s part of why he leaves. It would be impossible for their relationship to continue once one of them accepted that the start of it at least had been messed up. But then Dean shows up and drags Sam away from his normal life. Was Sam ever really capable of normal, of enjoying normal things in normal ways after everything? Maybe Sam never did realize anything. Maybe he was living in his normal life like a dream, never understanding why it never quite felt right. Then he’s back with Dean. Their relationship is so, so much more than just sex-that-isn’t-sex - that’s just what I’m talking about here - so this doesn’t pick back up immediately. There are so many more things to sort out. But then one night they’re just both horny at the same time and they do find themselves exactly where they left off. It still isn’t sex. Sex is something you do with women. Sex isn’t something you do as a kid. They did this as kids, so it isn’t sex.
When the siren says it wants to be their brother because it wants to fall in love, neither of them bats an eye. When Ash tells them they’re soulmates they’re relieved to spend eternity together but not much else. When countless people assume them to be a couple they’re genuinely confused - they’ve just always been this way so they can’t be a couple because couples are people who haven’t always been that way.
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lane-ys-world · 5 months
Blank The Series - A BLANK slate?
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Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put two stupidly attractive women in a television show and basically said “Make this show as disgustingly cute as humanly possible?”
No? Well then you clearly haven’t seen Blank The Series. Now, if you’ve been into GL (Girls Love/ Lesbian) dramas for a while now then maybe you’ve seen GAP The Series. If not, then it’s time to come out from the comfort of the rock you’ve been living under.
These two stories intersect due to the two sisters, Neung and Sam. After Song, the middle sister, tragically passes away following an argument with their grandmother over her sexuality, Song vows to never return to their family home and gets into a car accident on her way back to her girlfriend. Of course their grandmother, who has spent all this time raising them, rejects the relationship and then blames Song’s girlfriend for her death. The family is then divided with Neung blaming her grandmother for her sister’s death and Sam trying to just keep her remaining family together. Things come to a head, however, when Sam falls in love with a woman and their grandmother, set in her homophobic ways, tries to get Sam to marry a ‘nice boy’ she chose and deems worthy instead.
This backfires…greatly!
Sam, still wanting to keep the peace but also wanting to love who she loves, becomes a shell of herself before her grandmother’s eyes – unable to eat and incapable of engaging on any meaningful level with either her grandmother or her betrothed. This is when Nana realizes she’s gone too far and is at risk of losing her remaining granddaughter – because Neung booked it the minute she got her bearings and promised that she, too, would only ever return when her Nan was cold and due for a meeting with her maker.
Neung upon finding out that Sam was about to choose Granmama over the love of her life – they’re sisters, they still tell each other just about everything – decides it’s time to intervene and sticks her neck out for Sam in order to show her that her grandmother was the only person in the family getting anything out of the rules she was making and she expected everyone else to pretend to be happy with said rules – I’m paraphrasing, obvi. Well, fate or destiny or common freaking sense intervenes and gran takes her foot off Sam’s neck and ‘allows’ her to follow her heart – which leads Sam right back to Mon (her girlfriend).  Happy endings all around, right?
Not quite.
See, as Sam’s story has a happy ending we come to realise that the gran still has huge expectations of Neung… like the fact the she too was expected to marry a ‘nice boy’ that granmama deemed fit for her. That went over like a cinder block in a lake. Neung ran from the wedding!! She was already in her dress, at the venue, on the day and she decided “yeah, this isn’t for me.” So, she ran. Which is how she declared her excommunication. Her Nan was not pleased with this turn of events because it embarrassed the family, made them indebted to the nice boy’s family and all that jazz.
The boy (Chet), who so happens to be Neung’s high school best friend’s baby daddy, had had a crush on Neung since the beginning of time – why he then went and slept with her best friend is still beyond me. Ooooh, and let’s not forget the fact that Neung’s high school bestie – Piengfah – was also in love with her. Honestly, at this point we should just have NA (Neung Anonymous) meetings because she’s starting to seem like an addictive substance.
Now, you may be thinking ‘there is no way in hell this gets crazier!’ You would be WRONG! Not only are the baby daddy and her bestie in love with her, but so is the child of those two! Yes, a cool twenty years (I’m working off of the show, not the books – don’t come for me) after the baby was born, she too falls in love with Neung! And where her mother and father both failed, she succeeds in climbing over Neung's walls and military crawling her way into her heart. And babe, that’s just the beginning because, you see, Daddy Chet and ABSENT MOTHER Piengfah, are absolutely not going to allow their 21-year-old daughter to fall in love with someone sixteen years her senior and they are going to pull all the stops… but that will be in season 2 which is dropping in May, 2024.
Now, let’s talk about how these two stories compare to one another.
Before we continue though, please remember that this is in no way intended to downgrade any one of these shows and, honestly, I loved both iterations of the siblings so we are not going to put anybody down here!
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GAP the series, which aired in the second half of 2023, follows the story of Sam and Mon. Sam is depicted as an emotionally stunted individual who is completely uncertain of her own feelings – so much so that her friend circle has to second guess all her decisions in order to figure out what it is she actually wants. Why is she like this? Because of her grandmother, obviously.
Sam’s grandmother, after Song died and Neung ran, put immense amounts of pressure on Sam and essentially stripped her down to “yes, granmama” and “no, granmama”. Being from one of the royal families in Thailand, there are expectations of this family that Neung will no longer live up to and so they have fallen onto Sam.
So, gran did the sensible thing the moment the eldest sister left and doubled down on her control of Sam’s life because she was the only person who knew what would create a fruitful and successful life not just for Sam but for the family image.
How does dear granmama accomplish this? By giving Sam an ultimatum.
When Sam was of age she asked her gran if she could open her own business and she was told that she could have her own business until she was a certain age then she would have to completely give up that dream and get married to the man that was chosen for her.
Sam is business minded and has grown her company into something she is quite proud of. The kicker? Her betrothed is her business partner and keeps sticking his nose in her business – not always in the worst ways but he definitely thinks her knows what is best for here without consulting her.
Enter Mon.
Mon comes into the company as an intern. Her area of focus being social media marketing. She excels at this, gets the company numbers up and is fitting in well. Mon has a secret though… she’s been in love with Sam since their school days but Sam doesn’t remember her. Mon has crafted her entire life around the idea of being “good enough” for Sam and she feels like she’s finally on the right path. Sam starts to notice Mon and they start a secret affair because Sam made a rule that dating in the workplace is prohibited so if anyone catches on that they are fornicating in the office, Sam is going to be forced to fire her girlfriend.
But, of course, things must be better before they get worse so Kirk, grandmama’s lapdog and Sam’s betrothed, finds out about Sam and Mon and immediately runs to tell granny that she needs to get the little miss back under control before she destroys the family image by being publically gay? Look, I don’t know what this idiot thought he was doing but gran finds out.
Cue confrontation!
Sam yells, gran yells, Kirk – for whatever reason – is also yelling. Then Neung appears, as if out of thin air, dragging Mon along to also yell. Now we have a full house! Back and forth, yell yell yell and then Sam decides Mon is more important than all that noise and she starts to make her exit when gran falls back onto the chair behind her gripping her chest and you’ll never guess what was going on there…
If you guessed that she was performing open heart surgery on herself, you would be sorely mistaken. No, she’s apparently having a heart attack! Neung isn’t buying it and Sam decides to believe her sister so her and Mon leave… only for Sam to abandon Mon once gran is admitted to the hospital.
Sam then goes about planning her wedding and Mon plans on flying halfway around the world to avoid her now ex but Sam is struggling and gran is suddenly feeling a little guilty about caging her barely free bird.
All that aside, Mon and Sam end up married and Kirk ends up in a ditch… or at least I wish he did 😒.
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Now, onto Neung’s story.
Neung has always felt pressured to be perfect. Her grandmother groomed her to be the perfect lady after all. Not a hair, nor a thread out of place. Neung’s entire life had been planned out like a well written story and all she had to do was jump from page to page quietly and allow all the things that were intended for her to come her way. She goes through the motions set before her like a good little doll and allows her gran to have full control of her life. That is, until her sister comes home one day and tells the family that she has fallen in love.
You'd think this is good news but from the looks on grans face it would probably be closer to the look you'd give someone if their dog urinated on your custom polar bear white fleece rug.
She turned her nose up at the very thought that her granddaughter would be ‘defective’ and immediately told Song to end that useless relationship so she could focus on more realistic things… like marrying the man that dear ol’ gran had already chosen for her. When Song refused, all hell broke loose and gran kicked her out.
So Song left, Neung raged and the grandmother stood on her sanctimoniously high horse thinking she had saved her bloodline from embarrassment or whatever. Then the news came that Song was deceased and still the grandmother refused to take accountability, choosing instead to blame Song’s girlfriend.
This is where I think Neung drew the line. Blaming the person that Song chose to love for her dying was the final straw and she decided she wanted no part of this ruse any longer. She left the family home and decided to live the life of a struggling artist. Her grandmother cut her off so her finances were up in the air most of the time but Sam was always there to be safety net.
Neung had resigned herself to never finding love, never being happy, never having anyone to call her own because she had been taught that no one was worthy of her. No one that her gran didn’t say was worthy, anyway. So she went on living like that… until the sun came out from behind the clouds and we all know what they say about dynamite coming in small packages.
This new force of nature was a pint-sized, 20-year-old beauty with an innocence that could make cherubs sing. She came by Neung’s store one day and asked to have her portrait done – Neung is actually an artist, but she’s ‘struggling’ by choice at this point – and Neung wasn’t going to turn a paying customer away. So they sat, for hours, while Neung got every detail of this girl’s face down on paper. The girl, coincidentally named Aneung, had been planning this meeting for ages and once she had her in she was not planning on being shut out again. And, boy, does this little nugget wear Neung down.
Eventually Neung admits that Aneung has become an integral part of herself and she doesn’t want to extricate herself from Aneung. That’s all well and good, until Neung finds out who Aneung’s mother is.
She is now confronted with her best friend from high school who she told to abort her baby because she felt it would possibly ruin her life to go through with the pregnancy. Piengfah – Aneung’s mother – also admits that she named her baby that, out of spite, as a reminder to herself that the person she loved the most told her to get rid of her baby before it was even born. And now Neung is in a guilt spiral because the person she has come to love might not have been born if her mother had listened to her best friend.
Anyway, not to give too much more of the story away, the gran dies. We should all be very sad about this… Neung is beside herself because she realizes she will never have the opportunity to make up with her gran. Again, guilt spiral!
Maybe if she had listened… maybe if she had married the guy gran chose… or if she spoke to her kindly the last time they were together…
All these possibilities are running through Neung’s mind and then Aneung comes to her, wanting to help her in any way she can. And, for a time, Neung allows this. Neung then wakes up the morning after her grans wake with the bright idea the Aneung is too good for her and she needs to push her away. Which she does, spectacularly. Aneung is besides herself while also trying to reason with her lover but nothing seems to be working so she leaves. And once again, Neung is all on her own…
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This show has me wanting to call my gran just let her know how grateful I am that she isn’t a controlling crazy person. All this heartache, this strife, could have been avoided if the gran had loosened up a little sooner.
She raised women who were intellectuals, strong in their own rights, brilliant and business minded and she refused to trust that without the presences of the Y-chromosome in their lives they would be fulfilled and happy.
They all missed out on some of these best years of each other’s lives because of all of them being stubborn to some degree. Only the two sisters remain and in May we will see how Neung and Aneung’s story closes off with season 2.
There are a lot of unresolved feelings, a lot of hurt and a lot of misunderstandings going around but only time will tell if everyone will find their way back to their soulmate.
Stay tuned.
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bingbongsupremacy · 5 months
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Pairing: Brother Dean and Brother Sam x Platonic!younger sister reader
Warnings: Very cringe and short. I wrote this when I was in middle school. Originally from Wattpad.
Summary: Your older brothers come to your rescue when they discover you've been dealing with bullies.
*Not Proof Read* Supernatural
Girl Reader's P.O.V.
" Look who it is, the girl with no friends. What's her name again? Winpester or something? " Lucinda Mills, one of the meanest people on earth snickers with her friends as I walk past her.
I keep my head down, hoping she'll leave me alone. I've only been here a few days, but she decided to make my life miserable. Dad and the boys have been trying to track down a nest in the local area, but they're having a tough time finding it. The longer they take trying to find where the nest is, the longer I have to stay here at this school. I don't want to be here any longer.
I'm all alone in this new school. I haven't made any friends, not that I'd be able to keep in contact with them if I did. We move around way too much for me to be able to keep friends for long.
Sammy's in the high school that's a few blocks away and Dean doesn't go to school anymore, so I'm all alone in this middle school. I wish I was older and able to go to school with Sammy or help hunt with Dean and Dad. I just have to get through this day.
" Hey, Winwhatever, come here. " Lucinda orders.
I try walking away and pretending I didn't hear Lucinda, but she walks up behind me and yanks my arm back.
" Look at me when I'm talking to you! If I tell you to do something, do it! " Lucinda yells, attracting unwanted attention.
I blush ferociously and look down at my feet. It's the end of school. I've had a long day, all I want to do is go to the motel and hang out with Sammy and Dean. " What do you want? " I ask nervously.
" Look at me. "
I hesitantly look up at Lucinda.
"Oops. " Lucinda ' accidentally ' bumps very hard into me. I lose my balance since I'm on the school curb and drop my binder onto the ground. My study flashcards fall to the ground and land in a muddy puddle. All the loose papers I had in my hands started blowing away in the small gusts of wind. " Pick everything up. Now. " Lucinda leans back on her heels and folds her arms as she nods for me to pick up all my dropped papers.
I nod stiffly and rush to pick up all my spilled work. I grab everything, but mostly all of my papers and flashcards are either sopping wet or crinkled.
" Looks like she obeys, that's good. Hmm, I like your jacket. " Lucinda says as I walk back to her. She pulls at the black jacket that Dean gave me earlier this week. " Give it to me. "
This entire time I've been silent and doing everything Lucinda says. I don't want to give up my jacket! No! " N-no. " I say sternly but shakily. I won't let her have my jacket.
" What was that you little pest? Did you say no to me? Did I hear that right, girls? " Lucinda asks her squad.
" Ooh, you heard that right, Luc. This brat doesn't want to listen. " Makenzie shakes her head at me.
" I thought I did. " Lucinda moves towards me. " I said, give me your jacket! " She orders.
" N-no! " I shake my head. " No. You can't have this jacket. No. " I stubbornly look up at Lucinda.
" Fine. I guess I'll have to take it then. " Lucinda pushes me back and I fall onto the hard, wet concrete. She rips my binder out of my hands and tosses it to the side. Her friends hold me down as she tears my jacket away from me. She picks my binder up again and drops it onto my lap. Her friends abandon me and stand back. While holding me down, they also messed up my hair and smeared mud onto my neck and face. I look terrible. I feel terrible. I just want to go home.
" You see what happens when you don't listen? Next time, it will be much much worse. " Lucinda warns as she looks at my jacket. She pulls a piece of leaf off the sleeve and tosses it to the ground. She puts on my jacket and turns around to show off to her friends. " Doesn't it look way better on me? Oh, I can't bear to see such good clothing wasted on losers like Y/n "
I wipe a stray tear that falls down my cheek. Why does this have to happen to me?
She glares down at me, a cruel smirk growing on her face. " Don't cry, you big baby. " She looks down at my binder. There's a stack of papers that are stapled together in the front pocket. " What do you have right here? Your paper is done? Wow, " Lucinda snatches my school paper on baseball player, Toni Stone, and flips through the pages. " you got that done fast. Hmm, I like it. I think I'll take it from you. " Lucinda starts ripping up my paper painfully slow. It was handwritten because I worked on it during study time and lunch...I was going to go home and transfer it to my computer...now I have to do it all over again! Lucinda drops the large pieces of my paper onto the ground. " Oops. What a shame. Such hard work...oh well. " Lucinda smirks.
" Hey! You! " My head snaps around when I hear Sam yell. Same never yells. He's usually the calm brother.
I see Lucinda's eyes widen. Her friends start mumbling about how cute my brothers are as they angrily walk towards us from across the street where Dad's Impala is parked.
" What do you think you're doing? " Dean asks Lucinda with a dark glare as the boys get closer.
" Um, nothing. Who are you? " Lucinda asks.
" It doesn't look like nothing. It looks like you're bullying my little sister. " Sam wraps an arm around my shoulders after helping me up.
" Y-you're related to Y/n? " Lucinda asks. Her eyes are glued to Sam.
I raise an eyebrow and shove my hands into my pockets because they're cold.
" Yeah. " Dean says in a ' duh ' tone. " She's our sister, as Sam said like three seconds ago, kid. Now, we've been here a few minutes, and we've seen what you've been doing. Let me tell you this, I don't like it. You don't get to mess with innocent little girls and get away with it, you hear me? " Dean spits.
" Um, we were just messing around? " Lucinda asks more than says.
" Were you? Really? Because messing around doesn't look like you shoving down Y/n, having your goons hold her down, and then ripping off her jacket. No. You were harassing and hurting our little sister. " Dean turns to Sam. " Now, I'm not tripping, right? This punk was messing with Y/n, right? "
" Yes, she was. " Sam nods in agreement.
" Y/n, what's this kid's name? Huh? " Dean asks while looking down at her threateningly.
" Lucinda. " I reply quietly.
" Okay, Lukillma or whatever, pick up the papers you so ruthlessly dropped. " Sam gestures to my torn-apart paper lying on the ground.
" W-what? " Lucinda asks.
" Pick up the papers. I mean, since you were the one who threw them on the ground, it's only reasonable that you pick them up. " Sammy replies innocently.
Lucinda looks like she's about to protest but she listens and embarrassedly picks up my torn-up paper.
" Now give it to me, please. Lukarmakiller. " Dean holds out his hand for the papers.
" Um, okay? " Lucinda hands the papers over to Dean.
" Look here kid, I don't want you messing with my sister, or taking any of her things ever again. If I find out you're giving Y/n any trouble, any trouble at all, even bumping into her on accident, I will turn your life into a living nightmare. Okay? You got that? That goes for all, " Dean gestures to every kid in the courtyard as he speaks. " of you. Every last one of you. I don't care if you accidentally drop one of Y/n's pencils, I will make your life terrible. Sammy, " Dean pats Sam's shoulder. " and I will make your life terrible. You got that? "
No one moves or speaks.
" Do you understand?! " Dean asks louder.
Mumbles, stiff, 'yes's' come from all of the kids.
" Good, now, I see you still have Y/n's jacket. " Sam says while eyeing my jacket that's still on Lucinda.
" H-here. " Lucinda tries to quickly take off the jacket but Dean stops her.
" No, we'll get N/N a new one. We don't want her catching anything from...what's your name again? Lucrazima? Lunightmare? Whatever, well, we don't want Y/n catching fleas or rabies or something. " Dean shakes his head.
Sam rolls his eyes. " You get rabies from a bite, not from sharing a jacket. " Sam points out.
" You know what I mean. Who knows what these kids carry around with them these days? " Dean points at Lucinda who blushes again. " We don't want Y/n to catch anything that could hurt her. Now, we've spent enough time here. Let's get going kids. "
I blush at my brothers' words.
" Yeah, c'mon Y/n. " Sam keeps his arm around my shoulder as he walks with me towards the Impala. Dean tosses my backpack and binder into the back of the Impala.
I look out the window after bucking up. All the kids are watching us, waiting to see what happens. Lucinda is dying in embarrassment.
" Why didn't you tell us that brat was messing with you? " Sam asks.
I shrug.
" Don't shut us out now, Y/n. That isn't how this is going to work. No. You need to tell us whenever those punks mess with you. Every time. We will make whoever hurts you, pay. I promise. " Dean glances back at me in the rearview mirror.
" I didn't want to...to bug you guys. You're busy looking for that nest, and I didn't want to bring you into my school problems. It was no big deal, I-I was doing fine by myself with those kids. " I mumble. I've always been a shy and quiet girl. I tend to be shyer and quieter when I get in trouble though.
" Look, you're not in trouble, kiddo. You just...I want you to tell us when kids are messing with you. That's not okay. Your problems are our problems. When one Winchester is messed with, all Winchesters are messed with. " Dean parks outside of a gas station/restaurant. " Will you tell us the next time someone's hurting you? Please? "
" Yeah..." I nod without looking away from my hands.
" Look me in the eyes and promise, Y/n. " Sam turns to me as he talks.
I sigh and look up at my brother. " Fine. I promise, Sam. I promise Dean. "
" Good. I love you, N/N. " Sam smiles.
" I love you guys too. " I smile. It's nice to see that the boys stood up for me. They didn't stand by and watch as I got bullied. They stood up for me even though I didn't ask them.
I love my brothers, and I don't know what I would do without them.
" Who wants some pie? " 
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pepperonijem · 1 year
vi. silly things & sensible people || all my love
"Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way." - Emma; Jane Austen
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Summary: sometimes all anyone needs is a gentle nudge in the right direction Pairing: high school!bucky x f!reader Warnings: food mentions Word Count: 3.1k A/N: we all need a friend like wanda <3 || sorry for the delay! I had a job interview this week that I spent all weekend prepping for... i passed! (i'm moving to korea this summer lol)
previous chapter || back to library || next chapter
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Wanda opened her notes app and started a new note, titling it with the date and began her weekly letter to her pen pal, wanting to update them on her life... or mostly her best friend's life.
You will NEVER guess what’s been happening this semester. Did you guess? Well whatever you guessed is probably wrong… unless you guessed that my best friend just confessed to her crush without TELLING me about it first. 
It was absolutely insane, I was getting out of class and on my way to find her and Steve for lunch when I saw a HUGE crowd by Steve’s class and right at the center of it all was Bucky Barnes and the only girl crazy enough to give him a handwritten note in the middle of passing period. I only saw the end of it, but it was… brutal. I’ve known Bucky long enough to know he isn’t the friendliest person out there but even for him… it made me so upset. He didn’t even take her card, can you believe it? 
Honestly, this whole time I didn’t realize she actually liked him enough to confess to him. I always thought it was a passing crush, but I guess I was wrong. She was pretty badass for that. But obviously Steve didn’t think so. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so dejected. I wonder if he’ll ever work himself up to do the same thing.
OH. But the craziest part is that a week after she confessed to him, she ended up moving into his house. Turns out her dad and Bucky’s dad were college besties. Isn’t that insane? It’s just like this anime Natasha made me watch with her once. We were in tears the whole time but uh, that’s a story for another day. Or a story for never. She swore me to secrecy after that night.
We actually didn’t realize that she had moved in with him until after the big exam we took when Bucky stormed in and she handed him a picture of the two of them asleep together at the dining table. 
Then that night, she ended up spraining her ankle and Bucky had to take her home so he didn’t get to go to IHOP with us. Sad for him, that was a fun night. Not for Steve… again. By the end of the night he was crying to Sam’s rendition of an ABBA song and chugging down strawberry milkshakes. He’s lactose intolerant and he slept over at my house that night. So… not much fun for me either. I–
“Wanda, get off your damn phone and help us move the couch.” Wanda looked up from her notes app to see Natasha, Tony and Scott waiting for her to grab onto the fourth corner of the loveseat.
“Sorry, sorry,” Wanda apologized before rushing to help them move the couch to the opposite end of the room. “Why are we doing this again?”
Natasha let out a grunt as they dropped the couch ungracefully onto the floor. “Scott thought it would be cool to have a pillow fort.”
“We’re doing this for a pillow fort?” Tony asked in shock. “I thought Scott’s mom just wanted us to redecorate.”
“Tony, why would his mom want both of the couches facing the walls on opposite ends of the room?” Natasha asked with a roll of her eyes. Tony shrugged his shoulders and plopped himself down on the couch. 
Natasha dropped down beside him with a sigh. “When is everyone else gonna get here?” she asked.
“Well Steve had to pick up Sam, but he should be here soon.” Wanda looked down at her watch at the time to compare it against the ETA Steve had sent earlier.
Tony checked his phone as he leaned over the back of one couch. “Rhodey just texted. He just parked outside.”
“What about Bucky?” Scott asked. 
Natasha shrugged as the doorbell rang and Wanda went to answer it, letting Rhodey in. “Sorry, I had to pick up the kid,” Peter walked into the kitchen with a proud grin as Rhodey rolled his eyes.
“Yeah but we brought food,” Peter exclaimed as he placed a brown paper bag on the kitchen counter. 
“You brought your Chipotle,” Rhodey clarified as he walked to the fridge to grab himself a bottle of water. 
Scott laughed and shook his head as he took the bag and handed it to Rhodey to stick in the fridge. “Did you guys happen to get Bucky too?” 
Rhodey shook his head in response. “I offered him a ride, but he said he had plans.”
“Plans?” Scott echoed. “We are his plans. He’s never missed a board game night.” Wanda could hear the pout in his voice. 
“He didn’t give me any details but I think it has to do with his roomie.” Rhodey commented, checking through his text messages to see if he left any details out. “He said he’ll be busy all day.”
“His roomie, huh?” Tony repeated with a raised eyebrow. “Have you guys noticed he’s been weird lately?”
“Yeah,” Natasha replied. “Last week I asked him if he liked her–”
Before Natasha could continue, Tony walked toward the group gathered by the island, eager to join the gossip. “Yes!” He exclaimed. “Bucky always sends these weird memes that no one gets exam days, but last week, we had a literature exam and guess what?”
“What?” Rhodey asked flatly. Natasha nudged him in response, reminding him to be polite.
“He didn’t send anything,” Tony noted. “When I asked him what happened, he told me he was up the night before studying… but Bucky never studies for literature exams because he’s a nerd who already read the books.”
Before anyone could say anything else, the doorbell rang and in came Steve and Sam. “Hey,” Sam greeted. “What did we miss? We bought drinks.”
Wanda looked over at Natasha as Steve walked in, silently begging her not to finish her sentence from earlier around Steve. Natasha gave her a subtle nod as she attempted to shift the attention to the newcomers.
“Where’s the rest?” Natasha asked as Sam set down his drink on the counter while Steve found a spot beside Wanda.
“Oh,” Sam replied. “I meant we stopped over to buy ourselves drinks from Starbucks. That’s why we’re late.”
“Remind me to start being more specific when I tell  you guys to bring things,” Scott replied with a chuckle, shaking his head. “Anyway, what else were you saying, Tony?”
Tony thought for a second, remembering his train of thought. “Right, so I did some more investigating,” he continued. “And when we were getting into groups for our Shakespeare analysis – I swear I’ve never seen him move this fast, not even at a football game – I saw him join his roomie’s group. He even smiled when she waved at him. I’ve never seen him smile at anyone.” 
“He’s not exaggerating,” Natasha confirmed with an eager nod of her head. “I didn’t even realize they were friends, but it seems like lately they’ve been besties or something. Isn’t she supposed to be your best friend, Steve?”
Steve put his hands up in defense before speaking, his voice just a little too loud and too high to sound calm and collected. “She can do whatever she wants,” he said. 
Although the other boys couldn’t tell, Wanda knew Steve didn’t fully believe the spite in his own words. So coming to her friend’s defense, she joined in. “Yeah, but isn’t Bucky yours?” She asked Natasha, turning the question back to her.
“Chill out,” Natasha shrugged her shoulders. “I was just curious to see if you guys knew anything else.”
“We don’t,” Steve said flatly. “Are we going to play or what?” Natasha and Wanda shared a look, realizing that Steve was feeling a lot more than he was willing to let on, so they accepted his change of subject. The others rushed into the living room as Wanda and Steve stayed behind.
Wanda watched as Steve leaned against the counter, pushing his forehead into his palms as he let out a sigh. Wanda stood beside him facing the opposite way, her elbows leaning against the countertop. Her heart felt heavy at the sight of her distraught best friend.
“Steve,” Wanda began gently but firmly. Steve shook his head, already knowing where this conversation was headed. “Salad. Now.”
Steve let out another sigh, running a hand through his golden hair, and Wanda wasn’t sure if he would answer her, but after a beat, he finally lifted his head. “Lettuce… I’m sad. Chicken… I’m mad. Mostly at myself,” he confessed.
“Why?” Wanda asked quietly.
“For never being brave enough to say anything,” He admitted to Wanda, hanging his head. “It’s just… we have something so good and I didn’t want to lose that. But sometimes…” he trailed off.
“Sometimes what?” Wanda pushed.
“It’s just,” Steve sighed. “Do you remember that time in the eighth grade when the three of us got in that huge fight?”
Wanda let out a dry laugh. “The one where you thought the two of us were dating behind your back because we went to a movie together?”
Steve grew a small but sad smile. “Not just any movie,” he clarified. “You watched The Hunger Games without me. It was my favorite book.”
Wanda nudged him playfully. “Steve, you had the flu,” she reminded him. “We wanted to take you but your mom said if she found out you snuck out and we got the flu from you she would stop making us that sponge cake we like. That would’ve been the end of our 14-year old lives.”
Steve let out a chuckle as he nodded at the memory. “I know,” he continued. “But for a week after that, I felt so left out. Like suddenly you were her best friend and she was yours, and I was the odd one out.”
“Is that why you ghosted us for a whole month?” Wanda asked, eyes wide with surprise as Steve nodded in shame. 
“It was dumb, I know,” he cringed at the memories of that time. “But I think I was jealous. Of you.” 
Wanda snorted a laugh at his comment. “Of me? Oh buddy,” she laughed as she pat Steve on the shoulder.
“I know, I know,” Steve ran his hand through his hair again. “But anyway, I think that’s kind of how I feel right now. Like she’s everything to me… but I’m not to her. And it’s not like she owes me anything… I think I just keep thinking, what could I have done differently?”
Wanda thought through her next words carefully, letting silence rest between the two of them. Well, silence was relative. The others were in the next room arguing about whether or not it was fair to let Peter choose to be Colonel Mustard when he doesn’t know how to play Clue.
 “I can’t say I know what you’re feeling,” Wanda began. “But for me, I think that when I start focusing on things like that, my mind gets stormy. I stop seeing things clearly, and I start doubting myself and the way I fit into my friendships. But then you two always remind me that’s not real. What is real is that I would give everything for the two of you, and if I needed it, both of you would do the same for me. It’s one of the most stable truths of the universe. 
At the same time, I also know that both of you would want me to be happy, and to choose what makes me happy. The same thing I would do for you. And I will always help you to figure out what that is when you can’t see it, like you do for me. When I remember that, the skies clear a little, and I see the sunshine again. I see you guys.”
Wanda turned to Steve, who wiped at a tear forming in the corner of his eye. She gave him a gentle pat on the back and turned to leave him to his own thoughts for a bit. 
Honestly, she was a bit surprised at her own wisdom. She wasn’t usually the friend people came to for advice, but maybe they should start, she thought. She hoped her words got through to Steve, as seeing her best friend hurting was weighing heavily on her as well. She was, however, very excited to tell her pen pal about this situation.
After she made her way into the living room, Natasha moved to sit beside her on the couch, now turned to face the television. “Is he okay?” she asked, nodding towards the kitchen where Steve still stood by himself.
“Yeah, he’s just raiding the leftovers,” Wanda joked. She was lying, but she felt that Steve wouldn’t want to explain to everyone else what had him so emotional.
Natasha nodded, not fully believing her words, but accepting them nonetheless. “Do you wanna play the next round?” She asked instead. 
“Nah,” Wanda pulled out her phone. “I have to work on my letter.”
“Oh to your pen pal right?” Natasha asked. “I can’t believe you’ve been writing to each other since middle school. Why don’t you just ask for his number?” She attempted to look over Wanda’s hands to see what she was writing down.
“Yeah, ask for his number and invite her to the winter formal,” Sam chimed in. “Unless he’s catfishing you.” The group laughed and Wanda laughed along.
“Yeah, yeah,” she rolled her eyes and continued typing in her note from earlier, updating her letter with the most recent events. However she didn’t get very far before she got a call from Bucky. “Bucky’s calling me?” She asked aloud in surprise.
“Answer him!” They all called in unison, as they looked away from the game to flock towards Wanda, even Steve, who walked in from the kitchen. Wanda looked over to him and he responded with a small smile and a nod, encouraging her to answer the phone.
“Wanda,” Bucky’s voice filled the room from Wanda’s phone speaker. “I need your help.” The group gathered around Wanda all looked at her with wide eyes as they tried to contain their curiosity. However it was Scott who couldn’t hide his gasp, even as Sam slapped his hand over his mouth.
“Hey guys,” Bucky sighed. “Sorry I couldn’t make it but I really need to borrow Wanda for a second.” 
Wanda chuckled as she watched the group disperse with disappointed looks and resume playing their game. She walked back over to the kitchen, and Steve headed for the living room to give her privacy. 
“What’s up Buck?” Wanda asked when she was finally alone.
“Uh,” Bucky sounded like he was thinking about what to say. “How do you feel about a road trip?” 
Wanda couldn’t hide her surprise at the question. “Road trip?” She repeated.
“I can give you the details later,” Bucky said. “But just tell me you’ll come with me.”
“When?” Wanda questioned. “And why me?” 
“Tonight. Right now even,” He sounded panicked and Wanda was beginning to feel the same. “I called you because Natasha already said no.” As if on cue, Natasha had popped her head into the kitchen and Wanda waved her over. 
“Nat,” Wanda began. “Why the hell is Bucky asking me to go on a road trip with him right now?”
Natasha let out a chuckle. “Just hear the poor boy out,” she suggested as Wanda looked at her suspiciously.
“I need to pick up your friend’s dad,” Bucky explained. “Long story short, she was upset he couldn’t make it to the awards, so I reached out to him and basically now he agreed to be here for one night, and his flight is landing soon and the airport is over an hour away and I don’t want to drive alone, but I can’t bring her with me because it’s a surprise and –”
“Woah,” Wanda stopped his rambling with a chuckle. “Long story long, more like.” She looked back at Natasha who raised her eyebrow as if to say See now? Wanda nodded back to her as she let out a hum of thought before an idea popped in her head.
“I’ll come,” Wanda said with a mischievous smile that was hidden by her gentle voice. Bucky let out a sigh of relief, and Wanda could hear his shoulders relax. “But you have to come pick me up from Scott’s house, since I left my car at home.”
“Sure, yeah,” Bucky agreed desperately to her condition. “Thank you so much.”
Twenty minutes later, when the doorbell rang, Wanda almost felt guilty for what she was about to do. But when she thought about it some more, she reminded himself of what she told Bucky just earlier, and her conscience clears just in time for her to open the door to see a panicked Bucky, dressed in sweatpants, a hoodie, and mismatched socks.
Someone will thank me later, she thinks to herself as she pretends to double over in pain. “Wanda?” Bucky asked in concern. “Are you okay?”
“I ate someone’s leftovers,” she pretended to let out a grunt of pain. “And it’s really not agreeing with me,” she cursed under her breath. “I’m so sorry, but I don’t think I can come with you.” She apologized.
“No, no,” Bucky dismissed her. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” He walked in and shut the door, leading Wanda to sit down at the dining table as Natasha walked over with a medicine tablet and a glass of water. 
“Here,” she handed them to Wanda. “Don’t worry Bucky, we’ll find someone to fill in.” Before Bucky could protest, Natasha had walked to the living room and came back with a confused and annoyed looking Steve.
“Steve said he’d be glad to go with you,” Natasha beamed. He very much did not look like he was glad to go with Bucky.
“Uh…” Steve began before Natasha nudged him from behind. “Yep, yeah, I’d be happy to… sit in a car with you for an hour and a half… to pick up my best friend’s dad…”
Bucky opened his mouth to argue, but after looking down to see the time, his eyes widened in worry. “Okay, perfect,” he said instead. “Let’s go before we’re late. Bye you guys, tell the guys I said hey.” and he grabbed Steve’s wrist and headed out the door.
Wanda and Natasha followed behind them, Wanda now forgetting about her act and leaning against the post on the front steps.
“Do you think they’ll hate us?” Wanda asked Natasha as they watched the two boys get into Bucky’s car from the front porch.
“Oh absolutely. For a month at least.”
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rainkays · 4 months
jess is from socal, probably malibu or venice (i’m projecting) and loves shopping in the hills with em <3
she met emily in middle school during an open cheer camp in summer and they started hanging out everyday. jess eventually became captain of varsity cheer in high school and emily quit after sophomore year.
jess dragged chris to several sky ferreira concerts and he gave her piggyback rides and took pics for her tumblr the entire night
jess and josh watch cheesy 80’s horror movies during fall (evil dead is her favorite because she has a crush on ash)
jess wakes up early almost every day during summer to go tanning either in her backyard or at the beach
jess has an australian shepard that LOVES sam so they go on hikes on the weekends
jess’s parents probably aren’t around much so she always ends up inviting chris or emily over to stay the night, or just stays over at their houses.
chris and jess go to drive in movies all the time, and they’ve seen ferris bueller at least 10 times
jess LOVES juicy couture and has matching tracksuits with emily they got for christmas
chris made a mixtape for jess that she always plays in the car (josh helped him make it)
jess has a wildflower phone case (she’s just like me fr)
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haveihitanerve · 4 months
Everyone knows who he is. It’s not safe as either Peter Parker or Spider-Man anymore. So Peter goes to the one person he knows will help him disappear. Or, at least, the one person he knows that knows how to disappear. That was how Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson found a dejected looking Peter Parker sitting on their doorstep, nowhere to go. 
Bucky had thought it was a good day. Had thought. He and Sam had beaten the bad guys, turned them in, and gotten some amazing thai food. (and they had both gotten full off it too, so much so they had a box) Sam was being his usual annoying self, but Bucky didn't even mind anymore. He was just annoying back. But then they made it to their apartment building and… found a kid sitting on the steps, staring at his hands, a small bag at his side. His head jerked up when they walked closer and Bucky realized it was.. “Peter?” Sam asked, walking closer. The kid wrapped his arms around his middle. “Hey Sam. Sorry for bothering you.” “its no problem kiddo, whats up? You wanna come in?” Sam squatted down in front of him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “If its not too much trouble.” Peter murmured. “None at all, come on.” Sam stood, glancing back at Bucky worriedly as he unlocked the door and let Peter in. “want a drink?” Peter shrugged, clutching his bag to his side as he looked around. “Water please, if you have some.” “of course we have water kiddo.” Bucky snorted, setting the container of leftover thai on the kitchen table and gesturing for Peter to sit. “You hungry?” Peter jerked his head in a no. Bucky scoffed, pushing the container in front of him. “Yeah right kid. Go on. Eat. This’ll just end up in the back of the fridge forgotten anyway.” Sam came out of the kitchen, holding a glass of water. “Are you giving him my food?” He whined, setting the glass down in front of Peter. “Of course you have no issues with it, you ate all your food with your metabolism.” He grumbled, but ruffled Peters hair and nodded for him to dig in. Bucky winced. “Shit yeah.” He headed into the kitchen and popped open the fridge, digging around until he had a sizeable amount of leftovers in his arms and came back, dumping them on the table. “Jesus Buck!” Sam swore, just barely pulling his arm away before it hit him. Bucky shrugged unapologetically, nudging it over to Peter who had already finished Sams leftovers. “Eat. That metabolism of yours rivaled even Steves.” Sam bit his lip to keep himself from smacking his forehead as he realized Bucky was right. Peter didn't argue, and Bucky and Sam exchanged another worried look. “So…” Sam said after Peters eating was starting to slow. “Wanna share why you're here kiddo? Not that we mind a visit of course.” He added. Peter chewed slowly, looking at the table. “Have you seen the news lately?” He asked quietly. Bucky frowned. “No. We don't listen to it often.” “You mean you still don't let technology old man.” Sam countered, standing and walking to the living room to switch on the TV. “The vigilante known as Spider-Man is Peter Parker, resident high school student in Queens-” Sam turned the TV off. “Shit kid.” Bucky mumbled, rubbing a tired hand across his face. “How'd that come out?” Sam asked quietly, sitting back down. Peter pushed the food around without looking at either of them. “Mr. Stark left me these glasses.” he whispered quietly, pulling a glasses case out of his backpack. He didn't offer them up, but rather kept them cradled in his hand, just as he kept the backpack on his lap. Bucky paled as the story came out. “Damn kid. Thats a lot for you to go through so quick.” Sam said quietly, when Peter had finished, rubbing his back soothingly. “Why don't you go to bed huh? While we discuss some options for you on how to resolve this?” “I don't want a solution.” Peter whispered. “I want to disappear.”
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msfbgraves · 7 months
With how baby-hungry Omegaverse society is, I’m always a little taken aback that Terry and Daniel stopped at 9 puppies. Daniel was so young when he started having babies, and really was built for it in this verse. And Terry—most possessive, obsessive Terry!—would have probably loved knocking him up more. And they’re wealthy too. I’m surprised they didn’t end up with their own Silver army. Haha. It reminds me of pictures uploaded to Reddit that I’ve seen recently. Immigrant families to America (and, funnily enough, many a time Irish Catholic, haha) in the early 1900s with 14, 15 kids, lined up tallest to smallest and Ma and Pa on either end. That is what I imagine when I think of Daniel and Terry in this verse lol. What’s the averse amount of pups an Alpha and Omega pair have in this verse anyways?
I don't think bearing 10+ pups is very conducive to pup survival, Nonnie. If infant mortality is high, there's something to say for it, but that is a great way of killing the mother! Our human (beta) bodies do not take into account whether or not a body is capable of even delivering a baby alive, just growing one. Good on Mammy in those pictures to survive that many births, but many didn't. Those who did often reported feeling less than human, caring for so many little ones.
If you want mother and pup to survive, the body needs time off. That's why omegas have first and second litters. Second litters may be bigger than Daniel's two, but 7 for a first litter is very, very much. Would Terry have wanted more? Yes. Would he have had more if Daniel's heats after the age of 41 had been less sporadic? Yes. But Daniel wants to be a person to his pups, not a pair of arms, and by now he has three fully grown Alpha pups who are absolutely loyal to, and feral for, him especially. Moreso than Terry. For someone always going on about loyalty, his could be greater. If there's only the three more heats? And Daniel doesn't want anymore pups, partly because Anthony is 16 when his last sibling is born and he will want his own before he's 20? Do you think Sam, Yasmin and especially Eli are letting Daddy near Daniel? Mama wants to be there for the pup he already bore, not for the one he might yet bear, and boy do his children appreciate that. That's their Mama, and though Daddy loves him, the eldest pups remember how he's not above hurting him. They've been trained to fight by their parents, their grandparents and family, Terry can feck right off.
Daniel has a last heat around 48/ 49, by then the Alphas are having puppies, Anthony and Luna are having puppies (Daniel is hardly there full time but they trust no one to help them better with their litters than their Mama), no, Terry, go hug your grandkids instead. Anthony and Luna especially adore their Daddy, and the youngest two are not even in middle school anyway.
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n1ccult · 2 years
Welcome to My BPD blog
Hi, my name is Nicole. I’m nineteen and I’ve been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder for nine months, but I’ve exhibited symptoms of BPD since I was eleven or twelve. I’m starting this blog to help myself heal from BPD.
I’ve always had a strained relationship with my parents. My father wasn’t the father people saw on TV shows. My mom wasn’t perfect either, drowning her sorrows in a bottle of tequila or two 20-ounce cans of Coors Light. They always forgot I was there. Being an only child I was so alone and I started exhibiting attention-seeking behavior such as pathological lying and self-harm. The self-harm was originally for attention from those around me, but then it turned into a way to release my pain, then it turned into a way for me to feel something. I would abuse substances at very young ages and was sexually active very young. At fifteen I had even attempted to take my own life. Just to preface, I’m not judging anyone who is recovering and struggling. These are just self-destructive behaviors I took part in which made it so much worse for me.
As I got older fifteen and sixteen I would have sex with men who were often older than me to feel loved. They were pedophiles who just wanted to get laid. Even though these men just saw me as a piece of ass, I would cling to them and when they would block me I would feel so devastated I would have suicidal thoughts. Was I not good enough for these men? No, I was too good for them. I was just in such a bad place not receiving love from my family, I would try to fill the void with sex, drugs, and a new friend group every other month. I only had one friend who stuck by my side in high school until one day she blocked me on everything, because “I was too much.” I saw her as Satan after she did that. I felt like she had ruined my life. Let’s just call her Kathy. However, after that happened I was alone. Had no friendships and I realized, maybe I was the problem. On top of that the guy I was seeing called me a whore and a mistake and once again I heard the phrase “you’re too much.” It clicked and I knew I couldn’t live like that anymore. Being late in 2020 in the middle of my senior year of high school which was all online, with no job, I knew I had to pull up my big girl pants and start recovery. That recovery started with a Bipolar II diagnosis, which many people who are Borderline get. However, that was not the truth. I lived with that diagnosis for a year and a half, but it never resonated with me.
I moved from California to Montana for college which was a huge part of my recovery. Within a week I had already had my “favorite person” picked out. His name was Sam and I spent every single day of orientation week with him. End of the week we ended up hooking up, and afterward, I flipped. I would get paranoid he was going to ghost me. I would Snapchat at him saying he didn’t care about me and one day I threw his sweatshirt out the window at him from the fourth floor of my dorm. I blocked him and cried every single night. There it was, not the Bipolar disorder, but the BPD. That’s when I seriously knew I wasn’t Bipolar, but something was wrong. However, I still continued that toxic behavior. For the rest of the first semester of college, it was just a pattern of Sams. Then I went home for Christmas and there were no more Sams. I couldn’t bring myself to text any of the old hookups I had in California because I was embarrassed. I was able to go back to the job I had before I left for college and I spent my nights journaling and watching youtube videos about BPD. I reflected on my past behaviors from the past semester and I just felt embarrassed. I didn’t want to be like that anymore.
In February 2022, I deleted my own social media so things to be quiet. I figure my shit out. Being in the second semester of my first year of college I was still adjusting to the move and trying to figure out what was wrong. I had therapy once a week. I talked about my past traumas as a child, I dissected all my behaviors and started plans to help me cope with my destructive behaviors.
A year later, I’m still on my BPD healing journey. There are so many more details I left out of this, which I want to cover more as I continue this blog. I’m doing this as a way to help me heal and hopefully, it can inspire others while I go on this journey. If I even help one person from this post or blog I will feel like I have done something to help. 
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literaryoblivion · 1 year
Abandoned WIP-SuperWolf Crossover
I’ll tag them with #my abandoned WIPs to organize it. If you see any and are so inspired by any of these to either create you own or finish, PLEASE tag me! I’d love to see if someone was able to take it and run with it since it stalled out for me.
SuperWolf Crossover AU with #Destiel & #sterek where Dean and Stiles are demons, and Cas is a hunter, and Derek is still himself (it would've followed events of TW S1 to a certain extent)
(A/N: This was meant to be a Supernatural/Teen Wolf crossover AU w/ both #destiel & #sterek. Demon!Dean is training brand new demon!Stiles how to be a demon. It would've followed the events of TW S1 only Stiles would know everything was supernatural & they'd recruit Hunter!Cas to help)
“Really?” Dean says with a look of pure disdain at the teenager standing before him. 
“What?” the kid replies, his mouth in a little smirk. 
“Of all the people you could possess, you pick some snotty brat high schooler?”
“If you think about it, it’s kind of fitting doncha think? If I’m going to demon school, might as well look the part, yeah? Besides, this kid is a genius, and all this kid has is a dad, which is a lot better than the little brother you made your guy leave behind all those years ago.”
Dean narrows his eyes because even though he could care less about the brother, with every mention of him the man inside screams, and it gives him a headache. It’s been a long while, and Dean and the man whose life he hijacked have grown to accept each other.
But with every slight indication of Sam, the man’s brother, he decides to flare up, which is really annoying if Dean’s being honest. “Whatever. This kid have a name or you going to make one up?”
“He goes by Stiles, and I kind of like it, so I’m keeping it. He’s pretty cool. We’re pretty similar, you know? I think he’s starting to get used to me.”
Dean clears his throat. “Alright, Stiles, Demon 101 first lesson. Tap into his mind to access information and background history, but you can’t let yourself go too much or he could overtake you.”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” Stiles closes his eyes in concentration to perform the task. 
“Okay, whaddya got? Who’re his friends? Family? Hobbies?” 
His eyes still closed, Stiles starts spouting off information, “Goes to Beacon Hills High School, where his favorite subject is English. He’s had a crush on a girl named Lydia with strawberry blonde hair since middle school, but she doesn’t give him the time of day. His best friend is named Scott, and they are both on the school lacrosse team, but Stiles always ends up on the bench. 
“Man, poor kid. It is a good thing I came along to help him out. When I’m through, he’s going to be the star player and get the girl!” 
“Stiles, focus,” Dean says, a little exasperated.
“Well, I mean it’s the least I can do right? That’s cool, yeah? That’s allowed? Helping the possessee out a little?” Stiles opens his eyes, solid black pupils reflecting the street lamp nearby, and looks up at Dean.
Dean rolls his eyes. “You can do whatever you want. If you want to feel better about yourself, fine. Can we get back to…” he says waving his hand for Stiles to continue with the lesson.
“Oh, right. Okay, umm let me see here. He had a mom, but she died of cancer when he was younger. His dad is the town sheriff, and he likes playing video games especially this fantasy one online—“ 
“What did you say?” Dean shouts, cutting him off.
“It’s some roleplaying game where they battle mythical—“ 
“NO. Not the stupid game. Did you just say this kid’s dad is the Sheriff?!” 
“Oh… ummm yes? In my defense, I did not know that ‘til just now.”
Dean rubs his hand over his face. “You idiot. Not only do we have to worry about hunters tracking us, now we gotta worry about cops! That face,” Dean points to Stiles, circling his finger to indicate Stiles’s face, “is going to be plastered everywhere because not only is this kid going to be missing, but his Sheriff dad isn’t going to stop looking for him. Ever.”
“Dude, I’m sorry! I didn’t know, okay? And… who says this kid is going to go missing?” he says, one eyebrow lifting up like he just had an idea.
“I don’t like that look. Stop. Look, kid, you’re just going to have to come out and possess someone with a few more years on him that doesn’t have relatives in law enforcement.”
“But I like this one! No, hear me out. Let’s stay here a while. I’ll go to school and do everything he normally does, and then I’ll sneak out and you can be my demon Yoda at night.” 
“Demon Yoda?” Dean deadpans. “Sneaking out every night doesn’t sound like a better plan.”
“What? Of course it does! Teenagers always sneak out. Plus I’m the son of a Sheriff, that’s like textbook cause for rebellion. Dean, come on, this is a good plan. No one knows you here. You can get a job and an apartment. You know… settle down a little before you beg your hunter lover to come find you.”
Suddenly angry, Dean lunges forward, grabbing Stiles’s throat and wrapping his hand around it.
Stiles flails a little in surprise, but he’s wearing a smirk on his face and shows no sign of Dean’s tightening hand having any effect on him. “Excuse me? You don’t have a fucking clue what you are talking about.”
“Oh I don’t, huh? That’s why you’re choking me? Cause I’m clueless? Which may I point out, probably not a good idea for a grown man to be choking an innocent teenager whose dad is the sheriff. Might be hard for you to make friends around here…”
Dean slowly loosens his grip around Stiles’s throat, but his hand stays pressed against the boy’s neck. “You don’t know anything about Cas, and if you say another fucking word about him, I’ll send you straight back to hell myself.”
“Geez, don’t get your panties in a twist. Didn’t know it was such a sensitive subject for you. I mean I’m not judging. Fool around with whoever you want; I might be new to this, but even I know it’s a rare occurrence that a hunter would rather jump your bones than send you back to hell.” 
Dean makes a move like he’s going to punch him, but Stiles throws up his hands in apology. “Hey, again I don’t care. Get with who you want. I just hope for your sake it doesn’t go south like that one demon that tried to put the moves on that angel Balthazar. And here I thought demons were supposed to be the deceitful cheating ones.” Dean looks a little taken aback by this information.
Clearly he’s been out of the loop for a while and hadn’t heard anything about someone trying to hook up with an angel. He knew plenty well what dicks angels could be, had heard about it from Castiel occasionally. “Cas wouldn’t do that. We have a mutually beneficial relationship, and if that changes, believe me, I won’t be sticking around long enough to see where the fall-out lands.”
“Yeah okay,” Stiles says, taking a step back from Dean and straightening his shirt. “I hope he knows that,” he murmurs under his breath. 
Dean hears it, but he doesn’t comment. He’s already embarrassed himself with how attached he is to Castiel, he doesn’t need any more.
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Brought Together by a Five-Year-Old (Dean Winchester x F!Reader) Part 11: The Father
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The weekend was a tempestuous nightmare of feelings for Dean. He couldn't really fight it anymore, this woman was really growing on him and he was happy about it. He spent the weekend contemplating how to deal with this. Obviously, she was interested, but she had also told him they couldn't start anything... now. She did say now. So the future is an option. Maybe. What if she didn't like the kiss and was just trying to get him to go and avoid the subject? But she had kissed him back. A lot. So that couldn't be it... right?
He wouldn't admit it but he had called Sam far too many times to talk about it. If he was honest, he had called Sam as soon as he got back to his apartment. While his brother had been wholeheartedly supportive of the night's events, Dean was apprehensive.
He had no idea what to do with this situation and he was panicking. He didn't like panicking. He didn't like losing control. He tried so hard to keep control no matter what, that was why his job was perfect for him and why he was so damn good at it. He'd been practicing his whole life, just to make sure he didn't end up like his volatile father who couldn't handle any sort of emotion or pressure. Sure, the man had been through a lot but he probably should've gone to a psychologist instead of a bartender. If that man had spent as much time in therapy as he had spent in the bars when Dean and Sam were kids then he'd be the most introspective and psychologically aware man in the whole fucking world. But hey, it gave Dean reason to back off on drinking once he realized he was following the same path as his father, so he supposed he could thank the man for that. And he wouldn't have Uncle Bobby without his dad and frankly, he's not sure he would've made it through high school, let alone college, without Bobby keeping him in line.
Dean was currently sitting in his classroom, contemplating his choices and waiting, watching the seconds tick by on the wall clock. They were agonizingly long seconds. He knew soon she would be here, dropping off her son. He had no idea what he was going to say, what he was going to do. Now that he had had a taste of her he was having a really hard time waiting. He knew it would be worth it, he just had this feeling, but it was going to be difficult. And he really didn't know how to interact with her now.
The minutes passed slowly and Dean was growing more and more anxious, alternating from checking the time on the wall clock, his watch, and his phone. The Novaks arrived and he dealt with their mother in a haze of anxiety, his mind wandering. Did she move away? Take S/N and leave? Did she hate him that much? Was he that bad of a kisser? Ok now he was being stupid, he knew he was good and she wouldn't do that. She was better than that. She would communicate with him.
More kids filed in and still there was no sign of either Y/N or S/N. Dean was starting to get genuinely worried, not only for his feelings and prospective relationship but for the two people he had come to care about. Maybe S/N was sick? And this was just some god shitting on Dean by timing the events of his life this way to cause him emotional anguish. Or maybe they got in an accident? It had been a whole weekend, something terrible could've happened to them! Maybe they were both in the ER and Y/N's family wouldn't come because Dean remembered her mentioning that some looked down on her for her status as a single mother what if they were dead on the side of the road because S/N wanted to go get Thai food and they got caught in the middle of a robbery or got mugged on the way home and they were just laying in an alley with their food spilled around them and no one even knew. His heart racing, Dean scrambled to grab his phone. He frantically filed through his papers, trying to find the emergency contact information for S/N. He paid no mind to the confused eyes that watched him from tiny chairs around the room, his only thought being that he had to call now he had to know they were ok. Fingers trembling, he dialed the number. Holding the phone up to his face he tried to steady his breathing, realizing as he heard it ring that he was probably overreacting and S/N was probably at home with the flu and Y/N had just forgotten to call or they had slept through their alarms or maybe it was 'bring your kid to work' day. He reassured himself by remembering that it was normal for teachers to call home if students didn't show up and he was being responsible, if possibly a bit dramatic.
His breath caught in his throat as he heard the click of the phone being picked up. A small, anxious voice spoke, "Hello?"
Dean furrowed his eyebrows, "Hey, Y/N, is everything ok?"
She responded, sounding possibly a bit relieved though still frantic, "Oh, yeah. Hey Dean. Yes, everything is alright. S/N won't be coming in today. I'll explain more another time. Thank you for checking in."
Dean nodded before remembering she couldn't see him, "Yeah of course totally. You're sure you're alright?"
Sounding mildly exasperated, though he had a feeling it was less at him and more at whatever situation she was in, she replied, "Yes, yes, I promise. And I will explain at some point. I really have to go. Thank you though. You're very sweet, Dean." With a click, she hung up and left Dean to wallow in his confusion.
Puttering through the daily routine, Dean found himself worrying far too much, far more than he wanted to allow himself, about the L/Ns. Before he knew it the school day was over and his room was deserted of any life aside from his. He sat on his desk fretting, taking this welcome silence as a chance to think.
Contemplating checking in again, he meandered around his room, tidying up mindlessly. Dean realized after a few minutes that he had paced around the classroom twice, possibly three times, and decided to sit down at his desk and try to be productive.
As soon as he sat down he heard a light rapping on the door. With a slight groan, he pushed himself out of his chair and trudged over to the door with trepidation. He peered through the glass, seeing a figure standing in the dark hallway. Pushing down the small fear he always faced when he thought he was made aware he wasn't alone in the building after hours, he touched a finger to the amulet on his keychain, mentally rolling his eyes at his own superstitious and paranoid actions. The figure shifted on its feet before leaning forward and knocking again, this time with a bit more force. Dean blinked and grabbed the handle, opening it and bracing himself for a lecture from the janitor about whatever he must've been there for.
What he got was a sheepish smile from the woman he had been worrying about all day. Dean stood, halfway hidden behind the door, speechless. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Y/N looked up at him and asked quietly, "Could I come in?"
He nodded and took a step back, stumbling on his own foot, and opened the door wider to give her space to enter. She nodded in thanks and timidly stepped into the room. Dean closed the door, waiting for Y/N to speak. She turned around and with a deep breath began to talk, "So. I feel like I should start with an apology, for being rude on the phone and for coming here unannounced and expecting you to have the time to listen to me tell you all sorts of things you don't need to know. It's just, I don't know, I felt like you deserved an explanation and, frankly, I've had a really rough day and needed someone to talk to. So this is actually far more selfish than I'd have you think." She laughed awkwardly and Dean felt a soft smile creep onto his face. "Anyway, if you're dreadfully busy I can come back later or call you or something. I also don't want to overwhelm you with information you don't want so really you can tell me to leave."
Dean held his hand up and Y/N paused her ramblings. Chuckling he moved closer to her, taking her in his arms for a moment. She melted at his touched and held onto him with a tender neediness that flashed visions of a domestic future through Dean's head. One where they were each other's rocks and supported each other through anything held together with love and respect and care. He tightened his grip on her, hoping to give her the comfort she so obviously needed and prove he was deserving of being someone she could confide in. He took a deep breath before speaking, "You kinda looked like you needed a hug."
He felt her laughter, her body shaking in his arms, before he heard the muffled sound of her twinkling laugh. He smiled to himself, feeling satisfied that he could help her loosen up a little bit. Feeling her arms relax, he took a step back. She immediately brought her arms up in front of her chest in a sort of vulnerable and insecure pose. He smiled sweetly, or at least tried to, at her to make her feel more comfortable and was rewarded with a small smile in response.
"So, what do you need to talk about?" Dean asked tentatively, not wanting to push her too much.
Chewing on her lip anxiously, she responded, "You're sure you have time for this?"
Dean let out a hearty laugh, "Yeah of course I do. One, I'm a teacher in an elementary school, one night of not working intensely on what to prepare for the class won't kill me. Two, you need someone to talk to and I want to be that person for you. I'll be here to listen and help any time you need me to be." He hoped she didn't hear the unspoken confession that he felt accompanied his overly supportive little speech.
If she did hear the deeper meaning behind Dean's words she didn't mention it, though her eyes seemed to grow a bit softer and she relaxed ever so slightly.
Dean waited a moment for her to begin. She took a couple of breaths, seemingly building herself up to talk, "Ok. This is going to be a lot to take in. And I'm sorry in advance. So, obviously, you know I'm a single mother." Dean chuckled slightly and nodded at this, causing a small smirk to grow on Y/N's face, "Shut up. As I was saying, I'm a single mother but obviously, S/N has a father. The problem is that his father has no idea how to be a father. Or a boyfriend. Or a friend even." She broke off here, her eyes looking everywhere but Dean's. She shook her head and continued, "So anyway, he's a pretty terrible person. We knew each other through college and I... I don't know, in college, his behavior seemed normal and justified, all the drinking and cheating and drugs. I thought... I used to think I could fix him or that I was special because sometimes his anger would dissipate around me. I thought I knew him so well and could help him grow and become a good man with his life in order. I realize now that no one can help him but himself. If he doesn't want to change then he can't. Anyway, I dealt with him because I felt it was my duty and like I could make a difference blah blah blah. Then he started getting violent. Drunk, sober, didn't matter. He was angry and he would take it out on me. I kicked him out and then I found out I was pregnant. I didn't tell him but eventually, he found out and tried to be a part of my and S/N's lives. I had to get a restraining order. He was locked up for awhile, for what I'm not sure but apparently, he got out last night. He showed up at my house at three this morning, drunk off his ass and banging on the door. He practically traumatized S/N. I had to call the police and it turned into an entire day of hell. I sent S/N off to his cousin's house to spend the night. I left his father at the police station and I doubt he could get out but I didn't want to take the chance of him coming back and scaring S/N or breaking in and hurting either of us. When I left he kept yelling about how he wasn't going to stay away and how he deserved to be in S/N's life and would do so, regardless of how." She rushed through the story, watching Dean with anxious eyes. "I know I should've left his father far earlier than I did but, there were times when we were good. Now I see that those times didn't make up for the majority of the time when things were bad but I couldn't see that then. He was so manipulative and he knew exactly how to make me feel like every issue was my fault. It's taken me a long time to get back to a solid level of confidence and self-respect."
Dean stayed silent until he was sure she was done speaking. When she looked back up into his eyes he could see she didn't want to discuss it anymore.
He put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her into a hug, "You are so strong. And you shouldn't have to deal with any of that. Now, you're surrounded by people that love and respect you. I've only known you for a few months and I know you're special. So does Sammy and us Winchesters take our relationships with people we care about very seriously."
He felt her sniffle and giggle into his chest, "Aw you care about me. You big sap."
Dean pulled away and threw on an aghast and overly offended face, "How dare you? I'm offering up the support of two very intimidating and cool guys and you just tease me for it?" He couldn't help a smile from spreading across his face as he watched her take his words seriously for a split second before she smiled and shoved his chest playfully. "You're something else, Dean Winchester."
Dean chuckled at that and winked at her, "So I've been told."
She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Shut up, Dean." Her face grew serious again and she went quiet. Immediately full of concern Dean grabbed her arms softly, getting her attention, "Hey, what's going on? You ok?"
She smiled shakily, "It's dumb, but I'm still a little nervous about going back to my place."
Dean shook his head, "That's really not dumb at all. It sounds like your ex is a real threat." He paused, debating whether or not he should continue with his thoughts. Looking into her beautiful E/C eyes, filled with fear and possibly a bit of something else, affection maybe. He saw the emotion swimming in her eyes and felt his senses being overridden by her. He opened his mouth again and spoke at the same time as Y/N.
"I could stay with you." "Couldyoupossiblystaythenight?"
Dean laughed lightly, "Yeah, if that doesn't make you uncomfortable. I know how hard it can be to be alone at night, especially with a threat like that hanging over your head. I can take the couch or whatever."
She shook her head vigorously, "No no no I wouldn't make you do that. I have a guest bedroom, Dean, that's much nicer than the couch. If you really don't mind I would appreciate the company tonight."
Dean nodded, "Let's just stop by my apartment so I can grab a couple of things and then we can head over to your place." He relished in the fact that he had actually spoken those words to her in real life, though maybe the situation wasn't exactly what he had imagined. Regardless, he was happy she found solace in him and wanted him around to comfort her. He wanted to be everything she needed and now was as good of a time as any to start to prove his worth.
He grabbed his coat and bag, turning back to Y/N and holding out his hand cautiously. She stared at it for a moment before reaching out to grab it and letting him lead her out of the room.
She clasped onto his hand the whole time he led her out of the room, locked up and left the building. She only let go when they had crossed the small parking lot behind the school and reached Baby. She had made a comment or two about what a waste of gas it was that he drove to school when he could easily walk the few blocks over here. He brushed the words off with a brief justification of having to carry supplies and the fact that he loved his damn car and would drive it as much as he pleased. She had rolled her eyes at his but smiled all the same. She stood, shivering in the early December snow, and waited as Dean tenderly cleared the ice and snow from Baby before starting her up and opening the passenger side door for her. She thanked him and mumbled something about understanding his love for the car now, Dean was sure he heard "Baby is beautiful" somewhere in her muttering and he swore he could marry her right then. But, he supposed, that was a bit premature.
When they were both cozily settled in Y/N spoke again, "Are you sure about this? Don't feel like you have to. I'm a big girl, I can handle it."
Dean laughed and put his hand on the back of her seat, resting his arm across the space between them, "I'm sure. It's really no big deal, and it's perfectly reasonable for you not want to be alone. Remember, I offered as you asked, so no part of this is me feeling like I can't say no to you."
She breathed out and looked a little relieved as he said that, "Ok. Well. Thank you, really. It means a lot."
Dean nodded and put Baby into gear.
The ride, as short as it was, passed in a comfortable silence. Dean rolled up to his building and left the car running, promising Y/N he'd only be a minute and rolling his eyes with a smile when she whined about not being able to see his place. He held back a comment about her being more than welcome to drop by anytime, day or night, fearing that he might ruin the bond they had been cultivating so well.
Dean was back down to Baby in roughly seven minutes and succeeded in scaring Y/N by tapping on the window next to her face as she was clearly lost in her thoughts and hadn't noticed him come out the front doors.
When he got back in the car he received a light punch to the shoulder and a mild, unconvincing scolding.
The two sat in silence for a moment before Y/N spoke up again, "So, I suppose I owe you a whole pie after this. Maybe even two. Any requests?"
Dean let out a breathy laugh and looked over at the perfect woman sitting next to him, "Anything you make I'm sure I'll love."
She rolled her eyes, "Kiss ass."
At that moment, with her hair framing her face in such a way that it made Dean enraptured with her every feature, the soft glow of the street lamps lighting her up like an angel and the small, peaceful smile on her face, Dean swore she was the most radiant sight he had ever had the pleasure of seeing. He muttered a soft 'wow' and when Y/N turned her face back to him, the inquisitive look at his remark already forming on her face, he leaned forward and captured her lips in another kiss. She gasped slightly but quickly began kissing him back. He moved his hand to the side of her face and pulled away from her, his thumb moving in slow circles on her cheekbone.
She tilted her head to the side with a smile and giggled slightly, "Where did that come from?"
Dean took his hand back and shrugged, "It's hard to resist. You look absolutely radiant."
In the dim lighting, he could just barely see the blush that crossed her face and he sighed, feigning frustration, "See, how the hell am I supposed to refrain from showing affection when you're this adorable."
She laughed and blushed even more, "Shut the fuck up, Dean, you flirt."
Though she was joking, that sobered Dean up a bit. He furrowed his brows, "In all seriousness, I am sorry. I shouldn't kiss you or anything after our agreement that now is probably a bad time. And just because you should want to kiss me too and not feel any obligation. So I am sorry, and I promise this is not a normal thing. I haven't ever met anyone as special as you before."
Y/N grew quiet and Dean felt himself beginning to panic. He hadn't meant to say all that. He probably sounded so creepy. Oh god, what if she just got out of the car and left?
She didn't, in fact, she started laughing, almost breathlessly, and smiled up at Dean. "I suppose I should make you aware of the fact that I pretty much constantly want to kiss you, that those plump pink lips of yours are so damn tempting and it's hard to resist. But I appreciate you attempting to respect my wishes. You're a good man, Dean."
Dean felt his heart soar and turned back to the road with a smile on his face, taking Baby out of park before holding out his hand for Y/N to take. She tentatively interlocked her fingers with his and he lifted their joint hands up to his face, pressing a soft kiss on the back of her hand, his eyes never leaving the road but his heart filling up with affection at his peripheral view of Y/N blushing and turning away. He used the short car ride to try and memorize the way her hand fit into his, how her delicate fingers perfectly accentuated his larger ones and how her palm fit snugly into his.
He eased Baby into Y/N's driveway and turned the key, leaving the two in a warm silence. Y/N sighed and shivered, looking out at the cold with wary eyes. It was snowing harder now, Dean could barely see the side door into the house and it wasn't more than ten feet away. Y/N turned back to him and, after apparently hyping herself up enough, opened the car door and sprinted to unlock the door to the house. Dean laughed to himself as he watched her fumble with her keys, freezing fingers struggling to find the lock with the low visibility. She finally managed to unlock the door and rushed inside, sticking her hand out of the doorway and gesturing for Dean to follow.
Dean rubbed his hands together to warm them up and bracing himself for the biting Chicago winds he was sure would hit him as soon as he opened the door.
Closing his eyes he took a deep breath, grabbed his overnight bag, and whipped the door open; shutting it as gently as he could, locking it, and full on sprinting to the house.
He busted through the door and found the red nosed, pink-cheeked woman laughing at him. He gave her a joking glare and set down his bag so he could take off his shoes. He looked up after untying his shoes to find Y/N staring down at him in a way he could only describe as lovingly and he suddenly wasn't cold anymore.
She moved out of the way so he could walk past her and into the house, calling out behind him, "The guest bedroom is upstairs across from S/N's room. Make yourself at home and then come back down here and we can order a pizza or something because my fridge is embarrassingly empty." Dean giggled, god since when did he giggle, and turned his head to raise his eyebrows at the woman. She threw her hands up in mock exasperation, "Hey, today was supposed to be grocery day." She shrugged and turned to lock the side door and Dean shook his head, laughing, and made his way upstairs.
Upon entering the guest bedroom, Dean shrugged off his coat and tossed it on the neatly made queen sized bed that sat in the middle of the room. He looked around, taking in the basic furniture and muted blue walls. It was a quaint and cozy room, very reflective of the calm air that Y/N seemed to bring with her most everywhere she went. He took a deep breath, taking in the faint scent of her that filled the room. She really was quite intoxicating. And apparently, she found his quite intoxicating as well. Very good news.
He closed the door and pulled off his shirt and pants, throwing on his sleeping sweatpants and a clean white t-shirt. Turning to the little mirror on the back of the door, he ran his fingers through his hair until he felt he looked sufficiently mussed up and casual. Satisfied, he nodded and opened the door, nearly running into Y/N who had apparently been just about to knock. Her face flushed crimson and Dean had to bite his lip to keep from either laughing or kissing her. Man, spending the night here was going to be a challenge. He raised an eyebrow at her, "I thought I was supposed to come join you downstairs after I got settled in?"
Y/N glanced to the side, avoiding eye contact, her face darkening a few shades, "Honestly, I was just getting a little creeped out on my own down there and figured I'd come up here and make up some bullshit reason on the fly as to why I was checking in on you after about three minutes. I realize now that I'm not the best at improvising." 
Chortling, Dean responded, "That's valid. I was on my way down anyway as you can see."
Still avoiding eye contact, Y/N nodded.
Dean tried to bite back the smile that was growing on his face but couldn't stop himself. He was grinning so hard his cheeks hurt. "Hey," he said, drawing her eyes back to his, "How about we go order a pizza, I'm starving." 
Y/N nodded again, this time with a small smile on her face, her blush almost completely diminished, "What do you like on your pizza, Dean?"
Shrugging, Dean responded, "Honestly, I'll eat anything right now. Pick whatever you're feeling."
Y/N grinned and grabbed her phone, dialing the nearest pizza place and ordering (Favorite Pizza Topping(s)). Dean smiled softly at the newfound happiness in the woman's face, it seemed like some her stress was fading away now that she had company. 
The pizza arrived and the two ate it on the floor of the living room, not wanting to bother with plates. They talked between bites of pizza and swigs of beer, Y/N delving into detail about her previous relationship and her life before that, Dean telling her about Bobby and more about his relationship with his father. Before they knew it, it was night and they were out one pizza and a six pack of beers. Neither was even remotely drunk, but both felt a bit lighter and a tiny bit fuzzy, though whether it could be contributed to the small amount of alcohol they had consumed or the rapidly growing affection they held for each other was hard to tell. Y/N was the first to check the time, glancing down at her watch with a sigh, "It's getting pretty late, Dean. You and I should both be up early tomorrow. We should head to bed." 
Dean's slightly less cognisant brain lept at hearing the words "we should head to bed" come out of Y/N's sweet lips but the rest of him knew it didn't mean what he would someday hope it would mean. He didn't just want to sleep with her in a sexual way, though there was a part of him that definitely really enthusiastically did want to sleep with her that way. It was just, he had found himself daydreaming of what it would be like to fall asleep with her in his arms, to cuddle and wake up in the morning with the sun shining on her angelic face and her hair fanned out over their pillows. He wanted to know what she would look like right after waking up, eyes half shut, voice raspy from disuse. He wanted to make her breakfast in bed, to make her smile every morning, to pepper her face with kisses until she giggled and pushed him away, to lay in bed and watch her as she slept or as she got up and began getting ready for the say. For some reason, he was sure she'd look absolutely adorable while brushing her teeth, maybe leaning over the sink in nothing but a pair of underwear and one of his shirts, hair a mess and toothpaste foaming around her mouth. It was a sight he longed to see, a life he longed to live. He was starting to think Sammy was right. Maybe she was his Jess. She was certainly making all the sappy shit Sam always said seem logical. 
He was broken out of his thoughts by Y/N returning to the room, after apparently leaving it to take care of the trash. She laughed at him, still sitting on the ground, "Wow, three beers got you that out of it huh?"
Dean made a face, "Hey, I haven't had much alcohol in years, my tolerance isn't the highest anymore. I'm also absolutely fine, I was just thinking." 
Y/N hummed in response, a mischevious twinkle in her eyes making it clear she didn't fully believe him. Dean was suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to grab her in a bear hug and maybe tickle her or something until she admitted he wasn't even tipsy and she was teasing him over nothing. 
He didn't do that. Instead, he stuck his tongue out at her and strode up the stairs. She followed a few steps behind him, shaking her head and chuckling softly to herself. 
The two adults went through their nightly routines, working almost like a machine, maneuvering each other in the small bathroom with surprising ease, almost like they had been doing it for years.
They bid each other goodnight and left to their respective rooms. Dean started to take his pants off before hopping into bed, before realizing he was here to make Y/N feel safe and he probably wouldn't be much help against an angry alcoholic ex if he had no pants on. Slipping his sweats back on and sighing, he really did love sleeping pantsless, he slid under the covers and found a comfortable position in the bed. He lay there for awhile, a half hour maybe, unable to sleep, worrying that Y/N might be a bit uneasy in her room alone and knowing she might need some comfort. He waited about five more minutes before giving in to his worries and getting up. He opened his door and was two steps into the hallway when Y/N's door opened as well. She looked at him, surprise etched on her features. Wearing nothing but an oversized sweatshirt she fit exactly into Dean's domestic fantasies and he found himself at a loss for words. She blushed slightly, "Um... I was actually about to see if you were still awake... I... uh... I can't sleep."
Dean walked closer to her, "I kinda had a feeling that'd be the case, I was about to come check on you."
She smiled, her embarrassment clear, "I feel so childish, getting nervous about being alone in my room. The house is locked, the security system is on, and the man who scares me is most certainly still in police custody and violated my restraining order on him so he really can't come back. And somehow I'm still scared." She crossed her arms, rubbing them anxiously and looking away from Dean. 
Dean thought for a moment before cautiously proposing an idea, "If you're really that uncomfortable, I could sleep on the floor of your room." She immediately began to protest but he held a hand up, "Shhh. It's not a problem, I moved around a ton as a kid and slept on so many motel floors I stopped keeping count. I'll be fine. Let me do this to make me feel better unless it makes you more uncomfortable." 
Y/N took a slow breath, "I suppose that's fine, are you sure you want to do that?"
Dean grabbed her lightly by the shoulders, forcing her to look at him, "I promise, it's absolutely fine. Your comfort is the priority tonight. Let me help you." 
Y/N nodded slowly and whispered a small thanks, walking back to her room and waiting for Dean in the doorway. Dean took a moment to memorize the sight in front of him, he wanted to be able to see it in his mind forever. How sweetly she was looking at him, standing in the doorway of a dark room where they were both going to sleep. 
She looked at him quizzically, and he jolted into movement, following her through the threshold of the door and into the room he had only peeked in once before. In the dim lighting he couldn't make out any colors but he saw Y/N climb onto her relatively large bed and sit on the edge, feet dangling over the side. He walked over and stood in front of her. He tilted his head as he studied her expression, even in the dark he could see she was thinking about something.
"You look pensive." he almost whispered, unable to ruin the tranquility of the room by speaking at a normal volume, "What's on your mind?"
She smiled slightly at the question, responding at the same volume, "I was just thinking, it really is terribly unfair for me to make you sleep on the floor, no matter how used to it you may be." She paused, averting her eyes but clearly having more to say. Dean waited patiently for her to continue. "I was just thinking, maybe, if you wouldn't mind that is, you could just share my bed. It's big enough." 
Dean's heart leapt into his throat. Such a challenging night. Damn. But there was no way he could say no to that, he didn't want to lie and say it made it uncomfortable because it most certainly didn't, and no person in their right mind would choose the floor over a heavenly looking bed with a beautiful woman in it. He responded quickly, hoping he didn't seem too eager, "That wouldn't make me uncomfortable at all. As long as you're fine with it then that sounds good to me."
Y/N smiled and Dean swore it was bright enough that the whole room got a little bit lighter. He grinned back at her and she shifted so she was on the far side of the bed, lightly patting the space next to her to beckon Dean into the bed. Dean happily obliged, climbing onto the bed and crawling up to sit next to her. They both scooted under the covers and turned on their sides, facing one another, content smiles decorating their faces. 
Y/N opened her mouth and whispered to Dean, "Thank you." before leaning closer and giving him a soft kiss on the lips. Dean's eyes widened in shock but closed just as quickly as he melted into the kiss. Surely she meant it to be innocent and short but she held her lips on his for a bit longer than appropriate and when she pulled away, the sigh that escaped Dean's lips and the feeling of kissing him again was too much for her. She inched closer, wrapping her arms around Dean's neck and kissing him again, slowly but much deeper this time. Her body pressed up against Dean's and he could feel himself getting aroused already. His arms moved to her hips and he gasped when she nibbled at his lip, giving her entry to his mouth and deepening the kiss yet again. He had never expected her to be so dominant and he usually wasn't very submissive but he had to admit he was enjoying this far too much to even think about it for more than a split second. She pulled away to breathe and blushed, her dominant demeanor vanished as she whispered an apology, "I... I don't know what just came over me. I'm sorry. I don't mean to force myself on you." 
Dean smiled at that, "Believe me, I wasn't complaining. In case you hadn't noticed, I've developed some pretty strong feelings for you."
She giggled and averted her gaze, "Yeah, I noticed. If you were wondering, the feeling is mutual."
Dean's smile grew at her words before he found himself becoming a bit more somber, "So, do you want to continue this then? Or would you like to take things a bit more slowly?"
Y/N thought for a moment, "Honestly? I know I should say I want to slow down, because I really would like to pursue a relationship with you, Dean, but... You're pretty damn irresistible and I don't know how I'll last a whole night next to you without finding out what you feel like inside me."
Dean felt the heat rising to his face and building in his groin at her words. Without hesitation, he pulled her into a fervent kiss, rough and fast and full of passion and arousal. She enthusiastically kissed him back, their mouths moving ferociously against each other, pants escaping them both as they explored each other's mouths with their tongues. Dean pulled away after a moment to pull off his own shirt while maneuvering himself on top of Y/N and watching as she lifted her oversized sweatshirt above her head. He marveled at the sight of her, dressed in nothing but her underwear, bare chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath, her skin practically glowing, her face flushed and pupils blown out with attraction. She was beautiful. Grinning at the sight in front of him, he began sucking and nibbling down her neck. He ground himself into her and settled his mouth on the dip of her collarbone, biting her just enough to leave a bit of a mark and make her moan. Her moans and pants fueled him as he moved his way down her chest and to her soft, supple breasts. He took one nipple in his fingers and the other in his teeth, gently rolling each of them and earning a series of satisfying sounds from above him. He grinned and switched breasts, feeling Y/N shift underneath him and registering the ache of his throbbing erection. 
He kissed a trail down her stomach and placed his fingers on her pussy, over her underwear. He could feel the warmth of her and how wet she was already and it only strengthened the ache he was feeling. He gently spread her legs, looking back at her for confirmation that this was ok, to which he received very enthusiastic nodding. He grinned again and slowly pulled her underwear off, teasing her by kissing up and down the inside of her thighs. She whined slightly and bucked her hips, causing him to laugh and give in. He licked around her pussy, tasting the juices that were already seeping out of her before using his tongue to flick her clit. She immediately bucked her hips again, shoving his face directly into her mound. He moaned at the feeling, enjoying the warmth and rapidly flicking his tongue in and out of her while her breath continued to speed up. She knotted her fingers in his hair pushing him down, practically begging him to finish her. He pulled away and she groaned, opening her eyes and giving him a pouty look. He smiled and pulled off his sweatpants, Her eyes widened at the sight of his bulge straining against his boxers and she sat up quickly. She crawled to the end of the bed, pulling Dean back to her and flipping him over so she was straddling him. The weight and heat of her bare flesh on top of him made him moan and grind his hips into hers, earning a noise of contentment from her as well. 
She took his lips with her own and proceeded to grind herself down on him, gyrating her hips and making him moan into her mouth. She smirked and reached into the nightstand next to the bed without breaking the kiss. She pulled away, dragging her fingernails across his chest and stomach as she sat up, her heat directly on top of Dean's painfully hard cock. Looking awfully pleased with herself at the breathless and disheveled state Dean was in, she backed up and hooked her fingers under the band of his boxers, pulling them down gently. She looked up at him, eyes wide next to his bare cock. He bucked his hips at the sight, unable to speak but hoping his eyes were begging her enough that she would stop teasing and give him release. Her eyes told him it wasn't going to be that easy and the grin on her perfect lips had him reeling. He closed her eyes and felt the warmth of her tongue sliding up the length of his member, licking his tip ever so lightly and teasing him. His face must have betrayed how much he wanted her because he suddenly felt his entire length enveloped by the wet warmth of her mouth. He sighed and lifted his hips slightly. She sucked on the head of his dick while stroking the rest with her hand, the feeling making him blissful and fuzzy. He felt heat rising in his abdomen and knew he'd finish soon if she kept going. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, she pulled her mouth off of him with a wet 'pop'. He groaned and wriggled underneath her. She laughed airily before grabbing the condom that she had taken from the nightstand and ripping it open. She slid it down slowly and that feeling in itself had Dean's breath getting caught in his throat. She lifted her hips up and looked at Dean expectantly as if waiting for the go ahead. He let out a short breath of a laugh and grabbed her by the hips, pulling her down onto his length. 
She gasped as he pushed inside her, her hands reaching out and landing on Dean's chest, nails digging into his flesh. He groaned and she started to bounce up and down, her beautiful breasts tantalizing him and her tight pussy clenching around his member. Dean matched her pace and she leaned down to capture his mouth in another kiss. Without breaking the kiss, Dean reached up and flipped her over, so that he was on top of her and could better watch her reactions in the light of the streetlamps from outside the window. He sped up, the bed rocking and the two of them breathing heavily in unison. She panted and pulled his body flush against hers, raking her fingers down his back as she reached her climax. She let out a deep breath and sighed, just as Dean felt himself orgasm. He slowly pumped in and out of her, riding out both of their climaxes. 
Dean rolled off of Y/N, splaying his arms out wide and breathing heavily, "Damn. That was amazing."
She laughed and punched him lightly in the arm, "Yeah, it was. I'm gonna quick go to the bathroom, do you want some toilet paper to clean yourself up?"
Dean groaned, "No, I'll just come with you, I've got to pee anyway." 
She giggled at that and rolled off of the bed, walking around to where Dean was and holding out a hand for him to grab. He shook his head from side to side lazily and grumbled before taking hold of her hand and being yanked out of the bed. She laughed at this and he gave her a small shove, smiling, and then followed her down the hall. They each took their turns cleaning themselves up and using the restroom before heading back to bed. 
Under the sheets, Dean wrapped his arms around Y/N pulling her towards him so that they were spooning. They stayed quiet for a few minutes, relaxing and listening to each other's breathing. Before they both fell asleep, Dean whispered in Y/N's ear, "So, Ms. L/N, would you possibly like to join me for dinner one of these nights? As a date?" 
Without opening her eyes, Y/N responded, "As a matter of fact, Mr. Winchester, I would love to."
Dean smiled into her hair, taking a few deep breaths and relishing the feeling and scent of home that emanated from the woman in his arms. That was the last blissful thought he registered before drifting off to sleep.
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14
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theuniverseawakens347 · 4 months
Tumblr media
We’re of age.. so it’s not child porn now 🤷🏽‍♀️🖕🏽
1. Nigga we me n you met in 5th grade TCS, YOU FELL HARD, I was like “ooo a nigga at a white school I just came from the hood 🤷🏽‍♀️🖕🏽”
2. Astro camp 5th grade YOU PRESSURED ME TO KISS YOU .. I ain’t even lean in my nigga.. and YOU COOPED A BUTT FEEL W/ O PERMISSION, rape 🤷🏽‍♀️
7. MIDDLE SCHOOL TO ABOUT SOPHOMORE YR HIGH SCHOOL WE AINT REALLY TALK.. liked some photos here n there hit a few “hi how you doing” THATS IT .. i “missed” you simply bc I WENT TO A MOSTLY WHITE ALL GIRL SCHOOL.. IM A FUCKING TOMBOY, I ISED TO FIGHT YOU AND SAM EVERYDAY ON THE SCHOOL YARD .. but and idc for the energy of STUCK UP “I THINK IM BETTER THAN BC IM SHALLOW AS FUCK girls” Lee had me around ..
12. YOU BROUGHT ME MY NIGGA TRISTAN Jan/ Feb 2017 .. I was looking for a dealer and YOU TOLD HIM I WAS LOOKING FOR A HOOKUP / BOO.. no friend wasn’t on that Type of time, yet ( cut to fuck ass Daniel Gonzales FROM CSUN.. talking like March - JUN then dating ..while he hoing ThANKS TO LEE GARLINGTON WEIRDO SEXXX RING AT VIVICCA WHITSET )
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cardigcn · 1 year
tell me more about layla and jamie.
hi anon! thank you so much for asking about my original characters, i'd love to tell you about them!!
so, layla is the youngest daughter of melinda and jim but it was after jim switched into sam's body so techinally her genes come from sam, so she shares sam's DNA. her fc is lili reinhart (also EDIT: lili is just a temporary fc, because idk if i like her for layla so i'm searching for a new one) and she is born just after the show ends, around aiden's six birthday. just like her mother and technically "half brother" she has the abilty to see and communicate with spirits but her powers aren't as strong as her brothers which she always feels leaves her as an odd one out. she's very smart and is going to school to become a doctor like her father and unlike her brother, has always been closest with jim growing up and sometimes butts head with melinda the most out of the two of her parents. more headcanons to come, but i haven't rped her much but i would love to!!
for jamie, he's one of my fav original characters i created for a grey's rp a while back and i've just added him to my multimuse because i loved him so much!! i'm going to put his information under read more because it's very well thought out and i don't want to clog up the dash!! this is for his main verse, which is set in the grey's anatomy world but i will edit it when it's not the middle of the night to fit every medical show!!
jamie was born in orlando, florida and is the oldest out of three siblings. he has two younger sisters who he gets along with pretty well. growing up, jamie was always the protector in his family, feeling like his was his job to look after them and make sure no harm ever came to them. when jamie was 16, he was in a car accident and broke both of his legs. it was a rough recovery, but he made it through stronger than ever and it was then he decided that he wanted to go into medicine. after jamie graduated in high school, he was accepted into stanford and moved all the way to los angeles. he attended both college and medical school in the warm state. while also doing his residency there, before moving to seattle where he was offered a fellowship as a trauma surgeon.
jamie takes his job more seriously than most surgeons do and it’s something that he’s proud of. he’s worked hard to get where he is now and he wouldn’t change it for a thing.
ten years ago jamie met a woman named emily while he was an attending in flordia. they both were working in the same emergency room, with jamie as the head attending and she was the on-call nurse most of the nights.as they got to know each other, jamie knew that she was the one he wanted to spend his life with and ended up proposing about a year after they started dating. a year later, the two of them got married.
emily ended up deciding to go back to medical school as she dropped out a year before she finished due to a family emergency at the time and jamie was supportive of her all the way. everything was great for the couple, until jamie was offered a job here in seattle for head of trauma 6 years ago. the couple moved to seattle together and bought a lovely house. everything had settled in just fine, when they found out emily was pregnant.
jamie was over the moon and couldn’t have been happier about the fact that he was going to be a father, but he could tell that his wife didn’t feel the same way. over the next few months, they had decorated the nursery and gotten everything ready for mia to arrive but emily wasn’t as excited to become a mother as she was to become a surgeon. a few months after mia was born, jamie woke up to find a note from his wife saying that she just couldn’t handle being a mother anymore and she needed to focus on herself and it wasn’t fair to either of them. a few weeks later he was sent divorce papers in the mail.
jamie never understood how she could just leave, but to this day he’s grateful for his daughter and wouldn’t change that for the world.
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captusmomentum · 7 years
[ chucks this at @feynites​ ‘s window tied to a brick with ‘PAY FOR YOUR SINS’ written on it ]
Another hard day at the office was done for Samahllin and now the arduous process of getting through the pickup line and then to everyones after school stuff began. She sat in the passenger side captain’s chair feet on the back of Nehnara’s chair in a futile attempt to bother him, dicking around on her phone. She looked up and through the window at the swarm of evacuating refugees (children) looking for The Urchin.
 Inan running at break neck speeds to the minivan was not new, but the manic expression was….. Okay that was also not super new but this was a new one. This one kinda looked like she was a terrified clown trying to keep the charade going so the kids don’t panic.
She snapped a pic.
When Inan made it to the car she slammed open the door with a terrifying strength that no child of that size should have and thrust a card out in front of her and into the minivan nearly clocking Sam in the jaw.
“I GOT INVITED TO A BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!” She announces with unnecessary volume. She didn’t need that ear it’s cool.
Sam takes the damn thing from her hand and looks at the shitty handmade card as Inan gets in closes the door and wiggles her way between Sam and Thenvas’ chairs to the back row. Their mom turns and looks back at her smiling.
“That’s great sweetie! Who’s party is it?”
Inan replies as she squirms around, taking off her backpack and coat which take up the rest of the last row.
“Dirthamen Evanuris’s! He’s in my first period and 2 of my other classes.”
“The weird Omen kid yeah.” Sam remarks duly as she looks over his card.
It reeks of inept nerd and the amount of text is completely embarrassing, it’s a birthday not a wedding for nug’s sake relax kid. The bear in the hat is pretty cool though. Silently she hands the card over to her twin giving him a look. The Dirthamen kid himself seems pretty harmless, classic nerd and all that, but his brother is a little sociopath. It’s great and all that Inan got invited to something but is it ethical to send her if a baby ax murderer is there?
Thenvas meets her gaze, they on the same page there and he takes it from her. He looks over it as he remarks coolly.
“Isn’t his brother the one that got shipped off to a boarding school because he was causing too much trouble?”
Samahllin grins. “Yeah Falon’Din. The prick.”
Their mom, who’d been in the middle of pulling out looks at Sam through the rearview mirror.
“Samahllin! Language”
She just grins and waggles her eyebrows at her before unbuckling her seatbelt so she can sit sideways with her legs in the isle, better to talk to Then and the Twerp.
“D’ya know if he’s gonna be there?”
Inan looks uncertain and a little worried. “No. But he didn’t mention him at all and the card doesn’t anything about him. If he was gonna be there they’d at least say something like ‘bring 2 presents’ right?”
“Hm. Good Point. I know I make a pointa it on our invites n’ stuff, guess it’s just Dirthadude then.”
They’re on their way now, almost free of the black hole of the school zone at pick up time.
“Well I think it’s great you got invited. Is Dirthamen your friend? You’ve never really mentioned him before.”
Inan looks down, biting her lip and picks at the hem of her sweater, she’s done that so much she’s frayed the bottom of the dumb thing. Sam worries about her, you gotta be a lot of nervous to do that kinda damage to knitwear. Maybe their school’s not the right fit for her, She knows that her only friends are them— she doesn’t have like, any non-sibling friends in her class or whatever.
“No. He’s not my friend, he doesn’t really have any I think. But he made a really good temple complex replica for social studies once! It was really cool, he even used that model maker moss stuff and little trees and stuff! I showed it to you at that Parent’s Night thing remember?”
“ Oh yeah! That was Dirthamen’s huh? He sure is a talented little builder!”
Thenvas passes the card up to Nehnara who smiles upon seeing the cover.
“Hey, cool bear! Looks like he’s a good drawer too.”
Her twin copies her move and turns to face the center of the minivan, but leaves his seatbelt on. Coward.
“Any idea who else is going?” he asks.
Inan shakes her head. “Nope but I figure it probably won’t be a lot of people. Probably just his sisters and kids like me or nice ones.”
Then does that humming thing in the back of the throat that makes him sound like a history teacher. So they had no idea who else was invited and no idea of any of them would show up unless they were too nice or too desperate for friends to say no. Sam mentally shot that idea to death. She wasn’t gonna get all bitchy about this and ruin it for Inan, besides if there was something actually wrong with this Dirthanerd she’d know about it already. The other one was the problem and he wasn’t gonna be there. The worst that was probably gonna happen was like, normal party problems, like it sucking or someone puking.
She hisses. “Andruil… My Arch Nemesis…..”
Then gives her a bored look but still raises his eyebrows in mock surprise.
“Oh? She is? I thought it was Toni Hawke this week, what did Andruil do?”
She glares out the window behind him. “Cut me in line on Taco Tuesday, the little twerp.”
“The Horror.” He says flatly, not looking up from his phone. “What a monster.”
Inan giggles behind them and Sam sticks her tongue out at both of her ignorant siblings. They’ll never understand the intricacies of school lunchroom politics. Fools.
Nehn shows the card to their mom at the next red light.
“Oh how cute! What a nice card! He really did put a lot of time into this didn’t he, it’s very good.”
“I know right? Kid’s got skills.”
“It’s at the Zoo? Oh Inanallas, that’ll be so fun!”
“Yeah that’s like, the best part! Real deal maker!”
“I’d feel a little better if I knew who else is going, I’d hate to leave you there all alone…”
Crap! Nice going mom you IDIOT!!!!! Why would you point it out like that????? Sam thinks.  Now she’s gonna get all weird about it.
“The invite says you can bring a plus one, I’ll go with her and make sure none of the lions eat her.” Nehn offers, smiling.
“What do you say Innie? Don’t mind your big brother tagging along?”
“Nope!” she chirps in a way the rest of the kids can very clearly tell is forced.
Mom smiles back at her in the rearview mirror with that Mom Look she got when she was superimposing baby them on not-baby them.
“Well sweetheart I think it’s wonderful, it’ll be a great chance to make friends.”
Nehnara passes the card back to Thenvas who then passes it back to Inanallas who looks down at it intensely, expression mixed.
Mom finally notices that she and Then are sitting in their seats wrong yells at them to sit in them properly and they all get back to business as usual, with Inan in the back becoming an increasing black cloud of anxiety, fear and doubt. Which was, frustratingly, also business as usual.
It’s after dinner when everyone’s off doing their own things that lil Innie comes up to him while he’s doing the dishes looking like she’s on the brink of tears. Hoooooo boy. Here we go.
“Hey Inzo what’s up?”
He keeps it light— enough she doesn’t choke, but not enough she’ll think he didn’t notice how upset she is. It’s hard but there’s a balance that you need to get her to talk when she’s like this, otherwise she clams up. It’s like the two of you have to trick the problem into thinking it’s a homework question and not cry for help. He’s probably the only one who’s managed it so far, Then and Sam are just bulls in a china shop and Mom and Dad are well, Mom and Dad.
“I don’t think I should go to the party…”
“Aw c’mon, I think you totally should. It’ll be fun!”
“But Mom’s right! It’ll be a bunch of strangers and I’ll be all alone and they’ll all think I’m weird like everyone else at school does! Dirthamen and them don’t even talk to me! They hate me!”
“They don’t hate you. They just don’t know you. It sounds like Dirthamen’s a pretty shy kid and he invited other kids he thought were shy and stuff like him. Best chance for him to make some friends now that he’s not getting bullied every day by his brother don’t you think? He must want to be your friend if he invited you, it’d be kind of a waste of his time if he didn’t you know?”
He puts down the pot in his hands and moves on to the next one. She rocks a little on her feet, her hands balled up that her chest and anxiously fiddling with their sleeve cocoons.
“But what if I get there and he talks to me and hates me and all the other kids hate me too! Or the parents don’t or they’re mean! What if the party is really bad or scary! What if I have a panic attack or something!”
“That’s why I’m gonna go with you. If things are going good then I just hang back and eat all the snacks while you party hardy. If things look bleak then you give me the high sign and we blow that popsicle stand and goof off in the Zoo for a while or if you’re really upset we go right home and watch movies and eat ice cream. Can’t lose.”
“Double Super Promise. The second it looks like it’s gonna suck we’ll bust out.”
Looks like the promise of immediate assured escape has saved the day again as usual. She relaxes a bit and puts her arms on the counter then her head on them. A groan emerges from her arm cave.
“I don’t even know what to get him…”
“You said he built a cool thing for school right? Well what about a book or something on it? Or—hey yeah! What about a model kit? Those are super cool. If he likes making stuff he’ll love that!”
“You think?”
“What if he doesn’t like it?”
Nehn shrugs as he puts the last pot down to dry and cleans up after himself. “Blame me.”
He grins and waggles his eyebrows.  “What are siblings for if not blaming?”
She laughs a little and stands up straight again. He with all the speed and strength of an oldest brother he picks up all 4-something of her and flips her upside down in his grip with practiced ease. She squawks and flails wildly, which is broken up by her laughter and demands to be put down as he carries her to the living room.
“Enough dumb stuff Inzorino! Let’s watch some bad tv!”
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industria-adastra · 2 years
[Twisted Wonderland x Puella Magi Madoka Magica] What to do when you reload in the wrong universe? [PROLOGUE] - PART 2
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Note: Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing but what I do know is that I want a happy ending for this.
Onto the meat of the sandwich!
Crowley is super "kind and generous", so he'll let the three of them stay...as long as they help out whenever needed. They can self-study if they have time. Yuu, as per canon, becomes the janitor. Homura becomes a glorified teacher assistant/shop assistant because, like I said earlier, she hasn't gotten rid of the hospital edition pastiness. And Yuu is a much healthier-looking dude, so he gets more overall physically straining jobs. And also Grim is more attached to Yuu so Crowley also did that so Grim would be well out of the way.
Crowley forgets to verify ages and later nearly gets tackled (read: murdered) by Yuu later on for child endangerment. Pray for the man because after Trein and Crewel wind up hearing about this they also get on his ass.
(Yuu vouched for Grim because tbh there's nothing wrong with the little guy he's just ambitious. And also letting him in now would be easier to deal with than if Grim was constantly trying to prove his worth in his own child-like way)
The trio eat dinner and converse and get to know each other.
Yuu's delighted to at least be stuck with someone he can hopefully relate to as a fellow Japanese student. He's noticed the uniform, and remembered Homura stating Mitakihara as her home destination. So he asks Homura: how old is she? what school does she go to in Mitakihara? Any favorite subjects?
Homura politely answers with 14, Mitakihara Middle School, none in particular. The conversation doesn't go far, but it's a start in Yuu's opinion. So after their dinner, they go around trying to clean up ramshackle. Or at least a few rooms. The ghosts help out because might as well, and it's better to have amiable neighbours rather than constant conflict.
Homura thinks Yuu is a rather friendly individual, actually. He has a "reliable-person" energy, and is...kind.
She remembers him vouching for Grim, and thinks back on another kind individual she knew. (Who always seemed to try to think of the best of someone who didn't deserve it)
They manage to get a bed that seems alright. The other rooms definitely need more fixing. So for the night, the bed is shared between the three, mostly because they started a fire for warmth and might as well have everyone in one spot for convenience. Homura does her best to relax. And push away any particularly negative thoughts because right now she has nothing to cleanse her soul gem, and so more negativity will only accelerate the corruption process. Madoka may have eradicated witches in their universe, but it's possible Homura could become a witch in a different one.
Day 1 of reloading in the wrong universe starts now
For Yuu, he goes through canon and high-key wants to go back to tidying up ramshackle instead. Prologue Ace is annoying to him and gets on his nerves. Grim is also not listening and Yuu just wants to clean in peace. (He misses his family too. Homesickness was starting to creep up from behind in the silence.) Yuu hopes that Homura's having a better time.
Homura's feeling ok. Unlike Yuu, her designated work is helping her not think about her home and about Madoka's ascension to godhood and erasure from the universe. However, she's new so it takes a while for her to get the hang of working at Sam's (since she'd be of no use as a teaching assistant without prior knowledge for now) and understand where everything goes.
Homura meets Deuce, who recognizes her from the entrance ceremony as "that one girl who was said to have a lot of potential by that other guy with none". He kind of blurts that out when he sees her.
Homura kind of just...acknowledges that, but doesn't reply to that and instead asks what he wants from the store so she can either get it for him or ask Sam to help get it.
Deuce can't properly speak to women, but I'd assume he's simultaneously less and more awkward with Homura. Mostly because he's not being forced to spout cheesy romance lines, amongst other reasons.
Deuce is very surprised Homura hasn't been sent home yet, since she's a girl and all. Won't her parents be worried if their daughter was suddenly nabbed via magical mishap? He brings that up, since Homura does look very young (even if he assumes she's around his age)
Homura replies in the calmest manner possible that her parents are not here anymore (implying that she's an orphan). And that she's staying here for undisclosed reasons. Does Deuce need anything from the shop? Might as well try and be cordial to the students here, since Homura might be staying here for a while. (She has a feeling Crowley is not going to be very reliable)
Also, Homura has some tact in this situation compared to her stonewalling in the anime. Mostly because she can't actually ignore the guy, and also because she's not feeling the fire that pushed her to warn her friends as fast as possible.
Deuce is feeling SO awkward. How do you even reply to that??? He awkwardly stutters out his condolences and shuts up right after that. Honestly he's feeling so terrible because wow he can't imagine being without his mom and already a girl his age (he thinks) is orphaned??? Deuce, in his complete and utter embarrassment in himself, just leaves the store because he can go back later but if he stays any longer in there he might die of embarrassment.
Homura's day goes decently well, since soon after that she switches out with Sam at the counter and doesn't have to interact with many other people anymore.
Speaking of Sam and Homura, they're getting along in that cohesive co-worker way. When there's a break Sam gives her some of his cooking as lunch. He's finding her to be surprisingly helpful since Homura's a quick learner. I feel like I should probably elaborate more on Homura's almost parental relationships with NRC staff. But that'll be for another post.
Yuu and Grim's punishment gets back to Homura. Honestly speaking she doesn't need to help them, but she does feel bad for Yuu so she helps out until Grim decides to track down Ace. She does this in her usual stoic and quiet manner, so it's kind of just: Homura gets the details, shows up with cleaning supplies and starts cleaning
Homura is starting to find out how magical this new world is since paintings talk. Although, perhaps the ghosts should've already given her a big hint.
Shenanigary occurs and since Homura lags behind for this she pretty much walks into Ace getting squished with a cauldron.
It's an interesting sight. Oh, and that very awkward guy from earlier is there too. Aaand now they're arguing.
Inwardly, Homura thinks they remind her of another pair who loved to argue with each other. (Her heart twinges, and so she forces herself to not think about it)
Grim shirks his responsibilities and so we have another chase scene. Everything pans out like in canon and now the chandelier's broken again.
The dwarf mine starts out a bit differently. For one, there are no ghosts there. No, the quintet's first step into the mine is greeted by a mass exodus of ghosts. But they journey on.
Then come the wails and cries of anger. There's a glint of something further down and it could be the magestone they need. But danger hangs in the air, an invisible noose tightening around their necks.
No one wants to turn back yet, even if Ace can feel the hairs standing on the back of his neck, Deuce feels a chill pass over his skin, Yuu's breaths come out a little faster, Grim's instincts scream at him, and Homura-
Homura feels the taint start to trickle in.
What they come to find is so much more horrifying.
It's huge. Ink spills from the cracks in its glass head, with glitching cubes flickering in and out of existence. Its tar-like body drips ink from where it floats, and there are emaciated arms jutting out from within, having further damaged its already torn clothing. The creature shifts and moves erratically, surrounded by hunched-over, skeletal figures. Still, it desperately clutches onto a lantern and pickaxe, even as its body looks to be trying to tear itself apart. It shrieks in agony, lashing out in mindless pain and rage.
The first encounter with a blot phantom is made more dangerous with the addition of wraiths.
The moment they step near, all the creatures there snap to attention towards them.
The air is cold now, freezing, even. Frost is rapidly covering both the cave walls and floors. The ink creature lets out a scream, a garbled cry that could've once been something more coherent.
Quick as a flash, it charges toward them, swinging its pickaxe. There's no time to think and Homura summons her shield once more. A click, and suddenly she's weaved her way in between the monster and Deuce.
The force of the pickaxe doesn't make her waver. But the sudden surge of magic has caused the wraiths to start moving towards her. One of them fires a laser at her, which is again blocked with her shield. She can feel Her try to reach her from within, and she doesn't have long before she's forced to dissipate her shield again, unwilling to let even the slightest chance of corruption appear.
Panicking, Ace and Deuce rapidly fire spells. This doesn't help, and they're forced to retreat.
Unfortunately for them, both the wraiths and the phantom-wraith give chase, following them outside.
Yuu is forced to think of the fastest strategy in his life, and he's yelling out orders to Ace, Deuce, and Grim and they should really shut up and listen to him if they don't wanna be expelled on the first day AND die here because of their headmaster. He also yells over to Homura to try and keep protecting them with her shield.
What can I say? Impending death forms bonds and erases previous enmity rather quickly. Ace's winds power Grim's flames, and Deuce's cauldrons do their best to incapacitate their enemies.
It's not enough, and there are so many close calls it's not even funny.
However, Homura can't use her shield. She knows that, if she keeps using it, something very, very bad will likely happen. But what else can she do? She's doing her best to pull everyone out of harm's way, but it's only so long before everyone else tires. And as time passes, the greater the chances of greater injuries. And possibly even casualties.
Homura has to protect them, she has to. She couldn't protect anyone before but she'll be damned if she'll let anyone else get hurt if she's able to do something about it. (Especially Yuu, who, just like her, has a family he's unable to get back to. Who, just like her, had been kind-)
A black bow bursts into existence with purple magic, alongside Homura's magical girl costume. And Homura, as if she'd used such a weapon all along, calmly draws the string back and aims high at the sky. Her surroundings seem to fade from existence, and only the pounding of her heart, and the heaving of her lungs fill her head. Homura takes a deep breath, and fires.
Immediately, a giant purple diamond explodes into reality, the rest of the glyph tracing itself into the sky. A second passes, and flaming arrows rain down from the heavens.
Homura stares, reminded of that final moment as the arrows eat away at both phantom and wraiths. Nearby, the rest of the group stared as well, covered in multiple injuries.
It's over. They're safe now.
There's something left in the grass when the attack is over. A black crystal, and multiple dark cubes.
Homura picks up the cubes. They have a familiar essence to them (like grief seeds). The crystal too. She'll have to experiment later. She takes them both and stores them in her skirt pocket.
This means Grim doesn't eat the crystal, because Grim overblotting is not quite a conflict I require in this.
Quickly, they go back into the mine to extract the needed magestone and hurry back to Crowley.
As per canon, Crowley is pleasantly surprised but now very concerned because he didn't actually expect them to come back looking like they've been through hell and back.
So they recount the story to him. Or well, everyone but Homura does, tbh.
First thing Crowley does is what he does in canon, which is to sob and then give backhanded compliments. And then merge Yuu and Grim into one student. As for Homura...
Well. To hell with it. Since Crowley's already brought in the monster and the magicless Yuu as students, might as well bring in Homura since she has magic anyways. Crowley's adding so much paperwork at this point, what's a couple more pages?
By the way, how old are both Yuu and Homura? Crowley needs to verify ages. Also so he can make a decision on who's dorm prefect for Ramshackle (spoilers it's Yuu)
Homura says she's 14 and Yuu has already adopted her in his mind. Crowley is now a little concerned because 14????? Much younger than he thought what the hell was the carriage thinking?? Oh God, he has a literal CHILD here. Birdman doesn't know whether he should be carting her off to the infirmary now because yeah she was smol and he kind of wanted to feed her food because she looked the poster child of sad (TM) but she was a highschooler no way he's doing that. But now...
Crowley holds himself back (for now).
Deuce and Ace are also mind-blown. Deuce is now panicking internally because orphan??? 14??? Girl who was just saving their butts???? Same with Ace but he's wondering what the hell happened for a literal child to be this good at fighting. He's not blind, he saw a seasoned fighter back then.
But onto a more serious note: Crowley has literally never heard of the wraiths or the phantoms merging with the wraiths. So that is a legitimate cause for concern. He makes sure they repeat a description of the wraiths that he can note down and send as information to any potentially affected parties in Twisted Wonderland. It could be a new type of monster. Crowley also low-key threatens them so they don't reveal anything about the wraiths to anyone else. Ignorance is bliss, after all.
Now finally out of the frying pan and the fire, everyone feels immensely tired. ADeuce thank Homura and Yuu in their own respective ways. Which means for Homura, an awkward pat on the head from Deuce, and a hand mussing up her hair even more from Ace. Yuu just praises her six ways to Sunday, all with a mega-watt smile on his face as he makes sure Grim doesn't run off from his arms. Grim acknowledges in his own way that they would've been toast without henchman #2 aka Homura. All in all, it's a warm moment for the quintet. Homura feels fuzzy new feelings with the sudden camaraderie in the air. It's been, well, a very long time since she's felt, or been treated this way. (like she's actually useful, and wanted)
If any of them looked carefully, they'd see Homura blushing a little. (Yuu definitely sees it)
"You're still going to have to explain whatever that was though, Homura," says Ace. Homura wonders if she should ignore it, and starts debating the pros and cons in her head. On one hand they're magic, and she doesn't have to explain everything. On the other hand what if she has to explain everything?
Suddenly, Crowley walks out of his office, picks up Homura in the midst of stunned confusion, and just. Books it. Towards the infirmary. But not before tossing the ghost camera at Yuu & co. (a surprisingly effective distraction)
Homura is so confused please let her rest.
(I lied this will be a little crack-ish)
Later at night, she cautiously places a grief cube near her soul gem. The earlier corruption fades. Homura replaces it with the blot stone, further amplifying the fading effect.
It seems like her situation isn't completely hopeless now, as there's a way to stave off corruption. Additionally, her soul gem reacted to both the phantom and the wraiths, so she had a means of tracking them too.
She remembers the look Yuu and the rest gave before they went their separate ways, and she and Yuu went to bed.
Homura doesn't think she can escape this confrontation.
I think it's obvious but Homura wouldn't mix well with Azul and Jade. Jamil is also someone she's wary of, mostly because they remind her of the incubator in different ways. Her relationship with the three takes more time to grow compared to the rest. Oh and yeah Sebek too but she doesn't distrust him because Sebek is a very honest guy - in the sense that he's easy to read. He's just kind of annoying at first lmao
It'd be immensely funny but also really sad if (pre-Madoka) Moemura popped in due to an alchemy mishap. She's literally baby and everyone is left wondering what happened to turn her into the Homura they're more familiar with. Unbeknownst to Moemura, Yuu ends up fistfighting Lilia for custody. While they're doing that, Moemura is getting absolutely smothered in attention. Trey's older brother instincts have been kicked into overdrive, along with Jack and Deuce's general sense of "literally baby I will murder you if you hurt them". Tbh Moemura is just so confused but apparently, she knows these guys and they're her friends??? And that's just so nice to know that she just accepts it. No one dares to be mean to Moemura it'd be like kicking a wet puppy.
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