#so when I lose weight I will be skinny fat for a while
coldcrypt · 8 months
was talking to a friend this time last year about disordered eating and weight loss goals & going shopping together for some new clothes. Saw her a cpl times the past month and she looks amazing. Flat stomach, thin face, ribs and hips. Everything fits her perfectly. She followed through with what I wanted for myself while I drank to oblivion for pretty much 12 months and just gained 20 pounds.
Have got to get at least as thin as her
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rosesradio · 6 months
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listentoace · 1 month
You'll never be this skinny again
Listen here [4:38 NSFW]
You'll never be this skinny again. Get your fat ass off the couch, waddle to the nearest mirror and take a good look at yourself. Look at your rolls, the folds, the fat pads and all that lard that's covering your body. Those memories of when you used to be thin fade away further and further with every night of indulgence. You'll never be this skinny again.
You're slowly burying your body underneath fat. It's like a virus that keeps spreading, making you more horny and needy than you've ever been. The way your belly shakes while you're masturbating turns you more than anything else ever has. Fat is the only thing that makes you cum. You glorify your obesity, you reduce yourself to your weight. You're greedy for more. You'll never be this skinny again.
That voice of reason inside you keeps telling you to slow things down, maybe lose a few pounds to keep your mobility and not spiral out of control too much. But the fat is not just burying your body underneath it. It also slowly suffocates that voice of reason, which becomes more and more silent the more pounds you keep piling on. You'll never be this skinny again.
Your addiction is no longer just satisfied with how fat you already are. By now you're addicted to the process of gaining weight. Discovering new folds, the feeling of heaviness and especially that deeply satisfying state after stuffing yourself way past your limit are now necessary to keep you happy. You need more fat. You'll never be this skinny again.
How often have you set weight limits for yourself? Just gain 10 pounds to see what all the fuzz is about? Well, you're closer to 50 now than you are to 10. Sure, just a few more pounds and you'll stop. You're addicted to gaining, not to fat itself. You'll never be this skinny again.
The more time you spend in this community, the more you desensitize yourself. 5000 calories don't sound like much for a stuffing now, yet it's what a normal person eats in 2.5 days. Gaining 10 pounds? Yay! A normal person would probably panic and go on a diet. Having some high-calorie option at a restaurant? You feel the urge to order it plus a big dessert while a normal person would stick to a regular meal and a salad. You are no longer a normal person, you are a pig. The difference? Pigs are fattened for slaughter. You'll never be this skinny again.
While it's obvious you don't have to fear being slaughtered for real, there will still be nothing left of who you once were. A vibrant person, clear mind, independent thoughts and a lean body. All that will be buried under lots of lard, multiple times your former weight. You might still believe that it won't get that far, but it's too late. You being here, you reading this post this far while probably rubbing your pussy or stuffing yourself proves that you're too far gone. It's hopeless. But isn't that what you wanted? You've struggled for so long to finally give in to gluttony for good. This is your chance to ensure that you'll never be this skinny again!
Tell me how you like the option to listen to my smut instead of just reading it. Also, feel free to flood my asks and DMs with your twisted and extreme fantasies. I love extreme stuff and am more than happy to turn your ideas into smut and audios to keep you horny and hungry. No go get yourself something to eat, pig.
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thegainingdesk · 9 months
The Shirt
Ollie had to admit it to himself - he kind of looked sexy. His new shirt looked and felt great and he didn't know the last time he'd felt so confident. He usually didn't go for patterns, but there was something about the cute little dancing bear motif that really charmed him.
He'd held out on buying any size large shirts, convincing himself it was a boundary he wouldn't cross, that he'd lose the small amount of chub he'd accumulated, that he wasn't nearly as big as that yet. Wearing it now, he realised how silly he'd been. Not being constrained from all angles, not having to suck in his middle all the time, not having to worry about bending down or twisting the wrong way - it was like a weight was lifted.
Looking in the mirror now, finally wearing clothes that fit, it was obvious that most of the size was in his head. What's a large, really? Nothing. Okay, he wasn't skinny, but he wasn't fat either - he'd always been naturally broad, hadn't he? He was never going to fit into mediums like his mates. He just didn't look like a kid anymore.
"Looking good man!" Geoff said, sticking his head through the door. "New shirt? We're heading off in a bit, you joining?"
"Yeah, yeah, just give me a minute," Ollie said, smoothing the front of the shirt down and taking one last look at himself. Time to upgrade the rest of his wardrobe if it's all going to look this good, he thought to himself.
"You okay?" Ollie's date Malik asked, one eyebrow raised. "You look a little uncomfortable."
"No, it's fine," Ollie said as he tugged his shirt down and tucked it in for what must have been the tenth time since he'd reached the bar. "Really, I'm fine. My shirt's just a bit stiff. Reckon I must have washed it funny. Sorry, you were saying about your course?"
"Right, okay," Malik said slowly. "Anyway, like I was saying, it's so interesting looking at all these artists all together, I just…"
Ollie struggled to listen, instead fiddling with his shirt. It strained a little in his armpit, seemed to pull at the side, the way he rolled up his sleeves seemed to cut into his arms in a way they didn't usually. He hoped he could fix whatever he'd done in the wash - he'd come to think of it as his lucky date night shirt.
Still, it wasn't all bad. It was more comfortable to have the top couple of buttons open and he found the effect of his chest hair spilling out quite sexy. He wondered idly if it really was the shirt or it might be his body - after all, he'd borrowed Geoff's dumbbells a couple of times recently. He tried to flex his pecs a little. Yeah, that was it - he was just bulking at the moment. When he got around to cutting he'd look phenomenal in this shirt.
"Fucking hell mate, what's that about?" Geoff laughed as Ollie walked up.
Ollie looked down at himself, looking for stains, only to see the familiar dancing bear pattern. "What are you talking about?" he asked.
"That shirt! It barely fits!" their mate Dan said, howling with laughter.
"Oh, right, that. It's, well I mean, it does fit," he stumbled on his words as his fingers tried to tug the bottom of the shirt towards his waistband, trying not to get too turned on by the feeling of brushing against the soft fat. "I'm just bloated at the moment, that's all. This is my best shirt, it fits perfectly."
"Fits perf… Right, gotcha," Geoff said, his shoulders shaking a little as he chuckled into his pint. "Well, I'm not being funny, but I think you've been bloated for a while now Ollie."
Ollie grinned, making a show of how little he cared. He did his best to ignore how the buttons gaped and cut into his middle as he sat down, even as he sucked his gut in. He set his pint down and flipped the menu open. "You lot eating then?"
Dan burst out laughing again. "You were bloated a second ago, what you wanting to eat for?"
"No, it's not like that," Ollie protested. "I didn't mean, bloated bloated, you know. I mean like, you know, it's just retaining water. You know, from the protein - I'm bulking," returning to his oft stated excuse whenever he was asked why he was eating so much.
Dan and Geoff exchanged a look. "Retaining water, right," Dan said, as Geoff muttered "Got to keep up the bulk."
Six pints, a burger and chips and a couple of side orders of onion rings later, Ollie struggled to suck in his gut anymore. As he walked back to their table, he did his best to hold the pints in front of the gaps in between his buttons where his belly hair was poking through. He set the pints down, exhaled as he lowered himself into his seat slowly and-
A ping rang out as the button hit Dan's pint, who fell under the table laughing. Ollie's hand flew down to his stomach, feeling the expanse of skin and hair now visible in the space opened up.
"Jesus Christ Ollie!" Geoff said, laughing. "Buy some new fucking shirts! Right, well we'll have to head home now, won't we?"
"What for?" Ollie asked. "Because it's your round next? Nah, don't worry about me, shirt's not going to fix itself by getting home any earlier, is it?" He wondered how much of a spectacle he could make of himself by the time they left. "Do you reckon they're still doing food?"
"What the fuck are you doing?"
As Ollie turned around the see Geoff stood in his now open doorway, he heard a rip and felt a breeze at his side. His hands scrambled for the two still-fastenable button on the shirt, his clumsy fingers struggling against the tension in the fabric. He inhaled, strained to shrink his swollen stomach just a touch. His fingers found some purchase, dug underneath the first button-hole, then the second, and the sides of the shirt burst open. He exhaled, and his gut hung out and down, the two halves of fabric framing his heft.
"Sorry Geoff, I was just, uhh." He looked around the room, trying to think of some plausible explanation. He hoped his gut, or at least the attention it was drawing, might hide his throbbing cock. He knew it wouldn't, especially with how tight his trousers were. "I wanted to see if this shirt still fit."
"Right, well, it doesn't," Geoff said. He looked to the side, clearly trying to spare Ollie's dignity by some small measure. "I think you'd sort of be able to tell without trying it on, to be honest."
Ollie shifted, and he tried to ignore the way his body wobbled and folded, willing his erection to stop. "I thought I'd maybe see how bad the damage was," he said with a small chuckle.
"I mean, do you really want to…" Geoff sighed. "The damage is pretty fucking bad, if you really want to know," he said, still averting his gaze. "You were smaller than me in first year, now you're… fuck Ollie, you're properly fucking fat."
Ollie nodded, reveling in the way his chins creased against each other. "I appreciate the honesty mate, really," he said. "I've uhh, started a diet," he lied. "Thought it could be an inspiration thing, you know, see if I can fit back into it at some point."
Geoff closed the door a little, shuffling out the room. "Right, well… anyway, we're going to the pub," his voice came through the door. "If you want to join."
Ollie peeled the shirt off his body, doing his best not to increase the size of the hole in the side seam. "Yeah, I'll be with you in a bit," he said, the sleeve inside out and sliding past his sausage-like arm. "You eating there, do you reckon?"
Ollie panted and strained. With one hand he gathered as much of his gut as he could, with the other he leaned past and underneath to what little remained uncovered of his dick. He squeezed his eyes shut against a wave of pleasure.
The shirt cradled his breasts like a makeshift hammock, a single button hidden in the deep crevice above his belly and below his chest. His rhythm halted for a moment as he dug one hand into a tiramisu and brought it to his mouth, cream smearing across his face. He grunted as he did his best to reach beneath himself, and he began to buck and thrust against his own hand, helping himself along.
He plunged his fingers into his mouth, counting the calories as he sucked down the last of the rich dessert, as he quivered and a sticky wetness covered his hand and filled the soft unknown beneath his quivering middle. He brought his hand up and smeared his cum against his shirt, falling back against his pillows. The motion proved too much for the tortured fabric, and it finally gave out, the button falling to the mattress and the shirt falling open around soft hairy man tits.
Ollie waddled as quickly as he could to the stall, and he smiled at the young woman manning it. He thumbed through the hangers, each shirt brushing against the furthest extent of his gut. 
"I used to have this one!" he told her cheerfully, pulling one out and holding it out, looking closely at the images of little dancing bears. "I've been looking for it for years. I outgrew it ages ago, I'd sort of given up hope of replacing it."
"Oh, right," the woman said, an uncertain smile on her face. "Well maybe we'll be able to help you with that."
Ollie grinned. "Maybe - what sizes do you do?"
The woman looked Ollie up and down. "Well, you see…" She looked around, as if searching for help. "We only stock up to XL, but we can do custom orders to 3XL." The last part was added with a clear tone of hope, however vain.
"Ah, right," Ollie said. "Not sure when I last wore 3XL. A couple of years at least."
The shop assistant smiled awkwardly. Ollie knew that look well - no one knew how to respond when he talked about his weight so openly. "I'll take a 3XL anyway," he said, thinking about how hot it was to obliterate the last one.
"Do you want to try it on?" the assistant asked, happy to be back to more standard shop-floor conversation.
"Oh no, don't worry. There's no chance of it actually fitting," Ollie laughed.
"Ah, okay then," the shop assistant smiled, her confusion apparent. "For one day in the future, maybe?"
Ollie shrugged. "Sure, why not?" He paid for the shirt and left. He couldn't wait until this shirt fit as poorly as the previous one.
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sunflowergirl522 · 1 year
Fat Cat
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie feeds strays and your cat gets out.
Word Count: 2033
A/n: Not my best work but enjoy it anyway? Also the Eddie Taglist may or may not open up after this one.
Eddie Masterlist
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Eddie’s been feeding the strays around the trailer park for as long as he’s been living with his uncle. It started with one skinny kitten coming up to him on the porch while he was eating a hotdog. It let out the softest meow he’d ever heard and he didn’t even hesitate breaking a piece off and dropping it a few feet away from him. Over the years the amount of cats he was feeding grew and scraps of food and leftovers no one was gonna eat became cat food that Eddie went out of his way to get. 
Eddie was cleaning up the first time your cat trailed up to his trailer at night. It was one of Wayne's rules, if you’re gonna feed the whole neighborhood at least clean up at night so I don’t have to hear them when I’m trying to sleep. He happened to look up from where he was picking up the scattered pieces of cat food on the porch and came face to face with the fattest orange cat he’d ever seen. 
“Hello there. You look like you’ve already eaten five whole bowls.” The cat plopped down and just stared at him. “Oh alright, I guess a little more won’t kill you.”
“Oh my God!” You had rushed over as soon as you spotted Tigger scooping him up without even looking at the now wide eyed boy. “You’re such a fucking dick you know that?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Oh! Not you, sorry! I was talking to this fatass.” You finally looked away from the cat and met his eyes. “He recently learned that he can bust through the shitty screen door if it’s not locked. Were you about to give him food?” 
“Uh, I think so?” Eddie wasn’t completely sure what was happening exactly.
“I’m trying to keep him on a diet so hopefully he loses weight. I’m Y/n, just moved into the trailer over that way.” You motioned to a trailer behind you without looking before holding your hand out for him.
“Eddie.” He frantically brushed his hands off on his jeans before standing and taking your own. 
“This menace is Tigger and despite who he’s named after he’s the laziest piece of shit you’d ever see. Isn’t that right baby boy?” You brought his face up to yours as you cooed at the cat in your arms that was purring up a storm. “I’ll let you get back to what it was you were doing, bye Eddie see you around!” And with that you turned and hurried back to your trailer leaving Eddie to wish he’d said something, anything, else.
Since then Tigger has found his way over to Eddie’s trailer at least five more times, but most likely more because those are just times Eddie’s caught him when he’s getting home from work. He’s always quick to scoop the cat up before heading over to your place to drop him off. If you weren’t home he’d leave a note on your door saying he had Tigger and to come get him when you could. But when you were home you’d usher Eddie in and make him dinner as a reward for bringing your baby home. Usually it was some form of pasta but it was always one of the best meals Eddie’s had, and he made sure to tell you. 
“Listen all I’m saying is you’ve been in a suspiciously good mood lately and I don’t get why you’d hide a girlfriend from us.” Dustin says for what feels like the millionth time today but really is only the second, Mike asking earlier makes it three times total, as he follows Eddie to his trailer's door. 
“I’m not hiding a girlfriend. How many times do I have to tell you I don’t have one?” He groans as he fishes out his key to unlock it glancing over quickly to the porch. He does a double take when he recognizes the orange ball. 
“Hey there troublemaker!” He jumps from the stairs and steps to the porch tapping it to get the cat's attention. Tigger turns around at the sound and lets out a small sound while running to Eddie’s hand to be pet. “You get out again?”
“God fucking damnit!” Eddie can hear your yell from your trailer across the way thanks to the door being open and it being a quiet afternoon in the trailer park.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Eddie smiles as Tigger bumps his head into his hand knowing you’re about to make your way over.
“Are you gonna unlock the door anytime soon or what?” Dustin asks from where he’s been standing at the door.
“Eddie!” Your voice fills his ears before he can respond to Dustin and he turns his head to watch you come towards him, his smile bigger than Dustin’s ever seen. “Please tell me he came over here again.”
“Yep.” He moves out of the way to reveal the cat purring into his hand.
“Thank God! I really have to start locking the door so fatty stops coming over and eating all your food.”
“Don’t be mean.” Eddie snatches Tigger up before you can grab him, protectively holding him close to his chest. “He’s lost weight and deserves a little treat.” That was true, Tigger is now much smaller than he was when Eddie first saw him. Thanks to you taking him on walks, a feat you had to do with his treat bag in hand, and having him on the diet.
“You’re awful, oh my god!” You laugh through your words. “Stop spoiling him before he starts liking you more than he likes me.”
“What am I watching right now?” Dustin pulls the two of your attentions over to him. Eddie throws his head back suppressing a groan at the reminder that he was there at all. 
“Oh hello! I’m Y/n, and that’s my cat Tigger.” 
“I’m Dustin, Eddie’s best friend.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you Dustin.” You smile at the younger boy and Eddie clears his throat to bring your eyes back to him. 
“Has he been gone long?” He nods his head down at the cat in his arms. 
“I don’t know, probably not. I just got out of the shower and the door was cracked open so he must’ve escaped while I was in it.” You step closer to him so you can scratch Tigger behind his ears and Eddie’s heart picks up a bit at your closeness.  “Are you just getting home?”
“Yeah. I was unlocking the door when I spotted him.”
“Oh!” Your sudden exclamation has Eddie and Dustin both slightly jumping. “I finished your book! Let me take him home and I’ll come right back with it and you can give me the next one.” You take Tigger from his arms and hurry off to your trailer.
Eddie had let you borrow Fellowship of the Ring after you stopped by his trailer to talk to him after seeing him reading on the porch. You had noticed how the book looked like it’s been read more than once and Eddie mentioned it being his favorite series. You’re the one who asked to read it and he had shut the book and handed it to you right then and there. 
“So that’s what’s got you in such a good mood.” Dustin states as Eddie comes back up the steps to open the door. 
“Alright c'mon punk inside.” He holds the door open for his younger friend. 
“Why don’t you ask her out?”
“What makes you think I want to ask her out?” He desperately does but he’s not sure exactly how to. Being friends with a girl? That was always easy for him but going from friends to something else with girls? That was always something that was difficult for him but has become so much harder since the Vecna stuff last year seeing as people barely wanted to be seen around him if they weren’t before even after his name was cleared.
“The heart eyes you got the minute she came over and how it was like watching parents fussing over their child.” Eddie tinges pink at Dustin’s correct descriptions. 
“Just shut up and pick a movie. I gotta go find The Two Towers.”
Dustin’s looking through Eddie’s and Wayne’s limited pick of movies, wishing they had stopped by Family Video, when there’s a knock on the door. He knows that it has to be you and in that moment he comes up with a plan without thinking twice about it while he opens the door.
“Hi again!”
“Eddie wants to know if you wanna go on a date with him?”
“What?” Your eyes go wide and you step back a little bit as if the shock of hearing those words come out of Dustin's mouth was so strong that it forced you back. At the same time Eddie freezes in the kitchen, eyes basically bulging out of his head and his mouth agape. What he should do is grab Dustin by the back of his shirt and throw him back into the living room before trying to laugh it off but he can’t get himself to move, stuck in his spot book in hand and heart racing in his chest anxious for what Dustin might say next and how you’re going to react.
“He wants to take you out to dinner or something and then kiss you at your door. Maybe then introduce you to all his friends and move in together and have babies and-” Eddie rushes over and throws his hand over his friend's mouth who’s now on thin ice.
“Okay! That’s enough of that!” He awkwardly chuckles as he shoves Dustin off to the side. He peeks at you out of the corner of his eye before turning to look at you instead of glaring at Dustin when he sees the soft smile on your face.
“Here’s your book. I really really liked it and I can’t wait to read the next one.” Eddie takes your words as a signal that you’re just going to forget everything that was just said to you and he doesn’t know if he’s more disappointed or relieved that you’re not saying anything about it.
“Here.” He hands you the next book while taking the first one from you. “The first one’s my favorite but the rest are just as good.” 
“Hey Eddie?”
“Yeah Sweetheart?”
“There’s this movie coming out next week, The Princess Bride, you wanna maybe take me to see it? Then depending on how that goes we can kiss at my door and maybe you can introduce me to your friends.” Eddie’s mouth opens and closes a few times like a fish out of water as he tries to find the words too shocked to think of anything.
“Yeah, yes, I would love to take you out to see it!” He beams at you once he does find the right words and you return one of your own in response.
“Perfect then it’s a date! See you tomorrow probably.” After a quick finger gun and wave you’re hurrying back home to dance around in excitement with Tigger.
“Well, it looks like you should be thanking me.” Dustin says once Eddie steps back from the door and turns to him, arms crossing over his chest.
“What? But I totally just got you a date!” And yet Dustin’s realizing he may have taken it a little too far in the process of getting him said date.
“And I’ll give you a head start because of that. Starting…now.”
“Why don’t we just watch a movie and celebrate the accomplishment that just happened?”
“You’re wasting precious time.” And with that Dustin rushes out of the door Eddie hot on his heels.
“What happened to the head start?!”
“I lied!” With that he tackles Dustin to the ground, both boys laughing in the process of falling. “Thanks.” He punches his arm after a minute of them both just laying there on the ground and stands up offering a hand. “Now let’s go have that movie night you begged me for.” Dustin rolls his eyes following Eddie back inside.
Eddie Taglist(Closed): @sadbitchfangirl​ @notbeforelong​​ @munsonswhore86​​ @navs-bhat​ @emotionaldreamer​ ​​​​​ @fangirling-4-ever​  @gaysludge​ @audhd-dragonaut​ ​​ ​@eddiethesexy​ @mazerunnerrose​ @tvserie-s-world​ @midnightsgetawaycar  @goldylions  @spacedoutdaydreamer @mushroomelephant @saramelaniemoon @kaylshunter @nojamsonmytoast @vintagehellfire @esoltis280 @spikedhe4rt @let-love-bleeds-red @siriuslysmoking @toobsessedsstuff @alana4610 @gretavanfleas @sparkletash @aactuaaltraash @spookyemorockbabe
Everything Taglist: @matchamunson @bubsonnobx @practicalghost @katsukis1wife @crustyowos @yourfavdummy @protecteddiemunson4vr @kennedy-brooke
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Bitches I need some advice.
I'm fat, okay? I'm not ashamed about it. It just... Is. I'm fat.
Being fat is also fucking me up. It's causing me sleep problems, it's fucking my joints, I can't walk as far as I used to, I haven't run in years.
I want to lose weight. Not for anyone else. For me. I want to be fit again.
I'm surrounded by people telling me I'm "not fat" and need to "love myself like I am". I'm 210lb and 5'3". Ya girl is fat. And I'm okay with that it's not a bad word. I love myself. But I also love the things I used to be able to do when I was fitter. It's just really fucking hard.
I've got zero support left and right. And I don't know what to do. I know this isn't your area of expertise, but you're such great internet mamas that maybe you can help.
My darling child, we are SO humbled that you came to us with this. And while this isn't an area of our OFFICIAL expertise... weight and athleticism is something that I, Piggy, personally think a lot about! So let me see if I can offer some support to you, my beloved fat child.
By way of background: I have never been fat. Heavier than I want currently, but not fat. So I don't completely understand what you're going through. I have always been an athlete of one sort or the other. But more than that, I have always had the privilege of being relatively skinny without trying. At peak fitness I was running and rock climbing and doing all the stretchy and weight-trainy stuff. I was 5'5" and 130 lbs of jacked Bitch.
I am also a proud Italian American woman, which means that after 30 genetics decreed that I start putting on weight and rounding out and coming into my full Zia-ness. I'm currently 155 lbs. and running/climbing/stretching/jumping about/weight training is getting harder and harder. And that's frustrating to me.
Fat is not a bad word, merely a descriptor. So I'mma use it just as you have! I'm proud that you are prioritizing your health and ability to do what you love over losing weight for the sake of just being smaller. Because let's be clear: weight and health do not necessarily go hand in hand. If your goal is to improve your sleep quality, energy levels, and joint pain, then you should focus on activities that will work directly on those issues. Maybe that'll lead to weight loss--maybe not!
A lot of the medical establishment is cruel to fat people, so I'd be cautious about approaching this with your doctor. But you SHOULD get medical guidance before embarking on any kind of physical change. If your doctor says "Well, just lose weight through diet and exercise!" then you might want to look for a new doctor. If they instead offer practical solutions for incremental improvement, then great.
One of my favorite athletes is The Mirnavator. She's a fat marathon runner and offers a lot of information on how to start walking more and running as a fat person. I think she'll be a good role model for you as she focuses a lot on energy and joint health.
Also, you should check out Aubrey Gordon's blog Your Fat Friend and her podcast with Michael Hobbes, Maintenance Phase. She's also got some great books out! She's a fat expert on weight loss and diet culture. And her insights into healthy nutrition and body image are amazing. Her data-based approach will help you avoid the extreme dieting and weight loss trends that can hurt your health. Plus she's funny as fuck.
Lastly I will just say that mental health is tied to physical health. You're bummed about not doing the things you use to be able to do... and that probably makes it a lot harder to change! Acknowledge any depression or anxiety you feel about being fat and give yourself compassion. Start small and do what feels good.
Now here are two VERY old articles I wrote when I knew less about fatness. I think they still have a little bit to offer, though:
Why You Probably Don't Need That Gym Membership
Run With Me if You Want to Save: How Exercising Will Save You Money 
Any fat members of Bitch Nation who want to weigh in? Uh... pun not intended.
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
Like an underweight reader that’s just self conscious and she moves to Forks, and as soon as she walks into class Edward can hear all of her self-doubt thoughts and like it’s an overwhelming amount.
❝perfectly imperfect❞
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✭ pairing : Edward Cullen x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is the new girl in Forks Highschool, she is extremely self conscious when it comes to her appearance and Edward Cullen - a boy she happens to be sitting next to on the first day of school notices just how self conscious she seems to be, but maybe it has to do with the face he can hear her thoughts
✭ authors note : I am in no way shape or fork making fun of skinny individuals when I write this story, I am not weight shaming or skinny shaming. All topics in this story cover real issues that individuals across the world face nor am I making light of the situation, but what I am in fact doing is bringing a concerning topic to light and writing on it
✭ twilight masterlist
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(Y/N) had always been the new girl. It seemed like every few years, her life took her to a different place, a different town. And now, she found herself in the small, rainy town of Forks. She had moved there with her family, seeking a fresh start after yet another series of changes.
Her first day at Forks High School was both exciting and nerve-wracking. She was determined to make a good impression, but her own insecurities lingered in the back of her mind. As she walked through the halls, she couldn't help but feel out of place, surrounded by unfamiliar faces.
"Stay confident, (Y/N)," she whispered to herself.
Despite her internal pep talk, those nagging thoughts persisted. She felt too skinny, her clothes hung on her slender frame, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to lose weight. It was a constant battle against her own self-doubt.
Her first real challenge came in science class. She found herself paired with a strikingly handsome boy with unruly bronze hair and piercing eyes—Edward Cullen. As they settled into their seats, (Y/N)'s mind raced with unkind thoughts about herself, thoughts she would never dare say aloud.
“I'm too fat," she thought. "I should eat less. I need to look better in this dress. Why can't I be like the other girls?"
Unbeknownst to her, Edward had a secret. He had the ability to hear the thoughts of those around him, and her self-deprecating thoughts echoed loudly in his mind. He frowned, concerned by the harshness of her internal dialogue.
Before (Y/N) could dwell further on her negative thoughts, Edward leaned in and spoke softly, "You know, you look really nice in that dress."
Her thoughts came to a screeching halt, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. It was as if he had plucked her innermost thoughts from her mind. "Uh, thank you," she stammered, caught off guard by his compliment.
Edward smiled warmly, trying to put her at ease.
Her heart skipped a beat at his words, and for the first time that day, she felt a glimmer of self-acceptance. Maybe Forks wouldn't be so bad after all. As she exchanged a shy smile with Edward, she couldn't help but wonder if this small town held the promise of acceptance and maybe even a bit of happiness. (Y/N) decided to skip lunch that day, as she often did. Her nagging thoughts about her appearance still lingered, convincing her that skipping meals was the path to perfection.
She watched her classmates chatting and enjoying their lunches, while she sat alone at an empty table, lost in her own thoughts.
Just as she was about to convince herself that she wasn't hungry, a sudden voice interrupted her reverie. "Hey there, mind if we join you?" It was Alice Cullen, the petite and energetic classmate of hers, known for her vibrant personality and impeccable fashion sense.
(Y/N) blinked in surprise but quickly managed a polite smile. "Oh, not at all. Please, have a seat."
Alice and her adoptive siblings, Edward and Jasper, settled in, their lunch trays laden with an assortment of delicious-smelling food. (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a pang of hunger at the sight and scent of it all, but she held firm to her belief that she needed to be skinny.
Alice, ever perceptive, noticed that (Y/N) had nothing on her tray. "Not hungry?" she asked, her golden eyes filled with curiosity.
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before replying, "I ate a big breakfast, so I'm good."
Edward, who had been quietly observing the conversation, spoke up, his tone gentle. "Are you sure? You didn't grab much for lunch. Here, have half of my Caesar chicken wrap." He pushed the plate toward her, offering a generous slice.
(Y/N) hesitated again, torn between her desire to fit in and her fear of consuming too many calories. She politely declined, saying, "No, thank you. I'm really not hungry."
Edward persisted, a playful glint in his eyes. "Come on. It's just a little taste. I insist, especially since I didn't see you grab much for lunch."
Alice chimed in with a grin, "Lunch is the most important meal of the day, after all."
Edward rolled his eyes playfully. "That's breakfast dope.”
(Y/N) couldn't help but giggle at their playful bickering. Their warmth and kindness were breaking through the walls she had built around herself. Maybe, just maybe, she could allow herself to enjoy a meal without feeling guilty. She took the offered half of the chicken wrap, her heart feeling a little lighter as she joined the Cullen family for lunch.
A few weeks had passed since (Y/N) first met the Cullen siblings, and while their presence had begun to chip away at the walls she had built around herself, old habits die hard. She still found herself skipping meals occasionally, even as Edward and his siblings extended their kindness by sharing their lunches with her.
One fateful day, as (Y/N) grappled with her inner demons at home, she succumbed to the overwhelming weight of her thoughts. The familiar feelings of self-doubt and self-loathing washed over her, and in a moment of despair, she resorted to self-harm. It was a cry for help, a physical manifestation of the pain she had carried for so long.
The episode landed her in the hospital, where she lay in a sterile, unfamiliar room. The hours passed in a blur until Edward appeared at her bedside, his expression filled with concern rather than judgment.
He gently took her hand and asked, "Why, (Y/N)? Why did you do this to yourself?"
Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to find the words. "Ever since I was a child, my parents... they were always obsessed with my weight. I was a bit overweight when I hit the triple digits before I even turned ten. And I came close to 215 when I was thirteen. They forced me to work out, try every diet under the sun, and the starvation... it just became a part of my daily routine."
Edward's heart ached as he listened to her painful confession. He knew that her experiences had left deep scars, both physically and emotionally. "What you're doing to yourself isn't healthy, (Y/N)," he said softly. "You deserve better than this."
(Y/N) broke down into tears, the weight of her years of suffering finally overwhelming her. Edward didn't hesitate; he pulled her into a comforting embrace, offering her a safe haven in his arms.
"It's going to get better," he whispered soothingly. "You don't have to go through this alone anymore. You have me now."
Her sobs began to subside, and she looked up at Edward with watery eyes. His unwavering support and understanding were like a lifeline in the darkness she had been trapped in for so long.
"How?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.
"Because," Edward replied, his golden eyes filled with sincerity, "we'll face this together. You're not alone, (Y/N). We'll heal your heart and body, one step at a time."
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thegoldencontracts · 2 months
Okay weirdly tragic idea but I have to share, trigger warnings for fatphobia and bullying, eating disorder mentions
So, imagine: Azul is still chubby in Night Raven. Except, he isn't healing, or he hasn't managed to avoid the dreaded pull of self-loathing. He hates himself more than ever.
He's so pathetic he can't even lose the weight no matter how he tries. He's been able to do everything, except for this one simple thing.
And, of course, people mock him for it. Students constantly point out his weight. Most defiant students always go for his size before anything else.
(They never see the tears he begins to weep after a while, once even his own built-up resistance to insults stops sufficing.)
Even the Ramshackle Prefect insults his weight. Saying how he's just as greedy for food as he is for power, clearly. How they can't lose their friends to some land whale who thinks he's hot shit.
And then he overblots. The Prefect realizes how insecure he is about his weight. There is a moment in the museum where they attempt to comfort him about it, but it's to no avail. He knows their true feelings. These lies do nothing.
But then he loses weight. His overblot has completely drained him, after all. He can't eat for a good while. He feels horrible, really, but he's thin now. He's done it. People don't make fun of him anymore.
Jade and Floyd start to grow concerned when they notice his irritable state. But what's wrong? He's finally beautiful now! People take him seriously. He's worthy. He should be happier than ever!
Except he isn't. He's miserable, and desolate, and constantly empty. It's never thin enough. He's always too fat for himself.
And he knows the moment he slips even a bit, the moment he gains a bit of weight, they'll go back to their ridicule. Why wouldn't they? They've made it all too clear they only respect him when he's thin, pretty. His feelings don't matter. His efforts don't matter.
Azul Ashengrotto will only ever be treated well when he's skinny, when he's worthy. And he's learned that lesson all too well.
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thefallennightmare · 2 months
For headcannon Monday, can you please do Noah with someone on the thicker side? Maybe a mom-bod if you get what I mean. He loves the mom pooch but reader is super insecure about it, especially now that the nicer weather is coming and there's skinny/hot girl stuff all over social media...she just feels like he would prefer that instead of bike shorts, oversized t (usually his), no makeup, mom bun and flip flops.
I'm feeling a little insecure lately if you couldn't tell 😞🤦🏼‍♀️
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As someone who has a mom pouch, I relate to this so so much.
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"This is bullshit," you grumbled under your breath when the pair of jeans that fit you last year didn't fit any longer.
"Angel," Noah sighed while wrapping his arms behind you to run his hands over your stomach. "You don't have to get dressed up for this. The guys are coming over for a barbeque. You can be comfortable."
"I always dress like a bum, Noah. Ever since we had Killian, I can't get rid of this!" You pulled at the extra pouch of fat around your stomach.
It had been difficult to lose the weight you gained when you were pregnant with your son. You've tried everything you could the last two years; diets, working out, juice cleanses. Noah even brought you along with him to his workouts with Ash.
While you lost some weight and were more toned, it was still hard to lose the weight around your stomach. Which made you very self-conscious, especially now that summer was here and everyone was coming over for a barbeque.
You guys had a pool at your house but the last thing you would do was get in a swimsuit around others.
Noah would do whatever he could to make you feel beautiful; kiss all the stretch marks and devour every inch of you. But he knew that it was hard to hush the voices in your head that told you he'd find someone else.
"Hey," he cupped your cheek when he recognized that far-off look in your eyes. "Don't go there, angel. You know that all I want is you. I love you. Your body literally grew our son and birthed him, it may not bounce back as fast as you'd want but you're still gorgeous to me."
Your heart warmed with his words and eventually nodded, tears stinging in your eyes.
The postpartum effects were still hitting you almost two years later but Noah was always there to help any way he could.
"Besides," he pressed a kiss to your lips. "You know I prefer you in a pair of biker shorts and one of my shirts."
"I know, but that still doesn't mean I don't want to get dressed up every once in a while," you sighed while opting to wear your go-to outfit. Biker shorts and Noah's shirt; Naruto eating noodles.
"How about tomorrow we go shopping? You can buy a whole new wardrobe?" Noah suggested while picking up Killian who was lying in your bed watching a cartoon on the television.
Your son with dark curls and almond eyes giggled when Noah attacked his cheek and neck with kisses.
"I'd like that," you stepped into Noah's opened arms. "Killian could use some clothes as well."
Noah playfully rolled his eyes. "Whatever you two need, I'm here for."
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extra-stout-stories · 3 months
( #feedist vignettes. Reblog if you like a fit feeder becoming fatter than their feedee. Gender neutral. Written in response to this ask, and my asks are still open.)
You used to stay fit for contrast's sake.
Not me. I've never been skinny. I was a greedy fatty as a kid, and I'm a greedy fatty now. When I first saw the look in your eyes when we met, I understood why you felt like you had to stay skinny. You have to look your "best" if you want to get your hands on a belly like this, right? After all, I'm a prize. Cute, charming, and dedicated to being hugely fucking fat.
But contrast is hard to maintain when you're around me. After all, I don't diet, to put it mildly. You always liked to come with me on my supermarket trips, because it turned you on as much as it turned me on to follow me through every aisle as I grabbed treat after treat, loading my cart up with all the most delicious fattening things, occasionally flipping a package over to check calorie counts and imagining how much weight I could gain if I ate the whole thing in one sitting.
It turned you on even more when I did eat the whole thing in one sitting.
And when your mind is taken over by horniness, it's easy to reach for one more bite and not lose track of just how much you've been putting away.
When you got chubby, it didn't bother you as much as you expected it would. I still couldn't keep my hands off you. It was annoying to shop for a whole new wardrobe, but you put your old clothes in storage temporarily until you got back to your gym routine.
You found yourself enjoying eating with me. When I got so full that even I couldn't take it any more, there was still all that food waiting to be eaten. And you always did like food. It wasn't easy staying thin, was it?
Then your belly developed a hang. You freaked out a little bit, at first. That lasted just a few hours, until I took you into the bedroom and showed you just how good it feels to have a partner's adoring lips and fingertips teasing your underbelly, how good it feels to grip your belly with one hand and feel it jiggle while you climax.
You were hooked.
We were shopping for two at the supermarket now. Two fatties pushing carts full of junk food, a slowly waddling superfat and a chunky little smallfat. It felt right, somehow. Romantic. Intimate.
But I've lived in this body my whole life. For you, it was all new. You weren't used to getting out of breath so easily. You weren't expecting the little aches and pains that make you decide to just sit and keep eating rather than get up from the couch. I was so tender when you needed me to be. So supportive.
When you wanted me to, though, I could tease you about how fat you were getting. About how if you weren't careful, you were going to get even fatter than me.
You wanted me to.
A lot.
And guess what?
It wasn't just teasing.
I'm back to one cart at the supermarket now, on the days when I don't splurge on curbside pickup or in-home delivery. You've gotten a little too fat to make those trips. Easier to just sit on the couch while I go out. Easier to sit there snacking while you wait for me to get back.
And now I'm the one with that wild look in my eye when I see you. You're gigantic. It's like you fill the couch entirely. It's not just that nobody would ever believe you used to be a gym rat. It's that nobody would ever believe you could walk more than a couple of steps at a time. I can hardly believe it, and I'm the one who helped make you this way.
I can't keep my hands off you.
I joke sometimes about how I corrupted you. I tease you about how your appetite is so out of control that you've gotten even fatter than me.
But you tease me right back. Did you just call me skinny?
We're going to have to do something about that…
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iamamikcals · 5 months
I wish that I wasn't a fat pig that can't do nothing but stuff my mouth with food. I wish I wanted to throw up just by the thought of having a full stomach. I wish that my mom was as toxic as I'm with myself and let me starve myself to death while telling constantly that I don't deserve to eat. I wish that purging was ACTUALLY getting rid of all the calories so I could purge every time even when I drink water. I wish that I was so skinny people would not even want to hug me because they are too scared they are gonna break me. I wish that I could starve myself for days. If only I wasn't an impatient fat pig. I fail at everything, even in losing weight and having self control. I know it's bad but I wanna starve myself so bad that it hurts. I feel like I will only be happy when I'll be at my worst, when I will be just skinny to bones, when every single footstep will be a torture for me, when I'll not be able to eat anything without purging it in the toilet, when I'll be collapsing and dying on the floor because I can't even stay on my feet. I feel euphoric just by thinking about the day I'll finally leave on my own and be at my lowest. I'll finally be able to starve, purge, starve and purge again without any guilt, without worrying about the fact that my mom is gonna make me eat dinner, without someone stopping me. It is now me and my dear and lovely ed against the world and I don't want it to change. I want her to stay with me forever. I only want to trust her now but I feel like as long as I'm not underweight she will never be proud of me.
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cherrygumgirl · 18 days
It's like men has 2 different people inside them for everyone. For example, for the fat girl, they desire them, but not for long. They don't really love them, nor care for them. But for the skinny girls, they'll act as if they're a real life princess. They don't see them as just a, sorry for saying that but, a literal hole. They see them as
A girl to carry on her lap
A girl to buy pretty clothes and bags for
A girl to show off to his friends and family
A girl to give her good genetics to his future kids
A girl that deserves love because she's not greedy
A girl to travel and dance with because she doesn't say 'I'm hongryy' every 5 minutes
A girl he can stare and admire for hours
A girl drinks black coffee and smokes/vapes instead of eating 500 kcal worth of 'snacks'
So will you really keep saying 'I'm fine, I don't need to lose any weight' ? Fine, but the one you'll find won't be as good as high class men who loves skinny girls. Poor and dumb men loves chubby girls because they're literally STARVING. For anything you can think of. And the 'I don't need a men' bullshit gets old, no one wants to be alone.
See, nobody cares when you reeaally crave that cookie. You either eat it or not. But in the end this world is a fucking race place. While everyone is trying their best to live the best life they can, you go eat that cookie.
Or you can fight the feeling and not eat it. I don't care how hard it is for you.
You do you.
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salaciousdoll · 2 years
James Joint
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Pairings ୨୧: underground Streetfighter/gang member! Draken x chubby!ring girl
Encapsulation ୨୧: Draken only has you in the back of his mind while fighting, so why don’t you give him a reward( win or lose)
Warnings ୨୧: smut, voyeurism, filming with and without consent, Olympus position( standing fuck), missionary position, oral fixated reader, the word daddy is used twice, oral( f & m receiving), breeding, cumming inside of mouth, grower Draken, cervix fucking, fingers in mouth, food play( lollipop), Violence displayed, praise and degradation, exhibition at the beginning of the make out section, shin is alive( I will always have him alive, sorry not sorry), everyone else is alive and with their timeskips respectively, ooc Toman ofc, Baji is alive and well just won’t participate in such activities like that.
Word Count ୨୧: 9.6k
18+ Hotties Allowed
Link to Ao3( if you want to read here)
This is for my Anti collab
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The sunset was shining through the glass window hovering in front of your bed. The curtains were moving back and forth, the whisper of the wind flowing. When you took a deep breath your nostrils were filled with the smell of summer and you enjoyed it.
The bed covers slipped off your shoulders as you yawned. It was the start of the day. You had work today and honestly you were excited to go. It’s Toman vs. everyone night. The night could end in a hassle. It could maybe end positively or negatively.
You honestly were excited because of the little outfits you get to wear. The more skimpy the better. Your were a vixen who knew how to play dumb when convience is rising in depth.
Your body was above the standards in certain parts of the world but here in Japan, it was out of the standards. You couldn’t exactly shop at the stores and boutiques here like that because of your weight. So sometimes you make your own clothes or have to go far to shop. Back in the US, you had to do the same, you could only think of one store that contributes to all bigger size women: Ashley Stewart. Everybody knows they sell clothes for aunties and grandma's.
Sometimes you order from fashion nova and other sites if they have your size and that’s like 15% of the time. The point is that you had to make your own ring girl outfit.
The Toman fight club, Eden, was an underground fight club. They accepted all kinds of girls as the ring girl, doesn’t even matter her size either. Skinny, thick, or chubby/ fat, tall or short, they didn’t even care what race you were. That’s why there’s so many different people you have met there.
The underground club was huge and honestly you loved it. Whenever you had a problem with a man grabbing you in any way, one of the members would have no problem throwing them out. There was one man who kept dragging you somewhere but when he saw a man with short black hair and a fang hanging out his mouth, he moved away from you quickly.
You didn’t know what Toman did behind the scenes and honestly you didn’t care because you don’t talk to the members like that. You just talk to the boss, Manjirou Sano. Only to collect your check and bounce right after that.
The man had a white bandage on his hands and introduced himself as Baji Keisuke, one of the fighters and owner of the club. You made small conversation with him and honestly he was like a bulldog. They may be tough and wild at first because of the label and expectation of them, but once you get to playing and talking to them, they’re calm and playful. That was him.
There were plenty of memorable nights and now you were about to make more. You got out of bed and went to freshen yourself up with the smelling and valuable products you always use when you freshen up.
By the time you were finished getting dressed, you checked your outfit over in the mirror and grabbed your lollipop to suck on before walking out the house and driving to the Eden club. You hated your oral fixation so much because you had to be able to control it when you get inside your workplace because they didn’t let the workers eat anything other than the stuff they serve in the club. You could always eat there but you just wanted your lollipop.
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Nightfall was rising and it was so packed on the outside of the club. The building was a tall glass skyscraper with glass windows all throughout the architecture. The double doors were tinted just like the windows. It had to be 5% tinted.
Once you stepped inside, multiple people that passed by gave you head nods or welcomed you verbally and physically. You were popular but not as popular as the other girls who were originally from here. You didn’t mind one bit.
You passed other groups that participated in fights. Most of them wore the same colors or suits. Each of the groups had girls and guys in their booth. Whatever people requested they got here at the Eden. Your bag of work attire and showering products were on your arms as you walked to the back not knowing that eyes were following your every move since you stepped in. Mikey was waiting on you, hell the whole Toman was.
Toman was a huge gang and so was the first generation of black dragons who was sharing a booth with them.
You heard that Toman were the predecessors of the black dragons and you have seen why since you met Mikey and Shinichiro. They were brothers and owners of the club.
Tenjiku and Rokuhara Tandai were in the club along with other gangs and yakuza’s. The place was surrounded by gangsters and you minded your business and stayed out of the way. You didn’t know about the gangs like that and wasn’t gonna find out since you had your own shit to deal with. Only time you get fucked with is when somebody from one of those gangs tries to talk to you.
They watched your body disappear in the back before letting out huffs and puffs while looking at each other or around the club, nodding some of their heads at other gang members they got along with.
“ She’s so damn gorgeous, maybe not the standard here but God is her beauty, something out of books. I’m so glad you hired her Mikey.”, Smiley says with his hair tied in a ponytail.
Mikey chuckled before throwing back his drink on the rocks, “ I didn’t hire her, my brother did.”
“ Gotta make sure to thank Shinichiro then. Fuck, I’ll be right back.”, Smiley says, setting his drink down while Souya was shaking his head while a girl, on his lap, fed him her cherry from the Martini she ordered.
He knew exactly where Smiley was going: to soak his dick into some warm pussy. Probably from one of their ring girls or waitresses. The thought of being in between your legs was enough for him to get a huge boner.
Mitsuya laughed while drumming his fingers on the table, “ I don’t blame him but still the thought of it is disgusting. He has to have some self control, he always gets off when she arrives.”
Draken smirked while looking over the club, seeing men in the ring fighting, women conversing with men, and so on, “ Well, he’s smiley. I’m surprised Shinichiro or Kazutora weren't the ones to get boners from her.”
Draken was always watching you. He wanted you but whenever you two spoke to each other, it was small conversation. He just wishes he could let you in and you could let him in. You didn’t let any of them in, now that he thought about it.
When Mikey said they had a new girl, he wasn’t expecting someone like you. You captured attention everywhere you went, most of it positive while the other is negative of course.
Shinchiro smirked while a girl was sucking on his neck, “ This is why, right here. Isn’t that right, baby?”
She smiled before rising up to kiss him on the lips, “ That’s right, baby. She isn't as pretty as me, but she’s still pretty.” They all rolled their eyes because they knew it was a lie but didn’t say anything.
Baji nudged Kazutora who was still staring at the girl who waved at him when he stopped paying attention to where you disappeared to, “ Come on, dude, just go talk to the woman. You’re drooling. Tell him to go talk to her Chifuyu!”
Baji hit Chifuyu on his arm, making the black hair men grab his arm, “ Why do I have to tell him, he’s a grown man now, he knows what he wants and he knows how to get it.”
“ Draken-kun, are you sure you want to fight today?”, Takemichi asks with worry. Draken furrowed his eyebrows before staring at him and whispering, “ Something happened in the future didn’t it? Tell me.”
Takemichi wanted to cry because of the glare the man was bestowing on his face, “ No, I’m just saying since you and Emma broke u-”
“ Leave it. Leave it alone, that was three months ago, Takemichy. She moved to Europe and I’m here. It’s not gonna work so forget like I did. Now I’m gonna head out to get ready for this fight.”, Draken says with a tone that said whatever he was saying was a lie. It was deep and mellow. Mikey and Takemichi shared a look before Mikey shook his head at Takemichi, telling him to leave it alone as they watched Draken walk off to get ready for his match.
30 minutes later, you were freshening up in the locker room after your shower. You were so glad they had showers here in this locker room because you always wanted to make sure you are clean everywhere before you go out as the ring girl.
You had to put on a black ring girl attire with white tennis shoes. Your shorts either cover your puffy stomach or uncovered it leaving your pudge out. Your choice.
Your manager told you that you’re accompanying the next match. It was Draken from the Toman gang vs. Joao from the rokuhara tandai gang. You knew this was about to be a clean swipe because of Draken’s brutal strength.
“ Hey girl, you’re ready?! You look so pretty.”, aqua said while hugging you. She was a part of the group you were in. The “ big girl” group. The label came from the other girls and guys which you didn’t mind until they used it as insults.
You smiled and hugged her back with a nod of your head, answering her question about being ready, “ hey babes, help me with the spandex.” You added spandex to your shorts to stop it from rising up and showing your ass cheeks. You had panty hose that matched your skin complexion, but still, you didn’t want to give these men a show of your ass this soon.
She helped you with your spandex and you were about to thank her when Yuzuha came back there to say they’re ready for you. You used to have a small crush on your manager, but never got the chance to act on it. She’s too fucking pretty for her own good.
You kissed Aqua cheek before walking off, “ Wish me luck, bubbles.” She smiled at your nickname before wishing you luck using your nickname she gave you. You two were close but not close. You couldn’t explain it.
You walked behind Yuzuha as she conversed with other managers and people around her. You walked past the tenjiku gang and could feel their eyes on you as you walked past. The feeling of being watched is nothing new even outside the club, yet it still has an effect on you. You were confident and insecure, there’s an in between here and that’s where exactly you are. Your insecurities never showed unlike your confidence when in others presence.
“ brother, you think Mikey will give her to us if Izana asks?”, Ran asks Rindou. They both had girls on their lap while Kaku had a guy feed him grapes and a girl on his lap kissing his neck. Kaku didn’t care about your gender, he just wanted grapes.
“ No, she’s a big deal for him, you should know that Ran.”, Izana answered. Koko snorted at him while staring out at the crowd, “ of course he wouldn’t know that.”
Muto wasn’t even listening but Shion couldn’t stay in his seat for nothing, Mochi had to stop making out with someone to yell at him to sit the hell down.
You heard the names of the two stars everyone is betting on being introduced and knew in less than thirty seconds you’ll be out there holding up the number sign Yuzuha is handing over to you now.
The crowd roared with great vehemence of this fight. You saw Draken with a white tank top and white tape covering his knuckles. His veins on his arms were highlighting his arms. The black hair was in a little bun on his head. He looked very good and you wanted him then. He was your target. You then looked at his opponent who has on a black shirt with tattoos on his neck and curly Afro on top of his head. You could easily tell he was Brazilian or Afro-Brazilian. He was tall just like Draken and good looking like him too.
You saw south and Mikey sitting beside each other with money displayed on the table. Winner takes all is all you think when you see how much money is on the table. While you were observing, you almost missed your beat.
You walked to the ring with your best smile on before ascending up the stairs. Once you stepped inside the ring, loud screams and hoots were heard as you raised the number one up. You twirled around with a pretty big smile on your face, no matter if you had crooked teeth, gaps, braces,or a missing tooth . Your smile was still gorgeous, especially to Draken. He was staring at you like you were his opponent and partner in one.
Everyone whistled, hooted, and yelled out praise and cheers when you did one final twirl before giving the two stars their floor.
South laid back in his seat with a cigarette in his mouth and both arms spreaded. He smirked at your appearance and looked over at Mikey before taking out the cigarette, exhaling the smoke, “ How much?”
Mikey looked over at him after seeing Draken hit Joao first, “ how much for what?”
“ How much for her company as a waitress for me? Let’s have a fair trade, I give you one of my waitresses and you give me her. She’ll do better as a waitress at my club anyways.”, South says as his men cheered on Joao in the back
Mikey looked back at you sitting beside Yuzuha before looking over at Sanzu giving the pink-haired guy a nod, “ She’s not going anywhere. She’s not an object so you can’t trade nor buy her.”
Mikey turned back to the fight to hype up Draken who was now spitting blood out on the floor from the jab Joao threw at him. South let out a loud laugh, “ since when do you all care about these women.”
Inui looked at him with a neutral expression, “ since now, leave her out of this bet.” It wasn’t the truth, they always cared for the women in the club and it wasn’t gonna change. They especially cared for you because some of them liked you too much. Hint hint, Draken, Sanzu, Mikey, and Mitsuya.
South shook his head as he watched the fight, just to see Draken hit Joao with a right hook and uppercut combo. Just like that, he was knocked out.
South couldn’t show any weakness in front of Mikey and Toman. So, he shook it off and bounced his leg up and down before whistling at a girl to get her to ease his mind while he watched the fight.
Izana watched the fight with a smile on his face while he drank his drink, “ Gotta say this is quite entertaining. You could see the anger in his eyes, look at little Draken go.”
“ Yeah, but I’m sure I won’t be losing like Joao over there, one of his teeth flew out his mouth as soon as he KO’d.”, Hanma says, knowing he could keep up with Draken. Draken was his arch nemesis for a reason. He enjoyed fighting him.
A second round was about to get started so Yuzuha handed you a sign with the number two on it. In the ring, Joao was getting situated after waking up from the shouts of anger from his gang and team feeding him water. You would think this is a UFC match but it’s not. It’s just a street fight basically.
Back over at Toman and the black dragons, Benkei spoke, “ That must be embarrassing for South and his little gang.” He too had women surrounding him. Takeomi smirked, “ Oh well, the money is all Mikey’s now since we know where this is going even if they start the second round. It’s useless to even go to the second round.”
Shinichiro was too busy trying to get the girl on his lap to laugh rather than engaging with his group so Mikey spoke up, “ awh come on, give them a chance and besides we get to see princess hold up the sign like right now.”
Everybody turned to look at you and followed every moment you made. Every step you made your body vibrated and they couldn’t wait until they had you in their grasp. It doesn't even matter what gang they’re in.
You walked in the ring holding up the number sign with a huge smile on your face making the men holler and whistle at you again. They came for the match and to see the ring girls, you just happened to be one of their favorites tonight.
You were surprised because you didn’t think they would even be rowdy for you considering you’re an outsider, but all is well.
You got out the ring and soon they started the second match. You admit that the sight was scary because the anger and heat inside their hands and eyes were on another level. It’s like they were trying to kill each other, especially during the third and final round. Everybody was out of their seats looking at the fight with either sweat clouding their foreheads or excitement clouding their eyes and movements.
Draken had a busted lip and a dark circle was forming on his eye while Joao looked fucked to the max. He had both eyes closed, bloody nose, and busted mouth. You honestly wanted to know how he was still up, but you would soon regret questioning that when Draken finally took a big swing and knocked him down.
It was brutal and honestly you enjoyed it. When he won, you heard glasses being broken and shouts. You were ready to duck but Draken caught your eyes with his as his arms were raised. He suddenly pointed a finger at you, you wanted to believe that it was for someone behind you, but no one was behind you at the moment.
You didn’t know it but you were his good luck charm. You were the only thing on his mind while he was fighting Joao. He was fascinated by you and had to have you with him. Everybody soon followed where he was pointing too and grew confused. Meanwhile you turned around and went to the back to get ready to go since this was your only match you had to be a ring girl for tonight.
You spoke to him a few times and each time you grew to know a little about him or he’ll just say hey. There’s no in between.
“ Girl!, I know you seen that man, go get him.”, Aqua says when she follows you to the back room. You shrugged before speaking, “ Why should I, he just pointed at me, nothing special.”
“ Forget that, did you see the crowd for you tonight.”, Yuzuha says to you while grabbing your shoulders, slightly shaking you. You smiled at her, “ Yeah they were pretty rowdy tonight.”
“ Yeah, you’re about to head out now?”, Aqua says with a pour trying to get you to stay. You snatched her lip while she groaned in pain, “ Yes, I gotta do something, it’s been bothering me for a hot minute.” You let go of her glossy lips which made her rub her bottom lip, “ That hurts and you’re hurting me more by not staying with me tonight.”
Yuzuha left since she had to direct another girl to the ring for the second fight. You turned to aqua, “ You’ll be fine, Yuzuha and Tiffany are still here.”
She playfully pushed you on your way to the bathroom. You needed to change asap since you got that stuff back at home.
Meanwhile Draken and the rest were in the locker room he was in while a nurse patched and cleaned his wounds after his shower. It’s been 45 minutes and honestly it’s been the longest 45 minutes ever since he was getting patronized with taunts and questions he dodged.
Baji was flirting with her while she was trying to get her job done before he turned his attention to Draken, “ What was that tonight, Draken?”
Draken sighed before looking up and wincing a bit, “ nothing you need to be concerned with.” Baji scoffed while Smiley put a smirk on his face, “ You’re hitting that?”
“ Smil-”, Takemichi yelled before Baji yelled at him to shut up. Draken sighed and thanked the nurse before walking her to the door. Once he shut the door and came back to his spot, he saw everyone waiting on the answer they either wanted to hear and didn’t want to hear because of jealousy.
Draken huffed, “ No, we’re not fucking but I plan to take her home tonight. She was my good luck charm even if we talked for about as many times as I can count on my fingers.” He grabbed his bag and said his goodbyes before catching you walking out the building at the same time once he got out the elevator.
You were about to make it to your car with your lollipop stick in your mouth when you heard your name being called by a deep voice, “ Wait up!” You turned around to see a freshly cleaned up Draken with his black hair in a ponytail with two strands down his forehead. He was so handsome right now, even with a black eye and busted lip.
You were happy to be going home because then you’ll fix your oral fixation by chewing on the lollipop stick you couldn’t chew on in the club because it was against the rules to have anything in your mouth outside of the club. You understood why because some people carry razors in your mouth or under their tongue inside their mouth.
“ So, you were just gonna leave without taking me with you. Come on, you were my good luck charm for a reason.”, Draken says with a smirk on his face.
You raised an eyebrow, “ Are you asking to come home with me so we can fuck or talk?” Draken almost burst out laughing at your boldness. You didn't have a filter and he loved that.
“ Well, if that’s my reward for winning, why not?”, Draken asks while grabbing your keys from your hands, surprising you. He unlocked your car and grabbed your hand to move you to the side before opening the door. He gestured for you to give him your bag and get in. As you got in,you kept eye contact with him while sucking on your second lollipop you managed to put in your mouth as he opened the door for you.
He leaned down and whispered in your ear, “ Here or your house or even mine? You pick, my good luck charm need to make me even happier by giving me a chance to fuck you until you are shaking underneath me. This isn’t liquid courage talking either baby.”
Your ears and cheeks were heating up and you hated it, but he’s right. Plus, you needed a stress reliever other than weed, so he’s the perfect opportunity. You stared up at him before taking the lollipop out to say, “ Get in, I’m sure somebody’s gonna watch after your bike and bring it to your house, leave your keys with them.” He did just that and got in the car to ride to his house, giving you directions along the way while touching your thighs and kissing your knuckles as he had your hand you weren’t driving with. You weren’t about to bring him to your house for reasons you couldn’t say, now.
Once you arrived at his penthouse, which was a part of one of Toman’s headquarters. He told you to stay in the car while he got out and walked to your side as you turned the car off and took your keys. Draken opened the door on your side and grabbed your hand to bring you out of the car. He closed the car and you locked it before looking up at the building.
“ It’s big isn’t it? Now come on so I could show you something else that’s big.”, Draken says, dragging you along. He nodded his head at the receptionist lady before dragging you to the elevator while ignoring her concerns about the rest of the members.
He stroked the back of your hand while looking up at the numbers on the elevator. You looked over at him before stepping closer to him, “ I always wanted to make out in an elevator, you know?”
Draken smirked before grabbing you by your neck and pushing your back to the wall behind you, “ Then it’s your lucky day, princess.”
He smiled at you, actually showing his teeth with his eyelashes showing instead of his eyes since he had them closed. He opened them back up, making you look into his charcoal eyes, “ May I? We have 30 more stops until we get to the penthouse.”
You nodded, which caused him to take the lollipop stick out your mouth and kiss your plump gloss or lip balm lips with his smooth lips. Draken swirled his warm tongue over the shape of your lips making you gasp, which is what he wanted, to be let in.
Your bottom lip got pulled in between his teeth prior to him twirling his tongue around yours. You whimpered against him when you felt his dick get rock hard near the zipper of your pants. He got hard just off kissing you, nobody was able to get him hard from that.
He pulled away to catch his breath, you huffed out before looking at him with low eyes. You wanted him now. Draken grabbed your right leg and wrapped it around his waist preceding to doing the same to your left leg, holsting you up against the wall with his big vein hands under your thighs this time.
He smashed his lips back into yours. You two were having a slow pace kiss with roughness involved during the lip bits you both shared with each other. Your hands reached up to his black silk ponytail while twirling your tongue around his before sucking on it making him moan at the feeling of his tongue being sucked into your mouth like a vacuum.
You two played with each other's tongues as you had five more stops to go. Draken loved the feeling of your lips on his. They were full and plump compared to his just being plump. The taste of your saliva was so sweet due to the lollipops you suck on. He caught on to you bucking your hips into him as you undid his ponytail. He also noticed your little fixation on sucking on his tongue so he pulled away to analyze you, “ You have a fucking oral fixation, don’t you? You dirty little girl.”
You whined to his insult because you were turned on even more at his realization and his words. You meekly nodded your head, which caused him to laugh before shaking his head. You felt judged and it wasn’t the best feeling nor was it the worst, in this situation.
“ Stick out your tongue”, Draken says. You two didn’t even realize 4 people were in the elevator until you heard someone move. You became heated as your eyes moved around his head and saw the blonde hair you dreaded to see, “ How did you get here before me Mikey?”
Draken's baritone voice went straight to your pussy as he kept looking at you while speaking to Mikey. How did he even know it was him, it was beyond you, “ Ken-chin, you should know that when you left, I and the three next to me left to see what’s going on at the headquarters and wanted to talk about deals we could have with each other as truce’s.
You didn’t notice the other three men until you felt a thumb under your chin and blue eyes looking at you with a devious smirk on his face, “ Gotta say, linda, you are even more fascinating knowing that you have an oral fixation.” South Terano, the leader of Rokuhara.
“ Who could’ve ever thought princess would be such a slutty girl with an oral fixation, save her for me too, Draken.”, Izana, the leader of tenjiku says. You looked over to see him and Shinichiro side by side meanwhile throughout all of this Draken was still waiting on you to follow his command as he stared at you.
This elevator was full of powerful men and you were flustered to the max at them speaking to you like they did. Shinichiro smiled and winked at you before turning around to walk off with the rest of them when they’re stop came.
Once the doors closed, you had two more stops to go before this man fucked your soul out your body, “ What the fuck did I just tell you?” You almost flinched at this harsh tone since it caught you off guard. You slowly stuck your tongue out and he smirked in victory.
“ Need a little more practice in listening, other than that, you’re good. My good girl. Stick it out a little more and open wide.”, Draken says. You did what he said and heard him tell you to try to hold yourself up against him and the wall.
He removed his hands from underneath your thighs preparatory to gobbling up spit in his mouth and spitting a glob of it in your mouth. He then pushed two fingers in your mouth, “ Suck.”
You gladly latched your mouth on his finger while looking at the numbers on the elevator wall. You had one more floor now. Draken pushed his fingers deeper into your mouth causing little tears to well up on your lash line due to how deep they were going in your mouth. Your Gags were his favorite song now and he couldn’t wait to hear the sounds of dick sucking coming from your album.
The door opened and you were welcomed by darkness as he let you down while taking his wet, saliva filled finger out of your mouth. He grabbed you and dragged you out of the elevator before pushing you against the wall while kissing you.
He reached his hand behind you and turned on the lights, knocking down the lamp without a care in the world. He was ready to fuck you. You’ve been on his mind ever since he saw you the first day you started work and he wasn’t gonna let you forget that tonight.
You and Draken kept playing tug of war with clothes while keeping contact with each other's lips. It was like you were in a messy sex movie scene. This felt unreal.
“ Bend over and put that ass in my face while facing the city. My pretty girl deserves the prettiest view while I eat her out, after all, I’m having a pretty view too, wouldn’t want you to be lonely on that one, yeah?”, Draken commands, pointing at the black velvet chaise lounge chair with a white fur rug under.
You were about to walk to the chair when he grabbed your hand and then dug his other hand in a jar of suckers and other treats like a Skittles, Puchao fruit, and so many other treats, “ Here, suck on this while I suck on you, can you could do that f’ me, hmm?”
You smiled before nodding your head, only for Draken to grab your face, squeezing your chubby cheeks together, “ When I speak to you, I expect a sound or something else implying that you heard me, do I make myself clear princess?” You were about to nod until you cleared your throat, “ Yewsh.” You spoke while your cheeks were being squished together, luckily Draken understood you.
You took the sucker and walked to the lounge chair, you tugged your leg garments down before bending over on the chair showing your panties. The outline of your pussy was enough to make Draken cum inside of his undergarments. Your pussy was soaking through the fabric of your panties and he couldn’t wait to taste and touch you.
Draken grabbed a rainbow, heart-shaped lollipop out of his candy jar that he set up for Mikey since Mikey comes up whenever he has a hard time with a meeting. He walked over to you and grabbed your love handles prior to slipping his massive hands under your panties and pulling them down, “ I’m about to eat your pussy like I never ate before. This pussy is so pretty, fuck!”
He was mumbling to himself but you still heard him just as much as you felt the cold air hit your pussy. Draken slide your panties down your ankles and put them under the chair. You were going to have two reasons to come back, him and your panties. He was cocky and you’re the one who made him this way.
He took the wrapper off the sucker, he put the sucker in his mouth prior to rubbing your sucker on the opening of your pussy making you jump, “ Mmm.”
Draken smirked and started rubbing the sucker in circles against your shivering clit. It was practically shaking due to you trying to steady the sucker in your mouth.
Draken took the sucker off to flatten his tongue against your pussy, soon dragging his tongue up and down your slit, his nose bumped into your clit making you almost drop the sucker out of your mouth, “ You drop that sucker and we’re skipping Foreplay and going straight to fucking, roughly. No preparation. Nothing.”
His voice sent waves to your pussy as he placed butterfly kisses around your labia. He went back to licking and sucking on your pussy. His tongue moved in circles while his hands forced your hips back into him, creating little to no room for him to breathe, “ Aah, Draken your tongue is so long, I think I’m about t-to cum.”
Draken loved the sound of your voice right now, it was needy just like he wanted. He savored your cunt like it was the last meal on earth. Spit dripped down his chin as he sucked on your clit.
When Draken pulled away from your clit, he bit into it with gentleness, “ so fuckin’ good princess, you like when I tongue your pussy, hmm?” And he was indeed pushing his tongue in and out of your pussy while shaking his head left and right. The volant shakes were enough to make you shake and caused your mouth to open with a quickness.
You felt like your lungs were tightening against your rib cage as you tried to breathe, Draken moved his tongue in and out of you while the sucker rubbed your clit. He rubbed your clit with the sucker faster than before and you couldn’t take it, “ Ken, please’ I can’t take anymore, I’m cummin’. Please let me cum.”
The sucks and slurping sound never stopped as the lollipop and Draken moved at the same pace around your pussy. Your pussy tasted like heaven, not just from the lolllipop either, “ that’s it, make more pretty sounds for me, baby. Fuck I wish I could see your face . While . I’m. eating. you. out.” He punctuated every word while flicking his tongue over your clit. He occasionally sucked on it.
You couldn’t help but shake at the impact he was doing to your pussy. This is the best your pussy has been eaten. You started to see white when he took the sucker off and started spelling his name with his tongue, “ M’cummin daddy, I can’t hold on. It hurts so good.”
Draken slapped your ass and shook it when you fucked back into his face still sucking on the sucker as you do it. Draken’s face was the definition of slippery n’ wet. Your juices coated from the middle of his nose and on down. His lower half of his face was covered in pussy juice and semen from your pussy.
Your knees grew weak and your screaming now echoed across the room, “ Mmgh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!! Yesss” Draken smirked when he saw you collapsed in the chair. Your body was shaped in a funny way, so he couldn’t help but to laugh.
Draken licked around his mouth to savor more of your taste before taking his finger to wipe the rest of your cum off his face, bringing his fingers to his mouth and sucking on it, “ We aren’t done but I’ll give you a few seconds to catch your breath.”
You bite into the sucker while laying on your stomach with your head up and your legs hanging off the lounge chair. Nothing but your crunches and Draken’s movements were heard. As soon as you swallowed the last bit of the sucker, you were turned to face Draken, “ Are you ready, princess?”
You swallowed your strawberry flavored spit, nodding your head, “ Yes.”
Draken grabbed your ankle and dragged your lower half to him, just a little bit though, “ Birth control and condom, no birth control and condom still, birth control and no condom, or excited for the risk, your choice?”
“ How did you know if I’m o- nvm, I choose option three. I want to feel all of you. Please.”, You whined as you moved your hips up and down in need. This was the only man you ever been needy for. You were stunned at your behavior in the back of your head.
Draken smirked, taking off his undergarments revealing his curved, plump dick. It was going inside of you raw, that’s all you kept saying in the back of your mind. He was mildly shaven down there, it was trimmed almost too perfectly. The veins that protruded his dick were amazing, so far you counted three while chewing aggressively on your sucker. His cock curved to the left and honestly that scared you right after his thick ass size and long ass length. The tip of his dick was turning red and dropped with pre-cum, you wanted so badly to wrap your lips around his thick mushroom tip. He had a horse and you were going to be the rider tonight.
Every second of you staring at his cock made him grow bigger and bigger. He was a grower so he was watching your eyes get bigger and bigger at his size. He also saw the way you were aggressively chewing on the lollipop stick you had in your mouth. You wanted a taste of him. You wanted his dick lodged down your throat, it was quite obvious, “ Tell you what, princess, you make me cum in 10 minutes max then you’ll get to suck my dick the way you desire, deal?”
You forgot he knew about your oral fixation and now you hate that he figured it out, a punishment is always in tow when it comes to oral fixation. Can't stop your mouth from wanting and desire things inside of it that you don’t want. When you can’t find the right object you become anxious, let hope that doesn’t happen.
You gulped before nodding, “ Okay, fuck me then, Draken, I’m yours tonight.”
Draken smirked meanwhile the black cameras stationed in every corner of the living room including on top of the tv had people behind it. Many men were stationed to watch you and Draken. It wasn’t anybody but the four gangs who are cordial with each other. Only their executives and representatives watched alongside their leaders.
“ 100 dollars bet he fucks her in the doggystyle position?”, Ran says, placing his money on the table in front of the men piled up watching the big, flat screen tv.
Mochi shook his head while Smiley puts down another 100, “ 100 if he does the missionary position , it’s only right for him to want to see a pretty girl moan for him.”
“ Fuck that, y’all are both wrong, he’s fucking her on the window, so standing up fuck for 200 dollars.”, Takeomi says, joining in on the betting.
“ I’ll take all if he does a position we never heard of before, you know how much Draken researches and spends his time fucking, only he always keep his condom on, i don’t know why the sudden change, it’s weird but interesting.”, Mikey says shutting down everybody from making noise any further because he was right. They knew he was.
They all heard and saw when he ate your pussy, some of them palmed themselves through their pants or just didn’t care, paying themselves from another chair in the distance but in view of the tv. The TV was large and on the wall, so they had a good view. Takemichi and Koko were two of them, they wanted you so bad, hearing your pleas and moans were enough for them.
Back to you and Draken, he now had a bottle of baby oil in his hand. Opening the bottle to place some liquid in his hand, just for him to rub it on your tits and stomach including the rolls that supported it, “ Fuck you’re even more beautiful oiled up, doll.”
Draken placed his cock in between your pussy lips—dragging himself back and forth, feeling your juices coax his dick. He groaned at the feeling of your wet pussy, he couldn’t wait to split you open.
You whimpered at the impact of his heavy dick on your clit moving up and down, it started to feel relaxing until he bumped your clit a few times making you clench the air and let out louder whimpers, “ Put it in, put it inside of me”
He kept teasing you by pushing inside of you with only just the tip in before taking himself out of you. He did it again and again until you had enough. When he pushed his tip in for the last time, you pushed your hips into him making his cock thrust inside of you.
You both let out a slew of curses before you felt a little but hard smack on your right tit, “ you filthy bitch, you couldn’t wait for me like the good girl I thought you were huh? Augh! shit!, you’re so fucking tight.”
He wasn’t even all the way inside and you felt full, missionary position was the worst and best position, basic but worth it because this position was only a prep for his other positions. He watched your pussy open as he thrust more of him inside of you, “ come on, princess, you could take me in can’t you? Stop pushing me out, okay?”
You were only pushing him out because you weren’t relaxed and you tighten yourself around him causing him to stop moving and groan in pain and pleasure from the action you did, “ M’sorry but I can’t. I can’t take it anymore, it’s starting to burn and hurt.”
You never took this much dick before, so it was only natural for your pussy to act like this. Draken knew this, which is why he flatly held out his hands. You were confused at first but when you saw his comforting smile, you knew what to do. You placed your palm on his big palm and laced your fingers with his, “ I got you, baby, now are you gonna let me in or do I have to use my fingers, maybe I should’ve did that befo-”
You interrupted him with a quickness, “ No, wait, I didn’t want your fingers, I wanted you inside of me. I’m ready and relaxed now, dra.” Draken smiled before leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead and then lips before standing at his tall height again. He watched himself move inside of you little by little while watching your chest rise and fall faster than before. When you caught him looking, you nodded your head as a go to do it all at once.
Draken nodded his head and snapped the rest of him inside of you, your upper body lifted up while your head laid on the pillow he placed behind you. He was fully inside of you and was shaking like a leaf because of you.
“ Are you ready for me to fuck you like the filthy whore you are, princess? Hmm.”, Draken asked in a commanding tone. His aura was something that always took you by surprise. You let out a yes and you knew you were in for it.
Draken bottomed out inside of you before starting to thrust in and out of you while holding your hands on the side of your head. Your tits were just bouncing so he had no choice but to take both of them in his mouth one by one while he fucked you.
You wanted to grip his long black hair so bad but you couldn’t so you just let out moans instead, “ Dra, Mmgh fuck, this feels so good. I feel so st-stuffed.”
Draken wanted to hear you say that, “ Hah, shit, your pussy is what I’ve been dying to have. The prettiest pussy I ever seen taking my dick, isn’t that something?”
“ Draken, please.”, you panted while holding his hands tightly against yours. “ Ahnn, I want more, please fuck me harder.”
Draken stopped before unlacing his fingers from his, “ I’ll give my princess more, if she wants more. You’ve been a good girl so far so I’ll do whatever you want.”
Draken lifted your legs up making your stomach and pussy poke out more than they usually do. You pussy looked so fat like this, he should’ve ate your pussy like this. He snapped his hips to you again before pulling out just to do it at a faster rate. You felt your body jiggling after every thrust he made inside of you.
You feel the curve of his dick against your gummy walls, you tighten and untighten around him as you take his cock inside of you. You felt on top of the word when one of his hands grabbed your stomach while fucking you. He used his fingers from his other hand to place inside of your mouth to fulfill your fixation. You squeezed around him even more due to the satisfaction you were receiving.
Your walls felt so good to be inside that he wanted to live there, he wanted you forever, “ Augh! Fuck! Just like that, you squeezing me, holy fuck!” The feeling of your pussy clamping down on him was enough to make his balls squeeze together.
“ Mmgh, Draken, I feel so full, keep going, please keep going. I love this dick so much, ughh fuck!”, You were babbling after taking his fingers out of your mouth and Draken knew he had you stupid for his dick. It’s only a matter of time before he has you wrapped around his long, thick fingers.
“ You love this dick, hmm? Your slutty, fat pussy is sucking me in like a vacuum and I love it. You're getting me pussy drunk — shit!— you got me admitting that out loud for the boys to hear, hmm?”
You couldn’t even hear what he was saying because you were too in a daze, your mind was clouded as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You didn’t even feel your body being lifted until you came face to face with Draken, “ This is called the Olympus position, ever tried it, princess?”
You couldn’t speak because nothing came out your mouth as it posed wide open from the feeling of Draken gripping your ass while fucking up into you. You never got the chance to be carried before so this was new.
Draken chuckled before feeling your legs squeeze around his hips, “ Since you didn’t answer, guess you deserve to be fucked fast huh? Got cha.” Draken held into your ass and fucked into you like a mad man. He sucked on your left tit before moving to your right tit.
You were screaming around his fingers from him pounding into your soaking pussy, the feeling of being stretched out while being pounded was something every woman should experience because this shit was delicious, “ you’re fucking me too good, what did I do to deserve this? I could feel you here, Fuckkkk, M’cummin, m’cummin, aah ahhh.” You pointed to your stomach so you could show him where you felt him. Couldn’t see the tummy bulge but you could feel it.
Your orgasm hit like a ton of bricks as he continued fucking you through it to chase his, your body was shaking like a frivolously and he was loving it, especially seeing your eyes rolled to the back of your head. He had a prediction in his head that your toes were curling, only if he knew he was right
Draken held onto your hairstyle or neck if you don’t have hair before pulling you down in a straight line to fuck faster into you while you were still attach to his hips. Your cum was now being mixed inside of you with his cock and it felt amazing to both you and Draken.
“ baby, baby, shit, I’m gonna cum inside of my pretty girl’s pussy and make you mine, fuck you’re mine. You’re mine. You’re mine.”, he kept repeating the phrase while listening to your screams as he chased his orgasm inside of your cunt that was now shaped for his dick and his dick only. He wanted no one else to have you and that’s what it was gonna be.
Draken staggered before snapping his hips roughly into you four times. He painted the inside of your pussy with his cum and had no regrets about it. He couldn’t help but to yell out broken moans and words he actually meant, “ Ahh baby, fuck, I love you so much, you have no idea, fucking perfect!”
Draken stopped pounding you and found enough strength to walk you to the couch, laying you down with his dick still inside of you, “ that was fucking amazing, baby.”
You finally came down from your second orgasm with tears dropping down your face, your eyelashes were falling off the bone but you didn’t care. You were still shaking yet you still wanted your reward.
“ I agree.”, You say while your body shook and cum dropped down Draken’s dick to his balls while some dripped down your inner thighs. You both let out a breath before he slowly pulled out of you.
Draken got up to watch his and your cum drip out of you and it was the prettiest sight after seeing you orgasm around him, “ Yeah, you’re fucking mine. Mine!” You didn’t know why he yelled that out since you heard him but the men on the other side of the screen that were panting and groaning knew why. He was saying you were his and his only. No one can have you now.
The only reason they were panting and groaning was because they called other women up to satisfy them. Low groans and moans were heard in the background while the tv overpowered the background moans and groans. They had to find some way to release their pent up frustrations because watching you getting fucked sent them into a frenzy.
Shinichiro, Mikey, South, and Izana were more upset than everyone else. They all wanted you for them and he just fucking claim you like that. You weren’t an object but they wanted you for themselves because they were selfish men who wanted what they wanted and weren't gonna stop at nothing to get it.
“ Pay up, they did missionary.”, smiley says to Ran making him kick his chair over getting up. “ Fuck No, that’s not the only position they did, you dumb fuck.”
Smiley said nothing but held out his hand with his usual smile on his face. Their brothers did nothing but shake their blue and purple heads, they were embarrassed because they knew they were both wrong. Mikey’s the one that was right.”
“ Both of you, pay me. I was right and be quiet because they aren’t done. This goes for you all in the back too, try to shut them up, will ya?”, Mikey says, turning up the surround sounds even more.
You were now on your shaky knees on the side of him, still on the couch. You were in front of the large tv that had the camera placed on top of it, so they got the perfect view of you putting Draken’s soft dick into your mouth, not caring if it isn’t hard. It felt like a gummy worm but once it gets hard, you’re over with.
They saw Draken lift up with his knees knocking together and knew you had him, “ Aah, wait baby, I gotta get it hard, it isn’t hard to do, fuck it’s already g-growing, shit!”
You had your round ass planted up in the air with his cum dripping out of your pussy while you sucked on his growing dick. His cock was stretching your mouth as you bobbed your head up and down. Spit started to lather up and down his cock causing him to lay his head back with his eyes closed.
Draken’s cock was heavy on your tongue so you had to stroke the rest of him you couldn’t reach. He was now at his full height and gosh face to face with it was scary. You coughed up a glob of spit before spitting on his dick, wrapping your lips around his tip before moving your mouth down his cock.
He shuddered and bit his lip at the feeling of your mouth and hand stroking his dick, “ Ahhn, baby, just like that, take a little more in, you could do it.”
You gladly took more of him down your throat, moving your head in a roaring motion while sucking him up and down. Draken dug his nails into the top of the couch as you sucked him off, “ Shit, baby, you’re taking me in like a fucking pro.”
The gurgles and hums only cause his toes to curl and his eyes to roll back. This was the bonus track of your albums and he loved it so much, he has to replay it one day. Your spit was now dripping down your mouth and hand due to you still stroking while continuously fucking his tip to the back of your throat. The gags were beautiful to Draken and the rest of them, some of them behind the camera asked their girls to suck their dicks like you. They couldn’t because when they looked at the screen, they could see that you were now blowing bubbles on Draken’s dick as you gave him sloppy toppy.
Your manicured hands were drowsed in your spit and Draken couldn’t take the scene in front of him. Once you hollow your cheeks while one hand stroked him as the other one played with his balls he had no choice but to shove your hand off.
He shoved your hand off his cock and grabbed your head pushing you down to take all of him as he jumped inside of your mouth. His cum down your throat was thick and he had a crazy amount too. You tapped his thigh but he couldn’t let you up until he drained his cum down your throat, all of it too.
“ Fuck, fuck, fuck, baby, I can’t. I’m sorry but hold on just a little longer.”, Draken whispers, lifting his hips to fuck inside of your mouth. You coughed and tried to move your head to get some oxygen but you couldn’t especially when he suddenly pinched your nose. You thought you were done once you saw black instead of white now.
Draken finally let go of your head and nose, letting you get oxygen. You coughed vividly with his Cum dripping on the sides of your mouth. Draken pat your back, helping you catch your breath. He dragged your face to him, “ Fuck, I’m so sorry princess. Couldn’t help myself.”
You felt his lips on yours and you smiled into the kiss stopping him from planting another one, “ I actually liked it, I would love to try it again.”
“ You sure?”, Draken asked. You nodded before laying your head on his chest with your legs on either side of him now. You were straddling him. You closed your eyes and eventually were out like a light forgetting that you have a dead body of your ex-boyfriend at home under the floorboards in the basement while the police were now searching your house.
Draken heard tons of police sirens outside the building traveling past, but he had no idea why. He just loved the feeling of you close to him. He loved you and you still didn’t know. That’s all he cared and thought about. He even forgot that the men were watching them. He just didn’t know they were watching in envy and madness. Soon darkness overtook his vision and he was out like a light underneath you. Both of you still naked.
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Tagging ୨୧: @dejwrites , @happygoluckyalexis, @simpingforwakasa04, @mastermindenoshimaalicia, @forwardpair, @nalyana @ushijimasslut @celi-xxmoon @bontens-angel @bontensbabygirl @yooniluvbot444 @cryingchild83 @mikeys-gf
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Fell in love for the first time. With a friend that’s a good sign.
The first time she ever fell in love was with Snape. She had just gotten her Hogwarts letter and went there, and she’s just happy that she fell in love with someone who might like her back.
21 took a lifetime
She died when she was 21, but also she had lived so much in those years, she had gone through so much. She had fought Voldemort, she had lost friends, made friends. Fallen in love twice.
People say I look happy, just because I got skinny
When she had gotten skinnier during the war due to stress and not eating enough, people complimented her on losing weight (obviously not her friends but people in the Order.) People saw her as happier and healthier when she lost weight when really she was so unhealthy and felt depressed.
But the old me is still me, and maybe the real me, and I think she’s pretty.
Lily didn’t want to be skinny, she knew it was because of the war and it hurt her that she wasn’t really healthy but everybody thought she was. She knew she was prettier before. James had married her while she wasn’t skinny, and she loved her body before.
I still cry
During the war she had tried so hard to keep positive but it was so hard, she had cried so much, she had lost so much. She had lost too much, her friends, her family.
Am I acting my age now?
Dumbledore had told her that the way she was acting would get her killed in a war, because she was passionate about keeping all her friends. When she died she had thought if this was what he had meant, to act her age was to die apparently.
And you said I was your secret, and you didn’t get to keep it
When Lily and Snape went to Hogwarts, Snape wanted Lily to just be friends with him. He didn’t want her to make other friends and have her own opinions. When they stopped being friends Snape told Lily nobody would want to be hers anyways. It stuck with Lily for a bit.
When I step off the stage I’m a bird in a cage, I’m a dog in a dog pound.
Lily’s life after the war was just trying so hard to stay positive, I was like a mask. And Dumbledore could control so much of her life after they had Harry, and she just had to be a part of it.
I never did you wrong
This is not only for her and Snape, but just in general. She did nothing to provoke people except be herself, muggleborn, redhaired, fat. She was just herself and people hated her for that.
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chubbycelebs · 7 months
The Weight of Fame (part 3)
As the months went by, the pounds kept adding up. Harry had really gone from fit, toned and in shape to now a mound of lard. His abs had stretched into a belly, now extended so far over his crotch, it was impossible for him to see his own dick. His chest and thighs grew thicker and bigger, pushing the seams of his clothes. But even though Harry now has a huge hairy body, he loved it. The feeling of a tight stomach after stuffing his belly all day, clothes he used to love bursting off his jiggly belly. There wasn't anything that Harry missed about being skinny, because being fat was so much better.
One morning as Harry put on a shirt, not even bothering to button it up already knowing his belly would bust the buttons off, he became intreigued by his weight. He hadn't actually stepped on the scales since putting all this weight on. He knew in his peak he was about 150lbs but he was wondering how much he had gained since those days.
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Harry pulled the scales out and stood and looked at them for a while. Did he want to put a number on his weight gain? Did he really want to know just how big he had gotten or would that make him self concious of his huge size. As Harry rubbed his gut, he decided to give his fat friend Louis a call.
Since their last long phone call, the two had kept in contact over messages. Harry Loved talking to Louis, not even about getting fat but just everyday things. In fact when he thought about it, the two had hardly bought up the fact they both had stuffed their bellies fat. Harry decided to call Louis over his concerns about his big gut. He pressed to face time and after a few seconds of waiting, he answered.
Harry on his screen, even though he was not showing off his belly, still looked very chubby, his cheeks and double chin were becoming very prominate. On the other hand however, Louis looked how he did when they were in the band. Harry thought that he must have gained mostly in the belly and not in the face.
"You're alright Harry!" Louis said smiling, very happy to see his chubby friend on screen again.
"Yeah I'm great thank you! I've been eating pretty well" Harry said with a chuckle, pointing the camera at his belly, giving his gut a shake. Louis laughed at this and blushed slightly but then his face dropped slightly. "Whats up?"
Louis looked down at this body and then pointed the camera down. Harry did not see a big bulbous stomach like his, instead Louis body had gone back to how it was back in the band. "I had to lose it all Harry. My PR team said that if I was to be fat when I release my album, I'll lose my sex appeal and this album can't flop. I'm sorry Harry." Harry didn't know what to say. Now every member of One Direction had released music apart from him and he was still a fat slob. "I'll probably gain it back one day Harry, don't worry. I enjoyed being fat like I said, I just need this to go well." Harry understood but couldn't help but be disappointed with the outcome. He hung up the phone and plopped him self on the sofa, eating a tub of ice cream. Harry sat there filling his belly up bigger and wondered if this would last. Can he really stay this big? Would he have to lose it like Louis did?
As he began to spiral he then thought, why is he worrying about that now? He is still not close to the album being done, he still doesn't need to see anyone in public yet, and he still had a few months left before his PR team would ask for his first solo project plans. In the moment Harry decided to give in, and get as big as he could. He didn't know if this could last a few months or years but he knew he wanted to get as huge as possible. And so Harry did just that.
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Harry walked to the mirror and looked at himself the next morning. His unshaven face and long hair showed how little he cared for his appearance. He then lifted his shirt up to reveal his big hair belly. He stood and looked at his fat body in the mirror, still finding it hard to believe that he was really this big. He placed his hands on his gut, gave it a violent shake and said "Lets get you nice and big" with a final big slap as he went to the kitchen.
For the next few months Harry spent every waking moment filling his lard covered body with greasy fattening food. He was expanding from every direction, unstoppable endlessly stuffing his gut. And he loved it. The feeling of his body pushing further outwards, the constant jiggling and movement of the fat. If he could get bigger faster he would because he loved this feeling so much.
In between the stuffing and playing with him self, Harry was inspired to keep playing new music and descovering his sound. It seemed that the more he expanded the easier it was for him to make new music. It took the pressure off him when he sat down at the piano and could feel his belly pressed against it.
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Harry had now grown out of his clothes apart from his grey sweats. Everyday he'd walk around just in his underwear or jogging bottoms if it was cold. His fat covered body kept the rest of his body warm. Its huge size made sure to keep his privates covered as well.
As the final month of his break began to come to a close, he was also finishing up his album and all the songs he wanted on it. He called his manager and arranged a meeting for the last week of the month. Harry didn't even think to warn his manager of his change in appearance. He had significantly changed since he was last seen by anyone. He had truly never even thought to get this big let alone actually get to this size. He was most defenatly obese if not morbidly. But Harry loved it. He felt so relaxed and happy with his body and comfortable with his lifestyle. This however was all about to change.
Sorry that this next part has taken so long to come out. I've been very busy over the last week or so but I hope to get this story done this week. I hope you guys are still enjoying this story and where it is going. The story will be taking a different turn in the next part so I hope you enjoy that. Thank you!
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xkaidaxxxx · 5 months
Yuji Itadori x chubby reader
May have errors since this is 2am writing.
“ Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Yuji said. He was very upset about you starving yourself all for a guy. It was absolutely stupid for you to do such a thing. “Whatever Yuji it’s fine. I swear.” He wanted to slap some sense into you but instead he walked away. As he turned around the corner you frowned.
Yuji Itadori is attracted to you. When people make fun of your appearance he’s TTG.(trained to go.) He is ready to fight. “What’s up with you?” Megumi asked Yuji as he slammed his fist at the wall. “ I hate him. I loathe him. I’d beat him to death if I could.” He then looked at his hand still feeling rage even after causing himself harm. “ You have to respect her decisions even if it ends up messy.” Megumi said patting his back. Megumi was right. It’s your life. You create your own path with the decisions you make. “He’s a total dick. Even his name sucks. Kousuke.” Yuji spoke while he cleaned the blood off his hand.
“You should really try using a waist trainer or something’s to show off your boobs that way people focus more on that than your fat.” Kousuke said laughing afterwards to make it sound like a joke. “I know right!” You giggled but actually understood. “She’s perfect the way she is Kousuke. If you don’t like that then you can leave.” Yuji spoke giving him a death glare. “Yuji he’s just giving me ideas on how to lose weight.” You defended him. Kousuke then leaned down and pecked your cheek. “See you later darling.” He whispered in your ear and walked away. “ He’s messing with you y/n. Open your eyes. You shouldn’t change for someone. You’re beautiful already.” He said as you both headed to the restaurant where you planned to meet up with Megumi and Nobara. “ Excuse me..y/n..may I speak to you please.” Umi (Kousuke’s ex.) She’s skinny and small. She almost looks sick. “Hey Umi” you smiled. “I came to warn you. . . Kousuke isn’t who you think he is. He’s manipulating you..he also gaslights.. he’ll have you end up like me.. sick until it takes a while to recover. Like me and the ex before me. He loves playing with girls weight and feelings. It does matter to him how much we weigh just as long as we end up messed up. Please listen to me..I don’t want you to suffer.” She spoke shedding tears. “He’s lovely don’t worry. He hasn’t been harmful.” She looked at you with such a worried and saddened expression. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She walked away.
As time passed by you did lose weight but you looked unhealthy. You lost 70 pounds from 194(your weight). In and unhealthy way. Along the way you stopped hanging out with Megumi,nobara and Yuji. You stayed beside Kousuke and his friends. Yuji might have not talked to you anymore but he always watched you. Watched you leaving the girls bathroom holding your stomach with a pale face after you threw up your lunch. Watched you only picking at your food then throwing it away. Watched you cry in silence in the old gymnasium the school didn’t use anymore. He watched as you fainted multiple times during PE class.
One day during an exam you passed out falling of your chair hitting you head against the wall then the ground causing you to bleed. Yuji ran over lifting you up. “Don’t just fucking look call an ambulance!!” He yelled.
“Who are you? If you’re not family you can go ahead and leave.” A nurse said. Yuji laughed at her. “You’re fucking funny.I’m staying in this room with her. Call security if you’d like. I’m not leaving her side.” The nurse sighed. She didn’t want to start a scene. It was a full house after wall. Two hours passed. They had you with 2 Iv’s.You’re dehydrated and malnourished. They were surprised how long you lasted like that. “Y-Yuji oh sweetheart thank you for watching her until we got here.”Your mother said. After all you moved in with your grandma just to attend this school with Yuji so it took your parents awhile. “I’m staying here with her just in case you guys need to go and grab things.” Yuji replied watching as your parents sat in chairs beside you. “Yes son thank you we appreciate it.” Your father said. He loves Yuji for you. He thinks he’s a hardworking, respectful, smart and strong man for his daughter.
You finally woke up feeling dizzy with a headache as well. “My love Hi sweetheart” Your mother said tearing up. “Hey flower.” Your father said with a lump in his throat. “You’re awake y/n” Yuji said with tears slipping. He was angry at himself for not stopping you or at least trying.
The following months Kousuke dumped you. In front of everyone. He made sure it embarrassed you.
Afterwards you sat alone during lunch and In classes as well. Your heart ached but it was your fault you ended up like how you are. You couldn’t face your friends especially Yuji. Until you had the courage to. “Hi… Um… Y-Yuji.” You said tapping his shoulder hoping he’d turn around and acknowledge you. You teared up and tapped his shoulder again. Your heart was pounding. “Oh hey y/n.” He replied upset. “I’m sorry for not listening to you. I ended up like this .. you cared for me all along. I can’t believe we stopped talking. I messed up and I’m sorry.” You cried gripping his jacket not knowing you were. He suddenly held you in his arms. “Don’t you dare hurt yourself like that again. I’m not ever allowing you to leave my life again. I love you. I always will. I’m glad your health is better and your weight is good. My chubby girl.” He said crying ugly. It was pretty funny. “ I will accept your feelings just give me time okay. I do like you. Being away from you after the hospital made me think so many things…dad was right. You’re meant to be for me.” You said holding onto him tight. “You’re meant for me y/n. I’m so lucky.” He said not letting go.
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